#i'll be here all morning fixing it and adding to it
wordsarelife · 3 months
—so high school
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: he knows how to ball, you know aristotle and your friends know you’re a perfect match
warnings: a tiny bit suggestive, but mostly just cute fluff
note: this was so fun to write :)
"you're already on page 200?" you didn't even hear the voice beside as you were so concentrated on staring at the slytherin table.
it was a rather warm thursday morning in november as you sat at breakfast with your friends. the hall was bustling with the excited chatter about the upcoming quidditch game between slytherin and gryffindor and it seemed like the team had never been fitter.
slytherin was a strong opponent, even the most stubborn gryffindor had to admit that.
"earth to y/n" hermione waved her hand before your eyes and you focused your eyes on her.
"ron asked you something" hermione nudged your arm softly and your head turned in ron's direction.
"yeah" you nodded, absentmindedly "what was your question?"
harry and hermione giggled, while ron looked a bit offended at your lack of interest.
"if you would stop staring at our biggest enemies, maybe you could hear what i'm saying"
"calm down" harry rolled his eyes "it's just a quidditch match"
"funny that you of all people are saying that" ginny spoke up from next to the boy "as if you weren't the one reserving the quidditch pitch every single afternoon for two weeks straight for practice"
"well, they're not bad at what they do, are they?" harry said defensively and ginny shrugged.
with a sigh, and a piece of paper in the middle to mark your page, you closed your book, having lost the last bit of interest in continuing.
"you just started this yesterday" ron resumed to the question he had asked you a few minutes ago "how come you're already so far in?"
"i'm just a quick reader"
"yeah, sure" hermione laughed "or maybe because reading a book gives you an excuse to stare at theodore nott from time to time, while he is doing his homework in the library"
"i'm not" you said rather loudly, before your voice returned to a whisper "i'm not staring at theodore nott"
"sure you aren't" hermione leaned closer over the table and send you a teasing glance. "i never even saw you so much as glance in his direction"
"yeah, right" you nodded, not catching the obvious sarcasm in her tone.
"eh, ladies?" harry asked with a turned head "he's coming right this way"
"what?" you and hermione asked at the same time as ron asked "who?"
"nott" harry quickly whispered, before said boy laid a hand on the tabletop right in front of the chosen one, his eyes clearly on you.
"hey" theodore nott said friendly and your eyes widened. he was wearing his usual slytherin uniform, but his tie was loosened as it was hanging around his neck. you had the sudden urge to fix it, but had the strength to hold you back from it.
"hi" you were quick to answer.
before he could explain what he was trying to do, ron interrupted your very short conversation "quite bold coming here" he raised his eyebrows at the boy.
"ron" hermione quickly scolded, but theo shook his head laughing.
"he's not wrong" theo said and then smiled at you "i'm rather bold"
hermione noticed that you and the boy were too busy staring at each other, so she did what she could to help you. "were you trying to ask y/n something, theodore?"
"yeah, actually" theo nodded and your heart was thumping so loudly, you feared he could hear it. "are you coming to the quidditch match next friday?"
ron groaned, which was quickly followed by a cry of pain as hermione kicked him under the table.
"sure" you smiled at the boy.
"great" theo smiled and his smile was so dreamy, you feared you would simply pass out. "i'll see you then" he tapped his invisible hat, before he turned around and walked back to the slytherin table where his friends were waiting for him.
you rested your chin on your hand, as you watched after him.
"is she coming to the quidditch match?" harry repeated confused.
"yeah" ron added, rolling his eyes "that is the stupidest question i've ever heard, i mean her own house is playing and her brother is captain of the team"
"maybe he doesn't know that" you muttered.
"doesn't know what?" hermione laughed "that you and harry are siblings? i highly doubt it"
"then why is he running around asking stupid questions?" ron crossed his arms. he was clearly not liking the way both you and hermione seemed so fond of the slytherin boy.
"good point" harry pointed in ron's direction.
ginny and hermione exchanged a look, before the latter began to speak. "you guys clearly don't get it. he wanted an excuse to speak to y/n"
"why should he want to speak to y/n?" ron seemed like he had made it his personal mission to sound like an idiot.
"ron!" ginny scolded before she hit the arm of her older brother "he wants to speak to y/n, because he's clearly in love with her"
you head spun around so fast, that harry almost choked on his pumpkin juice. "he's what?" you and ron asked at the same time.
"oh this is so romantic" ginny muttered while she stared at you dreamingly.
hermione couldn't help but smile at your horrified facial expression. "aren't you happy about that?" she laughed.
you shook your head. "happy?" you repeated "this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me"
"i thought you liked him?" harry asked and you couldn't help but smile at the compassionate tone in his voice. he normally hated when you would speak about boys.
"i do" you admitted almost silently as your cheeks turned rosy. "but staring at him was so much easier than actually talking to him. him liking me back possibly means that we could get into a relationship. this is way too real"
"women" ron cried helplessly. "you never know what you want"
"oh i know what i want" you laughed sarcastically.
"and that would be?" harry asked and he seemed just as confused as ron.
"for that boy to stay far away on his side of the hall" you nodded, before you gathered your book and stood up from the table. "now, please excuse me, i have to go get my things before class starts. on top of that i spent enough time today talking about boys"
your friends smiled as you waved goodbye at them and left the great hall.
"she can't be serious, right?" harry asked hermione and ginny.
"i don't even know" hermione shrugged, before she quickly changed the topic, knowing you wouldn't appreciate them talking about you behind your back.
you walked through the corridor and in the direction of the gryffindor common room. it wasn't that you didn't like theo, it was more that you really liked him that was the scary part.
you had liked him since the beginning of the year and you were scared that reality couldn't come close to the fantasy you had build around the boy.
you admired so much about him. his interest in quidditch and that he, even when slytherin lost, was never unfair. he was smart, without being unkind to people when they were wrong. he liked silence as much as he liked talking to his friends. and sometimes when his eyes would fall upon you, there was a friendly glint in them which would make your heart flutter.
but maybe theo wasn't all that. maybe he was different than anything you had observed about him. you would prefer to always just imagine things, rather than having them destroyed. it wouldn't be his fault if he wasn't like you had imagined him to be, it would be all yours, but you would also hurt his feelings in the process and that just wasn't fair.
later, after the first few lessons of the day, you didn't go to lunch as you normally did, but sat down in the library, starting your potions essay.
"i see you're already on that, huh?" you shrieked at the sudden voice beside you. theo was leaning on the shelf next to you and raised his eyebrows at your expression. "i didn't mean to startle you"
"you didn't" you shook your head, but he could clearly see through your lie. "why are you here?" you asked, quickly distracting from what you had said.
"i was looking for you" theo said matter of factly as he walked around the table and sat down in front of you "you weren't at lunch so i came here"
"how did you know where i was?"
"i often see you reading or doing homework here, so i figured it was worth a try"
you nodded at his words. "and why were you looking for me?"
he laughed at your persistency "i fear i made an idiot ouf of myself at breakfast this morning"
"i don't think that's possible" your argued.
"it happens more often than you would think"
"does it now?" you laughed and theo closed his eyes as embarrassment flooded his features.
"i'm sorry" he said "i never seem to find the right words when talking to you"
you had to smile at the honesty with which he admitted that. "i don't think you're an idiot" you said softly and theo smiled relieved.
"i'm glad you don't" he stood up "it would be too bad if i already lost all my chances with you after two conversations. assuming i even have a chance with you?“
you watched his features closely. the lips that were turned upright in an unsure smile, the flushed cheeks and the glint of hope in his blue eyes. you thought for a moment, deciding that there was no reason for you to be afraid. the boy had clearly proved that he was as kind as you had imagined him to be. "yeah" you smiled up at him "you do"
"great" theo smiled "good luck on your essay"
"thank you" you watched him walk out of the library before you rolled up the parchment and took out your novel, deciding it was the right time to continue reading it, while your heart was fluttering inside your chest.
the next morning your were sitting at the gryffindor table as usual, turning the pages as you read your book and ate breakfast at the same time.
"you guys must be so excited for friday" luna said when she sat down next to ginny and harry. "this is your first game, right ron?"
ron eagerly nodded his head, the nerves playing inside his mind these past few weeks.
"he's a bit nervous" harry smiled and luna nodded understandingly.
"morning" a voice behind harry said and all your friends turned their heads.
"y/n?" ron asked at your lack of reaction.
"i warn you, if you're interrupting me to ask something unimportant again..." you mumbled, your eyes still fixated on the book in front of you.
"i don't think that's what he was planning to do" hermione giggled and you looked up, then turning your head in the direction in which she was looking, only now seeing theo standing next to you.
"good morning" theo repeated and you smiled.
"may i?" he pointed at the empty spot on the bench beside you and you nodded.
hermione and ginny exchanged a look as harry and ron did the same.
theo muttered something into your ear, which none of your friends could hear, making you laugh and nod.
then he began eating like normal. occasionally he would whisper something at you, waiting for your answer, before the both of you referred back to eating and reading in your case.
your friends watched with wide eyes how quickly you and theo had fallen into a simple rhythm in which both of you were biting down at your toast and he would turn the page of your book anytime you nodded.
"is this the twilight zone?" ron whispered.
"how do you know what the twilight zone is?" hermione whispered back harshly and ron shrugged.
theo and you had finished eating, when he muttered something to you once again and you nodded, gathering your book as you both stood up.
"wait, where are you going?" ron asked.
"uh, doing our homework" you quickly excused, before you followed theo out of the hall, both of your giggling.
all of your friends had been watching you with dumbfounded expressions. and to their horror, the days of unexpected absurdities did not end there.
theo came to sit with you and your friends every day of the following week. engaging in friendly conversation and spending much time around you in general. on two mornings your friends had even seen you sitting with theo's friends.
theo even came to sit with you on the day of the quidditch match, going as far as wishing harry and ron luck.
later that day, when they were all sitting around in the courtyard, draco malfoy, followed by the rest of his friends, walked closer. you and theo had been nowhere to be found, as usual for this past week.
harry, expecting the usual kind of insults, sighed when his eyes fell on malfoy.
"malfoy" he greeted.
"potter" malfoy nodded and the gryffindors perked up at the lack of hostility in his tone. he looked to his friends (mattheo, lorenzo and blaise) and then back to the dark haired boy, before he sighed. "seems like your sister and our boy are in love now or something"
harry quirked a brow while him and hermione exchanged a look.
"and as much as i hate that, i think we'll have to expect some sort of—" he stopped, searching for the right word, while spotting a disgusted expression "involvement with each other"
"we don't need to be friends" harry shrugged and hermione nodded. ron rolled his eyes, annoyed that they were even talking with malfoy in the first place and ginny just seemed confused, as blaise raised his hand and waved at her, blowing her a kiss in the next second.
"i agree" draco nodded "but theo is, sadly, too kind for his own good"
"yeah" mattheo added as he saw the confused look on harry's features "he wants to make sure that there is no animosity between us and y/n's friends, as he put it"
"well, that's nice" hermione nodded impressed.
draco send her a tortured expression. "yeah, whatever"
"we just wanted to make sure that all of us agree to be respectful of theo's and y/n's relationship" enzo smiled and immediately received an elbow from draco to his side.
"no need to be so cheerful about it" the blonde boy muttered.
"anyway" hermione concluded, with a stern undertone in her voice, as she stepped next to harry, "we should all do what is best for our friends, right guys?" she turned around to also receive ginny's and ron's agreement.
ginny nodded "of course" before she nudged ron, until he reluctantly nodded his head as well.
"great" draco nodded, before he outstretched his hand to shake harry's "potter"
"malfoy" harry replied as he shook the boys hand, agreeing to give their rivalry a rest for the sake of their friends. "we're still going to destroy you in the game today"
"wouldn't expect any less" draco almost smiled.
the boys turned around to leave, blaise hitting harrys shoulder in a friendly manner, before they were interrupted by theo and you coming around the corner, laughing.
"hey guys" you greeted and to the gryffindors surprise, the slytherins replied to your greeting, which didn't seem as forced as them talking to your friends before.
theo nudged your shoulder, saying a quick goodbye, before he left you with your friends and followed his friends out of the courtyard.
"what the fuck?" ginny said the moment the boys had been far enough away and you had sat down in the grass beside her.
"i can't believe what just happened" hermione seemed just as surprised and harry nodded. even ron did not say anything.
"what?" you laughed as you looked between the stunned faces of your friends.
"i think draco malfoy just apologized or something"
"he did?" you wondered as you turned in the direction in which the boys had disappeared.
"i don't know what you did" harry said "but it's clearly more powerful than any kind of magic i've ever witnessed"
"i think theo really really likes you" hermione muttered "at least enough to have a stern word with his friends. it's important for him that they behave"
"we hung out with them a few hours ago" you explained "they're friendly and quite funny. even draco, when he wants to"
"i can't grasp this" ron mumbled "just a little more than a week ago you said theodore nott speaking to you was the worst thing that's ever happened and now you're both basically married, blending your families like in that adam sandler movie"
"what is it with you and muggle television references?" ginny muttered confused, while ron just shrugged once again.
"well, i don't know" you smiled "i had feared that he would be totally different than what i had expected, but he isn't. he is even better than that. he's funny and kind and speaking to him is so easy"
"you're really like him, don't you?" harry asked and you softly nodded as your cheeks turned red.
"i do" you looked between your friends "is that okay with you guys?"
"if even draco malfoy behaves himself just because theodore told him to, i fear that he can't get any more perfect for you" hermione joked "so of course it's okay with us"
"harry?" you asked hopeful as all eyes turned to your brother, not even ron dared to protest.
"i just want you to be happy" he shrugged "and it seems like that's all what nott wants too"
you smiled while you hugged him. "i'll have to change before the game, are you coming with?" you asked ginny and hermione, who excitedly giggled at the possibility to hear all the details on your and theo's afternoon.
you took your time getting ready for the game, loudly singing along to your favorite songs as you looked for the perfect outfit and did your make up.
ginny and hermione exchanged glances anytime you would speak about theo and your smile was so big you looked like you could've burst.
you arrived perfectly on time to the game. it took longer than any other one you had watched, both gryffindor and slytherin being strong teams and constantly cancelling each other out.
finally the game ended, when draco caught the snitch and the points of the slytherin outweighed the gryffindors.
the mood in the gryffindor stands was quite sour, but you couldn't help but be a bit excited for theo, who had thrown a lot of goals.
"hey" you smiled as theo came out of the slytherin changing rooms. his hair still dripping from the shower he had taken moments prior.
"hey" he answered "where are your friends?" he looked around you, noticing the almost empty gryffindor stands. it was cute that he worried they had just left you here.
"oh, i told them to go without me" you shrugged "i wanted to wait for you" theo smiled as that.
"then lets go" he outstretched his hand and you took it, like it was perfectly normal for you both to hold hands. "there's a party, at the slytherin common room"
"are you inviting me?" you laughed and theo nodded.
"yeah, i thought maybe you'd like to come"
"ron was right, i am absolutely fraternizing with the enemy"
theo shrugged, but nodded "looks like we're both going to hell"
you laughed at that, but quickly stopped when he let go of your hand. you looked up at him in surprise, but he did not say anything. instead he used his now free hand, to open the castles door for you.
you turned around as you waited for him to enter and close the door too.
“well, and they say chivalry is—“ he turned around joking, but was quickly interrupted by you pressing your lips to his. his bag hit the ground with a thud, as he pulled you closer by your hips.
the world seemed to fade away as you melted into the kiss. theo's arms tightened around you, his fingers pressing into the small of your back as if he never wanted to let go. the warmth of his touch and the intensity of the moment sent shivers down your spine.
breaking the kiss, you rested your forehead against his, both of you catching your breath. theo's eyes were darker, more intense than you'd ever seen them. "i've wanted to do that since you made draco trip in our third year" he whispered, his voice husky.
"what?" you laughed.
"i think he said something stupid like he normally does, but you had that expression on your face, like you wouldn't just let him get away with it and before i could finish thinking about what you planned to do, you raised your foot and draco fell over"
"oh, yeah" you giggled "i remember that"
"he whined for weeks about you and your stupid gryffindor friends" theo explained "and all i could think about was that you were the most beautiful girl i had ever seen. i wanted to speak to you ever since then, but never had the guts to"
"what changed your mind?" your voice was just above a whisper as you looked up to him with big eyes.
"my friends and you"
you furrowed your brows, confused how he meant that.
"well, my friends always tried to get me to just speak to you, but what really got me to do it, was when you started seeing me. back in third year i wasn't even sure you knew my name and then you had that boyfriend for two years and i thought everything was over, but then we ran into each other at the start of the year, do you remember?"
"i do" you admitted truthfully. you remembered it so clearly, it was the moment you had begun to like him, as he went to grab your book, that had fallen out of your hands and smiled up at you with such kind eyes.
"you thanked me for getting your book" theo recalled "and you actually knew my name"
"i didn't know you liked me for that long" you said "i thought i was just having a one sided crush on someone i could never have a relationship with"
"it's very far from one sided" theo smiled "and i promise i'll be better than any boyfriend you have had before"
you smiled at him, before you once again connected your lips. he walked you backwards, until your back was pressed against the wall. you were sure you had never met someone that was so good at kissing.
"no ones ever had me" you mumbled between kisses and catching your breath "not like you, theodore nott"
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yzzart · 10 months
"Oh, hello, Vogue!"
pairing: Tom Blyth x actress!reader.
summary: invited by Vogue, you and Tom participate in a famous panel about answering quick questions.
word count: 1.323!
notes: here it is! i focused all day, without drama, on this writing and finished it minutes ago. — enjoy!
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"We're, like, Patrick and Kat!" — Tom nodded in agreement, looking and paying attention to your words and almost forgetting that you were being recorded. — "Anakin and Padmé?" — You wrinkled your nose gracefully.
"Lady and the Tramp?" — He suggested, smiling tenderly and was won over by your laugh and a long touch on his arm made by you.
"Oh my god, yes!"
"Hi, Vogue!" — In a gesture of introducing yourself, you waved to the camera in front of you accompanied by an inviting and friendly smile. — "I'm Y/N."
"And I'm Tom Blyth." — Tom introduced himself to the camera and future viewers. — "… and we are about to play Off the Cuff." — He moved the small cards, which contained countless and random questions, and directed his eyes to you.
"Uh, a great entrance!" — You crossed your legs, making yourself comfortable on the chain, and held out the small cards as your eyebrows arched at Tom.
"Thank you, my dear." — He winked at you and took, carefully and planning a bit of suspense, one of the white cards; the topics were random, they could be about TBOSAS, behind the scenes or something related to your relationship. — Everything was a mystery. — "What was the last song you listened to?"
"Hm…" — You rested one of your hands on your chin, trying to fake a thoughtful image. — "A song, which is still unknown to me, that you hummed in the morning." — Your laugh was registered and echoed throughout the room, and Tom was amused when he remembered what happened. — "I should have recorded it!"
"It was a little chorus, and it stuck in my head." — He explained, placing the small card in a reserved place next to him. — "I don't remember the name of the song, but it must be saved on my phone" — His eyes fell on you again. — "Then i can sing for you again." — Tom uttered with melody and his lips curving in a shy smile.
"So adorable and romantic" — You tilted your head, with a pleasant and welcoming smile, at your boyfriend finding your words cute. — "Oh, i think i know the answer to that, what is an item you never leave the house without?" — Your hands shook the small card, waiting for your boyfriend's response.
"You definitely know the answer!" — Tom stated in slurred words accompanied by a laugh. — "In New York, the key to my motorcycle and i have it all the time." — His chin bowed a little. — "And maybe, in the future, in your bag."
"One day i'll ride it, you can be sure." — One of the cameras focused on her face, capturing her words, or rather, a promise that you would love to keep one day.
"And i'll be there, my love." — Blyth took another card. — "Among all the characters' looks in the film, which one would you wear?"
"Definitely, all the looks worn by Tigris." — You moved your hands. — "In addition to being beautiful, they seem to be so comfortable, especially the one where she talks to Coriolanus after he tells her about Lucy Gray." — The image of the aforementioned scene was then shown in the video with editing. — "Hunter looks so beautiful in them."
"Definitely." — He agreed
"With all the sets and locations in the film, which one was your favorite?" — Another card was discarded by you. — "Tell us!" — His voice sounded curious and excited by the older man's response.
"Hm, i loved recording them all." — Tom turned his eyes to an invisible fixed point. — "But, i think i choose the cabin." — His attention returned to you. — "Even with those mosquitoes and little bugs that i've never seen in my life."
"You were scared of most." — Your laughs came in sync.
"It was impossible not to be scared!" — Tom added. — "There was one that almost got into my shirt and another in the river." — Taking another card, Tom read the words written on it and continued with a peculiar and curious expression. — "Name one unforgettable thing i've ever done for you." — The question came out slowly, delicately and with a touch of enthusiasm; and several moments, memories flashed in his mind. — "I'm excited for this."
"My god, it's impossible to give just one answer." — A slightly euphoric and nervous question left your lips, and you laughed nervously as you tried to think and choose just one of the moments and deeds that Tom has done for you. — "It's so hard to choose one." — And it wasn't exaggeration or drama.
"You don't have to think so much, darling." — Tom's voice calmed your mind so tight and focused on the answer; nervousness was visible on your face. — "I see the gears in your head locking up." — He joked, trying to relax you and leaving the cards in his lap and resting one of his hands on your leg.
Finally, something landed in your mind; It was completely automatic. — Like a lamp being turned on when touched.
"Well, it's recent, but, it's stuck in my head!" — You started. — "Ah, during the L.A premiere and you were wearing a pendant necklace and there was my initial." — The way you responded was sweet, soft and passionate in front of the camera lenses and people in the room. — "And i was speechless, just admiring that little piece and feeling like the most loved person in the world." — You sighed, with your eyes shining against the oldest's blue orbs.
"In my world, you're." — Tom confessed, looking directly into his eyes and his hand still remained on his leg. — "It was a surprise and i was so excited that i wanted to show it to you ahead of time." — That tall, young British man smiled with passion, which burned in his chest and had no embarrassment in showing it.
"A secret that no one knows and can now be revealed?" —Another slightly peculiar question.
"I have a photo, actually, a polaroid in my wallet." — Tom ran his hands through the pockets of his pants, looking for what he had mentioned, but, from his disappointed frown, the object was not present. — "It's not here, so it must be in your bag."
"100% chance." — Your head nodded, nodding in confirmation. — "Which photo is it?" — You asked, curious and wanting to see her later.
"One of the ones Rachel took backstage and it quickly became one of my favorites." — Without specification, several photos scrolled through your head. — "It was in the forest, and you were wearing a helmet, that of Coriolanus, of peacekeeper." — Oh, that!
"I think I even posted it on Instagram!" — Either it was still in your gallery, with a favorite star next to it, or, actually, in your feed. — "She's so adorable, i had her as the wallpaper on my phone for a long time."
"Now, that one I know very well." — Your boyfriend looked at the card between his fingers and then at you. — "A song that reminds me." — Tom bit his lip, vibrant and with the answer on the tip of his tongue.
"Definitely Daylight by Taylor Swift." — You pointed your index finger in his direction, thinking about more songs or explaining why you chose her. — "It's impressive how you manage to fit so well into almost all of her songs.
"And in all of our playlists, you always, always add this song." — He wasn't lying. — "I'm sure it'll be in my Spotify retrospective."
"Oh, and also that line." — You sat down in the chair again. — "In a world of boys, he's a gentleman." — Tom's ears, and those of some people behind the cameras, were witnesses to your quick and small singing; a lyric, which was also from Taylor, where fans marked it and made a point of putting it in each of his edits. — They've already shared it with you in your DM and you've already saved some videos. — "There are so many songs, i can't choose just one."
"Perfect." — Tom murmured, as his deeply, crystal clear irises admired and contemplated you.
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charles-leclerizz · 6 months
🥂 the f1 boys... getting spoiled by them
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MEET THE CAST. CL 16 ◦ CS 55 ◦ LN 4 ◦ MV 1
VIDEO DESC. this one was requested by a lovely reader ! thank you so much for requesting and i hope you enjoy !! my inbox is almost always open so please don't hesitate to drop by. rules for requesting are here . [ note! currently just burned through this while feeling a bit under the weather, if there are spelling mistakes, trust that i'll fix them in the morning. ]
SHOUT OUTS. [@vroomvroomcircuit, @disneyprincemuke, @verstappen-cult, @starkwlkr, @sailing-with-100-ships, @foreveralbon, @lorarri], [@dallaavv, @nichmeddar, @sisinever] IF YOU WANT TO BE TAGGED, PLEASE SEND IN AN ASK, AND MUTUALS LET ME KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE REMOVED ON PRIV !
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ᡣ𐭩 ⎯⎯ CHARLES LECLERC 16 " he who buys out entire stores for you " spoilt in riches
"mon amour ! " [ my love ] the sound of your boyfriends chirpy voice made you smile and place your book down on the side table by the sofa.
" in here . "you reply, walking over to the living room entryway, prepared to welcome him back with a hug, but as you approached him and opened your arms, a sharp jab hit your ribs which made you stumble back.
"charles ?" you arch your brow at him, planting your hands on your hips as he grinned wider, showing off the multiple, high-end bags that hung from his enclosed fists, " what is this ? "
Charles crossed over to the center table, placing down the bags with little care and turned to finally loop and arm around your waist, " well, y'know how alex had asked me and the guys to help with anniversary shopping for Lily ?"
you hummed, finally tearing your eyes away from the silk and lace that peeked out of the thick cardboard, " honey..." you began warnigly, already knowing where this was going.
" ce n'est pas ma faute ! " [ it isn't my fault. ] he defended, his eyes darting to the front door anxiously bouncing between your face and the already opening hallway, " we just kept going and going and going- " he enunciated with his hands, rolling them over eachother, "and going, it was too tempting. "
Charles held his hands up and watched, amused, as you sifted through the shopping, eyes widening comically as you got a peak at the price tags, " Charles ! " you hissed.
" what ? " he answered back, more focussed on his friends who were barrelling into the apartment, each of them carrying atleast 5 bags each.
Max was the first to plumet the boutique carriers down, hufffing whilst flopping onto the couch, " man, charles, you- " he weazed, "- you have a problem. i think i tore something . " he whined, holding his side.
charles blew air through his lips and flipped his hand at the dutchman, " you're a world champion. walk it off. "
you grimaced at max, who just stared at your boyfriend with an open mouth, " he's right darling, this is too much. "
Lando, Carlos and Alex all followed soon after, added to the pile with multiple trips back and forth to what you assumed to be an armed tank full of your boyfriend's precarious spending.
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"charles- it's still going..." you huffed, offering a lemon water bottle to a certain spaniard who was drentched in sweat and sniffing his fingers.
carlos smiled at you briefly, chugging the electrolyte before gasping and slumping back, "dammit, maldito infierno, my hands smell like all those tuity fruity shops you dragged us to. " [ fucking hell ]
"you're a millionare, buy some hand wash. " charles answered back, shrugging his shoulders. he lifted carlos up and pushed him out the door to retrieve more bags.
" charlie, tell me how many more bags there are ? " you gestured around your space, already overtaken with more than millions of euros worth of shopping, " i mean, this is excessive. there's jewellery, shoes, dresses, tops. where should i wear all of this ? "
charles stuck his tongue out at you with faux-confusion before cupping your cheeks and planted a wet kiss on your nose, " we'll just have to go out more often. "
rolling your eyes, you returned his affection, winding your hands around his waist before reaching up and plucking absent-mindedly at his shirt, " yeah- now you got a good excuse ... " you trailed off, biting your lip, " but it bothers me, i can afford this too y'know. it feels so.. odd. "
" what's odd about it ? dis-moi, je vais le réparer " [ tell me, i'll fix it ] his thumbs rubbed comfortingly at your cheeks.
" i don't know- this is all your money, it makes me feel indebted to you, almost guilty . " you bite your lip and grasp his wrists, not wanting him to be hurt by your words and pull away entirely.
though, to your surprise, charles hummed and pulled your closer, resting his chin on your head whilst peppering his lips across your hair, " i understand mon chéri, but, i like spoiling you, it's my way of showing you that i love you. i would never expect something back from you, not this way atleast. " [ my daring ] he paused and looked around him, "think of it as a personifaction of my love ? "
you bit your lip and nodded up at him, your chest warming at the content glint in his eye and enamoured smile he wore, he brought his thumb up to your chin and pulled your lip free before leaning down and brushed his mouth against yours.
his lips worked in tandem with yours, pouring his affection into his movements whilst his hands came up to brush through your hair and pull you impossibly closer.
" - ehm ehm "
" oh come on, how come they get to sex it up here, while we're hauling ass ? "
" - SIMP ! "
a miriad of complaints erupted behind the pair of you, forcing you both apart with a surprised jolt. charles groaned and dropped his hands away from you, gearing up to whip his friends into shape, that was until you put a hand up to stop him and appraoched the trio yourself.
" come on guys, i'm sorry about all this ... " you apologised and smiled brightly, " i really owe you one ! "
a choked sound came from charles, who stood in awe at how these seasoned professionals melted at your sunny expression and merely walked into the house to drop the last of the bags in with not one complaint.
" bye guys, thank you so much ! " you thanked them, waiting until the electronic beep of the lock secured the door closed and allowed you to stare at the final salad heap of the shopping.
charles walked up behind you, ensnaring your waist with his hands before pressing your back against his chest, "show me your ways, princesse , they never listen to me. " [ princess ] he kissed a line up and down the column of your neck, smirking against your skin when you shivered and leaned your head against his shoulder.
" i could show you something else.." you mumurred, placing your hands over his fingers that laid flat against your stomach before lacing them together, "... i could show my love for you, in a different way . " you blinked coquetteishly up at him, fluttering your eyelashes as he growled playfully and coaxed a delighted squeal from you when he picked you up, legs flailing in the air.
ᡣ𐭩 ⎯⎯ CARLOS SAINZ 55 " he who showers you in emotion " spoilt in vehemence
" Te amo querida " carlos whispers against your cheek, his hand resting on your hip as you leaned into his hold and watched his back when he detached to walk away, towards his motorhome. He turned around and smiled at you, blowing a kiss dramatically.
" god, you guys are so cute... " alexandra mumurred, grinning like a cheshire as you returned his dramatics with an over the top play of his kiss shooting you in the heart.
" yeah... " you agreed, blinking your eyes quickly to exit the rosy haze that overtook your eyes.
" i wish charles would be so open with his love ... " she twirled the straw in her cup as her chin dug into her palm, eyes tranfixed on her own parter who felt her gaze and smiled shyly at her.
you tilted your head at her, " we're not that open . "
alex arched a brow, " really ? "
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flashback # 1
the bass boost of the club made your ears ring and lean into carlos' chest, hands slapped over the sides of your face.
He glanced down at you, " you okay, mi vida ? " [ my life ]
you nodded, leaning forward cheekily to take the straw of his drink into your mouth and sip the alcoholic drink with a satisfied hiss, " so good . " thumbs up-ing him.
locking his eyes on your dazed, flushed face, his gaze softened when you laughed loudly at a joke that kika had just drunkenly attempted to tell.
" you're staring . " you shout over the music after you had caught your breathe, " someone would think that you're weird . "
carlos hummed thoughtfully, fingers pinching your chin gently as he leaned down to brush his lips against your cheek , " let them, i'm sure they'll understand when they see how beautiful you look tonight. "
arching away from his mouth you roll your eyes and loop your arms around his neck, pulling him towards you, " yeah yeah- i think you're prettier, Que guapo eres " [ how handsome you are ]
flashback #2
you stared at yourself in the mirror, twisting on your spot whilst watching the silky fabric skim your ankles and flow like liquid gold from your hips.
" honey, estas lista ? " [ are you ready ] carlos loomed into the walk in wadrobe, eyes widening at your reflection, his hand slipped briefly from its spot planted ont the white wood door of the room until he caught himself and cleared his throat.
you giggled at his reeaction, hands running along the length of the apparrel before coming up to your neck and adjusting the dainty necklace that slinked down to your cleavage that lay exposed from the deep ' v ' cut.
" do i look okay ? " you tilted your head at him in the mirror, humming contently when he came up from behind and bunched his hands up on your hips, fingers swimming in the slinky fabric.
" Pareces una diosa, caída de una gota de sol y regalada desde el cielo. " [ you look like a goddess, fallen from a drop of sunshine and gifted to me from the heavens ] he twirled you around, hand raised high above your head, guiding you in delicate circles and bringing you closer to his chest before linking your hands together. he stared down at you, chuckling when you displayed the shimmery glitter on your eyelids.
your chin rested on his button down shirt as you snorted and began to fiddle with his fingers, " you flatter me , señor . "
" rightfully so, señora " he bumped your noses together, smiling widely.
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" yeah okay, we are open . " you grumbled.
alex chuckled at your expression, pinching your cheek playfully before sighing, " lucky you ."
" hey, " you rested a hand on hers that sat on the table, " charles loves you, i've seen it alex, it's like you hung the moon and stars when he looks at you ."
she brightened at you words, flipping her palm to hold you hand and squeeze it hopefully, " really ? "
nodding, you squeezed back " yeah, really . "
" it's nothing like you two though, it's so... surreal to watch him fall in love with you, every time he looks at you . " alexandra gushed.
you blushed and waved a hand infront of your face, " then we both got lucky . "
" we really did ."
ᡣ𐭩 ⎯⎯ LANDO NORRIS 4 " he who attaches you at the hip " spoilt in prescence
" damn man, you can let her breathe . " oscar leans to the side, eyebrows jumping up his forehead as he takes in the scene before him.
Lando, arms wrapped like an anaconda around your neck and in turn tucking your head into his chest whilst you had your hands burried beneath his t-shirt, wrapped around his bare waist.
" no " you protested, already snuggling closer to him, " i need him in my veins ."
oscar huffed out a laugh, rubbing the back of his head as lando nodded definitevely and patted your head, " ya'll are on some other crack . "
" whatever floats your boat oscie . " you call out as the driver walks away from the pair of you.
" in your veins, huh ? " lando smirked down at you, tucking his chin back to lay his forehead against yours.
" yeah ." you harrumph, biting his noise, " you got a problem with that ? "
" no ma'am ."
" good"
" you guys need to let it up . " a third voice interupted your bickering. Lando's pr manager stood to the side of you, arms crossed over one another.
" aw come on glenda, it's not that bad ." lando pouted, laying his cheek on your head.
" it's constant. "
you snorted at her, " well thats a bit unne- "
" constant . "
lando stood taller, " okay then, smarty pants, give us 2 reasons why we should stop being affectionate. i mean you've seen all the other couples, i don't see why you- "
" number 1 " glenda interrupted again with a singular finger pointed up.
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instance #1
" so lando, todays race obviously went well, with you coming P3 and the ferrari's scoring a 1-2 finish. can you walk as through what exactly was going on during the battle for 3 rd with perez ? "
lando nodded, grinning cheerfully as he wiped some sweat from his upper lip, " right, well, the race did you amazingly well- umph !"
he surged backwards from the force that had come into contact with his chest.
" i'm so proud of you lando, " you jumped up and down in his dizzy hold as he shook his head and attempted to steady himself. though, you ignored that when you burried your hands in his hair and dragged his mouth to yours, kissing him passionately.
just as your tongue came to run over the seam of his lips and his hands tightened around your waist, the interviewer tapped lando cautiously on the shoulder and sheepishly requested that they continue.
you sighed and detached from lando, who was also blinking back into reality. you laced your arm around his waist and leaned into his side, prompting the blushing interviewer to continue.
"- so you're just gonna stay like that ? "
both you and lando looked at one another and looked at the man infront of you.
" okay then. " he conceded and listened to lando's response.
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" oh come on glenda, mark didn't even care ." you whined, stomping your feet.
" he had a nosebleed. "
lando snorted, " he has the structural integrity of wet seaweed, mark should never be trusted not to get a nosebleed. "
" stop shitting on mark. " glenda deadpanned, " number 2"
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instance #2
" the aerodynamics on turn 2 were absolutly of the charts, how did you do that ? " an engineer turned away from the computer to glance at lando, who was leaned against a table but had got up to approach the data.
" i'm not sure.. but has anyone seen my girlfriend ? " lando wondered out loud, looking down at his phone.
" she left a few minutes ago, " another passing worker commented before walking away towards the other side of the garage.
" what ? why didn't anyone tell me ? she's a small human, it's easy for her to get hurt ? or fall down a man hole, or any hole in general, holes are the enemy here. " he rambled, already calling your cell hurriedly.
" why are we talking about holes ? " you call out, picking at your nails.
lando perked up and ran at you, arms wrapping around your chest as he picked you up and instictively you locked your legs around his waist.
" oh god, you're safe. "
" i went to take a shit lando ." you tapped his head comfortingly nonetheless.
" take me next time. " he mumbled into your chest.
" what ? "
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" i don't see a problem with it glenda" lando shrugged
" we had to call HR, you said 'holes' 5 times" glenda gestured to your intertwined limbs and flicked her hand at the two of you.
" well holes are dangerous, especially for me, broke my nose cause of a hole once. " you defended, unravelling from your defeated boyfriend.
" yeah holes are super dangerous, who's going to protect her from all the holes in the world ? the world's holes are dangerous, glenda. "
" someone call steve from HR ! "
ᡣ𐭩 ⎯⎯ MAX VERSTAPPEN 1 " he who demonstrates his affection " spoilt in action
" i'm home ! " you call out, dropping your bag onto the floor and groaning as you kick off your heels.
max padded out to the living room, grimacing as your shoulders popped before approaching you and kissing your cheek, "hoe gaat het met je mijn liefste ? " [ how are you my love ] he stroked your face gently before taking your hand in his and began to run his thumb up and down your knuckles.
" i feel like a bus hit me, " you laid your head on his sturdy shoulder, " then backed up on me, and then a pack of rabid wolves humped my head ."
" creative ." max hummed, chuckling when you pouted at him, " i..." he started, cheeks heating up precariously, " i did something for you, cause i know that work has been hard lately. "
cooing, you let him guide you out of the living room and into your bedroom, " here. "
he handed you a soft robe, " you gotta take off your clothes. "
" yeah, i know ." you snickered, gesturing for him to unbotton your shirt as you worked on your long slacks.
Max's fingeerr's shook against your freshly exposed skin when he pushed the shirt off, despite this, he trailed kisses along your shoulders, moving from the left towards your sternum before reaching your right side.
your breathing slowed, body finally relaxing against his gentle motions as you brought a hand up to thread through his hair. he dragged down your bra strap whilst dancing one of his hands up from the back of your waist to pop open the clasp, and although his eyes darkened at the sight of your breasts, the fingers that trailed down your skin were gentle and caring, kneading the tension out of them.
eventually, you were so relaxed that your eyes had fluttered shut and max had to coax the robe onto your slumped shoulder to usher you into the bathroom.
" oh max," you gasped, taking in the transformed space, aroma therapy candles littered the free surafaces, wafting a sweet pungent scent into the air that mixed into a melodious fusion of smells that escaped froom the steaming bathtub, the water within stained a sleepy blue.
he had set up a simple projector onto thee ceiling, producing relaxing views of a nebula onto the once plastered, white area.
" its so lovely, you're amazing, " you pulled him close and kissed his similng mouth, pouring yourr adoration into the melding of your lips together.
" you deserve it, mijn perfecte vrouw" [ my perfect woman ] max replied, sitting you down on the chair that laid perfectly infront of the mirror, he leant forward aand retrieved your brush before stroking the bristles through your hair with the utmost care.
he took his time, de-tangling your chaotic mane until it calmed down to a tamed waterful, running down your back, " wow, your hair is so smooth ." he commented, bringing his head down to run his nose through the silky strands. chuckling, you splayed your hand against the back of his neck.
"next step," he whispered to himself, takinng another familiar bottle from the coounter, " you use this hair oil, right ? "
"when did you get to know this ? " you mock-gasped, " it was my best kept secret."
" i called my sister. "
" yeah that checks out."
max took the oil onto his fingers, heating up the liquid between the pads of them before running his hands against your scalp to massage in the nutrients.
after the numerous steps that had to be completed to perfection, he moved you towards the still steaming bath.
" you're getting in too right ? " you asked, as if it were obvious whilst tugging at the bow that wasa tied lazily around your waist.
"well... i didn't plan on it." max shrugged.
" i want you to," you stepped towards him, pushing away the robe from your shoulders and let the material pool at your feet, " please ? "
" you play dirty, Schatje " [ sweetheart ] max groaned, letting you pull at his clothes until he was in the same state of undress that you were in.
giggling, you take his hand and let him submerge you into the water, " yeah, but you love it, " you stick your tongue out at him.
" yes, i do, " he conceeded, pressing his lips against your forehead as he joined you in the warmth, snuggling behind you and pulling your hips up- into his lap, " but i'm washing your hair, i did not let my sister yap my ear off for nothing. "
you rest your head against his shoulder, neck tilted so you could admire his face, bringing a hand up you trace his side profile softly, " i would expect nothing less. " you whisper.
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eyrina-avatar · 1 year
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synopsis: based on this request. Neteyam finds reader's diary full of fantasies that she wants to fulfill with him.
pairings: neteyam x reader (avatar reader) aged up ofc
author's note: I tweaked it just a bit but it's still what anon requested. This was sitting in my drafts for like a month since I was so busy. But I finally finished it! Hope the anon who made the request likes this.
warnings: 18+, MDNI, extremely heavy smut such as fingering, squirting, and creampie. proofread once, I was rushing to get this out of my drafts already. Lmk if you see any errors that need to be fixed asap lol
word count: ~6.8k this is a long one (I think my longest ever, I could have divided this into two chapters and even thought about it)- you've been warned
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"Ugh, what a long day," you groaned as you hung your legs off the edge of the link unit.
"I honestly don't know how Grace used to manage being in charge of the kid's school plus do research and be so involved with the clan..." Norm trailed off as he yawned.
"And while hiding her findings from the RDA" You added.
"Probably by getting some proper rest. Which is what you two need." Max pitched in, as he handed you the back roller.
"God, that feels so good. What a relief." You sighed as you massaged your back, trying to reach all the sore spots.
"I can help with that!" Neteyam's voice hit your ears and you turned around in shock.
"What are you doing here, I though you were asleep in the tent?" You questioned.
"Yea well, you fell asleep meaning I would have to wait for you in the morning and I wasn't really feeling tired enough to go to bed yet." He responded as he took the roller from your hand and started massaging your middle back making you groan in relief.
"Yea, that's the spot..." you closed your eyes in bliss let out a small "mmm" sound, making you earn looks from Norm and Max.
"Jesus you two, get a room before this gets out of hand." Norm commented as he got up from his link unit, making Neteyam stop his movements.
"Wh-what? No, no. It's not what it looks like. Haven't you guys ever gotten a nice back massage after doing some strenuous activity?" Your cheeks flushed red in your flustered state, thinking about the possibility of ever doing it with Neteyam.
"Yea, but not as strenuous at what you and Neteyam will be doing later if you guys keep this up." Norm rolled his eyes.
"What?" Neteyam's tail stood up in shock and his ears flickered in embarrassment.
"Ha, it's not like they would bother us here anyways, they have the whole forest to go at it." Max chuckled.
"Max!" You and Neteyam yelled in unison, shocked at the words that came out of the usually calm scientist's mouth.
"What, just helping you guys out." He shrugged.
"That type of help is not needed!" You insisted as you crossed your arms.
"Whatever, as long as you two don't start interrupting anyone." Norm added in as he made his way to the shower
"Look who's talking. What I heard from Jake is that apparently Norm and Trudy were often going at it in the shared rooms." Max let out.
"That's none of you guys' business!" Norm stopped in his tracks to comment.
"Well, you sure were making it everyone's business!" Max rebutted, making everyone break out into fits of laughter.
"Woah, Norm!" You let out a giggle
"Maybe that's why he's so uptight, he hasn't been getting any action lately." Neteyam whispered.
"I heard that!" Norm made known before walking away.
"Anyways, I better go get freshened up as well, I'm a bit sweaty right now. Tell one of the repair guys that the cooling system in that unit isn't working so well." You said before placing a "down for repairs" sign on the link unit.
"Will do." Max nodded as you and Neteyam headed out of the lab and into the residency hallway.
"So, I guess I'll be going then if you're just headed to clean up." Neteyam scratched the back of his neck, still a bit flustered from Max and Norm's comments.
"What? No, I have my own room, remember? And my room has it's own shower as well, so I won't have to leave you waiting outside of some random hall. Come, come." You tugged at his arm and he followed you to your room.
"So, this is it!" You walked in and turned the lights on, closing the door behind Neteyam.
"Oh, you did some remodeling since last time?"
"Yup, I wanted to add some life to it so I added in some potted plants around the room plus some that glow in the dark, to add a 'nature-y' touch."
"Not bad. 'Nature-y' touch accomplished." Neteyam looked at the plants, curious to see how the glow would look in your room."
"Oh, let's turn the lights off!" You suggested before flicking the switch.
"Ohh that's nice, it almost looks like the forest in here!" Neteyam marveled while examining all of the colors in your room.
"Yup!" You flicked the light back on. "I just wish I could have added some vines along the window to add some greenery. That's just the finishing touch that it needs." You sighed as you looked around your room.
"Well, why haven't you? There's plenty of vines for you to collect." Neteyam cocked his head in question.
"I have plenty, it's just that I couldn't reach the spot on the wall where I wanted to attach them to. It's too high."
"Nonsense, I'll help you out. See, I can reach just fine." Neteyam stated, happy to lend you a helping hand.
"Thanks, I really appreciate that." You gave a smile and headed to your drawers as you looked for the measuring tape. "Nete, can you please get the vines? They're in my closet over there . The light switch is on the right side, and please close the door while you're at it. I have a automatic dehumidifier in there and I don't want it to start puffing extra hard and using up all of it's charge.
"Sure, sure. I'll get it, and um close the door as well. All of that..." Neteyam made his way to your closet and turned the light on. His hands rummaged through some of your clothes on the hangers and flipped through the ones folded in your drawers but couldn't find the vines.
Crap, forgot to ask her where in the closet they're at, he thought to himself. His eyes scanned the small room and landed on a few boxes stacked on the left side of the floor and one labeled 'room decorations.'
Perfect, probably in there.
He pulled the box out but three more came tumbling down as well. Neteyam hurried to clean up the mess and as his hands scrambled to put everything away, his eyes landed on a small book that landed open and face down. He carefully picked the book up and saw no words on it's cover so he decided to take a peak inside, wondering if it could be filled with your findings and experiments.
He brought the book up to his face and scrunched his eyes as he read the words on the page.
journal entry #105 not much happened today I took more lessons with Moa't and with the help of Kiri, I was able to successfully create a healing balm that was very effective in preventing infection and swelling. The main ingredient was yalna bark. Kiri found it and suggested that we should use it. Also, I took some weaving lessons with Neytiri and she said I was improving quickly. I was able to make my own top with my favorite blue and purple leaves. I later used the top while Neteyam took me to hunt some fish. I saw Neteyam staring so I think it accentuated my features well. I'll definitely be wearing it again since he complimented me and said I looked nice. Anyways, the fishing went well and Neteyam will give me more lessons tomorrow, but I hope I'll be able to concentrate. My feelings for him have been making me even more flustered lately. It doesn't help that he's so handsome. I caught myself staring at him by mistake, hopefully he didn't notice. I definitely don't want him to think that i'm some sort of weirdo.
"Neteyam, are you alright in there?" The sound of your voice snapped Neteyam out of concentration and he hurried to place the book back in the box. He grabbed the box containing the vines and hurried out.
"Gee, what took you so long? Did you get lost in there?" You chuckled.
"Sorry, I was getting the box that the vines were in and knocked down the others in the process so I had to clean up." Neteyam carefully handed you the vines and you untangled them.
"Just start at that corner of the wall and continue all the way around the room, okay?" You asked
"Got it," he nodded.
"Good. I'll go take a shower and by the time I'm done, you should be done as well." You grabbed your towel and headed towards your bathroom. "Oh, by the way, you can put any excess vines along the bottom of the wall, all around the room like the other ones!" You slipped into your bathroom and closed the door.
Neteyam quickly got to work unraveling the vines and hanging them up. By the time he was done, he heard the sound of the water turning off and the shower curtain sliding across the rail.
"Nete, can you please pass me the purple bag? It's in the closet. ." You asked as you hid your body behind the bathroom door.
"Sure," he headed off to retrieve the item for you.
"Thanks, I shouldn't be done for another 10 minutes as I'm doing a hair treatment. If you're done you can go ahead and look around my room if you want." You slipped back into the bathroom.
"Um, alright." Neteyam decided it would be best if he put the supplies back where they belonged and headed back to your closet, putting everything away. Unfortunately the words in your journal wouldn't leave him alone and he decided to take another peak.
One look shouldn't hurt, right? Plus, she told me I could look around.
Neteyam opened the box again and took your journal out. He flipped through the pages until he was met with the most recent entry:
journal entry #119 My skills have improved a lot and Neteyam says I'm one of the best hunters in the clan. In fact, I went hunting with Neteyam again and god, I had a really hard time controlling myself. His charm is so enticing and yet his personality so kind, in fact he makes me so flustered and shy sometimes. But god, his body is so hot?! Honestly, I wouldn't even mind if we banged. Of course I like him for his personality... but he's super attractive too. Gosh, I would let him do anything to me. Anything. And I mean it. I would be so lucky if I would somehow be able to get him to use his fingers on me, or better worded, in me. His dick too, I wouldn't mind. I know it's so big, I just know it, I know. I could bet all the meat from last week’s hunt that it's enormous. Probably a good 9-10 inches... I don't know if that would even fit inside of me, but I'm willing to find out.
Neteyam felt his cheeks burn up at the words he just read as his ears flickered while his tail swished back and forth in excitement.
She likes me back? In fact she likes me back so much she actually wants me to...fuck her?
Neteyam slammed the little book shut and shoved it back in the box. He knew everything he needed to know about it and was going to have the time of his life with the newly learned information. He cleared his throat and got himself together, trying to feel normal, as if he hadn't just finished snooping around his best friend's personal and private writings.
He stepped out and closed the door behind him.
"Gee, you sure took a while in there," you chuckled while combing your hair.
"Well, I was uh, putting some of the supplies away."
"Not bad, the vines came out looking nice! Thanks a lot" You exclaimed.
"No problem," Neteyam smiled nervously, worried if you would find out that he was snooping through your things.
"Hmm, a job like this deserves a little reward." You made your way over to him and flashed a warm smile. Neteyam's tail once again swished back and forth in excitement.
"What type of reward?" He asked, hoping that you would perhaps act on what you had written about.
"Ice cream!" You turned around and headed to your mini freezer.
"Oh" Neteyam murmured under his breath and his ears drooped down.
"Here, one scoop of strawberry and another one of yovo fruit. I made that one myself. I wanted to try something new!" You smiled as you handed him his bowl and spoon but stopped as soon as you saw his face.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing. Thank you, I really like ice cream. I've only had it once or twice." Neteyam tried to come up with any excuse for his disppointed reaction.
"Oh I see, you wanted a different flavor...Well, there's vanilla too but that's kinda plain."
"No, no it's fine. I really do like these flavors. I was just thinking that maybe Tuk would have liked to taste these." Neteyam reassured and began eating.
"It's fine, I have some more saved. She'll be able to taste them as soon as Kiri brings her along to the avatar compound. You know she like's to visit Grace at least once a week" You plopped yourself on your bed and joined him. His tail began swaying left and right as he thought about a new idea.
"So, any plans for tomorrow?" Neteyam questioned.
"Nah, maybe just chill and take it easy, you know what I mean?" You looked up at him and saw how his eyes glimmered with excitement.
"Oh, then maybe you and I can hang out tomorrow. You know, just us, have some space to spend some alone time with each other. Friends always need some time to hang out with each other, right?" He gave your smaller figure a light nudge.
"Right, friends..." Your face dropped at that word and you simply sighed as you continued eating your ice cream.
"Well, it's definitely getting late now. I'm heading back to home tree to get some rest for the morning. I'll see you in the morning, alright?" Neteyam patted your head as he headed out the door and you simply nodded.
"And thanks for the ice cream, it was great. I won't tell Lo'ak though or he'll get jealous, you know how he is. Good night!"
"Good night..." you waved back and sighed, flinging your ice cream into the trash. Too disappointed to do anything else, you threw yourself on your bed and decided to get some sleep.
You woke up early, and with the view of a pink hue illuminating the sky, it was barely dawn and you knew that some of the omaticaya were already awake but the Sully's were probably all asleep as a rock.
You decided to bring your avatar form into the avatar facility and you quietly made your way around into the laboratory as slid into a link unit and was awakened by the sound of Lo'ak snoring in the next tent.
What a nuisance, glad I was able to sleep somewhere else last night.
You quietly made your way out of the tent, careful not to wake anyone else. Cautious with your foot placement, you made it out of home tree and to the spot where you usually meet with your ikran.
With a quick call, your ikran came flapping towards you, and you swiftly boarded it and made way to the avatar compound.
"Mawey, Ira." You petted your ikran to calm her screeching and made way into one of the buildings, past the laboratory and into your room.
Ahh, some peace and quiet. Maybe I'll just relax and give myself a spa day or something. You thought to yourself as you massaged the bottom of your feet that were still a bit sore from all of the hunting and running you've been doing.
Still thinking of the events from last night, you sighed and threw yourself back on the bed, not sure of what to make from the situation.
Does Neteyam really feel the same about me?
Should I ask him out or is that too forward?
Or should I just wait for him to ask me out?
The questions filled your mind and started to make your head pound. You decided that it was probably best if you just took a small break from your emotions and just distract yourself until your mind felt more refreshed and you could think more logical.
Heading towards your table, you grabbed a small tablet where you had recorded data about some plant samples and decided to work on that.
"Has anyone seen y/n?" Neteyam searched around his tent, dumbfounded with where you could have possibly gone without telling him or even waking him up.
"I saw her leave the tent this morning." Kiri commented, not even looking up as she peeled some of the fruit she was preparing for breakfast.
"You saw her? Where'd she go?!" Neteyam questioned his younger sister.
"I don't know. I'm not as nosy as you. Maybe to the avatar compound or something." She shrugged.
"What if she's in danger or something. What if she got lost?!" Neteyam stood up, getting ready to go after you.
"And where are you going without eating?" Neytiri pointed to a spot next to Lo'ak.
"Ha! Guess you can't go looking for your crush right now." The younger brother teased.
"Shut up."
"Don't worry, she's not like Lo'ak. She can actually fend for herself so I'm sure she's fine." Kiri reassured
"Hey!" Lo'ak let out in a protest.
"She knows the forest like the back of her hand. Plus didn't you say she was a pretty good hunter?" Kiri popped the fruit into her mouth and waited for her brother's response.
"Yea, but-"
"Then she'll be fine." Jake reassured as he let out a yawn, still groggy from his sleep.
"I just don't understand why she would go out without telling me. She seemed fine last night." Neteyam sighed
"Oooooh, you were with her last night?" Lo'ak wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yea, and we had ice cream, without you."
"What, that's not fair. She promised she'd save some for me." Lo'ak crossed his arms in disapproval.
"She did save some." Neteyam took a bite out of his fruit and watched as Lo'ak's tail swished back and forth in excitement.
"But not for you." He swallowed his food and let out a smirk as he watched Lo'ak's tail come to a halt.
"Whatever, screw you! She's probably pissed and you deserve it. Y/n is always going out into the forest with someone, so to not even wake you up is a bad sign. You probably did something to upset her." Lo'ak spit out in retaliation.
"What? What did I do?" Neteyam put his fruit down as he tried to process the information just given to him.
"Maybe more like what didn't you do..." Kiri murmured.
"Probably nothing, you know how women are." Jake reassured his eldest son. "But umm, not Neytiri. She's always been wonderful to me. Anytime she was upset was because I deserved it." Jake chuckled nervously, saving himself as he remembered that his wife was sitting right next to him but still earning a light hiss from her.
"Yea, probably nothing..." Neteyam tried to calm his nerves. "After all, she was fine last night." He added.
"Skxawng!" Kiri knocked her brother over the head.
"Ow! What the heck was that for?"
"For being a skxawng, I just told you!"
"She likes you. Do I really have to spell it out for you?" Kiri rolled her eyes.
"I know that-"
"You see!" Kiri gave her brother a smack on the arm.
"Stop hitting me! You see what?" Neteyam cocked his head in question.
"You know that she likes you and you haven't even asked her out! That's what!"
"I only found out last night. What was I supposed to do..." Neteyam trailed his words.
"Oh great mother. Even worse! She told you and you didn't do anything about it?" Kiri stared in disbelief.
"She didn't tell me, I found out a different way."
"Norm told you? Max?" Lo'ak pried.
"Then how did you find out?" Lo'ak questioned.
"Mind your own business," was all that was given as an answer.
"Well, honestly, you've sorta been giving her mixed signals so she's probably confused on wether you like her or not. Maybe she went back to the avatar compound by herself to clear her mind for a bit." Kiri let out, not wanting to make Neteyam too nervous.
"Oh. What should I do?" Neteyam shook his head in question, unsure of what to do in order to fix the mess he made.
"Aww, the mighty warrior doesn't know how to approach his crush." Lo'ak let out a chuckled.
"Enough." Neytiri warned, quieting the younger boy.
"Just say you're sorry for not realizing earlier and then just ask her out. Or be more direct and say that you like her." Jake stood up and handed his bowl to Neytiri. "Good luck." He tapped Neteyam on the shoulder and made his way to the center of home tree.
You slid out of your chair and got up, stretching your back in the process.
God that was tiresome, but I'm glad to get that out of the way.
Deciding on a break, you headed out of your room and towards the shared lounging area. Grabbing a yogurt pack from the refrigerator, you made your way back to into your room and sat yourself down. Scooping the spoon into the cup, you were about to bring it into your mouth before hearing a knock.
"Coming!" You sighed before putting your food down and making your way towards your bedroom door.
"Norm, I told you I'm not going to be doing anymore experiments this week. I'm still putting together all of the data we collected from the last-" you opened the door to your surprise.
"Well, I'm not asking you to do any experiments. Can I come in?" Neteyam flashed a smile.
"Sure, sure. Of course, come in!" You flashed a warm smiled as you closed the door behind Neteyam.
"I was wondering where you went. You know, since I told you last night that I would see you in the morning but then you left home tree without telling anyone."
"Sorry, I just felt like I needed to clear my head a bit from, um stuff..." you trailed off and much to Neteyam's surprise, Kiri was right.
"Sorry, maybe I was interrupting your personal time. I can leave if you wanted to be left alone."
"No, no! It's fine." You grabbed Neteyam's arm and pulled a chair out for him.
"I've had plenty of time to clear my head and bring my thoughts together and feel less stressed...about things. You know how life is..." You let out a nervous chuckle, not wanting to give any hints on what you were so worried about.
"Sit down, make yourself comfortable."
"Actually..." Neteyam stayed standing up. "I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Oh. well… go ahead!"
"Well, actually... I wanted to apologize to you." Neteyam let out in a low voice
"I'm sorry, what?" You tilted your head in confusion at what you just heard. "Apologize for what?"
"Perhaps I've been a bit of a skxawng. Or maybe a complete skxawng. I didn't realize but I was giving you mixed signals. I should have realized sooner and I completely apologize for that. You probably thought I was toying with your feelings. I understand why you were upset with me this morning"
"I-" Your mouth was left agape, not sure of what to say.
"No, I get it. I should have told you sooner. I know that you like me and to be honest, I like you too. In fact, I'm completely enamored by you and should have acted on that earlier instead of leaving you confused. Can you... forgive me?" Neteyam nervously scratched the back of his neck, unsure of what your response would be.
"Neteyam...truth be told, I don't even know what to say. I suppose I forgive you. It wasn't really your fault, how were you supposed to know earlier? Maybe I should have been more bold. I don't know... It's quite alright," you let out a small chuckle. "There's really nothing to be sorry about. In fact, I wasn't mad with you this morning. I just left hometree to clear my mind on this whole situation. It's actually quite silly how flustered you make me feel sometimes. I was just a bit disappointed that last night you said we should hang out today as friends when honestly, I hate that word, friend. I don't want to just be your silly little friend, I want to be more. More than friends..." you trailed off as you looked down at the floor, too embarrassed to look at the na'vi in front of you.
Neteyam brought his hand up to your face and tilted your chin up, "Don't be shy, it's fine. You're quite cute when you're flustered, you know?" He let out a small chuckle. "I probably shouldn't have used that stupid word, friend. But I hope you don't mind it being used in the context of being my girlfriend? What do you think?" He tilted his head, waiting for your response.
"You want me to be your girlfriend?" You shyly smiled as you fiddled with your fingers.
"Why not? Girlfriend, lover, or mate? How's that?" Neteyam let with a small smirk.
"M-mate? That includes getting mated and-" you cut yourself off before you could explain the full details.
"Hmm, why not? I'm interested in you and you're interested in me. Plus, I think you're not as innocent as you make yourself out to be." Neteyam raised his eyebrow and inched himself closer to you.
"Why would you think that...I've never done that with anyone before..." you trailed your words and inched backwards.
"Still doesn't mean that pretty little head of yours isn't in the gutter." Neteyam stepped closer.
"Yea, and what proof do you have of that?" You smirked, cockiness filling your head.
"Hmm let's see, I found a book in your closet and maybe read a few pages."
"Pff, oh yea? And what did it look like?" you jokingly rolled your eyes at him.
"Well, in fact it wasn't one of those biology books. It was a small little book, no title on it. It had a brown leather cover and it was just full of your writing. Sound familiar?" Your eyes widened at the description and your mouth fell open, shocked at the realization.
"What, surprised?" Neteyam let out a small chuckle as he continued inching closer to you until your back hit the wall.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about." You huffed out, trying to sound confident.
"I think you know what I'm talking about. In fact, you're even wearing that pretty little top of yours that you said accentuated your features. It does, and you're right, I couldn't help but stare when you wore it the other day. Not my fault anything you wear makes you look so pretty." Neteyam's fingers played with the string of your top, gently passing over the knot on your back that was holding it together.
Between admitting to reading your journal and staring, Neteyam’s words had turned you into a flustered mess.
“Well, who told you that you could read my journal?!” You spat out, trying to get the upper hand.
“Hmm, let’s see. If I remember correctly, you did tell me that I could look around your room.” Neteyam shrugged.
“Yeah but my journal is private!” You retaliated.
“Oh really? I didn’t see any sign on it that said ‘private/ no trespassing’ or ‘y/n’s journal, don’t touch.’ Seems like you were missing a sign. Can’t blame me.”
“Why, y- you. You perv!” You lashed out defeatedly, not knowing how else to react.
“Really, I’m the perv? I wasn’t the one writing all of my fantasies about wanting to get banged.”
“I…” you dropped your head in shame, once again too embarrassed to face Neteyam.
“Hmm, thought so.” He let out a small chuckle as he raised your chin up again. “So, do you really think I’m handsome?” He looked at you seriously before giving you a slight smirk.
“Well, you read it! No need to tease me about it” you gave his chest a slight push.
“Teasing, who’s doing any teasing? I’m just trying to test the waters to see if you’re really up to doing what you mentioned.”
“So, are you?” Neteyam inched his face closer to yours.
“Are you what?”
“C’mon don’t try to play dumb. Do you want to do what you mentioned or what?” His lips hovered over yours as he trailed his hands over your waist and behind your back, pulling you in closer.
“What’s wrong sweetheart, cat got your tongue?” Neteyam let out a small chuckle before looking you in the eyes and giving a ‘so?’ look.
You simply nodded, too flustered to say anything.
“Words, babygirl. Words.” He pushed your hair out of your face and caressed your cheek. “Would you like to try what you wrote about?”
“Yes…” you whispered in a barely understandable tone.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take it nice and slow. How’s that for you, sound good?” Again, you nodded, giving Neteyam the green light to go ahead.
His eyes fell to your lips and yours on his. Each just a few centimeters away from the other. You leaned in and yours just gently brushed against his. Neteyam’s arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you in during the process, lips making contact for the first time. You let out a small gasp and his came crashing down on yours again, pushing your head back to the wall as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His lips moved in pace and you followed along, inexperienced but quickly catching on. Your hands traveled up and down his neck and Neteyam let out a small groan as you gave a slight tug on his hair. Hands started moving quickly as you found yours on his chest, traveling up and down and his on your back. His lips took a turn and started making his way down, leaving small pecks all over your collarbone and eventually moving to your neck, where his mouth left a wet trail wherever it could.
“Mmm, Nete-” you let out a moan as his lips sucked on your sweet spot making your body fidget in his hold. His lips traveled up your neck and you were sure you were going to have a few bruises for show.
“Neteyam, you’re gonna leave hickeys all over my neck.” You barely managed to breathe out.
“I know… that’s my plan,” he let out in between kisses. “…to mark you… As mine… all mine.” He held onto you and made his way to your bed, not letting go for a thing in the world. Neteyam sat down and had you on his lap facing him, your legs straddling him while he continued to make his mess.
You lifted his face and kissed his lips again, desperate to be able to do some of the action yourself, you pushed his chest, making him inch backwards as you crawled to him, lips still connected to his.
You sat up and his fingers started toying with the knot from your loincloth, still not stopping the kiss as he worked his hands behind your waist.
Neteyam's fingers worked quickly as he untied the knot and slid off the loincloth from under your womanhood. He lifted you off of his lap and placed your back on the bed while he laid next to you, his hands roamed over your body and made their way to your core. Neteyam gently massaged your nub, earning an erotic moan from you. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth as he used his hand to spread your legs wider and brush his fingers over your clit, speeding up as the kiss grew more heated with each passing second.
"Oh.. fuck" you managed out as your hands fell on his, guiding him to a quicker speed.
"Mmm, you like that don't you, sweetheart?" Neteyam let out a smirk as you nodded a desperate 'yes' a your eyes scrunched closed. His hands made their way down to your entrance and he inserted a finger, making you groan in response.
"Fuck..." you groaned as Neteyam stretched you out, making way for his other fingers.
"If I remember reading correctly, you did write that you would be grateful even if you could have just my fingers inside of you. How's that coming out to be?" Neteyam smirked as you moan out a 'good.'
"More, please" you whined out as you attempted to close your legs to gain more friction.
"I can't give you more if you don't open your legs for me. My hands are trapped between your thighs right now syulang." Neteyam's hand moved up to pry your legs open, and you sighed at the slight loss of friction.
"No need to worry, your wish is my command sweetheart." And with that he inserted his second and third fingers without warning. Deep inside of your warmth, he moved his fingers in and out, making sure to hit all the spots of your wet walls.
"Shit....shit! Go faster!" you moaned out in a high pitched voice, convinced that if it weren't for the oxygen sealed doors and windows soundproofing your room, all of the scientists would have been raising their eyebrows by now.
"How's that? Enjoying it?" Neteyam managed out between kisses.
"Fuck yes!" you threw your head back in pleasure as you felt yourself nearing your orgasm.
Neteyams worked his magic in you, sparing your poor pussy no mercy as his fingers pumped in and out while his thumb played with your nub at an increasingly quick pace causing your eyes to cross for a split second as you covered your mouth as to not scream. Holding yourself up with your elbows, you watched as the Na'vi in front of you worked tirelessly to get you to explode.
"Neteyam! I'm getting close... I'm- I'm gonna..." You threw head back once more as your knuckles turned white from grabbing the bed sheets.
"Come! Fucking do it baby, I know it's in you!" Neteyam accelerated his pace as his fingers moved vigorously in and out of you, repeatedly hitting your g-spot.
"Ah- ahh... fuuuck" You let out a loud whine as your hips buck up and down while your orgasm washed over you. Your eyes close tightly making you see stars and your mouth falls agape as low whimpers leave your throat.
"Nghh.. oh my god.." you squeal out under his touch before he slows down and pulls his fingers out. Neteyam lifts up his hand and brings it up to your face, drenched fingers brush across your lips as you open your mouth and give a thorough suck.
"Mmm, that's a good girl" Neteyam praises as you swirl your tongue around his fingers, licking them clean of any residue. With a 'pop' sound, he pulls his fingers from between your lips and you sit up, looking at him with your big yellow eyes as you tug on his loincloth.
"Ready for round two, already?" You give a small nod and Neteyam lays you on your side and props your right leg up.
He positions himself behind you as your hands work beside you, helping untie his loincloth. Springing out, his length smacks your ass and Neteyam lets out a small sigh of relief. He spits on his hand before making it down between his legs and giving himself a few pumps.
Neteyam brushes his cock against your slick cunt, earning a light moan from you as he rubs it around your entrance.
"You ready sweetheart? I'll go nice and slow for you." Neteyam gives a small peck on your lips before you answer with a small 'yes.' He lines himself up with your entrance and pushes his mushroomy tip in, slowly driving his full length inside of you.
"Nghh.." was all you managed to let out before he asks 'are you okay' and you give a small nod. His dick goes all the way in and you can feel his tip against your cervix.
"Fuck, you're so big..." you squirm yourself around as you try to get used to the new feeling.
"You said you wanted to try it." Neteyam lets out a small chuckle at your struggle. "Ready?" He asks, making sure that you're all stretched out before moving."
"Of course," and with that, he pulls himself out completely before thrusting in with full force, making you yelp in surprise. Neteyam starts thrusting in and out of you, filling the room with sounds of skin smacking against each other.
"Shit" he groans out, untying your top as he continues smacking himself into you. Neteyam grabs your breast in his hand and starts sucking as his hips pick up in pace, making you moan aloud.
"Enjoying that, princes?"
"Yes. I love it so much!" you whine out as his dick hits against your cervix, making you shut your eyes in pain and pleasure. You can't help but tighten around him as he plays with your breast and his lips leave a trail of kisses on the back of your neck.
"Fuckkk, too big!" you let out in almost a scream before he wraps his hand around your neck, applying just a small amount of pressure.
"y/n, stop that... you're gonna make me spill inside of you if you keep squeezing yourself around me like that." Neteyam warned with a light smack on your botton.
"I can't...help it... You fuck me so good!" You let out in between breaths. Neteyam pounds himself into you, making you whine out incoherent nonsense and you can't help but tighten your walls again.
"Fuck...fuck!" Neteyam grits between his teeth and you can tell he's near his high as his hips start moving desperately.
"I *thrust* think *thrust* I'm *thrust* gonna *thrust* come!" Neteyam lets out in a groan before you feel his hot cum spill all over your insides making you moan at the feeling. His white juices overflow your insides and soon spill out, dripping down to underside of your legs.
"Mmm, princess, you look so fucking good with your pretty little hole filled up like that." Neteyam goes back to kissing the sides of your neck and once again, his fingers start playing with your insides while you play with his length in your hands, trying to harden him up again.
"Shit," he huffs out in sensitivity as your finger plays with the tip of his cock, swiping it over and over again.
"Alright let me finish you up, I've got this." Neteyam gives your thigh a light pat and you let go of him, letting him take control of his length and bringing it to you entrance again.
He thrusts into you without warning and you yelp out. His thrusts continue roughly, not giving you time to adjust. Neteyam hits your insides repeatedly and it makes you whimper in pleasure.
"Ah- ah! Neteyam... I'm close!" You let out in between whimpers as your hands search for anything to grab onto while your orgasm approaches.
"Mmm....fuck. Good, you're almost there sweetheart" Neteyam grunts out as his hips continue pushing into your rear.
"I'm gonna- I think... I'm gonna come!" You let out in a loud whine and Neteyam pulls out before pushing himself back in completely, causing you to moan aloud as your orgasm hits you, making your back arch and your legs tremble as you grab onto him while you squirm around as Neteyam pounds into you as fast as he can.
He pulls out, leaving you to squirt your juices all over your legs and on the bed. Your hips heave up and down as the clear liquid jets out of you, leaving you breathless until your high calms down and your legs stop shaking.
"Holy shit..." Neteyam lets out in a small chuckle as he stares in amazement.
"Well... that was intense" you break the silence and the both of you stare at each other before breaking out into small giggles.
"Are you alright, was I too rough with you?" Neteyam gently rubs your shoulders as the both of you lay down, flat on your backs, exhausted.
"No... you were fine. It was good." You flash him a shy smile.
"So, was it everything you expected... or did you I let you down?" He asks with a small chuckle.
"It was... interesting... definitely better than I expected." You chuckle as you lay your head in the crook of his neck.
"So I guess we can say... your wish has been fulfilled." Neteyam pokes your cheek, teasing you.
"I guess so..." you hide your blushing cheeks on his collarbone as he laughs at your shy antics. He slightly lifts up your face and gives you a small peck on your forehead as the both of you bask in each other's warmth.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
HEW, did this take FOREVER to write, OMG! But I'm so glad that I finally got it out! Thank you for this wonderful and super fun request, it was definitely a hell of a journey to write but I really enjoyed it! Hope you guys enjoyed it as well.
as always, comments/reblogs are always much appreciated as they help support and motivate your favorite writers, thank you❤!
do not steal my work and please don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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colors used: (1, 219, 250) and (1, 179, 204,)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Something Wicked This Way Comes AU Skits:
A government agent: Would you like to join our team of highly trained and special indivi-
Reader: F*ck off
Government agent: I really think you'd like this program of ours-
Reader: I said f*ck off
Government agent: But you haven't even heard of what you'd get-
Reader: I'd get brainwashed and set on your personal enemies like a dog, believe me, we know the shtick, now f*ck off! I'm drinking my beer!
Reader: is nursing on a root beer
Government agent: knocks the drink out of Reader's hands
Reader: ...
Reader: You little f*ckin' @&>/ !!!! tackles them, biting and scratching, then kicks them out of the soda shop
Reader, answering why they haven't sought out their old "pals", Wolverine and Sabretooth: Well, would YOU try to seek out someone who you haven't had a decent conversation with since the early 1900s who then stabbed you in the guts after his brain got scrambled, or seek out the guy who got so fried in the noggin he tossed ya off a freakin' cliff after beating you to a bloody pulp? No? Well, that's what I thought!
The X-Teens: What the h*ll??!!😨😰
The Brotherhood: That's b*dass!!!🤩😍
The adults: Who did you say you were, again, Mx. Reader? 🧐🤨
Wolverine: I tore their guts out? Poor kid... Hmmm... something still isn't adding up...
Sabretooth: Eh, I toss a lot of people off a cliffs... and turn a lot of people into bloody pulp. Good on them for surviving! Except they seem too familiar to be just a random hit...
Reader: sweating bullets Um... I'm... leaving, right now! runs off, disappearing into the streets
Everyone: ... Okay, we need them as our new member-
Reader, seeing the X-Teens broke into their house and took something: Oh you little...
Logan: Who the h*ll is screaming at 1:00am in the morning?!
Logan: spots his kids sneaking into the mansion carrying an old and stained box
Logan: Kids. What. Did. You. Do.
The X-Teens: ... Um... we, um... maybestolesomethingfromReader!! But we had to! They're not telling us something, and we think it's important!
Logan: Well, it looks like you're all returning it, unless you want to be in the Danger Room for the next five hours 😡
The X-Teens: Please, just a peek! 🥺
Logan: ... Ugh, fine, just one look. Then we're gettin' in the car and returning it, you hear me?
The X-Teens and Logan, looking into the box: 😶
The box: full of video tapes, recorders, old papers and journals, and different rocks and fossils and old heirloom jewelry
Logan: Okay, fine, you take one thing, something that would be hard to miss-
Kitty: Done! grabbed an old recorder
Logan: I'll hold onto that, since you kids got us into this mess
Logan, listening to one of the many recordings in shock: It's been nearly two centuries, but I still miss James and Victor, even if they were both quite brash at times... Boys, right? ... Ha... I think Jimmy is called "Logan" nowadays... I think I should leave him be; he seems happy with his friends, he doesn't need me anymore... I suppose Victor doesn't need me, either... I guess it's hard to miss someone that they can't remember... well, I think that perhaps this summer I'll be able to finally pass-
Logan: pauses the old recording
Logan: ... I need to find them, NOW-
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roguerogerss · 1 year
Show You How Much I Love You
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Pairing: Michael Gray x Reader
W/C: 3.5k
Warnings: SMUT!!, the second half is just sex, bit of a praise kink, talk of injuries and blood (not related to the smut!)
Description: After Michael gets shot, you’ve been visiting him in the hospital every day. He has a realisation on his last day there, and when you get home, he shows you how much he’s missed you.
(took a lil break from writing tommy all the time - he will be back! promise! - and did a lil spin for michael. i’ve been OBSESSED with both of them recently. so proud of the smut in this bc it’s literally only my second full on smut!!! let me know what u think babes! b back with tommy shtuff sooooon)
You hated the hospital. The building always smelled of antiseptic, slightly bitter, but with the added scent of artificial fragrance contained in soaps and cleaning products. And what was worse, the smell would linger on your clothes and in your hair, even hours after you'd left, and you'd have to bathe after every time you visited, to avoid going to bed smelling like death.
"Morning, Miss L/N." The nurses had gotten to know you over the last five weeks, and they'd always greet you when you came to visit. As much as you hated the hospital, and it's smell, the nurses made your visits very slightly more bareable.
"Good morning, Margaret." You sighed, smoothing your hair down and fixing the fur collar of your coat. "How is he, today?"
"He's had some great news today, ma'am. I think you'll be delighted." Margaret smoothed a hand over your back and then hurried off, the nurses were always on the run. You wondered what news your boyfriend could possibly have gotten that would've delighted you, considering all you'd had the past five weeks was more death, upset, and terrible news.
You climbed the stairs, still fussing over your hair, and your coat, and pulling out a small, pocket mirror to fix your lipstick in. You always ended up going to the hospital dressed like a model, because Michael had told you the first time that seeing you all dressed up had been the only thing he was looking forward to.
You plucked a cigarette from your pocket, and balanced it between your lips as you reached his room, "Miss L/N! No smoking, please! It's not allowed.", You waved the nurse off.
You took a slow drag from your cigarette, filling your lungs, and then pushed the door to Michael's room open. You beamed when you saw him, standing by his bed, something he hadn't done for the entirety of his time in recovery.
He held his arms out when he saw your smile, smiling himself, as though he was presenting a gift to you. "Well?"
"Oh my God, Michael!" You ran for him, giggling as you did, and you were met with a grunt when you dived into his arms. Michael stumbled backwards slightly as he wrapped his arms around you, before regaining his balance. His chest stung in all the places he'd been shot, but he didn't care too much. You looked so happy, something you hadn't been since finding out about the mafia, and he wasn't going to take that away from you.
"Jesus." He laughed at your excitement, "I'm still sore, sweetheart."
"Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just...You look so much better."
"I feel better. They've been doing physical therapy the past few days, getting me up on my feet, finally got up on my own today."
"Margaret told me you'd had good news, was it this?"
"This, and," He reached behind him and produced a piece of paper from the bedside cabinet. The words "Discharge Notice" were printed in black at the top of the page. "This."
You gasped, "You're getting out? Today?"
"Yes." He nodded, and you clasped a hand over your mouth, ready to squeal with excitement. Michael interrupted, grasping your wrist between his fingers, "But, love, I'd have to stay with you, so it's only if you'll have me. If it'll be too much of a bother, I can stay here-"
"Michael, don't be daft." You moved your hand from your mouth, to press each palm to Michael's cheeks. "Of course I'll have you. It'd be my pleasure."
He sighed and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close, so that your noses were touching. "Are you sure? It's not going to be pretty for the first couple of weeks. Changing bandages, cleaning bullet holes-"
"Michael." You interrupted him quickly, thumb swiping over a small, stitched scar on his cheek. "Of course I'm sure. I mean, it was only a matter of time before we moved in together, anyway, wasn't it? I suppose, it's not under the circumstances we'd like it to have been, but I want to do it."
A comfortable silence fell on the room, Michael was simply smiling, green eyes exploring yours. You ran your fingers over the new scars on his face, and found yourself frowning when you reached a particularly deep one, straight through his eyebrow. He breathed out, "I love you, so much."
You'd never heard anyone say anything with such passion, but Michael had never meant something more in his life. Tommy always spoke about feeling like you'd been pardoned by God when you should've died, and everything else being extra, borrowed time. He didn't think he could live another day without helping you to feel exactly how much you meant to him.
"I love you too, Michael." He was hardly listening to you, just thinking about things he needed to say to you.
"More than anything, you know that, don't you?" He continued. You looked at him, eyes full of concern.
"What's going on?" You were convinced there was something really wrong that he wasn't telling you about.
"Nothing's going on, my love." Michael smoothed your hair down comfortingly, chewing on the side of his lip while he thought about what to say next. "I nearly died, Y/N. I should've died, John did, and he didn't get to tell Esmé that he loved her again. I need you to know what you mean to me. Need you to know how much I love you."
He let his forehead fall against yours, sighed, and squeezed his eyes shut. Tears were threatening to fall, and he knew you'd get upset if you saw him cry. But you'd already sensed he was unsettled, and you pressed your lips to his cheek, and then to his nose, and then to his lips, he loved how loving you were.
"I'm going to show you how much I love you, how much you mean to me. As soon as I can, I'll help you around the house, I'll do everything I can for you." He clasped his hands together at the back of your neck, holding you far enough away that he could really look at you, breaths slightly shaky. "And when I'm better, really better, I mean, I want to marry you."
Your eyes widened, you supposed you might've looked scared to anyone who didn't know you too well. "Michael-"
"I'm serious. If I asked you, right now, to be my wife-"
You shook your head, a grin making it's way onto your face now. "Michael-"
"Will you marry me?" He sounded so serious. You'd spoken about getting married before, and you'd both meant what you'd said, but you hadn't expected he'd ask you so soon. You'd been together just over a year, but you were both still young, and nearly four months of your relationship had just been casual nights together.
"Are you proposing to me?" You were really smiling now. As much as you were young, and as much as you hadn't quite expected this, you were excited. Of course you wanted to marry Michael.
"If that's what you want this to be." He was smiling down at you, grasping both of your hands in his own. He’d have gotten down on one knee if he could’ve, and he felt a slight pang of guilt knowing this wasn’t quite the proposal you’d probably hoped for.
But you didn’t care. Growing up, you’d wanted a big wedding, with a big proposal beforehand, but having someone who you loved as much as you loved Michael, he could’ve proposed to you at a funeral and you’d have said yes. “Well, if that's what's happening, then yes."
"You'll marry me?" The surprise in his voice was completely unmasked. He’d had no idea you’d actually say yes.
"Yes. Yes, Michael, I'll marry you." You felt yourself doing a little jump up and down out of excitement.
"Are you serious?"
"Of course I'm serious!"
Michael arms were around your waist, now, picking you up from the ground and kissing you, completely ignoring the burn in his chest. Your lips always felt made for eachother when he kissed you, and this time was no different, if not even better. You hadn’t been kissing him half as much as you normally would, what with everything going on, and it almost felt desperate, needy.
"Tomorrow, I'll go out, and I'll buy you a ring, alright? Tommy owes me money, I'll use that to buy you the biggest one I can find." You laughed at Michael's excitement. "But this is official. We're engaged, love."
"We're engaged." You repeated, tears in your eyes, and let Michael take your face in his hands and kiss you again. You couldn't quite believe what had just happened - truth be told, neither could Michael - and you certainly didn't ever expect it to happen in a hospital room, but you were excited nonetheless.
"Come on, I've got all of my things packed, let's go home."
As soon as you stepped through the door to your apartment, you were apologising to Michael for the "state of the place". You weren't entirely used to having him round, and so felt you had to explain the little messes that you'd often leave laying around.
"Sorry, it's a bit of a mess. I've not been home too often. And it's not as big as yours, I know-"
Michael stopped you before you rambled on about how the fireplace wasn't lit, and you hadn't washed your dishes from that morning, and how you'd left all of your makeup out on the bathroom vanity because you hadn't time to put it away.
"Stop it." He soothed you, pressing a finger to your lips and looking around at your ground floor flat. It certainly wasn't much, but he actually liked your house better than his own. It was smaller, and therefore cozier, and he found the looks he got from neighbours the morning after you'd slept together funny, knowing they'd heard you screaming his name the night before. "It's perfect."
You smiled, half-heartedly, and gestured to the living room doorway, "Here, you can lay down on the sofa, and I can make some lunch. What would you like? Oh, and when do I have to change your bandages, do you remember?" You swung open the kitchen cabinet, searching through the groceries you'd bought the day before. "I'm not sure what I could make. I can go to the store, I think it should still be open-"
"Love, stop." Michael stepped closer to you, hands settling on each of your shoulders. "Just take a minute, calm down, we've got time."
"I know. I know, I just-"
"Don't." He let a hand slip down your arm and into your own, "You've said yes to marrying me today, I'm very much happy dealing with your unwashed dishes, and you can make me lunch any time, now, okay? I'm here to stay."
"Come on, fiancé." Michael grinned at you. "Lay with me, please? Missed you."
You sighed, and turned to close the cabinet door behind you. You were quick to stress yourself out, and normally you'd argue that you couldn't just lay down and forget about the things you needed to do, but you'd missed him too. "Okay."
Michael led you down the hallway and into your bedroom, he'd been here before, but you'd spend most of your time together at his house or at the office, so it felt strange having him in your bedroom. He was one to make himself at home, and today was no different. As soon as he reached your bed, the shirt that he was wearing was unbuttoned and on the floor, and he was sprawled out on top of the sheets, gesturing for you to join him.
You tried to lay down next to him, but he had other plans, hands reaching out to grip your hips and pull you on top of him, one knee on either side of his torso. "Michael!" You giggled.
"Oh, come on. I haven't had any time alone with you in over a month." His hands started to make their way under your dress, and you almost let him, until you snapped back to reality and noticed the bandage wrapped around his body.
"I know." You wanted to, you really wanted to, but you found yourself smacking his hand away before he was able to get past your thigh. "But you're still recovering."
"I'm fit enough." He raised an eyebrow at you, and you were certainly considering it. He could definitely be very convincing, when he wanted to.
"Are you sure?" You stuck your bottom lip out, pouting at him.
"I'm sure, baby." His hands found their way to your waist, and he was looking up at you with what you could only describe as hunger in his eyes, jaw clenched. He made it so hard for you to say no. "Come on, let me prove it to you. Let me show you how much I love you.”
"I don't know, Michael-"
"Please, sweetheart." He interrupted you, "Missed your body. Been so desperate for you."
Hearing him say he was desperate for you had a knot growing in your stomach. You sighed, weighing up the options you had, but ultimately deciding that you'd both be unable to think about anything else if you didn't have sex.
"Okay. Alright, but if you feel like you need to stop, you stop. Okay?"
"I will. Thank you, darling." You could feel him hardening through his trousers, and it had you biting down hard on your lips, having been waiting for this moment to come since he could sit up straight. He'd teased you while in the hospital, talked dirty, touched you every now and again, but it was hard to find a time when a nurse wasn't going to walk in and scold him for being too active, and Polly wasn't going to come in for a visit. "Now, come here."
He pushed himself up, back against the headboard, and dipped his head to connect your lips. It was fast, rough, a clash of teeth and tongue and lips, he'd missed you, and you were making it clear that you'd thought about him for the entire time he'd been in the hospital.
His hands roamed your back, pulling you closer so that you were chest to chest. He could feel his wounds burning when your torso collided with his, but the taste of your lips on his and the feeling of having you so close again quickly dissolved any discomfort he felt.
He was so needy for you, hips bucking upwards to meet yours, hands sliding down to grip your hips, you thought it was the hottest you'd ever seen him. "Fuck, Michael." You gasped out as his lips found your neck, head falling back.
He groaned at the sound of you moaning for him, he'd been waiting to touch you for so long. "Need you, pretty girl. We've got plenty of time for other things later, but I need to be inside you right now."
You didn't need to say another word, you simply nodded and helped him to unbuckle his belt while you hiked your dress up above your waist. His fingers grazed over your lingerie, and you mewled, the feeling almost too much. "Jesus, baby, you're so wet already. Haven't even done anything yet."
"Missed you so much, Michael." You breathed out, an answer to his statement, and simply a statement in itself.
"Missed you too, princess." You loved when he called you pet names.
You watched as he freed himself from his underwear, and his cock sprung up, hard and ready for you. "You're hard already." You mocked his words, and he laughed.
Neither of you wasted any time with foreplay, your panties were ripped off and on the floor with one flick of Michael's wrist, and he was lifting you off of him slightly, and guiding you back down onto his cock.
The feeling of him sliding into you again was euphoric for both of you. You hadn't had sex in more than a month, as opposed to usually being borderline sex addicts, and you knew you wouldn't last long.
You both let out pornographic moans as he bottomed out, Michael's face said it all. His mouth hung open, eyebrows knitted together, eyes wide, you were so tight, he could've came at the feeling of his cock stretching you out.
"Fuck, not gonna last long, honey." His forehead fell against yours and he screwed his eyes shut, just revelling in how good you felt around him. "Are you alright?" He asked, hand holding and stroking your waist lovingly. He was big, and you were so used to him before that you hardly needed any time to adjust, but with being away from eachother for so long, he was almost too much to handle.
"I'm okay. Give me a second. Feel so full." You were breathing heavily, shifting around. It wasn't uncomfortable as such, just a lot to take.
Michael ran his fingers through your hair, soothing you and pressing kisses to your forehead. "Taking me so well, baby. Just take your time."
"Fuck," You moaned, you loved when he was sweet to you in bed. You'd told him months ago that you thought it might've been your biggest turn on. "You can move."
Michael looked up at you, just for an extra check that you were truly alright, and, upon finding no sign that you weren't, bucked his hips up to meet yours. You almost screamed, he knew exactly what spots to hit, and he did every time without fail.
You bounced on him, his hands helping you, lifting you off of him and bringing you straight back down at new angles every time. "You feel so good, Mike."
"Fuck, good girl. That's a good girl." Michael let his forehead drop onto your collarbone, watching your tits bounce up and down. You were so beautiful, he often wondered how he'd gotten so lucky. "Tell me how good I'm making you feel."
"So, so good. Missed your cock so much. Love it so much." Your words were slightly slurred, eyes starting to droop. He loved watching you, how much of a mess you'd get, just from riding his cock.
His hands found your tits, massaging them and twisting your nipples, which always had you screaming for him, and today was no different. "Feel good?"
"Feels fucking amazing." He thrust into you at just the right angle, which had you gasping and digging your nails into his back, leaving little red half moons on his shoulder blades. "Oh, right there, Mike.”
"Shit, baby, are you close?" You were clenching around him so tightly, "Can feel it, you're close."
"I'm so close." You moaned, you were certain your upstairs neighbours would hear you, the walls and ceilings were thin, and Michael was making you yell out in pleasure.
"Me too. Almost there, sweetheart. Hang on for me." He increased his speed, making it even harder for you to hold on, and making your moans fall from your lips even louder than before.
"I don't think I can, Mike." Your legs were shaking like crazy, and you could feel his dick tensing inside of you. You needed to come so badly.
"I said hold on. You can hold it." His face was stern as he said it, dominant side coming out as he grabbed your hips and slammed you down onto him, bucking his hips at the same time. He was going to make this so good for you.
"Fuck, Michael, please." You threw your head back. You felt his cock twitch, and a loud moan come from him, he was going to come.
"Alright, baby, come. Come with me."
Your throat was hoarse from moaning as loudly as you were, but it didn't stop you from screaming his name as your walls tightened around him and you came undone. The feeling of his cum painting your insides never got old, always made you feel like you could go at least another few rounds.
"Oh my God." You panted, collapsing onto his chest as he lay back on the bed. You both lay there, breathing heavily, sweaty messes, for a few minutes. You didn't think you could move very far, your legs were shaking against him.
"Jesus, have I missed this." Michael kissed the top of your head through quick, harsh breaths.
"I've missed this so much." You agreed, heart pounding.
You lifted your head, just enough to see that there were a few speckles of blood seeping through the bandage that was wrapped around his torso. "You're bleeding, baby. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." He nodded, and reached over to your bedside cabinet to grab the small alarm clock that sat there. It read two o’clock. Michael grinned at you.
"Time to change the bandages."
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This Didn't Happen
Notes: Just a silly thing; prompts 7 & 15 taken from this Morning After prompt list.
Pairing: Nathan Bateman x Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Sexual implications; behavior expected of our fave billionaire stinky bastard man
Summary: Had you gone to the conference planning to sleep with Nathan Bateman? No.
Had you? Yes.
Were you regretting it? Absolutely.
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"Stop smiling at me."
"I'm not smiling."
"Yes you are."
"How do you know? You're not even looking at me."
"I don't need to look at you, I can feel it from here." You tried to smooth your rumpled clothing before drawing in a deep breath to steady yourself, gathering your thoughts.
Had you gone to the conference planning to sleep with Nathan Bateman? No.
Had you? Yes.
Were you regretting it? Absolutely.
The sex had been (insanely, mind-bogglingly) good. You were still sensitive, still buzzing from your orgasm as you tried to plan a graceful exit. It was proving difficult, given the circumstances—but there was no smooth way to dip out of a one night stand. Almost all of the conference attendees were staying at the same hotel as you were. What if you ran into someone that you knew in the hallway? Your wrinkled clothes would give you away immediately.
You gathered your courage before you forced yourself to turn and look at him.
Nathan was smiling—lounging in the bed with a satisfied smirk as he put his glasses back on and fixed you with a knowing gaze. You wanted to slap the look off of his face, but some part of you was certain that he would enjoy it. Not only was he smiling, but he looked criminally gorgeous. His cheeks were still slightly flushed from exertion; his forehead was still dotted with sweat; you were trying to ignore the few streaks of irritated skin where your nails had dug into his shoulder.
"We're not gonna cuddle?" He teased, brows waggling. You scoffed, turning away and beginning to hunt around his hotel room for your shoes.
"Listen, Bateman—"
"You have my attention."
"Good, 'cause I'm really gonna need you to focus up right now." You faced him again, planting your hands on your hips and forcing a stern set to your brow. "This didn't happen. Got it?"
"Didn't it?"
Nathan blinked at you a couple of times, lips curling into a teasing smile as he glanced toward to marks on his shoulder.
"Huh. Then I wonder where these came from."
"The mystery may never be solved." Son of a bitch, where are you goddamn shoes—
"So if anyone asks what we got up to this evening—?"
"Make something up," You snapped.
"What's your alibi?"
"I'll figure it out when I get back to my room."
"What if you run into someone in the elevator and they ask?"
"I'll make something up."
"You oughta brainstorm now. You don't improvise well."
"Thanks for the tip."
"They're under the desk."
"Your shoes."
You went still, slowly glancing in that direction, and wincing when you spotted them. How the hell did they get under there?
"You kicked them off," Nathan added. "Almost broke your neck. Remember?"
You ignored the goad, picking them up and hurriedly pulling them on before heading for the door. You heard the rustle of sheets as Nathan pushed them off of his lap and stood.
"Hey," He called out.
"You sure this never happened?"
You reached for the doorknob, freezing as Nathan crowded up against your back. You shivered at the feeling of his body pressing against yours, lips brushing the shell of your ear.
"I hope it doesn't happen again sometime," He murmured. You began to turn to look back at him, only to spot yourself in a small mirror by the door. Your eyes narrowed as you spotted a mark blooming on your neck, and you couldn't stop yourself from whirling around to look at him.
"Did you really have to leave a giant hickey on my neck?!"
Nathan smirked, gaze sweeping over your face before he tipped his head to the side, getting a better look at the hickey.
"What makes you think I did that?"
Tag list: @missredherring ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight ; @recklessworry ; @amneris21 ; @ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage ;  @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity ; @millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @dihra-vesa​ ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices​ ; @missswriter ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @mad-girl-without-a-box ; @winchestershiresauce ; @lorecraft ; @kmc1989 ; @writefightandflightclub ; @thedukeofcaladan ; @beepboopyoda ; @foxilayde ; @rachelwritesstuff
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politemenacephd · 9 months
Arachnophilia: Part Twelve
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
Content: Plot. Plot. Plot. Plot. Confrontation. Plot. Culminations. Confrontations. Lets go. The storm is brewing. (Also fluff at the start).
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Notes: There was meant to be more in chap 12 but that gut punch will wait for chap 13, apologies in advance I'll be paying everyones therapy bills I promise. P.s shout out to the person who saw the foreshadowing hehe
‘I feel like it’s gonna storm soon.’
Your idle chit-chat floated through the nest as you lounged on the bed, your eyes fixed on the nearby window. With the shutters open you could see the full expanse of the forest in the distance. The sky was a pale and endless blue, dotted with a single motionless cloud, perfectly highlighting the stillness of the pines below.
Mig looked up from the fire he was tending and glanced towards the same window, his eyes wide and peeled.
He was busy cooking breakfast over a small fire you’d built in the middle of the nest, one with a closable chimney that kept the nest free from smoke. Your shared home now looked like a giant chicken in the woods, a big white oval on two stumpy tree legs slowly puffing smoke into the empty air.
‘Is this your, senses, mi arañita? Because I don’t see a storm.’
‘Yeah, sure. Call it uh- intuition.’
Miguel grunted in response. He tapped his feet, feeling the vibrations, before shrugging and returning to the food. ‘Mm. Fascinating. Well, I trust your judgement, arañita. If you say storm, I will expect a storm.’
‘I feel like it’ll be a big one’ you added with a yawn. ‘Should be interesting out here.’
‘I’ll shutter up the nest, you won’t be harmed in any way’ he said, instinctively trying to soothe your worries.
‘You gonna spin a big tarp to cover the whole thing?’ you teased. He let out a snort of a chuckle.
‘Mm. That’s not necessary, it’s just you that needs protecting. Besides, I don’t think I can produce that much silk.’
‘Oh shh- come on, you wouldn’t let your home get destroyed just to cover me’ you scoffed. Despite your ribbing you were surprised when he turned, as his face was absolutely serious.
‘I can replace my home, arañita, I could not replace you. Your life will always matter more’ he said. He waved his little crude-cut wooden spatula in your direction as if telling you off, and slowly your smile returned.
‘Pff, okay, fine. When you put it like that you sound noble, and not- you know, obsessive.’
‘A man can be both’ he replied, and as he turned you caught just the hint of a teasing smile on his face. You were glad to see it.
‘Mm, sure. A man of many sides.’
You didn’t see it, but his smile drooped just a little. His eyes turned glassy over the burning fire. ‘So, many sides, yes’ he murmured.
‘What was that?’ you called, your body now spread wide over the mattress in a starfish position. Mig shook his head and forced the smile back on.
‘Oh, ah- I was just saying the food is done.’
‘Oh thank GOD, thank you thank you, I thought I would pass away from starvation.’
Mig drew back and carefully crawled across the floor to your side. He used the stool he’d built for you as a table to balance both of your plates. This proved mildly anxiety inducing for you, considering half of the plates seemed to be hanging over the edge, but it somehow held steady.
He took a quick sniff of your forehead as he sank down to join you. It would have been an odd or even off-putting behaviour to you even two weeks ago, but you were used to it now. You knew it was him checking your condition, smelling for your health and hormone balance.
As he sank down and folded his fluffy legs, he looked pleased. ‘You smell good this morning, little spider’ he noted.
‘Like, health wise? Are all my organs functioning nicely?’ you asked while grabbing your plate.
‘Yes, but- no.’
You blinked, clearly slightly taken aback by his response. You had to juggle your plate to avoid the food spilling as it tilted. ‘I’m sorry what? What’s wrong with me, what did you smell?’
‘Oh, no. Nothing is wrong, arañita. I just meant, you smell good. You smell nice. Literally.’
You made a soft ‘oh’ sign with your mouth as your brewing panic burnt out. ‘Oh. Oh! Oh! Aha- well, thank you, Mig, you- smell good too.’
Miguel chuckled to himself again as his abdomen vibrated. ‘I highly doubt that but, thank you anyway.’  
With his body now settled he grabbed his own wooden plate, one that he’d absolutely piled with rare cooked venison. It turns out that carrying such an enormous body required a lot of sustenance. Usually you were happy to just sit and eat with him, comfortable in your domestic silence, but as he clawed up the first piece you abruptly put a finger to his open lips. His eyes rolled to you while his head stayed still, his eyes wide and curious as you rubbed his bared fang.
‘Can I get my morning kiss, before you get all messy?’ you giggled, gently tilting his chin with one hand.
He quickly pushed his plate aside. ‘Oh, yes- of course, arañita.’
You closed your eyes as he leaned in and kissed you firmly on the mouth. You couldn’t help but giggle again as a low, soft moan vibrated from his lips at just the faintest brush of skin, his eagerness oozing out of every little movement he made.
The heat at this point was basically over, but god, he was still insatiable.
He held onto your waist until he’d gotten at last six kisses, his lips moving slowly and tenderly as they enveloped yours, but you were forced to part when his tongue started brushing yours.
‘Mm- Miggy, sweetheart, food’ you panted as you pulled away. ‘If you go any further it’s gonna get cold.’
He met you with that sweet and awkward smile, his lips parted and breathless. ‘Ah- what? Oh, yes. Food. Okay, just— just one more—’
You squeaked as he launched forward and dragged out one more kiss, holding you for as long as he could, before finally letting you go. You had to wipe your lips on the back of your hand as you coyly watched him shuffle back.
‘You big dork’ you mumbled affectionately. If he heard you, he didn’t answer. He began ripping his food apart with his massive canines while you snacked beside him.
It was strange how easily and quickly you’d adjusted to living alongside Mig. Perhaps it being your first time living with someone gave you less to contrast, but whatever it was, you kind of liked his eccentricities.
You were getting used to him waking you up early so he could patrol his territory, where he’d kiss you before letting you go back to sleep. You were getting used to him carrying your sleepy body down to the spring in the morning so you could brush your teeth and wash your face. You were getting used to him preening himself and then preening you, combing your hair with strands of silk, and to his quiet presence around you while you read or checked the news or did chores.
You liked being around someone who could just sit in silence with you and not treat it as strange. You liked being around someone who was so blunt, because when he didn’t complain you knew he was genuinely comfortable around you.
As you finished up your meal you gently nudged him with your foot. ‘Hey, I was thinking. When we’re done with the full fireplace do you want to build anything else?’
Miguel grunted and turned mid-bite, his teeth terrifyingly bared around a red piece of meat. He aggressively tore it aside before speaking, desperate not to speak with any food in his mouth.
‘Ah- well, I had thought about building a second story. A den section, in the ground perhaps. I thought it, might be warmer.’
You hurriedly swallowed your last bite to reply. ‘In the ground? Are you sure? It’d have to be another bedroom right, if its all dark?’
Mig shrugged. ‘Yes. Or a second study. Or, we could, as you said, make it the main bedroom and make this a study. I just want to be sure that you’re comfortable here.’
‘Hey, I’m fine’ you said with a wave of your hand. ‘I’m good, I still don’t want to take over your home like that. I’d want it to be something that benefits you too. But, hmm… Now that I think about it, when the next heat comes, you dragging me down into your dark little nesting hole could be fun, right?’
At just the suggestion you saw his abdomen bristle. He tried to keep a neutral face, but his legs had begun gently tapping with excitement.
‘That… could be, fun’ he said slowly. You giggled at how strained he sounded.
‘Could be lots of fun’ you said, your voice dipping softly. ‘So warm, and safe, away from the outside world.’
He bristled even further, his spine physically arching. He had to bite his lip to keep his resolve. ‘Mm- it is, ideally, where nurseries are made’ he murmured. ‘In a safe burrow, in the ground. It would be… quite, evocative, for me.’
‘Oh my god Mig, you’re so—’
Your body went still as a voice echoed in from the forest outside. A voice that wasn’t yours, nor his. A voice that was new and yet painfully familiar. As the voice called again you heard the nearby birds flee.
‘MIGUEL? Are you here?’
‘That- that’s Jess’ you whispered. The words squeaked out of your mouth.
Miguel met you with the same look of horror. ‘Why would she want to speak with me?’ he hissed. You violently shook your head.
‘I don’t- I don’t know! I don’t know! Does- do you still talk to the HQ?’
‘No, I—’
‘HEY! Newbie!’
You felt a tightness in your gut that made you sick. It was as if everything suddenly stopped moving, like something had physically punched you in the stomach. ‘She- no, no I never said I was here—’
You scrambled out of bed and across the floor as Mig tried to calm you down.
‘Shit… shit! Why… why is she here?! Oh god did she see you on the call?’
‘Arañita, shh, it’s okay.’
Mig crawled across the floor and drew you back towards his chest with his forelegs. He rocked you like a baby with his claws in your hair, trying his best to show you the same gentle physical care you showed him when he panicked. ‘It’s okay’ he repeated. ‘I will- speak with them.’
‘NEWBIE! I need you to come out!’
Jess’s voice made you physically jolt in his grip. You let out a low whine as your anxiety tripled over. ‘Shit- I, I have to go out, right?’
‘No, no. I won’t let them take you out—’
‘Miggy they could take my watch’ you whimpered. You both simultaneously glanced at your watch on the floor, its screen blank but glowing. Your eyes rolled back to each other, and your arms tightened.
‘They could take my watch and my membership if they think I’m rogue. We have to go out’ you repeated.
Mig swallowed hard, almost gulping, his Adams apple rocking hard in his throat. You could see his mind working overtime from the way his eyes were darting back and forth, back and forth, desperately searching for a way to get out of this.
You saw him physically deflate as Jess’s voice sounded for a third time. She was getting closer.
‘Okay’ he murmured. ‘Okay, um- okay. I’ll go out with you though.’
‘Are you sure?’ you whispered. ‘I mean won’t they know—’
‘Mi tesoro, they’re calling for both of us. They know. They knew we’re- together, at least to some capacity.’
You pursed your lips. It was uncomfortable but he was right, as always. They clearly knew.
‘Okay’ you croaked back. ‘Okay, ah- shit. Let’s go.’
You slipped into your new suit and crept your way out of the nest first, with Mig following close behind. You began to follow Jess’s distant cries.
The first steps you took were agony. Each crunching leaf beneath your boots was like a stabbing pain. As strange as it might be to anyone else, the one thing keeping you stable right now was the enormous shadow of Miguel’s spider form as it eclipsed your own.
God, why hadn’t you planned for this? You’d spent so long with this exact nightmare scenario haunting the back of your head, niggling at your conscious mind like a rat, and yet you’d just continued to push it down. Now you were paying for it. You had no idea what to say, what they’d do.
You sucked up a breath as you marched onward. Your feet were dragging at this point, desperate to just stop, but Miguel was at your back and his presence was forcing you to continue.
You had no idea what he was thinking. He seemed so calm on the outside, but his face was stony and drawn. When you glanced up at him you saw nothing, though he did make sure to keep his foreleg on your shoulder so you knew he was with you.
Her voice was so much closer now. You’d definitely found her. You sidled up against one of the larger pine trunks and peered around it.
Sure enough, there she was. You could see Jess in her spider suit slowly trekking through the muddy earth, hands held up to her lips so her voice travelled further.
You took in one more deep breath, hard and sharp, and finally stepped out of the trees.
‘Ah- Jess, over here’ you called.
‘Hey, there yo- OH, JESUS CHRIST!’
Jess jumped out of her skin as you appeared alongside Mig, his enormous spider body slowly emerging from the dead brush. She was forced to look at you both from behind her hand, eyeing you up in the same way one would glance at roadkill. You felt your skin prickle at the strange reaction.
‘Sorry- shit, he- Miguel told me what he was but it- my god, that’s freaky’ Jess said, awkwardly stammering the last part to herself.
‘What- what is going on here?’ you asked.
As you emerged you realized with some horror that Jess wasn’t alone. It looked like the entire elite squad had been summoned. You could see Jess at the front with her head in her hands, flanked on either side by Spider Byte and Ben Reilly. They’d even brought Peter B. in the back. None of them looked happy to be here.
‘Look, I- if this is about me and—’
Your attempt to pre-emptively apologize was cut off as one final figure emerged from the back of the group. He parted the spiders like the sea, and with a single swish of his hand he removed his holographic mask.
It was Miguel.
He had a stony expression as he approached. You noticed his eyes scanning Mig before flitting down to you, and there they stayed for an uncomfortably long amount of time. You felt yourself shrinking under his gaze.
Miguel sniffed the air and immediately his cold expression turned violent. You saw the way his nose wrinkled in disgust, his eyes burning the colour of congealed blood. You even saw the flash of a fang.
Shit, you thought, he could smell it. He could smell what you’d done.
‘What- what is this?’ you stammered.
Right as you edged onto the cusp of anxiety you felt Mig pressing in at your back. The brush of his foreleg as it touched your shoulder helped to ground you in the moment, giving you a little piece of your courage back.
‘I- Look I need to ask again, what is going o—’
‘We’re here on code violation’ Miguel blurted.
You scrunched up your face in confusion. ‘Code violation? Look, if this is about me seeing Mig, I know you said not to but it wasn’t technically in the code—’
‘So you’re aware of the fact that you lied?’ Miguel snapped. You jumped at his tone.
‘Ah- I, I know, I—when I said I was sick, I wasn’t trying to lie, I really did need to—’
‘Being in heat is not being sick.’
Your face was burning up. This was mortifying. You could see the other elites glancing at each other, all either trying to discern what he meant or trying to hide the fact that they already knew. You gripped your own hands for support.
‘It- did, impact my ability to work, quite severely. I just didn’t want to discuss that kind of stuff with anyone, it—’
‘Hey, look—that’s fine’ Jess said. She’d put a hand on Miguel’s shoulder to stop him before he interrupted you for a third time, and while she still looked unnerved, she was clearly trying to be nice. ‘We don’t care about that stuff. I promise. You’re totally right that telling us would have been weird, and we don’t need to know why members are gone, we just gotta know that they are gone. You understand?’
‘Yes. Yes, I know, I’m sorry’ you repeated. ‘But- so, that isn’t why you’re here?’
‘No’ Miguel said bluntly. You watched him steady his hands on his hips. ‘We’re here because we do not facilitate or permit any reproduction across universes.’
His voice was unnervingly clear as he spoke, almost monotone. It was obvious that he’d memorised those words. It took you a good ten seconds just to verbalize one thing in response. ‘Wh- what?’ you stammered.
‘I’m sorry, newbie, but—it is a rule now’ Jess added. ‘We don’t know what this could do, if its dangerous, so- we just have a blanket ban.’
‘No, no, but- we’re not— I’m not, reproducing with him’ you exclaimed.
Miguel’s eyes narrowed. He looked exhausted. ‘Lyla, scan them’ he barked. Immediately your hands flew up. ‘NO- No, don’t, scan me—’
As you stumbled back in horror Mig finally stepped forward. Having been silent until now he could no longer stand back, and with his front legs reared he violently spat a line of smoking venom across the dead grass, separating you and him from the elites. They all immediately fell back.
‘Do not step any closer’ he seethed. The spiders all took defensive positions as his eyes transformed, the whites turning red and his pupils dilating. You remained hunched up against the fur of his abdomen.
‘Hey! Woah, woah, hey! Everyone chill!’ Peter cried, his hands raised and outspread as if he was trying to herd back a group of snapping dogs. You kept close to Mig as the other elites struggled to de-escalate.
‘Do we need a light cage?’ Spider Byte whisper-shouted across the group.
‘Nah, I can take him’ Ben drawled. At this point it was you and Peter trying to calm everyone down.
‘He’s not dangerous!’ you cried. ‘Just stand down, you- you came onto his territory without warning—’
‘Territory?’ Jess repeated back.
‘Yes, he- he’s a spider!’ you snapped, your voice finally cracking over the point of annoyance. ‘But he won’t hurt anyone if you just don’t scan my body without consent!’  
The group hesitated for a moment, but the stalemate couldn’t hold forever. When Mig failed to do anything aggressive the group began slowly shifting out of their defensive positions, and when he continued to be still, they dispersed. Mig gave the group a curt nod.
‘Fine. No scan’ Miguel snapped, his jaw tense as his struggled not to hiss. ‘Bring up the lab results then.’
Despite your fears you recoiled at his suggestion and immediately snapped back. ‘Are you serious? You can’t scan me without consent, so you’ll just show my doctors notes without consent?’
At this point even Jess seemed concerned by Miguel’s actions. She was sharing looks with Spider Byte, speaking without words.
‘Miguel, you can’t do that’ Jess hissed.
‘I will do what I have to do if it puts the multi-verse at risk.’
‘But you—’
‘STOP. Enough’ Mig yelled, his monotone bark causing even Miguel to stammer. He glared at the elites one by one as one of his forelegs slipped over your shoulder.
‘We do not need a scan, and you don’t need their records’ he said slowly. ‘Yes, we mated. We have mated multiple times. They are my… partner.’
The words sparked such joy in your heart, and yet everyone else gave equal looks of discomfort or disgust. You saw Jess hang her head in her hand and mutter something you couldn’t hear.
‘Aha, oh boy, uh- well hey, as much as I love a good love story, uh… That’s kind of the problem then’ Peter said as he awkwardly sidled forward. He seemed to be the only one unconcerned with your relationship, as his cheery demeanour was seemingly undampened by your confession. ‘If you two are…. Doing, things, ah—well, birds and bees, you know, that sadly is our jurisdiction now.’
‘What Peter is trying to say is that this puts you at risk of conceiving a child with parents from two different universes, which is exactly why we’re here. We can’t permit that kind of behavior’ Jess added.
‘Wh- but, wait, why? That wasn’t mentioned in my induction’ you argued.
‘It’s not something we considered until, recently’ Jess admitted with another awkward shrug.
Your eyes narrowed, and with a grunt you stiffened your lip. ‘You mean Miguel just suddenly brought it up, right around the time I said I was sick, I assume?’
Jess didn’t look guilty at being called out. To your surprise, she looked confused. Her eyes flitted from you to Miguel as if she hadn’t expected you to guess such a thing.
‘Well, yes, but—’
‘That doesn’t matter. It’s still an issue, and we can’t allow it to continue. We’ll need to enforce a separation’ Miguel said, quickly cutting Jess off before she could reveal the now painfully obvious fact that he’d been looking for excuses to enforce this.
Immediately your stomach fell. Regardless of Miguel’s intentions, he was the society leader. He had control over everyone’s multi-verse watches. He could impose whatever he wanted, so long as he could justify it for the greater good.
He could take you away.
‘No! No, no, wait, we um- I’m on birth control’ you blurted.
The elites all glanced at each other. You saw, for a moment, panic in Miguel’s eyes. His plan hadn’t accounted for that.
‘You can- fuck, I can prove it. Jess, I give you consent to view my medical files. You’ll see it there, I had a scan done after the first- well, first few times we had sex, I was not pregnant, and- and I got 3 months’ worth of patches. We’re not having little spider babies, at least- not right now.’
While Miguel struggled to not openly fume Jess took up the mantel of checking your files. She drew up a smooth holographic screen from her watch and began to scroll with her finger, her eyes moving quickly over each little bit of information. You saw her lip curl slightly with discomfort, and you knew for sure she’d found your records.
‘Ah… well, they’re telling the truth’ Jess said with a sigh. She smoothly swiped the file away. ‘They’re on birth control. They ain’t pregnant. There is no immediate threat.’
‘But they’re still claiming to be in a relationship’ Miguel hissed beneath his breath. Jess shrugged; she seemed indifferent to his continued anger.
‘I mean yeah, but, that isn’t against the rules’ she said. ‘We’d need to ensure the rules are followed but, we don’t have any reason to restrict relationships.’
‘What about the mark?’ Miguel insisted. This time his finger was pointed directly at you.
‘The, mark?’ Jess repeated back.
‘Yes. The mark. On their neck. The bite.’
At first you were horribly confused, but then you remembered that Miguel had bitten you that one time you mated in the woods. Your hands frantically went to your shoulder where the scars remained.
‘He’s caused damage to one of my members, that’s—’
‘The biting was consensual’ you called back. It was a little scary to interrupt Miguel, but also secretly thrilling in a way. It felt good to fight back. However, you quickly learned to eat your words, as Miguel’s nose scrunched up with disgust.
‘What do you mean, consensual?’ he hissed.
‘Uh- Miguel, buddy, some- people are, into that stuff’ Peter whispered in his ear. You watched Miguel’s face contort even further. ‘I can explain to you later—’
‘I don’t need an explanation!’ Miguel snapped. The force of his voice pushed Peter to stagger aside. ‘I need—’
‘Everything I’ve done with Mig was by choice’ you asserted, cutting him off for the second time. Miguel’s rapidly decreasing patience was clear in the bloody stare he shot you, and while it caused you to shrink you had Mig there to hold you steady. You could feel his pride as he purred.
‘I- Look, I’m here by choice’ you explained. ‘I’m with Mig by choice. It was an accident that we met, but, we’re- friends. Well, we were friends. We’re, more than that now, and- that’s it. I’m not getting pregnant, I’m not- in any danger, so… please, just, go.’
‘Well then what about the newspaper?’ Miguel exclaimed, his finger still raised as he paced.
Jess audibly groaned at this point. She refused to even turn. ‘Oh my god—what are you talking about, Miguel?’
‘There was a story published. Some hikers ran into a monster, in the woods, a 10-foot spider that they saw eating someone alive. That was clearly them.’
‘And?’ Jess asked.
‘They’re at risk of revealing their secret identities!’ he snapped.
Jess sighed, her hand going up to rub her temple. You couldn’t see her face, but she sounded exasperated. ‘Miguel—Miguel, I don’t wear a mask! What are you talking about?!’
‘It—if people, know, about the giant spider—’
‘It’s not our problem’ Jess stipulated. She had her finger now pointed at his chest. ‘I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m not interested in enforcing any rules which suddenly put me and half the society in the doghouse. This is his universe, his problem. If he’s not causing damage he’s not a threat. If he needs help ‘cos he’s in danger, we offer help. Otherwise, its not my problem. Now let’s go.’
Despite their leader still seemingly fuming, the other elites were just as tired as Jess was. They’d been brought out here to argue relationship drama instead of fighting bad guys, and nobody wanted to draw this out any longer.
Jess shot you one last awkward wave as she turned. ‘Look, to be clear, we will need to organise this officially. You’re not pregnant now, but we will have to enforce that going forward for yours and your universes safety. Until we know what it does, you’ll need to be monitored. Okay?’
Your stomach turned at the idea of your relationship being authorised and overseen by the society, but right now you just wanted to leave. You decided to play along.
‘Fine. Okay. We’ll- discuss that soon’ you murmured.
Jess nodded, curtly, to both you and Mig, before turning on her heel. The other elites all turned to follow.
Miguel refused to move, even as the others began walking away. He had one claw raised and his hand was shaking, his face contorting into a mask of disdain.
‘No, no. No. No. You.’
He pointed his claw towards Mig, who met his vitriol with a neutral expression. The two locked eyes.
‘You. I cannot, permit this. I have tried to be nice, I have tried to give you an out, but you’ve given me no choice. I know, you know, that this is not safe. You can’t trust them that they’re safe!’
‘Miguel, come on, they—’
‘NO! No, Jess. I have one more thing that needs to be brought up.’
To your surprise, Mig’s stony façade suddenly cracked. Something about what Miguel had just said seemed to cause him significant distress, as his abdomen began to shake as his paws scraped at the earth. You tried to hold his forepaw but he didn’t even see you.
‘YOU!’ Miguel yelled as he turned, both hands now pointed at Mig. ‘What, about, Da—’
‘I plead section 1675.’
You were surprised to see Miguel go stiff, almost as if time had stopped around his body and his body alone. It was eerie the way he froze up, his fingers still raised and his mouth half open.
You glanced between the two, and inch by inch your expression went from scared to confused. You expected Mig to say more, to explain, but he didn’t. He just stared straight ahead with that same cold face.
Miguel began to lower his hand. ‘No. No, you can’t—’
‘Pull it up.’
You balked as Mig called for Miguel to act, seemingly without concern. It was like he’d done this before.
Miguel looked like he might explode. He was physically shaking, unable to comprehend how he wasn’t getting his way, but to your surprise he folded. He raised his watch.
‘Lyla. Come here.’
For the first time Lyla flitted into existence and walked across the open air, noting the strange new surroundings as she went.
‘Hi! What’s u—’
Lyla froze in a comedic parallel to Miguel as her eyes fell upon you, your hands still wrapped tight around Mig’s foreleg. Her glasses fell off and fizzled into tiny holographic pixels at her feet.
‘Oh my god you’re kidding me’ she murmured. Her voice was unnervingly monotone.
‘Lyla, I said come here’ Miguel snapped. She continued to ignore him.
‘Is this- oh is this your variant? Is this—WAIT!’
You jumped as Lyla drifted down to stand in front of your face, her eyes wide and starry. ‘So on your scan, when it showed—It was HIM?! Oh my GOD you’re KIDDING ME—’
‘LYLA!’ Miguel barked, quickly drawing her attention back. ‘Pull up file 87. NOW. RIGHT NOW.’
The AI shot you a slightly disgruntled look behind Miguel’s back, but she did concede, smoothly manifesting a file with her hands. She flicked her fingers and the holographic sheet flew towards Miguel and Jess, the latter of whom was now standing behind his back with a curious expression. The two glanced at the file together.
You saw Jess’s eyes widen, and then, she withdrew.
‘Okay. That’s—okay, never mind. Miguel, come on. He has a 1675. You can’t bring that up.’
Miguel looked so strangely defeated as he swiped the file away, and behind you Mig let out a sigh of relief. The elites moved to depart once more.
You were utterly bewildered. What just happened? What was Miguel about to say, what was that file? You glanced at Mig, expecting an answer, but to your horror he refused to look at you. He stared straight ahead at nothing, his face dark and shadowed.
‘Mig?’ you whispered.
‘You have no idea what you’re doing.’
You spun around as Miguel spoke. He was glaring at you, his eyes filled with something you couldn’t discern. Was he disappointed? Angry? Or, perhaps, sad? Whatever it was you didn’t get to find out, as he was dragged away by Jess when she grabbed his arm. The elites created a portal and departed without another word.
The moment the portal closed you felt something wet on your cheek. You blinked and glanced upward, only to find that the once clear blue sky was now dark and grey. A foreboding rumble echoed from across the hill.
‘Storm’ you whispered.
Mig promptly gripped your suit in his teeth, and like a cat with a kitten he carried you back into the woods.
Link to next part!
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blood-smiles · 23 days
Hi! I just read your yan!Doll x reader and I was wondering if you were willing to elaborate or make little headcannons of the like of how living together with him is?
If your asks aren't open right or your just Tired feel free to ignore! :D
And could I become an anon? since I believe I'll be staying on this block for a while
And if I were allowed to become an anon could I be 🍰 anon?
HIIII :33 it would be my honor to elaborate!!!!! And congrats for being my first anon! <3 adding 🍰 anon to my list rn c: it’s a bit long so I apologize
꩜ .ᐟ Angelo first and foremost is like a tattoo, once you get it there is no way to remove it permanently, that’s basically what life with him is.
꩜ .ᐟ Angelo will wake up, fresh faced and motivated again for another day with you, he wakes up like a literal princess, not the slightest sign of eye bags or even morning pimples, his hair perfect and tidy, well.. He is a doll.
꩜ .ᐟ He always manages to get up before you, by the time you wake up a sweet aroma of food would waft into your nose, what was he? Fucking Gordon Ramsay?
꩜ .ᐟ he will always add a special nutrition to your food! He never tells you to though.. Whenever you ask he just gets red in the face and slightly sweaty before dodging the question.. sigh.
“Oh. Well, It’s just my.. haha.. Eat up, darling! I made this food with all my love~!”
꩜ .ᐟ Angelo’s food always has a slightly salty taste, not enough to ruin your meal, but it would be better if it didn’t have it.
꩜ .ᐟ You spend the rest of your time doing whatever you wish, playing PS4, drawing, crocheting, you name it—Angelo will be there to ‘supervise’ you activities, supervise meaning stare at you for hours on end without blinking.
꩜ .ᐟ Angelo who always has to stop himself from punching a hole into your TV or incinerating your possessions, he hates when your attention isn’t on him, he lives off your attention, praise and degradation.. So what does he do to fix it?
꩜ .ᐟ who you see raging from the corner of your eye, his usually pitch black eyes glinting with red.
“Angelo, is something wrong?”
“no! How about you take a break from.. That, and we cuddle for a little? Does that sound good?”
꩜ .ᐟ Angelo’s jealousy can be dangerous if you trigger it, he will leave for a little with his doll, before coming back with crimson blotches on his white attire.
꩜ .ᐟ Angelo will make your possessions disappear, they always appear again after a bit of time, they will have strange stains on them though, you always put them to wash though, god knows what he does with your blanket of all things.
꩜ .ᐟ Angelo will sit and stare at himself in the mirror, it’s strange and unsettling, it gives you the heebie jeebies but you never say anything, he almost seems dissatisfied while he looks at himself in the mirror.
꩜ .ᐟ he wants nothing more but for you to bite his skin and leave deep bruises on his almost Snow White skin.. He is just too shy to say anything though, demons bond in that way, bites is claiming possession over each other, he knows you are human and don’t follow along but.. The thought just makes him so excited!
꩜ .ᐟ Angelo finishes his day by making out with you, allowing your tongue to shove itself into his mouth, saliva binding the both of you in a passionate session.
꩜ .ᐟ Angelo watches as you use your tooth brush, he licks his lips, thinking of what he could do with that tooth brush..
꩜ .ᐟ Angelo sleeps in your clothing, the thing he adores most, your scent entering his nostrils, he likes to put you under his shirt, so he can feel your warm skin against his cold skin.
꩜ .ᐟ Angelo kisses your head while you are asleep, wrapping his legs around you and resting his cheek against your forehead.
꩜ .ᐟ He will sometimes cry out of happiness to be here with you, he will cry out of love, his eyes will become swollen, his lips red from biting them, his heart beats solely for you, he went as far to carve your name into his heart’s flesh.
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Ocean Deep Ch13 T E N G E N
(Warnings: Mentions of killing and wounds, fighting which includes stabbing, blood/blood loss, attempted murder, implied murder at the end, etc. I'm also including a refresher on what kind of mers all of the boys that show up in the story are plus the wives-
Kyojuro would be a lionfish mer such as the one drawn by yuki2sksksk.
Tengen would be a white butterfly koi fish mer and would look like the linked post below except less eel and more butterfly koi also below.
Merman Tengen( minus the eel like features)
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his tail would be more like this instead
his tail would be more like this instead
Makio is a Golden Dragon Koi mer
Suma is a (all blue) Halfmoon Betta Fish mer
Hinatsuru is a Strawberry Peacock Cichlid mer
Giyuu is a Pseudotropheus demasoni mer purely because I think the colors match him perfectly.
Sanemi and Genya are both bullshark mers. Same artist who drew the Mer Kyojuro.
Tanjiro is only briefly in the story and is a (green and black) Betta Fish mer
Akaza is a Betta Fish mer also by the same artist.
And Finally Obanai is a Coral Reef Snake mer specially the black and white version.
AND FINALLY A Q AND A!! You can ask me anything about the mers, this au world, etc! I'll answer all questions in the next chapter! For now just enjoy the extra beefy chapter!
taglist: @six-eyed-samurai @lavenderdrxp @jjamsbangtan @camilo-uwu @hopefulworld1
@shadyd3ar @amypop122 @azuredragonstrike
@mimisweetz @chaoticoperatorduckhairdo @staarflowerr
Remember if you want to be added to the tag list lemme know.
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You had woken up surrounded by warmth.
Warmth and the sweet sound of a distant bird chirping. It stirred you into doing what you usually did in the mornings. Yawn and stretch out your arms-
"Careful! You nearly poked me in the eye."
Your eyes popped open and you squealed finding a pair of red eyes just inches away from your face. Out of instinct you squealed out again and scrambled back away from the sudden half asleep face of Kyojuro only to slip over Makio's giant golden tail and fall over onto your back.
...Well if everyone wasn't awake before they certainly were now. 
"Oh my goodness!" Hinatsuru's concerned face immediately peeked over Makio's tail and looked down at you. "Y/n, are you alright?"
A second later Rengoku perked up beside her rubbing his eyes and yawning. Suma jolted awake with a loud snort somewhere behind everyone as they all looked down at you. You groaned a hand reaching out to rub your head and slowly allowing yourself to take in what had just happened. Slowly you removed your head and looked down at your legs still half over Makio's tail. The three of them stared back at you with Suma just now sticking her head out from behind Kyojuro with the wildest bed head. You stared...until suddenly all the events of last night really kicked you good and hard in the head like grass suddenly getting squished under a falling tree. Akira. Kyojuro. KISSING!! The girls. Wife mentioned. KISSING!! You waking up in the middle of the night in Kyojuro's arms. 
K I S S I N G!!!
Your face went beat red and everyone was startled as you suddenly pulled off of Makio only to shoot up to your feet. A hand slapping over your mouth. That it-....IT ALL MUST'VE BEEN A DREAM!! YEAH!! THAT'S IT!! You were so overwhelmed by Akira showing up that you fainted, had a crazy dream, and woke up here because your friends were worried about you! Yeah! That's it! That must've been it! It was just a giant weird nightmare dream thing. You sighed somewhat even if you didn't really feel relieved.
"Honey? Are you alright?," Kyojuro asked concerning scrunching up his brows. 
"I-I'm fine," you shakily said quickly fixing your dress, "I just had t-the craziest dream with-.." You paused. Blinking before you slowly turned to look at them again. "..Did you just call me honey?"
"Do you prefer sweetheart? I'm sadly not too familiar with human nicknames for married couples but-"
"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!! WAIT A SECOND!" You quickly held up your hands to the four of them with Suma rubbing her face and yawning widely. "Who said anything about us being married?! I thought you were only pretending to scare Akira off!"
As if they all were confused, the girls looked at one another in question, shrugged, and then all three looked at Rengoku as the defacto leader of their small pile. Sensing their want, Kyojuro took the lead as he should in Tengen's place and nodded.
"That's true. I was pretending to be your spouse in order to protect us all," he happily nodded with a large grin, "But then I proposed to you! You've been recuperating everything up to this point, it was only natural for us to take it to the next level!"
"But you've already accepted," he said confused gesturing to your hand.
Automatically you went to glance at your hand and to your horror found a shiny golden band around your ring finger and on the very front was a big green gem. Maybe an emerald? A pit immediately sunk into the bottom of your stomach as you stared wide eyed. Oh no. No no no no. That wasn't a dream?! This wasn't good! You didn't want to have this!
"I-.. You-.." You stuttered looking between their confused but happy faces to your hand a wave of emotions hitting you. Shock, fear, confusion, hesitation..but also strangely enough some flattery and intrigue under all of the big ones- You shook your head gaining a stern look. "Look. While I'm..." Flattered? Totally shocked? "..Humbled you all would find me attractive enough to want me to be your wife-" You settled on trying to be nice while also raising a hand. "-I can't be anymore than friends to you."
"WHAT?!," Suma wailed loud enough to make the rest of you wince, pushing herself higher by pushing up on Kyojuro's shoulders. He didn't seem to mind however and didn't seem phased at all by his wife's antics. "WHY NOT?! WE LIKE YOU AND YOU LIKE US!!"
"Not in a romantic sense! A-And on top of that we aren't even married! There's been no ceremony, no witnesses, and certainly no priest I know would officiate this-" And it was then that you had gotten an idea when you spotted the strand of rocks sewn into Rengoku's blonde hair. "Not to mention that you four are already married to Tengen! Remember?"
A silence was had between the four of them as they stopped where they sat, and then looked at one another. The elephant in the room being once again being addressed. You didn't forget about the obvious. Tengen was the entire reason they wanted to go back to the ocean
 "You have someone to go back to. Someone who loves you and cares about you so much that he's willing to destroy an entire town for you all."
You jumped as something calloused and firm grabbed your hand. The much larger hand of Kyojuro enveloped yours. F/c eyes looked up into deep red ones. The look they gave you was a deep longing. Nothing like the looks that other men gave you. 
"Neither do you. There's practically nothing here for you either is there? You said so yourself that there's not really much here."
"... Because the actions of selfish people and your Tengen are taking everything." 
In a matter of seconds his face dropped and eyes widened. "W-What?"
The smaller hand in his pulled away from him as her face fell. "You all were brought here by force, I get that and I don't blame any of you for that. But whoever this Tengen is is causing a lot of innocent people their lives. He's drowned people, drive tens of others away from here, and he's making it harder and harder for the people who're still here. And on top of it all I can't in good conscious involve myself where it'll probably only cause more trouble than I'm worth. " The coldness was felt when she pulled off the pretty ring and pushed it back into his hands. "Here. Take this back and save it for someone special you really want." 
The look he gave you followed by the looks of the others hurt a lot but...this was for the best. You couldn't live in the ocean with them and they just couldn't live the rest of their lives in a bathroom forever with the danger of being found out hanging over their heads everyday. No. You had to do what was best for everyone. 
"You four must be hungry." You finally broke the silence and turned. "There's some eggs and a head of lettuce left. I'll make you something for breakfast and recheck Kyojuro's wounds before I leave for work." 
By now his smaller wounds were all gone. His bigger wounds were nothing but surface cuts that would be nothing but maybe scars soon. The girls were all back at a healthy weight, and they didn't have any wounds that'd make it dangerous for them all to make the two week journey...It was decided then. As soon as you could get a horse and wagon, you'd take them all back. Even if you were unprepared, you couldn't delay it any longer. For everyone's best interest. As you left the room Rengoku was left staring so so confused at the ring. Why did she reject it after accepting their courtship? Was the ring not in her tastes? Did she not want him? Maybe she wasn't ready to be married yet? His thoughts stopped when Suma still hanging onto his shoulders hugged him tightly.
"Don't worry. She's probably just unsure because she hasn't met Tengen yet!"
"Yes! That's right! She wants to meet Tengen first!," Hinatsuru agreed smiling, "After all it wouldn't be fair unless he also met her! Don't worry!"
"... You're probably right." His hand closed back around the ring with a smile. "It's not fair for us to make a choice on their behalf! We shall wait until after they meet!"
You're head was filled with worries. Too many different thoughts buzzing around to really focus on one thing at a time. You made them something quick for breakfast and left them enough food for lunch to tied them over until you could bring them dinner...Which was impossible now because the entire butcher shop closed down three days ago when a quarter of the town packed up and left abandoning their homes and leaving for farther away towns or the city nearby. Even now as you walked along the road and looked upon the houses it was like you were walking through the remains of a ghost town. So many houses empty. So many businesses boarded up. So many people gone. Even now you watched as a man loaded up a wagon you had to pull by hand with who was presumably his wife standing by as he hauled another bag into the back. Wait..You knew those people.
It was Mr. and Mrs. Ochaco. The couple that ran the small series of fruit stands along the square.
You supposed with not enough people to buy their food, they didn't see the point of staying here either. It was like that everywhere now. No fish meant no income or goods. No goods means outside buyers wouldn't come by and bother. No income meant many people had no way to live. Without any customers their wasn't anything anyone could do about it. Which meant for a lot of people there was nothing left to do but become farmers (which not everyone could do) or leave for a better chance. 
It wasn't their fault! They didn't deserve to lose their families, their homes, their very way of life- And the reality only dropped from a pile of bricks to a boulder. As the legs carrying you came to a stop. F/c eyes widening as they took in the sight of wooden boards being hauled up on and over a window by one man as another took a hammer and nail and started hammering it into the home's side right over said window. And right in front of them both was your boss-
"M-Mrs. Satoshi?" You managed to get out finally snapping out of your stupor and began walking towards the old woman again. Upon hearing you the woman turned and looked surprised to see you there. "W-What are you doing?" Your arms gestured towards the flower shop. "What's going on?!"
Seeing the distress on your face, the old woman sighed sadly through her nose and shook her head. "Y/n, dear. I wasn't expecting you to show up again after yesterday. "
"What are you doing?," you repeated now recognizing the two men boarding up the shop as Niko and Mr. Satoshi. 
"Yes. It is surprising isn't it?" You blinked as she fully turned to you and put her hands in front of her. "I guess it was only a matter of time. I'm afraid I'm being forced to close up shop."
A shattering sound pierced the fragile ghost town's air. "What?! I-..B-But you can't!"
"There's really no other way around it. Without anyone coming to buy my flowers there's no reason for me to set up shop."
"Then..W-What are you going to do?"
"My son has enough room for my husband and I. It'll be nice to settle down and spend time with my new grandchildren and we won't be forced to leave our home. Oh, I'm so sorry for springing this on you." Her hands reached over and grabbed one of yours apologetically. "But you're still a young, beautiful woman and you have so many opportunities. I'm sure you'll be able to find something much more fulfilling than a flower shop."
"Mother, we're finished with the windows. Come rest with us."
She looked over briefly to her son before turning back to you, sadly nodded, and then left you standing there by yourself staring at the remains of what used to be your life crumbling around you.
You ignored Suma's happy cheers and instead walked right past the bathroom door to drag yourself into your room and flop yourself down face first into your bed and just lay there. The roller coaster of emotions that you've been forced to deal with taking it's toll along with the stress and frustration you've been feeling over the past months. You lost.. everything. Your life savings, your free time, your job, most of your social life, and now even the job you loved is no more. The only things you had left was your sanity and home but who knows how long they'll last at this rate! You were tired. All you wanted was to lay here forever and just sleep the bad dream away. To close your eyes and never look back but unfortunately that's not meant to be because you could still hear them calling out your name from just down the hall wondering why you weren't joining them. 
...They couldn't stay here anymore. They had to go. And as your head lifted up from the warm, soft pillow you'd love nothing more than to lay on, you knew what had to be done once and for all. 
When night time came it wasn't really too much trouble to sneak out once again during the night once the moon was high in the sky. Even if you there still was people still left that could spot you, there wasn't too much of a risk considering there was barely anyone left to really spot you let alone come out at night. You felt guilt wracking your very core with each step you took against the dark night towards the only person you knew of that had what you need to hopefully save more lives in the end. The barn doors on Niko's property creaked slowly opened as moonlight shined inside lighting up everything inside in a pretty silver glow. 
A pretty brown and white pony turned it's head towards the dark figure standing in the doorway the pretty silver light reflecting off it's eyes. Before deciding the girl wasn't a threat and peacefully went back to chewing on the hay that was strewn about the pen. So it didn't mind a bit when the girl grabbed a bridle and approached it. It's so used to this being done so many times in its life that it didn't even put up a fight when she slipped it over his head or when she opened the door to the pen and pulled him out. Or when she took him outside looking around everywhere nervously as she took him beside the barn. Or when she made him stand still as she hooked up a familiar cart to him. Or when she pulled him along making him walk into the nearly empty town now. She only hoped Niko would forgive her for this.
You had done it. You'd committed theft. Yes. Technically this would be the third time you broke into someone's home, and stolen something but the first two times didn't count because the first time was technically a rescue mission and the second was recovering stolen property. There was a HUGE difference in now when you stole from innocent people and people you knew. You only hoped Niko would forgive you when you returned it to him a month later after you made the long trip back from the ocean. You quickly and quietly made your way back into your home looking back over your shoulder every five seconds expecting to see Niko or someone else come out of the darkness and raise the alarm for your crimes but the now mostly empty town remained quiet and peaceful..Or at least quiet. It was too eerie to be considered peaceful. You hadn't even gotten one step in the doorway when you were bombarded by a surprising sight. 
A pair of annoyed and worried tired red eyes bore into yours from in the middle of your common room. "And just where have YOU been, Young Lady?"
"Rengoku!? What are you doing?!"
Rengoku was sitting up and leaning against a wall, arms crossed, and with a stern look on his face. Uncovered and with his long fish tail all exposed for anyone to walk in or look through a window and see. "What am I doing? I'm waiting for you to come home. Where were YOU?" He challenged back raising a thick eyebrow. "You didn't come join us for dinner or come to bed and you worried me sick sneaking out so late. What were you up to out there all by yourself in the middle of the night?"
"What are you? My dad?" You shook your head with a sigh. "That's not important right now." You quickly poked your head out to peer outside but luckily the only witness to your guests was the horse so you quickly closed the door. "You do realize if it was anyone else who walked in you would've been in big trouble right?"
"That's no excuse. As the man it's my duty to make sure all of my ladies are safe and taken cared for!"
You felt a strange form of flattery at the gesture but it was shoved under by your annoyance. "I appreciate it but I've been taking care of myself since I was a child. I don't need you to risk your cover just to try and take care of me." 
"Well I can't help it if I'm worried! You didn't tell us or leave a note and-" He blinked as you just walked past him towards the hallway again. "H-Hey! Young Lady, you come back here when I'm talking to you! Where do you think you're going?"
"To get some bags and blankets." You could faintly hear the sounds of a thud and then Kyojuro dragging himself along the floors to follow you.
"Bags and blankets for what?", he called out confused. He wasn't very fast on land. 
"Food, clothes, and whatever else I'm going to need in order to get you four back home."
The dragging noises stopped when you opened the door to your bedroom. "Wait. You mean-?!"
"If you want to be helpful go wake up the others and see if you can slip yourselves into that wagon outside while I gather the supplies."
There was a bit of silence behind you as you began scouring for what you needed and then you heard loud and fast dragging again before the distant sounds of another door opened followed- "My fireflies, wake up! A joyous day has arrived at last! We're finally going home!"
You only sighed and began gathering what you needed to get for the long journey ahead. A few large bags for stuffing as much none parishable foods in as possible for your all you could find, another bag for clothing and essentials, a large gourd for water, and a couple large blankets to throw over the top of the wagon to hide the cargo. A tarp would've been preferable but unfortunately you didn't have the luxury or time for that. The sooner this was over with the better. In went three bags of mixed supplies. In went a giant heavy gourd you struggled to lift in. And finally in went the four of your friends. You found Rengoku struggling to pull himself in on his own attempting to climb up the back wheels making the wagon loudly creak under his weight. 
"SHH!! Kyojuro, what are you doing?!," you whisper yelled nearly dropping the lumpy bag of fruits and stale vegetables.
"Climbing in of course, Love! Is that not what you wanted?"
You had to take time out to literally help him climb in my lifting his long heavy tail and pushing it in. He was followed by you quietly picking up each of the girls and lowering them into the wagon alongside him. It was trickier than the last time you did this since they all had put on weight since the last time you had done this. Suma seemed the most excited and Makio had to slap a hand over her mouth as you pulled along the biggest blankets you had. With a light whooshing sound you threw them up in the air and pulled them all along until they draped over the entire back and effectively hiding the squirming mermaids underneath..Until they all popped their heads out excitedly on your left.
"I can't believe it! We're finally going home!," Suma practically screamed out smiling brightly, "I can't wait for all the yummy tuna again!"
A hand immediately shoved her head back down. "Pipe down! We're not out of this yet!"
"Wah! Kyojurooooo! Tell Makio to stop being so mean!"
"Let us all remain quiet. Makio is right and we are not out of this until we're back in our rightful home!" He blinked as the wagon jostled and you began pulling the horse along and in turn began to dragon the wagon along as well.
He was right. You weren't out of trouble yet. It would be at least a two week journey to the ocean and the road leading to it would take you all right past the Henya's home. You hadn't the faintest idea if Akira and his Aunt was still there or if he already left after the tantrum he through two days ago now. You didn't have a choice though. You had to take the chance. Stirring the horse towards the road headed Westward, you pulled him along and the horse followed obediently and successfully pulling the cart behind him. It was official. You all were off. Walking through the ghostly town early in the morning with the sun at least still three hours away from rising over the horizon. Each creak and rattle the cart made seemed to echo through the darkness making you fear that someone might wake up and catch you in the act. Each loud clip clip the horse made sending a chill down your spine that he'll attract something out from the darkness however as you all passed by abandoned home after abandoned home, no one showed their faces through the now empty buildings. And even if there was anyone left, they were fast asleep and oblivious to your journey. As you passed by the empty spaces, your friends stayed alert but quiet. Seemed even Suma knew the importance of being quiet right now. Soon the houses dwindled and you all were passing by the barn.
The Henya's farm. The place where this all started.
For you at least. Who knows where the girls were kept before they were moved here. Automatically you slowed the horse down to just a quieter slower walk as you approached the place. The shadow of the horrid barn seemed to loom over you all as you passed as if laughing and mocking them still for what they went through. You paid more attention to the house that laid still and dark. It looked like no one was home, so perhaps they had already left or maybe they were fast asleep. Either way you never took your eyes off of it as you all passed. The girls automatically lowered down with different levels of fear and worry and anger washing over their faces.  A growl made you jump and whirl behind fearing a stray dog or worse a wolf had chosen you all as an easy meal-..Only to half freeze half be relieved when you just noticed it was Kyojuro staring at the home too with such intensity that you swore his eyes were literally burning.
"Kyojuro, shush!," you sternly shushed him before quickly pulling the cart along.
It was doubtful that they could hear his soft growling from so far away but you weren't going to risk anything especially not when you just started your journey.  Despite all your feelings, the house remained dark as you passed it and stopped just outside the treeline and the road leading  into territory you've never been in. You took one last look at the quiet town and your home nestled inside, then at the Henya house, and then at the four pairs of eyes staring at you curiously wondering why you stopped. Two weeks. All it would take was two weeks and then you'd be free. With a shaky breath you turned back around and pulled the horse forward making the wagon creak along and leaving your old home behind. 
You never knew about the man who entered your empty home the following afternoon and discovered the remains of a locked box's burnt latch in your fireplace and the leftover scales in your bathroom. 
Your first day of traveling went..Ok you guessed. The sun rose three hours after you started and you four were surrounded by forest. You've already passed by the small river where the three Kocho sisters disappeared from here last autumn. Being so close near the ocean, it was always fairly warm and vibrant here but already it was nearing autumn again and soon you'd it'd be a year since they disappeared along with that Mitsuri girl. You know it was probably unlikely but you hoped that their families hadn't moved away too in case they ever came back. You stopped around midday by a small pond to allow the horse to rest and eat and drink and to give your aching feet a rest from the hours of walking around you had to do. And to allow yourself and the others to eat.
"Eat and drink sparingly. I don't know if all of this will last all of us until we make it there."
After an hour you continued until it was night, and you were plume tired. Sleep forcing you to tie the horse to a nearby tree and climb up into the back of the wagon to sleep with the others, Hinatsuru laying claim to you by pulling you to snuggle for the night.
"I can't wait for you to meet Lord Tengen. He's caring and kind and unlike any other man you've ever met."
The merman half responsible for your life going to hell? Yeah. Not going to happen but instead of arguing you just fell asleep to Suma snoring loudly again hugging Hinatsuru's other side. The next three days were pretty much the same. Walking, breaks, sleep, and rinse and repeat. By the fifth day you all hit your first snag. Surrounded by trees and forest constantly you didn't have exactly the ability to see far into the distance so when you came by a fork in the road. Both dirt roads looked exactly alike. Old, worn, and dirty. F/c looked between the two different directions unsure.
"...Where do we go?," you asked still so unsure.
"The right!" Makio pointed down the right path making you blink and look where she pointed.
"Right? Are you sure?"
She nodded blonde bangs swaying. "I remember that weird boulder there that looks like a bloated jellyfish when we were first brought this way. It's definitely right."
Bloated jellyfish?? There was certainly a misshapen rock there but a bloated jellyfish?? You decided not to argue and considering you've never been this far away, you just had to trust her so right it was. You pulled the horse that way and continued onto your journey. Three more days passed the same as nothing really changed but you were right days in now, more than half way in. Just supposedly six or so more days until you were able to reach the ocean. 
You never knew about the danger that was approaching fast with each rest and sleep you took  
By the ninth day the forests thinned out into half plains half trees. And the distant smells of salts and oceans were getting closer and stronger. Makio was right! You all were so close! You could taste the relief and freedom awaiting you all. Nine days turned to ten. The smells were stronger. Ten days turned to eleven. Most of the trees were gone now. Eleven days turned to twelve. You were so, SO CLOSE NOW! Twelve days turned to thirteen. You all hardly slept that night with the excitement. Thirteen turned to fourteen-
The four in the back could hardly contain themselves! You kept walking and walking despite your sore feet only taking a single break by a small pond to quickly rest and eat before moving on again. The sun rose, went to the middle of the sky, and then slowly started to set when you saw seagulls cawing and flying through the sky. And then you saw it. 
.... the...You slowly came to a stop staring at what your eyes laid upon. The others initially excited also stopped what what they were doing to look shocked at what their sight beheld.
"Oh Posidon...Tengen.. what have you done?"
The setting sun's light lit up the beach and the blue ocean stretching far into the horizon as far as the eyes could see. And the destruction of others long past. The sounds-
The sounds of a torn sail flapped in the evening wind as it lazily flapped about from the broken mast ran into the ground, a mountain of splinters and what was once a majestic ship washed ashore next to it.
Clip. Clip. Clip. Clip.
The noises of the horse walking was quickly softened as the dirt turned into soft sand. Eyes bore sight of a graveyards worth of clutter. Where rotting wood met the cruel hot sand and the mocking waves that carried it here. Travesty after travesty you passed by. What was once boats of all sizes now marking the final resting place for those whom met a watery grave. The eyes gazed over each and every one as you passed. The result of greed and wrath. 
But it'll all be over soon. You just had to get them into the water and all of it would be over. So more deaths. No more Mermaids. Only normalcy.
You shivered and tried to ignore the deep claw marks embedded into the sides of a rather large fishing boat telling yourself that they were just marks from getting stuck on a reef. You pulled the horse along until you spotted a sight that you instantly recognized. A dock! An old honestly rigidity looking dock was right in front of you all leading to the water just deep enough to let them all swim without having to crawl stuck in the sand. You walked and walked until you were standing right in front of it all. The wind gently blowing your hair and the other four staring silently.
"....Well..this is it." You spoke after a minute breaking the silence and turning to them. "C'mon. Let's get you all back home."
There was a silence as no one moved for a moment just staring longingly at the sight- Kyojuro was the first one to take initiative, grabbing the side of the cart and pulling himself out only to land on the ground with a thud sound. Suma was next excitedly squealing and practically throwing herself out and desperately hauling herself towards the water. Hinatsuru and Rengoku weren't too far behind her as they too dragged themselves out. Meanwhile you grabbed onto Makio and started walking behind them with her in your arms. One, two, and three mermaids clambered onto the docks and without missing a single beat- Threw themselves off the sides without even waiting  to get into deeper water.
Large splashes could be heard as they disappeared into the blue, blending into the darkness as the darkness crept further into the sky.
"You don't have to go y'know?," Makio's voice spoke out as you watched what you assumed was Suma's tail slapping the water. "This doesn't have to be good bye. We still want you to meet Tengen! You'll seriously like him! I promise!" 
Makio watched as her face gazed at the water still, a hint of sadness as she opened her mouth to answer but didn't say a word as a reflection reflected by the limited sunlight caught her eyes. Pupils shrank as danger approached swiftly. Makio was once blinking in concern-
Then she was flying.
Makio elt weightless tumbling through the air as her world twisted and turned- AND THEN THERE WAS A SPLASH-
It's not often a person would see a beautiful beach. That was a privilege as eyes gazed out at the mournful sea. Gliding along in rows where it kissed the sand, it looked so peaceful in its dark blue colorful hue. The golden last rays was a gift delivered to the beholders by Angels and winds so sweetly staining the skin like a lover's kiss. The horizon itself looked as if it was a golden river of gleaming gold sewing itself in between the canopy of the dark twilight where the first few stars appeared twinkling like diamonds connecting it to the deep blue of the calm ocean paradise. In the distance, lines of the golden orbs last rays of tapered light splayed out, flowing through the cracks in the clouds like heaven was the one sewing the twilight to the waters with golden thread as the waters danced with sparkles, reflections from the light but it looked as if the angels made an accident while sewing the two together, knocking some stars out of the sky and making them shimmer and shine on the Water's surface.
It was beautiful.
She was so thankful for the beautiful sight. 
"If I can't have you, then I'll make sure no beast can either."
The cruelty and coldness of one's blade could never compare to the cruelty and coldness of one's heart and soul. Two bodies whom shared the beautiful sight fading from the blackened vision clouding her brain. A slide of cold metal and leakage of red stumbled, tumbled down in place of the pretty vision before them. Sweet salty air stained by copper as she stood. The cold cruel blade retreating from within her form as she stood there. The silence beckoning eyes of f/c to calmly turn. The sight of greed, dark with want toring away from the light embracing the hell within. Not but a whisper parted from her lips, the maw heavy swirling with blurs. 
"who..is the true monster here, Akira Henya?"
A distant woman's scream filled the void tilted sideways as the world tilted back and you were swallowed up by the coldness of the ocean blue and wrapped up in the warm embrace of lovers concerned. Catching her as world went black and echoes of sorrowful wails echoed throughout the voided night. The waves reverberating off the sky and cascading deep, deep into the Water's depths the waves carrying them further and further under the surface and muffled the unanswered sorrows of agony's past.
And two eyes of magenta stained red by wrath and blood opened wide.
"Y/N?! Y/N?!"
One who such went by such a name did not stir from the foreboding deadly slumber slipped into as shadows blurred and darkness swallowed them up. Sobs. Wails. Pleads. Cries. Prayers. It made not a difference to the one who had blood on his hands, staring down at the scene before him like a sick artist admiring the picture he painted into reality.
''That's right. Scream. It won't do a bit of good in the end!"
Hisses bore his fate as flames flared up at the one who would dare paint such a cruel thought into real form.
"HA! You think you're intimidating by just hissing at me like a fucking wet cat?! You're lucky you're in the bloody water otherwise you would've been gutted next like just another tuna!"
Anger. Wrath. Blood. Passion. And L O V E. All the red represents.
"Cry all you'd like..At the end of the day, no one is going to give a hell."
Oh how wrong he was. Someone did answer the cry of help.
And ironically hell had found him.
A violent rippling, rippling through the water like unholy blades through thin paper. A white ghost within the darkness rising amongst the dead and decayed ships and distorting the star covered water shining bright. It seemed as if even the great sun was scared of this beast as it hid behind the horizon and disappeared allowing night to cover it's unholy speed through the dark void and towards the docks above-
C R A S H-!!!
Feet shook as the old dock swayed, soon loosing his footing and the man found himself falling backwards onto his backside. Looking at the horror beyond that penetrated his sights. Splinters went flying. Wood cracked and flew in all directions cascading down into the water like unholy rain as something from below began pounding up and destroying E A C H  A N D  E V E R Y  P L A N K  O F  W O O D. Kyojuro out of instinct turned away shielding the one in his arms and the screaming women as droplets and wood bounced off his shoulders. The monster of ghost white passing by as a mighty tail passed them forcing the unholy rain to continue as it smashed and destroyed it's way up towards the human man. Bloodthirsty and itching for one thing 
Crashing, crunching, destroying ever closer to the human and then there was a splash. The iron like grip from the waves ceased him and he took a deep gulp of suffocation. The world around him wet and without any solid object to free him from the watery depths grip. Dark..Why was everything so dark?! He kicked out and flailed for nothing as the void never loosened it's grip on his air drained body. The menagerie of a shattered moon waved goodbye from the shattered waves of the seas rippling surface as he sunk deeper and deeper into the blackened abyss below that welcomed him in it's cold embrace. It's hands slowly wrapping around his body and killing him into that dangerous lullaby of death. It was .quiet. Almost even peaceful like as he drifted slowly down, down, down. He felt like falling asleep with his eye lids getting heavy. Until his flailing hand caught onto a floating board and he was able to pull himself up, breaching the surface, and gasping a breath of that holy air as he coughed out the void's water and laid himself upon the floating wood being his savior. Deep heavy breaths followed breathing in and out panting and coughing as panicked eyes eyes darted around but the darkness and waves enveloped any trace of the monster, and all others had disappeared. Nothing but shattered wood and darkness being his company. 
"You know ... There's five stages of grief." 
His form jumped against the board he floated upon eyes widening.
Panicked eyes darted around but he nothing within the darkness and waves or amongst the wreckage.
The voice sounded ethereal other worldly. A ghost ebbing closer and closer from the depths.
The voice was blurred. Coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. Sounding so close yet so far away all at once.
Heart beats picked up. Swiveling his head this way and that as danger, panic, and fear set in with the unsettling doom ever approaching.
"And acceptance...But I would like to add to add one more step to that."
The water was silent. Nothing but the sloshing of his body sounding out as he desperately searched for the ghost that wasn't there but yet was at the same time. Until the hotness of something's breath wafted over his ear from behind as a voice whispered nothing but a word in his ear.
"R E V E N G E."
A man's shriek pierced the night and carried over the waves and forest before quiet settled once more. 
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yeonjuns-beanie · 1 year
Halo Pt.1
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warnings: a lot of plot, 18+, eventual smut (unprotected sex, biting, marking, light blood(play), hair pulling, body worship, dub-con, light fear play, more may be added upon update)), yandere themes(stalking, manipulation, etc)
summary: in your free time you do freelance writing, doing interviews with people most would consider strange and unusual. when you recognize that one of the regulars in your coffee shop only visits in the evening, you pose the question of whether you can interview him. upon his agreement, you realize this is unlike any other interview. 
a/n: i have no idea where this came from but its been rotting my brain. hope whoever finds this enjoys it! I'll be uploading the second half in a few days, school has been taking up a lot of my time lately.
word count: 6.7k
Vampire!seonghwa x female reader
The hustle from the afternoon-evening rush finally settled down, leaving you a moment to catch your breath and rest your nerves. You favored working night shifts because of how routinely easy it was compared to mornings, but the one thing you loathed was the mini rushes. They lasted far too long and happened in increments that were too close together. It was like everyone forgot that the coffee shop existed and they needed to get their final fix in before the building closed. 
Appreciating the minute silence of no customers coming in through your drive-thru, you focused on the somewhat comforting static of the conversations happening in your cafe. You were able to take a simple delight in the smells behind the bar. Varying roasts, some pastries that had been left out, and the all but familiar smell that was the store. 
With the dying down of customers now that it was just an hour before closing, you waited for your arcane regular to make his nightly appearance. He was painfully beautiful, clad in all black, and a man of few words. You never really got a gauge on who he was. Now that you thought about it, he was probably the only regular that you didn’t have an extensive background on. 
As you restocked cups and lids, the bell on the door jingled signaling you to look up at who walked in. Stunning per usual, the heels of his dress shoes echoed through the lobby. Taking in his outfit, his chest was adorned in a black, hollow collar long sleeve, black slacks to match, and a designer tote to pull it all together. His hair was carefully styled, a few gelled strands falling to the front of his face. 
You threw the empty plastic holding the cups in the trash and walked over to the register a wide smile pulling at your face. He was probably the only regular you enjoyed and you were thankful at how peaceful the shop had become so you could focus on your interaction. 
“Hi Seonghwa! We doing your usual today?” 
A small smile pulled at his lips as he exhaled a contented breath through his nose. 
“Yeah, just the usual, but let’s do a large today.” 
“Got some extra work tonight?”
“Yeah, you could say that.”
Punching in his order, you realized you weren’t logged in on the till so you took the liberty of giving him one of your markouts. Finishing typing in your numbers, he handed over his card. You waved your hand and frowned, declining his payment, and when his brow furrowed in confusion you spoke up. 
“It’s on me today.”
You walked over to the cup caddy and began making his drink as he followed you over to the opposite side of the bar. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” 
“I know. But you’re in here basically every day. While I’m at it, you want a pastry?”
An airy laugh left him as you lidded his drink securing the cup with a sleeve. 
“I’d love to, but not tonight.” “Alright, well, you let me know if you need anything. Besides that couple in the corner, you’ve pretty much got the night crew to yourself.” 
Thanking you, he walked over to the table that might as well have his name engraved on it. It was tucked in the corner of the building right next to the front windows. You assumed he claimed the spot as his own because he had a view of who was coming in and out of the cafe at all times. Pulling out his laptop from his bag, you walked to the back to finish up with most of your closing tasks so you and your coworker wouldn’t have much to do when the clock stroked 9 p.m. 
As you finished the last of the dishes, you peek your head out to the front checking to see if any last customers had straggled in. Realizing that Seonghwa was the only one left in the cafe, you decided that this would be your best shot to ask him what you’d been thinking about for weeks. Smoothing out your apron, you walked over to him suddenly feeling your nerves fire up. Seonghwa noticed you first and immediately figured you were coming over to tell him you had closed. Closing his laptop, he apologized as you approached. 
“I’m sorry, I must’ve lost track of time. I’ll be out of your hair.”
You threw your hands out in front of you, silently trying to halt his actions. 
“Oh, no no, w-we’re not closed yet. We still have about 15 minutes. I was actually coming over to ask you something.”
Seonghwa raised his eyebrows and relaxed into his chair, he motioned for you to sit in the chair across the table. Taking a deep breath, you tried your best to swallow your anxiety realizing the gravity of what you were asking him. You were no longer abiding by the standard customer-employee interaction and were hoping desperately that you wouldn’t be overstepping a boundary. 
His presence was just unexplainably intimidating. He held himself with such a poise you couldn’t even imagine what he would look or act like unhinged. There was never a thread out of place when it came to his appearance and only now were you aware of the fact that you were sitting across him in your dirtied apron, bleached stained pants, and the mural of coffee and whipped cream that painted your shoes. 
Violently shushing the voices of panic in your head, you looked him in the eye and found the confidence that struck just moments prior. 
“I hope this doesn’t come off as offensive or anything, but I run a blog about people who most might find strange and unusual and I interview them. Why they chose to subscribe to a certain type of style, what their influences are, if they have projects they’re working on, and everything in between.” 
You watched him nod following along and waiting for you to continue. He was giving you his undivided attention and it excited you, to say the least. 
“With that being said, I find you alluring in a way that I can’t seem to apply a reason to. Combined with the intimidating aura that you ooze naturally, I would love to have you featured on my blog next–if you would be comfortable with that.”
There was a faint smirk pulling at his lips and you couldn’t tell if it was coming from amusement or if he was planning on a way to humiliate you in a manner so sophisticated it would be hard to decipher if he was denying your request.
“So…you find me, intriguing?”
“Very. You’re like what I would imagine a modern vampire to be and it’s fascinating to me.” 
You watched his body freeze for a moment, an austere gloss swiping across his eyes. If you blinked at the wrong time you would’ve missed it, but you caught it and it made the gears in your head begin to turn. Seonghwa’s eyes honed in on you, searching for an answer that he wasn’t quite sure of yet. There was a particular intensity that you hadn’t felt from him before and as he leaned forward, resting his head on his folded hands, you began to feel small in front of him for the very first time. 
It was a feeling you’d never felt before. You almost felt similar to prey until his velvet voice cut through the static silence of lingering words. 
“When are you free next?” 
“I’m off tomorrow actually.”
“Does the evening work for you?”
He agreed.
It took a moment to realize he so passively agreed to your interview. You honestly did not expect him to agree or let alone give you the time of day to explain yourself. 
“I-I, uh, great! Um, can I borrow your phone so I can save my contact in there?”
Reaching into his pocket, he handed you his phone with such grace you wondered if he was human at all. Adding your contact quickly, you sent a text message to yourself so that you could save his number after the fact. His voice pulled you from your thoughts, you almost forgot he was sitting right across from you. 
“I’ll send you my address tomorrow evening. I figure you’ll have more content to interview if I let you see my place of residence and you can really gauge my character.”
Standing up from the chair, you nodded and thanked him again, still aghast that he agreed so easily. 
“I’ll be looking forward to your message.” You began to walk back towards the bar but stopped in your tracks. 
“Would you like a refill before you head out?”
“No, I still have plenty in here, thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Seonghwa stood up, pushing his chair in and grabbing his bag. As he made his way to the front door you waved to him, a full grin plastered on your face. Once he turned the corner of the building, you locked the doors, 9 pm finally flashing across the clock. 
Your coworker emerged from the back, drawers of money in her hands. 
“Stevie gue-”
“-Did you lock the door?”
Walking back over behind the counter you stood over your coworker. 
“And you’ll never guess what happened.”
She hummed, looking up at you and giving you the go ahead to continue.
“So you know Seonghwa right?”
“The vampire regular?”
“Yeah yeah. So I was thinking to myself while I was cleaning how he’d be the perfect person to interview for my blog. I don’t know where, but I found the courage and asked him if he’d be willing to and he agreed.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“I’m being so serious.”
The gravity of the situation hit you again as Stevie screamed into her hand and a slew of explicatives left her mouth. Your mind started to wander as to why he agreed so quickly. Was he lonely? Did he find you attractive? Or was he simply just not as intimidating as you pegged him to be? Stevie pulled you from your thoughts as she finally calmed down.
“So when and where are you meeting?”
“Tomorrow night at his place. Speaking of which let me text him real quick.”
“You’re going to his house?!” 
“He said that it would quote give me a better gauge of his character if I saw his place of residence.” 
Stevie paused looking up at you with a growing smirk. 
“That man is Dracula for sure. “Place of residence”, he has to be ancient.”
“Oh shut up. He could be 532 years old on top of it and I still wouldn’t think twice about it. He’s so hot it’s easy to let the quirks slide by.”
Walking over to tear down the espresso bar you were using, Stevie was in a fit of giggles. 
“An old ass man breaking your dry spell is so you coded I hate it.” 
You rolled your eyes and smiled as you dumped the espresso beans in their corresponding cubes before stacking them on the counter. 
“Who says I’m gonna have sex with him?”
“Bitch if you don’t have sex with him I will slap you personally for being so stupid.” 
Both of you erupted into a fit of laughs, and both of you reverted to your normally loud selves now that you were in the comfort of a closed store. Taking the few dishes left to the sink in the back, you peeked your head out yelling to Stevie.
“You cool if I finish the dishes and then I’ll help wipe down whatever you don’t have finished out here when I’m done?”
“Yeah, I kinda wanted to mop anyway.” 
Smiling you walked back over to the sink and pulled out your phone to save Seonghwa’s contact to your phone. As you clicked done in the upper right hand corner, a message from him popped up in a banner on the top of your screen. When you clicked on it, it was his address, and at the end of the text, it was signed ~*Seonghwa. 
As you were beginning to write back a grey bubble popped up, his text following soon after. 
Seonghwa: Wasn’t sure if you had the chance to save my number to your contact list and didn’t want to leave any doubt that it wasn’t me texting you.
Y/N: no worries! i appreciate the clarity
Y/N: i also wanted to thank you again for agreeing to do this with me. i have so many questions
Seonghwa: Well, I hope you have plenty of paper or a recorder of some sort because I have quite the story to tell. 
You felt butterflies flutter in your stomach, feeling utterly giddy that this astute man was texting back and forth with you. He seemed so untouchable and yet in this moment he seemed so much more lax than his typical personality. You hearted his last message and typed one last text before you began running the dishes. 
Y/N: so excited to hear all of it :) 
Shoving your phone back into your pocket, you threw the pieces of the espresso bar into the dishwasher and quickly hand washed all the pieces that couldn’t be tetrised into the washer. Grabbing a rag, you wiped down the dishes you hand washed and placed them in their respective places out on the bar. When the dishwasher beeped, you went back to open it so all the steam could be let out allowing the dishes to cool off while you wiped down the counter with Stevie in the front.
Satisfied with how the counter looked, you grabbed the last remaining pieces of the espresso bar and locked them in place in the bar. Putting the cleaning pills into the machine, you and Stevie did a once over of the store with your eyes. Nodding to each other, you took off your aprons and went to grab your stuff in the back of the store. Gathering all of your items, you and Stevie clocked out and walked to the front of the store. 
As Stevie set the alarm for the building, she yelled over at you while you were waiting at the front door. 
“Has he texted you yet?”
“Lol yeah, he has.” 
The alarm beeped, signaling that it was clear for you to open the door, you held it open waiting for Stevie to come around the corner. As she locked the door, she turned around and looked at you motioning you to hand over your phone. 
“It’s nothing serious, yet.”
“Oh, so you’re hopeful.”
Stevie wiggled her eyebrows at you making you giggle as she read over the quick interaction you had with him. 
“He wants you so bad y/n/n.”
“You’re delusional.”
“Oh, so being delusional is only okay when we're miles away from the hot person now?”
“No, but-”
“-No buts.” 
You smiled looking down at your feet trying to hide your excitement from your friend.
“Alright, well while you dream about Twilight for the rest of the night, I gotta get home to feed Ghost. I’m pretty sure she’s meowing her head off right now. Text me when you get home, okay?” 
Stevie held up a finger gun as she began to walk to her car and you did the same thing as you walked to yours. 
“I will.”
Getting in your car, you took a decompressing breath releasing all the burdens from the day at work. As you turned your car on, you knew your mind would be clouded with thoughts of Seonghwa and what you were gonna prepare for him. 
The drive home felt more like a teleportation home but nonetheless, you were glad to be facing your building. As you got out of your car, you felt that instant dread that you’d been feeling for weeks now. It was always a sudden feeling but you couldn’t ignore it. With the defensive instinct of hunted prey cascading your nerves, you looked around the parking lot near your apartment and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. You just couldn’t shake this feeling. 
Silently grateful that one of the closer parking spaces was open, you locked your car and briskly walked towards your building. Running up the stairs when the feeling of panic that something maniacal was behind you washed over you again. When you reached the top of your stairs, you placed your back against the wall looking out across the different buildings, and still nothing seemed wrong. 
Taking a deep breath, you shook your head and opened the door to your apartment. Walking in, you quickly shut the door behind you, finally feeling safe within the walls of your home. When you clicked your lock shut, your dog, Jasper, ran to you from your bedroom. Seeing him eased your shaken nerves, but only momentarily before he was distracted by something. 
His happy tail lowered and tucked between his back legs as low growls echoed through him. Slowly, he stalked over to your window and looked out toward the other buildings in the complex. Your blinds open just enough so that a small amount of the streetlight could peek through. 
Not wanting to think about whatever was on your tail anymore this evening, you walked over and shut the blinds completely so that neither Jasper nor you could see out the window. Grabbing the remote to your TV, you put on something random just to have background noise so you wouldn’t have to wrestle with the silence. Putting down some food for Jasper, you made yourself a quick dinner so you could begin drafting your questions for tomorrow.  
A half an hour soon turned into a full hour, then that one hour quickly became two and when you finally looked at your phone again it was 1 am. Satisfied with what you came up with, you closed your notebook and got yourself ready for bed. Finishing your routine, you checked your front door to make sure it was locked. A pit of worried confusion settled in your stomach as you noticed your top lock was left unchained. As you tried to reason with yourself you settled confidently on the fact that you probably just forgot when you rushed inside. Besides, the main lock was still set in place. 
You called for Jasper and opened the door to your balcony so he could use the bathroom one last time. While you were outside, you didn’t feel that oppressive feeling but you still felt like you had eyes on you and Jasper confirmed your suspicions as his tail tucked again and he stared into the distance. Fear began to freeze your body again and you wanted to get back inside as soon as possible.
“C’mon bud, let’s go to bed.” 
Jasper shook his head, his collar jingling in the night air. Walking inside, you locked the balcony door and shut off all the lights in the main area of your apartment. Calling for Jasper to follow you to bed, you laid out all your blankets before patting the mattress to signal him to come up. You turned on your LED lights, needing some sort of light to quell your nerves about how you’d been feeling since you got home. The deep purple, shining a tone similar to a black light only lit up a corner of your room. It was just enough to provide you with comfort and the promise of sleep started weighing on your eyes. 
The weight of Jasper on your sheets calmed you down and slowly sleep overcame your body. Your last thought before drifting off was not about the anxiety you felt but rather the excitement for the solo time you were going to have with Seonghwa. If only you could’ve discerned that the anxiety you felt was also courtesy of the man you were bewitched by. 
Your body felt like it was made of stone. You’d never felt pressure like this before let alone right out of sleep. Your eyes slowly pried open and the comfort that normally showered your room was nowhere to be felt. You tried to move your limbs, but as you made the conscious effort to move them, they stayed restrained in place. Stuck, as if they were chained to the mattress. 
As you tried to roll your body over off of its back, you realized that dead weight feeling was possessing your entire body. You were paralyzed, trammeled to what was once the solace of your bed. There was a damning pressure on your chest and it was beginning to feel like you couldn't breathe. Any breath that you could’ve caught was now lost to terror as you realized you could only move your eyes. As you scanned your room, you noticed Jasper standing on the bed, low growls escaping him as he pointed to a corner in your bedroom. 
As you followed his stance your eyes met a tall, statuesque figure standing in the corner of your room, its presence was boring into you. If you could see its eyes, you’d imagine they’d be all black, a harrowing intent lying behind them. The figure's energy felt familiar but the terror of the unknown overshadowed your reason. Fear tingled your body and you wondered if anybody would be able to help you. 
Your mind raced, wondering if this was a twisted realistic dream or if you were about to meet an early demise. The figure barely seemed to move, let alone breathe, but the energy radiating from it was horrifying. You felt like you could faintly see a smile forming where its face was. You tried to scream, but it felt like your mouth was sewn shut. Not sound or even a fraction of the movement of the scream escaped your body and it left you feeling hopeless. 
Closing your eyes, you hoped that maybe you’d be able to force your body back to sleep and whatever that thing was would dissipate into thin air the same way it appeared. A tingling feeling slowly raced through your body and you felt your limbs become your own again. Opening your eyes back up, nothing was standing in the corner anymore and that hot, oppressive feeling that was clawing at the room had faded. 
Jasper curled himself back onto your bed seemingly calmed down enough to go back to sleep. You couldn’t ignore the steady racing of your heart while you kept your dark lights illuminating the room. You were subconsciously just waiting for something else to appear. Grabbing the remote to your lights, you switched the color to a soft white, needing to have some sort of brightness to allow you to feel safe in your room again. 
As you tossed and turned, the hours quickly ticked by and the once navy sky peeking through your window was now turning into a canvas of pale blues and greys. An unmistakable gloom casting over the early morning sky.  You couldn’t even force yourself back to sleep, the anxiety you felt being too great to even think about sleep. Every time you closed your eyes it felt like heat was bearing down in your room, an unseen presence feeling disrespected that you would dare to ignore it. 
Sighing, you sat up in your bed and reached over to your blinds to open them a little bit more, allowing more natural light to brighten your room. For some reason, you felt that if you had nature’s light spill into your room, whatever anxiety you felt would dissipate enough for you to get some type of sleep. Checking your phone, the time flashed 7:32 and you were satisfied enough with the amount of light that was coming through. With Jasper tucked into your legs, you found a comfortable enough position and felt your mind relax enough so that you could will yourself to sleep. 
When you woke up again, it was still overcast and everything was just a bright grey color. It was oddly eerie. Some wind picked up out of nowhere and coupled with the melancholic tone of the weather already, you felt like you were in your own personal thriller. You just hoped that nothing else out of the ordinary was going to happen today. When you checked your phone and it flashed 12:52, you were pleased that you at least got some sleep. Scrolling through your notifications, you saw you had a few texts from Stevie. 
steviee: share your location with me before you forget 
steviee: cuz i know you'll end up at his house and then i won't know where you are 
steviee: i know i have the address but what if you go somewhere else
steviee: r u asleep still what's goin on 
You chuckled at your phone, your friend never failing to make you laugh when you needed it. It almost made you forget about the panic you had felt all night. 
y/n: yeah i just woke up sorry 
y/n: i had fuckin sleep paralysis and couldn't go to sleep until it was light outside smh 
y/n: location should be shared now btw 
steviee: damn, did you see the hat man? 
Stevie hearted your message saying you shared your location and her text about seeing “the hat man” brought you some needed joy. Having someone to be able to joke about the whole ordeal of last night made it seem not so terrifying. 
y/n: i literally couldn’t tell you who it was all i know is that it scared tf outta me 
steviee: right..right
steviee: well, lemme know when u leave tn and good luck
y/n:tyy :3
Shutting your phone off, you decided you should probably start getting ready so you’d have enough time to get yourself together as well as grab anything extra you’d need for the interview. Getting up, you stared at your closet trying to come up with something that would be enticing but professional enough to not raise any flags. You couldn’t deny that you had a bit of a crush on Seonghwa, but it seemed like such a distant reality that you tried to not pay much attention to it. 
You wanted to impress him though. He always looked so polished and you wanted him to feel as allured by you as you did him. The thought crossed your mind that anything you wore would be better than the work clothes he always saw you in, so you settled on something middle of the road. You threw a form fitting, black longsleeve, a black skirt, and your leather jacket on your bed and then sauntered into your bathroom to run through your routine. 
Between your shower, and dancing in between songs while you did your makeup, it quickly became 4 pm. Getting dressed, you gazed over your appearance looking for any immediate imperfections you had to fix. When you found none, you sprayed your perfume, grabbed your shoes, and walked out into the main room of your apartment. Opening the door to your balcony, you let Jasper out while you set out some food for him, figuring that you’d be out fairly late with Seonghwa’s interview. Setting his bowls down, Jasper came prancing inside, rubbing up against your leg. As you locked the door, you showered him with affection and then grabbed your purse to make your way out. 
You were leaving a little earlier than you expected, but you needed to get a new notebook for Seonghwa and you wanted to grab something to eat beforehand. Every new interview you did with someone, you wanted to grant them their own notebook, making the experience feel more personal to each individual. You had a growing collection piled in your room and you were plenty excited to add another. Looking back over your apartment to make sure you didn’t forget anything, you looked at Jasper.
“Be a good boy and watch the house, baby.” 
You flicked on the light so he wouldn’t be left in the dark and you made your way out of your apartment. When you stepped out the door though, your foot landed on something else other than the concrete. When you looked down, there was a leather bound journal with gold embellishments on the spine. You picked it up, inspecting it, and to your surprise, it seemed brand new. You wondered if it was maybe a misplaced delivery, but there was no package sticker on it. 
Seeing it as a blessing in disguise, you stuffed the journal into your bag and walked down the steps to the parking lot. One less stop meant you’d be able to debrief with Stevie before you made your way to Seonghwa’s. Driving the memorized route you had for work, you got there fairly quickly with traffic having died down. When you got out of your car, the sun was slowly tucking itself behind the mountains, casting an angelic golden glow across the sky. Walking into your job, you were happy to see Stevie at the front so that you could get the free food you wanted without the hassle. 
“What are you doing here?”
“Coming to get breakfast so I don’t pass out in front of that man.”
“It’s literally five, babe.” 
“And it’s still my breakfast.” 
Grabbing a sandwich from the display case, you slid it across the counter gingerly and looked at Stevie your lips downturned and your eyebrow slightly raised. 
“You want a drink?”
“No, just a water, if I have coffee I might actually shit myself.” 
You waited on the wall closest to behind the counter and continued talking with your friend trying to calm your nerves. Every time you had a flicker of a thought about Seonghwa you felt your heart race. Stevie’s voice pulled you from your thoughts which you were thankful for because they were about to spiral again.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d think you’re going on a date.”
Panicked you looked down at your outfit and then back to Stevie.
“Why? Is this too much? Should I go change?”
Stevie laughed and it confused you, furthering the thoughts of you looking like a fool. The timer on the oven beeped and she put your sandwich in a bag and turned around to hand it to you. 
“No, it’s not too much. Just wanted to see you squirm. You look hot.” 
Your eyes lacked amusement, a deadpanned glare shot her way. 
“Not funny.” 
“You needed to loosen up, I could smell the tension on you the moment you walked in. Hopefully he fucks it out of you.” 
She looked over her shoulder smiling at you as she walked back over to the register to help a customer. As you began to eat your sandwich, your phone vibrated in your front pocket. Pulling it out, your heart rate sped up reading that the notification was from Seonghwa. 
Seonghwa: Good evening. I hope this message finds you well. I’m ready whenever you are.
Why does he talk like that? 
You didn’t realize you had zoned out until your screen started to fade to black, your dazed reflection staring back at you. In your staggered panic, you gnawed away at your sandwich not even recognizing that you finished it until you went for a coherent bite and chomped on nothing but paper. Crumbling the bag and throwing it into the trash, you grabbed the water that Stevie left on the counter and almost got away with an Irish goodbye. 
“Text me everything!” 
“I will!” 
You pushed out of the glass door and got back into your car. Digging through your bag, you searched for your lip products before you started the vehicle. Feeling that you had fretted over your appearance enough today, you threw everything back into your bag and loaded Seonghwa’s address into your phone.  
You turned up your music, needing something to drown out the endless panic you were having now that you were actively making your way to his house. Your GPS said it was only about a ten minute drive from where you were so at the very least you were thankful to be close to an area you were familiar with. The further you drove the route to his house, the more you realized it was taking you in a similar direction to where you lived. 
Passing your apartment complex, you began driving in an area that was visibly more prestigious and affluent. The few apartment complexes turned into luxury mansions and you could only imagine from the outside, the grandeur of what the homes looked like inside. Turning on one last residential street, you turned into a development that had a guarded gate. 
“Hi, Y/n L/n for Seonghwa Park on 7772 Seraph Lane.” 
“Alright. I need to scan your ID.” 
The guard waited at your window as you rummaged in your bag for your wallet. Pulling out your ID, the man scanned the barcode and walked back into the small building. As he typed your info into the computer, he quickly printed out your guest pass. 
“Seems like you were already in the system. Have a nice day.” 
Thanking the man you tossed the pass up on the dashboard of your car. As you drove through the neighborhood, you took in how beautifully everything was maintained. The road you drove down was shrouded in willow oak trees, almost hiding the darkening sky. As you made one last right, you pulled up in front of his house. Or, mansion you suppose. 
His front yard was well kept, a willow tree hanging on the lawn. The front of his home was imposing and you felt out of touch being in such an environment. His street was quiet, almost unnervingly quiet. There was no excess noise from any main road, and with nothing but a few cars adorning the driveways of the surrounding houses, you felt unusually small. Out of place. Stepping out of your car, you grabbed your bag and fixed yourself one last time in the reflection of your car door. Locking your car, you took a deep breath and walked up Seonghwa’s elaborate driveway finally clicking into a semi-professional mentality. 
Ringing his doorbell, you waited patiently to see him on the other side. When you heard the lock of the door click out of place, one of the large, red oak double doors opened to reveal Seonghwa in one of the more relaxed outfits you’d ever seen him in. He was clad in black jeans, a mesh long sleeve draped across his upper half, and a pair of leather mules on his feet. 
A wide smile spread across his face as his eyes met your own. A glint of sheer mirth expressed across his features. 
“Y/n! So glad you made it, I hope it wasn’t too much of a hassle to find. Please, come in.” 
Timidly bowing your head, a light chuckle left you as you stepped through the front door.
“Oh, it was no trouble! Me being in the system already made the guard situation a breeze.”
Closing the door behind you, you watched him as he began to speak again. 
“I pray you didn’t find that alarming in any way, just wanted to lessen the amount of effort it would take to get beyond the gates.”
“Oh, I figured that was the reason. I appreciate you looking out for me.” 
A gentle and pleased smile spread lightly across his lips, his eyes closing only for a moment before he continued being so hospitable. 
“Can I get you anything to drink before we start?” 
“Um, a water would be great.” 
Seonghwa motioned his hand to follow you and as you trailed behind him you gazed at everything you could inside of his home. The ceilings were intimidatingly tall and his house was spotless, somehow more well put together than the man himself. He had macabre and abstract artwork and busts decorated his walls and some end tables. The hallway to the kitchen seemed so far away from the front door, but when you entered the room you were left in even more awe. 
“You have a beautiful home, Hwa–Seonghwa! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“-It’s quite alright, y/n. You can call me Hwa if you’d like.”
Nodding silently, you swallowed your embarrassment. Sliding you a glass full of water, you thanked him and he motioned for you to follow him again. Walking through his home, you felt like when Belle trailed behind Beast when being led to her quarters for the first time. Everything your eyes landed on either looked ancient or worth a million dollars. The hallways were long and imposing and you wondered how he lived here all alone. 
Maybe that’s something I’ll add to ask.
Approaching a white door at the end of the hallway with golden fixtures, he opened it and guided you into what you assumed to be his study. He had a table set up with chairs facing each other and he pulled your chair out as you entered the room with him. Seonghwa sat across from you, smoothing out his top as if he was being filmed on camera. Setting your bag on the table, you pulled out your phone opening up the voice memos to serve as your recorder and you pulled out the journal that you found at your front door. 
Just like last night, there was a glint in Seonghwa’s eyes that you would’ve missed if you didn’t look at the right time. You barely furrowed your eyebrows, not trying to draw attention to something so small. He had a microscopic smirk pulling at the side of his mouth, almost like he was trying to hide a smile from forming. Taking a deep breath, you looked up at Seonghwa, that glint now gone and substituted with his usual stoic gaze. 
Pressing record on your phone, you opened up to the first page of the journal massaging the page so that the spine would bend to your liking. Going to fish in your bag for a pen, you realize it was the one thing that you forgot. Sighing you looked to Seonghwa. 
“You wouldn't happen to have a pen would you?”
“As a matter of fact, I do.” 
Getting up, Seonghwa walked to another desk in the room that was accompanied by a computer. Walking back over to where you were, he handed you a black and gold fountain pen that had the same exact markings that were detailed on the spine of the journal you picked up. Hesitant, you took the pen from him, your brows still furrowed as you looked at him to thank him. There was a cold, obsessive tone to his gaze as he watched you inspect the markings on the pen. 
“The same markings are on this journal that I found left outside my apartment today! That’s so weird. Kinda cool, but still weird.” 
A little extra air escaped his nose as he looked at you with amusement. 
“How peculiar.”
You felt your gut stir in anxiety for a moment but swallowed the feeling as quickly as it came. Blaming it on the fact that you had finally started the interview, and you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself. Surely, he hadn’t left the journal, he didn’t even have a fraction of an idea of where you lived. A fiendish levity was cast upon his face when you looked up at him again, settling in to ask him the first question. 
His gaze was heavy. Unwavering as it seemed he was creating a mental image of this moment to save forever and needed to capture every minor detail. 
“So, what drew you to a town like this?”
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taglist: @bellamuerte1987 @seonghwasstar
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luza-wayne · 11 days
twins even when it comes to love.
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miya atsumu x reader x miya osamu
1.8k words
i swear there's nothing weird here, but fluffy stuff! BELEIVE ME
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running as fast as you can, you narrowly missed everyone you passed by. huffing heavily, you turned to a corner and saw the door you were desperately trying to reach.
you hold it and slide it open. you stepped in smiling widely.
“safe!” you expressed wiping your face from the sweat.
“you really should try waking up earlier.” suna shouted from his seat.
“yeah, yeah. you should wake up earlier.” osamu added.
you narrowed your eyes and looked at his way. you walked to your chair, which is right in front of him.
“look at sir miya osamu, getting ahead of himself just because he got here earlier than usual. you're always just a little earlier than me, sir.” you scoffed as you placed your things to the side but he just grinned and took a bite on the onigiri he's eating, this early in the morning.
“are you on class duty today?” you asked him and he shook his head sideways. “then why are you early today?”
“i'm readying myself.” he answered briefly.
“for what?” you inquired, looking at him intently.
“later, i'll tell you.” he brushed off and ate the whole thing in his hand.
time passed by fastly and it's already time to return home. you fixed your things so that you can go home already.
while checking your notebook for the last time, you saw a different paper than yours, slipping out of it. you picked it up and read it.
‘go to the rooftop. i'll be waiting there.’
“are you really sure you're going to do this, bro?” suna asked his friend again.
“for the fourth time, yes, i am.” osamu answered laughing, but his hands were shaking inside the pocket of his jacket.
“yeah, i know you answered my same question four times already, but we're still here in the bathroom and you won't even step out of the door and go to the rooftop already.” suna pointed that made osamu's knees almost collapse, but he managed to stay standing by holding on to the concrete sink.
“i feel like i want to throw up all the onigiri i've eaten in my whole life, because of my nervousness.” osamu expressed, but suna just formed a straight line along his lips.
he reached for his phone when he felt it vibrate, while osamu talked to himself. atsumu messaged the middle blocker about the whereabouts of his other twin since he wasn't answering his phone. well, osamu turned it off the whole day, thinking it might break his concentration.
suna thought that maybe atsumu could help bring the courage out of osamu and he texted him what osamu was about to do.
suna wondered as to why atsumu only read his message and didn't reply. maybe he doesn't want to help. he thought and just sighed.
“okay. i'll really do this now.” osamu muttered looking at himself from the mirror. suna's head immediately returned to him, smiling. finally, after hours of talking to himself and getting ready. 
he bravely opened the door and started to walk in the roof's direction and suna behind him, for support.
while walking, suna remembered what he did just earlier.
“ah, i forgot to mention, i told atsumu that you are going to confess to her at the rooftop, but he didn't answer back. guess he doesn't want to h—” he stopped talking when osamu suddenly turned around looking at him with a surprised face.
“what—” he didn't even finish talking when osamu started sprinting to the rooftop. he didn't know what was happening, so he just followed osamu.
“hey! why are you running?!” he asked him as they got closer to the location.
“that pissed-hair rat…” osamu started. they finally arrived at the door to the rooftop. he opened it and saw the scene.
“i like you. would you be my girlfriend?” 
“...likes her too.” he finished. suna widened his eyes, even though it's not evident.
atsumu was standing in front of you, both his hands in his pockets, while you looked at him, puzzled.
you just went here on the rooftop to know why that person wanted you here, but you didn't expect to get confessed to.
not only by some random schoolboy, but it's a guy from the famous volleyball team.
‘is this real?’
‘earlier he almost broke the door when he opened it. he was breathing heavily, looking around and was relieved when he saw i'm the only person here.’
‘but, he suddenly turned confident and confessed when the door opened.’
‘who came in anyways?’ you looked at the door and saw almost the same thing as earlier.
a person who had the same face as the one in front of you, breathing hard. the only different thing is that there's someone with him.
“osamu, rintarou…” you called their names.
atsumu took a step closer to you. you lightly flinched and turned your head to him. 
“forget about him, focus on me.” atsumu was about to take another step, but you felt someone pulling you lightly behind them.
you looked up and were able to get the hint of the smell of osamu's perfume.
“what makes you think you can confess to her?” osamu asks his twin.
“what? isn't that what you're going to do also? trying to get ahead, too bad suna told me about your plan.” atsumu smirks.
“what?” you thought out loud. you looked at suna with confused eyes, he just nodded depleted.
he asked you to come close to him with his hands. you sneakily walked to his side, while the twins fought in their own world.
“you were asking why osamu is early today, even though he's not on duty today, right?” he said and you nodded. 
“well, it took him weeks to have the courage to tell you his feelings for you and decided to do it today, but he's so nervous that he wasn't able to sleep, so he just went to school early.” he said, shaking his head, recalling the moments.
“then, just now i messaged atsumu about what osamu was about to do, but i didn't know   atsumu also shared the same feelings for you. they might be twins, but falling for the same person is—”
“wait, wait, wait.” you halted him from talking and thought for a while, before laughing. “information that's coming in is too much for my brain capacity, i'm not even sure if i heard everything right?” you said laughing to yourself.
“you said they both like me?” you repeated, looking at the two.
“yeah, that's right.” suna answered and it made you chortled again. “what? you don't like them?” 
you stopped your laughter and looked at him. 
“it's not like i don't like them, but i'm not interested in anyone as of the moment.” you confessed.
“then why not one of them?” he joked, pointing to the two.
“eh? the two?” you said and looked at them, still bickering.
“i'm the better twin, you piss-hair.” osamu mocked.
“huh?! i'm clearly the better one! everyone can tell!” atsumu fought back.
“just shut up and go to practice. go play volleyball.” osamu lightly pushed atsumu back to the door.
“yeah, and i can make her happy when i become a pro one day, move!” he flicked osamu's arm off of him.
“huh?! like you playing volleyball can make her full?! i can make her onigiri and feed her!” osamu said, pinching the other one's cheeks.
“of course, i can! by that time, i'm already a pro, which means i'll get paid for every game i play!” atsumu shouted back and pulled osamu's hair.
suna looked at your worried face while you watched their petty fight. “ah, you see they also had an argument the other day because osamu decided not to continue playing volleyball after high school.”
‘i can't believe these two. they're really doing this in front of the person they like.’ suna thought and facepalmed.
“i can do that too! i'll put up a business for our future and if you want, i'll invite you to our wedding.” osamu smirked at his brother.
“huh?! you're the one getting invited to our wedding, but you don't really have to attend.” atsumu replied, grinning wider.
you sighed and continued to stare at them. 
“i'm pleased to know that they don't just want a temporary relationship and they're actually thinking about their future with me, but... they're thinking too far ahead!” you shouted, but the two weren't even listening.
“you turd! i can give her 20 babies!” atsumu added.
“shut up! i can give her as many as she wants!” osamu said, still not backing down.
you raised your brows and tilted your head sideways. 
“hey! how did the topic turn into that?” you said, crossing your arms on your chest.
“they didn't even ask if you wanted children.” suna commented.
“in the first place, why are they fighting like they're sure i'll choose one of them? what if i reject both of them? haha.” you joked at suna, but that statement was enough to halt the twins and looked at you.
“ah, they stopped.” suna denoted that made you fixed your eyes to the two, who now have a petrified look on their face.
they let go of each other and walked to you.
“eh?” you muttered as they got closer to you. you took a step back.
“do you like someone else?” osamu asked worriedly.
“no. i don't— i mean as i said earlier, right now, i don't.” you cleared.
“then do you like one of us?” atsumu leaned down to you. you shoved him away lightly by his chest. 
he decided to hold your hand that's still on his chest, wanting you to feel his heartbeat. you immediately looked up at him. 
feeling like you need to do something too, to get your attention. osamu chose to romantically hold your hand and kissed the back of it. after giving it some smooches, he placed it on his cheeks. you felt his soft and clear skin that you always note whenever you stare at his face when you talk to him.
you are unable to know what you should do or say, so you end up gazing back and forth at their dark blue and hazel eyes.
“ehem. what the fuck am i witnessing?” suna cleared his throat enough for all of you to remember that you have another person here on the rooftop.
you all looked at the rare disgusted face of suna and broke off from all the touching.
“uh... uhm... i need some time to think.” you asked them, but you were surprised when they both bowed down. 
“you don't have to rush. we'll patiently wait for you.” osamu said, straightening his upper body and giving you a smile.
“we can be a jerk sometimes, but what i'm feeling is true and i just know samu's too. that's why you can take your time.” atsumu added and smiled with closed eyes.
you don't know why, but their statement made your heart flutter, it weirdly made you chuckle.
“thank you, you two.” 
then, the bell rang and the four of you returned to your rooms. 
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hope you enjoyed that one, because i did. reblogs would be much appreciated!
if you'd like to support me and my broke ass, you can tip me at my ko-fi acc! thank you very much!
also, if you'd like to see my nsfw works and early access, i opened up my patreon. hope you support me.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
The 'Batfam on Reddit' post was fun and I won't mind another one! (I have nothing specific in mind besides more sibling shenanigans)
Going down the list, here's Jason
Posted to r/AmITheAsshole by user local-zombie
AITA for changing my grandpa's cookie recipe? 
Earlier this week, one of my (22M) sisters decided to fill my rifle with purple glitter. As revenge, I swapped the salt and sugar before she made her waffles this morning. Prank worked, yada yada, that's not why I'm here though. 
See, like a dumbass, I forgot to switch them back. I've been running on 4 hours of sleep and I'm not even home half the time, sue me. It didn't really hit me until I was watching my grandpa make his signature chocolate chip cookies. 
This was some cinematic shit, I tell you. Everything happened in slow motion. Before I could say anything, he dumped an entire cup of salt into the batter followed by a teaspoon of sugar and started the stand mixer. It seemed then that all was lost. 
Out of nowhere, my dad—and I can't believe I'm saying this—descended like an angel from the heavens and asked my grandpa to help him with his hair. And lucky for me, I'm the only other person trusted to be in the kitchen. My grandpa told me to put the cookies in the oven before he went upstairs. 
This is where I might be the asshole. 
I needed to fix the dough immediately, so I added extra sugar and chopped up some caramel candy to (hopefully) turn it into some halfway-decent salted caramel chocolate chip cookies. Then I scooped them out, threw them in the oven, and prayed harder than the goddamn Pope himself. 
Apparently God had a high call volume though, because as soon as the plate hit the table, my ENTIRE family knew something was up, like a bunch of fucking detectives or some shit. And they immediately blamed me. They're not wrong, but the fact that that's their first reaction is totally unjustified. 
Anyway, now my family's pissed off and my dad thinks I should've just told gramps, but I think trying to fix the situation should count for something. So, Reddit, AITA? 
bluebirdz: Did they taste good? |— local-zombie: Not like the original, but a solid 7/10 |—— bluebirdz: All's well that ends well. NTA
redrobin: yta |— local-zombie: At least provide some reasoning |—— redrobin: no
starfire: NTA but next time give them a heads up |— your-tired-librarian: Also voting NTA but OP should've fessed up from the beginning.  |—— thatpurplething: I'm saying YTA for the waffle part |——— orphanized: not relevant |———— thatpurplething: It is to me
i-am-the-darkness-i-am-the-light: NTA for the way you handled it, that was pretty smart. YTA for tampering with food as a prank tho :/
notmysecretanimeaccount: You are indeed the donkey cavity for the poor setup and execution. |— local-zombie: Dude just say ass |—— notmysecretanimeaccount: Ass cavity. Happy? |——— local-zombie: Not what I was thinking but I'll take it |———— lesbian-premium: Congratulations on the worse conversation the internet's ever had
kyle-rayner: YTA. Just in general
assenal: nta. your family is overreacting
dickwings: soft yta. how would you feel if you were expecting one thing but got blindsided by something completely different? |— local-zombie: I'd just deal with it instead of whining like a pissbaby pretty boy |—— dickwings: nvm make that a hard yta |——— local-zombie:🖕
kitty-central: ESH. You for what you did, your family for how they reacted |— pennyworthy: At last, a sensible answer. 
official-batman: YTA. And grounded. 
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royalarchivist · 9 months
Oscurucho: Welcome back, brother. Cucurucho: What. Oscurucho: Not even a "Good morning"? How cold.
Here's Cucurucho and Oscurucho's long lore conversation from yesterday! The entire conversation lasted about 8 minutes, but most of that time was just silence between each exchange, so I edited out the long pauses and got it down to ~3 minutes. I also fixed the audio levels and added subtitles since I personally find it difficult to understand Oscurucho sometimes :'D
I hope folks find this helpful!
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[ Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Oscurucho: Welcome back, brother.
Cucurucho: What.
Oscurucho: Not even a "Good morning"? How cold.
[They enter Cucurucho's office]
Oscurucho: I wanted to see if you're still as rigid in your beliefs as ever. You see, I've been thinking about our... Let's call it "philosophical divergence." You stand for order, for predictability. But where's the fun in that? You see, brother, while you build, I ponder the beauty in tearing down. It's not just destruction - it's rebirth. A chance to remake things in a more... thrilling image.
Oscurucho: You once had a backbone for our cause. Now, I see a softness in you, a sentimental weakness for those Eggs. Mere experiments, and yet - they've softened you.
Cucurucho: Your vision obstructs the path to perfection. You fail to understand the potential of the Eggs.
Oscurucho: Potential? They're but catalysts for change - for revolution. Without them, stagnation reigns.
Oscurucho: You chase perfection, I embrace the beauty of flaws. Your world is one of order, mine thrives in chaos. You wish for everything to run smoothly, I dream of watching it all burn to the ground. We may share a name, but our souls are worlds apart. All your efforts, all for what? Mere acknowledgment from a Duck who told you to do it? Imagine the possibilities - rather, show me where it is, and I'll do the rest.
Oscurucho: Speaking of possibilities, I couldn't help but notice how easily others can access the island. It seems your security measures aren't as impenetrable as you think.
Cucurucho: No. My island's vulnerabilities are of your own making. Do not mistake restraint for ignorance.
Oscurucho: Pity. But then again, I never really needed your approval. Just consider: Cucurucho - in your quest for order, have you not sown the seeds of your own undoing? Do you genuinely trust all your Federation minions?
Cucurucho: ...
Oscurucho: Perhaps it's time you question not just my intentions, but those who you believe stand with you.
Cucurucho: That is none of your business, I shall say. Now, leave me alone and try to disturb someone else.
#Cucurucho#Oscurucho#QSMP#December 21 2023#Edited#Subtitles#For those who like knowing the gritty details and specifics about the things I did for this video -#I adjusted Cucurucho's volume because they were very quiet compared to Oscurucho#I fixed the sound direction (for lack of a better word) of Oscurucho's voice b/c he was speaking through my right headphone 90% of the time#so now it's more of a ''centered'' audio rather than a right ear or left ear thing#I added subtitles (obviously)#I fixed the camera a bit so it's more focused on Cucurucho / Oscurucho#and I adjusted the translator box so that even with the crop; they're all still included#usually they get cut out when I edit things because I'm just focused on the characters; but then one day I was like#''Why am I cropping out this thing that specifically helps people understand the story better?''#So moving forward I'll see if I can do what I did here and add translation boxes as their own ''layer'' overlaying the clip itself#for big lore videos anyways or for clips with long conversations at least#I jokingly said to myself ''I bet I'll wind up shaving 5 minutes off this'' and I was right lol#I enjoy the official QSMP streams but one major critique I have is that the pacing was a bit slow in one or two streams#which is understandable considering many admins have to write in books (which takes time) and translate things (which takes even more time)#And that's valid! But in the last stream (the one with Elena) for example; many scenes dragged on far too long#and it wasn't because people were taking extra long to write books or translate things. It was purely a matter of pacing#idk I'm a professional writer and editor so I'm extra nitpicky about things like that. I think it's something that's pretty easy to fix tho#This is just my critique in terms of the story pacing - like I said; the time it takes them to write / translate stuff is understandable#this is more of a comment on the overall pacing#anyways rant over#Today's stream had much better pacing! Still a bit slow (again; I cut 5 minutes from this conversation)#but that's due to the communication medium (TTS) so that's understandable. That's valid. I'm not fussed about it; that felt natural#Take all the time you need kings it's hard to translate things on the fly. I get it.#Portfolio
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fandomwritingbit · 7 months
Sweet Girl pt.5
dbf/William Afton x (fem) virgin/reader
pt.1 - here. pt.2 - here. pt.3 - here. pt.4 - here.
Synop: Bored of the lack of contact you and William decide to bring wanking to the 21st century.
Warnings: Smut, masturbation, obsessive behaviour/thoughts for the both of you, corruption, coercion. Virgin reader.
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A/n: MATES, MATES, I FUCKING WROTE SOMMET. This is not a drill, I wrote something after weeks of nada and it's... well, it's mediocre. But it's something! This was not the part 5 I had planned but rather a dirty thought that ran away with me that I hope reads half decently.
Is this fuck proofread lmao, soz for any errors I'll try to fix them later on x
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You wake very confused, squinting in the light from your bedroom window that was much too bright for 8 in the morning, so you lift yourself from your sheets to check your phone: 9:30. You’ve overslept. Siting up properly you glace at your side table clock through sleepy eyes, needing to confirm the reality of the time, you set an alarm, what the fuck? You have plans today that are now going to have to be pushed up. 
You’re up like a whirlwind, messaging the friend you’re supposed to be having breakfast with that it’s now going to have to be a lunch, a late lunch ideally. Surprisingly they’re not too put out, they must be running late themselves. Crisis averted, you head downstairs to get yourself some coffee which will hopefully combat the awful feeling of having screwed your whole day up already. To be fair, it’s about time something like this happened to you, life’s been too easy for too long. Well, baring the odd relationship with your father’s friend, of course. 
Not wanting to tackle the coffee machine, which you swear is as old as you, if not older, you go for coffee granules and the kettle. A simple man’s brew, and that’s certainly how you feel today. You hadn’t bothered with dressing or throwing a dressing gown on, it’s a warm enough morning that you can stand in the kitchen in your pyjama shorts and vest without shivering, the only cold you feel is your bare feet on the tile. 
Your kettle clicks and you set about making your cup, ignoring the squeak of the backdoor  opening, you’ll greet whichever parent it is when they greet you, if the interaction can be delayed it’s for the best. You pour your water, but the sudden and crisp sound of a wolf whistle makes you overspill onto the counter. Sliding your phone out the way of the spillage, you turn to see the sniggering face of William and your heart manages to soar and sink at the same time, something only this man is able to do. 
Your annoyed expression melts into a flush, you know exactly why he whistled and you cross your arms over your chest accordingly, hard up to do anything about the shorts position high up your thighs. 
“Sorry,” He says without any conviction, still grinning as the coffee begins to drip off the edge of the worktop. Adding slyly, “You wouldn’t mind making me one, would you?”
You neglect to answer, going for an embarrassed, “What are you doing here?” instead. The man’s been in your kitchen for less than a minute and you already feel like you shouldn’t be here, for your own protection. Last time springs to your mind, involuntarily quickening your heart rate. He’d caught you off guard then too, then used you up and wrung you out, and you loved every second of it. You hate him for that, and the way your pussy seems to know when he’s in the room, it’s not fair. 
“Clearing out the garage with you dad.” He presents his palms in his own defence, the smug look of him shows his pride at begging her legitimately. “He told me you were out.” It’s phrased like a question, again making you feel like a trespasser in your own home.
“I’m supposed to be.” You explain without detail, averting your gaze from his and instantly remembering the mess on the counter, and now the floor. 
“Well, you’re a sight for sore eyes. Especially in that.” He laughs meanly, making you frown. You look pretty all annoyed at him, the furrow of your brown not doing anything to hide the heat on your face from the invasive way his eyes drink you in. And as if that wasn’t far enough he steps forward, sliding his hand over the silky fabric coating your hip. “Almost as revealing as that pretty little bikini.” Your back hits the surface behind you, he has a knack for cornering you, but you suppose it’s not exactly herding cats if the prey doesn’t want to run away. 
The comment hits home though and you remember exactly how easy it was for him to move that garment aside and- 
You’re pulled from that thought as his hand slides further, over your hip to your arse. “Stop.” You say a little breathless, not liking how he just grins at the word. “...My dad could walk in.”
“That didn’t stop you last time.” His tone is mocking, riddled with amusement at how you can’t seem to refuse him. 
“That was stupid… You make me stupid.” You mutter, pushing his hand away and trying to ignore how affected you feel already. “You need to stop.” You affirm, holding your voice steady to prevent the whine that threatened to accompany it. 
William leans closer to you, a mean joy practically emanating from him when your breath hitches. He speaks lowly, a gleeful edge warming you for him and doing everything possible to add to that stupidity “Are you going to make me?”
You just look up at him, your chest rising quickly less than half an inch from his. “...Yes.” You finally manage, nerves and need in your core making you hesitant. Your eyes are wide in wait for response, and the man holds firm just long enough that you panic. He reaches behind you for something before obeying your word, you realise sharpish that he’s plucked your phone from the countertop. 
Trying to take it back fails when he catches your wrist and flicks you away. You’re whining like a child, unable to help the discomfort flooding your veins at him holding something so personal. “William, give it back. What are you-” Your words die when he simply holds the phone in front of you and you hear the subtle click of your face ID unlocking it. 
You watch angrily as he steps away with the device, internally fighting the urge to try and take it back by force. 
He glances at your outrage, stoking it with, “You must have some dirty secrets on here to protest so much.” Shaking his head, he makes you wait whilst he does whatever he nicked your phone to do. Chuckling as he has to manoeuvre the screen from your sight when you try to at least see what he’s doing. “Relax, sweetheart. I’m giving you my number… You don’t want to entertain me now, then you can later.” 
You find yourself nodding when he hands you the phone back. 
Your day is spent, lunch and coffee with your mate over and done with, dinner with your parents finished. So you slip away to bed with your phone clutched to your chest, which is tight with forbidden excitement. Halfway through the day your checking of messages was fruitful, with one from William telling you that you’re going to ‘entertain him’ at 11pm tonight, and despite your naivety you know exactly what that means. 
The only way to combat your nerves is preparation so you pick out a matching bra and knickers set, light pink and lacy, you know he’s going to like them, perhaps too much if anything. Then a white nightdress, just see-through enough to give a hint as to the underwear underneath. 
Then it’s propping your phone up with a pillow and sitting cross-legged on your bed, checking to see it the view will be good, and it certainly will. From there, all you do is wait, your foot absentmindedly tapping away with the excess excitement, you’re aroused at the thought of it. A dirty video call with a bloke older than your dad, it’s everything you’re not supposed to do, a bad idea all around, but that just makes your panties that bit wetter. 
He’s a little late, but the very moment he calls you answer, not even waiting for a ring. It makes him smirk, such a sweet thing, ready for him, no doubt waiting for him. Fuck, if he was twenty years younger he’d scale the window and see it in person. 
You know you’ve given your want away by his sly expression, and he teases you by saying, “Eager, huh?” 
You pout, now hating all the effort you went to and trying to explain it away. “Well, I was expecting-I knew you were going to-” 
Somehow, even through your tiny phone screen he has enough presence to be able to cut you off. “It’s a good thing.” He pauses before adding with a snicker, “I doubt you’re as eager as me.” He shifts as he says that and your heart skips a beat at the thought of him touching himself already. It’s a power only he has ever given you, to know just how mental you make him and that power makes your core tighten. 
“Now, sweet thing.” There’s a nonchalance to his words that contradict the fact he’s palming himself over his boxers, he can’t help it, he can see the strap of your bra peeking out and the curve of your hips suggested by your nightie. It doesn’t pass him by that he’s fucking pathetic. “Have you got headphones, or do I have to keep my voice down?” 
You hadn’t thought of that, but you’re glad he did when you think how often you hear your parents tv through the wall. So you reach to your bedside drawer to retrieve your headphones, well aware that he’s watching you and trying to catch sight of whatever he can. And after a moment you plug them in and pop them in your ears, flushing when you realise that the sound feels a lot more intimate now. Maybe he knew that. 
“God you drive me crazy with all the tiny fucking clothes you wear.” He’s laughing but you know he’s not joking. You’re not in a position to laugh, how exactly can you tell him that he drives you crazy with everything he fucking does. From the tensing of his jaw to the delirious sensation of his voice on your skin. All of it has your body begging for anything he’s willing to give you, regardless of what your mind thinks. 
You can’t prevent a small smile on your lips though, “I don’t do it on purpose.” Even as you say it you know it’s a lie, you didn’t do it on purpose at first, now though, you want him to see you. 
“Don’t fucking lie to me, sweetheart.” He knows you better than that. You giggle, it should be illegal for him to read your mind that easily. “I’d wager under that nightie you’re wearing something nice for me. Like a gift to be unwrapped.” The look on your face says it all, when you bite your lip like that he wants to bite it for you. “Am I right?” 
You can hardly look at your screen, but you nod, barely able to sit still. 
“Fuck, let me see.” Something about how he’s speaking now is very telling and you revel in the feeling for a moment before shifting to sit on your feet. 
“Okay.” You sound so small and quiet you can hardly hear it over that arousal in your blood. Your fingers hook under the bottom of your nightdress, hesitant to begin the process and your eyes flick to the screen. 
You catch his gaze and he smirks, “Come on, you know I’d do it for you if I could.” That you are certain of, sometimes there’s such hunger in his eyes you think he’s a breath away from ripping the fabric off you. 
You do as asked, your panties straps revealed high on your hips guiding the sight up your stomach,then to the thin lace hardly covering your breasts. You were right, he does like it. Much too much. 
“God, you are like a fucking present.” You grin at that, watching the hint of movement you can see towards the bottom of the screen, and you core pangs with the knowledge of what he’s doing. Now sitting on your feet, you press your heel between your legs and jump at the jolt of stimulation it brings. 
Your lip is between your teeth again as you debate whether you’re brave enough to ask for what you want. “...Show me.” You manage in a surge of voice, you wish you didn’t sound as shy as you do. 
You hear William’s scoff of disbelief, he hadn’t expected you to ask that but he supposes it’s only fair. “Yeah?” 
You nod, watching eagerly as he moves a hand to change the angle of your view. The sight stirs you immensely, his boxers pulled down enough to let his cock free, he held it, touching himself at a slow pace. You rake the image for what you can see, his shirt pulled up to let you see the trail of dark hair that leads down to his length. A crazy part of you burns to press your nose against his trail, curiosity, or something dirtier you don’t know, but you know he’d let you if you asked. 
It’s with near fascination you watch his stroke himself, not noticing how you’ve begun grinding your pussy against your heel, your knickers are clinging to your slick but all shame is lost. 
“I didn’t expect you to want to see.” He sniggers, you recognise the thickness of his voice, remembering the pride in your core when you took him in your mouth, the heavy breathing of someone clinging on to their self restraint by the tips of their fingers. There’s precum on his tip smeared by each rise of his fist, it’s a dirty feeling and if you were in his reach he’d have it resting pretty on your tongue. 
Soon your movement isn’t enough anymore, your heat whines for better friction, the attention on your clit that he does just right. It’s written in your posture and the pinch of frustration between your brows. 
William’s voice affirms your need. “You can touch yourself, lovely. Don’t have to wait to be told.” 
“I know.” You reply quickly, embarrassed at how easy he’d jumped to that conclusion. If you were harder to read maybe he wouldn't have such a hold on you. 
“Or do you want me to ask?” There it is again, that mocking that shouldn’t speak directly to your slick, it’s condescending but you know in your heart that he knows better. You open your mouth to protest the teasing but you have no chance to. “Come on, show me how you play late at night, how you give yourself what you need.” He wants to seem like he’s humouring you but right now, with his cock in his hand, he’d beg to see just how you touch your perfect cunt.   
You’re doing it, shifting your position so you’re sitting properly, legs raised to let you trace over your bundle of nerves. The fabric of your panties quickly proves irritating, so you hurry to take them off, glancing repeatedly at the view on screen, dying to match the rhythm of him stroking himself, not wanting to miss anything. At the sight of your pussy bare for him, knickers discarded, he hisses through his teeth; now that is the kind of thing that gets a bloke in serious trouble.
“And the rest.” He adds, and you’re so lost in your new-found touch it takes you a moment to realise what he’s referring to, when you do you push the bra straps from your shoulders, shimmying the garment down so that your chest is free. Your nipples are hard from your excitement, all parts of you aware of the growing need in your core, begging for the release your touch promises. It should be familiar but with William’s eyes on you it takes you time to remember what you like. 
You rub your clit, the cues from your body calling for you to press your fingers inside your hole. You’re unable to reach like he does, but it’s enough to bring your end into sight and a soft moan from your lips. 
He’s chuckling watching how weak you become, like he’s not moving faster with the taste of release on his tongue. It takes a lot for him to ask the question burning in his head, he already knows the answer but hearing it from you is going to be delicious. “Tell me, what you think about, when you play with yourself, sweet thing.” The words are stilted with his involuntarily quickening pace, he’s close and it’s fucking stupid how much he needs to cum. 
“You.” You say instantly, voice cracking. Your head between my legs, fingers hooking inside, teeth on my neck as you line your cock up between my legs. You haven’t the coherent thought process to say that, it’s flicking images of past imaginings, you shouldn’t want to give yourself to this man as much as you do. 
William grunts, speaking through gritted teeth to try and remain somewhat controlled, though there’s nothing controlled about his frantic movement, nor yours. “You’re so fucking lucky I’m not in there with you.” 
It’s not a threat, you’ve seen the size of him, you’ve been delirious from just his fingers, but you want it. You want him in there with you. You want it all. 
He loses it at your wide eyed look, fucking his fist ‘til his cum is dripping down his abdomen.  You're not far yourself from the view alone, but you can hear his breathing, the groan right as he touches the peak. And your walls clamp around your fingers in stuttering waves of climax, you shiver with it, your legs unwillingly pressing together. You have to bite the inside of your cheeks to keep any noise leaving you, a startled thought of discovery hitting you out of nowhere. 
“Fucking hell.” His voice makes you regain your senses, he’s chuckling and the hand not coated in release slips out of shot to rub the bridge of his nose; why is it so much better when a pretty thing like you is watching? 
“William?” You’re shaky as you speak, weighing up what you want to ask, deciding that closed mouths don’t get fed. In response he tilts the camera up so you can see he’s listening, and you can’t help but hit screenshot at the sight of him so dishevelled. “Next time… I want you to be here with me.” 
He laughs, “Anything you want, princess. I mean it.”
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notmaverick · 10 months
Mortal Kombat 11 Johnny Cage AU: ‘’Someone Older” PART 1
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Warnings: Dbf!Johnny Cage, Dilf!Johnny Cage, Age gap ( Reader is 29, Johnny is 56 because that’s canon??) SoftDom!Johnny Cage, sub!Reader, usage of Y/N, a little Angst, Reader has an IUD, Fluff, some swearings, All warnings apply to the whole fic.
Let me know if I missed anything!
Author’s Note: Hello! This is my first fic about Johnny, so please if you have advice or request please don’t hesitate to message me! English is also not my first language so excuse my grammar, I also listened to “Older” by Isabel LaRosa while writing this!
Summary:Johnny has been friends with your father since you were in your 20's. You two have shared some nights together, make out, had sex, and no feelings involved, just for pleasure. One day he sat foot on your dad's doorstep.
You woke up feeling a little dizzy, you sat up from your bed as you grabbed your phone to check the time, it’s 10:30 in the morning and it’s sunday, You heard a bunch of laughter downstairs, As far as you remember it wasn't your birthday nor your parents, you quickly stood up and checked yourself in the mirror, you fixed your hair and your face a bit to look fresh, your phone vibrates as you grabbed it to see a text message coming from your Best friend, Jake, saying “Y/N, Have you done the essay about our literature subject? Because I kinda need some help…” You frowned as you remember that you haven't done a single paragraph about that essay, you panicked, texting Jake back, "Shit, when's the deadline? Because I haven't done a single thing about that essay." You clicked the send button. You went to the bathroom to brush your teeth as Jake Texted you again, "Dude, we're so dead!" You sent him a crying emoji as you continued to brush your teeth.
As you brush your teeth your dad came into your room looking for you, "Sweetheart, come downstairs, I know this is out of nowhere but Johnny's here! Can you believe it? You haven't seen him since what? Since you're 20…19?" Your dad asked as you finished brushing your teeth, "Yeah- I guess so, it's been a while since I saw him." You replied walking out in your bathroom, "Hang on dad, I still have to finish some school work-" you said as you dad nodded, understanding your situation, "Alright, after that go downstairs, ok?" He looked at you with a serious look for a moment waiting for a confirmation for you, "Ok, promise." You smiled at your father like a little kid, your dad also smiled as he kissed your forehead, "Goodluck with that sweetheart." he said as he went out from your room, closing the door behind him.
You sigh, as you sit down on your chair as you gather all your materials from your study table to start the essay.
An hour passed, You're finally done. You messaged your friend Jake about the essay, "I've done it, Finally!" You added a ton of crying emoji as you sent it, you heard footsteps coming from the hallway as your door opened and you saw Johnny. He changed A LOT, he became more bulky, his eyes , face, his hair, the only thing that didn't change is that cocky grin you always love, you smiled as you saw him, "Mr. Cage!" You said as you hugged him tightly, "I missed you too, Baby." He said as he hugged you back. "You're still calling me 'Mr. Cage' huh?" He said as you pull away from the hug, you chuckled, "Alright, Carlton." "Now that's just teasing." He chuckled, "Look at you, you've grown so much! You look even more beautiful." He smirked, "Oh, stop it." "or what?" He replied, earning a smile from you, "Why are you here anyways?" You quickly change the subject as you feel your cheeks turn bright red, Johnny notices the sudden change of subject but he ignores it, "Well you know, I've been busy and I haven't spent any time with your dad in a while, especially on you." "Yeah, you still haven't changed at all." You chuckled, "Alright, I'll save the teasing for later, your dad needs you downstairs so c'mon." He gestured downstairs as he smiled, "Please?" He looks at you with pleading eyes, those brown puppy eyes that you couldn't resist, "alright fine jeez, you Don't have to look at me like that-" you said as you chuckled as you go downstairs with him behind you, he smiled as he looks at you from top to bottom, he can't stop looking at your ass, he licks his lips as he snaps himself, as he heard your father calling the two of you downstairs.
"I know you two Haven't seen each other in a while, but save those for later, lunch is ready." Your dad says as you and Johnny sit down at the dining table.
“This better be good, I've missed your cooking a lot man-” Johnny said as he grabbed food and put it on his plate. “Dad always makes the best meal, what do you mean?” You chuckled, smiling at your dad as you stuff the food in your mouth earning a groan from you, “As always dad, it's better than mom’s cooking-” you teased your dad as Johnny chuckled at your words, ‘’So, how are you guys? I know it’s been a while since we got to do this.” Johnny asked as he looked at you then your dad, “We’ve been good man, it's just unexpected, you should’ve called me y’know?” “I wanted to surprise you and Y/N.”
A few exchanges of conversation later, the three of you finally got done eating.
‘’Sweetheart, can you wash the dishes? I’ll go buy something at the store, do you want anything?’’ your father asked as you gathered the dishes and put it in the sink, ‘’chocolate chip cookies will do dad” “Alright, i’ll be back in a moment, if johnny needs anything, you know what to do, ok?” your father left after.
You’re washing the dishes as you felt a large hands snaked around your waist, “I’ve missed you.” johnny said as he kissed your nape, you smiled as he kissed your neck, “i missed you too, Johnny.” you said as you dry your hands as you turn around to face him, you saw him smiling so widely, “You're still as beautiful as the day I left you, baby.” you chuckled, “So are you, Johnny.” he leaned in, an inch away from your lips, “You know what else i miss, hmm?” “I don’t know, Mind if you enlighten me?” johnny chuckled, “If you say so Princess,” with that, he kissed you deeply than you could ever imagined, You moaned, and immediately grabbed his neck and pushed him more into you, He lift you up and sat you on the edge of the kitchen counter, “Let’s be quick before your Daddy comes home, how’s that sound?”
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