wulvercazz · 9 months
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Little Bull🐂💕
It takes Ichigo a lot of effort to get this close to Grimmjow. She still pushes him around, as always, not that he expected her to stop if he was being honest, but something about it is almost affectionate now.
Call him a masochist, but the hair pulling and the sharp smacks and the teasing... it is all part of her charm. All that only accentuated by the new, warm words that'd leave Grimmjow's lips in cooed whispers against his fluffy ears. Sure, she is still less than nice, but hearing her call him her 'little boy', her 'cute calf', before receiving a teasing nip to his ear, always had his cock dropping like the dumb teen she liked to treat him as. Threatening to cum all over himself under her warm touch and teasing words.
"You want to breed Mommy that bad, little boy?" Fuck, he could drool.
All of her was delicious to touch, her beautiful fair skin and blue velvety fur, her hips and ample chest soft under his hands-- he'd never get tired of being this close. He was only hoping his enthusiasm wouldn't spoil everything when he's finally allowed to mount her properly; if it's anything like he's imagined... he's afraid he may cum the second he's inside Grimm. ´ - `💕
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Frog Prince - Thor Odinson X Female Reader
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Title: Frog Prince
Thor Odinson X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's parents (Mentioned), Enchantress/Fairy Godmother (Mentioned), and other royal people (Mentioned)
Requested by Anon!
Fairy tale / Fantasy / Grimm Fairy Tales AU
WC: 1,649
Warnings: Royal stuff, Reader is a princess, Reader is mentioned to wear a dress, kissing frogs, it's not slime it's mucus, slight angst, crying, curses, and fluff
You wandered the kingdom, tossing your golden ball in the air; catching it every time. You were a princess, of a royal kingdom, blessed with anything and everything you could possibly desire. But, even though you had everything you wanted, you wanted nothing more than a true friend. One that wasn't royal, one that wasn't rude or snarky like those other princesses you've spoken to at monthly tea parties. You wanted someone loyal, understanding, and sweet. Someone who didn't care about royal status or your wealth or reputation. You wanted a best friend, your partner in crime. Someone who liked you, without any ulterior motives or agendas. Someone you could laugh with, cry with, spend hours talking to, spend days together, and share everything you had in common. You wanted someone just as lonely as you.
You entered the small hidden garden, continuing to toss your ball in the air. It was a beautiful day, warm for early April. A single apple tree stood on the edge of the garden, with an apple tree branch hanging down, offering a perfect place to grab a sweet treat. The sky was a clear blue with clouds scattered across the otherwise cloudless sky. You threw your ball in the air, catching it every time. There were so many trees, shrubs of berries, and flowery bushes. You wondered if there would be any butterflies here today. you haven't seen a butterfly in a long time. The snow had only just melted over the winter and the flowers were just blooming. You loved nature, but being a princess required all your attention. Your father insisted that you be a good queen; he didn’t want you wasting your life sitting around playing dress up but listening to boring politics. As much as you hated that stuff, you couldn’t say no. But, sometimes, you did have some free time to go outside and enjoy the gardens.
You found the old well, covered in overgrown vines and soft green moss, nestled within the thick undergrowth and ivy covering most of the area. You sat on the cobble ledge, looking up at the branches swaying above you. After all these years, you never fail to miss the feeling of the sunlight beating down upon you. Even if it's cold out, you always love the warmth of the sun, warming you up from your head to toe, and making you feel comfortable and safe. When it came right down to it, you missed the feeling of the dirt beneath your feet, the smell of dewy grass, and the feel of fresh air blowing through your hair. You sighed. Why was it that even when you had everything you ever wanted, you felt so unhappy?
You tossed your ball in the air, the golden ball reflecting the sun as it fell down, just brushing your fingers as it bounced; landing right in the well with a splash. You gasped, leaning over the ledge of the well, peering down into the dark abyss. You tried to reach for the ball, but the well was too deep. You sat back, feeling defeated before your eyes began to well up with tears. You sniffed, wiping away the tears and trying to regain control of yourself. You wiped your cheeks dry and took in a shaky breath, trying to calm your nerves. before you, a bush rustled, and you looked up from your knees, watching as a small frog jumped out of the green bush. 
It ribbited, looking up at you before hopping on the ledge of the well only a few inches from you. You sighed, tilting your head slightly as you looked at your new friend. "Hello, Mister Froggie." You greeted the frog softly, not wanting to frighten him. "I wish you could speak, little Froggie," You finished. “So, I am not alone.”
The frog ribbited, going up on his back legs, standing as if he was human, before speaking, "If you wish me to speak, your wish may be granted." The frog said, bowing low to you. 
You stared at the frog with wide eyes, "You do speak." You stated, "Or I'm going mad."
The frog shook his head, "No, my princess, you are not mad. I do speak."
"Well," You began, "What may I call you, Mister Froggie?"
The frog bowed once again, "Thor, my princess. At your service."
You giggled, bowing your head, "My name is Princess Y/N, but please, just call me Y/N." You said.
Thor bobbed his head several times. "Then, Y/N, it is a pleasure to meet you. And, if I may ask, why were you crying?"
You frowned slightly, "My ball fell down into the well." You pointed into the well, "I can't get it out."
The frog glanced down in the well, letting out a hum before looking back up at you, "Well, my princess, you are in luck, for I can get your ball for you."
You instantly smiled, "Really?" You asked excitedly, "You can?"
Without another word, Thor hopped down, jumping down into the well. He swam towards the bottom of the well, before pulling himself out with the golden ball in tow, the ball flying out of the well and landing beside you.
"Thank you so much!" You exclaimed, taking the golden ball with both hands and holding it close to your chest; not caring about your dress getting wet. "Whatever can I do to repay you, Thor?"
The frog only shook his head, "You do not have to repay me, my princess. Just being in your presence is payment enough."
You shook your head, still holding onto your gold ball tightly, "Well, I have to give you something." You insisted, setting the ball down beside you. "Do you want food, jewels, clothes?"
Thor only shook his froggie head, "What would I do with such items? I assure you, my princess, I have everything I need."
"Well," You began, "There must be something you wish."
The frog looked off into the garden, before giving a small shrug, "I suppose, I have wished for a kiss. To break my curse. But, my life as a frog is a sweet one. I would miss it."
You furrowed your eyebrows, "You were cursed? To become a frog? By whom?" You asked, instantly intrigued, wanting to know more about this intriguing frog.
Thor nodded his head, "Yes. My curse was cast on my birth by the Enchantress. She cursed me to become a frog, forever. Unless a beautiful princess kisses me and breaks the curse."
"But why?" You questioned.
"I cannot tell you exactly why she did it. But, I do not want you to think you must kiss me, I am content living my life as a frog. I would not persuade you to do such a thing."
You only shook your own head, "There is no pressure, Thor. I would love nothing more than to try and break your curse."
Thor walked over, placing a froggie hand on yours, "Please, my princess, you do not have to do anything you do not want to."
"Nonsense," You replied with a smile. "I want to help you. And besides, I'd rather make your wish come true than not make it at all."
"If you insist, my princess," Thor spoke before you both closed your eyes, leaning down and pressing a kiss against each other's lips. The two of you pulled apart after a brief moment, opening your eyes, they widened as you watched Thor begin to sparkle and shine. 
His form began to change, morphing until a tall, handsome man stood before you, clad in fine red and gold. His long blonde hair shone like spun gold, framing his face. His bright, blue eyes shined like diamonds, piercing through you. His skin was pale and smooth as marble, shining in the sun. He wore the finest clothing you've ever laid eyes on, silks and velvets draped elegantly over his body. He, overall, looked as if he was sculpted by the gods, and you couldn't help but stare. You quickly realized what you were doing, looking away from the man, blushing deeply.
Thor stood tall, glancing at himself as a great big smile graced his face. "The curse, it's broken!" He exclaimed happily, twirling in a circle with almost childlike excitement in his movements. "I am human! Thank you, dear Y/N, thank you so very much." He cried, wrapping his arms around you, and lifting you up high into the air. You let out a laugh, hugging him back.
"Of course." You said, pulling away from him slightly. "I'm happy that we could resolve your predicament."
"But," He stopped, putting you down gently on the ground, gazing deeply into your eyes, "There is still one thing I would request of you."
Your brows arched upwards curiously, "Name it." You offered.
"If you will, will you marry me? For I truly wish to court you, my princess." Thor pleaded, taking your hands in his as he gazed down at you. 
You blinked, looking down at your bare feet, which were still dirty from wandering the garden. You bit your lower lip. Marriage? You never thought the day would come when someone would ask you. But, you just met Thor that day. Was it too soon?
"You want to marry me?" You asked, looking up at Thor with shining eyes. 
He nodded his head, smiling widely. You bit your lip, looking up at Thor. Even though you only had met Thor that day, you felt a spark, electricity, run through your veins upon seeing him. The way he was looking at you… His eyes were so warm and inviting, making you feel incredibly safe in his company. Was he the one you were waiting for?
You smiled, your heart swelling with joy, "I would be honored to, my little Froggie Thor. I'd be honored."
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the-grimm-writer · 11 months
do you write fxf??
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blackopals-world · 1 year
I've Found Home
Fem!Yuu and Twisted Cast
(Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8)
Implied relationship
She moved on. She had to and had every reason to. She had someone who relied on her.
Warnings:hurt-comfort, Angst to heal your soul. Healing those and abandonment issues. Happy ending I promise. Don't read if you are not ready to cry. Did not proof read, wrote this late a night, sick and half asleep. Sorry.
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Move on.
There was no going back.
You chose this.
You wanted this.
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After three years of living in another world Yuu couldn't adjust easily to her old life.
A life that no longer exists. So she began building a new one.
She found a good price on a place near the mountains. Private but not isolated. She had the money after her book deal.
People would never believe her story so she wrote fantasy novels. She felt closer to her friends this way but more lonely all the same. She couldn't share the truth with anyone and could never talk about them as though they were real.
Still, she could write new stories with new characters to forget.
Life had been quiet. Eat, sleep, write, watch TV, read and do it all again. Sometimes getting food deliveries, read fan mail and get a call to two. It was decent life. Something Idia would love.
He's probably taken over STYX by now. I bet he and Ortho are doing great together.
Nevermind, she could probably cook something. Eating instant meals was probably ruining her health. Vil would kill her if he knew.
Food can wait. She wasn't that hungry anyways.
The garden! Yes! She had to tend the garden! She had ordered a spring bundle to plant.
The tag said it had some tulips, mums, begonias, and specialty white roses.
Nevermind... forget it. She should take a nap. A lazy day never hurt anyone. Even beasts can afford to sleep.
Yuu decided to leave. She couldn't take this anymore. If she got one more reminder she'd collapse. Their faces were ingrained in her mind and guilt burned under her skin.
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Life was funny you know. You don't know what come next.
Yuu certainly didn't.
She hiked up the mountain trying to forget every time Jade would drag her to go foraging with him. Every late-night walk she had with Malleus. Every magic carpet ride with Kalim.
It wasn't fair! Why did she have to go through this? She wanted to see them again. What did she do to deserve this?
She was good! She was kind! She just wanted to go home! Is that so wrong? She worked hard! She made a name for herself! She should have the life she wanted and be able to enjoy that life.
But she missed them...
Unknowingly Yuu had dropped to her knees and crying. Only the forest could hear her and perhaps it took pity on her.
(Warning: If you are sensitive to child abuse or dead animals please don't read on.)
When her tears were gone and her cries faded there was a response.
A different cry. High pitched and gurgling. The kind that every woman knew in an odd instinctual way. The kind that sets off every alarm in your head and makes every hair stand on end. A baby.
She ran towards it praying to God that this wasn't a mountain lion. It wasn't though.
She found a small shack off the path. It was surrounded by trash. Must have been occupied by squatters. Said squatters seemed to have vacated at least a few days ago.
Yuu muscled open the makeshift door. The crying had turned into unfamiliar cracking breathless howls. Their voice must have given out a while ago after who knows how long. Hours, days...any longer would mean death.
Yuu searched and found a bunker of sorts under the floorboards.
She found a soggy bare mattress, a few scattered crayons, a ball and-oh God, that smell. It was a rotting cat. Poor thing must have been here for weeks. There was an empty cat food bowl nearby. Little drawings littered the floor. Ones of a smiling child with a smiling cat.
The whimpering cries continued and drew Yuu forward. She found them curled up in a corner. A rope was tied around their leg. It was a child. They were wrapped in soiled clothes, had matted hair, and emaciated.
Yuu felt her heart break again. This poor baby. Who could do this.
He looked at her with fear and hope. He wanted-no needed to be saved. He was probably no older than 3. He had no understanding of what was happening to him. His tears had marked his face as the only place was covered in a layer of dirt.
"Hey, is okay I'm here to help. I'm going to take you away now. Is that okay? We'll get you some food." Yuu tried to keep her voice even to not scare him.
The boy crawled over to the place of the dead cat. And began shaking it.
"Nina!Nina!" He wailed trying to wake her up.
He didn't know she was dead. He didn't even understand what death was.
"I'm sorry Nina can't come with us." Yuu said pulling him gently by the back of his ragged shirt.
But children don't understand these things.
"Nina! No! Nina!" He yelled horsey.
"Shh, it's okay. Don't worry I'll come back for her later. I promise." Yuu hushed.
She could bury her in the garden. He clearly loved her a lot and the poor kitty deserves that much.
After untying the rope Yuu lifted the boy into her arms and carried him home. He made almost no noise as he buried himself in her arms.
Yuu promised herself that she'd never let something like this happen to him again. He would never be abandoned again, he'd never go hungry again, and he'd be loved. She'd love him, she swore it.
"My son." She whispered to no one at all but I affirmed everything she felt.
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He needed a name. The case worker didn't have one for him on file. She got to choose one.
For a writer she struggled to find one.
Mal, Elliot, Leo, Cecil, Bishop, Ali, Jacob, Carter, Azure, Jess
Only one name stuck
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"Grimm! It time for bed. Grab a book if you want me to read it to you." Yuu said walking up the stairs.
Grimm scanned his bookshelf for one of his favorites. The titles were: "The Rose Queen", "The King of Beasts", "The Wishing Star", "The sea witch", "The Sand Serpent", "The fairy Gala", "The Little Robot", "Magic Cat", "The beautiful Queen", and "The Underworld and back again"
Grimm had a favorite right now. The newest among the children's book collection Yuu had written. She pulled it off the shelf and ran back to bed.
Yuu could barely keep up these days. Grimm was fast but Yuu had practice.
She pulled the covers over him and read the title as Grimm snuggled up with his favorite stuffed animal. It was another merchandise stuffed animal. It was a big gray cat with a stripped bow and purple crystal around its neck.
Grimm named it Nina and took it everywhere. Along as it comforted him Yuu said nothing.
"The Lonely Dragon: Once upon a time there was a powerful dragon prince who lived in a land far far away." Yuu began.
"But the dragon isn't lonely forever. He meets the lost princess and they become best friends! Oh and the Silver knight comes in stop the dragon here!" Grimm interrupted leaning over his mother.
" Well if you want to tell the story." Yuu sighed.
When Yuu finished Grimm asked her something.
"So the dragon isn't lonely anymore?" He looked at her with wide eyes.
"No, he has many friends and rules over a nice kingdom," Yuu said in a hushed voice as shifted his pillow to make him lie down.
"What about the lost princess?"
"The lost princess found her way home. She said goodbye to her friends and is where she belongs now."
"But is she lonely? Without all her friends?"
"She used to be but now she has a home. She misses her friends but she's happy."
"I wish I could meet her. I'd be her friend and she'd never be lonely again."
"I know, I'd bet she'd be so happy. Goodnight, baby."Yuu turned off the light as she kissed Grimm's cheek
"Night Mama." Grimm said kissing his mother back.
When Yuu left the room she kept the door open just a bit so Grimm wouldn't be afraid of the dark.
She took a deep breath. Maybe she shouldn't have written the Lost Princess series but it was so well loved these days what could she do?
Still, she could relive those days for just a brief moment and smile.
She made her way to the study to go back to writing her new book when a knock came from downstairs.
Yuu cautiously made her way to the door and pressed an ear to it to listen to who it might be. Forgetting she had a peephole. A familiar voice called her name from the other side.
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jestaar · 10 months
A scenario with yan! housewardens, where their darling goes up to them because they’re all hot and bothered and they can't handle their desire and they need their yandere to "help" them with it. Yanderes do not know how their darling got into such a state {of course they never spilled anything afrodisiac-like into their drink or cursed them with succubus spells... or did?..}
So what would yanderes do? Would they graciously help their darling or would they overstim the hell out of them {out of pure love of course! and as a punishment for being so stubborn before} or would they be mean and make their darling beg for it?
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
Warnings: yandere themes, smut, everyone being delusional, bad humor attempts, darling written as fem
You were walking into ramshackle dorm after classes. You felt lightheaded and more sensetive to touch then usual. You chose to ignore your state (at least while Grimm was around) and do more important chores. But your horniness started becoming unbearable as the time passed. In the night, while Grimm was asleep and ghosts nowhere to be seen, you finally get to take care of yourself. But what is that? A strange glowing symbol appearet on your abdomen and it seems that your fingers are not enough to satisfy you. Thoughts about certain someone who could fill that emptiness inside you started crossing your mind. It was uncomfortable and emdarassing thinking that way about him. But who if not him can you trust with pleasuring you? You wash your hands, put back on your pajamas, exhale and march to his room
Riddle Rosehearts
° he is so embarrassed with showing affecton so you have to make a first move
° but you don't want to be affectionate with him??? You avoid his affections towards you at all costs and ignoring all hints he is giving you, so how can you two take a step further in your relationship when you act like that? {you don't have a relationship, at least not that you aggreed to any}
° he decides to give you a little push (a few drops of special afrodisiac won't hurt, but surely will guide you to the right decision)
°and oh how happy he was to find you at his doorstep that night! Of course he tried not to show it, but the way he smiled at you gave him away
°he slipped an afrodisiac in your drink that he prepared himself for you {not that you know about it, you wold've refused it if you did}
°and now he's almost shaming you for your imprudence (how could you not notice something like this in your drink? that's why you shounldn't accept gifts from anyone that is not him)
°that's his way of teasing, really
°and he is also mad at you for refusing his attention (why are you playing hard to get? He knows that you love him)
°after he's done with talking he will actually help you out, just torture you a bit in the process
"I will not let you cum until you say you love me. You have to learn your lesson after all..."
°he just wants all your love and attention for himself, is that too much to ask for?
°he will edge you with his fingers for hours, until you give up entierly and the only thing on your mind will be him {and his dick}
°you will be a sobbing crying mess in his arms when he decides to finally ease your sufferings
°he is so happy to have your eyes only on him now, it's not even funny
°he is not experienced, but he is very much willing to make you his properly (he waited for this for so long, he never been more ready in his life, he never been more happy in his life)
°he will be thrusting sloppily and maybe too out of rythm, but you would be already too far gone to care
°will probably hancuff you to his bed and just lay there hugging your body untill he falls asleep (finallyfinallyfinally)
Leona Kingscholar
°from the very first moment he laid his eyes on you he knew that he should have you no matter what
°but you never showed any interest in him, maybe feared him even. you never understood him {and you never really tried, you could care less about him, you just wanted to go home} . It's always like this. Guess it's just the fate of a second-born prince. But he's fine, he is used to it, he can handle it, he's a gangsta {he was never, in fact, gangsta}
°you were something he craved with his whole being, and yet another thing he could never have
°and day by day his obsession grew. And so did his frustration.
°he sent so many gifts, anything that he thought will catch your eye, so many letters {that ended up in the trashcan unread and unopened}, so many flowers {hat had the same fate as letters} {He never signed anything, but you knew who they're from, you knew} heck, he even tried to approach you himself but you just kept getting away from him (just like everything else)
°so he came up with this gem of idea: let you feel the crave similar to his. And he casted a succubus spell on you. Only he can get rid of it. (Only he can help you. You don't need anyone else. Look only at him. Talk only to him. Worship him. Desire him as much as he desires you. Maybe that will make you understand him and his love for you)
°once you knock on his door in the middle of the night he's alredy standing in front of you, waiting for an explanation for interrupting his sleep (he's been waiting for your arrival for so long, finally he will have you all for himself. He is so glad, so glad)
°after you explane your situation to him, he smirks (smirks, God, he smirks at you, the audacity of this lion) and invites you in
°you get the chance to sit on his bed but only for a moment. He is on top of you pinning your hands at she sides of your head and placing his knee between your thights
°he would kiss you first(oh God, he waited so long for this, so long) and then he would move to your ear and tell you how stubborn you were all this time
°he is mad and he will not even try to hide it, instead he will make you beg for him. Beg for him to touch you, to look at you, to fuck you already. And he will listen to your pleas as a gracious king he is
°no no, he won't prep you. You should alredy be wet and ready for him by the time he decides to start with you
°his thrusts are harsh and mean, bullying your walls with their frequency. But he just can't get enough of you
°he wants you to only remember his name when he's done with you (he only has eyes for you so it's only natural that you should look only at him)
°good luck walking next morning {oh, walking where? Didin't I tell you? You're staying with him forever}
Azul Ashegrotto
°he is so flustered whenever you're near him, he forgets how to breathe, let alone how to talk
°but he is always watching, he has eyes everywhere, you know (you are just so perfect, he can't help but look)
°you can never be alone, it's always him or the tweels somewhere in the crowd around you (he has to watch you, has to watch)
°he tried to hide his obsession, tried to court you "normally" - leaving flowers on your desk or doorstep everyday, sometimes even leaving letters asking things about your day or comforting you when something unpleasant happened to you {he never signed them, you never knew it was him, but the thought of having a secret friend was comforting to you}, getting rid of your bullies - he is a gentleman after all (why don't you pay attention to him? why don't you love him? is he not enough?)
°but his obsession grew and his patience grew thinner. His letters very soon changed from comforting to unsetteling and subtle eyes in the crowds turned into some unnotisable eyes watching your every move, every step, watching you every second of the day and then instead of bullies started disappearing your friends
°but you still tried to run away from him (he loves you, he loves you, how don't you understand that???)
°and then tweels suggested him giving an afrodisiac to you, as it will bring you to him with no trouble
°and so, as you were in Monstro Lounge, he brought you a cup of tea
"for special guests" he said (oh, you don't know what's awaiting you, you don't know)
°when you were knocking at his door he was already waiting (he was so nervous, so nervous!)
°he told you to come in almost immideatly
°he was trying to keep his cool, but it was so hard with you so close to him and in such a state because of him! {he just wants to think you love him, he can't stand the thought of you feeling otherwise}
°he will graciously help you out, but you wold have to sign a contract first! Don't worry about the price, asking for your heart isn't too much, is it?
°he will take you in his human form first, he's anxious that you will get scared by his octo form
°he is inexperienced, yet he has passion to make you his
°his thrusts are sloppy but he stimulates you with his hands too, he just wants you to feel the best with him (so you won't even think of going to someone else, not that you have a choice)
Kalim Al-Asim
°he is unbelievably obsessed with you
°since the moment you first talked to him, he knew he was in love
°and since than he tried to court you: parades in your honor, expensive gifts, parties where you were the main guest... And along with his heart he was willing to give you his trust. He never doubted a single thing you did, to him or others. to him you couldn't do no wrong (but other people? what if they hurt you? what if they poison you? what if they betray you like they betrayed him? he will not let this happen to you)
°but you never really answered to his affections, you tried to avoid him (you don't trust him, he understands... you must be scared of something. he hates whoever made you not trust him)
°and Jamil had enough of Kalim's sufferings
°so now you are under the effects of afrodisiac. When did you drink it? You won't remember. People never remember what they did when they were hypnotised
°and now you are running to Kalim for help (of course because he will never turn down your request, because he will always be there for you)
°you don't even need to knock on the door, he already waits for you outside his room, readily guiding you in
°he aggreed to help you a bit too fast after you explained your situation {not that you mind}
°he takes good care of you, first prepping you with his fingers while telling you that he understands why you were uneasy around him at first, that he is glad that you trust him enough to ask for his help (he is so happy, so happy you finally trust him)
°he will be slow and gentle with you (he is so happy that he has finally gained your trust, that he can show you how much he loves you, that he can protect you from things he been through)
°you have no escape now, he loves you and you love him {he is delusional, they're all delusional}
Vil Shoenheit
°in that sea of ugly potatoes you were the most gorgeous thing he ever laid his eyes upon (he had to have you, had)
°but why don't you notice him? (is he not beautiful enough? is he not enough for you?)
°he gives his all to self-improvement, he shows off before you, like a peacock, trying to get you to look at him. it doesn't work (he's not good enough. not. good. enough.)
°he tries to send you gifts, flowers, but you reject them every time (you reject him)
°he obsesses over his looks (not enough, not good enough), over you (perfection, absolute perfection. why won't you look at him?)
°he is upset that he can't get you to pay attention to him, he goes insane {like he wasn't before}
°he has to get you to himself (he is fairest one of all, after all)
°and so he puts a succubus curse on you
°when you come to his room, he is prepairing - he has to look better than he ever did (you were not expecting him to be awake, he needs his beauty sleep)
°he lets you come in {he sees what a mess you already are, he is proud of his work}
°he patiently listens to your explanation
°of course he would help you, but first he has to prep you! {more like training you before you take him}
°he will finger you torturingly slow, making you look at his beautiful face only (yes, look, look, never move your eyes away from him)
°after he decides that it was enough, he will make you ride him (finally, finally you're his)
°will clean you up afterwards, 10/10
Idia Shroud
°you never seen him in person, you probably don't even know he exists, but he looks at you every day
°you don't even suspect it, his cameras give him ability to stalk you without being caught (it's not stalking, he's just admiring you and making ure you're safe)
°(he wants to feel your warmth, wants to hear you saying that you love him, like in his favorite otome games) but unlike game characres you didin't have any fanart or fanfics, so then cameras became not enough
°he started arriving at school more. you never acknowleged his existence (he is hurt, but he understands that you will never look at some loser otaku like him)
°but everyone seems to forget one tiny detail: he's not just an otaku
°he tries to approach you through Ortho, he tries to text you (why do you never reply?), he buys you merch from your favorite games and shows (how does he know about them?)
°but you just refuse to even look at him
°and thats how you ended up with afrodisiac in your energy drink
°you were hesitant to ask him for help, but you did anyway
°he was giggling. That alone was terryfying considering your state but his grin made it worse
°he will tie you up and tell you how your tsundere act gets to him already
°he will put a vibrator in you, sit in front and enjoy the view {he will make dirty comments about you enjoying being watched but still basically drool all over you}
°after he had his fun he will clean the mess you made of yourself {no, it was him} with his tongue, and only then he will let you ride him (you're so impatient, he wanted to watch you more)
°he is actually taking photos of you when you lose your mind on top of him
Malleus Draconia
°when he first met you, he thought it was a blessing (you were a blessing)
°he wanted to spend every moment of his eternity with you
°(you are supposed to be his, only his) he hates when you pay attention to anyone other than him
°he wants you to have eyes only for him, for you to only love him
°but you always seek for the company of others and not his (why do you always run away? you can't be scared of him)
°he scares you, his insanity scares you
°and here Lillia gives him the best {it is, in fact, not} dating advice ever - put a succubus spell on you
°and thats right what Malleus did. (because you are just too shy to make a move. yes, thats why you never stay in the same room with him alone, you are just too shy. thats why he has to help you)
°you wanted to knock on his door but it opened by itself right away, inviting you in. In the room sat Malleus in all his almost naked glory
°you told him about your situation and he was smiling. smiling (he is so excited, so happy)
°he aggreed to help you a little too ethusisthically
°you only managed to blink and you both were already fully naked
°he sat you on top of him, putting his dick in. no, you weren't going to ride him. when he pushed himself fully in, he wrapped both his hands around your body and held you down on his length
°he was now telling you how happy he is to have you finally all to himself and that he is gonna make sure you both enjoy every second of this
°it's been a few hours. you've been cockwarming him for several hours. at first he talked, but now you were begging for him to fuck you or at least let you move. he was enjoying it a little bit too much
°and finally he decided to fuck you. but it won't be just one round. he wants to see you lose your mind on his cock (to see you lose your mind over him), to hear you scream and moan his name, to see you pass out from how good you feel
First writing attempt, let's gooo
I apologize for any possible mistakes, english is not my native language
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 — 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐳𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐛, 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐨 & 𝐦𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut headcanons ( minors dni ), fem!reader, grinding, dry humping, begging, ab riding, over the panty stimulation, all characters featured are 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ requested by anonymous. do not repost or translate. please reblog && leave feedback. thanks for reading < 3
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Beel always gets a little dazed when you say “Please, baby, I need you.” real sweet and straddle his lap. you’re still sleepy from a nap, clad in little more than his oversized muscle top and your panties.
like he’s awestruck; he just can’t believe something so pretty and needy exists.
“I’m almost done with these reps and then I’ll play with you after—“ he starts to say, jaw clenching as he grips the massive barbell with both hands, splayed out on the bench.
but you can’t help it, the way his chiseled form is laid out for you, and the diamonds of sweat against his temple and sparkling against the deep valleys of his abs has you purring, inching up higher on his lap, gripping his hands with your much smaller ones to hold on to the bar. you glide over his abs with ease, the firmness of the ridges rubbing through the thin, cotton lingerie to rouse your clit to life.
“Not after,” you pout, and he pauses, watching you grind into his bare torso, “now.”
at first, a cherry blush overtakes his cheeks. the visage of your arms above your head, holding on to his hands on the bar, keeping them and the barbell itself in place while your hips oscillate, dragging your core over his damp midsection until you start to soak a patch through them, and your eyes glittering with need and lust all but leaving him speechless— breathless.
“Okay.” was what he musters after a moment of awed staring, and when you mewl and snap your hips forward to ride the wave of his stomach, his own jut forward, muffling a low grunt. he must’ve been rock solid in his gym shorts by now. you would’ve bet a million Grimm that his base instincts had kicked in, and that all of the snorting he was doing as he lay back was the same reason his pupils were blown out black: he could smell your arousal and it was driving him crazy, too.
his eyeline falls to watch your grinding, becoming utterly mesmerized by the way you rock back and forth, and the damp bleeding through your panties. “You’re so wet.” he exclaimed in a breathy, half grunt, “Does it feel that good?”
and you nod, your nails biting into the backs of his hands as your pace quickens. your knees spur into his ribs, planting you firmly in place so you can strum yourself silly on his abdomen. “I’m so… so sensitive,” you whimper, rolling your body to focus all of the pressure on to your swollen, greedy clit, your eyelids flutter when it scrapes over one mountainous muscle pad, “Need— need to cum… Beel…”
“Should I—“
but you shook your head, fervent, and clamped down harder on his hands in case he tried to pull them from the bar. “Don’t,” you whine, “don’t do a thing, baby. Not a single, fucking thing.” your breath was broken into furious puffs now as you ride him, rasping your throbbing clitoris over him, leaving the sweet, addictive smell of your needy cunt smeared over his flesh. you knew he’d leave it there for the rest of the night, and his brothers would simmer in their jealousy every time they caught the scent. “I’m so close,” you urge, feeling a knot pulling tighter and tighter in your lower belly, “gonna cum all over your abs, baby.”
Beel’s eyes were wide and happy, a speechless smile tugging at his lips. you could tell by how tight the muscles in his arms were that he wanted to pull them from the bar, slide you back down to grind his cock against your soaking panties, but he doesn’t. instead, his hips rock back and forth, fucking the air in anticipation. “I wanna see…” he mumbles, fists now tight around the barbell. “Cum all over me, pretty girl.”
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you had been so patient all night, sitting pretty, allowing Diavolo plenty of time to tend to the needs and concerns of those who reside in the Devildom, and there had been many.
however, by the time dinner was coming to a close, your patience was wearing thin.
it was his fault, you decided, for looking so dapper in his suit— not a single hair out of place, and smelling like vanilla bean and smoke. his fault for holding his big, warm, strong palm resting on your bare thigh underneath the slit of your skirt the whole time. his thumb grazing the silken flesh he found there.
you could tell that it was his way of apologizing for so little quality time spent with you today.
maybe you weren’t being as patient as you thought, after all. maybe he could see the desire to grab him and escape every time someone called his name. maybe you were huffing, and closing your eyes to keep from rolling them.
maybe Diavolo’s gentle circles against your leg was to calm you down.
but it was doing the opposite.
because his warmth was so damn close to your treasure now, so you stealthily glanced down at it, swallowing a gulp from your glass around the growing lump in your throat.
his paw is massive, and splayed out over the majority of your thigh, so you shift in your seat, opening your legs wider.
when his hand slides closer to your core, he casts you a warning glance, but you’re already staring at him from behind the glass you sipped from, brow quirked.
Diavolo chews on the inside of his cheek, his eyeline slowly dropping downward so as not to attract the attention of the dinner guests, but they become glued to your legs as they spread wider.
finally, you slip one hand under the table and grab hold of his wrist, guiding his to your panties, pressing against the dampness of them so Diavolo can feel how warm you are — how badly you want him.
and Diavolo responds in kind, pressing his thick fingers against your sex, seeking the swollen and throbbing bundle of nerves. when he finds her, he rubs in slow, hard circles.
you’d been holding on to the desire all day and most of the night, so his heavy handed nature against your most sensitive state has you stifling a needy whimper, trying your damndest to be as discreet as possible as you arch your back and rock your hips, dragging your desperate, clothed cunt over his hand.
your nails dig into his wrist, unsure if you want to ease him into a softer rhythm or try to force him to speed up.
but, the attention he was giving you felt too good to change even an iota.
before you knew it, you were squirming on his palm, struggling to keep your eyes from crossing, coming undone in forced silence.
looking up at his countenance was a mistake, because as soon as you did, you spotted a cheeky grin tickling his tiers, gems alight, and crimson cheeks. he was all too happy to play with you under the table, right in front of his dinner guests.
he might have even considered your inability to wait any longer the biggest compliment to be paid to him.
you knew that look all too well— and you knew this would not be the last time he got you off at dinner.
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“What was that, baby?” Mammon crooned; a wicked smile etching his mouth upwards. oh, how he did so enjoy when you were under his thumb. “Tell me again, real clear this time.”
“Please,” you mewled, desperately arching your back off the bed, angling your core towards his. you could feel how hard the lump in his jeans was already, and you ached and buzzed and yearned for him to free his cock from the harshness of the fabric and bury it inside of you, “please, Mammon… I want your cock so badly.”
but Mammon only leans closer into your rocking, pressing the protuberance against your panties, one hand gripping the buckle on his own belt as he glances down through unruly, silver tendrils.
he wasn’t even trying to undo his fly and satiate your most primal urges, he only wanted to see how pathetic you could be for him.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy when you’re needy.”
it’s barely above a whisper, breathy and starved, and it only spurs you to rub against him more fervently, whimpering as the minimal friction teases your most sensitive section.
“Stop teasing me,” you whine, dragging your core against the thick tent wrapped in denim, brows knitting together. the fabric is so rough that the grinding sends deep jolts of fleeting pleasure straight through the nerves you’re taunting, and your fingers and toes twitch each time, muscles tightening. “F—fuck me already…”
Mammon smirks; the eager begging and the way you just have to grind against him, soaking a patch of his jeans darker than the rest that smelled just like you— marking him as yours only makes him want to torment you more.
but his greediness stands as an obstacle, too, because he’s eager to feel you from the inside just as you’re eager to take him.
“You’re so desperate,” he murmurs, watching your hips oscillate. twinkling and devious eyes flicker up to see the way your eyelids flutter when you rub the right spot, “you’ll use any part of me you can, as long as it grinds so nicely into that greedy, little cunt, huh? Like a hungry, wild animal?”
and when you nod, he scoffs— incredulous at how sultry and shameless you are.
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dolliehina · 3 months
Hi, there! :D
You said you wanted requests so I'll try to make my own:
Platonic Grimm headcanons with a fem (prefect) who treats Grim as his little son and her as his mother. Who prepares him delicious meals and sings him soft songs and gives Grim lots of love in general? 🌼💙
It pains me to think that my little baby cat has been alone most of his life. ✨💐😞💕
OMG YES!!! (My Yuu is like this so this is PERFECTTT)
At first when he met you he was confused. A girl? In NRC? Eh, no matter, you'll just be a henchmen in the end anyways.
Or so he thought.
You where just so.. sweet??? So patient with him, and you tried so hard to get him into NRC and out of the janitor title. Plus, when you two went into Ramshackle, you let him have the more clean side of the bed or some of the food you had.
It was after this that he started seeing you as more than a henchman and more of a friend a lot sooner. You took great care of him, plus you had such an angelic voice! He loves ur lullabies.
He has 100% called you 'Mom' on accident, and Ace and Deuce have never let him live it down (Even though they lowkey have called you mom too lol)
He absolutely loves it when you pet him, I headcanon his fire ears burn anyone who touches them unless he's comfortable with them. So only you're aloud to pet him. He knows you'll be gentle <3
Okay, but in all seriousness, he's never had a Mama before, so you mean so much to him. Probably more than he does in the game :(
He snuggles against you when you guys sleep, and definitely purrs.
He also lets you carry him around or pick him up around NRC so he can send a warning to the boys who wanna mess with his mother henchmen.
Whenever a boy harasses you around grim, he either bites their ankles or burns them with his fire (not enough to kill them, obviously) but enough to give them nightmares. The students he bit probably had to get a rabies shot.
He loves it when you cook for him. He might even prefer it over tuna!
Probably not, but its a close second!!
Even if you suck at cooking, his henchmen made it for him, so he'll eat it all.
But he also lets you bathe him if he doesn't feel like licking himself clean. Bubble baths with Mom- I MEAN HIS FAVORITE HENCHMEN (lol I meant mom.)
He's probably a LOT more cooperative with you as well and doesn't run away as often, so he doesn't worry or disappoint you :(
The classes you can't participate in, he tries a little harder in for both of you. Mostly for you, but he won't admit it. And he only tries a LITTLE harder.
When he hurt you in book 5-6, he was so mad at himself that he cried a little about it because he hurt his only caring and loving figure in his life. And even after that, you go after him and rescue him, and comfort him??? He never wants to hurt you again, and even after you reassure him and tell him you love him all the same in your sweet and gentle voice, he still beats himself up over it :(
But in the end, you love him like a son, and he loves you like a mom. And still gets teased about it by Ace and Deuce (until they also accidentally call you mom and their whole career is ended by grim)
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love-fictional-ppl · 2 months
Sugar Daddy!Lucifer
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Inspired by this blurb
Summary: Lucifer who likes to spoil your rotten
Pairings: Lucifer x fem!reader
Warnings: language, reader is feminine, drinking, Luci rich as hell, the word pregnant gets thrown once, lingerie, prolly sum other stuff
You consumed every thought in Lucifer’s head, most of which were sinful even for him
Every time he passed a store and saw something that reminded him of you, he had to buy it.
It started with him just bringing you random things you would point out in stores, weeks after
Then, he started gifting gifting you dresses and jewelry that probably costed him thousands of Grimm
Next he started taking you out to the nicest restaurants in the devildom, ordering drinks off menu, treating you to a full course meal with dessert
At one point you had tried to tell him it wasn’t necessary he do all this, but if anything he only seemed hurt by the idea that you would want him to stop
Honestly Lucifer took pride in the fact that almost everything you owned he bought.
Mammon’s jealous by how much money ur allowed to spend and get spoiled with
Lucifer couldn’t help but buy you several lingerie sets in red and black, he’ll rip them off you but it’s ok he’ll buy you more anyway it’s not his fault he’s in love with your pussy
You will never have to worry about money with this man. Oh no, your tv broke! Don’t worry, Luci will buy a new one. Oh no, you lost your fav heels! Luci will buy a new pair
Tbh idk which one of you is worse, Lucifer for financing your unnecessary wants or you for taking advantage of the situation, it’s ok tho bc ur both aware
I mean at least yk you don’t need to worry about working, nd hey, if he gets you pregnant atleast you know your financially token care of
A/N: I was going to try to make this a bit longer but I didn’t know what to add😭😭 Not Proofread!
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I know you can be louder than that (Lucifer)
BIG warnings for this one guys! Major NSFW! Minors, Do NOT Interact! Warnings: FEM!AFAB MC, Semi public sex, voyeurism. Lucifer uses MC to punish his brothers, mentions of pact use.
Summary: Lucifer's had a helluva week, his brothers have done nothing but contribute to the chaos. MC's been doing her best to help, but maybe he's got one more use for his favourite human.
Lucifer is tired.
This is not news, he's a hardworking demon with enough on his plate on a good day to make lesser demons buckle, but this week had been...hellish, for lack of a better word.
The prince has been swamped with extra requests from the house of lords, which means Lucifer has been swamped with Student Council papers which would otherwise be Diavolo's workload, as well as his regular duties, and on top of that, his brothers have wrought absolute havoc.
Asmodeus started an internet fight with some important modelling agency which needed smoothing over, Belphie missed roughly 80% if his classes this week, Beel caused damages in three separate restaurants after eating their entire stock, and of course Mammon sold one of Lucifer's cursed records.
Lucifer hasn't even had the time to track the record down again and punish his brother properly because he's so swamped, and his only saving grace-
"Can I come in?"
MC pops her head in, having knocked gently at the door, a wrapped package tucked under her arm and a steaming mug balanced carefully in her hand.
She's giving him that look, the look of a woman who knows he's overworked and stressed and wishing he could do literally anything else.
"That depends, have you more news of my brothers causing further damage to our reputation?" Lucifer huffed, to which MC chuckled.
"Your brothers are in the dining room, doing their damned homework and student council papers that they've neglected lately." MC explained, handing him the mug of steaming coffee and sliding the slim package onto his desk.
"And how in the Devildom did you manage that?"
MC chuckled and perched herself on the edge of his desk beside him, her leg brushing his. She met his gaze, and her eyes swam with the colours of his brother's magics. She's used her pacts.
Rarely does MC use those pacts to get the brothers to do anything, more often she can talk them into behaving, but she's been stretched just as thin as Lucifer trying to keep things under control.
Lucifer chuckled, his gaze alight with pride in his little human's use of her power and sipped his coffee before drawing his attention to the envelope. "And this?"
MC watched him open it with eager eyes as he slid the missing record from its case. "That was harder to track down than I thought it would be. Mammon gave the buyer back their grimm."
"You are a wonder, MC." Lucifer couldn't help but grin, inspecting the record for damage. It was still in immaculate condition, a trace of her magic still clinging to it protectively. He slid out from behind his desk and slid the record back into its rightful place on the shelves of his office attached to the library.
He looked back at his desk, the pile of papers still awaiting him, and the smiling human perched beside it, smiling at him, legs dangling over the edge of his desk.
He stepped closer, and MC spread her legs to let him step between her thighs, his gloved hand sliding over her cheek, smiling as she leaned into him.
MC's hands slid up his chest, settling around his neck to play with the hair at the back of his neck. "What do you need from me, Luci?"
His heart swelled, cold and unfeeling as it had once been. Dear human, who already does so much for his family, whose absence he's convinced would spell the end of the world.
Lucifer's hands slid to her hips, drawing her closer. What does he need?
He needs those papers to disappear, he needs his brothers to learn their place, he needs a damned break, but none of that could happened-
Or maybe it could.
MC arched a brow as the demon's eyes damned near lit up, and his magic reached out, pulling his office door open. She thought he'd ask her to leave, but instead, Lucifer came down upon her with a passion, his lips crashing into hers in a searing kiss as he stole the breath from her lungs.
He pushed her down until she was flat on his desk, stationary and papers shoved carelessly aside. More work for later? Perhaps, but he's got something else on his mind now.
Lucifer nipped at her lower lip, smirking at the quiet whimper she let free. "Correct me if I'm wrong, my darling, but my idiot brothers are all gathered in the dining room, correct?"
"And they cannot leave without your permission, correct?"
MC gulped, realising what he was getting at, why he'd opened the door...the other 6 have only the library between them, and the doors are all open.
The first born dove for her neck, one hand nimbly unbuttoning her shirt, exposing her soft skin as sharp teeth nipped marks into her delicate skin.
The material of his gloves raised gooseflesh in his wake as he cupped her breast and squeeze, thumb and forefinger gently tugging at her sensitive nipple as the cold air greeted her.
MC whined, tangling her fingers in the demon's hair, her nails gently scraping against his scalp as he shoved his hips forward, grinding against her clothed heat.
"Lucifer, they'll hear!"
"You're damned right they will." He growled against her skin, nipping at the shell of her ear, smattering hungry kisses against her skin. "They've acted like menaces all week, they deserve punishment in kind."
MC would have laughed at the pettiness of Lucifer's actions if not for the sight of him pulling off his gloves with his teeth, his gaze dark with lust as heat shot down her centre and she squirmed against the desk.
This was out of character, for Lucifer to flaunt her so to his own brothers, but perhaps the stress of the week had piled up enough. He needs a release, and he's chosen her.
His bare fingers were cold against her hips as he pulled at her waistband, demanding she lift her hips while never forcing her. She could always stop him, if she wished.
MC lifted her hips for him to slide her leggings down her legs, reaching hungrily for him, but Lucifer took her hands and guided them to her knees, his eyes on her quickly wettening centre.
"Hold yourself open for me, love..." The Avatar of Pride dropped to his knees, sinking his teeth into her soft thigh, driving another whine from her lips as he dragged a finger through her glistening folds.
Lucifer wasn't one for teasing, not when he knows what he wants, but he paused barely an inch away from her heat. "May I, my darling?"
"Yes, please...Lucifer!" She gasped and arched as he dove forward, licking a long stripe from her entrance to her pearl, collecting her wetness on his tongue before circling her clit with confident strokes.
Saccharine moans tumbled from her lips, clinging to the backs of her knees, keeping herself open for him as Lucifer suckled at her clit.
She felt the tug at her magic, the brothers had noticing something was off.
As if Lucifer had sensed the shift in her magic, he licked more firmly, lightly dragging his teeth over her sensitive skin, drawing a muffled yelp from MC as she struggled to keep hold of those leashes. "Luci-I can't-"
"You can hold them." He filled his palms with the globes of her ass, yanking her closer to him so he could gorge himself properly. "And I know you can be louder than that."
MC's eyes went wide, but the demon buries his face in her cunt and shoves his tongue inside her, curling it just right and she sang for him, her voice flowing free as she forced her will behind her magic and slammed down on the pacts. Those brothers had driven her mad all week, she wasn't above petty revenge.
Pride surged in Lucifer's chest as he wrapped an arm around her trembling thigh, fingers toying with her clit as his tongue plunged in and out of her heat, his own desire restricted by his trousers as he chased the pleasure out of her, relishing every cry that fell from her lips, every shiver and whine.
His brothers could hear, his phone was exploding in his pocket, and Lucifer was glad of it, they got to hear what they could not have. He couldn't think of a better punishment.
Her walls quivered around his tongue, close to her end, and with his eyes he demanded she be loud, and his dear, sweet, reliable human delivered.
She tumbled over the edge, practically wailing his name and other pornographic noises and she tumbled over the edge, her slick wetting Lucifer's chin as he drove her through her orgasm.
"Don't relax too much, my darling. My brothers haven't been punished enough."
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flavorita · 2 years
Hello, I could you write a smut Lilia vanrouge x fem reader? Where the reader has been getting really good grades and is just all around trying to make Lilia proud of her, so he decides to reward her. Lots of praise please.
Love your work btw
I love praise 🥺
Lilia Vanrouge x Fem!Reader NSFW 🔞
TW: praise, pussy licking, not proofread
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"Hmmm, you got an A+ on Crewel's test again. Good job, Y/N."
You rubbed your thighs together, trying to hide your arousal while Lilia was placing the tea he had brought you two on a quaint table.
Lilia would invite you and Grimm to Diasomnia for the occasional chat with the enticement of good tea and tasty snacks. Good thing Grimm was stuck with Ace and Deuce for setting fire to the rose garden again.
"You must've studied hard. Passing Crewel's tests are no easy feat, after all." Lilia poured the tea into two porcelain cups, ignorant of the acts being committed behind his back.
"Here's your tea." Lilia had appeared next to you with a teacup and a saucer while you had been lost in your own world of pleasure.
"Oh! I see! Thank you, Lilia." Lilia raised an eyebrow at your strange behavior but decided not to question it as he took a seat in the chair next to yours.
"Y/N, your face seems quite red."
"It is?"
Before you can even turn around, Lilia glomps his hand onto your forehead. "Don't tell me you've studied until you've fallen ill." If your face wasn't red before, it was now as Lilia kept inching his face closer to yours. "How would the school function without their darling Prefect?" His thumb brushed over your lip as he gave a kitten lick to your neck. "Ah~", Lilia grinned into your neck upon hearing your moan. "Don't worry Y/N, I'll make you feel better."
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"Ah, Lilia~", your hands dug into his hair as he sucked at your clit and dove his fingers into your heat, scissoring you open and stuffing his face into your pussy. 
“So sweet. So cute.” You could feel the huff of his breath with each word just as yours hitched when you felt a playful nip on your thigh.
You looked down when you heard a belt unbuckle only to feel Lilia slide his dick between your folds, his tip bumping into your puffy clit each time he rubbed it against your pussy.
"Agh, Lilia~"
He let our a chuckle as he pushed into your opening as you could only gasp and subconsciously grab at his shoulders. "Good girl, don't let go."
"Huh, ah~"
Your pussy squelched as Lilia began to ram into your insides while his fingers dug into your hips, using you like a fleshlight. The intensity of his thrusts made the bed creak as you held onto Lilia for dear life as tears began to stream down your face from overwhelming pleasure.
You felt a thumb flick at your face to wipe a few tears away as you locked your eyes with Lilia, only to moan when he licks your thigh. "I'm so proud of you, Y/N. Don't ever stop making me happy, okay."
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wulvercazz · 10 months
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🐄 A Lovely Sight 🍓
A pretty, pretty cow Grimm, bathing in the farm's lake when she locks eyes with the shy little bull she's becoming fonder of each day. Slows her movements for his wide brown eyes to feast on, her eyes firm on him; if he's brave enough... perhaps he'll get something more~😘
(previous post)
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Hello! I've been reading you fics for a bit and let me tellyou they are bussin! (1 love your Thor ones it is socute!!) And I was just wondering if ya could write a ficof Thor but like themed the Frog Prince? Cause yaknow Thor's a frog in some of the comics and his aprince (don't judge me I thought it was cute 🥰💗) any-way it could either be modern or fairy taley but yeahplease and thank you!!
(if you can't write it, that's fine. Just thought to ask!!)
Fem reader plezzz!!!
Thank you so much for requesting!! I thought this was such a creative idea!!!
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the-grimm-writer · 2 years
Hi do you do poly request or yandere female character's ? If not no worries hope you doing ok
Aybyes I sure do for both!! 💕
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brokentrafficknight · 5 months
Well, since you created female Tyrian.
Jaune x Fem!Salem's faction.
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A Grimm Tryst of Fate
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dilfhos · 8 months
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A! i hope u ignore this cus its stupid but I think dabi/touya being a total scum to huge endeavor fan reader should be a thing
+ (i added my twist to it; at the time this was sent, i was on my dc shit heavy and id already started it)
#!CW: deadoves!n0nc0n, dirty talk, degradation, humiliation, implied exhibitionism, gaslighting, touya arc if you squint real close! dabi has dick piercings bc i said so
tagging: @mostlyheinous @scariusaquarius @dabislittlemouse @nyx--knacks @the-grimm-writer @ectologia
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Dabi hated taking public transportation, especially now.
It subjected him to having to conceal his identity for one, blending into the fleeting crowds with dark, long clothing. It didn’t bother him as much had it been any other time, one where he wasn’t on constant guard or easily irritated by familiar phrases and his face.
Dabi only gave a quick glance to the glass behind him, eyeing the way his big hood hung low on his head, hand deep into his trench pocket as the other supported his balance. He drew his hood lower at the glance from a man on his left.
The train eased to a stop and the doors slid open as the crowd swarmed to bring in and send out more people. When the doors closed and the train began to move again, he found himself being thrown forward. A small yelp came from the woman in front of him, turned partially.
He was about to mumble something before his eyes made contact with what she was wearing.
Seeing that you were brazenly adorned in merchandise of the number one hero, he scrunched his nose up at the sight of your complimentary accessories before finally settling on your face. Preoccupied with your phone to notice his oggling, you shifted, body moving with the force of the train as it started moving.
Dabi didnt mean to look, but the subtle quake of your chest piqued his vision and he wished he wasn’t met with those same fucking eyes. How cringe you looked with the familiar navy phone-case you had on the back of your phone to match.
In fact, if Dabi wanted to, he’d stand there and count every one of Endeavor’s paraphernalia and the number could be well over three. You really walk around like that? Parading your favorite hero on your body like a fangirl poster.
He chuckled darkly before rolling his eyes. Yeah, you probably had one or two of them in your room that you fuck yourself to at night to boot.
The train was only a little crowded but not enough to fully obscure your body from his view. You were dressed in jeans, the denim pairing with a snug t-shirt that sculpted your chest perfectly under his gaze. On the back he could see the familiar bright flames. They were disgustingly familiar, completing the stoic features of the hero on the front.
“Endeavor, huh?” You finally glanced up, a bit surprised to find barely anyone on board at this point. A few men sat adjacent, some sleep, others occupied on their own devices and papers or simply dead in gaze as they awaited their respective stops.
Then him, of course.
Turning fully around you face the source of the comment and your heart began to hammer.
Under a subtle glance or two, he didn’t look too out of the ordinary. Dark pants, shoes and a coat on his back, he could’ve as easily passed for some unremarkable human being cold and exhausted from days events. However, under the certain proximity, you had a clear view of his face, unmistakably his metal-littered, scarred face and the dangerously piercing gaze to match.
You parted your lips but he held up a finger, silencing you before you could squeak a sound. He glanced around toward the few other occupants in the car, noting them to be of no significance until his eyes returned back to yours, the silent threat of impending danger weighing heavily in the air around you.
“Are you-are you going to kill me?” You finally said, voice sickeningly timid. Wide eyes peered up at him, height clearing yours as he slowly backed you towards the side of the car.
“He your favorite hero?” Dabi ignored your question, eyes flickering to your chest before his hand followed. You squeaked in surprise as he boldly placed his hand against your breast.
Jerking away, you prepare to to defend yourself when he gripped your wrist.
“To answer the question, I’m not gonna kill you. ‘M just gonna hurt you real bad though,” You’re spun before another word is uttered, the rattling of metal against wheels loud enough to drown your protests.
“Please don’t do this,” His hands were exploring your body, running up your thighs and cruelly pinching at the skin on your sides before settling on the hem of your jeans.
“Please don’t,” You whimpered shakily, meeting the villain’s eyes in the glass.
“I just feel like ya personally insulting me y’know?” He grunted over the sound of his belt clinking. His hand was back on your side now, nails digging into the meat of the exposed skin until drawing a wince.
Dabi shuffled forward until your hands were pressed against the wall of the train, steadying yourself. His other made quick work of yanking down your jeans until they rested around your thighs, panties on display before his hungry gaze.
“D-don’t. I’ll scream.” By now, you’d been reduced to a whimpering, teary-eyed mess, your frantic gaze shifting through the other riders for a witness to what was going on.
But they were all too preoccupied to care.
“Yeah, for who?” The passengers that did notice were the wrong ones.
You met the greedy eyes of the man closest to you and the way his own dropped down to your connected bodies. Dabi was quick to notice that and chuckled before leaning down toward your ear.
“Still your idol, doll? This is his society, you know? The one on your ridiculously, ugly top,” He snickered, his fingers hooking into the side of your panties.
Before you could cry out, his scarred hand clamped over your mouth at the same time as his cock breached your cunt. You tensed, nothing escaping you but a muffled gasp as he shoved himself past your tight ring of resistance. Your eyes were wide, peering back at you in the glass, reflecting off of the pain and horror present.
“Mm, so tight.” He licked the shell of your ear and you release a shuddering sob. He began a snappy, brutal pace, the thick cock dragging heavily through your dry walls. Every time he pulled away, you felt every vein, every metallic orb scraping against gummy insides.
He slammed back into you at the same time the train screeched over rusted tracks, grunting with every stroke, his thin hip bones snapping against your ass.
His grip was bruising as he held onto your waist, his wrist only flicking to push and pull you back onto his dick. His other hand remained pressed against your mouth to muffle your cries and moans. You reached behind to at least try and push him away, alleviate the grating pain he was causing but your attempts were laughable as he only slapped away your efforts.
Dabi sped up, stumbling forward until your front was pressed against the metal interior, body squished between hot and cool. The hand over your mouth dropped to hang loosely around your neck, tilting your head back to meet his. The hood over his head only served to make him all the more menacing with the shadow that casted over his grotesque features.
“What do you think Mr. Endeavor would say if he saw his biggest fan being defiled like this? Probably be disgusted huh? I mean, allowing a complete stranger to fuck you on public transportation.” Your eyes closed as you imagined the twisted look of repulsion on your favorite hero and the image brought you to more tears.
You hiccupped as he trailed fingers down in between your legs to brush against your clit, missing the way his grin widened at the way you suddenly tense up. You released a pained moan at the way your pussy clamped down on him.
“So sensitive,” He chuckled at the way you try and bite down your orgasm. He could feel you start to relax, your cunt pulsating around him as your juices started to slick him up.
Overhead, the sound of the loudspeaker crackling at the next stop had Dabi’s eyes glancing up, as if now aware of the time. Releasing you, his hand fell to your other hip where his blunt nails dug as his pace quickened.
“Stop’s coming up,” He mumbled. You didn’t really hear him though. You were busy trying not to give in to the way his cock was filling you up, the pain parting into pleasure, your juices beginning to fall and squish around his dick.
Your head hung low; you couldn’t even look at your reflection in the glass anymore, at the way your brows furrowed over glossy, blown eyes. The way your wet lips part to release silent moans. You were despicable. You couldn’t call yourself a fan of the great Endeavor anymore, not after this.
Not after him.
Dabi’s feet planted firmly, his hips suddenly stuttering to a halt. He was quick to conceal your squeal with his hand again as his dick twitched in your cunt. Your teary eyes widened as you felt warmth flooding you, too horrified to even move save for your trembles.
He was still going, slowly rutting his nut back into you with shallow strokes. It was only until you heard a chime overhead that he pulled away with a content sigh.
Dabi eyed the way his cum was beginning to seep down your thighs, dripping into your bunched up jeans and an idea formed in his head, one that had him grinning sadistically.
A moment later your trembling legs finally gave way allowing you to sink onto the floor.
He began to fix himself, adjusting the hood on his head. He threw a cocky salute to the man eyeballing him earlier and a final disgusted look down at those eyes on your shirt. He then shook his head with a forming smile, walking away and leaving you on the floor of the cold train. The whooshing of the doors were deafening in your ears as you looked up to greedy eyes.
Back at the hero agency, Endeavor’s phone lit up and a notification from an unknown number had his brows furrowed in confusion at the link. His scowl only deepened after further investigation.
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DILFOS. do not plagiarize my content—current or archival.
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nymphbroadcast · 3 months
Heartslabyul x MC! like Rosie
⊹Synopsis ⊹ೃ 🌹⋆The Heartslabyul boys with a MC! or Yuu like Rosie.
⊹Relationship ⊹ೃ 🌹⋆ Fall in love / free of interpretation.
⊹FEM! MC/Yuu/Reader ⊹ೃ 🌹⋆
⊹Clarifications: I changed the fact that MC! Rosie is a cannibal for obvious reasons and the age of the reader is not specified in case they want to interpret themselves as another species that is not human. I specify that MC! has great talent in the kitchen because Auntie Rosie really gives me THAT expert cook vibes.
⊹Rosie's Analysis ⊹ೃ 🌹⋆
• Rosie is a capable and articulate woman, quite gentle and friendly but no one knows if she is really honest, she is intelligent, patient, courteous, elegant and charming when interacting with others. She is especially kind and affectionate with those she considers her friends, she is very close to her group and is a very good and efficient leader, just as she is kind she can also be intimidating and authoritarian when she wants, her jokes can be somewhat old, which She is right with her taste for the old and old-fashioned, she is good at giving advice and can even offer to solve other people's problems herself, she is a kind host, giving her guests a place to sit and rest and offering to give them food before accepting listen to their problems and possibly offer help, however she also has her dark side, being someone very intelligent and astute, it is relatively easy for her to find people's weaknesses or virtues and manipulate them to her convenience. Among her tastes are cooking, old-fashioned music and meat, she is talented in areas such as cooking and music, especially in singing and charisma, and it is easy to get attached to her and her intelligence, deducing quick solutions to problems.
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Riddle Rosehearts
🌹Riddle sees you as a kind of mother, the way you speak to him and see him proudly when he has an achievement makes his little heart feel warm with the maternal affection that he never really had.
🌹 You are his best advisor when he feels overwhelmed or stressed, your calm attitude helps him calm down and think with a cool head.
🌹 Your taste for old or outdated doesn't really bother him, in fact he finds it cute that you look like an ancient woman despite you're apparently being his age.
🌹 Riddle thanks you for calming down the uni-neural duo Adeuce's antics and keeping them calm at least for a while, before you has to be dragged with them into another problem.
🌹 Riddle probably didn't see many movies growing up and only saw a few with his mother, so he probably knows Mary Poppins and might find it curious how much you look like that old character.
🌹 Riddle loves your style and how you combine it with the aesthetics of his dorm, the red and pink colors with black in your elegant and sophisticated outfits remind him a lot of roses and in general of his dorm, along with your good education and good manners he thanks heaven (Crowley) that for once he doesn't have to deal with another troublemaker.
🌹 Due to his closed thinking, Riddle is glad that you like old music, because his mother used to listen to that type when he was younger and almost automatically he learned it by heart, so there are times when both of them do duets in private, singing songs that almost no one at school could recognize.
🌹 The first time he saw your imposing and somewhat... sadistic side... he was paralyzed, for the first time he saw you approach someone without your kind smile and instead it was a smile almost without emotions and as if you were about to eat someone alive (wink~ wink~), at that moment he swore never to turn you against him and even less to get you angry.
🌹 Hiss tea parties are the best since you are present at them and accompany him, your conversations never bore him, whether it is a story of mischief with the duo Adeuce and Grimm or that you have heard some gossip from a student, you always have something what to tell him.
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Ace Trappola
♥ This boy is very prone to getting himself and the others around him into trouble, so luckily you are there to control his recklessness.
♥ When Ace is angry or frustrated, whether because of Riddle or because the basketball club lost a game, he comes to you to feel comforted and pampered. You are good at listening to all his complaints and watching him vent without feeling judged. (even if you almost never understand him, because he speaks too complicated and fast-)
♥ However, you always scold him and avoid his disasters when he act like a brat.
♥ Your taste for things that are old-fashioned and old makes him wonder if you are really his age, in addition to your strange way of speaking and your manners reminding him of the old ladies in his neighborhood, however he will never criticize you and instead he may ask you one thing or another joke about that.
♥ It must be said that Ace has quite a sweet tooth, but you managed to convince him to come to you and not to steal Riddle's pies, Ace would never admit out loud the fact that he feels like a spoiled child trying the delicacies you cook for him.
♥ Ace is tender when he wants to, he really likes being with you without doing anything because you tend to spoil him and take care of him. (ROSIE HAS A LOT OF A CUTE MOM VIBES)
♥ Just as Ace is a total idiot, you are a sweetheart of a person, no one knows how the hell you ended up with him and they start to think that Ace put a spell on you or something.
♥ Aside from your good taste and talent in food, Ace is a little disturbed by the fact that you sometimes make either desserts or meals in the shape of human body parts... in addition to your jokes about cannibalism.
♥ Ace admires how easy it is for everyone to like you, he would pay anything to have your talent... I mean, even Riddle adores you!... that may or may not include the fact that he takes advantage of some people 'cause they have you appreciated
♥ In short, he loves you, although sometimes you seem like an old cartoon character because of your personality and tastes, he loves you because you are his compass in his impulse of idiocy.
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Deuce Spade
♠️ Deuce... Deuce... this poor boy is exploding with love, we all know this boy LOVES his mother and the fact that you are like one really takes him through the roof.
♠️ Oh your food! Add Deuce to your list of the most loyal (free) customers in all of Twisted Wonderland! this boy dies for your food! It will actually eat anything you give to him, even if he ends up rounder than a ball.
♠️ Oh yeah, you're definitely what he needs, pull his ear when he does something stupid! or reward him with your love when he achieves a goal! this man is at your feet.
♠️ Regarding your tastes... he doesn't really know what to think, on the one hand he finds the fact that you look like an old lady in the fashion of the time adorable and on the other hand it confuses him... How old did you say you were? Are you sure you weren't born in 1920?... oh don't be offended! It just means that you see a lot of those times! It's a compliment!
♠️ Oh I really think Deuce would learn some of your songs just from you, plus he probably knows them if his mother used to listen to them or if he shares tastes with you! I really think Deuce would be a gentleman, even looking at the ground 7/24 when dancing with you so as not to step on you.
♠️ He probably takes photos of you to send to his mother or something, he's really fascinated by how your style combines with your youth and elegance. PS: Mama Spade is already scheduling everything to meet you, lady!
♠️ Deuce really appreciates your advice and teachings, he has improved a lot since he applied them, from his grades to his social relationships, oh my god, this man is going to marry you as soon as you both graduate.
♠️ Deuce believes that you were really meant to be in Heartslabyul, your care with animals, how you don't fail a single Riddle rule and how you have such a motherly relationship with everyone... Deuce admires you the most, girl.
♠️ Deuce notices how you tend to prefer his manners, often jokingly comparing him to Ace and saying something like: "Oh Deuce, polite as always. Ace! You can learn something from him!" And there you have it, as red as Riddle's hair as he feels blessed by the gods to see you so comfortable with him.
♠️ However, you also take care of reminding him that not everyone is good, taking care of his naivety, reminding him that an action can sometimes be worth a thousand words. He thanks you.
♠️ In the end, Deuce realizes that you are perfect for him: Intelligent, wise, educated, friendly and so beautiful in his eyes. You can bet what you want, but this guy will ask you to marry him as soon as he can! Do us a favor and take care of him, this boy loves you very much!
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Trey Clover
♣️ Oh boy... There's finally a mom to take care of the big brother of all Heartslabyul! Girl, please take care of this man...
♣️ I think we all know Trey's caring tendency with his teammates, in the end he is surprised when he realizes that you are trying to take care of him and advise him, because usually the one who assumes that role is usually him.
♣️ Sometimes you have to remind him that just like his peers, he is a teenager and should focus on enjoying his youth! The poor man is always taking care of others and forgets about himself :(
♣️ You and Trey are a cute duo, you both cook excellent and take care of others... Who knew you weren't married huh?
♣️ Your old style and taste for the old-fashioned is curious, in reality it doesn't bother him since it is your own style and good for you if it makes you happy.
♣️ It only takes a few minutes for him to realize your resemblance to certain old characters cough Mary Poppins cough... And your exotic way of speaking, I honestly doubt he's ever heard someone with your accent and idioms before aside from one or another old woman.
♣️ Couple's hobby! You two definitely cook together! He is splendid with desserts and you with the common dinner! especially meat!... Trey sometimes doesn't know whether to laugh or ask for help when you start making certain black jokes about human flesh... (That no one understands)
♣️ Trey is amused by your musical nature, you actually sing or hum old songs while you cook or do other things my goodness! He may even end up learning them by listening to you.
♣️ Oh god, take care of this man for us! He's so tired of being the one who takes care of him!... please don't hesitate to pull his ear when he tries to disobey out of mere habit-
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Cater Diamond
♦️ My God. Cater loves your aesthetic, you give him the most beautiful vintage and dark vibes that he can't resist taking photos of you and uploading them to Magiacme. (with your permission.)
♦️ I don't think Cater will stop when it comes to teaching you about the technology, because even if you don't use it much you still agree to listen to him talk as much as he wants about it.
♦️ Let's say it, Cater is not really as we know him... And he tries to hide it, however you are always there to give him words of support and a sweet hug that takes him out of his turbulent mind.
♦️ Cater will definitely help you create content on networks if you access, cooking recipes, tips or pure photos with your aesthetic. Count on him!
♦️ Cater is amazed by your musical talent, although your voice may not be that of a modern singer who hits exaggerated notes, you know how to use your own voice and create a beautiful symphony and you can bet that Cater records it, even if it is just for him. (With your permission.)
♦️ Cater is already planning the wedding, he can already imagine you in a beautiful white dress with a "mermaid tail" skirt, a beautiful dress adorned with roses or white feathers, your beautiful smile that lights up her days... oh god, you have this man in your hands.
♦️ Cater loves your advice accompanied by a delicious meal or a simple cup of tea, Cater may not like sweets but you especially know how to make him eat some healthy sugar from time to time without making him feel disgusted or directly unable to swallow, now you're the Star chef of Heartslabyul. (Trey prepares the desserts)
♦️ Cater loves being with you, even if it's in silence or listening to your vintage music while you simply rest in each other's presence, this poor boy is tired and you are his comfort.
♦️ Congratulations, you have adopted five children with emotional problems! Now you are the mother/godmother of Heartslabyul, they love you and you love them, please take care of them! and I recommend that you start charging Crowley for the therapy of these boys, because you're leaving here married.
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Nymph's Note:
My life is crazy, I had a flood in my apartment due to the negligence of a plumber... you have no idea of ​​the chaos of things I currently live in, documents and clothes got wet, I have had to send many things to wash... Well, life goes on :), I finally managed to finish this one! Rosie really is one of my favorite characters, she's a beauty and I really feel like she fits like a glove with Heartslabyul.
I hope you enjoyed!
Remember to tune in, end of this broadcast!
Heartslabyul Dorm x MC! Like Rosie Done!
Next: Savanaclaw Dorm x MC! Like Carmilla Carmine???
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