#and see if they have any surrenders for adoption
stealchain · 9 months
kohane passed away earlier last week and while I've had time to think and grieve I'm still sad... she was over 2 and has been kinda wobbly on her feet lately.. so not surprised but again I'm very sad abt it. I've been checked rehoming sites and I haven't found any hamsters listed so sadly I'm gonna have to go Christmas hamsterless.. which is ok ig but one of my gifts was a new 6 chamber hide for her and im sad she never got to see it... im positive my future hamster will be glad to have it but again kind of bitter sweet... I miss u so much kohane u were such a good little hamster.. 💔
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So I’m seeing tons of posts about Danny being Steph’s kid (in comics Steph has a daughter, so trans Danny) but I’m not seeing any of these posts mentioning Dani.
So what if Danny ends up having to leave earth and takes shelter in the ghost zone after a really bad reveal with his parents.
So Dani goes to Gotham to hide from the GIW and meets a bat, who gets suspicious and takes her DNA and immediately contacts Steph because Dani’s DNA matches Steph’s.
Now Steph is freaking out because her daughter is right in the city but she won’t do anything about it because she gave up her daughter to protected her from this life.
She is a bit confused as two why the ages don’t match up, so she ends up buying the apartment next to her to keep an eye on her.
Dani ends up showing strange behavior and a weird connection with the pits, which is concerning on its own.
Dani finds her neighbor Steph unsettling. She looks a lot like Danny, and a lot like her by extension. But whatever, she’s seen stranger while traveling.
One day, Dan ends up knocking at her door.
She lets him in, and waves to Steph as she closes the door behind them. Steph is now concerned.
Dan ends up telling her that Jack and Maddie ended up tamper with Danny’s core and committed a war crime, so now they have to go war (ghost king Danny, and ghost royalty Dan and Dani)
They leave and inform the US movements be JLA that ‘hey! We’re going to war and you have no chance of winning! Surrender!’
Dani ends up being an ambassador between the living and the dead bc Danny is too injured and Dan looks scary.
Steph is freaking out again because her daughter is apparently not human and on the opposite side of the war.
Meanwhile, in the ghost zone, it gets out that Danny was adopted at birth, and the do a DNA test on him and Dani finds out that her neighbor is their mom
Okay, this idea is not the most thought out, but any media is welcome as long as you comment and tag me :)))
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cassandracain52 · 4 months
Reverse trope
where instead of the Bats forgetting that they’re adopted (something actual adoptees do on occasion and is hilarious) they forget that some of them *cough Damian cough* aren’t
Jason in the heat of a probably ridiculous argument: Yeah well YOU’RE adopted!
Tim just as invested in said argument: So are YOU! We all are!
Damian who had previously been quietly watching this unfold while he drank his tea: Actually I’m not
Tim and Jason who didn’t realize he was there but are already DoneTM: …… Damian continuing to sip his tea entirely unbothered: :)
Damian: Because I’m not an orphan-
Jason: ok, yoU KNOW WHAT-
or like in their group texts (that we know they have thanks to Nightwing (2016) #79)
*Steph changed the group chat name to “Bruce Wayne’s Personal Orpanage”*
Jason: Really?
Steph: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Steph: It’s the truth Damian: Both my parents are very much alive
Steph: Shhh you don’t count
Cass: Mine too Duke: Technically so are mine
Barbara: I still have a dad so there’s that
Tim: Stephanie aren’t BOTH of your parents alive???
*Steph changed the group chat name to “The Technicality Police”*
Tim: well that’s more accurate at least
Steph: :)
Damian in his 10th argument with Tim of the day: That’s- this is-
Tim in full Antagonizing Big Brother mode: I’m listening
Damian -a Gen Z and best friend to Jon Kent- extremely frustrated: This is such Motherless behavior!
Tim taken aback: [voice cracking] W-what-?
Damian who didn’t mean to say that but doubling down anyway because his bloodline doesn’t believe in admitting mistakes: THIS! This is such Motherless behavior!
The rest of the family who is also motherless: :O
Cass whose been spending way too much time with Meme Queen Stephanie Brown and not involved in the argument but finding it entertaining regardless: [nodding along seriously] Facts
Tim: [visibly betrayed] CASS WHAT-
A video copy of the interaction gets sent out anonymously to the entire family. Barbara is the prime suspect but there is no proof as of yet (and they will never find any)
Steph, Cass, and Duke continue to respond “Motherless behavior” everytime one of the bats does something they deem questionable/insane. It is said often
It only stops when one night in the middle of patrol. Batman is in full Dark Knight mode (possibly in the middle of threatening someone) and descends from the ceiling into the middle of a warehouse drug deal, dark cape billowing out behind him-
and Steph just automatically whispers “Motherless behavior” forgetting her com was still very much on
She immediately realizes what she said and frantically apologizes but it’s too late.
Bruce just- Blue Screens. Completely stunned into silence
Dick -who was unfortunate enough to be the one teamed up with Batman tonight- is fighting for his life to choke back his laughter
Jason doesn’t even try to stop his and has collapsed to his knees from lack of air from how hard he’s laughing. Cass try’s half heartedly patting his back to help to no avail
The criminals are terrified into surrender from The Red Hood just laughing hysterically at seemingly nothing while Batman just Stands There
Damian ends up being the only one still functioning enough to continue arresting everyone, though he is privately amused and strangely proud
Tim and Barbara have saved both the com recordings and cowl footage to at least three different servers and sent it to absolutely everyone before Batman even recovers
Duke finds out second hand the next morning and is furious he missed the chance to see it in person. He declares he is moving to the nightshift so it doesn’t happen again. (He is all talk and goes to bed by 9 pm)
Bruce bans the phrase for life and promises swift and server punishment to anyone who dares to use it again
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hashtagloveloses · 1 year
The headline is pretty awful but this is one of those things that gets worse as you read it:
The 14-page petition, filed in Shelby County, Tennessee, probate court, alleges that Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, who took Oher into their home as a high school student, never adopted him. Instead, less than three months after Oher turned 18 in 2004, the petition says, the couple tricked him into signing a document making them his conservators, which gave them legal authority to make business deals in his name.
"Michael Oher discovered this lie to his chagrin and embarrassment in February of 2023, when he learned that the Conservatorship to which he consented on the basis that doing so would make him a member of the Tuohy family, in fact provided him no familial relationship with the Tuohys."
Oher was a rising high school senior when he signed the conservatorship papers, and he has written that the Tuohys told him that there was essentially no difference between adoption and conservatorship. "They explained to me that it means pretty much the exact same thing as 'adoptive parents,' but that the laws were just written in a way that took my age into account," Oher wrote in his 2011 best-selling memoir "I Beat the Odds."
But there are some important legal distinctions. If Oher had been adopted by the Tuohys, he would have been a legal member of their family, and he would have retained power to handle his own financial affairs. Under the conservatorship, Oher surrendered that authority to the Tuohys, even though he was a legal adult with no known physical or psychological disabilities.
While the [movie] deal allowed the Tuohys to profit from the film, the petition alleges, a separate 2007 contract purportedly signed by Oher appears to "give away" to 20th Century Fox Studios the life rights to his story "without any payment whatsoever." The filing says Oher has no recollection of signing that contract, and even if he did, no one explained its implications to him.
The [movie] deal lists all four Tuohy family members as having the same representative at Creative Artists Agency, the petition says. But Oher's agent, who would receive movie contract and payment notices, is listed as Debra Branan, a close family friend of the Tuohys and the same lawyer who filed the 2004 conservatorship petition, the petition alleges. Branan did not return a call to her law office on Monday.
"Mike's relationship with the Tuohy family started to decline when he discovered that he was portrayed in the movie as unintelligent," Stranch said. "Their relationship continued to deteriorate as he learned that he was the only member of the family not receiving royalty checks from the movie, and it was permanently fractured when he realized he wasn't adopted and a part of the family."
For years, Oher has chafed at how "The Blind Side" depicted him, saying it hurt his football career and clouded how people view him. He has said that based on the film, some NFL decision-makers assumed he was mentally slow or lacked leadership skills.
"People look at me, and they take things away from me because of a movie," Oher told ESPN in 2015. "They don't really see the skills and the kind of player I am."
"Beyond the details of the deal, the politics, and the money behind the book and movie, it was the principle of the choices some people made that cut me the deepest."
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veritasangel · 2 months
Taking care of you when you're sick
ft. Dabi, Bakugo, Deku, Shoto, Kirishima, Shinso
⋆ ˚。⋆ any pov (kids could be adopted in shoto's) ୨୧˚ warnings: all sfw except bakugo's
wc: 1.4k
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fwb - Katsuki Bakugo
What you and Bakugo had was nothing serious, just casual sex and nothing more as he always said.
He was always too busy with work for anything more.
And so there was really no need for him to come over when you were sick, right?
“What are you doing here?” you ask, voice hoarse as you open the door to see Bakugo casually walking in, hands full with heavy bags.
“Well you sounded like shit over the phone so thought I’d bring some things over to help.” he says as he begins unloading the bags, the inside contents varying from fruit, soup, medicine, and other useful things to random items that you don't even need, like those unnecessary curly straws.
“Uhh, thanks?” you question, “I’m not fucking you, you know?”
“Damn straight you’re not, I ain’t sleeping with someone who’s coughing their guts up. I’m not into that.” he blurts out, as he finishes emptying the bags.
You roll your eyes at his ridiculousness as he guides you to the sofa and begins setting up everything you might need on the coffee table.
“I got the day off work tomorrow so I’m gonna stay over tonight, you know just to make sure you don’t die or anything.”
“How nice.” you joke as you smile at him, “So you do care about me?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” he mumbles, pulling you onto his lap and flicking through the shitty tv shows that he always mocks you for watching.
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ex bf - Eijiro Kirishima
You two had broken up but also kinda not really, you still talk almost all of the time and occasionally end up in each other’s beds.
So it’s no wonder he’s the first over to look after you when he hears you’re sick, the two of you were basically still together without the title.
He's annoying but you love him.
“Pass the remote, this movie’s shit.” Kirishima says from where he’s leaning back on one end of the sofa.
“Get it yourself, I’m sick.” you groan, rolling over to your side.
“Oh yeah, right." he remembers, lifting his head to look at you, before sitting up to grab the remote and passing you a snack from the table, “You look cute like this, you know?”
“I look like a mess.”
“A cute mess.” he says, “my cute mess.”
“I'm not your anything, we broke up 3 months ago.” you raise your eyebrows at him.
“2 and a half.”
You turn your attention back to the TV, “Do the specifics really matter?”
“Alright sorry we can go with your rounded up 3 months then.” he says raising his hands in mock surrender, “My smoothie must've been good because your voice sounds better, you sound less like you smoke 30 a day.”
“You’re so charming.” you scoff but the affection in your tone is still there
“I love you too, my little snotty mess.” he teases before laying on top of you enough to almost crush you.    
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older bf - Dabi
Always feels uncomfortable when someone’s sick, like he doesn’t know what to do
Tries his best though because he wants to take care of you the way you do, him.
Usually ends up looking up what to do on google and then does everything and anything he sees.
“Touya what is all this?” you mumble as you open your eyes from your nap.
“Well I looked up all of your symptoms, a bunch of possible things came up, there might be a 50% chance you’re dying.”
“How reassuring.” you joke, a knowing smile on your face.
He rolls his eyes, “Well it’s probably just a bug but gotta' cover all bases, you know?” he says “Apparently ginger is good for nausea so there's ginger tea on the side, and some ginger biscuits, a carrot and ginger soup and then also some ginger shot thing, I don’t know but I think that’s good.” He rambles on as he runs you through everything.
“Now that you’ve rested, if you just eat and keep hydrated, then I’ll run you a bath and you’ll feel better in no time.”
“Well I don’t need all of that, but I appreciate the consideration. You didn’t have to buy all this for me though.”
“Oh I didn’t, I used your card.”
And you just laugh as you reach for a biscuit because of course he did.
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best friend - Hitoshi Shinso
Less vocal about his care but it’s there, you know it is.
Offers to do anything you need. Planned to buy groceries? He’s already out of the door to get them. Wanted to clean the house? He’s practically turned into a personal maid.
Will use his quirk to keep you in bed if he has to.
“You said you wouldn’t use you quirk on me again.” you sigh as you look at him with a raised eyebrow.
“No, I said I wouldn’t use it on you for no reason.” he adds in as he opens the windows in your bedroom. “Would you like some water?”
“I’m not answering that.”
“You already did.” he grins as you chuck your pillow at him, “Kidding, kidding, I don’t plan on using it again, as long as you do as you’re told and stay in bed.”
"Fine, fine." you give up. "Maybe I should get sick more often if it has you waiting on me hand and foot."
He smirks, handing you the pillow back, "I'd do that even when you're not sick, you know, if you actually let me, instead of acting all independent 25/8." he shakes his head, looking down at you.
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coworker - Izuku Midoriya
The two of you are both pro heroes that regularly work together and when he overhears one of his favourite heroes is sick? He’s straight there
He’s very caring and selfless of course
He's responsible enough to make sure everything is stable before he up and leaves his duties.
Asks how you’re feeling about 20 times a minute because his mind is racing.
“Izuku, what are you-”
“I heard you weren’t feeling well. Have you been sleeping? Did you get injured-” he begins listing off a million different things that could be wrong.
“Chill, it’s just a small cold, no big deal.” you reassure him.
“Well still…you work yourself too hard and it’s having an effect on your immune system.” he says disappointedly, “You can’t be a hero if you don’t take care of yourself, you’re as bad as kacchan, if not worse.” he shakes his head
He’s immediately making himself at home in your kitchen, preparing a soup and when you tell him there’s canned soup in the cupboard, he scoffs, “I’m making a vegetable soup that my Mum used to make for me when I was sick, it’ll do you much better."
"It's okay I-"
"No, buts. Go and relax on the sofa or have a refreshing shower. I'll bring it to you when it's done. Can't have one of my best suffering, can I?" he says as your eyes meet his and you can feel your cheeks heating up.
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husband- Shoto Todoroki
So tender and caring when you’re sick
He knows exactly how to take care of you and honestly probably knew you were getting sick before you did.
Has Fuyumi look after the kids so he can focus fully on you.
“No don’t worry, I have everything covered. Kids are gonna stay with Fuyumi for a few days and she’ll make sure they’re all sorted." He says, tenderly rubbing small circles on your hand.
"Touya offered to take them in but I don’t trust our little girls not to come back with some dodgy hairstyle with spray-in hair colour.” He jokes, earning you a small laugh.
"Good choice." you smile as he checks your temperature again.
"Since the medicine, your fever's going down slowly. Do you want another peppermint tea?" He says softly as he looks over your face with concern.
"No, just want cuddles." you mumble and of course he obliges. He's instantly under the duvet, pulling you in close to him as he wraps both arms securely around you.
"You're not worried about getting sick?"
"Nothing will ever keep me away from you, much less a small bug." he tuts as if it's obvious, kissing the top of your head.
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༄ m.list
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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once-upon-an-imagine · 9 months
You're Still The One - Sirius Black
A/N: ahh! well here it is! I really hope you loves like it as much as the preview! so, here we go!
Requests: - Anonymous asked: Sirius x Potter!sister where she raises Harry and they reunite once he’s out of Azkaban but she has to tell him that he’s a father too (up to you if they had a son or daughter) - twilightlover2007 asked: I would love to see post-askaban Sirius with a single mama(witch or muggle). The little one could be hers or she adopted the child when her friends were killed, thinking the little one is 6months to a year and when able to walk the little one just FOLLOWS Sirius everywhere. Even bumping into his legs when he stops walking suddenly. His own little duckling! Please and thank you!
Warnings: this is very much AU because Sirius gets out of Azkaban earlier and Remus was kinda working his case and visiting him there, so if you don't like that then, this is not the story for you xD, also mentions of sex and I think that's it but let me know if I missed anything!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :) gif isn’t mine :D  
You're Still The One
You’re still the one I run to The one that I belong to You’re still the one I want for life
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“Hey, Remus, do you have any milk? I ran out and didn’t have time to go to the store-”
As soon as you walked into Remus’ home, Sirius instantly froze when he heard your voice. That beautiful voice he hadn’t heard in three years. It wasn’t something unusual for you to walk into the next house as casually as you did. But this wasn’t the way it was supposed to go. Sirius was still getting ready to see you. Which is why, when you came back up, the milk bottle slipped out of your hand and broke down on the floor as soon as you saw someone standing in the living room— a half-naked someone covered in tattoos, who definitely wasn’t Remus.
“Love” Sirius smiled, looking at you. The same smile he always had when he looked at you. He was about to walk your way, but you quickly grabbed what was nearest to you, which happened to be the newspaper on the table. You cursed silently for leaving your wand in your own kitchen. “What are you gonna do? Kill a spider-?”
“Who are you?”
“Bambi, it’s me-” he started, but you backed away.
“No! Do not call me that! It can’t be you! Y-you’re not here!” you said, feeling your eyes welling up.
He couldn’t be here. Sirius was in Azkaban. You knew that. You hadn’t seen him in three years. He couldn’t be just standing here in the middle of Remus’ living room.
“Sweetheart, I can explain-”
“What?” you heard Remus’ voice coming downstairs with clothes for Sirius. “Oh shit” he muttered when he spotted you.
“What the fuck is going on?” you asked, still with the newspaper in front of you.
“Calm down, okay?”
“Calm down!?”
“Shut up! Don’t call me that!” you said, turning to Sirius with your paper and he placed his hands up in surrender.
“Okay, put the paper down” Remus said, walking closer to you and pointing his wand to clean up the milk on the floor. "Just calm down, and listen to me, okay?"
"I'm listening..."
"Are you calmed?" Remus asked.
"...I'm listening" you repeated.
“Look, first of all, please don’t be mad at Moony, okay? I asked him not to tell you I was getting out until we were sure” Sirius insisted.
“Oh, and just how long were the two of you in on this?”
Sirius and Remus exchanged a look you had seen too many times back at Hogwarts before Remus responded.
“Two months” he said, taking a few steps back when you were going to hit him with the paper again but Sirius got in the middle.
“TWO MONTHS! You have been in touch with Sirius and you knew he was getting out and you hid this from me for two months?! You knew all this time and you didn’t tell me? You kept the love of my life away from me?”
“So, I’m still the love of your life?”
“I don’t know! I’m still mad at you!”
“What? Why are you mad at me for? Be mad at Moony!”
“Oi! You just told her not to be mad at me!”
“I know but I’d rather have her be mad at you than me!”
“Enough!” you yelled, making the two of them look at you. “One of you just… tell me what the bloody hell is going on!”
“I didn’t do it, love” Sirius told you.
“Well, I obviously know that part” you frowned.
“Y-you do?”
“I told you” Remus repeated, rolling his eyes. “Look, I didn’t want to tell you until we were certain and we could actually have enough to get him out” Remus explained.
“Why are you two looking at me like that? The last time you looked at me like that, you told me Remus was a werewolf” you said, nervously.
“It was Peter” Remus told you.
“W-what?” you asked, feeling your heart drop. You slowly sat down on Remus’ kitchen table. The two friends looked at each other and sat down with you. “B-but Peter’s dead-”
“He’s not” Sirius told you. “We decided, James and I…” he said, noticing the pained expression on your face when he mentioned your brother. “I suggested Peter should be the Secret-Keeper and not me. We didn’t tell anyone” he explained. “I- I didn’t think he would-” he choked as a few tears ran down his face. “I am so sorry, love” he said, trying to grab your hand but you quickly pulled it away.
“James would have told me” you said, not really knowing what else to think. You always knew it wasn’t Sirius. It couldn’t have been. You knew Sirius would die before he’d let anything happen to James or Lily. But you couldn’t believe it was Peter either. “H-how come none of us knew?”
“We thought it was best that way” Sirius confessed. “After… what happened” he continued. “I tracked Peter down and when I cornered him, he yelled for the whole street to hear that I’d betrayed Lily and James. Then, before I could curse him, he blew apart the street with the wand behind his back, killed everyone within twenty feet of himself- and sped down into the sewer with the other rats” he explained.
“Scabbers” you muttered. “He’s been hiding as Scabbers this whole time?” you said as more tears ran down your face.
“I didn’t want to tell you because I had to find him first” Remus told you. “I couldn’t get Sirius out if they still thought Peter was dead” he explained.
“So you-” you said, looking at Remus. “Y-you found him? You found Peter?”
“I did” Remus nodded.
“And he’s-?”
“He is” Sirius assured you.
“H-how long have you known it was Peter?” you asked Remus, who nervously looked at Sirius.
“Since the night Sirius was taken away” Remus replied and you only nodded.
“D-do you have any other questions, love?” Sirius asked.
“What time is it?” you questioned, getting up. “I have to go back and make breakfast and-”
“I’ll take care of that” Remus said, getting up too. “I think there’s still a lot you two need to talk about he said, looking between you and Sirius before he pulled you closer to him as Sirius went back to get the clothes Remus had brought for him. “He doesn’t know” he informed you and your eyes widened in surprise.
“Y-you didn’t tell him?”
“I couldn’t” Remus admitted. “Look, I know you begged me a million times to take you to see him-”
“You always said no!”
“Yes, because he made me promise to never take you there and he’s right. You don’t ever want to see that horrible place” he said. “And you wouldn’t want to see him that way” he continued. “He was completely shattered, and the biggest part that was killing him was that he had failed you and Harry. So, I didn’t have the heart to tell him there was someone else. It would have killed him” he explained.
“Okay” you nodded.
You knew it wasn’t Remus’ story to tell. You had to do that. It just made you incredibly anxious but when you looked back at Sirius, you felt the same butterflies you did so many years ago. This was Sirius. Your Sirius.
“It’ll be okay, love” Remus said, kissing the side of your head. “I’ll be next door when you’re ready” he smiled.
“Thanks, Rem” you smiled back at him, giving him a hug.
“Just please don’t have sex on my bed… again” he muttered, making you push him off.
“No promises” you chuckled.
“I mean it, Potter!” you heard him yell as he left.
“What’s he on about?” Sirius asked as you entered the living room.
“He doesn’t want us to have sex on his bed” you told him. “Again.”
“Well, there goes my question to know if you wanted to go have sex on Moony’s bed again” he said, raising his eyebrow suggestively at you and making you chuckle slightly.
“I think we scarred him for life when he walked in on us in school” you reminded him, making him laugh. Merlin, how you had missed his laugh. You slowly walked closer to Sirius and sat on the sofa too.
“Hi, sunshine” he smiled at you.
“Hi” you said shyly, playing with your hands, which Sirius knew meant you were nervous. He slowly reached out and held your hand in his. “I’m sorry” you smiled, shedding a few tears and squeezing his hand tighter.
“Why are you sorry, love?”
“I don’t know” you chuckled. “For threatening you with a newspaper?”
“It’s not the first time” he reminded you before you threw your arms around his shoulders and he quickly wrapped his around your waist, bringing you closer.
“I missed you so much” you said, clinging on to him, feeling that they would rip him away from you again at any second.
“I missed you too, my love” he said, feeling his eyes watering as well.
“I-” you said, sighing. “How-” you stuttered. “I- um-”
“I’m fine, love” he assured you, knowing that’s what you wanted to ask him. “I’m here with you and I’m gonna be fine, and that’s all that matters, okay?”
“I knew you didn’t do it” you said, with your voice breaking a little. Sirius pulled you away and cupped your cheeks with his hands. “You know that, right?”
“Of course, I know that, sweetheart” he assured you. “You and Harry were the only thing keeping me sane in that place” he said. “I knew I had to make my way back to the two of you” he smiled.
“Oh, and Moony, if he asks, I mean” he smiled. “How is Harry? He’s about four now, right?”
“He is, b-but um, Sirius-”
“Merlin, I am dying to see him! I bet he looks just like…” he stopped, not wanting to mention James’ name again and make you upset. “Um… does he- uh… does he know about me?”
“He does” you nodded, making him smile brightly at you. “But… um… Sirius, there’s… something we need to talk about” you said, nervously.
“Oh, I… well, I understand if you don’t want me to see him… right away, I mean, I don’t want to come back here and expect you to change your whole life for me. That’s regarding us as well, I mean, I guess we should have that conversation-”
“Sirius!” you said, getting up and walking away from him. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down. “I know that… there’s a lot of things that we have to discuss and talk about but… um…” you said, looking away and sitting down on the coffee table in front of him. “There’s something very important that I need to tell you” you said feeling extremely anxious.
“What’s wrong, love?” he asked, worriedly. “Is it about Harry? Do you not want me to see him yet?” he said. “Cause I would understand if-”
“No, um, is not about that” you said. “Well, I mean, it is, but… umm… Sirius” you said, taking a deep breath as he held your hands in his. “There’s… there’s someone else” you said, making him let go of your hands instantly.
“Oh” he said, with his expression stiffening a little as he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. “I uh-” he cleared his throat. “Well, I uh-” he said, brushing a hand through his hair frustrated. “I didn’t think you’d be waiting for me and- I um-”
“W-what? No! Sirius, that is not what I mean!” you said, grabbing his hands again and he looked at you, still a bit unsure. “Sirius… you are the love of my life” you said, with a few tears rolling down your cheeks again. “That was never going to change. I would have always been waiting for you” you assured him. “What I meant was is… there’s someone else… other than Harry” you added.
“W-what do you mean?”
“Um… a few weeks after they took you away I… I found out I was pregnant” you informed him.
“Y-you-? W-what?” he asked, looking stunned. “Y-you- um- we, we have a child?” he asked, feeling his heart beating incredibly fast and breaking at the same time.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I… didn’t really know how. And Remus wouldn’t let me go with him-”
“No!” he snapped a little, bringing you closer to him. “I never wanted you to go there or see me like that” he said, cupping your cheek with his hand. “Sweetheart, I am so sorry you had to go through this all by yourself! I- I wasn’t here for you! I-”
“No, Sirius, you don’t have to be sorry” you assured him.
“I can’t believe we have a kid” he said with a beautiful smile appearing on his face and you gently grabbed his hand from your cheek.
“Her name is Lyra” you said, making Sirius’ heart stop again as he felt tears rolling down his cheeks.
“We have a girl?” he asked, choking a little and you nodded, smiling.
“Would you like to meet her?”
“I know there’s still a million things we have to talk about but, if you want to, I would love for you to see Harry and meet Lyra” you said getting up and pulling him with you. “Ready?” you started walking towards the door but Sirius didn’t move. “Sirius?”
“D-do you think they’ll like me?” he asked worriedly, warming your heart. You cupped his cheek and smiled at him.
“They’re gonna love you” you assured him. “They already do. Harry has always been dying to know his uncle Padfoot” you informed him. “I told him he was traveling around the world so he’s probably going to ask you a billion questions” you said, smiling. “And he’s always telling Lyra how cool you are” you added. “She smiles a lot when she sees your picture” you explained. “I told you, I knew you didn’t do it” you said. “And I was not going to let Harry or your daughter grow up thinking you were a-” you choked, not able to finish that sentence. You were never able to. You never believed Sirius would kill your brother and his wife. He would have died before let anything happen to them.
“I love you” he said, hugging you closer to him. “I love you so much” he said with tears streaming down his face as he brought you closer, kissing your forehead.
“I love you too” you smiled, wiping away his tears before you pulled him closer and kissed him. It felt like every single time you had kissed Sirius. It didn’t matter what else the two of you had to discuss. Your feelings hadn’t changed. You knew that. Sirius was the love of your life. And now, he was back.
As soon as Sirius walked into the house next door to Remus’, he instantly felt at home, just like he did when he ran away to your parents’ house all those years ago. Except it was a lot cozier and it certainly had your touch everywhere.
“Please don’t mind the mess” you smiled nervously at him as you started grabbing some things and finding your wand somewhere so you quickly fixed everything up. “I would have cleaned up but- um… well, I wasn’t really expecting-”
Sirius cut you off by giving you a peck on the lips. “Please don’t ever apologize for that. Not to me, love” he insisted and you smiled back at him.
“Harry, are you up, sweetie?” you asked, hearing noise coming from the kitchen.
“I’m in here, Aunt Bambi” you heard. You were about to walk over there but Sirius pulled you back.
“Aunt Bambi?” he asked with an arched eyebrow.
“He kept pestering me one day asking why Moony had a nickname, his father had a nickname and you had a nickname, and I didn’t, so Remus told him you used to call me Bambi, and… it kind of stuck with him” you explained.
“I’m glad you kept hearing that nickname you claim to hate so much” he smirked.
“It kinda grew on me” you admitted, rolling your eyes a little. “Hi sweetheart” you said, spotting Harry with chocolate all over his face.
“Uncle Moony made chocolate chip pancakes!” he said, excitedly.
“I can see that” you chuckled, walking over to him and cleaning his face. “And where is Uncle Moony?”
“He’s upstairs, changing Lyra” he replied as you finished cleaning him up.
“Um, honey, I would like you to meet someone” you said as Sirius stood at the entrance. You saw Harry’s face light up as he got off the stool and ran over to him.
“Hey, bud” Sirius said, kneeling to pick Harry up. “You’re so big now!”
“It’s so cool that you’re here!” Harry said excitedly. “Uncle Moony has told me so many stories about you!” he said, making Sirius smile back at you. “What are you doing home?”
“Well, bud, I guess I just… missed you all so much” he said, kissing Harry’s head before putting him down.
“Do you want to see my broom? Aunt Bambi says it’s just like the one you and dad had, but she never lets me fly it-!”
“Hey, that’s not true” you complained.
“She won’t teach me Quidditch either-!”
“That’s because I don’t play Quidditch and neither does your Uncle Moony” you reminded him.
“But you said Uncle Padfoot played” he said, excitedly before turning back to Sirius. “Would you teach me?”
“Of course, I would” Sirius said, feeling his eyes water a little.
“Are you okay, Uncle Padfoot?” Harry asked a bit confused.
“Yeah, mate. I’m fine” he said, giving him another big hug. “I just… missed you so much” he said, with his voice breaking a little.
“Why don’t you go get your broom, love? I’m sure your uncle Padfoot would love to see it” you said, kissing his forehead.
“Yes! I will be right back!” he said excitedly, jumping up and down before he ran upstairs.
“You okay?” you asked, Sirius who was still looking Harry’s way.
“He just…” he said with a few tears rolling down his cheeks. “He looks so much like…”
“James, I know” you finished for him, pulling him closer. “He has Lily’s eyes though” you smiled.
“He does” Sirius said, kissing your temple. “I’m so sorry, love” he said, making you look at him a bit confused. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for you” he said, cupping your cheek. “I-” he sighed. “How-” he stuttered. “I- um-”
“I’m okay” you smiled sweetly. “I mean, there are good days… and not-so-good days” you admitted. “I just miss him” you said with a few tears falling from your eyes. “And I hate that he and Lily aren’t here to see Harry” you said.
“I know, love” Sirius said, wiping away your tears and hugging you to him.
“Hey” you heard Remus walking down the stairs with someone in his arms. You pulled away from Sirius and walked over to them.
“Good morning, my love” you said, taking the toddler from Remus’ arms.
“Mummy” she smiled brightly at you as you kissed her cheek.
Sirius felt like his heart was going to explode. He had no idea how he could love you even more. Or how he could love someone at first sight. And there you were, holding the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his entire life. She was the other way than Harry. She looked just like you, but she had his deep grey eyes.
“Sweetheart, I’d like you to meet someone” you told her as you walked back over to Sirius. “Sirius, this is Lyra” you said, as Sirius felt his entire heart melting when Lyra smiled shyly at him. “Can you say, hi, honey?” you asked as she waved her little hand at Sirius.
“H-hi” she said, resting her head on your shoulder.
“Hi, Lyra” Sirius said, as new tears rolled down his cheeks. “You are so beautiful” he smiled.
“Uncle Moony says I look like mum” she said.
“You do” Sirius nodded. “You’re just as beautiful as her” he smiled.
“I made this for Uncle Padfoot, do you think he’ll like it?” Harry asked you, showing the new drawing of him with Sirius.
It had been a few weeks since Sirius was back and each day, both kids were getting more attached to him. He was basically Harry’s new favorite person, and you couldn’t blame him. Harry spent the entire day asking him questions about James, playing Quidditch, and Sirius basically doing whatever he wanted, and spoiling him with gifts.
And then, there was Lyra. at first, she was a bit shy but it wasn’t long before she started warming up to him. Every single time Sirius appeared in a room, you saw your daughter’s face lighting up just as much as his did. She followed him everywhere. She cried whenever Sirius had to leave again because he was still staying with Remus since he said he didn’t want to turn your life upside down or the kids’ lives for that matter by him being back.
And it was no secret that Sirius was instantly wrapped around Lyra’s little finger. You could tell he loved Harry as much as you did. He was practically becoming his best friend and he loved spending time with him. But Lyra had brought something out in Sirius that you had never seen before. Which is why, you wanted to ask him to move in with the three of you. Firstly, because he was practically living here already. He came in before the kids woke up and he left when they were tucked in. Mostly so Lyra wouldn’t cry when he left. But also because you had missed him so much, and now he was back. And you wanted him back. With you.
“I’m sure he’ll love it, sweetheart” you said, kissing Harry’s head as he and Lyra had breakfast on the kitchen counter.
“Are you going to marry Uncle Padfoot?” he suddenly asked, making you choke on the coffee you were drinking.
“I asked Uncle Moony if you and Uncle Padfoot were married but he said no” he said, casually. “I think you two should be married” he shrugged.
“Why do you think that, love?” you asked, as you fed Lyra.
“Because you’re my godmother and he’s my godfather” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“W-well, I’ll… think about that” you smiled. “But… how would you guys feel if um- uncle Padfoot comes stay with us?”
“You mean live here?” Harry asked, excitedly.
“Yes” you nodded.
“With us?”
“Yes” you repeated.
“Where would he stay?��� he asked, curiously.
“Um, well… he would stay with me” you explained.
“So, you are getting married?”
“I don’t know, Harry, I mean, I would have to ask him first” you chuckled.
“Uncle Moony said he asked you” he replied.
“What? Stop talking to your Uncle Moony!” you complained.
“Uncle Moony” Lyra repeated, smiling.
“Look, I will talk to Sirius today and I will ask him if he’d like to live with us” you explained. “So, I wanted to know what you guys think about it” you smiled.
“Yes, because we are a team. And you two are the most important people in my life” you said, poking each on their noses. “So… what do you think?”
“We love Uncle Padfoot!” Harry insisted. “Right, Lyra?”
“Yes!” she smiled, looking up at him.
“Okay, then. I guess I’m going to have to ask Uncle Padfoot” you smiled, nervously.
“Ask Uncle Padfoot what?” you heard Sirius walking in on the back door. “You monkeys are already up?” he said, messing Harry’s hair with his hand and picking up Lyra from her chair, kissing her cheek.
“Aunt Bambi wants to ask you to marry her so you can come live with us!” Harry said, excitedly.
“Harry!” you widened your eyes, feeling your cheeks burning instantly.
“W-what?” Sirius asked, looking at you.
“We want you to mawy mummy” Lyra repeated.
“Okay, that’s enough” you said, taking her from Sirius and placing her back on her seat. “Um, Sirius, could I see you in the other room for a moment?”
“Sure. Lead the way, Bambi” he smirked.
“Bambi” Lyra giggled.
“So, what’s this I hear about you wanting to marry me and move in with you?”
“Shut up, Black, and stop looking at me like that!”
“Oh, it’s Black now” he smirked. “I see you’re really riled up, Potter” he chuckled.
“Look, I just… wanted to ask you…” you started, avoiding his eyes. You knew he was enjoying this.
“Well, I was thinking about the possibility of you… moving in with us?”
“That’s not what your kids said” he smiled.
“First of all, they’re your kids too” you glared at him. “And secondly, it’s only because Harry asked if we were going to get married” you explained.
“Yes, he thinks we should because you’re his godfather and I’m his godmother” you told him.
“Kid’s got a point” he said.
“Sirius! I’m not joking!”
“Neither am I” he said, dropping his smile and looking at you.
“I don’t see why we shouldn’t get married” he shrugged. “I asked you before. You said yes” he reminded you.
“That was three years ago. A lot has changed since then-”
“Well, my feelings for you, haven’t” he clarified. “Have yours?”
“No, of course not!”
“I’m not saying we have to do it right away” he told you, smiling sweetly. “I’m just saying… if you’d ask… I’d say yes” he said.
“You think I’m going to ask you?”
“Why not? I asked you last time! It’s only fair, love!” he mocked you as you crossed your arms in front of your chest with a raised eyebrow. “You know, I forgot how cute you looked when you were mad” he said, pulling you closer. “I’m not going anywhere, love” he said, cupping your cheek with his hand. “You are the love of my life. You always have been. And you, Harry, and Lyra are the only thing that matters to me” he continued. “And Moony, if he asks” he said, making you chuckle. “Look, I’ve missed three years already and I don’t want to miss another second” he said, making you smile. “So, I will ask you, however you want me to, whenever you want me to, as many times as you’d like me to, my love” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist and you gave him a peck on the lips.
“I love you” you said, smiling.
“I love you too” he said, kissing you again. “You wanna go tell the kids?”
“Yeah, might as well” you said, kissing his cheek and pulling him towards the kitchen where the two of you saw Harry helping Lyra get down from her seat. Sirius felt you stop at the entrance and he grabbed your hand. He noticed the look on your face. In the past weeks, he noticed you getting that look whenever Harry was with Lyra.
“Harry’s a really good big brother” he said, kissing the side of your head.
“Yeah” you smiled. “He doesn’t just look like James” you said, resting your head on his shoulder.
“He’d be really proud of you, you know that, right? So, would Evans” he told you. “They picked right” he smiled.
“Yeah” you said, kissing his cheek. “They did” you told him. 
The End
A/N: I hope you loves liked it! and I hope this keeps rolling xD I have a few 9-1-1 imagines coming up, and also Stranger Things, and/or Remus, James hopefully!
tags: @twilightlover2007 , @hisparentsgallerryy
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
hello! recently my cat went missing (but i luckily got him back!) and i never felt so hopeless. I had to search for him while it was raining, put up missing posters and honestly, the whole thing looked like a rlly sad movie 💀💀 so why not giving you a hint of a request with reader x ghost, where he helps reader find their missing cat? Or comfort them? I love to imagine Simon dealing with rather normal life challenges instead of life threatening ones for once <3 i love your writing so much, your whole blog is like a gold mine ♥️
Oh, nonny, nonny, nonny. As soon as I read “my cat went missing”, I went into panic mode and completely disregarded the brackets saying that you found the little rascal. You said Ghost x Reader instead of Simon x Reader, so how about we change the request a little bit? Let’s say the military base has adopted the cat, and reader has a special bond with it.
You’re down on all fours, peering under the tanks in the garage.
“Pspspspspsps,” you murmur.
“He’s not here.” Ghost’s voice echoes through the vast space.
You glance at his feet from under a tank; he’s pacing around and knocking on vehicles as if that’s the right approach to attract a cat.
“Can you stop that?” you ask, frustrated. “He won’t come out if you keep making loud noises.”
Ghost stops, and you see his feet turning towards your voice. His left foot crosses over the right, and you hear a thud as he leans against one of the trucks.
“Cat’s not here,” he repeats.
“The cat has a name, you know.”
He scoffs. “What’s his name again?”
“Baba,” you remind him.
“Baba,” Ghost repeats, then shouts at the top of his lungs, “OI, BABA! C’MERE YA FUCKER!”
You immediately spring up from your position and rush towards him. You place your index finger on your lips and put your other hand on his mask, where his mouth is supposed to be.
“Ssshut your mouth, Lieutenant.”
“What?” he asks, his voice muffled by your hand. “He’s not here anyway.”
“How do you know?” you inquire and put your hands on your hips.
“Because,” he shrugs and looks around, “there’s nothing interesting for a cat here.”
“Cats love to get into car engines,” you counter.
“When it’s cold, they do,” he replies. “But it’s a thousand degrees out there.”
You sigh and start pacing around, nervously biting your nails.
“What if he’s thirsty with all this heat?” You cry. “What if he went elsewhere to find water and can’t find his way back?”
Ghost straightens up from leaning on the truck. “They always put fresh water out for him,” he reassures you. “There’s no way he wandered off to find somewhere else.”
You turn to look at him with watery eyes, and he meets your gaze.
“It’s been two days, Ghost.”
He tilts his head to the side and glances over his shoulder. “I know,” he murmurs, scratching his cheek over his mask.
You lean on a car, observing him as he walks amidst the vehicles in the garage. He takes a pack of treats from the front pocket of his tactical vest and starts shaking it under the cars, trying to coax Baba out of hiding, threatening that he won’t give him any if he doesn’t “surrender.”
“You like him, don’t you?” you ask him.
He stands up straight and cups his ear. “What?”
“I said you like Baba,” you repeat, this time louder.
“I like my living quarters to be mice-free; that’s what I like,” he mumbles.
“Oh yeah,” you tease, “is that why you have a bag of treats on you?”
He looks at the bag and rotates it as if it had magically teleported into his hand.
“Ah!” he exclaims. “Well, that... that cat...” he says, snapping his fingers.
“Baba.” You remind him, trying to hide your smile.
“Right; Baba likes treats, apparently.” He replies and lowers his voice, “Unfortunately, these are salmon, and he doesn’t like salmon, or so I heard, but that’s all they had at the store today.”
“So you like Baba,” you state, and your smile widens.
He mutters an angry “whatever” under his breath, dismisses you, and retreats deeper into the garage to continue his investigation.
You and Ghost comb through every nook and cranny for the rest of the day, checking behind equipment, under parked vehicles, and calling out Baba’s name. Unfortunately, there’s no sign of him.
As you continue the search, you feel like giving up and occasionally break down in tears. On the other hand, Ghost refuses to show any signs of worry; his approach is pragmatic. He knows crying won’t bring Baba back, so he does his best to keep you grounded and focused on the search. Although frustrated by the lack of progress, he channels the energy into brainstorming new strategies, such as placing feeding stations around the base and instructing whoever is on patrol that night to check the stations for any signs of Baba.
Once he finishes the announcement, he shuts off the comms and turns to you.
“Do you know if Baba is neutered by any chance?” He asks.
“I don’t think he is,” you reply, furrowing your eyebrows. “He’s impossible to be captured, let alone placed in a cage and driven to the vet. Usually, the vet comes on base to give him his shots.”
He nods and takes a few seconds to process the information.
“Well,” he says, tilting his head, “that might explain why he’s been missing for a while.”
“You mean…”
He nods again and raises his hands. “Maybe Baba went to find some-”
“Nuh-uh.” You warn him, showing him your palm. “Don’t you dare say it.”
“It’s a possibility,” he says, shrugging. “If he’s not neutered, he could be out and about, following his instincts.”
You sigh and lower your head. You rub the back of your neck and turn to look at him.
“I just want to find him,” you whisper.
“I know,” he replies. “Me too.”
“You do?”
“He’s good for pest control.” He states and gestures with his head towards you. “And if that makes you stop crying every quarter of an hour, so be it.”
You roll your eyes at him, and he chuckles. He pats your head and ruffles your hair.
“Don’t worry,” he says gently. “Either we find him, or he’ll return from wherever he’s gone.”
“What if we don’t find him, though?” You ask, “Or what if he doesn’t come back?”
“Baba always comes back.” He comforts you. “In the meantime, we’ll keep making announcements through the comms and print some posters to disseminate around the base.”
“I don’t have good pictures of Baba for the posters,” you say. “He never stays still.”
“That’s alright,” he replies. “I have a couple where he looks dapper.”
Baba came back the next day. His fur was a tangled mess, covered in foxtails and burrs, and one of his ears was bleeding, so you summoned the vet to tend to his wounds. The mystery of where he had ventured off to and what he did there remained unsolved. Ghost claims he must have gone on a mission by the looks of him. You were both happy he was back, although the Lieutenant was slightly more pleased, knowing how much it meant to you to have Baba back.
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byelacey · 3 months
so you want to keep a great pyrenees as a pet
recently a little comic i made did big numbers on here and i keep seeing tags like "gotta get me a great pyrenees" and like AWESOME there are SO MANY of these big boys looking for adoption, especially in the US but i feel like as a person who got a pyr as their first dog (because i'm insane) there are some things you need to know - they BARK. all day and all night. they've been bred for barking. this is not bond spyxfamily borfing this is LOUD and CONSTANT. barking is their job. working pyrs protect their livestock by looking intimidating, bluff charging and barking very loud. they're also often naturally nocturnal, which means a lot of their barking is done at night. if you're the type who doesn't enjoy loud noises for most hours of the day, reconsider keeping a great pyr as a pet - they are LARGE. they are large when they are hormonal, idiot puppies. their bodies grow VERY FAST but their brain takes 2-3 years to catch up and during that time you've got a 75-150lb puppy on your hands. everything is more expensive because your dog is big, too. beds, accessories, food, vet stuff, medication, grooming, *everything is more expensive* for big dogs. get yourself some pet insurance. you'll thank yourself later. - they're sensitive creatures who form strong bonds with their flock. if you're keeping one as a pet: congratulations, you're now this dog's flock. separation anxiety is huge. they're meant to be guarding their flock, and if you go off without them, they're gonna worry about you. they also don't take well to you shouting at them for doing their job (barking very loud at wayward leaves). i'm serious. they're so so sensitive. - they're extremely smart and independent, which reads as stubbornness to us. they think they know better because they've been bred to work on their own, without humans around to tell them what to do. they're gonna pick up commands really fast, but they do shit on their own time. and recall? forget it. "an off-leash pyr is a dissa-pyr", as the saying goes. this is not a dog you'll be able to have off-leash, as he's gonna do and go wherever he damn well pleases - THAT BEING SAID as they are a large breed dog (extra large, actually), training is extremely important. small untrained dogs can get away with a lot more than a large dog. some people are afraid of dogs. you need to teach your pyr early and often what isn't a threat to you so they aren't causing trouble with their guardian shenanigans - they shed. they drool. they're large, double-coated dogs with big jowls. i have cleaned drool off of every surface of my house, including the ceiling. they blow their coat twice a year and also shed undercoat all of the time. i brush mac once a week during regular season and every other day when he's blowing his coat so that his coat stays healthy and doesn't become impacted or matted. - EDIT: someone just tagged this with a great point as well. you need a lot of space for a pyr! a fenced backyard, at least, with a fence tall enough they can't easily climb over (6ft preferably). they aren't high energy dogs but they do get a lot out of being able to roam around and patrol their yard. they are not apartment dogs (unless you walk them a lot, and you hate your neighbours) admittedly my fenced backyard isn't huge, but mac gets around 2-2.5 hours of walking per day, split between a morning & afternoon walk. they need the mental stimulation of walking around and sniffing stuff! if i haven't scared you off yet, owning a great pyr as a pet is a difficult, but rewarding experience. try and find a breed-specific shelter, there are many, because unfortunately these dogs are overbred in the US (either on purpose or by accident), and they're also often surrendered as puppies because people didn't know what they were getting into. a shelter will also take your lifestyle into consideration when pairing you up with a dog, because they want to find permanent homes for these guys.
anyway i think that's it. and if you have a pyr i am wishing you a very (show me your dog)
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
The Talk | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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A/N: No reader descriptions! Reader can be Hershel's adopted daughter. Also, this kinda sucks, but we're gonna roll with it.
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Daryl could feel his cheeks burn with a heat that would make the sun jealous. He was leaning against the doorframe while nervously fidgeting with his fingers, his gaze fixated on the ground below. He was starting to royally regret his actions that led up to this highly embarrassing event. And, judging by the way you kept shifting your weight from one leg to the other, he could see that you did, too.
Your father was a lot of things. Kind. Compassionate. Understanding. But above all else? He was a man of faith, a man of God. He firmly believed that sex was an act that should be reserved until marriage. He held a steadfast grip on his beliefs, which made it extremely uncomfortable for you due to the fact that your father had decided that particular moment would be the perfect time to have ‘the talk’—with your partner in the room.
“Dad, is this really necessary?” you asked him incredulously, your eyes widened as you gave him ‘the look’, a look he understood all too well. “You know we've been together for what, six months now? It's a bit too late for this talk.”
Hershel Greene let out a small chuckle, his wise eyes flickering between you and Daryl. “Humour me, Sweetheart.”
“I'm twenty years too old for this, don't you think?”
“You're never too old for a gentle reminder,” Hershel denied with a shake of his head. “Now, Maggie and Glenn had to go through this. It's only fitting that I do the same with the two of you.”
You groaned and shook your head. “I'm not in my early twenties anymore, Dad. I'm in my thirties. I think I'm mature enough to be responsible, don't you think?”
“Daryl.” The archer practically winced when Hershel's gaze rested on him. “I know this must be quite embarrassing for you, Son, but please be rest assured that I'm not here to threaten you in any way. I know that's not in any way effective.” Daryl let out a small sigh of relief, making Hershel chuckle. “Now, to spare my daughter the embarrassment because I can see the way she's death glaring me, I'll keep this short; are you using protection?”
Daryl's eyes widened. He nearly choked on his own spit. “I—I dun'—um—”
“Dad!” you exclaimed in embarrassment. “Please! Just don't.”
Hershel chuckled and raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. I'll lighten up. Just don't do it without the proper protection, okay?”
“Okay!” you told him. “Can you go now? Please?”
“Alright,” Hershel chuckled. He moved over to the door and extended his hand in a handshake. When Daryl hesitantly accepted the handshake, Hershel leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “Hurt her and I'll hurt you, got it?”
Well, so much for not threatening him, Daryl thought. He nodded, however, and with that, Hershel finally left. Daryl let out a breath when he felt you embrace him from behind. “What the hell was that all 'bout?” he questioned with a scoff.
You simply giggled and shook your head. “Beth just got with Zach and she's refusing to have the talk with him. I guess this was his way of feeling like he has some semblance of control, even if it was unnecessary.”
Daryl chuckled. “Not gon' lie, this was prolly both the most amusin' and most terrifyin' moment of my life.”
“Yeah, but you prevailed. I'm proud of you.”
Daryl scoffed and turned around in your embrace, his hands going to rest on your hips. A small, lopsided smile rested on his face. “It would'a been amusin' to see what he would'a said if we told him ya were pregnant.”
“Do you want him to get a heart attack?” you laughed. “I'm not gonna lie to my dad like that.”
“Admit it. It would'a been kinda funny, though.”
You shook your head with a smile. “Yeah,” you finally conceded. “Yeah, it would've been pretty funny.”
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abbyfmc · 7 months
Yandere Emperor Bisexual headcanons:
Warning: Mention of kidnapping, violence, murder, abuse, etc. This is just for +18 only.
1.- You probably would be his male consort, concubine or the "male wife" in some way or another.
2.- You could have been a villager, a soldier, a noble or just his favorite servant.
3.- Yes, this would make people doubt the emperor's sexuality, including the women in his harem.
4.- Speaking of people, he wouldn´t let you see or talk to anyone other than himself and a few servants under HIS supervision and HIS approval. If you dare to break that rule not only will that person you are talking to (without his permission, obviously) be punished, but he would punish you with some spankings, tying you up and isolating you with him in his palace.
5.- If you have a physique for some reason similar to that of a girl, he might make you wear makeup, dress, and hair like one in public, simply because he thinks you would look "cute."
6.- Did I mention that he would not let any concubine or consort, not even the empress herself (if there is one) visit you in your palace or even see you?.
7.- He would let others see you only if he felt like it, otherwise he wouldn't do it, especially under the manipulative excuse of, "I don't want anyone else to hurt you."
8.- He wants you to be obedient and loving to him, especially at night.
9.- And speaking of the nights, during the nightly bed service, there will be nights when he will like you to resist him (under his excuse of "for more fun"), and there will be nights when he wants you to be completely surrendered to him.
10.- Don't worry about having children, family or friends. According to the yandere emperor, you should only care about him.
11.- When he finally has the desire to present you to the world, he will force all the concubines, princes, princesses, nobles, villagers and even ministers to respect you since he will not tolerate any disrespect towards his "male wife" or "male consort/concubine".
12.- If the story were a little more liberal, he would use the other concubines to have children that you and he could adopt, but that would only be in a more liberal fantasy.
13.- I think I'd rather have you hidden; talking about a more realistic story.
14.- When you are alone, he will expect a kiss from you, or a hug apart from completely surrendering to him.
15.- He probably uses powerful aphrodisiacs in incense to make you submit to his mercy and fuck you, even if he also ends up falling for the possible effects.
16.- When it comes time to fuck you, he will make sure that you not only moan, but he will make sure to leave marks on you to make it clear to you who you belong to.
-And that's all, for now. What did you think? I think it turned out decent.
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matan4il · 7 months
Daily update post:
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that a message from Yahya Sinwar (the Hamas leader inside Gaza) was passed to Hamas leaders who live outside of it, and the essence of that is not to worry, because Sinwar believes they have Israel exactly where they want it. In other words, when Hamas is estimated by Israel to have at least 12,000 of its terrorists killed, and despite the fact that they could stop the death of Gazans by releasing the Israeli hostages and surrendering, Sinwar doesn't see any issues with where the war is at. I think the most important part is this: "According to the report, Sinwar also told the Hamas officials that the terror group is prepared for Israel’s expected operation in Rafah, the Gaza Strip’s southernmost city, and is relying on the high civilian death toll reported by the Hamas-run health ministry to cause enough global outcry that Israel is forced to withdraw" (my emphasis). At what point do people realize that they are serving the interests of Hamas' mass murderers, kidnappers and rapists?
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A few days ago, I wrote about the attempt to allow aid trucks into northern Gaza directly from Israel, instead of bringing it to the south, and waiting for Gaza-based elements to deliver it to the north. This means an escort of Israeli soldiers is accompanying the trucks. This is the route the aid trucks cross:
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Today, these aid trucks were stormed by a huge crowd, and according to the IDF, many people died from pushing and trampling (at the link you can see aerial video footage of the stampede), not an unheard of phenomenon when a huge herd of people all rush in at the same time. On top of that, some Gazans were also advancing at the soldiers securing the aid trucks. The soldiers felt undr threat, and they opened fire at those charging at them, but according to their estimate, this accounts for only 10 of the dead. Still, you can count on the anti-Israel crowd to adopt a narrative that, immediately and without investigation, calls this a massacre and blames every single death on Israel, not on Hamas, which started the war that made even aid supply into a dangerous and complicated situation.
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Here's a reminder that even in the middle of the war, when no one is paying attention to it, Israel continues to demolish illegal homes built by Jews. But you're never gonna hear about it, not even during more normal times, because it doesn't fit the anti-Israel narrative, so anti-Israel sources will only ever tell you about it, when Israeli demolishes illegal homes built by Arabs.
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As threats to British Members of Parliament (MPs) are rising due to threats from the anti-Israel crowd, the UK has allocated bodyguards to some of them, along with 31 million pounds designated for the security of British democracy. If some of the most powerful people in Britain are that scared, what do you think Jews there are going through? Indeed, today we heard that 72 million pounds are meant to help secure Jewish centers and institutions in the UK. The problem is that until the root of the problem will be tackled, this is just taking care of the symptoms, instead of curing the disease.
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Israeli security forces have stopped two Palestinian cousins, one 17 years old and the other 29 years old, from carrying out an independent terrorist attack. I refer to such attacks as independent in order to point out that they're not a part of some greater plot, unlike every single terrorist attack on Oct 7, which were all interconnected, and rocket attacks since, which are launched as a part of the war that Hamas started waging against Israel. However, some of these attacks ARE connected to Hamas. Apparently, these two cousins contacted Hamas in Gaza to get help in committing their intended crime.
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This is 59 years old Michel Nissenbaum.
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He made alyiah on his own from Brazil when he was 13 years old. Friends say that coming to Israel saved him. He worked in hi-tech, as well as a tour guide, and volunteered with Bedouin kids. Here he is with one such group:
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On Oct 7, Michel heard that the Re'im IDF base was under attack from Hamas terrorists. Knowing that his granddaughter was there, visiting her dad, Michel decided to go there and get her out. While he was making his way to the base, he stopped responding to messages. His granddaughter was rescued from the place hours later, but Michel himself had disappeared. He's believed to be kidnapped in Gaza, but his family is scared, because he wasn't spotted in any of the pics or vids released by Hamas.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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sunshine-on-my-mind · 10 months
Soldat’s fairy
~ Chapter 1
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pairing: winter soldier x reader / bucky barnes x reader
general warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! Dark Elements!! HYDRA!! (Dub Con implied but not really and NOT FROM BUCKY), Winter Solider, Mind Control, se-xual in-tercourse. forced relationship forced procreation (HYDRA!!), ANGST - (this is my first time writing something like this so please let me know if I should more warnings)
chapter warnings: same as general warnings (let me know if i should add anything else)
words: 1.1k
a/n: hi cuties i’m very excited about sharing this story with you all. this will be angsty and involve some dark elements (not something i’ve written before) PLEASE PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS before continuing. feedback is appreciated!!
-> Next Chapter
Run. Hide. Fight- Surrender.
Those words were still buzzing in your ear. How could your own father do this to you? Truth be told he wasn’t your father, he adopted you, took you in. But what happened to the man who was always kind to you.
At that moment you were nothing but a tool, a pawn in his bigger plans. Alexander Pierce, a cold hearted leader and no longer a caring father.
That morning when he called you to his office you felt happy. You were lonely, you didn’t have a lot of friends, well how could you, when you weren’t even allowed to go out of the house much, and if you did then either with a bodyguard or in the presence of your father. It was once in a blue moon. Pierce prioritised his work, work you didn’t know much about, everything felt like a secret.
When you entered his office, his gaze on you was cold, and maybe a very tiny hit of sadness but a sly and determined look soon overtook his expressions.
“Daughter, you have always wanted to help me, help my work haven’t you?” Was he finally going to ask you to work for him? You smiled and nodded.
“Well then, I have something for you, in fact it’s quite a big responsibility, think you can handle it?” Pierce’s tone was taunting and you didn’t like it one bit.
“I won’t disappoint you”
“Very well than, come on, I would like you to meet someone”
It all happened too quickly, the air cold around you, and you couldn’t believe your own eyes. The sight in front of you, never before had you seen something- someone like this.
A large man trapped, inside a cage? or is it a room? Even though he looked so human, there was no single expression to be found on his face, as if made out of stone.
“Wha- who is this father?” Pierce smirked
“This? My key to victory” You looked confused. None of it made sense.
“Sir, everything is ready” One of Pierce’s men spoke up. Alexander Pierce had a devious smile on his face. He looked at you.
“Daughter, finally you have some purpose, do not fail me.”
“What are you talking about?”
Pierce nodded to point at the man inside the cage. He gave a brief history about who the winter soldier is. You were shocked, you felt blood draining from your body. Worst part was you still didn’t understand how you can be of any help?
“You see, the serum in soldat, has great potential, our scientists believe, if someone is born with the serum they will be even stronger” With each word, you felt your heart beating faster. “You my sweet daughter will be the key to that. Don’t worry your head over it hm? Just surrender to the Soldier, you can run if you want, hide too, but he will find you. There is no use to fight, no one can fight the soldier, let alone you. Surrender and you never know he might just show mercy.”
Reality was slipping from under your feet as you were sucked into a nightmare. It couldn’t be happening, no way on earth your father would do this to you. Then again, this wasn’t earth, this was hell and you’re about to be a part of it.
“Why me? I can’t, I won’t.” Pierce laughed at that.
“You won’t? After everything I’ve done for you? You ungrateful good for nothing girl you think.”
“Why me?” You kept on repeating, in between heavy sobs
“Because I said so. Because I have spent so much money on you, fed you, kept you healthy, given you shelter. I gave you everything and now it’s time you did something for me.”
Without thinking your feet started moving on their own. You ran as fast as you could,
you didn’t even know where you were going.
“Give the soldier his new target.” Pierce ordered one of his men.
Your body was moving on its own, it felt never ending, you kept running. A door was in sight, maybe you could make it. Almost there- almost.
A metal hand landed on your shoulder and you gasped loudly, you didn’t want to turn, didn’t want to face your future.
“Don’t Run” the voice sent chills to your whole body, suddenly you couldn’t move, frozen in your place. Soldier grabbed your arm and pulled you. The fight and flight ignited in you once more and you screamed ‘no’
It made no difference, soldat easily pulled you back, you cried and yelled but no use. He put you in front of your father, as was ordered.
“Well then daughter, I see you’ve met soldat.” In your wildest dreams and worst nightmares never a thought occurred where your father would treat you no better than a mere object.
���Why are you doing this to me?” Pierce laughed at your question
“It’s not about you, it was never about you, you will just play a small role in a much bigger game.”
“My life is a game to you?” Rage consumed your body. Rage, fear, disgust.
You were taken by your father’s men to a room and locked inside. The room was surprisingly nice, too nice, you felt your body revolting, you wanted to throw up.
A victorian style bedroom painted red and gold but modern furniture and decor. The roses on the bedside table didn’t provide any joy, it was clear to you the thorns could prick you any moment.
The massive door opened as the Soldat walked inside. You were petrified to say the least. His hair long, face showed no emotions, his silver metal arm glistening in the light. Everything about Soldat screamed power at the same time. He was no man, he was hydra’s weapon. But what about the man? Was he doing everything willingly? You know they kept him in a cage, but why? There was more to the story and you could feel it.
Soldat took a few steps towards you and you stepped back. He didn’t say anything, just looked at you. Scanned you. Assessed you.
“Why- why are you here?” You asked but didn’t receive an answer.
“Wait- We can talk, don’t do this. Please”. No answer.
“Soldat?” At that the man let out a soft grunt. The way you called him, sparked something inside him.
Your tears, the way you were shaking, none of that was supposed to matter to the Winter Soldier. Then why? Hydra made sure he was immune to all human emotions, except only rage. Then why?
Soldat turned around and left the room without another word. You kept standing in your place, no idea about what just happened or what would happen in the future.
All you knew, that was not the end but only the beginning.
series masterlist | next chapter
taglist: @cjand10
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igotanidea · 10 months
Mistletoe: Jason Todd X reader
Christmas bingo day 15: mistletoe
Christmas bingo masterlist
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"for the love of –‘’
She really should have seen this coming, right?
“Y/n?” she was barely reacting too distracted by what her beloved boyfriend Jason just told her “YN!” her blank face expression made Todd want to shake her a little to bring her back to reality. As for now he was effectively fighting that urge but each second of her acting like a lunatic were putting his patience to a very hard test. “How many fingers do you see?”
“Now that’s mean.” She came to life rolling her eyes at the charades
“Made you get back down to earth.”
“I’m shocked, not hazy.”
“Why?” was he even serious “you want the list on chronological or alphabetical order?”
“Humour me princess.”
“First: you’re attending a Christmas party at the Wayne Manor? You?”
“It’s only for Alfred’s cooking.”
“Mhm. Obviously.” she teased” Second, you are going to wear formal clothes? You?”
“I’m pretty sure you’ll like me in a suit, won’t you?” Jason reached for her waist pulling her closer to him and caressing the small of her back.
“I like you best when - “
“Oh, don’t I know that….” He murmured in her ear “we’ll get there too I promise.”
“Jace?” her sudden pulling back took him by surprise and when she raised her head to meet his eyes, the unclear message coming from them made him shiver.
“You don’t want to go?” a few years prior, if someone were to tell him he would actually have a girlfriend and wanted to show her off to his siblings and – well – Bruce- he’ll laugh at that person face. In the darkest times he was on the war path with his adoptive father and even being in the same city was almost unbearable. Not that it was sunshine and roses now, but they definitely worked through some differences and – a real miracle –talked for the first time in years. “It’s okay if you don’t.’ no matter the effort there was no way to hide the tone of disappointment in his voice. “we can spend the Christmas eve together, just the two of us and –“
“No! no, no! Jason. I do want to go. I mean , come on, Wayne Manor. Maybe I’ll finally wrap my head around the fact that my boyfriend is the son of a billionaire and start taking advantage of it.” She laughed happily ruffling his hair, that were calling for a hairdresser, but she loved that unruly shag regardless. “I just wonder-“
“what? You’re chickening out? You already know all of them, guess that eliminates the element of surprise when Dick climbs the chandelier or starts balancing on the chair.”
“Am I reading too much into it?”
“What are you talking about, princess? What’s there to overinterpret – oh!”
“Yeah….” She muttered and looked down, suddenly embarrassed of what she said, cursing herself internally for destroying the atmosphere as his grip weakened and mouth hanged open. “You’re inviting me to an official party. As your official girlfriend….”
“It’s not like they don’t know we’re together. Damn, Y/N, you had no idea how much teasing I had to put up with.”
“What did you to Tim, Jason?”
“Nothing! I swear.” he let go of her completely, much to her irritation, raising hands in surrender. The man build like a tank were trying to protect himself from his significantly smaller girlfriend.
“Jason Peter Todd.”
“Nothing permanent. Now, don’t change the subject.”
“Me? I’m still waiting for your answer.”
“You’re not reading too much into it. I want you there. Officially. Before someone get any stupid ideas of stealing you away from me.”
“Not a change, pretty boy.” She drummed her fingers on his chest, feeling his heartbeat “not when I almost give you a heart attack every time I’m near you. It’s the kind of power you don’t give up easily.”
“You say that now, you power-hungry woman. I’m sure you’d love some more hearts to your collection.”
“I have always been a fan of quality rather than quantity. And so it happens I got the best quality available on the market” she smiled at him lovingly, her pretty eyes sparkling.  
“You’re mine, you little tease” in a blink of an eye he was holding her again, running fingers through her hair and connecting their foreheads, letting himself be vulnerable and wishing she could read his mind and hear the words he was unable to articulate “thank you…”
Thank you for existing.
Thank you for staying by my side.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for accepting my broken, imperfect love.
As every real woman, she had nothing to wear and had to fix some outfit with the old clothes, found at back of the closet, about to feel terribly underdressed.
Or at least that was the plan, before she found neatly wrapped package with her name written across the paper and became a proud owner of the most beautiful and elegant dress she has ever seen.
Turned out Jason had an amazing sense of fashion, picking an outfit serving as a mix of style and quietness.
However, when she asked him about it, the only answer she get was I know what I want to see you in. In Jason’s language it was a sign of care that she won’t feel like an outcast around the female guests, but also a little hint at potential jealousy and protection against possible lustful glances from other men.
Doing a poor job at the second part of it, cause once they entered the manor, all eyes landed on her, leaving Jason gritting his teeth and refusing to leave her alone for even a second. This drove him to such an extreme that he even followed her to the bathroom and was giving responses on her behalf whenever anyone dared to ask her to dance.
“No, of course you can not dance with her. Can’t you see she’s already got a partner, back off, dude.”
Such words were followed by the tightening grip on her hip each time a man gathered enough courage to come too close.
Too close being a couple feet.
“Jason!” she whined at some point “don’t be mean. You don’t dance, you had grown attached to the chair and I'm bored. Come on, just let go off me, it’s not like I’m going to run away from you or anything…” she tried to break free but it was no use, considering both Jason’s strength and possessiveness.
“Sorry, princess. I don’t trust those fops. Can’t risk their hands wondering some place only mine are allowed.”
“But Jay-“
“No one but me dances with you.” He said sternly and much to her surprise dragged her to the dancefloor. What was even bigger shock was that he actually knew how to move. He knew the steps, had a perfect sense of rhythm and definitely did not stump on her feet, not even once, holding her gently, leading her to the music and being delicate and protective, almost making her swoon with the charm.
Apparently, she didn’t know her boyfriend at all.At least not from this side.
He never failed to make her feel safe and loved, but now – encompassed by his arms, held like the most precious person in the world, she felt like a true princess. Something she never experienced before.
“How do you like that, love?” he whispered in her ear, holding her a bit more firmly, causing her heart rate to spike.
“moderately –“
“Then why is your heart racing?” he spun her around perfectly, making sure she was quickly and safely back in his hold.
“It’s not.”
“Well then, it’s about to.” He smirked guiding her a little bit to the right, looking up with the mischievous look in his eyes.
“You’re not going to kiss me in the crowd with everyone -“
He was going to.
And most importantly – he actually did.
Luckily she didn’t know that plant wasn’t there earlier and only appeared because of some skilfull vigilante being jealous of the glances thrown her way. Luckily she didn't hear the muffled chuckles coming from the side of the stairs as Dick, Tim and Damian appeared all together out of nowhere, after being gone for a longer while.
She didn't care.
Not as long as she was standing under the mistletoe fulfilling the tradition that came with it with the most wonderful and sneaky bastard if a man there was.
And who couldn't care less about the glances now.
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hagelliot · 2 months
I should give Elementary more credit for changing my brain chemistry when I was 16;
I mean, how could I not after hearing:
Sherlock- “If you must know, Watson… I've been feeling a little bit down of late.
It's the process of maintaining my sobriety. It's repetitive. And it's relentless. And above all, it's tedious. When I left rehab, I… I accepted your influence. I committed to my recovery.
And now… two years in… I found myself asking, is this it? My sobriety is simply a grind. It's just this leaky faucet which requires constant maintenance. And in return, offers only… not to drip.”
Joan- “You have your work. You have me. You're alive.”
Sherlock- “I've told myself that many times. So many times that it has become unmoored from all meaning.
I, uh… I used to imagine that a relapse would be the climax to some grand drama. Now I think that if I were to use drugs again, it would in fact be an anticlimax. It would be a surrender to the incessant drip, drip, drip of existence.”
Sherlock- “You said you'd had two serious relationships in the past. It might surprise you to learn that puts you at least one, and arguably two, ahead of me. I had one great romance in my life.
One would be hard-pressed
to call her a girlfriend.
And even harder pressed to call
that relationship a success. I never felt the need beyond that. Part of the reason for that is that relationships are hard for me. You sensed that I was making an extra effort to make things work with you. 
In that, you were correct.
But you presumed that that was because you're different.
It is not.
It is because I'm different.
And because you are the rare woman
I have come across for whom I believe
that extra effort is worthwhile. So whatever the future holds, whether we see each other again or not, I wanted you to know.”
Sherlock- “Look… I've never felt any pressure from you that I co-parent. But your idea that I take no responsibility in raising your child is naive. It's not that I think you're not capable of raising a child on your own– of course you are-- but... short of us dissolving our partnership, I'm not capable of not being involved.
N-Not as the child's father, but as its mother's friend. I mean, I'd lay down my life for you. So, if you succeed in adopting a child, I'll lay down my life for him or her. It's... it's as simple as that.”
And of course:
Sherlock- “I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me over the last six years.”
Sherlock- “I was dying when we first met. I mean, I looked well enough. Just got out of rehab and all that. Thought that I knew everything, but I didn't. I didn't realize how much....how much work I would have to put in and how much time it would take. But most of all, I, I didn't realize that things could get better. And that I could actually be...yes, I was dying. And no one could see it but you. You saved my life, Joan.”
Joan- “We're partners.”
Sherlock- “No. We're much better than that. We're two people that love each other. We always have been.”
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I volunteer a few days a week at a clown shelter. Earlier this month, a Teacup-Birthday mix named Kiki was adopted by a (seemingly) very nice middle aged couple, and we were very happy to send yet another clown to a good home. But disaster struck this afternoon when the couple returned to the shelter, wanting to surrender Kiki back to us. Their reason? She was not performing any tricks and had been biting them nonstop for weeks now. I was of course very shocked and confused by this. Kiki was one of the most playful and least temperamental clowns I had ever cared for.
I asked them if she had the proper environment, if they had changed her costume or markings in any way, if they were feeding her the proper diet. They said that they were doing everything right, and were following the care instructions we had given them. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but their story just wasn't adding up. And they were shifting nervously, and talking quietly to each other when they thought I wasn't looking. I told them to wait while I took Kiki for a checkup. As I took her to the vet's office, I couldn't help but notice that she seemed to lack any energy at all. When I tried to tickle her stomach (something that she normally loves), she snapped at me (Luckily, I jerked my hand away before she could bite).
When the vet examined Kiki, it was revealed that she was suffering from malnourishment and a button infection. I went back out to talk to the owners, and they continued to deny any mistreatment. After some more questioning and prying, they finally broke down and admitted what they had been doing.
They had been feeding Kiki a mix of mice and small bones (no problem there). But for her candy intake, they had been feeding her SUGAR-FREE candy. My heart sank as soon as I heard those words. No wonder Kiki had been so sick.
Every clown owner should know that (in general) Clowns need a healthy mixture of raw meat and sugar in their diets. Feeding them sugar-free stuff can be very bad for them and cause a LOT of problems.
For one, they will not be getting their much needed sugar intake. A sugar deficiency will lower their mood, make them more easily agitated, make them sick, and can even be deadly for some clown breeds (such as Birthday and Circus). As Kiki is a Birthday clown, she might not have survived another week without sugar.
Another thing to keep in mind about sugar-free products is that they often have artificial sweeteners in them. These sweeteners are not ideal for clowns, as most clown breeds have sensitivities or allergies to them. Simply put, most clowns' digestive systems are not properly built to process sugar-free foods. Feeding your clown artificial sweeteners over time can even weaken their immune system (This is likely what contributed to Kiki's infection).
The owners claimed that they had no idea that sugar-free candy was bad for clowns (very unlikely since the care instructions specifically list sugar-free foods under the "DO NOT" section). My boss suggested to them that we take care of Kiki for a few days, but they told us they weren't coming back. As soon as they left, we informed other local shelters about them and even posted on internet forums about it, as they may go somewhere else and find a different clown to mistreat. They clearly only see clowns as entertainment and nothing else.
We gave Kiki some cotton candy, and she's already starting to return to her old self. Unfortunately, though, this means that she's back in the system. There's no telling how long until she's adopted again.
Before anyone asks, we make sure to look into anyone who's interested in adopting one of our clowns. We run background checks, call character witnesses, make sure they have the proper environment for a clown and have the money to support one, etc. Overall, the process takes about a month or so. Sometimes it can take even longer if we have a waiting list. It is extremely rare that a clown adoption goes wrong. In fact, this is the first time it's happened in the year I've been volunteering here.
Don't feed clowns sugar-free foods! It can make them very sick and cause a lot of complications.
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oftenwantedafton · 6 months
Confession - Priest Steve Raglan/William Afton x Female Reader
Chapter 1
Word Count - 1.8k
Rating - Explicit
CW - CAUTION - religious themes
Also available on AO3
taglist @charlottecutepie @robin-munson @ahsxual
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William Afton thinks this is, perhaps, his best alias yet.
A man of the cloth, as they say, and though he subscribes to no religion, professes no faith himself, the diocese doesn’t need to know that. Just like they don’t need to know his real name, or anything about his past.
So he is now Father Steve Raglan, a pitifully easy role to adopt. He’s had years of practice forging documents and smooth talking his way through sticky situations. This was a piece of cake compared to the challenges he’d faced in the past. Guiding a small congregation in a dusty town still within close reach of his restaurant—he was hardly going to surrender that—naturally suited his needs. The words for his sermons spilled from his fingers easily. Lies interspersed with quoted scripture to placate the devout attendees each Sunday.
He’s lost none of his charisma as he’s aged; has even seemed to gain some, in fact. The old ladies constantly plied him with baked goods and crocheted items. The middle aged crowd donated heartily when the collection plate was passed around. There were endless invites to gatherings around dinner tables. The troubled sought his wisdom behind the slats of the confessional. Depending on his mood he’d add or subtract more than the standard amounts of prayers on the rosary. There were whispers among some of the women—and surely some of the men too, though he wasn’t specifically aware of this—of how handsome he was. He hardly needed his ego inflated any further, but they were only too happy to oblige. So here he was. A man of God who did not believe in a higher power, because he felt he himself was that absolute deity. Answering to no one.
He’d been enjoying his newfound success for a couple of months when a new member of the flock comes into the fold.
The bearded man’s used to letting his eyes wander during the delivery of his sermons, while pacing in front of the altar, or standing before the pulpit preaching the Gospel, never fixing on any particular parishioner or pew or stained glass window, yet he does a double take when he sees you for the first time.
Steve cannot say exactly what it is that draws you to him so suddenly. Something in your eyes, perhaps. Not glassy with boredom like the teenage youth in the fourth row who’s clearly daydreaming; not shining with hope like the mother with the sick daughter in the hospital; not evasive like the man Raglan knows for a fact is having an extramarital affair with the woman in the row in front of him. No, your look was something quite different. You did not just see his physical appearance: the graying dark brown hair and neatly trimmed beard; the crows feet and laugh lines on otherwise smooth skin, belying his actual age; the easy smile which never quite touched his pale steel eyes, set just a touch farther apart than the standard—no, it felt, when your gazes linked, as if you could see directly into him. Past the facade of a holy man. Into his very soul.
He nearly stumbles mid sentence but manages to recover, the years of deception once again rushing to his aid, and no one in his audience seems the wiser.
Except perhaps you.
When it’s time for the gathering to make their way up to the altar to take communion, he’s forced to confront you directly. So many people lowered their eyes in respect, or bowed their heads once receiving the Eucharist. But you do neither of these things. You meet his stare unfalteringly and part your lips and he seats the wafer on your tongue. An inexplicable heat floods through him, the tips of his fingers just lightly brushing that moist carpet at the base of your mouth. Your lips close so rapidly he doesn’t yet have time to move his hand—or perhaps he himself is at fault, lingering too long—and you close your mouth, capturing a taste of manicured nails and calloused pads before he snatches his hand back as if burned. No reaction from you. You turn and make your way back to your seat.
The rest of the mass seems to drag on. At last it is time for the final song. He cringes inwardly. The keyboardist is an aging, half-deaf woman who hits more wrong notes than correct ones, the melody jarring along. He himself has a decent enough singing voice, or so he’s been told. Even with the harsh tune in the background, the voices he leads do a decent job.
At last the hymn is finished and the mass draws to a close. Now Father Raglan assumes his customary position by the entrance of the church, bidding farewell to his visitors, making vague noncommittal promises to attend the many occasions he’s invited to attend. You are the last to leave. The false priest is determined to regain some of his authority, starting here and now.
“We haven’t had a chance to be introduced yet. I’m Father Raglan. Welcome to the congregation.”
You say your name. Steve is forced to raise a hand as a makeshift visor. He should have stood on the opposite side of the walkway. The sun is beating down fiercely and he can barely make out your features.
“Are you new in town? Or just new to our church?”
“And what do you do for work? Or are you in school, perhaps?” It’s difficult to determine your age.
“I’m a seamstress.”
“Ah. Well, that’s a useful skill.” Steve’s stomach is growling. He typically eats a light breakfast before mass, preferring to indulge in a generous meal afterwards.
“You’re hungry,” you observe.
“Heard that, did you?” He grins ruefully.
“Starving.” The smile slips from his features. He does not think you are speaking about nourishment in the traditional sense of food and drink. He has that uncomfortable sensation of being exposed again.
“Right. Well, it was nice to meet you. I’ve got things to attend to. I’ll see you next Sunday.”
He hurries back up the stairs, eager to be away from your intrusive stare. The oak doors slide shut and he’s forced to blink for a few moments, trying to dash away the lingering sun spots. He can feel his heart racing; something he has not experienced in some time.
Who are you?
Confession day.
The amount of visitors seeking to serve penance varies. Certainly higher volumes preceding holidays, when they are reminded of their religious obligations. Lately it has been fairly quiet.
Steve does not mind the narrow confines of the confession booth. It reminds him of being sheltered within his favorite animatronic suit. Close and comforting, albeit that residence came with the added danger of the springlocks, which he knew only too well, having fallen victim to them years ago, narrowly escaping with his life.
Here though, there was nothing to die of save sheer boredom, perhaps. He can smell the polish recently applied to the wood. The bench creaks slightly when he shifts positions. He does wish it allowed for a little more room height-wise; his six foot four frame was forced to fold and crouch a little more than he’d like.
He hears footsteps on the flooring outside. A woman’s walk. Lighter tred. The click of the sharp point of a high heel. Clearing his throat, he readies his hand to draw back the wooden clapboard on his side of the booth. The figure enters, the seat on the opposite creaking similarly as his had. He exposes the privacy screen dividing your faces and sucks in his breath sharply. It’s you.
You make the sign of the cross. “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It’s been six weeks since my last confession.” You pause. “I’m not the one who should be asking for forgiveness, though, am I, Father?” You say this honorific with a note of mockery.
“My child, I am afraid I don’t understand your meaning.”
“I am not your child. Not one of those poor unfortunates you’ve tortured.”
Steve’s fingers curl into a fist. “Who are you?” It’s impossible for you to recognize him. To know what he’s done. He has always been so careful. Deceiving the authorities. Concealing his crimes. You couldn’t possibly know.
“That’s not important. The name that should be revealed is your own: William Afton.”
His blood runs cold. The first fear he’s known in a long time. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. My name is Steve Raglan.”
“Your name isn’t Steve Raglan, nor are you an ordained priest. So stop pretending. We both know better.”
“What do you want?” His mind is racing, trying to figure out the best way to dispose of you. Best to do it now, while the rest of the chapel was still unoccupied. He’s wracking his brain trying to think of what he can use as a weapon. Something from the altar, maybe.
“I want you to acknowledge your sins.”
He scoffs, some of his standard cockiness returning. “That won’t be happening.”
He sees you exit the booth and he drags the velvet curtain back, joining you outside the confessional.
“You should go lock the front doors. Wouldn’t want to be disturbed, would we?”
Afton frowns. He does want to lock the doors. The question is, why do you want them locked?
“I’ll wait here for you.”
Turning his back on you seems a bad idea. But he has no choice. He strides briskly to the entrance to the chapel, withdrawing the ring of keys from his pants pocket and hastily slotting the metal into the lock. When he turns back, he finds you standing exactly where he’d left you.
For a moment, your shadow cast against the white chapel walls changes shape. Arches stretch out from your shoulders, like the crests of an angel’s wings. Gone again so suddenly he’s convinced he imagined it. Just his nerves. He needs to regain control of the situation.
“Name your price. Whatever you want, I’ll get it for you. I have numerous resources available to me.” He walks towards you slowly. A wolf cautiously approaching its prey.
“My price?”
“For your silence.” William has no intention of letting you go, of course. He’s merely stalling. Trying to decide what item within reach will dispatch you the fastest and most neatly. He doesn’t relish the thought of cleaning blood off these pristine floors.
“I have no interest in revealing your secrets to anyone. I’m here to hear them from your own lips.”
“Not happening,” he snaps.
“I could taste your sin the other day. Heavy, so strong it drowned out the flavor of Christ’s body.”
The man jerks to a halt when he’s a foot away. “Who are you?”
“What am I is a better question. I can be your salvation and guide you to the path of redemption. Or I can lead you straight to hell. A route I think you’ve danced near on more than one occasion. Make your choice, William.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not? That’s who you really are. I know what you really are,” you whisper, closing the final distance separating you from the false priest.
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