#I kinda sounded like Sebek at the end but whatever
theworstfangirl · 9 months
Those fucking high and mighty fairies in the city pissed me off. Oh, so you're going to force Lilia into retirement because he followed his princess' final orders huh? I'd like to see you do better protecting the egg, motherfucker. I didn't see YOU anywhere near that damn battlefield. Don't you dare disrespect Lilia like that.
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moonyasnow · 4 months
Hi, there! :D
I saw that request are open so I have a VERY angst request.
Type: Headcanons (Romantic and a lot of angst)
Reader: Fem or neutral (I leave it to your liking)
Scenary: How about a prefect who loves sing and has a beautiful voice but due to a magical accident (indirectly being said boy's fault) them/she ends up losing her/they voice forever. The reader tries to appear normal but deep down she/them is depressed by the situation even if she/them will never hate said boy
with Deuce, Ace, Sebek and Jack (or other characters you want)
If my request does not convince you, you can discard it without problems, but if not, take your time and without pressure, thank you. I'm loving your TWST fics and as someone who has a lot of ideas for angst fuel (I'll probably make some angsty requests here) >:D (Spoiler I have one in mind with Ortho) (and maybe I'll make fan arts) see ya :D
Sudden Silence.
PROMPT : Their singer S/O loses their voice due in part to them
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CONTENT : pre-established relationship, angst, hurt/comfort, Reader loses their voice, lots of guilt and shame, self-esteem issues too bc why not, hopeful endings at least!
CHARACTERS : Ace, Deuce, Jack, Sebek
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- { Crash— B O O M ! } -
An explosion resounded from the cauldron next to where you and Grim worked— the one you had seen your boyfriend and his lab-partner standing over.
Someone called your name, told you to watch out. But it was too late. The greyish-canary-yellow smoke and liquid of whatever potion they had failed to make splattered on your skin and clogged your airways from your nose and open mouth...
Your voice was never the same after that.
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Ace Trappola was good at lying. Exceptionally good at lying, even. So you'd witnessed firsthand several times, including the first time you met. And those used to dealing in falsehoods will always be the most adept at spotting them in others.
…Yeah you really weren't fooling him.
You had been singing your entire life. It wasn't something you'd ever really thought much about; it was just something you did. When you were young people had said that you had music in your blood— and you wholeheartedly agreed. Whenever a song you knew came on the radio you HAD to sing it, no matter what anyone else in the car thought. You ALWAYS volunteered for karaoke whenever it was an option. Were you a bit of a diva? Maybe just a little bit— but you couldn't help it! You just loved music and singing too much to ever keep it to yourself.
Ace often teased you about your need to be in the spotlight when you sang, loving how huffy you got and how you pouted, or he said that your choice of song was lame— but he never stopped you. He did actually like it, because you singing meant you were happy, after all. But Ace's gotta Ace, and the one and only Ace Trappola couldn't just let people think he was some mushy sap who loved the sound of his lover's voice, now could he?
But still, he'd often jokingly make fun of you, daring you to sing the most embarrassing song you could think of from your homeworld, or just starting a Twisted Wonderland song whose lyrics he knew would make you red in the face from embarrassment just to watch you sing to the very last note despite it. He loved that stubborn side of yours, partly because of how much fun it was to tease you with it. You were…kinda cute when you pouted. …Ok, really cute.
The accident left you with a sore throat for weeks. Your speaking voice returned to normal, but your singing voice…just didn't. You never sang anymore. Didn't even try. He felt a little…scared, to ask you about it.
He missed hearing you sing. Not because of your singing itself, but because it'd become to him the theme music of your happiness. Not having an easy way to know if you were happy or not bothered him more than he thought it would. But what bothered him most was that you didn't even get mad at him! Sure, he was used to covering up his own sadness with a bad joke when he didn't want anyone to know he was down, but seeing you try to do the same just…just no. It felt all kinds of wrong!
You lost your voice because he decided it'd be more fun to goof off and goad his lab-partner on than pay attention to the potion they were supposed to be making, even after Crewel said to be extra cautious making that particular potion. And you didn't even yell at him. Not even a little bit! Not even a pout, or refusing to speak to him in particular for a week or more. That's what he thought he kinda deserved for what happened. That's what he wished you'd do!
Anything was better than…than this!
But he knew you, and he knew calling more attention to it would probably just make you feel even worse. So, like the sleight-of-hand master he was(not really but let him dream won't you?) he drew your attention away from it. He practically dragged you away from moping alone in your room to force you to watch him at Basketball practice, and during the dreaded music lessons he even willingly embarrassed himself by playing the violin so badly it made you burst out laughing and making fun of him when he so much as tried to screech out a single note. Then he dished it out twice as bad when it was your turn to fail at it.
You punched his shoulder. Hard. And pouted at him like you always did. It felt…good, to have something normal.
But he still couldn't shake those feelings of guilt whenever he heard you start to tap along to the rhythm of a song you had playing in your head. It just reminded him every time if the way you used to hum the melodies. He felt like such an ass every time. You'd have to talk about it some day...but for now things would stay in this forced equilibrium.
Until you felt ready.
And until that day, whenever it would be, he'd keep distracting you at all hours of the day, taking your thoughts away from it. You could say it was his way of trying to make it up to you.
…Even though he knew he'd taken too much from you for the guilt to ever really leave him.
But this wasn't about him.
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Deuce Spade, the former delinquent, aspiring honor student and— despite his best efforts— someone who acted without thinking, knew what it was like to lose your way. It could be said his entire adolescence had been a long period of him continuously losing his way. So much that it, in a sense, became his way? But not a good way. It all caught up with him and smacked him in the face when he'd heard how sad it made his mom, how much it made her worry and even blame herself.
When he got into Night Raven College, he couldn't believe his luck. It was, to him, a second chance. A place he could go where no one knew of him or his past mistakes, where he could create a new identity for himself and become someone better. That was also where he met you. And also developed a big crush on you. You seemed his polar opposite: calm, thoughtful, polite and reserved. A lot of things he wished he was more of. Yet you didn't judge him at all for that delinquent side of him that seemed to rear its ugly head whenever he got too worked up. You even appreciated it when it compelled him to try to protect you and his friends. It made him feel like that was something he really could learn to leave in the past one day…or maybe even learn to repurpose for better things. He gushed about you to his mom over the phone so much that she figured out his feelings for you faster than he himself did. And when he finally did, she was also the one to encourage him to try asking you out.
…But you also ended up inadvertently reminding him of what was so troublesome about it, why he wanted to change it in the first place.
You had always been praised for your singing voice. To the point it was your biggest point of pride— something you took good care of and refined to the exception of almost everything else in your life. Back home your shelves were lined with awards from song competitions and walls with posters for all the different concerts you'd sung in, musicals you'd participated in. 'You have a bright future with music' a teacher had once told you. Those words had engraved themselves into your heart. Not having any idea what the future might hold and how you'd get a job felt less scary when you knew you had your voice to rely on. Being transported to a new world, forced to make a new life from scratch, was difficult. But at least your voice meant you had some kind of potential future career. You could ask Vil to introduce you to someone in the industry, or work for Azul at his lounge.
But you lost it. Because of him. Because he had gotten worked up over a comment Ace made and, as Deuce went to grab his collar, had accidentally knocked over something on the table next to their cauldron, causing it to break against the edge and spill way more than the recipe required into the mixture. The
It wasn't that your singing voice had become gravelly. No. It had disappeared completely. When you opened your mouth to sing, your vocal chords moved, but pure silence followed. Not even your breath was heard.
When your singing voice 'died', all your future plans, ambitions, confidence and sense of self died with it. You had never realized before just how much your voice was a part of your identity— how large of a part of your vision of 'you' that it made up. But now, having realized that the thing which, in your mind, made you 'you' was just...gone...
You didn't know how to handle it.
You became quiet. Barely even spoke. Retreated into yourself. It made him so, so, incredibly worried. He knew it was his fault. That you didn't shake your head when he said as much, a stabbing pain to his gut, only confirmed it for him. He blamed himself. How could he not? In his mind, if only he hadn't taken Ace's words— whom he knew was always just joking and teasing, trying to get a rise out of him— so seriously and entered 'delinquent mode' again and knocked that vial over, none of this would have happened. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to call his mom for advice, like always…but this time he just couldn't. It was too personal. So he waited. He didn't know what else to do but just wait. He wanted to speak to you, too…but he didn't know what to say. So he joined you in your silence, spending as much time next to you as he could, texting rather than talking, even when you were seated right next to each other.
But the worst part was when he'd come to Ramshackle and hear you, who didn't know he was there, clear your throat, obviously to try to sing. Only to be met with silence. Even the creaking of the old wood or the tweeting of nearby birds faded to nothing when you tried. All he could think in those moments was of how badly he'd screwed up.
…Weeks later, you finally spoke again.
"It's...not coming back, is it?" He could tell it was rhetorical. He felt tears mist his eyes and the same guilt stab his heart. He tried to speak. But before he could you turned to him, face for once no longer hidden behind your hair, your eyes already beginning to overflow with tears.
'Oh' he realized. You weren't upset at him. Or at least, not anymore. He didn't know what he could ever do to make up for what happened. But maybe looking at it that way— like something he did wrong— was just making it worse. The more important thing was him being there for you, not beating himself up over something that already happened, that he couldn't change.
Neither of you said anything else; he hugged you close, and you buried your face in his shoulder and you both just cried. His crying was quiet. Yours was wailing, loud enough all of Ramshackle must have heard. But you needed it. To let out your voice in anguish; to use it one last time.
His life trajectory had changed out of guilt. Yours due to something out of your hands. Yet the result remained the same: two people who lost their way, in one way or another, who now had to pick up the pieces and grow past it. When you came back out of your self-imposed, mute isolation, you felt like a different person, the world seemed a different color. It was...scary. Like the sky and horizon had collapsed and revealed a world outside of a box you'd lived in. A world vanished to reveal another. But when you trembled, Deuce was there to take your hand, even though his was trembling just as much. It made the task seem less insurmountable.
Because now you were growing up together.
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Jack Howl knew devotion to an activity well; he had a reason for his training of his body, that which he devoted himself to. And it was no different for you.
You had always filtered your life through music. Music had always been there for you; a sound to use to plug up the thoughts you didn't want to deal with, thoughts that whispered to you that bad things were going to happen. When you couldn't find the words to describe your feelings, you had always been able to find a song that got those same feelings through, and got used to expressing your thoughts through song rather than speech. You had never been very good at speaking. Your vocal chords always seemed to seize up when you even thought of trying. Your life happened entire confined within your head. But singing, you became someone else. Someone with the confidence to speak into being the things within you which had previously been confined to that space.
You didn't merely partake in the act of singing; you were song. From the tips of your lashes to your very core of your bones. While you didn't often sing in front of others, more due to feeling too awkward to start singing out of nowhere for seemingly no reason, Ramshackle was never silent so long as you were there. A second that music was not flowing either through your ears or from your lips was a second not spent living.
He had only ever seen you at your quiet moments, never even having heard your voice before. So he was shocked to see you alone up on stage at a small talent show some of the students had set up. He'd attended because Epel had been forced by Vil to take part. He was surprised, then, when you came onto the stage and began to sing with an incredible passion he never would've imagined someone as shy as you would have.
It…made his heart beat a little louder, seeing you so confidence for once, so clearly in your element. It made him start to look at you in a way he hadn't before, his tail wagging more than usual whenever he saw you. He told you once that you had the talent to make singing your profession one day, and he genuinely believed that.
Then came the accident.
You weren't even together yet when the accident happened. But as one of your closest friends, he noticed the shift in you instantly. Whenever he came to visit Ramshackle, it was dead quiet. You hadn't even put on any music in the background; his hearing was good enough that his ears would've picked up it if you did.
When the Song and Dance Competition, SDC, came to Night Raven College, his chest never stopped hurting through the whole multiple-day event. He felt so restless...he wanted to run to where you were, to comfort you somehow, and he hated that he was too busy helping to build stages and move heavy equipment or shop stands all day to be able to. His ears were laid flat against his head all day, and all through the event. He couldn't even focus on any of the performances.
After it was over, he rushed to Epel to ask where you were, only to find out you'd left as soon as you cast your vote. When he came in through the door and entered the living room where you sat on the creaking couch, you smiled and waved at him the same way you always did.
He knew how much your singing meant to you. There was no way you'd get over it that quickly, right? He knew he couldn't if he somehow became unable to train, or take care of his cacti. And when he looked closer, he saw that your brows were slightly furrowed, eyes more pink than usual at the corners. It broke his heart to think of you crying all on your own. It hurt even more to know it was because of him. But he didn't know what to do to fix it. So he went with his gut, and came closer to hug you.
…And like an idiot, he blurted out how much he liked you. He wanted to kick himself. But you signed that you liked him too, thankfully.
Then Port Fest came around. He felt guilty for you needing to hear all the music in the air and not being able to participate since you couldn't play an instrument. But he didn't want to treat you like glass; he knew you were stronger than that. So he felt caught in a state of limbo, not knowing what to do.
But...something happened which neither of you had expected.
You were put on Saxophone along with Floyd, and while you seemed apprehensive at first, when you started playing, you eventually had a blast!
Later on you ended up playing a short solo of what you'd learned for him; a 'private concert', you'd signed to him. And for a moment, he recognized that fire light up within you again. He laughed.
Not even losing your voice would stop you from pursuing music.
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Sebek Ziegvolt knew what it was like to feel inadequate, for his efforts to be called 'too much'. He once heard it said that he 'puts in a lot of effort to accomplish barely anything at all'. Yet all it did was push him to push himself even more. For how could he just let such comments stand, debasing his reputation as a knight of Malleus Draconia? It could not stand! Hence why he continued to push himself harder and harder in all he did.
It was that same mantra that lead to the accident. He and Ace had been partnered for Alchemy that day, as Professor Crewel had wished to keep Ace Trappola away from his habitual other half, Deuce Spade. As such, he was paired with Sebek for this class of Freshman Alchemy. In retrospect, Sebek would curse this decision for years to come…
Ace, not wanting to do the work himself, had goaded Sebek into doing his share of the work as well in brewing the voice-changing potion designated as that class' assignment. The attack on his pride left him trying to overcompensate and complete the assignment in half the usual time, to prove himself far more skilled at potion-making than a mere, lazy human!
But then the potion exploded. And you were caught in the crossfire.
While he hadn't admitted it, your soft singing voice had always soothed him— almost like a lullaby. Anyone who payed enough attention would have noticed his voice was always a few decibels quieter after he heard you sing. And you sang often, repeating the lyrics to some Earth song on your way to class by his side, even humming quietly to yourself as you worked. It was the gentle, ambient noise that your presence by his side brought. A sound he'd found himself growing enamoured with.
Your voice enthralled him, capturing his attention fully. Yet it was not purely due to your voice. It was the look of serenity on your face. The way the world around you seemed to stop and hold its breath each time you sang. Your voice was breathtaking, yes, but the pure passion, the sheer joy and bliss your voice carried with each note, no matter the tone or subject material of the song, that truly enraptured him.
Despite his duties, and claiming he only did so on request of Lilia for him to 'get cultured', he never missed any of your shows at the Mostro Lounge. He said it almost seemed disrespectful for the Lounge's business to go up so much whenever you sang on its stage, not realizing the feelings of bitterness in his chest were not at you being disrespected, but jealousy at so many others recognizing your charm. Deep within him— past the already buried desire to want to be by your side, not as a friend, but a lover— he doubted that you would ever look upon him as he did you: with pure adoration.
Yet he was proved wrong. After a show, he had shown up with a small bouquet of flowers— hand-picked, he had made sure to emphasize— to congratulate you for a good performance. He recalls telling you that the performance was…lovely…s-so much so that— while he of course would never speak on his Lord's behalf!— he believed his Young Master might even enjoy it, were he to attend one of your concerts. His face had become redder by the second of him speaking, too caught up in his rambling speech to notice you coming close, until you had cupped his cheeks and silenced him with a kiss. He'd dropped the flowers on the floor.
So then…
When the accident, a failure of his own creation, had robbed you of that joy of yours, he felt so incredibly guilty, and ashamed! You, his beloved, had lost the one thing you loved so much, all due to his mistake. The sheer weight of that guilt, of having cost you your greatest passion in life, threatened to drag him under.
So instead of stewing in those feelings, he acted.
He tried to search through the library top to bottom, asked both Lilia and Crewel for advice on how he might possibly reverse the effects. He even got desperate enough to seed aid from his Young Master. He trembled as he did— what right did he, a mere knight…no, not even a proper knight yet, have to beg a boon from his Lord Malleus? But since it was for you, to restore that smile to your face once more, he felt compelled to.
He cried as he made his request for aid in his search of a cure, overwhelmed with his conflicting interests of wishing to help his beloved and of wishing not to burden his Lord. His cheeks reddened in shame, thick tears rolling over his cheeks, when Malleus agreed to try to help you.
You tried to tell him that him going so far out of his way to find a cure to your predicament wasn't necessary, but no matter how you explained that there are worse things, he refused to budge. It was a matter of pride now, too. He would prove to you that he had the ability to right this wrong; that he was a worthy partner to you, that he could restore to you the thing you lost. Not out of a desire for praise or gratitude this time, but because he knew he alone had to take responsibility for the accident.
The way you shone when you sang, the pure bliss the act seemed to spark in you…he couldn't live with himself if it meant he'd taken that away from you forever.
And you knew how he felt. You knew how important it was to him to be able to be of help to you in what he, not incorrectly, considered your time of need. Losing your voice was…indescribably painful. As though a flame in your soul had been snuffed out like a candle in the wind. Yet you had tried to act as though it didn't truly bother you as much as it did. You still had other avenues of music you could pursue, after all, such as learning to play an instrument…
Yet, though you doubted it was that he saw through that ruse of yours rather than that he felt compelled to right what he saw as a wrong he had committed, the dedication to restore your singing voice…it made you able to cling onto a shred of hope that you might see it returned one day. It reminded you once more of why you fell for him in the first place.
But above all else…he just longed to see the smile you always wore when singing, the smile that without fail made his heart skip a beat, grace your face once more.
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Writing this got me genuinely emotional— my singing is actually one of the things I'm the most proud of in myself and I love singing so much— imagining this scenario happening to myself made me so sad ; ; But in a good way!
Some didn't turn out as angsty as the prompt described: I can do angst just fine, but if there's not a happy ending, or at least the potential of things becoming better in the future, I just start crying too much
Also didn't keep the 'tries to appear normal' part for all of them since it seems like I'm just incapable of writing the exact same Reader for every single character for a scenario haha ;^^ I think more 'what would be the most interesting way to spin this scenario and how does the Reader need to react to make it so' And I decided to go with a gender neutral Reader just to make it more inclusive to everyone
Sorry for Jack's part being a bit rushed in places— I'm kinda worn out from the school year haha My perfectionism keeps telling me it's not good enough for my standards because I know I could do better if I just had more energy, but that just how it be sometimes; better I learn to take the L than never finish this, at least!
But I really hope you like what I did with the prompt!
Also a head's up that, since June is gonna be really busy for me, I'm probably not gonna be able to write much at all until at least the start of July; hence why I've closed writing requests until then.
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yulin-pop · 2 years
⤷ ✧ Trust my Power!
Gender neutral
- order 57 | Headcanon | first years
Note: I don’t know how this popped into my head but reader that claims to have great magical power that got locked away when transported into Twisted Wonderland, who’s very haughty and childish about it. I wanted to write more for Sebek
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Ace Trappola
He’s not sure if he should believe your tales of being a strong magician in your own world. It’s a bit silly to him. You boast about how strong you were and how many people you saved.
“These magical hands have saved countless lives!”
“Uh okay?”
Maybe he would’ve believed you but you just talk about it way too much. He’s brought this into questioning and he loves seeing how defensive you get over it. He asks extremely detailed questions about your magic and how many monsters you’ve defeated.
The more you explain, the dumber you start sounding and you visibly get worked up about it. Literally yelling and stomping your feet at him. He thinks it’s sorta cute, so he continues to make fun of you.
Also apart of the teasing is him purposely not helping you. You could literally be dangling off a cliff and hes just leaving it to you.
“Ace! Help mee!”
“Use those magical hands of yours, Prefect.”
“You can catch these magical hands too!”
But honestly it just makes you boast about your old power even more, which prompts even more teasing. It’s a cycle.
He didn’t expect you to be smart. You’re not as dumb as he thought you were gonna end up being. Ace is actually really smart but he’s lazy and doesn’t want to put in the effort most of the time. You make fun of him because of that so he might start actually trying.
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Deuce Spade
He’s a bit suspicious by your initial claims of having a magic before you appeared in Twisted Wonderland. But whatever you say I guess. He plays along and just smiles.
He doesn’t enjoy ruining your fun so he just goes “wow really?” Every once and while but in his head he’s like “are they okay?”
He honestly thinks your memories were messed up when being transported in the coffin. There’s also apart of him that finds it admittedly cute.
Ace and Deuce talk to each other about it and kinda agree it’s strange but they accept it.
Deuce tries to stop Ace from teasing you some much, because you get really pissy and start screaming.
“Ace, you need to stop. Look at them.”
“I AM a hero, right Deuce?”
And your face is literally completely red with tears in your eyes. He can’t say no.
Deuce goes to you when he wants to show you a new spell or practice something. But he never knows what he’s gonna get. If he gonna get insulted, praised, or criticized? Whatever he gets, he tries not to take it personally.
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Jack Howl
He’s the direct “you can’t be serious” one. He just doesn’t believe you, as mean as that sounds. He will ask about it with, he doesn’t want to offend you but like is your head okay? What’s your screentime on your phone??
You’re very adamant on it and get upset when you’re being questioned, mistaking it for making fun of you. In the end, he decides to just to let you have your fun.
He actually listens when you talk about your magic. You get into long rants about it that usually ends up getting interrupted but he always just sits there and listens.
He also the one that drags you away when you get into arguments with people. You are a little snappy but Jack doesn’t acknowledge it as aggression.
He’s also the one that explains to people that you’re a little eccentric. Some people think you’re insane but you’re actually just silly.
But he respects you, he knows your genuine in some ways. You have similar values as him. You’re really ambitious too. So he’ll credit you for being an honest person.
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Epel Felmier
He just wants you to shut up. He doesn’t really care that you’re a little bit crazy however you talk a lot. As long as Vil or Rook aren’t around, he’s just very mean.
And of course you’re mean as well. I think his pride also wants to prove that he’s better than you. You got a good score? He got an even better one. He knows it’s unfair in terms of some subjects since you can’t use magic but he still makes snide comments about that.
He calls you a liar that you never had magic to begin with but there’s no telling if you’re telling the truth or not.
Rivals with Epel? Sure but probably won’t end up well. You both need to learn to keep your mouths shut because recently you’ve been getting scolded for arguing during class.
He doesn’t like to admit it but you’re pretty good. You are overly confident about your academics but at least you have the grades to back it up. Epel? He’s pretty average, nothing too special but he pushes himself to be better than you.
Your insults are not personal, mostly because you hardly know anything about each other. But if you happen to learn something personal about him, you don’t say anything about it. Same with him, there’s no need for low blows in this petty rivalry.
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Sebek Zigvolt
Okay I think that you two could actually get along. He actually believes your story about having your powers locked away. He’s very stubborn so nobody can convinced him otherwise.
You actually don’t mind him being so loud and uptight. You actually kinda match his energy but in a different way. Contrary to popular belief, you two would not argue about Malleus.
“Who’s Malleus?”
“Oh Malleus is —“
“Oh wow! He sounds incredible, godlike even.”
You would praise Malleus together. But you two don’t talk about Malleus that often (some people don’t know that Sebek has an actual personality and his dialogue doesn’t revolve around Malleus).
Everybody was surprised at first but then they thought about it more and realized that you two were practically made for each other. Sure you two can have some heated debates but it’s on useless topics and hopefully you two are mature enough to get over the disagreements.
You two have gotten kicked out of the library for talking too much. At first you were whispering but then you started using your outside voices and that’s when you started getting death glares from other people.
It’s easy to see that Sebek seems less stern when talking with you. He still stays his usual loud self but there’s a different air around him.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Sebek Zivgolt Dorm Uniform Personal Story: Part 3
"There is no time to whine!!!!"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Coliseum – Field]
― The next day, Joint Protection Magic Class, 4th Session
Sebek: It is almost time for our team to present.
Sebek: Are you ready, humans?
Classmate A/B: Yeah…
Classmate A: Who cares about how loud my voice is…? It's not like anything'll change because of how much I shout or anything.
Classmate B: Man, I don't feel like I can pass this assignment if I gotta work with Sebek.
Sebek: You lack the will to win. If you are as you are, there is no way you would be able to win even the easiest battles.
Sebek: You do remember the magic you have been tasked with performing, yes?
Classmate A: I have water, this guy has fire. We're all using magic we're good at, right? Obviously, we can remember that much.
Classmate A: …But dude, was it really okay for us to choose the magic we get to use first?
Classmate B: If we have to have three types of magic, that means you have to use something else.
Classmate B: Kinda means you won't really have the freedom to choose whatever magic you want…
Sebek: No matter. I practice an extensive array of magic every single day!
Sebek: And I am aware that it would be difficult to overcome any weakness in one night.
Sebek: In order to achieve a passing grade, we should take advantage of whatever strengths you already possess.
Classmate A: I-I see…
Classmate B: See, he sounds inspiring, but I know exactly what he's trying to say…
Sebek: Now… WE BEGIN!
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Classmate A: Go, water, envelop the doll and stop its movement!
Classmate A: Urgh… It's moving faster than I expected, so my music can't hit it at all!
Classmate B: Mine neither. I can't even get close!
Sebek: That doll is much quicker than I had expected. It also moves akin to a person… This exercise is really invigorating.
Classmate A/B: …
Sebek: Hey, you two, what are you standing around for? We go again! Do not stop until you've hit the target!
Classmate B: But… We don't have much time left, isn't it gonna be impossible for us to clear it?
Classmate A: I knew it, this dysfunctional team wasn't gonna be good enough…
Classmate B: Ack!? You scared me…
Classmate A: You're so loud, man!
Sebek: Humph. You were both showing your loss of conviction, so I was merely shooing it away.
Sebek: No matter how impossible the objective may seem, as long as you never give up, there will always be a means to succeed.
Sebek: To give up only after a few tries like this is absolutely pathetic.
Sebek: Is this the extent of your determination? Do you not have any pride on your name as a student of Night Raven College?
Classmate A: Sebek… You…
Sebek: I absolutely, definitely must pass this task for the sake of the Young Master, someone who is very, very important to me…
Sebek: Which means that, in the end, the two of you also have the great fortune of acting on behalf of Malleus-sama as well.
Classmate A: SEBEK, SERIOUSLY!?!
Sebek: Humph. Looks like you've gotten your spirit back.
Classmate B: Huh? Oh, you're right… When I shouted like that, I felt a little bit of energy coursing through me.
Classmate A: There's no way I can let this end with Sebek looking down on me like that… Yeah, I'll do it! Let's go!!
Ace: Wow, Sebek's team suddenly got their second wind. Was that their strategy all along?
Deuce: Yeah, but they're just haphazardly throwing spells around, they're not hitting the doll at all. I wonder what they're gonna do now.
Ace: Who knows, maybe they're just gonna brute force it?
Ace: Well… No matter what kind of magic Sebek uses now, I don't think they'll get anywhere if they're just gonna attack with reckless abandon.
Sebek: …Alright, the team's morale has increased. That is the most important aspect in a real fight.
Sebek: I cannot allow this opportunity to pass. I need to make the decisive strike now…
Sebek: …There!
Sebek: Hey, human! Send your fire magic to that puddle over there!
Classmate A: That puddle…? Oh you mean the one from the attack I missed earlier?
Classmate B: Man, I'm starting to get used to Sebek's commands… Fine, I just gotta do it, right? Hah!!
Ace: Woah, that's a ton of steam! It's gotten so white, I can't see a thing in front of me…!
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Sebek: Right, here is my chance!
Sebek: If it is a precise copy of how a person would act, then if it were to be robbed of its senses the same as any real person, then it shouldn't be able to move.
Sebek: This was a fascinating exercise, but…
Sebek: It was rather fortuitous for me that this was not a mere target, but rather a humanoid one.
Sebek: If this were a test that focused only on one's magical strength, it may have been rather difficult, but… I am more than capable of any kind of training towards people!
Sebek: I will have you perish here, all for Malleus-sama!
Sebek: TAKE THIS!!!
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Ace: Dude, Sebek's magic just hit it directly… And the doll broke! Wait, was he just waiting for his chance the whole time?
Deuce: Isn't Sebek the first one to actually break the target with a single hit? That's amazing…!
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Sebek: …I will now read the critique the professor gave our team.
Classmate A/B: Gulp…
Sebek: "…Despite the initial slow magical attacks, and the many issues with actual control of your magic, the indominable spirit you all showed in the second half to come back full force was impressive."
Sebek: "Taking into account that the team each used one of three different types of magic and destroyed the target, as assigned…"
Sebek: "You all pass."
Classmate A/B: H-HOORAY!!!
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Sebek: But it wasn't a perfect score, hm… There is still much room to grow, myself included.
Classmate A: You're just gonna mutter to yourself while we're trying to celebrate? Man, you really need to learn how to read the room.
Classmate A: But hey… Honestly, hearing you say that kinda put me in a good mood. In a good and a bad way, I guess.
Classmate A: Thanks.
Classmate B: Yeah. I think I might understand why you're always shouting all the time, too.
Sebek: …I see. I will say that the two of you did a good job this time, as well.
Sebek: You showed me what spirit you actually have. Not bad for humans.
Classmate A: Heheh, it actually feels kinda weird when Sebek's being open like this…
Sebek: Although, if it had just been myself, I would have been able to do such a simple task in half the time it took us this time.
Classmate B: Haaah!? Weren't you just saying that we all worked hard together to get that passing grade!?
Sebek: Huh? I never said such a thing. Your hard work, and my ability are two separate things.
Sebek: This time, I simply complied to the tasked assigned to me. I would have been able to do it by my lonesome, without any help from you humans!!
Classmate A: I think I regret thanking you…
Classmate B: I take back everything good I just thought about you! Sebek, you really gotta do something about that attitude of yours!
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―After school, same day
Sebek: Young Master, today I alone will be escorting you.
Malleus: Right.
Malleus: …Ah, I heard that you passed your assignment in the joint protection magic class today.
Sebek: Eh!? H-How did you come to know of that, sir?
Malleus: I met with Lilia and Silver on the way here. I heard from the both of them.
Malleus: You've grown well, Sebek.
Sebek: M-Malleus-sama…!
Sebek: …Far from it. This assignment was a mere trifle.
Sebek: As long as it is for you, Malleus-sama… No matter where life may take us, everything I, Sebek, do is for you!
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 2 years
How do you think the first years in general feel about cockwarming
Giving vs receiving, anal or oral, their first reaction to being asked it, any positions they like to do it in, etc
I had fun writing it. Thank you for requesting!
Cockwarming (ft.first years)
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Warnings: amab!reader
a/n: all characters are aged-up and depicted as 18+ y/o
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ace trappola
° ace loves giving cockwarming, he can just sit there and do nothing, except tease you time to time. Can try receiving, but gets restless too fast, claims it's too much
° between oral and anal, ace definitely picks anal. That feeling when his ass is being stretched out, but he can't move or even shift, is something ace lives for
° the first time you ask ace to cockwarm you is probably when he sat on your lap and kept squirming. He'd be surprised, but quickly get ahold of himself. Definitely calls you a pervert, even tho he's the one taking a dick up his ass
° wants to sit on your lap, while cockwarming. Doesn't really care if he's facing you or not, but ace does get shy if he's facing you, because at any time you can just look at his red face and tease him about it
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deuce spade
° deuce is fine with either giving and receiving, he wants to be a good boy and just pleasure you. And if he gets some pleasure in return, that makes it better
° if receiving deuce prefers anal, he'll obediently sit there, while you're doing your thing. He can start whining after awhile, but he's actually good at not moving
° if giving it's definitely oral, i see deuce having an oral fixation, and what's better than having your dick in his mouth for hours on end. Looks up at you with those puppy eyes, if you try to pull your dick out
° he's definitely shy the first time you ask him to try cockwarming. He gets kinda intrigued by it, but is too embarrassed to do it right here and there. He definitely needs a lot of time to actually come to you and agree
° I don't see deuce preferring any particular position, he's happy with whatever you choose. If you want to try any new position, deuce is happy to oblige, even tho he gets embarrassed
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jack howl
° jack is more on the receiving side, he's very disciplined and can sit still for hours. Plus he can smell you and not be weird about it, which gives him comfort
° I'd say he's more into anal, but oral is fine too. When doing anal he can just sit in place, while you work on something, jack gets very relaxed and can actually fall asleep
° straight up rejects you the first time, because of embarrassment. He didn't want to sound harsh or anything, but when you just so blatantly bring something like this up, jack doesn't know what to answer
° favorite position is when you're both laying in bed, you cockwarm him, while some movie is playing in the background. It mostly leads to some sleepy sex after you wake up from a nap
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epel felmier
° even tho epel gets a little bratty about it, but he actually loves giving cockwarming. He doesn't admit it, but the feeling of your cock in his ass or mouth is addicting
° mostly prefers oral, he just sits in between your legs and keeps your dick in his mouth. On special occasions can do anal, but he does move a lot, so it's not really cockwarming, if you end up fucking him
° says "hell yeah!" when you first ask him to try it. He's up to everything, epel is very experimental, he isn't ashamed of his eagerness.
° favorite position is laying down with your dick in his mouth, it doesn't hurt him and allows epel to cockwarm you for much longer. If he's doing anal it's probably sitting on your lap facing you
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sebek zigvolt
° sebek mostly does receiving, but deep down he actually loves giving cockwarming a lot. He just doesn't want to admit it, he's not some pervert like you, human!
° oral. Definitely oral. Shut him up with your dick, let sebek sit there and just keep your cock in his mouth, not able to speak. It's also a great way to make him feel shy, since you can clearly see his red face
° don't even ask sebek to try cockwarming, he'll flat out reject you without a chance. He's too prideful for his own good. It's better to just let things play naturally and then let sebek know what's going on
° mostly doesn't really care about positions, they aren't that important compared to the pleasure. Is cool with trying new positions, as long as it doesn't hurt any of you
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pet-pet-peet · 3 years
Hmm, I think requests are open? If they're not, feel free to ignore or delete!! Can I request for seperate headcannons where Azul, Jade, Vil, and Sebek have to deal with their spoiled SO during the holidays. The reader has a sweet tooth, so they'll whine about wanting to eat sweets and maybe ask the boys to make desserts for them. Basically, kinda childish reader? Thanks~
This sounds super sweet (ehehehe), of course!
This is the first of two Holiday related posts, I will be posting the other afterwards since both are very late ><
Tw: uses of words such as annoying, but in light context (I'm sensitive to it, so just letting anyone like me know-); lmk!
[Requests on hold until I catch up]
Pairing(s): Azul, Jade, Vil, Sebek x gn reader who’s spoiled during the holidays (separate)
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He's there to cater to your every need, no matter how often they may be
You need sweets? Coming up! Not to your liking? He'll get more!
The only issues that come up is when he needs to focus on the Mostro and dorm leader stuff
He knows you'll be upset that he had to shift focus for so long, so he brings a whole variety of sweets he (forced) asked Jade and Floyd to help him make
Doesn't really mind how spoiled you are, honestly probably one of the reasons you're still spoiled lol
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He can tolerate your childishness, he can be pretty childish himself, but he's not always around to get you what you want
He likes to go into the mountains and see new plant life that he's never seen before, so if you start whining to him about wanting sweets he may get a little sad to leave
He will, though, and takes you to either the Mostro, if he has work, or another bakery, where he'll get you anything you want
If you're acting childishly and it's not the time for it, he may lightly reprimand you but never tries to make you upset
He also doesn't mind how spoiled you are, it at least keeps things interesting
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He has his moments where he feels you're intolerably spoiled, but knows you only act such during the holidays
He tries to bear with it as long as he can, but if he reprimands you it won't be a big surprise-
He likes order and a serious environment for certain situations, if you start whining for sweets while in the middle of helping him decorate, he's gonna get a bit upset
All that being said, he does end up catering to your wishes anyway; it makes you happy, and it's only during the holidays, so why not?
Your spoiled behavior is something he has to slowly learn to accept and get used to, but he's willing to try for you
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He can be a bit of a brat during the holidays, too, but he'll never admit that
Probably finds you to be annoying when you whine, so he'll throw you whatever you want (not literally) just to make you stop!
Or, so he says- in actuality, he just feels good being the one that gets you what makes you happy
He's a big softie on the inside, no matter how annoying you may get he'll never say anything too harsh or serious (aside from the occasional "you're being really annoying," but he never actually means anything negative behind it)
I don't think he'll truly think much of your spoiled behavior, especially because he can be the same way so he's used to it
*All Images are official art from Twisted Wonderland and do not belong to me. They are the Lab Coat Groovy card art
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shroudcore · 3 years
Speak now, or forever hold your peace. (II)
Summary: You crash the wedding with Grim and Ortho. Unlike the others, proposing isn’t on your mind. You come with a very different approach. 
An angstier take on Ghost Marriage. Idia x GN!reader. Reader is MC, or takes the role of MC in this story. (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Warnings: none
If the students of NRC thought they’ve seen Eliza at her angriest, they were wrong. The fury she displayed now was incomparable. While Idia fawned over your dramatic anime-worthy entrance, the new interruption was getting on her last ghostly nerve.
“Guards! Seize them!” she roared. Immediately, the ghosts went into action. Idia held his breath as he watched the obedient ghosts charge at you, Grim, and Ortho. He hoped you didn’t barge in with no plan. If you didn’t come equipped with useful items, you would end up like everyone else. 
Chubby, determined to get rid of the intruders that caused distress to his beloved princess, was eager to get rid of you. (”Simp”, Idia muttered) However, eagerness wasn’t enough against an opponent equally as determined. As soon as he got too close, an unknown force threw him backwards to where Eliza floated, shocking the princess.
“Chubby! Are you alright?”
Idia, on the other hand, was elated. 
“Th-that’s so OP!” he exclaimed. He knew you heard him, because your gaze flicked to him for a split second before looking away. Embarrassed, Idia shut his mouth. He’d expected at least a smile. 
After Chubby’s failed attack, other ghosts attempted to face your group. They only met the same fate. Confused, they could only pay their apologies to the princess and watch on in helplessness. Just what did you have up your sleeve? Who did you get such an SS-tier item from?
“Princess, it’s impossible to stop them!” the last of Eliza’s guards told her. For the first time that night, she looked afraid. 
Grim guffawed, while you smirked. A familiar look. It was always there before you jumpscared an enemy, or before you checkmated a poor opponent. Idia might have thought it was kinda hot. At the moment, he was oblivious to his gaping mouth, and how wildly his hair blazed. What were once lightly blushing tips were now an alarming red—a level of ferocity never seen from him before. 
“You can’t touch or hurt us!” boasted Grim, a devious smirk on his face. “We had some he—mprfgh!” He was abruptly cut off by Ortho’s robotic arm covering his mouth. Idia’s brother shook his head at your noisy dorm mate. 
“Release my big brother now!” he demanded. Idia grimaced, but didn’t feel too worried. As long as Ortho was with you and your anti-ghost protective shield, he would be safe. 
As expected, the ghosts were affronted. 
“How dare he order the princess like that?”
“You ought to be punished for your insolence!”
“To intrude on a royal wedding and speak disrespectfully! 
“Send them to the gallows!”
One talked, and one talked over the other. Soon, all that could be heard was an unintelligible susurrus of disembodied voices. One ghost had enough of it, and shouted to Eliza: “Princess, the kiss! Do what must be done!” 
“NO!” You and Ortho yelled at the same time. You continued to walk towards the makeshift altar as your two companions followed close behind. Ghosts rushed to block your path, but you pressed on as your invisible shield threw them back. It looked absolutely badass. Well, anything you did was cool to Idia, anyway. 
 “Out of my way!” You commanded, strong and unwavering. He’d seen you annoyed and angry before, but never up to this point. It basically radiated off of you that a danger warning could be floating above your head. 
“S-so intimidating... “
“So scary!”
Sure, this wedding crasher looked like you, but something was different. An unexplainable sinister aura wreathed you tonight. Was it your glare, or was it that regal suit you wore? Idia must have been too distracted by you, that he only noticed now how your cape seemed to drag shadows with it. You were a villain... much like one of the villains from his video games! And something else that was familiar. 
Whatever it was and wherever it came from, there was a menacing presence in the hall tonight. 
All were silent, except for the wind whistling through the hall. If one listened more carefully, they would hear drowned-out cackles. But it is just the wind, right?
“Wh-who are you?” Eliza finally asked. The ghosts who were ashamed at being unable to seize you began to form a protective ring around their princess. Eliza herself, Idia noticed, was starting to curl in on herself—her presence shrinking the closer you approached. “What do you want?”
“The groom,” was all you said, staring her down as if eyes alone could exterminate the ghost in front of you. 
“Idia?” she asks weakly, glancing at her tied-up groom. Idia said nothing and did nothing but look at you, attempting to telepathically communicate his panic. You barely even looked at him. 
“He’s mine.” 
Hold up—?
More gasps and chatter. They sounded less like whispers and more like the buzzing insects he heard whenever he snuck out at midnight. The world spun. Idia stared at you open-mouthed. 
If he were asked to describe his state of mind at this moment, it would be similar to a loading screen. Suddenly, everything you did together played back in a 1.75x supercut sequence. 
“Wh-what?” Eliza sputtered. “What do you mean?” 
You answered her, voice losing the steadiness it possessed just moments ago. “You have the man I love.” 
Idia.exe has crashed. Reboot? 
The audience’s reactions were varied. Some students on the floor were amused by the spectacle and could have used some popcorn (and a comfortable position) during these times. Some were horrified and disappointed by the idea of the prefect being in love with Idia Shroud the shut-in. Some were much too confused to feel anything. 
“Pardon…? What did I just hear?” Azul asked the floor.
“Puppy love,” Lilia wept, sniffling very loudly. “You know, this reminds me of when I was young...” 
“Whaddaya mean when you were young?!” Floyd snapped. His irritability had spiked up even more when you arrived. His position prevented him from witnessing the events. Everyone on the floor could feel his bad mood rolling off of him in waves. 
“Hey! Watch your tone when speaking to Lilia!” scolded Sebek. 
“... Are they acting?” Leona mumbled. 
“Oh, this better be an act.”  said Vil.  “... though it does not seem to be.” The last part of his observation remained unheard by anyone else, except for Rook. 
“I believe we are witnessing a genuine love confession,” added the Chasseur d’Amour himself, voice soft as he sighed dreamily. “Engrave this moment into your memories, everyone! We are fortunate to witness it…”
But no one shared his enthusiasm about the situation. The others expressed their displeasure by groaning and complaining. “... well, even in this state we are in?” he added as a follow-up. 
You once fell asleep on Idia’s shoulder after finishing a movie. It was something you both only watched to make fun of, but you were apparently too tired to give your top-tier jokes and meme references. The contact sent his heart into overdrive as he froze, begging for option boxes to appear and help him. The flames of his hair blazed so brightly that it woke you back up. It was embarrassing, and sometimes he would remember it late at night and cringe. 
It was happening again, but worse. Any moment now, he was sure that he alone could burn down the cafeteria, if not the whole school. This was stupid. Why did he get that worked up over an obvious act? A mere ploy to get the ghosts to release him?
Reality catches up and deals him triple attack damage. Crowley probably put you up to this. You were probably annoyed that you were forced to do this, weren’t you? That’s why you couldn’t even look at him. It had to be the cruelest joke that fate ever threw his way. 
“I can’t say I don’t understand you, Princess,” you tell Eliza, forcing a smile. “Idia is perfect, is he not?” He felt your eyes on him. This time, it was he who couldn’t quite meet your gaze. Looking down at the floor was all he could do; it couldn’t judge his blushing face. Only when the warmth in his cheeks faded did he feel it safe to look back up again. 
“You see him, don’t you, Princess?” Your voice began to falter, losing the confidence and authority in it that scared the ghosts. “He’s so much more than what everyone else thinks! We agree on that, don’t we?”
Eliza’s face softened, nodding. “Yes. I’ve seen how these people insult him!” she tells you, gesturing to the ‘failed princes’ on the floor.
“But we’re still different,” you stepped closer, but still far enough so that your invisible anti-ghost forcefield wouldn’t activate. “You don’t want to marry Idia, you want to marry your fairytale prince.” 
Eliza appeared to be genuinely confused. She looked around at her companions, before turning back to you. “What do you mean?”
“You’re in love with your ideals, not the person himself,” you explain. “You only chose him for his appearance. Am I right? His personality, likes and dislikes, and possible flaws don’t matter to you.”
Eliza seemed deep in thought. While she was silent, you release a bitter laugh and threw your hands up.  “I mean, do you even know what his favorite candy is?”
Pomegranate drops. You asked to have some, but he refused to give you any. He wouldn’t tell you why, but he let you assume it was his favorite and didn’t want to share because of that. 
That wasn’t it, though. Maybe he’d tell you once you were both out of here. 
“You’ve never stayed up until 4am just to join him on a raid!” You waved your hands wildly, lost in your rant. Whether Eliza understood you or not, you seemed to have stopped giving a damn. 
“Weak!” he teased, noticing your drooping eyelids and reduced concentration. Deep down, he felt bad for keeping you up late.  “Look, it’s fine if you need to rest.”
“Nah, let’s finish this. What are you going to do without me?” you replied, smirking.
“You don’t even have 4-hour conversations with him on Magicord VC like I do!” 
It lasted up until 3am. You two were laughing at memes. He could hear a groggy Grim complain in the background about the noise. 
“Alright. Here’s a question, princess. How much would you risk for the man beside you right now? Bet that’s where we’re different...”
Eliza’s gaze darted back and forth between you and Idia. Even the other ghosts were silent, waiting for your next words. 
“... because if you ask me, I would risk everything! That’s why I’m here wearing this stupid suit!”
It’s not real. It’s not real. The emotion behind every word was a punch to the gut. If you kept this up, he might need a healer soon. Ever since he realized he was falling, he tried to quell the sparks of hope you ignited whenever you did something nice for him. All that hard work was gone. Each word you uttered was gasoline. 
“To think that if I arrived minutes later… th-that I would never see him again!” A sob escapes your throat, your intimidating persona crumbling.
No, don’t do that. Idia wanted to reassure you that he was still there and he was okay, but he couldn’t. It’s part of an act. It’s part of an act. 
“So please… just let him go.” The front you wore has completely dissolved. There you were, reduced to a sobbing mess in front of a ghost princess and the students of NRC. 
You weren’t the only one. All traces of anger or fear have vanished from Eliza’s face. Instead, she put her hands over her mouth. The princess had been moved to tears. Finally, she turns to Idia. “Idia, they seem to l-love you very much… ”
“That’s right.” You wiped your tear-streaked face and pointed an accusing finger at the ghosts. “And all of you! Are you going to enable her forever? Encourage her shallow ideas of what love should be?” 
They all looked down, unable to meet your eyes. 
“You have no right to just snatch him up and claim him as yours,” you told Eliza with an unfaltering resolve, despite your tear-covered face and your crumbled front of strength. “Did you never think… that there could have been someone waiting for him to return?” 
“I-I never meant to!” Eliza cried. “I was so blinded by my own happiness. I never thought… never even considered…” 
“Princess, it’s alright. We all make mistakes.” Chubby told her, trying to be reassuring. 
“Tell me, intruder. How else am I going to find my prince?” she asked you with no trace of hostility. You stopped for a while, staring at her. 
You must not have expected the question. Idia saw you look at him—it was the longest time you’d looked at him all evening. Clearing your throat, you began to explain. You fumbled a bit, scratching the back of your neck and tugging at the hem of your coat as you explained what a perfect partner should be. 
As you spoke, Idia was enthralled by your voice and most of all, the knowledge you possessed about love and romance. He hadn’t seen this side of you before. How did he ever think that a hundred dating sims could make him a romance expert?
“Is that so?” she sighs, bowing her head. “I understand now. I’m so sorry… for causing you so much grief.” 
She turns to her companions, giving them a sad smile. “There’s only one thing to do. Everyone, we must stop this wedding.” 
Idia wanted to fall to the floor in relief. At least a few exhausted sighs and weak cheers could be heard from the wedding “attendees”. You fell to your knees, exaggerating your gratitude. 
“Thank you, princess!”
“But Princess… what about your happily ever after?” Chubby interjected. 
“I can’t tear two lovers apart!” Eliza wipes a few of her own tears, then turns to you. “I was deeply moved by your words. I dream of having a lover like you,” she sighs dreamily, probably imagining her future lover already. 
While the students of NRC rejoiced at this victory, Idia’s heartbeat quickened in fear. What if Eliza decided to take you for herself?
“Princess…” Chubby muttered, sighing. Eliza only gave him a reassuring smile. Phew. Idia relaxed, grateful that she doesn’t have the idea… yet. He didn’t know what to do if that thought became reality. 
Eliza turns to address the hall with a smile. “I have decided.” Everyone waited with bated breath for her announcement. Idia squeezed his eyes shut and silently urged her to announce their departure already. 
“Idia and I will not be married anymore. She smiles wide, and clasps her hands together. “However, there will still be a wedding!”
Your smile faded. “What… what do you mean, princess?”
She beams. “To make up for my mistake, I will make sure that Idia and his lover are married tonight!” 
To be continued.
Tagging: @teashopwritingzz @twistedcrumbs 
Well, that was long. To think that I was planning for the story to be a one-shot! Once again, keep an eye out for Part 3. Thank you for reading! 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
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britishassistant · 3 years
I wonder what the supervillains (the dorm leaders) would do if they get switched with their other self in Twisted Wonderland.
They'll meet a younger Yuu calls them senpai and probably get shivers when they hear someone shout Prefect but then realize its Yuu's role in that world.
Bonus would be if Yuuken's there too, sharing the dorm with Yuu.
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
I decided to take a little inspo from my Villainous Paranoiac series for this one! Not a whole lot, but the idea of Twisted Wonderland Yuu being put in the infirmary after the events of Chapter Five!
(Also consider it non-canon, since it kinda involves everyone’s identities being exposed!)
Basically imagine that the supervillains find themselves in what looks like a private school infirmary, late at night. The air is buzzing with a strange energy, almost like the powers back in their home world, but...different, somehow.
The room nearly empty, save for one occupant in a cot close to the door.
Poison Queen and King immediately begin bickering over whose fault this mess is, while Royal Flush tries to get them to keep their voices down or else they’ll be detected. Charon is half a minute from going to curl up in a corner, clutching his freeze ray like a lifeline, while Octo Dealer and Snake Charmer are busy inspecting their surroundings for anything of value or that can be requisitioned into a weapon on short notice.
Tsunotaro has wandered over to inspect the sole other living being in the room with them.
He is pleasantly surprised to see what looks like a younger version of the reporter he’s so fond of, fast asleep in the infirmary cot. Their cheeks still retain the last bit of baby fat from childhood, and there’s some acne left that will fade with age. He may give one cheek a gentle poke, just to satisfy his curiosity. The sleepy mumble they let out is a little more high pitched than normal, but that’s the reporter’s voice alright.
He is less pleased to see dark circles under their eyes, or the bandages around their throat that stink of medicinal salves. If this truly is a younger version of his child of man, then why do they look so worried, even in sleep? Why are they injured and sleeping in this place of healing in the first place? They’re a mere child, barely old enough to operate a vehicle or live alone. Their only worries should be trivial things, not whatever is causing this furrow in their brow and hunch in their shoulders.
The other supervillains have begun to migrate over to where Tsunotaro is crouching in silent contemplation. King flips his eyepatch up to get a better look, whistling lowly. Octo Dealer busies himself with refilling their water glass, sneaking glances at them as he places it within easy reach. Snake Charmer pulls their pillow more under their head from where it’s almost slipped off. Poison Queen straightens the arrangement of the very tasteful bouquet on the bedside table, so the flowers’ best angle is shown to the bed’s occupant. Royal Flush carefully tucks their covers in over them.
Charon takes a picture with his tablet.
He forgot to turn off his flash.
Yuu cracks their eyes open...
To see seven adults looming over their bed in masks that resemble the ink from the overblots that haunt the Prefect’s nightmares.
Cue terrified screaming.
Snake Charmer lunges forward instinctively to cover Yuu’s mouth—
It’s only thanks to Poison Queen yanking him back that he doesn’t end up with an arrow in the shoulder.
Several more follow the first one through the window above the prefect’s cot, cold iron sharp and perfectly aimed to seriously maim if the supervillains don’t immediately get away from the screaming teenager. Rook was lax in protecting the Trickster after VDC ended, assuming there was no more danger after Roi du Poison’s overblot was saved. He will not make that mistake again.
The infirmary doors burst open, a younger Yuuken in a sleep-rumpled uniform barging in from where he decided to sleep outside because Ramshackle felt too empty and quiet to bear, but was forbidden from staying in the infirmary himself. He only has a pillow, but he brandishes it at the strange adults, fully willing to defend his dorm mate in whatever way he can.
The vanguard appears in a flurry of bats though, too many to fight off, small and vicious and furious. Their commander materializes in the center if the swarm, hovering over the head of Yuu’s cot, pink eyes brimming with a cold rage that makes his small and cute form look like it’s bursting at the seams holding something much older and angrier back. He opens his mouth, fangs long and glistening—
Only to stop short at the sight of one of the supervillains. “Malleus? Malleus Draconia?”
Tsunotaro nods warily.
“Wh-What in Twisted Wonderland are you wearing??”
Tsunotaro ducks his head like a chastened child. “I could say the same thing.” He mutters sullenly.
From there the lights get turned on, and the seven supervillains are made to explain themselves to the sleep-deprived students and staff who trickle in to see what’s going on. All six dorm leaders and one vice dorm leader vanished from their beds, setting everyone on high alert until news of these...alternate versions spread.
It is very weird for the supervillains to see all their minions as teenagers (again in some cases). It is only surpassed by how weird it is for everyone else to see their dorm heads and vice head all grown up and adult, even if they are dressed weird.
Ortho still wants to shoot them with a beam until they bring back his nii-san. Luckily Charon is able to convince him that Idia should be fine if he’s in Charon’s lair—he’s got plenty of the latest games, manga and tech for him to play with, so that should keep him occupied for a while.
Sebek is in a state of Malleus awe. He has shut down and will not restart. Silver has taken to pinching himself just to make sure this isn’t a Lilia’s cooking induced fever dream, while Lilia himself scolds Tsunotaro that he raised him better than to go around watching people sleep like that! Tsunotaro tries to use the “but I’m a supervillain” excuse, only for Lilia to shoot back “and I’m a war criminal in some nations, what’s your point?”
King is enjoying watching the overgrown lizard get scolded. Now if only the tiny Ruggie would stop asking him what injury the eyepatch is for, and making remarks about how embarrassing it would be if it were totally pointless—King does not pay his adult self so much to put up with this shit. The baby Jack also needs to stop demanding to know if his adult minion self can pull a sled faster than a moose or something...
Jade and Floyd are attempting to wind up the adult Octo Dealer, trying to see how much they can get away with compared with the normal Azul. Octo Dealer is legitimately at a loss as to how this world’s Azul doesn’t keep them in line without letting them turn to a crime or two. Then he learns about Azul’s contract business and feels a pang of commiseration and understanding.
Poison Queen, Royal Flush, and Snake Charmer are unpleasantly shocked when their dorms address them by their respective secret identities in front of their fellow supervillains out of the blue.
Poison Queen has to put up with King’s uncontrolled laughter as he finally understands the full extent of the incident with White Neige so long ago, while Tsunotaro tries to tell him he liked Schoenheit in his role as the evil dragon prince in the GaoGao dramatization. Royal Flush is about two seconds away from throttling Octo Dealer if the bastard doesn’t stop trying to make a deal to guarantee his mother doesn’t learn about her son’s private activities. Snake Charmer’s just glad his civilian identity flies under the radar enough that Charon has to try and look him up to understand who he is (and fails because he’s not on school wifi and his cellular data is bust).
Poison Queen is also getting a headache from Rook rhapsodizing about how his villain form is another, enhanced mode of beauty he is fortunate to lay eyes upon, as if he hadn’t been willing to skewer Poison Queen along with the rest of the supervillains five minutes ago. He’s at least able to amuse himself by letting Epel run away with his speculations about how he’s the buff hyper-masculine muscle for Poison Queen.
Kalim is crying that Jamil had to resort to becoming a villain in his home world! He must be so sad if he has to do that! He’s mildly cheered up when Snake Charmer tells him they work together on schemes, and that Snake Charmer is actually reasonably happy with his chosen vocation—and then he begins panicking that Jamil will like that world so much, he won’t want to come back.
Royal Flush is glad his counterpart at least has good people around to look after him, even if it is odd to have young versions of Trey and Cater trying to mother hen him despite the fact that he’s the older one now. At least Ace and Deuce acting up seems more fitting now considering their age than it ever did on their adult selves.
Ace huffs a sigh and leans on Yuu’s shoulder. “This is a mess, huh Prefect?”
“You said it.” Yuu replies. “I just wanna sleep forever.”
The supervillains go still.
“I’m sorry,” Snake Charmer says carefully. “But isn’t Enma-san the Prefect?”
“No?” Yuuken replies, confused. “Yuu’s the prefect of Ramshackle Dorm. I’m their vice— or would be, if we had any other students apart from them, me, and Grim.”
Octo Dealer laughs, sounding slightly strained. “Ah, apologies, but you see, that isn’t possible. It can’t be. Yuu isn’t—”
“But I am the prefect, Azul-senpai.” Yuu the Prefect says. “I’ve–I’ve always been the prefect.”
There’s a stunned silence.
Royal Flush places his head in his hands. “What the fuck.”
Back in the Supervillain AU universe, Yuu the Reporter sneezes sharply while trying to wrangle five frightened teenagers, one frightened-but-playing-tough twenty year old, and one confused however-old-he-is-but-younger-than-Tsunotaro fae.
They wonder what the chill down their spine is.
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Moe Moe Mallekei Kyun~
In which Malleus and Cater go to a maid café, and shenanigans ensue.
... I’ve been wanting to write this for a long time.
***Warning: mild spoilers for Malleus’s PE Uniform personal story!***
Imagine this...
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Two bodyguards fell into line, saluting simultaneously to their vice dorm leader.
“We just finished combing through the prime gargoyle locations around campus,” Silver reported. “Unfortunately, there was no sight of Malleus-sama to be found. The accounts of the various students we interviewed also corroborate that the Young Master has not recently been spotted in the area.”
“I see. Thank you, Silver.” Lilia sighed, cupping his cheek in one hand. “Hm, this is a bit odd. Wherever could he have wandered off to this time?”
At that moment, a ping! sounded off. Lilia fished his phone out of his pocket and, with one glance at the screen, his expression softened.
“You don’t suppose some dastardly villain has… kidnapped the Young Master and is holding him for ransom, do you?!” Sebek’s eyes nearly bulged out of his skull at the thought. “If that is the case… THEN WE HAVE FAILED AS MALLEUS-SAMA’S KNIGHTS!!”
“Now, now--let’s not jump to conclusions. Even if that were true, I’m certain that Malleus would be able to easily fend off assailants on his own. Perhaps he has simply lost his way, or headed off campus to run an errand.”
“... Without warning us in advance?”
“I would have happily accompanied the Young Master wherever he went--EVEN TO THE ENDS OF TWISTED WONDERLAND ITSELF!!”
“Kufufu. Malleus is still young at heart. Let us allow him this moment of independence, just this once. He will find his way home eventually.”
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“Welcome home, my masters!!”
Malleus skidded to a stop in the doorway—for beyond it laid unknown territory. The interior sported cream walls, with fairy lights, streamers, and paper flowers strung up. A number of tables and chairs, populated with people, were set against flowing white curtains.
Young ladies flitted about, balancing trays of food and drinks, cameras, and microphones. Each wore the same outfit, consisting of a frilly headdress, an apron, and a black dress with lace trim and ribbons.
And now, one of those uniformed girls extended a hand to him and a warm, welcoming smile.
Malleus frowned and turned to the orange haired young man beside him. “... Diamond. What is this strange establishment you’ve brought me to?”
“Mm? It’s a maid café,” Cater chirped, glancing up from his phone. “You said you’ve never been before, right?”
“Well, yes… However, when you invited me to join you for an outing, I did not expect this to be our destination.”
“It’ll be fine~ We’re already here, so let’s get seated!” Cater insisted cheerily, ushering the fae through the door. 
“Right this way, my masters!” The greeter giggled and led the way, eventually stopping at a vacant table set for two. As the duo slipped into their seats, she handed them menus and moistened towels. “We have a wide selection of special services and delicious dishes for your enjoyment!”
Malleus hesitantly flipped open the (very pink) menu and ran his eyes down the page of available items. Along with the expected offerings of desserts, savory foods, and beverages were odd listings: massage, ear cleaning, karaoke, game, arts and crafts, picture, spoon feeding, live song and dance...
He stared quizzically at Cater, who seemed to be taking everything in stride.
“I’ll take a plate of omurice! How about you, Malleus-kun?”
He stared back at his menu, trying to make rhyme or reason of the unique names. What in the Great Seven was a Pyon ❤ Pyon Sunshine Bar…? Or a Lucky☆Happy☆Cookie? Malleus’s brows furrowed in both concentration and confusion.
“I… I shall have the local specialty, whatever that may be,” the fae prince declared at last.
“Excellent choices! And would you like a bunny, or a kitty?”
“You hand out animals at this eating establishment? Is that not a health code violation?”
“Aaah, Malleus-kun, she doesn’t mean real rabbits and cats. Look--you’ll see when she brings them, okay?” Cater laughed awkwardly. Then, turning to the waitress, he held up his index finger. “One of each, little lady~”
“Of course!” She scribbled down a few words on her heart shaped notepad before prancing off.
“... Diamond. Are you certain this is the fabled maid café of which you spoke of?” Malleus asked, folding his arms. “I find it difficult to believe that every patron here is descended from a high class lineage. Furthermore, the servers are wearing attire entirely unlike that of a traditional household servant.”
Cater blinked once, twice—then chuckled.
“Maid cafés are like normal cafés. Anyone can go to them to play pretend and chill for a while! The difference is that the waitresses are dressed cutely and offer fun services. Singing, dancing, playing games—that kinda thing!”
“I do not understand.” Malleus swept a hand at their surroundings. “The purpose of this establishment is merely for… amusement?”
“Yup! People get tired of the daily grind sometimes, so they go to places like this to see cute stuff and just take a load off.”
“I… I see.” Malleus tucked his thumb and forefinger under his chin. “We do not have anything like your maid cafes in the Valley of Thorns.”
“You don’t? What sort of things do you do back home for fun, then?”
“I was not allowed to venture far from the palace grounds. Most of my time was spent indoors, studying spells or honing my magical abilities.”
Cater inclined his head. “Oooh, right! Because you’re a prince and all, you weren’t able to do much—but hey! Things are different now! You’ve got Cay-kun to show you a good time!”
“Ah, yes. A ‘good time’...” Malleus attempted at a smile, which came out more wary than he had intended.
“Thank you for waiting!” a girlish voice chirped—their waitress had returned, wearing a tray of food in one hand and two headbands in the other. “Here is your omurice and Nyan ✨ Nyan ✨ Kitty-chan Parfait, plus one pair of kitty ears and one pair of bunny ears!”
She handed Cater his dish—a bed of ketchup flavored fried rice, sealed by a wobbling omelet and garnished with a sprig of parsley.
“Mm! Smells delicious. Thanks a bunch~” Cater grinned, winking at his server.
The maid giggled and placed Malleus’s dessert before him, along with the headbands.
“Would you like me to draw or write something special for you on your meal, master?” she asked, gesturing to Cater’s omurice.
“Sure thing! Could you write ‘Mallekei’? Oh, and a couple of hearts would be cute, too!”
“As you wish!”
As the maid set to work, Malleus marveled at the sight of his parfait.
Colorful scoops of ice-cream, granola, and sliced fruits were layered inside of a tall glass cup. A generous crown of whipped cream and a drizzle of strawberry sauce topped it off. Sticking out from the whipped cream were two wafer triangles and dots of chocolate candies, forming a cat-like face.
How adorable.
… But not adorable enough to be spared.
“Thank you for the food.” The fae raised his spoon to demolish the poor parfait kitten—
“Stop, stop, Malleus-kun!!” Cater cried, frantically waving his arms. “N-Not yet!!”
Malleus lowered his spoon with a frown. “Food is meant to be consumed, Diamond. Is there an issue you have with my table etiquette?”
“Well—no, but…” Cater played with a lock of his orange hair and sighed. “There’s certain rituals we need to do first!”
“Rituals? Oh, my apologies. I was not aware. Please proceed with your regularly scheduled… rituals.”
“Ahaha, you’re a quick learner! First thing’s first, let’s put on our headbands!” Cater swept up the cat ears and passed them over. “Here, to match your parfait! I’ll take the rabbit.”
Malleus gingerly nestled the cat ears on his head, copying Cater’s movements. It was a bit tricky maneuvering around his horns, but somehow, he managed.
“Oh!! Those ears suit you so well!” the waitress said, glancing up from decorating the omurice. Carefully placed splotches of ketchup spelled out ‘Mallekei’, hearts and little sparkles littering the space around the boys’ combined names.
“... Do they?” Malleus doubted it.
“They do!!” Cater reassured him with a laugh. “Ne, ne, miss! Can you take our picture so my friend here can have a souvenir to take home with him?” 
“Certainly!” She replaced the bottle of ketchup and hurried off, returning shortly after with a polaroid camera. “Are you ready, my masters?”
“Ready, Malleus-kun?”
“Hmph. Of course. I will have you know that my posing abilities have improved considerably since our last encounter. Do not underestimate me.”
“Oh, that’s great! You’ve been practicing! Then… on the count of three, we nyah, okay?”
“... What is ‘nyah’?” Malleus inquired, his confidence suddenly waning.
“Eh?” A blip of surprise crossed Cater’s face. “Like, y’know… nyah!”
The influencer curled both of his hands into balls and made a pawing motion at his friend. “Now you try!”
“Like this?” Malleus mimicked him. He was more stiff—definitely not as practiced—but the general motion was still recognizable.
“Very good, master!!” the waitress gushed, raising the polaroid up. “On three?”
“1, 2, 3… Nyah!”
A flash went off, sending stars into Malleus’s vision. As he rubbed the daze out of his eyes, Cater’s voice called out to him.
“Are you okay there?”
“I am well. There is no need for your concern,” the fae insisted. “This ritual… it is more confounding that I took it to be.”
“Eeeh? It’s not meant to be hard or anything. Just relax, relax!” Cater paused before adding, “It’s part of the ritual’s requirements! You need to be nice and loose for the last step!”
“What is this last step?”
“We need to cast a magic spell to make your food taste extra tasty!” the waitress declared cheerily.
“Hoh?” A smirk found its way onto Malleus’s face. “That can easily be arranged. Allow me to do the honors.”
He put his hand before his parfait, an eerie green glow emulating from his palm. The sinister light engulfed his dish and Cater’s, sending them floating midair. Radioactive ice-cream and omurice hovered above their heads, causing both Cater and their maid to recoil in shock.
Other customers stared at the spectacle from their own tables. One man’s jaw dropped, the forkful of spaghetti bolognese in his mouth clattering onto the floor.
“You, who provides sustenance to the masses, become that which is delici—“
“H-Hold on a sec, Malleus-kun!!” Cater practically leapt over the table to seize his friend’s glowing hand. “Not that kind of spell!!”
Eyes wide with surprise, Malleus allowed his magic to settle down. The parfait and omurice gently floated back onto their table, and the maid sighed with relief.
“Is there a different spell needed for this occasion? I assure you that I am well-versed in practical magic—you need only speak its name, and I can conjure the proper…”
“No, no! It’s—“ Cater casted a look at their server and nervously chuckled. “Ne, Maid-chan~ Think you can give us a demonstration of the right spell?”
“Yes, master!” the girl, ever professional, flashed a perky grin. “Please watch carefully!!”
The maid set down her polaroid on the table. She then arched her fingers into C-like shapes, thumb extended straight. Pushing her hands together, she formed a heart and aimed it in the direction of the boy’s dishes.
“Moe moe kyuuuuuun!”
“What an odd spell. In all my years, I have never heard of such an enchantment…”
“Well, there’s a first for everything, right?” Cater flicked one of his floppy rabbit ears. “Plus, it should be no problem for the great Malleus-sama to pull off this spell, right?”
“This is child’s play,” Malleus’s laugh was like the earth itself rumbling. His lips quirked into a small smile. “You will join me in performing this sacred ritual, will you not, Diamond?”
“Of course~”
“Very well.”
They made hearts and thrust them upon their meals. And together, they uttered those three magic words.
“Moe moe kyuuuuun!!”
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“Welcome back, Malleus,” Lilia greeted. The vice dorm leader nonchalantly hung from the ceiling, his raven and magenta bangs suspended midair. “Did you have fun on your outing?”
“Lilia. You knew?” Malleus slowly shut the door behind him, chasing away the cool air of the night. He spoke softly, knowing that sounds carried in the dusty hallways of Diasomnia and could disturb its residents.
“The wonders of modern technology,” Lilia trilled, expertly landing beside his young master. He brandished his phone in a gloved hand, a text message displayed on the screen.
hey hey lilia-chan! gonna steal malmal-kun for the day~ he’ll be back later, but do me a solid and keep it a secret from s&s til then, ‘kay? thnx!! (✿˶˘ ³˘)~♡
“It looks as though I have been exposed.”
“There is no shame in making new friends. In fact, I’m proud of you for expanding your horizons.” Lilia beamed. “Though what a shame it is that I was not present to grab a few pictures. Hopefully Cater fulfilled that task for me.”
The ancient fae tilted forward in his toes and peered up at his prince. “Soooo? Where did you sneak off to?”
“Fufu. Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“My. Is that any way to treat the man that kept Silver and Sebek from hunting you down?” Lilia teased, wagging a finger.
“Such loyalty,” Malleus smirked, hands on his hips, “deserves to be rewarded.”
He produced a polaroid photograph from his breast pocket and presented it with a flourish. The image, forever captured in time, was that of Malleus and Cater—the former with cat ears, the latter with bunny ears—with hands balled to resemble paws. Cater cheekily winked, while Malleus looked slightly bewildered.
The edges of the polaroid were dotted with stickers—smiley faces, flowers, and hearts. Marker had been used to scrawl on whiskers and blushes over both boys’ cheeks.
Overall, cutesy—overwhelming so.
But the Malleus and Cater in the picture were happy.
Their eyes shining like jewels.
Nyah-ing their hearts out.
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
New Episode Update Let’s GOO!!!
Warning : This is just Yume having a mental breakdown, seriously. This episode update was WHACK.
I know we ain’t participating and all but the game reminding you that there’s 10 minutes left to prepare is seriously bad for my heart.
Aah, shiet. Vil is still hurt.
He still has small wounds and scratches that he hid make up. Daddy, I’m worried.
Apparently, yeah, I’m not the only one cause my homeboy, Epel just asked to switch the center role with Vil. THE CONFIDENCE.
Aw, he’s worried about him falling over during stage (And make the performance look bad) Come on, Epel just be honest-
...He finally became the ideal poisoned apple that Vil wanted, huh?
Vil being proud a mom.
But the queen inside him is STRONG.
He’ll embrace the villain in him, OUR QUEEN CAN STILL GO. INJURED, WHO?
...AAND he proceeds to roast Epel again lol Typical Vil.
I love how Epel just accepted a nickname like “Doku Ringo-chan” lol It’s so cute, senior-junior relationship goals right there.
Everyone is actually really confident hahaha
I really wish Deuce’s mom, Ace’s brother, Jamil’s sister, and Vil’s dad were here in person to watch.
Look at Jamil’s solo SD dancing. LOOK AT IT.
I really fucking love Vil’s singing voice aaa
Album when disney.
Is Vil okay.
...aight im hearing some high quality panting here
...dont mind me listening to it a bit too much...
...they’re going to be great reference for some spicy- leave me alone
Vil panting is making me feel SOMETHING.
Unmei no megami is giving me idia ptsd here.
Heartslabyul Senpais are watching their kids, looking all proud *sniff
Oh god, after playing Obey Me, it just occurred to me how similar Cater and Asmodeus’ voices are...
Watch these Senpai dorks act like Ace and Deuce’s second family. Trey being the dad, Riddle being the mom, and Cater being the supportive big bro. It’s so beautiful.
Riddle’s voice is a lot more softer now, I just realized...It’s so soothing...
God i miss u too octavinelle never change
Yeah, why tf did Floyd not audition for this
Bro, can you imagine Nobuhiko Okamoto in the squad as well??? IMAGINE-
Of course, he wasn’t in the mood back then. Of course. Why did i even ask.
Omg i miss u too octavinelle never change
Azul’s gonna overblot again with Floyd’s marketing skills lol
Jade coming in like welp i guess thats that. Too bad, huh Azul?
GOD i miss u too octavinelle never change
I wonder if these mfs knew that Vil just overblotted and malmal was the one who fixed the stage lol
oooh Leona’s sus about something he a sharp boi
Speak up my guy—
still so weird leona taking his job seriously
Malleus looking happier seeing this performance rather than Lilia’s lol
I miss the simpery in Sebek
Silver’s not in the verge of falling into a coma for once wow
Chenya’s so cute.
fcking shotacons man...im not one to talk
Aw, they didn’t show Neige performance...
The simping in the crowd is a MASSIVE mood.
These night raven fuckers better vote for us and not pull a “oh shie my hand slipped lololol” i swear to god- im gonna throw hands
*me holding my phone and pretending to vote as well
Suspense music intensifies be like-
vil pls dont overblot again-
Noooo grim’s tuna cans-
These children do not have the right to be this cute. I wanna take Timmy, Toby, and Shelpie home.
I swear to god one of these dwarves sounds like Cheka lol Is it Toby?
This background music too though im deeeeddd
Jamil impressed about Vil being “calm” and Vil just going “h e h. you dont even know.”
Monsieur Rook. WHAT did you say.
ROOK VOTED FOR ROYAL SWORD. Are you kidding me. You snek how could you- i loved you
WHAT DID I SAY- Ya’ll night raven fuckers shall not slip by their fingers when voting rook.
Vil is in the brink of passing out aaaaa
I have never heard Ace this pissed before whoa- lol he sounds like Deuce in his delinquent mode
Aw...Rook felt that Neige’s performance carries a stronger bond than theirs :’( it’s hard to put the blame on him when he’s saying all these stuff
It’s just like what they said in the past episodes that it’s really hard voting for your own team when you know the opposing team is better.
Aww...He just wanted Vil to believe in himself more...Rook is such a best man. Im crying-
Oh noooo is Vil gonna cry too nooo- daddy turned to baby really quick SOMEONE GIVE HIM AN EMERGENCY HUG
Well- at least...at least the 100 year record of not being able to win is still going, yeah? Um...bad joke? Sorry, i’ll see myself out-
NEIGE NOT NOW AND YOUR VII-KUN BULLSHIT- we’re having a moment here
Neige is such sweetheart but aaaahh— This makes it worse, we can’t even hate him aaa—
MOTHERFUCKER just got exposed by Neige himself lol
Going to Neige’s shake hand events, sending him letters, buying all his merch and shie- HE’S A FULL BLOWN NEIGE STAN
...actually- my japanese is lacking- im not sure lol what is a ブロマイド??? Lol I feel like a clown.
Rook is sweating profusely LOL
...what do you have to say for yourself, monsieur rook.
Wait- huh is that-
Neige fanclub??? Eternal Snow??? What kind of creepy-ass- OH, HE EVEN HAS A MEMBERSHIP NUMBER TOO-
Props to Neige with his :) expression unfaltering.
I’m- I’m speechless.
Vil is just looking down at Rook in disappointment like- “you’re more pathetic than I am”
Queen just went “I think you need this handkerchief more than I do now” THAT’S RIGHT. REPENT MOTHERFUCKER.
Rook crying is cursed.
But damn, I’m kinda liking this new relationship this bitchy relationship they have
Neige just dragged everyone’s ass back on stage and his snow white energy just said “LETS ALL BE FRIENDS AND SING”
What a somewhat happy ending, even though Rook just backstabbed us I’m crying Beauté 100 points!!!
LOL Vil realizing he’s having fun singing with Neige- “SOMEONE JUST END ME RIGHT NOW-“ The desperation in his voice-
I love how Neige’s yahoo yahoo is messing with everyone’s head, even Vil wants to pass out lol
haha Crowley is so depressed lol
He looks like your typical grandpa- and his outfit looks like that one mickey mouse wizard outfit but blue—
Old man just went “we won lol” just to piss Crowley off I like this guy’s energy already-
Crowley being most likely as old as this guy—
ooohh this man just sensed something in this stage- Leona did too, didn’t he???
* Damn. Crowley talking so fast sounds like he’s making a load of bullshit lol
Anyway, I’m just glad that it’s not mickey mouse who’s the headmaster— I would’ve lost my shit.
We’re back in our dorms and I forgot that the squad doesn’t live with us anymore. It’s suddenly so lonely now...
Grim is getting the yahoo yahoo ptsd too lol it’s too goddamn catchy
oooohh shiet- mickey is calling us again
YES we finally got a good picture of this motherfucker
It seems like nothing is disrupting our communication this time, so MC thought to call Grim but—
Grim is not here.
Uuhhh...Grim? Where you’ve gone??? We’re getting flashbacks of the first parts of the game.
Is this because we didn’t win his tuna canss nooo
Legit I’m sad, please baby don’t overblot like this...
He learned a new move though- SCRATCH
Ooh— We’re seeing some Ignihyde scenes here~
Idia getting a lot of emails from bigshot companies whoa—
THAT OLYMPUS—?! EXCUSE ME??? Ortho what- Are we finally getting that Hercules episode—
Damn getting a hot chance in olympus only to put them down the recycling bin oof— Idia why edit : Yume was informed that olympus is kind of a company that sponsored VDC sorry she was mind-fucked at this moment and the ability to understand proper Japanese just went whoosh lol Thanks to @starshiningsirius for pointing it out for Yume~ ♥︎ HONESTLY YUME’S JUST GONNA WAIT FOR ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATORS AT THIS POINT LOL Don’t trust me for important situation too much lol
Aaaahh...We’re getting this shut-in out of his room in the next episode, are we?
And that concludes the whole Pomefiore Episode! JESUS CHRIST 75 CHAPTERS ALL IN ALL!? How long is the Ignihyde chapter going to be, huh!?
This was a really, really fun episode lol I’d consider this a fan service episode actually cause of all the things we get to experience— The singing, dancing, and the new songs, THE DRAMA. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
But then, the plot thickens, no? What’s going to happen to Grim? In the Ignihyde episode? And those reoccurring memories of us? And our relationship with Tsunotarou lol ALSO WE NEVER REALLY DID FIND OUT WHAT ROOK’S UNIQUE MAGIC IS. DISNEY EXPLAIN—
Thanks for reading this shitpost of Yume losing her shiet lol See you all in the Ignihyde Episode~ ❤
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