#Thorns and Wolfsbane
haveyoureadthisfanfic · 5 months
Summary: Sabine comes across a white wolf in the forests of Peridea.
Author: @steepedfoxglovetea
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florsial · 7 months
It's been a while since I looked at flowers so here are Marauders era characters as plants:
James Potter: Sunflowers since he's commonly associated with the sun. Or delphinium for positivity and a big heart!
Sirius Black: Ivy, the common ivy, or English or European ivy. It's a symbol of loyalty and fidelity. Fits enough for me.
Remus Lupin: Wolfsbane. Believed to repel werewolves, and it's used in a potion in the Wizarding World. But if we want a less angsty plant there is also the tropical white morning glory. It's also known as a moonflower and symbolizes the ability of beauty to emerge in dark times, and is used to provide hope.
Peter Pettigrew: Burgundy dahlias for betrayal, for obvious reasons. But also purple hyacinths for a desire for forgiveness. Cuz I'm hell bent that Peter was regretful of what he did in canon
Lily Evans: I'm not gonna give her lily, that seems a little too obvious lol but, peonies! They symbolize love, honor, happiness wealth, romance, and beauty. Which yk, works well in my eyes
Mary Macdonald: Poppies for remembrance of the death and consolation. It's based on the headcanon she obliviated herself sometime before to during the first wizarding war because everything was getting too much for her. Also, poppies are used to create opium, which relieves pain. It's pretty sad ngl, that hc always gets me.
Marlene McKinnon: King Protea, it's very sharp-looking flower that symbolizes strength and resilience. Not much info is given about Marlene during the war except her entire family was wiped out, but given her personality in fanon. I imagine she put up a hella good fight. I would give this to Dorcas but I have another one for her.
Slytherins! (Including Pandora!)
Regulus Black: Thorns! Rose thorns mostly, but just thorns in general. From what I read, rose thorns show adversity and sacrifice. Regulus had the misfortune of being born into a family with shit views and never having a morally correct input his entire life and he basically sacrificed his life to bring down the Dark Lord. Thorns are always ways for a plant to deter herbivores from eating them, take that as you will!
Barty Crouch Jr: Bleeding hearts, cuz yeahhhh, everlasting love? Unrequited love?? Tragedy compacted into one. His daddy issues too?? Him pleading for his dad to love him?? HIS MOTHER GIVING UP HER LAST MOMENTS FOR HIM??? EVAN AND REGULUS???? CMON CMONNNNN
Evan Rosier: Venus Fly Trap for persistence. This man was not willing to end up in Azkaban and took Moody's fucking nose with him. Venus fly traps are also known to die right after digestion aka eating a fly so it fits! (I LOVEEE carnivorous plants)
Dorcas Meadows: Laurel leaves for victory and achievement. Specifically, laurel leaves in a wreath. I think it's neat since she was powerful enough that Voldemort had to kill her himself. Mf was takin them out one by one until Voldy decided she was too op. LOVE HER FOR THAT
Pandora Rosier: Not the most hottest flower (lol), but the amaranth, while it could also mean everlasting last love, but it also means hopelessness or hopeless love. This only really works if you see Pandora as a seer. Something I think is interesting is the fact that fate is fate, it's sealed and final, and there is never a way around it. If you try to get around fate, you walk right into it because you never a chance. Pandora as a seer would've saw her friends and classmates dying and can't do anything about it because fate is sealed from the very beginning. It's hopeless.
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sslowdeathh · 9 months
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requested by anon, forgive me for the wait ,,
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Lupa(s). Enyo*. Farkas. Vilkas. Yiva. Aela. Romulus. Remus. Callisto. Grey. Wolfsbane. Fang. Silver. Anton. Dion. Wolfgang. Clifton. Skinner*. One of our own collective names: Beowulf. Lycan. Claude. Canis. Hunter. Kiba. Loer. Carbon. Alucard. Briar. Thorne. Howell*. Blair. Rowan. Boris. Vaud. Vervain. Satyr. Bordeaux*. Neuri. Verbotene*.
* names would probably work best as surnames!
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Wolf wolves. Bite bites. Fang fangs. Fur furs. Chomp chomps. Moon moons. Night nights. Lycan lycans. Dog dogs. Kill kills. Tooth teeth. Growl growls. Snarl snarls. Death deaths. Scratch scratches. Tear torn. Claw claws. Ha harm. Rip ripped. Maul mauls. Bark barks. Sniff sniffs. Chase chased.
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Lycanthropy. Lycanthrope. Were(animal). Forest-dweller. Halfboy. Halfgirl. Wolflike. Doglike. Clawed. Deadog. Dead-dog. i couldn't think of many, i'm sorry :(
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The shapeshifter. The werecat. The (colour)-eyed wolf. The wolf impersonator. This humans wrongness. The boy that lurks the woods. The boy lost to the trees. The one that howls at the moon. He who's invisible in the darkness. The false dog.
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the-mortuary-witch · 4 months
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ABUNDANCE: anise seed, bay leaves, bay laurel, basil, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, coriander, ginger, juniper berry, lemongrass, nutmeg, and St. John’s wort. 
AVOIDING DANGER: bay laurel, garlic, holly, mistletoe, parsley, rue, sage, St. John’s wort, thyme, and witch hazel. 
ACTIVATE ENERGY: ashwagandha, astragalus, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, gotu kola, guarana, licorice root, maca, muira puama, panax ginseng, rhodiola, schisandra powder, stinging nettle, Siberian motherwort, tribulus, and white peony. 
ANXIETY: ashwagandha, chamomile, California poppy, catnip, golden root, holy basil, kava, lavender, lemon balm, oat straw, passion flower, skullcap, valerian root, wood betony, wild lettuce, lemon verbena, valerian, ginger root, celery, jojoba, and ginger root. 
ASTRAL TRAVEL: blue lotus, Mexican dream herb, mugwort, African dream root, wormwood, skullcap, yopo, belladonna, henbane, sage of the seers, nutmeg, cannabis, kanna, thorn-apple, blue tea, and calamus. 
AWARENESS: blue vervain, brain tonic, ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, holy basil, lemon balm, lion's tail, oat straw, rhodiola rosea, and rosemary. 
ANIMALS (TO WORK WITH): catnip, mugwort, parsley, rose, sage, wormwood, devil's claw, dittany of Crete, horsetail, mullein, plantain, thyme, and yarrow.
BALANCING: ashwagandha, chamomile, kava, lemon balm, passion flower, rhodiola rosea, schizandra, ginseng, valerian, wood netony, chaste tree berry, damiana, hops, angelica sinensis, ginkgo biloba, kratom, maca, St. John’s wort, niacin, and Siberian motherwort. 
BANISHING: mugwort, angelica, hyssop, verbena, peppermint, mint, yarrow, wormwood, parsley, oregano, sage, rosemary, lavender, bay leaf, thyme, patchouli, eucalyptus, pine, St. John's wort, and basil. 
BINDING: bindweed, cannabis, rose thorns, stinging nettle, vervain, yarrow, devil’s shoestring, mugwort, catnip, dandelion, dill, skullcap, rose, and cardamom. 
BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT: alfalfa, allspice, basil, cayenne powder, cinnamon, cloves, dill, pecans, rosemary, and turmeric. 
CALM AND SOOTHE: lemon balm, chamomile, passionflower, lavender, ashwagandha, kava, valerian, St. John’s wort, holy basil, melisa, rhodiola, hops, skullcap, ginseng, and turmeric. 
CHALLENGES / DIFFICULTIES: skullcap, ashwagandha, bacopa, chamomile, passionflower, rhodiola, valerian, St. John’s wort, holy basil, lemon balm, nettle, oat straw, rehmannia, schisandra, and ginseng. 
CHANGES / TRANSLATIONS: dandelion root, ashwagandha, reishi, holy basil, ginseng, alfalfa, nettle, burdock root, and oat straw. 
CLARITY: ginger, ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, ashwagandha, bacopa monnieri, rhodiola, green tea, ginseng, dandelion root, holy basil, rosemary, tulsi, brahmi, skullcap, oat straw, and lingzhi. 
CONFIDENCE: peppermint, St. John’s wort, lavender, lemon balm, passionflower, valerian root, bay leaves, cedar, cloves, coconut, ginger, ginseng, hops, honeysuckle, California poppy, fennel seeds, nutmeg, orris root, red clover, rosemary, and yarrow. 
COURAGE: rosemary, calamus, borage, yarrow, sage, milky oats, ashwagandha, cacao, pepper, nettle, basil, chives, horseradish, skullcap, ginger, brahmi, dandelion, St. John’s wort, lemon balm, passionflower, rhodiola, oat straw, lingzhi, ginseng, and tulsi. 
CREATIVITY: damiana, sage, ashwagandha, bacopa, lavender, passionflower, calamus, gotu kola, lemon balm, ginkgo, green tea, mugwort, cumin, ginger, cannabis, basil, and coriander. 
DEATH / ANCESTORS / AFTERLIFE: rosemary, chamomile, lavender, parsley, wormwood, pine, cannabis, mugwort, bay leaves, cedar, belladonna, angel’s trumpet, and wolfsbane. 
DIVINATION: wormwood, mugwort, datura, deadly nightshade, morning glory, valerian, skullcap, blue lotus, wormwood, belladonna, mugwort, and black cohosh. 
DREAMWORK: mugwort, chamomile, lavender, valerian, lemon balm, catnip, yarrow, passionflower, motherwort, and betony. 
FEAR (TO SUBDUE): lavender, chamomile, kava, valerian, passionflower, skullcap, lemon balm, hops, catnip, ashwagandha, and theanine. 
FERTILITY: maca, ashwagandha, black cohosh, red clover, chasteberry, peony, raspberry, cinnamon, shatavari, dong quai, ginseng, liquorice, nettles, saw palmetto, milk thistle, false unicorn, motherwort, and shilajit. 
FIDELITY: bay leaves, chasteberry, white horehound, lady's mantle, jasmine, catnip, vervain, St. John’s wort, damiana, yohimbe, and wood betony. 
FOCUS / CONCENTRATION: ginkgo biloba, rosemary, peppermint, bacopa, gotu kola, waterhyssop, sceletium tortuosum, green tea, and theanine. 
FORGIVENESS: rue, chamomile, rosemary, lemon balm, rose, linden, sage, lavender, valerian, holy basil, yarrow, skullcap, and St. John’s wort. 
FRIENDSHIP: alstroemeria, Adam’s needle, ivy, zinnias, chamomile, tulips, iris, geraniums, calla lilies, thyme, basil, marjoram, dill, sage, bamboo, lemon verbena, hibiscus, jasmine, elderflower, aloe vera, cactus, jade plant, daises, forget-me-nots, sunflower, sweet pea, hydrangea, peace lilies, and yarrow. 
GRIEF / SORROW (TO DEAL WITH): lemon balm, St. John’s wort, valerian, lavender, motherwort, hawthorn, rose, tulsi, passionflower, ashwagandha, basil, milky oats, linden, mimosa, skullcap, and oatstraw. 
GROUND AND CENTRE ENERGY: holy basil, chamomile, passionflower, lavender, rose, ginger root, cinnamon, liquorice root, lemon balm, rhodiola, sage, damiana, kava, rosemary, skullcap, ashwagandha, and valerian. 
GROWTH: shatavari, maca, ashwagandha, alfalfa, kelp, spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, tribulus terrestris, ginkgo biloba, sea moss, dandelion, astragalus, and reishi mushroom. 
GUIDANCE: mugwort, bay leaves, wormwood, rosemary, sage, motherwort, blue lotus, hyssop, St. John’s wort, valerian, damiana, gotu kola, blue vervain, lemon balm, yarrow, rose buds, passionflower, and chasteberry.  
HEALING: garlic, chamomile, feverfew, ginger, echinacea, goldenseal, stinging thistle, ginkgo, calendula, dandelion, ginseng, liquorice, and elderberry. 
HEARTBREAK (TO RECOVER FROM): rose, lavender, motherwort, thyme, linden, hawthorn, skullcap, lemon balm, blue vervain, and passionflower. 
HEXES (TO AVOID/BREAK): thistle, marigold, mullein, nettle, horehound, bayberry, mugwort, yarrow, oak, mint, holy basil, rosemary, pine, black cohosh, thyme, St. John’s wort, garlic, yucca, and vervain.
HEALTH: garlic,chamomile, feverfew, ginger, echinacea, goldenseal, ginkgo, calendula, ginseng, milk thistle, St. John’s wort, saw palmetto, and valerian. 
HOME / FAMILY: lavender, basil, yarrow, chamomile, rosemary, mint, lemon balm, hyssop, vervain, and mugwort. 
INSIGHT: blue lotus, mugwort, wormwood, lettuce, yerba mate, damiana, blue vervain, skullcap, passionflower, sage, juniper, sandalwood, and bay laurel. 
INSPIRATION: rhodiola, ginseng, sage, guarana, peppermint, passionflower, rosemary, ashwagandha, gotu kola, damiana, blue lotus, rose, skullcap, ylang-ylang, mugwort, St. John’s wort, and blue vervain. 
KNOWLEDGE / LEARNING: green tea, rosemary, brahmi, gotu kola, sage, lemon balm, yerba mate, ashwagandha, ginkgo biloba, holy basil, hawthorn, linden, chasteberry, dandelion, hyssop, and skullcap. 
LOSS (TO DEAL WITH): ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, turmeric, cayenne pepper, ginseng, fenugreek, cumin, caralluma fimbriata, gurmar, cardamom, dandelion, garlic, lemon balm, peppermint, rose, triphala, tulsi, ashwagandha, hawthorn, and linden. 
LOVE / ROMANCE: damiana, catnip, vervain, rose, yang yang, rose petals, jasmine, ginger, saffron, black pepper, cardamom, sandalwood, bay leaf, lavender, marjoram, linden, bergamot, and fennel.
LUCK: clovers, dandelion, bay leaf, High John the Conqueror, basil, cinnamon, allspice, catnip, St. John’s wort, lavender, lady’s mantle, oak, ginger, mint, chamomile, patchouli, holy basil, mistletoe, marigold, calendula, Irish moss, cloves, and goldenrod. 
MANIFESTATION: basil, calendula, mint, rosemary, sage, lavender, bay leaf, cinnamon, bamboo, mugwort, sandalwood, allspice, yarrow, High John the Conqueror, catnip, and jasmine.
MARRIAGE: rosemary, holy basil, catnip, bay leaf, lavender, marjoram, rose petals, jasmine, bergamot, and linden. 
MONEY: rue, cinnamon, bay leaf, cloves, thyme, rosemary, garlic, dandelion, catnip, allspice, lemon balm, yarrow, black pepper, wormwood, parsley, nettle, chamomile, sage, basil, and oregano. 
MOTIVATION: green tea, damiana, gotu kola, St. John’s wort, ashwagandha, ginkgo biloba, brahmi, sage, liquorice, and ginger. 
NEGATIVITY (TO DISPEL/AVERT/PROTECTION FROM): cedar, sage, rosemary, holy basil, eucalyptus, yarrow, lavender, thyme, peppermint, rue, juniper, mint, hyssop, nettle, bayberry, mugwort, dandelion, clove, basil, and garlic. 
NIGHTMARES (TO WARD OFF/SUBDUE): wormwood, black pepper, skullcap, passionflower, California poppy, valerian, catnip, mugwort, blue vervain, lemon balm, rose, St. John’s wort, lavender, jasmine, yarrow, bay leaf, mullein, bayberry, ginger, and holy basil.
OBSTACLES (TO OVERCOME): hyssop, mullein, gotu kola, lavender, sage, vervain, thyme, holy basil, St. John’s wort, ashwagandha, green tea, brahmi, lemon balm, yarrow, marjoram, rosemary, nettle, chamomile, and bay leaf.
OPTIMISM: damiana, gotu kola, passionflower, skullcap, nettle, black tea, sage, blue lotus, green tea, St. John’s wort, ginger, vervain, mullein, lavender, jasmine, chamomile, bay leaf, lemon balm, ginger, and rose.
PEACE / TRANQUILITY: myrrh, rose, peppermint, chamomile, lavender, skullcap, holy basil, ashwagandha, St. John’s wort, passionflower, rosemary, valerian, sage, Persian silk tree, lemongrass, gotu kola, nettle, thyme, bay leaf, mugwort, and kava.
PROSPERITY / ABUNDANCE: basil, mint, cinnamon, patchouli, chamomile, allspice, ginger, nutmeg, rosemary, bay leaf, calendula, honeysuckle, clove, Irish moss, thyme, alfalfa, bayberry, clover, dandelion, nettle, oregano, dill, and poppy.
PROTECTION / DEFENCE: aloe, cinnamon, sandalwood, dragon’s blood, rue, eucalyptus, comfrey, rose, chamomile, St. John’s wort, cedar, mugwort, cayenne pepper, nettle, bay, angelica, thyme, sage, peppermint, lavender, basil, and rosemary.
PSYCHIC ABILITIES (TO ENHANCE): frankincense, wormwood, valerian, thyme, nettle, anise, lemongrass, gotu kola, angelica, bay leaf, chamomile, sage, rose, yarrow, lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and mugwort.
PURIFICATION / CLEANSING: sage, cedar, rosemary, lavender, palo santo, basil, peppermint, red clover, dandelion, frankincense, mugwort, nettle, bay leaf, burdock, chamomile, juniper, parsley, copal, sweetgrass, angelica, cilantro, eucalyptus, ginger, and cinnamon.
RELATIONSHIPS: rose, spearmint, lavender, jasmine, basil, damiana, catnip, ginger, patchouli, hibiscus, rosemary, thyme, cardamom, lemon balm, clove, jasmine, fennel, bay leaf, sage, dill, vanilla, ashwagandha, black cohosh, ginseng, calendula, meadowsweet, and cinnamon.
REMOVE / RELEASE: rue, black pepper, sage, rosemary, mint, lemon juice, hyssop, mullein, vervain, wormwood, nettle, garlic, dandelion, bay leaf, catnip, lavender, lemon palm, and parsley.
RENEWAL / REBIRTH / NEW BEGINNINGS: holy basil, gotu kola, rosemary, yarrow, ashwagandha, mullein, basil, chamomile, St. John’s wort, rose petals, lemon balm, vervain, mint, nettle, sage, mugwort, and damiana.
SEX / SEXUALITY: saffron, yohimbe, saw palmetto, chavohuasca, pomegranate peel, musli, chasteberry, longjack, chamomile, fenugreek, shatavari, barrenwort, saffron, damiana, ashwagandha, ginkgo, maca, bindii, and red ginseng.
SPIRIT GUIDES: yarrow, thyme, rose, myrrh, sweet grass, bay leaf, peppermint, nettle, mugwort, frankincense, chamomile, angelica, rosemary, cedar, basil, sage, and lavender.
SPIRITUALITY: lavender, sage, basil, rosemary, angelica, cedar, frankincense, chamomile, mugwort, nettle, peppermint, bay leaf, sweet grass, myrrh, rose, thyme, and yarrow.
STABILITY: ginger, parsley, St. John’s wort, lavender, mullein, catnip, rosemary, holy basil, lemon balm, and gotu kola.
STRENGTH: turmeric, maca, ashwagandha, ginseng, rhodiola, brahmi, shilajit, tulsi, astragalus, cordyceps, ginger, liquorice, gotu kola, astragalus, nettle, schisandra, and green tea.
STRESS: rhodiola, lavender, valerian, brahmi, kava, skullcap, peppermint, milky oats, liquorice, hops, St. John’s wort, turmeric, ginseng, tulsi, passionflower, chamomile, lemon balm, and ashwagandha.
SUCCESS: mint, basil, rosemary, cinnamon, allspice, dandelion, calendula, patchouli, bay leaf, ginger, lavender, chamomile, nutmeg, dill, honeysuckle, Irish moss, lemongrass, nettle, and peppermint.
TRUST: bayberry, lemon balm, rue, marjoram, bay leaf, hyssop, black pepper, damiana, rose petals, yarrow, valerian, wormwood, nettle, lavender, vervain, and jasmine.
TRUTH: mugwort, rue, mullein, skullcap, rosemary, hyssop, bay leaf, holy basil, thyme, and peppermint.
WELL-BEING: green tea, ashwagandha, holy basil, reishi mushroom, lemon balm, chamomile, ginger, liquorice, and turmeric.
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bestfictionalplant · 7 months
Bracket reveal
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Text version under cut!
The tourney is split into 4 32 brackets, and the winners of each will go to the semi finals! I'll make a different post about HOW the tourney will run, and this will serve as a pinned post for round 1 :)
Bracket 1, Side 1
Peppino (Vampire Survivors) vs Winged Strawberry (Celeste)
Herb (Monster Hunter) vs Triffids (Day of the Triffids)
Gigi (Xiaolin Showdown) vs Silent Princess (The Legend of Zelda)
Breath of Evil (Wings of Fire) vs Thorn Thallid (Magic the Gathering)
Audrey II (Little Shop of Horrors) vs Farewell Flower (Mistborn)
Togemon (Digimon) vs Silverwood Tree (Witch Hat Atelier)
Golden Apple Tree (Greek Mythology) vs Potbelly (My Singing Monsters)
Sculk (Minecraft) vs MocDonald (One Piece)
Bracket 1, Side 2
Vida (The Promised Neverland) vs Glaze Lily (Genshin Impact)
Dr Brewer's Clone (Goosebumps) vs The Spring (Friends at the Table)
Kite Eating Tree (Peanuts) vs Zotoh Zhaan (Farscape)
Wheel Tree (His Dark Materials) vs Mushtree (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist)
Medusoid Mycelium (A Series of Unfortunate Events) vs Radial (Ooblets)
Chikorita (Pokemon) vs Blast Cone (League of Legends)
Gooloog (AAAHH!!! Real Monsters) vs Venus (Bug Fables)
The Thorian (Mass Effect) vs Yggdrasil (Norse Mythology)
Bracket 2, Side 1
Deku Tree (The Legend of Zelda) vs Blood Blossoms (Danny Phantom)
Hotblonde37159 (Angel: The Series) vs Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
Kinoko (Don't Hurt Me, My Healer) vs Wolfsbane (The Vampire Diaries)
Plant (Monster Rancher) vs Flower of Life (Mesopotamian Mythology)
Truffula Tree (The Lorax) vs Slurperon Enchantress (Internet Scam)
The Brain Tree (Neopets) vs Ginseng Baby (Scarlet Hollow)
Chompy (Bug Fables) vs Whispy Woods (Kirby)
Clavu (Overlord) vs Ivern (League of Legends)
Bracket 2, Side 2
Bulbasaur (Pokemon) vs The Trees of Valinor (Lord of the Rings)
Leslie (The Amazing World of Gumball) vs Hayzee Dayzee (Paper Mario)
Piranha Plant (Mario) vs Specimen 34/The Blessed Eternal (Wolf 359)
Potted Plant (Wander Over Yonder) vs Morbuzakh (Bionicle)
Jabe & the Trees of Cheem (Doctor Who) vs Black Mercy (DC)
Mr Plant (The World of Mr Plant) vs Feculant Gnarlmaw (Warhammer 40k)
Tree Rex (Skylanders) vs Flowey (Undertale)
Sundrop Flower (Tangled) vs Venus McFlytrap (Monster High)
Bracket 3, Side 1
Pinchley (Long Gone Gulch) vs Frank the Plant (Harley Quinn: the Animated Series)
The Venus (Hello From the Hallowoods) vs Nirnroot (The Elder Scrolls)
Food Fight (Skylanders) vs Paopu Fruit (Kingdom Hearts)
Phillogenous esk Piemondum (Rod Albright Alien Adventures) vs Plant (Wall E)
Tannot Root (Farscape) vs The Broccoloids (The Powerpuff Girls)
Rockbud (The Stormlight Archive) vs Sylvan Hound (Guild Wars 2)
Eldridge Johnson-Mayer (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) vs Hyacinth/Hyacinthus (Greek Mythology)
Selas Flower (Kingkiller Chronicle) vs Treant (Disgaea)
Bracket 3, Side 2
Dragonflame Cacti (Wings of Fire) vs Sunflower (Plants vs Zombies)
The Bioplant (The Rising of the Shield Hero) vs Turnip Boy (Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion)
Shambling Mound (Dungeons and Dragons) vs Mandrake (Shin Megami Tensei/Persona)
Cowplant (The Sims) vs Ebony Queen's Apple (Limbus Company)
Devil Fruits (One Piece) vs Donkey-Cabbage (Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
Oaktopus (My Singing Monsters) vs Field Dungeon (Rune Factory 4)
Mushroom Tree (Stardew Valley) vs Jumpkin (Cassette Beasts)
Undergrowth (Danny Phantom) vs Karzahni (Bionicle)
Bracket 4, Side 1
Dreamstalk (Kirby) vs Myconid (Balders Gate 3)
Stingbulb (Fablehaven) vs Treebeard (Lord of the Rings)
Stray Cat (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Peashooter (Plants vs Zombies)
Giant Turnip (Codename: Kids Next Door) vs Treasure Mushroom (Guild Wars 2)
Tree of Wisdom (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Fire Flower (Mario)
Stump (The Angry Beavers) vs Groot (Marvel)
Maise (Oneshot) vs Konohana Tree (Okami)
Red Weed (War of the Worlds) vs Pod Plant (Fortnite)
Bracket 4, Side 2
Plantera (Terraria) vs The Grass Snake (Friends at the Table)
Breathweed (Warhammer 40k) vs Campestri (Dungeons and Dragons)
Neo Alraune (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) vs Kringlefucker (Homestuck)
Slimefoot the Stowaway (Magic: The Gathering) vs Gatfruit Tree (Space Station 13/14)
Sex Pollen Plant (Fanfiction) vs The Rumor Weed (VeggieTales: Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed)
Dr Madley Radish (Papa Louie) vs Vervain (The Vampire Diaries)
Yatevon (OCTAHEDRON: Transfixed Edition) vs Echo Flower (Undertale)
Wither Rose (Minecraft) vs Hydramon (Digimon)
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Words from Fluffy: “ Hi there. Hello. So if you like plants -growing them, drawing them, eating them- I’m YOUR bun! Kind of. I mean- I know all about different kinds of plants. Also fungi too, which are not plants. But they are in the ground and can be creepy too, so I let them in --this is a prompt-tober for ‘artists’.
Acorns and falling leaves. (note: are dangerous to horses)
Cordyceps Fungi. They zombify bugs. 
Fly agaric mushroom. Don’t touch
Wolfsbane flowers. Don’t touch. 
Eye of Newt. It’s mustard. 
Toe of frog. It’s buttercups
Wool of bat. It’s holly leaves. 
Tongue of dog. It’s Houndstongue. Don’t touch. 
Deadly Nightshade(s). So many. Don’t touch.
A lush-green lawn- wait for it; in a place where it has no place being well kept. 
Corpse Flowers. They’re big and that’s really what their name is!
The good-old venus flytrap. Treat them well. They’re friends for life. 
Tomatoes. They’re on the attack. 
A house plant. Like the lawn, imagine one being in a place it really should be. 
Cactuses. Work best in desserts, obviously!
Pomegranates. And their seeds. 
Dracula Orchid. Yes, these are real. They’re all black too. 
Roses. With thorns. The best way to show someone you’ll do anything for love. 
Foxgloves. Because I think foxgloves are neat!
Bleeding Tooth Fungus. 
Droseras! Also called sundews. They’re my favorite! 
Willows. The greatest tree of them all -no take-backs.
Rafflesia flowers. So disgusting. 
Giant Water Lilies; in case the water wasn’t scary enough. 
Wolf apple bushes. They grow in South America. 
Poppies! They’re also poisonous. 
Pitcher Plants. Be it trumpet or toilet. 
A still life of fruit. (note: fruit rots)
Calla Lilies. You see them at funerals all the time!
Pumpkins, Gourds and Beets. You can carve them out. 
Marigolds. Also known as Calendula flowers, the flower of October. 
Draw each fungi/plant listed for every day of October and see what grows out of these nifty ideas. Please.” - Fluffy.
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whimsicalmeerkat · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
The lovely @dear-massacre tagged me this week. I was viciously attacked by a Steterek twisted sleeping beauty plot bunny yesterday, and this comes from that.
At midnight on the night of the Flower Moon, Stiles conjures a light. Well, he tries to, anyway. It’s more like a crackling ball of lightning. Sometimes this happens. Deaton says it’s a sign of instability, but it’s never hurt Stiles and he suspects he agrees with Deaton on the concept of stability about as he does on the concept of balance. Stiles thinks they’re both good in principle, but can be taken too far.
Stiles breathes in deep, then wraps his magic around himself. It settles into place, draped around him like furs or velvet. He trains his eyes on the space where he knows the front door waits.
“I come bearing no ill will towards your family. I come seeking to free them from enchantment. Allow me to pass and I will break the curse Katherine Argent placed upon them.”
Stiles doesn’t say he’ll try to break the curse. He can’t allow even that much doubt into his words, his spells. His magic is grounded in belief, so he needs to believe he can free the Hales. And he does. He’s never been one to believe in fate or destiny. What child could after watching their mother die so young? Somehow, though. Somehow, he believes this.
Stiles steps toward the front door, climbing the porch steps. It’s strange to realize the one he always avoids because the wood is cracked is now whole. When he reaches the top step, he’s right up against the vines. He reaches out to touch one of the wolfsbane flowers, and the rest shudder like they all feel it. It’s the strangest mix of creepy and affirming Stiles has ever felt.
He lets the ball of lightning in his hand absorb back into his body until all that is left of it are blue-white sparks playing along the tops of his fingers.
“Let me pass,” Stiles says, then wraps his hand around one of the vines, heedless of the thorns that scratch him. A drop of blood rolls down the back of his hand and falls from his wrist onto one of the flowers. The clearing goes still and silent. There’s a sense that something is waiting—watching.
Low pressure tags: @thotpuppy @mirrorthoughts @pterawaters and anyone else who wants to play.
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heartcasebullet · 2 years
"is there someone yet, wednesday?"
"no, father." wednesday would reply bluntly into the sphere. these weekly talks with her parents have been quite a nuisance—they take up precious time that could be going towards the transcription of her ideas into fiction.
the idea of a partner was revolting to wednesday. she doesn't understand how her parents felt it. she doesn't even understand how people think she's giving any kind of signal other than annoyance.
love was simply a chemical response to being surprised with acceptance instead of the typical thorns of rejection. love was something easily malleable, manipulated, something that clouded intention behind adoration. love was a compass that pointed toward hardship and complications, opposite of wednesday's personal goals.
love is not that feeling of spindled dread and annoyance that plagues her when she sees enid. it wasn't that feeling that kept her eyes unwillingly glued on her eccentric loudness. no, wednesday fantasized of shutting her up, be it with the vivisection of her vocal chords, or shoving wolfsbane down her throat, or even with her own lips–
the crystal ball rang.
"my dear wednesday," gomez cooed. "is there someone yet?"
"...perhaps there is."
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tags/warnings: sexual themes, coercion but not in the direction you might think, fem!reader, restraints, consideration of non-con impregnation but ending left ambiguous , incubus!Dabi, witch!reader
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Dabi lunges against ever-tightening chains, teeth bared and snapping as he strains uselessly towards his target. 
He’s bound on a soft queen-sized mattress, his ankles and wrists manacles to the head and footboard, awkwardly forcing out his chest. Enchained also is his neck, the end of it held like a leash by his would-be victim.
She is beautiful— too beautiful, he realizes belatedly, to be mere mortal. Her smile is sharp like thorns on a rose, and her eyes are bright with triumphant wickedness; with a delicate hand, she yanks the chain circling his neck even tighter, and he bares his fangs in protest. 
"Gotcha," she says with a sultry little wink, and he hisses in pain as metal glowing crimson with holy heat presses against his decidedly unholy flesh. 
"Release me."
He means it as a bitter, furious command— but it comes out more like a plea, breathy and nearly fearful, betraying the panic he feels clawing within his breast. 
His words only earn him tighter bonds, and he howls against the pain of them. 
"Did you really think I would let you go so easily?" she asks with a hint of a giggle, as though something about this were entertaining. "How long have you been lurking, creature? How long have you watched, waited by my window for this very night?"
So long, he thinks. So very, very long. 
He thinks it started when he watched her as she tended her garden in the springtime. He watched as her hands sifted through rich earth, planting wolfsbane, mandrake root, pretty little posies, and all manner of herbs and spices; at the time, all he could think was what this human might grow for him, and what he could plant in her garden, as it were. 
Now, in autumn's dying breath, he wonders if she will bother to bury the ashes of his corporeal form in her flowerbed, or if she'll scatter him to the wind without a care in the world for his resting place. By the way she's looking at him now, Dabi doesn't think he wants to know. 
"You know what? I don't want to know," she says casually, twisting the chain over her hand, drawing it taut as she closes the distance between them. "After all, it doesn't matter. I know all I need to know about you."
Fiercely, she jerks the chain again, and suddenly she's close enough for him to kiss or to kill. 
"I know you want me," she says, "and if you behave, I'm willing to let you have me."
Everything stops. 
Dabi's heart hammers in his chest— did he hear her right? —and then she's touching him, her soft hand coming to press against his exposed, ever-persistent bulge, his insatiable need. She grips him tightly— too tight, but desperately pleasing— and he whines against the motion, utterly unused to being actively touched by an intended victim. 
"I don't want a baby," she tells him gently, her nose nearly touching his. "You can fuck me, take your pleasure from my body— you can even be rough, violent without fear of waking a sleeping victim— but I won't procreate. That's my one condition."
Dabi blinks at her, puzzled— then melts once he realizes the implications of what she's just said. 
"But— but I want one," he whines. "The procreating— that's the fun of it, I want a— nngh!"
The fiendish, evil woman jerks the chain so that he literally chokes on his final words.
"No baby," she says, and her tone is final. "You'll make that deal with me— a binding deal— and that's the only way you get to fuck me."
She strokes him as she says it, dry and painful, and Dabi knows he's been had.
"Y-yes," he pleads, his hips rising to meet her strokes, precum leaking from his head. "Please— please—"
Her hand is gone, traveling farther upwards. With one sharp nail, she slices a shallow wound on his chest— over his heart— and she speaks words that shock him to his core.
"I bind you, Todoroki Touya—" she knows his name, how the hell can she know his true name?— "I bind you this night to my will. An even trade we make, an even trade then done, and you will quit this place or else be cursed forever mine. Mine ever to own, mine ever to keep, mine ever to bind. Finite."
She releases his chains, and he pounces. 
A flimsy, snow-white chemise is all that stands between her naked body and his— Dabi rips it off and immediately presses into her flesh, rutting senselessly against her just to gain some relief. As his body takes over, kissing her, caressing her as he grinds against her, his mind wanders to what might happen if he should break the binding between them. He wants a baby, he wants to see this woman swell and grow with little demon spawn; he wants to watch as it toddles and grows fur on its legs, and he wants to keep it for himself, leaving her with another one to grow in her belly, over and over again until—
A high-pitched whine escapes him, and Dabi realizes he's come already just from rutting against her. 
"Good boy," she murmurs, reaching between them to stroke him, his cock never softening— his blessing, his curse— and he throws his head back as she kisses him gently, too gently.
If he were to do what he was thinking, it would mean being bound to such a wicked creature for eternity— or, at least until she died, and with it her magic… but witches can live a very long time. Can he really take the risk?
As he watches the woman climb up onto the bed, her ass up and her legs spread for him, he thinks maybe he can— maybe he should. 
After all, how bad could it be to be bound to someone clever enough to trap him and cold enough to use him? She seemed so much like himself, and if their tastes aligned, well— such a binding might be more advantageous than it had first appeared.
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umbrae-sortilegium · 11 months
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ℐ𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜𝒹𝓊𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒯𝑜 𝒮𝒽𝒶𝒹𝑜𝓌 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽𝒸𝓇𝒶𝒻𝓉 ℬ𝑜𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒾𝒸𝓈 A Gᴜɪᴅᴇ Tᴏ Usᴇғᴜʟʟ Hᴇʀʙs ﹠ Fʟᴏᴡᴇʀs. Shadow witchcraft, like many other forms of witchcraft and magical traditions, incorporates a deep reverence for the natural world and the power of herbs in its practices. Within the shadow witchcraft tradition, certain herbs are considered sacred and hold a special place in rituals, spellwork, and healing. These herbs are chosen for their unique properties, both physical and metaphysical, and are often used to enhance the practitioner's connection to the shadows, the spirit world, and the unseen forces that permeate our reality.
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): One of the most iconic herbs in shadow witchcraft, mugwort is revered for its ability to enhance psychic abilities and facilitate astral projection. It is believed to provide clarity in dreams and aid in connecting with the spirit world.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna): Belladonna is a potent and highly toxic herb often associated with the darker aspects of shadow witchcraft. It is used cautiously, as it can induce altered states of consciousness and enhance divination, but it must be used with extreme care due to its deadly nature.
Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum): Mandrake is a legendary herb that holds a prominent place in shadow witchcraft due to its associations with powerful magic and the ability to summon spirits. It is considered a protector of the practitioner.
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium): Wormwood is an herb that has been traditionally used in shadow witchcraft for its protective properties, as well as its association with absinthe, a spirit that has inspired many artists and writers.
Datura (Datura stramonium): Datura, also known as "thorn apple," is another highly potent and toxic herb. It is associated with shamanic journeying, but extreme caution is necessary when working with it due to its dangerous properties.
Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger): Henbane is used in shadow witchcraft for its ability to induce trance states and facilitate communication with spirits. Like belladonna and datura, it is a toxic plant and must be used with care.
Wolfsbane (Aconitum napellus): Wolfsbane, also known as aconite, is associated with protection and transformation in shadow witchcraft. It is believed to ward off malevolent entities and is used in rituals that involve shape-shifting.
Nightshade (Solanaceae spp.): Nightshades encompass various plants, including belladonna, datura, and mandrake, all of which have their unique uses in shadow witchcraft. They are linked to altered states of consciousness and spirit communication.
Hemlock (Conium maculatum): Hemlock, another toxic plant, is associated with necromancy and the summoning of spirits. It is used with extreme caution in rituals and spellwork.
Yew (Taxus baccata): Yew is considered sacred in shadow witchcraft due to its association with death and rebirth. It is often used to honor ancestors and connect with the spirit world.
Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa): Blackthorn is a protective and banishing herb, often used in warding off negative energies and spirits. Its thorny branches are seen as a natural barrier against harm.
Alder (Alnus spp.): Alder is linked to the element of water and the power of psychic intuition. It is used in divination and to enhance the flow of energy during rituals.
Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia): Rowan, also known as mountain ash, is considered a powerful protective herb in shadow witchcraft. It is used to ward off malevolent spirits and energies.
Nettle (Urtica dioica): Nettle is used for purification and removing curses. Its sting is seen as a symbol of protection, and it is used in banishing rituals.
Willow (Salix spp.): Willow is associated with the moon and feminine energy, making it a significant herb in shadow witchcraft. It is used for divination and connecting with the cycles of the moon.
Oak (Quercus spp.): The mighty oak is a symbol of strength and protection. In shadow witchcraft, it is used to connect with ancient wisdom and to invoke the energies of the earth.
Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.): Hawthorn is considered a portal to the fairy realm and is used for protection against malevolent spirits. It is also associated with love and passion spells.
Poppy (Papaver spp.): Poppy is used to induce altered states of consciousness and to facilitate dreamwork and divination. Its connection to Morpheus, the god of dreams, is significant in this context.
Broom (Cytisus scoparius): Broom, also known as Scotch broom, is associated with purification and is used to sweep away negative energies and influences.
Juniper (Juniperus communis): Juniper is used for purification and protection. Its fragrant berries are believed to ward off evil spirits and negative influences.
Cypress (Cupressus spp.): Cypress is associated with the afterlife and is used in rituals to communicate with the spirits of the deceased. It is also used for banishing and cleansing.
Hellebore (Helleborus spp.): Hellebore, sometimes called "Christmas rose," is believed to banish evil spirits and protect against their influence. It is also used for divination and dreamwork.
Horehound (Marrubium vulgare): Horehound is used for protection and exorcism. It is believed to repel negative energies and harmful spirits.
Vervain (Verbena officinalis): Vervain is considered a sacred herb that enhances magical abilities and protection. It is often used to purify and consecrate ritual tools.
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): Mullein is associated with the element of fire and is used in shadow witchcraft for protection, especially against dark forces. Its tall, candle-like stalks are seen as beacons of light in the spiritual realm.
Baneberry (Actaea spp.): Baneberry is associated with the banishment of evil and negative influences. It is often used in protection spells and rituals.
Devil's Claw (Proboscidea spp.): Devil's claw is believed to possess the power to dispel malevolent spirits and curses. It is often used in rituals designed to break hexes.
Monkshood (Aconitum spp.): Monkshood, like wolfsbane, is associated with transformation and protection. It is used to enhance shapeshifting and to ward off harmful entities.
Oakmoss (Evernia prunastri): Oakmoss is associated with grounding and connecting to the energies of the earth. It is used to enhance the stability of shadow witchcraft rituals.
Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana): Witch hazel is used for protection, divination, and healing. Its branches are seen as divining rods to connect with the spirit world.
Skullcap (Scutellaria spp.): Skullcap is associated with psychic protection and enhancing clairvoyance. It is used in rituals to open the third eye and connect with the unseen.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): Yarrow is used for divination and love spells in shadow witchcraft. It is believed to enhance the practitioner's intuitive abilities.
Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides): Vetiver is used for grounding and connecting with the earth's energies. It is often used in spells to anchor and stabilize the practitioner's intent.
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): Dandelion is associated with transformation and communication with spirits. Its seeds are often used in divination rituals.
Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa): Black cohosh is used in shadow witchcraft for protection, banishing, and dispelling negative energy. It is believed to have a purifying effect.
Cedar (Cedrus spp.): Cedar is used for purification, protection, and enhancing spiritual connections. It is often used in smudging and cleansing rituals.
In shadow witchcraft, these sacred herbs and botanicals play a crucial role in connecting with the hidden realms, communicating with spirits, and working with the shadows. Practitioners approach their use with a deep respect for the natural world and the mysteries of the unseen, drawing upon the wisdom of these plants to navigate the intricate tapestry of shadow magic. It is important to remember that many of these herbs are toxic and should be used with caution, if at all. Always prioritize safety and ethical considerations when incorporating these plants into your practice. © Dʏsʜᴀɴᴋᴀ/Oᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ ₂₀₂₃
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liviavanrouge · 9 months
Main Oc
Livia Garcia Vanrouge Age: 16 Gender: Female
Voice actor: Kana Hawazawa Introduction Quote: "Be careful, don't get too close unless you wanna get pricked by my thorns."
Star sign: Libra Birthday: September 29th Homeland: Valley of Thorns
Dorm: Diasomnia School year: Freshman Occupation: Student Club: Horse back riding club Best subject: Animal Language
Fun facts- Dominant hand: Left Favorite food: Lemon tarts, Fruit Least favorite food: Lilia's cooking Dislikes: Creeps Hobbies: Fashion designing Talents: Horse racing
Ancestor: Queen Virda, Lumion Grandfather: Scone Vanrouge, Spencer, Mandrake, Tarza Grandmother: Mary Vanrouge, Honey Mother: Thea Vanrouge Father: Lilia Vanrouge Stepfather: Ambert Uncle(s): Cobra, Wolfsbane, Duke, Benjamin, Lilac Vanrouge, Jalor, Larkson Vanrouge, Jun Vanrouge Auntie(s): River, Springlily, Dew Vanrouge, Harla Vanrouge Auntie in law: Duchess, Sierra, Vinaya Uncle in law: Henry
Half older brother(s): Dylan/Andro, Felix Half twin sister: Ella Half Brother(s): Crimson, Cap, Juniper Half Sister(s): Arianna, Ozzie, Izzie, Tiki, Turtle, Lily Vanrouge, Natalie
Foster older brother(s): Ralph, Golden, Silver, Shadow, Kuro Younger sister(s): Meena Vanrouge, Jubilee Vanrouge, Willowbrook Vanrouge Adopted older sister(s): Silk, Lavender, Maria Adopted younger sister(s): Sacha, Moon, Tukla/Tuk, Helen Younger brother(s): Copper Vanrouge, Jasper Vanrouge, Wolf Vanrouge, Circuit Vanrouge, Iguana Vanrouge, Crowley Vanrouge, Dusk Vanrouge, Owl Vanrouge Adopted younger brother: Diaval, Tanwen, Ryoko, Zurden, Murdock, Darson
Cousin(s): Toroune, Rio, Maron, Marianna, Asher, Alan, Fidget, Vidya, Alan, Jabarri, Noalin, Barklin, Snake, unnamed cousins
Personality: Livia is naturally cheerful and enjoys being around family members and friends. Others state that people are naturally drawn to her due to her cheerfulness and compassionate behavior. She's very naive and childish, leading to some accidents(Getting caught in the human stampede from chapter 2 after Ziro tells her about a candy stand), but she is resilient and smart when she's not scared silly or having been tricked from trusting someone too much. She does have s scary side despite acting like a toddler and has been commented on by others that she's perfected Lilia's signature glare. She loves her family dearly and is protective of them, especially of Silver who is her favorite sibling out of them all, preferring to take the fall rather than them.
She can be a bit loud mouthed and accidentally sassy, having gotten it from Malleus while she was growing up. When she's upset, she has a sharp tongue and will do what it takes to get back at the person who thought it was okay to turn her positive emotions into negative ones. Even as Ogre she remains the same but plays no games when it comes to throwing down with the overblot boys. She's determined and soft-hearted when it comes to her goals, believing that one can reach if if they do their best.
Appearance: Livia stands at 5'6 which is 167 cms in height. Her hair color is midnight black with purple underneath, fading into a light blue, along with a streak of the same color at the front of her hair, but she ended up cutting her hair to waist length hating how long it was, and since she tended to stumble over her own hair a few times(which made Lilia laugh). Livia's eyes are a pale blue which is a sign of rebirth. Her jaguar ears are a bright yellow the same with her tail, but her ears are slightly smaller due to her only being half jaguar.
Livia, during the Diasomnia Arc, gets a pair of horns that curls around her ears. Her wings turn from black to a slightly lighter grayish black color, and now she always has her wings out at all times since her curse no longer affected her. Her eyes change from blue to gold, but is able to change colors depending on her emotions.
Her dorm uniform is the same as everyone else's residing in Diasomnia. Livia wears purple eyeshadow, done by Lilia, when in the dorm. Her uniform consists of a black all-weather coat with neon green and silver accents, black combat suspenders and belts, jodhpur pants, a small garrison cap, black gloves, and heeled knee-high boots.
The all-weather coat has asymmetrically colored lapels, with one black and one neon green. Both lapels have silver straps and buttons on them. Two silver zippers go down the center of the coat, lined with neon green stripes. The coat reaches below the waist in length, and the sleeves are folded up to reveal a neon green underlining with silver trim. Sebek wears a white collared shirt and black tie underneath his coat.
Over the coat and above the waist is a set of black belts with silver buckles. The lowest belt hangs at an angle, and connects to several silver spools of thread on his left hip. Between the belt and spools is a silver ornament, shaped like a spinning wheel. On the other side of the belt is a holster for a magic pen. The black combat suspenders worn above the belts have silver buttons and a unique cuff around the right arm that resembles a dragon’s wing.
The jodhpur pants are black with neon green stripes going down the outer seams, and the knee-high boots are black with neon green soles. The garrison cap is black with neon green trim, and the sides fold up to resemble curved horns.
Unique magic:
Emotion Weather(Formerly) Description: Livia is able to control the weather with her emotions(Happy means Sunny, Sad and crying causes rain, fury causes a thunderstorm, excitement causes a near drought, etc, etc), it activates if she chants a rhyme responding to her current emotion or current forced emotion ("Hail, Rain, Sunny, Storms respond to my sadness dear rain, bring a rain storm!"). It'll deactivate the moment she goes back to the emotion she's currently genuinely feeling.
Voodoo dolls(Currently) Description: Livias Unique Magic allows her to turn people and objects into voodoo dolls who become controlled by her and won't return to their normal forms unless she frees them so willingly. Her Unique Magic is revealed after she is revived by Meleanor and she returns to help the ramshackle group, Silver, Sebek, Idia and Ortho take on Malleus.
Background: Livia's bio father is Lilia Vanrouge and Thea Vanrouge. She also has several adopted older siblings and many younger siblings adopted and biological. She was initially feared by the people of her home, being labeled as a demon child, but she never let it get to her because she always had her family and friends love/support. After some time she started to be called the Friendly Hybrid/The Draconia's beastie, being seen as a popular lady of her hometown.
She was relieved for her mothers food so she didn't have to eat her fathers, but was pleasantly surprised that NRC's food tasted much better than her mothers.
-Livia is stated to be based off of Maleficents thorns but is also hinted to have a bit if Disney princess in her character
-Her childhood friend/pen pals are Kalim and Azul, being the one who brought them together as childhood friends before Azul meets Jade and Floyd
-According to Rollo, Livia eats lots and lots of fruit rarely ever eating meat revealing that she's mostly vegan
-According to Silver, Livia is bad at cutting her hair so he, Golden or their mother take over that job
-Livia knows kickboxing and is a master at it but she tends to be too childish to remember to use it or she uses taekwondo more due to knowing more moves
-Like Silver, Livia attracts animals of all sizes and species, and they tend to be her source of protection/comfort if others aren't around
-According to Crowley, Livia might be part of Twisted Wonderland due to her thorn control power
-Livia has deadly allergies to Honey Lemon Tea, the reason why is currently unknown
-Livia is by far the only character who gets included in almost all the events, getting many cards but is the hardest to summon
-Other students have commented that she makes Lilia's expressions perfectly and that she could be his kid or sibling
-According to Lilia, he gave Livia her name because he knew others would be envious of how cherished she was by her loved ones
-Livia has Light Fae blood inside of her thanks to her mother, Thea, cause her mothers father was a light Fae
-Livia is the first and only student to get her Unique Magic during an Event(Star Gazer)
-Rook is Livia's mentor, and taught her how to hunt better
-It's been stated by Malleus that Livia tends to overstep her boundaries due to the fact that he doted on her a lot, back at their home, so he invaded her space at times
-Lilia helped Livia trick Sebek Zigvolt cause he barely had any candy, which caused the loudest scream ever to come from poor Sebek
-Due to having Light Fae blood, Livia has emotion sensing powers
@anxious-twisted-vampire @writing-heiress @yukii0nna
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krtart · 1 year
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Art Fight 2023 | 12 - Outgrowth
An attack on Red for @vague-whisperings !
Nothing is really drawn to scale, but I pulled inspiration from these plants: ghost plant (Monotropa uniflora), black raspberry, cordyceps, ghoul fungus, cockscomb, & wolfsbane.
[Backup ID: An illustration of Red, who is a thin teen with long black hair, brown skin, and red eyes. He has a muted expression of fear and pain as he claws at his own bleeding wrist; thorned blackberry brambles are sprouting from it and wrapping around his hunched figure. Monotropa uniflora, a parasitic white flower, sprouts from his palm; the other plants and fungi mentioned above are growing from the tangles of brambles. The illustration is colored in quiet grays, reds, blacks, and whites. End ID.]
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mycelium-menace · 9 months
Happy holidays @yoshiintheweb !!! This is my gift to you for the @mcytblrholidayexchange. I hope you enjoy!
I saw Vampire Fwhip in your requests and got very excited, because I have been obsessed with Dracula this year. I hope you enjoy this Roseblings/Wither Rose Alliance vampire au! The playlist has songs that are vampire-coded (to me), as well as songs that just fit the vibe. The fic is epistolary like the original Dracula novel. It's sometimes serious, sometimes silly, and hopefully a lot of fun to read. Fic under the cut :)
Fwhip’s Diary, Sept. 17
So, my teeth are definitely getting sharper.
That shouldn’t be a surprise, but it’s definitely going to take some getting used to. You don’t just wake up to your teeth being different and say “Oh yeah, that’s not weird at all. Totally fine. Already adjusted to it.” Like, you don’t realize how well you know your teeth until they’re wrong. Ugh.
It is fine though… I think. We still have time before the transformation is irreversible. Between Gem and I, we’ll figure it out soon. That’s what we’ve always done.
It’ll be fine.
Gem’s Diary, Sept. 22
I finally got my hands on that book on vampire lore! Who knew the occult section of our local library would be so popular? (And to that, who even knew our local library even had an occult section??)
It has the best recipe I’ve found for a blood replacement meal for Fwhip, and this one doesn’t even need any sheep’s blood or expensive coconut water! Fwhip seems to like it pretty well too, which is an added bonus.
The rest of the book was pretty useful, beyond the basics (avoid sunlight, garlic, wolfsbane, silver, giant stakes in the heart, you name it.) It had some pretty good tips on how to slow the transformation, and of course what to do when we find the vampire who started all this.
We still don’t have any leads on said vampire, but I’m optimistic. It’s most likely they’re in this town or the next town over since they usually have to rest in their original grave during the day. Honestly it’s not surprising, all things about our local history considered...
Fwhip’s Diary, Sept. 30
We finally told Sausage. He wasn’t really buying my “sudden garlic allergy” story to begin with, and he was asking a lot of questions, so we figured we might as well let him on it instead of keeping secrets from him. And he’s taking the news pretty well actually! It turns out one of his cousins is a werewolf, which is… not quite the same thing? But his heart is in the right place.
He’s really enthusiastic about helping us with all this, which is helpful because he’s the only friend we know with a car. We want to drive to Dogwood Grove to investigate one of their graveyards. It’s the oldest one in the county, with a proper mausoleum and everything. Maybe we’ll find that vampire’s hideout and get him to turn me back. Maybe we won’t even have to use the crossbow I’m building.
Gem’s Diary, Oct. 2
This isn’t strictly related to our research, but I thought it was interesting. The author of that vampire lore compendium, X. Thorn, also wrote a book on demonology, and I was curious enough to check it out too.
Apparently Thorn was an expert on all things occult, but also just a little… weird. I suppose that comes with the territory. He wanted to summon a demon army and conquer the world. Or maybe become a demon? It wasn’t super clear by the end of the book to be perfectly honest. He was kind of obsessed with some demon called Xornoth that he wanted to summon (or maybe it was his demon-sona? it’s not really clear which of those it was, and he published these books like a hundred years ago so we can’t exactly ask him.) Incidentally, Thorn was from right here in Rivendell. I wonder if we’ll come across his name any more during our search.
Fwhip’s Diary, Oct. 3
Well, Sausage was the only friend we knew with a car. Now we’re all out of luck.
Last night we were coming back from a research trip to Dogwood Grove when a white fox ran out onto the road in front of us. Sausage swerved and luckily missed it, and his car wound up in the ditch. We’re all safe, if a bit shaken, but his car is totaled.
It’s weird… I didn’t know we had many foxes in these parts, much less arctic-looking foxes? I mean, I guess that’s not the absolute weirdest thing about this town (I’m literally turning into a vampire right now), but it’s still unusual.
In any case, we need to figure out a new ride soon. The recipe Gem found for substitute blood is fine, but I’m starting to get thirstier. A lot thirstier...
Gem’s Diary, Oct. 5
I’ve noticed Fwhip isn’t sleeping much anymore.
He stays up most of the day when we’re doing our research, although he can’t go outside without SPF 1000 and my old floppy beach hat. At night I usually find him in the garage working on his inventions. He’s always been a gearhead, but he only ever throws himself into his work to this extent when something is seriously bothering him. When I ask him how he’s taking all this he insists he’s fine, but… well, I’ve known him my whole life. I know when he’s lying.
There have been a couple recent incidents at night when I wake up in the small hours to find him standing at the bedroom window just staring. I call out to him, but he doesn’t hear me. It seems like he’s sleepwalking, which is something he’s never done our whole lives. After a few minutes he turns, looks at me with eyes that look right through me, and silently goes back downstairs. I ask him about it in the morning but he doesn’t remember any of it.
Fwhip’s Diary, Oct. 9
Good news, we found someone with a car who’s willing to help us get around! Bad news, it’s Sausage’s cousin… the werewolf.
Gem’s Diary, Oct. 9
Don’t get me wrong, Pearl seems really nice, and I’d probably get along with her great in any other circumstance. The problem is, well, the circumstance. I guess vampires and werewolves don’t exactly get along? It’s hard to describe the feeling I get around her, but I’m just so uneasy. I mean, for her part she’s polite to me, even if she might feel the same as I do.
I guess it’s good to have her on the team, and anyone to help us fight the vampire who turned me is good to have along. I just don’t want to have her around any more than we need to for right now. I’ll talk to Gem about that in the morning when she wakes up, hopefully she’s on the same page as me.
Pearl is the coolest person I think I’ve ever met. She has a van called Gilda that’s covered in sunflowers, she lives on a farm, she’s a classically-trained fencer, and she’s a werewolf?! I love her. I want her to join our group and also stay forever.
Fwhip’s Diary, Oct. 13
Gem found something in one of the books about hypnotism, and we decided to give it a try. It’s supposed to help slow the transformation process, which would be good because I feel less and less like myself every day.
The thing is, when I was in the trance I kept getting these visions. There were shapes I couldn’t make out at first, and a smell of somewhere damp and musty, and the sound of stone on stone. But then I saw myself standing in a cemetery, right in front of an old mausoleum. There was an angel statue next to it which was pointing at the doorway, and a great big oak tree behind it. I really get the feeling that I’ve seen this before. I just can’t remember where.
I’m not really sure if the hypnotism is working to hold off the transformation. My teeth – fangs, really – are sharper than ever before. And last night I dreamed I was flying through the night sky on dark wings. At least, I hope it was a dream.
Gem’s Diary, Oct. 18
We found the mausoleum from Fwhip’s vision! And get this, the family it belongs to? The Thorn family. That’s right, the same X. Thorn who wrote all those occult books. Somehow I knew he would come back up.
I did some more reading, and it looks like Thorn had a half-brother named Scott. Scott was actually one of Rivendell’s mayors, and he and his brother had a couple of public clashes that led to him stepping down from his mayoral seat. Then a few years later, he just apparently disappeared without a trace. In one of his last journal entries before his disappearance, he lists a bunch of symptoms eerily similar to vampirism: aversion to sunlight, sudden allergies to nightshade-family plants, and he couldn’t bring himself to enter the cathedral he had once attended regularly. If I’m right that Thorn was behind those incidents, we may have a solid lead. I’m going to see if I can find a picture of him to show Fwhip. That may help to confirm it.
I think we’re getting very close. I just hope we’re quick enough.
Fwhip’s Diary, Oct. 18
As soon as Gem showed me a portrait of X. Thorn, I knew that was who we’re after. It was just an old painting, but it sent a chill down my entire body. I would know that face anywhere. That’s the face that keeps me up at night. Those were the eyes I saw that night. The eyes of Xornoth, Dark Lord of the Night.
I know what we have to do now. Even if it destroys me, which the books say is about a 50/50 chance, we have to stop Xornoth for good.
I won’t let this happen to anyone else.
Gem’s Diary, Oct. 27
I’m starting to agree with Fwhip about garlic to be honest. We just had to buy, like so much. Garlic cloves, garlic flowers, garlic salt, garlic powder. It’s all for the binding ritual, which will hopefully go off without a hitch and get Fwhip back to normal without complications.
With the garlic, we have everything we should need now. Fwhip has his contraptions, I have the charged crystals, and Sausage got us some holy water. The only thing now is to wait for the next full moon.
Fwhip’s Diary, Nov. 6
Tonight was the night. It took a while for us to prepare everything, but we finished right before dusk. We all waited just outside the mausoleum door until we heard the scraping of stone against stone. Not long after, we heard an unearthly growl. That was our cue.
We found him trapped in the binding circle, spitting and hissing. When he saw us there, he got quiet for a second, and then started to laugh. This is the part I’d like to say that we were super cool and didn’t cower at all… and you know what? This is MY diary, and I want to keep my cool image. So yeah, we were like, “Hey Xornoth, turn me back into a human NOW or else we’ll send you back to your grave.” And he was like, “Oh no, please spare me! You’re too cool and that crossbow is super sick and-”
Gem’s Diary, Nov. 6
That’s not what happened.
Fwhip’s Diary
Yes, it totally is!
Gem’s Diary
Oh my god.
Fwhip’s Diary
Alright then, how would you tell it?
Gem’s Diary
Sausage screamed and your voice cracked when you were trying to confront Xornoth. And then he laughed at you. Pearl had to be the one to force him into starting the ritual to turn you back.
Fwhip’s Diary
Well, you also screamed.
Gem’s Diary
I’m not denying that! I’m just trying to keep you to the facts. Geez.
Fwhip’s Diary
In any case, the process worked! I have a reflection in the mirror again, and my teeth are slowly going back to normal. And we managed to banish Xornoth, or Thorn, or whatever you want to call him, back to his grave for good. A win all around, I’d say!
The one thing left that’s bothering me is, I think we’re missing one of the vials of blood replacement from the fridge. Gem was meticulous when she made those, with a date labeled on each vial so we could track my intake. The only other people who knew about those are Sausage and Pearl, and both of them swore they didn’t touch it. I just hope no one drank it. It has nasty consequences if you’re not already a vampire.
Well, that’s a problem for another day. At least we know none of our friends were dumb enough to drink it, right?
Sausage’s Diary, Nov. 7
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Do you know any names similar to sypha?
Or otherwise names based on uncommon Botanical poisons/deadly plants? /Np -sparrow
Tox, Toxx, Toxy, Toxic, Toxin, Toxins
Poi, Pois, Poison, Poisic or Toxsin or Toxson (Poison + Toxic)
Harm, Harmed, Harmful, Harmless, Trick, Tricky, Trixy, Acid, Acidic, Acidix, Fatal, Mortality, Abnorm, Abnormal, Abno, Abnor, Chem, Chemi, Chemical
More stuff under cut TvT
Effect, Affect, Burn, Burned, Burning, Burnt, Burns, Sting, Stings, Bite, Bites, Bitten, Scratch, Scratched, Flame, Inflamed, Inflamay, Inflamation, Blis, Blist, Blister, Blisters, Blistex, Danger, Dangex, Dangerous, Endanger, Endangered, Inges, Ingest, Ingested, Smoke, Smokey, Smoky, Sym, Symp, Sympt, Symptom, Expo, Expose, Exposure, Exposed, Inter, Intern, Internal, Grad, Gradual, Gradu, Met, Meta, Metab, Metal, Metallic, Tallic,
Pretty, Pleasant, Pleasing, Pleased, Graze, Grazed, Clustered, Cluster, Clusters, Clust
Leaf, Leaves, Flower, Flowy, Petal, Petals, Tree, Forest, Forestry, Life, Bee, Stem, Petalx, Scent, Scented, Decor, Decorum, Decorate, Decorative, Fern, Seed, Seeds, Thorn, Thorns, Thorny, Prick, Prickle, Prickles, Pricked, Blood, Bleed, Drip, Spine, Spines, Poke, Stab, Stabby, Stabber, Ripe, Ripen
Oleander Nerium: Oleander, Nerium, Olean, Oleand, Leand, Neri, Olener, Neriander
The Tree of Death (Hippomane mancinella): Death, Mane, Manci, Nella, Nellamane, Manella, Sap, Phorbol, Phor
Snakeroot, White (Ageratina altissima): Snake, Root, Snakeroot, Snakey, Roots, Rooted, White, Whiteroot, Agera, Agertina, Altis, Altissima, Sima, Alti, Trematol, Trema, Matol, Trem
Castor Oil (Ricinus Communis): Castor, Oil, Ricinus, Communis, Commun, Munis, Rici, Ricin, Infern, Infernal, Crim, Crims, Crimson
Rosary Pea (Abrus precatorius): Rose, Rosary, Pea, Abrus, Precatorius, Abru, Abrux, Catorius, Cator, Precator, Torius, Jequirity, Jequir, Jeq, Abri, Abrin, Abrix, Trop, Tropi, Tropical
Misc Others:
Bell, Bella, Lily, Valley, Vall, Val, Sweet, Sweets, Shade, Nightshade, Bella, Donna, Belladon, Bellux, Bellix, Belladonna, Dracunculus, Dracun, Cunculus, Draculus, Dracu, Tannin, Alum, Allium, Alli, Aril, Arils, Ackee, Citric, Citrus, Citrix, Citrux, Cyan, Cyano, Cyanogen, Ano, Anogen, Urushiol, Shiol, Urush, Uru, Urus, Urushi, Urushio, Shio, Cyanide, Cyani, Yanide, Yanid, Nid, Nide, Cya, Cyide, Rash, Lacquer, Lacq, Lac, Myristicin, Myr, Myris, Myriat, Ticin, Ristic, Risticin, Rist, Myrist, Myri
Oxalic, Rhub, Rhu, Rhubarb, Barb, Sour, Abrin, Abri, Abrix, Saponin, Adonidin, Aconitic, Adonid, Adoni, Adonis, Adonix, Aconit, Aconi, Linamarin, Lina, Lin, Linam, Marin, Rin, Nitril, Nitriles, Nitri, Tri, Tril, Triles, Hydrin, Vol, Volatile, Tile, Agglutination, Agglutin, Glutin, Glu, Agglu, Nephrotoxicity, Toxicity, Nephro, Corrosion, Corrosive, Corro, Wolfsbane, Monkshood, Bane, Aconitine, Nitine, Acon
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
Pastels and Eraser, for the ask game!
Thank you so much @rosesonneptune! I'll answer this for some of the cast of Song of Thorns and Supernova Initiative!
Pastels: Give me three colors that best represent your OC. Now give me three colors that your OC likes best. Is there an overlap?
(Song of Thorns)
Renn Atrius:
Colors that best represent Renn: I would say that the colors that best represent him are Dark Red, Off-White, and Charcoal Black to be specific. As for what those colors symbolize in his case: dark red is tied to his vampiric heritage, as it is a color that is evocative of blood and sanguine stuff, as well as symbolizes bravery, anger (revenge), and willpower, it is also the color of his father's sigil/off-white is a color that is tied to symbolism like neutrality and elegance, which are both attributes that fit Renn very well, and is the color his hair starts changing to once he starts training with ancient blood magic/charcoal black a color that is evocative of nocturnal things and the night as a whole, which is also the color of most bats - thus being rather fitting to a vampiric character - charcoal black specifically is also tied to ashes and embers and could potentially symbolize starting anew from the ruins of his past.
His favorite colors: Renn doesn't really care about this, but what could be considered his favorite colors are bright purple, faded gold, and dark red. So there's an overlap with the dark red color!
Kane Mylestrom:
Colors that best represent Kane: Tarnished silver, dark grey, and reddish brown (like copper or rust). As for what those colors symbolize in his case: silver Is a color usually associated with wealth, glamour and focus, which are all things Kane aspires to have (and thus is a reflection of his cocky/arrogant and power-seeking personality); but tarnished silver specifically is tied to the fact that he is essentially living a lie/illusion and slowly losing his true self in the process - and since silver is traditionally considered a mirror to the soul, much like mirrors (which used to be made of silver in olden times), one could say that tarnished silver also reflects his personal feelings of self-loathing and fear of imperfection, which he tries to conceal with his larger-than-life persona and deeds, but ends up falling short of that. Dark grey is tied to the symbolism of seriousness and inflexibility, while reddish brown/rust is a milder variation of the usual red but still holds meanings of bravery, anger, and strength while being more faded and having a similar symbolism to the tarnished silver.
His favorite colors: His favorite colors are dark blue, deep gold, and crimson. There isn't really an overlap, but most of his clothes during his daily life are dark gray.
Elveryn Haven:
Colors that best represent Elveryn: The colors that truly present Elveryn the best so far are pitch black and bright red. He is a character that is trapped in a cycle of grief - as an older brother who believes his younger brother was killed by vampires and who blames himself for it - anger, and revenge against all creatures he considers "monsters", so pitch black (the color of sorrow, grief, nighttime, and also tied to vengeance) and bright red (a color tied to wrath, mercilessness/ruthlessness and strength of will), as well as revenge) fit him well. And since he hunts vampires, it is fitting/kind of ironic that his most characteristic colors are also a palette that is typically connected to vampiric beings. It was tough to me to think of a third color that fit him quite as well, but eventually settled on dark lilac, like the flower Wolfsbane. The wolfsbane flower is tied to symbolism such as misanthropy (dislike of others, which is a pretty strong trait of Elveryn), danger (Elveryn is a very dangerous and often ruthless hunter, even to his own detriment), and has a strong tie to folklore. Plus Wolfsbane is poisonous, so one could draw a link to the saying that revenge is "like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die", which fits Elveryn's rage arc quite well.
His favorite colors: His favorite colors are olive green, light blue and dark purple. A bit of an overlap/similarity between dark purple and dark lilac, but not really lmao.
(Supernova Initiative)
Deimos Soll:
Colors that best represent Deimos: Those colors would be blue (both dark blue like deep space and light blue, like his skin), neon pink, and black. As for what they symbolize in his case: blue is a color tied to the symbolism of freedom (which is something Deimos actively pursues and desperately wants), loyalty (despite his tendencies to over practicality and a silver tongue, he is deeply loyal to the few true friends he has) and sorrow (which could be tied to his past - during which he ended up tortured by a mad general who wanted him to join her army as her brainwashed servant - and current traumas), it is also a color tied to meanings of sincerity, efficiency, coldness, tranquility and trust, all attributes fitting of this character. In the case of neon pink, it is a futuristic color but is also the same color as the serums and poisons he was injected with during that general's attempts to turn him into a super soldier. Black is the color of revenge, efficiency, introvertedness, and power, traits Deimos has throughout his arc - it is also tied to meanings of mystery and secrets.
His favorite colors: His favorite colors are pastel purple, light grey, and turquoise.
Vesper Foxx:
Colors that best represent her: Those colors are bright green, neon blue, and pitch black. Bright green is often connected to the symbolism of poisons/illness, radiation, and envy - which one could draw a connection to her vengeful tendencies and extremely deadly nature that leaves no surviving enemies in her wake. Pitch Black for the same reasons as Elveryn (the color of sorrow, grief, anger, nighttime and also revenge). Neon blue mostly because she is a cyborg that is more machine than human and it generally fits her vibe lmao!
Her favorite colors: She has no favorite colors🙃 . (Actually, Vesper will never admit it because she has a "bloodthirsty assassin" reputation to upkeep but her favorite color is secretly pastel pink)
Eraser: what's one way this character has changed over time? Either over the course of their story, or over the course of designing them as an author.
(Supernova Initiative)
There are a few characters that changed quite a lot during the time I was developing the story and creating the character arcs (as in they were originally supposed to be a certain type of character but eventually ended up as a very different one).
Jack Tithus: He didn't change that much, but his name did. Originally his name was supposed to be Jesse, but since I have another MC (from Mutant Inquiries) named Jesse, I decided to change that name. That's when I came up with his new name [redacted because it's a spoiler] which is Jack for short. It was a great change and also works for the plot since there's a reason why his name is a secret and why he only uses his nickname.
Vesper Foxx: This is the character that changed the most throughout the development of the story! Originally, Vesper was a character much similar to Pax Stellaryn currently - a young cadet/spy with a good heart and a spirit of adventure. However, I felt that something was missing from this character, and decided to scrap her original concept completely and create a whole new character from scratch. So, after a bit of workshopping, Vesper became the ruthless cyborg assassin searching for revenge that we now know her to be!
(Song of Thorns)
Many characters from this book remained the same from the first concept to the first draft, but there is one that did change quite a bit during the process of development: Elveryn Haven. Originally he wasn't going to be a monster hunter seeking revenge on vampires, but a vampire prince seeking revenge on humans (in both concepts he lost a sibling in a tragic way and wants revenge). However, since I've already got quite a few vampiric characters in the main cast, I considered that a reverse POV - from the perspective of a hunter, who would be the nemesis of the cast - and would create both an interesting moral dilemma but also a good opportunity for a Redemption Arc for Elveryn.
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swsapphics-ao3feed · 6 months
by SteepedFoxgloveTea
Sabine comes across a white wolf in the forests of Peridea.
Words: 1016, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Ahsoka (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Sabine Wren, Shin Hati, Ahsoka Tano, Baylan Skoll
Relationships: Shin Hati/Sabine Wren, Ahsoka Tano & Sabine Wren, Shin Hati & Baylan Skoll
Additional Tags: Fairy Tale Elements, Inspired by Wolfwalkers (2020), Alternate Universe - Shapeshifters, Sabine Wren Needs a Hug, Shin Hati Needs A Hug, Secret Identity, Slow Burn, Tags May Change
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