#{ ooc: I think after a year+ back on here it's okay to start moving one of his own personal plot points along- }
lordsukunas · 3 months
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piggyback rides
synop: you want trueform!sukuna to give you a piggyback ride and he doesn’t know what it is. that’s it.
tags: fluffy fluff fluff, fem!reader (referred as woman once, refers to self as ‘queen’ and ‘wife’ once), ooc sukuna (only bc he’s less of an asshole), possessive behavior (kind of?), mentions of sukuna-typical violence, likely historically inaccurate, not proofread. i couldn’t determine whether or not he was actually wearing a haori or something similar - correct me if i’m wrong n i’ll change it!
notes: basic ass title ik... erm sorry! another post in two days is a miracle so i’m a little proud of myself. half-assed ending lol... anyway, this is just a silly lil drabble!! any interaction is much appreciated, enjoyyyy! :3
the first set of crimson eyes dart down to look at you, the other set still tracking the scuttling servants. you’re situated quite snugly in his expansive lap — two thick arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into the warmth of his bare chest. “what the hell is that?”
you nibble the inside of your cheek to suppress a smirk. finally, you know something that sukuna does not! and it only took three years. “it’s where i get on your back and you carry me around. quite simple, truthfully.”
he snorts at the slight condescension in your voice. for something so agitating, you have quite the ego. “mm. and why should i do that for you? you can walk on your own, unless your legs are mysteriously broken all of a sudden.”
“because,” you say with a huff, “it’s fun. don’t you want to bond with your queen?”
anxious eyes of passing maids sneak glances at you, your little huff drawing their attention. sukuna shifts you in his lap, turning you to the side, and the massive sleeve of his robe moves to obscure your form from their undeserving gaze. “we have bonded enough.”
“and it would not hurt to bond some more!” you counter. sukuna’s stubbornness is something you absolutely adore about him, but not right now. “can the mighty king of curses not spare a moment of his day to entertain his wife’s wish?”
he falls silent at this, and you can practically see the gears churning in his big head. he’ll cave. if there’s one thing that’s undeniable about the sorcerer, it’s his curiosity.
“... fine,” he grunts. after scooping you up and setting you down, he stands up and gestures with his hand. “so how do we do it?”
your lips curve up into a smirk. “okay, turn around so that your back is facing me.”
sukuna turns around, folding one pair of arms over his chest.
“then, crouch down a little.”
a beat passes, and then he crouches down, back muscles flexing underneath the dark fabric of his haori.
you step up behind him and slide your arms around his neck. his adam’s apple bobs, and the other arms move to cradle your butt. “if this is an attempt to choke me, it isn’t work.”
he always thinks someone’s out to get him. you roll your eyes. “no. if i wanted to kill you, i likely would’ve attempted forever ago.” you lift your lower half onto the lower part of his back, and your legs wrap around his hips.
another beat passes. “is that it?”
sukuna adjusts you, his hold on you becoming more secure as he rights himself to his full height. the warmth of your breath ghosts across his ear, and he can smell the scented lotion you applied this morning.
why hadn’t he done this before?
“soooooo,” you drawl, and he can hear the smile in your beautiful voice without even having to look. you’re so close — he hears the little inhale before you speak, the nearly imperceptible huff of laughter once you finish. “what are you just standing here for? we gotta walk around, explore the estate! it’s not fun if we’re just stuck in one place.”
“i am not a servant,” he warns, voice gruff, but he starts to move towards the throne room’s exit anyway. anyone unfortunate enough bows, mutters a jumbled greeting to the both of you, and scrambles out of the way.
it’s no secret that sukuna is more... benevolent, when you’re around. but that is a double-edged sword — if someone dares to disturb your peace or inconvenience you in his presence, they’d be facing a swift death, along with their parents for giving birth to such vermin.
“apologies, my spectacular husband.” you lean forward a bit and press a kiss onto his cheek, leaving a faint lipstick stain. “now, please, venture forth.”
he rolls his eyes. “if you command me again, woman, i am going to sprint.”
the teasing lilt quickly disappears from your voice, and your arms tighten around his neck. “n-no, that isn’t necessary.”
sukuna’s pace increases, now a brisk jog instead of a leisure walk, and you can hear the gravel crunching beneath his feet. “oh? is it not?”
“it isn’t!” you squeak. a little embarrassing, yes, but you know how fast sukuna is — you’re positive that if he broke out into a full-speed run, you’d be sick by the end of it.
“let’s find out and see.”
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trexiejan · 28 days
What Batman thinks of Starfire.
Okay so I've seen many people curious about what Batman thinks of Starfire. I've seen a lot of people say Batman hates her and that he doesn't trust her cuz she's an alien and cuz he's a dickbabs shipper. I will explain why those statement aren't true. That's not who the original Batman is.
Let's go back to the original canon before all the stupid ooc retcons were created.
The first time Batman ever mentioned Starfire's name was in Tales of The Teen Titans #50 (1985) where Dick and Kory have already been dating for years.
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and behold
- Bruce never referred to Kory as "the alien" he called her by her real name.
- He knows his son is in a real serious relationship with her.
- Bruce never made any bad comments about her nor did he show contempt for their relationship.
- He acted like a kind father who just wants to know how his son is doing with the woman he loves.
The 2nd time he mentioned her is in Swamp Thing #53 (1986) where he defended Human/Alien relationships like Dick and Kory's.
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again he called her by her actual name and showed no issue towards Dick and Kory's relationship.
The 3rd time was in Funeral For a Friend (1993) where Bruce greeted her and Dick. He was happy to see both of them attending Superman's funeral. And for the 3rd time he called her by her actual name.
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The Original Batman was a kind father who respected his son's alien girlfriend. Who wasn't spiteful and xenophobic towards Starfire and doesn't compare her to Barbara. and no, he wasn't a pro-dickbabs shipper. That ship didn't even exist before they retconned a lot of shit.
That everything changed after Dick and Kory got broken up. Reason for their break up? The Bat-editorial demanded they wanted Dick Grayson back to the Bat-office. The Titans Editorial had no choice but to pull him out of the Titans books and hand him back to the Bateditorial.
The Bat-editorial didn't like the idea of Dick dating someone outside the Batfamily like Kory so they couldn't continue their relationship in the Bat-books. It needed to end. The original wedding plan for Dick and Kory got cancelled. They don't like Dick and Kory? Okay fine, no one is forcing them to like them, whatever.
but no they couldn't just move on and leave Dick and Kory's past relationship alone.
They just had to say something negative about their relationship and put down their shared history, didn't they.
Is that really necessary?
Why can't they just respect the love that Dick and Kory had for each other when they were together and leave it at that ?
Cuz they did love and care for each other. It was a genuine love.
You can ship him with another woman without undermining and invalidating his history with Kory.
Like what did Kory ever do to them to make them hate her so much.
After they deaged Barbara to be the same age as Dick and pushed them together as the new pairing, they made a lot of comics degrading Kory, minimizing her interactions with Dick, and retconning her history and relationship with Dick into a one sided sexual fling.
and they turned Bruce against Kory too. This is where the idea of Bruce being a "anti-Starfire" and "pro dickbabs shipper" started.
They created this retcon in Gotham Knight #43 (2000) where Bruce acted xenopobhic towards her, making him refer to Kory as the alien and belittling her relationship with Dick, something he's never done before. Just to portray Barbara as his one true love. Bruce has never even talked about Dick and Barbara before and now suddenly he's shipping them. This retcon is not only an assasination of Kory and Bruce's character, it has also done a lot of damaged to people's perception of Bruce and Kory's relationship.
All of this for the sake of propping up a retconned romance.
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Not only is Bruce mischaracterized here, Babs is also acting so weird and ooc.
There was no reason for here to moon and whine over Dick like a lovesick girl from highschool.
She was a congresswoman when Dick was still in highschool. She called Dick "a child" and "little brother". She wasn't interested with him, he was too young for her 😭
Barbara already had a life of her own and own relationships, she dated Superman and got enganged to Jason Bard 😭
Dick had a precocious crush on her but he moved on from her when he moved out of Gotham. Even the original dickbabs writer said they were never meant to be together 😬
Barbara and Dick weren't pining over each other when Dick and Kory dated for years!
Dick never even once mentioned Barbara's name in the New Teen Titans books!
There was no reason for Babs to pursue Dick and vice versa, Both have already moved on to other people but stupid dickbabs retcons just had to exist 🙄
So yeah Bruce only hates Starfire when he's written by dickbabs writers and bateditors.
He was fine with her in canon before they pushed their dickbabs agenda.
Even in elseworld stories where it's not written by dickbabs writers.
Like in the animated show He supported Dick and Kory's relationship.
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and in Kingdom Come he literally went to find the best doctors to help cure Kory's illness 😭
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There's no logical reason for Batman to hate Starfire other than just to shit on Kory and prop up Dickbabs.
the whole "He doesn't like her cuz she's a dangerous alien" form of excuse is also BS
his bestfriend is literally Superman, an alien who is far more powerful than Starfire, he's also teammates with Martian Manhunter who is also an alien 😩
Overall yeah Fuck Dickbabs. It's the only ship that is good at character assasinating characters.
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Kishibe x Reader smut. 18+ only MDNI. AO3
7.5k words
You and Kishibe have been hooking up casually for a long time now. A year, exactly. You don't realize it, but he does. When he invites you over tonight, you start to get the feeling he has something else on his mind.
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Content Includes: penetrative sex, oral sex, (he eats it from the back because I said so), uncomfortable conversations about the nature of relationships, choking, smoking, spanking, orgasm denial. it's nasty, hot, and wet idk what else to say. Kishibe may be OOC but i think hes more of a romantic than people think
It started so casually. You had been at the bar, too focused on the book sat open in front of you to see him moving to the seat one away from yours. Not that you would have minded, the reason you had come to the bar to read in the first place was to avoid being bored out of your mind at home. He opened the conversation, asking what you had to drink and if you wanted another. His intentions were clear from the jump, that’s what Kishibe was like: direct. He never seemed to have interest in ambiguous flirting. He spoke to you clearly and asked questions with easy answers. Even answered a few of your own. That night when he invited you to his place after last call. The sex had been excellent; he was focused and skilled, rough and passionate enough to keep you cumming over and over, but it wasn’t intimate, you could both feel the veil between the two of you. You hadn’t expected to see him again when you finally broke out of the post coital haze and back into your jeans and shoes. 
“You don’t have to leave. You can stay the night if you want.” He offered, sitting up against the headboard, a cigarette bouncing lightly between his lips as he spoke. A small burgundy bruise was beginning to form at the juncture of his neck and shoulder, your handiwork, you likely had a few of your own. 
You finished lacing up your final shoe and stood to grab your bag, “That’s okay, I’ve got an early morning. Thanks for this.” You knew it sounded like a cliche, but you really did have an early start to your day. Even as the words exited your kiss bitten lips, you felt the dread of tomorrow’s workload creeping up on you. 
Kishibe left the bed, sheets still rumpled from rolling around together. He stood before you, still naked, and crossed the room to you. You expected he was getting up simply to lock the door behind you after you left. To your surprise, he took your face in his large hands and kissed you. Not the teeth clashing, tongue tangling kiss of before, but a romantic goodnight kiss. 
“Be careful getting home.” He said, still holding your face, he released you and let his arms fall to his sides, “if I see you at the bar again, think I could bring you back here?” 
“I’d like that.” you were still a lot shocked by the kiss.
You left him that night, and found yourself frequenting that bar more and more. He did find you again, and again, and again. You’d drink together, talk for an hour or so before he would invite you to join him back to his place. Eventually you did start to spend the night, but only on nights when your sessions of pleasure had extended later than was safe to walk home. After the fourth or fifth time you had invited him to your apartment, saying your place was actually a lot closer than his (it was barely a four block difference, just in the other direction). He had slept in your bed, or tried to, smoked on your patio, even showered at your place once or twice if he was running late or met you afterwork and was still grimy. 
Kishibe was not your boyfriend. You were not his girlfriend. You didn’t go out together, the only time you could be seen out together was meeting at the bar and sitting side by side before leaving to one of your homes. More and more often you two would cut out the pageantry of meeting elsewhere and meet up directly at the home of whoever made the call. You knew he worked at Public Safety (the uniform and overall demeanor gave him away), and he knew the rough outline of your job. You didn’t have any complaints, you didn’t think he did either. He was a good fuck and a nice man, you got the sense he wasn’t really that nice of a man, but he was always nice to you. Ample orgasms, warm body to sleep next to, good conversationalist, if a bit reserved. You would often go weeks without seeing each other, before he would call you, voice already dripping whiskey through your phone’s receiver. Or you would call, too much on your mind, body begging for the clarity you’d get after the three or four orgasms he would give you. 
So tonight, when he called and asked you to meet him at a hotel, you were surprised. Of course you still agreed, changing quickly into underwear you felt sexier in than your laying around the house set, refreshing your hair, and packing a small overnight bag with a change of clothes and some toiletries.  It wasn’t until you were standing outside the room number he told you over the phone, in a much nicer hotel than you had expected, that the peculiarity of the situation really started to press on you. Suddenly your jeans and sweater felt sloppy, you wondered why he hadn’t just asked you to meet him at his place. One knock was all that was needed for him to swing the door wide, tie already removed, too few buttons undone on his work shirt, jacket missing. It was rare to see him smile, but here he was, scar crinkling and lips wide. You blinked in surprise at his quick welcome. 
“Hey kid,” he said, his smile easing down as he moved to the side allowing you to step into the lavish suite. 
“Hey.” You stepped inside, you didn’t hate the nickname, you were 20 years younger than him (give or take). In fact, something about it ignited a pulse inside of you that you didn’t care to examine that thoroughly. 
The suite was large, a sitting room with a patterned couch and coffee table comprised the main area, a door behind led to the bedroom, you assumed, and the bathroom was by the entrance. Even just on a side peek, you could see a large bathtub inside. The wall furthest from you was mostly glass, which appeared to let out onto a balcony, overlooking the city. Kishibe had drawn the curtains mostly out of the way, dark fabric fluttering in the window from the open sliding door. You’re sure your face betrayed your awe.  
“Don’t get used to this, alright?,” his breath was hot on the back of your ear, head moved right behind you, one of his hands slipped your bag off of your shoulder, “I got an extension on a job, and they put me up in here.” He set your bag down next to the coffee table, you turned to face him, still trepidacious. 
“So you called me?” 
“Yeah. Seemed like a waste to be here all by myself. You like it?” 
You took another look around the suite before nodding. This was by far the nicest hotel you had ever stayed in, used to mid range single rooms and crappy motels. 
“Why me?” You don’t even really know what you meant by the question, if it was only about the hotel, or if maybe this was a large inquiry about the nature of your relationship with him. 
He laughed, “Come on, kid, it’s not a proposal. I just like having you around. That so hard to believe?” 
He pulled a cigarette from his pack, holding it between his lips before gesturing to the patio behind you, “want a smoke?” 
You did. You needed something to ground your swimming head. You stay stiffly on the rattan patio set smoking your cigarette carefully, not wanting any ash to sully the pristine terrace. In juxtaposition Kishibe seemed completely relaxed, long legs stretched out in front of him, leaning against the back of his chair, not caring where his ash may fall. A small ashtray sits on the table between you, the summer night air is thick and sticky, if it weren’t for the soft breeze from being so high up, you would be shedding your top layer already. 
“Relax.” Kishibe exhales the result of a long drag. 
You do. Your shoulders loosen, your spine releases, muscles softening. You take a drag and allow the tobacco and nicotine to soothe your racing thoughts. He looks so good languidly smoking and watching you. He catches you staring and pats his leg, a practiced move you have come to recognize easily. You stand and move to sit on his lap. Immediately he wraps one strong arm around you to support your back. Your own find a home around the back of his neck. His hand moved up and down your back soothingly.
“I didn’t know you were so inflexible.” He teases. 
“Excuse me?” you laugh lightly at him preparing to joke about him knowing how flexible you really could be. 
“Didn’t think a change of scenery would rattle you so much.” his hand on your back sneaks under your top to trace lazy circles on your skin, you feel your body immediately relax under his touch, “You’re never this quiet.” his lips were right against your neck as he spoke, starting to trail hot kisses along the column of your throat. 
You could already feel yourself fighting the urge to rock your hips in his lap, getting wetter from his touches, the buzz in your head of nicotine adding to the haze of pleasure. You moved a hand from his neck down to the front of his shirt, undoing buttons and sliding your hand inside to touch the hair along his chest. His hand on your back traveled down to cup your clothed ass, your head tilted back allowing him better access to your neck and you could no longer keep your hips from rocking against his lap. 
“Guess it was foolish of me to think you’d like something special for our anniversary.” 
Every cell in your body stopped suddenly. Hips stilled, hands immobilized, moans halted despite Kishibe continuing his migration across your throat. You started to push him away, but before you could stand he gripped you tighter. 
“Don’t tell me you forgot.” His tone was joking, no, teasing. Was he fucking with you? 
Mentally you flipped through your calendar, it hadn’t been summer when you met him. It had been spring, right? It was warm, but not so warm, he had had his coat on. But then you remembered, it was summer. Last summer, exactly 365 days since he had taken you home that first time. He was right. You immediately felt guilty for falling short, but did you really need to? Why would he have even remembered a thing like that? What did dates and anniversaries mean when you weren’t together, when the only thing you did was fuck.
Was that all you did? Yes, right? 
So what if he kept a copy of a book you lent him on his bedside table at his place, small scribbles on slips of paper tucked in between the pages? He wasn’t a very sound sleeper anyway, you just assumed he kept it there for a quick way to lull himself back to sleep on rougher nights. Sure you always made sure to grab an extra bottle of his preferred whiskey for your pantry in case he decided to stop by when you were unprepared. But that was just to save yourself or him a last minute trip to the liquor store. That wasn't a relationship, not even close. You hadn't discussed families or dreams or personal histories, at least not a length. The spare clothes you kept at his place were for convenience, you started smoking his brand of cigarettes when you had run out of your own and bummed one off of him, he started making coffee for you himself instead of walking to the convenience store to save money, not to extend his time with you in the mornings.--Oh my God. 
You couldn’t stop yourself, suddenly every behavior became so loaded, carrying so much intimacy where there previously had been none. But there wasn't none, you just hadn’t paid close enough attention. He had never asked you to be his girlfriend, or even on a date. You didn’t even really eat together, sharing a coffee in the morning and drinks at night. Once or twice you had shared dinner or a late night snack, but never beakfast. Your mind raced examining and reexamining how you had gotten to this point with him, and if you were about to ruin it in your obliviousness. 
Whether it was the sound of your pounding heartbeat or the fact that you had gone mute, Kishibe finally removed his lips from you, his dark eyes patiently scanning your face. He brought his cigarette to his lips and puffed, exhaling through the side of his mouth still waiting for a response from you.
“But…we’re not dating.” was all you could manage. 
His head cocked slightly, brows twitching inward, you could tell he was amused by this whole situation-- whereas you were reeling “no we’re not, but it’s nice to celebrate milestones, isn’t it?”
He fished his flask out of his pants pocket, having to lift his hips, you on top of him, to do so. You knew how strong Kishibe was, you were intimately familiar with how easy it was for him to move you, throw you, fold you, however he wanted. Him arching into you brought his groin up to yours, you could feel him starting to get hard underneath his pants, you sitting on his lap often had this effect on him. Once he had retrieved his flask he held it up to you, you unscrewed it for him, allowing him to keep his other arm around your hips, once again starting to move under your shirt tipping his head back to drink. 
“Kishi, we don’t have an anniversary to celebrate. We aren’t together.” You weren't even sure what point you were trying to get across, whether you were trying to offload the guilt you felt for potentially undervaluing something that could mean a lot to him or just trying to remind yourself and him that you two had never had a conversation about the nature of your relationship. 
He was starting to be less amused, “You don’t feel like a year of good sex is worth celebrating? Guess it wasn’t as good as I thought. Although I don’t hear you complain, much.”
He tipped his flask toward you, punctuating his joke. Was he really messing around about this? 
You nearly accepted, desperately wanting the whiskey inside to bring you back to your senses, but you shook your head, opting to press forward through the discomfort, “Of course it's good. But aren't anniversaries for people who ...I don’t know…belong to each other?” 
You were a smart woman, educated, quick, employed well, you were fucking verbose but in this moment you couldnt string an articulate thought together for the life of you. Words felt jumbled, either too heavy for your casual situation or too dismissive of the ounce of vulnerability he was offering you. Did he mean for this to be the next step? Did he want you to be his girlfriend? Did you want that? How much would it really change? Before tonight everything had felt so simple, relationships were complicated and required patience and expectations, something you weren't sure either of you had time for. What if this was how this ended? What if you began to resent each other and you---
Kishibe tapped his fingers on your temple, “Get out of there. Come back.”
That had jostled you out of your spiral and back into your body, he was still so solid underneath you. Your silence does not seem to have scared him away yet. But he looked thoughtful, observant to your fluctuations, he was paying close attention to you, as though reading your thoughts as they were transcribed onto your forehead. He looked so sincere, eyes soft and warm, his usually furrowed and frustrated brows, relaxed.
“Belong to each other, huh? Look kid, I don’t usually keep up with one person this much. And forgive my assumption but, you don’t either. I like the nights we have together, I like the mornings too. You haven't told me about seeing anyone else, I don't mind if you have, but it certainly doesn't feel like you have been.” Even when he was being sincere he was a cheeky shit, “You don’t have to be my girl, if you don’t want to. Probably shouldn't be stuck with an old man like me, anyway. But I haven't just been wasting time with you the past year.”
Your heart surged, you hadn’t even realized it but you felt it too. Each encounter cracked through your barriers more and more. Even as recently as last week he had stayed at your apartment for two hours after waking up sipping coffee on your patio while you did the morning crossword. It was so domestic, you hadn’t clocked it then, as it was part of your routine. But that was exactly it, it was your routine and he had assimilated so seamlessly. How could you have been so blind?
“Kishi…” you brought your hands to the sides of his face, mirroring his first send off to you, “who knew you were such a romantic.” 
His scruff was rough against your palms, and scratched lightly as his smile rose to his cheeks, “Whaddya say? I like belonging to you, you want to belong to me too?” 
You couldn't deny you were nervous about what this establishment could change about your situation, but you want that so desperately. You had been on your own for so long, you couldn't remember the last relationship you had had. You were out of practice, but so was he, maybe you could figure it out together. 
“I guess happy anniversary.” You smiled leaning down to him and pressing your lips together. 
The hand he had kept on your back pulled you close to his chest, his other hand had abandoned his flask and now gripped your thigh. His mouth tasted so familiar, smoke and alcohol with the undernote of his mouthwash. You were so used to his taste, you rarely even noticed anymore, but with the new perspective this conversation had given you, you reacquainted yourself with what you had been taking for granted. Kishibe has always been a good kisser, directing your mouth against his, lips soft and warm, tongue agile and skilled against yours. What you hadn't realized before was that Kishibe may be the best kisser you had ever known. His teeth seemed to disappear, allowing your tongue ample room to explore his mouth. He knew just when to suck lightly on your bottom lip, when to allow you a quick breath while keeping you breathless against him. His hands wandered freely, one now tangling in the hair at the back of your head as the other slid down the back of your pants to grip the flesh of your ass. The feeling of his calloused hands on your body ignited your nervous system, you felt effervescent. Like champagne just before being popped, fizzy and sparkly. You were panting against him now, pulling away to shift your legs to straddle him in his chair which could just barely fit the pair of you. Your hands cupped his face, rounded his neck, mussed though his hair. You wanted to touch every part of him, feel how new he felt in the wake of your shared confession. Your hips rocked together, he was getting hard again, you could feel him right up against your core. You must have been radiating heat, the way he shuttered. 
“If I knew this is how you’d respond, I’d have asked you to be my woman a long time ago.” Kishibe slid his tongue into your mouth again, now running his hands up and down from the small of your back, to the back of your neck. 
His woman, His. When was the last time you had even entertained the idea of belonging to someone. You were filled with excitement, feeling yourself start to drip into your panties at his possessive words. You started to finish your earlier job of unbuttoning his shirt. Kishibe had an incredible body, caveat of age sure, but also for anyone. Strong muscles built over years, decades, of careful cultivation. He wasn't a cut as maybe he once had been, but the muscles in his abdomen were still clearly visible. Scars littered his whole body, obviously the most apparent being the slash from lip to ear you had felt against your own lips many times, but his torso and back resembled a spider's web, pale lines crossing and crisscrossing, so much pain embedded just under his skin. You found your eyes began to sting with unexpected tears as you beheld him. Breaking the kiss and allowing your hands and eyes to scan over the topography of his body. This was from your first time seeing him shirtless, you had observed his scars while laying together in bed, or in the mornings when he hadn’t yet gotten dressed for work. You wondered about each one, what sort of devil (or man) had marred him, leaving him with another etching. 
“Don’t start getting sentimental over me,” Kishibe slid his hands down your waist, once again knowing exactly what you were thinking looking at him, “I’m not gone yet. You can mourn me later.” 
His dark humor usually lightened you, but this one held a specific truth that you had not yet acknowledged. He was a devil hunter, he fought for his own life near daily. You didn’t know a lot about devils or devil hunting, but you knew it was rare for devil hunters to have survived so long without retiring. There was a very real chance that he could die on you, leaving you heartbroken and alone. But you were too far gone now, you didn’t know how this would end either in tragedy and heartbreak or something more hopeful, but you couldn’t control that now. You could only celebrate being here with him now. 
“That’s your big plan, huh? Get me all obsessed with you just so you can leave someone behind to cry at your funeral?”, you wanted to tease him back, meeting him on his own morbid level. 
He sat up pulling your chest flush against his, “Awe, you’d cry for me?”
“You’re sick.” you giggled kissing him again. 
“Mmmmhm” he mumbled against your lips, finally gripping you tightly to him and standing, his inhuman strength making your full form nothing for him to carry easily. 
Kishibe carried you inside, lips still against yours and brought you into the bedroom you had speculated about earlier. “Switch on the wall, hit it for me” he instructed through desperate kisses. 
Your hand flew out quickly groping the wall by the door frame before finding the rocker switch and pushing the top half, illuminating the space. Kishibe always wanted the lights on, wanting to see you come undone underneath him, see your body writhe and flush under his tongue, his fingers, anything. He had to see you to know it was real. He laid you down on the bed, the duvet was plush and sank lightly under you. This really was a nice hotel. The bed was big with a mattress that perfectly combined support with a soft spongy bounce. You moved back toward the center of the bed, enjoying the luxury as Kishibe stood at the foot of the bed, removing his shirt and pants. You shed your own top and wiggled out of your pants, leaving your bra and underwear. Kishibe liked taking them off himself. 
Standing at his full height in front of you, nearly six foot and five inches wearing only his boxers, your heart began to race. The way he looked down at you, with hungry eyes, pupils dilated in lust, lips parted already breathing heavily. He was already leaking against his boxers, a wet spot forming in the dark fabric.
He palmed himself, taking you in, resting on your elbows in barely anything. You had worn his favorite bra of yours, a sheer black underwire unpadded bra, so simple but so classic, he could see your nipples hardening through the material. Your panties matched, barely held together with the thin material, he could tell you had chosen this specifically for him. You had. You knew he liked you in black, and just barely covered. Desperate under his gaze, you moved forward to sit with your knees underneath you. Putting on a little show of crawling toward him, your position on the bed brings you much closer to eye level with him. Locking eyes you moved your hands down the expanse of his shoulders, he was so broad. His muscles twitched under your soft hands, a small groan leaving his lips, Kishibe tended to be quieter than you had expected. Dirty talk was one thing, but allowing himself to moan freely was difficult for him, it felt too vulnerable, too weak somehow. But this was different, things had changed, vulnerability was already present, he had already put himself out there to be rejected and hadn’t been. He felt lighter under your hands, in your gaze. An ever wandering hand of his found its way into your hair, pulling you into another deep kiss. 
“Love that pretty mouth,” he spoke hot against your lips, “show me how talented you are.” 
Your anxiety was shed at his instruction. This was how it had always been with him, he told you just what he wanted and expected you to do the same. Your kisses moved down the his throat, lips becoming raw against the rough texture of his stubble. You liked dragging this part out. Just before giving him what he craved, seeing how far you could push him towards begging. Of course he never did, and likely never would, he was more patient than you and more prideful. But you always tried. You run your tongue down the length of his torso, your own hand replacing his on his clothed erection feeling how swollen and hot he had become. His hand stayed in your hair, gripping the roots tightly as you teased him. Even breaths left him, but the hand betrayed his urgency, he wanted your mouth so badly, he was starting to consider begging when you pressed your face against the precum leaking through the fabric. Hot tongue flopping out to taste him. 
“You’re filthy.” He remarked with a pleased smile coming over him. 
You didn't respond, just nodded, feeling the combination of your saliva and his precum spread over your cheek. Finally you removed his boxers, his painfully hard cock springing free before you. Kishibe is a big man, tall, broad, big hands, big feet, he took up too much room in your bed, he ducked under doorways and struggled to find pants long enough, and his cock was no exception. Around eight inches in length, heavy balls underneath that were more sensitive than he let on, you needed two hands if you wanted to completely encircle his girth. No wonder he was so arrogant. Glistening pleasure leaked from the tip already, goading you to slip your tongue around his head, dipping it into his slit to collect his offering. His taste was as perfect as the rest of him, so unique to him, you could never get enough.  You let a moan loose as you brought him into your mouth, overproducing saliva to give your hand pumping the rest of him more lubrication. Kishibe groaned above you, head tipping back for a moment as he sank into your hot mouth. His hand as the back of your head was encouraging, pushing slightly but allowing you to go at your own pace. Not wanting to miss out on the sight of you sucking him off, he rolled his head to the side, half lidded eyes looking down to watch. You were skilled at pleasuring him with your mouth, moving your hand and mouth in tandem, leaving even an inch untouched. Your tongue swirled around the head, causing him to shudder. You pulled off from him, still working your hand up and down his shaft as you slid under him to tongue at his balls. HIs abdominal muscles jumped at the sensation of your sliding your tongue along the seam before sucking one ball into your mouth and then the other. 
“Fuck girl….” his voice was shakier than it had been before so his words became dirtier and more possessive, him trying to tip the scales back in his favor. You nodded under him, balls still in your mouth before moving back up to take him into your throat.
Having warmed yourself up, you could now take him much deeper into your throat, encasing the whole of his length. Both hands were now at the back of your head as he tugged your hair, pushing you down further. You kept your tongue flat along the underside of his shaft, tightening your throat around him and opening your eyes to meet him. A blush has spread from his neck across his shoulders and chest, he watched you closely, eyebrows pinching together as you gagged on him. Drool pooled and slipped from your lips, his cock leaving little room inside your mouth for anything else, it dripped onto the bed underneath you. Slowly you started to back off of his length, his hands no longer holding you in place. Instead they cupped either side of your face as you found your breath again. Kishibe ran a thumb across your bottom lip, collecting the spit there and spreading it further down your chin, your jaw hinged open following his silent directive. Leaning over you, collecting his own spit and releasing it into your open, waiting mouth, you moaned and swallowed gratefully. 
“Good girl.” He praised you, making your heart shimmer. He pushed your hair out of your face with one hand, stroking your cheek for a moment watching you bask in the golden light of his affection. But he could only be so generous for so long,  “Bend over.”
He joined you on the bed, mattress sinking under the addition of his weight, his hands staying on you however they could. You moved onto your  knees, turning around, shivering as his hand skimmed up the back of your leg. Calloused hands leaving gooseflesh on your soft, pleasure heightened skin. You posed yourself onto your hands and knees, back arching to lift your ass prettily. You always felt so pretty under his touch, no room for insecurity or self doubt when he was spoiling you like this. Kishibe moved behind you, hands moving up your back pushing you down into a deeper arch, face against the bed. Once he had you in his favorite position, he looped his thumbs under the delicate fabric of your panties, slowly sliding them down your legs. You had soaked them so thoroughly you could actually hear it as he pulled them away, pooling them around your knees. Now bare to him, the chill of fresh air hitting your core, you shivered again. One of his long fingers dipped between your folds, sliding up and down, playing with your wetness. 
“I don't even have to stretch you out, do I? She’s already crying for me.” you could hear the wicked smirk on his face without seeing it. 
“Kishi, please…Don’t tease.”You whimpered, pressing the side of your face into the duvet, peeking at him behind your lashes. 
He gave a small slap to your bottom, watching the fat jiggle, “Don’t get bossy, Kid. You know I’ll take good care of you.” His thumbs pulled your lips apart, showing him how wet you were, “You got this wet just from sucking my cock, huh? You really are such a slut.”
Your face burned, embarrassment daring to creep up but being cut short by the feeling of his fat tongue licking you from clit to hole. Your eyes rolled back, a throaty moan leaving your lips at finally being touched by him. He hummed at your taste, dipping his tongue into your hole to pull more from you. One of his hands moved up your back, keeping you pressed against the mattress as he ate messily. Wet slurping and lapping filled your ears, your whimpers and moans filling his. Eating pussy from the back was his favorite, yours too, he was so skilled with his tongue, unafraid to get drenched in your juices. His facial hair scratched your outer labia and the skin of your inner thighs, the light needling only adding to how fucking good it was. He slid his tongue up and down you all the way from the clitoris to your asshole. Convinced you wouldn't move from where he had posed you, his hand left your back and helped to spread you apart for him. He watched you twitch for a moment, both holes clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled by him. If he were a kinder man, he would show mercy and shove two of his thick fingers into your pussy, but he wasn’t a kind man. He loved watching you clench and pant, sweating under the absence of him inside of you. He wanted you whimpering, begging, maybe even crying before he filled you. 
“Kiiiiishiiii baby please…” You mewled out, burying your face into a duvet, muffling the sound of your begging. 
He resumed circling his tongue from your cunt to your ass, one finger circling your clit in time, “You know better than to cover up those pretty sounds. If you want something, ask for it.” 
You huffed out, moving your head from the bedding and back to look at his face buried in you, “Please, baby please fuck me, I need it inside. I need you Kishibe, please.” 
You could feel his lips curl into a smile against your folds, little shit was enjoying this too much. He hummed, vibrations resounding inside of you, “Cum like this, and then you’ll get my cock.”
You whimpered, as good as it was you knew you needed something inside to cum, “But…Ki--”
“I’m not asking.” He slurped loudly against your pussy. 
Of course he was an expert in your body, he knew you needed the joint internal and external stimulation in order to orgasm. He knew he was setting you up to fail, he wanted you to fail. He wanted to hear you completely fucked out, on the precipice of a release that couldnt yet cum when he finally pushed himself inside of you. Further emphasizing that he wouldnt be using his fingers to fuck you, he wrapped his own hand around himself, squeezing tightly. He didn’t want to cum too soon, the way you had sucked him earlier he had nearly spoiled it right then. Any other night he wouldn't have cared and cum right in your mouth, watching you swallow him down like the good girl he had made you into. But tonight he needed to cum inside of you, he ached to feel you spasm around him and milk his dick for everything he had. He carried on eating you out, feeling his regular drunkenness give way to the intoxication pleasuring you. You whimpered under him, rocking your hips back against his ever moving tongue. 
“Kishi ...please I can't…please. Baby please.”You felt tears slipping from your eyes, you wanted to cum so bad, the bastard behind you knew exactly what he was doing.
Raising his head from your pussy, Kishsibe looked at you crying and whimpering for him. Your lips wet and puffy, mirroring the set right in front of him. 
“Oh baby…you givin’ up?” He teased, how he was able to look so smug while literally covered in your juice was beyond you
“Yes fuck I give up, please fuck me please. I need it so bad, I need to cum please.” You didn't care to hide how desperate you were, you worried you might die if he wasn't inside of you in the next few seconds. 
Kishibe gave you one last long lick end to end before straightening up, his lower back aching more than he wanted. Overcome with excitement at the prospect of finally being filled you raised your upper body onto your hands, only to be immediately pushed back down. 
“If you’re able to hold yourself up, maybe I should keep going until you can't.” Kishibe warned. 
A broken cry pushed from your throat. You couldn’t keep going, you couldn’t be held back from your release any longer. Tears flooded down your cheeks and you begged him not to, promising to be good and do whatever he wanted. He had done it, he had completely wrecked you. Leaning over you, cock brushing against your heat so deliciously, Kishibe kissed the side of your face, not stopping himself as his tongue lapped up the salty tears staining your cheeks. Big hands on your back unclasped your bra, sliding it out from under you and groping your chest. 
“There she is” His voice was so hot against your ear, rough and dripping with eroticism, “There’s my girl. And who am I?” 
He gave a smack to your ass, “That's right, baby. Now be good and take Master’s cock all the way. I don’t wanna hear any of that bullshit about it being too much or too big, Okay?” 
You nodded quickly, probably too many times but fuck you could barely think. Another slap to your ass brought you back to attention, “Yes, Master!” 
He hummed with pride. Aligning himself behind you once more, sliding his cock head up and down your slit. Anticipation nearly becoming too much, your whimpers increased before he mercifully slid inside of you. The combination of your natural lubrication and his spit allowed him to ease in with barely any effort, you were still so tight around him. He was so big, it felt like he was splitting you open. A gravelly moan rang out from him, coming directly from his chest as he became fully immersed in you. The force of his thrust rocked your whole body forward. One hand holding you down by the back of your neck, the other gripping your hip. You cried out his title as he pulled back nearly all the way before pushing in again. Finally you felt the white hot coil of orgasm building rapidly in your lower belly. 
“Fuck! Fuck Master, “You wailed, “Yes! I’m so close, Fuck, thank you, master!”
The hand on your neck moved to grip your hair, pulling it back harshly, forcing you to arch all the way back as he continued to bully his cock up inside of you, “You had your chance to cum, already. You’ll wait for me.” 
His voice was so husky against your ear, hair gripped tight in his grasp, you had to focus all your energy on not cumming despite how close his postponing cock was bringing you. Wrenching your head to the side Kishibe kissed you, rough and hot, swallowing down your moans before they could leave you. Your hands struggled to find somewhere to land alternating between gripping his thigh and traveling up to his neck and hair. The upright doggy position allowed him so deep inside of you, his free hand moving over your bouncing breasts and down to press on your lower stomach, feeling himself inside of you. He was so fucking cruel, you cried out, breaking the kiss, head falling back on his shoulder, eyes closed in blinding pleasure. You could still hear him grunting in your ear, his lips needed you and found their next best option, the side of your neck. Knowing exactly what he was doing he pushed harder, his other hand wrapping around your waist to pull you flush against him. 
“Stop Kishi, please. It’s too much.” 
His gripped your throat tightly, “I said no fucking whining. Did I already fuck every thought out of your head or can’t you remember?” 
You strained to look at him with pleading eyes choking your words past his grip, “I-I’m sorry, Master”
His hand around your throat had made you tighten around him, he was so close, he had wanted to drag this out more. Wanted to remind you who was in charge. But he felt himself faltering, hips shuddering, balls tightening. Kishibe released your throat allowing you to catch your breath, he stopped holding you upright and you fell forward, falling exactly into your previous position: face against the mattress, hips high, ass out. His grip on your hips was bruising, tomorrow morning he would be tracing those bruises as you stood making coffee in the suite's kitchenette. But right now you were made to take his cock, he could be gentle with you another time, not now.
“Touch yourself, cum.” He commanded having to focus all his energy on keeping his thrusts deep and even. Your hand flew between your legs, circling your achingly sensitive clit. His work earlier had you already twitching. 
He thrusted deep and jagged twice more before he felt your walls tremble around him, the sound Kishibe makes when he cums was almost always uniform, a low howl that erupted from his throat as he pressed right against your cervix. You joined him in his orgasm, the pair of you singing a private duet that only you would ever hear. You could feel his hot cum filling you, your orgasm covered you like being caught in a sudden rainstorm. Drenched in pleasure, your mind existed only for thoughts of him. His lips found your shoulder, still deep inside of you, Kishibe grew softer, both his cock and his treatment. 
“Good girl,” he spoke against your sweat-dampened skin, “did so good, baby.” 
You let out a strangled sound, still barely recovered from your mind melting orgasm. Another whimper left you as he removed himself from inside of you. You stayed on your stomach, but allowed your legs to relax, now laying totally prone. Kishibe moved next to you, catching his breath and allowing the feeling to come back to his lower half. You lay together panting, allowing aftershocks of pleasure to ebb and flow over the next few moments. Turning your face to look at him, you placed a hand on his chest. He took it and pressed the back of your hand to his lips. When you had finally regained your composure, you swatted his chest lightly, truly nothing compared to his brutal treatment. 
“You’re such an asshole.” You chuckled out, you slotted yourself against his side, draping a leg over his. 
“You love when I’m mean,” he rolled his eyes, “I can feel it, so don't try to lie. You get so tight when I push you around.”
He was right, you loved it. You loved-- no. not yet. You couldn't yet say that you loved him, that would be too much. But you knew it, and even if it was just for yourself, for now that was enough. 
“So now that we’re going steady, do I have to take you to breakfast?” he absentmindedly ran his fingers through your hair, dull nails scratching your scalp making you purr. 
“ ‘Going Steady’? Jesus, you are an old man.” You teased him through blushing cheeks. 
You tried to be careful when you poked fun about his age, but you saw the small curve of his lips that let you know you were off the hook this time. He pulled you closer to him, rolling his eyes again. 
“Big talk for someone who begs to cum around this old man’s cock like it's the only words she knows.” he tapped your temple once. 
You leaned up to face him, finally ready to ask him the question that had been burning since you had first arrived in the lavish suite, “Are you really on assignment or did you rent this room yourself?” 
If you didn’t know better you’d think he was blushing. But you do know better. Kishibe rested his head against the pillow and turned his gaze from you to the ceiling, “Maybe I wanted to do something nice for you.” 
You could help smiling widely at him, you had found him out, “I knew it! You are a romantic…awe all this just to ask me to be your giiiiirlfriend?” you elongated the title to see if you really could draw the blush out of him. 
He smacked your ass hard once, “Shut up, I told you not to get used to it! You’re not getting this again if you keep talking like that.” 
You ass still stung a bit from his harsh treatment earlier, so you snuggled back into his neck, kissing underneath one of his ears. His big arms wrapped around your back. Soon you would fall asleep, he would separate from you and go to have another smoke on the patio, tomorrow morning you would wake up together and he would treat you to breakfast. He could already feel your breaths growing relaxed, sleep starting to win you over and although you couldn't see it, he was blushing. 
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busycloudy · 7 months
hii if that's okay can I take a coffee mixed with tea with a muffin and a dragon? Thank you so much in advance!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
A Comforting Dragon
Coffee + Tea(Comfort) Muffin(They walk in to see you crying) Dragon Lollipop(Malleus Draconia)
A/N: Hello Lilian! Sorry if this is ooc, I haven't really wrote for Malleus yet! I do hope you still enjoy this!
You slammed your room door in Ramshackle shut. The dorm shook. You hopped onto your bed and laid there, just staring at the ceiling.
Today was a frustrating day. You were on your last straw, but even that had been taken from you.
You had the worst headache ever after taking care of the first years and making sure Grim didn't burn anything. Grim had nearly burned your whole dorm down a few minutes ago actually. Then Crowley had sent you to do some things, and now you have to study and do some homework.
You did not have the energy to do that right now. All you wanted to do was relax for once. But then again, everything was due tomorrow. "Better do it now then...." You mumbled, grabbing the papers.
You took a seat back in your bed, looking at a sheet of paper. Your frowned. You read it again. "What?" You read it another time. This made no sense. No matter how many times you read it, it didn't make any sense. "Ugh, I'll just move on to the next paper" You muttered.
You moved on to the next paper. Still, it made absolutely no sense. You moved on to the next one, and next thing you know you're back at the first paper after looking through all of the papers. Nothing made sense right now.
All you wanted to do was cry with how frustrated you were now. Nothing made sense, but they were due tomorrow. What the hell were you supposed to do? All this frustration was starting to get to you.
You started to think about everything that has happened to you every since you came here. One thought only lead more. You couldn't stop thinking.
A salty tear rolled down your cheek. One tear turned into more. Your thoughts started consuming your head.
Time started passing. Maybe minutes later you heard your door open. You looked up, wiping your tears. "Oh.. hey Tsunotarou..." You sniffles. Malleus then had a bit of a frown, and you could hear lighting strike.
Malleus then walked over to you, sitting beside you on your bed. "My love, what happened?" He said, a worried look on his face.
You just sniffled. "Nothing... " You muttered. "Do know you can speak freely with me" Malleus reassured you. " You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but now I'll always comfort you and be by your side" He sympathetically smiled.
You gave in. Telling him your frustration about all the work, and how thoughts started going through your mind. How ever since you had arrived here it had felt like hell. Sure, there were good moments! But those bad moments made everything shit.
Malleus comforted you while you said this. Staying quiet, and letting you talk. He rubbed your back to try and calm you.
You finished talking, then looking at him. "I.. I'm sorry. I'm probably just overreacting..." You wiped your tears. "Dearest, your not overreacting. I'm glad you decided to tell me this. I'll help you if needed" Malleus answered. You shook your head "Please do" You sniffled. "Anything for you, my treasure"
Malleus would help you live in this world. He'd help you every step of the way. No matter the cost. As long as you're happy.
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saw444kowo · 7 months
HIIIII MLLL! I would love if you could write a Mike x reader following the FNAF plot? I haven’t ppl write anything like that! Maybe the reader being forced to go with Abby when Freddy comes to get her and Mike saving them and being protective? Smth angst WITH A FLUFF ENDING BC AHHHV I LOVE FLUFF WITH SOME ANGST! (also nothing with smut bc everyone’s been writing Mike smut and it feels so ooc for him 😔)
you're so real asexual mike canon!!
also the angst part is a bit rushed i'm sorry i'm slowly getting out of writer's block and it truly ain't shit 🤧🤧 BUUTTT HERE WE AREE
gender neutral reader!!
wc: 1141 🦦
find the fic on ao3 here! || link to my ao3 profile 🦇
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“Give me the vest.” Mike tried to command to his sister, but it was to no use.
“No. Me and Y/N are coming with you.” Abby replied on a taunting tone.
“ Are we?” you said, looking up from your book, and the death stare Abby gave you left you no choice but to follow her.
“Please.” Abby begged, doing her signature puppy eyes.
“No.” Mike replied sternly.
"What?! You can't say no to her, especially not with those puppy eyes!!" you chimed in, doing puppy eyes as well, hoping it would persuade him.
“Fine” he sighs, and you and Abby exchanged a hearty high five. “But only if you come with us as well, Y/N.”
“Fine by me!” you reply with an eager smile. “Come on Abby, let’s get ready!”
The happy trio then found itself impatiently sitting in the car, while the radio was silently playing Talking in your sleep.
A few moments later, you all three arrived n front of the abandoned pizzeria.
“Don’t get your hopes up, okay?” Mike warned as you were entering the building. “Just… Do whatever while I’m watching the cameras. Y/N? (you turn your head to look at him) I’m counting on you, you’re the adult, you take care of Abby, okay ? (you nod) And you, Abby, don’t be too much of a trouble, okay?”
“Mhm!” she agreed excitedly.
A few moments later, you and Abby found yourselves discovering all the oddities of the ancient pizzeria, but one in particular caught your eyes.
“Look at that muffin!” you say to Abby as you point your flashlight towards a muffin with a pink icing and some gloomy yellow eyes. “Imagine if it started chasing you here, what would you do?”
“I sure wouldn’t want that to happen” Abby chuckled as you switched rooms, not paying attention to the now moving muffin.
On the other hand, boredom seemed to have gotten the best of Mike. After all, if nothing tragic happened in this pizzeria in over 30 years, the bite of 87 aside, why would it change now?
That’s how our dear camera monitor ended falling asleep, the soft noise of the cameras’ static slowly lulling him, but he shouldn't have…
You and Abby kept on exploring the various and numerous rooms, and found a room full of blanket of pillows and blankets.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” you ask Abby as you give her a mischievous look.
“If you’re thinking about building a pillow fort, then totally!!” Abby replied cheerfully. “We should do it in the main plaza!”
“Yes!! Start off with bringing these there, I’ll take the rest!” you say as you hand her a few blankets.
A few moments later, you and Abby started running out of blankets, so you decided to take the ones who were covering some oddly tall figures.
“What the- oh my god this is awfully terrifying” you say as you uncovered a strange purple bunny looking animatronic.
Should you have left? Of course. But you somehow couldn’t take your eyes off of the strange creature before your eyes. Its red eyes were staring back at yours, and something felt off, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. It’s as if the creature in front of you was…
“Help!!” you tried to scream, but nobody could hear you.
Strange, Mike thought as he noticed one of the cameras stopped working. I should check what’s going on there.
“Abby?” he asked as he headed towards the main plaza. “Do you know where is Y/N?”
“They’re in the storage room, we are going to build a pillow fort!” Abby replied cheerfully.
Mike then rushed to the storage room where he thought you were, where he noticed you silently studying the purple robot-looking bunny.
As you tilted your head in curiosity, the robot did the same, and you couldn’t help but to find it endearing.
"Oh my God, I thought something bad happened to you," Mike sighed, relieved to see you alive and well. "Are you the one who screamed earlier?"
“Yes” you admit with a sheepish smile. “That’s because he didn’t want to put me down.”
“Okay...” Mike replied, slightlty doubtful.
“By the way,his name is Bonnie! Bonnie, this is Mike, my best friend!” you said with a smile. “He can be of good use for taking all the pillows we need to the plaza!”
A few hours pass as the night comes to an end, and time to head back home arrived.
Both you and Abby fell asleep in the car, lulled by the smooth roaring of the car.
“Y/N?” Mike called you after Abby went to sleep. “Can I tell you something?”
“Sure, but what’s with the serious face?” you ask him, starting to get worried.
“Nothing I just…” Mike sighed. “I’m just glad you’re safe. The animatronics can get dangerous at times.”
“There’s something you’re not telling me.” You point out. “Whatever it is, you can tell me, I’m your best friend, I won’t judge.”
Mike sighed deeply before saying:
“If I got so worried about you, it’s because I thought I would lose you. And I couldn’t bear losing the one I love.”
“Is that… A confession?” you ask, not wanting a misunderstanding.
“What else do you want it to be” he replied, smiling awkwardly.
“Well” you chuckle, “I’m surprised you beat me to it. It’s been a while since I wanted to confess as well.”
“Wait, really??” (you nod with a soft smile) “So, does that mean that we’re, you know, dating?”
“I don’t know” you chuckle softly, “We’ll have plenty time to disscuss it later, okay? Let’s just say we’re lovers for now, okay?”
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luxaryllis · 1 year
Ok so Crowley found a way for yuu to go home just as yuu is walking through the portal after saying goodbye to everyone there's a blinding light for a second and yuu wakes up in a hospital bed as yuu wakes up all that they can hear is the heart monitor attached to them and the TV that is playing Disney movies as the doctor comes in he tells yuu that they've been in a coma for 2 years which is how long they have been spending in twisted wonderland and that they have been in a car crash soon but steadily yuu realizes that everything they have been thought was just a figment of their imagination
Note: Ooohhh, okay, this is kinda interestinggg!
Apologies for the long wait, Moon, but here it is!!
I'm posting this right before going to sleep, so I'll probably do some proofreading and stuff tomorrow? Idk lol-
Warning/s: Coma, Mentions of a car crash (I don't go over much details), Some parts may or may not be inaccurate, Possible canon divergence?, Reader/MC is referred to as Yuu, Possible OOC, Not a lot of research was put in this, Please tell me if I missed some
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"Do you really have to go, henchman? N-not that I'd miss you or anything! If anything, you would be the one missing me!!"
Grim said as he looked up at you from the ground. You were standing infront of a mirror. The mirror that would bring you home.
Though his words were haughty, you could easily tell that he wasn't being serious. Anyone with functioning eyes and ears could hear how the little monster's voice cracked and wavered, and how his ears were pressed down to his head.
You smiled softly, crouching a bit to ruffle your companion's fur. No one missed how Grim leaned into your affection and headpats.
Crowley cleared his throat to catch you attention. Once all eyes were on him, the headmage spoke. "The Dark Mirror is now ready to take you to your world, Yuu. It won't be open for much longer."
You nod, getting up from your position as you slowly walk to the mirror that brought you here, and will soon take you away from here.
As you reach the mirror, you take one last look to everyone else, who had came and wanted to see you off.
Ace and Deuce were tearing up, and (though Ace wouldn't admit it very easily) were very reluctant to let you go when you had hugged them. Trey and Cater were sending you sad smiles and were comforting Deuce (who had started crying a bit). Riddle made sure that you were fully prepared for your arrival home and made you promise not to forget them, a promise you were more than happy to oblige with. You remember feeling your heart and chest throbbing, from what you think is sadness.
Jack gave you a firm handshake as a goodbye, though you had pulled him into a hug right after. A little beep was heard in your head while you hugged the wolf beastman. Ruggie told you to be safe out there in your world, while Leona just gave you a simple headpat.
The Leech twins, Jade and Floyd, gave you their respective goodbyes, with Floyd taking you into his arms an giving you a tight squeeze while Jade watches you with a calm smile. Azul nodde at you, saying it was a pleasure to know you, and watched with a sad gaze as Kalim pulled you into a hug.
Kalim held you in a tight embrace as he started bawling, crying about how he'll miss you so much and how much of a great friend you were to him. Jamil had to shove Kalim off you so he could get a single word in and patted your shoulder and told you to take care of yourself. Before the Scarabia dormleader could jump you again, he held Kalim back as you sent him a grateful nod.
Your friends from Pomefiore made their goodbyes rather quick, but you knew that you would never forget them. Epel gave you a hug with teary eyes, making you promise never to forget them. You had made it a pinky promise, despite Epel's hesitance, though he conceded either way. Rook made sure that your clothes and appearance looked up to par while Vil had reminded you to take care of yourself and your appearance. While moving on to your Ignihyde friends, you felt strange, like you were leaving your body, but chalked it up to how you were gonna miss them a lot.
Idia gave you a solemn nod, as if he were sending you off to the military, and Ortho wanted to take a group picture to commemorate the moment! The picture ended up really well, and Ortho printed it out through himself and gave a copy of it to you. As you walked by, you heard Idia muttering about how this was the "ultimate ending of isekai games and anime".
Like, Idia, Sebek gave you a nod, but you knew from his twitching hands that he wanted to hug you, so you embraced him for the last time, not even caring about his yelps and shouts. Though the green-haired first year shouted a bunch of things to get you to stop, you noticed how he held you tightly to him and didn't make a move to shove you off. Your heart felt like it wanted to leap out your chest. Silver gave you a soft smile and nodded at you, telling you to take care. Lilia patted your shoulder and reminded you to be good and gave you some wise words of advice. Malleus, who you personally invited, smiled at you and said that he would always remember you as his greatest and closest friend. You like to think his words even squeezed your heart a little.
As you looked at everyone and teared up. You quickly wiped them off, not wanting to get too emotional and waved everyone goodbye as you walked in the mirror. You vaguely heard everyone's voices shouting a 'goodbye' back at you, before everything turned white and the noise faded into earsplitting beeps.
Eventually you felt yourself lying down on a kind of stiff, but soft surface, like those beds in an infirmary. You heard steady beeps coming from your left, and felt multiple things on you. Like your wrist having a few wires attached in it, and a mask covering your nose and mouth. You tried to move, but you couldn't, as if your body had gone numb.
This made you panic. Had you gotten kidnapped? Were you even back in your world? Why were there things attached to you? Where even were you?!
Soon enough, you felt control over your body, you tried moving your hand, but only got a small twitch. It was only then that you realized that there was someone holding your hand. You heard a gasp, and someone announcing, "They're awake!"
The hand holding yours felt comforting, which was why when they let go, you were tempted to reach out and hold it again. You heard a light commotion, and opened your eyes. The bright light overwhelmed you and made you close it again. You try again, and again, before you hear a calm but soothing voice tell you to take deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.
You follow the instructions, and find yourself calming down and looking face-to-face with a nurse. The nurse wore a medical cap and mask, so you couldn't exactly see their features.
You look around a bit more, seeing that you were on a hospital bed, in a hospital room, attached some thing right next to you through some tubes in your wrist.
Why were you in a hospital? You look to your side and see your parents standing there with worried looks on their faces. The nurse signals them that they may approach you, but told them not to overwhelm you.
Your parents immediately go to you, asking you in soft questions if you remember them and what happened. You do remember your parents. But you don't remember exactly what happened.
Maybe it was the 2 years you've been in the world of Twisted Wonderland, but it's like your latest memories of your life before ending up in Night Raven College have gone blurry.
Your parents hesitantly tell you what had happened. "Two years ago, you got hit by a car, and got a nasty concussion and terrible injuries. You were immediately rushed to the hospital, where the doctors did their best to save you. And they succeeded. Somewhat. You fell into a coma ever since, and you've finally waken up!!"
...A coma...? Slowly, you look around again, realizing that on a monitor on the wall, Disney's Sleeping Beauty was playing. The song "Once Upon a Dream" became bavkrgound noise rather than music as you realized something.
Everything... was fake.
The world of Twisted Wonderland was fake! Did... did that mean your mind had conjured up everyone, Ace, Deuce, shit, even Grim!!
All those moments, the friendships, the bonds, the memories! Were they all just a small figment of your imagination?! Like a dream that lasted 2 years?!
The overblots, getting kidnapped in Scarabia, sneaking into the Styx Headquarters! Was it all just... nothing?
Your mind runs into delirium and hyper mode, thoughts of disbelief and all your memories just rushing through your eyes.
All that hardwork, the tears shed, everything was all for nothing? Was the world of Twisted Wonderland really just some made-up reality you created?!
As you hear your mother calling out your name, you snap out of it. You reassure yourself. It was just the magic of the world. Your mind must have traveled between the worlds or something.
Yeah... that must be it... right...?
The nurse begins to usher you back on the bed, advising you that you must rest before fully engaging with the world. Your parents leave the room, giving you their respective goodbyes and you're left alone in your hospital room.
You seal your eyes shut, and try to get some sleep. Unbeknownst to you, a crow watched you from outside your window, before fluttering away. It'll come back soon enough, just how it always did.
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takobaki · 5 months
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Snowy innocence // PT 1
The Octopus and the Rice fish
Octavinelle Dorm
A/N: I had to look up so many fish for this lmao 💀 anyways most things that seems ooc do have a explanation but still kinda sucks
Word count: 1,206
Other parts here
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"Do you think Rice fishy is gonna be okay" A voice asked as Alkni slowly started to gain consciousness, the bright light peeking through her closed eyelids as the small girl just continued to lay there, unmoving
"Be quiet-" Another voice said as Alkni felt someone or something gently rub her head
The movement was so soft...
So gentle...
Something she had never felt before in her few years of living. All she knew was the harshness that they had shown her, and since that was all she had known, thats what she thought was normal, making her fearful of the unfamiliar action
"Do you even know how they ended up here. I doubt someone of their size could even break into the school, and even if they did, why?" The voice from before asked as someone gently picked up her small head, placing it on what Alkni assumed was a lap, something she would use to do for the stray animals outside whenever she was left out to "rot"
Slowly opening her red eyes, the little girl having to squint as her eyes slowly adjusted to the bright lights that were in the room, reminding her of the sun even though the lights were the normal brightness lights should be
There were two guys sitting near her, one with short, wavy, light gray hair, which seemed to be resting her head on his lap, and one with short teal hair that had a black stripe in it "I highly doubt that she snuck in. She's looks so young and like she hasn't been taken care of a day in her life" The light gray haired man said to the other
"Maybe we could get Sam to help, I'm pretty sure he's still here for a bit" The boy with sharp teeth responded, before looking down at Alkni again "Oh Azul- Shes awake-" He said quietly to who Alkni assumed was named Azul, making Azul quickly look down to her
"Hey little rice fish! I'm Floyd and that is Azul, whats your name" Floyd said to Alkni, making her flinch at his tone which was actually uncharacteristically kind for him, thinking he was mad at her
Attempting to push herself up, she felt a hand gently push her back down "Hey, you need to lay down, or else you'll only put more stress on yourself" Azul said as he moved her head from his lap to the couch while he got up. "We'll give you some time to adjust while we help Jade get you some tea, okay" Azul continued on
For some odd reason, Alkni somehow reminded Azul of the younger version of himself, making him feel some sort of level of obligation to protect her despite not even knowing her for a full hour
The dusty black haired child watched as Azul and Jade walked out of the room, closing the door gently as to not startle her. All three of them had a feeling she had gone through some type of abuse or neglect to end up how she ended, with small cuts, scrapes, and bruises littering her tiny body
Alkni gently sat upwards, looking around the room while seemed to be filled with bookshelves upon bookshelves, except for a large vault that was on the back wall. Thats when she realized that something felt off about her
She was warm for once
'When was the last time I felt this warm" She thought to herself as she stood up, her red eyes scanning every corner of the room, a habit she had picked up after being left alone on the streets for long periods of time before being picked back up again
Suddenly the sound of a door opening caused Alkni to panic as she quickly rushed to hide somewhere
Just to not be thrown out again
Tears filled her eyes as she covered her ears, sitting in a fetal position as if to protect herself from any possible harm or danger. The three Octavinelle students paused as they wondered why she seemed so fearful of them
Setting down the tray of tea, Jade slowly walked towards her, a gentle expression on his face as he bent down to her size "Hello, my name is Jade. May I know your name" Jade asked softly as he slowly extended his hand to her, in a attempt to show that he would do no harm to her
"I must let you know, we do not plan to do you any harm, and we only want to help you" Jade continued as Alkni peaked open one eye reluctantly, still very weary despite Jades comforting words. The teal haired boy gently opened his arms, inviting her into a hug in a attempt to try and gain her trust. Alkni looked around frantically, in hopes to find a exit from any possible harm
Alkni's breath hitched as she reluctantly scooted into Jades arms upon realizing that there was no other option but to go to him, flinching at the slightest movement he made out of habit.
To some students, it would be a surprise to as how good Jade was with children, yet when times called for it, he could be. And that time was now. As Alkni came into his arms, he gently patted her back, trying to make her as comfortable as possible in hopes that they could find out exactly what happened and why she had appeared here.
Sitting her on his lap, Azul placed the cup of tea in front of them on the coffee table, causing Jade to take a cup of the warm liquid and handing it to the 5 year old girl. Alkni looked up at him in confusion as she tilted her to the side slightly, wondering what he had given her was "Drink it" Azul told her as he picked up his own cup in a attempt to show her what to do
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Azul watched the girl with a careful expression as she drank her cup of tea. There was something off about her, and yet that same thing also reminded him of his past self "So, we are going to ask you a few questions okay" Azul said as he smiled at her. The new students had already long since came, meaning the same thing that had happened with Yuu couldn't have happened with the girl... right?
The pale girl looked towards him for a moment before speaking "S...shiny more m...me's" That one simple sentence filled the three students with lots of confusion.
Shiny more me?
"Why don't we see if she can tell us better in the morning" Floyd said as he let out a yawn, crossing his arms behind his neck as he rested his head on them. "Maybe we can have her show us where she came from too. That might help us find out, plus if betta peacock finds out, he's gonna' be mad" Floyd added while Jade nodded in agreement
Azul nodded as he looked towards Alkni again, chuckling at the look of amazement on her face after drinking the tea 'That must be her favorite type' Azul thought with a warm smile before he spoke up again
"Are you hungry?"
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saturnxgojo · 2 years
College Adventures w Scaramouche and Kazuha, episode 2 (fluff) (college AU)
✦ Pairing: Scaramouche x afab!reader x Kazuha (she/her pronouns used two times near the end)
✦ Summary: in which reader invites Scaramouche and Kazuha to her home over christmas break; and they meet readers best friend, and get to know more about reader
✦ Warnings: nothing much, fluff, use of pet names (love), cuddling with kazu, plane ride, mentions of being a loser and a freak, some swearing, ooc scara but what do you expect of me? i love him. also aether is here!!! kazu scara n reader are not yet in a relationship (keyword: not yet)
✦ A/n: okay im not dead, i just had a massive writers block. so enjoy your food
✦ Wordcount: 850
✦ ATTENTION!!! do not copy. translate, remake my work, i do not give you permission to so dont do it. also GIF not mine, credits to the creator.
previous part next part
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You awoke as Scaramouche softly shook your shoulder, lifting your head up from Kazuha’s shoulder to look at him you giggled at his messy hair.
“We're almost landing, put your seatbelt on.” you nodded, waking Kazuha as you did so. 
“Zuha, wake up, we're landing” you poked your fingers in his side and he immediately awoke; his hair also messy from the plane ride.
Oh yeah right; it was finally Christmas break and you couldn’t wait till you were home, and to show Kazuha and Scaramouche your home. And ofcourse you were excited to see your childhood best friend too, who wouldn’t? 
So when you finally arrived at your childhood home, the two boys were amazed. 
“Why do you work at a grocery store when you live in a house like this?” Scaramouche asked but you didn’t have time to respond before you saw a certain blonde emerge from the neighbors house. 
“Aether!” you yelled, running up to him before your friends had even realized. Swinging your arms around his neck as your bodies collided. His arms moved across your waist as he lifted  you up from the ground.
Finally catching up with you Scara and Kazuha watched the situation, Scara’s eyes going from Aether to his house, to you to your house. Holy shit, they’re rich best friends, what in the Archons.
Pulling back from your hug you smiled wider than Kazuha and Scaramouche had ever seen you smile. “Aether these are Kazuha and Scaramouche, my roommates. Scara, Kazu, this is Aether, my childhood best friend.” 
As the three of them said hi to each other you reached into your bag for your keys. Walking to the door you stepped into your childhood home. A smile appeared on your face as you breathed in the scent that carried so many memories. “Okay so why did you never tell us you were like- rich?” asked Kazuha as he stepped inside. 
“Nononono more like, why work at a grocery store when you live in a house like this?” Scaramouche repeated his previous question.
“One: I didn’t think it would matter, and it in fact didn’t. And two: because I like doing so, plus it gives me some more cash. Because most of my money is in my savings for later.”
Aether giggled as he walked inside, making a beeline for the living room- after all he did spend most of his childhood here. “My mom and Y/n’s parents own a security company together, that’s why this house is absurd.” 
After the two guys came down from their shock Aether spinned up a conversation bringing up old memories. 
“Prom, freshman year.” Was all he had to say to make you want to disappear into the couch. Shaking your head as you laughed.
“The day we went from losers to absolute freaks.” you couldn’t contain your laugh. “We were so bad.” 
Kazuha and Scaramouche looked like they just saw an elephant in a dress.
“Our popularity came in junior year. When we started throwing our parties. That’s when we went from freaks to tolerated.”
“Because they realized we were rich and could get good alcohol and stuff.” “But nonetheless, we were no longer freaks.”
Scaramouche and Kazuha listened as you told them the stories. How once people realized you weren't just some losers they started tolerating you. 
“It was our halloween party that did the trick- we told everyone to arrive at 9PM, and of course because of our cameras outside we filmed the whole thing. But, we scared the shit out of everyone who arrived, all different tactics. Best night ever.”
“Don’t forget we posted it on Vine back then and it went viral.”
Scaramouche and Kazuha listened in awe as you told the stories. You never talked a lot about your childhood and now it all fell out of you like someone took your filter away and turned the sink on. And the smile on your face was the best part in both their opinions. 
Finally hours later after Aether had left you retreated to your bedroom. Of course both boys had their own rooms but Scaramouche has had problems adjusting to staying in new places so naturally both boys were in your room. You didn’t mind it at all. So after coming back washing your face in the bathroom you snuck in your own bed. 
Arms wrapped around your waist almost on instant, pulling you against his chest Scaramouche sighed. You closed your eyes as you felt his body warmth radiate onto yourself. Soon enough you felt the mattress dip and a hand softly brushing your hair out of your face. As you felt your consciousness slipping away you felt a soft kiss being placed on your forehead.
“Goodnight, love.” Kazuha whispered as he took your hand on his.
Scaramouche didn’t say anything, he just pulled you even closer. 
After a while Kazuha spoke in a whisper, “She’s going to be the death of us.”
“Yeah, and she has no idea.” Scaramouche sighed, softly caressing your waist as he felt sleep coming for him too.
lowkey hate this but it was necessary for the next part. i love scaramouche.
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bots-and-cons · 7 months
I've noticed people had invested in your story of your scarlet witch reader story so am i, but i understand if you don't want to write this anymore if that makes u uncomfortable then i'm sorry and i understand. But here's my request :
I want to ask for a request one-shot for Scarlet Witch Reader with Wheeljack to have a moment together before Redear's "death", like Jackie noticed her depressed moment one time, alone, away from the bots and wanted to talk to her if Reader needs some comfort but all the Raeder had said :
"I'm sorry...i know you're trying....I'm just so tired ..." Reader mumured, voice cracking, finally gives in. "And every single time I thought it was over I’d arrogantly sit right here, thinking I will suddenly be healed and ready to move on, being accepting again. Little did I know that the wave would keep crashing---knocking me right back down again. A continuous wave I can’t escape from. And eventually, it’s just going to drown me."
Since Wheeljack is the only one bot who didn't resent the Reader or didn't treat her like a monster, how will Wheeljack react to Reader's confession? Will he comfort her? Giving an advice or at least a hug? Will that moment haunt him after her "gone"?
Oh yeah, people seemed really interested in that one. I don’t mind writing more fic stuff for it, it's just that I got a bit tired of answering all the questions about it. I don't even remember everything I said, so this might not go according to what I wrote before. Since I didn’t tag them with anything special, I can't be bothered to look for them either, so here I go with my ramblings again. I wanted to do a scenario, which is why I left this as the last request. The first part to this, or I guess what would come after this can be found here. Just a little disclaimer, the last time I watched TFP was in 2019 so I barely have any memory of Jackie’s character because I write him so rarely. I apologize if this is severely OOC
You’d made your decision, you would disappear. When and how though? You weren’t sure but you would take your chance when you saw it. You packed a bag and hid it in the locker at a nearby bus terminal. You could get to it after you got away from the autobots so you would have something to start with.
On one of your final days with the autobots, you were just wandering around the base aimlessly. You weren’t sure what you were even doing there anymore. Sure the autobots were trying to keep you safe from the decepticons, but you could do that by yourself too. You were strong enough to do that.
For about the last half a year, things had been getting progressively worse. It started almost immediately after the autobots took you under their protection. You were helping them fight some of the decepticons and a boulder you threw hit the wrong target. You hit Bulkhead in the back making him fall down. He almost got his helm crushed in by Breakdown in the process, but managed to avoid the hammer strike at the last second. That’s when it started. The judgemental looks and hushed whispers.
You thought they would be different, that the autobots would understand because they too were different, but you were wrong. You thought they wouldn’t try to chain you down and make you keep your powers hidden, but they did. Ratchet was especially skeptical about your ability to control your powers, and as the little mistakes started piling up, the skepticism spread.
Aside from the incident with Bulkhead, nothing serious happened again, but all the little mistakes and accidents were interpreted as malicious on your part.
“Hey (Name)!” Wheeljack exclaimed, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Hmm?” you turned around to face him.
Wheeljack had noticed you were getting progressively more tired and anxious during the last few weeks. He had noticed the others treating you in a way that was in his opinion quite unfair. Jackie hadn’t exactly vocally protested against Arcee or Ratchet’s comments, but he hadn’t agreed with them either.
“Ya doin okay?” he asked.
“I’ve seen better days” you joked halfheartedly.
“Come with me” Jackie said, turning to walk back down the hall.
“Where are you taking me exactly?”
“I just thought we could talk without someone eavesdroppin on us” he shrugged, heading for the elevator. “Besides, ya need to get out of this place sometimes”
You followed him, not really saying anything as you took the elevator up to the top. It wasn’t very cold outside yet, so you could easily stay up there for a while without a jacket. You sat down on a rock as you looked at the sunset. If you were lucky, this would be one of your last nights at the base. It was a bit of a pity to lose such a great sunset watching spot though. You sat there for a while, not saying anything, just looking at the horizon.
“So, what’s going on with ya lately? You seem pretty down nowadays”
“I’m sorry, I know you’re trying, you’re probably the only who gives a damn about me anymore anyway” you muttered.
“I’m sure that’s not true…” Jackie said, not really sure if he was lying or not.
“I thought I could find a place here with you guys. A place where I wouldn’t be shunned, but apparently that’s not the case. I thought I could heal here, to finally find some sort of kinship with someone who understands what it’s like to be different, to be unfairly feared by others, but I just keep getting knocked down, continuously…” you vented, not sure why you were suddenly opening up to him like this.
You and Wheeljack weren’t even particularly close, but he was the only one who had never really held your powers against you like the others had. Even though he didn’t defend you against the other bots, not that they ever said what they thought to your face anyway, he never looked at you judgmentally.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I let it all out like that” you sighed.
That was the last talk Wheeljack had with you. He never really believed you had died after you disappeared, but he never went looking for you. Based on what you’d said before you disappeared, if you were still out there, you were probably happier without the autobots, and that’s all he could ask for.
Still, he felt like he should’ve done more. He should’ve at least said something but he didn’t know how to answer you. He didn’t know how to comfort you, or it was even his place to do so. Now it was too late, you were gone, and dead or not he wouldn’t get a second chance, but maybe it was better that way.
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chenfordspiral · 1 year
A Chenford Thesis on 5x08
So, during my latest season 5 rewatch (thank you, hiatus nr 28593 this season), I kept getting stuck at 5x08. I could watch the Chenford scenes a hundred times a day. I’ve had a lot of time to think about why I absolutely love this episode and the way Chenford finally happened. 
Apologies if I keep repeating myself sometimes. This got way out of hand for some reason and I might’ve lost track a bit, so…
Anyway, let’s get started with my essay, or whatever this is, on how we got to the end of 5x08 and why Chenford’s development makes me weak in the knees. 
Would a big love confession scene because one of them is in danger have been nice to see in the moment? Sure. Would it have taken away from the impact of it all? Yes, yes, I think it would’ve. Because these two characters are not that. They’re private people, Tim especially, and yes, Lucy is more outgoing and once told Nolan to go for a big-ass proposal with Bailey, but when it really matters, that’s also not her. A big confession in the heat of the moment would’ve been OOC for them. The quieter, just the two of them outside way worked way better than anything else could have.
But I’m getting ahead of myself already. Let’s start at the beginning. 
All of 5x08 is the perfect lead-up to the end scene of that episode. 
Both Tim and Lucy are clearly uncomfortable at the idea of having to spend an entire shift together in the same car. They haven’t been the same with each other since they found a certain someone on Lucy’s couch and Tim encouraged her to go to UC school. 
They’ve become so much more than just colleagues to one another, but neither one of them is ready to have to face the other for the next approximately 10-12 hours. At this point, we’ve seen Lucy realize that Tim means more to her than just a friend, and we’ve definitely seen that Tim fell head-over-heals in 4x22/5x01 and just a little bit more each episode since.
So, there is nothing easy about having to be this close to each other again while thinking the other doesn’t return those romantic feelings. We see that weirdness in the shop before Lucy decides to break the silence. Without even trying, the manage to slip into a conversation that feels like them. They’re bickering like an old married couple. 
They disagree, but don’t insult each other for their different opinions – they banter back and forth, the way they have since sometime during Lucy’s rookie year. 
This wonderful moment, where we briefly saw them being them again, gets interrupted by Lucy’s idiotic WIP. Be warned, I will not be nice to this guy. I might even get through all of this without having to type out his name. Yes, I’m that petty. No, I’m not sorry. 
Lucy looks super uncomfortable right from the start. She doesn’t want to talk to this guy right now, especially not with Tim right next to her. But Assford doesn’t even register her unease. She manages to avoid having to talk very long, and couldn’t have hung up the phone any more quickly after he says he loves her. 
Now, we know Tim isn’t one for personal talk in the shop, even though Lucy’s already broken through that barrier here. But we saw the way he was avoiding even looking Lucy in the eye before she scurried off to get the war bags back at the station. He doesn’t want to have to spend so much time being so close to her. 
He doesn’t want to get involved in her personal life again. (Okay, he does, but you know what I mean.) But he clocks in on her uneasiness. And yeah, he didn’t think Lucy and the idiot he set her up with were serious enough to be talking about moving in together. So, he starts a conversation about something personal. Because he needs to know. 
“Are you two moving in together?” He looks and sounds a little broken. Because if they’re that serious, he really never has a chance. I know, he doesn’t think he has one now, but that would shut that door even more. Lucy doesn’t say yes, but she also doesn’t say no. But she does say that mr. clingy just dropped it on her earlier that day. We all see how confused and nervous she is. 
He asks if they’re happy – notice his use of ‘right?!’ at the end of that question; it’s become a pattern with them – and that moving in would be the obvious thing to do next. See, he can’t have her but still wants her to be happy. Even though he clearly doesn’t like the guy she’s with. Tim, you big selfless idiot.  
And Lucy tries to deflect, tries to convince him, and herself, that she’s happy with the guy. But we can all tell that she isn’t. And that Tim isn’t convinced either. 
The conversation is put on hold because they get called to a dispute. This might seem very random, but that couple served two purposes. One, giving an example of a couple that might be doing things better than Lucy with her WIP but still not the right way. And two, showing that sometimes, cops get called to weird scenes that seem totally random. But that’s patrol. 
Then they’re all busy trying to help the woman who’s had a bomb strapped to her neck. We see what they have to deal with on patrol, the inhuman things people do. We see them trying to handle seeing a woman killed by a bomb.  
They’re still talking about it when they’re back in the shop after it all went down. Again, they’re pulled out of the moment by her pathetic-excuse-for-a-boyfriend. This time, he seems to call to make sure she’s okay after hearing what happened on the news. But as soon as she says she’s ok, he changes course. Immediately putting pressure on her by talking about a house they should move on if she likes it. 
She hasn’t even seen the house. Let alone actually agreed to even look at houses. In the morning, she said “I’ll think about it. We’ll talk tonight.” That was not a yes. It was a ‘maybe; can we please talk about this later’. But he doesn’t get it. He doesn’t realize how much he’s bothering and smothering her right now. 
Tim only has to take one look at Lucy to see that she’s uncomfortable. He was already looking at her when she turned to glance at him, likely looking for his help to get her out of this conversation. Lucy, honey. Wanting to get out of a conversation with your WIP should ring several alarm bells. You shouldn’t need ‘saving’. 
But Tim does what he always does – making sure Lucy’s okay. So he puts on his best TO voice and tells her to stop taking personal calls while on duty. Dumbass takes the hint, but not before throwing some shade at Tim.  
Lucy takes a moment to regroup after hanging up the phone before she turns to Tim. “Thanks”. Tim nods his acknowledgement, and they both turn their focus back to work. But I’m still stuck at how Lucy looked for comfort and help from Tim and he gave it willingly. Because he wants her to be happy. And those phone calls put her on edge. 
So he did what he could do to help make her feel a bit better. I love this guy and his big-ass heart. 
The next time we see them in the shop, Lucy is looking at her phone again. Tim takes one look at her after glancing at her phone (Timmy, you bein’ kinda nosy) and starts talking again. Again, he is the one to start a conversation about personal stuff. 
He doesn’t shy away from the truth and just says it as it is: tell your idiotic WIP that you don’t wanna move in if you don’t want to move in. And I’m not sure if Lucy is just very out of tune with her feelings or what, but come on, she knows exactly what the problem is and why she doesn’t want to move in with mr. ignorance.
Every time I rewatch this episode and get to this specific scene, I cannot stop myself from saying “You know exactly what the problem is. It’s sitting right there next to you” after Lucy says she doesn’t get what the problem is. Seriously, even if I’m not actively listening, that part always gets my attention and I mutter those words. 
Lucy keeps talking, saying that she and the WIP are great together and that they never fight. Well, Tim coming in again with the truth: maybe that’s the problem. Or one of them, anyway. If you don’t fight, there’s barely any passion. Lack of friction and arguments doesn’t leave much room to improve and work on a relationship if you want to make it last. 
Lucy isn’t one to shy away from confrontation. We’ve seen her stand her ground with Tim basically since day one. Why is she not herself with Ch… oh, almost typed his name. Woops. Anyhow, we all know Lucy usually confronts what’s bothering her head-on. Why is she hiding? 
In semi-typical Chenford (or is it Lucy?)-fashion, she tries to deflect a bit here, jokingly asking if she and her can’t-read-the-room-bf should be more like the couple from the call they dealt with earlier. Tim denies, because that is not what he means. 
“Do you guys not fight because you don’t disagree on things or because you don’t think it’s worth the bother?” 
Again, right to the point. He hits the nail right on the head. We can see that Lucy realizes the latter to be true. She doesn’t argue with ADA Boring because it’s not worth it. She doesn’t put in the effort like she usually does. Why?
Well, because those arguments would immediately show that they are not compatible, and it would likely end that relationship sooner rather than later. Deep down, Lucy knows that.
Right from their first interaction, you could see that they don’t see eye-to-eye on things. Yes, her and Tim don’t agree on a lot of things, either. But she puts in that effort. Because she cares. 
This whole conversation shows that she’s staying with the dumbass not because she really wants to, but more because of guilt, fear, and the fact that she doesn’t want to commit to any guy. Well, there is one she’d love to commit to, but thinks she’ll never have the chance to. 
Guilt because she stills blames herself for the Rosalind debacle even though we all know it’s not her fault. Commitment issues because she hasn’t felt about anybody that seriously before, until... well, we’ll get to that and the fear part later. 
Tim can see that she realizes that she’s just along for the ride in that relationship, trying to commit to someone who seems great on paper but isn’t right for her. Once more, Tim tells her what he thinks.
“You deserve someone who’s worth the effort.” 
Because he wants her to be happy, because he cherishes and adores and loves her. 
Because he wants her to be in a relationship where she wants to work through the tough stuff, where she doesn’t shy away from the conflict, where she can be herself. 
Because he wants her to realize that she’s not gonna be happy with this guy when she can’t even be herself without having that relationship implode.  
Time and time again, they’ve shown us how incompatible Lucy and mr. you-can-leave-anytime-now are. Even their first encounter was indicative that this would never work out (still baffles me that she went out with him again after that double date). He seems more interested in forming her into someone he wants instead of really accepting who she is. 
And that just won’t do in a relationship. Ok, again, Tim and Lucy constantly try to make the other see things differently, but they’re not trying to change each other. At least not in a way that would totally go against who they are. They want them to be better versions of themselves. 
I mean, come on. Lucy as a lawyer? Tim retiring at 40ish? Who are these people who claim to love them? 
Tim and Lucy constantly make each other want to be better. 
And look at Lucy. Surely, she can see that montage that the Rookie SM account posted as part of the sneak peak before the episode aired play out before her eyes. All the times they’ve put in an effort. For each other. Even when they were still rookie and TO.  
She made an effort back then. Why not with her collar of a WIP? It took some time, but I’ve come to realize that the title for the episode might as well have referred to Assford’s presence in Lucy’s life and how he’s like a weight holding her down.  
The conversation seems to be over for the time being as they both turn a bit away from one another, lost in thought, especially Lucy. She absorbs everything he just said. The wheels are starting to turn in her head. 
Before either one of them can too wrapped up in thoughts, we see a car speeding past them. They discover that a second person has become victim of having a collar bomb strapped around their neck. 
I’m gonna skip over some case related moments but will say that I love how easily they slip from personal talk in the shop to being solely focused on the case and trying to find a way to help the guy. Now, let me jump right to when Creighton just takes matters into his own hands and starts cutting the bomb off with garden tools. 
It’s just a little moment in an episode with many awesome Chenford scenes, but I absolutely love how Tim reaches for Lucy to get her to cover behind the door of the shop. And then how he’s shielding her, keeping her behind him as best as possible with one hand on her shoulder and the other on her arm. 
Tim, your love for her is showing. And I’m getting emotional again. 
This entire sequence, from seeing the collar bomb on Creighton to when Tim radios in to pick up their suspect shows how easily Tim and Lucy slipped back into their partnership. He lets her take charge with the interview. They wordlessly communicate with one another. They just need to share a few looks to know what the other is thinking and move forward with the questioning. 
You can’t force this kind of connection, it’s just there. We can all see and feel it. And they probably do as well.  
We get to the last Chenford podcar scene of the episode. They’re coordinating with Harper on how to proceed after getting the last victim’s name. After, we hear Lucy’s phone going off, again. Thank god it’s not another face time call with what’s-his-name and just a message.
But even just a text is mildly pissing Lucy off. Because dude keeps sending her stuff even though she’s made it perfectly clear she wanted to talk about it with him later, not while on duty. 
Tim immediately picks up on it again and asks if it’s more listings, which, of course it is. Because ADA clueless is being an inconsiderate idiot. Even more so for sending listings for places Lucy would never even consider living, even if she wanted to move in with jackass. 
Off of her frustration, Tim works up the courage to ask something he’s probably been wondering about since the start of their day. “Do you love him?”
No, Timothy, she does not. Otherwise she’d be happy to talk to the WIP about it every chance she gets, not be completely frustrated with him. But he asks anyway because he needs to hear the answer.  
Lucy tries to deflect again, similar to the way she did when he asked if she was happy. ‘They haven’t been dating long’... which, well, is semi-true. It is the longest relationship for Lucy that we’ve seen on the show (gag). 
And it’s been roughly 10ish months at this point (thank you, TR, for the super wacky timeline. I’m deciding to go with November here, hence the 10 months, because we saw a date of Nov ’22 in 5x09; but who really knows…). 
After so long, you know whether you love someone or not. And Lucy knows she doesn’t love him but tries to avoid having to admit it right away. 
Tim seems to accept her obvious avoidance. But lets her know that dumbass loves her. So she shouldn’t lead him on if she doesn’t feel that way about him. 
I don’t know why I always get so emotional watching this. Probably because Tim’s statement could easily be about himself, too. 
And now Lucy might finally be realizing the problem. She knows that her WIP loves her (although, I’m still not convinced, because he shouldn’t be trying to change and pressure her into anything if he really did love her). 
Lucy knows that she should, theoretically, love him back. Because on paper, he seems great and she even says, “he’s so great in so many different ways”. 
I hate this line. Because time and time again, they’ve managed to show him as a not great guy. No matter how much I try, I cannot for the life of me think of him as anything but annoying and so obviously not right for Lucy. 
Anyway. Lucy proceeds to talk as she processes what’s bothering her and comes to the conclusion that “he’s just not…“ and immediately looks over at Tim before looking back out the window. Lucy, what?! 
Could you be more obvious? You basically just said you can’t love Assford because he’s not Tim. You basically just said you’re in love with Tim… cool. I’m cool. Perfectly fine. Not losing my mind over this at all. 
That was the loudest unspoken ‘you’ I’ve ever heard. And that’s the problem of it all, isn’t it? She’s realized at some point that she likes Tim more than she thought possible and seems frustrated with herself for not being able to let him go after thinking he rejected her. Frustrated with the whole situation, really.
But that’s also just it. You can’t just stop wanting someone. Yes, you try to move on when you think it’s never gonna happen, but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna be easy or happen quickly. 
Lucy seems to never truly have been in love with anyone before. Otherwise she would’ve committed to someone already, and not just tried to settle for dumbass ADA bitch. 
Finally, Lucy has voiced the problem of it all: she can’t love anybody else because somehow, she fell in love with Tim. Again, she can’t love Assford because he’s. not. Tim. Swoon. 
I’m sure Tim could feel that her gaze shifted toward him… whether he knew that’s what she almost said or not, I’m not sure. But I am sure he hoped that’s what she could mean. 
He looks over at her, trying to figure her out. But she’s already looking away, so he turns his focus back on the road. Both of them are left with their own thoughts and the case. And I can practically feel the tension through my screen. 
Tim and Lucy, my loves. Can you two please actually talk to one another? Without leaving any room for doubts, without subtext, without beating around the bush. 
Just say what you really wanna say. The other person might surprise you with their answer. 
And then we get to the last scene of the episode. Every moment has led to this. 
We see Tim sitting outside the station, alone, before we see Lucy walk up to him, getting them in the same shot together. And isn’t that just the perfect metaphor for their relationship? Tim was alone and broken when they met in the Pilot. And then there comes Lucy, sunshine personified, and bit by bit, brings light back into his life, stealing his heart along the way without even trying. 
She constantly challenged him, made him see when he was in the wrong and why, yet never judged or blamed him for things out of his control (wife who abandoned him, learning differently, childhood trauma because of an abusive father, taking the blame for everything) and made sure he knew that those things were nothing bad or to be ashamed of or his fault. 
Unlike so many other people in his life, Lucy never tried to change him. She simply brought out the person he is underneath all the tough guy exterior. She didn’t ask him to change - he wanted to be better because her opinion of him started to matter at some point. 
We might all see the difference Lucy made in Tim’s life more easily than the impact he’s had on her, but the deeper we look, the more obvious it gets. 
The Lucy from 1x01 needed to learn that the world was not as nice as we’d all sometimes wish it were. 
Tim said it himself in 3x11. She’s a kind and empathetic person who needed to see the world in a different light. He might’ve gone about it a bit controversially at first, but that all stemmed from a place of deep-seated hurt and heartbreak (still no excuse, but more understandable and shows that he’s human). 
But he still managed to challenge her. Made her see that she could be and is a great cop. Trained her to believe in herself and her abilities - something her parents never did. And something Lucy desperately needed in her life. Someone who believes in her and trusts her choices. Someone who accepts her the way she is. Someone who has her back. 
They both became better versions of themselves because of each other. Because there was finally a person who didn’t judge. No, it wasn’t romantic right from the start. But that pull toward one another has always been there. It’s only gotten stronger as they got to know each other better and then eventually bubbled to the surface at the end of season 4 and beginning of 5. 
Kay, back to the actual scene. 
I still really wanna know what Lucy was planning on talking to Tim about. Somebody please tell me… because “We need to talk” is usually not accompanied by anything good. 
I love how Tim immediately puts his phone down and turns his attention, and his body, toward Lucy. She has his full attention, no matter what this conversation is going to be about. 
Now, Lucy is the one who comes to Tim, but he is the one to start the conversation. And because they’ve been talking about her relationship with mr. can’t-read-the-room-and-pick-up-on-Lucy’s-discomfort before, it’s what he thinks they’ll continue to talk about.  
First though: just think about how weird this must be for them. All day, Tim’s been trying to help the woman he’s fallen for work through her relationship with someone else. And Lucy’s been working through the problems she has with her WIP with the guy she’s actually in love with. 
Yup, weird. 
We can tell that Tim is not expecting this conversation to be about anything but Lucy and her relationship with Assford. He doesn’t even entertain the idea that Lucy might’ve come to him to talk about them. He just wants to help her see that whatever she’s doing is not working. He’s being the friend he’s become for her over time. Because he’s not expecting to ever mean as much to her as she means to him. 
“Look, this clearly isn’t working out. I don’t know why you won’t just admit it.” 
Thank you, Tim, for saying what the entire fandom’s been thinking for a while now. 
“Unless, I mean, is it guilt? Is it because of what Rosalind did to him?” 
For some reason, likely because she’s frustrated with the situation as is and really didn’t want to talk about her WIP, Lucy deflects. Again. “Oh, like I’m the only one who stayed too long when things aren’t working? You dated a lifeguard. You don’t even like going to the beach!” 
Okay, I have to admit that I love Lucy’s roasting. So I need to pause here for a second. I had this all semi-planned out but then my emotions got the better of me. So, enjoy while I air out some of those frustrations. 
Both Tim and Lucy stayed with their respective partners for far too long. And for the wrong reasons. 
I get that Lucy felt guilty, and is too compassionate to leave someone when they’re hurt. Especially when she thinks it’s her fault. 
And neither one of them wanted to be alone. But Tim never should’ve stayed with Lifeguard Bitch after he realized they were on completely different paths regarding the future. 
I’m not saying she should change what she wants for Tim, but neither should he settle for something he clearly doesn’t want. He even said in 4x05 that he expected to already have kids. So he still wants it. He shouldn’t be with someone who clearly doesn’t want it. 
There’s no future there. But being alone wasn’t an option either because then he wouldn’t have been able to try to ignore his feelings for Lucy for as long as he did. 
In typical Tim Bradford fashion, he compromised who he is and what he wants to please the person he’s with. 
Take his reaction to Lifeguard’s revelations in 4x21: “Ok… great”. No Tim, not great. You clearly want the wife, the house and the 2.5 kids. Why are you not telling her that? End it right then and there. 
Why are you always the one compromising? Relationships are supposed to be a give and take, not just give for you, and take for Blondie. 
If she really did love him, she wouldn’t have dumped him the way she did. And not for the reason she did. Seriously, did she not know what his job was when they first went out? I mean, Bitch please. 
Sorry for the choice of words. My distaste for her and mr. hums-the-song just grew exponentially while writing this. Anyway, let me get back to the Chenford of it all. 
Now it’s Tim’s turn to be frustrated. Because this is not what this is about. All day he’s been trying to figure out why Lucy is still with Assford when she is clearly not happy, despite what she said earlier. He’s been trying to help her figure it all out.  
Tim wants Lucy to realize she deserves better, someone worthy of her. And no, he doesn’t think that’s him. In his mind, she is far too nice to ever possibly being able to like him in that way. So, this isn’t for him. It’s not about him. 
He says it himself: “This is not about me. No, it’s not about me, it’s about you. Staying in this safe relationship... because you’re scared.” Damn Tim. Straight to the point. 
But as soon as he says it, Lucy turns the conversation on its axis and actually makes it about them. Because all this time, it’s been about them, about him. “Of course I’m scared. If we do this and it doesn’t work, I’ll have ruined the most important relationship in my life.”
Again: Lucy?! What did you just say? My lack of words here is an accurate representation of my reaction when we were all watching it for the first time in December. 
And, yeah. I’ve seen different opinions about this whole scene. I don’t think it’s entirely out of the blue. We’ve seen them both struggle with their emotions and feelings for each other for a while at this point. Maybe we’ve seen it more from Tim’s side lately and that’s why it was surprising that it was Lucy who just blurted it out.
But I think it’s so wonderfully in character for her to just get lost in the moment and say what she’s been feeling for so long now because the word ‘scared’ triggered everything she’s been trying to ignore and work through. Her biggest fear is losing Tim completely. 
“Most important relationship in [her] life.” Yeah, I was not expecting to hear this. But I love it. We all know Lucy doesn’t want to put names to her relationships. She didn’t want to with Nolan (sorry for even mentioning this), not with Emmett and she made it perfectly clear that mr. hums-the-song was her WIP, not her boyfriend. 
But with Tim it’s somehow been a relationship for a while. She even called it that on her last day of training, which I still find hilarious, btw. They’re not together. Tim doesn’t even think she feels the same way as he does. Clearly, he was not expecting to hear this, either. 
She’s literally stunned him into silence. Look at the look on his face. He can’t believe what he’s hearing. He’s never been put first in any relationship. Okay, I firmly believe that he was Isabel’s priority once upon a time, but she too, chose something else over him at the end. Just like everybody else has.
But suddenly he hears Lucy say he is the most important to her. Him. Not anybody else. Him. Tim is the most important person in someone’s life. 
And then we see Lucy as she realizes what she just revealed to him. And she tries to backtrack. She’s not taking it back – she’s simply realizing that maybe she shouldn’t have revealed herself to him and drop this on him. 
But he doesn’t let her take it back. He agrees. Because they would lose each other if it didn’t work out. There’d be no going back to before. It’s either all in and risk it or continue this weird limbo they’ve found themselves in. 
And Lucy takes Tim’s “You’re right” as confirmation that it’s not gonna happen. That it’s not worth it to risk it all. Because she doesn’t want to lose him. There’d be no other person able to fill the hole that losing Tim would create. So they should just keep going as they have. Right? 
And yet. He doesn’t accept her “right?” the way he did in 5x01 in that hotel room. Because this is different. He can feel that this is different. That he seems to have a chance at a relationship with her after all. So he puts his cards on the table. And tells her that he thinks it is worth the risk. 
“Unless it is.”
Three words. Just three words and now it’s Lucy’s turn to be speechless for a moment. Because she had honestly thought that he wasn’t an option, either. Not after he told her to go to UC school and it was “time for [her] to move on.” She took it as rejection, he thought he was doing her a favor by removing himself from the equation that seemed to leave no space for him.
We see the wheels turning in her head as she realizes that he seems to want this as much as she does. She lets out a little breath as the tiniest smile starts to form on her lips as she stares at Tim. 
And he just looks back at her, gauging her reaction. He seems to find what he’s looking for because he leans back a bit, building up the courage to ask what he’s been dying to ask her for so long. Come on, we all know it’s true. His shoulders drop as he lets the weight fall off them and smiles. 
He starts to form words as he leans toward her again, but takes another second before he lets them out. “Do you wanna get dinner sometime?” 
Not ‘go on a date’. No. Because even in this moment, where they’re the only people that matter, he knows she still has a WIP. But he took his chance the moment he realized they were on the same page anyway. And I love it. Because he wastes no time at all to show her what he wants. He took a leap the second he realized she might feel the same way. 
All the previous heartbreak that started during his childhood seems to fade away from him. Right now, this is all that matters. Lucy is what matters. Because he matters to her, more than he ever thought possible. He’s willing to risk it all because all he wants, everything he’s been looking for his entire life, is right there in front of him. 
I will never not tear up at the way his eyes are so glassy with emotion and brimming with hope. Hope that she’ll say yes. Hope that this is finally the start of something he’s wanted for longer than he realized. 
And look at Lucy. She takes a moment to absorb everything that’s just happened. From realizing that she basically blurted out how she feels about him, to having him confirming that it’s reciprocated. That he’s willing to give this a shot because he believes they can make it work. 
He believes in her. In them. And that’s beautiful. Because Lucy doesn’t have many people like that in her life. She grew up with parents who always expected more of her, no matter what she did. We saw that in a few episodes in previous seasons and it’s so heartbreaking because we know Lucy wants to make her parents proud. She wants their approval.
But they never gave it to her. And yet somehow, here’s Tim. Who believes in her. First professionally, then personally and now romantically. Who makes her feel like she is enough. Because she is. For him, she is more than enough. She’s everything. 
They’ve both been exactly what the other has been looking for their entire lives. They’ve endured different kinds of trauma that only the other has managed to slowly heal because they’re two parts of one whole and only truly happy and themselves when they’re together. It sounds cheesy, but it’s true. 
She answers so clearly, so… sure. Like, ‘Yes of course you idiot. Why wouldn’t I want to go out with you? Nothing I’d want more.’ 
And then the relief in his eyes when she says yes. My heart hurts in the best way possible whenever I watch this scene and hear his breathless little “Yeah?”’. Happy Tim is my absolute favorite thing to see on the show. 
The elation of getting confirmation that she wants this just as much as he does. That she’s willing to risk it all with him. He’s been so afraid of getting rejected again, like he did in 5x01 (when, again, your timing was a bitch, Timothy). We saw how he considered talking to her in 5x06 in the parking lot and then the total devastation after the missed opportunity because a certain someone had to interrupt again. 
So, this time, he took his chance the second he saw an opportunity.
But as happy and elated he his right there, he completely deflates after Lucy says “No” right after. Because that’s the answer he expected. The one he feared. The (apparent) rejection after putting his heart on the line.  
He turns away from Lucy, trying to put the wall back up. His whole demeanor just changed. Watch his hands – he puts them up as if physically trying to distance himself again. But he accepts her ‘no’: “Okay”. Because her happiness will always matter more than his own.
But Lucy tries to make clear that’s not what she meant. “No, no, it’s just… not yet. I owe it to [jackass] to end things the right way with him”. (No you don’t Lucy. He’s an idiot.)
Again, Tim accepts her decision, turning away again. He looks like he’s ready to stand up to leave. But Lucy stops him. We can’t see it, but I’m guessing Lucy touches his leg to get his attention again. And she does; he turns back toward her again, listening to what she has to say.
“Ask me again. Later. After.” 
There’s no question here as to what she wants. She’s not there yet, because she still as a WIP. But as soon as he’s gone, she wants this. She wants Tim. She’s ready to commit to the only guy she’s ever fallen for. 
And we’re back to happy smiley Tim. “Deal”. He’ll wait as long as she needs. Because now he knows there’s something to wait for. He’s not alone in this. She’s right there with him and she wants it as much as he does. 
And I cannot get over how they look at each other then. There’s nothing between them anymore but happiness and the knowledge that they want the same thing: to be together. 
And for the first time we really see shy, bashful, in love Tim Bradford. Look at the way he looks away from Lucy. He looks like a lovesick puppy. And my heart is bursting with happiness again.   
I totally understand the (initial) confusion about this scene. Because yes, at first it did seem as if it came out of nowhere. And that there might be a scene or dialogue missing. But after some time to reflect on it, I’ve come to realize how much I love the way they handled it. Because it didn’t come out of nowhere. 
Look, this relationship has always been super layered, long before they took the leap here. 
But, as pointed out above, the way Lucy just blurts it out is beautiful to me. 
Because she got comfortable with Tim in this moment. After months of being at odds with one another, she felt safe enough to finally say it.
Tim spent the whole shift helping her navigate what was bothering her - Assford and his insistence to annoy her with more house offers even though she was clearly uncomfortable while dealing with a tough case - and why it was bothering her – he’s not Tim.
It wasn’t supposed to be about Tim, but he didn’t even realize that the whole problem was him in the first place. He’s the reason why she can’t and won’t move forward with jackass. Because she can’t do that while not letting Tim go. 
And that’s the whole point. After Tim told her it was time for her to move on in 5x02, she tried to make it work with dumbass. But in all that time, she’s never truly let Tim go. Because he’s the one she wants at her side, whether she’s always realized it or not. 
She could stay with clueless as long as she tried to tell herself that Tim didn’t matter to her like that. But that firmly established wall kept crumbling ever since Tim drew it up. Every episode following 5x02 crumbles that wall further and further - until it’s finally gone in this beautiful scene outside their place of work. 
Until Lucy finally realizes that no relationship will work as long as it’s not with Tim, she won’t give it her all. Yes, she tries to tell herself it’s not worth to take the risk, but as soon as Tim reveals his hand, she’s on board. 
Because they both want the same thing. To finally be together, in every possible way and not just as quasi-partners on the job. Finally, they’re on the same page. 
And what makes this even more special: it’s Tim being ready before Lucy is. It’s him waiting for her. 
I never would’ve even imagined for it to happen this way around. Given everything we knew pre-season 5, Lucy seemed like the more likely option to want to talk about things. She always wants to talk things out. 
But maybe I shouldn’t have been so surprised after 5x01. After all, Tim was the one who wanted to talk about them in that hotel room in Vegas. And yes, again, the timing was awful, seriously Timothy, but he couldn’t ignore the feelings stirring within him. 
And the fact that Tim is even willing to risk it all with someone who’s become so extremely important to him is beautiful and shows how much he’s grown and found himself again since the Pilot. He’s been broken so many times before that nobody would blame him to just never try this again. Even Lucy inadvertently broke his heart in that Vegas hotel room.  
But he wants to. With Lucy, he wants to, despite the previous heartbreak. Because she’s Lucy. Because she is one of the very few people who hasn’t just walked away. And she’s just offered him an in. 
Yes, they’ve been distant with one another for months before this, but even then - she didn’t leave. She wanted to be there when he was injured and then raced back to the hospital after hearing he had emergency surgery to make sure he was ok. Even through their awkwardness, she stayed. She made an effort. She cared. 
She’s seen every side of him and yet, she stayed. 
It’s interesting, actually, that Lucy might have been one of the few people that Tim (briefly) walked away from. Because Tim holds on to the people he loves as tightly as he can but will also put their happiness above his own no matter how much it might hurt him. 
He walked away from Isabel because he felt it was what was best for her, not for him and only once he knew she was getting better. We don’t know what happened with Rachel and who broke up with who, but she was the one to leave for another state. Lifeguard Bitch dumped him while he was in the hospital, right after he woke up from emergency surgery because he wouldn’t do what she wanted. 
Lucy has never walked away from Tim. But there he was, willing to let her go because he felt that that was best for her. He put her (seemingly) best interest above his own. Because he couldn’t, or wouldn’t see that she didn’t regret what happened between them, that she values him for who he is. That he means more to her than she, or he, could’ve ever imagined. Because somewhere deep down, he still doesn’t believe he’s worthy of love. (I wish I could give pre-canon-Chenford Tim a hug so badly.)
For two people who know how to communicate with one another, they really did a number on themselves in eps 5x01 and 5x02. Neither one of them actually listens to the other. It’s not communicating. They don’t ask for clarification; they just assume to know what the other means. 
Tim walked away in 5x02 before either one of them let their masks slip and we could see that they were both heartbroken, thinking the other regretted whatever it is that happened between them. 
These two have evolved from TO and Rookie, who, for all intends and purposes, should never care about each other as anything more than colleagues, to friends during Lucy’s rookie year, to best friends who bicker and annoy each other like a married couple. 
And somewhere along the way, they fell for each other without noticing, without meaning to. And I think neither one of them quite knew what do to once they had that moment of realization. 
We saw them struggle with it up until the very end of 5x08 when it all came out. When they just couldn’t hold it in any longer. Because they’re the light in each other’s life and just want to be together. 
And now they get to know what it’s like to actually be together the way they’ve wanted to for a while. From now on, they get to live life together. And I definitely didn’t tear up thinking about this last part. 
I understand everyone’s opinion about this episode, good or bad. 
I simply think that, yes, it was a slow burn, but you can’t drag it out too long before it eventually burns out. Why create more drama when there is no real reason to? If they had written more drama for Chenford, it would’ve been created to keep more roadblocks in their way. No one would’ve wanted Lucy to move forward in her relationship with mr. boring. But that was the (almost) last thing keeping them apart. 
What could they have done to keep them apart for longer? The only thing I would’ve been okay with would’ve been a time in which they just hang out as friends every chance they get before taking the plunge. Drama? I don’t want that. 
But that might’ve also only lasted a few episodes before everything bubbled to the surface. Even with a slow burn, the flame’s gotta ignite at some point. 
Okay, Tim being her superior would’ve actually been a very real obstacle that many of us thought would keep them apart for longer. Especially since he’s such a stickler for rules. But I think I get why they moved them forward the way they did. Both Tim and Lucy got caught up in the moment – nothing but the two of them mattered. No rules, no significant others, no power imbalance at work could’ve kept them from going after what they wanted.  
The only thing that mattered was finally being able to be together after realizing they both wanted it.  
I personally really appreciate that they kept this real. Yes, the writers chose to have 5x08 be the ep to move things forward. But story-wise, it’s very true to real life. Tim and Lucy didn’t have much of a choice but to ride together again after Grey told them to. Not without revealing what exactly the reason for their discomfort was. 
Real life is when things happen when you least expect them. When you have to deal with things sooner than expected. When you blurt things out without thinking. When you put your heart on the line without knowing how the other feels. 
I haven’t been in this fandom long and have only watched The Rookie and shipped Chenford since mid-2022. But even I was becoming inpatient for them to be together after only 6 months. 
We’re all allowed to have our opinions. We can all have mature conversations about this and discuss it with respect. But the minute you completely disregard the fact that every person working on that show is a human being and call them names, and even tag them in those posts, you’ve gone too far.  
They don’t owe us anything. They don’t have to move the story forward the way we want. Yes, fans keep shows going to a certain degree, but it’s the writers’ decision what to do. Or maybe it’s the network’s decision and they have to run with it and make it work.
Basically all I saw all summer long was comments about needing Chenford to be together asap. Then it happens, and yet, this is when the negativity (and disrespect) in the fandom started. 
I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: we were never all gonna get it the way we envisioned it. And maybe we all should’ve kept that in mind going into season 5 (I’m including myself in this, yes). But it’s okay to be disappointed. 
Did I expect it to happen the way it did? Nope. Was I a little thrown at first? Yup. But I’ve fallen in love with it since then. It’s so them. 
Let them learn together. Let them grow together. Let them become even better together. 
There is so much left to explore. Them getting together opened up a whole new world of potential storylines. And I for one cannot wait to see what is next in their journey. 
Additional note 1:  I will forever be mad at The Rookie for making the-one-who-shall-not-be-named sound like the nicest guy when all I can see is red flag after red flag. They introduced him as a pesky ADA, who I immediately disliked, who was suddenly a real ‘nice guy’ the next time we saw him. It’s like they completely changed course and decided to use him in any way possible to keep Tim and Lucy apart. And make me uncomfortable in the process. 
I know there might be some fans out there who really like him, but I just always see the guy humming the song Lucy sang to keep herself calm when she was dying. Dude, that’s the woman you’re dating. How does that song get stuck in your head and NOT trigger you? 
Even this episode alone is reason enough for me to dislike him. I could go on for another 5 pages, but I’ll stop here and just say: I’m glad Lucy dumped him in maybe the least nicest way possible for someone as empathetic as her. 
Additional note 2:  I’ve mostly been very positive about Chenford’s development, but even I can admit that some things haven’t sat right with me all the time (and I mean pre-canon and after), mostly because I expected things to happen differently at times. But that doesn’t mean the way they’re handling it is bad or wrong. We can’t expect for them to integrate callbacks to all the significant moments from earlier seasons. 
I’ve simply chosen to be positive whenever I post something because I accept and appreciate what they’ve given us, but I understand and respect if some fans don’t. As long as we don’t expect everyone to see everything the way we do, and we don’t get all childish and mad when we don’t all agree (seriously, why do we always have to get mad at each other when we disagree on things?!), I’m happy to be here. Because Chenford and The Rookie are my safe space, my escape from reality. And sometimes I just need to get lost I these characters for a while to get back on track in real life. 
Thank you to @escapismqueen for listening to my constant ramblings whilst writing this and being my nr one supporter while I was struggling to get this done! I think I need to credit her for some of this because we think so much alike that she easily could’ve written parts of this herself. 
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musclemanveryregular · 9 months
I'd like to know more about Starlas and Twilights sister relationship, they appear to be close which i think is quite sweet...do you get along with ms Sparkle,Muscleman?
Okay so get this. Okay. This is like ooc and unrelated if this were to be considered a role-playing blog. Which maybe it is. I dont freakin know.
But here's what I'm trying to say: imagine this.
And I hear you, you're saying get to the point already so here it is.
Regular show has all these like weird talking animals and little green guys and a living candy machine and whatnot. What if the universe of regular show is akin to roger rabbit, ya get me? Like all the TV shows we see on TV are just live action shows starrin' toons. Except. For the guys at the park. So like.
It makes sense that cartoons don't actually follow any real logic in their relations. Like how Barbie and Shaggy are related.
So Starla being related to Twilight Sparkle? Believable. Not every toon has to be an actor, y'know?
Anyways sorry for doing this here I feel like a Facebook grandma who types in Facebook her google search question because she forgets which is which because I meant to make this its own post after I already opened your ask, but I had moved apps for a sec and came back and forgot your question was there. Also for some reason this was all meant to be read in a Brooklyn accent. Also also there is this problem on the version of the app I have. Y'see I haven't updated the app in like a year or so maybe? But my wife? She's always gotta have the latest version of everything. Me? Not so much. She tells me how nice it is to be able to see polls without going to the website version of this tumblr website, and I says to her, "honey I get it but I cant stand that tumblr live junk." She said to me, "that's fair." Boy, do I love my wife. Anyways I cant copy more than one paragraph at a time. Anytime I hit enter it goes to a new paragraph and in order to remove this from your ask I'd have to copy every single one so i dont have to start over and it's all just so time consumin I just chose to keep going here... So anyways, I've passed the phone over to Muscle Man.
MUSCLE MAN: Yeah, we get along pretty well together.
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davyjoneslockr · 10 months
kakyoin for the character ask thing?🙏
(For this ask game)
First impression: Like Narancia, I kinda knew I’d like him before I even got to Stardust Crusaders because my best friend (who got me into JJBA) really liked him. I actually got him a Kakyoin button for his birthday shortly before I started the series. Once I actually reached that part, I was kinda surprised that he started out as a villain, but I really liked his fight with Jotaro, his “redemption” (if you can call Jotaro removing the fleshbud in like 30 seconds a redemption lmao), and how his demeanor contrasted Jotaro’s nicely.
Impression now: Okay you get a senior discount if you remember this, but I actually had a MASSIVE Kakyoin phase a few years back. He very quickly became my favorite character over the course of SDC, and I still can’t listen to Goodbye Nostalgia without crying. He’s not at the forefront of my brain anymore, but I still really like him. He’s a great foil for Jotaro, and he’s so serious yet so strange and off-putting and that’s awesome. I wish we’d gotten more of his backstory sooner, because the idea of a character feeling isolated and unable to connect with others because of a stand (not its ability, but its mere existence) is so so good, but I still thought the flashbacks we got were effective. Honors student art kid who hangs out with his weird green tentacle monster and plays video games and eats cherries in the most unhinged way possible and has a mullet is just a great character concept all around ngl.
Favorite moment: Love all of the Death 13 fight it’s so good. I know people talk about the rest of the Crusaders being OOC, but honestly. I think it works here. Up until that point, Kakyoin sort of acted as a support or in conjunction with someone, usually Jotaro or Polnareff. So to see him isolated and having to figure things out in his own, grappling with questioning his own sanity and fearing the others leaving him, but also needing to take drastic actions in order to save all of them, is so awesome. As much as I love the scenes where Jotaro and Kakyoin have to rely on an unspoken trust in each other, or where Kakyoin and Polnareff have a semi-antagonistic brotherly relationship, I think Kakyoin himself really shines in that fight.
Idea for a story: Ohhh so many. He has so much squandered potential. I’d love to write something about his childhood, particularly his experiences at his old school and his relationship with his parents. And like I said with Polnareff, I want to know more about his time with Dio. Also, just. Everyone lives AU shenanigans. I love thinking about him finishing his high school years with Jotaro and then going off to Florida together for college and. Old Kak makes me cry. Let him be an unhinged middle aged man still getting into wacky stand-related hijinks. I need to write my part 6.5 Jouta au.
Unpopular opinion: Considering how much discourse inexplicably surrounds this guy, I feel like any opinion is an unpopular opinion at this point lol. So this probably isn’t a super unpopular opinion in the grand scheme of things, but whatever. I really like Jotakak. No qualifiers or conditions or anything, I just think it’s a good ship. Loners turned high school sweethearts who move in together probably too soon after graduating, but it works out because they’re the only ones who really get each other, and they grow old together, and they spend their afternoons doing word searches in the newspaper (but actually they just circle every instance of ASS and FART they can find and lose their shit over it). Like. Imagine being their classmate, and this new kid comes to school and he has a massive fight with the resident delinquent, and then they both disappear for a few months, and when they come back they’re best friends. And then you see them at your high school reunion years later and it turns out they moved to Florida and got married. Incredible dynamic imo.
Favorite relationship: Probably obvious at this point, but I love love love the way Jotaro and Kakyoin are foils and crafted to be literal opposites in every way, and yet they fit together so perfectly and their dynamic works so well. And his relationship with Polnareff is just. Chef’s kiss. They’re so weird and they shouldn’t be friends but they are. 20something eccentric flamboyant French man and this weird Japanese teenager who is his best friend. RE the ideas for a story thing, I wonder if they knew each other at all while working for Dio – and how different it must have been for them to see each other when they’re not under the effects of a fleshbud.
Favorite headcanon: He has a habit of running away from home, for both short and extended periods of time. It’s usually to get away from his family and the rest of the world, and to just have some time alone with his sketchbooks and Hierophant Green. He feels it’s a lot easier to deal with loneliness when other people aren’t around to serve as reminders. That – along with the fact that I hc his parents to be… not the worst, but not great – is why it took so long for his family to realize something was off when he disappeared for the last time.
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Can I just say I love your fatherly Miguel headcanons? I live for Miguel and miles father son bonding!
Like just imagine if they finally make amends in the next movie and team up to take down spot and miles somehow “dies” by glitching out of existence almost the same way Miguel’s daughter did (like he’s also in Miguel’s arms when he “dies” too), And Miguel just goes absolutely haywire on spot and is about to kill him until miles somehow magically comes back in time to stop him
Anon, beautiful gorgeous most talented anon, I don't know who you are but I wanna kiss you/hj. You are a genius for thinking of this/gen, I am squealing from joy and from the amount of ideas I'm getting.
I might make this into a fic in the future months(or even years considering how busy my life is now.) But I will try my best to add more and make hcs for this idea :)
(Warning! Bad spelling, ooc!characters, and badly sensored cuss words, death?, talk of murder, mentioning of destroying universes, etc)
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Once they make amends, I imagine miguels own like spider instinct(not spidey sense as he doesn't have that. But like, he's 50% spider and takes serums to stop his animalistic side and stuff.) Immediately just going "Yep, my kid now." Whenever he sees miles, like he immediately goes all overprotective spider dad on miles. So spiders, male wolf spiders specifically (I think) usually carry their young on their backs, and since miguel is 50% spider, imagine him carrying miles everywhere on his back, like a piggy back ride or miguel uses one of these
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And did you know that spider also make nursery's for their young? Like a web/nest nursery's next to their actual web/nest? Imagine miguel just making a whole a$$ bedroom on his platform for miles because his platform-office thingy is the closest thing his spider instincts can see as a sort of nest for himself and therfore miles also has to have nest nursery next to it or on it.
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Now, I'm not showing the photo because personally, it freaked me out and also in case anyone has arachnophobia or a fear of spiders. But like miguel just doing all this sh1t that an actual fathe rspider would do for their young to miles because he's 50% spider and sees miles as his son makes me all giddy(I love found family, father figures, platonic stuff, etc, way too much).
(Warnign angst here!)
Sorry I ramble alot :(, anyways so once emiels starts to 'die'(glitch in and out like you said), I have a feeling miguel would just stop, like his brain can not handle it, like he's so overwhelmed with terror, fury and hopeless, he can not do anything but just watch as miles starts to glitch in his arms. He watches it with a horrified expression, tears building up in his eyes, his anger so large it could destroy any universe without a second thought as long as miles was safe, his fear so terrorising that makes him want to vomit, his worry is indescribable as he practically holds miles for dear life, muttering apologies, about how miles will be okay, comforting himself and miles as he finally let's out his tears, he can't lose another kid yet he just did. He can't even imagine, he didn't even get to apologise for everything he did to miles, and now it seemed he never will. He prays in his mind that miles would be okay, thinking of how he'd rather destroy universes then to lose miles the same way he lost his daughter, or to lose miles at all. Its a scary, silence deafening moment as miles glitches out of miguels arms, disappearing, its a somber, terrifying moment for miguel as he is once again reminded of the multiverses cruelty and deaths cold grip on life.
It's a singular minute after that, that's just pure silence, actually silence, no one dares to speak(if anyone else is there helping miles and miguel), miguel is just still, not moving an inch as he looks down at his arms, sobbing quietly. In his mind, he is screaming in agony, miles is only 15, he didn't deserve this. Yet his anger starts to boil over, as he turns his gaze to the spot, staring at him like a murder, he stares at the spot with such a hatred, anger filled look of sadness and agony. It's only a second then before miguel immediately pounces on him,his talons gripping into the spots skin(where the black heels aren't, the white part.), nearly ripping out the spots arm, he screams at him, curses, sobbing, questions, and so much more yet its hard to tell with the spots own agonising screams of pain and terror. Miguel easily out strengthens the spot, literally clawing unto the spots skin and pulling his limbs so strongly that it almosts rips off the spots body, there's a sliver of blood(pretend the spot has blood.) That comes out of spots limb as miguel does this, miguels still somewhat sobbing yet he is so overtaken by grief and rage, he can't even notice anything around him.
It takes a moment but as miles glitches back, he can see miguel trying to kill (or atleast hurt) the spot, miles expression goes from confusion to pain, and to shock and horror in a matter of seconds. Miguel is still trying to kill the spot but as he is about to completely rip the spots limbs off, he can feel someone hugging him, miguel quietly let's go of the spot, his rage turning into disbelief and confusion as he slowly turns around, seeing miles standing there, not dead or injured at all. It scares miguel, cause what if this is just some cruel prank from the multiverse? What if this isn't miles and just miguel going insane?
Miguel quietly holds miles face, while also checking his body for any injuries, wounds, scratches, etc, he is in pure disbelief. "....miles?....Mijo?..." miguel questions the reality of miles being alive but as it fully sets in that this is infact, miles and he is still alive. Miguel would practically burst into tears, he's been holding in so much pain, from losing his daughter, to almost losing his son miles, he's exhausted from the spider society and keeping universes safe, he can't help but sob as he immediately pulls miles into an almost bone crushing hug, as if he'll glitch away again if miguel let's go. He can't lose another child, he can't lose another person so close to him, especially not his son(metaphorically) miles.
(I'll let you guys deicide what happens to the spot)
I like to think that after this whole thing, miguels overprotectiveness goes from 100% to 1000%, he can't afford miles dying, he can't afford to lose another child. Miguels now just keeps miles everywhere near him, following miles around, making sure he's okay, regular health check ups, and so much more. He stops letting miles on so many missions, if any at all wt this point, the very few missions miles does do is heavily baby-proofed for him. Miles would probably feel uncomfortable at one point or another, but a stern yet calm talk with miguel can make him slowly stop his overbearingness.
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enruiinas · 3 months
@aamaranthiine asked:
🔥 my hot take about the roleplaying community
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I’ll disclaimer this with the fact that I’ve been here less than a year and my experience thus far is almost entirely limited to the One Piece rpc specifically, but honestly? I think it’s great!
I’ve made some really amazing friends in the time I’ve spent here - many I talk to if not daily then at least enough times throughout a given week that I can no longer remember what I was doing with my time before I had those chats to look forward to!
I think the OP rpc in particular is big enough that there’s a little bit of everything/all the vibes out there to fit everyone! Like, I worried for a long time how many people wouldn’t want to RP with me because I’m slow with replies or tend to hyperfocus in what little time I have for writing, but being upfront about that has actually helped me secure a group of friends understand and have the same sort of laidback energy, and I’ve found that even a small handful of people that really get you and accept things you’re worried about means more to me than having a huge circle/lots of threads/etc.
That said, I’ve seen it said that it’s hard to find your footing or that the rpc is cliquey, but I can honestly say I’ve never gotten that vibe at all? I was really slow and baby steps mode starting out (I think I RP’d exclusively with @climatact for several months before I interacted ic with anyone else at all), but for me the op rpc has been a great starting point as a newcomer. I just think there are a lot of different mun “vibes” and it’s all about figuring out what kind of interactions ic and ooc work for you. There are several muns I’ve been mutuals with for ages but have yet to do much with ic, but I’ve been totally fine with that as well because in those cases I’m content to lurk/just enjoy seeing their writing on my dash (& am fairly secure in the belief they’re okay with that too if ic stuff never takes off!) Like all hobbies I think there are different levels of what experiences people are after- whether it’s “all the threads with as many people as possible” or “a few long-running/slow moving with a small handful of people who are okay with waiting for things”. Both are completely valid, but if I think back on it, any times I have felt worried or not quite sure I “fit in”, it’s just been in situations where I was trying to match vibes that aren’t for me.
Maybe I’ve just been lucky but my experience overall has been fantastic. I’ve learned some things about what I’m looking for in RP partners, but even in the event it doesn’t work out with someone, I’ve had the impression that most people understand that and don’t take it personally if we don’t turn out to be a good mutuals match. ❤️
Tl:dr; I love it here and find it very accepting and interactive!
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cheesy-cakey · 2 years
Treasure-like eye
Jade Leech x reader
(Note: he might be a bit ooc)
It was just another day at the beach, a child was running to the shore.
"Y/N! don't go to far alone okay! We'll be right there after we set up! It's dangerous to go alone" a voice of a woman was heard from the distance.
"Okay, momma!" The child ran off to play in the sand.
The child placed all their toys onto the sand.
"Let's have a treasure hunt!" The child brought out a lovely locket. "I'll bury it and dig it up afterwards!" They went and bury the locket somewhere and ran back to their toys.
"Ahem. I am the bestestses-! wait no, is that even a word? ahem. I am the bestest pirate in all of twisted wonderland, Y/N Hook! little Smee let us search for the greatest treasure of all! Grammy's locket! To treasure hahaha!" Y/N ran off to the place they hid the locket carrying their little pirate doll.
"Lookie here, little Smee- wait... where's the X I put on it?" The child put down little Smee and started digging. But to no avail they couldn't find the locket.
"I-its not here! Oh no no no. Little Smee Grammy's locket disappeared-" The child look back to their doll only to find it gone. "Little Smee?" They looked around and saw a familiar object floating in the water. "Little Smee!" Y/N rushed to the water to try and grab ahold onto their doll only to be dragged into the ocean.
"Momma- Poppa-" The child could only intake the water as waves crashed down onto them bringing them underwater.
Then everything went black.
"Are they dead?" Was the first thing they heard the moment they woke up.
"I'm... dead?... No... I don't wanna be dead hic... I wanna be the bestest pirate like mama and papa hic... I don't wanna hic." The child started sobbing as tear filled eyes looked into heterochromic ones.
"Oh? So you survived." A voice said.
Before the child was a merefolk with multicoloured eyes probably around the same age as them.
"Ah! Please... please don't hurt me hic... I want my mama and papa hic." The child moved away.
"I won't harm you... atleast not intentionally. here, there are yours, are they not?" The merechild held 2 familiar items in their webbed hands.
"Little Smee and Grammy's locket!" Y/N reached out but pulled back in hesitation.
"I said I wouldn't hurt you. I happened to come across these while out. here." The merefolk moved behind the child and handed them the doll.
"here, and hold still"
The stranger tried to put on the locket but accidentally scratched them "Ouch!"
"apologies, I did say that I might harm you unintentionally" they then put the hook in the eye.
"Something of this value shouldn't be taken lightly"
"Thank... thank you"
"You're welcome... Now you are in my debt!"
"Hah!?... Wait... Whats a debt?"
"In means you owe someone something. Since I saved your life and retrieved your items, you're in debt to me!"
"But i-"
"Boohoo, I rescued you from the tides and I don't even get anything in return~ I guess good deeds are left unrewarded after all. I'll never do good again!"
"Wait no! If you don't do good you will do bad! please don't be bad."
"Then what will you give me?" He looked with eager eyes. "Ummm what do you want?" "let me think..."
"Y/N! SWEETIE WHERE ARE YOU!?" a voice called out from the distance. "Momma! They're looking for me!" as the child was about to run off the boy grabbed them.
"Then you'll repay me by giving me what humans call "your hand in marriage" in the future!" "Is that really what you want?"
"As of now? yes." "Alrighty! Then I, Y/N Hook! shall be one day called... uh... what is your last name?" "Leech." "Y/N Leech! Till then! my saviour. Wait for the day that golden treasure-like eye will be mine!" The child went out and ran over to their parents. "Fufufu, treasure-like eye? that's one way to put it"
Days passed, turned to weeks, then months, which then turned to years. The little merchild waited and waited... But they never came back
-Many years later-
Night Raven College was having a high school reunion.
"Jade! Long time no see!" Yuu said from the distance. "Indeed it has." He said with his signature smile. "Shrimpy! It's been so long!" Floyd yelled out of nowhere.
"Nice to see you to Floyd. How've you guys been?"
"We've been faring well. Although Floyd had unexpectedly gotten engaged out of nowhere."
"It ain't really out of nowhere. I've never really hid the fact I'm seeing someone. But today they're coming here! I'll introduce you to em! Oh! is that goldfishy!?" "Geh!?" He then ran off to where Riddle is.
Jade let out a laugh till something caught his eye. H/C colored hair that glimmered under the sun, E/C glistening eyes and the same lost looking worried face all those years ago frantically looking for someone. "Y/N".
Just as Jade was about to approach them. "Guppy!" Floyd ran over and picked them up then to Jade's horror... They kissed.
As Jade was in a daze the two approached him "Jade! This is Guppy! my fiance!" "Y/N Hook. It's a delight to meet my future brother in law."
"likewise, Jade Leech" "So I've heard. Floyd talks 'bout you a lot!" "Yeah yeah, Jade meet Y/N, Y/N meet Jade! now that that's over with, imma go bother goldfishy again!" Floyd ran off.
"So, how'd you come to meet Floyd?" "We met at the shoe aisle of a store I frequently go to buy equipment before a voyage. He has great tastes in shoes."
"Well, we were taught to value appearance when it came to business."
"Although, I don't think that's when we first met"
"He might not remember... But as a child I nearly drowned, till I was saved by a merchild whom I promised my hand in marriage. I'll never forget that golden treasure-like eye" Jade's breath got caught in his throat. They remembered his yellow eye, they remembered their promise... But it wasn't him.
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eluvion · 9 months
for the fic writer ask game: 3, 16, 23, 74, 76 (for hope is our four-letter word)? i hope that's not too many lol
love your writing! wishing you joy <3
hi!! this took like a million years so apologies on that!! ive been packing for and moving into college the past few days so i was a little busy but!!!! tysm for the ask love!!!! this did end up like mega long so i put my answers under the cut
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
usually, my fics really start as disconnected snippets in my notes app. i usually sort the notes by fandom, and at some point the snippets kind of amalgamate into something more tangible. then it gets shipped off into a google doc where i basically just work at it (on my computer or my phone) until i have a full fic/chapter. i usually write more emotional scenes on my phone, and it's just a Thing to do in between Real Life Things. then!! once im finished writing i read it over a billion times, read through the dialogue out loud to make sure it sounds natural, and then ask my beta (my beloved @izarie) to edit through. and then after THAT i post it!!
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
right now, i have two main ones that are just sort of revolving around my brain. there's my flinch from roy's pov ted lasso fic, because that made fic me so so sooo insane and sometimes i just cant stop thinking abt scenes where jamie is super inside his own head and what roy is Thinking Abt during that time. here's a bit of that:
Roy wonders, not for the first time, how he kicked Jamie out at the beginning of all this. Jamie had that look on his face—even while he was making Jamie-like complaints and giving Roy shit—like he was going to cry. And Roy just threw his clothes back and forced him to call an Uber and watched him slump around himself from the window. Roy knows better than that. He was raised better than that.  So okay. Maybe Roy gets it, in that context. Jamie holds onto shit that hurts him on the off chance that it will hold him close. And as much as he fucking despises it, that puts him and James Tartt in the same category, that place in Jamie’s head where he keeps the people that could help but choose not to. Roy really doesn’t want to know how many people are in that box.
and a succession post-canon roman-centric fic! it will be like. a little bit ooc just by virtue of having a nice(r) ending because that's how succession Is but you know. this is what i call healing. here's a bit of that:
Kendall’s all teeth. “Fuck you. You're not better. You’ve—you’ve fucking imploded everything you’ve ever done.” “Yeah, ‘cause you're the fuckin’ picture of a success story.” Roman sinks deeper into his seat. Leans into the car window. “Real wolf of fucking Wall Street, getting fucked out of Daddy’s company because you couldn’t play act a real CEO.” Kendall’s hands twitch.  Roman smiles. “What are you gonna do? Hit me about it?”
and also like. forever in my brain is the elektra greek tragedy fic in which i have feelings abt my doomed by the narrative failwife <333
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
i think it was ve schwab who gave the metaphor of a creative well, and that for as much Stuff (art, music, podcasts books, ect) you put in, you get more out. i try to keep my media diet fairly diverse (not just kids shows or serialized tv or classic books, but more of a combination of it all. it really forces me to like. have to break barriers in my mind, as well as like!! keeping audience and tone and all that in my mind while i read/watch/listen.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
it's hard for me to really place any of the hallmarks of my writing that are super super distinct but!! Time Things are my big tell. ive pretty much always been obsessed with time and like these days there isnt a fic im writing without a big Looking Back component to it. salt pillars and vonnegut and orpheus and lot's wife. iykyk <33
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of hope is our four-letter word?
i actually do have an extras doc!! it has some yosano and dazai hurt/comfort that i tried v hard to fit into the fic but just didnt fit into the narrative i was telling. here's a snippet of that (usual warnings for dazai-typical suicide attempts):
It’s Yosano that finds him, shivering in the crimson water, watching the blood seep out from his arms.  Yosano opens the door, and she’s more calm than she usually is. She’s a good doctor, infinitely better than Mori, and she knows how much her usual bedside manner would send him spiraling. She eases him out of the water quietly, and gives him a towel.  “Dazai,” she says, stitching the cuts lining his arms. “It wouldn’t have killed me,” he says. “It just nicked a vein.”  She wipes the blood and water away and begins wrapping his usual bandages around his arms. There’s something cold and horrible in him, spreading from his stomach to his bones to every inch of his skin. He wants to rip it all apart, until that emptiness is torn bloody from the rest of him, and that thing, that pain made from scalpel edges and sharper smiles, with all its hooks and too-sweet whispers, to be burned from him, even if it means dying. Especially if it means dying.  Yosano scowls. “Not yet. Dazai…” She doesn’t call him by his first name, because the first time she tried that, when he was in high school and just out of court, he had run, hearing what he always heard at the sound of his first name. Yosano is smart; she learns quickly, and she had found him huddled on a roof and smiled crookedly, offering a hand. 
there was also a chuuya and dazai hurt/comfort scene, kind of loosely based off of the scene intimitopia wrote in the light that the fire would bring chapter 5 where dazai has a panic attack (unintentionally) triggered by poe describing a bloody scene. this is before chuuya and dazai are really close, but chuuya sees dazai leave the room and follows him to the bathroom "to give him back his bag". it was also just one of those scenes that didnt have a place in the final cut and kind of opened a plotline that distracted from the main ones. it also felt a bit too plagiarismy to nick the concept straight from someone else's fic, especially someone in the fandom that i really admire.
i also found this snippet in the extras doc, which i think?? i was going to end with but i couldnt find a natural way to put it in:
“It will get better,” Chuuya decides on, and even though it’s the truth, it’s a shitty truth. He knows how much he hated it when he was a teenager, his whole life in a bag as he traveled from house to house to home. He says it anyway, because there really isn’t anything else he can say, and even if it’s hackneyed, it’s something. “It won’t,” Dazai says predictably. “It doesn’t.” “I didn’t say good,” Chuuya says. “Maybe it’ll never be good. It happens. But it’ll get better.” Dazai sounds doubtful. “It’ll get worse, too.” “Yeah,” Chuuya says, and he reaches for Dazai’s hand, “but that’s when you hold onto the better moments.” Dazai’s hand is always cold, like a reptile, a snake that stayed out of its burrow in the winter and turned icy. Chuuya lets his body heat warm Dazai’s hand, lets it twitch back to something resembling life.  “This is a better moment,” Dazai whispers, and Chuuya isn’t sure if he even meant to say it. Chuuya squeezes Dazai’s hand. “It is.”
i never did get to writing it, and by design the fic doesnt include dazai's backstory. it's a combination of him not being in a place where he wants to tell it to anyone, chuuya not wanting to have to be the person to ask, and yosano and ranpo both knowing that it's not their story to tell. the basics are that dazai was carted around as a half-hostage half-protege of mori's through his childhood. mori was a fairly well known serial killer at the time, and, similar to canon, oda is in the crime world but starting to get out of it. he becomes a very bright spot in dazai's life, being the one person that cared about dazai (in a non-fucked up manipulative way). ango was undercover and ranpo was one of the detectives working the case to get dazai out and mori behind bars. they do eventually, but like canon, not without oda dying. yosano, having been under mori's control in a similar way some years ago, helps them find dazai and eventually legally adopts him. they have their growing pains, and dazai basically becomes a shut-in all throughout high school, but that gets him to where he is at the time of the fic.
i doooo have like. specific ages written down for all of these events somewhere (probably in a notebook) but i dont really remember where
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