#how to make healthy rice with milk
femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Habits To Become Your Best Self In 2023
Some habits, routine ideas, and mindset shifts to help make 2023 your best year yet. Hope this helps and inspires you to reach your goals for the next 12 months. Remember to work hard and take care of yourself. Once you put your mind to it, the sky is the limit! xx
Make Your Meals Plant-Based & Produce-Focused: Center your meals around a variety of vegetables, fruits, plant proteins, potatoes, and unprocessed plant-based fats (avocado, nuts, seeds) and minimal whole grains.
Get Creative With Stress Eating Substitutions: Discover healthy swaps for your meals and snacks to ensure what you're eating without sacrificing your goals. Some simple substitutes include mixing in cauliflower rice into your whole grain rice to add nutrients/volume while slashing the calories, using half an avocado with lemon as a salad dressing over spoonfuls of olive oil, swapping meat for lentils in a chill, soups, or stir fry, choosing frozen grapes or whipped bananas with berries over candy or ice cream for a sweet treat, etc. Remember: Spices and seasoning are your best friends.
Be Mindful of Your Beverage Consumption: Consuming enough water is essential. However, if you get bored with water, add some herbal and black tea, black coffee, or fruit-filled water into the mix. Cinnamon, vanilla, and apple or peach teas are great options to satisfy cravings and prevent mindless snacking (not a substitute for food – eat if you're genuinely hungry). For the winter season, try using some pure cocoa powder with hot water, vanilla extract, and a tablespoon or two of plant-based milk for a healthy hot cocoa drink.
Prioritize Long Walks: Carve out 1-2 hours of your day to get 10-12K steps in at least 5 days a week. Go outside if possible or jump on a treadmill/walking pad to get in some movement while watching TV, talking on the phone, or catching up on some emails.
Find A Simple Resistance Workout You Love: Yoga, pilates, or an at-home weight-training or body-weight exercise you can do at home. Browse different YouTube videos for 10-30 minute workouts to try or sign up for a class in your local area to make it a more social experience (and force yourself to take accountability to show up in the first place).
Create Short & Long "Bookend" Routines: Create a simple routine for the beginning and end of the task-filled portion of your day. For most of us, these routines would be done in the morning and evening/at night before and after work, school, or doing chores/errands. Let go of the rigid idea that these routines need to be done at certain times of the day. Set yourself up to win and tailor them to your schedule. Consider these short routines (like drinking a cup of coffee/tea, reading, meditation, journaling, a walk, or a short dancing session) your warm-up and cool-down sessions of the day. Having these rituals to look forward to will give you the energy and motivation to do what you need to get done each day.
Practice This 10-10-10 Mindfulness Practice: Make time for at least 10 pages of reading, 10 minutes of meditation, and 10 minutes of journaling daily (This can include shadow work) either in the morning or nighttime to clear and reset your mindset for the day.
Take An Hour To Plan Out Your Week: It's most convenient to do this power hour on a weekend (I typically reserve an hour before dinner on Sunday for weekly planning). Write out all of your main work tasks, schedule any due date reminders (for work, bills, chores, and other life necessities), must-do errands, emails and calls or appointments to make, etc.). I like using the Productivity Planner from Intelligent Change and my Reminders app/Google calendar via iCloud to sync deadlines and times to schedule messages/tasks/bills, so everything will be in front of me at the correct time throughout the week.
Prioritize 1-3 Tasks Daily: You might need to choose one large project to work on in small chunks or select a "Big 3" for the day, depending on how complex, lengthy, and time-consuming your projects/errands or appointments are for the day. Using this method allows you to be efficient, streamline your life, and feel productive without overwhelming yourself on the regular (the fastest route to burnout).
Make A Life Admin Schedule (and Stick To It): Choose days (and times if possible) of the week to update certain spreadsheets, batch reply to less urgent messages, clean your house, do laundry, grocery shop, etc. Scheduling these tasks ahead of time eliminates half of the battle for following through on what you need to do. Eventually, you will make these tasks into habitual routines that your brain will allow you to execute effortlessly as though you're in autopilot mode.
Mind Your "Circle of Influence": Do an intake on the 5-10 people you speak to the most or value in your life. If you're an employee, it is probably best to not include your boss or coworkers in this consideration list, as you need to work amicably with them regardless of your personal feelings. Look how you feel during your interactions with your friends, family, intimate partner, or an adjacent love interest. Consider how they speak to you, about themselves, and the topics your conversations are focused around. See if they align with the person you want to be and your goals. Evaluate how close you want to be and what parts of your life you think would be the most beneficial for you and the relationship going into 2023.
Set Boundaries: Understand your expectations, non-negotiables, and limits in every area of your life. Communicate these principles to others clearly, so they know when they are overstepping. Don't tolerate disrespect, but also don't expect others to be mind-readers. If someone knows that they're crossing your boundaries, it is easy to draw the line in the sand and walk away without the guilt or shame that can arise when conflicts originate from a lack of healthy communication.
Incorporate One Creative Practice Into Your Week: Reinvigorate your mind by engaging in at least one hour of creative activity per week. Try drawing, creative writing, poetry, singing, dancing, painting, pottery, jewelry making, graphic design, photography, etc. Even taking a foreign language course or creating a Pinterest inspiration/mood board or organizing your home/closets in an aesthetically-pleasing way counts. Figure out what creative outlet(s) you find satisfying. Prioritize scheduling this practice into your schedule weekly.
Refine Your Signature Look: Edit your wardrobe, try out a new haircut, or change up your makeup routine, nail color, or signature scent. Consider how you can close any gaps between your authentic personal style and how you present yourself on a day-to-day basis. Create an inspiration board if needed to help yourself define your unique aesthetic and gradually work towards embodying your ideal look.
Keep A "Praise" Archive: Create a record of all of the messages you receive highlighting your achievements, milestones, recognitions, or compliments. Compile a folder that acts as your "praise" archive for every area of your life. Create a folder in your work email inbox to save all of your professional achievements, praise, and positive contributions. Do the same for your personal email. Create a folder in your photo album of screenshotted texts. Keep a running list on your "Notes" app of any compliments you receive on your conversational contributions, actions, attire, personality, smile, etc. Hyping yourself up to connect to your highest self.
Create A "Siren" Kit: Take note of all of the clothing, scents, songs, cosmetics, phrases, people, and other aspects of your environment that empower you to feel your sexiest. Keep all of these items/songs/texts together to make it simple to set the mood before engaging in some indulgent action or revisit when you need a boost of confidence throughout your week.
Do A Financial Audit: Create an income/expenses spreadsheet to understand your current spending behavior and budgeting plan going forward. Set up your 2023 financial goals and projections, including target amounts for income, savings, and investments.
Give Yourself A Weekly "Treat": Find a healthy indulgence that you can strategically incorporate into your week. This "treat" can be a massage or nail appointment, permission to watch a movie or a couple episodes of a TV show, a serving of your favorite dessert or a glass of wine, etc. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Consider regular indulgence as an act of self-care not as a sign of weakness or self-destruction. Embracing pleasure does not require guilt or external permission.
Happy New Year, loves! Cheers to an abundant 2023 xx
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blackopals-world · 11 months
What Nurseries would the fem!AU(Yuus) build
(Look I have baby fever and I'm tired of fighting it)
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Stuffed animals everywhere
Doesn't care if it's a boy or girl they aren't changing it.
Every book will be animal fables
Is praying for the baby to be a beastman but just wants a healthy baby.
Got a bunch of teething toys just in case the kid has their milk teeth come early.
Rainforest noise machine
Once the baby is a few months they are going everywhere in a sling.
The baby will meet all of Yuu's patients and will be constantly covered in fur and feathers.
If the baby becomes interested in fish like their aunt Yuu will cry. She won't let her win!
Marine Biologist!FemYuu
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A bit chaotic in decoration
Let's Azul decorate it the first time and cried because it was beige like those weird rich people who only care about aesthetic but have no real sense of style. Like, no color? Babies need color!
Yuu cries while explaining (it's the hormones)
She hates beige
Azul wouldn't argue with a pregnant woman
She wants sushi but doesn't know if she can have it if the baby is half mer.
They installed a tank in the room just encase the baby is a mer
The tweels are banned from holding the baby until the kid can sit up on their own.
Took the baby to swim classes to awaken their natural instincts to swim like all babies even especially fishy babies.
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Red and gold for good luck and prosperity.
Pandas for peace and protection.
She wanted everything to be traditional but knows how demanding it will be.
No hot foods, no crab, no lamb, mutton, no sushi, no soft cheese, no soft serve ice cream.
She's dying.
After the baby is born a feast of pig trotters, eggs, cakes, chicken and gelatinous rice is served. She will dye the eggs red.
The baby will get an anti-usog bracelet at birth
She is superstitious so no one will see the baby's clothes before birth.
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Too much? Yeah.
Unfortunately, she insisted due to family tradition. Every child must use this crib first.
The baby has a different crib in every room so it doesn't matter.
Everyone needs to know how precious this baby is. The need to see this crib from space.
More silk! More pillows! More toys! More!More! More!
This baby will have like five names.
This baby will be lorded over the masses as the perfect example of a baby.
Portraits will be painted of this baby that will one day be hung in great halls and later art galleries.
Yuu is way too excited and honestly, even the baby is fed up.
She trying her best.
Special Forces!femYuu
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We all know who the father is.
Yep, Rook designed this room
Doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl either.
Yuu was way too tired to stop him and she didn't even try to stop him.
Rook really wants a girl and will try again if it doesn't happen. (he was going to try again anyways)
You'd think he was giving birth with the effort he put in.
Yuu would make him do it if she could. But alas.
The couple was using their pet bunnies as pseudo babies while prepping for the pregnancy. They bunnies weren't happy except for one.
Pistolet the weirdo. Rook's favorite and the dumb one. He was also the future baby's best friend.
Yuu is an iron woman honestly, she shows no pregnancy symptoms while Rook has sympathy pregnancy symptoms.
They eat shaved ice and watch war movies together. Couple goals.
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A little English cottage nursery
Very whimsical
The baby isn't actually going to use a crib until they are whined because Yuu insisted on co-sleeping despite what the doctor said.(don't do this)
Yuu wanted to deliver the same way as her mother and her mother's mother. In field, by themselves, while harvesting the crops. Have that sucker out in an hour, swaddle it, and back to work.
That didn't happen. They went to a hospital and iron woman over here was put on extended bed rest after giving birth to a big ass baby. Beautiful too.
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They can have kids??
By who?
I mean it's nice but I'm still confused?
Good for them?
You sure that baby isn't a cryptid? That thing has a lot of hair. Looks like that girl from "The Ring". That's alot of hair.
Well, good luck with your hairy baby.
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suzukiblu · 3 months
WIP excerpt from "Krypton lives and Kara did not sign up for this".
“Yes,” Kara says instead of anything about war crimes. She doesn't want to stress the kids out right now. Especially when they clearly don't have the context to understand what she's actually upset about, given what she knows of them so far. 
“Why?” Match asks, still obviously incredulous. It might be the most expressiveness she's seen from him so far. That level of reservation is normal, coming from another Kryptonian that she’s just met. But Kal kept gushing excitedly about how emotive and expressive Earthlings are every time he called, so . . . is it actually that Match is reserved, or is it that he really just isn't feeling anything? 
Or is he just that unwilling to show any trace of an actual personality? 
There really isn’t a good option there, she’s pretty sure. 
“Because I want you to like it,” Kara says. “So: sweet, savory, or spicy?” 
“. . . uh,” Thirteen says as Match just stares at her like he thinks she’s sun-drunk. “Is the . . . ‘bai’ fruit the healthiest one, or . . . ?” 
“It’s a dessert, kid,” Kara says. “None of them are ‘healthy’.” 
Milk rice isn’t unhealthy, necessarily, but that’s not the point of a damn dessert, now is it. 
“Uh,” Thirteen says, then looks . . . anxious, for a moment, before visibly drawing himself up and steeling himself to blurt: “Spicy.” 
“Okay,” Kara says, envisioning backwater-planet war crimes before glancing to Match. “What about you, then? You like spicy?” Kal doesn’t, but Kal wasn’t built in a lab and raised on Earthling MRES. 
Match just stares blankly at her, the corner of his jaw tightening. 
Maybe she shouldn’t have phrased it as “like”, she thinks, and once again considers calling up Atrocitous with her ring size. No reason. Just because. 
Two very specific reasons, actually, but also ten thousand reasons. 
“There’s three of us,” Kara points out. “I can just make all three.” 
“‘Dessert’ isn’t nutritionally useful,” Match says, his tone flat and expression bland. Thirteen half-eyes him, looking both restless and like he wants to say something. She’s still not sure how well they get along; still isn’t sure how to expect them to get along, especially once they’ve both settled in. Kal was not helpful on those grounds. 
She’s also still not over how awkward both their dialects sound. Especially with the memory of Kal at their “age” so easy to revisit in her mind. He never looked or sounded a thing like either of them, even with the exact same face and voice. He definitely also didn’t have the muscle definition they do, which those bizarre tight outfits of theirs do absolutely nothing to conceal.
Kal could’ve at least gotten them an over-robe or two, for Rao’s sake. Fuck, five minutes off-planet and he loses all sense of decorum and rational thought. This is why no one wants his job! This! This is why! 
. . . also the unsolicited cloning thing, she supposes. Also that. 
Only Kal would manage to get his DNA stolen on a planet called “Earth”, of all the godsdamned places.
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sillygoose067 · 2 months
Over the 7 Seas
Ch. 32
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Charles blearily blinks his eyes open, meaning to stretch his limbs when he feels a weight on his left side. He turns to relieve the weight there, finding you curled up under his arm, burrowed into his covers. Smiling, he spoons around you, breathing in your scent, now mixed with his, after using his body wash. He runs his fingers over your features, wondering how he got lucky enough to have you.
Feeling a ticklish sensation on your face, you flinch away, trying to escape with a whine when you hear a raspy chuckle near your ear, then a kiss on your forehead. 
“Morning, baby."
“Nooooooo. S’too early to wake up”, you moan. 
Your surroundings shake and you sit up in alarm thinking there was an earthquake, but look over your shoulder to see Charles’ body shaking in mirthless laughter. You harumph, crossing your arms, and turn around. 
“C’mon baby, Cheri, I’m sorry. It’s just that you’re so cute when you wake up”. 
This makes you turn to look at him over your shoulder. “Are you saying that I’m not cute any other time?”
He pulls you so that you’re lying on top of him now. You place your cheek on his bare chest. “Angel, you’re always cute to me”, and his fingers began to massage your scalp again. You start to drift off and he stops. 
“Nooooo, don’t stop. Feels good…”
He chuckles again and resumes. “Babe, you know I love you, and that there’s nothing I’d rather do than spend my morning with you like this. But I need to go to HQ to do some sims. The earlier I go, the earlier I can come home”. 
“Please Cheri? You can stay here until I come back, and I can drop you back home tonight”.
“...Fine”, you give in reluctantly, the thought of leaving tonight sobering you up. You didn’t want to go back yet, but you had responsibilities, as did Charles.
You rummage through his cupboards and cabinets, looking for something to get into your boyfriend’s stomach before he leaves while said man is in the shower. What’s the purpose of having all this money if you can’t even stock up your kitchen, man, you mumble to yourself. I bet this dude doesn’t even eat breakfast, you tsk. I need to fill up these cupboards and make sure he eats all his meals properly. 
You manage to get some toast, eggs, and coffee going. At least he has an espresso machine.
You’re smothering your piece of toast with butter when Charles reappears, freshly showered, dressed in a dark blue crewneck and a pair of baggy jeans, taking a seat on the stool in front of you. “Wow, did you make us breakfast? Thanks love.”
You scoff. “If this is what you call breakfast, you’ve got problems. We need to fill up these cabinets of yours, make them useful.”
He hums as he scarfed down the toast and eggs, pressing a kiss to your temple as he gets up to leave. “Feel free to look around while I’m gone. If you need anything, just give me a call. I should be home after lunch.”
“Bye, love you.”
“Love you, babe.” You watch as he steps out of the apartment, closing the door behind him. 
You get dressed (in last night’s clothes, because of course, you didn’t plan far ahead enough, and the need to fill your boyfriend’s kitchen won over your mortification) and make your way downtown to the local grocery store. As you roamed through the aisles, you picked up a couple of fruits to leave on his island counter, some vegetables, eggs, milk, bread, and other necessities to keep him stocked up and healthy. Lord knows how he survived so far with barely any sustenance and his strict dietary protocols. 
By the time you return to the apartment, it’s nearly lunchtime, so you cook something up, making it in extras just in case Charles shows up. Lo and behold, you hear the doorknob jiggle while you’re steaming some rice. 
“Hi!”, you chirp.
He kicks his shoes off, and approaches you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Hello love, you certainly seem more chipper than this morning. What’s up?”
“Nothing”, you grin up at him, tilting your head back to meet his gaze. “I hope I didn’t overstep, but I took the liberty of filling your pantry and fridge”. You shrug, feigning indifference. 
He parts from you and rummages around his kitchen, peeking his head into every one of the cabinets and the fridge. The silence is nearly overwhelming, and you let go of the breath you were holding, twisting your fingers and beginning an apology. “I’m sorry Char–” And then suddenly, you’re being crushed to a firm chest. 
“I love you so much it hurts. You need to stop being so sweet to me, Y/n, or I might die of it”, he whispers into your hair. You smile, relieved, and grip his arms, pulling away to look him in the eye. 
“You don’t mind?”
“Sweetheart, if I recall correctly, I told you to make yourself at home last night. That’s all you’ve done here. How could I ever mind?”
“I mean, I wasn’t sure if you’d like me to go snooping around your kitchen– And what if you were leaving everything empty on purpose?”
He snorts. “For what? My trophies? Baby, you don’t need to overthink everything you do so much. Not anymore, a least not around me, alright?”
“M’kay”, you sigh in resigned relief. 
“Now, what’s for lunch? I haven’t had a homecooked meal in ages.”
You smack his chest. “You literally had dinner made by Pascale last night.”
“Ow! I meant other than that.”
You enjoy a hearty meal together on Charles’ sofa, laughing and discussing each other’s day and plans for the evening. 
If this is what love feels like, I want this forever.
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acti-veg · 10 months
16 Plant-Based Protein Sources
Protein is often raised as a concern for people considering adopting a plant-based diet, and considering the fact that we've all been taught to associate protein primarily with red meat, this is not surprising.
It is estimated that most adults require 56 grams of protein per day, and you're probably hitting that number if you're not in a calorie deficit. If you're trying to lose weight and so are cutting calories then you may need to track your protein a little more closely, but 56 grams is pretty easy to hit without having to really think about it.
It gets a bit more difficult if you're very physically active, particularly if you're engaged in regular endurance training or are trying to build muscle. There is a great deal of disagreement about precisely how much protein is ideal if you're training intensely, but it is very achievable to hit even the upper end of protein requirement estimates using only plant-based foods. Listed below are particularly good options.
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1) Lentils - Lentils are a cheap nutritional powerhouse, and provides about 17 grams of protein per cup. They're also very flexible, you can have them as your main protein source of a meal, use them to substitute mince in a pasta dish, make burgers out of them, or put them in a stir fry or with rice and veg with some seasonings. They are cheap and convenient if you buy them canned, since they're ready to eat, though I would recommend at least warming them up.
2) Chickpeas - Chickpeas are a popular vegan staple, and it's not hard to see why. At approximately 14.5 grams of protein per cup, they're nutrient dense and very flexible. Use them to make hummus or falafel, as the main protein source of a curry, on their own with rice or worked into a salad. You can also just air fry/grill them with some oil and spices for a convenient, crunchy snack.
3) Oats - A cup of dry oats is around 11 grams of protein by itself. Making it with a cup of oat milk brings that up to 14 grams, throw in a tablespoon of peanut butter and you're up to about 17.5 grams at breakfast, and all those ingredients are pretty cheap and very filling. You could add something like nuts or chia seeds as a topping to stretch that to well over 20 grams.
4) Nuts - Peanuts are 9.5 grams per 1/4 cup, almonds are 7g, pistachios 6g, cashews 5g, hazelnuts 5g, brazil nuts 4.75g, walnuts 4.5g and pine nuts are 4.5g. You can buy 1kg bags of mixed nuts for a little bit cheaper and keep them in a jar for a healthy snack. I find it better to buy a bag that doesn't have peanuts in then add the peanuts later, as mixes that include peanuts tend to be less for your money. Peanut butter is also a cost effective way to add protein to many snacks and meals.
5) Beans - Depending on the type, beans are anything from around 10-15 grams of protein per cup. Some are better than others, like kidney beans, but even your standard baked beans are high protein and good for you. Turn them into a chilli, have them on toast, on a jacket potato, turn them into a bean burger or make them the protein base of a salad or soup. Kidney , soy and edamame beans are particularly good options.
6) Seitan - When cooked, seitan closely resembles to look and feel of red meat. It is made of wheat gluten and has 25 grams of protein per 100 gram serving. It is not very widely available in supermarkets, but try your local Asian market, where it will usually be cheaper as well. It's a bit of a hassle, but you can also make your own at home, which is extremely cheap as it's just wheat gluten, yeast, plant milk, miso and spices.
7) Tofu/Tempeh - A staple in Asian cooking, don't be afraid to try this one. Think of it as doing all the same things chicken does in terms of recipes, it soaks up the flavour around it. It needs to be pressed before use, or you can avoid that by just draining the liquid and freezing it, then thawing over night when you want to use it. 100 grams of tofu (less than half a small block) contains 8 grams of protein. Some tofu, like Naked TooFoo, is pre-pressed for you.
8) Faux Meats - Faux meats are an easy way to add a protein base to your meal, and has the advantage of serving the same function on a plate as the foods you were used to before you went vegan. A Beyond burger, for example, has 19g of protien per patty, though you can get much cheaper options that have a similar nutritional profile. Pair that with a wholemeal bun and something like brown rice/quinoa and vegetables and you can create a very high protein meal.
9) Grains - All grains are good for protein, these include quinoa, spelt, brown/wild rice, teff, amaranth and sorghum. They can range anywhere between 5 and 8 grams per 100 grams, and you'll usually be serving them with some sort of protein source. They're also an excellent source of fibre and carbohydrates, which are also important for training and general health. Quinoa in particular provides all 22 essential amino acids.
10) Peas - Green peas are not mentioned much when it comes to high protein options, but a cup of cooked peas is a respectable 9 grams of protein, and it's worth mentioning here because they tend to be used more as a side than main, so can be paired with other high protein options. They're also very cheap, freeze well and are easy to prepare.
11) Seeds - Just a tablespoon of chia seeds is nearly 3 grams of protein, and the seeds are so small and tasteless that you don't actually notice them in anything you put them in, making them an easy way to add protein to just about any meal. They're pretty cheap to buy in large quantities, particularly good to replace eggs in baking, to add to bread flour, salads and oatmeal. Other high protein seeds include pumpkin, sunflower, linseed, hempseeds and buckwheat.
12) Bread - Bread may not immediately come to mind when you're thinking about protein, but wholegrain/rye/spelt breads can be very high in protein, anywhere from 3 all the way up to around 10 grams per slice, particularly for seeded loaves. If you really want to turn bread into a high protein food, invest in a bread maker or bake it yourself, that way you can add nuts, seeds and oats yourself to up the nutritional value. That's just the bread too, a hummus and falafel sandwich with a high protein bread can be very nutrionally dense.
13) Fruit and veg - Worth mentioning here, as they're something you'll need to consume to maintain a healthy diet anyway, and some options have moderate protein. The higher protein options include broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts, which all contain 4–5 grams of protein per cooked cup. Likewise, blueberries, guava, bananas and nectarines contain about 2-4 grams of protein per cup, as well as many other vitamins important for training.
14) Nutritional Yeast - No vegan list is complete without mentioning it, it's a vegan staple for its nutty, cheesy flavour, as well as being an easy source of vitamin B12. It's a complete protein that has 8 grams of protein per 16 grams serving, making it an easy way to add more protein to things like pizza, pasta dishes or a jacket potato. Use it to make cheesy sauces, or just sprinkle it on anything you'd have previousy added parmesan cheese to.
15) Protein Bars - They tend to be  on the expensive side, but there are a few plant-based options. I'd recommend Misfit bars if you can get them online, they're low sugar, 15g of protein per bar, and you can buy them in variety packs of 40 which works out cheaper. Trek also have protein flapjack bars, less protein (8-9g) but are much cheaper in packs of 3 and frequently available at a discount (as little at 85p for three in Heron here in the UK).
Most brands won’t be suitable as a daily option for many people given the price, but great for when you're need a protein boost on the go. You can also just make your own protein bars using nothing but oats, cinnamon, baking soda, a little maple/golden syrup and a scoop of plant-based protein powder.
16) Protein/Meal Powders- Even the cheaper powders are around 18g of protein per scoop, so a shake is an easy way to add more protein to your diet, or you can stir it into oatmeal to get most of your daily requirements over breakfast. Some meal replacement shakes, like Huel Black, are around 40 grams of protein per serving (2 scoops) even when made with just water, providing a cheap and easy way to have a high protein and nutritious meal without any prep or fuss. Add some peanut butter and plant milk to make them tastier and even higher in protein. (I don't accept sponsorship or commissions from any brand and I don't have any affiliate links. Any product recommendations are based solely on my own experience.)
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calxia · 9 months
I was sitting around and thinking while relaxing after a very painful bike ride, what are the ghouls favorite snacks? Who gets the midnight munchies the most and raids the fridge the most often?
- 🎸 Anon
I hope you've recovered from your bike ride and that you had fun while on it! I actually had a bit of a struggle with this ask because I've never realised how little variety there is in what I eat until I'm trying to think of different foods.
Here are my thoughts on what the ghouls' favourite snacks are and their late-night eating habits.
Dew loves spicy snacks. The spicier the better. If it is crunchy it makes it even better. Things like spicy crisps and rice crackers are a staple in his diet. He happily will eat those crisps that are spicy challenges with zero issues. He hoards snacks in his room and will get up in the middle of the night to eat something from his hoard in bed. His sheets are always coated in crumbs and spicy powder so all the other ghouls refuse to sleep in his room. Nobody wants to wake up to chilli dust in their eyes.
Mountain always snacks on fresh stuff. When he’s working on the abbey grounds, he will often pluck a few berries off a bush to have if he gets hungry. He eats those big tomatoes like an apple while walking through the grounds and all the other ghouls despise it. Mountain definitely eats the healthiest out of any of the ghouls as most of his diet is the fresh produce he grows. Mountain isn’t a night snacker at all. When he sleeps, he tends to stay asleep until the dawn breaks in the morning.
Rain will eat basically anything salty. Pretzels, crisps, nuts, he will eat basically anything as long as it’s got enough salt to kill a slug. Sometimes he will even eat salt straight from the grinder (he gets in trouble whenever he gets caught). Rain also likes jerky. He likes the really low-grade stuff that’s like chewing an old boot because the act of chewing soothes him. He is often caught raiding the cupboards at midnight. They have had to put locks on all the snack cupboards because Rain would regularly empty the cupboards overnight and the food bill was getting too high.
Swiss always eats the weirdest snacks. He’s the sort of ghoul who will just pick two random items from the cupboards and eat them together for fun. It disgusts everyone else. Some notable combinations are: Cheetos in milk; cheese and jam on toast and one notable occasion where he dipped broccoli in biscoff spread. He will always try to convince the others to try the combinations but they never do. He once managed to convince Phantom to try a combination and it made the younger ghoul sick for days afterwards. Swiss only seems to eat normal snacks when he’s up at midnight, in which he will just eat whatever the other ghoul he is up with is eating.
Cirrus is a big fan of sour foods. She’s not the biggest snacker, but when she does it's always on things like Greek yoghurt and pickles, separate not combined (she’s not a monster like Swiss). She adores those sour sweets that they make you sign a waiver for before you eat them and can easily eat multiple packs in one sitting. Copia had to put a limit on how many packs she was allowed in a month because it really can’t be healthy eating that many at once. Cirrus is not a night snacker at all and would rather stay in bed hungry than get up to snack.
Cumulus has a massive sweet tooth. Whenever she snacks it's always something sweet like cakes or biscuits. She enjoys baking too so there’s always a constant supply of baked goods in the abbey between tours. She makes all sorts, from pies and pastries to cookies and cakes, and she always has to be the first to try them when they come out of the oven. All the other ghouls and Papa love her cooking and put in requests for what she will bake next. She very rarely gets up to snack at night, but when she does, she will always choose to eat the fresh berries from the fridge instead of what she would usually snack on.
Both Aurora and Phantom are still relatively new to the surface and are still figuring out what sort of snacks they like. They are, however, using very different methods to figure it out.
Aurora will try anything she’s offered and usually likes them all. She sidles up to anyone who’s eating and will sit there pouting until they offer her a bite. She likes Rain’s salty snacks and Cumulus’ sweet treats but despises Dew’s spicy foods. When Dew let her try one of his crisps, she sulked for a week after because the spiciness had hurt her mouth.
Phantom is a lot more cautious with what he tries. The others all constantly try to offer him things and he just turns his nose up at them. When someone does manage to convince him to try something he usually spits it out in disgust almost instantly. The only things that he has enjoyed so far were the little zoo biscuits cumulus had offered him, and the slices of cucumber Mountain had given him when they were in the gardens together. He also often accompanies Swiss on his kitchen runs during the night (where Swiss always manages to get him to try some horrid food mix).
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cherrydi3tcoke · 3 months
my poem about anorexia:
my caved in chest
and chicken arms
my pencil thin legs
and all my scars
my hollowed out cheeks
the rituals begin
the bags under my sockets
the definition of my chin
the fatigue every morning
the dizzy every night
the hunger pain
and the shivers
triggering myself
ana is the boss
find a way to cope
weight loss
decreased testosterone
or the absence of your period
workout routines
food diaries
sudden death
making others worried
shortness of breath
constipation or diarrhea
cut out food groups
weigh in every day
my hair falling out
lanugo on my skin
bruises on my legs
my collarbones thin
my spine visible
my sternum is too
my bicep non-existent
daydreaming about my meals
every calorie counting
working out for hours on end
stomach flat
unable to keep a friend
a kilo or a pound
obsessed with the numbers
check each ingredient
water instead of oil
unsweetened almond milk
or a rice cake
scared to attempt to bake
blueish fingers
yellow-tinted skin
distorted self-image
feeding all my friends
counting while I eat
portioning myself
starving is my treat
and teens
short and small
haunted by her curse
"have you eaten today?"
"I'm worried about you"
"Do you want some food?"
"Eat a burger"
memorize the macros
"i am not a dog, food is not my treat"
cry yourself to sleep
"but I've seen you eat"
hours in mirrors
isolate from others
heart palpations
and restless nights
incurable thirst
intermittent fasting
binges or purges
all effects are lasting
normal on the outside
dying on the inside
questions from passersby
"just one more hour"
"just one more meal"
"i already ate"
"it's not that big of a deal"
suicidal thoughts
being underweight
scared of being healthy
scared to get too sick
feeding tubes
thinking about food
racing thoughts
using laxatives
going to the gym
going for a run
never having fun
cracked, dry skin
thin, brittle nails
weakened teeth
ruining my life
ruining my relationships
ruining my future
unable to eat a bag of chips
eating disorder speaks in my place
"just eat"
excuses for each meal
obsessed with my intake
obsessed with the math
obsessed with my weight
following this path
hoping that they notice
never tell a soul
hide it all from others
staring at my empty bowl
atypical or not
never feeling valid
covering my body
starving till I'm on my deathbed
recovery is useless
"i want to stay this way"
I'll have to fight my whole life
to keep her voice at bay
searches on the Internet
vitamin deficient
"no cal is better than low cal"
refeeding syndrome
"I'm not good enough"
"once on the lips forever on the hips"
quick ways to lose weight
calculate my BMI
freak out about what I just ate
hide my secret
hide my body
keep on the low
till I'm skin and bone
oh how she will lie
she doesn't want you to just be a number
she wants you to die.
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invisibleraven · 1 month
It's that time again: Inny prompts a Ray Is The Best Dad prompt because: keeping a few of their favorite snacks in the house for when they visit. makes me soft.
Grocery day was not Ray’s favourite day of the week. For one it was less fun without Rose who liked to race the charts, do silly puppets shows with the fruit when testing their ripeness, and indulged his love of trashy food.
For two, he had a lot more mouths to feed now.
Not that he minded the extra mouths, but it got to be a lot remembering all their restrictions, dislikes, and still keep their nutritional health in mind.
He started with the staples; bread, eggs, and milk. Making sure to get oat milk for Alex whose lactose intolerance he learned about in the worst way. Plus it was always handy to have on hand if Carrie and Willie decided they were vegan this week.
He stocked up on veggies-he had become an expert on hiding them in food so the gaggle of teenagers who frequented his home would eat them. He had better luck with fruit, and Luke loved to help him make weird smoothie combinations but hey, at least he was enthusiastic about that part of healthy eating.
He couldn’t say the same for Flynn who would survive on soda and pizza if she could. Though given her mother liked to brew up meatloaf containing wheatgrass and alfalfa sprouts, he didn’t really blame her.
Julie was easy to please, as she had started cooking for the group and gave him a list. She had been working on recreating some of Rose’s recipes to introduce her friends to Latin food, as well as the desserts. Ray was more than happy to be her guinea pig for those experiments.
Plus it made Carlos (and Victoria) from complaining about his spaghetti for the third day in a row.
At first Ray had thought Reggie was the easiest as he would happily eat anything and everything placed in front of him. That is until he found out that he probably wasn’t getting much to eat at home, and rarely indulged in buying food since he was saving up to move out as soon as he could.
Ray had offered him the guest room more than once, but kept getting denied. “Well can you at least tell me what you actually like to eat? We can even make it together.”
Reggie lit up at that. “Can you teach me to make ribs?”
Now Ray had never really attempted ribs-they weren’t a staple in the Molina household. “How about we learn together?”
The end results were pretty damn good if he said so himself, even if Reggie was far better at the grill than Ray was. With that in mind, Ray grabbed another pack-plus some chicken and impossible burgers and wondered if he could convince Reggie they should have a cook out this weekend.
With all the healthy options done, Ray gathered snacks; savoury and salty snacks for the boys, chocolate and candy for the girls, sour stuff for Carlos and a pack of cookies for himself-one he would be hiding because he learned the hard way about not doing so with seven teenagers in and out of the house.
He also grabbed some of those nasty rice cakes for Tori-just because she spent enough time with them, he wanted to have options.
He approached the register, hunting for his wallet-he knew Julie handed it to him after he couldn’t find it with the mail. It was in his jacket pocket, and within it there was a pile of coupons, courtesy of Flynn the Coupon Queen. Plus a points card that he knew belonged to Willie that gave Ray some savings and would give Willie a discount on the movie he wanted to take Alex to the weekend.
Ray shook his head softly and smiled at the weird situation he found himself in. Widowed and the father to eight kids, only two of which were his.
He wouldn’t trade any of them for the world though. Even if the bill after it all was starting to get ridiculous. But the kids-his kids were worth every penny.
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honeytonedhottie · 10 months
healthy foods and recipes that i use on a daily basis(>•<)💭🍣
these r just some recipes for foods that i eat every single day, and they r healthy and easy to make. they r also great if u have a busy lifestyle bcuz they're super easy and quick to make <3
remember to eat yummy food that fuels u 💗
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carrot salad - carrots! carrots r an amazing source of vitamin A and isn't only beneficial for ur skin, but also ur eyesight, and ur immune system; for the recipe i'd wash a carrot and shave it, then add one cap of apple cider vinegar and olive oil, with salt and pepper and i'll eat that as a side dish along with my meal
cucumber salad - cucumbers r also an amazing source of hydration and is great for ur skin. just slice a couple cucumbers and add olive oil, salt, pepper, and chili flakes
meditteranean salad - dice cucumbers, tomatoes, red onion, and make a vinaigrette using lemon, olive oil, and salt and pepper and add those all together with some basil for a hydrating delicious salad
pan con tómate - its simply toasted bread with oil, grated tomatoes, garlic, salt and pepper
apple slices and peanut butter
frozen grapes with lime juice on top
literally any assortment of veggies with lime juice and salt
sliced fruit bowls with lemon juice
how i make tofu - so i always use firm tofu and i'll dry it with a paper towel just to make sure that its dry (make sure to drain the excess water) and on a separate plate i'd add some flour, and seasonings of my choice. then coat the tofu in the flour and put it on a hot pan (approximately 5 min per side of tofu) or until its crispy, and then i'll make a sauce, usually with soy sauce, ginger and honey.
cucumber sushi - i'd wash and shave cucumbers, then take the shavings and lay them out as though it was wrapping paper (if that makes sense) then dry it with a paper towel so that the ingredients can stick onto it. then i'd fill it with sticky rice, sauces, tuna sometimes, or literally anything u wanna fill it with and then roll it up like u would do with sushi and cut it into pieces.
sandwich one - take a hard boiled egg and break it down in a bowl, and add some mayo and mustard (trust) to create a paste like mixture. spread all that onto some bread. then add some lettuce, tomato, and cucumber.
overnight oats - in a container, add some oats, greek yogurt, chia seeds, honey, fruits of choice (i often use strawberries or blueberries) and almond milk and then shake that up and let it stay in the fridge overnight for an easy breakfast in the morning.
chia seed pudding - add three tablespoons of chia seeds into a container, half a cup of almond milk, one teaspoon of vanilla extract, and some honey (add coco powder if u like chocolate) and then put that in the fridge overnight.
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hollowsart · 3 months
what kinds of food does Acedia and her boyfriends usually make or buy to eat? you can learn a lot about a person by what they've got in their fridge and pantry:
Acedia: boxes of pasta/noodles, jars of sauces, hotdogs, buns, bread, cans of chili and soup, lots of snacks. water (with flavor packets) and ginger ale are all she really drinks. most of these are relatively cheap. also blueberry bagels, rice, chicken, cheese, ham, and eggs. and milk. (she's often hungry, but knows how to make a few meals that sit heavy for awhile, good for the boosted metabolism she's got) probably eats the least healthy out of the group. on special occasions she'll have a bit of money saved up to get some better food. she likes to visit and eat out at the [Commodite Cafe], they have a lot of her favorite foods for a good price.
Beck: the basics, bread and milk (whatever is cheapest), but also plenty of coffee, any kind of bagel really (tends to favor cinnamon & raisin most), boxed or frozen meals (a tv dinner kind of guy.. not really by choice), occasionally he'll stock up on some ingredients to make him something special that he can have leftover for a couple of days that's more filling and healthier. he likes takeout, anything cheap and easy. he's a busy guy most of the time so he doesn't have the time to cook very often. but when he does, he's actually not too bad. has a few recipe books in a cabinet in the kitchen, his favorites have colored notes sticking out of the pages.
Otto: eats the healthiest out of the group and has all the basics when it comes to what fills his pantries. he makes the time to prepare his own meals. having the actuators helps a lot. he's not exactly a chef nor a baker, but he finds it quite pleasant and not too different from his usual work, making food for himself and all his pets. he's usually got a stocked fridge and freezer filled with stuff for him and his pets, too. he's got a few cabinets of snacks and treats. enjoys both coffee and tea, and enjoys a nice everything or cheesy bagel, depending on the time of day. ..he has a slight sweet tooth and does his best to refrain from eating too many chocolate/chip bagels, he's moved to occasionally getting a honey one instead.
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daffodilhorizon · 6 months
Vegan Masterpost
Want to make a change for the animals, for the planet and for your fellow humans? Here's how to start: 1. Replace your favorites with plant based ones. Look up vegan recipes + your fav meals. Stop buying animal products and start buying alternatives! That's basically it! You're probably going to start getting exposed to a bunch of new plants and flavors to cook with. Embrace the fun! I'm not going to lie, you will probably crave animal flavors and textures at first. There's nothing wrong with having these cravings, just accept they are normal and will go away. 2. Look up vegan nutrition needs. You will probably need to supplement with B12 (found in fortified foods, such as fortified cereals or nutritional yeast). This is fine. Supplements are a good things! We put iodine in salt, and most carnist cereals and cow's milk are fortified for a reason. Take advantage of modern efficiency and accept that fortified foods and occasional supplementation is normal and healthy. My doctor recommends everyone where i live to take vitamin D daily, due to the lack of sunlight. Getting nutritional needs met in the most efficient and cruelty free way is good, actually. If you have specific needs around allergies or are dealing with an eating disorder, talk to a vegan nutritionist if you can afford it, otherwise consult with the vegan community and do your best.
3. Start using a cronomoter if that feels okay for you mentally. A lot of vegans don't eat enough at first! We need to load up on those delicious carbs and protein rich foods and keep consuming fats. 4. Integrate yourself into the community! Join vegan facebook groups, vegan hobby groups, vegan book clubs, follow the vegan tag. Follow animal sanctuaries on every social media. Seeing animals as animals and not objects is a big step in being vegan and seeing how happy these animals are in fulfilling caring environments is a positive reminder of the difference you're making. The hardest part of being vegan is the reaction from non-vegans. If you feel supported through the vegan community, you're much less likely to feel strong in the face of non-vegan pressure to conform or "cheat". A lot of us are genuinely pretty welcoming, probably because vegans are more likely to be liberal, poor, nonwhite, and lgbt+ than average. 5. Educate yourself! Read through vegan books, watch educational videos about what animals go through, and/or look at the vegan boot-camp. You are not required or expected to put yourself through watching animal violence, but if you have trouble connecting to the animals and think you can deal with it, it can help you realize how horrible and violent their lives and deaths are. I personally have not seen Dominion nor do i plan to, i have no need. The only people who need to be watching that stuff is non-vegans who are dismissive of the suffering animals go through. 6. Prepare yourself for a lot of unprompted excuses and defensiveness around non-vegans! Here's some lists of common "gotchas". You'll have them memorized within the first 3 months because of how often you'll hear them. There's also vegan debaters on youtube if that's your jam. Remember, you can always disengage and say "honoring my personal values is important to me and you should respect that" if you don't know what to say or don't want to argue. NOW FOR THE FUN PART Replace WHAT with WHAT? TEXTURES: make sure to get extra firm tofu! ground beef -> textured vegetable protein steak -> seitan steak recipes shredded chicken -> jackfruit sliced chicken -> soy curls, Tofu Fish textures -> watermelon (seriously) Unagi -> eggplant Bacon -> Tofu or rice paper Popcorn Chicken -> breaded soy curls lunchmeat -> vegan lunchmeat, or make your own with seitan/tofu Tuna or chicken salad -> chickpea salad Fried Chicken -> Fried Oyster Mushrooms or Tofu pulled pork --> Jackfruit Cow's milk -> any non-dairy milk! You can also make your own very easily Butter -> margarine Cheese -> vegan cheese, or make your own! Eggs -> Tofu, or mung bean egg, eggy yolk recipe In Recipes: Replace eggs with flax seeds or yoghurt, aquafaba, silken tofu, applesauce, banana, pumpkin, chia, baking soda & vinegar Flavors! Beefy -> Basically just salt with some umami Chickeny -> kinda salty, kinda herby Bacony -> liquid smoke, salt, and some sweetness Eggy -> use black salt Cheesy -> nooch please! Sweet -> maple, agave
7. If you drink alcohol, check barnivore to make sure your wines and beers weren't processed using fish guts! 8. Don't purchase any new products made from taking from animals. This means looking for cruelty free grooming items, cruelty free textiles, and avoiding animal exploitation like purchasing from breeders or riding horses. Obviously, necessary medication is the exception. 9. Be extra kind to animals in your real life :) They deserve extra love. Learn to put spiders outside and how to deal with "pests" by preventing them. 10. You are now vegan! Welcome! We're happy to have you! :D You will probably stumble a little bit or not know things like how some sugar is processed with charr from animal bones! That's okay, just keep learning and keep your eye on the positives.
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kirnet · 6 months
What’s your favorite soup recipes? Your post about making a ton and freezing it may or may not have just saved me lol
yes absolutely!! im glad it might be helpful! i make a cabbage soup all the time that ill write out a bit later that’s really simple and filling! the most recent one i made was adapted from this post. I make this one with bacon AND diced chicken and it’s so divine, but it takes a lot of steps and requires a blender so it’s not as fatigue friendly, but worth trying if you have the energy!
other than that unfortunately i dont really use recipes. I mostly will just use whatever leftover I have on hand and add it to stock, like leftover rice, veggies, meat, pasta, etc. soup is great for me bc you can really just throw in whatever is about to go bad as long as it works with the flavor profile you’re going for, and if you’re already comfortable with cooking then it’s the same principle. if you can’t make your own stock than just use the store bought stuff. Use frozen veggies too if you dont wanna worry abt produce going bad. Also im lactose intolerant and have celiacs so i use almond milk instead of milk and cornstarch instead of using flour as a thickening agent, but it always turns out really good! if you’re not then adding some splashes of cream/milk and some melted cheese on top of different soups will probably be really good.
Del Real Foods has these precooked and preseasoned packages of different meats that you can use too if you have anxiety abt raw meat or you dont have the energy to do a full recipe. A lot of the time I’ll use their chicken and just throw that in with some chicken stock, whatever veggies i have like carrots or potatoes or celery and some hunks of onion, and then finish with some rice or pasta for a quick and homey chicken soup! :D
cabbage roll soup
- one onion
-preferred amount of garlic (i usually use 3-4 cloves)
- a whole cabbage
- about 4 cups of broth or stock, two of those cartons you buy at the store
- 1-2 cans of tomato sauce depending on how much you like tomatoes
- pack of ground beef or turkey
- cup of rice
- a healthy splash of balsamic vinegar and some spoonfuls of brown sugar optional.
You can do this all in a big pot so you dont have to worry about multiple dishes! sauté your onions until translucent and season with salt and pepper, toss in your garlic cloves for like 30 seconds and then throw in your meat. brown that then throw in your tomato sauce and stock. chop up your cabbage and throw that in and also toss in your rice. add the vinegar and some sugar to make it a little more tangy and deep, but it works fine without it. then just bring to a boil and wait until your rice is cooked and your cabbage is tender! its really easy to double this recipe or just add more rice to make it more filling. I’ve frozen this plenty of times to it freezes and reheats well!
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threadsun · 1 year
Anonymous Asks: "What do you think are Jack's, Joseph's, Shaun's, Ian's, Nick's, and Jean's favorite foods and drinks?"
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Ooooh I’m gonna do these a lil out of order for Headcanon Reasons~
Content: Food and drink talk
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Okay so I know everyone headcanons him as Italian-American, but like… my little Jewish heart likes to think he’s Jewish
Some of his favourite foods are ones he remembers his bubbe making for him before she passed away and he ran away
Her brisket is the thing he misses the most, so soft with just a hint of hot sauce and horseradish. Sandwiched between two slices of freshly baked challah…
The slightly gross bagels and lox she used to buy for him on a Sunday morning
But also he’s a sucker for a greasy burger and slightly soggy fries, a strawberry milkshake on the side
Shitty boxed wine (or manischewitz lmao)
So, Sunny Day Jack was meant to be an all-American guy, but this Jack is a weird amalgamation of Jack and Joseph
So, uh, he’s Jewish too now. It’s my house I get to make the rules, and the rules are I project onto characters
Apples may be his favourite snack, but for a meal? Matzo ball soup. It’s got vegetables, protein, carbs… if you make it the day before, you can skim off the schmaltz!
He also loves fruit salads and regular salads, and—no surprise here—blueberry pancakes
Any sort of fruit juice is good for him! He’ll freshly squeeze it himself to make sure there’s not too much sugar
Man loves milk
Shaun is an accomplished man in many respects, but uhhhh… cooking is not one of them
He’s not the worst at it, he can make himself ready meals or boxed mac and cheese or simple dishes
But generally, he kinda prefers to just get food in. Chinese, Thai, and Indian are absolutely his favourites, but he does also like to try new places when he can
He’s a big fan of sandwiches! Any filling, he just loves something he can hold in one hand while he works
As for drinks, he loves a good smoothie. Especially those super healthy green ones full of like kale and spinach and stuff
Shaun’s alcoholic drink of choice is vodka
Ian’s a pretty good cook! Not like… professional chef level, but he likes to watch cooking shows
He’s picked up a few things, and he’s learned to cook all of his favourite foods
He makes an absolutely delicious ramen, a very good full English breakfast, and he’s also a decent baker. Pies, cookies, cinnamon rolls of course
Breakfasts are definitely his specialty, especially things that are good for breakfast in bed
He loves strawberry milk, it’s almost silly how excited he gets about it (but also so cute)
He’s a big fan of all types of tea!
Now, Ian may be a good cook, but Nick is almost a professional level cook. He’s practiced for years
He’s good enough to make his own new recipes if he knows the basic ingredients needed
He specializes in all types of rice and pasta and bread, all made by hand. Fried rice, coconut rice, carbonara, bolognese, naan, pizza, anything like that
He does love a good pain au chocolat, especially with a hot coffee. It’s his ideal breakfast
When it comes to drinks, he mostly sticks with water and coffee, but sometimes he’ll drink soda
He’s a sucker for lemonade
Look, Jean never wanted to be an actor. He wanted to be a baker. It’s why he stuck with the Rory role for so long.
He’s not like… the best at it, just cause he doesn’t have much time to practice
But he definitely loves to eat sweets! Cakes and cookies, macrons and meringues, parfaits and puddings. Anything sweet, he has a major sweet tooth!
Cafe foods and drinks in general are his favourites. Croissants, doughnuts, coffee, tea
He loves a good cup of hot chocolate, with marshmallows and whipped cream
This man loves baileys
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acepalindrome · 5 months
I think the farming game genre would really benefit from more games doing what Sakuna did, by which I mean really change up the traditional mechanics by focusing on one specific thing. Most farming games are all about growing lots of crops, raising a number of different animals, making stuff out of the produce, a whole lot of different things that are super simplified. It’s just one button press to harvest my corn and milk my cow. As long as I water the crop and feed the cow daily, they keep producing. Very simplified and streamlined.
But Sakuna really changed that up by focusing on one crop primarily, but going really in depth. We’re getting into the fine details of rice farming! How we space the crops, how much water we put in the paddy and how long we keep it at different levels, how we deal with pests, when we harvest, how long we let it dry, how much we shell the grains, all of that is factored into the final product! And then we have to plan in the winter for the next planting season! It’s a lot, but the farming on this game is all about the rice. You aren’t juggling multiple crops, you’re just learning how to manage your rice forwards and backwards.
A lot of farming games are trying to mix things up by changing the setting (prehistoric farming games, futuristic cyberpunk games,) and while that’s good, I wish more games would go the route of narrowing the focus of farming and really dig into the details. Like, a game about keeping sheep and shearing their wool, how to keep them healthy and happy, how to process the wool, difference species of sheep…that could be really fun!
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deanstead · 7 days
I’m in love with little Leo
What about Dean singing Hey Jude to his two year old son to get him to sleep at night or nap during the day?
Or him making Leo some tomato rice soup when he’s not feeling well?
He also makes Leo some PB&J sandwiches and glasses of milk
He makes boiled eggs and scrambled eggs for Leo, and some veggies making sure he eats healthy food too
Yeah Dean makes sure to replicate the good memories of his early childhood before hunting & losing his Mom at four years old, with his own son Leo and doing things that he remembers her doing for him 🥺
How did you read my mind 🤣🤭
My mind is full of domestic!dean like all these small moments of Dean with his family 🥹
Not helping that I just watched the episode of Dean talking to Ben about him not wanting Ben to end up like him and I considered writing a parallel of sorts 😅
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vidaamour · 2 months
Lazy girl “Horchata”
This is the lazy version of horchata and not traditional but Yk what it tastes the exact same and it’s easier and vegan shut up
I used a plastic cup for measurements that’s how lazy this recipe is;
One cup milk (I used cashew)
Half cup vanilla creamer (I used oat)
Few healthy shakes of ground cinnamon
And I made a strawberry version so I added some sliced strawberries
Blend that shit, strain that shit in a fine strainer with a paper towel in it and enjoy
Longer and more or less traditional version;
Two cups washed white rice , one cup water, two cinnamon sticks. Soak it three hours or overnight
Add it to the blender, blend and strain with a fine mesh strainer!! Back to the blender, add in one cup of milk, one can of sweetened condensed milk, and evaporated milk (if you want to make it vegan just use a vanilla plant based creamer). Splash of vanilla extract. Blend that bitch (add strawberries if you’re making a strawberry flavor. And strain)
Serve on the rocks (over ice) with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.
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