#also they are all trans and queer i dont make the rules
foxgloveciara · 2 years
Pov telling your ghost friends from monster high about space while in space
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locuas642 · 9 months
I am beating a dead horse I know. but I thought of something else about James Somerton.
Because it recently came to my attention that, right around when the video that destroyed his career came out, Somerton had been fishing for Neil Gaiman to like his Good Omens video.
Now, this in an of itself is nothing weird. youtubers fish for people to share their stuff all the time, sometimes it is reasonable, other times it is rude. and other times is like "Please dont force creators to interact with you". but it is nothing weird or uncommon for what is Youtubers.
Neil Gaiman being associated with Queer content is also nothing weird. The guy was the "Thor god of Lesbians" before Thor was a thing. He is such an ally there is a whole section of the community ready to explain to people the context of Wanda in the Sandman comic. So Somerton trying (excuse the expression) "to get Gaiman-Senpai to notice him" (Yes, go ahead shoot me i deserve it) is also not weird.
but I cant help but see it as part of a certain pattern.
Because we all saw the video, and how Hbomberguy points out the inherent misogyny in a lot of Somerton's views and how he erase people's gender and orientation in order to shit on women (and how that also ties him to transphobia, biphobia, and a lot of other things). And also how he will dismiss criticisms by claiming it is white straight women harassing him.
Except between that video and Todd in the shadows, I did find one particular instance of him talking positively of a woman. Jo Rowling. A Cis Straight Woman who nowadays is defined by the transphobia she constantly tries to rules-lawyer deny she ever expressed.
Obviously, the video wasnt about him Defending Rowling, but it was a weird video in which he tried to claim Rowling was more progressive than she actually was, at one point even claiming when the books were written she was pro-trans folk. Which is a lie. There was this need of him trying to sell Rowling as this tragic figure, this person who changed for the worse. And this was from the guy who was quick to dismiss the intentions of any woman or GNC person.
And then I remembered his weird claims about Bob Iger. This... honestly revisionism of the fight of Gay Marriage (the thing he also dismisses in importance in a different video) as Iger pressuring Obama into making it law among other things that tried to elevate Iger, a Cis Straight Man, into an important role in queer history.
And then there is the "Stupid Sexy Nazi" stuff I wont even go into detail.
My point is, there was this weird trend in his videos that I noticed. That he would rather elevate straight and their participation in queer history at the same time he dismissed plenty of non-cis gay men. Sometimes even doing revisionism to describe a version of history that did not happen, but which weirdly feels like the version of history he would want.
And again, Neil Gaiman is an ally and there is nothing weird in and of itself for him to want Gaiman to like his stuff. But when taken into context with everything else, both his antagonism with actual queer people, and his elevation of non-queer people, I feel that says something.
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drdemonprince · 5 months
Any chance you'd expand on the hank hill trans guy post? (Sorry, best indicator I could come up with.) The concept interests me as I decidedly know my maleness, yet don't feel impeded by for the most part, any male gendered norms/boxes. I am fairly masculine, though I rarely use those kinds terms to describe myself. I have found I often do stray outside of what society pushed for me when I transitioned, yet I again do not feel it has taken from my right to maleness whatsoever. I am just me, who happens to be male. I have had friends try and suggest I am NB adjacent but I do not feel this way whatsoever. I feel more people are outliers to gender expectation than we care to admit and it's disappointing the way cis-people deny that. Hope this wasn't too long winded, I value your writing and perspective, and wanted to hear more of your thoughts on this.
Yeah, well so many things all get conflated by gender labels, and it's all so personal, you know? Masculinity does not have to mean maleness, and a person's gender identity might be a reflection of some innate quality they experience themselves as having, or a general summary of their tendencies, or their desired presentation, or their sense of affinity with other people, or an interpersonal tool, or something they just go along with because it was given to them by society, or any other number of things.
I think my recent substack piece on detransition goes into this pretty well, and I have an upcoming piece of what @pastimperfection calls "bilateral dysphoria" that comes out next week that delves into it too.
I think I mostly saw taking on a male identity as a means to an end more than any kind of innate reflection of who I was, though I did feel an affinity with effeminate men for a lot of reasons. I think I also discounted how much I have in common with my fellow nonbinary people of all stripes, because that identity became so strongly associated with being an annoying type of queer person that everybody else just wrote off as ultimately being their assigned gender at birth anyway no matter how much they protested. it doesn't help that 'nonbinary' is a catchall term for literally thousands if not millions of very distinct experiences and desires.
transitioning gave me control over how i was perceived, finally, but hormones are a throttle that only go in one very specific direction, and you don't really have all that much control over which changes kick in at which times and what people will make of you once you do start registering to them as some identity other than what you were first saddled with. it's an incredible gift to be able to toggle that throttle. but it's limited, not because medical transition isn't incredible and needed for so many, but because there is no escaping the goddamned binary cissexist logic that influences everything about how people treat you, how you navigate institutions, who finds you desirable and what they want out of you, and so much else.
if you're able to cast a lot of the external societal bullshit aside and feel strong in your maleness, maybe you're stronger than me or maybe our orientation to these things is just different, i don't know. i was never all that sensitive to feedback that i was doing the whole being-a-woman-thing all that wrong. i reveled in violating those rules to an extent. succeeding at being a woman despite my best attempts was what felt super dysphoric. and now i guess im succeeding at being a man, insofar as im always read as one, and it feels just as uncomfortable and objectifying and false. i thought that with manhood i could probably just grit my teeth and deal with it, but i'm finding that i can't.
ive always been very open that for me, gender is a thing I Do, and i guess to those who know me well it wouldnt be surprising to hear that i have gotten tired of Doing Being a Man and dont feel like playing that particular gendered game anymore. I tend to get bored of things! and find the flaws in things. and find my comfort in being fault-finding and contrarian and not being a joiner. and thats okay. i learned a lot along the way. not having to try any more is a huge relief. i can just do whatever. and know actively that people will more often than not be wrong in what they make of me.
maybe it was natural feeling for you to decidely 'know' your maleness without a care for masculine standards because that is the right identity for you! and maybe i only feel secure in the "not knowing" realm and in letting go of what people think of me or finding any kind of tidy categorization for it because that's the right spot for me. for now. until i find a new interesting way to be unhappy and striving for more and different again. :) that's just part of being alive, for me.
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superspecial-awesome · 3 months
s0 queerosexual hcs. for pride month
basically my interpretation of the cast in this regard is that theyre a bunch of annoying queer teenagers who will never discover this about themselves because they live in 1990s japan and all think there's only gay and straight and that being the former is grounds to be beaten in the streets
Yugi: the only one who has his shit figured out. transmasc and bi and he plans on taking that to his grave. he has a strong preference for women though so that part never really comes up. "attracted to every woman ever and one guy i met at a gas station six years ago" disease. also bonus points anzu knows he's transmasc and helped him figure out binding and shit
Miho: huge lesbian but "oh no it's just that girls are objectively more attractive than guys everyone knows that, i just haven't met the right man yet, besides every girl wishes they could date women instead that's why bakura is so popular it's because he looks like a woman." I also like to imagine that in an ideal world, she'd fuck with genderfluidity
Bakura: aroace and agender transfem. he gives me he/it/any vibes. I think partly due to The Mega Autism he never really understood the deal with traditional masculinity so he feels disconnected from manhood as a whole and would be a lot more comfortable being able to exist as something entirely detached from gender. I also think the swarms of girls at all times made him view women as some sort of other species entirely and he's got a lot of deep-rooted misogyny going on about it, but tbh anzu and miho could fix him. and make him into the vague girlthing he always was
Anzu: Idk what label to slap onto her but I don't think physical appearance or gender plays any role in her being attracted to people at all. maybe like demiromantic asexual. but i dont think demi is the term im looking for. definitely ace though.
Honda: "WOW I LOVE BEING A MAN I LOVE WOMEN AND RULES AND ORDER I DON'T AT ALL FEEL LIKE I'M CURSED TO FIT MYSELF INTO A BOX THAT'S TOO SMALL FOR ME" and he believes that wholeheartedly and then wonders why he needs to constantly prove himself over things that don't matter to avoid his mental health crumbling to dust. I don't think he's trans though I just think he needs to chill out. also he's bi and poly and the single most useless hopeless romantic ever.
Jonouchi: bi but i think his refusal to accept that as a possibility has made him very aware of a lot of other things he has going on psychologically. like his homophobia has somehow made him a more self-aware and chill person. "honda put his hand on my shoulder for more than 0.5 seconds and my entire nervous system took a screenshot does this mean im g--wait no im just touched starved huh i wonder if that has ever impacted my poor decision making in the past." also him being used for the cartoon standard "guy wears girl clothes and likes it" joke is grounds for me to hc him as genderqueer. I could absolutely see him getting really into fem presentation.
Yami Yugi: gay gay homosexual gay
Kaiba: transfem in the super dysphoric way but will absolutely never find this out because any time she becomes remotely aware of something bothering her about herself she just looks in the mirror and says "no." i also wanna say arospec and aspec but idk she's fully either. i think if i wanted to give you an accurate idea of how attraction works for her i'd have to pull up the homestuck quadrants and i'm not joking.
Yami Bakura: agender is a way that's like "dude I'm a ghost in a ring who cares." If you called him a she he'd be like "what" and then after you got two words into explaining he'd go "nvm I underestimated the amount of shit I don't give about this." His sexuality is no time for dat goku
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certified-moth · 5 months
Do you think people think "woman" is a neutral identify if they only think her lesbianism makes her queer and not her womannesss?
Like, uh, yeah, dumb ass, queer identities are only based in queerness. If you are not attracted to the same gender or trans, your identities are not queer. They do not impact your role in the LGBT community. A straight man who is cis but does not feel sexual desire is not queer. A cis straight kinky man isn't queer either. There's no identity identity you can give a cisgender, straight person or cisgender aroace person that would make them LGBT.
i think youre misinterpreting what i said. i dont think smth that doesnt contribute to someones queerness is neutral. i wasnt implying any part of anyones identity is neutral, i was noting that the treatment of aro and ace identities as neutral is a common belief in exclusionists. by that i mean that they are ignored as a factor impacting the lives of an individual. they are treated as having no meaningful impact on the persons sexuality, and that the only impact comes from the attraction present.
youre trying to define an example of queerness that i just dont agree with. the idea that same sex attraction is necessary is just kinda an arbitrary rule you believe in. I would personally say that the main connecting factor of the LGBT community is the way our identities have shaped the way we experience the world in comparison to cishet people.
i do actually think a heteroromantic asexual cis guy is LGBT if thats how he chooses to define his identity. Like i briefly mentioned in my post, our world is shaped around relationships. there are legal benefits to relationships. they are treated as a given expectation. to not experience sexual attraction greatly changes the way you experience relationships, as well as the way society treats you.
your entire argument just proves the point of my post. you view aromanticity and asexuality as inherently neutral, providing no experiences that could connect to queer experiences. You treat them as if they are just basically straight. but all the aro and/or ace people i have personally interacted with have far more in common experience-wise with queer experiences than they do with straight ones
(also i never brought up kink, i dont believe kink is inherently queer. im not sure but it kinda feels like you are conflating a sexual orientation and a sexual preference)
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woahpinkhorsegirl · 2 months
Hi mlp tumblr and bluey tumblr! Im Pink! Im hoping to share my stuff on here and discover other stuff!
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This is my sona! She's a changeling but stays in her pony form almost all the time, just her preference :)
Im gonna start posting OCs and whatnot for both fandoms soon, but i wanna put here the list of Deviantart basemakers i used from at various points, mostly early on when i forgot to credit them. Hopefully I'll make new refs eventually and they'll have proper credits.
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I have a huge MLP and Bluey next gen thing to post too so either look forward to that or check it out if its out by the time you read this!
Other information about me, if you'd like to know:
I am 19 years old, white, American, and ace bi. I'm a ciswoman but I go by all pronouns, she/he/they/it and neopronouns are all acceptable, whatever you see fit or comfortable to call me!
Trans people of all kinds are welcome on my profile, alongside queer people in general! I am pr0-choice and pr0-p4lestine, I don't talk about my p0litical stances much but those are the two most important i can think to mention.
Disabled people, with both invisible and visible disabilities, are also welcome (these feel obvious but I've seen people who make it feel necessary)
Non-white people are also welcome (again, unfortunate that I feel the need to clarify that, but I use twitter so :/)
I also saw a random post about this but just in case, anyone with coping mechanisms (like age regression) are also welcome. I won't judge you for doing what you need to do.
If i look like im censoring some words by using numbers or symbols, that's a force of habit. I don't like appearing in search terms unless I actively want to, it usually invites the wrong people, so i "censor" terms that I think might draw the attention of bad apples.
Uh just some boundary stuff I guess? I love OC interaction and I also enjoy RP. I don't like giving my discord to people so any of that is gonna have to happen here. If that's inconvenient or not gonna cut it, then my apologies :(
Uh my rules for RP are a tiny bit strict but not in the way your probably thinking.
Im one of those "planning ahead" type of roleplayers who like to map out a scenario and key events before we begin and occasionally take pauses between major scenes to plot elements of the future. If you can handle that, then I'd say your golden! Im not picky with the length or detail in responses, as long as theres something to work with, I can usually move things along. The only other restriction i can think of is: when it comes to the sexualities of my characters, please respect them. Thats really it :)
I do platonic roleplays, adventure, romantic, and slice of life. I'm not much for action stuff unless its the spice thrown into the other types occasionally. I'm pretty flexible though, so we can talk about it individually if need be.
Oh, and no nsfw RP. I dont do s3x, and im not much for depicting "elicit substances" to put it lightly. Alc0hol might be the only exception, if its kept in small doses. If for some strange reason our characters end up in a s3xual scenario, we're skipping to the aftermath.
Edit: Some of my OCs have romantic interests made/owned by my boyfriend. This element can be removed for romance roleplays if need be (although they will still be with his OCs outside of the roleplay)
So yeah uhm I think thats it! Im not sure if you can edit things on Tumblr but if you can then I guess I'll update this as needed! Thanks for checking out my blog!!
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sourtoasterstrudel · 1 year
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I know this is a lot of words so just skip through the fun colours until you find what you need
I go by Nine my pronouns are He/they/it. I am a disabled artist who mostly draws OCs and fanart of South Park
I use procreate on my ipad and clip studio paint pro on a Huion 16 KAMVAS tablet, I also use i krita for most animations i make.
Also you can check out my instagram! (I’m trying to post on there more)
compilation of info about me:
- I am a minor (so just— don’t be weird)
- my special interests and current hyperfixations are TV shows/movies as a whole (with a special love for horror), batman, zombies (i dont care that it’s technically horror i adore zombies) and mythology
- my favourite colour is green, specifically swampy greens
- I’m a baby punk (of about two months at the time of posting this)
- I will say queer, fag and tranny (as a gay and trans person) so if you’re not good with that, this is your warning
- as cool as i think furries are, I personally do not identify as one (despite my persona being a spider creature)
- i have POTS, because of that i mostly use walking sticks/canes (Glados and p-body). I also have one with a crow head named Wesley
- i’m trans, aro/ace, nonbinary and gay
- I’ll take little requests but eventually i would love to have commissions open
(I’ll likely add more to this later)
My tags:
Soursart (all of my art)
Soursvoice (most of the things I’ve said but not all of them because that’s too much work. Everything recent)
Headcanons (self explanatory)
Sourisdisabled (all of my posts on disabilities, mostly focused on my own)
Pronouns update (if you want to see how frequently I realize I’m not comfortable with my pronouns)
i want this blog to be a safe space for everyone so if you have anything against 2SLGBTQIA, BIPOC or disabled people existing you will be blocked <3 (this is also a safe space for furries and therians love you guys. Be nice to them)
ALSO proshippers just— fuck off. again, if not you will be blocked
+ anyone who thinks being a pedophile or zoophile is the same as being queer
I’ll answer any questions y’all have as long as it’s not too personal
(Especially HC questions or questions about my characters i have so many things to say)
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degenderates · 1 year
What would almost-terf talking points look like? Genuinely curious because I never see stuff like that, though I may just not be aware of it. Thank you in advance ❤️
hey! no worries, it takes a lot of being on the internet (unfortunately lol) to notice the patterns of how online terfs talk about gender and make their stuff palatable for the masses, so here are a few pointers. keep in mind that people who post this kind of rhetoric aren't always terfs and you should be skeptical of ANYBODY who tells you that there are a complete set of "rules" you must follow or subjects you must avoid. think for yourself, but also be careful. with that being said, here are some things i've noticed after being on the trans internet for a few years:
1- "radfem"/"radfem-safe"/"radblr"/etc. usually they're a terf they just dont want to add the te- to the acronym. funny thing is they're not all that radical lol.
2- gender essentialism. this is one of the most insidious i think, because it's so well disguised, or simply poised as common sense. this can include anything about men and women being inherently different, whether this is about sexual violence, sexuality in general (including types of queerness), love, understanding/intuition/empathy, certain skills, whatever. sometimes it's just a joke but be careful because humor is a form of persuasion as well, just easily able to avoid blame. the reason why gender essentialism is terfy is because it posits that gender is immutable. ie. can't change. women are inherently like this, so someone who identifies as a man now will never get it, even if they end up being trans later. though some of these takes might have an addendum of, "trans women are women" or something like that, supposedly being inclusive of trans ppl, they don't account for people who aren't secretly eggs their whole lives. sure, a transfem who always knew she was a girl might be "included," but not a trans person who lived as their agab for their first 20, 30, or even 40 years. etc. tldr: this kind of rhetoric reveals how people truly feel about gender difference regardless of what they claim to support.
3- "male/female socialization." this one's tricky because yes we as humans in a society are socialized and yes that includes gender (which is a social construct in and of itself), but the vast majority of times i've seen this phrasing used is by terfs, so much so that if trans people want to talk about gender socialization, we have to use other terminology. the problem here is that folks' "current" gender is considered null and void due to how they were raised. this one is sort of the opposite of the phenomenon of "including" trans people in gender essentialism--it blocks us out from our actual gender in favor of seeing us as what we once were.
4- a weird fascination with militant genetalia. urls or bios that include stuff about vaginas and cunts killing people or whatever...i'm not against this, but most people who have this on their blog are terfs lol. aside from the jokes, people who see phallic imagery as something inherently violent or the penis as a body part as violent instead of like, the person as violent (if they are) is a big one. i guess the militant vagina is like reclaiming this somehow. i'm not sure. but it's a thing.
5- gatekeeping queerness. people who try to limit queerness to being lesbian/gay/bisexual, acephobes, arophobes, people who have this very basic understanding of queerness as same-sex attraction. sometimes they hate the word "queer." people who don't understand queerness as a culture and a way to play with gender and identity and presentation as well as sexuality, or as a political entity. queerness isn't just about being gay or straight. now not all acephobes are terfs, but because terfs have admitted to using acephobia to induct people into being radfems, and most terfs are acephobic....well. that's just one example, of course, but the point stands. anyone attempting to divide the queer community is inherently sus to me.
and finally, 6- if you download shinigami eyes, people marked as terfs show up in red. be careful because sometimes people mark others as red out of malintent, but if the person is showing other signs of being a terf and is red, they probably are one, lol. hope this helps, and other people feel free to add on! as always, take my post as just the observations of one individual, as a grain of salt!
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rath00ker · 1 year
Trans rambles because I am trans therefore everyone in twisted wonderland is trans (they can’t escape me)
Riddle is trans masc genderfluid or trans fem genderfluid, it can really go either way with him. Would be a She/He enjoyer
Cater is just a trans guy. I don’t make the rules. Got top surgery and started T as soon as he could. Since he’s 18 (and I’m going off American law), he probably started puberty blockers really early and started T with his moms consent. He’s just living his best life
Leona is trans fem or trans masc. You can pick whichever you like best
Ruggie is a trans man I’m dying on this hill. He couldn’t afford puberty blockers but in my headcannon Leona is giving him some money for his transition. He pays for his hormone therapy and the needles he needs. In the version that Leona is trans masc probably gave him a hand-me down binder. His grandma really doesn’t care, coming out to her was easy “Hey grandma I’m trans” “that’s great now go grab my cigarettes”
All of the octo trio are trans because they’re my favorites and this in the highest honor I can give them.
Azul is nonbinary (he/they), he’s simple.
Jade is trans fem agender, they are in charge of making sure Floyd takes his T, otherwise he’d forget. They are on estrogen themself and Floyd calls them boob pills
Floyd is a trans guy because he is my favorite character and he just like me fr. Either doesn’t bind at all and does not care or forgets to take off his binder and wonders why his chest hurts all the time. That binder also needs to be WASHED. It is holding on for dear life. Jade helps Floyd take his T because Floyd can’t be trusted around sharp objects
The Tweels mom and dad didn’t care that much either. Idk what the merfolks view of gender is so you can make it up yourself. But I like to think that they don’t really care
Jamil is trans fem but hasn’t come out to her parents yet. Wants to fully transition but hasn’t been able too. Is a trans girl that wants to watch the world burn and I am in love with her. Send love to your local trans woman today
Vil is also Trans fem but could probably make her own estrogen if she really wanted too but going to a doctor is much safer and she has the means to do so. Trans lesbian, you can’t fight me on this I’m literally Yana
I DONT KNOW WHAT ROOK IS BUT HE IS QUEER. That is a queer guy, either by sexuality or gender. I don’t know what he is but we gotta find out NOEW. He can’t keep getting away with this
Epel is a trans guy, his story has trans vibes going through them. With the whole looking like a girl and wanting to be more manly. He’s on puberty blockers but Vil is working out with his family to get him on T. Probably has him a high testosterone diet to help out. Her and Rook definitely teach Epel everything he’d need to know to transition. (Found family goes brrrr), his family is supportive just more confused than anything. They love and support him they just don’t have the money to help him get that far in his transition
Idia is a sweaty trans masc nonbinary xeno pronoun user. Doesn’t use his xeno pronouns in real life but uses them online. He/they/it pronouns and Glitch/Glitchself Code/Codeself xeno pronoun user. He came out recently to his family so they are a bit confused but they have enough money to help his transition. Ortho makes sure he takes off his binder so he doesn’t hurt himself with it and reminds him to take his medication (both hormone blockers and anxiety medication)
Ortho is a robot, but he uses xeno pronouns like his brother to make him feel better. He’s a sweet little guy who loves his brother not much to say
Malleus is a trans woman because twisted wonderland is good but they need more trans women. Idk what fae culture thinks about gender but they probably don’t care that much. Malleus can probably transition through magic but just doesn’t want to. She doesn’t have body dysphoira just social dysporia other than that she’s doing just fine
Lilia is nonbinary just cause he’s a silly little guy. Nonbinary (he/him), just a silly guy
Crewel is an older trans guy and queer guy. Definitely has knowledge about trans laws and informs his trans students of them. Wants Crowley to add a gender studies class but we all know how useful Crowley is
Sam is a trans guy, why you may ask? Because Sam is like one of the most common names trans guys pick. That or he’s nonbinary. Transitioned a long time ago, is open about it and helps out NRC’s trans/queer students when he can. Sells binders and feminine clothing
How would this work if NRC is an all boys college? I dunno and I don’t care so don’t make a comment questioning it. This is for the fun of it. I also have headcannons about what mental disorder some twst characters might have so that might be my next post. Psychology is a special interest of mine and you can’t escape me talking about it
Thank you tri-state area 
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somescenecatholic · 1 year
ALL TUMBLR PPL PLEASE REPOST THIS ANYWHERE U CAN! THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE PROTESTS ABT THIS BC IT'S PRIDE! This can't go on for any longer. TW: p0l1c3, h0m0ph0b14, tr4nsph0b14
Qween Jean, a Black and Trans community leader was arrested at a PEACEFUL march for Trans Liberation on May 31st, 2023. AS SOON AS THEY GOT THERE there was lots of police and they arrested Qween Jean. I'm not sure if she's out yet as I can't find info on tht. On instagram it says to bail support at 7th precinct 191/2 Pitt St, New York, NY, 10002
This can't keep happening, there needs to be nationwide peaceful protests abt this!! Demonstrations need to be everywhere!!!! IT HAS BEEN 53 YEARS SINCE THE FIRST PRIDE PROTEST! I say protest bc PRIDE STARTED AS A PROTEST! It can ONLY be a parade when we truly get our rights. We can't celebrate until we see our victory. Like, our victory is in the bag bc good ALWAYS wins but we need to take ACTION!
ALSO, ANOTHER THING! NOTE HOW WHEN THE NYPD GOT KICKED OUTTA PRIDE, THEY STARTED ARRESTING AND STUFF! If they actually cared they would let this go on. They would actually do smth and hold their own protests for police brutality and etc to stop. Ik there are good police out there who are actually helping out the communities but lets be honest, the system is screwed up. There is far too much corruption. You KNOW it's bad when even little kids are scared of the police! No, not bc they may look intimidating. But because they are literally scared for their life. Same thing with guns. I was walking home from the bus stop when I was in like 6th or 7th (i forgot) and I thought I saw a gun in someone's car tht was parked in front of me and I was scared to the bone. Thankfully it wasn't a gun, it was smth else.
Anyways I'm getting kinda off topic. But yk what I mean right? (if u got any questions, do ask, my dm's and comments are always open! ^w^)
I'm just so sick tht the stuff tht should be in HISTORY BOOKS is happening right in front of my eyes. Like there have been sm protests and stuff against this for FAR, FAR longer than I have been alive!!! (Ik im only 16 but still this is a srs outrage)
It srsly sucks that this is the world I gotta grow up in.
Any action u do can help the world change fod the better. Never miss an opportunity to do good! (big or "small")
SOOO! If u can, go to a local protest! Try to put ur community first, yk? Also, reblog this post and spread awareness about these kinda issues. I'd love to go to a protest buttt I do not have supportive parents and I don't have a car. ALSO, remember tht every act of kindness counts. And dont just keep it to ur friends. Support good local businesses, give compliments to everyone u meet, cheer ppl up, listen to others, donate to GOOD, TRUSTWORTHY charities, do NOT give canned food to food banks bc they need actual food, so give them money, and give homeless ppl money too yk? Ppl are like "WHAT IF THEY SPEND IT ON DRUGS AND STUFF?" Well ofc yea tht's a possibility but who says they won't spend it on what they need? Yk? Basically be a good person, support queer ppl and poc ppl, etc. The world needs sm more kindness. People say "HAH friendship, love, and kindness is such a simple concept tht's not needed". The fact tht it's simple says everything. If we had more of tht, all these issues would cease to exist.
Also, another thing:
Take water and stay hydrated! If someone doesn't have water and u have some to spare, waterfall it.
Keep face masks and switch your phone to airplane mode. This is a surveillance country. They know how to find you. And if u take pics, make sure tht ur location is extremely hard to pinpoint.
If a police officer arrests u, know ur miranda rights and STAY SILENT AND BE CALM! They will use what they can to take it against u. You have to think a stairway ahead of them. They can't say anything if u don't say anything! And justice will be served so dw, God's with you. Also, yes u can say ur manners like thank you and excuse me.
Again, please repost this everywhere u can.
Remember,God loves u ALL, no ifs ands or buts. ACAB and love is love. Trans rights are HUMAN RIGHTS!!!!!
You matter and the right to speak and protest is a human right. This is our world and we have the power to change it!
(also please tell me if I got anything wrong in this post)
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vacantgodling · 9 months
💚🍀 for the OC Ask Game!
thank you for the ask! i'll keep talking about nondisclosure :3 maybe i'll do the main ones + leo lol.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
nyseah: butch trans woman & she calls herself straight but queer and its just because transitioning made her relationship to her sexuality very complicated. she tends to be attracted to men or masculine people but because she's trans she doesn't think that any relationship that she's in will ever be "straight". and for her, its really more about who she jives with versus their gender identity-she wouldn't turn down a good connection basically. she doesn't try to label it but if she Had to that's what she'd say.
donte: cis man & mspec gay but far to tired to care about pursuing anything with anyone pff
alona: cis woman & bi
leonine: masculine nonbinary (they/he) & pansexual
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
so technically nyseah and alona came from the same OLD story that i used to have when i was like 12 and technically they haven't "changed much" in terms of the Very Very basic gist of their characters (nyseah is still a psychic nurse and alona is still a secretary of a corporation). i don't really know WHY i thought of these two but a lot of that old story that nondisclosure directly grew from was a clusterfuck and probably inspired by my desire to be quirky and love of anime.
donte is an interesting one, because i had an idea several years ago to make a d&d campaign that was kind of like a noir instead of a fantasy based thing (so like dnd rules but it was a noir). and instead of just me being a dm my idea would be to have a character in the story that the players all get information from and so i made his initials D.M (donte macbride). but bc i don't really have friends to do that kind of thing with and i don't know shit about dm-ing i decided to just kinda keep him on the backburner as an oc, and then ended up using him in a roleplay with one of my friends, wherein i developed his backstory (tldr don's mom was killed by a serial killer when he was 14 and while the police couldn't figure it out, he solved the case and killed the murderer in essentially one day and instead of going to jail, the head of the force at the time was like hey kid you got a talent for solving crime, ya wanna be a detective? and then he's been doing this shit for like 30-ish years pff. its slightly tweaked now to fit with the lore of this wip but the gist is the same), and i really fleshed don out as a character. and then my friend kinda lost interest in the roleplay, so then when i decided that i wanted to revamp alona and nyseah cuz i'm mad attached to them, i thought maybe i could toss him into the mix with the two of them to make a rotating 3-way pov narrative :D
leonine was a character in that roleplay i did with my friend and his backstory of being a celebrity who's friend was murdered and then he goes to don for help is also still the same. tbh they weren't supposed to be a character i got attached to but i liked his energy lol
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laverrez · 1 year
pride month is almost over so it's time for my queer headcanons!
ruby rose is nonbinary she/they, grayromantic asexual, prefers other femmes
weiss schnee is bisexual, she prefers women but boys are also cute
blake belladonna is also a raging bisexual, and her type is Toxic
yang xiao long is pan and is unhinged and everyone is hot
i dont care about team jnpr so i dont have headcanons for them but trans ren can bop and pyrrha is confirmed bi i dont make the rules sorry
qrow branwen is a raging bisexual, but he does lean heavily towards women
oz is omnisexual and aromantic
james ironwood is a bisexual king, his type: huggable
glynda goodwitch is a very picky pansexual
winter schnee is a demisexual lesbian, and is a trans woman
taiyang xiao long is a disaster bisexual
summer rose is a deeply closeted lesbian
raven branwen is pansexual with a femme lean
belladonna parents are both bi and polyamorous
willow schnee is pansexual with a masculine lean - i also really adore trans woman willow but she exists better in fanon because of rwde things i wont get into.
idk i dont think there is anyone else i've even ever thought about? sun and neptune are both bi with femme leans? uhhhh. uhhhhhhhh. yeah idk
ciNdEr! is also a lesbian. raging. girlboss. her and summer would be besties cant tell me otherwise.
i think that is all
thank you for your time
if anyone tries to come say yang is a lesbian i'll scream
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holybreadbutnot · 2 years
iruma kun hcs because im bored
ok so lets get one thing out of the way: sabnock and balam are autistic. there is no going around that.
clara is aroace bc i said so, she also has ADHD and dyslexia, everything is the same for iruma
shax lied, elizabeta, purson, krocell (is that how you spell her name ??? ) and gaap are trans
asmodeous? def has some sort of daddy issues, i dont make the rules, well actually i do, and as rule maker i say that he most def has daddy issues
and lets get the canon out of the way: opera is confirmed to be gender queer as in this pannel shows
Tumblr media
now lets get onto scenario headcanons:
asmodeous often re-writes things such as books, online articles, and sometimes school documents that are too hard for iruma and/or clara to read, balam sensei does the same (not just for iruma and clara, but any student who needs so) balam also sometimes asks asmodeous to help him with rewrites, its a very wholesome student-teacher bonding time for the 2
shax loves vocaloids (his favs are len, rin, and meiko) and because of this andro has jokingly bought shax a miku binder, and it has unironicly became his fav binder
balams office is a safe space for the misfits class, whether it be to calm down from a meltdown, to just talk (balam is a very good listener), or to study for a test.
kalego has neurodivergent friendly copies for his class, written/edited by balam himself (why do i hc that these characters need seperate copies from the rest of the school? bc i have autism and dyslexia and i really wish there were seperate copies so i could understand the material better T-T)
anyways thats all i got atm, but enjoy :D
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wyvolf · 7 months
hi !
SCP webcomic news? yeah ok!!
I finally settled on a name for it: Of Veiled Shadows, its suppose to be since the foundation is typically in shadow, and the veil is well normality iirc. so veiled shadows links to the foundation itself, yet despite the supernatural its still somewhat normal in the halls of near everyday,
when it comes to finally posting it i will post the pages to ComicFury! as well as tumblr, and discord. i do wanna try and do the sort of patreon thing where i may post a few pages before public release but i am still thinking on that front really.
its become more story focused rather than episodic slice of life. i also decided to strict nearly purely to original characters instead of canons at least with personnel since a lot of wiki canon takes place in the 80s-90s and this more so based in current day. this isn't saying there won't be cameos because they will, it'll just be focused on these new characters.
i am halfway through writing the lore/story bible for it, little notes like the foundations relations with the other G.O.I's, things for me to keep in mind like relationships (which: it is very queer, since as a queer artist i feel it makes sense, hell i will make mention the primary main protag is a gay trans guy, even some personnel who are xenogender + use neos, its 2024, bigotry is lame... which- there are some moments but its mostly from older personnel / personnel who dont know all too much since they were shielded from that stuff so its more so from lack of understanding).
its gonna be a bit, but i hope to actually start scripting soon with character designs releasing sometime this year? i just wanna cover the plot, side-plots, get the story down etc.
that being said: i remade the discord server entirely!! i will be posting news + sneak peaks there first and foremost. but um i am lazy and focusing on a lot of different things so the server isn't ready yet (gotta fix roles, automod stuff, add rules, etc). but it will also be scp centric as well not just to SCP-OVS.
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transinclusionary · 2 years
Ok but for someone who says they don’t care or are suppose ally’s to women you get really upset at women/ terfs I’m saying this as a gay trans masc you need to chill bc this just gives them receipts that all trans women are men who are misgonistic and violent seriously stop replying to them if it really doesn’t bother you
Lord have mercy, I'm going to summon the patience to respond, and give you the response this deserves. I'm going to level with you
I have never clarified what my gender identity is beyond "they/them" because I didn't believe my identity mattered beyond, only the content of my words. But if this needs clarification I will provide it so no one misunderstands me. I am not a trans woman. I believe this discourse shouldn't have to be done by trans women exclusively. Why must someone who opposes bigots be marginalized? Why must the marginalized fight the bigotry in their own oppression? Why can't I, a gnc cis passing queer woman be absolutely appalled and moved with rage at how awful these cosplay conservatives tarnish the very lavel activism with their existence?
It's not fucking fair how little people get in the world to help, and they get even less the more layers of intersectionality we get. And the lower you get the less society cares about you. The only thing you can turn to is fucking activism when you get so oppressed everyone has a fucking reason to hate you. So you join feminist circles to gain community, and a twisted fucking surprise, even the people who claim to care about gender liberation "feminists" dont care.
I'm allowed to find the struggles of others maddening, in the same way I would hope good white allies to find racism maddening or men to find sexism infuriating. If you're a good ally you should be MAD that someone of your same intersectionality can't just fucking treat people right.
It shouldn't be on trans women to take the brunt of this, or insist everyone ignores them. They don't ignore trans women! They go to safe spaces for women and harasses them, disseminates their photos, their information, and relentlessly bully them! Respectfully, I do not see how I am guilty for the anger I feel for the complete blatant acts of human depravity it is to bully a group of women who have a scary high suicide rate. By not talking about it and just expecting people to fight this issue with silence, I believe that we don't provide adequate community.
It is not just enough to be not a transmisogynist, you have to be anti-transmisogynists. I should not have to put my life in danger by standing up for black people in a room of trump supporters. But a white person should use what privilege they have to stand up for what's right. If I expect allies to do that for me, I need to do that for groups I'm allied with.
Thank you for reaching out. And in situations like these please, think about what you say. I believe you intended good with this post, but I also believe you could reflect on your words. I don't believe it's fair to call a black women aggressive for anger.
No minority should be responsible for the whole group of people, it's not fair to make minorities play by their bigots rules to be respected. Basic human respect shouldn't be earned through respectability politics.
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transarsonist · 2 years
I've been having thots and feelings about my gender the past few months. Today's thot: I feel femme but in a masc way. I don't feel like a cis woman, but I don't feel like a man, but I'm not comfortable calling myself nonbinary. I like being called mommy and daddy equally by my sexual partners. Either way, I take care of what's mine. I don't understand femmes but in a very autistic way in that lots of "femme" shit like shaving and makeup and cute shoes are absolutely horrible sensory experiences for me.
Gender is weird and finally letting myself relax my ideas that "I have to be a cis woman cause I'm not super uncomfortable with people perceiving me that way" doesn't actually make me cis. I can be loosey goosey and figuring it out and that's just fine! Still woman adjacent enough to be super into lesbians and hopefully them into me tho
Yesssssss!!! you're allowed to be genderweird without calling yourself non-binary!! but also it sounds like, if you wanted to you Could call yourself nonbinary! you Are qualified!
at the end of the day though? there are no rules!!! i know of he/him cis women who dress femme and get called daddy! i know of trans people who are on testosterone, have top surgery, use she/her pronouns, and identify as femme lesbians! there are no rules at all! you can just vibe with what feels good and worry about putting names on it later or even never
thats what "queer" means to me, thats why i love the word "queer", if you dont have a clear answer to a question, you can just say "well im queer" and it explains everything and nothing at the same time <3<3<3
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