#Rubber Band | Robin
victheclown · 7 months
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So I mentioned that my iteration of Hole Punch wasn't exactly bad from the start. He wasn't at all out to do something as drastic as stealing the sun from the sky, that thought would have never even crossed his mind -
..... Until this happened, that is.
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That was the moment it was over for him. The moment where he decided that he would go all out, and not regret a single thing he would do now.
He WAS going to destroy that red plumber. And he would do it for the sake of him. To avenge him.
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He'll show them what he can do.
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stevebabey · 10 months
personally love the interaction in the start of s4 where steve goes “ugh, you know i don’t do double vhs.” when robin suggests doctor zhivago. like ugh robin!!!! we’ve talked about this before!!! steve has a limited attention span and if robin puts on something too long, he will start shooting her with rubber bands
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moogghost · 3 months
4 days before artfight starts and less than a month until 4th pmtok anniversary chat do we believe in my ability to finish redesigning my los / rewriting their lore before then (do not believe in it
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moonferry · 4 months
*rubbing hands together like a gremlin* you guys want some stardew headcanons thst have been rotating in my mind like a gas station hotdog? no? well here they are anyway.
* leah has a sketchbook full of candids of people from town. if you choose to romance leah, she has a LOT of sketches of the farmer
* sebastian is trans masculine/nonbinary and uses he/they pronouns
* leah is actually robin's younger sister & moved to pelican town because robin had mentioned how peaceful it was
* sandy is trans feminine (she's also soo wife)
* abby would've absolutely loved among us
* maru secretly has a crush on penny
* jas makes shane play dress up. he acts annoyed but enjoys spending time with jas
* clint is an avid reddit user . do with that what you will.
* i think abby majored in political studies or graphic design
* harvey has a tooth gap and freckles
* elliott has DEFINITELY recreated the fork-hairbrush scene from the little mermaid
* harvey is allergic to cats but he powers through for the farmer
* abby DEFINITELY uses tumblr
* harvey has a little plane nightlight. not because he's scared of the dark but because he thinks it's cool. if you romance him, he puts it in the child(ren)'s bedroom.
* elliott wears hair curlers to bed.
* penny has a collection of drawings that jas and vince made for her. she puts them on her fridge.
* sam is an android user (and yes, it's purely because people kept calling him "samsung")
* wlw haley. that is all.
* haley takes pictures and sometimes lets leah borrow them/use them as a painting reference
* sebby with top scars. ooogh.
* maru has a cluster of freckles on her shoulder shaped like the little dipper.
* abby dyes her hair & once did all rainbow and cosplayed rainbow dash.
* the farmer and haley often call and have late night gossip sessions
* sam's phone wallpaper is a really zoomed in or a 0.5 photo of the farmer / whoever is his partner
* sebastian types in all lower case
* sam types in all caps.
* i think it would be really funny if seb just had sam in his phone as Samson (that grammar and everything) just because it's so unlike his usual typing and he does it to piss sam off
* it's no secret that sam is very forgetful, however i think this helped him become friends with penny. penny is very organized and has every important date (ie birthdays) memorized. --- she NEVER forgets a birthday. --- one day, penny heard sam repeating a phrase to himself so he wouldn't forget what he needed to do. penny encouraged him to write it down and even showed him how to write on a rubber band. sam adopted this and everytime he sees penny he'll smile widely and hold up his wrist (which will have anywhere from 6-10 rubber bands at the time. poor boy).
that's all for now. i may add more later idk. let me know if y'all want me to rack my brain for more of these
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
Aside from Nami (for obvious reasons) and Luffy (canon dine n dasher) do you think any of the Strawhats are in the habit of just straight-up shoplifting if they don't feel like paying for shit
Aside from Nami, Robin probably has the most experience stealing stuff, if only because as a child people would refuse to sell to her and her DF would make it really easy, but it seems to be driven more by necessity than something she’s generally inclined toward. Usopp I could see getting roped into some shenanigans with Luffy, but he’s more of a conman than a thief, as seen by how he was able to trade rubber bands for dials on Skypiea.
But honestly I have to go with Franky on this one. He was a gangster well respected by the Water 7 underground, a hero to the downtrodden, so while he would 100% single-handedly keep afloat the tiny mom and pop shop that sells all the random hardware supplies, including the stuff not in standard sizes that no one else carries because why would they, he’d also rob Walmart blind and also maybe burn it to the ground.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Tim and Jason headcanons 👀
One morning during breakfast Tim keeps excusing himself to go to the bathroom to fix his boxers because they must've stretched in the wash. Meanwhile, Jason can barely move and waddles into the kitchen like he has a rubber band around his legs. Imagine the horror when they connect the dots and realize their underwear got swapped
One day Tim's room suddenly starts to smell like tomatoes and he tears it apart trying to find the source. Turns out Jason put soup in the humidifier
Jason: *gives Tim an iced coffee*
Tim: "You put salt in it"
Jason: "No I didn't"
Tim: "I can literally see the crystals"
Jason: "What crystals?"
Tim: "Right there, all settled at the bottom"
Jason: "That's how the coffee is"
Tim still owes Jason for the time Jason stopped him from faceplanting in Alfred the cat's litter box
Contrary to how it appears, Jason's hair is thicker. It's so thick that Tim accidentally drops a glob of mayonnaise in it and Jason doesn't notice until he combs his hair hours later
They get bunk beds on a mission. Tim gets the top bunk after losing rock-paper-scissors. While he's asleep, Jason moves the ladder to the other side
Jason puts a cockroach on Tim's desk thinking he'll freak out. Tim, who's on his third day without sleep, looks Jason dead in the eye and eats it
As a kid, Jason often re-wore dirty clothes until he absolutely had to go to the laundromat meanwhile Tim washed his more frequently in small batches so he wouldn't get told off for having a huge pile. Cut to the present day where Tim's sifting through a mountain of Jason's laundry for a pair of socks and Jason is offering zero help whatsoever
They stand out in the rain to see who gets drenched first. It's usually Tim—he absorbs water like a paper towel. Jason then gets in trouble because Tim could've gotten sick ("Thanks, Bruce, not like I'm soaked to the bone too")
And when Tim gets sick, he refuses to take his meds unless someone sneaks it into his food. Finally, Jason has a use for the NyQuil Chicken TikTok
Jason drives three hours from an out-of-state safehouse to hide in Tim's closet and scare him. Little does he know, Tim is in the closet at the safehouse, waiting to pounce on Jason
Jason peels a pride sticker off a villain's car and gives it to Tim
Jason mixes all the Goldfish crackers into a dough and bakes them into a single giant Goldfish. Why? 'Cause he can, and Tim needs something to test his new food pic filters on
In March their patrols end by meeting at McDonald's for Shamrock Shakes
Tim prank calls Jason and convinces him he's lost in Metropolis. Eight hours, countless Bizarro flights, and two unfortunate geese encounters later, Jason storms into the Batcave while Tim simply grins and asks, "What'd you think of my new VPN?"
Tim and Jason find a wheelbarrow at a crime scene and keep it after the case is closed because it's a free wheelbarrow. This happens twice more and now they have enough for a family wheelbarrow race
Bruce makes them spend more time together, so Jason decides to teach Tim the Three-Card Monty. Tim just nods along because he doesn't know how say that he already learned it by watching the second Robin out-con a conman
Jason wakes Tim up one morning by chucking a feather duster at him, saying Alfred wants everything clean. So Tim gathers all the dust in his room and dumps it on Jason's bed before going back to sleep
The Ferris wheel has a clear "no food" policy but Tim doesn't listen and sneaks a chili dog anyway. Jason's in the seat below him, and it's the second time something falls in his hair without him noticing
Jason: "Red Robin, do you read me?"
Tim: "Affirmative. What do you need?"
Jason: "Pick a different gargoyle. That one's mine"
Tim: "I don't see your name on it"
Jason: "Check the underside"
Tim: "It just says Robin, so technically it's both of ours"
At one of Jason's safehouses there's a mysterious bucket in the corner of the living room. No one but Tim knows what it's for
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aidaronan · 7 months
Welcome to the Lube Chute!
Some We're-A-Package-Deal Summer Job Stobin crack, dedicated to @griefabyss69. Also shout out to @wynnyfryd who said the Lube Chute sounded like the location of Stobin's next fail summer job after Family Video got destroyed. "No, I'm telling you, Steve. We have to say it every time."
"We have to say, 'Welcome to the Lube Chute, where our main goal is fillin' all your holes,' every time?"
"Every time." Robin shrugged her shoulders. "It's the whole 'ocean of flavor' thing all over again." She'd started at the Lube Chute a week before him, owing to his need to hover over Eddie while his body knitted itself back together. By the time Steve had decided Eddie could get to the fridge and the bathroom on his own, she had been deemed competent enough to show him the register and inventory procedures.
"Yeah, except 'ocean of flavor' was about ice cream," Steve said. "And this is about, you know, rubber dicks."
"That's the way of stupid retail, huh." Robin sighed dramatically and hopped upon the counter. Next to her sat an open box of flavored lubes. She picked up a pricing gun and started affixing them with stickers.
A few minutes later, the door dinged with the sound of someone pushing their way into the shop. A regular-looking latino man in jeans and a faded Zeppelin tee stepped into the shop.
Steve gave Robin a pleading look, and she pulled her lips thin in sympathy and mouthed, "sorry, your turn." God. Welp. He may as well rip off the Band-Aid.
"Welcome to the Lube Chute," Steve said flatly, "where our goal is fillin' holes."
The guy snorted softly and went on his way, moving toward a rack of adult video tapes. Meanwhile, Robin kept her head down, looking pointedly to where she'd slapped a $.3.99 label onto a bottle of Maxxx Slick Strawberry.
"Like obviously I don't care," she said. "But it is 'where our main goal is fillin' all your holes.'"
"Ugh." Steve rolled his eyes up at the ceiling. "Why is it, like, so long?"
Curling his chin back around, he found the customer at the counter holding Dr. Lovesmuscles's Foot Long Schlong. The customer looked between it and Steve before raising his eyebrows. Shit and fuck. For the first time in literally ever, Steve wished he was back in those tiny Scoops shorts.
"I wasn't... I didn't mean the... I..." Steve stared at the guy over the counter and then gave up on trying to explain, punching things into the register as fast as he could so he could end the interaction. "So for the video and the toy, that comes to $18.39 with tax."
Steve made made change for a $20, put the guy's things into a nondescript brown paper bag, and then bit back a groan when he realized he had to embarrass himself one more time before it was all over.
"Thank you for visiting the Lube Chute. Remember if the base ain't flared, it doesn't go up there. Have a nice day!"
Next to him, Robin coughed into her elbow. When Steve looked over, he found her reading the back of one of the lube bottles, this one watermelon flavored.
"What do you think potassium sorbate even is?" Robin asked. "I mean, I know what potassium is. I passed chem and got into college—go Wildcats. Just... potassium sorbate. What does it even do?"
Steve stared at her for a long moment and then snatched the pricing gun from her hand. #
It was late July. August loomed and with it so did the end of possibly their last summer job together. After this, they were both slated to leave Hawkins. Robin to Northwestern, Steve to Chicago to be near her (and because it made sense as a base for Eddie to work on growing his music career.)
On this particular Wednesday, they had a huge shipment of video tapes to go through. Other than the scantily clad and sometimes fully nude women on the covers, it felt a lot like being back at Family Video. They quickly priced and stocked the tapes that were for sale, and then they worked on storing the covers for the rentals and putting them in the rental cases and then into the system.
"God, Steve, I am just, like, so gay," Robin whispered under her breath for the fifth or sixth time as she stared wide-eyed at a VHS cover. On it, a redheaded woman stared into the camera, her breasts exposed, her hand disappearing down the front of her very thin white panties. "You do know you can just, like, check one of these out, right?" Steve asked. "You're an adult. No one would—" Steve cut himself off when the bell over the door jingled. Jumping at the sound, Robin almost dropped the tape, fumbling with it several times before Steve snatched it from the air and handed it back to her. She was blushing hard when she went to put it into the computer.
One crisis averted, Steve turned toward the door to find one of the owners coming in. Shit.
Steve had slacked off on the welcome and goodbye phrases over the course of the summer because, well, he didn't want to say them. And now he wasn't sure he even remembered them properly. Shit, shit, shit.
He smiled and nodded as the owner approached the counter. Stephanie was a sleek, blonde woman who looked nothing like the kind of person you might expect to own a sex shop.
"Order come in okay?" she asked.
"Oh, uh, one damaged tape so far," Steve said. "Definitely an improvement over the last order."
'If the base is too...' No, that wasn't it.
"Love to hear that since I spent 3 hours yelling at the distributor after that incident."
'Where we fill holes for...' Definitely not.
"Yeah, right, sucked for us too beca—" Steve froze as a customer walked into the shop. He looked over at Robin, hoping to catch her eyes for a save, but she was laser-focused on sorting another box of tapes into alphabetical order for processing.
Fuck. Steve smiled at the incoming customer. Okay, he could do this. Deep breath, winning smile. "Welcome to the Lube Chute, where our main goal is fillin' all your holes."
Robin inhaled a deep gasp right around the same time that Stephanie burst into raucous laughter, throwing her head back and exposing her slender throat. In another life where he wasn't already tits over ass for Eddie Munson, he would've had to fall a little in love with her.
"Oh my God, that is too good." Stephanie wiped tears form her eyes with her thumbs and then giggled a few more times. "Jesus, Steve. Did you come up with that on your own?"
"Wha—?" Steve snapped his eyes over to Robin, who had her teeth set in grimace that would have been comedic at any other time. Shoulders pulled up around her ears, her eyes bled with apology.
Steve clenched his jaw and turned back to Stephanie, slipping into the most suave persona he could muster under those conditions. "Oh, you know, just thought you'd get a kick out of it."
"Well, you were right about that." Stephanie shook her head and grabbed the money bag to take it to the bank. "'Fillin' holes!" She laughed again on her way out the door.
Steve watched like a hawk as her car pulled out of the parking lot and then rounded on Robin, voice low as the customer browsed the "New Videos!" display.
"You told me we HAD to say..."
"Oh my God, I was gonna tell you after, like, a week, but then you stopped doing it on your own, so I just kinda..." Robin made a wobbly gesture with both hands, and Steve sighed deeply.
"You're walking home today," he said, but they both knew he didn't mean it, especially when his lunch break rolled around and he saved her half his orange as usual. # It was still July, and they could see the customer approaching from the parking lot. "Steve," Robin said. "Steve, please." "I want to point out that it's your own fault that you have to do this now, officially, as part of company policy. Because Stephanie liked it so much." "Steve, but..." Steve jutted his hip out against the counter and crossed his arms, waiting. With the same put-upon sigh he'd grown used to at Scoops and Family Video, Robin drew herself up taller and slapped her hands down on either side of the register. Through the front door, a fat woman with curly brown hair stepped into the shop. Robin beamed at her. "Welcome to the Lube Chute! Where our main goal is fillin' all your holes."
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dezznuggz · 7 months
Road Trip |Steve Harrington × FemReader
~ You and Steve make plans for a road trip to the beach that is 30 minutes away from Hawkins, the drive from there and back is a total mess and it's up to you and Steve to calm everyone down and control everything so that it goes planned
Requested? ✅
Warning: Use of y/n, readers pronouns are she/her (sorry), complete chaos, mentions of the events from the upside down, Steve feeling left out and 'targeted', might be some misspelled words, a little bit of a cliff hanger at the end. (Enjoy and pls request more ideas)
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“Okay and turn right here”
“Yes babe here!”
It was hard for Steve to hear your directions due to the people in the back of the Volkswagen (that you and Steve rented for this particular trip) were talking a little too loud just for them to be 2 inches away from each other. “Y/n did you get my sandals?”. “Yes I have them in the front with me!” You shouted back to Max so that he could hear you, “oh wait did you get my towel too?”. “I brought an extra one so yes I did!” This time you shouted back to Lucas, “and what about my sunscreen?”. “I have everything that you guys need with me!” You responded to Mike loudly while also talking to everyone to prevent them from asking any further questions.
“How long is this ride gonna take, you know it's hot back here!?” Robin says with an annoyed grunt while moving around, “we're like 5 minutes away just give me a second okay!” Steve replies back to Robin with an annoyed tone. Steve has trouble with being able to concentrate at multiple things at once, he tends to get frustrated or he starts feeling pressured, that's why you're always around, to prevent Steve from blowing up on the kid or even Robin and Eddie.
“Here Robin is the air hitting you know?” You say while moving your air fan towards the back in hopes that it reaches to her. “A little, I would feel more if Eddie's hair wasn't making me claustrophobic!” Robin sounds even more cranky but you couldn't blame her, she was in the very back with a guy who only gets a haircut every 7 months and to top it all, there was a whole lot of movement In Front of her that prevented any access of air going towards her.
“Well beauty takes up space, we already talked about this!” Eddie responds back to robins complaints, he seems to be the only one that doesn't seem physically bothered with his overgrown hair. “Here take one of these” you reach your hand out as far as you can to give Eddie a rubber band, “no that's gonna make my hair look bad at the beach, no girl is gonna want me with my hair up, why else do you think I grow it out!” Eddie replies back while pushing your hand away from his direction to deny your offer. “Well no woman is gonna like your hair being a mess while looking like you haven't showered in weeks” you say to Eddie while moving your hand back to his direction while also trying to dodge your arm from hitting any of the kids heads. Eddie finally took up on your offer and snatched it out of your hand while pouting a little and mocking you under his breath,
“That's true, honestly man, what conditioner do you use cause Jesus, that thing is a bird nest!” Steve butts in the conversation while looking at Eddie through the rear view mirror, “Clubman but that's cause it's always on clearance so I work with what I can get” Eddie moves his head as he talks to Steve to show that he's trying to give him attitude, “that's why, you should use the one that Steve uses, he uses this shampoo called Fa- HEY!” Your sentence was rudely cut off due to Lucas pushing himself through the little gap between you and Steve to get the bag full of snacks that sat on your lap, “sorry excuse me” Lucas says before he sits back down and opens the bag for Dustin and Max to see and grab what they want. “Hey no no no half of those are robins and Eddie's, don't eat them” Steve tries to stop the kids from eating what's not theirs, “yea guys, half of those are mine come on!” Robin says while trying to see and check that none of the kids take her candy, “y/n! Get your kids, they're practically robbing me!” Eddie screams out to you while trying to grab any candy from Dustin's hands.
“Hey, give me the bag”. “Okay just give me a second”. “Guys give her the bag!”. “That one's mine STOP EATING IT!”. “Let me have one!” chaos broke loose over candy, everyone was screaming and talking to each other at the same time, Eddie and Robin were moving in their seats to get a closer chance of getting their candy back from the greedy kids, Mike, El and Will were complaining about Robin and Eddie hitting their heads with their grabby arms and hands while you were yelling at max, Lucas, and Dustin for not listening to Steve and the other 2 adults while also trying to prevent them from eating more candy. Steve wasn't sure if he liked the commotion, he sure didn't like it while driving but he knew that it wouldn't be a perfect road trip without an argument breaking out over something little such as candy.
Steve says loudly which grabs everyone's attention, that one sentence has everyone go quiet and look out the windows. Hawkins was the most boring town known, I mean any new folks only go there for a bathroom break to Disneyland so something as basic as the beach was thrilling to everyone including you and Steve.The moment of calmness and quietness was soon over when Dustin and Max opened their side doors to run out. “Woah woah hey guys hold on!” Steve says frantically in hopes of slowing down everyone from getting out of the car, but no one listened to him instead they just kept getting out of the car until it was just you and Steve left, “they never listen to me” Steve sighs and unbuckles his seat belt to get out, he then goes to your side of the car and opens to door for you and help you carry anything that you needed help with. The kids seemed to have found a perfect spot that was not too far from the water but not too close.
you and Steve watch everyone set their towels down onto the sand from afar, “you know what Max told me” you say to Steve to start up a conversation, “if it has something to do with my bathing suit then dont bother, her and lucas already made fun of me enough” Steve says while moving his left arm (since his right hand is dragging along a cooler filled with refreshing drinks) around to make awareness to himself that his swim suit is a joke to the kids, “what? No….well..” you look Steve up and down
“Okay maybe your bathing suit is a little funny” you giggle at Steve which causes him to laugh as well, “no but max told me that she always wanted to go to the beach since coming to Hawkins cause that's the only thing that reminds her of California” you say while squinting your eyes a little to look up at Steve, “is that why you planned this trip? To make Max happy?” Steve questions you, “I want her to feel at home in Hawkins, and with us since we're basically the only ones she has left” you respond back as you watch Max and Robin move Lucas's and Mike's towels and replace it with theirs.
“You know she looks up to you right?” Steve breaks your stare from Max and Robin and you turn to him, “she also looks up to you too, she told me she sees you as her older brother” you look at Steve to see him smile. Steve is an only child (it's pretty obvious) so for him to hear that he's an older brother to someone's eyes, it makes his heart jump from excitement, “they're annoying and all but I still love them you know”
“What purpose would we serve if we don't become role models to these knuckleheads” you say as you gesture your head towards the group of people that you and Steve would kill for. Both of y'all finally catch up to where everyone was at, “Jesus can y'all walk any slower” Mike complains and moves to reach for the bag that hangs around your wrist but you pull your arm away before he can grab it, “hey you should be thankful I bought your stupidly expensive sunscreen, I mean who needs a specific type of sunscreen that costs more than $3!” You complain back to Mike while you dig in the bag filled with supplies in attempt of finding Mike's ‘special’ sunscreen, “I have delicate skin okay I can't help that” Mike moves his arms around dramatically, “how many times do I have to tell you, your skin isn't delicate it's all in your mind” you let out a sigh before handing Mike his bottle of sunscreen which he rudely snatches away from your hand but before he can walk off Steve hits him in the back of his head, “hey have some manners, you're only here cause El’s here so be grateful!” Steve raises his voice at Mike so that he can hear him but he was already walking away from you and Steve while rubbing his head.
After everyone got themselves situated and set all their belongings down in their own area, the kids ran into the water while Robin and Eddie moved not too far away from you and Steve to play and build with the sand. You have your bikini on and your sunglasses and right when you're about to lay down to finally enjoy the breeze, a heavy breathing and soaking wet teen runs up to you (which causes you to lift your sunglasses up to look up at him). “hey uh me and my friends wanted to know if you'd like to play volleyball with us over there” he points to a group of teenage boys standing and waiting there awkwardly, “um…no thank you I just wanna relax for today” you reject the teens offer before lowering your sunglasses down over your eyes, “okay um….” The teen stands there quietly before talking again “can I maybe get your number and we can hang out sometime?” this causes you to laugh, “Jesus dude take a hint and besides you're like 15, I'm too old for you alright so stay in school and go play with your geek friends'' you wave him off but before the teen boy can make any more comments to defend himself someone butts in, “babe do you need help with putting sunscreen on your back?” Steve makes his appearance known as he walks up to you with a sunscreen bottle in his hand, “yes please” you reply to Steve's offer before sitting up straight and giving the teen boy a smug look, “you know this kid?” Before Steve applies sunscreen onto his hand, he points a finger towards the teen who was still standing there, “oh no he was just leaving” you say and this time you wave at him in a mocking gesture, he walks off towards his friends who were laughing at him. “jesus you didn't seem to change since highschool” Steve laughs at your mockery towards the kid while rubbing sunscreen on your back, “sometimes I gotta bring the old me back you know” you mumble due to you enjoying the little message that Steve is giving you as he applies sun protection on your back.
Steve then finishes up your back and he lays flat on his stomach waiting for you to do the same gesture towards him. Yours and Steve's relationship was always equal, for Valentine's Day he'll get you something and you'll make him something, at restaurants y'all both would split the bill, when eating food you'll give half to Steve and he would give half to you. So Steve didn't have to ask you if you can put sunscreen on his back, he kinda just expected that you would and you would've expected the same for him if you were in Steve's position right now.
You straddle Steve's hips and sit on his butt. You apply sunscreen on your hand and rub them together to get the cream warm since you knew that Steve flinches and complains when you don't make any type of lotion warm before putting it onto his back. As you put pressure onto Steve's back, he starts to groan. You make sure that the sunscreen is all over his back but you didn't get off him but instead you continued massaging him. Steve deserved a massage due to always being booked and busy with work or the bills or even the kids, so you're hoping that your massage helps him feel relaxed while at the beach.
You finish massaging him after a while and once you get up from sitting on his lower back half, he slowly rises up with a face that looks like he just woke up from the best nap. “Jesus I really needed that thank you” Steve says now fully sitting up and stretching his arms, “you were looking stiff anyways so I couldn't help but loosen you up” you reply back with a teasing smile “oh God what did I just walk into?!” Eddie walks towards you and Steve with Robin following behind him, “you perv we weren't trying to sound like that” Steve gives Eddie a disgusted face for having his head in the gutter. “Yea sure hey um we're kinda hungry” Robin moves next to Eddie while swinging her arms forward and backwards, “you guys are old enough to make your own sandwich” you tell both Robin and Eddie while gesturing towards the bag and cooler filled with enough supplies to make a sandwich, “oh but I bet if we were any of your scrawny kids then you would've made us a sandwich” eddie replies back to you while pointing towards the kids and moving his head in a sassy way, you look to where eddie was pointing and see all the kids walk out of the water and head towards y'all.
“Oh look what you did now, you summoned them” Steve shakes his head as he watches the group of soaked kids walk to y'all, “I guess I'm making sandwiches” you sigh before getting up and setting everything that you needed up onto a table (that Eddie brought). “Y/n we're hungry”. “Can we eat the sandwiches now?”. “Y/n can you make me a sandwich!?”. “Oh can you make me one too please!?” The kids were now bugging you like you were their mom's and you're already used to their constant complaining and bickering so you did what every ‘mom’ would do, “alright everyone line up no cutting- HEY Eddie, I said no cutting get to the back!” You kept clapping your hands together to have the kids move faster while forming a line. As every kid came up with a towel wrapped around themselves while standing in a single file line, Steve was getting their drinks and chips ready for them to take and sit down. “Can I have mine with no mayonnaise please”. “Yea I know, no mayonnaise and no pickles” you say as you just add ham and cheese to Will's sandwich, “i want mine with no cheese and no mustard?”. “That's how you ask?”. “Oh can I please have no cheese and no mustard” you already had the sandwich set up and you give it to Mike but not after mocking his cranky face as he walks off. Everyone (including you and Steve) were now sitting down and eating y'all's sandwich with chips. “Ooo you know what sounds good right now?” Robin turns towards you, “what?”. “Watermelon” Robin says with an excited tone and smile, “I think we have one in the car, do we have one in the back of the car babe?” You then turn towards Steve who was eating his sandwich and zoning out, “huh?”. “Don't we have the watermelon in the back of the car?” You tell Steve twice knowing that he isn't the quickest thinker, “oh uh….I don't know, you want me to check?” Steve starts getting ready to walk to the car, “no no sit down, Hey Dustin”. “Yea?” Dustin responds to you calling his name (since he was the first one done eating), “can you do me a favor and check if we have watermelon in the back of the car please” you say with a cheeky smile, it was a smile that looked so nice and innocent and hard to say no to.
“....fine” Dustin lets out a sigh before throwing away his bag of chips and heading towards the car. Everyone goes back to their conversation while finishing up their sandwiches, “isn't your birthday coming up?” Max asks you, “oh yea next month” you say while nodding your head, “oh my God we should totally have a girl's night” El tells you and you just widen your eyes at her idea. You didn't have any sisters and you never had a girl's night so the idea excites you mostly when you're going to spend it with people who you dearly love. “I never had one, what would we do?” You say now fully engaged into the idea of a girl's night, “wait you never had one!?” Robin's face was fully shocked, “no why is that bad?” You say with curiosity, “oh no no that's not bad it's just that I thought you had one before, I mean what about all the girls you hung out with in highschool? You never had one with them?” Robin questions you due to the shock of you never having a day out with only girls, “no not really, I mean we would all hang out but they're boyfriends would be around so does that count?” You question the girls again. “no that's called a hang out, we're talking about a girl's night with no one else but us girls.” Max clarifies for you, “yea that means not talking about boys, no calling boys, and definitely no boys being invited” Robin says while eyeing Steve who was listening and watching y'all's conversation, “but I'm acceptable right?” No one answered Steve's question, not even you. “If you go then you're gonna hog y/n away and it'll just be me, max, and Robin” El was the only one that answered Steve's question, “I won't-” Steve couldn't even finish his sentence without being cut off and shut down from the girls, “yea you will”. “You most definitely will”. “Yes you would” with the girls ‘attacking’ Steve he looks at you waiting for you to defend him, “....anyways, do y'all go out or do y'all just go to someone's house?” You decided that it's best not to actually reply to Steve's question but instead go back to the previous conversation. Steve's face was filled with disbelief so he chose to listen and join in on someone else's conversation. “And that when the master comes in and proves to all the other peasants who the real king is but just before he can put his foot down he-....” Eddie stops his conversation with Lucas and Mike to turn his head towards Steve, “can I help…you?” Eddie raises his eyebrows at Steve, “oh me? No I'm just listening” Steve says as he moves his hand around to show Eddie that he can continue, “you wouldn't like it, let alone understand it” Eddie tells Steve and he takes it as a sign to just not join into their conversation anymore.
Steve sat in-between the 2 groups of people and he zoned out while staring at the ocean, his trance was soon broken when he felt someone's presence sit down next to him. He turns his head expecting to see you looking at him with a warm smile but instead it was Will, the least person that he talks to. Even though Steve didn't talk to Will that much, it didn't mean that he was uncomfortable around him, it was just that he wasn't sure what they had in common. “Hey…” Will says to Steve, “hey” Steve nods his head towards Will as a gesture of saying ‘whats up’. Will tries to hand Steve a small bag of chips but he kindly declines, “no thanks man, I ate too much junk today” Steve says before turning his head towards the ocean again, “what junk? I just saw you eat a sandwich with chips and a can of coke, that's nothing” Will scoffs at Steve, “yea well I gotta keep in shape for my lady” Steve repondes back to Will while turning his view from the ocean to you laughing with El and max covering robins mouth as if Robin was gonna say something she wasn't supposed to say. “you do know that she doesn't care if you lose weight or gain weight, she'll still go home with you” Will tells Steve as he opens and starts eating the bag of chips, “yea...that's why- i don't know, sometimes I feel like she's too good for me” Steve says as he still stares at you laughing with the girls, “you know what's crazy, she told me the exact same thing” Will looks at Steve with faint smile and Steve then finally looks at Will, “she said that? She told you that?” Steve knows that you have a strong bond with all the kids so he wasn't sure why he was surprised that you would tell Will something like that.
“Oh yeah, she talks about you a lot when you're not around and it gets annoying sometimes but it's also pretty cute” Will responds in a calm tone while Steve had a face full of shock, “what else does she tell you?” Steve now being more curious leans in closer to Will, “um… I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you” Will leans back a little thinking that he said a little too much than needed, “come on man I drove you here and besides it isn't anything bad, right?” Steve became more and more curious with Will not telling him what you talk about behind his back, “umm….I think she said something about not wanting 6 kids” Will says to Steve with a sour face as he watches Steve's eyes sadden, “oh…”
“Instead she only wants 3” With Will's response this causes Steve's eyes to lighten up with joy, “really?! What else?” Steve asks Will for clarification that he heard things right, “yea and she also said she wants to get married at-” Will didn't finish his sentence due to Dustin walking towards everyone while complaining and empty handed.
“I'm not doing it next time, Jesus that's a long walk. What the hell” Dustin lets out a huff of breath before sitting back down onto the sand. With everyone's attention towards Dustin, Steve grabs Will's attention back towards him to have him finish his sentence, “when does she want to get married!?” Steve is making direct eye contact with Will in hopes that he can answer Steve's question that he's been waiting for since 2 years. “Um… she said when she's-”. “Alright everyone I'm ready to go, it's starting to look a little cloudy!” you scream out to everyone so they can start packing their stuff up and heading back to the car. Will was quick to get up and away from Steve due to the pressure that he got from wanting to answer a basic question that was so important to Steve. This led to Steve sitting there in disbelief and a little bit of frustration, “babe come on help me with the bags please” you call Steve over to you, “yea Steve actually do something” max laughed at Lucas's statement since steve was in fact the only one not doing anything but Steve didn't find anything funny so he threw them both a glare which causes them both to laugh even harder. “Hey cut it out guys but seriously babe, help me out” you tell the kids and Steve while you grunt out of struggle of trying to hold all the bags in one, this causes Steve to move and help you.
With the help from everyone, things got put away quicker than expected, “wipe your feet'' Steve tells Dustin before he even steps a foot in the car, but Dustin being annoyed that he had to walk back and forth to the car, he decided to wipe his feet in the car while making eye contact to Steve. “On the outside not the inside!” Steve screams at Dustin before shoving his head in the car since he's already tired and worn out. Steve pulls out of the beach area and starts heading home, of course the kids (including Robin and Eddie) are going to freshen and clean themselves up at yours and Steve's house and if Steve's feeling chill then he'll even let them spend a night.
Everyone wasn't talking as loud as they were before, Mike and El are falling asleep on each other, Robin and Eddie are looking and daydreaming out the window, Max and Lucas are talking to each other, and Will and Dustin are jamming out to the music that was playing on the radio. With no one talking and everyone being in their own world Steve thought it would be the perfect time to bring up his unanswered question. “Um…you know a little birdie told me that you plan on having 3 kids, is that true?” Steve looks from the road to you back and forth just so he can see your reaction, “is that so? What else did this little birdie tell you?” You look at Steve while raising your eyebrows at him in a mocking way. Steve is a very curious person, he feels the need to know something even if it does change or affect him in any way and you've grown to get used to it mostly since in highschool he would constantly want to know who you would go on dates with. “Well the little birdie WAS going to tell me when you want to get married and I'm just curious cause you know I get like that…when do you actually want to get married?” Steve emphasizes the word ‘was’ and he looks at you now even more anxious to hear any sort of answer to his desperate question, “you really wanna know?” You still look at Steve while loving the way he looks back and forth from the road to you while also nodding his head frantically, it just shows that he really really REALLY wants to know. “Well I want to get married when I'm….” You look at Steve and before you can answer his question someone screams from the top of their lungs from the back of the car.
Pls send requests on anything, thank you and I hope you enjoyed
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conchiferrous · 3 months
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they forgot to make the punk hazard body swap stuff about franky Specifically . for me
[ID: Doodle page revolving around Nami being body swapped into Franky's body and Franky being body swapped into Chopper. The main drawing is of Nami in Franky's body, eyes wide and worried, mouth agape and drooling as she timidly raises her hands up in front of her chest. Her knees are bent and are creaking. Multiple instances of "click" are written around her hands as well. A speech bubble containing only Nami's head making the same frightened expression is drawn over her head. A wall of text on the left reads: "-Going through the onslaught of losing more nuanced muscular movements, half of organs being replaced with mechanical parts constantly whirring, using cameras for eyes and the stark change in vision/color quality that comes with that, and a rubbery tongue. All while having to adjust to a body three times her size and constant soreness of the knees and spine having to support all of that. Scared of accidentally shooting bullets and stuff". Right next to her is Franky in Chopper's body, who is sweating profusely and looking down with a frustrated expression as he frantically waves his right arm. His other hoof is covering his left ear. A speech bubble of Franky's head making the same angry expression appears above his head. He is not wearing Chopper's helmet hat nor his shirt, just his backpack and shorts. Text to the right of him reads: "-Everything is too hot, too loud, and too much . smells. -No dexterity/clumsy movements. Going from mostly naked to full fur coat is overwhelming". In the top left hand corner is a small doodle of Chopper in Sanji's body. He's just standing there with one large eye staring off into space with a cat like mouth, frowning slightly. To the right is a doodle of Franky as Chopper walking on all fours in brain point. His eyes are wide and unfocused as he sweats profusely. He's thinking: "gosh i sure hope a hole doesn't open up beneath me and i drop into the ocean that i now cannot swim in. a truly frightening thought." as someone beneath the ground under him starts to saw a circle around where he's standing. There is a secret low opacity clip art of Wade from Garfield behind him. In the top right hand corner is a sketch of Nami as Franky swinging her left arm into the back of Luffy's head on accident while she's talking. She's looking towards the viewer, talking about something, and looks serious. She is oblivious to accidentally hitting Luffy. Luffy's body stays static but his neck is stretching out a bit as his head rubber bands to the side. He's clenching his teeth and one of his eyes has an X in it while the other has a swirl. "Donk" is written right above. This drawing is captioned: "Dangerously clumsy". Underneath is a drawing of Franky as Chopper talking to Nami as Franky. Franky is looking up at Nami and is saying: "Nami i am just letting you know my flashback arrestor is not currently up to code and i haven't replaced it so i recommend you do not use any fire functions or you could blow up which would also blow me up . and i would not care for that". Nami starts sweating and goes wall eyed in panic, mouth agape. And finally in the bottom right hand corner is a doodle of Robin sitting down while Franky in Chopper's body nuzzles up against her right shoulder like a cat would on all fours. He's looking up at her, smiling and wagging his tail, and says: "You can pet me if you'd like". Robin grips him by the abdomen with her right arm while lightly pushing him away with her other arm. She's looking forward and not at him, and looks upset. She responds: "Stop talking." in a red horror type font. None of the drawings are colored in and are drawn over an abstract background comprised mostly of shades of pale yellow and pink. /END ID]
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suspiciouspiece · 5 months
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐨 ! 𝐈’𝐦 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 . 𝐀𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲’𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐞 🫶🏼. 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 .
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘/𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭. 𝐋𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 . 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭 ? 𝐎𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ? 
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CHAPTER 1 Greetings and ghost stories 
Y/n had sighed, running as quickly as she could. The marines hot on her tail screaming for her to stop. Y/n had jump down into the water and pulled out a card, the black white & red card opened a portal. When she step through she was on a different island . Using another card to dry herself off and change her clothes. “ Finally some peace and quiet. “ She started walking up the hill’s path . Disappearing within view. 
“ AWWW NAMI !!!! I’M BORED !!” Screams luffy from up top of the head of sunny. He had been miserable lately. Thanks to the fact no new islands had been near them . Nami let out an irritated sigh, “ How many times have I told you luffy ? No island are near us ! Honestly it’s a miracle that I can even navigate when even the log pose is complete still. “ 
Luffy had huffed, clearly not satisfied with the answer but couldn’t do anything more about it . “ Is the island in the sky ? “ Usopp said while fixing up something new at the table. Robin had put her book down and looked at the sky .“ No like last time it would have pointed upwards. Honestly I’m scared we might be in a still area of water with nothing around us .” 
“ Don’t stress out Nami dear ! Even if that happens I would personally kick this boat so far that it’ll never become still becoming your Prince Charming and-“
“ Stealing a kiss ! Ahah ~ “ 
Nami sighed, “ Hopefully we find an island soon through, supply is running low on everyone end.” Sanji had took a smoke break ,” Yea Nami right . We only have enough food for a week . “ Usopp gasped,” but all that food I seen earlier!” “ Have you forgotten our captain eats crew worth of meals ?  2 at breakfast, 2 snack breaks, 2 lunches, another 2 snack breaks , 3 serving at dinner even though it’s only supposed to be 2 but somehow he manages to steal someone food .” ussop had fell to the floor ,” LUFFYS EATING US TO DEATH ROW !!!” 
Sanji had sighed another drag form his cigar , “doesn’t help that he’s been so bored he’s basically stress eating. Our captain has a lot of energy, the sunny can only hold him for so long . “ Franky had walk up to them,with chopper . “ How is that even possible?! “ “ Luffy’s body is rubber . His whole body is constantly stretching and unstretching subconsciously through tiny cells . Making his stomach big. It literally has no end while he eats. It also doesn’t help that while he loses a big chunk of energy it’s balanced out with more energy coming in from nothing. “ 
Zoro had popped up outta nowhere . “ So that means what exactly?” “ Think of it as lightning being held by rubber band but the rubber band is moving . It’ll attract more light while losing a little. “ Zoro still looked confused. “ In other words it’s like filling a bottle of water with a hole in the bottom.” Robin try’s to explain. Zoro still kinda lost.
“To sum it up moss head , think it as he training, he became 10 times stronger but he hungry from the hard work so he eat and has to start the workout over again .” “ Oh ? Why didn’t you explain it that way .” “ BECAUSE YOUR AN IDIOT !” “ WHO YOU CALLING IDIOT, PERVERT COOK ?!” 
“ SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU !!” Nami screamed, punching them . Luffy sighed,” I’m depressed. Me want meat . No island yet .” Luffy was deflated  on the floor, pouting . The group stared, eyes poking out their heads . “ Oh lord I hope we find an island fast !” The crew screamed. 
Thankfully the crew was able to find a island fast . It was unlikely luffy to be that sad . Chopper had made sure to test him to see if he was sick because of it . The crew had felt a sense of easiness watching luffy gum gum off the ship not even waiting for them . “ Welp, there’s no stopping him . I’m sure luffy will find his way back . This is boring quiet island after all . Sanji and chopper go get food supplies and medicine. Me and robin will get books, paper and other things. Usopp and franky get weapons and tools. Brook find me some clothes . Zoro actually stay and guard don’t fall asleep ! “ 
It was too late though. Zoro was already sleeping up a storm . “ Ugh whatever.” 
Luffy was having the time of his life. He already made some new friends. Ate good food and even got in a good fight. He miss this . 3 months on the ship was too long . He had stop at the end of the road, the little girl he made friends with, on his back was name Mico ( Mi-co ) . Had stopped him ,” Uhoh Luf! We can’t go any farther!” Luffy stared, “ Why ?” “ That forest is called “ Evil lives” . Some strange girl walked into the forest about 2 weeks ago and the forest when completely silent. We haven’t seen any animals other than fish but still. It’s creepy. Her and the animals completely disappeared !” 
Luffy had smiled,” Sounds like some fun ! We should turn back for now though I told your mom I’ll bring you home before dark .” 
The girl nodded and than when back . Luffy wasn’t surprised to bump into his crew . “ Ah alright made a friend?” The group had all ran into each other . “ YEA ! Met Mico ! “ They had said their hello to the little girl . 
“ Oh my , so many , come in . “ A woman said smiling in the doorway. “ The group in the street nodded, following. 
“ So I hear Mico told you the story I’m sorry for her but her words are truth.” Sanji had let out a puff of smoke . “I guess that explains why I couldn’t find anything other than fish and why everything around here is so expensive.” The woman shook her head,” Listen I’ll explain a little more .” 
“ About two weeks ago, a woman with 
y/c/h hair came outta nowhere. She was sleeping in the middle of the road. Head on a pillow, holding a purple blanket. We wanted to wake her up but we couldn’t, some type of weird force was on her. So we let her alone . We thought she might be a devil fruit user that was into she woke up …”
Robin had a serious look but sweet and calm vioce,” What happened?” 
“ When she woke up it was like nothing happened. She didn’t speak to anyone or bothered us . The pillow and blanket disappeared. She was walking straight to the woods . Didn’t eat or drink anything. The kids were playing, accidentally spilled sea water on her . And by sea water I mean a tank that was being pulled . She didn’t flinch. She said it was hot day and that playing in water was understandable and nobody needed to make a fuss but after she walk in the woods , nobody ever seen her or any of the animals. I haven’t even seen a bird in two weeks now .” 
“ if she’s not a devil fruit user what’s her case ?” Franky said confused. “ To not see a bird in two weeks, this chick must be smoken hot to no ends ! The animals must have great taste ! “ Sanji screamed . “ Or she could be a real threat. Animal avoid areas that they feel threatened . A huge sign of this is when large groups of birds fly away .” Chopper added in . “ Whatever the case is let’s find her ! “ Luffy said getting excited, this is just what he needed, an adventure after been bored for so long . 
“ WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT !!!!!!!! “ screamed ussop,” Are you telling me you wanna find some creepy ghost lady that took all the animals?!!!! TELL ME YOUR JOKING!!” Luffy laughed,” I’ll be fun stop being a scary cat ussop.” Luffy had jump up ready to go . He was quickly stop by robin.” We don’t know what’s waiting for us, plus it isn’t good to just walk into the woods without supplies or anything else . Also aren’t we missing a man ?” 
Luffy stared ,” brook ?” “ I’M RIGHT HERE !” “ Sanji ? “ “ FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ITS SO OBVIOUS !!! “ The crew screamed. “ Think of moss .” Robin calmly stated .” Luffy’s eyes popped out of his head ,” ZORO ?! WE GOTTA GO GET ZORO !!” The crew facepalm . “ I bet your first mate would be pretty hurt to hear you not remember like this .” “ I forgot I was thinking of the awesome fight I’m about to have ! “ “ YOU! WE’RE GOING TO SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT GIRL AND THE ANIMALS NOT FIGHT “ nami yelled slapping luffy . 
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victheclown · 6 months
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Stationary Locked Leon n Robin post being freed from the cages They are so Tragic ough
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Article Rammstein giving visually impaired fans a special experience
Article from 3voor12vpro.nl Rammstein show in Nijmegen 2024-06-18/19
Googly translated
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Special tour by guitarist Paul Landers on the stage of the German metal band
june 24, 2024, text: robin hogenboom. photos: jens koch & lonneke prins.
When you think of Rammstein, you think of theatrical shows full of flames and fireworks. But what if you cannot enjoy it optimally due to a visual impairment? The German metal band organizes a guided stage tour for those people, where these fans can feel before the show what the rest of the audience will see later. 3voor12 Gelderland is lucky and can join the tour of June 18 in Nijmegen.
Of course, musically it's all rock solid. Yet the more than 100,000 music lovers who travel to Nijmegen on June 18 and 19 also expect a show that has been taken care of down to the last detail. Cooking pots, flamethrowers, rubber boats and a gigantic penis that squirts foam: it is part of Rammstein's standard repertoire. But what if you have a visual impairment? How do you make a show accessible to people who will experience little or nothing of all those theatrical excesses?
That thought also struck guitarist Paul Landers. “At one point I thought that blind fans couldn't see the stage and so maybe it would be good if they could feel the stage. That is how the first stage tours in 2022 came about.” Since then, fans have been able to register for the tours with a simple email – and a medical certificate. “On average, 4 to 6 people register for the tour, but due to increased safety measures, only 2 groups can participate at a time. Of course, every participant also has a supervisor.”
And safety, that is of course a thing. Paul: “The tour takes place once all preparations and rehearsals have been completed. That is why we take very small groups behind the scenes and extra security is present to guarantee the safety of the visitors.” And it comes as no surprise that parts of the stage also remain closed. Paul: “There are areas that are too unsafe for visitors, for example because pyrotechnics are ready there. These pieces are not part of the tour.”
The tour
When we report to the agreed location, we meet Twan Driessen (21) from Nijmegen, who will participate in the tour with his father as a guide. Although he will experience something that many Rammstein fans would sign up for, he only became a fan of the German band relatively recently. “I'm normally not a metal fan, but 'Deutschland' made me become a fan of Rammstein. That song really stuck.” The song also had an impact on his father: “he really ended up in the Rammstein corner!”
We walk past the dressing rooms and end up behind the characteristic stage. There we meet Paul Landers, who quickly takes Twan through some highlights. Paul places Twan's hands on a gigantic steel tube that holds the stage upright. The colossus, 60 meters wide and 35 meters high, weighs about 1,350 tons and is transported through Europe by 90 trucks, says Paul. “And we have two. The other is already in Dublin.”
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And then we enter the actual stage. Just below Christoph Schneider's drum kit, Twan is allowed to experience some attributes that are already ready for the show. For example, he receives an explanation about a flamethrower and the cooking pot from 'Mein Teil', but also the pram that will be rolled onto the stage for 'Puppe'. Although, roles? Paul: “The ceiling under the stage is very low, so the wheels don't fit under it yet. They are added at the last minute.”
The more you think about it, the more special it actually becomes. About an hour and a half before the start of the show, which is known for how tightly organized it is, Paul takes the time to explain everything about the show to Twan. And the pleasure with which he provides the tour is admirable. Only the supervision of a few crew members reveals that the organization is more involved than the guitarist lets us experience.
Paul dismisses the fact that it has an impact on his own planning: “it must be well timed between the arrival of the audience and the start of the show. I have to be there on time, but it's all worth it to me. I really enjoy doing the tours for the visually impaired.” What do you find most special about the tours? “Every tour is different. Sometimes people are moved to tears. People who have poor or no vision often have a sensitive and reserved character. I love it when I can make those people happy!”
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The stage
Finally, the hydraulic lift that leads to the actual stage lowers. As the field slowly fills up, Twan gets the opportunity to feel the floor of the stage. And the type of flooring comes in very handy today. Paul: “This material is normally used on oil platforms, so that you do not slip when it is wet. It's sharp and hard, so you'll need thick shoes to stand on it for the entire show. And if you trip and fall on your knee, it will hurt you for a while!”
After a photo moment with Paul we are escorted back to the field. Twan: “When I was selected for that blind tour, I already had the feeling that something special could happen. And then the guitarist comes to do the tour! It's almost surreal that you can just chat with someone so big and famous. That someone from the band takes you along and takes the time for you. I think that is really special and exceeds my expectations!”
The show
Then of course it's time for the show. Although the weather is anything but good, the atmosphere is exceptionally good. Of course, the show is phenomenal again, just like two years ago . The differences with that show can be counted on one hand. 'Armee der Tristen', 'Zick Zack', 'Zeig Dich' and 'Heirate Mich' have made way for 'Ramm4', 'Keine Lust', 'Asche zu Asche' and 'Wiener Blut' respectively, with the latter in particular having a considerable intense addition to an already impressive show. The men play very tight and don't really loosen the reins anywhere. You would almost forget that the band is celebrating their thirtieth anniversary this year.
Twan: “I thought they played well live, full of energy. The singing was also good and it was really heavy at times. 'Puppe' and 'Adieu' at the end were impressive!” But: did the tour have any influence on Twan's concert experience? “I liked getting an insight into what that stage looks like, with the flamethrowers and the cooking pot. When you feel the stage and how big it all is, that is impressive and that also gives a better idea of ​​what you get on such an evening.”
The last word goes to Twan: “compliments to Paul Landers and the management of Rammstein. They did a really good job: the service, the reception, everything. Well organised!”
We would like to thank Greenhouse Talent, the management of Rammstein and in particular Paul Landers and Twan Driessen for their cooperation in this article!
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weird-dork37 · 6 months
Intro post
Ok so turns out I actually might post stuff so I guess for ppl who see these posts here’s a bit about me
My name is Iris (my friend helped me pick it out and I love it so much)
My sexuality is Aroace, Im Genderfluid, Any pronouns are fine, INFP, Aries, Hufflepuff, minor so pls don’t be creepy and weird, I like to read and paint and give ppl gifts, I play the French horn and trumpet( I want to learn the Saxophone, piano, Violin, Drums, Bass, Guitar, etc) I love cats and dogs, I have 3 dogs but no cats😔( my dad is allergic), I want a ferret cause I think they are cute, My fav wild animal is an Otter, I love Frogs, I like memes and gay stuff and band and theatre, IM OBSESSED WITH DUCKS( I HAVE A COLLECTION OF RUBBER DUCKS AND I WANT TO HAVE ATLEAST 1000 BY THE TIME THAT I DIE) ill prolly add more as I remember
Music that I like- Taylor Swift, Conan Gray, Olivia Rodrigo, Chloe Ament, Cavetown, Girl in Red, Mistki, Laufey, Lady Gaga, Orla Gartland, mxmtoon, Baby Queen, beabadoobee, Wolf Alice, Billie Eilish, Sabrina Carpenter, Hozier, Benson Boone, Djo, Chapell Roan, Tate McRae, Arctic Monkeys, Gracie Abrams, Lana del Rey, Melanie Martinez, etc
Books that I like- HEARTSTOPPER(Osemanverse), Hunger games, PJO(the entire universe of PJO), Harry Potter, Divergent, The Cruel Prince, A good girls guide to murder, The inheritance games, The Babysitters Club, Shatter Me, Six of Crows/ Shadow and Bone, The inheritance cycle, Acotar, Fablehaven/Dragonwatch, Better than the movies, prolly others I just can’t remember
Movies that I like- Hunger Games, Love Simon, Nimona, Inside out, Tangled, Crush, Harry Potter, Luca, 10 Things I hate about you, Clueless, Big hero 6, Barbie, Enola Holmes, Encanto, Coco, Little Woman, Marvel, Maze Runner, Megamind, Shrek, Ik there are others but my memory is rlly bad rn so I’ll just add them when I remember them
TV Shows that I like- HEARTSTOPPER, The Owl house(TOH), She-ra, Heartbreak High, Bridgerton, Friends, Survivor, The Good Place, Big bang Theory, How I met your Mother, Home Economics, The Vampire Diaries, Abbott Elementary, Anne with an E, Arcane, Bojack Horseman, Boy Meets World, Girl Meets World, Brooklyn 99, Carmen Sandiago, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Miraculous Ladybug, Criminal minds, Stranger things, Gilmore Girls, Julie and the Phantoms, Love Victor, Ik there is more but yk bad memory
Ppl that I Kin big time- Luz noceda, Tori spring, Charlie spring, Robin Buckley, Hunter from TOH, The collector from TOH, Will Byers, Nick Nelson, Rain whispers from TOH, Entrapta from she-ra
Ik there’s more to say but I honestly can’t remember) I guess just look at what I post and repost🤷‍♀️
You guys seem like awesome ppl😊
So guess all that’s left to say is Hi!
Edit- My Pinterest username is rAiNbOw_MaFiA (I don’t post much on there, but I have a LOT of boards and pins saved)
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
Hello hello!
Ok, I have a thought, hear me out!
Silly is the New sexy was amazing and we could need a Part 2~
Like, luffy can't help but think about your body and wants to do it again but she turns him down because you know people are literally being everywhere.
So! New Island, she stayed behind because of the short staw she draw, letting everyone go. She was totally fine and made stuff around the sunny. Imagine, she being in the kitchen as Lu burst in with a happy grin and be like >were alone! We can Do it again!< she just laughs and >give me a few after I wash the dishes<.
Lu pouts but sit down between her legs and be like prompt 8!
ok im not gonna write the preamble bc u already did lmao let's skip straight to the smut, shall we?
part 1
(cw: silly = sexy, est relationship, misuse of devil fruit, nipple play, face sitting, also this is my kitsune oc so kill the part of you that cringes, blowjob)
(a/n: i'll never stop playing dress up)
Songs: "Hard Feelings/Loveless" by Lorde, "The Bomb" by Florence + the Machine, "Morning Elvis" by Florence + the Machine
words: 1.5k
Luffy sits between your legs, head bumping back against the counter. His legs are splayed out in front of him, rolling back and forth like a little kid's. "Come onnnn," he whines, tugging at the cuffs of your denim shorts. He drags his fingertips up and down your fishnets, ribbing them in a satisfying, slow rumble.
You reach over him to finish scrubbing the dirty dish in your hands. Pizza sauce is crusted on from last night's dinner (sometimes even Sanji sets dirty plates to soak in the sink overnight).
"Okay, okay," you say, swiftly drying the plate with a soft towel. You set it in the dishrack, sparkling and clean, before turning back to your boyfriend. He's grinning up at you like a fucking capuchin.
You snort, rolling your eyes before crouching down to his eye level. He reaches forward to grab a strand of your hair, rubbing the damaged, bleached ends between his finger and thumb. It scratches against his skin. "Wanna play?"
"Obviously, Luffy. Now take your clothes off." You pull your own sweater off over your head--a baby blue cropped thing that you paired over a black bralette. You're wearing dark denim shorts with silver buttons down the side. Luffy tugs at the laces of your black boots. Steel-toed, a gift from Robin last time you docked portside.
Luffy giggles, and pulls his red t-shirt off over his shoulders. He slides down so he's lying on his back, stretching his rubber arms out to grab your hips. He slams you down onto his own face, cunt first.
"Fuck--!" You squeal, squirming in his arms so as not to crush his sweet little face. He's grinning at you like the devil.
"Sit," he commands, and you do. He bites at the denim of your shorts, not even bothering to take them off before he's running his thick hands all over you. You shrug off your bralette, letting your tits hang down, soft and bouncy above your ribcage. Luffy eagerly reaches up to grab them. He rolls his thumbs around your nipples in wide, slow circles. "So fuckin' pretty f'me," he murmurs, before stretching his neck up to suck on them. It's kinda alien, seeing his neck stretched out like a rubber band, but his tongue is magic so you don't fucking mind. You tilt your head back in pleasure, softly moaning.
"So good," you praise him, running your fingers over his hair. It's soft, and you pet him for a bit as he sucks on your sensitive nipples. You ride his abdomen, sitting on his stomach while he plays with you.
Your tails flick in pleasure.
"S'pretty, kitty," he says again, bucking his hips up behind you. He pops off your tits with a smack. His hands reach up to scritch at the base of your foxy ears. You hum, eyes closed in comfort.
"So are you," you say, reaching down to unbutton your shorts. You stand up, over him, to slide them down your legs. You leave the fishnets on. You're straddling him, looking down at your sweet captain with your legs on either side of his waist. Your boots stay on, too. The rose-gold bellybutton piercing sparkles at your abdomen: something you and Nami did on a whim last island, too.
"Spread your legs f'me," he says, staring up at your fishnet heat, so you lift a leg to place your boot on the counter. He's staring open mouthed at your cunt, left bare and dripping without any panties.
He licks his lips.
Suddenly, he's grabbing you by the waist again and slamming you down hard onto his waiting face. He slurps at your sensitivity, swiftly turning his hair white as he activates Gear 5. His tongue expands, shoving inside your slippery cunt as his eyes swirl rosy. Somewhere, a train whistle sounds in an honest to god awooga.
"Luffy!!" You complain, as he rips your tights to give himself more room. Steam is pouring out of his ears, his eyes rolled back and crossed as he sloppily licks at your cunt. You're already dripping.
It's so cartoony, with him.
The sea laps at the side of the sunny, sparkling and sapphire in the afternoon sun. Seagulls call overhead. You watch them circle in the pastel sky through the window over the sink. Sparks soar into view as Luffy warps the energy of reality around him. You feel it pulling into you like gravity, bringing you ever and always closer to your captain.
He sucks on your clit.
You scream, surprised at the sudden suction. He slaps your ass cheek, the sound reverberating with several boi-oings throughout the empty room. You groan, sending your head back to just enjoy the sensations. You roll your hips over his tongue, sending shivers down your spine. He grips your hips, bringing you down harder.
You squeal, letting your full weight sink down onto your captain's face. Supporting yourself on the sink, your hands grip around the cool porcelain as Luffy sends stars into your eyes. Sparkles alight overhead as his own pleasure creeps up. He's bucking his hips up behind you, and you turn to stretch yourself enough to reach his hard cock through his jeans. He lets you lean over, supporting your hips in his searing grasp. Your tails frizz out, shivering and shaking as he sends you over the edge.
You gasp, coming to with sore thighs and an aching belly.
"Sweet girl," Luffy croons, letting you slide off him to the side. You collapse onto the tile, letting the coolness seep into your heated skin.
He sits up, wiping off your slick from his soaking chin.
"My turn?"
You smile, nodding eagerly as Luffy rips off his shorts. You settle onto your own back this time, letting him straddle your head. His sticky cockhead is shimmering with precum, and you reach out for an experimental lick. He shivers, letting out a hiss through his teeth.
"That's it," he says, rocking his hips forward. The tip hits your lips, and you let him in. You start sucking hard on his head, and he lets out a strangled moan. You run sweet, kitten licks up and down his aching shaft. The veins are bulging and sensitive, and every slide or dart of your tongue elicits sharp inhales and gasps from your lover above you. He shallowly thrusts his cock deeper into your mouth.
Stretching, you take him down your throat.
Luffy groans, softening your skin with ripples of elastic energy. His hair is fluffy and white, with matching clouds floating above his head. Your tails are squished behind you, but they flutter in soft, shivering arcs. He reaches down to grab one, wrapping it around his wrist.
He tugs.
"Ouch!" You yelp, trying to pull your seventh tail out of his grasp. He giggles, and doesn't let go. Instead, he pulls harder. An airhorn sounds. "Luffy!!!" You complain, face heating up. His cock muffles your words, but you glare up at him anyway.
"Shishi, sorry," he giggles, slowing his pace slightly. You relax, slowly sucking on his shaft as his thrusts grow erratic and sloppy.
His balls smack harsh against your chin.
Sizzles and pops sound overhead, and you open your eyes to watch star shapes dance around Luffy's face. His cheeks are flushed, and his head is tilted back. His adams apple bobs with his raspy pants.
The stars float down over both of you, sparkling and bursting in silvery rainbow shimmers. Luffy speeds up, his hips now a blur as you do your best to take it. A star slips down to bounce off your cheek and onto the floor. It sizzles out of existence.
A slight halo glows around your lover's face.
You wrap your hands around his thighs, and suck harder. He gasps, and spills his seed into your mouth. It spurts out from the corners of your lips, filling your senses with musky bitterness.
"Shit, shit shit," he groans, arching his back as he shudders and gasps. You moan, vibrations sending through his pulsing cock.
"Sweetheart," he moans, pulling out of your mouth. He sits back on his heels, giving you room to sit up. You rub at your sore jaw, before wiping his spend off the sides of your face. It smears into the soft hairs on your forearm, sticky and sweet. He grins, and reaches forward to pull you up into a kiss. He tastes like sugar.
"Sweet," you tease him, pulling on a lock of his downy hair. He snickers, swatting your hand away. "Snackies?"
He laughs outright, slapping his belly. He giggles, hiding his face in one hand. "Shishishi, hahahahaa!" He slips backward, bouncing on the now-rubbery floor. It buoys him, snickering and rolling on the elastic tile. It rocks you, too, as you stand on shaky legs.
"Luffy," you grin, tripping over your own feet onto his smiling frame. He catches you with an oof! as two arms come to snake around you. He brings you down to nuzzle against his face, skin soft and sweaty. He breathes into your hair, inhaling deeply. His fingers scritch at your scalp, and you peak up to see his hair swirling black.
The floor steadies beneath you.
"Snackies," he agrees, before he stands up with his arms still wrapped around you.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 11 months
A departed farewell; Eddie Munson x reader
*Author's note*
To all out there, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Okay so this one is kinda heavy but after getting reintroduced to the great film known as The Crow, this little fic was born and I wanted to post it up on Halloween night. But there is also some heavy warnings which I will say below, so to the faint of heart or those at are easily triggered, I won't be hurt if you decide to skip this fic. Have a happy Halloween (and if you don't celebrate it, have a good day/afternoon/evening).
Warnings: Eddie's death scene, drug use (not just weed, I'm talking hardcore drugs shown and mentioned here), depression, angst, some fluff, Vamp Eddie(? You decide), death.
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Dustin Henderson and Steve Harrington walked out along the wooded trails all the way to Reefer Rick’s boathouse.  In his hands, Dustin held some wild flowers that he had picked before he had Steve drive him up here.  They stopped before the boathouse and Dustin placed the wild flowers amongst the pile of already decaying flowers that had been placed there throughout the year.
“I still can’t believe it’s been over a year since it happened.” Dustin said weakly.  “He didn’t deserve any of this. And he deserved to have a proper burial. Why did I have to break my damn leg?!”
“You didn’t break it. But you can’t blame yourself for what happened Dustin. You didn’t know Eddie was going to do what he did.”
“I just……I just still can’t believe he’s really gone. He of all people didn’t deserve what he got. I mean the people we lost when all this started, they didn’t get any of the shit that Eddie got. This town—hates him. Still hates him. They really think he did all of this and we can’t change that.”
“It sucks, I’ll admit that. But small minded people can never be changed, no matter how hard we try. At least we know the truth that Eddie Munson went out a hero. A hardcore, metal hero.”
“Have you and Robin tried talking to (Y/n) recently?” asked Dustin.
“Do you really need to ask?”
“Right, dumb question.”
“As her twin brother I know we’re supposed to rag on each other at times, but now I really mean it when I say it. She looks like she’s been through hell, chewed up and then spat back up. She’s not sleeping, she’s barely eating. And what’s worse are the drugs.”
“You mean…..”
“I wish dude, she’s been at the hard stuff. Don’t know where she’s getting it but I’ve seen the syringes and rubber bands. I can’t stand to see her in that much pain. She needs help but everytime I try to talk to her about it she—”
“She was right there with him when he died Steve. Those bats literally held her back just so that she could watch as they devoured him alive. On one hand I don’t blame her for falling like that, hell if I were in her place and I saw Suzie die like that, I’d probably fall that hard too.”
“Don’t you ever say anything like that you little butthead! I don’t ever want you talking about drugs again understand?!”
“On the other hand, she isn’t grieving properly. And that’s on all of us, we were too focused on how we had to move on with the rest of the town after the earthquakes happened that we completely ignored (Y/n)’s feelings. And it’s not just your fault Steve.” Steve shook his head, stroking his fingers through his hair anxiously.
“I’m 12 minutes older than her. I’m her big brother, and—I wasn’t there for her. Not ever since we entered high school. These last couple of years we’ve managed to rebuild our sibling bond but now I……I’m losing her again man.” Tears started to build up in Steve’s eyes.  “I can’t….I can’t lose another person.” He thought back on Max and how he had failed to keep her safe.
She was a sarcastic child who suddenly came in when she and Billy came by but after reading her note, she had admitted to him that he was the big brother she had hoped Billy could’ve been for her, and it all happened ever since he stepped forward to keep them safe when Billy came looking for her.  Sure he got his ass beat but he was willing to keep himself in the line of Billy’s rage and not let any of the kids get a single punch.  Now—now when she needed him most, he failed her.
Dustin looked up to see that Steve had buried his eyes behind his right hand and saw how his shoulders began shaking as he choked on his sobs.  Dustin gave Steve a one armed hug.
“We’ll get her back. We’ll get them both back.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I’m not. But it’s all that’s going through my mind. And I’m not gonna rest until we finally find a way to kill Vecna and send that son of a bitch straight to hell.”
“You’re a tough kid Henderson, hell of a lot tougher than me.” Steve ruffled his hair then the two of them left Reefer Rick’s boathouse and drove back to town.
*Halloween 1987*
It was Halloween night and unlike in the years before, Hawkins wasn’t celebrating Halloween this year.  There was no yearly town hall Halloween party, no trick-or-treaters going out and about to get candy, not even the high schoolers dared to try and host a party of their own.
At Forest hill trailer park, the crack that had spread from this part of Hawkins had actually driven most of the trailer homeowners to leave Hawkins all together.  Most took their RV’s and fled, while others just packed whatever they could and skipped town or ended up homeless and were currently staying at a shelter on the other side of Hawkins.
A hand suddenly shot up from the cracks and began crawling out from the earth.  Groaning and grunting in agony as he pulled himself out from the red light of the Upside town glowing from beneath the earth.  Once he was free, he lay there on his back exhausted and stared up at the night sky.  The stars shining like diamonds high above the abandoned trailer park.
Suddenly the man heard a meow and when he opened his eyes, a long haired black cat stared down at him with piercing green eyes he could make out from the light of the full moon.
“Loki?” the cat let out a purr as his eyes squinted but then he licked the man’s finger before nuzzling into his hand.  He lifted his hand and stroked through the cat’s long soft fur and asked. “Wha—what happened here?” suddenly something flashed before his eyes.  A flash like seeing the tv suddenly go static after a power outage.  He gripped his forehead before he found himself standing up and walking forward.
He stumbled about, falling a couple of times but as his vision kept flashing he kept standing back up and trudged onward.  He saw himself standing on top of his trailer, shredding on his guitar.  A swarm of bat-like creatures surrounding him and two other people, he then found himself falling down once more but he also saw himself falling, this time off a bike and he had been attacked by one of those bat creatures.
He saw himself stand up wielding a spear as well as a trashcan shield with nails sticking out and he stood up getting into the same position as he saw himself in that vision.  He then saw the girl from before coming toward him calling his name.
“(Y/n)?! What are you doing here?! You weren’t supposed to come back!”
“I made a promise Mr. Frodo! A promise! Don’t you leave him Samwise Gamgee. And I don’t mean to, I don’t mean to.” She told him.  He shook his head and found himself saying as he heard himself in his vision say.
“Into the fires of Mount Doom milady?” She nodded and together the two of them stood as the bats swarmed around them before charging head on, the two of them using their trashcan shields to block off the attacks.
He copied his fighting movements of spear and shield, as he saw the girl, (Y/n) use a bottle of hairspray and with a lighter, she had created her own flamethrower to burn any bats that came near her.  He then felt and saw himself being choked by one of the bats and felt himself being pulled to the ground. 
His arms and legs were pulled outward and he saw the bats beginning to feast on his flesh.  He saw and remembered the pain of their teeth piercing his skin and digging out chunk after chunk of flesh.  All the while he could hear (Y/n) screaming out his name as she was forcefully held back by the bats.  Their tails wrapped around her arms, legs, neck and stomach, even as she pulled to free herself, they pulled harder until suddenly they dropped dead.
She crawled over to his bleeding body whimpering out his name and picking him up into his lap.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no baby! Teddy-bear! Don’t you leave me don’t you die like Boromir did!”
“Bad huh?” he choked up.  Soon another voice spoke up, this time a younger man’s voice assured him.
“No, no you’re gonna be fine we just need to get you to a hospital okay?”
“Okay.” He choked up.  Together (Y/n) and the young man tried to pick him up but the pain in his body was too great as he pleaded.
“I-I-I think I just need a second, I need a second, okay?”
“Okay, okay we—we’ll give it to you.” (Y/n) assured him as she rested his head on her lap, stroking through his hair.  He looked up at both (Y/n) and the young man and strained out as blood started coming up his throat.
“I didn’t run away this time right?”
“No. No baby, you-you didn’t run. Though I wish you did. Whatever happened to having no shame in running?” she asked him.
“You both are gonna have to look after those little sheep for me okay?” he told them.
“No! You’re gonna do that yourself!” the young man said but he found himself saying along with his vision.
“No man. Say you’re going to look after them. Say it Henderson.” He saw as the two of them were sobbing over him.  (Y/n) took his left hand and raised it up to her face, the blood along his arm seeping into her hands but she didn’t care.
“I’m gonna….I’m gonna look after them.” Henderson choked out.  He then found himself looking up at (Y/n), only at her even through his hazy vision as he asked her.
“And you…..fair Ravenna.” She choked out a sob.  “Please smile for me…….please.” with as much strength as he could, he managed to move his index finger along her jawline.  She kissed the back of his hand and gave a small, sweet smile.  “Good…..cause I…..think I’m actually going to graduate. I think it’s my year sweetheart—Hen-Henderson. I think it’s finally my year……” he remembered feeling the blood starting to rise in his throat, preventing him from speaking full sentences but he did manage to make one last statement before he fell silent.
“I love you guys.”
“I love you too.” Henderson wept.
“This belongs to you Eddie Munson, and always will.” He felt her hand cup the side of his face, watched as she leaned forward and felt the soft touch of her lips on his bloody ones.  Even with the taste of iron that was now seeping between her lips, she dared not move as she kept the gentle, loving kiss going until she separated from him.
And it was at that moment he had felt himself slip into darkness.
He remembered who he was.  He was Eddie Munson, three-time senior of Hawkins High.  Dungeon Master of the Hellfire club, and the love of his life was (Y/n) Harrington.
Eddie stood up and walked towards a trailer that had somehow miraculously survived the earthquake.  He opened the door and knew that no one was home as the place had been ransacked and just left behind for anyone to have.  Loki followed him inside, racing into the bathroom and hopped on top of the sink.
Eddie stared at himself in the mirror as memories of him and (Y/n) together flashed through his mind.  Them cuddled on her bed when he’d sneak over to her house.  The times they’d both try to cook something only to end up nearly burning the trailer down and his uncle having to stop the flames from spreading cause the two of them would be panicking too much.
Seeing her read all her favorite fantasy books from Tolkien to C.S Lewis and even J.M Barrie’s Peter Pan.  Him hovering over her as she would be sitting on a chair while she read and kissing her neck and face, pleading for attention.  And even though she tried to fight it, giggles would come out from her lips until she ended up succumbing to his will and they’d end up making out, or even going further beyond that.
The love he felt for (Y/n) both filled him with joy and agony.  How could he leave her like that? He knew that she had many people in her life abandon her.  Her parents, her friends, even her own twin brother had left her behind.  He was all she had and he left her.  His anger rose until he snapped and punched the mirror with his bare fist, breaking it in half.
His knuckles bleeding until he saw them heal up in the blink of an eye.  He turned to Loki who merely looked at him and slowly blinked before letting out a throaty meow.  Eddie dug through the cabinets and drawers of the bathroom until he had found some white base makeup and black lipstick.  He dipped his fingers into the white base, rubbed his hands together and covered his face in white makeup.
With the black lipstick he drew down from his eyes what almost resembled tearstains, as well as covered his lips black and even drew a line upward at the corner of his lips.  He stripped out of his torn and bloody clothes and managed to find a skin-tight along-sleeved black shirt, a long leather jacket, black pants and some old black boots.  He donned on the new look before turning over to Loki who raised a paw at him letting out a small meow.
Eddie rubbed Loki’s head before picking him up and walked out of the bathroom.
“I blame myself for wrecking your home Loki. I’ll bet it hasn’t been easy for god knows how long it’s been. But I’m going to make this right.” Loki meowed and as Eddie sat him down, Loki ran out the trailer and he followed the black cat.
At the Henderson household, Dustin had been pretty much kept under his mom’s tight thumb.  He wasn’t allowed anywhere unless it was school and back home.  Hell he was lucky if he was able to even get to visit Max once if not twice a week just to see how she’s doing or if anything had changed (even though nothing had. She had been in her coma for over a year now).
As rain now began to pour down heavily on this Halloween night, he looked at his old Ghostbusters proton pack from three years ago and thought back to simpler times.  He wished that those days would come back, long before the whole Upside down and he and his friends were the four weirdos who loved to play DnD all day and night at each other’s houses.
He heard a gentle rap at the window and when he turned around he saw Loki sitting right outside his window.
“Loki?” he remembered seeing the long-haired black cat over at Forest hill whenever he’d go to visit Eddie.  He opened the window and allowed the drenched cat inside.  “I thought you had gotten caught up when the Upside down opened up, guess (Y/n) was right to name you after the Norse god of mischief.” Loki let out a meow.  “Oh yeah, think you can let me dry you off?” Loki let out a merp (a mix of a meow and a purr) and Dustin left to get a cat-sized towel that his mom uses on their cat whenever he got out.
When Dustin returned with the towel, he gently dried off Loki then allowed the cat to lick himself clean.
“What are you doing all the way over here anyways?” Loki paused and turned to the corner of Dustin’s room and there he saw a figure hidden within the shadows.  Dustin jumped back fearfully and Eddie said.
“You know you gotta learn to shut your windows Dustin Henderson. You never know what freaks lurk in the night.” Dustin narrowed his eyes as he heard the voice.
“I can’t believe it…….Eddie?”
“Nice to see you again butthead.” Dustin took large strides across his room and embraced Eddie, tears falling down his face.  Eddie hugged the young boy back and Dustin looked up at him.
“How did—I mean how is…..I saw you die. How are you alive? Does (Y/n) know? When did you get back? How long have you been alive? What happened?”
“Henderson, you’re rambling like a mad man.” Eddie stopped the young boy’s frantic question asking.
“Sorry.” Dustin said meekly.
“I honestly don’t know how it happened. One moment I was dying in (Y/n)’s arms and next thing I know, I’m crawling out of a gateway from hell. I don’t even know if I’m really alive or not.”
“What do you mean?” Eddie walked over to Loki and stroked down his chest before trailing his finger towards his right paw.  He knew that Loki once had been attacked by another stray cat and his right paw never fully healed, so now anytime someone goes to touch that paw, he’ll bite since he had been declawed by his previous owners.
After Eddie got a nasty bite and Loki went over to sit on Dustin’s dresser now, his tail twitching.
“Eddie what the hell did…..”
“Just watch.” Eddie showed Dustin how the nasty bite wound now began to close up, just like what happened to his knuckles after he had punched the mirror.
“Holy shit.” Dustin muttered.
“But that’s my least concern right now. I need to ask you some questions. How long has it been since that day?”
“It’s been over a year. It’s 1987 now, Halloween. Of course no one really celebrates that holiday here anymore ever since the gates opened and split Hawkins in four ways.”
“I take it we didn’t kill Vecna?”
“Nancy, Steve and Robin definitely laid one on him. But there wasn’t a body after Nancy gave him one last shot to the chest. Will even says he can still feel him, that he is weak but bidding his time.” Eddie looked down grimly.  “We…..also lost Max. I mean we sorta did but she hasn’t woken up yet. And I’m sorry Eddie, I’m really, really sorry. But the town put all of this mess onto you.”
“No surprise there. Last anyone knew of me, I was wanted for Chrissy’s and Patrick’s murders. Once the satanic freak, always the satanic freak.” Eddie plopped down onto Dustin’s bed.
“I’ve tried to get Hooper to work with the government to clear your name but they’re still in the processing phase, which is basically them saying they’ve got too much on their plate right now to deal with this specific request.” Eddie perked his head up.  “Oh yeah, apparently Hooper was alive in a Russian gulag and Joyce brought him back along with Murray the conspiracy maniac.”
“All be damned. One of the only cops in this town I actually liked back from the grave. Guess we have that in common.” There was a brief moment of silence before Dustin said.
“Eddie……” Eddie looked up at Dustin and knew what the kid wanted to say.
“There’s nothing you can say Henderson. What happened, happened. Me being associated with you had nothing to do with my death.” He stood up and walked over to Dustin.  He placed two firm hands on Dustin’s shoulders, looked him square in the eye and continued, “It was a shitshow there’s no question about it. But the fact that you were the first and only one to truly believe I wouldn’t do this besides (Y/n), I couldn’t ask more of a friend. Hell even a little brother. But don’t go getting a big head about it, okay?” Dustin slightly chuckled as tears fell down his face.  He wiped them away and choked out.
“I’ve missed you Eddie.”
“Missed you too yah little shit.” Dustin immediately held onto Eddie as tight as he could.  Eddie rested his head on top of Dustin’s as he patted the young man’s back.
“Eddie, there’s something else you should know.” Eddie separated from the hug and Dustin told him, “It’s about (Y/n). She…..she’s really spiraled ever since you—well you know. And I’m scared she’s going down a path she can’t come back from. It’s more than just shutting herself in or not talking to us. Steve told me she’s been getting into drugs. And I don’t mean the light stuff.”
“And what has Steve done?”
“He’s tried everything. And I know he doesn’t want to admit it, but she’s not just hurting him emotionally. I saw the faint scratch marks on his left cheek. I know she’s not doing it on purpose but…..I’m scared we’ll lose her too if she keeps going down this path.”
“I’ll get the info I need from Harrington. But this meeting never happened, understand Henderson?” Dustin nodded.
“Thank you Eddie. Love you man.”
“Love you too butthead.” With a loud boom of thunder and a bright flash of lighting, Dustin found himself once again alone in his room.
Over at the Harrington’s place, Steve was cleaning himself up in the bathroom.  Once again he and his twin had their daily screaming match of (Y/n)’s wellbeing, this time she had given him a hard punch to the nose and he had finally managed to get the bleeding to stop.
He walked into the kitchen and got out a beer, needing to take the stress out of him.
“Might wanna take something a bit stronger if you wanna take the edge off after a fight, trust me.” Steve jumped back but saw no one there.
“Who’s there?” Steve called out.
“Surely you know, after all this isn’t the first time I’ve snuck into this house.” Steve’s eyes widened and he immediately raced up the stairs and opened up his sister’s room and saw Eddie stroking his hand along (Y/n)’s acoustic guitar which sat at the corner of her room.
“This-this—that’s not possible. How are you—”
“Henderson asked me the same question.”
“Wait you saw Henderson? I swear if you’re one of Vecna’s tricks I swear to god……”
“One way to prove it’s actually me is that back in 81, I snuck in here to be with your sister after she had failed the SAT’s. Poor thing was so devastated she wouldn’t come to school for nearly a week cause it happened to be the time your parents came for their daily check in and she had a screaming match with your old man. So I came here that night and stayed with her. Then you barged right on in and said to me ‘Get out of my house freak! And don’t show your face around here again!’”
“Jesus Christ…..it really is you.”
“Nice to know when it comes to your sister you’re not that clueless anymore Harrington.” Eddie couldn’t help but mock with a smirk.
“If you’re here to mock me for being a horrible brother I already know that Eddie.”
“No, no I didn’t come here to gloat or to mock. Henderson gave me a brief summary on all that happened, but I want to hear your perspective.” He fully turned towards Steve holding up the locket necklace he had given her for a 16th birthday present their junior year.  “What happened to my best girl?” Steve sighed heavily.  He sat down on (Y/n)’s bed and confessed.
“(Y/n) was amess. At first it started off with her barely eating, then it was the constant nightmares of seeing you die over and over again. Then I noticed how she’d end up disappearing at night. I didn’t know where she was going until I caught her sneaking back in and her nose was bleeding. But not in the way where she’d been in a fight, and I didn’t want to believe it but I swear I thought I saw some white powder under her nose. Then it was the injections on her arms, I’ve been trying to get her to get some help but she’s lost it Eddie. Your death seemed to really fuck her mind up.”
“Jesus Christ.” Eddie mumbled solemnly.
“Now I don’t blame you, no way in hell am I blaming you. I just….It just pains me to see my twin sister like this. It’s like I’m feeling her pain like some weird twin telepathy if that shit’s even real. But I can’t stand to see her in that much pain, and for her not to know that she still has people here for her. Hell Henderson was there when you died too, and she’s acting like he wasn’t. You don’t think he’s feeling the same pain as she is?”
“She always did tease that we should’ve just grown a pair and shared custody of the twerp.” Eddie softly chuckled.
“She’s always struggled with depression ever since middle school. Our parents chose to ignore it and kept telling her to get over it or smile more. You’re not depressed, you’re just being dramatic. When she met you, that was probably the first time I’ve ever seen her truly happy.” Steve walked over to an old picture of her and Eddie together at the junior prom.  “Deep down I guess I also grew jealous of just how happy she was around you, and not me. Now I see that it was because of my selfishness that I drove her away. And even when I got our relationship back to the way it was before, I knew she’d put you over me in a heartbeat.”
“Your wrong.” Steve turned to him.
“What do you mean?”
“You remember how we were on Lover’s lake to find that gate where Patrick was killed?” Steve nodded.  “And you remember how you were dragged under the water, and I told you that Wheeler didn’t hesitate to dive in after you?” Steve nodded again.  “She wasn’t the first. In fact, the second you went down, your sister dove in straight after you. Even for not being the best swimmer, she dove straight in after you. She does love you Steve. Like you said, twin telepathy is a serious bond. Now old King Steve, he wouldn’t have dared try to help (Y/n) in her grieving stage. But you’re not him anymore, you’re her twin brother Steve Harrington. The one she always believed was still somewhere deep inside of you.”
Steve scoffed but Eddie came up to him and placed a hand over his chest.
“You’re still trying, still fighting for her. But before you can save her, you have to save yourself. Not just for what happened to me, but for all that happened. That includes Mayfield.” Steve’s eyes slightly widened.  “I’ve seen how you are with her Harrington. Ever since that mall fire, I’ve seen how you’ve come around to check in on her, how you’ve always tried to be there for her at school, and how you’ve been with her since I found out about this Upside down and Vecna shit. How can you even try to help your sister when you’re clearly not ready to forgive yourself?”
Steve couldn’t believe it but Eddie Munson was actually making sense.  Ever since he had been knocked back into reality since all of this began, and ended up forming a bond with the kids who started it all, he’s been trying to be the big brother he naturally was to the kids who began it all.  He knew none of the adults (minus Joyce and Hooper) wouldn’t understand and that the kids needed someone to protect them whenever no one was around.  So he ended up becoming the ‘babysitter’ as he was deemed at first.
And at first it was an annoying title but now, ever since their first big failure, he began to truly understood why he was called that.  He felt a strong need to protect these kids because who else was going to when Joyce had moved, when Nancy decided to try and return to her normal life, who else was there to talk to about all this stuff? Only him.
“She’s been dealing with Daniel Thompson.” Steve told him.
“Daniel. If there’s any drug dealer that should be in jail it’s that prick. At least Rick and I never dealt to pre-teens.” Eddie hissed as he felt his teeth starting to grow a bit sharp before they receded.  “Does he still live in Hawkins?”
“After the earthquake he moved over to the next county about 20 minutes’ drive from here. You know what, screw it.” Steve raced over and grabbed his keys as well as his bat with nails.  “C’mon.” Eddie followed close behind them and Steve started up his BMW and drove out of his driveway and through the storm to get his sister back by any means necessary.
With Eddie’s abilities, they were able to track down exactly where (Y/n) had gone to see Daniel and to Steve, it looked exactly where a drug dealer would live.  A very run down apartment complex in what appeared to be an unsafe part of town.  The rain still pouring down as Steve grabbed his bat.
“So what, you gonna come with and we bust his ass open?” Steve asked.
“This isn’t West side story Harrington. Daniel isn’t one to be messed with especially if he’s using with her. You go in there ready to bust his ass in, he’ll have you shot dead before you can even blink.”
“So what’s the plan?”
“Just follow my lead.” They exited the car and crept towards the fire escape on the side of the building.  Steve then watched in shock as Eddie leapt up and across the railings of the fire escape with ease.
“That would normally scare the shit out of me but I’ve seen freakier shit than that to be surprised.” He climbed up the fire escape until he stood by Eddie as he looked into a darkened room.  He placed his hand along the window and said.
“She’s in there. They’re both high as kites right now.”
“How can you tell?”
“I can smell the burnt spoons and blood inside.”
“Blood? Eddie are you—are you some kind of vampire or something?”
“Or something.” Eddie slowly opened the window and slipped inside like an assassin on a mission.
Once he was inside the room, he saw (Y/n) passed out on the bed while Daniel was up against his headboard staring up into space after getting his high.  Eddie scoffed before letting out a low whistle that seemed to stir them both from their high.  (Y/n) let out a groan and opened her eyes slowly raising her head while Daniel looked on ahead.
“What the…..fuck?” As Eddie continued to whistle, he noticed a lightbulb just hanging above him and trailed his head around it like a dazed man.  He then once again felt his canine teeth grow into fangs as a sudden primal instinct came over him.  He slowly walked towards them then once he got to the bed, he let out a leopard-like roar, baring his fangs which scared Daniel but startled (Y/n).  “JESUS CHRIST MAN!! You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!”
“Are his…..eyes glowing red? Damn his costume is like…..all in.” (Y/n)’s tone was slurred.  Eddie couldn’t believe that this was the woman he had fallen in love with.  She had fallen so far and so fast ever since his death, but he was going to make it right.  But first he had to get her away from Daniel for good.
“Just the morphine yah dumb bitch. This is just some….freak looking for some kicks.” It was then Daniel withdrew his gun out from under his pillow. “Time for you to get out of here psycho. I ain’t got no more stuff, me and the girlie here used it all up.” Eddie withdrew his fangs and his glowing red eyes turned back to his normal dark brown as he pulled up a chair and sat down.  He pressed his palm against the barrel of the gun and dared him.
“Take your shot Thompson. You got me dead flank.”
“You are seriously fucked up.” Daniel said.  (Y/n) laughed in her high as Daniel continued, “Like you really need psycho-therapy help you sick fuck.” It was then Daniel pulled the trigger making Eddie jump back holding his hand in pain.
Daniel stood up and cheered in his victory on a bullseye but after his brief cries of pain, Eddie soon began laughing as he showed them both his hand and he then let out a cheer as the bullet hole healed instantly.  Daniel’s joy soon turned to panic and fear as he muttered.
“Jesus Christ.”
“Jesus Christ. Stop me if you’ve heard this before; Jesus Christ walks into a hotel.” Daniel shot Eddie in the shoulder which made him lurch backward a bit but he recovered and started walking towards him, continuing with the taunting joke, “He hands the innkeeper three nails and asks,” another shot rang out this time to Eddie’s stomach.
(Y/n) got out from the bed staring at the figure in fear.  At the second gunshot she ended up tripping over the bed sheets trying to get away but for some reason she couldn’t help but stare at the figure before Daniel.
“Don’t you ever fucking die!?” Daniel demanded.
“Can you put me up for the night?” in a flash, Eddie had forced Daniel to point the gun down at his own leg, the gun went off firing straight through Daniel’s femur, blood splattering everywhere.  Daniel cried out in agony, clenching his bleeding thigh between his hands.  “Hurts doesn’t it? When someone takes advantage of your weakness? Imagine what she’s gone through before you coaxed her into your web. In fact I’ll let you feel it.”
Eddie extended his hand and placed it over Daniel’s eyes and with a deep growl, Eddie allowed Daniel to feel every ounce of pain both he and (Y/n) felt on that day.  Daniel let out a scream before he fell still and stiff as a board.
Once Daniel was taken care of, Eddie heard the bathroom door shut.  He dropped the gun and slowly walked toward the bathroom.  He opened it and saw as (Y/n) was waving her arms back and forth meekly holding what appeared to be an old razor.  Her screams of fear piercing the bathroom echoing as she pleaded for her life.
“STAY AWAY FROM ME!! STAY AWAY!!” Eddie grabbed both her wrists and got the razor out of her hands.  He pressed her back against his chest as he dragged her towards the mirror, her wailing making his heart ache but he had to fix this.  He had her stand before the mirror, one hand holding out her arm that had been filled with old and new puncture wounds, while his other hand held her across her forehead.
“You once said; What is grief if not love persevering? It is okay to cry and mourn for those we lost,” she then saw as the veins in her arm suddenly began to move and she felt the morphine slip down her arm.  “Drugs however is not the way to grieve.” (Y/n) soon felt her mind starting to clear up and when she turned to the man, she swore she was seeing Eddie looking at her.  He cupped her face between his hands and he said to her, “your brother is outside willing and ready to help you.”
(Y/n)’s lip trembled as tears poured down her face and she fell to her knees as she wept hysterically.
“Harrington!” Eddie called out and soon enough Steve came in and immediately he knelt down beside (Y/n) and held her in his arms.  Even as she felt him drenched from the rain, (Y/n) gripped onto her twin brother as tightly as she could all the while weeping out Eddie’s name.  As Steve rocked his little sister back and forth, he looked up at Eddie in sorrow but also gratitude while Eddie looked down at the sibling solemnly.
Eventually (Y/n) passed out from her hysterical sobbing.
Steve had taken his sister to the hospital to help get whatever else could’ve been in her system and she ended up sleeping all throughout the night, all throughout the rest of the next day up until it was nearly sunset.  She stirred away to hear machines beeping and the sound of voices speaking over intercoms.
She looked over and saw Steve along with Dustin talking with one another in a hushed manner.  When Steve noticed (Y/n) waking up, he came over to her saying.
“Sleeping beauty awakes. You okay?”
“A bit.” She said groggily.  “Where am I?”
“You’re in the hospital. Had to bring you here to get all that crap out of your body.” (Y/n) leaned up against her pillow shamefully.
“I am so, so sorry Steve. I am so sorry and ashamed of what I did. I know it doesn’t excuse me for my behavior, and I don’t expect you to forgive me. But I…..” Steve stopped her heartbroken confession by hugging his sister as tightly as he could.  “How can you forgive me so easily? I thought you’d never wanted to speak to me again?”
“I was never angry with you for turning to the drugs. I was upset because I was afraid you were losing your way.”
“I did lose my way Steve.”
“But you found it again. And I swear, I’m gonna be there for you every step of the way. No matter what it takes to help you get back on your feet.” The Harrington siblings smiled at each other softly as they embraced one another as (Y/n) said.
“Thank you Steve. You really are the best big brother.” After a few visits from the kids, as well as the older members of Hellfire, (Y/n) would soon be on her way to recovery.  After speaking with her doctor, he prescribed that she would need to go up to Indianapolis to their rehab center where she would get the coaching and help that I needed.
She and Steve signed a few forms and it was settled that after a couple of more days here for observation, she would take the first bus up to the capital for her rehab treatment.
Later that night as the hospital had closed down their offices to visitors and the night shift staff were doing their rounds.  (Y/n) lay there on her bed watching the Golden girls on the tv.  She was just about to fall asleep when she felt a cold brush of wind blow across her cheek, she turned and there she saw Eddie’s silhouette appearing from her window until he finally made himself known to her.
“Hello milady.” He greeted her with a warm smile and a gentleman’s bow.
“Eddie?” she softly whispered as her heart meter began to spike.  Eddie raised a finger to his lips softly shushing her as he walked up to her.
“Guess when you say your heartbeats faster everytime I’m in the room, you’re not lying. But it’s best we don’t alert the staff about my presence sweetheart.” He stood at the foot of her bed.
“Is it…..is it really you? Were you there that night? Or am I going crazy again from the drugs?”
“It’s not the after effects of the drugs, nor is this a trick from Vecna. I am here sweetheart.”
“I…….” (Y/n) was speechless.  “I’ve thought over a million, trillion things to say when I’d—” her breathing was shaky as she gasped softly, “How?”
“I had a mission to help three grieving souls who needed my words of wisdom. And you were the last one that needed saving.”
“So you’re…..you’re leaving again?” she asked sadly.
“Sweetheart I’ve heard and now seen just how my death has affected you. But there’s something you must understand. The Eddie Munson you once knew and loved has become someone entirely new. And I can’t let him near you until I’ve figured him out for myself.”
“But I…..I just got you back. Eddie I…..I see it happen every night when I sleep, and everytime when thunder rumbles, I’m back down there with you. Seeing those things rip you apart, not able to free myself or save you. Why must you leave me again?”
Eddie walked closer to her and hovered his upperbody over hers.  He leaned towards her left ear and whispered to her.
“This belongs to you, and always will.” He came back up, cupped the left side of her face.  His dark brown eyes staring down at hers as he leaned in closer to her face and captured her lips with his in a soft, hidden kiss.  (Y/n) raised her hand up and stroked along Eddie’s face with the back of her hand and buried her hand underneath his curls.
As the clock by her bed chimed midnight, Eddie separated from the kiss and took her hand into his.
“Where can I find you again?”
“You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming?” he asked her.  She softly nodded, “That’s where I will always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting.” He told her in a soft, loving manner.  His eyes soon glowed red as he told her, “Sleep now meleth nin, sleep.” A feeling of exhaustion came over her as she soon fell asleep.  “Sleep until dawn.”
Eddie placed into her hands her necklace he had taken from her room and rested her hands over her chest.  He gave her one last look, almost as if he were taking a mental picture to keep forever in his mind before he forced himself away from her bedside and with the last chime of the clock, and a wave of the curtain, Eddie Munson disappeared from the hospital.
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midnight-rice · 2 months
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@lildoodlecat answering this on my sideblog so as not to confuse the tales fans on my main 😅
aaaaaa i'm being invited to go off about a random fixation???? thank youuuuu that's so sweet ;_;
OK SO i feel like I should preface by saying I'm probably not the prototypical fan of this show? I watched it more recently when I was older so my nostalgia isn't based off of childhood memories, I just found a really fun show during a kind of depressing time of my life (2020 lol need I say more?). Also a lot of the fans seem into the shipping scene which is fine i guess but i think they're all sleeping on the potential of the adorkable found family of superpowered teenagers who all live together unsupervised and don't even know each other's real names (seriously they're in costume 24/7 and call each other their work names 😂).
I'll guess I'll start this pitch by listing my favorite things about the show in descending order… which means starting with the animation of all things 😅 There are so many well-animated movies and shows out there but I have yet to encounter one so visually appealing to me personally than Teen Titans (2003). I'm a cartoonist at heart, I generally love exaggerated facial expressions for comedic purposes but Teen Titans really hits for me because it's deliberately styled after anime, with familiar visual language like the red blush lines of embarrassment or the large sweatdrop of anxiety. IIRC Teen Titans was produced by Warner Bros, aired on Cartoon Network, and largely outsourced the animation to Korea, but the homage to Japan is so strong that not only is there a variant of the opening theme performed in Japanese but also the one (1) movie they made is set in Tokyo.
But on top of the silliness of the visual gags the rest of the show is also super well animated, especially the fight scenes!!! Sure some sequences are a little stiff but you can tell that's because they were saving the budget for something like a 360 rotation of the entire group mid-battle (something that seriously impresses me in 2D animation) or a hand-to-hand death match that was almost certainly mo-capped of professional martial artists. Robin in particular is my favorite to watch because he is canonically skilled as an acrobat AND a martial artist and the animators Understood That!! The squash and stretch! The swipes! The smears! I'm swooning 😍 He is a skrunkly rubber band and I love him. (also random side note but i love how much their team's strategies involve yeeting each other at the enemy 😂 like "there is a problem, i'm gonna solve it by throwing my friends at it. i'm sure it's fine BeastBoy will probably turn into an elephant by the time he gets there and not go splat against the monster literally made of concrete")
Moving on from the gorgeous and creatively choreographed fight scenes, I'll try to capture the overall vibes I love about it the most. I'm someone who's always down for a story that's character-driven, balanced between comedy and angst, and above all is genuine and true to itself. In other words, I really respect the tone and way a show handles itself, and Teen Titans (2003) really delivers here. Some episodes are the wackiest nonsense you can imagine (every season has one episode I dub the "pink elephant episode" because its whole purpose is to flex the East coast animation influences in purely abstract sequences often accompanied by music). Some episodes are alarmingly dark and edgy (as an angst and whump lover, my favorite episode is S3 ep31 Haunted in which Robin has a mental breakdown and violent delusions so intense they're worried he's going to go into cardiac arrest… in a kid's show 😅) But what matters most is that both types of episodes are presented with as much gusto and geniuine effort as it is possible to cram into a 23 minute runtime.
They don't hold back with the visuals (so many unique POVs and I love the sponge-like texture in the backgrounds), or the acting (all of the voice actors are top-notch though I can't unhear Lloyd Irving as Robin 😅), or even the score (seriously this time around I was marveling at how well the music accents the emotions of the scene as well as the content, like supervillain Billy Numerous having a repeating banjo motif to represent his duplication powers and Southern US origins). I actually think the worst part of the show is the content itself 😅 this is where it becomes clear it's a kid's show, through cliched tropes, ham-fisted morals, and predictable dialogue, but as someone who's still obsessed with Tales of Graces you can probably guess that cliches aren't something that bother me too much, not when they're being performed with whole-pussy effort 😂
When I first watched the show I watched every episode (all 5 seasons, the movie, and even the lost episode) and made a list of ones that I felt like I enjoyed the most. That's what I've been using to guide my current rewatch, because there are episodes that are a little too childish or moralized or weird to me. If you want me to forward you the list I'd be happy to, but I will admit my selection is very biased toward my own tastes that you might not agree with, and that even my least favorite episodes still have decent entertainment value… with the exception of season 5 😅 idk if this is a controversial opinion in the fandom but I do not care for the last season of Teen Titans at all, you can skip it. I don't know the exact details but there were clearly some developmental and probably networking issues at this point in the series' life, and it shows in the drastic drop in quality (especially in the animation, going from glorious sakuga to powerpoint slides hurts my soul 😭). The content also suffers a bit, going from 4 seasons purely focused on the main 5 with some side characters along the way, to expanding those side characters into the main focus which, although I like them, means that none of the characters feel quite as developed since the focus is spread across too many.
Anyway I guess that's the gist of my pitch 😁 thanks for lending me a platform from which to yell from, I have no idea why I fell back into this fixation rn but it's twice as satisfying when I get to talk about it with a willing audience 💜 thanks Jay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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