#And it doesn’t even have to be their ghost
breannasfluff · 2 days
Danny’s funds are becoming increasingly slim and cutting back on food would be his first course of action. Except now there’s DeeDee to feed. He heads back to the bulletin board.
There’s a new advert up, Weed Pulling. Gloves Provided. The first call gets a busy signal, but when he tries again someone picks up. 
“Hi, I’m calling about the weed-pulling ad?”
“Are you strong?” a female voice asks.
“Er…yes?” Danny could pull on his ghost strength if he wasn’t obvious about it . 
“Can you be at the warehouse district on 220 tomorrow at 1?”
Because this is Gotham, he asks, “AM or PM?”
“AM. The weeds are weakest in the dark.”
Well, that sounds… shady as shit, as DeeDee would say. Still, pulling weeds can’t be too bad. Even if it is at night. In the warehouse district. Actually, this sounds like a bad idea–
As if the lady can hear the doubts in his head she says, “I’ll pay you $100 an hour.”
“Done.” Danny might have standards, but they include eating. At worst, he’ll use his ghost powers to escape.
The lady on the phone didn’t specify which warehouse, but it’s abundantly clear when Danny arrives. Vines are growing rampant over one of the buildings. 
“Are you the weed puller? I’m Pam.”
Danny turns to greet the speaker. She’s got red hair, glasses, and a baseball hat on. “I’m Dan.” Then he turns back to the warehouse. “That wouldn’t be your weed problem, would it?”
Pam joins him with a sigh, pulling off her glasses to clean them. “That would be it. It got a little…out of control.”
He doesn’t even want to know what made it grow to this size. It’s a localized Undergrowth all over again. Speaking of which… “Does it regenerate when cut?”
Pam turns to stare at him for a long moment. Maybe that’s a strange question to ask, even for Gotham. But then she says, “Yes. It’s too big for me to handle when it keeps growing back.”
With his ice powers, Danny could freeze the branches or even the base. From there, it would be a matter of pulling the vines off the building. Neither of which were feasible in his current form. 
He grimaces at the building. “Are you sticking around?”
Another long look. “I don’t care how you remove it if that’s what you are asking.”
“It’s not.”
Pam sucks her tongue against her teeth, then shrugs. “I could take a break for some tea. The area is empty tonight.”
Danny nods, already running logistics on how much time he’d need while keeping his powers less flashy. He’s not in Amity Park to simply blow the plant sky-high and call it a day. “Come back in two hours?”
“That’s a long tea break.”
“That’s a big weed.”
Pam stares, but Danny doesn’t back down. Finally, she shrugs again and hands him a pair of gloves. “Have fun weeding.” Her heels click on the pavement as she walks away.
Who wears heels at 1 AM for weeding? Probably the same people with building-sized weeds. 
Read the rest here!
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rejectedbytheempty · 3 days
♡ pet peeves about him (tf 141 x reader)
don’t get me wrong, i’m sure they’d be great partners but i fear there is a little something that would just irk you about them
price: you love him, you really do, but sometimes he is so condescending. you’re both hanging out and he leans over and you’re thinking he’s gonna kiss or something but then he corrects your posture!! or you’re having an off day and wanting to just lay around in bed and he opens the blinds, “up and at ‘em luv.” he even has the gall to dodge the pillow you throw at him with a shit-eating grin on his face.
ghost: something about him is that he really lives up to his name. you go to the bathroom for five seconds only to come back to the couch and find a simon-shaped spot where he was. just up and left because he thought you were signaling the hangout was over. even worse when he shows up unannounced at your apartment, grabbing you from behind. you later had to apologize to your neighbor who knocked frantically at your door after you screamed bloody murder.
soap: soap is a puppy, a big, overgrown puppy who doesn’t realize how strong he is. at random times he’ll just grab you and pin you to the ground, taking both of your hands in one of his and straddling your hips. sometimes he’ll even start tickling you, not understanding that you’re laughing involuntarily not because it’s fun. if you do manage to escape or try to bite him, it just eggs him on, his eyes lighting up with mischief. he does eventually apologize later, holding you in his lap with bite-marked arms.
gaz: he really loves to take care of you, but sometimes it can be suffocating. when you mentioned something about not eating recently, he constantly asks you if you’ve eaten. even going so far as to make you sit at the table and eat a full meal. or when you’re sick and he makes you stay in bed all day. if you dare try to get up to get some food or water, he hauls you up on his shoulder and puts you back in bed with a scold that he’d get you anything you needed. try to escape too many times and he’s trapped you in his arms, spooning you on the bed.
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a-b-riddle · 1 day
check tags for warnings
In the mood to write angst. Imagine you’re the conscientious observer who accidentally sees how your team talks about you behind your back.
Your morals were… complicated. You didn’t believe in killing anyone. Your faith told you that killing someone is wrong and even if it’s to save your life, handling a gun is something that doesn’t sit well with you. You’ve been to gun ranges. Mandatory for your position in the military that you have basic fire arm knowledge. But having something in your hands that could so easily take a life made you uneasy.
You were pescatarian, but tried to limit meat. Cried anytime you saw chickens in those trucks heading toward their demise. You fed stray cats around your house back home. You tried to be kind and cherished life in all most of its forms. The exception being garlic butter shrimp that was too good to give up and anytime of bug resembling a cock roach. And yes, palmetto bugs were still cock roaches.
And wasps.
Fuck wasps.
At the same time, you were pro-choice. Initially, you were pro-choice for other women, but you didn’t think you would have the strength to get an abortion. It wasn’t until you were holding your friend’s hand as she got her D&C that your views on your own body autonomy changed. It didn’t have to be medical to be necessary.
But you still refused to hold a weapon. Which is why even though you were a very talented medic, you were always judged for not carrying any sort of defense while in the field.
But no one on base would dare say anything to you about it. At least not to your face…
You got stuck instructing a training seminar when your phone continued to buzz in your back pocket. But even with the consistent messages, you didn’t falter by showing the newest members how to give basic first aid until health could arrive.
Nearly two hours later, you finally fish your phone out to see what’s going on.
Dozens of text messages in a group chat between you, Captain Price, Johnny, Kyle and Simon. You had gotten close to them over the last few months. You were halfway through your contract and were already dreading leaving knowing they were staying behind until the job is done.
You open it, your phone taking you to the first unread message.
Cpt.: Hows the arm healing up?
Soap: Fine. Hen did a good job of keeping the sutures nice and even. Should barely scar.
Gaz: Wouldn’t have a scar if she just fucking carried.
Soap: You think she honestly would even know what to do with a gun if you gave her one Garrick 😂
Ghost: Still think she’s a liability. Someone who won’t raise arms against an enemy isn’t meant to be on the team.
Cpt: Already tried. Laswell says we need the numbers. As long as she does her job there’s nothing I can do. We can’t be down a medic and it’s either her or nothing.
You shook as you continued reading the conversation.
Liability. Coward. It went on and on about how weak you were. Why couldn’t you just carry a small pistol instead of expecting everyone else to keep you safe.
It then switched to your personality. No one should be that happy. Annoying. A yapper. Couldn’t get a word in most of the time.
On and on they went until you realized they spoke so freely because they didn’t realize you were in this group chat. What did they say when you weren’t around?
You felt like a fool having extending more than just trying to be a civil coworker, but a friend. Taking on tasks that weren’t your responsibility simply to help them.
Getting a floral arrangement delivered for Johnny’s sister after she had given birth. Talking on the phone to the nursing home where Price’s mother resided trying to sort out her insurance. Taking priority Kyle when he was injured after falling out of a plane (both times) over your other patients. And always having the electric kettled going in the morning so Simon could have his tea without waiting too long.
You were helpful. Just because you had one boundary didn’t mean their words held any merit. But still you couldn’t help the deep feeling of just… betrayal? Rejection? You weren’t sure there was a word fitting enough to sum up how utterly stupid you felt.
Maybe they were right. This wasn’t a civilian setting. This wasn’t just life and death for your patients, but for you. You were out in the field with no form of protection except from others.
You weren’t abandoning your morals. You couldn’t. Not when every fiber of your being told you to remain steadfast. There was only one solution.
You didn’t have much to pack. Uniform was issued to you. Your stethoscope and some other tools came out of your own pocket. Your laptop, phone, charges. You packed all your lounging clothes and miraculously everything fit into a military duffle. Which wasn’t actually anything impressive given how big those things are.
You were confident in your decision even if it made you feel like a failure.
As you stood outside the office door you returned back to the group chat. One by one you proceeded to block all of them. You knew when you left the group they would know that the notification would pop up and they either wouldn’t give a shit that you finally knew what the actually thought of you or they tried messaging you to make amends to cover their asses. You weren’t sure which was worse.
Once you had blocked the last one, you left and knocked on the door that you had been idling in front of. A faint ‘come in’ was granted before you walked through.
“Hey, Kate.” You greeted. “Can we talk?”
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machveil · 1 day
Domestic!Simon “Ghost” Riley Headcanons
feeding the soft-hearted fans that want to see Simon happy
Domestic!Simon Riley wakes up when the sun starts peaking across the horizon - but when you’re comfortably tucked against his chest? well, he’s not on base and doesn’t have to worry about getting up right now
he can’t fall back asleep, once he’s awake he’s not being lulled back to bed, but that’s okay. he’ll just hold you close and let his eyes flutter shut - he’ll wait for you to stir and press sloppy kisses to your cheeks. you always whine, “Simon— Simon, c’mon—“, soft laughter spilling past your lips when his fingers slip under your shirt and graze your sides
Domestic!Simon Riley had a hard time slowing down. before? he’d be slipping out of bed, a soft kiss to your hairline as he pulled the covers back over you. he was used to morning runs, used to coming home to you still asleep. he’d try turning the shower on as quietly as possible - a quick rinse before he’s stepping out and toweling off his hair
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now? he can’t imagine getting up before the birds are chirping - he can’t imagine leaving you alone in bed. so when he feels you shift a little closer, a little hum in the back of your throat as you seek his warmth, he sighs. legs tangled together, he’s resting his hand on your back, the other tucked underneath his pillow
his heart always beats a little quicker when you sleepily mumble his name, voice a little raspy. “Mornin’, love.”, he murmurs, his own voice a little deeper, a little more gravely. he’s pulling you closer to him, wedged against his chest as he kisses your forehead
he’s content to stay in bed as long as you’re with him, his big frame keeping you warm. and he’s a charming sight to look at in the morning - a couple pillow lines across his cheek, dirty blond hair messy and poking every which way. “Get a good look, lovie?”, he asks, slipping his hand from your back to run it through his hair
but, eventually he has to get up - joints achy as he crawls out of bed. t-shirt wrinkly and sweatpants hanging low, he’s moving to the kitchen to make a little breakfast. gets the kettle going on the stove, a mug of black tea to go with whatever he eats
if you’re going out for the day he’ll slip you a twenty, peck your lips, and wish you well. you’re both sharing your location, and he trusts that you’ll call if you need him. he’ll spend a slow Saturday at home, your constant pestering for him to relax ingrained in his brain
it’s a nice contrast from being on base, from being on a deployment - just kicking his feet up and watching a game. he breaks out his reading glasses when the paper hits the front door, skimming over the news. framing his face nicely, dark brown eyes cast down behind the lenses
he does eventually go for his morning run, although it’s cutting it close to noon. just a couple laps around the neighborhood before he’s back at home, rolling his shoulders as he makes his way to the bathroom. hot water has his muscles relaxing, the scent of your shampoo aromatic and light. he’s nearly groaning as he works it through his hair, scratching gently at his scalp the way you would - he misses you even though you’ll be back in a few hours
Domestic!Simon Riley that looks through his photo gallery, gaze smitten as he thumbs through photos of you - mostly candid and out of frame, little cozy moments where he thought you looked cute. they range from you on the couch, half asleep with the remote in your hand to date nights, sipping on your drink as you read over a menu. he likes the ones where you caught him before he snapped the a photo, eyes a little wide as you look at him, lips quirked up
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Unexpected things you did that delight them:  
Riddle Rosehearts, Azul Ashengrotto, Trey Clover, Ruggie Bucci, Malleus Draconia
You learned proper tea etiquette for Riddle  
It starts out with you just listening to him correct others as they go throughout the various teatimes of Heartslabyul. How it leads to you thrifting a tea set from a local shop is hard to say, and it’s chipped a bit on the plates, but it holds, and the lady gave it to you for a far cheaper price than she should have. But it cleaned up beautifully, you filled in the cracks with some leftover clay and didn’t even have to repaint it! It was already in Ramshackle blue and green.  
It is embarrassing when he finds you quizzing yourself on the different spoons and plates, but the smile that blooms is worth it.  
You have no idea that when you invite him over for a tea party a few weeks after, it’s the first one that he hasn’t hosted himself. He borrows the same book from the library to brush up on his guest etiquette.  
“Prefect, what are you-ah! A lovely set. If you were needing to learn I would be happy to assist! What teas do you prefer? I will bring complimenting savories or sweets.”  
You carry glasses cleaner for Azul  
Assuming you don’t carry it already or if you don’t wear glasses. You and Azul usually spend a lot of time at Octavinelle but occasionally he will come to Ramshackle. He has since seen the work that you put into fixing up the place and the furniture you've built and appreciates it a way that the others can’t. Afterall, many of his own pieces are repaired or thrifted antiques for authenticity.
Lounging on the couch while listening to one of the jazz records he brought, you take the glasses from his hand when he realizes that he forgot his own cleaner.  
“Prefect, why would you have glasses wipes, you don’t wear any. Ah, you carry them for me. How thoughtful of you, my friend! I hope I’m not putting you out any.” 
You baked him a birthday cake for Trey  
Everyone gets nervous when Trey’s birthday comes around. How do you bake for a baker? He got past the disappointed feeling a long time ago though, perfectly prepared to make his own birthday cake.  
What isn’t accounted for you is pushing him out of the kitchen, declaring it against the rules for him to bake his own birthday cake. He could fight you on it, but he’s intrigued at this point on what you will make.  
What he doesn’t anticipate is a simple vanilla cake with a blueberry filling, a light buttercream frosting and candied violets and almonds scattered on the top. It’s simple but delicious and clearly just for him.
“You’ve got some real potential here. Where did you learn to make candied violets? You foraged and learned how just for me? Ah, that was too much for me. Thank you.”  
You clean Ruggie’s ears 
Ruggie does a lot of things to ensure everybody else gets taken care of, which means sometimes he neglects himself a bit. The showers got trashed over at Savanaclaw so he asks to use yours after a particularly messy Spelldrive Practice. As long as Grim can play with the disk in the backyard with the ghosts, it’s a deal for you.  
He comes out fluffy, hair sticking out in all sorts of places, which means you can see inside his ears and see the dirt still stuck in there. Offering to clean them wasn’t a big deal to you, you have to for Grim all the time.  
It gets awkaward for a minute when he lays his head in your lap, but as soon as the cotton hits the inside and starts wiping up all the dirt and grim, he’s putty in your hands  
“I swear they weren’t that bad but-oh. Oh that’s nice. I think I can hear colors now. And your heartbeat. What’s got you racing, huh? I didn’t moo. I did not!” 
You got pictures of his family for Malleus  
This man has pictures of himself and his parents up on the walls, but none of the rest of his family. So, you work with the ghost for a long time, getting candid shots and other bit and pieces and slowly pulling them together. When Malleus’s birthday rolls around, you actually feel nervous about it.  
When he opens his present, to see the photo album, he gets unexpectedly quiet and soft, scanning through the quotes and stories written off to the side. You give little tidbits of how you get some shots, especially the times where you were sure that Lilia knew but didn’t say anything.  
Some even had him! Silver putting him in a headlock during some play wrestling, Lilia tapping his nose while playing chess, a rare moment of him and Sebek reading together where the half fae is actually relaxed.  
At the bottom are small, framed photos of what you thought were the best ones. Silver in his armor, surrounded by animals and birds alike, his sword gleaming with sunlight, looking gentle and graceful and alert. Sebek on horseback, wind streaking his hair to his skull and grinning like a madman, his favorite stead racing fearlessly. Lilia leaning against the railing of the balcony of Diasomnia dorm and watching the sunset, eyes fond and pink in the dying light. 
“I can’t think of a single present I have ever received that has been as thoughtful as this one. Your heart truly knows a kindness that is rare, my friend. But you are missing. Let us take one together. A selfie, yes?”  
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ghostsangel · 14 hours
“oh, wouldn't that be lovely? you would torture me. whisper me the reasons that you hated me. say it in the way that makes my knees go weak, and let me dangle from you like a piece of meat.”
simon “ghost” riley x fem!reader
tags/warnings: mdni, enemies to somewhat lovers, simon legit hates us, shooting/bullet wounds, filthy ass smut, hatefucking, choking, squirting, meaaaan simon
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The mission was starting off great.
First, Price had paired you with Ghost. That pissed you off more than anything considering the fact that Price knows you and Ghost don’t get along. The large, silent man doesn’t trust you on missions because you’re the newest member of the 141. He doesn’t listen to your input, just outlines the plan himself and expects you to follow.
The mission was pretty simple. Navigate through a series of warehouses and find the tiny USB drive that held intel the 141 needed. That all went to shit when Ghost didn’t listen to you and you ended up getting shot.
You throw your head back against the wall, groaning in pain as you clutch your arm. Ghost pushed you into an abandoned room, and you sink to the ground, eyes shut.
The wound isn’t bad—through and through, upper arm. You exhale shakily through the pain, glancing up at Ghost who is standing there looking down at you.
“Are you gonna stand there all fucking day or are you gonna help me wrap this?” You hiss at him, dragging your pack toward you to look for alcohol wipes and bandages.
Ghost says nothing, but he crouches down next to you, gun by his side. He grips your arm and assesses the wound, tilting his head as his eyes take in every detail.
“Through and through,” he grunts, taking the alcohol wipe from you. He tears it open and runs it along the wound, cleaning the blood and you shut your eyes.
“Fuck,” you groan, head tilting back as he works.
“Sorry,” he grumbles. That surprises you—he never apologizes.
You don’t respond, just let him spread antibiotic ointment over the wound before packing and wrapping it. You swallow down the pained groan in your throat and stand up, placing your pack back on your back.
You’re silent, not wanting to talk to him. You’re too pissed off. He got you shot, and all you want to do is go back to base and debrief with Price. You draw your gun and open the door, Ghost moving behind you.
He takes the lead as you move through the warehouse, taking down target after target. Eventually, you find the USB with the intel, and you and Ghost silently leave the warehouse and head to the rendezvous point.
You don’t even react when you get onto the heli, Ghost sitting across from you. Your arm aches and your head is pounding, and all you wanna do is deck Ghost in the fucking face.
Before the debrief, you head to the med bay where they stitch up your wound. It’s painful, but it eventually feels much better after being stitched up. Sighing, you head to Price’s office, finding Ghost already inside.
Price’s eyes flick to your arm. “Lieutenant Riley was just explaining what happened.”
“Yeah? He explained that he got me shot?” You ask, narrowing your eyes at Ghost.
“I didn’t get you shot.” His voice is gruff and blunt, eyes flicking to yours behind the mask.
“The fuck you didn’t.” Rage boils beneath your skin, and your nostrils flare. “You didn’t listen to me when I warned you, and it ended with me having a bullet shot through my arm.”
Price holds up his hands, silencing you and Ghost. “Look, you two can work this shit out another time. Lieutenant, did you get the intel?”
You pull the USB from your vest pocket. “I got it.”
Price takes it from you and nods. “You two are dismissed.”
You nod, saluting him before glaring daggers at Ghost and walking to your quarters. You’re sweaty and gross and desperately need to shower.
You shower quickly, rinsing off the dirt and grime from the day, thinking about Ghost. That man annoys the shit out of you, but you admit that he’s attractive in a weird, masked sort of way. The annoyance and hate outweigh the fleeting feeling, though, and you grumble to yourself as you get out of the shower and dress.
You head to the canteen, absolutely starving, running right into Ghost. You take a step back from his large frame, his head tilting down to look at you.
“How’s the arm?” He asks, his gaze flicking to the freshly wrapped bandage.
“Fine.” You look up at him, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “Thanks for today, really. Absolutely adore getting shot.”
“That wasn’t my fault,” he says, and you swear he laughs.
“Okay, Ghost. Sure. Believe what you want.”
Ghost’s eyes narrow and you find yourself suddenly backed up against your door, his forearm pressed against your throat.
“Anyone ever told you that you act like a twat sometimes?” He asks. His eyes bore into yours, and you look back at him unflinchingly.
“Anyone ever told you that?” You retort, a small smirk playing on your lips.
Ghost chuckles and tugs his mask up. Your breath hitches in your throat as he leans in, lips brushing your ear.
“You’re stubborn, don’t follow orders, boss me around…” His teeth graze your earlobe and a shiver runs up your spine. “Your attitude pisses me off and I fuckin’ hate how you act.”
You gasp quietly as you feel a hardness pressed against your stomach, and you push his head back so you can look into his eyes.
“So why are you so hard, then?” You ask, your voice dropping to a whisper. “Hm? You get so worked up just being around me?”
Ghost growls, forearm leaving your throat. Your body is pushed through your now open door, Ghost slamming it shut behind him. He grips your throat, tugging you to him.
“I’m hard ‘cause I think about fuckin’ you till you learn how to not be such a stubborn, bossy insubordinate.” He squeezes the sides of your throat, drawing a soft moan from your lips.
You can’t help it—it’s hot. The throbbing between your legs attests to that. Heat flutters in your belly, and your hands run down his shirt and underneath, digging your nails into his flesh and scratching down his stomach.
He lets out a groan, eyes fluttering shut for a moment. You grin, teeth and all, nails still digging into the skin of his belly.
“Go on, then. See if you can try.” Your words are dangerous, but you want him.
Ghost tugs the mask up and off his face, and you barely have time to admire his scarred skin before his lips are on yours, hungry and angry. The kiss isn’t sweet—far from it. Teeth clash together, tongues sliding against one another. His hand grips your throat as he keeps you pressed against him, other hand snaking its way down to your ass.
You twist your fingers into his hair, giving it a sharp tug. Ghost lets out a groan as his head tilts back, and you graze his neck with your teeth, nipping at the skin harshly.
“Fuck,” he grunts, hands moving to grip your hips.
“You like pain, don’t you?” You mutter into his neck, sinking your teeth into the skin.
Ghost responds by pressing his hips against yours, his cock twitching in his pants. You grin against his neck, and he shoves you back until your legs hit the bed. You fall backward, Ghost working at your clothes. His eyes graze over your naked body, tongue flicking out to wet his lower lip.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he mutters, hands running up your thighs. He spreads your legs, his middle and ring fingers spreading your arousal up your slit until he gets to your clit.
You lean your head back, moaning softly at the feeling of his rough fingers on your clit. You jolt as a sharp slap stings your sensitive nub, head snapping back up to look at Ghost.
“Eyes on me.”
You roll your eyes, shaking your head. “Sure, Lieutenant.”
Ghost growls softly, one hand moving to your neck as he hovers over you. His two fingers push inside you, relentless and unforgiving. He stares into your eyes as he fingers you, curling them up to hit the spongy spot inside you that sends an electric jolt down your spine.
“Such a fuckin’ brat,” he mutters, gripping your neck tightly.
Your heart flutters, and you gasp as he stretches out your tight cunt. It’s been so long since anyone’s touched you this way—you’re already falling apart. Ghost smirks at you, and your eyes rake down his face, admiring each scar that litters his skin.
“Ghost,” you whine, bucking your hips up. You feel lightheaded, no doubt from his grip on your throat. “Gonna come—fuck!”
He nods, his fingers pulsing against that sweet spot over and over, his hand moving from your neck to press on your lower stomach.
“Gonna come already?” He asks, his tone slightly mocking. “Fuckin’ pathetic. Barely even touched you.”
You whine, your hand moving to grip his neck. His eyes flutter shut for a moment, a moan slipping past his lips. You grin for a split second before your mouth opens and you groan, back arching.
“Go on, little brat. Feel you clenchin’ so tight around me. Gimme what I want.” His voice is gruff and rough, his fingers relentless as they find a home inside your gummy walls.
You cry out as you come, juices squirting onto his hand and down his wrist. He chuckles as you throb around him, eyes never leaving your face. His fingers slow, eventually pulling out of you with a little pop, and he brings them to his mouth, licking them clean and groaning at the taste.
Ghost stands, and you watch him as you pant, legs trembling from your orgasm. He strips, his cock hanging heavy when he pulls down his underwear. He pulls you to the end of the bed, gripping your hair and guiding you onto the floor until your knees thud against it.
“Open,” he says, forcing you to look up at him.
You obey—how can you not? Ghost strokes his cock before sliding it inside your warm, wet mouth. You take him eagerly, sucking and licking his shaft. He lets out a soft moan at the feeling, forcing your head down until your nose brushes his pelvis. You swallow around him, tears pricking your eyes as he just holds you there.
“Swallowin’ my cock like such a good little whore,” he says, looking down at you. His hips thrust forward, pushing him further down your throat and you thank God you don’t have a gag reflex.
He face fucks you slowly at first—lazy thrusts that have you moaning around his cock. Then, he picks up speed, and it’s not long before tears are mixing with the drool running down your chin. Ghost’s moans are heavenly, and the look in his half-lidded eyes make you squeeze your thighs together.
He pulls his cock out after a few minutes, tugging you up by your hair. He wipes his thumb under your eyes and uses his discarded shirt to wipe your mouth before he kisses you, picking you up and holding you against him.
His fat cock runs against your dripping cunt, and you whine into his mouth and grind down against him. He chuckles against your lips, breaking the kiss and opening his eyes.
“Needy little whore,” he whispers, and then he’s sliding his cock inside you.
The stretch is intense, and you let out a garbled whine as he sinks into you. Your back hits the bed, Ghost holding your thighs to your chest as he watches his length disappear inside your warm, inviting cunt.
“Fuck me, you’re tight,” he groans, head hanging forward as he pushes his entire length inside you, tip nestled snugly against your cervix. “Feels so fuckin’ good.”
“Ghost, move,” you whine, bucking your hips up. “Need you to fuck me.”
“Oh, you wanna be good for me now?” He asks, drawing his hips back before slamming back inside you. “Gonna listen and be a good girl?”
You nod, and Ghost grins before beginning to fuck you hard and fast. His fat cock splits you open, leaky mushroom tip slamming against your cervix in the most deliciously painful way. He leans down, teeth biting into your neck as his hips move.
You feel like you can’t even breathe, your pussy clenching around him as his tip grazes your g-spot with each thrust. His teeth work at your neck, sucking and biting harshly, nails digging into your thighs.
“Good fuckin’ girl, takin’ my cock so well,” he whispers in your ear. “Gonna fill this cunt up, do you want that? Hm? Wanna be my little barrack’s bunny I get to breed?”
His words rip a moan from your throat, and you nod, nails dragging down his back. “Fuck, please. Please, Ghost, need it so bad. Gonna fucking come all over your cock, please let me come!”
His teeth nip and suck on the other side of your neck, his cock twitching inside of you. “Go on, bunny. Come for me.”
Your whole body trembles as you come, nails digging into his back so hard they draw blood. Ghost lets out a groan, face buried in your neck as his hips stutter and his cock throbs, emptying his load into your needy cunt. Your pussy throbs around him, milking him of every single drop of his cum.
He pants softly, warm breath hitting your sweaty skin. Blood drips down his back, and he plants soft kisses up your neck until he gets to your lips. The kiss is soft, unlike the ones before. He pulls back, forehead pressed against yours.
“That’s a good girl,” he murmurs. “My good bunny.”
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cloudedgalaxies · 20 hours
ANYWAYS Idiyuu is Hades and Persephone conspiracy:
Persephone is not from the Underworld. She is called back to the Mortal Realm eventually because she has to return. Yuu is literally from another world. They are not suited to Twisted Wonderland, and are nothing like Idia has ever seen. They have to go back eventually.
Hades is probably one of the few TWST boys to have a “canon” spouse (at least in Greek mythology, which Hercules’ Hades is obviously based on). On top of that, Hades and Persephone is the love story between death and life, isolation and abundance, ending and rebirth. Idia is a gloomy, pessimistic boy who has been condemned to be the keeper of the Underworld. Yuu is a kind, gentle prefect who has been there to help and has helped everyone they know, again and again. 
Night Raven College has been in a ‘winter’ for all of its history. Everyone is hostile to everyone, no one wants to cooperate or work together, and every single person there has some ulterior motive. In comes Yuu, who is a breath of fresh air. A new perspective. A new season. They bring ‘spring,’ showing people that they can bloom. They can harbor feelings that aren’t cruel. They can do things that aren’t harsh. And slowly, they start to thaw. Flowers of friendship and something gentler bloom. Yuu is there to help pull the boys from their darkest moments to see the light again. Idia is no exception.
I think that the way Book 6 was set up makes Idia and Yuu seem a lot more meaningful honestly, though I'm probably reading way too into things lol. Yuu originally goes to the Island of Woe to save Grim. They don’t particularly care much about what’s going on with Idia—they just want to get Grim back. But then later, once they realize what’s going on, they do. There isn’t much, if any, personal connection to Idia’s overblot like there was with all the others. Yuu doesn’t have to do anything to help. And yet, they still do. Even after Idia basically kidnapped Grim, they still help him. They still try to end his winter.
Persephone, in many forms of the myth, didn't originally go to the Underworld willingly. But eventually, she came to love Hades, and they were happy together. Idia and Yuu have no reason to care about the other at first. But they eventually do, after everything that happens and everything that brings them together.
Hades and Persephone are in a constant push and pull. Persephone has to leave because if she stays, winter will never end. She does not want to leave, because she loves Hades. Yuu has to leave Twisted Wonderland, because they have a home beyond it that they need to return to. And yet, they don't want to leave because they love Idia. Idia doesn't want them to go, because it finally feels like spring again. But the seasons have to continue in their cycle, so what can they do?
Also, I think it’s really funny and really beautiful how Idia and Yuu’s first meeting was probably the Ghost Marriage event. This guy who thinks he has 0 rizz ends up having to be saved by some strange new isekai'd student and their gang of potential suitors before he gets his first kiss and promptly dies afterwards. Idia, the boy surrounded by death, is saved by the prefect who seems to be giving everyone a new chance at life. Imagine how poetic it’d be if Yuu and Idia end up getting married in the end, except now neither of them are going to die and they have the rest of their new lives together. There will be winter, but there will also be spring. The cycle of seasons will continue, but flowers will always bloom. They will always return to each other.
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I keep thinking about jealous pining desperate Stiles and Derek
But like specifically Stiles Seeing Derek kiss someone else.
Stiles goes to visit Derek at his loft and he walks into a scene from a hallmark movie. Derek is kissing some random women under fairy lights to the back drop of a sunset. Stiles feels like someone plunged their hand through his heart and infected with body with ice. He genuinely feels sick to his stomach.
Derek looks down at said person with a soft smile, thinking that this time he can be safe. Before turning and seeing Stiles. They lock eyes and stiles is so visibly distraught. Like in the “where’s my dad scene”. One tear sliding down his face, hands clenched, grasping at his chest as if to rip his heart out.
And Derek knows he fucked up, but he doesn’t know how. All he sees is Stiles in distress and he needs to fix it. Stiles base scent has changed in a split second, now deeply intertwined with misery. He immediately moves from his love interest towards Stiles. But Stiles won’t let Derek comfort him. When Derek grasps his wrists, He tries to pull away.
Stiles is inconsolable at this point, choking on his sobs, barely able to breathe, barely able to see. This only makes Derek more desperate, he’s trying to pull stiles into a hug but Stiles keeps fighting him. Derek’s mind is racing with an explain on why stiles is falling apart in front of him. He thinks of Scott and the sheriff, praying that they are both still alive. He’s now genuinely begging stiles to let him help, to tell him what’s wrong, but stiles keeps pushing Derek away.
Derek’s love interest moves to help but stiles screams when she touches him. In his shock Derek stumbles away from Stiles, but not before ripping her arm off of Stiles.
The room freezes as the both of them are just staring at each other, stiles still sobbing, Derek shaking with adrenaline or fear he doesn’t know. Before Stiles turns and runs out of his loft.
And then nothing is like it used to be. Not like the summer they spent together, not even like the days of when they first met. Stiles is so different with him. Derek can’t remember the last time he saw stiles smile, or his eyes. All he can see is the eyebags that match his own and bitten bloody lips. He barely speaks to Derek and when he does is tone is soft and flat. They no longer banter back and forth with each other exchanging friendly insults. He is a ghost of the stiles that Derek knew.
Stiles doesn’t reach out and touch him anymore, not in camaraderie or comfort. Derek’s skin is devoid of stiles scent. His scent hasn’t changed from that night, now overcome with depression, pain, and tears. But even so Derek would still prefer to carry it with him. Derek feels like he is watching stiles die.
And Derek is ripping his hair out of his skull. He going insane. He has tried to talk to stiles but at meetings Stiles wouldn’t even look at him, and the Stilinski house has been lined with wolfsbane.
He goes to Scott and Lydia for advice, or understanding, fuck at this point he’d even take a stupid riddle. But scott just twists his lips in disappointment while Lydia glares at him with more hatred than she does Peter. Which is really saying something.
Derek is getting more frantic as days pass and nothing changes. It’s starting to affect the pack. The betas are more snappy and uncomfortable. Derek, himself is having a had time keeping his shift under control. Anger isn’t helping, if only it’s making it worse, more feral.
This costs Derek.
One night when the pack is fighting the next big bad. Derek’s sleepless nights and being distracted nearly gets him killed. He only wishes he could go back to that day, he would spend it, from sunrise to sunset with Stiles. Just making him laugh and smile.
The last thing he sees before he collapses is Stiles eyes in the moonlight, glistening with tears, same as that night. Beautiful all the same. But still Derek smiles. He is at peace knowing that this will be the last thing he sees.
But he wakes up, and all he has of stiles is traces of his scent on his skin. Derek roars in anguish. He can feel his betas trying to hold him down, he can hear them screaming but it all fades to white noise. He understands nothing at this current moment but loss. His wolf won’t stop howling.
He doesn’t fight the pull of the wolf, as he falls under his instincts. At the back of his head he knows that the people he is fighting are his pack mate, his own betas. The smell of blood affronts his senses. But nothing can be felt but violent grief.
The wolves in his den are wary and hesitant to fight him, as they should be. He can hear more wolves coming, and the deafening heartbeat of prey. He snarls at the prey that moves closer to him, fulling intending the go for the kill. As he pounces on the prey pressing him to the ground, teeth reaching to sink into his neck, he feels Stiles hands on his chest and he stops. The scent of Stiles is all around him, and Derek presses his face to his neck. Keeping Stiles pinned to the ground.
Thus way stiles cannot escape, cannot leave Derek grappling with the thought of losing him. Another wolf tries to get closer, reaching for stiles but Derek snarls at him. Stiles talks to the wolf, —
“Don’t worry about it Scotty, I got it from here”
“You sure dude?”
“Yeah, take the wonder trio and get out of here. We’re good.”
— as Derek pulls him into his lap, face still pressed into the junction between neck and shoulder. Not even willing to miss even the vibrations of Stiles voice. The wolves leave and Derek can finally relax and enjoy the presence of Stiles.
Derek feels overwhelmed, after weeks of not interacting with Stiles he is now surrounded by him. His hands run through Derek’s hair, his voice floats in the air, his scent finally intermingling with his own. This idea of losing the heat of stiles body pressed against his, makes Derek pull stiles even closer.
He doesn’t know how long they sit together but when he comes out of the fog. Derek breaks. A complete reversal of the night he lost stiles. Derek is crying in ernest, pleading and apologizing over and over again. Stiles is hesitant when he places his hands on Derek cheek. But when Derek leans into it Stiles begins to wipe the tears from his face.
They both face each other with open expressions. Stiles struggles to finds words to explain to Derek but all he can get out is a broken repeat of Derek’s own apology.
Derek felt as if his heart couldn’t know anymore pain, but as Stiles choked out an apology he could feel another piece break. Derek was just relived that stiles was finally letting him comfort him. Derek pressed their foreheads together and took a deep breath. Waiting for stiles to following along with his breathing. When they both calmed down stiles Slumped exhausted into his chest. With a heavy limbs Derek picked him up and carried him to the bed. Derek’s bed.
Neither of them need to speak durning this time. Derek was reluctant to set Stiles down, to let go for even a second. Instead he settled for watching Stiles as they both undressed and fell into the bed. Finally after weeks of sleepless nights, unrest and nightmares, they both full asleep wrapped in each others arms.
Derek refuse to open his eyes when he awakes. Afraid that when he does, Stiles will be gone and this would be a cruel dream. So he keeps them closed even when he hear Stiles breathe hitch. Even as he hears his heartbeat pick up. Even as stiles trails his fingers over Derek’s face. But he does open them as stiles presses a kiss to his lips.
Derek kisses him back just as fiercely. And this leads to teary confessions — “Don’t fucking lie to me Derek please, I can’t take it, don’t fucking kiss me out of pity.”
“Never out of pity, Mi Vida, I never wish to part from you even again, I love you, Mieczyslaw, truly. I can finally breathe again.” — They spend the day in bed, only leaving to eat. Even then they are always touching the other in some way.
After this Scott and Lydia pull Derek aside and threaten him with extreme violence. Peter joyfully welcomes stiles to the family.
(Honestly this was a whole train wreck. I also had another idea/version where this was happening during the nogistune. Where Stiles goes over to Derek’s loft as the darkness around his heart fills heavier that day and he sees Derek kiss someone else. The this is what finally pushes stiles over and allows the nogistune to fully take over. And Derek is forced to listen to the fox gleefully tell him that this action nearly broke Stiles. That while turning feral Derek has to learn that his actions cost him another person he loves. That because of this stiles and Derek are turning into twisted version of themselves. But honestly a fox should have never underestimated how far a wolf would go for their mate)
My bad for the long post but if you made it to the end, welcome to the trenches and suffering in the misery with me.
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sepublic · 21 hours
We give Belos way too much credit for feeling bad about his dead brother and Grimwalkers because like. He’s a racist white guy who’s murdered a culture and damaged its land across centuries but only feels guilt for his white brother and clones. He doesn’t hallucinate any witch or demon in FtF. He never got close to any of them sure, but that’s because of his racism which just further proves the point.
What this means is that for all his ‘guilt’, Belos doesn’t think his actual motives and goals as a witch hunter are wrong, just that human (adjacent) white guys shouldn’t be hurt in the process, but if they need to be they will. There’s the external setup for Belos to maybe change because of that remorse, but the internal setup that he won’t because he doesn’t even consider what the actual crux of the issue was, that being who he killed Caleb for fraternizing with, who Caleb died to protect, who has been brutalized far more than the Grimwalkers ever have been. Mind you, Belos is still killing the Grimwalkers because he doesn’t really regret it, he’ll keep doing it because abusers are paradoxical like that. The ghosts just reinforce what’s wrong with him, instead of suggesting otherwise.
I think those fics and fanart of Belos being ganged up on in the afterlife by the Grimwalkers are missing the point, to Belos it would validate his racism by saying the only people whose suffering mattered, who deserve revenge, are the white guys he wasn’t explicitly targeting. I think a good take on the Belos suffering in the afterlife trope would have him be attacked by all the witches and demons and palismen he brutalized, without a single Grimwalker nor Caleb in sight.
As you can imagine, this is another reason why Eda and co. killing Belos works; Because once again he’s focused on Luz, whose framing parallels Caleb’s ghost from FtF, and talking about how only humans matter and Belos deserves to be spared for being human. Only for the witches and demons who were the actual emotional core of the issue that Caleb died for (one of whom is the descendant of the child he saved, not that Caleb factors to her motives because it’s not about Caleb) to step in and reiterate, Nah their suffering and anger is just as important.
People set up Belos’ fratricide and murdered nephews as the worst thing he’s ever done because they also think the white boys’ suffering is more important but tbh? It pales in comparison to the irreversible damage he committed to the Boiling Isles’ environment, its culture and history, its thousands of people as a whole, etc. The Titan is dead and its arm displaced because of him. To quote Castlevania and what a revenge-seeking anti hero was told before encountering real evil, “There are worse things than betrayal.”
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But what was most baffling to all that met the Pevensies after they came back was that they were kind.
Really. Not pretending, not because they were insecure. True, empathic. Far too understanding for children their age. They all have music in them.
Peter’s hands feel too small for him, but he shakes hands all the same. Gentle pressure. There is nobility behind those eyes. Eyes that always border on the supernatural sort of blue, especially in the dark.
He plays the guitar, gently coaxing otherworldly sounds out of an instrument that did not know it could be played like that. He helps his siblings with their homework, is taller much faster than his peers. Seems to take up more space, even though no one understands how a teenage boy manages that.
He doesn’t like doing nothing, ever. He instructs his classmates in grammar, gives away figures he cuts from wood with a knife that seems too sharp for a boy that small. He never hurts himself, though.
As the years pass, Peter grows strong. But he is gentle. He does not seem to be brash, even when many of his friends are. Peter keeps his emotions in check. Noble. Not undangerous, but not belligerent. Peter only ends fights, and only with people that deserve it.
He offers advice, a pat on the back. Teachers wanna dislike him, some do not like the look behind those eyes. Most find they cannot. Peter is popular with both adults and children, speaks sense and laughs often.
Peter is kind. Pious, devout. His faith is unmovable like rock. Did the kids meet God on the estate of their uncle?
Edmund plays the violin. A sad Edmund is a rare sight, but when he plays sad he can keep his whole floor awake. Somehow, Peter always finds h him quickly, effortlessly attuned to his brother’s moods. They play chess, then. Their chess master must have been a champion, Ed beats people with ease. He’s usually not smug about it.
Ed speaks politics and war in earnest, accepts critique graciously, is elegant in a way Peter never manages. Peter speaks frankly, but Edmund can wrap words up real nice. He doesn’t mince words, but his classmates grow into liking the sound of his voice. They appreciate that Edmund does not lie, even when speaking tactfully. Edmund can dial the temperature in a room, change it to suit himself.
He, too, laughs often, but Edmund is known to smirk. He likes being right and he often is. He’ll entertain anyone with a good story, always seems to have the right information to help you out. Remedies to illness, connections, job openings, how to sneak out of PE.
He’s a spider in a web. A bit reserved for a 11 year old, and oddly well-connected. A real ghost when he wants to be, but he never scares people with it.
Aslan would not approve of that. He believes in God as well, but much more intellectually. He’s got the intelligence to back it up and wit to match. A scholarly belief, but not lacking conviction.
Teachers like his enthousiasm, remember a moody nagging child when he left and see a secure young man come back.
Edmund will stand up for what is right. He gets into some trouble like that, but his verbal agility saves him always. Edmund has strong principles and will not bend them for anyone. No matter the trouble he gets in.
The bond with his brother is unbreakable. They even walk the same, chest out, left hand on their belt. They seem most at ease when fencing.
Susan was always warm and tenderhearted, but when she comes back there is a difference.
She seems to have gained authority. It’s real strange watching a 13-year old use her beauty like a grown woman, but Susan has learned to wield it, to stun people so she can creep under their skin. People LISTEN to her now.
Her wit is like a knife, but she avoids cutting deep. Susan is reasonable, and strong, and principled. The little drama others get involved in does not bother her, and she seems immune to petty insults. She has killed before, with her hands.
She will do it with kindness now. She is not very approachable ( that would be Lucy ), but she is kind. She used to mother over her brothers and sisters, but now that they have raised each other in a court full of magic she has gotten more relaxed. They listen to her on important issues, trust in her judgement. Her brothers does not deem himself more important, she is both well-spoken and well-respected by her siblings. Equal. It baffles the old men that teach her. Irritates them, too.
There is an air of mystery around her. Half a look is enough to get what she wants, Susan’s friends laud her security in herself, her Mona Lisa smile. She seems to temper moods easily, makes people feel at ease.
She most of everyone exudes royalty. It’s the grace. Susan plays the harp, her long fingers dancing across the strings like she’s had a lifetime of practice. She’s elegant, never caught off guard. Jamais faux pas.
She does not get angry. She knows who she will be. She is anxious to become an adult, yes, but she only wishes to look how she feels. Not to look differently. Yet the wish to be taken seriously, to have someone see you as an adult, it makes her surprisingly similar to her peers.
Her friends have not been old yet, is all. But Susan is calm and collected. People see her as someone you can tell a secret to. She never hurts someone, is usually a neutral party, speaks sense to adult and kids alike. She is not ignorant, however, will use every trick in the book to keep the peace. She knows when to go nuclear. Vis pacem para bellum.
Lucy is a sun in human form. She has a joie de vivre that is unmatched, is gay and golden-haired and never in a bad mood.
Lucy is kind by default, does not turn it off, does not turn it down. She’s witty and funny and quick on her feet. She has been grown before, yes, but enjoys being young for a few years more. She dances, sings old tunes. Her voice is her favorite instrument, you can usually hear Lucy coming.
Whistling a tune in the halls is known to improve the moods of everyone who hears it immensely. Young girls need to figure out who they are, but Lucy knows, knows what she’ll be and who she likes and what kind of people she wants to be around. She is not pretending, never moody. She can get sad, of course, but her older brothers and sisters are always nearby when that happens.
Lucy is genuine and fierce and convinced, immovable at times. Admired for her drive, but respected for her empathy. She speaks to everyone, often distributes flowers. There’s no naivite in her at all, she simply wishes to be like this so that the world may imitate her. She likes to see people prosper, is the first with praise.
She will go far, is the consensus. There’s steel beneath the soft exterior, Lucy has fire below the flowers. She’s well-liked and well-loved. She has love in spades, it seems, animals and stragglers and misfits and outcasts. She’s popular, her room is a good place to get a cup of tea and someone who will listen to you for some time. After a while she no longer bothers with the door.
That a heart that size fits in a girl that small is a mystery to many. Lucy does not think it is a mystery at all. It is the heart of a lion.
Her faith is as vocal as the rest of her, she sees it confirmed in all that is beautiful, all that is kind. She never tries to convert anyone but there are several people who have told her that version of God is someone they would like to know.
The Pevensies often see each other at parties, where they like to stand together. Edmund knows about everyone, everyone knows Peter, everyone likes Susan, but it is Lucy who knows everyone.
They are kind, but not weak. Peter gets his knuckles bloody sometimes, Edmund does not abide by the rules of unjust teachers. Susan and Lucy solve their problems differently but no less effective. Kindness is their usual way of operating, but they are still kings and queens. They will not allow cruelty, will not let bullies go unpunished.
They are sure of what they are and sure of what comes after death and this makes them kind. Kind , not harmless. Kind, not spineless. Kind, not ignorant. Kind, not naive.
Kind despite. Maybe kind because. The kings and queens of Narnia are proud of what they are, honour the teachings of their lion friend. Kind.
When the crash happens and three siblings die, everyone they know mourns deeply. Without them, the world is less kind.
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Ok. So Dani and Damian are around 23-26. You can decide. Fair warning this one’s pretty long
So while Dani was traveling the world, she meet Talia Al Ghul.
They became friends(?) and regularly meet up for coffee and tea and such (Dani is not part of the LOA) (Talia wanted to adopt her but she said no) (Dani knows of the LOA but not of Damian. In my mind a demon heir would be confidential information)
Damian leads the Wayne foundations (as well as the Martha and Thomas Wayne foundations) which involves lot of international travel. With his vigilantism and his job, Bruce forces him to put out applications for a secretary. He’s been moonlighting as the Vulture for a couple of years.
Dani, with her years of traveling in now fluent in multiple languages (one of her obsessions) and decided to attend collage in Star City, moving to Gotham after a degree in international business relations.
She applies at Wayne Enterprises for a job, and gets invited for coffee with Talia via coffee message.
Barbara Gordon intercepted the message and sends Damian and Tim to watch her meeting with a mystery person.
They are slightly confused as to Talia is meeting with a seemingly normal civilian. And thinks this that she must be working with the Leauge (no matter how pretty her laugh was)
Talia, who realizes that if Dani won’t allow her to become her daughter, then daughter-in-law is the next best thing.
He realizes how royally he fucked up when Bruce introduces him to his new secretary, Danielle Jane Masters-Fenton.
So now he��s working with a (presumed) LOA assassin, one who’s (probably) infiltrating the company to get to his family. And Talia is try to set them up for some reason.
However, no one believes him when he tells them of his theory. Not even Bruce, who did the actual interview. (He also thought that she would make a good match for Damian, and bonus points if the rest of the family thinks so as well)
Part of Dani’s jobs description is to accompany her boss on international trips, which can take anywhere from 3 days to a week. And it’s pretty difficult when your boss hates you for some reason but can’t fire you because of his dad. Even harder when you’re forced to become a antihero (Vapor) to clean gothams curses and ghost cults and have an odd relationship with the Vulture
There are so many shenanigans that can happen
- Dani and Damian going on a routine business trip and having it run late, plus with the time zones, they are exhausted and forget to book the hotel room. The take the last available room, which happens to have only one bed. Neither one cares.
- mass Arkham breakout, and Dani retunes to work with a fractured left wrist. She says she got injured in the breakout and when Damian goes to her because he’s concerned suspicious he asks her more about it. Dani panics and tells him it was alright because Vapor was there and saved her (she actually got into a brawl with sulker)
~Vulture immediately seeks out Vapor to find out which rouge Dani her and Dani figures out his identity because Damian was the only one she mentioned anything about Vapor to she panicked okay??
- another trip but Damian doesn’t speak the local language (Dani knows more) and the company’s daughter insults Damian to their face because she assumed neither of them spoke the Language. Dani ripped her a new one, and because of her outright hostility (which has never happen before) Damian doesn’t renew the contracts with the company and instead spends the rest of the trip trying to cheer up Dani’s mood.
- Danny. Sam and Tucker all visit her in Gotham and the everlasting trio all go to an animal rights protest that ends up with them in a brawl. Damian also ends up brawling on their side and the four of them get thrown in the same jail cell while they wait for someone to bail them out. Tim arrives for Damian at the same time Dani arrives for the trio. To spite them, Dani and Tim have a long conversation in front of their cell instead of letting them out. (The group approves of Damian)
- a ghost attacks Dani and Damian on their way to the airport, Dani whips out her ghost busting moves. Damian finally decides to admit to himself that he’s in love after watching her tackle a ghost to the ground and make him beg for mercy (technus should’ve known better that to pick a fighter against her. in Gotham. With her crush boss watching)
- Dani kills the Joker, and a member of Black Masks crew saw her, so Vulture was assigned to be her bodyguard of sorts
- Dani is planning an international gala for the Waynes and is very stressed out. So stressed out, that a week before the gala she realized she didn’t think to accommodate for any rouge attacks and spends the next 3 days in her office. Damian eventually drops her sleep deprived butt home.
- Dan visits Dani in her office
- wingman Jon
- International business meeting hosted at WE. Rouge attakd the meeting and Dani gets injured. Damian sees red
- Waynes go to a masked gala in Wisconsin, hosted by Vlad Masters. Dani and Damian share a dance (while wearing masks) and a ghost ruins the party
- M A K I N G O U T W H I L E D R U N K
- Damian figures out Dani’s identity simply because he realizes they laugh and smile the same
- “Danielle.”
“Your birthday is coming up, correct?”
“It is, what about it?”
“What would you like?”
“Damian, you don’t have to get me anything.”
“Tt. Ridiculous. What would you like?”
“Get me a (super rare sword from medieval times)” (she was joking)
“Consider it done.” (He was not)
Eventually Ra’s finds out about Dani and her connection to his grandsons and daughter and decides to kidnap her as blackmail.
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Soap always liked weeding as a kid. They didn’t own a huge property, just enough for a few garden beds in the back. His parents would use it as punishment. Bad grades, absences, dirty rooms, they’d make them weed.
His little brother would yowl and complain like a cat, his older sister would hum to pass the time. He’d be silent, think about everything and nothing. It was soothing, soft cool dirt under his knees, gloves on his hands, nothing to focus on but roots and stray leaves.
Of course, it’s been cooler then and there. Misty in the mornings. It’s hotter here, and deceptively dry. Soap’s not sure how long he’s been at it when Ghost looms over him.
“Sweating, Mactavish?” He drawls.
He actually pauses to think about it, wipes his forehead with the back of his wrist.
“No?” Soap says, and looks up at Ghost, who frowns. He puts his hand where Soap’s just was. He makes a half hearted attempt to grab Ghost’s hand out of instinct but stops. His hand feels frankly fucking fantastic. It’s blessedly cool on his skin, which doesn’t seem right. Ghost runs hot in a blizzard. He’s frowning at Soap, the sun on his face makes him looks like a sculpture.
“Up,” Ghost says, and pulls him bodily by the arm, “Time for a break.” That’s an order, and Soap tries to follow it out of instinct. He stumbles a bit, but Ghost supports him. They end up in the kitchen, barn doors open, and the shade feels heavenly on Soap’s skin. He didn’t even notice how warm it was. Ghost lets him slump into a chair and fusses with something in the cabinet.
Soap pulls off his gloves and presses his palms to the cool table.
“Here,” Ghost hands him a full glass of something fizzy, “drink all of it.” He watches Soap sharply, who wonders if this is what their targets feel like.
Ghost takes the glass from his hand before he can set it down, and helps him up again.
“Go cool off in the shower, leave the door unlocked,” He says, and herds Soap towards the bathroom. Soap is starting to feel the nauseating hot pulse of his blood, but he still feels enough like himself to huff a laugh,
“Could give someone the wrong idea, saying things like that LT.” Maybe it’s another symptom of his sickness.
They do this, the flirting and looking, but not up close. Over comms, or over a few too many beers, sure. Never this immediately close without a buffer, never alone.
Luckily Ghost just snorts, crosses his arms and looks him in the eye,
“S’in case you faint.”
There’s no bite in it but Soap still rises to the insult,
“Think I would let a little heat get to me?” He raises his eyebrows. Ghost rolls his eyes and looks away.
“I have, few times even.”
He shuts the door on Soap, leaving him to shuck off his clothes (wincing at the dirt that falls out of his cuffed pants on to the clean floor). He turns on the shower, sits down under the chilling spray, and tries very hard not imagine a sun-kissed Ghost in nothing but shorts.
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belovedstill · 3 days
svsss 10th anniversary snippets ◀ [ 6/7 ] ▶
Shizun acts differently these days and it might have something to do with the voice in Binghe's head. Well, it's not a voice in his head per se, more like—a voice without a body. It converses with Shizun, gives him reminders, and threatens him.
And it seems that Luo Binghe is the only other person who can hear it.
It hasn't always been the case! He doesn't remember the strange voice during his entry into the sect. Unless it was more conscious of its presence back then, Binghe doesn't recall it urging Shizun to… to pour tea over his head. Or have him strung, the first time. Or have him whipped, any of the times.
The voice appeared together with hushed whispers of Shizun qi-deviating in his sleep. It wasn't fatal, or else Zhangmen-shibo’s face would wear a mourning look rather than worry. Ning-shijie heard that there were suspicions of possession that, in the end, remained unconfirmed.
But that fateful moment Shizun woke up from the post qi-deviation fever, his body seemed to be occupied by more than just his soul. Luo Binghe remained silent about it, if only for the fear of being thought the one possessed and removed from the life his mother had dedicated her final years to secure for him.
Shizun gives him medicine and argues with the voice, unnoticed by Ming Fan.
The voice screeches in the distance when Ming Fan is about to deal a blow, right before he’s cut by something sharp.
Shizun smiles at him, and the voice taunts him with “Oh, Oh, See”, as if it’s always watching. The smile is immediately replaced with a scowl.
Binghe discovers he quite likes it when Shizun smiles.
The voice refuses to help Shizun when he’s trapped by the Skinner Demon. It seems to punish him in some way for reasons beyond Binghe’s understanding. It rewards him for killing the demon and assuring Binghe he’ll always be there to keep him safe.
This is a much nicer version of Shizun than the one Luo Binghe first met, even if he’s haunted by the strange ghost with an even stranger power over him.
After he moves into the room in Shizun’s bamboo house, he sometimes hears Shizun pacing late at night, back and forth, back and forth, coming close to his closed door and walking away, silent except for a muttered question here and there. He asks about some future event. The voice insists it’s unavoidable. Shizun’s eyes always look heavier after nights like those, so he makes sure to make his breakfast with even more care on those days.
The heaviness clears a little and Shizun smiles, even if it’s tinged with an unnamed emotion.
There are long stretches of time when the voice doesn’t appear and Shizun’s expression remains easy and light and kind. That’s when Luo Binghe allows himself to meddle just the slightest bit: stumbling during sword practice just so Shizun tuts at him and helps correct his posture, inserting himself into the role Ming Fan previously used to fill, preparing tea and snacks and surprise desserts unprompted. Shizun smiles, pats his head and praises, and Binghe feels like he could surely grow wings right now and fly.
Demonic monsters have entered the Jue Di Gorge. Some disciples have died. Senior cultivators have come to their rescue.
Shizun finds him amid a terrified bunch of other sects’ competitors. Binghe feels relief.
With Shizun there, nothing bad will ever happen.
Except the ground shakes and opens along with a fiery rift. A large, demonic man clad in expensive robes walks through a portal.
The voice is back. Shizun is deathly pale. He holds Xiu Ya and stands in front of Binghe, ready to fight, with no spiritual energy to guide it in a distance combat.
The demon looks their way and tilts his head.
Luo Binghe tastes real fear for the second time in his life.
He should have feared for his own life.
Curled on the barren land surrounded by heavy crimson fog and the stench of rot, Luo Binghe feels painfully, utterly alone for the first time in what feels like a lifetime.
Deep inside, he hopes that—that Shizun will come get him. Surely, he’ll fight the voice and destroy its source and will open the hellish rift to this place with the same hands that stroked his hair so sweetly. He will take his hands and pull him up and they’ll go home.
Hasn’t Shizun said that no matter what happened to him, Binghe would be safe? The voice threatened to remove his soul if he didn’t comply, if he didn’t push Binghe over the edge, but Shizun has in the past sacrificed himself twice for him, so why wouldn’t he do so again…?
(Shizun’s eyes looked so scared during the second the world stood still.)
Any time now. He will come. He will. He will.
Buy days pass and nobody arrives. Luo Binghe cuts his palms open on the shards of his heart, trying to hold them together, and stuffs them in his inner robes for later use.
Even when he starts to doubt Shizun’s motivations and the existence of the voice—he hears so many voices now, his head pounds with them, has he always simply imagined it?—he keeps going.
If Shizun doesn’t come get him, he’ll get out and go to him himself.
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cheerleaderman · 2 days
“What is with the Ghosts and kidnapping people for marriage?”
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[SSR] Yuya Florence- Ghost Groom
Event by @gl00myb3arz
voice lines and doodles under cut (you guys don’t understand I’m obsessed with this card)
Groovy: [Locked]
Home: Who knew that there was grave yard in the woods…
Home idle 1 : Ezekiel mistook me as another ghost prince trying to steal his bride being mistaken for a ghost doesn’t have its advantages this time around
Home idle 2: My sword? Apparently it’s some kind of ghost sword idk I just found it.
Home idle 3 : Sophie has become this time’s unfortunate victim, This forced marriage stuff is getting ridiculous anyways we all are teaming up to save her
Home idle- login : I guess I do look kind a princely
Home idle-groovy : [Locked]
Home tap 1 : Yes I slapped Ezekiel he challenged me to a “fight for the bride”and attacked me, I wasn’t going to just sit there
Home tap 2 : I wasn’t even there when everyone got kicked out, It was my turn for a grocery run then I come back to Ramshackle becoming a wedding venue
Home tap 3 : Is just straight to marriage a common thing with ghosts or just those cousins….
Home tap 4 : The funny thing is I got a letter from Eliza the other day saying that her marriage is going well and a bit about her honeymoon
Home tap 5: Who would just leave some random person well cat to guard a grave they know nothing about *sighs*
Home tap-groovy: [Locked]
I just gave Yuya and Ezekiel one sided beef just to be messy like the sims player I am also just thought it would be funny of them sassing each other
another Ghost Prince crashing his wedding and trying to steal his bride? Absolutely not🖕
Enemies to lovers/j /j
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animallover432 · 12 hours
It’s seems like many of the beta and alpha trolls are somewhat unusual even within each of their own blood castes, and the reason I think for this is probably due to ectobiology and possibly Karkat making mistakes while creating them. For the same reason I wonder if Rose and Dave having purple and red eyes, and Roxy and Dirk having pink and orange eyes could perhaps be a symptom of ectobiology, since the paradox clones and their offspring are technically not actual humans or trolls, due to not being descended from the humans on Earth/trolls from Alternia. It makes sense that unusual mutations from their planets regular species could occur. Case in point, Karkat and Kankri’s human like candy blood color that is entirely a process of ectobiology and doesn’t exist on Alternia/Beforus til the sufferer and Karkat land on it. Equius’s inconvenient super strength that labels him as a “freak” by the narrator, that only the strongest lusus would take care of, and could be considered a mutation. The summoner (Rufioh) has wings that no other troll has. Sollux has a mutant brain that foretells doom and torments him. The helmsman presumably has these issues too. Vriska and Mindfang have unusually good mind persuasion powers for being a highblood. Aranea particularly controlled thousands of ghosts somehow! Kanaya is one of the only trolls who enjoys fashion and can be resurrected after death into basically a light vampire. A good amount of the trolls have unique mutations that have never been seen before, are sometimes more inconvenient than helpful, and actively make these troll’s lives miserable. But ultimately it is these things that preemptively make it so they are able to win the game. Of course I wonder if many of these mutations were accidentally caused by Karkat.
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drghostwrite · 3 days
Your work is amazing!! My obsession with Regina mills is so bad and I need your help because I swear I see her as a power bottom 😫😫 AND NO ONE ELSE DOESSS. If it’s okay please could you write a Regina and reader fic where the reader is a service top? LOVE YOUUUU
Omg hehe YES!! I can so see her being a power bottom, mmm yes okay so here we go. I’ve never intentionally written this dynamic so here goes nothing, let me know whatcha think. Also thanks for the suggestion love. 😙
Pairing: Regina Mills x wife!reader
Summary: Regina’s lover brings her breakfast, a visit that turns… steamy.
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******************************************************** Your heels clicked on the hard marble floors as you made you way to your wife’s office. When you got up this morning she wasn’t in bed and her car was long gone so you assumed she had gone into the office, on your way to the station your assumption had been right. So being the amazing wife you were you stopped by Granny’s picking up some pancakes and coffee and made your way to her office.
You stopped outside the door and read the bold letters, Mayor, you knocked softly hearing a very annoyed ‘come in’ from the other side. You could almost feel the eye roll from the woman behind the desk.
You slowly opened the door to see her reading over some paperwork, her elbow on the desk holding fingers pressed against her temple as her other hand held a paper and pen. She didn’t even bother to look up as she heard you enter.
“This better be important or so help me…” she started, looking as annoyed as ever.
“Well that’s no way to greet your lover, is it?” You teased as you walked towards her desk. She looked up at you surprised, her eyes raking over your body as you walked in. You were wearing all black, her favorite, a vest and pant combo, the black shirt underneath to match, your holster and badge displayed on your hip.
“Hello darling.” A smile playing at her plush red lips.
“My love.” You nodded and came around to her, bending down to kiss her soft lips, your hand softly ghosting her cheek. “I missed you this morning.”
“Well duty calls, especially when you work with idiots.”
“Hmm…” you chuckled leaning down to kiss her more passionately.
“So tell me detective, to what do I owe the visit?” She teased, grinning against your lips.
“Can’t I just bring my wife some breakfast?” You poked, kissing her again. Setting the bag and cups on the desk, taking your badge and gun off laying it to the side.
“Mm, depends on what else comes with the breakfast.” She pulled you closer by your belt loops, finally standing to meet you.
“Well whatever her majesty wants she gets…” you trailed, as she pushed her tongue into your mouth, you fought for dominance before just letting her take over.
“Rough morning?” You asked kissing her neck, her perfect red lipstick now smudged.
“Darling you have no idea…” her breath warm against your lips, as you picked her up setting her on her desk
“What can I do to help?” You said pulling back and looking into the mischievous brown orbs as she grinned back at you. She wrapped her toned legs around your waist as her well manicured fingers played with the buttons of your vest.
“I think you know…” she trailed with a smirk, running her tongue seductively along her perfectly white teeth with a smirk.
“Mm… maybe you should lock the door first, wouldn’t want anyone to catch the mayor with her thighs wrapped around my head.” Your low sultry tone gracing her ears.
“Mm…” she chuckled, “why not let everyone know who you belong to, show everyone that you’re the only person that makes me feel this good.” She raised her hand with a little purple wisp and you heard the door lock.
You chuckled, “doesn’t mean they won’t hear you…” you trailed bites and kisses down her neck as her hand tangled in your hair. She pushed your vest off, you leaned back helping her as she ripped your shirt open, buttons hitting the floor and rolling under exquisite furniture, exposing the black lace bra underneath. Black was her color but God did she love seeing it on you.
“I liked that shirt…” you whined while leaning to kiss her. Soft hands were running up your exposed sides, pulling you closer.
“I’ll buy you another one…” she smirked. In between heated kisses you reached back undoing the zipper of her top and pulling it down. Her perky breasts spilling over the exposing black lace lingerie that she wore underneath, you could see her nipples perfectly through the lace.
“Damn you’re gorgeous…” taking in her beautiful body, undoing her bra and tossing it to the side, placing open mouthed kisses down her collar bones and over her luscious breasts. You used your tongue to lightly ghost over a hardened nipple, before pulling it into your mouth, a string of saliva connecting you before moving to the other pulling the soft flesh into your mouth, your fingers moving to the other to tease. Pinching and twisting her nipple between your fingers at first softly but then harsher the pain turning to pleasure for her. The first of many erotic moans falling from her lips. You started leaving little nips, forming little red marks that would be purple by morning. Something that Regina typically didn’t mind, unless she had no way to cover them up and hide them from the office for the rest of the day.
“Y/N, dear…”
“Yes my love?”
“Or what?”
“I’ll make you…” she groaned out. And you chuckled leaving another mark along her chest, she cocked an eyebrow at you seeing the defiant smirk you had on your face.
“hmm…” you chuckled against her chest and placed small kisses over the now reddened marks. You felt her hand that had been tangled in your hair reach around and grab your neck, slightly squeezing as she lifted you to meet her eyes, her bottom lip trapped under her glossy pearly white teeth, she loved when you mouthed off cause it meant she could put you in your place. One of her legs moved up and settled on the chair behind you, her red bottom stiletto clicking against the handle, you ran a hand up the smooth olive skin slowly pushing up the fabric of her lifted skirt.
“Why don’t you be a good girl and show your queen what that tongue can really do?” She whispered out in a low growl, spreading her legs even wider in front of you as she perched on her desk.
You met her hooded brown eyes and slowly bent down, pulling the chair closer, weaving your arm under her leg that was up on the chair arm, letting it rest over your shoulder while your skilled fingers lifted her skirt. You slowly ghosted your fingers over her clothed core, feeling the small spot of wetness, “so wet for me…” you said breath hot on her thighs as you nipped at her, snapping the waist band of her black lace panties against her hip before slowly sliding them off. She let out an approving moan as she watched you place open mouthed kisses up her thigh, she let her head fall back her mouth open as she chuckled to herself.
You worked your way up her inner thighs, drawing it out the best you could before you felt her hand weave through your hair, forcing your head down closer to her dripping core. You ran your tongue flat against her tasting her. Pulling your fingers through her folds and collecting her slick, looking at it glisten on your fingertips, setting up and watching her through your eyelashes you sucked on your fingers and released them with a pop. “You taste amazing…” you said as she looked into your devious eyes, biting her lip once again. The hand currently in your hair tightened demandingly as you bent down and pulled your tongue over her again, this time coming dangerously close to where she needed you most, watching her as she bit her bottom lip and then pulling her clit into your mouth. Her head fell back in pleasure with a small whine of relief that turned into a groan of pleasure as you used skilled licks and sucks to bring her closer and closer to the edge.
“You look so perfect down there between my legs, eating me out like a good girl.” lewd moans filling the room as you moaned into her sending vibrations through her core.
Thankfully no one was actually around to see how perfect you looked between her legs. Regina was sitting legs spread on her desk, upper torso exposed to the world decorated in an array of reddish purple marks as you were in front of her, her perfectly manicured hand gripped your shoulder as the other tangled in your hair, your hand held her hip steadying her. Her toned leg in her perfect designer heels over your shoulder.
You reached down using two fingers and curling them into the spongy spot that made her go wild, pumping in and out slowly adding a third. You could feel as her thighs clenched around you, her hand forcing you closer and closer, you started to feel lightheaded but you were determined to please your wife.
You felt her thighs begin to shake and her moans become more breathy and frequent as she got closer, chasing her high. You snaked a free hand up and pinched a nipple between your fingers before grabbing her entire boob in your hand. Letting one last low vibration come from your throat as you worked on her clit, you heard her let out one last soft moan working her through her orgasm. Coaxing her until she was lifting her hips away from you, overstimulated by your tongue on her clit.
You sat up and pulled her down into a kiss, feeling her soft plump lips on yours, she could taste herself still on your tongue. Thinking about the fact that she could taste herself when kissing you drove you both wild, a sign that you belonged to her and her only.
“Next time you bring me breakfast I prefer it be in bed, instead of my office…” she chuckled, finally breaking the heated silence and chuckling against your lips.
“Well maybe next time I can fuck you senseless over your desk and I won’t have to worry about going back to work.”
“I’m sure that can be arranged… you are married to the mayor after all.” She smirked, pulling at you ripped shirt, still partial tucked into your pants, pulling you closer and sliding her hands over your smooth skin exposed to her.
Before she could do anything else her desk phone rang and she picked up, “Hello?” She eyed you cautiously.
“Yes, if you don’t mind sending it over…” you eyed her mischievously and bent down to place soft kisses on her thigh before placing one bite drawing a gasp from her lips, risking her wrath for later that night. She hung up the phone and glared at you playfully.
“if I didn’t have to get back to work I would punish you right now…”
“Saved by the mayor then?” You poked sarcastically knowing what would be waiting for you later. With a wave of her hand your outfit was put back together and she was smoothing out her clothes.
“I will see you later tonight my love.” You said kissing her before making your way out.
“Y/N dear?”
“yes?” You turned.
“I seem to be missing…”
“these?” You asked holding up a black lace pair of panties as your trophy, “you’ll get them back later.” You said folding them in your pocket with a smirk.
A stern but excited look crossed over her face knowing you were being a brat on purpose, “you’ll get your punishment tonight.”
“On that note…I love you.” You said with a wink and sly smirk, sliding out of her office as she called a stubborn, I love you, after you.
******************************************************** @poisonappleeater @gayestswiftie @thesamesweetie
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