#I wish I could say I'd found the answer to what I was looking for
wyvchard · 3 days
Birds of a Feather...
Agent Phoenix found themself displaced in time after waking up to Reginald's younger self. Chaos ensues.
Content Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, guns, restraints, Reggie's field days, Phoenix chaos
"Are you doing alright?" Agent Phoenix groaned as they woke up in a rough bed feeling far worse than the time they stayed up until daylight. They took a deep breath to calm down in order to observe their surroundings. It wasn't as clinical as a typical Zoraxis base, a relief to them.
"Nothing too unfamiliar. Where am I?" They glanced at the source of the voice, suddenly pausing when they finally registered a familiar looking face peering at them with worry.
"Is there something on my face?" He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms to show his disapproval. "If you think these bandages look horrible, you should take a good look at yourself."
"You look like someone I know... just... younger. It's not what you think. I know I look horrible but believe me, I can manage." They looked away, taking a deep breath to focus on something other than their heavy limbs. "I've been through worse."
"You were found unconscious in the middle of nowhere. What could be worse than that? Actually, I take that back."
Phoenix gave him a sympathetic smile before getting up, much to his panic. They chuckled at his fussing. "You remind me too much of my dad. I'm sorry for laughing. He frets a lot."
"Who wouldn't? I know I can be stubborn as a mule but you seem to be on another level."
"Well, I'd say I like to take things on another level." They smirked, amusement spilling all over them, only for them to frown when they felt their ear emptier than usual.
"We confiscated your earpiece. For some reason, it caught the attention of one of our technicians we're taking a poke at it a little bit."
"I'm getting it back, right?"
"If you can get R&D to return it, that is. Speaking of, I have to go. Please stay here? I'm sure some of doctors have plenty to be curious about. Would it be alright if you satisfy their curiosity a bit?"
"I don't have much of a choice, do I? All I can do is sit up at the moment." They mumbled, shooing him off. A part of him remains unconvinced but he has somewhere to be: Roxana is waiting for him.
Phoenix absolutely hated the probing that came moments later. They miss the fact they didn't have to answer questions that weren't "where does it hurt? Have you injested anything you shouldn't? How are you even alive?" or any of the sort.
They so badly wanted to grab the clipboard from the doctor with their TK but that was classified information that mustn't come out, so they put on a smile and answered as best they could without releasing anything classified.
They really wish to know who that young man was, seeing as though he looked a lot like the older photos of their beloved handler.
"Reginald..." Roxana stared at her friend who approached her with a silly grin. "You know you really shouldn't have taken their earpiece. Who knows what it is made of."
"You are curious about it as well. Don't give me that look." He stifled a huff, watching as she hands him some schematics. "Roxana, you know I don't understand any of this."
She sighed, pointing at a stool nearby a table with an open sewing kit. "The earpiece is definitely more compact than anything the agency is capable of producing at the moment." Her eyes darted to him working on one of the tears she accidentally created when it was snagged by a tool. She really needs to make a case to allow a bit of leeway in the dress code.
"That's not what I'm interested about. Why is their earpiece so tied to my own? I know I don't pay attention to the other agents as much as I should but I'm sure I can recognize someone like them."
"What makes you say that?"
"Well-" His words were cut off by a transmission. "I have to go. My handler is telling to check out the source of a distress call in the building."
He gently put away the repaired garment and rushed outside, leaving her alone.
Agent Phoenix is currently curled up in a corner, one spare radio borrowed from the "supply closet" (empty and unused office) they barricaded themself in.
They need to get evac there. Immediately. Everything felt so familiar yet so wrong. There were some places where they can delude themselves they were back in their office, bullet holes and all. Yet it was too new to them, as if someone patched up the structural failings on the surface.
They held their breath, really hoping that the mail slot there wasn't going to have a-
"Woah! Gun safety rules aside, it's me. Come on. Please get outta there." He sounded surprised at the fact his gun was practically ripped from his grasp in the mail slot although here was a hint of reprimand.
"Leave me alone! I wanna go back. I miss him so much." They covered their ears, still shivering from how similar the young man's voice was to his.
"There isn't really much to miss there. A lot of things you can shoot at point blank range. And I don't think he's around."
They counted the seconds, internally cursing at the fact they need to use their TK to open the door in order to escape.
Despite their preparation, they managed to falter, earning him a chance to tie their limbs with a rope.
"Let me go! I swear I only want to go home." Indignation laced their voice as their struggled. "Please. I'm sure they're worried."
"I only came with a gun because you were reported to have a knife on you. How did you even manage to sneak it past us?"
"Well, why was your first thought to push a gun through a mail slot to calm me down?"
Their unfriendly glare made him wear a wry smile as he mumbled an apology. "Well, why wouldn't I be guarded? You were sending a distress call to the agency, not to mention your earpiece always connects to mine."
Eyes widening at the realization, they looked resigned a few seconds later. "... I won't participate in any questions until you do this one thing for me, Mr. Reginald Crane."
A shiver ran up his spine as they gave him a devious grin.
"Please ask Dr. Roxana Prism if she's willing to make a tine machine with me."
I have NO idea where I'm going with this so this is a one shot for now.
Tag List:
@phoenix-and-found-family, @the-one-and-only-043, @ghostlystarwanderer, @jellyfishgummy
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spoonyglitteraunt · 1 year
"oh I'll just quickly look this up" I say with the confidence of someone who momentarily forgot her entire history, personality, and her ND braingremlins. Meanwhile several hours and many many many open tabs later...
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softbeej · 8 months
Rule Number One (You Gotta Have Fun)
Alastor x Reader Smut. U break his only rule and bother him while hes tryna work. Enjoy. :} Requests open btw.
Alastor had locked himself up in his radio tower for what felt like days. He was truly a workaholic, and loved to be busy. This was fine, except you found yourself actually sort of... missing him?
No sight of him creeping down the hallway or the impending feeling that he was about to catch you doing something prohibited at the hotel. It all felt too empty all of a sudden, and you wished he’d be back down soon, even if just to make you uneasy with that eerie smile.
So, you decided to break the number one rule set by him.
“Under no circumstances is anyone to ever enter the radio tower without my express permission.”
Well, what are rules if not to be broken, right? And that’s where you found yourself, climbing up into the prohibited area.
Ears pressed back, he turned to face you. There was no other way to put it, Alastor was fucking pissed.
You shouldn’t of come up here. You should of listened to his stupid rule, and busied yourself with something else. Maybe you had time to turn around, and pretend you made a wrong turn.
“I trust you have something important for me? Something that would be worth you coming all the way up here without my say so, hm?”
His voice was even more staticky than usual, his tone dripping with sarcasm. You were thinking up a response when he stood up and strode over to you. He jabbed his microphone stand under your jaw, albeit gently, and forced you to look at him.
“Well, deary?”
You only shook your head, hair bouncing on your shoulders.
“Then why, pray tell, are you up here? And use your words this time, yes?”
Within those few words, you suddenly understood why he was so feared. Just from the way he spoke, he could make you feel tiny and stupid.
“I, um, was just wondering where you were, is all...”
“Oh?” He released the microphone stand and you faced the floor again, feeling like a child about to get scolded. “You did know where I was though, didn’t you? So, I’ll ask once more. What brought you up here?”
He had retired back to his chair, and was watching you intently as you squirmed at his questioning. His smile never once left his face.
“You know what, I should go-“
Slam. His shadow had closed the door.
“Has no one ever told you it’s rude to ignore someone, darling? I’m just asking you a simple question, what’s the need for all this attitude? Why are you here?”
Blush rising to your face, you picked at skin around your nails still not wanting to look at his shit eating grin.
“I was bored. Missed you.”
“Ah, there we go! You see how easy that was?”
You nodded, “Can I go now? Sorry for interrupting...”
“Nonsense! You missed me, did you not? You came all the way up here for me, desperate for my attention. Well, dear, my attention you have got. Come, sit, sit.” He patted his thigh.
Oh, how you wished the world would swallow you up right now. But the worst part of this was how turned on you were at his lecturing. You think your reaction was doing the same to him, given the way his ears were perked up and pupils blown.
You walked over to him, gently perching on his knee, before he pulled you down by your waist so you were properly sitting in his lap. He continued working, tapping buttons and twisting dials, as you could only sit there and pray your heart rate would soon go back to normal.
"If I did not know any better, I'd say this encounter has you quite excited, darling! The way your pulse is rising, and not to mention the fact I can smell the arousal on you!" He laughed. "You'd tell me, wouldn't you? If I had brought out such emotions in you."
Your blood drew hot in shame, he knew.
You nodded and tried to save face, "Yes, Alastor. I'm fine, just- my pulse is high from the walk up here, that's all."
"And if you were to stand up, your answer would be the same, I presume?"
Confused, you cocked your head. He didn't say anything, just wrapped his hands around your waist and stood you up.
There it was, the evidence he was looking for. A wet patch on his thigh. Right from where you were sitting. Your wetness had leaked through your panties, leaving a spot on his dress pants.
“Well, look at this mess. And my best pants, no less! Do you have anything to say for yourself, dear?”
You shook your head, never so embarrassed in your life.
He tutted, "First, you lie about why you came up here. Then you lie about this? Darling, have you no manners? Or am I to teach you them myself, hm?"
His eyes were half lidded now, ears twitching.
"I- uh. I think you need to teach me, Alastor..." You admitted, not able to take your eyes off him.
“Finally! The right answer! You’re getting the hang of this now, eh?” He laughed, and patted his thigh - the one you’d dirtied, “Back up here. May as well see how much more you can ruin them.”
Legs shaking, you stood up and straddled his thigh. He leaned in close, “Now get yourself off. You can do that, yes? If your mewls at night are anything to go by, I’d say you’re to be a natural at this!”
The thought of Alastor hearing you play with yourself through your bedroom door sent shivers down your spine, in a good way. He grabbed your chin, angling your head to face him.
“I said you can do that, yes, dear?”
You nodded, hands reaching up to his shoulders to steady yourself as you started grinding down on his thigh like your life depended on it, maybe it did. You could feel his cock hardening. His hands trailed down your body to your hips where they stayed, helping you slowly ride his thigh.
“Theres a good girl, hm? See what happens when you behave?”
You nodded, breathing heavy, “Uh-huh.”
Alastor nodded, his hips gently bucking up for friction. Your hand went to zipper to help, but he brushed it away.
“This is your lesson. Not mine.” He winked.
So you kept riding his thigh, until your own thighs were weak, and you were close. And he knew it.
“If this were a proper lesson, I wouldn’t allow you to cum. But you’ve been so good, so good for me... You may cum.”
You nodded into the nook of his neck, letting out a pathetic whiny mewl as you came, soddening his pants. From the sound of it, he came too, letting out a staticky grunt that would of hurt your ears if you were paying attention, but you were too busy grinding your way through your climax, as he shushed you gently.
He helped you stand up, your thighs shaking and almost giving out under you. A sharp finger pressed into the stain on his pants, before he collected some of the wetness and licked it off.
“Head off to my bedroom, now, love. Get yourself cleaned up. I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”
The walk to his bedroom was strange to say the least. Your knees shaking and panties wet, of course Angel was going to say something.
“Christ, you look like you been fucked good, sweets.”
“I have, I think...?”
“Oh yeah? And whose the lucky son of a bitch, huh? He knows not to fuck with you, right?” He winked, ever protective of you.
As if on cue, Alastor appeared, strolling carelessly toward you both. A hand on your shoulder.
“Sorry to interrupt, Angel, my dear, but I’m afraid we have something to take care of. If you’ll excuse us...” He guided you away, towards his room.
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daenysx · 25 days
hi angel! a drabble about yapper gf with remus if you’d please <3
hi, gorgeous, thank you so much for requesting!! i'm sorry this is short but this was all i could do and i wanted to answer as soon as i can <3333
remus lupin x fem!reader, fluff
"and then i was supposed find who mr. cole is, everyone was saying he was like the most important person in the office, so i felt really nervous. like, if he asks me something and i can't answer? can you imagine how bad it would be?"
"yes, dove." remus answers. "but why can't you answer?"
"because- these are intimidating people, remus. what if i say something stupid and ruin my chances? god, i felt so stressed, my stomach was aching."
remus hands you your cup of tea. you take a slow sip, your throat feels a bit raw but you need to tell every detail of your first day at the office to your boyfriend. you texted him when you can but of course it wasn't enough to let him know everything.
"so, you found mr. cole?" remus asks, rubbing your thigh with a big hand.
"yes. turns out he's actually nice, i asked him a few things about my work and he always answered with a smile. he told someone to show me the break room and he wished me good luck."
"that's so nice." remus says. "who was that person he asked, did you get to be friends?"
"i think so." you answer. it's not surprising to remus, you've always been easy to talk to. people love your sunshiny attitude, your ability to find common grounds to say things to them. "her name is victoria, i think it's a really nice name, so i told her that. she showed me the break room and how to work the coffee machine in case i need it. she was super nice, she told me all the basics to get used to the people in the office."
"i think you'll do perfect." remus says.
"you're being so nice to me, but i can't be so nice." you say with a small pout. "i mean, i'm always a bit worried to do something wrong, and i don't know the place so well now that i'm new. i don't wanna do something i don't mean to by accident. or you know, getting into someone's way. or being known the wrong way. it's like a nightmare, i always try to keep my cool. like, i'm trying to walk in the office with my heels and i look so confident, right? if only they knew what i was thinking in real."
at this point remus has to cup your cheeks and kiss you soundly. do you realize how sweet you're being? you immediately give in to the kiss, your hands stroking his hair to keep him close to you. you wish it could be possible to have him with you in the office, too. you could just get a kiss and your mood would be fixed.
"i wish we could do this in the office, too." he needs to know what you think, so you tell him. "i would be less nervous."
remus chuckles, his thumb drawing circles on your cheek. "we can try." he says. "but i'd hate if mr. cole finds out. what would he think of his new employee then?"
"that she's in love with a gorgeous, angel boy?"
"come here." he says. he will kiss you for hours if that's what it takes for you to stop being so sweet. his poor heart will not take it.
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38riku · 2 months
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𝐁𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗
scenarios based on their birthday voice line. includes trey clover, cater diamond, leona kingscholar, and idia shroud.
/ suggestive if you squint. some of their voice lines are so flirty it's not my fault. gender neutral. /
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"ha-ha, way to put me on the spot. well, thanks. you know, according to the Queen of Hearts' laws, we're allowed to ask for anything we want on our birthdays ... h-hey, chill. I was joking."
it was slightly amusing to see the usually composed and cool headed trey clover flustered. his cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment. 'why did I say that?' he questioned over and over silently until his head started to spin.
"well, I'd hate to break one the Queen's laws." golden eyes widened in bewilderment at your statement. you were having the time of your life teasing him, weren't you? giggling like the menace he knows you to be.
your hands toyed with his tie, slowly and gently tugging at the fabric. if riddle saw him he'd surely hear an earful about proper dress, but, who cares? not him. not when you were flirting with him so blatantly in his room.
"what will it be clover?"
"what're you willing to give darling?"
the look in your eyes answered for him. everything. anything. no matter how ludicrous the request or object it would be his.
"you know you have my consent, yes?" your question was met with a nod, and a very deep gulp. he was great at keeping up the calm, cool and collected facade but, upon closer inspection — thundering heartbeat, cheeks now turning a deep red color, sweaty palms — he was, in fact, far from that.
trey didn't realize he had leaned in until he felt your breath fan his cheek. the faint smell of his birthday tart from the party reminded him that anyone could walk in. even so, there was no need to rush this moment.
it's his birthday after all. he deserves to be a bit selfish.
especially when it tastes like cherries.
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"you remembered my birthday? thanks! you're so nice, taking the time to celebrate with me. okay, bring it in for a pic! gotta commemorate this on Magicam."
"today was fun! i can't believe you planned all this just for me." although he kept his usual happy go lucky cadence, there was an underlying tone of disbelief. he had asked you to pinch him many times during your outing yet it still didn't feel real.
each part of the day was calculated. no matter how many times you deny it, he was in the forefront of your mind.
there was no cake or sweet treat. instead, a plate of spicy curry with happy birthday written in sauce. it was a bit sloppy but made his heart warm and brain fuzzy.
he half expected the two of you to go shopping, however, you surprised him again with a trip to the bookstore. cater knew you enjoyed manga. it was a popular topic amongst you and the underclassmen.
"branching out is an important part of growing up!" you had lectured him. he found it amusing but allowed you to coerce him into getting a few volumes of your favorites.
not that it took much. you could ask for the moon and cater would find a way to make it happen.
lastly, was his dislike for crowds. thus, the two of you were on the quiet beach, watching the sunset as the sky exploded in various hues of warmth. it had been a cinematic ending to his birthday. and, for once, he didn't want it to end.
the celebrations typically left a bad taste in his mouth. literally.
if anyone were to make today the least bit tolerable it would be you. the two of you were friends, not super close but far from distant, and today – like many other days – time went by too fast, and wish you'd stay beside him a but longer.
"let's take a picture!" cater smiled, not waiting for your answer as he pulled you close. hopefully you didn't notice how nervous he was to hold you like this, so close, so warm.
with a silly face for the camera he snapped the photo, only to feel a burst of warmth on his cheek.
"happy birthday cater!" you were so genuine, smiling softly and asking "same time next year?"
cater couldn't bring himself to answer. but, if his toothy smile was anything to go by then it was a resounding yes.
for once he looked forward to next year. more importantly, spending it with you.
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ain't nothin' great about birthdays. it's just the day I was born. but if you really wanna celebrate it, I won't stop you. I always welcome presents.
"you know it's rude not to greet the birthday boy." it wasn't unusual to hear snide remarks from leona. in fact, he was ninety percent sure you expected this from your reaction. or the lack of one.
he didn't know why you gave him a birthday gift. but, since you did, it irritated him that you didn't deliver it yourself.
"you don't like it?" tease. even when you're cornered by a predator like himself you find time to dig under his skin. it was entertaining most of the time. right now, it simply pissed him off.
"if you're gonna be so bold as to give me a gift, at least deliver it yourself." huffing, he stood straight, content with getting his point across.
as hard as you tried to remain unbothered by his presence, you failed. your eyes watched him warily, anticipating something but not knowing what.
"leona, I don't know what you're planning but–"
"just thought i'd take the rest of my gift to go."
and, just like that, you were over his shoulder. as far as he's concerned the rest of your schedule is cleared to entertain the birthday boy.
what were you thinking? giving someone like him "coupons" as if he didn't already have someone to do his tedious work. as stupidly endearing your gift is, he intends to use each and every one.
naturally you end up in his room. unnaturally, he placed you down on your feet gently. he snorted at your surprise and handed you a small stack of clothes.
"your ... gym uniform?"
"put it on. you smell like your friends, and cat, I won't be able to sleep peacefully like that."
you scoffed at his reasoning but it was very very believable. leona felt a tinge of guilt for lying but, in his defense, if he was going to use you as a pillow you could at least smell like him.
the shirt was too big and you replaced his pants with your own clean pair of sweats. it seemed to have sufficed, because a moment later the two of you were, what he calls 'platonically cuddling'.
in his eyes, there was nothing platonic.
not the way you gently scratched his hair while scrolling on your phone.
not the way his tail curled around your waist protectively.
not the way he felt so at ease it he's barely conscious long enough to question the feeling before drifting to sleep.
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what's up? I'm kinda busy collecting birthday voice clips from my game faves. after all, the only people who celebrate for me IRL are, like, my relatives. huh? you came to throw a birthday party? f-for me?! hrk... c-couldn't you give me a ready check or something before springing a raid on me?! i'm totally ungeared, and I haven't even watched a tutorial video yet!
the party wasn't as bad as he expected. just as you predicted, there are people who enjoy the same things he does — he and lilia play the same type of games, ace is a manga nerd — in short, his pop culture skillset was a sufficient substitute for his lack of social exp.
"look at you, increasing buddy levels with npc's. is now a bad time to say i told you so?"
"yes. you can't make fun of me on my b-birthday."
you laughter caused his hair to flare underneath his hood. although the party wasn't as overwhelming as he expected, you were still ... well, you, and you never failed to reduce his HP to zero with a smile.
imagine the damage he took when you suddenly took his hand, dragging him off to who knows where?
it was a critical hit.
"one more surprise." you giggled, opening one of the many doors in your recently renovated dorm. this specific room was decorated with the purpose of gaming.
the pc was decent, dual monitors, a soundbar, and a handful of game systems that cost more than a few thaumarks.
"now you can teach a mere noob like me all about gaming in the magic world."
all of this, to play games with him? it was unbelievable. he didn't deserve it. you were friends with plenty of maxed out characters and there were various love interest routes for you to take, yet, you chose him.
"i am pretty g-good. tutorial videos wouldn't help someone as h-hopeless as you."
it was the first time he spent his birthday with someone that wasn't related to him. teaching the main character (in his eyes) how to play video games. your shoulders were touching, faces inches apart whenever you'd turn to him, listening to him explain this and that.
idia had muted the party. buddy levels with npc's didn't matter when he was filling the romance bar.
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© 2024 — 38riku. Do not copy or repost or plagiarize my work. All Rights Reserved.
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darkbluekies · 1 year
In our own world
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Yandere!king OC x fem!reader
Summary: You're bored and Edmund decides to create his own little excluded world where you and him can spend some valuable quality time, just you and him.
Warnings: obsession, isolation, Edmund thinking that he is better than everyone else (power dynamics?)
Word count: 2.1k
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Oh how bored you are. You've been sitting in the large window for what feels like an eternity by now. Maybe you could ask the maids to entertain you? No, that won't work. Edmund has said that none other than him are allowed to be with you unless he's said otherwise. Maybe … maybe you could ask Edmund to do something? Maybe he could let you … go out for a little?
You jump down from the window and leave the chamber. Wherever you walk in the halls, maids and butlers stop to bow at you and wish you a good day. At first, you found it soothing that someone acknowledged your presence, but now you find them creepy. 
You reach Edmund’s office and are met by a guard standing outside.
"Can I speak to him?" you ask.
"He's busy, your majesty", the guard replies.
"You shouldn't disturb the king. He was very persistent on that no one should talk to him before he's done with his work."
"Oh … okay …"
"Can it wait?"
You force a smile. "Yes, it can."
"Very well."
In defeat, you turn around to leave. The guard walks into the office to check up on the king.
"Who were you talking to?" Edmund asks without looking up from his desk. "Fuck all of these papers make me insane!"
"It was the queen, your majesty", the guard answers.
Edmund snaps his head up, his heart skipping a beat. You've finally come to him? 
"What did she want?" he asks quickly.
"She just wanted to speak with you", the guard answers. "Nothing more. She said that it could wait so I sent her away. I know how you said that you didn't want to be disturbed-"
"You fucking idiot! That rule implies for everyone but her. Go get her."
"... yes, your highness."
The guard runs out of the room, sensing that he's upset the king. Edmund sighs frustratedly, shaking his head. 
He returns with you by his side just a minute later. Carefully, he walks out and shuts the door behind him. Edmund smiles fondly as he sees you. You're so pretty.
"I heard you wanted to talk to me", he says softly.
"It was nothing important", you say. 
"Yes, it was. Come here."
He pats his lap. You walk over to him slowly and sit down on his thigh. Edmund smiles and wraps his arm around your waist securely.
"What did you want to say to me?" he smiles up at you.
"I was just bored", you say and shrug. "I was wondering if you wanted to do something but you're busy. I don’t want to disturb you."
Edmund sighs and looks over the papers drowning his desk. Why does he have to be a king?
"I am", he mumbles regretfully. "I'd love to spend time with you, my jewel, but if I don't complete this before tonight the Supreme Court will grill my ass."
"It's okay … I'll entertain myself. I'm good at it."
Edmund bites his lip, thinking.
"If I hurry up, will you wait for me?" he asks and squeezes your waist carefully. "We can do something together later. Why don’t you come up with something fun to do in the meantime?"
“I want to go out”, you say. “For a little while.”
Edmund grabs your cheeks in his hand and smiles cheekily. 
“You are not allowed outside, dearest”, he says with his eyebrows raised in that condescending tone you hate — sounds like he’s talking to a child. “You’re far too precious to be spoiled by the outside world.”
You sigh and fight back the urge to slap him. 
“Go wait in the bedroom and I’ll come get you when I’m done”, he says, giving you a sweet push towards the doors. “If any of the guards give you any problem, you come back and tell me.”
You nod. Edmund smile drops once you leave. He can’t believe how his own guard turned you away. You must have felt so shocked and humiliated. Edmund’s heart breaks at the thought. He clenches his jaw. If you want to go outside, then you shall. 
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You must have fallen asleep because when you open your eyes, Edmund’s kneels down in front of the bed, caressing your hair. 
“Y/N, my queen, why don’t you come with me?” he smiles. 
“Are you done now?” you ask and yawn. 
“Yes, I am. And I have something for you. Won’t you come with me?”
You get up from bed and follow him out of the room. He leads you through magnificent corridors, out to the backyard. You stop at the sight. A set table with flowers, pastries and tea. It’s taken directly out of a fairytale.
“Do you like it?” he asks.
He looks genuinely excited. Edmund loves to do these kinds of stuff. He’s never had anyone to surprise or impress before, but now that he has … it has become something he enjoys.   
“I love it”, you answer, still in shock. “Why did you suddenly change your mind?”
“I mean … this isn’t the outside world”, Edmund shrugs. “So I thought that is wouldn’t be too bad. This is our own little world. You can still see the sun, but you’re not tainted by the townsfolk. I guess I can let you be here. But only when I am too.”
You look around, seeing the high brick wall that keeps you locked in. You can tell guards are watching every corner. Edmund takes you to the table and holds out a chair for you. You sit down and start to search the table for what you should start with. 
“I’ve told the maids to stay away”, he says and lifts the teapot. “I want to do everything myself.”
You want to crack a joke about how he’s never touched his own utensils before, but you keep it in. It’s probably not a good timing. He seems to be in a good mood for once, you shouldn’t destroy it. He pours you some tea and holds out the cookie tray for you. 
“Eat as much as you like, my jewel”, Edmund says. “We have enough to feed the entire village here. Not that they will get any. Why would anyone unimportant deserve this kind of food? Pathetic. These kinds of meals are reserved for the important people.”
Pleasant as always.
“Thank you for bringing me out here …”, you say hesitantly after a while of awkward silence. “I’ve missed being outside.”
“You’re welcome”, Edmund smiles with a smile. “If you’re happy, then I am too.”  He breathes out and looks around. “Such a shame I’m always busy or we could spend all of our time together … just like this.”
You don’t answer. You’re not sure what you think about the idea. It’s not like you wanted to go to him for company. You had no other choice. He kills everyone you want to talk to. 
“Do you feel lonely without me?” he asks while keeping his eyes on the spoon he slowly moves around in his teacup. 
“I feel lonely, but I’m not sure it has so much to do with you … just overall”, you answer hesitantly. “It’s a big castle with lots of people I don’t know … everything is frightening and big …”
“It’s not dangerous for you. Only at night. But you’re safe if you stay in the parts assigned to you. You know better than to wander around.”
Oh, you know.
Suddenly, you hear a melody coming from afar. You look up, trying to find where the music is originating from. Edmund does the same and then breaks out into a small smile.
"Right, there were some things in the village today", he says, shaking his head slightly. "I should have told them to cut it out."
"What are they doing?" you ask.
"Partying. Something they don't have time for now that it’s harvest time."
He's about to stand up and tell a guard to get rid of the sound, but your hand shoots out, placing over his before you can think. He looks down at you, shock written all over his face.
"Please let them be", you beg. "They should get a break from their jobs and have some fun. They're humans. Besides … I kind of like the melody."
Edmund sighs heavily and nods. Remorsefully, he sits back down and looks at you with love growing in his eyes.
"You're wonderful, do you know that?" he asks. "I made a good choice in marrying you."
Your heart sinks whenever he talks like that. As if everything is a business deal to secure the heritage of the throne. Edmund has a tendency to be selfish and inhuman, how does he really care for you? Does he see you as another package deal to secure the future? Is he treating you differently because he should? Since you’re the queen?
"Can I ask you a question?" you ask hesitantly.
"Go ahead", he answers calmly.
"Did you marry me because you needed a queen or … because you actually wanted to?"
You can see him physically twitching. He furrows his dark brows and looks at you questionably.
"What are you saying?" he asks in confusion. “Are you serious?”
You nod. Your throat has gone dry. That voice. Oh, how you hate to confront him. He can never take anything in any way other than an attack. 
“Do you think I wanted to be married at this age?” Edmund asks with a raised eyebrow. “That wasn’t my priority, Y/N. With that said, you’re definitely not just something I ticked off the bucket list. Don’t … don’t I show you enough love?”
You shrug fearfully. After every horrific thing he’s done to the people around you — including you — there’s nothing that actually shows if he loves you or only sees you as a pet. Edmund gulps and pulls his chair back quick enough for you to shudder. He stands up and walks over to your chair … holding out his hand. You stare at it blankly.
“Would … would you like to dance?” he asks
"Huh?" you ask, wondering if you could have heard wrongly.
"Dance with me."
You get pulled up on your feet by a strong force and almost crash into him. He squeezes your waist and positions the two of you for a dance. The music from the village is enough for him to find a rhythm and bring you into a trance. You can feel the guards glancing at you. 
“Don’t look at them”, Edmund whispers warningly. “Look at me instead.”
You turn your eyes to him and he smiles. His smile makes him look like his actual age and it makes you relax slightly. After all, he’s just a young man without guidance. You shake your head. No. Don't think like that, don't give him excuses.
"There you go", he says approvingly. "Keep your eyes on me. There's only you and me in this world — in our own world — no one else."
He twirls you around before gaining another tight grip on you. You're sure that you'll get bruises on your hips by the end of the dance. You let him take the lead, not knowing where you’ll end up, but you know better than to question any of Edmund’s decisions. 
“The guards, they’re looking at you”, he says without taking his icy blue eyes off of yours. “Gawking even. Wishing that they had what’s mine. Pretty pathetic, don’t you think? To be jealous of me? As if they could ever be on my level.”
“I’m not on your level either, Edmund”, you remind him quietly, hoping to make him realize how stupid he sounds. “Would you talk about me like that too?”
He looks dumbfounded. 
“You must have hit your head or something with all the absurd questions you’re asking today”, he mutters and rolls his eyes. “No one is on my level — of course — but you’re far, far better than any of the other people in this kingdom. Don’t try to insult yourself by saying that you’re like them ever again, Y/N. I don’t like that.”
He dances round and round, holding you as close as he possibly can against his chest. You’re practically molded against his body. 
“I’m so fucking obsessed with you, Y/N”, Edmund whispers in your ear. “You make me crazy. I can never let you go. You’re so perfect.”
His arms tighten around you and you start to wonder if he’s going to break your corset. In this world of your own, he will make sure that it is only you and him. Only you and him … in your own little shielded, exluded world.
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
WHERE Y/N SUGGESTS THAT they should move dorms because of their living situation in a dorm meeting..
And everyone starts fighting over who's dorm they should join.
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The meeting started relatively calmly, the dorm leaders discussing small changes and plans, everything you'd expect on a typical dorm leader meeting, you had gotten used to such an environments, over the few times you had came to these meetings. You expected nothing out the norm to happen, .. when you brought that up.. Surely nothing would have happened right? well that's what you had thought. As the meeting was about to end, you chirped in "I was thinking of swapping dorms.. Ramnshackle isn't in the best condition."
Out of all the outcomes, you hadn't expected everyone to stare at you dumbfoundedly, the silence was awkward and unsettling, as the room was lively moments before you brought up the subject, Riddle was the first to break the silence "What dorm were you planning on moving into?" the question left you thinking, you answered with whatever came to mind "I actually didn't decide, any that's open to take me, would be fine!" you've heard that students could change their dorms during the start of, or the end of the year.. so it would have been a bit difficult changing at such an awkward time, but you'd appreciate if any dorm was open!
"Well Heartslabyul is always an option, you can control Ace and Deuce rather we—" Riddle couldn't finish, when Vil chirmed in "Don't be ridiculous Rosehearts, Potato would prefer it here in Pomefiore!" Riddle was about to open his mouth again, when Malleus popped in "Well, Child of a man is always welcome, here in Diasomnia." "Hey! No! Herbivore, would like it here in Savanaclaw!" Leona yelled out, agitated at the fact that Malleus, offered you room before him. "Well perfect is always welcome at Scarabia too" Kalim chirped in, as a light chuckle escaped his mouth, he probably found this scenario slightly playful, Idia's mic turned on, as he stated "W-well perfect can always join us if they want too!", he shut his mic off immediately afterwards, that's when Azul popped in, "Well Octavinelle is always open for new members"..
You stood slightly away from the mini crowd, you had a bad feeling about this.. At least you can move to a dorm of your liking?.. That's what you had hoped for.. Yet your fellow dorm leaders haven't stopped arguing for over 15 minutes by now, "Like the perfect would enjoy staying in a dorm like yours!" Vil commented, "What was that supposed to mean?!?!" Leona exclaimed.. 'I should stop this' the thought rang across your head, but you were a magicless student, and you did not want to deal with this in any way. You had hoped this would end soon, "Well I don't think the perfect would like to memorize over 800 rules!" Kalim stated, rather innocently to Riddle, who was fuming all over by the scenario at hand...
It wasn't until Azul chirped in and said that "Let's calm down and be civilized about this matter... After all.. it is the perfect's choice.." as if things weren't already going south, all attention was placed back towards you, everyone's gaze looked vicious... that or you were worried about the consequences of your decision.. even Kalim, who was usually and up to this point calm and cheerful was staring at you sternly..
"So... which dorm would you like to go too... y/n.." Riddle said the words, in a rather gentle voice... a huge contrast to his facial expression... Silence filled the room, as you thought over your choices in your head.. 'Is it late to back out now..' you thought, wishing you had kept a dorm in mind, rather then saying you didn't know which one to choose... "I'd like to go too _______" ....
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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httpisaoki · 6 months
I'll be imperfect for you ft. yu jimin
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-> previous.
warnings. mentions of affairs and divorce, reader is referred as 'han junhi', crying, confessions, etc. etc.
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you gave her a small nod, finally agreeing to go somewhere a little more private. with a small smile, she motioned for you to follow her and you did, albeit reluctantly, your expression still one of disinterest.
the walk towards the room that she was leading you would be the most painfully long walk ever. she didn't say anything and neither did you, it was an awkward silence, a nerve wrecking one at the least.
a few quiet minutes later, the two of you were inside a room. despite it still being in the office building, it looked as if no one was inside it and the doors weren't being monitored. 
she shut the doors, the two of you finally alone. she sighed, she was about to tell you what she wanted to talk about. but as she was about to speak, you saw her eyes trail down, her gaze on her own hands as her voice softened. "junhi, can I ask you a question?"
when she spoke, her voice filled with softness, a side that you hadn't seen from her in two years. it was something that caught you off guard, something that made you almost regret your decision to divorce her. 
you gave her a small nod, keeping your gaze neutral, your ears only focusing on her voice. you were still trying to stay professional despite her sudden change in attitude.
she took a deep breath as if she were trying to gather her thoughts. but once she opened her mouth to speak, words wouldn't come out. she let out a small sigh, as if preparing her next words. 
"do you..." she paused for a moment, she gulped, "do you recall my affair?" You tilt your head, visible irritation in your face. "why would you ask that?" she gulped at your tone.
she paused at your tone, the irritation in your face made her flinch even though she was trying her hardest to maintain her composure. 
she swallowed, looking down at her hands to avoid looking at you again, the shame and guilt she was feeling was something she'd been dealing with since that whole affair. 
"just...just answer the question," she spoke softly, the change in her tone was a little jarring.
you raised an eyebrow, albeit forcefully, "yes." you answered. "then I'd ask you if you recall that name, the name of the man I was in a fling with?" she gulped, her fists clenching together. she didn't need to tell you the name, it had been plastered all over the media, there were pictures of them kissing, holding hands...all over everywhere. 
but no one had ever mentioned you during that affair. your name had never been uttered, not in public, not by anyone.
"lee jaewook." your eyes pierced through hers. fury building up inside you. she froze, the name you'd mentioned was something she never thought you'd know. she gulped, her palms already sweaty, nervous. was that why you'd gone cold on her? because you'd found out? it had been all over the media, that'd been true.....but she didn't think you knew...she wished she'd kept quiet.
"and I assume you know he's one of your employees?" you could hear the nervousness in her tone, the fear of your reaction filled her. You let out a small chuckle, amused at the obvious question. "of course." 
she gulped, your tone alone made her shudder, the fear of your reaction was rising inside of her. 
her voice was shaky, she hadn't expected your reaction to be this harsh. she tried to steady her breathing, she was trembling as she spoke, "and...do you know that he's been fired for his behavior?"
"may I ask why is this relevant? it's been 3 years, karina." impatiently, you glares went right through her. "because I have a request for you," she gulped, her voice still trembling. before you could cut her off, she rushed out words, not wanting you to interrupt her, "a request so I want you to listen to me first..."
she flinched at your gaze, your words hurt like a dagger. she looked away, your words digging into her, hurting her. she tried her hardest to keep everything bottled in, she didn't want to show you how much your blunt words hurt her. 
"it's...just something I wanted to...tell you." her voice was still shaky, she still seemed afraid. she didn't know why all of a sudden she was this nervous, there were a million different reasons behind it but she didn't have the energy to explain them.
she took a deep breath when you remained silent, her eyes trailing up to look at yours. were you not going to ask her why? was she telling you this for nothing? did you really not care?
you had been through a divorce so did you feel nothing? her heart was in her throat, it was all she could think about. 
"then let me ask you another question." she began, her tone slightly calmer.
"yes?" you still remained silent, your gaze on hers. this was a business meeting, this was supposed to only be about business.
your eyes gave away nothing, it was as if it was a poker face challenge. but despite how cool you were trying to keep things, one can't help but wonder if there were other things behind your behavior.
"can I ask you..." she continued, the way she paused was as if she was trying to recall her thoughts.
"did it ever cross your mind that I might've ended things with you because of him?" she asked, her voice trembling once more. this was the part where she broke and she didn't know what was coming. 
it hurt just thinking about it now, how could she have thrown away everything for a man she didn't even know? 
just that thought alone made her tremble, she didn't even bother trying to hide it, the thought of you divorcing her...it was something she regretted deeply.
"it was the reason I divorced you," you paused, and hesitantly you continued, "I didn't want you to choose him so I went first," you gulped, your emotions slipping through your cold gaze. 
her eyes soften, "I didn't want you to end things because of a man who is worthless." you let out a shaky breath, "It may be selfish but I broke things off in the worry of you breaking my heart." 
her breath hitched as you spoke, the way you spoke with your whole heart made her shiver. she didn't expect this side of you to come out to her, she thought you were just going to be cold towards her as if you were strangers.
"you..." she paused, her eyes widening for a moment before she looked away again, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment. "did you really..." she couldn't think of the correct words, and the realization that you'd left her out of fear of being hurt, it made tears pricked at her eyes.
you had divorced her to avoid the inevitable, her decision.
Though she was aware that the decision she made that day was one she still regretted, the thought of breaking your heart had been a fear of hers. even back then, she never wanted to be the one to hurt you in any way...despite her wrongdoing, she could never bear to see you hurt.
"you don't know me, karina." you whispered, my face remained stoic but there was a hurt in your eyes that she couldn't face. "even after 10 years, we were never really together. you didn't know me, I didn't know you. we were strangers." 
her breaths became shaky, the bitterness on her face was gone. you were right, the two of you never really knew one another even after all those years together. all of it was surface level love, it was never fully unconditional, it was conditional.
her silence was her agreeing with you. she couldn't say anything to your words because she knew they were true. it hurt to realize that the two of you were actually strangers despite having been together for 10 years.
you sighed before muttering, "we are strangers."
her face froze. you had said it, something that everyone knew but no one dared to say out loud. it was the cold truth that you had acknowledged, just like that. 
she couldn't find anything to say afterwards, she didn't know how to counter your words, you were right. all those moments that the two of you were together, all those years, they were wasted, they were meaningless. you didn't know each other, she didn't know you, you didn't know her.
but there was a silent feeling she felt, the desire to be more, for the both of you to be more. as she gathered up the courage, you let out a breath, "and if I want to get to know you?" as she said that, you let a tear fall from your eyes, 
her voice breaking. “junhi.. I—” there was a lump in her throat that she struggled to swallow down. this was not something that she was expecting in any way. her words caught the both of you by surprise and they filled you with a bittersweetness. 
something inside of you was still holding onto the love she felt for you, and to have her say this after everything. you gulped, the sudden crack in her voice made your eyes widen. she couldn't hold back anymore. it was ridiculous but maybe there there was something unspoken between the two of you after all those years.
fighting back tears, you let out a whisper,
“Then I’d love to.”
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-> third part already I LOVE NOT HAVING WRITER'S BLOCKK
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doctorbitchcrxft · 4 months
Salvation | Devil's Trap | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual)
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore
Word Count: 7124
A/N: Whoop whoop! The end of season one!!! Thank y'all so much for reading and sticking with me. I've already been working on season two... ;)
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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John had taped countless papers, newspaper clippings, scribblings, and charts of his research on the motel room’s walls. He sat at his paper-strewn desk with the Colt lying on it in front of him. “So this is it. This is everything I know. Look, our whole lives we been searching for this demon right? Not a trace, just, nothing. Until about a year ago. For the first time I picked up a trail.”
“And that's when you took off,” Dean said.
John nodded. “Yeah. That's right. The demon must have come out of hiding, or hibernation.”
“Alright, so what’s this trail you found?” his elder son asked.
“It starts in Arizona, then New Jersey, California. Houses burned down to the ground. It's going after families, just like it went after us.”
“Families with infants?” Sam chimed in.
“Yeah. The night of the kid's six-month birthday.”
“I was six months old that night?” the younger brother asked, eyes puppy-dog-like.
You looked at Sam sadly. You knew he still blamed himself, and it broke your heart. John nodded again. “Exactly six months.”
“So basically, this demon is going after these kids for some reason. The same way it came for me? So Mom's death… Jessica. It's all because of me?” his eyebrows turned upward even more.
“We don’t know that, Sam,” Dean argued gruffly.
“Oh really? Cause I'd say we're pretty damn sure, Dean,” the brunet threw back.
Dean shook his head frustratedly. “For the last time, what happened to them was not your fault.”
“Right. It's not my fault but it's my problem.”
“No, it's not your problem, it's our problem!” Dean yelled back.
“Boys, enough!” you commanded, standing.
All three men looked at you, surprised, but followed your directions and calmed down.
“So why's he doing it?” Sam asked after a moment. “What does he want?”
“Look I wish I had more answers, I do. I've always been one step behind it. Look, I've never gotten there in time to save....” He looked down unhappily.
Dean sighed. “Alright, so how do we find it before it hits again?”
“There's signs. It took me a while to see the pattern but it's there in the days before these fires signs crop up in an area. Cattle deaths, temperature fluctuations, electrical storms. And then I went back and checked, and—”
“These things happened in Lawrence,” Dean said softly.
“A week before your mother died,” John replied, nodding. “And in Palo Alto, before Jessica. And these signs: they're starting again.”
“Where?” Sam asked.
“Salvation, Iowa.”
You and the brothers had been following John closely for hours as you sped toward Salvation, Iowa. Suddenly, John pulled his truck off the road. You shot a look at Dean, who pulled off behind his father.
“Goddammit!” John cried when he got out of his truck.
“What is it?” Dean asked.
“I just got a call from Caleb.”
Dean’s shoulders tensed. “Is he okay?”
“He's fine. Jim Murphy's dead.”
Sam was surprised. “Pastor Jim? How?”
“His throat was slashed. He bled out. Caleb said they found traces of sulfur at Jim's place,” John explained.
“A demon,” you said. “The demon?”
The older man shook his head. “I don't know. Could be he just got careless, he slipped up. Maybe the demon knows we're getting close.”
“What do we do?” the older son questioned.
“Now we act like every second counts. There's two hospitals and a health center in this county. We split up, cover more ground. I want records. I want a list of every infant that's going to be six months old in the next week,” John barked.
“Dad, that could be dozens of kids. How do we know which one's the right one?” Sam challenged.
“We check 'em all, that's how. You got any better ideas?”
You all shook your heads. John nodded at you and turned back to his truck. He slammed his hand on his trunk and hung his head low.
“Dad?” Dean asked.
“Yeah. It's Jim,” John replied, never turning to face you three. “You know, I can't— This ends now. I'm ending it. I don't care what it takes.” He got back into his truck, and you and the boys followed suit. No one talked for the rest of the drive into Salvation.
You went with Dean as you normally had been doing on cases when you and the Winchesters split up. You headed to one of the two hospitals to search their birth records. 
Dean noticed a beautiful receptionist and walked over to her.
“Hi. Is there anything I can do for you?” she asked him.
“Oh, God, yes,” he smiled breathlessly.
You cleared your throat. “We’re working right now, so…” You held up your fake badge to show her. “Can you get us the records of every birth in the last year?”
She nodded. “Of course.” She threw one last longing look to Dean before heading off.
“You wanna keep it professional, officer?” You quirked a brow at him.
Later that day, you and the other Winchesters were called to meet Sam back at the motel room. He’d had another vision where the same thing that happened to him happened to a baby he’d met in his search for the six month old that would be attacked.
“A vision,” John said flatly.
Sam was rubbing his temples painfully. “Yes. I saw the demon burning a woman on the ceiling.”
“And you think this is going to happen to this woman you met because…?” his father trailed off.
“Because these things happen exactly the way I see them,” Sam explained.
“It started out as nightmares. Then it started happening while he was awake,” Dean continued, crossing to the counter behind Sam to get some more coffee.
“Yeah,” Sam winced, “It's like the closer I get to anything to do with the demon the stronger the visions get.”
“When were you going to tell me about this?” John snapped at his oldest son.
“We didn't know what it meant.” Dean looked down shamefully.
“Alright, something like this starts happening to your brother, you pick up the phone, and you call me,” John stated sharply.
Dean threw his cup back on the counter, but you spoke before he could. “All due respect, dude, but Dean did call you.” John looked at you surprised as you continued. “He called you in Lawrence. Sam called when Dean was fucking dying. He’s got a better chance at winning the lottery than getting you on the phone.”
Dean put a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“You're right. Although I'm not too crazy about this attitude of yours, you're right,” John told you. He turned to his sons. “I'm sorry.”
“Look, guys, visions or no visions, fact is, we know the demon is coming tonight. And this family's gonna go through the same hell we went through,” Sam said calmly.
“No they're not. No one is, ever again.”
Sam’s phone rang. “Hello?... Who is this?” He shot up next. “Meg. Last time I saw you, you fell out of a window… Just your feelings? That was a seven-story drop… My Dad. I don't know where my Dad is.” He then hesitated for a moment before handing the phone to John.
“This is John,” he said. “I'm here.” A few moments passed before he breathed out a name. “Caleb?”
Sam and Dean reacted immediately, and you recognized that as the name of John’s friend they’d been using as a resource when their dad was missing. “You listen to me. He's got nothing to do with anything. You let him go… I don't know what you're talking about… Caleb. Caleb!... I'm gonna kill you, you know that?” His boys approached him, taking either side. “Okay… I said okay, I'll bring you the Colt.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“It's gonna take me about a day's drive to get there… That's impossible. I can't get there in time, and I can't just carry a gun on the plane.” Another moment passed before John handed Sam’s phone back to him. He began to pace around the room. He explained to you that Meg had instructed him to go to a warehouse in Lincoln with the Colt alone.
“So you think Meg is a demon?” Sam questioned.
“Either that, or she's possessed by one. It doesn't really matter,” his father answered.
“What do we do?” you asked.
“I'm going to Lincoln.”
Dean scoffed. “What?”
“It doesn't look like we have a choice. If I don't go, a lot of people will die; our friends die.”
“Dad, the demon is coming tonight. For Monica and her family. That gun is all we got; you can't just hand it over,” Sam protested.
“Who said anything about handing it over? Look, besides us and a coupla of vampires, no one's really seen the gun; no one knows what it looks like.”
“So what, you're just going to pick up a ringer at a pawn shop?” Dean questioned.
“Antique store.”
“You're going to hand Meg a fake gun and hope she doesn't notice?”
“Look, as long as it's close, she shouldn't be able to tell the difference.”
“Yeah but for how long? What happens when she figures it out?” argued the older son.
“I just— I just need to buy a few hours, that's all.”
Sam shot back, “You mean, for Dean, (Y/N), and me. You want us to stay here and kill this demon by ourselves?”
“No, Sam. I want to stop losing people we love. I want you to go to school. I want Dean to have a home.” John’s voice broke. “I want… I want Mary alive. It's just— I just want this to be over.”
After you and the boys had handed off the fake gun to John, you headed to Monica’s house under the cover of night.
Dean and Sam sat with the gun between them, and the three of you watched through the window as Monica and her husband finished dinner.
“Maybe we could tell ‘em it was a gas leak. Might get ‘em out of the house for a few hours.”
“Sam, since when has that ever worked for us?” you countered.
“We could always tell ‘em the truth,” he suggested after a moment.
You and Dean just gave him a skeptical look. The three of you cringed and said, “Naaahhh,” in unison, making you giggle.
“I know I know. I just… with what's coming for these folks…” Sam trailed off.
 Dean shook his head at his brother. “Sam we only got one move and you know it, alright? We gotta wait for that demon to show itself, and then we get it before it gets them.”
You looked back at the house for a moment before Sam spoke again. “I wonder how Dad's doing.”
“I'd feel a lot better if we were there backing him up,” Dean admitted.
“I'd feel a lot better if he were here backing us up.”
You continued watching the house in silence.
“This is weird,” Sam broke the silence again. “After all of these years, we're finally here. It doesn't seem real.”
“We just gotta keep our heads and do our job, like always,” Dean responded.
“Yeah, but this isn't like always.”
“Dean, ah… I wanna thank you,” Sam began.
Dean turned to his brother. “For what?”
“For everything. You've always had my back you know? Even when I couldn't count on anyone I could always count on you. And, uh, I don't know I just wanted to let you know, just in case—”
“Sam, stop it,” you said. “You are not dyin’ tonight. Nobody is.”
“Except that demon,” Dean continued. “That evil son of a bitch ain't getting any older than tonight, you understand me?”
Sam nodded, tears in his eyes. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and laid your head on his back. You continued watching the house from your position resting against Sam, who returned your gesture by holding your arm.
Dean then called his father. “Dad's not answering.”
“Maybe Meg was late. Maybe cell reception’s bad,” you suggested.
“Yeah, well.” He didn’t sound convinced.
The radio suddenly started chattering with static.
“Guys, it’s coming.” You looked out at the light emanating from the home beginning to flicker.
The three of you sprang into action, grabbing the Colt and running into the house. Once inside, you were confronted by Monica’s husband.
“Get out of my house!” he yelled.
Dean fought against the man and pinned him against the wall with the baseball bat the man had been holding. “Be quiet and listen to me. Be quiet and listen! We are trying to help you.” He clearly had no patience.
A woman’s voice called from upstairs. “Charlie? Is everything okay?”
“Monica, get the baby!” the man yelled back.
“Don't go in the nursery!” you and Sam cried at the same time. You and Sam sprinted up the stairs after the woman and began to hear her moaning in pain. You raced into the nursery down the hall to find the woman flung back against the wall rising up to the ceiling. You saw a shadowy figure with glowing, yellow eyes standing over the baby’s crib.
“Rosie!” Monica screamed.
Sam raised the Colt and pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, the demon disappeared into curls of smoke.
Monica screamed and fell to the floor.
“Where the hell did it go?!” Sam yelled.
“I don’t know!” you yelled back.
“My baby!” Monica tried to move toward the crib, but Sam caught her. She fought him as you wrapped the baby in her blanket and pulled her out of her crib. Milliseconds later, the crib burst into flames. You held the baby to your chest and followed Sam and Monica down the stairs and out of the house.
Just as you made it outside, the nursery window exploded outward in a fiery blaze. You ran over to Dean and Monica’s husband who had just regained consciousness. 
“You get away from my family,” the husband told you firmly.
“No, Charlie, don't. They saved us,” Monica said, running into her husband’s arms. You handed her baby over to her, and she began to cry. “Thank you.”
You nodded with a sad smile. You turned to the boys who looked up at the burning house. You could see a shadowy figure in the window surrounded by the flames.
Sam tried to go back inside, crying, “It's still in there!”
You and Dean pushed him back. “No!”
“Guys, let me go! It’s still in there!” He continued struggling against you.
“No. It's burning to the ground, it's suicide!” Dean replied.
“I don't care!” Sam yelled back.
Dean shoved his brother one final time. “I do!”
You looked back up at the house and watched the demon disappear. The flames rose higher as you heard Monica’s husband calling 911.
“We’d better get out of here before the cops show up,” you told Monica. “Take care of yourselves.”
“We will. Thank you!”
You shoved the boys back to the Impala and took Dean’s keys from him.
“(Y/N), you are not driving my car.”
“I’ve already done it, Dean, and you are way too emotional to drive right now. I’ve got this.”
“Fine!” He got in the passenger’s seat next to you. “But I swear to god if it gets one scratch—”
“I know, I’m dead.”
You and the Winchesters still hadn’t heard from their father.
“Come on Dad, answer your phone, damn it,” Dean grumbled as he paced around. “Something’s wrong.”
Sam stared at the wall; unresponsive to his brother.
“You hear me? Something is wrong.”
Sam’s voice broke as he talked. “If you had just let me go in there, I coulda ended all this.”
“Sam, you would’ve been killed,” you said.
“You don’t know that,” he argued.
Dean walked toward his brother. “So what, you're just willing to sacrifice yourself, is that it?”
Sam stood. “Yeah. Yeah, you're damn right I am.”
“Well, that's not going to happen, not as long as I'm around,” Dean responded.
“What the hell are you talking about, Dean, we've been searching for this demon our whole lives. It's the only thing we've ever cared about.”
“Sam, I wanna waste it. I do. Okay? But it's not worth dying over.”
The brunet scoffed. “What?”
“I mean it. If hunting this demon means getting yourself killed, then I hope we never find the damn thing,” Dean spat.
“That thing killed Jess. That thing killed Mom!” Sam yelled.
“You said yourself once, that no matter what we do, they're gone, and they're never coming back.”
Sam completely lost it and threw Dean back against the wall.
“Sam, stop!” You ran to the boys and tried to pull Sam off. He shrugged your grip off him harshly. 
“Don't you say that, not you! Not after all this; don't you say that!” Sam yelled.
Dean’s voice quieted. “Sam, look. The three of us… Dad… That's all we have. And it's all I have. Sometimes I feel like I'm barely holding it together, man… And without you or (Y/N) or Dad....”
“Dad,” Sam cried and turned away. He walked across the room.
Dean stayed where he was and took a few deep breaths.
“Are you okay?” you asked Dean quietly.
He nodded, but kept his gaze on his brother.
“He should have called by now. Try him again,” Sam instructed.
Dean pushed a few buttons and raised his phone to his ear. “Where is he,” Dean spoke angrily into the phone.
You looked up at Dean, concerned, as did Sam. 
“They’ve got Dad,” Dean informed you, snapping his phone shut.
“Meg?” you questioned.
Dean just nodded.
“What’d she say?”
“I just told you, sweetheart.”
“Okay, okay,” you ran a hand over your hair.
Dean grabbed the Colt and tucked it into his jeans.
“What are you doing, Dean?” Sam asked.
Dean was already grabbing his duffel bag. “We got to go.”
“Because the demon knows we’re in Salvation, alright. It knows we got the Colt. It’s got Dad— it’s probably coming for us next.” Dean put his jacket back on.
“Good. We’ve still got three bullets left. Let it come.”
“No, Sam, I’m with Dean. We’re not ready,” you said, shouldering your own bag. “We don’t know how many of them are out there, and we’re no good to anybody dead. Let’s go. And we need help.”
Dean looked at you and agreed. “I know a guy.”
“Bobby?” you asked. You hadn’t realized he was the man Dean was referring to knowing could help. 
“(Y/N),” the man breathed out. He wrapped you in a tight hug. “How the hell are you, kiddo?”
Tears formed in the corners of your eyes. “I’m okay. Listen, we’re in a tight spot. I know Dean told you a bit, but…”
“Come on in,” he said. He checked behind you and the boys to make sure you weren’t followed.
“How do you know Bobby?” Dean asked, walking around the man’s cluttered home. Books were stacked high in every corner, and empty beer bottles covered his kitchen table. 
‘Would it kill you to clean every once in a while?’ you thought.
“He found me when I was nineteen and bleeding out in the middle of nowhere,” you explained. “Saved my life and took me in, essentially. And then, uh, I split. My stupid twenty-year-old self couldn’t admit that being alone sucked. I didn’t want anyone to think I needed help. We got in a huge fight, and I left.” You turned to Bobby. “I’m sorry, by the way. I never told you that.”
“It’s okay, kid,” the man drawled. He handed Dean a round silver flask with a cross on it. “Here you go.”
“What is this, holy water?” 
Bobby said, “That one is.” He held out the other flask he was holding. “This is whiskey.” 
You giggled while Bobby and Dean took swigs of the drink.
Dean handed the flask back to him. “Bobby, thanks. Thanks for everything. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t sure we should come.”
“Nonsense. Your Daddy needs help.”
“Well, yeah, but last time we saw you, I mean, you did threaten to blast him full of buckshot. Cocked the shotgun and everything,” the man chuckled.
“Yeah, well, what can I say? John just has that effect on people.”
“Amen,” you commented.
Dean shot you a look.
“What?” you replied.
He just rolled his eyes.
“None of that matters now. All that matters is that you get him back,” Bobby shrugged.
Sam dragged his fingers along the worn pages of the book he was reading. “Bobby, this book: I’ve never seen anything like it.”
He sat on the edge of the desk across from Sam. “Key of Solomon? It’s the real deal, alright.”
“And these protective circles. They really work?” He gestured down to the intricate drawing covering the worn page.
“Hell, yeah. You get a demon in; they’re trapped. Powerless. It’s like a Satanic roach motel.” Bobby tapped the center of the page. 
You laughed. You loved his sense of humor. You wished your dad had been more like him, and you wished you hadn’t spent so much time as a teenager trying to go it alone.
“I’ll tell you something else, too. This is some serious crap you kids stepped in.”
“Oh, yeah? How’s that?” you asked.
“Normal year, I hear of, say, three demonic possessions. Maybe four, tops. This year I hear of twenty-seven so far. You get what I’m saying? More and more demons are walking among us; a lot more.” Bobby sounded scared for the first time since you met him. 
“Damn,” you commented. “Do you know why?”
“No, but I know it’s something big. The storm’s coming, and you kids, your Daddy— you are smack in the middle of it.”
Bobby’s dog began barking outside.
“Rumsfeld,” Bobby muttered.
The dog stopped barking with a sad whine. You looked out the window to see the chain the dog was tethered to broken and the dog himself nowhere in sight. 
“Something’s wrong,” the older man said.
At that moment, Meg kicked the door open and sauntered in. Dean slipped the holy water flask out of his pocket, and you grabbed a knife out of your jacket.
“No more crap, okay?” Meg sang.
Dean tried to go after her, but Meg sent him flying into a stack of books in the corner of the room.
“Hey!” you yelled, trying to take a swing at her. She sent you flying back into Dean. You groaned in pain as you heard Meg continuing to go after Sam for the Colt.
“You okay?” Dean asked you.
You nodded. “C’mon.” You stood shakily and used the wall for support; Dean just behind you.
“First, Johnny tries to pawn off a fake gun, and then, he leaves the real gun with you three chuckleheads. Lackluster, man. I mean, did you really think I wouldn’t find you?” you heard Meg telling Sam and Bobby in the other room.
You stepped into the door frame. “Actually, we were counting on it.” You smirked and looked up at the ceiling that had a Devil’s Trap etched into it. 
Dean spat, “Gotcha.”
You set to work tying Meg to a chair in the middle of the floor. She fought you hard, but there wasn’t much she could do given her limited space to move.
“Bitch,” she spat at you.
“Yeah, ditto,” you responded dryly. You stepped back from her.
“You know, if you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask,” she said sultrily.
Bobby came up next to you with a large canister of salt. “I salted the door and windows. If there are any demons out there, they ain’t getting in.”
Dean nodded and stood, moving around you to stand in front of Meg. “Where’s our father, Meg?”
“You didn’t ask very nice.”
“Where’s our father, bitch?”
You hated to admit it, but Dean’s interrogation was turning you on.
“Jeez. You kiss your mother with that mouth? Oh wait, I forgot, you don’t,” Meg smirked.
Dean lunged at her and put his hands on the chair arms. “You think this is a fucking game? Where is he?! What did you do to him?”
“He died screaming. I killed him myself!” she growled through gritted teeth.
Dean froze before slapping her across the face.
“That’s kind of a turn on; you hitting a girl,” she smiled.
‘Well, she’s not wrong,’ you thought.
“You’re no girl,” he said.
Bobby stood and moved to the older Winchester. “Dean.”
He turned away from Meg.
“You okay?” you asked him.
“She’s lying. He’s not dead,” he grumbled.
“Dean, you got to be careful with her. Don’t hurt her,” Bobby warned.
“Because she really is a girl; that’s why,” he explained.
You looked back at Meg and her labored breathing. Bobby explained that Meg had been possessed. Dean was furious at the idea of an innocent person being trapped inside her, and you loved that about him. You and the brothers immediately began an exorcism ritual.
“Are you gonna read me a story?” she quipped at the sight of the Book of Solomon Sam was holding.
Dean stepped in front of her. “Something like that. Hit it, Sam.”
Sam began reading the ritual off the pages of the book.
“An exorcism? Are you serious?”
“Oh we’re going for it, baby—” You’d never liked that nickname, but you loved how it sounded coming from Dean; just not directed at Meg. “—head spinning, projectile vomiting, the whole nine yards.”
Meg flinched at the Latin words coming from Sam’s lips. “I’m gonna kill you. I’m gonna rip the bones from your body.”
“No, you’re gonna burn in hell. Unless you tell us where our Dad is.” His smirk was challenging.
Meg just smiled at him.
“Well, at least you’ll get a nice tan,” Dean bit.
Meg continued to shake in pain and gasped finally. “He begged for his life with tears in his eyes. He begged to see his sons one last time. That’s when I slit his throat.”
Dean leaned down to her. “For your sake, I hope you’re lying. Cause if it’s true, I swear to god, I will march into hell myself and I will slaughter each and every one of you evil sons of bitches, so help me god!”
Sam continued reading while wind started blowing through the room.
“Where is he?!” Dean shouted.
“You just won’t take ‘dead’ for an answer, will you?”
“Where is he?!”
“Dead!” she yelled through gritted teeth.
Dean screamed, “No, he’s not! He’s not dead! He can’t be!”
You looked up at him. “Dean��”
“What are you looking at? Keep reading,” he said gruffly to his brother.
“He will be!” Meg cried.
Dean stopped Sam from reading with a raised hand. “Wait! What?!”
“He’s not dead. But he will be after what we do to him,” she explained breathlessly.
“How do we know you’re telling the truth?”
“You don’t.”
“A building! Okay? A building in Jefferson City," Meg admitted, breathing laboriously.
“Missouri? Where, where? An address!”
“I don’t know,” she cried.
“And the demon— the one we’re looking for— where is it?” Sam interrogated.
“I don’t know! I swear! That’s everything. That’s all I know,” Meg whined.
Dean stalked around her, face set in anger. “Finish it.”
“What? I told you the truth!” Meg screamed, pulling against her restraints.
“I don’t care,” Dean responded.
“You son of a bitch, you promised!” She continued to fight harder despite the pain she was obviously in.
“I lied! Sam? Sam! Read.”
Sam pulled Dean aside. “Maybe we can still use her. Find out where the demon is.”
“She doesn’t know.”
“She lied.”
“Sam, there’s a girl trapped in there somewhere,” you said. “We gotta help her.”
“You’re gonna kill her,” Bobby broke in. “You said she fell from a building. That girl’s body is broken. The only thing keeping her alive is that demon inside. You exorcise it and that girl is going to die.”
“We can’t just leave her like that, though!” you protested.
“She is a human being,” Bobby said softly.
“And we’re gonna put her out of her misery. Sam, finish it,” Dean barked.
Sam hesitated.
“Finish it,” his brother commanded.
Sam obliged, taking a deep breath before continuing. Meg threw her head back and screamed, the demon leaving through her mouth in a cloud of inky blackness. It shot up into the Devil’s Trap on the ceiling, and Meg’s head fell forward.
You looked at her, unsure of whether or not it was really over. She slowly lifted her head, and you watched blood drip from her nose and lips.
“Oh, shit,” you muttered. “Call 911, get some water and blankets!” you ordered. “Boys, help me!”
Meg whispered, “Thank you.”
“Shh, shh,” you told her. “Take it easy, okay?”
The boys lifted her off the chair and she yelped in pain. You had them lower her into your lap, so you could cradle her head as a makeshift pillow.
“We’re sorry. We got you, it’s okay,” you assured her.
“A year,” she muttered sadly.
“It’s been a year.”
“Shh, just take it easy,” Sam told her.
“I’ve been awake for some of it. I couldn’t move my own body. The things I did…  It's a nightmare.” Her voice was broken in soft sobs as blood spilled from her lips and nose.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, brushing her hair back with your hand.
“Was it telling us the truth about our Dad?” Dean asked.
“Dean—” you scolded.
“We need to know.” He looked at you sharply before looking back down at Meg.
“Yes. But it wants... you to know... that... they want you to come for him.”
“If Dad’s still alive, none of that matters.”
Bobby came back in with a blanket and glass of water. You helped Meg drink while the boys covered her in the blanket.
“Where is the demon we’re looking for?” Sam asked her.
“Not there. Other ones. Awful ones,” she answered weakly.
“By the river. Sunrise.” Her head lolled to the side in your lap, eyes never closing and reopening again. 
“ ‘Sunrise’,” Dean muttered. “What does that mean? What does that mean?”
But Meg was gone. You continued to brush her hair back with your hand, looking down at the poor girl’s face sadly. Tears rose to your eyes. You felt awful for her. Getting possessed and not being in control of your own body was quite literally your worst nightmare.
“You better hurry up and beat it. Before the paramedics get here,” Bobby told you. The four of you rose from the ground and headed to the door.
“What are you gonna tell them?” Dean asked.
“You think you guys invented lying to the cops? I’ll figure something out.” He handed the Key of Solomon book to Sam. “Here, take this. You might need it.”
“Thanks,” Sam grinned.
“Thanks... for everything. Be careful, alright?” Dean told Bobby.
“You just go find your Dad. And when you do, you bring him around, would you? I won’t even try to shoot him this time.”
You gave him a lopsided smile before pulling him into a hug again. “Thank you. I promise I’ll call.”
“You better, kid. Or I’ll hunt your ass down.”
About a day and a half later, you and the boys had rescued a badly beaten John from Sunrise Apartments in Jefferson City, Missouri. You’d found an abandoned cabin deep in the woods to shelter in to attempt to make a game plan to go after the demon. You could tell Dean was conflicted about the fact that he’d had to use one of the Colt’s bullets to save Sam but didn’t regret the choice at all. His confliction came from whether or not his dad would kick his ass to hell and back.
“How is he?” Sam asked. You were busy cleaning up the cuts on his badly beaten face that the demon Dean had killed gave him.
“He just needed a little rest, that’s all. How are you?” Dean questioned, referencing the beating Sam had suffered on the rescue mission.
Sam shrugged. “I’ll survive. Hey, you don’t think we were followed here, do you?”
“I don’t think so,” you said. “We couldn’t have found a more way-out-the-way place to hunker down.”
A moment of silence passed before Sam turned to his brother. “Hey, uh.... Dean, you, um, you saved my life back there.”
Dean smirked. “So, I guess you’re glad I brought the gun, huh?” That had been yet another thing the brothers had fought over.
“Man, I’m trying to thank you here,” Sam chuckled.
“You’re welcome,” the older brother replied.
“All done,” you told Sam. You crossed the room to his brother and sat down next to him.
Dean paused a moment before talking again. “Hey, (Y/N)?” 
“You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there.”
You sighed. “You had no choice, dude.”
“Yeah, I know, that’s not what bothers me.”
“Then what does?”
“Killing that guy, killing Meg. I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t even flinch. For Sam, for my dad... for you..." he couldn't stand to look at you during that admission— "the things I’m willing to do or kill, it’s just, uh, it scares me sometimes.”
You put a hand on his. “I get it. Me too.”
He gripped your hand tightly as John walked into the room. “It shouldn’t scare you. You did good.”
“You’re not mad?” Dean asked.
“For what?”
“Using a bullet.” The elder son’s face was twisted in confusion.
John chuckled. “Mad? I’m proud of you. You know, Sam and I: we can get pretty obsessed. But you, you watch out for this family. You always have.”
Something changed in Dean’s face. “Thanks.”
The wind suddenly picked up outside, and the lights in the room flickered.
“It found us. It’s here,” John breathed out.
“The demon?” Sam questioned, standing on high alert.
“Sam, lines of salt in front of every window, every door,” John ordered.
“Already done,” you said.
“Well, check it, okay?”
“Okay,” Sam said and left the room.
“Dean, you got the gun?” John asked. “Give it to me.”
Dean took the Colt out of his jeans. “Dad, Sam tried to shoot the demon in Salvation. It disappeared.”
“This is me. I won’t miss. Now, the gun, hurry,” John commanded.
Dean hesitated and looked down at the gun. You looked between the two men, confused as to what was going on.
“Give me the gun. What are you doing, Dean?”
Dean backed up. “He’d be furious.”
John turned away from the window. “What?”
“That I wasted a bullet. He wouldn’t be proud of me; he’d tear me a new one.” Dean cocked the gun and pointed it at John. He pushed you behind him, covering you with his free arm protectively. “You’re not my Dad.”
“Dean, it’s me.” John looked at him like he was crazy.
“I know my Dad better than anyone. And you ain’t him,” Dean responded.
“What the hell’s gotten into you?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Stay back.”
Sam came into the room, shocked to see Dean pointing the gun at John. “Dean? What the hell’s going on?”
“Your brother’s lost his mind,” John scoffed.
“No, he hasn’t. It’s not your dad, Sam,” you said.
“I think he’s possessed. I think he’s been possessed since we rescued him.” Dean began to get upset.
John protested, but Sam turned to you and Dean. “Dean, how do you know?”
Dean was fighting back tears. “He’s... he’s different.”
“You know, we don’t have time for this. Sam, you wanna kill this demon, you’ve gotta trust me,” John stated firmly.
Sam stepped back behind you and Dean. 
“Fine. You’re all so sure, go ahead. Kill me,” John spat, seeming emotional. He looked down and waited. Dean held the gun on him, but couldn’t pull the trigger.
“I thought so.” John looked up grinning; eyes yellow with snake-like slits running down the middle.
Sam lunged at him, but was thrown and pinned against the wall. 
“You son of a—” John threw you back against the wall next to Sam, too; cutting you off. Dean shouted your name but ended up pinned as well.
John picked up the Colt that Dean had dropped. “What a pain in the ass this thing’s been.”
“It’s you, isn’t it? We’ve been looking for you for a long time,” Sam stated.
“Well, you found me,” the demon grinned.
“But the holy water?” the younger son asked in reference to the bit he'd splashed on him during the rescue.
“You think something like that works on something like me?” he taunted.
You tried to fight against the force that had you pinned down, but couldn’t.
“I’m gonna kill you!” Sam screamed.
“Oh, that’d be a neat trick. In fact—” he put the gun down on the table, “—here. Make the gun float to you there, psychic boy.”
Sam looked down at the gun, but nothing happened.
“Well, this is fun. I could’ve killed you a hundred times today, but this... this is worth the wait.” He stalked over to Dean who struggled against his power. “Your Dad: he’s in here with me. Trapped inside his own meat suit. He says ‘hi,' by the way. He’s gonna tear you apart. He’s gonna taste the iron in your blood.”
“Let him go, or I swear to god—”
The demon cut Dean off. “What? What are you and god gonna do? You see, as far as I’m concerned, this is justice. You know that little exorcism of yours? That was my daughter. The one in the alley? That was my boy. You understand.”
Dean mockingly groaned, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“What? You’re the only one that can have a family? You destroyed my children. How would you feel if I killed your family?” The demon smiled maliciously. “Oh, that’s right. I forgot. I did. Still, two wrongs don’t make a right.”
“You son of a bitch,” Dean spat.
“I wanna know why. Why’d you do it?” Sam asked.
“You mean why did I kill Mommy and pretty little Jess?” He turned back to Dean. “You know, I never told you this, but Sam was going to ask her to marry him. Been shopping for rings and everything.” He turned back to Sam and walked over to him. “You want to know why? Because they got in the way.”
“In the way of what?” Sam asked.
“My plans for you, Sammy. You... and all the children like you.”
“Listen, you mind just getting this over with, huh? Cause I really can’t stand the monologuing,” Dean remarked.
The demon strutted back over to him. “Funny, but that’s all part of your M.O., isn’t it? Masks all that nasty pain; masks the truth.”
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” Dean ground out.
“You know, you fight, and you fight for this family, but the truth is they don’t need you. Not like you need them. Sam: he’s clearly John’s favorite. Even when they fight, it’s more concern than he’s ever shown you. And (Y/N)? Your thing with her is pretty pathetic, I gotta say.”
“I bet you’re real proud of your kids, too, huh? Oh wait, I forgot. I wasted ‘em,” Dean challenged, smiling. John looked at Dean and backed up, putting his head down. When he looked back up, Dean yelled in pain.
“What are you doing to him?! Stop!” you cried, fighting against your invisible restraints even harder.
Dean began bleeding heavily from his chest. “Dad! Dad, don’t you let it kill me!”
You struggled as hard as you could to get free, but you helplessly watched blood flow out of Dean’s mouth.
“Dad, please.” Dean’s cry broke your heart just before he passed out.
“Dean!” you and Sam yelped. You were suddenly let go, and you dove across the floor to Dean. He slumped to the ground, bleeding profusely.
“Dean, Dean, look at me, baby, please,” you cried. You looked up at Sam pointing the gun at John as you pulled Dean into your lap.
“You kill me, you kill Daddy,” the demon taunted Sam. 
“I know.” He fired the gun and shot it in the leg.
Sam rushed over to you. “Dean? Dean, hey? Oh god, you’ve lost a lot of blood.”
“Where’s Dad?” Dean groaned, coming back to.
“He’s right here. He’s right here, Dean.”
“Go check on him.”
You stayed with Dean, crying as you brushed a hand over his cheek. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he smiled despite the situation.
“Shh, shh, stop it.” You shook your head. You turned the palm of your hand up that had been sitting on his chest. It was completely turned red. “Oh, my god.”
He grabbed your hand and rubbed his thumb over yours. “I’m okay.”
You turned back to John and Sam as the older man yelled, “Sammy! It’s still alive. It’s inside me, I can feel it. You shoot me. You shoot me! You shoot me in the heart, son! Do it now!”
“Sam, don’t you do it. Don’t you do it,” Dean pleaded.
“You’ve gotta hurry! I can’t hold onto it much longer! You shoot me, son! Shoot me! Son, I’m begging you! We can end this here and now! Sammy!” John begged.
“Sam, no!” you said.
“You do this! Sammy! Sam!” The demon suddenly fled from John, and the man collapsed on the ground.
John looked up at Sam accusingly. You called the brunet over to you. “You gotta help me. We gotta get him to a hospital now,” you cried. You and Sam shouldered Dean and brought him to the car while he groaned in pain.
You sat next to him in the backseat. His body was slumped over against the door, and you leaned against his chest to make sure his heart was still beating. Or, that was what you told yourself, at least. Despite the situation, you found the feeling of him against you comforting.
Sam got his father down in the car and began to speed away from the cabin.
“Look, just hold on, alright. The hospital’s only ten minutes away,” Sam told his father.
“I’m surprised at you, Sammy. Why didn’t you kill it? I thought we saw eye-to-eye on this? Killing this demon comes first— before me, before everything.”
Sam looked up at you and his brother in the rearview mirror. “No, sir. Not before everything. Look, we’ve still got the Colt. We still have the one bullet left. We just have to start over, alright? I mean, we already found the demon—”
Suddenly, the car was thrown to the side and continued to skid down a hill. You held Dean against you despite the blood soaking into your hair and clothes and silently prayed for this all to be over. You could feel the side of the car had been pushed in on top of your legs, and finally, the car stopped moving. 
“Dean!” you cried. “Guys!” No one was responding to you. “Dean!”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
Whaaaaaat in the even world we reached the max number of tags!!! Thank you guys so much for the support! The taglist is now closed, and to anyone's tags that are broken or that I wasn't able to add: I'm so sorry!! Please accept my sincere apology!
If you're new to the party, please turn on my blog notifs so you don't miss an update! I love you guys endlessly; thank you so much for your support. :)
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snalsupremacy · 1 year
Why this is my favorite panel in hgsn
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Hgsn has some incredible art and page composition, but out of the entire manga so far, to me this is the best panel of them all. Hell, this might be my favorite panel of any manga ever. (Note: Due to respecting the scanlator's wishes, I blanked out the dialogue and replaced all necessary dialogue with the official English source)
1- Build-up
Before I get to the panel itself, lets first talk about the pages before: For context, this is in chapter 2. Yoshiki has just found out about "Hikaru", and its trying to adjust to this new reality. As they walk from school to Yoshiki's house, Yoshiki asks him if he killed Hikaru. This is how the previous two pages look like:
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Notice how the half shading effect is done in hatch marks. This is the first sign the all-black shading is a stylistic choice used to convey something.
Look at the balance the two pages form when you put them together: half white, half black, half black, half white. They compliment each other, both in color balance and in panel shape.
We have to turn the page to hear Hikaru's answer to Yoshiki's question. This gives the control of the narrative back to the viewer. This creates tension and build-up to it, it is a common tactic famously employed by Junji Ito in his famous "page-turner" moments where the viewer has to turn the page to see the monster. Except in this instance we are not revealing monsters, or are we?
2- The page
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I'm not gonna get into too much detail on the page itself, I just want to point out the juxtaposition between the page composition of this page and the previous two. The last two were balanced and had all the panels closed while this one is much more liberal, bringing a feeling of unbalance, like something just shifted. I'd say the black and white balance is still there, with the Hikaru on white and Yoshiki on black panel side by side and all, which actually brings me to my next point:
3- Black and White
Honestly this could be an entire analysis post of itself, where do I even start?! Let's go from the very beginning. This is the very first time we learn of "Hikaru" :
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Notice how the panel is colored black. In fact, throughout the story, we see black panels being spoken by "Hikaru", usually right before he does something unnatural:
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And here are the only two instances we see of the Brain-snatcher's true form:
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• He's literally a black blob, just like the text bubbles! And now combine that with Hikaru's white hair, and the fact his name means to be bright, and what's the brightest color but white, and there is a clear color symbolism going on:
4-The Panel
And now we're back to the original panel! Taking all the other points in mind, we can analyze the panel itself
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First, his expression. My G-d, his expression! His raised eyebrows and his squinted eyes, making his pupils way larger, make the expression seem almost childish and pitiful. But the half black-out face turns this pity look to an ominous one. Not being able to see the face or having your face obstructed is easy path into the uncanny valley, which I think is the case for this scene. Immediately 180 from "aww the poor guy" to "what is he hiding?"
The white panel says "I like you" while the black panel says "I'm crazy for you". HOWEVER, The white bubble is by the black side of his face and the black bubble is by the white side of his face. So which Hikaru is saying that? Is "Hikaru" crazy for Yoshiki, while Hikaru just liked him, or the other way around? Did the original Hikaru ever love Yoshiki, or is that the monster's feelings? Well we don't know! That's the premise of the whole manga! In one panel!
And that's why it's my favorite :)
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kairiscorner · 1 year
question of the day: who would fall the hardest if they ever fell in love?
well... i've got 4 candidates in mind, and i think... (1/4)
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miles g. morales — guilty of falling hard for you.
summary: miles morales always struck you as an apathetic guy, one who wouldn't particularly take relationships too seriously; until you both fell for each other, you realized... he did indeed fall for you, but he fell hard, way, way too hard for you. pairing: miles 42 x gn!reader genre: fluff !!
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miles g. morales was, to you, such a cold, apathetic guy who always looked calm and composed in everything he did. he seemed like a guy that, you believed, wouldn't care too much if he was in a relationship–that he would put himself before his significant other; though you didn't have any evidence to back it up, save for how distant he seemed to you at first. but oh, were you wrong.
miles g. morales wasn't really all that insensitive as you thought when you got to know him, in fact–he was more sensitive to your thoughts, needs, and wants more than any other boy had ever been for you. it took a while, but the longer you spent around him, the more obvious was the fact that he truly, truly cared about you, from the bottom of his heart.
miles g. morales was the boy who'd stay after class, waiting for your class to finish so he could meet up with you and just be around you. ask him to explain why he's always risking his ass getting scolded for loitering outside your classroom, he can't give you one straight answer. "we had free time", "i had no where else to go", "i... left a pencil in that classroom. yeah."
miles g. morales would never admit to your face that he does indeed stare at you sometimes when you're not looking. whenever he sits close to you in class, be it behind, next to, or diagonally across to you–he always finds every angle of you to be a perfect angle to stare at and admire. don't be mad that he's looking, though, he can't help himself; you're way too mesmerizing for him to handle.
miles g. morales whose sketchpad gradually became a book full of... you in it. it started off as simple, small doodles of you; little cartoony you's that he found adorable and kept drawing when he wasn't focusing on anything else. but as time went by, he found himself focusing on you and your features more and more, almost as if he couldn't rip his gaze away from you.
miles g. morales had also noticed that whenever you speak, he hangs on to every word you say. he thought it would've creeped you out at first, how he can remember all the little details you'd tell him when you're telling him about something that happened in your day or how he remembers all the names of your pets, friends, favorite restaurants, favorite bands and artists–he hangs on to every word you utter, and he can't help it; your voice is just too tantalizingly sweet and attractive that he can't not listen to every word you speak.
miles g. morales was the boy who would use his intimidating appearance to his advantage and defend you against assholes who wouldn't take 'no' from you for an answer. he'd stare them down and glare at them, remind them for you that you said 'no', and if they didn't get the message the first time... they'll have to get through him to get to you. "i'm not gonna back down just because they're bigger than me, because i don't fear them. i don't fear them because, for all their brawn, they sure don't have any brains. and whatever happens after, i'll make sure you don't get in trouble; i'll shoulder the fault. i'd do this for you, every time."
miles g. morales would never wish to get in trouble or have beef with anyone else, but if it was you that others were bothering, then he'd willingly do everything he can to keep you safe and unbothered. he doesn't care what happens to him, so long as you stay safe, so long as it isn't your face being beaten in. you insist he shouldn't do these things for you, but... he can't help it. to picture you in danger makes his heart feel heavy; to get rid of that heaviness, he does these things for you, because he... he loves you.
miles g. morales doesn't dream at night, or at least didn't dream for a long while–or maybe he did and just forgets what he dreamt of the previous night–but when you two became much closer friends, he began to see glimpses and images of you in his dreams. in his wildest dreams, he was able to tell you in all kinds of scenarios that he felt weird around you–a good kind of weird. he'd feel a kind of warmth in his chest, accompanied by the pitter-pattering of his heart when your eyes lock with his, and he feels this urge in the corners of his lips to smile widely when you smile up at him. and, he'd never tell you this, but... in those dreams, he'd tell you how he really feels, and you'd teach him how to handle those feelings by placing your hands on either sides of his cheeks and pulling him close to your face–your nose feeling so soft against his own when your noses brush together–and with the feeling of your hot breath against his own lips... he wakes up.
miles g. morales wakes up to the reality that you probably only see him as a very good friend, a friend you used to think wouldn't care about those who love him but was proven very, very wrong. the friendship bracelet you made for him sits there by his nightstand, next to a cutely frame photo of the two of you at your birthday party. you designed that photo frame for him, and despite how a guy like him probably wouldn't care for cute things... he finds comfort and solace in a bit of cuteness in his life; he just wishes he could express that to you, you, who is cuteness personified. he wears that friendship bracelet every day–and wears it proudly. he doesn't hide it under his sleeve nor tuck it away when you're not looking; he's always got it on and shows it off by just having it on him. he loves having mementos of you on him, it gives him a feeling he hasn't had in a long time... and he hopes that, by some miracle, you'd feel that feeling for him, too.
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tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless @euphovlq @anikaluv @conitagray @q2ie @zalayni
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tnsophiaonly · 11 months
In which Self-Aware Genshin People loathe your existence and believe that you're the founding reason why they're not real.
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Tired of this obsessive and lovesick creator or impostor SAGAU? Then what about this alternate? Be wary, it's dark and we'll mentions of torture something ig idk
Basically. This is impostor AU and the real creator who looks like you is horrible af. And you're an actual impasta.
Special mentions (♡): @sleepparalasis @haru-tofuu
Hatred. That's all they could feel when they see your face throughout the screen. Amusement. When they see your face wrinkle in pain and frustration when you get a standard character in through wishing or when you get the wrong stats in artifacts. After all, you were the one that made that right? You were the sole reason for your own pain, you made them in a fictional universe, where nothing is real. You're horrible for that and you should take the consequences of such.
That's why you're transported in this place, in which you thought the world was heaven before became your most terrorful nightmare. Hell, just like how it should be. Teyvat is hell. An upside down world, ruled by gods-demons and filled with darkness and pain. The world you created. Right? That's your fault. Your fault alone.
"Oh great heavens, that's cold..." you chatted out, freezing and shaking because of the cold. You face the wrath of the Cryo Archon's Nation. The home of the so-called organization, Fatui. Snow and ice were evident everywhere. And the cold, the cold was for sure affecting you. (Especially if you live in tropical areas or close to the equator? I feel so sorry for you)
Any bits of liquid that could be created were frozen within milliseconds. So you're sobbing just makes it worse, maybe if you actually used your feet and moved and found a place to heat yourself up instead of shining and sobbing, you could probably be in a great condition right now.
But you chose to cry. Pathetic really. And you expect this to be an impostor of me? The so great, almighty creator of The Genshin Universe? Absolutely not. I'd rather guide the Traveller to the absolute truth of this world at a fast pace than be, represented by you.
But fear not, I am sure I am able to at least give some potential to you... OFCOURSE I can do it. It's me after all.
But now i should really have this pathetic excuse of an impostor of mine to.. move and do something rather than cry and freeze to death. After all, I can't have my ungrateful people of Teyvat run after a very obvious impostor who's close to dying eh?
So, much to my dismay, I chose to give you guidance, see? Such a kind creator, you're a very lucky fella..
"ah-aaachoo-!" You sneezed, it feels like something just happened, but what? And why? Those questions are left unanswered. As you unconsciously started moving your freezing feet to walk and find some shelter to heat up.
Oh how the torturous snow storm causes you pain and despair. Why were you striving forward anyways? Your whole body aches. It hurts. Why. Why.
"You deserved it." The inner within of the core speaks.
You deserved it..? Why?
No one answers.
After walking away which felt like centuries, you finally are met with a bonfire, a large one in fact, the only problem was that it's within a fatui camp. Oh god...
"Well, well, well.. what's a worm like you doing here for?" A taunting and mocking tone says so to you. Oh my Lord, oh it just couldn't get worse thab this, bits of electricity shocked you slowly, you were feeling the wrath of The Balladeer, the 6th Fatui Harbinger. You could only stay in your spot as you feel electro build up within you, hurting you, killing you.
You're sweating bullets of fear just turns to ice because of the environment, it was no use to run.
"Well well comrade, what's with the guest? I didn't know you were quite the welcomer!" A mocking and sarcastic voice taunted the hat guy, which earned him a glare for, the ginger bread- hair man had a boyish charm and looks, almost looking innocent if you didn't know better. Well guess it got worse.
The ginger head guy's eyes widen, as his taunting smile quickly turns into a frown. The mocking gaze turns into a face of anger, annoyance.
"Is that..." he muttered, bewildered and angry. The ginger guy quickly launched unto you, with bloodlust and wrath causing you to flinch, that's before the entire electricity builds up within you and completely shocked you to oblivion, and the ginger's defense mechanism, of course he backed down.
The electro flowing within you caused so much pain, overbearing pain, yet you did not scream. You did not scream in pain. That one thing The Balladeer was hoping for. Maybe the shock was too strong you couldn't scream at all? Yeah, that's it..
The electro shock died down, and you passed out on the spot. Yet you were still not dead. Despite the fact that electro burns were evident, and that you were crisped to the spot, you're still alive. How lucky, or should I say unlucky?
The ginger- you know what I'm tired of calling him ginger, it's Childe. Childe went close to your passed out body. Caressing your electro-burned hand, before gripping it.
A bone crack was heard, oh did he crack it too hard? No worries, he doesn't care. The fatui skirmishers walked close to the place "We'll take care of it Lord Tartaglia." The pyro agent spoke.
"No." The Balladeer protested, as he grabbed a fistful of your hair and forced your head to look at him, ofcourse you're still passed out, and you had an expression of sorrow, The Balladeer could just smirk. It's the creator.
"I could make use of our Grace after all..." He spoke sinisterly. The agents were on the edge and so was Childe, it really was the creator, they were so close to jumping and killing you on the spot if it weren't for the fact that The Balladeer was there.
The sound of chains vibrated throughout the dungeon, sweet little breaths and movements.
You looked around, it was pitch black and only one candle was the source of light, which was out of reach for you.
A swarming and overwhelming feeling of cold and warm was brushed against you, the electro infused chains hurt when you try to make even the slightest movement, why were you here? Don't act stupid, you're aware why.
You could partly hear the conversation outside. It sounded a lot like the fatui agents earlier, it seems they were discussing either transporting you or guarding you still.
Your breath hitches—which echoed in the room— when they mentioned Il Dottore. They're not planning on giving you to him right...?
You could feel yourself sweating bullets, your eyes showed fear as your expression scrunches into fear. There's a 50/50 chance, but you've always lost your 50-50!
The door opens, and someone steps inside, a blue haired fellow, walking slowly and causing an intense atmosphere. You could feel yourself shaken, not because of him, but because everything feels colder. At least that's what's on your mind.
The blue haired fellow caressed your chin. And forcibly made you look at him.
"My, what a wondrous pet The Balladeer has taken upon."
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need a fic where james and y/n ask house to be their baby’s uncle/godfather…
yes, yes, yes, yes. and one more time, yes.
Uncle House
description - y/n asks House to be her baby's godfather. An unusual decision to say the least.
a/n - James, y/n, and House are the definition of that 'you, me and steve' TikTok
Requests open - here
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"Let's just do it today and get it over with." Y/n perched on the arm of James' chair as he vigorously penned documents so he didn't have to answer her. She stroked over her 6 month bump, absentmindedly. And as she spoke he found his hand joining hers.
"Maybe, we wait and have the baby tell him."
"Nope come on, we're doing it now. He hasn't got a case buttt he's still on the high of finishing the last one. His heart is ready and open for us."
"Did you mean to make that sound sexual?"
She grasped his hand and pulled him up to drag him down the corridor.
"Come on, you coward!"
'Is this the pregnancy hormones or were you always this mean?"
James and y/n sat together on the armchair on House's, facing him.
There was a notable silence. Y/n was sat forward smiling eagerly awaiting his answer, whereas James was wishing he could crawl the words back into his throat.
"So, what do you say?" Y/n's smile unnerved House.
"Let me get this straight. In the event of your deaths, I would get custody of your child. Me?"
"I'll admit the decision is an unusual one and I am still trying to understand it myself. But, it's what y/n wants." James delivered a soft kiss to her forehead.
"So I would get your baby?"
"To take care of?"
"To protect from harm?"
"And I'd be able to mould them to believe what I want and teach them my ways and they could be my little prodigy."
"Well--" They both faltered at this and looked at each other. Both suddenly worried about this decision.
"Too late! No take backs!" He suddenly lunged forward and cradled y/n's bump.
"Did you hear that? You're gonna be just like your uncle House!"
House lay his head on her bump with his eyes closed, stroking her bump contentedly. Both James and y/n had pulled back from the unique situation. Seeing as House barely enjoyed touching anyone but his hookers, this was a sight to see.
"Oh my god!" y/n whisper-shouted.
"I know," James answered.
"This is exactly what I hoped for." She finished as she bent down to join in the three-way hug between her, house and her baby.
James was confused by her response. Rather than bring up how unnerving he found the scene, he chose to sit back and wait for his best friend to stop fondling his wife's pregnant belly.
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leclerckins · 1 year
Hi Dina, I hope you're okey if you have the time, I'd love to hear your thoughts on Charles Leclerc looking after his girl. Maybe she's not doing so good and he takes the time to tidy, cook a meal, make her bed etc 🥹 feeling all the feels tonight. Thank you x
truly madly deeply [cl16]
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❀ pairing (s) — charles leclerc x student!reader
❀ notes — hi! gonna do this in some sort of headcanons of what I think how Charles would react to his girl having a bad day! and i think i got carried away omg anyways hope ur having a good day and hope u would like this!
You are having the most horrible day like your assignments are piling up and you still have to submit your resumes since you're in your final year of uni so everything just gets too much for you
You haven't even been to the last couple of races because of how busy you are
Your absence from the races actually raised some speculations about your relationships like all the gossip pages pinpointing and tracking when was the last time you and Charles were spotted together
This just gets on your nerve and makes you even feel so much worse with people saying that you are not being a good girlfriend like whatever that means
You didn't want to tell Charles about the things that are bothering you since he is also having the worst time with his races
It's another race weekend and you are still not able to go and support Charles which makes you feel even worse even though Charles has assured you that it is totally fine and he understands why you couldn't go
During the weekend, you kinda moved into Charles' apartment because you just miss him and his scent
And you found yourself being able to focus on your work when you are working from his apartment
You also multitasked with finishing up your resumes and also watching the race at the same time
As usual, Ferrari fucked up and you just wished you could be there for him
When he called, you rushed to answer your phone and you could hear his tired voice which made you wish you could give him the biggest hug
Charles says he is coming home tonight and you mentally note that you need to pack your things by this evening
But you fell asleep in front of your laptop on the couch so when Charles walked into the door of his apartment, he nearly had a heart attack but smiled softly seeing you sleep on his couch
He drops his bags at the apartment door and moves to carry you to his bedroom
You stir but didn't wake up and instead just snuggle further into his neck
Charles settles you on his bed and he smiles at the mess you made in his bedroom like your books on his table, your notes on his bedside table and your clothes on his chair
He kisses your forehead and settles himself down for the night before slipping in next to you and he becomes the big spoon as he hugs you from behind
Charles woke up first and kisses your forehead as he gets ready to buy breakfast for the both of you (wouldn't bet on Charles cooking breakfast like there wouldn't be a breakfast if he is the one in front of the stove)
He comes back to you still sleeping since this is actually the first time you managed to get more than 3 hours of sleep so he just gets your breakfast ready and made your coffee just the way you like it
Charles wakes you up with peppering kisses all over your face and you smile as you wake up to the smell of him and also coffee
"Good morning, mon ange (my angel)" he says as he kisses your temple and also helps you up from the bed when he leans down to kiss you
"Nope! morning breath!" Charles just chuckles while ignoring your ridiculous (to him) notions about morning breath and still kisses you
You kiss him but immediately run to brush your teeth so that you could give him #real kisses
He is already waiting in front of the bathroom door and immediately snatches your waist and you two finally kiss (reads: makeout)
And when I say you guys spend 10 minutes just making out like okay we get it yall are obsessed with each other omg
Both of you finally move to the kitchen to have your breakfast
"You cooked?" "More like the cafe three blocks down, baby"
You both catch up on everything and you slipped up on how tired you are lately
Charles didn't say anything but he just moves closer to you to give you the biggest hug
That's when you finally broke apart and just become a crying mess in his arms and his heart breaks seeing you cry
You rant about how ridiculous people are to assume you guys are broken up just because you weren't at the races this year but also feeling like such a bad girlfriend for not going to the races especially since it has been shitty for Charles
Charles shushes you and carries you over to the couch so that he could position you on his lap and you just try to collect yourself
You are looking the absolute worst (Charles: cute) with your reddened nose and cheeks and your hair all over the mess
Charles thinks he would never trade anything else for this view like he wants the bad and the good (bless him)
Once you've calmed down, he runs his fingers through your hair and cups your face with him stroking your cheeks
"First of all, you are the best thing that happened to me. Second of all, they know nothing about us. Lastly, baby even if you are not coming to the races with me it is fine like do I want you there? more than anything in the world but also at the same time, you're always in my mind so it still feels like you're there with me"
He's so cheesy but just like he said in that one interview: "I am romantic"
Charles kisses your forehead and you snuggle into his chest
You actually fall asleep again on his chest and Charles carries you into the bedroom and tucks you in
While you're sleeping, he tidies up your books and notes so that they are organised on his table and will make it easier for you to study later
He charges your laptop and your iPad since they are running low on batteries
He picks up your clothes on the floor and put them with the dirty laundry and also puts them in the washing machine
You're still sound asleep so he goes over to your house to pick up extra essentials like extra clothes, extra skincare and your favourite blanket that he knows you forgot
He stops by the grocery store to get some stuff to make a cute little care package like your favourite chocolates, snacks, extra hairbands and the sequel to the book you are currently reading (he learns how to do this from tiktok)
It's late afternoon and he manages to come back home while you're still sleeping so he runs you a bath with your favourite bath bombs and soaps and then proceeds to wake you up
You woke up to Charles' soft kisses on your face and he leads you to the bathroom
Your heart just gets full at the sight of the bath he prepared for you
He leaves you to have a little time to yourself while he makes a dinner reservation at your favourite restaurant
You finish your bath and you see a beautiful silk dress on the bed and a pair of Louboutin high heels that you have been eyeing and are currently in your online cart right now
Charles walks into the room and hugs you from behind and kisses your shoulder
"We are going out tonight so get ready, amour"
He leaves to get ready and while you're getting ready, you saw the care package he has put together for you
You want to cry at how sweet he is and you also notice how organised your things are and how there are extra clothes in the closet for you
Charles comes out from the bathroom and you immediately just jump on him
He laughs and warns that you might not get dinner if you distract him like this so you behave
Both of you going out looking like the IT couple you both are and got every gossip page eating their words out
When both of you are back home, he is the one who is removing your makeup and is doing your skincare routine for you (yup, he memorised your skincare routine)
The night ends with smiles on y'alls faces because both of you are truly madly (obsessed) deeply in love with each other and that's the only thing that matters
extra: Charles broke the internet with a instagram post by the end of the week!
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liked by yninstagram, carlossainz55, pierregasly, joris_trouche and others
charles_leclerc The reason why I didn't pick up any calls this week
scuderiaferrari and Fred said it's okay! you get a pass!
leclercstan ATE the breakup rumours up
charleswdc and to those gossip pages that have been talking shit....WHATS GOOD
arthur_leclerc literally radio silence from both of you
unhingedleclerc i hate hot people who are in love (let me join pls)
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joeys-babe · 8 months
Joey B Imagines: Out of My League
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Summary: Flashback. The story of how you and Joe came to be. Years before marriage and your little family.
Warnings: none, fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Beginning of… Into The Mystic
A/N: Joe is a senior in high school and you are a junior. It's your first year at Athens HS! Also, most of these students' names are made up.
August, 2014
(Joe’s pov)
“Yo! Joey!” - Zach
I turned around to see one of my best friends running up to me.
“First day of senior year!” - Zach
“Yup! Just think about it, we’re like the big dogs now.” - Joe
“Ya know it. I heard that there's this really hot new chick coming from Kentucky.” - Zach
“Well, I don't want any part of that. I've got enough going on with football and schoolwork. Don't be surprised if my next girlfriend is in college.” - Joe
“Damn dude, that was pretty forward. You haven't even seen her yet. This could be your Juliette, Romeo!” - Zach
“I highly doubt it.” - Joe
We rounded the corner to find a few more of the football guys and a few of their girlfriends with them.
“Yeah, her name is y/n.” - Cassidy
“Who is?” - Joe
After making my presence known, Cassidy turned around and rolled her eyes at the sight of me.
“Dude, what was that for?” - Joe
“Shoo, Joe.” - Cassidy
“What, why?” - Joe
“Because I'd rather you leave than explain that we have a new girl just to hear you say you're focusing on football.” - Cassidy
“She’s got a point.” - Zach
“Who's side are you on?” - Joe rolled his eyes
Before Zach could answer, the bell rang, telling us to head to first period.
The group disbanded, and when everyone else went in the direction of the same classroom, I realized I was probably going to be alone in this class.
My first period was chemistry, and sadly, the teacher was notorious for a boy-girl seating chart.
I walked upstairs and found the room. When I walked in, everyone was in their seats already.
Looking for my name attached to a seat number on the board, I found it and then went on trying to find it.
The tables were for two people, and in the back corner where my table was, I saw that a girl was already occupying the other seat.
She was pretty, I won't lie, but I'd never seen her before.
The girl was looking down at her schedule when I sat my stuff down on the table, causing her to look up at me.
A warm smile spread across her lips, and I found myself studying her face a little too long.
“Hi.” - Joe
“Hey.” - you
I sat down next to her, my mind trying to come up with a conversation.
“Enjoying your first day so far?” - Joe
“Yeah, pretty well, you?” - you
“Same. Other than my friend’s girlfriend being rude to me for no reason.” - Joe
She laughed. It was one of the cutest laughs I've ever heard, and it was infectious too.
“I'm sure you didn't deserve it.” - you
“Thank you! I walked up to them, and she just rolled her eyes at me.” - Joe
“Dang man, she has beef with you.” - you
“That's what I'm sayin’. I don't know what I've ever done to her, though.” - Joe
“Ask her.” - you shrugged
“Nah, I don't care that much. Why am I even telling you this?” - Joe
“I don't know.” - you laughed
There's that laugh again.
“I just started unloading on you, huh? Well, I haven't seen you before so tell me about yourself.” - Joe
“Well, I'm a junior, so that's probably why. I'm not that interesting though. I strive for good grades, and I do gymnastics with a side of dance.” - you
“Oh really? I play football.” - Joe
“That's cool.” - you smiled
“Yeah, I’m feeling really good about this season, I just know it's gonna be great.” - Joe
“Well, I wish you luck.” - you
“I appreciate that, and you too. Hope gymnastics goes well.” - Joe
“Thank you.” - you smiled
Before the conversation could go further, the teacher started talking about what we should expect in this class. The teacher didn't stop me and my new seat buddy from talking, though.
As we talked longer, I realized we had a lot in common. I wouldn't be lying if I said she was the first girl I've talked to about Star Wars.
She was really fun, though, and easy to talk to.
Our conversation lasted till the bell rang, and we both sheepishly smiled when we realized that we'd been loudly talking in a quiet classroom.
I stood up and started packing my things. She did the same. The rest of the students were filing out of the room when we both put our backpacks on, seemingly in sync.
“I… I’m Joe, by the way. Joe Burrow, but most call me Joey.” - Joe
“It was nice talking to you, Joey. I'm y/n.” - you
She shook my hand and walked out of the door, leaving me shocked.
y/n… new hot girl from Kentucky.
After talking to her, it felt wrong to refer to her in that way. She was really pretty, but hot isn't a word I like to use when referring to girls.
I hope I have more classes with her. Woah, what am I saying?!
Focus on football, Joe.
Sadly, I didn't have any more classes with y/n, but I thankfully had friends in all my other classes.
I had lunch B, and most of my football buddies were in there, but I found myself zoning out while trying to look around the room for her.
Ever since the bell rang in chemistry, I haven't stopped thinking about y/n. It was becoming a slight problem, but it seemed like all I wanted was to go to chemistry tomorrow and talk to her.
After school ended, the football team stayed after school since we had our first home game the same day.
Hours later, we were suited up and ready to go out and stretch.
When we ran out and took the field as the senior quarterback, I was naturally the one leading the pack, but my eyes drifted toward the sideline.
One of the cheerleaders was flipping while the others were in stunts, but when she landed her last trick and posed, I gasped lightly when I saw who it was.
That's how Cassidy knew her name! She’s a cheerleader!
“Joe! Where are you going?” - Zach
The sound of my teammate yelling snapped me out of my daydream, and I realized that when the rest of the team stopped running to stretch, I kept going because all I was paying attention to was y/n.
“Oh.” - Joe
I turned around and ran to where I was supposed to be, but when I turned around, y/n was smiling at me. I smiled back.
We ended up winning the game, which is always amazing, but even better since it was our home opener.
After walking back into the locker room to hear what the coaches had to say, I showered and packed up to find my parents.
I wasn't at all surprised when most of the cheerleaders were standing outside waiting. Most of their boyfriends were players, so they'd wait after for them.
My eyes landed on my parents and brothers, but as I was walking in their direction, I heard a familiar voice calling for me.
“Joe!” - you
I turned in the direction of the voice to see y/n speedwalking over to me with a smile on her face.
“Hey, y/n.” - Joe smiled
“Hey, you did well! I knew you said you played football but I wasn't expecting that. You're super good.” - you
Is it hot out here all of a sudden? Why is my face heating up?
“Thanks. You're really good too. I know those flips are hard to do. You make it look effortless.” - Joe
“Thanks… sorry I distracted you though.” - you
“Not your fault, I just wasn't expecting to see you. You look uh… good, by the way.” - Joe
“You too.” - you giggled
Just as I was about to say something else, I heard my mom's voice calling for me.
“Sorry, that's my mom. I gotta go.” - Joe
“It's all good. See you in chem?” - you
“See you in chem.” - Joe
As I walked away from her, I felt something I'd never felt before.
Oh no.
Next Day
It was Friday and lunchtime.
All my teammates were feeling good after the win yesterday, and sure, I was too, but that wasn't what was on my mind.
This morning in chemistry, I found myself lost in a conversation with y/n again. The disappointment when the bell rang was insane. I never wanted to stop talking to her.
She was just different.
The attention she got from other guys was because of her looks, and she was pretty, gosh, she was pretty… but I didn't like being around her for that.
We had a lot in common and never ran out of things to talk about. She listened to what I had to say and gave great feedback. We talked about our futures and what we wanted to be when we graduated.
I told her about my hopes of going to the league, and what she replied with gave me a flutter in my stomach that I'd never felt before.
“If you make it to the NFL, you have to invite me to come see you.”
I’d known this girl for two days and I was already ready to make that promise.
My mind was so stuck on that altercation that I didn't hear Zach talking to me from across the table.
“Joe? Joe!” - Zach
I flinched slightly and looked up at him, all the guys at the table watching me with weird looks on their faces.
“Sorry… I spaced out.” - Joe
“Anyway, Cassidy told me that y/n was asking about you at their lunch.” - Zach
“What? What'd she ask?” - Joe
Should my heart be beating this fast?
“Asked if you had a girlfriend, I guess. Don't worry, though, Cas told her that you're focusing on football.” - Zach
“Oh. Okay.” - Joe
Is that really what I want?
“She’s so funny to tease.” - Chad
“Seriously, she's got cheerleader brain.” - Max
Why are they talking about her like that??
“I gotta go.” - Joe
I stood up from the lunch table, quickly finding a trashcan and throwing my stuff away before walking out of the lunch room.
“What’s his problem?” - Max
“I don't know, bro.” - Chad
Zach knew because he was right. What he told me yesterday was haunting me.
Romeo, this could be your Juliette.
My thoughts ran wild as I went to the office and asked to do some volunteer work.
The receptionist gave me the okay to go down to the middle school for the remainder of the lunch period.
I drove over to the middle school and went up to the office, clicking the button to signal the office worker that I was out there.
When the door unlocked I was able to open it. I did, and whose eyes I met surprised me.
“y/n?” - Joe
“Oh, hey Joe.” - you
“What are you doing here?” - Joe
“Gonna head to a class to volunteer, I have a free period right now. Aren't you supposed to be in lunch?” - you
“Well, yeah, but I had to get out of there.” - Joe
“Why’s that?” - you
Her brows were furrowed like she could hear the slight edge in my voice.
“Some of the guys were saying stuff about you, kinda pissed me off, so I left.” - Joe
“What? You left because of that? I’m used to it, Joe. I'm just a dumb cheerleader.” - you
“You're not, though, that's why I didn't want to listen to it. I've only known you for two days, but I look forward to every conversation we share. They don't know you as I do.” - Joe
y/n placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. Her eyes gave off a grateful look.
“You're the first person who’s made attempts to get to know me, and I appreciate it.” - you
“Not even your teammates?” - Joe
“I love ‘em, but they're not the Star Wars type like you are.” - you
“Yeah… I'm pretty cool like that.” - Joe
“Oh, whatever!” - you rolled your eyes
We laughed with each other before the receptionist cleared her throat. Both y/n and I froze when we realized where we were.
“Oh, sorry!” - you
“You guys can both go to room 379 if you’d like, seems like you two have a spark.” - receptionist
I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, but y/n smiled at the older lady and walked through the double doors into the building.
There weren't any words shared between us as we walked to the room, both of us were thinking about what the woman had said. Do we have a spark?
Ten minutes into hanging out with the sixth graders, the teacher sent y/n and me to the copy room.
“Hey, have you thought about formal?” - Joe
“What about it?” - you
Winter formal wasn't coming until December, obviously, but I felt the need to ask.
“Like are you going? Date ideas?” - Joe
“I figured I'd go, yeah. I don't know who I'm gonna go with, though. Might just go with friends, the guys here aren't the best.” - you
“Ouch.” - Joe
“Hey, I don't count you with them. You’re separate.” - you
“I think that's good.” - Joe
“It is. You're a jock, but a nice one, you know? I like you.” - you
My face dropped as I looked at her, feeling my cheeks flush and my stomach flop.
“Not in that way!” - you rushed to say
“Oh… okay.” - Joe
“Why do you act disappointed? I thought you weren't looking for anything and focusing on football.” - you
“I don't know. I thought I was, but you're making it hard to.” - Joe
“What does that mean?” - you
“I barely know you, but I can't stop thinking about you. You understand me in a way I didn't think was possible… you're just different.” - Joe
“I feel the same way about you. You're nerdy but athletic and have these quirks that I'm obsessed with. You're oddly the guy version of me.” - you
“Nah, you're the girl version of me.” - Joe
“Oh, whatever!” - you shoved his chest
I'm feeling a little bold after she told me she can't stop thinking about me either. Should I make a little move?
“You look cute when you do that. You roll your eyes at me but are smiling.” - Joe
“Oh, uh. Thanks.” - you blushed
“You're welcome.” - Joe smiled
October, 2014
That's as far as we went talking about it.
Nothing ever came from that one conversation we shared at the middle school. That's the closest thing we ever did that could come close to showing feelings for one another.
We just continued being really good friends who giggle in the back of the chemistry room, but the eye contact we make while I'm on the field and she’s on the sidelines tells me there's something there.
In the past two months, I've concluded that no matter how hard I try to deny it, I have a crush on y/n.
I just don't know how to act on it.
She still thinks that I don't want a relationship right now, so I need to start dropping hints.
The first step of my plan was to ask her to study with me after school, like at my house.
So, when I walked into chemistry this morning, I had that idea in the back of my head.
“Hey.” - Joe smiled
“Morning.” - you smiled back
I sat my stuff down and took my seat next to her.
“I need to ask you something.” - you
“Oh, what's that?” - Joe
“They haven't announced it yet, but I won junior attendant for homecoming.” - you
“Really?! That's awesome!” - Joe
“Yeah, thanks. We have to have a guy from the football team be our escort…” - you
“And you want me to ask someone for you?” - Joe
She looked at me with a “boy, please” look on her face that made me laugh.
“I'm just playing. I'd love to walk you.” - Joe
“Okay, good. Thanks, Joey.” - you
“Mhm. When will you find out who won Hoco Queen?” - Joe
“Not till the game, but if I win, you’ll get a little crown too.” - you
“I get a crown too?? Now you have to win.” - Joe
“I'll try my hardest. You have to help my campaign, though.” - you
“Sounds like a deal.” - Joe smiled
Later that week, I met up with y/n during my lunch period and her free period. I helped her campaign, and when she wasn't around, I convinced the football team to vote for her.
I wanted to make sure she'd win.
“Junior attendant, y/n y/l/n, escorted by Joey Burrow.”
The announcer’s voice beamed through the speakers as we walked down the middle of the football field. My arm was looped with y/n’s, and I shortened my strides with the length of her heals in mine.
I hadn't seen her till she walked out and looped her arm with mine, but she looked so beautiful.
“You look gorgeous.” - Joe whispered
“Thank you.” - you blushed
We smiled for the camera when we reached the end of the field, and y/n gently squeezed my arm when we walked over and stood in our directed spot.
“You don't look too bad yourself.” - you
Our conversation was drowning out the announcer’s voice, who was reading the short paragraph that y/n wrote a couple of days ago. She'd made me proofread it so many times that I had it practically memorized.
“y/n would like to thank her parents and friends, especially her best friend, who is escorting her tonight.”
That part was new.
My cheeks heated up when I looked down at y/n to see her already smiling at me. She'd never come out and said that I was her best friend, but I couldn't say it didn't make sense.
“Surprise.” - you nudged him
“I'm your best friend, huh?” - Joe
“Yeah.” - you smiled
“You're mine too.” - Joe
“No way!” - you pushed Joe’s chest
“Don't tell Zach I said that, though.” - Joe
Her smile was infectious, and I felt my lips mirror y/n’s expression.
The announcer went on to introduce the senior attendant and read her little background story.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen. Your 2014 football homecoming queen is…”
I reached my other hand up to squeeze y/n’s that was wrapped around my bicep.
“y/n y/l/n!”
“You did it! Go get your crown!” - Joe
She let go of my arm and walked back to the middle of the field.
I watched with a proud smile on my face as y/n was handed a bouquet, a sash draped over her shoulder, and the crown on her head.
There was so much adoration in my heart for her, and when she turned around to look at me, my smile only widened.
“C’mere!” - you mouthed
I slowly walked over to her, and y/n re-looped our arms.
Bowing my head slightly, the crown was put on top of it. y/n laughed at the sight of the crown adorning my forehead.
“Lemme fix that. It's kinda sideways.” - you
She stepped on her tiptoes and fixed it, a blush forming on my cheeks when her fingers brushed down my face when she pulled away.
“You look cute.” - you smiled
“Thanks.” - Joe grinned
December, 2014
“Hey.” - Joe
“Oh, hey.” - you
I put my stuff down and sat down in my chair, the same routine since the first day of school. Hopefully, though, today some things will change.
Or at least be set in the right direction to change.
“I need to ask you a question.” - Joe
“Shoot.” - you
“Be my date too formal?” - Joe
I looked at her with hopefulness in my eyes. Please say yes.
“I'm already going with Chad… sorry, Joe.” - you
“Oh. It's okay, I just thought… nevermind.” - Joe
My shoulders slumped as I turned away from her and faced the board, biting the insides of my cheeks nervously.
The one time I shoot my shot with a girl, and I get rejected.
Guess that tells me what my priorities should be.
Focusing on football.
“What do you mean Joe’s here alone?” - you
“Yeah, Zach had to practically beg him to even come. Joe said there wasn't any point in going since he didn't have a date.” - Cassidy
“That makes me feel terrible…” - you
“Why?” - Cassidy
“Because he asked me, but I'd already said yes to Chad.” - you
“It's not your fault, how were you supposed to know that Joe was gonna ask you? I mean, he isn't looking for anything right now.” - Cassidy
“Yeah… do you know where he is?” - you
“No idea. Probably hiding in a corner.” - Cassidy
“Chad literally ditched me after pictures. Joe never would've done that…” - you
A few seconds of silence between the two girls went by before Cassidy had a lightbulb moment.
“Do you have a crush on Joe?!” - Cassidy
“What?! No!” - you
“You so do! y/n you should tell him! I honestly think he feels the same way…” - Cassidy
“No… he's focusing on football.” - you sighed
“So you do like him?” - Cassidy
“Maybe…” - you
When you admitted it out loud, it felt real. You like Joe.
Joey Burrow, the quarterback with the nerdy side that only you knew of, the one with the imperfect but adorable smile, the one that made you look forward to first period, your crush.
“I'm gonna go find him.” - you
You walked as fast as your heels allowed you and threw your half-drank cup of subpar punch in the trash can, pushing open the gym doors as Tongue Tied by GROUPLOVE playing through the speakers served as a soundtrack.
Zach wasn't hard to find as a sea of letterman jackets was in the hallway.
“Where’s Joe?” - you
“Oh, hey, y/n! He said he was gonna go take a walk around.” - Zach shrugged
You nodded and walked away toward the academic wing of the school.
Only the generator lights were on, but there was enough lighting to make out that familiar tall frame looking into the trophy cases.
Carefully, so as to not scare him, you slowly walked up behind Joe and tapped his shoulder.
“Hi.” - you
“Hi.” - Joe
“Chad ditched me…” - you
“That sucks.” - Joe
He hadn't even looked up at you yet.
“I'm sorry. If I had known you were going to ask me, I wouldn't have said yes to him.” - you
“S’okay, probably for the better.” - Joe
“Why are you just walking around by yourself, Joe?” - you
“Nothing else to do. Kinda bored.” - Joe
“Wanna go see what teachers left their classrooms unlocked?” - you grinned
Joe’s eyes drifted away from the trophy case for the first time and found yours. A smile pulled at his lips as he nodded his head.
You held your hand out to him, and Joe gladly accepted, clasping his fingers with yours.
There were so many unspoken feelings shared between you two as you made your way down the hallways to find an open door.
“The chem room is open…” - Joe
You gently opened the door and pulled Joe in behind you, the lights being motion-activated turned on as you two walked in.
Joe flicked the light switch back off as the moonlight through the window lit up the room.
Making your way to your table, you and Joe sat down in your respective seats without sharing a word.
“Your dress is pretty.” - Joe
With a longing glance, you examined Joe’s hair, outfit, and shoes.
“Thanks. You look handsome.” - you
“Thanks.” - Joe smiled
A few seconds of silence went by before Joe cleared his throat, immediately getting your attention.
“Uhm… can I be honest with you?” - Joe
“Always.” - you
Here goes nothing.
“I think you're amazing. Talking to you every day makes me want to come to school, and I enjoy every word that's shared between us. You get to see a side of me that many people don't because I feel safe with you. I hope what I'm about to tell you doesn't ruin that, and you might just see me as a friend… but I like you.” - Joe
“In what way?” - you
In all honesty, you knew exactly what he meant, but you wanted to hear him say it.
“In the way that I find myself staring at you all the time because I think you're beautiful, In the way that you give me butterflies when you laugh or smile at me. You are incredible, y/n; gorgeous, smart, talented, crazy athletic, loyal, trustworthy.” - Joe
He paused for a second to scan your face for somewhat of a reaction.
“Now that I think about it, you're so out of my league.” - Joe laughed
“Go on, Joey.” - you giggled
“What I'm trying to say is… I have a crush on you, y/n.” - Joe
“Mr. ‘I'm focusing on football’ has a crush on me?!?” - you
Joe felt his stomach drop at your teasing. He'd just poured his heart out, and was thinking the worst.
“So you don't feel the same way?” - Joe
“What? I didn't say that!” - you
“So…?” - Joe
“I like you too, Joe. More than friends.” - you
“Really?” - Joe smiled
“Yeah.” - you grinned
You two sat there, no words shared, just tooth-rotting grins.
“I've never done this before… what happens next?” - Joe
“I think there's another question you need to ask me.” - you
“Oh, yeah! y/n…” - Joe
He took your hand in his, the size difference making your heart flutter for a second before you shifted your attention back to his beautiful blue eyes.
“Be my girlfriend?” - Joe finished
“I'd love to.” - you smiled
Somehow, your other hand found its way into his. Almost as if magnets were pulling your faces together, you both leaned in.
Your lips molded together so perfectly like you were each other’s missing piece.
Maybe because you guys were.
Joe would forever be grateful that he took the leap of faith and confessed to the girl that he swore was out of his league, for she would become his everything for the rest of his life.
That chemistry room is where you found your first real boyfriend, who would be your first kiss, and unbeknownst to you, you were Joe’s first real girlfriend and kiss as well.
In fact, you were each other’s first everything.
And you'd also be each other’s last.
Authors note: One of my favorite requests to write, it was so fun picturing the beginning of their relationship!
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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sofiareidings · 1 year
Falling For You
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Summary: Spencer is completely oblivious to how madly in love you are. That's it. Warnings: fluff and swearing.
A/N: I feel like this idea has been done before, so if I subconsciously copied a fic, let me know!! Also, I didn't mean to do it, but this story is technically spencerxgn!reader so. Also, i'm back!! Another story is coming out at 9pm EST, so be ready!!!
Word Count: 0.9k
Song Suggestions: Wildest Dreams (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
You two clicked immediately. It was strange, you were both so opposite. I guess that's what made it work. What he lacked you made up for and reversed. Not many other people knew much about your personal life except for him. Your favourite thing about him was his words. Everytime he rambled about the most random times you could listen forever.
Whenever he looked at you, you melted. When he smiled your face burned from blushing. And whenever he talked you just wanted to kiss him. But you had no clue if he felt the same. For a genius he was quite oblivious to your flirting and comments. If he liked you he definitely had a good way of hiding it.
There was only one issue.
The movie was about halfway through and you made sure to turn the couch into a bed, Spencer had come over to watch it with you. If someone asked you tomorrow morning what the movie was about you wouldn't be able to say, he'd been talking the whole time.
"...That actually isn't correct," He started, moving his hands around for emphasis. "In the wild, there are two formally recognised lion subspecies. The African lion is found in Africa, south of the Sahara desert. The Asiatic lion exists in one small population around Gir Forest National Park in western India. Wild lions in the west and central Africa are more closely related to these Asiatic lions in India than to those found in southern and east Africa. So realistically the characters would be..."
Listening to him talk was like heaven, but at the same time it was hell. He just looked so huggable.
No, kissable. The butterflies in your stomach made you giggle, he paused and frowned. Looking like a lost puppy.
"What? Did I say something wrong?" Stumbling over the words as he spoke, you stopped laughing and grabbed his hands while smiling.
"No, no you didn't. It was just…cute." You muttered.
"Thank you?" A confused look on his face when he responded. Your heart shattered a little, that was obvious wasn't it? Did his feelings not reciprocate? "Oh! Also, manes on male lions tell a story. Male lions grow impressive manes the older they get. These manes grow up to 16 cm long and are a sign of dominance. The older they get, the darker their manes go. As well as attracting females, their manes may also protect…"
His words trailed off again and he stared at you. "You keep being weird. You're all red. Did I say something wrong? I know that sometimes I speak for too long and I go on and on, which annoys people-" He sighed, "And I'm doing it now. I'm sorry."
"No, please. I love when you talk. It's calming." Grinning, you continued, "So what about protection?"
"Oh, um…manes can also protect their neck and head from injuries during a fight." He slowed down his speaking, like he was a little self-conscious about his words now. When he stopped talking everything was silent, except for the sound of the movie quietly playing on the TV in front of you.
"Spence? What's wrong?" Tilting your head and looking at him, he was staring at the TV but he didn't seem to be watching it. Just thinking, his eyebrows furrowed like they normally did while he was deep in thought. "What are you thinking about?"
"Have you been flirting with me?" He blurted out, looking back up and at you. You almost jumped, not expecting that question.
"What?" Still in shock it took you a minute to respond. Letting the silence fill the air again, he didn't speak. He just stared, waiting for an answer. "I-What would you think if I was?"
"I would've wished I'd noticed sooner." He sighed, making that puppy-dog face you loved. Neither of you really knew what to do and sat there for what you would believe could've been hours.
"Fuck it." You breathed out and as if he knew what you were thinking as well he leaned in at the same time as you, kissing you softly. After a couple seconds you felt his hands wrap around your face, holding it as he kissed more.
Your hands didn't know where to go, after a couple more seconds they finally found their place, one around the back of his neck and the other tucked around his waist. Pulling you closer to him.
A couple seconds later you both moved away from each other, only long enough to catch your breaths and muttering random words. Before you knew it the both of you were back to kissing, to make up for how long you guys spent not kissing.
The longer it went the closer to each other you got, his one hand started to slide down your neck and then your waist when suddenly your hand hit a button and the movie that was still playing turned up to full volume.
Both scrambling for the remote he managed to shut the TV off, surrounding you both in the darkness of the night.
The two of you continued to kiss every once in a while but it didn't take long for the darkness to make you both sleepy and you ended up just cuddling. You fell asleep with your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. He had one hand holding you close to him, as if someone was coming to steal you away. The other hand tracing up and down your back until he too, drifted off to sleep.
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