#( & conversations ; )
chipsy · 2 months
Instead of having meaningless conversations with others, I'd rather be in awkward silence with you.
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sighcomics · 1 year
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youngchronicpain · 2 months
if the pain isn't my fault then why do I feel guilty?
(society has led you to believe you are a burden for needing help)
I want to love my body but some days I hate it
(your body is trying its best to keep you going, but I understand why you feel that way)
I want to pause everything, I don't want to feel like this anymore
(me too. maybe we could just sit together for awhile?)
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defdraws · 3 months
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visgrapplinghooks · 9 months
I've noticed this thing with autistic people where people never know where our attention is. If I'm looking directly at you, I probably didn't mean to!
I'm not staring at you, I just thought the spot on the wall next to you looked interesting or my neck happened to turn that way.
If I am looking to your side but my ear is facing you then I AM LISTENING AND PAYING ATTENTION! I'm angling my ear to process what you're saying better.
Many allistics seem to think eye contact is the sole or most important determining factor of attention in conversations. Not everyone can pay attention in the same ways, though!
This is why I'm so against the demand for eye contact by society and other people. You're asking me to sacrifice my ability to actually pay attention to you so you can have the outward aesthetic of feeling like someone is paying attention to you.
I mean this leads to a broader discussion on how neurotypical social norms are built around aesthetics of function over true function, but that's a topic for another day lol.
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thatsbelievable · 8 months
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agirlwithglam · 3 months
becoming a good conversationalist
Tips and conversation starters!
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lil tips:
a huge part of people wanting to be around you again, is how they emotionally feel when they're around you.
go into a conversation not thinking "i hope they like me" but thinking "i hope i have fun!"
remember that they are just people, just human. they aren't a whole lot different to you! you live, you die; they live, they die. dont be so scared and uptight about talking to someone.
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conversation starters:
things that they've never done but they want to do
find out about their interests
find out what they like and dont.
which places do you really want to go to?
what is the best place/ country you've been to?
what are your fears?
ask about food
what foods and drinks do you like?
your favourite restaurant?
favourite chocolate?
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recommended youtubers/ videos:
Joshua Otusanya (self improvement + the BEST conversation tips!)
Tam Kaur (mainly talks about self improvement but also has socialising/ becoming an extrovert content)
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Xoxo, Vanilla
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creatingnikki · 24 days
come, sit here by my side a while. I’ll get you lemonade and a slice of cheesecake. tell me, what have you been going through? do you still hate being in the same room as your father? do you still ignore it when tears roll down your face at the thought of your seventh birthday? wait, let me wipe your face, you’ve got a bit of cheesecake on the upper right side of your smile. yes, I’ve been fine. the nights are easier when you actually lay your head on the pillow and close your eyes and sleep allows you in. no, it wasn’t the medication that helped me, it was sitting through the discomfort and difficult feelings. yes, they still visit from time to time but now I know how to manage them better. do you want a smoke? no, I won’t lecture you on the ill effects of smoking. yes, I smoke too now. when did that happen? oh, just something my mid twenties demanded of me, I suppose. go on, take that call, I can wait. is everything fine? tell your mum I say hi. no, I don’t have to rush. yes, we can take a walk in the park. what’s that? oh, you want to hold my hand? no, I’d rather you not. it took me three years after you left my hand the last time to be okay with the lack of warmth. I don’t have three more years to re-teach my body to be comfortable in its inherent state of isolation. but we can walk side by side and talk about life until you catch your flight. how does that sound? yes, I’ll let you buy me flowers.
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scribefindegil · 2 years
Reigen as a con-man/scammer is just so funny and interesting too, because he is also very genuine about helping people. Like, he looks down on the scammers who just confirm a problem or take others’ money and don’t actually try to do anything about their problem.
Like most of the cases he gets and handles are mundane, and he actually handles it while validating what his customer thinks is going on and not calling them crazy or anything.
And then on the other hand, he is very much about the money. No question about it.
See, the thing about Reigen that is so funny and kind of endearing is that he could make so much more money doing almost Anything Else?? The man has plenty of marketable skills! Clearly he was miserable in his water cooler sales job but I'm sure he was good at it, and was probably making more money there than he does with S&S. He wildly (wildly!) undercharges compared to every other psychic. He has canonically accepted vegetable seeds as payment.
Like. He acts like he's all about the money. I think he believes that he's all about the money. But when you look at the evidence . . . he is not. Honestly he should probably raise his prices.
But yeah! He genuinely likes helping people! He's good at his job! We tend to focus on the spirit cases because they're the most Dramatic, but the vast majority of clients don't have anything actually spiritual going on. They have problems that Reigen can solve (And his esper employees can't! Which is really important thematically!!)
Like, yes, he's constantly lying to people. Yes, he feels like he has a duty to actually help his clients solve their problems. Yes, he is blatantly violating child labor laws and taking advantage of a kid to help his business. Yes, he loves that kid more than life itself.
He's perfect. He's a mess. I love him.
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fester-jester · 1 month
Just reminder to some y'all but white people DO NOT get to speak on drake and him being biracial and the conversations surrounding that. I see some of y'all jumping in those jokes but that's not your discussion. Step carefully
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Hey Jana! I've been waiting for a while to ask you a question 🥺
How can two people who are offended and do not talk to each other get along and have a conversation with each other to make peace?
Thanks a bunch and have nice day!
Hi there, so happy it worked out now!
Here are a few ideas for you:
Talking it out ideas
they hear the other one talking to someone else about the situation and realize that they need to have a talk themselves
realizing that the other person didn't mean to offend them
realizing that there had been a misunderstanding that could have been easily resolved if they had just talked about it
their friends pressuring them to have a talk
being put in a situation that requires them to speak to each other which leads to them talking about their issues with each other
it becomes unbearable not being able to talk to the other one so they finally break down and talk it out
Hope this helps!
- Jana
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heavensghost · 1 year
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if I could save you from yourself I would
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fayrobertsuk · 1 year
Okay listen, because nothing was ever going to prepare me for this, but when I first came out*, I had no idea what a profound effect that was going to have on other people.
I thought I was braced for the bad stuff, how some people’s fear about what your simple existence means can dampen, darken, and corrode your joy, your sense of safety. I wasn’t prepared for the scale of that, but that’s not what this post is about.
I had no fucking clue that my existence as a queer person taking up space could mean so much joy and relief for others. And I was utterly unprepared for how that has only increased as I’ve aged, and as the world has become more connected. Eventually, a young trans man explained it to me, saying that seeing me just... living, 30 years older than him, brought him hope, a model for the future, that there was a future, for the first time. Several others chimed in to say the same and I felt airless for a dizzying second. I hadn’t been able to really understand, until that point, why various younger queer folk would thank me on Twitter, call me and others like me icons. We’d shrug: We’re just... being, we’d say. Exactly, they’d reply.
I thought that things were easier for young, queer folk now. That they have more access to information and vocabulary and acceptance than we did, growing up. Hell, I might never have worked out my gender stuff if younger folk weren’t out there being loud about their pronouns, breaking down microlabels, and sharing their feelings about their existence.
And that’s also true, but being visibly queer, and over 30, and it not being a tragedy? That gives people enormous hope. That’s a landmark to reach, a future to picture yourself in. My life is nowhere near perfect, but it exists.
And heavens, it’s good to know that these proliferating silver hairs and wrinkles are beautiful signs for those who long for the decades’ stretch between now and then.
(*still not quite realising that it’s something you do again and again, and sometimes additionally, if - like me - you find yourself going “oh, and this thing too”)
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thegoodmorningman · 2 months
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Who doesn't love barbershop conversations?
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blackbird-brewster · 10 months
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HELP! I made this edit last night when I was loopy on my meds and I sent it to my partner while they were asleep and totally forgot until I opened our chat this morning.
(Context: We just watched 05x03 - Ascension and for absolutely no reason Teal'c was wearing a flame button up and cowboy hat. I love him)
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