#tw social violence
intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
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"Gaza now has the largest population of child amputees in the world." [@/abrahammatar on X. June 5th, 2024.]
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destielmemenews · 2 months
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Thomas Matthew Crooks is from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, and is a registered Republican.
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thatsleepymermaid · 2 years
Quick post on what's happening in Atlanta right now
So there's this beautiful trail in Atlanta called the South River Forest Trail. As we all know, Atlanta Georgia is renowned for their tree cover and historic forests. 
The City of Atlanta and corporations like Delta, AT&T and Amazon are funding a massive police training center that will destroy the forest.
Dubbed ‘cop city’ by many protesters, this will cost about $90 million  to build. This will be used to further militarize Atlanta’s police leading to more incidents of police brutality in the city. 
On January 18th indigenous activist Manuel “Tortuguita” Teran was shot and killed by the police for defending this historic forest from destruction. Their reason? “He did not comply” (Tort went by They/them/it but report said “he”). Many protests have been going on in Atlanta to defend this forest.
Since Tortuguita's death, the situation has quickly deteriorated
This forest is very dear to me but I am unable to physically protest at the moment, so I am handing this off to Tumblr to spread awareness. Rebloging this may help this tragedy become part of national news instead of just an Atlanta problem.
Donation and petition links to stop cop city
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the-bibrarian · 2 years
Paris, yesterday (03/23/23). This is an excerpt from a video by journalist Amar Taoualit posted on twitter
This is what they’re doing to a peaceful, registered-with-the-proper-authorities march.
You can hear protesters shouting “children! there are children!” and “that’s my grandfather! my grandfather is on the ground!”
I think some families felt safe going because traditionally, union-backed, “registered” marches are peaceful and the riot police waits until they officially end, when only the more radical protesters are left, to attack. Not saying that is fine, but there was a tacit agreement for peace during the first hours of a protest. (That’s exactly what happened in Lyon yesterday, and there were also a few kids among protesters. It ended up being fine but it made me very anxious to see them, and it looks like I was right to worry.)
Things turned extremely violent in the night. I don’t feel like chronicling it, but suffice to say there were more that 900 fires in Paris. I don’t know what to think of the overwhelming silence from international media on the subject.
Anyway, I know that in principle we should all be able to protest and the police shouldn’t attack, and we’re supposed to be a democracy and we shouldn’t bow down to wanna-be autocrats that want to suppress our voices, etc.
La réalité c’est que pour quelques temps en tout cas, il faut laisser nos enfants à la maison, et que si vous êtes âgé, malade (asthmatique !), déjà blessé, personne handicapée, etc. il vaut peut-être mieux passer votre tour pour ces manifs-là. Il y a d’autres façons d’agir.
Notamment, je suis sûre que les syndicats ont besoin d’aide logistique et d’argent, et LFI, dont les députés sont sur le terrain, sur les piquets de grève, a certainement toujours besoin de plus de militants (j’ai pas ma carte chez eux pour être claire, mais je pense que c’est le parti qui soutient le plus sincèrement le mouvement).
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Les députés LFI Louis Boyard (au centre) et Carlos Martens Bilongo (à droite), dans une manifestation le 20 mars. Photo de @teamroscoes (merci !!)
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La député LFI Mathilde Panot au piquet de grève des éboueurs de Vitry-sur-Seine le 16 mars (photo de son twitter)
^ these are pictures of lawmakers from the leftist France Unbowed party participating in protests.
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fenrichaita · 3 months
Sometimes I wonder if people understand that you cannot make people stop comparing mentally ill and neurodivergent people to like serial killers and horror movie monsters without abandoning most of how we conceptualize and categorize mental illness. It's not like an ableism that comes from outside of the DSM or ICD from laymen, it's entirely baked in. The entire mental health system is about categorizing mentally ill and ND people as threats, liabilities, and inconveniences, while blaming it on intrinsic brain illnesses based on the ideas of typically incredibly biased and bigoted psychologists from several decades ago which are not founded in evidence (and said ideas persist mostly unchanged with the reasonings merely altered or justified with a shrug). The fact that after every mass shooting there is more posturing of "mental health awareness" and increasing MH services, when most mass shootings are committed by radicalized cis (and usually white) men tells you that a lot of this is security theatre. The MH system really just makes it more unsafe to seek medical help but it helps "neurotypical" people feel better, and it is the comfort of "NTs" that is most prioritized by this system. And of course, anyone who commits acts of extreme violence like mass shootings will likely be labeled mentally ill first (rather than radicalized, exc.) because of the circular logic that no one can be a Threat without being mentally ill. Do you see The Problem?
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alborneih · 3 months
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In Gaza, we are forced to stand for long hours under the sun to fill containers with unhealthy water for cooking and washing. We endure harsh conditions imposed by war. This water causes us kidney pain and abdominal diseases. We will continue to strive to live despite the immense challenges we face.
We thank God in every case
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logorrhea5mip · 1 year
I just watched the new Nimona movie, and one thing I noticed after it was finished was that I found it paradoxically very basic/cliche and very impactful. And then I thought what the messages of the film were:
Most systems that claim they're there to protect us are just here to reinforce the status quo and find justifications for oppression.
Being different is cool, and the vilification of different people is just a way for the system to redirect the hate of the masses towards the innocent, rather than the system itself.
Better to be yourself and die than comply, lose individuality and not live.
Killing cops isn't that bad, actually. It can even be fun if done as a group activity!!
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And none of those are basic, it's just me who held them already, but it could be really eye-opening for someone who doesn't.
Anyways, it was great, and it currently holds third place on my "Media That Makes Me Want To Burn Down A Police Station Even More Than I Usually Do" list.
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aftgficrec · 3 months
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Ok, that fic sounds REALLY interesting, friend, thanks for the rec! - S
we carry our own weight by wyverning [Rated M, 32279 words, incomplete, last updated June 2024]
Jeremy accidentally texts Jean instead of Kevin. Little does he know he's essentially thrown a life preserver to a drowning, freshly-abandoned Jean Moreau in the Nest.
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: emotional/psychological abuse, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: panic attacks, tw: injuries
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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genuinelyshallow · 3 months
Babies' brains get blown out while they're sleeping, and the world keeps moving as if it's nothing.
Don't stop talking about Palestine
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
I was in my 7th grade Social studies class and some kid was being annoying so the teacher socked him in the nose. Iconic, really.
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putridement · 2 months
i feel retarded whenever i speak and the idea of someone getting to know me makes me wanna skin myself alive
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wildfeather5002 · 2 months
What do y'all say to christians who are like "Well, I think that [insert a paragraph about non-christian people going to hell if they don't 'repent', or in other words, abandon their 'ungodly' culture, traditions, religion, sexual orientation etc.]" and when you call them out for it they just reply with "It's not like I'm advocating for forcing people into anything, I'm only voicing my opinion regarding non-christians' cultural practices & lifestyle. You're a threat to my free speech!" ?
It always makes me feel iffy when people say stuff like this, because bigoted talking points & rhetoric can cause harm too, not just the usage of violent force. But also it's wrong to forcefully silence anyone, even if they're bigoted, right? Harmful talking points are kinda like toxic liquids, it's damn near impossible to get rid of them by force (the toxic sludge will only spread everywhere & poison people if you try to beat it!), but debunking, giving counterpoints & raising awareness will 'neutralize' these toxins and make them harmless, or less harmful at least!
That's what I think about it. I could be wrong though, idk really...
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morgan-angel · 1 month
I can't take it anymore.
I feel so alone. why. Why am I so fucking alone.
Sorry for my bad English in advance. I'm french and I'm still learning the language.
TW : Vent
I'm 19 y/o. I'm a trans boy (ftm), and I'm an artist.
I'm hella traumatized. I suffer from : 19 years of bullying (14 years of bullying in school btw, I'm bullied in my home too) ; emotional, psychological and sexual abuse (and assault) ; parental abuse, parental neglecting ; severe loneliness ; I have no bedroom for myself, no privacy at all ; I'm sequestered at my home (litteraly, I don't have the persimmon to go out) ; I have no friends to hang out with, no socialisation at all ; I have TOO MUCH mental illnesses.
My parents don't want me to go to school (because they're ultra possessive and they don't want me to go out of the house (we're not in a big city so I have to moving out to go to school), I don't have a job, I don't exercise, I just do anything.
My little brother is literally the favorite. He's working, have a lot of studies going on, and can go out when he want too. I just can't. Why me.
Of course, he's also suffering but why it has to be ME.
My mother suffer from domestic violence (from my father). My brother and I are joint victim of it. And since I don't have a bedroom, I HAVE to listen to everything.
Also, being trans and gay is horrible. My mother is in a litteral cult with christianity. I can't even cut my hair short or wear something seen as "masculine". Or else, I litteraly got heavy PTSD. They don't listen to me and my emotions. I'm severly neglected. Abused. Bullied. Even my fucking dogs are traumatized 'cuz they're hit by everyone in the family except me.
I can't even socialize when I go out with my parents. Everyone is looking at me with a weird look. Because I'm neurodivergent, and got so much issues. I walk, talk, act differently. People don't want to talk to me.
I'm so hopeless. I want to live, and to leave. Please... I want friends. I want friends. Nobody look at me and think I'm special. Think I'm fun. Why. Why me.
I just want to LIVE.
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holy shit if you think that a marginalized population having not that many members means that they’re not important & we shouldn’t care about them i will fucking kill you with knives
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