#instead of making him go back to his cave
jellyfitzjelly · 1 day
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@orehuna asked me this prompt, how could I resist? 😌 GN!Tav with deliberately vague terms. NSFW: voyeurism, masturbation
Zevlor needed some time off. All the problems he was facing in the Grove was wearing on him, but he would be damned if he showed it. His people were counting on him. He couldn't let them down. He decided to take a walk in the forest nearby. Zevlor had to take his commanding voice to make sure Tilses didn't follow him. He needed to be alone.
Strolling in the calm of the forest was refreshing. All he could hear was the birds singing. Suddenly whimpers echoed. Zevlor stopped in his tracks, listening in. Moans could be heard. The old Commander made his way to the source, concerned. Was this a goblin attack? He needed to ascertain the situation before he could get help. He prayed the gods for only goblins. Gnolls were worse. He froze in the bushes when he recognized Tav, sat against a tree in a clearing...
...and with a hand down their opened pants.
Zevlor felt himself flush with embarrassment. He retraced his steps slowly, careful not to make any sound so he could left the adventurer to their pleasure.
"Ah, Zevlor!"
The Commander froze, panic rising. He was discovered! He turned around, seeing Tav had their eyes closed.
"Yes, Zevlor! Just like that!" they moaned.
It was only then that the tiefling realized what was happening. They were fantasizing about him! Ilmater's ashes, he should leave. He should retrace his steps and pretend this never happened. That was the bare minimum of respect he could give the person who saved his people from a goblin attack when that idiot of Aradin ran back.
Instead, he approached silently and chose a hiding spot where he had a better view, heart racing. Tav's movement seemed to grow more hurried, before they abruptly stopped. They got rid of their pants as quickly as they could, kicking them aside before spreading their legs and making themselves comfortable. Zevlor felt shame burn hot in his belly as he stared at Tav's sex, arousal starting to stir. The adventurer resumed their ministrations, more urgently than before.
"Zevlor! Yes! Please!" they moaned, arching their back.
The Commander pressed a palm against his hardening cock in his pants. Gods, it had been so long since he had had the time to take care of his needs. His hips rutted against the heel of his hand, sparking pleasure within him as he watched Tav masturbate, moaning his name so prettily.
He had denied his attraction to them as hard as he could because of his duty, but here he couldn't deny himself any longer. He wanted them. He wanted to step forward and slip his cock in their core and fuck them hard against the tree. Zevlor had to contain a moan of his own as Tav quickened their pace again.
The Commander opened his pants and freed his cock, matching the adventurer's desperate pace. He wouldn't last long like this, release already coiling tight in his stomach, but he knew Tav wouldn't either. He fucked his fist with abandon, biting his lip to stay silent as he watched them pleasure themselves.
"Yes! Zevlor, come for me! Please! Yes!" they cried out as they came.
Zevlor could only obey. He bit his hand as he came shaking, spilling on the forest bed as he watched them in the throes of ecstasy. For what seemed an eternity, Zevlor's mind stayed hazy with bliss as he watched Tav go limp and slump against the tree.
Shame fell upon him not long after. What in the nine Hells was he thinking?! How could he behave like an old lecher, spying on a kid half his age? Zevlor shook himself, cursing himself in his head as he righted himself and left in haste, speeding to return to the Grove as shame burned hot in his belly. Did he truly just debase himself like this? What would Tav say had they seen him? Zevlor returned to the cave to bury himself in work.
And yet when night came, Zevlor rolled on his belly, shoved his bunched up pillow against his pelvis and fucked it hard as he replayed the afternoon's scene, imagining himself fucking Tav doggy style as if they were nothing but a whore, pulling on their hair as he buried himself deep in them. Zevlor bit his fist to keep silent as he pleasured himself like this, only stopping when he spilled.
"Ilmater's ashes, I am nothing but a pervert," he murmured, out of breath.
Yet, he had to admit that Tav was thinking about him when they pleasured themselves. Perhaps... Perhaps this attraction of his was, in fact, returned... He'd have to pay Tav a visit to their camp tomorrow night to find out.
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dairy-farmer · 3 days
Tim casually gets switched genitalia from a wizard on the lose, doesn’t tell anyone, and then casually brings it up later on
👀👀👀👀 oh i LOVE this so much because it's such a wacky insane sort of circumstances for tim to fall into and then for him to just straight up NOT say anything about it???? its so on brand. he doesn't say anything because bruce just asked if he was "hurt" and well tim technically wasn't. so at first tim doesn't say anything because he's young and yanking confessions out of him is like pulling teeth and so tim is sort of in a 'show no weakness' state of mind initially but then a week passes and his penis still isn't back. a month passes because tim is just thinking he'll wait it out because it's not like anything has really changed about him. his pants and underwear still fit, he uses the stalls in the locker room to change because some of the guys are dicks and like to pants each other and tim's not about to risk the shit he'll catch if anyone finds out. at school he also still goes to the boys room because the thought of going into the girl's room gave him the heebie jeebies even though he got over the awkwardness of touching his...new parts after it hurt too long to keep holding it in to avoid going to the bathroom.
so by the time tim realizes that this change may be permanent...its just been too long to bother telling anyone. plus it's not like anyone will notice? tim's robin uniform comes installed with a cup to protect his genitalia and the form makes it look like he still has a dick. as for his civilian wear tim takes to wearing a jockstrap to maintain the form and illusion. it's weird because tim is still a boy, it's just that he has a pussy now. tim doesn't start growing breasts like he thought might happen and tim now has an unused box of pads that he'd bought in half anticipation and half fear because tim had done his best to read up on his new equipment. but nothing has ever happened.
jacking off is harder though (initially), tim has to relearn how to do it, instead of shamefully fisting his cock under his covers in the morning he now has to part soft lips and feel around, touching and stroking until it feels good and he's all...sticky inside. he likes cumming with a pussy A LOT better than with a dick. with his dick he'd get to cum once and then be spent for a few minutes before he could try again but with a pussy he could just keep going and going until it hurt to close his legs and he was walking weird.
tim had a...phase of being obsessed with touching his cunt and getting off. he was a teenage boy! of course he'd go a little crazy the first time he got to try pussy. but once it was out of his system tim was mostly over it. he masturbated a few times a week for health reasons but aside from that mostly forgot about his cunt since so few things about him changed. it's not like he hides it on purpose or anything! maybe initially he'd been dodgy about it but after he accepted it he just genuinely forgot!
after he got used to having a cunt he started to forgot about the whole 'no more penis for timmy :(' thing. there were a few instances where he almost got to tell someone about it. like when tim was 15 and bruce silently handed him a box of condoms and gravely told tim that if he ever needed more that there was always a fresh box in the medical supply closet of the cave, right next to where the disposable vinyl gloves were. bruce marched away too fast after that and so tim didn't get a chance to tell him about how he didn't need them.
tim liked girls. he was pretty sure he did. most of the porn he watched was lesbian porn now though because it helped him try and figure out how he was supposed to do IT now. but he had to admit...he did stray back to his old taste every now and again and his curiosity grew at what sex with a cock would feel like....
not that tim ever worked up to it. sex always just felt too..big and important. his dad used to preach about how kids his age were going around having sex and having babies when they were far too young to do much of either!
so yeah maybe tim's aversion to sex is partly uncertainty and partly not wanting to disappoint his dad.
but then he hangs out with bruce and dick more often and they also help shape his view and opinion. bruce and dick have sex like it's nothing. bruce mostly takes strangers to hotels and then returns to the manor in the morning. to him sex is just some easily satiated desire he can fulfill like going through a drive thru for a burger. dick makes a show of it being slightly more of a big deal but not that much. tim recalls dick telling him about how sex on the first date isn't some taboo like TV likes to say it is, he tells tim that knowing that you're sexually compatible with someone is just as important as knowing the person you're with isn't a serial killer. tim wondered though if dick had just been saying that because he'd been catching shit for getting kidnapped by an actual serial killer he met on an online dating site (that he apparently had been fully intending on fucking).
either way tim never gets put into a situation to say 'i have a pussy'. which isn't unusual because tim had never been put in a situation where he had to say 'i have a penis'.
so it's years after tim's switch that a situation arises. it's one of those rare lazy afternoons where everyone's schedule seems to be open and so him, jason, dick, damian, and bruce are all soaking up the warm sun from the opened windows of the sun room, enjoying each other's company. tim is playing some mobile game all his old highschool friends had been into, damian is sketching in a drawing pad on the rug, bruce is reading the newspaper for the second time that day (tim thinks he just wanted a reason to sit with his kids), and jason and dick are going back and forth with a conversation that's growing more and more rapid. tim's not really listening, too focused on trying to farm for his character so he can level up and go into his friend's worlds, but he does notice that eventually bruce gets dragged into it.
his tone is reluctant and clearly trying to give up as few details as possible. tim's too hyperfocused and it isn't until jason is nudging him with his stinky feet and tim is whining to bruce about it that their conversation finally sinks into him.
jason kicks him again, socked foot sinking into tim's gut enough to knock the wind out of him. "c'mon, spill" jason goads, "how many times has tiny tim gotten his dick sucked?"
tim shoves his foot away, annoyed as he reaches to the ground to retrieve his phone where his character has died.
"how would i know? i don't even have a dick."
tim's muttering under his breath about having to redo his quest because of jason while jason lets out a barking laugh that's more hyena than human, apparently amused.
tim's still annoyed while waiting for the screen to finish loading and that's when jason nudges him again.
"seriously man, i got a bet to win-"
tim smacks his foot away and to make sure he gets his lick back follows up with a kick of his own to jason's thigh where he knows a bruise is still healing up.
jason curses at him and tim settles back into his chair content that all is right with the world.
"i told you," tim hums while jason starts looking for sympathy from the rest of the room, "i don't even have a dick so leave me out of your weird dick measuring contest"
maybe it's the fact that he repeated it or the tone of his voice or even the fact that he says it so nonchalantly but bruce, very seriously, asks from his armchair across from tim-
"tim, what happened to your penis?"
jason lets out a snort at the same time as dick.
still tim answers him honestly, staring at him with pure sincerity.
"a witch stole it."
alfred arrives with slices of cake as a surprise treat for them only to walk into tim bicycle kicking at bruce to keep him away while bruce is insisting tim pull his pants down and 'show' him.
"tim i'm your father, this is hardly a sexual thing" he's sighing but tim's not letting up. alfred puts a stop to it after tim insists that if he has to take his pants off then they all need to as well.
they end up having to drag leslie out to examine tim. the physical exam and the blood test. bruce can't wait any longer and ends up entering the curtained off corner while leslie is gliding an ultrasound transducer along tim's belly and tim yells a 'hey!' which brings everyone else closer.
leslie's conclusion. tim does not have a penis anymore.
there's a printed out result from tim's bloodtest as well as a frozen screen on the monitor with tim's ultrasound results.
tim does have a vagina however he's not female. leslie is holding out the dna test results to bruce. tim's chromosomal determination is still an XY not an XX which is why it was never caught on any of tim's physicals and his ultrasound showed no female sex organs so tim was infertile though there were some internal structures that resembled testes.
tim is only half listening and is more focused on getting dressed. he's not really sure what the tests are for aside from soothing bruce's paranoia.
bruce has questions, inquiries, and doesn't seem satisfied at tim's answer of not viewing his lack of a cock as a big deal. dick tries smoothing things out by offering to call in a favor from zatanna to fix it but tim immediately rejects it.
it's not like he was attached to his dick or anything, besides tim kind of liked having a cunt. it was fun.
tim's brothers and dad don't really seem to have an answer for that so tim heads up stairs. no one really says anything and after bruce got his questions out of his system no one brings it up again. tim certainly doesn't.
but tim does notice the stares, eyes that linger on him and his hips and particularly between his legs. stares so hard it was like they were sure if they stared long enough they'd gain x-ray vision to see the rosy part of his cunt.
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angyblueflames · 1 day
pt 1 (might make a pt2 if this gets over 500 notes)
Pirate! bakugo x mer! Reader
The day you two met was quite some time ago now. It was foggy and cold out at sea and Bakugo had his crew stop at a small island until the fog had cleared. At the time he hadn't known that the area was Mer territory. You had swam over to his ship, irritated that someone would come into *your* territory. Once you spotted him though, your thoughts on the situation changed.
This human was different, there was something about him.
That day you had managed to kidnap him and take him to your cave. You usually stayed there during the day to avoid drying out in the sun or being spotted by sailors. Although the pirates were much worse. Pirates just like this odd captain you had captured.
The one who looked at you with fear, surprise and intrigue all at once. Your eyes met for a moment, his crimson gaze different from how most humans had looked at you before.
He didn't have the same bloodlust that others you had met before did have.
You moved closer to him, he took a step back and you paused. You knew he wouldn't be able to swim out without drowning. The tunnel was too long for that.
You had gazed at each other for a long time before he started to speak. “Can you… understand me?” You didn't acknowledge his words though you did understand. Instead you were going to ask him a question.
“Why are you and your group of other humans staying in my territory?” your words came as more of a growl, making sure your anger was apparent to him. He was quite startled by your sudden speech.
After a moment of silence the spiky haired man swallowed thickly and responded. “The fog is too thick to sail safely, we're just staying at the island until it's gone,” his voice is slightly shaky but you pay it no mind.
You had sighed and taken him back to the island after telling him to be gone in two days. You had followed his ship when it left and ended up caught in one of their fishing nets. It had caused you a few small cuts and Bakugo insisted on taking care of you until you were healed. It bothered you but you allowed it.
He kept you away from the rest of the crew, though really you could have killed any of them in a heartbeat. Kirishima was the only one Bakugo allowed in the same room as you.
You and Bakugo slowly got a lot closer and you ‘kidnapped’ him quite often.
His crew started teasing him about his mer girlfriend though he just brushed it off.
Now that you had been officially dating for a few months you ended up being around the crew pretty often. You found the yellow haired one quite amusing at times. (Yes it's Kaminari)
Bakugo had realized your scales were dulling and your fins were torn when seeing you. You hadn't been around as often either. When you were though, you seemed exhausted and irritable.
Bakugo took a small rowboat over to the island when he had come to see you. He hadn't seen you in a while and was really worried.
You noticed he was there quickly because you were out hunting. He watched closely as you swam up to the island and pulled your upper body onto shore. Observing your movements he noticed how sluggish you were.
“What's going on?” He asked with worry in his tone. Looking up at him you shook your head.
“It's nothing,” You mumble. It's obvious to the blond that you're lying seeing as you can barely lift your head right now. “Don't lie to me” he raised his voice slightly, his irritation and worry was obvious.
Your gaze settled on your hands in front of you and you sigh softly. “Have you done any research on Mer’s like myself,” you asked softly.
He paused for a moment, deep in thought before remembering something he had overheard his crew talking about a good while ago. He froze, guilt washing over him at the realization.“You… I…” he walked towards the water, and sat down next to you pulling your weak body into his arms. “I'm such an idiot” he mumbled to himself.
He kisses you deeply, you reciprocate though it's weakly. His hands slide down your sides and he pulls you into his lap with his arms around your waist. You're tail wrapped around the both of you, you're fine fanning out, hiding most of your bodies.
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occatorcreator · 13 hours
Second Chances
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5 - Difficult Reconciliation
After the fight, Purple just wishes to forget everything about his old friends. Easier said than done when all he finds is reminders of them everywhere and he's lonelier then ever. Perhaps there is still time to reconcile?
The first thing Purple did when he got home was destroy the portal frame. If they had decided to break it off, then he did not want them back for any surprise visits.
He blocked their number too, once they began bombarding him with texts.
The villagers watched on as he stomped about in rage, like a stick figure possessed, and gave him a wide berth. Purple made avoiding him easier for them by digging straight down into the desktop until he hit the mines, wanting monsters to fight.
Instead, he landed on the tracks of Yellow’s roller coaster. He remembered how excited Yellow was to show them all their elaborate coaster, practically shoving Purple in the front seat in their excitement. The utter joy on everyone’s faces burned in his memory.
Purple kicked a track piece so hard it reverted it back into an item, and he tore off into a random direction in the caves, far from Yellow’s memory.
Once he got his mindless slaughter out of his system, he returned to the surface with more gunpowder, rotten flesh, and bones than he really knew what to do with. He climbed up towards the castle, wishing to return these kills in his chest and to flop on his bed. Yet everywhere he looked around, he saw those little added touches to his village: the lovely rebuilt tower Green decorated, the redstone elevators Yellow set up for the villagers, the lush farms and animal pens Blue and Red took care of…
“Remove it,” Purple said to the villagers in his throne room many days later.
“Remove it?” A villager asked, “but why? Lord Purple, what happened?”
“Do you question your Lord?” Purple snapped. “I said to remove it.”
The villagers turned to mutter to each other, not doing as he ordered them, and he felt his anger rising.
“I said to remove it all!” Purple snapped. “Everything that they crafted is polluting our village!”
“But, your friends made these gifts for us…”
“They’re not my friends anymore! They abandoned us,” Purple said, reveling in the shocked gasps of the crowd. “I no longer wish to be associated with them. And if they dare set foot in the village, detain them.”
“But, why would they abandon you?” Another villager asked, several more chimed in in disbelief. “Purple, surely, we could speak with them!”
“That’s Lord Purple to you, and there is nothing left to discuss!” Purple snapped, standing up sharply, “I’m going out on a supply run, and if I don't find everything removed by the time I get back, then I will be sentencing people to exile!”
He marched past the crowds and back into the mines again. He longed to go to the nether, but he couldn’t risk making a portal now, just in case the others come entering the portal later.
Not like they haven’t tried making their own, Purple thought, they have the means to, yet they never tried. I guess that shows that they didn’t really care.
He wondered if Minecraft had other places to portal to, take him somewhere that didn’t have any connections to his former friends. He’d need to research it, but the thought of researching felt taxing at the moment. 
When he surfaced with diamonds, he discovered that the villagers honored his request and had removed all the additions the gang had made.
“We did as you ordered, my lord,” the villager said, though they did not hide their displeasure from him. “Is it to your liking now?”
No, Purple thought with a heavy heart, I don’t get it. Seeing it hurt… but seeing it all stripped away…
“It’s satisfactory,” he bit out, trying to sound pleased, “I’ll be in my room now.”
He lay in bed, staring at his ceiling and finding no rest. He could hear the phantoms screeching outside…
“Purple, I got an email from someone named Alan Becker,” Alana asked on the rare day she checked in, “He was asking if you were doing okay?”
While the number was blocked, there were other ways to contact the computer he was on. Purple wondered if the Animator actually sent something or if it was Green or Yellow instead.
“I’m fine,” Purple lied as he wrote.
“Are you and your friends getting along?” Alana typed, “He asked if you could go to their computer to chat.”
“Some other time,” Purple said, not wanting to admit to Alana of his loss of his friends. “I’m busy.”
“If you say so…”
“Also! Don’t open any attachments from him?” Purple added, “stick figures sometimes try to sneak on and… that can be dangerous.”
“Ok? I guess I’ll tell him to triple check before he sends,” Alana typed and then left.
After that, Purple didn’t hear much activity from them. He focused on researching other dimensions in Minecraft. There was a place called ‘The End’ and there was a final boss to fight, a dragon. He went to work prepping a way to go to the End and fight the dragon, desiring to take its coveted egg as a prize. Yet, despite his new goal to distract him, he found it a chore to prepare for it. Minecraft lost its luster without looking forward to what challenge Green came up with or what exploit Yellow would find in the code or Red’s humorous attempts of acrobatics or Blue’s rather bizarre, yet creative use of potions…
The prospect of fighting the dragon all by himself left him feeling adrift.
“Is this what you felt, mom, when dad left?” He asked out loud one day, when he was the most alone. The villagers have been keeping their distance from him ever since they tore down the village’s amenities, and he found himself equally detached from the cold place his village became. All he had left was himself to talk to.
“There were ups and downs,” he admitted, “it was the longest I ever had friends. With people that chose to be with me…”
He felt his eyes burn, but he refused to cry. He wouldn’t be like Orchid, sobbing after Navy when he marched out the door.
“I guess that is it then,” Navy said, “I’m leaving.”
Purple gasped at the memory, for the last words Navy ever said to them sounded painfully familiar.
“No…” Purple muttered, shaking his head in realization, “that– Was this how dad felt? Because he walked away… I walked away… I even repeated what he said…”
He never considered how his father felt that day. He didn’t want to because how could Navy’s feelings matter more than his mother’s tears and his own grief. Yet suddenly, in that moment, he realized that, perhaps, Navy was just as frustrated and hurt like Purple was towards his own friends. Perhaps he was frustrated that the relationships with his wife and kid were not going how it should have, that he could have felt lost as he became unable to connect with Purple or Orchid.
Purple wondered if Navy chose to walk away and never look back because he couldn’t handle the heartbreak. Did Navy ever miss Purple, despite being the one to walk away, just like how Purple missed his old friends?
“What have I done?” Purple whispered, the tears he suppressed were free falling, “Mom, I wish you were here. I still don’t know if what I’m doing is the right option. I felt awful, but…”
Should he reach out to them? Could he rebuild the village? Or was it too late?
Purple was scared. He just sat there paralyzed.
No, do the thing Navy couldn’t do, he told himself, reach out to them.
He took out his phone and unblocked the number.
‘hey it’s me. i needed some time to process and im sorry. for walking out like i did. if you guys still want to talk it out, could you come to my computer?’
He then shoved it back in his pocket and waited for a response. He waited, he paced, he waited some more. When he could no longer bear to, he checked the group chat. It was on read, but there was no response. Even after the next day, and the day after that. None of them reached out.
His heart broke to pieces. He was too late.
Then again, if Navy texted me out of the blue, Purple thought, arms going limp to his side, I don’t think I would want to respond either.
Purple was geared up. He built the ender frames beneath his castle, hidden by a redstone door. He had all the supplies, enchantments, and potions to help him with his fight.
His goal was to kill the dragon, grab its egg and… well, he hadn’t figured out what to do with step three yet. All the egg would be would be bragging rights.
Bragging rights to who? To the villagers who hate you? He thought, to your nonexistent friends?
He took a breath and bade his villagers goodbye. He heard the end dimension was vast so he would be gone for longer than usual.
He approached his redstone door and raised his fist to knock--
“Let go of us!”
Green? Purple stopped and turned around.
“It’s us! Green and Blue!” Blue shouted. “Why are you grabbing us?”
Purple raced over to see the villagers grabbing at them. 
“Wait! Let them go!” he demanded.
The villagers and stick figures stopped in their struggles and looked at Purple in shock and confusion. “My Lord, what about your orders?”
“Orders?” Green demanded.
“I changed my mind,” Purple said, “Let them go.”
And with that the villagers let them go, causing them to drop on the floor. Green and Blue pushed themselves up and dusted off the grime. Purple could feel his heart hammering wildly, though he kept a calm expression.
“I didn’t expect you to be back,” Purple said after a moment.
“We got your text a while back,” Blue said.
“You took a while,” Purple said, “I thought you didn’t want to talk.”
“Gee, I wonder why?” Green snapped. “You ghosted us for weeks and now you want to talk? You know we could have returned it in kind.”
“Green, please,” Blue said, before Purple could open his mouth, “remember what I said? We’re here to talk, not fight.”
“Where are Red and Yellow?” Purple asked.
Green and Blue shrugged. “I remember seeing them chilling on our web page last I checked,” Blue said.
“Yeah, and I caught her,” Green jabbed a finger at Blue, “building a portal to get to you. Without telling us!”
“If you didn’t want to come, you could have stayed back at the desktop,” Blue huffed.
“I didn’t want to see you get into trouble,” Green said, crossing his arms.
Already this was a messy start. Only Blue came to reach out?
“I wish everyone was here,” Purple said, shuffling his feet, “I need to talk to you all… about my behavior that day.”
To that he saw Green and Blue’s shoulders droop, if only slightly. Blue appeared the most saddened while Green’s expression was eerily cold.
“It hurt, you know,” Blue confessed.
“I know,” Purple said.
“We missed you,” Blue said, “We all did.”
Purple couldn’t help himself, bitterness let out. “It didn’t feel like you did to me.”
Green turned around sharply, moving to leave but Blue grabbed his arm and halted him. He resisted only a bit against her grasp, but he had no fight in him.
“Doesn’t feel like you missed us either!” Green snapped, voice warbling, “I almost wanted to rush here the moment I saw that text, but I didn’t know how it would go! And now that I have, I see–” he looked helplessly around, “–everything is different! You really removed everything we built here?”
Purple cringed, unable to say anything to that observation.
His silence only caused Green to hang his head in disappointment. “This was a mistake. We shouldn’t have come, Blue,” Green said, ripping his arm out of her grasp.
“Wait, please,” Purple reached his arm out. “I really want to talk to all of you. I made some bad decisions when I left, and you all need to hear it. Blue, can you reach out to Red and Yellow? Ask them to come here?”
“And we’ll talk it out?” Blue asked.
“I will. Promise.” Purple said, crossing his heart.
There was tension, both looking to Green for a response. Green still had his back turned away from them. Then he sighed and pulled his phone to text something.
“They’re not answering yet. Yellow’s laptop probably isn’t nearby,” Green said, “it’ll be awhile.”
So they needed to wait, which would be awkward with just the three of them standing here. Purple looked at the door he was about to enter.
“Say, I guess until they text us back, do you want to do something with me?”
Green shot Purple a weary look while Blue shuffled, unsure.
“What did you have in mind?” Blue asked.
Maybe fighting a dragon boss should have waited after the talk. Turns out trying to fight while you were recovering from one with your party made fighting in a coordinated fashion impossible. Somehow, Green ended up on top of the dragon and was steering it off into the void, while Blue and Purple hung by a fishing rod beneath it.
Purple could see that the egg had spawned once the dragon was out of bounds.
Great! We just need to somehow fly back, grab it, and close that portal! Purple thought. But how do we–
Purple and Blue hit the mast of a hovering ship. How convenient! Blue quickly discovered the switch to pilot the ship and pursue the dragon, while Purple found the elytra wings in the hull after dodging a shukler’s attack.
“Purple, help me tie the rod to the boat!” Blue shouted.
“On it!” Purple ran up and helped Blue tug the fishing rod around the mast.
“I’m going to reverse it and keep the dragon from those pillars,” Blue said, yanking the lever back.
“Right, then I can get the egg with these on,” Purple said, flapping the wings on his back.
Blue frowned, looking upward at Green and the dragon. “But what about-”
Blue didn’t get to finish her statement before Green was sent down careening into Blue’s arms.
“Ow,” he groaned, rubbing his head.
“Okay, I’m going!” Purple said.
He made it a point to not look down in the void below. If the wings didn’t work, he’d know for certain. He’d rather not psyche himself out. He leapt off the ship, the wind roaring in his ears as he flew across the void towards the End Island.
Yes! It’s working! Purple grinned at the way the wings swooped. That egg is mine!
Blue’s distressed scream paused Purple in his flight. His wings flapped wildly, trying to stabilize as the dragon swooped right above his head, untethered.
The dragon’s free? What happened to the boat?
There was no boat, somehow it was all gone. Only Blue and Green remained, floating and clinging to each other for dear life.
“Please help!” Blue yelled, “We don’t have much time!”
Time seemed to slow down, and in that split second, Purple entertained the thought of leaving them to grab the egg. If he didn’t, then the dragon would guard the entrance, possibly killing all three of them. Besides, death wasn’t permanent in Minecraft, they’d just respawn…
But that would require turning his back on them. If he chose the egg over them, then he’d be telling them that their friendship is truly over. There would be no apology, there would be no reconciliation.
Really, there is only one right option, Purple thought.
He dove after them.
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Time resumed as normal and he saw them drop suddenly. He went down and clasped Green’s outstretched hand. Green and Blue smiled up at him in relief, but then the moment the effect wore off and their weight dragged him down. Purple tried to flap his wings, but it was clear that it couldn’t handle the weight of three stick figures without any momentum.
No, no, no! Purple strained as they fell down towards the void below. Not like this! Not like this!
Then, suddenly, he felt hands clasp his ankles, and they stopped with a painful jerk. The sudden stop almost had Purple drop Green and Blue, and he dug his nails into Green’s arms in his panic. 
“Good catch, Red!” Blue shouted.
“You are so lucky we were able to reach you!” Red said, with a strained voice.
Purple craned his neck back. He couldn’t see well, but he saw Red was holding him by his feet, while Yellow held her by her torso.
Is that the entire village? Purple thought, noticing a long chain of villagers holding Yellow and on to each other. The whole village saved them from certain death.
“Pull us up!” Purple didn’t bother to mask his panic. “Hurry, hurry! I can’t hold them much longer!”
They were quick to heed his warning, pulling them out from the gaping void that called them below. Upon meeting the obsidian stone, Purple plopped face down on its surface, gasping for breath. He did not let go of Green’s arm, even now that Green and Blue were safe.
“Oh, cursors! Are you all okay?” Yellow asked, picking Blue up to her feet.
“Yeah, shaky, but not hurt,” Blue said.
“I’m glad Yellow checked his laptop,” Red helped Green to his feet. “We might not have made it.”
“Thanks for the help,” Green said. As he stood, he lifted Purple to his feet. He looked at Purple, relief without his guarded expression from earlier. “You too. You saved us!”
“Hardly, I couldn’t even lift you,” Purple said, shaking his head.
“Nah, it was good that you grabbed them!” Yellow said, “I think if you didn't, we wouldn’t be able to reach them when they fell.”
That made Purple feel all the more shakier. Because he could see where he did that, leaving them behind...
“Well, now that you’re all here, I wanted to say–”
The dragon let out a bellowing roar, halting any attempts of starting his apology. The dragon was perched around the portal, guarding its egg. The villagers were starting to sweat, ill equipped to handle a dragon.
“Yeah, we’ll talk later,” Blue said, “We need to get everyone else out and the dragon is blocking the way.”
“What do we do?” Yellow asked, pulling out their sword, “You have any plans?”
“We tried steering it away from here and doing some damage,” Green said, “but those crystals heal it.”
“Are you unable to break them?” Red asked.
There was a beat of silence and Green let out a beleaguered sigh. “No, we didn’t even try to break them.”
“Look, our main goal is to leave,” Purple said, “We need to get the dragon distracted and that’s easier said than done with it guarding its egg.” He snapped his fingers, “If we move the egg, then surely the dragon would move out of the way!”
“So, we need to somehow grab the egg and play keep-away long enough for everyone to go back home?” Yellow said.
“Yeah. Yellow and Red, you focus on getting the villagers back in the portal,” Purple said, “Green, you and I will play keep away with the egg, while Blue can take out the crystals with her bow. Does that sound good?”
This wasn’t Purple’s first time sharing a plan of his, but it was after their break up. He really didn’t expect to see the determination and trust in their gazes as they acknowledged his plan.
“I’ll follow your lead,” Green said. 
And, with that, Purple climbed up to a nearby tower while Green and the others waved and distracted the dragon on the ground. Once its head turned, exposing the egg, Purple flew down  to grab at it, only for it to vanish upon contact.
“Wha? Where did it go?”
No one had time to answer him as the dragon knocked Purple across the island. The dragon too was moving about frantically, looking for the disappeared egg. Its large feet and tail made the ground tremble and crushed several endermen in the process. When it found nothing but angry endermen biting its heels, it took up to the sky flapping around and looking down from an aerial view.
“Now’s your opportunity! Go!” Purple called to the villagers, wheezing as he stood up. While Red and Yellow focused on getting the villagers through to the portal, he kept his eyes up at the soaring dragon.
“Found the egg!” Green called.
“Wait, don’t touch it!“
But Green already grabbed it, and the egg ended up teleporting right into the path of a villager and tripping them. The dragon swooped down, its breath swirling in its jaws.
“Nevermind! Touch it! Get it away!” Purple screamed, running towards the egg.
Red was closer and touched it. The egg vanished, but the dragon was already sending out its breath attack. Purple was sure that he would see the villager and Red both burn before him.
An explosion rang from above and the dragon flinched in pain, changing the course of its attack and narrowly missing Red and the villager. Blue had moved closer to the center, firing down the crystals with quick precision. Every healing beam that exploded caused the dragon to flinch in pain.
“Thanks, Blue!” Purple said, helping Red hustle the villager back in the portal.
“That’s everyone!” Yellow shouted.
“Get in! We’ll follow!” Purple said, shoving Red right in the portal.
Red opened her mouth, about to argue, only to disappear as her leg touched the portal.
“Gah- uh- alright?” Yellow looked from the portal to Purple before following after Red.
Purple turned, seeing Green and Blue surrounded by the dragon’s breath. The dragon had landed before them and was swiping at them with its claws.
No! They won’t be able to dodge for long! Purple thought and looked around for the egg. Luckily, he found it by a pillar further away from Green and Blue. Purple raced next to it and pulled out his bow.
“Hey, ugly!” Purple yelled as he fired an arrow at the dragon. It landed its target and caused the dragon to turn to Purple. It let out a fearsome growl as it saw Purple by its egg and armed with a flint and steel. “Stay away my friends or else the egg gets poached!”
The dragon roared again, charging down at Purple, breath streaming.
“Purple!” Green cried, “No!”
“Run to the portal, you fools! Go!” Purple snapped, turning heel as he ran away from the dragon too. “I’ll see you at my castle!”
He meant it, but he was too slow to run to the portal; the dragon fired its breath and consumed him. The burning stung painfully, but without any armor, death found Purple quickly.
Death in a game was like a blink. There was pain, confusion, the moment where things were still before resuming at a bed like it was all a dream. He hated it, for that moment in between death and respawning, he was in the void of falling petals.
So stupid! He closed his eyes. Did I make the right call?
A petal touched his head, and Purple swore it felt like a hand petting his head.
“Don’t keep your loved ones waiting.”
“Mom?” Purple said, opening his eyes. But he was back in his bed. Items were gone, and so was the pain.
Quickly, he sprung out and raced back to where his portal was. He had to make sure, did Green and Blue make it?
There was a large crowd before him, Red and Yellow towering over them all. Purple craned his neck and let out a sigh of relief when he saw Green and Blue with them.
“You made it!” Purple couldn’t help but smile. “You all made it out!”
Everyone turned around to Purple, silence falling amongst everyone as they stared in shock.  Then, with a burst of speed Green raced up and tackled Purple in a tight hug. Blue, Yellow, and Red joined in, causing everyone to fall on the ground with a thud.
“You're okay! You’re okay!” Blue sobbed.
“Don’t you ever sacrifice yourself like that again!” Green yelled, and sure enough, Purple could feel his tears wiped in his shoulders.
“You absolute mad lad!” Yellow croaked. “You saved everyone from a dragon!”
“Y-yeah, erm,” Purple was overwhelmed by their hugs. “Could you stop crushing me? It might kill me again.”
The pressure was relieved as Purple was pulled to his feet. Their hands didn’t leave him, rubbing his back and arms, as if to assure themselves nothing was wounded or broken.
“That was so scary,” Red said, “Thank goodness for respawns!”
“Yeah,” Purple looked around, seeing his villagers crowding around as well, looking to see if Purple was okay through the stick figures surrounding him.
“To Lord Purple!” A villager exclaimed.
“To Lord Purple!” The chorus of voices joined in.
The warmth in their voices that he thought lost returned. Purple felt like crying himself.
“So, since everyone is here, can we talk?” Purple eyed his villagers. “Alone?”
They were in his room. Purple set up some logs for them to sit on. Now that the adrenaline wore off, the atmosphere felt awkward again. Red’s leg was bouncing, and Yellow shifted in their seat nervously. Blue was slumped in her seat, exhausted, while Green was still as stone.
No one looked each other in the eye.
“I guess I’ll start,” Purple said, “I am terrible with apologies, but you guys needed better than me just… walking out.”
He paused, in case any of them had a question. Instead, they watched, quietly awaiting his response.
“I… I want to explain something. I was… jealous of your friendship with Orange,” Purple admitted. It was stilted, finding the words felt like pulling barbed wires from his chest. How it tore his heart. “Yellow told me that they were someone you’ve met before you met me. They were important to you. So when you guys started to hang out with them more often, it felt like I was being ignored.”
Red raised her hand, for once not jumping in like usual. When Purple nodded at her, she asked quietly. “I know I asked this last time, but this is a genuine question: why didn’t you tell us sooner?”
“Look, ever since I was a child, I found it hard to make friends,” Purple admitted, “We moved a lot, and I guess I never learned how to? When I had no clue, I tried to be someone others would like: took on their interests, gave them gifts… but, over time, we ended up disagreeing or I messed up– no, I couldn’t keep pretending to be what they wanted, and we fell out.” He looked at them all with an earnest expression. “You four were the first friends that stuck around me for so long. The first time I didn’t feel like I was pretending. 
“But old habits die hard,” Purple said, gulping, “It’s still hard for me to explain how I feel, because I never say it right. Or my friends hate what I say. It’s easier to avoid. Easier to pretend that I didn’t need you when I felt like I was just the replacement, the second best option to your ‘real’ friend.”
“Purple, no…” Blue was wiping tears away.
“I'm sorry.” Purple sniffed. He held his tears back. “You don’t know how much I regretted cutting you out. I feel rotten for blowing up like that, and I still feel jealous of Orange! So I don’t know if we can be friends after that… I don’t know how to fix this…”
He sniffed again, falling silent. He closed his eyes, awaiting his judgment.
“I’m sorry too,” Green said.
“What?” Purple asked.
“I’m sorry too, because it’s not your fault,” Green said, jawing wiggling, “We noticed you were acting off, but we should have asked. We shouldn’t have neglected you when we met up with Orange again. Because you have always been our friend.”
“We missed you so much,” Yellow said. Purple never saw Yellow cry, even now, but his head was low and eyes glimmering. “We realized we took you for granted. The amount of times I had to stop a redstone project because I thought about how I’d like to show it to you… only to realize you wouldn’t even want to see it and didn’t want to see me, us.” He looked up at Purple. “I’m sorry that I didn’t try harder to reach out to you.”
“I’m sorry, too, for our neglect,” Blue said, struggling to speak, “For us blaming you for how you felt rather than working something out.” 
“I’m sorry, we didn’t tell you how much we love you,” Red said, “Because, Purple, even when we thought you didn’t want to see us again, we still loved you.”
“You still… love me?” Purple said. Now the tears were free flowing. 
“Can we still be friends?” Green asked, standing up, “We all want to do better for you.”
Purple was heaving, overwhelmed by sheer relief that he couldn’t speak. 
So he went up and held Green in a hug. He felt the others reach out and hold him too in a much gentler embrace then before.
Purple confessed after a while. “I love you guys too.”
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quinloki · 16 hours
Birthday Request Event v2024
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: afab gender neutral Character: Portgas D Ace Vibe: NSFW Dubcon (very lightly dubcon) AU: Fantasy AU Prompt: Fuck or Die Gift Giver: @undeadeurydice
Summary: Pure Element magic knights have an often fatal flaw. It's not YOUR job to keep one of them alive, but circumstances have forced the job onto your shoulders. You could say no, but then you'd probably both die.
Content Notes: dub con, fingering, sex - aside from mention of vaginal sex, no other gendered descriptions or terms are used, cream pie, mdni
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise - THIS IS gently EXPLICITLY STATED OTHERWISE
The heat of his breath against your ear sent shivers through you. His hands were hot against your skin. One finger pressed against your tongue caused drool to pool at the tip, dripping off your lips and slipping down his finger.
Ace moaned, reveling in the sensation of it before his hand moved down your stomach. His fingers teased against your lower abs, tickling through the topmost hairs of your mound.
You were on your knees, with the fiery beast on his knees behind you, ankles hooked over yours, knees between yours, keeping you locked against him. His stiff, leaky cock was rutting between your ass cheeks, sending a concerned moan against the finger on his tongue when it threatened to push into your ass.
“See? All warm now, huh?” He husks, and you nod. Your hands are against the stone wall, the sharp cold of the rock wall and floor protecting you against the consuming heat coming from the knight behind you.
Knight. Beast. You weren’t really sure which right now.
“I’m going to make it good for you too, don’t worry.” He promises, and you squirm, moaning as his finger hits your clit, pressing into it as his tongue licks your shoulder. “That right there huh?” He murmurs against your skin. He keeps his index finger on your tongue, moving his grip enough to hold your throat with the other fingers and his thumb.
“You’re so wet it’s hard to stay on it.” Two fingers move past your clit and slip deeper into your pussy. There’s a wet squelch as he moves them, teasing the entrance of your vagina before returning to your clit. “You’re dripping. I didn’t think you were really up for this.”
He tilts your head to the side, leaving a bruising kiss on your neck and forcing a whine from you, body shivering against the sensation. His rough fingers are sending jolts through you with each touch, making you squirm and moan.
“Keep your hands on the stone.” He reminds you, pressing your hand against it with his pussy-slicked fingers. “No matter how it feels, good or bad, don’t let go of the stone.”
He shifts and you feel his cock push against your labia, rubbing back and forth, teasing your clit as he lets your own juices lubricate him. You shiver at the size of him, shaking your head and trying to tell him to stop. Ace shoves the finger in your mouth further back, causing you to gag.
“If I don’t do this, I’ll literally - magically - explode. You won’t survive that. Even dressed and bundled.” His voice is firm, but there’s a sorrowful understanding in his tone. “If I die you’d freeze to death before you got back down the mountain.”
He removes his finger from your mouth, putting his hands over yours and keeping them against the rocks. “Say it.”
“I… I understand.” You say through nervous tears.
You’d been working up to this for almost an hour. First there was denial about his situation, then there was painful understanding. The cave you’d taken shelter in was getting hotter and hotter. The blizzard worse. If he left to expel the magical build up, you’d freeze before he returned.
It was a bad side effect of pure single-element magic, and most knights kept a Leaf instead of a Squire - Leaf being a play on the word Relief. Someone whose entire job was to be used as relief valve for the knight. You were a Squire, however, but your knight hadn’t survived the fight with the monsters. Ace’s Leaf hadn’t made it either. So here you both were.
He’d been prepping you for a good twenty minutes, but a few minutes ago he’d gotten so hot to the touch he’d burned your shoulder. So here you were, channeling the sharp cold of the cave through your body to combat the powerful heat rolling off Ace, sweating as much as you were drooling.
“I promise you’ll survive.” He says, holding your hands to the wall as he pushes slowly into your pussy. “Breathe,” he commands and you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. Easing in and out he gets the tip in and you gasp. It’s a strange sensation a mix of a burn and a throb as you stretch a little too fast to accommodate him. You’re not really that much smaller than him, but either he’s well endowed or your nerves are making you unfortunately clench.
“You’ll never have to be a Leaf again, I swear.” His voice sinks into you and you can feel yourself relax a little. He pushes in deeper and deeper. Impossibly deep. You can’t imagine you have that much room, or he’s that big, but once he’s flush against your thighs you sigh in relief. You can take all of him, which means it shouldn’t tear you apart.
He moves slowly at first, giving you time to adjust, murmuring under his breath about how tight you are, how good you feel, how well you’re doing. Praises fall from his lips like little prayers, and you can feel the strange sensation of it all shift into something that feels weird, but good. So good. Your body’s warming up, and it’s not because of the infernal heat rolling off his skin, it’s the rush of your blood setting your skin on edge.
You lean forward, your weight keeping your hands on the rock wall, and Ace takes the cue with practiced observation. Some knights didn’t worry about the needs of their Leafs, but some took great pride in caring for the very people who kept them safe and functional despite the risks.
His fingers tease your clit as he picks up his pace, the soft slap of skin against skin as he pushes heavy thrusts into your growing need. He caresses your body with his other hand, running his fingers gently over everything he can reach. Following the curves of your muscles and peppering kisses against your back.
“It’s okay for it to feel good.” He assures you, his voice heavy. “I know… it’s not ideal… but it’s okay.”
You nod, your own breath coming out heavier and faster. Something is building up, like someone turning the coil to a wind up doll. The tension doesn’t feel bad, but it’s a little overwhelming. It’s like magic leaking out of your core, you can hold onto it, but it’s a concerning sensation.
“What, what- ah, Sir, Sir!” Your fingers tense against the rock, and Ace shifts, moving you closer to the wall, pressing your chest against the frigid stone. “It feels strange!”
“Don’t fight it,” Ace replies, a smile on his lips and hot air in his tone. “It’ll feel good - HURK!”
Your body tenses from your toes to your fingers and a rush of pleasure slams into you so unexpectedly you scream. You can feel yourself tighten against him. “Fuck you got tight!” Ace hisses, his rhythm stuttering only a little before he continues.
You squirm against the wall, the rush subsiding only slightly as his continued pace and fingers teasing your body are almost too much. Every shift is like a jolt, like your entire body is static electricity, allowing just the smallest thing to crackle against your senses. You whine as the pleasure builds, your position and mind both too hazy for you to do much but take it.
Broken begging murmurs of pleas fall from your lips as the overstimulating sensations start to tighten in your muscles again.
“Almost there,” he promises. “You’re doing so… good…!”
Ace’s hands tighten against you, the last few heavy thrusts sending you over the edge again. Fire roars from his back, filling the cave and jettisoning out the entrance. You feel something flood between your legs, splattering onto the stone as he pushes in deep another time, sighing against your skin.
“Good job.” He huffs, pulling out of you, but still holding on. He’s not terrifyingly hot, but the fire was blown away by the release. He’s the only source of heat right now. “Sorry.”
“I understand.”
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charlieeenby · 3 days
you put me in the ground, i ain't done
chapter 2: the second
becoming Robin, loosing him, and meeting Tim.
warnings and tags: talon Dick Grayson, adoption, major character death, (jason) mediocre parent Bruce, angst
title from i ain't done by the crane wives
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Adjusting to life at Wayne Manor took time for Talon and Jason. Longer for Talon because Bruce wanted to find out who they’d been before they were Talon, but Talon had no interest in that.
In private, Talon wondered if they’d had a family, people who cared for them the way they cared for Jason, people who missed him.
And for a while, Bruce let it go. But every so often, he’d bring it up. Talon would growl and walk away, finding Jason and hiding both of them away. (Alfred knew where they were, but he’d never tell.)
Eventually, Bruce gave up, but he told Talon that if they ever changed their mind, he was’d be happy to help. Talon had responded with a hiss.
When Jason became Robin, Talon threw a fit. They grabbed Jason and hid the boy away, somewhere even Alfred couldn’t find them. Bruce and Alfred knew they were still in the house because food was going missing, but they never saw either one of them for almost two weeks.
“T, I’ll be okay, I swear.”
Talon tugged Jason closer. “Mine. Mine.” they cooed, petting Jason’s hair and grooming him.
“Yeah, T, I’m yours, but I can help people. People like me and you. Kids who need a friend. Victims of abuse or muggings. I can stop the bad guys.” Jason said gently, leaning into Talon.
For a while, a few hours, Talon said nothing. Over the next week and a half, Talon barely talked to Jason, just held the boy close. But one day, they pulled Jason onto their lap, setting their chin on his head.
“Little bird help people?”
“Yeah, T, I wanna help people.”
Talon sighed. “Only if Bat is there. No Bat, no little bird. Understand?”
Jason giggled, not that he’d ever admit it. “Yeah. Only if Batman is there.”
That got Talon to crack, and they nuzzled against Jason’s temple. “Talon will wait. You will come home or Talon will come get you and their will be no more little bird being Robin. Understand?”
Jason hugged Talon. “Yeah, I understand, T. Thank you.”
For the first year of Jason being Robin, Talon was incredibly anxious. They paced the length of the cave while Bruce and Jason were out and on a handful of occasions, followed the pair at a distance. They never intervened, just watched.
Bruce knew about this, but allowed it.
But over time, Talon relaxed a little, and stopped pacing the cave while waiting. They still waited, sitting high up on a ledge or right next to Alfred.
When Jason started acting out and being secretive, Talon tried to help, tried to figure out what was wrong, what they boy was hiding.
They learned nothing and Jason only pushed them farther away.
Then one day, Jason got into an argument with Bruce and then he ran away. Talon couldn’t find him. Talon’s little bird was gone and their was nothing they could do.
Talon was angry and hurt and sad. Jason was gone, in the ground. They wanted the pain to stop and they wanted their Jason back.
Instead, they had a rock with Jason’s name on it and an angry Bruce.
Bruce had yelled at Talon earlier so they had left and gone into Gotham, looking for bad people to hurt. But instead, Talon had found a small boy with a camera.
The boy had fallen asleep on a roof and Talon was worried that someone would hurt the small child.
Creeping up next to him slowly, Talon kicked a rock to make noise and wake the boy.
He startled and sat up, looking around wildly, freezing when he saw Talon. Neither of them said anything for a moment.
Talon waved at the little boy, and then to Talon’s amazement, the boy waved back.
“Hi.” he said quietly. “Who are you?” he asked Talon.
“Talon. You hurt?”
The boy shook his head, “No, just tired.”
“Go home. Be safe.” Talon said, worried.
The boy winced.
“Home not safe?” Talon questioned.
“It’s not home. No one else is there.”
Talon searched for the word for a moment. “Parents?”
The boy shook his head.
“Brother or sister or... other?”
“Siblings?” Talon nodded. “I don’t have any.”
Talon frowned. Small children needed people. That’s what Alfred had told them and Alfred was always right when he said stuff like that. Then an idea struck Talon.
“Come home with Talon. New family.”
“I can’t do that.” the boy said.
“Small child needs people.”
The boy tilted his head in confusion. “Huh?”
Talon hummed. “You small child.”
“Small child need people. You need people.”
“Oh. No, I’m okay. I have people, they’re just not at home right now, that’s all.”
“Then small child go home and wait for people. Or small child goes with Talon.”
The boy smiled. “I’ll go home.” the boy stood. “It was nice to meet you, Talon.” he said and Talon smiled at him.
Talon scooped up the boy, Tim, as they’d learned, and started walking towards the batmobile. Batman was there, waiting, and he frowned when he saw the boy in Talon’s arms.
“Talon, what...?”
“Small child needs people.” Talon said and got into the vehicle. Batman got in as well.
“Talon, we can’t just take children.”
Talon glared at Batman who winced, sighed, then started the engine.
“It’s okay, Mr. Batman.” Tim said softly.
Batman sighed again but said nothing.
Tim was a strange child. Jason had taken up a lot of space in Talon’s life, but it seemed like Tim was trying to take up as little space as possible. He never got seconds for meals, which worried Talon and Alfred. Bruce was… aware.
Talon also noticed that unless Talon offered affection, Tim never sought it out. So Talon started offering it more and more. They were careful never to assume that Tim wanted it, because there were rare occasions when Tim would say no.
Which Talon had no issue with, though they still worried. Talon’s favorite time with Tim was when Tim would come sit near Talon and work. This allowed Talon to keep an eye on his new bird while also respecting Tim’s boundaries.
When Tim became Robin, Talon actually held him hostage, hissing and growling at Bruce whenever the man tried to talk to them or get Tim. They allowed Alfred to bring food, but for a week, Tim and Talon were in the cave showers.
It wasn’t until Bruce came over and said that Talon could come with them that they let Tim go. For months, Talon was very clearly angry with Bruce and had no issue making that known.
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makothedorito · 3 days
Crk Ocs but in the beast ancient AU (part 2) + a story
au by @cuppajj
i am probably gonna make fanart of this shit
Sharkberry and Stormberry Dragon Cookie - Alive
after learning about the fate of Pitaya Dragon Cookie at the hands of Dragonberry, the twin dragons of sea and storm noped the hell out of dragon valley and into the deepest depths of the sea, leaving earthbread at the mercy of storms run rampant and irregular tides.
Choco Chunk Cookie - Frozen
The Cacao village was one of the first to be hit by Frigid Cacao's permafrost. Choco Chunk can only hope that his granddaughter was able to have gotten to the Creme Republic safely and found a cure for the permafrost...
Milk Choco Cookie/Cacao Phoenix Cookie - Deceased
The Cacao Phoenix's spirit could only but watch as her husband turned his newfound powers onto their daughter, the formerly vigilant cookie having turned into a husk of his former self.
Amanita Cookie - Alive
being a Fungus Faerie Cookie does have its benefits after all, as the Chlorokinesis doesn't affect them. Instead Midnight Lily Cookie had them imprisoned, and watched over his former friends turned emotionless bodyguards under the control of Midnight Lily and could only hope that the Lily of the Valleys that had suddenly grown outside his cell was a sign...
Cheese Cinder's story under the cut
The Phoenix King and the Golden Goddess
One of the drawbacks of being an immortal Ancient Guardian and a Phoenix Cookie, is that even though you're Immortal, Its a good idea to recharge after millennia of being active to upkeep your powers, whether you like it or not. That's why Cheese Cinder Cookie, Founder of Scovilia and self-proclaimed Phoenix King of legend, has been in a near-eternal slumber at the heart of the hottest active volcano on Earthbread, right in Dragon's Valley. It was a very risky venture for Celestial Cheese Cookie and her guards, going straight through Dragonberry's territory to the dragon's valley, not just because it could be seen as an act of war, but because of the sheer amount of Dragonberry Soldiers headed by a fearsome commander that were stationed in search of Pitaya Dragon's secrets hidden in the underbelly of their caverns.
That wasn't going to stop the Golden Goddess from getting the Phoenix King for herself before Dragonberry could get her hands on him. Nothing could stop her in her conquest for the entirety of Earthbread, even meaning going through scalding hot tunnels deep underground, narrowly avoiding the cheese magma that permeated the entirety of the great volcano. At long last, the heat had started to pick up, and many of Celestial Cheese's Guards were forced to stay behind, lest they'll melt in the heat of the volcano as the Golden Goddess and her entourage approached the heart of the volcano, a vast cavern mostly covered by a deep pool of blinding, bubbling molten cheese magma, slowly pulsing as it moved through the cavern, and by extension the volcano itself.
"Cheese Cinder Cookie, show yourself!" Celestial Cheese demanded, her voice echoing off of the back walls of the cave. Silence, save for the bubbles of cheese magma popping. From the corner of her eye, she saw a golden glitter, reflecting off of the light of the cheese magma. a spear. But not just any spear, it was the Firestorm- Cheese Cinder's weapon of choice bearing his Spirit Jelly. "Bring me the spear." If Cheese Cinder won't awaken, Celestial Cheese might as well try to use the power of the Spirit Jelly of Growth for herself. But just as one of her attendants attempted to lay hands on the legendary weapon, movement came from the pool of molten cheese.
"You mind not getting your crumbs on that? I would hate to burn some cookies to a crisp. The scent sticks for ages!" A figure rose from the bubbling pool of magma, a silhouette against the blazing light. at once they stuck their hand out, and Firestorm flew into it, bathing the figure in enough light to be seen properly. "ah, yes. Golden Cheese, or more namely Celestial Cheese cookie. one of many whom asked for the Immortal Phoenix King's aid in their goals. What do you want?" Cheese Cinder slowly approached, the rivulets of magma giving his an ethereal glow.
"I offer you a chance at glory and riches never seen before, if you aid me in the growth of my kingdom." Cheese Cinder's interest was seemingly piqued at the word growth. he paused, seemingly dwelling on Celestial Cheese's statement.
"how about we make a deal, Golden Goddess?" Cheese Cinder swam up to the rim of the magma pool. "You bring me Burning Spice Cookie and let me take his Soul Jam, and in return, I utilize my powers as an Ancient Guardian for your conquest." the phoenix cookie offered. "Do we have a deal?" he proffered his hand, rivulets of glowing molten cheese magma still dripping off.
Without hesitation, Celestial Cheese Cookie took the Phoenix King's hand and shook, ignoring the scalding temperature.
The alliance was an invaluable one. With the aid of Cheese Cinder, swaths of land came under Celestial Cheese's rule, cookies submitting to the Golden Goddess in fear of her powers, or having their homes and loved ones burned to the ground by the Phoenix King if rebellion ever dared to come across their minds.
Its only a matter of time before the forces of Celestial Cheese and Dragonberry clash, and the Phoenix King may have to fight an old friend on the battlefield, on opposing sides instead of allies...
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guardian-of-da-gay · 8 months
for various reasons I feel pretty confident that in the Knuckles show/Sonic 3 they're gonna reveal that Knuckles and Tails are sharing the attic with Sonic, but honestly? tf they mean this house doesn't have ONE spare bedroom???
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Danny puts up with a lot of stress, okay. His coping mechanism is....okay, it's a little weird, he's not gonna lie.
It is widely known that he has a human form and a ghost form; it is not widely known that his ghost form can do pretty much whatever he wants it to.
This includes making it smaller. Changing the ghost tail to a fish one. Making the suit be scales instead of a suit.
He does it so many times he now officially has three forms, and one of them is purely for himself and no one else.
His stress relief is to go to the aquarium, switch to the tiny merman form, and hide in the rocks of his favorite exhibit; the shark exhibit.
He stays in the back, away from the people visiting it's sight, and just vibes. He's even made a small cave the sharks can't fit into a tiny little nest.
No one would expect him there. No one would be looking for him there. He was free to just...take a moment.
Well, so he thought.
Because the humans visiting did see him. Multiple times.
They took pictures.
Now the Amity Park Aquarium is in some deep shit with Atlantis, because there's documented proof that they're keeping a literal baby mer in there as a spectacle.
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lyonnerileyauthor · 19 days
the ogre has come to your village, demanding his tithe.
it is only by his generosity that he hasn't burned it to the ground yet, that he hasn't torn the houses to pieces and eaten all the children. the village elders gather and decide: you will be given to the ogre to sate him.
he takes you away slung over his shoulder, to his home deep in the woods. you expected a swamp or a cave, but instead you find he's built a farmstead, with a log cabin made for someone his size. you sob as he carries you inside, certain that he's going to use you until you're torn in two.
he's offended that you'd think this.
he gives you a bed and some food, and soon you realize he's lonely out here—and now you are his only company. he eyes your body at night with eagerness, so you tell him stories to entertain him. you cook the rabbits and pheasants he brings home, and he's pleased by the way you sear and spice them.
he may be large, but he always carries you to bed, a longing look on his face. so one night you invite him to stay.
but my cock will never fit, he says. still, he wants to taste you, so he starts with one finger, thick as a sausage, licking you until it slides in. then he adds another, and your body tries to stretch wide for him. he twists them inside you, widening you, urging you open for him. he fucks you with his mouth until you reach your pinnacle and gush all over his face.
that's all for tonight, he says, and you're disappointed to see him go.
the next night, he starts where he left off. he spreads his fingers, nursing one orgasm after another from you, until you're soft and swollen for him. then he strips off his loincloth, and reveals the beast underneath.
it's already weeping for you, the head thick and heavy. maybe he's right. maybe it will never fit. but as he sits you on top of him, so you can take it however you like, you want to try.
you start slow, reaching down to spread yourself for him. that fat cock works its way inside you, forcing you open, demanding you make room. you slide down slowly, until you've brought almost half of him inside you.
you look so beautiful speared on my cock, the ogre says, smoothing over your body with his hands. you rise and fall, taking more and more, slick and wet with your need. soon he can't help it, and he grips your hips, bringing you down on top of him over and over. he tries to hold back for you, but it's been so long, and you feel so good, that he can't help but burst inside of you.
he apologizes, but you patiently wait until he's ready to take you again. then he shoves you down and plunders your small body, filling you over and over until you're covered in his seed.
now he'll never be lonely again.
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shotmrmiller · 1 month
hate sex (is what you call it almost like you're trying to convince yourself) would go crazy with ex bf simon.
when he texts you at work that he's landing in 2 hours, you realize you forgot to block him after the breakup. that'd been almost a year ago. the last message you don't even bother reading. simply delete and block.
i'll see you at home.
when you finally go home after working a grueling corporate job that always leaves you with frayed nerves and your teeth on edge, you stand by the door, instantly realizing something's wrong different.
mud-caked boots sit by the door. the lights inside are on and when you walk in, you find out why.
simon's sprawled on your couch, asleep, his large frame making it seem like a child's bed instead of living room furniture. his snoring scrapes over your already tender nerves, thinning the already wisp-like thread of patience you're barely dangling from.
you grab a cushion and toss it at his head. (you do not miss the way he snores. it's like a hibernating bear in a cave. resounding. grating.)
"get up and get out."
to your astounding surprise, he doesn't. instead, he groggily asks what's for dinner. when you bark out, "nothing. i'm exhausted and going to sleep", he gets up with an agility no man his size should possess and blocks your path.
you've always loved hated the way he makes you feel small.
"either we eat takeout or i eat you out." that solves that. you've got boundaries to keep. maybe he'll eat his fill and piss off.
he doesn't. he eats you out anyway, legs perched on the kitchen counter as he slurps up your slick like a starved man at a bountiful feast. doesn't care that you're pelting his broad back with your small fists, slurring how much you hate him.
"course you do, pet."
he thinks your ire is endearing, like a spirited kitten that needs to expend their energy before settling down for the night. he makes you ride him on the couch, the burn of him stretching you feeling as intense as very first time he took you.
"tight cunt's forgotten me. it's alrigh', i'll carve out a space in 'ere jus' f'me." (again.)
when you sit flush on his thighs, balls pressed against your arse, he bucks up, feeling his cock in your throat, the oxygen stolen from your lungs.
"show me how much ya hate me."
(somewhere down the line, when your hair is damp with sweat and your neck's marked purple, he tells you that even if you don't like him, your cunt loves him. so much so it's gripping him like it never wants him to leave. so he doesn't. stays over for a night. then two. a week. a month. until it's time to go to work again.)
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A Week (He Will Take You)
Danny moved to Gotham for school, while there he noticed that Gotham's ambient ecto was really murky for lack of a better word.
This didn't really affect him too much besides a mild headache every once in a while but that also just might be stress from all his school work so maybe not.
This murky ecto seemed to effect the people who lived there or more importantly the ghosts,
They were visible to the human eye like most ghosts back in Amity but instead of looking very much like a ghost they still looked like humans if a bit off putting.
They all seemed to be continuing their normal lives as if still fully alive, with the people around them none the wiser.
Danny noticed this and began approaching them to figure out what was going on.
Apparently the murky ecto in the city had made it so that they were strong enough to still continue a somewhat normal life but not be able to cross over to the GZ.
In other words they were stuck in Gotham
Danny was the Ghost King so he could easily fix this problem, all he needed to do was give them a bit of pure ecto for around a week to fully stabilize them them then he would just open a portal into the GZ and they could cross over with all their things also transferring into the GZ for their new haunt.
Unfortunately this looked rather worrying to an outsider,
Imagine you're used to your neighbor being very outgoing so you and others see them a lot suddenly this man seems to appear in their life out of nowhere an at exactly one week, your neighbor and all their belongings in their home disappear no trace to be found.
You tell people and they begin saying the same story they knew someone and them a man with black hair and blue eyes appeared in their life, then they and all their things disappear in exactly one week.
Of course the police in Gotham do the bare minimum so they're no help.
But it starts to begin a trend, especially online.
"Oh careful or the blue eyed man will make you disappear in a week"
This of course after time catches the bats attention, Gordon had already given them all the information he had.
"Young adult early twenties, dark hair, blue eyes"
That was it.
The bats look into it and from their point of view Danny is a serial killer.
But they can't find the connection between all of his victims, they range from young children and the elderly from different backgrounds absolutely no connection,
Worrying enough he doesn't just make one person disappear he has taken entire families up to over a dozen, without anyone figuring out how he's doing it or why at all.
The disturbing thing also being that he seems to take everything in their home, leaving it like it has always been empty
Like no one had been living in it.
People have tried to take photos of Danny get some kind of evidence of his existence, but when they try to do it, it either comes out completely corrupted or their devise simply shuts down fully.
Danny of course has no clue what is happening he's just happy that he's able to help so many ghosts, and is trying not to fail his exams.
Danny leaving the house he just helped: "That went easier than I expected!"
Neighbor peeking from the window: "Shit it's that guy! "
Red Hood marching down into the cave: " The fucker took many from my territory without me even realizing it!"
Tim: "I'm pretty sure his kill count is nearing the hundreds and he just started like maybe 4 months ago, this is bad."
Barbara: " I think I got a theory, this matches up with the new school year beginning so maybe their not a Gotham native which narrows down my suspect list."
Bruce: "Hn."
Tim: "Yes thank you B for the insightful commentary"
Danny trying not to fall asleep while on his way to class: "Strange I keep seeing shadows following me, oh well must be the stress!"
Bats who are pretty sure Danny is the killer: "Has he done anything suspicious yet?"
Just an Idea
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ssahotchnerr · 1 month
fluffy aaron request !! reader is on a date that is going so bad when she gets called in for a case so she shows up in her like fancy date outfit and confides in hotch about her horrible date then he offers to make it up to her and takes her out when they get back <3 maybe there’s some room for slight jealous!aaron in there somewhere tehe
it's a date
there's always room for jealous!aaron 🤭 cw; fem bau!reader, mutual pining, a touch of nervous and jealous!aaron, brief standard cm case info, fluff <3
You were the last one to arrive at the BAU, departing from the far side of town and evening traffic to blame.
Consequently, you pulled stares the second you arrived within the roundtable room. Your presence was anticipated, for one, the sound of your heels clacking against the hard floor, and:
A low whistle exited Morgan.
"Look at you." He tossed out, a tickled grin spread wide across his face.
Your current attire was a dress; a fancier, slightly more risqué choice compared to your typical office wardrobe. It was a light beige, your hair was down your back in loose curls, makeup more enhanced than your usual routine. Aaron had to (internally) admit, you looked stunning.
"Hot date?"
"You could say that."
Aaron felt his jaw move. Clench, actually.
"Sorry for cutting your night short." He apologized, forcing his sentence out deep from inside his chest. He turned towards the screen, concealing himself.
"On the contrary," You eased yourself into your chair, eagerly accepting a file from Emily. "Thank you for cutting my night short."
"With this one, you may want to rethink that sunshine." Penelope clicked her remote, illuminating the screen with the latest case photos. "Ain't no rest for the wicked."
The team collectively ran through it quickly; a brutal family annihilator, decreasing cooling off period, the gravity of the situation heightening and a panicked town. Wheels up in 30 to Oklahoma.
As the others trailed out, Penelope hurrying to her bat cave, Aaron slowed his pace. He prolonged securing his files into his briefcase, zipping it shut, leaving only the two of you in the room.
Coincidentally, you weren't in too much of a rush either.
"That bad?"
You huffed in response as your eyes found his. He was met with a hardened, utter annoyance, instead of your familiar warm liveliness.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"There's not much to talk about." The bottom of your files hit the surface of the table, loudly, stacking the few evenly together. "The guy sucked. Interrupted me every second he could. I don't think the restaurant he picked was up to code either. Thank goodness I got the call before our food arrived." You shuddered lightly, in theatrics but also genuineness. "I'm greatly looking forward to pretending it never happened."
There was a carefree airiness within your voice - attempting to wave it off, the simple acceptance of one night gone bad - but small dismay was amongst your words.
"I'm sorry." While Aaron meant his apology wholeheartedly, he couldn't help but feel relieved, for his own selfish reasons. "But I am glad you narrowly escaped the potential food poisoning."
That pulled a laugh from you, agreeing. "But it's fine, really. I didn't want to go anyways, don't know why I did." You shrugged as you disrupted the continual, shared eye contact. While the tail end of your sentence was spoken lowly, it wasn't long lasting, picking up some enthusiasm. "How was your night going?"
"Jack and I were just settling down to watch a movie."
"Which one?"
Your head tilted exasperatedly, face pulling into jealousy. "Really? How fun." You whined gently, wishing your night could have been spent with the two of them. Your preferred choice of company.
"Well, he wasn't too happy it was cut short." Aaron admitted, a loose, downhearted chuckle escaping.
"You'll make it up to him. Perhaps a multiple movie feature when we're back? Shrek, Shrek 2, Shrek the Third... maybe order some pizza too." You suggested, reaching out to touch his arm reassuringly with a gentle smile. "No matter, he'll be thrilled."
Sourcing from your touch, lightning bolts dashed within his arm, feverishly. Aaron soon found himself simply studying your face, falling on the silent side. You were just, you. Extraordinarily kind, beautiful you.
"C'mon, Dave told me if I was late to the tarmac once more, he'd tell the pilot to leave and I'd have to take a commercial." You joked. Although, a small part of you feared he'd stick to his promise.
"Yeah, like I'd let that happen." He rolled his eyes, amusedly shaking his head.
The bullpen was quiet; most had gone home, the overheard lights had dimmed, the team long out of earshot. As the two of you neared the glass doors - Aaron leading - there was an urgency heightening in his chest, mere seconds away from bursting. As if each step forward, he was losing precious time. Any hesitations on the temptations he had felt for months dissolved. Now or never.
"What about you?" He asked, sweetly but timidly, finding a sudden interest in the floor.
"What about me?"
"Who's going to make it up to you?"
"Well," That caught you in a bit of surprise, your feet halting. Aaron turned, his eyes lifting. "That's a million dollar question right there. I don't see anyone lining up to take me on some extravagant outing, do you?" You forced out a laugh, your cheeks fairly blushing.
"Maybe," Aaron replied, his voice wavering with a touch of nervousness. It was rather endearing, seeing him so adorably flustered. "Perhaps the person you're looking for is right in front of you. Figuratively, at that."
A rather charmed expression formed on your face. Eyes brightening, lips pursing upwards, "Are you asking me out?"
"I'm trying." He confessed, his boyish expression just as light as yours. "So, tell me. How am I doing?"
"How about this," You spoke slowly, attempting to suppress the butterflies in your own stomach, hoping to maintain some composure within your answer. "Your next available night after your movie marathon with Jack, I'm completely and all yours."
All yours. He could get used to that.
"It's a date."
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fanaticalthings · 24 days
Give me crime lord!Jason who's actually on good terms with the batfam. Not only would it actually be helpful when it comes to missions surrounding underground/illegal operations (Jason would be able to retrieve way more insider knowledge) but also I think having a supervillain family member that you're chill with is just untapped comedic potential that needs to be taken advantage of.
Damian gets into a petty fight with Bruce, and the next day, instead of waiting for Bruce to pick him up from school, he calls Jason, who shows up in full Red Hood regalia and just rides off with Damian.
Of course everyone at school sees that Wayne's son just got snatched by Gotham's most notorious crime lord, so ofc when Bruce gets there, sees Damian missing, and hears a series of panicked whispers about a gun slinging, criminal biker riding off with a prince of Gotham, Bruce immediately knows what's up and just sighs, already anticipating the many publication companies he's gonna have to bribe to stay silent.
Sometimes, they need Jason's help with intercepting certain illegal trades within the underworld of, not just Gotham, but just common areas where shady businesses are most prevalent. And when Bruce requests that Jason brings evidence of said illegal shipments to the cave, Jason will smugly respond with "I can, but it'll cost ya"
And Bruce is all exasperated like, "Jason, please, this mission's been going on for a month, I just want to get it over with."
And Jason's just looking down at the crate of smuggled materials, recognizes that it's highly sought after by many rogues (maybe it's machinery parts or rare chemical substances, etc) and ofc Jason's about to be petty as hell when responding to Bruce:
Jason: I don't think you have any idea how valuable the stuff I have is. If I sold this myself in my part of the underground, I'd make a fortune!
Bruce: Jason
Jason: Butttt, if you're not willing to pay me for this, y'know, despite being a billionaire, I guess I could just auction this off to another willing client
Bruce: Jason
Jason: I hear Lex Luthor's been cookin' up something new for Superman. I wonder if he'd be interested?
Bruce: Son, please.
Jason: I'll give you a family discount.
And it's just a back and forth of this EVERYTIME. And Jason only does it when he's collaborating with Bruce. None of the other bats have to deal with Jason demanding money.
There was one time, during a Wayne gala where practically ALL the kids (except Jason, dude's still legally dead), had to show up. And around halfway through, the Red Hood just crashes through the skylight and then just fucking kidnaps Bruce Wayne, in front of everyone. And of course the gala has to be cut short.
Meanwhile, Bruce, in Jason's custody: I CANNOT believe you, son. WHY of all times would you do this? You are GROUNDED, I don't care if you don't live with me anymore, this is just UNACCEPTABLE-
Jason, completely ignoring him, holding up a tablet with news article headlines about this incident: Bruce, look at this shot they got of me crashing through the ceiling, I look fuckin' badass
And then when the fam (in costume) come to "save" Bruce, in a blink and you'll miss it moment, Bruce catches Cass and Jason whispering something to eachother in the corner and them fist bumping before Jason books it out of there. He can already feel a headache brewing.
And generally speaking, I feel like the batfam could be way more efficient with this arrangement. You got the regular team of bats, investigating from above, as well as being able to infiltrate socialite environments as Waynes. Then you got Jason, who can keep an eye on all the lesser exposed and lucrative activities whilst he keeps the underground businesses under his control. I feel like it would be a win win situation that would be hella interesting to see explored.
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steddie-as-they-come · 8 months
"Mom," Steve whispered in the inky blackness of his parents' room. "Mom, there's something under my bed."
Patricia Harrington turned over. "Steven, go back to sleep," she murmured.
"I can't." Steve said. "There's a monster."
"No such thing." his mom said, angrier, more awake. "Go to bed now, and if I catch you out of bed again you can forget going to Tommy's this weekend."
Steve nodded and padded back down the hall, pausing at his door then taking a running jump into bed.
The room was silent.
"I know you're here." Steve whispered, making sure all his limbs were tucked safely away under the covers. "You don't scare me."
A couple minutes of quiet, then Steve heard a scraping sound come from under his bed. He squeaked and pulled his blankets up to his nose.
A horrible, raspy laugh came from below him. "I do scare you!" said a voice. "You lied!"
"No-no you don't!" Steve said boldly. He clutched his blanket tighter, then said, "I can't be scared of something I can't see! That's just dumb."
Something dark began to slither across the floor out of the corner of Steve's eye. Oh, I'm gonna regret that, he thought.
The thing began to pull itself up, looming over Steve. It cracked a smile, and sharp white teeth gleamed in the light from his closet.
Steve screamed.
"Shut up!" his dad shouted angrily from downstairs, and Steve clapped a hand over his mouth, eyes flicking between the shadow and the door like he wasn't sure which monster to be more afraid of.
The monster crept toward him, and Steve dug his fingernails into his face, scooting away from the horror. He whimpered, not daring to close his eyes.
Then the monster began to shrink.
It shriveled away, changing color and backing up, until a little boy, about Steve's age, stood in front of him. He had long curly hair and was dressed in a t-shirt that was way too big on him. When he opened his eyes, Steve flinched, because the whites of his eyes simply...weren't there. His eyes were an onyx black.
"Hi," the boy said. "I'm Eddie."
Steve was too stunned to speak, but he did uncover his mouth.
"I'm the monster under your bed!" Eddie said. "I'm supposed to scare you, but, um-" he risked a quick look at the door "-I don't think you need my help for that."
"Why are you supposed to scare me?" Steve asked.
Eddie shrugged. "Dunno. Every kid's got one. It's just how it works. I was made to be your monster, forever!" He sat down on the edge Steve's bed, bumping Steve's shoulder against his. "Weird to be on this side of the bed. No dust bunnies or anything."
Steve giggled, forgetting his fear. "You're fun!"
Eddie grinned at him. "Thank you! None of the other monsters think my jokes are funny."
"So you have to scare me?" Steve asked. "But you're not scary. Not after talking to me."
Eddie paused. "Oh, right. I'm not supposed to talk to you. Um..."
"What if we just say you're scaring me?" Steve asked. "I'll pretend I'm really scared of the monster under my bed, and you pretend you scare me every single night. But really we're hanging out instead of scaring!"
"Ooh, I like that idea!" Eddie struck a dramatic pose. "I'll be the monster under your bed, but I'll be ready to protect you if you need it too!"
Steve stuck out his hand like he saw his dad do for business deals. "Deal?"
Eddie shook it. "Deal."
Steve sprinted through the forest, the kids hot on his heels. "There!" he shouted. "Everyone in!"
The kids bolted to the abandoned cabin, and Steve slammed the door shut. "Is there a bed in here?" he called. "A couch? A fridge?"
"Bed's in here!" Will yelled, and Steve followed his voice to the cluttered bedroom, complete with partially-caved-in bedframe. He gingerly took a seat on the mattress, cringing when it crackled. He did not need to know what was on this.
"Eddie?" he called, tapping on the flaky painted wood.
The shitheads crowded in, and Mike murmured. "What the fuck is he doing?"
Steve ignored him. "Eddie, come on, I need your help."
Something tall, dark, and lanky slid out from under the bed, and all the kids jumped back in fright, raising their various weapons. Steve leapt to get in front of them, raising his hands as a shield. "Chill! Calm down, this is Eddie!"
Eddie shrank into his human form, draping himself over Steve. "You had to summon me to the nastiest bed in Indiana? Really, Steve?"
Steve shrugged. "This was the closest one. We need your help, Eds."
"We?" He focused on the Party. "Well, these must be the infamous buttheads." Eddie slid into the shadows and reappeared behind the Party, inspecting them. "Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will, El, Max, right?" he said, pointing at each one as he said their names.
"What the fuck are you?" Dustin asked.
Suddenly Eddie was under Steve's arm, wrapping a hand around his waist. "I'm Steve's monster under the bed." he said. "I'm just... friendlier with Steve than most of the monsters I work with."
Steve rolled his eyes. "You can tell him you're my boyfriend, they know I'm bi." He kissed Eddie on the cheek.
The kids all broke into gasps, except for Max, who fake gagged. "Don't be gross!" she yelled. "Demogorgon outside, remember?"
"Ah, right." Steve said. "Eds, can you-"
"On it." Eddie kissed Steve. "I'll be back."
The kids watched Eddie melt into shadows, then wheeled on Steve. "Steven Don't-Know-Your-Middle-Name Harrington," Dustin said. "You have a lot of explaining to do."
edit: i did not expect this response to the short little thing that took me 30 mins max at 2am!! i’m planning on rewriting it and turning it into a full length fic, so i’ll come back and edit this with the link!
edit #2: if there’s anything you guys want to see in the full length version of this please let me know!! i’m trying my best to make it a slowburn which is horrid for my adhd so let me know if there’s anything you want!!
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mysicklove · 7 months
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cw: sub! megumi, dom! gn! reader, overstimulation, handjobs (as always), dacryphilia, slight sadism in reader, slight masochism in megumi? teasing, "good boy" used once.
wc: 1.3k
a/n: i have been recently hating my writing style guys what do I do </3 also I did this instead of hw so tonight is gonna suck.
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“waitwaitwaitwait!” megumi mumbles into your neck for the third time this night. you feel another round of tears drip onto your collarbone, and shaky hands grip your t-shirt in a plea. he was naked — his pale skin seeming to flush a shade of red, and his spine was curved as he caved in over himself.
your thumb circles around the tip, teasing it until you watch another glob of precum bead at his slit. you crane your neck to look at him, using your free hand to tilt his chin up to press a small kiss to his lips. “doing so good,” you mumble into his mouth, and he lets out a broken sob, “staying still and taking it. we don’t need any rope today.”
his whole body feels to be on fire, and with every stroke of your hand, a whole new wave of overstimulation forces another shiver. the boy's mouth hangs open, lip glistening from a mix of saliva from your mouth and tears. “you’re so mean to me."
“poor thing,” you coo, knowing that you aren't going to do anything about his complaint. instead, you use your thumb to brush away some tears. he sniffles at you, nodding his head to hopefully coax some more praise. but your mind travels back to your movements, your wrists twisting back and forth as you focus on the red tip. “but you look so cute like this, i can’t help it, y’know that.”
his head falls back onto your shoulder, and immediately, he plants kisses on your neck, nibbling at the skin to try and distract himself. the top of his dark hair was matted with sweat, but the tips of it tickled your collarbone. you use your thumb to rub at his cheek as you continue to stroke him off, ignoring his sporadic jerks of pain. “can you cum again? just one more time, for me?”
the noise megumi lets out is meek, pathetic even, and he shakes his head into your chest. he has begun to hiccup from the intensity of his sobs, and his hand hasn't moved from gripping fiercely at your shirt. "last one," he breathes, rubbing his nose into your skin, "p-promise its the last one!"
you grab his face again with one hand and begin to pepper it with kisses, successfully wiping away more tears as he whines with shut eyes. his eyelashes are globbed together, and when he opens them again, he narrows them at you, slightly peeved and scared at your lack of response. "promise," he manages to get out before he bites his lip from you rubbing your pointer finger over his slit.
"fine, fine, I promise," you concede, and your hand stops teasing him, instead fully pumping him from base to tip. the act makes his thighs tremble, and you push them slightly more apart to give you easier access. the redness of his cock contrasts his pale skin adorably, and you can't help you're staring as he continues to leak.
"it hurts," he whimpers, mostly to himself, because all he can think about is how overwhelmed he feels. his thoughts are spinning, and even just the slightest touches on other parts of his body seem to startle him due to him focusing his entire attention on trying not to rip your hand off of his cock.
you don't pay attention to the whine, instead just pressing more kisses to his flushed cheeks, nibbling gently at the flesh while he sniffles. but, even with all the complaints and whines he was letting out, you've noticed that his hips have begun to buck back into your hand, only making the lewd noise louder. he tries to pretend that it was you who was torturing him, but his movements were of his own free will.
"you like it now?"
"no!" he says much too quickly, flashing you panicked eyes. "i-i just. 's not my fault!" at this point, you have fully stopped your movements just to watch in admiration of the boy. he was desperate in his movements, and with each thrust of his hips into the makeshift hole a coo leaves your mouth.
"aw, look, now you're getting excited. do you want to cum, megumi?" you purr, brushing his bangs back while twisting your other wrist. his eyes roll back, and his mouth remains open as he lets out quick, short breaths. now, his noises consisted more of moans rather than pained whimpers as he started to chase his high.
"n-no—yes. fuck I-" is all he manages to get out before your mouth is pressed onto his. but he pulls away only five seconds later due to his rapid heartbeat and the need for oxygen to keep up with it. you just chuckle at him and increase your speed, eyes flickering from the sight between his legs and his flushed face.
his thighs begin to squeeze shut, and his moans begin to increase in pitch, a telltale sign that he is teetering near his high. you chuckle at him when he begins to latch onto your neck, planting sloppy kisses to whatever surface he can. "are you close?"
he doesnt even attempt to speak, instead just nodding his head lazily. the act makes you roll your eyes and squeeze just a tad too hard on his dick in warning. he lets out a squeak at the feeling, and this time he does speak up. "yeah. yes. yes. c-close."
you pet his head, satisfied with his answer. "good boy. you can cum, alright?"
another set of tears pools in his eyes, and this time you cock your head to the side. "why are you crying 'gumi? I didn't hurt you that bad, did I?"
"no," he sniffles, "sorry d-dont stop. feels good, don't know why I'm crying. just don't stop!"
"relax. relax. I'm not," you reassure, kissing his face again. "you're lucky you are so cute, with all your demands."
he ignores you like he usually does when you tease him, but you are unsure if it is because he is being his usual self or because he is lost in pleasure.
seconds later, his hands grab at your shoulder, and he goes silent for a breath. then, just as the first rope shoots out, he cries, "cuming! of fuck. fuck!"
your lover's entire body quivers, and his mouth latches into your skin as the first wave washes over him. his eyes roll back and his mouth falls open with a silent scream. more tears come tumbling down his face, and you watch as the most pathetic amount of cum tonight comes dribbling out. it slides down his flushed cock and mixes with the movements of your hands.
eventually, when he comes down from his high and feels the stinging lick of overstimulation once again, he immediately forces your hand off, pinning the white-stained limb to the ground with frantic eyes. then he turns to you, even with his body jerking every couple of seconds from the aftershock, and glares at you — it doesn't hold much effect, considering his cheeks were flushed red and eyelashes were wet with tears, but it was cute nonetheless. "no. more."
you grin at the demand and use your clean hand to ruffle his hair. "your wish is my command, princess."
he narrows his eyes at the nickname, and the man tears himself from your arms. "I am going to shower," he mumbles before using all of his strength to stand up. he takes a step forward, and immediately he comes tumbling down.
megumi pretends he doesn't see the way his legs are trembling, but you see the way his ear twinged red in humiliation. you, of course, use it to your advantage. "need a little help there, Bambi?"
"you're not allowed to touch me for a week," he grumbles but grabs onto your arm and lets himself be left to the bathroom. it was an empty threat, as they usually are.
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