#( i hope this is alright deary !! )
hazbinhotelxreader · 4 months
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Rosie x Alastors wife reader!
A/n: hii! I hope this is good! I tried my best to fit in with her character
-The first time you both met was through Alastor, obviously.
-You entered Cannibal town and it was actually pretty nice, just like Alastor had told you.
-And it was pretty peaceful, despite the cannibalism every now and then.
-Alastor brought you over to a nice, old style looking building, it kinda reminded you of Alastor’s style, which you loved.
-Instantly you notice a lovely woman also known as Rosie, the over lord and the owner of the cannibal colony.
-Alastor dragged you over to her, with a smiling face and waved over to her.
“Well well well, look who it is! Alastor my old pall”, Rosie exclaimed with a large smile as she walked over to you two. “It’s been ages deary, where have you been?”, She then looked over to you, and smiled, taking your hands. “Oh! And who’s this lovely dear?”
Alastor let out a chuckle, his smile never faltering. “This my dear, is my lovely wife, [name]!” You waved nervously at the cannibal overlord.
“Oh! I would have never guessed!” Rosie smiled, happy. “Now tell me dear, how did Alastor here score such a lovely lady like yourself?” She smiled, you smile back, you were about to speak up but she spoke first. “Oh why don’t you come have some tea with me dear? I would love to get to know you more!”
You smiled and nodded at her offer. “Alright then, thank you”. You and Rosie both left together, Rosie speaking to you, as Alastor was left to stand there alone.
-After that event you two have grown pretty close together. Having tea together or hosting small parties for friends were often on your schedule.
-You two definitely gossip together, a lot. You’re basically just two adult women with the minds of a middle schooler, gossiping about a lot of people, especially Susan.
-You both totally gossip a little about Alastor too. You’re his wife but it’s fun to talk about the weird or strange things he does to Rosie, resulting in Rosie using them against Alastor playfully later.
-You’re never jealous of Rosie and Alastor being close. It’s obvious their friends, and Rosie’s to sweet to actually get with a man that’s already taken, and Alastor would never cheat on you. He is a gentleman when it comes to his ladies.
-She will offer you limbs and parts of demons for you to eat, if you take them then eating demons for snacks would be something both of you eat on a daily basis together
-If not then she’ll respect your decision and will try her best to make food you actually will eat, wanting to make you as comfortable as possible during the times you hang out.
-Best girl to get help or advice from. She’s literally the best. No one can compete. She’ll sit and listen to any problems you have, whether it’s relationship problems with Alastor, or something different. She’ll give you the most genuine advice she could give you
-I’d like to think you both enjoy wearing matching outfits together. Just two best friends wearing stunning clothes. She’ll definitely try to get you into her style, and you most likely will.
-Overall she’s your perfect, sweet gossiping bestie
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norrisleclercf1 · 4 months
Norstappen taking care of a reader dealing with period cramps ;)
( you’re free to imagine how )
A/N: Good little study break writing, but I'm also putting my experience with my periods as having PCOS on this, everyone is different with theirs, but when I write periods imagines I can only go off mine hope that's okay deary
Sitting up in the dark, you knew something didn't feel right as your stomach was tightening yet you knew you weren't sick, Lando didn't cook dinner. Shivering slightly you tried to understand the reason for the tremors.
Getting out of bed was anything but graceful, you had two F1 drivers sleeping on either side of you, moving you felt your world tilting as you stepped on either Lando or Max, in the moment you didn't care. Rushing into the bathroom you slam the door as you barely get there in time before you're hunched over the toilet losing control of your stomach.
The taste of battery acid and the lower cramps in your pelvis have you whimpering. You felt the tall tell sign of your period starting, and if you getting sick from it meant anything, it meant you were not about to have an easy time. Stomach curling and throat burning you cried as you threw up yet again another cramp taking over your body as you finished.
Flushing the toilet you laid your head on the cold tile floor, your body shaking from the cramps rolling through your body like a tsunami. "Y/n, love?" You whimper hearing the groggy voice of Max, and thump at the door means Lando was awake, but leaning on it. "Y/n, let us in, come on." Lando coaxed gently knocking on the door again.
"Please, we know what's happening." Max whispered, he didn't want you to feel the need to hide from them what is happening. "It's not locked," You whimper, tears falling down your face at the horrendous pain. Max pushes it open and Lando doesn't wait for the door to even get a crack before he's by your side.
His nose twitches, but doesn't say a word as he checks on you, then goes to the shower and turns in on, to the highest tolerable temperature knowing the heat would help you best. Max takes off his shirt and moves to you. "Come on, we'll get the shower." Max whispers, eyes fluttering with sleep but moves with such care you could cry for a different reason this time.
Lando makes sure the temperature is perfect and gathers your clothes and walks out, he comes back just as Max is baring all your weight moves you into the shower with him. He doesn't make you stand, but slides down the wall and sits as you cry, the heat untwisting the knots in your stomach and the brittle tension in your muscles.
Lando moves around the house as Max closes his eyes and slowly moves his hands to rub soft but firm circles into your body. "Hurts," You whisper, you hate feeling this way, but thankfully over the years the boys have learned what they can do to help you. The shower door is pulled open and Lando pops his head in, squatting down.
"Are you alright? What do you need?" He asks, his brain finally awake and the worry in his eyes bright. "I'm okay, the shaking has stopped and the cramps are lessening," "Give us another 10 and we'll be out." Lando nods and leans forward skillfully missing the water as he gives both you and Max a kiss.
You close your eyes and get lulled to comfort, but whine when you feel cold but stop when something warm and fluffy is wrapped around you. Opening your eyes you notice it's a black towel fresh out of the dryer and Lando is cleaning you up slowly. "Step in," He holds out a pair of his boxer briefs and smile up at him. He stands and gives you a soft kiss before helping you into Max's larger t-shirt.
"Let's get you into bed," "The sheets?" "Don't worry about it," Max comes up behind you two and herds you both into the bedroom. Lando scoots in and you slowly crawl over him and get back into your spot. You smile knowingly at the fact Lando had indeed changed the sheets, even if you hadn't bleed through. Max walks over and climbs into his side of the bed.
"Do you want us to cuddle you or do you want your space?" Lando asks, voice soft as his fingers graze your cheek. "No cuddles, but just stay close?" You ask and Max chuckles and does just that, you three are close but not to close where you get annoyed at their touches. It was stupid, you body hated the unnecessary touching and it did nothing but annoy you.
Lando moves close and smiles at you through the dark, but like always he's the first to fall asleep. "Sleep well, don't worry about anything tomorrow, we'll be with you all day." Max whispers, words fading off as you both fall asleep.
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letorip · 2 months
i heard your name
"i heard your name and i'll never be the same”
pairing: cairo sweet x reader
summary: after a life of fleeting things, you come to tennessee, and find someone you don’t want to be “fleeting” anymore, though she may come with ulterior motives
warnings: rivalry, references to sex, hints at student-teacher relationships, reader is being used (duh)
word count: 4.8k
A/N: i really really hate the concept of miller's girl as a whole, but i can't deny that cairo sweet is a captivating character psychologically, and that jenna does an absolutely amazing job. inspired by lolita, pale fire by vladimir nabokov, and the movie hot summer nights.
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You became aware of Cairo Sweet on a hot, sunny school day, one that almost seemed to mock your lack of enthusiasm for the new school in its beauty and the light breeze.
The high school was an ugly building, one that sat in limbo between southern charm and the studious American educational experience seen in the likes of pretentious New England. The decorator had clearly not known which one to pick, but no amount of fancy classrooms or bookshelves and Turkish rugs would make you forget you were in Tennessee of all places.
It would be just as unmemorable and brief as the last, and that’s exactly what you reminded yourself while you waited dreadfully early in the front office, in an uncomfortable yellow plastic chair that had one leg much shorter than the others.
The receptionist lady seemed nice enough, smiling at you all bright and wrinkly like old people did. “So sorry about the wait, dearie. Any minute now, she’ll be—”
“It’s no problem,” you shrugged. “I’m not really in a rush.”
The woman nodded, her eyes melting into little crows feet at the ends. There was a theory you had heard once, that the more wrinkles someone had, the more they had smiled in their life. It didn’t fit many of the crotchety old people you had met, who seemed to have frowns permanently stitched onto their leathery faces, but it definitely fit her. She glowed like a beacon, or twinkled like a chandelier of happiness.
“Are you excited about coming here?" She asked. "Starting the new semester has to be exciting!” The entire time the older woman kept sheepishly glancing over at the door, waiting someone to come in. Whoever was supposed to be guiding your tour was clearly very late.
You had long given up on hoping your mom would pick a spot and stay there. In two more months maybe, she would announce she 'wanted a change' again, and you wouldn't give this place a second thought when you left, just as you hadn't given the last places a second thought either. But you couldn't just say no.
You smiled back at her. "Yeah, kinda. This seems like a good school."
"Oh it's just splendid!" She assured you. "The kids love it here, it's just-" Before she could finish, the office door swung open, and a girl in crazy clothing bustled in, dropping her bag on the floor in the middle of the room and spinning to the receptionist.
“I’m so, so sorry!” She said, visibly dishevelled (though maybe that was just her nonsense outfit) and maybe sweating a bit. “I completely forgot I was supposed to do this!” She laughed. She seemed like one of those girls that were always drunk— not in a sad, alcoholic way, but like they were drunk on life (and maybe alcohol too).
“It’s alright, Winnie. They haven’t been waiting long.” Winnie spun around, noticing you where you sat, leaning your head back against the wall.
“Hi there, I’m Winnie,” she said, holding out her hand with a smile. You stood up and shook it in your own, smiling back. This would all be fleeting anyhow.
“Hi, yeah I heard. (Y/n)."
Winnie tilted her head, giving you a devilish smirk. She was absurdly energetic for it being so early. "Boy, aren’t you cute.”
“And aren’t you really forward,” you laughed.
She shrugged. “I think it’s more fun that way. You got a nickname?"
"Eh," you shrugged. You did, from your mom, but it wasn't worth mentioning when you wouldn't be here that long. "Not really."
"Nooo, you definitely should have one," she said, and you raised your eyebrows at her.
"I'm really good, I think," you said, grinning. "Not the most nickname—able name out there."
"Fine," she shrugged. "Suit yourself I guess. Now c’mon,” said Winnie, sticking her hand out to you. There was a certain glint in her eyes then. “I’m gonna show you every little place in this shitty little school.”
"Winnie, language!" The receptionist scolded her.
"Sorry," she winced.
Winnie dragged you around the halls like that, hand in hand and pointing into classrooms; she waved to the people that she passed. It was decent sized school, with a big cafeteria and gym, but not much else unique to boast except for the few sports fields outside. Your last school didn't have that, but it had been northern Alaska, so it made sense. It was probably hard, what with the snow.
“Boris!” Winnie waved over at a man in a track suit, with a whistle around his neck that all gym teachers seemed to wear. He rolled his eyes, waving back at her. "That's Coach Fillmore," she explained.
“What’ve I told you about that, Winnie?” He asked.
Winnie slipped her red-heart sunglasses over her eyes, flashing him a smile. “Still your favourite though, right?”
“Yeah yeah.” And he turned his attention back to the football field, coffee in hand. Winnie spun back to you, with an almost infectious aura.
"So, why'd you move?" she asked, grabbing your hand again and tugging you back inside. The metal door slammed shut behind you with a loud thud.
"Witness Protection Program," you shrugged as she pulled you around the corner. “On the run from the cartel." She looked at you like you were crazy for a moment, eyes all wide, then you laughed and ruined it. "I'm kidding. Not actually."
"OOooooO, I like you. Cute and unserious. I thought you were going to be all square, but it turns out you can joke," said Winnie, shaking her head at you. "What's your locker number, again?"
You handed her the paper. "She wrote it on here."
Winnie took it from your hand, holding it up to the fluorescent lights and examining it like a slide under a microscope. "Ah, damn. You're on the opposite side of the school from me. Like literally, the exact opposite side. That's good though, right? Your first block is Calc?"
"Uh, no. It's uh..." you stopped, leaning against a wall and sliding your backpack off. You pulled your schedule from the top pocket. "Creative Writing, with Mr. Miller."
Winnie's eyes lit up, and she punched you on the arm. "No, fucking way?! That's my first block too!"
You shrugged. "I'd honestly rather do that than calculus right now, so."
Winnie laughed. "Yeah, you and any normal person." She stopped for a minute. "Are you okay if I go off and get some breakfast before class? Winnie hungee," she said, rubbing her stomach. "I also kind of ditched my friend, and I told her I'd find her."
You nodded. "Go ahead. I'm just gonna find my locker."
"Okay!" She said, giving you a small salute. "See you in class."
You found your way well enough, and after fumbling with the big metal lock and struggling to put the code in, could actually open your yellow locker and throw the heavy bag you had been carrying inside.
You could see other kids walking up and opening theirs around you. Their doors had metal magnets and small whiteboards, stickers and posters. You hadn't brought stuff to decorate your locker in four years. Instead, your backpack had everything you carried in it, ready to go at the drop of a hat.
The creative writing classroom was down a hallway that split off near the gym, and luckily seemed less ugly than the rest of the school. The room smelled of pine and paper, which was probably a good sign, and bookshelves and glass jars littered the walls with a bunch of other random things setting the scenery for the big chalkboard and wooden desk in the middle.
Most of the other students were already there when you arrived through the double doors, including Winnie. She stood at one of the front desks talking to someone. When she saw you, she waved, eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree even from afar. In her past life, this girl would have been a golden retriever. You waved back then turned away, heading to one of the back desks that put you firmly away from the teacher's line of sight.
Mr. Miller seemed like an alright guy, or just enough of one. He didn't do any cheesy introductions of people, or make you do one of those stupid icebreakers that made you want to die, no— he was straight to the point, with just a splash of drama.
"Hello everyone! This semester my main goal is to make you write. And I mean really write." He paused for dramatic effect, as if he thought it was Dead Poet's Society. "This is not like your other English classes, where you put minimal effort into a 'meh' essay and turn it in, and you're happy with a B. No, I want you to feel something."
After that, you couldn't help but tune him out. He wasn't bad, no. But he was just boring and unremarkable, and anything a high school writing teacher from Tennessee would be, in the way he stuttered or played with the lid of his plastic coffee cup.
He spent most of the class prattling off the syllabus and giving out the first assignment, due in a couple of days. You weren't especially interested in writing as a whole, and even less interested in the prompt of 'write about you,' but you shoved the paper into your backpack and figured you'd give it a shot.
"Mr. Miller?" asked a voice from the front.
"Yes, Cairo?” Mr. Miller said, and you raised your head up, looking to where he was speaking. The hand belonged to a girl with dark hair, and you immediately recognised her as the one Winnie had been talking to before class. She was clearly very smart, with a small stack of books on her desk in front of her.
“Are we talking about ourselves literally, as in our achievements, or as in our emotions and how we feel?” she asked. Cairo looked pretty when she talked, though you dismissed the thought as quickly as it came. This was fleeting. It was important to remember that.
“It’s up to you, actually,” he replied, shoving his hands into his pockets and leaning back against his desk. “Whatever really lets me know you.” Boy, how cliche.
When class ended, Winnie bounded over to you with a smile, her school bag tucked under her arm like it had been earlier. “Sooo, how was your first class?”
“It was pretty good, no complaints,” you said, fumbling with your folder and shoving it back into your bag.
“So, listen, do you want to sit with me at lunch? Me and Cairo sit together and you can totally join us if you want,” said Winnie, still as bubbly as ever. She gestured towards the door, and you could see the girl from earlier looking through the books on the bookshelf that stood next to it.
You shook your head. “Sorry, I got invited by a group to sit with them and I already said I would.”
Winnie frowned, pouting cartoonishly with her lower lip drooping. “No worries. If ever again though, me and Cairo would be happy to have you."
You gave her a tight-lipped smile. "Maybe tomorrow."
You ate lunch that day leaning against a concrete wall underneath the football bleachers, with no one else around, a thick paperback in your one hand and a sandwich in the other, headphones over your ears.
"Thank you all so much for your submissions," Mr. Miller said, a stack of essays sitting under his arms as he passed them back to the class. The weather of that Friday was much more relaxed, with a smattering of clouds covering up the sun, the way you liked it.
The past three days had been just as uneventful as the last, and you went home each night only to wake up the next morning and stay equally as unenthusiastic, and attempt to bury your face into the fabric of your pillow for another five minutes.
He cleared his throat. "I've decided to do something fun, and kind of crown a 'winner' for the week, if you will." He shrugged. "It's just someone I really was impressed with, and want to recognise so, uh, we'll do this after every writing piece."
From behind the class with your head propped up on your palm, you saw Cairo tensing at his words. It had become clear even through disinterested observation that she cared way more about the class than literally anyone else— maybe even Mr. Miller. She raised her hand first, offered feedback on anyone made to read aloud, and always stayed after. She was probably itching for the recognition and you figured she deserved it too.
Which was why it shocked the hell out of you when Mr. Miller walked right up to his desk, put his hands in his pockets, cleared his throat like he thought it was a drum-roll moment, and announced, "this week I was incredibly impressed with (Y/n)'s writing."
There was no way. You froze, not entirely sure he was talking to you. Maybe he had just mispronounced someone else's name indistinguishably close to yours. Cairo's head whipped around, face equally as in shock. There was no way. Winnie was smiling at you, other kids were staring, and you wanted to die.
From the other side of the room, Winnie whooped for you, clapping a little, in an awkward way. Someone else let out a cough. Mr. Miller shook his head, and said, "No, thank you. Your writing was really impressive. It made me feel, in a way that was refreshing from some other things I've read."
Cairo whipped back around to gape at him for a moment and then back to you. Then, back to Mr. Miller as he continued. "I don't have much in terms of prizes, but there is a bowl of candy over there, and you can take one if you'd like."
You nodded, standing up and making your way over to the clear bowl. Why the hell not. Writing had never been something you thought you were fantastic at— you had never shared it with anyone since there had been no one to share it with. Your fingers went in, and out you pulled a grape lollipop, retreating back to your seat and popping it in your mouth.
From the front, you felt Cairo glancing at you from over her shoulder, but tried to ignore the raising hairs on the back of your neck with her focus on you. “Okay,” said Mr. Miller. “Turn to your textbooks.”
The grape lollipop was still in your mouth at lunchtime, leaning against the concrete wall and feeling the hot Tennessee breeze ruffle against your soft shirt, moving it gently against your skin. It was quiet out, and you had your headphones over one ear, leaving the other one to listen to the trees and the wind.
That's how you heard the footsteps from around the corner, even through your music. You looked up from where your eyes had been tracing the cracks of the concrete and watching the ants walk by into their nearby hill, and there she was.
Cairo Sweet had found you.
She stood a bit down the way, on the path, with her arms crossed right over her chest. Her eyes were just as dark as before, and they bore into yours with a strange carnal desire. It sent a shiver down your spine.
"Uh, hi?" you managed. She didn’t even acknowledge it.
"So, how long are you going to keep lying to Winnie for?" Cairo asked, her voice as smooth as butter on your ears. It was a question that caught you completely off guard in its sincerity.
"Uh— I'm not— I haven't been lying," you stammered. Cairo wasn't convinced; her eyebrows lifted a little, creasing her forehead in disbelief. She took a step, one agonisingly after the other, closing the distance between you two until she stood directly beneath you, staring up through her lashes in a near haunting way. Subconsciously you took a small step back.
"I have a question," she whispered, like it was right in your ears. You could feel your blood rushing to them quickly, and it felt as if everything was happening in an almost sinful daze, slow and burning.
"Yeah?" you murmured back, fighting against the lollipop to speak. It made it harder to swallow.
"Can you smell my perfume?" Cairo asked, and your brain hung off every word that spilled from her lips.
"Yes," You clumsily nodded, eyes shooting down to her perfect mouth as it moved, then up to the freckled apples of her cheeks. You knew you were breathing loudly. "It's lavender, and—"
"—Good," she praised, barely audible in her sickly soft whisper. You nodded again, head feeling heavy. God, this girl. "Good," Cairo said again. You didn't know what to say.
"I want to read your essay," she continued, scanning the bleachers for a moment and then eyes shifting back to you in full force. She had you right where she wanted you. Under her thumb.
"Uhhhh, why?" you trailed off, confused as all hell and letting out an awkward laugh to cover.
"It's good, isn't it?" She asked, challenging you with her stare and a smirk, as if to say she knew exactly what she was doing to you chemically. "I haven't found many I want to read."
"Essays?" You mumbled.
"Good ones," she corrected you, whispering it slowly. Your gaze lowered to her lips again, her lower one caught between her teeth. Her own eyes flew to the lollipop, the stick hanging between you both.
Your breathing hitched when her hand came up, lightly grabbing the end and oh so gently pulling it from your mouth, some of your saliva carrying with it. She twirled it, never breaking eye contact with you as she placed the purple crystalline sugar on her tongue, closing her mouth around it for a moment. Cairo smiled, then pulled it from her lips and placed it back in yours.
You blinked slowly, unsure of what this was but finding it all too addicting to know how to stop it. At the sound of voices in the distance, the spell was broken, and Cairo looked back over her shoulder. You cleared your throat, realising the situation you were in.
"What're you trying to do?" You asked. It wasn't a gentle question, but it wasn't a harsh one either. Part of you wanted her to whisper back something cheesy and romantic. Or maybe you wanted something salacious to come from her all-too-plush lips, and the moment to end with hers on yours.
But instead she just blinked at you. It was like the question had taken her power away; she faltered completely. She frowned, almost frustrated by you asking, and she didn't have an answer. "Just let me know about the essay? I'd really like to read it."
Before you could reply, she turned around and walked away, as if going back to a drawing board far off in the distance. You watched her go, turning the lollipop over in your mouth.
I should like to think that when I am older, the places I have been will make me cry. They will not meld together, in one long train; I will not move from car to car, blazing past what it may contain and never stopping to look out the window.
I will slide into a booth or take out a folding chair if I must, and watch the world go by. I will sit atop the mountains or amongst the grains of sand on a beach, and watch my eyes begin to water in the light of the setting sun.
Your eyes scanned over the essay in your hands, flipping through it and looking at all of Mr. Miller's notes. There were only four, and two of them were 'Wow!'. Even knowing he was impressed, you were at a loss for how this could be considered impressive. It was just words on a paper. Not difficult to write them, or copy them down. You were just talking, but on a page.
My mother seems to think I can’t hear her crying through the walls at night, wishing she were different. Her tears keep me up, and I trip and drown in the puddles of her despair, falling through the surface and into the depths hidden beneath, whenever I leave my room. I love her, and she always manages to convince herself I do not. She loves me, I always must convince myself she does.
It was this paragraph that made you hesitate, standing behind your locker door and rereading it over and over in your mind. There was no way you could show this to someone- and especially not Cairo.
And right there, like Cairo was conjured up by your mind, she was walking right past you, bag over her shoulder and book under her arm. You looked at her pass, the voice in the back of your mind whispering the word fleeting into your ear. It had been a week since your uncomfortable conversation (if you could even call it that) from underneath the bleachers, and she was acting weird.
She was almost avoiding you, and it was rather noticeable. Not to anyone else, who were unaware you knew each other existed, but to you, you knew. When Winnie said good morning and Cairo happened to be there, she would glance away, fully aware of you staring at her like a big idiot.
You found your way into the classroom, and Mr. Miller was writing something on the board in big white letters. It said 'MEANING,' and 'SYMBOL' in a smaller script underneath. He turned back when he was done, smiling over at Cairo and stuffing his hands into his pockets.
She always was the class favourite, and it made sense. Even if your writing was enchantingly fantastic, or some other amazing bullshit word Mr. Miller would write in blue pen that made you doubt he could actually read, Cairo was the one who actually tried. "I want everyone," he said, clearing his throat with a grunt, "to find a partner and sit down with them. This is going to be a partner activity."
You froze. Shit. These things sucked when you were the new kid who knew no one. You glanced over at Winnie, hopeful you'd find a partner in her, but she was madly gesturing towards Cairo to get her attention, and it made you smile a bit at the look on her face— until you saw who Cairo was staring at. You. Your smile went away in an instant.
Her brown eyes were staring at you again, sharp and intense. Then she picked up her bag, tucked the books she brought with her under her arm, and made due on her plan to pick you. You sent your glance away, as if to pretend you couldn't tell she was coming for you. And yet when her books landed on the table with a soft thud, you couldn't ignore her anymore.
"Care to partner up?" She asked, pulling the chair back to sit down before you could even answer. From the other side of the room, you could see Winnie staring at you, looking confused as all hell.
"Uh, sure," you managed. Was she just going to pretend you two hadn't shared whatever that was? It seemed to be the case, and it seemed she knew you were uncomfortable. Cairo Sweet almost seemed to relish in doing that to people.
"So, how'd you enjoy your first week here?" She asked, pulling out a notebook and flipping to a fresh page. She leaned forward, crossing one leg over her other.
You shrugged carefully. "It was good. Boring, but good."
Cairo nodded. "This is a really boring town, so that makes sense."
"Yeah..." you trailed off. She made putting sentences together incredibly hard for you.
Mr. Miller's assignment was boring beyond belief, but Cairo sat up straight the entire time he gave out directions, eyebrows lowering a bit or head tilting after every clarification, like she was making a mental reminder to remember that later. You attempted to ignore her, looking over to the bookshelf on your other side out of boredom.
They were all leather bound, in alternating shades of brown and green, and some hardcovers in sheathes intermixed. Finnegan's Wake and Scienza Nuova, Being and Time and Infinite Jest, you recognised and had read them all. Day-long car rides would do that to you, and it was within reading you found a particular solace from your mom screaming along to the radio.
"(Y/n), are you listening?" Cairo whispered over at you, pulling your gaze back towards her. You nodded, even though you weren't. Her leaning in seemed to fill your nose with her smell. It was lavender, and it was overpowering.
She raised her eyebrows at you like she knew you were lying again. "Really? What're we doing, then?"
You blinked. Shit. "Uh...I don't know, sorry," you apologised, feeling somewhat sheepish. Cairo gave you a judging look, and you were starting to feel like maybe she was regretting choosing you as her partner. She sighed.
"It's fine. Do you want to maybe come over on Friday? We can work on the paper," she said, playing with her pencil. You frowned.
"I thought Winnie said there was a party on Friday."
Now Cairo looked confused. "Are you going to that?"
"I thought you were?" You questioned, trailing off. She laughed at that, like it was a funny suggestion.
"No, it's not really my scene. Winnie's the partier," she grinned. "A party animal, even."
You nodded, feeling yourself relax a little bit. "That makes sense. You're probably writing or reading instead or something."
She seemed intrigued. "Is that what you think of me? A nerd?"
"Uh..." there was a certain heat flowing towards your cheeks, and it felt like the room was a million degrees. "A little, yeah."
"Wooow!—" Her voice rose in a mocking offence.
"—No, I don't— That's not!— I—"
"You think I'm a geek."
"Yeah, only because you're always reading and stuff, so," you argued, raising your hands up. She laughed.
"So if you read, that makes you a nerd?"
"That's obviously not what I'm saying, but the normal kids just go home and watch a show or something," you shrugged. A beat of silence passed between you, and you groaned, realising your mistake and dragging your hands down your face.
"'Normal', huh?" She asked. You sent her a glare, only to find her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she smiled at you, taking great fun in making you red. Then, within an instant, as if it had been flipped like a switch, the weightless look in her eyes shifted to something far darker.
"You know," she said, and you found your heart catching in your throat. "I don't only read in my free time. I find other things to do." She was back at a whisper, leaning in towards your ear. Each enunciation reverberated in your ear drums and filled your brain with sinful ideation.
"I actually like to do things over and over. Creature of habit, really," she continued and your eyebrows rose. The classroom felt even more humid than it had before, and some sweat was already forming on your forehead. Mr. Miller stood behind his desk, and you felt hyperaware of how he kept glancing towards the both of you, his arms crossed and a deep frown on his face at the almost voyeuristic display.
The bell rang, and just as if nothing had happened, Cairo stood up, gathered her things, and walked off like she had under the bleachers.
"Wait-" You were left frozen there, watching her go out the door and down the hall. It took another ten seconds of sitting there for the spell she had cast on you again to be broken, but when it did, you shot up.
Clumsily you threw your notebook into your backpack, slinging it over your shoulder and taking off as quickly as you could. You wouldn't let Cairo flee.
She was near her locker, where you found her a few halls down. From over her shoulder, Winnie saw you coming, and sent you a friendly wave. Cairo followed her eyes, turning towards you and eyes widening. She was clearly surprised, crossing her arms over her chest as you walked right up to her and stopped.
"I have a question," you said.
"Ask away," said Cairo.
You nodded, thinking for a moment. "Why'd you pick me as your partner in this?"
She scoffed at this, uncrossing her arms and rolling her eyes like you were missing something obvious. It hadn't mattered how loud the passing crowd around you was. You heard her loud and clear, and it filled you with a sense of warmth that you hadn't felt since "fleeting" was just another word in the dictionary and not a mantra.
"Because, I think you're special," she said, only to you in the crowd of passing kids. You couldn't see Mr. Miller watching you both intently from the far wall, one arm crossed over the other.
okay so this may or may not be a series i'm starting, but i at least know there is a part two that's already halfway done. part of what took me so long and why i've been gone for like a month has just been me agonising over every damn word. so. enjoy this bad boy ig? not that much happens in this part, but i promise the next part will be kind of crazy.
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moonstruckme · 3 months
hey if you don’t mind, I’ve been struggling with a lot of anxiety and it makes my chest hurt a bunch so maybe you could rwrite something like that with anyone you’d like, ofc if you’d rather not that’s totally.
have a wonderful day dearie
Thanks for requesting baby, I'm really sorry you're dealing with that! I hope maybe you're feeling a bit better by now.
cw: anxiety, chest pain
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
Remus knows you mainly watch this show because he likes it, and yet he’s dozing off. After a long shift at the hospital, the clashing of swords sounds about as lulling as a thunderstorm outside the bedroom window to his tired ears, and his head slowly slumps backwards against the couch cushion. When snuggle closer to his side, head needling its way almost into his armpit, he thinks you’re trying to get him to wake up. 
“Sorry.” His voice comes out raspy, drowsiness clinging to his vocal chords like a paste. 
You pull away, looking up at him. “Oh no,” you murmur, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
The guilt in your voice has him responding instinctively, “It’s okay.” Remus drapes an arm across your shoulders, encouraging you back to where you were. “I was only resting my eyes.” It’s a flimsy excuse and you both know it, so he moves on quickly. “What’s up, hm?” 
“I was wondering if I could have a hug,” you say quietly, tentatively, your eyes not quite on his, “if that’s okay.” 
Remus checks himself before he can look too surprised. “Of course it’s okay,” he says, tightening his grip on you. 
Granted permission, you go all out. You turn your body into his, both arms wrapping tight around his midsection and face burrowing in the soft material of his sweater. Remus adjusts his hold to get a better grip on you. He brings his other hand to your head, cupping the back firmly. 
Asking for affection like this, so explicitly, is unexpected from you. It makes Remus feel like he’s just had a cup of tea, spreading warmth through his insides and leaving a pleasant aftertaste on his tongue. You hate to need him, but he loves to let you. He’ll take any chance to take care of you. He likes to think a secretive little part of you likes to be cared for, too. 
The exhaustion in his bones melts into something heavy and fond as he pets the back of your head. “Everything alright, sweetheart?” 
You hum into his armpit. “Just felt like I needed this, for some reason.” 
“Any reason’s good enough for me,” Remus half-jokes, dropping a kiss onto the crown of your head. “Did you have a long day, too?” 
“Not really.” Your voice dips into a lower register, disgruntled and bemused. You turn your face up so you can see him but don’t pull away, scooting closer to tighten your hold. “Nothing’s happened, I just feel a bit off, I guess. My chest hasn’t stopped hurting all afternoon.” 
He can see the regret in your expression when his eyebrows go up, and Remus laughs. 
“Oi, what’s that look about?” 
“I’m not trying to put you on the clock.” 
“No,” he says, smiling as he kisses your hairline, “You’re not, honey.” But he does reach for the remote, pausing the TV and silencing your background noise. 
Your eyes narrow. “You’ve got that serious look, though.” 
“That’s just my face, I can’t really help it.” Admittedly, chest pain worries him. Remus is prone to worrying about anything that ails you; it's where his job and his boyfriend duties collide. Still, he doubts you’ve been having a heart attack for the entire afternoon, so he’s not going to frighten you by telling you about the vast number of things chest pain can point to. “Where does it hurt? Can you show me?” 
You sigh and lean back, putting space between your chest and Remus’ side. “Sort of here,” you say, flattening your palm over your sternum. 
“Is it a concentrated pain,” he asks, “or more of an ache?” 
“More like an ache,” you admit. “It’s sort of, like, burning? But that sounds more dramatic than it really is.” 
He ignores the last part of your statement, setting his hand on your chest and pushing down gently. “Does that make it worse?” 
You shake your head, and Remus hums. You haven’t been coughing; he would have noticed. He works two fingers under your jaw. 
“What else feels weird, sweetheart?” 
“I’m not sure,” you tell him, starting to sound a bit raw. “I just feel…not right, you know? Is that bad?” 
“No, I don’t think so,” he says, letting his fingers drop from your pulse point. ”I think you’re mostly okay.” He uses both hands to pull you into his lap. “C’mere, baby dove.” 
You seem far from unhappy at being moved, pushing your face into Remus’ neck and letting him rest his chin atop your head. “What?” you ask. 
“Did you have coffee this afternoon?” 
“Yeah.” You sound cautious. “Why?” 
“And did you eat before?” 
“Remus.” Your warning tone is undercut by unease. 
He kisses your head in apology. “I think your chest hurts because you’re anxious, honey,” he says. “The caffeine probably made it worse.” 
You go quiet for a minute. Remus rubs your back, sorry for the invisibility of your hurt but relieved that its cause isn’t something more sinister. When you pull away, you’re frowning. 
“I don’t think it’s that,” you say. “It’s never felt like this before.” 
Remus feels his mouth slant in sympathy. “I think coffee without eating is already a bad idea, but then if you got anxious and we started watching a stressful show,” he tries to convey some apology in his expression, “it might have made your nerves feel worse than you’re used to.” 
“I think I’m only nervous because my chest hurts.” You blow out a breath. “It’s kind of a chicken and egg thing, yeah?” 
Remus hums, running his hand up the length of your spine. He can feel your heart beating beneath his palm. “Humor me for a minute?” 
You sigh again. It looks strenuous. “Sure.” 
“Breathe with me,” he instructs, folding you back towards his front. You go willingly, though you seem tenser now than before, your hands nearly rigid on his back. “In for eight.” 
He listens to be sure you’re doing it with him, feeling your chest expand against his own. He lets his palm lie still beneath your shoulder blades, sneaking a gauge of your heart rate. 
“Hold for eight.” 
Remus feels your nose press into his collar. He turns his lips into your forehead, holding his lungs at their full capacity and knowing that if it’s difficult for him, it has to be considerably worse for you. 
By the time you’re finished breathing out it's a relief for you both, and you turn your face up to his with a bit less skepticism. 
“That was hard,” you admit. 
Remus bites back an I-told-you-so, but he knows his smile must say enough of it when you roll your eyes good-naturedly. 
“Why don’t I change it to something a bit lighter,” he says, nodding towards the TV. “We can do more breathing during the commercial breaks, yeah?” 
You appear to consider this. “And we can keep cuddling?” 
Remus’ chuckle lures a smile out of you. He’s exceedingly gratified to see it. “That was never up for debate.” 
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twstgarden · 7 months
❀ ❝ 𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲'𝘀 𝗸𝗶𝘀𝘀? ❞
━ diasomnia (malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge, silver, sebek zigvolt) x reader (separated) ━ true love's kiss? now, where will you or the diasomnia boys get that? (f/n means first name)
requested by: anonymous <3 request type: oneshot requester's message: Hi 🩵 I saw your requests are open 😍 I was hoping if I can request a true love kiss scenario with the four diasomnia dorm members? If they get kisses awake or the diasomnia men do is your choice florist's note: hello, dearie. i went for both, hope you enjoyed. thank you for the request.
this work does not contain spoilers for chapter 7, diasomnia’s arc.
do not steal or translate without my permission.
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━ malleus draconia ━
being struck by a curse was already frightening enough on its own but knowing that the cure is something deemed as impossible – which is a true love’s kiss – you knew you were doomed for life. from what you knew, the curse given to you was you’d fall into a sleep-like death the moment you reach a certain age in adulthood. ever since then, you had no hope that you’ll ever live past that age.
your beloved remained unaware of this curse, however. it’s not like you didn’t want him to know, it’s just that he never asked, but then again, who would casually ask someone if they have been cursed?
you can imagine the fear and worry showing in his eyes the moment you lost your consciousness. the two knights immediately got to your aid while he rushed to you and assessed your physical being, to see if you were alright. you seem to be asleep and yet your heart was barely beating.
it took a lot to keep his composure, but lilia knew all too well that malleus was close to losing his mind any moment now. the older fae assisted the two knights by carrying you to a bed, to ensure you rest properly before they call for a magic doctor to check on your health.
“i don’t see any health issues… however, there is a trace of a powerful spell in their being similar to that of a curse,” spoke the doctor as they looked up to see the faces of the four diasomnia members. malleus’ eyes widened at the revelation as he replied, “a curse? she never told me she had one…”
the doctor sighed and proceeded to share the diagnosis with them in a sad manner, “her curse seemed to have something similar to death, but seeing as she looks as if she is asleep, we can deduce what she was struck with…”
the doctor did not need to continue talking as he knew that the four immediately knew what the curse was and its cure. lilia thanked the doctor for his help as malleus knelt on the floor right beside your sleeping corpse, holding your hand and sensing how cold it was slowly becoming, and yet your face showed no signs of death.
“such curse has a cure that we deem impossible, malleus…” spoke lilia gently, trying to console the young prince after losing his loved one. malleus tried not to have a breakdown, holding your limping hand tighter as he caressed your cheek, “true love’s kiss… is there really such thing?”
“like i said, an impossible cure…” replied lilia, but he was also determined to know if such thing was true, “…but we can try.”
malleus looked at you for a moment, brushing his thumb over your cheek as silver and sebek watched. a moment passed and he decided to lean close, placing his lips on yours for a bittersweet kiss before pulling away with a sad smile. there was a glint of hope in his eyes, hoping that he was indeed your one true love and that you would wake up, but he also wondered to himself that what if it was not him? what if you did not love him the way he loves you?
all those doubt washed away the moment your eyes fluttered open a bit, and a huge smile was seen on malleus’ face whilst lilia, silver, and sebek let out a sigh of relief. your beloved immediately wrapped his arms around you the moment your eyes were wide open and gazing up at the ceiling, a gasp of surprise left your lips once he hugged you close.
“i’m… alive?” you spoke in a rather surprised tone as you knew you would not survive the curse, and yet here you are in the arms of the man you love the most. malleus placed another kiss on your forehead before giving you a disappointed expression, “why did you not disclose the details of your curse to me? if i had known, i would have done something sooner…” a sigh then escaped his lips, “but… i’m glad you’re awake now.” his embrace tightened as he buried his face into your hair, taking a whiff of your scent to comfort himself as the fear of losing you grew even stronger, “please don’t ever leave me like that.”
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━ lilia vanrouge ━
you were done with your lessons for the day and you felt ecstatic to return to your dorm to see your dearly beloved once more. with your books in hand, you walked towards your dormitory’s mirror with a hop on your step, humming a soft tune as you passed by the mirror and walked down the entrance of diasomnia.
upon arrival, you saw malleus and silver on the lounge, drinking what seemed to be black coffee while sebek was by the stairs with a displeased expression, almost as if he was jealous of silver spending some quality time with their master by drinking the same beverage.
you chuckled at sebek’s expression and approached him by the stairs, “you okay?”
sebek huffed in response, “silver is drinking black coffee with the young master! if only i could drink the same beverage, but i cannot stand the taste and prefer it with milk!” you tried not to laugh as you merely smiled, “right, there’s nothing wrong with wanting milk in your coffee, seb.”
you then patted his shoulder and went upstairs, heading to lilia’s room to check if he was there, and indeed he was. you were greeted by a messy sight with some trinkets on the floor and unorganized items on his desk – you knew he had terrible cleaning skills, but you were not expecting this.
and there he was, asleep on his comfy bed as the star that settled atop his bed glowed a little. you sighed and closed the door, approaching your sleeping beloved and taking a seat on the bed, watching his chest rise and fall with every breath as his eyes remained closed, his eyelashes were long and luscious, and his lips were parted.
you caressed his cheek and gently fixed his bangs before placing a soft kiss on his forehead. as you were about to stand up, you felt a hand grasp your own and you turned your head to see your beloved awake with a smile, pulling you down and placing a kiss on your lips.
“looks like i was woken up by true love’s kiss~”
you rolled your eyes at his antics and chuckled before kissing his forehead, “then it looks like i’m your true love, old man.”
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━ silver ━
you were exhausted.
your energy was spent after your physical education lessons. you were instructed by coach vargas to run a hundred laps before proceeding with flying lessons, which exhausted the life out of you. with no energy left to spend, you entered the lounge of your dorm and dropped your bag on the floor before plopping yourself onto the couch, not caring about anything else other than sleep.
your eyes went shut as sleep overtook your tired figure. hours have passed, but you had not known how long you were asleep. you were awoken by the feeling of something soft and sweet on your lips, but it unfortunately lasted for a short while, which caused you to flutter your eyes open.
your eyes fluttered open and the first thing you see is your boyfriend’s slightly surprised expression upon seeing you awake, and that’s when you realised, he kissed you. you smiled groggily at him and ruffled his hair before sitting up, “you woke me up with your true love’s kiss~ hehe...”
silver smiled at your remark and kissed your forehead, “you should rest in your room. i already brought your bag upstairs and fixed the bed for you.”
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━ sebek zigvolt ━
sebek had unfortunately fallen ill and had been stubborn the whole time. he refused to take his medicine, saying he did not need it. he refused to rest as he did not want to acknowledge that he had a cold, and went as far as to say that his immune system was not so weak that he’d get sick so easily.
silver sighed at his stubbornness and looked at you for a moment. you gave him a quick glance before approaching sebek and pulling on his arm, “seb, you need to rest.”
“rest? absolutely not, i’m fine! don’t let what the doctor said discourage you! i have no cold,” argued the half-fae as he continued on carrying eight chairs to the mirror chamber all at once. silver opted to help as he carried some chairs too, but sebek insisted he’d do it by himself.
‘how stubborn…’ you thought to yourself as you crossed your arms and waited for him to finish his task. you knew there was no way he would stop now.
once he was done with his task, you dragged him back to the dormitory and made him sit on the couch with a stern expression, “sit.”
“no buts. sit down.” you commanded as you grabbed his medicine, causing him to grumble as he stayed put on the couch, allowing you to nurse him. as you gave him his medicine, he took it without another word before thanking you softly.
after taking his prescribed medication, you sighed and sat down next to him, ruffling his hair with a small smile as you spoke gently this time, “don’t be so stubborn next time… take care of yourself. you’re sick.”
“i can handle a cold…”
you were always surprised by how much your actions and words affected him. normally, he would never dare to listen and obey a human’s commands, but with you, he does.
“fine… besides, i might be a nuisance to the master if i were to be sick while i stood guard by his side!”
ah, there he is.
you chuckled at his worry over his duties towards malleus. you then smiled and gave him a kiss on his forehead, “here. a true love’s kiss to make you feel better~”
his cheeks immediately went red as he exclaimed, “f/n!!!”
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© twstgarden 2023 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 9 months
Pleeeeeease write a childhood friends to lovers for Soap and a civvy!reader??? Maybe add a dash of domestic fluff? 💕 I love your writing more than anything 😫
—From Ten To Twenty & Beyond
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [You've known him ever since the incident on the playground, and now you can't help but imagine that same boy as you watch him make supper with flour in his hair.] ❞
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You stifle your laugh on your hand, leaning back into the dining room chair as the Scot ahead of you swears up a storm. 
“Hell’s fuckin’ bells!” He snaps, waving a hand over his mohawk as the spray of flour wafts on the airways. Your body makes a play to move forward to help—to salvage a new recipe that Johnny was trying to make for you. You could leave the cooking to him…but baking? No, no you think not. 
Before you can stand fully, a wagging finger is leveled in front of your face, and a clicking tongue as a kiss is pressed into your forehead. 
“Not a chance, Dearie. You get that perfect arse back into the chair.” 
You laugh brightly at the hands on the side of your arms that place you back down like a doll. “Johnny, come on, let me help.” 
Blue eyes narrow in hidden stubbornness. 
“No way—I said I’d make you something, so that’s what I’m doin'. You sit there and watch,” he smirks. “I know how hard it is to not jump my bones, Little Lady, but I swear tonight I’m all yours—”
You smack the back of your hand into his pec, just above the slack form of the white apron you’d gotten him as a joke. 
“Alright, you can leave now,” your voice meets his ears as he smirks, leaning down to press his lips on top of yours as you grumble. It wasn’t hard to return the kiss, an easy peck before he left back to the counter with flour still stuck into his dark strands. 
You watch after as you hear his deep chuckles, rubbing at his scalp before sighing as he looks at the dough in one of his mother’s bowls. It had been more than a decade since you’d met him—that fateful day on the playground where he had run headlong into you by the swing set. A crash of skulls and a babbling of childish cries. 
His hand had shown up right in front of yours moments later, pulling you up and wiping off your scraped palms even when he was still swaying on his feet. Those blue eyes. 
Now, years later—a little cottage house in the middle of nowhere. A bright living room and a crackling fireplace. A kitchen filled with laughter and flour pooling to the floor. 
It was the memories that lived in the wood and the stone; in the skin you two wore. And tonight, this was a celebration of more than ten years—a hope to more than twenty, thirty; as many as this world would give you. To beyond life and death, and everything in between. 
You smile brightly, eyes a bit glassy as you see Johnny turn around with a fork in his hands. 
“Now, if I were to ask how to properly—” he halts at the look in your eyes, concern snapping over his once smirking face. “...Dearie?”
You shake your head, grinning before you wave a hand. “I’m alright.” 
Johnny puts down all of his things and begins walking over, but you beat him to it. You meet him halfway there and dig your arms around his waist, head pushing itself into his neck. Beneath his skin, he grunts and does the same—large hands hesitantly slipping around your shoulders as his biceps keep you anchored. 
“What’s this about, then,” he asks, eyes looking down at you as your form squeezes him tightly. “Not that I’m complaining, see.” 
You kiss his pulse, feeling his skin go a bit heated as he chuckles; eyes soft. 
“Just let me hold you,” you peek, only to find him already watching you. Those same eyes close to yours. Foreheads connect and you giggle. “Flour and all.” 
“Hm,” Johnny hums, breathing you down. “...Don’t need much convincing.”
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joedirtymadre · 3 months
Hello 😊 I hope you are having a great day! I would like to request a fluffy Luffy x y/n story please!
The Potion
“Where is he?” You asked yourself as you continued exploring the new island. You were currently looking for your idiot captain, but adorable boyfriend. Nami thought it was a good idea to stop by an island to restock on some supplies. Nami only planned for a day stop, but Luffy still hasn’t returned… So a part of being his girlfriend is to find and drag him back to the ship. You groaned, “I can’t believe he just ditched me on the ship, why didn’t he ask if I wanted to tag along? Aren’t we dating?”
While walking down the main plaza, you turned and noticed a familiar dark haired man, with the very familiar straw hat on his head. “Luffy!” You called out as you ran over. He quickly turned and grinned once noticing you. “Yo (Y/N)! You found me!” He waved excitedly. “You idiot! I spent the last hour looking for you! How dare you ditch me?” You asked angrily as you smacked his head.
“I’m sorry…” he pouted. “It’s alright, I’m glad I finally found you. So, what have you been up to?” You asked as you rubbed the spot you hit. “Just running around, but I stopped to talk to this granny,” he said, motioning towards the older woman sitting at the stand.
“Oh hello,” you smiled, and the woman smiled back. “Hi sweetheart,” she said. You looked at her stand, and realized that it was simply a table with a crystal ball in the middle, with a small stand with different colored bottles. You noticed one particular bottle that caught your eye, it was a beautiful shade of deep purple. “Would you like one deary?” The woman asked. “Ummm… well what are they?” You asked. “Potions!” She smiled. “Potions? “Really?” You asked suspiciously. “Well of course, I spent years trying to perfect each potion. Which one would you like?” She asked.
“Hmm… Well, what does each one do?” You asked curiously, eyeing each bottle. “Can one of them make me super strong? Or shapeshift? Or fly?” Luffy asked excitedly. “No, my potions don’t do that. They’re small potions, but trust me… they work,” she said. “I see, but what does each potion do?” You asked again. “Ahh… that all depends on you. My potions create whatever you heart desires,” she explains.
“Whatever my heart desires?” You questioned. “So that means I can fly!” Luffy said with stars in his eyes. “Perhaps, if your heart truly desires to fly,” the woman sighed. “Oh wow! Now we have to get one (Y/an)! Just imagine me, like a superhero, or a bird,” he grinned. You laughed at his reaction, “I guess I’ll take two,” you said.
“Only 1 per each group,” the woman said. “Huh?” Luffy pouted. “Well, I can’t have everyone getting their deep desires granted. Plus there are potions that take decades to create, my inventory would disappear if I didn’t limit purchases,” she explained. “I guess that makes sense,” you said. “Well which one sweetheart, I saw that the purple one caught your eye,” she said. “Yeah, it’s a pretty color,” you said softly. “I’ll take this one then,” you said. “Good choice, and remember all potions last for 24 hours,” she said as she took the berries from my hand and placed the bottle in it.
“Wow, a potion! Let’s drink it!” Luffy said. “No sharing, the potion won’t work if two people drink it,” the woman quickly explained. “Awe man…” he pouted. “If you want it, you can have it,” you smiled. “Seriously? Tha-“ Luffy was cut off. “Only the person that I gave the bottle to can drink it, for others it won’t work,” the woman said as she winked at me. “O-Oh… well that sucks,” Luffy frowned. “Sorry Luffy,” you said. “It’s fine, just means I’ll have to keep an eye on you. See if anything changes,” he laughed. You nodded and you both headed back to the ship.
“Drink it, drink it!” Luffy chanted. “Alright, but if I do can we go walk around some of the shops? I really wanted-“ you were interrupted. “That sounds boring…” he whined. “O-Oh… uhh, well alright. I guess we can do something else after,” you sighed. “Oo let’s go find another witch, maybe then I can get a potion!” He said excitedly, as he headed back to the plaza. “You go ahead, I’ll meet you there,” you said softly. “K!” He shouted as he raced off.
You let out a deep sigh, and walked over to an empty bench. “When’s the last time we’ve done anything I wanted to do? Or the last time we’ve done regular couple stuff?” You asked yourself as you leaned back into the bench.
“Hey! The woman said that this’ll grant my deepest desires! Maybe it’ll help Luffy be romantic again, like when we first started dating!” You said excitedly, as you opened your bag and pulled out the bottle. You stared suspiciously at it before you opened the lid. It made a hissing sound as you slowly opened the lid.
You shrugged it off and chugged it in one swoop. “Ugh… it tastes terrible,” you said in disgust. “If anything, at least Chopper can cure food poisoning or… regular poisoning,” you said.
All of a sudden you felt a nauseous wave rush through you. “I think I’m gonna pass-“ you immediately knocked out.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Wake up, please!” You felt yourself being shaken. You slowly opened your eyes, and saw Luffy cradling you. “Luffy?” You asked as your eyes adjusted to the light. “Yeah it’s me, are you ok? I found you passed out on the bench,” he said, worriedly. “I-I’m fine,” you said as you tried to get up but slowly fell back. “Be careful, here I’ll carry you,” he said as he picked you up bridal style.
You felt your cheeks heat up. “You’re carrying me?” Yo I asked, surprised. “Well, why wouldn’t I carry you? You’re my girl,” he smiled. You felt your face heat up even more, and nuzzled your head into his chest. Just enjoying the moment.
You were finally able to stand, so after a few words of trying to convince Luffy that you can walk he finally let you down. As you were walking, you realized you were back at the main plaza. You suddenly felt someone reach out for your hand, you looked over and saw Luffy holding your hand. “I wanted to hold hands,” he smiled. “Ok!” You grinned. “Look, isn’t that the store you want to go to earlier?” He asked, as he pointed at a jewelry store. “Yeah… but it’s fine you said it was boring, let’s do something else,” you suggested.
“What? No way! Come on, you said you wanted to go so let’s go!” He smiled and dragged me to the shop. My eyes widened, there’s no way that her potion actually worked! You both spent the day like a normal couple, walking around being lovey dovey. Going to eat, exploring some cute store you found, and just enjoying each other’s company.
Now you were both at the main plaza’s water fountain. Just enjoying the sunset. “Man, I had an awesome day Luffy,” you smiled. “Me too, I’m glad you desired this,” he said, strangely. “Desired? Why’d you say it like-“ you were interrupted.
“(Y/N)?” You heard a family voice call out. You quickly snapped your head towards the voice and saw, “Luffy?” You stared in shock as he walked up to you. “L-Luffy? B-But I don’t- how- why?” You grabbed your head, not sure what the hell is going on. “(Y/N) who is that guy?” Luffy asked. “I’m Luffy, the better Luffy,” the other one said.
“The better Luffy? You’re just an imposter!” He yelled. You stared in disbelief, unsure what to do or say. “Not in (Y/N)’s eyes. That’s why she wished for me,” the other said, getting close to the other Luffy's face. “Wished for you? I-Is that true (Y/N)? Did you wish for him?” Luffy asked as he turned towards you.
You were speechless, you tried to explain yourself but nothing would come out. “Of course she did, she wanted that old spark we used to have. She hated how you treated her like a regular crew mate, how you would ditch her, ignore her wants or feelings, and just take her love for granted,” the other one said. “T-That’s now true, I love (Y/N)! You don’t know anything about us,” Luffy shouted.
“But it is, why else would she wish to do regular couple stuff with you? Because you never took the time to do it, that’s probably why she thinks you don’t love her anymore,” the other one explained. “Is this true (Y/N)? Do you really think I don’t love you?” He asked softly. “No, I-I… all I think is that you don't treat me the way you used to when we first started dating. Why?” You asked tearfully.
“I-I don't know, I guess I didn't realize it… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise!” he said as he reached out for me. However, you felt a different pair of arms wrap around you from behind. They pulled you into a close hug, you looked to see the other Luffy who was holding you. “What makes you think that she’ll still want to be with you? After the amazing day we had? I carried her, held her hand, followed her to some nice shops, and ate nice food. We both know you wouldn’t have done that,” he said as he tightened his grip.
“Shut up! (Y/N), please believe me! I’m sorry, I do want to be with you. I love whenever you smile, when you smack me around whenever I’m acting dumb, when you rub and take care of me whenever I’m feeling down. I see now that I should’ve done the same for you, but please… Please let me try again, I won’t make you wish for a better me again,” he pleaded. “Oh Luffy,” you said softly. You quickly pulled yourself out of the other Luffy’s arms and leapt onto your Luffy. “(Y/N)!” He said, holding onto you tight.
“I’m sorry, this will never happen again. I swear,” he said with a light tremble in his voice. “I know,” you said as you pulled him into a kiss. This kiss almost made your legs give out, but luckily Luffy was keeping you steady.
“Hmm… it’s not 24 hours, but I guess my job here is done,” the other Luffy said. “Huh?” You asked as you turned your head. “Yep! I granted your deepest desire, to have your Luffy treat you like before,” he smiled, and you noticed his body began glowing. “But before I go,” the other Luffy said and ran over to give you a kiss on the cheek. “Hey!” Your Luffy shouted, pulling you back into his arms. “Take care of her, she deserves it,” the other Luffy said before disappearing.
Once the other Luffy was gone, you were quickly turned around. You felt a million kisses placed on the cheek the other Luffy kissed. “L-Luffy?” You blushed. “Good, now that fake’s kiss is erased,” he huffed. You laughed and pulled him into another kiss, happy to have your boyfriend back. I guess that woman is a real witch after all.
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aestheticpluto · 5 months
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A/N :- Sure! I don't know if it's a request? but yeah here is the 2nd part I hope you enjoy it! and forgive me if there is any grammatical mistakes [ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪ] Synopsis :- "I'll be the one who will praise you, give you the love you lack, give you the affection you deserve"
No One's POV
"Y/n!" he said with his signature smile as he spotted you in the great hall "oh god-" you mumbled and hid your face with one hand as your friend looked at you "what's going on?" one of them asked "Ignore him, I also don't know what's up with him" you said sitting down on your sit.
Throughout the whole breakfast harry kept glancing at you time to time and whenever you looked back at him he'll just smile leaving you confused and maybe a little frightened
"Harry?"  Hermione said glaring at Harry to finally finish his food "hm?" he looked at them and saw Ron giving him a weird look "Mate what happened? were you struck by some love potion?" "No I'm just trying to help them" Harry replied focusing back on to his meal "Doesn't look like it?"  Hermione said raising her eyebrow "Trust me they are just insecure that no one loves them and I'm just giving the love they need" Harry protested, Hermione and Ron looked at each other then at Harry "Alright if that's what you call 'love' then we will support you" Hermione smiled encouragingly while Ron nodded smiling then going back to their conversation
As for you later that day you were just talking to your fellow Slytherin when Harry hugged you from behind "you didn't talk to me during the breakfast? I was missing your voice you know?" he chirped "Harry? what are you doing? let go" you said and tried to remove his hand from your waist "No" he tighten his grip "Uh- L/n I'll talk to you later" the person walks away in awkwardness since they thought they were interrupting something "Harry I already told you, It was just a misunderstanding I'm not lacking love nor I'm touch-starved" you turned around to face him "You don't need to lie dearie" he backs away a step away from you "how delusional you can get?" you glare at him getting annoyed by his lovesick attitude towards you "As much as it takes to make you happy" He replied taking your hand in his
You pulled your hand back "Harry why don't you understand?" you paused running your hand through your hair "I don't need any help I'm completely fine" you said in utter frustration "yes you do and you're just lying to yourself, Tell me didn't you cried last night for feeling like not even your parents love you?" "How do you-" "Tell me does anyone ever said 'I'm proud of you' even after all the hardwork you did?" you just looked away not having any answer for his questions "I'll be the one who will praise you, give you the love you lack, give you the affection you deserve" he took your hand back into his but this time you didn't struggle just looked down wondering weather to give up or not? after all you will get the affection many people fight for, you'll get love from the chosen one himself. you looked up and saw him smiling "Harry I-....I don't know" his other hand caressed your cheeks "Don't worry I'm always here and you'll soon know everything".
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yourlocaltreesimp · 7 months
Have you gotten any requests abt First? I simply would like to request some general yan hcs if thats fine. But if not, thats alright. I hope things have been lovely for you dearie <33 (ive just been craving for First food)
Ofc ofc!!
TW: Yandarism but i’m tired so it’s fairly tame if i’m going to be honest, tame by my standards
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Yan!First Headcannons
He has fond memories of his guide. How they skillfully protected him with their insight to ensure his success. He clutched those days of tranquillity close to his heart -or what he believes to be left of it- when he was locked up. When you were ripped away from him by a jealous god’s hand. He tries to focus on the softness of your voice and not the shrill of your screams when you were being made to watch his torment. He was free now. But from what he knows, you aren’t. And on your name he is going to maim the soul that did that to you. Even if it’s the goddess that allowed you to meet in the first place.
That said, he didn’t originally know you were his guide. He was shaken from being thrown into a portal and he was so hurt and you were so kind… It was natural for him to latch to the first bit of care given to him since your first absence.
It didn’t take him remembering -or rather realising- you were his guide until he started his spiral. No. He’s been teetering on the edge for years, and if falling into madness ment falling into your arms, then so be it. With that, he doubles down when he remembers you. Brought together by the gods and fate, how could he not keep you to himself after so long of being on his own?
He thrives on whatever it is you want. He’ll talk or listen to you for days, savouring the calmness in your voice. He’d pull you close in front of everyone and remember every freckle on your skin, every scar that lined it, every hair on your head. He’d write you letters of sonnets and prose, watching you read it with concentration, as if to see that you like it. He’d buy you anything, do anything, say anything, so long as it had your approval.
I see him as either very sneaky and courting you so eloquently that his possessiveness and protectiveness is part of the package. Him showing off that you chose him, that he’s good enough. Him showing off that no matter how much his… predecessors think they have you, you’ve always been his from the beginning. This is with an earlier intro to the chain, him trying to fend off competition as more members begin to fall. A strategy, if you will.
Or he’s on you the second he has consent, not caring for standards so long as you are his and he is yours. A scramble for your attention against your many suitors followers. I see this as First with a later intro where everyone’s already not right in the head. He’s bartering for and peice if you at this point. Any attention you give him will be well spent and obsessed over.
100% kidnapping you the second the chance presents itself. You’ll be married properly, he’ll treat you impeccably well, just be sure to play along.
Fav nicknames for you: My dear, Dearest, My love, My Sun, Flower, Darling, essentially anything classy
BONUS: This single handedly had me questioning if i wanted him and the others in ACU
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Thranduil x f!reader
So many things changed after the big battle, you hope this goes for better
Warnings: pregnancy, childbirth, mention of miscarriage, fluff and happy ending and yea... a lot of cringyness
like & Comments are very much appreciated
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Autumn was late to arrive at Mirkwood realm but the early morning breeze put a smile on your face as you walked pass the garden in between quarters,
The weather was pleasent and freshening but even the gentle cold made the sensitive skin of your swollen belly to react in worst ways, you still had weeks to end the semester and the following winter was the time for the baby to be born, but this time was a bit different.
Wrapping the cloak around your body, you carefully enter the garden to find your first born training, more like playing, with the bow that was almost as tall as he was and arrows that were all over the ground, some even half deep in the grass making you question the power the little one hold.
Sun was shining through tall trees down on the golden hair prince totally unaware of your presents still, your smile soon turned into laughter when he tripped over and fell on the ground, "your ada was right about the hair, my little one, you can't see in front of you!" You hummed sitting uncomfortably on the grass, letting a shaky breath out, his head was quick to pop up "nana.."
"Soon with all the nagging?"
He shook his head taking your hand to help him stand, pouting his lips making you smile wider cleaning his dirty cheeks,
"My knee hurt..."
"Which one deary?"
He turned and dropped himself in your embrace taking your both hands and wrapped them around himself,
To you Legolas was always the golden ray of sunshine, bringing warmth and joy where ever he walked in, even when he was in your belly, the energy he radiant through you was felt by every soul you walked with
Your true blessing
Caressing his golden hair you kissed his head several times before drawing a fussy noise from him, turning around in your arms he mindlessly moved his legs around you to sit facing your frame, finally settling down, his eyes where quick to fall on your bump carefully touching it,
"Ada said, he will be here soon"
"So ada thinks he's a boy?"
He nodded looking up at your face, "what do you think?"
To your surprise he gently put his ear on your belly, "Leg-"
"Nana shhh"
Placing his small fingers on your lips you happily kissed them making him giggle in response,
"She doesn't talk to me anymore"
He admitted dropping his hand to your chest, clinging to your dress
"The baby talked to me last night, but now..."
He pouted his lips again looking for an answer in your worried eyes, you waited few seconds before placing your own hand on the side of your bump when a sudden sharp pain passed through your spine, your breath hitched in your throat trying not to scare the child in your arms,
"Let's play a game okay?" You let out a sob while smiling "let's see how fast you can get your ada for me, alright my elfling?" Patting his back you helped him stand back on his feet before running back to the chambers,
Trying your best to stand up with shaky legs another trail of pain burnt through your abdomen,
Moving your cloak aside to walk faster than the growing pain that was taking all over your body,
"Not now, no no no not now!!"
You cried walking up the stairs, "lady Y/n!" You heard someone but before taking a look around your vision wet blur.
You woke up from what it felt to be hours with a sharp pain all over your body, "my lady you must stay awake"
"It's too soon for labor" you panted looking at the healers standing next to your bed
"But it is happening and i need you to stay conscious my queen"
Dressed up in sweat and tear you were crying with every breath you took, screaming.
The quarter's doors swing open only to reveal your worried husband, "y/n.."
"Thranduil... i can't... i can't do it"
You begged and cried as you gripped his sleeve to pull him closer,
He carefully kissed your forehead while moving your hair away from your wet face, "i can't, i can't lose this one"
Your sobbing got louder as he touched the sensitive skin of your arms to help you sit accordingly, "you're not gonna lose it, you're not gonna lose anything" taking your trembling chin in his hand "look at me, meleth nìn" kissing your eyes he gave you time to calm down and catch your breath.
"If i lose this one, it will be the third" sobbing harder you squeezed his arm harder when another stroke of pain hit you, "three..."
His eyes were filled with tears watching you in this condition "The other two didn't make it this far my love, i know how you feel if i could take the pain or make it go away i would!" He sounded helpless looking in your eyes, "i would bear the pain to last bit cause i can't see you this way" bringing your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles.
You cried more feeling the contractions starting, "this one's stronger can't you feel it?"
He whispered holding your hand tighter,
"I can't feel anything! It was nothing like when i had our son" shaking your head you let out another painful cry fearing for your little elf to hear,
"There's a battle field, a war difference between these two,"
Holding his shoulder in your hand you placed the other hand on your bump to force a pressure on it,
"I'm not the same as i was, my body is not the same, i can't" it was healed but your body was still carrying the scars and your mind was no better, unable to process the importance of the life you were delivering.
Giving it all your energy you started pushing as the maiden rubbed your sore spine,
Screaming with pain your hand drop to the headboard of the bed as another maid reached you.
The windows were all open since you were sweating your gown wet and between all the screams and cursing you heard your son crying from behind the closed doors and you could swear you heard him calling for you,
Searching for your husband you mouthed a please before looking at the door again, "Thranduil please, he'll cry to the point of fainting"
"Lady Y/n has a strong body my lord, you can go" an elderly woman said before turning his attention back to you, "i'll be back soon" you blinked for assurance, forgetting your pain for a moment
"Almost there my lady, just one more" squeezing the mattress in your fist you gave in to just make this go away as soon as possible.
On the other side of the door Thranduil tried to comfort his first born, only to have him crying silently in his arms "can we go to nana now?"
"Soon we will dear one,"
"I don't like the baby" he stated playing with the pattern drawn on his father's collar, "may i ask why?"
"She's hurting nana, i saw her crying too it was for the baby in her" he mumbled not looking up at his father, "your nana is one of the strongest elves i've ever seen!" He said sitting on the edge of his chair putting his boy to sit on the table before him, "she fought in a battle so big! So brave. She's an excellent warrior with a talent you never seen when shooting an arrow"
Legolas was now mesmerised but his father's words, no sign of crying or tearing up
"A perfect fighter"
"Did she cried there too?" He asked curiously
"In the battlefield? No but she did cry after"
He whispered fixing the little boy's hair
"Don't tell her i said this!" He placed his index finger on his nose only for Legolas to repeat it afterward "i won't!"
He smiled in return when a knock on the door took both their attention, "my lord!"
"Y/n.." he said before standing up and running to the quarters where his wife was, he hesitated for a second before entering the room thinking about all the possible scenes he will face, not ready for any of them.
The doors flew open and the maid bow down smiling "so on time my king!" He let out the breath he was holding and walked towards the bed seeing you holding a wrap of cloth,
"Are you alright, meleth?" The whisper came out of his mouth weak but seeing your small smile was a relief, "i'm well, we both are"
Your head turned slightly to right pointing to the small creature in your arms, "it's a girl"
You cried looking back at him as he sat next to you looking at her more carefully, silver bright hair with two of the biggest blue irises ever seen, the perfect girl, your perfect girl.
"Her eyes are open!" He was surprised looking at you with a big smile
"She was so eager to be here my lord" a maiden said fixing the new gown around your shoulders
"Do you want to hold her?" You offered and he willingly accepted for his girl to be placed in his arms, "Legolas was right" you said placing your chin on his arm looking at the corner of the open door, seeing two eyes peaking inside.
You smiled leaning forward a little, "i wish Legolas was here, he knew how to treat my pains away" pressing your lips together you looked over one more time to see him still standing there, doubting.
Letting out a fake moan of pain and he was quick to run and approach you from other side of the bed, crawling to reach your frame, waisting no time he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you so tightly kissing your cheek,
"Uh my wonderful prince! You're here! Talking all my pain away" you said breathing in his sweet smell
Still holding you tightly his eyes wandered around, "is that the baby?"
"That's her," Thranduil said removing the cloth more to reveal her face.
Legolas reached his hand so carefully and touched the girl's forehead like how he did with your bump proving once more how much of an angle he is.
"What do we call her?"
You looked between them two asking,
Your husband said staring at the girl in his arms, "since she is a precious gift, her name must be of the same value."
You smiled kissing his shoulder before resting your head on it.
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tripleyeeet · 8 months
SUMMARY: Upon waking up, you realize just how long you've been gone for.
PAIRING: Astarion & Female Reader
WARNINGS: Spoilers for Act 2, so much angst (this time with comfort!), descriptions of death, probably incorrect lore about necromancers and how their powers work. :')
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, we're officially back in business baby, let's go! Sorry for the fillerish chapter. It's been so long that I kind of needed to keep things chill before the story starts up again. Hope you can forgive me??? <3 Also, thanks to @the-lady-amphitrite for letting me include their little necromancer Zamrie!
It’s not uncommon for you to wake up breathless. With the presence of an unknown threat mixed with your history of nightmares, there have been countless moments upon gaining consciousness over the last few months that have felt like you’re dying. Gasping for air to no avail until Astarion’s hand meets your back to soothe your stress. 
At this rate, it’s practically inevitable, especially with the Absolute and all its developments. Each night you close your eyes, more often than not all you see is their hatred plaguing your thoughts, your mind forcing you to stop and stare at whatever vision it’s decided to produce. As you lie still inside your bedroll, experiencing the false depictions of whatever horrors that occur, you’re left without much choice. Forced to lay and wait for that moment you’re jolted awake, wheezing in the dark. 
Despite the intensity, you know deep down it’s always temporary. A passing thought that runs through your lungs until you’re forced to reset at the sound of Astarion’s voice telling you you’re fine. That he’s here and you’re there and that regardless of the dangers that lie ahead he’ll always remain. 
When you awake that day, however, gagging at the air that rushes through to the back of your throat, you can’t help but feel the weight of eternity. As you shoot upwards, desperately clawing at the base of your throat, it’s as if you’re trapped inside this unfamiliar limbo, struggling to gain a sense of self as you blink and breathe and—
“That’s it, just like that, dearie. You got it.” 
The voice that cuts through the darkness is light, their careful tone hitting your ears far gentler than anything else you feel. Closing your eyes, you can hear them humming under their breath, low and slow; working to match your own as you glance around the room, unable to properly see. 
“Pesi, can you get her friends, please?” 
Inhaling deeply, you suddenly feel a sharp pain erupt through your chest as the stranger speaks. Targeting your left side, you feel it push through you like a knife, catching every layer of flesh as you lean forward and groan at the impact, feeling a hand grace your back. 
“It’s alright, just take deep breaths, okay? Nice and slow.” 
Opening your mouth, you cough and clutch your chest, allowing the painful feeling to bloom outwards, each shot of pain targeting the span of your torso before filtering out. 
As it happens, you force open your eyes and glance at the blurry mess of colour in front of you. A figure doused in sunset tones —pinks and oranges with hints of purple that slowly filter through to reveal a bright-eyed tiefling smiling in your direction. Overall, her skin is doused in shades of peach and decorated with various tattooed dots that primarily sit beneath her violet eyes that scan you anxiously. 
“I’m Zamrie. A friend of Gale’s,” she tells you. 
In response, you go to speak but all that comes out is a plume of stinging air that rakes through your esophagus, making you cough and reach for your throat, feeling nothing but numbness at the ends of your fingers. 
“It’ll feel weird for a while I’m afraid.” She offers you a sympathetic smile, gripping your shoulder as the expression across your face twists with confusion. 
How does she know what it feels like?
Suddenly, she lets out a laugh, gently digging her fingers into your skin, massaging the tension that you just now notice is there. “I know, I know —you’re probably wondering how I know how you’re feeling,” she says, making your confusion only strengthen as she nudges your legs aside to make room for herself. “Rest assured though, I’ve lived and died a thousand times, so I’m basically an expert when it comes to the after effects of a good necromancy spell.” 
Your eyes widen —your thoughts whirling through you like a disoriented storm, crashing into the inner walls of your head. Looking around in a panic, you hear Zamrie try to pull you back in, whispering words of reassurance in between more quiet hums that only spur your anxiety. 
Shoving away her hands, you attempt to slip off the bed then, your legs wobbling at their newfound position, causing you to stumble forward, landing on your hands and knees. 
“Oh, shit.” 
Almost immediately, the tiefling abruptly rushes to your aid, reaching for hands that only work to slap her away, prompting her brow to furrow as she watches you struggle to move. “C’mon dear, don’t be proud. Just let me help you.”
You shake your head and groan, feeling your chest begin to ache all over again —the remembrance of your reality beginning to settle as you lower your head in pain. 
You died during the battle against Ketheric. Died. And as you sit there, now keeled over in pain, remembering all the horrible details of that blade pushing through your flesh —of the helplessness you felt staring into Astarion’s weary eyes as Shadowheart worked to drag him away— all you can think about is how careless you’d been. How stupid and reckless and overall selfish for thinking that you could do anything on your own like that. 
Gritting your teeth, you feel the numbness in your fingers slowly begin to subside the longer you kneel, granting you the opportunity to ball your hands into fists before pressing them angrily into the floorboards. Groaning loudly, you then punch the wood with what little energy you have, feeling your eyes begin to well up at the thought of your friends. At the thought of them potentially following in your footsteps into a world where everything meets nothing. Where every existing thing about you ceases all at once, leaving nothing but a shell for those to mourn. 
Releasing a shaky breath, you stare at the floor beneath you, praying that nobody did. That instead, they managed to succeed despite your failure and that they’re already on their way to Baldur’s Gate. 
“Shhh, it’s okay. Everything’s okay, yeah? You’re alright.”
Grunting in frustration, you shake your head and look at Zamrie, feeling the tears begin to spill as you glance at her face, noting the stress that graces her features before the shock of loud voices erupts through the doorway, prompting her brows to raise before she turns her head. 
Following her gaze, you look up to see everyone huddled at the doorway, staring with varied looks that upstart your tears, realizing how worried they must have been. How angry and betrayed they must have felt watching you do something so painfully stupid. 
As you sit there, glancing at each of their faces, you can’t help but feel your heart break at such a realization. Taking in Karlach’s glassy eyes and Gale’s expression of pure relief —all of it quickly becomes too much to bear, forcing your head to drop again, allowing the threat of tears to overtake you. 
All at once, the awareness of their love becomes apparent then, causing you to sob until all you can feel is the presence of arms and hands —bodies of all shapes and sizes wrapping around your frame like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. 
All of them envelope you differently. While Shadowheart and Gale press themselves firmly against your back, Lae’zel’s hands are reluctant yet firm from a distance, taking refuge on your elbow with tight fingers, while Wyll and Karlach have completely pushed themselves into either crook of your neck, wrapping their arms around to pull you close. 
Feeling the warmth of their skin and the heaviness of their breath, you can’t help but give in to the fearful thoughts that plague your mind. The way they hold you close, bracing for an impact you all but knew was bound to come, you let the stress of the last few months overtake you, reaching for whatever body you can find so that you can dig your fingers into the fabric of their clothes. 
Immediately, the worn leather of whoever you're touching reminds you of war —of all the battles you faced thus far, struggling to maintain that same momentum you first started with. Running your fingers along the wear and tear, you feel a weight inside your stomach begin to swell, its unfamiliar heaviness making your face scrunch in discomfort, realizing this might be it. Having died and come back, there’s no way you could possibly keep going, right? After revival, you’re too weak to keep up —too broken and frail. A newly inhabited shell, replacing something that used to be much stronger. 
At this rate, you’d only hold everyone back. Either that or make another big mistake that could cost more lives and obliviously that’s not an option. Not after how far you’ve gotten. Not after risking so much with what little you have. 
“I can’t believe we’re hugging right now.”
Unsurprisingly, it’s Karlach who speaks first. Her voice quiet against the crook of your neck sends a chill up your spine like any other, causing you to let out a shaky laugh. 
You can’t believe it either. 
“She’s a bit out of sorts still,” Zamrie says then, forcing your eyes to glance up at her smiling face. “She’ll need to rest for a few more days. The process of revival is pretty taxing on the body. Considering you’re essentially reconnecting a detached soul to an already decaying body, you’re lucky you managed to preserve her as well as you did.”
As she pauses to let out a laugh, the majority of your friends sort of look around in discomfort, listening as Zamrie continues her long-winded spiel about the process of revival. All in too great of detail. 
Almost immediately, it makes you a bit sick, listening to the grotesque ways your body was essentially put back together at the hands of her and Withers, forcing you to close your eyes as your head begins to spin. You realize then that you should probably lie down again. Considering there’s more than likely a rough road to recovery ahead of you, you assume most of your time spent over the next few days will be in bed, drifting between sleep alongside Astarion’s—
Feeling a sudden panic rise through your chest, you look around to see him nowhere, causing your mind to slip further out of control, resulting in you pushing and pulling —desperate movements taking over your body as you work to distance yourself from the hold that currently binds you. Sensing your stress, the group quickly distances themselves in response, a handful of nervous and reluctant stares watching as you plant one hand against the floor to steady yourself while the other moves to your throat. 
“Wh— where—“ 
You cough violently as the previous ache in your throat rips right through, interrupting your words in the form of a distorted wheeze. 
As it happens, you can’t help but think of the worst possible outcome regarding his absence. Imagining his lifeless body somewhere all alone, trapped beneath the rubble of an aftermath of battle, all you can see is his flesh. Pale skin stained with crimson, all torn apart to reveal the inner parts of himself. Amongst the rubble, you envision tendons splitting between broken bones —a lifeless face ripped with wild red eyes so empty compared to the life they once held. Tightly shutting your eyes, you imagine shattered fangs and cut-up lips left open in preparation for a dying breath you never got the chance to try and fix. 
Suddenly behind your eye, you can feel your tadpole wiggling violently. Rushing from one end to the other, its presence quickly wreaks havoc on your skull, forcing a groan to escape your lips, realizing someone’s there. That there’s a voice calling out to you, telling you it’s okay —that everything's fine and he’s safe, so please stop crying. 
Focusing on the voice, you hear Shadowheart’s tone eventually begin to push through, prompting your tear-stained eyes to drift to her, catching a soft smile. It’s subtle, as most of her outward emotions are, but regardless it speaks volumes. Reassuring you in a way that makes you smile back, mentally thanking her again and again until there’s a set of footsteps at the doorway. 
“What the hell are you all—“
His words are dripping in confusion. Rattling through your system like an echo of waves, the mere thought of it pulls you forward, forcing your body to crawl closer, watching the way his eyes glaze over once he catches sight of your crumpled frame.
As soon as he notices, he promptly pushes past all the bodies that separate you, breathing so hard that when he inevitably drops to his knees in front of you, clawing at the fabric of your tunic to pull you into his chest, you can feel it shaking. Rising and falling through the stress of his unbound anxiety, showing you just how much he missed you. How much he longed for your presence however long you were gone. 
Feeling him shiver against you, you immediately break, crying harder than you ever have before. Allowing the catharsis of your shared embrace to fill up the room with desperate sobs that leave both of you breathless. 
Gripping the base of his shoulder blades, you then maneuver your body until you’re completely wrapped around him, sitting on his lap, tugging at tufts of hair as you push your fingers through his curls. 
“Shh, it’s okay. You’re okay,” he speaks with disbelief, clutching you tight. As if the fear of this all being a dream has led him to believe that if you part somehow you’ll disappear entirely. 
Nodding against him, you press a gentle kiss to the side of his neck before pressing your forehead into the same spot, feeling him shift. 
“When did you wake?” 
You open your mouth to speak before swallowing hard, opting to use your Illithid. Not long ago. Where were you? 
Getting supplies. I’m sorry I wasn’t there. Zamrie said—
Before he can finish his thought your hands are on his face, fingers splayed out to cup the delicate angles as you press your lips to his, feeling how cold they are. How the temperature bites against your own, forcing you to work for the heat you long for in the form of languid licks and nips that have you dizzy all over again. 
Hearing the background sound of footsteps followed by the shutting of a door, you can’t help but grin through the movement of Astarion’s mouth pushing open your own, realizing then that you’re alone. That for the first time in ages it’s just you and him and both of you safe from whatever evils lurk beyond the exit. 
“I’m still…very much…mad at you,” he eventually says, groaning between the kisses you steal through his frustrated tone —no longer caring if your behaviour bites you in the ass later. 
That’s fair. 
He snorts as he places a hand on the back of your neck, placing one last kiss to the edge of your mouth before pulling away, looking at you with narrowed eyes. “I can’t believe you left me with those idiots. Do you know how boring they are? I swear, the minute we arrived in Baldur’s it was like—“
You roughly tug at the collar of his shirt to get his attention, widening your eyes. Wait, we’re in Baldur’s?
In response, he immediately huffs. “Gods, of course nobody told you. They were probably too busy hugging you to death all over again,” he says. “I swear, it’s been nothing but chaos since you left. Karlach’s been crying for weeks. Shadowheart and Lae’zel have been at each other’s —ow!”
You narrow your eyes and pinch his cheek. Astarion, what the hell happened? 
For a moment he just sits there, watching you with those angered eyes that make your chest tighten and your stomach flip, remembering then that none of it matters anyway. That for now, despite the lingering curiosity of it all festering at the back of your mind, wondering how long it’s been and how everyone’s truly fared, you don’t care. So long as everyone’s alive and well and the progress you’ve worked so hard to push through is still on track, all you care about is him.
Are you okay?
Even with his unwavering resilience, you know deep down that he hasn’t come up the other side unscathed. That regardless of what he might say in replacement of the truth, there’s something uneasy hidden beneath the surface. You can see it in his eyes. In the way they drop almost immediately at your words, his expression shifting from anger to confusion to a mix of something foreign you can’t quite place. 
Opening his mouth, you see the quiver of his lips. The wobbling motion of uncertainty before he suppresses his thoughts, swallowing hard at the presence of fear to say, “I’m fine. Now that you’re here.”
Frowning then, you trail your thumb across his cheek, tracing the peaks and valleys of his flesh, skimming thoughtful patterns across the expanse of his face, eventually winding up at his lips. Thumbing the lower one, you press your own together and look at him with tired eyes, surveying the age of a man who’s so obviously been pushed to his limits. 
Yes, but are you okay? 
He isn’t. Not in the slightest. And you can tell because the moment you ask he’s crumbling all over again, clutching your frame —pulling you in with far too much effort for someone who claims such nonchalance. 
Pressing his digits roughly into your flesh, it’s as if he’s changed completely. What once was a man of constant mischief —a man with unlimited lies and tricks up his sleeve to hide the truest version of himself— has now become too honest. Too candid in the way he presents himself as he clutches onto your frame, acting as if you’re the last sliver of light in a forever-darkened sky. 
It breaks your heart almost instantly, feeling the tremors of his body releasing all the pent-up anger and betrayal —all the sadness of a passing he was ill-prepared to handle. Fisting the fabric that rests against his back, you grant him access to your neck without hesitation, feeling him burrow inside, whispering all the thoughts he couldn’t say when both of you were separate and alone. 
Inside your mind, you can feel the pain of his Illithid showing you a memory. A flash of magic mixed with a broken man’s cry filtering through closed lips. Unlike anything you’ve ever heard, it punctures your ears like a needle, painfully pushing through until it’s all but cut off without warning revealing the face of your last dying breath before everything goes black. 
“We tried to save you sooner,” he whispers, placing a kiss to your neck, then to the fabric that rests against your shoulder. “But every moment between then and now was spent fighting those bastards.” 
You place a hand on his hair, gently running your fingers through before repeating the process, hearing him breathe. 
“We’d only just arrived this morning, I swear.” 
You smile then, pressing a kiss to his head, telling him that it’s okay. That he’s okay and you’re okay, repeating the words over and over until you can feel his body begin to loosen at the seams, granting you both a moment of relief before he tells you he loves you and you do the same. 
@poohxlove @gaiasmight @sassy-stupid @novarex @v-gremlin @sapphiccloud @lipstickghoulie @kuroitsukyo@jjfchk@idiotsatan@bluestuesday@bloopthebat@art-by-greenie@heneralmoon@sukunababe@dreamingaboutyousworld@ranfithegood@haniscrying@liadamerondjarin@the-lake-is-calling@marina-and-the-memes@rookieoftheyear@zraloci-cpr@kaetmo@snickerdoodle-daydream@wowowwild@d1anna@raswiet@conniesbbymama@venus-wrts@demonicthorns@kihten@deadglamsheep@sanscas@spammypasta@leighsartworks216@rose-gold-blue@p1ssmagg0t@hellish-writes@ghostinvenus@otayz@sexysquatch@sleepyeclair@colorful-anxieties@alina-exe@ilana-the-lasagna@lillifer@girlwiththepapatattoo@y2cade@acelin-ginsberg@pinkuranium@catrad0rable@scarletrosesposts@qwnamidala@itsrosebabe@bunnyperi@queenofcarrotflowers-s@tatumadams20@spkyxszn@chlort@f3v3rs@awkwardwookie@joy-the-reader@warm-milk-with-honey-blog@vertigocrime@iyis@wildpiper@pebblethestone@tillywasneverhere@bex-03@kaetmo@revemiya@staticspouse@itzagothamcitysiren@djarinsmixtape@when-the-night-came@epicy0n@bababahannah@sleepyred1703@lotus-99@lofcompass@r4d10h34d5@vampninjaz@itsmekalou@offbrandhand@yikes-buddy@konenichi@rainonarden@oceanbluesixeyes@bodtyworship@maydayitsjay@greasyslimebucket@yeeteth-the-raven@fantasyfairysworld@allexthakatt@flowersaretheshit@morglyne@thespectacularspaceace@cephiss0@use-your-telescope@furblrwurblr@kloverfield@angelofthorr@writervaul-t@starved-kitten@minixluvr@crowley--aziraphale@sapphicwren@alionera-blog@jennithejester@dezedrol@thisisew@saladalpaca@applepiewithbacon@httpbiohazard@aurasyn@nerdoodles@kingpinthedevil@itzkawaiix@domainoflostsouls@silverskylan@uminootome@helpidkwhatimdoingwrong@deadlyinfernos@blackbirdswhispers@sarahskywalker-amadala@writingmysanity@f3v3rs@jayjones03@quietlyebbie@optimisticprime3@eyes-for-daze@sunnytalia3@megoshh@maddiedott@cappsikle@mostbeautifulnightmare@lynnlovesloki@simpytheshrimpy69@astarion-archive@smaranshakthi@autistic-deer@shadowfeart@freckled-petals@candied-lavender@hp-art-studio@ghouligan@satelliteapotheosis@waywardwitch-hel@pandimoostuff@mythoughtsofinsanity@ilovelovelylove@oneandonlyizabelle
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scenteddelusion5 · 3 months
"Two households, both unalike in dignity, In our unsightly hell, where we lay our scene," PART 3
Vox x gn reader (Alastor's child)
Note: sorry for the rickroll guys, I promise I won't do it again. It's a little shorter but I really wanted it to end where it did because dread. Part 4 will be around the same length as 1 and 2. Also for anyone wondering this takes place before Alastor's 7 years abscence. It's not canon compliant anyway but this does give you a bit of a timeline.
Word count: 2784
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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After thinking about it Y/n had reluctantly agreed to start 'dating', even thinking of it made them want to smash their head into the wall. And of course their father had already heard about, probably from Rosie or, even more likely, Paris himself. Alastor wouldn't shut up about it and they had to just nod along. This did mean, however, that Y/n was able to use this as a cover up for when they were hanging out with Vox, which is exactly what they did the day after.
Y/n had put on a big jacket, covering their fancy fit, and rushed out the door while rambling about meeting with Paris. Alastor just let them go, only asking for them to be back by ten.
"Hey Vox!" Y/n jumped in to give the man a big hug, getting a strong whiff of his cologne.
"You look dazzling tonight love." He kissed their hand. "I hope you'll like this place, I know it's not of your usual tastes."
"Oh, don't worry about it."
The night went well, the two love birds laughed and cried and gazed into each other's eyes in their private booth.
"You know, I thought it was very sweet you tried to eat demon for me. I was always scared that most people would think it was a dealbreaker."
" I mean I don't mind it but next time we'll go to a restaurant where they have options for the both of us." Vox laughed. "I don't find it a deal breakers, you shouldn't be scared. Besides aren't there a bunch of bachelors in Cannibal Town, like Paris."
"Don't remind me," they sighed, "Vox I... uhm I need to tell you something." Y/n thought back on yesterday, when they smiled in front of their father only to ball their eyes out in their room. "Something happened yesterday with Paris and... Just promise you won't do anything reckless."
"I promise." The TV Demon stared into their eyes with worry. So many thoughts about what this fucker could've done to them swirled through his head.
And so Y/n told him everything; the blackmailing, Paris' smug face, how he practically was an annoying Radio Demon fan wannabe and worst of all Alastor's positive reaction to the news.
"I know I lied to him... I-I know I tried to hide it from him, but somewhere deep down I hoped he would realise I was lying, that it was a facade." They cried. "I'm so selfish, aren't I?"
"Dearie, you aren't. And evening you were, this is hell, so who cares?" Vox tried to console them. "But if this bothers you so much, maybe we should tell him?"
"NO!" They yelled " He will KILL you."
"Alright... We'll find a solution, I promise."
The rest of the night went relatively well. They were able to joke around again. When Vox was walking them back, they complained that their feet hurt, so he swiftly picked them up. Y/n's face was buried in his neck while he held them close.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
When Y/n got home, they looked through their bookcase looking for a certain story. It wasn't there, they checked once more, then again, one last time... And nothing. They walked downstairs and saw Alastor sitting in the kitchen preparing for his next broadcast.
"Hey dad? Have you seen one of my books, it's called Demio and Cannette?" They asked.
"Hmmm, yes I did," he answered, "I didn't think that book was appropriate for you, so I got rid of it."
"What? WHY? You've never checked them before? Why all of a sudden..."
"I know you got the fairytale idea of 'falling in love' with my rival from that wretched story." Alastor stood up from his seat and came over to them. "But you don't need it anymore. You're now with a civilized man and I don't want you to change your mind because you are being influenced by frivolous stories. Speaking of Paris, how was your date?"
"Oh, it went well." They lied. "Don't just switch to a different topic! I STILL want my book back!"
"Not happening."
"YES IT Į̷͙̫̲̣̼̠̹̼̟͑̃̀̾̇̚͘͠S̵̻̪̠̔!!!" Y/n yelled back.
"You can throw a tantrum all you want, you aren't getting it back." His antlers grew. "I WILL do A̸͓̦̿̓̆N̶̻͑Y̶͚̅̓̄̕T̸͙̫͕̥̎͝H̴͈̙̘̮̋̕Î̷͊ͅṊ̵̪͖͕̆̅͒̄G̵̠̯͉͛̄͊ to protect you. Even if you disagree, U̶̢͚͚̲͕̎̇͂͝Ń̶̟͖̥̪̙̿̀͜D̴̹̯̩͓͘͜E̷̟̔̚R̷̬̫̜͛̋̒͗̕S̷͎̺͉͕̥̼̐͆̌̈T̴͇͓̠͈͈͐͆̒̂A̵̳̘̮̩͛̌̄̉N̷͇͚̻̥͖̂̌̇͗͋ͅD̸̡̺̀̔ ?"
"I... I understand." They walked back up the stairs, their head down.
Alastor sighed. He didn't like speaking at his child like that but it was necessary. They needed this, he needed to protect them.
A week and a half went by, on some days Y/n secretly met up with Vox while on others they were forced to meet with Paris. Their 'dates' got more and more uncomfortable. Paris got more daring and daring, he even tried to kiss them once, Y/n quickly shut that down, still they couldn't keep him away forever, he might get sick of their unwillingness and spill the beans.
Y/n and Alastor hadn't talked much since their little fight.... They had never had fights before and now they seem to have become a regularity.
Vox had noticed a difference in them and one day, late in the night, while the two were facetiming, he mustered up the confidence to ask what's wrong.
"Love, what's wrong? You haven't been yourself for a while."
Tears filled their eyes. "I had a fight with dad, he... I don't think he would ever except us..."
"Love, you know that I'm not the biggest fan of your dad but he does care a lot about you. I'm sure once he sees that I truly love you, he'll be fine with it."
"I don't think so... He is just to overprotective, since... I died. It was my fault, I was being stupid reckless and was killed. Before I knew it dad was down here with me and took care of me, sheltered me." Their tears fell down onto their bed. "He cares too much, he won't hesitate to get rid of you to protect me."
"Fine, but just know, I can protect myself against that old fuck!"
"I'll just have to take your word for it," they laughed.
"How about we go to that old school pub around the corner tomorrow?" His speakers started playing a nice tune from their time. "I can show you my dance moves."
"Ughh!! I can't, I have a dinner with me, dad and that asshole!" They complained. "I wish I could come! We're going to that restaurant we went to back then? What was it called again?"
"Heartie's, I will never forget that place."
The two continued to talk into the night. Little did they know, someone eavesdropped on their conversation.
"Heartie's huh?" Valentino held up his gun, loading it with angelic bullets. "Once that bitch is gone, he'll shake out of this and then we'll take out the Radio Demon together."
Y/n was looking through their gallery. Modern phones were so intriguing, those little devices could hold hundreds upon hundreds of pictures. Most of theirs were of Vox or them both, a few were of hell's scenery. Their favourite was by far a certain picture with the two of them. They were hanging out at Vox's place, he introduced them to Vark, his pet shark, and ended up watching a movie. Y/n could still remember the warmth they felled cuddling up, the smell of the pyjama-shirt they borrowed from Vox, everything was amazing.
That's when a knock came from the door. Y/n quickly shoved their phone in their pocket.
"Fawn, it's me." Alastor opened the door. "I know we haven't talked much since our little... disagreement but please put that aside for now. We have a guest, please come down."
Waiting downstairs was Paris, of course. They wanted to groan but kept their in a smile.
“I was wondering if I could take you on a late-night stroll?”
Y/n took his hands and left the house with him.
“What do you want to talk about?” Their voice was direct.
“You really don’t do small talk do you?” Paris quipped.
They looked to the side. “Only with people I don’t like.”
“Hah! Yeah, you’re going to have to learn how to like me. You see, I know it’s been only been a week but I think we are both ready to tie the knot.” He pulled out a little box. “I mean, can you imagine? Me being the official son-in-law of the Radio Demon?”
“What?” Y/n’s ears pulled back. “What makes you think I will EVER marry you?”
“It’s simple, you don’t want that box to die.” A disgustingly smug smile decorated his face “One wrong move and his fate will be sealed.”
“One more thing.” He put his hand in their pocket and pulled out their gifted phone. “You won’t be needing this anymore.”
“H̵̱̱̖͛́͛Ḙ̵̯̖̭́̆̅̕Ỷ̶̨͚̣̮̆̅͠!̸̦̜̜͈͖͆̆ ̷̯̈́T̵̨̹̙̻̤̎̈́̂́Ḫ̶̦̃��Ă̷̙̯̐̑͝T��̳̝̆̑̕’̷̹̠͔̈͋̏̆S̸͉͚̊̒̊͐̕ ̷̡̧̲̹͒̊̚M̶̭͔̳̣̈͆̌I̷͕͉̬͚͖͠N̸̟̾̄͋͊È̵̛̟̬͖͉̦!!!" Y/n’s eyes glowed, their stature grew and a they scowled.
“Uh uh uh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you, think about your paramour.” With one squeeze the thing crumbled up. As he let go, the now destroyed, device fell on the forest floor.
Vox was pacing around his apartment. He was contemplating going to the restaurant too, just to keep an eye on them.... But Alastor would recognize him. What to do? What to do?
That's when a call popped up on his screen. At first he got excited thinking Y/n might be calling him again but when he swiped it over to one of his set-up screens, he realised it was Velvette.
"Velvette, what do you want? I'm busy."
"Busy my ass! The only thing you've been doing the last two weeks is fawning over them." She held up her middle finger as if that'll prove her point. "I've been picking up YOUR slack, you piece of shit!"
"And that's why I've decided to send you out for a nice dinner tomorrow with all your friends. How about it?"
"This isn't some kind of trick is it?"
"Of course not." Vox's left eye took over most of his screen, circles spiralled his Z-shaped iris. "Just accept."
"Fine, but you NEED to get to work again. All this work has been driving me crazy and Val is doing jack shit." Her eyes drifted to something off-screen. "WHAT THE FUCK! Put that down you worthless BITCH!" She quickly left the call to deal with whatever was going on.
It's true that Vox had been somewhat slacking since meeting them, but can he be blamed? Anyone would if they were THIS head over heels for someone. He pulled up his digital to-do list. He wanted to try to get everything done by tomorrow, this way if something were to happen at the restaurant he'd be available and ready. So he dove into his documents and blueprints.
Vox looked over the different product proposals from his team, when one of them caught his eye.
The Voxle E-reader A VoxTech take on the older, popular kindl E-readers. A market VoxTech hasn't tapped yet and is overdue for a new revolutionary product.
The proposal came from a newer employee, whom Vox had already been considering demoting. The young demon barely brough anything to the table and an E-reader? It's true VoxTech never brought one out but it wasn't necessary, people could already use their V-pads which had many more uses. Besides, this is hell, how many demons actually read? Only those of higher status and they prefer paper books, like Y/n. Like Y/n... Would they like one? Before he could really think about it, he put the proposal in the approved pile. He couldn't wait to gift it to them.
Vox continued on working late into the night. He was so concentrate, the overlord didn't even notice he hadn't gotten any messages from his lover.
Morning came around and with that the dreaded day. The day went by like a blur for Y/n, eating, showering, reading, changing. They felt numb. This was happening, in a few hours they would be engaged to a slimy, shoe-licking bitch and there is nothing they could do about it. They couldn't even complain to their actual lover, their Vox. For the first time since dying, it actually felt like they were in hell.
They wore a beautiful green attire that showed their little deer tail with a matching hat they got from Cannibal Town. Walking downstairs, Alastor was waiting on them. He was wearing a fancier suit than usual.
"Y/n, I apologize for my role in our dispute." His apology was diplomatic and stiff, anything but sincere.
"Start actually meaning it and I might actually forgive you." They walked past him out the door.
Both Rosie and Paris were waiting outside. The whole way there was awkward. Y/n refused to talk with Alastor.
"Why don't you two head inside already?" Rosie shoved Paris and them towards the doors of the familiar establishment. "I want to talk to my dear old Alastor over here." Once the two were out of earshot she began, "So Al, what's going on?"
"There is nothing to worry about, Rosie. Me and Y/n simple had a bit of a disagreement nine days ago, nothing for you to worry about."
"You two never have fights, especially not those that last THIS long." She moved to stand closer to him. "And you're hating it. I see right through that smile of yours."
"I just, miss my little fawn... Ever since that wretched party, they seem to hate me..." For once in a decennia his ears fell back. "And they're hiding something from me, I know it! And it's troubling them, but Y/n refuses to come to me."
"Well... Maybe they're scared for your reaction. You can be a bit... Much when it comes to them. How about this? After dinner we'll have a good talk and lay everything on the table."
"Why not? Now after you." He opened the door for Rosie and followed suit. "Let's get to our table, I haven't been this hungry since the time my hunting rifle broke, hahaha."
Vox woke up on his desk, he had fallen asleep with papers and pen in hand. Looking at his computer it was late in the morning. His deer must have been worried about him since he hadn't texted them all morning, right? Right?
No, not a single text from them. They must have been nervous for the dinner.... But usually when they were nervous they would come to him for comfort. He was just being paranoid, just paranoid little Vox. It was just new for him not to have control over someone, the other two Vees often called him a control freak with how he hypnotised used his hypnotism powers...
Maybe he should've used it on Y/n after all? NO! he shoulder think like that! They were his partner, his equal.
He picked up his phone and messaged them:
Hey love! How are you? I know this day is stressful for you
No, answer. Y/n didn't even receive it. What was going on?
"Vox!" Velvette walked into his office. "I'm going to go get ready with the girls, don't forget to pick us up at the salon!"
"Don’t worry about it, I'll have it handled." He said smugly.
"You better! So make sure you don't fall asleep on your work again!"
Velvette took her leave again while Vox looked over everything he still needed to do. It was a LOT. So much he forgot all about his previous paranoia.
"So they're going to be at this restaurant?" An unknown voice asked.
"Yes, there're probably going to be one or two overlords with them," Valentino answered, "just get that whore and get out of there."
"Got it, don't worry. This isn't the first time I've dealt powerful demons."
Velvette and her girl friends had enjoyed their day at the salon and got picked up by Vox. The limo was fancier than usual, she guessed that he must've really felt bad for the slacking. Not surprising considering how much of a workaholic he was. She guessed wrong though, she guessed very wrong.
"Vox, what the FUCK are we doing back here?" She shoved her middle finger in his face. "This is about Y/n, isn't it?"
"Well, yes." Vox smiled. "Please Velvette, Y/n got a dinner with that Cannibal. They were really nervous about it, but the Radio fucker would notice me too fast."
"Fine, but you OWE me! GOT IT!!"
"Got it, whatever you want."
"Come on girls, we're getting dinner." She begrudgingly made her way inside.
Vox stepped back into the car just in time, because when he was on his way back, he saw them walking by. Y/n looked beautiful. How he wished he could be there.
Part 4
Masterlist/request guidelines
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tiredly101 · 1 year
I saw you made a fic based off of @clownsuu art of Mafia au WH and it's really good!
I was wondering if it's alright if you did their emo/goth au with goth moth priest!Howdy x Mortica Adams like Fem! Reader x Emo! Wally?
I was tempted to ask for a Mafia!Wally and Howdy x black widow fem!reader but I didn't want it to get in the way of the main mafia fic
Maybe Reader is the newest neighbor who is an air of mystery. Knowing that little emo gremlin, you can add if they are possessive/lovesick if you want
Hello dearie! I absolutely love both ideas the thing is that I don't know for which of those ideas is the "Maybe Reader is the newest neighbor who is an air of mystery. Knowing that little emo gremlin, you can add if they are possessive/lovesick if you want" but I'm guessing that is the first one! Anyways hope you like it and I just left it as Emo!Howdy Pillar btw!
Three dark souls
Pairing: Emo!Howdy Pillar x Emo!Wally Darling x Flirty as fuck!Female reader
Illustrated Au, took me like twenty minutes to find an Emo Wally drawing but I finally found one I liked so credit to @nonomives! Emo Howdy down right don't exist tho-
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Wally Darling and Howdy Pillar, the dark dressed couple of the neighborhood. Everyone knew that they lived to dress in black and hear very different music than the rest but they all loved this couple nonetheless.
It all started as a normal day, a new neighbor came into the neighborhood which exited everyone including the "emo" pair. F/n was a very sweet lady, guess you could say that since she did love very morbid things, she was beautiful and just like the pair she dressed a lot with black mostly with some beautiful dresses that made her look ethereal.
F/n met Howdy first when she entered his record store, she wanted some records of a spanish singer and the "Howdy's record store" seemed to be the only that existed in the tiny town. Howdy was more than confused at seeing a woman dressed in such a similar way than he did but what honestly left him speechless was the way she talked.
"Good afternoon Mon Cheri, how much would this records be~?," Asked F/n in a smooth way but her voice held that teasing yet flirty tone in such a natural way. Howdy pointed at a sign that said "100% for today" which made F/n smile softly.
"Well then, I guess I will be taking my leave... see you around Mon Cheri," said F/n before walking away from the store with a record in hand and Howdy let a sight leave his lips which he didn't even realize he was holding his breath.
"So this is how straight people feel?," Muttered under his breath Howdy now looking at his hand in plain confusion meanwhile F/n walked down the street to crash into a guy with long blue hair that was down that also dressed in black. F/n smiled while extending her hand out to Wally which made him blush softly, her smile was... Pretty
"Thank you," said Wally now standing up still holding F/n hand taking into mind the soft blush that coated her cheeks.
"No problem Cara Mia, I'll see you around~," said F/n softly before walking away from Wally leaving him puzzled. He blushed before running into Howdy record store seeing him with a soft blue hue in his cheeks.
"Did you also meet her?," Asked Wally while walking over to Howdy who hugged him as soon as he reached him. Wally smiled softly when he felt Howdy nod against his neck mumbling a soft yeah.
"How odd is life"
I think that is good, not completely sure but hope you liked it Anon!
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The gentle stag Rewrites the stars  
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The gentle stag Rewrites the stars  
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Pairing: Keith x MC
Part of : Ikemen Prince Gift Exchange hosted by @ikemenlibrary and @sunnyikemen
Gift for @ridiculouslly-ridiculous, I really hope you may like it 🤗
Tag: Slow burn Mutual pining Party Stargazing Realization of feelings Confession of requited feelings First Kiss Fluff
Word Count : 3.962
Author’s Note: The so very friendly and not at all romantic relationship she has with Keith begin to get more intimate when he invites her over to a ball held to celebrate his birthday.
Pleasant occasion turn the ball into a stargazing date, where they realize the feeling they have for one another and couldn't hide any longer, for nothing resist to the almighty power of Love. 🥰
Side Note: All the images were found on Pinterest-Google and I was unable to find the source, please if any of you know the owner tell me and I will provide to give the artist the credit for the image.
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @atelieredux @klutzyroses @randonauticrap @thewitchofbooks @princess-pray-a @judejazza @itsmyara
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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“It isn’t a date.”
What I hoped to be a confident assertion of my plan for the night did nothing but elicit giggles and knowing smirks from all the princes, sat around the round table.
Leon was the first to break the ice, or as well melt it with the warmth of his smile.
“Alright then, if you say so we believe you, it's true guys ?” 
I hoped they would have listened to him … but in vain, as I noticed seeing Jin smirk as he spoke breezily.
“Of course darling, an invite to a party, in his country, really sounds like a casual stroll to me.” 
I sighed as much as I hated that impression he was right, and yes I may have been getting my hopes up a little bit, but he was such a wonderful gentleman, and it was impossible not to love him. 
“Be careful out there.” Licht hidden kindness melted my heart, I met his eyes melting at the sight of a soft light smile curling his lips, I didn’t shy away from requiting with one of my own
“I will, thanks for the advice.”
“Remember to pay attention to your outfit,  and don’t dare look sloppy on your date.” Yves' warning makes me smile with gratitude, of course I should avoid it or else the nobles will mock me, easily ignoring the fact he called it a date,
“Thank you I will, don’t worry.”
“As if.” his haughty attitude didn't change a bit but the slightly more relaxed smile curling his lips told me another story.
Truth to be told, Keith's wicked side intrigued me like his soft one, the fact I was the only one in Rhodolite to know of his birthday and of his sides maybe made me special to him somehow, or at least I hoped so.
I turned at the sound of a scoff, coming from the head of the table opposite to Leon, in time to see a little smile play on Chevalier’s lips before he resumed his usual stern expression. 
If even he didn’t  believe me then it was useless to hope someone else would, if even he saw our meetings as dates I can only imagine what kind of rumors had spread around the courts about us.
“Dearie me. Who could have imagined you would have been conquered by him of all people?”  I glared at Clavis, ignoring his amber eyes gleaming mischievously, immediately backed up by Nokto,
“He certainly played his card right little lady, you got to admit it.” the foxy grin on his smile tickling on my nerves, pushing me t to give him a piece of my mind
“He isn't my lover.” I declare in a futile attempt at dissuading them from a truth everyone saw but me.
“Not yet.” 
“As much as I am fascinated by Keith.” I do my best to ignore the accomplices smiles Julie and Luke kept giving one another as they look up at me, mentally slapping my face for pronouncing his name, like we were intimate, we are a bit, but still, I sigh heavily, great now everyone knows what I feel for him, confirming things they already thought on their own anyway. 
“Prince Keith is only a friend. I know my place.”
Or at least, I should have known my adoration with him would have done nothing but hurt us both. Everyone knew it but him, blissfully unaware and careless of the supposed forbiddance of that feeling while our meetings became more and more similar to romantic trysts than mere strolls.
“As you desire sweetie.” a playful smile curled Julie’s lips glimmering in her bright green eyes, knowing her fondness for matchmaking I am sure she saw straight through my lies, but it was the best I could offer to fool myself with a non-existent distance between us.
“Thank you for listening to me.” I took advantage of the courtesy to calm down my heart beating furiously in my chest, with measured steps I walked toward the door, my hand was on its knob … when a crystal clear voice reached my ear.
“Enjoy your rendez-vous alors.” a Cheshire cat grin danced on her lips, receiving only a hearty chuckle as answer to my glare.
Once out of the door I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in until now, affection swelling in my heart at the thoughtfulness they had for me, even though someone showed that better than others, and with a spring in my step I direct myself toward my room, basking in the excitement filling my heart at the prospect of that night party.
The afternoon flew by in an instant, my effort to study was useless, since the only thing in my mind was him. Love was forbidden between a commoner and a noble or, at least, was a lot more difficult than how I read it to be in countless fairytales … but how can you rule the unruly, govern the ungovernable, put rules to emotions, and oblige the heart to follow them?
Brief answer: you can’t. 
I sigh heavily, pushing aside the book I was reading, yet another way to cram my head with etiquette and rules that I should have followed to disguise myself as a noble, hoping for it to be enough to earn my place by his side  …  if only Keith, too,  would have been so crazy as to favor love over politics regarding marriage matters. 
Wondering if our love was starcrossed or written above the stars, I looked to them beginning to twinkle in the early evening sky, still colored with the warm hues of the setting sun in search of answers to questions that kept me thinking all through the day, especially after a totally casual and not at all romantic meeting of ours.
The ever present mantra of not getting too close to him flew out from the window the instant he appeared in my mind, making a jolt of blush spread across my cheeks as I adjusted the tiara on my curls in front of the mirror, mindful to adjust every detail to perfection, running my hands over the soft jade velvet of the gown, a color I chose thinking of him alike the nature themed accessory completing my outfit.
The carriage ride to Jade took longer than expected but I didn’t pay any attention to it, too lost in the admiration of the flourishing countryside scenery out of the window. 
The drumming of my heartbeat only got louder as I caught a glimpse of the Royal palace, dazzling bright like a gleaming Jade stone surrounded by a thick forest amidst the blue velvet of the night sky, embroidered with stars, that so many times Keith and I looked at  together.
I ran my fingers nervously over the richly decorated envelope, an official invite to his birthday party, sighing dreamily I caressed his signature, a flamboyant calligraphy I would have recognized amidst thousands.
A celebration he always felt no need for, but everyone insisted on celebrating as he confessed albeit shily to me only a few days prior as we were having tea together … and not that too was not a date … perhaps ? 
Nervously I stir my fingers on the gown adjusting invisible crinkles, before rushing to take a mirror pocket from my pochette to check out on my makeup and straight the tiara on my curls, to distraction myself I pick up the coins he gifted me rolling it between my thumb and forefingers, letting out a sigh to dispel my anxiety, smiling fondly at the memory of how he taught me how to make it dance in my palm, even though I was not even good enough as him I liked keep playing, reminiscing all the times we spent together, swelling my heart with all the love I and for him and was doing my best to forget but in vain.
The palace got bigger at each roll of the wheels on the cobblestone mixing with the horses’ hooves as the rhythmic undulation of the carriage slowed as we approached the gates, trailing off in a path surrounded by a rainbow of flowers and foliage billowing in the wind greeting the guests. 
My heart beat so loudly almost drowning the music coming from inside, I place and hand over it overwhelmed by a rush of anxiety mixed with excitement as the carriage came to a halt in front of his entrance.
I slide off as gracefully as possible letting the excitement for the night that awaited for me lead the way, pushing away all my nervousness as I smile, concentrating myself to not fall from my high heels keeping a straight composure as I approach the throne placed on a mezzanine floor, with the windows on their back.
I catch my breath at his sight I didn’t know it was possible but he looked even more gorgeous than ever in his formal clothes shining like a Jade under the light of the moon, shaking my head I focus on my courtesy, after the attendant presented me as the daughter of a Rhodolite noble, a surge of pride swelled in my chest at the small satisfied smile playing on his lips.
I let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding in until now, meeting his amber gaze as I rose from my position, smiling at his thoughtfulness at the sight of him descending the stairs to come greet me.
“You looked really beautiful tonight, as ever.” His compliment makes a surge of pride swell in me, as I unconsciously bow to him, sliding my fingers over the front of my gown, letting the softness of the velvet under my fingers calm me down a little bit.
I lower my head bashfully to hide my blush behind the fan gazing at his heart melting expression, a tender smile curled on his lips, radiating acceptance and kindness glimmering in his golden eyes as he took my hand in his leaving a gentle kiss on my knuckles, enough to set my skin on fire, I tried to refresh fanning myself but in vain, for the warmth of his hands still lingered on mine even after he retracted it.
“Thank you so much for coming, it made me so happy to have you here today.”
My heart jumped in my chest at the honesty in his voice, so different from the shallow lies of the nobles I got used to during my time at the palace.
“It was my pleasure and honor to meet you, Prince Keith. May I wish you a pleasant and mirthful birthday.”
"It is now that you are here with me." the earnestness of his heartfelt confession bring a smile to my lips as he tucked a rebel curl behind my ear, ignoring the way my heart raced out of control at the warm contact of his fingers brushing on my cheeks, while an hint of sensuality flickered on his honeyed eyes for a brief second, enough to make me yearn for more.
There was a hint of shyness in his smile as he gazed back at me, while a soft rosy blush crept up on his cheeks making my heart swell with love I held for him, enhanced by the tenderness I saw reflected in his golden eyes as he leaned to me, his breath fanning on my cheeks distracting me from everything else, moment I savour to the fullest revelling in the little touch of his chest brushing against my breast, as my heart galloped wildly in a frenzy from his allure.
“I would like to show you something.” He bit his bottom lip, fidgeting with his own fingers before raising his wide doe-like eyes to look at me with such a heart melting gaze I couldn’t deny anything to 
“Do you want to come with me ?” his almost pleading tone pulled at my heartstring, I tenderly placed my gloved hand over his own.
“Of course, lead me.” The sun dawned once more on his features brightened by such a pure soft smile I stared in awe at, I would go with you anywhere if you asked me a secret wish I keep to myself.
I bask in his manly warm hands engulfing mine as he lead me to a secret passage directed to his personal astronomy tower that only he would grace his presence upon, since he kindly explained to me that the astronomer was too engrossed in a deep discussion with the librarian to ever notice or care about the falling stars scheduled for that night to happen.
“I see well it’s cute that is happening today. It's like a gift from the universe.”
I sense him smiling as he gently squeezing my hand in his,
“Moreover I hope you will like my present when you open it, I left it at the entrance with the others.” 
“Trust me, your presence here is the best gift I could ever receive from you.” 
his soft voice dripped with tenderness as he squeezed my hand, turning around to give me a heart melting smile, so bright to shine even through the darkness of the corridor.
Once arrived there I follow him out on the balcony, my breath catch in my throat, mesmerized by the view of the Kingdom stretching before my eyes, shrouded in darkness almost a continuation of the night sky, with the stars sliding down to play hide and seek from clouds to the towns’ houses, a sight so beautiful to entrance me completely, smiling at the pleasant contact of his masculine forms hovering over next to me while his pinky finger ever so shily crawl on the railing to overlap with mine. 
I looked up at him but he simply smiled, enraptured by his handsome features I smiled back at him, squeezing his hand as he engulfed mine in his once more.
“It is so … beautiful.” I manage to murmur as I stare in awe at the sight, sliding to look back at him, the light of the lanterns dancing on his alluring features
“I am so happy you like it.” 
“Look out there for the falling star, don’t forget to make a wish-” 
“-And it will be granted.” I continue smiling at him, revelling in our shared knowledge.
Curiosity and hope got the best of me and before I know it I had my eyes glued to the sky feeling his pinky finger ever so slowly crawl to entwine with mine as I look briefly at him, seeing a soft smile plastered on his lips as he feigned innocence staring at the stars, reflected in his golden eyes.
I bask in that intimate contact hoping from the bottom of my heart the darkness could conceal the red blush of my cheeks, the same shade of rose I saw dusting over his as I softly squeezed his fingers, he ever so softly entwined with mine.
A bit of time passed by and nothing was in sight, so much so that I was thinking that maybe the towns’ light overshine over the stars … when suddenly I saw it.
A comet rushing amidst them all, burning bright, like my love for him, piercing through the clouds near the moon.
Unable to stay still I beam brightly pointing out excitedly at the sky
“I saw one, there.” I smile at him, unable to look away from the galaxy reflected in his gaze as the lights of the lanterns and the moon danced in the golden pool of his eyes.
“You seem to be lucky tonight, I have yet to see any.”
“Don’t be upset. I am sure you will see one too soon.”
“Have you expressed your wish?”
“Yes.” I confess bashfully 
“But I don’t know if it became true.” I trail off, looking down at the towns’ below, wondering if maybe I could belong there too, a wishful dream I brush off shaking my head from the bittersweet thought of what could have been … if only I would have been a noble but I wasn’t and so I was forced to see my love off with another, I clutch my fingers on my heat to calm the painfully tug at the thought.
“Why not ?” His tone dripping with concern as he leaned next to me, brushing his thumb on the back of my hand, managing to calm be it for a while my racing heart, making my focus shift back to him
“It … too strange that is.” I looked briefly up at him, in time to see surprise in his widened eyes, while a sympathetic smile played on his lips.  
“I am sure it will.” 
His support warmed my heart as I squeeze his hand before going back to gaze at the sky, doing my best but failing at forgetting the love I felt for him, or else this would have led us to our downfall and the mere idea of hurting him was unbearable to me, desiring from the bottom of my heart for him to be happy.
A bit of time went by and I kept my eyes open for any sign of a falling star, ready to indicate that to him and gave him the chance to make a wish too, all that to earn that bright, tender smile of his that never failed to make my heart swell with love and affection for him.
I had just thought that when his gentle voice shook me from my reveries
“I saw one too.” 
“You made your wish Keith ?” I leaned over with curiosity, I know well it was forbidden to tell it but a part of me wondered what he used it for … but with great astonishment he shook his head, his tone unusually serious as he looked straight at me.
“Wishing upon a star? What for when I have everything I could have wished for and more right there, in my arms.” 
His masculine brawny body engulfing me in his hug, I looked up at him seeing affection glimmering in his amber gaze, glimmering like molten gold at the warm suffused light coming from the lanterns of the balcony.
It was too good to be true, he was a prince and I was … well I a commoner faking to be a noble even though he knew of it this didn’t changed the difference in our status
“Keith please.” I beg, half hoping he wasn’t joking for my heart would have not take too well the delusion of my feelings being teased so openly 
“It is not a lie” his words filled my heart with hope, as it began to race out of control in my chest so much I was sure he could hear it too. 
“But your duty …”
“Is to follow my heart and that is what I am doing.This always has been the best thing to do for us in Jade and I am no exception.” This statement took me off guard, I always assumed Royalty everywhere married off just for duty and alliance but he proved me wrong and no one knows how much I was immensely grateful for it.
“But who can love someone like me.” My insecurities speaking up before I had a chance to shut them up, I bit my lip trailing my gaze on my fingers curled on his chest,
“I will.” his sturdy fingers cupped my face, raising me to meet his gaze, unwavering, loyal and honest like I came to know both his sides to be.
“I am not tricking you, please trust me.” a plea dripping over his tone pushing me to let down my guard, as I always did around him looking back into his gaze
“I love you.” the brightness of a thousand suns glimmering in his honey eyes, pouring over his tender smile.
“Oh Keith I love you too.” 
The sensation of his lips on mine was nothing like I expected it, it was far better, it really felt like we were melting into one another, it was shy and a bit clumsy I felt his hands curl on my hips to help me remain on my feet as I  get swept off by the soft movements of his lips savouring mine, while I grip my fingers on his shirt, afraid he may slip off if I loosened my clutch … but there was no need to, as he proved wrapping his arms around me holding me close to his chest.
Reluctantly he pulled away leaning his forehead to mine, brushing his thumb on my cheeks, before trailing it over my sensitive bottom lip, a dreamy sigh escaped my lips immediately robbed by his lips landing once more on mine,it was a brief kiss but enough to let me desiring for more, enhanced by his warm breath fanning over my swollen lips.
“Please grant me the honor of being my fiancé.”
The honest affection filling his golden eyes mesmerize me, driving me in further into that golden pool I wished to swim in with him … and now finally could after week spent wishing and dreaming to become his lover,
“Oh Keith. Yes.” the diamond on the ring glimmered in the sheer light of the moon witness of that peculiar engagement as he ever so gently slide it on my ring finger, unknowingly setting my heart ablaze with indescribable happiness and swollen with love, racing in my chest with all the affection I held for him, I hoped to convey tip toeing to leave a tender kiss on his soft cheeks, revelling in his rosy blush.
Surely he would have had a lot of things to explain to the court sooner or later, like I should have to after all …  but for now all that mattered was us, alone on his balcony sharing a promise with only the stars as guardians of our love.
I welcomed the softness of his lips melting once more on mine in a sweet, tender kiss, robbing me of any coherent thought as he embraced me ever so strongly swallowing the ever soft whimpers escaping from my lips as he deepened the kiss, while my fingers dived in his soft grey curls and his own tightened around my hips as he hold me close to him.
Reluctantly he pulled away brushing a gentle kiss on my forehead as he took my hands in  his, placing a gentle kiss on their knuckles looking straight at me 
“I love you my little bunny always and forever.” his heartfelt confession moved me to the core, I did my best to reciprocate.
“I love you too, my stag, all of you, so very much.” 
He placed his head on mine, pulling me in a slow improvised waltz on the balcony floor, I eagerly followed, leaning my head on his chest, hearing our hearts beating in sync like one, like the soulmates we were destined to be.
The princes of Rhodolite were right since the beginning this was a date, and no one knew how much happy it made me to have been able to finally confess that feeling I held secretly hidden in my heart until that moment 
Love was a gift, I always believe in that, but no one of all my books prepared me for this, to love and to be loved was pure bliss, it filled your heart with affection and happiness, a passion smoldering as the sun and ten fold as bright, inexplicable to describe and I was grateful to all the universe for making that possible, bringing us together as written above the stars since the beginning of the universe and for all eternity.
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notinazkaban · 1 year
If you are up for it, can u please write about miscommunication with Sirius? I love this plot and if you can, would you please make it angsty? Ending maybe in the middle? Cuz I don't believe ppl could make up fast but not completely let go
a/n: sorry it’s so short and dialogue heavy,,, I’m trying to get back on the writing horse <33
You checked your watch again, Sirius was supposed to meet you at the Three Broomsticks over an hour ago. You had stayed initially because you ordered a drink, hoping he was just running behind, but when you had to order another you started to worry.
“Want a third, dearie?” The waitress asked, picking up your empty glass.
“No. No thanks, just the check.” Feeling the disappointment beginning to creep in you dropped a few coins and made your way back to your dorm.
“Hey, you’re back early.” Lily was sitting back on her bed, book in hand and James sleeping on her stomach. “Everything alright?”
“Sirius stood me up.” You replied, sitting down in defeat. “So bloody embarrassing.”
Laying down, you felt the embarrassment turn into a twinge of pain, wondering why he would do that to you. Sure he was a player, and he could be an asshole, but one thing he wasn’t was a flake. If you scheduled a date, he showed regardless of what he missed to be there.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Lily asked, setting her book down, and slightly bumping James.
“No, not really.” Your voice was higher than you wanted it to come out. “Think I’m just going to go to bed.”
A hard knock at the door ruined your plans.
“M’love are you up?” Sirius asked, muffled by the door.
Debating pretending no one was there but deciding you were more mature than that you swung your legs over the side of the bed. After cursing under your breath for a few seconds, you went to unlock the door.
“Hey.” A signature smile grew on his face as he saw you. “I’m sorry I was busy today.”
“Too busy for our date?” You asked, stepping out into the hall to keep him from coming in.
“What?” He asked, his smile faltering. “We didn’t have a date.”
“So I sat at the Three Broomsticks by myself for an hour because I like the scenery?” You asked, starting to get angry. “Where were you?”
“With Moony and Prongs.” He answered
“Oh really?” You asked, opening the door to reveal James asleep on Lily. If you weren’t mad before you sure were now.
“Babe-“ His voice was hesitant as he started talking. “I can explain.”
“Save it.” You spat, walking back into your dorm and closing the door in his face.
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twstgarden · 7 months
❀ ❝ 𝗽𝗲𝘁 𝗯𝘂𝗻𝗻𝘆 𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 ❞
━ riddle rosehearts, ace trappola, ruggie bucchi, malleus draconia x gn! reader ━ good old headmaster, dumping his tasks onto you. surely, you're used to this, no? however, this time, you were tasked to take care of a bunny that belonged to a friend of the headmaster. you decided to seek help from your dearest, but how will it go? (f/n means first name)
requested by: @r0sevipxr request type: headcanons requester's message: Hayy, lady phantomhive! First of all i hope you're having a wonderful day,week,month whatever! I apologize if this request is long ish? (BTW I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR AESTHETIC!! Its so elegant and pretty and fairy gala ortho is one of the best and prettiest cards in the whole game!!!) (And im very interested in your skill of writing mystery and horror.. thats so unique!) Im thinking of silly fluff headcanons with Riddle, Ace, Malleus and Ruggie (separated) The backstory is: crowley being his idiot self is accidentally forced to take care of a random old mage's pet bunny for a couple weeks. But instead, he dumps all the work and responsibility on the reader because he has "more important duties to attend to" (👹). Reader asks the character for help! Will we succeed? or almost kill the bunny and crowleys head is chopped off? Who knows! florist's note: hello, dearie. thank you, i hope you're having a great day as well. this request is quite lighthearted, i love it. hope you enjoyed, though i realised some of these are quite short. thank you for the request, little one. &lt;3
this work does not contain spoilers for chapter 7, diasomnia’s arc.
do not steal or translate without my permission.
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━ 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨 ━
headcanon: riddle can take care of a rabbit effortlessly. you, however, cannot... and it caused you two to lose the rabbit somewhere in heartslabyul's resident building.
you and the headmaster were standing face-to-face as he held a bunny with a smile on his face. "i said, can you please look after this bunny for me? i have a meeting to attend to and i cannot bring a pet with me, now can i?" spoke the headmaster once more, making you sigh as you begrudgingly grabbed the bunny from him.
"why me? surely, there are other students that are well-equipped. why not leave him in heartslabyul?" you questioned, raising a brow as the bunny settled in your arms while you were busy talking to the headmaster.
"no time to talk! bye!"
there he goes again. as if he was in a rush, the headmaster runs off, leaving you in the hallway with the white bunny in your arms. you sighed heavily before looking down at the animal that seemed to find your arms a cosy place to nuzzle on.
speaking of heartslabyul, you decided to visit your dearest beloved in case he could help you with your little rabbit duties.
"...so you wish to let me assist you in taking care of a bunny that the headmaster entrusted to you?" asked riddle as his gaze flickered between your pleading eyes and the rabbit's innocent one. you nodded in response as you held the bunny upwards, "yes! i'm just afraid i might do something to this bunny accidentally and kill it! the headmaster told me it belongs to his friend and he's supposed to take care of it for a couple of weeks."
"but then, that should be the headmaster's responsibility," replied riddle. you sighed, "but you know he dumps his duties on me..." riddle hummed in response, not wanting to reply further to avoid disrespecting the head mage, even if he knew of his tendencies.
with a sigh and a small smile, he patted the bunny's head, "alright, but there are certain ground rules we need to follow when taking care of a bunny." your eyes lit up with joy as you smiled at riddle, "i knew i could count on you!"
"no, wait, f/n! you're not supposed to give milk to an adult rabbit!" warned riddle as he saw you reaching for the milk powder container on the cupboard, making you look back at him with a curious look. "really? the headmaster told me to feed it milk and grass..."
riddle placed his palm on his forehead, "feeding them milk will cause digestive problems, dear. here, you can feed the rabbit with one cup of fresh grass." he then handed you a cup filled with freshly cut grass from the dormitory garden. you thanked him and placed it in the bunny's cage as the animal started to eat its meal, leaving the door of the cage open as you added a cup of clean water beside the grass meal.
once the rabbit started eating, you sighed in relief and smiled at riddle, "thanks for helping out. the headmaster even gave me the wrong information... if it wasn't for you, this rabbit might have had diarrhoea by now."
"you're welcome. i don't think the headmaster has the proper idea on how to take care of a rabbit..." trailed off riddle as he turned around to grab a few things from the cupboard, while you also turned around to grab a glass of water for yourself.
and once you two got back to the kitchen counter, you saw the half-eaten cup of grass and a half-filled cup of clean water in the cage, with no signs of the bunny.
"...where did he go?"
"i don't know..." you replied before you placed your glass on the table and ran off the kitchen to search for the lost rabbit, making riddle trail along with you as he called for his dormmates, ordering them to search for the rabbit at once.
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━ 𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙖 ━
headcanon: due to his flamingo and hedgehog care duties, he knew a thing or two when it comes to handling animals - though, he does have a record for sometimes losing them all over the heartslabyul garden. however, this time, he has it under control as long as you take care of the rabbit with him.
"woah~ a bunny!" exclaimed ace as he passed by the hallway and saw you holding a rabbit which was given to you prior to the headmaster's sudden escape. you turned to face him and handed it to him, "hold this for me."
"where did you get this?" asked ace as he held the bunny that you handed to him. "the headmaster is making me take care of it in his stead... you know, as usual," you spoke as you grabbed your smartphone and started searching through the olympus search engine to find ways on how to properly take care of a bunny.
"you're searching? psh, we can handle this! not to brag, but i have taken care of animals in my dorm... well... my demon dorm leader makes me, but... it still counts!" there was a cheeky smile on ace's face as he said those words, making you raise a brow in amusement as you continued reading through the search engine results.
after reading the do's and don'ts and the diet that rabbits should take, you were confident that everything would go smoothly. you followed ace back to your dorm and grim eyed the new intruder with a stink eye, "why is there a rabbit in here?"
"the headmaster dumped it on me," you replied as ace sat on your couch and played with the rabbit, finding it easy to handle it for the time being. grim sat beside ace, looking at the rabbit as he spoke, "so you're on pet-sitting duty? hehehe."
you had a bored expression on as grim tried to tease you, but you knew he was wrapped up in this order as well.
"did the headmaster leave some food for the little thing?" asked ace, making you shake your head. "all he told me was to take care of the rabbit and that it belonged to a friend... and he is supposed to take care of it for a couple of weeks, but he handed it to me," you replied as you started searching through your kitchen cabinets in case you have anything that was supposedly included in the rabbit's diet.
"ehhh~ i'm starting to feel sorry for you," spoke ace in a rather lighthearted tone as he laughed a little, letting you know that he was only joking around and messing with you. "hmph, anyway, i'll drop by sam's and see if he has some rabbit food in there. behave," you spoke, directing your last order to both ace and grim.
they gave you a rather sheepish smile with a thumbs-up, and though you did not trust those smiles one bit, you had no choice but to leave the dorm for a while, hoping they wouldn't do anything and possibly lose the rabbit.
surprisingly, everything was going smoothly. ace lived up to his word as he knew what to do to make sure the bunny remained well-fed, entertained, and satisfied. by the end of the day, you and ace were asleep on the couch, your head on his shoulder and the rabbit on his lap. grim was asleep beside you, resting peacefully after a long day of tending to the rabbit and getting used to the idea of taking care of one.
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━ 𝙧𝙪𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙚 𝙗𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙝𝙞 ━
headcanon: he knows. he just knows. of course, he won't assist you for free.
"ohh~ a rabbit."
ruggie's voice caught your attention as he peered from behind you while you were standing in the hallway, bewildered at the headmaster's audacity in running off after dumping his responsibility on you. you should have gotten used to it by now, but even then, you still can't believe he has the nerve to do such a thing.
"that headmaster... ugh..." you groaned under your breath, making ruggie laugh a little as he looked at you and then at the bunny. "shishishi, poor n/n~" teased the savanaclaw second year, making you sigh as you looked at him.
"you know how to take care of animals, right? i mean, your best subject is animal linguistics! i'm sure you can talk to this rabbit and figure out what he wants at certain times!" you spoke, aware of your dearest's abilities and hoping he would help you.
"hmmm~ i won't do it for free, though," mumbled ruggie as he was starting to think to himself before giving you his usual grin, "shishi~ how about dinner in exchange for helping you?"
you raised a brow in response, "are you asking me to go on a date or do you actually just want the food?"
you laughed a little and sighed, "fine~ my treat." ruggie gleamed with joy as he grabbed the bunny from you and walked with you back to ramshackle. on your way back, you and ruggie were conversing about your day while he pats the head of the rabbit, making you grin a little at how adorable he was.
i mean, technically, you've never seen a hyena with a rabbit, and as far as you know, rabbits are part of the smaller prey that hyenas tend to hunt in the wild.
"i know what that grin means," spoke ruggie as he gave you a displeased expression. you chuckled in response and smiled at him, "i was just thinking that you look quite adorable~ hehehe~"
"hmmm... did the headmaster drop off the food of this little thing, too?" asked ruggie, trying to change the subject as he looked at the rabbit that was eyeing you both. you shook your head in response, "nope, not at all... we should head to sam's shop."
at the end of the day, ruggie seemed to have been taking care of it for the majority of the time. once the rabbit fell asleep, you opted for ordering dinner online to make sure the rabbit wouldn't be left alone in the dorm and may run away due to less supervision.
you were sure grim won't keep an eye on the rabbit, anyway.
as you took a bite of your meal, ruggie seemed delighted to be having his dinner with you in your dormitory. you both were seated on the couch with the television turned on, letting a random channel play through to function as background noise while the rabbit remained asleep in its cage.
"thank you for the meal~" spoke ruggie with a happy tone as he continued having his dinner.
"thank you for helping me," you replied with a smile as you sipped on your beverage, bringing both of your hands up to high-five one another for a job well done.
"shishishi, we make a great team~"
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━ 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙪𝙨 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙖 ━
headcanon: though he is knowledgeable, taking care of a small prey like a rabbit is one thing he isn't familiar with. as a result, both of you try to navigate through this responsibility.
"hm? what are you doing in here, dearest?"
malleus' voice caught you off guard as you turned around with the bunny in your arms, looking up at him as you sighed, "ah, the headmaster was here a moment ago. he left me this rabbit to take care of..."
malleus raised a brow in response, "a rabbit? i do not recall the headmaster ever having a pet rabbit..." you chuckled in response, "it belongs to a friend of his and he was supposed to take care of it for a few weeks, but he says he has some 'important things to take care of'."
you rolled your eyes in response before heaving a sigh, holding the rabbit to your chest, "well, at least the rabbit's cute..." malleus hummed in response as you both started to walk together back to your dorm. an idea suddenly came through your head as you looked up at him, "hey, um... mal, can you help me? i don't think i can take care of a bunny alone..."
malleus was stunned to hear your request. though he is quite unaware of pet-sitting a rabbit, he did not want to turn you down. he gave you a smile and said, "you request my assistance? now, how can i say no to your request?"
you smiled, feeling happy that you wouldn't be taking care of a rabbit alone.
needless to say, he was just as clueless as you.
"from my knowledge, the grass is included in a rabbit's diet. however, this one seems reluctant to eat it, " spoke malleus as he eyed the rabbit. they simply stared at the small bowl of grass before them before taking a few steps back, nuzzling themselves in their cage with obvious discomfort.
"...maybe they're not hungry...?" you trailed off, tilting your head as you sighed and patted the bunny's head. malleus seemed disappointed that the both of you were not going anywhere with your pet-sitting duties for the past 3 hours.
you decided to look through some useful sites while malleus stood beside you, watching you navigate through the device and reading through some rabbit care guides. "hmm... we should place the bunny in a quiet and secure place... let's go upstairs," you spoke as you looked at malleus, making him nod in response as you both went upstairs with the bunny.
"and we should bond with the bunny so they warm up to us..." you added as you sat beside the rabbit cage, leaving the door open so they would step out and get used to the environment.
so far, you have been adjusting quite well and it reached the point where the bunny also warmed up to malleus, no longer feeling intimidated and instead, prefers to snuggle with malleus at the end of the day.
it seems as though your temporary pet-sitting unexpectedly turned you both into rabbit parents.
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