#Daily Routines
superbat-love · 11 months
After every mission, Clark would give Bruce a hug before flying home to retire for the night. Bruce would protest and grumble but ultimately relent and let Clark hug him because he knew that Clark was accustomed to it.
One night, Clark was in a rush to get home to finish some work for a last-minute deadline and forgot to give Bruce his hug.
Bruce felt extremely restless and uncharacteristically upset. He tossed and turned in bed that night but couldn’t sleep. He rationalized that it must be due to a disruption in his daily routine.
In the early hours before dawn, Clark was suddenly roused from his sleep by the presence of someone in the room with him. Bruce, looming over him, gravely told him that he should be sleeping in bed and not at the desk. Then, he announced that he was leaving and waited for Clark to give him his goodbye hug.
Bruce got himself a goodnight hug and an extra good morning hug. After that, Bruce promptly crashed onto Clark’s bed and slept through the entire morning and afternoon while Clark was at work. Clark never forgot his goodbye hugs again after that.
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sunrisethoughts02 · 10 months
i used to be a pro at morning routines.
i would wake up so early; i would drink water and meditate without my phone and journal. i was even reading through self-improvement books while listening to frequencies.
and then....well, it slowly slid away. it got harder to wake up in the mornings. it got harder to take care of myself, period. taking the meds was hard. drinking water was hard. i was waking up tired and trying to do an enormous list tired and then finally doing nothing at all.
because I thought i needed to have the perfect tiktok morning routine...or nothing.
see, we think we need to make things hard for ourselves on purpose. we feel ashamed of breaking steps down into smaller, more achievable chunks; it needs to feel like a mountain worth climbing or is it even a mountain at all? but it doesn't need to be a mountain. this is your life, and it's meant to care for and serve you. you can pre-measure your morning meds the night before. you can set a glass out. you can understand the obstacles and try to give yourself footholds. sometimes to accept grace feels like weakness, because we consider weakness as a lack of 'strength.' but what if it was the strongest, bravest thing to acknowledge your self care won't look like many others, and that's okay? it is strength. it's bravery. and I'm proud of you <3
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writerupdated · 1 year
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Quick charts about writing, reading, learning, productivity, and daily routines.
(via 12 empowering charts and infographics for writers and readers)
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jis6n · 1 hour
summer productivity challenge ; day thirteen
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spent time with family & friends at church today
baked muffins, rice krispie treats and an apple 'pepperpot' pudding
tidied my room
monthly reset & planning - set up my life for the new month of june
weekly reset & planned the week ahead, getting things together
planned to start pilates this week!
found out lemon8 uk was closing :(
made no plans for the day & kept the sunday free!
felt tired around 10.30pm which was great, as my new routine means sleeping at that time! i will hopefully utilise this to get into a good sleep-wake routine / schedule
finished editing & uploaded my youtube video
readbay.ai : "what makes you you?" by Tim Urban; super insightful!!
completed 2 quests on duolingo! 🇯🇵
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eternalamaranth · 4 months
My perspective on why having routines + a strong self concept is the ultimate key to a solid state of being. 💝
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elizevanniekerk · 10 months
The Subtle Art of Finding Joy in the Mundane
In the dizzying whirlwind of our modern lives, with its notifications, deadlines, and endless to-do lists, it's easy to overlook the little things. Our quest for big achievements, exotic vacations, and grand celebrations often overshadows the understated moments that make up our daily lives. Yet, there's a profound beauty and solace in the mundane, waiting to be discovered.
The Magic of Morning Rituals
Consider the simple act of brewing your morning coffee or tea. The aromatic scent that wafts through your kitchen, the warmth of the mug against your palms, and that first invigorating sip – it's a ritual that beckons a new day, filled with possibilities. It's not just about the caffeine kick, but the quiet moments we grant ourselves before the day's chaos ensues.
Nature's Everyday Theater
Look out of your window. Even if you're in the heart of a bustling city, nature is putting on a daily show. The radiant hues of a sunrise, the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, or even the rhythmic patter of rain against the windowpane. These are nature's gentle reminders of its cyclic rhythm, urging us to pause and sync our own rhythms with the world around us.
The Joy of Daily Tasks
Believe it or not, there's a meditative quality in mundane chores. The rhythmic act of washing dishes, the soft hum of a vacuum cleaner, or the therapeutic act of decluttering can be grounding experiences. They tether us to the present moment, offering a break from the incessant noise in our heads.
Conversations and Connections
Everyday joy is also about connections. A brief chat with a neighbor, a spontaneous phone call to a friend, or even the simple act of greeting your local grocery store cashier can forge bonds. It's in these fleeting interactions that we find a shared human experience.
Rediscovering Your Space
Sometimes, joy is about rediscovery. Re-read a favorite book, revisit old photographs, or rearrange your furniture. Familiar spaces and objects can offer new perspectives and insights when looked at with fresh eyes.
Wrapping Up
The art of finding joy in the mundane is essentially about shifting our perspective. It's about appreciating life's quiet moments and finding depth in simplicity. It's recognizing that while milestones and grand celebrations are significant, there's immeasurable joy to be found in the spaces in between.
In the words of novelist Alice Walker, "Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise." Life's everyday surprises, no matter how small, are the threads that weave the beautiful tapestry of our existence. So, let's cherish them.
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topoet · 10 months
Daily Routines
pull up a chair My day starts at 5 a.m. when my alarm goes off. It took me a few years to get up this early by changing the time gradually from 6 to 5. I did this partially so there’s no competition with my partner for bathroom time. I also like privacy in the morning. After a washroom visit my day really gets going. I do a brief – 10-15 minute workout that includes some dumbbell hoisting. I’m…
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zylerkade · 1 year
Maximizing Productivity: Expert Tips for Busy High-Achievers
Maximizing productivity is the key to success for busy high-achievers who want to achieve even more. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve and make the most of every moment. However, managing limited time and resources can be a daunting challenge. This article aims to provide expert tips on maximizing productivity so you can continue to transform your unique…
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fcfvafeed · 13 days
A Day in the Life: 24 Hours Through the Eyes of Four Unique Individuals
Ever wondered how different people spend their 24 hours? Let’s dive into a comical yet realistic look at the daily routines of four distinct characters. Get ready to laugh, learn, and maybe even see a bit of yourself in these profiles. Profile 1: The Overachiever – Emily, 32, White, 5’6″, 130 lbs Emily is a go-getter with a capital G. She works in a high-powered corporate job and still finds…
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calltoamentor · 20 days
Structure and Creating Routines
How do you know when it's time to change? How do you stick to healthy habits? What do you do when nothing is working? Today let's talk about small steps you can take to leave your comfort zone.
Daily writing promptWhat’s one small improvement you can make in your life?View all responses Because, sometimes life decides to be annoyingly obviousAbout when it wants you to make a changeAnd you’re just supposed to be in awe like a putzAnd go, “Wow, life, sometimes you’re magical and strange!” — End of the Movie Reprise Rebecca Bunch, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Season 4. There comes a time in…
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manojnaironline · 1 month
A more productive me
A rested, cool, and calm me is a more productive me. It is said we are either morning or night people. This means some of us operate better in the morning, while with others the gray cell sparks only at night.I am an early morning person. For example, it is 4 AM, and I am busy replying to office emails and sharing wisdom on this blog. I think there is more to it than a morning and night…
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kedrawingnotes · 2 months
Morning Rituals
Daily writing promptWhat are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like?View all responses Good morning, or whatever is left of it depending on where you are in this earth since in most places they tend to have different time zones. If you are where I am then it will be morning and in other places that are different it maybe in the afternoon or evening leading onto the…
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As a reputable home care agency in Queens, New York, Unconlove Home Care of New York understands the paramount importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of our elderly loved ones. Among the numerous concerns for seniors, preventing falls ranks high. Falls can lead to severe injuries and significantly impact mobility and independence. Therefore, mastering fall prevention is crucial for seniors to lead fulfilling lives at home.
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explode-this · 3 months
Wordle 992 2/6
It’s one of those rare Wordle occasions upon which I get to cackle with glee and exclaim “I’M A WITCH”
Or maybe it’s just making up for needing all six tries on Tuesday because of stupid repeating letters
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jis6n · 2 hours
summer productivity challenge ; day twelve
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made pancakes with my mom
did some gardening & household chores
met my 2L water drinking goal!
woke up on time; installed a new app to help me get back into a good sleep schedule
listened to fernanda ramirez's podcast about routines <3
had lots of fruits and veggies! 3x plums, salad & more
replied to some work emails :')
finished editing my youtube video for sunday (june 2nd 2024)
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techdriveplay · 3 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Smart Home Devices Installation
Our goal is to equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge for successful smart home devices installation.
The concept of a smart home has transitioned from futuristic fantasy to reality, thanks to the ever-evolving world of smart home devices. The cornerstone of this transformation is the smart home devices installation process, which empowers homeowners to elevate their living spaces into realms of efficiency, convenience, and security. Proper installation is crucial; it ensures that smart…
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