#it was the process of them trying to fit three relationships into one. all three crashing together. a bit violently too.
atlasmoonglade · 2 days
Joost Klein x OC!single mom
Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2
Warnings: suggestive content
Summary: aquarium date, an after party after Joost's concert
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Chapter 3
Me and Joost have been texting every free moment we have, getting to know each other more. I am so invested in his updates from the studio and learning more about the creative process. Every time my phone buzzes, I hope it's him. It feels nice to have a new friend, who cares to reach out.
We agreed that Joost will bring the wristband pass a day before the concert. Elliot will be staying at his dad's for the weekend again, so I am trying to catch up on the upcoming time apart. We are preparing snacks for the trip to the aquarium.
I get a text from Joost:
I am 5 minutes away.
I was not planning for Joost and Elliot to meet so soon, but as we are becoming closer friends, it was just a matter of time. My previous relationships haven't progressed further than the first date and a few days of talking so it never got to me even considering to invite them home. I've been super protective of my family, but I have never hid friends from Elliot, so Joost shouldn't be any different, and that's what we are - friends.
The door bell rings.
I open the door, Joost is holding a cardboard holder with three cups. He is wearing light blue jeans, white t-shirt, a hoodie over it and thick-framed glasses.
"Hi." I smile at him.
"Hi." he smiles back which warms my heart. "This is for you." He hands me a coldbrew.
"Thank you. You really shouldn't have." I take the coffee. "Come in." I move to let him in.
He comes in and looks around. It does feel strange to see him after days of just texting and also to see him in my apartment. But I catch myself thinking that he fits just right, I smile at the thought.
I motion for him to follow me. "Elliot this is Joost, we met when I was with Brianne last week."
"Are you my new daddy?" Elliot asks pausing his game.
"I- uh" he looks as shocked as I feel.
"I'm just joking, relax." Elliot laughs. "Hi, Joost." he resumes the game, loud noises filling the room.
My soul returns to my body and I burst out laughing.
"Definitely your son." Joost lets out the breath he was holding.
"No doubts here." I ruffle Elliot's hair.
"I brought you hot chocolate, Elliot." Joost points to the second cup he is holding. "Hope that's ok?" he looks at me.
"Absolutely." a smile spreads across my face.
"Thanks!" Elliot beams and takes the cup. "Mom, he can come over more often."
"Bribery always works in this family" I joke and notice him become less tense.
"You are welcome and yep, writing that down." Joost's bright blue eyes meet mine.
"Presents don't end here." he hands me the envelope. "The pass wristband. There are two, the second one will get you access to backstage."
"Wow." I look up at him feeling extremely grateful. "You didn't have to do all that." I pull him into a hug. His body went rock solid for all of a second before his upper body relaxed and one of his arms wrapped around the middle of my back.
"You're sure you want to go alone?" He pulls back, his hand on my back still. "I brought a second one just in case."
"No, that's okay. I will just hang back and enjoy your concert." We pull apart.
"You will. It's a fun time" I notice how it makes him happy to talk about his music and performance.
"I'm really looking forward to see you in your element" I put my hand over his tattooed one.
"When are we leaving?" Elliot asks and I remove my hand.
"I am ready. We can go in a minute."
"Where are you heading?"
"We are off to the aquarium." I pause. "Do you want to join us?" I look at Elliot. "Would that be ok?"
Elliot turns around "Yes! Please come with us! There are sharks there!" Elliots current fixation are big fish, he has been talking about this aquarium since the day we saw it in an ad.
"Please come. Ticket is on me." I say.
"I don't have any plans. How could I say no" he smiles at both of us.
Elliot and Joost have been talking about sharks, orkas and whales the whole ride there. Joost matching and fuelling ElIiots excitement by showing him photos from the Sea Life in the Netherlands. It warms my heart seeing them get along.
We walk through the exhibit stopping by signs for Elliot to read about the wild life. We picked a good time, there are not many people around. The big glass wall with a view of the divers and the biggest animals they have is definitely our favourite, we stop to appreciate it. I take out my phone to take a photo of Elliot being totally mesmerised. Will send it to Nicholas later. I also take a photo of Joost who looks deep in thought looking into the water.
"What's on your mind?" I stand next to him.
"Just enjoying myself. It's so beautiful here, reminds me of the time I went to a similar exhibition back home." he says.
"Do you miss it? Home?"
"Yes. But I am also having a lot of fun here." We are not facing each other, but I feel close to him. "Thank you for inviting me to tag along."
"I'm glad you came." I say. "Elliot seems to be having a great time."
"He is. You are raising a great kid." he turns to face me.
"Thinking of making another milf joke?" I say and he laughs.
"I'm gonna find a toilet. Will you look after him for a minute?"
"Sure." he goes to stand closer to Elliot.
-Joost's POV-
"So, is it everything you imagined?" I ask squatting down next to Elliot.
"I could live here."
"Have you always been interested in the ocean?"
"Last summer me and mom went on a trip to the ocean side. It was the best summer ever." he looks straight ahead but I can tell he is hiding a smile.
"You are very lucky to have her."
"Do you like her?" he suddenly asks.
His question catches me by surprise.
"I do. She is a good friend" I tell him honestly.
"I can tell she likes you too." he pauses. "As a friend" and looks at me. "We hadn't had anyone join us besides dad in a long time."
It is refreshing to talk to a kid, their pure honesty makes you trust their every word.
"Look!" he exclaims. The biggest shark yet swims right over our heads. We both look at it.
I turn around to see Ria smiling at her phone.
-Ria's POV-
As I come back, I see Joost and Elliot talking about something. I pull out my phone and take a quick photo of them.
I haven't let anyone new into our lives in so long, I forgot how good it feels to see your kid to build a relationship with someone you like.
"Ready to go?" I ask them.
It is the day of the concert. I decide on the all black outfit, a mini skirt, fitted t-shirt, knee high boots and a leather bomber jacket. As I am finishing my makeup, there is knock on the door. Must be Nicholas coming up to pick up Elliot. I open the door.
He comes in and we hug.
"Someone looks nice." he compliments me. "Where are you off to?"
"Thank you. Going to a concert tonight." I turn around to show off my outfit.
"A concert?" he nods appreciating it. "Who is performing?"
"A dutch artist. You won't know him." Am I gatekeeping Joost?
"Cool! Have fun tonight!" he says with a warmth in his voice.
I kiss Elliot on the top of his head as he gets ready to leave.
The venue is not big, but it is sold out. People are buzzing with excitement, I hear a few people speaking dutch in the crowd.
Standing further back, closer to a bar with a drink in my hand, I still have a great view of the stage. I send a quick photo of my beer to Joost "Ready for the big star!"
A few minutes pass and he sends a heart emoji, which makes me smile.
The show starts. Joost comes out and the crowd comes alive screaming his name. He is wearing a white shirt with a tie, baggy jeans and yellow tinted glasses. He is so energetic on stage, everyone in the crowd is following his every move and singing the lyrics. I am completely mesmerised seeing Joost perform, his stage persona is him but more. I find myself dancing and jumping to the music.
I notice a lady taking polaroid photos of the crowd and Joost. She waves to grab my attention and points at her polaroid. I pose and she snaps a photo, focusing her attention back to the main crowd.
The concert ends, I feel sweat dripping down my back from dancing for the duration of the concert. Not once did I regret going alone. It was so much fun. The same lady comes up to me and asks me to follow her to backstage.
We walk into a room, a few people from the crew already there. I introduce myself, some people already knew my name, which took me by surprise. I wonder what Joost told them. Everyone is extremely nice, buzzing with energy after a successful loud show.
A door opens and everyone cheers loudly. I turn to see Joost with no shirt, he took it off halfway through the show. He shakes hands and hugs the crew speaking dutch to them. Everyone seems to gravitate towards him. The room is filled with excitement. I notice his eyes are searching the room until he sees me, his face lights up, which makes my heart beat faster. He goes straight to me and stills a step away hesitating.
I open up my arms "Come here"
"I am super sweaty"
"It's okay" I say and he gives me a tight hug.
"It was fucking incredible." I say into his ear.
"Told you." he is still shaking with energy and excitement after the show. We pull apart, his hands sliding down my arms. "We are going to the afterparty, you have to come."
I haven't stayed up this late in a long time, but I don't feel tired at all. I am not a spontaneous, person, but this feels right. "Okay" I say.
He pulls me into him again. I feel his muscles, not minding the sweat, I run my hands up and down his back, going up to the back of his head to run my hands through his hair at the base of his neck. He groans into my ear, his hips living the life of the own, grinding into me. He pulls back to look into my eyes, his eyes go down to my mouth. My heart starts beating faster.
"Joost, you ready?" someone from the room shouts.
The bubble of our moment between us ends. We come back to reality and quickly pull apart.
"Yes I will take a quick shower and I'm coming" he glances back at me with a smile and disappears into his dressing room.
During the uber ride I sit next to Joost. Our knees touching, I am still not over the excitement of the concert and the moment we had earlier. All of my senses are elevated.
The club is loud. When we get to our booth I manage to get to know some people from his crew, who share their emotions and remarks about how the concert went. They teach me the terminology they use on stage. Everyone is inviting and it feels like we've known each other for a long time, there is no awkwardness, they all accept me into their group. We order drinks, joke around and head to the dance floor, Joost will DJ a short set.
Joost picks out fast paced songs, which everyone loves and dances to. I stay with the few people I made friends with, dancing and cheering together. After his set is done, he comes down to the floor. The usual DJ taking his place to continue the set. His eyes find mine again, "Everything ok?" he asks leaning into my ear, I can feel the alcohol on his breath.
"More than ok." I tell into his ear. Music is so loud we barely hear each other.
He gives me a thumbs up and we move together. I can feel the alcohol in my bloodstream making me relax and think more freely. Joost is standing behind me, his arms on my shoulders, making me feel protected from the world. After a few more songs I feel him lean in again "Do you want to leave?"
I turn in his arms to face him. "If you are ready" I look up at him.
"Come stay with me." he leans in close.
I don't say anything yet.
"We can't" I say quietly but he hears me.
"We won't." he says into my ear. "Just stay with me."
I look into his eyes, we are still swaying to the beat. The alcohol must be doing its job because I agree.
The uber to Joost's Airbnb is quiet. It's a complete opposite of the one we had on the way to afterparty. We are not touching, a slight anxiety between us. I can't remember the last time I stayed not in my own bed.
He turns the key in the door and lets me in first. Silence still heavy. I come in, the light still not turned on, but the street light from outside lighting up just enough to see the loft apartment. Kitchen and a living room in a loft type apartment, bedroom separated in its own room.
Joost sits down on a bench in the hallway.
"If you are not comfortable, I can walk you home." he breaks the silence.
I turn to face him. The adrenaline has ran out, we are both back to our senses. "No, I am comfortable." I say quietly, the darkness like a blanket around us. "I just haven't done this...Staying at someone's place in a long time." I confess.
"I hate being alone after the show and I wanted to be with you tonight." he takes off his shoes.
I take mine off too and walk further into the apartment.
He still hasn't turned on the lights, which I am thankful for.
"I will take the sofa, you can sleep in my bed."
"No, I can't make you do that. We are adults, we can share a bed. As friends."
"As friends." he repeats and a smile spreads across his face. I can't help but match his smile.
"I'm going to take a shower. Bedroom is there, take anything from my wardrobe you need." he says and heads to the bathroom.
I stand in the darkness for a moment, taking in everything that is happening, and walk into the kitchen, filling up two glasses of water.
I find the bedroom, the bed is neatly made. I put the glasses of water on each bedside table. Feels weird to be opening his wardrobe cabinet, I open the top drawer and find a t-shirt to wear. I sit at the edge of the bed, check my phone if there are any messages from Nicholas. A message wishing a fun night and a photo of Elliot asleep with a bowl of popcorn in his lap. I smile and put my phone next to the glass of water.
Joost comes out from the shower only in his boxers, his hair wet. I hope the dark room at least a little bit hides the fact that I can't stop looking at him.
"See something you like?" he jokes.
"It's so dark in here, I couldn't make out if it's even you or not. Don't flatter yourself." I joke back.
"I like it dark."
"Me too" I agree with him. "I will go shower now." I stand up.
"The towels are in the bottom cabinet drawer" he says. It suddenly feels so domestic.
"Thank you."
I wash off the day from me, the soap a familiar smell of him. I brush my teeth and put on his oversized t-shirt. I walk back into the room to find Joost under the blanket the light of his phone lighting up his face. I hear the loud noises of the concert. He is watching back his performance.
"Hey you." I say
"Hey" he puts down the phone. "So, did you really have a good time?"
I notice he put a separate blanket on my side of the bed. A small gesture, but so thoughtful. I get under the blanket.
"I did. I had so much fun. You really know how to put on a show." I turn to face him.
"I am so glad." we are now face to face from our sides of the bed. Only a streetlight barely lighting up his face.
"You looked very happy on stage."
"It feels natural to me. I have always loved performing. It's strange how I love being the centre of attention, but only on stage. As soon as I'm off it, I need my space back."
"I get it." I say and pause. "Obviously, not the performing part" I joke, "but I see where you are coming from."
We fall into a comfortable silence, still facing each other. I want to reach and touch his hand.
"Thank you for staying with me tonight." he breaks the silence. "Hope I didn't overstep it. I felt brave and decided to act on it."
"It's ok. I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't want it too." I feel him smile, the blanket shuffles and I feel him touch my hand just barely.
"Good night."
"Good night."
We fall asleep our hands touching.
Chapter 4 coming soon! If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to send me an ask.
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orcelito · 2 years
Really, things r gonna start moving so much faster in discacc if I can just get off my Ass and write more
Like I was thinking about it and there's really only one more major story beat to hit before I can move onto the next big thing. And ohhhhh I am so excited for this thing.
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charliemwrites · 4 months
Sooooo I learned a valuable lesson last night. Which is not to draft things in tumblr. Because I wrote almost all of this in drafts, was like 15 minutes from posting. And then the app glitched when I changed the song I was listening to and lost everything.
I’m not entirely sure I wrote this version half as well as the original, which is maddening. But please enjoy this next part to the Mister(s) Steal Your Girl (poly 141) series.
Content:Safe/Sane/Consensual Intimacy
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You honestly didn’t expect to speak to Kyle again after the bookshop encounter. Sure, you exchanged numbers and he seemed so sincere, but your faith in reading people has been a bit shaken as of late.
That said, you wouldn’t have held it against him if you didn’t. You’d had a wonderful time meeting someone new, even if just for a moment. He seemed like a busy man in a high-stress job, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he looked at your open-relationship-with-a-fiance situation and decided it was too much drama.
But the very next day after meeting him, he sends you a text. Repeating that he had a great time and asking if you’ve already started any of the books you bought.
You try (and probably fail) not to giggle like a schoolgirl every time he texts you. He’s as sweet through the phone as he was in person. Throughout the week, he checks on you (more messages than you’ve gotten from your fiance in a month) asking after your days and nights and generally chatting.
On Thursday at lunch, you ask if he’d like to meet up again, heart clenching anxiously. Nearly throw your phone across the break room when his name pops up as an incoming call.
When you answer, he doesn’t even waste time on a greeting.
“I’d like to take you on a date, luv,” he specifies, voice silky and amused in your ear.
Date one is a nice dinner. He shows up at the door with flowers. You have to take a second to blink away the mist in your eyes.
“Sorry, sorry,” you hurry to say, summoning a smile. “Just no one’s ever bought me flowers. Thank you, they’re wonderful.”
And then you realize that probably sounds pathetic and quickly turn away to deposit them in a vase. (Miss the baffled and almost offended frown on Kyle’s face as that processes.)
At dinner, the two of you toast by tapping your appetizers together. He feeds you bites of his meal from his own fork, and you let him try your wine, giggling at the faces he makes.
The night ends (after dessert, a walk in the park, and a nightcap at a quiet bar) at your front door. Kyle fits a big, warm hand on your waist, pulls you in… and drops a chaste kiss to your cheek.
You try not to let your disappointment show, but he must catch it because he chuckles and gently nudges your face back into position. Graces you with another kiss at the corner of your mouth.
“I want to, darling,” he admits, so close you’re sharing air. “Trust me, I want to. But I need you to know I’m doing this for the right reasons too.”
Touched and a little choked up, you hug him tight, cheek pressed to his chest. His breath stutters. And then his strong arms are curling around you, tucking you in, his whole body becoming a warm haven.
“Can we… can we do this again?” you ask hopefully.
“Darling, I’d take you out tomorrow if you’d let me.”
Date two is bowling, which you find Kyle is actually terrible at, despite being a sniper. You laugh and joke through three games, trouncing him each time. He doesn’t seem to mind losing in the slightest, and even takes you out for a victory ice cream afterwards. You hold hands while you lick at the cone.
Date three, you invite him to a wine and paint night. He seems willing, though unsure. By the end, though, the two of you are giggling and tipsy, paint on your hands and faces. He kisses you against the passenger door of his car, lips soft and gentle. Moans when the tip of his tongue skims your bottom lip.
On date four, you sing to the radio in the car. Blush when you catch him sneaking glances at you, but also notice that he goes around the same block twice. Tease that you’re going to be late if he keeps stalling.
At the end of the night, he sweeps you in close on the dance floor.
“Come home with me?” he asks in your ear.
Your heart stumbles as you nod, cheeks hot.
He barely gets you in the door before pressing you back against it. Fingers in your hair, body one firm line pressed flush to yours. Kissing earnest but not rough, flicking at your bottom lip until you open for him with a soft sigh. He tastes like heaven, like the drinks you shared before this. Your fingers curl into his Henley, tugging him closer, arching your back.
The desire he’s been steadily building in your gut bursts into an inferno. You’re burning all over, can barely breathe. Dizzy with his cologne.
You break the kiss with a squeak when he scoops up beneath the thighs.
“I-I’m too heavy!” you gasp, clinging tight.
“Like hell you are,” he scoffs. “Come back here, I’m not done kissing you.”
You hesitate, taking stock. But he doesn’t feel like he’s straining; didn’t even make that mortifying grunt noise. Feel secure enough to lean back just a bit to check his expression.
There’s not an ounce of effort there. Just liquid dark eyes focused on your swollen lips, tilting his chin to coax you back. You go with a little thrill in your stomach, messier this time, teeth scraping.
He bumps you against the wall on his way to the bedroom. It doesn’t hurt but it makes you laugh against his cheek.
“Love your laugh,” he murmurs into your neck. “Could listen to it all day.”
Somehow that makes you flush more than the hard bulge pressing against your ass. So you shove your tongue in his mouth again to shut him up, breathless at his tongue curling against yours.
You squeal when he drops you on the bed with a little bounce, a brilliant, cheeky smile your reward. Then he tugs his shirt off and your mind goes utterly blank.
He’s a monument of strength and discipline, power in every plane of hard-earned muscle. There are glossy scars peppering his skin, and you’re fascinated as much as you are sad for his pain. He looks like a young god. You’ve seen marble statues half as beautiful as him.
“You’re bloody gorgeous,” you whisper, crawling to the edge of the bed.
He shivers and leans into your palms as they explore up his toned stomach, across the defined lines of his chest and shoulders, down his arms. Leave open-mouthed kisses against long-healed wounds and patches of smooth skin alike, appreciating every part of him.
He uses your interlocked fingers to draw you away, bending to meet you halfway. Speckles kisses over your cheeks and jaw, down to a tender spot beneath your ear that makes you hum. You could melt into him and just float.
He pauses there, breathes you in. “Can I take this off?” he asks, plucking at your shirt. You hesitate, just for a beat — but it’s enough to have Kyle pulling back a little.
“We can stop here,” he offers. “Or we can just keep doing this. Whatever you want, luv, I’m not fussed.”
You duck your head, but he doesn’t let you escape for long, gently guiding your gaze up by the chin.
“Talk to me?” he asks.
“I-I want to keep going,” you say, “I’m just… and you’re so…”
He shakes his head, kisses you quiet. “I’m not anything but a man that wants to make his girl happy. In whatever way she’s okay with, yeah?”
You have to blink away another sting of inopportune tears. Then reach for your shirt and pull it off yourself.
“Bloody hell,” he murmurs, eyes going big.
You flush as he nudges you back, spread out amongst the neat sheets and pillows. His eyes trace every inch of you over and over, hands quick to follow. The contrast of his rough palms on your skin makes you squirm and sigh. He touches you like you’re something special, like he wants to savor you.
He nibbles kisses into your collarbones, lavishes your breasts with tongue and gentle teeth. Works his way down your stomach and stops again.
“Can I take the rest off?” he asks.
You don’t hesitate this time, shifting to give him access to the zipper. His hands fumble a bit when he notices the embarrassing wet patch on your underwear, thumbing at your slit through the fabric.
“Please let me eat you out,” he breathes.
You press your thighs together, nervous. “Y-you don’t have to…”
“I want to, luv,” he answers, eyes barely flickering away. “Fuck do I want to.”
Words desert you, so all you can manage is a jerky nod. For the first time, his patience seems to fray as he tugs your underwear off. Barely gets them down to one ankle before diving between your legs.
He laces sweet kisses along your thighs and hips, slowing as he gets closer and closer to where you want him most. His tongue dips into your slit, just skims your throbbing and sensitive clit. You moan softly. The next swipe of his tongue is bolder, curling at your soaked entrance. He groans into you, deep and animal from his chest and makes you shudder.
“That’s it, baby,” he whispers. “Just enjoy.”
It’s impossible not to when he pampers your cunt so thoroughly. Never rough, never too fast. Like he could spend all night between your thighs. Sucking gently at your clit, thrusting his tongue inside, lapping in perfect, even strokes. You didn’t think you enjoyed oral from the few times you’ve experienced it — but Kyle makes it heavenly.
One of his hands, squeezing absently at your hip, travels down. He presses a finger at your entrance, playing in your slick but not going further. Waiting. You murmur a soft “please” that nearly has him growling.
Even just one finger feels like so much. His hands are bigger than yours. And so deliciously clever. It’s not long before you’re babbling for another, crying out softly when he provides. Two fingers curling and rubbing against your slick, sensitive walls and his tongue swirling around your needy clit — it’s so much. Overwhelming and perfect.
“K-Kyle, ‘m gonna…” you keen, shocked by how quickly it’s building.
Then he hums an encouragement and that little extra bit of stimulation sends you hurtling over the edge. You clench around his hand, hips twitching, grinding against his willing mouth through wave after wave. Not even aware of the noises you’re making until they fade off into soft whimpers of overstimulation.
Kyle eases his fingers from you, drops one last kiss to your hip. The lower half of his face is glistening. If you weren’t still somewhere in the stratosphere, you’d be embarrassed. But right now all you can manage is a quiet, needy noise, reaching for him.
He smiles and crawls over you, the warmth of his body soothing your shivery muscles, easing you through aftershocks. You wipe absently at his chin as you exchange lazy, sloppy kisses. Surprised to find that you don’t mind the taste of yourself; not much different than jizz.
“Give me… another second…” you mumble, head falling back as you catch your breath. “I’ll return the favor.”
Against your leg, you can feel him twitch through his jeans. He feels big. Your stomach clenches with want.
“That sounds bloody amazing, don’t get me wrong,” he answers, voice husky in your ear. “But if you’re up for it, I’d like to feel you cumming ‘round my cock.”
You gasp, not sure if you’re scandalized or even more turned on than before. Both?
“Wait, but I already…”
“I know, I was there,” he teases, kissing your temple. “But I wanna see it again. Feel it proper this time.”
You pause, blinking up at him as you trace your fingers along his ribs. “But isn’t that… I dunno, unfair?”
“Fuck no,” he answers. “I’d spend all night just making you cum if you let me.”
You huff and swat at him. “I think you’d kill me.”
“What a way to go, though, eh?” he chuckles, arching his eyebrows.
You groan, but there’s no hiding your grin. He brushes hair back from your face, cups your cheek.
“What do you say, baby? Let me fuck you good and proper.”
You snort, turn to nip his thumb in relation, but chirp, “yes, please!”
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months
What your favorite batfam member says about your New Year's resolution
Dick: your goals are health or fitness-related but you're gonna cave the second you see your favorite snack (nothing wrong with treating yourself)
Jason: you're gonna try to read more books and become more intellectual except you get distracted by Tumblr brainrot (*insert that one post about the gutters looking up at the stars too*)
Tim: you want to prioritize your mental health but unfortunately the rest of the world doesn't agree (heal just to spite them)
Damian: you're gonna try to make friends and you're gonna look like a complete freak while doing so (embrace it and the right people will too)
Duke: the planet is on fire and you're having too big of an existential crisis to know what you want (just breathe, you're not the only one)
Cullen: you want to live your truth but something is pushing you back into the closet (the right pace is your own)
Stephanie: you're scattered all over the place and you wish you could just pull yourself together (it's okay to set things down)
Cassandra: you're trying to catch up on a milestone that everyone expected you to have already passed (it's all a construct)
Barbara: you're hesitant to make a resolution because your goals are too lofty (sometimes it's the little efforts that count)
Harper: you have something or someone you're trying to look after (just don't forget yourself along the way)
Carrie: you have an impossible fantasy like building a spaceship to Pluto or riding a unicorn across the rainbow (don't ever change)
Kate: you're working to quit something that's been hurting you (even if you fall off, it's always worth another try)
Helena: you're in a transition period of your life and you hope the next big step goes off without a hitch (but don't forget to live in the present)
Luke: you're finally gonna complete that unfinished project you've been working on the past three years (even if you don't, the fun is in the process)
Bette: you want to learn something new and interesting that doesn't have any immediately useful applications (do it anyway, capitalist notions of utility are bullshit)
Alfred: you're trying to change how others see you (you can only do so much, their imagination is not your responsibility)
Selina: you have a major problem that you want to turn that around but you don't know how (it's okay to get a second opinion)
Bruce: you have some relationships that need to be examined and you want to figure out what's worth salvaging and what to cut out of your life (trust yourself, you got this)
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emeritusemeritus · 9 months
George Weasley headcanons
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Just a few personal headcanons for Georgie 🤍 NSFW under the cut 🌹
Calls you Angel, baby and then darling when you’re older.
He’s a hugger and very affectionate. He likes to hold your hand and stroke his thumb affectionately over your hand, marvelling at the size difference of both of your hands and how yours fits neatly into his. He squeezes your hand three times in a row to silently let you know that he loves you, that he’s there, especially any time you seem stressed or anxious.
Carries your bags everywhere if you’re out, reaching for them instinctively. Doesn’t matter if they’re not heavy, he’ll always shoulder even the most lightweight things for you.
You still tease each other and are always laughing but it’s very different to how it was when you were friends, in the most wonderful way. You will make a joke and earn a kick spank on your bum or he’ll laugh and pull you in for a kiss, always keeping that sense of affection even as you rip into each other.
Despite often being the co-centre of attention, George can actually get a little intimidated around large crowds, especially if he’a feeling a little sensitive or down. He hides it well from most people, even his twin, but he knows that nothing escapes you.
He loves being a twin, but sometimes can be a little sensitive about it, particularly as he’s the younger one and always seen as the second twin. He definitely deals with a lot more of mental negativity towards himself than his counterpart and sometimes struggles with self esteem issues due to always being compared. You never let him fester on these for long and always go out of your way to let him know that he will always be first for you, the first choice and you’re number one.
He’s actually a really good cook and loves seeing you enjoy what he’s made. He doesn’t use magic most of the time, finding the process of cooking quite therapeutic, especially after a long day at the shop when he wants to unwind. He always looks ridiculously hot to you like this, his suit jacket and sometimes waistcoat removed, tie hanging loosely around his neck and a few buttons undone as he chops up ingredients. It’s led to many a NSFW moment between you both, which only extends the cooking process.
He’s comfort personified, like a walking example of a warm autumn day or a walk blanket on a cold one. He calms you, warms you and comforts you im every sense and takes great pride in knowing that he can be the only one that provides this for you.
Would make an incredible dad, something you tell him often. You’d planned your futures together very early on in your relationship though you don’t rush into things, enjoying each and every step along the journey of your lives. Each and every time you mention how he’d be an excellent husband or daddy, he blushes outwardly and his heart soars at the thought. To him, it’s the greatest compliment you could give.
Kissing george is a religious experience that you never take for granted. Even the sweetest peck is both comforting and exciting. The hot and heavy kissing makes your knees shake as he pulls you into his body and holds you in ways that romantic comedies would envy. His favourite is to pull you by your hips so that you’re pressed tightly to his, allowing you to feel his excitement as he kisses you passionately, one hand tucked into your hair as his tongue glides across yours sensually.
Pussy. Eating. King. His lips, tongue and his big angled nose all create the perfect throne for you to sit on. He loves it, you love it and he’s absolutely masterful at his craft. His personal favourite is to have you sit on his face, especially when you’re hips begin to rock as you approach your climax, his face getting covered in your juices.
He has a slight breeding kink, he’s a Weasley after all, but it’s never truly discovered until you actually start trying for a baby. He’s always liked the idea of you pregnant, knowing that the little growing bump would be the most obvious sign that you’re carrying his child, but he’s never realised how much he liked it until it was a possibility. To him, it’s more of an arousing dream than a kink, finding it overwhelmingly hot that you’re his wife, carrying his child and that very thought makes him feral.
Definitely praise kink. He’s absolutely gone each and every time you comment on how well he’s fucking you or eating your pussy, his name on your lips as you writhe in delicious pleasure. It’s not that he needs to hear it per se, he knows where his talents lie, but it drives him absolutely wild to hear those words fall from your lips.
He’s not overly dominant in general but he can get a little jealous and can get a little rough as he reminds you exactly who you belong to. You’re his and how dare anyone think they could look or touch what’s his. Definitely likes the idea of daddy kink when he’s in this sort of mood but he knows that day to day it’s not something he could commit to with you, preferring to have equality in your relationship.
Definitely open to being a little submissive. He loves when you take control and use him for your own personal pleasure, knowing that it’s him that is providing it for you. Not really into mommy kink but he likes elements of it, like how you praise him for being so good for you as you ride him like a pornstar.
This man undoubtedly came within a minute the first time he was inside of you, the sensations completely overwhelming him. He couldn’t help it, he’d wanted you forever and you looked so sexy below him, your wet, warm little pussy wrapped around his aching length was the last straw and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He’d been incredibly embarrassed and apologised over and over but you actually found it hot that he couldn’t last. Over the years he’s gotten a lot better at lasting longer but even now he sometimes looses it way before he should because of how worked up he is. He knows that you somehow seem to like it and he always makes it up to you in other ways, mostly with his mouth.
His dirty little secret is that he still masturbates occasionally, though he never seeks out anyone else to fantasise about and uses the increasing stack of dirty Polaroids that you’d created together over the years. There’s just something about wrapping his hand around his own length and taking care of himself whilst looking at the most filthy photos of you he can find that he enjoys, feeling like a naughty boy doing something he shouldn’t.
He’s always been a little self conscious about his cock as it has a slight upward curve that he thinks is ugly, so much so that he’d tried to put off being intimate with you at the beginning, despite his burning need for you. All of his fears were diminished when you saw it for the first time and your eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. As soon as he saw exactly what the little curve could do, hitting all this especial spots inside you effortlessly, he realised how grateful he was for his unique cock and though he still wished it was straighter for superficial purposes, he grew to be okay about it.
His sex drive is high but not as high as yours, which always blows his mind at how much you desire him always constantly. You were well matched though sexually and even if he rejected your advances occasionally you were always considerate and even more willing when he would next initiate.
Loves morning sex and would always chose that over anything, having you beside him still soft and sleepy as his hands wander over the curves of your body. It’s gentle and often lazy at the beginning but he adores it. He loves watching your lips part as he slides into you and the guttural moan that escapes your lips as he pushes in deeper and deeper until he’s buried completely inside you, spooning you from behind. It all seems to natural, so uncomplicated in a morning, your naked bodies blending together in the most primitive way to bring each other pleasure.
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wildemaven · 24 days
first anniversary | dieter x poppy
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A Sweet Creature
Ava Greene sits down with actor and friend, Dieter Bravo. Hollywood’s new leading man gets candid about life in front of and behind the camera. He talks about his latest movie, his commitment to his sobriety and his newest role— husband?!
Ava Greene: You're approaching three years sober now, how are you feeling?
Dieter Bravo: Probably the best I’ve felt in a long time. Sobriety is a day to day progression that I take very seriously, and I try to not lose sight of that even when I’m having bad days. Though, I’m grateful bad days have been few and far between at this point in my sobriety. I can attribute that to the support system I have built for myself through friends, family, my sponsor that I still work with and most importantly my wife who keeps me grounded daily. They all continue to keep me in check and remind me how awesome my life is, especially right now. Staying clean is a full time commitment, and it’s really a beautiful thing.
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AG: You followed in your famous parents footsteps by going into acting and your career and struggles with sobriety have been well documented but your parents have rarely commented publicly, are they supportive of your work and your journey?
DB: For me, I don’t need them to make a show of it by commenting or sharing their thoughts publicly to know they support me. There was a point in time where they did all they could do for me, but ultimately it had to be my choice to make the decision to get clean. Thankfully, we’ve been rebuilding our relationship over the last few years. And being in the public eye for most of our lives, the last thing we want is for outsiders thinking they have a say in our lives. In short, yes I have very supportive parents in all aspects of my life and I’m so happy for that.
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AG: This is your second project since rehab, are you viewing this as a comeback or a fresh start?
DB: Comeback? I didn’t know I left… Kidding! Sure, some might say it’s a comeback. A fresh start. Whatever analogy best fits the narrative is fine by me— and I don’t mean that negatively in any sense. I mean, you’ve known me long enough to know I just try not to focus on any of that stuff, messes with my fucking brain waves. I just see it as me doing what I love with a new perspective and a different approach to choosing what projects I’m going to give my time to than I have in the past.
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AG: What can you tell us about this project and the character you're playing?
DB: I had the best f*ckin’ time while shooting this film— sorry, but the emphasis was needed. I was really drawn to the vibrancy that this script evoked, even with the serious nature of the storyline and characters. I couldn’t stop thinking or talking about for weeks afterwards. I’d sit with my wife at breakfast and we’d discuss the script and my character for what felt like hours. I knew after I heard her feedback that I needed to be apart of this film— she might have said I’d be stupid to say no to it, in her own loving way.
The film is really about the process of rediscovering yourself. Navigating the challenges that come along with being at your lowest point and leaning on the ones who have been there for you. It’s about finding love in its purest form when you never thought you were deserving of it.
I found bits of myself in this character as we were filming, it was very much a cathartic experience for me. I guess you could say it was art imitating life in a weird way.
AG: There's already been some buzz about this year's award season, do you think this is finally your year?
DB: Ooooh! Is it too presumptuous for me to say yes?! I’ve started dusting the spot where I plan for it to go. I sound like some sort of pompous idiot! Now no one is going to go see it!*
I take it back!
In all seriousness, ‘cause I’m sure Poppy and my agent will be rolling their eyes when they read this. If all I get is a couple nominations, that alone feels like winning. A shiny statue would be nice though— just saying.
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AG: You've talked often about your love of art and you recently purchased a gallery. Are you planning to publicly pursue other creative endeavors?
DB: I won’t be joining American Idol anytime soon if that’s what you’re asking. Oh, you weren’t referring to my ability to hold a note during our many karaoke nights— noted!
How did you put it? Other creative endeavors? I’ve got a few art pieces in the works right now that I’m itching to dive back into when I get home. I’ve got a major gallery in LA lined up later in the year for an artist spotlight exhibit, they’ll be housing some of my work through the next year. Shoutout to my wife for getting that all lined up while I was away shooting this film.
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AG: What's next for Dieter Bravo? Any other projects lined up you can tell us about?
DB: I’m looking forward to some downtime I have coming up. Poppy has the summer off, so we’ll get to finally live that newlywed life. Settle into the role of doting husband while she does her thing at the gallery.
AG: Off the record, if you got married and didn't tell anyone I will kick yours and Poppy’s ass!
DB: We’re celebrating our one year this month actually. We eloped quietly last year right after we got engaged— wanted to keep it to ourselves for a little while. Which reminds me, you and Bryony should hop on a call with Poppy after this. Seeing as I let the cat out of the bag and this is our announcement— surprise!
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Huge shoutout out to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for allowing me to borrow her Ava from Conversations with a Movie Star for this. Ava was so gracious and even wrote the questions herself. I’m so grateful for Lellen and all her support and advice she had given me throughout the writing process of Sweet Creature!
Sweet Creature Celebration
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eldritch-thrumming · 1 year
ok I’ve been sucked into The Ultimatum: Queer Love on Netflix and just…
Steve is in a relationship where he clearly wants more than the other person. He and his partner have been together for three years and it’s reached the point where Steve has told him, “marry me or I have to go.” The dude is some kind of wannabe Instagram model, so he jumps at the chance to do reality tv.
Eddie’s on the opposite end of the negotiations. He loves his partner, but he’s not sure he really believes in the institution of marriage.
Both couples decide to try this new reality show.
Steve and Eddie clearly catch each other’s eyes on the first night, the camera catching both of them staring at each other between all the couples introducing themselves. They don’t get much time to speak that first night, but that’s okay. They’ve got plenty of time to say hi during the speed dating round.
Except that once they meet, they don’t want to talk to anyone else. Eddie is practically dragged away by producers so that he’s forced to talk to the others. The camera doesn’t miss the longing looks they send each other, though.
After that second episode, they’re immediately fan favorites. The chemistry between them is palpable even through the screen. Everyone’s just waiting for them to choose each other at the selection dinner.
And of course they do, as both their partners sit next to them rolling their eyes. They go to bed the first night of their trial marriage wrapped around each other, whispering and giggling. The mics can’t exactly pick up what they’re saying, but the cameras catch their smiles and the way their fingers intertwine between them above the comforter.
The audience loves watching the two of them fall in love over the next three weeks of their trial marriage. They’re sweet to each other, clearly thinking about each other’s needs and checking in when things seem hard. They meet each other’s friends. When Eddie meets Steve’s best friend, Robin, it’s like the three of them have known each other for years. When Eddie sneaks off to the bathroom, leaving Steve and Robin alone at the restaurant table, Robin takes the moment alone to give Steve her stamp of approval on Eddie.
After the three weeks are up, they’re supposed to go into a trial marriage with their original partners. The audience doesn’t see this, but Eddie and Steve try to refuse. They know what they want and it’s each other. They’ve made their decisions. But the producers remind them that they’ve signed contracts and they have to see the process through to the end.
They’re both uninterested in their partners. It’s clear that neither original relationship was the right fit now. It’s clear even to their original partners. They’re not even really doing a trial marriage; they’re all just roommates trying to make it through to the end.
When Steve and Eddie are finally reunited at the final selection, to no one’s surprise, they choose each other. There’s no hesitation on either side. They want each other. They’re both sure.
They’re married within the year and their wedding is filmed by Netflix. For the next season of the show, Steve and Eddie host. Ten seasons in, they’re still as in love as ever and, unfortunately for Netflix, the show’s one and only success story.
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imjustagirl22 · 2 months
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~ Steddie x reader imagine 🌞
Steddie x reader is the definition of sunlight and honey. Everything soft, sweet and gentle.
Especially Steddie x reader who have moved in together and are basking in the happiness they bring one another.
My headcannon is Eddie and the reader were together first, dating shortly after Eddie graduated and the events of season 4 calmed down and everything finds some sort of normality.
Because of Eddie’s trailer being destroyed, he proposes the reader and him find an apartment and move in together. Life’s short and he doesn’t want to waste anytime with the love of his life.
So after looking around they come to the conclusion they may need some more help and consider finding a roommate. And that’s when they have the brilliant idea of asking Steve.
Steve’s wanted to live his own life away from his parents for a long time, but he’s been scared of taking the final leap.
So when Eddie and the reader, two people he cares for greatly, ask him to be their roommate it’s a no brainier.
Eventually the perfect apartment is found and the longing begins. Eddie and the reader are so in love it’s disgusting, and they aren’t wasting any more time. They make sure their love for each other is known, because the events of season 4 showed them what it was like to almost loose one of your favourite people.
And of course with so much love in air, Steve feels left out. Gone are the days where King Steve bats his eyelashes and the ladies come rushing. While he is still charming, cute and wonderful, no one seems to stick around.
That’s when he lets his mind drift to the two idiots in love that live with him. He would describe their love as pure and authentic. No pretences, just the utmost admiration for another person. Your person.
He wants what they have. And as time goes on he realises he wants them as well. Their love, their freedom and unapologetic personalities. Everything he’s dreamed of and searched for.
And naturally Eddie and the reader’s unconditional love spills over and latches onto Steve. At first they thought it was friendly and a natural part of loving someone platonically.
But then they realised that you don’t love your friends this way. And they should have known, they went through the same process. Loving your friend so much it hurts and you never want them to leave your side. Feeling you might die if they don’t give you attention all day every day.
After this realisation, Eddie and the reader step around the subject, trying to gauge the other’s reaction. Starting with small jokes about them being a throuple.
These gradually turn into showing Steve small acts of affection, like hugs and hand holding. Just to make sure he feels included. And because they’re both idiots in love it takes them a while to bravely bring up the topic of liking Steve in a way they shouldn’t like Steve.
Once they’ve shared all the feelings, they agree to bring it up to Steve. Because why not, if he says no they’ll go back to being best friends and no harm is done. Well that’s what they hope happens.
When Steve agrees Eddie and the reader are truly shocked to their core! They didn’t expect baby girl Steve to say yes, that he’s been having the same feelings.
Of course the 80s bring challenges for people who don’t fit the picture perfect mold, so Steddie and the reader agree to keep this to themselves and close friends. Their love for each other is too important and they won’t accept the judgement of close minded people.
So their apartment becomes a safe haven of exploring new relationship dynamics and pushing the boundaries of what they thought love was.
It’s sugar, spice and everything nice. Their souls blend together and the outside world disappears.
The new journey they’re embarking on is truly exciting and magnificent. Now they’re three idiots in love and they wouldn’t want it any other way.
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multifandumbmeg · 2 months
Subtle JJ things I noticed that keep me up at night:
1. The way they changed the styling of his clothes from season 1 to season 2. Season one he's already pretty ripped but he mostly wears these loose-fitting tshirts and cutoffs that make him look cute, lanky, and unthreatening. Season 2 he mostly wears tight-fitting tshirts that make him look CONSIDERABLY beefier and generally is seen wearing more layers- it's technically Fall but he covers up more than other characters do and it has the effect of him seeming more closed off and isolated than the others, which he is. Season three his style is somewhere in between, not super tight but not lanky and loose either, like he's found a better balance.
2. His drinking. Season 1 he's partying a lot with beer and frankly, high most of the time. Season 2 he starts carrying around the flask- presumably liquor, not beer- and drinking non-socially. Before school. At John B's "funeral". That night they're stranded with Kie and Pope on the way to Charleston. The others aren't drinking at all, nor does he offer them some, then he seemingly (to Kie) falls asleep with the open flask in hand... Like he's been drinking himself to sleep, and this has probably become a habit. This is clearly because he's depressed, and though I think John B's "death" is the catalyst, it's clearly not the only reason as it continues through season 2, for example the aforementioned Charleston trip. I think John B's death, going no-contact with his dad, living alone at the chateau, Pope and Kie's relationship, have all led him to feel extremely isolated and he's clearly coping with substances even worse than before. Not to mention he's free of his dad for the first time, completely after he leaves OBX, which means for the first time in his life he's probably processing his trauma, which is what tends to happen once you find yourself no longer in a continually traumatizing situation. That would also account for his moodiness and increasing dependence on substances. I think it's also interesting we see him smoking weed less, but drinking more heavily. I think they did this to show a marked change in his already concerning substance use from season 1 from "bad coping mechanism, gets him through the day in relatively good spirits" to genuinely concerning and potentially volatile, over-using a substance his biological was known to be addicted to. Note this abruptly ends at the end of season 2 with being stranded on the island with all the Pogues. There are zero substances on the island, but it's clear it's the happiest he's ever been. A lot goes down after they get off the island but he seems to minimally fall back into old patterns in season 3. Apart from hanging out and partying a socially acceptable amount with his friends, the only time I remember him using is when he's drinking beers alone at his house- when he gets home and everyone's reuniting with their families and when he's fighting with Kiara because of their moment. When he feels alone and scared. I'm curious to see his development in season 4.
3. His lack of fear/loss of fear in death. Bro, nobody talks about how differently he reacts to danger between seasons 1 and 2. All throughout season 1, JJ is an anxious wreck and his response to being threatened is always submission, fear, and an instinct to run. When there's guns on him he gets the fuck down. He puts his hands up. He looks visibly terrified. Multiple times you can see him VISIBLY shaking. When the thugs are attacking Miss Lana, he's trembling with his eyes closed and trying not to make a sound. He begs John B to leave while it's happening and after when he sees her reaction. Even when Barry tries to rob them, furious though he is, he follows Barry's demands and doesn't fight back until John B starts it and makes an opportunity. As Kiara so aptly puts it, "he has the survival instincts of a cockroach." He does! But everything changes when he tries to grab the money and run from his dad. Again, he doesn't want a fight. But he gets one, and he's finally tired of it. He's been beat up and threatened and stolen from one time too many, and the threat of death is no longer a more powerful motivator than his wants. So he attacks his dad back and puts him in his place. He once again puts his hands up when Barry and Rafe come for him at the Phantom, but he doesn't look as scared. John B's "death" may be the final nail in the coffin, because starting season 2? He's not scared anymore when he should be. Despite the fact that he appears to be having panic attacks and worse anxiety than ever, every gun that's pointed at him or fight that breaks out he just rolls with. One of the only times I can see his survival instincts crop up in season 2 is when Kiara yells "murderer" at Ward seconds after he straight up killed someone with a gun, which is a normal human reaction and may have had more to do with protecting his friends. He just seems numb to most of the danger. Then again, season 3, he almost seems to find a balance. He's still doing some reckless things, and no longer cowering in the face of enemies, but he also knows who the dangerous people are, and when to wheel and deal or turn away and come fight another day.
Anyway, I'm very curious to see how he evolves in season 4, now that he's establishing his own life, financially secure, on good terms with all his friends and (hopefully) in a committed relationship. Let me know if I missed any other interesting character changes patterns for JJ or any other characters from the show! I would love to read/hear what you noticed and your own in-depth character analysis. JJ's my favorite character and a super rich text, so I tend to hyperfocus on him. Also if you want to request me to make one of these on one of the other characters let me know! I would love to zero in on them and see what I missed on my next watch-through.
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steddieunderdogfics · 18 days
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  Sidekick_Hero! @sidekick-hero has 82 works on AO3 in the Stranger Things fandom and 80 of them are in the Steddie tag!
@steddieas-shegoes recommends the following works by Sidekick_Hero:
I wore his jacket for the longest time
Suitcase of Memories
to the rhythm of eternity
Will you cleanse me with pleasure?
Sandy is an incredible writer and always manages to paint beautiful scenes regardless of rating or situation. She was one of the first authors I found in the fandom who really captured so many things about Steve and Eddie that I love. She continues to inspire me constantly! -- @steddieas-shegoes
Below the cut, @sidekick-hero answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Great question! I'd been out of fandom and on a writing hiatus since 2016, the spark had just left me. Until early 2023, when I wanted to give Tumblr and fandom another try, but nothing really clicked until late summer when this wild-haired, bambi-eyed guy started popping up on my dash more and more. I fell in love with Eddie first, looked him up, and found that people were shipping him with this Steve character. I've never seen Stranger Things. I went to AO3 looking for some fic and the rest, as they say, is history. I fell in love with this ship the way you fall asleep, slowly, imperceptibly, and then all at once. I think what drew me in is these two characters who are so different from each other on the outside that you'd never think they'd work, but the closer you look, the more you can see how well they would fit, how good they could be for each other, bringing out the best in each other.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Wow, so many. I actually love the range of tropes this fandom offers. I'm a big fan of modern aus, especially ones where one or both are famous. If it's canon-based, I'm a sucker for Kas!Eddie. In general, I love it when one or both are creatures of any kind. I also love friends with benefits fics because they are idiots. Enemies to Lovers and Fake Dating are also high on my list. Last but not least: Porn with feelings and hurt/comfort.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
That's tough. I enjoy writing all kinds of smutty tropes as one-shots. When there's more plot going on, I really enjoy the "exes to friends to lovers" trope, just because as someone in their 30s, I look back on past relationships and hookups and realize what went wrong and how it could be different today, and I think that's something I can relate to a lot when I'm writing it for Steddie. I also love writing about second chances in general.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
It’s impossible to pick just one, sorry. I give you three with the disclaimer that there are so many more I could - and probably would - have picked on a different day. But I wanted to share some older ones in the spirit of what this blog is all about. the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you by greatunironic Keep it Steady, Eddie by outofmygourd Love blooms, love hurts, love prevails by corrodedbisexual (mishabawlins)
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Yes! I definitely want to explore some fantasy/creature fics (more outside of a pwp I wrote with Lake Creature Eddie), I already have the idea for Werewolf!Steve, and I really want to try my hand at Vampire!Eddie. I'm also super excited to finally get to work on a fake-dating trope fic for the summer exchange, I've been dying to do that. Last but not least, I really want to try writing an omega!verse at some point, I just don't have an idea yet.
What is your writing process like?
Pretty straightforward, I guess? It never really feels like a process, to be honest. I have an idea and I let it grow in my head (daydreaming, my beloved) until it has grown enough to become an actual fic, and then I sit down and write it out chronologically. Before I start writing, I need to know a few things about the story. I don't usually work with outlines or anything like that, but in my head I know where it starts, what the emotional beats and major plot points are, and how I want it to end. The rest I let unfold as I write. That's why I'm not the fastest writer (plus the whole not-native-English thing). Often the story tells me where it wants to go, so as long as I have the cornerstones, I let it flow.
Do you have any writing quirks?
Not sure if these are quirks, but my sentences tend to be very wordy. My dear friend @yournowheregirl used to comment on my fics when she beta-read them, "Another Sandy sentence. Make it multiple sentences." Also, I only write in present tense, even though I know most people prefer past tense, but it's too hard for me. Other than that, I can't have too many WIPs, I have to finish one story before I can start another.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Post when I'm done writing, for sure. I hate waiting, I have the patience of a toddler.
Which fic are you most proud of?
I wore his jacket for the longest time, no question.  It's still so precious to me, especially because I got to write it with my platonic writing soulmate @legitcookie, but also because I got to really explore these characters and their growth in this story. It has so much of me in it and I'm really proud of how it turned out.
How did you get the idea for I wore his jacket for the longest time?
Actually, it wasn't all me. I just had this idea of them being kind of friends with benefits, but Eddie wants more than Steve is willing to give him, so they hook up one last time before Eddie sends Steve away for good. That was the original idea that inspired the prequel "we pass the ghosts that haunt us later". The idea for that actually came from a song, "we can never be friends" by mgk. Jen (legitcookie) would not accept the ambiguous (sad) ending, so she demanded that we fix it. So we decided to find a way to let them both grow as people apart and then rebuild their friendship, because only then would they have a real foundation for their second chance.
When writing I wore his jacket for the longest time, what was something you didn’t expect?
How much fun it would be to develop those OC side-characters, especially Mrs. Horowitz but also fucking Tom or even Fritz. It was also the very first time I collaborated with someone on a fic and I was a bit apprehensive if this would work out so I was surprised when I discovered how much I love writing with someone else.
What inspired to the rhythm of eternity?
My love for London, really. I am madly in love with this city and have explored it a lot, so I wanted to use my experiences in a fic. And when @tboygareth asked for a long distance relationship fic for our server holiday exchange, I knew this was my chance. Their meeting as well as the ending is heavily based on my own experiences.
What was your favorite part to write from Suitcase of Memories?
The dreams! They were so much fun to explore because there's a certain mood I wanted to set with them, that dreamy feeling mixed with events from another time period. Their first date and especially their first kiss is a close second, though, because the swing set scene is something I've been thinking about since I saw 13 going on 30 as a teenager.
How do/did you feel writing Suitcase of Memories?
To be totally honest, a bit stressed 😀 It was my first big bang and I was so glad to have Jen by my side, but then real life happened and I realized it's hard to write on deadline. BUT I still love this fic. Especially the theme of love as a choice, even if some cosmic interference gives you a second chance, you still have to WANT it, you still have to work for it and choose it, over and over again. I feel like we nailed that pretty well and I'm proud of us and this story.
What was the most difficult part of writing Will you cleanse me with pleasure??
The emotional setup, because it was a gift for Ger (@steves-strapcollection) and he wanted them to be disgustingly in love, but I also needed Eddie's condition to be something he kept from Steve at first for fear of losing him. Besides that, the logistics, really. So many tentacles, man. So many.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Okay, some very, very self-indulgent scenes I wrote are for my Runner!Steve verse. I am a passionate runner, and it was so much fun to write that love for Steve and to geek out about it in my writing. Another scene I'm very fond of is from my very first ST fic, "I'm tired of asking to settle the debt," and it's a scene where they're both kids and meeting for the first time, it's winter, and Eddie is doing an impression of a dragon with his breath.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Well, by the time this comes out, I will have posted my reverse big bang fic "Emotional Motion Sickness" with art by the amazing @arimakes. There's also the summer exchange, in which I was lucky enough to claim my dear friend @starryeyedjanai's prompt, and the steddie big bang 2024. I'm also finishing the last chapter of "hold me close (I'm shaking apart)" and hope to post it soon. 
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Yes, I want to thank everyone for making this project possible! This fandom has grown so much and there is so much amazing fic that easily gets buried under all the content, so having this project to give the writers of this fandom some visibility and love is precious to me. Thank you, really 💜🙏 Also, all my love to every single writer out there - you make my life and the lives of so many better by sharing your gift with us.
Thank you to our author,  Sidekick_Hero, and our nominator,  @steddieas-shegoes on tumblr! See more of Sidekick_Hero's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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flymetosnarryland · 11 months
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Did anyone miss Muggle London like I did? 🙃
This series as a part of "Infraction" has grown incredibly. It helped me understand a lot about things I want to write and made me think about "Infraction" as... well, my first real baby, lol. I wrote one Snarry, "Oblivion" already, but I take that story as testing the waters. I tried to know Harry and Severus, placing them in situation close to, eh, something that happened to me in a way. It means a lot to me and I'm proud of myself that I managed to write a fic from the start to the end.
"Infraction" on the other hand... this one is going to be really FAT piece of work and I'm excited over the moon about it. First chapter and the first part of second already landed on Ao3, but when am I going to finish the next part of it? (If anyone is interested at all, because I personally don't touch unfinished pieces, knowing how it works 🤣)
Well, to be honest, I decided to not rush it. Not because I don't know what to write. The main outline of the story has 40k+ words. It appeared that planning a series of murders is not so easy 😂 especially when the politics are part of it (I mean, Merlin... that's the last thing I thought I will EVER write, lol) and on top of that I have some complicated relationships (or, I suppose, a cherry on molten chocolate cake 🤤). Which makes me shiver and scream, that much I want to jump into writing it again. But the more I am thinking about the plot and fitting everything I need into it (of course writing it down), the more I'm surprised that I am able to figure out something that seems damn complex to me and my three brain cells 😂 I want to be proud of this story. I want it to be... maybe not perfect, but as good as I can see, it can be. And I enjoy the idea of growing as hobby writer. It makes me really happy. Also it's my first serious CRIME story. I know I said before that I always wanted to write crime. I always thought though it's out of my range, you know, I'm too dumb to bring something interesting that other people could possibly like as I do. But with this story I'm trying new things (like bringing Marauders to life), I'm thinking in advance, I'm on both sides: the detective and the serial killer and... GOSH. I really think it will have sense and be worth to waste some time on reading it, lol!
Also there is Snarry AUctoberfest on the way and, you know, I decided I'll try to write something for the fest for the first time! (It's my year of many first times and I really like it!) Funny thing, it appears that my fic for the fest will be a little test to what I want to do with "Infraction." When it occured to me (don't ask how it happen, but the idea I've had in mind turned 180 degree and I couldn't help it! Had to just go for it 😂) I was stunned. But in the same way it's a great opportunity to try new things, see how it will go and how it will work before I'll jump back to my baby.
If anyone checked "Infraction", please don't be mad or sad or... disappointed or angry (?), that I'm not updating it yet. This fic is absolutely my main focus and I'm tinkering and working on it. As for everything, I need time (and probably cut some other projects while I will write it; so less drawing going to be main part of the writing process 🙃 I suppose in the last quarter of the year; except if I'll have my holiday from work!)
Ah, dang. I wrote a lot here, I suppose? Less shite than messy personal stuff, but still something I guess, I wanted to share? Even if I think it's pointless and worthless, because who cares, lol. I'm learning, trying to share, I think. I should, as I wasn't doing it at all and it suppose to help me to... leave the shell of person that other people think I am. Because I grew to be someone irl that I'm really tired of being. Of pretending to be. How stupid it all sounds it's beyond me and I still deny to admit it.
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catboyidia · 5 months
my ffvii ships new years kisses:
- zakkura: zack gets really giddy and excited and kisses cloud as soon as new years hits, flustering cloud really badly in the process but afterwards they both cant help but smile at each other and giggle
- asg: they’re all about to just go for it but then they need to pause for a moment as they realize theres three of them… they debate trying to figure out how to make a three-way kiss work but quickly realize that wont work as they all literally butt heads, so instead they have to debate which pair kisses first and just alternate until they all get their kisses from each other, but it takes quite a while because if its genesis and angeal, sephiroth will get upset, he already feels like the odd one out in the relationship, but if its angeal and sephiroth, genesis will absolutely get jealous and throw a fit, so ultimately angeal takes one for the team and decides to let sephgen have the first kiss, and then they promptly decide to shower angeal with love and kisses afterwards, so he doesn’t feel upset about it
- tsengru: rufus goes in for the kiss immediately but tseng, being the rational one, puts his hand up to stop rufus and looks around to make sure no one else is looking, and once he’s sure the coast is clear he lets rufus kiss him, holding up his champagne(?) glass to block the view of their lips from anyone else (i dont know what people drink for new years or many kinds of glasses…)
- renorude(?): they’re absolutely all over each other, like full on making out, even before the countdown, without a care in the world, even as the excitement dies down and everyone else is done kissing, reno and rude are still going at it, leaving everyone else to just kind of awkwardly stare at the spectacle and just pray that they keep their clothes on
- aerti: they’re holding hands and leaning against each other, and as new years hits they both look at each other and giggle happily, just full of nothing but love as aerith leans in and kisses tifa, even as tifa seems a bit bashful about it
- tuestine(?): reeve is really reserved and nervous about it, but lets vincent lean in for the kiss first and then gently pulls down the collar(?) of vincent’s cape hiding the lower half of his face, making sure vincent’s okay with it first, and then they kiss, soft quick and sweet, though reeve is still a bit of a blushing mess that doesn’t know how to keep himself together afterwards
- valenwind: cid just grabs vincent by his stupid collar and pulls him down and gracelessly kisses him
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dexlexia · 10 months
daddy issues (ver. 1) - toji x reader
pairing: toji fushiguro x reader rating: 18+ summary: Being the princess was a hard task. Being spoiled by your daddy was such a burden on your fragile shoulders. To be waited on by the man who spoiled you was such a difficult task. You weren't too sure how one could even TRY and do it. tags: pwp, daddy kink, smut, pet names (princess), d/s, rough sex, lingerie
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Being the princess was a hard task. Being spoiled by your daddy was such a burden on your fragile shoulders. To be waited on by the man who spoiled you was such a difficult task. You weren't too sure how one could even TRY and do it. 
But you weren't the princess of a big castle in a far off land, you were the princess of a spacious apartment in the heart of Tokyo. And the daddy who spoiled you was a perverted older man with a shit relationship with his son and needed something to fuck into the expensive mattress. 
And you were never one to say no to pretty, cute things and a thick cock that made you see stars. So being the princess of your own kingdom seemed like a fitting title for what your charmed life was. 
You woke up around noon and found that Toji was gone. You wanted to curl back into bed for another couple of hours but you had to get your day started at some point. you got on your fuzzy slippers and stretched your arms above your head, arching your back in the process. In the kitchen you found a note from Toji
 'be home tonight. wear the two piece when i get home. - t“
You brought the paper to your nose and inhaled the scent of the cologne he used and probably sprayed on the letter. You squirmed a little at your love for him as you started your day. 
A nice hot cup of coffee and toast with bananas, powdered sugar and syrup on it. You sat on the couch and watched the news as you rested your feet on top of the coffee table. You briefly remembered Toji trying to assemble the table when you first moved in. He swore up a storm as you coyly handed him different screwdrivers. Eventually he took a break and ended up fucking you on the shag carpet next to the semi built table. 
Toji could be a rough lover, he liked things that didn't break. He pushed you to your absolute limit to make sure he was getting his money's worth. He said it was like hitting the gas at full speed on an expensive car to make sure the engine didn't burst. 
Your day went by quite quickly, most of the time you were kept at the apartment. Toji worried about bad men getting their hands on you, something so sweet and fragile should be protected at all costs. But when you were inside, you had full reign of the apartment. Usually it was spent trying new recipes for Toji, snuggling with the massive stuffed animals he bought you and watch television. 
You weren't too sure when Toji was going to come home. It could be at three in the afternoon or one in the morning, he was a busy man after all. But he knew he had a sweet girl to come home to, someone who'd take care of all of his needs once he walked through that door. After all, you'd do anything for daddy, that's what made you such a good princess. 
You brought the giant brown teddy bear from the corner of the bedroom and rested against it on the couch, it smelled like him. After all, you did spray it down every few weeks with his cologne when he wasn't looking. You threw the stuffed arm over your shoulder and relaxed against it, imagining it was your daddy. You really couldn't wait until he got home, you were so excited that while in the process of getting the stuffed teddy, you laid out the two piece for him. 
The lingerie wasn't anything too special. It was a white bra and panties set with cherries printed all over it. You didn't get what turned him on about them so much, you had so many nicer, more expensive sets but he wanted you in it all the time. When you asked him, he shrugged and said the fabric was durable for when you 'played rough'.
But you wouldn't be putting it on for a while now, as you got comfy you felt your eyelids grow heavy, and it wasn't long before you fell asleep in front of the television. You weren't too sure how long you had been asleep, but then suddenly you woke up to the sound of the front door closing. You popped your head up and looked over the back of the couch to the door and saw your daddy kicking off his shoes. 
His dark eyes looked over at you and the corner of his mouth curled, “I see the princess is tired? Didn't sleep well last night?” His voice was low and deadly, it struck a chord in you as you rubbed your thighs together. He was the sorcerer killer after all, he was a force to be reckoned with. He came up to you and rounded the couch so he was in front of you. He reached down and grabbed your chin, “I thought I said I wanted you ready.”
  “I'm sorry, daddy.” You gave him puppy-dog eyes as he held onto you. There was no fucking around with Toji, you might be the spoiled princess but he was the man who funded your charmed lifestyle, his word was law within the walls of your apartment, “You didn't tell me when you were coming home.”
He reached for your ass and grabbed it tightly. His calloused hand felt your flesh as he kept his eyes on you, his grip was almost bruising which made you wet. He ran his tongue across the scar on his lip and then said, “Well, baby, you have five minutes to make yourself presentable or else you won't be sitting right for a week. One, two, three, go.” His voice was a growl as he got out of your way to let you get up and rush to the bedroom. 
He laughed to himself as he watched you run away, you really were his good little princess. He knew that he had you wrapped around his finger, he'd spoil you as long as you were good to him. But he knew you'd always be good for him, you didn't have a bad bone in your body. 
A few minutes passed, in all honesty Toji wasn't keeping track, he then called out, ”thirty seconds, princess.“ And dropped himself onto the couch, his erection strained the front of his pants. His eyes were kept on the door to the bedroom where he heard you bumping into things and cursing to yourself. It was almost adorable how you tried to keep up with him, but he never wanted you to worry your little head about anything. Just sit there, suck his cock and look pretty.
Soon the door swung open and you looked perfect. Toji grinned to himself like a crazed man, that was the princess he knew and loved, wearing something skimpy for the man's eyes only. He adjusted himself in his seat and said, ”C'mere now.“ 
You even put on the little  sheer white thigh high socks with the satin bows at the top. Perfect, perfect, perfect, Toji had no excuse to punish such a sweet angel, his darling princess. You straddled his lap and kissed him on the cheek, ”How do I look, daddy?“ 
  ”Like a dream.“ He rubbed his clothed erection up against your panties, you moaned and he grabbed onto your hips, furthing pushing it up against you.
You noticed he had a bruise on his face and went in to carefully kiss it. He hissed through the pain and then moved his head to kiss you on the lips. You had little room to protest as you just melted into his touch. You could feel yourself grow more wet as you felt his hard cock pressed up against you. 
  ”Yes, princess.“ 
  ”Will you fuck me on the couch?“ You asked, your tone sounded so innocent compared to what you said. Your voice made his cock twitch in his pants. Soon you were placed beside him and he began to pull down his baggy pants past his cock, he freed it and it looked impressive against the black of his athletic t-shirt. 
Then he started to fully undress you, he liked the power that came with your nude and him fully dressed. It also gave him more exposed skin to leave marks on. He pulled the panties past your thighs, if this was a cheaper pair he would've ripped them right off. Once you were nude, he leaned forward and smacked your ass as you scrambled back onto his lap. 
  ”There we go, princess. Fuckin' perfect. You're mine right? You're so addicted to my cock that no other man could satisfy you?“ He said, his dark eyes looked darker with lust as you grabbed onto his shoulders and slowly sank down on his cock. He grit his teeth as he felt his cock enter you, a tight wet heat that felt like a punch to the gut. 
You whined, ”Yes, daddy.” And sat yourself on his impressive length. You already felt hot all over, the thrill of having sex with him was exciting. You loved the feeling of his cock bullying your insides as he pushed you closer to climax. You especially loved it when he left large, dark marks on your skin, it satisfied a deep part of you that wished to be owned. 
  “Such a good girl for me. That's it, ride daddy's cock.” He licked his lips, he had that look in his eye that he got when he was fighting. It could be chalked up to the similar feeling of the thrill of the hunt. Toji was the beast and you were the bunny that he wanted to sink his teeth into. He began to bite at your chest. He sucked dark marks on your chest, leaving especially dark ones near your nipples. He knew you'd been feeling them for some time afterwards. That thought excited him. 
You moved your hips at a nice, easy pace in an attempt to accommodate yourself to his size, but the pace soon bored your daddy and he gripped your hips and started to bounce you on his cock. His lips were on one of your nipples as he bit and roughly pulled at it. That combined with the also aching feeling of his cock being pushed in and out of your poor pussy made your eyes roll back in ecstasy. 
  “That's my good girl, such a perfect princess. Always a cock slut for me. You know how to satisfy me.” He groaned as he continued to harsh movements on you. He felt painfully hard, and he couldn't wait to paint your insides white. Thoroughly owned by him. 
  “Ah, daddy!” You moaned, “Please that feels so good, thank you daddy! Yes! Yes!” You whined as your breasts bounces as you fucked him. You believed that you were a good girl, this was what you were made for. For the affection of older men who enjoyed fucking sweet pussy. 
The two of you moved on the couch, Toji could feel the sweat of his body making him stick to his t-shirt and the leather couch. He looked over and saw the stuffed animal looking back at him. He reached out for the giant toy and knocked it to the ground so it would stop staring at him.
  “Daddy, that was rude!” You whined as you gripped onto his shoulders tightly, still thrusting your hips up and down on his cock. 
  “I didn't like how he was lookin' at us, sweetheart.” He grabbed you by the hair and pulled you down for a searing kiss as you continued to move up and down on his cock. The kiss was hot and messy and you could feel his cock bruising your insides as you moved. The sensation left your mind running blank.
Toji thought you looked perfect riding him on the couch, he always thought you looked beautiful when you were nude before him. You were his dream come true as he buried his cock as deep as he could inside of you. He liked his princess, well behaved, generous with her love for him. He wanted you submissive and all hs, even if you could be a brat. 
You both felt close to orgasm as the two of you continued to fuck. The kiss soon became open mouthed and Toji's tongue was basically down your throat, muffling all noises that came from you. He grabbed your breasts and played with them, his grip was hard and you knew it would only lead to more bruising. But you loved when Toji bruised you, it made you feel good. 
You pulled away from the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck and shoved your breasts in his face to get a good position to ride him. Toji groaned at the feeling and let you work your magic on his cock. He groaned and gripped your hips once more to guide you like the good daddy he was. 
With a few more hard thrusts you soon arched your back and came around his cock. The feeling was immense as you felt all the fight leave your body as pleasure filled up your skull like cotton. You dropped yourself against him, smothering him further with your breasts. He picked up the slack however and continued to thrust up into your limp body as the curl of pleasure formed in his gut. 
Soon he was finishing inside of you with a groan, and peeled you off of him to look down at him. Your eyes were glazed over and your mouth hung slightly open as you gulped for air. He grinned and slapped your ass, the sound rang in the air, “That's it.” He purred, “That's a good girl. My darling princess, such a good slut for me.” 
You nodded, body hot all over. You slid off of his cock and by his feet on the couch. You rested your cheek on his leg as you tried to catch your breath. And he played with your hair while he relaxed. Where you belong with him. His dark eyes gazed down at you, and you looked up at him. 
He smirked at you, “Well c'mon, princess. Why don't you clean daddy up?” 
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hugmekenobi · 7 months
S2: The Bad Batch (16)
Chapter Sixteen: Plan 99
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Gif by @dreamswithghosts
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Some time has passed since everything that happened at Kamino and you and the Batch are trying to figure out your place in the rapidly changing Imperial galaxy. And you're having to do all this whilst figuring out where your relationship with Hunter fits into it.
Chapter Summary: There was a mission gone wrong and then there's what happened during and after Eriadu.
Masterlist for S1
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, swearing, MAJOR CHARACTER 'DEATH', HEAVY ANGST, my interpretation of thought processes, relatively detailed injury and torture descriptions, vomiting, slight hurt/comfort, brief kissing, Hemlock being a creep and just generally himself, I project my feelings again and reader makes a questionable choice but it needed to happen, no happy endings here
Word Count: 8.8K
Author's notes: If I have done my job right in any capacity, this'll be a rough one to get through. However, I promise I have a oneshot planned that'll fix some of what just happened and if S3 doesn't fix the rest, I will do it then!
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You helped Hunter with opening the car doors and as you all saw the awful freefall that lay below you, you knew it was going to take a lot to get out of this situation in one piece.
“This… is not ideal.” Tech commented.
“At least we’re not hanging under the car.” Wrecker offered.
“This isn’t much better.” You said before you ducked as a round of blaster fire headed in your direction.
“Echo, get this car moving.” Hunter instructed as the rest of you fired back.
“The explosions must’ve knocked out the power to the rail line.” Echo theorised irritably.
You moved away from the edge of the doors back to the middle of the car. “What if I just take down their railcar? It wouldn’t take long.” You suggested.
Tech shook his head. “I do not think that would be wise. There would be no guarantee that the resulting impact of you destroying that line would not affect the terminal that we need to get moving. And we’d still be stuck here whilst the Empire can easily send more reinforcements and-”
“Okay, fine do it your way.” You interrupted as you went back to focusing your fire on the Imperials.
“I can try to reboot the system, but I will need to plug directly into one of the terminals on the track.” Tech said.
Hunter addressed the rest of you, “You four, give us cover, Tech up top with me.”
Tech and Hunter moved to the next level of the railcar and Hunter gave his brother a boost up to the roof so he could climb onto the track.
As Tech got underway, Hunter opened the other set of doors and opened fire, particularly on any soldiers that were aiming for Tech.
“I am plugged in. Stand by.” Tech said into his comm as he got to work.
You all were doing a decent enough job at holding them back. They had more numbers, but your squad was more skilled, so you were managing okay.
That feeling of things being under control did not last long as Hunter heard the familiar sounds of ships coming your way. “We’ve got three ships inbound.”
You muttered a series of expletives as you scanned the sky around you for them.
“Where? I can’t see them.” Omega asked fearfully.
“Tech, we need power!” You urged into you comm as you could hear them drawing closer with each passing second.
You all took up positions to open fire on them, but it did very little. The ships got a round of shots away and you had to fight to stay balanced as the car shook with the impact.
Tech stared at his datapad and finally the screen turned green. He tapped his comm, “Echo, now!”
Upon Tech’s word, Echo plugged back in, and the railcar finally came back online.
“Tech, get your ass back here.” You hurried as you saw the ships getting ready to make another pass.
Tech unplugged and got himself across to the main track and started running but he could hear the ships getting nearer.  
Hunter concentrated his fire on the oncoming ships. He was able to clip one in the wing and it collided into another which he thought would be enough.
It wasn’t.
The third ship came speeding through and fired a series off shots that found their mark. You all stumbled inside the car as it violently shook and struggled against the onslaught of blaster fire.
The explosion flung Tech backwards, and he fell from the track onto the roof of the bottom half of the car. He tried to stand but the resulting shot had seen to it that the back of the railcar was tearing itself away from the track and as it titled backwards, he went with it. He managed to hook his grappling cable onto one of the grates, but he was stuck hanging over the abyss.
“Come on, Tech! Hurry!” Wrecker implored as he peered down the broken end of the railcar.
“I am climbing as fast as I can.” Tech replied with a grunt as he started to make his way up the cable, but the additional weight and well-placed rogue enemy blaster fire exacerbated the fragile state of the car and it lurched backwards, sending him further down the cable once more.
“Tech!” Omega cried as she saw him fall whilst Wrecker debated the best way to get down the sloped hallway.
“Why aren’t we moving?” Hunter asked Echo as he took refuge from the blaster fire.
“The car’s being ripped from the track.” Another harsh vibration sounded shook through it as he tried to get it moving.
“Wrecker, get him on board.” Hunter pressed, desperation seeping into his voice, before he opened fire on the soldiers again.
Wrecker made to step down, but the car dipped significantly.
“Don’t!” Tech yelled as he fell down even further. “Any shift in weight could send both of these cars over.”
You glanced behind you at Wrecker and Omega and made the call that the others could hold the troopers off. You needed to help Tech now. Channelling the Force, you focused on the point where the two hinges met but it was already fragile, and it would take a lot of energy and focus to keep them together since they were wanting to do anything but and the circumstances were hardly ideal to have that focus but you had to make it work. You could hear more ships coming but you ignored them, you didn’t care.
“You must sever the connection hinge. Now!” Tech instructed.
“Not until you’re up here.” Wrecker argued.
“Tech, I can hold them, just climb or let Wrecker-”
“You can’t keep them steady and wait for me to get up there with the time we have left.” Tech interrupted you as he saw the ships in the distance closing in again.
“She’s got it, Tech.” Wrecker said, doing his best to keep the distress out of his voice as he edged his way forward. As he did so, the cart swayed forward, and he glanced back at you.
“Go.” You said through gritted teeth as you focused on keeping both carts level, but each moment of blaster fire and Wrecker’s added weight were making it harder.
Tech fell a few more metres as the cart continued to pull itself away from the track. He looked around and he knew what he had to do. He needed you all to get away. He wasn’t wrong about this. You all would make it out. He just needed to take himself out of the equation. “There is no time.” He pulled out his blaster. “Plan 99.”
Your heart plummeted. Not that plan, any plan but that one.
Wrecker’s heart filled with dread.
Omega felt nothing but panic.
“Tech, please-” You broke off as you channelled more of your energy into keeping both carts stable, but another round of shots meant the car swung again. Your knees buckled and your hold faltered slightly.
“Don’t you do it, Tech.” Wrecker ordered as he tried to creep forward once more but the cart continued to protest against the strain.
Tech sighed before he accepted his next course of action. It was, in a way, a rather easy decision. Omega had once asked him if they were a family. His answer had been yes, and it was true. He just didn’t think he’d really said it enough, but he loved his family. And what do families do? They protect each other… and that’s exactly what he was going to do. “When have we ever followed orders?” With that, he fired a shot through the glass of the railcar that met its mark, and the connection hinge was severed.
Even if you could hold it, you were out of time. The ships would make their pass at any second and you couldn’t prevent your section of the railcar reconnecting or else none of you would make it out of this.
And you hated it. You fucking hated it, but you were left with no choice; you dropped your hands, released your hold and watched in agony as Tech fell.
“No!” Wrecker cried out as he helplessly watched his brother fade from view and there was nothing he could do nothing to stop it.
“Tech!” Omega yelled.
The railcar reconnected to the track and sped away from the troopers on the opposite side.
Hunter grabbed Omega’s wrist as she moved closer to the open end of the car. “Omega-”
“Go back! Go back!” She said desperately, reaching out as if she could still grab him.
You felt numb. You couldn’t move. Every other noise around you sounded fuzzy. The skulking darkness that had been circling you since Saw Gerrera showed up was asking for a way in. It took every fibre of control to not let it. Hunter’s voice dragged you back to the current moment.
“The car’s going too fast.” Hunter said urgently.
“The system’s fried. I can’t stop it.” Echo replied, desperately trying to plug back in to do something to stop the rapid descent as the back wall of the station grew dangerously close.
You knew your help wouldn’t be fast enough either, and you felt Hunter’s internal conflict as his helmeted gaze darted between you and Omega. It’s Omega first, every time.
Hunter lunged for her just as the cart collided and smashed through the wall of the terminal.
Everything was grey, and dull and bleak.
If it wasn’t for the bitter scent of smoke in the air, she wouldn’t have been sure that she’d even opened her eyes at first.
Debris from the wreckage surrounded her.
And she ached. Her entire body burned with the pain it took to stand.
Tech. She needed to find Tech. He couldn’t be far. She called his name but only managed a few paces before she collapsed once more.
She tried to fight it, but it hurt too much, and the encroaching darkness was too tempting.
As the pain overwhelmed her, she didn’t have the strength to turn it away.
You groaned as you came to and immediately felt woozy as you attempted to sit up. Your hood had already come loose from the collision, but you pushed your mask down to catch your breath and breathe through the soreness radiating through your body.
You brushed the dirt off your face but felt something wet leaving a trail down your cheek. You took off your glove and touched it to find your fingertips covered in blood. You carefully followed the path of blood to the source and winced as you touched the oozing deep cut by your temple. Fighting the dizziness, you looked around to see the others pushing themselves up but then your eyes caught sight of an unmoving figure and your blood ran cold.
You forced yourself to stand, ignoring the shooting pain that coursed through your ankle, and staggered over to Omega. You dropped to your knees next to her and felt for a pulse, which thankfully you found but it was weak. “Omega, come on honey, open your eyes for me.” You begged her as her body shivered beneath your touch. You felt the others come by your side. You hung your head in relief when you saw her eyes flicker open, but she couldn’t stay awake, and you knew she was in bad shape.
“We have to get her out of here.” Hunter said, doing his best to not let the panic he felt upon seeing her like this come through.
Wrecker picked her up. “I got you, kid.”
“Incoming! Get to the Marauder!” Echo shouted as Imperial reinforcements arrived.
You picked up Omega’s bow and provided Wrecker and Omega cover fire as you all retreated back to your ship.
“Head to Ord Mantell. AZ can help her. Hurry!” Hunter instructed Echo as he made his way to the cockpit.
You watched Wrecker gently place her down on your bunk whilst Echo got the ship in the air and into hyperspace.
“You’re bleeding.” Hunter stated, worry etched in his voice as he brushed some of your hair back and caught sight of the mix of fresh and dried blood on your skin.
“I’m fine.” You said groggily as the fading adrenaline meant you had to work harder to fight against the light-headedness you were experiencing. You then noticed the awkward way he clutched his forearm and at the fact standing up straight appeared to cause him some issues. “Are you okay?”
Hunter didn’t answer directly. “Are any of us?”
You glanced around you and felt the anguish in everybody that you knew also resided in your own heart. “No, no we’re not.”
You focused on watching Omega’s chest rise and fall as a way to keep you grounded and willed the journey to go quickly.
“Cid, AZ, we need your help!” You shouted as you limped into the parlour.
Cid took in all of your various injured states and nodded, too taken aback to offer anything else.
AZ dropped the cleaning supplies he was using and flew over to Wrecker. “Follow me.” He led the way to Cid’s room.
“It is best if you leave, and I can work on her without distraction.” AZ instructed.
Neither of them really wanted to, but they didn’t want their presence to be a problem, so they did as he said.
“Where’s Goggles?” Cid asked as Hunter and Wrecker came back into the main parlour.
And it was that question that snapped you all out of what ever fatigued state of denial you were in.
You half collapsed into one of the booths and blinked back the angry, grief-stricken tears that threatened to escape.
Wrecker released a shaky breath and just shook his head as he sat down on one of the bar stools.
And Echo- now that he knew Omega was getting the medical attention she needed- just left the room. For the first time in his life, he needed the solitude.
“We- we lost him.” Hunter just about managed to say as the loss overwhelmed him and he sat down next to you. He welcomed the loving hold you took of his hand as you rested it in your lap and rubbed circles on the back of it and was grateful for tender way you pulled his head to rest on your shoulder. He ignored the slight discomfort the position caused him.
“I’ll give you guys some time alone.” Cid said quietly as she made her way towards the exit.
You all were in too much pain and too emotionally exhausted to notice the comm she took with her.
You’d lost track of how long you’d all spent waiting for AZ to come back with news so when he finally entered the room, the room was ripe with nervous tension. She had to be okay. She just had to be.
“AZ?” You said uneasily.
“Omega’s injuries were severe, but I have stabilised her and she should recover. It is just a matter of time of waiting for her to wake up.”
You all let out a collective breath of relief.
“Thank you.” Hunter said gratefully.
AZ nodded. “Now, what injuries of yours can I assist with?”
“(Y/N) has an actively bleeding head injury and a wounded ankle and Wrecker’s neck is causing him problems. Leave me for last.” Hunter said.
You knew disputing the order wouldn’t be helpful to anyone right now, so you let AZ come over to you first.
After you all were taken care of, AZ went back to monitor Omega and give you guys some space.
“What are we going to do now?” Wrecker asked as AZ left.
Hunter sighed deeply. “We have nothing to go on. No location, no leads. Nothing. And with Tech-” He broke off with a cough before continuing, “With Tech gone and Omega being hurt like that…” He paused for a moment as he considered his next words, “I can’t put her through something like this again. I can’t put any of you through it again. We’re done. We’ll find somewhere to settle.”
“What about Pabu?” Wrecker offered quietly. “She likes it, and we were going to settle there anyway… right?”
Hunter looked to you and you nodded. “He gave us another chance. We should take it any way we can.” You said, clearing your throat as the pain of the loss threatened to overcome you.
“Alright.” Hunter said before he got to his feet. “I’m going to go wait until Omega wakes up.” He left the room.
“Wrecker, will you be okay for a moment?” You asked as you also stood.
Wrecker understood. “Go.”
You bowed your head in thanks and followed Hunter.
You paused by the doorway and studied the way he sat in the chair as he watched over Omega. His posture was tense, and his leg bounced anxiously. You knew he was barely keeping it together, but he was making himself because he was still the leader and had to be. But you wanted to give him a chance to let himself drop the appearance, if only for a moment.
“You don’t have to be strong right now. Not in front of me.” You walked around to the front of the seat and kneeled in front of him. You placed your hand on his cheek to turn his face towards you as he was keeping his eyes firmly on Omega. At your words, it looked like a weight just left his body and he let his head and shoulders hang lowly.
“That plan was never supposed to be used.” He uttered, his throat bobbing as the mask of composure started to drop.
Your heart ached as you felt the guilt and sorrow within him. You reached up and placed your arms around his neck and just held him close to you. I’m so sorry.
“I only got two of them.” Hunter mumbled into the crook of your neck as he met your embrace.
“The ships. There were three and I only got two of them. If I had just made sure, he wouldn’t have fallen from the track. The third got the shot away that killed him.”
You pulled away as you picked up on the way the typical rasp in his voice got lower and more uneven. You cupped his face in your hands and rubbed away the stray tears. “Hunter, you can’t do that to yourself.”
“I was supposed to look after us. By taking that mission, I put everyone in danger and look what happened.”
“You went because you knew it was the right thing to do. It gave us a last chance to get Crosshair back. What happened-” You took a second to draw a calming breath of your own. “What happened was cruel and unfair, but it wasn’t your fault. I know that guilt may never truly fade, I’ve been there, but you still have the rest of us. You still have me. Whenever you need a reminder that this was not your doing, I will be there, I promise.”
Hunter couldn’t help but search for any doubt or lies in your eyes and voice but found none. He pressed his lips into your palm and the sincerity and love in your tone served to remind him that he could do this. “We’ve lost two brothers.”
You brought your forehead to press against his and whispered understandingly, “I know.”
“I can’t lose anyone else.” He breathed against your lips, but he could feel himself starting to regain the composure he knew he was going to need for what was to come.  
You placed a delicate kiss to his mouth. “You won’t.” You caressed your thumb along his cheek before you stood behind him with your hands on his shoulders as you both waited for Omega to come back around.
“Hunter? (Y/N)?” Omega winced with a groan as her eyes opened once more and saw you both standing by her bedside, the worry on your faces now becoming relief.
“Hiya, kid.” Hunter said warmly as he brushed some of her hair back and reached for her hand.
She let Hunter support her back as she tried to sit up and took in the various bandages that graced both of you and her own fading pain prompted the reminder that the mission had gone very wrong. “What happened?”
Before either of you could reply, AZ whirred into the room and Hunter delicately laid her back down.
“Hello, Omega. I am relieved you are awake.” He scanned her. “You each sustained multiple injuries. However, you all will make a full recovery with proper treatment and rest.”
His reassurance helped calm the anxiety you were feeling over her injuries. You tenderly hugged her as Hunter assisted in getting her upright.
“You’re- You’re okay.” Wrecker said with relief as he came into the room. He crouched in front of her. “Don’t scare us like that again.” He put an arm around her in a fond embrace.
You passed her some water. “How do you feel?”
Omega took it from you but didn’t drink it. “I don’t know. The last thing I remember, we were in the railcar when…” She released a horrified gasp as the images came flooding back. “Where’s Tech?”
“Omega, Tech didn’t make it.” Hunter said, his voiced laced with sadness at having to tell her this again. Part of him had hoped she’d remember so she wouldn’t have to go re-experience the hurt of the loss.
“We have to go back! What if he’s hurt? He- He need us. Tell him, Wrecker. We can’t just leave him!” But Wrecker only looked back at her with nothing but sorrow on his face.
“Omega…” Your voice cracked slightly as you attempted to rest a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Omega hit your hand away. “No! Tech’s not gone! He- He can’t be!” Tears fell down her face.
Her reaction nearly broke you all over again.
“I- I know, kid.” Hunter said quietly as he moved to sit beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
Reliving it all got too much for Wrecker. He wiped his eyes and backed out of the room.
You glanced over your shoulder as Wrecker left and you knew Hunter needed to talk to Omega about what the rest of you had discussed. “I’ll give you two a minute.” You said, your voice still thick with emotion.
“Why did Tech do that?” Omega said tearfully after you and Wrecker had left. She wiped her eyes. “He didn’t let us save him.”
“He knew we were out of time.” Hunter explained as simply as he could. “Tech put the squad ahead of himself. He made a sacrifice, Omega, and we’re not gonna waste it.”
“What does that mean?”
“The galaxy has changed, and so have we. It’s time to put being soldiers behind us for good. The three of us think Pabu could be a good place to make a new life for ourselves. And the rest of it, well, we can figure out along the way. Omega, is that something you want?”
She thought it through for a moment before she nodded.
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” Hunter said. This would work. You all could heal together and make it out okay. It would get better.
You pulled yourself onto the bar stool next to the one Wrecker was sitting on. “What can I do?” You asked caringly. You knew there was nothing you could say that would immediately ease the pain of grief, but if there was anything you could do to help, you would.
“Just being here is fine.” Wrecker mumbled roughly as he kept his emotions at bay.
You rested your hand on top of his- an act he gently mirrored with his own before he removed his hand. You know I love you, right? It was a sentiment you realised you had not shared enough with the others and you didn’t want that to continue anymore.
Wrecker breathed deeply. “I love you too… and it’s not just because you’re with Hunter. You became a part of this family long before that.”
The genuine and heartfelt way he said that touched you deeply. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat. “It’s a pretty good family to have.”
“Tech would’ve been able to tell you the exact date, I’m sure he kept a record of it.” Wrecker said with a sad chuckle.
You managed a half smile at his words. “That would be in character for him.”
A natural quiet descended on the two of you.
“Did we miss something? Did we miss a way to save him?” Wrecker asked into the silence.
The question was one you had been torturing yourself with ever since the ship had left Eriadu. “What we needed was time, and- and Tech knew we were out of it by that point.”
“Yeah.” Wrecker released a dejected sigh. “He always was the smart one.”
“Here. These are on the house.” Cid gifted you both a drink.
“It won’t help.” Wrecker said as he nudged it out the way.
You did the same.
“I’m sorry about Goggles. I always liked him.” Cid said sympathetically.
“Yeah. Us too.” Wrecker said with a crestfallen sigh.
Despite her words, you, and Wrecker both noticed the way she kept avoiding eye contact with both of you.
“What’s with you?” Wrecker asked.
Cid gulped, “You know, I tried to look out for you guys. But you got too much heat on you. And you brought it here to my place of business. I had to make the best of a bad situation.”
You picked up on her awkwardness and agitation. “Cid, what did you do?” You asked as a hollow pit of dread sat heavy in your stomach.
“I’m sorry.” That was all she said before she looked to the door.
You and Wrecker followed her stare, and a squadron of Imperial troopers came marching through the door with their blasters drawn.
You both instinctively reached for your blasters, but both of yours had been lost in the crash.
Wrecker was unaffected by the first stun blast that contacted him, and he charged at the group, but his neck brace severely limited his mobility.
You dodged the stun shot that was sent your way and realised keeping up a pretence would be pointless now. You threw your vibroblade into the shoulder of the closest threat to you before you Force-pushed multiple troopers against the back wall and used your ally to snap the wrists of others that aimed for you.
You turned in the direction of the voice to see Wrecker half-conscious, kneeling on the floor with his wrists bound and a trooper holding a blaster to his head whilst the squad regrouped and pointed their weapons at you.
Your jaw tightened but you did as he ordered and let them take you. A kick to the backs of your knees brought you down. They took your comm off you and, judging by the way the cuffs he put on you were slightly different to Wrecker’s, they’d come prepared. You weren’t going to have an easy way out.
“She was right, Sir. This is the Jedi.” One of the troopers that was holding you down by the top of your shoulder said to Doctor Hemlock as he came through the crowd to stand at the front.
You glanced up at the man you now recognised as Doctor Hemlock who was staring down at you.
He’d acted quickly when he knew the Empire was here and he’d kept Omega safe. That’s what mattered first. She was in the mining tunnels and on her way to Echo. The Empire wouldn’t find her. He could now focus on getting you and Wrecker back.
Hunter rounded the corner to the main parlour with his blaster drawn but his heart stopped at the sight. Both you and Wrecker were cuffed and being held at gunpoint by Imperials and Hemlock was right in the middle. He advanced forward a few paces, but the troopers focused their blasters on him.
“That’s not very strategic, Hunter.” Hemlock cautioned. “You don’t need to use your enhanced senses to know you’re outnumbered.” He turned his attention to the owner of the parlour. “The Empire thanks you for your assistance. Our business is done. Leave.”
“You piece of shit.” You hissed as you fought against the grip the troopers had on you as you watched her take the case of credits and walk out the door.
“Please consider your next move very carefully. I would hate for this to end poorly for all of you.” Hemlock advised. He paused and studied your handiwork on the wounded that were now being evacuated from the building. “Such an exquisite creature.” He brushed the fingers of his ungloved hand across your cheek. “You chose well.” He complimented the Sergeant.
You recoiled from his touch.
“Don’t fucking touch her.” Hunter snarled.
Hemlock ignored the clone for now and kept his attention on you. He lifted your cuffs by the middle. “How can someone so powerful be limited so easily?” He dropped your wrists. “Please. Do me the honour of just trying to use it.”
You stared him down in refusal.
“Or both of them will be killed.” Hemlock said simply.
You gritted your teeth and hoped the message behind your eyes as you looked to Hunter was clear- he had to keep it together.
Hunter didn’t understand what was about to happen. You were telling him to stay calm and remain where he was, but he didn’t fully know why. What was Hemlock talking about?
You braced yourself as you did as Hemlock said. You were met with the expected electric current that shot through your system. You didn’t cry out despite the pain; you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but you couldn’t help but fall forward on all fours. You had to take a few deep breaths before kneeling upright once more. The binds themselves had also grown tighter.
“Incredible.” Hemlock mused. “Years spent studying your people and the Force and we have barely scratched the surface of understanding you, yet science still finds ways to prove itself. Go again.”
“No!” Hunter protested. Watching you do that once was bad enough and you were hiding it well, but he knew you were in pain, and he couldn’t let it continue. Instinct took over and he moved a half step closer to you, but the line of blasters stopped him from advancing.
“How touching.” Hemlock mocked, internally thrilled that the reaction from both of you had been as he predicted. It made the process far more enjoyable. “But if you value your fellow clone’s life, you will not stop this.”
“I can- I can handle it.” You said breathlessly as a way reassure Hunter and stop him from doing anything reckless- you knew this torture was as much for him as it was for you, and you needed him alive. But you couldn’t prevent the pained grunt that left your mouth this time and you fell forward once more, and the cuffs pinched the skin of your wrists.
“Again.” Hemlock ordered you.
“Don’t.” Hunter pleaded, but he wasn’t talking to Hemlock, he was looking at you. This wasn’t something you should have to handle. There had to be another way. He should be the one to take that pain.
Whatever it required to keep them both alive. “It’s okay.” You said, your voice hoarse. You did it again and an audible cry fell from your lips.
Hemlock waited until you sat up. “Again.” He demanded.
You inhaled with a wince and did as he said.
The cycle continued until Hemlock said otherwise.
Hunter wanted to stop it. Despite your words, his resolve was weakening by the second. The only thing stopping him from doing something was that Wrecker’s life was also involved here but he couldn’t stand that all he could do was watch you go through this torment over and over again.
Wrecker struggled against his captors as he watched, but they were too many securing him.
“Stop.” Hunter finally growled at Hemlock after this last round saw to it that you were barely able to right yourself. He saw your arms give out from beneath you with the effort it took to remove yourself from the ground. And from the way you were trying to flex them, he guessed you were losing feeling in your fingers.
Hemlock smirked, “I am merely giving her a preview of what’s to come. I need to know what it’ll take to crush someone like her.”
He kneeled beside your crumpled body and spoke into your ear. “I will look forward to breaking you.” He kept eye-contact Hunter.
Hunter was clenching his jaw so hard that his teeth hurt. The thought sickened him.
You believed him. That quiet, menacing tone in his voice told you he truly meant what he was saying and… and that brought out a level of fear you’d never felt before. But you wouldn’t let that happen yet. Your arms trembled as you braced your palms against the floor and you panted through the throbbing discomfort in your body, but you managed to get back to a kneeling position. In a way, you were also grateful for the harsh but secure hold the troopers resumed since it meant you weren’t required to keep yourself stable.
“Such resolve.” Hemlock whispered to you. “And now onto the other matter at hand.” He said breezily as he stood upright once more and addressed Hunter. “Here’s how this is going to go. You will lower your blaster and hand over Omega. And I will allow you to keep breathing.”
“Omega’s not going anywhere with you.”
The fierce protectiveness of the clone brought out a soft snicker from Hemlock. “Oh. Well, who knew clones are so paternal? Fascinating.”
To hear that observation come from that man had bile rising in your throat.
“I was saddened to learn of your friend’s demise. What was his name? Oh, yes. Tech.” Hemlock taunted cruelly.
“Don’t fucking say his name.” You spat as you strained against your captors. An act Wrecker joined you on.
Hemlock merely reached his hand out to one of the soldiers and took the object. “I’m afraid this was all I could salvage. Consider it a gift.” He tossed the broken goggles across the room to Hunter’s feet.
Your strength was returning and at Hemlock’s actions, you attempted to lunge for him, but the troopers acted quickly and, with a strong grip on your shoulders, they forced you back to your knees.
Hemlock was unphased and stepped forward a few paces. “To lose one of your own, it must weigh heavily on you as their leader.” He signalled back to his men who pressed their blasters against the back of yours and Wreckers heads. “And if you don’t lower the blaster now, you will lose more.”
Hunter looked past Hemlock and you and Wrecker.
Wrecker did the best he could do to shake his head.
“Hunter, n-” The sharp tap of a blaster interrupted you.
He wasn’t losing any anyone else. And with Omega gone, the rest of you could find a way out.
You helplessly watched as Hunter put the blaster down and delicately picked up and studied Tech’s goggles.
“Wise decision.” Hemlock praised before he waved his men forward.
Hunter let them pass and allowed himself to be cuffed and brought over to join the two of you.
You and Wrecker were pulled to your feet, and you attempted to wriggle out of their grip, but they wouldn’t give.
“Sir, the girl’s not in the office.” The troopers informed Hemlock as they came back out.
You and Wrecker glanced at Hunter who subtly nodded at the two of you.
You and Wrecker shared a small breath of relief. As long as she was safe, you could manage whatever came next.
“She’s long gone. Like I said, Omega’s not going anywhere with you.” Hunter said to Hemlock.
Hemlock merely hummed. “We’ll see.”
The three of you were escorted out but what you couldn’t work out was why you were still being physically restrained whilst the other two got to walk normally.
Ord Mantell was in chaos.
People were screaming and clamouring to get out of the way of the Imperial soldiers and AT-AT walkers that were making their presence known.
 A series of warning blaster fire halted you all from continuing. You turned in the direction of the fire and your stomach dropped as you saw who was on an upper platform staring down at the rest of you. No, she wasn’t supposed to be here.
“Lower your weapons.” Hemlock instructed his soldiers before he called over to the young girl, “Hello, Omega. We were just talking about you.”
Omega kept her bow activated. “Let them go!”
“Omega, run!” Hunter shouted before he got held back by one of the troopers.
“I won’t let them take you.”
“How about an exchange? If you come with me, your friends will live.” Hemlock negotiated.
“You fucking bastard.” You seethed as you pulled against the hands that were holding the upper part of your arms.
“I don’t believe you.” Omega replied suspiciously.
“I did not come here for them, Omega. I came to return you to Nala Se. She needs your help.”
“He’s lying. They killed the Kaminoans.” Hunter countered.
“Incorrect. Nala Se is alive and well care for.” Hemlock retorted before he returned his attention to the girl. “As you will be.”
“I’m not going with you.” Omega affirmed but she didn’t sense the clone trooper behind her.
“Omega, look out!” You shouted but it was too late.
All of you watched with devastation as Omega met the receiving end of a stun shot and her limp body got picked up by the trooper.
“Scour the city. When you find the third clone, send them back to Eriadu. Governor Tarkin wishes to question you personally.” Hemlock walked over to you. “But you…” He smiled coldly at you. “Your use lies elsewhere.”
Your heart shattered as you realised what that meant.
Hunter’s head turned sharply to look from Hemlock to you and the pained panic on your face mirrored his own. He reacted instantly and ran for you, but he didn’t make it far before the troopers separating the two of you got in the way and shoved him back. He continued to try and fight his way through, but the cuffs limited his effectiveness and a strong punch to his stomach winded him and he hunched over in discomfort. He took a few deep breaths and wriggled free of the two soldiers that had come to bring him back in and tried again but this time he was met with a kick to his already wounded torso.
You were shouting unintelligible sounds of protest as you writhed and struggled against the strong hands holding you back and attempting to drag you away. You managed to stamp on the foot on one of your captors and elbow one of the others in the stomach and their grip faltered.
But they regrouped quickly.
A swift hit of a blaster on your still wounded head had you blinking away black dots. You could do nothing to stop the severe grip one trooper took on the back of your neck, forcing you to hunch over whilst the others grabbed your arms and got ready to take you away.
“Let them.” Hemlock held a hand up to stop the actions of his soldiers. It would only help with his process. Let the two of you have the chance at a last moment together dictated by him and stopped by him. The emotional turmoil it would create would play beautifully.
Still half-dazed, when the troopers let you go, you were left with no choice but to fall to the ground.
Hunter shoved past the line of soldiers and knelt before you. As gently as he could manage, he placed his hands under your chin to push your head up. “I love you.” Hunter choked out.
Hemlock signalled his men.
You wanted to say so much more but you didn’t have the time. “I love you too.” You replied, your voice cracking. Your lips met for the briefest of moments but that was all you managed before you got hauled to your feet and they yanked you away from him.
As he watched your fading figure, Hunter didn’t have the strength to fight the troopers that lifted him to his feet and led him and Wrecker in the opposite direction.
The only thing that was keeping you from giving into the pounding agony that was bouncing around your skull was that Omega was now being carried alongside you. You would hang on for her.
“What are we doing?” One of the remaining troopers asked as he saw the group split off.
“Doctor Hemlock wants her getting a separate shuttle in case the others get away and come looking for them.” The clone in charge of the group answered.
“Please.” You begged with a broken breath as you saw the group separate and Hemlock disappeared down the street with Omega. “Just let me go with her. I won’t-” The butt of a blaster meeting your cheekbone shut you up and you groaned with the stinging pain it left you. Your vision kept blurring in and out of focus.
“Quiet! Keep walking!” The trooper ordered you.
You had so little resolve left. Hopelessness had overwhelmed you, so you followed their orders, your feet dragging as they led you in the direction of wherever the other shuttle was.  
Hunter could feel the fight leaving him as he and Wrecker were escorted to the shuttle that would take them to Eriadu. So much of what he cared about had been ripped from him and now the remaining people in his life that he loved would pay the price for his failure. The echoes of explosions and blaster fire grabbed his attention, and he looked up to see a walker come stomping round the corner but it’s aim was directed towards the Imperials.
“Echo?” Wrecker asked.
“Gotta be Echo.” Hunter agreed as he dug deep for the energy to fight back.
Wrecker broke his cuffs open on the top of his knee and Hunter landed a kick to the trooper behind him to give Wrecker time to undo his cuffs.
The two of them worked on taking care of the remaining troopers and stole their blasters and fired on the clones that were aiming for Echo’s walker. What they couldn’t stop however, was the next walker that rounded the corner that fired on Echo’s.
Echo went to the hatch and jumped out of the walker just as it collapsed to the ground.
“Where are the other two?” Echo asked as he emerged from the downed walker with AZ and took cover with his brothers.
“That Imperial took them.” Wrecker answered.
“It was Hemlock. We’ve got to stop his ship from leaving.” Hunter said.
The three of them scanned for ways out but reinforcements were arriving from both sides. It was then though that Hunter noticed a platform that ran above the landing pad where Hemlock’s shuttle must be and the group of them made their way up to it, avoiding enemy fire as they did so.
Hunter ran ahead to the edge of the platform and could only watch with despair and agony as Hemlock’s shuttle took off. He paid no attention to the surrounding sounds of blaster fire; he couldn’t turn his gaze away from the departing ship.
Half his life was on that ship.
Hell, his heart was on that ship.
And he couldn’t stop it.
He couldn’t stop any of it.
And it broke something in him.
It killed him.
Echo’s voice dragged him back.
“Hunter, we have to go!”
Hunter managed to find his voice. “Get to the Marauder!” He ordered and the three of them started to run once more.
They made it to their ship and managed to take off but there was no relief in the feeling. The air was thick with grief and loss.
“There was no way to track Hemlock’s ship. He could’ve taken them anywhere.” Echo said forlornly from the cockpit.
Hunter glanced back to where Omega’s room was, then he saw Wrecker cradling Tech’s goggles. Then he found himself fiddling with the cord around his neck and his fingertips grazed the small symbol attached to it. He’d failed so many people. Everything he’d promised both to himself and to his squad had fallen apart so quickly before his eyes and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. Well, no more. He refused to let this be how things ended. “We are going to get them back.” He said darkly. “And we don’t stop searching until we do.”
The shuttle you were being taken to was on the other side of the city, but you had finally arrived.
The ramp lowered and you didn’t resist them as they nudged you towards it.
You walked a couple paces but then you spotted the smoke bomb thrown at your feet.
Fog engulfed you.
You were set free but all you registered were the panicked shouts and shots from blasters around you.
The Imperials didn’t last long, in rapid succession you heard the thud of each body that had brought you here.
Then everything went quiet.
A hand from behind grabbed your shoulder.
You reacted quickly and swerved out of the grip and whipped around to land a punch wherever you could reach. You heard the satisfying thump of your fists meeting bone and the figure backed away a few paces.
You readied yourself for the next attack, but it didn’t come.
“That’s a hell of a punch you’ve got. Would hate to see what you’re like when you don’t have cuffs on you.”
You recognised that voice and you pushed the faintness away and peered through the smoke at the figure approaching you, sniper rifle on her shoulder as she massaged her jaw. You relaxed your stance. “Lyra?”
“Hey, stranger.” She greeted you as she began picking the locks of your cuffs.
“What are you doing here?” You massaged your wrists as your binds came loose and you felt the Force start to flow through you again, but it felt… tainted. You searched in the Force around you for any sign of them, but there was nothing there. You really wished that meant they’d found a way out and escaped safely but everything felt disconnected. You weren’t yourself; something had shifted, and you weren’t sure if you would be able to right yourself anymore.
“Rescuing you, kinda thought that much was obvious. Where are the others?”
You felt your throat tighten as you searched for the words, but you couldn’t find them, and your stomach turned with both the aching in your head and your heart. You braced your hands on your knees and threw up.
The smoke had cleared, and Lyra was able to take you in properly. Your ankle was strapped, the skin on your cheek had broken and a purple bruise was starting to take shape and the stitches by your temple were starting to tear open as specks of blood escape the wound. It also wasn’t just your obvious injuries she saw- your body looked heavy with defeat. “What do you need?” She asked kindly.
“I need a ship.” You rasped as you wiped your mouth and stood up.
“You have one.” Lyra pointed to the shuttle right next to you.
“No. I wouldn’t get out of the system in that. They’d find me immediately.” You reached down and took a blaster from one of the unconscious bodies.
“So, you need something off the grid that would not pass any standardised mechanical check?”
“Add in an already scrambled signature and yeah pretty much.” You inhaled deeply as another wave of nausea hit you.
“I know someone who owes me a favour and makes a living from selling ships like that. Can’t promise we’ll get very far but it could work.” She paused as she saw the way you still swayed on your feet. “Are you sure you’re up for that? I can go myself and meet-”
“I’m not getting separated from anyone else.” You said sharply before you straightened your shoulders. “Lead the way.”
You waited as Lyra squared up deal and studied your way out of here. The ship did look like a hunk of scrap metal, but it would get you out unnoticed and that’s all that mattered.
“Okay, let’s go.” Lyra said as she came over to you.
You sighed, “Lyra, thank you. For all of this. But you can’t come with me.”
Lyra placed her hands on hips in defiance. “I have nothing here, they wrecked my stall and raided the other stores. I’m going with you. At the very least, you need someone to treat that serious concussion properly.”
Dealing with your injuries were way down on your priority list. You could feel it creeping in again and you weren’t sure you had the strength to oppose it anymore. “What I am… what I’m going to do, you shouldn’t be around for. I can’t-”
“Can’t be worse than what I’ve seen already. Come on, we gotta get going.” She said with finality as she walked past you and up the ramp to the ship.
On her head be it. You thought to yourself as you followed her up and she got the ship in the air.
Omega walked out the Imperial shuttle with a deep sense of unease. She recognised Mount Tantiss and the presence of Nala Se troubled her. She feared for what this doctor had planned for her.
“Have Emerie see to her injuries.” Hemlock ordered the assistant that came to greet them.
Omega didn’t follow the woman, she just looked to Nala Se. “Why did they bring me here?” She didn’t get to hear a reply for the trooper behind her prodded her back to make her go inside.
Hemlock addressed the Kaminoan after Omega was out of earshot. “Your prime minister mentioned you had an attachment to the young clone, so I’ve returned her to you. Perhaps now, you will reconsider working on the Emperor’s project.”
“What he seeks is not possible.” Nale Se argued.
“Make it possible. If you refuse or fail, Omega will suffer the consequences.” Hemlock threatened.
Satisfied that his threat had landed effectively, he waved the Kaminoan away and went to go inside but a clone voice stopped him.
“Sir, we’ve heard reports on an attack on the squad escorting the Jedi and the shuttle never checked in. It would seem she escaped.”
Hemlock had to hide his surprise. Clearly something had happened he had not anticipated. “That is… unfortunate, but we’ll make do… for now.”
Omega was led into a lab and what she saw horrified her. There were tubes and rows of unconscious clones strapped down onto testing tables. Then her eyes caught sight of someone she knew. “Crosshair!”
She ran over to him and tried to rouse him, “Crosshair? Crosshair?” He showed no signs of movement. She heard the sound of oncoming footsteps and turned to see the woman that must be ‘Emerie’ standing behind her.
“You must be Omega.” Emerie said.
“What did you do to Crosshair?” She asked angrily.
“He’s recovering. I tried to warn him what would happen if he did not cooperate with the doctor.”
“I want to talk to Nala Se.”
“Ironic. You trust the Kaminoan, but not me.”
“I don’t know you.”
“No?” Emerie kneeled in front of the young girl and removed her glasses. “You might know me better than you think.”
Omega furrowed her brow.
“We’re sisters, Omega.”
Lyra finished tending to your head and cheek before she went to the cockpit to give you some time.
As you stared down the corridor and out into the blue clouds of hyperspace, you gained a true moment of clarity. The galaxy and the Empire had taken much from you, but you’d always been able to push through.
In a strange way, you’d even thought you were better off because of where you’d ended up. You had gained a greater sense of purpose, you had room to properly care for the people in your life, you had a family.
But now they’d gone too far. Too much had been taken from you, your family, from the people you loved, and you weren’t going to let it happen anymore. You couldn’t let it happen anymore.
You weren’t as strong as you’d thought you were. Something gets cracked enough times enough times, it’s bound to break.
You were done hiding.
Your arms fell to your sides and your fists clenched and the darkness you had been running from since Eriadu came flooding back. Only this time, this time you weren’t going to fight against it.
This time.
This time, you embraced it.
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @fuckoffthanos, @tpwkcalli, @graciexmarvel, @arctrooper69, @nightmonkeysstuff, @brujaporfavor, @flyingkangaroo, @sunkissedclones, @ladytano420, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf, @yyourmotherr, @xxeiraxx, @dragonrider9905, @skellymom, @lokigirlszendaya, @starwarsnerd111
134 notes · View notes
foxes-that-run · 8 days
A TTPD theory
Take this as fiction, or view it as a thought experiment in how what we see can be taken in a number of ways. We are not privy to anything in Taylors life but her lyrics, social media posts and paparazzi photos, and for many years Taylor has been a continuous participant in pap photos as promotion, and keenly engaged and aware of how her fanbase reads things. I think most fans think what she wants them too, which isn't always her actual experience. She has told us this in songs like Dear Reader, Mirrorball and a lot of TTPD. Taylor has also acted out or given quotes to seed songs, in the lead up to or after their release before too.
In this post I talked about how the TTPD prologue has three muses and I'll highlight this line after the 'cosmic' muse I think is Harry:
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So, here's my fan fiction/thought experiment. To me I think what started as wishing to be in a different relationship, became friendly flirting. Where I think it went wrong was in wanting different things at the time, as Taylor said in the prologue, 'some stars ever align', I still hope they do one day.
We start our story at the 2021 Grammy's (March 2021)
2021 timeline
Harry and Taylor were seen together for the first time in 6 years at the 2021 Grammy's, where both were seen looking at the other and they spoke. Their body language in the video of them talking is interesting. Taylor is leaning forward, gesturing a lot, she looks confident but also tense. Harry is the one to start it, but he looks away when she says something and it looks like he ends the conversation with pleasantries. She goes home and writes High Infidelity about resenting a partner and having an affair, outing April 29 in the process. He writes As it Was and Love of My Life about accepting something special is gone forever.
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TTPD guesses for this time:
I look through people's windows - I think this song refers to the 2021 Grammy's, it refers to the muse catching their breath, tilting their head. They are someone close now distant. Sliding doors and what if's. It sounds like that conversation.
Guilty as Sin? - This song is seems early in Taylors thinking about leaving Joe, she is feeling guilty about wishing she was with someone else. High Infidelity we know was written then is oddly similar, but GAS is a current thought process with Haylor links.
Peter - I think it fits for vibes of 'life was easier on you'
May - August - Brit Awards (May 2021)
They saw each other again at the Brits in May when I think Glitch was written, Joe was in Belfast filming then.
TTPD guesses for this time:
Tortured Poets Department (because she refers to it in September.)
August - October 2021
This is where I wonder if a friendship was becoming flirtatious. Or with the rerecording of Red and being unhappy with Joe if perhaps Taylor was thinking more about a road not taken. Taylor had a version of the title track written and decided it was a title track and an emerging aesthetic to easter egg by September 2021. Harry was very overt too, on their anniversary he performed in white satin in Nashville wearing the Peace Ring. I think it was a flirtation then.
recorded Red (Taylors Version) in Belfast visiting Joe so was in the Haylor feels
posted this TikTok of a Glitch while recording Red TV and a request for Wildest Dreams TV
went on Fallon to promote ATW where she easter egged Typewriters, and said would try to drop easter eggs 3 years advance.
At the Tribeca Film Festival she again mentioned Typewriters, an album with an acronym, tortured poets and manuscript. She would try to drop easter eggs 3 years in advance.
Released the ATW short film with typewriters super clear and and included them in the merch too.
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Harry has the first heart kiss since 2018 in St Paul! Then wears all white satin and wears and plays with his Peace Ring (for the first time in years) to perform in Nashville while Taylor in town, a few days after their anniversary, and adds To Be So Lonely to the setlist. Then he records Satellite.
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TTPD guesses for this time:
Manuscript because of Red TV records (and referred to at Tribeca)
November and December 2021
This is when the majority of Midnights was written. Taylor was also not seen much after the ATW release, Joe was in Panama. You're Losing Me was recorded, if TTPD songs are from here that's hard to tell. Harry was MIA for 2 weeks before Taylors birthday and in this period Taylor wore a Gucci Lion Ring to Zoe's birthday, interesting with the amount of ring talk on TTPD. Question…? Written.
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2022 timeline
Matty Healy first worked with Jack sometime after 5 January.
21 January - Charlie Puth includes painting a red fence in his MV he later refers to when promoting TTPD. - So the left typewriter/Charlie Puth of it all is way too early for MH.
April 2022, Harry said “to BFs everywhere F U” which I think was directed at Joe. So he knew whatever Joe did. Drake also shouted out supportively Taylor on 19 April. Joe's costar's name in the final cut of CWF (Ep 3, 11:55).
Harry's House released on Harry and Taylors 20 May anniversary. As it was MV beforehand.
I still think it was Joever (or they were on a break) May 2022
In November I posted that I thought Midnight was the break up album. Suggesting that I think Joe and Taylor broke up by May 2022. I had thought that Joe may have agreed to a number of appearances to provide them both time to process and ready themselves for Taylors fans finding out.
I still think this, though perhaps it also could have been a break. The speed with which Taylor moved on could have that the break up was raw for us, not her.
I primarily thought this because Joe was at a random Hollywood party rather than her NYU Graduation, and she stopped liking his IG posts then, which she had done reliably.
This is to say, I think Taylor held back in Midnights and at least some of it was written before the 2 years she said at the Grammy's.
August - October 2022
By August friendly flirtation had been going on for a year, Harry dressed for eras as the rerecords were announced. They were in communication so much he knew when she was announcing things before she did. On the night of the VMAs he was dressed in blue stars to match her Midnights after party dress while Joe dragged her out to a car. I wonder if Fortnight was set after they were both at TIFF then New York for 2 weeks during Harry's residency, Harry seemed to be really struggling after that. My guess is that with the impending bad press of the Nanny/OWs relationship - any part in it being Joever would have been out of the question.
August 2022 - Harry and OW are in a Rolling Stone interview, they interviewed them in April and it came much later, but I think this is referred to in loml and something Taylor would have especially not liked given her desire for a power couple
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The OW/Shia drama came to light and that relationship looked done by 5 September at the DWD premiere.
7 September - 30 October Harry wore the Peace Ring again at HSLOT shows. They were both at the Tiff Film Festival, (where Taylor mentioned typewriters again).
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They were then both in New York during his residency ending 21 September, where he also played Ever Since New York for the first time in 4 years. This is my guess for when Fortnight is set.
There were blinds Joe was texting other people.
The TTPD Spotify room included a safe (vault) from Toronto 👀
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In October 6 - 10 Harry postponed 2 shows due to Illness, with Sony saying Harry was not unwell. Now, other Sony artists postponed shows and this Reddit thread suggests it is over the Nanny scandal (but I don't think Harry would be so cut up about that story to cancel shows and call his mum) so there could be lots of reasons for this. But it is a real anomaly.... and Anne and Gemma flew from England to support him when he performed again.
12 October - Charlie Puth easter eggs TTPD on Fallon.
Midnights was released and Joe carried a coffee table book to avoid touching Taylor in the pap walk
Eras Tour training started September 2022 - in the Time interview Taylor said she stopped drinking and ran on the treadmill for 6 months before tour began. The Typewriters were also in the Eras set for The Man.
"This time, she began training six months ahead of the first show. “Every day I would run on the treadmill, singing the entire set list out loud,”" and "“Learning choreography is not my strong suit.” With the exception of Grammy night—which was “hilarious,” she says—she also stopped drinking. “Doing that show with a hangover,” she says ominously. “I don’t want to know that world.”
TTPD guesses for this time:
Fortnight - I think the references to a cheating husband (current tense) and wife, (the Clean lyric similarity of watering flowers) places this here. I think the August 2022 Rolling Stone with OW is part inspiration for that line. Also functioning alcoholic/time magazine quote, here or soon after.
loml - this song would have come after Harry's House. I think the Valiant Roar is a reference to the August 2022 Rolling Stone Interview with OW and Harry, I also wonder about June 2022.
Down Bad - This fits narratively if the Fortnight was September and it ended in October that puts Taylor 'down bad crying at the gym' while preparing for the Eras tour. The staring at the sky / CBBH reference also make sense to be after Taylor heard Satellite and re-recorded Red TV.
BDILH - Based on my theory on it ending due to scandals I think this fits here, at least in a starting form.
November - December 2022
This period is unknown to me, OW and Harry BUA, Harry bought a Ferrari he never drove. He was last seen driving in December 2022. Joe said Tortured Man's Club in an interview. Taylor and Joe go to New Orleans, seemingly argue and she visits a recording studio. So if not completely over this looks like a final blow.
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TTPD guesses for this time:
Fresh Out of the Slammer is recorded in New Orleans
January - March 2023
Taylor performed at The 1975 concert, Harry rumoured there. Matty Healy accused Harry of Queer Baiting and Blinds that he hated Harry. Harry started being driven places.
Taylor went over to Harry at the Grammy's and was enthusiastic supporting him. I feel like things between Harry and Taylor were friendly, but I think that was it, she was initiating. He recorded the Satellite music video but then kept it in his pocket until May, maybe something started earlier, when things were different and finished then later. Joe was seen at the Grammy's with Jack and posted a photo of meredith. Harry tours Australia, slides into Influencer Yan Yan's DM's. He adds Woman to the setlist and kisses his heart. ER kiss. At the end of the month MHs ex says they were going fine.
TTPD guesses for this time:
imgonnagetyouback - because of him fixing his hair at the Grammy's
April & May 2023
Joever announced. I have a long post on the Maylor thing. My perspective is that Harry wasn't up for more than friends at that time, Matty is known for deep resentment of Harry. Matty & Taylor were both on tour, they weren't in the same city apart from the handful of times they were seen, and they were overseas from each other when it started and ended... and Matty implied it was not sincere. Taylors team also said it was not serious. Fans see it differently and that's OK. But to me it was trolling of the highest order from them both.
On 9 April Harry played golf at Augusta Georgia and disappeared for 2 weeks. In April 12 Taylor wore the Gucci Lion ring, she went to Florida, MH in Australia, HS MIA last seen in Georgia. If the Fortnight is a literal affair I think it is here. Most of the MH public stuff was after that. Harry also added Stockholm Syndrome and Grapejuice to his setlist and seen outside Cartier before Taylor starts wearing the Necklace after their old anniversary. It's a mess. The MH thing ended.
TTPD guesses for this time:
Songs recorded, but like Fresh out the slammer they are likely started earlier. I think the daily pap works with nicely matching photos is to have everything happen in this 'neater' timeline.
Alchemy - Taylor said this title in the Cruel Summer speech in March, Taylor may have added to it later.
Florida!!! - ... HS was in the US, MH was not.
June is when I think things went really bad. I think this is where Taylor 'tore it all down with one conversation', which based on the Time magazine may have been wanting something public. Angry I don't wanna live forever Surprise Song and wild Betty Speeches:
"James, and he really, really, really messes things up bad with the love of his life, and he has to try to get her back, and apologize very sincerely, and profusely, and say he’s going to change and be better, and that’s all he has to do."
Taylor crying in a car in pap photos. Deux Moi reports Taylor attended HSLOT at Wembley. TR attends one Wembley show, we don't know which. Harry played Sweet Creature, maybe for Gemma's baby. The same night Taylor played Seven and said:
"I’ve always just had something happen to me, or feel a feeling, for even like seven seconds, if I feel a feeling, it’ll be like, ‘Oh! I have to write a song about this seven seconds of me feeling this way.’ It’s like, it’s genuinely been like, it’s not really a job, it’s like a full coping mechanism" ... (TTPD hint) ... "radical, the idea of a man apologizing in a beautiful, heartfelt, sincere way.’ I’m not talking about any of you. If you’re here, you’re exempt. You’re a really emotionally intelligent group. I’m sort of talking about other people right now.
TTPD guesses for this time:
Black dog, down bad, FOTS recorded, but not necessarily written.
loml - I think it fits here because Harry put Stockholm Syndrome with "I'll never leave" on the setlist in the place of Love of My Life.
The rest is in the 2023 timeline
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hypnofur1 · 1 month
Porno in Plano
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By Hypnofur
“I told him where we live” she said to me quietly as she kneeled there in our rented living room floor. Her eyes were wide and quiet. I didn’t know how to respond to that.
“Fucking Democrats” was all I could say.
Ok, I should back up. It was 5:18 on a Thursday in the second week of January…. Actually, I guess I should back up more than that. Abby and I are from New Jersey. Middletown and Long Branch to be specific. We are in our early 30’s, and we are very career focused. Like many young people in our area, despite our budding careers, we knew we had no chance of purchasing a house in the area we grew up in. My company, like so many others in NY/NJ had moved to Texas to get out from under some really crushing tax and regulation weight. Young executives like me were offered bonuses to move out to Texas with them. Abby worked from home post pandemic, so we decided to do it.
So, a year ago, we moved to Plano, Texas. It’s very different than New Jersey. And it’s… well, let’s say it is a lot more Red than most of Jersey. And while I know that it was actually our democratic politicians that raised the taxes and regulations to the point that companies like mine were moving to Texas, Abby and I were still pretty liberal. The fact is, we just didn’t really fit in Plano, or Texas as a whole.
So, how did that lead to Abby on her knees looking at me with a guilty, or scared, or… I don’t know what kind of look on her face? Well, because we were having trouble making new friends, we spent a lot of time together at home over the last year. A lot of time. Too much time. We got bored. Bored of Texas, bored of each other, just bored of everything. We got an apartment right near my office, so I was home from work in like ten minutes. Abby was home all the time. It was just too much together time at home for two newlyweds. That certainly didn’t make things exciting in the bedroom, things were boring there too. It was just a downward spiral of ‘blah’.
Anyway, that lead to a New Year’s Resolution to ‘spice things up’. Abby, a researcher by trade and nature, searched out a bunch of different things that couples were doing. We’re not into crazy freaky stuff, so the spiciest thing we could come up with is watching porn together. We went through the whole process of like, asking each other what we’d be into and so forth. I of course did not tell her what kind of porn I really watched, and had been watching since like middle school. I’m not an idiot. So, anyway, we eventually got some of the most vanilla, boring porn known to man. Even that was a total disaster. The women in the video obviously had huge boobs, and that made Abby feel really self conscious. The porn did the opposite job of turning her on. In fact, she kind of freaked out and proclaimed that she never wanted to come in contact with porn in any way ever again. It was awful. So awful, that we abandoned the whole “let’s spice up our sex life” resolution for three months.
I could tell she didn’t want to completely give up though. Partly because she wanted to make sure our relationship was strong, partly because giving up on anything wasn’t in her DNA. I knew it bugged her. I wasn’t at all surprised when in the next week she told me she had been researching again. Erotic Hypnosis was one subject that she looked up. We decided to give it a try. The first night, I tried to hypnotize her. I swung a pocket watch she had purchased in front of her eyes and read some scripts. It was a failure, a total failure. I was ready to throw in the towel at that point. Abby, however, had now strengthened her resolve, she didn’t want to quit.
The next day, she said we were going to watch an erotic hypnosis video. It was by someone called TexTrance. I don’t know where she found it, or how, but like I say, she is a researcher. So, we watched it. I totally wasn’t in the mood that night, but Abby was in. I’ll admit, overall with the sex stuff.. I was a little nervous that the spark between us had gone as quickly as it did. I mean Jesus, we were only 33. I decided I was in no position to be saying no to anything that could help re-ignite it. So, I cooperated.
Abby played the video link on our big screen tv. The same big screen tv where we had binged every Netlix, Hulu, Paramount, Peacock, and Disney + show known to man over the last year. This TV and couch was like the center of our world, but also, maybe the center of our problem? I don’t know. Anyway, that irony wasn’t lost on me that it was also the location where we were going to try to right the ship, so to speak. As I was thinking about all of this, a swirling spiral came on the screen. It had a slow fluid motion that cycled the color spectrum. Peaceful music began to play through our sound bar. The combination was surprisingly calming.
This guy’s voice came on. I assumed he was the aforementioned TexTrance. I could tell by the hint of a drawl that he was from Texas. I was surprised to find that the simple fact that I heard a Texas drawl wasn’t a dealbreaker for me. I have kind of grown to hate it over the last year, I’ll admit.
It was clear that this guy was experienced though. He had us doing this thing were we squeezed are hands, then released, then squeezed our leg muscles and released, all while watching the spiral and listening to him talk.
I’ll admit, it was relaxing, I felt myself sinking into the couch a bit, my whole body relaxing more and more with each word he spoke.
I was missing some of his words, but I eventually heard him say, "I am deeply relaxed and focused."
I heard Abby repeat it, which surprised me, but it also surprised me that I found myself repeating it as well. Is this too effective? Should I be worried about this working?
"All my worries have floated away… all my fears have disappeared." He said and again we both repeated. That was true, I knew I had been getting worried about something moments ago, but I couldn’t remember what it was. I felt really calm.
"I cannot turn my eyes away… I will not let them close." We both repeated, slowly.
"It doesn't matter that they are so heavy… so tired… so ready to close… the colors are too pretty to watch." At this point, I didn’t repeat, and I don’t think Abby did either. I couldn’t really open my mouth anymore.
"And it doesn't matter that you feel so tired… so sleepy… you must keep your eyes open."
I remember actually yawning. I was feeling so sleepy, as I noticed how rapidly my eyes were blinking.
"So close them… but not yet," the voice said. "You will wait. You must wait until I count down from ten… then, and only then, your eyes will become so heavy that you won't be able to keep them open any longer. When they close, you will feel ten times as relaxed as you feel now… and you will give in to that very sleepy feeling, and fall asleep immediately."
My peripheral vision somehow still picked up Abby nodding her head slowly to that. Was I?
"Good," TexTrance said, "You're doing so well now, and… Ten." I remember my already heavy eyes blinked even more as they began to get even heavier.
"Nine." My mind began to float away.
"Six." The colors began to fade and become blurry.
"Five," TexTrance said. "Background noises are not important… Four."
"My voice is more important, so much more important… Three."
"You can hardly stay awake any longer, with two…" my eyes were almost closed and blinking very rapidly now. "So heavy… so sleepy…" Giving in… only giving in… that's all you can do now, with one."
Next thing I knew, Abby and I were waking up. We both felt INCREDIBLE, and we made love and it was so… electric. It was like every nerve ending in our bodies was like ten times more sensitive it was really amazing. For the first time in a while, the sex was incredible. We were so thrilled.
So, we were happy to try it again the next night, and the night after that, and yes, the night after that. An interesting thing was that we seemed to “go under” more easily each time we watched. Abby did some research, and said that was normal. It was the day after that when the first weird thing happened. I got an e-mail from TexTrance.
The e-mail itself was fairly innocuous. He just apologized for not checking his e-mail sooner, then thanked me for listening, and asked me to tell him a little bit about myself. I couldn’t believe he had my e-mail. That scared me. Then, I looked down the message thread, and realized that I had emailed him. Five times in fact! I looked at the time stamps, and realized it was during the time when we were watching his video. I must have e-mailed him while hypnotized? That was kind of spooky.
Unnerved, I called Abby. “Hi, I just got an e-mail from… our friend that makes the content” I said, not wanting to mention a hypno video or anything, as I was at work.
Abby was at home, so she could talk more freely. “TexTrance, yeah, so did I”
“Don’t you think that’s weird?” I asked.
“I guess, I mean it must have been a post hypnotic suggestion. I e-mailed him that I was ‘completely hypnotized’, but I didn’t send any personal info or anything” she told me.
“Yeah, me too. What did he write back?” I asked.
“It was all fine, he just like, asked about me. He probably just wants to know who is watching his videos.” She said, seemingly unalarmed.
“Did you write back?” I asked.
“Yes. I didn’t like, use my real name and stuff, just that I was early 30’s and married. No big deal.:
“Oh, ok” I said, then I had to go, as I had a meeting. During the meeting, I thought about how I should respond, and did so as soon as I go to my lunch break.
Much to my surprise, I got an e-mail back pretty quickly. Again, it was pleasant. He thanked me for listening, then sent me a link to another file. I texted Abby immediately, and she confirmed that she had received the link too. At that point, our plans for the evening were set.
We watched that one that evening. We both went right out for it. Afterwards, was the great sex . I knew this was… unconventional, but it wasn’t just the best sex we had shared in the last few months, it was the best sex of our entire relationship.
The next morning, I had an e-mail from TexTrance, asking how we enjoyed it. I was more than happy to pay him my compliments. I exuberantly thanked him. He was gracious in his return e-mails, telling me that he was happy we had a good time with it. He seemed like a nice guy. He then asked me to tell him a little bit about Abby and I. I didn’t want to get into too much detail, but I gave him the basics, telling him about the move from the East Coast, etc. He then asked for a picture of us. I hesitated at that point, as I really wanted to stay anonymous in this whole thing.
By the afternoon, he could tell I was stalling on sending the pic. He wrote me and asked if I wanted another file. I did reply to that e-mail right away, and told him we absolutely would, and thanked him. His response back was that this should be somewhat of a two way street, and when I send a picture, he’ll send another file. I sat on that for a bit, and didn’t reply.
As the afternoon went by, I kept thinking about it though. His files were awesome. They were really well done, and the sex afterwards was so so hot. The whole adventure was really helping Abby and my relationship in and out of the bedroom. I had a very very SFW pic of us with hiking clothes and knit hats on. That picture wasn’t such a big deal, I figured I could send that to him and it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Frankly, the sun was behind us in the picture, and it was hard to make out our faces. This wouldn’t be too revealing to send. So, I attached it to an e-mail and sent it off to him.
Sure enough, I got a file back a little while later. I was happy about that, as it was now the night’s entertainment. I figured this is what couples in the 90’s felt like when they scored with a good movie at the video store. Anyway, I couldn’t wait to go home and tell Abby that I got us another file.
However, when I got home, she was there to greet me with the exact same surprise. We both laughed as we thought we were presenting the other with a big treat.
“Well, I have to say, I appreciate you.” Abby said with a kiss on my cheek. “I’m sure you didn’t like taking a selfie, so thank you for doing that in order to give us a fun night.”
“Wait, what?” I asked, “You sent a selfie?” I asked.
“Yeah, that was the ‘price of admission’ so to speak. Didn’t you send a selfie?” she asked.
“Well, I sent a picture, but it didn’t have to be a selfie” I said.
“Ok, well, basically the same thing, right?” she proposed.
“I guess” I admitted, though for some reason, I didn’t feel like it was. It was also odd to me that the request for her would be different than the request from me. I suddenly wondered if our files were different too. I looked at mine. It said ‘Brian custom’ with the date on it. I asked for my wife’s phone. Sure enough, hers said ‘Abby custom’ and the date.
I pointed this out to her, and she did pause. “Do you think it is a big deal?” she asked.
“I don’t know, maybe we should chill for a night?” I suggested, as I kind of wanted to sort this out a bit.
“Maybe…” she said non committally. “But, when you think about it, this isn’t really any different than what we’ve been doing. I mean, I guess we’ll listen with our headphones instead of playing the sound off the speaker of the TV, but that’s about it, right?” she said. It was clear she didn’t want to abort. “Plus, mine came with instructions to use water proof headphones. You have those for swimming, right? I’m very curious as to why I’ll need those. Besides, we always have so much ‘fun’ after” she said with a cute little raised eyebrow and a wink.
That was true, and I had been looking forward to this all day. Also, I still couldn’t bare the thought of just going back to streaming shows at 6:00pm either. I relented, and we did the files after dinner. As per the new usual, I was pretty much out right away, however, what was unusual, is that I woke up from the file before Abby did. I had a raging hard on, which had happened before. I looked over at Abby, she was still deep in trance. Her headphones were on, and her eyes were closed. Her breathing was ragged. She was touching her neck, her breasts, and in between her legs. God, it was so hot to watch. I was so, so hard. I was hoping she would awake soon… which she did, kind of.
Her eyes opened, though she didn’t look my way. She was just looking straight ahead with a vacant stare as she started to get up off the couch.
“Are you ok?” I asked, though I got no response. I then watched as she slowly walked towards the shower. I could tell she was still in a trance. I followed her, of course, with my dick still painfully hard.
She paid me no attention however as she walked into the bathroom, removing her clothes. All with almost no expression on her face. This was strange, but oddly also fascinating, as I was like a secret voyeur, despite the fact that I was right in the room.
I watched as Abby turned on the shower, adjusting the water temperature. As she stepped into the shower, I was aroused, but only half surprised when she adjusted the shower massage to a more pulsating beat, then placed herself lying down in the tub portion rather than standing.
"What is going on?" I wondered aloud to no one, as she most certainly couldn’t hear me. Not only did she still have the headphones on, but she was clearly still deep in the thrall of the file.
Comfortably positioning herself down inside the tub, I watched as she drew her legs towards her chest, spreading them. As the water cascaded down towards her from the shower, it fell in a wildly undulating beat that began to playfully massage her sex. By the look on her face, and the expression in her eyes, I knew that it very… sexually pleasurable.
"Damn!" I exhaled. My cock was painfully hard watching this. Yet for nearly twenty minutes, I watched as Abby allowed the spray of the shower to make love to her as she was lost in the hypnotic haze the waterproof headphones provided. Periodically she adjusted her position, obviously varying the intensity, or perhaps the placement of the stream as it caressed in its own very unique way. As she drew closer to climax, I watched as she reached down, spreading her lips with her fingers even more widely a part than they had been.
For the first time, I heard her speak, though it was difficult as the shower pretty much obscured the sound of anything else as she lay there.
"TexTrance TexTrance TexTrance."
I didn’t like that, but I could also tell by pleasured sighs that orgasm was only moments away. Judging her reactions, as I was obviously aware having seen her climax before, that she was close now, very close. Figuring I was only moments away now myself, I continued pleasing myself, anticipating that I would likely cum when she did. Seconds later, she did that, leaning forward slightly humping the water cock that was assuaging her pussy, once again yelling out the name of the creator of the hypnotic file as she orgasmed hard.
Here’s the problem, I did not. I just couldn’t cum. It was stuck, it was like…I didn’t have permission. I couldn’t believe it. It was the weirdest fucking thing, and I didn’t like it. Meanwhile, Abby was getting out of the tub and drying off, still not paying any attention to me. It was like I was a ghost. Things were getting too weird with all of this shit.
She walked into the bedroom naked, and I followed her with my still rock hard cock. I was hoping she was going to take out the earbuds and say “let’s have sex”, but she started putting on her pajamas. Sure enough, she just went to bed, leaving the ear buds in.
I went to tell her to take them out, and that we were not in sync tonight, but as soon as I saw her head it the pillow, I all of a sudden felt like I had taken twenty sleeping pills. I didn’t even make it to the bed, I collapsed on the floor next to it, not waking until my alarm went off in the morning.
Abby was still sleeping when I got up, but that was very typical for us. Working from home allowed her more time to sleep in the morning. I was always very careful not to wake her, and this morning was no different. I was still hard when I woke up. Again, morning wood wasn’t that unusual either, so I didn’t worry too much about it and got in the shower.
When my boner wouldn’t go down by the time I was out of the shower and shaving, I knew I had a problem. I wore my loosest khaki’s to work, but still raced to my desk so no one would see me. I e-mailed TexTrance right away.
“Something is wrong. I’m still… at attention. It won’t end. I think the file was cut off at the end or something.” I wrote him.
He e-mailed right back. This was pretty early in the morning, so I was surprised. “It’s fine. I’ll give you permission in a few minutes. Hey, where do you work?”
I replied right back. “I don’t want to get into personal identification stuff. Can you just fix this, I have a lot of stuff happening today”
The answer didn’t take long. “I like to know who I am corresponding with. That’s important to me. Tell you what. Once you write back to me with where you work, you have my permission to cum.”
I couldn’t believe that. This was all so stupid. I just needed to concentrate on work. Once I did that, it would get my mind off whatever stupid hypnotic block was there and my stupid boner would go down and I’d be fine. I started going through e-mails. A colleague wanted to get together to look at some quarterly numbers, and asked when I was free. I went to my outlook calendar, and that is when I realized I had a company huddle in the lobby at 10:00. Those things were big gatherings of the whole team, usually to “pump us up”… though more likely to pump up the CEO’s ego. Either way, they were standing room events… and standing was not going to be a good idea for me in my current condition.
‘Fuck’, he had me.
Totally pissed off, I wrote him back and told him the name of the consultancy firm I worked for. Then I sat there waiting for his return e-mail like a pathetic asshole.
Finally, it came. “Very good. You have my permission to cum. You are welcome. Enjoy!”
This was so fucking annoying, and weird, but it was unfortunately very real too. I knew there was a handicap bathroom on the 7th floor that locked, so I headed there, praying I wouldn’t run into too many coworkers on the way.
Once inside, I thought of Abby in the shower for like, 10 seconds, and that was all I needed. When I finally came, I was so relieved. At least now I could get on with my work day. However, it was quite clear that we had a very severe TexTrance problem.
I went out to my car at lunch and called Abby. Our relationship was built on complete honesty, so I certainly had no intentions of holding any of this back. I told her the full story. I told her about him wanting to know where I worked, and him ‘witholding permission’. I really didn’t take a breath through much of my story. I just sort of rapid fired it out to her. I ended with “so, of course we need to stop with these files.”
I finally exhaled, as I waited for her to chime in with complete agreement. Instead, there was silence.
“Abby?” I called out. Maybe the call got dropped.
“Yeah, I’m here. I mean, could it just be like, maybe not as bad as it seems right now?” she asked.
That shocked me. “What? Like how?”
“Like, he asks me questions too. Like what did we do before we found his files. I told him about the porn and stuff, and that we didn’t like it. That made sense, he wants to know who is the audience for his files. So with you and your work, I don’t know, maybe he just wanted to make sure you weren’t a cop or something?” Abby answered.
“Ab, first of all, how would that not be bad? If he is afraid of cops, that is a major issue in and of itself!”
“Ok, ok, bad example. Maybe he wants to make sure you aren’t like, his coworker or something. Maybe he works at like an insurance agency, and it would be bad if this got out… I don’t know. I’m just not sure we should quit cold turkey just because of one little weird thing..” she said.
“Ab, we have to. Also, quit cold turkey is like a term that you use when you quite smoking, or something addictive. That alone doesn’t sound good. We need to cool it for a while.” I said.
After a pause, I heard a sheepish. “Ok”
“Ok” I matched. I told her I would see her tonight, and that I’d bring home thai for dinner. It was a quiet end to the call, but I knew we were doing the right thing. That night was quiet too. The thai was fine, and we watched some boring Dateline episode as we both tried to act like it wasn’t a big deal that we weren’t doing a file. We ended up going to bed at like 8:30. The next night was pretty much the same.
That brings us to the Thursday when I came home and saw her on her knees that I realized she must have been listening during the day while I was at work. I was so mad, not mad at her, but mad at our situation. Mad at Texas, mad at the political forces that made us move here. Ok, that was likely a bit of misplaced blame, but I was just so pissed off!
“Ab, you said you would not do it. I can’t believe you would lie to me!” I shouted. I had never shouted at her before.
She looked back at me apologetically with her big brown eyes. “I’m sorry, but what he wants comes first.” she said quietly. “I told him where we live” she added quietly.
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I was about to complain and fight about that more when the gravity of what she actually said sunk in. “Wait, you told him where we live…. Shit Ab, does that mean he is coming here? We have to get the fuck out of here!” I said, now in a panic.
“He wants me on my knees waiting for him.” Abby said to me with her big brown eyes staring back at me. I couldn’t tell if there was contrition, fear, or hope in her eyes. This was such a fucked up situation. Just then, I heard a car door close in our driveway. I knew it must be him.
My fight or flight kicked in. I grabbed her arm to pull her up. She only weighs like 115 lbs, so I was thinking I could just lift her out of there and take her out the back door. She started pulling against me though, struggling to stay on her knees as this madman entered our house.
“He wants me on my knees waiting for him as he gets here!” Abby grunted angrily as she struggled against me.
“Ab, we are in way too fucking deep here we have to go!” I pleaded.
I heard the door open. I looked over, a wiry man in his fifties walked into my house. He was carrying bags and what seemed to be some equipment with him. He wore a white cowboy hat with a spiral on the middle of it, like where the buckle would be. Or maybe cowboy hats don’t have buckles. I don’t know, it doesn’t matter. What mattered was that I knew that had to be TexTrance.
“Let her go, and fall to your knees. Do that now. Obey me.” He said calmly.
“Fuck you!” my head thought. But my hands and my legs thought his idea was much better. They complied immediately. I knew that wasn’t good at all as I fell to my knees.
I turned and looked at Abby, I was wondering if there would finally be fear in her eyes as she realized how screwed we were. But there wasn’t. Her big brown eyes were just staring at the intruder before us, almost… lustifully. She was looking at him like he was a fucking rock star, like he was the greatest thing in the entire world. My heart broke.
“Look at me. Do it now. Obey me” he said, and my head snapped to him. “Look at the spiral on my hat….” He said. Soon everything went dark.
"And wake." Was the next thing he said. I was still on my knees in the living room. My wife was on his lap. He glanced at me as he moved his hand on her bare thigh. Abby had worn a pair of pink gingham shorts and a pink fuzzy sweater. She was looking at him with an adoring, hazy gaze.
“Kiss me” he whispered. She didn't say anything, just reclined her head on the couch as he moved in and kissed her. I felt funny feelings in my stomach watching this guy kiss my wife. I saw his tongue move along her lips and then she opened her mouth. Accepting it, letting him kiss her, long, wet, passionately.
Then he moved his hands under her sweater and massaged her tits eventually unsnapping her bra and pulling both it and her sweater over her head. I could tell from his smooth motions that he had done this before. That was even more clear as he had her naked on her knees in just a few minutes of skilled disrobing and hypnotic language. Soon, she was knees sucking his cock as he stroked her hair all the time telling her how much he knew she loved serving him.
"You like that hypnotic cock don't you Abby? You like sucking on that Texas hypno dick," he questioned. She merely nodded her head without letting the pole slip free.
"Yes, suck on Master's dick. I knew all those nights listening to my hypnotic voice you wanted it. You did, didn't you baby? All those nights following my commands, you been wanting some of Master's cock haven't you sugar?"
Again, Abby nodded. "Tell me. Tell Master how much you want my hypnotic cock,"
Abby removed the meat from her lips long enough to confirm his answer, "I do. I want to suck it. I want your hypnotic cock," she moaned as she went back to slurping on his hard shaft.
"Master?" I thought. TexTrance was referring to himself as Master. Fuck.
Kneeling on my living room floor, I watched as her small hands slid up and down his shaft. Her soft pink lips moving up and down on the stranger’s cock which disappeared in her pretty mouth. She was gasping as she tried to swallow all the prick but could only manage perhaps half as he moved her auburn hair behind her ear. She was so… desperate for his cock. I had never seen her like that.
My own cock was rock hard in my pants and I wanted to take it out and cum kneeling there watching the spectacle of this hypnotist getting a blowjob from my wife. But I couldn’t, as I didn’t have fucking permission.
I knew there was no stopping this now. She was possessed by his cock and I was totally turned on watching it. "Look on the TV baby. Look at what I'm doing to my slaves," he encouraged. That’s when I realized he was playing a fucking porn on our TV. I looked over at it. The video showed TexTrance fucking what looked like Sororiety girls. There was an Alpha Chi Omega banner in the background. One girl had her legs spread wide as he pounded his cock into her pussy as he told another named Christine to masturbate. His scrwany ass moving up and down as he thrust into her. I could kind of tell that the video was at least 15+ years old. One, from the way he looked, and two from the video quality, but three was that the song Don’t Cha by the Pussy Cat Dolls was playing.
I looked over at Abby.
"I'm going to fuck you now, That's what you been wanting isn't it baby. I think I want to make another video. You’d love to be in one of my porno’s, wouldn’t you Abby? It is a great way to serve me, and to have my hypnotic cock in that tight married pussy. That's what you've been dying to feel isn't it," he kept on.
"Yes, yes I want it. I want to serve you. And to have your hypnotic cock in my pussy. Fuck me Master," she begged in between wet slurps on his shaft.
"Tell Master what he wants to hear. Tell me," he demanded. Even in my freaked out/half hypnotized/half tortured and captive state, I found this a redundant comment. She literally just said it. He must have just gotten off on the power of it all.
"I want you to fuck my little pussy. Fuck me like you fuck your hypnotized slaves. Use me," she begged. It broke my heart.
"You gonna' be my little hypnotized slave? You gonna' be like my other slaves and become a hypno porno movie star for me?," he grilled.
I couldn't believe how TexTrance was talking to Abby openly about porn and she didn’’t freak out. She hated pornography with a passion by this point. But here she was on her knees, slurping on his cock, wet with her saliva that dribbled from her mouth.
For a second, I thought I apprehension in her eyes, but she didn't sound like it as she answered him back, "Yes, please make me your hypno porno star. I'll do whatever you want me to do, be with whoever you tell me, just fuck me with your hypnotic cock. I want to feel your cock. Please give it to me!" she begged.
TexTrance lifted her head off his cock. "Brian, set up the video equipment," he instructed me. I was shocked to find myself quickly obeying his command.
He guided her to a sitting position facing him on the couch with her squatting just over his cock.
"You know when I put this in what it means don't you," he inquired as he grasped his rod in his hand under her. Abby simply nodded her head, rested it on his. "Move up a little," he directed as she raised her ass just a few inches as he guided the head of his thick cock to her quivering pussy. I couldn’t believe I was actually filming this for him.
"Master's gonna' fuck you now baby. That's what you want isn't it. To feel my cock in that pussy," he cooed. Abby nodded as she sat down on the Texan’s shaft as in my camera view screen I saw it disappear under her until her ass was flush with his crotch.
It was done. I knew it. I wondered if Abby and I would be the same. I wasn't sure. Not after this night.
"Who's that pussy belong to?" he asked softly as he kissed her face.
"You Master. It's your pussy now," Abby admitted as she sought out his mouth and willingly took in his tongue that he put out to greet her quivering lips.
They fucked slowly for several minutes, barely moving their hips together on the couch as they remained in a passionate kiss. Every once in a while she would arch her back and lean back and present her modest breasts to him which he sucked into his mouth.
As he moved from one tit to the other, he told me I had permission to jerk off. I didn’t want to, because I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. But, I couldn't hold back any longer as I unzipped my fly and stroked my cock. In just a matter of seconds I launched a stream of cum that shot onto the living room floor.
That was five months ago, it’s May now. Abby and I watch the video frequently, then we have sex. When she comes, she yells that she loves Plano and Porno. And yes, we are both devoted slaves to Master TexTrance. Both Abby and I are actively embezzling from our companies for him right now.
#hypno #hypnotized #mindcintrol #cuckold
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