#Garfield Logan Headcanons
mysadcorner · 1 year
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yourlocal-edgelord · 4 months
We have the justice league playing fuck marry kill without knowing batmans bruce
what about their children
all the teens and young adults in one room drinking and playing F.M.K as a party game
Beast boy: Lets play fuck marry kill
A bunch of drunk kids agreeing
Wally: Lets go famous, i say we start with Tim drake, Jason todd and Dick grayson
Sounds of three people choking on their drinks (we all know who it is)
Roy: The wayne kids?
Once more mutual agreement to play these three
Then each time a kid lists which brother they would fuck or marry that brother grows an alarming shade of red, everyone assumes its the alcohol.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 6 months
the little princess (g.l.)
Pairing: Garfield Logan x Tamaranean!Fem!Reader
Warnings: None i think
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: If the Titans had a nickel for every time one of Kori's sister's, that she apparently had a very bad relationship with, landed on Earth, they'd have two nickels. Which isn't much but it's weird that it happened twice.
A/N: This is just a little ode to the Starfire that was in the OG Teen Titans show because I just love her so much. She's just a little cutie patootie and I loved all of her quirks and antics. I wanted to make the oneshot a little longer and end with both Gar and her getting together but I realized that it would've been far too long and I didn't want to write all that in the same one-shot.
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It was in Dick's poor judgment to listen to the police radio while they were taking the cross-country road trip while getting back to San Francisco. Well, if we're debating Dick's poor judgment, he really should have taken the jet but not like the team could do anything about it now.
They were in Nevada, near Las Vegas when the chatter on the radio went wild. He spared a glance at Starfire, wondering if they should respond but she shook her head. So far, all alerts on the police radio had been insignificant things like disruption of business or public intoxication. Nothing that required their intervention.
So, Dick didn't bother to turn his indicator on for the exit from the highway. That was until they heard something cut through the static, clear as day, "Attention all units, need immediate backup! There's some sort of human flame thrower here! Like that superhero chick!"
They shared a glance and Dick swerved off the road and into the exit, nearly hitting another car in his hurry.
It took longer than it should have to get there, considering Starfire was driving while Dick changed into his Nightwing suit in the bathroom. To say that LVMPD were surprised when an RV rolled up with five superheroes inside was an understatement.
They directed them to the building, the perimeter heavily guarded by multiple officers, all armed.
Once they entered the building, everyone froze, noting how the girl on fire in the middle of the room looked much like the one standing beside them. Her hair was glowing and floating along with her body as she clenched her molten fists.
This never would have happened if they just took the jet.
Before any of them could even come up with a game plan, their target noticed just who was standing there and stopped. When the flames and the nearly blinding glow had subsided, they noticed all that was remaining was a young girl.
"Kori?" She asked curiously, wondering if that was really Starfire or just someone who looked exactly like her. After all, it was a new planet, she didn't know much about the inhabitants here.
"(Y/N)?" Kori breathed out, equal parts shocked and relieved.
The girl's face crumpled, and she broke out into sobs before flying right into her arms, "Kori!"
It was kind of amusing to see Kori attempt to hug you back, considering that you were floating off the ground but once you were consoled, she let you go, and you remained floating a couple feet off the floor at her side.
Kori gestured to the rest of them, and you bashfully hid behind her, scared of the newcomers. Ever since you landed on this planet, they had been nothing but cruel to you. All you had done was use your powers to reheat the tea you were served and suddenly there were men who had pointed weapons at you.
You looked at Nightwing's escrima sticks apprehensively before tucking yourself further behind her back. She spared you a glance before turning to her teammates with a tolerating smile.
"Guys, meet my sister."
"Another sister? Is she gonna try and kill us too?"
"You know Komander?" You asked curiously, floating a bit higher so that your head peeked over Kori's.
"Vaguely." Conner answered and you tilted your head, watching him with a deliberating pout. He seemed a little uncomfortable by your piercing stare, so you averted your gaze before whispering in your sister's ear.
"Are they holding you hostage?"
She chuckled and shook her head before introducing all of them to you by name. You listened attentively, noticing how neither of them bothered to give you smiles aside from the youngest girl and boy named Rachel and Gar.
They had pretty hair. You liked them already.
"Another sister you didn't tell us about?" Dick pressed, leaning over the centre console and Kori sighed, running a hand down her face. You were floating in the back of the RV, listening intently to Tim's conspiracies about aliens and attempting to explain your history and more to him.
"I didn't think I had to. I never thought we'd actually have to run into her." She explained and he gave her a hard gaze.
"Yes, but a little heads up would have been nice."
"Well, I didn't know she was going to be here, now did I?!" She snapped and the RV was immediately silenced. She sighed and turned to give the rest of you a reassuring smile and you reluctantly went back to your conversations.
When she was sure they weren't listening, she turned back to Dick, "She's the youngest. After Komander was born without powers, the public and nobles pressed for my parents to have another child. She was born with powers and also the first one in like 5 generations to be born with the power of flight. She's considered a gem in the public eye. She can do no wrong. And she's too young to assume the throne so she's never pressured like Komander, and I were. I'm surprised they even let her off the planet."
Dick cast an uncertain eye on the woman beside him. It was obvious that she had some unresolved issues with you, although he couldn't exactly put his finger on why. From what he gathered, you were pretty delightful and made a cute first impression, unlike the time he met Jason.
"What's this?" You asked loudly, pointing to a hole in their table.
"Um, it's a sink." Gar answered, flustered that you didn't know about its existence, "It's where we wash our hands and dishes and things."
Your face scrunched up, "Well that sounds unhygienic. Can't you just acquire new ones?"
Kori rolled her eyes.
"What are you doing here, (Y/N)?" She asked, finally acknowledging you now that she had wrapped her head around it.
Your brows furrowed at her tone as you flew closer to her, "Maybe I'm assuming but are you perhaps angry with me?"
She scoffed. Of course, you didn't even know when you upset someone. People back home usually jump through hoops for you, so it was no wonder that you had absolutely no idea of other people's feelings or thought that you could do any wrong.
"Yes! What the hell are you doing here?! You can't just come to a planet like Earth and then go around causing trouble!"
"Excuse me?" You asked cautiously, trying to reason with her. You had come here to find your older sister because you thought she would know what to do. The more you spoke with her, the less she seemed like the rightful ruler and more like Komander, "What was I meant to do, Kori'Ander? Our parents were murdered, the crown princess disappeared. People began looking toward me for an answer. What was I meant to tell them?"
She scoffed once again and you were starting to get very irritated by the sound, "Of course, couldn't even run a kingdom for a while."
This struck the wrong chord. You were never quite close with your older sisters; they both considered you the runt of the family and frequently made comments about how you were too young to join them on their excursions. Kori would seem like the doting older sister to the public, but you never really connected.
And Komander hated you since birth.
It was undeniable that your parents treasured you. I mean, how could they not when you constantly strived for their attention. You didn't have any friends growing up and your sisters scorned you when you did nothing wrong, so you depended on your parents for intimacy and connection.
It wasn't rare for you to be floating around the throne room, giggling when your father teased you by attempting to catch you, even though you were way out of his reach.
The people treasured you as well, you realized that very early, when you were first introduced to them as a young girl. You had been hiding behind your mother's gown, intimidated by the sheer amount of people and held her skirt in a tight fist.
You remember your parents cooing at you as they slowly revealed you to the rest of them and then the deafening sound of the crowd cheering. Your parents watched with pride as you began flying to try and see just how many people were there and they cheered louder.
You were adored.
And even though you did want to spend time with your sisters and play with them, you were eventually steered away from them by your parents after you had returned to their room in tears and inconsolable when your sisters had slammed their door in your face when you had just asked to play.
"I'm not the one meant to be running the kingdom, Kori. You are the crown princess. It was your duty to be take over the throne or officially abdicate it. Not mine." You explained, not quite understanding why she was being so negative. This had been her birth right and her path, way before you were even born.
You didn't realize it when you were younger but as you came of age, you understood that your role in the royal family wasn't one of politics or even running the kingdom. You were nothing more than a symbol to the people. Of purity, peace, and hope.
That had been made clear, so why was she suddenly expecting you to take over?
Everyone stared out the window, trying extremely hard to blend into the surroundings. While all of them respected Kori a lot, they all knew that she was impulsive and often said things without thinking them through. While Kori was excellent at giving advice, she herself was awful at controlling her emotions and lashed out often.
Tim began making prayers that they would make it through without something catching on fire.
"I realize that (Y/N)! But you're still the princess in our absence! You should have done something instead of running away and make someone solve your problems for you!"
You gasped, "My problems?! The kingdom that you're the ruler of is my problem? I'm the one who's running away? You're the one who ran so far that you went to a completely different planet! You—You zarbnarf!"
Kori froze, watching as your eyes glassed over with furious tears. Immediately, she regretted speaking to you that way, feeling panic build in her system. It was probably because growing up, she had learnt to grow terrified whenever you began crying around her.
Because you were the golden child. The fragile flower among molten rocks and you were treasured by your parents beyond anything. If either Kori or Komander had made you cry, they usually faced a punishment. That was something that you took advantage of, as an immature, mischievous child. When had you grown up so much?
She wanted to apologize, take it back but her pride was swelling so big in her chest that it clogged her throat. She was still angry and humiliated and all the things she felt as a child began coming back to her.
How could she be so immature? She had no idea what happened on Tamaran, and she had been foolish to think it was still the place she considered home. But it was inevitable for the people to ask about their ruler. She had been running away from the thought for too long.
She had completely forgotten that you were left behind in the chaos.
"You abandoned our family! Our people! And for what? A servant’s quarters on wheels?" You spat, turning away from her. She expected you to throw open the door and fly out but instead you stomped over to the seat beside Gar, not noticing the way he began scrambling to wiggly himself out of the booth and away from you.
He was too slow, and you ended up plopping down onto the seat beside him and he stared apprehensively at you from the corner of his eye.
Kori scoffed, "Why don't you just leave?!"
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms, "I'm done with this conversation but not with you. If your first response to confrontation is to run away, then I can see why you weren't gifted with the power of flight in the first place."
She swelled, puffing out her chest, "You know what—?!"
When Kori realized that you weren't in the mood to talk anymore, she returned to her seat even though she wanted to keep yelling at you. Why did you get to decide when the argument was over? You both weren't on Tamaran anymore and your parents weren't around anymore to scold her for picking a fight with someone so much younger but still, she fumed silently in her seat.
You turned to Gar with an apologetic pout, "I apologize for calling this a servant's quarters. You have a lovely home."
He chuckled at your guilty face, "Yeah, this isn't where we live, we're just using it to get back home."
You gave him a smile, "So you're not feeling hard with me?"
He blushed furiously, ignoring Conner as he laughed quietly into his hand, "Yeah, no hard feelings here."
Since you were an "unwelcome" guest in Kori's eyes, you were confined to the couch when you reached the tower. She was expecting you to throw a fit or whine about having to sleep like a servant, but you didn't mind, didn't complain, didn't say anything as you sat silently on the couch.
They didn't know what caused the sudden damp in your mood, you had been smiling the entire trip back, asking questions and making conversation but it was like everything vanished the second you entered their home.
Gar came out of his room in the middle of the night for a snack when he saw you sitting up on the couch, knees pulled to your chest. He thought he would just grab whatever he needed and leave quickly but he heard you sniffle.
"You okay?"
You looked up at him startled, and quickly wiped away your tears before plastering a fake smile on your face, "I am fine. Thank you for asking."
He should have just nodded, giving you an awkward smile before retreating back to his bedroom but he seemed unable to get the apathetic words out at the site of you hiding your faltering smile behind your pink hair.
Superman had kryptonite. He had pretty girls.
"Would you like some ice cream?"
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Iced screams? What is that?"
He chuckled, finding the way your nose scrunched up absolutely adorable, "Not 'iced screams'. Ice cream."
"Like cold milk?"
"Cold, sweet, hard milk."
You looked mildly repulsed, "I shall decline. Thank you for the offer."
He just breathed out a laugh, sitting next to you with a bowl of cookie dough and two spoons, "Just try it."
You kept giving him cautious glances all while lifting the spoon of the sugary treat to your mouth, watching as he nodded encouragingly and tentatively took a tiny taste (wow alliteration).
Gar had the absolute pleasure of watching your face scrunch up immediately, not expecting it to be that cold but it slowly faded into a small smile at the flavour.
When you had taken another spoon, he glanced at you and noticed your swollen eyes and red nose, "Is everything okay?"
You gave him a small smile and nodded, "I am merely just sick of your home."
He froze in disbelief before reminding himself that you were a literal princess. You were probably very used to luxury and had a literal castle to yourself.
And you're Komander's sister. That part explains a lot.
He shook the thoughts from his head before smiling politely and taking a spoon of ice cream himself when he didn't know how to respond. Luckily, he didn't have to because you continued.
"I know I have been here only a short time, but I miss Tamaran deeply."
The tension in his spine melted away and he slouched with a sigh of relief, "Oh, you're homesick."
You gave him a refined smile, "Yes, I just mentioned about the home-sickness."
"It's not exactly--nevermind."
There was a moment of silence while you quietly ate a couple more spoonfuls of ice cream before Gar spoke again, "No offense but if you miss it so much, why don't you just go back?"
You bit your lip, "My planet is in political instability. I'm unfit to take the throne. So, I vowed to bring the true heir back home."
His brows furrowed, "Why are you unfit to take the throne? You seem smart and powerful."
His compliment had heat raising to your cheeks and you felt a small smile grow on your face before it was dampened by the heavy topic and you sighed, resting your head against the back of the couch.
"My people wish that I take the throne because they see me as a beacon of hope but that is the very reason I am unable. My gift of flight has made me different from the rest of the Tamaraneans, so in a political sense, I have become a figurehead for nobility, equality and neutrality."
He nodded even though he wasn't quite understanding where this was headed.
"Because of this I have been trusted to be a mediator between my planet and others. I am but a symbol of peace. The rulers of other planets trust me because I am not part of the political party on Tamaran. I have never even made my debut into noble society. If I take my place as the ruler, those alliances could fall apart. The common people couldn't possibly understand that."
"So, you're supposed to be this unbiased figurehead but if you acquire any actual power, you think your alliances with other planets will fall apart?" He summarized, wanting to make sure that he actually understood, and you nodded.
"Well, why don't you just tell Kori that? I'm sure she'd understand."
Your eyes drifted to your feet that were folded up onto the sofa, "I was going to, but I lost my temper when she accused me of not taking initiative. She never acknowledged the work I did for my people. I suppose I got defensive."
He placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, giving you a comforting squeeze, "It's alright. Second time's the charm."
Your face scrunched up in confusion and he laughed quietly, "I mean, you should try again tomorrow. Maybe it'll go better this time."
"Hey (Y/N)?"
"Yes, Garfield?"
He offered you a small smile, "If it makes any difference, I really do believe that you did the right thing."
You felt the corners of your mouth tug up, "Thank you, Garfield."
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
Teen Dick convinces the Titans to do the Harlem Shake trend and Bruce immediately quarantines them all to check for alien parasites/demonic possession before Gar gets to show him youtube
The Justice League the next day:
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mainheartbreakerr · 10 months
The Teen Titans went on a horror quest.
Let’s leave aside the fact that the actors could have been beaten, and the props broken, scorched or burned...
After a successful (who would doubt it..) completion of the quest.
Damian: Damn, witch, you almost made me deaf in my right ear.
Raven: *confused stare*
Damian: Someone was screaming almost the entire time.
Raven, sighing: Damian. I was to your left.
Damian:...And on the right?
Raven and Garfield look at each other:
Raven: Garfield.
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spidernuggets · 10 months
Jason Todd x Reader
"Thought I was gonna lose you"
"Oh, baby, you can't get rid of me that easily"
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You slammed into the hospital room where the nurse told you your boyfriend was at. You received a call from Dick almost 15 minutes ago while you were reading Jason's annotated Pride and Prejudice book, smiling at his little comments at the side. Once you heard "Jason" and "Hospital" in the same sentence, you quickly bookmarked the novel and ran out the door.
The four Titans accompanying Jason; Dick, Gar, Kori and Rachel, turn to you, but your main focus was on Jason. His eyes closed, bandages all over his torso, IV needles stuck all over and an oxygen mask over his face. Your heart beated faster, pushing the Titans out of the way to get a closer look of your lover, gently caressing his face.
"We were told he's in a coma," Dick immediately says. "There was a messy encounter with Deathstroke and-"
"And Jason jumps head in first like always," Kori interrupts, arms crossed, annoyed expression on her face, staring down at the boy.
"We don't know when he'll wake up," Gar says quietly.
You don't reply. All you can do is lean your forhead against his, praying that he'll wake.
You're not part of the Titans, but you've known Jason for years and he'd entrusted you with his identity, and soon after, neither of you could hide your feelings towards one another for long.
"He's going to wake up. He'll wake up soon," was all you could say, just barely above a whisper.
"C'mon," Dick quietly says, motioning for the Titans to leave the two of you alone. When the three members leave, Dick places his hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"He was knocked out but.. he was calling your name when he got out of the ER," Dick tells you. "He's strong. He'll wake up."
When Dick leaves, you pull a chair up beside the bed, sitting down and laying your head beside Jason's torso, holding his hand.
And that's how it remained for the next few weeks. Jason didn't show any signs of movement but you still stayed in that chair, only getting up to use the bathroom. Even with Dick's authoritative commands, telling you to go home and that he'll watch over Jason, you didn't move an inch.
Gar was the only other person to visit Jason, and occasionally dropping of some food for you, while the others focus on missions.
"He never stops talking about you, y'know," Gar suddenly says, placing a paper bag full of greasy food on the small table beside you. "Training, fighting, debriefing, he's always bringing you up. 'Do you think Y/n would be impressed with this move?', 'I have to go, I want to hang out with Y/n', 'Don't tell Y/n I got stabbed'. I don't remember the last time he talked about anything other than you," Gar tells you, repeating all the things Jason had told him about you.
Your eyebrows scrunched together and lifted your head up to look at Gar as he handed you a burger. "He got stabbed? When??" You asked, accepting the burger.
Gar lightly laughed at the fact that you know Jason can take a punch or a stab, but would still be concerned even if Jason stubbed his toe.
"It was a month ago. He's more than fine now- well. The wound, I mean," He corrects, knowing Jason's current situation is definitely not more than fine.
You sighed, looking back at your boyfriend. "Thanks, Gar," You say, a smile tugging at your lips as your grip tightened on Jason's hand.
"For...," Gar's head tilted, confused what you were thanking him for while quickly stealing one of your fries.
You shrugged one of your shoulders. "For being his friend. He's told me some of the stuff he's gone through. How some of the other guys treat him. Without a shadow of a doubt he's wreckless and impulsive. But he's smart. And strong and brave. So.. thanks.. I guess. For believing that he is all of those things."
Gar sighed and gave you a lopsided hug. "Of course. He's my teammate amd my friend."
You leaned into Gar's hold, hand on his arm, giving it an accepting and gentle squeeze.
You remained by Jason's side a month and two weeks later, only leaving the room to go back to your house, asking Gar to look after Jason while grabbing a pair of extra clothes, plus a hoodie and leather jacket you stole from Jason.
You fell asleep, hugging Jason's arm, not noticing how his other arm went over his body and rested on your head, stroking your hair.
"Wakey wakey, gorgeous," You heard a raspy, groggy voice call out to you. You blinked twice before processing that someone was calling out to you. Your eyes widen as you jolt up from you seat and saw Jason smiling up at you.
"Don't tell me you've been sleeping in that position for long, babe, that could not be comfortable," Jason tried to joke. You didn't even realised what he said. You were still processing that he's awake.
A few seconds of realisation later, you start breaking down, tears cascading down for face and sobs choking out your throat.
"Oh, mama, c'mere," He whispers, weakly holding his arms out. You lunge forward, but careful not to lean over his bandages. You sobbed in his bare shoulder as he shushed you, stroking your hair.
"You scared me," you whimpered.
"I know, baby. 'm sorry, shh it's okay, I'm okay." he assures, pressing a light kiss to the crown of your head.
"I missed you," you mumbled, your finger tracing shapes along his skin.
"Missed you too, doll," he responded. "I heard you, y'know. Rereading Pride and Prejudice, saying how stupid my comments were. Asking me to wake up. Talking to Gar 'n all," he quietly explains.
"Thought I was gonna lose you"
"Oh, baby, you can't get rid of me that easily," he tried joking once more, this time earning a skicker from you as you left a soft, lingering kiss on his collerbone.
Jason shifted to one side of his bed, leaving a wider space beside him. He patted the empty space next to him, telling you to lie with him.
"Jay, I can’t, your bandages-"
"They'll be fine, I promise," he interrupts you. "Just come here with me. I'll heal faster if I'm holding you," he says with a cheeky smile dancing across his face.
You roll your eyes, but as much as you wanted him to have space to heal properly, the selfish part of you took over and slid in beside him, craving his touch that had you starved for too long.
You lay your head on his arm and you gently wrap your arm over his waist as Jason's arm cradles your head, the other draping over your body, pulling you closer, leaning in and connecting his lips with yours. It was a deep and hungry kiss that you both missed as you tiredly nuzzle your fave against his arm.
"Get some sleep, beautiful," Jason says. "You need some proper sleep," he kisses your forhead.
You hummed in response, quickly falling into a quick, comforting slumber, Jason closing his eyes shortly after.
After what felt like eternity, you finally slept, better yet, in the arms of the love of your life, knowing he's okay.
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After finally getting a break from missions, the Titans made their way unto the hospital to see how Jason's doing.
"If Jason hadn't start the mission on his own, he wouldn't even be in this state," Rachel ranted to Dick, the two of them carrying plastic bags full of take away.
"Definitely taking a toll on Y/n," Kori says. "That kid's seen better days"
The group stopped in their tracks, looking through the window of Jason's room, seeing the couple in each other's embrace.
"Jason's awake!" Gar exclaims.
Dick smiled to himself and started shooing the Titans back.
"Alright, Jason's okay, we'll come back later when he and Y/n wake up". He said, smiling once more at the sight of the two.
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♡Might be an ass fic seeing as I tried not to fall asleep. So.... definitely spelling/grammar errors somewhere.. Anyways, Hope you enjoyed reading! ♡
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morgangalaxy43 · 1 month
I’m convinced that none of the Teen Titans (besides Wally) are POC and not white
Victor is black (canon)
Dick is Romani (canon)
Kory is black (I’m black and she’s always felt like that to me)
Donna is half Greek and half Mediterranean
Raven is Indian (her old design was inspired after a Indian model)
Garfield is half back and half Asian (I think that a character is not white if they have an unnatural skin color)
These are pretty random but they are just some headcanons
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dumb4sh · 10 days
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Fandoms I write for:
Xmen - Wolverine, Deadpool, Cyclops
One Direction - Louis, Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn
Formula 1 - OP81, SV5, MV33, CL16, CS55, LN4, DR3
Sherlock BBC - Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Spiderman - TASM Peter Parker
Beta Squad - King Kenny
Marauders - Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Actors/Actresses: Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Andrew Garfield
Sometimes I will write for different fandoms(unless the character/person you request is problematic or a genuinely bad person) if you request it! Im interested in what you guys like and try to challenge myself with my writing.
I will also generally add warnings,TW's at the start of every fic (if there are any).
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I will write:
Male, non female (specifically bottom) reader
Comfort, fluff fics
I will not write:
"Weird" Kinks
Underaged characters/people/reader smut/NSFW (or just not write underaged people in general)
I will not be writing pregnant characters
No she/her, she/they readers (im just bad at writing any female characters/readers sorry)
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mikeydraws · 9 months
I have a few HC for thé batfam (and other Characters) music tastes
So here it is, please take it with a grain of salt and also this is purely my opinion
Bruce: doesn’t listen to music unless it’s at a party, and if he has to listen to music it would be 80s/90s rock music
Dick: says his favourite type of music is rock bc it’s upbeat and helps him boost him during his training, that’s a huge lie he’s too girly pop he likes lady gaga
Jason: Big BIG fan of rock and metal, but likes nature sounds to calm down
Tim: He likes everything really, but prefers funk over anything
Damian: He doesn’t listen to music, he says it’s a waste of time, except classical music ofc. But both Jason and Tim are desperately trying to get him to listen to rock and gothic music (Damian likes it, but will never admit it.)
Impulse/Bart Allen: he likes techno, eggpunk and 2000s music.
Jaime/blue beetle: He likes regeaton but a very subgenre of it, also likes Spanish rock/metal and he likes Rare Americans, Gar def showed him
Garfield/BB: like upbeat music you can hear at parties, techno, funk but when he wants to get into a sad mood he listens to Alex G 100%
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jayxgar · 1 year
Jason: ....
Jason: Just because I didn't let you get Ice cream?
Gar: YEA!
Jason: You are SICK! the last time I checked you had a 102,02 fever!
Gar: ... I still want ice cre-
Jason: NO!
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mysadcorner · 2 years
DC Characters x Ignored!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters in requests -
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Requested: yes @simligul
Damian Wayne
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• You leaving because you’ve been let down and ignored would probably be one of the last things Damian expects you to do. He always thought you’d be together always so to find you gone would be a huge shock.
• Once Damian realises that it’s his fault that you left he’d be insanely guilty about it, to the point that it would seep into everything he did until you came back. He’d look back on the way he behaved and consider what he could do to possible make things right.
• Damian wouldn’t care that you had lost your powers or if anything else has happened but he would acknowledge that he has been quite neglectful of you recently. He learns from this mistake and strives to do better for you and everyone else who may end up in a similar situation.
• He would panic internally a lot when he realises that you’ve left without any notice and when others weren’t around to stop you. However, on the outside he’d be calm and collected to try and keep himself as settles as possible in order to get you back in the quickest and most efficient way.
• Damian would be apologising for a long while if he managed to convince you to come back to him after what happened. He’d do it through small acts of service and making sure you were always kept company and included so you never had to feel that way ever again.
Conner Kent
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• Conner would be very surprised and I’m shock when he finds that you’ve left and he panics very quickly. This causes him to think rashly and because of this he doesn’t realise what’s caused to to leave until he’s had time to calm down properly.
• He would be very loud about his guilt and everyone would have to get involved just to stop him from going out and getting himself hurt in the attempt of getting you back or apologising. He’d be miserable and wouldn’t be able to take part in missions or dealing with bad guys until the situation is fixed.
• Conner wouldn’t care about your powers being lost or any other problems the two of you may be having, he knows plenty of strong people without powers so it doesn’t matter to him at all. But he is childish sometimes so he does realise that he may not be the most supportive person at times even though he does want to be.
• The fact that you left without notice would be the most concerning aspect to Conner. He would automatically assume that something terrible happened to you while no one was there to help, and because of this others with suspect something awful happening too.
• Once he’s able to bring you back and apologise you won’t be hearing the end of it for a while. He’s constantly telling you how sorry he is and how he’ll try to do better in order for you to stay and to make things up for you. He’s like a puppy and will do his best to prove himself to you.
Rachel Roth
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• The fact that you’ve clearly left on purpose makes Raven deeply upset and she blames herself entirely for it. She’s not the type of person to push blame onto others so she fully accepts that she had a part in it.
• Guilt would be on their mind a lot if they really were the reason (or at least a part of) why you left. No one would be able to reassure Raven until you had made it clear that you weren’t on bad terms with her or forgave her for the situation.
• Raven wouldn’t know how to cope without her own powers, she would be completely lost due to the new life she’s used to. So when she realises this she then realised how insensitive she may have been and plans to be much more gentle to you about it in the future.
• Usually if someone goes missing along the group it’s because something has happened to them and this is what she would first presume when she finds you gone. After seeing your belongings gone to then she’s filled with dread knowing that you’ve been pushed away so much that you felt that leaving was your only good option.
• Raven would want you to talk things through together once she’s found where you are so that you can come to a mutual understanding. Her biggest concern would be that you didn’t feel like you could open up to them about your struggles and decided that abandoning the team was the best idea to go with.
Garfield Logan
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• Garfield is the funny guy of the group but he does certainly notice things about the people he’s surrounded by. As soon as he gets back to where you all live he can sense that something is wrong which is confirmed once you’re nowhere to be found.
• Garfield has always thought that he was the person you could always go to if you ever needed help or felt down but the fact that you left without a word truly upset him. The guilty would come mainly from the fact that he wasn’t able to talk to you before you left and found out what was causing you to feel this way or what he could do to fix it.
• He wouldn’t care at all about your lost powers, but as he’s looking back he does notice how you haven’t been as included in team activities as you once were. This wasn’t to be mean though, the others just wanted you to build up your normal body’s strength as you couldn’t rely on other things to attack or protect with anymore.
• He would be hurt a lot by the fact that you left no notice and would be thinking about it for weeks, even if you did come back this would still be bothering him. He thought that him and the rest of the team meant more to you for you too at least talk to them and be honest rather than ditching them and having them severely worried about you.
• Garfield would be very attentive to you once you came back and he’d also be extremely apologetic about the whole situation. He’d try to understand to the best of his ability as to why you did what you did and also encourage the others to go easier on you for the time being.
Jason Todd
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• Jason would be uncontrollable if you ever left without a word. It doesn’t matter what the reason for doing it was, but he’d be going crazy until you were found again.
• Jason is actually a lot more sensitive than a lot of people expect him to be, so when he sees that you’ve left mainly due to the feeling of being ignored he takes it to heart. He knows what it’s like to feel pushed away and his biggest regret is not preventing you from experiencing that too.
• He doesn’t have powers himself in comparison to many of the people he’s surrounded by so it wouldn’t actually be a big deal for him. He should have spent more time teaching to to fight normally like he and the other vigilantes can rather than leaving you out of dangerous events.
• It doesn’t matter if you left without notice, Jason will have a way to find you quickly. He has enough connections and knows the surrounding city like the back of his hand so as soon as he realises you’re gone you won’t have a lot of time to get away.
• Jason may seem pretty blunt and rude when you’re brought back but that’s because he’s hurting and emotions are always a struggle for him. After he calms down you can have an extremely genuine conversation with him and he’ll honestly listen to everything you have to say.
Jaime Reyes
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• Like many of the others Jaime would be pretty confused to find you gone without any notice, and he certainly wouldn’t understand what happened for you to do it. Even when looking back, he still believes that he tried his best to include you and make sure you were okay.
• Since you’re gone he obviously wasn’t doing enough for you to feel safe and included within the team which is where a lot of his guilt comes from. He’s lovely to everyone and hates knowing that he’s let someone important to him down in any way.
• Jaime couldn’t do much when he was normal, but that doesn’t mean you can be a helpful asset to the team. He did want you to stay more protected though until a proper plan about you was put into place, and he can now see how this probably made you feel left out from the team.
• When you left without notice he was very upset about the fact that he wasn’t able to contact you or talk to you in any way until you were found. He wasn’t able to make sure you were somewhere safe, and that mattered more than any misunderstanding there had been.
• Jaime would search everywhere he could until you had been found and would give all of his free time to do so. And once you had been found, he’d be very sincere and make sure that you know you’re always welcome in the team and he’s sorry for what had happened.
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ieatadoptmepets · 1 year
I meant to make this forever ago but here are my gay titan headcanons for pride month
Dick Grayson
The man is definitely bi. Growing up with bruce, he never got a chance for any kind of meaningful relationship and wasn't like other kids with internet access (or however that worked, I mean he's around my mom's age and her generation all had like flip phones in highschool or whatever) or "the talk" or really anything pertaining to sexuality. And instead of not realizing it until adulthood, he kinda just took it as it's completely normal because he never saw anything special about it. Bruce was always supportive of any pride marches going on which made him feel safe but they always had this mutual understanding that didn't make anything need to be said out loud
He may look sexy as fuck all the time but it's all a show, he's so asexual. I've always kinda took this as canon even though nothing like that was mentioned or shown, and he slept with kori pretty early on but nevermind that. He's not out to anyone because he didn't know asexuality was a thing, but more on that later with another character I headcanon as ace :-)
When he does figure it out though he comes out publicity rather quickly and the internet goes wild, leaving his teammates to find out through twitter
Conner being the sweet guy he is congratulates him
On Tamaran, no one is really aware of sexuality as a society, but just that a princess needs her prince and things like that (I don't know much about Tamaran, I could be wrong in canon but this is headcanon) but they do have the capacity for sexuality. Kori comes to earth and discovers human sexuality and doesn't really understand any of it and tries to figure out what she is but comes to the conclusion that it's VERY confusing but by god does she love dick grayson
Gar Logan
He's very much pansexual. He's always struggled with coming out to people, half of him thinking 'it's so obvious but they never said anything so they must be homophobic but deal with me for titans business' and 'they think I'm straight and I should come out' but rachel helps him, they are mspec solidarity
He comes out officially to the public during pride month which causes the rest of the titans to come out and make their statements which makes the world go crazy
He comes out to the team by donning a bunch of pan pride merch and hanging up a flag in his room and eventually they take notice and ask what it's about he makes a big show out of it and kori makes him a pan colored cake with the help of rachel because he was so excited about it
When he and rachel officially room together, they fold their pride flags in half to combine them on the wall
He is also asexual. I don't get sexual attraction so almost everyone is asexual. Like me he doesn't get the hype around it so he doesn't make a big deal about it like his pansexuality. He comes out because jason makes a joke about him and rachel now sharing a room and he just goes "huh? oh, no, me and rachel don't do that. I'm asexual :D" thus prompting dick to talk to gar in private and explain to him, and he doesn't show it but he's very excited and goes to tell kori
Rachel Roth
She is so bi without a doubt. When she comes out with the titans, people give her a lot of shit for being in a committed relationship with a man while being bi but she responds to all public backlash just getting increasingly more obnoxious with it. Think like aggressively chaotic videos in response to trolls to Lady Gaga songs and hanging pride flags from the tower every June
Jason Todd
Look at this man and tell me he's not bi. You can't. I know I've headcanoned like everyone as bi but that's because I'm projecting
He gets a boyfriend and thinks he's keeping it a secret but he's really bad at it
He acts like he's going out with a girl but has no idea how to act with a guy, so he asks the titans very obvious advice that just gets worse the more he tries to cover it up
Bruce knows it from the start pretty much because he's always acted like a tool who only cared about showing off everything batman and titan related when he dated girls but he actually appears genuine, so it must mean he's gay
One evening he tells the titans he's going on a date and rachel goes "with your boyfriend?"
Then they convince him to take his date to the tower to meet them which ends up being the best date he's ever been on
Conner Kent
At first he has no concept of sexuality because he starts out when he broke out of the lab with the emotional mind of a toddler
As he "grows up" he learns more about sexuality it kinda confuses him and finds he's unlabeled
Sexuality is hella confusing for him because all his pre existing knowledge comes from Clark Kent and Lex Luther and it's not like he inherited their sexuality and he never got to grow up and experience life
He's one of the titans who isn't exactly out about their sexuality, but that's because he doesn't label himself and currently that's only a concern to komand'r
His girlfriend is unlabeled too for the same reasons as kori and Conner has the biggest himbo bi wife energy despite being the smartest human-ish alive
I kinda gave everyone the same headcanons but please reblog with your headcanons I'd love to see them <3
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dizzykitteh · 8 months
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my fav transmasc
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 5 months
Gar truly hit the jackpot being trans AND becoming a shape shifter like he is living the DREAM.
who needs medical intervention he can just make his body do that.
Wanna make more testosterone? Done, easy.
Don't want tits? Boom, gone.
(tho I think he would do it the medical way too, so that his "default" body is what he wants it to be, so that even if he's reverted to his default mode somehow, hes still mostly the same. He DOES produce his own T tho bc it's more convenient to do that and reverting wouldn't immediately change anything outwardly)
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fancyfade · 2 years
How the New Teen Titans would do in commercials if they had to promote products to get un-broke.
Ranked from best at commercial acting to worst
Kory: Kory is a model and i view this as a transferable skill IDK if it actually is or not tho. but she is confident and at ease. Gar: gar would naturally do pretty well just b/c he like being the center of attention. Him being a star of a commercial would be a dream come true to him. He'd probably wear one of his "we love Gar' shirts. Dick: dick would be pretty good at it due to having zero stage fright and also being confident bluffing Joey: Joey just has a calming bob ross vibe. You want to buy product ™ from him Donna:donna would try too hard due to her perfectionism and not wanting to mess up even a little. like she would inadvertently over-act (unless she way perfectionist'ed it and got an acting coach XD) Vic: vic would be a little awkward due to his self consciousness w/ his body and knowing its going to be everywhere Raven: Raven is just like *autistic stare* all the time. She would look like she's terrified. Wally: Wally would refuse to participate he only promotes products if he's brainwashed by an MLM. He quits.
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gummygoatgalaxy · 2 years
Midnight Beast Boy Rant
I've posted before on here that I headcanon Beast Boy as gender fluid, and i'd like to go more in depth on my headcanon, though it is midnight for me and i'm barely conscious, so bare with me
So, I headcanon BB can change genders, and loves to switch freely like he switches from human to animal
I believe he can switch due to his animal shapeshifting ability
Anybody who knows a good bit about BB is that he can turn into anything biotic being, not just animals. It's canon that he can turn into extinct and mythical creatures, and even other people(though he doesnt because they'd just be green)
But no one really seems to think about how BB can switch genders too
There is canon evidence of him shifting into animals of another gender, like a cow. He can turn into a Bull(male bovine) and a cow(female bovine) for example
In conclusion to my short little dumb rant:
Don't get pissy over my feminine looking BB fanart and my female BB fanart, cuz it's justified by the canon lol
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