#I want wayne family adventures in your mind
spacebubblehomebase · 5 months
VERY, VERY SERIOUS QUESTION!!! What song fits all of DC's Robins??? I mean, not just one of them. Robins as in ALL of them. What song describes them all so well, I'll be daydreaming about it 24/7??? I desperately need something to vibe to. I wanna feel the legacy passed from a hero to another. Their fights, their flights, and the hope that they bring to Gotham. I want song recs that will immediately make me think about their bond and how each of them carries the name. The feeling of camaraderie and the struggles that they went through to be able to fly. I NEED it!
(And P.S. Yes. Ya'll are now obligated to do it as you've read through everything. Red Hood will vouch for me. XD Say hi, Red Hood! =D)
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randomperson3736 · 10 months
Arm day- Batman: wayne family adventures
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Paring(s): Batfam x child! Reader, Jason Todd x little sister! Reader, Dick Grayson x little sister! Reader, Tim Drake x little sister! Reader, Damian Wayne x little sister! Reader
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Warning(s): Crying, asshole brothers, sad reader
Word bank: Y/N- your name
Notes: I need some more ideas for this batfam series, so does anyone have any?
It was an exciting day for the little Y/N. Just yesterday, she got a brand new colour pencil set from her father (with the help of Alferd) that she couldn't wait to show off to everyone. The coloured pencils were stored in a large black leather case that was almost as big as her body.
Inside it were hundreds of different shades of every colour her small mind could imagine. She wanted to share her gift with her siblings, so she waited patiently on the Brown sofa in the living room. The large case next to her.
When she saw Damian walking through the halls, she smiled and run (the best that a 4 year old could run) towards her brother. Just as she was about to get to him she tripped but thankfully he caught her just before she could fall.
"Thank you Dami!" She gave him a toothy grin. Damian picked her up into his arms looking at every part of her body to make sure she didn't get hurt from tripping over. After seeing that she wasn't injured, he then smiled softly at her.
"Good morning Y/N. Why were you in a rush this early in the morning?"
She started to wiggle in his arms, so he put her down. She then (thankfully) walked back to the living room and grabbed her pencil case, dragging it along the ground cause it was a little heavy for her own body strength.
"Daddy got new colours for me!" Damain looked down at it with an unamused look "How charming"
"Do you wanna draw?" She asked with her puppy dog eyes.  "I'm busy" he turned to the direction of the gym. "Oh..." Y/N said in a smile voice. Damian looked back at her. She was looking down at the case, her eyes teary up.
Feeling guilty, he cleared his throat. ".... but after I'm finished, I suppose I can entertain you for a short while"
"She looked up at Damian with twinkles in her eyes. "Really? Thank you Dami!"
After what felt like hours, she saw cass pass by with a duffle bag over her shoulder. Y/N walked up behind her and hugged her leg "Hi cass"
Cass bent down and caressed Y/N's cheek in her hand, she squessed them gently, making the young girl giggle. "Hi Y/N"
"Do wanna colour with me?" Y/N asked.
"Awww... sorry Y/N, but I have stuff to do but when I'm finished, I'll draw with you ok?" Cass pulled out her pinky and gave a wame smile to Y/N. "Oh, okay" Y/N pouted but linked her pinky with cass's.
After that Y/N found herself in the kitchen looking for dick. When she saw him, he was eating a bowl of cornflakes. Y/N stood before him, reaching up and tugged at her oldest brothers shirt. Dick stopped his eating and looked down, smiling softly at his little sister. "What's up baby bird?"
"Do u wanna colour with me?" She asked hopefully. "Sorry little bird, I can't draw with you right now. I'm in a bit of a rush but you can ask Jason or Tim. They should be around somewhere" and before Y/N could say anything, Dick drowned the last chunk of his cornflakes down and rushed down hall. Y/N huffed and went back to the sofa.
After a while, Y/N heard the voices of Jason and Tim. She saw them holding duffel bags the same one that cass had. She smiled at them before walking off to ask them to colour with her.
"Morning J, morning Timmy"
"Morning kid!" Jason Pet the top of Y/N's head.
"Good morning Y/N"  Tim smiled down at her. "What's that?" He pointed to the leather case newt ro the sofa. "It's my new colours daddy got for me" she smiled up at them.
"Wow. Cool"
"Can you colour with me?"
"Sorry kid. Me and Timmy here are gonna work out. Maybe late with can" Jason said rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh, it's fine" She pouted before walking away to the staircase.
"Do you think we broke a 4 year olds heart?" Tim whispered feeling guilty.
"We probably did Timmy"
Bruce walked along the halls trying to find atleast one of his kids. But he then stopped in his tracks when he heard crying? He looked at the door near his left, it was his youngest room. Why would she be crying?
He opened the door to see his little girl curled up on her bed and tears running down her face. The site in front of him, broke his heart. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" he asked softly.
The young girl looked up her father and wiped her face before speaking. "No one wants to colour with me"
Bruce's heart broke more at hearing those words. He had to make her feel better but how? "Hey, why don't we go and get some cookies? Alferd just pulled a new batch out of the oven" He gave a warm smile.
The girls face lit up at that idea."Ok, daddy" she held out her arms signalling that she wanted to be carried, Bruce gladly took his little girl into his arms and the father and daughter made their way down to the kitchen.
~in the cave~
"Sup Damian?" Dick waved at him as he placed his towel to the side. He grabbed the gymnastic rings and turned to Jason. "Light day Jason?" He lifed his legs up and held himself up. "I was just getting warmed up actually"  Jason started doing push ups with one arm. "98...99...100!"
"Pssh, that's nothing" Dick and Jason turned to look at Tim who started doing push ups with his tumbs and pointer fingers.
"You're all pathetic" Damian lifted his body up and did a handstand. "This is what you should be doing"
Jason moved next ro Damian and did the same thing. "Sorry kid your not special"
"How... about this!" Dick did a handstand with one hand using his tumb and pointer finger.
Jason, Tim, Dick and Damian were all doing the same thing together. "First one... to hundred... wins"
Cass looked over at them as she drank water. "Bad idea"
~Later that night~
The four boys were sitting around the table groaning in pain every time they moved. Cass sat perfectly fine, enjoying the meal that Alferd had made.
"Ow. So much ow" Dick threw his head back against his chair. Damian was crouching in his chair. Tim was trying to eat his dinner, with his foot. "Come on, I-I... I can do this" Jason tried tilting the plate with his head. "Can't... reach"
Cass turned to the four boys eating her food with utensils. "Told you guys it was a bad idea" Jason smashed his face into his food. Suddenly, Y/N popped up from the doorway. "Are you guys ready to colour now?"
"S-sorry Y/N... I don't think I can move my arms" Dick slowly turned his head towards her and gave a weary smile.
"But you guys said you would?" she pouted.
"Sorry Y/N" Tim muttered, dropping his spoon in the process. "Dang it" Jason muttered his Sorry through his food. "I can still draw with you Y/N" Cass held Y/N's hand and lead her out of the dinning room. Y/N turned her head towards her brothers and frowned, "You're all imbec- imbeci-...mean!" She huffed her checks out in anger.
The four boys groaned in pain and Damian shrank down in his chair in shame.
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alonelywaterbottle · 11 months
Discourse about new superhero media I’ve been seeing lately is honestly so dumb. Batman and Superman didn’t pop out of their mothers wombs as full grown men in super funky outfits.
Yes, a lot of recent media only focuses on their more adult years but just because a new media shows them as young men doesn’t mean it’s ‘inaccurate’
My Adventures With Superman shows a new superman, one who is goofy and as awkward as any young person doing something new. And I love it! It’s a breath of fresh air!
And someone said that the latest Batman movie with Robert Pattinson isn’t Batman cause he looks like ‘a depressed teen’. Newsflash it’s a young batman he isn’t one that we are used to seeing in the movies. He’s new at his job! (And Bruce probably was a depressed teen, he literally witnessed his parents murder and dressing as a bat isn’t the logical option for someone with a healthy mind)
“This isn’t what the fans want!” Yes it is! It’s what I want! I want goofy superheroes! I want them to be kind to each other and have fun!
(Wayne Family Adventures is literally getting more reads than the recent Batman comics and that means something)
Just because a piece media doesn’t depict your favorite version of a character doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. I like these new stories, I am relate to a new Batman and a young Superman far better than what I saw in Batman vs Superman. I hate to break it to you but, they’re for young new audiences. And as a member of the young new audience I think I have the authority to say that It Is Good.
And just cause something is goofy or different doesn’t mean it’s bad
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hawkinsbnbg · 4 months
Dragon!Steve and mercenary!Eddie.
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Steve Harrington was a dragon.
Once upon a time, he would kidnap a princess, imprison her in his tower, guard the said tower, and await his doom delivered by a knight in shining armor.
But this wasn't that kind of fairy tale. No, in this story, Steve and the princess were friends. Her lover was a fae who was his platonic soulmate, and the knight in shining armor was his brother in arms.
Still, no one, even Steve himself, foreseen it when a handsome mercenary arrived at his tower and stole his heart.
Steve never felt so adored in his long and boring life, but Edwyn "Eddie" Munson managed to do the impossible.
The man was good with his words, even better with his fingers when he scratched the itchy spots beneath Steve's scales and drew runes of protection and love on Steve's human body.
Eddie was also an attentive lover who brought Steve sparkly gifts every time he visited the tower.
In turn, Steve let the mercenary ride on his back in their adventures, let the man guide him to wherever he was pleased, and let himself be consumed in the amorous looks Eddie would give him when the man thought he didn't notice.
Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan had been suspicious at first about Eddie's true motive. They worried that the mercenary would betray Steve because, despite his peaceful nature, Steve was the most powerful of his kind. And frankly, many had hunted him throughout his life given that even a piece of his scales cost a fortune in black markets.
Their concern was warranted, Steve supposed, but he trusted Eddie to not do him harm. Yet, sometimes, when Steve couldn't sleep at night, he would think about the worst and decide that if Eddie asked, he would give the man everything.
After all, Eddie already had his heart.
In the end, Eddie only asked of him a vial of his blood to cure Wayne's illness.
The day the truth came out was when Eddie approached him and stated that his uncle couldn't wait any longer.
Steve could see the desperation and hope in those chocolate eyes that he so loved, and knew for certain that Eddie wouldn't fight him but would be on his knees and beg until he agreed to help.
Before things could go any worse, Steve decided to take the matter into his own hands. Literally.
"So you had approached me because of my blood," Steve smiled wryly at the sting of the betrayal as he let Eddie dress the gash on his forearm. They both knew the cut would heal in a few minutes, but Steve didn't turn down Eddie's help. Couldn't.
"You should know that I didn't only have your blood in mind," Eddie fastened the bandage's knot securely.
"What? Are you asking for my organs next?" Steve huffed out a bitter laugh. "I heard they're quite useful ingredients for rituals and potions."
"No," Eddie met his eyes calmly and guided Steve's hand to rest on his chest. "Please listen to the song of my heart and do know that it is never a lie when I say this: I've been wanting all of you for myself since I first laid eyes on you."
Steve blinked rapidly in bewilderment and awe. Every dragon had an innate talent, and Steve's was the ability to see only the truth.
Thus, when Eddie opened himself up so freely like that, Steve could also see the man's deepest desire. And what he saw made him blush terribly. This man was truly hopeless.
"You never do anything in half, do you?" Steve snorted.
"Once Uncle Wayne gets better, I will return to the tower and never leave your side again," Eddie held his hand tightly as if fearing he would take it back and peppered feathery kisses on his knuckles.
Those words sung true to Steve's heart. Yet, he also sensed the wordless yearning from his lover. There was only one way, wasn't it?
"I'll go with you, then. I think it's time for you to introduce me to your family."
"Are you sure?"
Looking at Eddie's hopeful eyes, Steve leaned in to kiss the love of his life soundly.
"As sure as gold."
They both chuckled fondly at the memory together. After all, the first thing Eddie had given him upon their meeting was a sparkling bar of gold.
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Playing Nurse for the Batfam
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From Batman Wayne Family Adventures on Webtoon. Artist Inker Starbite
Summary: you are a nurse working for Gotham General Hospital. Batman has offered you a job. You are now a nurse for the entire Batfamily. Jason patches you up.
Pairing: Slowburn Jason Todd x Female!reader
Warning: Adult language, angst, mention of a gunshot
Word Count: 1.3k (sorry it's a bit shorter today)
Note: These characters are not my own they belong to DC. The only character that is 'mine' is the reader. I am going to be as nondescript as possible for the reader as well for physical attributes. This is a continuation series; I’m not sure how long it will be. Also for some reason, my replies to comments are not showing up. I’m not ignoring your comments Tumblr won’t let me respond :( But please, please comment I live for it
Part Six: The Patch Up
Tentatively, I gave Jason my burned hands. They dwarfed in comparison to his. I watched Jason’s face as he assessed me. His dark brows were pinched with concentration; his jaw was clenched tight. I noticed his forehead was spackled with sweat, and his cheeks looked flushed. Concern flashed in my mind, as I closed my eyes and did my own assessment of him. 
My power fell over me like a blanket, covering me with the essence of Jason. I searched around trying to find the cause of his disheveled state. There, flashing bright, was a gunshot wound to his stomach. My eyes flew open. 
“Jason, why the hell did you not say anything? You have a fucking gunshot wound!” I yelled at him, as I slowly healed him. I saw spots float in the edges of my vision and felt bile rise in my throat. Quickly, I blinked and swallowed trying to regain composure. After healing Tim, Dick, and Bruce using my power felt more like drudging through mud rather than gliding on ice. 
I felt Jason’s grip on my wrist tighten, “Don’t you dare try to heal me. I don’t want it.” Contraindicating his harsh tone, he lightly cleaned my hands and began wrapping them meticulously. 
“What do you mean you don’t want it? You need it.” Anger flashed inside me. His tone might have been harsh, but mine was final. There was no arguing with me. Not over this. 
Jason must have felt the signifying cue of pins and needles, “Dammit, y/n! I said I don’t want it! Not when you’re like this!”
Annoyance, sharp and hot stabbed through me, “Jason, I’m fine. I’ve dealt with worse before, and I deal with worse in the future. But you need to have that healed.” The argument was futile. I was done healing him by the time the words left my mouth. 
I felt Jason tense when he realized what I had done. His eyes burned with anger. I tried my best to keep eye contact with him. Not wanting to back down. But my body betrayed me and began to sway. 
Jason’s hands steadied me and I heard him swear under his breath, “Dick get me a protein bar.” Once again it was a demand. 
“Were you raised in a barn? Saying fucking please, dickwad,” I said, unsteadily. 
Jason held up the protein bar, “I don’t want another word out of you. Eat it.”
Out of spite, I kept my mouth shut tight. 
“You either eat this willingly or I shove it down your throat,” Jason practically growled. 
Succumbing to my body’s needs I ate the damn protein bar. Despite not wanting to follow Jason’s commands I needed food, water, and sleep. When I finished the protein bar I held the empty wrapper up for him to see. “There are you happy?”
“Not in the slightest,” he grumbled. 
I barely refrained from rolling my eyes, slowly I got up. “Well while you are sulking in the corner I am going to bed. Goodnight.” 
“Try not to pass out on your way up there,” Jason yelled behind me. I was already in the elevator. 
“Try not to get shot again,” I shuck my tongue out just before the doors closed. I could have sworn I saw Jason smirk at that.
That night I could barely sleep. I tossed and turned, my mind racing. Just as I was finally drifting off to sleep a scream cut through the air. In a matter of seconds, I threw my blankets off and ran out of my room. I looked frantically around trying to determine where the scream came from. A few whimpers sounded and I realized it came from the room neighboring my own. Without a second thought, I opened the door. 
The room was dark save for one lamp that remained on, giving the room a slight glow. The room was clean with miscellaneous books and knives scattered about. Toward the back of the room, pressed up against two walls, as if hiding, was a bed. A bed with a man thrashing around like a fish out of water. He was gasping for air, and crying out. 
“Please, stop! Please! Please!” Jason cried and begged. Something inside me cracked, as I ran forward. 
I knew I probably shouldn’t have abruptly woken him up, but I couldn’t stand the fear and heartbreak in his voice. 
“Jason,” I said gently, but loud enough to wake him up. He thrashed more. “Jason, wake up, please,” I begged him. 
It wasn’t working, slowly I put my hand on his shoulder, and as if I struck him with lightning he abruptly shot up in bed. His hands wrapped around my throat. Instantly, I couldn’t breathe. His grip was a steal that I could not break. 
“Jason!” I croaked out. His eyes were unseeing, somewhere far away. “Jason!” I tried again. Not wanting to hurt him, but needing him to get off I started lightly slapping his face. I saw him blink and shake his head as if clearing cobwebs. I saw the moment he realized it was me. He released me instantly and pushed himself to the far edge of his bed. Putting the most distance between us as he could. 
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” He yelled at me, his eyes crazed as he looked at my neck. 
“I’m sorry! I heard screaming. I just wanted to help–”
A dark bitter laugh escaped him, “Of course, you just wanted to help. That’s how you justify everything, isn’t it? Get the fuck out of my room.” I got whiplash from the words leaving his lips. They paralyzed me for a moment. “I said get out!” Jason yelled. 
Waking me from my trance I ran out of the room. My heart pounding. Tears threatened to spill. I couldn’t get his words out of my head. 
Of course, you just wanted to help. That’s how you justify everything.
Have I become manipulative like my father? Using my righteousness as a shield thinking I’m better than him? When all along I was just the same. A cruel person using others to make myself feel better. Was that the root of my motivation? I didn’t know. But I couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
As if the universe heard my thoughts, a text popped up on my phone from a number I did not have saved. 
[Have lunch with me today. Your mother’s favorite spot. 12:30. Don’t be late.]
A cold bitter laugh left me. Today was going to be a fucking shit show. 
Jason ran a hand through his hair, over and over. Ever since he came back he had the same dream every night. Every night he relived the Joker beating him. Every night he felt the pain of coming back to life. Maybe that’s why it is so hard to forgive Bruce. To Bruce it’s linear, something that happened in the past. To Jason, it happened in the past but is also happening right now. 
Jason was used to the nightmares. The whole house was. At first they all came and comforted him. But each time Jason snapped. He said something that cut too deep. And eventually, the people stopped coming to comfort him. It was a blessing and a curse. Jason wasn’t sure if he was happy or sad they stopped coming. He didn’t want to hurt them, but he didn’t want to be scared and alone. But he never thought… he never thought that she would try and comfort him. 
Jason’s heart raced as he clutched his head in his hands. He had strangled her. What if he hadn’t woken up? What if he broke her neck? She needs to stay away from him. She is too good. Too pure of heart. If she was around him; his black decaying heart would make her own start to rot. He couldn’t handle that. He couldn’t hurt her again. 
No. Jason would have to push y/n away. That was the only answer.
Taglist: @soundsfunbutno@killxz@morpheus-girl@redhood414@bungunz@conicoroahre@greenyofthegreens@taytaylala12 @theroyalmanatee @nym-0-s @sarahskywalker-amadala @bonesbonesetc @dreaming-of-the-reality @gone-batty-fics @thescarletcryptid @bakugosgf2005 @irregular-child @vythika96 @greenyofthegreens @mythicalmo
Let me know what you guys think <3
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allysunny · 5 months
Hi Ally!! (Can I call you that?)
First of all,
I know that every single one is deserved, and I'm proud to be one as well 😌
I saw that you were doing a lil event to celebrate, so don't mind if I do!! 👀
I'd love it if you could write some much needed luv with Brucey! I picked 25+1 + g!
Imagine that Bruce and reader are just watching the stars, maybe either in the gardens of Wayne Manor or on top of Wayne Enterprises, and all Bruce can think is how beautiful reader looks under the shinning stars 🥹
Basically, Bruce is infatuated and he's smiling like an idiot!
You can add, take away stuff as you please, of course!
I'll wait as long as you need, so no pressure!
I'm excited to see what you come up with!!!
Much love,~ Fi 🐝
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"You look stunning" / "You don't look so bad yourself" + "I love you" + Stargazing x Bale!Bruce Wayne
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Words: 4k words
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, friends-to-lovers, Bruce is a big sap and he's very much in love, stargazing and talks of stars (nothing too technical). This is extremely sweet, very corny and sappy and I live for it! Written with a female reader in mind, I'm sorry but I don't yet write for GN!Reader.
A/N: First of all, thank you very very much for the kind words!! YES, you can absolutely call me Ally! Everyone can! I agree that we need some love with Bruce because this man needs happiness pleasepleaseplease...
This was my first 200 Followers Celebration entry (which is still open and you can participate!), and I'm so happy that I got to write this scenario! We don't often get to see Bale!Batman being happy, so I hope I did him justice, and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Took me some time because I had to sort out some uni stuff, but it's done and I really had fun with it!
I hope it is to your liking!
⁽ᵃˡˢᵒ, ˢᵐᵃˡˡ ᶠᵘⁿ ᶠᵃᶜᵗ, ⁱ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵍᵒ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵍ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵐᵃᵍᵍⁱᵉ ᵍʸˡˡᵉⁿʰᵃᵃˡ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃᶜᵗᵘᵃˡˡʸ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ᵈⁱˢˡⁱᵏᵉ ʰᵉʳ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵒᵛⁱᵉ ˢᵒ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ ⁱ ʷʳⁱᵗᵉ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ʳᵃᶜʰᵉˡ, ⁱ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ᵖⁱᶜᵗᵘʳᵉ ᵏᵃᵗⁱᵉ ʰᵒˡᵐᵉˢ 😭⁾
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Parties at Wayne Manor could be oh so dreadfully boring.
Bruce didn’t particularly enjoy them, nor did he even want to throw them, but he knew it was necessary to keep up appearances. Tonight, he celebrated his birthday.
The evening had been filled with fake smiles, polite nods, firm handshakes. “Happy birthday, Mr. Wayne”s here, “You’re looking more and more like your father each day”s there, “What a spendind party this is, Mr. Wayne!”s in the corner, and, if he was feeling particularly unlucky, a few “Ah, what a lovely Manor you have, Mr. Wayne. Such a shame you’ve been keeping its beauty from the world…”s somewhere.
He’d downed one or two glasses of champagne in a few gulps, finding it harder and harder to stand the people all around him, fake leeches who hung on his every word and command, enthralled by the promises of what his money and wealth might mean to him.
Well, all except for one.
You’d been friends for a while. Bruce can’t pinpoint exactly what made him think of you as his best friend other than just a regular acquaintance, but he knew he would never give you up. You were the only person who saw him for he really was, who refused to kiss his ass and baby him, who told him things as they were instead of coddling him simply because his name implied he was to be so.
He felt disarmed when he was with you, able to say anything that went on his mind. He could be himself. Could crack terrible jokes that would have you throw pillows at his face, could drop the eccentric billionaire façade and be an annoying nerd (as you so often put it), just looking for some friendship. He could talk to you for hours on end about topics that weren’t his last name, his family, his money, or his status. He could ask you for book recommendations and be told he’d enjoy this one silly adventure book about spaceships and planes, as opposed to the boring non-fiction and autobiographies usually gifted to him, “a man of culture”.
He could ask you for good restaurants and you’d take him to small, barely noticeable cafes and places that served homemade food, instead of being offered reservations at Michelin worthy restaurants. He could be a regular person.
Every time he felt himself loose grasp of his identity when adorning the black suit, he was reminded by you of who he was. You didn’t know of his secret identity but could sense when he was particularly tired or trained and were always able to put a smile on his face and return his grip on reality.
He needed you by his side. You calmed him down. You cheered him up whenever he felt upset. You made him laugh whenever all he wanted to do was cry. You didn’t question him whenever he told you he needed space, instead providing him with just that. And as days went by, Bruce Wayne was not sure if he saw you as a mere friend anymore.
After all, friends don’t linger their gazes on each other’s lips for more time than deemed appropriate. Just friends don’t make up fake problems or fake dilemmas just to get the one to visit them (let’s be honest – “I don’t know where I put my remote” was a pretty pathetic excuse and Alfred mocked the hell out of him after you’d left).
In conclusion, he needed you. By his side, to cheer him up, to get him out of boring situations, close, smiling, laughing, happy, to hug him, to be with him, etc. He needed you.
Which was why he’d invited you to celebrate a date as important as his birthday.
Bruce never really minded his birthday. He usually spent it at work during the day, politely accepting the nice words people gave him, then got home, ate his favourite dish cooked by Alfred, and left right after to protect the city of Gotham.
But unfortunately, he just had to celebrate his birthday this year. He’d been cornered by a few Wayne Enterprises associates and tricked into throwing a hell of a party in his Manor. He just sighed and filled Alfred in on the conversation he’d had at work, instructing the older man to take care of the preparations.
And of course, he’d invited you. If there was anyone that could make this dreadful celebration just a bit more bearable, it’d be you. He invited his childhood friend Rachel Dawes as well, but she’s just announced her engagement to District Attorney Harvey Dent, and while they remained friends, he did not expect her to dedicate him all of her time (especially when everyone kept asking to see her ring and tell the wonderful story of how they met).
But the problem was, you were nowhere to be found.
He knew you had arrived, Alfred had told him so, but just as he was about to chase you down the huge area that served as a ballroom, he was interrupted by a few family friends. Seeing as these were some of the few families that were in genuine good terms with his parents, and not simply greedy leeches, he decided to chat with them, smiling genuinely at their compliments and quips.
But now it’d been a few hours, and he couldn’t find you. And the combination of all of the unwanted people, the general chatter, and the lack of the one person he wanted by his side were getting to his head. And perhaps the champagne as well, even though he hadn’t drunk nearly enough to be the slightest of tipsy. What if Gotham needed him?
“Ma’am, I’m sure your quest for the very much secret next Fabergé Egg is quite intriguing, but I have a few guests I need to tend to. Everyone wants a piece of the host, what can I say? Birthday boy privileges.” He charmed the woman with one of his most dazzling smiles and pried away from her gloved grip, looking around for his knight in black and white armour.
Quickly replying to every guest that throwed a comment his way, he reached Alfred, who was standing in the corner of the room, silently accessing the party.
“Another useless conversation with any of these bloodsucking idiots and I’m killing myself,” he muttered, grabbing a champagne flute from a passing maid, and chugging the whole thing in one go.
“And here I was thinking you’d probably die at the hands of some unruly criminal, wearing the cape and cowl. All that training and fighting in some remote location only for you to die at the hands of Gotham’s wealthiest?” Alfred said, his voice laced with sarcasm and brow quirked up.
“Well Alfred, get me out of this and I might just be able to die the way you envisioned me doing so.”
“By my hand, Master Wayne?”
The two men chuckled, and Bruce took another look around the room, before turning to his butler.
“Have you seen – “
“In the gardens.”
Bruce was halfway across the ballroom, shouting “Thank you!” before Alfred could say anything else.
It took a while for him to find you.
After all, the gardens were filled with people talking, catching up, and the occasional couple slobbering all over each other’s mouths, apologizing profusely once they saw the Manor’s owner stride past them.
He turned around and was met with Rachel’s smiling face.
“Running off so soon?” she asked, Harvey Dent’s unmistakable figure walking up next to her right after.
“Yes, well, one can only get so much attention before they start getting bored of it.”
Rachel gave him a sympathetic look, and shook her head, nudging it towards Harvey.
“You don’t have to pretend with us.”
With these words, a weight was lifted off Bruce’s shoulders. His posture wasn’t perfect anymore, and the charming, cocky smile left his lips.
“If I have to talk to one more person who wishes to know who the hell decorated the living room…” Bruce sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his fingers.
“I get it,” Harvey said, shaking his head. “If only people were interested in something other than how much I spent on Rachel’s ring, I’d feel more inclined to interact with them.”
Bruce nodded and smiled in understanding, before looking around. He thought he’d glanced at a very familiar face, but unfortunately, it wasn’t you.
“Looking for someone?” Rachel asked with a knowing smile.
“Yeah, actually, have you seen – “
“She was near the apple tree in the back.”
“Thank you.” Bruce nodded and all but sprinted towards the place, leaving Rachel to giggle with a rather confused Harvey.
“Who’s he talking about?” he asked.
“A “friend” of his,” Rachel replied nonchalantly.
“He seemed rather eager to see this friend of his. Surely that’s not all there is to her.” He chuckled; brow quirked up.
“And that, Harvey, is what everyone else but the two of them have figured out.”
Bruce did not hear what his friend had said, but if he did, he’d have gently corrected her.
Because he had, in fact, figured out whatever he felt about you.
He knew he liked you, that’s for sure.
He liked your smile. He liked your personality. He liked how your nose wrinkled up whenever you were cooking. He liked how your eyes sparkled whenever he gifted you a new volume of a book series you’d been collecting, or the way your laughter resonated across the Manor whenever you beat him at videogames. He liked how you always stopped to pet cats and dogs on the street, and how you made funny faces at babies in the supermarket.
He liked how his Manor, although big and empty, seemed full of life with you in it. Even if you were cuddled up on one of his couches, watching a movie, he always thought of it was warmer and more inviting just from your mere presence. He liked it when you massaged his head, thumbs circling his forehead so gently that he often found himself falling asleep in your lap. He liked your touch – found it addictive. Pulling you close to him on the street to protect you from traffic, hugging you every time he saw you, having you throw fake punches at him whenever he told a terrible joke.
He likes you. That much is clear.
But why was it so damn hard admitting that to you?
His steps slowed down as he approached a very familiar apple tree. Wayne Manor had plenty of beautiful plants and trees, much more so than this one. But there was something about it that always caught your eye. Not to mention, it was near a secluded area of the gardens, and you had always been fond of hiding in there. “It makes me feel at peace”, you told him.
Sure enough, that’s where he found you. Staring at the night sky, pretty locks of hair carefully styled with a few flower clips, hands resting one on top of the other behind your back.
You turned to him, shaken up by the sound of footsteps, and he took you in.
And, wow.
To say you looked beautiful would’ve been a crime - such a word couldn’t do you justice.
You wore a sparkly silver gown that pooled softly at your feet, your form modestly accentuated. Two silver straps held it at the front, coming together in a flattering cleavage. Your back was on display, and Bruce had to control himself not to touch it with his bare hands. You looked lovely, your silhouette shining beneath the stars. Their gentle glow was casting a perfect light on you, making you look even more like the celestial bodies you were admiring.
“Bruce?” you asked, tilting your head slightly.
Bruce shook his head, grounding himself.
“Yes. Hey – hey.”
“Cat got your tongue? I said happy birthday,” you smiled and walked up to him, silver dress twinkling with each step you took.
It was as if all of you were made of pure, sheer, dazzling starlight.
“Won’t your guests miss you?”
Bruce approached you halfway and gave you a shrug.
“Probably. Doesn’t mean I’m going to miss them.” This earned a smile from you, and Bruce found himself smiling too. His gaze lingered on your face for a while, before descending once more and taking your lovely figure in again.
“You look stunning,” he said, and you seemed to blossom at his praise.
“Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.” And he didn’t. With his black tux and matching bow, he was the picture of elegance and charm. And that disarmingly charismatic smile of his was helping him a long way. There was a reason of course, women fawned over his good looks.
“What are you doing out here?” Bruce asked nodding his head towards the night sky, the one you had been looking at.
“I couldn’t take it in there anymore. It was way too loud, and everyone was way too fake,” you rolled your eyes and sighed. “And the sky is looking far too beautiful tonight. At least here I won’t be disturbed.”
“Well, I did just disturb you, so I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
“I wouldn’t call it disturbing. Your presence is always welcome.”
For a while, the two of you stood side by side, just watching as the sky glittered above. It was peaceful and quiet, and everything Bruce had wanted for his birthday. A nice, uneventful evening with you by his side.
“I can’t believe you can actually see the stars tonight,” Bruce mumbled, genuinely impressed. Usually, as the industrial and active city it was, one never got to see the stars thanks to smoke, lights, or other manmade obstacles. But tonight, the sky was clear and bright, and no clouds were in sight.
“Right?” you smiled, pointing at the sky above you. “Look over there – see that one?”
“Which?” Bruce squinted.
“That one – the kyte.”
“Ah. Yes. I do.”
“That’s the Big Dipper.”
“And the other one next to it?”
“That’s the Small Dipper. Can you see that bright star at the end of it?”
“That’s Polaris, the Polar Star. It’s supposedly the brightest star in the night sky.”
“I can think of something brighter,” he muttered stealing a glance at you.
You leaned against him and spoke of constellations and stars to him. Told him the myths that surrounded each one, how far they were from the Earth, how they’d come to be discovered. The party had been long forgotten by the two of you, and after a few minutes of discussing each constellation and their origin, you fell into a comfortable silence, just happy to listen to the happy sounds of crickets and the soft wind brushing against the trees.
“I got you something,” you said, breaking the silence after a while.
He turned to you as you opened your purse and pulled out a small, rectangular object carefully wrapped in golden wrapping paper.
“I know it’s not much – “
“Shush! I know it’s not much, but I worked hard to find it.”
You handed him the small package and he was careful to not rip the whole thing open. Bruce carefully removed a book from inside, and his eyes widened.
“The Great Gatsby?”
“Open it.”
He did, and his eyebrows nearly rose to his hairline.
“Is this?”
“Are you sure?”
Bruce carefully touched the inked paper, eyes going over F. Scott Fitzgerald’s words over and over again.
“Where’d you find this?” he asked with a smile.
“That’s a secret. But it’s been quality checked a few times, and I can guarantee it’s the real deal.”
“So, with “It’s not much”, you meant you were giving me a signed copy of The Great Gatsby?”
“You deserve more than that, Bruce.”
In a heartbeat, he had embraced you tightly. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, standing on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around him. Overcome with joy, Bruce spun you around once your twice, and you laughed loudly, holding onto him for dear life.
“Be careful Bruce – shit, don’t drop me!” You protested in between giggles.
Bruce came to a stop, and looked right into your eyes, the world’s biggest grin playing on his lips. It’d been a while since you’ve seen him laugh so freely. Such occurrences were rare – Bruce wasn’t one to smile, not really. But when he did, it was a lovely thing. Not one of his fake smiles, the ones practiced in front of a mirror to impress rich folks and Gotham socialites – the real ones, the ones he gave you in special, true moments like these.
You’d do anything to see him smile like this more often.
“I’d never drop you,” his voice dropped to a whisper, and he swore he could see one hundred stars in the spark of your eyes. In fact, the stars in the sky did not hold a candle to your beauty, no celestial body would ever be more fascinating than your eyes. He was sure astronauts had to be wrong – how did they want to explore the galaxy, when there was one right here, staring into him?
“I know,” you whispered back, hands still on his chest. “I trust you.”
He waited for a minute, eyeing the contours of your face, memorising the way your mouth parted and how soft strands of hair fell on top of your forehead. You stood still, still observing the smile that never left his lips.
“Do you?” He broke the silence.
“Trust me.”
“Of course I do. I’ll always trust you.”
“Promise, Bruce. Always.”
“Please remember those words after I do what I’m about to do.” He chuckled and leaned in, brushing his lips against yours in a silent request. Your breath hitched and you looked up at him, to find his eyes closed. You were inches away from him, and yet, he refused to move any further.
“Tell me it’s not just me,” he whispered. You could feel his warm breath on your skin, and it sent goosebumps all over your body. “Tell me the way I feel about you is not one-sided. But if it is – “ and you swore you felt him tense, “I’ll leave it alone. We’ll forget this ever happened; we’ll go back to being friends. But please, just tell me.”
You took shaky breaths, still feeling dazed from being so close to him.
Bruce remained with his eyes closed – he didn’t have it in himself to look at you, not right now. He was far too scared of what he might find in your eyes. Regret, disgust, hate. He couldn’t deal with it.
But the worst thing was the silence. Weren’t you going to say something? Were you going to taunt him forever? He could feel your body against his hands, soft skin sending shivers down his spine, so he knew you hadn’t left yet. Why weren’t you replying?
He got his answer when you pressed closer against him, and he felt your lips on his.
Bruce had fantasised about how his first kiss with you would be, but nothing prepared him for this moment. It was as if you were made for him, slotting perfectly against your body, hands on the small of your back, bringing you closer while your hands rested on his cheeks. Your lips moved in unison, as if speaking a language of their own, and Bruce felt slightly lightheaded.
You tasted sweet – probably from the chocolate covered strawberries you’d no doubt been stealing inside, and wanted to savour them, savour you, for as long as he could.
When you two parted for air, he pressed his forehead against yours, finally opening his eyes. The view was breathtaking; your lips were puffy and parted, your eyes were big and wide, pupils dilated and sparkling in the moonlight. Bruce swore you’d never been so beautiful.
And then he smiled, widely, and burst into chuckles like a lovesick teenager.
“You look beautiful. Have I told you this yet?”
“You have,” you replied, caressing the skin of his cheek. He leaned into your touch, pressing a tender kiss on your palm. “You do too. I love to see you smiling. You should smile more often.”
“Like this?” he asked, pointing at his grin.
“Yes – exactly like that. I could see you smiling more often. And I bet Alfred could too.”
Bruce grinned and kissed your forehead. After, he kissed each of your cheeks, and then the palm of your hand, and then the back.
“As long as you’re by my side, I’m sure I’ll smile much more often.” He confesses.
“Well,” you brought his body closer to you, and all Bruce could think of was how stunning you were, how beautiful you looked, how lucky he was to hold a star in his hands. “I don’t plan on leaving, Birthday Boy.”
It was so uncharacteristic of him. He never smiled this often, and certainly, never for this long, but Bruce couldn’t help it. He was happy. He had you, right there and then with him. Everything was well – more than well, everything was perfect. So why wouldn’t he smile?
His heart was getting fuller and fuller, and he blurted out the next words, without giving them much thought.
“I love you.”
You stared at him, eyes wide, surprise written all over your face.
And Bruce kept speaking, because for once, he was not at a loss for words, he knew exactly what to say.
“I think I’ve loved you ever since I first saw you. I love you and the way you brighten my days and make me feel like something when I can barely get out of bed. I love how you always manage to pick up the pieces whenever I’m shattered and never make me feel responsible for it. I love you. I love your beautiful face, your bright mind, your kind soul, your feisty spirit. I love you – I think I have for a long time, but I’ve never had the courage to tell you. But tonight – this party – you – it's made me realise something. This is Gotham. I could wake up tomorrow, and you’d be gone. I’d be gone. Anything could happen in this city. And I can’t let them happen without you knowing how I feel about you. I’m not expecting an answer back; I know this is a lot of information. And I know I come with a lot of baggage. There’s a lot about me you don’t know, and I haven’t told people to keep them away and keep them safe. But, if you’ll have me, I promise to spend the rest of my days making it all worth it. I will love you and take care of you forever, I promise. I love you, [Y/N].”
You looked at him, and Bruce saw your eyes sparkle with unshed tears. Had he scared you off? Were you upset? He reached out to hold your face, ready to wipe the tears away should they fall.
“I’m sorry. That was too much, wasn’t it?”
“I… I think I love you too.” You replied. The tears did not roll very far down your face, because Bruce was there to wipe them away. And in that moment, you knew he would always be there, be it to catch you, or wipe away your tears, or hold you close. “I really do.”
Bruce’s smile only widened, and he picked you up once again, spinning you around in the darkness of the garden. Your dress floated around you, like a shooting star’s trail, and he laughed loudly. He hadn’t felt this happy, truly happy in a big while. You joined him in laughter, and he put you down carefully.
“Thank you.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“For what?”
“For the perfect birthday gift.” Bruce bent down to capture your lips once more, and stare into your eyes. “You look like starlight tonight. You look perfect. And I’m the luckiest man in the world.” He smiled and kissed you again, because the stars were shining, and you looked beautiful, and his heart was full.
Bruce Wayne didn’t smile very often. But how could he not, when you rivalled the stars up above, and were his, and made his heart burst with joy?
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A/N: And that's it! I hope you guys liked it! I'm afraid it was a tiny bit rushed - please do tell if it was. I hope it lived up to the expectations!
Thank you very much for reading, and I hope you have an amazing day ahead!
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vee-crytraps · 3 months
Kiss Me More {Themes/TW's Masterlist}
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Pairings: Dick Grayson/Reader, Jason Todd/Reader, Tim Drake/Reader, Damian Wayne/Reader Trigger Warnings: 18+, light yandere, graphic descriptions of sex, Fan-non personalities, reverse harem, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy pining, teenage hormones, (legal) age differences, fem!reader, violence, drug use, polyandry. General Themes: Sex positivity, sexual curiosity, sexual promiscuity, sexy sex sex sex, struggling with growing up, struggling with Naughty Feelings, trying to become a person, general feeling of being misunderstood, possibility of light angst in future, family death (mentioned).
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Chapters: 1 | GROAN (Jason/Reader 🔞) 2 | BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE 3 | EAU D'BEDROOM DANCING (Dick/Reader 🔞) 4 | ORNAMENT 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 5 | KRIMSON (Tim/Reader 🔞) 6 | TO YOU (Damian/Reader 🔞)
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Ages: Dick 29 | Jason 23 | Tim 20 | Damian 18 | Reader 18 DICK is the ‘no man will compare to your charming big brother’ type. He is your knight in shining armor, always eager to put you first. He believes no one will be able to take care of you the way that he can, but doesn't view other men as competition- preferring to show you that he’s better. He's your childhood friend, your 'boy-(in-the-room-) next-door'. Dick's love language is...kind of all of them? But he loves spending time with you, lounging about your room while you choose outfits and recount high school drama. JASON is one of your more estranged siblings. He gets off knowing that Bruce views you as an innocent, and that your involvement with him in particular is taboo in all sorts of ways. Part of him is getting over the fact that you really aren’t as delicate as you used to be, far from the annoying brat he believed too weak for their nightly family adventures. He wants to protect you but also feels like he’s missed too many formative years to really boss you around like an older brother. Whenever he tries, it always comes out a little awkward. He’s the care-free fun sibling, letting you get away with whatever you want while simultaneously encouraging it. He is a pleasure seeker and an enabler, but will also recite some poetry after he finishes boning you on his couch. TIM is like a best friend. This relationship is more casual than truly lusty or romantic, at least at the start. Even your intimacy is playful and spontaneous. There's no pressure to be anything but yourself, in and out of the bedroom. Tim mostly adores your curiosity, a trait which you both share. You often go down wikipedia rabbit holes together, or people watch at the park outside of WayneTech during his lunch breaks. You've also started a snapchat series of him falling asleep in strange places. DAMIAN is a total dominant personality, if somewhat socially awkward. In some ways, he believes you belong to him. He views you as a pet or a toy sometimes, wishing to take care of you in his own way. His role in your life is essentially a sexual and romantic version of how Bruce sees you. Damian dresses you, enjoys bathing you and would rather watch you get off than be able to get himself off. Like Bruce, it's as much of a control thing as it is a 'I don't know how to interact with people in a genuine way' thing. He doesn’t always know what to do with reciprocation as he’s never had it, but he doesn’t need it with you. Much like the relationship between a pet and it’s human, it’s one sided care. This is important because Damian cherishes pets over humans, so the fact that he cares for you like a dog means that you’re highly valued in his mind.
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Lil Notes: Feel free to suggest/request little scenarios! If they don't inspire anything for Kiss Me More, they might make a nice little one shot! No guarantee that I can get around to them, but I will try my best! I'll be re-posting my work from Ao3 onto Tumblr slowly so I don't flood the tags.
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gffa · 3 months
I adore your batman stuff very much. I recently read the Wayne Family Adventures, and now I really want to read some more. Do you have recommendations on comic lines to follow?
Hi! I'm glad you're having fun with getting into comics and enjoying the posts around here, it's always nice to have new blood (or returning blood, in my case)! <3 I would give a gentle caution in that Wayne Family Adventures is sort of in a class of its own in a lot of ways, the characterization is much softer and fluffier, while the mainline comics are darker and messier, the characters are definitely not always as nice as they are as in WFA. That's no shade on either of them, just that I want to give a quick warning that if you're stepping from one to the other, the culture shock can sometimes be more than you're expecting. (And also keep in mind that comics are a shifting landscape, there's no one "true" version of many of the landmark moments of characters' lives, you'll see events often retold, you'll see comics that later get retconned, you'll see comics that are in different continuities/set before or after a universe-wide reboot, etc. Don't worry about it, just recognize that you're reading a story to enjoy that story, not as Hard Continuity!) That said, some of the lighter comics that I think would be fun if you're looking to come over from WFA are:
Li'l Gotham is a cute parody series that's super adorable, has some lovely art, and is nice little self-contained stories that are humorous. It's not in mainline continuity and it's even softer than WFA, but it's deeply charming and it's a fun, quick read.
Super Sons (2017) by Peter Tomasi is in mainline continuity and it's focused on Damian Wayne and Jonathan Kent becoming friends, bickering all the while, and getting into hijinks. It tends to lean more humorous and cute, so it's a nice stepping stone up to regular comics.
Robin and Batman (2022) by Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen is a good litmus test for whether you might like regular comics--it's a short 3-issue mini-series focused on Dick's early days as Robin and the complicated, thorny relationship he has with Bruce about it. It's one of my favorite, it balances what a terrible gremlin he was with what a little angel he was and the emotional beats are painful in the best way.
Robin: Year One (2000) and Batgirl: Year One (2003) by Scott Beatty/Chuck Dixon and Marcos Martín/Javier Pulido are good places to start for both characters, and hold up okay considering their age. The art is a bit stylized in a way I really like, it lends it a charming old-fashioned vibe while still being pretty to look at, and there's some solid character moments in both.
Nightwing (2016) by various (starts with Tim Seeley, but it's been several authors by now) is one of my go-to recs, I think it's a great jumping on point, has a lot of really nice art, and often tells fun stories, as Dick has some of the best connections to various other characters in the universe.
Nightwing (2016) by Tom Taylor starts with issue #78 and is a great jumping-on point and Taylor's writing is just very light-hearted, action-packed, quippy, and fun. Starting here saves you from having to slog through some of the worse arcs of Dick's series, you get Bruno Redondo's fantastic art, and you can feel the affection for the character, the author and artist love this character and want to make him very cool, as well as they love his relationships with other characters, so you get good Bruce guest appearances, Babs appearances, Damian appearances, Wally appearances, Jon appearances, etc.
Robins: Being Robin by Tim Seeley and Baldemar Rivas was a fun self-contained mini-series that had all the Robins working together and I don't think it should be taken super seriously as a case story, but it had some quality banter, some hilarious moments, and a great look at these chaotic gremlins all shoved into a mini-van together to go solve a case.
Batgirls (2022) by Conrad Michael W./Becky Cloonan and Jorge Corona is focused on Babs, Cass, and Steph as a trio and being adorable together, with some humorous moments, cool art, and fun Batfam moments. It's nice that they get the spotlight and the chance to shine (it's their book, so they get the majority of the cool moments) and it's not super-long and you can jump right in.
Batman: The Knight by Chip Zdarsky and Carmine Di Giandomenico is a "Bruce travels the world to learn the skills he needs to become Batman" and I'm really in love with the way Zdarsky writes a Bruce who is deeply complicated, messy, coming from a place of loving deeply, but also this man has twenty seven different flavors of fucked up trauma going on in that hell brain of his. Zdarsky's current run on the main Batman title has been my jam, but that's a bit of a darker leap than this one, and I think this one is a great way to get to know Bruce Wayne as a character.
Batman: Urban Legends volume 5 has a story called "The Murder Club" that is basically "Thomas and Martha Wayne are time traveled into the future and see what's become of their son, they're not thrilled about it, but come around when they see the people that love him so deeply--primarily Dick, Damian, and Alfred." and was an absolute BANGER for me for feelings, gorgeous art, and some great character moments.
Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2022) by Mark Waid and Dan Mora is an absolute knock-out, it's Bruce and Clark in their early days of their friendship, where Waid is one of the best writers in the industry for how fun his stories are but also how well he knows the characters, Mora's art is often THE portrayal I think of when I think of the characters, and there's a ton of bonus guest appearances from various characters across DC's universe. Also, I am biased, Dick tags along a lot, as he's still Robin at this point in time, and it's a great dynamic between the three of them.
Batman: One Bad Day: Mr. Freeze by Gerry Duggan and Matteo Scalera was easily the standout of the "One Bad Day" stories for me, it's set in the early days of Bruce & Dick as Batman & Robin and it has ADORABLE sunshine gremlin baby Dick Grayson, a genuinely touching story about Mr. Freeze and his wife, and some beautiful art.
Year One: Batman/Scarecrow (2005) by Bruce Jones and Sean Murphy is a fun look at the early days of Scarecrow, but also has absolutely banger baby Dick Grayson content, there's a scene where Bruce literally just grabs him by the scruff of the neck to haul him out of the way of a crowd about to stampede and it's the funniest thing because that 12 year old could destroy your face with his fists but also Bruce can literally pick him up one-handed. There's some great banter in there and it's just a super fun dynamic.
As you make your way through this list, keep the author/artist and year listings in mind, as often times there are multiple series under the same title and some are more relevant to what you're looking for right now than others. Like, there have been three different volumes of "World's Finest", but I want to direct you specifically to the 2022 version because I think that'll work better for you. Similarly, Nightwing 1996 is one of my faves, but I think the 2016 version will work better at drawing you in right now. This is definitely biased in favor of my faves, but I honestly think they work for good jumping on points for someone new to comics and who's coming from WFA and might not want to get into the messier stuff of the mainline comics right away. Hopefully, you'll enjoy these and anyone else who wants to transition from WFA to reading mainline continuity comics, feel free to join us! Yeah, comics fandom can be a bit of a pill sometimes, but genuinely there's a lot of really fun moments to love and the characters are so much more fun when you're reading their stories with all the history and depth behind them!
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batsythoughts · 2 months
Alright, the Continued Adventures of Giggles Wayne (without being prompted to write it). First time attending a Gala and the aftermath
About a month had passed since the day that Harley and Ivy had went to Wayne Manor and the agreement for shared custody was made
It was supposed to be the first weekend that Giggles was going to be with them, but it was delayed because Harley had gotten food poisoning
The whole reason Bruce had suggested they watch Giggles for the weekend was a charity gala that was taking place Friday night
All of Gotham had known that he took in the child about the same day Alfred had 'gotten custody' of them
He was simply worried that not everyone was going to be so accepting of the little one given most everyone could tell who the biological father was
Instead of just leaving Giggles at home with Alfred for that night, Bruce decided to bring Giggles along with the rest of the family
He figured the lively personality of the child would potentially make more people generous and could help with the Wayne family's social reach
The night of the gala, Bruce and the boys were putting the finishing touches on their appearances in the foyer when Alfred gently guided Giggles to the family
Put in a outfit that was made of soft fabric, but still with an elegant look, Giggles had their hair put together while doing a small circle for everyone to see
Dick gushes at how lovely they look as he struggled to straighten out his tie in the mirror. Tim smiled while finishing up his third cup of coffee to have energy for the whole socializing. Damian and Jason both give small nods while smoothing out some wrinkles in their jackets.
Bruce came over and kneeled down while picking away a stray thread. His tone kind, but firm, as he explained the importance for the night
"There is going to be many important people at the gathering we are going to. You have to be extremely nice to all of the people there and be on your best behavior. Stay close to me or one of the boys at all times so we know where you are. Okay?"
"Okay Bruce."
The boys all chuckle at the seriousness spoken in Bruce's name
Bruce himself smiles before ushering everyone out the door and into the car
The drive there was full of Bruce reminding everyone of what they needed to do throughout the evening
(Jason's instructions were a simple 'Just don't')
When they finally drove up to the building that was hosting the whole event, Tim got Giggles out of the car seat while Bruce exchanged information with the valet
A few of the guests that were outside glanced over at the group, some holding skeptical looks as most focus on the child with them
Bruce gave them all a nod before going inside to begin his networking before having to make his own donation for the cause this whole thing was for
Giggles took Tim's hand to follow along with him for the first part of the event as everyone else went in different directions
Tim was supposed to talk up a few potential investors for a new project that Wayne Enterprise was about to start once they got said funding
He began his process of convincing them by starting with listening to them babble on about the small things on their mind. Adding certain questions to appear interested so they would feel more comfortable with opening their wallets later
Giggles even asked them a few questions as well to try and understand what they were talking about
The investors each carefully answered for the 4 year old to understand what everyone was saying. Each taking note of how polite Giggles was being when listening to them all speak
One woman let out a small noise of exclamation as she began to rummage through the clutch she was holding. Explaining some conversation she had with Dick about some shop at the last gala and had remembered the name of it days later
She handed a card to Tim while explaining that she wants to give it to Dick, but wouldn't be able to stay around long enough to see him that night
Tim takes the card from her as he goes to tuck it into his pocket while nodding in understanding
"I could take it to... Richard."
Tim and the others look down at Giggles as they looked between Tim and the one lady with wide eyes
The lady smiles at the offer while asking if Giggles would really be willing to do that for her. An eager nod was the answer she needed before looking to Tim to double check
Tim smiles while handing the card over to little hands as he quickly scanned the room. Spotting Dick at the far right end, Tim pointed in the direction that he was in
After being told the name to give to Dick, Giggles carefully walked through the crowd in the direction they were told. Waiting patiently for other to pass and politely asking to be let through
All the guest stop and stare for a moment before going back to their conversations once the child passed
Dick was in a conversation with a couple of business owners over some development of a new building that most of them didn't agree with
He felt a small hand rest on his wrist as he was speaking up on his thoughts for the whole thing
Since he had a drink in one hand, Dick raised his hand to take hold of the smaller one until he could acknowledge them fully
A lull finally did come into the conversation before an elderly man looked down to see the child quietly standing there
He excitedly asked how Giggles was doing and if they were having fun despite all the grown up talk
Giggles nods slowly before looking up at Dick. Bringing the card up and saying that a 'Miss Isabel' wanted to make sure he got it
He smiled while sticking the card in his jacket pocket while introducing Giggles to the people that he was talking to at the moment
The women around coo at the happy 'hello' they were given before being told that they all looked very pretty in their dresses
Everyone around begins to ask questions about Giggles and listened intently to every response that was given
A few minutes go by before Jason comes over to the group and stands on the other side of Giggles. Nursing a glass of hard liquor he managed to get from a waiter after slipping him a couple 20s
He lightly pats his younger sibling on the shoulder while smiling at a few of the socialites around
The questions continue for a few more minutes as Giggles shifted closer to Dick with a shy grin
A waiter comes by to take the old glassed and offer new drinks to the whole group. Even asking if Giggles would want a drink of water when he came back around in a few minutes
After getting a soft 'yes please', the waiter nods his head before gracefully walking away. Winking at Jason while looking at his almost empty glass
The older gentleman in the group begins to talk about his grandchildren and things they were interested in when they were younger
Giggles listens intently as the man rambles, still holding onto Dick's hand
The waiter comes back around and hands a small glass down to the child as Jason quickly switched out his own glass
Giggles takes a few small sips of water as the topic goes onto the family life of each of the group and how everyone was doing
Giggles gently tugged on Dick's sleeve to get his attention. Waiting until he was paying attention before speaking again
"I go back to see Tim, please?"
Dick smiles while pointing to where he could see Tim networking with some other group of investors
Dick and Jason both watch as Giggles carefully begins to walk through the crowd again
Dick begins to turn back around, but stops when Jason grabs his shoulder while staring a bit ahead of Giggles
He looks at Jason in confusion by the sudden change in his demeanor
"That guy just switched his ring hand."
Dick quickly turns his head in an attempt to see who exactly Jason was talking about
Time went by slower as they watched this man swing his hand back and hit Giggles in the face. The force knocking the child to the ground as the glass of water shattered on the marble floor
What made their blood boil was watching the man switch the ring back as everyone looked at the child in shock
Dick and Jason immediately rushed over as the staff cleared everyone away from the glass
Giggles sits up while holding their cheek while beginning to sob from the blow
Dick kneels down to comfort the crying child, trying to convince Giggles to remove their hand so Dick could see the damage
Jason ultimately got into the man's personal space while asking if he enjoyed hurting defenseless children
Bruce and Damian had been on the other end of the room when the incident happened
At first they had just thought someone had simply dropped a glass so they continued their conversation
But when Bruce heard the crying and Jason's voice start to raise, he immediately excuses himself while hastily making his way through the crowd
When Bruce arrived at the area, Dick still hadn't gotten Giggles to calm down as Jason began yelling that him and Dick had both watched him switch his ring back
Bruce raised his voice and asked what had happened while looking between them all
When Giggles hears his voice, they immediately stand up and rushed over to him
They reach up to him with red hands, teary eyes, and their bloody cheek displayed for all those around to see
But that isn't the thing that sets Bruce off the most about the moment
No, what pissed Bruce off the most was the broken and scared cry that came from Giggles while reaching up to him
Bruce didn't have high expectations that Giggles would see him as a father, thinking he would be more like an uncle if anything
But the first time he would have wanted to be acknowledged as that should have been a happier moment
Something like spending the day with the whole family or it just casually happening in conversation at dinner. Even if it was just a sleepy mistake while being tucked in for bedtime would have been alright for him
It shouldn't happen because some entitled ass laid their hands on his kid
Everyone got quiet while looking over at Bruce to see how he was going to react to the situation as Giggles continues sobbing
Bruce pulled a handkerchief out of his coat pocket before lifting Giggles into his arms. Gently wiping away the blood as him, Dick, and Jason all stared down the man
He tries saying it was an accident, but Jason grips his arm and lifts up the man's hand for everyone to look at
"You used your right hand to hit the kid. So why the hell is there blood on the ring you have on your left hand?"
All the spectators look at the man for an explanation, but he stumbles over his words while trying to defend himself
Any form of explanation falls on deaf ears as the cries get louder
Bruce took a deep breath as he continued to hold the cloth to Giggles cheek. Forcing a smile as he stared into this man's soul
"I think it would be best that you leave now."
All the guests watched in disgust as he hastily headed towards the exit
Dick and Jason both went up to Bruce as the crowd slowly went back to their own conversations
Dick quietly explained what had happened from Giggles getting to him to when Bruce got there. Jason admitting he should have went to Tim with the little one instead of staying with the group
Bruce said it could still of happened no matter if one of them was there or not and he was just glad they saw what happened
A member of staff came up to them with a first aid kit and asking if Giggles would need a bandage
They went to a quiet corner as the girl gently cleaned the cut before taping a piece of gauze across Giggles's cheek
Bruce used a few wet wipes to clean the blood off his child's hands while thanking the girl before she went back to working
Bruce wiped away the remaining tears while saying that he did have to talk with a few more people before leaving for the night
Giggles mumbled in acknowledgement while leaning further into his chest
Bruce rubbed their back as he explained that they did nothing wrong and the man should have never done what he did
He gets a small whine in response as he begins to walk back into the crowd to quickly meet with the last few people he needed to for the night
Everyone would look at the two as Bruce headed back to where he had left Damian, most sympathetic when they saw the terrified child clinging to Bruce
When he got back to the person they had been talking to, Bruce apologized for the sudden leave as he rests a hand on Damian's shoulder
Damian looked up to his father, stunned to see him holding the family's youngest in his arm
Bruce begins to explain that he would get in contact about the business proposal he was given another time as the family would need to be leaving early
He got an understanding nod and a card with a way to get in contact before he turned away to go and quickly work through the last few people he had to meet with that night
Damian walked beside his father as he carefully reached out to take hold of Giggles' hand
Giggles held his hand tightly while still keeping their head in Bruce's shoulder with a sniffle
As Bruce quickly made his way to talk with the last few people he needed to speak with, the other boys came back around to stick close to Bruce until they would leave
All the boys were still being social with other attendees that were nearby to still maintain appearances with everyone
With each person Bruce crossed off his list to talk to, a handful of concerned guests would walk over to them to check up on Giggles
Everyone one of them saying that they were shocked that it had happened in the first place
A few of them even saying that Giggles was very brave for having to go through the whole thing
They only got small mumbles in response as Bruce quickly explained that it was getting close to bedtime and they would need to leave quickly
As Bruce was finishing up with the last person, Dick went to go get the car ready for them so they could leave immediately
The family was about to walk out the front door when Bruce heard his name be called from behind
He sighed while turning around to see one of his oldest business associates, the elderly man that Dick had been speaking with earlier that evening
When the man got closer, he said how he hadn't expected anything like that to happen at an event like this
Glancing at the child slumped in Bruce's arms, he frowned while saying that it was a shame that nobody was able to stop it before it happened
Looking back at Bruce, the man had a weak smile while mentioning that the person from earlier would be as good as bankrupt come the morning
Bruce smiles while expressing his appreciation for people being so kind to his child through the whole ordeal
With a final goodbye, Bruce went out onto the sidewalk as the boys waited around the car for Bruce to come outside
All the boys get in the car after Bruce gets Giggles buckled into the carseat
The ride was silent for the first few minutes Giggles gives a soft cry while beginning to apologize
Dick, ever the worrier, turned around to look back while asking why Giggles was apologizing to them
It took a few moments to figure out what Giggles was trying to say through the small sobs
Eventually, they were able to decipher that Giggles felt guilty they had to leave early
Bruce tightens his hold on the steering wheel as they listened to the soft whines
When a red light forces Bruce to stop the car, he turns around to face Giggles with a soft expression
"You don't have to be sorry. We were going leave before everyone else anyway. What happened tonight didn't change that. Now just take a deep breath and we'll be home soon."
The rest of the ride goes by quickly as Tim and Damian continue to gently reassure Giggles with plans of what they could do for the weekend
When they finally got back to the manor, the boys quickly went to get a few things quickly set up while Bruce took Giggles upstairs to get changed
Opening the door to Giggles's room, Bruce went to the dresser and pulled out a set of pajamas from the drawer
Getting the child changed into the pajamas, Bruce then guides them into the bathroom
Lifting Giggles onto the the counter, Bruce gets a washcloth and wets it with warm water before wiping the dried tears away
With a deep sigh, Bruce pulled away the gauze away to see the fresh cut from the ring. The whine of pain from Giggles as he recleaned the cut breaking his heart
Putting a new bandage over the cut, Bruce placed a small kiss to Giggles cheek while picking them up and going back downstairs
Dick waits at the bottom of the stairs with a smile while saying that him and the boys had put together a small surprise in the kitchen
Leading the pair to the kitchen, Alfred and Tim are putting together multiple cups of hot chocolate. Meanwhile, Jason and Damian are rinsing different fruits in the sink before putting them on a plate in the center of the counter
Bruce smiled a little at the scene while putting Giggles down on the counter as he gets handed two cups
Giggles carefully takes one mug from his hands to blow on the liquid before taking a sip
Dick goes to the fridge and gets a can of whipped cream. Putting a tiny amount in Giggles' cup before passing it around for everyone else to use
Damian pushed the plate of fruits closer to Giggles as he drank from his own mug
Giggles hesitantly took a piece and eating it with a tired look in their eyes
Jason's mouth turned to a thin line as he shook up the can in his hand. He took out his phone and handed it to Damian as he told him to 'record this'
Putting a small amount of whipped cream in his hand while walking over to Tim
Tim's eyes go wide as he steps behind Alfred while frantically telling Jason to get away from him
Jason smiles as he explains he wasn't going to do anything to Tim as he hands the can to Dick
Bruce is about to tell Jason to stop terrorizing Tim for the night when Jason shoves his hand in Dick's face
The can drops to the ground as Dick stumbled back in shock as he wiped away the whipped cream from his eyes while staring at Jason
Laughter fills the air from both Tim and Giggles as Jason smirked at Dick
Dick immediately smiled back as he reached out for a hug while trying to press his face to Jason's
Jason pushes against Dick while yelling for him to get away from him. Dick just told him to embrace the brotherly love as he fought back
Dick eventually wraps his arms around Jason as he rubs his cheek all over Jason's face
The laughter gets louder as Dick let's go of Jason with his head held high
Both of them shared a tense look before turning their head over to their younger siblings
Tim began stepping back as he told Jason to stay away from him. Dick looked over at Damian with a smile on his face
Before either of the younger boys could react, they were in the hold of their older siblings
Jason has Tim in a light choke hold as he wipes his hand over Tim's face
Dick lifts Damian up and places an obnoxiously long kiss to the younger boy's cheek as Jason's phone gets thrown in an act of defense
Giggles continues laughing while looking between all the boys
Dick quickly sets Damian down and goes over and picks Giggles up to place kisses all over their face
Giggles tries pushing Dick away with a smile while saying that he was 'gross and sticky'
Dick keeps going while saying that it was funny before so why should he stop now
Giggles leaned away while reaching out to Bruce while exclaiming, "Daddy, help!"
Bruce grinned while taking the child into his arms before looking over at Jason and Tim
"Jason, let him breath."
All the boys settled down as Giggles let out a small yawn while leaning towards Bruce
He said it was time for bed, which Giggles said a small goodnight to everyone
Each of them also said goodnight as Bruce walked out of the room to go back upstairs
Making a stop to the bathroom to wipe off the whipped cream before heading straight to the child's bedroom
He placed his child on the bed while picking up the Batman toy and placing it beside Giggles
The toddler can barely keep their eyes open while gently hugging the toy closer
Bruce tucks the two in before placing a soft kiss to their hair with a soft goodnight
Turning the nightlight on and leaving the door slightly open, Bruce began to walk back down the stairs
Alfred waits for him at the bottom with a quirked brow as he asked what happened at the gala that night
Bruce shrugged while saying it wasn't going to really matter come morning
"Oh, that is a shame. Financial troubles or do we need to send condolences for an accident?"
"The agreement from most of the people that attended was bankruptcy."
Jason and Dick come walking by as the begin to loosen the ties and unbutton the top of their shirts
"Actually it's drugs. Apparently the police had a search warrant and went through his house and found large stashes in multiple different rooms."
Bruce looked over at Jason with skeptical eyes as he got an offended look in return
"When would I have done that in the span of three hours? I was with all of you the whole night! I need more time than that to do anything good!"
"Felt like something that would be a you type of thing."
Dick chuckled as he clasped Jason's shoulder
"Look at the brightside. That man is not built to withstand any form of prison life."
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animeredhead101 · 3 days
Dick Grayson / Danny Fenton Masterlist
Holding Me Now in Hand by DisillusionedDanny :
After Tim Drake tells his family about his new insane chemistry teacher, Dick Grayson decides to do some investigation himself. What he wasn't expecting was to instantly fall in love with the chaotic science teacher. Danny had managed to make a new life for himself in this new dimension as a science teacher at Gotham Academy. He had a fulfilling life, teaching the kids of Gotham how to survive on the streets and then at night protecting the bats who roamed the streets. Now, to make things even better, he had somehow caught the attention of Dick Grayson. If Danny had to be honest, his life was going pretty great for him. Now he just needed the other shoe to drop. Word Count: 67,299
Emergency Contact by DisillusionedDanny :
Bruce Wayne is shocked to find out that he is not his son's emergency contact after Dick is involved in a standoff.
Color him surprised when he learns that his son has been keeping secrets from him.
Word Count: 2,423
Enchanted to Meet You by DisillusionedDanny :
Danny finally sees his soulmate outside of his dreams and it's everything he wanted and more. Word Count: 2,114
weary soldier, welcome home by halfgone (milkywxy) :
Dick misses his boyfriend. He waxes poetic about this, to himself that is. Then, inevitably, he gets to go home.
Word Count: 2,870
Constantine Bingo by EKat18
Danny turns Constantine selling his soul into a game. Word Count: 1,132
Danny Kidnaps Damian (not actually) by thebritishspider :
Danny doesn't like being summoned. He really doesn't like being summoned. Especially by the league of assassins. Those guys suck. If you're going to summon an all powerful entity at least do it right. A sandwich or something would be nice. He still wouldn't do their bidding anyway but it's the thought that counts. The one time he mentioned this to the league they offered him a child. Well. If they're offering Danny's gonna get the kid out of there. I mean really. Who in their right mind would offer him a child without laying out parameters. It was insulting really.
Or The League summons Danny, offer Damien as a sacrifice, Danny goes "All right then" and takes Damian. "Do you got another place to go kid?" "My father is Bruce Wayne" "Lol, wacky. I'll drop you off with him then." Danny sticks around because the Waynes are pretty cool, and Damian is very clingy.
Word Count: 32,492
Rings of Power by docmartins :
One moment Danny was chilling in space the next he was thrown into a world of heroes. A world that brought him family and friends and siblings and love. or Danny Phantom unexpectedly finds himself becoming the protégé of certain greenclad, ring-weilding heroes. Word Count: 123,437
I’m Falling for you (Now we’re both Falling) by Milaley,zizippy5379 :
Danny Fenton is just your average big city paramedic living in one of the most dangerous cities there is: Gotham. Or is he? What most people don't know is he is a retired superhero from the small town of Amity Park known as Phantom. After the burn out that comes from being a lone teenage hero and a difficult reveal to his parents he decides he needs to get away. And what better city than Gotham for a man who loves to help in medical crises.
Dick Grayson: detective by day, superhero by night. Well that's what he was until the reality of working for the Bludhaven police department set in and his depression took over. Now he's quit his day job and works for his adoptive father's charitable organization. But that doesn't stop him from continuing his superhero work as the one and only Nightwing.
But when these two soulmates meet on a rooftop at night and their timers run out, happily ever after isn’t as easily achieved as one might think.
Word Count: 75,437
Falling for you, again and again (adventures in getting kidnapped and meeting your soulmate) by ziazippy5379 :
Danny gets dragged to some event in Gotham and meets his soulmate. The first meeting goes great. The rest of the night not so much. Word Count: 32,352
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jokingmisfit · 2 years
Sweet Kisses
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(Art from the Wayne Family Adventures on Webtoons)
Jason Todd x Reader
Prompt- “Right… Well… I’m not sure how we ended up kissing like that…”
It was like fire. A burning red flame that somehow fades to a deep blue. A mix of beauty and pure destruction. Dancing movements that are soft and desperate all in one.
The feeling of lips on lips. Getting wrapped in the moment, and becoming obsessed with the feeling. Soft and plump verses smooth and slim. 
Formal clothing getting ruffled by movements. Pushing and pulling. The fight for a lead. The way he always wins.
It’s like icing. It’s sweet. It leaves the flavor on your tongue. Makes you feel you’ve had too much, and yet you still want more.
He was never one for the formalities, but I love them. The dancing and music. Dressing up to look like royalty. Trying to catch everyone's eye.
Why did I ever let him pull me away? I know neither of us expected this. This pure… Thing. I let him pull me from the spotlight just to become his starlight.
How poetic.
Jason Todd isn’t one to show off affections. Is that what led to this? Is this as good as it feels? I hope so, because this feeling is one I want to keep.
His hands are so big compared to my own. He has to lean down so far to reach my face. His grip is hard and somehow also barely there.
It’s like he’s trying to pull me into him as far as he can. It’s like he’s leading a dance I wasn’t taught, and I love it.
Is this how he shows his love? Is it even love?
What if-
The door opens quickly. The first face that pops in is Stephanie's, then Duke’s, then Tim’s.
In what feels like just a moment Jason and I put as much distance between each other as we can.
“DUDE WE ARE SO SORRY!” Duke shouts.
Jason looks at the trio with an exasperated look.
Stephanie speaks next. Claiming nervously. “We definitely didn’t follow you here!” 
I can feel myself shy away from the group. I’d rather not know what they know.
“Right,” Tim says, with an air of sarcasm. “And we definitely didn’t guess exactly what you two were doing.”
Oh god…
Jason looks like he’s going to kill someone.
“GET OUT! WILL YOU!” Jason exclaims.
The group scurries out with a few giggles, squeaks, and half hearted apologies.
Once the door closes I look at him. I know my face must be red. I pull on my fingers, moving them around to distract my mind.
“Right… Well… I’m not sure how we ended up kissing like that…” I say quietly.
Jason looks at me for a second, before he cracks a smile and pulls me to him.
“Just like this.”
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oncillabrigade · 4 months
I feel like I see a lot of fan authors/artists depicting Jason and Tim (and sometimes Steph) as unrelentingly mean to Damian in public, and that doesn't ring true to me. I haven't read the comics since before Damian was introduced (Wayne Family Adventures pulled me back in, and oh man there are fun DC comics these days!) so maybe I'm missing some canon examples of that... but I feel like every single child in that family gets how awful it is to be in the spotlight at a young age. They remember how awkward and exhausting it was to always smile for the camera, always be perfectly behaved, always uphold the ideal of what a Wayne adoptee should be. It didn't matter how you felt; you had to act the part. And they wouldn't make that harder for anyone.
Detailed thoughts below the fold!
Acting like a Perfect Wayne Kid™️ must be easier for Tim than for his siblings, because he was already playing that game as a Drake. But that doesn't mean it wasn't excruciating, especially for someone as introverted and wonderfully weird as Tim. Honestly, I think he'd be a mine of useful information for the later additions to the family!
I can see him at a charity dinner next to Cass, indicating which utensil comes next, murmuring, "I know, it's ridiculous. And there's no real reason, which makes it so hard to remember. But you're doing great." I can see him helping Duke practice the "right" laugh before a party: "Not too loud, not too real, not too many teeth showing. These people are terrified of genuine emotion, but in a shittier way than Bruce is." And I can most certainly see him talking Damian through how to leave a room when there are TOO. MANY. PEOPLE and the walls are closing in, showing him escape routes at different venues, explaining, "you don't want to use the bathroom excuse too many times in a row. People notice and tabloids start saying you have an eating disorder. I'll text you a list of alternate reasons to leave a conversation."
What I cannot see is Tim leaving anyone out to dry in the hell of high society. Even if Dami were driving him NUTS, I don't think Tim would call him a brat, insult him outright, or badmouth him to others. I think the worst thing he'd do is roll his eyes with humorous exaggeration and say, "okay, Damian, you've done your little brotherly duties--go talk to your friends, okay?" He could be SEETHING about a horrific fight 30 minutes before their appearance and play it off as, "haha, well, all brothers bug each other sometimes." And then he'd pivot, flawlessly, to a positive comment about the whole family, Dami included. Tim Drake, world champion of compartmentalization, fiercely loyal and kindhearted, is not giving the press a single bad word about his siblings. He is smiling and saying all the right things.
And then... then, there's Jason.
Jason understands, firsthand, how hard being inducted into the world of Perfect Wayne Behavior™️ is. Can you imagine Jason Peter Todd going through that? It's not just that he was in a new world, where money and food and clothes were a given, not a hard-won prize. It's not just that there were a million new rules to memorize (how to wear a suit, inscrutable dining etiquette, passive aggression instead of speaking your mind when angry, etc.). It's not just that he was suddenly thrust in the limelight at a young age, thrown in at the deep end of child stardom. It's not just that he was inevitably compared to Dick, who's naturally charismatic in a way that made his rambunctiousness forgivable by Gotham's elite. It's not just that he was simultaneously learning to be a Wayne AND a Robin, which was both mentally and physically exhausting.
No, it was all that PLUS who Jason was when he had just been adopted. Picture him: a kid from Crime Alley, recently out of a school for troubled youth, mourning the loss of his mother, and WAY too fucking smart not to see the condescension in the eyes of his new dad's peers. He was treading water constantly in every aspect of life, occasionally managing to float... all while the press and high society watched intently and judged him like he was swimming in the Olympics. Being Robin gave him magic, but god, he must have used so much of it up on just getting through public appearances.
I refuse to believe that someone who went through that would belittle or humiliate anyone doing the same. Especially when it comes to Damian. Damian, who comes from a world where physical prowess is the ultimate trump card, now trapped in a conversation where mentioning that prowess means he loses status. Damian, who knows the worst physical pain you can imagine and takes it as all in a day's work, struggling to contain his disdain for someone complaining about their tennis elbow. Damian, who was exposed to the worst aspects of humanity before he could form permanent memories, staring in disbelief at a kid his age saying the teacher who gave them an hour of detention is SO evil. Damian, who had mastered the rules of the League, discovering that the rules of Gotham high society are SO different that his prior knowledge is actively disadvantaging him.
I cannot imagine Jason seeing Damian as anything other than a fellow kid trapped in the pool with all eyes on him.
So Jason will do what he's always done: stand up for someone in need. Because Damian IS in need, no matter how much of a pain-in-the-ass he might be. That means Jay is telling the press about how smart Damian is, how good he is with animals, how proud the whole family is of his art. It means he's wearing suit pants with deep pockets so Damian's emotional support plushie is on hand at all times. It means he's using his bulk to clear the way to the balcony when the kid needs air and quiet. It means he's verbally eviscerating the posh knob who called Dami a brat, because NO ONE outside the family gets to say that shit about Jason fucking Todd's baby brother.
I don't care how annoyed they are with each other--bat kids hang together in the face of danger. And make no mistake: being a Perfect Wayne™️ is one of the most dangerous missions they face.
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alfredsolos · 11 months
hey, you know how you did a review (basically) of colin’s character and kinda outlined or corrected any misinformation ppl make ab him (like that he’s Jon kent 2.0?) (idk how to explain- character study??? u just explained him rly well with good textual evidence)
do you think u could do something like that for Maya Ducard? like, clear up any misconceptions ppl have ab her character and such? i want to write her but i don’t have the ability to read the comics/don’t rlly want to anyways.
Alright! Before going into a character analysis, let's talk about Maya's story. Who is Maya Ducard?
Maya Ducard is a vigilante/hero called Nobody. She is the second person to take up that mantle. The first Nobody aka Morgan Ducard aka Maya's father, was killed by Damian Wayne in Batman and Robin.
Maya finds the remains of her father's corpse beneath the sea and watches the clip of Damian killing her father. So to take revenge, she goes after Damian to kill him.
But during that time, Damian goes into a redemption trip where he tries to undo the damage he did when he was an assassin.
During on of those missions, Maya and Damian cross paths and she tries to kill him. But when she finds out that he was on a redemption trip, she decides to go with him and ensure that he is doing what he's supposed to. And she tells him that in the end she'd kill him.
Damian let's her tag along and they go on adventures together, growing closer and closer. And in the end, Maya forgives Damian.
Now, going back to the topic. Coming across Maya fics are harder because there are too few. So I don't really know how the fanon portrayes her.
I do know that most of the time she is portrayed as a supportive big sister, which is true but she is also so much more. So in this post I'll give out some facts about her and explain her character using canon panels.
1. Maya does not like the idea of innocents dying:
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Even when she was trying to kill Damian, she interrups her plans to save the innocent people. This tells us that she indeed has a pure heart. Along with her potential to be a hero.
2. She knows how to get inside someone's skin:
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During the times where they have a temporary ceasefire, Maya does not hold back from hurting Damian with her words and trying to get under his skin. This tells us that whoever her target is, she will do proper research on them and make sure to know them on a personal level. Which makes her dangerous.
She has a sharp tongue, so don't forget to apply this trait of hers on your fics!
3. Abilities?
Maya does not have any super powers. But she does have a super suit with numerous abilities. The most prominent ones being: Invisibility, sonic boom devices that are built into her hands, a device that distorts people's eyesight. She is also a very skilled fighter.
Another very important thing to note is that, her father wasn't the one who taught her how to fight:
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She learned how to fight by herself, watching her dad from the shadows. Which indicates amazing strategic and martial ability. Not to mention how she tracked down Damian and manage to hold her own against him.
4. At first these two did not get along:
And by that I mean, they did not get along.
They did not fight due to the ceasefire. But the things they said to each other? Ouch.
5. Maya loves Goliath:
Before and after trying to kill Damian, Maya always loved Goliath. She even tried to take him away from Damian at one point.
Goliath also loves Maya very much, risking his life for her countless times.
6. Along with her hate for Damian, she was also jelaous of him:
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One, he had a family that gave everything to him. Two; while her father never taught her anything, he took in Damian and taught him special moves and trained him. And due to this she naturally had a bit of envy of him.
7. Maya was still adament to kill Damian when they started to get along:
This didn't last that much, but in her mind it was some kind of divine justice.
8. Damian saved Maya from Deathstroke:
After Maya quit trying to become an assassin and killing Damian, Deathstroke came after her. But Damian basically pays her off and gives Slade 5 million dolars to stop trying to kill her. Surprisingly it works.
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But Maya doesn't understand why he did this. She calls herself worthless and with this, we can get that she has very low self esteem and self-deprecating thoughts.
9. She is more laxed, compared to Damian:
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As you can see, she does not shy away from resting unlike other assassins who do not stop until they complete their plans.
10. She has never killed anyone:
Even before or after Damian, she has 0 body count. She never killed or kills anyone in the future. This fact is the reason why Damian let Maya come with him after she tried to take him on. He knew that she wouldn't be able to do it.
11. Damian has a habit of calling her 'chica':
It's obvious that he does this to annoy her. But we can use this in the fanon as Damian annoying Maya by calling her chica
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12. Damian gives Goliath to Maya:
After the redemption trip and Maya forgiving Damian, he tells her to take Golaith with him. Maya refuses and tells him that Goliath belongs to him. But Damian answers with:
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Goliath ends up staying with her.
13. Damian shies away from asking Maya for help:
After the redemption arc, Maya settles in and is actually happy. Damian sees this and hesitates to ask for her help.
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As you can see, this happens multiple times. Which is cute, to see Damian being shy. Maya could be the only person who makes Damian feel like that.
14. Maya gains a brother:
After forgiving Damian for killing her father, she tells him that he has gained a new sister. Which means a lot because this shows that blood isn't what matters, but love. Seeing Damian accept and love her, destroyes the 'blood son' argument.
15. Maya hates the al Ghul's:
She tells Talia that she hates all the al Ghuls, besides Damian. She also goes on to tell her that she is a horrible mother. And by that, she really goes all out.
16. She kidnaps Jon Kent:
We all know that Damian met Jon by kidnapping him. But the thing is, he wasn't alone! Maya also helped him to kidnap Jon.
Anyways, these were my intrepretation of Maya Ducard's character from her canon interactions. If anyone wants to add onto these, please feel free and thank you for the ask!
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spiderrrling · 2 years
With Love, Eddie Munson (Eddie Munson x F!Reader)
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Summary - It’s been about six months since she went off to college when a very unexpected letter comes in the mail from an old friend
Word count  - 1.6k
Warnings - None, just a lot of bitter sweetness 
A/N - So I had this idea at work earlier, and when I started writing it all the words just started flowing out so here ya’ll have it, two fics in a day!!
You can find part to this on my masterlist! It's called "My Dearest Eddie Munson"
Masterlist - Tag list
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She wasn’t used to receiving mail, sure her family would sometimes mail her a couple of pictures here and there, or her mother would send her a letter.
But this was different, the envelope was thick and the front was warped with messy handwriting. Handwriting she had once joked only she could decipher.
A pit of anxiety and excitement started forming in her stomach as she let her fingers trace the letters that formed her name and address. Her name. He’d written her name.
She turned the letter over, hesitating for a moment before she tore it open, not bothering to care if she tore it, she was desperate to know what he had written.
Several a proper stack of papers were shoved into the little envelope, along with a pile of Polaroids which spilled out. Her heart skipped a beat as she was looking over the glossy photos of the small town she had left what seemed like forever ago. But the pictures brought her right back to those lazy spring days, and busy days in run down hallways.
Evenings spent tucked away in the back of Hawkins High theatre department playing dungeons and dragons. Weekends spent out in Eddie’s bedroom listening to him playing guitar for hours on end while she did homework or read.
Faded memories that were still burned into her mind and came flooding back as she looked at the pictures.
Hey there, bet you weren’t expecting to receive a letter from yours truly today, but what can I say? I am full of surprises.
You’ll never guess where I am sitting while I write you this letter. Or maybe you would, you always were the smart one, hence why you graduated and moved on, and I didn’t. Anyhow, I’m sitting in the back of my van parked out by the small creek that runs out into Lovers Lake. We used to come here a lot together.
I used to come out here to think, because it seemed so far away from the rest of Hawkins. And let’s be honest, it's beautiful out here. That's why I brought you out here for the first time, I wanted for it to just be the two of us. Where nothing else mattered.
I still come out here from time to time, but it’s just not the same anymore. I don’t have you beside me in the car carefully trying to select the perfect mixtape for our tiny get away adventure. And I don’t have you with me as we sit in the back of my van until the sun goes down and the stars come out.
You once sat beside me and told me about the stars. You helped show me the different constellations that reside over us at night. But if I’m being honest with you, I didn’t pay attention. How could I when you were holding my hand to guide me through the night sky. You looked so beautiful in the dim night lighting, with that extra sparkle you always got in your eye when you lost yourself to your thoughts.
Anyhow, how have I been you’re probably wondering at this point. Well, as resident King of the Freaks (self proclaimed, accepted by the masses) I am leading our newest freshmen recruits through their first official Hellfire campaign. They have a long way to go, but they have some potential.
Life at home is… well the same. Wayne still works his night shifts at the factory plant. He has been picking up some extra shifts but he is still good old Wayne Munson.
He asks about you though, and wonders how you’ve been.
You were home for Christmas just a couple of weeks ago, I saw you with your mom down town doing some last minute shopping. If I knew you were coming I would have invited you around to the Hellfire Christmas Special, we had a great time. But it’s not the same without you.
I didn’t even know you were in town. You never told me you would be.
To be fair, I don’t know much about you these days, we haven’t talked since that day you left. Your little car was packed to the very brim, your entire life was in that car. And I wasn’t in it. Not that I can blame you, I can’t believe you managed to fit in there.
You only left me with the memories of you, and a little note containing your new address.
I promised I would write to you, but I didn’t. Honestly I don’t know why I didn’t. Maybe I was scared that it would feel so different now that you weren’t here anymore. Maybe it was because I knew writing something to you would only make me realise just how empty my life is without you in it.
I’m hurt you didn’t tell me you would be coming back. I miss seeing your stupid face, I miss talking walks with you in the forest behind the trailer park, I miss driving around Hawkins late at night blasting whatever music we could find.
I miss you.
I miss you more than I thought was possible, I miss you more than I realised I ever could.
Life without you here sucks. I never knew just how much space you occupied in my day to day life and in my mind. And I never once stopped to think what kind of vacuum you would create when you left.
It’s like you disappeared, like you forgot everything that was here. And I can’t blame you for not missing it. For not missing this daft little small town in the middle of nowhere Indiana, for wanting to move on from it and leave it all behind. 
I can’t blame you for not missing Ms. O'Donnell’s 8 am classes. The basketball games, the lazy days spent doing nothing, the small little record store with a shit selection, everything. I can’t blame you for not missing me.
I still wish you did though. I wish you missed me the way I miss you. And I don’t want you to leave me behind. It feels like a part of who I am is just gone, there is nothing there anymore.
If I’m being honest with you, I have no idea why I am writing you this letter. And I know I am rambling, because I cannot find the right words to express to you how I feel.
If you were here I’d write you a song, maybe that would make it easier. There is already a whole stack of them, I keep them in a little box beneath my bed along with the photos I have of you, of us. Sometimes I pull them out just to remind myself that you were real, and not just some figment of my imagination I created to make my life better. To remind myself that you were here.
But you’re not here. And I hate it.
It took me longer than it should have to accept that. And to accept the fact that I miss you.
I should have written you a letter the second you left for college. Hell I should have written you a letter and stashed it somewhere in your packing, just for you to find as you were unpacking.
Do you remember that day last spring? The one where we skipped fifth and sixth period because we just couldn’t stand to be in that building anymore. We went by Joanes, and even though she doesn’t make the best coffee she does still make the best pie North of Indiana.
We bought a whole pan and stole two of her forks. And we spent a whole day out in the woods together. Camped out in the back of my van as always, eating pie and sharing whatever gossip had been circulating. I believe the topic of the day was, does Jason Carver dye his hair to be that colour?
It’s only in hindsight I realised how I must have looked at you. To be fair it is only in hindsight I am realising how I must have felt for you. How I am still feeling for you.
My heart used to skip a beat whenever I saw you in the mornings and you’d wave or smile at me. I got excited whenever I got to sit close to you. Whenever I got to touch you. You held my hand with such ease, but for me I felt as if my heart was pounding out of my chest. I was so nervous.
That one time you cut my bangs, I could feel your breath on my neck as you carefully trimmed my hair. You looked at me so much that day I can never forget it. Still the best haircut I have ever gotten.
I took you to prom, I wasn’t your date, I just offered to drive you.
I should have taken you to prom, officially. I should have asked you then because maybe now I wouldn’t be regretting it so much.
If you’re still reading this, congratulations. You’ve just read everything I never had the guts to tell you.
I don’t know if you’ve understood anything I’ve said, but here are all my feelings laid out. And since I know you can be a little bit daft I might need to spell it out to you.
I, Eddie the Freak Munson, am utterly, and hopelessly in love with you. And I wish I had known it sooner.
I hope you’ll be back in Hawkins soon, and I hope I’ll get to see you again.
With love, Eddie Munson
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Tag list -  @pastel-abyss-x @fayetheenthusiast @obi-wanakenobi  @starbemo @chloebeansack @a-villain-vying-for-attention @meaganjm​ @xbreezymeadowsx @prettytoxix @magicalxdaydream @emmaginanni @ghoulsgraveyard
Mutuals - @uglypastels​ @naturallytom​ @catastrofhe​
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gravedigginbbydoll · 1 year
pencil shavings and shared smiles {pt.7}
Fem! Teacher Reader x Teacher! Eddie
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Previous Masterlist Next
AN: Hey y’all! Sorry this took a bit but I think I have FINALLY fleshed out how I want this to go and everything! This chapter is a little bit angst but LOADS of fluff so enjoy!!
WARNINGS AND CONTENT: Minors DNI!!!, Noncanon, Hawkins AU, Normal Hawkins, Making out and suggestive themes, Trauma, Reader is horny lol, Fem!Reader, use of nickname Tish in place of Y/N, older! Eddie, short-haired Eddie, 1995/1996 Hawkins, angsty angst.
Summary: You finally reveal some of your past to Eddie.
You enter Eddie’s little house after him, feeling the smell of him surround you. The house was small but everything radiated coziness, just like Eddie. You look around, seeing the art you recognize as Will’s up on Eddie’s walls, along with some photos of him with some friends and what appeared as family photos of him and an older and gruff looking man, some of the photos featuring a smile. Uncle Wayne.
You see the little stack of Dungeons and Dragons Adventure Paths books stacked up on his coffee table, all of them with sticky notes and worn edges of notebook paper peeking out. Behind his little TV, you spot a large hand painted white flag that said CORRODED COFFIN. On either side of the TV is an acoustic guitar and an electric one, both with as much personality as Eddie. 
This house radiates him, with little sticky notes on his books, worn out and well loved couches and a rug, some goofy mugs lined up on his kitchen counter and what seems like mismatched dishes drying on a rack. You feel your heart warm up and you forget about your nerves for a bit, smiling. 
“You want something to drink,” Eddie calls out, his head in the fridge. You glance over and swallow thickly, the nerves resurfacing. His ass is way too nice. 
“Tish?,” Eddie sits up a bit, looking over at you as you break your gaze away from his butt, your ears probably burning. 
“Oh! Uh- I think I’m good with whatever…Water. Juice. Ya know,” You joke, your voice practically cracking. 
Eddie cocks his head at you, raising a brow in confusion. “Uh…okay. Is pop okay?” He pulls out a can of Coke, looking at you inquisitively. You nod wordlessly, your eyes currently enamored with the way his fingertips basically touch around the can. 
He comes over, sitting next to you and grabbing an old paperback; what appeared to be a Stephen King novel; to place the soda on, and another for his dark stout. “Sorry,” He said, looking bashful. “I keep forgetting to buy drink coasters. But these books are old and used, so I don’t mind them getting a little ruined,” He joked, smiling that megawatt grin at you. 
Your eyes were locked on his lips and you had to tear them away, your thighs pressing together as you suddenly regret wearing a dress to school that day, your imagination on the fritz with how easy your inner thigh is to access. 
“Okay, that’s it. Spill,” Eddie says sternly, turning his body towards you on the couch. 
You feel your throat tighten up and your palms start to sweat, laughing nervously while playing with the edge of the skirt of your dress. “Spill what?” 
Eddie sighs, his brown eyes pinning you to the spot. “Tish, you’ve been so weird for the past two weeks. First, you were absolutely a zombie, and now you’ve been avoiding me as much as possible. Did I do something?,” His brows are furrowed a bit, tugging at your heart strings. 
You can’t lie to Eddie. He has been nothing but kind. He’s held your hand gently for a while and felt the spark between you, but never pushed you further. You sigh, feeling your stomach twist and turn but knowing you needed to get the weight off your chest. Sure, you would rather dig your own grave then tell him about the recent uptick in your body yearning for him, but you could reveal the other part. 
“It’s not you, really. It’s just… I started having these nightmares last week. They were all about my ex…my ex-fiancé. And they were silly and made me lose sleep,” You say, your voice shaky as you feel your eyes mist over, the tears blurring your vision. You’d been holding back for so long that you almost expected to get through this story like a robot. Guess your emotions had other ideas. “He’s the reason I came to Hawkins. I wanted to get far away from him and disappear.” You hold yourself, trying to keep your composure despite the dam of emotions threatening to break, looking at Eddie’s hands in his lap instead of his eyes. You can see them clench, the veins prominent as they shake softly in anger. You don’t feel fear despite it, knowing that he’s angry for you. 
“Did he ever, I mean…,” Eddie tries to choke out. You knew what he was asking, it was the question you expected. You shook your head. 
“No, no, he just…knew how to tear me down. Nothing direct, necessarily, but always round about ways of letting me know I was lucky to have him. How I should dress or act or look. What I should fix. I left because it was the second time he had cheated. For months. With someone he swore I could trust him to be with alone, someone he let believe that we were breaking it off. And I couldn’t…couldn’t break up with him in person because I knew what he would do.” You swallow, your throat thick as the tears begin to overflow, your voice cracking with raw emotion. 
“He would cry and say how all he would do is hurt me, he would beg me to stay, say he couldn’t live without me. Promise to be better. And I know if I hadn’t left, I would’ve let him. I would’ve forgiven him. Even though he distanced me and manipulated me to grow away from all my friends, leaving him as my only person.” You got out, your body shaking. 
Eddie reached over gingerly, a soft brush of his hand against your shoulder. “Can I-” 
You cut him off by falling into his arms, burying your face in his chest and letting him rub your back, softly soothing you by holding you. You were probably staining his shirt with tears and could feel your nose running as they continued to pour. Eddie rocked you softly, letting you cry into him without complaint. He gently pressed his lips to the top of your head, humming between kisses. 
He smelled like tobacco, vanilla, cloves and cinnamon. Like always. You were convinced that Eddie was a smooth and gentle stream, a collection of comforting constants that warmed your insides. Always looking out for his friends. He always offered to pay at dinners, always drank warm apple cider when it rained, always seemed extra creaky and full of popping bones when it was extra chilly. He always stayed after on Thursdays so the Dungeons and Dragons Club could meet, and always took every other Thursday to have the older members run one shots in rotation so if they wanted to start their own club they could. 
You sniffled, pulling away slowly, wiping at your eyes while laughing softly. “Sorry,” You apologized. You could feel the tears slow down, your breathing steadying. It felt like a relief to let someone know your past. You had lost friends, years worth of them, due to him.
Eddie shook his head, leaning his head down to meet your eyes, his own brown eyes raw and full of emotion. “No. Don’t you dare apologize. Okay? You didn’t do anything wrong. And I’m grateful that you trusted me with that. That was heavy, Tish. I can’t imagine carrying that all on my own,” He said sincerely. 
You feel a tug at your heart at his words. It had been a lot. Everyday you sat in fear of seeing his car, answering the phone to him…You had been on edge. You nod wordlessly, staring down at your hands, scared to say something to break this bubble you two are in. 
Eddie grabs your face, tilting your chin up towards him and his sincere brown eyes exploring your face while pouring everything into you. His admiration, his anger, his sadness… and is that…No…It couldn’t be. His love. Maybe it was just platonic. Maybe it was just a spark, a small flame to be cherished and hidden. But nonetheless, you felt your own heart practically burst from your chest, your hands shaking in your lap. Your heart beat is in your throat, your eyes trying to hold back tears. Eddie Munson cared for you. 
“Look, that asshole didn’t deserve you. He didn’t deserve your patience or smiles or laugh or…fuck…even your anger. He didn’t deserve to see you every morning or know how you take your coffee. He didn’t deserve to hold you in your sleep and wake up knowing you’d still be there. I mean, shit, Tish, I don’t know that anyone does. I don’t know if anyone deserves to see the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about your favorite books, if anyone should get to see the way you get a little crease between your brows when you’re stressed. If anyone should know how amazing you are at cooking, and how doting you are despite neglecting yourself.” 
You feel your breath catch in your throat, Eddie’s eyes flickering between your eyes to your parted lips, his thumb stroking your cheek. You want to let Eddie know you felt that way about him. No one deserved to see his dimples, or deserved to know he had a tendency to bite his lip and chew on his nails when he was distracted. No one deserved to know how he jokingly would eat candy first before a meal if he had it, claiming ‘you never know when you’ll die, wouldn’t you want to know you had chocolate before that?’. Your voice was caught in your throat and you looked at Eddie, hoping the words made it through in your gaze. 
“But,” He continued, his voice hoarse with emotion, his thumb still stroking your cheek. “I hope I can earn those things. I selfishly want them.” He laughed lightly, leaning his forehead against your own, smiling that blinding grin, his eyes still staring into your own. “God, I want them, Tish. Even the smallest amount.” You laughed softly, soft tears falling, your chest feeling like it was bursting with blooming flowers, painful but oh so sweet at the same time.
“Take them,” You whispered. “They’re yours.” Your voice was shaky, scared to cross the line but feeling like your oxygen would be cut off without it. 
“Fuck,” Eddie hissed, closing the distance, capturing your lips in a bruising kiss. You felt soft tears flow down both your cheeks, your heart beating wildly within its cage. His lips were soft but slightly chapped and he tasted like cinnamon and chocolate from a hot chocolate he probably snagged in the teacher’s lounge. You melted into his touch, your hands grabbing at his shirt, sighing into the kiss. Eddie’s hands caressed your face like you were a treasure to behold, capturing your bottom lip in a kiss over and over, occasionally tilting his head a different way. Eddie gave out small moans into the kiss, nipping at your bottom lip playfully, allowing your light gasp to let his tongue enter your mouth.
You felt your thighs rub together, your skin hot to the touch, sparks ignited beneath your flesh. Your ex never made you feel this way. Sure you kissed. But he never made you feel like the act of affection was another way of oxygen, something so raw and intimate.
Eddie’s hands traveled to your hips, easily tugging you into his lap, pushing your hips into his own. You moan softly, feeling his hard length against his core. He keeps his bruising grip at your hips, continuing to give you open mouth kisses, taking his time with his tongue to explore you. When you pull away for air, both of you are panting. His lips are a pretty dark pink, swollen. His pupils are blown, his eyes dark and his hands still at your hips as he tries to breathe, his eyes searching you. 
You feel the heat still under your skin but try to take it slow, leaning in slowly to press a peck to his lips. You feel him gently squeeze your hips at the action before sighing, smiling in a drunken way up at you, leaning back into the couch. You can still feel his hard length against your core which flutters in response, your thighs squirming. 
“Jesus, Tish. What’re you trying to do here? Kill me?,” He jokes, his dimples out on full display, the corners of his eyes crinkling in that way that you love. 
You're about to open your mouth to answer when you hear a knock at the door, Jeff’s voice coming through, lined with impatience. “Eddie, we’re here! Let’s go, please!”
You scramble off Eddie’s lap as he stands, sticking a hand down his pants to readjust himself, causing you to giggle. He playfully glares at you, pointing a finger before scolding. “Not a word, missy.” He heads towards his sink, smacking your ass softly as he passes by, “Let ‘em in, please.” You yelp a bit in response, the action driving more desire to build up in you, your underwear probably sticking to you at this point. 
You open the door, smiling politely, hoping that your face doesn’t give away anything that happened earlier. Jeff comes in first, the rest of the band tailing behind him. 
Eddie looks at you, drying his hands off with a towel as Jeff rants about the stress of planning a wedding, explaining how everything has to be planned and paid for. He winks at you, his grin boyish and eyes twinkling. 
You can’t wait to get him alone. 
taglist:@bebe07011@corrodedcoffincumslut@kurdtbean@nerdflash@kimmi-kat@aheadfullofsteverogers @rustboxstarr @micheledawn1975 @tlclick73 @be-the-spark-bitch
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 8 months
Trick or Treat 🎃
Hello lovely, first can I just say I adore your writing and was wondering if I could request a Halloween one for Eddie?
You and Eddie take your twins out trick or treating for the first time. Maybe a family Halloween costume too?
Request by anon ♥️
Don't copy, repost, translate or reuse my work.
Fluffy family based fic ♥️
Meeting and marrying you was the best thing that had ever happened to Eddie and life got even better when you fell pregnant with twins, two adorable little girls.
Eddie loved being a daddy, loved his little family and doted on his three girls. It was safe to say you, Alice and Evie had Eddie wrapped around your little fingers.
Not that he minded one bit even if it was a source of good natured teasing from the Hellfire boys, who he still met up with once a week for a D&D session.
Eddie was an amazing father, at first he was nervous when you announced you were pregnant. Of course he was happy but he hadn't been brought up in the most stable household. Uncle Wayne was the only parental figure he had who was always there for him.
Despite his worries he eased into the role and doted on his girls, was very protective and the most amazing storyteller.
His stories were the highlight of for you and the girls, he told them nightly and he regularly acted them out with you. Alice and Evie hung on his every word.
He would read to them as well or join you when you were reading to the girls but he grew bored and embellished or told his own stories instead.
The twins were Eddie in miniature, all big brown eyes, dimples and curly brown hair. Like their father they also had a penchant for mischief and we're honorary Hellfire members as soon as they were born.
Eddie delighted in making them tiny Hellfire shirts.
Halloween was tonight and it was the first time you all were going trick or treating.
Eddie was a little emotional that his baby girls were growing up and you instantly comforted him, both of you wondering how time had flown by so quickly.
How were your girls already three years old? You couldn't believe it and didn't want to miss any moment of them growing up as it went so quick.
It was Eddie's idea to do a family costume. The girls were obsessed with Scooby Doo and Alice was determined to dress up in the Scooby Doo outfit she had seen at the store.
"Princess, we could go as Mystery inc. What do you think?" you nod excited by this.
"Alice and Evie would love it. Evie loves Velma and they have the cutest outfits at the mall.
"You wanna be the Daphne to my Fred? Eddie beams and wraps his arms around you, kissing you tenderly.
"Always but I think for this occasion you're definely Shaggy. The girls love your impression of him" he beams proudly loving making Alice and Evie laugh with his Shaggy voice.
"I'll rope Steve into playing Fred and we can meet up with him later in the night. He owes us for babysitting the six gremlins" you giggle and swat him playfully.
"Eddie, for the last time you can't call them Gremlins" he pouts and you hide your smile privaty agreeing with his assessment. You adored Steve's kids but they were a handful.
Now that it was Halloween you had been having a lovely day with the girls baking cookies and watching Scooby Doo and Winnie the Pooh all day.
Then it was time to dress up in your outfits and get ready for trick or treating. The girls looked so adorable in their costumes and are anxious to get out and enjoy the night.
"Daddy will we go to see Uncle Dustin, Uncle Steve and Aunty Robin?" Alice asks and Eddie nods as he helps her and Evie into their coats.
"Of course princess. Now come on spooky adventures await"
The four of you set out on Halloween night excited for what was to come. Alice and Evie are already hyper and hold their pumpkin baskets giggling and pointing to the different Halloween decorations on your street.
"Daddy look at the bats" Alice points them out to him and Eddie plays up his excitement but you see the slight fear in his eyes.
Even years after surviving the demobat attack, the upside down and the horrors of the past long gone and life peaceful there was still those rare times that Eddie wakes in a sweat and panicking.
That night was the worst of your life. You really thought you had lost Eddie and the grief was overwhelming. Thankfully, he oues through but it still haunted you at times.
Squeezing his hand you distract the twins and point to a witch on the roof of one of your neighbours house, she's on a broomstick, black cat in tow.
"Can we get a black cat mama?" Evie asks her big brown eyes pleading and you look to Eddie who's already melting at her puppy eyes.
He could never resist any of your puppy eyes or pouts and always gave in.
"Maybe Santa might bring you and Alice a kitty for Christmas?" you tease and the girls cheer at this.
The four of you go door to door and your neighbours are lovely, it's not long before the girls have full baskets of candy and their eyes light up as they show you and Eddie the sweets.
Eventually you end go to Steve's, the kids all play together before you all settle down to watch a cute and only slightly spooky film.
The kids eat a little of their candy as you and Eddie relax while talking to the gang.
Eventually the night winds down and you, Eddie and the girls head home.
Both of them are exhausted and Eddie carries both of them to bed while you get their pj's ready and have them all tucked up on bed.
"What about a story?" Evie mumbles sleepily and Eddie softens.
"Not tonight baby but I promise an epic story tomorrow" she nods letting out a little yawn and then she's fast asleep like Alice.
You cuddle into Eddie and he kisses your forehead.
"Uh sweetheart, I'm not very tired are you?" he raises his eyebrows and you grin catching on to what he's hinting at.
"Not a bit, why don't we go have a little Halloween party of our own?" quietly you lead him out of the twins room and to your bedroom stifling a giggle as Eddie kisses your neck.
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