#get away from the tv and go outside. turns out the outside is also trying to kill me
infinitystation · 7 months
seeing a whole lot of "just run everything through nightshade or glaze" posts from people who forgot that some blogs are over a decade old. and that tumblr doesnt edit reblogs if the original post was edited
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teddypines · 2 months
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Sumary: Cute moment with Batmom!reader and Damian who is afraid of thunderstorm.
Batmom!reader x Damain, Fem!reader (Use of she/her pronounce)
Note: I don't know Batman lore like i know mcu lore. Everything i know is from the cartoon's i watched as a kid and the fanfic's and webtoon i read. So if somthings are out of charachter, i'm sorry. Also the other boy's live at home i don't care if it isn't canon. Art/picture is from Pintrest, credits go to whoever made it.
Damian always acted like he was an adult, because in his eyes he thought he was, even when Y/N knew the boy was far from being an adult. She always tried to give him small moments that normal kids his age had in an attempt to make up for the things Talia had done in the past. This included letting him come to her if he needed, no matter the time or place.
It was just a normal Friday night in the Wayne household. Y/N was cuddled up to Bruce’s side on the couch. Jason and Dick to her right both bickering about which guy the girl on tv would end up with. Tim was curled up in his blanket on the chair, tiredly typing away on his laptop and Damian was trying to stay close to Bruce’s side but didn’t want to make it obvious that he wanted to cuddle. The rain outside made for a cozy feel for the whole moment, it made Y/N happy. The kids and Bruce are safe at home with her and not out on patrol or fighting crime. 
Y/N sighed as the tv show Jason and Dick were watching was finally over. So she took the remote and quickly turned the channels to look at the weather forecast. “Owh, boy looks like we are going to have a thunderstorm tonight. Good thing I don't have to worry about you all being out.” Y/N said before switching channels again. The fact that it was going to storm didn’t really bother Bruce or the boy’s. Except for Damian, he was stressed internally, but he didn’t want his brothers to know. They would probably laugh if they knew he was scared of a thunderstorm. Y/N looked over at Damian. “Everything okay, Dami?” She asked, the troubled look on Damian’s face made her worry. “Y-yes, I'm fine. Nothing to worry about, just tired.” Damian rambled back at Y/N. 
“I bet little Dami is just scared of the thunderstorm.” Jason commented as he leaned back against the couch, a small smirk spread across his face. "No! I am not scared!” Damian yepped back at Jason, he pouted a bit after. Bruce held back a small laugh at Damian’s pouty face which earned him a jab in the side form Y/N. “Don’t tease your brother like that, Jay bird and Dami, it's okay if you're scared of thunderstorms” Y/N said hoping to resolve the small situation. Jason grumbled a bit before getting off the couch. "Fine! I'm off to bed.” He wanted to quickly disappear, but Y/N didn’t let him. “Night night, Jay bird” She said with a smile. Jason groaned and quickly hugged her. “Night mom” He whispered to Y/N.
“I think I might go to bed too,” Tim said after Jason left the living room. He closed his laptop and wiggled out of his blanket. He made his way over to Y/N and Bruce, Y/N already opening her arms for Tim. “Night night, Pumpkin” Y/N said to Tim when he was safely in her arms. “Goodnight, momma. Night, dad. Love you” Tim answered, staying in Y/N’s arms for a little while. “We love you too, Pumpkin” Y/N said in between kisses she placed on Tim’s head. Bruce wrapped his arm around Tim too, but only for a moment. “Now off to bed, Pumpkin, don’t want you to fall asleep here again” Y/N said which made Tim reluctantly pull away. Soon After Dick said his goodnights too and left the living room with Tim. 
“You should go to bed soon too, Dami, and if the storm scares you it’s okay to come to us. We’ll protect you from the storm” Y/N said in an attempt to sooth Damian’s worry about the upcoming thunderstorm. She reached over Bruce and gently ran a hand over Damian’s head. “I’ll be fine, no need to worry” Damian answered a bit distant. He didn’t want Y/N (or Bruce) to worry about him. “Just know we’re there when you do need us” Bruce said to Damian in a stern but reassuring way. Domain just nodded his head and pulled off the couch. “I’ll be fine, night”
It did upset Y/N just a bit that Damian didn’t get his usual good night hug, but she knew he would be by her side the moment the thunder storm started. Bruce pulled Y/N on top of him and kissed her cheek. “He’ll be back, love” 
The thunderstorm started around 1:30 AM, just when Y/N found a comfy position next to Bruce. The thunder wasn’t as bad in the beginning, but got worse after 20 minutes. After one particular loud thunder Y/N awoke to the weight shifting on the bed. She opened her eyes and was met with a very scared Damian. “Umi? C-can i stay with you and… and dad?” Damian stuttered through his tears. "Always, baby” Y/N answered. She pulled away from Bruce’s side and turned over so Damian could cuddle against her. “I see you brought mister Moo” Y/N pointed at the plush cow in Damian’s arms. “Maybe…” He whispered, busying himself with finding the best way to lay next to Y/N. Wanting to be as close to her as he could. He slowly closed his eyes but flinched when another thunder strike was heard. 
“Shhh, it’s okay Dami, you're safe in bed with us. No need to be scared, Thor is just a bit extra made at Loki tonight.” Y/N whispered to Damian. a reassuring hand was placed on Damian’s back. Damian shifted his head to look up at Y/N. “What?” Y/N laughed a bit. “You heard me. Thor is mad at Loki, that’s why the thunder is so loud tonight. Loki probably stabbed him again or tricked him by being a cute snake.” Y/N explained as Damian listened. He knew that what Y/N said was just based on stories and myths, but he liked it. Made the thunderstorm less scary. “Really? Why would Loki do that?” He asked. “Well, Loki really likes attention and sometimes he thinks he doesn’t get enough of it, so he asks for attention. But he does it in the only way he knows how, by being a little shit head and stabbing Thor or tricking the others.” Y/N explained. Bruce groaned a bit as he heard Y/N talk. He turned over and saw Damian hiding against her. 
“Or Thor just stubbed his toe.” Bruce added while propping his arm underneath his head. “Yes, that is possible too” Y/N answered with a small nod of her head. Damian laughed a bit and yawned. “I like that one better, big oof stubbing his toe.”
“Yeah, see now the thunder isn’t so bad is it?” Y/N asked as she yawned as well. Damian only nodded his head in answer. The storm outside was still going on, but Thor just stubbed his toe so that made the thunder more understandable. It was a story, but the story helped Damian feel less scared. 
Y/N smiled as she watched Damian fall asleep against her. She turned her head to look at Bruce. “Out like a light,” She said. Bruce smiled and tried to lay back down next to Y/N. “Yeah, but he’s taking all of the comfy spots on the bed” Y/N rolled her eyes and held out her hand for Bruce to hold. “Tomorrow night you can sleep against me again.” Y/N reassured Bruce while he held onto her hand. “Fine, but I expect extra cuddles then!”
“Alright, love you” Y/N promised before drifting off to sleep. Bruce smiled at the two. He placed gentle kisses on both their heads before falling asleep as well.
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brainmuncher · 24 days
Danny would like to preface that this was entirely Vlad's fault. The fruitloop had made another harebrained scheme to kill off his dad and marry his mom… nothing new. What also wasn’t new was the three vultures in fez hats that he had to chase across the Nasty Burger’s parking lot after dismantling the whole plan. Vlad was a fruitloop after all so it only made sense that he’d do the same thing over and over and actually expect a different result.
What was new was the gun that Vlad had appeared with during the chase. He looked pissed that Danny had gotten away again and wasn’t aiming well. Unfortunately, Danny had Fenton luck so he eventually got hit by whatever the gun was firing. One of the vultures also got stuck in one of the stray blasts so he didn’t feel too bad about it.
It turns out it was shooting some sticky substance that was impossible to phase through. Vlad had walked over, said some eye roll worthy monologue, and cut the stuck vulture out with a concentrated ecto blast. He’d just been about to probably kidnap Danny for the millionth time when there was a screech of a van. A dozen or so GIW agents flooded the area and Vlad with the vultures made a run for it… leaving Danny behind. Because of the mysterious goo still holding him in place, he was an easy target for the GIW to “arrest”.
That's how he found himself thrown in the back of a white van in what could only be described as a dog cage, bundled with all sorts of restraints. His arms were pulled behind his back, his legs tied together, an actual muzzle on his face, and an extremely uncomfortable collar was on his neck. To put it lightly, Danny was not amused.
Before the doors had shut he heard the agents talking about transporting him to one of their facilities. Based on how much driving they had already done, it wasn’t a local one. Thankfully, Tucker and Sam have his ecto-signature, so they should be able to find him. It was just a matter of them getting a quick enough transport. They might end up calling Jazz to help which will be a huge pain later. No, he did not feel traumatized Jazz, this was more of an unfortunate field trip with the GIW than anything. Then again she was probably going to complain that he wasn’t taking things seriously again if he said that.
While thinking of ways he was going to try and escape his sister's overprotective meddling, the van came to a screeching halt. The stop was so sudden that he hit his head on the back of the cage. Grimacing at the injury, that was honestly pretty mild but he was feeling petty, he tried to listen to why they’d stopped. He could faintly hear the sounds of fighting outside the van. At first, he thought that he’d been found quicker than he thought, but then he heard the first gunshot.
An actual gunshot.
Now Danny knew that he wasn’t in Amity anymore, that point had long since passed, but hearing that was like a bucket of ice water. He’d only heard guns on TV or from those soldier guys at the parade before everything got replaced with ecto-guns. But something about hearing one again after so many years reminded him that he wasn’t home anymore. He didn’t even know where he was.
Despite having already tried to escape when they first put the restraints on, Danny once again began struggling to get out. The best start would be freeing his hands so he could at least see if he could find a weak point. He started to try and get his hands out in front of his chest but quickly found that it was easier said than done. Because of the way his hands were encapsulated in the cuffs and only ended at the lower wrist, he was finding it very hard to stretch far enough to get his arms underneath him. His shoulders ached as he pushed them past their limit, but another set of gunshots gave him the boost he needed to ignore it. Finally, he got his arms out from underneath him.
Before he could even think to celebrate, the doors to the van opened up. He reflexively used his arms to block the light from the outside. Once he blinked away the blinding change of light, he found himself blinking at a completely baffled person in a black ski mask.
“Johnny?” The person called out, turning away from Danny to presumably talk to someone outside the door. “I thought you said this was a truck full of money. There’s just some kid back here!”
Despite the danger he was in, Danny couldn’t help the indignation rise in him at being called a kid. He was sixteen for Pete's sake! He was firmly past the ‘kid’ stage and now in the ‘little shit’ age of his life. There’s a clear difference.
“What the hell are you talking about? This thing was scheduled to be guarded and transported just like any ol’ money transport. If you’re fucking with me-” The second person, who was wearing a blue ski mask, and man Danny didn’t know that they came in different colors how neat, paused after seeing him. “What the hell is this.”
Both of the men were just staring at Danny, who was now questioning just what was happening.
“You don’t think Flash set this up do you?” The one in the black mask asked, making the other one whirl to look at him like he asked if the moon was made of cheese.
“This is Keystone, not Gotham. Flash wouldn’t even consider something like this. This is something else entirely,” The person in the blue mask sighed, giving a sidelong look at Danny. “I say we bounce before Flash gets here. This one is a bust.”
The one in the black mask stopped the other one before they could get too far. Looking over their shoulder at Danny they gestured in his direction.
“Did you see how many guys they had guarding him? I think we could still make a good penny selling him,”
An uncomfortable feeling crawled up Danny’s spine. It was one that Vlad often made him feel when he was trying to get him to ‘denounce his father’. Objectified, Sam had once complained. She described that it was something she often felt whenever her parents forced her into some pink monstrosity. This somehow felt much more dangerous than when Vlad did it. Maybe it was the fact that Danny didn’t know what would happen, unlike with Vlad. Completely separated from his usual support and without a clue of what would happen, the threat loomed more fiercely than Danny was used to.
He started to subtly check the bands restricting his hands. There wasn’t any keyhole are keypad to open them, which meant there was probably a remote that one of the agents has… or had if they had been killed.
Suddenly one of the guys let out a startled cry that cut off. The other one disappeared, only for something to hit the truck a moment later.
“You’d think after taking over a van they wouldn’t just stand around in the street. It’s like they wanted to get caught,” A completely new voice joked.
With both guys gone, Danny could now clearly see the outside world. It was late, almost sunset outside. The buildings were completely unrecognizable. There were even some really tall buildings further in. He was in an actual city… Keystone if he remembers right.
“Let’s see what you were after,” The voice continues and steps in front of the open doors.
If not for the muzzle, Danny’s jaw would’ve dropped. This GIW field trip was turning into one hell of a time.
“Whoa hey, are you alright?” The Flash asked, already climbing inside the van to help.
At this point, this mind as well happen.
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mountttmase · 5 months
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Don’t Get Caught
Note - lil bit of cheeky dad Mase to round off our Monday. I hope you’re all good and I hope you enjoy this 🩷 smut has not been smutting for me in a while so let’s see 😂 feedback would be appreciated 😘
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 3k
Warnings - smut
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‘So it’s just a shed?’
‘No Mason, it’s not just a shed’ Declan huffed. Annoyed by Mason downplaying his new purchase that he was proudly showing the pair of you around. Not that you could see much as it was dark outside and for the most part his new summer house was just an empty shell bar some cupboards. ‘I’ve got someone coming tomorrow to wire the electrics so the lights work, then I’m getting a tv installed, a mini fridge, like you name and I’ll probably have it, it’s gonna be immense’
‘What does Lauren think of all this?’ You asked, shining your torch round so you could see more of the space but it really was a work in progress right now.
‘She’ll have her section too, don’t worry. And I’m getting her one of those outdoor sofa set things she’s always wanted to go by the hot tub outside, plus a new swing for Jude. They’ll love it’
You were about to ask another question when his phone began to ring, Lauren’s photo flashing up on the screen but the more she spoke the more displeased his face became until he was hanging up with a huff.
‘Ah for fucks sake, Madders has thrown up in the guest room, I need to go and kick his arse’ he sighed, his hand running over his face like he didn’t want to deal with it and you couldn’t say you didn’t blame him as you tried to hold in a laugh.
‘Sounds grim’ Mason chuckled, making his way over to you in the dark and holding you at your waist. ‘We’ll be back in soon, yeah? I just wanna have a look round a bit more’
‘Yeah yeah take your time, I’ll see you inside later’ Dec mumbled before leaving the pair of you alone. Watching him trudge back to the house with his shoulders slumped before you turned to Mason who you could just about make out in the dark.
‘Look round what, Mason? It’s a shed with a counter and a few cupboards’ you asked, turning in his grip and resting your hands on his chest as he pulled you closer and even in the dark you could see his pretty smile.
‘I don’t think Dec would be too happy if he heard you say that’ He laughed and you rolled your eyes playfully. ‘What do you think anyway? Would you like a summer house?’
‘Maybe’ you shrugged. Trying to imagine something similar in your own garden. ‘Would be fun to have movie nights with Ollie in something like this, like we could get blankets and those big bean bags things. Maybe some nice fairy lights so we can get all cozy’
‘You could also use it as somewhere when you need some time away from the boys’ he winked, pulling away from you as he took a better look around and it clicked in your brain that what he meant by it.
‘Oh I see, you just want it for you’ you laughed and he knew he’d been caught out as you heard him try to contain his giggles. ‘Come on, what would you have in here then?’
‘Well I’d get a tv definitely, and I like the idea of a mini fridge…’ Mason started but you didn’t listen to the rest of it. The thought of the three of you all snuggled under a blanket in something similar in your own home made your heart thump and the need to check Ollie was okay washed over you.
Ollie was at home with Lewis, the latter staying for a few days as he had a few appointments with Mason he needed to plan and it was always easier to do it when they were together rather than over the phone. Thankfully he was more than happy to look after Ollie for the evening so you and Mason could go to the joint birthday party that Dec was throwing at his house for the pair of them.
Lewis hadn’t texted and he was under strict instructions not to unless there was an emergency so the pair of you could have some time out, but you missed your little boy and you needed to check on him. Your finger hovering over the call button but before you could press it you felt Masons hands at your waist again.
‘Are you even listening to me?’ He laughed, shaking you slightly until you looked at him and you could tell from the look in his eye he knew what you were doing.
‘Sorry Mase’ you sighed, holding your phone to your chest as he pulled you closer. ‘I just wanted to check in and make sure Ollie is alright’
‘He’s probably asleep baby, Lewis knows what he’s doing’
‘I know, I just wanted to be sure’
‘Hand it over’ he smirked, laying his palm out flat for you to put your phone into but you just shook your head and held it closer to your chest.
‘No Mase it’s fine, I’ll keep it away’
‘Why don’t you turn it off?’
‘Yeah Mase, real sensible’ you laughed, rolling your eyes as you put it back in your bag as Mason placed a kiss on your forehead.
‘Come on, Ollie is fine. I know it’s weird being without him but why don’t we take our minds off it a bit?’ He shrugged, not picking up on the cheeky tone to his voice at the end but you were curious about what he was going to suggest.
‘You wanna play a game?’ He asked, backing you up against the cupboards just behind you and you let him do it until you couldn't move anymore. Your bum hitting the top of the counter and you looked up at him curiously.
‘Depends, what did you have in mind?’
‘A little one I like to call, don’t get caught’ he whispered whilst hiking you up to sit on the counter by your thighs. ‘Never played it before but I thought it might be fun’ he smiled as he squeezed your thighs. ‘I’ve been thinking about it all day’
‘Mason’ you warned but he just smiled and kissed you heavily. Knowing he pretty much always got his way in situations like this and your resolve would crumble soon enough.
‘Come on baby, I know you want to’ he teased before kissing you again and when Mason kissed you like this you knew exactly what it meant. ‘I haven't had you in days and I won’t be able to again for a while’
He was right. He’d been away for a few days for a game and tomorrow he’d be off again for a training camp so tonight was really the only time you had to be physical. You just thought it would come later on when the pair of you were in bed not outside in the middle of Decs new purchase.
‘You know I’ll make it worth your while, baby’ he whispered. Lips ghosting your jaw before he playfully bit your earlobe and when his kisses started to travel down your neck you felt your body turn to jelly.
‘Won’t everyone be able to see?’ You asked, looking towards the floor to ceiling sliding glass doors that were just to the right of you and you gulped nervously.
‘We can barely see each other, gorgeous. Don't worry I won’t let anyone see you, you’re for my eyes only yeah?’
‘Okay’ you whispered. Letting him kiss you again as you gave into his desires as in this moment you wanted him just as much.
‘I’m gonna make you feel so good you’ll forget your own name, pretty girl’ he whispered against your lips and even though his sentiment made you smile you knew he meant it. When Mason had had a bit to drink his mouth tended to run away with him and when you were being intimate it was no different. This version of Mason liked to talk you through it. To pull the strings and tease you into oblivion until you were a mess beneath him and you knew if he got his way tonight you’d be in for a wild ride
Before you knew it, you felt his fingers trail over your thighs and under your dress. Gripping your bum so he could pull you forward and rest you just on the edge of the counter but thankfully it wasn’t very wide and you were able to lean back and rest against the wall as his fingers danced over the front of your underwear.
‘You can’t tell me you don’t tell me you don’t want this, you’re dripping for me’ he growled, fingers circling just where you needed them over your underwear and it only took a beat for you to start grinding your hips to meet his movements. ‘See, there we go. You know exactly what to do don’t you?’
You let him tease you a little while longer as he kissed you roughly but soon enough he was finally pushing your dress up higher and gripping the top of your underwear so he could pull them from your legs. The cold air hitting you and making you hiss before you could just about make out him stuffing the black lace into his back pocket.
‘Hands on my shoulders baby, need you to hold on tight yeah?’ He told you, hearing him pull down the zip on his trousers and shuffle his boxers about just enough to free himself and you clenched around nothing in anticipation of what you were about to do.
As soon as you felt his tip pushing against your entrance his lips were on yours. Swallowing your moans as he eased himself into you slowly but you were surprised about how easy it was since there was no foreplay involved and you were just getting straight down to business.
He still took his time though. Moving slowly in and out of you so you could both adjust and the small whimpers and moans falling from both of your lips just egged the other on until your brain was foggy with pleasure.
‘Remember when we first met, you told me you were a good girl’ he spoke against your lips before kissing along your jaw softly. ‘I’m not so sure i believe you anymore’
‘I’m a good girl for you’
‘And only me, right?’ he sighed, resting his forehead on yours as he kept his pace steady. ‘You’re mine, and you’re always gonna be mine’
‘What is it baby? What does my good girl want?’
‘Harder please’ you whimpered, wanting him to lose control a little bit as you knew he was holding back until you were comfortable but you were ready to have all of him now.
‘Yeah? You think you can take it’ he asked, hands grabbing your wrists so he could tug them away from his shoulders and before you knew it he had your wrists crossed above your head. Holding them together with one hand so they were against the wall whilst his other hand gripped your waist to hold you still. His hips picking up pace just like you wanted him to and you let a loud moan slip past your lips.
‘So fucking innocent but just look at you. Begging for me like this’ he growled, his words making your tummy flip but you couldn’t answer as he moved his hand to rest on your lower stomach before applying a little pressure. You knew he could feel himself inside of you from the profanities that were falling from his lips but the new sensation had rendered you speechless as your eyes rolled back in your head.
‘You love that I’m fucking you in here don’t you, I bet you want the whole world to see’ he grunted. His thumb now moving back to circle over you as he still applied pressure to your tummy and you almost screamed from how good you felt. ‘Want everyone to know how good I give it to you and how good you can take it’
‘Mase, please’ you cried, so overwhelmed with everything he was giving you that they were the only two words you could remember right now but he just carried on snapping his hips back and forth deliciously.
‘Thats it, say my name. Tell everyone who’s making you feel this good’
You felt Masons hand move away from you, giving you a bit of needed relief as you felt like you were about to explode but you saw him reaching into the back pocket of his jeans until he pulled out his phone.
‘Mase? W-what are you doing?’
‘Shhhh it’s okay. I just need it, need to remember what you feel like when I’m away next week’ he stuttered. ‘My eyes only, remember? You trust me?’
‘With everything’ you whispered back. Recording each other was something you’d never done before but you couldn’t deny the idea made your tummy flutter and you did trust him. He was your husband and the father of your child after all but even though this new idea scared you slightly it also thrilled you.
‘Good girl’ he chuckled, smiling as he placed a reassuring kiss to your lips, promising again it was just for him before he pointed the camera down to where the pair of you met started to record himself slipping in and out of you. The whole act turning you on more than you thought it would and the moans that left your lips were sinful.
‘Look at you, can’t get enough can you?’ he whispered, looking up to see his face slightly illuminated from the light on his phone and the first thing you noticed was how wild his eyes were. ‘You feel so unreal’
‘Masey, I’m so close’
‘I know gorgeous’ he whispered. Shutting his phone off so you were both in darkness again and his free hand returned to your waist to hold you still. ‘I need you to hold it for me though yeah? Just for a minute, okay?’
‘I know I know, I’ll make it worth your while though, I promise’ he told you. Finally lowering your arms back onto his shoulders so he could get a better grip on you and your fingers got lost in his hair as he rested his forehead on yours again. ‘Just wait for me, yeah?’
‘Okay’ you whimpered. Trying your best to hold off but it was difficult and the way Mason was moaning into your mouth didn’t make it any easier.
‘That’s my girl’ he grunted, eventually hiding his face in your neck so he could focus on reaching his high but as the seconds went on you felt like you were about to explode as his lips connected with your sweet spot.
‘Go on baby, let go for me’ he told you, keeping his pace steady until your high rippled through you. Letting him continue to talk in your ear until he was softly biting your shoulder as he came undone himself.
It was quiet for a few moments, just the sound of your breathing mixed together as you caught your breath with your heads hidden away from each other but soon enough he was looking back up at you with a shy smile on his face.
‘That video, I can delete it if you want me too. I just got caught up in the moment I’m not sure what came over me’ he chuckled. Tucking some stray hairs behind your ear before kissing your forehead softly.
‘No it’s okay, you can keep it. As long as it gets hidden somewhere’
‘Really? You don’t mind?’
‘Well I prefer the thought of you watching me rather than random people on a weird website’ you laughed, cupping his jaw so you could place a gentle kiss on his lips before he quickly grabbed his phone again.
‘It’s gone straight into my hidden, yeah?’ He showed you, using the Face ID to show you its new home and you blushed as you caught sight of the multiple pictures of you in your underwear he also kept in that folder. ‘Under lock and key along with all my other naughty photos of you’
‘You’re terrible’ you laughed, your breath catching as he finally slipped out of you but he was quick to kiss you again before he readjusted himself and did his trousers back up.
‘And you are the love of my life. Thank you for playing along’
‘Let’s just hope Dec doesn’t find out what we’ve done’ you laughed, letting him help you down onto the floor as he adjusted your dress but your legs were still shaky for your high and you had to grip Mason’s arm for support. ‘Can I have my underwear back now?’
‘I’ll think about it’ he winked and with one final kiss you made your exit and rejoined the rest of the party.
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dollfacefantasy · 1 year
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x fem!reader
CW: nsfw (18+), p in v, somnophilia (? idk if this counts, but I'm putting it just in case)
Word Count: 1.7k
a/n: hii this is my first time posting anything like this, so i hope someone finds enjoyment in it. i'm still learning, but i tried to include everything necessary in the warnings. feedback, likes, and reblogs are appreciated :)
It’s early in the morning. The sky is starting to glow with the soft light of sunrise. You can see this outside the windows of your apartment as you come out of your peaceful slumber. Your eyes blink in the darkness, vaguely noticing the bright blue 5:21 on the alarm clock while your hands fumble around the bed searching for the television remote. The shine of the screensaver was the disturbance that caused you to wake as it normally did when you fell asleep watching some old show. As your hands glide around the plush blankets on your bed, you hear a groggy hum from the man sleeping nearly on top of you.
You look down with a sleepy smile, seeing Leon’s head resting in the valley between your breasts. You run your fingers through his smooth hair and mumble a reassurance for him to go back to sleep. You wanted to be doing that too, but you also really wanted the TV off. You can’t find the remote for the life of you though. Leon essentially has you caged onto the mattress with his muscular frame. You shift around trying to find that damn remote while also trying to be still enough that you don’t disturb him. He grumbles as your search continues and lifts his head to look up at you. His drowsy eyes look into yours.
“What are you doing?” he asks, his voice still quiet and raspy from disuse.
“I can’t find the remote. Just wanna turn the TV off,” you reply, also keeping quiet to not rouse him further.
His head falls back to his previous position as he hums. He shifts his hips a little and reaches down near where his pelvis was resting on your thigh. “Think I’m laying on it,” he murmurs, grabbing the remote and handing it to you. “You gotta remember to put that thing on a timer.”
You take the remote and turn the TV off, feeling a sense of peace come over you as the room darkens. You close your eyes as one of your hands lazily plays with Leon’s hair. He hums and nuzzles one of your breasts as he gets comfortable again. You were still sleepy, but your search for the remote had woken you enough to give you some difficulty in drifting off. His warmth and weight on top of you help lull you into that state halfway between consciousness and sleep. That drowsy haze where everything was warm and soft, distant yet engulfing.
“You smell good,” Leon mutters as he buries his face further into your chest. You hum in response as you feel his arms close around your body. Your fingers continue idly fidgeting with the silky strands of his hair. The movement prevents you from completely falling asleep. You just wanted a little more of this. You didn’t always get to have sweet mornings like this with him away for work so often. You knew he felt the same way as he begins pressing lazy kisses to your chest over the shirt of his you had worn to sleep.
Your hand in his hair slides through the locks to massage his scalp. Your other hand languidly rubs up and down his back, feeling the scars that litter his skin. It isn’t long before he's sliding the fabric of your shirt up and over the swell of your chest. He nuzzles his head into the bare flesh and starts kissing again. 
“So soft, Baby,” he murmurs, his hands squeezing around your waist.
You feel the flutter of desire in your belly as he continues lavishing your chest with kisses, his tongue tracing small patterns over the skin. His saliva coats the areas his mouth has been, and the morning air feels cool against the wet patches. He then takes one of your peaked nipples into his mouth and gently laves his tongue against it. You let out a low, pleased hum in response and move your hand in his hair more attentively. 
The tender ministrations of his mouth felt heavenly in your sleepy haze, the mild pleasure amplified by your lack of attention to anything else. Your head relaxes against your pillows as you occasionally whimper in delight. Soon, you notice how hard Leon’s become against your thigh and how he’s grunting while subtly rocking his hips against your leg.
The realization has slick pooling between your thighs. You start weakly pulling on Leon’s shoulder, signaling your ache for more. He notices your movements and looks up at you, his tired eyes a bit smug but also full of a need for you. He pulls off your shirt completely and rolls over on the bed, his arms bringing you with him to lay on his chest. You melt into his hold as you feel his warm skin against your own.
“Need more, pretty girl?” he asks before kissing the top of your head, “Need me to put you back to sleep?”
You nod as your head rests in the crook of his neck. It’s now your turn to give him some lazy kisses. He shimmies his pajama pants down his thighs. He strokes your hair with one hand and pulls your damp panties to the side with the other as he adjusts his hips and slides into you, letting out a moan of his own as your velvety walls cling to his cock. His arm comes back up to hold you tight to his chest, one of his hands still stroking your hair and neck. The stretch of him inside you pulls a sweet whine from your lips.
“There you go, Sweetheart. Feels good, yeah? Nice and full,” he whispers as he pushes all the way in.
You bite your lip and nod again. He filled you so perfectly that it was comforting. You were basically limp on his chest, your mind still feeling heavy with drowsiness. He stays still for a minute, letting you adjust to his size and cherishing the warmth of your tight cunt wrapped around him. His eyes flutter shut and you both melt against the other. The only sound you here is Leon’s relaxed breathing. That is until he starts thrusting up into you.
His pace is slow and lazy, just like everything else this morning. He groans when your walls clamp down as he slides in and out. “Mmmm, even when you’re half-asleep, she knows to hold on to me,” he teases and kisses your forehead, “Knows to crave me no matter what.”
You nod again and press your face against Leon’s neck, your arms snaking around him tighter as you feel him nudging your sweet spots deep inside. “Can’t help it,” you whimper.
“I know you can’t Baby. I love it. I love you,” he murmurs against your hair, his voice becoming strained with pleasure as he continues rocking his hips up into you. 
You faintly moan into his neck as the heat in your lower abdomen grows more intense. You had done this so many times, but he felt deeper than ever before. You sloppily kiss his neck before moaning “I love you too.”
His abs flex beneath you and he quietly whimpers himself when you say those words. He holds on tight to you, picking up speed as he chases his high. The vulgar, wet noises coming from where the two of you connect grow louder and only drive the both of you further towards the edge. His head tilts back giving you more space to kiss and nip at his neck. You keep up the messy movement of your lips for as long as you can before your mind becomes too overwhelmed by the pleasure to focus on kissing.
“Fuck, Leon,” you whimper as you bury your face further into his neck as you squeeze your arms around him and hold tighter. At the same time, your walls convulse around him. He lets out a moan that sounds almost primal and digs his fingers a little deeper into your flesh.
“I know, Sweetheart, I know. I’m almost there too,” he mumbles and plants a few gentle kisses on your temple. He holds you even tighter to his chest as his hips snap against you fervently. Each shove of his hips pushes you closer to falling off the edge into bliss. You’re both moaning and whimpering as you hold the other. He’s panting, his hot breath fanning across your hair as his peak becomes imminent.
Your head felt a little fuzzy from the sensual swirl of sleepiness and pleasure. Your body starts trembling slightly as you balance on the edge. Leon’s jaw clenches as he continues coaxing needy mewls and whimpers from you with his deep strokes. His hips sputter as you tighten around him even more. He knows you’re right there. “Let go for me, Honey,” he grunts, “I’m right there with you, sweet girl. Cum for me. No reason to hold back.”
The sensual words from Leon’s deep, raspy voice give you that final push into euphoria. Your walls flutter around his cock and your hips roll into his as you release. His head tips back again and his muscular arms keep you pinned to his chest. You let out sweet moans and nuzzle your face into his neck. He can’t hold it back either, breathy groans tumbling from his mouth and his hips breaking their rhythm as he cums deep inside of you. You both ride the high together until your flushed bodies settle against each other.
The two of you are both covered in a thin sheen of sweat. You’re almost too hot to be comfortable, but at the same time, you don’t think you could bare not being pressed against him while you come down. Leon stays inside of you, keeping you relaxed and content in the afterglow. His fingers run slowly up and down your spine as he whispers soft praises to you.
“That’s my girl. Always so perfect f’me,” he mumbles and kisses your temple.
You weakly kiss his neck to silently return the sentiment. The bedroom was brighter now as the sun rose above the horizon, but that didn’t stop you from falling back asleep on his chest. He smiles at you, watching your features relax and brushing some stray hairs from your face.
“Y’know, forget what I said earlier. If this is what happens when you get woken up, I don’t want you ever turning the TV off before we sleep,” he teasingly whispers.
You softly smile as you register his words and nod. You adjust your position on him and hum in agreement. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind,” you mumble before you give into the drowsiness, and drift off again.
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moneyndior · 6 months
୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ she said, ‘fuck me like i’m famous.’ i said, ‘okay.’⋄ 𓍯
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…IN WHICH—i have thoughts about brothers best friend!luke
tags/warnings: luke x fem!reader, loser!luke, protective!brother, unnamed brother, secret relationship, outside of chb, reader is drunk/drinking, reader is mentioned to be younger, suggestive content at the end/nearing smut, not proofread.
ೃauthor notes⁀➷ is this fandom dead or what. also i was mad insane for writing the ending to this LMFAOO DONT SMOKE WEED OR THIS IS THE OUTCOME‼️
—brother best friend!luke who was told to stay away from you.
“dude, seriously. stop staring—that’s my little sister.”
“i’m not staring. don’t make it weird.”
luke muttered, lying straight out of his teeth. he clicked his tongue as he crossed his arms, rolling his shoulders.
his eyes were locked onto you as you rushed around the living room, rushing down the halls. you struggled to put on this earring, lips in a straight line before groaning in annoyance.
you looked gorgeous. you were getting ready for god knows what, but luke didn’t need to know to know that you were the type of girl guys like him would kill for.
you noticed his staring and waved quickly, rushing back into your room. he had only a second to wave back. luke tried to make it subtle—but he clearly didn’t try hard enough.
“what did i just say, man?”
“can i not wave to your sister?”
your brother snapped before closing his door, throwing the play station controller toward luke, maybe a little harder than he should’ve.
—brothers best friend!luke who does anything to have some alone time with you.
he seen you walk past your brothers room late at night, using your phone flashlight to navigate through the hallway. your brother was asleep on the bean bag chair, the tv remote loosely in his grip.
luke figured you were going to the kitchen, so he obviously followed. he hugged the wall, the kitchen illuminating from the fridge light.
“holy fuck, luke!”
you shout-whispered after jumping. he didn’t mean to scare you—but it sure was funny. he chuckled quietly as he leaned onto the counter, tilting his head. you had a soda in your hand, a piece of bread in your mouth.
“you scared the shit out of me.”
“aw, ‘m sorry.”
“no you ain’t.”
you narrowed your eyes to him, pinching your brows together. a snicker left your throat as you seen luke shrug, chuckling as he tightened his lips.
“yeah. you’re right.”
he admitted with no issue, seemingly taking pride in it. luke adjusted his position, towering over you as he stood with his arms crossed.
“so…what’re you doing up this late, hm?”
“what are you doing up this late? shouldn’t you and my brother be doing whatever stupid stuff you two do?”
“touché. but no—he’s asleep.”
“you poor thing.”
you muttered before turning on your heel, walking toward your room, leaving luke in the dark. he exhaled, his shoulders dropping as he waited an extra minute at hearing you slowly close your door.
luke ran his fingers through his hair, his hands on the counter as he tried to regain his posture.
he mumbled to himself, trying to get the flush off his face as he went back to how you looked in those shorts and tank top.
—brother’s best friend!luke who takes care of you when you got a little too drunk at a party.
“c’mon, hold my hand.”
“take me out to dinner first, luke.”
you slurred out your words, giggling as you wrapped your arms around his, looking up at him. you looked up at him while fluttering your lashes, lips slightly separated.
if you weren’t drunk, luke would’ve kissed you right then and there.
“i’m taking you home.”
you dragged out, pouting as you stumbled over your own two feet. luke instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist, guiding you. even though you paid no mind to it—luke’s ears were burning hot and his face was bright red.
he leaned you onto his car as he opened the passenger door, guiding you to sit down with an arm still around you.
luke quickly tried to start the car, trying to avoid eye contact with you before he felt you kiss his cheek. you giggled before humming,
“thank you, luke. you’re so sweet, and cute, and smart, and…uhm.”
“mhm. you’re very welcome.”
he mumbled, his voice cracking. luke’s eyebrows knitted together as you giggled again.
“you’re too good f’my brother. god—why do you hang out with him more than me? what does he have that i don’t?”
you pouted, lips twitching as you tugged on his sweatshirt’s sleeve. luke reached out, patting your head as he kept his eyes forward.
“i, uhm—i don’t know.”
“exactly! spend more time with me. please, luke?”
you pleaded, slurring your words once again. luke gulped before nodding, all of his self respect gone. if the girl of his dreams was asking him, luke castellan, to spend time with her—he can’t decline.
—brother’s best friend!luke who can’t seem to keep a secret that well.
“luke, my brother’s in the next room.”
you complained between kisses, luke pressing up against you. his hands were gripping your hips, the mattress below you two squeaking as he pushed you down against it.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry. you just,”
luke paused, letting out a quiet whimper before finishing his sentence.
“you looked so good. i couldn’t help myself. i’m sorry, baby.”
you chuckled at hearing his continuous apologies. luke felt you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
“gods, you’re so good to me, y/n.”
he whined, cupping your cheeks with a knee between your legs. luke hooked a finger around the waistband of your shorts, pulling away. he looked at you with pleading eyes, shifting down toward your shorts and back up at you.
“yeah. you can.”
with the given permission, he wasted noses time pulling them down your legs. luke kissed your cheek, trailing down to your collarbone.
“so good—too good f’me.”
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elixrr · 8 months
ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛꜱ ☆ ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ ᴍᴇɴ
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ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜ.
ꜰᴛ. Genshin men (via alphabet)
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: Movie nights with the modern genshin boys <3
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: Headcanons! I love! Headcanons!! I'm writing this before I write for any other character so.. I hope I have enough tags available for everyone 💔💔
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— Albedo would usually watch something more educational, but when you're with him, he's open to most things. Usually, when the movie's not too dramatic or action based, he'll lean onto the arm of the couch and let you lean on him. It's basically the same when it's action based and/or dramatic, even with horror movies, because no matter how gorey it gets, Albedo would remain unphased. He'd let you hug him if need be, though.
Educational, though? Lay your head on his shoulder and fall asleep if you want, but he's taking notes.
— Unphased by any movie, but amused by your reactions and/or commentary. He physically could not care less about the movie. Sometimes, it's interesting, but most of the time, his eyes are on you, his phone, or a book. He would only mildly care if it was My Little Pony or something, but other than that, he doesn't care. Alhaitham would only agree simply because you're cute when you're invested. Especially with horror films. When you're scared, he just loves to tease you.
He'd let you hold him most of the time, but when he feels a jumpscare coming up, he'll "leave for the bathroom," but just secretly watch your face when it comes up, internally laughing if you jump at the sight.
— Please, he would be all over dramas. Ayato already loves watching people's faces as he pulls the strings, but to see other people do so and see the result of their actions with so much drama at detail? It's delightful and heavenly. He wouldn't be super straightforward with it, but he'll definitely chuckle or smile deviously when he sees a plan in action. Still, sometimes he'll turn his eyes away from the television and look at you, especially when you're invested.
Immediately, he'll tell you to put your arms around him and cuddle with him while you both watch the movie or series. It's a very comfortable way for him to enjoy the television tension, all the while enjoying and basking in your presence.
— In all absolute, pure honesty, I don't know what he'd be into. Baizhu would definitely watch whatever you put on, but he'll probably like watching dramas or movies with some sort of injury or medical condition because he'll definitely make comments on the things that the character(s) do. He'd probably spontaneously sit down and turn on the TV to watch something he found interesting and then invite you to join him, though you'd probably invite yourself in anyway.
By the way, you'll probably fall asleep mid-movie, especially if it's a documentary, but that's because his voice is extra soothing when he makes comments. It sort of... puts you to sleep? Oh well. Nice voice :)
— He's so invested! It's adorable <3
Whenever Bennett hears the words "movie night," his reaction is akin to that of a dog's when they see a treat. He'll cheer, yipee, and then he'll hop onto the couch, excited for the movie and to snuggle up with you. He really liked action movies, and while he doesn't mind romance or dramas, he'd prefer if it was more intense.
Still, don't let him near horror movies. He'd absolutely crumble just watching one. Bennett would cling to you and nearly begin to cry when— of course, mid jumpscare, thunder strikes outside, and the lights go out. Good luck out there, because you'll have a terrified, teary Bennett clinging to your arm as you both try to find a way to fix the issue.
— I feel like... when Childe sees a cool move in an action movie, he would immediately tries to replicate it, but add 10x more pizazz. He would also critique how someone uses weapons or how someone fights. Other than that, he's just there to sit down, lay down, and hug his love to death! Childe would be very unphased when seeing any gore, heavy or not. But when he watches a Pixar of Disney film that's wholesome and has the most bittersweet, tearful ending, he might start crying. He'd play it cocky, acting like he doesn't care, but at the end, he'll go quiet because there's a little tear trickling down his cheek.
He'll never admit defeat, though. No way he's cried to these movies more than you have!
— He does enjoy movies, but he does explicitly ask that they're not on super interesting topics or that they're not too exciting. Otherwise, he'll literally lose himself. This also includes horror films that feature ghosts. Chongyun still remembers when he'd watch little childish cartoons as a kid, of course, before he started training to be an exorcist. He would watch simple little children's shows, and once his friends came over— only to see Chongyun running around and getting all ecstatic whenever he would answer a question right from the cartoon.
Once, you wanted to tease him, so you had Chongyun close his eyes as you selected one of his old favorites. He'll open his eyes to see the character that he once deemed as his superhero. Chongyun hasn't ever let you near the remote after that.
☆ CYNO ☆
— He's definitely going to sleep through movies. No matter how interesting or intense the plot is, Cyno will always fall asleep during the most important climaxes of the movie. He does his best to stay awake, but because of his job and because of his semi-lack of interest in the movie, he's drifting off anyway.
Sometimes, when you're watching a horror film with Cyno, he'll stay awake to comfort you, but on the occasion where he doesn't, have fun fending for yourself. He's not going to wake up 100% if you scream or yell, and the best part? Sometimes Cyno is awake, but he doesn't do anything because you're adorable when you cling to him.
— He's chill with anything as long as it's not My Little Pony or any straightforward kids' movies. Actually, Diluc would probably find himself invested in Marvel movies or the batman series. Any action movie would have him sit up, rest his chin atop his hands, and stare intensely at the screen. Diluc nearly starts glaring at it, but you know that it's just his RBF. He would probably have you sit on his lap or something, either that or you just lean your entire body on him, and he'll sit there, unphased.
Also, if you ever watch a horror movie with him, rest assured, Diluc will pause the movie if you get too scared. He'll let you take a break for a bit, get some tea or hot cocoa, and then he'll resume. If you don't want to watch it anymore, he'll advise you to put on music and go into another room because he'd like to finish the movie.
— Freminet would love things from Pixar, Disney, any fantastic fairy-tale or wholesome story. He won't force you to watch if you don't want to, but if you're willing, he'd be so giddy inside. Freminet would never tell you, of course, but if you took your eyes off of the TV and looked at his face, his eyes would glow brighter than the screen.
He'd cuddle with you under blankets and watch the movie, but he'll also be holding Pers close to him when watching, and he'll probably give him a little (gentle) squeeze whenever there's a depressing point in the movie. Oh well, he'll have his best friend Pers and you, his lover, to be there by his side when things get sad. There'll be a happy ending to look forward to anyways, right?
— He's really fine with anything, except for horror movies. Trust me, Gorou will lie all he can about his taste in movies, but you'll never miss how his eyes glow when something sweet or wholesome comes up. He doesn't mind action movies and dramas, but when a wholesome moment in the movie shows up, his excitement is parallel to that of a lonely dog finally seeing its owner again. Gorou would let you hold him, and he'd hold you too, and as long as you're into the movie and holding him close, he doesn't care what movie you two watch.
...Until a horror movie starts playing. He says he doesn't care; he swears it. Yet, no matter how many times he tries to convince you that he doesn't care, he'll always shriek at jumpscares. He'd jump at the slightest of scares but scream at bigger ones. Be careful and try not to let your ears explode!
— True crime. Murder mysteries. Documentaries. No questions asked. Heizou would absolutely research movies and anything interesting when you announce movie night, and he'd find the most appealing thing to watch. If there's nothing interesting that day, which seldom ever happens, he'd just play something dramatic with a lot of action, and he'd hold you close while being super reactive about each scene.
Heizou would be such an English teacher about it. Anything remotely eye-catching or eyebrow-raising would be the highlight of the movie until the next interesting thing happens. If you don't mind, great! If you do, shut him up with kisses. It works every time. Sometimes, it works a little too much...
☆ ITTO ☆
— It's either he watches something super fantastical and wonderful with you, something that pumps him up with pure unicorn energy, or he watches something intriguing... and falls asleep halfway through the movie. Oh, and of course, Itto will always somehow manage to fall asleep on you, regardless of your height. It'd be nice to hold him, but he's too jumpy for that. He fiddles in his seat, gets loud and excited, and to be honest, you're probably all for it. If not, a quick lecture and a kiss will do the trick for a good five minutes or so.
Still, it's wholesome when Itto gets all melted and almost gushy when things get nice in the movie. He wouldn't like romances, but with something like a Pixar movie, he'd definitely start tearing up— albeit he would never admit that. It's also quite peaceful when he's asleep in your arms. You get to finish the movie while he's sound asleep, either on you or shoved to the side of the couch (lovingly).
Oh, also, don't watch horror movies with him. It's all he'll ever be able to think about for the next two weeks.
— Kaeya would watch the movie– he doesn't entirely care what movie, but he'll only watch it to wait for the perfect moments for flirting with / teasing you. That's if the movie isn't too interesting to him, but he likes having an excuse to see your flustered face. Kaeya enjoys seeing your eyes tear from the screen and find their way to him; it's extra amusing to watch.
But he still relishes in your presence. Though he may never show it, being around you makes him feel complete. Kaeya can be real around you, and he can finally let his guard down without a drink or two. He loves movie nights, as they're just an extra excuse to spend some time with you.
— He's such a romantic movie guy. Kaveh wouldn't be too into action-based movies, but he would absolutely love dramas. As long as the plot doesn't suck and it's dramatic— extra points if it's romantic— he will absolutely love it. When cuddling with you and holding you close, he'll be pointing out key information or anything intriguing that happens, or that is said. Something about the drama fuels him, and if he would allow himself to, he'd start kicking his feet around with pure excitement. But he'll control himself. For you.
Anyways, Kaveh and horror movies could go two ways. He'll be cocky at first for both ways, but he might end up terrified, screaming to terrifying things and clinging onto you in fear for his life. But there's the rare chance where he's so invested that he just looks possessed by the movie. He'll sit up straight with both hands on both legs, and he'll just stare blankly at the screen. It somewhat scares you, but he'll snap out of it if you say his name. Albeit he'll revert back to his usual self, terrified of everything after his mini trance.
— He's so chill; it's unreal. Kazuha would be invested and whatnot, but he wouldn't be super surprised unless there's a huge plot twist. Quick note that he would genuinely be the best cuddler in this list, and if you don't want to be held / hold him, then that's okay, too! At some point, though, he'll let go of you and just watch the movie when it gets really intense, but you can hold him whenever that happens. Kazuha would also have a lot to say about... anything, really. He's big on commentary, but his voice is so soothing that you simply don't care.
Fair warning, though. Should there ever be a sad moment where a character loses their best friend, Kazuha may go quiet, depending on how sad the moment is. If it's dramatic, extra sorrowful, then he will absolutely stay silent until something else catches his mind.
— Kuni would make fun of your movie taste half of the time, especially if he finds them distasteful, so he'll usually pick the movies. He wouldn't automatically cuddle with you, though, and at most, he would let you rest your head on his shoulder, or he would let you hold his hand, but he would not move an INCH during those times. He would also be rather... stony faced when watching movies, except for times he'd gag at romantic scenes or complain about how there's too much gore.
If you fell asleep during a movie, Kuni would watch only a minute or so more to see if it catches his interest, but then he'll pause and turn off the TV to hold you close to him secretly. He thinks you're adorable, and he thinks the movie is irrelevant in comparison to just being with you.
— He'd watch most things, and he'll be extra open to movie genres, as long as he's with you. Lyney wouldn't mind if it bored him because he'll have you to hold and keep him company! What better than to be snuggling with your own lover than... watching a documentary on how paper is made. But whatever, he thinks, he'd take this over children's shows. Also, he'd be really expressive with whatever happens in the movies, like in dramas, he would be shocked at plot twists or suspension build-ups... he would also be quite scared and horror movies that he would find scary.
To be honest, Lyney wouldn't really find most horror movies scary, but when it's on a topic he's somewhat sensitive about, and especially when it's a psychological horror movie, he would be scarred for a few days. No more carefree magician Lyney for the time being, you'd suppose.
— It's hard to tell what he's into. Neuvillette could like court cases or mysteries, but maybe he would like to watch something that takes his mind off of work. You're well aware that Neuvillette seldom ever gets the chance for a break, so watching something wholesome might be up his alley for relaxing, especially with you. Just be sure he won't cry at super sad scenes; you might have to skim through the movie first. Otherwise, you'll get an upset lover instead of a relaxed one. By the way, he wouldn't, again, be too into horror movies. They're scary, maybe to you, but he's somehow unphased by the terror. He'd only feel for any lives lost at the hands of the antagonist(s).
Anyways, I can't see him being too into cuddles like other people would be, but he wouldn't mind hugs or hand-holding. He'd let you lean on his arm or shoulder if you're tall enough, and maybe when you do, you'll be lucky to feel his tense shoulders relax themselves for once.
— Loves loves, loves commentary, but will quiet down when something big happens. Thoma would be expressive. He'll show he's shocked when he's shocked; he'll show his sorrow when there's sorrow. Funnily enough, he won't say much when something wholesome happens in the movie, but he'll definitely smile and/or chuckle at the sweetness.
Just beware: he likes theorizing with murder mysteries / horror movies. If Thoma feels like this or that is gonna happen, he might blurt it out loud. Or maybe if he thinks the ending will go like this or perhaps like that, then that will also be spoiled, too. If you like commentary, great! If you don't, politely kiss him on the cheek and make it known.
— He's so critical, it's everything. Unless Tighnari genuinely likes the movie, any flaws in the acting or in the plot that he finds, he will comment on. He almost lectures the screen on how to make the movie better and how to make the plot more effective / attractive for the viewers. He'll even throw in some sarcastic remarks here and there, but when it gets good, it gets good. If you like the movie, he'll shit on it just a little bit, but he won't really care or judge you for it. Just don't force him to watch something like Dora. Otherwise, he won't trust you on movie night selection for a while.
Tighnari isn't crazy about cuddles while watching because most of his attention is focused on the TV, but he doesn't mind romantic gestures like, say, holding his hands, or maybe even running your fingers through his tail, sometimes it gets him to quiet down and just watch the movie. It's soothing, you're soothing, the couch is soothing, and he isn't. Well, for watching movies he isn't.
— He's drunk and watching Frozen with you, no questions asked. Venti would absolutely love childrens movies, not just because the plots are near harmless and easy to follow, but because there are usually songs and good sound tracks to them that he could sing along to, and with a breath that smells of wine and a heart full of passion, he will sing: “Let it goooo, let it gooo!! Can't hold it back anymoooore–”
Anyways, when Venti recovers from his fun little goofy private concert, he'll plop back down on the couch and just wrap his entire being around you. He'll hold you so tight, but it's Venti, so you don't mind too much. He'll say a few things here and there, express a few opinions and theories on the movie, but not too much. Just enough that you know he's paying attention to the movie and not just you, but not too much where he bombards you with a little detective hat on his head, and he starts analyzing everything. Not that you would mind, though... Right?
— He seems like the type of person to watch things on criminal cases and whatnot, but honestly? Wriothesley's down for anything. He finally has a break, and he wants it to be spent well, so he'll watch whatever you want to watch with him, but he'll always give his second opinion before the actual selection. He doesn't care what genre to be honest, he's really only there because you're watching a movie with him and he gets a good hour or so of time to just cuddle with you while watching something. Just, if you want him to stay awake, listen to his opinions and select something that the both of you would enjoy. Also, don't fall asleep either because he may or may not fall asleep with you, too.
That fact alone is really sweet, considering the things he might have to hear as a prison guard. Wriothesley would hear the inmates sneer at him and insult him either to his face or behind his back, and having to go through that every day as a job can be rough every so often, so just being able to watch something nice with you in his arms is quite the refreshment.
☆ XIAO ☆
— He's not a big movie person, and he's already well picky enough, so be wise with picking movies! Don't watch horror movies with Xiao, but don't watch something too comical or dramatic. Something more mundane may suit him, strangely enough. He's not too big with romance, but something wholesome like a Hallmarks Christmas movie would bring the slightest and most subtle of smiles on his face. Your presence is honestly one of the biggest contributing factors, though.
Xiao would 100% enjoy the movie more if you're expressive. Not over the top where you jump out of the couch every five minutes, but as long as you're not stone faced and you find yourself smiling or tearing up at times, it makes things a little better for him. Your smile is infectious to him, anyway. So, key tip? Smile when something sweet happens, Xiao will glance from the TV to you and see your smile, and his heart will immediately swell with pure adoration.
— He always looks forward to movie night. Not just because he can watch movies and cool films with you, but because he's written and read so many romance novels that he's just trying his best to recreate them. Xinqiu would pick old romantic movies or (occasionally) horror movies whenever he felt like being smooth. Of course, horror movies seldom ever work out because one of you ends up jumping on the other, eyes filled with tears and lips trembling like there's no tomorrow.
It's fun, though. You know Xinqiu well enough that you automatically see through his plans whenever he picks out a movie. You enjoy messing around and "innocently" making him improvise the plan, catching him off guard when you make the first move or do more romantic gestures. Eventually, you'll just kiss him and say that you simply want to watch the movie with him normally, and he'll agree... for the most part.
— He's an oldie, old-fashioned with his way of holding you when you're both on the couch, watching whatever films pique your interests. Zhongli's willing to know more about how movies are now, so he'll usually let you pick the movies for the night, and he'll watch the nostalgic, old, heartwarming ones on his own so to not bore you. But if he finds out you're into them, then he'll let himself pick the movies occasionally, and he'll watch them with you. Still, he doesn't watch movies too often. He'd prefer to do things that involve more interaction, but movies can be quite nice.
It'd also be a great idea to not watch any horror movies with him because he's just... stoic. Throughout them. He'll comfort you if you're scared, but he'll wonder why people like horror movies when watching them. Unless it's based on real cases, then he'll be interested. Zhongli will be sure to hold you closer to them, though. It's nice for him to know that you're with him; you love him; you're safe here with him.
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mydarlingclaudia · 3 days
Hello! I dont know if this count as request but something something about Leon slipping the heels for us and kissing the knees :(
No pressure my love💌
hi hi!! omg yes ofc I actually had something in my drafts to remind me to write something like this!! thank you so much for requesting here’s a little blurb <3 also I think this can be seen as any Leon after re2r but I imagined re6 Leon <3
tags : @lottiies @luvrgreyy wc : 672
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
It’s late when you walk through the door, you’re not sure what time, but all the neighboring houses have their lights turned out, Leon must be asleep. You’re tired, thank God you didn’t pass out on the drive home. A night out with your friends had been long overdue, Leon was fine with it, he was just going to stay home and finish some paperwork, anyway.
You make your way through the kitchen and hallway to get to yours and Leon’s bedroom, you hear the hum of the tv through the door, maybe he fell asleep with the tv on?
When you open the door, he’s awake, sitting up against the headboard with his arms crossed over his chest, eyes flicking to you once you step inside.
“Hey,” Leon sits up straighter, lifting the blanket from his lap and ignoring whatever news anchor he was watching before. “Have a good time?”
“Yeah,” You nod and set your purse down on the dresser as one hand rubs over your face. “Why’re you still up?”
Leon chuckles and stands from the bed, coming around it and making his way to you. “What, don’t want me waiting up for you?” You step forward and let him wrap your arms around you, you rest your head on his shoulder and close your eyes.
“Mm, no. I gotta get ready for bed, though.”
“I feel like that’s obvious.” Leon snickers and presses kisses to the top of your head, you let out a hum of appreciation.
“I got you, don’t worry.” You let out a soft groan when he pulls away from you, watching him move to the dresser to pull out your pajamas, making his way to you again.
“You don’t gotta dress me,”
“Can I undress you, at least?”
“Yeah,” You giggle, Leon wastes no time in untucking your shirt from your shirt, you lift your arms up so he can pull it up over your head. “I hope you aren’t just trying to get me naked.”
“Would you complain?”
“If you make me do the work, maybe.” Leon chuckles and gently kisses you while he unclasped your bra and slides the straps off your shoulders. He says nothing else when he leans down to press kisses to your collarbone, sliding your skirt down your hips and letting it pool on the floor around your heels.
“Sit down,” He puts your pajama shirt in your hands, you sit down on the edge of the bed while you pull on your shirt. Your skin tingles underneath Leon’s fingertips when he trails them down your legs, kneeling down in front of you.
Leon’s quick to undo the straps of your heels, his forehead pressed against your knee while he watches his hands. You giggle when he lets out a small huff of frustration, grabbing your foot and putting it in his lap so he can see better.
He eventually gets your heel off, tossing it to the floor at the foot of your bed then moves to the other one. Leon sighs when he’s done and looks up at you, you smile down at him.
“I love you,” You tell him.
“Love you more,” Leon knocks his forehead against your knee, after a few seconds he starts kissing at your knees and calves, trailing his lips up and down, making sure to get the insides and outsides of your legs, too.
“That tickles,”
"Sorry," He doesn't stop, continuing to plant kisses over your knee-caps before giving the skin above gentle nips, then finally pulling away and standing up again. "You look tired."
"Then stop distracting me from going to bed." Leon sits down next to you and shuffles onto his side of the bed, patting the spot beside him for you to lie down. You don't hesitate, it's routine, one of his arms wrapped around you, your head buried in his chest or neck.
"This good enough for you?" You nod, his arm tightens around you while his hand absentmindedly runs up and down your spine.
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karlachismylife · 12 days
Yeah, but what if you're a character in a game they like to play? A pre-existing townie in a life simulator that helps them reconnect with normal life outside deployment? The one they somehow always tend to romance in every savefile, courting you through the clumsy mechanics?
Soap would absolutely spam interactions, interrupting any of the tasks you are trying to do. What do you mean your relatonship progress starts going down after he chose "tell a flirty joke" twenty times in a row? Why are you falling out of the conversation and going to water your plants or play on the computer? Does he have to delete it out of the game for you to stop getting distracted? Hmph. If you were a real person, you would be already swooning at his jokes, that he knows for sure. C'mon, bonnie, don't leave the lot for work! If you accept his proposition to move in, you'll never need to work a day in your pixel life! He also has a fuckton of savefiles, because he wants to try every single thing the game has to offer, but turns out mastering all 158 skills and 73 careers isn't that easy in one go. He still goes after you in each and every savefile. What can he say? You're just the prettiest of them all.
Gaz has the strategy nailed down. He knows your pre-set preferences and makes sure his character caters to them (good thing you seem to be generally into him, all he needs to do is add your favourite colour to his outfit, and it suits hm too!), he can calculate the shortest route to have a romantic meter above your head in one conversation. Juggling the interactions with ease, never making the mistake to bore or upset you. He knows you'll have the best family tree in that game, and he'll make it happen. Also has quite a few savefiles, but only because he enjoys the storytelling aspect and always prepares some elaborate plot, filled with drama. Takes inspiration from the hundreds of episodes of different TV shows he manages to watch, also plays with mods to add as much flavour to the game as possible.
Price tries to court you like he would a real person. Inviting your character out, putting a lot of thought into which conversation theme choose out of what game offers, bringing you gifts. Unfortunately for him, the game isn't registering his actions as actually trying to woo you... so he just takes the gloves off and fucking cheats your relationship status. His in-game self needs a pretty partner to look after the pack of three dogs, named Ghost, Gaz and Soap respectively. He's not above cheating your babies (whether your character carries them or it's the science baby option) to be triplets. Only starts new savefiles when you both grow old and pass away in the previous one, maybe because he can't bring himself to live out your kids' lives (they should be their own little virtual people and decide for themselves), or maybe because he doesn't understand that he actually can keep playing even if his character's dead.
Ghost starts with adding himself to your family and setting your relationship status as spouses. Oh, you have some in-game pathetic weird looking prick as your pre-set partner/husband? Too bad, evicted, deleted from the game, forgotten. If he is in the mood, he won't straight up delete that poor bloke, but will set up a pool with no ladder and drown him in it or lock him in a separate room to starve. Nothing you should see, though, you'll be plenty busy drowning yourself, not in a pool, but in his affection. Doesn't spam interactions, but really enjoys just watching you go about your day and making it so that his character takes care of your needs - if you start to get hungry, he's already slamming the "call to meal" button on the giant ribs plate his in-game self just roasted. Probably has one savefile where he keeps cheating any death back.
Or are you a cute tamagochi pocket friend/pet they enjoy taking care of, because having a real pet is impossible with their lifestyle? An NPC with an everyday quest of collecting produce in a chill farm simulator? A weekly boss they lose fight to as much times as they can afford to, just to see your opening cutscene replay over and over? A companion whose personal quest they have memorized line by line, but never skip dialogue to hear your voice and look at every expression you make?
Whoever you are, what if one day something in your code changes and you suddenly start recognizing them?
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 3 months
Vox x FReader
CW: Smut, P in V sex, fingering, edging, overstimulation, erotic electrostimulation, semi public, fairly vanilla after hours office smut, lots of praise and various (excessive) endearments used... praise kink go brrr.
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fic below the cut.
I hope you all enjoy your hot TV dinner.
Vox sat in his office working late one evening, focused on the screens before him, observing the general objects of his interest outside of the tower, he is consciously aware of the time due to the noises or rather lack of, in the areas outside his main (socially friendly) office. 
Rubbing a clawed hand wearily over his screen he sighs; he resigns himself to the fact there’s probably no more he can do so late in the day, and it be conducive to his productivity. 
So, he stands on heavy feet and exits his office, blinking a few times when he spots a certain little sinner diligently working away at their desk. This one seems to work as hard as he does these days, he wonders why for a moment, after all everyone else can’t seem to get away from work fast enough... Yet you... You linger. 
You look up and blink in surprise, having not noticed him leaving his office at first, and this is actually pretty early for him to make an appearance, usually he’s engrossed in his work until a much later hour. 
You shiver slightly at his intimidating posture, Vox is just standing and staring at you, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. You restrain yourself from reacting. It wouldn’t do well to give away how his mere presence affects you, especially not knowing how he... Or specifically his other male counterpart, might react if he found out exactly why it is you linger so late in the office night after night. 
Your thighs tense slightly under the desk, the safest move possible and it does help alleviate some of the ache within. 
“Can I help you sir?” You manage to pipe up as formally as possible, slightly unnerved and hyper aware of the isolation surrounding you both as has been a frequent occurrence lately. 
“Mhm.” Vox nods, his eyes scanning over you, you think perhaps hungrily, or rather you half hope, as he seems to maintain his composure with what appears to be effortless ease. 
 He takes a step closer, his voice low and husky, his glowing eyes trained upon you as he speaks. You try to manage your breathing to stay level as his scent hits your nose; slightly metallic, maybe a hint of something more but very subtle, his cologne overpowered by the heady smell of fuel or perhaps oil, your mouth waters slightly, it's an addicting smell either way, subtle but almost hypnotic... Just as he can be. 
“You know, I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately, Doll. Your work ethic is truly... inspiring.” His words are dripping with innuendo, your heart races, and eyes dilate, and, in your head, you panic, thinking over and over again ‘It’s happening’. There’s also an underlying sincerity that betrays his true feelings, one you don't seem to notice, but is a little too exposing for his comfort. 
He leans in slightly, his breath hot against your ear as he continues. “And those... ‘assets’ of yours. Absolutely fascinating. I can’t help but wonder how, you came up with such... efficient productivity plans.” His voice is barely above a whisper now, filled with desire and obsession, he idly thinks to himself how he would love to feel your ‘assets’ pressed against him. 
You shiver slightly at his proximity, his breath ghosting the nape of your neck and goosebumps erupting all over your skin, your heart pounding at his suggestive tone, you must restrain yourself from moaning out loud and embarrassing yourself. 
Vox straightens up, his grin turning wicked as he meets your gaze, knowingly guessing correctly his effect on you, after all there’s a reason you’ve also been working late, and it definitely isn’t due to your work ethics.  
Vox ploughs on... “You see, my dear, I can’t get you out of my head lately. I’ve been wondering if perhaps you also have been having the same... challenges I have seemingly been ‘blessed’ with upon our frequent encounters... And I’ve decided I’m done waiting and second guessing... I want you Doll, I’m not going to waste time beating around the bush, I’ll do whatever it takes to make you mine, name it and it’s yours.” 
You blush, as your boss leans closer, his heat making your heart race, his smirk widening as he sees the evidence of his effect on you, your blush, your tense body, the small bumps forming along your skin, the slight shiver and submissive tilt of your head, he feels his cock hardening, already desperate to find out just how good you feel wrapped around it, not a new feeling, but one he feels much closer to achieving, now more than ever. 
Vox steps even closer, looming over you now, his chest almost touching yours as he bends and speaks in a low, husky voice. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you look when you blush, Doll? Do you have any idea what that does to me... What you do to me? It’s like you’re inviting me to take you, to taste you.” 
You’re utterly mesmerised, speech unable to form as you bathe in his ever-present glow, his large frame dwarfing you, making you feel delicate and ready to melt just for him, the moisture between your legs already way ahead of you. 
Vox’s sharp, cyan-tipped fingers reach out, a moment of unnoticed hesitation on his end before gently brushing against your cheek and tracing down your neck, your breath hitches, your heart pounding so hard your vision blurs and ears feel muffled.  
“And your pulse... it’s racing. Are you afraid of me, my dear?” Vox teases, his fingers lingering right where your heart betrays you, he knows that the exact opposite is true, if his scent receptors were more sensitive, he would no doubt be able to smell the arousal currently pooling in your underwear, filling the office with such a fragrance you’d be utterly humiliated to be found as the source. You try desperately to control your reactions, trying so hard not to embarrass yourself. 
Vox smiles devilishly, leaning in even closer, his lips mere centimetres from yours, breath tickling your lips, his own heady scent wafting up your nostrils, making your eyes want to roll back and for you to present yourself like a bitch in heat, as he whispers, tantalisingly. 
“Or are you excited by just the mere thought of being mine?” His glowing blue tongue darts out provocatively, your eyes greedily following the suggestive action, a slight whimper escapes, making you blush even harder, hoping he hadn’t noticed, but the look on his face says everything. 
Vox’s screen flickers suddenly displaying various images of the two of you together in intimate scenarios, revealing his deepest fantasies and desires in just a fraction of a second, but enough for you to see, your whole body goes hot at his intentional display. 
You stammer over your words, attempting to communicate, utterly enthralled and speechless... You whimper slightly as his body heat radiates even closer to you, the main source... His screen... You lean forward unconsciously seeking the warmth... And him. 
Vox smirks, noticing your reaction to his advances. He takes advantage of your momentary vulnerability, closing the gap between your faces until his lips are almost touching yours. “You want me, don’t you, Doll?” He whispers, his hot breath mingling with yours. 
You visibly shiver, his grin widens impossibly further as you gaze up at him, your brain short circuiting. 
Emboldened by your reactions thus far, Vox’s fingers continue their exploration, taking a huge gamble but he doubts he’s read you wrong, moving down to gently cup your breast through your clothing. 
He feels you arch into his touch slightly in response, and it only makes him more determined to claim you, your whimper assures him his advances are not unwelcome. He marvels at the soft pliant feel of you in his hands, all just for him... Just the way he likes it. 
Vox is certainly glad you seem to take the time to work as late as he does, (whether his guess as to your motives is correct or not) as it’s left the office deserted for the two of you, fortuitous circumstances indeed. 
His thumb rubs over your nipple, he watches your reactions closely, savouring the sight of your arousal, the slight stutter of your chest on an inhale, the trembling of your upper body, the goosebumps rising incessantly on your flesh. 
“You see, my dear, I can give you everything you desire... All you have to do is submit to me.” Vox coos, trying to entice you further, wanting there to be no doubts in your mind, wanting your full submission. He wants you to want him, needs this more than he ever realised, before, maybe its infatuation, but he’s never felt so hard for another in his entire existence... Well except... But that’s never going to happen. 
Vox’s screen this time involuntarily displays an image of the two of you, entwined in a passionate embrace. It’s clear to you that he’s envisioning a future where you belong to him completely, it’s actually a rather wholesome scene of the pair of you entwined, his fingers stroking down you back as you read to him, his eyes trained on your face with a look in his eyes you’ve never seen before. 
You bite your lip, stifling a moan as your senses are jarred back to him and his touch as Vox kneads your breasts, feeling a fresh warm rush of desire and arousal flood between your legs, further ruining your underwear, if there is such a possibility at this point. 
You whimper softly as he teases your nipple with the tip of his claw, edging you and waiting for an answer before taking anything further, the raised eyebrow makes you realise all of this. 
“Yes please... Sir.” You manage to breathe out, finally finding and forcing your voice to do its damn job, feeling a little faint from the effort of not just letting him do all the work. 
Finally! Vox chuckles menacingly, his eyes flashing with satisfaction as they darken with desire as he hears your plea, still using his office honorific, he finds he rather likes that particular word coming from your enticing lips, as breathy whines escape you, encouraging him further with every reaction he drags from you. 
Unable to hold back, you feel as though you could combust right now with the overwhelming racing thoughts and sensations, your fear of getting caught in the act, your despair of the possibility of this being a use and dump situation, his utterly enthralling pleasurable ministrations, his scent... Just him in general, you whine even louder as he floods your senses to know nothing but him in this moment. 
You wonder why you’re holding back from something you’ve wanted and fantasised about for so long now. Perhaps it is because you’re both still in the office, your whirling fears a cacophony in your head, trying to warn you. 
Despite being the only souls who should be anywhere near at this late hour, there are the cleaning crew to still worry about, you have a thrill of fear, at this though, the thought of being heard or worse yet, being seen impaled on your boss's cock as he rails you seven ways to Sunday. 
Vox is completely unconcerned which such things, it seems, his touch swiftly becomes bolder, squeezing your breasts more firmly now he’s had audible consent, he leans in eagerly to capture your lips in a bruising electrifying kiss, and all thoughts about being caught fizzle from your mind as you moan into his mouth, finally getting a taste of the fuzzy static you had pondered would be present. 
He can practically taste your desperation, his tongue delving and exploring with impatience, now he’s got you he wants everything all at once, he needs every experience he’s rubbed his cock to, fantasising for months about you now as he’s observed your beautiful curves and sway of your hips as he’s let you out late each evening from work to lock up behind you.  
Using the VoxTec drone Vox had subtly followed you home as he’d rushed to the nearby janitorial closet, your walking rear displayed on his screen, he gasps and moans, his hand wrapping around the blue throbbing need and stroking himself with abandon and desperation, until he erupts into a nearby cloth, the frequency of these acts leaving him raw and yet unable to stop, even after he was caught by a cleaning staff member, promptly silenced. 
You sigh, bringing his thoughts back into the moment, he finally has you, why is he wasting time reminiscing when the glory is all right here, right now? Practically begging for him to enjoy, and enjoy he shall, he smiles, his screen heating to an unsafe temperature for a moment as the fans kick in. 
You moan, to his utter delight, he’s delicious, and it only fuels his own desire. His tongue explores your mouth fervently, he presses himself even closer dominating the space and pressing against you as he deepens the kiss even more, your mouth giving way to his. It's odd because his kisses leave such tingles on your lips, but it’s not a flat screen you’re meeting, its rather firm, but they’re definitely a pair of lips you feel, electrified, tingly lips, but they feel amazing. 
Vox breaks the kiss briefly, allowing you both some air, his voice husky, full of lust and confidence as he speaks, almost repeating himself word for word once more. 
“You’re going to be mine, My Doll. And I promise you, I will give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of.” 
He captures your lips again, his fingers still teasing your nipples as he claims you in a display of dominance and power, bearing down on you. His other hand moves lower, pressing against the fabric covering your wetness, making sure you know exactly what he intends, as if there was doubt at this point. 
You whimper, your hips bucking as he brushes your swollen aching clit through the fabric, and he smirks against your lips, the zing of his static causes your hairs to stand on end, his own cock jumps inside his trousers at the feel of your sopping cunt, not a dry patch to be found on your panties, and even your skirt and office chair had suffered the same fate. His arrogant grin widens at the thought of him being the cause off this, and the willingness emanating from your squirming whining form.
“Good Baby Doll.” Vox purrs, pleased with your response. He moves in, pressing his lips against yours in a bruising kiss, his tongue demanding entrance into your mouth. 
Vox moans as he tastes you, his hands still fondling your breasts possessively, your back arching as you whimper and moan deliciously for him, after a few seconds, he pulls away, his electric blue eyes darkened with desire as he drinks you in. 
“You’re mine now, Doll. And I intend to use you well.” He promises, smirking sinfully as your body burns with desire, his tone dripping with arrogance, supported by the sight of your dishevelled needy state. 
He grabs your wrist, pulling you up into his strong arms as you gasp at his hardness pressing insistently into your abdomen briefly, before he tugs on you, leading you to the ‘waiting’ couch nearby, pushing you onto it before slotting his warm hard body against yours, fitting together so perfectly. Vox can feel you dampening his trousers, his hands already reaching for the hem of your shirt impatiently as your hands remember they exist and you run them up the smooth fabric covering the hard planes of his toned chest, you don’t bother to stifle the moan that escapes you this time, so far gone in the moment. 
“Say my name Doll.” Vox insists. 
“S-Sir?” You manage to choke out as he flings your top away indelicately and tuts amused at your unfocused gaze. 
“No, not ‘Sir’, Say my name, my little Bombshell.” Vox chides, light-heartedly. Teasing your nipples through the lace of your bra, using the slight pain from his claw tips to keep you further enticed... Not that you need any coaxing, as you moan so prettily for him yet again, he notices your cheeks darken again to his immense pride, “Fuck, Doll you’ve got such glorious tits. Now be a good little Sex Kitten and do as you are told.” 
“Vox!” You gasp loudly at his pinch on your sensitive bud. 
“Again.” He demands fiercely, not letting go, screen glitching slightly. 
“Vox,” comes out whined more breathily this time, “oh, mmmmmpppfff” You moan softly, leaning your head back as he fondles you more thoroughly and gently in reward, your body meeting his hands to press your chest further into his touch, begging silently for more. 
Feeling Vox’s finger trail down to your wet panties, you spread your legs wider, desperate and aching, hyperaware of the large hard presence of his cock throbbing against you insistently even as he focuses entirely on your body, a trail of sparks follows his touch stimulating you, the slight burn making you tingle and jolt, he keeps you in his dazzling gaze. 
Vox smirks as he observes your leg's part wider, giving him better access to your drench's wetness. “Look at you, desperate for more, for me, I can see it in your eyes Baby Doll.” He chuckles, his voice dripping with arrogance, his eyes unblinking as he takes everything in, trying to embed it all in his memory banks, unwilling to miss a single frame. 
Vox slides his finger under the fabric of your panties, teasing your entrance before plunging it inside without warning, you gasp and squeak in shock and pleasure, moaning as he slides in with such ease, your body moving to meet his movements obediently. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” Vox groans, his own self-control flickering, feeling your walls clench around his finger as he starts gently thrusting in and out, mindful to use his finger pad not the claw to press against the spongy spot of ecstasy for you, your tight heat gripping tightly on just his finger, his cock throbs eager to know just how much squeezing and teasing he’ll have to do to fit inside. 
His other hand continues to tease your nipples, pinching and rolling them between his fingers as he ravishes you. 
“You like that, don’t you?” Vox’s voice low and seductive, not expecting an answer as you moan again as a second finger joins the first, your whole body shaking from the tingles he’s causing within you, your body tightening and loosening with every tiny zap and rub, igniting much more than ever before, your body almost convulsing from the overwhelming stimulation. 
His tongue snakes out to lick his lips, biting down on it in concentration, his cerulean eyes, liquid, and locked onto yours as he watches your every reaction to his ministrations. 
“I could fuck you right here, right now. And anyone outside would be able to hear your desperate little moans.” Vox teases. 
You suddenly realise you’ve been making quite a ruckus, however when you try to shut your mouth and put a once again forgotten hand over it, Vox tuts. 
“Don’t you dare deprive me of this Doll.” Vox moves your hand away from your mouth gently, and places it right on his straining bulge, his hand cupping and encasing yours, firmly his hand holds over the top of yours as he moans, bucking his hips into your hand as you feel his own burning need for you, rutting desperately hard and frighteningly large, pressing your hand against him so you rub him, his other hand not forgetting it’s task for an instant, but you own eyes meet his again so aroused and intimidated, all it does is endear you further to him. 
“Look at what you do to me Doll, can you feel how hard my fucking cock is for you right now.” Vox growls and you shiver and moan again, as a third finger pulls you away from eye contact, the burn of the stretch as he attempts to prepare you for what’s to come, he’s not sure how much patience he has left at this point as it still won’t be enough. 
Vox smirks, his fingers sliding out as he gives into his desires, tracing back up through your wetness, making sure to tease you just enough to leave you wanting more as you whine needily, on the verge of an orgasm as he torments you with glee. His other hand moves upwards, gently gripping your chin and forcing you to meet his gaze yet again as you had been staring at his fingers longingly, not allowing you an inch of reprieve. 
“Look at me, Doll.” He commands, his voice firm and dominant as he holds your gaze. He can see the desire in your eyes, and it only fuels his own. He starts to tug at your bra, pulling it impatiently one handed, before growling and giving up, using a sharp claw to slice it off your body, upwards to reveal your bare breasts. His eyes widen at the sight, and he lets out a low whistle. 
“You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.” He murmurs, his fingers trailing lightly over your nipples before pinching them gently between his thumbs and forefingers again, zapping you gently to give you more burning tingle and your nipples go all puffy in their already pebbled state, as you can’t hold back a very loud moan, to his utter smug delight. 
Making sure you’re watching him, Vox slowly brings his glistening fingers back up to his screen, and you whine as you watch his long tongue wrap around the first digit wickedly, shaking and needy you watch as he hums and greedily devours your essence from his skilled fingers, slightly pricking his tongue in his eagerness, a drop of red escaping his mouth, your eyes following its path down his chin, but oddly doesn’t escape past his screen. 
“Delicious.” He leans in, capturing your lips in another heated kiss as his free hand begins to undo his pants, swiftly releasing his impressive throbbing length. He grins against your lips as he pulls back slightly, his eyes locked onto yours as you whimper scared and aroused at the sight of the veiny, blue member, it's so thick and long you doubt your ability to house such a monster, as you begin to protest. 
Vox silences you with another kiss, this time slow and reassuring, when he allows you mild freedom again, you bite your lip, looking back into his eyes as he stares down at you, you feel warmth suffuse your tingly body, reassured you nod. 
At his encouraging glance, you reach out, tentatively wrapping your hand around his shaft, giving it a gentle squeeze, and smiling shyly as he groans, his eyes half closing. You can feel the heat radiating off him increase, you bite your lip to hold in another moan as Vox’s cock throbs in your hand, twitching eagerly at your attention, you’re so tempted to taste, but shy from the idea at the last moment. 
Vox moans as your hands feel so very soft on his raging erection as he finally feels one of the things he’s been dreaming of for months... Any part of you touching his bare cock willingly, hell if you back down now, he’d have wanking material for the next several decades, after all he had less to go on before with... And that never stopped him. 
He shakes his head slightly to ground himself, refusing to let the past taint what is finally in his grasp, a chance at true pleasure, perhaps even happiness, if he can make the right impression. 
Vox’s eyes flutter closed momentarily as you wrap your other hand around his cock, a low growl rumbling in his throat. He can feel the anticipation building within him, his desire for you reaching new heights. 
“That’s it, Doll.” Vox murmurs, his voice husky and filled with need. “Touch me... Feel how hard I am for you... It’s just us right now, this is all for you, you do this to me every time I see you, I’ve wanted this for so long.” He bites his tongue for giving far too much away too soon luckily not hard enough to hurt. 
He opens his eyes in his panic, meeting your gaze once more as he starts to thrust his hips forward, hoping to distract you enough to not think on his words, grinding his cock against your soft palm. Each movement sends waves of pleasure coursing through him, his cock twitching eagerly in your grasp. 
“Fuck, you’re driving me wild Doll.” Vox groans, his other hand reaching out to caress your leg, inching closer and closer to your dripping cunt once more, wanting just to flip you over and drive into you again and again until neither of you can stand for several days. In his ecstasy he had almost forgotten your pleasure. His trusty thumb brushes against your aching pulsing clit, circling it gently as he continues to grind against your hand, both of you let out a long low moan simultaneously. 
You jolt as a bolt of burning pleasurable electricity zings through your clit, stronger than the ones before as he loses control slightly, with a glitch as evidence, you whine loudly your hips bucking and tears pricking your eyes as you’re basking in the blue glow of his attention, like the sun, but better. The zap had caused you to gush so much the sofa would definitely need replacing as your legs twitch and tremble. 
“You’re so fucking ready for me, aren’t you? Fuck you feel so good.” Growling as he recovers just enough. 
“I can’t wait any longer, Doll.” He whispers, his voice filled with raw desire. “I need to be inside you... Now.” 
You nod rapidly, gasping and complying as he touches you, guiding you, your legs spreading wider without conscious thought, offering yourself to him as he pulls your hips adjusting you almost frantic now. 
“Please!” You beg, desperate for release, the heat between your thighs becoming unbearable, droplets of your juices glistening on your thighs. 
He greedily drinks in the sight of you, his screen fritzing slightly again making you blush at the scrutiny. 
“You sure Doll?” He double checks, sweetly and you melt, nodding, unable to form words. 
His fingers which had been working away at you once more pick up and your head flings back, hurting slightly on the cushioned impact of the sofa arm, as your pussy throbs and contracts as he brings you to the edge, your juices slicking his fingers, proof of your need for him. 
You bite your lip, staring up at him, pleading silently for him to take you, to give you what you need as Vox watches you hungrily pumping his hot hard weeping cock. 
When he finally positions himself at your entrance, you spread your legs wider, straining them with seer need, eager for him not even thinking twice about denying him now, not when you’re so close, he savours the sight for just a moment, his cock poised and ready to enter you. 
As he sinks in slowly, you cry out, arching your back as he loads himself inside you, fighting and teasing the soft clenching cushioned sopping hole every step of the way as it clings to him like his own personalised cocksleeve, only better, filling you completely, stretching you deliciously as you almost cum right then and there. 
You wrap your arms around him, pulling him down to meet your lips in a brutal kiss, needing more, your legs wrapping around the backs of his thighs, pulling him deeper, making you cry out as he impacts your cervix half painfully half pleasurably, the heat from his screen making you crave him more. 
Gripping his shoulders tightly as he begins to move inside you, you could cry in thankfulness as he finally gives you both everything you need, dragging and splashing, moaning and groaning, his thrusts becoming harder and faster with each passing second, lips joined together in a dizzying kiss, you’ve never felt more wanted... More possessed... More pleasured. 
He breaks the kiss panting, his screen fritzing again and buries his face in your neck, angling his and your head just so, to give him access, clearly well practiced by now, just so he can hear your unimpeded sinful gasping moaning and sounds of ecstasy for HIS cock. His teeth scraping against your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake as he claims you in every way possible. 
The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, along with your loud moans and cries of pleasure, mixing together in a symphony of pure ecstasy. Vox’s hands roam your body, squeezing your breasts again just enough to have your moans change pitch, pinching your nipples between his fingers as he continues to ravish you. 
You finally remember your own hands again and cling to his flexing forearms which only serves to bring you both more pleasure with another shared moan in confirmation, your legs not allowing him to drag out for too long, like he would be tempted to tease now he's finally in your heavenly depths. 
Vox groans as he continues to thrust into you, his body coming alive with each movement. He can’t believe he finally has you beneath him, your bodies joined in the most intimate way possible. His hands continue to explore your body, revelling in the softness of your skin, the curves of your body. He can’t get enough of you. 
“Fucking divinity, right here you pretty perfect Little Petal.” Vox moans in your ear. 
He pulls back slightly, his eyes locking onto yours as he begins to thrust harder and faster, the pleasure becoming almost unbearable, building heat in you both as your walls tighten around him, and he begins to throb, fire in your lower abdomens. 
Vox can see the pleasure in your eyes, and it only fuels his own determination. He starts to thrust even harder, each movement sending waves of pleasure coursing through your bodies as he pounds you into oblivion. 
His hands move lower, gripping your hips as he ruts into you, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room. His cock pulsing incessantly inside you, driving you closer and closer to the edge. 
Vox leans in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers hotly. “You’re mine, Baby Doll.” 
His hands continue to explore your body, revelling in the softness of your skin, the curves of your body. He can’t get enough of you, every dip, curve, hard line, and every glistening bead of sweat utterly entrancing. 
He moans, his hips thrusting forward as he pounds into you relentlessly, his cock throbbing inside you, his need for you growing stronger with each thrust. 
He trails his lips down your neck, nipping and sucking at your skin, leaving love bites in his wake, you enjoying every overwhelming sensation as your nails dig into him and you cling for dear life, unable to match his pace and just letting him take control sliding your whole body up and down on his cock at one point. 
“You’re mine, my dear. Mine to fuck, mine to ravish, mine to possess.” Vox growls possessively as proof, his fingers digging into your hips as he continues to pound into you. 
He can’t get enough of you, he needs more, he needs to claim every inch of you, your tight soft cunt feels so perfect wrapped around his cock, just like he knew it would, and Vox is never letting go now he’s had a taste. 
“You’re so fucking tight, I can barely fucking think!” Vox grunts, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he nears his climax, you moan in agreement at how perfect he feels burrowing a Vox shaped imprint deep in your pliant cunt. 
His tongue snakes out, tracing patterns on your skin, leaving a burning electric feeling behind with every lap against you, you moan as you hear it crackle so close to your ear. 
Vox’s breath suddenly hot against your ear as he whispers sweet nothings to you, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, so fucking delicious, such a delicate Little Flower aren’t you Pet, you were born to be as beautiful as all the Flora, an entire meadow of Roses could only hope to compare.” 
“Please.... Don’t... Stop... Oh fuck.” You whine, your body convulsing again, feeling his cock spreading you open forcefully with each thrust, it’s maddening, delightful, sinful, heavenly, you can’t think up enough adjectives as your mind also shorts out. Vox watches as your body bounces with the force of his thrusts, your tits mesmerising him. 
He can’t believe he finally has you beneath him, you wet right cunt trying to drag him in deeper as he has to fight each thrust, just to drag his warm member rubbing every inch of it through your hot wet cunt, just to do it all over again, never wanting this to end, yet desperate for it to end all at the same time. 
His eyes flicker down to your breasts, watching as they bounce freely with each thrust. He reaches out, his hand wrapping around one of them, squeezing it gently as he continues to pound into you, feeling as it tries to resist staying in just one place, to pillowy mound making him throb again and you moan feeling everything. 
His other hand moves lower, teasing your clit with his fingertips, rubbing it in slow circles as he continues to thrust into you, your moaning and thrashing increasing to new heights. 
He leans in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers hotly.  
“You like that, don’t you, Doll?” He growls possessively, his fingers pinching your nipple gently. “You love the feeling of my cock stretching you out, filling you up, don’t you? Your cunt is like a little Lotus, so soft and delicate and beautiful like an Azalea... Or perhaps you’re more like Nightshade, as I feel like you could be the death of me” His voice is husky, full of desire and need as he continues to own you. 
His sweet words a massive contrast to how he’s treating your helpless body, not that you’d complain as his cock throbs making your cunt clench again reflexively with another loud moan. 
All you CAN do is moan helplessly your nails finding purchase on his back this time, digging in through his suit jacket, he hadn’t had the patience to discard it in his eagerness to claim you. 
Vox glitches again at your reactions to his rough treatment, enjoying every moment of it, his fans working overtime as he tries to stay in the moment, not wanting to miss even a second. 
“You like that, don’t you, Doll?” He purrs, the glitching making him repeat himself. 
His hands move back up to grab your breasts, obviously an obsession for him at this point his enthrallment with them hard to miss, squeezing them firmly again as he continues to thrust into you relentlessly using them to steady himself. 
“You’re so fucking sexy; I could fuck you for hours and never get tired of this.” His lips crash down onto yours in a hungry kiss, his tongue demanding entrance into your mouth as he ravages you. 
“F-f-fuck... ‘Ellmmmm... ‘Ellllp...” You manage to stammer out as you’re so overcome, he’s so very entertained by your plea for mercy, his hips snap forward, driving his cock as deep into you as he can, hitting that spot that makes you scream in pleasure in response. 
You’re panting, moaning loudly, every muscle in your body quivering, he slows slightly as he sees you trying to speak meaningfully. 
“I’m close... Please... Make me cum...” You gasp, begging him to let you release. 
“Not yet...” He growls, pulling almost all the way out of you before slamming back in, the sudden change in pace making you scream in agonised pleasure, so overstimulated, tears pricking your eyes at his denial, but he doesn’t want this to end, not yet, not now, not ever. 
He does it again, and again, pulling almost fully out before slamming back in with a wet slap, driving you higher and higher until you’re sobbing from pleasure. 
“You’re going to cum for me, right though Baby Doll... All over my cock... Just like that... Soon I promise,” His voice thick with passion. 
He keeps driving you towards the edge, again and again, never letting you fall over, keeping you on the razor’s edge until he’s ready for you to explode. 
You’re a pleading, soaking, begging mess when finally... 
“Cum for me, Doll... Cum for me now!” He demands, his voice a low snarl, his eyes burning with desire, his thumb merciless against your throbbing needy clit, his cock filling every part of you, your walls fighting him every step of the way as you clamp down so tightly. 
As you reach your peak, the sensation washes over you like a tidal wave, suddenly pulling you under. Your whole-body tenses and spasms, your legs kicking and writhing as he continues to thrust into you as you cum hard, and he moans as your walls ripple and clench around him trying to milk him for everything he has desperately. 
A flood of liquid squirts from your pussy, spraying his belly in powerful bursts, trickling down his cock and onto his balls, pooling in his lap and running down your thighs, making a huge mess as his thrusting causes the sweet-smelling droplets to splash on anything in the near vicinity. 
The sound that escapes him is inhuman, his screen going completely blue momentarily. 
Vox gasps, his eyes flickering back in and widening in shock at the sheer amount of fluid that still gushes from you, he knew you were wet, but nothing could have prepared him for this, his eyes glued to the sight of your pleasure, entranced, his hips faltering ever so slightly, before picking up again, determined to wring as much from your bucking body as possible. 
Vox definitely found a new obsession as the floral scent hits him, strong enough for him to actually smell as it fills the entire office, he’s never needed anything more, and it was something he had no idea he’d ever wanted, moaning at the sheer warmth and feel of your squirting cunt, it was utterly divine, heaven could suck it, because he just found his. 
He keeps trying to control the fritzing of his screen, it would be a crime to miss a moment of this utter glorious display. 
He groans as he continues to thrust into you, maintaining his pace, his fingers rubbing more gently on your overly sensitive clit, prolonging your orgasm as he chases his own release within your spasming cunt. 
Vox’s eyes roll back in pleasure as he finally allows himself to let go and cum, pumping his load deep inside you, his hot seed mingling with your wetness, filling you up completely, even spilling out the sides of his embedded cock and flowing out of you in thick spurts as he finishes. 
You moan as you feel the burning sensation of his cum spilling inside you triggering a small involuntary convulsion within you as you scream helplessly as his cum makes you milk him for every last drop, the static electricity seeming to force your body to take every ounce... If only you could breed, the swift thought crosses Vox’s mind momentarily. 
Vox collapses onto you, his chest heaving as he pants heavily, cock still buried deep inside you, arms wrapping around you as he kisses you deeply, tongue exploring your mouth lazily, as he thrusts his hips lazily, making sure to fuck every bit of his cum inside you even deeper. 
You’re panting, moaning weakly, completely spent, your body still tingling from the force of your orgasm, trying desperately to recover enough to at least think straight. 
Vox’s still moving inside you, you vaguely register, driving his cock deeper with each tiny thrust, the pleasure is too much for the both of you, but in the best way possible. 
“So good... So, fucking good...” Vox murmurs against your lips, his breath hot against you, far hotter than you'd ever felt before, you could almost burn yourself on him but miraculously he doesn’t seem to be causing any harm. 
He keeps thrusting seemingly reluctant to stop despite the little jolts of his whole body indicating his own overstimulation, your own lax body matching his jolting with its own. 
He breaks the kiss to press his flat smouldering forehead against yours, his eyes locked with your well fucked gaze, the intensity in his ocean deep eyes taking your breath away. 
But his screen dims enough so he doesn’t hurt your vision, and it helps him begin the cooling down process much faster. 
“You’re mine now, Doll...” Vox whispers possessively, his voice husky with desire and satisfaction. “I’m not letting go of you without a fight, you better believe, the Sins themselves couldn’t pry you from me now.” 
He eventually pulls out slowly, mindfully of your likely sore body, his cock sliding out of you with a heavy thudding wet sound as it hits his thigh, dripping your combined fluids onto the floor as he stands. 
“Y-yes sir.” You manage to shakily pant, your legs trembling and dripping. At his warning look you correct immediately, “V-Vox.” 
“Much better Little Petal.” His suave confidence returning now with ease, he’s the big boss man himself again. 
Vox chuckles as he sees you watching the swaying of his limp cock as he moves, not a clue what you’re thinking, but he likes the look in your eyes, so he starts taking off his clothes properly. 
This time he’s determined to take his time with you and show you what more you could expect from him, his half hard cock standing proudly trying to regain its attentive state already. A much faster refectory time than he’s even used to, he’s definitely not done with you yet... 
Vox smirks, seeing the look of surprise and apprehension on your face, he decided he loved surprising you... Especially with his cock, it’s his new favourite thing. His grin dangerous, promising to devour you.
“What? Did you seriously think I was done with you already Doll? No... Not now I finally have you. It’s late, and you’re Mine.” 
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cryptidghostgirl · 6 months
This is gunna sound confusing and Idk if you do him or not but could you do a Vox x reader where they have been dating for a while and Vox realizes that they havnt kissed yet and whenever he has tried or tries she turns away with a nervous laugh and says something to distract him and he finds out it's because she is nervous that she will mess up his screen like smudge it or break it (like when you touch a tv and the light warps because the screen moves slightly and if you do it to hard it can stay that way)
A/N i am actually obsessed with this idea. it is so cute and fluffy. it was so fun to write. Also, I know I said that part four of Cover Up was next in line but that part is gonna be NSFW and I am kinda nervous about it so....
Smudge (Vox x Gn!Partner!Reader)
Pairing: Vox x Reader
Warnings: Hurt/comfort (but you're the one comforting Vox mostly)
Word Count: 1,255
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List 
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
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Vox had known Y/n for nearly a year now and they had been together for just over five months. At first, he had assumed their resistance to have any physical contact outside of the holding of hands, the occasional hug or cuddle in front of the TV, was out of a desire to take things slow.
He looked over at where they sat beside him on the couch, his arm draped over the back of the sofa.
That he could understand. What he didn't understand was how slow taking it slow really meant. More than five months in and they had yet to have their first kiss. Y/n had never even so much as given him a peck on the cheek. Vox was a patient man but it didn't stop him from trying, he leaned in. Just as his lips were about to make contact with the side of their head -- not even their face! -- he felt a soft pressure on his shoulder.
Y/n had stopped him, again. Their eyes met his. They hadn't even given him the dignity of a gentle hand on his cheek, of anything other than an apologetic smile.
"I need to shower, my hair is greasy."
Vox was a confident man. In his position, it was hard not to be. Still, the whole situation was beginning to weigh on him. Y/n must have noticed as the smile slipped from their face, morphing their features into an expression of mild concern.
"Vox, hunny, are you okay?"
He withdrew from the warmth of their touch, fixing his gaze back on the TV. It was unfamiliar territory. He had never had trouble getting people before, he had no idea how to act. In every past experience, he hadn't cared what disregarding such a request as to not kiss a prospective partner, or real partner even, could do. The care was what made things complicated.
Vox was not a good man. He had never been a good man, not even when alive. Y/n made him want to be one. The way they saw him... they didn't want him for his power, his influence, his money. They wanted him for him. It was obvious. In every lingering touch, every word, every home cooked meal or surprise outing. It was all so new, so different. They made Vox want to be the man they thought him to be.
"It's nothing."
Y/n was silent for a moment. He could feel their eyes on him but did not dare to return their quizzical stare. It was all so fragile, their relationship, even Y/n themself. He heard them sigh and felt their weight shift on the couch beside him. The TV clicked off. At last, he met their gaze once more.
"I don't like it when you lie to me." they hummed softly, turning to face him fully, pulling their knees up onto the couch, "What's going on?"
Vox grimaced.
"It's... please, Y/n. Don't worry about it. Everything is okay, I promise."
Y/n raised their eyebrows, cocking their head to one side. They could tell he was lying. Somehow, they always could. From the moment he met them, Vox had the uncanny feeling Y/n could see right through his facade, to the very essence of his being. It was a fear, it was a thrill, it was a delight, it was...
Vox sighed, his eyes finding his hands where they rested in his lap. He wasn't used to feeling small, to feeling weak. He did now.
"It's stupid."
"If it is bothering you this much, it's not stupid Voxy."
The dam broke.
"Why wont you kiss me?"
His voice came out smaller than he'd meant it too, more frail then he thought it was possible of being. Y/n said nothing in response and tentatively, Vox looked back over to them. Their lips were slightly parted, their eyes met his. Y/n blushed and looked away.
"Yeah." Vox sighed, leaning back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling, "I told you, don't worry about it."
"No, Vox. It... clearly its upsetting you, let's talk about it."
"So, why wont you?" he prompted after a moment.
He watched them out of the corner of his eye, noting the way their eyes flicked nervously around the room, the way they fiddled with their interlaced fingers. A tremor in his diaphragm, his heart fell.
"If you don't..." Vox took a deep breath, "if you d-"
"It's not that I don't love you." Y/n interrupted, still refusing to meet his sidelong glance with their own eyes, "It's... I want to be with you Vox, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me for Christ's sake it's just..."
"Just what?"
"It's... stupid."
They looked up at him, the hint of a smile on their face, their brow furrowed. Vox straightened himself. If they were going to repeat his words, he could repeat theirs too. He took their hands into his, facing fear head on.
"If it's bothering you that much, it can't be stupid or... or whatever it was you said..."
Y/n let out a slight laugh.
"Okay fine, but you have to promise not to laugh, okay?"
"I promise."
They watched him for a moment, appraising the validity of his statement, before nodding their head once.
"Isn't it going to... I don't know... what if I crack your screen?"
Vox's eyes went wide. He couldn't help himself, he laughed. Y/n pulled their hands from his, hitting his arm playfully.
"Hey! You promised."
"I know!" Vox struggled to catch his breath, "It's just... thats what you've been worried about this whole time?"
"Uh... yeah?"
Finally, Vox managed to calm himself, looking over at Y/n happily.
"Come here."
He patted his lap. Y/n looked doubtfully between his hand and his face.
"Come here." Vox said again.
They rolled their eyes, standing up and taking a few steps towards Vox before sitting down.
"Other way."
They shot him a look over their shoulder. Vox rolled his eyes.
"Just... trust me."
After a moments thought, Y/n readjusted their position, now straddling their boyfriend. They placed their hands on his shoulders, keeping their balance. Vox reached a hand up to their face, cupping their cheek gently. Y/n leaned into the gesture as if on instinct, their cheeks flushing pink once they realized what they had done. Vox chuckled.
"Y/n, can I kiss you?"
"What if I smudge your glass? Or like, leave one of those weird imprints or something on your face? I-"
He cut them off mid worry, pressing his lips softly to theirs. It was not a long kiss or a very deep one but it sent shivers down Y/n's spine, sparks to Vox's fingers. Their eyes met, Y/n was breathless.
"Not so bad, was it?"
Y/n leaned forward, balling their hands into the unbuttoned collar of his shirt as they kissed him again.
"No." they hummed, "Not bad at all."
Vox laughed. Running a hand through their hair, he pressed a soft kiss to their forehead. He couldn't stop smiling.
"I'm alright."
"I was right though."
Vox's brow furrowed and Y/n grinned up at him, raising their hand to his face.
"I did smudge you."
@matrixbearer2024 @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @peterpankat @juskonutoh @simpingsohard @sethianaa
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moonstruckme · 9 months
Hey girl. I saw you were asking for whimsical!reader. The one that you did with James was so cute!!! Could we get another part to that? Also you’re one of my fave authors on here.❤️❤️
Hey babe, so honored! There are so many amazing writers on here, so I really appreciate you taking the time to read my stories :) Thanks for requesting love!
cw: hurt (not direly) animal
James Potter x whimsical!reader ♡ 846 words
“Jamie, do we have any seeds?” James hears you enter through the front door. He turns down the TV to hear you better. 
“Seeds?” he asks. “Like, for gardening? I don’t think so, love.” 
“No, like sunflower seeds.” Your voice fades as you move into the kitchen, cupboard doors opening and closing. “Or actually, kale would do. Can I use some of your kale, please?” 
“What?” He gets up to go to you. “What are you making?” 
James finds you standing in front of the refrigerator, trying to tear open his container of kale with one hand and cradling an alarmingly complaisant-looking bird in the other. 
“Sweetheart,” James says slowly. You tilt your head at him. “Is that a baby bird?” 
“Of course not.” You smile guilelessly, eyelashes kissing at the corners. “Don’t be silly, I know better than to take a baby bird away from its nest. This is a bullfinch. It’s an adult, they’re just small.” 
He nods. “And why’ve you brought it inside, lovie?” 
“Because something’s wrong with it,” you say softly, as if wary of the bird overhearing. “It flew into Mrs. Hutchinson’s window—you know, the older woman down the way? Anyway, it’s alive, but I think it’s in shock or something. See how it’s letting me hold it in my hand?” 
James says that he does. 
“It shouldn’t be doing that,” you finish somberly.
You’re telling him. 
“But I’m fairly sure you’re not supposed to touch wild birds,” he worries, fighting vigorously against the urge to take the thing from your hand. “They carry diseases, don’t they?” 
“I’ll wash my hands.” You finally get the kale open, taking out a few leaves and holding them in front of the bird. “I couldn’t just leave it, Jamie. Mrs. Hutchinson has a cat. What if it had found it all frightened like this?” 
James takes a breath and forces himself to remember that these are the things he loves about you. Though he does prefer when your kinder traits don’t come at the risk of avian disease. 
“It’s not eating,” you fret, watching as the poor thing’s reddish belly pumps with quick, tiny breaths. “Do you think we should give it some water too?” 
“Can’t hurt,” James agrees, grabbing a small dish and filling it from the tap. “Why don’t you bring our little friend outside? We can put this stuff on the ground and see if it’ll eat then.” 
He doesn’t add that despite its equanimous facade, the bird is probably scared shitless sitting in your hand like that. You take to his suggestion happily, leading the way out to James’ small porch. You set the bird down gingerly. James does his best to match your carefulness, placing the little dish of water and a few pieces of kale in front of it. 
“Come on, lovely,” you coo, voice extra soft and sweet for the small creature. 
James’ chest aches at the sound of it. If this bird dies, he’s going to have to arrange a whole funeral for your sake. 
“Let’s give it some space,” he says gently, wrapping his fingers around your waist to encourage you back towards the door. “It might be too scared to eat with us around.” 
You press your lips together as you nod. James nuzzles your hair compassionately. The pair of you sit on his doorstep in silence, you gnawing your lip raw and him reminding himself repeatedly not to hold your hand. After what feels like hours, the bird moves. 
Its head twitches towards where you sit, and then, without even touching the meal you’d set out for it, it flies off. 
Ungrateful prick, James thinks. 
The sigh that leaves you is so loud that he starts to panic before he sees the relief on your face. 
“It’s okay,” you say, not quite teary but looking dangerously close. 
“It is,” James affirms. He’s unable to keep from smiling, you look so adorably thrilled. “It may not have had much appetite, but you saved it, angel.” 
“Did you see the way it looked at us?” You’re awed, looking up at him with huge eyes. “It knew. It could tell we were the ones that helped it.” 
James isn’t sure he can get fully on board with that theory, but he’s not going to burst your bubble. 
“I’m sure it did,” he says, standing and taking your wrists in his hands. You get up too, and James holds your hands out away from you, shouldering open the door to go back inside. 
You follow him gamely. “What are we doing?” 
He leads you over to the sink, forcing you to keep your hands in front of you like a surgeon’s the entire way. “Washing your hands,” he replies. “Don’t need you falling ill from some rare bird disease.”
“I don’t think our friend would have given me any diseases,” you say, though you don’t resist when he holds your hands under the hot water, pumping soap into them. “It liked me, I think.” 
“Oh, I have no doubt it did, sweetheart. But just to be sure.” 
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joeyb1989 · 2 months
call it what you want - joe burrow
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word count: 7.7k
warnings: allusions to smut, a bit of angst, a bunch of fluff, anxiety, swearing, pet names
pairing: joe burrow x actress! reader
a/n: okayyyy i seriously didn't mean for this fic to be this long or take this long to write, but i could NOT stop adding to it. this song is my favorite taylor song of ALL TIME, so ofc i had to write a fic about my favorite nfl player of all time to it. also i want to point out while i was writing this, taylor sang ciwyw on the eras tour so maybe i'm psychic. im jk, i hope you all enjoy this fic as much as i enjoyed writing it 🫶
You slowly opened your eyes, feeling your boyfriend’s arm wrapped around your waist, his big spoon to your little spoon. You turn over to see Joe stretched out and peacefully asleep, despite the storm that's raging outside.
He shuffled in his sleep, you were worried that you woke him up, but he just pulled you closer to him.
After about 10 minutes of enjoying being cuddled against him, he shifted again and this time, woke up.
“Good morning, baby,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to your forehead and lips.
“Good morning Joey.” You kiss his lips, “Did you sleep well?”
“Mhm,” he answers while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, before laying down on your chest, “Let’s cuddle,” Joe smiles. His raspy morning voice never failed to make a blush rise to your cheeks. No matter how many times you’ve cuddled or how many kisses you’ve shared, you could never get enough of Joe’s soft side.
After cuddling for half an hour and cooking breakfast together, you and Joe were in the dining room; eating said breakfast.
There was nothing but silence between you two, unless you count the thunderstorm that was pounding on the roof outside.
“Babe,” you break the silence, “can we talk about something?”
Joe nodded and grabbed your hand, lightly squeezing it and giving a soft smile.
“So … I don’t really know how to say this, so I’m just going to say what’s on my mind,” you say nervously
Joe smiled and rubbed the back of your hand, wanting you to continue.
“You know that conversation we had before OTA’s about the possibility of me coming to games,” You ask, Joe answers with a nod, “I think… that we should give it a try.”
Even though Joe wanted to be concerned, he couldn't hide the excitement on his face. The big smile with the adorably-crinkled eyes gave him away almost immediately. He leapt forward and pulled you in for a tight hug while kissing the side of your head.
“We still have a bit of time before the season starts, so if you change your mind at any point between now and then, tell me, okay,” Joe says
“I will, Joey,” You smile at how much he wanted to protect you, “I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and you’re the most important person in my life. I want to support you in every way that I can,” You pause to kiss him, “Plus, I’ve heard that it’s a lot more fun in person, rather than watching it on ESPN in our living room.”
“I don’t want to rush you, babe,” Joe took a deep breath before continuing, “You know, with… everything that’s happened.”
Flashback to last November
“Is this it for Y/n Y/l/n,” the news anchor said on TV, “Will this washed up actress finally be blackballed from Hollywood?”
You lifted your head from your hands to reach and turn off the TV. Sitting in the darkness until you hear a knock at your apartment door.
You stand up and turn on the light in the living room before you open the door, surprised at what you see.
“Joe? What are you doing here,” you ask, confused. As far as you knew, Joe was supposed to be in Cincinnati, preparing for the big divisional game coming up Sunday.
“I figured you could use some company,” he says, giving you a small smile. You look to his hands to see a to-go box from your favorite Italian restaurant in LA, as well as his suitcase. You step aside to let him in the apartment.
He sets the food down on the kitchen counter and the suitcase next to it before turning to you and pulling you in a tight hug. The comfort that his strong arms and warmth gave you, and after the day you’ve had, brought you to tears. Joe moved one of his hands to cradle your head. After a few minutes of crying into Joe’s chest while he held you and whispered sweet nothings into your ear, you calmed down.
“I’m sorry, I think I got tears and snot on your sweatshirt,” You laugh while Joe wipes the remaining tears off your face.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Joe chuckled and pressed a kiss to your forehead, “How about you go take a shower before we eat, okay?” It’ll be good for you to wash the day off. I’ll be out here when you get done, take as long as you need.”
You head for the bathroom after agreeing with Joe and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
About 15 minutes later, you walk into the living room to see that Joe had made a fort with blankets and pillows.
“Hey baby,” he kissed your forehead, “I made us a fort and heated up the food,”
“I see,” you chuckle, “this is very romantic, even if I look like a mess”
“You look beautiful, as always,” he says, voice barely above a whisper. He studies your shirt and shorts combo, before trailing back up to your freshly-washed-and-brushed hair. He pushed a strand of wet hair out of your face. His heart broke at your puffy and dark under eyes from crying and exhaustion. “Shall we?”
“We shall,” you answer with a small smile
“Ladies first,” he says as you crawl into the tent
He hands you both of your plates of food while he climbs in.
After eating in comfortable silence for a few minutes, you speak up.
“Joe,” you said, “why did you come here? I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you're here but, isn't the game on Sunday like… really important. Like it decides if you go to the playoffs or not, right?”
“Well first of all, you're more important than anything, including football. When I woke up this morning, I saw the things people were saying about you, and I knew I needed to come here. I knew you would be having a hard time for a while, and as your boyfriend it’s my job to look after you.”
You stay quiet for a few moments just looking into his eyes, wondering how you got so lucky with him. 
“Can we… talk about what happened?” You ask quietly, “I think it will make me feel better … even if I do start crying again,” you chuckle.
“Of course, you can talk to me about anything and everything,” Joe says softly, absentmindedly rubbing your thigh
“So… I woke up this morning to the news like everyone,” you pause, taking a big drink of your wine, “Turns out, my publicist has been writing rumors about me to tabloids for months or maybe years, but the one she wrote today was the final straw, I guess.” You look up to meet his eyes. “I don’t even know the full extent, but she had a phone call between us edited to make me out to be a pathological liar and I guess everyone just believed her. Then, people started saying that it was obvious that I was a calculated manipulator, who paid to get my way into the industry. I don't know. I just don't understand.”
Joe nods, listening to everything you were saying. He was still rubbing your thigh to comfort you.
“But, the only person I was worried about believing it was you, though. I wanted to call you and explain everything, but I was scared.”
You and Joe had only been dating for three months at this point. Even though you weren’t dating for a while, you loved Joe with everything in you. He was always there for you, and you were always there for him. If he believed everything that was being said, you would probably lose the best thing that’s ever been yours.
“I know what people are saying isn’t the truth, I know the real you and it’s not that,” Joe soothed. “You’re the kindest, funniest, and most loving woman I’ve ever known.”
“I love you,” you said, falling into his arms.
“I love you,” he smiled while holding you close.
“I don’t know, I’m just scared to even leave my apartment,” you say while moving to his lap. “It feels like I have a target on my back.”
Joe stared deeply into your eyes for a few heartbeats, contemplating whether he should say what he was thinking.
“Can I say something crazy?” Joe asked, you nodded. “Go to Cincinnati with me,” he whispered just loud enough for you to hear.
You looked at him, your brain trying to wrap around what he was suggesting. Was he wanting you to move in with him? Wouldn't this be too early? What if you two broke up? You loved Joe, so, so much, but you would literally have nothing if he left. But this was Joe – your Joe. He wouldn't dare hurt you. Your brain was so fogged that you almost didn't hear him trying to get your attention. 
“Y/n? Earth to Y/n?” Joe nervously laughed. He was scared shitless that you would say no to his offer. With the busy part of the season ramping up, he was already dreading not seeing you as often. Now that this situation had happened, he was worried. All he wanted was to protect you and help you during all of this.
“Joe, I don’t need you to think that you need to save me-” You said, getting interrupted by Joe
“Then don’t think of it that way, think of it as … running away with me,” Joe blurted
You looked into his baby blue eyes, the same ones that you loved to get lost in. You swore that you fell more in love with him at this moment than you ever thought was possible. He wanted to protect you from the public. The same guy who you had only known for three months, wanted to protect you from the hurt that people you've known so much longer caused. 
“Yes,” you said, “yes, I’ll run away with you”
Joe pulled you into his arms, kissing all over your face before his pink lips found yours.
“I love you so much,” you whispered against his lips
“I love you more, sweet girl”
End of flashback
“You aren't rushing me, honey,” you say, “but, it will take some getting used to.” “My new publicist said that it would be good to ease myself back into public view. I think the game will be good for two reasons. One, support the love of my life at what he does best; two, slowly ease my way back into the public so I can continue doing what I do best.”
Joe pulled you back into a tight embrace, “I’m so proud of you,” Joe whispered. “So, so, so proud,” punctuating each ‘so’ with a kiss to your lips.
You smile at him, “Well I couldn't have done it without you. You showed me love even when I thought I deserved to be unlovable.”
“You deserve every last drop of love that this world has to offer,” Joe echos his words from several months ago, pressing a kiss to your lips
Flashback to when you moved in
After a long day of unpacking your boxes into Joe’s house, both you and Joe were exhausted. You two still had to cook dinner and shower, before going to bed to start unpacking even more of your stuff tomorrow. 
“Remind me that if I ever move again, to throw out some of my junk,” you joked. You reach for your final box in the living room, containing photo albums, before Joe moves it out of your grasp.
“I’ll get this, you go get ready,” he smiles.
You furrow your brows in confusion. “For what? Bed? We still have to cook and eat din-”
Joe cuts you off, “Go get ready for a date.”
“I’m not going out,” you laugh
He shrugs his shoulders, “Who said anything about going out?”
About an hour later, you come down the stairs to see Joe standing near the lit fireplace. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and black jeans. As simple as the outfit was, it still made him look like a total snack.
When he saw you come down the stairs wearing a purple halter top and black skirt, it was taking everything in Joe to not rip the clothes off of you and have his way with you.
Looking around the living room, you see an oversized orange blanket on the ground near the fireplace, lit candles placed strategically around the room, with a picnic basket sitting on a corner of the blanket. 
“Joe what did you do,” you giggle
“Nothinggg…” Joe smiled sheepishly. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you blush. Your eyes scan over his built body, his muscles protruding out of the tight, short sleeves. “You don't look so bad yourself.”
You two sit on the blanket and indulge in the sandwiches that Joe put together for you.
“I talked to Thomas today,” you begin, wiping your hand on a napkin, “he plans on proposing to Sydney soon.”
“Oh really?” Joe asked
“Yeah, I’m glad she’s going to potentially be my sister-in-law. She’s like another sister to me,” you smile. “I tried to hint around that me and you are living together, but I don’t think he got the hint.”
Joe laughed, remembering that your brother wasn't the brightest when they met, “What did you say?”
“Well, he asked how I was doing, I told him I was spending time in Cincinnati, and all he said was ‘It’s good that you’re living so close to Joe,’ so I just played along with it,” you laugh.
You look at the scene in front of you, your perfect boyfriend sitting in your shared living room, in front of the fireplace. The light from the fire and the candles was illuminating his face in a way that made him look like a Greek god. You swore you could practically see the love he had for you in his blue eyes.
Your gaze diverts from his to the fireplace, smiling at how symbolic it looked. He physically built a fire, probably because you complained of the house being cold and because it looked romantic, but he metaphorically built one as well. 
He provided you with a shelter when you felt most vulnerable. The industry left you out in the cold but Joe’s support and love was like a hot fire – keeping you safe and warm.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Joe brushing a piece of your curled hair out of your face. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“Nothing, just thinking how perfect you are,” you say before kiss his cheek
“How so?” Joe smiles
“You just … you’re so good to me. Like you just make me feel so safe and loved. I feel so at-home with you.”
“Good, because that's my job,” he cups your face with his hands. I want you to feel loved here because you are so loved here,” he says as he presses several kisses to your face before his lips meet yours. “You deserve every last drop of love this world has to offer.”
“I love you,” you whisper against his lips
“I love you,” he grins
End of flashback
“Are you excited for your brother’s wedding tomorrow,” Joe questioned
“Yeah,” you smile thinking about the plans, “for many reasons.”
“Care to name a few?” Joe asked
“Well, I get to see my little brother marry a girl that makes him unbelievably happy, I get to celebrate their love with my family, and I have a super sexy plus-one to bring with me,” you smile.
“Already thirsting over me,” Joe teased
You playfully scoffed, “Hey, I’m sorry that my boyfriend is the hottest man alive, and I will never pass up the opportunity of seeing you in a tux.”
“I’m excited to go too,” Joe admitted
“Really? Joe Burrow excited to leave the house,” you tease
“Ha. Ha. Really funny, babe,” Joe deadpans
His reaction makes you giggle, “I’m just joking, honey. Why are you excited?”
“Because we get to see your family, which we haven't seen in a long time,” He says, grabbing your hand. “And this is my last trip before football starts.”
“Only two more weeks until you are Mr. Quarterback again,” you tease
“Well I think Mr. Quarterback needs a Mrs. Quarterback,” he smiles
“Is this your way of proposing? If it is, then I give you an A for creativity,” you joke
He shakes his head, “No, babe. When that happens, it will be much more romantic; and not over the eggs that I almost burnt,” Joe laughs. “Did Thomas ever discover that we’re living together?”
You laugh while nodding your head, “I had to spell it out for him, but he finally figured it out the other day”
Joe laughs as well, “Good to know that he figured it out … after 10 months.”
Flashback to your phone call with your brother
“So… you sold your house in Cincinnati?” Thomas asked in confusion
You sigh, “No, Thomas. My house in Cincinnati is Joe’s house”
“Wait, you're living with him? That's great, Y/n” Thomas exclaims
“Tom, I’ve been- nevermind,” You say, hoping your brother will figure it out on his own
“So how have you been doing.. since everything has happened,” he questions
“I’ve been doing good. I’ve been in therapy which is really helping. Joe’s helped a lot too,” You answer
“We miss you, Y/n. Mom and dad are worried since you haven't been around or talked to us a lot,” Thomas said
Nobody had really heard from you in months, but you were doing better than you ever had before. You felt bad that you rarely had been talking to your family, but you needed space from everyone – well, everyone except Joe.
“I know Thomas and I’m sorry but, I’m excited for your wedding this weekend.”
“You bringin’ the quarterback?” your brother asks, knowing Joe doesn't leave your side unless he has to.
“Of course,” you giggle
“He’s good for you, Y/n. I’m glad you found a guy like him,” Thomas says
“Me too,” you smile looking at a photo of you and Joe hanging in your living room.
End of flashback
Joe stood up and takes both of your plates to the dishwasher
“We need to start packing for our flight to Washington,” Joe sighs
You and Joe were flying to your home state of Washington tonight for your brother’s wedding tomorrow. While you had been stressing about packing all week, Joe had left it to the last minute.
“I think you mean you need to start. I need to finish,” you tease
“Oh, I can help you finish,” Joe smirks
“You need to control yourself, horndog,” you giggle, “you can help me with that after we are both packed.”
Joe sighs but follows you to your shared bedroom.
After half an hour of packing later, the only thing left to pack for you was a dress for the ceremony, while Joe was trying to figure out which pair of gray jeans he wanted to take.
“Baby, which jeans do you think will look the best,” Joe asks, holding up two pairs of gray jeans, which were seemingly identical
You look between the two, trying to find a difference, “Are they not… the same?”
“No, this one is a little darker,” Joe said, holding up the one in his left hand.
“Okay, um I think the right one,” you answer, even though you still think they are the same. You just think the right ones were slightly less worn than the left.
“I think so too, great minds think alike,” Joe smiles and kisses your cheek
You watch as Joe zips up his suitcase and you furrow your brows, “Wait, you’re done packing?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he smiles, “I think that you made a promise to me,” he says as he kisses down your neck.
“Wait, I’m not done packing,” you say
Joe groans, “Let me help you,”
“You must be really horny if you want to help me pack,” you tease, “I just need you to help me decide which dress.”
“You know the only way for me to give an accurate answer, is for you to try them on,” Joe smirks
“I said no funny business until we are both done packing, and that means my dress in my suitcase,” you smile
“I’ll play nice,” Joe throws his hands up in surrender
“Okay, then. You go sit on the bed and I’ll be out in a couple minutes,” you playfully smack his plump ass on his way out of the walk in closet
A couple minutes later, you walk out of the closet with your first dress on. It was a purple maxi dress with a cowl neckline.
Joe’s eyes lit up when he saw you in it. He whistled before muttering a ‘damn.’ He was blown away with how the dress hugged all of your curves in the right way. “Do a spin, baby.” You did his bidding before he stood up and pressed a kiss to your lips while holding your waist. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, “most gorgeous woman in the world.”
“Let me go try on the other one before you make your decision,” you giggle
Joe smiles as he sits back down on the bed
A couple minutes later, Joe was picking at a thumbnail when you walked out in a sage midi dress. His jaw fell open when he saw you in it. He didn't know what he loved more about it: the slit, the low-cut, the way it hugged your curves, or how you looked like a goddess in it. “This one. You look so unbelievably beautiful in it. You’re the most gorgeous woman anyway, but this just adds to it,” he smiles.
“I need you baby,” he whispers.
You immediately attach your lips to his. The kiss was needy, and full of passion.
A few minutes of making out later, you pull away from him, “Hold on,” you say, going back into the closet.
“All packed,” you say, coming out of the closet a few moments later. You had nothing on except an orange lace bralette and panties, one of Joe’s favorites.
He feels his cock get even more hard as you climb on top of him and continue making out with him. 
“I hope this will make up for all the teasing,” you say as you slip your hand in his shorts and boxers.
The next day
“I got us a ride, are you ready?” Joe smiles as you walk out of the bathroom after freshening up from your flight. 
“Yeah, I’m excited to see this Airbnb you found,” you smile
“I hope you like it,” Joe says, intertwining his hand with yours
Since so many people would be staying at your parent’s house for your brother’s wedding, you and Joe decided to just rent an Airbnb for the weekend
“I know I will. I think you have great taste,” you say
“You say that but you’re the one that hates on the gray jeans,” Joe scoffs playfully
“Listen, it wouldn't hurt you to branch out, okay? But most of the time I’m kidding, baby,” you 
“I know you are,” Joe kisses your forehead before opening the door of the Uber for you.
“Wow! You do have great taste!” You exclaim
Joe laughs at your enthused expression. “Come on, baby,” Joe grabs both of your bags out of the back before interlocking his fingers with yours, “Let’s go get inside.”
You two walk into the beautifully decorated home, your mouth dropping in shock at how gorgeous it was. 
“Joe! Look at the painting,” you say, looking at a painting of a beautiful sunset at the Space Needle in Seattle, one of the biggest landmarks in your home state.
Joe just smiled at you before walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, letting his chin fall to your shoulder.
“This is so gorgeous,” you say looking around the house
Joe looks from the scene around both of you, to you, “You’re so gorgeous,”
“Shut upppppp,” you turn around in his arms, bringing him in for a hug, “I love you so much, Joe Burrow.”
“I love you more, Y/n Y/l/n”
You look at your watch to see that it’s only 9AM, meaning you have a solid three hours before you need to start getting ready. Almost on cue, you and Joe both yawn at the same time. You laugh at his tired expression, “Let’s go take a nap,” you point to the couch, “Let’s see if the couch is as comfortable as it looks.”
Joe lies down on the couch before you crawl on top of him, your head going into the crook of his neck while his arms go around your waist. Even though the flight was overnight, you nor Joe could get comfortable enough to sleep more than an hour. “Thank God we have time to nap, or else I would be sleeping on the dancefloor,” Joe jokes
You giggle at him, “For real, I would need caffeine injected into my veins.” 
About 45 minutes later, you wake up to Joe running his fingers through your hair. When he saw you stirring, he closed his eyes so you wouldn't know he was the reason you woke up, even though you saw him close his eyes. “Joe, I know you’re awake baby,” you giggle, placing kisses on his face. Joe smiled and held you closer to him, “You know, I think we have time to do… something else too,” his hands fell to your ass.
“I would suppose so…” You trail off as you roll your eyes playfully, giggling when he lifts you off the couch and strides for the master bedroom.
A few hours later, you were putting your earrings in, while walking out of the bathroom. You walk into the bedroom to see Joe buttoning up his shirt. ‘Damn, he’s fit like a daydream,’ you thought.
“Like a daydream?” Joe smirks
“I didn't mean to say that out loud,” you blush
“Jesus Christ, babe, you look so sexy,” Joe groans, looking at your completed wedding look. He walks over to you and wraps his arms around your waist. His eyes land on the ‘J’ necklace he got you. Even though he got it for you with sweet and pure intentions, he felt his cock growing more and more erect at the thought of you looking this good with his initial around your neck. 
“You don’t look too bad either,” you peck his lips.
“Y/n, if I drag you out of that wedding as soon as the reception is over, just… don't ask questions,” he says
“Aww is someone having a hard time,” you tease
“Fuck yes, and you know it,” Joe groans
“Let’s go before I have to take you to bed,” you purr
About a half hour later, you two arrive at the wedding venue. It was an outside venue in the woods, while the reception will be held in a tent just out of the woods. You and Joe were walking hand-in-hand on the path in the woods that led to where your little brother would be getting married. You hear a faint, ‘There she is,’ followed by someone calling your name. Both you and Joe turn around to see both your parents and your teenage sister smiling at you both. You two walk over to them before they give you both hugs.
“It’s so good to see you both,” your mom said. After exchanging small talk for a bit, your sister asks you if you plan on coming back into public view anytime soon.
“Uh, yeah actually,” you smile, “I’m going to Joe’s game in a couple weeks, we’re hoping that will put both me and our relationship into public view.”
Your parents exchange a look to each other, leaving you to furrow your brows. “What?” you ask nervously.
“Honey, it’s just… are you sure you’re ready for this? I mean people we see out and about here still stare and talk about us. Could you imagine what people will say not just about you, but the both of you,” your mom says
“I… uh didn’t think about that…” you trail off. Joe squeezes your hand to comfort you.
“Well, it’s your life, career, and relationship, Y/n. We trust you with whatever you decide and will love you no matter what,” your dad preaches
The five of you continue your conversation by talking about your sister’s boyfriend drama, before the three of them walk away. You and Joe start heading towards your seats, as your mind goes back to the conversation with your mom.
What if the whole plan backfires and makes everything worse? Not just for you, but for Joe as well.
Since everything happened, Joe had only wanted to protect you, but you had this newfound fear growing in you that you couldn't protect him. Your grip on his hand tightened as you spotted your seats. You two were seated in the very front row, being family and all. Most people were already in their respective seats, allowing many stares and whispers to conspire as you two walked by.
You could feel the anxiety brewing as the ceremony began. While your soon-to-be sister-in-law walked down the aisle, all you could think about was the tightening in your chest and your sweaty palms.
Joe noticed your body language and placed his hand on your shoulder, mouthing a ‘You okay?’ You stared at him for a moment, unsure what to say. You just nodded even though Joe could see right through your lie. Once seated again, he put his hand on your thigh, giving it a generous and comforting squeeze.
As the vows began, your heavy and shaky breath intensified before your hands started shaking as well. You looked up at Joe, who was already looking at you, and shook your head, getting up from your seat and walking out of the woods, Joe following behind you.
With his long legs, he caught up to you very quickly. “Baby, what’s wrong?” 
“I- I can’t,” was all you could choke out.
Joe cupped your face with both his hands, “Just breath, breath with me.” Joe drew in some deep breaths, you follow his breathing patterns.
After a few minutes, you calmed down. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you say
“For what baby?” Joe asks
“Joe, I.. What if my mom’s right? I mean my career already has one foot in the grave, but yours? I mean… you have so, so much more to accomplish and I don’t want you to get a bad rep because of me. You’ve practically dedicated your whole life to protecting me and… what if I can’t do the same?”
“Baby, you need to relax a bit. I don’t care what people say about us, because you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m not ashamed of the woman I love, because you’re the woman I love,” Joe soothes
You stare in his beautiful eyes for a few heartbeats, still unsure how you deserve him.
“I love you so much,” you bring him in for a tight hug
“I love you more … now let’s go watch your brother get married,” Joe says, as he leads you back to your seats, just as your brother is ending his vows.
Flashforward to the night before the Week 1 game
You were tossing and turning in bed for what felt like forever. You couldn't get your mind to stop racing.
Tomorrow was the day, the day you would be allowing outsiders opinion’s in on your relationship and you were totally freaking out.
After what happened at your brother’s wedding, it has become a daily occurrence where Joe has to calm you down from a panic attack. Joe has asked a couple times if you should give yourself more time, which you shut down immediately.
Flashback to a couple hours earlier
“Baby, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Joe soothes, “We can give it time.” 
“Joe, I’m only going to get more worried as time goes on. I need to this now,” you say
As much as Joe hated seeing you so panicked and worried, he knew that he couldn't keep you locked in the house forever. He was scared that you would have another panic attack in his suite and he wouldn’t be there for you, but he knew it was up to you whether you were going or not.
“My parents will be there for you if anything happens, okay?” Joe says
“I know,” you smile softly
End of flashback
You were interrupted in your thoughts by Joe’s raspy, sleepy voice, “Y/n, are you alright?”
“I’m fine, Joe. I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to bed,” you said
“What’s wrong?” Joe asked, rubbing your back that was facing him.
You lie down on your back and watch the ceiling fan spin around and around. “Just… nervous.”
“Let’s talk about it then,” Joe gives a small smile, “sometimes that helps.”
A few moments of silence pass before you speak up. “I’m just so scared, Joe. I don’t even know why anymore. Just … I think I’m scared that if people start hating on you because of me, that you’ll…” you trail off, scared to even finish the sentence
Joe furrows his brows, “That I’ll what?”
You stay quiet for several heartbeats, trying to find the courage to speak up.
“Leave me,” you whisper, barley even audible 
Joe’s eyes go wide and his jaw drops open a little, “What? Baby, I would never, ever do something like that. You’re my everything.”
You didn't respond and instead kept staring at the ceiling fan.
“Y/n, look at me,” Joe says as you turn your head to meet his blue eyes. “I don’t care what people will say about us, because we know and have each other. Even if we’re 90 years old and people are still talking shit about us, I still won’t care. A life without you is meaningless to me.”
You smile softly at him, laying your head on his chest. “I love you so much, you always know exactly what to say.”
“I love you more,” Joe says, as he hears your breathing even out, knowing you finally drifted off to sleep.
The next day
“Hey honey, how are you?” Robin, Joe’s mom, asked as you entered the suite, giving her a hug.
“I’m alright,” you smile, “can’t believe I’m really here.”
“Joe mentioned that you might be nervous, I’m always here for you sweetie, okay? Let me know if you need to step out of the suite and I’ll step out with you,” Robin smiles
“Thank you,” you say, giving her another hug, “Where’s Jimmy?”
“Oh, he went to go do some tailgating, he’ll probably come back a little tipsy,” Robin laughs
After the first quarter started, your nerves had eased a little bit, which your drink could have helped.
The Bengals had lost the coin toss, which meant the opposing team had the ball first. You were trying to spot Joe on the sideline, but failed so you kept gossiping with Robin about her work drama.
At some point, you looked and saw a camera directed out of the suite window filming you and Robin in your chairs. All you did was smile, knowing you would probably be on the jumbotron. Your nerves started to set in again, so you started playing with your ‘J’ necklace Joe got you for your four month anniversary.
Flashback to your four month anniversary
Joe had set up a beautiful date in the backyard. You were relatively still new to living in Cincinnati, and he was doing everything he possibly could to make it easier on you.
After eating dinner, Joe grabs one of your hands and gives you a generous smile
“Y/n, you are so important to me. You never fail to make my day by simply just being you. You always light up the room with that beautiful smile and laugh, even after the shit the world has given you. With my first away game since you moved in coming up, I wanted to give you something,” Joe says as he pulls a black box out of his pocket. He opens it up to reveal a silver chain necklace with a circle pendant, the letter ‘J’ engraved in it. “This is for you, so you know I’ll always be with you; physically and emotionally.”
“Oh my gosh, Joe,” you smile, your eyes welling up with tears.
“Look on the back of the circle,” Joe says
You turn the pendant around to see an infinity sign engraved on the back. “It’s you and me for forever, baby,” Joe smiles, “Let me put it on ya,”
You pull your hair to one side as Joe clasps the hook around your neck, leaving a tiny kiss on your neck, “So pretty,” he whispered.
End of flashback
You pull your phone out of your pocket after you hear it ding. You see a text from your sister
Girlllll, people are LOVING the fact you’re at Joe’s game
You couldn't help but smile at your sister’s message.
Yeahhhhhh, people are also talking about how much they miss you. Some people are saying stuff, but the majority are really happy for you. Most of them are deciding if you and Joe are really a thing or just a fling LMAO.
I got to go Joe’s about to go on the field, but thank you for telling me, Rach.
Have fun, Mrs. Quarterback ;)
You put your phone back into your back pocket and try to focus on the game, even if that was seemingly impossible with how giddy you felt about your relationship.
A couple of snaps later, Joe got and seized the opportunity to run the ball into the end zone. The entire suite and stadium erupted into cheers as their young quarterback got them a touchdown. As a celebration, Joe held a heart up to his suite as he ran down the field – the same suite that had his probable girlfriend in it. You were shown on the jumbotron again, jumping up and down while blushing at the face he directed his celebration towards you.
The rest of the game was full of excitement. The Bengals even won 31-10, but Joe’s main joy was brought by seeing how happy you looked in his suite.
Before the game, Joe told you to go down and meet him at the family section with his parents if you felt comfortable enough; if not, he said that he’ll meet you in the suite after his press conference.
You had been waiting in the family section with Robin and Jim for a few minutes before Joe strided out of the locker room with a big smile on his face. He went to hug his parents first, thanking them for coming as well, before he wrapped you in a tight hug. He immediately questioned you, making sure you were alright, “Are you okay? You weren't uncomfortable were you? Do you need to leave right now? Because I can-”
“I’m great, Joe,” you interrupted him, “You go do your press conference and I’ll meet you in the parking lot.”
He nods and leans down to press a passionate kiss to your lips. “I love you, and I’m so proud of you,” you smile
“Ditto,” he smiles, pressing another kiss to your lips before he jogged off to the press room.
About 35 minutes later, you were with Joe’s parents in the parking lot waiting for Joe to get done.
“So what’s your plan with your career, honey,” Robin asked curiously
“Well, a movie I filmed before everything happened is coming out soon, so that should help with press and everything. But if everything goes south, I know I have people in my corner,” you answer
“Including us,” Jimmy smiled, “you are like family to us, Y/n. Never forget that,”
Before you could answer, someone wrapped two strong arms around your waist, resting their chin on your shoulder. You tense up not knowing who it was, but relaxed as soon as you heard their familiar voice.
“Yeah, and she’ll have our last name sooner rather than later too,” Joe smirked
“Will she?” you playfully asked
“Mhm,” Joe kissed your cheek.
The four of you continued some small talk before you said your goodbyes, and you and Joe were headed home.
The drive home was pretty much quiet, you thought it was because Joe was tired but he later proved to have a lot of energy after you two got home.
You pull out your phone to see a bunch of positive articles about you and your relationship. You smile looking through them, which Joe must’ve noticed.
“What are you smiling at,” Joe asked playfully
“That everyone is happy about our relationship,”
“Well can you blame them? We’re like the hottest couple ever,” Joe said
“Oh my lord, Joe,” you giggled
“I’m glad you’re so happy, I’ve missed that smile,” Joe smiled
“Yeah, I could get used to going to these games,” you said
“Oh yeah? Well, I could get to seeing your pretty face in my suite,” Joe squeezed your thigh
“I’ve got to say, you do look pretty hot in a jersey,” you tease
“You don’t have to butter me up, sweetheart,” Joe said as he pulled into the driveway, “I’m going to rip your clothes off of you as soon as we get in the door.”
Later that night
After many rounds of sex and a shared shower, you and Joe were laying in each other’s arms in the king sized bed.
Joe broke the silence between you two, “Are you happy about what people are saying about us?”
“Yeah, and I’m sure there’s people out there saying we’re just hooking up or we’re not that serious but I don’t care anymore,” you answer, rubbing his bicep
Joe’s eyebrows shoot up at your response, because for the last year all you’ve cared about was what people thought.
“I don’t care because I know you, and you know me. That’s all I need. Like this necklace, they might say that you want me to wear it because you ‘own me’, but it's actually because you know the real me, which is more than what they can say,” you smile
“I love you,” Joe smiles
“I love you more,” you kiss him
Flashforward five months later
Looking at your perfect boyfriend over a candlelit dinner will never get old to you. Looking into his eyes, you couldn't help but reminisce over the last few months.
After the electric game you went to in week one, you made a point to go to every single one of Joe’s games. 
After your movie came out, everyone pretty much forgot about the situation between you and your old publicist. Speaking of which, when she tried to ruin your reputation again, the public took your side this time. They realized that she’s been trying to ruin your reputation from the start of your career.
Your movie was a great success as well. It skyrocketed your career even more than what it was before the situation. You even won the ‘Best Actress’ award at the Oscars for your performance.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Joe, who was offering you a hand to help you out of the booth. He led you both out of a restaurant before telling you to close your eyes.
“Joe I am not closing my eyes,” you laugh, “I’ll trip in these heels.”
“No, I gotcha. It’ll ruin my surprise if you don’t,” Joe smirked
‘Surprise?” You asked
“Mhm, now come on. I’ll lead the way and I won’t let you trip,” Joe said as you closed your eyes.
Joe led you both down to the beach. After standing there for a few seconds with your eyes closed, Joe tells you to open them.
When you open your eyes, you see candles creating a path to one big heart made of roses in the sand. Your eyes got teary at just the sight. You look at Joe, who looks the most nervous you’ve ever seen him in the year and a half you’ve been together.
“Y/n,” Joe nervously laughs, “Where do I even begin with you? I take every day that I get to spend with you as a gift, because you are a gift itself. You are the most supportive, passionate, and caring woman I’ve ever met. Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve someone like you. You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars, I can’t even imagine living without you. I want to build a life with you that we can both cherish forever. So, with that being said,” Joe says as he gets on one knee and pulls out a small box from his pocket, “Y/n Y/l/n, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Joe opens the small box to reveal the most gorgeous engagement ring you swear you’ve ever seen. “Yes,” you choke out between sobs, “yes, I’ll marry you.”
Joe stands up and immediately slides the ring on your finger before pulling you in for a tight hug. He leans down and presses the most passionate kiss you two have ever shared to your lips.
You couldn't wait to start forever with the man of your literal dreams. Joe has always loved you for just being you. He was there for you at your lowest, and helped you heal. He always protected you from anything and everything.
For as long as you live, there will be rumors about you and your life. Well, the drama queens can take their swings and all the jokers can dress up as kings, because they fade to nothing when you look at Joe. He’s all you could ever want or need. So, they can call it whatever they want to, because you’re Joe’s and he is yours – forever.
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lilbitdepressed27 · 2 months
Can you do a fic where the core four find out Tara is dating a really famous singer (Fem reader) and how Sam would take it?
Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
WC: 2.3k
Author’s Note: hope you enjoy, and it’s up to your expectations.sorry for the wait
For the life of her, Tara couldn't understand what or how she got to call you her girlfriend. She remembered meeting you like it was yesterday when in reality it was six months ago. She remembered being in the library trying to study for her final exam, she had lost track of time. When she heard someone somewhat loudly talking on the phone.
The tiredness and the hunger she was feeling (that was making her head hurt) boiled over into anger as she slammed her book shut. Storming up to whoever was talking so loudly. (It's wasn't that loud, it was more of a whisper yelling. But she was irritated.)
"Look Max, I'm in a library. I'm just gonna check some books out and that's it. Oh my god, Rex is outside. Yes I know-Hey, can you talk a little bit quitter some of us are trying to study."
Her irritation was gone the moment you had turned around. Her jaw dropping and eyes widening at the sight of your apologetic face.
You hung up the phone the moment you heard the voice. A wave of embarrassment washed over you. "I'm so sorry that was my ma-mom. My mom. She worries. She's a worrier. Uh sorry I disturbed your study session."
"You're Y/n Y/ln...the singer."
It wasn't long ago that she was literally drooling over a thirst trap about you on TikTok. She gets way too many thirst traps of you on her for you page. Not that she's complaining.
Looking back at that memory, her face still flushed with embarrassment. She couldn't believe she had snapped at you. Although a part of her was kinda glad she did. Cause now here she was dating you. She was happier than ever.
Keeping the relationship a secret was surprisingly easy. With you being on a bit of a hiatus after a long, long world tour. You had so much free time. Time that she loved that you spent with her. Most of the time was spent at your own apartment, she had to lie a few times to Sam. Seeing as Sam didn't know she was dating you.
Being with you had been so freeing. She felt so happy. You made her feel safe, you took her protection very seriously. When going out with her, you always had your bodyguards with you. The men were always prepared and ready. Keeping a good distance to give you both a bit of privacy. Frank and Bill, the ex marine bodyguards were the sweetest but were not afraid to get physical with anyone.
You weren't either, you had gotten verbal with an older woman who wouldn't stop bugging her about the Woodborro's attacks. She had never been more attracted to you, seeing you curse out the older woman. Not even letting the woman get a word in.
"Hey baby, are you done studying now?"
Arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind. The light kisses you placed on her neck. Tilting her head so you had more room as she leaned back in her chair. Gladly accepting your kisses.
"You've been in here for hours, you need to rest. Come on." Moving the chair to face away from the desk. Turning the chair to face you. "Come on. I already got the bath ready for you, I also made us some dinner."
Tara couldn't help but fall more in love. You were always so sweet, caring, just so adorable to her. A completely different person than when you're on tv or with other people. The person in front of her, only she had the luxury to see this way.
"Join me?"
"Without question."
She did more than just relax in that bathtub.
"When am I going to meet the person you've been sneaking out to go see?"
It was late in the afternoon when she had gotten home. You were busy meeting with some people to talk about business, till late. You had wanted to make sure everything was set for your long hiatus that you were going to take. She knew you deserved it. After being on tour for almost two years, your world tour made billions and it was one of the biggest tours in history.
You deserved to rest.
So she had made her way home. Opting to just stay there so Sam wouldn't suspect anything. Clearly she underestimated her sister. Cause she had almost jumped a full foot in the air at the unsuspected voice the moment she stepped into the apartment.
"Jesus Sam. I thought you were at work." She tried to ignore the question as she set her keys and bag down before heading to the kitchen. To her dismay her sister followed her.
"Come on Tara. You know I worry, just let me meet them so I can see if I can trust them, and possibly have Kirby run a background check."
With a shake of her head and a laugh, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Tara you're my sister, I can tell when you're lying." Sam crossed her arms, as she took in her little sister. For the past few months she's seen the change in her sister. Tara seemed more happy, at peace. A complete 180 from how she was when they first moved to New York. Don't get her wrong she loved this change. Tara openly talked about the things that happened in Woodboro with her. Talking about wanting to move on.
But she knew Tara was hiding something/someone. She also saw the love marks on her sister neck that Tara clearly tried to hide.
"It's Y/n Y/ln."
A mock laugh was all Tara got. "Come on Tara seriously. Who's this person."
With a grin in return, "I am serious."
"Fine don't tell me. But I will find out."
You had been messing around with your guitar when you heard your doors lock unlatch and open. Only one person had a key to your apartment. So with you knowing who it was you put your guitar on its stand, leaving your studio to meet the love of your life.
"Hey baby." Seeing her was always such a sight you loved. She was absolutely beautiful. Even when she was clearly overthinking something. She had the familiar furrowed eyebrows and pout when she was deep in thought. Gently tapping her nose, her slight jump didn't go unnoticed. "What's wrong?"
Tara leaned into your embrace the moment you brought her into a hug. The feeling of your hand gently creasing her back. She just loved being in your arms.
"How do you feel about meeting my sister and best friends?" At the sight of your smile, her nerves settled.
"Nervous, but I would love to."
Tara had been pacing the living room for the past ten minutes. It won't be long till you got here. With you being a big artist, you always wore funny disguises to blind in with the normal crowd. It sometimes reminded her of Superman. Everyone knew Superman, but hardly anyone knew Clark Kent. Which also meant you were going to take a bit longer than usual.
"Tara would you relax. It's not like we're meeting anyone famous. We just want to ask her a few questions and then have Kirby run a background check." Mindy said from her seat on the couch, getting a bit dizzy from seeing Tara pacing. Anika was right next to her cuddled up to her.
She was nervous, it'd be the first relationship she'd be in with Sam around. And she wanted Sam's approval. Sam was her big sister after all. Sam wouldn't care if you were a big artist. It would still take her time to trust you.
You were absolutely losing your mind, you don't remember ever feeling so nervous. You didn't know much about the ghostface murders, let alone the stab movies. You didn't really like slasher movies. You didn't do any research, not even when Tara told you what had happened to her. You didn't want to come across any crime photos you were for sure to see. From the scars on Tara's body you knew her encounter with said ghostface (who also happened to be her best friend) had been gruesome.
You also knew that Sam was protective. And you couldn’t blame the sister.
So you wanted to make a good first impression. With a nice bottle of wine. It was also extremely expensive but no one had to know that.
You were in front of Tara's apartment door a lot quicker than you had hoped. You've preformed in front of thousands of people but these, these was your first serious relationship. Your first time meeting a significant others family. Since the start of your career you had always focused more on your music. Never focusing on the many girls that were basically throwing themselves at you.
Tara though, Tara was different. She made you feel so, special, in love. Cared for. She was your person.
Knocking on the door as you took off your hat, wig, face mask and glasses. The door opened and Tara's beautiful face greeted you. You could see the nerves in her eyes but one look at you and she seemed to relax.
"Hey gorgeous, I brought wine. I wasn't sure what to bring, I was gonna call but I was, I'm a bit nervous-Hey it's okay. The wine is perfect." Seeing how nervous you were she pushed her own nerves down. She knew this was your first time meeting a girls family. Something she found hard to believe. She could have sworn you had been dating Renee Rapp. But the blonde singer was just your best friend.
"Come on. Also they might freak out and stare, so be prepared."
You took a deep breath and exhaled trying to steady your nerves. With Tara's hand in yours. You heard people talking in the living room. With your hand in Tara's she lead you to the living room, the voices quickly stopping at the sight of you. You took in the way their eyes widen and jaws dropped.
"Guys this is Y/n, my girlfriend. Y/n those are the twins, Chad and Mindy. Anika who's Mindy's girlfriend, Quinn my roommate, that's Ethan and this is Sam my sister."
You forced your nerves down, the girl Quinn broke the silence. "You're Y/n Y/Ln." the disbelief was heard in her voice. Her eyes refusing to take her eyes off you. It was starting to make you a bit uncomfortable. The way she was looking at you was menacing in a way. Like you were some type of award that she was dying to have. It was an odd look. One that only made you feel so uncomfortable, a squeeze to your hand took your eyes away from the red head to the brunette standing to your side.
Sam had tried to hide her disbelief as she took you in. She herself had been a fan of yours for quite a while now, remembered feeling a bit of disappointment when you had announced your hiatus after your last world tour show. A tour she had sworn she'd try to go to but with everything that had happened the opportunity never came.
You offered a small smile at the tall brunette. She was taller than Tara which was a bit funny. Tara looked absolutely adorable standing next to her sister. Extremely tiny next to her sister and friends. The uncomfortable feeling you had with the red head being forgotten at the sight of your beautiful girlfriend. "It's nice to finally meet you Sam. Your sister talks highly about you."
At mention of that, it had Sam smiling but yet her eye brows raised. Tara rolled her eye in return but yet she was also smiling. As much as Tara told you, how they butted heads. You knew Tara admired her big sister. And based off the look the older carpenter had casted Tara's way. You also knew that Tara's opinion on Sam mattered.
"Thank you, although Tara hasn't said anything about you-Wait yes I did! I told you about Y/n last time you cornered me."
"I didn't believe you!" Sam quickly responded.
“Dude who would? Tara I’m sorry but holy shit Y/n you are a whole lot hotter in person.” Mindy said her eyes still wide in disbelief. Quickly snapping out of it when Anika elbowed her side.
Chad was the first out of the three to stand up, “It’s nice to meet you Y/n, you think you can get us to meet Beyoncé?” He received an even harder elbow to the stomach by Mindy.
At the sound of your chuckle, Tara felt herself relax leaning into your side. Watching you get along with her friends and Sam was all she wanted.
Getting to know Tara's friends and sister was fun. Even though that red head still kinda gave you a weird vibe. Thankfully she had retreated to her room. With time it had come down to just you Tara and Sam. Tara momentarily leaving to use the restroom.
“Okay so I know Tara is all about independence and her freedom. So all I’m going to say, treat her right, make her happy and we won’t have any issues.” Sam said, although she still planned to have Kirby run a background check. Yes you were a big star, and even though she was a fan. Her sister’s safety came first.
“I will Sam, I love you sister. More than anything. I take her safety seriously as well. And Tara told me you were probably going to have one of your friends run a background check on me.” At the sight of her wide eyed and the slight redness on her cheeks. You chuckled, “Be free to. I don’t hide anything well maybe my once obsession with supercorp.”
Sam let out a small laugh. Even though you were thee Y/n Y/Ln. it would take time to fully trust you.
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silentcryracha · 1 year
❍ ‗ I know how to make you sleep (Bang Chan) ‗ ❍
Pairings : Chan x gn reader
Genre/warnings : fluff, mentions of feeling numb but nothing serious,and soft smut? If that's a thing. Still exclusively 18+
Summary : After an overwhelming day outside, in the moment in which you should relax and rest, you can't sleep. Your loving boyfriend however, will help you get there.
Word count : 1.4k
A/n : This one was a chill one, just for comfort I guess? I'm sure many of you can relate to these type of feelings, but remember that sometimes shitty days happen for no reason at all, and that's okay. Just take care of yourselves <;3
ps: There could be errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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It was a weird day, that's for sure. In the morning you woke up as usual, made some breakfast, washed up then got dressed, and all that drill. Your boyfriend finally had a few days days of break from work and was still sleeping like a rock when your alarm rang.
You quickly turned it off and made sure to be as quiet as possible while waking up, even almost blindly pick out the clothes to wear, just because you didn't want to open the blinds or turn on any light in fear of disturbing his sleep.
Seeing Chan sleeping so peacefully and for a full night wasn't the most common thing, especially in very busy weeks like the ones that he just had. To be fair he did ask you to wake him up so that he could have breakfast with you and spend some time together before you left for work, but you still decided to not do it. He needed it and you truly didn't mind, if anything, it made you happy.
The reason for it to be a 'weird day' didn't have anything to do with you saying goodbye to your boyfriend or not, though, It was just one of those days in which you felt quite unmotivated, your work felt robotic and even the smallest human interactions bothered you for some reason.
Chan did wake up in the end though, quite a few hours after you had left, and texted you just saying how he would've liked to kiss you goodbye before you left, but also thanked you for letting him rest. That was the only thing that forced a small smile out of you and made you just slightly less numb. Other than that, you did truly feel like ten minutes were ten hours.
As soon as the work day came to and end you felt relieved, thinking that maybe the environment could've been the issue. So you came home, got welcomed with a kiss and a simple dinner by your boyfriend and then comfortably watched some tv with him before eventually going to sleep. Even after all that, you still felt that uneasy feeling in your stomach that wouldn't go away.
You felt quite frustrated, and a little bit disappointed. You really thought that coming home to the person that you love the most, in your lovely home, would maybe fix it? You definitely felt way better than when you were outside, but still it wasn't quite enough.
Your boyfriend did notice of course, but decided to not mention it, giving you a little space. He knew for sure that there was nothing wrong between you two or anything else in your lives recently, so he thought that maybe you would have slept it off. But that turned out to be another issue when you realized that even after a couple of hours after you layed in bed, snuggled to his chest under the covers, your eyes were still not closing.
You did try, for sure. But without success. After a while you started to feel very hot, so you gently removed yourself from Chan's warm body and then also pulled aside the covers. You laid on your back with your forearm covering your eyes, slowly developing a headache. Then you got cold again, so you pulled the covers back up. But then again you got thirsty, so you quietly huffed and got out of bed, walking to the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water.
Your frustration just grew as the time passed and you still couldn't figure out what was wrong with you. You thought about it, about something anything. Work? Love? Health? A random news that you read? Anything. Everything was just fine, so why weren't you?
After a while you just gave up and went back to the bedroom, figuring that if anything at some point you would've just passed out from exhaustion. But as you stepped back in, you saw that Chan had woken up and was sleepily waiting for you, his head propped up with one arm on the pillow.
He looked so cute with slightly squinty eyes, fluffy disheveled hair and that small sweet smile of his.
"Hi" his frame was partially illuminated by the moonlight peeking through the window blinds. You couldn't help but smile back a little, your head tilting to the side to mirror his.
"Hi, go back to sleep" you said, walking back to your side of the bed. He followed your movements with his gaze, immediately covering you with the sheets and pulling you to your side to face him.
"Wanna tell me what's wrong?" his thumb gently stroking up and down on your waist. You sighed softly, also placing your own hand on his side, suddenly feeling the need to touch him, almost as if to absorb some comfort.
"I don't know, that's the thing. I've just been feeling very numb, very uneasy, very... meh." you spoke, trying your best to voice out that odd feeling that has been following you throughout the day. He hummed softly, now stroking your side with his whole hand.
"It's okay, it happens sometimes. But until it's not due to any specific issue, then it's gonna pass." he replied, his brown eyes looking into yours "Do you need to cry a little?"
You huffed out a laugh, shaking your head, "No, I truly just need to sleep it out. But I can't relax." you whined, nuzzling your face into the pillow in protest. He chuckled at your actions, then going silent for a few seconds.
After a while he gently pushed your side to make you lay on your back, his body sliding a little closer to yours, so that he was now towering over you. You looked up at him, slightly confused.
"I know how to make you sleep" he spoke lowly, making you shiver, words suddenly leaving you as you felt the mood change. He moved his gaze from your lips to your eyes, then down again. The hand that was previously on your waist started ti roam around a bit, caressing your stomach, then belly. You started to breathe a little deeper, anticipating his actions.
He felt of course and a faint smirk appeared on his face. His hand got inside your pants and started to touch you through the underwear. A small moan left your mouth, your eyes closing.
"Chan..." your voice trembling. He extended his other arm above your head, his fingers caressing your hair while he leaned his face close to yours, his nose nuzzling your cheek.
"Just relax, baby" he whispered, his tone surprisingly sweet despite the contrasting actions of his hand on you. You felt yourself getting wet and he must've felt it too, because after a few minutes of teasing he finally slid his hand inside your underwear and started to touch you directly. His rhytms was steady, almost torturing, but you did feel more pressure on you.
Your own hand went up to grab his clothed arm, suddenly feeling the need to hold on to something. Your breaths were also starting to be a little closer to each other, a few whines escaping your mouth. This slow torture must've been working though, because you were definitely starting to feel your eyes heavy.
"Baby, p-please..." you whined, tilting your chin up to try and kiss him. Your mind was so dizzy though that you just ended up nuzzling him, your eyes not even being able to stay open anymore. He did it for you, gently pressing his lips to yours, starting a slow and lazy kiss.
His fingers gradually started to quicken but never in a rough manner, just enough to help you build up to your release. Your grip on his arm tightened, moaning into his mouth.
"It's okay, baby...let go for me" his voice deep and comforting. He went back to kissing you while gving the last few strokes that finally made you reach your orgasm.
Your body spasmed slightly, your legs closing in on his hand that was still moving just enough to help you come down.
"Good baby.." he whispered, "Did so well for me" he kept praising you sweetly, while gently retreating his hand from your panties. He wiped his fingers on his shirt, not really caring at that point. When he did look up to check on you though, you had already fallen asleep. A relaxed expression on your beautiful face, eyes closed, mouth slightly agape in complete relaxation.
He smiled at you and softly kissed your temple before settling comfortably on his side, one arm draped around your torso and the other still behind your head. He closed his eyes and fell asleep pretty quickly again, finally satisfied and peaceful now that he knew that you were okay.
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starsinthesky5 · 6 months
wanna get out of here? | joe burrow x reader
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description: an impromptu getaway is exactly what you and joe needed
a/n: ahhh my second fic!! all the love on my first one gave me the motivation to go and write another one :) i hope you all like this one!
warnings: smut (hope it’s not too bad since it’s my first time writing it LOL), language
word count: 6 k
The sounds of hammering rain and thunder were all you could focus on as you were sitting on the couch, curled up in a blanket trying to finish an overly complex project for work. You had been trying to finish the final section for the past week but you simply could not get rid of the restless feeling that had engulfed you over the past few days. 
Joe, on the other hand, was sitting right next to you. He was staring at the TV which had on some random rerun episode of The Office. Normally, he’d be laughing along to the show no matter how many times he had seen the episode, but today he was quiet & agitated. He had been overwhelmed this past month with intense rehab for his wrist injury; on top of which he had his off-season workouts every day which had also been incredibly vigorous. He was mentally and physically burnt out and needed something to take his mind off of everything. He noticed that you also had been swamped with work which caused you to be on edge the whole week, preventing you two from having any real 1 on 1 time like you usually do, and he wasn’t having it. 
You were typing away on your computer, another idea that would probably lead to nothing, before you heard the TV turn off. 
You turned your head to Joe and saw his blank face. “Everything Okay?” you questioned while reaching for his hand. 
“Wanna get out of here?” he asked while interlocking your hands, still looking expressionless. 
“Joey there is literally a monsoon happening outside right now,” you deadpanned as you squeezed his hand. 
“Not out there. I mean do you wanna get out of Ohio?”.
“Who are you and what have you done with my fiancee,” you laughed. 
“What?” he asked, looking quizzical as if he had no idea why you said that.
“You, the same man that never leaves his house unless it’s business or football related. And sometimes due to a forced social activity, or occasionally to have fun, wants to leave Ohio? You’re practically a turtle that stays in its shell all day,” you say before going back to your work project. 
Joe is slightly taken aback by what you said. Deep down he knows you aren’t wrong, he doesn’t go out very often, which made what he said next even more necessary. 
“Let’s go to the Bahamas this weekend. I can call up Ted and get a jet here and we can leave Friday morning. I’m thinking we stay at a lowkey house on a private beach for maybe 4 days,” he says.
You think he’s just messing with you but when you look over at him, he looks serious. 
“Where is this coming from?” you say with worry in your voice. In the 5 years, you and Joe have been together, he’d never sprung an idea of a vacation on you by himself, it was always mutual. And you��d never left the States before either. You close your computer and turn to face him. 
“I’m just so fucking tired,” he says with a sigh. “These past few weeks have been really intense and I just need a break.” 
Your face drops as he continues. He’d been under so much pressure lately with OTA’s slowly approaching and training amping up; plus all the background noise. He’d start throwing in the next month or so and deep down he was nervous. He didn’t know how it was going to go and if all this rehab was even worth it if he was never going to be able to get back to where he was. 
“And you’ve been stressed out all week because of work and it feels like we haven’t had just ‘us’ time,” he adds. 
Joe was right. He’d be gone all day with either rehab or workouts and the only time you two would get together would be dinner. And by dinner, you’d be too exhausted to do anything but eat and rush off to bed. 
You spend a few moments contemplating his offer. It would be nice to get away for a few days and you both needed the change of environment badly. 
“Okay, let’s do it," you say with a smile as you pull him in for a hug. 
“But just so you know, since we’d be leaving in 2 days, I’m going to be an absolute nightmare when it comes to packing,” you say before planting a kiss on his cheek. 
“Oh, I'm well aware. You only get 2 days to stress about packing and not a whole week like usual,” he laughs. 
Thursday Evening 
You both spent the majority of the day planning your impromptu vacation. You found the perfect beach house on the other side of Nassau, away from the main part of the island. It was hidden by palm trees and had a private beach which made it easy to unwind without any prying eyes. You would spend the week there and pick out a few activities nearby to occupy your time. You also chose a few places to eat although you both decided to cook at home for the majority of your stay. 
Currently, you were sitting on your closet floor attempting to pack your suitcase but were majorly failing. Packing was never your strong suit, especially if you had to pack the day before a trip. The closet looked like a war zone, things were everywhere. 
“This is the wrong time to not be able to find anything,” you say to yourself while getting up once again to hunt for missing items. 
Joe walked into the closet and saw you frantically pacing back and forth looking for something. 
“Babe, are you Okay?” He asked while sitting down on the stool. 
“Have you seen my new white bikini? Or my sunglasses? Or my tank tops?” You asked, aggravated that you couldn’t find your stuff.
“I literally cannot find anything,” You added before giving Joe a look. He knew that look all too well, you were 1 misplaced item away from having a full breakdown. 
He got up from the stool and walked over to where you were, put his hands on your shoulders, and said “Y/N you could wear a potato sack and still look amazing. Stop stressing about it, this vacation is supposed to get rid of the stress. Not add onto it,”
You let out a deep breath and say “You’re right. It’s just us anyway. I’ll just pack some nice dresses and stuff whatever in the suitcase,” 
“The fewer clothes the better,” Joe smirks and says before leaning in and planting a kiss on your lips. 
“You’re insatiable,” you say against his lips. 
After you finish packing your suitcase, you get ready for bed since you have a fairly early flight. It took Joe about 15 minutes to pack his things, which came as no surprise since he is the biggest outfit repeater you know. You’re just about ready to doze off before you feel Joe’s hand creep up your leg and squeeze your thigh.
“Mmm Joe not right now,” you say half asleeply. “Go to bed,”
“Not that,” he states. “I can’t fall asleep,” he mumbles. 
You let out a sigh before turning to face him. No way you’re getting any sleep now. “What’s wrong,” you say as you move his messy curls out of his eyes. 
“I don’t know, I just can’t fall asleep,” he says. 
You knew Joe too well to know when something was bothering him. His confession earlier was only the tip of the iceberg. Something was bugging him and you needed him to talk to you.
“What’s going on in that brain of yours,” you say as you play with his curls. 
He stayed silent for a few heartbeats, not knowing if he should unload his heavy thoughts on you right before a vacation. But he knew that it was just you. You’d always listen to whatever he had to say, no matter the time or place. 
“Just everything.” He says, meeting your eyes. “Rehab has been going great and training has been too, and I should be happy about that but I just can’t get rid of that feeling,”
“What feeling?” You question.
“Feeling like I won’t be good enough. I know what people are saying; overpaid, overrated, no rings, injury-prone. And they aren’t wrong. I don’t have anything to back up why people think I’m a top 3 quarterback,” 
Your heart breaks as he continues to talk. The fact that Joe feels like he isn’t good enough is mind-boggling to you. He’s one of the best damn players you’ve ever seen and you wish you could do something to get rid of his doubts, but you knew that that was something he had to do on his own. 
“But you do have things to back it up. You had one of the greatest college football seasons ever. Winning the Natty and the Heisman was only the start of your legacy. You were drafted by an organization that was in desperate need of saving and you made an impact that not many could have done,” you say as you see a small smile on his face.
“You had a shitty rookie season with tearing basically everything in your knee, but you worked hard and came back better than ever fucking before. You went on and led the team to their first playoff win in 30 years and went to the fucking Super Bowl in your first full season,” you add.
“Yeah, you didn’t win. But you put the entire league on notice and showed them who the hell you are. And then you did it again next year even though you didn’t go all the way. This past year was rough and didn’t go the way anyone would have expected, but this is part of what makes you, you.” you say with a smile as he stares deeply into your eyes. 
“You thrive when there’s adversity. It makes you work harder for what you want and it always pays off one way or another. You always come out better and stronger. You are a great quarterback and are absolutely more than good enough. You’re going to have your moment soon, and I know it,” you conclude. 
Joe stares into your eyes for a few more heartbeats. You knew exactly what to say to bring him back down from whatever cloud he was stuck on and he was so thankful for you. 
“I love you,” he said as he pulled you onto his lap, pressing kisses all over your face. 
“I love you more, always,” you laugh as he kisses the hell out of you. 
You two spent the rest of the night in each other's embrace. You finally felt at peace once you heard Joe’s soft snores fill the room and finally got some sleep.
You both got up pretty early for your flight, taking a quick shower before packing the car and heading to the airport. After boarding the plane you both took off your shoes, pulled out your fav blanket, and got comfy. 
“Are you excited?” Joe beams.
“Excited is an understatement, Burrow,” you smirk. “Getting you out of Ohio might be my favorite part,”. 
“I’m so looking forward to getting some sun and swimming in that big pool,” he says, referring to the massive pool that’s a part of the house you rented.  
“It’s like you’re a whole new person,” you smile while leaning your head on his shoulder. He smiles and kisses your forehead before pulling out his laptop to turn on a movie. 
“Oooo what are we gonna watch?” you excitedly question. 
“I was thinking of either ‘Grown-Ups’ or ‘21 Jump Street’,” he responds.
“Hmm, let’s do Jump Street, it’s been a while since we watched that,” you say. 
You spent the rest of the flight watching movies, playing a few card games, and eventually taking a small nap before the plane landed. 
A few hours later
After the plane landed, you both drove to your house for the week and it was like something out of a fairytale. The house overlooked the beach and the crystal blue water. Lush green palm trees surrounding the house provided ample privacy, especially for the large open pool in the backyard. You two settled into the house before changing into your swimsuits for a nice afternoon dip in the pool. You did end up finding your new white bikini, which was perfect for the occasion. 
Joe walked out of the bathroom and saw you brushing your hair in the mirror. His eyes trailed down to your bare legs, up to your perfect ass, then to your toned stomach, and straight to your chest. You looked so sexy and he was in heaven. He walked up to you and hugged you from behind, his warmth causing you to melt into his arms. 
Your eyes met his in the mirror, “Like what you see, Burrow?” you teased. 
“Absolutely,” he chuckled as he swayed you two back and forth, pressing a kiss on the back of your shoulder while sliding his hand down to your ass. Joe was grinning like a love-struck fool as he watched you close your eyes and melt into his embrace. He was making you feel more relaxed than you’d ever been before and you both were loving it. 
You both ventured out to the pool and sat down on the pool chairs, hoping to get a quick tanning sesh in before a swim. A few minutes in, Joe found himself staring at the pool when he got an idea. 
“I’m gonna jump into the pool,” he casually said.
You quickly turned your head to him and said, “Are you crazy, the water will get everywhere,” You gasped.
“It’s just us though, nobody around to complain. Besides, I can’t do it in the pool at home since we spent way too much money on redoing the backyard. At least here there isn’t any vegetable garden at risk of being destroyed,” he smirked before quickly running back to the patio door and launching himself into the pool, not giving you a moment to lecture him. 
The water did in fact get everywhere but it was worth it when you saw Joe come up from the water. He shook his head back and forth to get the water out of his hair before he took his hand and attempted to slick it back. Your eyes navigated to his muscular chest which had stray water droplets sliding down his abdomen, back into the water. God, he looked so hot like this. 
“Like what you see, Burrow,” he teased as he noticed your expression. 
“Yes, in fact I do. Very much actually,” you say while getting off the chair. “And I’m not a ‘Burrow’ yet, still gotta wait a few months before that,” you say as you make your way into the pool. 
“Well, you’re practically already my wifey sooo,” he trails off before swimming over to the steps and helping you into the pool. 
You giggle at his words. He couldn’t wait to marry you and he never failed to make it known. 
You immediately latch onto him when you're in the pool. This was pretty normal for you both. You’d always use him as a floatie and make him do all the work while you just lay on him and relaxed. 
A few moments later you release yourself from his embrace, making him slightly confused at the sudden loss of contact. 
“Y/N come back,” he whines out.
“Someone’s clingy today,” you say while playfully rolling your eyes and swimming away from him. 
He stared at you for a few moments, a sad look on his face while you continued to swim around and away from him. You felt bad that you’d left him hanging but you were having too much fun teasing him. 
“Come and catch me shiesty,” you yelled. He hated it when you called him that. That nickname was only for football-related individuals to use and he thought it was a little cringe whenever you would use it. Not in a bad way, it’s just he preferred you calling him other names that football-related people can’t use. You knew how he felt about it but you also knew that this would for sure set him off. 
“Oh you’re done for,” he playfully growled before swimming after you. The pool was massive so you had just enough space to get away from him. 
You two were swimming circles around each other, occasionally splashing water into each other's faces in hopes of catching each other off guard. Your arms began to get tired of swimming around so you stopped by the ledge to take a breather while Joe was settled on the other side of the pool. 
Before you knew it, Joe had swum over to you and pulled you back into his arms. 
“Got you,” you whispered against your ear. 
“I guess you did,” you whispered back. 
“You look absolutely gorgeous by the way,” he said looking down into your eyes. “I love this bikini on you,” 
You blushed at his sweet comments. He never failed to tell you how pretty you looked. 
“Ya know, I look even better with it off,” you tease. 
Joe’s face dropped immediately when you said that. He’d been horny since he saw you in that bikini but had to compose himself since you both were looking forward to swimming in the pool. But now that you’d gotten your swim time in, nothing was stopping him. 
He slowly pressed you against the wall of the pool and kissed his way up your neck right up to your sweet spot. 
“Joe,” you moaned out. 
“What baby?” He asked, knowing exactly what you wanted.
“I need you,” you whined.
He looked at you momentarily before lifting you out of the pool and rushing you inside to the large bedroom. You let out a squeal as he pushed you back onto the bed. Joe climbed over you and situated his body in between your thighs, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You stayed kissing each other for a few minutes before you felt something hard poke at your stomach.
“Getting eager now aren’t we,” you tease. 
“Please, I’ve been waiting to get you in this bed since I saw you in this bikini,” he grinned. 
“Then I suggest you do something about it,” you replied.
Joe smiled and started to untie the strands of your bikini top before tossing it to the side. He kissed his way down to your perfect breasts, swirling his lips around your sensitive bud which caused you to let out a breathy moan.
“Joe,” you moaned out while shoving your hands in his hair. 
He spent a few moments sucking on your breasts before he continued his way down. He pressed a few sloppy kisses on your stomach before eventually making his way down to where you needed him the most. He slowly peeled off your bottoms which was driving you insane.
“Joe please,” you whined out.
“Patience is key, baby,” he teased. 
He threw your bottoms to the side as he made his way back up to your heat. “You’re so wet,” he says while ghosting his fingers over your folds.
“Joe I swear to god-,” You suddenly felt his warm tongue lapping at your folds which caused you to let out another moan, “Ohh Fuck”. 
He buried his warm tongue inside your core as he continued to eat you out like a starved man. He moved one of his hands up to cup your breast as the other was firmly on your thigh. Joe moved up and started to rhythmically suck on your clit which made you see stars; something which he made you see often. “Joey, fuck don’t stop,” you said breathlessly.
“You like that?” he chuckled against your core, sending vibrations throughout your body. Those 3 words always managed to get you more horny than you already were. "Yeah," you whispered.
He went back to lapping at your folds as he used his thumb to rub your clit. The combination of his mouth and fingers was sending you over the edge. You started to arch your back which caused you to lift your hips slightly but Joe pushed them back down as he continued to send you into a frenzy. You fisted your hands into his hair and started to pull on the loose curls which caused Joe to let out a soft moan against you. 
“Joe I’m so close,” you whispered as you pushed his head closer to your core. You felt a familiar warmth in your belly as you were moaning Joe’s name out (which was driving him insane). Joe thrusted one of his fingers into you, causing the imaginary rubber band in your lower belly to snap; feeling a familiar gush of liquid pool below you. You were overcome with a feeling of pure pleasure and satisfaction as he cleaned up your mess with his skillful mouth. He pressed delicate kisses on the insides of your thighs before moving back up and pushing his lips against yours again. 
“You’re so hot,” he said in between kisses. 
You felt a blush creep up on your face. “I’m flattered Mr. Burrow, but have you seen yourself”. 
“Shut up,” he chuckled before going back to kissing you. You stopped kissing him after a few moments and said “Joe, I need you inside me.”
“Your wish is my command babe,” he replied as he pulled down his swim trunks and threw them to the side. His cock was rock hard and the sight of it had you sizzling with anticipation. 
Your core was slick with your arousal which made it easy for him to push his dick into you. The tip slowly teasing your folds before he buries himself inside of you, causing you to let out a loud moan. You will never get tired of the feeling of him inside you. 
He started slowly thrusting into you which made you wrap your legs around him, wanting him deeper asap. 
“Joe, Fuck,” you moaned out. “Faster baby,”. 
He began snapping his hips against you, faster & harder than before. “God, you feel so good Y/N,” he moaned out. You brought him in for another kiss, this time quick, messy, and sloppy. He continued thrusting into you and you bucked your hips each time to match his movements. The sound of your arousal and skin-hitting skin filled the room as you two were caught up in the euphoria that was happening between you. 
Joe buried his face into your neck, sucking on your sweet spot, as your hands found themselves in his hair again. You were on Cloud 9 right now and it was all because of him.
“Joe, don’t stop. Shit, you feel too good,” you moaned. You felt him move deeper inside of you as he repeatedly hit your cervix. 
He continued to pound into you, making you feel like nothing else mattered but this moment. You both felt your arousal building up, begging to be released. 
“Fuck Y/N, I’m close,” he panted as he slowed down.
“Me too,” you whimpered. 
He picked up the pace of his thrusts once again, this time moving one of his hands down to your heat, toying with your clit. “Fuck,” you moaned out for what seemed like the hundredth time. “I’m gonna cum,” you whimpered. You felt your walls clench around him, signaling you were almost there. Joe felt you clench around him and pinched your clit which set off your orgasm. Your chest heaved up and down as you whimpered out his name while seeing stars again. He continued to thrust into you, chasing his pleasure. 
“Y/N,” Joe moaned out. You knew he was close by the way his thrusts started to become sporadic. 
“Come on baby,” you encouraged while pulling at his hair and kissing his neck. 
After a few rough thrusts, Joe let out a loud moan as you felt hot spurts of his cum fill you up. He collapsed on top of you as you both panted, needing a moment to recover after the workout you two just had. You moved one of your hands to his back, softly sliding it up and down to help him relax.
“I love you,” he softly said as he kissed your cheek, making you smile. 
“I love you more,” you whisper in his ear as he buries his face into your neck again. 
The next day 
The next morning was pretty chill for you both. You had breakfast at the local beachside cafe, stuffing your faces with delicious fresh fruit from the island before embarking on a pleasant morning walk on the beach. 
“This is nice,” Joe says as you both walk hand in hand alongside the water, a content look on his face.
You look up at him and smile, “Very nice,” you giggle. “Although, I don’t know how you’re not uncomfortable with walking on the beach in shoes,” you question while looking at your bare feet and then his shoes. 
“You never know when a crab might come up and pinch your toes,” he says with a straight face. 
“Righhhht,” you say while relishing the feeling of sand between your toes. 
“So, what should we do today? We pretty much have the whole day since we’re cooking at home tonight,” he says while squeezing your hand. 
“Hmmm,” you wonder for a second. “We could go out on one of the boats?” you carefully question while looking up at your fiancee. 
Joe did not like going on boats. He hated the idea of being out on the open water with no way of getting back to shore other than using the boat. He always questioned what you would do if the boat broke down or even started sinking. You always told him the sinking part was highly unlikely, but you blamed yourself for that worry because you’ve made him watch Titanic with you one too many times. He also didn’t like how you couldn’t see what was in the water. But lucky for you, the water in the Bahamas was crystal clear. 
He stayed silent for a few moments, making you a little sad since you wanted to experience something new with him. 
“Let’s do it,” he says while flashing you a smile. 
You looked up at him, a little surprised. “Really?” you beam. 
“Yes, now let’s go before I change my mind,” he says before stopping to pick you up. He doesn’t give you a moment to respond because he throws you over his shoulders causing you to let out a squeal. He leads you both back to the house so you can get freshened up.
You both got changed into your swimsuits before walking over to the docks and renting a boat for the day. You weren’t sure how you managed to get Joe to go on the boat, but you certainly were not complaining. 
The driver had taken the boat not too far from shore, which kept Joe’s mind at ease. You swam in the water for a little bit and enjoyed a few drinks. 
“Mmm, this like the best Mai Tai I’ve ever had,” you say while taking another sip. Joe was currently in the water in front of you, while you were seated on the steps of the boat, legs partially in the water. 
“Come in the water,” Joe says while splashing some water onto you. 
“Mmm, I think I’m good up here,” you tease while placing your drink to the side.
Joe swam closer to you and said “Nope.”
You were confused at what he meant but then you felt his wet hand wrap around your wrist. 
“Joe, don’t even think about it,” you playfully growled, knowing exactly what he was about to do. He didn’t listen and pulled you into the water, causing a big splash. You came back up to the surface with a frown.
“Someone’s mad,” Joe laughs. You swim over to him while he is fully anticipating an ass-kicking but is pleasantly surprised when you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his cheek.
You laugh and say, “If this is mad, let me be mad more often,”.
A few hours pass and you both are sitting on the boat in the net seating area that was right above the water. Joe had put on one of his many bucket hats and shades and was laid flat against the net, soaking in the golden sun. You were applying another layer of sunscreen before noticing his chest turning red. You knew he’d be a pain in the ass if he got sunburnt so you took the bottle and moved closer to him. 
You squeezed out a dab of sunscreen and started applying it to his chest. He flinched at the sudden contact before realizing it was just you. 
You felt him flinch and laughed, “Daydreaming, Burrow?”. 
“Maybe,” he smiles while taking off his shades. He looks down and sees you applying sunscreen on him, “Oh, thanks,” he says while meeting your eyes. 
You let out a playful sigh and say, “What would you do without me,”.
“For real,” he says. “I’d be walking around like a tomato,” he laughs. 
After applying the rest of the sunscreen, you lay back against the net and Joe lifts one of his arms, motioning for you to curl up next to him. He rests his hand on the small of your back while you tangle your legs with his. 
You lay there briefly, soaking up the perfect scene before breaking the silence. “Are you enjoying this? I know boats aren’t really your thing and I hope I didn’t force you into this,” you softly say. 
“Of course, I’m enjoying this. I will admit, I was a little nervy when getting on but you’re here with me so I’m fine. Besides, If the boat breaks down at least we’d be stranded together,” he jokes. 
“I guess that’s true. Better than being stranded with a bunch of randos too. I’m glad we could get a boat just for the two of us,” you reply. 
“Yup. This isn’t as bad as I thought. I can see everything below us too so no risk of a random shark popping out,” he deadpans.
“Like that would actually happen,” you say while softly hitting his chest.
“You never know,” he says while shaking your shoulder in an attempt to scare you.
You spent a few minutes messing around with each other before the driver came out to tell you that you were heading back to the island. You both got up and sat on the bench, your back pressed into Joe’s chest and stared out into the open waters, taking in the view before it was time to go back. You were mindlessly sliding your hand along Joe’s leg while he had his arms around your waist, gently squeezing your soft skin. Everything about this moment was peaceful. Joe felt at ease for the first time in a long time and he had his favorite person to thank for it. 
Once you got back to the house, you both took a nice shared shower before starting your dinner prep. Before arriving at the house yesterday, you had stopped at the local market to pick up some groceries. 
“So, what are we making tonight,” Joe asked as he sat down on one of the barstools. 
“I was thinking of shrimp-avocado tostadas and some of that wine we picked up yesterday?”
“Sounds delicious,” he said while rubbing his belly.
You let Joe fry the tortillas and make the avocado mixture while you cooked the shrimp and assembled the tostadas. While you were assembling the dish, Joe found a few candles in the cabinet and got an idea. He went outside to the backyard and set up the candles on one of the patio tables, setting the scene for a nice sunset dinner. He picked out a few flowers from the front of the house and put them in a vase to use as a centerpiece. He then poured the wine into 2 glasses, setting one on each side. 
You had finished plating the tostadas and didn’t see Joe anywhere. “Joe? Where are you,” you yelled out.
“Out here! Bring the plates outside,” he yelled back. 
You were a little confused but went along with it. You walked outside with your dinner and saw Joe setting the table and your heart melted. 
“Joe, this is so romantic,” you cooed while putting the plates on the table. 
He gave you a warm smile before pulling out one of the chairs for you to sit in. You sat down as he settled into the chair across from you. You both devoured the tostadas while making small talk about your plans for tomorrow. After you finished eating, Joe took the plates and set them inside; he suggested you both finish up your wine on the daybed since you would get a comfier view of the sky. 
Later that night, per your suggestion, you and Joe were sitting in the bathtub surrounded by bubbles and a few candles. You felt so relaxed even though you’d only been here for 2 days, and it was all because of Joe.
“I’m glad we finally get to have ‘us’ time,” Joe says while rubbing your thigh under the water. “I missed just being able to sit with you and do nothing. This past month felt so repetitive, I feel like we barely saw each other,” 
“Me too. We needed this,” you said as you pressed yourself into his chest a little more. Your back was to his chest and both your legs were tangled under the water. This was your favorite position; the warmth radiating off of his body felt like a big hug. 
“Thank you for doing this by the way,” you add.
“Doing what?” He questioned.
“This trip. I needed it more than I thought I did. Getting away from home and the change of environment was much needed. I think if I stayed in Ohio for another day I might have spontaneously exploded,” you joked, causing him to let out a soft chuckle. 
“Anytime,” he replied while kissing the nape of your neck.
“Do you feel better?” You asked. “I hope you were able to get your mind off of things. Your stuff was a lot heavier than mine,”
He lets out a content sigh and says, “Actually, yeah I do feel better. I think I just needed to get out of the chaos and get out of my head. This trip has helped me decompress and realize that not everything has to be so stuffy all the time,” Joe says. 
“Exactly,” you chirp as you lean your head back to place a kiss on his neck.
“I can’t do anything about what people are saying, they’ll always talk. But what I can do is work hard to get back to where I’m supposed to be. And I won’t be able to get there if I’m constantly pressuring myself,” he says. “Letting loose and having fun is a part of that journey. I need that balance,” he adds.
“And this is a great start,” you say while smiling up at Joe
“Yes it is,” Joe says while pressing another kiss to your forehead. 
You both had spent the rest of the night talking about the rest of your exciting activities planned for the final 2 days of the trip. You even talked about a few fun things you could do around Cincinnati when you get back home so that you could keep the work-life balance that you both so desperately needed. 
“This impromptu vacation might have been the best idea you’ve had so far,” you tell Joe as you both are about to fall asleep. 
“We should get away more often,” Joe grins.
--The End--
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