emotionaleating · 26 days
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cryptcatz · 2 years
question: do ppl ACTUALLY say things they don’t mean when they’re angry? or is that just an excuse after letting something true slip? i wouldn’t ever say something i don’t mean in anger, so the concept confuses me.
but something was said to me that is bothering me, though apparently was said in an argument and wasn’t meant. but i don’t rlly believe it wasn’t like, deep down true thoughts/feelings??? anyone have any insight? anyone say things they don’t mean in anger?
EDIT: this was a hastily worded post that i didn’t expect to get notes. this is a genuine question asked in good faith that i got a lot of amazing answers to!
also re: the many ppl saying “OP is lying about not saying things they don’t mean in anger because everyone does it”— i genuinely have never done that. if i say something mean while angry, i meant it. that’s literally why i asked this question and why the concept confuses me, because i wouldn’t do something like that so i wanted perspective from people who do it. idk why y’all can’t believe that lmao not everyone is as prone to anger and outbursts
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bbbbbbbbatman · 1 year
Batman when Superman tries to carry him: *angry, scowling, flips Superman off, only concedes when it's absolutely necessary*
Tim: *makes the uppy motion at Kon when he needs to reach something on a high shelf*
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u3pxx · 8 months
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thinking about my gavin parents earlier. specifically, karsten gavin and the way he loves klavier.
HI SORRY. and sorry for any mistakes on the german, google translate can only take me so far DFGHDJFDGHD this was my original thought earlier that i typed into my pc during class DSFGHD
Karsten shows affection the only way he knows how (buying expensive lavish gifts) Karsten, being an absent father in many ways, doesn't pay much attention to his children's interests. Klavier becomes interested in music and wants a guitar for Christmas, he mentions this several times to Karsten as he works, over dinner, every moment he can get, really. Karsten and Karen have a fight 2 weeks before Christmas that leaves them very cold towards each other, Karin throws herself into social events/parties while Karsten flies to another place to focus on his work. The fight and their absence affect Klavier deeply, more than Kristoph who is growing more used to this. Karsten gifts Klavier an expensive piano, Klavier is disappointed and his face starts to show it. Karsten grows frustrated at this and starts to ramble “Music, right, liebchen? Didn’t you say you wanted to play?” “Well, ja, but… I wanted a…” Karsten starts frowning. “Klavier, do you have any idea how expensive this is? You don’t like it? Fine then, fine. Do you want me to throw my gift away for you, is that it?” “Of course not, papa. Klavier, what do we say?” Kristoph chimes in and nudges Klavier, whose eyes are starting to water. “[Thank you, father.]” “Oh there he is. Come, come.”
i just. thinking about piece of shit extraordinaire karsten gavin who only knows how to make problems go away with material things
i love drawing bc it compensates for the fact that i can't write DFGHDJ
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itsalrightsblog · 2 months
It’s literally disgusting how many old freak pedos slither their way into the ED community. Those types of people are literally as low as it can get.
Reblog if you do not welcome pedos anywhere near your page‼️
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ghostbsuter · 10 months
"I did not think I'd ever use it like this," the boy muttered next to batman.
It was comically, with the police and ambulance lighting up the entire area.
Danny, being himself, had gotten curious and accidentally busted a human trafficking ring, which ended up with batman and his kids (?) doing the fighting and the police being called.
"Son, solving crime doesn't mean you didn't trespass and break into someone's property, I will have to take you back to the station—"
"I have diplomatic immunity."
Officer Gordon stood still for a moment, progressing.
"You can't really, err— put me to prison." The boy took his phone out, stopped at a picture, and showed it to the officer and batman.
The vigilante confirmed his identity with a jerky nod, and Gordon is pinching his brows.
"Son– no offence your... majesty, why are you in Gotham of all places?"
The boy now identified as Daniel Phantom, prince of the other and currently the reigning monarch of another realm.
In gotham.
"Okay, so," Danny coughs, embarrassed. "I'm on university search and gotham had this really cool space science programm. I really wanted to see it."
(Once they checked his papers and got his statement, did they let him leave to his hotel + some of his squad going along for protection measure.
Gordon heaved a sigh, "We can be glad it wasn't the joker. That would have made headlines." and slumb in his seat.
Batman grunts, a sound the officer knows too well.
"You're gonna look out for the kid?"
Another grunt.
"Good, because Gotham help us all if that kid gets hurt.")
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toffeebrew · 2 months
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Dog coded cross, but like it's sad.
not sure what this genre of art I'm doing is, but I like it.
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notnights · 4 months
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What if Jax's love was real but bad. Real bad.
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neon-candies · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!
Warnings for: Child abuse, emotional abuse, unhealthy relationship
Angel probably has this nightmare frequently after Annie was "born". And he probably tried to avoid talking about it at first. But it gets to a point where he can't even hide his fears and concerns. However that's a conversation for another time.
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glitterstew · 2 months
Warning post for Kallulily
This is a warning post for @/kallulily regarding an incident she was in that happened in January of this year. This is being brought up right now because Kallulily is modding for the Kirby Gijinka Rainbow Zine (as Mod Paintra), a large event in the Kirby community. As this incident happened on Twitter/X it’s not well known here and many continue to support Kallulily without knowing her morals or actions.
Trigger warnings for grooming, abuse, and mentions of NSFW, rape, feral, and incest content in certain links
The incident concerns Kallulily’s friend @/splitser on tumblr and @/splitsterart on twitter (known as “Mod”) being called out for grooming someone starting when the victim was 15 and they were 19-20. A callout was made for this. There were two docs made, both shown in the X link below, with one being explicit, and one being a censored version. Warning for mentions or explicit screenshots of NSFW, rape, feral, incest content being exposed to minors, depending on the document https://x.com/RustyDoodleBot/status/1749553958920577093
Mod would later put out a response to this callout. Despite claiming they don’t condone their own behavior, they gave the excuse of the minor “insisted on seeing [Mod’s] NSFW material”, dismissing their own blame from their inappropriate actions towards minors. 
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In the document they portrayed the victim, named Hoco, as the one who made THEM uncomfortable, despite Mod being the adult in the relationship who accepted/continued/sometimes even initiated the advances. Mod ultimately held more power in their dynamic, they could have cut the relationship at any moment before it got sexual. https://x.com/splitsterart/status/1749929155251102148?t=UVpJv9IJPTNiEwVoH-Gv3w
At the same time, Kallulily put out a statement defending her friend. This statement once again blamed the victim, insinuating the victim only came forward with the grooming allegations as an act of revenge (yes, the victim who had been groomed by her friend). Taking it as far as stating that the victim was a greater threat to minors than the groomer ever was.
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Kallulily would later delete this statement. These screenshots were saved by another user, and are taken from here: https://x.com/Kaizilero/status/1750261445080883671
Along with this, Kallulily & Mod claimed Hoco knew and enabled a minor to distribute NSFW commissions. This has been cleared up by both the minor and Hoco. It’s important to mention how much making a claim like this can hurt someone’s reputation. https://x.com/RustyDoodleBot/status/1749962678406177246
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In no situation is it ever ok to blame or portray a grooming victim as evil for coming out about their abuse. Despite Kallulily claiming she holds her friend accountable, she still brings the victim's reputation down to elevate her friend’s actions. Note that Mod was inappropriate to multiple minors, at least 3, meaning Kallulily and Mod’s argument of this happening because of Hoco’s behavior is null. As Mod has been inactive on all of their accounts since their callout, they are not the focal point of this post. However, other affected minors were recently contacted and new screenshots with both confirmation via memory and hard proof with screenshots of past NSFW conversations and art were given, with permission to share. DM this account for those screenshots if the extra confirmation is necessary.
Kallulily claims her friend has changed, but change isn’t trying to shift the blame onto a minor for starting NSFW conversation. Change isn’t trying to bring down a victim to make yourself and your friends look less bad. The overreaching defenses only come across as a defense of grooming itself.
Regardless of if Hoco did something bad too, it doesn’t take away from Mod’s abuse of them. Both Kallulily and Mod never apologized for claiming Hoco was at fault for being groomed in some way, which is the reason why this post is being made for awareness.
Please do not harass Kallulily, Mod, the Kirby Gijinka Rainbow Zine, or anyone else involved. This post is only to spread awareness.
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Princess of Dragonstone, Chapter 2
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Concept: Daella's is rhaenyras daugther and now aemonds prisoner. First fanfic and not edited very well.
Aemond and aegon levels are mild.
WARNINGS: Abuse, cursing, powerabuse, kidnapping, and implied non-con as well as references to r*pe.
He drags me outside. It finally stopped raining. 'So angry, Lady Strong. Is it because I killed your favourite bastard brother or is it because I hold your future in my hands?' He walks me to his dragon. Or drags me with him. He walks much faster then i do. He always does.
Finally, i spit in his face. Snapping. I've had enough of him. Aemond is furious and slaps me in return in my face. Its not the hardest slap I've had but I'll admit that it stings. 'Do that again, and I'll make sure you ever would dare to think insults of me. Am I clear, Lady Strong?' He places me in front of him, on the dragon.
'I never rode Vhagar with a extra rider. You should feel honered.' He says, sweetly. My eyes roll.
'I imagine you never rode anything except your dragon.' I coldy and childishly remark. Its a low insult but its all i have left.
He laughs. The fucker. He laughs. 'Tsk tsk. I hold your life in my hands, Lady Strong. Best keep that little bastard mouth of yours under control or else you will suffer the consequences.' I huff. I am not scared of him.
He gives Vhagar a command and the dragon slowly starts to prepare itself for flying. 'Now quiet, or I'll cutt out your tongue the way your bastard brothers took my eye.'
--- Kings landing isn't that far from Storm's end. Not when you have Vhagar. The biggest and grumpiest dragon of all. Aemond Targaryen is a terrible dragon rider. Or maybe its because i am laying upside down but i spend most of my time caughing and puking.
I can't bloody wait until i have soil under my feet again. Dyaxis is smaller than Vhagar in size but at least Dyaxis knows to calm it down. Aemond keeps pushing Vhagar for more and more and i need to remind him sometimes with a kick that he needs to slow it down or I'll end up as a very unhappy omelette.
When we finally reach the hell that is king's landing, i am grateful we fly too high to be seen. I don't want anyone seeing me this way, like a tapestry hanging over Aemond Targaryen's dragon.
Aemond lands gracefully in the dragon garden. He first gets off himself, so he can use a simple command to get vhagar to lie down. 'You really thought this trough, hmm?' I remark coldly from the giantic beast.
Aemond says something but i cant hear it. Vhagar simply refuses him. The dragon looks at the prince but refuses to bow. After a while, she huffs and finally plops down nearly causing me to fall off and to break my neck.
Aemond catches me before that happens, thank Gods. 'Put me down, Kinslayer.' I say the moment the beast has calmed down.
He groans annoyed with my priorities. Maybe I am also ruining some sort of twisted fantasy. 'I just saved your life.' We pass by Vhagars gigantic head. The Dragon left big eye follows me, very carefully. I feel very unsafe by her.
Aemond chuckles as he puts me down on the grass. 'She doesn't like you. I can tell when she despises people.' I eye quickly for a escape but i already know there is none. My hands are still tied. I need a knife to free myself.
She must be jealous. Don't worry Vhagar.' He says, in High Valyrian. He affectionately pets her and Vhagar makes a wailing sound. I can't believe this.
I roll my eyes at her dramatics. Aemond falls for it, of course. 'Just because i have a new object to ride doesn't mean we won't be seeing each other, yes? I still love you, very much. You know that. Now who's the best dragon-' she nuzzels him and he pets her on her head. He gets a lick in his face as well.
Thats when i interrupt. 'As much as I love to see that you finally found a friend, Aemond, Get the hell on with it. I'm cold and starving and i want to go home.' I say.
'Didn't your septa teach you that patience is a virtue?' He smirks.
'Didn't yours tell you that killing your own blood isnt a virtue?' I minic his ridiculous smile.
I walk with Aemond, leashed like his fucking dog, to the carriage. 'Mother has a fun saying about septas. Do you want to hear it?' Aemond looks at me, full of expectations. I wont make a show of my resist for him. I will go with dignity like a princess.
'Fuck the septa.' I say, grinning.
Aemond frowns. 'That's...Not funny at all, Lady Strong.'
'Yes it is. You just dont have humor.' Simple as that.
'I have plenty, this simply is a insult. Not a very good one, i might add.' Everything is an battle with him.
'Alright, Kinslayer let's just get on with it. I've spend enough time in your company.'
The Redkeep is still standing. But there is nothing red about it anymore. Its now Green. The headquarters of the greens.
The guards fetch me right away. 'Ser Deston. Ser Ferz. It's me, princess Daella.' Then, i can't really help it, i puke one final time.
They don't even try to help me.
Aemond looks on as i try to flee with every guard out there. They all look at me like I'm something disgusting.
Speaking of disgusting...Otto hightower is also present. 'Aemond. A word?' Just the sight of him makes me so angry.
He sounds upset. Angry. Furious with Aemond. 'Ooh, someone's in trouble.' I whisper to Aemond.
'One moment, Grandfather. I am not leaving with my pet unpunished.' He takes me by the arm and tries to show off how he controls me. He makes his hand flat and i already close my eyes.
Otto interrupts. 'She is not your pet, she will be our pawn. She will be traded. Let go of your childish feelings. I already have one raper as grandson. Don't insult me by making it two.'
Sir Criston looks on. 'Why am I not suprised? You never liked mother. She handed you everything. You were a nobody, a bastard born son.' I spat at him.
'Aemond does the same for you, if you suck his cock. Yet you aren't grateful either, are you?'
They drag me inside the red keep. Aemond does so, eagerly to show his family what he captured.
-- Aegon looks like he aged two decades during the few days he is sitting the throne. Criston forces me to kneel for the usurper. 'Princess Daella, your grace.'
'Well, well, well. Look what my brother dragged in. Some things never change do they?' The fuck is he talking about?
'We should treat the princess carefully. Rhaenyra might want to trade her claim for her.' Says former queen Alicent.
Her father disagrees. 'Would she really? She is just a daughter. Everyone knows Rhaenyra is more attached to her sons. If we had Jace or Luke-' Aemond subtly swallows.
I smirk at him. He has informed them proudly of his conquest. Of me. But he hasn't told them what he did to Lucerys. 'I have some news, that might buy me my freedom.' I announce. Before i can utter a word, Aemond covers my mouth.
'I killed Lucerys.' He shouts. His words echo through the chamber and the reactions of his family are priceless.
His mother clutches her necklace and starts praying. Haleana, the queen doesn't even seem to be here at all, and Otto curses him for being so blind despite only having lost one eye.
'This is a victory. Lucerys was a cunt. Now, tell me brother...'Aegon eyes are cold. 'You want her, brother?'
I hear my own heart beating fast. 'I do what you seem fit, my king.' Is Aemonds response. How chivalrous.
'I didn't ask that. Do you want the girl? Do you want to fuck her?' Aegon barks at his brother.
'Yes.' The word comes out slowly but possessively. Like he can already feel his hands on my skin and his tongue down my mouth.
He smiles at Aemond. 'For bringing me this dangerous traitor I'll reward you generously. She is yours, to with as you please. Her body, names, titels and holdings are yours, Aemond Targaryen.'
Otto nearly rips out his own hair. 'Aegon! Don't be stupid. She will be worth a lot if we trade her-' And just a minute ago i was worthless?
'Adress me like that again and I'll send you back to that pisshole you came from, Grandfather.' He takes another sip of his drink.
Aemond smiles coldly as i finally hit the walls. 'Thank you, for this generous gift my king.' To me he whispers something as well. 'You're mine now, Lady Strong.'
'One thing, Aemond.' He says before letting us leave.
'Yes, my king?'
Aegon looks at me and he is back to being the king. 'Neutralize her. Make sure she can't be used as a weapon against us.'
Aemond slowly smiles.'Of course, my king. I already have something thought out.'
Aegon mirrors his diabolical expression. 'I figured you would.'
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emotionaleating · 9 days
pls don’t flirt with me i want to be nonchalant so bad but i unfortunately crave connection so intensely that i will give you my entire soul and forgive you over and over until i’ve lost myself completely and feel like i’m drowning
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jonsawilldanceanon · 11 months
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The Kingsguard
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sm-baby · 6 months
Well can we see Mei-Lyn as a baby?
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dianagj-art · 1 year
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This idea got out of hand way too quickly but I have no regrets<3
Isn't it fun to think that with all the crossovers One would actually have a support system of friends that care about him?
Coin Toss Michael by @gemini-forest
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zivazivc · 7 months
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the morning (afternoon?) after this messy stunt. Floyd got off too easy in my opinion, but it's hard for Les to stay mad at him when he makes those sad pouting faces... 🤦
If you think Floyd's being really dumb at the start of this comic before getting a reality check, you have to take into account that he's madly lovesick and was feeling very smug atm; he's also a 15yo pop troll who thinks making out with someone means they're together now; and he assumed Les's sour mood was entirely the result of a nasty hangover...
P.S. They forgot about Hed lol (I almost forgot about him too, drew him just before posting lmao)
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