#Music By Alfred
alfredandfriendsorg · 11 months
Lena The Plug Onlyfans Wedding Gift From Adam 22 : a rap music single by Alfred
MP3 Download Link:Click Here To Download The Mp3 Audio File Of: Lena The Plug Onlyfans Wedding Gift From Adam 22 : A Rap Music Single by Alfred LYRICS: Chorus A:Anything for the bagAnything for the bagIt’s all about the bagThat’s the only moralAnything for the bagAnything for the bagIt’s all about the bagThat’s the modern moralVerse 1:Adam22, it is not a catch 22/To let your wife sleep with…
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emacrow · 1 month
Alfred's new ward making sure everyone is having great day during their day off from crime whether they want to or not.
Previous original post
Damian knew from day one of meeting alfred's new ward that he was going to be trouble..
He may have been stalking the kid doing alfred's work while alfred sat down in a comfy couch with a plate of fresh jasmine tea, his prescription medince bottle at ready and a raspberry strudel to nibble on.
He ain't going to replace his favorite Butler, not now, not ever. So Damian got Tim and Dick to help sabotage this heathen from taking over...Not knowing this kid was expecting their over the top sabotages. They tried scaring him with Titus but the little traitor lay there on his back getting belly rubs like it was heaven itself.
Changing the plumbing in his shower to freezing cold, but he walk out there refreshed. Tim trying to look of anything to blackmail him only for the batcomputer to go off the frizz with a virus.
Alfred did make sure to have his work sort out alphabetical because he is the Glue that keep these Wayne Manor going and everyone living in it not because caveman style creatures of the night.
Danny made sure Bruce didn't escape to his batcave on his supposed day off after 96 hours without sleep and spite driven nature, and don't even come with Justice never sleep excuses is going to run by him. He got Alfred's speical Bruce's tranquilizer gun at ready and he is not hesitating to shot you Bruce.
He does kept Tim from overdoing with the coffee addiction, giving him a better offer of coffee as long as he goes to sleep. Dick will still talk about Saturday night when Tim tries to sneak out to do some more investigating in the batcave only to see Danny dragged a unconscious Tim back to his room, a two tranquilizers to the back and one of his arm, though he didn't mention the Danny's glowing cat light green eyes that shine in the dark.
Danny's funny puns neon ghost stickers made dick's days, every morning as he goes to get his lunch, and he really want to know where he get them from.
Danny did actually helped a lot with the Wayne Manor as it never been cleaner before, Jason visited one time even mentioned that the chandelier never feel so clean to hang on from, not a speck of dust on it.
Damian getting a new animals book/documentaries, a new knifes for the collection or art supplies that match his demands in a way that keep his stabby nature at sate and bay for now.
Barb, Cass and Duke are amused by the fact that Bruce, Tim and Damian are having a little mid crisis that danny making them have day off on certain days such as holidays.
All this free time actually had alfred's going back to old hobbies that were nearly long forgotten such as conversations with old dear friends, practicing his old shooting skills, and having well deserved rest. Once his arm was healed, he stil did his duty along side with Danny as it was much quicker to do together as two people at hand.
What they will probably find out later on in the future that danny is actually Bruce's great grand uncle from his older sister side, and that he had disappeared when he was 20 years old in a old spooky town that vanished and still on today uneXplained series after his great grandmother moved to gotham. (But that another story for next post)
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ruenii · 1 year
Tim, [pointing his staff at the human traffickers]: YOU ARE OUTGUNNED
Jason, [hyping him up]: WHAT?
Jason: WHAT?!
Jason, [getting his guns out]: PWO PWO PWO PWO PWO-
Goons: *shaking* what the FUCK are Batman feeding his partners--
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alfredonline · 1 year
Release The Right Codes (Beatboxing Version) - by Alfred : Inspired by/ Transcribed from Rhapsody Of Realities by Pastor Chris
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MP3 Download Link:
Click Here To Download The Mp3 Audio File Of: Release The Right Codes (Beatboxing Version) : A Rap Music Single by Alfred
Note: I currently don't have a working laptop. This song was recorded using my smartphone and arranged using a video editing android app.
Blessings for you... In this world
Depends what you do in the spirit world
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you... In this world
Blessings for you... In this world
Depends what you do in the spirit world
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you... In this world
There’re things that wouldn't happen for you.. in this world /
Until you learn how to use..., coded words/
Paul called them spiritual mysteries, hidden wisdom/
1 Corinthians 2:7, read it up/
Life is spiritual when you pray in the spirit of God/
You get to a point you conjure things from the spirit world/
Those words are spiritual codes you have to repeat a bunch/
Sometimes there's a number to cross or you don't get none/
Tongues are spiritual codes, think of passwords/
You don't get anything if you enter half the password/
Sometimes you have to tarry in prayer, short prayer's not enough/
They work sometimes, but sometimes you needs more/
Can't you watch with me one hour, this needs no less than one/
The disciples still prayed, but didn't pray long enough/
And Jesus was upset, as if they didn't pray at all/
Pray with the spirit and let the spirit determine how long/
Blessings for you... In this world
Depends what you do in the spirit world
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you... In this world
Blessings for you... In this world
Depends what you do in the spirit world
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you... In this world
Blessings for you... In this world
Depends what you do in the spirit world
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you... In this world
Blessings for you... In this world
Depends what you do in the spirit world
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you...
Blessings for you... In this world
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helpfulhellhounds · 1 year
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been working on this one on and off for a couple months. hope y’all like it <3
[image description: a digital painting of jaskier from the witcher playing the lute at sunset, gazing offscreen into the distance. jaskier has chin-length hair, and wears a dark blue jerkin with a red collar over a white shirt. the sun at his back illuminates the edges of his figure in bright gold. end ID.]
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
Im writing a road trip AU and I need some advice on what each of the batfam's favorite music genres are. And some prompts if you wouldn't mind!!
I have a number of character playlists on my Spotify which you can check out as a starting reference, or you can search up the music tag on my blog as I've answered a number of music-related questions
For some prompts:
If you want fluff and humor...
Tacky roadside attractions
Trying strange local delicacies (looking at you Rocky Mountain oysters)
Hotel room shenanigans
Taking turns driving
Joint trips with other superhero families
Unique family vacation traditions
Accidentally ending up at the border
If you want emotional hurt/comfort...
Late-night campfire talks
Leaving someone behind at a stop
Someone breaking off from the party
Vacation fatigue
Someone/something getting lost
Bringing work on the trip
If you want mystery and heroics...
Cryptid towns like Point Pleasant or Roswell
Seedy motel criminals
Haunted places
Team-ups with other local heroes
Getting stranded in the middle of nowhere
Facing the North American wilderness
Encountering lesser-known urban legends
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dclovesdanny · 3 months
Dc x dp prompt
Dead serious 4/4
Damian did not plan to participate in the idiotic ‘school musical’. The only reason he was participating was because Jon and Colin were both preforming in it, and the two numb skulls had dragged him into it.
Danny had only transferred to Gotham Academy that year. After his parents found out he was a halfa, they accepted him, but needed time. So Jazz took him with her to Gotham, while she went to college. Participating in the school musical would get him some extra credit, some that he could desperately use.
Okay I have two ideas first the musical for this one.
1) Shrek the musical! Danny as Shrek and Damian as Fiona! That would work so well, and I feel like they would kill ‘I think I got you beat’. Also, both of them feel like monsters at times, and Fiona adds an extra layer of reality, being sometimes human and sometimes not. Jon would probably be Donkey, with Colin as Pinocchio. He would kill ‘Freak Flag’.
2) The lightning Theif Musical! Damian as Annabeth and Danny as Percy! You can’t tell me Damian wouldn’t relate to ‘My grand plan’ on a spiritual level. Danny would kill it as Percy, especially in ‘Good Kid’. I think Jon would be Grover and Colin would be either Luke or The Oracle. From what I know about them, they would kill it!
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shuaida233 · 5 months
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biosillystims · 7 months
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Requested Stimboard of Weird Al Yankovic! Wahoo!
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i absolutely love that little duck game on the bottom right i played it all the time as a kid . also parrots☝️and rainbow stuff and any colorful music items I could find!!
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mabithebard · 2 months
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The Firstborn Of The Father (Beatboxing Version) : Rhapsody Rap Series - by Alfred {Inspired by/ Transcribed from Rhapsody Of Realities by Pastor Chris}
Note: I currently don’t have a working laptop. This song was recorded using my smartphone and arranged using a video editing android app. MP3 Download Link:Click Here To Download The Mp3 Audio File Of: The Firstborn Of The Father (Beatboxing Version) : A Rap Music Single by Alfred *Additional Information:This song is part of the Rhapsody Raps Series. It is done to make Rhapsody Of Realities…
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goldenstarprincesses · 7 months
Hear me out, all nations have beautiful and enchanting voices
But only when they are singing their own peoples folk songs
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greenfogg · 3 months
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Pstpstpst European Musical fans I made silly Tanz art.
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alfredonline · 1 year
End Discrimination Against Bikers (Beatboxing Version) : A Rap Music Single by Alfred
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MP3 Download Link:
Click Here To Download The Mp3 Audio File Of: End Discrimination Against Bikers (Beatboxing Version) : A Rap Music Single by Alfred
Here we come
Not looking for trouble
There you go
Acting like we trouble
Here we come
Not looking for trouble
There you go
Acting like we trouble
Bikers are people too, they often better than you/
But you're too self righteous to take a look, ..I mean really look/
You judge a book by its cover, you never open the book/
On top of that you lack taste, in your cover of books/
Umm! perhaps U jealous you're not that cool/
And kids rather be like them, than be like you/
You fit the four edges of a square like a perfect circle/
Your wheels are one spin off, from being a tricycle/
DUDE! be Real! what really erks you/
Heard bad things about bikers, now patches bothers you/
How would you feel if that's the way folks judged, 'n' treated you/
Ain't fun now?, so why do that to another dude/
The world would be a better place, if we follow the golden rule/
Treat folks how we wanna be treated, like it says, in - da good book/
The bible club, has biker clubs, feel free to join too/
Join a chapter near you, or just start one dude/
Go to our website, just go 'n' look it up/
Bible club dot Alfred, dot vip is up/
Let's fellowship with family, it's a brotherhood of love/
Slash sisterhood, brothas 'n' sistas are welcome/
We look out for each other, we stick together/
Protecting one another, riding for the father/
If one can chase a thousand, two can chase ten thousand/
Let's increase our numbers, flood the world with Christian bikers/
Here we come
Not looking for trouble
There you go
Acting like we trouble
Here we come
Not looking for trouble
There you go
Acting like we trouble
Here we come
Not looking for trouble
There you go
Acting like we trouble
Here we come
Not looking for trouble
There you go
Acting like we trouble
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hooked-on-elvis · 4 months
Elvis' perfectionism 📀
Author's note: Okay, I'm beyond excited with this post, so please take your time reading it. You won't regret a bit.
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So, things just got more interesting for me.
If you read my content for a while now, you must be familiar with the fact that I'm a huge fan of "Elvis On Tour" documentary. There's this scene in the middle of the movie where they play instrumental of "Don't Be Cruel" while some 50s pictures of Elvis are "randomly" shown onscreen... well, not as random as one may think.
"Elvis On Tour" is mainly a live concert documentary but it tells Elvis' history as well. His history as a musician is delivered through his own accounts (Elvis talking about his music preferences, his love for gospel music, etc) and by family members' accounts too, such as an interview with Vernon Presley, his father, that is also featured on the film, when Mr. Presley talks about how Elvis' tours in the 50s were wild with all the fans going extremely hysterical over his son.
One of the pictures in particular, displayed during the "throwback scene" in the movie, is immensely significant to the story that documentary meant to tell the viewers. This one right here:
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July 3, 1956: On The Train back to Memphis, Tennessee. Photograph by Alfred Wertheimer. Below, other pictures from the same moment. Note the little record player on Elvis' lap, it is important.
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The day before those pictures on the train were taken, Elvis had cut some new songs, soon to be released, "Hound Dog" and "Don't Be Cruel" are among them, but also "Any Way You Want Me".
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Elvis during Studio Sessions for RCA July 2, 1956, at RCA Studios in New York. Photograph by Alfred Wertheimer.
About that recording session, on the precise moment EP was recording "Hound Dog", below is an excerpt from "Elvis Presley: A Life in Music" by Ernst Jorgensen and Peter Guralnick:
This was the session where Elvis’s perfectionist streak first became apparent. From [Steve] Sholes’s point of view several of the earlier takes would have been just fine, and he tried to get the singer to listen to the playbacks, but it was obvious that the singer was marching to his own beat; he wouldn’t rest until he had recorded the song to his own — not anyone else’s — satisfaction. Finally, with thirty-one, Elvis declared himself satisfied, and the room breathed a sigh of relief.
Side note: Before recording the song on studio, Elvis performed "Hound Dog" on the Steve Allen Show, on July 1, 1956. They were all worried about how to turn the live performance into a record, and Elvis was the one who was intensely dedicated to make it work. That's why he took 31 takes to finish working on particular track. It really paid off in the end.
Back to the train pictures on July 3, 1956, the photographer, Alfred Wertheimer, shared his accounts on the moment. He said:
"Elvis in on the train. He had just recorded these three songs but two of them became his third and fourth gold records: "(You Ain't Nothing But A) Hound Dog" was the third and "Don't Be Cruel" was the forth. Here he's listening to it over and over again on the way down to his home [Memphis, Tennessee], and he's listening it on this inexpensive little record player and here, I mean, while the other musicians are horsing around, while Colonel Parker is somewhere else, Elvis keeps listening and listening and listening. He's a serious guy! I asked him 'Why are you listening to it on this tiny little machine with a terrible speaker and you just heard it yesterday on a fourteen inch speaker in a studio, beautiful reproduction?' He says: 'Al...'
"'...This is the way my fans listen to my music. That's the way I wanna hear it.'"
— Elvis Presley, July 1956
On more train picture (Elvis going to Memphis, Tennessee on July 3, 1956):
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On that photograph, Alfred Wertheimer said on 'Elvis '56' book:
"Listening to the previous day's work one more time before going to sleep, his teddy bear keeping him company. The record player is sitting on a ledge to the right of his berth."
ABOVE: "Elvis On Tour" (1972) snippet with "Throwback scene". Instrumental of "Don't Be Cruel" is playing on the background while pictures from Elvis' early tours are displayed onscreen. The first picture, that one from July 3, 1956, that Mr. Wertheimer shared his memories about.
The footage on that scene from the documentary is from September 9, 1956 on The Ed Sullivan Show. If you'd like to watch the full performance, here it is:
Well, I don't know about you but I will never see the throwback scene the same way.
I mean, if I'm being honest here, I used to often skip that scene just because I've seen the pictures over and over again and the footage from Ed Sullivan Show as well, so when I watch the film I used to be much more interested on the 1972 live performances, the backstage scenes and so on, but now I know the story of that picture, the scene is a lot more meaningful. That 1972 documentary, friends, is not only about Elvis' performances or the lasting love and adoration from his fans. It has a lot more to do with who Elvis Presley was, specially how he felt about music and how he gave all of him to please us. The film shows Elvis talking about how, in the 70s, after many, many years of experience onstage he still felt anxious before performing... and that picture from the 50s that is shown on the film tell us his dedication to his music was to the extent of listening his records on home record players just to make sure it would sound as flawless as it could be... all for us. After hearing the picture story from Mr. Wertheimer, I just fell in love with that 1972 documentary, and with El, even more. ♥
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Send me a song that reminds you of a batfam member and I'll try to guess who it is
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