#and they aren't MORE trans for having bad dysphoria
dollopheadedmerlin · 1 year
Mneh so I never was very good with my binding habits before surgery. Like, my dysphoria was so bad I wouldn't get out of bed if I wasn't putting a binder on, so I basically wore a binder every single day from dawn to dusk just so that I wasn't miserable and could actually enjoy my time.
And I don't regret it. Not at all. I never slept in my binder. I never double binded. I always wore the right size. But from the moment I woke up, I had to have one on or I was just constantly uncomfortable to an unbearable extreme. So I wore one, every single day, for 12 to 20 hours, for several years.
Sooo now I have flared ribs, and possibly slipping ribs syndrome.
But again. I don't regret it, because if I hadn't worn my binder the way I had, I would have spent a lot of those seven-ish years doing nothing but getting more and more depressed and sleeping. So it was essentially a trade off. Either bind improperly and develop some problems or bind properly but spend those years just sort of waiting for them to be over. That's why I honestly think maybe if people are asking for advice on how to bind unsafely but more effectively, it's probably more useful to list many options of varying levels of safe. If someone has to double bind or they're hate themselves too deeply to live with it, then I'd say it's best to try and find the safest way to get them as flat as possible, even if it isn't right way or the risk free way.
Anywho. That was all prerequisite to why I think I have slipping rib syndrome even though it seems to be fairly uncommon.
I haven't seen anyone about it yet, but my ribs get sore sometimes. Either from sitting weird, moving a lot, breathing hard, etc. They also just hurt when I'm tired sometimes. Aside from that, my lower back hurts often as well, but most pointedly, my ribs occasionally will just give me a random sharp pain.
I always thought it felt like they moved, like a rib would sort of shift into and awkward angle and that made it hurt, but I wasn't sure if my rib was actually moving or if that was just how I was interpreting the pain.
But now that I know about slipping rib syndrome I'm like 95% sure I have it. I got some rib pain at work and in the car today (it sounds worse than it is, many days they don't move at all, but today they just decides I have a party ig) and now that I'm looking for movement I'm like YEAH THAT MOVED.
TLDR; So basically my ribs are doing the electric slide all the time and risk assessment is important ig
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ocaledonia · 30 days
lately i've been doing a lot of thinking about why women are the main supporters of transgenderism, and i think i've boiled it down to three main elements
1. women are socialised to be more accommodating and accepting of uncomfortable situations than men are. this has been discussed at length in the radical feminist tradition and the gender critical movement, but it bears reiterating. women are taught from early childhood to disbelieve their feelings of fear, anger and humiliation for the benefit of men.
2. i'd argue that the description of physical dysphoria is one that almost all women empathise with, because of how alienated women are from their bodies by society, in a way most men are not. even women who would say they are comfortable with their bodies have complicated feelings about having a female body in our society, even if they don't have the framework to express it. therefore, when women are confronted with men who make claims about sex dysphoria, they relate and empathise and some can draw conclusions that this distress aligns them with femaleness (i would argue that all women experience sex dysphoria in a misogynist society like ours but i digress). i think there many women also find solace in the idea that someone else could possibly have their physical distress alleviated and want to believe it is possible to find a solution to it.
In other words, “The body has been made so problematic for women that it has often seemed easier to shrug it off and travel as a disembodied spirit.” - Adrienne Rich
3. women want to believe that male oppression and men aren't really that bad. to comprehend the scale of women's oppression, and to fully understand that the men you know and love are as complicit in it as any other, feels like balancing on the brink of madness. women are desperate for evidence that things aren't as bad as they suspect.
Andrea Dworkin says it best: “Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships.”
that is part of the allure of the trans movement for these women in denial. breaking down the categories of male and female, and denying the social dynamics therein, means they don't have to grapple with the ugliness of misogyny.
anyone else have thoughts on this? i'd be keen to hear if others on radblr think
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gauntletqueen · 10 months
There's a lot of transgender media where the trans girl just instantly is beautiful and perfectly passing, and while I often really enjoy those works, they're fine and well-meaning, it bothers me that it's never about the actual slow, messy process of transition.
I feel like tgirls, like myself, might (subconsciously) feel bad when they actually have to train their voice, learn to use makeup, wait for the hormones to do their job etc. Most of us can't expect a perfect transition, and seeing successful stories about how that's okay would be nice, yknow?
(not to mention some of us don't even care about looking convincingly feminine and you could argue we just need more media in which trans people refuse to adhere to gender expectations whatsoever rather than wishing to and instantly succeeding, but that aside)
Edit: Seeing more people assume this post is just complaining about media written by cis people who are uninformed, transphobic or otherwise not interested in having a realistic portrayal of a trans person, and wanted to clarify again that that is not the case. First off, a lot of the media I'm talking about is made by trans people, and second off, those stories aren't inherently bad, they're just over-saturated. I understand the wish fulfillment, because gender dysphoria is a bitch, and we feel pressured by the world around us to pass. But that's exactly why I want more realistic, positive portrayals of the actual process of figuring oneself out and transitioning, so we can fight against that pressure and help each other feel more secure, no matter how far we are into our transition, and no matter how passing we end up, or how much we choose to pass.
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for the baby genderfluid tips!!
this could just be me lmao, but DO NOT donate your fem clothes if you feel masc for longer than usual. or vice versa.
keeping a gender journal is something that can be really helpful to actually look back on and see how it changes (and also have proof of fluidity for when you begin to think "hmm actually im just a trans girl. nothing else." no, you probably aren't. you felt completely boy/nonbinary/etc just a month ago, and thats okay.)
basically it can be really hard to embrace that your gender is not static, especially if your gender stays stable for a slightly longer period. it took me so long to stop rotating between "im a girl always" "no, im a boy always" "actually, im nonbinary always" to just admit im genderfluid.
also, make genderfluid content. you don't have to show it to anyone, but sometimes it can really help to make poetry or art or write a story about being fluid and your experience in particular. i have an easy avenue for this since i write fanfiction (haven't published any of it yet lmao) and i just hit my favorite characters with my genderfluid beam and go nuts
follow people who are genderfluid, read genderfluid books, maybe join a genderfluid discord server (there are barely any, so actually maybe make one), try to make genderfluid friends. you are not alone, even though it sometimes feels that way.
if you have plushies or anything similar, make them genderfluid. i have a genderfluid squishmallow who i use she/they pronouns for, and a little husky that switches between he/she. idk it just helps sometimes lol
some of us change gender daily, or multiple times a day. some of us change gender only a couple times a year, or even less. we're all different and that's fine.
tips for presentation:
if you have a day when you can't figure out gender, go neutral clothing-wise
take little things to ease dysphoria if you switch when you're out somewhere (ex. lipgloss, eyeliner, leather bracelet, etc)
if you can, get pronoun pins. seriously, get pronoun pins (or a colored bracelet for subtlety or if you're not out). you can wear multiple at a time, you can switch them whenever you need to. you aren't a burden if your pronouns change. you don't have to stick to they/them to be easy for people.
if you can, get a versatile hairstyle that you can make suit your gender no matter what. if you cant, try to get a hairstyle that makes you the least dysphoric overall.
if you are organized enough, separate your clothes based on gender/what you feel comfy wearing on different days. do not pressure yourself to fit stereotypes. some people can only feel comfortable in skirts when theyre boys, so they only wear skirts on boy days. do what works for you.
it's kinda complicated, but if you can expand your vocal range to sound more fem or masc depending on how you feel, it can help. alternatively, vocal train to make it more androgynous.
keep makeup wipes with you in case you need to take it off part way through being out. basically, make it as easy as possible to be able to change/tweak your presentation if necessary.
this could just be me, but having lots of hoodies in different colors and styles will save your life
sometimes you might have "blender days", which is what i call it when your gender feels like its in a blender in a bad way and you can't tell at all what it is, everything feels wrong, it's changing like every 10 minutes, etc. tbh on these days all i can do is put on sweats and a hoodie and feel dysphoric. listen to music if it helps. do a hobby.
non-clothing items can help a lot. a blue tshirt and jeans can be whatever you want it to be based on what you wear it with. (ex. sneakers/ballet flats, leather bracelet/sparkly necklace, baseball cap/eyeliner)
and lastly: YOU ARE AMAZING. keep being you, keep being incredible, and know that being genderfluid is a gift. be proud to be who you are, have fun, know that you are unique and special and wonderful!! we're ever-changing, and that's awesome. you are precious. i love you.
dont wanna link my tumblr, but my name is kiley if you want to attach a name to this!
Okay this is a lot more than I was expecting LMAO /pos
Thank you so much for this Kiley <33 I’ll start working on a masterpost with links to all this.
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drdemonprince · 4 months
I have to admit I was a little fucked up by egg memes and trans discourse that implied that unaddressed dysphoria was the primary source of misery in a person's life and that transitioning would suddenly make a person feel at ease, confident, happy in their body, and untraumatized.
I wouldn't say it's the most common narrative at all but there are certainly some trans people who explicitly propagate such myths especially if they conceive of themselves as a benevolent yet highly involved "egg cracker," too. There's a whiff of projection about the whole thing that's quite gross. People regret the time they spent in the closet and try to spare others the pain by pressuring them to come out before they are ready or making the experience of transitioning seem more straightforwardly positive than it ever could be. like, transitioning comes with a great degree of exposure to stigma and prejudice and if you already feel uncomfortable with yourself that's not exactly going to make your social anxiety any better.
it's really nobody's fault that i wanted such a tidy solution to these things, i've always been the type to love a false epiphany and to want to tear my skin off and burst forth, feeling free of myself and that is impossible. i made my decisions and it was good to learn from them -- i had to overcome a significant amount of my repression and escapist fantasizing *by* pursuing the kind of life that I dreamed about and realizing it was also gonna be flawed. i've done that with things that aren't transness, like my fantasy of living a 24/7 D/s hypno dynamic. i had to actually try to live that fantasy in reality a couple of times before i could be disillusioned enough with it and get over it and stop running away from reality anymore. getting disillusioned with what you think will make you happy and accepting ordinary unhappiness is a common project of life.
but still, you know, i wish fewer trans people felt the need to cover their revelations with treacly simplistic messages about how everything is better now and if you question your gender at all that means youre trans for sure and not transitioning is the one thing preventing you from leading a fulfilling life and all that. it makes sense as a reaction to mounting systemic transphobia but i always find myself wishing, in all things, that people could be more detailed and openly ambivalent about things instead of feeling they had to make straightforward simplistic love-is-love type emotional appeals. gay people are allowed to have bad marriages and divorces. trans people are allowed to still be unhappy complicated people after we transition. thats like the human condition
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rayday-mayday · 10 days
I know this will probably be a pretty niche acceptance/positivity post, but for for the people who are minorities and fetishize/sexualize that part of themselves: You aren't a "bad example" for doing so.
Being a minority can be really traumatizing, and the trauma and abuse we endure can often go overlooked or be minimized. It isn't wrong for you to react to that trauma in a way where you attempt to take control back of your identity, even if that control takes the form of a sexual coping mechanism.
Personally, me being misgendered for 4 to 5 years fucked with my head a lot, and while that doesn't sound "that bad" to most since they've never endured that type of pain, it basically meant the people around me was ignoring and denying me my identity for pretty much my entire teen life which were already fucked over by other factors.
While I won't go into too much detail, all those years of having such an integral part of me denied ( especially during such formative years of my life ) lead to me developing a forced feminization kink as a trans man.
At times it can trigger my dysphoria, I have to be careful participating in it, and do my best to not oversexualize myself too much, but either way, I'm not bad for that happening to me nor am I bad for having the kink. Similarly, you're also not bad for it, no matter what your story looks like, nor how your kink manifested.
Even without any explicit trauma like that, being a minority that's just existing can be inherently traumatizing and scary as fuck. I mean, why wouldn't it be when the world around you is hostile towards you, be it overtly or covertly, simply for existing?
While I know you can also be into this type of stuff without having trauma like this, ( which is also just as valid, ) I've just never see anyone talk about this type of stuff in the sense of it developing from trauma, so I wanted to make a post like this in case anyone out there can relate and needs to hear this.
Cuz if I'm completely honest? It's kinda lonely and isolating to go through this type of stuff, due to how taboo it is to fx. be a trans person that fetishizes themselves. People can make you feel shameful for developing a kink like this, or for simply fetishizing yourself at all, since it can make those mentioned people label you as a "bad [insert whatever minority here]"
Just remember to pace yourself, know your limits before it starts to harm your mental health, and remember that at the end of the day you're more than just a sexual object; you're a person that deserves respect, love, and acceptance.
Even if you can't do any of those things just yet for whatever reasons, I'm sure you can work towards partaking in the kink you have in a healthy way eventually. I believe in you.
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candyskiez · 9 months
Fuck it. I've been sitting on this one for a while.
Lemme talk about Luz as a trans allegory. Is this the only way to interpret her character? Fuck no! Is it one of my favorite ways to interpret her? Fuck yes! Strap in, I am very normal about her story.
Luz's story literally begins with being sent to a camp to make her more "Normal." It is later revealed that one of the people sent to that camp is nonbinary. And they say that the camp was like a prison. Sound familiar?
It's also very noteworthy that throughout the story, it seems like Luz has to choose between being herself and her family. Either have your mom or be happy. Either find yourself or be with someone you love but who you feel like you can't let know you, because you feel like you're too weird for them to handle. It's also very interesting how she interprets Camila's actions, and also completely understandable considering everything. She interprets it as she just became Too Much. Her issues are too much, she's too much effort, she's a burden to her, and she can't justify it anymore. There's something Wrong with her. And she's desperate to make it up to her. She feels like she can only show Camilia a part of herself, because maybe that other part of her isn't what she's supposed to be. Maybe she's just a mess. Maybe she's a horrible daughter. She's weighing her down. (Once again, sound familiar?)
Camilia in grom fright walking in through a door makes me really think of being Outed. Being caught in the act, being realized as Other and just the whole "have you been LYING to me?!" Which. I'm sure many trans people relate to. Hiding this part of yourself from someone you love because you're scared that it's too late to tell them. If they find out, will they take it personally? Will they be angry? Will they need to know every little detail before they're satisfied? Luz doesn't know how Camilia will react after she sent her to that camp, because that felt so out of character for her mom to do and now she's left reeling. She got Too Much for even her mom to deal with. Now she feels like she needs to hide this part of her even more. Her texts to Camilia are also very notable. It just...it sounds so much like sounding scared to come out. Wanting, so bad, for her to know who she really is. She's just...scared. And she isn't ready.
Also the fact that everyone, at every turn, is constantly telling Luz she'll never be a witch. She wasn't born with a bile sack. She wasn't born one. She wasn't born here. She can't be a witch. Humans can't do magic. Humans aren't built like that. She wasn't born a witch. And her dejection in covention is just...
Is she really a witch if she wasn't born one? If she has to make herself one?
And Eda says, what makes a real witch? Someone who conforms and acts exactly like a witch "should?" Thats bullshit, then they'd be miserable. Do whatever , be your own witch. Do you see what I'm getting at.
Also the fact Luz is constantly made to choose between worlds. Human realm and demon realm. Everyone telling her where she's allowed to be. What she's allowed to be. You can't have both. You can't be both. You do not get both. Luz calling herself a bad boy. Luz being referred to as a girl as well. Her being both. Her being told she cannot be both. Do you get what I'm saying. Do you hear me.
And just. God. Thanks to them. None of her old clothing that was so much like her. Covering up her body so much. No more non conforming, none. She has the dysphoria stereotype fit, bit for bit. She's hiding her own body. Trying to look normal. Depressed and she hates herself because she thinks she ruined everything by chasing that happiness.
And what saves her is Camilia telling her, I never EVER meant to make you feel like this. My biggest mistake is not supporting you when you needed it. My biggest mistake is letting other people push you around. I was terrified that they would hurt you for being different, so I tried to make you hide it. I should've stood with you and fought the people who I thought would hurt you. You needed me. And I wasnt there. But I'm here now. Please, don't hate yourself. Please don't think this is your fault. You're beautiful. And just. God! God! Her not using any gendered terms , no my daughter, no mija, NONE. Just. This beautiful, good witch. The thing she always wanted to be allowed to be. Do you see me. Do you see what I'm saying.
And her palismen is a shape shifter. Who can be ALL. Who can be BOTH AND MORE. Luz choosing every track in hexside, having every animal as a palismen, being called a girl and a boy, she is BOTH and ALL and NEITHER and MORE. And it's fucking beautiful.
And onto my favorite part of the allegory. Titan Luz.
Luz is killed by the extremist who thinks anything different is bad and corrupt and evil. She's brought back by an elder who openly says he's the best of both things. Who's lived through years of hatred. And he tells her she has the right to fight back against her oppressor. So get out there and LIVE.
And she transforms. She gets a new body. A new body that's the combination of everything shed ever been. It has calls to her family, Kings fur and Eda's eyes and Camilias hair and Hunters teleporting. But it's so LUZ. It has the light symbol it has her hat and the azura outfit and she looks like HERSELF. She comes back from the brink with a body all her own. That she made for herself. That she CHOSE for herself. She chooses herself and she becomes the best of both things: human and creature of the isles. She's both. She's all. Shes neither. She's something different entirely. She's Luz.
And her speech to Belos. She declares herself as belonging to both realms, as being BOTH. She isn't going to give up one thing for the other. She can have whatever the fuck she wants. She's Luz motherfucking Noceda, she's all of the above, and you can't do anything about it. She's a human, she's a witch, she's a titan, she was born in a world that made her miserable so she found one that didn't and worked on the relationships that weren't working out for her until they worked. She's still weird and different and she doesn't fit into any of your boxes and she's the happiest she's ever been up to this point in the series. She has a body all of her own making. And she's overjoyed. THIS is who she is. She's so comfortable in her own skin in the epilogue it makes me emotional. God. Luz. I love her.
Is some of this reaching? Probably, yes. But I love hitting my favorites with the trans stick, so! I do not care. Love ya Luz, you're the protagonist we did NOT deserve.
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henrioo · 9 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "The parent life is definitely exhausting, when your husband can't stand up because the tiredness you need call your friends to get some help. But who would imagine that Law would be jealous because of that?"
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : TRANS MALE! READER, TRANSMASC! READER, PREGNANT MALE! READER, mentions of body dysphoria, mentions of transphobia, mentions of difficult pregnancy, poor communication between parents, exhausted parents, excessive self-demand
꒰ CONTAINS ꒱ : Law trying to be the perfect father and husband, a very cute baby, Sachi and Penguin are the best possible uncles, lots of adult talk about the future and children, Law is jealous but not in the way you think, Bepo is a dog lol, lots of domesticity and family comfort.
꒰ WC ꒱ : 3,1k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : So I finally started posting again, I have literally like, 12 stories to post?? Yeah I have a lot of things, then I will try to post them while I finish the ask. You already know, if you aren't one of my female friends please don't interact with this post, besides that enjoy it a lot. Also I'm trying to write some platonic child stories but I don't have any ideas so if someone wants to send some ask I won't deny... But remember I really take a long time to deliver my ask
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You slowly opened the door to your apartment while trying to stop Bepo from going out into the hallway with your foot and with your other hand you continued patting Rosi's butt so he could continue sleeping. Sachi and Penguin luckily were quick to notice the situation, Sachi held Bepo on her lap while trying to calm the little furball and Penguin silently entered your apartment smiling at you and the baby wrapped around you in the pink sling with mini hearts that was a gift from your father-in-law who has the same name as your first child.
“Hey” Penguin said softly, approaching the baby and lightly caressing the chubby, rosy cheeks of his nephew who was a mini copy of Law.
“Hey…” You smiled at him as you continued rocking the baby who was sleeping soundly, soon Sachi came back without Bepo in his arms as now the puppy had calmed down and was sitting watching the three of you.
“What problem do you need from the powerful and best uncles in this world?” Sachi smiled confidently and you laughed softly, they were truly the best uncles you could ask for.
“Law is sleeping like a corpse on the couch... He hasn't been sleeping much these last few days and I didn't want to waste it... But I kinda can't get him out of there right now” you laughed as you showed off your baby, it was obvious that you weren't going to manage to take care of your sleeping husband while taking care of your son.
“Don’t worry, we’ve carried them more times than we can count” Sachi shrugged as if that were just any request.
“Yes, totally, he had a bad habit of sleeping in terrible places and we were always forced to carry him like a sack of potatoes” Penguin laughed nostalgically.
“Yeah… Your daddy is a sleepyhead, just like you” Sachi whispered to the baby and stroked his hat, which imitated the same spots on Law's favorite hat.
“Hah… Sleepyhead, you’d be surprised to see him awake for two days in a row…” You sighed tiredly and let the two men go to the couch.
There was Law, your couch wasn't very big since when you bought it it was just the two of you, so Law's huge body could never fit lying there. That's why he was sitting, his head lolling in an uncomfortable way. He was hugging a small pillow and one of Rosi's blankets, since before falling asleep he was rocking the baby while watching some children's cartoons.
The last few days had been a mess, as Law always said, you had done the hardest job of getting pregnant and giving birth to your child and your husband thought it was fair that he took care of absolutely everything else so that you could recover peacefully and not have any postpartum problems, whether physical or mental. That's why he had not only taken paternity leave but used all his vacation to spend as much time as possible taking care of you two, he had also taken responsibility for cleaning the house and even your diet, preparing all your meals to ensure that you ate delicious and healthy things.
Not only that, with your pregnancy it became obvious that the apartment you and Law lived in was too small for the two of you, as well as many negative points for your baby's growth. There were no parks nearby, it was a very busy place and not safe for children, there were no other parents with children to socialize with, there was no daycare or school nearby... It was a great place for singles and couples without children, but when a child entered the equation there were many other things to consider.
That's why Law decided it was a good idea for the two of you to move to a good house where the baby could grow up with everything he was entitled to. Initially the two of you were going to move while you were pregnant, but you had difficulty moving around and especially a lot of emotional problems. You were going through a lot of stress due to having to reduce your hormone therapy and even stop it in the last months of pregnancy for the sake of your child, you were also freaking out about all the prejudice and the process of being a trans man who was pregnant.
There were so many things that were stressing you out about the pregnancy. Whether it was the risk of you not producing enough milk due to having already had surgery on your breasts, whether it was gender dysphoria when seeing your male body having a “feminine” appearance due to pregnancy, or the fact that the pregnancy was technically planned but you getting pregnant earlier than you both expected, which made you extremely nervous about the possibilities of things going wrong, but definitely what irritated you most were people... especially prejudiced ones.
Law could no longer count how many times the two of you went out on the street together and then you were mistaken for a pregnant woman, what made the situation most difficult was that your reactions were extremely unpredictable. You could just shut your face and walk away, you could correct them, you could ignore them or you could just start a fight and yell at the person only to end up crying in Law's arms while having a gender dysphoria episode because you thought no one would ever see you again as a man because of pregnancy.
Due to all this, the doctor decided that it was better to avoid the headache of moving and make you comfortable in a place where you already lived and were well, thanks to this you gradually calmed down and controlled your mood changes better. And honestly regardless of everything bad that was happening, thanks to Law's support you were completely excited about the pregnancy, it was your child, a child that you and Law had made together and planned together to increase your loving family. You were so excited to be a father that regardless of the bad situations, you knew that when you could see your baby's smile and hug him, everything would have been worth it.
As soon as you got pregnant and Rosi was finally with you, Law went back to organizing the move, this time the plan would be to organize as much as possible with the two of you still being in your old apartment even if it cost more money. So when the time to move finally arrived, you would stay at your father-in-law's house, the first Rosinante, while Law got the house ready as quickly as possible so that you would just need to arrive and enjoy. The place he had gotten was incredible, it was a family residence, with parks and entertainment for children, as well as strong security and the entire place was private and closed to provide even more security. Families had children of all ages and it seemed like a good place to raise a child, as well as having a nursery and a prestigious school nearby. It wasn't that far from the city center and since you both had a car it wouldn't be difficult to get wherever you needed to go.
Of course Law was stubborn, he literally forbade you to help with any of the moving, you couldn't even put things in boxes without your husband freaking out and sitting you down as if you were made of glass and could break at any moment. You weren't extremely complaining but you were already getting worried about his health, mainly because it was obvious how tired he was getting, so when he fell soundly asleep during the middle of the day, you saw the perfect opportunity to get him a little treat. .
“Time for work” Sachi stretched and soon the two were in front of the sofa as they considered the best way to get the tall man out of there “Take the legs, I'll take the arms” he said to Penguin who quickly agreed.
Soon your two friends were carrying your husband and if you didn't know that the two of them were really strong you would be worried that they would knock Law down and break his back... That wasn't already in the best condition. It didn't take long for them to return after putting him to bed and closing the door to the room you shared with him, ensuring that you could make a little more noise without worry.
“What now boss?” Penguin asked with a smile, Law was their superior at the hospital and they used that nickname as a joke, but as soon as Trafalgar introduced you, everyone on the team adopted that same nickname saying that you were now the boss since even the rude doctor obeyed you like a puppy .
“I thought you could watch Rosi for just a little bit… I wanted to try and make a homemade dinner for Law, he hasn't let me cook for so long” You sighed tiredly and carefully began to unroll the sling so your baby could be free.
“No problem, we love taking care of mini Law” Sachi laughed and his face lit up at the idea of squeezing his nephew a little.
As soon as you hinted you passed Rosi to Sachi who held him carefully the baby started to move and was soon crying, which left the man in sunglasses with a shocked face and a broken heart.
“I told you you weren’t the favorite uncle…” Penguin teased as Sachi whimpered and handed the baby to you.
“Rosi… You don’t want to collaborate with daddy today, do you?” You sighed as you rocked your baby and tried to calm him down, your son clung to you and had an uncomfortable face.
Your two friends exchanged looks and smiled knowingly, they could see your tired face and even how you walked slower, Law wasn't the only one who was tired. If they know you well, and of course they did, they knew that while Law was burdened with taking care of everything for you, you were also overwhelmed with taking care of Rosi alone as much as possible for fear of leaving more work to Law. In the end you two were taking care of a lot of things alone trying to alleviate it for the other instead of working together and not exhausting each other too much.
“Right… And if we do it like this, I cook and this blockhead makes peace with the little boy in the meantime you take a very hot shower” Penguin smiled placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, Rosi had calmed down now and it looked like he had just had a nightmare but he had quickly gone back to sleep .
“Ah, no need, I don’t want to give you trouble” You tried to disagree gently, knowing that not everyone liked taking care of babies and you didn’t want your friends to feel obligated to do so.
“Man, trust me, you need to sleep as much as Law does” Sachi said while stealing the baby from his arms, this time he didn't cry and continued sleeping peacefully “Look, you two are stubborn and hard-headed, Law is killing himself to relieve things for you and you're killing yourself to make things easier for him” he said with a shrug.
“In short, you two need to rest and start sharing your problems or soon Rosi will be an orphan because both of his dads had a heart attack due to stress” Penguin laughed, crossing his arms as he looked at you, with that look that said you wouldn't manage to convince them otherwise.
“And I would definitely be the uncle who would adopt him, like Spider-Man, but without the part where I die” Sachi said laughing mockingly and you laughed.
“Okay… Thanks guys, being a father is crazy” You stretched your neck.
“We imagine, but don’t worry, you and Law are being the best parents possible, Rosi is very lucky” Penguin assured you “Now go take a shower because you stink!” He said pushing you into the hallway.
“Hey! I don’t stink!” You protested but didn't turn away from the direction of the bathroom.
Hours later you were on the couch in your pajamas while eating pasta with meat and vegetables made by Penguin, Rosi was in his automatically rocking crib, an extremely expensive gift from your father-in-law, while he was extremely entertained by the multicolored toy in his little hands. That's when Law finally woke up and came out of the room looking for you, he was a real mess and all you could do was laugh.
His clothes were wrinkled and his hair looked like a wild forest, his face was also a little wrinkled from sleeping rough and it was obvious that he was still a little confused and asleep, but at least he seemed a lot more relaxed than before. He yawned as he walked towards her, he stopped in front of Rosi who mumbled something incomprehensible upon seeing his father after so long, he gave the baby a small kiss on the forehead and caressed his chubby cheeks, then sat down next to him on the sofa. .
You placed your bowl of pasta on the coffee table and opened your arms, an invitation that Law quickly accepted and soon he was hugging you lovingly as he laid his head on your chest, giving you the perfect chance to stroke his black curls.
"What happened?" He asked in a hoarse voice.
“You slept on the couch while taking care of Rosi, so I decided to call Penguin and Sachi to take you to bed” you said and gave Law a small kiss on his hair, inhaling his scent for a few seconds.
“Shit, sorry, I just blinked a little and must have fallen asleep, it was my turn to take care of Rosi, wasn’t it?” He said frustrated and irritated with himself, he had always put too much pressure on himself and now the pressure had increased when he became a father.
“Law it's okay, you're tired, I'm tired, we're extremely tired” you laughed “I'm sure Rosi won't hate you because you fell asleep by accident, besides those two were very helpful in helping me and taking care of me and his so you could get some sleep” you assured your husband to ensure that your insecurities and excessive demands slowly went away.
“I don't like it when other people take care of you, I'm your husband, that's my job” He murmured irritably and hid in your neck, hugging you tighter.
“Well, then you, as my jealous husband, need to sleep and rest a lot to have enough energy to take care of me and your sleeping baby” you laughed too, hugging him tighter.
“I’m not jealous, I just want to be a good father and husband” he looked at you and you knew he was serious.
“And you are, the most perfect father and husband in the entire world” You said lovingly and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, making Law hum in happiness, loving receiving some of his affection.
“Okay… I can settle for that” He chuckled and sat up, stretching his body “I didn't think I needed to sleep that much, but I actually feel better now.”
“I know, these days have been crazy… You know, Penguin and Sachi gave me some advice” you thought it was a good time to talk and try to reach an agreement that would make your new life less suffocating and exhausting.
“Those two idiots?” Your husband arched an eyebrow at you, curious and wary of whatever his friends had said.
“Yes… But they are right, you don’t must take care of this all alone Law, you need to share this with me, you are taking care of the move alone and you still want to take care of me and Rosi, you are going to explode at any time” you said worriedly and placed a hand on his.
“I don't want to overwhelm you... You've already dealt with too much, the transition, the pregnancy, the birth, stupid people... I know that pregnancy and the first years of a baby's life are the most tiring for those who have given birth... I just didn’t want you to go through all of this being hell” He sighed and looked at you lovingly “I wanted to try to make it easier for you… That way you could enjoy it with Rosi and recover from everything without any problems.”
“I know, and I love you for being so perfect and careful with me, but we are a family now Law, husband and husband, remember? In health, in sickness, for richer or for poorer... Just as you want to take care of me, I want to take care of you” you smiled and leaned your head on Law's shoulder “So let me help with whatever I can, if we do together we will be less tired and then we can both enjoy Rosi's first years together, I don't want to have all the good times alone, I want to have them with you.” You said as you took his hand so your data could intertwine.
“I'll try... I don't want to miss any of this either... Thank you for giving me this chance to make you happy” He smiled and kissed your forehead.
You sighed in relief knowing that no matter the situation you and your husband would always understand each other and be able to find a solution that worked for both of you, even with all the exhaustion of raising children, you knew that you would both work together to do the best you could. without fainting from tiredness.
“How can I make it up to you for being a stubborn husband?” Law asked, laughing.
“Hmm… Maybe with a few hugs and kisses I’ll forgive you” you laughed snuggling into him.
Before Law could respond, Rosi started making noise and trying to get the two of you's attention, he stretched his little hands towards you and made as many sounds as he knew and could as if he was trying to catch you and say ‘pay attention to me!’.
“Oh, looks like someone else missed daddy and wants more kisses” you giggled at your adorable baby.
“Alright, I can handle two little needy men” Law smiled and soon a bark was heard and the next thing you know Bepo was on the ground shaking his fast furiously and looking at you with the best puppy dog eyes he had “Three little needy men” Law concluded.
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 9 months
Why I don't like the trans woman Vil headcanon
You probably saw my repost of another person talking about this but I wanted to rant about it by myself so here we go.
Before you start calling me transphobic, I'm not angry BECAUSE he's being headcanoned as trans (I actually headcanon him as trans myself, but as a trans man) and at the end of the day he's just a fictional character and it doesn't really matter so do whatever the hell you want.
That being said, a huge part of Vil's characters is not liking gender roles/stereotypes
This scene with him and Epel speaks for itself:
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Why is this a problem? Well the main reason I'm seeing a lot of people headcanon him as a trans woman is because he is feminine-
My reaction:
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Ah yes because feminine men totally cannot exist! They HAVE to be a trans woman! Same with tomboys they have to be trans men! Oh my god-
I want to clarify I'm not blaming trans people for this, in fact I've seen mainly trans people in the twst wonderland fandom call this out and mainly non trans people headcanon Vil as a trans woman.
To be fair, a lot of trans people started out as masculine "women" or feminine "men" before they realised they were trans, but that doesn't mean ALL feminine and masculine men and women are trans (or at least not transitioning to be the opposite gender I have met plenty of masculine trans women and feminine trans men)
Like the post I reposted said, if Vil truly WERE a trans woman, s/he'd probably be a tomboy, because a huge part of Vil's character IS 👏🏻BREAKING 👏🏻GENDER 👏🏻ROLES!
A lot of the trans male friends I have who also like Twisted Wonderland look up to Vil, because they want to break male gender roles and pass enough to be seen as a feminine guy and not a woman (what I mean by that is when trans men are feminine and like wearing dresses and stuff they are often a bit too afraid to do it due to social dysphoria and being misgendered so they usually wait until they begin passing more to wear/do more feminine things, its sad)
So when said trans male friends see the other twisted wonderland say Vil HAS TO BE A WOMAN just because he's feminine it makes them upset, they think they aren't "trans enough" and that to be a "true man" they must conform to male gender roles so they can be "trans enough"
The same goes with female characters who are masculine, trans women who are tomboys could be happy that a woman in media they watch is more masculine like them, but when people start headcanoning said woman as a trans man, it could make the trans women upset
I'm not saying headcanoning certain characters as trans is a bad thing, do whatever the hell you want, I'm not the type to get angry over fictional fun, I scoff at people wishing death upon proshippers because yeah its gross but at the end of the day its just fiction and the person behind it are often just a weird pre teen, I barely even make "call out posts" about these types of fandom stuff but subjects like being transgender often hit home for me because I have many trans friends and a few trans relatives whom I worry about because I know dysphoria can often make people think unhealthy and suicidal thoughts, so I'm just concerned about the harm certain headcanons could cause
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sharkboywrites · 1 year
"You're Just a Boy, You Are No Man, And Nobody You Know Will Understand"
TWST dorm leaders finding out stealth ftm reader is trans
Reader is a trans man and implied to pass, misgendering, mentions of dysphoria, reader is on their period in Leona and Malleus's parts, mentions of reader's chest (non sexual), can be read as platonic or romantic
A/N: The idea for the title is a lyric from "things to do" by Alex G. When I played twst I kinda just always saw myself, being yuu in game, as a stealth trans man, because why would they need to know I'm trans?
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Riddle Rosehearts
It really hadn't been intentional when he found you changing, he was just suspicious as to why you didn't change in the boys locker room with every other student after gym. Of course this hot head doesn't tolerate any rule breaking and you weren't changing where you were supposed to! If you didn't feel comfortable then you could use a stall like everyone else!
After changing himself, quickly in order to catch you, he stormed off to find you and managed to catch a glimpse of you at the end of the hallway, entering a bathroom. Now he could have waited until you left the bathroom to confront you, but he decided that catching you in the act would be better and he could give punishment accordingly. (Yeah, to say he doesn't exactly think when he's mad is a fair assumption.)
What he hadn't expected was to walk in on you with no shirt, and you struggling with some type of bra-looking thing (man does not know what a binder is I'm sorry), and being the dignified man he is, let out a loud yelp, and walked back out of the bathroom as quickly as possible.
Standing outside of the bathroom waiting for you to finish, his mind raced. What did you have on? Why were you wearing that? Did he really just walk in on you changing? What was he thinking?
He felt himself tense up as he heard the door next to him squeak open. You walked out in your regular uniform and quite honestly looking more nervous and upset than he did. When making eye contact with you, he straightened his posture and gave you a genuine apology. "I'm truly sorry for walking in on you during an inappropriate moment! That was irresponsible of me."
You quickly and nervously accepted his apology as students started to crowd the hallways, walking to their next classes, and ran off. He really hated how upset you looked in that moment, and mentally beat himself up for the rest of the day for his stupid decision. Crewel even had to get his attention during alchemy. Embarrassing.
Later that day, around 7 pm, he got a text from you. You two never really texted, only had each other's numbers in case of emergency (aka Ace and Deuce getting themselves in trouble). You had asked him to come over to ramshackle to talk. He felt anxiety rising in his chest, but knew he needed to talk to you, so he promptly sent a quick text back and made his way over to your dorm.
That night the two of you had a very deep talk. you explained everything to him, from being trans, to the binder, and why you changed in the bathroom. While Riddle wasn't 100% educated on things like these, he understood and made sure to let you know he supported you and could always to come to him, even if he's bad at comfort, when he saw you tearing up.
After that you two defiantly grew closer. In any situation he saw that could out you, he made sure to cover for you, even if it was against the rules. If you wanted to come out, he'd be there to help you, maybe talking to people like Trey and Cater first, and would collar anyone who dares disrespect you.
Leona Kingscholar
Shark week has to be the worst part of the month. Varying on how bad your period gets from small cramps to doubling over in the hallway and almost passing out me, it still brings a wave of discomfort with your body and some heavy feelings, and you doubt in your current situation birth control would be easily available.
You aren't dumb. You know the second you got close to Leona, or any other beastman for that matter, he'd immediately be able to smell the blood on you. Animal traits or whatever. So the most logical thing to do was avoid Leona at all costs.
Or not. Leona was not happy that you were avoiding him. Just like how you aren't dumb, he isn't either. He knows somethings up, and he won't let it slide. As much as he likes to pretend, he really does care about the people close to him, and he enjoyed your (less annoying than everyone else's) visits.
He managed to corner you on one of your worst days. You were bleeding so much you were honestly concerned for your health and worried if this was normal. There was absolutely no way Leona wouldn't notice with his sense of smell. And he did notice.
You could see a slight shift in his expression from anger to concern the second he smelt blood on you. And cornered in that empty hallway, you gave in and told him everything about being trans.
Honestly Leona couldn't care less about it, he was more concerned about your physical state. Please don't throw up in the school hallway. "So what, I don't care how you were born. You look like shit and that's what's concerning ."
He dragged you down to the garden to nap with him, because when you're on your period, napping is all you can do to make yourself feel better, and even made Ruggie run and get you some chocolate and ibuprofen from the nurse. He could tell from Leona's stare that he shouldn't ask.
After that Leona became more protective of you, not because he sees you as weak or sees you as a woman, but because he's genuinely concerned for you and how you're feeling after how miserable you looked when he found out (although he doesn't show it). If anyone tried to make you upset, he'd be right there by your side (no one in their right mind would fight with Leona) and whether you decide to come out in school or not, Leona has your back.
Azul Ashengrotto
Listen, Azul gets it. he's insecure, he doesn't like his body and got bullied for it for most of his life. He can level with you about how your feeling and will always awkwardly be there if you need him. All it really took for the two of you to get closer was to see each other on a similar level.
Honestly, you knew something had been up when the Leech twins invited you to go swimming with them. I mean who would agree to that? It was you, you agreed because you decided it was finally time you got closer to the octo trio. There was one problem though.
You only had swim trunks and a shirt, which knowing how water works, would only stick to your chest the second you got wet. Why did you agree to this again? So while the two eels swam off into the water with you giving a promise to "join them later" you sat on the beach trying to figure out exactly what you were going to do.
You couldn't see him, but you heard Azul approach you from behind and sit down next to you. His face saddened when you opened up to him about being afraid to go into the water because you "didn't like your body". At that moment he knew exactly how you felt, but his attempts at comforting made it clear that he didn't exactly know your situation.
After you explained yo could see his face flush red, but he made an attempt at comforting you. He stood up and took your hand, pulling you up with him. He slowly walked the two of you into the water, only up to your ankles though. "Don't worry, no one here is going to judge you. I know it's hard but you can do it."
Neither the tweels or Azul made any comments about you or your body. After you saw Azul whispering to them, Floyd even made some comments about how it was "just us guys" and Jade referred to your day as a "boy's day out".
After this, not only did you have Azul behind you, you also had some very intimidating eels to support you. Azul would make sure no one would talk bad about you. Anyone that did ended up getting roped into a contract with him. While life may be hard this way, you'd always have the octo trio there for you.
Kalim Al-Asim
As usual, Kalim was throwing a massive party at the dorm, and although you're not very fond of parties, you went for Kalim. He was honestly so happy you came, he loves seeing you honestly, and you stuck to his side for most of it.
Walking around with him had unfortunately made things slightly worse for you, Kalim was extroverted after all and everyone wanted to talk to the host of the party. You had received many, not ill intended, comments from people ranging from "I didn't know they let girls into NRC" and "is this your new girlfriend Kalim?". While these people didn't mean any harm, only asking innocent questions, they cut deep. Near the end of the part you ended up walking off and into Kalim's dorm room.
A little while later, Kalim came in, he knew you would be in there after all. He sat down next you on the bed with a concerned look and asked if you were okay. Obviously you weren't and right there, in Kalim's arms, you broke down and told him everything, how you were trans and how that comments were so hard for you. he didn't say anything, only held onto you until you were done.
Once you finished crying, he hugged you tightly and ran off. He came back a few minutes later with some water and snacks. After you gulped down a bottle of water, he held you close again. He gave small assuring rubs to your shoulder and watched some youtube videos with you to try and make you feel better. For once, kalim wasn't so talkative, and you appreciated that.
After that incident you had never once been misgendered at scarabia again. Kalim had made it clear to everyone in the dorm that you were a man and nothing else, after all Kalim is one of the best friends a person could ask for. "I want you to know that to me and everyone at scarabia that you are the bravest man, and we all appreciate having you here. you deserve to be here."
Vil Schoenheit
He wanted you to be in a photoshoot. That was it, that was what made everything around you crumble. He wanted to measure you, put on makeup, take photos and it was all to much.
Apparently he wanted you in the photoshoot because of your "naturally pretty face" and it was just too much to deal with. you stood in the dressing room looking at yourself in the mirror, your mind pointing out every little detail that was "too feminine" and tears filled your eyes.
And that's when he walked in. THE Vil Schoenheit had just walked in on you crying before a photoshoot. He didn't look angry at you however, more concerned. He walked over to you and took your face in his hands. While he did fuss over your ruined makeup a bit, he was more pressing you into telling him what was wrong. were you overstimulated? Were the clothes uncomfortable? Were the lights too bright?
You broke down in the man's arms and while he was hesitant about smearing your makeup on his clothes, he relented and held you. You were able to tell him what was wrong through al of your cries and you could hear him call out something to one of the workers. Eventually you were given a water bottle and calmed down.
Vil sat there assuring you that these "feminine things" didn't make you any less of a man and that if anything needed to be changed to let him know. I mean did you really think Vil "fuck gender roles" Sheonheit would really judge you for this?
After this he found some more fitting clothes for you and made sure you were on comfortable whether on set or with him casually. He was honestly the best person to go to when struggling. He always helps you based on what would look more masculine on you and he wouldn't ever let anyone make fun of you. "How you look or what you wear does not affect you or your gender. To me and to everyone here, you are a man."
Idia Shroud
Now how in the word did this happen? how could Idia Shroud, the boy who stays in his room all the time, figure out you were trans? Well it's a bit of an awkward situation. Ortho had invited you over to their dorm for a sleepover because he wanted his big brother to get out there and start talking to people , other than the ones on his computer (much to Idia's disagreement). Honestly the three of you had an awesome time playing video games and hanging out, even if it took time for Idia to warm up to having you there.
That was until it came time for bed. Knowing Idia he probably would have preferred to stay up until the sun came up, but you and Ortho definitely weren't doing that. When you changed you had put on pajama pants, a tank top, and a hoodie. You had to take off your binder because obviously you can't sleep with it on (or at least you shouldn't be).
You honestly thought you would have been fine, but through the night it had ended up getting hotter, most likely due to the two boys beside you with literal fire hair. You guessed it would have been fine taking off your hoodie as long as you woke up before the two of them to put it back on. But you didn't, in fact you woke up to Idia staring at you. When you woke up you couldn't tell what was wrong until you remembered you weren't wearing your hoodie or a binder. You quickly sat up and threw your hoodie back on, muttering a small apology. you could hear him give one too, but it was quiet,
After you had left you ended up messaging Idia about the situation, and he actually ended up being surprisingly cool about the whole "being trans thing". I mean he's on the internet 24/7 so it isn't surprising that he would know about it. He even apologized about the staring and said that he didn't "mean to be a pervert" and was just caught of guard which made you laugh a bit.
While Idia isn't the most confrontational person (Ortho however is(some people found out the hard way)) he's always there to give you support and as he said "Honestly how you were born doesn't matter. You're a chill person now and that's all I care about."
Malleus Draconia
Just like Leona and other beastmen, fae like Malleus have a heightened sense of smell, but unlike Leona, you didn't know that.
When you had woken up that morning to the usual monthly discomfort, you knew you'd be having the worst time of your life. You somehow managed to drag yourself out of bed and put on your regular clothes along with a pad (for some reason Sam has them in stock in the shop, you have no idea why) and made your way to class.
Classes that day were miserable, but you pushed your way through it despite everything. Once you had finished your classes for the day, Malleus had approached you to ask if you wanted to spend time together. He stopped himself and looked down at you with his usual "disappointed but also concerned" face and asked if you were alright, being very vague about it.
You did the usual lie of saying you were fine, but as if whatever gods there are in this universe hat you with a burning passion, you were hit with the worst set of cramps imaginable. Holding your waist you tried to assure Malleus wasn't having it.
He picked you up like you weighed basically nothing and with one flash of light you found yourself back in your dorm room, which was a bit of an embarrassing mess due to both grim being grim and you panicking with your sudden "situation". Malleus didn't seem to mind as he set you down on your bed and sat next to you, that same look of concern still on his face.
There in your room you told Malleus about what was going on and why you were bleeding so much. You could see him relax knowing you weren't in danger and that this was just a natural thing. You may or may not have had to explain the concept of a period to Malleus because let's be honest he's clueless.
After that he brought you some food and medicine to try and help, but once again he's clueless. You appreciated the effort though. He stayed there for the entire night making sure you were okay and according to him "To me it does not matter how you were born and how you are physically. To me, you are a man, and a gentle, kind, brave, and helpful one at that."
While life may throw many obstacels your way, Malleus assures you that you are perfect the way you are and that he is always there for you.
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I'm not sure if I like Idia and Malleus's parts because I need go to bed lol, ty for reading and have a nice day.
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zzprompto · 2 months
transmasc bakugou x transmasc reader where they just help themselves through period dysphoria?
☆ sugar, spice & everything nice
ftm ! katsuki bakugo x ftm reader [he / him]
sypnosis : above !
the lowercase is intentional !
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katsuki had been grumbling away in his dorm room all day. people noticed as they walked past, but they didn't say anything. they were too scared of him, afraid that they might get blown up by his quirk or even worse. nobody dared walk into katsuki's room, or even stay by his door for a second too long.
in reality, katsuki was acting like this because he was on his period. whilst being on his period, a massive amount of dysphoria just suddenly dropped it's load on him. it was always like this when he was on his period. he just always wished it would go away. too bad he wasn't on testosterone yet.
a knock was then heard on katsuki's door, followed by a voice. "hey, katsuki! open up!" [name] said on the other side of the door, being persistent with his knocking. he then groaned, getting ready to leave as his boyfriend wasn't opening the door. and, as if by coincidence, the door swings open and katsuki drags [name] inside.
"i guess it's safe to say you've started too, huh?" [name] said as he got dragged inside, a small chuckle following his words. katsuki just glared at [name] and lead him to the bed so they could lay down together.
katsuki groaned once more as he reached the bed. he wrapped his arms around [name]'s waist, pulling him close before resting his hands on [name]'s waist. the heat from his palms were soothing for [name]'s cramps. he was glad his boyfriend had his quirk at times, other times he wasn't so glad. such as the times where katsuki threatened to blow him up the last time he was on his period.
"this thing is so stupid. why do i have to have a stupid period when i'm not even a woman?" katsuki mumbled under his breath, clearly feeling frustrated and dysphoric about his situation. "sure, periods aren't what define a woman but whatever. this thing sucks, makes me feel like less of a guy." he continued to mutter, and [name] hummed along as he listened.
"at least when we both start going on t, our periods will stop. but, who knows how long that'll be." [name] responded, trying to sound hopeful but it was no use. katsuki still grumbled and moaned, even rolling his eyes at [name]'s comment. "yeah, and how long is it going to be that we'll be allowed to start?" the blonde boy huffed in response, a sigh escaping his lips.
the two of them stayed in silence for a little while, not saying anything. the sound of their breathing and slight shuffling around on the bed filled the room. that was before [name] decided to speak up once more.
"you know, even though we still get our 'shark week' every month, i still view you as a guy. even though we haven't started any hormone therapy or anything. you're still a man to me, and you're my boyfriend." [name] whispers softly, a small smile on his lips as he speaks. he wants katsuki to feel less dysphoric about his period, and reassure him at the same time. "plus, you're super manly." the boy chuckled, imitating kirishima.
katsuki rolled his eyes at [name]'s words. he really tried to hide how much they meant to him, but the small blush on his cheeks, the picking up of his heartbeat and the smile on his lips made it obvious that they meant a lot. "thanks, [name]." katsuki mumbles, pressing a quick kiss to the back of [name]'s neck. "you're.. manly too. despite everything, we're still guys aren't we, huh? just two guys who bleed out every frickin' month." he grumbled under his breath.
for the both of them, having their periods did affect them. they were both trans so when their periods came they doubted their identities. however, with eachother, they got through it. every month. they didn't give up on eachother, nor did they give up for what they stood for too.
"how about we go eat some spicy noodles? i have the ones you like in my room. we can prepare them in the common room." [name] said, detangling himself from katsuki to sit up on the bed and shake him. "we can't spend all day sitting here like grumps. we'll stick to the bed." he continued to mumble and shake katsuki.
"spicy noodles? tch.. you do know me, huh?" katsuki chuckled softly, sitting up too and placing a quick peck on [name]'s lips. "i guess we're boyfriends for that reason though, aren't we?" he hummed, a small smirk on his lips before getting out of bed and making his way out of his dorm. [name] followed close behind, seeming to be in a better mood than his boyfriend who had his hand stuffed in his pockets and was grumbling the whole way.
the two finally got to the common room. on the way there, [name] picked up the noodles from his dorm and started preparing them. katsuki started chopping up some vegetables to add to the noodles, as well as boiling an egg. once the noodles were finished, katsuki added his toppings and let [name] add some too. the two then sat on the couch together, eating their noodles.
"we're always here for eachother, aren't we?" [name] said softly as he looked at katsuki. "no matter what. i mean, our cycles aren't synced too so." he added, wiggling his eyebrows. katsuki immediately shoved [name]'s face out of his view so he could finish chowing down on his noodles.
a few others went down to the common room and got some food for themselves. they were talking in their own groups and laughing. kaminari and kirishima came up to katsuki and [name], grinning at the two of them.
"seems like bakugo finally got out of his room!" kaminari commented with a laugh. katsuki glared at kaminari and almost got ready to use his quirk on the other boy. "and he's not grumbling too." kirishima added with a chuckle.
[name] looked at the two boys before looking over at katsuki. he smiled and pinched his cheek, a little coo escaping his lips. "it's because of me, isn't it?" [name] said with a small smirk. katsuki almost blew him up too.
kirishima and kaminari decided to back off. they went over to other members of the class, occasionally looking back at katsuki and [name] with a chuckle.
"i love you." [name] whispered, ruffling katsuki's hair gently. "my handsome boyfriend, my manly man." he said, obviously teasing the blonde. katsuki just rolled his eyes and scoffed at [name]. "yeah, yeah. whatever. i love you too." he mumbled, eating his noodles.
the two of them then shared the same routine throughout their next cycles. comforting words, spicy food and laughs with their friends. it was perfect, and it helped both of them get their minds off of their period and their dysphoria.
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author's note : hope you guys enjoy this ! again, sorry for posting so slowly. i'm just on holiday so i've been relaxing more. i will try and get requests out and more things though! keep requesting ! <3
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genderkoolaid · 10 months
How do you respond to people who try to argue against various gender affirming surgeries with anorexic people wanting liposuction? I tried to point out that theres a lot of gender affirming surgeries for cis people who dont feel feminine/masculine enough, but my sister said that those people need therapy too. I feel that there's a difference between trans people and anorexic people but idk how to put it into words, im scared i accidentally made her more transphobic bc i didnt have arguments :(
Good question! It's important to question and critique our ideas of what separates "good, natural desires which should not be changed" from "bad, unnatural desires which should be changed," and I think sometimes trans people are too quick to reaffirm this binary in our attempts to defend transness.
I would say that the difference here is based in anxieties. Anorexia is born out of anxiety- which is to say, a persist concern over something that triggers strong emotional reactions and which you keep returning to over and over and over without resolution. Dysphoria can and does cause anxiety, but you can be dysphoric without having anxiety over it. You can have dysphoria, find relief, and be satisfied with your body, while there is never any satisfaction point with eating disorders. There is always a feeling of "not enough" because the desire to be skinnier is born out of anxiety over what it means to be fat & fatness' place in society (lesser value, moral weakness, medical abuse, etc.).
Like I said, dysphoria can and does cause anxiety. There are trans people who obsess over their bodies being too masculine/feminine because they are concerned with what it means for them to be too masculine/feminine: it means they aren't real, they are ugly, they're failure. And this is why its important for trans people to sit with our dysphoria and analyze it. If you are constantly worrying about your body being "real" enough, no amount of surgery or HRT will fix that (although it may fix many things).
Now, I am generally against any solution thats like "we should stop Those People from doing x because We know whats best for them!" because autonomy is a vital part of my beliefs, and I think that people rarely ever react well to being banned from doing something Because Mother Knows Best. The real goal with, say, EDs, is to get rid of the artificial desire for thinness by combating fatphobia (ah, if only all the anti-ED campaigns out there did this). The same with plastic surgery: I would much rather we focus on dismantling the system that makes people (esp. perceived women) feel they need to make their bodies fulfill the beauty standard, than saying that plastic surgery is Evil and we should stop anyone from ever getting it, because those little people aren't capable of using their basic right to bodily autonomy correctly. When we ban something, what we really want is to change people's desires. But that requires cultural change, and laws don't create cultural change out of thin air. Its like how yelling at your kids doesn't make them more honest or better people, it just makes them better liars.
Given that trans people exist in every society, potentially going back to the Stone Age, even after we unwork systemic misogyny & homophobia, trans people are still gonna want surgeries. So we should just work on combating those things instead of trying to control people's bodies.
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actias-android · 1 year
Absolutely wild to me that I know so many nonhumans on a server which isn't about nonhuman stuff at all and a lot of them literally aren't in "the community" or anything. Shit, most of them avoid "serious otherkin" and "serious therians" because they're just not interested in gatekeeping and discourse and all the inventing of terms, and don't relate at all to phantom limbs or dysphoria, so they've even questioned whether they count. Which is sad, man. We had a whole conversation about it and like, the entire moderation crew is plural and nonhuman and autistic and trans and furry, a bunch of the members hit all five too and almost everyone hits at least 2-3, like it's SO goddamn common for some reason in there. People I hadn't even thought were nonhuman chimed in and surprise, they are too. They just feel like they don't want to commit to terminology or a solid identity because the subculture is overwhelming and unrelatable.
This is ultimately why I'm so big on the separation of otherkin-the-subculture from nonhuman-the-identity. There are SO MANY nonhumans out there who just do not want to be otherkin but have no idea that they can simply not be otherkin. It's not helpful or good to have a single subculture become synonymous with a huge range of identity. Inb4 "that's what alterhuman was for" because you basically still have to have dabbled in the kin subculture to hear about it, and adding more overlapping circles to a Venn diagram that people don't wanna touch in the first place isn't doing them any service.
I think there really just needs to be multiple nonhuman subcultures doing their own things with no attempt to unify them. I think it's bad actually to try and shove too many disparate things into one big pool. Like, they don't have to not communicate and they can share members, but overall a single monolith subculture just cannot be everything to everyone and that's normal even.
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thoughtsofatransboy · 7 months
Priest!Gerard x Ftm!Reader
Warning: NSFW, Dark content? Grammar mistakes I'm not a native English speaker, Probably doesn't make sense cuz i don't have a clue of what people do in a Catholic church, Religious guilty, Sin confession, Religious mention (what you expected? It's a priest), kinda of blasphemy? (Idk, you're fucking a priest inside the church, is it blasphemy?) Ftm reader, low-key dysphoria mentions. (Ignore Frank lol)
Synopsis: You're a low-key religious ftm guy, Father Way is the only one who understands you and don't judge you by your gender, but how can you confess to him when he is the one in your sinning thoughts?
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"Here i am..." You said, finally arriving the little church. Despite you being trans, you still kind of religious, anytime you think you sin, you feel a necessity to confess, but this time you went too far.
The sin of Lust. But you made it WORST. You were fucking desiring a priest, the local priest, the only one who supported you on being yourself. You were feeling horrible, but what could you do? Father Way was the hottest guy you ever seen, the way he moves, the way he talks and the way we calmly listen to you everytime you need to confess.
You see Father Way, when he looks back to you, he goes to you. "Hello Son, need to confess again?"
You nod timidly, nothing else to say. Trying to figure out how to manage through this situation, how could you confess to him when he's the reason you sinned? Well, it's not like you have time to think now, he's already leading you to the confessional.
As you sat down, he noticed you were very nervous, in an attempt to calm you down, he said "Calm down my dear... Tell me your sins, you will be forgiven... There's nothing in the world that you do that can't be forgiven. The tone he said it could make your body melt right there, it's not your fault that he's so sexy even while trying to be modest, isn't it? Oh... How could God forgive you when you are sinning inside his own house? Inside the church?
"Dear? Are you feeling nice?" Father Way's voice breaks your mental focus, now you know you need to start it or at least say something. "Sorry Father, I'm going to start..." You left out a pity and anxious sigh. "I've been lustful... Filthy thoughts... And about someone i shouldn't..."
"A married man?" It was the worst he was expecting, honestly. "No... E-even worse" Father Way raised an eyebrow... suspecting of who could be the one making you have naughty thoughts.
"Then? Who is it?" You swallow it hard, getting more and more anxious. "A...a p-priest. I-i visited another church last week and-and i met a young priest and he's...cute" Fuck! You're a horrible liar. "hmmm... I see, i see... I'm not going to lie, it is a pretty bad sin... But you can receive forgiveness, just don't do it again and pray asking God for forgiveness, He will listen to your plead, I'm sure"
"But father... i-i..." You shut your eyes down, trying to breath but you couldn't, the guilty was too much, some tears started to roll down by your face. "Father... the... priest... is..is..." You decide to tell it, if you didn't the guilty would eat you alive. "You! You're the one in my thoughts! My worst ones"
Way was impressed, the confessional was suddenly silent but after some seconds, that felt like years, he smirked a little "Oh sweet boy... What a bad, naughty boy... you've been getting all aroused because of me?" You blink three times in shock, you really hope you aren't dreaming...
"F-father... what are you saying-?" You're more nervous than before, happy that Way's teasing you but shy at the same time. "Oh... You know very well what I'm saying" He stepped off of the confessional cabin, getting closer and closer to you, the gap between you and he is very little. He started to kiss you jaw getting closer to your ear "Want this? Couldn't lie... I've been a little interested in you too... But you're probably happy with it, aren't you? Don't lie" You could only nod. "Great" without you noticing he was already with his hands all over your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"I'll fuck your sins out of you, 'kay? So you get satisfied and won't do it ever again... You so shy today... Where's my brave boy?" You couldn't hold it anymore, you pull him into a kiss, a deep and lustful kiss. You guys separate it after some time, in the need to breath. "There he is! There he fucking is..." He started to kiss and suck in your neck, whispering praises to you "Such a sweet boy, so pretty, so handsome... You're very handsome, aren't you?"
You could only whine and moan while he attached your neck, but you wouldn't let it go this easily. You pushed him, making him enter the confessional cabin, once he entered it, you didn't thought twice before sitting on his lap, now your time to suck and kiss his neck, licking and holding tight on his shoulders. "Oh my God boy... You gonna kill me this way.... Argh!" Way tried to hold his moans, too proud to let them out. You grind against his lap, making friction against his bulge, the bulge you only noticed now that he sat down. You kissed him deep once again, harmoniously wrapping his tongue with yours, it was a messy and sloppy kiss, but one full of desire.
"Aaaa...Mmm.. okay boy! 'kay! Got it dude... you're in control, Kay? Kay?" You smirk, happy that he finally admitted it. "We need to be quickly, soon we'll have a mass..." You got in your knees, already pulling out his cassock. Once you removed it, you already started to kiss and tease his bulge, once you remove his cock from the boxers, you look at him, with a naughty smile, his cheeks all flushed and his breath hot.
You kiss and lick the tip of his cock, taking the opportunity to massage his balls, his cock throbbing crazily and his moans echoing around. "Yeah! T-that's my dude... A good cock sucker... Mmm... My little cock sucker, thank you... Argh! Thank you.... C-can i suck your dick too?" You stopped your sucking, glaring at him, nodding as quick as you processed the information.
Way put you on his place, crawling between your legs, unbuttoning your jeans and pushing your boxers down. The groan he left out was nothing but pure carnally desire. "What a pretty dick... What a pretty hot hole... I love it" He started licking delicately over your t-dick, kissing and sucking making you melt in pleasure. "Can i finger you? D-do you like it?" You nodded, Way inserted two fingers into your hole, not focused in being quick but in touching your sweet spots. He felt you clench hard around his fingers, he giggled silently, going back into sucking your t-dick. "Good... You're going to cum for me, huh? Gonna cum for me handsome?..." You finally reached your climax, moaning high and shameless, for a second being grateful that the church was empty today.
Your legs were a little shaking, so he put you on his lap a little, stroking your hair. "Forget that shit about being quick...my handsome...so good for me... You were incredible..." He kissed your cheek and kept stroking your hair. After some minutes you both decided to take the next step, he stroked himself a little, rubbing against your entrance. "Shh... Shh... I'll take care of you handsome, i promise" He pushed it into you slowly and delicately, like he was touching a piece of glass. His firsts thrusts were deep and slow, letting you adjust to him and afraid of hurting you. "You too tight... Oh God..." He started bucking his hips into yours, his thrusts getting faster and faster, you bucking your hips down on his too, increasing the deepness and the friction, you both left out a cracked moan. "F-Father... Oh my gosh... You're so good... So hot..."
You guys muffled each other's moans with kisses. "I love you Way! I love you..." you bucked your hips particularly harder this time. "Thanks handsome... i love you! I-i love you too....!" You're reaching your climax along with him. "Aaaa! D-dude... Gonna c-cum on my cock sweet boy? I think you really sh-should!" You clenched hard around his cock, finally cumming. He didn't lasted that long after you finished, he bucked his hips one last time before cumming inside you. He kissed your lips with a soft sigh. "You're incredible... I'm happy to have you... So pretty and hot.." you giggled a little, resting your head on his shoulder. "Forgiven" you both crack in a laugh, he stroked your hair a little more. "I'll help you to get dressed, the mass will start very, very soon... When it finishes, I'll bring you home and we'll cuddle together, okay?" You only nodded, pecking his lips while he helped you to put your boxers on again. You left the confessional cabin, taking a seat waiting for the mass to start. Smiling silly everytime you locked your eyes into his, now you're deep in sin, but really happy.
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kkoffin · 1 month
omg please post the posts from terfisaslur.com its truly disgusting what they post about terfs, people need to beware about how disgustingly awful these "trans women" are. "stab your local terf" ?!?! the fact that the whole website is literally just abusing women sexually and non sexually is disturbing.
As much as that website is useful for proving a point and peaking, or realizing that often times, these people have no interest in a genuine debate, and rather have more of a Me Ne Frego mindset, personally I do try to avoid it because I feel it only radicalizes me/others (in the bad way) more than it does educate me. I don't want to engage with a TIM/TRA and feel horrified or disgusted or hateful or fearful because of the endless rape and torture and other threats I've read. I want to be able to engage in discussion with them, and there are many out there that aren't what you see on that website - many are young, and have fallen into the ideology. Many are same-sex attracted and afraid of their sexuality, many are feminine men or masculine women who have been told this is what they want. Some have eating disorders and are told by school councilors "You starve because you aren't meant to be curvy! its body dysphoria!". Many are CSA victims.
Rare as they are, there are trans-identifying people who are willing to engage in discussion with a gender critical person without intellectual dishonesty or aggressive rhetoric. It's important to balance knowing when someone has no intentions of actually hearing your argument out (like everyone in the screenshots you see on this website) and when to be kind and understand that many people have been aggressively lied to about what radical feminism/gender criticism is, and we don't want to drive those people further away. We already have to fight with so much misinformation and lies about our ideology. If you are someone who can handle it, its better to focus on theory, and hope that you can share the information in a way which makes sense to anyone who is willing to listen to it.
Tldr: yes this website is an eye-opener, its... amazing in a sense, but it's also painful to look at and personally i'm not for blackpill-type content. For anyone who does want to see the website: here it is huge warning for descriptions of extreme sexual violence, rape, torture etc etc against feminists. Don't doom-scroll it.
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schrijverr · 1 month
Okay, straight Eddie Diaz, because - hear me out - trans woman Eddie Diaz.
Like it makes perfect sense in canon due to the fact that Eddie is repressed as hell, it can be about just sexuality, but I think adding in gender really adds to it. She does truly dream of having that traditional marriage with someone, she has just been casting herself in the wrong role, which makes it all the harder to figure out, because she is so sure that's what she wants, but it always feels wrong anyway.
It turns out, all the women she has dated felt wrong, because she wanted to be them not be with them. Plus, they never measured up as a parental figure, as a mother figure specifically, because Eddie wasn't comparing to what can be expected of an early stages potential step parent. Instead, she was comparing them to what she, Eddie, provides for Chris, and they could never be as good as a mom as her (but she didn't realize this).
((Also, Buck - bc yes, I am making this a little buddie - was able to fit into that step parent role, bc Eddie wasn't comparing him to herself, but let him organically grow into the role. Something Eddie doesn't realize until she unpacked a lot of stuff and realized her feelings for him aren't the platonic kind. She also realizes why she was so fuckign jealous of all his girlfriends, but always less bothered by his boyfriends.))
I feel like she'd be more masc (give me butch trans woman Eddie, please, fan artist out there, I'm on my little knees) and she struggles a lot with wanting to be a woman, but having 'masculine' interest and thus feeling like she can't be. Seeing Hen was both great for her and the cause of much confusion, bc she wanted what Hen had so bad, but also not entirely, because she isn't a lesbian and she had no clue what that meant when she first started working with the 118.
She has a hyper-masculine phase (mustache Eddie, why xp), really leaning into 'being a man' to run away from the feelings, because that is a mood. This isn't a great time for Eddie, because she does still like her masculine hobbies, as mentioned above, so it's confusing and she semi-gaslights herself into thinking she is imagining it. Until one day she shaves and is like, huh, I forgot how much I liked the clean shaven look and suddenly that triggers a whole set of revelations.
She keeps the short hair, but changes the shaping off it slightly so it softens her face more. She also is a jeans girly through and through, though comfy leggings definitely start making their way into the rotation after Maddie introduced her to them. Eddie does change the cut of her jeans slightly to be less tight at the crotch area, but she does like jeans that emphasize her butt, bc she has a great ass and that makes her feel good about herself. Overall, she isn't big on skirts, but wears dresses when there is an occasion.
Also, she has height dysphoria, which also upsets her, because all the heels look fun, she doesn't care that Hen claims they're the devil's shoes. ((Buck being taller makes Eddie so euphoric, before she realizes what is making her dysphoric exactly, she'd continuously be in his space, because he makes her feel a little shorter. When on dates, she sometimes can pull out heels and Buck will wear thicker soles so she can, sliding an arm around her waist and tucking her into his side so the dysphoria won't creep back in)).
She doesn't tell her parents at first, but she does tell her sisters, who are thrilled to have an all girls sibling squad now. They give her some of the heirloom jewelry they got, which Eddie missed out on, because she was still an egg at the time. She totally doesn't cry... Maybe a little.
Eddie is not a make up girl, however. She really tried to get into it, especially to cover the five-o'clock shadow, but it always looked weird and it isn't practical with her job. When they have a party, she'll put on some mascara and try with contour to add a little different shaping to her jaw and cheeks, but she never gets into it as much as she thought she would. She does not say no to getting manny paddies with Athena and May from time to time. Having nice nails is a great source of gender euphoria.
It was a little hard on Chris for Eddie to be mom too and Eddie had a whole crisis about what if this is repeating Kim, but in a different font and I am actually trying to replace Shannon? She has a lot of solo therapy and the two go to family therapy. Chris is never a dick about it, just a kid working through his trauma (don't be mean). When they have worked through it, Chris is her number one hype man, even though he's an awkward teen about it. His stumbling compliments are always her favorite and she carries them with her in her heart.
Anyway, just straight trans woman Eddie <3
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