#Rooibos Raspberry
monstermoviedean · 5 months
did you know you can make iced tea any time you want
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guangchuans · 1 year
everyone send support i've ran out of my favourite tea
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20 Aug - Rooibos & Green Tea* F1
Decided to give Rooibos another go, this time with starter from my Main Brew instead of the SCOBY hotel.
*label says black tea but I'm 80% sure I used green 🤔
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8 Sept - Flavoured
Strawberry Lemon Rose
Raspberry Grapefruit
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10 Sept - Bottled
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Raspberry Grapefruit turned out really nice - if a tad explosive (again! must be something about these raspberries). But Strawberry Rose was the real winner - rose goes really well with the earthiness of the rooibos.
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ashe-withane · 2 months
Dead Boy Detectives as Tea
(Not necessarily the tea that they drink but the tea that they are)
Charles - Spiced Rooibos or Orange Cardamom Black Tea
Edwin - Assam (TGFOP) or Chamomile
Crystal - Lapsang Souchong or Raspberry Leaf
Niko - Lady Grey or Raspberry Lemon Herbal
Jenny - Scottish Breakfast or Sejak
Monty - Vanilla Black Tea or Cinnamon Apple Herbal
Cat King - Yerba Mate or Ginger Black Tea
Mick - Jasmine Pearls or Matcha
Esther - Liquorice Root or Lemongrass
Night Nurse - Kenyan Green Tea or Rice Tea
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crayonurchin · 2 years
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fuck-customers · 2 months
“Is this tea blend listed under the black teas a black tea? Or is it just an herbal because it has fruit in it?” It’s black??? That’s why it’s on the black tea list???? Herbals are under the herbal header. Congrats on dethroning “I think you switched our teas bc I ordered herbal orange and this is pink and her raspberry rooibos is orange” as the stupidest question I’ve ever gotten
Posted by admin Rodney
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which-item-poll · 6 months
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Tea Blends for Riddle Rosehearts: Cream, Rooibos Vanilla Chai & Vanilla Strawberry, accented with strawberry (blended with rose hips, hibiscus, apple pieces, rooibos tea, black tea, cinnamon, ginger, orange, cloves, cardamom, natural strawberry flavor, ginger varietal, strawberries, raspberry leaves, natural vanilla flavor & natural creme flavor)
Tea Blends for Azul Ashengrotto: Irish Breakfast & Hojicha (blended with assam melody tea, ceylon sonata tea & hojicha)
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madamlaydebug · 17 days
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Building a relationship with the plants and listening to them, is the guidance to exactly what we need for wholesome health 🌹
All herbs and plants hold a spirit, and are at different levels of spiritual development - which makes the healing property of one plant more or less potent than another.
Nature gave us everything we need to stay balanced and in harmony with it 💚🍃🍄‍🟫
🌾There is an herb for every organ in the body🌾
🧠brain: tulsi, blue vervain, gotu kola, lemon balm
🩵kidneys: sarsaparilla, burdock, dandelion root, uva ursi
🫁lungs: mullein, comfrey, plantain leaf, sage
🫀heart: hibiscus, hawthorn, ginger
🤎colon: cascara sagrada, senna, rhubarb
💜liver: dandelion root, milk thistle, turmeric, rooibos, licorice
💛stomach: marshmallow root, slippery elm, mugwort
❤️reproductive: damiana, red clover, red raspberry, yohimbe, astragalus root, yarrow
☘️Nature is our healer❤️‍🩹
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wafflefries13 · 1 month
Twisted Teas
I don’t know a lot about tea, only that I usually like it iced and sweet, a casualty of growing up in the south. But I’ve been wanting to learn more about it, especially blends. I found this cool website, Adagio Teas, that have a bunch of fan made fandom blends for a ton of different books, movies, video games, and tv shows (#notsponsored). So I thought I would try my hand at making teas for the Twisted Wonderland cast. I tried to go off vibes, color schemes, and their favorite food. Hopefully my train of thought makes sense. If anyone wants to actually try any of these let me know how they taste. 
Adagio Teas: Signature Blend
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Wild Strawberry 
Summer rose
Extra scoop: Rose hips 
Dewy cherry
Fiery cinnamon spice 
Vanilla oolong 
Extra scoop: Cherry 
Green rooibos blueberry 
White blueberry
Kentucky whisky 
Extra scoop: Blueberries 
Passion Fruit 
Pomegranate grove 
Extra scoop: Orange peels 
Cocomint green 
Assam melody 
Pu-erh hazelberry 
Extra scoop: Cocoa nibs 
Pu-erh dante 
Tiger eye 
Turmeric bliss 
Extra scoop: Marigold flowers 
Ceylon sonata 
Extra scoop: Safflower 
Lapsang souchong 
White pear 
Almond Oolong 
Extra scoop: Ginger root 
Earl gray lavender 
Black cherry 
Chocolate truffle 
Extra scoop: Lavender flower 
Forest berries 
Almond oolong 
Toasted mate 
Extra scoop: Raspberry leaves 
Autumn mist green 
Oriental spice 
Extra scoop: Cloves 
White eternal spring 
White tropics 
Coconut grove pouchong 
Extra scoop: Coconut 
Cinnamon rooibos chai 
Masala chai 
Mango melange 
Extra scoop: Aniseed 
Cherry green 
Rooibos jasmine 
Extra scoop: Cornflower 
Assam melody 
Earl gray bravo 
Extra scoop: Lemon verbena 
Spiced apple chai 
Candy apple 
Rooibos vanilla chai 
Extra scoop: Apple pieces 
Maple cream oolong 
Almond cardamom cake 
Honeybush banana nut 
Extra scoop: Cocoa nibs 
Chocolate chip 
Extra scoop: Candycane 
Earl gray moonlight 
Black cherry 
White chai 
Extra scoop: Cherry 
Forest berries 
Pu-erh hazelberry 
Almond oolong 
Extra scoop: Lemon balm 
Green chai 
Chili lime green 
Extra scoop: Lemon peels 
Dragon fruit dream 
Citron green 
Extra scoop: Hibiscus flowers 
Earl gray bravo 
Extra scoop: Pink peppercorn 
Irish breakfast 
Extra scoop: Raspberry leaves 
Vanilla oolong 
Extra scoop: Apricots 
Masala chai 
Fiery cinnamon spice 
Spiced mate 
Extra scoop: Cardamom seeds 
Green rooibos key west 
Citron green 
Extra scoop: Lemon peel
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citrineandrosmarin · 6 months
30 Days of Deity Devotion - Athena
Day 10: Offerings, Historical and UPG
(Feel free to comment your own additions!)
Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite, Gold, Blue Aventurine, Bronzite, Blue Calcite, Iolite, Kyanite, Lepidolite, Moonstones, Obsidian, Onyx, Smoky Quartz, Tourmalinated Quartz, Ruby, Snowy Quartz, Tiger Eye, Tiger Iron, Zoisite
Olive, Rosemary, Mint, Thyme, Orange, Cypress, Ivy, Oregano, Yarrow, Oak, Peppers, Basil, Pine, Marigold, Dandelion, Geranium, Tiger Lily, Hellebore
Incense and Candle Scents
Most aromatic herbs, Dragon’s Blood, Musk, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Pine, Frankincense, Myrrh, Oakmoss & Amber, Blood Orange, Apple & Cinnamon, Peppermint & Nutmeg, Orange Cinnamon and Clove, Vanilla, American Rosewood, and the incenses "Tree of Life", "Pagan Spell", and "Celestial Bliss"
Food and Drink
Olives and Olive oil, Water, Diluted Wine, Grapes, Honey, Bread, Cakes, Most Fruit, Fish, Rooibos (Redbush) Tea, Mint Icecream, Raspberry, Chocolate, Red Grapefruit, Cheese, Cookies
Candles (Particularly blue or white ones)
Any kind of craft such as crochet, knitting, pottery, sculpture, etc.
Books, especially non-fiction
Art of any kind
Snake shed
A playlist or moodboard dedicated to her
Any study materials such as pens, notebooks and dedicated devices
Grades and Documentation related to your studies
Any imagery of her or her symbols
Devotional Acts
Cultivating intellect - Research. Studying. Reading non-fiction. Watching documentaries or video essays. Reading essays on topics you're interested in. Learning or practicing a skill. Developing critical thinking skills. Developing debating skills. Learning about her, mythology, or ancient Greek society.
Utilizing intellect - Strategy games. Coding. Planning of any kind, especially business-related. Being inventive. Tutoring. Teaching your friends about something.
Crafting - Weaving, knitting, crochet, macrame or other textile crafts.
Physical Cultivation - Exercise. Going to the gym. Learning self-defense or a martial art. Learning stage combat. Doing an archery or sword fighting course.
Activism - Researching and supporting just causes. Attending a protest. Uplifting the voices of those who are often silenced. Signing petitions. Learn about the gender pay gap, glass ceilings, class cliffs, etc.
Justice & Law - Learn about your rights. Jury Duty. Learn about how the justice system works and how it does not work. Voting.
Miscellaneous - Using olive oil. Learn about her sacred animals. Meditation. Donating to LGBTQIA+ organizations. Colony sim games such as Civilization.
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rannadylin · 1 year
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Today's tea: Celegorm's blend is...better than I expected, since pu erh and rooibos are both teas that I don't like much on their own. The pu erh certainly adds some earthiness to this one, but not too much with the raspberry balancing it out. Probably not going to be one of my favorites, but definitely drinkable!
Today's knit: So, the Maleme Cardigan is nearly dry - except for the sleeves which had to be kind of balanced on top of the rest of the sweater to fit on the drying rack. Until I did this:
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Which hopefully won't stretch the sleeves out too terribly.
In the meantime I did the gauge swatch for the Mallorn Shawl. It was a bit harrowing, as I misread the instructions for a special stitch that is supposed to basically bind off at the tip of each leaf rather than leaving a stitch there from the K3tog for the next stitch to grow out of, so I was ending up with too many stitches on the next row and having to adjust what the chart said to do to account for that and still have it look like leaves. But now I (theoretically) know what to do so the shawl itself should go smoother. XD The pattern has you make this swatch and then do WAY more math than you generally end up doing for any pattern that you are not yourself designing, just to calculate how many repeats it will take to make the size shawl you want and how much yarn you will need for that and how many beads, if you're incorporating beads into the leaf-stems as is optional. Having weighted my swatch, though, it turns out that buying yarn by the yardage given at the start of the pattern was not nearly enough. :-( I think I will just start anyway and see how far the three skeins I have actually go, and skip ordering beads for it.
Swatch close-up in yesterday's afternoon light; amazing how many different golds this yarn can adopt depending on the lighting:
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2137gej · 1 year
Marauders era characters and their favourite teas with little to no explaination:
James: ginger tea with honey (it warms him up after quiditch practices in bad weather)
Sirius: peppermint tea
Remus: strong english breakfast with lots of honey and milk (he's got a sweet tooth but doesn't like the sweetness killing the bitter taste of tea)
Peter: rooibos (it's red)
Lily: oolong (she likes the procedure of preparing it)
Mary: forest fruits tea with raspberry syrup
Marlene: earl grey with lemon (she adds so much lemon juice that anyone who accidently drinks her tea spits it out)
Relulus: jasmine tea (he loves its subtle floral aroma)
Dorcas: green iced tea
Pandora: it changes every month but she always makes her own tea
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softgrungeprophet · 4 months
i forgot we owned an ice cream maker, and it turns out the freezer actually has room for the bowl! i also have random samples of loose-leaf tea so—
pics of the actual tea ingredients:
the lemon ginger is just regular storebought tea bags i happen to like to steep in chicken broth (recommended) but might be a nice ice cream so i thought i'd toss it in the options:
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peach rooibos:
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for the record this shit smells amazing and i am definitely gonna try to make ice cream out of it at some point. my mom made a cup the other day apparently and said it was very good. i don't really drink tea but i love tea-infused baked goods lol which is why i have a bunch of random shit i got from adagio as freebies when buying their tea cookies (RIP, i loved those things, i ate an entire bag in about a day and a half once)
raspberry creme black tea, also smells very nice:
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guessing this has a kind of raspberries and cream flavor? haven't used it for anything so idk.
ginger chamomile cardamom black tea:
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this one is a blend i made myself as one of my personal fandom blends and again, have not tried, because i don't actually drink tea unless it's sweet milk tea with boba, but it smells really nice. kind of herbal. would probably be good as masala chai tbh. man you know, i should try making a milk tea out of this some time. i don't have tapioca pearls but eh
vanilla birthday cake black tea:
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this is adagio's birthday mix so according to them it's a mix of black tea with vanilla, caramel, and creme flavors, plus rainbow sprinkles.
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leebrontide · 5 months
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Brain is being bleeguhg tonight so I couldn't do anything that needed it. So I redid the tea flavors based on my MCs from Secondhand Origin Stories, Doll's Eye View, and Names in Their Blood.
I'll add a Martin one when I can figure out what to put on the tin, since I have to upload art. Plus one other character you won't meet till Names in Their Blood comes out. Then I'll have all 6 needed for a fandom box set.
Jamie has bright and refreshing hibiscus and citrus notes in a Ceylon/rooibos tea blend, with a ginger kick
Opal has my best interpretation of a summery cottage garden with notes of rose, cream, raspberry, and cornflowers in a classic black tea mixed with a delicate peony tea.
Yael has a riot of juicy fruit flavors against a complex mix of black tea, green rooibos tea, and pu-erh, with rainbow sprinkles cause fuck it why not.
and Issac has a rich, deep-flavored blend of pu-erh, toasted mate, and black tea, flavored with dark chocolate, hazelnut and caramel, and just a little hint of raspberry leaves to round it out.
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cuppa-and-a-view · 5 months
Blue sky and green... redbush?
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a stupid walk for my stupid mental health or whatever it is they say.
Cuppa: Lidl green rooibos with cherry and raspberry. Green rooibos? Green red tea? Confusing but it tastes good.
View: the Campsie fells under a spring sky
Snack: Mister Choc Neo mini chocolate bar.
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It's a very beautiful spring day, shame my brain declares it to be a sad one. Never mind, this too shall pass.
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Spring seems very late this year, probably because Easter was so early. I feel like I missed it somehow. Maybe I'll make roast lamb and some of those little chocolate nest cakes with the mini eggs in them.
One more look at that sky:
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leggeteconme · 9 months
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I’m recovering from the flu (or something similar) and have zero energy to do anything actually productive or interesting, so here’s what I ate/drank today - exclusively things that wouldn’t hurt my throat 😅
(Rooibos tea with honey, licorice tea with honey, dark chocolate with toffee, milk chocolate with caramel, a raspberry popsicle, lots of white cheddar mac n cheese, Sprite, hazelnut hot cocoa, and white cheddar puffs. I turn into such a child when I’m sick…)
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