So I go to check on some DLC for games I have and since I rarely look at costume DLC this is the first time I've seen this:
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There's 10 different colored shirts with their name on it, although most are simple palette swaps of the same one design. And then for added fun...
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The Shie Hassaikai apparently have their own as well. There's three versions with their emblem (which my brain keeps foolishly insisting is the Pokemon Gen 1 Rainbow Badge), and seven multiple shirts with the group name in kanji (multiple different ways).
I know these are not canon and made for fun for people to take goofy screencaps of but imagine if the League went around in their own team logo shirts. Imagine if every organization had their own team logo shirts that they were supposed to wear to at least one meeting/outing. (Skipping over the school uniforms and gym uniforms.)
I know I wouldn't be able to take any of them seriously if that was the case. But now I can't stop thinking of Himiko or someone making "team shirts" for funsies and trying to get the others to wear them. Hello potentially cute crack fic idea.
... also seeing certain characters in t-shirts is kinda jarring. (Overhaul, Compress, Dabi without his jacket)
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wandixx · 3 months
Danny, the Young Justice member snippet nr 1
these snippets aren't connected in anyway but just some little scenes I came up with, everyone is welcome to build up on them if they want to
unrelated snippet nr 2, unrelated snippet nr 3(?)
“Thank you, young man,” elderly man, a civilian, said to Phantom, squeezing his shoulder when the boy transported him away from the battle into an established safe zone. Hero froze for a moment, blinking rapidly.
“You’re… welcome?” he squeaked and flew back to fight the first chance he got, still dazed.
He was lost in thought the whole time he worked after that, rescuing some teen girls too curious, brave and stupid to run away on their own when they still had a chance. If Kid Flash didn’t warn him, one of the goons would land a really nasty hit, which should not have happened. Phantom had one of the best combat spatial awareness out of all of them. He couldn’t always react in time, but it almost never escaped him that an attack was coming.
Something was wrong. Really wrong.
That was why, as soon as the fight was over,  Kaldur approached his teammate. He saw Robin doing the same.
Phantom, to give him credit where credit is due, didn’t fly away from the scene first given chance like always. Instead he sat in the space where they were transporting civilians, hand on his right shoulder, unseeing eyes locked on some cracks in the pavement. His mouth was moving without making a sound. He was covered in dust, like all of them.
“Phantom,” Kaldur asked through Mindlink “are you injured?”
Ghost flinched and turned his head, giving the leader a shaky smile. His eyes were still distant.
“Yeah, no, I’m alright. Sorry I was so out of it. Thanks for the rescue Wally, "the boy replied but his eyes slowly turned back to where he was staring before. Other than that, he hadn't moved.
“Phantom, what’s wrong?” Robin tried, both out loud and through Mindlink. Now the whole Team was concerned.
“It's nothing, really,” Phantom answered with a distant tone.“ Just… something weird happen and I need a moment to wrap my head around it”
“What was it?” Artemis asked bluntly before Conner did the Mindlink equivalent of smack on the back of a head. It was a bit weird to see Conner as the sensitive one. Black Canary was doing a great job with helping him over his anger.
“Let him process it on his own before you demand answers,” he growled.
“Adult civilian thanked me,” the ghost mumbled with awe at the same time. For a moment everyone froze in muted shock.
This explained so much while being so confusing. Yes, civilians tended to do it. It felt great. It didn’t warrant such an intense reaction.
“That's nice,” M’gann sent carefully after a long moment.
“Mhm… Really nice”
Kaldur slowly put a hand on the arm Phantom wasn’t holding, to help ground him a bit. Despite his efforts, the ghost flinched under his touch.
“We need to go to a bioship and back to the Mountain. You should probably come with us”
He expected a fight, he had various ideas how to convince younger boy but instead he heard quiet, small “Sure”
Ghost didn’t move for a long moment.
“Phantom?” Robin asked and again, the response was a violent flinch.
“Sorry, sorry. I know it’s dumb I’m just-” he transmitted some sort of lowering melody that Kaldur didn’t know “-right now”
“Did you just send Windows XP shutting down noise?!” Wally yelled, exasperated. 
“He did,” Robin snorted. Artemis laughed from one of the surrounding rooftops.
Phantom’s lips twitched with a minimal smile but it disappeared before it fully set. His brows furrowed as he stood up, shrugging Kaldur’s hand off in the process.
“Is this publicly known that I’m a ghost? Like, outside Amity? Or do people just assume I’m a meta?”
“Around 3% of discourse about you is ‘alive or not’-”Robin stated after few seconds of searching n his wrist computer “-with people saying stuff like ‘I’ve seen him breathe’ but everyone else responds with some variation of ‘Are you really going to tell kid how he’s supposed to cope with being dead? Really Jared?’ and the general consensus is that you are in fact a ghost. More people wonder what pronounce you use. Why?”
Phantom said nothing. Kaldur exchanged worried glances with Robin and called everyone else to meet by the bioship. It was a successful but tiring mission and they all wanted nothing more than to relax. After debrief because of course Batman would find things that could’ve gone better.
M’gann and Wally were already waiting by the time they got there. Martian was stiff and looked like she was focusing on some really hard task. She almost shut down the Mindlink.
“Phantom, your thoughts are really loud” she whispered out loud “Louder than normal ghost thoughts. I’m trying not to listen or to transmit it on Mindlink but it’s pretty hard. What’s wrong?”
Kaldur remembered the conversation they all had almost right after Phantom joined the Team. As it turned out, ghosts as ‘the beings of emotions’ had thoughts that Martians could read but on different frequencies than living, whatever that meant, and they were really loud. Like they were screaming on the top of their lungs.
Asphalt creaked ominously when Conner jumped down to join them.
M’gann relaxed minutely before she got visibly angry.
“I don’t mean ‘shield everything’ Phantom, it’s extremely unhealthy, explain what’s wrong?!”
“Seriously guys, you’re all overreacting. It’s not that deep.  I'm just weirded out a bit”
“Your brain was screaming ‘It doesn’t make sense!’ on repeat” M’gann pointed out dryly, ending the Mindlink and motioned them inside the bioship right after Artemis scrambled down a fire escape and joined them.
Phantom skillfully ignored the concerned gazes of every member of the Team other than M’gann who at least pretended to focus on flying. He looked like he was trying to figure out some really complicated puzzle.
“What did this civilian say, exactly?” Robin asked, breaking the silence with a surprising amount of caution in his voice.
“He said ‘Thank you, young man’ and squeezed my shoulder,“ the ghost explained with a wistful and a bit hazy smile. It still didn't justify such an intense reaction “I can still feel it. T’was nice. Not strong enough to hurt but… sure? I didn’t do anything, really, and he most likely knows I'm a ghost, but he thanked me anyway. No sense”
Halfway through Robin seemed to get an idea and once again started typing away on his computer. Phantom sunk into his seat more comfortably, but he quickly returned to distressed overthinking.
“People rarely make sense,” Conner pointed out.
“Nah, you just can't people yet” Wally grinned between bites of his granola bar.
“Nah, you're just an extrovert with superpowers. People make no sense,” Artemis decided in a way that ended all arguments “But gratitude after rescue is pretty typical…”
“Not for Phantom“
“What do you mean, Robin?”
“He means, I'm a ghost, Kaldur,” Phantom started “Of course they're not thanking me. I'm an ‘odd,  manipulative and evil manifestation of post-living consciousness on ectoplasm‘ and ‘always hostile towards living but lack the sentience to comprehend moral aspects of my behavior‘ and ‘should be eradicated for betterment of the living realm’.” he recited almost cheerfully and it made something in Kaldur’s stomach twist. Judging by their faces, his teammates felt the same way.
“You don’t actually believe that, do you?” M’gann asked carefully.
“It doesn’t matter if I believe this or not. They do. Why would anyone thank me? Especially an adult. Teens apparently decided I'm hot so they support me, which is also weird, and kids think I'm cool because of the ectoblasts and can fly. They usually gush about being saved like ‘omg it’s Phantom’ which is still weird but not as surreal as anyone actually thanking. But that dude was probably on retirement. He wasn’t someone I would expect to have any positive interaction with. Most people his age would try to exorcize me or something”
“That certainly isn’t an aster”
“Eh, I’m fine. Most are just yelling. Problems start when anti-ghost weapons, especially guns, get on the table but I can’t blame them for that one too”
“Dude, I cannot express how far from fine this is”
“You deserve gratitude Phantom” Kaldur added “You’re doing a lot of great work”
“If you say so”
“Also, can we go back to the guns? How often do the people you’re saving try to shoot you?” Artemis asked, raising her head from inspecting her arrows.
“Amity Park is to ghost hunters what Gotham is to crime rates in the USA. Should not be counted if you want something actually similar to reality. Of course they have guns to shoot ghosts. And, let me remind you, I am a ghost-”
“I think we can talk about it another time. How do you feel, Phantom?” M’gann interrupted from her seat, intensly not looking back at them. She once again was tense.
“Still weird as hell to be honest”
“Good weird or bad weird” she pressed on. Kaldur kinda wanted to know what made her do that.
“Good… I think? I know a lot of emotions because I hang out with Jazz Fenton and she pshychoanalizes everyone but I have no idea what to call this. I’m happy that he said this, ecstatic even. But I’m still confused and cautious. Some part of me keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop, for this man to come back, after realizing I’m evil ghost and call hunters and call me manipulative ecto-scum while looking me in the eyes and smile when I’m shot at”
“Did this happen? It’s a bit too specific to believe it didn’t” Wally announced.
“As if only once!” Phantom laughed in an almost hysterical way.
“Don’t think about it right now,” M’gann demanded “Do you want to tell us more about the thanks you got?”
Next words Phantom whispered as if he was sharing some important, sacred secret.
“When he squeezed my arm, it was such a gentle gesture. Such a gentle touch” he sounded on the verge of tears. 
“Was it?”
“Yeah... Sorry I’m such a mess over it” ghost muttered after a moment, trying to dry his face with his sleeve. It couldn’t be too helpful nor pleasant, considering his uniform was made mostly out of rubber.
“That’s alright”
“He was so kind and like… cautious too, y’know? Like he cared to not hurt me. When my dad pats me on the back, I’m left out of breath and have to do a few steps to not fall face first on the ground and he thinks I’m normal,” it was always a bit disturbing to hear Phantom talk about his family in present tense. They never mentioned it because they knew when it was bad idea to say something but it didn’t make these instances any less unnerving“And this random civilian seen me as Phantom, almost invulnerable and powerful ghost and chose to be gentle”
Nobody mentioned tears dropping from Phantom’s eyes and down his chin.
“That sounds nice” 
“It was. And I, like an idiot, stuttered ‘you're welcome’ and escaped as soon as I could” ghost grumbled, bringing himself back from the memory. Robin actually laughed, honest and open instead of the creepy giggle he used on all sorts of villains. Everyone else soon joined and between breaths someone choked out:
“I did this so many times. So many. I could probably buy a lollipop if I got a cent every time I did it. Maybe even two”
As soon as they weren’t at immediate risk of laughing to death Robin decided to risk it again by starting a captivating tale of clueless Batman holding a baby, getting pie as a present, getting pie in his face and few others.
When he finished, the comfortable type of silence stretched through the Bioship. Everyone was just contently resting, maybe even taking a nap before the ordeal of listening to Batman's ‘Every mistake you made today with sub and sub-sub categories’ lecture while keeping themselves from laughing after all the stories Robin just shared. Kaldur himself was almost asleep when Phantom whispered:
“Is it this nice the second time too?”
“Yeah. It’s even better when you start believing it”
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angels-fantasy · 6 months
Hi! I really liked the Katsukis memories one, so I can suggest you make like Bakugo a few years ago got out of a really toxic relationship and he couldn’t really trust anyone because his last girlfriend or boyfriend used him for his money and fame being the no.2 hero, until he met reader. So now he’s taking them to his old childhood hood to met his parents. Mitsuki also didn’t really trust anyone to be with his baby boy, but when she saw you walk through the door, I feel like she would make a connection and had really good vibes with reader. Thank for reading!🧡💚🖤
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Perfect (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Details/Warnings: established relationship, mention of a toxic ex, meeting the parents
Word Count: 1.1k
thank you for your suggestion and your kind comment! this was pretty fun to write so i hope i did it justice. i liked this :)
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When someone you love treats you horribly, it's something you never forget. It scars you, and no matter how hard you try to get over it, that pain and those bad memories are always going to be there.
It takes a lot of time to heal from these kinds of things, but it's possible. For Katsuki, it took three years. His last relationship was great at first. He was happy and in love, and he thought his partner was too until they revealed their true colors.
After a year of dating they made it clear that they were only with him because of his status as a pro hero and his money. This was heart breaking of course. It hurts to find out the person you loved never loved you. Katsuki was angry and hurt, so he ended things immediately and swore to himself that he'd never date anyone again. He avoided any type of romantic relationship for the next three years while he focused on himself, until he met you.
Meeting you was unexpected, like most relationships are. He was very closed off at first and hesitant to get to know you, but you were able to crack open his shell and find him waiting on the inside.
Before you started dating, you didn't know about his past relationship but you knew something must've happened for him to be so guarded. So you made sure to let him take the lead in everything. You didn't want him to feel pressured, so you would let him make all the first moves.
When he eventually asked you to be official you were extremely happy that he trusted you enough to try dating again, since a month prior he told you about his last relationship.
Now, six months later, he wanted you to meet his parents. But they were hesitant too.
"I don't know Katsuki. Are you sure they're not like the last one?" Mitsuki asked.
Katsuki was currently at his parent's house, asking them if he could bring you over this weekend because he wanted them to meet you.
He groaned, "Yes, I'm sure. I knew them for a year before we started dating, and they're really understanding about everything that happened before."
His dad, Masaru, spoke up, "We're just worried about you son. We don't want you to get hurt like last time."
Katsuki looked down, "I know, but just trust me, okay? They're a really great person and I think you'll like them."
His parents looked at each other, then Mitsuki said "Fine. Bring them over this weekend at 5:00 pm. I'll make dinner."
Katsuki smiled.
Fast forward to the weekend, it was now the day you were meeting his parents and to say you were nervous is an understatement. Your boyfriend has mentioned before that his mom was a lot like him, so you were afraid she'd criticize you right away. He did say his dad was much calmer, but you were still afraid.
"I'm scared Katsuki. What if they don't like me?" You asked as you two parked outside of his childhood home.
He put a hand on your head, "Relax babe, I already talked to them. I know they're gonna love ya, alright? And if they don't then they can fuck off-"
"It's true. I know they're my parents but I'm with you, and if they can't respect that then I won't talk to them."
You took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay. Can you hold my hand while we walk in?"
He nodded and did exactly as you asked as you both walked up to the large doors of the house. He knocked loudly twice before opening the door, announcing his arrival.
"Hag, I'm home!" He yelled, "Hey old man." He said to a man with glasses and brown spiky hair that was sitting at the dinner table.
The man was about to speak up but was cut off by a woman yelling, "I told you to stop calling me hag, brat!" Then, a woman that looked just like Katsuki walked out of the kitchen.
"Oh-Hello there! I'm Mistuki." She said and shook your hand.
You smiled and gave her your name, "It's so nice to meet you. You have really beautiful skin."
She laughed loudly, "That's thanks to my quirk, glycerin. Keeps my skin moisturized. Now both of you come and sit down! I made dinner for everyone."
Katsuki continued holding your hand and walked you to the dining table next to the man who you were assuming was his father.
He smiled and held out a hand, "I'm Masaru, Katsuki's father. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you'll excuse my wife, she can be a bit, well-I'm sure you know." He said with a small laugh. You noticed he was much more soft spoken compared to his wife and son.
You continued to talk to him and Katsuki at the table until Mitsuki came and placed the dish on the table. You were able to tell right away that she had made katsu curry.
You each served yourselves, though Katsuki kept insisting he serve you.
"Stop it. I want to do it." You said pushing him lightly.
He kissed his teeth, "Just let me do it will ya?"
"No." You then bumped him with your hip and served yourself, quickly serving him as well, making him sigh.
As you two communicated in your own way, his parents smiled at your interaction. Mitsuki was a little hesitant to, but Masaru rubbed her shoulder almost to let her know he was okay.
During dinner you all talked about everyday things, mostly surrounding you and Katsuki's relationship.
"So, how did you guys meet?" Mitsuki asked.
"We actually met at the public library." You said, "It was in the romance section, coincidentally."
"Yeah and you were picking a shitty book." Katsuki spoke up.
"Hey it wasn't my fault! I didn't even know anything about it."
As dinner went on, his parents, especially his mother, realized that you really were different than his last partner. They could see the way you cared for him just by how you spoke to him and interacted with him. Even the little touches you gave him on his shoulder or arm here and there.
At the end of the night when you said your goodbyes, his parents made sure to see you both out.
Mitsuki hugged you tightly and whispered "Thanks for taking care of my boy." Pulling away, she said "Come back anytime, all right? Don't let this brat convince you I'm crazy."
Katsuki rolled his eyes while you giggled.
Once you both drove away, Masaru asked his wife "So? What do we think?"
She nodded, "I think they're perfect."
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tag list for bakugou fics: @doumadono
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Do you write for justice League? If you do, can I request a male!teen!reader who’s part of. The batfamily and a vigilante and Bruce has to take them to a justice league meeting or somthing and the justice league just absolutely loves them?
Oh hell yeah. This is just screams fluff for me. Also, I wrote just for Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Green Lantern and Flash, kind of based from the many animated films.
Summary: (Y/N) was grounded and Bruce couldn't let him out of his sight. The League adored him.
Warnings: maybe comedy? maybe crack? fluff, reader is grounded, Bruce is trying to parent, League adores (Y/N).
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Batman didn't want to bring (Y/N) to this meeting, but he had no choice. (Y/N) was grounded and he couldn't be left supervised, but the problem was, everyone already had plans, leaving Bruce high and dry.
" Listen (Y/N), you are only here because nobody can supervise you. " Batman said as they stepped through the Zeta tubes.
" I know, you have said it a million times before we got here. What am I going to do here? Mess your reports up? " (Y/N) asked, clearly annoyed in the first place.
" Well, I can't trust that you won't sneak out of the house, so you are coming to a place where you can't escape. "
(Y/N) rolled his eyes and huffed at that. He hated this. Just because he snuck out of the house once, just once, to see his friend who was in the hospital and just because he borrowed Bruce's cheapest car, he was grounded.
Complete and utter bullshit, according to (Y/N). Okay, did he break a couple of rules? Yes. Did he deserve to be stripped away from his phone, laptop and patrol for 2 weeks? Absolutely not.
" For the record old man, that was the first time. " (Y/N) said for the millionth time again.
" That I know off. " Bruce dryly, making (Y/N) take a deep breath.
" I'm done with this, I'm going back home. " (Y/N) said turning back on his heel and started walking back to the tubes.
" (V/N), get back here or I will prolong it from 2 weeks to 2 months. " Batman threatened, making (Y/N) stop. Bruce heard a sigh and the teen turned around, walking back to Bruce.
He crossed his arms as Superman walked up to them.
" Hey Batman, who is this? "
" This is my son, goes by (V/N). He is here because he is grounded and there is no one to supervise him. " Batman explained shortly to Superman who shook his hand with (Y/N)'s.
" Welcome to the League! You can stay in the common area for the younger heroes if you want to. You have some snacks and food in there. " Superman said, pointing at the doors to the left.
" Sure. " (Y/N) shrugged off, clearly pissed.
" What did he do? " Superman asked as (Y/N) got out of ear shot.
" He snuck out and stole my car. " Batman said, already walking to the meeting room.
" Oh my God. "
" Yes, now can we focus at the meeting at hand? " Batman asked as he walked in, making Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash and Cyborg turn their heads.
" Why are you annoying him Clark? " Wonder Woman asked, watching as Batman took his position at the table.
" Batman brought his son here. "
Every single head whipped towards Superman.
" What? " Green Lantern asked.
" Yup. He is here because he is grounded. Want to know what he did?"
" Superm- "
Everyone in the room said yes. Bruce sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
" He snuck out and stole his car. " Superman said, making the others laugh.
" Okay, is that really the reason to ground him? If he is teen, then you only live once. " Green Lantern questioned, standing up. " Also, I want to meet him. "
" Abso- "
" Follow me everybody! " Superman announced happily. Bruce was going to commit a crime.
Everyone left the conference room in a hurry. Bruce just walked slowly.
(Y/N) looked at the room. It was big, with a big sofa and with a probably even bigger TV. There was also a kitchen where (Y/N) assumed snacks and drinks were. He walked over the room, just bored.
He didn't want to watch the news, he wasn't hungry or thirsty and there was nothing he could do here that will entertain him for hours, because knowing his father he would want to go over everything and be far too... Over the top.
He was confused when the doors opened. Are they done already?
" Oh my God, he is adorable! " Wonder Woman said, making (Y/N) wonder what the hell happened.
" Guys, this is (V/N). " Superman introduced, making the others lose their minds.
" When did you plan on telling us about him? " Green Lantern asked Batman who walked in. Green Lantern walked up to the young vigilante.
" Never. You don't need to know every single thing about my life. " Batman replied in his gruff voice.
" Oh Batman, you dared to hide this adorable creature from us. " Wonder Woman said, hugging (Y/N).
(Y/N) was more than confused as hell. What about the meeting?
" What is going on? " (Y/N) asked, trying to find Batman amongst the heroes.
" Also, I don't think you should have been grounded. You are teenage boy, you only live once. " Green Lantern added.
Batman just turned his head too look at Green Lantern. He gave him a blank stare.
" Well, it seems that this meeting isn't going anywhere. Lets go (V/N)."
Wonder Woman let (Y/N) go and he followed Bruce back to the Zeta tubes.
" You need to bring him more often! " Superman said before they left. Bruce rolled his eyes and just rubbed his face. They were back in the manor and (Y/N) took his mask off.
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aishangotome · 2 months
Roger Barel: Chapter 4
Chapter 3 Letter
Alfons led me to a room in the mansion...
Alfons: Take a peek inside.
I peeked through the crack in the door to see a strange sight.
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Glass inhalation devices were lined up, and partygoers with glazed eyes were scattered throughout the room.
I quietly closed the door, trying not to make a sound.
Roger: Those vacant eyes mean they're high.
Kate: ..................
The purpose of pleasure--I felt like I had been shown in one glance the effects of this drug.
Alfons: As you can see, a laughing gas show was being held.
Alfons: Oh, what pleasant faces.
I gave Alfons a reproachful look as he spoke cheerfully, while Roger calmly analyzed the drifting smell.
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Roger: This scent... it's ether.
Kate: Ether?
Roger: Ether is a type of anesthetic and is actually used in medical treatment.
Roger: But personally, I have doubts about its use.
Kate: Why?
Roger: Of course, there's no problem if it's used properly with expertise, but it's a dangerous substance for amateurs to handle.
Roger: An overdose can be fatal in the worst case scenario. In addition, this drug is highly addictive.
Roger: They probably turned to it to escape reality or for pleasure, but the risk is too high. It's a foolish act.
However, Alfons disagreed with this sound opinion.
Alfons: Is that so? Reality is full of shit... Sometimes you need to escape to live.
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Roger: Running away doesn't change the shitty reality. It only makes it more empty.
Alfons: I hate that part of you, it makes me sick.
Kate: Um, you two shouldn't be arguing...!
When I quietly stopped them, they both looked away from each other.
Roger: ...We could just leave it alone, but it's an order from Her Majesty. "Stop the danger."
Alfons: We're not heroes of justice, you know.
Roger looked at Alfons and me with serious eyes.
Roger: Ether vapor reacts to fire and can easily explode. Ventilate immediately and confiscate the evidence.
Roger: Kate, you stay outside in the hallway. Don't go inside.
Kate: Yes, sir!
--This is where the "Crown's" work begins.
*...awhile later*
(I hope Roger and Alfons are okay...)
While the two of them went to deal with the ether, I was left to wait in the deserted hallway.
Just then, the grandfather clock in the hallway chimed loudly...
(Oh, that startled me...)
The clock chimed past midnight, and I was so distracted by it that I didn't notice the sound of the door behind me opening, the one I thought was an empty room.
???: Oh my, I didn't know we had a new guest.
Kate: ...!
By the time I turned around, my hand had already been grabbed...
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The room I was dragged into was also filled with the smell of ether.
There was no one else around, and it seemed that the gentleman had been enjoying inhaling ether alone in this room.
Dazed Gentleman: My fair lady. You came here to forget about reality too, didn't you?
Kate: I, uh... I just got lost in the mansion, so I'll be leaving now!
Dazed Gentleman: If you take two or three puffs of this, you can taste the unknown world of death while still holding your return ticket. Come on...
As if he couldn't hear my voice, the gentleman's eyes were glazed over...
(This guy is already hooked on ether!)
With unfocused eyes, he tried to put a pipe connected to a glass container in my mouth.
Kate: Stop it!
I desperately tried to escape, but the gentleman's grip was too strong.
(What can I do...?)
My heart pounded as I was cornered...
Suddenly, a memory from the past flashed through my mind.
Man 1: The delivery was delayed because of construction?
Man 2: That's why we can't have female mail carriers.
Woman 1: Women can't beat men anyway, so it's stupid to fight back, right?
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Kate: If you don't trust me, you can watch me until you do.
Kate: I'll prove it to you.
--So please, don't kill me.
*flashback over*
I could hear my own voice from somewhere...
(...I don't want to remember...)
A flood of emotions washed over me, and I closed my eyes tightly.
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Roger: ...Freeze!
Roger: Let go of her if you don't want a bullet through your heart.
I slowly opened my eyes and the moment Roger's figure came into view, my tension drained away.
Kate: ...Roger...
Roger: Kate, did he make you inhale it?
Kate: No... I'm... okay...
Roger nodded and hit the gentleman in the upper abdomen with the butt of his shotgun.
The unconscious gentleman collapsed to the floor, and Alfons poked his head out from behind the door.
Alfons: We've successfully confiscated the evidence. Let's get out of here.
Wary of pursuers and watchful eyes, we made our way home, weaving through the thick darkness that felt like the bottom of the night.
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Alfons: It was a very peaceful mission tonight, no blood was shed. It was almost disappointing.
Roger: With this evidence and report, we'll eventually be able to classify ether as a poison and regulate its sale.
Kate: ................
Alfons: Oh, that's right! I happen to have two tickets to a play tonight.
With that, he presented me with...
Kate: These tickets! Aren't they for that hard-to-get play that's been in the news?
Alfons: It seems so. I got them through El's connections...
Alfons: Unfortunately, I have some errands to run, so I can't go. I'll give them to you, why don't you and Roger go see it?
Kate: With Roger...?
I tilted my head, wondering why Roger's name came up...
Alfons: Well then, I'll excuse myself here.
He headed towards the entertainment district and disappeared into the dark valley of buildings.
Kate: Um, what should we do with these...?
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Roger: Just so you know, I don't have any hobbies related to the arts, like watching plays or paintings.
Roger: If we go, I'm just accompanying you.
Kate: You were planning on going with me?
That was a bit of a surprise.
(I thought he'd rather go straight to a bar after work than accompany me to something he wasn't interested in.)
Roger: The show starts soon. Let's go.
Kate: Y-yes!
I followed Roger as he walked briskly, as if carrying out a mission.
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(Wow, it's been a while. This atmosphere...)
The audience, who had been chatting amongst themselves, were all captivated by the glamorous stage once the curtain rose, forgetting about reality.
I love this moment, the moment of falling into a dream.
Tonight, for some reason, the content wasn't sinking in at all.
(Watching plays is my only hobby, so to speak, and on top of that, we have such good seats...)
Kate: ...............
The story progressed as if it were passing through my heart.
In the middle of the play, I suddenly noticed a gaze directed at me and looked away from the stage to see my neighbor.
Roger: .................
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Roger jerked his chin and stood up quietly.
Roger: ...Let's go.
Kate: Huh?
Kate: ...Wait!
Kate: Roger, what's wrong with you suddenly leaving? It's rude to the actors to leave your seat--
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Roger: You're the one who's acting strange. Your tail has been drooping ever since the mission ended.
Putting aside the dog treatment, I knew what he meant.
This was the first time I hadn't been able to concentrate on a play.
Roger: I'm sorry for leaving my seat without permission. It's an insult to art.
Roger: But isn't it sadder to watch something you love with feelings you don't like and end up hating it?
I don't know why myself
You don't know how I feel
Did I do something strange?
Kate: Why are you saying that? You don't know how I feel...
I immediately regretted saying that.
Kate: I'm sorry, I went too far...
Roger: Don't worry about it. Not being able to control yourself is also a sign of stress.
Roger: I'm not a counselor, but you need someone to talk to.
Roger: Kate, look into my eyes.
As I obeyed his words and slowly raised my eyes, our eyes met, enveloped in the lights illuminating Piccadilly.
Kate: ...............
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Roger: That's right, that's good. I'll never deny your thoughts, I'll accept anything.
Roger: Kate, what makes you sad?
(What makes me sad is...)
His amber eyes, gazing straight at me, melted my hardened heart.
Kate: ...Just now, I wanted to resist when I was being held down... but I couldn't move.
Roger: You had a distant look in your eyes, like you were remembering something. What did you remember?
Man 1: The delivery was delayed because of construction?
Man 2: That's why we can't have female mail carriers.
Woman 1: It's stupid for women to fight back anyway, since they can't beat men, right?
*flashback over*
Kate: The feeling of being belittled for what I was born with, the feeling of being... disregarded.
Roger: Kate, what makes you angry?
(Oh, right...)
Maybe I had been labeling everything as sadness and turning a blind eye to the anger welling up inside me.
Because getting angry wouldn't change anything.
Because I hated to realize that...
...It was easier to give up.
(What was I angry about...?)
Kate: If you don't trust me, you can watch me until you do. I'll prove it to you.
(So please, don't kill me.)
*flashback over*
(When I was brought to Crown Castle, that was the only way I could beg for my life.)
If... if I had been stronger, I might have been able to choose a different way.
There are a lot of things in life that don't go your way.
But--how you deal with them is up to you.
When I realized that, my thoughts poured out of my lips.
Kate: I... I'm so frustrated with my weakness...
Roger: Last question. Kate, what do you want to be?
Kate: I...
Roger Barel - Chapter 4 Premium Story
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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wildglitch · 8 months
Spider-man x Batfam Prompt's
Ok so lately I have seen a lot of "Spidy goes to gotham and gets adopted fics" probably cause of Dark Matter by mysterycyclone cause like, duh, that fic is a goddamn masterpiece. But I feel like a lot of them are sort of the same thing with diffrent fonts ans it feels a bit saturated. Not all of them...but most of them.
Am I saying that there needs to be less of these fics? Hell no! Keep writing them please. I just feel like there could be more variety is all.
I suggest maybe try one of these ideas out
1: Peter going straight to the Batfam or other heros (dosent always have to be Batfam) and they try to work together on how to get him home, while slowly realizing "omg, your life is terrible! We want to help you, we do, but maybe we shouldnt and try to give you a better life here. Then its just a moral delema on what to do as they get to know the spider child.
2: maybe another Spider-man is the one that goes to Hotham like Andrew or Toby. Insted of being sent home at the end of NWH, they where accidentally sent to the DCU. Or maybe one of the Spider verse characters or a cartoon version of the character. Dosent always need to be Toms Spider-man.
3: on that same note. Please give more love to What If...Zombies Peter. You guys have no Idea the amount of angst and "haha, my world ended and im fine" potental there is. And you can have the other surviving member also be there as they look for eachother (characters that "survived* (no one survived that episode) are Peter, King T'challa, Scott Lang+cape, and Ig Bruce Baner/Hulk, and Bucky Barnes since we never saw them get turned or eaten) just think about Spidey and the Batfam investigating a lab or sometbing and all of a sudden they find floating head Scott in a crate. Everyone if scared shitless while Peter is crying tires of joy as he moves to hug the floating head. Think about that and tell me Im not on to something here.
4: Have the fic start our like halfway through. Maybe skip him getting to Gotham and have him be there for a few months already or something. This will help with adding more crack fics.
5: Maybe have the fic be that Peter is there for a while, he knows everyone, they know him, they might or might not know the identitys but they trust eachother. And Peter has been looking for a way home and he finally finds it! But... he accidentally brings some of the Batfam with him. So now its the Batfams turn to learn to live in the MCU with help of Spidy and they finally understand so much about him, how he lived, and vigilanties he knows (team red!) As they learn the history and pubilc opinion or Spider-man and the world.
6: Just a react to fic. Yk, those fics where they're stuffed in a room and forced to watch something? Yeah. Have the Dark Matter cast stuffed in a room and watch some MCU clips. It dosent even have to be some magic forth wall bull shit if you dont like that. In chapter 44, Peter and co. are said to be going back to the cave, and Peter still have is suit. Canonically, Karen records everything. Maybe Peter ends up so tired he dosent even want to try to explain everything. So he just hooks up Karen to the computer and and has her show them everything from the suits recordings to security cameras and news reports, to the memes and videos spiderman fans have made.
7: have the Justice League get involed cause "Hes to bright to be one of yours Bruce!" And have him be a honorary member of the league of have them put him on Young Justice. Peter gets adopted by Batfam? Yes. Peter becomeing Bffs with the Young Justice kids and actually forming normal relationships with kids his age? Also yes.
Do I have more? Probably but Im too lazy for it rn
If you for some reason use one of my ideas, pls tag me and maybe credit me for the original idea (but I mostly want to be able to find the fic if you do make it ( o_o) )
Who knows, I might just write some of these myself if I ever get the motivation lol
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choicesmc · 5 months
What’s this, you ask? Well, @aria-ashryver is doing this wonderful little series called Welcome to the Jungle! [here’s the latest episode], I thought it’d be a cool idea to make moodboards of all the MCs featured in the series. I also made this decision after episode two when there was only six MCs. Episode 3 added a couple more MCs whose moodboards regrettably will not be on this post. …Instead, they’ll be in the next post [DROP TWO] (<- I’ll link it here when it goes up.) 
You cannot imagine the amount of fun I’ve had learning about all of y’all’s MCs and trying to create moodboards that are 1) cool and 2) reflect them and your vision of them. I hope I’ve done all these wonderful MCs literally any justice so without further ado onto the moodboards! 
(It's under the read more)
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tagging: @lover-also-fighter-also Can I just say? More Anitha content? Please? Especially about her childhood? Absolutely fell in love with the fact that she sings and plays soccer and used to ride motorcycles with her dad.
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tagging: @/aria-ashryver (<- i wasn't sure whether or not tagging the same person multiple times in a post would show up multiple times in your notifs and didn't want to risk it)
Dorian is lovely. It's kind of embarrassing how many times I've poured over literally any mention of Dorian on your blog. I took the wants to be a hero and fucking ran with it. anyway please enjoy the fruit of my obsession.
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tagging: @cadybear420 Admittedly, you were expecting this. I wanted everything to be a surprise but I also wanted to make sure I especially got Evie right. I hope this one is miles better than the prototype I sent you like forever and more ago! (Can you tell l adore Evie's style? Can you?)
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tagging: @/aria-ashryver + @lilyoffandoms (that's their amazing work smack dab in the middle of the board!!)
Love Luca, don't think I can say much more than that about it 😭 (Wanna know the inspiration for the main background? -> Luca always having a cracked screen. the minute I saw that the rest of the board fell into place xD)
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tagging: @rosesnink
My stars. Prior to this project, I'd briefly come across Marianna in tidbits and snippets. I regret not knowing this brilliant woman sooner. I fell in love with her and your writing! It reminds me of soft kisses and secret trysts. Thank you so much!!
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tagging: me + myself + i
look. I couldn't not include Rin??? I'd be a monster to do that!
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So, really hope y'all like your moodboards! Like I said, I have another big post planned (though it'll take a hot minute before it drops xD) It was so so hard keeping myself quiet. You do not want to know how many times I almost leaked this 😭 or the urge to post each on individually!! But I am so glad I resisted! It's so much more fun in a big post like this :D
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melontoyo · 1 year
fav Onmyoji character and why?🤔
*cracks knuckles* Alright, you got me with this ask.
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1. Asura Objectively, the number one favorite. You cannot separate his character or his story from Taishakuten, but in the end I guess it's natural to become very attached to the hero of a specific story, (a double hero story of a hero and an anti-hero, who switch roles halfway through), especially if they're so, so wonderfully fucked up. Asura (and when I speak of him, it applies to Taishakuten too, since neither character would be who they are without the other) is the deepest, most fleshed-out, most complicated and unique character in the entire game. His story and characterization and the accompanying media is so incredibly well produced, it can easily compete (and beat) other highly acclaimed stories out there. To think this was made, as essentially promo material, for a free-to-play mainland Chinese gacha game is absolutely NUTS. Yes I will praise this story and its production level to the stars because it irreversibly changed me. To me, this is the problematic, dramatic, queer love story. You know how Asura tells Taishakuten how meeting him was as if finally finding the thing he had been searching for all his life. This is me with this story, and this character. What I love is how he's so deeply complicated and inherently flawed, that even with the "good end" he chose for himself, his internal conflict is never resolved. He's someone who fights for genuine justice, someone who is genuinely caring, someone who's deep down insecure about himself, about opening himself up, trusting others, someone who wants to live a simple life and enjoy the little things. But he also genuinely enjoys committing mass murder, sadistic torture, he's rash and impulsive, he's someone who naturally chooses cruel means to an end. He swore to never kill again, to go against the very core of him, lock himself up and seal his own powers. And yet the first thing he does upon returning to the world of peace he made possible... is to murder without a second thought. And it's not a plot hole, it's a feature. Even when he's sane, he "learned" to deal with his own trauma in a completely unhealthy way, possibly as self punishment. This is obvious by how he's so loving and caring when dealing with Taishakuten's trauma.... Also I just want to add one thing. I'm glad I'm somehow able to gleefully ignore the fandom at large because, sorry, they don't get it. I'm tired of seeing nothing but fans taking everything interesting away from this story and washing it down to "uwu cute domestic boyfriends". Like heck no, these characters are so good because they are made to be incredibly fucked up.
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2. Orochi Tough choice... but it's Orochi, the reason why I started playing this game. Again, a character who's absolutely delicious to rotate around in my brain like a rotisserie chicken because he's so complicated and so inherently flawed, and yet so right at the same time. Imho, he's an amazing antagonist and again, I very much distance myself from the fandom wo won't shut up about "snake eating books". Because both due to the nature of the game and its subsequent production approach, and because of its target audience, which is very much young adults despite the 8+ rating, where I don't even understand how they achieved this rating with all the outright graphic violence, drug abuse, and 900 dollar "micro" transactions etc, the story won't be explained and presented to you on a silver plate. You're supposed to come up with your own interpretation for certain parts, and it's exactly why stories for adult audiences are so enjoyable, for me anyway. Something that is a major contributing factor to me loving Orochi so much is Miyano Mamoru's voice acting which is absolutely insane. Not sure how the director instructed him, or how much they pay him, but basically he sounds like on the verge of an orgasm the entire goddamn time with the way how he deeply savors each word on his tongue before speaking it, and it's so incredibly fitting. Maybe Miyano Mamoru understands Orochi better than the writers themselves, who knows... Regardless, the way how Orochi's character and personality is so perfectly portrayed through the voice acting is heavenly. His voice is like sickly sweet, thick, honey, innocent and nonchalant, yet dominating and bewitching. I mean. You can just hear for yourself. (Note, it's best if you can understand Japanese because the official English translations unfortunately suck.)
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3. Suzuka Wait, an actually good-aligned character??? Anyway, Suzuka is a wonderful take on the "big sister" archetype. She is big-hearted, kind, accepting, strong, determined, and has a great sense of responsibility. But she ends up being too trusting in others, in the way that she believes others are just as strong as her to fend for themselves, which ends up literally devastating her entire found family and the place they called home, literally killing her most important person in body and mind, her found brother. And yet, she's so strong to be able to not give up, to accept all the pain, to heal and to rebuild what they have lost. Also, as someone with the best big sister in the world, her character just makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. She's wonderful.
And as a bonus, here's a selection of other favs in no particular order, because hell, in the end it's a waifu collection game and there's bound to be a lot of favs for varying reasons.
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Enma, because I'm not immune to bewitching milfs, and her design is one of the absolute best in the entire game.
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Tsukuyomi, because they're so sad and wonderfully questionable, also actually canon non-binary.
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Onikiri. Groomed to be fucked up, and yet after regaining his free will, he willingly steps back into that path, because it's what he inherently craves. So delicious.
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Garuda, my favorite disaster bi bird and Asura's pet dog. Probably one of the "normalest" and ironically most likeable characters. He's a bit conceited, strong and actually.... smart. And smart in the way that he knows his place, knows his limits and won't try things out of his league. And yet he can't help his smugness and want to test the waters... but he's a survivor still : ^)
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And honorary mention to my fav hairy braindead bimbo slut, Kamikui. Yep I love them very dearly, and they're also carried by incredible voice acting.
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mrmaybank · 1 year
Fandom: DC, MCU
Title: Did She Run Away?
Series: Wheres My Love (2/??)
Character(s): Peter Parker, The avengers, Talia Al Ghul, Connor Kent, Jon Kent
Request: No
Genre: Fluff, Angst
TW: None
A/N: Reader used to be superman’s sidekick . When I through New York in here, if y’all didn’t expect this to be a DC, Marvel cross over idk what to say
(Y/S/N) = Your superhero name
(N/N) = Nickname
(S/W) = signature weapon
December 1st, 2019
Almost two years that’s how long you had been here, in New York city. You were living with your friend Peter Parker and his aunt May. It had hit the news quickly that (Y/S/N) had moved from crime fighting in Gotham, Bludhaven, and Metropolis. To fighting crime in New York city, you hadn’t had a run in with the avengers, the rip off justice league as you called them, or heroes that were affiliated with them yet.
That would change tonight though. Since you decided to suit up about two months into your stay into New York, you had only gone after minor thugs. Which you found patrolling, which you were doing at the moment. When a familiar spider-boy who wore bright red decided you need company.
He swung down landing in front of you, before he could say anything you spoke. “What you want?” You asked.
“I thought you would like some company,” he replied, he stuck out his hand. “Spiderman,” he told you.
You rolled your eyes before taking his hand, “(Y/S/N),” You replied. You two began talking for awhile, getting to each other without revealing anything about your secret identities. You too had moved so you were sitting on the side of building with your legs dangling off the edge.
“So what’s it like working for superman?” He asked.
You shook your head, “I didn’t work for him, sure I was his sidekick but there no power dynamic. I would boss him around sometimes, he would do the same to me. He’s my mentor but he was also so much more then that,” You replied.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, “It must have been hard leaving. I don’t what I would do if I had to leave behind black widow or Iron man,” You gave him a sad smile, and nodded.
“Why’d you leave?” He asked. You froze, you hadn’t told anyone not Peter not May. The only people who knew were the ones back in Gotham and Metropolis. He must have noticed your reaction to the question because he quickly told you, that you didn’t have to tell him.
“No, I’ll tell you. It’s fine,” you replied.
“You sure? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,”
“It’s fine,” you assured him, you took a deep breathe. “My robin died,” you told him.
He tilted his head much like a confused puppy would, “Huh? Your bird died?” He asked.
You laughed and shook your head, “No, Batman’s sidekicks are called Robins. Mine died, he was killed by the Joker. It was couple of years ago but I never got over it, I spent months reviewing the footage from Batman’s suit from that night,” your voice cracked, “Trying to figure out if someway, somehow he wasn’t dead. But I just found myself watching my baby die, over and over again.
I did it until realized he was gone, that he wasn’t coming back. So I started visiting his grave, telling him everything that he was missing. I thought I was okay, I really did. Then one night I found myself fighting the joker. And were there, at the warehouse or what remained of it.
And he started things and I just remembered how mad, I was,” tears rolled down your face, “Mad that this sick son of a bitch was alive, but my baby bird was dead. Then I just snapped and I almost killed him and I just remember thinking that was I wanted to do it. I want him dead, I was gonna kill. If Nightwing and Orphan hadn’t shown up, I would have killed him,” You looked over at spiderman, “I’m not a murder,” you told him.
He shook his head, “Your not a murder (M/N).”
He removed his masking, revealing that he was Peter. “I figured it out, while you were talking,” the brunette explained.
“Can we go back your apartment?” You asked.
Peter nodded, “let’s go,”
March 2nd, 2020 (There is no COVID)
As the elevator went up heading to the top floor, where currently the Avengers resided, so did your nervous. Peter must have sense this because he placed a hand your shoulder, “Relax, everything is gonna be okay,” he told you.
You scoffed, “Telling people to relax doesn’t really make them relax,” You replied, “Besides this like meeting the Justice League all over again,”
“But it’s the avengers this time,”
You shook your head, “Still. Do you know how bad I embarrassed myself the first time, I met the Justice League?”
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Peter replied.
“It was that bad!” You exclaimed, “I fell into the fucking pool of Justice!” You looked over at Peter and noticed he was trying not to laugh, which earned him a small shove. “Asshole, don’t laugh!”
“I wasn’t laughing at you,” He replied, “Pool of Justice?”
You bit your lip trying to stop yourself from laughing as well because you knew if you laughed, Morpheus would strike you down then and there. “Yeah…the justice league isn’t the best at name things,”
“Then I feel really bad for there children,” Peter laughed.
You shook your head, “Surprisingly there kids have good names, well the ones who didn’t name themselves or had names before they got there,”
“Named themselves? Names before they got there?” Peter asked.
“Well sure the justice league treats there sidekicks and refers to them as there kids but most of them aren’t. Like my buddy Dick, he might be Bruce’s son but Bruce didn’t name him.
Dick’s parents did and so did my parents. And as for naming themselves, sometimes there sidekicks are manmade. Like my brother, Conner. He was made to be a clone of Clark and Lex Luther, he escaped the lab though and he needed clothes. So he stole them from one of the guards and the name on the outfit was Connor,” You explained.
Before Peter could respond the elevator door opened signaling you were on the avengers floor. “You ready?” Peter asked, you nodded. The two of you exited the elevator and walked down a small hallway that took you to living room.
Where a butch of people sat you recognized them all right off the bat. There was Black Widow or Natasha Romanoff, Iron Man or Tony Stark, The god of thunder or Thor, Hawkeye or Clit Barton, Bruce Banner or the Hulk, and Steve Rogers aka Captain America.
They all smiled at you, “You must be (M/N) Kent,” Tony smiled at you.
“I am indeed,” You smiled back.
Natasha patted the space next to her, “come sit down,” she told the two of you. You both did as you were told.
“We’ve heard a lot about you from Peter,” Clit told you.
“Good things, I hope you,” you replied.
“Really good things,” Steve assured you. You spent the next hour or so getting to know them all. It was nice, you laughed a lot this much since Jason died.
“How’d you end up with, Superman and superwomen?” Thor asked.
“My parents dropped me off outside, Superman’s house. Apparently they were work buddies with his Superwomen and they couldn’t take care of me. I was two, they left a note with my name and I haven’t seen them since. But it’s okay because Superman and Superwomen raised me as there kid. There my family,” You explained.
“So why’d you leave, Metropolis and Gotham? If all the family you’ve ever known was there?” Tony asked, “Get tired of the Justice League up your ass?”
You shook your head, “The love of my life died,” you told them. You felt the whole rooms atmosphere change.
“I’m so sorry, what happened? If you don’t mind me asking,” Natasha asked.
“It’s okay,” you replied, “He was murder by the Joker and years later I thought,” You shook your head, “I didn’t think, I knew I was okay. Then I’m back at what remained of the warehouse, he was killed, fighting the Joker and I almost killed him. I was lucky two of my friends were in the area because they pulled me off of him and at that moment I knew I couldn’t stay,” you explained.
“I’m so sorry,” Tony replied, “I wouldn’t know what to do if Pepper died, especially if I found myself fighting the person who did years later,”
“It was hard,” You replied.
“Well, on a happier note,” Bruce spoke up, “we don’t usually summon people to the Avengers tower, you’re aware of that correct?” Bruce asked, you nodded.
“Well were thinking about giving you an opportunity, to work with us. You know this business way better then a lot of us do, and we could use that,” He explained.
You lit up, “Really?”
Bruce nodded, “You could teach a lot of us some things and some of us have been in this game for years.”
“I’ll try my best,” You replied.
“So you in?” Peter asked.
“Of course,” you smiled.
August 23rd, 2021
You sighed as you unlocked the door to your apartment, yes your apartment. You moved out of May’s and Peter’s a couple moths ago. Finally having enough money to buy your own, which you were very happy about. You loved Peter but after a night a patrol all you wanted to do was go to sleep, which was with him that was not so easy.
As you entered the apartment you were quick to realize that the Tv and the light in the living room were on. This set you on alert, you pulled your (S/W) out and slowly made your way to living room. As you got closer you heard a laugh, one you had heard so much that you almost immediately knew who had broken into your apartment.
You rolled your eyes, as your entered the living room. “Con-” you cut yourself off. Curled up, asleep next to Connor on the couch looked like a mini-boy version of Louis Lane who couldn’t have been more then four years old. “Whose that?” You whispered.
“(M/N), meet our younger brother, Jon,” He smiled at you.
You were very skeptical, “Is this another clone?” You asked.
Connor shook his head. “So Clark and Louis…,” you didn’t finish the sentence.
Connor nodded once more, “Yep, they had sex. I wonder how that would work, I always-,” you grimaced and cut your brother off.
“Connor!” You exclaimed, “I don’t wanna think about my mother and father figure having sex!” Your shouting cause Jon to stir next to Connor, immediately opening his eyes.
He blinked a couple times before looking around eyes landing on you. “(M/N)?” He asked. You smiled and nodded, getting down on your knees in front of your baby brother.
“Hello, Honey,” you smiled.
Before Jon could respond Connor spoke up, “You know, Bruce had another kid,” Connor told you.
“Really?” You asked not taking your eyes off of Jon.
“Mhm, he’s an Al Ghul,” This caught you off guard, you turned Connor wide eyed.
“Yep, I know,” Connor replied.
“Holy shit!” You exclaimed.
“Hey! Watch your mouth in front of Jon!” Connor scolded you.
You put your hands up in surrender, “I’m sorry,” you replied.
“You better, do you know how much of a bad mouth Dick, Stephanie, and Tim have?” You watched as Jon visible lit up at those names and quickly looked around.
“Dick?” Jon asked, you shook your head.
“He’s not here buddy,” you turned Connor, “he can’t be more then four, when did Louis have him?” You asked.
“She was three months at the time you left.”
You couldn’t believe it, Clark and Louis probably knew but they didn’t tell you. Hell they didn’t even tell you he was born. You were anger but also hurt, Connor could tell. He could always, he placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’m really sorry (N/N),” he told you.
“How could they not tell me?” You asked.
“I don’t know, maybe they thought you’d come straight home,” Connor suggested, but you both knew it wasn’t true.
“I can’t believe it!” You exclaimed. “I’m just much as there kid your two are,” you gestured to Connor and Jon, “I didn’t know my parents, Clark and Louis were the only I had. How could they not tell me?” You felt tears burn your eyes and at this moment you didn’t care, you let them fall freely.
Connor weakly smiled at you, he moved off the couch and sat down on your right. He took your hand into his, you could tell he was fighting back tears. You two had always been close, doing everything together. So when one broke down, the other was very close to following because you didn’t like seeing each other like that.
You didn’t like seeing each other in pain, or sad, or sick. “(M/N), Clark and Louis aren’t good people. You always looked up to them, so I never wanted to tell you but there not. Heck once Jon’s old enough, and Clark doesn’t need me around to take care of his son. I’m gonna grandma and grandpa, I’m not gonna be welcome at home anymore.
I’m gonna be superboy, he is. Because he was kid Louis and Clark wanted,” You watched as the tears fell down your brother’s face, “Not some clone made of him and his arch enemy, not some random kid left on his door step. He’s gonna be the golden boy, the golden child and were gonna be left behind like we never exist,” Connor told you.
You didn’t wanna believe it but deep down, you knew it was true. There was no avoiding it. “Do you ever wish you lived with Lex, instead of Clark?” You asked.
Connor nodded, “Because he even the small times I see him because I have too. Because as much as Clark and Louis want to deny it i’m his kid too. He treats me better then either of them did, he might be asshole sometimes and supervillain but he’s good dad. You ever wonder, what it would be like if you parents kept you?”
You nodded, “Everyday. I wonder what it would like. If they take me back now, even with how fucked I am,” Connor squeezed your hand.
“You not fucked up,” He told you.
You shook your head, “I am! Connor, I am! I couldn’t take care of myself before Jason died, I can hardly do it now. Hell i tried to kill the Joker. I’m having nightmares about the Lazarus Pit and Jason crawling out of his grave. Even though I know it’s gone, and so is he. I’m fucked Connor,”
He shook his head, as he pulled you into a hug. “I love you so much,” he told you, “Your brother, and trust me your not fucked. Clark, Louis, the
joker, and everyone else is,” you felt an extra pair of arms wrap around you and looked to see Jon.
He smiled at you, “I love you too,” he told you.
You couldn’t help but smile as well, “I love you too, Jon. I love the both of you,” you told them.
“Now I have two awesome brothers!” Jon exclaimed. Your smile grew even wider at that.
February 1st, 2022
You, Peter, and Nat were building away from were the other avengers. There was group of people who had landed on Avengers and tower and Friday classified them as threat. The group of people, they brown robes and on the back of them was a symbol one you had seen before.
You knew it but you couldn’t remember where it was from. You remembered it being from a league of some sort, you watched as leader of the group, a women, looked around and as your eyes laid on her you realized who she was, Talia Al Ghul.
“Shit!” you exclaimed. You moved from the building you were on to the Avengers tower. Nat and Peter’s called your name but you didn’t care, as you cared about was making sure Tony, who blasted was currently pointed at Talia, didn’t do something that would cause a war behind the league and the avengers.
You landed in front of Talia seconds before Tony was about to shoot, “Stop!” You exclaimed.
“Good of you finally show up,” Talia told you, you just rolled your eyes
“(Y/S/N), what are you doing?” Tony asked.
“You can’t hurt her, you’ll start a war behind the league and the avengers and believe me that is the last thing y’all need,” You explained.
“A war?” Steve asked.
“The league is a very power power group,” you turned from your friend toward Talia, “What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Can’t I visit my son’s boyfriend?” She asked.
You cocked your eyebrow at her, “Huh?”
Talia just rolled her eyes, “Jason, my son?”
You couldn’t help but be more confused, “Since when is Jason your son?” You asked.
“Since a couple months ago,” she replied.
“Talia, Jason died. He’s been died for years,” you replied.
Talia just smiled at you, “Oh (M/N), he’s alive,” you froze, “And you know it. You’ve been having dreams of him and the Lazarus Pit,”
You shook your head, “No.” You simply said, “Jason died years ago, The Lazarus pit was destroyed years before that by the Justice League,” You exclaimed.
“Yes, but I rebuilt it. I need someone to take of Damien,” She replied.
“So you brought my boyfriend back to life?!” You screamed.
Talia frowned at you, “I thought you would be happy,”
“Oh i’m thrilled!” You stomped your foot, “So fucking thrilled, do you know how dangerous that is? Talia, sure he can protect Damian but he is gonna have urges cause by Lazarus. He’s gonna be so unbelievably anger at Bruce, the Joker, Dick! Everyone!” You exclaimed. Then you remembered, Damian was in Gotham, “Is he..,” You didn’t finish the sentence, you didn’t have too.
“He is,”
“Talia,“ you whispered.
“I didn’t know,” she replied, “You need to stop before he does,” she told you.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“Your connected to him. You can stop him, you can help him,” Talia replied. One of the assassins whispered something to her and she frowned, “I have to go but you need to stop him.”
Before you could speak they were gone you just stared at where they once were. “(M/N)?” Tony asked.
You turned around and noticed Nat and Peter had now joined the other avengers, “I have to go home, I have to go back to Gotham,” you replied.
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valentine-cafe · 7 days
. ˚◞♡ 𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐 𝒙 𝒈𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 : 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐 ꒰ 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒔 ꒱◞ ₊˚
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⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ summary, featuring alessio 781 : you are a new hero and you follow a group of criminals back to a warehouse after they caused havoc on your patrol. as you prepare to strike, you are stopped by a perculiar figure. friend or foe? you know not. your choices will have consequences and unlock further scenes and endings.
start your playthrough at the main menu. ꒱
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“Even so, I want to help.”
Your voice drains its earlier irritation as you turn to the supposed ally. Your own arms folding across your chest as you tilt your head to get a better look at him. The angle in which he stood cast shadows over his face – but the closeness certainly did him justice.
“It’s my job, and people got hurt,” you say no more. Your gaze momentarily dropping to the crew once more. Observing their discussions through narrowed eyes. Their glowing slew of orange and red holographic screens and what you can only imagine as an exchange of contraband.
You pry your attention back to Reaper. Now it is your turn to trail his figure up and down. A once over that he notices, yet seems not to comment on. Instead opting to pour his focus into your eyes.
The silence strings between you both. Twining through the icy air and rising a frost of tension through your chest.
He cracks first. A huff leaving his mask before he spins around and throws his hands up.
“Aiyaaa, fine. You heroes and your sense of justice or whatever,”
It sounds like an insult. But the way in which he shakes his head and the ghost of a chuckle points to something else.
Not that you have the time to question.
His warmth invades the cold air around you. Dark glove clasping at your shoulder to steer you forward. Silently. So that both of you stand along the expanse of the catwalk’s railing and peer over.
“I’ll let ya help on one,” a leather finger rises. Right in front of your face. “Condition. You listen to me, capisci? Reems won’t hesitate to put a bullet in that pretty lil’ head of yours.”
The fingers tap on your temple. You shiver. Frown. Yet nod along in agreement.
“Got it.”
“Fucking fantastic.”
Shadows engulf you whole when he pulls you back in. His eyes fixed to yours as he explains the plan of action. Through it all you note two things.
1 - He’s been at this for awhile.
2 - He typically works alone.
You’re not sure whether the first one assures you or not. Nevertheless you are attentive to plan. Anything to make up for the nitpicks of earlier’s failure that still prick at your mind.
Yet despite it all – and you do not know whether it is instinct or chance – but you flicker attention back to the group. Scanning through their forces as Reaper lists off quick points of what to look out for. What to spot.
And amongst it all, you spot an anomaly amongst oranges, reds and blacks –
Frightened eyes. Bound hands. The glowing clasp around wrists.
A civilian.
You flash back to earlier’s episode.
So your eyes hadn’t deceived you back then. If only you acted quicker.
Your mind races with a newfound guilt. Adrenaline pulsing through your veins as you rapidly spot around the group. Searching for something. Anything.
An opening.
What to do?
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. ˚◞꒰ Take the risk. ꒱
. ˚◞꒰ Alert Reaper. ꒱
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𖹭. remember◞ you make a writer's day every time you like, reblog and/or comment on their piece. if you enjoyed my work, please considering doing so<3
. ˚◞ ꒰ 🍰 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒖𝒔 ꒱ tip jar . masterist ⊹ ۪ ࣪
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askweisswolf · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Thank you for the tag @foibles-fables!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Currently at 89,257.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh man, uh. I think it would be better to say what fandoms I don’t write for at this stage, it’s still crazy to me to think it’ll be twenty years this year that I started writing fanfic. Currently I’d say Baldur’s Gate 3 has me by the throat, with a little bit of the DCAU (specifically, Justice League/Unlimited) and the occasional dash of Fallen Hero and Dragon Age that I post to Discord servers. I’ve also got a few Mass Effect short pieces floating around. I really need to post to my AO3 more.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m going to mess with this one a bit and go off of my top five finished fics by fandom and stick to the ones I wrote solo, that way it’s a bit of a mix. I apologize in advance since a lot of these are years old at this point, but it definitely goes back to what I said before about writing in multiple fandoms, ha.
Rest for the Weary (Frozen) Flare (SPOP) The Same Big Sky (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Skin Deep (Dragon Age: Origins) At The Door (Baldur's Gate 3) 5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I’m not always the best at it but I genuinely appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment on one of my fics, it means the world to me and I always love hearing everyone’s feedback and thoughts, it makes me so excited for my own writing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If we’re going purely by just what’s on AO3… hm. For stuff that’s a bit older, easily The Silence Is Your Answer (Fire Emblem: Three Houses). For something I wrote more recently, Few Finer Torments (Baldur’s Gate 3) because I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Shadowheart in Act 2 specifically.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
… Most of them. Oh my God I’m mainly a fluff writer, like I knew this about myself but to actually realize it so starkly is something else. Of my most recent stuff I’d probably say A Little Slice (Justice League Unlimited) has possibly the softest ending I’ve written in awhile.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully not.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not often but I do sometimes! All of it so far has been for f/f ships, mostly with a lot more focus on like… the thinking and the feeling aspect of it and not so much the physical aspect, if that makes sense? I just like using sex as a way to explore the characters, when I’m in the mood to write it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Oh, man, okay. I have written a few crossovers over the years, but my favorite is still one I co-wrote with a friend of mine for the Beast’s Lair fan forum back in the day that was just a complete off the walls one-shot crack crossover with Fate/Stay Night, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, and I think we had a dash of Highschool of the Dead right at the end. It was insane, we wrote it on a Skype call in a matter of hours.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know, thankfully.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not! When I was more active on FIMFiction.net though I did have a few people who did live readings of my fics, those were always neat.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I’ve co-written with him a lot before, but Pen Pals (Frozen) was co-written with Moczo. Just a heads up that I think he has it set that you can only read it if you’re logged in, if you want to check it out.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
… I don’t think I can only pick one, man. I really don’t. If I have to, my brain always comes back to Shayera/John or Raven/Terra.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I feel like I owe everyone who started reading my The 100 fic or my Black Widow fic an apology at this point.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, emotional payoff, character study (I guess?). I have one friend who told me I write very good Catholic guilt.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sex and fight scenes are the absolute bane of my existence, for as much as I enjoy the character potential of the former in particular. I’m also slow as hell, I’ve been working on this one Shayera/John fic now for like a year trying to finish it before I post it and ugh.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If it fit the context of the fic I would, yes! I’d double check it with someone else who knows the language first, though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Like, ever? Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers to my old Fanfiction.net account when I was 13. I had a bunch of old stuff saved to floppy discs that I never posted, though.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
This changes on a nigh daily basis, but currently I’m having an absolute blast with my The Beast Whisperer series focusing on my Tav who romances Shadowheart, so I’ll leave the link for it here.
Going to gently tag @optiwashere, @kittlesandbugs, @antigonick, @miabicicletta if you guys want to participate, no pressure! And of course anyone who sees this is free to respond as well.
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phantomskeep · 1 year
Editing to add (again): This is using the bastardized wendigo from popculture. It's not using the wendigo in the context of the spirit, more in the context of the Hannibal "Ravenstag" or even Antlers' wendigo. Check the Anon link near the end of the post for more information regarding my thoughts on the subject :) I didn't mention the deer-like qualities until the tags, which I understand some people don't fully read. That's my bad, so here I am with the full context ahead of time. This is not the Algonquian version of the wendigo spirit. i really want to write a DCxDP fic where Danny gets trapped in a different form (like either true form or just gets cursed, something like that) and can't get out of it. That form? A wendigo. Somehow he ends up in the DC universe - either through already living there or Ghost Zone shenanigans.
Being a wendigo, Danny feels the need to eat flesh. Preferably human, but even in his screwed-up state he knows that's wrong of him to do. So he takes to killing the bare minimum amount of wildlife he can to sustain himself. Eventually he realizes that "oh wait, what if I just raided a store?" So he stumbles out of the woods and into the nearest grocery store after they had closed. He ends up eating enough to settle his stomach before going off to hide to wait for this whatever to wear off.
However, this catches the attention of [insert local hero]. [Insert local hero] goes to the Justice League about this - maybe this creature is a new villain's scheme? Or just a new villain? Members of the JL + Justice League Dark then go out to [insert town Danny was spotted in] to do some investigating. Batman being one of these people, plus Robin because Damian would not let Bruce go without him. A wendigo could be like a shark after all, just a big ol' puppy.
They get to [insert town here] and start cracking down. They compare the old footage to the location, tracking where the wendigo went. Finally Batman, Robin and [insert characters here] are able to get to the wendigo's den... only to find out the wendigo is a lot more ghost-like than they thought it would be.
There's a big fight because Wendigo-Brain!Danny thought these random dudes were the GIW coming for his undead ass that ends with Danny taking off. Unknowingly to Danny, Damian has grabbed onto him and is basically riding his soon-to-be pet into the sunset.
... I just want to 1) see Danny suffer and being confused 2) Damian trying to get a new dangerous pet and 3) get Damian trying to tame a feral Wendigo!Danny like any normal person would try to befriend that feral orange cat living in the dumpster.
Adding this just to cover my own butt about this haha, here's a link that contains a post which covers the research I have done on the topic of the wendigo: Anon Ask Post Here. I am not trying to culturally appropriate, offend, or harm anyone with a prompt post about Danny taking the form of a wendigo. It's a cool concept to me as I believe it is a bit ironic. The wendigo, as seen in the culture it originates from, is a symbol of greed and a harsh winter and are often a sign of cannibalism. They have hearts of ice and an "unseasonable chill might precede its approach".
I think this is ironic because 1 - Danny is a sweet little bean and being stuck with cannibalistic cravings is a Hannibal Fic trope that will forever rot in my brain + Ghost King!Danny having to eat Pariah Dark's core is a headcanon I adore, 2 - the chill preceding a wendigo's approach reminds me of Danny's ghost sense, 3 - Danny is the LEAST greedy person I can think of in the entirety of DP (even if he does have his selfish moments at the worst times ever), and 4 - wendigos possess human beings. In Native legend a wendigo is a "malevolent spirit" which possesses humans - technically if you are going to stick with the general wendigo legends then it does not have antlers, horns, or is even a beast. It's just a giant human. Which, if using the correct/original version of a wendigo, makes this 10x funnier to me, because Damian that is clearly a giant person what the fUCK ARE YOU DOING--
Anyways, long story short if you have issues with me using a wendigo for a "haha funny" prompt please DM me with any sort of articles, legends, documentaries, ect. on why using a wendigo is a Bad Thing. Like I said in the linked post, I'm always willing to learn and adjust my behavior. I just want proof that the changes I'm going to make are the correct ones to be making, as my years on the internet have ALWAYS told me to fact check anything :)
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Spy x Family masterpost
Reminder that I do not read the manga past what the anime has adapted. None of the posts here include manga spoilers, and I would ask of you to not tell me any such spoilers if you reblog them!
Posts are listed newest to oldest. You're welcome to reblog this post, but I will update it with new posts as I make them.
Tag for fanart (by other people)
Tag for meta (by me and other people)
The blog where I count each character's separate screentime per episode
Reactions/analyses of season 2 episodes
Crack recaps by me
My thoughts on the Spy x Anya game
My thoughts on the film Spy x Family Code: White
Small Things I Spot, Headcanons & Theories (on different posts because tumblr won't allow more links)
Meta / Analysis
An analysis of leitmotifs in the anime soundtrack
Names and identities
Twilight's wish being very simply phrased
Twilight going like "It's for the mission!" even in front of Bond
Thoughts on Anya intimidating the guy in the bullet-in-butt date episode
The Forgers' kitchen
The nature of Operation Strix causes Twilight to open up
Difference in expressions between manga and anime
Twilight being an unsung hero but recognized by Anya
Analysis of the scene in episode 9 where Twilight is testing Yor
(way more under the cut)
Nightfall's hopes of awakening Twilight's heart
The Briar siblings' lies
The balance of dark topics and humor
Detail on the printed version of the manga
Loid complaining about Yuri being loud
The kindness surviving
The different voices of Twilight, Loid, and [redacted]
Yor remembering Loid's supportive words
Yor using melee weapons and being cautious with getting physically close with a friend
Loid focusing on Anya's mental well-being in episode 32
The narrative takes the side of peace, not of any country
The narrative forgiving characters being soft for their family
Yuri's reaction to Loid
Yor connecting with Olka's need for a peaceful life
Twilight taking Anya back home in episode 1
Twilight making Anya happy
Season 2 opening credits analysis (Part One - Part Two/Tea Time)
Yuri's jealousy
How the humor makes the story more human
What Twilight's "I want to live" narrative can build on
Anya playing
The different levels of secrets kept, lying to themselves, and accepting their love for their family
Manga/anime comparison for the last scene of chapter/episode 1
Anya's reaction to saving Loid from the bomb
Twilight encouraging Anya to prioritize peace
Yor threatening the "secret police officer"
Thoughts on Nightfall
Damian Desmond, the bully and the victim
Loid's reactions to Swan's insults
Justice, Protection, and Kindness
The distance between what Twilight sees of himself and what Nightfall sees of him
Yor's guilt in using Loid
Bits from Episode 10/Chapter 16
Twilight appreciating Yor's strength
Twilight and relationships
Twilight and his denial
Henderson being biased towards Loid
Anya's fear of her powers being revealed
An analysis of how Yor sees Loid - and how that can collapse post-identity reveals
Trigger discipline and gun safety as shown in the manga and anime
Different opera depictions between manga and anime
Depiction of young [redacted] between manga and anime
Eden College's philosophy around family values
Loid's reaction to Yor's tasty dish
Yuri's extremism
Twilight's unprecedented honesty with Yor
And what the way he opened up to her says about him
Earlier thoughts on that (posted before the Very Disastrous Date episode aired)
Twilight's view on the spy job
Twilight donning the persona of the kind of person he despises
Twilight trying to woo Yor and why the kick in the chin was important to the narrative
Masks Off - every time we see Twilight rip off a mask he wears, and how it's shown in the narrative
A bit more on the masks (the post that inspired the meta above)
Sylvia talking to the students
Twilight's views on not being recognized
Yor acknowledging Loid's flaws
Thoughts on Loid fixing the penguin
Yuri idolizing Yor's cooking vs Loid accepting it without criticizing her
Nightfall and Twilight being in different wavelengths
Twilight's genuine smile
The honesty between Loid and Yor despite the lies
Twilight's perfectionism, but gratitude for others' successes
Earlier thoughts on that
Anya's powers within the narrative
Twilight feeling jealous of close connections
Misc thoughts
Ketchup messages
Thoughts on the family relationships
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bitterrobin · 1 year
using this site as a notes board to shop around my Bette Kane-Battle for the Cowl AU which I will now be lovingly regarding as the “Flamebird&Not-Robin in: the dangers of dead fathers, two (2) different spy organizations run by our evil-except-not-really-mothers, and somehow everything always is either a Wayne or a Kanes fault.”
Starting off this au with a general list of the characters in it and their roles as of Battle for the Cowl:
(((Edit: I changed the format to make this easier to read)))
Bette Kane - Flamebird
I’m throwing around the idea of her being a forensic scientist/or a pro-athlete
I hc her as being the same age as Dick i.e around 26
she’s back in Gotham bc Bruce died, stays in Gotham bc she sees the absolute mess it’s in & decides to help
even if it’s dubious if anyone really wants/needs her there
still an established LA hero with a public reputation so she’s not totally unknown to Gotham
finds Damian basically homeless in Gotham/breaking into places to stay and offers to take him in
he only accepts bc he knows she’s a Kane/related to his father
correctly regards Damian as an abused child / but doesn’t have the prior extensive knowledge or experience with the League to cloud her judgement on Talia or Damian (they’re equally both victims in her eyes)
while she is leagues more adjusted emotionally than the other Bats (she almost never interacts with Bruce outside of her childhood) - she’s still a lil traumatized and unhealthily copes regarding her parental situation and Kathy Kane
also has a little bit of trauma-related amnesia with a certain section of her childhood (that will come into play)
She does remember being Batgirl vaguely, very vaguely
Damian al Ghul-Wayne - not Robin in this au
at least not yet
he goes out on his own without a definite vigilante identity until later developments
came to Gotham to see Bruce after leaving Talia
Bruce is “dead” so Damian decides to wander Gotham on his own before Bette discovers him
tentatively stays with Bette bc they are related and he needs shelter
is secretly still insecure about Bruce (bc of how they last interacted) ((Batman#655-657)) /and whether or not Dick would have accepted him, as they haven't met before this au (Resurrection of Ras al Ghul is heavily altered)
tolerates Bette, Tom, and Rory’s friendly affection but will not hesitate to leave in the early months
is struggling with his place in the world bc Bruce is gone, Dick doesn’t know who he is, and Tim still hates him. So he’s not on the best terms with the main Bats.
Tom Bronson - Wildcat (the third)
If you don’t know who he is (I think only JSA fans know if his existence), he’s the third-ish Wildcat of the 2007 Justice Society, the estranged son of Ted Grant, following the long-ago death of Yolanda Montez and way-longer ago death of Jake Grant.
And yes, he is the one that transforms into an anthropomorphic black jaguar (he got it from his mom)
Ted will make an appearance and somehow I WILL bring Yolanda back from the dead/maybe even Jake too
Tom goes to Gotham to help his dad with the city shenanigans of BfTC
jury’s still out on whether I’m making him a love interest for Bette (my brain will make crack ships of the most random characters, don’t mind it)
decides to stay in Gotham even after his dad leaves bc the Bats really are stretched thin (in his opinion) (he’s used to the large size and scope of the JSA)
becomes a brother figure for Damian
accepts him as a annoying little brother in the sense of someone taking care of a stray kitten that bites your hand
lacks literally all experience with anything Batman related before going to Gotham / so he has Opinions about the family
is constantly anxious about Gotham (he is from Brooklyn) (someone pls tell him how this dysfunctional group of people manages to do anything at any point in time in This Fucking City)
a non-Bat POV into the insanity of Bat-events happening
what’s the League of Assassins? or Leviathan? Or Spyral? Or a Red Hood? Fuck if he knows
In my mind, Grant Emerson never died (he is happy and thriving OK) (fuck u Blackest Night) (he will make an appearance) (alongside Maxine)
Rory Regan - Ragman
our favorite underrated Jewish hero
originally from Gotham, I’m surprised he isn’t used more
for those not in the know : Ragman is a magical/mythical Jewish hero consisting of a costume made of rags which contain the countless souls of sinners who will eventually gain redemption within the rags if they help the current Ragman
Rory can use their strength, minds, and skills to help him as Ragman
Ragman (the suit) was canonically created to protect the Jewish population of Europe around the 1500s after the Golem of Prague was also made
Bruce makes an appearance in his 90s series actually / and Rory makes a cameo in a couple issues of O’Neil Batman
I’m planning on making him a more homegrown hero who tends to the homeless/poor/criminals that the Bats don’t get to- the whole “Tatterdemalion of the Justice” thing
is here bc we need another non-Bat pov of Gotham (he’s way more familiar with Gotham than Tom)
and I also like Gotham being more diverse in terms of vigilantes
bonus mentor for both Bette and Damian
he likes Bette bc shes 1. Jewish 2. a lighter hero than the other Bats 3. is a little easier to communicate with
he knows Damian is struggling and tries to support him in any way he can (as Rory also has daily struggles about his own morality bc of the Ragman suit/entity)
has been in Ragman in Gotham for about as long as Bruce has been Batman / he has seen some shit
The Ragman suit canonically slows the aging of the user, so Rory is older than he looks
he only just now started working with Oracle bc he understands the need for a semi-formal organization of Gotham heroes (he does appear in BfTC: The Network)
Kathy Webb-Kane - Agent 0/Headmistress
The leader of Spyral
not a child of a n*zi/ Otto Netz does not exist in this AU
still the first Batwoman
not romantically involved with Bruce bc ew
formerly married to Nathan Kane - the oldest Kane sibling of the little dynasty (Martha’s older brother)
after he died, she inherited what fortune he had that wasn’t taken by the Kanes
formerly Bette’s legal guardian/adopted mom after her dad died when she was 9
yes there will be mommy issues/familial conflict bc Spyral is an antagonist
conflicted about Bette bc she does still care for her, but she has a mission that she was committed too long before Bette was even born
clearly remembers being Batwoman
Spyral is still a spy organization connected to St. Hadrian’s Finishing School
currently targeting Talia/Leviathan, Damian, and Jason
also begins targeting Bette after she starts investigating in search of Kathy
Talia - Head of Leviathan
okay so. Resurrection of Ras al Ghul happens, but not the same way. Talia tries to go against Dusan on her own with Damian after learning of the body snatching plot
Inevitably, Ras comes back. He manipulates Talia and Damian into staying for a little longer. Things do not work out, and Talia deliberately sends Damian to Gotham bc Bruce isn’t dead (yet).
Bruce dies, and Talia loses hope in trusting any of the Bats to help her and Damian (she and Dick never got along, her relationship with Jason is strained)
So she creates Leviathan as a way to combat her father
BUT it’s not the same organization at all. It’s more of a spy organization with the direct purpose of taking down Ras/implementing a better version of his ecological agenda without as much murder and bloodshed.
Leviathan also is technically against Batman bc obviously Talia has never aligned completely with Bruce either. But she doesn’t purposefully try to kill him or Damian.
She’s a very conflicted character here, and she’ll show up in person to see Damian and learn of his status. As a mom, not a villain.
She’ll have a bigger part later on as Leviathan comes into conflict with Spyral.
Wants to take Damian back but is terrified that she’s not a good mother, that’s she’ll only make her precious son worse, and that Ras will just take something else from her permanently again (familial trauma x2)
So she flip-flops between helping Damian and trying to stop him from being a vigilante out of fear for his safety - which Damian detests (mommy issues 2: electric boogaloo)
Leviathan becomes a target for Spyral after it starts gaining followers that aren’t former League traitors and gains a wider influence among the eco-conscious and those who genuinely want Ras al Ghul gone forever
Dick - Nightwing/Batman
basically the same as og Battle for the Cowl
he becomes Batman and struggles under the mantle
doesn’t take in Damian so Tim stays Robin and in Gotham longer
he doesn't meet Damian until after Bette starts taking care of the kid so they don't have the same connection as in canon
he slowly becomes endeared to Damian the more they interact as the plot goes forward
while he’s still dismissive of Bette at the beginning, he’s forced to trust her when it comes to Damian and Spyral
He comes very close to like seventy mental breakdowns over the whole story
Tim - Robin
stays Robin bc Damian doesn’t need the role when he gets to Gotham
so no, there isn’t any conflict regarding the mantle until way later, and by the time Damian becomes Robin - Tim is already Red Robin
Bc Tim is Robin, he stays in Gotham for a while after Dick becomes Batman
that doesn’t mean there isn’t any tension bc there’s still the whole “Bruce isn’t dead” thing
Unlike canon though, Tim has words and can communicate before he leaves so Dick actually knows that Tim has at least a barebones theory of what happened to Bruce (doesn’t mean that Dick fully completely believes him and he’s still grieving so he doesn’t want anything dangerous to happen to Tim)
(this also means that the zombie Batman thing doesn’t happen)
Tim still leaves on his League pilgrimage and becomes Red Robin out of necessity
He still pushes people away, and he still is an asshole to Stephanie
Ras is very clearly manipulating him out of his own goals to strengthen the League and act against Leviathan
When he comes back to Gotham, Tim fights with Damian over the issue of Talia and Leviathan (bc he sees it as another fully evil organization, slight bias put into him by Ras)
Stephanie - Batgirl
the same as the comics
technically more on Barbara’s side than Dicks after BfTC
still a sister figure for Damian
will eventually meet with Bette bc it’s a crime that they never know each other in canon
is carving out her own legacy and path as a hero and Batgirl
still dealing with insecurity over Bruce
Cassandra - not Batgirl or Black Bat
will eventually become Batman
doesn’t show up until after the initial Battle for the Cowl
becomes Batman entirely on her own (for a bit there’s like three Batmen running around)
exclusively works with Oracle and Steph, comes to work together with Dick
doesn’t interact as much with Bette or Damian until they cross paths investigating Leviathan
Barbara - Oracle
still the same
does not interact as much with Dick&Tim bc she’s still running the Birds of Prey on top of training Steph
will interact with Kathy and Bette eventually bc I need the Batgirl interactions
Jason - Red Hood
is Batman briefly during BfTC
still takes in Scarlet as a pseudo-child
he won’t play a big part in the Bette/Damian part of the story
will eventually become a target for Spyral bc Red Hood is a crime boss with some wide connections
Bruce - dead (lol)
still time traveling and everything
tim will still investigate
the omega sanction/Barbatos hullaboo still happens
27 notes · View notes
lovibitchez · 1 year
I'd like to thank @nocturnalchaos for their kind review of this story. It actually made me go back and fix a few things I disliked about this and they helped me find my will to write again. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You really did help me through some hard times. Also, I have yet to edit it, so I do apologize for any errors. I wrote this at work on my phone.
2 years ago…
"What do you want from me, Rae!" Jason yelled from outside the door of Raven's room in the tower. Even if he wasn't technically on the hero side, Dick trusted his brother enough to be in the tower.
"The truth!" Raven yelled, leaning against the door to prevent Jason from trying to pry his way in. She would use her powers, but she couldn’t quiet trust them at the moment. Jason and Raven had been…. somewhat dating for the past few months. Well, not dating. Sleeping together. They were good friends at first, but after Raven came banging on the door to his apartment with tears in her eyes and a broken heart, they had been a little closer than usual.
"You want the truth! Yes! I slept with Rose! But it was before we started our little escapade!" He was frustrated. It all started with a stupid tabloid about Jason, son of Bruce Wayne, being seen with a blonde beauty with one eye at a bar. "Last week, that was business! She had intel on a drug ring I've been looking for. I don't know why you're so pissed. We aren't even dating!"
Raven opened her door a small crack just to see the frustration on Jason's face. His hair was a mess from constantly running his hands through it to keep calm and his eyes were almost overflowing with the pit. "How would you feel if you saw me with someone else?"
Jason froze, "Why would I care? It's your life."
Wrong answer. Raven gave him a bone-chilling look before taking a deep breath, "Goodbye, Jason Todd." She shut her door before teleporting out of the tower. That was the last time Jason saw Raven.
Four months later, the Titans were no more. Budget cuts in Jump City and the Justice League taking over, it made it impossible for the Titans to stay around. The Titans were all given identities, and some were given Halo-Rings to look more human.
Dick moved to Blüdhaven where he continued to be Nightwing and Detective Richard "Dick" Grayson with his new wife Kori as she continued her freelance modeling career. Victor mainly worked at the watchtower, being a member of the Justice League, but when he was back on Earth, he worked at an auto body shop dating Karen, otherwise known as Bumble Bee. Garfield was in college working on his veterinary license. And Raven? She disappeared. Not having a life on Earth before the Titans, she only had her fake identity and a GED she established before the team disbanded.
No one knows where she went, or if she was even on Earth still.
Until today…
Red Hood was notorious for keeping companies ensured. Some were small local businesses that paid him in food and a safe place to hide out while others were large clubs that paid him well to keep the ruffians and cops out. Tonight was one of those nights.
“Mama’s House” was a strip club that also worked as an underground Hen House. The girls were instructed to keep a sense of anonymity while in the club while servicing clients.
Jason was always impressed by the look and size of the club. Red velvet walls adorned with White silk curtains as decorations. The three stages separated by two rounded bars in between. For an illegal business, the place had some class. All but the owner. Oscar Danny. A large bearded man who required his girls to call him “Big Daddy”. It wouldn’t surprise Jason if he often sampled his girls, but that was Oscar’s business.
Or, it was. Jason sat at the bar, waiting for Oscar to get out of his “meeting” with one of his girls and decided to have a drink and a look around. After grabbing his old fashion, he walked over to the main stage where his heart almost stopped.
She looked different. Long jet-black hair, pale pink skin, and bright blue eyes. But he could recognize her anywhere. The way her body rolled against the pole, how she teased her hair when she was dancing like no one was watching. He watched her drop to her knees with her legs spread.
She rolled her hips to the rhythm of the music, stirring something deeply hidden within Jason. Yes, last but something more. It was like seeing an oasis after being stranded in the desert for weeks without water. She was a refreshing sight for his dark world. She always was. But he fucked it up.
He felt the pit surface as he watched. Her hips faltered for a moment so brief, Jason thought he blinked. But he couldn’t look away. Watching her do the things they used to do in private, put on display for dozens of men. The pit was bubbling in his eyes and he feared what he might do if she didn’t stop.
As if some deity heard his prayers, the music ended and she quickly sauntered off the stage. Jason’s feet moved before his brain could tell them to. His vision was blurred, all but her.
Raven felt his presence the second those heavily tinted doors opened. She had hopped he wouldn’t recognized her. She looked different. She looked normal.
Raven stood on stage, the spotlight almost blinding. Her soul self snuck into the shadows, following Jason around the club until he was up close to the stage.
She probably didn’t need to use her powers. It’s kind of hard to miss a tall man in a red hood. But she needed to know why he was here. Was Jason looking for her? How did he find her? Why is he in his hero gear if he wanted to talk to her? Does he know? Raven’s blood ran cold at the thought.
Soon, the song ended and she quickly left the stage. Unfortunately, she wasn’t allowed into the back. Not yet. She had to walk the floor and accept request.
She left the stage only to run into Jason.
“Act natural” she thought to herself. Raven lifted her head to speak but no words came out. She stood there, looking up at him, desperately trying to stay calm. But it was hard for a multitude of reasons. His emotions swirled around like a storm. His anger was palpable. Like a dish coated in pepper. Yet, there was something sweet under it all. Something not like lust but it left the same taste in her mouth all the same.
“Excuse me,” She squeaked, her voice betraying her confident demeanor.
“Raven.” He breathed her name out like it was a prayer. As if seeing her was the only thing that has ever mattered to him. And maybe it was. Maybe he regrets what he said. Or maybe he was here for another reason.
“I-“ Raven took a deep breath, desperately trying to keep up her façade around him. “Who?” she asked fainting innocence.
Jason let a deep breath out through his nose before speaking, “Raven, I-“
“Mr. Hood!” a thick Boston accent broke his gaze, “good to see you again! It’s been months!”
“Oscar.” Jason quite honestly couldn’t stand the man. The only reason he was willing to insure this place was for the girls.
“Did I finally get a girl you’d like?” he laughed, “how ‘bout you two go upstairs. Free of charge, of course.”
“But-“ Raven chimed in.
“I don’t want to hear it. Mr. Hoods been good to us! He deserves to let off some steam.”
“You know what?” Jason said, never taking his eyes off the small woman, “I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”
Oscar smiled brightly, “she’s a hot one isn’t she.”
“She’s something alright.” Jason turned from Raven and followed Oscar up the spiraling staircase.
Raven took in a sharp breath and followed behind at a distance. Oscar had led them to the farthest room from the stairs. Raven took a deep breath as she stepped into the velvet covered room. Raven always hated the design in these rooms. Red velvet lined the walls and coated the floor. The round silk covered bed sat in the center of the room. Everything was littered with hearts. Neon hearts hung on the wall, heart shaped lamps and even a heart shaped chair sat in a small corner next to a heart shaped corner table. This room cost more than her apartment yet it looked so cheap.
Jason stood at the foot of the bed, watching Raven’s every move. She stood by the door with her head held high. She was here physically but her eyes were clouded with thoughts of being anywhere else.
“You treat him good, girlie.” Oscar huffed, “If I get one more complaint about you, you’re out of here. I don’t care about your little “situation”.” Raven only nodded at him, not trusting her voice. Oscar turned to Jason, “Just bring her back in one piece,” he winked before leaving and shutting the door.
Jason watched Raven, unsure of what to say. Raven was on the verge of a panic attack. Her chest rose with every deep breath and her legs faltered as she stepped closer to Jason. Jason took a step closer, reaching an arm out to grab the shaking woman.
“Raven,” he sighed. His arm wrapped around her stomach as he brought her in for a deep hug. Jason leaned his head on Ravens, taking in her scent. Even through the hood he can smell the lilacs in her hair and the old parchment she was often fond of reading. It was her and there was no doubt about that. “Fuck I’ve missed you.”
A part of her wanted to sink into his arms like she had before. But the part of her that he hurt wanted to push him away. To tell him to get out of her life and to never come near her again. Raven stood shocked for a moment before carefully prying out of his grip.
“I-I’m sorry.” She whispered, “I don’t know who you’re talking about.” The lie rolled off her tongue so easily. As if she had practiced for the moment for months.
“Cut the shit, Sunshine,” Jason growled out. He took off his hood and placed it on the bed. “You may be in disguise but I can always tell if its you.” He took a step closer and she moved back. “What are you doing in a place like this?”
Raven’s eyes never left Jason’s. His eyes had turned a dark shade of green as the pit spilled out. He was on the verge of chaos and Raven knew she had to calm him down. But something inside her seemed to snap.
“I could be asking you the same thing,” she growled back. “I thought you were done being the bad guy.”
Jason crossed his arms, thankful she finally dropped the act, “I collect insurance from those who need it. That’s all.”
She scoffed, “like a common thug.”
“Hey, I’m helping people. Not shaking my ass for every Tom, Dick, and Harry that pays me to!”
Raven was taken aback by his comment. The hurt she felt all those years ago bubbled up and fueled her rage, “Well I’m sorry I don’t have daddy’s bank account to fall back on!”
Jason growled, pushing Raven against the wall, “And this was the only option? Honestly, Raven, I thought you were better than this.”
“And I thought you were more understanding.” She glared at him. “Wasn’t your mother a stripper?”
“And now she’s dead.” Jason breathed out. Jason felt like Raven had just driven a knife into his chest and twisted it. Bringing Bruce into this was one thing, but his mother? She knew damn well that was a sore spot for him. “She was desperate!”
“And I’m not?” She scowled, “You honestly think I would work here if I had a choice!”
Jason took a deep breath, trying to calm the raging pit inside him, “You could have asked for help.”
“From whom, Jason? The Titans? They’re long gone! And the Justice League would never-“
“You could have asked me!”
Raven couldn’t help it. The laugh that came out of her was cold and humorless, but a laugh, nonetheless. “Right, let me just call up the asshole that-“ She stopped herself before she could continue the thought.
“That what? Left you? Hurt you?” He ran his hand through his hair, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, “Shit, Sunshine. I’m sorry, okay. I shouldn’t have said what I said. I just didn’t know what was going on.”
“Bullshit!” She hissed, “You knew damn well how I felt about you and acted like it was no big deal!”
“I know, okay! I fucked up but please, just talk to me! Let me make it up to you!”
“No,” She shook her head, “This isn’t something you could just make up for Jason. We can’t just go back.”
“Then we shouldn’t.” He stepped closer, watching to see if Raven would move away. He sighed with relief when she didn’t. “Let’s go forward. Let me help you. I can-“
“It’s not that simple, Jason.” Raven held herself as she looked at her feet, “There’s something I need to tell you. Something I should have told you that day.” Jason stood still as Raven searched for the right words to say, “I was…” she paused, finding it almost impossible to speak. “I have, you have,”
“If you can’t say it, then don’t. Just, don’t disappear again.” Jason reached out to Raven, carefully bringing her into another hug. “Shit, Little Bird, I looked everywhere for you.”
“You did?” She squeaked, sinking into his arms.
“I fucked up the second I said that to you. I am so sorry.” He held her tight. For the first time since that day, Jason felt at ease. He always did when Raven was in his arms.
“Jason, we-“
There was a knock at the door and Raven could hear crying. She quickly pulled herself out of his grip and rushed to the door. When she opened it, a large woman carrying a crying baby stood there with a look of irritation.
“Finally. She hasn’t stopped crying for the last twenty minutes and it’s starting to piss me off.”
“She must have missed a feeding,” Raven’s voice was soft as she picked up the child, “Shh, I’ve got you,” She cooed.
Jason stood where Raven had left him. A thousand things were running through his head. Whose kid was that? Raven’s? Who’s the father? Was it his? Was it a clients? Jason saw red for a moment. The thought of Raven being in that situation, being used and tossed to the side, being alone with someone’s child. Had she been doing this alone?
The woman took a quick peak into the room and scoffed, “Didn’t know you were with someone.”
“I can take her from here. Thanks Sister Anna.” The woman scoffed and walked off, leaving Raven with her daughter.
“I-“ She held her daughter close in her arms, “This is Lillian.”
“Is she?”
“Yes.” Raven answered, hushing the frail child in her arms. “Um, do you mind if I?” She gestures to the bed. Jason said nothing. He moved slightly to the side and gestured for her to sit.
Raven took cautious steps towards the bed to sit and removing her bikini top. Lillian wasted no time latching onto Ravens nipple.
“How old is she?” Jason asked, watching the baby drink from her mother.
“Fifteen months, I think.” Raven sighed, “Jason, this is your daughter. She’s why I was so desperate.” She looked up at Jason, tears threatening to spill out. “I shouldn’t have kept her from you. I’m so sorry.”
Jason examined the child. She was almost a carbon copy of Raven. She had Raven’s nose, pale skin, and jet-black hair. If it wasn’t for her teal eyes, Jason wouldn’t have believed her.
“I have a daughter.” He whispered. “She’s,” Jason couldn’t find the words to say. His vision started to blur and he could feel his nose drip. Was he crying? Jason never cried. “She’s perfect.” He choked out. Raven turned away from him, bringing her attention back to the baby in her arms. Lillian had slowly stopped suckling on Raven’s breast, her eyelids heavy.
Jason bent down to Raven’s level, holding out his hands, “Can I?” he asked, gesturing to the half-asleep child. Raven hesitated for a moment before carefully handing Lillian over to her father. Jason carefully held her in his arms. Lillian was staring up at him with groggy eyes. There was a small smile on the baby’s lips. Jason let out a weak sob as he held her close, “Hi,” he whispered, “I’m a dad.” Jason wasn’t sure how to feel. He was a dad. He never thought it was possible.
“I didn’t think you could have kids.”
“I didn’t think I could either.” She admitted, “I’m a half demon and demons already struggle with fertility. But when we go into heat, it becomes possible for full blooded demons.”
Jason thought back to their time together. Throughout their time together, Raven had been in heat once. Jason remembers that week fondly. The way Raven had begged for him. The way she couldn’t hold back her moans when he was inside her. If Jason could, he would go back to those days. He would do things right. He would have told her how he felt the day she came to his door in tears.
“Let me be in her life.” He begged.
“Jason,” She placed a hand on his shoulder, “I didn’t mean to hide her from you for song long. I was hurt and scared. Everything just fell apart so fast.”
“I know. I can’t fix what I said, but please, just let me have a chance. I can’t lose you again.”
Raven wiped the tears from her face and nodded, “I can’t keep you away from her.”
Jason chuckled and nodded, “Can’t keep me away from either of you.”
Raven looked at the time, “Shit,” She mumbled, “I have to get back out there.”
“Wait,” Jason grabbed her arm, “Come home with me. Both of you.”
Raven thought for a moment than shook her head, “I don’t know if I can trust you yet.”
“Raven, please. I can’t let you keep working here.”
“Why would you care? It’s my life.” She stated coldly, repeating the words he told her that day.
“I need to take Lily back to the daycare and I need to pay rent.” She carefully to Lillian from her father. “Come find me after my shift. We need to talk logistics.” Jason said nothing, he only nodded and stood up. He put his hood back on and followed her out the door.
It was two in the morning when Jason stood in the alley, chain smoking his second pack in the last hour.
“Dude, you gotta quit it with the smoking.” Roy chastised him, “She’ll be coming out soon. I hope.” Roy rubbed his hands together for warmth. It was freezing outside. The snow fell heavily on the streets just like it always did during the winter in Gotham. Roy was never one for the cold but Jason never seemed to care.
“I’ll stop when I see her.” Jason bit back, his nerves frayed from the earlier interaction. He was a father. No matter how many times he said it to himself, it still didn’t feel real. But she felt real. She was so small and so soft. Jason wanted to see her again. To hold Lillian in his arms just to remind himself that she’s real. That he has a child.
The back door to the club squeaked open and Raven came out holding Lillian bundled in a thick jacket and a blanket. Raven on the other hand, was in a pair of pants and a coat that looked like it had been worn one too many times.
“Sorry, it took me longer to get out than expected.” She held Lily close and walked over to Jason. There was a slight limp to her walk, one that Jason hadn’t noticed before.
“You okay, Sunshine?” He asked. Raven cursed herself under her breath. Of course Jason would notice a limp. After all, the world’s greatest detective trained him.
“Yeah,” She said a little too quickly, “I tripped earlier.”
“Another lie,” he thought, but chose to let it go.
“Raven!” Roy jumped out, giving the young woman a bear hug. “It’s been way to long!”
“Roy,” Raven gave her old friend a soft smile, one that made Jason’s heart drop. “It’s good to see you again.”
“And this must be Lillian,” Roy looked down at the baby asleep in her mother’s arms, “She’s adorable! Looks just like her mama.” He smiled brightly at her and Raven couldn’t help but return his smile in kind.
Jason walked over to the pair and held out his arms, “I’ll carry her.” Raven reluctantly handed her daughter to Jason who happily took her and wrapped her in his arms. Jason smiled down at the little girl, moving a strand of hair from her forehead. “We’ll take you home. That way we can talk in private.”
“I live just up the street.” She responded, walking ahead of them. They walked in silence, no one knowing what to say. Jason kept on peeking down at the baby in his arms, still unable to believe she was real.
“She’s a quiet baby.” Raven stated.
“She’s so small,” he whispered.
“I do what I can to keep her fed,” Raven snapped, not looking back at her ex-lover.
Jason winced, “That’s not what I meant.”
“So,” Roy cut in “How long have you been working for Oscar?”
“Just a few months. The diner I used to work at went out of business.”
“Such is the life of a Gothamite.” Roy chuckled. Jason couldn’t be more thankful that Roy was there. He kept the conversation lively and prevented any lingering hostilities between the two. That is until they reached the apartment complex Raven was living in.
Raven didn’t have to use her powers to feel their shock. Raven knew damn well how shitty her apartment was. The gray paint was chipping off the side of the building and there was a hole in the center of the roof. Luckily, Raven’s apartment was on the opposite side of the building to where the hole was. But that didn’t make the place anymore drafty.
She took out her key and unlocked the door. She entered her apartment and turned on the lights. Jason’s heart sank. The carpet had stains that must have been set years ago and the walls were covered in cracks. What relived Jason was the furniture. Ravens small living room had a small old gray couch and a tv. The floor was littered with toys and there was a large baby blanket. Her kitchen had an old stove and a small fried. The microwave had a dial instead of buttons and her coffee machine had seen better days.
“It’s no tower, but it’s better than the street,” Raven chimed in. She walked over to Jason and held out her hands. “Let me put her down then we can talk.”
“Let me,” Roy walked over, carefully taking Lillian from her father, “I’ll keep an eye on her while you talk.” Raven was about to protest when Roy spoke again, “I’ll call if she needs anything.” Roy held the sleeping baby in his and softly cooed, “hey, Lily. I’m your uncle Roy.”
Raven let out a soft sigh and waved Jason to follow her into a small room. Jason looked around her small room. The bed laid on the floor covered in blankets with a crib sitting next to it. There was a small dresser by the window and the closet was missing its door.
Jason looked back to the bed then up at Raven, “guessing the heater’s broke?”
Raven tugged her jacket closer to her chest and glared, “we’re serving, Jason. Lily gets fed and I’m making rent.”
“I’m not judging you, Raven,” he huffed, “I know you’re doing what you can I just wish you would have told me.”
“And what would you have done if I did?”
“I would have stayed.”
“Bullshit.” Raven hissed.
“Why are you so pissed at me? I’m not the one who hid our child from me!”
“I didn’t hide her!”
“Right, sorry. You didn’t hide her, you just never got around to telling me!” Jason took a step forward and Raven stepped back, wincing. “Your hurt.”
“I’m fi-“
“Don’t-“ Jason took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm that’s been brewing for hours, “don’t lie to me. Not anymore tonight.”
His voice came out so soft Raven could have sworn he was begging her. She looked away, trying to find any distraction from her own swirling emotions. “I can heal myself.”
“Then why haven’t you done it yet?”
Raven couldn’t hide from him anymore. The last two years have been hell. Hoping from job to job just to keep food on the table and debt collectors away. Her eyes burned with unscheduled tears and her legs felt ready to give out. She leaned against the wall, trying her damndest to keep the tears from flowing.
“I’ve gotten weaker,” she admitted. Jason took a cautious step closer, ready to grab Raven. They spent too much time together for Jason to not recognize when she was ready to collapse.
“Do you know what caused it?”
She shook her head, “my minds been a mess since I left the tower. And having a baby doesn’t really give me room to meditate or take care of myself.”
“Well I’m here now.” Jason took another cautious step towards Raven l, wrapping his arms around her and letting her fall into him. Jason missed her soft touch more than he realized. Having her in his arms again was a constant dream to him. “Let me help. If not for you, than for Lillian.” Raven let out a weak sob and wrapped her arms around his waist.
Her legs shook too much to keep her up, she slid to the floor with Jason still clinging to her for dear life. Her whole body shook with the force of her unshed tears.
After a few minutes of muffled sobs, Raven had regained enough composure to continue. “What happened, Sunshine?” The softness in his voice had almost brought her back to tears, but she managed to push them down.
“Oscar,” she whispered, “he got upset that Lily interrupted us and he thought you left mad about it.”
“So he hurt you?”
“I could have been worse than just a twisted ankle.” She mumbled
Jason saw red. How could he not? The woman he’s been searching for and the mother of his child was in a dangerous situation. He held Raven tight and carefully lifted the ankle of her pants. Her alkies heel was purple and had started to swell.
“I tripped.” She repeated her statement from earlier, “I technically didn’t lie.”
“But how did you trip?” He gently grabbed Ravens chin, inspecting her face and neck for any markings.
“You won’t find anything. My powers may have weakened, but I can still heal small bruises.”
“so he hit you.” He didn’t state it as a question. Son of the world’s greatest detective, he could figure it out from just the little information she gave him. Oscar got mad, hit her and she tripped in her heels. “Raven,”
“I know,” she cut him off, removing her but I needed the money.”
“I know.” He sighed. There was an awkward pause before either spoke. “Listen, I know I can’t convince you to quit or rely on me until you can get a different job, but please. Let me help.”
“Okay,” Raven conceded, “for Lily.”
“For Lily,” He repeated, “and a bit for you.”
She chuckled, “if it helps you sleep at night, sure.” Jason felt his heart skip a beat. The sound of her laugh was a rare treat to hear. He missed it probably more than he thought was rational. But he missed everything about her.
“I should put Lily to bed, I have to work tomorrow.” Raven carefully stood, Jason helping her.
“With that ankle?”
“I have to pay rent somehow.”
“But-“ Jason cut himself off. He knew damn well telling Raven what to do was a pointless fight. “okay. I’ll be picking Lily up tomorrow before you head out.”
Raven froze for a moment, unsure of what to say, “is your place baby proof?”
“yeah. We still have a bunch of Lians old baby stuff. I’ll put it together before I pick her up.”
She nodded, “okay.”
“I’ll be here around noon?” she nodded, opening the door to Roy holding a sleeping Lillian.
“She was an angel,” Roy smiled, handing the sleeping baby back to her mother.
“Thank you, Roy,” she held Lilian close and looked up at Jason, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” he looked down at his daughter, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Lily” he whispered, gently patting her head.
Raven watched the men leave. She let out a shaky breath when she was finally alone with her daughter. “Well, I guess you will have your dad in your life.” The baby cooed in her sleep, cuddling into her mother’s chest. “Let’s get you to bed.” Raven carried her to bed carefully putting her in the old crib. She carefully put a blanket over the top of the crib, giver her daughter enough space to breath.
Raven quickly got ready for bed, wrapping her ankle before crawling into her bed and passing out. By tomorrow, her ankle should be healed, but Raven still remained cautious.
Jason walked down the sidewalk, Roy following close behind with a smile on his face. "So..." Roy said, elbowing his friend, "How does it feel to be a dad?"
"I'm not sure," Jason hummed, his face scrunched in a look of thought, "I'm angry Rae hid it, but I guess I'm... happy?" He sighed, "I'm not sure. I'm probably going to fuck it up like my folks did. Or worse, like Bruce."
Roy scoffed, "Please! You should learn from it! Plus, I think Raven is a good mom. Did you see how she held her! Man, if Jade acted like that towards Lian, I'd-" There was a swift kick to Roys' ribs, making him fall to his knees, "Noted," he groaned.
"You should know not to say shit like that."
"why?" The archer huffed, getting off the ground, "you've never cared when I've talked like that before? Is it because of-" There was another kick. But not to his ribs, Roy cupped his groin as he fell to the floor, trying to breathe, "Noted." He squeaked, voice higher than normal.
"Say one more word, and I'll make sure you can't have another kid." Jason snarled, the pit almost overflowing, which seemed like the running theme tonight. Roy shut up as they walked the rest of the way home in silence.
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popculturebuffet · 5 months
Supermay!: Battle of The Superheroes Review!(Batman BATB) (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy supermen, women and everyone in between and beyond whose still just as super, and welcome to SUPERMAY, a monthlong celebration of all things man of steel.
It's also a great time for it as Superman is in one of the best places he's been as a character in a while: In the comics we have Joshua Williamson's stellar run on Superman, on tv My Adventures with Superman, the first animated superman show since The Animated Series and one of the best superhero shows period, comes back for season 2 and next year James Gunn takes a crack at a shiny new movie that gets to the core of who superman is.
So in these times my love for the character has only grown, and thus me and my fine patrons and contributers are bringing this month from across his life and career.
So naturally we start with an episode of.. a batman show. Yes despite getting a whole month to himself earlier this year, Batman just can't stay away. Or maybe Kev's just addicted to Batman Brave and the Bold. What do you think of the show kev?
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Nothing suspcious there. Now to freebase more x-men.
Yet while this decision seems bonkers at first, it makes sense on two levels: the first is that Batman and Superman have a long history together, and their regular team ups in world finest lasted for decades and tied to the two at the hip with one another. It's not hard to see why either: Their the archetypes for heroes with powers and those without them. The bedrock on which the whole genre's built. Teaming them up with their contrasting styles, backstories and skillsets just works. The other reason ... is that Superman didn't have a solo series for a while. His last one was the brilliant and sadly didn't make the schedule Legion of Super Heroes Cartoon, and even that's a team series, if one with Supes at the center. He's been in plenty of othe rcartoons.. but it's been long enough it's understandable why we'd reach for an apperance in another cartoon.
It did take a bit though as Superman was noticably a no show from the first two seasons of brave and the bold. And that.. was by design. Brave and the Bold tended to spotlight heroes who needed the spotlight, ones who either hadn't been featured yet or if so, all that often. It's the series where Bwana Beast got a heroic sacrifice, Ted Kord finally got to appear on screen, and the green lantern was Guy Gardner, the angry asshole what looks like moe howard hit the gym. It's something I love about the series, as it gave a lot of heroes their shot, taught me some existed and is a good thing, and thus it makes sense Supes wasn't around till it's final season: he needed his own solo cartoon sure, that took way too damn long, but he didn't really need the show or have as many new avenues to explore. Both Batman the Animated Series and The Batman already teamed the world's finest up. We'd seen plenty of them together in justice league and young justice. To justify trotting out superman for more than money's sake, they'd have to do something only THEY could do
And that.. was salute the silver age. Like Batman, Superman had a pretty weird time in the silver age, if better sales since weird shit happening to an alien who could suplex the moon fit better than happening to a guy in a mask whose suddenly a baby. It was a time of unbridled creativity: thanks to this age we got my beloved Legion of Super Heroes, who are sadly sitting this super may out due to scheduling, the legion of super pets, supergirl, braniac, all the various flavors of kryptonite, super vintiloquisim. I'ts a period I need to read more of but deeply love as it's just.. fun. it dosen't always hold up, but when it does it gives us fun breezy weird adventures with stuff that's hilarious now sure but also really fun to go back to.
And going back to this age.. was part of the hook and brave and the bold. Having the style of those days, not taking itself super seriously, but still having just enough seriousness to not come off as a farce. We still get plenty of character moments, a death or two and what have you, but we have fun in the process and it's done in an optimstic way that most batman work isn't, as batman.. isn't the most optimstic character. So doing a superman spotlight, while good to keep off, was something they kinda HAD to do. If anyone represented this age, it was supes and if any show was going to celebrate him at this stage in his history while slyly winking at all the weird shit it was Brave and the Bold
It was also a celebration of one other thing which you can find out under the cut along with a full review!
That one thing of course is Superdickery.
Superdickery was a webstie in the 2000's where a snarky man on the internet made fun of old silver and broonze age superman covers where Superman was a dick. Granted it's usually exagerated or explained in story, but it still lead to good times and often the covers were funny enough on their own
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NGL I just did a google of superman is a dick to see waht I got... it did not disappoint. I mean you have superman doing a cultural appropriation to marry jimmy to an ape, jimmy harvesting superman's tears in revenge, and of course superman making jimmy dig his own grave while batman plans to shoot him..
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You can see why it's easy to do an entire website making these.. and why Brave and The Bold opted to just lean into that, make an entire episode homaging some of the more infamous ones. It's fun to see the purest hero in existance as an out of context king sized asshole, complete with pope hat.
The episode can't begin with superman being a dick though.. you have to establish that baseline of Superman being for truth, justice and the american way. All of that. So we begin with.. Batman and Robin as spooky mummies
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Yeah and like many of the events in this episode it's based on ana ctual comic
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Though in that case it was to not give away their identiteis because they'd turend green... so brave and the bold wisely changed it to "rags soaked in buttermilk to counteract king tut's zombie ray" And really if you ever wonder "WHy take comissions' besides you know...
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It's getting to write sentences like that.
THey beat him and Vicki Vale gets a scoop. Vicki Vale is Lois Lane if she were in gotham and after batman. That's about it. The 87 film I covered in march did flesh her out a bit and My Adventures with Superman does a good job making her distinct if also the queen of asshole mountain, but the version here and at the comics.. seems to just be lois except she's a ginger.
The proper story begins with Jimmy Olson faking his death so Superman will reveal his secret identity.
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Which kinda justifies the whole "marry you to an ape" thing jimmothy. It's a constant game of one upsmanship with these two that will end with both in a grave Jimmy freshly dug with robin I swear. At any rate this fails because superman you know.. has super senses, so he senses Jimmy's just fine and jets off and was just playing along because these two have issues.
Superman responds to a jewel robbery and finds his oldest and greatest friend, batman! Thankfully there's none of that "blaming batman for a crime" nonsense this go round, as Batman's been investigating some eastern seaboard jewlery thefts, and agrees to team up. I also love how they go back to the more silver age partnership for these two: it fits given the astetic of these versions, but it's also nice to see the two just.. be pals. No distrust, no long term ressitance, no asking him to commit election fraud, just two guys who like fighting crime teaming up.
Naturally the culprit is LEX LUTHOR who is less an evil billinoare in the silver age and more a sciency weirdo who likes to throw on a death ray, though most modern versions combine the two making him a genius.. but having put that genius into
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While doing evil super science as a side hustle or because he was finally indicted and has kidnapped lois because that's part of what she did back in the day, though she keeps her feisty nature by kicking out of a plane.. granted she then shouts for superman.. and is mad batman saved her. Superman stops Luthor, he's sent to jail to break out next week, they do this a lot.
We have a larger guest voice cast than usual this go round so let's dig into them real quick: Roger Rose is the man of steel himself. Rose is a voice actor but mostly tends to do "Additional Voices" looking at his credits on wikipedia, with his bigger roles being Dr. Strange on the Superhero Squad show, superman in this show, and Kent Powers on Quack Pack. And given any time i've seen kent in an episode he's hilarously douchey, Roger was the right man for the job here.
Luthor is played by Voice Acting Legend and marathon man Kevin Michael Richards, who I now realized has voiced both Lex Luthor and Shredder and that's dope. You've heard him in everything and he's great in everything. He also voices Mxy in this same episode.
Lois is voiced by Sirena Irwin, who I hadn't heard OF before but had heard before as she voices Spongebob's Mom, along with Lady Upturn. She also voices Mera on this very show.
Jimmy is voiced by Alexander Polinski, another va I hadn't heard of.. but i've heard a LOT of: He got his big break voicing Control Freak on Teen Titans, followed up by voicing loveable friend on the black market and stool pigeon Argit from Ben 10 alien force all the way thorugh Omniverse, is currently a lead in Monster High, and most important to me was Chameleon Boy and Matter Eater Lad on the legion of super heroes.
Finally we have a character intorduced in the next scene as Lois pitches a day in the life piece on superman and is mad clark almost gets it: Perry White, voiced by character actor Richard Mcgongal. Clark here is portrayed as he was in the silver age: a clumsy ditsy suit superman wears to live among mortal people. Thankfully it's not around enough to be an issue but to me supes works best when superman is clark no matter the outfit. He isn't a reporter to get info or trick his love intrest, he's a reporter because he loves being a journalist and wants a normal life, but knows he can't just fuck off and not be superman. It's not who he is.
So we get a neat montage of lois as Batman and Superman do their thing, with Supes having invited Batman to hang around for a bit. It's also neat in that it shows just how much Batman thinks of this version of supes from the get go: While he respects most of his partners, Clark seems to be one of the few he's genuine friends with. They just get in synch and there's no bossing him around like he tends to do in most team ups on this show.
So we get a fight with metallo who has his silver age apperance which is...
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It's a lot. The series DOES him favors by bulking him up but the color scheme just dosen't quite work. I get why most later versions go with silver instead, the green glow of the kryptonite from it giving him a terminator vibe. It works really well. We also get good old mxy, whose castually talked back to his home dimension after cycling jimmy through all his various transformations.
Lois and Jimmy then get gifts that are from "Superman". Really shoudl've checked the air quotes. Said gifts are a shiny new signal watch with red crystal inlays and a red jewel.
Naturlly these TOTALLY incouous gifts awaken something in Superman as he fights the flying fat man, the toyman, who in the silver age was just.. a guy who made toy shaped death weapons.. .which is still impressive but I can see why the animated series gave him that now iconic doll look. Brrrr.
Superman beats toyman.. then prepares to REALLY beat toyman
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Deciding he's done with truth, justice and not kicking your balls into your face. He'll figure the anatomy out later. Batman stops the toymurder and it's clear Superman has changed.. he's EVIL now.. and also a real di...ffrent person. A gag I REALLY love from this ep
So we get one of the most glorious montoages ever as superman is just.. the biggest dick the writers can conjure. It works if you don't know what their homaging as they set up who superman actually is well and it's just so over the top it's hilarious. It works even better if you've seen a bunch of silver age covers as they just.. made that into a version of superman, from literally tying up traffic to my faviorite, PUTTING A KITTEN BACK UP A TREE. I love cats but I can't help but also love how dickish that is.
Batman can tell something isn't right here because anyone with two eyes can tell Superman is acting off and something is wrong. Everyone except Jimmy Olson whose angrily tearing down his superman posters and takes this at face value. Then again he DID make him marry an ape so I kinda get not trusting something's wrong. It dosen't help superman burned his thoughtful father's day gift
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At least even on an evil rampage Superman was kind enough to adopt him. Jimmy wishes things were back to simplier times...
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That's not a joke by the way,.. the real joke is jimmy starring whistfully after they animated this cover. It's what makes this episode work really: they do do a LOT of homages.. but don't make that their whole business, making up new gags along the way. Jimmy gladly gives Batman the new watch.
Batman goes to talk to Lois yet and Superman's been the worst to her... he cheated on her!
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Superman's childhood friend Lana fought over him a lot. Superman int his versoin does add it's because Lois is always trying to trick superman into marrying him which is sadly accurate
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Though some times it horribly backfired
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I mean.. at least she got a pope mobile out of it?
Batman notices the necklace and the connection and goes to TRY to talk sense into super dick where we get the best bit of custom made dickery in this episode: him grabbing the bottled city of kandor, shaking it and shouting "EARTHQUAAAKKKEEEEE!". It is truly the greatest thing human knid has put to a cell. Batman TRIES to talk sense into his friend but fails as he declares if batman fucks with him again he'll fuck him.
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He also gives him Krypto because he dosen't wants him anymore. I mean.. at least you got a free dog superman. Also if you don't know hwo krypto is he's superman's kryptonian dog who was also sent in a rocket from Kyrpton. He's a very good boy. Movnig on.
So Superman decides to take things a step further and declares himself KING SUPERMAN of metropolis... an homage to this iconic cover
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Yes folks, it is the REIGN OF THE SUPERPOPE. And the series has him wear the super pope hat in all it's glory. They saldy removed the Cruella deville approved real dalmation fur but I put it back in on the title card because the fur just.. adds to it. LIke it's not enough he got himself a pope hat, which is glorious and golden, it's that he added a fur trim to both the hat AND his cape. It's so beautifully stupid.
The Reign of the Superpope is short lived as protestors come to .. get murdered by superman? I mean I get standing up to him but what was their plan. THey get saved by the new dynamic duo of batman and krypto, with batman wearing his dark knight returns armor.
And can we just.. sit back and bask in an episode of television that both homages internet meemes of silver age superman AND the dark knight returns, of all things in the same issue? I"m not a big fan of Frank miller, but I can respect how iconic that armor is and how fun it is to see it pop up in such a light hearted work.
Batman's worked things out: Superman is hopped up on Red Kryptonite. For those who didn't read a bunch of books about dc comics as a kid, red K is Kryptonite's wacky cousin. It's basically a magic story generator, with it's effects lasting 24 hours as said and allowing them to turn superman or supergirl into WHATEVER weird shit they want. It is the crown jewel of all plot devices and I respect it and i'm happy we've returned to i'ts oringinal form as there were attempted revamps, but none really worked. It's best as crystalized wacky nonsense and i'm happy.
Here though it just means batman has to hold out, doing his best and getting a few good hits in.. but ultimately even with bitching grappling armor an da REALLY well done fight scene with lots of nice tension and animation.. superman almost crushes batman's head... an image that's genuinely chilling in this otherwise silly episode
Thankfully he snaps out, everyone accepts superman was going through some stuff. I mean Jimmy accepts jit every week and he's still married to that ape.
Superman wonders who done it.. and Batman, being the world's greatest detective... found out who: Luthor. Turns out he sent a lexbot to prison in his place
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And shoots batman and pulls out his green kryptonite ring what gave him cancer once. It was a whole thing. But turns out our heroes played swapsies and the day is saved and our heroes head out to fight braniac.
Battle of the Superheroes is true excellence, one of Brave and the Bold's best episodes. Doing a bonkers tribute to superman being a dick was a risky idea, as with superdickery now gone, the meme could've gotten old. But those old silver age covers are so charming in their over the top nature and the jokes around the homages so well done, it works. They even give us a geninely fantastic superman batman fight to go with it. The episode manages to condense how the silver age of superman feels into 22 minutes without being remotely boring or overstuffed, managing to hit all the high spots. The only things really missing are supergirl, superboy (superman when he was a boy, and the legion.. and even those I understand as simply overstuffing the episode. They got everything in they could while being utterly hilarious and unique, giving us one of the best stories of the world's finest there ever was in the process.
Next Time: Lex Luthor runs for president! Get ready for a lot of smaller stories chopped up into a graphic novel, a terrible christmas carol homage, and american voter idiocy. Just kidding your already aquanited with that last one.
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