#yes I'm still on the horse girl train
animebw · 8 months
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I'll give Uma Musume this, it fully understands how to pick the perfect opening shot for its new season.
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evilminji · 8 months
Ya'll remember Ace? Bat-hound?
No WAY Cujo became a Ghost and He did not.
Is he a little lost? Maybe. This is not his beautiful home. This is not his beautiful, maladjusted, Bat Family. Who are you people!? Where IS he!? This place is FAR to cheerful and green to be Gotham!
But he is Bat-Hound. A PROFESSIONAL. A HERO. He can handle this. He just has to track his humans down... through... whatever this is. If Krypto can fly, bless his mostly empty, hyperactive head, then so could he! It can't be THAT har-*Thwonk!*
.....no one saw that.
But what's this? A helpful young pup? Cujo you say. Ah, he too, was once a gaurd dog. Cujo, lad, he seems to be lost. Could you...? You WILL! Fantastic. But wait? You're worried about your Young Human?
*Bat Concern Rising* *Doggy eye squint*
*cujo spills the frankly horrifying beans about Danny's home life*
.........ha ha, NOPE! We can be having THAT! He's coming too! Bruce LOVES young humans! Especially sassy ones. He'll adopt him in no time! You grab the older one's, I'll grab the baby. Then we can head home, yes? You'll love gotham! Plenty of scoundrels to chase!
Cut to the Bat family. Damian is training Titus in the yard. Rare sun-ish day. It's a cook out. The Kent's are over. When?
Titus and the Supers both perk up. You hear that? Somethings about to-
*reality RIPS* *Ace the Bat Hound, dead for over a decade, jumps through... THE SIZE OF A HORSE. He is holding a struggling small preteen girl in his mouth* *Splat*
He dropped her. Eeeeeeew! She is loudly protesting. There is a SECOND dog. Green. Two more teens, clearly related to the first. Dumped on Bruce's lawn.
Ace looks proud of himself. Shrinks to normal size and pads over. Plops down in front of Bruce like he'd never left, tail wagging. Still in costume. He's glowing.
The burgers burn on the grill. No one can bring themselves to notice or care. Damian is elated. Krypto is fly wrestling is bestest buddy. Bruce is having a nervous breakdown over his dead dog.
Clark is calling their co-workers and trying to STOP the nervous break down.
Lois is just feeding the strage kids the dogs brought. Asking some casual "I'm totally not an investigative reporter" type questions. Who wants chips? Have a towel.
Ace? Is a Good Boy. 🐶
@hypewinter @hdgnj @nerdpoe @ailithnight
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perfinn · 4 months
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you're out of touch, i'm out of time
aegon ii targaryen x reader
wc: 3.3k
summary: you have a tendency to pick up strays, but when you pick up the king of westeros (who was supposed to have died hundreds of years ago), things begin to get a little complicated
cw: NSFW, f!reader, aegon being a creep (shocker), aegon being deeply pathetic (also shocker), aegon is drunk or possibly hung over, attempted sex (aegon begs for a handjob but doesn't get one)
read on ao3, divider by saradika
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You’ve always been too nice. You’re aware of this unfortunate fact, though you staunchly refuse to admit it’s a weakness. Has this trait left you without necessities from time to time because you gave them to someone who needed them more? Yes, but you sleep better at night knowing that that homeless girl had sturdy new shoes, even if you had to walk home barefoot. You can always handle a bit of discomfort if it means improving someone’s day marginally. It’s not as though you’re without any sense of self preservation– you know when to say no, or when to walk away. When someone is out for their own self interest, or just plain dangerous. 
You’re smart about it. Mostly. Sometimes, though, your sympathy gene takes over, and you approach the danger because you feel there’s more beneath the surface. So far, it hasn’t put you in any troubling positions. Still, first time for everything. And as you stand on the edge of the pavement, toes of your shoes swinging down into the gutter as you sway back and forth, you wonder if you’re about to break your successful streak.
There’s a man in the busy city street, raving and desperately trying to get someone’s attention. Usually, he’s the type you’d regretfully ignore for your own safety, but he seems different. He doesn’t seem like the usual King’s Landing crackheads. He’s dressed too nice, for starters. Strange, yes, but still nice. In fact, it looks to be better quality than anything you own. And he’s young– which isn't uncommon in this situation, but it always makes your heart ache when they’re young. 
He looks desperate, terrified, and as another person ducks their head and walks past him, you feel yourself moving toward him. You don't know why. Maybe because you know if you leave now, you’ll not sleep tonight for the sheer guilt of passing him by. He spots you making your way over and turns to you, seeming to hope against hope that you’re going to acknowledge him. 
“Hi,” you say in a calm, even voice. It's a tone you’ve gotten quite good at. You’re not professionally trained by any means, but these things generally come with the territory. “Let's get you out of the road, okay? You could get hurt.”
“What the fuck are those things?” He demands of you as a car stops to let you take him across. You wave your thanks to the driver, who looks mildly disgruntled, and take the young man gently by the arms to get him onto the pavement. “Where are the horses?”
You know he must be confused, so you’re gentle with him. “There's no horses,” you say, still holding his arms as he finally looks away from the disappearing car and into your eyes. He looks so deeply afraid, but you notice he does take a moment to look you over. You let him, trying to see the best in him and hoping it's just curiosity. It doesn't matter right now anyway, you tell yourself. “Are you okay?”
“No!” He snaps. “Course I’m not bloody okay! Where am I?!”
“You’re in King’s Landing,” you say. “Let's get you somewhere quiet, okay? Are you hungry?”
“This,” he laughs in disbelief, looking around. “Is not King’s Landing, I know what King’s Landing looks like!”
“Okay,” you nod. “I believe you. Let's go sit down, I’ll buy you something to eat.”
The man looks at you with what you think is an offended scowl, but the offer of food does seem to intrigue him. “And wine?”
“No,” you say, and he deflates. 
He scratches at his chin, but nods in agreement. “Yes, fine.”
You smile, a bit of relief easing the worry in your ribs. Sometimes people won't cooperate, or they’ll turn you away when you say you won't buy them booze or give them money outright. This young man seems to be content enough without wine, so you wave your hand and lead him down the road toward the nearest fast food joint. 
He follows behind you, panicked eyes still looking around as though he's never seen the world before. It's not wonder, but something close to anger, indignation maybe. You make it to a diner you like, opening the door for him. He's clearly astounded by the ugly cacophony of colours inside, but you can't blame him. You don't come here for the aesthetics. 
“Go sit down?” You tell him gently, framing it like a suggestion as you point to your favourite booth. He scowls, but does as bid. 
The teen behind the counter takes little notice of your strange company. It's King’s Landing, he's probably seen something ten times as strange already today. Once you’ve paid, you join your new stray, sitting down across from him and folding your hands on the table. 
“So, what's your name?” You ask him, and he looks away from the bustling street outside the window to stare at you in what you assume is disbelief. 
“What’s my name?” He echoes, leaning slightly over the table. “Are you serious?”
You blink. That’s… not a question anyone’s ever been mad at you for. You learned quickly which questions to steer clear of to avoid pissing people off.
He scoffs, leaning back in his seat and tapping a dirtied fingernail against the peeling surface of the table. “Aegon,” he says, almost experimentally. Like he's testing the waters. 
You nod politely, and tell him yours.
He stares at you. “Nothing? Aegon? You’ve not heard the name Aegon?”
“Well, of course I have,” you say, confused smile pulling at your lips. “It's a common enough name. I think I knew a guy in school named Aegon–”
“You have been to school?” Aegon asks, eyebrows shooting up and a laugh spilling from his mouth. He leans back, dragging his hands over his clammy face. “Have I been drugged?!”
You’d put serious money on that being a resounding yes. 
“This is crazy,” he says, leaning forward again. He says your name slowly, glancing around before his eyes land on you. “Can you tell me what's going on?”
You bite your lip, thankful when the cashier calls out your order number. You rush to get up and get it, fearing you may be way out of your depth this time. He talks like he’s never seen the world before, and his comment about you having gone to school… none of it makes any sense. You’ve never even had the thought of dropping someone off with someone who’s better equipped to handle problems of this magnitude, but Aegon has you really considering it. When you return with the tray of food and set it down, Aegon has the specials menu in hand and is squinting at it. 
“I got you what I usually get,” you say, setting the tray down and placing his wrapped burger in front of him, leaving the fries on the tray. “Aegon, I want to help you, but I’m at a bit of a loss.”
“That certainly makes two of us,” Aegon says, unwrapping the burger curiously. “What meat is this?”
“It’s beef,” you tell him, unwrapping your own. He watches as you take a bite of yours, and he nods as though in satisfaction before taking a hefty bite of his. “Aegon, I want to understand what’s going on in your head. Can you just…”
You’re not sure how to say it, really. It’s invasive, and you don’t want him to feel like you believe he’s crazy, or lying.
“What’s your deal?”
He chews slowly on his burger, eyeing you suspiciously. “My deal,” he echoes, lips turned down in a scowl. “Is that I’m the King of Westeros.”
You nod slowly, biting into your burger so you don’t have to answer right away. You hope if you stay silent long enough, he’ll feel compelled to keep talking. 
“King Aegon,” he says slowly, like you’re the deluded one. “Aegon Targaryen, Second of His Name, Protector of the Realm, all the rest. Are you serious?”
You swallow your mouthful and nod. You’re not particularly well versed in history, but the titles ring a bell. It’s some sort of messiah complex, you’d wager. Trying your best not to seem dismissive, you pull out your phone. “Let me see,” you say. 
“What’s that?” He asks, leaning forward and trying to snatch it from you. You move it out of his way, yelping softly in contrition. 
“My phone!” You say. “I’m just looking you up, Aegon.”
“You’re what?” He says, looking horrified. “Give me that!”
“Dude, no! Let me just–” You stand up from your seat to be out of his reach, hurriedly typing the name he’d told you into the search bar. “Look, I know the name Targaryen, that’s the Conqueror's name!”
“Yes! Aegon the Conqueror!” He cries. “You’re finally making sense!”
“What? No, I mean Daenerys!”
“Aegon, sit back down!” You snap, and he pauses in his pursuit of your phone, stunned into silence by your firm tone. Slowly, he returns to his seat, picking up a fry to eat it. 
“Only because I want to,” he says childishly. 
You frown at him, shaking your head before looking back at your phone as it pulls up the results for your search. 
‘Aegon II Targaryen, also known as Aegon the Elder, was the sixth Targaryen king to sit the Iron Throne, succeeding his father, Viserys I Targaryen, as Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.’
The search pulls up a picture as well, one of those terribly done paintings from the dark ages. It’s hard to say whether the Aegon in front of you looks much like the one in the painting, but he does have the same pale blonde hair and violet eyes. He’s a lot more pathetic than the portrait, too. He has the qualities of a wet cat, and you hate that it’s somewhat endearing. When you keep scrolling, you find a painting that can’t have been contemporary. This is a more detailed portrait, likely from half a century ago, where Aegon is covered in burns and lies dead in a carriage. 
You look up, meeting the wary eyes of the confused but un-burned man before you, and slowly sit back down. You know that he isn’t actually the king from nearly a millennium ago, but there’s an uncanny quality about him that makes you want to doubt the logical truth. His clothes, for one. You don’t know many homeless guys with such fine embroidery on their clothes. And there’s his features… you know them to be Valyrian, but rarely does anyone still pop up with the stark blond and violet irises. You remember well enough from your high school history classes that the Targaryen dynasty had those features.
“What does your little brick do?”
You blink, looking down at it and pulling up the contemporary portrait – part of you tells you not to show him the other. He scowls at it, but nods. “Seven hells, that’s not flattering. Where did you get this miniature? You have this and yet claim not to know me? What game do you play?”
You sigh. He truly doesn’t understand, does he? 
“Aegon, what year do you think it is?”
He rears back and regards you with more suspicion. “129 AC,” he says.
“And what were you doing before this?” 
“I will not tell you that,” he says. “You’re one of Rhaenyra’s spies, aren’t you?”
“I don’t know who Rhaenyra is,” you say softly. “I’m sorry, Aegon, I’m not a history buff.”
“History–” He stops, and goes deathly silent for a long moment, as though the whole situation is finally processing for him. You wonder if it’s the stench of wine that hangs off him explains his slow processing. “What year do you think it is?”
You tell him the year, even tack today’s date on for him. He stares are you, and you can see his brain buffering yet again. 
“Seven hells,” he murmurs. You find you share a similar sentiment. 
He picks up his burger and begins to eat it slowly. He’s silent for a long while, eyes seeming far away as he contemplates. You try not to stare at him, but it's no easy task. 
“This is going to sound crazy,” he says after a long while. “But I believe I may have travelled… through time.”
“I’d say so, yeah,” you respond. At this point, it's the only explanation. You’d usually say something about eliminating all the impossible options, but that just doesn't work here. Time travel is impossible, or it should be. And it's possible Aegon is just suffering from a deeply intense messiah complex. But that doesn't seem right. Your instincts haven't led you wrong before, you’re not about to ignore them now. 
“What am I going to do?” asks Aegon.
You want to tell him you’re going to try to find a way to get him back to his own time, but you’re struck once more with the image of him burned and twisted, dead in a carriage. How can you send him back to his fate knowing his grisly end?
You take in the man in front of you, this historical figure you’d never heard of until five minutes ago, and bite your lip. “We’ll figure it out,” you promise him. “You… can stay with me until we do.”
That’s probably dumb, and you’ll probably regret it. But not more than you would regret leaving him out on the streets.
“I suppose,” sighs Aegon like he’s spoiled for choice. You get up to ask for a bag for your food, glancing back as Aegon chews sadly on his burger. 
You get Aegon back to your place, and he wanders into the flat ahead of you. You watch him go with a soft huff, rolling your eyes. If everything else hadn’t convinced you, his attitude is proof positive that he’s from the past. He has all the entitlement of a prince and none of the consideration of those around him that modern men have (sometimes) gained. 
Your flat isn't much, two bedrooms and mostly paid for by your university. You had a flatmate for a time, but their sudden withdrawal left you without anyone and the school doesn’t seem to have noticed. Aegon can stay in the empty room until you figure him out. 
Aegon’s standing in your living room, staring in wonder at the decor you’ve collected over the course of your degree, at your television, maybe he’s just looking at all of it. He’s turning in a slow circle, eyes narrowed. 
“This is very nice for a commoner. Very strange, but it is not… disgusting.” He pauses in his assessing, looking between you and the ridiculous tapestry you purchased one night after far too many drinks. “Who is this man?”
“Oh, he’s this guy from a movie,” you say, not really processing that he won’t understand what a movie is. He stands there, dumbstruck, while you go to put your leftover food in the fridge. 
“A what?”
“Just… don’t worry about it. There’s going to be a lot for you to take in, but with any luck you won’t be here too long.” You come back over to him, taking him in. He looks out of place standing here in his king’s threads. “Let me get you something to wear.”
“There’s nothing wrong with this,” he says, shifting and taking in your clothes. “Where is your father? Your husband?”
“My father is in my hometown, and I don’t have a husband.”
“You live without a man?” He eyes you suspiciously. “A whore?”
“Okay,” you say, gently grabbing him by the shoulders and walking him over to the sofa. “Sit here, I have some men’s clothes lying around. Do not move.”
Aegon huffs, rolling his eyes and sitting back with folded arms. You wonder, as you go into your room to find something for him, if he’s heard the word ‘no’ very much in his life. It wouldn’t seem that way, but sometimes the way he reacts to you telling him off leaves you thinking otherwise. He’s a bigger mystery than you’ve ever faced, but something tells you he’s worth it.
You emerge after a while to see him flicking through the book you’d left on your coffee table, frowning. He looks up when you enter, setting the book down. “Your home is peculiar,” he informs you. 
“I know,” you say, handing him the soft clothes you’d found. “Student housing is kind of a lottery. You can get changed in the spare room, if you want. I’m going to go shower. If you get hungry, your leftovers are in that big white box there, okay?”
“Yes, yes, whatever.” 
You watch him enter the near-empty bedroom and shut the door, heaving a heavy sigh before you go off to your own room. You don't shower. Instead, you pull out your computer and set out to learn all that you possibly can about Aegon. 
What you learn twists your stomach into knots so tight you feel that they would trap the nausea that grips your throat from escaping. Aegon was no saint, no, but what you find is that his life is steeped in tragedy. If he believes himself to be king now but remains unburned by his cousin’s dragon, he must be near the end of his life; but the worst of his troubles have yet to begin. 
It is strange to think of the pathetic and bratty man in your flat as growing into the role of a king, if one could say he ever did. He seems nothing but a lost young man, unloved but for the power he afforded his Hightower family. 
The reports on him are so extensive and exhaustive that an hour has passed before you realise you haven’t been disturbed. You get up from your desk, wondering if Aegon has somehow wandered out of your flat and back onto the street.
When you open the door, you’re greeted by the sight of your kitchen cabinets strewn open, and your cheap bottle of vodka now empty on the counter. Aegon is sprawled on your sofa, cradling a novelty ceramic beer mug you won in a pub quiz in your first year. 
“Seven hells,” you mumble, going over to him and snatching the cup from him to be met with his whining protests. You sniff the cup, nose scrunching in disgust at the acetone-y smell. “Not even a mixer…”
Aegon looks up at you, trying to reach for the cup and whining your name. At least he changed into the sweats. The King’s Landing University jumper rather suits him, actually. 
“Please,” he says, looking even more closely akin to a wet cat. He seems on the verge of tears. “You’re pretty, do you know?”
“I’ve heard,” you say, setting the cup down on the coffee table and turning to him.
He grabs your wrist, tugging you closer with surprising strength considering how sloshed he is. “You’re so pretty,” he whispers. He almost sings your name. “Will you get me off?”
“Wh- Aegon!” You snap, tearing your wrist away. “No!”
“Please! Just your hand, you’ve got such soft hands!”
“Aegon,” you hiss. “No. You’re drunk. Even if I wanted to, that wouldn't be okay. You don't know what you're saying.”
Aegon pouts at you, falling back against the sofa and letting out a soft hiccup. “That doesn't make sense.”
“Maybe not in your time,” you say, grabbing him a blanket and laying it over him. “Gods- just- just try to get some sleep, okay? We’ll talk in the morning when you're fully sober.”
“I’ll die before that,” he says, snuggling up to the soft blanket with a ridiculous cartoon of a wolf on it. Another of your decor purchases you thought would be hilarious in the moment. You grab his cup and pour what’s left of the vodka into the sink before gathering up your remaining bottles and vowing to take them to the cabinet in your room with a lock. 
“Maybe. But if you vomit on my carpet, you’ll be paying the cleaning bill, your grace.”
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love-islike-abomb · 3 months
Save a horse, ride a tribal chief
Roman reigns x y/n
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Warnings: smut, I'm not over that whole segment on pat's show of "MY tribal chief!" The undertones of "Call me daddy!" In that just.... my ovaries need some rest!!🥵 errors I may have missed.
Tag list: @reignsangel444 @acknowledge-reigns @mzv11 @mandeelemons @pittieprincess22 @romanreignshairdresser @helensanders92
The moonlight shined in our bedroom, the sound of the ocean accompanied my moans and groans as he pounded into me. My hands tightly woven into the sheets, my face buried in the pillows until he suddenly pulled out of me and laid on his back "ride my cock baby!" He growled. I smiled and crawled over to straddle him, slowly impaling myself on his hardened flesh.
He grabbed my hips to steady me but I rolled my hips and watched his eyes roll back in his head "uhn baby girl, dont tease me like that! I need you!" He groaned. I got off him for just a moment to turn myself around and saw him bite his lip. Lowering myself on him again, I used his knees for balance "that's it's baby! Bounce that ass on my cock!" He growled
He sat up, pushing me forward in the process so I was back on my hands and knees "that was hot!" I smiled. He snaked his hand up my back and into my hair, tugging my head back, reaching his hand down to grab my throat, pulling me backwards so my head was against his chest. Moving my hair to the side he kissed up my neck, Goosebumps forming under his touch "are your gonna acknowledge your tribal chief?" He growled in my ear, sliding back inside me.
"fuck, Ro!" I groaned.
He grabbed my neck and forced me to the bed "who am I?" He growled. I bit my lip, he knew I loved it when he went into character.
"my tribal chief!" I groaned out.
"that's my good girl!" He groaned, grabbing a fist full of my hair, rock my body forward with each thrust. "Uhn! Fuck baby that pussy is damn wet!!!"
"Only for you my tribal chief!" I groaned. His thrusts got harder "is this what you want? You want me to pound this pussy?" I couldn't form words with the pleasure I felt. "Ugh! Fuck! Yes!"
"uhn! That pussy is grippin my cock so damn good! You wanna cum for your tribal chief??" He groaned. Still unable to form words all I could do was nod "cum for your chief baby girl! Milk my cock with that pussy!" His words sent me over the edge. I bounced my ass against him, working him closer to his edge "oh fuck baby! That's it! Uhn!" His thrusts became eratic and I felt him twitch inside me "uhn! Yes!!"
He stilled inside me, both of us trying to catch our breath. Slowly pulling out of me e collapsed on the bed next to me. A few moments of us just laying there passed before he turned to me "come ere baby!" He smiled. I snuggled into him. His heart still somewhat beating fast. His soft lips connecting with mine "goodnight beautiful!"
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kenandeliza · 5 months
A Marvel Family Fantasy AU
A few days ago, I randomly dreamt of Drawing Billy and Tawny in a fantasy setting.
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Billy was this kid wizard and Tawny was his companion (or an animal to ride on like a horse)
Then it got me thinking, maybe in this setting, Mary could be someone of high status in this fantasy setting (since she's in a rich family in the golden age comics)
I'm inclined to think Freddy would be a captain of a ship for irony-sake but I have a feeling pirates and fantasy settings don't match well?
It's just funny for me to think of him with a peg leg xD
After further discussion with @the-brash-spud :
Warning: Too many text :>
These are the ideas we have so far (if there are quotation marks, those ideas belonged to @the-brash-spud ):
Maybe Billy and Mary were prince and princess separated by birth, (i'm not sure if its a kidnapping or the baby got lost on his own) but the wizard founded billy and trained him.
At the ripe age of (insert young age below a teenager's), The wizard decided to grant him the power of shazam to turn him into the world's mightiest Wizard!
Captain Marvel!
Wizard dies and then Billy and Tawny have adventures together, maybe helping people along the way (maybe somehow found out that Mary is his sister :p idk)
“ I think you could go angst if you made the wizard get brutally hurt in a battle to protect Billy and the rock of eternity so in a last ditch effort he transports the rock to its own pocket of existence and then giving Billy powers of shazam because its as ready as he'll be able to make the kid :) and it's his last effort for Billy to be protected even if he has to do so himself because he has failed :)) made Billy cry as Wizard turns into dust in Billy’s hands :)))”
Uncle marvel can be a con-man/thief who took pity on Billy or realiz, teaching Billy that the world isn't always honest and he's like, "Billy, don't always give money to the poor on the streets, sometimes they faked their illness to be lazy”
" Billy: "The man in the shadowy corner needs my help."
Uncle: "No, the hell he doesn't!”"
How Billy Met Freddy
Billy probably met Freddy in a bar fight. How did the kid get into a bar?
Billy looked at the man exiting the pub with a bottle.
Billy: Ohh! So this is where you get refreshments here! I wonder If they have enough Milk for Tawny..
Pub sign written NO KIDS ALLOWED!"
*Billy can only read magic scrolls and not regular alphabet*
Cue him meeting Freddy (who's armwrestling with one of the people there)
(Insert Bar fight for some reason because The child decided to drink a white cocktail thinking it was milk and the fact that Billy is a Kid)
“Freddie is definitely that kid having his ass thrown out of the bar/pub/inn”
I'd like to think he and his brother are a team, prolly sailed a ship together.
“Yes, they target slave ships. Unless you wanna go different routes. Then, he is focused on certain nations' flags that have a whole lot of red in them
Also, he goes to the bars just to start bar fights over drunks being mean/nasty to the landlady. The landlady doesn't appreciate it bc now she has a broken table and four broken chairs”
Freddy faces the Captain Nazi equivalent of a pirate [Captain Arian? Like Aryan?] XD, Freddy lost his leg the same way, from his encounter with Captain Arian.
Kit (probably a necromancer or a ghost who's cursed to be bound in the ship Freddy's in, making Freddy more attached to the ship) can still summon crewmembers.
Maybe they both meet mary during the birthday ceremony parade
Maybe Mary snuck off from her family (disguise herself as a regular girl, i know, generic plot) and then meet Billy accidentally
Billy: It's my birthday today!
Mary: What a coincidence! It's mine too!
The-brash-spud: “Billy, in his innocence, thinks ,"There must be something to us sharing birthdays!" While Freddy calls him stupid, Billy tries to get a look at the princes and then cue the lung-fu panda rocket incident, but maybe something else more fitting with Freddy being pulled along”
On an unrelated note, i think Billy knew about Freddy's peg legafter either a pirate slashed it clean and Freddy just used it to bonk his head.
Billy is still screaming from the shock and immediately casted healing spells (i'd like to think everything about billy is lightning based- so yes getting struck by lightning is a healing spell for him :D) Freddy got shocked lmao
And what about boarding Tawny on the ship?
Freddy: "I'm not letting a tiger into my ship."
Kit who absolutely adores animals: "YES"
Kit:" Does he love belly rubs??"
Billy:" yes but you have to ask him politely for his permission-”
Freddy rolled his eyes, realizing he has to clean cat fur everyday off from the furnitures.
How did Mary, a royalty tag along with a kid wizard and a pirate?
“Yeah, I guess forced separation would work better. Hell, go with a scenario that will allow them to have Mary with the parents' blessings as long as she's kept safe (she isn't, but that's because she is the danger herself)”
Mary and Billy: "Yay adventure"
Freddy: "Oh great, now I have to take care of two kids and a tiger in my ship!?"
*Freddy looking at Kit and the kids + a tiger playing together, kit seems happy*
Freddy: "...i guess it's alright..”
How Freddy and Mary found out about the wizard?
“Hmmmm, maybe Billy takes them to the rock because they were in a pickle, and unforeseen effects happen?
They got surrounded maybe?
Also I can see the aftermath
"You were raised by THE Wizard!? THE Wizard?! A Wizard of legends so often told he is recognisable even if his name was lost?!"
"Oh, his name is Shazam-" *BANG*”
Hopefully i could draw these AU ideas, I don't plan on making this into a story, i just like the concept that my dream gave my a few days ago and I’m just expanding it. Sorry for too many text xD
I don't mind if you want to add something to this silly lil AU, It's just a fun thing for me to do :p
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drpoisonoaky · 5 months
Training routine
Azula is... a person made by routine. She starts training every day at 5am.
But one day she said said “None of you, menaces to society, can do it too” so they try to prove her wrong.
Azula: Oh you made it. Sokka: Of course. Azula: But you look like shit.
Sokka: Well, I didn't sleep, so I can be awake right now. Azula: You didn’t sleep? How do you pretend to follow my training session? Sokka: To be honest, I didn’t think I’d made it this far and I’m too tired to even care anymore.
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Suki: Ok smart-ass let 's begin. Azula: You look awake. Suki: I am. You’re not the only one who usually does this.  Azula: I know it’s not a Kyoshi warrior thing because I know Ty Lee.  Suki: It’s my thing. Believe or not I’m more than a “fan girl”. Azula: And she has humor too. Suki: So? Azula: Honestly, you were the only one in that group that I knew was capable of doing my training. So if you want to go and do your thing, it wouldn't change my mind or what I'm going to say to them. Suki: I’m here for your training. We will do that. Azula: Hmn. Suki: What are you waiting for? Azula: Fine pretty girl. Let’s start meditating.
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Toph: I know you’re nuts but this is madness. Why do you have to start to do this so early?! Azula: Good morning to you too. When do you want me to do it? Toph: I don’t know, in the afternoon or after breakfast. Azula: After breakfast, I have to read the scrolls for the meetings that will take place that day. I have two hours to do this, and if I don't need all that time, I do paperwork. Azula: Then the meetings start. Usually everything for the day is set before lunch. Toph: Have lunch later and train there. Azula: After lunch I have to appear in several places in Caldera. You know, publicly blah, blah, blah. Toph: When you finish, you can train there and you can use it to relax. Azula: After that I have to have dinner. Toph: I’m pretty sure you can have dinner later. Azula: Dinner is with Katara. We hardly see each other during the day. Toph: So train after dinner. Azula: No. Toph: Why? Azula: Because that time is usually reserved for Katara and is non-negotiable. Toph: Her words or yours? Azula: Your poi- Don’t you dare to do a whip sound. Toph: Sure, domesticated prissy princess. Azula: Enough of this small talk. We have lost so much time already. Toph: And we don’t want to reduce your Katara time. Azula: Horse stance NOW.
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Ty lee: Good Morning. Azula: At least open your eyes first. Ty lee: I train like this. Azula: You train in your pyjamas? Ty lee:  Azula: Go to sleep. Ty lee:  Azula: You tried and you are not a menace. Well, you never were, because you weren't included in that statement. Why are you here? Ty Lee: I'm too tired to shout at you, but in 3-4 hours, be prepared.
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(Mai didn’t try it or even talk about it)
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Aang: Good morning Azula! Azula: Oh, you look fresh? Aang: Is that a surprise? Azula: Yes. Let’s train. Aang: Sure, but it wouldn't kill you to say good morning too.
Azula: We'll see how Zuzu does, but by far you and Suki deserve a bit more respect from me. Aang: Thank you! That's nice, I guess. So if Zuko does well, you would give him more credit? Azula: Of course not.
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Zuko: Of all of the things you have done to me, this is the most evil. Azula: Aren’t you a morning person? Zuko: Yes but when it’s morning. THE SUN IS NOT EVEN THERE. Azula: Don't worry, Zuzu, the sun will be there when we're done.
Azula: Zuzu, can you please stop throwing up, I want to have a bath and then breakfast. Zuko: I hate you. Azula: Don’t worry, you aren’t the only menace, you should have seen Sokka. Zuko: Aang? Azula: Nah, he did it well. Zuko: Suki? Azula: Don’t do this to yourself Zuko.
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Katara, still half asleep in bed: Who’s turn is today? Azual, already up and ready: Yours. Katara: Oh okay let me just…*takes all the bed for herself* Katara: Have a good time. Azula: Don’t you want to prove that you are not a menace to society? Katara, almost asleep: I’m dating you.  Azula: See you point. *kisses her forehead* Sleep well, see you for breakfast. Katara: *snorts*
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hiswhiteknight · 6 months
Unbelievably Outlandish - Part 12
Summary: Before starting down a new crossroads, the Reader goes onto an adventure of literary traveling. Suddenly tossed into an unbelievable story that has swept the world, The Outlander Series itself. How will a twenty first century woman survive?
Note: It has been a super long time since I've posted, like a year or more. I'm going to try to post weekly, but it depends on my schedule. As for a tag list, I'll be starting a new one – please send me a message to be added to the tag list. I don't always get to look through comments, so please message me.
Note Note: I own no characters, except reader, clearly this is based off the lovely book series Outlander by Diana Gabaldon and tv show. This follows more the tv show, but it’s far from accurate. I’m going to try to get better with using less proper English, but who knows maybe I’ll get into Scottish slang.
Pairing: Jamie Fraser x Female Reader
Words: 2700 (SO LONG)
Warning: Angst, playfulness, cursing, slow start
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It turned out, in Angus's mind, the dog turned out to be a good distraction for you. It kept you from running around because you found yourself always training the dog. She was an angelic thing, who always got into some kind of trouble along the way. Your whole life you've been much of a rule follower, but as of recently you were finding you had a lot in common with the dog.
With this being said, you have yet to find a name you'd like for her. Often you found yourself filling the boredom by naming old fictional characters you loved when you remember the character Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables. Outside from being incredibly charming, he was intelligent, kind, and had patience and devotion for the ones he loved. You imagined you had a lot in common with Anne Shirley or you hope you did. And with that thought, you named the dog Blythe.
Jamie enjoyed watching you work with the mischievous creature. He could tell this was the first time you were filled with joy since you arrived in Scotland, "Why don't you go over and talk to the girl," Murtagh said from next to him.
He shook out of his daze, acting like he wasn't doing anything weird, "I like my bullocks, thank you."
Murtagh shook his head, "She wouldn't have that mutt if it wasn't for you, you know."
The men continue to work around and pack things away, "You and I both know she is a stubborn woman, if she wanted that dog enough she would have got it without myself or Ned mentioning a word."
"Coward," Murtagh whispered to Jamie.
"Damn right," he chuckled back.
You were working on the pups reactivity and word commands. While growing up you didn't get to have a pet, but your mother told you about when she raised dogs as a child. Your family moved around a lot, so having a pet wasn't in the cards. "Don't get too comfortable girl, we're going to be off soon," Angus barked at you from afar.
You turned around losing the smile on your face. With the time being away from the castle, you still hadn't earned much trust and you most definitely didn't give the men much energy. Outside of the pup, you were like a empty soul and it was coming to be more evident with every passing day. The dog plopped herself next to you watching Angus with her tongue out. Even Blythe was better respected and well liked by the men, even Angus though he'd deny it if anyone commented. Their acceptance of the dog made you more tolerant to their attitude and patriarchal manner. "Yes master," you bow.
"It's nice you are starting to learn your manners," he smirked back while making gestures towards the men.
With a deep inhale and low tolerance of attitude today you started to trudge towards your horse, "It was sarcasm, idiot," you grumbled.
He appeared to have the same tolerance of my attitude, "Watch your tongue girl or you'll get it cut off," Angus advanced forward while gripping his dagger.
Jamie and Murtagh were about to make a move when another man's voice appeared, "Everything alright miss," a British voice caught your attention.
Angus directed an aggressive response to the man. You turned to look at the man and in your daze started to register things about this man. He had a proper accent, boots, and his hair read a gentleman. He was clearly a British soldier and he could mean serious trouble. You turned to look at Jamie for a split second before charming a smile, "Excuse me sir," you asked, ignoring the comments from the other man to rile this man. This was not the time and place.
You could tell the tension with Dougal increased. He didn't trust what you would say, "I was asking if you were alright," he stepped forward again, ignoring the men behind you.
"Oh, I'm sorry you had to hear all that, sir. You shouldn't have had to hear a lady speak out of tune like that. It was very unbecoming of me," you looked embarrassed. Let's hope your acting skills are up to par. You ignored Murtagh mutter unbecoming to make fun of you, "It's just Angus here is a very, very, very," you paused to look at him, "Very distant cousin." You turn back to smile at the officer, "I sometimes gets so overwhelmed by his voice and tone I just lash out. I apologize," you put you hand on your heart. The dog looked up at you oddly, not recognizing your behaviors.
He smiled at you, not acknowledging the grumbling Scots behind you, "Not necessary, my lady I understand quite well actually." He bent down to scratch the puppy sitting in front of you, "I'm sorry your accent."
You scratch the back of you neck, "Right, I must sound so improper. I'm Y/N O'Mulligian. I came to visit some family here from the colonies at my brother's request. He said I could use some real life hard work. He likes to call me a debutante," you sent him a teasing smile.
Responding well to your story, he rises and smiles at you. A relief was lifted off your shoulders, you were almost past this moment when Dougal interrupted, "Enough," he shouted, "She is the guest of the clan MacKenzie and her business is none of yours." You clearly spoke too soon because the officers defenses shot back up.
"So off you go," Angus finished.
You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes, "Are you sure you are alright, miss," he looked unshaking at you. He clearly felt so much privilege he did not care remotely about the strapping Scottish men standing around him. You wanted to smack yourself in the forehead how stupid these men had to be to not recognize the importance of this one man.
Dougal looked as if he was going to fight the man. You put your arm on his bicep to stop him, "Of course, good sir," you smile, "It's nice to know chivalry is not dead. I have more hard work to learn as you can see, it was very nice meeting you."
"Pleasure is all mine," he smiled back before frowning around the man watching this moment. He backed away into the blacksmith area to continue his work.
A minute passed by and you felt a firm grip on your arm drag you towards your horse, "It's best you didn't speak," Dougal scolded in your ear.
Anger surged through your body and it took every fiber of your being to say nothing. But as you were shoved onto your horse, you looked in the direction of the soldier and back at Jamie. You knew if you yelled it'd bring attention to Jamie, a fugitive to the English Army.
You continue to seethe on the ride. Blythe sat up, doing her best to see over the horses head to look ahead. "What's the dog's name," Jamie trotted next to you.
"Blythe," you muttered directly.
"What a cute English name," he emphasized on one word of his sentence.
You pulled back on your horse and halted, "Excuse me?"
He chose to stop with you, trying to not say directly what he'd like to say. It's been odd between you and Jamie. You weren't sure if you were pushing him away out of anger or fear, but none the less at this moment it appeared to be anger, "Nothing, it's a cute name."
A sarcastic laugh left your mouth, "No, no, you had a tone," the man halt to watch another scene unfold, "You clearly have something you want to add, some hidden message you feel you want to hide. Say it."
"Nothing, you seem to just like the English a bit more than an Irish Woman from the colonies I thought would," he said like his words meant nothing. It didn't matter the fact that maybe he felt jealous or he had a right to comment on any intention or likes you have. That comment engulfed your whole body into volcano, hell fire fiery.
Heat was written all over your face and Murtagh didn't have enough time cool down your fire with rationality, "The boy is just saying, you were awfully chummy with the Brit," Angus chimed in, "like a girl in heat."
And there goes Mt. St. Helen, "Un-Fucking believable, do you know how fucking dumb you are, like every single on of you are just egg head fucking dumb," you scream enough to make the echo quake the woods around you.
"Lass," Ned sent a warning your way.
Tears started to brim your eyes and Jamie knew he'd set you up to fail again. You point to Ned, clearly a man of reason, "That man back there," you continued to yell, "Was an English Officer out patrolling." You looked to Jamie and everything deflated in you. Everything from the past and the reality of your new world just collapsed in your soul, "I was trying to save you."
A sigh leaves your lips and you talk lightly while using your hands to emphasize your point, "Men are idiots and will always fall for charm, so I used mine to protect you all," you continued to go on, "Call me a hussy, I don't care. And that plan to charm the officer actually worked until you opened your trap, my lord," you bowed your head at Dougal. Something than broke in you, in that moment, you were exhausted at being angry. You had no more fight in you. You gave Jamie another look, "I was scared. I was trying to save you," you whisper.
Taking a deep breath, you dismounted from you horse, "Now where are you going," Angus shouted at you.
The anger stirred up again, spinning around to look at him, "To relieve myself, thank you," you speak loudly while stomping into the woods.
You knew what Dougal did to Jamie in the pubs and you weren't sure why. It wasn't much of your business, but you could see it chipping into Jamie. You were stuck again in your thoughts, give into this new world and let these people in or continue to bury who you knew you were inside a dark cave and never leave.
The ride to the next village was quiet, especially after finding Scottish men hung out on display. You wanted to vomit at the lack of humanity in the cruel act. If this was the normal the British did to Scots, I'm not all shocked of their lack of kindness and trust towards me. I'm sure I wasn't helping the matter either.
When you got to the pub, you chose to join in with the drinking. The owner made a bee line as Blythe trotted behind you and laid at your feet, "Lass, we do not let do-," he stopped mid sentence from the look you were giving him. You were sitting up straight, dead face.
"You were saying, sir," you answered curtly.
"What can I get for you miss," he finished instead.
"A pint of whatever, I am not picky," you said, resting your feet on the chair in front of you.
The men went a distance away from you, you imagine to process the thing they just witnessed. A man approached you with a smile on your face and you shake your head putting your other foot on a chair and shoving it away from your table. He quickly turn around, "You'd make more friends if you weren't so prickly."
Murtagh patted at the dog, "My expression and acts are nothing but kind, sir." He shook his head, "Plus, I don't need any more friends when I only need you."
He chuckles, looking at Jamie, "It was a kind thing you did with the soldier. I'll be the only one to admit, that was a good eye you have."
"Don't think much of it, it was also self preservation because I'm not a exactly the kind British soldiers have a keen sense to protect," the man brought you your pint and you started to drink while you viewed in your surroundings.
He pointed at you, "You like everyone to think you're this cold hearted she witch."
"Maybe I am those things," you said like it didn't bother me to have that reputation.
Murtagh shook his head, "You are quite the opposite lass and the only person you are hurting are you." You roll your eyes sighing as he looks at your with a smirk, "And maybe a red headed boy who I suspect would do anything to see you smile once again." You sit up straighter as Murtagh stands while looking at you, while gesturing to Jamie. He lifts his eyebrows speaking you the truth, "Don't think I only talk to you because your good company. I get sick of seeing the boy mope around with his worry for you. A single smile from you can set his day."
You glare at him as your cheeks warm red, "Mind your business."
When he walks away, you sit and continue to process your reality and options. Every now and again you catch a glance at Jamie. You could see his expression and the change in him over the last few weeks. You stand walking your glass over to the bar with Blythe walking behind you. You could tell Dougal was about to start his speech. He wouldn't need Jamie today if you guessed right. Those hanging men were part of this community they didn't need to see Jamie's scars. You leaned against a pillar near Jamie, "You alright," you asked him catching eyes with Murtagh.
You shake off his knowing look. Jamie stood up straight looking at you bewildered from the sudden change in your demeanor, "Are you talking to me?"
"Don't make it a thing, just answer the question," you whisper.
"Aye, I'm fine," he whispers back, glancing at you for a second too long into silence. He clears his thoughts, "If you don't mind me asking, what changed your mind with speaking to me?"
You smirk, "Murtagh paid me."
He shook his head, "Sure," he was trying to hold back a smile. Something appeared to pop up in his head, "Look Deoiridh, I'm sorry about."
"No," you stopped him, "Jamie, I'm stubborn and I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not from a place like this, so."
You noticed a change in his eyes when you said his name instead of Mr. MacTavish. This is where he stopped you, "I only want to help."
"Does that mean you agree I'm stubborn because Murtagh implied I was prickly earlier and that's why I don't make friends," you say while trying to hold back a grin.
He shook his head making his red hair shake with it, “You see comments like that are a trap and I will not be stepping on that one.”
“Smart man,” you say to him.
“And now a compliment, I might think you are wanting to be my friend again,” he whispered back with a smirk.
You see Dougal getting ready to do your speech, “I should be getting out of here and up to my room. I shouldn’t be down here when,” you stopped to look at Dougal, “Well good night.”
“Goodnight Y/N,” he whispered back.
“And Jamie, just for transparency sake, the jury is still out if we are friends,” he paused appearing to hold his breath. You offer a small smile, “I need you to walk over to Murtagh and tell him I was nice then I'll consider being your friend. You know for the sake of proving Murtagh wrong. It's the price you have to pay for my friendship.” And before he can respond, you and Blythe make your way upstairs.
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watcher-servant · 1 year
A Knight's Test
After the dam had bust and the outburst with Ruby, Jaune looked down at the water and the bridge. The screams of the people still echoing in the ears mixing with the sound of the water, as mist would start to rise and the ghostly whine of horse echoes. Jaune stands up, his face twisting in shock and turning to the other 3 before settling on Weiss.
Jaune: "Weiss, take Juniper and go with the others after Ruby."
Weiss: "Wait, what do you mean we should be going together?"
Jaune: "Weiss I'm begging you go with the others and take Juniper with you to find Ruby. She needs you more than me right now."
As he says thus Juniper would get close nuzzling against him
Jaune: *Pets her* I know, girl, but right now they need your speed and nose. I'll catch up when I can."
Weiss: "Jaune, are you -"
Jaune: * turns towards her face in anger* "GO NOW! He only wants me anyway, and there's no chance he'll let you interfere."
Weiss would approach Juniper as a small glyph that appears to shoot out a chain to create makeshift reins. Yang and Blake would hop on Juniper's back as the four of them would ride off. Juniper would call back jaune, wanting to stay at his side, but knows she cannot.
Jaune: *Turns to the mist as he would draw sword getting into a stance as rain droplets start to come down* "Come on....I'm right here."
From the mist, another whine of a horse is heard as walking ethereally across the water appears a knight clad in black armor with a horned helm on horseback. The horse snorts puff of smoke as the knights visor act as it eyes showing that glowing red pupils at Jaune
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???: "Finally done running, Rusted Knight?"
Jaune: "Yes...I am."
???: "Do you know who I am?"
Jaune: *Lowers his stance slightly* "I do...well, I know the legends...the stories, but I didn't want to believe. I thought it was just my mind playing tricks, but I need to accept what I'm looking at."
???: "Then say it. Say my name."
Jaune: "....Spirit of Chivalry!!"
A bright flash of lightening lightens up his form as azure flames would appear casting the spirit's grisly and dark form in the light of a phantom.
S.O.C: "Indeed I am he, and who are you vagrant knight? You who lost his path clinging to the past acting a shield knowing in truth its nothing more than your shackles? Tell me vagrant...WHO ARE YOU?"
Jaune: "I....I'm Jaune Arc, only son of Nick Arc. A family of warriors that served as guradians and knights for generations."
S.O.C: "Ah...a legacy then. However, a knight doesn't stand before me. What I see is nothing more than a coward boy playing fantasy. There is hope, though, for I see a spark no matter how small or how fleeting I shall test you to see if you possess strength."
Jaune: "Strength...what strength? I've trained and pushed myself to improve so I could protect everyone! Yet.....yet when I thought I reached a good spot, it all slipped through my fingers. I wasn't strong enough....I never was."
S.O.C: "Foolish Boy!" *His horse would stomp its hoof as lighting would crash down* "Strength does not come from physical form alone, blind reliance on it shows your weakness. You may be dammed like me, faltering when the crucial moment comes....I've seen countless disappointments like this, and all met their end with my blade."
*As he says this, multiple warriors and knights would appear in the mist looking on the new victim of their lord's trial*
S.O.C: "Be it blade or shield, lance or ax, no matter how grand or well made they are it holds no power if the weilder lacks inner strength to use it. No victory is won with just muscle it must be backed by mettle and focus. Now show me your resolve...show me what lies within your soul. Or else you'll fall here....AS YOUR LIFE BECOMES NOTHING BUT RUST ON MY BLADE!!!"
*A flash of red would appear on his gauntlet as a sword handle would grow from it. Gripping it and unsheate it showing a blade that glows with dark energy. With a loud whine of his horse, spectral spears fly down from the sky, making jaune dodge backward. Jaune would come out a bit unscathed, leaving him no room to breathe between them. The S.O.C would appear before him swinging his blade down, shattering Jaune's shield and gauntlet. Letting out a cry of agony, Jaune would try to counter with a slash only for it to meet the spirits blade, causing a flash of blue light breaking the remains of crocea mors and destroying his other gauntlet. The S.O.C would let out a mirthful chuckle as his horse would knock Jaune back.*
S.O.C: "Yes that's it! Show me your resolve, your will to fight! Show me how hard you're willing to push yourself to achieve even the slightest of victory!" *His horse would let out another whine as it dances back as more spears would rain at Jaune.*
*Jaune would dodge the barrage but would take some hits as the spars would hit his leg armor, destroying them both. With no chance to counter the S.O.C. would come in for another swing of his sword, destroying Jaune's plate mail and with a follow-up slash destroying his helmet.*
*Jaune would be sent tumbling back as his vision would darken with his shallow breathing. He considered laying there and letting his death happen, but then a myriad of voices would come to him as memories would play in his mind. Pyrrha's smiling encouragement, her sacrifice as he was helpess to stop her. Penny's words of reassurance, her sacrifice, he was forced to assist... and despair. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang....Nora, Ren, Oscar, stilling waiting on the other side in Vacuo. They would need him... Winter as well, they need allies. He just needs to stand up and survive.....but should he fall here, what's left? What would happen to a broken team RWBY, would they make it out alive with their sanity intact?. He had to help those in the Ever After....it was his duty as the Rusted Knight.
S.O.C: "Foolish child, you cling to a false prophet. The Rusted Knight is a hollow soul, his armor rusted because he does not possess the strength to stand on his own and take care of himself. He does not trust others, but a true knight does not treat his oath as shackles to hold themselves down. They are treated as reminders to boost himself, perhaps had you not feel sorry for yourself instead of steeling your resolve until no problem couldn't stop you, then maybe you would've succeeded and survived. Now stand up, and face your death like a proper knight."
*Jaune would slowly pull himself up as a spear would come down, piercing his chest. As he coughs up blood, his vision would darken as the voices of more poisonous comments come to mind. His father's words saying knights are no longer needed, no worry to continue the legacy. The derisive words of all the people at Beacon and Qrow's harsh words*
Jaune: *Thoughts* "Then...if they were stronger than him why aren't they here. Why am I the only one standing?"
????: "You know the answer....for those in the dark who's voices aren't heard. For the fiends that would slink back into the shadows thinking they're safe."
*A small light would come through the shaft of the spectral spear making jaune look down. It was small and it flickering, he had to reach it...to strengthen it. Jaune would grab the spear trying to force his aura through it slowly but surely making the light grow.*
*Outside the S.O.C would look down at the man, his body still skewered by the spear. His head looking down as if dead.*
S.O.C: "A true knight isn't strong because of their weapon. The only thing they would need is the balance of strength and will to their mettle. You have failed child of Arc...fall into the shadows and take your spot along with crowd of lost warriors." *Turns away from Jaune's body only to stop as sense a pulse*
*Back with Jaune in his mind, the glowing in the spear shined bright like a star as it would crumble absorbing into his body. The dark landscape would would reel back from the light forming into another figure wearing grey armor as he places his hand on Jaune's chest.*
???: "You are close...don't forget those that trust you why we still fight."
Ren's Voice: "Despite everything, when I look at him, Yang, I see no fear in his heart."
????: "Now come we have test to past!" *The armored figure would force his hand into Jaune's chest, making him scream as light would engulf them both*
*Back in the real world, the spectral spear that held Jaune's body would crumble, absorbing into his body as light sparkles would come from his body*
S.O.C: *Turns back seeing the light coming from Jaune* "Hmmm has he figured it out*
Jaune: *Screams out as energy would cloak his right arm, forming a flickering blade of aura... yet despite the bright color and fragile appearance there's a hint of black keeping it stable* "I'm not done yet...there's still much more for me to do *Points his new blade at the spirit*
S.O.C: "Hmm so you come to me bearing new power...very well let's see if it's enough! *Would pull his arm back blade ready to strike as his horse would kick the ground ready to go*
*Jaune would get into a stance ready for anything as the horse would rear up and speed towards him the S.O.C ready to strike. Both warriors would run to each blades ready to strike as they would even clash with a loud boom.*
*Meanwhile, other parts of the Ever After would shake and rumble as the residents would turn towards a large column of black and white would pierce the sky scattering the rain clouds. With Ruby and little, both would feel the ground shake as they look to the column. With the curious cat, it would hiss at the column feeling a dangerous intruder over there. With WBY, as they rode Juniper, they would stop seeing the column, hoping Jaune is fine.*
*Back at the mist covered area Jaune and S.O.C would have their backs to each other as Jaune would fall down trying to keep himself up*
S.O.C: "Good...very good" *As he says this, one of the horns on his helm would crack and fall down. On his chest, it would bear a gash showing a eerie blue* "Your light has shine strongly, you walk the path of Sigurd, slayer of demons....no I sense darkness in your blade as well. You walk the path Taivas, warrior that overcame a infecting darkness making it hos own. Do you why I say this....what did they have in common?
Jaune: *Gets up and turns to the spirit* "They didn't lose their way...so nothing could hold him"
S.O.C: *Turns his horse towards jaune* "Very good you have passed my trial young arc come close wield your new blade." *Holds his sword out towards Jaune*
Jaune: *Summons his new sword feeling the aura cloak his entire hand as it makes the flickering line of aura and clash it with the knight's own blade*
S.O.C: "Hear me now young arc, fear and doubt only leads to death. One that doesn't acknowledge his faults doesn't deserve to be called a knight...however with you understanding this and making peace with yourself, have shown you have earned it. Do not forget this lesson if you do I will come after you again*
*With his peace said the S.O.C would disappear in a flash of light as the mist would finally clear up*
Jaune: *Turns towards the water, looking at his reflection....then back at his new sword. Grabbing his ponytail, he would hold it enough as he used the new aura sword to cut the pony tail off. Looking down at it showing it still holds the last remnants of Pyrrha's sash, Jaune would let it fall from his hand into the water, making it disperse* "Goodbye Pyrrha....Goodbye Penny."
*Jaune would turn only to be greater by another armored figure. Waiting to see if they would try something, the armored figure only plants his greatsword in salute before disappearing, leaving the blade. Jaune, confused by what he saw, walks up, grabbing the blade as it turns into a hooded button-up grey coat.*
Jaune: *Thinking on it for a bit, he would put on the coat buttoning up near his mouth, making it look like a cape* "Time to make amends....and to catch up." *Starts walking towards the dark Acre sensing Ruby and the others in that direction as he would put the hood up*
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endollvors · 7 months
Mal Autonomy Manifesto
She's doing Very bad, for the record.
This is just the highlights of D2, because if I did everything we'd be here forever.
The movie starts with Ways to be Wicked which is canonically a stress daydream Mal's having after being cornered against a statue by a large group of adult press who are actively breaking the law by being there. And they refuse to leave the premises until an authority figure makes them.
Then she's immediately grabbed by the wrist and dragged away for a dress fitting by Evie. We'll get into the fitting in a second but Dark shout out to this moment in the movie Novelization
"Yeah," said Mal, nodding. In a way, she was strangely relieved. More time to rest, she thought. Keeping up this act is exhausting. [...] Evie grabbed Mal's arm and spun her around. Mal cried out in surprise. "If we don't do a fitting for your ball gown right this minute, you'll be dancing in your bathrobe," Evie told Mal. "Bye, Ben," She added as she deftly dragged Mal away. There goes my nap.
At the fitting, the appointment intended to make sure a garment actually, you know, fits, Mal says that the dress it too tight, that she can't Breathe in it. Evie dismisses this concern out of hand. She can breathe after Cotillion.
The secret to fitting in, the book that Evie(veteran of 15 years of fucked up princess training) disparages her for using magic to read is about Courtly Etiquette by the way.
Mal broaches the subject of wanting some of the freedom the Isle provided. "Don't you ever miss running wild and breaking all the rules?" I miss being in charge of my schedule and Evie says "No, We're Auradon girls now." and drags her around the room. "We can be whatever we want to be here." She says. Interesting then, how little what Mal wants matters.
Mal tries to get to class and is stopped by Jane, who immediately launches into a barrage of questions she is uninterested in and unprepared to answer. She attempts to leave, stating both that she is busy, on a time crunch to get to her classes, and that she trusts Jane to pick what's best. Jane ignores this, grabs her arm again, and keeps her there until she answers, regardless of the cost to Mal.
Mal learns that there are aspects to attending Cotillion with Ben that she was unaware of. These are serious, affect her life in the long term, and Everyone knew but her. She's visibly surprised and upset. She asks if her whole life has been planned out in front of her without her say so. Signs point to yes.
Ben interrupts her at her locker. She says she doesn't have time. She has to get to class. Seriously, she's going to be late. Ben grabs her by the arm, "No, come this way." And drags her over to give her his present.
Mal is chased into the boys dorm by a barrage of reporters. They are still trespassing. They are inside the building. Love that. She's clearly visibly stressed, Carlos calms her like a spooked horse and she has an outburst. She says that people are following her everywhere, that there's so much she can't say for proprieties sake. She asks, "Don't you ever miss screaming at people and just making them run away from you?" I miss setting boundaries. Carlos says of course not, do you have the magical gummy that I asked for? Mal asks if he's really committed to telling the truth because she can't be honest without fearing being literally deported. She then shares, halfway to hyperventilating that, at this point, its not particularly unappealing. At least this all would stop, right? Carlos ignores this.
(Denouement, I'm not gonna defend the everything about this but know that I interpret the Spell thing as her trying to undo her mistake, literally turn back the clock so it never happened and isn't considering that she's mind wiping him. This is what she does when she does something wrong. Late to class etc. Like, it's still fucked but you know comprehensible. Adding that he frames her using magic as taking the easy way, like she hasn't looked 40 seconds from curling up in a ball and shivering like a hypothermic kitten all day, and that's with the magic.)
Mal leaves. She packs a bag and writes a letter and goes to the Isle under her own power. Ben follows her, convinced that the fight is the only reason that she would do this, and that he can track her down and talk to her and that everything will be fixed. The others help him do this.
So, he shows up, she physically recoils from him, cries, asks him multiple times to leave her alone, to go back to Auradon without her. he says this. Which is my number one least favorite Ben line of all time. "The people love you, I love you, don't you love me?"
I'm just gonna mention here that Mal never actually agrees on screen to go back to Auradon, she just gets in the car after Ben calls for her.
Ben asks if she wants to cancel Cotillion. She doesn't answer the question.
Girl talk is a mess of a scene. It will be it's own post bc it makes me INsane. But the relevant bit is that she describes her problem as the pressure to be perfect, to be something completely different than she's been her whole life up to now, and under constant scrutiny to maintain an act that exhausts her. Everybody else in the circle reassures her that Ben loves her, Not actually the problem she mentioned but ok, and tell her to attend Cotillion no matter what.
Evie tells her to go if she’s up for it, immediately after saying she’s going to take the some of her extremely limited time that afternoon to alter her dress. Jay told her to go, to try one more time as a condition of the relief they had already denied her.
When she arrives at Cotillion, Evie asks how she's doing and Mal says she feels like she's gonna throw up Evie says, "That's ok, That's fine. We're all here for you."
On the way out the door, Mal is grabbed again, stopped by the Former King and Queen, so they can apologize, and offer their explanations, immediately.
Jane and Lumiere block off the top of the staircase to prevent Mal from being able to escape before they can show her something.
Like. ok. Ben loves her, so what?
It can’t save her. If she could have been saved it wouldn’t have gotten to that point. She wouldn’t have run away, been followed, been emotionally blackmailed, been brought back, been told to go to Cotillion anyway. She wouldn’t be Engaged to be Engaged to be Engaged.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
I think it would've been funny if instead of being a dragonborn by default, the Dark Urge was literally an actual white dragon.
For shenanigans.
[Disclaimer that this idea is ridiculous and I don't care.]
The bhaalspawn plot twist is largely obvious to players of BG1+2 and those who've already completed the game. Who'd see the twist that you've forgotten that you're dragon in disguise coming? If you play another origin they'd make a good excuse to add a brainstealer dragon boss battle. Alternatively, if you take the ceremorphosis ending, you play as one.
Plus white dragons instinctually lean towards being brutal, vengeful little bastards in a manner Bhaal would probably approve of and due to their slow development would be very easy to corrupt from a young age… but my motivation is still mostly for shenanigans.
Living most of their life in a city, I imagine they're used to being in humanoid form. They had a sibling rivalry with Abazigail, as the only other dragon they know ("White dragons are weaker and inferior to Blues." - "I'm sorry, I'm too stupid to remember something, can you remind me? Of the two of us, who's a dead failure who disappointed Father?").
They got shanked by Orin in humanoid form and just woke up with brain trauma and assumed they were whatever humanoid they appear to be. Sure they have some ancestral draconic memory and speak draconic, but that's just a sign of having a dragon ancestor. It's not that weird! It might also seem strange when they start growling at the Githyanki dragon steeds, but going by some dialogue Durge growls at people anyway so it won't even stand out that much. At least the "human flesh smells tasty" thing makes sense now?
Lacking any memories of past enemies to plot against, dragon Durge simply adds their new friends' enemies to their list of grudges.
Those of us who play by looting everything in sight and refusing to share it with the party members have a valid reason; dragon hoard. Yes I do need to break my back carrying all of the money, enchanted weapons and six thousand books I'll never read; no, we're not selling any of it, fuck off.
We get to act 3 and the party gets the Bhaalspawn reveal possibly followed up by "also I'm a dragon." ("what the Actual Fuck.") Gale has already formed a hypothesis about Durge's true species, but we should also get to play Sharks Are Smooth over it. You get the standard -30 disapproval from Gale, but if Astarion is there he'll also want to play and you get 30 approval from him and Gale's disapproval doubles to -60.
Lae'zel as our resident horse dragon girl would rather travel with a red, but perhaps a mere white dragon will do for a steed in the meantime. It's training for her future, you understand.
I want to pick up Mizora with teeth and shake her like a dog with a chewtoy when she invades my camp to torment Wyll and refuses to leave. Maybe throw her around like an orca with a seal…
Romanced Wyll, Shadowheart or Gale introducing them to their parent/s (+Tara, in Gale's case) would be fun to watch.
Duke Ravenguard has hopefully learnt his lesson about not jumping to conclusions and hearing Wyll out and showing some tolerance for what appears to be an evil alliance, but a chromatic dragon sired by the god of murder who's also a reformed serial killer might be putting some tension on that... Maybe leave some details out.
The Hallowleaves are remembering the tolerance their Selûnite faith espouses and that they too are a loving couple involving one person who is technically a monster but I feel like Arnell is still on some level internally going; whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck.
I think Ms Dekarios will be mostly unphased. She's a wizard herself and Gale's been bringing weird shit into her life since he was born. Her son came home with a dragon for a fiancé/e. Sure. Must be Tuesday.
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spevvy · 5 months
Although the fact I finally leapt on the CNCO train almost four weeks to the day after they officially split up is 100% on brand for my rotten luck, I'm very fortunate to have ADHD and so I have spent the last four weeks trying to cram 8 years' worth of fandom into my brain, with a level of success that has impressed even myself.
Things that especially give me extra dopamine about these doofuses:
. We don't have time for all the things I love about that idiot Vélez but I'll come back to him in a moment. In any case, let me tell you, he's such an amazing human being that I'm not 100% sure he's even real.
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Stop it this instant please (don't you dare)
. Watching the official videos and still being constantly astounded at Rich's wardrobe. This is split into two levels of incredulity—a) "What the bleedin ell has he got on this time?!", and b) "There wasn't enough budget for a shirt for the poor sod again, eh?" (NB: There is rarely any budget for a shirt for Rich in any video, the poor love. Let Rich Be Warm™, FFS!) Both a) and b) are particularly evident in the Miami video, where the Rich's Shirt budget appeared to have been spent on a granny scarf. For his hair. Obvs. Because of course.
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Legit son, what the fuck, did you lose a bet or something, lad?? 👀 It's like when Stewart Granger was in films in the 40s and 50s and he'd wear increasingly bonkers outfits scene after scene but he had absolutely zero confidence issues so he just owned everything like of COURSE he was gonna rock the hell out of it. Oh to have a thimbleful of Richard Camacho's self-confidence!!!!
. Every. Single. Time. I. See. Joel. Pimentel. De. León. The. Only. Thing. I. Can. Think. Is. "CABELLITO AZÚUUUUUULLLLL!!!!😭😭😭"
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Never has the loss of a toy blue horse (is he just trying to not say My Little Pony, or???) ever been so heartbreaking to me 💔💔💔 Bless that small sweet boy, I just want to protect him, he takes up that one hidden sliver of maternal instinct I have lurking somewhere!! 🥹🥹🥹😭😭
. Chris' hair during the CNCO album era totally gives trans butch lesbian vibes. No I will not take questions on this. Yes I'm way more into it than I can possibly explain in polite company. Stop it, Christopher, I'm already bi. Totally here for my inadvertently genderfluid monarch.
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I just want her to slam me into a wall and call me a good girl I don't know what to tell you.
. Erick Brian Colón is the visual representation of iron fist in velvet glove. He may have the face of a little angel and the biggest greenest most beautiful eyes since the invention of green - but that kid is brutal, folks!!! BRUTAL!!!!!!!!!!!
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. Two words. Lengua kiss.
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Zab, sweetheart, you said it perfectly. You couldn't have improved upon it, thank you for blessing us with your lengua kisses, we are grateful.
. The amount of clever camera trickery and stage choreography involved in showing Chris actually dancing as little as possible. Before any of you come at me over this—I'm not saying Chris can't dance, I'm saying they cut around him and they do it consistently enough that it's hilariously obvious they're doing it. One of my favourite examples is in the Vevo Lite performance of Reggaetón Lento, where they just show his left elbow. Oh honey. (I marked it with a pointy finger to help you out)
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I have a few theories about this but it's probably because his hips are so wiggly that if they showed them doing their thing on screen they couldn't have marketed the band to kids and that's a giant drop in revenue before they've even started. Not that I've made a study of his wiggly hips. Honestly.
. I have, however, made a very careful study of that lip-lick-into-lip-bite thing he does, and have come to the conclusion that HE is nsfw. Him. Himself. Alone. With no help. He just oozes it. Holy fudgeballs (probably). He's 100% that one guy who would openly flirt with an empty bag of crisps. "Hola, paquetito vacío de papas fritas, seguro que parece que ha pasado un tiempo desde que tuviste papas fritas dentro de ti..... te apetecería??!?!?" Seriously son, give it a rest, we're all pregnant now.
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I swear to god you wouldn't be able to sit down for a fortnight. Fucking bloody hellfire. Is probably how it would be. OOOOFFFFFFFFF......
. I have literally lost count of how many times I've seen 4Ever in the last four weeks. I mean genuinely I cannot remember. I stopped counting at 12. There is no particular reason for this. I can't imagine anything that keeps my attention so solidly.
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It's beautiful. I've been looking at this for five hours, now.
. "Que quiénes somos? YOU ALREADY KNOW!" My guys this has been my very problem with artists announcing themselves on their songs for at least the last decade, thank you for addressing the pointlessness of this activity but doing it anyway, I love you for it.
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(Can he not? Does he ever take a day off??)
. Bringing back 90s boy band dancing with a level of aplomb I haven't witnessed since approximately 1998. And yes, I do remember. I was 15 in 1998, I was very much the target audience. Anyway, watch Mis Ojos Lloran Por Ti, it's the most authentically 90s thing I've seen since actual 90s boy band music videos.
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White shirts AND white vests with black trousers in an abandoned building? ALL THEY NEED IS RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also the rap section of Mis Ojos Lloran Por Ti sounds EXACTLY like the rap section of Mysterious Girl by Peter Andre. It does. Go on, check for yourselves, I'm right about this.
. Tóxica. Just. Omg. Tóxica. It's beautiful. I dunno whose idea it was to do an acapella arrangement, but I hope they always hit the green light in traffic, because wow. What a song. (here it is if you're unfamiliar with CNCO, you've read this far, and you've never heard the song before. Even if you have, it's always worth another listen!)
Honestly it gives me proper goosebumps every single time, it's THE dopamine song for me, it just does all the things to my brain all at once. I was listening to all their songs on shuffle and all of a sudden I heard this one and I just stopped dead in my tracks like "holy SHIT what the hell....this is... this is stunning!" Like THAT was the moment I was like yep that's it folks this is MY band now, these are MY boys, they've got me for life whether they like it or not, I'm theirs, they're mine, that's how fangirls and musicians go, my guys (gender neutral).
. I am obviously not a native Spanish speaker nor am I 100% fluent in speaking, but after 4 weeks I've managed to learn a significant portion of their back catalogue and I am so goshdarned proud of myself. By comparison it's taken me about 5 years to learn most of Morat's back catalogue and I've been in the fandom since just before Balas Perdidas dropped.
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Okay fine I have a whole different set of distractions with Morat (goddammit Monchi!!!!), we can't compare them, and it's not a "which band is better" thing at all cos I refuse to choose between any of my boys because they're MY BOYS. It's just nice from a personal viewpoint to feel like my Spanish level is now at a stage where I can pick up new lyrics to songs quite quickly!!! I feel like my Spanish has really improved in the last month and these doofuses are 100% to blame and I adore them for it and so many other things.
Suffice to say, I may be way too late to the party, but I think I get to be at least an honorary CNCOwner at this point. Without the smallest shred of doubt I know that I am retroactively CNCOwned, at any rate.
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(ya tú sabes😉)
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liviavanrouge · 1 month
Apology pt 2 of Beaten
Lilia: Livy-
Livia: *Turns and walks the other way, her ears flattened back*
Lilia: *Stares, watching her walk away* Livy?
Silver: Lilia, maybe she's late for class
Lilia: Maybe...
Livia: *Walks around the corner, her tail tucked between her legs*
Lilia: *Frowns* No...she's upset...
Kuro: *Laughs, kicking the ball around with Maria and Golden*
Lilia: *Grins, coming up behind him* Mind if I join?
Kuro: *Leaps away from him, his eyes wide*
Lilia: Kuro?
Golden: Hey, bro, you alright?
Kuro: *Takes off into the air, flying away at full speed*
Maria: *Gasps in surprise* Kuro!?
Lilia: *Stares after him stunned*
Kiara: *Whimpers, trying to brush her tangled hair out after soaking it in water* OUCH!!
Ruggie: Girl, you better be careful!
Lilia: Never fear, I'm here!
Kiara: *Drops her brush, looking at him with wide eyes*
Lilia: *Perks up surprised* Kiara?
Kiara: *Grabs her brush and runs away* S-SHERYN! CAN YOU HELP ME!?
Lilia: *Lifts his hand, staring after her* Kiara...
Ruggie: Woah, you did something bad
Kuro: *Stands with Livia and Kiara away from Lilia, holding his sword*
Lilia: *Stares at them, his shoulders drooping* They're not even asking for help...
???: You did take the challenge fight too far
Lilia: *Looks at Malleus* I was only teaching them a lesson.
Malleus: But your comments afterwards weren't needed, I think they already realized it but you said it out loud anyway
Lilia: *Perks up, his eyes wide* What
Malleus: You told Kiara that she still had a lot to learn, told Livia to get off her high horse and that she wasn't as strong as she thinks she is...and you told Kuro he won't always be able to save his sister's from their stupidity
Lilia: *Stares them looks at the laughing kids* I said...that to them...
Malleus: You and me both know they already realized all that after the fight, there was no need for the extra commentary...
Lilia: *Clenches his fists* I...see...
Malleus: They always work hard to make you proud, Lilia, I guess your words made them feel like disappointments and that they couldn't face you until they got better
Malleus: Forgive me for saying this but yes Livia needed to be taken down off her high horse but you...took the fun out of it for them...
Malleus: So they're keeping a distance so they can have their fun..
Malleus: Lilia, they're kids not soldiers
Lilia: *Stares at Kuro, Livia and Kiara*
Kuro: *Laughs, helping Kiara up* You alright!
Kiara: *Laughs and nods*
Livia: *Grins, showing off her bow skills, Kuro and Kiara cheering her on*
Lilia: *Stands up, walking over to the trio*
Kiara: Go Livy, Go Livy-
Kuro: *Grabs Livias wrists, quickly lowering her arms*
Livia: *Looks over and flinches finding Lilia standing there* Ah...sorry...
Kiara: *Flattens her ears back*
Lilia: I apologize for taking the fun out of things...
Kuro: Hm?
Livia: There's nothing to apologize for-
Lilia: Livy
Livia: During the fight I was confused about what you meant by "high horse", I just wanted to fight you to show you how good I've gotten so far, I knew I wouldn't beat you..
Lilia: *Stares at her, his eyes widening*
Livia: I just acted smug to hide my nervousness like Kuro does, it was the first thing that popped into my head...
Kuro: I egged her on to challenge you, I should've suggested that one of us fights her instead, I jumped in when I realized you thought she was being cocky
Kiara: Yeah, me too, I didn't want her to get hurt because of that...
Livia, Kuro and Kiara: We're the ones who should be sorry...
Lilia: *Stares at them then reaches out and pats each of their heads* Don't apologize to me...
Kiara: *Tilts her head to the side surprised*
Kuro and Livia: *Glances at each other*
Lilia: I...apologize for assuming you've gotten cocky Livia, and for what I said to you three, I wasn't trying to take the fun out of your training
Lilia: ...to be honest, I was genuinely impressed with you three during the duel..
Kuro: You were...
Lilia: *Chuckles* Of course, that trick you did so your siblings could sneak attack me took me by surprise, no joke!
Livia: *Smiles slightly* You did a good job of playing it off as a suspicion...
Kiara: *Laughs quietly* Yeah, he did...
Lilia: *Chuckles* You three are great fighters together, you've done well in your training
Lilia: But Kia, there was no need to apologize to me when you attacked
Kiara: *Giggles, rubbing the back of her head* I know but I still felt bad...
Lilia: Let's have fun again okay?
Kuro, Livia and Kiara: *Beams* OKAY!!
Lilia: *Chuckles and smiles* Alright...
@queen-of-twisted @yukii0nna @zexal-club @pekoetiikapu @teddymochi
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atvace · 10 months
Lady Dior and the Seven Dilfs
Chapter 4: First Order of Business
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Ghost, Soap, Gaz and you eventually took turns in aim training, knife throwing and handgun shooting. it was actually quite fun. A little about your before-military-background, you used to shoot water guns when youre 3, BB gel guns when youre about 7 and youve won arcade games for your little niece when youre 14.
a lot of arcade games. your younger cousins always look up on you whenever you won them prizes from huge plushies, Hotwheels, even legos.
speaking of guns, you've surfaced to the depth of the internet back when you were young. having to use your mother's iPad to access such gores and disturbing content. Adapting to the FBI, forced to eliminate people off, you had absolutely no problem.
Empathy and sympathy is out of the window. your past relationship with you ex boyfriends left you quite heartless. you got scammed in Roblox once, it is merely a canon event. the homeless guy you give your spare change to molested a school girl once and you beat him until he lost vision. world hasn't been treating you well, and you just go with the flow and give zero fucks to nearly anyone.
"nice shot, (y/n)." Gaz rests his hand to your back. you sighed proudly, "Thanks, Gaz!" you nudged his side. "You got any question, (y/n)? you said you're a little less experienced with sub machine guns." Soap stored the unused MSMC.
Back in your FBI days, handguns are the most effecient weapon you can handle. It's been a while since the last time you were using the automatic rifles because your all-gun training was when youre in early 20s. you never liked heavy machinery gun because theyre too hefty for you to bring anywhere.
you prefer something quiete, small but fast. you prefer sniper as long ranged, revolver or a usp for mid combat and knifes for close. In your horse riding phase, you possessed an archery skill. you were slightly above average but stopped after your arrow accidently killed a wild bunny.
"I genuinely think they are too heavy for me. in what I observe in myself, I think im far much better using snipers, handguns or knifes." You reloaded your empty mags of revolver. "Lads," Price peeked his head out as the four of you turned to the source of the voice. "Lets do some deathmatch."
"Okay the goal is basically deathmatch." Price gave everyone a compass to keep track of where we going. "but, all of you will be using either the paintbal or" he paused for a moment. "an airsoft."
You raised your eyebrow with a questioning look. "what about the mission?" Price looked at you while wearing a sunglasses and a fisherman hat, "Oh, Laswell contacted me and she said we should take our time training. the mission takes place in a deserted island. That is why I decided to play a game of deathmatch." He smiles.
"any questions?" Prive crosses his arm. "Where are you gonna wait?" Soap tilt his head, "duh" he pointed his thumb to the white single chair beach bench behind Gaz. "and youre going to..?" Gaz unfinished question turned into a hum, "I'm gonna chill. you kids go fight. also, dont aim for the head." Ghost, Gaz and Soap sprinted at the last words. leaving you and Price alone.
"(y/n), why dont you go with them?" Price walked over his bench and sat like a retired dad. "Um.. captain," you held your fingers together. "Yes, (y/n). I'm all ears." Gaz took out a newspapers and widened the main page. "By any chance, do you have a..." you cringed at your request.
"combat bow? yellow lid below the wooden table under the ventilation." Price flipped a page, which cause your eyes to spark. "Howd you know?" You smiled at him. "I bought that for you the time your demotion letter were sent to me. archery was in your resume." He sipped his lemonade, still reading the newspapers.
you instantly love him. his gesture of kindness tattooed your head, you have to give him something special for him one day or another. "what are you waiting for, go get it." He flips the paper again. "Thank you!!" you got to your feet towards the airsoft shed.
upon arrival, you saw Gaz, Ghost and Soap chattering together with weapons in their grasp. all of them were in full airsoft gear and it was your first time seeing them in full combat attire. you felt butterflies in your stomach when they walked pass you.
shooking you head, you manage to get in the shed and find the box Price told you to get. you opened it and revealed a beautiful matte black curve bow with strong wires perfectly fit for field combat. but below the shaped foam, you noticed there was another bow.
it was a compound bow. with an armguard, quiver and a few customizable arrows. but what caught you is two kunais and some static ropes. you smiled to yourself and quickly geared up.
"I bet you don't last 5 minutes, Jhonny." Ghost mocked. "How do you know, I do cardio at least twice a week." Soap clucked his airsfot shotgun. "How are you going to last more than that in forest when you barely awake 2 minutes in bed." Ghost places his airsoft m4 to his shoulders. Gaz looked at the both of them terrified.
"Hey guys, sorry I took long." the three of them shifted their gaze at you, frozen in place. "I was actually struggling but Did i wear my harness correctly?" you turned your back facing them. the way the straps makes your thigh squished and your ass popping makes all of their jaw dropped.
"remember to stay focus, brothers." Price coughed loud enough for them breaking their gaze. "I-I mean.. you look good (y/n). I- Its just-" Soap flick his shirt as a fan as you walk towards them. "Is it hot in here?" Gaz did the same, waving his hand to his burning face, "Are you hot, (y/n)? I mean you are hot- I mean-" he snickered to himself as Ghost playfully smack the back of his head. "Mouth."
you tied the rope to the round hole in the edge of the kunai, tightening it. "Holy shit, are you going to kill us for real?" Gaz watched you taking out a real knife. "Oh, fuck. no I'm planning to climb the trees with these."
you chuckled at him the re-adjusted the strings of your bow, making sure its not loose. "are you sure youre going to wear that?" Ghost pawn himself to you, looking down to your bow then your shoes. "Oh, this?" you furrowed your eyebrow and look straight to his eyes. "No, the boots." He sternly replied.
you wore a black sleeveless turtleneck and a tight black gym pants. Soap told you wearing these wont affect much training in the range but for outdoors, I think (y/n looks fine.
You are wearing a Bershka buckle heeled Boots in black. you swifted your foot to the side, showing the shine of the leather to him then scoffed. "At least I want to be stylish when defeating you. humph," you walk past him but he stopped you by placing his enormous hand to your stomach level.
"I know its painful wearing heeled footwear, (y/n)." you look at him SURPRISINGLY soft. "As long you are comfortable, you can use anything you want. just remember, theres no fashion standards in here. Please make yourself pleasant." he finished and joined the others to the starting line, leaving you flabbergasted.
"alright, sergeants. get into position." Price stated, still in his beach dad mode. you clung the bow to your back feeling soap's eyes at you. "You seriously gonna use that thing?" He chuckled. "I like my fighting style similar to my money," you draw a smirk "Old money."
"ready?" you stanced ass up, of course theyre gazing at you. "set," you draw sketches in your mind what to do next. "Go!" you lunged your knees so fast it left a hole in the ground. you felt yellings from behind, mostly Gaz and Soap's
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHES FAST" you cant tell if thats Gaz's or Soap's. you were far beyond allready. with your tied knifes, you jumped and throw one of it towards a huge tree and swing towards those steady large stem, climbing it.
the heels you wore made you climb the trees easier. it spikes your weight to the brances and makes you jump easier. even though you feel a slight pain in the joint in every step, you gaslight yourself that you are fine.
from tree to trees you go. you have the lower body power of a God. in distinction to thousands of miles walking around a shopping centre from around the world, your legs can kick nearly 100,000franklins. not a world record, but still something youre proud about.
you tried to look around for your first victim, but your focus was striked as a paintball went close to your side, painting blue at the branch you sat on. "You missed!" you yelled at whoever shot that to you and quickly jump to another tree
you guess that was Gaz but he was nowhere in your sight. you gambled your guesses that Soap mightve been close to Gaz because the two of them are most likely too noisy to be hidden. hunting Ghost would be the hardest for you but you want to at least beat someone.
as you were on top, you took your bow and get the arrow into the sight, aiming to the grown. you saw Soap creeping around tall grasses from an approximately 40 meters north-east in your position. you shot your plunger arrows towards Soap's shoulder and he screamed in high pitch.
"Fuck! good job, (L/N)! wherever you are.. oh there you are" Soap waved his hands at you which you returned. "I was about to aim to your heart but I'm afraid you might fall for me, Scrub daddy." you winked at him and jump to another tree, searching for Gaz.
Gaz, from another slight distance got scared from the scream and quickly scattered. you were to quick to guess where he went, but your focus broke when a splatter of paint went through your side hitting a tree. "Fuck." you quicken your pace to find a safer spot to camp.
you heard a low grunt from somewhere and assumed quickly that was Ghost. not wanting to waste anymore time, you swung yourself throught the branches from one and another, still getting shot at from behind. this time, Gaz spotted you.
Seeing a bush of plants, you rolled yourself mid air and down to the ground swiftly equip your bow to shot. refusing to make any sound, you stood still waiting for Gaz to approach you first. "(y/n), i saw you~" Gaz whistled and nerved his gun.
From the source of his voice, you knew he is around front-right side of your spot. you observe how the wind blows and the sound of leaves brushing againts each other, you pulled the arrow close to the side of your ear, aiming and gambled on how he made sounds.
one snap of a twig, you swifted your left hand and release. "OW JESUS FUCK" Gaz's claim gave a wave of relief in your heart. you pushed the bush away revealing Gaz holding his thigh with a plunged arrow sticking out.
"You okay, Gazzy?" you cooed and leaned to the tree. "Fuck you're so good, (y/n). good job." he laughed and walk towards Price's previous spot. "hm, kinky." you walk the other direction. he probably came at your statement.
You jabbed the Kunai side by side, creating a rope trap for Ghost if he ever cross the path. You knew hes not easy to caught but the least you can do is having something to watch your back. proud of your (not) good idea, you climbed a tree and hid.
not too long after, you heard rustling from across your tree. taking your chances, you aimed at whatever made that noise. and there you can see it, the top of his helmet. You gave him a warning shot by aiming inches from his head.
you peered your gaze down to your trap, biting your lip when the trap you set was disabled. "Fuck, he knew." you hissed and looked back at your compound sight.
you lost him after. you stood lazily on top of the branch and tried to look around. not long after you felt a piercing gaze from the right side of your view. you shot another arrow to a suspicious bush. but suddenly a paintbullet striked at the side of your face hitting the tree, but you anchored your body to the side too heavily.
you dodged a bullet, thats one realisation. second, you lost balance and fell. "(Y/N)!" Ghost's source of voice is nowhere to be seen but you feel yourself falling to the ground.
you landed nape first and you laid down in silent. "Fuck." you grunt in pain, crawling to the clostest bush you can find just to be hidden from plain sight. unfortunately, it has thorns but you were too lightheaded to feel more pain. you pull out your bow again and aimed towards your guesses for Ghost's bearing.
feeling your head dizzy, you accidently released your arrow and you fell to your stomach, now exposed to the forest and the person you shot. to your surprise, you saw Ghost standing in the distance, with your plunge arrow right in his heart.
at least thats what you saw before you blacked out. "Bloody fucking hell, (y/n)" You feel a soft touch to your shoulders and your back is met by a fleshy feeling. you assumed that someone placed your head to their lap. "Holy shit," Gaz's voice lingered around the air as you just painfully still there. "Did she hit her head? yes she fuckin did oh my God" you could hear Soap opening a zipper.
"I lost my vision," you said laying still in assumeable Ghost's lap. "She lost her vision?!" Gaz crawled to your side. "How many fingers am I holdin?!" He hold out two fingers. "....ten" you muttered. "Oh shit she did-" Gaz said as Soap poured out the contents of his bag.
"Fuck I forgot my portable medkit." He curses. "This will do," you feel yourself ascending to the air as Ghost picked you up, not bothering about the arrow that plunged in his chest. "Gaz, Soap, clean her shit. now." He tosses you to his shoulders unintentionally bared your ass out which made the other two stared. "Eyes down, sergeants." Ghost hissed at the two as he ran out of the forest.
"You're not going to die, (y/n)." Price said patching up your back. you got a twig and a few cut thorns sticking in your back. you got blacked out for a few moments because your head was thrashed to a nearby rock. "But captain technically I'm dead now.." you muttered and whinced in pain as he pull the last thorn in your back.
"Why are you dead, (y/n)?" Price dabbed rubbing alcohol to a cotton to your back. "My skin is all bruised up now... my years of bodycare routine is wasted." You pouted to him. "(y/n), you'll be facing worser gushes than this. you have to manage, alright?" he wrapped a bandage over your stomach and back. "even with scars, you are still a beautiful girl."
you got back outside the field to see Gaz, Soap, and Ghost surrounding a table. you peered over to see and your eyes widened in horror. you compound bow broke into pieces as the only thing keeping it together is the strings. "Oh my God I barely used that" your knees weakened and Soap caught you on time.
"its alright, We'll tell the factory to make another." Soap patted your head and leered to your exposed bandages. "You good? I mean these" he poked your back and you stood at your feet. "Oh those are fines just a small cut." you place your hands to your hips and swayed to the side, "I'm hurt but I still look hot." you blew a kiss to him which he sneered.
"Alright, folks. Let's talk about illegal smuggling." Price place himself between you and Soap as Gaz and Ghost across the three of you. "Yippie!" you clasp your hand excitedly and watch Price scroll open the map. "(y/n), thats...not something to 'yippe' about.." Gaz frowned. "I'd like to have a coquette war crime." you sway your hair.
"Laswell detected an illegal drug smuggling and suspicious movement in the east. unfortunately they have a hostage." your smile dropped. "An Iranian prisoner is loose and assumeably made a new base undergound Verdansk," Price marked a specific land in the map with a red ink. "the hostage is an 18 years old daughter of the legislation supreme court"
when Price was explaining the mission, Ghost stared at you with an empty expression. his eyes look dull and dark. you noticed this but tried so hard to not exchange look with him.
you knew this is would be going down, you overheard Kate Laswell talking about it to your former chief, Artofay. It was bigger than what Price is explaining right now but you conclude hes just simplifying things out to make the mission more pivot. if it weren't for the demotion, you're probably at a spa right now getting ready to slay this mission over.
maybe in another universe, Leon Kennedy was your husband and you didn't get demoted. another probability that you are 141's intel for Verdansk but instead you're here being in the same team and deployed on field.
"I want everyone to be careful because we have no idea what drug they have," Price pointed the Verdansk city and Urziskan city. "there could be an injection drug, an epi-pen drug, gas drug. Verdansk is the orginate of the underground black market. I want to hear no report about any of you getting drugged." Price's tone turned sharp and serious.
"Pack for a week, we'll leave tomorrow by dusk." "Yes sir." we said in unison. "Gaz, I want you in the front line with me, Soap you will be a recon, Ghost as a watchtower and (y/n)," the mens tilts to you. "No heels." you gasped in offended.
"What?! thats bullshit." you protested. "you're bullshit," Ghost spat out. "Ghost!" Price beats the potential arguement. Gaz and soap looked at each other knowing its not the right time to talk or joke about it. "(y/n), I understand how much...vogue meant to you. but we will be going to a possible hostilities," Price softly explain to you like you are 5. "I'd like for you to wear something...safe." he finishes.
"Captain, I refuse." This time you stated coldly. "I'd like to prove it to you that I'm a woman whose capable of engaging any sort of combat in any sort of attire," You took a deep leap of faith. working in heels wasn't just a bragging thing, but its your signature way in doing your job.
Its also another way for you to remember that you mothet is always watching you. Heels meant more than fashion to you, you hold on to her decaying memories by wearing them nearly every occassion. Your mom is a huge poignant figure in your life and you'd force yourself to remember her as much as you can for the rest of your life.
but the men you're dealing now, they ain't shit. this is why you prefered working alone or with girls back in the FBI. but you don't expect the world to revolve around you, it's not how it works. really sucked to be integrated with a group of people who doesn't understand you except yourself.
that's where you have to save yourself, because who will?
"If you know about the compound bow, then I assume you know the reason behind the heels, right captain?" you smiled softly, yet cold. your eyes like siren, gazing to him for ruth.
he finally sighs in defeat, "Only if you bring a back up shoe. you know what? dismiss. 6PM in my office though." he rubbed his temper, which made Ghost iritated. "Thank you, pops!" you hugged him tightly enough to make him croaked and walk away happily leaving the four behind.
"Captain." Ghost looked to Price drawing dissapointed in his gaze. "Ghost." Price is too tired to argue with the skull man allready, Soap held Ghost's shoulder and sighs. "..Jhonny," The british tilt his head down to his mohawk. "Nah, man. let her be." Gaz commented at the telepathy phenomenon.
"Bloody fucking hell all she had to do was listen." Ghost grunts and anchored his fist to the table. "You doubt too much, Riley." Price exclaimed. "Do you not see she fell from a tree because of those damned heels?" Ghost pointed back to the forest they were practicing at. "Riley, she shot an arrow to your heart with a compound bow like a cupid, don't get me started." Price took out a cigar and lit it up.
Gaz and Soap wheezed at the fact you technically won the friendly deathmatch but stopped when Ghost glared at them. "Have a little faith, believe her for once." He huffed out the nicotine air. "Just because shes new in here, you shouldn't forgot where she came from. She goes to hell like a vacation," Price shooks the cigar, letting the ashes fall to the ground.
"The Devil wears Prada, Riley."
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imzsuzsis-blog · 2 months
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"I'm fucking gay" I said to myself sometimes louder, sometimes quietly, unfortunately I think several people heard the loud part because they were looking at me, especially Danny was running after me. "Lando, are you grumpy for saying that? Because everyone hears it.” "I am, and when we broke up I was even grumpier, leave me alone, if you want me to, I'm still pregnant with twins from Ollie." Ollie Bearman? What the hell have you been doing?” Danny stopped me from speaking, then tears appeared on my face and I ran away crying. ,,Lokiii where are you????? I want to go back to the fucking fucking hotel!!!!! I can not stand!!!!" I started hitting his chest shaking and throwing up again. "Relax Lando, there are only free training sessions with a break between them." ,, BELIEVE I'M NOT EXCITED I WANT TO GO BACK THERE I HATE IT HERE FUCK ME!!!!" "Deep air says I can do it in myself." "I can do it, I believe in myself, even if I carry two beans Jankó." "MR Norris, we need to talk about beans after training." "No, and I will not have an abortion, this is the final decision, sir." "If he plays for the suspension, then the game has begun." "I'm afraid, Loki, they're not only idiots, they're also strict and they give diets that are impossible or borderline impossible to follow, on top of that they constantly measure our weight and check how much we exercise every day, it's no longer sick, it's fucking pathological."
I leaned against the wall with tears in my eyes and could only scream at the top of my lungs. Leave it!!!! I won't get into that fucking car if they force me to do so at gunpoint." "Well, come in." "Will, Jon, no, these fuckers up there don't even know what I want or what I feel, so no, I'm going to have someone else take my place today and this year." "Leave him for real." "Dude, what will happen to me? We had such a good time together, but what about the photography?" "I'll take photos of the little ones or I don't know if we move to the new place, but the fact that I won't stay in Monaco is fixed." "Do you want to move?" "Yes, everyone has been obsessed with me for a long time, when they see a girl next to me, the tabloids say she's my new girl, when I fuck the boys I loved it, I hate being there." "We understand. Where?" Burying my face in my hands, I started to cry even more and shook my head. "I don't have the faintest idea where America might come into question, I don't know, New York especially Upper, Miami, Los Angeles, but back to England and Bristol and its surroundings or London, I don't have an idea yet, but it's far from there and from the people there."
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The news made my fucking blood run cold, I went to see Lando through the journalists because he just said all this in public. ,,A thousand apologies... Fuck you Lando, you said everything openly, even what you shouldn't have!!!! Now you're going to be all over the headlines because of your breakout!!!! "Osc, who excites the bitch, fuck them, they need to know what a fucking little world Formula 1 is and what a fucking little puppet we are for them that they can play with as they please and like, they can suck my dick." We didn't even pay attention, but all the cameras took us and everyone took pictures of us, and even Lando gave them the fucking horse. ,,This is serious? You know you can't say." "Yes, fuck me, just like I'm tired of shit, I'm not acting anymore here, if that's what I want, I'll go to a fucking casting and I don't care how many weeks I am, I'll do it if I get in, okay, but no, as a child, if you didn't know, I was a child actor . Stupid child and I would choose this place over the shitty place right now. Get it.” I ran after him and slapped him. "You know, I was also a child actor, but now it's not about that, it's about what you said shouldn't have happened."
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"Child actor, Child actor" I muttered to myself and looked for a cigarette in my back pocket, and for my lip ink, "mhhh Benefit is expensive but... How seriously did you take Oscar from me and throw it away?" Your good fucking mother!!!!!!” I took it out and imitated a fake kick in the ass, and he showed me how the hell you put on makeup if you can't see it. "Because if only you knew that I've been doing this since I was fourteen." ,,Landooooo fuck fourteen???? Are you screwed???? Good tests, huh?” I showed him it was full of liquid flavoring, it was undrinkable and the color was strange, it didn't smell like anything, but it did have a sparkle. "Liquid highliter and put it down, it flows very well." ,,This? It has bristles, but it's also cool." ,,That mascara and eyebrow gel, put my fucking make-up stuff down Osc this is fucking not funny!!!!! That's my contour stick, my foundation, concealer, bronzer, that's my fucking blush, that's my eyeshadow palette, and put it all down. Damn" "Good, okay..." I left Lando, who was just putting some cream on himself. "MR Piastri, where is his teammate?" "I don't know, I think he's already gone with him boyfriend, he has a date today, he said he went there, sir, I can't give him an interview, I'm sorry." I ran back panting with messy hair. ,,What's wrong?" "Fuck the fucking gossip press and they're asking about you." We looked outside and a good number of people gathered, none of us dared to go outside when ten minutes later we heard a knock. "I'm Loki, may I come in?" ,.Of course it is." "This is a fucking crowd, what the hell happened?" "I don't know either, except that some asshole asked me where Lando was, and I lied and saved the best and said that he was on a date with his friend, so I thought he wasn't here anymore." "Oscar, you bastard, we're going down because of you, everyone will know that me and Lando are a couple!!!" "Good, but I didn't tell you he was pregnant." "You wordy bastard Australian, can't you be like that?" "Get me, I'm confessing to them, you scumbags" I ran out angrily, slammed the door behind me and instead did everything against myself, kept my mouth shut, "I'm telling you he's on a date with his partner, leave him alone and on top of that, Lando Norris is gay, so he's not with a girl if they ask you idiots !!!!!” I looked in my phone and all the gossip sites were full of me, "Formula 1 driver Lando Norris is gay." I ran after Oscar, but I didn't really see spit anywhere, "Kill Oscar Piastri, you're bisexual or stupid!!!!" I felt Loki's palm on my back, bit my lip and killed him, "Fucking big scandal and it started as I predicted." "Yes, but I think we should go because I have a reservation at the restaurant at nine in the evening."
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jennyandvastraflint · 5 months
Xena Reactions S1Ep21!
Awww, Gabrielle is training I love that!
"I wasn't talking to you." HAAAA
Xena threatening the horse into being nice
Hello there woman 👀 Of course Xena will help you
JSDHHS Not the horse throwing Gabrielle off
Poor Gabrielle...
OMG THE FUNKY GAY MERCHANT from the Black Wolf episode!!!
He's SO happy to see her
"Important person being kidnapped"
Amazons? Shooting at Xena? Or the woman from earlier? Or...
Salmonius XD He's so funky omfg
SHDHDHHBFAJ "How do I know it's gonna rain on a big battle" 😭
Gabrielle wondering how this dude stayed alive
I love when men get this close to one another. Kinda homoerotic
Gabrielle so ready to watch her gf beat up people
FIST SPIN >:) Womanly twirling or something
Omg Gabrielle realised something is off
Stoic warrior tell your gf you're under the influence of drugs challenge.... Xena and Vastra both are like: Impossible
"This was a stupid time to keep something from me!" DAMN RIGHT
Awwww... She can't feel her legs :(
Is Gabrielle gonna- OH YE
Something something Patroclus riding out in Achilles' armour / Gabrielle riding out in Xena's armour
The horse is like "Chiiiill"
"Yes well I have a different definition of Galop" sjfhdhd
"Does she seem smaller than before?"
Dayummmmm, Xena to the rescue
Are they fighting with carbonated water... 😂
"I'm sure lord Salzer is more concerned with his people than with himself" "Ha?" "Ha?"
Oh godsssss, Xena is like "Don't worry about me" 😭
Gabrielle your gay is showing
Good aim tho
O NO... They captured her :(
Damn the strength she still has???
This guy is GROSS
DAYUM GIRLLLL knock out those soldiers
Salmonius is like FUCKFUCKFUCK SOLDIERS *klonk*
She just needs a nap. And medicine. Resting against tiddies would also help. 😔
True love's kiss her!!!
THE GENTLE TOUCHING??? i will BITE someone
SHE KISSED HERDJFJDJDH Not quite on the mouth, but.
She's shouting and screaming and beating, my poor girl, she needs all the hugs. ALL the hugs.
"I killed her" please...
NOOOO. You leave Xena's body alone
Gabrielle is fuelled by sapphic anger, you do NOT want to cross her. Smol and feisty
Gabrielle my beloved
I hate this shitty warlord dude
Hehe Argo refuses to move.
"Don't ever do this again" "Gabrielle, we're in the middle of a FIGHT" shdhd lesbians. Only lesbians would
Gabrielle and Argo get along nowww <3
"I'm gonna get all soft on you" 👀🏳️‍🌈
Cheers to Gabrielle having kissed Xena's cheek and corner of mouth in this ep!
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written-in-flowers · 1 year
your rosebud series is always so delightful to read, i'm happy to see new stuff for it! would you mind dropping some thoughts and headcanons about what an older cedric would be like? perhaps even his role in the dance of dragons? thank you so much :)
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A/N: this is who I've always pictured when I picture older Cedric, and yes the period is VASTLY different, but just humor me, okay? Louis hasn't done anything medieval period yet. I also did go overboard with this one and added Otto's two other children, Lia and Theodore.
Okay, so let's play with timelines and The Dance happens much later in Cedric's life, because the timeline I have he'd be 8 years old (his siblings being 6 and 3 years old) when it actually starts, and is 10 when it ends. He does live, and so does Rosebud and his other two siblings, since Otto is forced to send them to his brother in Oldtown to protect them with his family.
Older!Cedric Hightower:
Cedric is exactly what Otto and you hoped he'd be: an intelligent young man with excellent martial skills. He grows to have his father's brain and his mother's looks. Girls at court swoon whenever he walks into a room, often finding excuses to speak to him during balls and feasts, and begging their fathers to arrange betrothals. Cedric is flattered by the attention, and it definitely boosts his ego during tourneys, but he isn't a womanizer or a whoremonger.
His is the apple of your eye. You'll admit you're weak to his charms, and give into any demand he wants. If Cedric says he wants another horse, Mama makes it happen. If Cedric says he wants new armor, Mama gets it made right away. If Cedric said he wanted to storm Casterly Rock and take it for himself, you'd muster up an army for him (of course, Cedric would never do that lol He's actually on good terms with Tyland's nephews).
An excellent swordsman, as his father hoped. He's even gifted the family Valyrian sword on his eighteenth nameday, Vigilance, which he wields with pride. He was trained personally by Ser Criston and his nephew, Aemond, also powerful swordsmen.
Still loves horses. Aside from his childhood stead, Summer, he has two more: Willow, a mare, and Gunthor, a male mustang. He claims when he has his own holdfast or keep, he'll have a larger stable. He often tends to his animals himself instead of leaving when with the stable master. He also likes dogs, having four dogs he takes hunting with him whenever he goes: Jasper, Buttons, Daffodil and Agnus.
Speaking of hunting, he actually enjoys it. Not for the killing part like some psychos in this series, but because he gets alone time with his dad and he likes the pride it gives him when he eats something he personally acquired, not given to him. He also enjoys being outdoors, whether hunting or walking through the gardens.
He loves his half-sister, Alicent. They have a cute, banter back and forth relationship. Alicent often feels isolated and stressed out in the castle, which is where her family swoops in to ease her worries. Whenever someone speaks poorly of her, Cedric lashes out and defends her honor. It's the same with any family member, since he loves them very much.
He doesn't like Larys Strong. Valuable as he can be, Cedric doesn't like people who deal in secrets and lies; people who "make things happen" by any means necessary. Perhaps that's just the honor instilled in him, or because he doesn't like how close Larys is to Alicent.
His role in the Dance runs alongside Daeron's since he goes to Oldtown with his mother at the start. He doesn't have the benefit of a dragon, but he does have the benefit of a strategic mind and winning people's support/allegiance. He does participate in battles, does accompany his nephew to the battles at Tumbleton, and sadly witnessed Daeron's death which crushed him completely. He and Daeron became very close during their time in the war.
After The Dance, Cedric and his family remain in Oldtown at Hightower. He marries a girl from The Westerlands, and has two children of his own.
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Older!Lia Hightower:
Lia is the second child of Lord and Lady Hightower. A true lady, she is gracious, elegant, and very pretty. Considering one of the most beautiful girls at court, she has a string of admirers constantly asking for her favor at tourneys, a dance at balls or even a few minutes of her time. She's actually quite annoyed by it, because much like her mother did, she knew they only saw her beauty and nothing else.
Lia is more than her looks. She's very interested in science and plants. As a child, she often brought books into bed and fell asleep reading them. As a young woman, she's seen going in and out of the library with different books and scrolls. She's currently interested in astrology, and discovering more about the stars in the sky. It's considered unusual for a lady, but you support it.
Growing up, Alicent is the older sister of her dreams. They spend lots of time together, and she is even her cupbearer at small council meetings. Otto doesn't particularly like this, but Alicent is the queen and wants her sister to know how kingdoms and houses are run.
She learns things from you too. She learns all courtesies and womanly arts from you, which she doesn't find boring at all. Like stated, Lia likes to learn new things and that includes the gender-specific ones.
Even though Lia doesn't show much of an interest in boys, there is one boy she likes: Tybolt Lannister, Jason Lannister's son brought to court to squire for his uncle. Cedric and Theodore often tease her about her crush, and you think it's sweet. Otto, however, is the overprotective dad who always happens to appear whenever Tybolt is around her.
The one thing her and her father do disagree on is religion. Lia is that time's equivalent of an atheist, whereas her father sets store by The Seven. She's seen what people will do in the name of religion, and believes no such gods would want their followers to shed blood in their names. Plus, her logical mind just doesn't allow for blind faith in beings she can't see or hear.
During the Dance, Lia is married off to a Redwyne lord to make alliances for the battles to come, but said lord is then killed shortly after their wedding. She's then betrothed again to a Fossoway, which was a nice union until her husband dies before their marriage even happens. She's really in Oldtown with her family during most of it, until she's sent to King's Landing as a hostage. There, she marries Tybolt Lannister in a secret wedding ceremony, and goes on to have four children in subsequent years.
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Older!Theodore Hightower:
Baby boy. Cinnamon roll. Good boy. These and many more describe Theodore "Theo" Hightower, the third son of Lord and Lady Hightower. Peaceful, he is least likely to lash out in violence or anger immediately. He often brings joy and laughter to somber situations, and likes to cheer people up when they're upset.
Spends a lot of his time with his male friends from court. This isn't very unusual for a boy his age, but you've noticed the fast friendship he developed with Osmund Waters, a bastard boy who works in the armory as the blacksmith's apprentice. (A/N: yes, it is Finn Wolfhard fancast lmao). He and Osmund train together, go into the city together, and Theo always begs to bring him to hunting parties or travelling with him.
Theo has a deep interest in knights, fairytales, and songs. He is the artist in the family: he learned to play various instruments, inherited his mother's singing voice, and also paints in his spare time. He often paints a lot of the wooden shields Osmund brings him to design, mostly because they make more money if people learn the Hand's son painted it.
Otto thinks he should be focused on more "beneficial" things like politics and stuff like that, but you support your son's passions. Especially the ones your husband is very much blind to.
He has good relationships with most of his family members, but he's closest to Helaena, his niece. She's soft and gentle like he is, and they enjoy being in each other's company. They know they won't be judged or discouraged by one another, and they just click in ways they don't with the rest of their family.
But, just because he's gentle, doesn't mean he won't fight. Not very strong or big like Cedric, he is a great archer. Think Katniss Everdeen level of good. He most definitely had his moment when he outshot everyone in an archery competition, his arrow splitting the arrow of a Tarly boy who thought he had it in the bag.
The bow and arrows his father's gifted him are his most prized possessions.
So guess what he's doing during The Dance: yep, leading archers from long distances. When enemy draws closer, he can fight with his sword but still able to fight with his bow and arrow. He eventually is taken out of battles when he's mortally wounded during a battle, having taken an axe to the thigh/leg area and crippling him for life. This sorta works in his favor, because since most of what he likes to do is done sitting.
When the Dance ends, Theo joins the Citadel to become a maester. He goes through the ranks until he's given a chain and a house to serve alongside a mentor: House Tyrell, his mother's family, where he becomes closer to his aunts and uncles, as well as his grandmother, Jalissa.
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