#headcannon that this is how his first sale went
toulousewayne · 10 months
Batfam and Batsis Headcannon: Ages 21-23
The headache Y/n felt forming after finding out about Bruce and Talia having a son was painful.
“After all those talks he gave me about protection.” Dick scoffed.
Y/n looked at her new brother who looked like a feral kitten who was ready to claw and hiss at anyone who approached him.
“Tt, I don’t see how you are Father’s Daughter, your mother wasn’t even married to him. Meaning you hold no claim to Father’s company or his assets.” He spat. He was quite smug with himself.
“Listen pipsqueak—“ Tim started but Y/n motioned for him to stop. She turned her attention back to Damian.
“Look I don’t know what you were told but I promise you I don’t want to run his company, hell I’d rather not be heiress to the money either. Bruce is my Father not my atm or trust fund. And if that’s all the things you’ve been led to believe then you’re sadly mistaken.”
Damian lunged at her and quickly moved out of his grasp, she turned towards him and flipped him onto his stomach and pinned his arm back.
Dick and Tim stood there in awe.”I know you’re an assassin kid, but make no mistake I will break this little hands of yours if you try that again.” She left the room without another word and Damian grumbled as Tim chuckled smugly in the corner.
Damian avoided Y/n while she visited the Manor. They spoke a total of two times in the first few days. By day three Y/n figured he’d be more settled into his new home that she could formally introduce herself. She was wrong.
Damian took one look at tried to go in the other direction and she called him but he was too fast for her. She was in her room on a call with Stephanie and Cass who were gutted she wasn’t staying longer, Barbara could be heard in the background on a call with Dinah and Helena.
“You guys know you can visit anytime, besides my roommate when back home to Chicago. So, for the rest of the term I have a whole dorm to myself.” She giggled stuffing some sweaters Alfred had bought for her as he knew winter was approaching and she’d be up late in the library across the campus.
“Well you’ll be back in three weeks for Christmas Break, plus maybe this weekend we can have a day trip I heard Metropolis Mall is having a huge sale for Black Friday!” Stephanie squealed with excitement.
Cass nodded in agreement,she turned her head and looked closely at the screen before speaking.”Damian.”
Y/n world around to find the youngest Wayne in her doorway easedropping.
“I’ll talk to you guys tonight when you stop by before patrol.” They two waved and she hung up turning to the doorway.
“Come in Damian.” Reluctantly he entered her room with a blank expression.
“Wayne.” She replied in his same tone.
He looked down at the ground before speaking,”Grayson talked to me about my actions. I wanted to apologize for comments earlier to you.” He never met her gaze and she placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re not the first kid to come in here and feel outraged or confused about your new life Damian, and knowing Dad’s track record I can’t say you’ll be the last. But I accept your apology. Mind telling me what’s behind your back though?”
He handed her a small wooden bird, it was cured and whittled to his shape and it was beautiful sculptured. “Grayson always mentioned your fascination with birds.”
Y/n smiled an took the little bird figure,”thank you Damian it’s very thoughtful of you.”
“I would appreciate if this conversation never made it to Drake.”
“Whatever you say kiddo.” She chuckled. As time went on Damian was less abrasive towards the older woman. Usually when the girls would visit her Damian would tag along, of course he said he was forced to come but that was lie. Or when Dick or Bruce would FaceTime her and Damian would demand to talk to his sister but would instantly just ask her about her studies and when would she be returning home. It was kinda cute.
When she returned for Christmas she wasn’t surprised to see Damian tending to his animals but rather who was helping him. A new kid.
Duke had heard a lot about his new sister from the other boys, from Cass even Alfred talk about her too.
She was able to get to know Duke when everyone was out running errands for Christmas and he was the only person at the Manor.
“Oh Hi Y/n, Alfred asked me to hang up the garland. Did you need something?”
“No Duke, just passing through, I’m surprised you picked the red and gold one, no one picks that one.”
“Really, I think it’s the most festive.” He chuckled and she entered the lounge and helped him. The two crackled jokes and finish decorating the lounge by the time Alfred and Bruce returned.
“I must say you two make excellent choices with decorations.” Alfred commented.
On Christmas Eve Duke wasn’t around lot of the family. When Y/n asked around no one had seen Duke since Breakfast. Y/n found him in the backyard sitting in the snow. She approached him with a cup of hot chocolate made by Jason.
She sat next to him in silence on noise was them sipping on the hot beverages and sounds of clatter and music from the manor.
For a while they just enjoyed each other company until Duke broke the silence. “Do you think their proud of me, with my decision of be Signal and applying to Gotham University?”
Y/n took a sip of her drink once more before replying,”I think your parents are very proud of you Duke, I believe they would not only want you to be surrounded by people who love you. But to also following your own heart, do what you feel is right for your life.”
He grinned to hisself before speaking again.”I guess so my Dad always wanted me to beat to my own drum. I just..I don’t wanna let anyone down, my parents, Alfred, Bruce..you.”
She turned to him,”Me?”
He nodded softly. “Everyone talks so highly of you, even Damian. I was scared that I’d let everyone down.”
“Duke Thomas Wayne! You could never let me down, I’m sister I’m not going to make you feel bad about your decision. Besides have you seen the rest of the family, just finishing High School is enough to make Alfred happy.” The two busted out laughing before the wind and the snow began to fall down.
“Come along little Brother it’s getting cold and so is the rest of my cocoa.”
On Christmas Morning everyone torn into their gifts and after that everyone opened their gifts Duke found Y/n in the library.
“Hey, thank you for yesterday, I just talked to Dick and he helped me finish my application for Gotham University and I may even have submitted one last night Metropolis University too.”
She chuckled,”Aww Duke that’s amazing I can’t want for them to come in the mail.”
Y/n helped Duke a lot with his last remaining High School affairs like signing up for the SATs, applying for other colleges one that were so close to home in case Duke wanted to try something new. She even helped him with his AP homework though she did secretly get Jason’s help with his English papers and Tim definitely didn’t glance over and make notes on his math homework to help him understand the concepts better.
When his letters did come in the mail he was accepted into Gotham, Central City, Bludhaven and even Star City top universities. But Duke was unsure of himself again and called Y/n who had returned to Metropolis to finish her last few weeks of her degree before graduating that spring.
“What did I say before Thomas, don’t sell yourself short. You earned those spots and if they aren’t where you wanna go you don’t have to. Follow your own drum remember.”
He grinned,”Thank Sis, I needed to hear that.”
“Anytime, now before i go will you please tell Dick and Dad that I will call them later, they keep calling and texting me.”
Duke doubled over laughing before telling her he’ll tell them.
Duke was the first one in the car the day before the family went to Y/n’s Graduation, him and his brothers fought over shot gun which was vetoed by Alfred who made them all sit in the back of the car.
By the time the got their the ceremony had begun and a small crowd burst through the auditorium and made their ways to their seats where Clark, Lois, Jon and Diana were already sitting.
“Late again?” Diana chuckled.
“Bathroom breaks.” Bruce replied.
Luckily Y/n was next and the group from her family was so loud that the crowd chuckled and some joined in too.
She was top of her class and even gave the speech for them.
After walking outside she was swept up to strong arms.”I’ve very proud of you.” Bruce said.
“Thanks Dad, but you’re crushing me.” Bruce reluctantly released her but she she immediately hugged by her brothers and sisters.
“You’ve made us so proud little Bat.” Dick practically sob.
“Grayson can you please stop with the dramatic.”
“Well what will you do know, are staying here or will you move back to Gotham?” Tim questioned.
She shrugged,”I dunno I will come home for a bit before I decide though.”
A choir of Yes from Damian, Duke, and Alfred didn’t go unnoticed.
“Well whatever you decide, we’ll be here for you.” Jason side hugged her.
Alder sobbed and received everyone attention,”it feels me with joy to know at least one of you finished college.”
“But Alfre—
“Silence Master don’t ruin my moment.” Bruce rolled his eyes as Clark and Lois chuckled and Diana shook her head before turning to the graduate.
“Well young one you’ve accomplished much today and I think you should be very proud of yourself.”
“I am thank you guys for coming.”
Tim scoffed,”B practically ran half off the inmates into their cells to not miss today.”
Everyone chuckled as Bruce looked aloof and starting walk towards the door,”I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
I hope you enjoyed this miniseries. I will do more with different people in the DC Universe.
Specifically with the other teams next to either the JLU or the titans or all of them in some capacity.
My asks are open so please, leave me any Requests! ☺️
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fern-keey · 2 months
I have a small suggestion!! Well headcannon I thought you'd like.
Likely since saitama and genos have been living together a while now, even when they moved to the hero association, they still find little ways to keep their old routine, like how saitama probably buys things that genos likes, egs being sardines and hair conditioner brands.
And genos probably still cooks aswell, I find that the fandom poses that he enjoys cooking, I feel it's good for him since before he met saitama he was living on packet noodles and oil.
Yesss!!!!! Not being roommates probably won’t stop Genos making his Saitama-faced bentos and enjoy the company of each other whilst sharing a hotpot, or that’s at least what I think.. if Genos isn’t feeling too down, it can be hard to assume with the differences between webcomic and manga. I think Genos may be used to cooking for two, so Genos would take his second portion to Saitama’s apartment and eventually Saitama will just stay for Genos’s cooking instead of the hassle of trading tupperware / plates and bowls everyday. It would also be easier for Saitama to take advantage of the sales more with Genos still shopping with him, I wouldn’t be surprised if Saitama always gave Genos the task of planning for sales with him being to able to easily track them with just his HUD or just buying each other little gifts because why not giving them more incentive to see each other. I think it would be easy for them to fall back into a routine together if it weren’t for all the people trying to get saitama’s attention and the short amount of time between disasters but Genos assuming he would be moving in with Saitama shows how their lives are now intertwined.
With Genos immediately making ‘peeping holes’ I think it would be accurate for Genos to make a dog door for rover between the two apartments which Saitama and Genos would pass stuff to each other through eventually and talk through the peep hole so eventually they’ll just make a window through the wall, to hang out, but then Saitama might want to come over to Genos’s but can’t be bothered leaving and locking his own apartment just to go next door! So they would just install a door between the rooms, eventually turning them into one big apartment eventually. Alternatively Saitama, Genos or rover will accidentally break the wall between them and they just don’t put the wall back.
Seeing how they react not living together will be really interesting (as much as I’m hoping for them to live together again), specifically I am interested to see how Genos would decorate his own apartment if he does at all or if Saitama will notice how big of a part Genos has in his life. With Genos’s apartment he might not have anything in there since Forte could have potentially took everything from it and he might just end up having a similar arrangement he had whilst he was in the tent whilst stalking researching Saitama with just a sleeping bag and some bare essentials, either being confident he will eventually be living back with Saitama soon or just not feeling like he needs anything else anymore. He could also turn his place into a storage room for all his Saitama merchandise and notebooks or just a room specifically to do his repairs and rest. I am also taking into account that Genos went from bringing a huge backpack to saitamas first apartment to him saying he can fit all his belongings into one corner trying to move into his second.
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can I request headcannons about how eddie steve and billy would spend valentines with reader
This is adorable!! Thank you so much for the request love <3
I just had to add Wayne to the Eddie part 🤭
This is his first time having a real valentine
People used to ask him as a joke when the bullying started in his younger years
BUT! When your relationship is still new he knows that he wanted to spoil you on all the big days. That includes birthdays, Christmas (or any holiday you celebrate), anniversaries, easter, Halloween, and especially valentines day.
What he didn't expect was for you to spoil him as well.
When it comes to Valentine's day itself he makes sure he is prepared. He wakes you up with cereal in bed (isn't it like canon the boy can't cook) if it's a school day he surprises you with flowers in your locker, and he made sure that there is something special for dinner.
He tears up when you give him his gifts. He never expected anything so when you smile and hand him a gift box he's in shock.
After dinner, you two cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. Soft kisses are exchanged, and nothing but soft caresses are experienced between the two of you.
When Wayne gets home he smiles softly seeing his nephew with the person who loves him just the way he is. He sees you two and how your limbs are entangled together and a small laugh passes his lips before he can bite it back.
He nearly chokes in shock seeing that there are leftovers on the counter next to a small gift you got him.
Wayne doesn't show it but he tears up seeing that you got him something and he makes a mental note to pick you up something small when the stuffed animals go on sale in the next couple of days.
He knows the way around Valentine's day. He has it down to a T.
He makes the reservations, picks up the best-looking red roses the stores have, he gets the biggest stuffed bear and the biggest box of chocolate
He talks to Robin beforehand to see if it's too much but he doesn't listen to her.
"Oh, what do you know? My baby deserves the best and more" He says while rolling his eyes
He picks you up in a nice shirt and tie and he blushes seeing how beautiful you look "Y-you look so beautiful" He stutters out making you blush
You gasp seeing the restaurant he got reservations for. It's one of the fanciest restaurants in the next town over, "How did you even get reservations, Stevie?" He smiles and shrugs "I know a guy"
The dinner went amazing, he takes you back to his place where dessert is waiting. He ordered your favorite from the bakery you love...but sadly the dessert is pushed until the next day. You two got....busy ;)
He isn't used to a romantic Valentine's day
This is the first Valentine's day where he wanted to be as romantic as possible
He talks to Max reluctantly in hopes of finding out what he can do for you, both were blushing brightly and stuttering through the entire conversation but Max does love you and she knows what you deserve
With Max's help, he gets you a nice necklace and he makes dinner for the two of you (and with your help he makes sure Lucas takes Max out for a nice Valentine's)
To me, Billy can cook! So he spends most of the day making your favorite meal
You come over just in time, and you moan softly at the delicious smell that is in the air
As you two are eating he gets nervous to give you the gift, he knows you'll like it...but what if you don't?
When he does give you the small box he watches you tear up seeing the beautiful necklace. He smiles knowing he did good and he gets up to go put it on for you.
"Oh B...I love it!" You squeal before wrapping your arms around his neck and attacking him with kisses
He chuckles and tries to brush it off as no big deal but you kiss him deeper to make him lose his breath
He picks you up and carries you to his bed...let's just say the night ends with you just in that necklace ;)
I loved the request and I hope you enjoyed! If you did please reblog and comment it means the world!!
Request are open so please don't hesitate to request anything loves
Taglist:@ghosttownwherenoonegoes @ceriseheaven @manyfandomsfanvergent @munsonology @moonchildquinn
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flowering-thought · 2 years
I had a random thought and then found the perfect picrew so I figured why not >:)
Not edited
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, gore, descriptions of gore, invasion of privacy
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Mila Allen
First Meeting + Headcannons
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Rumors upon rumors about the most recent string of killings in your city kept circulating at your office. Honestly, you were getting tired of hearing it and how the details always managed to get leaked.
There's been a serial killer killing one person around once a month for 8 months now. Stringing up their victims and making them act out a play dressed up as a clown. And the reason you knew all these details was thanks to the desk next to yours and the person that sat in it-
As much as you wished the man would stop looking up things about it he just didn't stop. He was one of those serial killer fanatics that kept thinking that their minds were so fantastical! You understood the appeal of documentaries since you quite liked those types of shows, finding that the mind of someone who kills is more interesting. But you didn't get a hard-on at an idea and trying to debate on whether Ted Bundy VS Jack the Ripper would be interesting to watch...
But your desk neighbor Harris just kept getting his socks off about the details. How the killer put screws in their bones and strung them up like a sick puppet show and then made sure they were dressed up in a clown outfit which if you saw the outfit on a clown you probably would have thought was cute! But it's not so cute when the clown has been positioned and then has their organs cut out in some sort of sick artistic way..
And he hasn't stopped since it started. 8 months of listening to each and new details were driving you insane! You wondered if you should buy some noise-canceling headphones since he's clearly not going to stop.
And as you continued to listen to his little rant about how he thinks that the police should confirm whether the killer is a man or woman when a bit of red hair and hands touched both your shoulders.
"Ooo! Are you guys talking about the recent killings? I didn't know you guys were interested!" said a soft voice. You turned your head to see the head of tech security looking down at you.
You could hardly remember her name since you worked in sales and tech specialists usually were always checking to make sure all the programs sold had no loopholes or backdoors. And the head of tech security was basically the head hacker who made sure to do the last check.
You've only seen her maybe once or twice talking to your boss when you were on a break. But this was your first time talking to her. She seemed kind but there was a glint of curiosity in her eyes that slightly scared you.
Harris went on to spill the beans like a weird stalker and went on to say that "The killer has got to be doing this for fun right? To make fun of someone or something right?". At that, you had heard enough and let out a sigh.
"Harris honestly you've gotta stop. Some minds are like that but I don't think this is the case. They treat the people carefully as they do it and it's clearly a ritual of sorts. Something probably happened to make them do this so don't start making out killers to be some sort of special being." You blurted out, noticing both of them staring at you before you started to fiddle with your fingers and look away.
"They are human you know? As much as it would be easier to put them in some sort of other classification, the truth is they are human like you and me, and if we wanted to be capable of that we could be with the right motivation. Just because some like psychopaths or sociopaths do it cause of no reason or have a lack of empathy doesn't mean all do." You continued, looking back up at them, "Honestly? I think the story that this person is trying to tell is sadder than we think. We just don't have the right angle to view it correctly..".
And before Harris could get a word out the redhead held out her hand and smiled, "I'm Mila, wanna be friends?" she asked. Her eyes held something you couldn't figure out as you shook her hand and nodded. What did you have to lose?
Unknown to you, you unlocked something in the poor killer across from you. Did you really think that you didn't have a killer in your building? But Mila doesn't want to kill you! She wants to grow closer! She's seen all the gossip about her kills but this is the first time she's heard someone be sympathetic.
No one has tried to see it from her angle! And your foolish desk neighbor was the exact type of person she hated. But right now he didn't fit her ideal victim so she brushed him off.
But you? She needs to know more-
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Regular Headcannons
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• Mila is about 26 and was born on April 11th which makes her an Aries!
• Mila has no family as she's an orphan. And if she does have any family show up? Well, she'd cut them off then and there.
• She's an outgoing person and can be quite an oddball at times. She's one of those people you never quite know what's going on behind their smile and say odd things sometimes.
• She doesn't have a lot of normal hobbies but she has fun occasionally crafting dolls. She makes doll parts and cute little clothes for them and even furniture! Occasionally she'll splurge on a rare doll found on the market, usually on original blythe dolls if she can find them.
• She actually isn't really on the sociopath or psychopath scale. She has emotions and understands them really well. As for why she started her spree? Let's keep that a secret for now hm?
• Mila loves cold weather! She finds the snowy and rainy months the best! If she could, she would definitely run away to a country where it snowed all the time! With you too of course ♡
• She also can bake! She enjoys sweet things and isn't too fond of bitter things like coffee. She can't cook too well though-
• She can and will drink energy drinks till she's bouncing off the walls. Since she hates coffee, energy drinks are how she makes it through long shifts at work.
• After Mila initially met you and practically forced you into a friendship she anticipated you growing to dislike her. Let's just say she was surprised when you complimented her hobbies and how cool it was when her hands moved fast across the keyboard.
• You honestly really were kind. After she had met you at a bakery before work a couple of times and you two talked more about random things she came to understand you were just an empathetic and kind person.
• When she asked you about the serial killer topic you did explain that Harris had been going on about it for so long that you were just tired of a killer being continuously theorized about when the killings seemed sad rather than not.
• She understood it. Most serial killers wanted to be seen as gods or artists or from a higher standpoint. They usually had a reason for what they did but occasionally they did it purely because of that rush it gave them.
• She liked the way you thought. You admitted that there were things you hated but you also understood that people are people. Even if some are bad and some aren't, they all will be held to judgment eventually.
• But you? She realized she didn't want you to ever be tainted by blood and power. It would be better if you didn't huh?
• She liked how you could see the world better than she could. You weren't oblivious to the nature of the world but you understood it and hoped for the best.
• So can't you stay that way for her? Just fall for her with your simple view of love and stay oblivious to her darker nature hm? As long as you do she won't have to take any drastic measures to keep you by her side.
Yandere Tendencies Headcannons
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• When Mila does end up falling for you due to your personality, she ends up having a slightly twisted mindset when it comes to you.
• She stalks you and hacks into your accounts to see your every move. She likes to see what you enjoy looking at, your favorite movies, and the things you have on a wish list for future gift ideas. She likes thinking that she knows you better than anyone else ♡
• She may actually hack into your medical records and any actual records that exist whether it was a time you shoplifted or records of an incident involving you.
• She doesn't like thinking that anyone knows you better. She's honestly a jealous type-
• The people she kills are people on a list. She maintains and adds to that list depending on the information she gathers on those people. But if someone has wronged you in any way? They may or may not make themselves get onto that list.
• And if she doesn't decide to kill someone for you, she'll hack their accounts and ruin their life in any way she deems fit. While she does have a moral code and things she deems right or wrong, anyone who wrongs you in any way is automatically wrong in her eyes.
• You could do no wrong to her. Except if you don't reciprocate her feelings. Then she'll go into a slight delusion that there's no way you're saying this and that someone must be interfering-
• While outwardly she's perfectly stable, her mind just goes a little too delusional when it comes to you. A part of her knows what she's doing wouldn't make you happy but she can't help herself ♡
• You're the only person whose ideals aren't completely opposite from hers. You make her hope that one day she could stop killing. You make her have nice dreams instead of her usual nightmares.
• On the first night she met you she didn't have a nightmare. She instead just slept peacefully. And when she started to enjoy your presence as the days and weeks went by she found herself having nice dreams.
• Mila can't live without you now! The feelings you give her are too warm to let go of. She had maybe felt love and adoration for a few people in her life before but it wasn't like this.
• This made her want you completely. This made her feel warm whenever she thought of you and like she could finally be free from the guilt she carries. You're like a drug that releases all the stress and guilt she carries.
You made her fall head over heels to the point she'd alter her own moral code. You should take responsibility for it by loving her just as much as she's fallen for you ♡
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manofthepipis · 1 year
spam headcannons featuring clickstopher >:)
spamton dyeing his hair was an entirely impulsive decision. he was in the middle of a mental breakdown and just ran over to the nearest convenience store, bought cheap black box dye, and was sobbing during the entire process, thinking he was ruining his hair. afterwards it worked out because he actually really liked it <3
this one has some canon base in it, but i just have the feeling he's a really good mechanic and loves cars, more than any other addison. he doesn't use these skills to further himself though because of his determination to stay in sales, but he can tell you what's wrong with your car with a glance and fix it in five minutes. also, his vocal tics get the slightest bit clearer when talking about them because he's really passionate about it
speaking of cars, he's a totally manic driver. he is the reason we have defensive driving. he always speeds up when there is a yellow light. he drives on the wrong side of the highway when there's traffic. he is the type of guy to say "how much signal i need to cut across 8 lanes, none?" he never gets into car accidents though he just gives heart attacks to all his passengers. i feel like his glitches could actually work in his favor here and clip him out of danger or crashes.
despite being the biggest advocate of forgetting spamton entirely, clicks went to therapy once to try and process his disappearance. when the therapist questioned why he was feeling bad over someone he claimed he hated, clicks got mad and never went back
if it hadn't been spamton, clicks was the second possible candidate to becoming mike's vessel
spam used to be a smoker, but would never do it in front of the other addisons n case they thought less of him for it. once mike started to take more and more control, spam ended up smoking a pack a day. he had to quit after getting kicked out of the mansion because he didn't have any money to afford them, so the first few weeks was especially tough just for getting rid of a nicotine addiction.
oh i'm HERE for these <3
i'm adding on to the impulsive hair dyeing because i love this headcanon so much ty for bringing it to the table omg ok like maybe it was a VERY rough night at their typical addison meetup, and everyone else was at the highest they've been, flourishing in their sales, and when it came to him, he froze up and stammered out a lie that was just so OBVIOUSLY a lie, he couldn't even deny they knew by their reactions. But he had to play it off, out of embarrassment. I'd feel like he'd really look up to Swatch who's pretty well known among cyber city, and his imitation of them starts early, as thoughts ran through his head like "well if they're successful enough like that, maybe i just need to change my look." and did it impulsively. Later, when he moves into the mansion, he gets it done professionally (and permanently) by swatchlings.
I also feel like he'd be good at cars, but in tune with his bad luck (and because in-game, Queen gets out of the car that's so very different from the others in Cyber city, telling noelle and kris "i was just afraid it hadn't exploded yet also those are the cars that's in spamton's area in the trash zone), maybe it was in his later years Big Shot Autos turned the tides for the worst, and several goofy explosion incidents ran rampant throughout the city, having Spamton's cars decommissioned and replaced with the ones they have now. This was devastating for him, as he's truly knowledgeable and it's his special interest. Nowadays he doesn't talk about it much, but he's still good at it, just distanced. He would talk about it if someone showed interest and didn't associate his brand with a bunch of failures, and then he'd never stop.
I'm loving Spamton being a manic driver, like one that DEFINITELY needs to be feared on the roads. Jevil loves this chaotic side to him and when he'd visit cyber city, he enjoyed Spamton's reckless driving and fancy cars (and the thought of being stuck in traffic with the clown was a horror upon itself to Spamton, who did everything to avoid it when he found out Jevil snuck into his car, inadvertently making it more fun for Jevil)
i love the idea of clicks going to therapy, trying to process everything. I feel he needs it :') That and I can agree with him being the second pick. Click-on ads are everywhere, more abundant that the other two, and it would be pretty easy to get him to the top. Luckily, Spamton was FAR easier to exploit on desperation versus Clicks's exploitable ego.
The last just breaks my heart, but I can see it. He was the big shot boss with a cigar that was larger than he was lmao
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crumbztoast · 2 years
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first try going great
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veronica-17-hood · 3 years
headcannon that jason always has a spare room ready for any of his siblings in your shared apartment.
so when you had asked him he wanted to stop going to safe house to safe house or climbing in and out of your small studio apartment. he immediately said yes and started sending you listings to apartment after apartment every second of the day and even facetiming you every now and then during patrol when he sees a building going up or a for sale sign.
the two of you finally went house hunting and he was honestly like a kid in a candy store, asking questions about amenities work, if animals are allowed, parking, he was a full blown homeowner at this point.
once the two of you settled on an apartment, it ended up bigger than the two of you even wanted but it stayed within budget. 3 full bedrooms and baths, walk in closest, and a beautiful kitchen which sent the two of you wild, it was perfect mix of modern and homey, something jason never had before he found you.
a home.
and jason couldn’t be happier.
he was going furniture shopping, calling you often and asking how exactly you wanted everything to be set up (he never really had a good eye for decorating, have you seen his safe houses?)
he wanted large couches because even though he claims his siblings annoy him and he would be better off without them, he doesn’t mean it, and he wants room for his family to be at HIS home with HIS soulmate.
but jason did make it a priority, it didn’t matter what you wanted or said, he wanted one of the extra rooms to be for his siblings. no one used it for anything else but them.
he picked the whole room out himself and he had never been prouder (except of his reading nook that he had in the corner of your master bedroom, he showed everyone the work he did). he picked out the bed, brought timmy to get a mattress and they agreed on one, painted the walls, and stocked the bathroom with the usuals, shampoo, face wash, first aid kit, extra anesthesia, ya know the normal things everyone has in their guest bathrooms.
he always kept the room neat and clean, changing the sheets and vacuuming the carpet every week, never openly offering it to his siblings but they all knew that it was open for them at all times. 
the first time timmy stayed over he was over the moon, of course he only expressed that to you not to his kid brother. he cooked tim’s favorite meal (was very bummed when he didn’t come out when dinner was called) but he kept it warm for him whenever he decided to come out.
he waited from 5 pm to around 9, worried sick as to why tim hadn’t come out of the guest room yet. he didn’t know if he got sick, hurt, or crashed finally from the caffeine jay watched him consume during patrol the night before.
finally mustering up the courage and knocking down the walls of ‘i’m a tough man’ act, jay finally grabbed the warm plate of spaghettini and gently peaked into the spare room seeing his younger brother working too hard on Wayne Enterprises bullshit (thankful he wasn’t the one who inherited the company as a teenager).
jay looked back at you with a smile, nodding that his kid brother (both of your favorite sibling of the many bruce wayne had adopted, well yours is obviously jason, tim’s a close second) was perfectly fine and he watched as you headed back to the two of yours bedroom, book in hand now waiting for your soulmate to eventually saunter back to spend time with you.
and of course jay annoyed timmy for hours after that, eventually getting him to eat, stop working, and thankfully sleep, and you could swear that jason slept with a smile on his face that night.
since then tim spend most of his time at your home, most of the time because he genuinely loves you and jay and your home, but other times because of fights with bruce or breakdowns he can’t have, or just for some quiet, something you and jay love endlessly, quiet.
after a while damian would come in between the visits of tim. he always said he just needed quiet or a place to think and draw without intrusions but what he really means is he loves hanging out with his big brothers partner, who actually paints with him and loves his animals (you take him to shelters and museums every time he’s free and at your home). but he also loves his brother (he will never admit that aloud) but he loves jays food and hanging out with him, if it be silence of speak just eating and watching tv, or having heated debates about books, help with homework (which dami will never admit he needs) or even going to get new ear piercings and books.
then cass started coming, she got the second spare bedroom that you had just decorated simply with decor and furniture from your old studio apartment. but that style changed as cass started to stay more and more and soon stef was coming with her after patrol and the third bedroom became theirs. purple and black with posters and flowers across the whole room on stef’s side, knifes and weapons laid on the dresser in cass’s side but lots of comics and school work on the desk too. (cass also has been loving the baby pink color and sage green so that’s been making appearances).
then of course lastly dick and duke started to come, more so for movie nights and adventures or anytime after patrol. dick really only sleeps on the couch because jay couldn’t fit a third bed in the room where tim and dami normally sleep. this three bedroom house is now housing at least 6 people and 5 different beds for the people to choose from. duke will normally take the couch as well unless tim or damian decides to actually sleep at their own house for once, then he grabs the spare bed.
but dick and duke tend to come less often, dick goes through phases (mainly because the two of you are best friends and when he visits gotham he ends up loosing track of him and just crashes at yours) and duke enjoys the manor, especially as everyone is now in your house more time than not.
of course jay and you need a break so he’ll close the doors for a few days, the longest was a month. he explains that you and him need some time and all of his siblings respect that no issue. they all go back to their mad house until jay sends a short sweet text saying ‘it’s a go’ to the group chat and they all come back to the silence that is apartment.
there are no fights or drama at jays place, it’s always calm and everyone gets along (leading bruce to almost selling the manor because the energy or feng shui is off so it makes everyone crazy; everyone yelled at him and damian threatened him and the thought was suddenly *poof* from bruce’s head.)
jason loves having everyone there and he loves that you and him are the ones to provide it. he feels like he’s apart of the family again after everything he’s been through and with all the work with the outlaws that he thinks has been spreading him from the bats (not on purpose, which is why it makes him sad) and when he tells you that, gosh your heart swelled so it barley fits in your chest.
and don’t worry, roy, donna, and bazaro spend time there as well. the outlaws have a monthly sleepover with you and jay, no other siblings.
but jay never thought he could be so happy, but he is and truthfully he can’t stop smiling.
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
I am going to hell for this…but FUCK IT!!!
Since Christmas is coming and I have been reading NSFW obey me headcannons and scenarios(Bc I’m a mother fucker who needs Jesus..)..
I was thinking of GN!MC wearing a revealing Christmas outfits to the boys after they got home from whatever they like to do. And No..Luke is too innocent for this 😤😤
It’s okay if you don’t want to and Merry Christmas!!!🎄🎁
If you're going to hell, then I'm probably getting a fate much worse lol.
MC Wearing a Revealing Christmas Outfit
Probably coming home after a meeting with Dia
Cause, let’s be honest, this man would work on a holiday 
He gets back to the house, about ready to crash at this point 
Not even Mammon’s antics stop him from beelining back to his room since he’s so desperate to relax 
When he opens the door and sees you sitting on his bed in this very revealing Christmas outfit, he actually freezes up 
He almost thought it was a hallucination at first from how long he’d been up for the past few days
But then you greet him with that knowing smile of yours, and he’s quick to lock the door 
Let’s just say he never got that rest he wanted, but he certainly didn’t mind 
He was out gambling 
It was an attempt at making some money to buy you a nice gift for Christmas this year 
After winning enough money to buy you a suitable gift, he heads home so he can start planning 
When he gets to his room, he doesn’t really notice you at first 
Once he does, he kinda jumps in surprise, then starts stuttering when he sees what you’re wearing 
He straight up pounces on you once you give him the okay 
The two of you get a noise complaint from at least two of the brothers, but neither of you care 
He didn’t want to leave the house today, but there was a limited edition Christmas themed Ruri-tan on sale that could only be bought in person 
So he, unfortunately, had to leave the house for the afternoon to go buy one 
That gives you plenty of time to put your plan into action 
When he gets home after the event, he rushed to your room to show off his figure 
But he doesn’t find you in there, so he just heads to his room, promising himself that he’ll show you later
He opens his door, and nearly screams at the sight of you in his gaming chair, dressed in a very revealing outfit 
Let’s be real, he probably passes out 
There’s no way his otaku brain could take a hit that strong 
But when he comes to, he’s definitely teaching you a lesson about surprising him like that 
As per usual, he was coming back from studying at the library 
He prefers studying at home, but his brothers are always so loud, so he’s started going to the library for some peace and quiet 
It was late by the time he got home since he’d lost track of time 
The second he gets inside, he’s heading right to his room, intent to curl up with a book for the rest of the night 
However, his plans are thwarted when he spots you on his bed in some very revealing Christmas lingerie, quietly reading a book 
When you look up and see him in the doorway, he makes a point of closing and locking his door
And, just for good measure, he casts a silencing spell because he knows it’s gonna get loud tonight 
Honey, he was most likely out buying his own Christmas lingerie
It was honestly just for a photoshoot he had, and to post on Devilgram of course
But he figured he might as well show it off to you as well 
As soon as he’s home, he is sprinting to his room to change into his clothes, only to see you sitting in his bed, wearing a similar outfit
He asks for five minutes, and he’s changed into his outfit as well 
Absolutely demands the two of you have a photoshoot together to show all of his followers 
And, as expected, it’s followed by a night of very explicit activities 
He left early in the morning to work out, then he went to lunch at Hell’s Kitchen, so he was out for a while 
When he leaves the restaurant, he stops at Madame Screams to get you and Belphie some limited holiday treats 
And of course, also get himself practically everything in the shop 
Once home, he heads to the attic to give Belphie his treat, and then makes his way to your room 
He sees that you aren’t there, so he goes to the kitchen to store your treat for later, and heads over to his room 
As soon as he opens the door, he sees you sitting on his bed in your outfit
He’s taken by surprise for sure, but he quickly regains his composure and walks over to you 
After asking for your consent, he’s on you immediately 
Once you’ve both settled down, he gets up to go get you the treat he bought for you 
Bold of you to assume he’d leave the house on purpose 
For now, let’s just say Beel dragged him out to go and do some food tours or something like that 
By the time the two get back, all the cow man wants to do is go and lay tf down 
Beelines straight for the attic, completely ignoring all of his brothers 
He is practically seconds away from passing out as he opens the door to the attic 
But, as soon as he sees you, he wakes up faster than he ever has before 
You, laying on the bed, wearing a way-too-revealing outfit, and just chilling out like it’s nothing 
He’s greeted by you glancing up at him with a smile, and that’s when he loses it 
After the night he had with you, he’s never slept better 
He was in a meeting with some important business demons, so he was pretty worn out by the time he made it back to the castle 
Once he gets back, he stops by his office quickly to finish up a couple of documents, then goes to his room to take a quick shower 
However, when he opens his bedroom door to get to his bathroom, he sees you sitting on his bed in some expensive looking Christmas lingerie 
You seem to have been waiting for him to return, so who is he to keep you waiting for much longer? 
He excuses himself to take probably the fastest shower he’s ever taken in his life, and then he’s on you in no time 
Basically everyone in the castle hears the two of you that night, but Barbatos is there to ensure they keep quiet about it 
This man needs a break, I’m sure we can all agree on that 
Diavolo decided to let him off a bit early tonight so that he could relax
While he was hesitant, he was grateful that the prince is so thoughtful 
He makes his way back to his room, and opens the door to find you standing in the middle wearing some very beautiful Christmas lingerie 
For a rare moment, he is actually surprised by your actions 
Usually, he can predict the things that you do based on his observations, but tonight truly threw him off
Of course, he still thinks you look stunning, and he is more than happy to prove that to you for the whole night 
He was out shopping with Barbs
Luke was low on a few ingredients for Christmas cookies, so Barbs offered to help find them 
After about an hour of shopping, the two parted ways and went back to their respective homes 
Once back at the hall, he gives Luke his supplies and heads up to his room 
Fully does a double take when he sees you on his bed
Like, he seriously did not expect something like this to happen today, but he is certainly not against it 
Walks over to you hesitantly as to not disturb the mood that’s just been created 
He does not waste any time in absolutely worshiping your body like the piece of art you are 
Probably got dragged out by Asmo again 
Which means he was out partying until very late at night, and didn’t get home until later cause he had to drag a very drunk Asmo home 
But finally, he managed to get back to Purgatory Hall, and he could finally get some rest 
Greets the other two on his way up to his room, but he doesn’t linger for long since he wants to get to bed
However, the second he sees you, he is changing his mind about sleep 
You looked so incredibly hot to him 
Yeah, he never got that sleep he wanted, and neither did poor Simeon who was next door the whole time 
Can y’all tell how bad I am at writing Simeon and Solomon yet? Like, I’m much better at writing for the demons (+ Luke when he shows up) but I can never seem to get these two right lol. Anyways, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone :)
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lovinkiri · 3 years
Okey, hear me out plz. Could you write about Sero, Tamaki, and Bakugou (separately) having a girlfriend who has psionic powers (like the Scarlet Witch) and she is Hawk's protégé. He like to think that he's like some kind of father figure for her so he's suuuuper caring and when he sees her having a smoochie moment with them he goes in PROTECTIVE FATHER mode and he gives the boys the "father talk *ejem...threat*"
Thank u you beautiful living being🌈🧡
Father Figure
Author's Thoughts: I got you bby! I don't write for Hawks so I hope he's at least a bit in character. I hope you don't mind its not headcannons.
Warning: Mentions of violence, threats, etc.
Hanta Sero
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You were always like a child to Keigo. The child he'd figured he'd figured he just wouldn't get the chance to have. And though your quirk was different from his, he did a great job training you.
He put in the work, the research, getting to know your quirk. He read records with people of similar quirks, got in contact with those around, all so he could accurately train your ability. He wanted to be the best he could for you.
You grew up so quickly in his opinion. Too quickly.
From graduating high school, to headlining as his sidekick. To finally having a boyfriend.
Keigo was hesitant to meet this boyfriend of yours, but you'd told him how much it meant to you. And he'd do anything for you.
So he played as nicely as he could, staring at you and the boy you sat with.
"So.. Sero.. Are you planning on being a hero?" Keigo looked him up and down with a gaze full of judgement.
Hanta gave a nod, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "Yeah. I've always wanted to be a hero. I actually attended UA with Y/n." He looked at you and seeing your smile almost melted the tension.
"Hey, Kid, could you go order me something to eat?" Keigo asked you, smiling innocently. Almost too innocently.
You gave him a look. He simply leaned his cheek against his palm, blinking owlishly. "Pretty please?"
Sighing, you stood up and nodded. "Got it. I'll be back." You leaned down and pressed a small kiss to Hanta's lips, something that made his smile tighten.
You looked at Keigo and pointed at him. "Play nice. Pretty please?" You crossed your arms. He gave you a sigh and a nod.
So you hesitantly walked away.
And the smile dropped from Keigo's lips.
"I'll just be straight with you, Hanta. She means everything to me. And if you value life itself, you'll treat her like she's everything to you. That girl doesn't love loosely, so this is nothing short of a honor- no, a privilege for you."
Hanta straightened out, nervous about Keigo's sudden change. "I-I understand, sir.."
Keigo gave a nod and leaned back in his chair, smiling again. "Well, I should hope so!" He chuckled softly.
That's when you walked over. "Here. I got you nachos. Did you two find something nice to talk about?"
The man with wings took the nachos. "Thank you, Chicken Wing. We sure did." He looked you Hanta who stiffly nodded.
You, having common sense though, put two and two together. "... Keigo, I asked you to be nice!"
"The nicest thing I can do for you is make sure he treats you right."
Tamaki Amajiki
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Tamaki was afraid.
You'd told him all about Keigo, how protective he could be. And the only thing you'd promised was that he wouldn't touch him.
You and Tamaki were planning a trip to a nice resort.
You'd needed to grab something from Keigo's house, so Tamaki had to sit downstairs with said man.
Well, Keigo sat down. Tamaki stood in the corner, as far as possible. But he couldn't escape Keigo's glare. And if looks could kill..
It wasn't like he had a problem with Tamaki. He knew Fatgum, and the man hsd told Keigo all about his two sidekicks.
In fact, Keigo noticed that just like you'd become a daughter to him, Fatgum treated his sidekicks like his own sons.
The two often bonded over photos they kept in their wallets, sharing stories. Two parents bonding over their children, that's what everyone else saw.
It was from talking to Fatgum that he knew Tamaki wasn't a bad kid. That doesn't mean he wasn't gonna have a talk with him.
"Listen, Kid. I don't hate'cha. You're one of Fatgum's sidekicks and you seem.. Harmless enough."
Tamaki was sure it that should have offended, but Hawks continued either way.
"But when she needs you, I gotta know that you'll be there for her. She doesn't need you to protect her but if she ever does, I gotta know you'll do it. Take good care of her. I'd hate to end your whole career."
It wasn't like he had a problem with Keigo's orders. Tamaki loved you and would never let anything happen to you. Hell, he'd promised himself he'd be a man for you.
Keigo gave the sweetest smile and Tamaki shuddered, moving more into the corner.
It was the threat that scared him. He didn't know if he meant he was gonna kill him or if he was going to destroy his rising hero career.
You finally came downstairs with the object you needed. "Alright, I'm ready-.. Tama, are you okay?" You walked over, concerned.
"I-I wanna go home.."
You glared at the winged man and crossed your arms. "Keigo!"
Keigo leaned back into the couch. "Thanks for visiting you two, it was a pleasure havin' ya."
Katsuki Bakugou
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Keigo was doing an autograph signing at the mall, just where you and Katsuki just so happened to have your date.
"Why do you think everyone is crowding over there?" You asked Katsuki, looking towards the crowd of people surrounding Keigo.
You'd thought his signing would be at another mall, not knowing that the venue had been changed last minute.
"No clue, don't care. Probably some big sale or somethin'. Why, you wanna check it out?" He looked at you, the arm around your waist pulling you closer.
You smiled and shook your head. "Nah. Let's just go to the bookstore then head to the park. Oh, actually, I'm gonna use the bathroom first."
You leaned up and gently kissed his lips, him blushing and returning the kiss in embarrassment.
When you pulled away, he mumbled under his breathe. "Idiot, you can't just catch me off guard like that."
Giggling softly, you winked at him. "Nobody saw. They're all crowded around that big sale."
"Tch. Like I care if anyone sees."
With a grin, you went off to the closest bathroom.
What you didn't know was Keigo was watching you through the crowd of people. He looked up to everyone around him and gave them a charming grin. "I will get back to autographs in a moment. Please, grant me a break though."
The crowd seemed disappointed but left him alone and allowed Keigo to walk off.
He approached Katsuki quickly, who paid more attention to his phone.
"Ahem. A moment of your time."
Katsuki looked up and his eyes went wide at the sight of the number two hero. "Hawks? Was that you over with that crowd then?"
"Yeah. I see that you've been headlining. Haven't seen your face this famous since the sports festival." Keigo chuckled, taking a step further.
Katsuki nodded. "I'm making moves, on my grind. Doing what needs to be done to make my mark."
The pro hero nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. "Well, you're doin great. There's just.. One thing."
He looked at him in confusion. "One thing..?"
Keigo pointed towards the direction you went in. "That girl you were just with. That's my little girl."
The red-eyed boy looked, following his finger. "Um, yeah. She told me."
Then there was a sudden tension.
"And so.. You understand why I won't tolerate you're bullshit."
"You heard me. You're older, so you're probably not the same brat. But from what I hear, those asshole tendencies are still there, and I won't tolerate it when it comes to that girl. You won't hurt her. And if you do, we're gonna run into a bit of trouble."
Katsuki shook his head. "I.. I wouldn't hurt her." Normally, he feared no adult, minus Aizawa of course. But Hawks was looking at him like he was prey.
"Damn straight, idiot." Hawks chuckled softly.
That's when you came back over. "Sorry babe. Oh, hey Hawks! What are you doin' here?"
The two of you shared a hug. "What's up, Nugget? I was signing was autographs. You two?"
You pulled away and grinned. "Katsuki and I were on a date. This is great, I've been meaning to introduce you guys."
Hawks gave a nod. "Interesting guy, he is. But I should get going. Have fun on your date. And Katsuki, have her home by nine."
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There are things the manga left open, like, who took care of him when he was a baby and who he lived? Who taught him to speak, walk and write? How did he get the clothes he wore? Why was he put to live alone at the age of 3? In the anime, he was at lest 3-years-old when was moved to live in an apartament (In the episode 480 of the Naruto: Shippūden, while being at her uncle's funeral, Hinata saw Neji cry and left the building. Hinata was outside all alone, then she meet Naruto for the first time. He took her home and told her that he was alone. Since it was Hizashi's funeral, and he died shortly after Hinata completes 3 years, Naruto already have 3 years, since he are older than Hinata by some months). How did he get food before Teuchi said he was welcome at his ramen stand? Since all the stores kept him away so that sales would not suffer losses (In the Chapter 4 of Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding was stated that all the stores kept Naruto away so the sales would not suffer losses). In the anime, Naruto have to learns how to fish and find mushrooms because he doesn’t have any money. Also in the anime, a shop owner pushed him to the ground, ordered him to leave the shop and even threw the thing that Naruto wanted to buy on him. How did Hiruzen not find out that Danzou leaked the information that Naruto was a Jinchuriki to the village? (In the Chapter 6 of Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night was stated that Danzō leaked to the village that Naruto is the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails, giving the villagers somebody to direct their hatred towards after the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's Attack). What is your opinion?
Who took care of him?
I think my favorite headcannons for that is Anbu operatives. You could say that a villager took care of him, but what if something went wrong? Although an Anbu operative wouldn't be able to do much, they would be able to get word out in time if something went horribly wrong and the nine tails started to leak out somehow.
How did he get food?
We see Hiruzen giving him money at one point, so I'm guessing someone brought food until he was 'old enough to take care of himself' in the villages (Hiruzen's) eyes. I mean, Kakashi was fishing for his food age five so I can already tell people didn't care much about how old a kid was, so long as they were deemed capable of taking care of themselves they were left to fend for themselves. that being said, Naruto likely still went hungry/didn't eat enough until Teuchi opened his Ramen stand to him because he was limited. he had a certain amount of money for allowance and most likely that was what was used to buy him food.
Who taught him to speak and write?
Speaking is a skill learned from contact, rather than specifically taught/ Babies learn to speak by listening to adults and older kids speak. So regardless of how Naruto was spoken to, he would have taken in the words and slowly learned to say them back. He likely would have learned slower than other kids his age, because he had less contact (if Anbu were raising him I doubt they spoke to him often. their job being primarily to ensure he was fed, changed, clean, and alive), but through contact he would ultimately learn to speak.
As for writing, I think that's something Naruto would have largely started to learn in the academy. it's stated that he has been in the academy for a few years, having failed the final exam a few times already, so most likely he joined young in hopes of becoming a Genin to gain money and support himself, and in seeing others write and having to answer questions he would have began to improve on the limited writing skills he already had from drawing/coloring as a child and maybe trying to copy words he saw on things.
Why was He put to live alone when he was three?
Simple reason? Hiruzen didn't care. The responsibility of caring for Naruto was placed on two people's shoulders. Jiraiya, who is Naruto's godfather and thus the person who should have stepped up to take care of him when Minato and Kushina died, and Hiruzen (who Kushina asked with her dying words to take care of Naruto). Both of them failed Naruto. Jiraiya decided he had better things to do, and Hiruzen decided he just didn't care enough to give Naruto the nurture that he needed to grow up feeling loved and wanted and safe.
Part of that is Hiruzen as the person who chose Naruto's care, deciding when he was old enough to care for himself.
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
A/N: Feeling writers block so I thought I’d throw in headcannons with some of my fave boys that has been sitting in my drafts! If you want me to continue this with more characters, request em!
Intentionally or Unintentionally CockTeasing The Haikyuu Boys Because They Can’t Have Sex
(Slight NSFW)
So this is wah gwan/
Background for Understanding:
Your boyfriend was playing volleyball and pulled the groin muscle in his inner thigh. After several x-rays, he would be out a little longer than a month before making a full recovery. But the doctor told him that the boy MUST refrain from ANY and ALL sexual activity if they ever want to play again. The look on his face looked like he had just been told that the world was ending lmao. You snickered and hugged him. Reassuring them that “It’ll be fine, babe.”
But it wouldn’t be.
Because you were a little shit (unintentional or not).
Needless to say, they were having a tough time refraining from any and all sexual activity—
Here’s why:
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“Y/N. Do you think this is funny?” Asks your boyfriend seriously as he gives you a disapproving look. You’d think he was your school principal by the way he was chastising you.
You feigned innocence as you pouted at him with wide eyes. “What? What am I doing now, Toshiiii?”
He didn’t blink.
“Must you practice your splits for cheerleading right here? In front of me? Wearing a thong? Why not go to the den.”
Suppressing your urge to giggle, you leaned further into your almost-middle splits as you flipped your hair—looking back at him over your shoulder.
“No, I want to be near you, Tosh.”
Your boyfriend scoffed at your response, unimpressed and frankly pissed.
“I do not want you near me doing that. Go. Now.”
You smile because as your giant serious boyfriend spoke he stared intently at your ass only. You could see the tent forming in his jeans as he watched you stretch.
“You’ll have much more space to do this in the den.” He added.
“Oh? You want me to go to the den because I’ll have more space, love? Or could it be because you want to help me stretch out elsewhere—maybe the inside of my pussy—but the doctor said you can’t?”
Toshi’s mouth fell open at your insinuation. Annoyed and undeniably horny, he makes himself shut his mouth again. You reached your hands forward in the stretch to give your man a better visual of your ass and you could hear him groan from behind you.
Ushijima made a move to take you upstairs before remembering the doctors orders and stopping. He reminded himself why he cared so much about that sport that was standing in his way from fucking his girlfriend to oblivion and tried to calm his anger at you for teasing him.
“I’ll go, then.” He stated angrily. “I’m going to Tendou’s. Tell me when you’re done stretching, and I’ll be back.”
You waved at your boyfriend happily as he left because he looked funny marching out with a huge boner sticking out from his front.
“Okay, baby! I will!”
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“Whoaa....” Murmured Shōyo as he watched you with wide eyes. For the past three minutes he has had his eyes glued to you while you devoured the ice cream cone he had just gotten you two from your fridge.
You used your tongue to lick all around the vanilla treat. Swirling your tongue up, down, and around, sometimes making a slurpy sound that sounded quite familiar to the boy who missed your blow jobs so much.
Mans sat there watching your tongue like he was in a trance, his eyes flicking from your mouth to his attention-starved dick then back to your mouth.
When the ice cream shrunk enough to be swallowed like your boyfriends cock, you enclosed your lips around it suggestively and met your boyfriends pleading eyes as you did it.
You finished the rest of your frozen treat happily, knowing you just made your boyfriend incoherent with lust.
“Mmmm......it’s so sticky........and tastes so good....” you sigh in delight as you lick your fingers of the white creamy sweetness.
“Shōyo? You haven’t even touched your ice cream. And it’s dripping all over your hand!”
After calling his name twice more Hinata snapped out of his trance, he looked over at his dripping strawberry ice cream cone that he’d forgotten he even had as soon as he heard your first slurp.
“Oh, Y/N. Here, please, take mine too!” He shoved his ice cream in your direction and you slowly take it from your oddly acting boyfriend.
“You want me to..... have your ice cream?”
Hinata nodded enthusiastically before he quickly wiped his hands clean with a paper towel. He leaned his head on his knuckles as he got comfortable, preparing himself to watch you swirl your tongue around ice cream again like this was his favourite Marvel movie!
“Okay, I’m ready.” He says with bright, eager eyes.
Actual footage of your boyfriend Shōyo:
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“Babe. You had to pick this movie on your choice of movie night?” Your boyfriend wiped his face as a show of stress. He begrudgily stared at his screen and then looked down at you through the slits of his eyes.
Pressed to his side on the couch, you smiled up at him innocently.
“365 Days? What’s wrong with it? I think it’s interesting so far. Plus, Atsumu suggested it to me. He told me to play it on our next movie night!”
Aran clenched his fists under the blanket at your words, secretly promising himself to tell his best friend’s new girlfriend how many girls Atsumu has really been with before her the next time Aran went over there.
“Oh he did, did he? Atsumu. That angel.....” He grimaced. “Was this before or after you told him about the doctors orders when he was worried?” Aran asked between clenched teeth.
“Uhhh.....after, I’m pretty sure. But, Aran, shhhhhhh! It’s getting to a good part!” Aran watched your beautiful eyes light up as the two characters in the movie started fucking on the yacht like animals.
“Ouuu, baby. We should try that position tonight!” You quip, pointing at the screen then taking a sip of your coke.
Aran cursed his stupid friend. “I—“
“Oh right, sorry! I forgot you can’t, poo. But as soon as you are cured, can we try that?!”
Your boyfriend stared you down in mental agony as he pictured pistoning his dick in you mirroring the position on screen—only right now on this couch. His dick jumped.
“Yeah.” He sighed. “When I’m cured.”
“How long again?” You asked as you grabbed the remote to turn up the sound volume during another hot sex scene.
“Too damn long.” He rolled his eyes as he looked back at the porn-disguised-as a-romantic-movie on screen too.
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“Auuuuuuhhhhhhhhh. Yesssssssssss. F-f-f-feels soooooooo g-o-o-o-d-d-d-d, Tadashi.....”
With a violent blush, your boyfriend gave the Furniture store worker a thumbs up.
“I umm.... guess she likes it.” Tadashi reasoned, putting his hand on your shoulder. He squeezed your shoulder silently trying to tell you to quiet down in the store.
Sitting in the turbo massage chair, you moaned some more, letting your boyfriend and the worker know how much you liked how it felt. Tadashi’s ears perked up at every sigh and moan you made. He couldn’t rid his mind of memories of you moaning just like that when you’re on top of him and he has a vibrator pressed to your clit. It was clouding his thoughts. He bit his lip as he zoned out thinking about the fun you two could have on this chair at home with a vibrator. Only a month longer from this stupid injury and you’d be extra sensitive on his dick with the help of this chair....
“—and the parts will be sold separately. Should I ring you up, sir?”
Tadashi was startled when his girlfriend slapped him blindly on the chest to get his attention back to the sales associate.
What is wrong with him? You thought as you felt your lower back getting kneaded. The man is standing right in front of him and he’s zoning out? Get it together, Space Cadet Yams.
“Huh?! Excuse me?! Sorry, what?” Tadashi rubbed his eyes. “Sorry, I was distracted. Can you repeat that?!” He apologized.
The sales associate smiled kindly.
“Sure thing Mr. Tadashi.....so, I was just explaining that the massage chair is the best of its generation. If you look right here on the remote I have— it has 8 brilliant speeds and intensity adjustments. Your girlfriend is on 2 right now which means that if I increase it to, let’s say, 5 ...”
As the associate spoke, Yams was pulled from paying attention to him as you moaned louder when the level setting increased. “O-o-oh my G-g-god.....Dashi y-y-y-es.”
Picturing you saying this while you were grinding on his cunt-buried dick, Yams knew he was on the verge of defying his doctors orders and just fucking you in the car....
The massage chair dug into your tense shoulders yes LORD—
“Oh b-b-baby. T-th-thats-s th-the sp-p-p-o-t-t..”
As a last ditch effort to save his volleyball career, Yams rudely snatched the remote from the employee’s hands, scattering to hide his new erection behind the massage chair.
He clicked a button on the remote to turn the massage chair off fully while blushing at the employees shocked expression due to being interrupted and basically assaulted.
“Um, sorry! We’ll take it!” Yams freaked out apologetically.
“😱 Yamaguchi!” You scolded your boyfriend’s sudden rudeness. “That was so impolit—“ turning in the chair to see your boyfriends dark blush that you recognized to be his horny face, you stopped. It only took one look at him for you to understand exactly why he just acted completely out of character and rude. It reminded you that you have been on this sex strike with him for far too long, ugh.
You stood up from the chair, calling the confused associates attention away from your horny boyfriend. “Um.... I can sign the paper work. Want to bring me to the cash?” You asked him professionally.
The salesman blinked at Yams before looking down at you. “Uh, of-of course ma’am. Follow me.”
As you two walked away Yams’ top half collapsed on the head rest of the chair. He tried to will his hard member to soften but with the massage chair currently under his skin and so close to him, he couldn’t get your vibrated moans out of his head.
He decided that a stroll through the store’s bathroom section might help.
Ya, that would definitely help.
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“I know what you’re doing.” Your boyfriend deadpanned as you showed up late to dinner wearing an extremely low cut dress in the chest area. Your breasts could stop traffic in that and you had only just taken off your trench coat after you and Akaashi sat down so he and the female server were basically the only ones who got an eyeful the entire night.
“I like this dress, Kashi. Don’t you? Can you pass me the salad, please?”
Challenging you with his eyes and trying his best not to look down at your remarkable chest, Akaashi reached over to share you some Mediterranean salad onto your plate like a gentleman.
“Say when.” He insisted.
You smiled and leaned forward to peer at his serving so that your boobs were pressed to the forearm he held the bowl with. Akaashi’s breath hitched. After sharing way more than you could eat, you leaned in close to his ear and whispered
Your boyfriend’s eyes flickered down to your boobs before he adjusted himself to relieve the tightening in his pants.
“So, how is your injury, babe?” You ask sweetly, taking a bite of the salad and smiling at him.
“It’s fine. As long as I get to play again it’s manageable, but I believe—“
“Crap.” You pretended to be just as uncomfortable as your boyfriend sitting with a boner as you clutched the bottom of your boobs. You pressed them upward, re-situating them with purpose. Akaashi stared at your breasts openly as he took a shaky deep breath.
“What’s the matter?” He asked hungrily, calling back his composure.
“Oh, my bra wire is just bugging me. Boys wouldn’t understand......” You fixed them some more.
“I know what you’re doing, Y/N.” Akaashi licked his lips and watched you basically fondle your soft breasts in front of him. It made his mouth water, but he tried not to show it.
“Hm. You’re the smartest person I know, so I reckon you do know what I’m doing....” You quirked an eyebrow as you removed your hands from your girls and took a gentle sip of your water.
“—Is it working?” You winked at him like a trained seductress-assassinator in a major motion picture.
Akaashi leaned back in his seat, he undressed you with his eyes; also like a trained seductress-assasinator in a major motion picture.
You shivered under the insanely beautiful man’s intensive gaze, closing your thighs to relieve the tension you suddenly felt in your private area since he made you beyond horny with that look.
“It’s working. Yes.” The side of Keiji’s lip quirked up in a half grin. “But I’m fairly certain you don’t know that the doctor called 3 days ago and told me that I am recovering exceptionally fast. He gave me the green light for physical activity again. Sexual: physical activity. I double checked.”
The blood drained from your face as you felt a wave of upcoming pleasure wash through you. You had been waiting 23 days without sex and in a flash you regrettably remembered just how much of your teasing over that period your gorgeous boyfriend had to endure. How much he had to pay you back for.
Akaashi smirked ever so sexily at your shocked reaction. Good, he thought to himself. So you knew what was in store for you tonight.
You stared at him like 👁👄👁
“Waiter.” Your hubby called over your head in his attractive voice with an elegant lift of his glass. He dropped his eyes to look back at you with a panty-dropping stare. As you shivered again, Akaashi proclaimed the weighted words that would inaugurate a long night of screams, kisses, and earth shattering orgasms:
“Cheque please.”
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allieinarden · 4 years
*pokes head out of the bushes* psst... do you have any more Zalissa headcannons? 🥺 *retreats back into the bushes*
Zack knew he liked Melissa since before “Secrets and Pies.” Melissa knew she liked Zack after he toughed out the first day with Milo. She understandably looked him over and went “Wow, nice hair.”
Speaking of hair, there is actually no Murphy’s Law-related incident that justifies using Melissa’s as an airbag but try telling that to Zack.
Zack once got a computer virus illegally downloading “What Do It Do?” by Zanzibar in order to lure her into sharing his headphones on the bus because he knew she liked geek rock and couldn’t find it on the US Vtunes store. It would have been worth it except she was deaf in that ear the whole week due to a Murphy’s Law-related explosive incident and didn’t bother to tell him, so he could have been playing anything or nothing. Zack later quoted as saying that it was “like ‘The Gift of the Magi,’ except not at all.”
Melissa bought “Mr. Badger” when the Murphys had a garage sale and don’t think Milo didn’t notice that. She sleeps with him at night and takes him on trips. 
Melissa is interning for LOVEMUFFIN and when Zack finds out he’s going to have a crisis about it and Milo is not going to even care.
They’re both extremely bored on their first date because Milo is staying out of their way and none of the insane stuff they’re used to experiencing in each other’s company is happening. They figure this out and end up doing some deadly stunt just to feel something and Milo has to come all the way out there and rescue their dumb lovesick selves. He cannot believe it. How are they actually safer with him there. 
Zack, who was a big deal at his old school and was also one of those kids who had a “girlfriend” at like 10, is a bit surprised when he starts dating super nerd Melissa in high school and it doesn’t affect her social standing at all, but his status goes way up because everybody was in love with Melissa at some point. Geek is chic in the Tri-State Area. Zack moved up. 
On that note, Zack’s football nickname in high school is “FGU,” for “First Gentleman of the Universe.” He wants to know why it’s not KING of the Universe since this is about Melissa being queen. Everybody has a detailed answer, nobody has a good answer and nobody will stop calling him FGU.
Melissa proudly boasts of having fought all of Zack’s Lumberzacks fangirls. This was very doable since there’s only two of them. She just pinned them with a hand each. 
Zack has written a song for her and it’s So embarrassing. You’d die. 
Dakota keeps dropping hints that they’re his direct ancestors and Melissa has no idea if he’s messing with her or if she should steal some of his hair and get it lab-tested. 
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Yes omg!! Imagine Levi finally opening up a teashop and onyankopon helps him out. Gabi and Falco visit and help out every now ans then til it gets to the point where they just end up working there. At first they're shy and don't wanna get paid until Levi threatens to lock them out if they don't accept their salary
The kiddos squad going there after school, occasionally with either pock & pieck, rei, or colt or just them and they always order the same cake and pastry. At first Levi is annoyed because gabi they're loud and spend hours there without ordering anything else but over time levi kinda just keeps a slice of their usual orders when it's running out so they can still have some, or brings a few cars games for "customer use"
Izzy you're making me wanna start a separate kiddos series just for Levi, Onyankopon and Petra's adventure with these chaotic toddlers.
Anyway i love you, here's some headcannons for each of these scenarios
17y Gabi and Falco working part time at Levi's cafe
They met for the first time when Falco stopped to offer them help in carrying boxes one Monday morning on his way to school, Onyankopon accepted the help before Levi could tell Falco no.
After that, Onyankopon sent him off with some fresh pastries that Petra just finished making as compensation for making him late to school.
Falco ended up sharing it with Udo, Zofia and Gabi at lunch time on the roof before telling them what happened.
Gabi really really liked the pastries so she went with Falco to the Cafe after school.
Levi recognised him the second he walked through the door
With Gabi almost spending all of her Reiner's money on the pastries there and Falco really liking the Coffee and Tea, they didn't realise how much time had passed.
Wanting to make up for staying past closing time, Falco again offers to help when Petra was taking the trash outside but Gabi beats him to it just to prove she's more capable.
This scenario repeats for two weeks at least, each day on their way to school, Gabi and Falco would pay this cafe a visit, help swipe some tables, carry heavy stuff or wash some dishes in exchange for food after spending all their allowance money Colt's there
Zofia and Udo aren't complaining because they keep getting free pastries for lunch each day
At one point they spend as much time their as the employees and so Petra and Onyankopon talk to Levi about making them part timers
To their surprise, Levi already came to work that day with two flyers for open jobs to hang at the entrance.
Of course, he ends up rejecting every person who asks about it.
Although when Gabi and Falco finally arrive, they walk past it and don't notice it the whole time.
Levi tries drawing their attention to it by sweeping near the flyers and making a small conversation with them, they don't catch on.
Petra purposely points out how nice the weather is just so they look at the window with the flyers on it, they look at the other far window instead.
Onyankopon stands next to the flyers, exaggerating a sigh while looking at the both of them, they ask him what's wrong.
He just looks at the flyers, they assume he's looking at the window and offer their umbrella's if he's worried about the rain.
Levi gets fed up with it, and so when they finish helping around the kitchen and pick up their bags to leave, Gabi and Falco repeatedly try to open the door 5 times before realising it's locked.
Behind them Levi is there with his arms crossed, saying they should sit their ass back down for the job interview.
He even pays them upfront for the week because he knows they were broke from buying everything in yesterday sale.
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ittybittyblackgirl · 4 years
Can you write a little headcanon w/ Kiri, Bakugou, and Shoji (the boy needs more love) whose S/O doesn’t do well in big crowds due to their shyness? I honestly can’t go out in public without my mom😅
I can completely relate to this and I completely agree with you,Shoji needs more love!!! I’ve never written for him before tho so it’s kind of...iffy.Im sorry it’s so short I promise I’ll do better next time.🥺
Overwhelmed Headcannons
>Warnings:Mentions of anxiety (I’m pretty sure that’s it...
Bakugou Katsuki
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•Bakugou wasn’t the biggest fan of crowds ethier. He wasn’t scared of them or anything,he just really hates people.
•Especially reporters
•To him those were the worst kinds of people.
•So when you guys were approached by an entire crowd of reporters trying to get details on his last mission he was already pretty pissed.
•As a pro hero he was used to dealing with reporters,but that doesn’t mean they don’t piss him off every time.Especially when he was with his s/o.He didn’t like dragging you into this.
•You began squeezing Bakugou’s hand even as reporters continued to bombard him with questions.
•“Ground Zero, how does it feel to be so close to becoming the number one hero?”
•“Why did it take you so long to take down the last villain?”
•“Who is this? Are you two dating?” one particularly close woman asked, noticing you for the first time.
•She proceeded to bombard you with different questions about your relationship with the hero, shoving her microphone so close it was practically in your mouth.
•“What’s your name sweetheart?
•“I’m...I-um…”you began to awkwardly stammer as you felt your heart begin the race.
•Here comes the anxiety attack
•“Ok that’s enoguh.Get the fuck out of our way!” Bakugou demanded pushing his way through the crowd and towards the door all whilst keeping a tight grip on your hand.
•Really he practically dragged you out of the building.
•“Are you okay? You looked like you were really panicking.”
•“I’m fine, crowds just sort of overwhelm me.”
•“Yeah,well I’ll make sure to murder any of those fools if they get too close again.”
•“That’s sweet but, please don’t Katsuki…”
Kirishima Eijiro
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•Mina had somehow tricked you guys into joining her for a trip to the mall.There was a big sale at one of her favorite stores.
•Problem is EVERYONE knew about this big sale so the entire plaza was absolutely packed.
•Mina had slipped away from the two of you claiming that you were walking to slow for her.
•Which really sucked you could’ve really used another hand to hold
•You were squeezing the absolute life out of Kirishima’s and it was kind of starting to hurt him.
•“Babe,are you ok? You’re squeezing my hand kind of tight.”
•“Yeah.” you answered, still not letting go of his hand. “I’m just having a mini panic attack.”
•You said it so casually he almost didn’t even catch what you said
•You probably should have worded it better because now he was panicking worse than you were.
•You had to reassure him that you were okay but sometimes crowds made you anxious.
•He tried to sit you down while he went to go get you some water
•“No don’t leave me alone, Kiri, that'll just make me feel worse.”
•By the time Mina found you two again you were asleep on Kiri’s shoulder listening to soothing music from his phone.
Shoji Mezo
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•You guys had ended up in a crowded subway car during rush hour.
•And you were not having it
•You stayed clung to his arm throughout the ride.
•Shoji is good at observing your mood
•As soon as he felt your grip tightening her wrapped one of his four arms around your waist and pulled you close.
•“You seem tense y/n.”
•“It’s really crowded in here and it’s making me sort of anxious.”
•Shoji is quite reserved so he understands how you feel about crowds.He doesn’t like them either.
•“Good thing our stop is coming up.”
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abloomntime · 3 years
A Bloom In Time Ch6 A Tale Of A Prince,Queen,And Princess Of Flowers
(Warning: Death scene in this chapter. I do not know Snatcher's or The Florist's real names so Im making my own headcannon names for the two. Also mentioning of Death near the end of the chapter.)
You may have heard this story but not in the correct version you might've thought. Gather around children and I'll tell you the story of a Prince of Shadows, A Queen of Golden Hair, and an honorary Princess of Flowers. And it all took place one thousand years ago. Way before you or I was born.
Once upon a time there was a planet called Subconia and there are many different cultures and people who live on this world, but the two kingdoms we shall explore was two kingdoms that don't exist anymore. A thousand years ago there lived two kingdoms who lived side by side. The MUCH larger Kingdom Of Subcon, and the tinier Kingdom of Subconette. Though these two kingdoms shared similar names and people, they were worlds apart. A lone Queen ruled over Subconette while a kind King and Queen ruled over Subcon. Years passed as the kingdoms continued to stand, until one fateful day three children were born. A beautiful little princess with hair of the sun was born to the lone queen and a handsome baby boy of equal beauty was born to the Subcon kingdom. Their names? Princess Vanessa and Prince Philip of the Subcon Kingdoms.
Did you all remember me mentioning a third child born? Ah! Good. You're paying attention to my old tale.
Yes. A third child was born, but not of royal blood. A young girl, with hair of rose red and eyes of ocean blue was born to a small farming family just on the outskirts of the kingdom of Subcon, but it was fate that decided her role in the future. Her name? Poppy Rose Bloomington...But I'm getting a little ahead of myself aren't I? Let us proceed with the two lives of the royals before the three intertwined.
As months went by, the Prince and Princess's parents deemed it so that the two would be betrothed in holy matrimony, a union to bring the two kingdoms together at last and bring peace to them all. As the amount of years grew, so did the beauty of the princess. Her skin, was very fair and her hair a beautiful yellow rivalling any gold treasure, with a voice as tender and soft as velvet. Not a woman in the kingdoms could rival her own beauty....Or so she thought. Ever since she was small her mother always made sure Vanessa could have anything a young lady wanted. Servants, good food, exotic jewelry, expensive dresses, anything was hers at a moment's demand and she relished in the fact of being a perfect princess like in those fairytales her mother always read her, always fantasizing about her perfect fairytale like with her Prince Charming and having that perfect white wedding. And that spoiled thinking would ultimately lead this girl to doom. Her mother building her up so and giving in to every request only made her want what was truly a fantasy. An actual fairytale perfect life, whether anybody liked it or not. She fell hard for the handsome young prince of brown hair and handsome features. From the time she could understand to speak, her mother always told her Prince Philip was her betrothed, and were to her married when they grew. Her betrothed.....Her Prince. ALL HERS AND NO ONE ELSE'S!!! She would always be the kind Princess her Prince deserved and he WOULD be the Prince she knew he could be.
Prince Philip was more clear minded than given credit for. The young prince was a kind hearted young boy who cared for his people greatly and wanted to better himself and his country. Therefore it would only make sense for him to want to study the laws governing his kingdom so he may better them. And so his studies began. From a young age the boy studied laws enough to make his parents proud he was taking his studies seriously and at the same time was often taken on visits to meet his future beloved. It was love at first sight....at least at first it was. She was so beautiful and kind and wanted to spend time with him all the time. It was a kinda god send for someone who had no siblings or other children to play with. Having someone your age around you could play and talk to with was exciting. And her beauty only grew over time as well as his love for her, how couldn't he love someone as beautiful and kind as Vanessa? She was perfect.....Too perfect. Things couldn't last forever unfortunately. Vanessa's poor mother had started coming down with an illness that slowly started to make her waste away as her daughter grew and so he tried to be there of course and help console his future beloved, which is where fate intertwined these fated lovers. You see, if there was one thing that Vanessa loved more than anything was attention. Whether it be from her servants telling her how beautiful she was, or compliments....She LOVED attention from her Prince and ...'lightly suggested' it would be nice to receive things. And things she received, flowers mostly.
Did you notice how I pointed out flowers? Good eye.
You see, Poppy was always born with a green thumb, being from a long line of farmers of course helped. She could grow anything from potatoes to peach trees, but ever since she was small, she had always had one love. Flowers! Didn't matter what kind, she always loved growing them just as much as Vanessa loved receiving beautiful flowers from her prince. Which lead us to the fated meeting of the Florist. Poppy worked her whole life to build up her own flower stand and by the age of fifteen she had achieved it. A small flower stand within the Subcon Village, filled with lots of Merry children and near the famous vacation home of the famous Princess Vanessa. Sometimes she'd be lucky enough to see the beautiful princess walking around the village talking to the children but one fateful day to Poppy's surprise a young handsome man with brown hair and a golden crown on his head came to visit the small stand of flowers. Buying the most beautiful roses Poppy had before leaving. And this young ones is how a friendship began. Almost everyday of the week the prince would stop by the Florist's stands and pick out a new bundle of pretty flowers for his mourning and beautiful princess and everyday she would smile and talk to the prince. Business sales went up and she was giddy a well known man had taken interest in her flowers. Then he started asking what she'd recommend he'd get a lady since she was one, she proudly pointed to daises, and tulips, and tigerlillies. So many to choose from, so many to give. Gradually their conversations turned more business like and an unlikely bond began to weave with them. A friendship he had never had beyond any personal life or otherwise. He learnt her name too. Poppy. Named after those cute red poppy flowers she loved so much, with a spark and feisty temper to match. Made him laugh a couple times when she pointed out something snarky he liked. Slowly melting his heart with her passion and tales of hard work she had to do to get where she was know. And he admired her for that.
Unfortunately fairytales don't last beyond pages, and the Prince learnt that the hard way when Vanessa convinced her still ill mother to make a new law. Telling him he's become fat and shouldn't eat bacon anymore to watch his health. Poppy was confused at such a ridiculous law and her friend was obviously upset about it, but he passed it off as Vanessa wanting to make sure he was healthy as her mother was still dying slowly. Then slowly by surely things only began to get worse. Vanessa wanting attention was fine and he vowed to give her all the attention she deserved, but now she demanded ALL his attention ever and always began scrutinizing him for not being Princely enough now that he began his advanced studies and would go back home within a few months time to finish his more difficult studies under one of the kingdom's best tutors. His only escape was when Vanessa was discussing her future duties with her mother and also taking her Princess classes with her tutors. He was then free to walk around and do as he pleased if only for a few hours a day, those were spent reading or walking around the village, but he learnt pretty quickly to bring some kind of gift or trinket back for her as an excuse for why he'd been out. Vanessa's jealousy could rival that of a child. He never intended for it to happen of course but the strain of the relationship getting to him and the way he looked so tired all the time. Barely smiling when he came in to get Vanessa more flowers. Against her better judgement, Poppy asked why he wasn't smiling anymore and let him rant about his day. Which was a daily thing for them after that. Him coming in, Poppy letting him rant, then he'd buy flowers and leave. Rinse and repeat for the next two years to a few weeks before their twentieth birthdays with Poppy cracking jokes and trying to be helpful and the prince slowly growing more and more fond over her unlady-like snorts and giggles, to her bold statements, to her bright smile always trying to cheer up her friend. All the while Vanessa continued to go down this rabbithole of perfection. He still made excuses for her. Her mother was dying, she was going to be Queen soon, she wasn't ready-.....Well for being Queen that is. Vanessa had already planned out their lives together and even built a BLOODY nursery for their future child that wasn't even born yet. One in her castle and one in the mansion he was staying at, but Vanessa would visit very often. Even stay a few days.
But what really concerned his friend was the hair incident. When he came in with his usual shoulder length brown hair was chopped up and a bad bleached blonde color, with brown patches here and there. He claimed he was alright. Vanessa just wanted to surprise him by doing his hair while he slept. He could tell his friend was concerned and told him as much. He smiled knowing at least someone cared about his well being. Then came the last month he stayed and then off he went back home he went. To spend his final year of tutoring under the wonderful Lady Winchester. She was a kind old lady who taught his father before him and knew the laws better than anyone. He bid his last day there to his beloved Vanessa who cried and begged him not too, and once he fled her clutches......uh Hugged her good bye, he couldn't help but feel very releived he'd get to spend a whole year away from her as hash as it may be. But he did make sure to bid his friend good bye as well. Having one last conversation and sharing a couple jokes before he finally left.
That year would be the hardest for our ill fated lovers and the florist friend. While the Prince was able to breath and see his loved ones again, he couldn't help but miss her. Not Vanessa surprisingly but with all the serious laws and classes he missed their little visits when she always cheered him up and her beautiful smile and that passion she always had for anything she set her mind too.....It wasn't very long before he came to the sudden realization. The prince had slowly but surely fallen in love with the young red headed gal. So many emotions hit him at once. Happiness and guilt being the biggest two. For one, he was engaged to Vanessa, betrothed to be married a few months after all his studies are over. He couldn't go against his parents or break Vanessa's heart after so many years of being together, and she needed him. They had been exchanging letters and learnt her mother had sadly passed during an accident. While he couldn't attend her coronation or her mother's funeral, he still sent her many letters. There was still a piece of him that loved and cared about the young kind girl he grew up with, but not the lady she had become....But his heart was tugging towards the Princess of Flowers as he nicknamed her. The sweet scent always following her around. He often found himself happily thinking about his friend....But that's all they could ever be....Just friends. Vanessa was still his priority as glum as that made him and he had a duty to be there for his future wife. Besides. He was only delaying the inevitable by studying, soon they'd be wed and he would be together with her always.......Though that thought did NOT put him at ease at all. Vanessa in the mean time only drove further into her perfect fairytale madness. WIth her mother passing and her Prince not being able to call her his princess anymore, she was determined to then make her prince her King Instead and keep him all to herself. Jealousy spiking whenever he mentioned this Lady Winchester teaching him, he spoke so fondly and highly of his teacher. What did SHE have Vanessa didn't?! Vanessa was perfect. She made sure every INCH of her was, he just didn't put in enough effort on his part. All he needed was her back so he could know where his true place lied.
When the prince ultimately returned to spend just a holiday week at the summer house before their wedding within a few months time.....It was worse than ever. Vanessa demanded more attention of him. Accused him of liking the lady in the letters he had sent her. Said she would be staying in the summer house with him until their wedding to make sure he wasn't getting cold feet. Still despite all this and him trying to calm her down, he still made poor excuses for her and justified his betrothes's behavior towards him. Falling deeper and deeper into his now rare visits to his friend and falling more and more in love with her as the drew on. Knowing he could never really tell her how he really felt about her. Until one fateful day, the end of that week was the royals anniversary, the prince wanted to appease his beloved by getting her a beautiful bracelet and flowers for their anniversary as a gift to her. She deserved something special for the occasion before he went back, and soon his lonely self went on to that same little stand to but some flowers for his beautiful bride to be. Unfortunately he had used all his remaining pons to pay the jeweler for the bracelet .....but it-....He-......He gave the florist the bracelet as payment. One last gift from him he'd ever get to give her sadly.
For you see, the princess's jealousy had reached a boiling point. Delusionly thinking that her prince was courting another woman. In her range when he returned to the castle, a grim fate awaited him in the form of a curse and becoming locked within the cellar death did they part. Their kingdoms both in ruins from the curse. Anyone who didn't fall ill to the curse, fled the country never to return again. Vanessa now trapped within her own home, and the prince becoming a spirit of malice no one dares to challenge.
But what of the Florist you ask? Was she frozen by the Jealous Queen, or escaped with many other people? Well, we're about to find out.
Cold. Darkness. All of it came rushed over so suddenly. Just like the two heavily armored guards carrying her kicking and screaming self towards the dreaded summer house that housed the royals deep in the snowed up world. That winter suddenly came that year unexpectedly with the freezing winds suddenly whipping around her when she just closed up her stand for the day, pocketing the expensive bracelet she was given as payment and what coins she received as payment, ready to go home. She didn't make much from her flower stand she always wanted, but that was always fine and dandy. She loved the smiles on the children's faces when they'd buy single flowers for their parents, or if she'd sell them flowers in exchange for small things like food. It was one way to get to eat around here. But the chills filling the air that after noon followed by the loud thumping sounds coming towards her were new. Especially when all of a sudden two giant armored men stood over her and seized her without warning. So naturally she resisted and fought against her captors as they took her away.
The farther down the path they went the more horrified she became. There was ...snow. IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER!! Harsh white and cold wind glared all around her as she gawked around wildly....and then shrieked at the sight of a frozen person as they passed. Their feared expression forever frozen on their face. The poor girl went silent from the numb cold as those blue eyes widened in horror at all the suurounding frozen people as they walked past, never easing up on her grip, or giving any emotion to anything around them as the horrified woman went limp in their arms from shock as they approached the black gates and beyond that was the manor. Her blue eyes flicked up to it. It looked more menacing than it usually did as the entire house loomed over them the closer they got and a sudden feeling of dread filled her up to the very core of her soul as they were swallowed by the shadows and even more coldness bearing down on her. The guards didn't stop until they were going up the stairs and into the home. It was as dark and cold as the outside. Even more so if that was possible. She was still frozen and scared in the grip of the guards when the doors opened and they forced her inside. The inside of the manor was colder than the outside is that was even possible, and if she wasn't already in shock, she would've shrieked at what was awaiting them just a few feet away from the door.
In the darkness of cold and shadows, a hunched over monster made it's way over to them but dared not come further than five feet giving a hiss. Like she was a skunk and this red eyed thing was afraid of her. How strange, but that didn't stop her stop pointing a hand at her, and in possibly the most scariest, raspy voice Poppy had ever heard. Said:
"Take her to the room and lock her away. ...I can't to look at her for as my prince had done. Perhaps locking away her forever will teach her a lesson about gazing into another man's eyes who belong TO ME!!"
"...WAIT!! WHAT?!" She attempted to struggle again but their strength was too much.
Sadly be the fate of the innocent florist wasn't a pleasant one. As she was marched up the stairs to the very third floor of the manor, the coldness and shadows started to become too much to the point of her screaming and struggling body starting to be overcome by them all. the long hallway they were taking her down ended in a single pair of double doors, the doors suurounded by locks that haven't been locked yet. As her weakly numbing body was pushed into the empty room, she looked up just in time to see the two heavily armored guards slam the doors behind her. She struggled to stand with the cold seeping through all her body but wobbled to the door, vision blurring with nothing but darkness. Even as all the clicks and locks of the locks were put into place and the floor jostling with the heavy footsteps of the guards stopping away, she fell to her knees against the door and banged her fist against it. Screaming to be let out as the coldness and blackness seeped more into the room and still overtook her form.
Until it completely consumed her and upon the floor she laid. Beautiful red hair and blue eyes preserved by frost. Until a thousand years later. .....when a miracle happened...
And she once again got to take a breath.
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jessyurahara · 4 years
MLQC- Reaction to MC that’s into Grime/ Favourite Grime Song
So, no one has ever asked for this, like ever, but I feel like someone out there might also be a massive Grime fan as well. So for those who either ain’t from the UK or ain’t that versed in music, Grime is a UK type of rap, least I guess that’s the best way to explain it! 
Kiro, would be the most supportive about it, when he walked in on you just going along with the lyrics he stood in the doorway watching you as you went along with the music, waiting for the song to end, with a large grin gracing his lips, he’d laugh at you slightly, while crossing the room and gathering you in his arms, chucking to himself with his arms still wrapped around you while you hide your face in his neck, slightly embarrassed as the next song would play behind you, and taking a step back, with that same cheeky grin lining his lips, he’d look at you with those piercing blue eyes softly asking ‘Do I get another performance?’. 
Does Kiro have a favourite Grime song, if he had to choose anything he would have to go for the one he walked in on you sining the first time ‘Man Don’t Care by JME’, just because of the memories it brings back, and even if it isn’t something he wasn’t into, he’s more than happy to support you. 
Gavin, couldn’t quite believe it when he found out you were into Grime, it seemed to completely contrast you, and yet he couldn’t think of anything more precious then you trying to act like you were hard with Grime playing in the background, the first time he’d heard you listen to it, you’d been working in your apartment, and he’d heard it playing, and leaning in the doorway, he’d watched for a moment, as you typed away at your PC, murmuring along with the words, you looked so focused and yet as the music played you were quite happily muttering along, and going back to what he was doing, he found himself shaking his head, a smile gracing his lips, muttering to himself ‘She’s lucky I love her’. 
Gavin, and his favourite Grime song, well, it’s an awkward one, because it took a while for Gavin to actually admit that he’d seen you listening to it, and then when he did, he noticed you were listening to it all over, it was no longer like it was a big secret, and as he got more and more used to hearing it he found that his favourite was ’Shut Up by Stormzy’, why? Because he enjoyed watching you when you listened to it. 
Victor thought you would never surprise him, and then one night while you were taking a shower he heard the beat ringing out from your phone, and for the first time he found himself surprised by you, as he heard your voice going along perfectly with the music, to begin with he’d thought maybe it was the radio, but from the way in which you were perfectly going along with the lyrics he knew differently, Victor knew you, and the music didn’t match you as a person, and yet as he watched you, he couldn’t help but smile softly, deciding to stand in the doorway and scare you when you exited the shower, he leaned back against the door frame, his arms folded across his chest, one hand in his pocket as the other combed through his hair for a moment, he just chuckled deeply ’She never fails to surprise me’. 
Grime and Victor, and picking a favourite? That’s like mixing oil and water, it’s not even close to his style, but as you spent more time around him, he got more used to it playing around him, and though he still couldn’t handle the harder beats at times, and the harsher vibes of some of the music, he found himself getting more and more used to it, especially after watching you, vibing softly in the corner, so he found himself not hiding at much, often trying to zone out the music, but if he had to choose something, ‘Theresa by DTG’, because it was softer than most of the other things you’d choose, but what Victor doesn’t know is that would fall more into UK rap than Grime, but sometimes you’ve got to give the man something. 
Did it surprise Lucien when he caught you listening to Grime? He’d love to lie and say no, but it really did, it wasn’t like he caught you actually listening to it, it was when your ring tone went off, and all of a sudden the room was filled with the energetic beats. He gazed curiously over you as you picked up your phone, walking into another room, talking softly as you took the call, he felt the shock evaporate within a moment, of course you’d like something harder, everything about you screamed that you were softer, so it shouldn’t have shocked him that when it came down to your music you went for something a little bit harder, and still sat down, a curious sale gracing his lips, he was more than ready to question you as you ended the call, a soft blush on your cheeks, ’So, what song was that?’. 
Lucien, got used to the Grime as you started to slide it into your daily life, your playlist transferring from the pop music you’d been playing around him over to Grime almost permanently, but he wouldn’t quite say that he had a favourite song, if anything despite how much he loved you he often tried to zone out from the music, it wasn’t his style, but he found himself watching you, the way you enjoyed the music, sometimes finding a smirk gracing his lips at how silly you looked while you found the beat, and one of the times he found himself watching you closest, the way you moved and got down with the music, with the words skipping past your lips was when you were listening to ‘Thiago Silva by Dave and AJ Tracey’. 
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