#best fruit for breakfast for weight loss
todaynewsonline · 2 years
20 Satisfying and Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss
Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss
Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss:- Making healthy breakfast choices can help set your day up for success by giving you energy, keeping you full until lunch, and preventing you from turning to sugary snacks or fast food as an alternative. If you’re someone who wants to prioritize protein in their breakfast, egg recipes are a great choice. Breakfast scrambles, omelets, and plain fried eggs…
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kkwae · 1 year
Best fruits for a healthy smoothie
Best fruits for a healthy smoothie
Best fruits for a healthy smoothie The Answers Were Already in my KITCHEN for a couple of Cents And what stunned me one of the most? Basically whatever I required to recover my elegance was simply feet far from me … in my very own cooking area. You can additionally select to utilize these tricks merely to enhance your present way of living if you desire. Why would certainly you desire to invest a…
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femmefatalevibe · 9 months
Femme Fatale Guide: Healthy Habits To Look & Feel Your Best Without Restriction or Unrealistic Routines
Realistic ways to maintain a healthy life/body/appearance (size and weight are all personal, not the most important metric – for certain). No diet culture or delulu-land tips here.
What I've done to maintain my 30-pound weight loss for over a decade, glowing clear skin (no pimples or discoloration, etc.), and super healthy, full & shiny hair, still living life and enjoying it – the mindful way.
Eat home-cooked meals & (plant-based) whole foods – 90-95% of the time
Incorporate at least 1 salad into my daily routine (either a large, hearty lunch salad or a simple green salad as a starter with dinner)
Include at least 1 fruit/vegetable in every meal or snack
Never restrict food groups – whole grains/potatoes, healthy fats, protein-rich plant foods, and produce are all essential to consume every day
Focus on meals, but have whole food snack options on hand to enjoy if genuinely hungry (mainly fruit, lupini beans, edamame, carrots/celery/cucumber with hummus, plain popcorn, handful of almonds/cashews)
Have breakfast after one coffee (before a second) and have dinner late enough (8-9:30 pm) to curb late-night hunger
Only have fruit and tea after dinner; Always stop consuming food at least 3 hours before bed for better sleep/digestion
Order whatever I want when going out to eat, but split dessert
Have at least one indulgent meal/dessert per week
No sugary cocktails – wine, champagne/prosecco, martinis, gin & tonic, margarita, French Connection, Sambuca, Grappa, tequila on the rocks, etc. are great options. Bellinis/fruit plus wine/spirits cocktails are a good middle ground. Sugary drinks worsen the hangover – big-time
Perceive healthy eating as a form of enjoyment, creativity, and nourishment, not restriction or deprivation (it's not if done liberally enough)
Consume a vitamin B12 and vitamin D supplement daily. Keep digestive enzymes on hand for when they're necessary
Always have a large glass of water first thing in the morning (before coffee) and by my side all day long
No soda, juices, sugary drinks, etc. Black coffee, tea, and water only on the daily – wine and no-sugar alcoholic drinks on rare occasions. Smoothies can be a great snack or breakfast, though!
Incorporate an (almost) daily walk into my schedule as a form of exercise and a mental health reset (I aim for 4-5 miles/10Kish steps per day on average)
Do short, low-impact strengthen training exercises 3x a week (15-30 mins each usually) for bone health & toning
Never forcing myself to do strenuous exercise/workout formally in a gym – it's not for me; it doesn't make me feel/look better and throws my hunger & energy levels way off. To each their own, though
Have a variety of playlists ready to go for waking up, working, dancing, walking/workouts, doing chores, and reading/relaxing
Internalizing that sexual health is a core aspect of your health & well-being – on all counts
Maintaining a simple skincare routine 2x per week with high-quality products and a couple of weekly treatments
Prioritizing my body care routine with as much as my facial skincare routine
Wearing at least SPF 30 daily
Exfoliating 2-3x per week
Learning what hair products work for my hair type; Using a deep conditioning mask and a scalp mask weekly
Using only cold water when washing my hair
Incorporating face & body massages into my weekly at-home routine
Using Uriage lip balm, hand cream, and deodorant religiously
Flossing 1-2 times a day/using an electric toothbrush
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requiemfordreams · 11 months
Some tips that helped me lose weight while having an ed and preventing dizziness, fatigue hair loss, and brain fog.
For some reason eating after 2pm has reduced my cravings alot.
Chewing sugar free gum helps alot. Most of them contain sorbitol for the sweet taste and consuming sorbitol in a large amounts can lead to it acting as a laxative.
Coffee. To keep you full and again another laxative. But it can only be had hot for it to work.
Dry fruits. They contain little to no calories and prevent you from feeling dizzy.
Some junk foods are considered empty caloric foods because they do not provide any sort of good calories that your body can use, which can lead to your body storing them. So if you can find a low empty calorie food, you can sometimes eat them to keep yourself full. I should note this might not work for some people but it has worked for me.
What also has worked for me is make the same lunch to take to school, which is really low cal and because it is my comfort food and it helps me not think about food and since I spend 9 hours at school, not counting the 40 mins it takes me to and fro from school, I'm able to spend an ample amount of time not eating and that works wonders
and if my parents asks me to eat, I just say I shared my friends' lunch and I'm full.
I m like to distract myself from eating everytime I have a craving by chugging alot of water, which is first good for your health and keeps your belly full for longer.
I take multivitamins to keep up with all the necessary nutrient needs.
I also drink like 30gms of protein powder with water to help with my muscles, and also because protein helps in losing calories.
Fruits. Especially watermelons. They are so full of water, a cup of watermelons contains 46 kcal and can make you feel full really fast and they are packed with the good kinds of carbohydrates, vitamin A, C, and B6, full of potassium and absolutely no fats or sodium.
Cucumbers. Again, water based with almost little to no calories to them.
If you are having hair loss problems, biotin is a great supplement for hair and so is protein.
Try as much as you can to make sure you're not alone too long. Because when nobody is there around you, you're more prone to giving into your urges. So if you see that in you, try being around as much people as possible.
Coconut water is a great drink to help balance your electrolytes and keep your nutrients to the level.
Coconut oil and if you're Indian, ghee is great for your hair because it makes your hair more healthy and strong. It would be best if you kept your hair oiled overnight before washing and not just a few hours.
If it helps, because it has worked with me, even though I look fat, I tell everyone around me about how little I eat or how healthy I eat. And sometimes if I have to eat with other people, I will only have half of the food I ordered and ask if anyone can finish it because I'm not used to having so much food. Or I already had such a big breakfast that this seems too much. The little lies, that make you feel accountable into not eating so much even when you're alone.
I like to avoid sodas and energy drinks even if they're diet soda or not, because they honestly have way too many calories that your body can retain.
Masturbating. It's weird but five mins of it can lead to losing 400kcals and that's worth a bit of something.
Studying. It doesn't feel like it but you use alot more calories when you're concentrating on your work.
Sitting up straight. The will of keeping your shoulders straight and your spine straight, it takes up alot of calories because your body is not used to you doing that.
Doing chores around the house that require you to be on your feet.
Drink alot of water. But not too much.
Make a habit of waking up at a certain time in the morning and sleeping at a certain time. This makes way for a more disciplined mind, and more will power and honestly, not only do you not get so much fatigue or dizziness, it cultivates good sleeping habit. Which is not only good for the body, it also helps you stay focused in classes.
There is a certain set of yoga called the suryanamaskar which promotes good cardiovascular health and if you do 12 sets of it everyday, helps in losing calories. And they are so simple and easy for you to do if you don't feel like you have much energy.
I don't have more but if I do, I'll reblog and add them.
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healthyfitlifestyle09 · 9 months
Which is the best foods for weight loss in united states ?
The best foods for weight loss in the United States combine nutritional value, portion control, and sustainable eating habits. Here are some attractive options:
Leafy Greens: Incorporate kale, spinach, and Swiss chard into your meals. They're low in calories but packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Lean Proteins: Opt for skinless poultry, lean cuts of beef or pork, tofu, and legumes. Protein helps you feel full and preserves muscle mass.
Fruits: Enjoy colorful fruits like berries, apples, and citrus. They're rich in antioxidants and fiber, making them satisfying and nutritious.
Whole Grains: Choose whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat bread. They're fiber-rich and provide lasting energy.
Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats and protein. They also keep you feeling full longer.
Fish: Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health and can aid in weight loss.
Greek Yogurt: It's protein-packed and can be a creamy, satisfying snack or breakfast option.
Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are low in calories and high in fiber. They make great additions to meals.
Avocado: While calorie-dense, avocados provide healthy fats and fiber, helping control appetite.
Beans and Lentils: They're rich in protein and fiber, keeping you full and stabilizing blood sugar levels.
Water: Don't forget the importance of staying hydrated. Drinking water before meals can help control portion sizes.
Herbs and Spices: Flavor your dishes with herbs and spices instead of salt or high-calorie sauces.
Remember, the key to successful weight loss is not only about individual foods but also about overall dietary patterns and lifestyle choices. A balanced diet, portion control, regular physical activity, and consistency are essential for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized guidance on your weight loss journey.
Read more helpful information about health & fitness :
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romanarose · 7 months
Please Don’t Go?
Santiago Garcia x Gn!reader
Summary: You beg Santi not to leave for work.
Warnings: Extremely depressed reader, Santi worries they might be a danger to themself. Eating problems but not for weight loss, more appetite loss. References to concerns of self harm in some way. Proceed with caution.
Immersability: reader is gender neutral so you can imagine fem, masc, non binary etc. but I generally write fem so if I mess up on pronouns or something lmk. Santi can carry reader.
AN: Written on my phone bc I’m having a time rn and just wanna lay in bed and think of Santiago. Writing will probably sound worse than my usual bullshit.
Santi had been forced hit snooze 6 times already. You wouldn’t let him leave.
He knew you’d been struggling, and nothing he could do seemed to help. You didn’t respond to anything he tried. He couldn’t get you to go for a walk; the only time you went outside was when he picked you up and took you. Hell, he’d bought and assembled a porch swing just so that you could stay attached to him since you would not let go.
You weren’t eating. He tried cooking home made, he tried ordering your favorites, he even tried getting you desert for dinner just so you’d eat something. In the end he had to threaten to take you to the hospital if you didn’t at least choke down a few bites per meal; Santiago tried his best to make the most nutritious food he could. Soon enough he figured out you’d eat smoothies, and put all the powders, spinach, and super fruits he could get his hands on as well as nutrition shakes. It was better than nothing.
You only washed when he drew you a bath or showered with you.
You didn’t do any of your crafts you enjoyed.
You didn’t laugh at your shows or read books or listen to podcasts.
You weren’t you.
The benefit of consulting is he could do a lot of work at home, which he did so he could help care for you…. But there was another reason. He was scared to leave you alone.
He frequently texted, called when he could, and if you didn’t answer he asked Frankie Ben or Will to check in. They usually found you catatonically watching mindless TV in a daze.
It was getting worse.
“Hey baby, I need to get going, okay? I can get ready in the room if you want…” Santiago attempted to get up, but you caught his hand. With sad, already tearful eyes at 7 AM, you look up at him where he sat.
“Please don’t go?”
“Mi amor I have to… I have a presentation to do….”
He watched your lip quiver, letting go of his hand and sliding it back under the covers and look away from him, dejected.
“Okay.” You were closing off from him.
“I love you.” He said, again and again and again as he dressed, brushed his teeth, made breakfast and placed a breakfast sandwich in front of you, but only short responses. You weren’t mad. If you were mad, he could handle it… but your were sad, and that hurt him, so, so much. He’d hid all the sharp knives, razors, belts, anything he thinks might be a danger to you, but he didn’t feel right leaving. His gut told he couldn’t go…
Santiago called his boss, an old army pal of his. “Hey man… listen I uh… I’m not feeling good, can Will do the presentation? I can send him over the notes and-“
“No one knows it better than you, Pope. C’mon, you’ve been working on this for months, what’s wrong?”
“I just uhhh I have a cold, that’s all.”
“That’s not it, is it?”
Damn him. He knew Santi too well. “No, it’s not.” Santi explained it, how badly you were doing and how worried he was. That gut feeling.
His boss listened. “Do you think you can come in for just the presentation?”
“Yeah, yeah man I can do that.” Benny could come over for those two hours, keep you company.
“Okay, just come in at noon and then talk to me, we’ll see if we can’t get you some time off for this. After this project is done, me and Will can take on some of your duties.
“I appreciate it I do, but I don’t want you guys to have to-“
“Pope, your family is sick, it’s doesn’t matter that it’s mental. They need you. You’d do the same for us.”
When Santi came back into the room, he found you softly crying and promptly climbed back into bed after kicking off his shoes. Santiago pulled you into his arms and held you close as you cried… softly, he cried with you. He was worried, so fucking worried.
“It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart… it’ll be okay. I’m gonna take care of you. Whatever you need, I’m here… but baby?” With a gentle hand, Santi tilted your face up too look at him. He really was so, so handsome. Dark skin, sharp jaw, and normal steely eyes wet with worry. “We need to get you help, okay? We need to get you in with a psych. We can’t do this alone.”
You consider for a moment before burrying your head into his chest. “Okay.”
Idk I’m in a mood.
Started writing this, roommate came home and tried talking to me, I was already trying not to cry so she asked me if I was okay which naturally made me cry. I’ve never cried in front of her before so I think she was surprised but gave me a really nice hug.
No tag list bc I’m on my phone and tired but I’ll rb tomorrow with the tag list if I find the energy
Love y’all, please take care of yourselves.
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yalbeunmin-hoe · 1 month
·་ ·. ִֶָ ݁˖ Unpinning at 55kg · ݁˖ ִֶָ་·.˖་ ִֶָ
How to deal with hunger ?
Drink water until your belly feels swollen and painful, like 1L at once
Drink a cup of strong coffee
Chew gums. It break fasts but it's better chewing 20 gums for 100 calories through the day than eating 350 per meal
Drink tea
Drink a LARGE cup of iced coffee
But what to eat when I need to?
Carrots, they're very fullfilling and perfect snacks! Cut them in into sticks and chew untill your jaw hurts<3
Rice cake! It doesn't have significant nutritional value but drink 500ml of water 15 minutes before, then eat 2 rice cakes! they're only 25 calories each
Milk. Has the best nutritional value of the list but I'd recommend the skimmed version, it's about 68 cals (200ml, vs 115/regular ver.)
½ apple
Diet coke. It SLOW down the metabolism, so drink 2 cups of water for each cup of coke
Monster Zero. Same thing as the Diet coke, so be careful. It doesn't make you fatter but doesn't help tj get skinnier as well
Watermelon. You can eat like 300g and it won't be 100 calories yet :3
For lunch I usually have two favorites, and both include egg whites! egg whites are about 20 calories each and are the healthiest part.
When my intakes is lower I tend to make a Brunch with: banana pancake, greek yoghurt, and grapes! (Pancake: 2 egg whites, 1 small banana, 1 tbsp of oatmeal flour, 1 tbsp of oat meal, yeast, 1 tsp of honey. 190 calories)
When I need to eat next to my mom, I like to cook cauliflower rice(1 tbsp of rice and cauliflower as desired), steam chicken, 1 egg white, tomatoes and zucchini~
I do not recommend having dinner, BUT if it's really necessary, eat something light. My biggest recommendation are cabbage and tomatoes:
Salad with purple and green cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, carrot... Add some seasoned mayonnaise and it's perfect 👌
cabbage soup. Really light, perfect for dinner
Tomatoe Soup. Some call 4n4 soup, it's about 20 calories and VERY fullfilling, by you need to sleep right after because your body burns it really fast
Potato soup with chicken and egg white! It's a bit higher in cal but definitely worth it!!
Smoothies! (Strawberry+banana, apple+melon+basil, mango, etc...)
I eat mostly health foods, doesn't matter what but my favourites are:
Cereal Bar
Green tea with milk
Lemon and honey tea
Oatmeal with water
Omelete with fruits
Greek Yoghurt
If you can skip dinner, DO NOT skip breakfast.
Extra tip is exercising before the breakfast, then eat at most the amount you burned!
Please support me in my weight loss journey 🥺
I was BMI 16 in December but my family made me recover, now I wanna lose two times harder 💪💪💪
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reneeluv154 · 6 months
My Baby pt2
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Hope you enjoy!!
⚠️Tw this imagine contains: Mentions of rape and child loss (abortion).⚠️
It had been three days since I woke up in the patient room and I still sat here in bed. Jack did as he promised and moved my bed to the window which made me happy and cured some of my boredom but I was sick of this, sick of the pills and the breakfast in bed, especially sick of not knowing what was wrong with me.
Jack would always avoid the question when I asked.
“Sorry Y/n, I have a surgery I need to get to.”
“Hetty needs me.”
“You need some rest.”
“I don’t have a whole lot of time.”
These were just some of the many excuses he used.
I heard a very faint knock and the door opened, Jack peeking inside. “Brought you a snack.” He held up a bowl of fruit. “I’m not hungry for anything other than answers Jack and I expect to know the full story before you leave this room.” He was shocked nonetheless but sighed and sat at the end of the bed.
“Y/n, It’s a hard thing to explain I-“
“Well, then you best use your brain.” He stood and paced the room running his fingers through his hair. “Y/n, I really can't, it's best you don’t know.” I was frustrated, “Jack Dawkins, I deserve to know what you have done to me!” I had never raised my voice at him but I couldn’t take it anymore. He nodded, coming to sit on the bed and holding my hand in his. “Y/n, You were pregnant…and the baby was going to kill you, we had to cut open your stomach.” I was horrified, “Where is my baby?” Jack let go of my hand avoiding eye contact. Tears welled in my eyes, I grabbed his face resting my forehead on his own, our noses just barely touching. I took a breath.
“What have you done with my baby?” I whispered, my eyes sealed shut, praying it was all a bad dream. “Y/n, I’m sorry.”
“No!” I screamed and I sobbed falling into his arms, my adrenaline numbing any physical pain.
He held me close for what felt like hours gently playing with my hair and rubbing my back. My sobs were now soft whimpers and my breathing was more controlled. “Y/n?” He questioned, I didn't respond, “Were you aware you were pregnant?” I shook my head. I never knew I was pregnant. I had just assumed I was rapidly gaining weight for whatever reason.
“Do you know who the father was?” I had an idea of who it may have been. I never wanted to have any sexual relation with this man but it wasn’t exactly my choice. “I was raped,” I whispered, I myself couldn’t believe what I was saying. “I’m sorry Y/n, I knew after you woke up from the surgery you wouldn’t remember what happened for a few days, I never wanted to take your baby from you but I had to, I was forced to.” His voice was hushed and calm. I turned to face him, my head still on his lap, he was still playing with my hair. “Who forced you to?”
My rapist, Darius, was my rapist, I remembered. “Y/n, I know it might seem selfish, he was going to have me hung but more importantly you would have died.” The tears in his eyes told how much guilt he had. “Why would I die?”
He choked, “He was going to poison you and the baby, Neither of you would have made it. I chose the way in which I could save the most lives.”
A tear fell from his cheek and onto my gown. I wasn’t mad at him, I couldn’t be, he hadn’t asked to be put in such a situation. “I’m so sorry, love. You would have been such a beautiful mother.” He ran a thumb over the top of my cheek wiping a few more tears. I couldn’t stand seeing him like this. I never saw Jack cry and now he was sobbing.
Before I could even think I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. The kiss was deep with meaning and passion but I pulled away. “Jack, you should have never been put in this situation, I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at Darius, not just for what he has done to me but for what he’s done to you, and my baby.” I would have hated knowing what I went through for my baby but would have loved to see them grow even if not by my motherly love.
“I love you.” Jack breathed, I nodded “I love you too.”
Me and Jack had been close from the day he arrived here. Now we lay on the bed, Jack holding me close, My head on his chest, while we looked at the stars, trying to ease ourselves. “Jack.”
“Boy or girl?”
“A Girl sweetheart.”
I pointed out to the brightest star in the sky. “That’s my baby girl.”
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healthy-liiviing · 9 days
What Foods Are Good for Losing Weight?
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Choosing the right foods can make a significant difference in your weight loss journey. Here are some of the best foods to include in your diet if you're looking to shed pounds effectively.
Leafy Greens: Nutrient-Packed and Low in Calories
Examples: Spinach, kale, arugula, romaine lettuce.
Benefits: High in fiber, vitamins, and minerals while being low in calories.
How to Use: Add to salads, smoothies, or as a side dish.
Lean Proteins: Boost Metabolism and Reduce Appetite
Examples: Chicken breast, turkey, lean beef, tofu, beans, legumes.
Benefits: Helps build muscle and keeps you full longer.
How to Use: Grill, bake, or stir-fry for a healthy meal.
Whole Grains: Long-Lasting Energy
Examples: Brown rice, quinoa, oats, whole-wheat bread.
Benefits: High in fiber, which helps with digestion and satiety.
How to Use: Use as a base for meals or in breakfast dishes.
Fruits: Naturally Sweet and Satisfying
Examples: Berries, apples, oranges, pears, bananas.
Benefits: Packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber.
How to Use: Enjoy as snacks, in smoothies, or as a dessert.
Vegetables: Filling and Low-Calorie
Examples: Broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, carrots, cucumbers.
Benefits: High in fiber and water content, helping you feel full with fewer calories.
How to Use: Steam, roast, or eat raw as part of your meals.
Healthy Fats: Essential for a Balanced Diet
Examples: Avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, fatty fish (like salmon).
Benefits: Provides essential fatty acids and helps absorb vitamins.
How to Use: Add to salads, use as a cooking oil, or enjoy as snacks.
Legumes: Protein-Rich and Satisfying
Examples: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, peas.
Benefits: High in protein and fiber, which aid in weight loss.
How to Use: Incorporate into soups, salads, or as a meat substitute.
Dairy or Alternatives: Good Source of Calcium and Protein
Examples: Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, almond milk, soy milk.
Benefits: Supports muscle maintenance and overall health.
How to Use: Add to smoothies, eat as a snack, or use in recipes.
Tips for Including These Foods
Balanced Meals: Combine protein, healthy fats, and fiber-rich carbs in each meal.
Portion Control: Be mindful of serving sizes to avoid overeating.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to support digestion and metabolism.
Limit Processed Foods: Focus on whole, natural foods over processed options.
thank you for reading plz like this article and Follow me to receive many useful articles every day
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nsaint1 · 1 year
Do you have any weight loss advice? I know I need to keep losing weight but I find myself unmotivated sometimes.
Things I did that helped me lose 20 lbs:
- you have to want it
- stop comparing your journey to others (only view them as motivation)
- always eat a big healthy breakfast full of fruits and protein (keep you full for the day)
- when eating dinner always make your plate majority vegetables and meat with low carbs (I think dinner is such an important meal since that what you eat before going to sleep so make it nutrients packed)
- stop putting a time limit on things (so unhealthy and would cause me to spiral)
- create a list as to why you’re starting this journey
- drink at least 3 liters of water EVERYDAY! You’re usually thirsty and not hungry if you find yourself overeating for no reason
- stop eating by 7pm (best results) and drink some tea after dinner
- always eat fruit first thing in the morning (helps with using the bathroom)
- find a workout you looovveee and do it 3-5x a week for at least 30 min
- instead of drinking juice, eat a fruit with your dinner!! (best results) It helps me feel full and fulfills my sweets craving
- don’t deprive yourself and find healthy versions of your favorite snacks
- stop eating out!!!!! Just cook it at home by finding healthier alternatives (eating out a lot stunned my weight loss journey soooo much, so now I’m just cooking healthier versions at home)
- avoid doing crazy and unrealistic fasts for weight loss (you will gain the weight back)
- love your body and learn to work with it (still working on this for myself)
- have meatless weeks or weeks where you only eat vegetables and meat for dinner (if you want to speed up the weight loss)
- take it easy on yourself
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mr-bobinsky · 2 years
types of fasting/diets + their specifics
this is just a reference for me bc these r the ones i’m likely to do a lot
dry fast: no food or liquid. no chewing and spitting or gum. not to last more than 24 hrs. no exercise is allowed
water fast: just water. tea, coffee, and diet drinks are NOT allowed. no caffeine is allowed and no sugar free sweetener is allowed so no gum. not to last more than 5 days. no exercise is allowed.
calorie fast: simply keep calories consumed under 15. anything within that is permitted. not to last more than 5 days. no exercise is allowed.
liquid fast: healthy drinks allowed, but nothing involving blended fibers (no smoothies). keep calorie limit under 200. best filler drinks (low calorie, just to get full) are broth, tea, coffee, diet sodas and diet juices. best drinks to uphold health are plant based protein shakes (energy and retaining fuel for muscle) and kombucha (gut health). not to last more than 8 days. low intensity workouts and gentle cardio are allowed.
juice cleanse fast: no calorie limit, but must be conscious and log. only permitted to drink juices for calories. all teas, coffees and sodas must be 0 calories. not to last more than 8 days. low intensity workouts and gentle cardio are allowed.
IU diet (modified): 1 apple for breakfast, 1 protein shake for lunch, 2 sweet potatoes for dinner. be sure to weigh the foods to log properly. add ins for flavor are permitted if kept to a daily limit of 50 cal or under. not to last more than 8 days. low intensity workouts and gentle cardio are allowed.
mono diet: one type of food per day. must remain under 800 calories. not to last more than 8 days. low intensity workouts and gentle cardio are allowed.
omad diet: one meal a day. no calories can be consumed unless it is during this meal. sugar free drinks, teas and coffee are allowed. meal cannot exceed 600 calories. not to last more than 8 days. do any exercise near the end of meal time for safety, keep all activity gentle.
high res diet: “high restriction”. any diet where calories are heavily restricted, typically meaning 800 at the very most per day as a limit. fast weight loss but difficult to maintain long term, increase chance of binge. not to last more than 14 days. any exercise permitted, but must plan it accordingly to meal times for safety.
low res diet: “low restriction”. any diet where calories are not restricted in an extreme way, typically meaning 900-1200 calories per day. slower weight loss but easy to maintain and low risk of binge/safer to exercise. can last indefinitely when accompanied by periods of fasting, omad, mono or high res. any exercise permitted
health conscious diet: intended to reinforce healthy foods as the better choice. calorie limit 500 excluding fresh fruits and vegetables. those don’t need to be counted. can last indefinitely. exercise permitted, should be conscious of safety depending on intake.
liquid diet: no solid foods. nothing that must be chewed. calorie limit is 850, all drinks and broths/liquified soups allowed. this includes smoothies, protein shakes, sodas, juices, etc. just no solids. frozen liquids are allowed such as popsicles or ice cream (just stay in limit). not to last more than 8 days. exercise permitted freely with caution.
color diet: 9 day long diet where the only foods allowed are in the proper color of that day. colors go red, pink, orange, yellow, brown, green, blue, purple, white. limit 900 calories. exercise allowed.
alternant day fasting: low res one day, calorie fast the next. must last at least 10 days, no limit. exercise allowed on low res days.
metabolism reset: minimum calories 1000, maximum 2000. must remain health conscious. intended to help speed up metabolism during stagnation. can be done once a week at most. exercise encouraged
cheat day: no limit. any food allowed. intended to keep cravings and urges to binge at bay in a controlled way. different from a binge because this day must be set in advance, and the food/types of food must be planned. can be done twice a month at most. exercise required, liquid fast required the next day.
incognito diet: literally just there to demonstrate to coworkers that i am healthy. can only eat at work/food provided by work. no outside food, no eating at home. calories don’t need to be counted. can do for any period of time. exercise encouraged.
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howtobeaskeleton · 2 years
The Pro-Ana Diet : 8 Different Meal Plans to Follow
By Mimo Varila
The Lunabelle Diet
The Lunabelle diet is a condensed version of the Ana Boot Camp diet, which is 40 days instead of the usual 50 days. It has more fast days and calorie variations. This is a more “doable” diet, as it comes with higher calorie restrictions, with days you consume between 100 to 800 calories. There are double fast days, though, so you have to prepare yourself for these. If not, you can consume 50 or 100 calories to stay safe if you aren’t able to fast this long. After 40 days, you will be able to lose up to 20 pounds or more!
The Rainbow Diet
This is a pretty interesting diet, as it entails you to consume one color of food per day, except for every Wednesday. Here is the meal plan:
Monday (white) :
Breakfast: Half an apple
Lunch: Half an apple
Dinner: One cucumber
Tuesday (yellow):
Breakfast: One banana
Lunch: One banana
Dinner: Half a cup of corn
Wednesday: Fast
Thursday (orange):
Breakfast: Half an orange
Lunch: Half an orange
Dinner: One carrot
Friday (red):
Breakfast: Half a cup of strawberries
Lunch: Half a cup of strawberries
Dinner: Half a red pepper
Saturday (purple or blue):
Breakfast: Ten blueberries
Lunch: Ten blueberries
Dinner: Ten raspberries
Sunday (green):
Breakfast: Half a cup of grapes
Lunch: Half a cup of grapes
Dinner: One cup of lettuce
The ABC Diet
If you have been following the pro-ana lifestyle of quite some time now, then you’re familiar with the ABC diet, which is known as the Ana Boot Camp. This is one of the most popular diets to follow, as it’s extensive and incredibly useful. However, it’s very challenging, and not many people pass it.
This grueling diet will yo-yo between 50 to 500 calories a day, with a fast every few days. The extreme calorie restriction will have you lose at least 20 pounds once you are done with the 50 days. You can eat anything in this diet, but make sure that it sticks to your limit.
The Five Bites Diet
Think of it as a mental gastric bypass surgery, where people staple their stomachs to feel full after just a few bites. This will take a lot of self-control, though, as you will only be consuming five bites of whatever meal you have.
I recommend that you follow this diet:
Breakfast: Five bites of oatmeal
Lunch: Five bites of a sandwich
Dinner: Five bites of pasta
It’s best to consume a lot of water or zero-calorie drinks to stay energized and hydrated while doing the diet. Freshly-squeezed lemon juice can work great, too!
The Vegan Model Diet
The vegan model diet is another effective and restrictive diet suitable for those who follow the vegan lifestyle. Think of it as the usual meal plan models would follow to get a flat stomach without any meat products!
Breakfast: One reduced-calorie bread and two cups of black coffee with zero-calorie sweeteners
Lunch: One large apple
Dinner: Eight baby carrots
The total number of calories consumed is only 200 calories. Follow this for a week, and you will be able to lose weight quickly. You can substitute meals with different fruits and vegetables if desired. Add your meal diet with some healthy powders. Check the green superfood powder to know more.
The Ana Atkins Diet
This is a personal twist on the Atkins diet, which is similar to the keto diet. Just make sure that you avoid any keto diet mistakes and consume too many carbs from fruits!
Breakfast: Three-egg white omelet
Snack: Baked white fish fillet
Lunch: Roast Chicken drumstick and a cup of salad leaves
Snack: 50 grams of prawns with garlic and chili
Dinner: Grilled Sirloin steak and a cup of salad leaves
You might think that this is a lot to consume, but it’s quite useful in burning fat quickly. By day three, you have less appetite, and your body is using ketones for energy.
The Russian’s Gymnast Diet
Irina Tschachina is a 5’6 Russian gymnast who only weighs 99 pounds. Wonder how she does it? Here’s a diet you can follow for ultimate weight loss and health. Those who follow this diet for a week can lose up to ten pounds!
Breakfast: A glass of apple or orange juice
Lunch: Fruit salad with a glass of fruit juice
Dinner: Green apple and a glass of non-carbonated water
Make sure that your fruit juices are freshly squeezed and free from any artificial sweeteners.
The Baby Food Diet
This is a pretty exciting diet, as it entails you to consume baby food, which is rich in vitamins and nutrients. I recommend that you purchase organic and vegetable-based baby food, which has fewer calories and more vitamins.
You can have baby food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Or, you can have an average healthy breakfast and consume baby food for lunch and dinner. Make sure that you get the 80-gram jars, which are made for weaning babies.
But do take note that these are only short-term diets that should not be done as a lifestyle change. There are many different side effects to pro-ana diets, as you are consuming fewer calories than your body needs, which causes some health risks in the long run.
Bonus Tips on Keeping Up With a Pro-Ana Diet
Now that you’re familiar with the different pro-ana diets, what are other ways you can keep it consistent? Here are some bonus tips to follow:
• Make sure to always keep track of your calories by using apps or other online tools available. Don’t take in more calories than what you burn to ensure weight loss.
• It’s better to consume a healthy breakfast to have better-eating decisions for the day ahead.
• Water is one of the crucial parts of the diet, as it doesn’t only fill you up but keeps you energized when restricting your calories. However, you should avoid drinking water in a single session, since this causes water retention.
• Small meals throughout the day are also recommended, which can have the body think that you’re eating enough to stay satiated and energized throughout the day.
• These are aggressive diets, and you will be deficient in many nutrients from the calorie restriction. Because of this, it’s imperative to take in vitamins. These will compensate for what you don’t consume.
• Sleeping is essential to gain energy and level out your cravings and appetite. If you sleep less, it can lead to a lack of energy and hunger, as well as a slow metabolism!
• If you want to stay encouraged while following a diet, then it’s best to find a diet buddy or to look in the mirror, which keeps you motivated!
• You can keep track of your macronutrients with online macro calculators to ensure you’re eating the right foods, in the right ratios, for optimal weight loss.
Pro-ana diets are aggressive but possible with the right tips and healthy food consumption. That way, you won’t have a problem with keeping the pounds off in the long run !
Hopefully, this article on the pro-ana diet gave you an idea of what you can do to stick with your meal plans.
So don’t wait any longer and check out any of these diets now!
Start your diet now !
SJanuary 1, 2019 at 3:27 am
I want to lock myself in a hotel room for a week with nothing but water. I want to be anorexic
BRYTEEYEZMay 5, 2021 at 12:56 am
I plan to lose this chub quickly. I am a effing fat pig.
TIMDecember 18, 2020 at 4:38 pm
Sounds sexy
ADDYOctober 29, 2020 at 7:16 pm
I’m desperate. I just want to be skinny 🙁
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fatiguedfatso · 1 month
⋆˚࿔ my may diet plan 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
may is really the last month before summer begins which means no more excuses, no more laziness. i decided to come up with a diet plan for this month, one that is more likely to work for me. i'm not telling you to do this diet plan, this probably won't work for you, it is purely based on tips i've received from others and information about what does/doesn't work for my body. this is going to be quite long, sorry ! >:3 𐙚 meals omad doesn't work for me, it almost always leads to a binge. i've realized this after trying to make it work for a long time. instead of forcing myself into something that is going to lead to self-destruction, i want to work with my own body/mind. breakfast - it isn't something i often do, i just prefer to wake up later and can never fit it into my schedule, but i think it might help me a lot. getting some energy into my body before school will help me feel less zombie-like throughout the day. sticking to the same meals every day is quite boring, but in the mornings it's hard for me to want to make anything. i'm going to be sticking to a greek yogurt bowl filled with fruits, granolas, etc. this is a super filling meal !! on the weekends, i might switch it up a bit, but we'll see. dinner - seeing as i live with my family, i don't have a lot of choices when it comes to dinner. i'm not often the one cooking the meals which does make it a bit hard to control the calories. this definitely won't be as uniformed as my breakfasts, but i'll make sure to track it as much as i can !! not allowed at all - sodas/coffees + noodles 𐙚 exercise
my biggest struggle fr. i am terrible with actually putting in the effort to work out, but it will make weight loss so much easier. i'd love to just be lazy and not do it at all, but i want to try to at least stick with it for a month. maybe not every single day this month, but at least 4 days a week. walking - getting steps in is so important. there are so many days i just spend rotting in bed because i'm too lazy to get up, but that is so unacceptable. it is difficult for me to get a lot of steps in because i can't go on walks alone (don't attempt suicide, kids.) so i will just walk back and forth in my room. my room isn't very big so it takes about 30 minutes for me to get 1,000 steps in if i'm walking at a regular pace, but if i try hard enough i can do about 1,300 steps in 30 minutes. youtube workouts - i will be trying out different youtube workouts, i'll probably post about which ones i'm doing each day. i have knee issues so the workouts i do probably won't work for you ! make sure to do workouts based on YOUR body. 𐙚other
distractions - being distracted is so so so important for me! i often eat because of boredom which is actually why my weight got so heavy in the first place. i will probably make a separate post about my favorite ways to distract myself. water - drinking water before meals is the best way to prevent overeating. since i am trying to cut out sugary drinks completely, i want to increase my water intake. i'm often dehydrated, but water helps with weight loss so much! being in the right mind - i think to actually do something, you really need to believe in yourself. if i'm constantly telling myself "oh, i'm not going to lose the weight", i am just ruining my own progress because those negative thoughts become reality. i don't think i'm going to become my ugw in a month, but i do believe i can make some good progress this month! MWAHHH!! tysm if you read this whole thing, i yapped a lot. come up with your own diet plan, each body is different, but i hope my diet plan inspired you! :D
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monsters-for-meals · 11 months
4na Tips that Help Me
2B Mindset from BeachBody edition ⬇️
1. Water first! Before you take a bite, drink 16oz of water. It fills you up and increases your metabolism by 25% for an hour after drinking. It also hydrates your body so that bowel movements are more regular and skin isn’t dry and cracking.
2. Small meals throughout the day! I’m not saying eat a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner, because that can feel overwhelming. What I mean is that small bursts of calories as opposed to one calorie-rich meal is the right choice. It stabilizes your blood sugar and can, again, boost your metabolism. Let us not forget that metabolism is EVERYTHING with weight loss.
3. Vegetables most! Every meal should contain vegetables and should be more veggies than anything else. Why? Because low calorie items like these are perfect for volume eating. It feels like you’re filling up. Vegetables also provide your body with the nutrients to keep it going.
4. Fiber filled carbs! Fruits and berries are definitely carbohydrates but they are the best kind because they are full of fiber. Bread? Potatoes? Pasta? These are carbs that offer you almost nothing nutritionally, but fiber filled carbs offer you a healthy micro biome and a lower blood pressure. It also helps you feel full longer.
5. Dinner and done! Late night snacking is the biggest reason the scale moves up in the morning. You’re giving your body nutrition when it doesn’t need it, so it becomes lasting fat overnight. Let dinner be your last meal and make sure the nutrients from dinner are used, so take a walk, do a workout, or anything physical after dinner.
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iamamikcals · 4 months
Helloooo girliesss 🩷🫶🏾 ! It's time for my weight loss and day update (it's almost 10pm) 😚.
I'm proud of myself because even tho I was THIS 🤏🏾 CLOSE to be over my cals limit I stopped myself before doing so and I also stopped my binge urges by listening to my cravings (I ate a little bit of ice cream) and went on a walk to do my groceries (but couldn't do a lot of steps because it was getting dark 😒😒😒). I bought a lot of fruits because there were NONE and it is very bad since I'm still trying to prevent my binge urges and eating fruits is the best thing for me. Now that my safe foods are at home I can binge on them without even feeling disgusting FINALLY 😩🙏🏾🙏🏾. Btw I saw HALO TOPs when I went outside BUT THEY ARE TOO EXPENSIVE DAMN. I'm gonna beg my mom to buy them the second we have more money I HAVE to get these that's a NEED 😞🙌🏾.
Limit : 655 cals
Breakfast: 2 slices of bread (108 cals) and applesauce (67cals)
Lunch : Omelette (95cals), french fries (91cals), spinach (18cals) and Pepsi 0 cherry flavoured (0cals 😩🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾)
Diner : raviolis (119cals) and cheese (56cals)
Snacks: ice cream (65cals)
Ate : 620cals
Workouts: walking 8 201 steps (-330cals), 3 Chloe Ting's workouts (≈-115cals).
Burned : 445cals
Total: 165/655
Chloe Ting's workouts that I did:
Day 3 : ✅✅✅
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I DEFINITELY recommend these workouts guys it burns I LOT.
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Day three is done, I know that I could've done better but I didn't binge so it is still a win 🤷🏾. Btw I think I'm gonna do a liquid fast on day 7 because day 8 is my birthday so I don't know if I'll be able to only eat 540cals (I totally forgot about it when I was doing this diet 😭😭). See y'all tomorrow for my weight update, kiss kiss from France pookies 😚🫶🏾🩷🩷🩷.
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re-whump · 1 year
stolen light - summer smoothie
no one asked, but I threw Iolanthe in a blender because of this post from @thoughtsonhurtandcomfort like a week ago because everything irl is a smoldering mess. could be part 1/2 but the hurt part is so much easier to write as stress release than the comfort part, so. probably won't finish/post the aftermath. contains: tiny whumpee (fairy), wing whump, female whumpee w/ female whumper, injury, violence via kitchen appliance, mostly psychological,
Iolanthe knows better than to try and escape while the mortal is in the room, but the dish had been so shallow. Freedom had looked so close. She hadn't been able to resist the temptation brought by the mortal's carelessness.
But now, she looks up at the sly expression and shining eyes looming over her and knows that her keeper had placed her into that temptation deliberately. There was some sort of game here, one that Iolanthe was destined to lose.
Silas was still near enough for his glamour to catch the mortal's language and reflect it back in words Iolanthe could understand. She wished he would do something more useful with what magic he had left.
"You are such an obstinate creature, you know that? I can't let you out of my sight for even a second. Maybe I should just be done with you."
Iolanthe grunts as the mortal pinches her fingers around Iolanthe’s legs and the world twists upside down. Her tattered wings flutter reflexively as she's lifted into the air and carried across the kitchen to where Madeleine had been preparing breakfast.
The mortal has patience enough to wait for Iolanthe to reorient herself and recognize where she's about to be dropped. She holds her steady. Madeleine wants a reaction to savor.
Iolanthe hates to give the mortal what she wants, but it's automatic. Her heart races as she sees the deadly glass tower below. She thrashes to try and get upright and clutch at the wretched mortal's finger. 
Iolanthe doesn't know what this device is called, but it's one of the mortal contraptions she's seen in action enough times to understand its purpose. The silver flower at the bottom, already obscured by a pool of red juice, was built for evisceration.
"Don't you dare!" Iolanthe snarls.
Madeleine hms in delight and lets go. Iolanthe twists and flails, desperate for her wings to catch air, for her hands to catch the lip of the glass, but she finds no purchase with either. She tumbles to the bottom of the blender and lands with a splash.
The juice is bitter in her throat as she surfaces and scrambles onto one of the metal blades–steel of some sort, enough iron to make her itch, too treated to truly burn. She shakes herself dry. Red drips off her wings as she looks back up at Madeleine through the thick glass. Her precarious perch above the sharpened edges would mean nothing if Madeleine were to start the motor.
The mortal's impassive face is something to behold, a near‐perfect mask of apathy. Iolanthe knows it's a lie, she's been here long enough to understand that mortals aren't bound to reality in the same way she is. Still, the fairy finds it hard not to believe she hasn't been forgotten as Madeleine resumes her routine as if nothing were amiss. That she could scream and be remembered and saved. She knows better.
A cloud of slick, heavy yogurt crashes down over her shoulders. The weight nearly knocks her back to the bottom of the jar and the loss of traction finishes the job. She pushes through the white mud to climb back into place. Shadow falls over the jar as Madeleine unceremoniously dumps a cup full of fruit into the mix.
The berries are rock hard and the smallest is the size of Iolanthe’s head. The best she can do is hunker down and let them batter her backside. She hisses as the icy boulders surround her and suck away her warmth, then steels herself to climb through to her only hope of escape.
Whenever she passes by a clear bit of glass she steals a glance at Madeleine, who continues to ignore her. She fills the jar entirely, then turns her back to tend to Silas on the other side of the kitchen. She’s giving Iolanthe time to reach the top. Taunting her. Again, freedom is within reach and impossible to achieve.
As Iolanthe reaches the top of the jar, Madeleine turns and strikes her down with the broad side of a metal spoon. Iolanthe lands on her back. There’s a loud, mechanical click. She cries out as the island of fruit drops out from beneath her into the screaming whirlwind blades at the base.
White agony burns through her as the blades catch a tattered wing. Blue blood blossoms through the red summer fruits. Iolanthe is dragged beneath the surface and the world narrows to the motor's frantic screeching. There's no magic, no light, no air.
A second later, a second click, and everything stops but the bleeding.
Iolanthe doesn't resist as the mortal's hand fishes her out of the sweet muck and she doesn't run when she's laid back down in the shallow dish beside Silas.
@whumpsday tbh I've never done a taglist before, idk if you want to be included in random oneshot-y rambles
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