#yandere azul ashengrotto x you
yandere-daydreams · 8 months
Title: Escapism.
Commissioned by the very lovely @twst-ophelia.
Pairing: Yandere!Dorm Leaders x Reader (TWST).
Word Count: 4.0k.
TW: Fem!Reader, Non/Con, Dub/Con, Prolonged Imprisonment, Physical/Psychological Abuse, Slight Marking, Disassociation, and Possessive Behavior.
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The mirror would be ready to use, by now.
Really, that’d been your first mistake – forgetting what you’d learned during your first months in this strange new place, having enough faith in the friends you’d made and your own middling abilities to tell anyone and everyone you could find that you were finally going home. You’d been over-eager, blinded by joy, and within a week of Crowly admitting that he’d found a way to return you to your own world using the Magic Mirror, it’d been common knowledge across all of Twisted Wonderland that it’d only be a few more weeks before you were returned to your own world. Ace teased you for being so eager to drop out halfway through your third year and Grim stuck to your side with twice his usual clinginess, and despite the bittersweetness of knowing you’d likely never be able to come back, you were happy. You were alright with leaving them, so long as it meant you could go home.
And you did leave them, in a way. If you looked at it from a certain angle.
You just didn’t get to go home.
There was a wet, slick noise, then a pang of pure agony racing from your cunt to your core. Involuntarily, you jerked away from the painful sensation, but it was an effort made in vain. The heavy arm wrapped around your waist only coiled tighter, your back soon drawn flush against a broad chest. Leona’s tail swatted contentedly at the down-stuffed mattress as he let out a low, airy chuckle. “Not gonna get away that easily,” he muttered, his breath ghosting over the shell of your ear. “Remember what happened last time you tried to act-up? I don’t think the basement’s gotten any warmer.”
Basement. Calling it a basement would be like calling him a housecat. You’d been locked in that dark, frigid dungeon of a cellar for days before Azul – because he was the one you scratched, the one who got to decide how cruel your punishment was going to be – let you out, and even then, it’d taken another week of huddling by barely-smoldering fireplaces and wrapping yourself in any shred of fabric you could find to shake the chill that’d lodged itself underneath your skin. You stopped trying to lash out at them, after that. As much as their so-call ‘affection’ scared you, their anger scared you that much more.
You couldn’t be sure how they’d gotten their hands on a place like this – ancient and only a step above decrepit. Their means weren’t exactly limited, not with a prince and the heir to a fortune that might as well have made him royalty funding their little venture, but it was still hard to imagine the people you’d gone to school with keeping you locked inside of an abandoned castle, surrounded only by more woodland than you could ever hope to walk through. It might’ve been more enjoyable (or, bearable, at least) if your captors had taken a more absentee approach, if they’d given you time to adjust to being in the middle of a never-ending forest with only stone walls and dust-covered furniture for company, but no, at least one of them always seemed to be at no more than arm’s length, there to remind you exactly why you’d been relegated to the role of princess, trapped in her tower. You’d never been able to call any of them your friends, and yet, the betrayal still stung.
“Would you keep your mouth shut?” Vil mumbled, with a particularly sharp movement of his wrist. The heel of his palm ground into your clit, and against your better judgement, you withered into Leona – the sound of your pulse beating in your ears deafening, but still not enough to mask the deep, self-satisfied purr rising from his chest. “You’re frightening the poor thing. Look at her eyes – they’re practically glazed over.”
 “Is she scared, or just bored half-to-death by your shitty excuse for a handjob?” He bowed his head, nipping playfully at the corner of your jaw. Of all your captors, he was the most fond of marking what he considered to be his property – even more so if he had a captive audience. “If I was the one between her legs, she’d be feelin’ too good to think about anything else. She’d already be fucked good n’ dumb.”
“That’s not—” The air caught in your throat as Vil spread his fingers apart, but you fought to go one. “I don’t feel anything when you—”
Vil pulled out of you entirely, only for his hand to come down on your pussy with a harsh, slick crack. You couldn’t swallow back your pained cry, couldn’t stop yourself from shrinking further into Leona. “No lying, now, darling. You know how easy it is to hurt his feelings.” He paused, then glanced over his shoulders. Blearily, your attention drifted to the doorway of your bedroom – to Riddle, standing stiffly on the other side other side of the threshold. You stiffened, but Vil didn’t seem surprised. “Going to watch today, Rosehearts?”
Obviously. As complicit as they all seemed with your imprisonment, there were a few – Riddle, Idia, Azul – that withheld from treating your prolonged abuse like a group project. You’d been surprised, at first, that Vil wasn’t a part of that collective, but his tendency towards exhibitionism made sense. He couldn’t love what he couldn’t flaunt, even if his audience was limited to a handful of former classmates.
“O-of course not,” Riddle stuttered out, predictably. His pale face was tinted a nearly violent shade of red. “I just wanted to make sure you two weren’t hurting her.”
You felt Leona’s grin against your throat. “Hear that, pretty girl?  He thinks we’d hurt you.” The space Vil left vacant was quickly filled – three of his calloused fingers soon filling your drenched pussy. You clenched your eyes shut, grit your teeth, but that did little to stop him from burrowing his claws into your side and tearing a little, cracked whimper through your sealed lips. “Don’t see him doing much to stop us, though.”
Vil only offered an unimpressed shake of his head, but Riddle straightened. “Are you implying that I couldn’t—”
“I’m saying that you won’t.” Leona cut him off swiftly, the edge in his tone sharped and playful. “Not if you want the next turn.”
For a moment, Riddle didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything.
Then, with a pointed glare, he turned on his heel and abandoned your bedroom altogether, likely dedicating himself to finding another part of this terrible castle to wait Leona out in.
As soon as his footsteps faded out of earshot, Leona’s teeth were buried in the curve of your throat – drawing blood in an instant.
Out of all your captors, it was Kalim who’d disappointed you the most.
You hadn’t expected this from the others, but in hindsight, you wouldn’t put it above them, either. Azul had never been able to draw a line between what he wanted and what he could have, Riddle had never been able to keep his base impulses at bay for very long, and Leona… well, Leona couldn’t be bothered to pretend he was interested in things like your ‘autonomy’ or ‘independence’. Kalim, though – he’d always been nice to you. Not overly kind, but nice, and in a place like NRC, that was something you’d been able to appreciate.
It almost didn’t make sense to see him in a place like this, to connect his presence here with the looming fact of your continual imprisonment. It didn’t make sense that the boy who’d once thrown a parade to celebrate you finally accepting an invitation to one of his banquets would be resting his hands on your shoulders, his eyes fixed on your reflection in a pearl-lined vanity as he pulled what felt like the hundredth gem-studded necklace into place at the base of your throat. You didn’t need jewelry. They rarely gave you anything to wear outside of loose-fitting, sheer dresses and the occasional piece of lingerie, but Kalim would’ve plucked the moon from the sky if it meant he could give it to you in a velvet-lined box. That was what he’d told you, at least, the first time you’d turned him down.
Actually, maybe you didn’t deserve to feign surprise. They’d all tried to do it the right way before their graduations, whether it was Vil beckoning you to sit on his lap during a dorm leader meeting or Riddle turning a dozen shades of pink as he asked if you’d care to attend an Unbirthday Party as his guest, sometime. You’d turned them all down, batting Leona’s hand away before it could settle on your shoulder, telling Azul you wouldn’t trust him as a business partner, let alone a boyfriend. Between school and a new apocalypse-scenario every other week, you never had the time (let alone the energy or desire) to date, as idiotic as it sounded to suggest that any of this could’ve started with a handful of schoolyard crushes. Maybe, if you’d given them a chance to see that it wouldn’t have worked out on their own terms, it wouldn’t have come to this. Maybe, you would’ve gotten to go home.
Or, maybe, you just would’ve been snatched up before that thread of hope could ever be dangled in front of you. Either way, a preferable alternative.
“The sapphires were a better fit,” Azul chimed in as Kalim pulled the next necklace into place – a loose riviere studded with rubies. It was the fifth of as many variants, only differentiated by the color of the jewel. Kalim claimed that he’d only meant to get you one, but ever the glutton, he hadn’t been able to choose. “Red is such a garish color. Our little princess deserves to feel as royal as we treat her, doesn���t she?”
If Kalim noticed the barb, he didn’t seem to mind. “I think you look beautiful in red,” he said, leaning down to push a kiss into your temple. His smile was as bright as it’d ever been, and you hated him that much more for it. “Then again, you look beautiful in everything. Why don’t you keep them all?”
You opened your mouth, ready to tell him where he could shove his jewelry, but you were cut off by the shutter of a camera, the hint of a flash in your peripheral. You glanced towards Azul, who only shrugged in response., sinking further into his armchair “For Idia. He’s going to be tied up with a research project for another week or so, and for whatever reason, it’s fallen on my shoulders to make sure that he doesn’t completely succumb to his self-pity and throw the gates of Tartarus open.” He thought, for a moment. “For a second time, I mean.”
You couldn’t be sure why you said it. It was an instinct, a knee-jerk reaction to grab the first blade you saw and twist it. Idia was, by far, the most distant of your captors, and when he did show his face, he barely spoke and never touched you. Even in a castle of rapists and kidnappers, he’d found a way to make himself an outsider.
“Azul?” You made a point of keeping your eyes on your reflection as you went on. “Could you tell Idia I want to see him again? When he has time, I mean.”
There was a beat of silence, then another.
Finally, Kalim forced out an only partially strained laugh, squeezing your shoulders with just a little too much force. “Is something wrong? If you want to ask for something, you don’t have to wait for Idia.”
You didn’t bother trying to respond to him. “Please, Azul?”
From the corner of your eye, you watched him glance between you and Kalim. Eventually, he let out an airy sigh and nodded. “Of course, sweetheart. Although, I do have to wonder what you’re getting up to.”
Your only answer came in the form of a tight smile, a slight shrug. Kalim didn’t waste time taking up the next necklace: a choker of braided strands of pure, glittering gold. This time, he fastened it tightly enough to bruise.
You almost felt bad for Idia, when you let yourself think about what you were doing.
The bare skin of his chest was warm under your palm, the flames of his hair tinted a deep pink - a color you might’ve found charming, in any other situation. He was beneath you, currently, his face half-buried in a pillow while you rolled your hips idly against his, your pace slow and careless. He wasn’t as authoritative as Leona, as demanding as Riddle, and you liked that about him. But, his submissiveness meant you had to do most of the work, which you liked less.
At least he tried to pretend that he didn’t like it. Bias caused conflict, and his occasional encounters with the others wilted before shriveling into complete nonexistence shortly after you declared him your unlikely favorite. Even now, he kept his eyes clenched shut, his bottom lip caught between his pointed teeth as your pussy clenched around him. You’d gone numb to pleasure in the first weeks of your captivity, but any amount of physical contact seemed to overwhelm him. It might’ve been refreshing, if you hadn’t been so, so exhausted.
Gradually, your movements slowed, your body stilling on top of his. A second passed before he opened one of his eyes, his kiss-swollen lips quirking downward in mixed disappointment and frustration. “W-Why did you stop?”
With an exaggerated sigh, you collapsed onto him, slotting your chest against his and propping your chin on his collarbone. “I never made it to graduate,” you said, absentmindedly, relying on the haze of lust to hide just how flat your voice was. “Never got to say goodbye to anyone, either, but that was never going to happen. The other are too mean to me for that.”
His expression took on a somber lull. It might’ve been more believable if you hadn’t been able to feel his cock twitching inside of you. “I… I’m sorry. I wanted to wait, but Azul said— and Leona—”
“I know, I know.” You kissed his cheek, then the corner of his mouth. “It’s not your fault. I just—”
You cut yourself off with another sigh, just as unbelievable as the first. Thankfully, Idia was eager to take the bait. “Whatever it is, I can do it for you. I’d do anything for you.” His shaking hands found their way to your waist. “I love you.”
“I want to see Ramshackle again,” you said, without hesitation. Immediately, you felt him stiffen against you, and let your tone drag into something desperate, something pleading. “Just this once. I won’t even go inside, and Night Raven’s on break, right now. No one’s going to be on campus.” You paused, pecked the corner of his lips. “Please, Idia. Nobody else has to know.”
He still looked skeptical, but he was going to break your heart, he wasn’t going to do it while his cock was still pulsing inside of you. After only a moment of hesitation, he let out a shallow breath and nodded hastily. “One trip. And the other never find out.”
Instantly, you brightened, beaming as you pulled him into a deep, lasting kiss – a proper kiss, this time, something you’d never willingly imitated with any of your captors. He would know that. He wasn’t the most domineering, but if the hidden cameras dotted across your bedroom were anything to go by, he had his own kind of competitive streak.
A hitched moan reverberated against your mouth. With your arms still wrapped around his neck, your chest still pressed into his, he started to move on his own – his fingers digging into your hips as he thrust into you from below. His pace was unsteady, his rhythm nonexistent, but your clit scraped against the flattened plane of his pubic bone and however meager it might’ve been, there was just enough stimulation to melt into. Vaguely, you were aware of a distant whimpering, of Idia’s face buried in the crook of your neck, but you let it fade into the background – into the constant fog of static that’d been cast over your conscious mind since you woke up in this terrible place.
When you felt his teeth scrape over the curve of your throat, it was all you could do to close your eyes and think of home.
“It’s a pretty basic teleportation scheme,” he’d explained, as he led you through the castle’s entryway after pulling you out of your bed in the middle of the night. The winter air cut through your thin dress without mercy, but you’d fought not to shiver, not to give him a reason to second-guess if he should be doing this. Right now, he was convinced he loved you more than he feared letting you get away, and you couldn’t do anything to break that delusion. “Ortho handled most of the hardware, but he was following my designs. The NRC waypoint was supposed to be a limited-time mechanic, but I never cut it out of the system. It should still work – for a couple trips, at least.”
You’d let him ramble about how many hours it’d taken to put together, nodded enthusiastically as he described all the effort he’d poured into ruining your life. He kept his hand locked around yours as he led you onto a shining, steel platform, only letting go to punch the coordinates into his tablet. There was a flash of light, a slight buzzing in your ears, and then, you were standing in front of the gates to Night Raven College, already open and waiting for your arrival.
You didn’t wait for Idia to move, to say anything. Rather, you let the gem shard (pilfered from one of Kalim’s more recent attempts to win back your attention; the jewel in its entirety had been larger than your balled fist) that you’d stowed away in your sleeve fall into your hand and stabbed the jagged end into his back. You didn’t wait to see if the wound took before breaking into a sprint towards the Hall of Mirrors.
You’d be able to see, later on, that it was far from the best idea you’d ever had. There was a good chance Crowley abandoned any work he might’ve started as soon as you went missing, if he really had found a way to send you hope at all. The injury you’d dealt to Idia was far from fatal, and you’d be in for more than just a few days in the cellar if they caught you, but the desire to get out of here, to go home drowned out your better judgement – leaving your tired mind empty and your body dependent on pure, unadulterated desperation as you ran towards the familiar, pitch-black dome on the outskirts of campus. Your skirt snagged on roots and twigs, your bare feet numb and aching in-turns, but you didn’t dare to slow down, to look behind you. By the time you reached the Hall of Mirrors, your throat was dry, your heart beating in your ears. Thankfully, the door had been left unlocked, and you shouldered your way inside.
The Magic Mirror stood, dark and stoic, in the center of the room. You allowed yourself a single breath of relief, a moment to let the past few months— no, the past three years of your life melt away before moving toward it.
You made it all of two, three steps before something sprung from the darkness and wrapped around your ankle – cutting into your flesh and, with a sudden jerk, dragging you to the floor. You stifled a scream, reflexively moving to tear at your new restraints, but froze when you saw exactly what you were caught in.
A thick braid of vines wrapped around your leg – except they weren’t vines, not really.
They were briars.
Rows upon rows of hooked thorns were embedded into the skin of your calf, drawing blood wherever they made contact. The pain was instant, searing, but you didn’t care – tearing at your bondage even as the thorns bit into your hands, as the rope of briars drew that much tighter. Tears blurred your vision, and so distracted by your own misery and panic, you almost didn’t notice the sound of clipped heels against marble floors, the dark shadow that soon blocked out what little light you had. You didn’t have to look at him. You already knew who it was.
In the end, though, you weren’t given much of a choice.
You really should’ve been more used to that, by now.
A gloved hand caught you by the chin, forcing you to tilt your head back and meet Malleus’ expectant, prying stare. He took a moment to evaluate your ragged dress, the bruising and love-bites painted down your neck before a small smile came to rest over his lips; the barest hint of pointed teeth catching in the moonlight. “And to think, I thought it was only nostalgia drawing me back to this lonely place.” He spared a glance toward the mirror. “And I suppose you plan to use that ancient thing to return to your own world?”
“Malleus,” you gasped his name, hoping that would be enough to communicate the depths of your despair. “I don’t have a lot of time, I— They’re coming for me, and—” You cut yourself off, swallowing harshly. “I want to go home.”
His only response came in the form of a low hum, dull and dismissive. All it took was a snap of his fingers, a certain glint in his narrowed eyes, and the mirror shattered into more pieces than you could ever hope to put back together.
This time, you couldn’t swallow back the ragged sob that tore past your lips, the pathetic noise echoing off the stone walls. You tried to crawl towards the fractured pieces, but Malleus kneeled to your height, letting out a patronizing coo as he wrapped an arm around your midriff, pulling you against his chest and suffocating any possible hope you might’ve had for escape. Distantly, you were aware of a rush of footsteps, of a collar (as heavy as it was useless) snapping shut around your neck, but Malleus didn’t falter. With your limp body in his arms, he pushed himself to his feet, turning to face your captors where they’d clustered in the entryway.
It was Leona who spoke first, predictably. He never could let anyone else be the center of attention. “What do you want, Draconia?”
Malleus, on the other hand, was in no rush, letting his gaze fall back to you. “I was surprised, when I heard of her disappearance. I know how fragile mortal lives could be, but I thought, surely, a human who’d befriended so many powerful mages ought to be a little more enduring.”
After he finished, silence hung heavy in the air. Vil summoned his spell book, and Kalim’s fists clenched at his sides, his jealousy threatening to outweigh his pacifistic nature. None of it would’ve made a difference. If Malleus wanted to, he could reduce them all to ash with little more than a wayward thought. If Malleus wanted to, he wouldn’t need five other conspirators to have you at his mercy.
And yet, he only let out a breath of a laugh, holding you that much closer to his chest. “Then again, if I’d known those powerful mages would struggle to keep watch of such a precious item, I might’ve been less generous.”
“Get to the point.”
This time, he chose to obey. “It seems,” he started, bowing his head and letting his lips brush against your cheek. “As if you’re having trouble keeping this little one in line.”
His grin was wider and more satisfied than you’d ever seen it, before. Looking at him, you could only wonder how you have bothered trying to survive in a world that so clearly wasn’t meant for you.
“Would you consider making use of another pair of hands?”
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omgg yess plz part two of the overblotts
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Overblot Universe (2) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Part 1 • 3 • 4 • 5
“I’d be wrong not to speak my peace when both parties so clearly have withstanding debts with me.”
Both of you turn behind to look at the newcomer
Smiling wide he’s holding up a golden glowing contract 
Idia sucks his teeth moving to summon Ortho to attack
The blotted version does attempt to attack the overblotted Azul before being launched back after touching the golden shield that flashes around him
“You seem to have forgotten that my all-powerful contracts don’t allow for your retaliation!”
Overblotted Azul holds the contract up which sends an electric shock to Idia
He’s wailing like a baby completely missing the inky tentacle that grabs you by the waist
Pulling you towards him, you have no choice but to lean against him
“Good to see you, traitorous pearl. We have so much to discuss.”
Two of his tentacles squeeze along your sides as he lets his lips linger near your ear 
“S-s-S–T-O P it!!!” 
The pitiful wail comes from the blotted Idia who is doing his best to fight the constant beam of electrocution
The octopus-mer glares at him before letting that twisted smile spread back on his face
“As  a small currency back to me we’ll be using your technology to take our exit. Us two will be very busy with our own marriage contracts.”
His cries are ignored as you feel the familiar tingle of Idia’s teleportation working
When you are able to open your eyes again you find Azul expertly drifting in clouded water filled with ink
Barely able to make anything out you can begin to recognize the familiar office to the one in the Monstro Lounge
“To think he’d put you in such restraints when he’s bold enough to use his words. He just can’t stand being civil like us, right (Y/n).”
Azul easily slips a slither of his tentacle past your binds
getting ahold of the metal before he parts bending and then breaking it
In no time at all of your metal cuffs are on the floor bent and torn threw floating near your feet
It makes you especially vigilant when you feel the stray but exploring touches of the suctions on his tentacles
“Now that we’re alone, the subject of your contract is well over due.”
“But I haven’t signed anything with you.”
“I took the liberty of doing everything for you, I just need a bit more confirmation.”
You begin to struggle when you feel your arms bein pulled in the direction of a golden contract that’s still being written by a quill that writes on it’s own
“All that’s left to seal our union will be these special pearls of mine. Something I’ve crafted from the moment you sent me to this dystopian wasteland.”
Shivers go down your back at the further distortion in his voice
Only able to cowe away as his tentacles bring you closer to his string of pearls that have a similar golden glow
Looking at the contract in the corner you can’t help but tremble in fear
it’s much longer than a simple paper and the quill is writing even faster now 
Nonetheless you are coming close to the smiling overblot of Azul with no signs of stopping
Until he wheezes and falls over
His tentacles loosen allowing you to wiggle free
The golden contract stops crumpling in on itself and the quill blips away
You also begin to cough as something dark wisps in the water-like-space around you 
You fall over as well attempting to keep your eyes open as long as you can before seeing a silhouette reaching out to you
“You have been a thorn in my side for far too long.”
Hearing the twisted voice above you almost doesn’t make you want to open your eyes
But the nudging of something at your lips makes you snap your eyes open
It’s an overblotted Vil glaring regally at you as he continues to urge some inky substance into your mouth 
Turning your head you find it weighs so much heavier than your used to 
The same could be said for your for your arms 
Looking down finding jewels tied around the arms of a chair
More accurately a throne
Looking confused at the overblotted Vil silently asking the question you had
“Do not be so cold. Your queen only wishes to ease the pain.”
“W-what pain?”
“Do not mumble. Those meant for the mirror should never mumble.”
You only tilted your head in confusion as he backed a bit away from you
Motioning his hand toward a silver mirror similar to the one back home
Holding his hand out a black and purple shine made the mirror’s black center begin to twist and turn like ink being dipped into
Before it can do anything overblotted Vil’s hands hold your face 
Tensing as if decided to prick his metal claws into your skin and caressing them with fondness
Your own eyes meeting stormy purples before your lips are captured by black lips
The kiss is incredibly deep and purposeful
As though it was practiced a thousand times before
When he did pull away you faintly taste something unknown down your throat and the strength leaving your body like oxygen
“We both will have to wait until after the battle. Any good Queen knows their King is their most valuable asset.”
Gaining your bearings you try to speak only to feel your voice die in your throat as something cools over your skin
Looking down the ink crawling up your skin is reaching from the mirror 
The ink is cool and you can feel it pulling you from the throne you were on the binds snapping 
You begin to scream as you feel an uncomfortable tug at your heart 
You barely register the hands cupping the back of your head and the pinprick of another kiss on your forehead 
“Hush hush. Your time in the mirror will be short, your Queen plans to make quick work of all those…pests.”
Relentinig to the pull you stopped fighting the pulling ink 
Curling up in the somehow not so wet expanse of the mirror you barely caught the possessive smile of the over blotted Vil as he adjusted the mirror to stand in some unknown room. 
“Sleep well.”
You do
It feels nice to release your body of the tense feeling of constantly being alert
You blame whatever Vil had given you
Dreaming vaguely of what his plans would be when he returned
The crown still on your head might have been the beginning of what they were
No matter 
All that you could do was rest
And sleep….
And stay….
“Do not tell me? This is where you have been hiding?”
“I told you he’d do something like this.”
“Well Viper. A deals a deal. Shall we take them home?”
Part 3
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shiny-jr · 11 months
Warning: Yandere. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia. 
Summary: In every land you travel to, there's a god with elemental powers. But why is it that in every nation you arrive to, the gods attempt to make you stay?
Note: Why has no one done a genshin x twst thing? This is more of a concept idea than anything else. I might do a series with it, or not, or just random posts. Feel free to ask about it or request stuff for it.
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This must be a dream, either that or a never-ending nightmare.
Waking up alone on a sandy beach, as if washed ashore, was disorientating. There was nothing else on the shore save for shells and the occasional crab, no debris indicating a wreck and no scattered belongings. All you had on you were the clothes on your back, which were a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt, your pajamas.
In the center of your palms, was a marking you had never seen before, like a freshly painted tattoo in the shape of a tiny key. As curious as the strange new markings were and you wondered how they even got there, there was a larger question looming:
How did you get here?
There was a cat on the beach. At least, it looked like a cat. A talking feline, with gray fur and the most impossible feature of blue fire lightly simmering in his ears.
It spoke, just like a human, with a grating high-pitched voice. It was a devilish little beast, with little fangs sharper than his comebacks that he supposed were funny.
The feline pridefully announced his name: Grim.
And when you told Grim your story of how you woke up by the water's edge with no recollection of how you got here and little to your name, the creature didn't appear to care. However, when he spoke of elements being used by people and names of nations and cruel living gods you never once heard of, only then was he very vaguely intrigued. Perhaps it was amusement, as he laughed and called you stupid for not even knowing of The Seven.
That's when you heard a growl, not from behind his fangs but from his stomach. If you looked at him from the right angle, he looked quite scrawny. The poor thing was hungry, you realized.
All it took was an offering of cans of tuna found in an empty cabin nearby, and you had him in your grasp. Following you around was only temporary, he insisted, he'd go along so long as there was food. While a talking cat was not the most conventional of guides, it was better than nothing, especially since he knew basic knowledge of each nation and where the nearest sign of civilization was located.
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Through the winding dark woods where mysterious creatures lurked in hollow trees and dead end paths, were meadows of flowers and peaceful grooves. However, don't let the tranquillity of nature fool you. In the distance were mountains– not actually mountains, but volcanoes and hot sprints along this land's border.
It's been said that the very millions of roses and other greenery in this land, was formed when ash rained down on dry barren earth for nearly a month. Ash from those very dormant volcanoes that were the backdrop to this perfect scenery, which came in huge black clouds thousands of years ago and blanketed the earth.
A god, an archon, the deity of law that rained hell on earth over thousands of years ago.
Long ago this land was a country of criminals ruled by a god of chaos that reveled in havoc and disorder. Among the mayhem, was a small deity of fire with mighty powers and a vision for a future he was determined to see. Riddle, is what the deity was called.
Riddle gained a number of followers to listen to his words, and he created order. A small feat compared to the many wicked still running about in a lawless land ruled by a god that valued anarchy. So, using newfound strength, the deity of fire drew forth molten lava from the mouths of the northern volcanos, burning all those in its path while the deadly plumes of smoke and ash suffocated those that remained. Atop the remains of the destroyed towns and cities, he built a new nation of order for his loyal followers.
Today, it is a thriving nation filled with flowers and greenery. However, there is one issue. The god of pyro, Riddle, is a tyrant. Every law is expected to be followed without question and without fail, beheadings have become nearly a daily occurrence with the criminals often being charged with mistakingly picking flowers on Wednesdays, drinking the wrong sort of tea post-meals, or playing croquet after five pm.
You were fortunate to be spared after your audience with the god of law, for breaking the rule: one must never bring a cat to a formal affair. Before he could burn you were you stood, you interjected, answering that your companion was no cat, so you had broken no rule.
Well, he promptly apologized for the misunderstanding and in turn, offered to make up for it by inviting you to a tea party. It would be best to except his invitation, afterall, he was the same deity that buried nearly an entire country in lava and ash, then built his kingdom atop their remains. He was a tyrant that beheaded and burned people on the daily. It was wise not to get on his bad side. Besides, he appears to have taken a fancy for you. Riddle implores that you tell him more of your world while you ignore the whispers of rebellion.
There is no leaving Heartslabyul, not without the explicit permission from the god of law. The borders with their volcanoes burn any would-be invaders, allowing passage only to merchants and travelers who have received the pyro deity's blessing. Why would Riddle ever give you his blessing to see you go?
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Across the volcanoes and hot springs of the borders, the mountains turn green with dense jungles. Across the river lies the savanna where the world's most wondrous creatures run free. Times have been turbulent, the shaking ground was evidence of troubles with this nation's divine beings, or rather, now single divine being.
Earthquakes have always been a sign of something occurring either for a purpose or unintentionally by someone else. The harsher the quake, the greater the importance of the event. And not too long ago, a ginormous tremor shook the entire globe. Something of major importance had happened.
A god, an archon, the deity of intellect was the new sovereign after tragedy befell his elder brother.
In the past the land was under the protection of the god of strength, a mighty god worshipped by his people. This god had a young heir who was also beloved by the people. However, most forgot or completely disliked the younger brother of the god of strength, a deity of ground, Leona, who had a burning hated for his brother.
Leona amassed followers of his own in secret. It came as no surprise that the common and the wealthy adored the exalted god of strength. However, the poor detested him, because he offered no help to them, no matter how much they prayed and offered what little they had to his alter. Instead, their prayers for mercy and for a change in luck, were answered by the deity of ground. The change of luck came from the death of the former god and his son, paving the way for a new sovereign.
Today, there is uncertainty in the street. Many of the former worshippers of the god of strength believe in one thing. The god of geo, Leona, is unfit to rule. The poor and mistreated have emerged from hiding places in the shadows, filled with newfound confidence for their was finally a god that answered their prayers. However, there remains a growing tension between both factions. Followers of the new god sing his praises, while followers who mourn for his brother believe that everything is falling into disarray.
You were promptly introduced to the god of intellect by his followers that wished to spread the good word. There was something wrong, you and your companion both agreed. How could a powerful god of strength and his young heir just perish without warning? Something was amiss.
This was just a new follower, at least in his eyes. So he brushed you off, allowing you to partake in the best food and drink only his followers had the privilege of receiving. Testing your luck, you decided you would ask him if he knew of a way home. For now you filled him in, explaining your origins and recent adventures. For such a conniving and arrogant leader, he was surprisingly lax. It even appeared as if he wasn't even listening to your words, just dozing off on some pillows. Your words were at least more interesting to him than the rumors of possible unrest.
Perhaps he does know a way for you to return home, but he doesn't want to tell you. It's as simple as that. He likes the new follower, you. Besides, you're not going. There is always the option of traveling further, but why do so when the geo deity has what you need? Leona greatly loathes betrayal from his own worshippers, so you wouldn't leave Savanaclaw to see another god, would you?
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In the seas dwell creatures of unimaginable horrors living deep within the watery depths, across the ocean over turbulent waves there are islands of paradise. The chain of islands composed warm southern beaches and cold northern snowlands. This may be paradise, but a toll must be paid to even get near the islands.
A tax is applied to all arriving merchants wishing to trade and tourists wishing to step foot on the island. It doesn't make much sense, until you see their towns and cities bursting with trade. Business was booming, apparently. The water is clear and pristine, you could see the vibrant coral reefs and schools of fish swimming below.
A god, an archon, the deity of contracts once came from these very waters when there was no land.
Thousands of years ago there was nothing but ocean out this far away from the mainland. That is, until a deity of water appeared from the depths. He promised a new nation to traveling merchants, so long as they worshipped him. The deity introduced himself as Azul.
Azul had grown bored of the dull happenings under the sea, for he had achieved most things beneath the waves. The ocean could not satisfy his endless greed. He had his sights set on higher elevation, with the lofty goal of being just as powerful on land as he was in the ocean. He moved waves, creating tsunamis outward but revealing islands once hidden by water. The merchants took to land and fulfilled their end of the deal, worshipping him while creating a prosperous nation of deals.
In present day, hardly anyplace can compare to the thriving hub the nation has become. However, loyal followers have begun to see his greed. The god of hydro, Azul, is a charlatan. The ocean in all its vastness was not enough to satisfy his desires, it was why he took to land. For the promise of fulfilling prayers, something always must be given in turn or the worshippers must risk going on a quest. But, it is not always as it seems. One way or another, a prayer asking for something will end in the worshipper becoming in debt to him.
In exchange for an answer to the continued question of how to return home, you have nothing to offer for payment except for ideas. Home was modern, this world was not yet on par with the technology you knew. So you offer ideas of inventions, a device to capture an image in time, a mechanism like a box with wheels, a tool to contact someone miles away.
He believes you're quite bright, you think it false flattery to deceive you but you would be wrong. Your ideas are truly brilliant, and will no doubt earn him more millions and influence in other nations on the mainland! Best to take the compliment with a smile, or else this swindler may find a way to trap you in debt. Azul insists you tell him more of your home and your lucrative ideas. Here, a contract, where he shall sell your ideas as goods and you shall reap the rewards! Whatever hearsay you've heard painting him in a bad light, is defamation! Don't fall for it so easily.
Sailing away from Octavinelle would just be a fool's quest. Unless you can escape on a boat that can weather the harshest of sea storms, there is no stepping foot off the island without the risk of drowning. Don't you have more profitable ideas to share with the hydro deity? If not, just listening to your voice would make Azul content than all the gold in the world could.
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Rolling sand dunes stretch as far as the eye could see, and rocky canyons border a savanna. Sandstorms fill the skies like a dark cloud, covering the dry hot land in a new layer of sand once again. Struggle through the scorching days and blistering cold nights, and there will be an oasis in the center between large flowing rivers.
Life follows the flowing waters, and an enormous oasis is planted in the center of the desert. For miles and miles along the banks, are blooming cities and towns. A great contrast to the desert outside, these settlements are overflowing with water, with the greenest gardens and greatest crops.
A god, an archon, the deity of commerce that gave life to a once barren land.
Thousands of years ago, a terrible famine struck the land. All remaining oasis had shriveled up, leading to starvation. A kind-hearted deity of earth took pity on the people. So he decided to extend a helping hand. People would call the deity Kalim.
Kalim used his abilities to create a lush environment, a vast and incredibly rich oasis out of sand in the middle of the desert. When he walked, grass and flowers sprouted from the sand. In days, he managed to create a garden of tremendous size and design, where his new followers could live in peace and luxury by the rivers. Towns and cities were developed, giving way to a grand nation where he resided in comfort and extravagance, surrounded by people that adored him.
Now there is a grand metropolis where there is just as much gold in the markets as there are flowers. The god of dendro, Kalim, is naive. For thousands of years he has been sheltered and treasured by his people. He is oblivious and clumsy, but at the same time he is not foolish. He knows of the people that have attempted to use his abilities for sinister purposes. Although, no one could guess a conniving being plotting against him, resides in his very own palace.
Exciting adventures and thrilling tales, the god of commerce loves to hear your stories of the outside world! First time foreigners are welcomed with open arms, but you are treated as a rare guest with your unique origin. This might just be the most peaceful land you had ever traveled to.
Come, partake in the celebrations! It's easy to forget that such a laidback and cheerful personality belongs to that of a deity that gave life to this region of the desert. Dance, chat, he wishes to do it all with you! The brightness of the fireworks and lively atmosphere is nearly enough to drown out the presence in the shadows you see from the corner of your eyes. A figure with a piercing gaze, watching the jolly divine being with envy in their eyes. With a power as tempting as his, there would be those wishing to snatch it. Kalim distracts you, offering more food and drink with a smile sweeter than any flower.
Why would anyone ever wish to leave this garden that was Scarabia? The outside, the desert and canyons, were harsh and unforgiving. The god of commerce did not wish to see you risk traveling and getting hurt. The dendro deity invites you to stay in the city! Surely you could be happy here with Kalim, right?
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On elevated lands, between mountains and hills, were endless forests in which travelers often vanished in or were discovered frozen. A winter wonderland, although this wasn't so delightful. It was beautiful, but a deadly kind of beautiful, where you risked being chased by mysterious beasts or becoming lost in blizzards.
The snow may be pure, it may look picturesque upon frozen lakes and lines of white trees, but looks are deceiving. This was once a serene land with a temperate climate, but it has only gotten colder and colder in more recent months until there was not a single spot of green to be seen.
A god, an archon, the deity of curses who was so bitter like the cold that he caused snow to fall all year round.
Stories have told that the land was once warm in springs and summers, only growing cold whenever the divine being was cross. They were frighteningly beautiful and terrifyingly powerful, regal as royalty but at times wrathful. Vil, is what the deity was referred to.
Vil became envious of an emerging figure, so he invoked powerful blizzards and storms. In recent generations, there have been a growing number of his people breaking off into a separate faction that worshipped a younger compassionate god of healing. Enraged by the betrayal of some followers and resentful with biting jealously, many knew that it was only a matter of time before he would snap. This frightening divine being would not accept being dethroned, he would not allow himself to be demoted in the people's hearts.
Civilization continued to thrive, even despite the never-ending snow. And yet, people cannot help but worry what may happen if the cold doesn't let up by spring. The god of cryo, Vil, was pretentious. Anyone who openly voices their distaste for him or a preference for the god of healing, can expect to be encased in ice and used as a display. No one dares to even utter the name of his rival, for fear of incurring his wrath.
Misfortune brought you before the god of curses' throne. Mistakingly his followers had believed you to be worshippers of the god of healing, which you insisted not to know of. You had simply been lost. Maybe it was your gawking at his ethereal appearance, or the compliment you murmured under your breath, but you were not frozen a punishment.
He decided to interrogate you himself, and through his stern questioning you found yourself a nervous mess as you answered honestly but blabbered far too much. Maybe this deity was amused, much like a king would find humor in a pathetic little jester. The divinity that froze nonbelievers into statues for his palace, found you quite endearing. Vil even once smiled at you when you spoke of inconsequential things, warming his heart to which the clouds carrying snow broke apart if for a moment, causing his followers to go into a frenzy fueled by hope.
When leaving Pomefiore is so much as even mentioned, all exits will be frozen shut by the god of curses. Why even venture outside the palace, when you have earned the favor of the cryo deity? Perhaps the land is warmer, but the neighboring nation is dangerous and he forbids the journey. Why would anyone leave after finally melting Vil's icy cold heart?
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A forest of dead trees serves as an ominous welcome, or perhaps it was an omen warning incoming travelers. Slopes gave way to valleys, and along the coasts was a heavy mist that painted the vision gray. Homes and buildings, magnificent temples and crumbling feats of architecture, appeared to be floating in white clouds, but in reality they were situated on cliffsides thick with fog.
In the center of the dying forest, there are ruins of a grand temple once belonging to a god that met a tragic end. However, its remnants are closely guarded by mysterious creatures of air that cannot be touched. Legends say the temple was once a place of worship for a fledgling god related to the main god the nation worships today.
A god, an archon, the deity of innovation that has never once shown his face to the public.
Thousands of years ago, a pair of divine beings appeared. They went largely unnoticed for many years, until their brilliant inventions brought awe to those around them, attracting worshippers and diminishing the power of other local gods. The one remaining brother from this pair, is a deity known as Idia.
Idia created wondrous inventions, unintentionally forming a nation of inventors in the process. Withdrawn, dark, and silent, he is quite the unconventional god and yet he begrudgingly rules nonetheless. As reserved as he may be, he is feared among divinity. All lesser gods aiming for his spot are quickly wiped out by his inventions, without him so much as lifting a finger and using his own abilities. They're reduced to mere memories, as nothing is left of them. In times of old, it was once believed that he was a harbinger of death.
On decent days, the sun may shine on the coast, but most days there are heavy clouds and fog. The god of anemo, Idia, is an enigma. Most think him a ghost, for never appearing and for his abilities. The highest families, the most brilliant inventors, even other divine beings may request an audience, but he will never show. No one has ever seen him, all that's known is he is a figure shrouded in black robes like a grim reaper. There are others who believe there are double, because two figures have been spotted once.
You become the first to see his face purely by accident. It seemed he was just as startled of you, as you were of him. Thankfully, you were not going to be blown off the face of the planet by hurricane-level winds. No other god would help, in fact, they wished to keep you here. So you had to turn to him for assistance in finding a way home.
It was only by promising that he could pet Grim, a deal to which the feline disagreed to, did the god reluctantly hear you out. After your explanation, he scoffed as if looking at a simple equation like 2 + 2. Of course he knew the answer, but he wouldn't give out the assistance you needed. The deal was to hear you out, not help you out. He'd become quite bold in the private conversation, a sharp contrast to his previous anxious demeanor. There was no arguing against he who could slaughter gods with a snap of his fingers. Although you aren't as intolerable as other mortals, this he admits.
Departing from Ignihyde is highly unlikely, given how dense the fog is. You cannot even see the ground you're walking on. While, yes, the anemo deity hasn't assisted you, he will, eventually, probably, maybe... You're the first mortal Idia has ever asked to stay, so why would you turn your back to him?
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A wall of impenetrable thorns stands in the way, magically opening and creating a clear-cut path through dense forbidding forests lively with critters. The thorn walls close, effectively trapping you. There was something different. It was unlike all the previous nations, the very air itself felt off. With every step deeper into these whimsical woods, it felt as if you were not alone.
Once upon a time, there was a dragon. No one knows how long the dragon has been alive, only that even the oldest tales say he was already ancient way back when. Valleys were shaped by his claws, the rivers from his tail, rare ore came from his fallen scales buried in the earth, the tallest mountains were but small hills to him.
A god, an archon, the deity of dreams is by far the most powerful and most ancient of all divinity in the world.
Peace was his personal preference, as he enjoyed new company which he never truly received due to his fearsome reputation. However, when other divinity sought out his destruction and his home, the deity of electricity raged. Destruction was left in his wake across the entire globe, and everyone came to know the name Malleus.
Malleus commanded thorns to be raised like walls protecting his home, and constant violent storms to ward off anyone threatening to cause trouble. For hundreds of years, no foreigner was allowed to step foot within the nation's boundaries. Anyone that tried would quickly be reduced to ash, and just a number added to the untold amount he's slayed in order to protect himself and his territory. Kind he may be to his own, but to foes he is merciless. With his black horns and piercing eyes, some refer to him as a devil incarnate.
A land unseen by outlanders, it's peaceful and magical in it's beauty. However, it seems that while your presence may be surprising, it is not a shock. You're taken by knights in gray and black, escorted away. The god of electro, Malleus, has invited you to his castle. There is astonishment and disbelief in people's eyes, a foreigner alive and well. Most like you would have been reduced to particles before they could even step foot past the thorns.
Much to your horror, or relief, once you're brought to the god of dreams, he seems delighted to have you here. It seems your presence was expected, as all he said was, "So you've finally come to see me, hm? I was beginning to grow concerned that perhaps I would have been left out of your list of destinations."
This was the last option, the only one you could turn to in finding a way home. Surely, the most ancient and powerful deity would hold the answer and assist you, since he had been so kind as to allow you inside his nation. Although as welcoming as he may be, you must remember that despite his fang-toothed smile and the twinkle in his eyes, this man– no, god, was archaic and all-powerful. He must have killed more people than you will ever know, wiped out whole armies and flattened entire nations. Malleus tilts his head at you, requesting that you recount your tale, with every minute detail.
This will be the end, there will be no escaping Diasomnia. Of course, you shall not know until later. For now, the god of dreams delights in your stories. You were the first guest he's had in thousands of years, and one of the few who did not wish to slay the legendary dragon that was the electro deity. Malleus knows what you desire, he has seen it in your dreams. However, he will not be kind and grant you what you sought. If he did, then what he desired would then vanish: you.
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May I request Yandere Malleus, Leona, Idia, and Kalim please? Their darling is someone who tries so hard to be seen by someone (anyone really) she’s practically screaming, “I’m here! Someone notice me! … Please…” she’s been ignored/neglected mostly all her life, and wants someone to just tell her that she is heard and she does matter! Please?
This is for Azul and Malleus
Yandere Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul noticed this really early.
It would be painfully obvious.
Oh Azul would love this.
He would know what despair feels like.
And Azul would certainly use this to his advantage.
Surely he would like to make a deal with you.
This would be a way to make sure you were his forever.
He would wrap you in his poisonous love.
It would start as normal.
But with time it would become abnormal.
And you wouldn't really notice it.
You wouldn't have gotten enough attention so you can't know.
And when you realize it would be far too late.
Azul would love you.
He really would.
Usually he would be with you.
Always together.
Azul would also verbally make you feel loved.
At the same time, he would hope that you would love him back.
Azul would really need it.
He would really enjoy it.
Yandere Malleus Draconia
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Oh boys.
Malleus would really understand.
He really would.
Feared or forgotten by everyone.
It would be interesting to see someone a little like him.
Malleus would feel sympathy for you.
He would also develop emotions very quickly.
Soon you should not worry.
Malleus would be there.
He would be ready to give you everything.
He would be ready to give you all the physical love and affection you could possibly need.
He would need it himself in the same way.
But Malleus wouldn't show it.
He would like to be a strong partner for you.
It would be like a dream.
Suddenly you have someone who cares and loves you more than anything.
Surely you would be really happy.
So happy you wouldn't really see any red flags.
You really wouldn't notice how possessive a Malleus would be.
Or how he would have isolated you from others.
Now there was only Malleus.
As with all wonderful things, Malleus love had a price.
The price would be that you would be together forever.
Hopefully just the two of you.
But thats okay right?
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rosedere · 4 months
The Pearl Brooch
(Yan Sea god! Azul Ashengrotto x Afab sacrifice reader)
Cw: Yandere, (actually this story is pretty tame tbh)
“Do you think your roommate is going to get the pearl brooch this year?” 
You stopped suddenly behind the girl you were walking besides on the walking trail, the only trail, that led towards the end of the craggy coastline that protected your village. You didn't really know this girl, only that they’d occasionally talk to you once in a while in passing from school, and in cases like this, just randomly running into them on your walking trail.
However, it didn't mean you liked running into them.
”Probably,” you scoffed, kicking a stray rock on the path.
”She does have all the qualities the Great Sea witch wants in his Pearl brides,” you shrugged.
The girl ran a few fingers in her teal strands, combing the black streak, attempting to put her hair in a half-ponytail, half-down hairstyle.
”I would argue she doesn't,” she hummed.
You looked over at her to read her expression; she was merely looking up at the bright, sunny sky above the two of you, enjoying the clear weather that had been a welcomed surprise after the tsunamis that plagued your small village around this time of the summer.
”Okay, I'll bite; you wanna tell me who you think is going to get it this year?” You scrunched your face in annoyance.
”Not her, that's for sure,” your strange friend quickly responded.
”Come on, tell me! Let’s make a wager. I need some money and entertainment since I’ve aged out of the brooch ceremony.” You held your hands in a fist of determination, stopping in front of your strange, tall acquaintance.
She finally stopped walking beside you, smiling towards you with a glint of sincerity. Pausing in your movements, you made eye contact with her mismatched eyes.
”Im afraid to say so in case you let it get to your head,” she shrugged, “and this year is supposed to be a special year anyhow, why ruin the surprise, especially since my accuracy on who the next bride is never off”.
Confused more than ever, you furrowed your brow.
”So you're saying Alaina isn't the pearl bride this year?” You scratched your head.
”That's a very bold claim to make,” you thoughtfully added.
Your friend only nodded, still walking close to you.
“Is it maybe one of the girls from the inner village—I heard our village leader's daughter has great potential to be a pearl bride” 
only silence from your teal-haired friend as she kept smiling to herself, it almost annoyed you, seeming like she wasn't listening to a word you said.
”Okay, what if it's the fisherman’s daughter! She’s got the prettiest eyes; they remind me of a babydoll!” You confidently said.
Your friend only kept walking straight, most likely ignoring your guesses.
Getting annoyed at this point, whoever it might be, you decided to have a little fun with your answer.
”Oh well, guess Im going to be the pearl brooch holder then,” you laughed to yourself, “I do love the ocean, so I doubt he'd need to summon me to the ceremony,” you continued teasing.
But instead of a uncomfortable grimace youd normally recieve when you'd talk about yourself her small smile stayed firm before she eventually stopped walking, only looking down at the rocky and gravel path ahead of the two of you.
”Oops, sorry if my answer offended you." You apologized, “Im sure you are probably pretty enough to be given—“
You looked to your side in confusion, only seeing her with a coy smile on her lips her eyes never meeting you once.
”Just be looking out,” she mumbled.
The sea witch is always watching.
The next morning, you awoke not expecting much; it was a weekend, meaning you were free to go back down to the misty ocean below past the forest and down the slope where you lived.
Recoiling and grabbing your foot to make sure it wasn't bleeding was when you looked down to find the source of the cut now stinging harshly on the bottom of your foot.
Only as you unceremoniously stepped out the door to your small home beginning your benign routine instead was followed a sharp cut straight through your bare foot.
For a moment you were numb until the sharp end of whatever was beneath your foot fell off.
You assumed at first it was one of the shells you had left a few days ago on your doorstep, only to discover that you had forgotten it when you went back inside the other day just now.
But when you picked it up to give the intricate bundle of shells a closer look, you realized it couldn't have been any shell you'd found—the way the shells were fused together created a small ornamental piece that was most likely not formed naturally.
The shells being also too massive for you to have found on the shoreline reminded you of shells you'd heard were at the bottom of the ocean near the reefs; again unnatural for your receeding shoal you picked from.
Turning it around to look at the back made a soft jingling from where the porous shells were tied using some kind of plant you had never seen near by.
Just like the rumored brooch would.
Turning the shells once more your eyes widen when you saw the small, intricate deep sea pearls tied around the shells at the bottom, creating an iridescent shine that inflected any light the sun rays hit.
Quickly dropping the brooch on the doorstep you looked around, You knew no one would have seen what had occurred considering how far you lived off the grid, the fear of accidentally being seen and being jailed for touching the mythical brooch was not in your plans today.
Staring in awe at the brooch for a while after settling down, the realization that no one had ever seen it before unless you were the recipient reminded you of how special the small palm sized relic was.
Your heart was wildly beating before now with fear was beginning to calm down.
Limping on your way, you looked at the entrance besides the side of your connected house's own small enterance way. They were very close to each other, two footsteps away from each other at the very least you deduced.
Maybe the pelican got confused and delivered it to your entrance, thinking your house was your roommate's...
That's it; the pelican delivered the brooch to the wrong door you sighed to yourself.
It wouldn't be a crime to deliver it to its rightful owner now.
Bending over, you scooped the brooch up carefully, holding it in your cupped hands. Hobbling down the rocky sediment around your yard to avoid being seen, you made it to the other entrance where your roommate lived, the lively garden she had blooming to life as you passed by the different vegetation she had nearby.
Dropping it as carefully as you could on the stone entryway, you left it in the middle of her doorstep.
Without hesitation or another word, you left, going back on your journey to the sea below to collect shells.
It was around the early evening when you went back home to make dinner that you saw the crowds around your house.
your roommate in the middle of the immense crowd, all in a daze over the brooch on her wrist as she showed all of the gawking women and children around her.
”I knew she’d be the last bride of the sea witch.”
”The sea witch must really love her if he added that many pearls to it.”
”Of course he’d pick a young maiden, it means we’ll have a fertile crop season this year.” 
You felt your heart sink a little. Despite not having any interest in being a bride, it still hurt to know you weren't as beautiful to be picked to be the last Pearl bride of the great sea witch.
Instead of retiring for the day, you went back out to the slope with your dinner in the hopes you could find some rare shells to sell in town for the ceremony.
Despite your dull heartache, you gave congratulations to your roommate before you went inside to make your dinner.
Which like most things that would bother you, your doubts and self loathing disappeared as you made your meal for the evening of crisp fish and potatoes and vegetable bake.
Little did you notice the mismatched eyes blending in with the throngs of people; watching, as you trekked on the trail you always took away to the coastline.
Nevertheless, you went through the various obstacles including masses of rock and trees, a few different sandbanks that were revealed by the low tide. Reaching the base of the tall rocky shelves and doing some careful hiking down, you went about your usual walk: starting from the cliffs all the way down the peninsula in search of shells that would fetch a high price.
Letting your toes be soaked in the crystal blue water, you let the sea foam gather around as you sifted through the sand in search of anything new.
You walked over the squishy sand in pursuit of whatever was in the water, hoping it wouldn't move once it sensed you.
It was only when the golden hour began was then that you noticed that beyond the receding water was something further out in the rocky seabed besides you.
At first, you could only see the darkness like a shadow in the water; small specks of luminescence filled the spot that was catching your attention.
As you approached the dark spot, it slowly began to rise from the water, eyes of a clear glacier looked back at you in the water.
After a few footsteps too close, slited eyes focused on you, almost as if it were trying to recognize you.
The shadow in the water began to grow, making the everclear water seem inky with blooms of obsidans.
You backed up.
It only crept closer to you.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you ran carefully, dodging the rocky sands in the water and making it to shore.
Not daring to turn back, you climbed a lone stone wall to get to the top of the cliff.
When it felt like you were safe from whatever that thing was in the water, you turned back to the sandbar. It wasn't as if you could see that far if the creature was still in the rocky shoals. A few hyperventilated breaths, you made the agonizing walk back through the now crowded forest leading to your safe haven.
As the day approached for the pearl bride to be received at the festival the village threw, You were reminded of the ceremony every time you stepped out.
Either finding shipwrecked treasure or different pearls and sea glass where you had previously found the pearl brooch from a few weeks ago.
Repeating the process with a dull heartache, you would grab them and return them to your roommate's doorstep before going out to fulfill your quota for the week.
After all, you were hoping the masses attending the festival would bring new revenue to you since almost everyone from the island and a few from beyond would come just to see the Venus be given away.
You were about to walk out early in the morning to avoid the throngs of people at your roommate's door praying to just miss the whole occasion until she called out amongst the crowd for you to be one of the few that would escort her to the ceremonial grounds. 
And finally today was the day you will be reminded of the event when you watch the townspeople take her away, decorated in frills and lace with adorning pearls, looking like a Venus in a shell.
The sudden attention from several men and women made you agree, as you took a spot behind her besides a few of the other people holding her dress and veil.
Quietly following behind the crowd as they sang praises and songs in case the Benevolent Sea Witch could hear them as they got their bride ready.
For living in the town your whole life, though youd never witnessed one of these ceremonies, only ever being occupied looking at the different vendors and stalls of food that would come from all over the island to celebrate the Sea Witch.
As you all approached the harbor, walking down the steep and uneven cliffside you had both lived on for several years unbothered, you could begin to see the many people line the streets eagerly waiting to see a glimpse of the Venus bride, She walked with a slow gait, letting the dress pool around her slim figure, shining like fish scales with every step she took on the sandstone road leading to the harbor's mouth.
You felt bad not being able to see the importance of this festival as the people around you did, but most of your thoughts were revolving around how fast you could make it back home with the few shells you had collected for the week to try to peddle off after the bride would be received.
Suddenly, you felt yourself go off balance. Looking around your surroundings, everyone around you also followed your lead. 
The ground was shaking.
The witch was arising from the depths.
Everyone began to enthusiastically pick up the pace, holding the bride's clothes to make sure she wouldn't get dirty from the kicked up dust before meeting her betrothed.
Approaching the harbor's mouth, you could see even more people gathered there around the harbor ropes, eager to get a glimpse of the water and the bride.
Looking in the crowd, you saw your friend, her mismatched eyes accidentally meeting yours.
Your breath hitched when you saw beside her—well, what seemed to be her, the same teal hair and the same dark black stripe in her hair, They both looked at you in silent interest as you and the precession walked past her.
Deciding it wasn't worth it to think too much about it, you began to focus on the seascape before you. The aftershocks meant the sea witch was finally arising from the depths.
“She’s ready,” a villager from the front said.
You all, in unison, let go of her clothing, stopping a few meters away from the decorated area where the ceremony would take place. You could see a little bit past the throngs of people, her walk a slow and elegant gait; a befitting walk for a Sea queen, towards the ceremonial ground as you all stood in awe, watching for her to take her place.
Looking up at the sky, you noticed the clear and sunny sky seemed to waver a bit—not exactly cloudy and stormy, but the sky was turning a light shade grey maming the sky seem muted.
A rumble shook you once again, causing you to fight to stay upright as a mass of darkness began to form in the crystal waters ahead of you.
“He’s here!”
“The Benevolent Sea Witch”
A few people began to run to the waterfront and stop to bow in respect.
You stayed with a few other spectators, watching the bride eagerly fix her hair in anticipation.
The first thing you saw was that the dark, meaty tentacle rose from the water.
Then it was followed by six more monstrous-sized tentacles.
It was when he rose that you felt yourself gasp.
But the sea witch did not say a word, only scanning the crowd before resting his eye on the ceremonial grounds in front of him.
The monstrous entity looked around the crowds of people praising him.
Half man; Half mer.
His Striking otherwordly blue hues focused below him at his subjects.
A noise was made that sounded like gargling or clicking—you weren't entirely sure—before he crawled closer to the harbor, opening ever so slowly.
Your eye was caught by the huge nauctulus shell around his neck, which was shining gold.
It reminded you of the few shells you found littered around your doorstep.
His many tentacles eventually came into clearer view as he began to lift the two that you presumed acted as his second pair of arms began to slither on the sandstone towards the shell.
“your highness”
The tentacles stopped slithering.
“Im afraid your people have tried to deceive you,my lord.”
You felt someone grab both of your arms from behind. 
Wildly trying to flail out of the grasp, you soon felt them tugging you towards the monstrous being looking down straight at you.
Or who was behind you.
Your weird friend was walking before the monstrous being, who was staring with icy-slit hues.
“Your endless sea is right here.”
You flinched as they threw you down on the ground, only a few meters in front of the huge tentacles.
Too scared to look up, you only looked besides you to see your friend and her double beside and behind you. Your roommate confused as she stood with the veil and brooch on her intricate dress looking at your cornered self.
A loud rumble resounded above you; the sky was not a dark and angry one; rain seemed imminent.
“You dare lie to me.”
A powerful timbre spoke from what seemed to be everywhere.
A tentacle began to rise and violently swipe at the harbor ropes where everyone was gathered, many people being violently tossed in either direction, some hitting into buildings while a mass of unlucky ones were thrown into the deep frigid harbor below.
“She had the brooch of our almighty.”
“The gifts were laid on their doorstep.”
“Please have mercy on our mistake.”
You were still trying to absorb the scene laid out for you in front of the harbor opening, but you failed to notice the large tentacle start to slither and writhe towards where you were being held against your will.
The cold, suctioned tentacle began to wrap around your waist, attaching to your skin.
It twitched around you before it grasped hard around your waist, causing you to yell.
“This is my bride,” the voice boomed once more.
You felt yourself being lifted from the ground, everyone around you shrinking into colorful dots as your familiar land became distant.
Little did you know this was the last time you’d seen the village you lived your whole life in.
Waves of torrential size rose from the now-dark and raging waters before they swallowed everything and everyone you knew.
Watching the punishment of a divine being was the worst thing to have witnessed.
And it was your last memory before you were engulfed in your beloved sea, and your life before being crowned the benevolent sea witch's wife and Queen of the depths.
Note: oh man the temptation to make this an actual fic fic haha.
also forgot but requested on Ao3 by a guest <3
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meebs-sleeps · 11 months
Hiii, and welcome to tumblr! I’d love to see what your take on Yandere octavinelle, together or separate as you please :)
P.S: I think I got a bit carried away...
TW!! Yandere content and mentions of violence!! Plus book 3 spoilers!
Yandere Octavinelle with Darling reader 💕
Note: If you see favoritism, no, no you don't.
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For Azul I'd think he would notice you after his overblot. The way you worked with your friends to defeat him was intresting considering that they were residents of the infamous Night Raven College.
Not to mention, you didn't seem disgusted at all with his octomer form nor his embarrasing past and insecurities... In fact, you forgave him of his actions and guided him into a more honest path... Sort of.
So obviously he wanted to know more about you.
Before, he never really bothered with you, he saw you as just another pawn to be manipulated.
But now...
He would find ways to spend time with you or observe you from afar... call it curiosity if you will.
And for the past few weeks now, you just couldn't help but notice that there always seemed to be a octavinelle student within your vicinity. Mostly Jade or Floyd.
Sure, that must be normal since you are in a big school and are bound to walk into other dorm members, but you couldn't help but feel... watched...
And everytime you 'coincidentally' bumped into Azul and you greeted him out of politeness... and... Oh dear... why was his heart beating so fast??
It didn't take long for him to realize that he grew to favor you more than others. At first, he was in denial, that it couldn't possibly be. But when he looked at you, your perfect smile, your perfect face and eyes... Ah...
And as time goes by, Azul's twisted love strengthened each day. He felt drawn to you, like the tide to the moon.
But just like the moon, you were out of reach. Surrounded by your friends (who basically stuck to you like greedy leeches) the octomer could feel his blood boil.
Azul had to find other ways to get you in his grasp. He did extensive research on how humans courted with one another. Day and night, the man worked tirelessly to earn your heart.
It started off small. Each day, you would come to find a small gift at your front door. Inside the little box were elaborate jewels and shells with lovely pearls shrewn about.
But as time flew by, the gifts got bigger, more beautiful and eye catching. They grew with Azul's desperation and obsession.
With you being you, a normal human from another world, you were confused. Your friends didn't help at all either, teasing you because of the gifts, saying things like 'Oooo so who is your boyfriend huuhh?~' and they always wanted to see what you got next.
But after a while, the gifts stopped. It was just... calm for a few days. Your friends were also quite confused. You couldn't help but feel a bit dissapointed.
Meanwhile, Azul was just trying to figure out other ways to woo you. He may be a patient man, but seeing you be so close with your friends...
One day, you got a letter with a lovely bouquet.
Beautiful words were sprawled across the paper, giving subtle hints of who it could be, and how they love you so...
Honestly, you didn't know how to feel about it... You were qurious about who the person was behind all these presents.
But maybe your new friend Azul could help out? He started to hang out with you and your friends for some time now until it felt almost natural to have him around.
The gifts were obviously sea themed, so maybe he could give you some insight on this situation.
Your friends were suspicious, of course, but you saw this as Azul turning over a new leaf.
But you didn't see how he started to separate you and your friends, like tentacles that swarmed over their target, to never let them see the light of day again.
Nor the lovesick look on his face whenever he watched you when you were focused on something else.
Your friends on the other hand... they did though. And from past events, they weren't going to trust Azul again.
So they tried their best to not let you and Azul be alone.
Azul, was of course, enraged by this.
How dare they..? How dare they take you from him!?
So obviously, the octomer had to get rid of these inconveniences.
Jade and Floyd are going to love their new task...
"Ahh... my dear angelfish... you look lovely as always... Hmm? You want to know where your friends are? Well they didn't want to come with us today, so it's just going to be you and me~"
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Now the mysterious Jade... hmmm...
If it were where the whole octotrio would fall for you, I'd say he would find Azul's sudden intrest in you intriguing, and when Azul requested for him to observe you, well, how could he possibly decline?
But if he fell for you separately, maybe it's because of your past?
I mean, a human from an entirely different world? He was surprised that no one else saw the golden opportunity before them.
Either way, it started with him eyeing you with curiosity. And he asked you questions. He didn't really expect to be interested in you for long. Even if you were an otherworldly presence, you were also quite plain in his eyes.
So imagine his surprise when he cannot get enough of you.
There was this thing about you that was just so addictive to him, like a drug.
And as time flew by, the eel-mer found himself to be fascinated by everything you do. The way you smiled, moved and sounded was just so... alluring.
Like his love for mushrooms, he wanted to know everything about you. What you were scared of, what you liked to do in your free time, were you an active person or would you prefer to stay in bed all day? He needed to know.
Sooner or later, you found yourself having a shadow trailing behind you.
He became more obvious with his intrest in you, and his questions changed from polite things to downright creepy.
Even when you were alone, you could still feel his eyes observing you.
Both you and your friends were uncomfortable by it...
Jade on the other hand found your peevishness amusing. He watched as you slowly corrupted his already twisted mind. Soon, everything was just you, you, you.
Jade couldn't get enough of you. Everytime he saw you, the world around him changed. Like he watched everything through clouded eyes till your rays of light caressed him so dearly...
He wanted everything about you. From your heart to your flesh down to your very soul.
Like a starved man taking a mere bite of a king's meal, he was enraptured. Intoxicated.
Even if he is the calm twin, he is still a Leech. And he doesn't like sharing...
At first, he would try to coax you to spend more time with him. To herd you away from the people you hold dear.
If that didn't work, then sly words and cold glares at your companions behind your back most certainly does the trick.
And when you are alone and desperate for companionship..?
Well, he will be waiting for you with open arms~
"I am so sorry about your friends my dear, but don't worry, I am here for you. I will always be here."
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Silly ol' Floyd with his not so silly affections... Where did it all begin?
When you looked at him with your cute little eyes, or when you faced of so many dangers so bravely? Or maybe it's when you don't seem to be quite as scared of him like other people?
What a strange shrimpy you are~
I'd say you had him interested when he first saw you, but he wasn't really in the mood to scour you out back then and just forgot about you.
Till you caught his eye again (wether it be from Azul or he just saw you minding your own business).
So obviously, being the silly man that he is, he walked up to you and just hanged from your shoulders— even if you are taller or shorter than him —and giving you and whoever you were talking to a good ol' scare.
He buzzes around you like a bee, bothering you and your companions like a little shit.
Floyd is unpredictable. His whirlwind of emotions make him hard to decipher and even harder on how to handle him. He is a pain to deal with, but you endure it for the sake of leaving this world on everyone's good side.
Sometimes he'd come barging in your group, crazy laugh in tow and squeezing the shit out of everyone with excitement (you included).
Or he would be all sad and would just droop over you like a tall sack of potatoes. If anyone asked what was wrong he would just snarl at them.
This boy wants your attention 24/7. When in a crowd, he would look for you and hope you look for him too.
When he played basketball, he would be on his absolute best to steal your attention. He would jump from high areas, do crazy things and even squeeze you super tightly.
Just look at him. Please, please, please just look at him please-
He thrives when you give him attention, even if it is just a hello wave when you see him walking in the hallway of Night Raven.
I'd like to think Floyd is the last person in the octotrio to realize his feelings. At first he will think you are just special, making him instantly happy when he sees you.
Till he notices that he gets also super excited at the thought of you.
And when he finally realizes that 'Hey... maybe you don't see them as a friend anymore.' He'd be pissed as hell.
How dare you make him feel this way! You are such a bad and annoying shrimpy! How dare you! How dare you! How dare you!
Floyd would probably come and yell at you before he leaves you alone.
You won't see him for maybe like a few weeks or months before he comes back.
During that time while he is away, he'd think of you and miss you dearly. At first he hated it. He hated seeing you from the corner of his eye, he hated how you haunted his dreams and thoughts every second of the day.
He hated this aching burn in his chest whenever he thought back to your expression when he lost his temper on you, he hated it so much that he almost cries himself to sleep every night
And with Floyd being Floyd, the whole school noticed his moping and rumors skyrocketed to brand new heights.
Even you heard about those rumors, but you didn't really go and ask Floyd himself due to his outburst a while back.
Till he barged into your life again like nothing happened. Full of giggles and smiles, the mereel tackled you and hugged you tightly and spun you around.
He was back to his normal self again!
And since he realized his feelings, he wants to keep you aaaaallllll for himself~!
Unlike Jade and Azul who used sly and downright dirty tactics, Floyd just beat anyone who merely glanced at you into a pulp.
You are his shrimpy! Only he is allowed to look at you! D:<
He disliked how almost everyone seemed to like you (his words not mine) and how they all just climbed around you like the desperate bottom feeders they are. If only he could lock you away forever and keep you to himself...
Under the guise of wanting to show you something in his room, he leads you to a trap you will find to be very difficult to escape...
"Hey shrimpyy~ I wanna show you something reeaallyy cool in my room. But shh! Don't tell anyone! It's going to be a surprise~!"
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But if they all love you? Well, these three would cheat, steal and kill whoever looks at you strangely. They may be a unit on their own, but together..?
And when they finally, finally have you? Well they might turn to each other and fight for your hand, or... well, you wouldn't mind being shared would you?
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If I made any mistakes feel free to correct me!!! :DDD Wether it be spelling, grammar or the way I wrote the characters, please let me know!
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jaylleoo14 · 11 months
TW// Dark/Yandere themes - tread carefully
So i had a little thought, something my brain just magically thought of because I was thinking of my favorite Tako man :( (hes so cute I wanna just kiss his cheeks!) and then from then on it just kept building! (I had a soda, the sugar is giving me a sugar rush) I need him to be sitting next to me on the couch right now as he tells me about what stocks to invest in as I listen and drink some tea and the TV is running in the background ARGHHHHHHHH TT
You're a quiet person, someone who doesn't usually put themselves out there and tends to keep a low profile. Not that you are shy, but you feel that it isn't necessary to be all that extroverted, at least not here in Twisted Wonderland where it is filled with many flawed people and magicians. So its only natural you have a small tight group of friends, people who you can easily let loose around and be your true self without having to hold anything back. To say in simple terms, yes you are an introvert, but you know how to prioritize your time and values. You work at a coffee house located in a pretty high standing area where you're bound to see many office workers and other overworked individuals in many different industries. You make good small talk, well known to the people who come by often and seen as a industrious coworker who keeps to themselves.
Azul Ashengrotto, the founder of Mostro Lounge who now has branches of other cafes and running businesses. Someone of power and someone not to be on bad terms with. In the light he's seen as a smooth talking and successful business man, a multi millionaire enchanter. In the shadows however, is a crafty con man who swipes up deals in his own favor and dwelling under shady businesses where far too many unimportant people go missing.
Only people who are desperate enough to seek out help even in the deepest of trenches would find themselves eventually in front of Azuls feet, begging and groveling under him. The most unfortunate type of people, the people who are at their lowest parts in their life, and the people who have nothing anymore, a lot of different types of miserable people and situations come racking up and knocking on his door. And of course, as the benevolent and kind hearted man he is how could he just not help them when they are so desperately asking for his help?
Perhaps to pay off their debts, the money they need to pay off their 3 months worth of rent, money to get rid of their ex's, money to get back at their bosses, all in how they need and use money to a variety of usages is to simply sell your organs, your limbs, or perhaps information worth his care. After all, he is a very versatile man ^^
He makes sure no one, especially the public eye, knows this side of him. Of how he runs a blood market, always making sure to stay anonymous yet still making a name for himself in those bloodied and dark waters. "Vanessa" is the name that he goes by, and "the granter" as many know him by. These people would think that this "Vanessa" is a cunning, beautiful, and frail women - making it all the more easier for people to come out of their shells and try their luck. It usually is easier to approach women after all.
Hook, Line, and Sinker.
On a not-so-fateful day you managed to get yourself in quite the predicament. As your old classmate, the Azul Ashengrotto is now here right before your eyes with his coat soiled and drenched with spilt coffee and your hands now shaking and eyes wide open as your heart sinks.
"Aaah? Looks like Shrimpy made a mess."
"It appears so Floyd, and Azuls exorbitant coat seems to have a new design fufu"
A quick apology is pulled out of you and you feel yourself getting cold. Though it was an accident! You didn't intent for this to happen at all! You are a great worker, a diligent one at that. So how could have this happened? Its not like Floyd purposely bumped into you after Jade not so meticulously called you over to position you into that exact spot where it'd guarantee right now's situation.
"Oh dear, whatever shall I do? This coat has nearly cost me a fortune!"
You could scoff at Azul's dramatic words due to him being a very wealthy and well off man - if it weren't for the amount of power he held as well and the status he carries alongside the heavy atmosphere.
For a long while now, Azul has had his eyes on you. Too long in fact. Ever since you two had graduated from Night Raven College he hasn't been able to decipher you not at the slightest. You were always so tight lipped about yourself, keeping your ground low. One could even say it bests Jamil's play of being secretive of ones self. In his words, "you were like a random and unimportant nobody who always made their unexpected appearances when something absurd happen." Yet you were always able to worm into everyones favor, burying yourself in the deepest of crevices of the organ in which pumps blood for its body. How could you have possibly pulled such a thing and yet little to none is reveled about you? At least to him, you dont show your true self. The you that you show to your little group of friends who are also very cautious and wary of what information is being shared about you. The new you that you started to recently show towards Riddle as he starts to slowly reciprocate the feelings you are starting to grow, the seeds of roses slowly coming to bloom as they are starting to get nurtured.
You've always caught his interest the moment he realized how little he knew of you. The moment he realized how you can slip out of his hold with his suckering-like grip. For only a short moment before he underwent a tremendous growth of power, he and you crossed paths when he had lost the interest and sight of you when everyone had departed to do their own things after graduation. It was only then that he remembered his interest in you.
And it was due to that encounter that his interest in you had resurfaced, even more so when he was able to figure out who you still kept in touch with.
So before he could let those pre-matured roses bloom, he's going to do whatever it takes to fish you into his arms. That being making you indebted to him, and now that he has plenty of connections and influence its all the more easier. And while he's at it he might as well take up a more difficult task of getting rid of Riddle, in which its off with his head. In fact, if he thinks about it, it may pay high as well if he were to put it in the market.
"A-ah, Azul. Long time no see. I'm sorry but I don't have enough money to compensate." You know how Azul is. You know how he works, how else have you been managing to stay low and out of his grasp during your high school days?
"Oh of course. I doubt anyone working at a coffee house is going to be able to make enough to pay this off."
He's been watching for awhile, keeping tabs on you, and finally now you'll be his. He's planned this, running different simulations in his head on how he can subtly slip into your life to make it all natural.
Looking up at you, a pleasant and dashing smile on his handsome face as he fixes his glasses, his soiled up coat now hanging over his forearm, you can only conclude and predict that this isnt going to go well.
"Perhaps we can arrange something for you then. The amount of money and sheer work being put into these pieces of clothing only for it to be soiled is something I find hard to over look."
Of course, Azul isn't going to let this go. You're now in his grip, the feeling of his tentacles slowly slithering around your limbs as you wait for him to say his signature words.
"Lets make a deal (y/n), one that I ensure would be nothing but merit for both parties."
There it was. And with the pressuring and piercing eyes of Jade and Floyd on both sides of you, you give a response to which makes Azul delighted.
And so it begins, the process of fishing you out and bagging you up. You're now in the grips of a powerful man, and as he begins to undergo his plan in making you his, "Vanessa" is going to undergo another plan to successfully weed out those pesky garden of roses settling in your heart.
He wants to know the true you. That new side of you that you were showing to Riddle. Dissecting every part of you limb by limb till he's able to see the deepest parts of you. Opening up every dark secret you hold and hide. Your soft and warm body against his as he envelopes you whole. He wants you, the only and true you. And he'll do whatever it takes to ensure that.
Truly, what a predicament you are in. A very very unfortunate one that is.
AHHHHHHHHHHH OMGOMGOMG STOP BECAUSE I WAS ACTUALLY LIKE SPLURGING AND JUICING OUT SO MUCH IDEAS FROM THIS LITTLE BRAINROT AHHHH. Perhaps I may tweak some of the things here, or maybe make Azul some kinda serial killer in disguise or something! But for now he is an organ trafficker under cover. And not only that, he is totally whipped for you so that may be a great thing for you Reader! :D
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mewpangxin · 1 year
—❝ What is your answer to their devotion? ❞—
⋆ ࣪. ❤︎ . ┊FT. Riddle, Azul and Malleus. ┊A headcanon of them for Icy/ @iseethatimicy┊
▍ CW: Suggestive themes, yandere, possessive tendency, toxic, and etc.
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♢˚‧ Riddle Rosehearts ♢˚‧
• “How was I? Am I adequate for you?”
• He suppressed himself to not be evident that he was wary about your views to it.
• Your eyes lit up in awe and you hugged him.
• You were jubilant that he was diligent in this.
• He was helpless when it was to you.
• He was was like a statue once your arms snaked around his neck, he was dusted in pink hues.
• You think he did magnificently—?!
• You agreed with Riddle that he did brilliantly.
• He was unable to contain his revelry. He was genial to be with you. His smirk almost veracious, had it not been for his ominous irises in the few seconds later.
• “....I see. Then you WILL be with me. No buts, no take-backs, I can barricade you away from them.”
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♢˚‧ Azul Ashengrotto ♢˚‧
• “My siren, what do you feel about me?”
• A smile enclosed on his features, it was a manic sign that should have been unequivocal.
• You gazed elsewhere and not wishing to understand the nature within his demeanor.
• The silver haired male became hung up.
• What is it? Has he been too onward to you?
• If so, he will have more inquiries. That should do.
• You were on his lap as he rested his head on your the valley of your bosom, snuggling at you.
• Azul was overwhelmed with excitement as he hooked your face up with his thumb.
• Why can't you always be domesticated?
• “Open your mouth, prefect. Let's use it for something else today, shouldn't we? Be good.”
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♢˚‧ Malleus Draconia ♢˚‧
• The most overprotective fae about you.
• You shall not have your break because he will visit you at your bedroom 😭 to... admire your beauty?
• You got up due to a humming at 4 AM, you were drowsy until— you saw his twinkling green eyes.
• *Having the ugliest screaming ever.*
• And he'd induce you to calm down somehow.
• You were beyond mad at him for that.
• In his defense :( He missed you a lot.
• Malleus extended you a handmade necklace he did for you. It was not that outstanding, of course.
• That was heartwarming.
• You forgave him and sent him back out.
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— ⧖ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 '𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞' 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠...◥
✎ a Twst AU concept in the making...
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【 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸 】
𓏧 In the grasps of your hands was a book. A book that contains a once beloved fairytale of yours. The feeling of nostalgia wraps you in a warm blanket as you skim through the pages with delicate fingers, careful to not damage the already tattered and worn out book.
Each picture was read with fondness in your eyes. The stories you once enjoyed as a child with a simple youthful mind. Now you look at this book and can only smile at how much you've grown and realize how silly these tales are and how'd you worship them as the greatest writings created.
But even as a naive kid you always wondered what did the love interests ever do in these stories while the protaganists pursues and advance in the story. Yes, some were as heroic as they were made to be in the book, but others felt like some dunce who were foolis. Like the prince of Cinderella who didnt recognized the face of his proclaimed 'lover' or the one from Snow White that kissed a random sleeping princess out in the woods.
You always wondered what it was like to be in their shoes. If you were them... could you do better?
What a ridiculous thought you chuckled to yourself.
As the clock struck twelve, a sense of exhaustion overwhelms your entire being, yet you didnt seem to notice your eyelids getting heavier as the new seconds ticks by.
Before you could read another page of the current book you hold, you fell asleep.
When you woke up, you noticed yourself in a place of unfamilliarity to your home.
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Every fairytale love story has a prince charming, or atleast a hero to the damsel in distress. Waking up in the book of your once beloved childhood stories, your goal as the love interest is to acquire your princess so you may finish the story and go home. Simple enough— right?
∷ 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 » Jamil Viper ▪︎ Azul Ashengrotto ▪︎ Riddle Rosehearts ▪︎ [???] ᴹᴼᴿᴱ ᵀᴼ ᴮᴱ ᴬᴰᴰᴱᴰ ˢᴼᴼᴺ
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— • 𝘛𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯...
▼ 【 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗱 𝗛𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿. 】 ; ⧖ 𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔.
➤ " In a world of madness, the hatter was a guiding force despite his eccentric attitude; helping Alice to achieve victory for the White Queen to save Wonderland. Will it be possible to help the young heroine when the Red Queen has his eyes on you? "
▼ 【 𝗔 𝗦𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗼𝗿 𝗟𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝘁 𝗦𝗲𝗮. 】 ; ⧖ 𝑨𝒛𝒖𝒍 𝑨𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒐.
➤ " Waking up on shore with remaining water in your lungs, the last thing you heard before you completely awoke was a lullaby of a musculine voice before it quickly rushes back to the depths it saved you from. Your sight on your savior was hazy but you knew all too well who that was. Hopefully you can escape the clutches of a cecealia's siren calls in order to give your protaganist the happy ending."
▼ 【 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 '𝗔𝗹𝗶' 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘄𝗮. 】 ; ⧖ 𝑱𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍 𝑽𝒊𝒑𝒆𝒓.
➤ " With the lamp in your possession, all you have to do is to not lose it to the hands of the villian. Though the prince was pretty stubborn in your attempts to court him, theres still hope. However, it seems like you too had a pursuer of your own. Looks like the snake has found you to be a more enticing prey than the prince he loathed."
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rainbowsillz · 1 year
Azul Ashengrotto. | Character interaction | Genre: Dark?
⤷ Summary: He realized that everything was unreal. This world, his life, a mere playground for others in sake for entertainment.
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He has always liked your expressions, it's a shame he can't touch or feel your warmth, although the first time that he defied his code, he has learned to pretend, reading his scripts, sometimes he can't help himself, he craves to see and hear you... more clearly.
“Shall we have a discussion together?”
Had you known, if only.. if only, you could reverse your time. You would not download this game as your friends suggested you.
Your future self lamented about your fate.
As you pondered what type of event was this about.
“Free of charge, let's say, it won't be harmful to you.”
It was a blatant lie, to cross a bridge, one must pay the toll.
The white haired merfolk addressed with a wide smile, there were options of words to choose. Yes or no, it depends with you.
....But then you can't move anything nor press on them.
You were albeit— curious about it, who wouldn't be? You were creeped out that there weren't the usual monologues.
“What the heck....? Did the system crash...?”
How could he had forgotten? You seemed spooked by this.
“Not Yuu's answer, I want your answers.”
You must be delusional, no, how... can a freaking 2D character verbalize with you, right—? Right? Have you lose it yet-?! And in perfect English too? He seems quite fluent in this... somehow?
“I'm going to 'delete' you out of this, I swear.”
That earned a fit of laughter from Azul as he gazed at you, with a hand on his chest and back with his feigned sorrows at you.
Despite the fact that he was in a sprite and on the screen.
His utterances to you will haunt you days and nights.
Your terrified face reflected in his narrowed turquoise pupils.
“I'm afraid you don't have the privilege, my dear player. Not when I already found a way to take you to Twisted Wonderland.”
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azulsluver · 1 year
I need I need!
Bully!Idia n bully!Sebek!
Oh my liege would you be so kind as to share your thoughts with us mere mortals?
—Eel anon
you ask and I shall receive! I actually have a draft of bully!sebek because he's just soooo <333
tw. yandere, suggestive themes, stalking, blackmail, dubcon touching, #delulsebek
Minor at writing !! Read at your own record,
slight malleus and azul x reader
Idia in any au I have is just gross, irnoic since he loves to degrade you for being so gross. He loved the idea of the bully and victim trope, a guilty pleasure he plays and reads with every chance he's got. Idia is still scared to bully anyone that isn't you, because you're such an easy target it rubs his ego in a nice way. You cower when he just as much mimics Leona or Vil's personality/voice to edge you, grinning wildly at your upset expression. You make this all too easy for Idia to play with, he's tested and studied your behavior, will you let sneak his hands under your shirt? Take his fingers down your throat?
Of course things go south with Idia, horny gripping his knee when you as much beg him to not expose the photos he secretly took while you showered. You let Cater keep some so why can't he >:( Still can't get over the fact he's rich! Idia using his status and wealth to get you to bend under his thumb, like the tweels and Azul, he finds a way to get you in need of some cash, the world is so cruel to useless things like you.
He can easily court you to stay with him, you're so interesting to him yet he treats you less. Pointing out your insecurities and telling you that eventually, they'll leave you to die one day. Not Idia, well, if that were to happen surely you wouldn't mind exchanging those fleshly limbs for something more hard.
RUFF Idia teasing Azul that he has pictures and videos of you that he secretly kept cameras in your room. He's enjoying Azul's reaction to you changing or showering, sure Azul has done these type of things but it's you! Idia knows how hooked you got these unhinged men coming for you, it's silly to drag Azul deeper into this fucked up fantasy of his. Or or!! Idia seems like the type to pay someone to take you out on dates and flirt with you so he can get more information about your likes and dislikes,, before Idia comes to show you a video of them sleeping with another person. It's a new hobby of his now.
More thoughts about bully!sebek....
He really just hates you for no good reason, every word coming out of his mouth is utter bull, shouting that you should stay away from him and Malleus. Although, Malleus would be the one coming to you. Just breathing near him drives him crazy! You could be idly minding your business and cautiously looking around in fear, and Sebek would speed walk your way to give you your daily lecture. Your appearance is inappropriate, smeared lipstick and devilish hair; just came out of Malleus's room.
Sebek is a little slow at the moment, but he'll connect the pieces and good lord. He can't decide whether or not Malleus chose you or you're such an attention seeking whore. He's grabbing at your thighs and pulling them open to see if you and Malleus actually did do it.
He's ripping whatever you have that's in his way of spreading your legs, trying to shove a finger in to see if Malleus has...put his wonderful and precious seed in you!(lol i can't take this seriously) You're crying already, fist pounding at his head as you tell him that you didn't sleep with Malleus and that he was only teasing you. But was he really gonna believe you, luckily, whatever god there was heard your prayers. Sebek backs off, mentally preparing himself to get over the fact Malleus chose you.
This will create a routine of Sebek dragging you to someplace more private, a hand over your mouth as his fingers curl deep inside you to make sure you aren't fooling around with others. Malleus deserves to dirty his virginity to a lover who isn't willing to spread their legs to any man! But there are times where he lingers longer than usual, the excuse is that you probably didn't clean properly and he's certain that someone like you isn't all that pure. Not like he's any better.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: Predetermined.
Written for the very lovely @mars-syndrome.
Pairing: Yandere!Azul x Reader (Twisted Wonderland).
Word Count: 3.0k.
TW: AFAB!Reader, Non///Con, Tentacle Sex, Unprotected Sex, Nonconsensual Drug Use, Implied Long-Term Stalking, and Unhealthy Relationships.
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For everyone except you, the Monsto Lounge closed at ten.
It was an unofficial rule. Octavinelle freshmen would try to turn you away, but it was a mistake the Leech twins made sure to correct by the next morning, and everyone who’d ever worked more than a shift at the lounge knew better than to kick you out at the end of the night. That was why you were allowed to get away with something Azul would usually blacklist a customer for – staying balled up in the corner of a booth until midnight, your attention either on your nearly-dead phone or the untouched milkshake Floyd had wordlessly put in front of you when he came down to make one for himself, like a zookeeper offering a pound of meat to a caged animal. Riddle was absolutely going to kill you for staying out after curfew, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care about how many sugar cubes you’d have to add to your lemonade tomorrow or how many roses you’d have to paint. You were tempted to spend the night here, to beg Azul to let you use one of the unoccupied rooms and just sleep your misery away, but you’d end up collared for the next week if you didn’t come back at all. The price of being in the best dorm in NRC – you were at the mercy of the strictest dorm leader on campus.
Sometimes, when you couldn’t help yourself, you wished you’d been placed in Azul’s dorm instead. He’d let you get away with anything.
 With a heavy sigh, you pulled your legs into your chest and buried your face in your knees. You felt the bench shift under someone else’s weight and raised your head just enough to see Azul sitting in front of you. He’d already discarded his jacket and scarf, his glasses propped low on the nose of his bridge and his shirt more unbuttoned than he usually cared to keep it. He’d probably just wrapped up his own work for the night. You thought you remembered him mentioning a study guide, but it was hard to tell with Azul. He always had something up his sleeve – it was hard to keep track of which scheme he was on, today.
Silently, he slid a mug of something dark and murky in front of you, steam still rising from the top. Although Floyd’s offering went neglected, you took Azul’s up without protest, letting the warmth seep into your hands. You’d been through this a thousand times. You knew better than to ignore his little remedies, by now.
After you’d taken a healthy sip, he spoke. “Who is it now?”
“Muscle-tee guy, from Savanaclaw.” You groaned, shutting your eyes. “He promised we’d be exclusive, but apparently, he thought that included his roommate, and a girl from Pomefiore, and some idiot from Royal Swords. A boy from his class had to tell me – he had pictures and everything.”
Azul offered a skeptical look. “You’re crying over him?”
“I’m not crying!” You hadn’t cried over anyone since middle school. He should know that – he’d been there then, too, to watch you sob your eyes out when your newest crush tore up your confession letter before so much as opening it. You were a third-year, now. If you were going to cry, you were going to do it alone in your closet where no one would be able to judge you.
You were more tired than anything. You could already feel today starting to weigh on you, your shoulders held at an odd slant and your remaining energy dwindling further by the second. Reluctantly, you uncurled, letting your legs fall over Azul’s lap and taking another drink before going on. “I’m just so exhausted. It feels like it always ends like this. I let my guard down, meet a guy I really like, get him to really like me, and then I find out that that he’s an asshole and somehow, I’m the only one who didn’t know.” You groaned, shaking your head. “I don’t know how this keeps happening. Are all men this bad, or just the ones I choose to date?”
“Unfortunately, your taste is the only common factor.” You let out a dry laugh, shooting Azul a narrow glare. He only shrugged, as composed and as disinterested as always. “Honestly, it’s your own fault. How can you expect to find a quality product when you’re latching onto items you’ve only known for a few days?”
Another groan, this one louder than the first.  You really were tired – it was a struggle just to keep your eyes open. “I don’t sulk in your restaurant ‘cause I want to be lectured, y’know.”
“And I didn’t open a restaurant because I wanted people with pathetic love-lives to sulk in it.” It was his turn to sigh, now, to settle closer to you. A hand came to rest on your back, rubbing small circles into the space between your shoulder blades. He was never especially touchy – you’d caught him cringing after shaking hands with a business partner or being nudged by another clumsy student in an overcrowded hallway more than once – but you could tell he tried to an exception, for you. You appreciated the effort, no matter how much it apparently hurt him. “I know you don’t want to hear it, but it wouldn’t hurt you if stopped rushing into relationships with people you barely know. Taking your time might save you a little heartache.” He paused. You weren’t looking at him, but you could picture the thin frown playing over his lips, the way his eyes narrowed in concentration rather than anger (because when Azul was angry, hr only ever smiled). He was smart, but predictable. Maybe it was just because of how long you’d known each other, how long you’d spent standing at Azul’s side while he looked down on everyone else, but either way, you could read him like the back of your hand. You didn’t have to see him to know exactly what he was thinking. “Or, if you really have to rush into something, you could try starting a relationship with someone you actually know. It might not be as much fun, but it couldn’t be worse than—” He gestured to you, your hunched posture, your wrinkled uniform. “—this.”
You perked up, letting out an airy laugh. It was rare for Azul to hand out advice without asking for a healthy fee, so you tried to nod, to smile, to look like you weren’t on the verge of passing out and forcing him to carry you back to your dorm. “I… I’ll think about it. I’ll try.” And you would. You’d try, at least, like you always did when Azul pulled you aside and told you to stop embarrassing him with your week-long flings. “If I wait long enough, I might even be able to find someone like you, Azul.”
There was a long, silent lapse.
Then, Azul’s hand fell to the small of his back, and you felt your strength snap and give out. You thought, distantly, about batting his hand away, about teasing him for how uncharacteristically affectionate he was being tonight, but you just couldn’t seem to make yourself move, to keep yourself upright. You felt your body slump against Azul’s side, and without missing a beat, he caught you, wrapping an arm around your waist and letting out a shallow sigh.
“Right,” he muttered, as your eyes finally fell shut. You felt like you’d been hollowed out, sapped of something warm and vital and left to gently float into an unwelcome unconsciousness. You tried to scream, but your mouth wouldn’t open, your lips sealed and your tongue useless. You tried to wake up, but that only seemed to drag you down farther, to pull you that much deeper into that awful, exhausting fog.
“Maybe one day, love.”
You woke up to the feeling of something inside of you and cold water lapping against your skin.
In your drugged daze, the latter somehow seemed to take priority over the former. It wasn’t just cold, it was freezing, worse than the Coral Sea in the dead of winter, when the ice drifts blotted out the sun and a stray current alone could send you into hypothermic shock. It only came up to your waist, but you felt the chill run up your spine, spreading through your veins and turning your blood to ice. If you’d been able to move, you would’ve been shivering. If you’d been able to think clearly, you would’ve been more afraid.
But you could move, even if you couldn’t think. You managed to lift your hand, bringing it into your line of sight only to find a slick, pitch-black tentacle wrapped around your end, its suckers latched onto your skin and its dull point tangled around your fingers. You recognized it in an instant – Azul’s, down to the lilac-grey underside and the permeant compression marks etched into the tip, earned through countless hours of writing up contracts. You hadn’t him in his true form since you enrolled in NRC. You wondered what would be important enough for him to break his streak now.
Another wave of frigid water broke against your midriff, and you felt something quirk inside of you. It was a tight, bad feeling – a string of tension wound tight enough to coil in on itself, to ache and throb as your cunt stretched around something thick and awful and a soft, blunt head rubbed and flicked against your inner walls. Wait, that was right – something was inside of you, thrusting as it curled and twisted and thrashed. You felt it curve in on itself, the base rising to grind against your clit as it moved, and you bolted upward, taking a gasping breath. It didn’t stop you. The tentacles wrapped around both your wrists and draped over your legs weighed you down but offered no resistance as you straighten your back, as you panted and blinked and ran your hand over your stomach, half-expecting to feel a bump where it was stabbing into you. You didn’t find what you were looking for, though, or maybe you did, you couldn’t tell, your attention already moving on to the wading pool you were laying in, shallow but wide and full enough for the water to spill over the sides, and then the thing on top of you, your eyes eventually land on–
On Azul.
Your mouth fell open, a plea for him to help you dying in your throat. He looked as strung-out as you felt; his hair pushed away from his face, giving you a perfect view of his half-lidded eyes, his parted lips, the dark blush painted across his cheeks. His hands were braced on either side of you, edging too near to your hips for comfort, and you were suddenly aware of just how close he was to you, his chest a breath from pressing into yours. Even that distance was a temporary luxury, gone as soon as your eyes met and he let out a hitched groan, falling forward until his face was buried in your neck and you couldn’t so much as imagine getting away from him.
Your hands flew to his shoulders, your legs thrashing weakly as you attempted to push him away, but now, now he chose to restrain you, his spare arms dragging yours down until they were pinned to your sides. Your legs were caught up in his tentacles, too; a pair wrapping around your thighs and spreading them apart, dragging you deeper into the water and leaving you unable to hold yourself up. His breath was as cold as the water, fanning over your skin and making the heat beginning to drip down the inside of your thighs that much more unbearable. You heard him whine, the noise pitchy and desperate, going on for seconds before he seemed to find the will to actually speak. You weren’t sure which would’ve been worse – hearing his voice in a place like this, or watching him abuse your body without so much as an apology.
“You’re tight.” There was a stilted inhale, a trembling groan. “I— Fuck, I knew you would be, but it’s like your body’s been waiting for this as long as I have. It’s like—” His voice gave out, a manic smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. “It’s like we were made for each other.”
He sounded so happy. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d seen him excited about something other than schemes and contracts and profit margins measured down to the last stray cent. Usually, the closest you got was a sense of smug condescension – a certain light in his eyes and a manic zeal in his grin. This was different. This was so, so much worse.
You felt his mouth latch onto your throat, pointed teeth nipping at the skin just above your jugular before burrowing into you, drawing enough blood to drip down your chest and tint the water pink. He wasn’t satisfied with a single mark, either; his attention falling lower, to the curve of your shoulder, then the vulnerable flesh just above your collarbone. As his concentration wavered, you were allowed to slump forward, but yet another tentacle found its way to your neck, wrapping loosely around your throat, applying just enough pressure to keep you upright. It reminded you of how Azul would correct your posture when he caught you hunching over your desk, or how he’d tell you to stand just a little closer to his side while he was talking to the other dorm leaders, to sit next to him rather than across the room while he was meeting with a student who spared anything more than a stray glance in your direction. He’d never been afraid to pose you. This was just an extension of that, really – a more honest version of the same bad habit.
The rough underside of the tentacle inside of you rubbed against the walls of your pussy, and you imagined digging your nails into his cheek, clawing at his eyes, kicking and thrashing and yelling until someone heard you, until Azul decided the risk wasn’t worth the reward, but you couldn’t bring yourself to so much as attempt to move, to fight against his bondage. It was all you could do to watch him from a distance, to force yourself to be vaguely aware of what he was doing to you. The tentacle inside of you fell into a steady rhythm, and Azul’s hand fell to your clit, clumsily circling the hypersensitive bundle of nerves. His inexperience was apparent, his usual air of confidence discarded in favor of seeking his pleasure and forcing the same misplaced bliss onto you. You didn’t resist, but you jerked away from his touch. If he noticed that you were trying to get away from him, though, if he could see your pained expression or grit teeth, he didn’t seem to care, to think of it as anything other than you bucking into his hand. He tilted his head back, his pale eyes flickering towards your face, a wide smile plastering itself across his lips. Slowly, joltingly, he pulled himself back to your height and before you could brace yourself, his lips were crashing into yours. Teeth scraped against teeth, his tongue pressed into yours, and you thought, through the daze, that this might’ve been his first kiss. You couldn’t remember him mentioning anything, ever telling you about a pretty girl or cute boy who’d caught his eye. In fact, you couldn’t remember him ever mentioning anything about love or romance at all.
It made sense, once you took a step back.
You didn’t kiss back. Obviously, you didn’t kiss back. Azul didn’t seem to care. He was panting by the time he pulled away from you, his blush darker and his pupils blown out with lust. You felt the tentacle inside of you twitch, and thought for the first time that it might not be a tentacle at all but something too terrible to name. You were almost thankful when the tentacle around your neck slipped past your lips and forced your teeth apart, giving you something to think about aside from that awful, slick thing inside of you, aside from the revolting heat slowly beginning to curl and flicker in your core. The tapered tip brushed against the back of your throat and you gagged violently, the air hitching in your throat and your body lurching against his. Azul’s grin grew broader, his pace rougher. “You’re going to cum.” It wasn’t an order or a question, just an assessment, an observation. A prediction you could only hope wouldn’t come true. “That’s alright. That’s perfect. I want you to. I’ve waited so long to—”
His voice cut out with an airy groan. He pressed himself closer to you, his stare boring into skin and his lips ghosting over yours. You tried to turn away, to clench your eyes shut, but his hands came up, cupping your face and pulling you back to him. The tentacle assaulting your mouth jutted deeper, forcing you to open your eyes, to meet his. He was crying – you could see the tear tracks running down his cheeks, carving trails across his pale skin. He was smiling, wider than you’d ever seen him smile before.
“I tried to give you a chance.” He was muttering, now, the words barely audible and entirely deafening all at once. “I tried, but this is what you drove me to.” He rested his forehead against yours, drove his nails into your jaw. “This was the only way I could show you that we were made for each other.”
Made for each other. Made for each other.
The conviction in his voice was so steadfast that, maybe, in another scenario, you probably would’ve believed him.
A tight, searing heat washed over you. Your body went rigid, tensing up as your vision burnt white and your cunt clenched around his tentacle. At the same time, something burst open inside of you, filling you with something hot and horrible and so much worse than the water you were still submerged in, the water you wished would’ve drowned you minutes ago. Rather than pull back, you felt Azul draw closer, wind around you tighter, but you didn’t care. You couldn’t.
Going limp, you leaned against the edge of the pool and closed your eyes, letting your mind drift far, far away. Azul let you, his hands falling away but his tentacles persisting with their grinding and groping and invading. It didn’t matter. It was like Azul said – you were made for each other, right?
You could only wonder how long ago he’d decided that.
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Yandere Octorio x Octo Mer Child reader but reader lost a tentacle in a barracuda incident and is now insecure and doesn't want to come out of their hiding hole and punching the octorio with their other tentacles when they try to get reader out?
(Btw love your writing!🫶🏼)
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Nemo Child Reader | Yandere Octotrio
It’d be the same as Octo - Merchild that’s scared of Octavinelle except this one has the scars to prove it
But what about a Nemo-like Reader
Who was injured by a barracuda when you were developing in your egg
But you don’t remember that so you don’t really care about it now
All that remains is your little tail that has a deformed fin
But that doesn’t stop you 
When the Octatrio proposes taking you on a swim 
“So you’re from the sea?”
“Yup I think I haven’t changed in a looong time.”
“If you’d like we’re going to the Coral sea for break, would you like to come?”
“Oh yeah!” 
“You can’t go too far okay?”
they just aren’t prepared to see such an obvious scar
You’re such a little young fish
And you have no fear of them even as they dwarf you in their forms
“Whatya guys holding your mouth open for come swim with me!”
“I’m surprised they can swim as fine as they do.”
“Oi Clownie-(Y/n) did you lose your fin to a shark or what?”
“It’s okay it’s actually a super cool story!”
They’re actually worried that you’re not more afraid 
And that’s what they’ll decide to begin teaching you to be afraid
“Okay (Y/n) you’ll have to tell me what do you do if you see the creature on the card coming towards you, okay?”
“Mmm okay!”
“Now this.”
“Jellyfish?...Maybe a big hug?”
“No. What about this one?”
“Oh yeah he’s a friend of my dad’s so hug too!”
“Oh Sevens.”
Despite priding the deep on being their teacher for their lessons about survival 
They’re not letting you get the same lessons
“Ne Jade wanted me to teach you about running but now we’re just playing tag!”
“Is that so bad? I’m having fun.”
“I would be if you weren’t so slow. Why aren’t you faster? You know little guppies like you get eaten real easy.”
You’re obviously not fit to learn the same way they did
So they’ll get you an anemone
A perfect little way to keep you protected 
But that’s only in the sea when it comes to things on land you’re none the wiser
So they’ll be your anemone 
“Should that student ever say that to you again I want you to come to the Lounge.”
“But I can’t buy anything I’ll just get in the way.”
“No you won’t. I’ll personally handle who ever bothers you. Big Brother Jade promises you.”
“Mmm okay!” 
Moving you into the Octavinelle dorm posthaste
You’re so oblivious they’ll have to just take care of it 
Don’t you know they’ll protect you best
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kikyan · 2 years
Yandere Octavinelle Headcanons
TW/CW: Dark content up ahead!! Yandere content specifically, mentions of abuse, manipulation, violence towards the reader, mental instability, etc. Proceed with caution! 
Mini side note because of the comment (that is now deleted or either I’m blocked) from my Savannaclaw Headcanons. This is yandere content, granted a quick glance at all my headcanons and other pieces by creators, you’ll see how different everyone’s interpertation and writing is different. Not every yandere content out there is yandere simulator. I don’t think all of these character is gonna pick a weapon and start going to town on half the cast. I like to focus on how they’d be in a relationship, how they’d react, and what I think they are capable of. So no, a lot of my content doesn’t have someone stalking their S/O and killing potential suitors but that doesn’t mean it’s not yandere? Sorry it’s just that I tried adressing it but I guess the OP blocked me, oh well. Enjoy!! 
DISCLAIMER:  These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY  be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision!
Banner made by @herestrish​! Pls don’t steal! 
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Azul Ashengrotto 
Long overdue headcanons, but I shall deliver. Azul is complicated. I think all of Octavinelle is complicated because I can see them acting in two different ways. Azul was bullied for being overweight and it had an impact on his character. He worked hard to get people to see him as someone for his abilities rather than his appearance, even if the means were shady. Post over blot he still has some insecurities, but he doesn’t shy away from them and chooses to face them head-on. As for his yandere type, I can see him as a very manipulative person (no matter what) but I can also see him as very overprotective and clingy. 
I’m torn between seeing him as someone who loves his S/O but clings on to the fear that someday they’ll leave him. Resulting in him trying to strike a contract with you without you knowing until after you try to leave him (if you do). He’s confident and prideful, but just like his over blot, he’s horrible at handling his emotions (he just like me fr).  The manipulation at first isn’t anything too extreme, just casually bashing others to bring himself up. “He won’t pull his weight on the project, I’ll help you”, or “He’s bad news, nothing good from hanging out with them.” Little by little he’ll limit who you hang out with, and what you do, and he’ll build himself up as the ever so reliable and helpful Azul. 
Overprotective, almost all of them are tbh. He cares for you, genuinely. He just can’t express himself truthfully, he might see the relationship the same he’d see a deal. He holds himself to a high standard, the type to never break a sweat in public but deep down panicking the whole time. He’d probably have the Leech twins be your bodyguards from time to time and they’ll agree for the most part. It’s interesting to see what Azul finds intriguing about you. Besides, it’s amusing to see Azul care for you in his way, even if he gets embarrassed and fumbles the bag. Cares for your education and your reputation! 
This is where it gets me, I’m not quite sure how this happens. If you meet Azul and you guys develop a relationship, kudos! If not, he might strike a deal. I’m conflicted because I see Azul as someone who cherishes the type of relationship where they get to know each other and see their true selves, but I also see him as the type to be afraid of that. He’s worked tirelessly to build himself up but if he confessed to his S/O and they said no, I don’t think he could ever recover. To avoid being hurt, he’d probably use shady means to get his S/O. This is where he might strike a deal. He’ll catch you in a shady deal, an embarrassing situation, etc. He’ll use it as blackmail, forcing you into a relationship with him. He’s not that clingy though, don’t mistake him. He’ll wave it off as a business deal, it benefits us both so what do you have to lose? It’s confusing really, Azul doesn’t seem to care (if you happen to go down this route only) so why did he propose this deal? If his S/O just can’t stand it and proposes to cancel whatever deal they have that binds them to him, he’ll snap. 
He’ll cry, reverting to his crybaby self. He’s so insecure he can’t stand the idea of your rejection. He’s clinging, begging you to reconsider. He’ll do anything you ask of him just please, please don’t leave him. He’ll rewrite a contract, he’ll show affection, he’ll give you anything you want just don’t say that. Don’t even think of leaving him. It’s quite a sight really, you never thought the same man who once held himself up so high is on his knees begging for forgiveness and to make it right. This is why he’s a bit complicated, I feel like the very manipulative ‘read the fine print’ man suits Azul, but at the same time, he’s a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Granted you’d have to push his buttons a lot for that to happen, but it’s a possibility. 
In terms of scale, I want to say it’s a 6/10. His contracts are where he gets you hence why it’s a bit high. The contact that he can use to steal any ability you have is quite a tricky one. He’s powerful, and he knows how to use it but it doesn’t help much when he’s not so great himself. 
Floyd Leech
Run. No kidding, as a yandere the Leech brothers are fucking scary as all hell. I want to start and say this, in normal general relationship headcanons do I see the Leech brothers as genuinely loving their S/O? Yes of course, but these are yandere headcanons and while it’s not impossible don’t hold your breath. As yanderes, these brothers are out for blood. They’ll share similar traits with a few exceptions, I see Floyd as being clingy, possessive, and sadistic. 
The leech brothers don’t see their S/O as a partner for now, they’re only a pet for now. Floyd would be clingy in the sense that he sticks to you like glue. He’s always there, whenever you think you have privacy, you don’t. While they both act like gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, Floyd is that gum that’s visible but won’t come off. Meaning, you see him and know he’s coming, just that you can’t stop him. He’s always there, meaning the torment never ends. He drives people away, nobody comes to your rescue because nobody wants to mess with him. 
He sees his S/O as a toy. While both want to see your reactions, what makes you tick and you’re there for their amusement, Floyd is restless. As long as this doesn’t interrupt Azul’s work, don’t count on him for saving. He’s sadistic, he wants to hurt his S/O. At first, we’re under the impression that he doesn’t know what's wrong and that he just needs to be talked to. It spirals when you notice that he does know what he does and fully intends to continue. The type to push you to the cafeteria floor and then ask, “Is everything okay? Don’t get my shoes dirty shrimpy. . .” He hides behind that fake concern and laid-back persona. Any ‘accident’, I can assure you is not one. Your report that you worked tirelessly on is suddenly missing? Your project is in ruins? You didn’t finish your presentation? All of Floyds doing, he simply enjoys seeing you in uncomfortable situations. He smiles when you make eye contact with him mid-scolding from Trein. He offers false condolences when your project is broken, earning praise for being so concerned for you. What a nice friend isn’t he? 
Despite all his flaws, he doesn’t let anyone mess with you. He rather be the cause of your suffering. Possessive in the sense that you belong to him. You don’t belong to anyone else, your face of sadness? He’s the only one meant to see them. Your faces of anguish and frustration, he’s the cause of it and he lives for it. You can go ahead and tell someone and they’d respond the same, “Sure Floyd is eccentric but he’s not evil, you sure you’re not just making it up?” Anyone who does believe you aren’t strong enough to go against him. On the yandere scale, he’s a 10/10. He’s dangerous, if you haven’t caught his attention, run. I also want to add, that their S/O is mostly going to become stress relief. They’ll be on edge with any sudden mood shifts because they already know that they’re their go to stress ball. The Leech brothers are not the best, they’re VERY dangerous. 
Jade Leech 
Don’t bother running, you won’t get far. His are manipulative, obsessive, possessive, and sadistic. The issue with Floyd is that he makes his nature apparent, Jade conceals it. Quite frankly, Jade is scarier because he’s unpredictable. He’s seen as a super reliable and respectable person, very professional. The type to take on extra workload if needed but professional enough to stand up and know when to say no. He’s the manipulator of the two, he has a way with words that makes you genuinely think he has your best interests in mind. Masquerading his true intentions behind his smile. 
If you’ve ever seen Drrr!!, he reminds me a lot of Izaya. The type to observe you in difficult situations to see what kind of person you are. How do creatures like you work? What is your design? You’re quite a fascinating subject. He loves to see how you react to any situation. He’s quite obsessive, he wants to know anything and all there has to do regarding you. Often stalking you or inviting you out to the monstro lounge to observe you. Down to how you hold your glass he’s invested. He knows your likes and dislikes, your phobias, your friends,  your social life, and what goes down at your dorm. He needs to know after all to create your life trials. 
He’s possessive. Unlike Floyd, he lets others do the tormenting for him. Though he still believes your expressions are his alone, he would rather stay in the shadows to keep up his reliable facade a bit more. You’re his, he doesn’t like sharing and Jade makes that quite clear. The moment anybody wishes to get close to you he’d get rid of them. Either feeding them lies about you or simply scaring them away. He’s sadistic, he wants to hit you where it hurts. While Floyd prefers physical pain, Jade prefers mental pain. He enjoys the little things that bring you anguish. The betrayal of a friend, watching everyone turns against you, rumors destroying what little reputation you have left leaving Jade as your only companion. 
To add more to both, they see their S/O as a form of entertainment. They have no means of leaving you or letting you leave. The only way I can see their S/O leaving is if they got too boring. They stopped fighting. They no longer had any fight left in their eyes but while Floyd would be the first one to suggest leaving you, I think Jade would still find use. They want to light the spark. The torment stops, even for a while and you suddenly think all your efforts have paid off. Finally, they lost interest but what a scary sight it is to see them waiting for you ready to continue their torment. As far as the yandere scaling, I say Jade is an 11/10. Floyd is a danger, yes, but you already know he is. Jade hides that part of himself until he’s ready. You won’t know when he’ll strike. Both are true to their nature, suffocating. Their presence alone makes you stop breathing, they’re just too much and at some point, you start to think that maybe it was better if you met the eyes of somebody else. 
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May I request Yandere Azul with a sweet but smart lady love? Like she’s sweet but won’t get roped into a deal with him?
Yandere Azul Ashengrotto
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You and Azul met when you wanted to make a deal with him.
You really needed help with your school grades.
Azul believed he got himself a good deal because you were so kind.
He got over an hour long battle over the terms of the contract because you didn't want to give up.
You got a really good deal that day.
You also got the Azul heart… all three.
Even if you don't really know it.
Azul would love how smart you are.
His obsession would grow alarmingly fast.
It seems that Azul couldn't think of anything else.
He would also like to be near you almost all the time.
Tweels don't really help matters.
However, you have noticed a change in Azul's behavior.
At first it would feel nice.
Azul can be really charming when she wants to be.
Another thing he's good at is covering up red flags.
However, Azul should be more careful.
You would be smart and recognize red flags quickly.
He also couldn't get you with a contract.
Unlucky for you Azul likes challenges.
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rosedere · 3 months
Hi!! Can i request yan azul forcing you to have relationship with him. And the darling is yuu in twisted wonderland world while she's already can't leave to her world. She's sad that she can't go to her world anymore. But still trying to survive there, but she's just not want to be in the relationship with someone.
Anyway, thank you so much if you read and make this request. I really really love your works on ao3 and really happy you active on tumblr too. Have a nice day and keep healthy 🫶
👀👀👀 ooh that’s a juicy request anon! (esp since I just finished book 3 on my main acct im rolling on the floor the yan potential Azol has <3)
Azul was tending to the monstro lounge reports when he felt something... off.
Dropping the intricate fishbone pen, he listened to the normally bustling hallway full of chatter and dishes clanking.
"(Name) darling," he called, still looking down at the current equation for calculating how much inventory he'd need for the upcoming month.
He peeked up to see no one in the VIP room.
You left.
You left him.
He quickly strided out of the lounge towards the kitchen.
The servers and cooks, enslaved by golden contracts, were still diligently working, stressed out, trying to fulfill the orders as they should.
But you weren't there.
His mind was racing as he began his journey to the lounge, where the loud sounds of customers chatting were heard.
The dim, soft, deep violet lights shone down on him as he scanned the restaurant.
But searching amongst the different dorm uniforms and students, you weren't there. His pearl.
But his red herring was seen when he saw the ramshackle prefects annoying talking beast sitting at the bar across from Floyd, who had an extremely annoyed expression as the small gluttonous vermit shoveled desert after desert into his small mouth.
That thing never came to the lounge.
A few seconds later, he saw your other annoying friend with his red hair bouncing up and down as he shook hands with Floyd, having an unheard discussion away from Earshot.
His competition.
He scowled, but he did notice your friend seemed extremely nervous, fidgeting, looking around the packed lounge.
Azul's eyes met your red-haired friend's, causing him to freeze in place.
He only shifted before looking uncomfortablely towards a corner of the room.
Azul followed where he was looking but could only see your hair swaying as you ran on shaky legs towards the exit to the lounge.
Your friend, realizing what he had done, only looked in worry as he ran towards the exit after you, grabbing your direbeast by the neck to its annoyance.
Azul only ran like his life depended on it as he tried to dodge the busy lounge goers in the way.
A few looked up in confusion as Azul passed by.
He suddenly ran into the chest of your tall beastman friend.
"Watch where you're going," Azul spat before trying to bypass him.
He only felt the rough hands of the beastman grab the back of his neck, slightly lifting him up.
"You watch where you're going," he growled before tossing him back towards the floor.
"Get out of my way, or I'll have you escorted out of my establishment," Azul pointed with his cane at the beastman. "I don't allow dogs in this establishment anyway," he sneered.
"Eh might as well; she should be in the mirror by now." Jack smiled down at Azul.
With anger, Azul only pushed past the beastman, causing him to growl as Azul ran down to the hallway of Octavinelle.
It felt like the hallways took forever as he finally reached the exit to Octavinelle.
You weren't anywhere near the exit, causing Azul's heart to sink. You had somehow gotten further than the last time you ran, he recalls, when he caught you late at night trying to use the exit mirror in the hall of mirrors.
He remembered grabbing your seaweed binds and taking you back to the empty dorm room you were being held in.
You were heartbroken as he led you back to your room. He knew it wasn't ideal, but he knew if he left you in his room every day, you'd be found immediately by the nosy friends you had.
It was already hard trying to get you to sign the contract to bind yourself to him; he didn't need anymore problems.
Stepping out of the mirror, he was still met with no sign of you or your annoying friends waiting outside the mirror.
Azul's ears perked up at the sound of your wounded voice.
"Ah, just as I suspected, someone's been lying."
Jade approached from the heartslabyul mirror a few meters away. You dangled defeated in his arms with torn and tattered clothes, your knees, hands, and wrists with small cerated cuts on you.
Your head dangled down in defeat as Jade held your body in his arms.
"What the hell happened to her?" Azul scolded Jade.
"She's not mute; she can tell you herself what she did." Jade smiled, holding you up to present to Azul.
You only quivered, shaking in Jade's grasp, looking down pathetically.
"Where were you (name)?" Azul snarled, hitting you in the ribs with his cane.
You whimpered, only curling yourself into a ball.
"Let me guess you were going to run away with your friends away from me?" He sarcastically joked, "I thought you cried about hating them and wanting to go home."
Still looking down, you only stayed silent as he decided to harshly poke into your sides.
"Answer me (name)"
"I DONT WANT TO BE STUCK WITH YOU" you shouted, pointing at Azul.
"Im sick of being your toy; you just take me out whenever you remember I exist," you sobbed. "Just let me go; I won't tell anyone about what you did to me or be around Octavinelle anymore."
Azul only looked in disbelief, as if you had grown three heads.
"Im serious, you can have Ramshackle; I'll go live in another dorm if I have to," you cried loudly in the echoing hall.
Azul was quiet for a moment; it seemed that he was thinking of your offer.
Even Jade seemed alarmed at your sudden outburst as you cried with tears running down your scratched-up face and the scent of roses coming from your matted hair.
But Azul was only thinking of how sorry he was for not hiding you better.
"Jade, I can take her back." Azul sighed in defeat. "It seems I might need to use my other plan."
You thrashed in Azul's hold as he held you to his chest in a bridal style.
"I'll take you a warm bath and give you some of this," he cooed as he pulled a vial from his breast pocket.
Your eyes widen in horror when you realize what he was threatening you with.
"I just can't have those pesky friends of yours finding you once more, my pearl," he combed his fingers in your hair as he began to walk towards the octavinelle mirror.
"I know you'd be a beautiful attraction to the Monstro Lounge Aquarium."
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