#This is gonna be great they can't see Robin and are so confused at first lol
puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Hey who wants a sneak peek wip of some wiring of my take on @phoenixcatch7 's Possessed Doll Au- Anyway here have a bit of the JL debating on things and about to meet Robin for the first time lol
   “Okay, but what about a demon,” Flash waved around his spoon, holding a tub of yogurt that almost blended with the red of his suit. 
   “No way, someone would have noticed and can’t they possess people?” Hal protested, scowling. “Obviously spooky is some sort of robot-” 
   That got another round of protests from the present members, all putting forth their own ideas for what the third founder might be. Superman had admitted before that he couldn’t see through the tattered cloak and suspected it to have lead, which was actually rather concerning if not for the fact that apparently that was just a thing in Gotham. 
   “I still think he’s some sort of reanimated corpse, some sort of necromancy shit,” Green Arrow grumbled. “It’s Gotham, I know they have a few zombies wandering about.” 
   “Now that’s just mean,” Superman admonished, having wandered in from one of the many halls. “We shouldn’t be speculating on things like this and feedin’ rumors.” 
   “Oh c’mon Supes, you aren’t just a little curious? Don’t want to get in on the bets or anything?” Hal motioned around with a grin. 
   “No,” the kryptonian shook his head. “If Batman wants us to know, he’ll tell us- he already seemed uncomfortable with the fact he can’t even pass as human.” 
   Right, the whole reveal where the big-bad-bat practically admitted he wasn’t a human and probably didn’t even have a civilian identity. Or any identity maybe- it was Gotham after all, who would report it to the police who were so notoriously corrupt that even they- people outside of the city- knew about it. 
   “Speaking of our friend,” Martian Manhunter- J’onn- spoke up from where he was eating some oreos. Really, where did he get them? “It is not like him to be late.” 
   Not unlike the saying speak of the devil, and he shall appear, the Zeta tubes beeped, notifying them all of an arrival. 
   “Arriving, B002: Batman.” 
   Hal snorted. “Finally, and he was the one to say not to be la-” 
   “Guest override. Welcome B003: Robin.” 
   There was utter silence for a moment, all of them taking a moment to actually register what they had just heard from the security system. Sure it was already strange that their fellow member wasn’t labeled the first of his letter (something he’d never explained) but the fact that there was a third one now? 
   Hell, they hadn’t even been aware there was such a thing as a ‘guest override’ until five seconds ago! And who in the world was Robin? Was that their actual name, a codename? Knowing the bat, it was probably a fake name of some sort. Maybe. 
   No one could convince Barry that their ally’s name may not be the Bat. 
   Exchanging bemused looks, the league settled down slightly, anticipation thick in the air as they waited impatiently for their final member. 
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Eddie's Too Late ... ?
It's about pining Eddie!! And he wants so badly to ask out Steve. Robin even might have given him an encouraging little talk about it. And he finally works up the courage to do so, and comes to family video, and he brings fucking flowers with him cuz he's a goddamn sap.
But he walks in , already smiling at Steve like always, but he's talking to some guy at the counter. Some punk lookin dude. And Eddie freezes in the door, hears the guy flirting and hears Steve laugh, flustered. And then the guy literally asks him out, and writes his number on Steve's hand when he shrugs and nods, and goes bright red.
And Eddie just, god he wants to cry. So he turns, walks back out and leaves, his chest fucking aching. Cuz he was a fucking idiot who waited too goddamn long.
And Steve hears the door clink shut, sees Eddie's back as he's leaving, sees him toss something in the trash outside. And he waits for punk guy, Jake, to leave. He's a regular. He's nice. If a little pushy for Steve's liking.
He told Steve he'd pick him up on friday. Didn't ask. And Steve had been so flustered when the guy grabbed his hand he just sort of... agreed.... maybe hoping he would leave faster.
So he waits for him to leave and then runs outside, digs in the trash and finds the flowers. And they're all yellow flowers, sunflowers mixed with daisies, and Steve even sees a couple dandelions stuck in, his eyes crinkling in a smile cuz he and Eddie had gotten into a huge fight with Robin and Nancy about whether they were weeds or flowers,  Eddie and Steve on the side of flowers, of course.
And his heart flutters cuz Eddie had told him about a month ago, when he handed him this weird little yellow figurine, and Steve had asked why he was always giving him yellow stuff. Eddie had shrugged and said,
"it just reminds me of you I guess." Steve had immediately reconsidered his favorite color choice.
But Steve's heart drops because... Eddie had thrown this away... in the trash... right after he'd seen Steve with Jake. Steve feels like he's gonna puke, but he takes the flowers inside, sits them in the breakroom until its time for him to leave.
He calls Jake right before close. Wanted to wait til he was hopefully at home. Tells him he can't go out with him. Not friday. Or any other day. That he has someone.. hopefully. Jake sounds disappointed but doesn't push, thankfully. Steve grabs the flowers on his way out and drives to Eddie's.
He stops by Melvald's on the way, asks Joyce for help. They have some flowers, but nothing that says "Eddie." Joyce grabs a simple red rose and then a box of chocolate covered cherries. Steve's brow furrows and she just smiles at him and says,
"I've seen that boy buy six boxes of these at once. His sweet tooth is... a little bit alarming... actually. But it'll get the job done." She winks at him and Steve's never felt more greatful that Joyce pays attention to people, and works at the store, and is nosy like he is. He hugs her, grabs the rose and the chocolates, and runs to his car.
Eddie isn't home when he gets there. His van is there. But he's not at the trailer and Steve feels like he's gonna cry, his chest tight as Wayne tells him he left a few hours ago. Steve nods, his brow furrowing and he's about to leave when Wayne's hand on his shoulder stops him.
"Ya know the creek over off McAlpine street?" He asks, Steve nods, confused.
"He was headed that way. Likes to go there to be alone." Wayne gives him this soft encouraging smile, pats him on the back, and watches as Steve runs to his car.
He parks on the side of the road, as close to the creek as he can get. And then he runs.
He finds the creek but no Eddie at first, so he starts walking along the creekside, he rounds a bend and finally sees him.
He's crouched on the creek side, toes of his shoes just barley out of reach of the water. He's holding a stick, Steve squints and sees a small turtle walking across it, toward a big rock in the middle of the water. Eddie's crying. Silently. Tears slowly falling.
He wipes at his face every now and then with his free hand, eyes on the turtle. He smiles softly when the little thing reaches the rock. Steve smiles too. His heart thumping as he watches Eddie help this tiny creature. He takes a few more steps and then clears his throat when Eddie doesn't hear him. Eddie scrambles to his feet, startled, holding the stick out in front of him like a weapon, wiping at his face with the crook of his elbow.
"What are you doing here?" And it makes Steve shiver, so reminiscent of the boat house, when they'd found him terrified. Steve would have held his hands up in surrender, but they were a little full. Eddie’s yellow bundle of flowers on one, the rose and candy in the other.
"I found your flowers." He says, holding them up a bit and then letting them swing back by his side. Eddie doesn't say anything. Just looks away. Moves back to the edge of the creek, crouches back down, hugs his knees to his chest. Steve sighs, moves closer.
"I'm not going out with Jake." Steve says, because he needs Eddie to know. Needs him to stop hurting as soon as possible. Eddie sniffles, doesn't look at him.
"Jake." Is all he says. And Steve laughs at how he says it, he sounds so annoyed. Steve bumps his shoulder, Eddie scowls, bumps him back, harder.
"But you wanted too. You said yes." Eddie picks up another stick, pokes it into the mud.
"I only said yes cuz it took me by suprise, and he grabbed my hand and I got flustered. I didn't- he's not really my type." Steve says, leaning against Eddie as he sits, the ground is cold, and he can feel the damp soaking into his jeans a bit. Eddie glances at him. And s
Steve can see his guard coming down, just a bit.
"Oh yeah. Why not?" Eddie asks, and steve smiles. Crinkles his nose.
"Me? Dating a punk? Come on. Not a chance." Steve teases, bites his lip.
"Especially since there's this metal head that's kinda got me in a choke hold." Steve sighs, looks at Eddie. He finally turns to look at Steve, blinking slowly.
"Really?" Eddie asks, his fingers tugging at the hole in the knee of his jeans. Steve nods.
"Really. Can't seem to get him outta my head." Steve smiles, holds the rose and candy out to Eddie, Eddie just stares again. Steve wiggles the box of chocolates.
"C'mon. I know you like 'em. Joyce gave you up." Steve wiggles the box more aggressively and Eddie snatches it, then gently takes the rose, he sets the chocolates in his lap, whispering a quiet "traitor" that makes Steve smile.
"Thank you for the flowers. I love... them." Steve stumbles over that bit. Swallowing hard when Eddie’s eyes snap to him.
"You're welcome." Eddie shurgs.
"Just thought you might like some flowers. You seem like a flowers type of guy." Steve smiles, rests his head on Eddie's shoulder.
"The dandelions are my favorite." He whispers, moves and presses a kiss to Eddie's shoulder, and hears Eddie's breathing falter.
"I um... I love... my flower, too..... so thanks." He stumbles over the words the way Steve did, but on purpose, leaning away from Steve so he can look at him, a sly little smile on his face. But Steve's face is somber, his hands twitch in his lap.
"It's- I mean you don't have to sa-"
"I love you." Eddie cuts him off. Says it bluntly. And it makes Steve's chest hurt. He shakes his head, brow furrowed.
"I do though. I have for awhile. I'm just an idiot with terrible timing." Eddie bumps their shoulders, leans heavily into Steve. Steve takes a deep, shaky breath.
"I don't want you to say it just because you think I want to hear it." Steve says, his teeth worrying into his lip.
"That's not why I said it."
Steve looks at him.
"No? You didn't say it to me cuz I just like... really obviously almost said it to you?" He looks back into his lap, frowning.
"No. Although that was adorable." Eddie smiles, it makes Steve want to smile too.
"Hey." Eddie voice is soft, he reaches out, cups Steve's cheek and makes him look at him.
"Have you ever known me to say something just cuz it's something someone wants to hear?" He asks, Steve scoffs, shakes his head, looking shy.
"Okay then. I didn't say it because of that. I said it," he takes a deep breath, lets it out, drops his hands back into his lap.
"Because I saw you with that guy today-"
"Jake." Steve interrupts, smirk on his lips. Eddie pauses.
"Don't push it Harrington. I'm trying to be... serious... or something." His brow furrows, Steve reaches out, his face softening.
"Sorry. Go ahead."
Eddie huffs.
"I saw you with Jake, and it hurt. Like a lot. And I thought I lost you, ya know? Just cuz I was too fuckin scared to tell you how I feel. Cuz I love you. Cuz your GOOD. and I thought I lost it. And then you walked up looking all sad and apologetic and you didn't even DO anything." Eddie huffs again, his hands flailing.
"I hurt you." Steve mutters, Eddie makes a sound in his throat.
"Not on purpose! You didn't know! Cuz I didn't say! Jesus. All I do is talk, all of the fucking time, but I couldn't say the most important thing. And then Jake was writing his fucking number on your hand it was too late." Eddie shakes head, sighs deeply, and then turns to Steve with a smile that looks like it's half a grimace of pain. Steve nods.
"But here I am."
Eddie bites his lip, nods back.
"Here you are." Eddie says.
"Not with Jake." Steve says. Eddie rolls his eyes. Steve snorts.
"Can we never say that name again. I already hate it." Eddie grumbles.
"Fine with me. He is a regular though." Steve says, shrugs, pulls some grass out of the ground and drops it on Eddie's thigh. Eddie watches him move it around with his finger, pushing it into a pile on his leg.
"I'll burn his house down." Eddie whispers, still watching Steve. Steve barks a laugh and brushes the grass off Eddie's leg.
"Very dramatic." He says, fondly.
"Too strong? I could just steal his VCR. Don't need to rent movies if you don't have a VCR." Eddie says, his fingers moving to settling on Steve's wrist. Steve chuckles again, shakes his head, then stares at Eddie.
"I honestly can't tell if you're joking, so please don't steal anything from him." Steve moves his hand, turns it and slides it up into Eddie's, their fingers wrapping around each other, Eddie makes a weird little face, holds their hands up into Steve sightline, and then he's smiling.
"Looks like I already did." He shrugs, and Steve is about to laugh again, or roll his eyes, when Eddie presses a kiss to the back of his hand. It sort of takes Steve's breath away.
"I said I love you because that's how I feel. Okay? You believe me?" Eddie asks, his brow furrowed as he stares at Steve. And Steve remembers telling him about what happened with Nancy,  remembers how Eddie had hugged him. Wonders if he loved him them. Or before that? Or after.  But it doesn't really matter, because he loves him now. And Steve watches Eddie's thumb move soothingly over his hand, and knows Eddie means it. Feels that he does. So he nods, drags Eddie's own hand to his lips and kisses it, like Eddie had done.
"I love you too." Steve whispers into his skin. Eddie's free hand is at his chin then, tilting his head just so,
"I know." Breathed against his mouth, and then the softest press of lips before Eddie is leaning away just enough to breathe between them.
"Now look away, cuz I'm about to inhale this entire box of chocolate covered cherries." He whispers, his lips brushing Steve's again as he laughs into Eddie's mouth.
He does actually eat the whole box. Well, almost the whole box. He lets Steve have one, sinks his teeth into it as he holds it in his mouth and dares Steve to take it. And Steve's never been one to turn down a dare. Especially if it's sweet.
And Steve is quickly learning, there's nothing quite as sweet as candy covered Eddie kisses.
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hi!!! congratulations on your 1k followers!! your blog is so great and you deserve each one of them!! i wanted to request a ficlet with the following picks: P, zombie apocalypse au, hurt comfort and 🔪!! can't wait to see what you come up with, congratulations again!! -@steveseddie
Aw, that's so lovely, thank you! This one was a lot of fun to figure out, and of course it has grown a little plot already. 😅
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My world ends (without you)
Rated: E (for blood and violence)
Words: 997
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse AU; Established relationship; Blood and violence; Steve Harrington whump
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One time, shortly after they lost Eddie, Max asked Steve if he never got mad. She didn't look at him, just continued staring ahead, knees hugged to her chest. Her face was dotted crimson from their latest run-in with the dead, like a smattering of extra freckles.
“Do you even care at all? About what happened to Eddie?” 
“Of course,” Steve said, fingernails digging crescents into his palm. “He was my friend.” 
She huffed. “Friend, yeah. Whatever. Point is, I'd be furious at these undead fuckheads, but you? You're so calm. I don't get it.” 
Steve hummed, thinking about how to explain. 
“Of course I'm mad,” was what he settled on. “But you gotta keep a level head, or you'll do stupid things. I got you kids to protect. And besides, you think those undead fuckheads asked for this? It's the damn virus that's screwing us all over.” 
It's funny how he remembers this now, months later, huddled into the shelter of a tree and peeling his pants away from his bleeding leg. Part of him is still hoping it's something else - that he cut himself falling through that window, that one of his last bullets ricocheted and got him, fuck, please anything but this. 
But it is. 
The teeth marks in his flesh, the way the wound is already festering and turning black, tell him all he needs to know. 
“Fuck!” he swears, falling backwards and staring up at the darkening sky through stinging eyes. His hand twitches for his gun - he'd rather end it now than happening upon Robin or the kids later - but then he remembers he's out of ammunition. There's nothing he can do. 
Nothing but lie here and let the fever take him and hope that whoever finds him puts a quick end to it. 
He doesn't expect to wake up again, not as himself. When he does, his head is cradled in someone's lap and for a moment, he thinks he's back at their camp with Robin, that it was all a nightmare. But then he realizes he's still in the forest and the pain in his leg hits him like a ton of bricks. 
“-quite the number on you, huh, big boy?” 
Steve's groan turns into a gasp. 
“Eddie? This isn't real, you're dead.” 
Eddie grins, briefly. It tugs on the big, gnarly scar covering his jaw and the side of his face, just where Steve saw him get bitten. Then, his face settles back into grim determination. 
“How long?” 
Steve blinks against the confusion and the fever. “Huh?” 
“Your leg, Stevie. How long since the bite?” 
“I … I dunno,” Steve slurs. His head is pounding. He's burning inside. “Few hours?” 
Eddie nods. “Gotta be quick then. Sorry, this is gonna hurt like a bitch.” 
He places Steve's head on the ground, bustling around with something in the fire he has built next to their spot.
“What’re you-” Steve starts to say, trying to sit. That's when he realizes his wrists are tied above his head and panic kicks alive behind his ribcage. “Eddie?” 
When Eddie turns, he's holding a knife. The blade is glowing orange.
“No,” Steve breathes, feebly straining against his bonds. “Nonono, Eddie, please!” 
“Hey,” Eddie says. “Remember when we first met?” 
The question comes from so far out of left field that Steve forgets to struggle. Eddie’s eyes are dark and serious in the firelight. 
“You said to make it outta this, we gotta trust each other. You trust me?” 
Steve doesn’t even hesitate. He nods. Eddie smiles, brief but pleased. 
“Then let's go.” 
Something nudges against Steve’s lips, something dry and leathery - a belt. 
“You'll wanna bite down on something,” Eddie says, regret in his eyes. “Believe me.” 
Swallowing down the humiliation burning in his throat, Steve opens his mouth. 
“Atta boy,” Eddie praises, but the joke falls flat between them. “Let's fucking do this.” 
And Steve's world disappears behind a wall of pain. 
“Y’know,” Eddie murmurs. He's propped them up against the tree trunk, Steve’s head tucked under his chin, fingers combing Steve's sweat-soaked hair from his forehead. “I'd be lying if I told ya I never thought of tying you up and gagging you with my belt, but this was not what I imagined.” 
Steve scoffs weakly, eyes straying down to his bandaged leg. “Did it work?” 
Eddie shrugs. “Think so. Henry says you gotta cut the infection out before it spreads, but how much time you got depends on a lot of factors. Your fever seems to be under control , so that's good, but lemme know if you develop any unusual cravings. Brains, raw meat, that kinda-” 
“Woah, hold on, who's Henry? Did he …” 
Eddie interrupts his ramble when Steve’s fingers find the new scar on his jaw. He allows Steve to map the shape of it for a while before catching his fingers and pressing a kiss to them. 
“Yeah. He's head of a safe zone, about twenty miles north from here. He's a scientist … well, used to be, and … Stevie, he thinks he knows how to cure it.” 
“What? Eddie, that's incredible, where- We gotta tell the others, we gotta-” Steve has hardly startled upright when Eddie guides him back down. 
“Right now, honey, all we gotta do is let you rest. Plenty of time to break the good news to the others tomorrow.” 
And maybe it's the pain, or maybe it's the blood loss, or maybe it's the overwhelming bliss of having Eddie back, but Steve doesn’t find it in himself to argue. 
“Alright,” he whispers, letting his head sag against Eddie’s chest and allowing the gentle rhythm of his beating heart to lull him to sleep. “Just … don't leave again.” 
Eddie kisses the top of his head. “Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart.” 
He's broken that promise before. There's no guarantee he won't break it again, not in this fucked up nightmare they live in. But Steve trusts him. 
That has to be enough. 
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Man, that Henry sounds like a swell fella, I'm sure nothing will go wrong.
More celebration ficlets
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findafight · 2 years
Kinda want to write a one-sided ronance post S4 au (within a fix it obvs) where the older teens start actually hanging out and Stobin (eventually + Vickie)confuse literally everyone. They greet each other with cheek kisses, call each other babe (or "Stevie Baby". Listen. Robin calls him bud or buddy or bub or bubba or babe and it's like why so many B's?? Argyle is vibing with it though and joins the bud train) and one time at two in the morning had a coordinated ramble about the names of the cats they will eventually get. (Sassafras, moonshine, and Garborator)
Nancy and Steve haven't really talked about anything, other than Steve saying "hey. I'm sorry if whatever I said weirded you out. I was definitely a bit delirious and Robin and Eddie AND Dustin were all making comments about winning you back or whatever which is stupid, you made it clear where you stood with me. Which wasn't with me. That's fine. and like. Okay yeah when we were together I'd daydream about you being beside me in the motorhome but thats-- it was a daydream. I was sort of thinking I was gonna die and. I wanted to share a little dream that made me happy. And then got everything confused in my head and made it weird and I'm sorry. what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry for being weird and making things uncomfortable. I'm over you. I loved you then, and you were my first real love, and maybe if things were different I could love you like that again but. But neither of us want that or the same things out of life. And we'd crash and burn again. Plus you and Jonathan are together which is a non-starter. Cannot believe I forgot that when it was happening. Jesus. So. Yeah. Sorry for being not a great friend and hitting on you in the Upside Down." And Nancy had nodded and told him not to worry about it. He had been sort of bleeding out and planning on going back into the upside down. They could both be normal about it.
Sometimes Nancy and Robin try to have "girl time" at Nancy's suggestion because they're the only girls in the older group (sometimes. But Robin is not going to let that slip out) but it's awkward without a buffer. Robin is too nervous and rambles and Nancy is too annoyed by it. But they do get on well in group settings, and Steve and Argyle are actually the keenest to smooth over any awkwardness.
Robin laughs more with the group, and grins at Steve and smirks at Eddie and has a sharp tongue Nancy can admire. She's more comfortable with Steve around, insisting he sit beside her or on the ground in front of her so she can play with his hair. (And Nancy is shocked the first time she sees it, because Steve was notoriously protective of his "best feature", but she'd asked and he'd hummed quietly as she takes her fingers through his hair and put tiny, lopsided braids in it.) It's nice to see Robin less jumpy, and wonders what it would take to see more of the side of her Nancy only sees when Steve's around. She just wants to get closer to Robin. Wants a friend.
And somehow, beyond Nancy's notice, Steve and Robin's friend Vickie slowly joins the group. She wasn't involved at all in the spring, but has been hanging around Family Video and a movie night or two often enough that when she settles more permanently in the group it isn't a very big surprise. Eddie and Argyle welcome her in with open arms, Jonathan is only his normal amount of weary of new people, and obviously Robin and Steve are excited for their friends to be friends.
But it just doesn't sit right with Nancy. She can't pinpoint why, it just doesn't. When she sees Robin and Vickie giggling together, or having some back and forth banter that seems to feed into both of them smiling, or Steve throwing his arm over her shoulder, or Vickie leaning into Robin's space as they talk. She always sits beside Robin, Steve on the other, with Eddie beside him. It's usually a tight fit for whatever couch they're on, but the four seem happy as clams to not have any personal space. Once Argyle decided to lay across all their laps, and they just...let him. Finangled themselves so everyone was mostly comfortable.
Nancy figures she is uncomfortable with it because she hasn't ever had a close friend since Barb, and was possibly hoping she could be close to Robin along those lines. So seeing her so close with the others and mildly uncomfortable around her hurt, and seeing her and Steve incorporate someone unversed in the Upside Down into their little trauma club also hurt. Because what did Vickie have that Nancy didn't? That made Steve and Robin and now Eddie stick to her like glue? That made them want her there when she didn't know anything about what they'd been through and could probably never understand?
What made Vickie Summers so special that she's taken what should have been Nancy's place beside her friends? Because that's what really bothered her. It wasn't that Vickie didn't know, it's that Nancy felt she took her place. That Nancy wanted to be where Vickie was, and she didn't know how to ask for it. Asking, trying to talk about how Steve and Robin had bonded so well after Starcourt while she ignored them and then how they bonded with and absorbed Eddie halfway into their bizarre dynamic after vecna, would feel too much like begging or admitting that she isn't quite sure how to make friends.
Nancy is jealous. Jealous that she isn't friends like Vickie and Eddie and Steve and Robin are. That she isn't the one making Robin smile and giggle so cutely. So. She tries harder. Tries to be the friend that Robin and Eddie and even Steve deserve. She tries not to be annoyed by Robin rambling (it really isn't that bad, just. Not relevant. She likes heading Robin's voice, but thinks she could really work on having a filter.), or the way Steve always asks clarifying questions when he should really have known better, or Eddie talking half in different character voices. She thinks it's getting better, her relationship with them. But, still, Vickie is always there, glued to Robin's side almost as much as Steve is, and that always annoys Nancy. Niggles at her brain, that she doesn't deserve to be there because she didn't know what Robin had lived through and fought. Nancy did.
Eventually, Nancy figures out that she wants more from Robin. Doesn't want to be a friend she smiles at occasionally, wants to be the reason she smiles all the time. And that's terrifying. Because Nancy had never considered liking girls, never thought liking girls was a thing she could do. It was something other women did, not Nancy. She liked boys and always had, but. But maybe she always liked girls...too. maybe it wasn't something she that was one or the other. Being different in a town like Hawkins puts a target on your back, being queer in a town like Hawkins even moreso.
She's leaving Hawkins in the fall. But she thinks she wants someone to come home to. She wants Robin to come home to. Robin and Steve seem to be okay with it, from what she can glean of some veiled comments they've made that she's only caught now she's looking for them. They've made some remarks around the kids that make it seem like they'd be safe to come to, no matter what. And sometimes, some of the comments Robin makes about actresses seem a little...well. admiring.
They probably, hopefully, wouldn't hate her for this. And now Nancy and Robin have a friendship, she thinks she can. It's early July, and Nancy is going to ask Robin out.
She gets her alone, bites her lip, and asks Robin in no uncertain terms to go out on a date with her. Robin stares, mouth agape.
"oh," she says.
Nancy smiles, a little. "Yeah. So. What do you say?"
Robin blinks, and takes a shuddering breath. "Oh my god. I. Nancy I'm really flattered but I'm no-i dont- uhg. I'm dating someone." she groans, rubbing her hands over her face.
And oh. Nancy read the situation wrong "oh. Steve. It's fine! You don't like girls, thats--thats totally fine! Id just, um. That is,-"
Robin waves her hands. "No, no! I'm not dating Steve! You clocked me correctly. Definitely gay! Don't worry about that! Hah."
Something in Nancy twists. "Oh?"
"yeah. Yep. Not only am I a lesbian in a small town, I'm a lesbian in a small town that somehow also has a girlfriend." Robin says the word dreamily. Like she still can't believe it. Nancy's brain fills with static. She was too late. Too caught up with how she missed so many chances in the past, that she missed her chance now.
But Robin keeps talking. "And, like. Even if I didn't, I don't think it would have worked between us anyways. Too different, y'know?"
Robin gestures with her hands between them. "Well, like. I like being your friend. But, I mean, I wouldn't date you?"
"why not?"
Blinking, Robin tilts her head. "Because of Steve?"
Something bubbles hot in Nancy. "What the fuck does Steve have to do with wether or not we would date?"
"Nancy. Steve's my best friend." As though that explains anything.
"yes? And?"
Robin looks uncomfortable, shifting sideways. "listen, Nancy. You're a good friend. And I've just rejected you. Maybe we should just. Ah. Leave this? I'm really sorry. I'll give you some space, just find me when you're ready?"
"no. What do you mean that we couldn't date because Steve is your best friend? Why would that have any effect on how you date?"
"it doesn't! Not really! Just. Nancy, you broke his heart. His soft, squishy heart! You kinda sorta cheated on him-details very unclear-and then just. Moved on. Pretended like nothing happened. I couldn't do that to Steve. Dating a friend's ex is a bad move. Dating an ex that broke a friend's heart is just cruel." She sighs. Looks sad. As though she isn't the one rejecting Nancy and tearing her apart for how a relationship ended almost two years ago. What did that matter, now? "You're my friend, Nancy. I like you! But even if Steve has moved on, forgiven and forgotten, and if things were a bit different given his full support for us dating if that's what I wanted, I think I'll always remember how he-- how much it hurt him."
"I'm. Nancy I'm really sorry. I know how scary it is to put yourself out there, especially like this. It's not fair. I'm just sorry. But. It was true. Steve's the most important person to me. I couldn't ever hurt him. Not like that. Not even if he said he was fine with it."
Nancy stands and walks away. She doesn't cry until she locks her bedroom door.
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laxxarian · 8 months
Evil Fenton Parents Meeting the Good Ones
It's basically that.
Maddie and Jack (the canon ones. Let's call them as is)
Mads and J (the evil AU ones).
Maddie and Jack were doing the "normal" stuff with Danny and Jazz, a happy family bonding time.... Fighting and helping ghosts and humans around Amity Park. Now that the Fentons have one thing in common, everyone is as close as they were before. It was all good and peachy when a new ghost came to Amity and had the whole Family portaled through somewhere else where clouds are grey and the streets are crowded.
Jack: Well... This can't get any weirder, won't it?
Jazz, eyeing Jack with worried looks: Dad!!
Jack: What?! Gotta let it come over and finish it faster!
Danny: Whoo... Boy... This is gonna be a loonnggg day.
Maddie: Awww, sweety, wouldn't that mean we'd get a long bonding time?
Jack: Great idea, Mads!
The family then found out that they were in Gotham but they didn't know anything of such a place before. And all the while the Fentons go around exploring the place and finding a way to get back (They found out that they're in a different reality due to seeing Maddie and Jack working with the GIW [they knew because of one big advertisement in a billboard])
Maddie: Well, that's horrifying.
Jack: Danny here must be a human then!
Danny, who knew that his parents despises the GIW even before knowing Danny is Phantom: Whoa. To think I'd see you guys work with them.
Jazz: Alright you three, stop dilly dallying. We still have a reality to get back to and put back a certain ghost to the ghost zone.
Maddie: Oh, Jazz. Can't we explore a bit more? For a ghost to be able to take us here just seems so fascinating.
Jazz: Eughh... Fine...
While they walked around the streets, the people would stare at them weirdly and were amazed to see the parents. Meanwhile the Danny in this reality was staring at them wide eyed at the corner of the alley.
Danny (the dissected one au): Did... Did they somehow clone me????
And the JL are freaking out when they see the Fentons being in two places rather than one because one, the evil ones are being held with them and two, the evil ones are also confused.
But Batman came in and theorized that the new Fentons may be in a different reality and thus, the new Fentons were invited to the Watchtower.
(I'm being honest, I literally have no idea if they would allow this or not but the only place I know is either the Manor or the tower 😔😔😔 and yes, I'm not a fan or probably I am [I'm not] but I am interested in DC just that I'm too confused on where to start reading, watching, gaming first cuz they're everywhere and the multiple of Robins are not helping me)
And then there, they all discuss while the evil Fentons (cuffed)...
(if ur wondering how they got here, it's because they were able to control Danny's mind again and got them to this place and was planning to destroy it but Danny actually tricked them into thinking that they did control Danny [The JL are planning for something to the evil Fentons])
...while the evil Fentons are listening in and make comments like:
Mads: He's a ghost scum! How could you ever accept him?!
J: That ghost scum must've successfully controlled your minds! Why else would you accept an abomination?!
But each time they do, the good parents would counter it like:
Maddie: Because he is our son! No matter who or what he is! He is still our boy!
Jack: You said it! And Danno-boy here is a great hero! Why shame him?
Maddie: We are proud of him! And we love him! Isn't that all that matters?
Jazz, hugging Danny (the edgy one): Oh, little brother, it must have been hard for you...
To Danny (the one that got experimented au), felt his tears welling up in his eyes, to think he'd hear the day where his parents would say that and see his sister alive but.... They weren't his.
The JL are all quite surprised/shocked and amazed by how cheerful, snarky and pretty much talkative this other Danny is (the one that got good parents).
They also found out that this Danny loves space and is now a fan of Martian Manhunter and all had thought that it was probably the same for their Danny (the one that got no parents).
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fruity4lifesanders · 9 months
Steddie: First Kiss (no UpsideDown Au)
My first attempt at writing a fanfic! Just some steddie first kiss fluff!
Some language.
These kids were gonna end up being the death of Eddie. Somehow Henderson had figured out his crush on Steve, let it slip to the other youngsters and now they all keep making faces at him everytime they are around Steve.
He was tired of the little shits constantly nagging him to ask Steve out...which is exactly what had happened yet again just a few moments ago, in mike Wheeler's basement of all places.
They had just been taking a break from making character sheets for a new campaign when Steve was brought up...
"jesus- he's like the straightest guy I've ever seen Henderson! I'm NOT gonna ask him out just to get rejected man! Drop it!" Eddie all but yells, getting flustered at just the thought of Steve.
"you don't know that he's straight though." Dustin retorts
Max quickly interjects "I would just like to say that I know for a fact he is NOT 100% straight. I once heard him mumble about Billy being 'too fucking hot for his own good'."
"See!? JUST TELL HIM." dustin is all but begging him at this point.
Eddie rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Doesn't matter Henderson. There's no way he's interested."
Dustin sighs, "erica, care to help handle this?" Glancing over towards where she was sitting.
"Do it or you're straight." Is all she says.
"that's really the best you could come up with? Seriously?" As soon as the words left his mouth, Eddie knew he messed up. You don't EVER challenge Erica.
".....plus I'll tell everyone what I found in your room." Erica looks at him deviously. All the other kids turn to look at him, wondering what she found that could be so bad.
He isn't sure what she found or when she was in his room for that matter but if it's what he thinks.....no-he can't take that risk. His street cred and "edgy cool-guy" image would be destroyed.
So here they were in his van, him driving with Dustin in the passenger seat, and the others piled in the back, on their way to see Steve on his shift at Family Video.
When they get there, Steve's eyes widen and then narrow as he takes in the collection of kids plus Eddie walking in the door, going from surprised to suspicious.
It had been a slow day, no other customers were in the store, and Robin was off hunting another vhs to put in the pass the time when the junky van pulled up outside.
Eddie walks directly up to the counter and looks at Steve, and Steve's confusion grows as Eddie just stands there.
After about a minute , Steve asks "do you need something?" When he gets no reply he looks back at the kids behind Eddie and says "did you guys break him or something?" With a slight smile, but only half joking.
Then suddenly eddie just lunges forward and grabs the front of Steve's uniform vest, pulling him in and- kisses him?
'EDDIE MUNSON IS KISSING ME' is the only thought replaying in Steve's mind, so surprised that he completely forgets to respond in any way, until Eddie starts to back away, an apology already forming on the top of his tongue, at which Steve promptly puts his hands on either side of Eddie's face and pulls him back into another kiss.
Now it's eddies turn to be shocked, but he quickly returns the kiss. They stay like that for a minute before pulling away just enough to look at each other.
From "ewwww" to "Get a room!" To "FINALLY", the kids' responses vary, but neither Steve nor Eddie really hear them, only breaking eye contact after Robin practically appears out of thin air beside Steve and clears her throat.
Eddie quickly lets go of Steve's vest and steve retracts his hands from Eddie's face, both a little flushed.
Steves the first to break the silence between the two,
"so uh, how's 7 o'clock this Friday? I'll pick you up after my shift..." he throws Eddie one of his blinding smiles.
"oh, uh yeah, that sounds great....uhm, see you then I guess..." Eddie replies, still flustered and unsure of what to say.
He ushers the kids out quickly, glancing at Steve on the way out the door, who was just watching Eddie with a big grin on his face.
As the van pulls away, robin and Steve may or may-not have been holding hands, jumping and squealing like middle school girls...
Tysm for reading if you did! Please feel free to leave tips for writing. Sorry if it wasn't very good quality it's my first (:
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lolahasmoxie · 10 months
Friendsgiving (E.M.)
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Sequel to "Thanksgiving"
This version of Friendsgiving is based on my college days. In 1999, during my first year in college, my friends and I had "Poor Students Thanksgiving." About 7 of my friends arrived at my house the day after Thanksgiving with all their leftovers. We pigged on food and watched "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and "Meet the Feebles." We did that for a couple of years, and I loved how it grew every year. These gatherings are, to this day, some of my favorite memories from my early twenties.
(p.s. I'm immediately going to write filth after this because balance. Specifically, it's about how Eddie's cums too much in you.)
WARNINGS: fluff, casual intimacy, implied sexy times (sexual talk because I can't write just plain fluff anymore, it's gotta be dirty.)
"Bye everyone, see you boys for Hellfire next weekend!"
Eddie smiled as he listened to you usher the last of your guests out of your home. Since Steve hosted last year, the two of you offered to host Friendsgiving this year.
Your first guest arrived at noon. Dustin came with his mom's beef stroganoff, smiling as he and Eddie greeted each other. Eddie was planning to do a quick dungeon for the boys, and you had heard the two laughing and teasing as they prepared for the group while you put the pies in the oven.
The dinner had been a smashing success. Everyone feasted like kings and queens before moving to the living room. While Eddie and the kids did their dungeon crawl, you caught up with Steve, Nancy, and Robin while eating pie.
You closed the night out with movies, Monty Python and Elm Street, before everyone clambered into cars and returned to their homes. The weather was frigid, leaving no doubt that snow would be coming soon.
"Great evening, huh, babe?" Eddie asks as he joins you in the living room to help you clean up.
"It was perfect. It's always nice when we can all get together."
"Listen, I want to talk to you about something."
"Look, if it's about the other night, it's normal to sometimes finish faster than usual. So you had a hair-trigger night; I was flattered and still had a good time." You glance back at Eddie, who looks confused, cow eyes wide with shock. Whoops.
"Uh, not at all what I was gonna say, but we will circle back. It's about Thanksgiving." Eddie approaches, and he takes your hands when he stands before you. He runs his thumbs over the backs of your hands, brow furrowed as he thinks about what he will say.
"Hey," you tell him quietly. You can't help smiling when his gaze meets yours. "You're scaring me here."
"It's good, I promise. It's just that Thanksgiving is when you're supposed to tell the people in your life that you're thankful for them, and I need you to know that I am. You make my life so much better by just being here. You're the best thing to ever happen to me, and I'm thankful that I get to call you mine every day, and I'm sorry I don't say it more."
"Oh, Eds," you say before leaning up and kissing him softly on his plush lips. Eddie responds by cupping your face and tilting your head so he can savor you more. When he pulls away, he leans to rest his forehead against yours.
"Love you, Princess."
"Love you too, babe. But you show me every day you care even if you don't say anything."
"What do you mean?"
"You show me all the time. You show me by filling my tank when you notice I'm low. Or how you get up super early to warm my car before work. You have dinner ready on the nights I come home late. You picked up the newest book by Stephen King for me when I was stuck at work!" Eddie chuckles as he pulls you into a hug.
"Of course I do that; I want my girl safe and happy."
"And I am. I'm thankful for you, too, and I hope we get many more holidays together." You kiss him again and then return to cleaning the living room and kitchen.
When Eddie returns from taking out the trash (and probably leaving leftovers for the raccoons), he finds you putting the last dishes on the drying rack.
"Hey Princess, is that everything?"
"Yes, sir, our castle is now more or less back to normal."
"Good." You shriek when he comes barrelling at you, and with a strength you sometimes forget he possesses, hauls you over his shoulder and starts walking down the hallway.
"Eddie, you're gonna drop me!" His response is a quick slap to your butt, which causes you to let out a whimper which is music to his ears.
"I'm about to show you how thankful I am for you, doll. I also need to make up for the other night. Can't have you thinking I'm some two-pump chump." He drops you onto your bed and immediately begins undressing. You feel your heart catch in your throat as he climbs on the bed and crawls to you, pressing you back until he's hovering over you.
"Eddie, I said it was ok."
"Nah," he says with that panty-dropping smirk. "Ok isn't good enough. In honor of the holidays, I believe I'll start by spending the next 20 minutes or so feasting on my favorite piece of pie."
"20 minutes!" you say with a start as Eddie's hands begin pulling down your skirt along with your panties.
"And that's just to start. Don't worry though, if you're a good girl for me, I'll give you your own cream pie at the end of the night. More than one if you're really good."
"Whatever you say, Eds."
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themuskrater · 1 year
I just played and finished Gotham Knights for the first time
And I have a LOT of thoughts. I might go in depth on certain things in other posts, but I want to kinda go over my general thoughts and feelings about this game. Spoilers ahead for:
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First things first, if you want this to be "Arkham: Gotham Knights", you are going to leave very disappointed. The game's reception was hurt pretty bad by comparisons it to the Arkham series. Arkham is a masterpiece. Gotham Knights is very good at what it wants to accomplish, but comparing it to Arkham feels unfair. I mean...I'm gonna do it anyways, but I'll compare them with the intention that the Arkham games and Gotham Knights set out to accomplish two different things
The Good:
•By far, the best aspect of this game is the scripted moments between the Batfamily. This game features Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Red Hood (Jason Todd), Robin (Tim Drake), and Alfred. It's very clear this is the aspect the developers put the most focus into and it really pays off. It gives me the same feeling as reading "Batman: Wayne Family Adventures". If you just want to see the Batfamily interact and support each other, you're gonna love this game
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•While it took me a while to get used to, I really fell in love with the art direction of this game. The skyline of Gotham City is gorgeous. I love the way the bright neon signs illuminate the low hanging fog giving everything a sort of colorful haze. And while I don't love every suit design, I think the customization let's me really like most of them. Batman especially looks really great in this game. His suit in this game is inspired by his look in the Rebirth comics and it translates beautiful
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The Bad:
• I'm genuinely confused by the characterization of Mr. Freeze in this game. His motivations are all over the place to the point that I wonder if WB Montréal decided to combine Victor and Nora Fries into one character. At the beginning of the Mr. Freeze side mission, it's explained that Mr. Freeze had given up crime because Batman had promised to help develop a cure for his condition, but now that Batman is gone, he's back at it. Victor doesn't normally care about his own illness, he just wants a cure for Nora. But Nora is never mentioned in this game. Even weirder, nothing he does in the story is ever to cure his condition. SO WHY DID HE STOP CRIME IN THE FIRST PLACE IF HE DOESN'T EVEN CARE ABOUT FINDING A CURE AND HE JUST WANTS TO FREEZE GOTHAM!? It's just a weird creative decision to take
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•Yeah so this one isn't a big deal, but at one point in the story, a cat sneaks into The Belfry and the Batfamily just kind of adopt it. It stays there for the rest of the game. You can't pet the cat. I know this isn't important, but it actually made me genuinely sad when I found this out
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The Ugly:
•To call this game underdeveloped would be a compliment. I wouldn't call it unpolished, because the game runs perfectly as intended in my experience. I didn't encounter a single bug or crash. But the story and the gameplay feel half-baked, which really sucks considering those are the two main aspects of a video game
•In the gameplay department, combat is passable but the skill ceiling is REALLY low. It reallys very restrictive in what you're actually able to do, but the combat by itself isn't so bad that it isn't fun.
Traversal on the other hand is awful. All the characters use a grapple to get around, but there's no momentum, so you feel like you're barely moving. You stop and lose all momentum between grapples. Arkham also has a grapple gun but it allowed you to string multiple grapple points and keep your momentum through them so they'd be more fluid and you keep your speed going
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The Batcylce is also not great. It's REALLY slow and despite the added movement lines around the screen to provide the illusion of speed, you're barely moving faster than the cars on the road. Again, compare this to the Batmobile in Arkham Knight. I did not love the Batmobile in Arkham Knight, and I outright hated the Riddler races, but it was fast and you could really feel the speed in it
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Finally you don't actually unlock the ability to glide or any of the other weird traversal abilities if you're playing as anyone other than Nightwing or Batgirl until you complete the Knighthood challenges. Locking an essential traversal ability behind an option set of challenges is weird to say the least. I don't have much to say about gliding, it controls fine but feels slow compared to Arkham
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•Lastly, the story of this game isn't bad for what is is, but is disappointing when you realize it had the potential to be so much better by including two characters who are absent from this game: Kate Kane Batwoman and Damian Wayne Robin. The game is set up as a sort of gang war between the The League of Assassins lead by Talia Al Ghul and The Court of Owls lead by Jacob Kane. Both of their child are members of the batfamily, but were weirdly excluded from this game. Including them as playable characters could have made the conflict more personal and interesting.
Additionally, Catherine Kane, Kate Kane's step-mother, is the current anti-vigilante Commissioner of the GCPD. Her daughter being Batwoman would be great character drama that goes completely unexplored. As is, Catherine is a one dimensional, underdeveloped character. And Damian could be shown as torn between the recent death of his father and the re-emergence of his mother in Gotham City. These characters feel like obvious inclusions for the story of this game but are missing without any explanation
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In Conclusion:
This game has a lot working against it. I couldn't even fit half of my thoughts into this already way too long rant. The game is just average in the gameplay, mediocre in the story, but absolutely phenomenal in the inter-character relationships. I compared it to Wayne Family Adventures earlier, and if you love stuff like that and want more of the Batfamily being supportive and wholesome to each other, you'll love this game. And I think that's genuinely the main appeal of Gotham Knights. But if you're not interested in the characters and just want a Batman action game, it's passable, but you'd be better off playing any of the Arkham games
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Wingman Wayne - Ronance Edition pt4 :D | Read from the beginning | Read on ao3
It hasn't even been five minutes since Robin came home from work, when the phone in the hall starts ringing. And she has some suspicions about who the caller might be.
She squints at the phone like it's personally offending her, considers for a few moments to just let it ring – but she can't. She doesn't want to be a completely cruel person, this is already gonna be awful enough as it is.
'Hi,' says Nancy, sounding slightly breathless, when Robin picks up the phone. 'How was your day?'
 'Um – gr...ay.'
'Gray?' Nancy repeats, confused.
Robin flinches. She had meant to say “great” but decided halfway that that would probably sound weirdly enthusiastic regarding the conversation they were about to have so she changed it to “okay” and – yeah. This is embarrassing.
'Yeah – I mean, the weather. Was. Very bad. Lots of rain and shit.' She cringes at herself, talking awkwardly about the goddamn weather, glad that Nancy isn't able to see how beet-red she has gotten so at least some of her dignity will stay intact.
'Tell me about it,' Nancy says, 'I got soaked at least three times today, it was the worst. But I was thinking...' There's a slight pause before Nancy continues, 'If we're feeling optimistic enough to believe the forecasts, it'll clear up by the weekend, so maybe we could go for a walk or something? There's this tea garden at the other side of the woods, I know a nice scenic route from Lover's Lake, what do you think?'
Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. Robin squeezes her eyes shut. Why, oh why, did Nancy have to come up with the most fucking perfect date idea in existence? God, she can almost touch the scene in her head: walking side-by-side with Nancy, the sun filtering through the leaves and shining a golden light onto Nancy’s curls, her cute nose going slightly red from the early spring sunrays, their arms brushing together every other step until Nancy will feel brave enough to grab Robin's hand and lace their fingers together; the flowers blooming in all kinds of pretty colors in the fields surrounding the tea garden, the taste of mint or some herbal melange on her tongue, Nancy's hands wrapped around her mug as she laughs at something insanely funny Robin is telling her...
No. No. Her stupid brain should most definitely not be going there.
She sighs.
'I have to tell you something,' she blurts out, before weakness can overpower her and make her say something stupid like Yes, this is the best idea ever, I’d love to go with you, can I please kiss you already?
And in that single word, she can already hear the disappointment dripping from Nancy's voice. Damn it, she hates this so fucking much.
'Yeah, it’s not good... So, um, remember that I told you how my best friend is the one who set me up with you? The one whose boyfriend is Mr. Munson's nephew?'
'Oh God,' Nancy says, sounding truly horrified. 'You're actually in a relationship with him and cheating on him?'
'What – no, God, no!' Robin exclaims. 'Why is that the first thing that comes to your mind?!'
'I don't know, you sounded so ominous so I just went straight to worst-case scenario!'
Nancy is perfectly mirroring Robin's own panicked energy and she realizes she has to keep her head cool now if she doesn't want this whole conversation to become even more of a mess.
She takes a deep breath and continues in a somewhat more collected voice, 'Okay, so maybe not worst-worst-case scenario, then. But um... He didn't actually know anything about you when he set us up. So we only found out today that he – Steve – had been trying to set me up with his ex.'
There's a silence. 'Steve Harrington is your best friend?' Nancy then asks.
'Yeah, crazy, right,' Robin confirms. 'I'm really sorry, Nancy. I had so much fun with you last night, seriously. And you're really cool and badass and generally amazing. But I'm not gonna be dating my best friend's ex. I can't do that to Steve. I mean, I basically know everything about what went down between the two of you, and it's not like he harbors any resentment – I actually think he still respects you a lot – but... It still feels wrong, you know?'
There's a sigh, distorted through the phone. 'Yeah, I get that,' Nancy says, in a small voice that's kind of breaking Robin's heart already. 'Honestly, that completely makes sense. And honestly, I wouldn’t want to add to his hurt either. I already did that more than enough, back when - you know.‘ She sighs again. ‘For what it's worth: I had a lot of fun with you, too, yesterday.'
Taglist: @munsonsuccubus @messrs-weasley @shrimply-a-menace @booksandsience @sadcanadianwinter @mightbeasleep @theysherobinbuckley
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Harley Quinn (The show) quotes for the DC Class?
*Nathaniel and Lila are seated across from Nadja Chamack on her talk show. Nathaniel, grown to about fifteen feet is only shot from the neck down by the camera*
Nadja: Nathaniel, hon. how are you feeling about all of this?
Lila: He is devastated that the world is attacking a girl he knows is so kind, is so lovely-
Nadja: Let’s hear it from Nathaniel in his own words!
Lila: Those are his own words. I’m a telepath! He thinks it, I say it. *The audience boos at her* Isn’t that right, sweetie? He said right.
Nadja: He did not say “right”! Did y’all hear him say “right”?
Lila: Well-
Nathaniel: She was talking to ME! An individual person who exists outside of YOU!
Nadja: Get her, boy!
Nathaniel: A person who, for months, you mind-controlled-
Lila: Don’t do this.
Nathaniel: Into thinking he loved you!
Lila: Do not do this!
Nathaniel: A person who is leaving YOU! *Storms out of the studio*
Lila: Why, you get back here, you miserable [BLEEP]!
Adrien: *excitedly* Is this the good kinda acid that gives you superpowers?!
Alya: No!
Adrien: Awwww...
Marinette: I need a permit for a trap door? The whole point is no one is supposed to know about it! Especially the city.
Lila: *fighting Denise* OW! That really hurt, you [BLEEP]
*everything, including the Earth itself, comes to a shocked standstill*
Rose: *watching the fight on TV* Holy shit!
Nino: The name is Nino, actor extraordinaire recently portraying the juicy role of country boy bartending in the big city!
Lila: I thought you were playing the role of literal piece of shit.
Nino: Not yet. *transforms into Lila* NOW I'm a literal piece of shit!
Rose: Adrien! You can't kill him.
Adrien: You don't think I can kill a 12 year old?! Oh, okay. Well, I will smash in his face with a bat like a WATERMELON!
Batman: I'm gonna say something embarrassing here. I didn't have a nemesis until... my late twenties.
Zoé: Don't patronize me, dad, it's unbecoming.
Batman: It's true. I wasn't ready for one. You want your first nemesis to be special. Someone that you can see being your nemesis for the rest of your life.
Zoé: I suppose you're right, dad... When can I propose to Cosette?
Batman: I... think I hear the bat-signal. *grappling-hooks away*
Juleka: Quick side bar. How did this *Gestures to Nathaniel* work...in terms of making out?
Lila: Not great!
Juleka: So let me get this straight: you're not over your ex, and you want to throw your success in his face.
Adrien: Exactly!
Juleka: Honestly, that might be the most relatable thing you've ever said.
Ivan: I wish they would make a sequel to Up.
Max: No, they can’t! The story ended with the first movie.
Myléne: Unless... the kid is the old man in the sequel.
Ivan: Oh, that’s fun! That’s a good one!
Adrien: When my mind is set, it is set. Hell, they blew out three electricshock machines at Arkham trying to get through to me.
Adrien: Nice save, Jerk-Face League!
Ismael: That's not our name at all.
Marinette: What is wrong with me?
Zoé: You're a sociopathic narcissist!
Marinette: It was rhetorical, asshole! And who do you think you are, a psychiatrist?
*Marinette approaches newly-unmasked Robin/Zoé*
Marinette: WayneTech promised an electric car by this year! I put a deposit down! Where's my goddamn electric car, Zoé?!
Rose: Have a good life, get married, make babies. Name them Rose. The girls and boys.
Juleka: Rose!
Rose: See? It totally works. You know I love you. Bye, Jules.
Zoé: *in flirty tone* Wonderer, you look hot
Adrien: What?
Denise: So, Robin, are those abs real or is it just the suit? *giggles*
Adrien: Gross.
Jean: Well, these abs are definitely real. Give them a look. Don't-a be shy.
Adrien: Oh, gross! Did you just spray them with Rose’s love pheromones?!
Denise: Let’s just, uh… See who has the best abs for a moment.
Adrien: Or not! A lot of not! PLEASE, NOT!
Denise: *after lassoing a Parademon* I'll only ask once: where is Lila?
*Parademon screeches. Confused, Denise turns to Ismael*
Ismael: Oh, what, because I'm an alien, I understand all alien languages? *Denise’s eyes widen* OK, I know a little Parademon, but it's still a racist assumption. Be better.
*Denise rolls their eyes*
Rose: You... you don't think I'm chaotic, crazy and make a bunch of messes?
Juleka: No, you definitely do that. But you're trying to grow, and actually doing it! And that... I mean, for me, that is what matters!
Rose: I love you, Jules!
Juleka: *smiles* I love you too, Rosie.
Batman: What's with your voice?
Zoé: What are you talking about?
Batman: It's a bit... overly serious.
Zoé: I think it's an appropriate amount of... serious.
Adrien: How could Bruce be Batman? I mean, sure, he's the richest man in Gotham, so that explains all the vehicles, and he always goes missing at big galas when villains show up... Okay, if you come to think of it, it's very obvious.
Ismael: Wait 'til you hear who Superman is.
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justrambles · 1 year
(Beauty and the beast steddie)
No.7 — Time
Mike is interested in Eddie's guitar. Eddie catches him sneaking glances at his Sweetheart, and decides to ask.
"You play?" he asks, gesturing towards the guitar.
"Do you?" Mike reflexively talks back, but realizes it's a pointless question and just shakes his head.
"I don't know how to play. I never learned. I wanted to, though."
The kid seems a bit sad and Eddie hates seeing him like that, so he decides there's no harm in offering.
"I could teach you if you want?"
And obviously it's a wrong move, because suddenly Mike tenses up and spits out,
"Yeah, as if I could pick strings with these hooves. It's not gonna work. Nothing ever works here. Thanks, Eddie, but no thanks."
"Whoa man- Mike, calm down. You can still learn, you know. There's no 'one' way to learn playing. I could show you the chords first and then you'll be able to practice it yourself later."
"Yeah, except there's not going to be a later."
Mike's still pissed, but he's gotten calmer. He now just seems a little annoyed at himself as he grumbles. It's a crisis averted and Eddie is relieved, as he secretly tries to come up with other ways to get Mike into playing guitar. It's just a hunch, but he thinks learning to play's gonna be good for Mike.
But then, (because he's got the worst timing ever) Dustin bursts in and shouts,
"Eddie! I need your help, quick!"
It's really remarkable, Eddie has to admit.
He stands before a wall in the boys' room, filled with jagged tally marks. Dustin looks proud of the abstract artwork, Mike's gotten tense again, and Lucas just seems tired of it all.
"Well, Dustin, it looks great. Didn't know you had a thing for art." Eddie has no idea what it means.
"What? No, this is not just some art, dude. This is my calendar. You know, I've been counting the days since we got cursed—"
"You mean Max has been counting," Lucas chips in and Dustin rolls his eyes.
"Yes, Lucas, Max has been marking since she has the most fitting claw for the task. But it's my idea, so I've been counting."
Ah, Max. Eddie knows who Max is now. Turns out the panther he met wasn't Steve. Turns out she wasn't even a panther, after all. He's embarrassed himself in front of the puma thinking that she was Steve, and he'd really like to not think about it now. So he asks,
"And about the calendar...?"
This stops Dustin from bantering with Lucas, and he turns to Eddie to give an explanation.
"Yeah, so, I've been counting the days with Max's help. And although I probably missed some dates on the days when we pissed Max off and she didn't want to help and I had to count in my head, I'm pretty sure I've got it close enough, so I wanted to crosscheck."
Eddie is now fully amused. Dustin put a lot of effort into this, he can tell. So he nods, indicating him to go on.
"So... is this May 17th, 1985?"
And wow, he's really close considering everything, so Eddie tries to answer but is cut off by Mike's voice.
"What does it even matter?"
"Huh?" comes Dustin's confused voice.
"What's the point of counting? It does nothing."
Now Dustin seems a bit tense too, and Eddie hopes this doesn't end bad. It seems unlikely.
"Well, Mike-, we need to know when we are in the time. We need to be prepared for when we get back—"
"Yeah, you keep saying 'when we get back' but we won't! That's the thing! We're not getting back, there's no 'later', we're stuck here, stuck in this body because of the stupid curse, while everything goes on without us!"
With that Mike stomps out, and Eddie can't do anything but stare into the now empty spot. Dustin doesn't look so well either, he mutters out a little "fuck," and walks out, too. Eddie hears Lucas sigh.
"So when is it?" Lucas asks a bit after, "Is it May-whatever-Dustin-said?"
"Uh, close enough. June 23rd, 1986. Should-, should we go after them?"
"No, they'll get over it. Usually they're not the ones fighting — it's either Max and Mike or Steve and Robin — but I guess Dustin has too much hope."
And the way he says it makes it feel like Lucas doesn't have much hope either. Eddie wonders what happened all those years before.
"Does he?"
Lucas glances up at his question.
"Do you think Dustin has too much hope, too?"
"Well, we've been like this for almost three decades and the curse is still not close to breaking, is it?"
The curse.
"Why do you think that you can't break the curse? What is it exactly?"
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vamp-stamp-fics · 2 years
The black phone Headcanons pt. 2
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Fandom: the black phone
Word count: 1226
Tags: fluff, Headcanons, slight mentions of Finbin & Brance, some angst for Vance & Robin but not too much
The black phone hcs pt 1
A/n: here's part 2 of my tbp Headcanons
• going back to Robin liking Michael Jackson I feel like when he's doing chores he's having a whole concert in his living room, he's putting his SOUL into lip syncing/singing those lyrics. Sometimes he'll invite Finney over so they can dance around the living room to Mj lol
• Robin & Finney are childhood friends. How they met is that Robin saw finney alone on the school playground and decided to walk up to him and they stuck together since.
• Robin was the first to develop a crush on Finney while finney thought his attraction towards Robin was just extreme admiration. He talked to Gwen once about how much he admired Robins ability to not take shit from people and how much he likes hanging out with him, it finally clicked With Gwen and she explained to him that "Finney you might have a crush on him 😐" he stood there for a good 2 minute because realizeation hit him like a train of holy shit she's right
• Robin calls Finney Guey (someone said it meant dude but when I looked it up it meant smth else but progressed into being used as dude but that might be wrong so I apologize to my Spanish speaking readers in advance 💀) Finney understands little Spanish so he hopes whatever Robin's calling him isn't insulting
• Bruce is passive aggressive when insulting people while Vance is just upfront calling people cocksuckers he loves using that word
• speaking of Bruce being mean, ik alot of people characterized him as a Golden boy, the boy next door, sunshine but he can be mean as shit if he has to Don't tell me he can't be, y'all saw the way he looked when he thought finney was gonna win the game when he is he's sarcastic and somewhat of a smart ass. Vance finds it hilarious and encourages it when he gets that way
• Bruce is also extremely competitive even outside of Playing baseball. banned from playing board games with the gang cus it went to his head
• Vance is also banned from playing for the time being cus he almost broke his mother's vase out of anger which insued a scolding in front of the rest by his mom lol
• Vance is a great cook but he's like Gordon Ramsay whenever someone (besides his mom ofc) tries to help him
• Vances mom's Italian, his mom taught him how to cook when he was younger so that's why he's great in the kitchen lol
• Everyone survived/lived Au: this is a continuation of pt 1 of my Vance hcs with his mom when Vance got older (like older teens-young adult age) his mom got back in contact with him and decided to stay in his life for good
• Grab n Go used to have a vending machine but soon went out of order cus Vance kept punching it every time the food got stuck which was often, the thing was a piece of shit anyways as Vance would say
• English is Bruces second language and Japanese is his first, when he talks with his parents and sister he uses Japanese most of the time. obviously they speak English as well but when it's just the 4 of them they like to talk in their native language. Bruce sometimes likes to use it to confuse tf out of the rest of the group when talking with them. Robin thinks it's funny
• Robin will absolutely destroy the school lunch food after saying "it's not even that good" mf will eat that dry ass chicken sandwich like he's on death row and it's his last meal. Same for Vance tbh
• Robin favorite candy is Reese's absolutely devours them. Idk if Reese's pieces was a thing back in the 70s but if they were he fucks with them too. Finney also likes Reese's and M&Ms while Gwen prefers M&Ms more
• Robin's a single child but has a fuckload of cousins that visit him on holidays. He's secretly always wanted a little sibling (I mean he sees his baby cousins as his own siblings but they're not always around) so when finney introduces Robin to Gwen they immediately have a sibling relationship
• Robin's uncles has a son named Rick/Ricky. He's older than Robin (like around 17-19) Robin sees him as a older brother.
• since Rick is busy most of the time with work and school it's always a treat for Both him and Robin when he takes Robin (+ finney to ofc) to hangout
• Rick also has a girlfriend that finney might of used to have a small crush on lololol that sometimes also comes with them if she's free
• Vance uses a fucking trash bag as his backpack 💀 that or a backpack that's a thread from falling apart
• Griffin loves goldfish. He'd inhale a whole carton if he could but his mom always stops him before he can (talking about the snack not the actual fish)
• speaking of Griffin he's an absolute mamas boy. Always clings to her whenever They're in a store together
• Griffin bruises easily. He doesn't know why he just does, and what makes it worse is that he's a bit unaware of his surroundings sometimes so he's always bumping into things. His mom playfully scolds him about it while she kisses them to make them feel better
• Griffin is an extremely picky eater as a kid. Literally any fruit or vegetable he doesn't like except apples, oranges, and carrots. when he gets older tho he grows out of it a bit, still hates broccoli tho
• Griffin also is a bookworm. Loves books and likes sitting in the library during lunch sitting next to the shelves and read. He got his love for books from his mom as she is also a bookworm so they bond over that hobby
• if someone calls Vance an idiot or a dumbass it'll set him off. Vance hates when people insult his intelligence, school already makes him feel like shit as is he doesn't need some dickhead telling him he's stupid even as a "joke" like if it's his friend jokingly call him a dumbass once he'll laugh it off but if it's someone doing it to make fun of him they're catching a right hook
• Everyone survived/lived Au: when karate kid is realesed it became one of Robins all time favorite movies and had Finney watch it with him (also modern au: he absolutely loves Cobra Kai)
• when Vance died his mom found out in a newspaper after they found the bodies and broke down in her kitchen. Asking herself why was her baby taken
• and when Robin died it hurt too much for his mom to remarry or have other children as she felt it would be "replacing" her passing husband and son
Wow dropped those angst bombs out of nowhere. Sorry lol
• as much he likes to seem tough Robin absolutely hates spiders. He'll scream and violently stomps the shit out of it but if he's with the others he'll act like they're being overdramatic and kill it as if he isn't internally screaming with them. Finney knows but doesn't say anything
• Billy loves marvel and has a comic book collection. His favorite marvel character is spiderman
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Do I Know You?
~First (Here)~ Next>>>
Damian sat and sighed as he was tied to a chair. Heaven forbid he decides to go to the Cave and only be able to take off his mask before being bombarded by his family.
"Father, what is the meaning of this?"
Batman looked at Damian and furrowed his brow "Why do you keep calling me that, how did you get in here and why are you dressed like Robin?" "I'm your son, I am Robin" "Don't lie!"
"Alright B how about we lay off the kid? Not gonna get anywhere shouting"
Nightwing walked in and handed Damian a cup of water. "Here, don't mind him. We just want to know what's going on"
"Richard you're a part of this trivial thing too? Also did you put anything in the cup?" Nightwing paused and kneeled down "Okay. We just want some answers, number one. How do you know who I am?"
"Tt. Fine I'll play. I'm Damian Wayne-" Damian jerked his head to Batman "-your son and I'm-" He looked back at Nightwing "-your brother. Alongside with Jason Todd, Timothy Drake, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas and not to mention the million of others father brought in as he is a magnet for taking in children"
Nightwing nodded and took off his mask "Are you a speedster from the future?" "What? Ew, no. I'm Robin" "Listen, you might be getting something confused. There are no more Robins, the last one was Tim. So where did you get the costume?" "Okay hasn't this gone on long enough? Where is Titus or Alfred the cat? Do you need them to help recognize me or something"
Dick raised a brow "I have no idea who those are"
"Tt. This is tiring"
Damian stood up, untied hands and ankles, he rubbed his wrists. "I untied myself about a minute after you tied me, I know your tricks father, you've taught everyone how to escape knots like yours. Try to get a better tactic. As for you Richard, hasn't this gone on long enough?"
Bruce took off his cowl and studied Damian carefully "He may be telling some truth. It's hard to tell, who is your parent?" "Other than you? Talia Al Ghul is my mother"
The two adults looked at each other with wide eyes. "She doesn't have a child. She told me she had a miscarriage" "Do I look like a miscarriage?"
"Dick. Call for Tim and Cass, they may be able to figure out if he's lying. In the meantime I'll look into this kid"
Damian groaned and sat back down. "Can Pennyworth at least come down? I'd enjoy his company"
"N-" "Yeah I'll get him"
Bruce narrowed his eyes making eye contact with Dick, the two had their private conversation internally and while Damian could decipher the gist of it. He didn't want to right now. This is dragging on long enough.
Bruce sighed for like the fifth time "Fine, let him come. He stays here and under surveillance. Understood?" "Hear you clear"
Bruce left and Damian eyed Dick, wouldn't they have stopped by now?
"Richard... are you still joking with me? Hasn't this gone on long enough?"
Dick looked guilty and sad "I'm sorry, but we really don't know you"
Damian looked down, recounting what he just went through moments before showing.
Someone approached him, a lady with a crystal ball typical isn't it.
"Young boy, won't you indulge this old lady?"
"I'm sorry, I can't-"
"Oh please? This is all I ask of you"
Robin nodded and came over, she was an elder and he respects them. Not to mention she would probably insist and Damian would rather not have to do that.
"Come child" Her wrinkled yet soft hands went over his gloves and she closed her eyes, she was wearing a shawl and attire of stars and eyes decorated on the cloth. "I see... you are of a great destiny. Yet though this is apparent, you are deeply troubled with choices. Leading to terrible consequences. Not to mention the loneliness you are faced with, a great destiny yet an even greater shadow. Tell me, the family you surround yourself with, do they truly see you? You have so many doubts and fears, that you will be alone and forgotten by them"
"...That sounds correct, my fears tend to obscure my view of the path ahead. I feel like one day, they will forget me. And that I'll be alone. Sometimes I wish I was forgotten so I could avoid the pain and move on with my choice without feelings" He... didn't mean to say that much, what is happening?
"Then it will be"
A flash of light, recovering his vision to see no one. The lady was gone.
...Curious, it may be time I go back before they worry.
Damian kept his gaze away from Dick who was talking on the phone.
They... forgot me. They don't know me. It's like I never existed...
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loorain · 2 years
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - New Dynamics
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As promised, Sigrid and Robin plan out her move into the legacy house in a matter of days after their family vacation. Aunt Scarlett, now the matriarch of the house, was more than happy to invite Sigrid in, and even offered her room, the master bedroom, to the young couple. They remake the space and make it perfect for them, and Sigrid settles in in no time.
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One morning, Sigrid and Robin sit at the breakfast nook while she eats. Sigrid can't shake an unexplainable sadness washing over her. At this point, Sigrid's parents have passed, and two of her four siblings have also passed. One of her brothers, Johan, has recently passed away, and that makes her sad, but her emotions seem especially heightened, more than usual for her. She wasn't this sad when Veronica died. Not to say she wasn't sad, but this is next level. Robin notices.
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Robin: Hey, are you doing alright?
Sigrid: I don't know... I'm feeling really down today and I don't know why.
Robin: Well I mean your brother just died, it's normal to feel down.
Sigrid: No Robin, this is different. I'm not just sad, I'm feeling so emotional. I just can't shake this feeling. I feel like I'm going a little crazy.
Scarlett joins them at the table, but doesn't interfere with the conversation.
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Sigrid becomes overwhelmed and puts her head in her hand.
Robin looks at his fiancée with concern but struggles to find the words to say. Then he thinks of something.
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Sigrid tries to compose herself.
Sigrid: I'm sorry, I'm being silly.
Robin: No need to apologize. Hey, why don't the two of us go out today? Maybe see a movie? Something to get your mind off of things?
Sigrid: I... guess... it could be fun.
And as soon as Sigrid finished eating and he had a chance to change, the two went for their rabbit hole date. Meanwhile, Sabrina makes their way down from their bedroom and finds their mother sitting at the breakfast nook.
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Sabrina: Mornin' Mom.
Scarlett: Good morning, honey! Slept well?
Sabrina: Yeah, overall.
Scarlett: Soooo, I'm just wondering, what's next for you?
Sabrina: Well I just accepted a sous chef position at Chez Llama.
Scarlett: That's great news!
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Sabrina: Eh, I suppose.
Scarlett: Suppose? You're not happy?
Sabrina: Not ecstatic, but it's cool. I think I'm just dealing with stuff, y'know?
Scarlett: What's been going on? We really haven't talked too much since you started uni.
Sabrina: So much, Mom. So much... Let's just say, there were some connections that have kind of fizzled out, and I'm just feeling really confused. But, I'm trying to bounce back! I even have a date planned today.
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Scarlett: Ooh, a date? Who's the lucky sim?
Sabrina: His name is Marquise. He was a student at Foxbury, actually. We met by chance. He's... nice.
Scarlett: Cute?
Sabrina suddenly feels shy but tries not to show it.
Sabrina: ...Yeah, he's kinda cute. This is our first date. We've only gotten a chance to talk briefly two other times, so I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes.
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Scarlett: Well a cute sim who's from my alma mater? He's already got a few points in my book.
Sabrina: Moooooooommm!
Scarlett: I'm just saying! Also, use protection.
Scarlett laughs.
Scarlett: Okay okay, I'll stop teasing.
Sabrina: Well, I'm gonna finish getting ready for my date.
Scarlett: Okay hun, have fun!
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Shortly after Sabrina leaves for her date, Sigrid and Robin return from their movie. It was a good film, but Sigrid's sadness hasn't changed. If anything, she feels even worse because her fiancé's attempt to cheer her up failed, and she feels guilty about it.
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After a therapeutic cry under the blankets, Sigrid sits in solitude in her and Robin's bedroom.
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She sits with her sadness, pondering its origin. Sure, the death of her brother is definitely weighing heavy on her, but there's something else. She can feel it. What? A thought pops into her head. Her stomach drops.
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Sigrid: Okay, deep breath.
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Sigrid waits patiently for the test to process.
Sigrid: Moment of truth...
She takes a close look. Time to know the truth, for better or worse.
0 notes
svechnikovvv · 2 years
can't take my eyes off you (part 4)
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gif by: @emziess
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings: the usual, james… AGAIN, jack (steve’s dad for those who forgot)
word count: 5,417
summary: steve fake dates y/n for a week for a family reunion, but little does y/n know, he’s had the biggest crush on her for a while.
a/n: i don’t mean to be that sappy author, but i appreciate all the love and support you guys are showing this series so far! ALSO, yes i am changing the title of this story, sorry for any confusion
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wednesday. halfway through the week.
you woke the next morning with steve's head resting on your chest, his arms wrapped securely around your waist. you play with his hair for a bit and he hums, rubbing his thumb on the part of your midriff that was exposed. shivers went down your spine and as much as you'd love to stay in bed all day, you had to get up.
"steve," you whisper softly
"we can't stay in bed all day. c'mon, we gotta get up" he groans
"don't wanna" you chuckle
"i don't either, but we gotta get up" you start to sit up, but steve doesn't budge.
"you're so stuborn. you know that?"
"tell me something i don't know" you sigh, giving up. five minutes later, steve eventually lets go and you sit up, stretching and yawning. you head to the bathroom to get ready. while you're brushing your teeth, steve walks beside you and starts to brush his. his bedhead is... a sight for sore eyes.
"how's your hand?" he asks and you hold it up to him. you're sporting some nasty bruises, but honestly, you didn't mind.
"gonna have to wrap them soon. 'kay?" you nod and spit out the toothpaste, rinsing your mouth after. steve's mid-brushing his teeth when you grab his jaw with your hand, turning his face to look at yours. you inspect his injuries and nod.
"looks like we'll need an ice pack for you" he nods and you head out the bathroom, deciding what you'll wear to the dinner tonight. you settle on a flowy dress. you set it aside for later. you then throw on jeans and a striped shirt, that you had stolen from robin, and wait for steve to get ready. you fell back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling for a bit.
"you ready?" you turn to the side to face steve and see him standing there with his hands on his hips. you sit up and nod, following him out the door. you two finally make it downstairs and step into the kitchen and diane gives steve a look.
"did you wrestle with a wild animal?" you laugh and steve shakes his head no
"james did this" she gasps
"james your cousin?" he nods and she sighs
"he's always getting into fights is what i hear. so it doesn't surprise me in the slightest"
"you think i look bad? y/n's fist is even worse" he jabs his thumb at you and you hit his forearm. diane looks at you with worry. you hold your hand up to show her and she gasps again
"oh dear. god, i knew him coming here would be a bad idea. but noooo, he's family so let's invite him anyways" you and steve chuckle as she inspects your knuckles.
"there's a first aid kit in the bathroom down the hallway. go get it, will you steve?" diane asks, facing him. he nods and heads to retrieve it. once he's out of earshot diane leans in and asks the question that she's been dying to ask.
"what happened?"
"he called me a bitch and i didn't take too kindly to that" she nods
"how did steve get hurt?"
"that... is a great question. he didn't tell me" she patted your shoulder
"don't worry, i'll find out sooner or later" you nod and steve comes back, first aid kit in hand. he sets it on the counter and his mom opens it up, pulling out something to wrap your kuckles with. you watch as she does so, humming to herself quietly.
"okay. all done. hey y/n? cynthia and laura are in the living room with the kids. they've been asking for you nonstop. why don't you go see them?" you nod and steve goes to follow you, but diane stops him, grabbing his arm.
"uh uh. not you. i need to talk to you" once diane made sure you were in the living room and gone, she faced steve, pointing a finger at his face.
"you want to tell me why your face is all beat up?" steve sighed and sat down at a bar stool, propping his chin up on his hand. his mother stood on the opposite side of the counter, arms crossed.
"after y/n punched james in the face and headed inside, i stayed back to talk to him. however, he decided to start talking about y/n as if she was this piece of meat and i didn't like that. i told him to watch his mouth and i started to back off, but he yanked me back, giving me two good swings. i dodged one, but not the other" diane nodded, taking in this newfound information.
"i'm glad you didn't punch him back because now he can't say you did. but i'm also glad you stood up for her, steve. i can see how much you care about that girl and she is the luckiest person in the world to have you"
"you're only saying this because you're my mom" diane throws the towel on her shoulder at him and he dodges it. they both laugh and she waves him off.
"go ahead. i saw you looking at the door like a sad puppy. i'm done talking" steve nods and heads to the living room to be with you. he sees you sitting on a couch with wendy cuddled up into one side of you, and david sitting on your lap. steve takes a seat beside you,
"hey buddy. y/n been bothering you?" steve asks david and you gasp, but david shakes his head.
"exactly. i'm awesome. they love me"
"stevie!" you hear a kid shout.
there's more of them?
a little brunette girl runs up to steve. steve picks her up and she wraps her tiny arms around his neck. he pats her back and she lets go, then sitting in his lap.
"nicole. how's my girl doing?" she grins up at him, one of her teeth missing.
"good! i lost a tooth last week and the tooth fairy gave me ten dollars!"
"wow. that's the jackpot" she nods, her curls bouncing
"mommy said that that's more than anyone else has ever gotten" steve laughs and nods
"she isn't wrong about that" the little girl faces you and she waves at you. you smile and wave back. she whispers to steve
"who's this?" steve glances at you and gives you a soft smile.
"nicole, this is my girlfriend-"
"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?" she yells and everybody looks up at the girl. you're a laughing mess and steve's face is red.
"nicole, baby, inside voice," he tells her and she nods, then whispering her question again
"you have a girlfriend?" steve laughs this time and nods
"yep. her name's y/n" next thing you know, nicole throws her arms around your neck, giving you a hug. you look at steve in shock and he just smiles. you hug the little girl back. she pulls away and looks over and when she sees wendy, oh god, she lets out a big squeal.
"nicole!" nicole goes and sits by wendy and they start talking about everything. steve laughs from beside you
"they're so much alike" you lean over and whisper to steve and he nods
"it's why they get along so much" you both quietly laugh and the two girls get up, heading out to where nicole came in
"bye stevie!" they both say, waving him bye
"and bye y/n!" they also say. you wave bye at the two girls and they leave the living room.
"you're a kid magnet" steve says, making you laugh. david's playing with your rings in your lap and you shrug
"i know right" you both sit there, watching the tv, but not taking in anything it's saying.
"i saw your dress for later"
"yeah?" you look up at steve and he looks down at you
"yeah. it looks gorgeous" you smile up at him
"thanks" he nods and you both go back to looking at the tv.
"hungry" david says and you laugh. you check a nearby clock to see that it's lunch time.
"okay. come on little man. time to go eat" you stand up, holding him on your hip. steve follows you and you guys head into the kitchen. you see cynthia and she's sitting at the table. you walk over to her and hand her david. this time he actually eats when she's feeding him and you head back to the kitchen where steve is at.
"saved your spot" he says and you chuckle, grabbing the plate he's holding out to you.
"and they say chivalry is dead" he laughs with you and you two make your plates, going to sit down at the table with cynthia. so far, the two of you have yet to run into james and you want to keep it that way. but with the dinner tonight, you know that it's inevitable to see him there.
"so, y/n, tell us about yourself," you look up to see who called your name and see michael (wendy's dad for those of you who forgot). you swallow your mouthful of food and began speaking.
"well, there's not much to me. i was born and raised in hawkins. went to hawkins elementary, middle and highschool. i have an older brother named anthony. and i live with my mom"
"what brings you to date steve" you chuckle at his question and look over at steve, then back at michael.
"i dunno. maybe it was the hair" you shrug, taking a bite of your food, shooting a closed-mouth grin over at steve and he rolls his eyes.
"glad to know you're using me for my hair"
"isn't the only thing," you mumble under your breath and he looks at you with a raised brow.
"care to elaborate?" you tap a finger on your chin, feigning thinking.
"i think some things are left better unsaid" you wink at him and stand up, taking your plate into the kitchen to clean it off. once you were done doing that, you walked past steve and out to your newfound favorite place: the terrace. you lean against one of the bannisters, closing your eyes. you hum the familiar melody of earth angel by the penguins.
someone stands near you, and by the familiar smell of steve's cologne, you knew it was him.
"earth angel?" you open your eyes and look at him, nodding
"it's a good song" he nods
"yeah. it is" you two stand there in silence. you close your eyes again, starting to hum a different song: sway by dean martin
"y/n. what is it with you and dean martin songs? i'm starting to think you're in love with him or something" you chuckle and look back at him
"jealous?" he nods. you fake pout, opening your arms slightly. he walks over to you and you wrap your arms around his neck, craning yours up to look at him. his hands instinctively wrap themselves around your waist.
"there's no need to be jealous, stevie. dean martin has no idea i exist"
"good" you roll your eyes, then laying your head on steve's chest, continuing to hum the song. you two sway back and forth for a bit.
"what do you wanna do while we wait for the dinner tonight?" you think for a minute
"we drove past this record shop yesterday. can we go check that out?"
"yeah. of course" you two continue to sway for a good ten minutes before you pull apart from steve.
"c'mon pretty boy, let's go," you start to tug his hand to head to his car, but he stops you.
"let me go get my keys" you nod and head over to stand by the car, waiting for him. he jogs over towards his car and you hear it unlock. you open the door and slide in, steve doing the same. he starts the car and puts it in reverse, heading towards the record shop. you two take turns playing your favorite cd's and before you know it, steve is parking the car into a parking spot.
you eagerly get out, not waiting for steve as you head inside. you're in awe at everything around you. you head over to the 60s classics and scavenge through until you find what you were looking for. you make sure steve doesn't see what you got. speaking of steve, he then walks in and someone shouts his name.
does he know everyone here?
"steve!" the man throws up his hands. "t's been a minute since i've seen ya, pal. how's your grandma margaret doing?" steve chuckles, a smile on his face
"it has been a minute. but good. she's doing good. how are you sal?" the oldish man at the counter nods his head.
"i've seen better days. my granddaughter just recently graduated highschool. told her she needs to stop aging before i croak" steve lets out a chuckle and you walk up to him. his attention then turns to you.
"you find something?" you nod and smile up at him
"woah woah woahhhhh. harrington, aren't you gonna introduce me to this nice young lady?" you laugh and hold out your hand for the old man.
"y/n, nice to meet you..."
"sal," he finishes, shaking your hand.
"sal. right"
"now tell me y/n, what's steve to ya?" his italian accent shined bright whenever he spoke
"he's my boyfriend" sal's eyes light up as if he just hit the jackpot.
"stevie wonder, when were you gonna tell me you got a girlfriend?" steve shrugs. sal sighs and mumbles something in italian.
"è proprio come la mia prima moglie, non mi dice mai niente" you had family back in italy, so you translated his words easily. you let out a little laugh at what he said. steve, however, was lost.
"you know italian?" he asks and you nod. sal turns around and looks at you with a shocked face
"oh, this is gold"
"then what did he say?" you turn to face sal and he laughs, nodding
"he said, 'he's just like my first wife. never tells me anything.'" you and sal are laughing and steve gives both of you a bitch-face.
"anyways, i can go ahead and scan whatcha got there. unless you wanted to look around some more" you nodded and headed to the 'm' section. there was a new metallica cd that eddie had been wanting and you decided to get it for him. you couldn't find it, so you walked back over to the counter.
"hey sal, do you have the new metallica cd?" he nods and heads to the back. steve looks at you with furrowed brows
"eddie's birthday is coming up and he's been wanting it" steve nods and sal comes back out back, holding the master of puppets cd between his fingers. he hands it to you and you happily take it.
"didn't take you for the metallica type"
"i mean, a song or two of theirs doesn't hurt every now and then. but this is for a friend's birthday" he nods.
"there's one more thing i need, and i'll officially be done." you then headed to the d's and found the cd you were looking for.
girls on film - duran duran
robin had been talking about how she wanted this cd for a while but was too broke to get it. lucky her, you loved spending money on people. you walk back to the counter and put all three cd's down on the counter. sal scans them and hands them back to you. you and steve bid him a goodbye, not before sal tells you two to come visit him since he 'gets lonely.'
"you bought another can't take my eyes off you cd?"
"yeah. the first one was for your car. and now this one's for my car. and the girls on film cd is for madam buckley" he chuckles but nods.
"where to next?"
"could use some more ice cream"
"you read my mind, y/n" steve heads to the ice cream parlor. once you get there, you two head inside, the same young girl from yesterday at the counter.
"ah, the lovely couple from yesterday. hired a babysitter for the little ones?" you chuckle, shaking your head.
"oh no no. those weren't our kids yesterday. relatives. we are the babysitters" she nods
"sorry for the misunderstanding" she gives you a weak smile
"no worries" you give her a smile back
"i'll have strawberry, but in a waffle cone this time" you then tell her and she nods
"any toppings?" you shake your head
"i'll go without this time" the girl nods and she makes your cone, handing it to you.
"ill have the same as her, but with sprinkles" steve says and she nods, making his. she hands it to him and rings you two up, handing you your receipt.
"enjoy" you both give her a smile and go to a booth and sit down. you slide into one side and steve slides into the opposite side
"this is the best ice cream i've ever had" you say as the familiar taste welcomes you
"agreed" you two eat the ice cream, talking about anything and everything. you then decide to head back to house since it was nearing the time you had to leave. besides, you also had to get ready. the dinner place everyone was going to was an hour away. by the time you make it home, it's 3 o' clock. you guys had to leave around 7-ish to be at the place on time. meaning around 6 you had to start getting ready. that leaves you with three hours of free time.
"wanna go watch a movie?" you asked steve. he nods and you guys head up to your room. you let out a sigh as soon as you fall onto the bed. you grab the remote and stop on risky business.
"risky business?"
"why do you question every choice i make?"
"because sometimes you have questionable decisions" you roll your eyes. the movie is beginning to start and steve is still standing with his arms crossed.
"sit down, will you? tom cruise is about to be on the screen" steve rolls his eyes and mumbles something along the lines of 'here she goes again' and he sits down beside you. as much of a moody teenage girl that he is, he couldn't keep his eyes away from the movie even if he tried. once it was over, you handed him the remote
"find something to put on with the remaining time we have" he listened and stopped on pink panther. you two got deep into the show, too. time flies by, so you decided to check the clock and see that it's 5:48. you decide to get up and start getting ready. you head into the bathroom and change out of your previous outfit, slipping on the dress. you look at yourself in the mirror and do a spin, the skirt spinning with you.
you smile and walk out. you step in front of the bed and steve looks at you, his jaw ajar.
"y/n... wow" you smooth out your skirt, looking down at it. you then look back at steve
"is it too much?" you question, nervous that you may be overdressed for the occasion. steve vigorously shakes his head.
"no no. of course not. you just look... wow. you look wow"
"you're giving me so much to work with, harrington" you roll your eyes and he gulps
"i just don't think there's any word in the english language to describe how you look right now"
"is that a good thing or bad thing?" you ask, looking up at him
"good thing" you nod and play around with your fingers
"i, uh, gotta get ready," steve says and you nod, moving out of his way so he can reach his clothes. he gets his shirt and pants and heads to the bathroom to change. you, on the other hand, added some volumizing spray to your hair and teased it a bit before you were satisfied with the way it looked. steve then walked out wearing a pair of dark slacks with a navy blue striped shirt tucked into the pants. the top two buttons are undone and he has the sleeves folded up to his elbow. he's wearing his infamous nike shoes with it.
"uh... y/n?" he asks, waving a hand in your face. you snap out of your trance
"yeah?" steve chuckles
"you okay?"
"yeah. mhm" you nod your head
"did you hear my question?" you shake your head
"i asked if this looks good or not? i didn't really know since i'm no fashionista" you laugh, but nod your head
"steve, it's an amazing outfit. you look good" you give him a smile and the. butterflies. he. gets. he nods though, giving you a smile back
"it's 6:30 now, wanna head down?" you nod and he holds out his arm for you. you hook yours around his and you two leave the room, heading downstairs. when you two get down there, everyone's eyes are on you.
"look at the gorgeous couple," diane says, walking over to you. "you both clean up nice" you give her a smile
"thank you diane. your dress is absolutely beautiful" she thanks you and pulls both of you into the living room.
"y/n!" wendy and nicole shout, running up and attaching themselves to both of your legs. you smile down at them and crouch down. you place a hand on each of their cheeks.
"don't you girls look very pretty," they both smile
"thank you," they say simultaneously
"you're so very welcome" you stand up and steve comes to stand behind you, placing a hand around your waist. wendy and nicole let out little 'ooooohs' and giggle. you roll your eyes but laugh at their antics. they both run off somewhere and you sit down on a couch with steve.
"y/n, look at you!" you hear cynthia yell and your face goes red. you weren't used to getting this much attention in one day so it was all new to you.
"thank you, cynthia. you look gorgeous yourself" she did a little twirl
"found this dress at a thrift store"
"really?" she nods her head
"you know what they say," you start and she looks at you. "one girl's trash is another girl's treasure" she nods
"got that right" you both talk for a minute and steve traces patterns on your shoulder. soon, it comes to time to leaving and you and steve head to his car. he stops you. he heads to the passenger side and opens the door for you. you laugh
"why thank you kind sir" he laughs and closes your door, heading to his side. he slides in beside you and starts the car, pulling out of his designated parking spot. you two are now on the road again.
"what do you want to listen to?" steve shrugs and you search through his plethora of cd's. you decided on i will survive. the piano from the beginning of the song started playing and you prepared yourself to sing along. steve even sang along with you. the whole ride to the dinner consisted of you and steve having your very own karaoke session and him resting his right hand on your thigh. at one point, you even serenaded steve with the entirety of bohemian rhapsody. now, that, he enjoyed
steve finally pulls up to the place and you stare at it in adoration. wow, this place was huge. you two exit the car and steve grabs your hand, heading inside. once you step foot in the place, you feel a little overwhelmed. so you squeeze steve's hand for reassurance and he squeezes it back. you stop at the front and a petite woman with her hair in an updo asks you a question
"name and how many?"
"oh, there's a reservation under 'harrington'" the lady nods and leads you two to the table where you see just about everyone sitting. you and steve take a seat beside margaret.
"don't you two look lovely" you smile at her
"thank you margaret. you look nice yourself," she looks down at her dress
"this old thing? please, i had to clean dust off of it i haven't worn it so long" you laugh and a waiter comes to the table and takes everybody's order, and there were a lot of people. someone's getting a raise tonight. once the waiter left, everyone immersed in conversation. you decided to talk to margaret as steve talked to whatever relative sat next to him. the waiter then comes back and hands everyone their drinks, then asking if you were all ready to order.
it takes about ten minutes to get everyone's order before he's off again and you're all back in conversation. this time you talk to steve.
"so, what do you think so far? just say the word and we can leave" you roll your eyes
"we don't have to leave just because of me, steve. and besides... i like it so far"
"you do?" you nod and he smiles
"see, you got this y/n" you nod, trying to convince yourself that you got this. thirty minutes and five waiters/waitresses later, everyone has their food. you're halfway through your linguine when jack (steve's dad) speaks up.
"so, james, how'd you get that big bruise on the side of your face? did you wrestle a bear or something?" james is a couple seats down from you and you can see him briefly glance at you and steve.
"steve punched me" at his comment, jack and an older man who you're assuming is james' father look at steve. whereas you look at james.
"steve harrington! i thought i raised you better than this" steve kept opening and closing his mouth.
"i- i didn't punch him. i swear" jack doesn't buy it and james' dad is giving steve a dirty look.
"son, what have i said about lying?" steve is at a loss of words right now, not believing his ears, and neither are you.
"that explains how you got those marks on your face" was jack just completely oblivious to your wrapped knuckles? you look over at james, and he has a satisfied smirk on his face.
"i'm being serious, dad. i didn't punch him" jack rolls his eyes.
"do you know how many times i've-" you cut jack off by banging your fists on the table. everybody's attention seemed to be on you and you stood up.
"mr. harrington, i have nothing but the utmost respect for you and your family, and i'm glad you guys were kind enough to let me join you tonight. but i will not sit back and tolerate you putting the blame on steve for something that i did. that's right. i'm the one that gave james that nasty bruise he's sporting on his face. and albeit he deserved it, too. steve and i were just trying to lounge peacefully on the terrace yesterday when the prick over there decided to start running that big mouth of his and he called me a bitch. pardon my french, but that's what he did.
"now, when i first arrived here, james kept treating me as if i were some object or some piece of meat. no. that's not what i am. and quite frankly, i don't tolerate that. i know when to stick up for myself and i can fight my own battles. so when he called me that, he had it coming for him. now, i've tried to be nothing but respectful, but chosing your nephew's side over your son's?? downright wrong. you didn't even give him a chance to explain."
you then hold up your hand, showing him your wrapped knuckles.
"this enough proof for you?" you then walk away and out of the restaurant. you lean up against a wall of the restaurant, closing your eyes as the cool, night breeze blowed on you. you inhaled, the air filling your lungs. you needed some sort of grounding right now, because if not, you might just give james a matching bruise on the left side of his face. a couple tears of anger made their way down your face and you sighed.
the door to the restaurant opened and you looked to see who it is. you saw steve standing there, looking around for you. he finally spotted you and his eyes met yours. he rushed over to you and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. you two stand there for a while, just hugging before steve pulls apart. he grabs your face in his hands and bends down slightly so that he's eye-level with you. you wouldn't meet his eyes though.
"hey, look at me," you eventually look at him and he gives you a smile. "there's those pretty eyes. i am so unbelievably proud of you for what you did"
"really?" you whisper. he nods
"absofuckinglutely. nobody has ever stood up for me the way you did back there," you give him a weak nod. "you have no idea how proud i am of you, y/n" he stands back up to his full height, pulling you back into a hug. he rests his jaw atop of your head. it goes quiet for a bit before he starts to sway the both of you, softly singing you guys' song.
(can't take my eyes off you wink wink)
you close your eyes as the two of you stand there in the night, swaying and steve singing. he had a pretty damn good voice. of course you'll never tell him that though, because it'll only inflate his ego even more.
you two ended up heading back home. the whole car ride there was silent, but a peaceful silence. around 11, you arrive home and you and steve head straight to bed. he calls dibs on the bathroom first, so you let him go, sitting on the bed. you stared off at nothing before steve came out, back in his sleepwear. you grab your pajamas and head to change as well. when you come back out, steve was looking through the channels on the tv for something to watch.
you two sat there watching scooby-doo and soon, steve fell asleep. you, however, couldn't sleep. you quietly got up, heading to the balcony you recently discovered the room had and stood outside. you leaned against the railing, staring up at the starry sky. all the stars glittering above you made you feel at peace.
you had always found tranquility in the moon and stars. stargazing was your favorite pastime. it just always made you feel like there was a purpose. a reason to keep going. you'd always tell your brother how whenever you died, you didn't want to be a ghost. you wanted to be a star.
you wanted people to look up at you one night and get the same feeling that the stars gave you. belonging. normalcy. you were snapped out of your thoughts by two arms wrapping themselves around your waist. you then feel steve press a kiss to your shoulder.
"what's on your mind?" he softly speaks
"the stars," you lean back into his arms, looking back up at the sky. steve does the same thing and you two just stand there for a minute, stargazing. you let out a quiet laugh
"i'd always tell anthony how when i died, i wanted to become a star"
"yeah?" you nod "i bet you'd be the brightest star out there" you hum and he kisses the top of your head.
"i'm sorry"
"for what?"
"for ruining the dinner earlier," steve turns you around to face him and gently tilts your jaw up
"hey, you didn't ruin it at all. if anything, you gave them dinner and a show" he gives you a smile and you lightly laugh.
"i suppose so"
"i know so. now come on, let's go to bed" you nod and he grabs your hand, gently tugging you back inside. he locks the balcony door behind him, closing the curtains back. he then comes slide back into bed beside you and you let out a yawn, finally feeling tired.
"g'night steve"
"goodnight y/n" you close your eyes and soon let sleep envelop you.
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tags: @btsinurmom @lovelyela @fezcomybeloved @manuosorioh @preciousbabypeter @in-this-minute @k-k0129 @prettysbliss @hcloangcls @simonsbluee @joekeeryswife @scoobiessnacks @frostandflamesfanfic
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masterlist: masterlist
a/n: this is by far my favorite part that i have written, and yes, i am changing the name. because it feels more significant to the story than the previous title
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hello, can you share your headcanons for LIs with insecure s/o please? from DoL
Now - I typically don't do school LIs, but since everyone's taking breaks right now I can feed some crumbs. You guys must miss them, huh?
Alex: Alex is gonna kiss your cheek first thing in the morning, as you both watch TV and drink your morning brews. If you've voiced your insecurities, they'll do this as a way of silently telling you "I love you and you're beautiful," without having to bring the topic up and risk you spiralling now it's in your mind.
If the insecurity is about skill, though? Alex is competitive. They don't lose easily, and never on purpose. But when you do beat them? They'll let you know how good you are. Because Alex is the best. That makes you the best squared.
Avery: Lets be real, unless you're fitting to their standards, Avery is going to be a tough person to be around. While at low anger they may not express anything out-right, the disapproving "Hm" they do when they see you do something they don't like is enough to let you know that they don't think you're good enough.
But they like that insecurity, because they can use it to manipulate you into being perfect. What may seem like a downside for others is a great boon to them. They'll use that and the money to keep you at their beck-and-call. Only once you meet the standards will they start complimenting you proper.
Black Wolf: What the fucks and insecurity and why do you even care about those things? You're a wolf, you should only care about helping the pack, having fun, and being free. And letting them take you when they need, because they're the alpha, but that goes without saying. No more petty human stuff. You're better than that.
Eden: Like Avery, uses it against you. But Eden love-bombs. They 100% want you to notice that they compliment you most when having sex, or when you do something for them. They want you to notice how bad it feels when you're left alone with your thoughts. You should crave them, crave to be at their cabin where they'll always return after a hunt and you can crawl into their lap for some much needed words of affirmation as you slip your hand down their pants.
It's how this works, right? You compliment them when doing stuff for them, too, like when you wash them in the bath. They do want more affirmations them self, but they know that they might not believe them if you do it too much.
Great Hawk: Also doesn't get it. Insecurities are only present in them when you refuse gifts, so they take it as meaning they did something to make you displeased. If so, then of course they should so everything ever to show their spouse how amazing they are!
Expect like, many gifts in the future. The tower will be overcrowded with gifts if you don't stop them and explain that it's a thing humans feel, and you just need to talk/cuddle/learn your thing better. They kinda get it after that, but still get confused.
Kylar: Feels like they did something wrong and likely cries about it when you voice an insecurity. They don't understand that they can't fix all of your problems and take it personally. Will try their best to cater to your needs after you voice them, but do beware that they're prone to go overboard and end up draining you.
Boundaries are an important thing in a relationship with Kylar. You have to be crystal damn clear when setting them, and reaffirm them when you need to. They will push it, because they think they know best.
Robin: Listens to your issues, and takes them to heart. They're just them, they're just Robin, and they them self have a lot of confidence issues, so they choose to share theirs's too, to help you feel better. See? You're not alone. They get insecure about Bailey calling them a waif, about not passing the next history exam, about not being able to protect you when you need it.
Their point is, it's normal. We all feel it sometimes, but you'll work on it together. At your pace.
Sydney: You're their pride and joy. Their saviour or corruptor. They can't be having this! But they don't have any relationship experience, so they go to the one who does - Sirris. Asks their parent all about how they helped their other parent through hard times, and once they get the gist of the situation (maybe they also asked Jordan, because Jordan's got some sound advice) then they'll come ask what you need.
Is a very supportive partner, and if it comes to academic stuff, they always offer to help you study while they work the library.
Whitney: Oh no. Oooohhhh no. They'll use it against you in the worst ways. They'll use it to insult you and make you feel lower than you ever have, just so you know how much power they have over you.
You're the slut, they're the master. But on occasion, when you're all alone and they think you aren't listening, they'll whisper a compliment about you to them self. That, and the fact that they punch people for insulting you because "Only they can say things about their slut," tell you that they do care. They're just shitty at showing it.
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