#i also love sebek slander
rggie · 2 years
Your sebek content is lovely but....I find it fun to slander him and the slander wont end from me😈😈
But I fear....that I'm growing soft on him🥲
you are not immune to the charms of sebek!!!
imagine: he quotes shakespeare to you (because he loves literature)😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰 flirts with you in old english and thinks he’s the smoothest guy in the world
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sebek-zigbolt · 1 year
Jade propably likes spending time with sebek, because jades only worry in life is having an entertaining time, and that includes creating chaos, and sebek is one of the characters that whenever they appear on screen u KNOW he will react in the most extreme possible way abt anything that happens. ALSO hes very very easy to manipulate and jade can absolutely use that for more entertainment. Also big appetite buddies.
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May I request Great Seven Yuu with no filter? Maybe the other students are just TESTING THEM that day and with a little prodding from their darling parents, they just say what’s on their mind for the day
Yuu + The Great Seven
Note: This is different from my other great 7 fics as I don't focus on what the 7 say as much here, this also aint the canon unit yuu for this. Anyways enjoy
Cws: Gn!Yuu, Rook is clowned on cause he's French, implications of Crewel/Crowley but in a divorcee way, some cringe ig, minor changes to canon, first years are ur homies, sebek has moments where he yells in all caps cause he's cringe, Lilia knows Maleficent, Trey isn't slandered as much as he should be, Starts off Crack, turns to angst, then fluff. 6k Words
Since arriving at NRC, you have been playing your role well, excellent even. You played the role of a magicless, weak, and gullible prefect that knew nothing of the world you were in. The mirror said that you “had too many souls to judge” and that you had no magic, which was technically true as the magic you had was borrowed from the seven sealed within you.
It was going to be perfect. You can finally lay low and research this world to give your dear seven parents and their familiars bodies again, then make your place in this new world… or so you thought. 
Right after the disaster that was the entrance ceremony, you ended up being roommates with the cat and crashed it. Fine, you could work with this. Then the very next day, the cat got into a fight with a pathetic bully which caused a statue to get burned, which then caused another person to get involved, which then caused a chandelier to break, and then you had to go off into a hidden mine to fight a monster late into the night, and you get the story.
It has been consistently difficult to pretend you had no magic, or to make the excuse that “someone else must have casted that spell”. When you eventually had to explain that you were a magician, there went the first half of your plan. Now Crowley and everyone seems to expect more from you, at least you were able to pretend it was weak, you guess. And as if it could get any worse, the seven seem to be encouraged to give these brats a taste of their own medicine and stop holding back. Oh how you would love to but putting up with everyone after, especially the number one pain in your ass, Ace, would be so fucking annoying.
The aforementioned pain in your ass poked you, interrupting the mental conversation you were having with the ensemble in your head, and you had to hold back the urge to use Hades’ flames to set him ablaze. You shut your eyes tightly and tense up before slowly turning to him. “What?” Your eyes narrow as Ace looks over at you with the most infuriating neutral expression that turns to a pout. 
“Were you even listening to me?” “Look, it’s nothing personal, it’s just how I am.” Ace’s lips pursed as he raised a brow. “Really?” Deuce nudged Ace. “Hey, be nice, you know they don't mean to space off like that, it's their condition.” Deuce was truly a blessing. “Seems to me like Yuu is just a space case,” Grim snickered and Sebek nodded his head. “I completely agree with Grim! Honestly, how could you and Silver be so complacent? Do you lack discipline?”
You mentally groaned with the seven at Sebeks scolding. “They don’t lack discipline,” Jack interrupted, “Yuu says they have a condition that delays their thoughts, they need extra time to process what you said.” “Thank you, Jack.” You smile, and feel Ortho glide right next to you and look up at you. “Having a condition like that must be hard… I can't imagine my processor lagging…” Ortho trails off and frowns, “Oh but I’ll try my best to look for a fix for you!” The child beams. Epel looks over at you.
“That is one hell of an issue huh? Some days you're just as quick as anyone else but then sometimes you take forever, it's a fickle thing.” Epel hums and Ace rolls his eyes at everyone defending you. “Tch, yeah what's that about? Sometimes I even hear you talking to yourself, weirdo.” Ace playfully nudges you and you narrow your eyes at him. 
Something within you snaps. Maybe it’s because of all the stress of hiding it. Maybe it's because you have to interact and pretend everything is fine to the students who have bullied, harassed, and tried to kill you resulting in god awful PTSD finally making you snap. Or maybe it's just because you want this damned asshole that has wormed his way into your heart to shut up.
“Because ‘thought processing disorder’ isn’t the best way to actually describe my condition, Ace, but it's sure as hell easier to explain than ‘I have several voices in my head judging me and telling me what to do all the time and no medication cannot stop it no matter what I do and all of your stupid comments and questions makes them erupt in a 10 minute yelling match making it impossible to hear my own thoughts!” 
You sneer at them all as they look over with a mix of surprise and pity, Ortho looks like a kicked puppy. You sigh, “I’m sorry, I just…” “Nah that's nothing to apologize for…” Ace sighs, and you know he wants to apologize but pride won't allow him. “Y’know what if you just say what the voices want to say?” Deuce suddenly asks out of the blue.
“O-of course, I don't know what they say so maybe it's not a good idea but…” “Actually, it may give Ace some patience for once.” Jack gives a small smirk. “We all know he needs to learn to think before he speaks.” “Hey!” Ace huffs. “Fine then, bring it! I can take whatever you throw at me.” And the ginger smirks as if he didn't just say some famous last words.
“You're serious?” You blink. “Do you even think you could handle it?” Sebek scoffs, “I can take anything a measly human dishes out, it is nothing compared to fae!” Epel shuts his eyes in annoyance. “Oh you three don’t even know what you’re getting into, yet you’re already signing up for trouble.” Ortho beams. “Actually, this might help me collect some data to help you, Yuu!” “You four don’t even know what you're getting yourselves into…” Epel corrects himself.
“Okay okay.” You sigh. “Tomorrow, I will allow whatever they say, happen… to an extent at least…” You mutter, making Hades and the Queen of Hearts in your head boo you. Last thing you need is an Arson charge….
You laid down on your bed later that day as the sun began to set. “Okay guys… there are only a few ground rules. No murder, and no major property damage, small fires are okay, okay?” Before any of the seven and their familiars could respond or complain, you heard Grim.
“Who’re you talking to? Oh wait, you speaking to the guys in your head?” Grim asked, jumping on the bed and cuddling up to you. “First the mouse in the mirror and now you have some voices in your head, what other secrets are you keeping from me, hmm?” 'A lot actually', you think as you stroke Grim’s fluffy head. “You’ll see tomorrow.” You smile and your excitement made it difficult to sleep that night.
You got up, did your daily routine that Mama Grimhilde has laid out for you, before exiting the house with Grim in your arms for breakfast. Of course you haven’t forgotten the deal you made today at all. ‘Pssst, hey small sib~’ Flotsam chuckles darkly in your head, ‘Can I bite someone today?’ You chuckle, “Only if they deserve it.” Grim peeked up at you. “Oh yeah, you’re talking out loud today.” Grim smirks, “I wonder how Explodey-Head’s gonna react to that!”
Slinking into the cafeteria, you get into line per usual, getting a tray of whatever was free that you liked, you had to pinch your pennies this week. Sitting down, you notice that your usual squad was there, including Ace and Deuce, who usually took their time to arrive, and Ortho who usually had to deal with his brother. “Good morning.” You say settling down. “Morning, Yuu!” Ortho beams, “I got here early so I can start the data collection! I'll try to record as much as possible!” 
‘Oh how precious.’ Ursula purrs in your head, and the seven’s consensus on Ortho, even if they didn’t appreciate anklebiters, is that he wasn’t half bad. “So, today you're going to embrace your issues, I SAY BRING IT ON!” Sebek yells, making everyone wince, and Epel shoots a tired glare. ‘Tell that boy to silence! I am trying to nap!’ Scar huffs.
You nervously sigh, “Well first off all, they said to shut up please, it's not even 7 in the morning.” Sebek looks offended for a moment, but a very familiar voice interrupts, sending shivers down your spine. “Oh Koebi-Chan~” A wry voice purrs, making Grim hop off of you to hide. Everyone in your head went ‘oh no this guy again.’
You honestly didn’t mind Floyd, hell, you dare to consider him a friend, but you really were not in the mood for his antics today. “Hey Floyd,” You sigh, “look dude, I’m not in the mood today, can you please leave me alone?” You ask, and your words just make Floyd beam. The seven seem annoyed, but then you feel their excitement; your first victim. 'Humiliate the boy…' Jafar whispers to you.
Floyd drapes himself over you as you eat, occasionally leaning over to try and steal a bite from whatever was on your fork. “Ehh? Little shrimpy’s feeling bold today!~ How fun! Whatcha gonna do about me?~” His arms wrap around you to squeeze around your rib cage, “Especially when I squeeze…” 
“Dude, leave them alone.” Deuce says before freezing at the glare he was shot. "…Please?” He adds. “Look Floyd,” Jack sighs, “we’re trying to get Yuu some help today with an illness, Ortho is trying to get data on them, you aren’t helping.” Jack interrupts, trying to keep your condition vague for your privacy. Seems like Jack forgot that Floyd ignores reason when he finds it funny.
“Ooo~, is the little shrimpy sick?” Floyd says backing off of you slightly and poking you in the ribs. “You know Azul may have a remedy for it, you should come on down.~” “He does not, and for the final time there is nothing he can offer me that would make me want to make a deal with him. Please go away.” You warn one last time and Floyd leans in, pushing his luck in hopes to see you squirm. Ortho glares and prepares to get up and send him away but you hold out your hand to tell him to stop.
“Whatcha gonna do lil shrimpy?~” Floyd smirks. ‘Is it time?’ Hades asks, ‘Please tell me its time.’ You smile and mentally reply, ‘it’s time.’ You keep your calm smile as you look at Floyd. “Probably something my father taught me.” “And what's that?” Floyd says, grabbing the back of your neck. 
“This.” Suddenly you erupted in the brightest blue flames the world has ever seen making half of the cafeteria turn to stare. Your friends at the table all jump back and Ortho flashes red as he scans you. As quickly as the flames came to be, they disappeared. Floyd pulled his hands away, waving it off to cool it down. He wasn’t burned, at least nothing major, but the sleeve of his uniform was singed and he stared at it in rapt fascination.
You expected him to get annoyed, or to maybe start a fight, or something, but Floyd was in a good mood, and he laughed. “I didn’t know little shrimpy could do that! I thought you could only summon an ember, eheheh!~ Seems little shrimpy has more secrets than we thoooought~” Floyd muses, and suddenly another familiar face comes in, one that looks exactly like Floyd.
“Floyd, I believe the prefect doesn’t want to play anymore. Come on now, we should go.” “Aww but I wanna keep playing!” “I know brother dearest, but it seems that the cruel and unwavering Prefect doesn't want to,” Jade faked a frown and sighed, “How awful, if only they could have an ounce of compassion for my poor, poor brother… However, ” Jade opened his eyes back up and smirked, staring directly at you with a twinkle in his eye. “I think it’s best to leave them alone for today, especially since whatever ailment they have seems to make them erupt in flames at any given moment…” 
The eel’s voice drips with faux concern and Floyd snickers, Azul is gonna have some wonderful intel to ponder over later. You decide to say exactly what all of your fathers thinking. “Go eat shit and die for all I care.” And Jade’s eyes widen ever so slightly before the gleam with amusement, having never seen this side of you. “Of course prefect! If this ah… ailment continues to cause you trouble, please do let us know. We at Octavinelle love to help the poor and unfortunate.”
You watched the two slink off before turning back to your meal as all of your first year friends gawked at you. “What the hell was that! You never said you could do that!” Ace sputtered. “Yeah! You nearly cooked me!” Grim whines, making the audience in your head relish in their surprise. Ursula and The Queen of Hearts seem particularly amused. 
“Magic like that requires a lot of skill.” Sebek ponders, “To cast a flame cloak and not burn yourself requires a lot of concentration, furthermore it requires a high amount of magic potential on par with fae. Didn’t you say you have none, Yuu? HAVE YOU BEEN LYING ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE? OR PERHAPS YOU WANTED TO HIDE IT TO SKIRT OUT ON EXAMS!” “Volume!” Deuce whines, and Grimhilde mentally thanks him.
“Oh… whoops…” “WHOOPS??” A few of the first years yell and Epel shoots you an ugly-baffled expression. “Whoops?? Whoops?? Is that all you have to say about that? You performed some of the most advanced defensive magic without a second thought and you just say whoops??” Epel’s accent threatens to slip out.
“Hey, Ortho, what's their magic reading, you look concerned.” Deuce asks as Ortho looks at the screens he’s projecting with a calculating expression. “I think there is an error in my system, I have scanned them 5 times and it says they have no traces of magic at all, but there is also no trace of any dampening magic used to hide or change that reading. Furthermore, the technique they used is no longer in use, records show it dates back more than the era of gods! That version of the spell they casted cannot be duplicated at all!” Ortho says in amazement before turning to you.
“Just… what are you?”
You blink as they all stare at you expectedly. “I'm a human.”
It was time for class, you said that you were gonna use the bathroom first, so the others should go without you for now, you’ll see them with Crewel. You didn’t think that anything eventful would come from it. You were wrong. This is NRC.
Coming out of the bathroom, a few Savanahclaw chuds cornered you. “Can I help you?” You asked exasperatedly to the NRC equivalents of Beavis and Butthead. “Tch, you know why we're here!” “…No, I don't.” You blink rubbing your eye, which just pissed off the duo even more.
“You made a fool out of our dorm during the spell drive competition!” “Oh god, is that what this about, dude that was nearly a year ago.” “Yeah and we came back to settle the score.” You just raised a brow and a small smile crept to your face.
‘Oh! Oh! Can I bite now? Please please please can I bite now! Come onnnn I’ve been such a good eel!’ Flotsam pleads and you hear the familiars speak. ‘Me want bite!!’ Ed whines. Raven caws, ‘Yeah me too!’ Iago agrees. ‘We wanna join too!’ The imps laugh. ‘I will… stay here…’ Diaval sighs.
You blink. “Sick em.” You say, making the two idiots make a face at you. Flotsam immediately lunges for the ass. “AIIIIEEE!” One yells and you hold back a snort as the others join, Iago and Raven both grabbing onto the members hair and pecking at them. Jetsam basically lassos around one, making him trip so the hyena trio can rough him up. The imps both transform into a blue and red cat respectively and continue to add to the looney tunes violence of it all.
The two run off and the familiars return to you, except for the eels that slither miserably in place on the smooth, frictionless floor. “Help us up.” Jetsam scoffs. “No I think I’ll stay like this a bit longer.” 'Angelfish…' Ursula warns. "... yes mom…"
On your way to class you run into Crowley who attempts to stop you and unload another issue for you to deal with. Instead you say what your familiars wanted to say. “You are gay.” You say, making the man just stare at you as you walk off. “And Crewel also has weirdly complicated feelings for you.” 
“FEELINGS YOU SAY?? WHICH ONES?? WHICH SORT OF FEELINGS YUU?? YUU!!!” You speed walk off regretting that decision, but you admit it will be funny to see those two get divorced. Crewel deserves better.
Animal Linguistics was always a bit of an annoying class, and this time, Trein has invited a few of the more advanced students to the class to help you freshmen. Ace let out a deep sigh when he saw Ruggie, knowing this guy will only do the bare minimum for his grade and charge any lesson extra.
“So when the cat goes ‘mrrrp?’ You're good, usually you should try to respond with a ‘mah Ah’” Ruggie explains to your group. “Do we always have to talk to cats and mice? I feel like we should also practice some other creatures too…” You sigh. 
Trein overhears you and responds. “Your birds don’t count, Yuu. They are able to speak.” You sigh. “Okay…” You sigh and Ruggie gives you that stupid shit-eating grin. “Aw, you not satisfied with my lesson?” “No.” You glare, which surprises Ruggie, unused to your assertiveness. “I can speak to animals already and I’ve been teaching these boneheads, we're fine here.” 
“Yeah but you say things that don't make sense…” Grim complains. “It doesn’t make sense because you guys are not used to the accents animals have. You know what, hold on, I‘ll get some real good ones to practice on.” “Huh what are you—?” Ruggie gawks when he sees three whole hyenas appear out of nowhere along with two eels around your waist. 
“They are not allowed to speak in their human voices. Knock 'em out, guys.” “Yuu! Where did you even…” Trein sighs. “Fine, fine, they can stay as long as they are well behaved…” The hyenas cackle and the eels snicker. Deuce nervously looks into the crossed eyes of Ed who winks in response.
Ace seals his lips to hold back a laugh until Banzai leans where he stares nervously. “Seduce me bro.” “AYO???”
Soon history class came, and once again a special guest was brought in, Lilia. The lesson went fine. Your sass wasn't needed. You kept quiet as you took a few notes here and there, and the end bell soon rang out. You stared at a particular note you took. 
‘The Thorn Fairy’s wings were leathery and bat-like, much like a dragon.’ 
You looked down at the note, and Maleficent herself seems to hum. ‘Seems like he is still following orders years later.’ She says and doesn’t elaborate. As students begin to pack up and leave, you wave down Lilia, who puts a hand on his hip and waits for you.
“Oho? What is it, prefect?” Lilia beams as you look at the note you took in your open notebook. “I have a question about what you said about the Thorn Fairy.” Lilia nods, “Well yes, what is it? It always warms my heart to see youngsters value history.”
You look at the note again. “You said that her wings were leathery and bat-like.” Lilia nods his head. “But aren't they feathered?” Lilia’s smile drops. “In fact she lost her wings too but got them back at some point, right? Did they become leathery during those years they were gone? Is that what you mean?”
Lilia looks at you, a bit of shock in his eyes, before he quietly speaks to you. “How do you know that?” “Know what?” “The Thorn Fairy only disclosed that information to two people, her raven, Diaval, and me…” You freeze for a moment and then Diaval appears on your shoulder to caw at him. 
Lilia stares at you, then at the raven, then back to you. “Diaval, is that you…? Why are you with… wait does that mean—" Lilia was cut off. “Yo, Yuu!” Deuce calls out from the doorway. “You coming?” You clear your throat and nod. “Yeah, I’m coming!” You look over at Lilia, “Thank you for your time.” He could only stare as you walked off and Diaval cawed an apology 
Towards the end of the day, you and your first year friends were all going to hang out at Heartslabyul to study together, which you know was code for ‘get distracted halfway and hang out’. You walked down the main path to the mirror chamber when you felt a familiar presence nearby. You were being watched.
“Come out Rook, I know you're there.” You look over at one of the apple trees, and narrow your eyes when you see Rook pop out from behind it all theatric. “Très bien, Trickster! You found me, that is a feat not many can achieve!” The weirdo beams. You nodded. “Yeah, you don't need to stalk me by the way. I am happy to get to know you through talking…”
“Non non, Trickster, you say that however I believe you don’t truly speak your mind!” The French man smiles. “I notice that you are not true to yourself! Always holding back your strength and what you mean to say, when I caught wind you were going to be yourself for a day, I could not help but try to study you!” Okay wow, he has you read.
“You can learn so much more about a person through their actions, but alas, you are so good at concealing those too, mon dieu, you are quite the mystery that I hope to uncover, and the most challenging one to date!” Rook says in awe. “I enjoy a good hunt, and this one has been most enthralling!” “I’ve always been able to sense when you're there, its why I tend to slink off not long after.”
“Merde! Is that so?” Rook smirks, and you sweat, you fucked up. “Aha, I knew you knew of me! Oh how fun! I have never had such good prey before!” You narrow your eyes slightly as he continues. “Would you dare to tell me how you are able to detect me so easily? Ah– but of course, if you don't that makes things much more magnifique!” 
“Um… I honestly actually don't know how I do, I just do?” Rook seems pleased, “How effortless! Tres bien! Beauté! I must hone my skills as a hunter more! Until next time, Yuu!” Rook begins to walk off before pausing and his smile drops for a moment.
“And even if it is not me, I do hope you can truly open up to somebody someday. Anyone would be lucky to have that level of trust with a Trickster such as yourself! Holding everything in does you no good! Au revior, little trickster, or perhaps I should call you le Chevalier Mystère?” Rook has that small sparkle in his eye.
“Switch it up now and then, keep it interesting.” You nod at Rook “À bientôt!” He says, and he seems to be muttering some weird French poem about strangers and beauty as you leave.
You were stopped yet again on your way to Heartslabyul as you passed the mystery shop. The door was open and you see Trey ponder how he’s going to carry the groceries he brought back to the dorm. “Hey Trey,” you walks in and wave, “you look conflicted, something up?”
“Ah prefect, I am actually,” Trey wears that smiley-wincing expression that Trey has when he’s in deep shit. “I'm sorry to bother you, but could you help me carry some of these bags back to my dorm? It may take a few trips but I promise a treat in return.” “You don’t need to Trey, I’ll help you even without one, you’ve been kind to me.”
Trey’s brows raise slightly and he adjusts his glasses, looking away awkwardly. “Ah, well, thank you, Prefect.” Trey rolls up his sleeves, revealing his forearms as he prepares to grab a bag. "Those bags of flour and sugar are quite heavy, so be careful— wuh?” Trey stared dumbstruck as you lifted 500 pounds worth of dry ingredient bags in one arm. “I- how are you— Is that not heavy?” 
“It is, but I’m used to it.” “At least let me help—“ “No, no  fine, lets go.” “O… kay…” Trey adjusts his glasses and you both walk off to Heartslabyul, making a lot of people turn their heads as you pass by. 
Entering the dorm, you notice Deuce and Grim gawk at you. “Give me a minute, I’m helping Trey!” You shout as you walk everything to the kitchen and set it down on the counter. “There.” Trey stares at the pile you put down, mentally going through all the times before you acted so weak. “Ahem, thank you prefect, Ace told me you would be over in the rose garden to ‘study’ right?” “They never study.” Trey gives that 'Trey sad smile' from earlier. “You got that right.”
Exiting the kitchen, you look into one of the mirrors hanging on the walls of the dorm, adjusting your appearance when yet another annoying voice interrupts you. “O-M-G! It's Yuu-Chan!” Cater shouts with his typical manufactured smile. “Heyyyy!” He waves and you feel your brain melting in your skull. “Hey Cater, what's up?”
“I have a questionnn!~” He smiles, pulling up something on his phone. “Are these you?” You sweat and look over to the images he pulled up. There was one of you in flames in the cafeteria, and another of you in the hallway wheezing at the pack of familiars all jumping the two chuds. “Yeah… yeah you caught me…”
“They’re trending locally right now and you know I just have to get in on that! Mind if we take a pic?” “Go ahead.” You sigh and Cater immediately snaps a selfie of him and your exhausted self. “Me and the bestie! #NRCProblemChild #NRCConspiracy #IsekaiProtag #ExtraTerrestrialPrefectConspiracy! Aaannnd post! Thank you, Yuu-Chan, I’m curious though what was that about?”
“Those two assholes were trying to beat me up and don’t worry about the other one.” “Don't worry?” Cater scoffs as you adjust yourself in the mirror again. “Helllooo the magicless prefect, turned slightly magical, turned to god-like mage suddenly does that within a year! That's gotta be something!” Cater beams and then looks over at you and sweats.
You were glaring at him, but the mirror in front of you had several eyes also glaring at him. “… Who’s that?” “Who’s what?” “That!” Cater points to the mirror and when you turn to look it disappears. “That's me, Cater, I know I look a bit different since first arriving, but I don't think I look half bad.” You gave an insincere smile.
“My friends are waiting for me Cate, seeya..."
You left the hangout early, not liking all the questions probing into your mind or your past at all, in fact you left pretty upset with some insinuations and accusations of your insincerity. “Are we even friends, Yuu?” Deuce frowned. “Have you been lying to us?” Jack glares. You sigh, and walk randomly, no destination in mind. 
“Why aren't you opening up to us?” Ace huffs. “I mean you trust us right?” Ace’s frown turned to offense when he saw you look away. “Dude come on! When have we given you a reason to not trust us?” You snap at him. “Our very first meeting was you insulting me and since then you have been roping me into trouble!” 
Ace looked guilty there. “Yuu…” Epel frowned and Ortho shot a glare at Ace. “Human, Ace may have had a rough meeting but what about us?” “What about you? What about you?” You dragged your hands across your face. 
“There's a lot about you guys actually! From Mr. Don’t-Be-Friendly-Cause-We’ll-Never-be-Friends over here to Mr.Internalized-Racism-Against-My-Kind here! And let’s not forget I-Cause-Half-Of-Your-Problems-And-Sometimes-Leave-You-WIthout-Food-For-A-Few-Days Grim! Yeah I have no clue! It's almost like I tried opening up to you all before but I was brushed off. It's almost like I have been telling you that I have been having these prophetic dreams since arriving and have been telling you about a man living in my mirror and calling out to me constantly! And everytime— every fucking time its nothing or no big deal!”
You wipe away tears. “I have been trying to talk, but nobody's listening. It’s like I’m made to understand and not be understood! I have been having to put everyone else before myself and solve everyone’s else’s problems without a thank you or someone to lean on since day one! I mean, all these blots have given me fucking scars. Physical fucking scars! All while I was being berated for being a weak little human too! And what? I still am expected to bend over backwards for the people that tried to kill me? Everything’s swept under the rug for everyone else but me, huh? No one ever checks on me, hell, I am not even acknowledged half the time when I’m in the same room as someone, so yeah I also wonder why I don't talk.”
You push yourself up and grab your things. “Wait!” “No, no! Leave me alone, for once will you leave me alone willingly!” “Yuu come on! We’ll listen.” You pause. “Yuu isn’t even my name.” You glare. “It isn't…?” Grim asks. “I have been called ‘You’ this entire time here because no one bothered asking my name and everyone assumed it was ‘Yuu’. I don't even get to introduce myself anyways when I do get asked. I am not my own person, and you never made me feel like my own person.”
You walked off. Looking back now you regret it. You’re embarrassed, you sounded so stupid. You wipe away a few tears and feel a presence appear, Cerberus. The three heads nudge and cuddle you as you sob and you can feel the sevens hands all trying to soothe you. ‘There, there’ one says. Let it out.’ Another responds. ‘Poor thing.’ 
“Come on, boy, it's been a while since you’ve been on a walk…” You mutter, and think back to what Rook said to you earlier. Opening up to someone was a Herculean task on its own, but someone understanding you was impossible. Even telling people the truth can get you or them in trouble…
You lead the way down to the Ignihyde dorm. No one in that dorm leaves their room anyways, it's safe for your good boy to walk around there. 
There was in fact a certain dorm leader there, who was just as shocked to see you and a giant dog. Idia punched in the number to a snack at the vending machine, turned around and gawked at the giant dog behind him. He then looked over at you.
“Yuu? Is that-? I mean is he—? Ortho said you—… Is that the real…?” Idia sputtered, not sure what  to ask first. “Shut it weeb, no ones gonna believe you.” Idia gawked even more. Since when were you so sassy? No seriously, you were also so overly kind to everyone it unsettled him.
“…Sorry…” you mumble. “You can pet him… he’s… soft…” Idia blinks and offers out a hand. One of the heads sniffs it before nuzzling into him. “Holy shit…” Idia whispers as he immediately starts fawning over the dog.
“Who’s some good boys, who’s some boys? Oh that's a great pupper! Oh yes you all are!” It’s strange to see Idia all smiley to himself, but it’s pleasant. “How did you—“ “I can't answer that.” You respond. “So dont ask…”
Idia goes quiet leaning back from the heads that licked him, his flaming locks dancing behind him. “Ortho said you haven’t been feeling well…” “I haven’t been, not for a while, I guess it finally all came out to the point where it’s noticeable…” “Ah, I feel that…” Idia trails off awkwardly.
“I know we're not friends, but I appreciate you.” Idia mumbles. “You make Ortho very happy, and I love seeing my little brother happy… He says you're like another sibling and insists we would get along. He really wants me to get to know you… and uh.. We don't have to, but… yeah… Thank you, I guess…’ Idia looks like he’s about to die, but he speaks again.
“Ortho says you make him feel human, and that you’ve been helping him learn more about how to find out who he is more than anyone else, more than me, even, probably cause you got out more… He told me you were upset, and he’s worried about you. So uh… please reach out to him?”
���Thank you, Idia…” You sigh. “Yeah I will, I will reach out to him, its not his fault, I just… I just need time to think… I don't even know who I am, or what comforts me…” “Um, I don't know what you like… but uh… actually, give me your number. I know a pretty cool site with a lot of free shows, I think there’s a few you’ll like.” He offers an attempt at a smile. “And also maybe you try a few video games? If you haven’t tried them already… who knows maybe we can play together…” You smile and open up your contacts. “Yeah, I would like that actually…” 
A new contact was added: ‘Gremlin.’
Walking off to your dorm, you dare not go in. You don't know if your friends are all waiting for you inside, or if Grims there. You sorta don't want to deal with that right now still. The corners of your eyes catch a familiar sight. Fireflies dance through the night, coming out of the grass and surrounding you.
“Hey, Tsunotaro… Heh, maybe I ought to call you ‘Firefly’ or king of the fireflies, maybe.” You wipe your eyes as you turn around and there he is, your Tsunotaro. You both don't know each other's names, but you don't need to. Tsunotaro and Child of Man work just fine.
“Greetings, Child of Man, it’s always good to see you but…” The fae frowns, “are you alright, Child of Man? You seem troubled…” “I… Yeah I am… I just… don’t know what to do…”
Your friend carefully reaches out to you before retracting his hand. “Do you want to talk about it?” “I think I need a distraction…” “I can do that,” Tsunotaro offers his hand. “Come with me.
You have never seen so many pretty colors before as Malleus casts a few spells, making the forest into the most beautiful light show you’ve ever seen. Mushrooms glow from where they sprout, leaves swirl with beautiful patterns, and the fireflies dance through the sky against the stars. You swear you can hear music from them.
“This is… This is beautiful…” “I am glad you enjoy it,” Malleus watches as you watch each step you take, the leaves below you glowing with each step. “Are you feeling better now?” “Yeah, I am… You know…” you pause nervously.
“Yes? What is it?” “It feels like… you're my only true friend…” The lightshow around you flickers for a moment. “Is that so…” Malleus stares wide eyed. “Yeah… Just… I can be kind to everyone… but I can't be friends with anyone. They all don't really get to know the real me, you know?” Malleus stares off.
“I do know that feeling well… You are my only friend…” You pause and look at him. The lights behind you turn to a more pinkish hue. “That's hard to believe, you are a wonderful person.” “Likewise, Child of Man. I would think someone as kind as you would have much more.”
You sniff, “I’ve been helping so many people, but it feels like…” You sigh. “I have seen the hard work you have put into everything. Not a lot of people can say they have gone through what you have gone through and won. You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for.”
Malleus takes your hand. “I am sorry that others do not acknowledge that. I hope those around you soon start to realize what a blessing you are.” You squeeze his hand. “Come on, why don’t we both enjoy this light show?” 
At the very last waltz, your legs feel like jelly, and you cannot tell if it's because of how happy you are or because you've been standing too long. You pull away gently. “Thank you Tsunotaro, for everything.” Malleus nods. “It was nothing. Thank you for being my friend.” He stares off to the sky for a moment. “Farewell, Child of Man, may the night be full of promise for you.” 
The fae starts to fade away and you reach out, using a spell of your own. “Wait…” You hold onto Malleus’ arm making him appear again. The fae looks at you with shock. “You overrode my magic…” Malleus whispers, and his shocked face turns to one of awe and his eyes hint towards excitement. “No one has ever been able to do that… Just what else are you hiding, Child of Man?” 
“I want to give you my name.” “Your name?” Malleus looks shocked once again. “My real name.” “Don't you know of the stories about giving your name to Fae?” “I know them, but I trust you. I know you would never hurt me.” Your expression and voice is so sure it nearly overwhelms the fae.
“You trust me that much? I could smite you with lightning in an instant.” “Then smite me.” Malleus paused and nothing happened. “See? I know you wouldn’t hurt me. You’ve had opportunities this entire time and you haven’t.” “You really want to tell me Child of Man? When I have not even given you my name?” Malleus' voice nearly shakes.
“You don't need to. But if you do, no matter what name comes out, I won't be afraid.” You take his hand, and for the first time since arriving, you introduce yourself, and you tell him your name, your real name.
“I see, what a wonderful name… I supposed I shall finally tell you mine as well.” The fae smiles, “Draconia. Malleus Draconia…” “Malleus? That's not too bad for yourself…” Malleus lets out a laugh at that. “I suppose not.” He smiles then looks off again. “Well then, friend… Thank you for everything tonight. I have not been this happy in a long time…” 
“Good night, Malleus. I hope to see you again soon.”
“Good night, Child of Man…” 
He fades out and you hear Maleficent speak to you. ‘He likes you.’ She says, and you hear a few voices teasing you. You chuckle and find the strength in you to go back into your dorm and confront tomorrow. Rook’s words from earlier echoes through your mind. You have found people you can truly open up to.
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caterkinnie · 2 years
Hi! If that's okay could i request the first years reacting to the MC being liked by Lucius? Like, every time they got class the cat hops off Trein's lap to go snuggle with them and Trein just lets them? (Ofc as long as they're doing their work n all but still)
Lucius' second favorite human.
❥ ⌗ characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Epel Felmier, Sebek Zigvolt.
❥ ⌗ tags: crack/fluff, romantic not specified if it's an established relationship or mutual pining, mentions of jealousy but it's funny, not proofread, kinda Ace and Sebek slander but its ok cuz i love them
❥ ⌗ a/n: written from the perspective of a cat owner!
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Ace is jealous.
Constantly bothers you about how annoying Lucius is and how he approaches you because you're just as annoying or something like that. It's stupid I know. But he lowkey wishes Lucius liked him too.
Not because he likes cats. I mean, Ace can stand them, but in reality this idiot just wants to brag about professor Trein's infamous cat liking him too. And also he wishes you gave him attention too in class, since Ace constantly bothers you and tries to talk to you, but you tell him to shut up and pay attention and he just goes angry cat mode.
His nagging gets worse whenever Lucius is in your lap.
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Deuce is also jealous, but he's not an stupid idiot like Ace <3 (affectionate)
He goes all 'pspspsps c'mon kitty…' but is instantly rejected by the cat who is totally ignoring him.
Constantly asks you tips about how to approach a cat, since he gets a bit scared of… scaring it. He thinks it's his fault Lucius doesn't like him, animals were scared of him back then anyways…
He takes it so seriously like please Lucius is just mean please.
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Jack is… uncomfortable. A bit.
He assumes you might just attract animals since this is unusual behaviour from Lucius, does this… also affect him?
He wishes you would also pet him, you WILL never know. He hates being jealous of a cat and he knows you would gladly rub his ears if he asked… but he's not going to ask. That's one of the reasons he feels slightly uncomfortable.
The other reason is obvious, I don't think I have to say it.
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I don't think Epel is a huge fan of cats, he can stand them, but I personally think he's more of a dogboy.
He just thinks seeing you with Lucius is cute, and doesn't mind a lot. Has tried to pet him before and almost got scratched… so he personally does not like Lucius, and sometimes worries about him absolutely betraying your trust because cats are just like that (from a cat owner)
In general, Epel doesn't think much about it.
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Sebek has been attacked by Lucius multiple times, deserved.
He's everything a cat hates, he's loud and doesn't know how to deal with a cat.
To make it even worse he goes all THIS THING WILL DISTRACT YOU when Lucius is around like the theatre kid he is, grabs Lucius and gets instantly attacked.
After a while he reluctantly accepts that his efforts for separating this cat from you are completely useless.
Sebek doesn't completely hate Lucius, but it's just… ok let's admit it he's jealous. He's physically mentally spiritually unable to admit he's jealous but it's just so obvious he doesn't like it too much when you're paying attention because of that dumb cat! Now he will have to help you re-study because you were focused on the cat— no, it doesn't matter if you were paying attention, m-maybe you missed something, so he's the only one capable of helping you!
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
May I request platonic headcanons for Leona, Malleus, Riddle and Trey with a Child!Yuu who's a scrawny homeless kid who's ready to bite anyone (especially Crowley) who looks menacing.
Leona, Malleus, Riddle, and Trey with a scrawny and bitey Child!Yuu
Warning(s): cussing, a little bit of slander, got a bit carried away with treys part
A/N: Thank you for the request! sorry it took so long, I hope you like it!
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Let's get one thing straight-
the first time you met him you bit him without a second glance.
good job, I'm so proud of you.
he tried to get you off his leg by swinging it around
didn't work.
it took both Ruggie and Jack to peel you off of his leg
after that it would take every ounce of willpower to not punt you every single time he saw you
translation: willpower = usually Ruggie (sometimes Jack)
when he saw you bite Crowley for the first time he busted out laughing
nearly cried.
now he doesn't want to punt you as much
whenever Cheka's around he drags you over so you two can play together, aka you distract Cheka, and not annoy him
this backfired.
Overall, he hates you at first, then finds out your good entertainment and useful, then he tolerates you also good to nap with
btw you and Cheka are bffs now.
Yeah, you bit him too.
poor boy was so sad when he found out why you bit him
but that's later on
rn he's just confused why this small human is dangling off his forearm
wonders if it's a greeting of some sort
considered biting you back but decided against it when he remembers how sharp his teeth are and how fragile humans, especially human children, are.
to put it plainly, he adores you.
doesn't know if he loves you like a sibling or his own child, he can't tell yet.
oh lord when Sebek finds out about the bite-
he might actually punt you back to your world if it weren't for Malleus.
will just pick you up at random times for no reason at all
picked you up and peeled you off Crowley then just walked away with you in his arms as he lightly scolds you.
Overall, he loves you no matter what you do. a little worried that you might get sick from the people you put in your mouth but that's about it.
You probably broke like at least 20 rules from when you got your first foot through the portal to when you got your second one in.
head off INSTANTLY!
sorry I don't make the rules
Riddle does.
he thought you were just a random small child that those two troublesome freshmen kidnaped and dragged back to the dorm
so he took their heads off too.
it wasn't until a few days later that he saw you dangling from Crowley by your mouth that he learned of your little habit
he and a few other students had to help get you off him when he started seeing blood, then started scolding you.
decided that he personally should teach you not to do that
spoiler alert, it didn't work. you still biting bitches to this day.
btw you were the one who ate his tart, but you blamed it on Ace
you and Grim are going to take that to your graves.
Overall, is a bit worried and curious about how or where you got this biting habit from and always wonders where the snacks meant for him keep going.
You were going to bite him (because of how tall he is compared to you) but then realized he smelt like baked goods and that he was holding a plate of said baked goods
now you love him.
he noticed that you were staring at the plate in his hand, he bent down on one knee and held the plate out to you so you could take one
but you were like
frick that
and took the whole plate and ran into the maze
he was so confused but just kinda laughed it off then told ace and deuce to go get you before you got lost.
when you came back your face was covered, and I mean COVERED, in the baked good
he just cleaned you up and went back to doing his thing but this time he had a small child following him around.
yeah so you follow him around everywhere whenever you get the chance so (mostly because you want more goodies)
which was a lot
so he was a bit worried when he didn't see you for most of the day
so he looked for you for a bit and ended up finding you dangling off Crowley and Riddle trying to pull you off of him
so he helped and, with Riddle, scolded you.
pls call them mom and dad, it will be hilarious!!
Overall, you remind him of his little siblings and it kinda makes him a little homesick, but he cares about you and enjoys teaching you different recipes from time to time. is very worried about your biting habit but secretly finds it funny.
yes child!!
bite the old bird man!
when you first met you saw him before he saw you
so he let out the highest pitched scream you've ever heard when you bit his leg
you had to let go back away and cover your ears because of how loud it was.
over seral weeks of you biting every time he saw you he started expecting it
even holding out his arm for you a few times
so anytime you don't bite him he gets either worried or sad
sad because he started seeing it as almost affection on your part-
it wasn't.
-and thinks he really upset you.
kinda treats you like his kid, whether you like it or not
I'm sorry.
Overall, I suggest you stop biting him as soon as possible if you don't want him to get even more attached.
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wisteriainslumber · 1 year
“Wait, this is supposed to be relaxing?”
alternatively: TWST cast discover ways in which animal crossing: nh should not be played
once upon a time my playstyle was the entirety of ace’s section and then i thought “what if it was Worse” and this post was born
warnings: swearing, the aggravating process of getting villagers to move out, tom nook slander
claims he doesn’t choose favourites but everyone & their mother knows he’s particularly fond of Merengue
would participate in the stalk market because he wakes up at 6AM like a maniac
also because he refuses to time travel
has a very neat island. he uses whatever time he can to improve on his island layout and is a very good form of stress relief for him
finally, a good coping method
gifts his villagers fruit most of the time, but will occasionally give them furniture and stuffed animals 
taken back by Pietro’s appearance in his campsite but now he is appointed the court jester
will tell no one that he adores the music in Pietro’s house
gets gold roses the quickest out of his classmates, but now he’s struggling with a major flower infestation
pls it won’t stop raining and he’s getting buried in petals
he really plays this game just to garden. this is not animal crossing this is Gardener Riddle Simulator now 
when he gets visitors, he demands they greet every villager in town as well. its the polite thing to do, after all
blathers is a fine lad but there’s one thing about him that really irks riddle
why is he complaining about doing his job?
he owns a museum, he asks for donations, and lets his personal bias get the better of him if given a bug (he says, yk, like a hypocrite)
bugs are part of the island and fit the criteria of things blathers asks for. there is even an entire wing of the museum dedicated to insects.
even if he has a distaste for bugs, the least the owl can do is his job. no one likes a biased educator
riddle wears a pretty little shirt customed designed with stars by sebek
cute, it’s really cute. except those stars are pentagrams, and both the wearer and designer still think they are a neat star pattern 
this was a relaxing game until riddle found out about the island rating system 
he will settle for no less than a 6, yes, six star rating
the bulletin board isn’t used for announcements it’s used for impromptu laws he declared
such laws include no vandalizing the board (only applies to ace), no slander towards one another (watch ur tone, Blanche), no tampering with the able sisters displays (he sees you, azul), and what looks like a wanted ad for Redd
yeah, it seems that azul & riddle have a common goal
sending literal long ass letters to his villagers if he catches them being mean to each other. 
after being enraged by the character limit because he wasnt finISHED, he settled for reporting them to isabelle
the peace era lasted a week
he loves the squirrel villagers so much, namely Mint. i’ll give you two guesses as to why
besides Mint he has a unique fascination for Blaire because she’s got the attitude of his classmates 😭😭
has the most variety of villager personality types on his island. the most normal villagers he’s had on there have peaked at 2 at one time. he likes the variety
or maybe he likes to convince himself hes the most normal one there who knows
gifts his villagers sunglasses when it’s sunny but then they kinda look like douches especially his jock villagers
keeps Flora on his island specifically so riddle can come visit her and chat in her home
it’s like an unbirthday party, but without any of the work #hallelujah
unsurprisingly his bathroom is the most furnished room in his home. other than that, he loves to decorate the outside of his house with flowers and has a constant rotation of wreaths on his door
big fan of Mable and Sable, they’re so sweet, reminds him of his go-to hedgehogs in croquet 
accidental dealer of furniture in heartslabyul
heartslabyul student C wanted a nice moon rug and asked trey if he knew how to get one, and trey went the extra mile to find & give it to him himself
the story spread and now all his students come ask him for stuff
he did not ask for this job </3
stocks up on mystery floorings and wallpapers whenever Saharah comes to visit
perhaps it is in his heartslabyul soul to make everything in his house whack
10000% laughs at the dad jokes in this game
let out a hearty ass chuckle at "i caught a snapper! its pretty dapper!"
no one but trey thinks they’re funny. clever maybe, but not funny
every time he sees C.J he points him out to cater and asks him about his hidden beaver relative
they talk the EXACT SAME. and trey thinks hes so funny for this (okay acc hes so right for this one)
everyone’s least favourite villager has to have some fans and that fan is trey. he has major “i can fix them” energy therefore he would love the most unpopular villagers
and by love i mean he is the only one that disapproves when lilia and leona form a temporary alliance to chase Barold around the island to hit him with nets 
you know damn well he went for the customizable phone case first
that horrific ugly phone case is so persistent in its survival that it transcends beyond the physical realm to do so
doodling on everyone’s bulletin boards so they get messages from their favourite senior <3
keeps one or two peppy villagers, but ultimately enjoys the chill of normal and lazy villagers the most
theyre just so kind.. and supportive :((
wants to collect all of the heart themed characters because they are pink and cute and full of love (is he convincing others or himself?)
ironically he doesnt end up collecting any of those villagers and his favourite villager is Cousteau because he has a funny mustache
let his favourite villager leave when they ask. he takes this so personally. thinks they didn’t wanna be there </3
Cousteau immediately went to rooks island too like. bruh okay then a fake french for a fake french >:(
cater now has a new favourite villager and it is Nate. they are besties, they are 4lyfers, he gets the best flowers around his house and the rarest of fruit
passes off the furniture he doesnt want to deuce and tells them they're gifts😭😭
obsessively putting smiley faces everywhere in his home to resemble his own room (???)
has matching mama bears with trey but instead of putting it inside it guards his house from the outside
having an identity crisis after the C.J comparison
he is not beating the C.J allegations but he loves to catch fish for him so they can take photos together
has a legitimate fear of Lloid because of the hollow eyes that crazy thing has. its like he can see into your soul 
because cater wants Lloid out of his island pronto he doesn’t wait for donations from his villagers he just pays up front
go away ASAP s’il vous plait🙏🙏
if you thought his dialogue consisted of 60% kaomoji before, its upped to the ninteys now
he's found a way to perform the reactions IRL and hasnt stopped since
in fact this is caters and kalims main form of communication
has a vacation area on the beach specifically designed with jamil in mind
not that jamil never visits, but his visits have increased to just chillax and take photos 
jamil is noticeably kinder to cater, and ruggie is seething in the back (gotta respect ur elders or smth idk)
has a million different fruit trees everywhere for the sake of fruit jokes
this is fruity island now, leave your zebra merch at the airport
unfortunately he gets unsatisfied with his island or villagers and wipes the file once every few months to start anew again
and because he’s indecisive, his name and island name will be the exact same too. 
rip to his classmates that have to scroll through 5 cater copies to find his current file. this is not how they imagined Split Card was supposed to be used for
uses the type in your own answer function for evil
makes his villagers call him weird names and makes them say inappropriate things
vendetta against the smug villagers. they sound like his bossy brother and grim
Wart Jr. happens to be his favourite villager. he’s never explained why
but grim & deuce say that he and ace both share the same smug ass look
ace does not agree with this statement
unspoken agreement from the dorm to not let ace into their world but he finds a way to break in and vandalizes their notice boards for the trouble
gave Hamlet a hamster cage and laughed when he displayed it
why cant he be nice😔
karma does come back around though, and it came in the form of Francine moving onto aces island
ace has never felt so much rage in a seemingly relaxing game
he doesnt even have a good reason for disliking her either she’s just too vibrantly blue for his liking
now all of the first years terrorize him with homemade good morning gifs of Francine that they edit themselves
high effort to cause ace as much inconvenience as possible, of course
his friends hate him because he blows up their console with “Ace Trappola is Online!” from all his time travelling
he’s trying to get this bitchass villager to move out why the hell is the STUPID bubble on everyone else but Francine!!?!?!?
100000% ready to reset his island just to purge his console of that damn bunny
hes so lucky that riddle does not do island inspections because his console would be forcibly taken away
at least isabelle is nice about it, but riddle would flame him
way too lazy to make his own custom designs so he steals them and subjects all his villagers to them
despite all of the chaos he sows, he’s one of the best terraformers and genuinely helps grim with his island. still bullies him the whole time tho💀
he reaches extremely high friendships with his villagers
yeah hes been working hard on the DL why is that so surprising >:(
he loves Celia
he imagines this is what those indentured princesses in the fairy tales look like before their big transformation
plus Celia looks and is so friendly. she reminds him of his neighbours back home
making a gift out of anything he finds in the nook store.
wraps all his gifts too! has a bunch of wrapping to choose from to match his villagers. his villagers deserve the most!
gets giddy every time he receives a letter from Mom. gets angy that he cannot send letters or gifts back to her
at first he didnt really vibe with Cherry's punk look but shes got a soft place in deuces heart now. appearances can be deceiving and he respects that (some say he has a RBF). Celia has competition
sebek had told deuce that he and Cherry look alike and deuce pestered sebek for a while asking how to look less like a bad boy :((
even in game ace & deuce have matching everything. ace has Hamlet and deuce has Hamphrey to match
they both complain endlessly about their matching stuff but always refuse when their villagers request to move out
still keep up appearances though, they start wars trying to nab a villager the other wanted first
keeps being bitten by wasps because he doesnt know you can catch them with nets
whenever riddle visits he runs around and picks up weeds for him without scolding him
takes his job as the island representative very seriously. you will not catch him slacking in making sure his island is a well decorated habitat 
hasn’t gotten the hang of custom designs but trades the holiday DIYs to floyd in exchange for a few sidewalk/clothing designs
treats any request by his villagers as his god given duty
he was placed on this island to look after everyone and he is going to do his job WELL.
takes every and any opportunity he can to go on leonas island to admire the architecture and try to recreate it himself
has many heart ponds on his island after he unlocked terraforming 
once he had a sleepover with the first years and they switched consoles for the night
deuce was extremely nice and helped catch a few bugs and increase friendship with villagers for sebek. wholesome stuff
but of course the terror that is ace trappola was fighting for everyone else’s console to vandalize- i mean, terraform their island
safe to say no one’s island was safe from a pp pond. thanks ace >:(
deuce did get his revenge though, he teamed up with epel just to make a trash moat around aces house
even though ace is aware that deuce put up a bulletin post on his board calling him stinky, it has not been deleted lmao
gets rid of all the lion villagers, there can only be one member of the kingscholar family on this terf
he keeps a lot of the peppy villagers on his island
if asked, he will say they are annoying and won’t gtfo but it’s because its too silent and peaceful without the annoyance
hes too used to being interrupted all the time by a tiny cub jumping on him that he doesnt know how to function without it anymore wbk
not that he would kick out as many male villagers as possible but these jock villagers are getting on his nerves. like not even jack is that muscle obsessed
plus, big macho muscle men is such an outdated thing, grow up, Dom.
leaves gulliver alone. his business is his business
for someone so cranky, he beefs with the cranky villagers the most. says theyre so entitled and annoying LMAO
only one he doesnt beef with is isabelle. yeah, she gives him shitty ratings on his island but she’s so sweet, and she’s stuck with ruggies #1 enemy so she deserves the special treatment, you hear?
leona is the first out of his classmates to get his friendship high enough to receive a villager’s photo. no one knows how, but yea, leona and Stella are like besties now. they’re 4lyfers. BFFLS <33
what can he say, that island is his pride
makes a little library in his house, it sucks that there aren’t any readable books in this game so he studies the lore instead
he gets to one-up idia on the animal crossing expertise if nothing else🎉
places down mats and pet beds anywhere in case his lazy villagers need a lil nap (it’s not how it works but gotta appreciate the thought)
ruggie and idia have this weird cahoots going on where they leave pitfall traps everywhere for him. 
rivalry with malleus ended, new rivalry with these two gremlins
leona has beat the 'lazy' (is it really?) allegations hes making custom design after custom design just to spite his classmates
his interest solely lies in giving his juniors the True High School Experience
posts loving reminders on his classmates’ notice boards. such as a very “clean up ur island” on kalim’s and a very kind “the onceler called, he wants his island back” on azul’s
actually they’re not reminders at all, they’re just disguised insults
he also very kindly leaves fruit that epel doesn’t have on his island. he says it was his starter fruit (it was not) so he doesn’t need it 
in fact for some reason his island has become a playground for the first years
despite his complaints about bothering him, he always ends up opening up his island for them, even if hes still complaining during it
do not comment on it if you’d like to keep your eyeballs
runs a not-very-lowkey nook miles ticket business
take that azul, he’s the one drowning in riches now
made mad tickets by being an animal slave trader
azul felt it was morally wrong because they were so cute but ruggie does not give a flying eff
you all think azul's the person who treats people like pawns? absolutely the hell not
my guy ruggie & jamil are the kings of human (in this case, animal) meat shields & theres no time to debate morals in this economy
only one hes not keen on slaving away is Tutu. she simply looks too sweet for ruggie to subject that treatment onto
tries really hard to draw a lil picture of his classmates’ favourite villagers onto the notice boards, because he’s nice like that
plus it doesnt hurt to have a few brownie points with everyone :)
extends extra effort to get into jades good graces because 1. no one wants to be in his bad graces and 2. he is so high maintenance >:( 
ruggie is probably being hella scammed bc jade has been eating up his iron stash with nothing to show for until a few months later
living his fun little fishing dad life
bro’s a pro fisher, he’s beating the fishing tourney with flying colours. knows every fishing trick in the book & helps sebek catch all the fish he keeps scaring away
doesn’t matter who hates tom nook the most, because ruggie hates him more
his villagers are going to unionize. we rally under comrade ruggie
doesnt listen to a damn thing the raccoon tells him after the tutorial and only pays for his house if he runs out of storage
he writes letters to his villagers and has a daily graffiti notice board post to remind everyone that their island motto is “down with tom nook”
vive la revolutione
because history is important or whatever blathers said, ruggie decided to honour her majesty the queen of hearts with his island flag
it depicts tom nook under a guillotine 
riddle is slightly horrified
that One Time trey visited, he left with a new anti tom nook shirt bc ruggie insisted trey show off his hard work
unlike all of his other classmates, lilia is delighted to see so much passion and joins in on the revolution not knowing a single thing
one peruse into ruggies island and malleus is now convinced that tom nook is some sort of evil mastermind keeping the player and his villagers captive
increasingly disturbed by a villager named Ace who moved in
he gifted the villager a basketball out of kindness
but seeing how different the villager was from the ace he knew (cough cough, hardworking), jack would prefer if he moved out 
also a time travel anti. his friends are all time travelling but he will refuse to be tempted
stretches with his villagers every morning. it’s good to get the oxygen flowing for a good, energizing start to the day
all of his buildings have either hedges or flowers around them. hes very committed to the aesthetic of Mother Nature
joining riddle in the Gardener Simulator squad. his sole goal is making his entire island a pretty little garden
sometimes he does wish he could have Leif on his island permanently. he likes the friendly lil sloth creechure
not much preference in who moves into his island but he does have a penchant for the sisterly and jock villagers
they’re friendly and always keeping each other in check. it’s a mutually beneficial relationship
plus they have way more integrity than the rest of his friends lmao bye
personally vibes with Sterling for that diligent knight energy. jack has plenty of role models to choose from and this time he happened to want to learn from silver
even though his entire island is the most jock-oriented place, his favourite villager is Bangle. she gets along with almost all of his villagers and is always in a good mood. 
he thinks she has a good personality to lead the island pack
one of the few that tries to even give tom nook an ounce of respect. he wont join in on the hate but he wont necessarily defend the raccoon either
bless his big heart
the savanaclaw students adore jacks island and his complete butterfly exhibit
every friday after dinner, the savanaclaw students all huddle and play animal crossing together i will die on this hill
they love to camp out in jacks island and by the savanaclaw lounge, you’ll see a string of photoshoots in jack’s butterfly exhibit
who initiated this? why, leona of course! he’s giving jack the recognition he deserves & it gets the dorm bonding
(it also gets ppl to visit jack’s island more, which means ppl visit leonas island less😏)
puts up a daily motivational quote on the boards
got highly offended when sebek once compared him to a jock villager. it wasnt bc he hated the villager, it was bc sebek meant it as an insult >:(
his favourite villager is Marina
she’s super nice and has never hurt a fly. he complies to all of her whims. how can you say no to her??
finally, someone can understand idias penchant for cute things
in tears after knowing the octopi are sought after by the masses he’s so proud
was less proud when jade joked the octopi were endangered bc they were getting eaten like can you not >:((
cannot participate in the stalk market he time travels so much
sure, the weeds will increase but it’s a small price to pay for efficiency 
pays his debts as fast as possible. not because he’s a good noodle, but because he won’t risk interest (even though there is no interest)
has an ongoing (one-sided) rivalry with redd and gathers all of the real artworks he can get
the paintings are a good deal he supposes but redd truly needs a better atmosphere if he wishes to continue selling
his boat doesnt even look approachable, & ambiance is a big factor when getting your clients to be comfortable. azul could totally lend out a few tips. all for the generous price of free!
he changed his mind after he misclicked and bought a fake painting, so he decided to pawn it off saying it was real. as a famous princess once said, some things never change
he’s long completed his art collection, but if you’re in need of a certain artwork, you can have it for the right price <3
pissed as hell over the snooty villagers. you think you’re better than him huh???
or, that’s what he wishes he feels. he just feels bullied in his own domain
money DOES grow on trees so therefore azul’s island is decorated in bell trees
he got excited when a tree dropped a coin. 
got less excited when he picked up the coin and it got put in his wallet
he thought there were different coins and he could have a digital coin collection too :(
builds something akin to a mostro lounge 2.0, not really for monetary purposes, it’s just a nice outdoor plaza for his villagers to hang out in :)
mad respect for his villagers who go to the lounge during winter season. it is very cold :(
but they look so adorable in their sweaters and hats and scarves🥺 jade, floyd, perhaps its time to invest in a miniature clothing line
a completionist! he will try to earn every achievement, and complete his critterpedia!
he heard riddle wanted to complete the critterpedia so azul did it first to impress him, but all riddle told azul is that he needed to spend less time on the game osijfgnrfg big L
starting hissy fights with floyd over the villager he wanted moving into floyd’s island
refuses to let floyd on his island for weeks because he’s So Hurt. just look at how upset he is :'(
had Raymond during his hype and refuses to let him go to this day. he’s gotten attached
hes got some cool ass preppy vest and their eyes match!!
often mentions that he wants to invite Tia on his island in hopes someone gets the hint
(so far no one has yet, but jade is a master at playing the long game)
has a concerning amount of sharks on display: both in tanks and as plaques
he misses the hunt <3
kept refusing to give back wisp’s body in hopes something would happen but ur basically forced to give it back ugh
how boring. he hoped there wouldve been consequences or something
actually he hoped that wisp would lose his shit
his house isn’t really for living in, it’s for storage. his home is the outdoors and hes placing down the furnishing to prove it
many forget that jade is also just living his best life, just a little guy. hes so jealous of his villagers. he too wants to only water flowers, fish for hours, and visit his nice neighbours in their pretty little homes
almost always wearing some kind of wide-brimmed hat to really sell the image that his home is the outdoors
cater is constantly handing jade some more trendy clothes because he thinks jade’s fashion is atrocious, but jade. never. wears. them.
hell, next year he might just use his island as a way to recruit people into the mountain-lovers club
makes ugly ass custom designs and genuinely think it looks good (anyone remember that one time jade dressed himself?)
forget leona, maybe it’s jade that has the uncle fashion. socks with sandals and all
aside from his own kin, no one has seen him physically hold a console in his hands, yet, his hours in this game would give idia a run for his money
theres some skeletons in the basement yeah
no seriously, he has skeletons in the basement. it looks like a jail. theres custom design blood on the floor
all that iron he's been pilfering from ruggie goes into steel bars👍👍
but he’ll say its for educational purposes
between you and me though, thats the corpse of Chadder. he hates rats- wait what do you mean wrong game??
loves Zucker because “he looks edible” 
because of course he’d say that
terrorizing one octopus wasn’t enough he needed to terrorize two
obsessively resets his island until he gets peaches
fighting with jade over his console to drop iron for him
his house looks fine and normal in every room besides the basement. 
there’s seven skeletons chilling in there with bubblegum k on 24/7 loop
its a skeleton rave because they deserve to have fun too goddamnit
out of the twins, floyd has the neater house. hes quite committed to the aesthetics of his virtual space 
his happy home academy scores have reached the peak and hasn’t moved from there at all
it’s also vil certified! he really liked floyd’s home and told him he could land a career in interior design
says he’s gonna custom design the octavinelle uniform for azul and yassified it up so its a crop top & shorts now :D
dont forget them knee high boots
had fun designing but it was less of a “mini matching octavinelle uniform for us awww” and more of a “what would azul hate to wear”
(azul absolutely fuckin hates it to shreds so yay!! mission accomplished!)
even though azul reluctantly wears it, floyd had legitimately made the real uniform for him should azul choose to change clothes
his home storage is filled with 80% clothes bc of course his shoe collection carries over to the virtual space
horrible person he loves to scare wisp but will never hunt the ghost bits to give back to him
once he got his hands on the ocarina it was over for his multiplayer invites
his most used tool frfr. depending on the day he’ll play a pop song he memorized or a cacophony of sounds
kalim is the only one who thinks its a good idea to extend floyd an invite to the pop music club
like ace, also uses the type in your own answer function for evil. except he forgets what he writes all the time and it jumps back in his face
villagers be asking him a month later if his favourite hobby was “de-boning Blathers” and then saying they “should try it out themselves”
probably owns Saharah’s entire collection of mystery everything, and just like lilia he will run around and bury them on other peoples islands like some kinda hamster
another one that just pawns off stuff to his juniors, but instead of calling them gifts he straight up says he doesnt want it before handing them off
at least he’s honest LMAO
his entire head is a radio that is constantly playing bubblegum k on loop
leaves stuff all over the place then forgets about it
when a villager gifts him something he will make sure to put it on or find a place for it to display right away
look at the cool leaf umbrella Pashmina gave him!!
personally vibes with the peppy villagers the most since they’re so upbeat. he tries his best to talk to Wendy every day
spends most of his bells on random furniture to place everywhere. his home storage has always been empty because he wants to display everything
he especially puts in extra work for the seasonal furniture but he’s constantly out of materials
runs circles around his villagers in greeting
takes advantage of the many reactions at his disposal. makes happy gestures at his villagers in greeting
he leaves fruit and picnic baskets all over the island in case his villagers wants to hold an impromptu party or have a lil snack
vending machines are a MUST
food is his love language! 
gifts too but you can only give one a day :(
gets super sad when his villagers dont want to repeatedly talk to him
puts nice lil messages into his friends notice boards and draws a lil stick figure of himself to accompany them
kalim mentioned one day that he would wear an entire line of clothes vil designed and vil puts a few of them on kalim’s island
kalim most enjoys it when his villagers wear vil’s designs because he can match with them! thanks vil :DD
hes always wearing a wetsuit underneath in case he wants to go for a dive
adores the little seal, he goes swimming often just to bump into him to give him scallops
sticks around after he hands over the scallops just to see the seal hold it
encourages his classmates to take lots of photos with him
only his fossil and art exhibits are full
(the art exhibit not really because he doesn’t know how to spot the counterfeit artworks)
he doesn’t want to take the sea creatures away from their home
this does not apply to the insects though. call him blathers’ comrade because he is a valiant knight in chasing away the bugs on jamil’s island
in exchange, jamil farms materials for kalim (why is he always short on softwood???)
floyd breaks into his island to hit all of his villagers with nets
emphasizes with blathers because of the mutual hate for bugs
not appreciating ace making crappy renditions of jamil as blathers on the notice boards
steers clear of flick. that has got to be the freakiest thing hes ever met and hes had several conversations with rook hunt
he can take all the bugs tho, if jamil was brave enough to catch any
the lazy villagers are absolutely adorable and wholesome but jamil is sobbing on the inside. listen its nice that you want to share your fruit with your friends but u can do better than insects
if those six-legged devils are invading your space, sooner or later, you’ll be contracting the entire alphabet of hepatitis
drives all the smug villagers out of his island. he doesn’t want this negative energy in his safe haven
he keeps a few peppy villagers. he thought he would tire of them quickly, but sometimes u need a lil happy-go-lucky energy as a pick-me-up
lets kalim pillage all of the coconuts on his island for his coconut tree forest
silver’s favourite villager resides on jamils island and he asks all the time if he can come over to say hi to them
silver keeps telling him that Plucky reminds him of his dad because he also gives silver daily self-defence tips and sleeps hella late 
and u know what the more jamil hears of silvers father the more confused he gets. its hard to condense so many unrelated characteristics into a single personality, but apparently silver’s dad has it all
spends an ungodly amount of time in the able sisters and nooks cranny because the characters follow him around like little ducks and he likes the sound of their liddol footsteps
also very much appreciates all the authority he has on this island its the small semblance of control his virgo ass can get
he can legit tell a villager to move their house somewhere and they’ll agree with a smile
always treats his villagers with respect
has a strange obsession with fire. he places campfires and torches all over the place
will not rest until his island looks exactly the way he wants, down to the last detail
hella annoyed during island recruiting because he cannot pick his villagers, and everyone’s uniqueness is clashing with the aesthetic jamil was going for, now he has to change it
his favourite villagers are the normal personality ones, and if he could control the villagers that move in, he would have an island to Poppy and Bertha’s liking
another one of the cries when he receives letters from mom squad. shes just really sweet.
when Whitney moved on his island he got reminded of jack then took it back after getting to know her personality. ik it looks like a bad thing but its not, she grew on him very quick
not very fussy about his villagers, no matter how strange their designs are 
ik ur probably thinking “but some of them are so ugly”, yeah but vil lives with twink he-man tailing him every day
nah im joking its bc he talks to his villagers often and they’re so nice and vil Gets Attached Easily
besides, they love all the clothing and furniture vil gives them. vil can’t even get epel to appreciate his own looks, this is a certified W for vil
sometimes its the inside that matters most <3
while vil kind of still has a bit of celeb status in-game, it’s not over-the-top, so it feels extremely refreshing to be regarded as Just Vil
plus the close-knitted community in the island reminds vil of home. its nice
wishes his villagers were nicer to each other but there isn’t a scold option in the game >:( might report them to isabelle
makes it a mission to get rid of a cranky villager after seeing them be mean to Gala. Whitney is the only ‘mean’ one allowed here
dreaded inviting leona to his island for one reason and one reason only: he put his own designs into able sisters
please, Gala is wearing leopard print, this is a crime
made his own custom designs to fill leonas island with them. the third years stay beefing for eternity
(according to trey, leona camps on vils island waiting to snatch Gala up)
besides the weaponry potential he has, vil spends most of his talents on making really nice designs
rook loves to wax poetry on the artistry of vil’s mind & then he ends up creating more. it’s a continuous cycle of art appreciation <33
speaking of rook, he had gifted vil an amiibo card of Étoile telling him ‘a star for a star’ 
vil does a very bad job hiding his favour towards her
but he does let rook take any lion, tiger, or gorilla villagers off his island (sigh)
found the most enjoyment after one of leonas favourite villagers left and came to vils island, saying that they finally realized they deserved better💀   
but cater so graciously opened his mouth to dub Cheri as “leonas leftovers” and yeah, you can probably imagine how that turned out
the hunting instinct has Awoken
mans has every fish & bug & sea creature in the critterpedia
he did lots of island hopping to do so
need a tarantula? he’s got cages of them. they’re so fuzzy and fast and their eyes are so cute!
jamil has sworn off ever visiting rooks island. evidence of his hunting instinct are inescapable
unfortunately for jamil, rook is loud and proud about the fruits of his labour. invites everyone to come take a look at his island and museum
azul comes in frequently to take pictures in the aquarium
jade would be bonding with rook more over the hunt but, they started a bet over who gets the highest score in the fishing tourney so, no bonding today
(there was no competition to begin with since ruggie swept up the entire tourney anyways)
never fails to send each and every one of his villagers a personalized letter telling them how much he adores them
‘you look radiant when you’re asleep’ holds merit because some of his villagers do nap under the trees, but it’s a still a pretty unusual comment to receive
nevertheless, his villagers are very receptive to him and tend to send him many letters back
gets max friendship with so many villagers so quickly and for why?? he just wants their portrait to display in his house
theres a room full of portraits and really it looks more like a hitlist than a documentation of his journey of friendship
do not ask him to choose a favourite villager, for he finds beauty in them all. it is simply too cruel to ask him to pick just one
unleashes the voices in his head onto the bulletin boards
they are mostly love musings and occasional tiny drawings
some of the times they are helpful hunting tips!
idia claims that there was no need to inform his villagers about how to preserve the hide of a jaguar but you never know when his villagers need to defend themselves against The Unknown (no he will not elaborate)
camps on everyone’s island to take the villagers that are moving out
yes, it is a shame that they must leave monsieur magicam's island, but he too understands the calling of adventure. please, come join his island for a rest until the next island awaits :))
hosts bigger goodbye parties than kalim. rook would be a terrible island representative if he did not give a heartwarming farewell to his now former villager, oui?
their time spent together was enriching, but who is rook to stop them from pursuing another destination on their journey? people often forget that there is beauty in endings
also obsessively reset his island until he got a certain fruit
once he got his pears he traded them with jack for his apples
almost exclusively keeps his island in winter as it reminds him of harveston aww
not appreciating the comparisons to Apple
extremely not appreciating sebek putting her into an enclosure because he doesnt like the interior of her home
considering sebek partook in the comparisons to Apple, epel is now banishing any crocodile villagers to the furthest corner of his island. they can live in isolation😡
it really doesnt last long, he got attached to Gayle. like father like son fr
even funnier his favourite villager is Judy but he will tell everyone that its Boots
he also has the most fruit trees on his island out of everyone. ace raids epels island all the time to steal fruit and sell it off (mostly with permission, but theres always that one time without)
happily gave azul some tips on tree placement & how to display as much as possible bc this is his Expertise
cue the next week azul was constantly asking epel if he needed any furniture and epel finally named something he wanted
low and behold he got it in the mail and azul stopped pestering him
huh. his seniors are really nice, arent they? :D
vil made a regal little flag design for epels island that epel swore he would never use but it’s always there when vil visits
he absolutely keeps the tune rook composed though. it sounds like boss music #weballin
highkey adores the able sisters (especially sable) they’re so kind they remind him of his town’s elders 
his villagers constantly compliment him and give him clothes🥺
unlike with vil he will happily wear whatever cute shit his villagers give him, even if he prefers the cool stuff
like you said vil, charm & cuteness is a weapon and its one his villagers exploit heavily. he’s jotting down notes the next time he wants vils lessons to end sooner😏
diligent with his landscape you will never see a single weed anywhere
his tree stumps are intentional and his tree placement is all arranged nicely
takes up gardening too and is the second to get the gold roses, but it didn’t fit with his island, so he passed them off them to malleus instead
kindly takes off the flowers colonizing riddle’s island to put them in his
can we get a round of applause? for epel has every species of flower on his island !!
finally, a place where he is The Boss and people will respect him for it
ortho recommended this game to him so they can play together
(it was mostly to comfort him after his favourite ship didn’t become canon)
cried the first time his villagers gave him a compliment :((
When Audie tells him “I managed to make some awesome friends, like you, Idia!”, he understands now why ortho told him to download this game
sniffling through this game it’s so wholesome
ofc he knows the lore about Audie its why shes his favourite
idia decides to keep his island full of peppy villagers to suit the vibe, match the aesthetic, etc
the only exception to the personality rule is if theres a cat villager, then they’re forgiven for any and all crimes
(this is a trick question, for they can do no wrong)
memorizes his villagers’ preferred gifts bc they get nothing else but the best!
actually all of his custom designs are cosplays. his villagers wear his designs. hes leaked water over this game more than hes ever in his life
isabelles soft, cheerful energy is really what gets idia through his day. shes the perfect amounts of outgoing without being too overwhelming
many people often believe that vil is catty but idia is literally right There
hes a bitch and everyone knows it. its just super forgettable because theres so many other aspects of idias personality that overshadows his mean bitch energy
idia will specifically go to azuls domain just to insult his trees and the placement of his furniture
he approves of the yassified octavinelle outfit tho its very tasteful
judges people who don’t know super obscure details like why do you have to be a casual AND normal about the game pick a struggle >:(
makes little mods and tweaks to the game. he coded in that his villagers can lie down on the mats, hammocks, and on the beach
four updates in though, a bug occurred and his villagers roll around on the ground like how they do in beds
it was way too funny so idia kept it that way and didnt patch up the bug
if anyone passes by him in the halls they might hear him singing acnh tunes
absolutely evil. doxxing people (its ruggie) for trying to auction off Bob & kicking his feet and wiggling his toes while talking to Audie the next second
he finds out that ace really wants to get rid of Francine so yeah, idias making derogatory drawings of Francine on ace’s notice boards and sending him anti-Francine memes
nothing brings two people closer together more than mutual hatred they said
he’s inviting all of the robot villagers and they are having a blast
is very supportive of Ketchup’s dreams to be a popstar! he regularly puts microphone stands near her house and gives her lots of sparkly clothing
hes a fan of all the duck villagers, really. their little beaks and happy faces :)
his favourite villager is Doc. no particular reason but ortho has always wanted a grandparent
plus Doc talks about comics and superheros and ortho will not miss an opportunity to nerd out (even though Doc’s opinions are very on the safe side. ortho thirsts for controversy)
once ortho visited riddle’s island and asked for Kid Cat if he moved out
riddle gave him a generous donation of flowers to send Kid Cat off with😭😭  
if idias skipping his 8 hours of sleep, ortho will make him do the stretches with the villagers (hes the reason why they're all out of sync)
technically ortho joins in but he doesnt exactly need any stretching
hacked the star fragment trees into his world. low risk, high reward!!
uses those trees to recreate the stargazer tree and designed his own starsending gear to go along with it☺️
shared the design with jack and invited him onto his island for a photoshoot
jack is amazed by the trees and says he cant wait until he can grow star fragment trees and ortho just smiles through it all
jack would be so disappointed to learn ortho got them in less than legal means
maybe he'll hack them onto his island in secret
also puts his own little mods in. he makes some custom design furniture and FINALLY PUTS THE FROG CHAIR IN
even adds some characters he wants and brings back the ruthless dialogue from the past AC games
personally makes an entire set of furniture that references his favourite movies (extra care is given to ones vil has starred in)
ortho’s playstyle is a lot less wholesome than idias because he likes a challenge
he made an entire DLC called animal crossing: survival island because he heard silver talking about it (probably works like minecraft hard mode)
put pride flag custom designs in the shop to wait for his villagers to come out :) 
after they “come out”, ortho makes a little backstory on it and gets idia to guess their stories. he’s got lore in this island now !!
fluent in the entire soundtrack. he makes the noises, hes downloaded the bgm
ortho wants an irl isabelle and he’s preparing a 70-slide powerpoint presentation to convince idia to get him a dog
kinda overkill since all ortho needs is to give him the puppy dog eyes
for the sake of this hc lets say he at least knows the controls
confuses this game for pokemon and tries to “catch” his villagers with the net
gets confused when they get mad at him
hes very very amused by how normal his villagers treat him
these tiny little animals are cowering in fear by the thought of ghosts even though they are technically walking over bones of the dead
they gas him up so much for the tiniest things he does and if it were anyone else but these fluffy animals he would think it was belittlement
it feels like he’s important, not for his titles nor his accomplishments, but just because his animal friends love him
he can see why silver loves to talk to the birds now
when he’s on someone’s island he can lurk and be afk until he’s kicked off
has statues everywhere. he doesn’t really know how to pick them up after theyre put down so don’t mind the random statues by the airport
tries to put down as least furniture as possible bc of one too many incidents of him picking up the sidewalk instead of his fruit
anyone near him during this can add many ancient curses to their forbidden vocabulary👀👀
when his villagers threw a birthday party for him...
rumours say the valley of thorns was sunny for the first time that day!!
his favourite villager is Coco and he cherishes her with his life
he also has a certain favour towards crocodile villagers as well, namely Drago bc he shares the name of one of his tamagotchis
doesnt do much in this game but talk to his villagers
loves the night walks in the game because he can bump into two things Celeste, or Wisp
hes so intrigued by Celeste shes fr just chilling and living her best life looking at the stars. it reminds him of lilia
given lilia is way more devious so maybe not😔
Wisp is a lot less brave than any ghost hes met and malleus thinks hes adorable. he feels very guilty for frightening him all the time however
it felt so dehumanizing trying to catch a dragonfly he was pouting for weeks
highkey cannot drop the game because he left for a while and when he came back his villagers were wailing about how he left them alone for months
hes never leaving them alone again he doesnt want them to feel abandoned
his name in the game is not lilia, oh no
his name is dad. he is now the proud father of 10 more children
11 counting isabelle
debates are still on the table of whether or not tom nook is a legitimate dignified son of lilias
he even has a time out corner for his naughty villagers
its just him barricading that villagers house
he did barricade resident services for a good 15 minutes before receiving an amiibo card from silver and he wanted to use it
favours the lazy villagers because they are a certain brand of adorable and they try to make friends with everyone
technically loves all his villagers but he always points out Kevin because he ‘looks very friendly’
had a big ass laugh after deuce compared Kevin’s smile to treys
when he’s on someones island he treats it like hide and seek. he will never be found
getting access to the custom design was fun for lillia, but not for anyone else
sometimes he throws down some eldritch horror, sometimes his outfits look like a glowstick exploded
his island is in permanent halloween mode 
buries random shit on other peoples islands. they dig it up thinking it’s a fossil and instead get mystery wallpaper, random stacks of clay, and random diys
call it an everyday egg hunt if you will
he has three rooms dedicated to kitchenware and is trying to (more like going to) find a way to cook smth nice for his villagers. its the least he could do as thanks
if not then he’ll just buy fruit baskets and hand them out to his villagers. he’s such an asian dad
doesnt bat in eye when his villagers knock up on his door and barge into his house
he's welcoming them with open arms. why of course Pudge you can sit on the ground and read ur book for as long as you want ^^
he'll be doing his own thing too #parallelplay or something idk
(on a side note, Pudge’s face is probably how every visitor on lilia’s island feels)
thought there were going to be more survival elements to the game since it starts with himself & a group of animals on some remote island 
as soon as the plane was hovering over the island, silver was ticking off potential water, food, & shelter sources
threw him for a loop when he found out how peaceful this game was. it’s pleasant :)
doesn’t stop him from valiantly chasing off the wasps and scorpions and fleas away from his villagers
don’t worry Lolly, you’re under silver’s protection now. nothing will hurt you :)
even though the threats in this game are minimal, silver keeps lights & campfires all over just for safety reasons
if his villagers end up lost, all they need to do is follow the light! and if they want some alone time, the fire can keep them safe & warm <3
he thinks Flick is adorable. has a shy little personality and likes to make art and bug friends (?) 
constantly supports Flick by giving him bugs for commissions. everyone deserves the chance to follow their dreams :)
peacefully picking seashells on the beach while sebek is scaring away all of the fish
really fond of the zodiac furniture. he wants to collect them all
he makes around 100 wishes every time. just lays his console down and presses A
thinks celeste is very sweet. sad that she doesnt visit often
certified photographer. he takes a lot of pictures with his villagers because he’s just. so happy they like his island, they like each other, it’s such a wholesome atmosphere
cater and silver have a shared magicam account dedicated to their pics it’s very cute and the followers mostly consist of savanaclaw and diasomnia members 
loves seeing his villagers interact with each other. their conversations are so cute, they visit each others homes!! bros gonna sink into his mattress and flood it with tears
do not underestimate him, even if it is most likely made up, silver will become fluent in the Language of the Coded Animals
he will not curse but the animal noises are the closest he’ll get if he ever chooses to
all of his villagers get a royalty treatment. silver's residents are the most spoiled residents ever
fills his notice boards with drawings of his villagers saying nice things, like reminding him to drink water, or to hug his friends
at the same time he also puts in survival tips just like how lilia raised him. its a very contrasting mix of messages
even online he is Too Much
sprints everywhere and wonders why all the bugs and fish flee
hes got places to be and no amount of time to waste
his home interior is a lot like diasomnia but bro do not let him get ahold of the custom designs
im sure hes a really good artist but anyone who's tried operating the custom designs knows that it zaps any artistic skill you've ever learned
traditional art? fucking amazing. acnh art? now ur kid with a purple crayon
stick figures. drawing the diasomnifam does not work. theres 4 stick figures. one has horns, one has bat wings, ones surrounded by animals, and one is Just Green.
his priorities shifted to practicing custom design until he mastered it
does not take commissions. if he ever bestows a custom design onto someone, its a sign of sebek’s approval/respect of them
hes very committed to the aesthetic. hes terraforming his island every single week based on his current mood (bros going thru it)
competes with silver for every kind of grading they get (happy home academy, island rating, etc)
this is what motivates him to come back and play
dont be mistaken either this is not one-sided. mutual rivalry is the best way to keep the other improving !!
hoards all of the holiday materials to make the diys that he doesnt have or collect
personally having the maddest beef with the snowboys bc one accidental nudge of a snowball resulted in them insulting sebek’s snowmen-building competence
sebek obviously does better the next time, but then the snowboys are just so egotistic for no reason. all they did was sit there and get built, they could never measure up to his master malleus, or lilia
by the third run-in with the snowboys, he just opts to crush or drown the snowballs. the winter DIYs weren’t worth the effort
the fued w/ one Ace Trappola has not ended since the day he got the console because they wanted the same villager and started fighting over Agnes’ amiibo card
amiibo cards can be used multiple times and clearly they both do not know this
probably the only one out of the cast to actually use the 'ask blathers' feature
the owl is a very dutiful and knowledgeable curator. sebek believes he can learn much from him
only thing to complain about is how often blathers is asleep during the day. if blathers were a retainer he most certainly would not make the cut.
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ryker-writes · 7 months
Because I love hearing people gush about their favs: Why do you like Sebek so much?
oh boy you're in for a ride
I love Sebek so much because not only is he adorable but he's super cool! I tend to love characters that are strong but can also be silly like Sebek is a knight but he could also get wrapped up in the randomness and no-brain activities with everyone! His passion and loyalty to Malleus are very admirable and you can't convince me he wouldn't be just as passionate and loyal to his friends and partner. He's a hardworking knight who actually takes those he cares about into great consideration and looks out for them and trusts them. He won't let anyone shame or slander those he cares about and sticks to his beliefs. I also tend to love knight/general characters in most fandoms too. But Sebek is so adorable! Seeing him makes me feel happy. I would sit down and listen to him talk about Malleus all day and I would also want to tell him that I see him the same way he sees Malleus. Sure, he can be loud and blunt and has his opinions on humans but I do think that his attitude towards humans comes mainly from Briar Valley culture than anything. His loud nature is cute and I like people who can be more blunt and not dance around things. Sebek is a great protector and I love him so much like I want to give him so much affection and would love to just be by his side
I also know a lot of little facts about Sebek that I will now ramble about because they're all so cute.
Horses are scared of Sebek and he's actually scared of them too (something we have in common)! He joined the equestrian club because he thinks every knight should be able to ride a horse and he didn't look into the other clubs much! He also doesn't do well in the cold and prefers warmer climates! It's because of this that he enjoys the Botanical Garden because it's warm and he struggled with the cold in the Harveston event. Sebek also is a big reader and has borrowed books from Azul and was gifted a rare book for his birthday from Azul! He was actually a late bloomer when it comes to magic too. When he was a kid he would be in awe watching his siblings use magic and light candles! Speaking of siblings, he has an older brother and a older sister but both of them are much older than him. They used to go on family fishing trips too! Sebek admires his mom a lot for being a strong and capable fae and has mixed feelings about his father. He doesn't understand why his mom fell for a human dentist (or why his human father was living in Briar Valley in the first place), but his mom is said to have fell in love despite the disapproval of everyone around her because he was human. Sebek has also said that his father loves to give him and his siblings gifts a lot and Sebek doesn't understand it much. Sebek takes great care in his appearance and even uses hair gel to slick his hair back every morning because he wants to look his best in front of Malleus. He even wants to grow his hair out like Malleus! He even has a picture of Malleus in his room that he greets and says goodbye to every time he leaves or enters. We also hear of some cute moments about when Sebek was younger. Malleus once gave a small Sebek a cookie and he carried it around with him everywhere and treasured it but cried when it accidentally broke. He also used to be very scared on Halloween and would even wet the bed and Silver once promised him to stay awake and hold his hand the entire night. Silver fell asleep though and Sebek considers him a traitor because of it. Sebek also has a large appetite and thinks the school food is lacking and doesn't have enough protein. He likes meat and isn't much of a fan of black coffee, but still drinks black coffee because Malleus drinks it. He's also jealous of Kalim and Jamil's relationship and wishes he could've been born earlier to take care of Malleus.
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foxglovepng · 1 month
Race Headcannons 🥀🌼
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Requested: Nu uh I just felt like it
CW: Race, Rook Slander, Ortho spoiler Idia's part.
Characters: NRC students
These are my Race Headcannons for the NRC men. Some of these I just went by feeling a lot of these I did research about the movie setting although with the fishes + beast men I went by geography.
Some of these I'm unsure of (Heavy on Sebek) If anything is incorrect or you want to share your thoughts go ahead I'm always open to corrections and hearing others. (PROOFREAD FOR ONCE)
(Updated Epel on 5.12.24)
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Riddle (British)
I don't really have an explanation for this one other than the Red Queen in Tim Burton's version she was British and had a big goofy forehead (I have not seen the animated one help)
Trey (German)
Would you believe me if I told you I whipped out a map closed my eyes and threw a dart and it landed on Germany??
For this one I went with somewhere in Europe and I picked Germany because it just made sense to me I was gonna say Polish, but his Green hair was telling me German.
Cater (Scottish)
It's his ginger hair tbh.
Ace (Japanese)
A lot of people headcannon him as Filipino, but me personally I wanted to be quirky and different /j
This one doesn't really have any evidence I just went by feeling. I also headcannon it that he would love Jojo and Junji Ito.
Deuce (Mexican)
As a fellow Mexican I KNOW ONE OF US WHEN I SEE ONE OF US. He is Mexican and I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL.
Leona (Kenya)
I actually googled it and Lion King takes place in Kenya which is a country in the eastern part of Africa. For obvious reasons since he is based off Scar it made sense to make him Kenyan.
Ruggie (Multiracial)
I may get a lot of heat for this one, but this man got blonde ass hair and blue eyes, HOWEVER for the geography of spotted Hyena's I feel he is light skinned. He's got some Kenya in him but he also got some white genes. Geography wise I believe he is also part Arab since there are Arab countries in Africa. So therefore I believe he is white, black, and Arab.
Jack (Bircial)
Another one I may get a lot of heat for.
From what I remember Jack is from the same country as Vil? So, I believe Jack is part black, but also part European. It also isn't explicitly stated what movie he is from we just know he is a wolf.
Pop off Jacob Black (not sorry)
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Azul (Cuban) + The Twins (Filipino)
I googled Coral Sea locations and I came to these conclusions.
There are different Coral reefs going from Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Maldives. With the Twins I thought how funny would it be to make them Australian, but Filipino just kind of felt right like a gut feeling. The Carribean sea also has coral reefs so I made Azul Cuban. I was going to make him Venezuelan however I ended up going with Cuban, but I feel like both fit him in a way.
Jamil + Kalim (Arab)
I don't really think this one needs an explanation Aladdin quite literally takes place Agrabah which was based off of Baghdad, Iraq (source: Google)
There is an article that says the Architecture is based on the Taj Mahal which is Indian.
There is also a mention of Allah in the animated version BUT because I don't fully understand religion in general (And also Disney back then was kind of racist) I don't want to use religion as a justification to where specifically they are from. So I will simply just say they are Arab.
Vil (German)
Snow white was based in Germany. (I have nothing more to say :Skull:)
Rook (French)
Self explanatory
Epel (Sami)
The Sami People are people who are indigenous to Sapmi which is in Northern Europe. (Todays Russia, Sweden, Finland, and Norway).
From doing a bit of research the Sami people seem to be dying out and their language too. (If you want to feel free to Google the Sami people there's a lot to learn about them and it's really interesting. There was basically a bunch of policies put in place to kill them and mistreat them it's really sad)
So in short Epel is Sami Indigenous (If I'm correct he's the first Indigenous character we got so far which is nice representation) (I also hope my research was correct please correct me if not)
Idia (Greek)
Based on where Hercules takes place and because Hades is quite literally Greek Mythology he is Greek.
Ortho is just a robot, but when he didn't drop dead he was Greek.
Malleus (German/French)
I am not really getting a clear answer as to where Sleeping Beauty takes place so I made him a French German. He slayed tbh
Lilia (Romanian)
Dracula's castle is in Romania that is the only explanation you are getting
Silver (French/German)
I am being told he is based off Sleeping Beauty so I am making him the same race as Waka Sama.
Sebek (Biracial)
When I first was thinking of a race for him I was thinking Slavic kind of fits him (atleast to me) or possibly Asian. However I had a really hard time guessing so I made him SlavicAsian. Maybe possibly Slovakia and Vietnam?
If you enjoyed Likes and Reblogs are very much welcome. If you want to request something go ahead just read my rules first. <3
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moody-b1tch · 28 days
Keeping the tradition of bringing to the table things nobody asked for...
✨Headcanons about which NRC students have killed someone (and which would) ✨
Spoilers, violence and discussions of murder ahead.
• He's clean.
• He's clean, too. Despite the anger issues, he's a good boy.
• Clean, too.
• He's also clean.
• He would help a friend to hide a body, tho.
• He hasn't killed anyone, but he might have come pretty close to it during his delinquent days.
• Just. Think about it. A regular fight that went a little too far. A guy from a rival gang's head hitting the pavement a little too hard.
• I don't think Deuce could cope with having blood on his hands, tho. So, despite the chances of shit going wrong, I think his body count is 0.
• Another good boy.
• 50/50. Life in the slums was rough. We will never know.
• If he ever killed someone, it was 100% self defense, tho.
• Okay, hear me out. That unique magic of his? That's some scary shit.
• What if he discovered it in a really, really bad way? We don't know shit.
• We also don't know shit about that scar on his eye. If Kalim, without being royalty, has to deal with constant kidnapping and murder attempts, the second prince of the Sunset Savanna...
• Honorable mention to the stampede he and Ruggie created. He could've killed someone.
• He, killing someone? That generous soul could never.
• He's not getting his hands dirty.
• That's why he has Jade and Floyd.
• Maybe?
• Funny enough, I don't think it would be intentional. Just... Accidentally taking a squeezing too far.
• Yes. 100%
• Even if we ignore the hints about Jade cannibalizing his other siblings as a baby... C'mon guys. C'MON.
• Yes. I won't elaborate.
• Okay, I will elaborate.
• If part of his "job" implies dying for Kalim... Why wouldn't he *kill* for Kalim.
• Even if he didn't want to... One of the many fucked up situation involving kidnappers or hitmans must have ended with a traumatized little Jamil covered in blood.
• I'm 80% sure he has killed at least one person (and his memory probably suppressed it).
• It was probably an accident, tho. Pushing one kidnapper from a high place, a panicked outburst of magic...
• And, even if he was unable to intentionally kill to save himself... He 100% would kill for Jamil.
• No.
• He *wishes* we saw him like that, tho.
• Yes.
• No, I won't elaborate.
• What? I said I won't elaborate. I'm not a liar.
• He's clean.
• He 100% would've killed Neige if he hadn't been stopped.
• That was just blot poisoning, tho. Usually he would just daydream about it.
• He would say "yes", blaming himself for Ortho's death.
• Me, his parents, Ortho, Ortho 2.0 and his online bestie would say that's bullshit, tho.
• He hasn't killed anyone (yet) only because everyone around him baby sits him. And, well, divine intervention too, I guess.
• But he will. Some day. Is just a matter of time.
• Fr, slandering Idia in front of this kid is like playing Russian roulette.
Sebek & Silver
• I'm putting them together because they're in a similar situation.
• They're good kids with big hearts, but they're training to be Malleus guards.
• The situation with Malleus is extremely different from Leona or Kalim. But he's still royalty.
• So, if they have to, they will kill to protect Malleus. Or a loved one.
• It would fuck them up badly, tho :)
• He was a war general. He probably can't remember all the faces of the people he has killed.
• Still, I don't agree with the "daddy war crimes" headcanon.
• After experiencing all that violence, he is more self conscious about the value of a life.
• But he would 100% kill for his loved ones.
• The concept of an entity stuck with the emotional maturity of a child, and then a teenager for CENTURIES, with inmensurable magic power, is terrifying. Add to that the lack of constant parental figures? Is a recipe for disaster.
• So, yeah, he has probably accidentally killed a few while throwing a tantrum. Multiple times. Freezing the castle, floating the land, hitting someone with lightning...
• Also, I think he would intentionally kill someone if they fucked with Malleus loved ones. Or at least curse them.
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dailytwsttweets · 7 days
i've been sending in so many asks I apologize I just have many thoughts. i'm going to talk about Sebek because I love him.
First of all, everybody says he's annoying. When asked why they think he's annoying they'll start describing his traits that are linked to autism. Shut the fuck up. He's a passionate individual who is extremely loyal and is a hard worker.
Secondly, a lot of the people who do like him sexualize him, and must I remind you that he's 16? So am I, and I wouldn't want people to draw me the way they draw him.
Thirdly, he does have an odd hero worship thing going on with Malleus but can you blame him? He's been raised his entire life to protect Malleus and his entire life has been made to be about Malleus. He also is one of the few people who likes Malleus as he is. If I remember correctly, he's said before that he doesn't just like Malleus as his prince and as a powerful mage, but also for who he is as a person and his traits. He just shows his care in a way that y'all deem as "annoying."
HE'S A LITTLE CUTIE PATOOTIE NERD STOP THIS SLANDER HE'S SO CHARMING !!! How can you look at that boy and not smile.
My only complaint is how he gels his hair within an inch of its life. He's going to experience male pattern balding at like 23 oh my god. It looks good down please stop gelling it back so much Draco Malfoy.
No literally I have my gripes with every Sebek hater out there.
Y’all demonize him for his autistic traits sm. And don’t give me that “but he isn’t confirmed autistic” bullshit, I’m literally diagnosed. I can identify his clear autistic traits. I’m not saying it’s canon, just saying that these characteristics line up with common behaviors displayed in autistic people and seeing them get demonized and hated on feels lowkey ableist.
The thing about people sexualizing Sebek, it’s so gross and grody. He’s 16. I’m his age too. It’s so uncomfortable to see like just today I was in public looking for images of him and got flashed with literal porn?? Like hello???
Also yes his admiration on Malleus is a little overwhelming but one, it’s equivalent to a hyperfixation (yes it’s possible to hyperfixate on real people) and two, as you said, he’s been raised to protect Malleus and that’s what his whole life revolves around and he genuinely likes him. He just has a way of showing how much he cares for him. (This is not shipping Sebemal btw! I hate Sebemal.)
He’s just my son guys leave him alone 🙁🙁
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romymeow · 1 year
Hello hihihi I saw that you do TWST wonderland so I was wondering if you could do the first years having a s/o that has like A LOT OF SCARS ON THEIR FACE yk what I mean, like the scar of shiba hakkai's mouth :D . I hope that wasn't tooo muchhh, thank you ❤
FINALLY, my first request! Please do tell me if something is wrong (grammar mistakes...), also you're welcome! It wasn't much. :)
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Scars - TWST
Pairings: Ace Trappola x gn! reader, Deuce Spade x gn! reader, Jack Howl x gn! reader, Epel Felmier x gn! reader, Sebek Zigvolt x gn! reader, Ortho Shroud is platonic.
Warnings: scars, reason not mentioned
Fandom: «Disney Twisted Wonderland»
(Romantic (except ortho), but some parts may seem platonic)
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The first time he saw you, he thought you were in some type of gang, and that you were mean, but when he got to know you, he perhaps found you fun to hang out with. Sometimes he caught himself staring at your face, admiring each scar that took place on your face, he would be lying if he said you weren't beautiful, he wouldn't admit it though.
Deuce would check on you from time to time, he would bring some snacks or drinks to cheer you up even if you aren't sad, he would think about how much it was painful getting these scars, whenever you're cuddling he pepper your face will kisses, reminding you that he doesn't care about your scars and loves you just the way you are.
Could it be that your skin is sensitive? Whenever he holds you, he's extremely careful, he's afraid he might hurt on accident, when you tell him that he doesn't need to be careful with you, he could get LESS careful, but still careful. Overall he cares about your mental and physical health.
How could someone like this be able to handle that much pain? In his eyes, you're truly strong! You're the first person his eyes landed on the campus because of how unique and beautiful you look, Vil would probably tell him to stay away from you as if you are "a bad influence" on Epel. (Vil slander), covering your face with makeup to hide your scar is a no-no! He loves you and your scars.
Ortho tells his brother about how cool you are, he would be more than happy to be friends with you, he is amazingly good at comforting people, so whenever you are upset he comforts you, (best friends <3).
Sebek would get caught staring at you out of the blue, you notice that he's looking at you face, specifically your scars, you cover you face with you hand from embarrassment, sebek realized that he might have offended you (by lilia telling him), he goes to apologize to you, (after waka-sama told him too) you accept his apology and became close after some time. oh well you're not that bad.
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Music genres I think certain twst characters would listen to cause yeah
Ace Trappola: So listen idk why but I think he’s a hardcore swiftie (swifte? idk how to spell it) but he’s in such deep denial about it like he’d rather admit he’s gay than admit he enjoys taylor swift music. Also unironically listens to justin beiber music (beauty and the beat i see you 😻😻😻)
Deuce Spade: Now he listens to whatever he grew up listening to so whatever his mother likes, he likes. He probably grew up listening to 2000’s boy bands and has grown to love it, also listens to a few taylor swift songs but not a lot, manly just whatever he grew up listening to on the radio so a lot of like 2010’s pop (which has some amazing songs like beauty and the beat 😻😻😻)
Trey Clover: Kid’s bop. (yes i’m a trey hater.) i have no reasoning for it i just think he would.
Leona Kingscholar: This may be completely random but I feel like he’d very much enjoy tyler the creator. Idk why BUT ALSO KALI UCHIS AGAIN NO REASON WHY I JUST FEEL LIKE HE’D FALL ASLEEP TO IT
Ruggie Bucci: Ok you can doubt me on this cause again like all of these it’s just a feeling but I think he would listen to Gwen Stefani (specifically rich girl. it’s his theme)
Jamil Viper: Probably reggaeton cause like i can see him blasting daddy yankee while cooking or also that angsty indie rock when he’s in a mood or at the end of the day he puts his headphones on and just sinks into his bed while listening to indie rock
Idia Shroud: Obviously K-pop and J-pop and also vocaloid. he would kill for miku (and you can quote me on that) this was was just obvious
Sebek: LITERALLY ANYTHING MALLEUS WOULD LISTEN TO. A N Y T H I N G. that or just silence…is what he would say but definitely an elvis kinda guy
Lilia Vanrouge: No context for any of these but tyler the creator, 2000-2020 pop, and christmas music (only in summer)
authors note: i think these goes here but anyways these are all just my opinions and i don’t expect anyone to agree with me also trey clover slander ALSO IF I FORGOT A COUPLE LAST NAMES I’M SORRY
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zgvlt · 2 years
Saw the poll and using this as an opportunity to be on my knees and beg for more Sebek 🛐 plsss I crave and now am obsessed with him you have converted me into a Sebek liker 😭 (or maybe I've always been into tsundere big bois and am in denial 💀). Anyway, I enjoy whoever you'll write but yes more Sebek and I'll cry ahdjshsg— For the other one, Jade cuz I'm totally not biased for eel husband 😇 also on the last ask tysm!! im def doing better now and I caught up with all ur recent fics! 👀 —🐏
[referencing this post where i asked for your opinions]
MWAHAHA YES THE SEBEK NATION!! WE SLOWLY RISE IN NUMBER 🐊⚡️🔩 sebek's landslide win in the poll is a win for me 😤 ngl it really makes me happy hearing that ppl like him since he gets a lot of slander lol. i actually have it outlined already. i said it was gonna be short but i looked at the outline and i think she's another 5k+ baby sigh... anyway sebek deserved, anything for him he needs content and when diasomnia chapter comes and sebek gets more likers and lovers i will welcome them with open arms and food this is my goal in life
and yessumsss it looks like i'll go write for jade as well. considering his fic is my most popular reader insert (i think both on ao3 and here. jade impact) i'm not surprised, but i do love writing for him. he's such a good amount of suspicious and hmmm but also genuinely funny and like the way he talks and he's surprisingly easy to make fluff content out of like it's so fun balancing both in writing him he's lovely
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purple-plum-petals · 2 years
—⊱ Confessions on the Court ⊰ || Ace Trappola x Reader
╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮       Character(s): Ace Trappola (Twisted Wonderland), Jamil Viper (Twisted Wonderland), Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland), Grim (Twisted Wonderland, mentioned), Deuce Space (Twisted Wonderland, mentioned), Jack Howl (Twisted Wonderland, mentioned), Epel Felmier (Twisted Wonderland, mentioned), Sebek Zigvolt (Twisted Wonderland, mentioned), Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland, mentioned), Vil Schoenheit (Twisted Wonderland, mentioned), Dire Crowley (Twisted Wonderland, mentioned)       Reader Type: Human, Ramshackle Prefect (Gender-Neutral Pronouns)       Warning(s): Besides Dire Crowley Slander, Nothing!        Genre: Drabble, Fluff, Friends to Lovers (Romantic)       Word Count: ~2,800 words       Prompt: “You just said, and I quote, ‘I have feelings for you love you’.” [Prompt List]       Author’s Note: So, I pretty much like every ship that pairs Yuu/MC with literally any member of the student cast, but something about AceYuu just hits different. Is it the low-key enemies to friends to lovers going on? Two dumbasses in love, perhaps? I have no clue what about this paring makes me love it so much, but I thought it would be fun trying my hand at writing for Ace! I also changed the prompt slightly to fit the dialogue I had planned a bit better. I hope it isn’t too OOC; I’m still trying to get the characterizations under my wing and, somehow, Ace was even more difficult for me to write for than Floyd was. I also had a lot of fun writing Floyd and Jamil being shitty(?) wingmen, so I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did.
→ If you enjoyed my work, please reblog it if you can! Exposure on Tumblr is based on reblogging content rather than liking it, so your support would be much appreciated!  ♡ ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯
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             The loud roar of the crowd around you filled the gymnasium like a symphony, the squeaking shoes on the court only adding even more layers to the fiery melody. You were watching intently as the practice game between Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy took place right in front of your very eyes, observing as your friends and classmates did everything they could to break the tie and take the victory.
            Sure, it may not be an official match, but beating RSA in anything is always a big deal for the students at NRC. Everyone at Night Raven College seems to have a deep-rooted hatred for the students of Royal Sword Academy, something which you don’t fully understand but didn’t want to ask anyone about. You had tried once and all you got from the person you asked was something along the lines of all RSA students being “goody-goodies” and that they found them annoying.
             You were by yourself since your fellow first-years were all busy with something else; Deuce and Jack were practicing for an upcoming track meet, Epel had gotten in trouble with Vil and was essentially grounded, and Sebek was doing his duty as Malleus’ bodyguard; in Grim’s case, he just simply didn’t want to come. Though, you were going to do everything you could in order to show Ace your support, no matter what; it’s what a good friend does so long as they aren’t preoccupied with something else. Well, you were supposed to do some organizing for Crowley in his office, but he could suck it up if the paperwork needed filing that badly; nothing wrong with taking a break every now and again to go to a school event and support your peers if the game was taking place on the home court.
             The clock was ticking, ten seconds remained and the game was still tied at 12-12. While a tie was better than a loss, you knew your fellow NRC students wouldn’t take it as something to celebrate. Nearly all of the students you went to school with were uncooperative and competitive in some way and, to add to that, a lot of them had an unnecessary hostility towards RSA students, so a tie to them would probably be as bad as just straight-up losing.
            Five seconds left and Jamil had the ball, making his way down the court before a member of the opposite team jumped in his way and blocked his path. He couldn’t do anything in the current position and, in a split-second decision, Jamil passed the ball to Ace who was open across the court. Your blood was pumping, the sound of your heartbeat in your ears as you watched Ace catch the ball with ease. He took a moment to line up the shot, take aim, and throw. The buzzer sounded as the ball hit against the backboard, the sound ringing through the gym that had gone eerily silent, and falling into the net, winning the practice game for NRC 13-12.
            You and everyone else in the crowd stood up and cheers erupted throughout the stands. You watched as Jamil went over to give Ace a high-five while Floyd came over to give both a probably spine-crushing squeeze. Once he was out of Floyd’s grasp, Ace’s gaze traveled throughout the bleachers before landing on your smiling face. He smiled brightly back at you, making his way to where you were seated with a slight hop in his step. You made your way down the stairs, skipping every other one, in order to greet him at the bottom.
            As soon as your feet made contact with stable ground, you ran to your good friend and hugged him tightly as you exclaimed, “That was amazing, Ace! You just made the game-winning shot!” He was fairly damp and smelled of sweat, but you didn’t care at the moment. Right now you were kind of hopped up on adrenaline, so much so that even the crowd around you seemed muffled.
            Ace was still holding you in his arms as he told you, his voice crystal-clear in the sea of noise and chaos around you, “Glad you made it, Prefect… Seven, I love you! Thanks for coming to see our awesome win. I was pretty great, huh?”
            You froze for a second where you were, your arms wrapped around Ace’s neck and his around your waist. If your brain could do a record-scratch mixed with a freeze-frame, it would have happened right then in there. Did Ace… just say he loved you? Was it the love someone has for a friend or the love you have for a significant other? You pulled away from the embrace slowly, taking the time to look at his handsome face and beautiful ruby eyes; he didn’t seem to have realized what he had just said.
            You swallowed and pulled back slightly so you could see his face clearly, asking in a voice that was as quiet as a gentle summer breeze, “Wait you… you love me?”
            You watched Ace go through all five stages of grief in a matter of a few seconds. His face was tinged in a light shade of pink, his eyes widening into saucers as he looked anywhere but directly at you. He pulled away from you, removing his hands from your body as if you had physically burned him. He was floundering, a unique sight you had never seen from him before, as he said, “W-What? No, no – you must have heard me wrong. Ah Prefect, since when did you become such a jokester? Am I rubbing off on you or something?”
            “Uh, no? It may be loud in here right now, but I know I heard you correctly. You just said, and I quote, ‘I love you’…” You said matter-of-factly, placing your hands on your hips in order to do something with your arms now that they weren’t holding him in an embrace. Ace didn’t say anything after that, simply just rubbing the back of his head awkwardly as he put his other hand into the pocket of his basketball shorts. You furrowed your brows, leaning in closer as you asked him, “Ace, is there something you aren’t telling me?”
            “Oooooh~… Did Crabby finally decide to confess to Shrimpy?” Floyd’s voice suddenly interrupted, startling you both as you weren’t expecting anyone to butt into your conversation. Though, knowing Floyd, you weren’t really surprised. You looked past Ace and watched as Floyd and Jamil made their way over to you, the smirks on their faces just screaming trouble. Ace looked panicked as he made the ‘cut-it-out’ gesture with his hand in the hopes that the two upperclassmen would leave him to his own devices. Floyd’s smile only widened at the action as he threw one arm around Ace’s shoulder, towering over him as he asked, “How long have you been thinking about asking them out? Like, over two months, right?”
            “About time – I was starting to get tired of your near-constant blabbering about the Prefect during our practices. Your love-filled rants were getting a bit annoying.” Jamil said, not doing a very good job at hiding his shit-eating grin. Poor Ace looked like he was about to pass out from how red his face was. You realized you probably weren’t doing much better as you brought your hands up to cover your hot cheeks. Sadly, your warm and slightly sweaty hands did nothing to ease the heat of your face.
            “R-Really guys!? You two are horrible upperclassmen!” Ace exclaimed, his expression a mixture between annoyance and embarrassment. Floyd and Jamil didn’t look sorry in the slightest, the smiles on their faces only widening at the look on Ace’s.
            “You’re welcome, Crabby! Byeee you two~…” Floyd said in a sing-song tone, waving to both of you before walking away with Jamil to where the basketball team was currently gathered on the sidelines. It was awkwardly silent between the two of you, something of which had never happened before. You two always found things to talk about to fill the silence, so this was a new experience in your relationship with one another; you weren’t very fond of the heavy feeling in your stomach.
            You swallowed thickly, your attention moving from the retreating forms of your upperclassmen to your hands that were now in front of you, playing with your fingers to help ease your nerves. You didn’t want to look at Ace as you meekly asked, a tone of voice you didn’t take very often, “So… so you do love me? Like, in a romantic way?”
            Ace turned to look at you, your unusually shy form shooting an arrow straight through his heart; you looked waaaay too cute right now. He answered you, voice wavering slightly as he ran his fingers through his damp hair, “I-I, uh… I think so?”
            “Pfff–,” You found yourself unable to contain the snort, and it escaped your lips with some slight resistance from you; it wasn’t the most flattering sound, but it did help ease the tension that had been built between the two of you. You covered your mouth, asking Ace in between your broken giggles, “hehe, where’s all your suave charm now, Ace?”
            “H-Hey! Leave me alone! It’s not like I’m used to this kind of thing...” He exclaimed, voice tapering off towards the end of his statement. There was another pause from him as your chuckling died down, the silence from before returning and making its way between the two of you even though the gymnasium was still bustling with noise. Ace dropped both of his hands to his side, looking you straight in the eyes as he asked, “So, uh, what’s your answer? I mean, if you need more time to think about it, just –…”
            “I love you, too.” You said without a single ounce of hesitation, smiling at him as you both just stared at each other. However, it was apparent that Ace hadn’t been prepared for an immediate answer from you since all he was able to do was dumbly blurt out a simple “…huh?”.
            “Come on – I know you heard me!” You whined out, a noise that brought Ace’s classic smirk back to his face. Ah, how you had missed that smug look. Though, you did quite enjoy his flustered expressions, too. You’d definitely need to thank Floyd and Jamil later.
            “Did I? Hmm, I don’t think I did. Why don’t you say it again, Prefect~…” He teased you, causing your cheeks to flare up. Sure, he teased you a lot throughout your friendship since it was kind of his brand at this point but, now that you know he loved you in a romantic sense, it did hit a bit differently than it had in the past.
            You took a deep breath and yelled out, closing your eyes in the hopes that it would block out any weird gazes you’d get from the people around you at your sudden outburst, “Ace Trappola, I love you, too – and I also accept your shoddy confession!”
            Ace looked around wildly now that other people were looking at the two of you. From across the gymnasium, he heard his fellow teammates cheer for him which only added to the mortification he was feeling. When his gaze landed back on you, your mischievous grin and eyes shimmering with unbridled joy were what caught his attention. He just rolled his eyes, looking away in an effort to calm his heart as he uttered out, “Wow, thanks for just screaming that so everyone could hear...”
            “You’re very welcome.” You told him. You paused for a moment before continuing to speak, vulnerability laced in every word as you spoke, “I, uh… I just want you to know that I will always cherish you as a person and our relationship with one another, romance or no romance. I really do love you, you know?”
            Ace had to fight every urge in his body to run away in that moment; emotional vulnerability was not something he was well versed in and it showed. So, to hide how much your words had affected him, he just groaned out, “Uugghh… being your sappy self as per usual, huh?”
            “Eh, it’s pretty much my specialty at this point.” You said with a shrug, not minding his deflection at the subject; you’d give him some time to work on that aspect of the relationship. You continuing to speak, a smirk growing across your face as you told him, “Also, if you try ghosting me like you did your last partner, I’ll send Deuce after you.”
            “Ooooooh, I’m sooo scared~ – please, oh merciful Prefect, don’t bring the big and scary Deucey into this!” Ace said mockingly while pretending to shake like a leaf, something which only caused you to laugh embarrassingly loud at his display. Right now, though, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care about how loud you were being. You felt light and warm and your stomach felt as though a swarm of butterflies was fluttering about with no escape in sight. It was a new emotion and you found yourself liking the feeling this brought you – that being with Ace brought you.
            Your attention was grabbed by Vargas yelling for Ace from across the court. You lifted your hand and pointed to where the group was huddled, telling him, “Oh, I think Coach Vargas wants the team to have a post-game meeting. You should, uh, probably head over there.”
            “Will you wait for me?” Ace asked, beginning to jog over to where his teammates were gathered.
            “Yeah – yeah, I’ll be here. Not in a hurry to go home and see what destruction Grim has caused while I was out, hehe.” You joked, walking backward and taking a seat on the bleachers. Your legs were shaky and you were surprised your knees hadn’t given out at you during that whole conversation.
            “Alright. I-I’ll walk you to Ramshackle – you know, make sure you get there safe. I’ll, uh, see you in a few, then.” Ace said matter-of-factly, a strangely soft smile gracing his features.
            You smiled back and gave him a wave as you told him, “See you in a few.”
            Though, when Ace turned around and began jogging back to you, you didn’t have any idea what it was for. You just asked as he stopped only a foot or two in front of you, head tilted to the side in confusion, “Oh? Did you forget something?”
            His question was abrupt and caught you completely off-guard as he asked, “Can I kiss you?”
            Taken over by shock, all you were able to dumbly get out was a simple, “…what?”
            “Can I kiss you? I’ve, uh, wanted to do it for a while now, and…” Ace apparently didn’t have it in him to finish his sentence as he stood in front of you and waited for your response – close enough to make the move if you gave him the go-ahead but far enough that he wasn’t towering over your sitting form.
            “Y-Yeah, sure, I uh... I’d like that.” You stuttered out, looking at him with wide eyes that were shining with anticipation. He smirked and leaned down, one hand cupping the side of your face while the other braced himself against the bleachers. You closed your eyes and felt his lips brush against yours, causing the nicely queasy feeling in your stomach to intensify tenfold. The kiss was short and sweet but, at least to you, it was perfect.
            Ace pulled back and you opened your eyes, your gazes meeting as he smirked and said, “Smooth, Prefect.”
            You just simply rolled your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his thumb rubbing your cheek affectionately as you said, “You’re not Prince Charming either, you know? We’re both equally bad at this.”
            “Well, I beg to differ.” Ace shot back, his smirk as powerful as ever as you grinned and looked away from his stupidly pretty face.  
            “Uh-huh, whatever helps you sleep at night.” You stated, flicking his forehead gently just like you had done so many times throughout your relationship. However, the nice moment between the two of you was suddenly interrupted by Vargas yelling, “Trappola! Quit it with the PDA and get over here!”
            Ace nearly jumped out of his skin and ran over to where his team was, exclaiming “C-Coming, coach!” as his clubmates laughed at him. You smiled as you watched him jog away from you, your face comfortably warm and your heart feeling as light as a feather. Man, you couldn’t wait to see the looks on your friend’s faces when you told them about what happened.
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asexualbuthorny · 3 years
Sah dudes
I felt things today and I didn’t like them so once again I bestow upon you my dumbass opinions about fictional men. On todays menu we have once again twisted wonderland.
I feel a kind of affection towards this fandom so I can't say many negative things but if Im bitter anytime soon the slander will come.
These are my a/b/o headcanons for the characters. Enjoy!
I see Riddle as an alpha. I just think his personality fits the dynamic. Although he still has to unlearn some toxic shit about the dynamics. He's just misguided but would make a great alpha.
Trey is a beta no arguments. Just look at him. If that man doesn't scream beta to you I don't know what you're smoking.
Cater is an omega. I can see him as a beta too tho. But he's closer to an omega to me. He just has this vibe of a mischevious omega. Idk.
Ace is an omega I don't know what to tell you. He's one of them bratty ones that go soft during their heats. This might just be the sub!ace agenda talking but I just want to bully him. Imagine him talking shit and getting his ass handed to him by someone stronger. Im sorry I just want him on his knees.
Deuce is a very kind and nice alpha. He does his best to care for the other dynamics. His attempts are not always succsesful and may come off as patronizing but he means well.
Leona is an omega. Lol imagine the strong and independant lion a sweet little omega. With his attitude everyone keeps saying that he couldn’t find a mate but he doesn't care. (good for him. Stay single king). Plus the inferiority complex. It just goes with his character shtick.
Ruggie is a beta. I just can't see him as anything else. Like I mentioned in my other post I don't think much about him.
Jack is an alpha through and through. He tries so hard to pretend that he doesn't care but at the same time he's protecting everyone he considers his pack. Goodest boy.
Azul is a beta. Some may see him as an alpha but he has that beta vibe. I mean he has his whole serious competent buisiness man thing going on and the beta dynamic seems to fit him the best.
Both of the leech brothers are alphas. No argument there. Jade is just better at self control than floyd.
Kalim is a sunshiny omega. He just radiates that energy ya know. He's a little naive so some might try to take advantage but he has jamil to save him.
Jamil is a beta. He could be an alpha but his whole 'servant' thing just fits a beta better imo. He absolutely helps kalim through his heats not in that way ya nasties.
Vil is a beta. I think it helps with his whole 'cold beauty' thing. The neutrality of betas if know what I mean. I don't see him as anything else. Plus this is inferiority complex pt. 2. Cause neige(? That how you spell it) is an adorable little omega who everyone loves while vil is ureachable and unaffected.
Rook I think could be all. He has mixed vibes. I don't see a set dinamic for him.
Epel is a tiny alpha but an aplha nonetheless. You could make him an omega to add to the whole 'wanting to be manly' but being an alpha with a small build could also add to his goal of getting stronger and being a 'true alpha'.
Idia is either a beta or an omega. Beta more likely tho. He just looks like it too me. Plus his whole personality doesn't really fit the other two.
Ortho is a robot so none for him. Could have been a alpha in life tho.
Sebek is a very loud alpha. He was thaught to respect all dynamics so none of that bullshit here (still sees humans as weak tho). Uses his alpha status to try and reign other students in. He fails. And gets bonked on the head for trying to force his way. He's still young and learning.
Silver is a beta. Like look at that man. Sleepyheadass has no time for heats or ruts.
Lilia is a very old omega who's seen some shit and is done with alphas bullshit. Like say shit about omegas bein weak and he will beat you to death. Thaught all his kids to respec everyone regardless of dynamic. Good dad 10/10.
Malleus is a beta. I know some of y'all might say smth like 'he' s obviously an alpha just look at him' hahahahahahah no. I have a feeling that he'd get the alpha label purely because he's a dragon, a prince and a powerful wizard. But he resembles a beta the most to me. His whole demeanor just doesn't point to him being an alpha. I might be misunderstanding his character tho.
I'll include the staff this time.
Crowley seems like a very obnoxious alpha or a very stupid and irresponsible omega. Take your pick cause I don't like this man
Crewel I think is an omega. It just fits him imo. Plus he has all these chemicals to hide his scent and help with heats. He could be the schools dad/nurse for the omega students. His personality doesn't really fit an omega but imagining him as anything else makes me feel icky so I'll leave it at that.
Trein is eithe a beta or an alpha. He's so calm he could be a beta but he's also old which could mean thay he's just an alpha that's mellowed out over the years.
Ashton is as alpha as an alpha can get. If you google alpha you'll see this mans photo. He doesn't discriminate tho. Everyone can be strong if they put enough work into it.
Sam is a beta. He just seems like it idk. I don't know much about him sooo...
I think that mc/yuu would start out whithout a dynamic sine they're not from this world so 8n the meantime they'd get to be a beta. But later they would develop a dynamic to better fir their world (or stay as they are this depends onhow you would like the story to go).
Now this goes a little into the spicy side of things buut. In my uuhhh little daydreams that spawned this post yuu would develop into an alpha so they could have some upper ground. But that's jaust cause im always on that dom!mc/reader agenda.
But the possibility of them staying without dynamic is also interesting because they ARE a 'beta' but they don't sexactly act like one.
I'll go back to my daydreams now.
There’s probably a bunch of spelling mistakes in here so let's just ignore that.
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venusflwers · 2 years
Are there any moots or anons that you miss 🙁😞💔 BTW UR SEBEK THEME IS MAKING ME LIKE HIMM.. :( i swear i used to slander him smh /lh 😇 he looks so cute on ur header like chibi sebek has my heart now 😤
YES I RLY MISS THIS ONE MF THEY WERE LIKE PROBABLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE PPL EVER BUT THEY ARCHIVED 💔💔💔 but yeah none of my other moots are ia i love them sm though !! i dont have any anons so.. </3 also I CANT BELIEVE YOU SLANDERED HIM ⁉️⁉️ zero taste ..
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