#and a totally not forged invitation
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"For some reason"
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nightingale-prompts · 28 days
Nightwing gets a sidekick introducing: "Batboy"
Continuation of this post: "Danny has Bat wings"
Dick tries to tell himself that he's better then Bruce. He's not going around taking young orphaned boys with unique abilities willy-nilly. No, he very careful. Besides this is first- well second sidekick.
He's doing a public service anyways. You can't have a kid with giant bat wings just falling from buildings. If Nightwing hadn't stepped in to stop those goons trying to catch the kid and sell him then who knows what would have happened. What if they tried to cut off his wings and turn the boy into a bloody trophy for the Bats?
There are many villains in Bludhaven who'd take the boy out or take him in. Dick already had a sinking feeling that Heartless would try his hand at killing the kid after all he targets the weak and helpless like a coward.
It was easy enough to convince the boy to be his friend. Dick did have natural charm and charisma after all. All it took was a meal from batburger and a fruit cup to get the kid to open up.
Danny (apparently his family gave him a normal name) didn't live with his family anymore due to ideological differences. That difference was that they thought he shouldn't exist anymore and wanted to turn him into an experiment. Poor kid didn't even get to finish his freshman year of school before he had to leave. He was a small town vigilante for a few months before the incident.
Dick saw an opportunity but was subtle about it. He invited the kid to live with him until he got his education. Its also totally ethical because the kid was a vigilante already.
Everything kind of went by quickly. Dick had done everything possible to hide Danny until he could come up with a plan of how to tell everyone.
True Dick didn't "need" a sidekick but come on, look at him! He's a boy with bat wings! Dick could put a little cowl on him and dress him up like Batman. I mean he's not a dog but it would be funny. The irony there, the bird-themed hero now had a bat-themed sidekick. That is the universe's way of sending a message.
After training Danny Dick learned that the kid had an endless supply of energy and ADHD that rivaled his own at that age. The kid also couldn't fly, it was actually closer to gliding which was still useful but he kind of looked like a flying squirrel when he jumped off ledges.
The term issue with taking Danny in was that Dick was still a Wayne and while he could hide the kid while he was swinging through Bludhaven, Dick Grayson could not.
Danny could hide his wings like they weren't even there whenever he wanted to look human. Which was a start, next he needed a new identity. One that wouldn't tip anyone off.
Dick needed to pull some strings without alerting Barbara or Tim. A new name was forged: "Daniel Nightingale" (Dick patted himself on the back for that one).
With that Dick was ready to let Danny out in the field. For the most part, Danny was as reliable as any Robin if not a bit crazy. Danny was way too charming for his own good but also completely feral. The public adored the domino-masked kid in his green and black costume. Danny didn't wear a cape because of his wings so he used them as a cloak.
When citizens saw them in public they'd offer the kid fruit cups and candies just to get close enough to see his wings. The people of Bludhaven were also excited to have their own version of Robin since Gotham had so many. Also, the kid was so marketable. Look at the way his wings flapped when he was excited.
Danny's or more specifically "Batboy's" presence would not go unnoticed.
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Well, this can't end well.
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Welp. Dick should have expected this. He couldn't even be upset. He doesn't regret anything that he's done.
Danny was still in bed, actually it was a hammock which was more comfortable for a bat. Dick wondered if he could sleep upside down. The kid was comfortable here and probably better off here than in Gotham. Once the adoption goes public however things will get complicated. Danny may end up Bludhaven's sweetheart or outcast. He'll probably end up fine...probably.
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
the possible future of the hatchetfield series: hatchetfield halloween party livestream full rundown
again apologies if someone has already done something like this, but I’m procrastinating doing my coursework and just want to talk about hatchetfield I want everyone to be aware of this exciting stuff that was announced in the stream so here you go:
the next starkid musical to be released will not be in the hatchetfield universe.
the guy who didn’t like musicals will soon be ready to license.
nightmare time 3 was originally planned to be released in the same year as nightmare time 2 and will wrap up the overarching nightmare time stories (which seem to be miss holloway and the foster sisters respectively).
if they did a fourth hatchetfield musical, it would be about miss holloway and her backstory. it is already written. I am very very extremely normal about this fact 😃
there is a possibility of a hatchetfield movie, and workin’ boys was sort of a test for this concept. it would be a slasher murder mystery centering around the hatchetfield community players (zoey chambers and the cast of workin’ girls, possibly also with ruth, hidgens, alice and any other theatre-oriented characters but that part’s just my speculation). the transcription of the teaser description can be found below the nmt descriptions.
ok so here are the transcriptions of the nmt3 episode descriptions:
Story #1: Bottle Imps
Bill Woodward has been chosen to test CCRP’s latest and greatest product; Bottle Imps. These reality-bending buddies will bring their owner the one thing they desire most. When his new imp, Lovely, leads him to his soulmate, Bill decides to use his magical companion to play matchmaker. But to help Charlotte find the man of her dreams, Bill will have to bend the Imp’s rules. Rules he’s been warned, must never be broken…
Story #2: Frankenruth
Desperate to see a naked body, Ruth Fleming and Richie Lipschitz volunteer at the morgue of St. Damien’s Hospital. Their terrible plan becomes exponentially more terrible, when they become unwitting subjects in the experiments of the body-snatching madman, Doctor Laszlo, who claims to have conquered death itself. If Hatchetfield thought Ruth was bad before, then they will cower before the unspeakable horror of… Frankenruth!
Story #3: Becky Barnes Climbed a Tree
Becky Barnes is on top of the world! Not in a literal sense, of course. She’s deathly afraid of heights. After years of struggle, Becky’s life is finally everything she dreamed it would be. She’s engaged to her high school sweetheart, Tom Houston, and the two have a surprise baby on the way! But, as the couple prepare for the arrival of baby Marie, a shadow from Becky’s past returns to haunt them.
Story #4: Devil’s Night
Tim Houston has a crush. Unfortunately, it’s on his older, mature and totally cool babysitter, Grace Chasity, who he fears will never see him as anything but a snot-nosed little kid. But when a devilish maniac with murderous designs on Grace attacks Hatchetfield the night before Halloween, Tim must protect his beloved, or join the killer’s growing body count. It’s another slashing adventure on the night HE came home… Devil’s Night.
Story #5: (long special episode) Miss Holloween
It’s Halloween in Hatchetfield once again, and Miss Holloway is celebrating the same way she’s done for decades, staving off the horrors that go bump in the night. But when Duke gives her an invitation to his wedding, the dejected Miss Holloway begins to chafe under the terms of a contract forged many years ago. She strikes a new bargain, but unfortunately her creditors are known for their tricks, not treats. Just as Miss Holloway gives up her powers in exchange for a mortal life, a monstrous new threat rears its ugly head. As All Hallows Eve descends, and all Hell breaks loose, Miss Holloway must save the town or die trying… for real this time.
Story #6: (long special episode / season finale) Orb Weaver
Lex Foster had a life once. A home. A boyfriend. Now there is only the road, and her sister, and the fear of the men who are hunting them. As Hannah Foster watched Lex sink deeper into despair, she is certain of only three things: Webby is gone. She cannot help them. They are alone. Elsewhere, an old soldier awakens from a catatonic state. Returned from some unimaginable Hell with a mission. He knows that somewhere, two magical girls require immediate evac… then maybe some coffee.
hatchetfield movie: Cast Party Massacre
The Hatchetfield Community Players. You will never find a cattier troupe of two-faced thespians. But when the blood begins to flow at their latest show’s cast party, they must consider: is there a secret murderer in their midst? And more importantly, who amongst them is a good enough actor to pull off such a performance? Can they set aside their petty squabbles and tangled romances, or is it curtains for this ensemble? Who will survive… the Cast Party Massacre!
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wambsgansshoelaces · 10 months
Turmoil; Chapter 1
Roman Roy x fem!Reader -read the rest here!
Prompt: slowburn romantic drama, arranged marriage plot line
a/n: thank you to anon for requesting! if you requested this fic, please tell me so I can tag you! I apologize if this reads as unrealistic or too dramatic- but please let me know your thoughts!
Word Count: 2.358k
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Nothing. You’d turned yourself into something from nothing.
You’d ended up in New York on your own, running from your past, vying for a fresh start. With a degree from Harvard law in your pocket and an unsatiated hunger for success, it only took one case to change your fortune.
Your boss had pawned the case off on you because it seemed impossible. A man charged for real property fraud, and heaps of evidence to prove it. You initially thought you’d pawn the case off to some other schmuck, until you’d been given an anonymous tip and found a discrepancy in a bit of evidence that unraveled the opposition’s entire case.
It was a massive win- not just for you, but for your entire firm -and it came with a massive raise.
A few years later, you’d amassed an egregious amount of money in total and even more respect from those around you, so you quit and founded your own firm. You’re thankful for everything you have. You stay humble, you’re likable, and you make sure everyone in your employment is as well. It keeps you afloat- New York loves you, but more importantly, they trust you.
It earns you millions.
You’re happy with the life you lead. You frequent charity events, donating whenever you can, staying kind. You know what kindness can feel like during a period of misery. You remember what relief felt like when extended a hand, so you extend yours whenever you can.
You help the people around you. You’re kind to everyone, conduct yourself with grace, and are aware of yourself and those around you.
Maybe that’s why Logan Roy chose you.
He’d written to you a week ago, inviting you to dinner to discuss business prospects. You assume he’s gotten himself into a legal pickle involving some of his questionable activity which some regard as criminal.
When you enter the restaurant, one of his men spawn at your side and lead you into the dimly lit back where nobody is sitting. Your heels click on the marble, your gait not wavering.
“Mr. Roy,” you say when you see him. He gets up, albeit very slowly, and shakes your hand.
“Y/L/N in the flesh.” He sits back down and gestures to the seat across from him. You oblige. “You’ve made quite the name for yourself.”
“I do my best.”
He beckons over a passing waiter. “Get her whatever she wants. Put it on my tab.”
You quietly order a small appetizer and watch him watch you.
“Well, Mr. Roy, I hate beating around the bush. Why am I here?”
“The first case you worked on. Do you remember that man’s name? The one you proved innocent?”
“Connor Frost. I don’t forget. Never showed his face once.”
“About him. For witness protection and press reasons, we were allowed to alter his name in the official papers. We also got away with him never being there.”
Your heart misses a beat.
“Connor Roy was on trial for real property fraud, and you proved him innocent,” he continues. You school your face into neutrality. You get a sick feeling in your stomach that won’t stop growing and gnawing at you. It threatens to eat you inside out. “I hate to burst your bubble, but he was guilty. Fucking stupid, it was.”
You blink. “I don’t mean any disrespect, but-”
Logan’s eyes never leave yours. “But nothing. The deed you found in Connor’s name? Forged. And the people who forged it were paid more than enough to never think of speaking about it in court. You couldn’t have known it was fake, so you took it to trial and won. I practically bankrolled that raise of yours.” You can feel yourself begin to itch. “Initially, there was never any need to tell you. If I had things my way, I’d have let you live your life doing whatever the fuck you wanted. But my son had other plans.” As if he didn’t just reveal that your first case was a joke, he offers you some wine. You quickly decline. You feel like you’re going to puke all over him.
“Kendall. You know Kendall.” His voice drips with venom. “Would’ve given everything to him, but he obviously has different ideas for the company. I can’t let him take it now. He’ll fuck up everything I’ve worked for and put into place at Waystar. And I’m not giving the company to the idiot who accidentally committed fraud to the point of felony, or the one who’s running around the world with her dumb fucking political bullshit. That leaves me with one son. So the company has to go to him.”
Logan tops off his glass of wine. “But, by God’s grace, this leftover son is the fucking stupidest of them all.”
You have no idea how this has anything to do with you.
“Let me be clear, Miss Y/L/N. I respect you. You’re a fantastic attorney. I’d have you on retainer- I will, once my current contract with that Frederica jackass runs out. But you must forgive me for all of this. I have to do what needs to be done.”
He inhales, then sighs. “For you to take control without me losing public face, I want you and my son to come to an agreement in a partnership.”
You have to give him the dumbest fucking look for him to respond with, “Marry him. I need you to marry him.”
“I’m sorry?” You can barely keep your composure. You think you’re dreaming, or someone spiked your water, or you’re dead, or anything but this.
“I can’t have him in control. I can pretend like he is, sure, but I need someone with a brain at the helm.”
“I… my degree is in criminal law. I have no idea how the corporate, let alone financial world runs.” It’s all you can think of to say.
He waves you off. “You’ll learn.”
You don’t know what to say. You probably look like a fish, mouth hung open as you gape at him. “Surely someone else is better suited to this than me. I won’t. I can’t.”
“This is why I had to apologize,” he mutters. “Do as I say, and our secret is kept. Walk away, the tabloids will learn of a little lady who buried and forged evidence to win her first court case.”
“You can’t be serious. I thought it was real!”
“The public doesn’t know that. Regardless, I’ve done worse. I’ve ruined stronger, more powerful people with much less.”
You press your lips into a thin line. “I suppose you’ve left me with no choice,” you grit out.
Logan smiles and claps his hands together. “Welcome to the family.” Your appetizer finally comes and is set in front of you. You don’t feel that hungry anymore. “What are you waiting for? Eat!”
He takes a bit of calamari from you. “I think it goes without saying,” he says, “that if you say anything about this conversation we’ve had, you’ll end up prosecuted and in jail for fraud.”
You feel like you could punch a hole into the wall. You can’t believe it. It’s pure dumb fucking luck that you got caught in this.
Logan Roy didn’t choose you for your legal prowess, or any of your skill or ability like you’d stupidly believed. He chose you because he has control over you, and he knows it.
A few days pass, and you begrudgingly drag yourself out of your rotting place in bed. Cursing yourself the entire time, you change into something nice. Logan told you he was throwing a party in your name, to introduce you to the family- and the inner circle, you knew.
If anything, you think to yourself, you look fucking good.
You’re not prepared for the onslaught of paparazzi that bombards you the moment you step out of the house.
That bastard must’ve told the press about your engagement.
There’s nothing you can do but get into the black sedan waiting for you at the bottom of your driveway. You’re probably going to have to move, now.
You sit in the backseat, simmering the entire drive. You have to prepare yourself for the hell that’ll be stiff arming paparazzi to get to the party.
When you pull up, you take a deep breath, and step out the car. The man sitting in the passenger seat got out before you and walks out in front of you, another flanking you as you push through the chaos.
The flashes are almost blinding, but you keep your eyes open. Every picture taken tonight is going to be circulated tenfold by not even tomorrow morning. You hope you have resting bitch face in all of them.
Your miniature guard manages to get you inside with no issues. You’re late on purpose, and it seems like the room goes quiet when you enter.
The crowd stares back at you as you survey them. As much as your rage is telling you to make a scene, you won’t. Time and place, you tell yourself.
Immediately, you can tell Connor recognizes you. He tries to avoid your gaze, but your rage bubbles up and out of you. “Mind if I steal him for chat?” you ask the girl standing with him, voice painfully faux-sweet. You feel like you’re on Love Island, in some sick, twisted way.
The girl gives Connor an awkward pat on the arm before leaving him be. You can feel peoples’ eyes burning into the back of your head.
“You told me,” you begin, voice dangerously low, “that you didn’t do it.”
He looks everywhere but at you. “I was just doing what I had to.”
“Was fucking me over what you had to do? Because I feel like that’s all you did,” you hiss.
“Do you really think someone like me is going to ever go to jail?” Connor scoffs. “It could damage my reputation.”
“It could damage my reputation,” you mock. “Are you fucking stupid? Fucking God.”
You turn to leave, but immediately pivot back. “You’re a Roy. You would’ve been bailed out immediately. You wouldn’t have even gone to jail for an hour.”
You’re fuming. You’re barely holding it together.
Then, you catch the eyes of a man not that much taller than you, dressed in all crisp black. He’s handsome, you think, a light stubble dotting his jaw and soft eyes that wrinkle gently when he smiles.
He excuses himself from the conversation he’s having to come to you and Connor.
“Connor. You’ve met my lovely bride-to-be?”
You’re back to fuming, any thoughts of his beauty gone.
He sticks his hand out to you. “Roman Roy. Nice to meet you, I’m your fiancé.” His voice is painfully bitter.
“You think I want this any more than you do?” you ask under your breath, your handshake way too firm. His grip on your hand is equally as tight.
Connor snorts. “At least act like you like each other.”
“You’re the reason any of this happened. Keep yourself out of it,” you snap.
Roman sighs and turns away from Connor. “Can we go for a walk? We should probably have a word.” To your dismay, you agree.
As soon as you’re out of the main atrium and by yourselves in a grand hallway, you speak freely. “Listen, this is nothing personal,” you begin, “but I’m looking for a way out of this.”
Roman looks over at you as you walk, both of you going at a snail’s pace. “I don’t stink, do I?” He sticks his hands in his pockets. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry this happened to you. I know he’s blackmailing you.”
You sigh. “I should’ve known something was wrong with the case when I never saw my fucking client in person.”
“Well, I want this over as quickly as you do. My father doesn’t want me anywhere near the company, and I’d like to change that.” You both stop walking to face each other. Maybe you two can be friends, despite everything.
“Let me make something clear, though.” Roman takes a step towards you, leaning forward to whisper in your ear. “I’m only in this for me. Not you.”
Whatever positive thoughts you’d had were chased away. You spend the rest of the night fuming under your skin, lying through your teeth, and standing by yourself in the corner.
Siobhan Roy is the first to approach you.
“I admire you, you know.”
“Your father said that too, and look where I am now.”
She presses a flute of champagne into your hand. “I’m not my father.” You share a tense look. “Listen. I think we can do something good together,” she says lowly. “You want to disentangle yourself from this situation, and I want my father out of the picture when it comes to Waystar. Some of my clients have used your firm during political scandal. They all came away unscathed… I have full trust in your ability.”
“What do you want from me?”
“When the time comes,” Siobhan says, “I want you to help take my father to court. And put him down under. So to speak,” she adds. “And I’ll help make sure that if my father ever says anything about you, nobody believes it.”
After Siobhan, it’s Kendall.
“Shiv talked to you.” He’s worse at keeping conversation than she is. “I would also be involved in this. I’d take my dad’s place as CEO, Roman becomes COO.”
“I take him to court, I’m told.”
“Yeah. Yeah, you do, and you win,” he says carefully. “And then you get so much money you can run away to some foreign country and forget any of this happened.”
You regard him carefully. “How can I trust you? Or Siobhan? Or anyone in this fucking place?”
Kendall pauses, and takes a moment to think. “You can’t,” is all he says before leaving you standing on your own once again.
Finally, Roman makes his way back to you. You bristle as you watch him approach. “I know you don’t really like me right now, but I want to go home and I can’t leave without you on my arm. So, shall we?”
You roll your eyes, but take his elbow anyway.
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munsonsreputation · 2 years
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hi everyone, as the month of february comes to an end, i think it’s only appropriate that i give you a list of works that i’ve been reading and obsessed with this month! it’s even more important that we show love to all the writers out there who forge these unique stories and even allow readers to request their very own smutty, fluffy, and/or angsty ideas that turn into amazing creations because of these talented writers.
please be sure to show these writers some love by interacting with their works: reblogging, leaving comments, and tags. all the love and kindness will mean the world to them!!!!
📌: fave | 🫀: fluff | 🪡: angst | 🕯: smut
Friday by @softharrington 🫀🪡📌
first off, casper is an amazing writer. second, this story literally broke my heart then mended it back together all at once. please please give this a read, so many emotions and it’s soooo well written
Single Thread by @keeryshouse 🫀
i’ve seen a bunch of spiderman!steve ideas and fics floating around tumblr and this has to be one of my favorites. you cannot tell me that steve harrington isn’t spiderman coded as fuck!!! the friends to lovers trope woven with the scared to hurt reader will always always be my guilty pleasure. anna, the amazing writer is also planning on writing some more parts to this so go and check it out!!!
This request by @sattlersquarry 🫀
i am a SUCKER for Hopper!reader, I think it’s so sweet and to think El would have another sibling besides Will and Jonathan her step bros are really cute. Moving on, the little quirks and expressions in this imagine is so so so sweet!!
This request by @stevebabey 🫀📌
holy shit this is so fluffy…I feel like I’m in freshman year experiencing my first kiss all over again. First of all, the comparing hand size trick ALWAYS works. It will never fail. And this amazing fucking piece of work will never make me fail to blush and smile like I have a crush!!!!
Love Letters: Day Five by @upsidedownwithsteve 🫀
one bed trope will always have me in a chokehold. This fic does an amazing job at encapsulating the feeling to the nervousness but also the soften that two people share when they are obviously into each other. and of course, eddie is always a little shit, but i love the appearance that him and all the other characters make here!!!
This request by @newlips 🫀
this one is room-mates to lovers, and as someone who hates storms this is filling my giddy heart with so much warmth and comfort. while i have no one to cuddle with while it’s raining, i’d like to think that steve would totally cuddle me throughout those storming nights!!!
Glue by @gorgeousgetawaycar 🫀📌
steve picking up the snacks for movie night is such a him thing to do. in my head, i’d like to think that after baker!reader and steve start dating a little longer, he’d invite her to movie night OR EVEN BETTER…she invites them over to her place (or steve’s) and the house is filled with the sweet treats she has baking for his friends. eventually they all come to fall in love with her and her baking, and steve falls even harder for her. yeah, this is so sweet, it’s like my personal self insert, and i love it so so much!! everyone who loves baking better go read this and if you don’t like baking just pretend you do!!!!
Lay All Your Love On Me by @lovebugism 🕯📌
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, OH MY WORD, I AM SCREAMING! never in a million years did i think i’d need stancy x reader SMUT, but this….this rocked my fucking world. steve is so in love with reader and nancy, i actually cannot even. everyone better go read this and melt. thanks bug, for writing this fucking absolute masterpiece, ily!!!!!!
Scoops Ahoy by @tiredfangirlsworld 🫀
gosh, imagine if steve never worked at scoops…we would have been deprived of sailor!steve, but nevertheless we prevailed in this little imagine. first off, robin always cracks me the fuck up, her character is so funny without even trying and this writer does a great job at setting the scene of the friendship that reader and her have, along with steve in the mix. i totally agree with reader here, the sailor getup is totally a good look for steve and i wish we could’ve gotten a commercial for s3 promo!!!!
Just The Two Of Us by @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint 🫀 🪡
you would expect it to be extremely smutty and filthy, but this is smutty but soft and kind. i actually really really love this fic as it focused more on reader and steve rather than reader, steve, and the audience watching. they’re giggly and want to know how to pleasure one another, ah-ma-zing read!!!!!!!!
This request by @familyvideostevie 🫀
this is such a simple yet sweet sweet concept. it’s totally something that i think would happen in the stranger things universe. dustin and steve’s dynamic is also written SO well—those two go back and forth and despite his age, steve knows that dustin is a genius. i also feel like steve and reader hit it off and eventually date and dustin would parade around hawkins saying some shit like “yeah you see those two! i made that shit happen!”
This request by @luveline 🫀📌
goddamnit i am an absolute whore for domestic fluff (we need more of it tbh). the way that reader and steve interact and talk about the simplest things while cooking dinner is so fucking relatable. it’s the twinge of domesticity and i feel like all of us crave in a relationship. just someone to talk to while we do the most mundane things, but it’s special because we’re doing it with the one we love. i love this so much, go read it rn!!!!!
Bestfriend!Steve by @sweeteststevie 🫀 🪡
ok wow, this one really touched my heart and steve is such a sweetheart. he doesn’t try to poke and prode, but just lets reader talks and allows her to answer what she feels comfortable. i love this so so so much and the gentleness they share is so fucking sweet!!!!
Reminiscence by @caxde🫀 🪡
oh to go from exs to lovers in a snap, this would be a dream! the fact that reader and steve never stopped loving each other—i also wish for that kind of hope and love in my own life, but i’m not sure i could possibly bear it so through fics it is! i love how steve and reader remember their little “voodoo” thing while she’s patching him up. it’s so cute and another way of saying they never forgot one another!!!!
Valentine’s Day by @hey-barnes-stole-a-jeep 🫀 🪡
their confession made me so soft omg. reader is so relatable and i think we’ve got to shed the light on unexperienced!reader, there is no shame and if anything steve would totally make you feel safe and comfortable!!! he’s so gentle with reader and i would die for this man!!!
Love In The Dark I (ongoing series) by @xspeter 🪡
ahhhhh i love this take on s4 but from mayfield!sister perspective. also the nightmares things are so realistic and it almost feels at through the readers are realizing it is a dream as we read. this is currently an ongoing mini series so be on the look out for the next part! i’m so excited to read part II!!!!
Forever Winter by @new-romqntics 🫀 🪡📌
first of all, i love cleo sm!!! this is one of my comfort fluffs that i revisit time and time again. i think that recognizing self doubt and worries is something that it vulnerable yet beautiful because it can open doors and especially the heart. i love how steve doesn’t try to “fix” reader but just wants to help!!! ilovesoftsteviesm <3
Illicit Affairs by @lilacletter 🕯📌
ohmyfuckingod…when i read this, i kid you not…i buried my face into my pillowed and squealed!!!!! first and foremost, autumn is one of the most incredible writers and i have had the pleasure of reading her works. reading her writing is almost like seeing the events take place in my head, her attention to detail and just everything is so incredible. this is smut and you’ll definitely enjoy it #ilovedilfs <3
This request by @lucasnclair 🫀
when i tell you i am shy!reader, i mean that!!! this is totally what it feels like to be so enamored and in love with someone, so much so that you are so shy, but they know just the right way to crack you out of that shell without making you feel embarrassed. i go back to this every time and it’s soooo sweet and gentle!!!!
Cherry Wine by @cinemaquinn 🕯
everyone knows that fluffy smut is always a hit. i love the way this is is written and the fact that there is no shame in being a virgin and the way that eddie just assures reader through everything. i love this so much and it has a very very special place in my heart muah!!!!
This request by @ddejavvu 🫀📌
exterminator!eddie is not a concept i thought i needed in life, but this shit was so cute and funny. also mei/daisy’s authors note in the beginning of the imagine made me giggle so that’s a plus! also eddie just holding the fucking snake and wayne needing to rip it out of his hands made me LOL so hard. i feel like reader and eddie would’ve gotten to know each other better during the ride to the hospital and in the emergency room too. he’d probably offer a date to make up for it and from then on our they’re together and reader is just like, “yeah he might not have gotten all the snakes but he did get my heart.”
Twenty Four Hours (ongoing series) by @ghost-proofbaby 🪡📌
holy shit this slow burn eats me up every single time i read it!!! this is a modern!au and i love the way that is is depicted through the writing: everything from the photo proof and group chat messages are a really good addition to the story!!! i read hour six a few little while ago and OH MY GOD….SO SO SO GOOD!! i don’t want to spoil it so everyone go and read it and let’s enjoy the rest of the series together!!!!
In Bloom by @suncatcherss 🫀 🪡
HOLY FUCK I AM CRYING. this is a mixture of a teeny tiny angst with a whole lotta fluff. the way that reader and eddie are so smitten for each other and do not even get me started on the fact that eddie gifted her the fucking rose!!!! stop!! and then he says “i want to introduce my best girls to each other” …. SOBBING. THIS IS TOO FUCKING SWEET!!!!
All Mine by @hard-candy-writing 🕯
OLDER!EDDIE AHHHHHHHH!!!!! this fic absolutely made me melt…the writing is just incredible and their dynamic works so well. AND THE PIERCING ON HIS **** AND THE WAY HE MAKES HER CALL HER DATE AND BREAKUP WHILE HE …. YEAH, YOU READ THAT RIGHT!!! i don’t want to spoil this smutty goodness, so everyone go and read this rn!!!!!
This request by @mirkwoodmunson 🫀
i always thought eddie would be the goof to scarf down sprinkles of all things because he’s too lazy to fix himself something good…but now that i think about it, that man probably gets HELLA munchies and is a pro and cooking something fast and easy. he can’t stand not having an actual meal and this was so funny and light-hearted!!!!
Devil & Angel AU (steddie x reader) by @thyme-in-a-bubble 🕯📌
GUYS….THIS AU IS SO FUCKING FILTY AND I LOVE IT TO PEICES! ok first of all, i came across this au a few days ago and since they i’ve been HOOKED!!! i believe lea is continuing to add to this AU as she gets more ideas and asks about it, so keep an eye out for more imagines and blurbs regarding this AU!!!
Safe With Me by @singularattitudeofasafetypin 🫀
eddie’s headass defintely drives like a fucking maniac, but OMG he’s so soft for reader. this made me so warm inside and he’s just so sweet. eddie would probably get some shit from the kids because they need to get wherever the fuck they’re going QUICKLY…but i bet you reader gifted eddie one of those keychains that says “drive safe, i need you here,” and he just looks at it and doesn’t give a shit about the kids complaining because he wants to be here for you always. YEAH OK IM A FLUFF WHORE GO READ THIS!!!
The Customer’s Always Right (ongoing series) by @lovebugism 🫀🕯📌
I AM OBSESSSED AND I MEAN OBSESSED WITH THIS SERIES!!!! virgin!eddie is so soft for reader and doesn’t give a fuck about her reputation and i love this so much. i also really really really love how reader is written in a way that shows that she’s always been searching for this REAL DEEP infatuation and love that she had for eddie!! go read this rn because it’s so fucking good, GO GO GO!!!!!
This request by @roanniom 🫀🕯
EDDIE WOULD SO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!!! that men is such an in love menace and him hiding to surprise her is SUCH A HIM THNG TO DO!!! he definitely planned the whole thing out a few days prior and even made sure to call in to get you the day off. this man is romantic his own way!!!
Husband? by @corals-library 🫀
i have this feeling that eddie would die to have you call him your husband!! he would get such a kick out of it and love the way it makes him feel—he would call you his wife all the time, and the kids would call you both mom and dad hahaha!! yeah this is so fluffy and cute and i just know eddie talks to wayne the next day and ask him opinions of rings <3
Three Men And A Baby by @munsonsduchess 🫀📌
GUYS GUYS GUYS, I LOVE THIS!! first off, “rosie posie?!?!” THE NICKNAME EDDIE HAS FOR HIS LITTLE GIRL IS SO ADORABLE. also my guilty pleasure is when writers include other characters within the story…idk i think it’s a nice little treat to see how they interact with each other and whatnot. i love the fact that eddie can just call up hopper for help and even goes to karen!! we need to see more karen y’all!!! <3
Until I Found You by @crrddcffn 🫀📌
fuck this made me so soft…shy!reader needs more attention and i love this so fucking much. i love that reader just goes for it and calls him cute and is kinda shocked by it at first, nevertheless it all works out. they’re so adorable and i would to read more about shy!reader and eddie in the future!!!
Bets, Deals, and Favors (series tba) by @pinkrelish 🪡
I READ THIS A FEW DAYS AGO AND IT HAS ME FOAMING AT THE MOUTH FOR MORE!!!! I don’t want to say TOO much because this is a beauty that speaks and reads for itself, but just know it’s gonna get spicy and i love that harrington plays the mediator hahahaha.
This request by @forourmoons 🫀📌
EDDIE YOU FUCKING CHARMER!!!! i swear to god this man is so head over heels for his girl that he literally does not give a shit about the looks he gets. he knows reader probably hates feeling everyone’s eyes on her and he sees her start to go down and he’s just like “fuck it, here i go!” HE DOESN’T CARE BECAUSE HE’S WITH READER AND HE’D DO ANYTHING FOR HER! fuck this is so fluffy, i need this man!!
happy reading & thank you to all the writers for taking the time to share your creativity with the world, and thank you to the readers for keeping our love for writing alive!!!! 💘💘💘
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Version 4.4 Event Notices Compilation (2)
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"May Fortune Find You" Daily Login Event
During the event, log in on 7 days in total to receive Intertwined Fate ×10 and other rewards!
〓Event Duration〓
2024/02/03 04:00:00 – 2024/02/18 03:59:59
Adventure Rank 5 or above
〓Event Details〓
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"Genius Invokation TCG" Heated Battle Mode: Tactical Formation
〓Special Rules〓
● In this edition of Heated Battle Mode, Travelers must use Character Cards selected on the spot and randomly generated Action Cards to do battle.
〓Event Duration〓
2024/02/17 10:00:00 – 2024/03/04 03:59:59
〓Event Rewards〓
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Adventure Rank 32 or above
Complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act III "Song of the Dragon and Freedom"
And complete the World Quest "Battlefield of Dice, Cats, and Cards"
〓Event Details〓
● After the event starts, Travelers can go to the Invitation Board of The Cat's Tail to participate in Genius Invokation TCG duels under the special rules of "Heated Battle Mode."
● Travelers can invite teammates or participate in duels via match-making after reaching Player Level 4.
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"Genius Invokation TCG" The Forge Realm's Temper: Clever Stratagems
〓Event Duration〓
Available throughout the entirety of Version 4.4
〓Event Rewards〓
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Adventure Rank 32 or above
Complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act III "Song of the Dragon and Freedom"
And complete the World Quest "Battlefield of Dice, Cats, and Cards"
〓Event Details〓
● After the event starts, Travelers can go to Prince at The Cat's Tail to select stages to challenge.
● This event includes 4 stages and each stage has its distinctive challenge rules.
● In each stage, Travelers can configure different parameters, including stage difficulty, the health of opponents, and the number of rounds to complete the challenge within.
● After completing the challenge, points will be obtained based on the parameters selected. Achieving the required scores will allow Travelers to claim the corresponding rewards.
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"Triumphant Frenzy" Event: Adapt Swiftly to Dispatch Foes
〓Event Duration〓
2024/02/15 10:00:00 – 2024/02/26 03:59:59
〓Event Rewards〓
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Adventure Rank 20 or above
〓Event Details〓
● For 5 days after the start of the event, a new challenge will become available each day.
● Each challenge will have four rounds of battle. Before the first round of every challenge, you can select four characters to form a team, and before each following challenge round, you can select two characters to join the team.
● Every character starts with 2 Resolve. Each time a character takes part in a combat round, they will lose 1 Resolve. Characters who run out of Resolve cannot continue to be deployed.
● Each challenge will have a unique type of "Roiling Resolve": Special effects will be obtained based on the total Resolve of the team members. Pay attention to these effects and use them effectively to obtain their benefits in battle.
● The trial characters available in this gameplay mode will inherit the same Constellation levels of the characters owned by the Traveler.
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bitter69uk · 1 year
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“The doorbell rang, I opened the door and there she was – my dream-come-true, four-hundred pounds of raw talent. I carefully invited Jean in, and the first thing she did was goose me to totally unnerve me. She asked for a drink and got it. She laughed and said she had no objections to nudity (“I’ve got a lot to show, honey”), would certainly dye her hair blonde (“Big deal. I’ve had blonde hair twice before”) and asked for a special chair that wouldn’t break when she sat on it. After listening to her give a hilarious reading from the script, we went over the contract, I gave her an advance on her salary, and it was settled.”
/ John Waters recalling his first encounter with Jean Hill when she auditioned for Desperate Living in the book Shock Value (1981) /
“Could the mighty Jean Hill in her very heart have been a deeply sincere, vulnerable and perhaps even a (gasp!) shy person? Actually, I think she was, and her outrageous persona was a way to compensate for this and connect with people and get them to drop the bullshit, prejudice and affectation and deal with her person-to-person. She refused to be labelled. She was fat, she was black, and her health problems forced her to become a kind of permanent “patient,” and she was sometimes on welfare, so she was also filed as a “charity case,” but she refused to be put in any of these boxes or to be looked down upon. She was forged in defiance. There is nothing unique about that — the ghetto is full of defiant people, but it becomes special when that defiance is coupled with intelligence, wit, humour, compassion and a flair for the absurd, and that’s what made Jean stand out in any crowd.”
/ From the Bright Lights Film Journal obituary for Jean Hill by Jack Stevenson /
Died on this day ten years ago: John Waters’ majestic “soul diva” Jean Hill (15 November 1946 – 21 August 2013), unforgettable as Grizelda in his 1977 bad taste punk classick Desperate Living (pictured). (She also makes a fleeting but vivid cameo appearance in Waters' 1981 film Polyester). 
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I love thinking abt the teens and the corroded coffin boys forging something new and beautiful together.
Eddies Boys were a little suspect about Steve harrington, really eddie at first but quickly understood the Steve harrington who did Tommy Hagans bidding is as good as dead. Someone completely new covered in scars on the inside and out. And this new Steve is hopelessly inlove with their friend. Endlessly adores their friend.
But it’s not just Steve. It’s all of them.
Jonathan’s never really had a friend group. A life long loner, not exactly by his own choice. But when Steve invited him to hang out with Eddie and Eddie’s friends (“it not third wheeling man garreth and Jeff are gonna be there. Come on it’ll be fun, free weed. Since when do you turn down free weed?”) and the boys like Jonathan. Except him quirks and all. They’re cool with him. They like his presence. Call him without the pretense of group activities just to talk shit and catch up. He’s never had that before and its nice.
And everything that went down trauma bonded Chrissy to eddie, Steve and Robin style. And Steve is endlessly understanding and even happy to have the girls company.
Steve knows what it’s like to fall from hawkins social grace and he’s more than happy to hold Chrissy’s hand the whole way down.
She falls right into a group of proud weirdos who accept her as is, completely and totally, no questions asked, no need to posture, hide, mask or change.
And Jeff is like, always cooking or baking something, which is just great for Chrissy.
And of corse if Chrissy’s around Steve’s gonna bring robins around. Because he always likes having his Robs around poor chrissy is stuck with them and their weird dude shit alone so that’s not fair.
And those two? Well Steve didn’t expect it but it makes sence. The two of them are his and Eddie’s bookends. Of corse they’re eachothers too.
Stealth! Garreth who is indeed gay as the day is long, but god kmows having a ‘girlfriend’ makes it a lot easier to stay under anyone’s radar. Him and Robin take good care of eachother like that.
But if chrissy and Robin are over they’ve gotta invite nance too, they can’t leave her out. Even Jonathan’s there for shit sake, we’ve gotta call nance.
Nancy hasn’t really had girl friends since barb. And no one can ever fill that hole but shit, if chrissy and Robin don’t help a little bit.
In the midst of the last 4 years of bullshit the parties social lives have gone to the dogs. They’ve lost all functional human social skills and only hang out with each other. So it’s nice to have other people too, people who aren’t completely deranged and damaged to keep them in check.
Idk I’m just rlly into that concept.
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unintentionaloracle · 19 days
The Things We Do For Love [Fic]
After several pivots (both for pacing and "no wait this thing that happened while I was procrastinating TOTALLY streamlines things" reasons), I finally have this Zowens, Jhea, and a dash of Candy multishipping bad boy done!
Summary: Kevin tries to hook Jey up with Rhea so he can get some alone time with Sami (and get out of the doghouse with him). He's trying his best, darn it. Is it too much to ask for a win?
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Kevin felt ridiculous, sneaking around backstage during the last hour of Raw. He knew Pearce was a pushover compared to Aldis, but with his luck he'd catch him on a day where he was actually good at his job. So for safety, he wore a black hoodie. Every wrestler knew they were practically invisible in a black hoodie.
He held the note he'd forged in his hands. It really had to come to this, huh?
Kevin thought back to what led him to this moment, and honestly, he thought anyone in his position would do the same...
Kevin had met up with Sami after SmackDown in his hotel room. They'd started bickering about the “Everyone but Kofi had it coming when I turned on them” comment (“Seriously, Kev?”) and how “I was being sarcastic, Sami!” The bickering then turned to apologies and assurances that Kevin did regret his actions (especially any that may or may not have caused certain incidents at certain WarGames matches). Which led to...
“You know, you look so much better in that shirt than I do...” Kevin purred as he sat on the edge of the bed.
Sami smoothed Kevin’s former shirt. “Oh really?” He said, strutting over and draping his arms across his shoulders before playing with his soulmate’s hair. “Want it back?”
“No, I just said it looked good on you,” Kevin said, completely serious.
Sami started to laugh, pressing his forehead to Kevin's. Kevin smirked, taking the opportunity to pull him onto his lap. “So you forgive me?”
Sami leaned towards his lips. “Maybe~” he whispered.
There was a rhythmic knock at the door. Kevin groaned.
“Sami, it can wait...”
Sami shook his head. “I can't. It'll bug me. Besides, the mood's gone.”
Not for me! Kevin thought as he sighed and motioned for Sami to go ahead and open the door.
Jey entered in a flurry as Sami pulled on pants. “Okay, uce, got any advice for fighting Bron?”
“Oh, please tell me you're not trying to win the belt to impress Rhea...” Kevin said, flopping back onto the bed.
“I’m not!” Jey insisted. “That's a bonus...” He added quietly (but not quietly enough to avoid an eyeroll from Kevin...that earned him a light smack to the chest from Sami). “I just really want to prove I can finally win a belt on my own, ya know?”
“I mean, you still have to fight the other guys in the tournament...” Sami said. “But sure. I'm always happy to help you.”
Jey pumped his fist. Kevin huffed and rolled over, pouting.
To make a long story short, Kevin sat though the whole thing–sulking–only to get chastised for it by Sami after, leading to them bickering again. But this time, Sami went to crash in Jey’s room for the night instead.
Needless to say, Kevin was in the doghouse and needed out.
And he needed to make sure Jey wouldn't interrupt him if he got time with Sami again.
Well, Sami would probably like it if I did something nice for Jey...
And that was how Kevin spent the bus ride to Raw with Cody (that Kevin had basically invited himself on because “yeah I'd like to surprise Randy, too!”) scribbling out a terrible love note asking to meet Jey at Waffle House “from Jey” to Rhea. He'd hoped to just pass it to Randy to pass to Rhea, but...
“Actually, I was about to have a nightmare, so I'm going to have to pass. Sorry...” Randy said, smirking at Cody as he put his hand around The American Nightmare’s hip.
Kevin tilted his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Cody cleared his throat. “Kevin...” He said, motioning to where Randy's hand was.
Kevin finally got the innuendo as Randy got nose to nose with his own on-again off-again it's complicated. (Earning Randy a flirty “down, boy” from Cody.)
“Oh. Gross.” Kevin stated bluntly.
“Sorry, Kevin. You're on your own.” Cody said, looking very not sorry as he turned his attention back to Randy.
“What are you doing?”
Kevin spun around to see Damian, who immediately snatched his note and read it.
“Dude, I don't think even Jey uses the word ‘yeet’ this much. Why are you running around with fake love notes for Rhea?”
Kevin groaned, angrily explaining the whole situation.
“...And I'm just trying to be a good freaking boyfriend because I know Sami’s upset about his belt and I can't always be there for him! And I'm upset because everyone somehow still thinks I'm a scumbag after I've been clean as far as scumbaggery goes for like, a year and a half! IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR A LITTLE TIME AND ATTENTION FROM HIM!? AND TO WANT HIM TO NOT BE MAD AT ME SO I CAN LOVE HIM, DAMN IT!?” Kevin found himself venting at the end of his exposition without even thinking about it.
“Wepa, Kevin! Take it easy...” Damian said. “I get it. And I was actually thinking of doing something similar,” he said, pulling out a fancy black envelope with The Judgement Day’s logo on it and “Jey” written in fancy handwriting, punctuated with a heart.
“You guys had your own stationary?”
“Only when Edge was in charge. Couldn't get rid of the stuff.” Damian clarified, holding out the envelope to Kevin. “So how about we help each other out?”
“Why would you help me? And why are you trying to matchmake for Rhea?” Kevin asked, taking the envelope.
“Simple, I love Rhea like a sister, man. And I know she's been way more upset about Dom dumping her than she lets on. And I would be, too. The person you love, betraying you in front of everyone, breaking your heart, and choosing your mortal enemy over you?”
Kevin could practically feel Sami’s boot on his face from nearly two years ago. He could see the whole Bloodline standing over him–Sami included–saluting their dumb Tribal Chief. “...It's the worst.”
Damian nodded. “I just think she deserves a decent guy this time. Someone who's actually–”
“Competent?” Kevin offered.
Damian snorted. “Basically. Plus, Jey's actually cute.”
“I said what I said,” Damian asserted. “So you leave Rhea to me and you just get Jey to the Waffle House, okay?”
Kevin nodded, a little dumbfounded, and scurried off.
At Sami's hotel room, he was greeted by Jey hurriedly leaving. “Oh, hey, KO! I was just gonna head out to celebrate my win tonight,” he patted Kevin's chest. “Sorry about how weird it was Friday. Give our boy a little extra love tonight, ya know what I'm saying?” He wiggled his eyebrows before running off, calling back “See ya!”
“...What...” Kevin asked, before remembering the note he was supposed to slip him. He pulled out the envelope. “Wait, Da–Rhea gave me this for–!”
“Don't worry, I passed along “Rhea’s” message for you...” Sami said.
Kevin turned to see Sami leaning on the door frame, smiling as he snatched the envelope. He had already changed into Kevin's shirt (which gave him a tinge of hope) and had his hair down. “Hey,” Sami said.
“Uh, hey...” Kevin tilted his head. “How did you know about–?”
“I saw you sneaking around and Damian filled me in on everything. Everything.” Sami said, no longer leaning.
That snitch! Kevin thought.
“Kevin, I'm sorry about Friday,” Sami said. “I didn't realize you were feeling so rough, lately.”
Kevin slumped in relief. “I'm sorry, too. I know you've been upset about losing the belt...”
Sami nodded.
“But if it makes you feel better, Gunther's got the world title. And you know you can kick his ass. If anyone deserves to be the first man to wreck him twice, it's you...” Kevin said, taking his turn to lean on the door frame.
Sami blushed. “Aw, Kev... And if it means anything, I'm not worried about whether you betray Cody or not or relapse when it comes to being a dirtbag or whatever...”
“Really?” Kevin said, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, because I know you've changed. And even if you lose your way again, I know you can go back. Like after you stopped being friends with Seth and trying to prove who Zeke really was?”
Kevin nodded.
Sami cupped his face, making Kevin stand up straighter. “And as for us, I'm not worried about whether that splits us up again or not. Because I know, no matter what happens, we always find our way back to each other, right? Whether we end up making each other better or worse.”
“And you believed in me–mostly–when I was in The Bloodline. It's the least I can do for you if you ever falter again, right? I'm in your corner, Kevin, no matter where you go. I love you, and that's never going to change.” He said, kissing his forehead. “I'm your problem forever.”
Good. Kevin thought.
Kevin chuckled. He felt weirdly comforted. “Thanks, Sami, I love you, too. And I'm your problem forever.” He said, holding his waist before kissing him. For a minute, he didn't care about his title worries, if Cody and the world trusted him, or any moral conflicts he had. Right now, he felt like a champion.
Sami played with Kevin's hair. “Soooooo...” He said with a smirk. “Where were we Friday?” He said, draping his arms over Kevin's shoulders.
Kevin's eyes widened. His brain went blank for a moment.
Sami tilted his head. “Kev? You okay? If you don't want to, it’s fi–”
Without a word, Kevin scooped Sami up and over his shoulder. Sami let out a surprised noise. Kevin started to make his way to the bed.
“Kev, the door!”
Kevin swung the door closed behind him with his foot.
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yandere hcs + fem s/o ; affogato cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (07/09/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; affogato cookie
outline ; “Hellooo I wanted to request a yandere affogato cookie from cookie run oneshot or hc whichever you feel like doing ^^ with female s/o”
warning(s) ; yandere!affogato cookie, stalking, manipulation, emotional manipulation, kidnapping, brainwashing
as far as yanderes go, affogato cookie is absolutely terrifying because of the sheer influence he has — once you’re in his grasp in the cacao kingdom there’s basically no chance of you escaping because he has more than enough loyal followers to track your every move, to watch you in his absence, and to hunt you down if you ever manage to slip through his fingers somehow
he stalked you for months before taking you — making use of his following to ensure you had eyes on you at all times whilst maintaining his own perfect alibi in the palace, studying your schedule and observing even the smallest parts of your day (collecting all of the information gotten by himself and those beneath him to gain a more comprehensive understanding of your person: likes, dislikes, body language, habits, the language you use, every little quirk, etc.)
then once he had enough information (more than enough, even), affogato cookie finally approached you — making good use of his charismatic persona and natural charm to flirt and flatter you into agreeing to go out on a date with him (a date that he’d already planned out to the last detail in order to ensure that it all went perfectly)
he spent months wooing you, taking it as slow as possible and gradually ramping up the intensity of what he was doing — flowers, cards, your favourite foods, spontaneous dates, showing up at the same places by accident, spending weekends at your home, etc. — which meant that the two of you had a very normal relationship for a while, with you never suspecting a thing and only ever believing him to be your devoted, loving boyfriend (rather than the manipulative stalker that he truly was)
he tries to be patient, he really does, but eventually something snaps and he decides that he’s waited enough and he just needs to have you — that’s what leads to him inviting you to his home for the first time, where he greeted you with a kiss and gave you a steaming cup of your favourite hot drink and hung your coat up for you, where after only three sips you started to feel woozy and he, ever the gentleman, took the cup and lead you upstairs so that you could ‘sleep off’ whatever was happening in his bed
and that was the last time anyone other than him or his followers saw you alive — as far as outsiders were concerned you’d decided to move back home after feeling homesick (your handwriting was easy enough for him to forge after you’d sent him so many lovely letters, and with his influence it wasn’t hard to lie about your whereabouts when asked — feigning heartbreak as he described how you’d ‘abandoned’ him overnight after spending ‘weeks’ talking about how much you ‘missed everyone back home’, how he wasn’t surprised but it still deeply hurt him to lose you so soon)
from that point onwards you never have a moment to yourself and are constantly being observed by him and his followers — with them accompanying you around the home, guarding the exit to the room you’re in, and even monitoring what you eat/drink to ensure that you’re getting everything you need to survive whilst under their care (they don’t speak to you beyond the bare minimum to stop you from going mad, like asking if you’re hungry/thirsty and telling you when affogato cookie will get home — but most of your socialising and company will come from your ‘lover’ as he doesn’t like sharing and wants you to be totally reliant on him for all of your needs)
that being said he doesn’t leave you completely alone with your thoughts: stocking his bookshelves with your favourite novels, keeping the materials you need for your hobbies at hand at all times (whilst monitoring you just in case), and just generally giving you the things you need to keep yourself entertained — he does still care for you, in his own twisted way, and he actually wants you to like him so he tries to not do too much that could lead to you hating him
but if you keep on defying him, if you keep on fighting him, then he’ll be forced to take on some more underhanded and immoral tactics to keep you under his thumb — completely isolating you, practically starving you, only letting you interact with him for months and doing whatever he can to break you down (even brainwashing and manipulating you in the same way he does his followers — it’s his last resort but at least he knows it will work)
he even makes sure that his followers guilt you into staying, into listening and obeying, on his behalf by highlighting all of the good he’s done for you — by the time he’s done you’ll be the one apologising for being so cold and cruel to him and, of course, he’ll forgive you for it because he loves you so very much
you will love him, whether you want to or not
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modernidolater · 28 days
Black Jack PAC!
Step right up, step right on up, you know the drill, pick a card and takes your chances! Three beeyootiful two card readings, one card face up for your convenience, one face down that you gotta choose.
Today's upcard is the Four of Swords, an exciting little beauty that invites you to reinvent yourself, and rejuvenate your life. How, you ask?
Pick a card and find out!
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There we are, a lovely set of choices, not a bad one in the bunch. Scroll on down to find the reading for your chosen card!
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1. Ace of Cups
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Two growth cards gives a pretty powerful message on the need for something new or a change to be made. The Ace asks you to get out there and create connections with new people. Any new people you click with will do, and any relationship you have to them is totally fine!
You could also turn your attention to the material world and grab a new hobby, pick up a new show, read a good book, play a new game. Hell, go to a museum or restaurant you've been meaning to.
The Ace just asks that you try something new and revivify your life--even just a little--in the process.
Of course, if you can't immediately chase growth and start building up your life, you can always plan about that. Laying the groundwork for future growth is always an option, and a fantastic idea.
2. Queen of Wands
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It's time to get back in touch with your creative side. Get excited about your creativity, try new things, new directions. Allow yourself to see that old familiar path with a sense of wonder, or forge a new path entirely. There's joy to be found there, and passion is rarely wrong. Even if others have denigrated and derided your choice of creative outlet, you have to let that go and be yourself.
Much is said about not having an ego, but a healthy ego--a sense of self-worth and self-esteem--is a good thing. Allowing that to develop through your creative process, as well as learning not to let others override that sense of self, is crucial to growing as a healthy, happy person.
3. Ten of Pentacles
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You've made great strides toward financial and social stability, and that's nothing to sneeze at. Genuinely, good job!
But now that you're starting to nail things down, you're beginning to stagnate. You need to adopt a new perspective or try one or two different things. Achieving, or even approaching, stability is a laudable milestone or goal. Taking a break to focus on staying where you're at or appreciating what you have is valid and understandable. You just can't stop there forever.
Stability needs to be the jumping off point, the place of strength you move forward from. You don't have yo be shooting for the stars, but you do need to have goals and dreams and something to look forward to.
Work on identifying what you'd like to have, be, or do that would enhance your life. Even if it seems unrealistic, remember: you made it this far! Why deny possibilities out of pessimism?
Did this resonate with you? Feedback (and tips) always appreciated, and if you want a custom reading, just PM me on any of my socials!
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dominimoonbeam · 3 months
Practice Makes Perfect - 9
the non-magical college au continues!!!
this chapter is milo/sweetheart and huxley/gavin with a special unwanted guest appearance...
fic from the steamy steamy start on ao3.
tags: idiots in love, flirting, communication, non-magical, kody being kody,
Practice Makes Perfect - 9
One Month Later
Sweetheart walked into the study hall of the library, telling themself that Milo probably wouldn’t show up. He might be late even if he did.
They’d told themself that every time they got together in the last month to work on this project. This was the fifth. He had never not shown up and he had never been late when they set a time. So why did they expect him not to show? Why did they prepare themself for the disappointment?
Maybe, the better question would be why they’d feel so disappointed if he didn’t show up…
When they got into the hall, they spotted him at their favorite table, text book open and fingers dancing across the keyboard of his laptop.
Their heart pounded. There was something dangerous about Milo Greer.
He looked up and spotted them across the room, his face turning from serious and focused to bright and excited all at once. All because he saw them.
They’d told themself a dozen things to make up for why he was being nice to them, but none of them were true or fair and Sweetheart knew it. He was smart and a great project partner. He wasn’t using them to get a good grade and this wasn’t some elaborate joke.
He pulled the seat out next to him when they neared, rearranging the material on the table to give them space and invite them to take a look at what he had so far.
“Hey,” Milo said, voice a little above a whisper. They were allowed to talk in the study hall but something about the atmosphere still kept everyone’s voices low. “Here.” He put one of the two coffee cups he had in front of them.
Sweetheart hated the blush they felt blooming across their face. He did that too. He brought them their coffee order when they met up early. The first couple times he’d texted to let them know he was grabbing their coffees on his way. And he said it like that. Like it was a totally normal thing to do. Like they were a duo.
Sweetheart was not used to being a duo. Or a team. Or anything. They were just them, on their own, handling shit. And they were good at it. They’d been packing their own lunches since they were eight and forging parent signatures since ten. No one took care of Sweetheart but Sweetheart.
But he pushed out their chair every time and put their coffee in front of them like it was the only normal thing to do. Like he’d done it a hundred times before.
He didn’t even text about the coffee anymore. It was routine.
They settled down into the seat next to him, nodding as he explained the progress he’d made, definitely not taking deeper breaths of the cloud of bodywash around him…
They rearranged the material on the table, adding their own and setting up their laptop.
It was all too easy to settle into work together. Sometimes they even finished what they’d planned on the project and started working on other school work, from different classes, but still sitting together.
Last week they’d gone to lunch after studying. Milo’s stomach had started making rumbling sounds and he’d apologized and said he missed breakfast. Sweetheart had shocked themself by rolling their eyes and packing up, insisting they move to a café so he doesn’t faint. And they had. They’d spent another four hours in the café, at first still studying and then just…hanging out.
What the hell was this?
“So, there’s this party this weekend,” Milo started.
Sweetheart continued to type next to him. They huffed something affirmative. Yes, the party. They’d heard. Another frat thing.
“I was thinking this time I could drive you there as well as home…”
Sweetheart hit three wrong keys and stared. The ride home on his motorcycle had been exciting, arms wrapped around his waist, wearing his helmet…
They looked at Milo.
He smiled, something nervous about it. “It could be fun and we can bail whenever you want.” His smile grew. “We can find a corner and read if you want.”
They rolled their eyes and pressed their lips to keep his smile from spreading. “Do you really think I’m that anti-social?”
“No. I think you’re that opposed to wasting time on social events,” he reworded, laughing and rolling his pen between his fingers the way he did sometimes.
Sweetheart nodded. No point in arguing that. “So, wouldn’t me going just ruin it?”
Milo laughed. “Are you kidding? No. I bet you’re great at beer pong.”
“Why would you think I’d be good at that?”
He shrugged. “Because you’re good at everything. And, I mean, you wouldn’t lose to me, would you?”
Sweetheart wrinkled their nose. “Of course not.”
He grinned. “See.”
Sweetheart felt heat in their face again and pretended to read their notes. “I don’t know. Last time wasn’t much fun.”
Milo nodded. “Yeah, but last time you didn’t go with me. I promise to either make sure it’s fun or take you home if it sucks. I’ll be your party guide!”
Sweetheart raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Why?”
Milo stared back at them. “Why what, Sweets?”
They shivered a little when he used that nickname. “Why would you want to play party guide to me? Isn’t the point of those things so you can find someone to hook up with?”
Milo blushed.
Sweetheart stared. It was pretty and made their pulse race a little.
Milo turned in his seat to face them better, touching the back of their chair. “Sweets… I don’t want to hook up with anyone. I want to go with you. Do you… want to go with me?”
He was watching them, waiting, his expression so open and patient that their whole heart ached.
Milo Greer was dangerous.
Sweetheart nodded. “Okay.”
His smile was so beautiful. “I’ll pick you up at eight?”
Sweetheart frowned to hide the excitement that ran through their veins. They could walk. They could just meet him there. “Sure. Sounds good.”
“I heard you’re fucking that himbo.”
The class had ended and most of the other students had already filed out. Most, but not all. A few jerked at Kody’s words, casting glances back to Gavin before giggling and whispering to each other.
Gavin did not usually mind whispers.
He blinked innocently. No, he wasn’t fucking a himbo. He wasn’t fucking anyone. In fact, he might be setting a new personal record for celibacy. It had been like… a week. Gavin hadn’t really thought about it until then. Strange. It wasn’t that they’d talked about it. They weren’t even dating or anything. They were friends. And just thinking that—that they were actually friends—made Gavin’s stomach flutter.
And then he remembered who he was talking to and put on his sharpest grin. “What the fuck are you on about now, water boy?”
Kody frowned at the nickname but only for a second. He’d never liked it, especially since it harkened back to that first art project he did. It was lazy. Water in glasses and a bunch of talk about meaning. Gavin got the sense that Kody had been able to impress with all that talk and little skill until they met. “Huxley,” he rolled the name and Gavin’s arm twitched, resisting the urge to smack it out of his mouth. That was an interesting impulse… “You should get a trophy for that one, Gav. I think half the school has tried to climb that mountain…”
Gavin didn’t like this. His stomach twisted. Kody had always talked like this and he had never really liked it but… this felt different. “We’re not sleeping together,” he said. He wasn’t sure he’d ever said those words before. Firstly, because it wasn’t usually true, and secondly because he never felt the need to explain his sex life to anyone.
Kody laughed. “Yeah right. You’re spending every minute with him. It’s definitely not for his brain…”
Gavin started packing his bag, hands shaking. “We’re friends. That’s it.” He tried to make it sound like it was less even though it was so much more than any sexual relationship he’d had before. But he didn’t like the way Kody was talking about Huxley, largely because he knew Huxley wouldn’t like it.
“I’ve heard he’s big,” Kody continued to tease, grinning like he was imagining it. “I guess if anyone could handle him, it would be you…”
Gavin huffed and shook his head, slinging his bag over his shoulder. If Kody was trying to get a reaction out of him, he could fuck right off. Gavin had no shame. Plenty had tried to coax him into a reaction or a fight. He didn’t care. He was unbaitable. He was impervious to—
“But since you’re done with him, I wouldn’t mind giving him another try…”
Gavin froze, fingers so tight around the strap of his bag against his chest that his bones ached. “Another?”
“You remember. I told you. At the start of the year…”
Gavin turned around to look at him, mind racing. He had told him? Told him what? What did Kody do?
Kody rolled his eyes. “You’re such an asshole.”
“What did you do?”
He blinked at him, surprised, and then slowly grinning. “Still going to pretend you’re not fucking the himbo?”
Gavin stared at him. Waiting, still trying to remember any time Kody had ever talked to him about Huxley before. At the start of the year?
Kody laughed, delighted now. “What? Worried I got there first? I knew you were just chasing him to show off. So, how was it planting your flag?” He rolled the words with innuendo, biting his lower lip as he thought on it.
Gavin felt a jolt up his spine he’d never known before. Rage? He wanted to scream at him to stop thinking it—stop imaging it! He wanted to knock the fantasy right out of the other man’s head.
His phone chimed in his pocket.
It could be anyone, but he knew it was Hux. They were supposed to meet up for lunch. They’d exchanged their schedules a couple weeks ago to find all the times they were both free. They caught meals together, studied together, and sometimes just walked each other from one class to the next.
Last weekend, Huxley had invited him over to watch a movie. Gavin was pretty sure it was the first time in his life that he’d ever seen a whole movie through to the end. They’d spent so much time together but he felt like he was still figuring Hux out. He was warm and kind and so damn funny. He wasn’t shy but sometimes he blushed. He wasn’t asexual, but he wasn’t making any moves either. Moving to a new city had been hard on him. He was social but somewhere along the way, he’d gotten the idea that he wasn’t wanted.
“Come on,” Kody egged, interpreting Gavin’s silence as holding out. “Did you make him whine? Did you bend that big, dumb—”
Gavin closed the distance fast enough to surprise both of them, collecting Kody’s shirt by the collar and slamming him up against the wall. Kody snarled and tried to shove him off but Gavin pressed hard, his thigh between Kody’s and his weight in the arm he had against his chest. It would look intimate to anyone that couldn’t see their faces. “What the fuck?” Kody grabbed his wrist, trying to pull it off his shirt.
Gavin had never been violent, not like this, not really. Oh, he’d played rough plenty, but that wasn’t the same. “Shut up,” Gavin snarled. “If I hear you say one more fucking thing about him, I will make you pay for it, water boy. This is your only warning.”
Kody stared and, whatever he saw in Gavin’s eyes, he let go of his wrist and held up both hands in mock surrender.
Gavin didn’t like the anger roiling in behind his gaze though. Kody liked to be the bully. He did not like to be pushed around. Gavin knew that, and it was why he enjoyed teasing him so much in the past—why he’d created this frenemy situation in the first place. But now? Now that it might come back on someone other than Gavin?
He rolled his eyes and tried to pretend he was only bored, not furious and disgusted, when he let go of Kody and walked away.
He stormed out of the classroom and nearly ran right into a big, broad chest.
“Woah,” Huxley caught his arms, smiling down at him in surprise. “There you are. What—” He cut himself off looking at Gavin, like he saw his mood on his face. His brow pinched. “Are you okay?” He looked past him toward the door he’d come out of.
Gavin twitched, suddenly horrified that Kody would see him—would get anywhere near him. “I’m good. I’m great. Come on.” He caught Huxley’s hand and started walking, towing the other man along down the hall and around the corner, toward the front doors of the building.
“Gav…” Huxley said, keeping pace with him easily but sounding skeptical. “What’s going on?”
Gavin pushed the door into a wide swing and breathed a little better when he was outside, descending the steps toward one of the many campus paths. “I had words with a classmate,” he said, honest but maybe not as honest as he should be. “I want to get out of there while I’ve still got the last one in, you know?”
Huxley’s hand squeezed his just as they were heading down one of the tree lined footpaths. “Someone’s giving you trouble?”
Gavin slowed, looking up at the other guy. He sounded equal parts worried and angry. Gavin’s heart beat a little faster and he realized he’d taken Huxley’s hand. He laughed a little, giving it a squeeze before letting go. “Sorry about that.”
Huxley shook his head. “It’s fine. Who was it?”
Gavin grinned. “Just a classmate. Artists argue.” He’d be damned if he was going to tell Huxley what it was about, or the shit Kody had said. “So, you don’t mind me holding your hand?”
Huxley frowned like he wasn’t sure about letting the first topic go, but the second was sneaking in, making him blush. “No. Of course not. I mean, if you don’t mind, why would I?”
Gavin shrugged, they were walking slower now. He bumped his arm into Huxley’s. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He’d been careful about not being too touchy or flirty with Huxley when they started this friendship thing, but the better they got to know each other the more he realized Huxley was far from uncomfortable with contact. He offered hugs whenever they met up and Gavin was happy to take them. Fuck, he was a great hugger. And they’d been side by side on the couch on that movie night, always in contact, though Gavin had resisted getting handsy or pulling one of those thick thighs over his lap…
“Why would I be uncomfortable?” Huxley asked, wrinkling his nose in confusion.
Gavin considered if he should dig in or drop it…
“What?” Hux pressed, smiling nervously when Gavin cut another glance at him.
“Well… When we first met, I think I came on too strong,” he said what he’d known for weeks now but they hadn’t talked about.
Huxley’s smile fell and he fell out of step with him. “Oh. Yeah. Um…”
“I’m sorry,” Gavin said. “For that night. I like to flirt.”
“I like your flirting,” Huxley said, quieter.
Gavin raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
Huxley nodded, big hand twisting in the strap of his bag now. “Yeah. I mean, that first time… I didn’t know you.”
Gavin’s heart beat faster. He had absolutely abandoned paying attention to where he was going. Who cared if he walked into a tree? He was not going to miss any of Huxley’s reactions right now… “And now?”
Huxley blushed, but the little smile was sly. “I mean, now we’re friends, right?”
“Yes,” Gavin agreed. They were. “So… flirting is okay?”
Huxley laughed and nodded. “I mean, if you wanted to, yeah.”
“Physical contact?”
Huxley smiled, arm bumping his again as if to point out that they had already passed that point. “I’m down for contact… if you are, of course.”
It was Gavin’s turn to laugh. “Oh, Sunflower…” He slid his hand across the small of Huxley’s back. “You have opened a can of worms and I am so excited about it.”
The big guy just smiled, like he wasn’t worried at all. “Oh, Ash said there’s a party this weekend. Did you… Are you going?”
Gavin was at every party that mattered. “Are you?” Suddenly he was sure that if Huxley wasn’t going, he’d rather go wherever Hux was.
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mendes-bae · 2 years
A fair exchange – part one
series masterlist ; prologue ; part two
Part one summary: Princess Velarys returned from her journey to Dorne as a beautiful young woman and she meets a handsome lord, Aemond gets jealous.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x (F) Targaryen!reader
Warning: none in this chapter.
Author's note: ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE! this is my first time writing a fic in English, so beforehand, i'm sorry 👀
Lord Lyon Tyrell does not exist, he was created with the only purpose of giving background to the story and its characters❗
All the rights belong to the showrunners of HOTD and George R.R Martin, author of Fire and blood & Song of ice and fire series‼️
Word count: 1115
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When Otto Hightower came up with the idea of marrying little Aegon to his older sister, the king knew immediately that it was a terrible idea. Instead, he thought that Velarys was a better choice, as they were closer in age.
However, when Helaena was born, the hand of the king suggested that she should be his wife instead of Velarys. Viserys promised that if he had a son again, he would marry his second daughter.
The princess just turned six when Aemond was born. She and her sister entered the queen's chambers and saw her father rocking a sleeping baby. The princesses approached them and her father crouched down to be level with his youngest daughter.
"Velarys, this is Aemond. He will be your husband one day" her father said, smiling at the girl.
Velarys might be young, but she understood the meaning of duty, so she nodded and regarded her future husband fondly.
○ ੭ 𓈒 ˙ 🐉🐉🐉 ˳ ⊹ ˚ 𝅄
At the age of seventeen, Velarys returned of her journey from Dorne, where she was a ward of Qoren Martell, Prince Regent of Sunspear, as part of her father's plan to extend his rule to the south of the realm, since she could not take any of the prince's sons as a husband.
When the princess returned, she has become a beautiful young woman, many young lords (and some not so young), wanted to court her, but the princess did not want to delude anyone, because she knew that the day Aemond fulfilled his seventeenth name day they would marry. However, the princess was someone curious and it killed her to know what was waiting for her on the wedding night, because the other ladies of the court did not talk about anything other than that.
She wouldn't dare to disgrace herself, but she wanted to feel what other women of her age were experiencing with their partners. So, when she came across Lyon Tyrell, a young lord who wouldn't stop looking at her every time they met in a room, she tried to act as casual as she could and started talking to him.
They had established a very close relationship, Lyon would inherit Highgarden when his father die and without shame he had invited her as long as she wanted to stay in the great house that his family owned.
They used to walk through the palace gardens and talk about whatever came to their minds, they had so much in common and for a moment Velarys wished that he was her betrothed, that he would take her to Highgarden and make her the mother of his children.
When she least expect it, she was leaning against a concrete column with Lord Lyon's hands on her waist and her lips against his. The princess's hands traveled over Lyon's toned shoulders and his curly brown hair.
Lyon was giving Velarys her first kiss, she didn't remember feeling so blissful before.
"Take off your hands of my betrothed," a voice said, startling the two secret lovers.
Lord Lyon stopped kissing the princess and turned quickly.
At the entrance to the secret garden was his little brother, with his small sword forged especially for him by the palace blacksmith at his waist. He had his hands on his hips and his brow was furrowed. He clearly was upset.
“Prince Aemond, I…”
"Get the hell out of here now if you don't want to lose your hands."
Velarys didn't know what to say, she was totally surprised by the boy's reaction.
Lord Lyon turned away in embarrassment and gave the princess a look that reflected regret. When she dodged her eleven year old half brother she didn't dare to look at him, she just adjusted the collar of her dress and looked for the nearest exit.
The princess still tried to understand what just happened.
Velarys glared at Aemond, but she knew she was in no position to demand anything of him. She cursed her father for betrothing her to a child, even though a part of her understood that it was her duty to follow the Targaryen bloodline.
○ ੭ 𓈒 ˙ 🐉🐉🐉 ˳ ⊹ ˚ 𝅄
Velarys had not been present when the incident with Rhaenyra's children and Aemond happened. She felt guilty because of it, so after seeing how his sister and nephews were, she went to the castle's kitchen to prepare a tonic for the injured young prince.
She walked to the tower where Aemond's room was in, carefully to not spill the drink.
She took a deep breath when she reached the door and silently entered into the room to avoid disturbance. A maid saw her, bowed slightly, and left the chambers.
Aemond was awake and motionless in his bed, bands covering half of his face, but she could see that his features show pain.
"Hello" said the princess taking a seat next to his bed "I brought you poppy milk with a little sugar, I heard the cook saying that this is how you like it"
Aemond glanced at her with his undamaged eye and took the glass her sister handed him.
"Thank you" he said in a whisper.
"How you feel?" she asked putting her hands on her lap.
"Your sister's son gouged out my eye, how do you think I feel?" he snapped back.
Velarys cursed herself for that silly question.
"I'm sorry, I was just trying to be nice" she apologized, looking at her delicate hands.
"Why did you come?" Aemond tried to change the subject of the conversation because he felt sorry for yelling at her.
"I just wanted to make you some company, I thought maybe you weren't going to be able to sleep"
"Don't you not want to break our engagement?"
Velarys looked up in astonishment.
"Why would i do such a thing?
Aemond looked at her sister in disbelief.
"Lord Lyon Tyrell is not disfigured, he has a beautiful face"
The princess sighed heavily.
"I never apologized for that" she said ruefully.
"Why would you?"
"Because it was wrong"
There was a silence that enveloped both of them, then Velarys tried to explain why she did what she did.
"I just wanted to experience what the other Ladies of the court commented, i wanted to know what it felt like"
Aemond tried to understand.
"You want a man not a boy"
The princess didn't know what to answer.
"I will be a man one day, Velarys"
Velarys smiled at that fact.
"I have no doubt that you will be a great man, Aemond"
She took his hand and gave it a squeeze.
"I promise you, my prince, that from today on you will have my complete devotion" she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Sweet dreams"
Aemond watched her go and promised himself that he would be the man Velarys deserved.
Part two
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@mynameisbaby9 @princessmiaelicia
@sustisama @daddysfavoritesexkitten
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poetryvampire · 2 months
"Yeah, baby," Dammon gasped in his ear. Behind the thin wall, the neighbor was loudly fucking his new conquest for the night. Zevlor bit the pillow as his lover slid just right against his prostate. Tonight, Dammon had told him he'd do all the work for once, so he could relax after his exhausting day at work. The Commander felt guilty to be serviced in such a way, spread out on his belly on Dammon's bed as the young man fucked him with his tongue and then his cock. Zevlor had always loved his vigor and his passion, fucking him hard and fast until the old tiefling was a quivering, wet, whimpering mess beneath him. Tonight was no different. Zevlor had come twice already while Dammon had yet to climax. The bed was creaking under the young man's thrusts. Zevlor tightened his tail around Dammon's hips as he felt the pleasure swell within him, dragging him mercilessly toward his third release.
"I'm gonna get a better place, sugar, I promise you," Dammon hotly whispered in his ear, "so I can hear you come on my cock."
Zevlor swallowed back his moan as he couldn't help but constrict around the young man. The sheets were sticking to him, damp from his sweat. The petnames always happened when Dammon would lose his filter with the pleasure, babbling sweet names he'd call his past female lovers. For a reason the Commander didn't care to examine, it only served to heighten his arousal. It should feel ridiculous to be called like that, yet it only pushed him toward release.
"Dammon!" he gasped, so achingly close and yet so far.
His lover sunk his teeth in his shoulder, coming to a stuttering halt inside him as he spilled. Zevlor shoved his face into the pillow as he came, whimpering. On the other side of the wall, the neighbor was making his conquest scream. Dammon licked the mark he left on him as the Commander tried to catch his breath, mind finally blank after an exhausting day of frustrations.
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That is 1000% what I'm talking about. GOD. Push out all that doubt and anxiety by overstimulating Zevlor so hard 🧡🧡🧡
I love the idea of Dammon getting Zevlor into so many things he's never thought of or let himself enjoy. Sweet lil pet names? He secretly comes to adore them. Trusting his lover to take total control? Wants to feel bad but it's the best he's ever felt.
Also imagine these lovesick fools both in less than ideal living situations. Like after the fallout of the final battle a lot of people end up living in cramped housing. Which makes alone time pretty difficult. Luckily Dammon's so mad for Zevlor he's willing to find risky solutions.
He'll invite Zevlor over to the forge to keep him company one evening, knowing it'll be totally dead. Going about his normal business for awhile while his lover sits off the side, watching him closely. Zevlor keeps it together even with his eyes glued to Dammon. The way his sweat soaked shirt clings to him from the heat of his work. He keeps his distance until Dammon ends up straddling him demanding his attention.
Or one afternoon they find a short cut out of a busy market through a quiet alley. Zevlor takes advantage of the sudden peace by drawing him into a languid kiss, perhaps a taste of what their evening may hold. But Dammon has other plans, he's so in love with the feel of his mouth, his body, he needs more now. He moves Zevlor against the stone wall taking his lips hungrily. Soon their hands are everywhere as Dammon begins to grind against Zevlor's quickly growing need. Before the commander can chuckle and wave away his lovers actions Dammon's on his knees before him, freeing his erection.
"Dammon! We can't just-Ahhh-" Zevlor's protest dies in his throat as the blacksmith swipes his tongue over his head.
"Cmon, no one's gonna come down this way." He pressed hot kisses to the shaft. "Even if they do. Let them watch." Dammon purred before suddenly taking his lover deep into his throat, eyes never leaving his.
Zevlor cried out, the raw pleasure of Dammon's words and actions coursing through him. He had never really seen the appeal of fooling around in semi public places. But that hammering in his heart told him differently. That and the blacksmith wanting him so unashamedly that he'd be willing to be caught in such a position. It made him almost wish they would be.
Ahh I'm losing it 💜
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loraliewritesthings · 2 years
Nameless Danny au: Confrontation
Concept: Danny is both ghost king and Damians twin. Part 4. The moment we've all been wating for. Special thanks to @bluerosefox for their help.
Damian didn't mean to knock over the candlestick. He had been trying to escape the massive knights grasp, his father following trying to reason. Mother only watched the predicament as if she wasn't being kicked out too. Ras was no where to be found.
Damian wondered where he went for a second, only to turn back to his own predicament. Neither he nor father could do anything to help if they got kicked out anyway.
His twin, King Danny he told himself, would certainly not let him in again. The invites were obviously a mistake. Whether they were forged or rerouted was unknown, but by the look of both the ginger and his now named twins face, they weren't to be there.
Then as he was being dragged off, it happened. The girl besides danny looked down from besides the throne. Her eyes were still gentle and understanding, but as she saw him being dragged out by the knight, her eyebrow raised. Her red lips hid a small smile. Not a smirk or a joker grin, but a fond smile as she eyed the knight, helping her king without even being asked. It wasn't last or want, he could tell she valued his loyalty by the lack of blush amused eyes . She adjusted the crown of jasmine flowers atop her head, then whispered something into the kings ear.
The candlestick fell right as the king made eye contact. Every soul in the hall stared. Even the king.He looked unimpressed, bored even. He couldn't tell his brothers heart was pounding or that his thoughts were racing like a rabbits. Rhat the fire spreading reminded him of the pit, of dying.
The king looked totally in control even when the bowls of pomegranate and grain offerings began to light aflame.
King Danny merely floated upward (new fangs gently biting his tounge) and towards the commotion. He approached the knight and his brother without his feet ever hitting the ground.
The fire was out in seconds and suddenly the room was cold. Colder then anything Damian had ever felt. It was the kind.of cold that seeped into the views and bones and stayed with you after you've been warm for hours.
The king began to speak with a fake smile.
" I see a few guests are unaware of the rules of hospitality," he half joked," hopefully I won't have to remind them."
Bruce paled and the king suppressed an eye roll, then he turned to the knight. "I suppose with how late it is, it's time for human visitors to return to their place."
Below him, something whispered to Damian. He feels that your place is below him. Damian of course couldn't ignore the insult. Danny had started it anyway.
Looking at the king, a spiteful smirk on his face he spoke.
"I see you've grown, you damned weakling."
Danny didn't really seem to care so Damian spoke again.
"Do they know you were the unwanted child. A nameless thing."
He expected to see it. The sad eyes of an much younger child. Insecure and watery. He expected to feel awful. Instead he was met with fire and smoke. The phantom cleared his throat.
" A pretense, and a human one at that. That Kind of thinking is for the living after all," he fake yawned and Damian rolled his eyes at the intentional distancing, then Danny began to speak again. Now to the crowd, in the odd language his final vow was in. Suddenly the crowd began to laugh.
He looked at his dad who looked back, both sympathetic and exasperated.
His mother's face was blank.
Still he couldn't let go of a challenge.
He looked his brother in the eye, the logical part of His brain begged him to stop. He'd never get his twin to forgive him if he kept this up.
The emotional part of him stuffed it down.
"If your not weak do what you never could, fight me. You won't win."
It took less than three minutes for Danny to overshadow his twin and shove him threw a portal.
Then he turned towards the now party of two, and smiled gently.
Bruce noticed it didn't reach his eyes. Both he and Talia could tell Danny was bragging.
There was a long silence, awkward and tense before phantom spoke again.
"As is custom foreign diplomats are not to sleep in the ghost zone." His smile dropped, " you should leave before I suggest you pay for this."
He pointed to the ancient table and rug, both frozen and burnt.
"I'm not here as a diplo-" Danny cut Bruce off.
"No but your invitations were meant for diplomats. The queen of Themyscira and King of Atlantis and their plus ones to be exact. What happened to get them to you instead..." he paused.
"Is unknown... but rules are rules. I must suggest you go home."
Bruce glanced at the portal then to danny. The bloodblooms in his pocket Hadent transported with him, and he was as of the ment unsure of how to fight a ghost.
He left willingly.
Now all that was left was Talia.
Tags: @bluerosefox @fisticuffsatapplebees @skulld3mort-1fan @samgirl98 @thegatorsgoose @ladythugs @thatrandomsarahchick @mlpizza @iamheretoconsumeandsharethatisit @betinaplayingwriter @busterkeel @tinybrie @alixanterm
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uneducated-author · 1 year
Dazai learned to drive from Oda.
Well, it wasn't so much learning as harassing Oda to give him lifts home (Oda dropping him a street away from the most expensive part of the city and then Dazai carving his way towards the container) and Dazai fixated on Oda's hands. How they adjusted the different features, where Oda was looking, how the way his balance shifted gave away the pressure on the pedals. Oda never mentions or gives away that he understands Dazai's ulterior motive, but he must pick up on it, because after the third time his movements become more obvious and defined, and he starts talking out loud about his own driving.
So Dazai steals a car every now and again. He starts with slow loops and then longer journeys. Graduating from backroads to highways. Until he can traverse the whole city, perfectly, safely and accurately. It's all patterns and reading, and it's so much easier in a car. All he has to do is look at the wheels and angles of a machine to know where a person is going to move to.
Then comes the fun part. Because once Dazai learns how to drive well, he gets to learn how to drive badly.
He learns how to skid and angle, drive double the speed limit without looking at the wheel, steering without hands, with his feet. He drifts in the middle of a motorway and does donuts until his tyre marks have left a tattoo in the concrete.
And then, when he's totaled two cars and wrecked four, when he could drive a car and put the passenger through hell, but get them to purgatory safe, he brings Chuuya along.
It's not planned. They're booking it on a mission, not gone wrong, but gone wild. Dazai spies a car, and a little voice inside him says 'now!'
Chuuya doesn't know why Dazai is suddenly going in a different direction, but like hell he's letting his partner go off alone, so like always he follows, throwing himself into a car that neither of them know how to drive.
'What the f*ck is your plan Mackeral' he intends to say, but he gets cut halfway through because the car shrieks and Dazai tears them away like a bat out of hell, and for a second Chuuya shouts for Dazai to go back because he thinks that he left his soul behind.
But Dazai is fierce and vicious and whoops as he turns the wheel much to far, spinning on the edge of a cliff like he's the one with gravity powers, and Chuuya can't breathe but the light flickers through and forges a light in Dazai's eye that he never sees unless they're quiet and alone.
And Dazai looks at Chuuya prepared for his partners screaming and clinging, hoping for it in fact. Or maybe he'll yell at Dazai, wondering where the hell he learned to drive. But instead the boy is smiling, face cracked open like a watermelon, whooping and shooting out the window and shouting for him to move and Chuuya will never stop surprising him will he?
The two tear away and it's reckless and dangerous, but they're built for these moments, covered in blood surrounded by fire, and both lay back panting, catching each others eyes just to erupt into laughter because 'can you believe we just did that?!'
Dazai can't help but smile when Chuuya angles himself so they can't break eye contact and asks for another ride.
Later Dazai teaches Chuuya to drive, except not really. The haze has worn off, and there's not really anything all that special about the dumb machine. He points out the gears and indicators and then veers off. The exhilaration had been fun, he guesses. But he can't expect it to last.
Two weeks later Chuuya shows up with a bike he's stolen, black and vicious, but Chuuya's brought him a hello kitty helmet, that Dazai will wear, just to be a brat. But his partner is smiling and reckless, with the spark that means he thinks Dazai is about to be outplayed, and invites him to take a ride too.
Dazai joined the Port Mafia because he wanted to find a reason to live. He never found one that stuck. But sometimes he remembers his partners screaming and that horrible ride where Dazai had no control but was forced to put his life in Chuuya's hands, and he thinks that he may not have found a reason, but there were seconds that he lived.
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