#Lilia for my friends hehe
serenescribe · 1 year
thank you @oddberryshortcake for letting me write something based on this absolutely heart-wrenching post! i am in shambles from the newest update. spoilers ahead.
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“Silver,” Lilia whispers, in a voice that breaks as it spills past his cracked lips.
Lilia pays no attention to the way his knees ache, kneeling for as long as he has been, the thin fabric of his stockings rubbing raw patches into his flesh. Nor does he focus on any of the other ailments afflicting him — the blanket of fatigued exhaustion weighing down his shoulders, the throbbing agony pulsating through his head, the scratchy dryness itching up the inside of his throat. The only thing he has eyes for is his son: Silver, who lays in his arms, cradled close to Lilia’s body, his head lolling against Lilia’s chest.
Silver’s eyes remain firmly shut. He is still asleep.
Oh, Lilia’s heart crumbles with each ticking second, eyes fixated upon the slow rise and fall of Silver’s chest. He is not dead — Not yet, a terrible, pesky part of Lilia’s mind, words uttered from the lips of a disillusioned general, tells him, to which Lilia bats away, trying to ignore the thought. The sight of his breathing should fill Lilia with relief because it means Silver is still alive.
And yet, Lilia can only hang his head over Silver’s body, cradling him even closer, arms wrapped protectively around the body of his son, his child.
“Wake up, Silver,” Lilia murmurs into his ear. He blinks, eyes wet and heavy, feels something sliding down his cheek — a single solitary tear, but not alone for long. Wet droplets land on Silver’s body, sinking into the fabric of his shirt. How long has it been since Lilia cried like this? He cannot remember. Seven hundred years spent alive does that to someone — it numbs their heart, dries their tears, makes it nigh impossible to cry, especially when so much of their past is occupied by something as numbing as the wretched consequences of wars long fought.
Silver still does not stir.
Distantly, Lilia notices the faint tracks marring his cheeks, echoes of tears long since shed. He reaches for it with a thumb, swiping at the dried stains, as though wiping it away could erase all of the pain Silver must have gone through in his dream. He knows enough of what happened, knows of it from what the others has told him, and it makes his heart shatter — the thought that Silver had nearly succumbed to his own blot, all because he found out his past, a past Lilia tried to hide for fear of Silver being judged for the sins of his fathers, breaks something nestled deep inside of his chest.
Lilia closes his eyes. “I love you,” he breathes, words he has been so terrified of saying all these years. He does love Silver, truly — but to utter those three words, the words a young Silver have always said to him so freely with that beaming smile spreading across his chubby child cheeks… For years, Lilia has evaded ever speaking them into reality, to return the obvious affection of his son instead of laughing it off and saying “I know.”
And as a consequence of that, Lilia is now far too late.
He knows he is not alone in this room. He can hear things — conversations that swirl together, hushed murmurs, snatches of his name and Silver’s own, footsteps and doors creaking open and shut. He can see things — in his peripheral vision mainly, shadows that approach and depart, the occasional sight of footsteps slipping into view. He can feel things — a hand coming to rest on his shoulder, fingers reaching out to stroke Silver, all touches that Lilia shrinks away from, pulls Silver away from. Because as far as his addled mind is concerned, the only thing he can process right now is him and his son.
A memory haunts him: He is a few years younger, finding Silver for the first time. He uses his magic to explore his memories, discovers the identity of the child in the cradle, and finds out that he is the spawn of his enemies. And yet, all Lilia can focus on is the knowledge that Silver was fated to slumber until his true love woke him up, an unending rest only broken when Lilia stumbled upon him.
He is Silver’s true love, and Silver is his.
“Silver,” Lilia tries again, his voice cracking into splinters as he forces his name past his lips. “I love you. Wake up.”
Silver is his, isn’t he? Just as he is Silver’s — an absolute truth that Lilia turned a blind eye to for years, too scared to reciprocate the emotions swirling about his soul in full force, to unleash the depths of his love for his dear son. If Silver could wake from the throes of a sleep that had addled him for four hundred years all because of Lilia’s love for him, a love he had not realised the extent of when he found Silver for the first time, then surely he can do the same now, right?
Surely Lilia’s love for him, a love he knows now to show freely in the way he hugs him close, presses kisses against his forehead, will be enough to wake him… right?
So why is he not waking?
Why is he still asleep?
Is his love not enough? That cannot be the case. Lilia loves Silver — with all his heart, with all his soul; they have been bonded since the moment Silver was born, the invisible strings of fate entangling the two of them together before either of them knew it. Lilia is the key to Silver’s lock, his very presence opening the boy’s heart, dispelling the effects of a curse that has kept him in stasis for four long centuries. His only mistake was not showing his affections sooner, of keeping his heart carefully guarded until it was far too late.
So why then?
Why won’t Silver wake up?
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magical-girl-04 · 2 years
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rayroseu · 1 year
i really love how diasomnia always think of each other despite being away 😭💖💖
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i want malleus to meet stitch too!!! it'll be like how tsum lilia pranked around malleus hehe✨✨✨ plus they'll totally relate to the whole "meant to destroy but learned how to love" and ofc,,,, "family where no one get left behind" 🥺✨💔
(tw blood and... crowley is levan theory😂)
also i love that "malleus' fathers" always watch over his social life and find peculiar ways to mend it hagshahs
" if no one at twisted wonderland wants to approach my son--- ok!!! im taking a "creature'' from another world to be his friend!!" kaksmak
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headcanon that crowley purposely hit yuu with that carriage so that he can put them in a coffin to nrc
and i personally chose malleus' hand to take in the prologue so it makes me think that yuu got killed bcs this dragon fae's father was looking for someone to be his companion ***forever***
also explains why hes avoiding to help Yuu most of the time, because they dont really want them to let go of malleus 😆
plus crowley (theoretically) world travelled just to pick us akjsks do you know how much work was put into you being isekaied here 💥
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coralinnii · 9 months
Congrats on 2.7k! The villain(ess) saga is my bread and butter hehe.
Anyways Id like to request borderline desperate Jamil trying to figure out Readers fav food as they can and will literally eat anything without complaint(even Lilia's cooking lol). Thank you 💖
‧₊˚✧A Dash of Sweetness ‧₊˚✧
↳ Reader S/O who eats anything
feat: Jamil  genre: fluff (like shojou manga level sweetness) note: no pronouns used with the reader, idiots in love, kinda oblivious!reader, roughly 1k words,
Random storytime, my big bro once got hungry and cooked himself eggs while the rest of us were out, and no one told him the eggs went bad. He was absolutely fine the entire day and none of us would have known if not for my bro saying it’s weird that the egg he ate was green. Yet, he said the french toasts I made once were bland T_T
Anyway, this took a while because I honestly didn't know how this story will end up, hopefully you enjoy it ^_^
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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Jamil can deny all day and night, but he really likes to see you enjoy his cooking. For all the times he told you that he already has his hands full with Kalim, there was suspiciously always a warm lunchbox filled with aromatic meals made by yours truly. All for that bright smile of yours whenever you would finish off the “leftover” meal that Jamil would generously share with you. 
When Jamil realized that others have fed you, his hidden competitive nature rose. While there were many competent students with skills in the kitchen, within Jamil was a desire to see a special shine in your eyes when he cooks your favorite dish, a visual only for him.
But be it due to pride or embarrassment, Jamil doesn’t seem to be the type to be upfront with his intentions, nor does he take the straightforward tactic. Instead of asking you directly, he would ease his way through conversations with your friends just to find out your most favored dish per chance. But that turned out that that was harder than he expected. 
Day after day, Jamil would hand you a new type of dish and watch your reaction for the slightest hint of preference. Perhaps a raise of your eyebrows, a slower time to take in the taste, anything. He's racking his brain and looked for every sort of dish and recipes from all parts of Twisted Wonderland for the slight chance he comes across a dish to your absolute liking. But each time, you simply smiled graciously and thanked him for sharing with you, not that he disliked it since he did get to spend more time with you through all of this. 
But each attempt makes him all the more impatient, and curious. If you looked this beautiful just eating something good, Jamil wondered how you’d look if he served you your most favored dish? Would he see your eyes light up with joy, your body shaking with excitement, your cheeks so cutely puffy and full with every bite, maybe even bring him into a spontaneous embrace filled with so much gratitude, perhaps even a kiss…  
“I’m getting ahead of myself.” Jamil hid his face in embarrassment, but the burning ears and racing heart revealed how much he wanted to see that side of you.
You found it odd how often it’s been that Jamil was offering you leftover food this past week. You’re certainly not complaining but it’s always something new everyday. Sometimes Jamil would hand you a meal mixed with aromatic spices, other times an array of sugary sweet treats and pastries. It could be a simple stew that warms your soul one day, or it could be a unique cuisine with a variety of paired side dishes. 
But every day, you would notice that he would glance your way occasionally as you partake in this gracious meal, and it’s making you a bit antsy. 
“You’ve been watching me for a while.” Your voice seemed to break whatever concentration the Scarabia student had. “Is there something you’re expecting me to say?” 
Like a deer in headlights, Jamil flinched and felt a small wave of embarrassment when he realized he was caught watching you. He was sure that he was being discrete, but he supposed that as days went on he had gotten a tad bit restless and hasty. He got sloppy, he cursed to himself.
Quickly shaking his nerves away, he replied with a smile to ease you. “I’m simply glad the food is to your taste.” 
You were hardly convinced by that. Was he experimenting with dishes, you wondered. You tried to offer some insights and compliments which seemed to satisfy the long-haired upperclassman, but you felt a sneaky suspicion that he was hoping for something else. 
“Jamil, I’m really happy that you’ve been sharing all this food with me.” You said as you settled the lunchbox to your side. “But I don’t think I’m the best person if you're looking for a detailed review on food.”
Ah yes, Jamil was aware of your generous palate. While trying to discreetly find your preferences, Jamil first assumed you had a sweet tooth when you praised the Heartslabyul vice-housewarden for his sweets. But then, Jamil overheard you enjoying your visits to Mostro Lounge so perhaps you had a pension for seafood…Then, he was thrown for a loop when he heard from a giddy Lilia that he was delighted to see you have such a rigorous appetite, having tried and finished the beef-seafood-fruit stew he made for his dormmates. 
You...were not picky, to say the least.
You felt a pang of shame for your lack of refined judgment in cuisine. “Your food is really good. Sorry, I don't know what else I can say about it that is helpful to you.”
That’s it. Jamil saw an opening. “Perhaps, I could make your favorite food,” his voice sounded as though it was a spontaneous thought. “Then it would be something you can speak more on a personal level.” 
All other attempts to learn your food preferences failed in the past, but now there was an opportunity to learn firsthand from the source. It wasn’t strange, was it? It was simply the flow of the conversation, and all the long-haired upperclassman did was offer an option. What an auspicious break for Jamil.
But when Jamil looked to you to gauge your reaction, you surprised him. 
You stared at him, eyes wide with shock. Your lips quivered and shook, as though your body was nervously processing his words, which deeply worried Jamil. Has he somehow offended you? How?! 
Finally, you spoke. “You would make something…just for me?” 
“Yes, if that’s something alright with you?”
All this time, you were under the impression that Jamil was offering you food that couldn’t be finished, and you were content with taking whatever was offered, happy that the vice-housewarden thought of you in some way. But having Jamil make something homemade purposely with you in mind… to think of you as he makes the effort to do something, hoping you will enjoy it. A sweet gesture made for you, and you alone.
Feelings of butterflies filled you as your cheeks felt hot at such thoughts. You felt your lips quiver as a goofy smile crept its way onto your face, but you tried to hide your giddiness behind your fingers.
You thought for a bit, then softly you replied. “Curry would be nice.” 
Hmm? Jamil was surprised. That’s his favorite…  
“Then, we can eat together.” You smiled nervously. “I think sharing with someone you like makes food taste better.” 
Such a lovely sight of two shy fools. One was grinning oddly while the other was hiding his shamefully burning face behind his hood.
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mobbu-min · 1 month
☆ grandma's best friend ☆
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summary: in which you’re tasked with picking up your grandma after her knitting club and can’t help but fall in love with the handsome man sat right beside her.
a/n had this in the wip hell for forever. i was going to add azul but.... i have the hardest time writing him, so maybe he'll appear in another piece. also this takes place after they have graduated from nrc!
characters trey clover, deuce spade, jack howl, silver & lilia vanrouge
tw cursing
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 Despite living in the same house with your grandma since the day you were born, there were still plenty of things you didn’t know about her. And truthfully you weren't one to pry into her, what you considered, pretty mundane life. Early morning walks, baking a mountain of cookies and breads and watching soap operas weren’t really your things. 
 So not once, never in your life, did you expect that you’d be stopped dead in your tracks the moment you entered through the glass doors of your grandma’s friend's sunroom. It was supposed to be a knitting class for older women, right?
 Well, apparently your grandma decided to be super mean and not tell you about the absolute hunk that came every week. 
 You watched from the entry as he laughed along with your grandma. It was like you could hear church bells in the distance. You instantly could tell with the way your grandma and the other ladies flocked to him and talked so sweetly to him that they were absolutely smitten with him. 
 As if sensing your rising temperature, your grandma turned her head around and waved you over. “What are you doing all the way over there? Come here, sweetie.”
 You suddenly felt so shy and quickly averted your gaze. Your stomach doing backflips the closer you got. Why did you feel like you were going to explode?
 As your grandma introduced you, you peaked up at him only to freeze in place the moment your gaze caught his. And the moment his lips stretched into the prettiest, most dazzling smile you’ve ever seen, you knew you were down bad. 
 Like really bad.
Trey Clover <3
⋆ Trey Clover, the baker’s son. Everyone knew him as a kind and gentle soul. You’ve known him since you were young, going to the same elementary school as him and his feline friend, however that all you were. Simply classmates and your desire to know him outside of that was zero to none.
⋆ So safe to say, you haven’t seen him since he was a preteen and suddenly the image of a lanky, nerdy looking boy with a shy smile dispersed when you saw him.
⋆ Tall, strong and handsome, not to mention a fine looking ass. He’s definitely changed since you last saw him. And suddenly, all the older women talking about trying to hook up their daughters with the baker’s son suddenly made a lot more sense. He was the definition of husband material.
⋆ And you were determined to make him yours.
“Hopefully you remember my granddaughter, I know she can blend into the crowds easily.” You grandma laughed joyfully and despite her fraile statue, the heaviness of her hands persisted causing you to stumble forwards.
Chuckling awkwardly, you smiled crookedly at Trey who smiled easily at your grandma’s antics, seemingly used to it. Placing a large, yet comforting, hand on your shoulder he steady you, “Don’t worry, Mrs. (l/n), I have a pretty strong memory.”
“Hmpf, and hopefully you keep it then, lest you end up like your grandmother over there.” Your grandma jabbed playfully at the chubby woman who glared softly in her direction.
And yet despite your best attempt to listen to the both of them bicker back and forth, the warmth sweeping through your thin sweater was enough to keep your attention on the young man. Catching your gaze, Trey’s honey eyes twinkled with curiosity, “Hey, (y/n), it’s been awhile.”
Like water hitting oil, your heart exploded into thousands of little sparks the second your name rolled off his tongue. How can one person sound so sweet? Like sugar and sprinkles and everything sweet? It was not far!
“Hehe, yeahhh.” You drawled out, your cheeks ablaze and hot to the touch. Doing your best to reign in your heart eyes, you coughed into your fist and smiled sweetly at him, “H-how have you been? Last I checked you were in dentistry school, right?”
Scratching his nape, Trey hummed, “I was, but after my dad hurt his back I came back to help with the bakery. It didn’t feel right to leave my mom to take care of the bakery, my dad and siblings all by herself.”
Ah, a family man, how nice, you cooed internally. Now, you haven’t thought of settling down anytime soon, but for him? Your ass is sat.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Trey. That sounds horrible.” You said with full sincerity, your heart aching for him. “Have you thought about going back though?”
“I’ve thought about it, but…” His gaze roamed around the room filled with elderly ladies laughing and joking around, to them greeting their partners with warm welcomes and honey eyes, until settling back to you. Mirth swam through his pretty eyes, “I kinda like it here.”
Your heart, the romantic thing it was, was set zooming into the sky and exploding into fireworks. While you knew it was merely coincidence that you just happened to be here and asked that particular question, it was all you needed to decide that whatever future Trey wanted was one you were going to be a part of.
The world can call you whatever, a romantic, a simp, you didn’t care.
Tilting your head, you smiled sweetly at him, “Yeah, I do too.”
This was going to be your happily ever after.
Deuce Spade <3
⋆ It took you a second to recognize the boy that struggled to untangle the yarn on his lap, but the moment his wide blue eyes scanned the room to see how far behind he was, you knew.
⋆ Deuce Spade, the former bad boy turned honorary magical student.
⋆ You wouldn’t say that you didn't like him, more like you don’t know him. Your paths never really crossed, with him always skipping school and all. Though you did always have a soft spot for him, afterall he would consistently turn a blind eye every time you snuck out of p.e.
⋆ And you couldn’t deny the tiny crush you had on him either. Something about his bad boy behavior that made your young nerdy heart swoon.
⋆ So who could blame you for blushing the moment he laid eyes on you.
 Pretty, was the first thought that crossed your mind. Also, that he looked a lot like his mom, who you’ve tried to get with multiple times before hand. Sadly your homemade lunches and pathetic attempts at flirting did nothing to convince her to give you a chance. However it did convince her not to bill you every time she had to fix up your old beaten up car. 
 He looked a lot older too. His big bright blue eyes, a little narrower yet still glowing like the sun shining down on the sea. His soft cheeks were gone, a lot more slender and mature, yet he still maintained that youthful pink hue to the apple of his cheeks. And if you looked closely enough you could see the black ink of tattoos peeking out of his cerulean sweater. 
 You could feel your cheeks blossom into the all too familiar hue of the cherry blossoms that grew outside the windows. You hoped your makeup would mask the heat radiating off your cheeks. Clutching onto the straps of your bag, you shuffled towards your grandma, who stared at you with knowing eyes. Curses, I should have never left my diary where she could see it. 
 Just as you opened your mouth to greet your grandma, your breath hitched. It was like you were staring into the ocean, the glimmers in his eyes like clear waters. You were in awe at how a simple look from a guy you haven’t seen in ages could leave you so breathless. 
 A sharp jab to your ribs quickly ripped you out of whatever shoujo-esque moment you were having. Crumbling over, you gingerly held your side and wheezed. Your grandma, the blunt old lady she is, paid your suffering no mind and was quick to chastise you. “Goodness (y/n), have I not taught you nothing? It’s rude to stare.”
 Like a knight you’ve read about in plenty of romance novels back in your preteens and teens (even now honestly), he came to your rescue. 
 “It’s alright, I don’t mind Mrs. (l/n).” You could hear your grandma huff and turn away, probably to gossip with the other ladies. Despite her old age, her strength has yet to fail her and her elbows were, unfortunately, sharp. Yet, all that pain disappeared with a gentle touch to your shoulder. “Hey, are you okay?”
 Raising your head, your eyes widened at the closeness between you both. You were sure at this point your makeup did nothing to help the ever darkening color of your face. If anything it was probably being wiped off with how much you were sweating. 
 Laughing nervously, you shook your head and smiled, “Y-yeah, I’m good. It’s nothing I’m not used to.”
 Amusement danced in his eyes. Rubbing at his own side, he nodded along, “Tell me about it, she sure packs a punch.” Familiarity sparkled across his features, “(y/n), right? You were a grade above me?”
 “Yup, it’s been awhile, Deuce.” Sitting in your grandma’s spot, you took one of the sweet strawberry jam cookies and popped it in your mouth.”What have you been up to lately?”
 Sitting down, Deuce hummed, “You know, uni and stuff. Studying isn’t really my forte, but I’m trying hard.”
 “Making your mom proud?” You teased softly. With how often you were over at her house, you heard plenty of stories of his recent endeavors. Not to mention, you could never get over how fondly she spoke of her only son. The type of love and proudness that was totally unique to her. 
 Sighing, Deuce ran a hand through his hair, “I sure hope so…”
 Punching his shoulders, you scoffed, “Oh, c’mon Deuce, give yourself more credit. You're practically the light of her life. No matter what happens, she’ll always be proud of you.”
 Warmth flooded his gaze at your words. Despite knowing that, it was always nice to hear it said out loud. Playing with the loose threads of his sweater, he easily turned the conversation around, “Uh, but what about you? My mom says you're at the house every week to get your car fixed.”
 “Oh, yeah…haha…” You laughed bashfully, praying to the Sevens that she didn’t mention your flirting. Placing a finger on your chin, you stared up at the ceiling, “I’ve been good. I work at the local tattoo shop as a receptionist. I’m hoping that Mr. Stevens will finally accept my portfolio, but from the looks of things…I think I’m better off trying to get an apprenticeship in the city.”
 Nodding along, Deuce grinned, “I remember you always doodling on everything. I’m surprised you didn’t try…um…professional painting? Is that a thing? Like galleries and stuff?”
 “I wanted to, but it was too expensive. Tattooing though? Pretty accessible money wise, it’s just a pain in the ass to get someone to take you under their wing.” You sighed tiredly. Shrugging your shoulders, you turned your gaze to Deuce and grinned, “I guess we’ve both been busy trying to make something of ourselves huh?”
 “Yeah, I guess we are.”
 Hearing your grandma call out your name, you knew your conversation had to come to its end. Rising up, you fixed your bag and offered Deuce a soft smile. 
 “It was nice talking to you again. I’m kinda sad it was cut short.”
 Scratching his cheek, he averted his eyes, “Well…it doesn't have too.”
 Tilting your head, you looked at him in confusion. Something warm and electric blooming in your chest. 
 Reaching into his pocket, he took out his phone and offered it to you. Smiling nervously, he stuttered, “L-let’s exchange numbers and if you aren’t too busy, let’s get some drinks sometime this week.”
 It was like thousands of angels came down from heaven at his proposal. This was everything your little preteen heart had ever wanted, and who were you to deny her?
 “That sounds like fun!”
Jack Howl <3
(reader is a wolf beastmen too!)
⋆ Muscles….
⋆ So many muscles…
⋆ You could feel your knees quiver and threaten to crumble under your weight. You’ve seen plenty of muscular people in your life, but never one with such a gentle touch as him. The way he held the croquet needle was as if he was afraid he’d break it with his full force.
⋆ To the gentle sway of his fluffy snow white tail told you everything you needed to know about him.
You considered taping your own tail against your leg with how fast it wagged behind you. Don’t be fooled, you loved who you were, but you didn’t love how easy it was for others to decipher your emotions through the simple beat of your tail. And it appears that, no matter how hard you try to feign a cool and mysterious persona, everyone could see how much of a dork you were by simply looking behind you.
Your grandma stifled her own chuckles behind a wrinkled hand, “Jack, this is my granddaughter, (y/n). I hope you can both get along.”
Both of your ears perked up the moment your eyes caught his, golden like the sun surrounded by fluffy white clouds. Again, your grandma giggled and busied herself with other matters. Deciding to let fate take charge.
Nodding your head, you smiled shyly, “It’s nice to meet you, Jack. It’s not often I meet other wolf beastmen here.”
You liked to think that's why you were so excited, and certainly not because he was practically your dream guy. Oh Sevens, it felt like you were in a dream. You wished you wouldn’t wake up.
Jack nodded, his expression stoic, but much like yourself, his curiosity was clearly shown by the twitch of his ear and wag of his fluffy tail. You instantly realized he wasn’t much for talking. Typically with anyone else, you’d find it awkward, but with Jack, you found yourself at ease.
Leaning against the window frame, you gestured to his green and brick brown coasters, “I like your coasters, they're so pretty. Are they for anyone in particular?”
Shaking his head, he moved besides you, “No, it’s actually for me. I thought it would look nice underneath my cactuses.”
His voice was deep, but not too deep that made you shudder, deep and smooth like you were floating through a river. A steady beat unlike your heart. From your spot you could smell his cologne, a light sandalwood fragrance that mixed well with his natural woodsy scent.
Humming softly, you pulled your tail to your lap to prevent it from hitting him and gently ran your fingers through the soft fur, “Cactuses, huh? You must take very good care of them.”
“I do. They seem easy to care for, but they need a strict schedule to make sure they grow strong.” Jack said proudly. A smirk that sent your heart into cardiac arrest present on his clear brown skin. And then as if he suddenly remembered something, he looked down almost bashfully, “And well, some are also for my family.”
Ugh, he just keeps on getting more and more perfect! You internally squealed. Calming yourself, you asked, “That’s nice of you. Handmade things from the heart is always the best. Is that why you’re taking these classes? I typically don’t see guys like you willingly hanging out in a place like this.”
Leaning his head back, Jack thought, “I thought this would broaden my horizons. Knitting and crocheting requires patience and discipline. So in turn that would help me out when I work out.”
“Training the mind, while training the body!”
“Mh-hm.” Glancing down at you, he grinned, “I’m glad you understand. The guys in my work out group were jerks about it.”
Grinning, you gently nudged him with your elbow, “They sound like a bunch of airheads then.”
Jack chuckled under his breath. They type of laugh that would have every head turning. The type of laugh that you would hear rarely, like a special treat. The type of laugh you knew you wanted for yourself.
Right then and there, you decided you were going to do your hardest to make him yours.
Silver <3
⋆ Beautiful, stunning, angelic, you could go on.
⋆ The boy in front of you was straight out of a romance novel. The knight perhaps, judging by his build. But his face totally screams prince.
⋆ You could feel your heart racing in your chest that it was almost painful.
⋆ And dear sevens, he just smiled.
⋆ Yeah, you were screwed.
“I am so sorry!” You apologized profusely, hastily taking out napkins from your bag to dap onto his soft pastel blue sweater. Searing heat painted your face. Pure embarrassment piercing your chest.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” He said softly, gently prying your shaking hands away. “Things like this happen, no need to get so worked up about it.”
If this was any other instance where you weren’t fighting your demons, you would be swooning and thinking to yourself that your dreams of becoming the main character of a shoujo anime finally came true. But no, the world hates you. So you were having a difficult time not feeling bad, especially when his sweaters looked so…
Expensive… you sighed internally, trying your best not to eye the large weird shaped blob staining his chest. “Still, I am incredibly sorry. Maybe I can pay for dry cleaning?”
A smile, soft and so, so, so pretty, formed on his face. A gentle shake of head caused his silky silver hair to fall delicately across his clear glasslike skin, you weren’t sure if you were feeling awe or envy at this point. With an amused tone that held no annoyance, he reassured, “I told you it was okay, didn’t I? I’m not mad at all, so you shouldn’t feel bad.”
Then his smile fell. Looking crestfallen, he sighed, “If anything, I should apologize. Your coffee is all gone now.”
Immediately alarm bells began to ring all throughout your head. A boy as pretty and nice as him should never be sad, it said. Fix it, it demanded.
Holding up your empty cup, you laughed nervously, hoping to ease his imaginary burden. “No, no! I have so much left! See!” A sad single drop touched your lip. You wanted to end it all.
Despite your pure hatred for the world right now, the boy in front of you found it funny. Or maybe he was pitying you. Either way you’re taking it as a win.
Covering your mouth with your hand, you laughed alongside him, “Maybe if I was an ant, then maybe that would have been enough.”
Clearing his throat, he gazed softly at you and held out his hand, “I’m Silver.”
Without missing a beat, you shook his hand, “(y/n). It’s nice to meet you, Silver.”
“Likewise.” Leaning against the wall, he asked, “What brings you here?”
Perking up, you swayed back and forth on the balls of your heels, “I’m here to pick up by grandma. Though she’s typically not this late.”
You spared your phone a glance. She was twenty minutes late. You would have gone in to see, but last time she scolded you big time. You weren’t really in the mood to deal with her nasty temper.
Silver nodded. “Me too. I came to get my father, but it seems like the class is running longer then expected. -sigh- I shouldn’t have fallen asleep earlier.”
“You feel asleep?” You asked with a light laugh.
Pink dusted his face and his auroral eyes stared up at the sky, “Yes. It’s a bad habit I’ve had for a long time. Anyways, I was supposed to attend today, but well…”
His bashful expression made your heart swoon. Was it possible for a angel to look any more angelic? Apparently yes, judging by the way the sun perfectly hit his features and the sudden appearances of birds and little critters.
“It happens. I was supposed to come too, but I spent too much time getting ready that my grandma left without me. Something about her having to get there early.” She has been acting so strange lately, you hoped she wasn’t getting sick.
“Odd, my father had to get here early too.” Silver hummed, remembering the way his father buzzed in excitement.
A few seconds passed by in silence. Mulling over each other words, you both began to piece together the reasons for their odd behaviors. Looking up at Silver, you gasped.
“You don’t think…”
As if answering your questions, the doors to your grandmother’s friends sunroom burst opened. Followed by her friend’s exasperated yells and two gleeful gigglings. Spinning around the both of your gasped.
“I told you both! Next time I catch you guys kissing in my sunroom, I’m kicking you out!” She huffed.
“Ehehe, Mrs. Eliza no need to get so pent up! We were merely getting acquainted!” The small, youthful looking fae giggled. Hugging your grandmother from behind.
“Acquainted! In my sunroom?!” She gasped indignantly. Her face was hot in anger.
“You’re just mad I’m getting more action than you have in the past 30 years!” Your grandmother cackled, kissing the fae’s cheeks lovingly.
Before the older lady could lift her broom up to wack your grandmother, Silver stepped fowards with an apologetic smile, “Ms, I’m so sorry for my father’s behavior.”
Instantly her anger died down at the angelic boy. Her frown turning into a sweet smile. “Oh, you sweet boy. No need to apologize for your father. Goodness, how did that thing even raise such a sweet boy like yourself.”
Despite Silver's smile, you noticed the way his fist clenched at his side. You rose a brow at him. Ignorant to his quiet anger, she waved the two older figures off. “Just get out of here.”
Once she was outta sight, they both burst out in laughter. Holding each other up as their lungs expelled any air left. All of your grandma’s odd behavior suddenly made sense.
“What the heck?” You finally said, earning their attention. Pointing to the mischievous looking fae, you asked, “This is why you’ve been getting home late? Because you were getting…getting…”
“My freak on.” Your grandma giggled. You suddenly regretted setting up her tik tok account.
Placing at hand on Silver’s shoulder, you gagged, “Oh god, I’m going to puke.”
“Oh please, no need for your theatrics dear.” Your grandma hushed, already making her way to your car. Over her shoulder, she jabbed, “Unless your jealous that I got a boyfriend before you!”
You gasped so loud that it made Silver jump. “Grandma!”
The fae, floated towards your grandma and kissed her cheek. Rubbing her shoulders, he grinned, “Now dear, don’t be so harsh on the youngin’s. I fear it’s a common issue among them all.”
Silver bristled next to you. His cheeks heated up at his father’s remark. Romance has never been his top priority.
“Do you hear them, Silver! They’re mocking us!” You hissed, your face hot with embarrassment.
“I hear them loud and clear.” He sighed. Looking at the fae, Silver asked, “Father, I never expected to find out you were seeing someone. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
His magenta eye widened at the hurt in his son’s voice. You and your grandma looked at him quizzically. Placing a hand on Silver’s arm, you rubbed it reassuringly. And definitely not because you could feel his toned and defined muscles.
“Ah, well your old man is entitled to his secrets.” Pointing to your grandma, he added, “Like my dearest!”
“I never kept it a secret. She just never asked, Lilia.” Your grandma retorted.
All three pairs of eyes fell on you. Suddenly finding your shoes the most interesting thing in the world, you chuckled stiffly, “Well…she's not wrong…”
Shaking her head, your grandma offered joyfully, “How about a nice cup of tea and muffins to settle things out!” Then nudging, who you now know as, Lilia, she winked, “We might not be the only one’s in a relationship soon enough.”
Catching her drift, he eyed the both of you playfully, “Ohoho! Oh lovely. I’ve always wanted grandchildren.”
Confusion fluttered through your features. Looking at each other, you were suddenly very much aware of the lack of space between you both. Jumping back, you both stared at each other bashfully. Your grandma and Silver’s father’s laughter floating in the distance. Your heart drumming against your rib cage at Silver’s shy face.
Sevens, I think I’m going to die!
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Hii, I'm glad you're back . Even if it was for a few days you really left a place in tumblr not just for your work but for your presence itself.
I had a question for a while and I'm sorry if you answered it before and I seemed to not notice , if that's the case then forgive my ignorance but I was wondering , since sebek seems to respect his grandfather alot and has inherited the hate for humans from him and it's a known fact in self-aware au that the faes 'love' the overseer alot I must say.. does that mean that sebek also inherited his 'love' for the overseer from his granpa? If so how did green grandpa see the overseer, what made him 'love' them and how does he show it .
If you don't want to write this then feel free to ignore it , hope you have a great day and don't forget to drink water and eat well<33
Hi there Anon. It's so sweet of you to say that. I didn't think I would have made such an impression on anyone. But I completely forgot to write about Sebeks grandfather -_-
Well, better late than never.
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Self-aware au
WARNINGS: Jp-version spoiler (like, the whole thing!!!), (Platonic!) yandere themes, war, religion, unhealthy mindset, isolation, unhealthy family dynamic
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(Platonic!) Yandere headcanons
Ah yes, our local way too loud and loyal member of the reptilian family. No need to to worry about him. I mean, what could go wrong? (Hehe…)
Baul was not from the Valley of Thorns. Growing up in Sunset Savannah he did not grow up with the beliefs of the Faes (in other words, he was not part of a religious cult)
So imagine the huge shock he felt when he finally became a solider under the Draconia banner and started to become more and more like the other Faes
Well, for starters, yes, he wasn't indoctrinated into the whole church thing since birth but also wasn't raised to see you as an equal like the beastmen of the Savannah
You could say that he was a healthy mixture of both
Emphasis on the “was”
You see, isolation and being the only one sticking out (if we discount the humans invading the valley) does leave you open for a lot of things
If we count two (being the surroundings he was in) and two (his more or less unnoticed loneliness) together, we can see pretty fast where that led
Never mind his superior (and friend I mean come on they might as well be brothers) Lilia constantly rambling about the Overseer, savior of all, and how you accepted everyone in your kind embrace
Ok. Nice. Neat. Great. In the beginning, Baul wasn't very interested in joining any kind of religion
But the longer the war held on, the more he wished there was someone he could ask for help in his task of protecting those he deemed close to himself (you see the generational pattern?)
At some point, even the proudest of all can't hold on for forever
So he turned to you, the supposed God that was on so gentle
And goddamn that religious gaslighting and placebo effect worked damn well
Not only did he feel like there was someone there who supported him from somewhere in the universe (even though that was just him believing too much but let have him have some hope, ok?) but also he finally had a community
Whenever he would leave one of the many churches in the valley a Fae would approach, thanking him for protecting their home
Sooner than later did the former non-believer think of himself as your chosen shield of the valley
The war came and went away
If only the same thing could be said about Bauls new religious beliefs
And when he saw that grandson of his, cute little chubby hands that gripped a wooden toy sword tightly, he knew that his position as the valleys shield would not cease
Yes, even Baul would die one day. Fae or not, he was at the end of the day mortal
But that talent of his grandson would surely be of use to you, right?
If his younger self would see him like this, would it run away? Would it feel disgust at the thought that his future self would use his own grandson for selfish, religious reasons?
If only Baul knew that “God” didn't even know they were living beings that existed in a different world…
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harunayuuka2060 · 8 months
Lilia: Hey, Floyd. Have you seen the trend about peeling oranges?
Floyd: No~? Why do you ask~?
Lilia: MC is giving out oranges. Maybe they're doing this trend.
Floyd: Pufferfishy?
Floyd: ...
Floyd: *grins* I'll see you later, flapjack octopus~. *leaves*
Lilia: Fufu~ I wonder what he will do.
Trey: Thank you, MC. Where did you get all these oranges?
Chubby MC: An old grandma who is a friend of mine.
Trey: *chuckles* I see. Are they good?
Chubby MC: Yes!
Floyd: Pufferfishy~!
Trey and Chubby MC: !!!
Floyd: *throws his arms around them* *giving them a squeeze*
Floyd: Hehe~. What are you doing with Sea Turtle~?
Trey: They're giving out oranges. Haha...
Floyd: You didn't ask him to peel you one. Right, Pufferfishy~?
Chubby MC: Huh? Why would I do that? What for?
Floyd: Because there's this trend and I would be really jealous if you ask anyone other than me~.
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: I still don't get it.
Floyd: Hehe~ Okay~.
Trey: Ahaha... So... I'm taking my leave now.
Chubby MC: Oh. See you later, Trey.
Trey: See you. *and then he left*
Floyd: Do you need help in giving those out~?
Chubby MC: No. I think I'm good.
Floyd: Pufferfishy doesn't want to hang out with me... *pouts*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: My last stop will be at the Mostro.
Floyd: Okay~.
Azul: Thank you for these oranges, MC.
Chubby MC: You're welcome!
Azul: I think these oranges are of highest quality.
Chubby MC: I will tell grandma that.
Jade: Should I start peeling some, Azul?
Azul: A few pieces will do.
Jade: *starts peeling oranges*
Jade: *gives MC the first peeled orange* For you, dear.
Azul: ... Seriously?
Floyd: *doesn't look impressed*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Please tell me they're not going to fight because of oranges.
Azul: I hope I can tell you that. But these two are on it again.
Floyd: Why do you always have the time to flirt, Jade?
Jade: Why? Is that a problem, Floyd?
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nthee · 7 months
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summary: a slight, or well, not-so-slight blunder led to the unfortunate events of him losing his memory — his memory of you and anything related to you.
characters: riddle roseherts, silver, lilia vanrouge
contains: angst with a bit of fluff, gender-neutral mc (uses second person view aka "you"), the reader blushes (described to be flushed)
notes: title is from see you again hehe :) i just thought it kind of had amnesia trope vibes idkkk dont ask me why atp, inspo comes from anywhere fr. also SURPRISE IM BACK let's ignore the fact that it's been 5 months tho i was so burnt out :(
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“Let me help you with that. [...] What? You're staring.”
“Ah, it's... it's nothing, sorry.”
The close proximity is enough to make you go insane. Perhaps it's better if you just took the time to actually fix your tie this morning. That way, he wouldn't be so close! So close that...
Oh Seven, what if he hears my heartbeat?! Ack, calm down, calm down! I don't want to scare him of, what if he thinks it's — I'm creepy?!
“You seem flushed, [Name]. Are you alright?” his movement stills while holding onto your tie, and you mentally facepalm.
Riddle's hand makes its way to your forehead, the back of his hand pressing onto your skin, before realizing he's wearing gloves. He clears his throat at the mistake, opting to feel your temperature using the back of his wrist — the exposed skin between his sleeve and glove.
“Temperature is normal... a little bit warm, but nothing serious.”
“I'm alright! It's nothing, really.”
Too close, too close, too close!
Riddle retracts back, almost as if he could hear your pleas. He sighed, clearing his throat as his eyes wander around — look everywhere, anywhere but them, Riddle.
“I should — ah, we should get to class...” you reminded. You mirror his actions, averting your gaze.
“Right. Class.”
He offers an arm, one that you graciously take without a second thought. “Let me escort you there. I did hold you off for several minutes.”
Excuses! Riddle's mind yells. You're falling for them!
He doesn't care in the slightest — just as long as you're there to catch him. Though he knew you for a grand total of five days, he knows you'll be there.
“Have I... met you before? I have, haven't I?”
A bittersweet laugh escapes your lips, startling Silver in front of you. You pull yourself together, smiling as you gaze into his eyes — the same eyes you'd lose yourself in, letting the time pass doing just that.
“Once upon a dream, right? That's what you were going to say?” you wipe a tear from the corner of your eye, thankful you laughed first before the waterworks arrived. Thank goodness, he can't see me sad.
Silver's eyes brightened, his eyelashes fluttering in disbelief. “It's... it's you. I meet you in my dreams! Everytime I close my eyes, I... I see you.”
His hands are softly holding yours as he speaks, his thumb tracing your skin delicately — like you were glass, or a treasure. It's enough to make you swoon, just as he's always done before.
“Don't leave my side.”
He thinks it's selfish to ask that from a stranger. But you are no stranger. You know the truth, but he suspects it's destiny — that you've actually met, talked, danced before, only well, it was in his very own dreamland.
You can feel the tears again. Maybe this isn't so bad? Or, at the very least, this isn't the end.
“I wouldn't even think of it.”
“Are you a friend of Silver's? I don't think I've seen you around before.”
Those words were uttered before you could even process the initial news of Lilia's predicament — before your heart could even let it sink in.
You could only choke back the words threatening to slip off your tongue, lest it sound like utter crap to someone who just lost his memories.
You and I are more than friends. You play— well, played lighthearted tricks on me. I fell for them. I fell for you.
“You... could say that,” was all you could muster up. There was no point in explaining more, he wouldn't understand them.
There was understanding to his nod, a subconscious feeling of something nestled deep in his heart.
“Are you troubled? You seem to be.” his tone is soft, yet firm. Lilia had always been that way; a mentor, father (or, father-like to ones who don't know he was actually one), shoulder to cry on, wise fae to depend on...
A lover. Was a lover.
Now, all was left was Lilia before he even got to know you.
Lilia Vanrouge, a schoolmate of yours, once again.
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← | © nthee, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, adapt, and use my work in anything that associates directly with ai.
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yuurei20 · 29 days
Malleus Facts Part 41: Ace
Ace is one of few characters who is intimidated by Malleus but will stand up to him: When Malleus declares that he will be killing the Hallowenders during Spectral Soiree, Ace surprises everyone with the declaration that they will not lose.
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During the party Ace remains bothered by everything Malleus put them through, and he is not impressed by Deuce happily thanking Malleus for the party and Grim’s devotion to the buffet.
(Ace: “Those guys aren’t taking this seriously at all.”)
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Malleus and Lilia approach Ace when he is standing on his own at the party, with Malleus expressing concern that Ace does not seem to be enjoying himself.
Ace tries to bow out of the conversation but Lilia points out that it seems Ace was lonely.
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Ace decides to say what’s on his mind, telling Malleus that trapping everyone and attacking them was “not cool” and asking him to try and show some awareness of how powerful he is.
Malleus says that he will take Ace’s words into consideration, and Lilia comments on how surprising it is for someone to complain to Malleus directly.
Malleaus explains, “Most students at school keep their distance. And rather a few of them flee at the sight of me. But not you. You spoke your mind opening and honestly, and without the aid of others.” Malleus said he should not be surprised, as Ace is friends with the prefect.
Ace cheers up and requests that Malleus play a “catchy” song on the organ.
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This interaction is possibly referenced again during Malleus’ third birthday vignette: Ace is his interviewer, and when asked why he is grateful for being able to use magic, Malleus responds that it enabled him to enroll at NRC, where he was able to meet interesting humans.
When Ace asks if he means the prefect, Malleus says that he means Ace himself.
Malleus explains, “You confidently shared your opinion from your very first question in order to draw a response from me, despite being "only a first-year student. Hehe, even though my own classmates hesitate to approach me.”
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Ace says that when Malleus asked him for feedback on his Halloween costume he “straight up told him it was scary” and Malleus was happy to hear it. It is possible that hearing honest opinions like what he receives from Ace is rare, and Malleus appreciates it.
Malleus mentions being indebted to Deuce, as well, saying that he would probably not have ever been able to interact with them if he hadn’t left Briar Valley.
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etheries1015 · 7 months
Dear writer whose writings I love,
HEYYO. IT'S ME AGAIN. (I sent the Lilia using u as a stress relief you ask heheheha!!)
SO LIKE IMAGINE THIS (unrequited love that is actually requited love!)
You're on a "date" with Lilia to the gardens. (You wish)
And then you get to the Gardina section of the flowers and show it to him, knowing fully of what it means. (You hope, yet also don't hope he gets what's you're trying to say)
[FUN FACT: Gardenias are elegant and fragrant flowers that have long been associated with love, romance, and admiration. They are often used to express a secret or hidden love, as their sweet scent and delicate petals can be seen as a symbol of devotion and affection that is not openly expressed. The gardenia’s white or pale yellow petals are said to represent the purity and sincerity of a love that is kept hidden, while the intoxicating fragrance symbolizes the passion and intensity of the feelings that are being concealed. Gardenias are also often associated with mystery and secrecy, making them the perfect flower to symbolize a love that is kept hidden from the rest of the world. They have been used in literature and poetry for centuries to represent the hidden desires and passions of characters who cannot express their feelings openly]
This can go SO. MANY. WAYS.
He doesn't know and does nothing. This ends up in you making a poem about Gardina flowers to him, and he does something after that, taking the hint. (Good ending! With proposal and stuff and hehe fluff!! I love fluff)
He knows and asks you directly. (PLS GIVE THIS A GOOD ENDING. IDK HOW TO CONTINUE)
My brain is now fried again. Please expand. I will request every time my brain power suddenly shoots up. Goodbye, and see you again next time.
Hello lovely! Yes yes, you actually revealed yourself to me after I answered that ask! Heuheu. No need to be anon! However, if that it what you prefer, I shall not convince you otherwise <3
ANYWAYS I have ALWAYS loved the notion of flowers having meanings and their beautiful poems that come in toe with their vibrant petals. It's truly a wonderful thing, I really wanna study them more. Fun fact! My favorite flower is a peony! I have a tattoo on my shoulder of a peony! ...in slue with an entire sleeve of random flowers, my tattoo artist just made up. Maybe the other arm I'll use for more structural floral... sorry for the tangent DHKFJSLDjf I love flowers. Thank you for this ask heuehueheue
Ahhhhhhh the idea of going out to a garden with Lilia...
I actually like to have this little headcannon that since Malleus is so interested in flowers and gardening, that perhaps he got that from Lilia. Flowers are our friends, after all! And what's better than making an entire garden of little friends to nourish? Along with creating a beautiful garden of roses, Malleus had delved deep into the world of floral poetry and representation.
You grab onto Lilias hand and pull him towards the back of ramshackle to show off the garden you and Malleus had placed together. Malleus was truly your wing man during this entire thing, he had vast knowledge about flowers and knew just the ones to plant In one large romantic gesture for the old fae. Malleus had landed you books and helped you study their different meanings, even taking time out of gargoyle studies club to dedicate gardening your surprise for Lilia.
"What has gotten you so eager, little bat?" Lilia chuckled, "Must truly be grand if you're so worked up like this!" You couldn't hide your excitement or giddiness as you headed towards the gate leading to the garden, a large black intricately designed gate in that perfectly suited the chicness of the dorm. Upon opening the gates, it revealed a large grandiose garden full of flowers of all sorts. Lilia's eyes widened as well as a toothy grin climbing onto his features, raising an impressed eyebrow.
"So this is what you and Malleus have been working so hard on?" He inquired, stepping forward and taking a look around, "I must say, it's rather an impressive feat! The sheer size is almost enough to rival Malleus's own rose garden back at the castle." You smiled brightly at him and skipped over to a particular patch you were proud of; Gardenias.
"These are Gardenias!" You pursed your lips as you bent over and grabbed something you had prepped before hand, taking hold of a neatly wrapped bouquet of gardenias and with a trembling hand pushing them in the arms of the fae. Lilia started slightly and took a gentle sniff of the flowers taking in their creamy sweet scent that reminded him of coconuts and peach. "They...they're for you!" You smiled.
"Oh they're lovely," Lilia said, "I presume you and Malleus are particularly proud of these ones! They bloomed wonderfully. I shall put them in my room!...oh, but I suppose they will need sunlight. Perhaps keeping them in Silvers care may be better..." You felt your heart drop and smile twitch ever so slightly. Pursing your lips you let out a dry nervous chuckle, tilting your head in awkwardness.
"I..Uh," You bit down your bottom lip, "Well, they were for you," You let out a breathy laugh.
"Of course! However I'm worried they may wilt in my care and you worked so hard! Hmm. Oh! I could put them in the lounge, so that everyone can see yours and Malleus's hard work!" You couldn't even bother to explain to him you were the one to nurture these flowers on your own upon Malleu's recommendation. He swore that Lilia would understand the meaning...it was common for fae folk to be knowledgeable on the world of flowers. Either Malleus Lied to you, which was unlikely, or Lilia was a part of the percentage that truly hadn't a clue.
You began to sweat bullets. Throughout this entire exchange, you weren't certain he understood your intentions. Or... was he purposefully deflecting the fact you had mainly meant this as a surprise for him? Was he thinking you were simply making excuses to hang out with Malleus? Or was he just that oblivious? It was rather distressing, for you already had an inkling that Lilia had not returned your feelings, and this only solidified your worries.
You began to wilt like a flower without water, your energy dying and your smiles becoming fake. You tried a few more times to hand him flowers, such as a singular rose (symbolizing love at first sight, a "one and only" in which the person you gift you give your heart to.) He insisted on taking a few more to decorate the lounge with.
This plan was failing terribly.
Finally, you let out a loud groan of frustration, pulling out a sheet of paper from your pocket with a burst of confidence and embarrassment. Your face took on a bright shade of red, pushing the letter into his chest. Lilia struggled to catch it with his hands full of flowers, eyes wide in bewilderment at this sudden display you put on. He stared in shock and confusion, unable to get a word out before you bolted out of the garden and to the dorm.
"Read that later!" You cried out.
"W-wait- what is-" He attempted to catch your attention, yet you were already out of view, leaving the fae utterly confused standing in the middle of the garden with arms full of flowers.
You threw yourself onto your bed and grasped your pillow, curling into a ball and groaning into it.
"eh? What's up with you?" Grim asked, "And what's this piece of paper?"
You sat up in a rush with wide eyes, staring at a piece of paper that you seemingly dropped from your person. You grabbed hold of it and took a look. It was the second page of the letter you had given Lilia... and undeniably the most important part. The first page detailed the history of flowers and how they have significance to them
the second page was the meanings of the flowers and why you chose them for the fae.
It was your confession.
You had forgotten to hand it to him in your flustered state.
You screamed into the pillow.
~ At Diasomnia ~
Lilia sat in the dorm lounge, reading over the page you had given him.
"Hmm...I knew flowers had meanings, but this letter seems unfinished. This is simply prefacing the history of flowers and that they hold meaning with a simple poem at the end, but the definitions they mentioned would be on the second page seem to be missing..." Lilia rubbed his head in confusion turning the paper around to find some sort of indication of continuation, Malleus walking in on the fae. Malleus flashed a mischievous smile.
"How did the visit to the garden go?" He inquired, "You seem confused rather than elated as I thought you would be..did something go ary?" He pointed out. Lilia shrugged and looked back at the tall draconic fae, tilting his head.
"I thought it was going well, (y/n) even handed me a bunch of flowers to bring back, along with this letter..." Lilia took a gander at the vase full of Gardenias and glanced back down at the letter in which stated every flower has a significant meaning.
"Malleus, could you tell me what Gardenias mean? I believe (y/n) meant to explain it to me, but the second half of this letter is missing." Malleus raised an eyebrow.
"I thought you would know?" Malleus furrowed his eyebrows, grabbing hold of the letter and skimming through its contents.
"Of course not. I like flowers of course, but I never took the time to truly study them as you did. I haven't a clue about definitions and things of the sort." The color seemed to drain from Malleus's face at realizing his mistake, before making his way to the gardenias and gently touching a petal from its bloom. He took a deep breath before giving a detailed explanation of their meaning: Passion, love romance, secrecy... Malleus explained the flower was to express a secret love that the prefect held for Lilia. Something that clearly went way over the old man's head.
Lilias's jaw was dropped to the ground, before quickly disappearing in a fog of green smoke.
He had to get the other half of that letter.
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merakiui · 11 months
keep thinking how can differ dicks between species in twst boys…idk if it is scary or exciting to let IT be put into someone;)
It's beyond terrifying. T_T whether human or mer, the twins have massive monstercocks and I will die on this hill. OTL they are absolutely packing in human form. Those dicks are going to break you and ruin you and make you so stupid and cum-drunk; and now no other dick will satisfy quite like the tweels' can. Their dicks are so big you'd think they were made specifically to breed!!!! You can never try topping either of them (although they're certainly willing to let you try) because not even a minute into sex and you're already losing your mind. With their mer forms, I imagine they can either have two (for oviposition routes) or one really big, inhuman, prehensile monster of a cock and it drives you so crazy and !!!!!!! The delusions are interchangeable.
AND AZUL. I have a PhD in Azul cock. (˘ ˘ ˘) I could talk about the potential all day because he has the tako hectocotylus that can fill you in more ways than one (spatially and biologically). It's even better if he's fucking you in mer form and he doesn't tell you he's putting his dick in, so you're either getting stuffed full or it's just one of his tentacles. It's like Russian roulette but for sex and breeding. Will he knock you up today, or are you safe? >:) better let him climax quick if you're so desperate to find out.
It goes without saying Malleus is the king of monstercock!!!! He has two of them. <3 it's even better because you could fall apart on one or both of them and Malleus will later worry about whether or not you enjoyed yourself. He goes to Lilia like: "do you think my friend enjoyed our copulation? I worry I may not have been adequate enough." 🥺👉👈 firstly, Malleus, you and darling are lovers at this point!!! <3 and secondly, you were more than adequate. He is immaculate and so good with aftercare as well. But before you can get to the gentle aftercare, you have to be destroyed by the monstercock first.
With Lilia, I imagine he can change his dick size using magic. He's so silly and spontaneous in that way. One minute he's average-sized and the next he's filling you all the way up to your stomach as if he's trying to rearrange your guts. T_T and he's always giggling and cooing at you like, "Aww, can't take more than this? Was it not you who told me you wanted it deeper?" >:( troublesome!!! You want it deeper and he wants to parent another child. orz
As for Sebek, since he's part fae, I imagine he just has a big dick, too. I think he fucks you without realizing just how big he is and then he's smug seeing your tummy bulge and the way you look so blissed out because a human who can't take something like this is obviously subpar! (No, Sebek, you're just big and also you just gave darling the best fuck of their life. T_T)
Savanaclaw has dicks befitting their beastfolk nature. Leona with his barbed cock....... it will hurt, but maybe you like the pain hehe. And Jack with his absurdly big dick and knot!!!!!! But he's so sweet about it, and he's surprisingly good at "just the tip" when he knows you can only take so much. He doesn't want to stress you out or hurt you, and he's very patient and gentle and loving. Ruggie has a smaller cock, but he knows how to utilize other assets (hands and mouth and words) to get you worked up. But then it's in his nature to be submissive during sex and it's really so cute even though he hisses at you to call him something other than that. T_T at least call him cute when he's not babbling nonsense and filth because he's so lost in the sensations.
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rendy-a · 6 months
amh if possible could hoy make hdcns for the dorm leaders ( separately ) reacting to their mc fem explaining the marvel universe and then puts them to watch the movies hehe ( ..also mc's fav hero is dead-pool ;) bc it gives me laugh imagine their reactions about this xd) , thanks in advance and take care<33
This certainly ended up being a little bit of a crack fic but it ended up amusing. Hope you enjoy it.
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At first, he scoffs as such a time-wasting thing as wanting to watch dozens of movies.  Where is the educational value in this?
He is just too polite to refuse to listen, so he’ll end up letting you describe all your favorite scenes to him.
You are better off if he doesn’t take an interest because, if he does, he is going to turn into the worst sort of comic book geek.  Be ready to have him quote lore from issues of source material at you during any discussion on this from now on.
What do you mean who would win?  In Volume 3 #3, Thor clearly defeated Iron Man.  Don’t get upset Prefect, I don’t write the lore, I just recite it.
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Doesn’t appear to be interested but, if you pause long enough, he’ll prompt you to go on.  It’s important to you, so he’ll try to care at least a little.
You’d never tell him this, but you love to banter with him because it reminds you of your favorite character.  Sometimes you wonder if he’d be pleased or offended to know who you remind him of.
Movie marathons?  Not only is he willing to do them with you, but he is also often the one who suggests them.  Don’t be deceived though, it’s not for the movie but for the quality nap time on the couch with you. 
Don’t turn that off, Herbivore, I’m watching it.  What do you mean I don’t know what’s going on?  This is the part where we learn her mom isn’t dead after all.  So quiet down and keep the lights off.
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Please, he is in Board Game Club with Idia. You think this is the first time he has hmmm’d himself through a conversation about fictional characters?
Wait, you say that this makes a ton of money?  Tell him more about this merchandising and licensing.  Especially that, what do you call it…ah, Happy Meal.
You can eventually talk him into watching the movies with you for ‘research purposes.’  When you do, you can’t help but notice how teary-eyed he gets at the sad scenes.  He’s just so sensitive!
Deadpool is also his favorite character.  He feels a sort of connection to certain parts of his story.
So, she chooses to stay with him even though he looks like that?  No, I’m not blubbering.  No, I don’t need you to cuddle with me.  Ok, fine.  Just for a little while. 
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He doesn’t get it, but he still loves it.  Sure, you have to explain everything to him three times, but he gets excited over your excitement.  Call him any time to talk about your theories on how things would have gone if Thanos had made a different wish on the infinity gauntlet.  He doesn’t mind if it’s 3 AM (just don’t let Jamil find out).
Movie marathons turn into parties.  Why just watch the movies when you can have themed snacks and dress up too?  Hulk smash cakes and Black Widow berry cobbler?  Yes, please.
His favorite part of any film is the soundtrack.  If he hears a song he likes, he gets up to dance along.  It’s pretty disruptive when you are watching the movie but when you see how much fun he is having, you find you don’t really mind after all.
Sorry Prefect, Jamil says we can’t have dance battles in Scarabia anymore.  Ooh!  But come by the Pop Music Club later.  I’m going to play all my favorite songs for Cater and Lilia. Ahaha!
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You were worried Vil would dismiss your favorite Marvel films as inferior art, but he is actually rather generous about it.  He believes the film should suit the audience and, as so, there is nothing wrong with films like this that serve to entertain the masses.
Still, he can’t help but be critical of everything while you watch.  He doesn’t criticize the things you’d talk about with your friends but topics you’d hardly even notice while you watched like the set design and lighting.
You notice Vil seems secretly fond of Loki.  You think the idea of the Villain that survives the main movies to get his own spotlight series appeals to him.
No, Potato, I’m just saying the angle isn’t right for this sort of tone.  A shot from below would be more effective.  Plus…wait, are you having more popcorn?  I don’t think so, it’s past the time you can snack before bed.
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You had expected Idia to be all in on the Marvel Universe but, at first, he is oddly resistant to it.  He’d rather recommend you one of his own favorite hero movies.  If you disagree on which is better, he is more than willing to fight with you over why his is best!
After a heated argument, he puts on some of the movies to watch so he can come up with targeted points about why his own shows are better.  This does not work out for him as he gets sucked in himself.  Next time you meet up, he wants to go over tiny bits of lore and speculate on future plot lines from hints in the past movies.
You might think his favorite would be Iron Man because they both are innovative engineers, but he is a fan of Ant Man.  Shrinking down to a size where you can hide from everyone; it’s an introvert’s dream!
Prefect, this is serious business!  I’ve drawn up plans.  So long as we sleep only 2 hours a day and avoid taking any breaks for food, studying, and showers, we can finish at least three seasons this weekend.  True fans like us need to be ready to sacrifice for the shows we love!
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There are many things Tusnotarou doesn’t understand, and this is one of them.  For starters, he barely knows how to use his smartphone, let alone how to stream movies and shows.  So, before you can even start explaining the plot, you must explain the whole concept of series and interconnecting shows to him.
He doesn’t get it, but he is happy to watch with you.  Your reactions to the show are far more amusing to him than the actual show.  Plus, he feels like he learns so much about the human world from your conversations.  A subway, how intriguing an idea.  Humans are so fascinating.
Even though he watches politely, he isn’t very impressed.  They can fly?  Well so can he.  Magic, lightning, superstrength?  All just part of being a dragon.  Perhaps instead of being interested in these superheroes, you’d rather learn more about him?
 Lilia, do you think I am a superhero?  The Prefect has been explaining this concept to me in great detail lately.  I can’t help but notice the many things I have in common with these so-called heroes.  Why yes, Lilia, now that you mention it, I am wearing a cape.  Another point in my favor. Fu fu fu.    
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crheativity · 10 months
you're welcome for the hug thoughts! your ask kind of set my brain a-bubbling, so thank you for that!
also, yeah; we should be hugging those boys. they deserve some hugs (*´◡`*) I just wonder how some of them would react to hugs... hmm... :)
Hehe I’m glad you liked my ask! I wanted to put more in it but I was stumped lol. Thank you for your thoughts!!!
And yES I agree!! They definitely need more hugs.
I think all of the boys would get at least a little flustered, under the right circumstances. For the most part though, I think they’d be divided up like this-
(also I am by no means the expert on all of this so if you see something you disagree with please lmk)
(also also I’m so sorry I didn’t get to this yesterday, literally been busy every moment in the last 24 hours *fingerguns*)
Comfortable with hugs
Hugs are just what friends do, so what?
> ACE, Trey? CATER, Ruggie, Leona? Jade, FLOYD, KALIM, VIL, Rook, EPEL, Ortho, Malleus? LILIA, Silver?
A little flustered, but comfy
You want a hug-? …alright!
> Cater? Jack? Azul, Kalim? JAMIL, EPEL, SILVER
Stops responding the minute you hug them
I… um… hold on… wait a second-
> RIDDLE, DEUCE, RUGGIE, Jack? AZUL, Jamil? IDIA, SEBEK, Silver (he’d fall asleep)
Wants to hug you ALL THE TIME no matter how they respond
Hey, are you gonna punch me if I hug you? No? Good
> Riddle (he doesn’t act on it though, that’d be shameless) ACE, Deuce? Cater, Ruggie, FLOYD, KALIM, Vil? Rook? Epel, MALLEUS, Lilia
Would be a jerk about it
Oh~, you want a hug~? Beg me for it
> ACE, Cater? RUGGIE, FLOYD, Jamil, Vil, Epel? Idia? (Partially to hide his fluster) LILIA, Sebek (except he’s more lecturing you in general)
That’s all that comes to mind. I hope those are accurate lol
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cloudcountry · 3 months
🎃 -- halloween . . . terror is trending !
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the witch of ramshackle, the guardian of diasomnia's longs...auburn.
this card is an sr. (vignette 1) (vignette 2)
summon: i wish malleus and lilia would have though to ask me if they could use my residency as their halloween set-up...
groovification: did you see diasomnia's set-up!? i can't believe they built all of that so fast!
set to home screen: let's go see everyone else's displays! i know they put lots of effort into them.
home transition 1: grim no, you can't eat that--! ugh, thank you for reigning him in. he doesn't know when to stop sometimes.
home transition 2: you know, i thought it would be kind of hard to take this seriously since it's a bunch of teenage boys, but they actually pulled this off.
home transition 3: i saved up some money and bought some candy for my friends. i put extra in some of the bags...hey, don't guess who those bags are for!
home after login: i'm not good with horror! these boys get way too rowdy during this season...i need to have a girl's night with on my own to recharge...
home transition (groovy): which display was the scariest..? give me some time to think it over!
tap home 1: you know...this purple is kinda cool! i think it looks good on me, hehe.
tap home 2: you want me to take your picture? oh, of course! what kind of angle do you want?
tap home 3: your costume is so cute! it really clicks with your dorm's theme, ehehe.
tap home 4: i don't know how our housewardens do it...they're kind of amazing. i think i would get overwhelmed with all of this. eh!? what do you mean i'm technically a housewarden too!?
tap home 5: if you want to find me tonight, don't look into the library. i've avoiding idia shroud like the plague.
tap home (groovy): those degenerates who only care about their magicam accounts have gotten on my last nerve...don't tell anyone i said this but i hope malleus zaps them.
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Hi I’m the anon that asked for the Soul Eater x Twst Crossover. I really liked how you went about it plus if you’re up to it could you do a Crona!Reader x Vil, Malleus, Leona and Lilia?
I can already imagine Vil’s outrage on their lack of good posture. 🤣🤣🤣
I Love This
Crona was such an interesting character that deserves the world
I'm not going to include how they would deal with fighting you mostly because without the influence of a certain someone you have no reason to be fighting
plus i don't think they'd stand a chance (but if they did I'd write ab that separately) but anyway...
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Malleus Draconia
“What’s wrong, are you ill?”
Your constant deprecating attitude has him pretty baffled
But you are one of his first friends ever so who is he to judge
Not to mention for you to even seek him out you’d have to have a soul connection anyway
He finds himself taking on the more active role in your friendship
“I assure you (Y/n), you are more than capable of being my friend.”
“Nooo, I’m sure I’m worse than scum of the Earth.”
“Yeah, you can say that again.”
“Silence Ragnarok.”
He makes it a point to see if he can separate the little monster from you
Mostly coming up unsuccessful
But he’s more than happy to zap him back into you when he’s being a big nuisance
And since he knows that Ragnarok only seems to bother you when your alone–
“I’ll have to stay by your side then. After all as your friend that's my goal.”
You tend to struggle with basic things even more so than him
And in the way that people are confident with their friends only he is more active with you as well
“Stop whining (Y/n) you’re so–”
“Oh my Seven! Is that–”
“Hello (Y/n), care if I sit with you?”
“I don’t know..I don't know how to handle this kind of situation.”
“ No worries, I’ll help you deal with it.”
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Lilia Vanrouge 
“Oi don’t put yourself down like that!”
He still won’t mind this at all 
Because you’re less likely to put yourself out there
He can be the one to push you
Of course into situations he controls
“Ne ne (Y/n) what are you doing? Hiding over here?”
“Ragnarok was getting restless so I–”
“I was getting restless?1 You were the one wishing you could touch that stiff’s tail!”
“It was just a thought, I wasn’t going to do anything..”
“Hehe, how cute! How about we play a game! All three of us, together!”
He’s both an accessory to Ragnarok’s shenanigans and his absolute enemy
He appreciates how much of a blocker your counterpart can be when it comes to other love interests
Though he’s determined to build up your confidence
At least enough so that you’ll let him marry you in the Briar valley
“Now you can handle this can’t you?”
“No No! That’s what I’m saying! I can’t do this!”
“Of course you can, dear aren’t I with you?”
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Vil Schoenheit
“What did I say about slouching?! And your head, hold it higher?!” 
“Don’t yell, I really can’t deal with that right now.”
“I’m not yelling, I’m scolding you! Fix your face!” 
You are so right 
He simply can’t stand it
Everything you do is such a waste and he can’t bare to continue his student-career with you…being you 
So forceful beauty treatments, etiquette classes, and confidence exercises
He knows you could be just perfect practically at his level if only we could get you to behave
That's not even considering the even worse behaved Ragnarok 
“Again you miserable leech!”
“Hey! No need for the names Princess boy!”
“Can we really not do this now it's only going to make him angry at me and later he’ll–”
“What did we just learn, (Y/n)!?”
“Not to mumble…”
“And what are you doing now?”
“Sorry but i just don’t think I can deal–”
“Ah ah, we’ll practice on your speech after this. No spouse of mine is going to be so deprecating.”
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Leona Kingscholar
“You’re saying this is too hard for you?” 
“Too bad.” 
That's his mentality to a lot of your issues 
As long as you're able to do what he wants he doesn’t care
Or so he says 
He’ll slowly encourage you to respect yourself a bit more
And in his opinion his disregard for how you feel is better off in crushing your crappy reality
Now Ragnarok will probably have to survive multiple attempts at Leona trying to turn him to sand
“Stay still, so I can get this dirt off your back.”
“AAAA I’m  A Part of them, You CAn’t!”
“Try me.”
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penofpenguin · 1 year
Ace, Deuce, Sebek, and Riddle (separate pls) with a f!Reader that keeps getting shy and flustered around them because of her crush on them?
Have a wonderful day!! <3333
Hehe ofc ofc!!
I suck ass at writing Sebek tho cuz...like....idk so i hope it's to your expectations :')
Hope you like it anon!!
Content Warnings: None
Their s/o keeps getting shy and flustered around them.
Riddle x F!Reader, Ace x F!Reader, Deuce x F!Reader, Sebek x F!Reader
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Ok he's not as shy as you but he gets really....like REALLY flustered. He covers it up by pretending to be annoyed or mad.
He might be a bit oblivious at first.
Say he's walking in the hallways and he bumps into you by accident.
"Ah I'm very sorry Y/N....are you alright?" He looks at you, flushed.
You just tried to avoid his gaze and looked away, fidgety.
"Y-yeah!! Totally! Are you though?"
He thought the way you spoke was absolutely adorable. Great now he's shy too.
"Yes! I am fine."
Both of you scurried away.
He's kinda giddy the whole day. So are you :D
Seeing how sweetly you treat him...who knows, maybe he may invite you to a tea party of some sort :)
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Finds it cute. Teases you.
Ace is internally a HUGE simp for you....but hey....s-shut up....he's badass(words by ace himself XD)
He does not shut up if you're flustered though.
How did he find out about your behaviour? One faithful day, he grabbed your wrist to pull you back from bumping into some buff students.
And you just •\\\\\\•
Ace is observant af. He noticed you shaken.
"Hey...uh...earth to y/n??"
"Ah, yeah, s-sorry- You grabbed my hand out of nowhere."
His grin stretched.
"I was expecting a 'thanks man' or 'ah thx' but I guess this reaction is better~"
He looked good in that smirk. You wanna hide away. Now he suspects you like him.
That's alright though. He likes you back. Maybe one day he'll drop his stubbornness and you'll be confident enough to confess.
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Oh you're just like him.
You two are flustered messes around each other that Ace has to do all the talking.
If you two do end up alone....my god it's gonna be so awkward...but so fluffy 😭
You're both walking with Ace and everything's going well...until Ace runs off to see some of his friends.
It's so....like.....SO quiet.
"S-So....you needed help in Magic History right?" You asked.
He makes eye contact with you then looks away, blushing.
"Y-yes...If you d-don't mind..."
Bonus points if his hand accidentally meets yours during the awkward walk.
Ace comes back to see you both crimson.
"Did y'all kiss while I was away or...?"
Yeah...idk if Ace survived the punch Deuce might've thrown at him after he said that.
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He's confused.
Why do you act so fidgety?
He's on a speech about Malleus, and you're just twirling your hair, shaking your legs a bit, what not.
"Why are you moving so much? Are you not comfortable with the fact that I have a few of Young Master's hair under my pillowcase?"
"I'm sorry what?? And no! Not at all!!"
He goes to Lilia and Malleus for help on why you're acting like this.
Truth is....he thinks you don't like him and that you're uncomfortable around him. It makes him sad :(
Lilia tells him that you may have a crush on him and he's in utmost denial. Now everytime you walk by, he's also a bit flustered.
I'm sure Sebek is in huge denial of everything...but hey... that's Sebek for you :)
Hope you enjoyed!!
Sorry it wasn't the best of my pieces...I don't really know how to write a really shy reader 😭
Have a nice day💖
-Madeline 🐧
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