#just as much as i love ace cas
I saw your post about Free to Be You And Me, and had to stop and blink for like thirty straight seconds, because I could not for the life of me even remember what Dean was doing in that episode. That was the episode with hunters and Lucifer all stalking Sam! That was the Lucifer showing up as Jess and appealing to all of Sam's guilt episode! It was the Sam spitting out demon blood episode! It was the talk about addiction with a stranger in the middle of nowhere episode! Who watches that and thinks about anything other than Sam?!
Real and true anon, real and true. I said in the original tags that you couldn't pay me to have to remember/think about the non Sam portions of the episode lol.
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natalchartnurtures · 4 months
PAC: Energy Check~ for wherever you are right now
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This was completely unplanned but frankly spirit doesn't give a fuck about my plans. So if this found you, here are some messages you probably need right now-
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pile 1: Ooh.. as I was preparing to start your reading, I saw 11:11 as the Chariot card showed up for you. This. Tells me that you are pretty strongly connected to your divine path right now, which simply means that you're doing something that's keeping you in alignment, sweet pile one! Good job! Keep going down this road because you WILL stumble upon amazing experiences and people! This message is coming through quite strongly. Now, isn't that lovely? Hehe.
Here's the thing, though.. Although you're actually IN alignment with your greatest timeline and life, you seem to be completely UNAWARE of the fact! You might be going through the necessary purging emotionally and/or mentally as a result of this alignment since the "old stuff" has no more room in your new vibration anymore. So, you've probably had to go through some intense endings and/or tower moments in life lately and THIS has left you feeling really, really sad. Maybe even depressed. For some of you, if that's the case, please seek help, sweet soul. It doesn't have to be therapy but even as simple as talking to a trusted loved one, you know? Or even journaling about it could help if you're into it. It seems like you could use a new perspective on the things you're going through right now. I'm sensing that you might be feeling emotionally numb right now too, but that's because you've been doing a lot of emotional processing lately AND IT'S ALL PAYING OFF. I just need you to know that. You just can't see it right now because you're slap dead in the middle of the storm, and I'm looking at it from a bird's eye view, you know?
While you're purging old stuff, I also see you making your way through an old core belief - "I gotta work hard to be deserving of anything because I inherently don't" Or something along those lines. You may have started purging this belief as a result of life showing you that it's simply not something worth keeping alive inside you. Maybe recently, you caught yourself overworking yourself to death only to receive very little in return (in any area of your life - relationships included) and this experience helped you wake up to this unhelpful belief of yours. You're unlearning this belief as we speak. It's not easy though, but I CAN assure you, you're acing it.
If you find yourself worrying too much about anything and everything or simply feeling a general fear, just know that it's a normal reaction to having things uprooted in your life. Life, right now, is asking you to do your best to focus on what's right in front of you because if you do this, the future is guaranteed to sort itself out. I promise.
I love you so much, pile 1. I see all your hard work and am rooting for you SO hard, bro. Love and light.
Pile 2: Seems like to me that y'all have been STUCK in a particular pattern for a while now, maybe years? For some of you folks reading? Let me spell it out for you what this pattern looks like to me - an imbalance of the mind and heart. Too much mind and too little heart. Maybe none at all.
I can't seem to tap into the root of this imbalance, maybe because it's different for each of you reading, OR maybe it's not relevant to us right now because you can simply begin to address this imbalance as you see it in your day-to-day. But I sense that you're really good at addressing things, so once you're conscious of this pattern going on subtly in the background, running your life, you can really do something about this. This pattern may show up as you struggling with feeling fear, and this is blocking you off to one very important thing fear is here to show us, and that is how to support ourselves. If we are afraid of something we desire and have a healthy relationship with fear, we go for the desire while caretaking our fear. I read a quote the other day, it said "Do that thing you love but if you find that you're scared, then go do it scared." The point I'm trying to make is, fear isn't going to go away on its own, it's you who will simply expand your ability to hold space for it AND your desires equally. When you figure out how to do this, magic will happen in your life. You'll find that your unwillingness to caretake your fear only gave you more things to be afraid of (because, hello, Law Of Attraction *lol*), BUT you'll also find that when you radically start taking responsibility for your fear(s), you'll be able to act from a wiser space and be your full badass self. You'll find that there are so many things you CAN do and so much life you CAN live. Everything you've wanted to start doing in life will start to happen almost seamlessly. It WILL surprise you big time. You're currently making your way through an important part of your healing, and that is to hold yourself in all your glory. To hold all parts of yourself, even the ones that are scared shitless. Once you've integrated this segment of your healing, SO many doors will unlock for you. Sweet soul, you have no clue of JUST HOW MANY. And this… is probably because you manifest with your heart primarily (meaning you feel things deeply and so you unknowingly tap into the frequency of what you want easily) and your fear is keeping you stuck in your head, which means you're only 40% of the full You right now, PRIOR the healing of c. You might even feel it sometimes. You might feel like you're only a shell of a person (been there myself, you're not alone in this!). Listen to that feeling. Your truth lies in there. You're meant to be the 100% you, and I see that you're already halfway there!
I love you so much, pile 2, sending you so much light and love. Hope you find the resources you need to make it through to your new life where you live in more love than fear.
Pile 3: Man… y'all been fighting for your lives, huh? I see that you may be in the midst of a lot of divinely evoked darkness? Lol, I literally heard that - divinely evoked darkness. Maybe you're going through a dark night of the soul, perhaps? Whatever your're going through though, it seems like you've been hanging on for dear life.
Some good news for you- no matter the circumstances you're in right now (be it good, bad, or terrible), you've been doing all the work necessary to keep your head above water and have been diligently nurturing your own light, positivity, and essence. THAT'S incredible resilience, sweet pile 3, and I'm really proud of you! It's not easy to keep an open heart through bad times, and that's such a grand achievement in my eyes. UGH, BEAUTIFUL.
Your energy SCREAMS transition period vibes. You seem to be neither in your "old" timeline nor in the new one yet. You're sorta hanging in the middle right now. I see the Hanged Man in the third eye as I tell you this. Feels like you're in the void right now, and things just seem… bleh. Boring. Colorless. This is probably because you're already done with the ugly part of the process, "the divine shakeups", the loss, and the purge. Think… the bland but peaceful feeling you feel after having an intense ugly crying session, you know? Yeah, you're energetically there right now. You'll probably be here for a while longer because you've let go of MAJOR stuff, pile 3. Did you let go of people recently, maybe? Or that old bad habit, perhaps? That was the purge, so to speak. And now you're in the aftermath of it all, the uncomfortable but necessary calm.
-Side note: You might've struggled to embody your divine feminine earlier, but the timeline you're entering right now is the exact opposite of that. You might be attracted towards things that will help you nurture your own divine feminine right now. Give into it. Nurture patience, stillness, and compassion for self. It will HOPEFULLY speed up the void period if you consciously take part in it, you know?-
You're quite emotionally intelligent, and it has guided you throughout the whole process, and it also seems like it ain't your first rodeo in the process of proverbial death and rebirth. Good on you because you're doing a real good job keeping your calm through venturing into the unknown. You know what? You remind me of Elsa from Frozen, taking on the unknown like it belongs to her. You are such a queen, omg.
Yep, all that's left to do now is celebrate yourself, pile 3! Try your best to embrace this period, the void, and you'll be on your way to your next happy adventure! Love and light, sweet soul. Thanks for sharing your energy with me today.
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cyborg-franky · 8 months
Playing with their hair.
SFW GN Reader Chars include: Killer, Marco, Ace, Corazon/Rosinante
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Moments like this with Killer were some of your favorites. Just laying together in his hammock, his strong arms around you. He wore his sleep mask and just rested with you while you read a book. It was nice, a calm that you longed for more of. 
Being a pirate, especially a Kidd pirate, didn’t often afford you moments like this. You sighed and turned the page as you felt him shift to get comfortable. You felt something tickle you, a strand of his long cascading hair.
You couldn't help yourself, playing with it, wrapping it around your finger, and watching how it shone in the light. He had lovely hair, so long and full and it made you jealous. You started to gather up his hair and run your fingers through it. 
He made a noise and you blinked, looking up at him. The sleep mask was pushed up on his forehead so he could watch you. “Sorry, is that annoying?” you asked about to withdraw.
“No,I like it,” he said with a thoughtful hum. He turned his head and let you run fingers through the entire length. It took you a moment to run fingers from the top of his head all the way down to the end of his hair.
“Good, I like playing with it.” You said with a smile.
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He’s working, reading over the papers scattered in front of him, he’s hunched over his desk. Marco worked late into the night and as much as you admired him and knew he didn’t need to get as much sleep as everyone else, you still worried about him.
Getting up from the chair you were sitting in, nursing a cup of tea he’d made you a while ago you furrowed your brows, it had gone cold, you’d neglected it too long. You stretched and walked over to the sink, tipping it out. “Want another tea Marco?” you called and he didn’t answer..
So lost in his own little world until he finally noticed you, looking over his shoulder as you walked over. You stood behind him and started to play with his tuft of hair, pulling it up into a pineapple do before letting it flop back on his head.
You could tell he’d closed his eyes now, leaning into your touch, enjoying the feeling of you running gentle fingers over his scalp, lightly brushing his hair back each time, letting out a happy little hmmm before you kissed the side of his head.
“Another tea?” you repeated.
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Sitting on your shared bed, muscles aching after a long day of work you needed to feel the pillows on your back as you sank into them. You watched as Ace stumbled into the room. Limbs heavy from his duties, his day was even longer, the curse of being a commander you guessed.
He dragged his feet, his boots clomping on the floor before he kicked them off. You could see the bags under his eyes, the tired look on his face, you glanced at the clock. Well, it was close to when Ace would consider retiring for the night.
You watched as Ace managed to remove his belt, the buckle making a clank as it hit the floor. Tossing his hat on the desk, missing with a grumble as he collapsed onto the bed with you, his head on your lap as he sighed into your thighs and mumbled something,
Chuckling at his half-asleep mutter of I love you you started to run your fingers through his wavy hair, enjoying how they ran through, careful of any knots that had formed during the day. You heard him make a happy sound, his body going limp against you, and his breathing slowed down.
You watched him adjust, turning his head to one side and letting you brush the hair off his freckled cheeks, behind his ear. Your loving touches started to send Ace to sleep. You smiled when you heard his soft snores.
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He’d just come out of the shower, training had been hard work, and he’d had to stay behind longer after because he had knocked over a bunch of equipment. You sniffed the air when the door opened, letting out the smell of his shampoo. 
You watched as he sat on the edge of the bed, a towel around his shoulders which seemed tense, you knew he felt bad when he had caused an inconvenience due to his clumsy nature. You crawled over to him, kneeling behind him and grabbing the towel. 
He made a confused noise before you started to dry his hair, firm but gentle. His shoulders relaxed as he leaned into what you were doing. You smiled when he closed his eyes and let out a happy sigh, just basking in the attention.
Once you’d towel-dried his hair you leaned in, taking a big whiff of his hair and making a happy noise. “I love it when you’ve just washed your hair, it always smells amazing.” You commented and heard the low rumble of his chuckle.
“I never change it because of that,” Rosinante replied, feeling fingers run through his damp hair, enjoying how you played with it.
He always felt happy and relaxed when with you.
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kimbap-r0ll · 11 months
Dorm Leaders Meet Villain Counterparts
If my childhood self saw Twst, I feel like she would combust because it's literally two parts of my childhood put together (anime and Disney). But here's something I thought of for Halloween or for some writing in general, hope you enjoy!
I feel like he would kind of fangirl, like omg this is literally a Great Seven just standing in front of him!
Is extremely polite, the queen probably likes him because he remembers every rule, every little thing that will get him on his good side.
The two of them probably get along to some extent, though I feel like even if she is kinda bonkers, she would feel a little bad for how he basically had no childhood. Like yeah Riddle's the role-model student and dorm leader, but this kid hasn't had much fun in his life. Might actually be a little more chill with him haha
Overall the two of them are definitely immediate friends and will be a nightmare to Ace and Deuce. I can see these two enjoying tea together while Ace and Deuce have to paint flowers lmaooo
How does this work? Like a lion meeting a beastman? I feel like Scar would be more confused than Leona like "what is going on this guy's like half me?"
I feel like they wouldn't really have a fangirling moment like Riddle did, but they are definitely chill together. Like Leona might be like "Imma sleep here" and Scar's like "👍" and they don't bother each other. Do I think Scar will try to eat Leona? No. But will he try to eat other students? Maybe
The two totally understand the whole "my-brother-got-all-the-attention" feeling and might bond a bit with that. Not sure what that would look like, but they might complain about how Mufasa/Farena feel too pompous. Oh, and they don't like kids, find them annoying haha
I really have no idea how this would look like since it would look like a lion just standing around in a dorm lobby with a prince just like "yo whattup bro" but I would love to see it!
Definitely fangirls a little bit, might scare Ursula a tad because he seems to know everything about her? I mean, great at least she's regarding as a "benevolent" person
The two are totally going to plot for someone's demise together and make a fail-proof plan to take over the school. Crowley stops the two from going too far but they have the plan, it might happen any day lol. They definitely talk about their favorite spells and potions for sure
I feel like Ursula would feel kinda bad for Azul too, sort of like Riddle's case. Will remind him to not worry about others since she thinks he's much better than all of the other students. Azul might tear up a bit (the two share a small wholesome moment before going back to business-related stuff)
I feel like it would be kinda fun to see how they would act together. I think they would at first notice each others' scams and then be like "omg great minds think alike" lmaoo
Kalim (feat. Jamil)
Kalim thinks Jafar looks scary, but nonetheless is super hyped to meet him. Will throw a big party and it might cause the sorcerer to be low-key stunned by all of the attention. If Iago's there, he definitely got a biscuit/cracker from Kalim by force
I feel like Jafar will talk more to Jamil than Kalim while he's busy trying to chase Iago down by carpet (please a carpet chase please) mainly because Jafar kinda feels bad for Jamil. Like this guy's had almost the same life as he did, but Jamil is like "nope don't worry I have a plan 😈"
Jamil probably likes Iago because he's always wanted a parrot as a pet, will likely not force a cracker/biscuit which helps Iago warm up to him faster than Kalim.
I think all of these characters could hit it off well, but it's honestly kinda awkward when Jafar's like "I was going to overthrow the sultan" and then Kalim's like "...that lowkey feels familiar but imma let that slide 💀"
The two are immediately like "you're beautiful queen" "thank you bae" 😭
I literally feel like they would bash their respective rivals while doing skin care together. Like they'll be like "xyz is so annoying" whlie lying down on a couch and the other one is like "fr." Iconic, and definitely all the students can tell the Evil Queen has a regal air about her. Vil doesn't fangirl as much as the others, but he definitely says that he respects her a lot
I think the Evil Queen, as evil as she is, will still feel bad for Vil since she can see how much effort and work he puts into his work. He's a model, an influencer, a dorm leader, all at once and it feels like not a lot of people respect him as much as they should. Definitely tells him that he's doing well
The two of them need to do a collaboration of some kind, and if she happens to help him out on dorm duties one day all of the students are like "oh no it's like 2 Vils at once" lol
I actually really want to see this, probably will be the funniest interaction because they're almost like polar opposites. Hades is all like "Hades, Lord of the Underworld how'rya doin?" and Idia's like "...eep"
While Hades is around Twisted Wonderland he'll definitely try to raise idia's confidence. Will take him all around campus to get him to talk to people and also to show off his own skills lol. But Hades probably loved watching Idia play video games, like damn why's he so good at rhythm games 💀
Will find Ortho super adorable, but definitely felt really bad about Ortho and Idia's backstory. He may be evil in the Disney version of Greek mythology, but I feel like Hades would still have a bit of a heart to feel bad for Idia, like he's gone through so much in so little time. Probs gave him a hug too
The two of them have definitely tried playing some games together, and whenever the two of them got angry at a boss it was like the room lit up red because of their hair lol. Idia probably thought it was super cool that Hades had similar hair to him, maybe fangirled a little bit about that
I feel like the two would have the chillest conversations out of all of them because they just feel like the cool-headed ones. Malleus definitely is respectful towards her, and she is too. Definitely praised him for his magic abilities
The two have bonded over their lack of party invitations, but Malleus is like "oh I've been getting invited to a house tho!" and then boom Yuu has to meet one of the greatest Disney villains of all time while in their pajamas lol
I feel like for sure Maleficent thinks Malleus is a super cool person, might want to meet his mother too just because it might be an interesting interaction. Nonetheless the two of them are super chill. Sebek will want to talk to her too just because she's just so popular
Will Malleus geek out about grotesques and gargoyles to her? Yes. Is it fun for her? Surprisingly so! I feel like even if she's known as the Mistress of Evil, she might like smaller more mundane things like medieval architecture, and it's always fun to hear from Malleus so why not? She has definitely asked Yuu about their life and experiences which might've scared the shit out of them but still haha
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diminuel · 1 month
Do you not see sabo and ace as siblings?? I’m confused why they would ever have sex considering in your au they grew up as siblings?
It's not supposed to be set in the stinky child AU!
I know it's confusing because I just draw whatever comes to my mind without putting up disclaimers about what kind of AU it is (mostly because I have no idea, I just want to draw art) but it's not meant to be in the same timeline.
Some alternative timeline where they got separated for a long time probably? I don't know >w< In any case, they probably don't see each other as siblings.
Maybe I'm too much in my Supernatural brain about this, but Cas getting called a brother by Dean didn't really stop the guy from being in love with him. It's more a brothers in arms deal? Like "by calling you a brother I am signalling to you you're as much family as you can be outside blood. This is brotherhood forged in apocalyptic end times, I love you, I would die for you (never leave me, watch cowboy movies and raise a kid with me please)."
Ace and Luffy's relationship feels a bit different probably because they continued to grow up together while Sabo was lost to them. Wah, now I'm emo ;w;
Sorry for the long answer.
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chenyann · 2 years
Kiss me like you mean it!!
All NRC Boys♡
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|°Rumor:Seems like you're stuck under the mistletoe with some certain boys~ let's see how this goes shall we? |°Rumor warning:gn!reader, cussing, kissing,suggestive(?) But still sfw,ooc(?),Spelling error and othro is platonic as always. |°Ads:I know I havent done half of the list of the count down! But things down go as planned sometimes. I hope yall enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it! [Countdown list here!] (Also if I hear about how this is one day late I'm gonna steal ur fridge)
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He wouldn't be the one to point it out so if you want to kiss him you will have to tell him what yall  are standing under.
Once you do tell him, he just blinks.
You're just standing there like a fool. 
“Riddle, you don't need to” you muttered as you waited, there is a giant elephant in the room and its that mistletoe. If that mistletoe wasn't there you wouldn't have asked and embarrassed yourself. “Riddle….?”
you were embarrassed okay, I would be embarrassed too if I told someone there was a mistletoe, implying that I wanna kiss them and they just stay quiet. Making me look stupid while I wait for a reply.
Don't think he won't, because after you told him he didn't need to, made it a challenge. He is swallowing his pride and he is gonna kiss you gosh-darn-it!
He is giving the quickest peck on the corner of your lips and bolting away with the excuse that he saw  ace breaking rule 147.
(Ace didn't do anything plz go help him)
Oh he noticed it
He just stands there not knowing what to do.
Should he give you a kiss???  Should he ask you??? Should he just not?? Guys, is he panicking???
Cater is in the corner just giving him a thumbs up-
Cater isn't helpful at all during this situation-
Then you make the situation worse by pointing it out
Should he just???? 
He asks if he can kiss you [“omg but i hate tr*y, I would never”  I don't wanna hear this grinch haired man slander again]
Once you give him consent he will give you an alright kiss-
It's kinda messy and quick, he kind of kissed more of your cheek than your lips but hey it's a start.
Would 100% move his glasses as a way to play it off. Lucky for him Cater comes by and saves the day before trey embarrasses himself-
“Seems like Cater needs me for something. I'll talk to you later.”
The most smug grin is on his face when he noticed the mistletoe.
“Oh, y/n~” Ace teased while pointing up towards the mistletoe. He kept eye contact while he kept joking about his cheek kiss. 
He has zero shame.
That is until you actually give him a cheek kiss, how he is as silent as a mouse after you made the move. Until he realized he could have actually gotten a kiss on the lips.
Before you walk away he grabs your hand, omg this is ur main character moment!!
He doesn't say anything.
He just stands there like a little goober^^ (plz have someone help him) 
After standing there for five minutes he finally says something,“Another…….” you're there  just processing it. Did he really just ask- no…demand another kiss???
Yes. Yes he did. When you comply and give him another kiss he is happy as a claim!
He will tease you ALOT though-
“wow y/n, YOU wanted to kiss me that badly huh” he teased with a giant smile, pink tinted his ears and cheeks but it seemed like he hasn't noticed it yet.
But if you love him enough try not to mind it, it's out of love promise<3
he won't notice? I think ??? It's half-half I'm sure he would but another part of me thinks so-
So for the sake of the headcanon I will say that you noticed before he did! 
Once you point it out he is like: Oh! Oh……
That's the best way I can explain it-
If YOU give him a kiss (which you should bc I don't think he will be able to give you one) he will be very happy! He will also say you didn't need to, but deep down he was hoping to kiss you one way or another.
Tells his mom about it, his mom is delighted to hear about how his love life is going!!! Suddenly he has to go bc his mum is calling him.
“Oh, thank you y/n but my mom is calling bye!”
Cater will pretend not to notice it.
But if you do ask him first he will pretend that he just saw it.
“Oh! Y/nnie I didn't even notice it!”
I think he would ask you where you want to be kissed and if you wanna be kissed because he is very supportive of consent! (Consent is cool guys)
Makes it the most hallmark type of kiss he can. He will hold your cheek with his hand, maybe even brush some hair away from your face, even go as far to hold your waist???
 All I'm saying is he will make you feel like you are the center of the universe. That you are the most special person in this domain.
“Well did you enjoy cay cay's little treat?” Cater teased with his signature smile, he grabbed your hand and gave it a quick kiss before running off. “I HOPE YOU DID, BUT CAY CAY JUST SAW A PERFECT PHOTO OPPORTUNITY BYE BYE!”
He actually fell asleep under it. But he still points it out while you're under it- “herbivore, look up.” oh he enjoyed how the expression of your face changed so quickly.
I honestly think he doesn't really care about these things, he just wants to toy with you. So if you were to give him a kiss, he wouldn't care that much about it.
But if you demand a kiss that's when he is a bit cocky and much more awake. “The herbivore is finally getting bold huh?” he teased, with half lidded eyes as if he was falling asleep. Oh he will make you work for that kiss y/n, he will tell you to bring him a drink and maybe some food, trying turning the music down ect ect. 
But after all that work he will give you a kiss, but not on the lips tho…
He will kiss the corner of your lips just to play with ya!
If you want a more proper kiss be ready to do more chores though, but hey ruggie seems to like that idea he is already hitting the buffet table!!
Once you do those chores (again) He will give you a kiss on the lips, not too quick but not too long. It wasn't enjoyable when Leona started to pinch you though-
After all of that Leona just goes to his room to sleep because the party is too loud.
He is doing things for Leona, getting some random loose change that fell off the floor and checking out the buffet– so to put it in simple terms he is busy, but that doesn't mean he isn't observant. Oh he noticed that mistletoe, yes and he has a great plan. *add grinch smile here*
“Y/n! There is a spot right here” ruggie shouts as he sees you wandering around like a headless chicken. “Thanks ruggie” you said as you sat down with him. 
He is gonna play off that he didn't just trick you to sit under the mistletoe with him, after sometime of silence he speaks up about the mistletoe.
You're just looking up thinking about how you didn't notice it-
If you give him a cheek kiss he would be okay with it, he won't pester you into giving him a kiss on the lips but he really wished you did.
BUT IF YOU GAVE HIM A KISS ON THE LIPS HOOT DOGGY, he is very happy about it!!! His ears are perked up while he mutters incoherent words. 
Then the moment gets ruined by Leona texting him, you can hear a faint “really now Leona” from ruggie yet in the end he complies, but not before giving you another sweet peck on the lips!
I don't think he will really notice-
But he does notice it when you walk under it and comment on the decor. 
He will actually comment on it now. Like oh! A mistletoe- 
After getting some courage he will ask if you want to be kissed but it's somewhat shy, like there will be moments where he goes silent because he doesn’t know how to explain properly.
His kisses are actually very sweet, it's quick yet filled to the brim with love. Jack will also scowl at anyone who makes jokes about you.
I feel like he would want to keep that moment to himself, that is until he heard the not so hushed whispers of a group of first years.
“see, he did it pay up ace” “Epel you cheated!” Ace mumbled by the booth, Deuce looked at those two and back at yall hoping yall won't hear them. “I DONT GET THE PLEASURE PEOPLE GET BY THIS” you heard sebeks booming voice say, Jack sighed as he walked off rubbing the back of his neck.
This party is at the monstro lounge. He knows every little thing that was set up here and- WHY IS THERE A MISTLETOE IN HERE!?
Azul avoids it like the plague, he won't take it off mid party because people seem to enjoy it (pretend they're females there too)  but it doesn't help when the Leech twins start pestering him about it-
“Azul did you put that up..?” one asked while the other butted in “You should go under it with shrimpy!” Azul felt years fly off his life trying to explain to those two– well, mainly just floyd. But jade wasn't any better!
Now here he is under the mistletoe with you, like he is feeling like he is the center of attention and that there are eyes staring holes through him. When in reality he is just very nervous.
You just point out the mistletoe and then he starts panicking. 
(Side note if you want someone to leave you alone just start acting crazy. "THERE'RE IN THE WALLS, CHECK THE WALLS!" They are going to leave you alone, or call the police but at least you're not with them anymore) 
You will have to be the one to kiss him. But first, consent- listen this man is literally having a panic attack, calm him down, inform him that nobody is judging him and then ask for consent. Your first priority is to calm him down and your last one is that kiss.
“ummmmmmm……..” Azul said after you asked him, his eyes dart around making sure that nobody is watching him- he kept silent until he slowly nodded.
When you kiss him he kisses back, azul is no longer tense and he is mainly just sinking into the kiss. That was until yall heard a certain pair of eels snickering to themselves and whispering (very loud) to each other. 
Azul adjusts his glasses before stomping to them and dragging those two in the vip room. Likely to try to lecture them (he fails)
Azul kissing you was actually quite soft and cute, he was a little timid at first but then got more bold with time.
Don't kiss him. Just don't. He will point out the mistletoe but just run away.
“Oh look, it seems we are under a mistletoe” he teased you with a sharp tooth grin, a grin that said he was up to something. 
You're just looking around confused.
He would make you kiss him, or maybe he would kiss you if he was feeling nice-
(the short y/ns)
Of course you would give him a little kiss kiss, but he doesn't help one bit. You are trying to kiss him but he doesn't lean down, he doesn't offer you a boost. He won't help you one bit, he just looks down at your suffering with a grin. HE THINKS ITS FUNNY!? 
You were just there hopping until you finally gave up, but no. Jade will finally give you a kiss and it's a good one too trust me. He may just nibble your lip to keep you on your toes, he will pull back slightly so you can feel his breath on your lips. Was it worth it though???
(For the tall y/ns)
He will just swoop down and kiss you, again another hallmark kisser. But of course he will tease you, before actually kissing you. When he does kiss you, he will kiss your hand and try to walk away. But if you really want a proper kiss you will have to stop him and demand a kiss, because he won't do it unless you stop him. When he swoops down and kisses you he will also nibble your lip and maybe even hold your wrist for a good measure. 
He then walks away before you can say anything, walks away to his little gossip group (Azul and floyd).
But nonetheless that kiss was honestly very nice, short yet nice, perfect but not robotic. Honestly it felt quite amazing.
“jade where were you?” Azul asked with his eyebrow raised, jade puts on his usual business smile while looking back at you still under that mistletoe. “I have no idea what you mean Azul, I was with you this whole time.”
He is definitely the one that points it out.
Another one with no shame.
He is very much demanding a kiss, his mood will change quickly once you say yes-
“Awww koebi-chan you're so sweeettttt!” Floyd said as he slicked his arm around your shoulders from behind, “floyd if you keep standing behind me I can't kiss you” you muttered as you squirmed around in his hold. 
(For the short y/ns)
He will be kind and lean down for you, unlike another eel we know. But he will actually pick you up because he was quote-on-quote tired of leaning down.
So now you're just being held, the kiss had ended three minutes ago but floyd just slung you over his shoulder and now you're stuck there.
(For the tall y/ns)
He will look at you waiting for you kiss him and when you do he is enjoying it! His kiss is very greedy and sloppy. He also bit your lip multiple times-
But not when you go and pull away, now that's no fun.  He would grab your hand so quickly and pull you back to him, then he hears Azul call for him. He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder and now yall are off to find his boss.
“ah there you are floyd– why is y/n on your shoulder?” Azul asked, “Oh hey Azul, can you tell floyd to put me down” you felt floyd's grip tighten as you asked Azul that. Floyd huffed and sat you down “you're no fun shrimpy”. 
Promise to make it up to him later okay!
Oh kalim
The boy that is literally like the sun<3
He didn't notice because he was way too busy buzzing around going place to place greeting everyone! (Actually kalim is the host and he hosted it at the lounge-)
Jamil is somewhere we don't know where tho-
But as soon as kalim sees you minding your own business he goes straight to you, apologizing to everyone he bumped into while running towards your direction. 
Oh he just loves seeing you at the parties he throws!
Seeing you at his events gives him such joy that nobody can compare too♡
“y/n! You made it!” kalim said, still quite far away from you. He is practically yelling across the room over everyone but nobody seems to have minded it. “Oh, hey kalim!” you said, watching him run towards you with a big smile. That was until he got hit in the face by a random plant-
You're silent. He's silent…
“Oh y/n it's a mistletoe!” kalim beamed at the small plant. “Would you like your kiss?” you asked. Kalim of course said yes bc like??? Who wouldn't say yes???
He will giggle during the whole process because he is so happy! Once you get close enough he will hold your face in his hands. His kiss is very very sweet. It's like finding a warm sunny spot on a cold day. It's filled with happiness and lots of energy, he still has your face in his hold while yall pull away. But instead of letting go he showers you with little kisses across your face with a big smile on his.
That moment lasts a while until jamil comes out of nowhere-
“kalim I was looking for you” Jamil said after a long sigh, “Jamil guess what! There was a mistletoe and- ” kalim started but before he could finish Jamil cut him off. “We can talk about that later just hurry up and come with me”
He waves bye to you and everything<33
But someone help Jamil tho, he has had to listen to kalim go on and on about you for the past few hours-
Jamil is too busy getting gray hairs to notice a small plant hanging from who knows where.
So you will have to point it out y/nnie<3
If you do catching him on his break of babysitting kalim and just so happens he is under the mistletoe with you then you better speak up fast-
When you tell him he is a mix of embarrassed that he didn't notice it and like what do you mean by kiss?
“jamil look what we are standing under. '' You teased, he looked up and saw a small plant above yall that looked a little too similar to a mistletoe. “is that a mistletoe..?” he muttered to himself as he looked back at you patiently waiting for your little kiss kiss.
He complies after some convincing, his kisses are quite indescribable. It's soft yet quick, cool yet it has a venomous bite to it. There is no telling what he really is trying to convey with that kiss, at first. 
After a few moments goes by and he gets out of his shell, his kiss becomes more tender and warm. To the point it felt scalding, not in a bad way, oh no. It felt like the warm sun had blessed you with its touch. You felt him get more bold in the kiss as he grabbed your hand.
That was until his perfect moment got crushed by kalim, he goes on auto pilot and tries to find him before he does something dumb-
I think he would notice it, would he go and point it out tho? No, I didn't think so.
But when you somehow teleport near him and point it out that's when he shows interest.
Is this planned..?? Is it that you wanted to kiss him this while time and now was the prefect moment…?? Oh he is very smug now, you just unknowingly gave him an ego boost..
“Vil look we are under a mistletoe” you exclaimed with a smile, he looks back at you with a bit of suspension before looking up at the small plant. Could you have really planned all of this out….yes– just look at you being with joy about getting to kiss vil
“Y/n did you plan this” vil said with a smirk, amused at your attempt to get his attention. (Even tho you didn't even do anything and that you in fact didn't plan this) “no?” you said feeling a bit on the spot, “nonetheless ill play along” he says before gently grabbing your jaw.
He is a great kisser- 
Guys we all know it, he is an actor and he sure as hell knows how to kiss someone and make it feel amazing.
He has grabbed your chin, looked deep into your eyes and gave you the most toe curling kiss ever. It made you feel like you are on cloud 9 with the most precious things in life! His kiss felt like the spring of life and you were in full bloom, it was soft and elegant, slow and passionate. It was certainly amazing.
He will tell you to run along after the kiss, it's not that he didn't like kissing you. He enjoyed it alot but what he isn't gonna enjoy are those rumors about him dating you but then again, he doesn't think they're half bad.
He noticed it too, he was actually eyeing it for the past 10 minutes.
He is another one to have no shame-
He will see you by that mistletoe and he is sprinting to it just to get your kiss, he didn't want anyone else stealing that kiss. 
“Oh hey epel-” you said as you saw him, okay epel act cool like you didn't notice it so y/n can kiss you.“We are under a mistletoe.” FUCK! 
You look at him, he looks at you. It's awkward. 
“Did you want a kiss?” you asked, epel just nodded and you took it as a yes. You give him a kiss on the cheek and-HOLD IT! don't act like you're about to get away with giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He is grabbing your wrist and demanding an actual kiss. 
If you do give him a kiss on the lips he is very very happy
He also brags about it to the other first years but we won't get into all of that now ^^;
He will now ask for another kiss at the most random times just to show off to everyone.
Definitely tells and tries to get advice from his lovely granny<333
He sees it, I actually think he was the first one to ever notice it being there. Now he has made it his mission to find out something he has been wondering for a long time.
Are your lips soft?
Listen it's not in a weird way okay, normally he can tell every little thing about everyone just by watching them but you, he just can't for some reason the only thing he can focus on is your lips. 
He is like the human version of Pepé Le Pew with that mistletoe around.
So naturally he sets a trap for you like the amazing hunter he is!
“salut trickster! ” Rook says from right behind you, “Oh hey rook” you said as you finally noticed that he was behind you, you turned to look at him only to be met with a cheeky grin. “rook…? What are you up to? `` you asked, “non non mon ami, you wound me because I'm up to nothing!” Rook exclaimed with a fake pout, “mais.. (but) while I have you, I need your assistance with something.”
You knew Rook was up to no good when he asked that, but you agreed. Now here you are standing by a wall while Rook talks to vil about something.
Vil has no idea why rook is suddenly talking about how he reminds him of a peacock but he listens-
After rook is done with his little "chat" with vil he walks back to you but, oh my! Is that a mistletoe!
“Oh mon! It seems like we are under a mistletoe trickster!” Rook gasped, as he put his hand to his mouth. Acting as if he was in shock, he stared at you dramatically.
He feels so excited getting a kiss from you!!!! He is practically buzzing with excitement, his eyes are watching your every movement. 
When you kiss him he is very happy. 
He will be someone who makes the kiss special, it would be a little long so he can feel the softness of your lips a little longer, he will be the type to hold your chin. 
Once yall pull away he is showering you with praise about how soft your lips are. 
Then swoops away because he saw epel damaging his beauty-
He didn't even come- so there is no headcanons
Well in some reality Ortho pulls out a giant beam and threatened idia to go to the party in person. This is how it would be like!
That mistletoe has to be in a corner because that's where idia has been this whole time. You walk up to him being the kind soul you are<3
He stinks of hot cheetos and energy drinks. I'm sorry yall didn't need to know that-
But nonetheless you wander up to him, that's when you notice it– the mistletoe. 
“isn't that a mistletoe” you asked yourself, idia looks up at the plant as his eyes grew wide. “do you know what that means idia?” you teased, but when you looked back at him he was even more pressed on the corner. You noticed how it looks like he was shaking.
“Idia don't worry I was just joking with you ” you tried to calm him down the best you could, but his hair kept on flaming one-hundred shades. 
It was tense as you sat in silence in that corner.
He looks at you and you look at him, like does he think you're about to do something to him???😭
Yall just stare at each other.
“Idia…?” you asked as he started mumbling nonsense like “this so isn't a pro gamer move-” “I'm acting alot like Kari from Kairi won't speak because he is shy, yet gets a harem for some reason now someone tells how he did it ” “please I probably look so cringe..” He then went silent for a moment before hardly saying “...but this is my chance to be harmi from romantic hot boys academy club for the rich.”
Does he want the kiss or not???? He is sending mixed signals!!!!
“idia do want me to kiss you or not” Listen, you are getting fed up with waiting, does he want to smooch you or not!? 
He just looks around. Is he ignoring you? Kinda. He is just check if everyone is judging him or not, he then speaks: “yeah sure whatever”
That was a quick mood change. You suddenly get close and whoop his hair is now pink again.
You give him a peck and his head just flings away as soon as yall touch lips. “you must have low standards to kiss me lol”
Did he just insult you….?
“So I have low standards for liking you? I have low standards by wanting to kiss you”
He is now just a bubbling mess, his hair is wild pink and it almost feels scalding. He didn't expect you to answer like that. He is muttering incoherent things under his breath as he walked away-
he does notice it and he will tell you.
You give him a little smooch on the forehead and next thing you know he is gone. He is just with idia trying to get him to stand under the mistletoe so he can have a forehead kiss too<3
Actually his battery went up by 13 percent when you gave him that forehead kiss.
[Cue idia being dragged across the room by a small robot boy “Nii Chan, you are going under that mistletoe.”]
Oh he saw it, but he doesn't really know what it's used for? You being the kind soul you are, you explained to him that he has to kiss you.
He isn't saying no 
In Fact he will kiss you with no shame.
Another hallmark kisser, but this one brings off more of a black and white 1900s drama kisser. He is holding your chin, looking into your eyes and smiling down at you.
Will kiss you in the most gentle yet greedy way he could, he will pull away once you are out of breath. 
“Did I do it correctly, child of a man?” he mumbled not too far from your lips, his eyes had a certain glint watching your every move as you felt your face get hot. “yeah…” you muttered.
Now everyone is looking at yall bc you just kissed THE MALLEUS DRACONIA, *cue a crying screaming sebek*.
He will just be on his way acting like it wasn't a big deal, he doesn't understand why everyone is looking at you and him strange because he thinks that kissing under that plant was normal.
“child of a man, why is everyone staring at us like that?” Malleus asks with a hint of sadness in his voice, “Maybe because you kissed me?” he sat there and thought about what you said for a moment then spoke again: “So I did it wrong.” There was a small frown present on his face, “no Malleus, you didn't do it wrong.. it's just that you're a prince so you can do limited things in public.” you said, Malleus sat there for a moment before speaking “public, so I'll have to kiss you in private?......then meet me in my room in an hour, I'll be waiting for you.”
Would tell Lilia about it even though he was not too far away watching yall-
He knew it was there, because he was the one to put it up there-
Actually he even lead you under it and pretended not to know it was there😭
“Oh my, y/n look at what we're standing under! Fufufu, you know what that means right~” 
He gives you the most toe curling kiss, I swear those 100+ years of life gave him some kissing skills.
He will grab your jaw, maybe even play with your hair, he will also  let his hand trace your torso to tease you. But not once will he pull away from that kiss, he will likely pull away when you squirm abit too much.
You're just gasping for air-
“fufufu, y/n~! You didn't inform me you can kiss quite good”
He then went off somewhere when you weren't looking, but don't worry he will come back to tease you later.
He accidentally fell asleep under it, bless his heart. He was trying to stay up so badly too<33
Lilia had you look for silver because he didn't want him getting trampled-
“ah there you are, sliver- sliver wake up…?” you said as you patted him awake, his eyes softly opened as he looked up at you. “Are you alright?” Silver nodded in response to your question, he sat up and whiped the tiredness from his eyes as he observed his surroundings. 
He then finds the mistletoe, I think he is the type to point it out nonchalantly-
Then you noticed it, if he asks you if you wanted to kiss him nod yes trust me you won't be disappointed! 
If you do say yes, he will hold you ever so slightly and kiss you. The kiss is long but light, sloppy yet sweet. He will place his hand over yours for a sweet moment. 
He then hears sebek yelling for him so he has to go. 
“Bye y/n, we will talk later” he said as he kissed your hand and disappeared in the crowd.
He is one to notice it but act like it isn't there. I also think he wouldn't really care about human traditions unless Malleus is actually very fond of them, that's when he showed interest and his surprising vast knowledge of human traditions that his father likely showed him. 
But then Lilia points it out (and has to explain the concept to sebek) 
He is very loud about the whole thing. "I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO KISS YOU HUMAN" He yelled, making half of the room stare at yall like you're some weirdos for announcing it.
Very bold until he actually has to kiss you. When the time comes he is kinda a mess, but being a knight (in training) of lord Malleus he has to do it (he doesn't) He is under the thought of 'Lilia told me about it so he obviously wants me to kiss this human and follow the tradition.' And he isn't really the wrong, Lilia just wants some drama tonight and what better cup of tea is sebek having is first kiss with the magicless ramshackle prefect<3
Gives you a quite nice kiss on the corner of your lips and bolts away.
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xixovart · 24 days
argo2nauts music headcannons because this is too much
the misinformation some of you guys have spread regarding their music taste is insane/hj
(p.s: this is my take on this, if you disagree it’s alright!! it’s just fun and games :D)
(ps2: if any artist/band i mention is problematic please lmk!!)
percy - perseus jackson is a pretty intimidating skater kid with a resting bitch face who is covered head to toe in scars and has his ears pierced. where did the ‘high school musical/disney sitcom’ percy allegations come from. he likes led zeppelin (he canonically has a t shirt in toa if i can remember!!), childish gambino, d4vd, late night drive home, deftones, arctic monkeys, and chase atlantic.
fav song -
annabeth: this is a bit harder.. i think her music taste is either extremely varied or only listens to one album on repeat until her ears bleed. for my sanity i’m going with the former. i think she’d cry over boygenius and mitski (for obvious reasons) and i think she’d like sombr and famous 70/80s guys like queen, david bowie, ac/dc, the smiths ofc. and such. also mac demarco and phoebe bridgers!!!!”!?
fav song -
grover underwood - ADRIANNE LENKER!!!!!: THERE IS NOT A DOUBT IN MY MIND ABOUT IT. all of her songs suit him in one way or another. he needs to be seen more i love him to death. underrated man fr. also late night drive home, beach house, dream ivory, the smiths, queen, cas, WAVE TO EARTH!!!!!
fav song -
i know what youre thinking. “mali, will you ever shut up about this song?” answer is no. i will not.
piper mclean - CHAPPELL ROAN CHAPPELL ROAN IS HERRSSSS??? CASUAL? GOOD LUCK BABE???? HERS!!!! honorable mention: girl in red because don’t forget your roots. also madds buckley MAYBE? idk. also probably cas 🤷‍♀️
fav song -
nico - oh my beloved. he’d definitely listen to italian music when he misses bianca/maria but idk any italian artists so… for now we’re going with english music. and also very specific turkish song: m. by anil emre daldal because will. i’m thinking mitski, roar, mac demarco, OBVIOUSLY SUFJAN STEVENS??? cults, alex g, grimes, also very specifically: cupid by jack stauber? MAYBE conan gray… idk. and also definitely nirvana and guns n roses
fav song -
i heard this song while thinking of him and my heart SHATTERED guys do not make the same mistake i did.
hazel - i?? don’t know? really uhh… probably gracie abrams or adrianne lenker? phoebe bridgers, beach house?? soft rythm/music, deep/depressing lyrics. maybe tnbh but DEFINITELY current joys and adrianne lenker
(yes i made these first songs a rainbow on purpose (not rlly..) shut up i thought it’d be funny)
also this is her favorite song because it reminds her of nico and maybe marie, specifically the first lines!! (marceline [nico], is it just you and me in the wreckage of the world?)
frank zhang - MAC DEMARCO!! BEACH HOUSE!! TV GIRL!! CONAN GRAY!! MONTAN FISH!! GANG OF YOUTHS!! also his grandmother liked to listen to songs in mandarin and he likes remembering her so he constantly listens to 茉莉花 (Mòlìhuā) and uhh if you have any other old mandarin songs lmk :D!! and honorable mention: it almost worked by tv girl
fav song -
because it was his mother’s favorite song
jason grace - this is difficult.. like very. i don’t think he’d listen to music very much and it’s getting hard to not keep repeating artists. rmcm maybe? laufey, probably.. he listens to pretty much everything his friends to. he’s very flexible when it comes to music :)
fav song -
will solace - controversial maybe but i don’t think he’d like taylor swift very much.. no problem with her but i’d just like to see more variety in will’s music taste hcs. i think he’d love mac demarco (he’s been mentioned lke 8 times by now but he really is will’s favorite artist), tv girl, beach weather, the smiths, chappell roan, current joys, vacations, lemon demon, sufjan stevens, boygenius. conan gray, specifically summer child because it was written for him (i would know conan told me), and obviously the entirety of the mamma mia soundtrack. because it’s will.
fav song -
from the same album as nico because symbolism and that entire song is for them and tyem only (and also achicleos)
leo valdez - MY BELOVED!! very specifically the spanish part in stress relief (si puedes venir conmigo, amor, yo te enseño todo lo que hay. pq me tratas asi?? como no soy nadie ITS VALGRACE GUYS!!) uhh also chappell roan.. and your best american girl by mitski. and the smiths and queen and pavement. and lemon demon, the strokes, the cure.. maybe nirvana? and the front bottoms
fav song -
ok thats it im lagging so hard bye
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profoundbondfanfic · 6 months
More Than One Ace to Play
More Than One Ace to Play by Cozaure Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 57k
Cas, a 3rd-year biology student, is an introverted and very anxious guy. Full of insecurities, he doesn't need to add one more thing to worry about in his life (and certainly not his potential "asexuality"). However, one day, he meets Dean at a poker night his roommate Balthazar is hosting. Dean is Cas’ exact opposite : easy-going, confident, funny… and also, very flirty. They keep bumping into each other around the campus and, somehow, every time Cas is with Dean, all of his worries seem to go away… However, when Cas learns about Dean’s reputation as “the master of one-night stands”, he is certain that they are DEFINITELY ABSOLUTELY not compatible. Or, are they?
We’re back at it with another college AU. More Than One Ace to Play caught my eye thanks to the asexual!Cas tag. Always on the lookout for any ace rep, this fic didn’t disappoint even a little. One of the things I loved about it was how much it embraced Cas’s journey with figuring out his sexuality beyond knowing for sure that he’s gay. Not only does he come to terms with who he is, but he does so all while battling his anxiety, the portrayal of which I found accurate and compelling with the way the author wrote it. 
This story is told from Cas’s POV, but with that comes a great depiction of Dean as an easy-going college student, living a pretty damn good life when he meets Cas at poker night. The magic of fanfic finds them volunteering for the same program where they are immediately paired up as partners hosting afternoon activities and tutoring with young kids. They become fast friends and even though Cas doubts it at every turn, we the reader can tell Dean is interested in being more than just friends with Cas, even if they think it’s for different reasons. You can’t help but fall for Dean a little too, when he stumbles his way through asking Cas out on a date that Cas is convinced isn’t a date. You feel for Cas as his anxiety dictates his doubt in Dean’s flirting, and, as tagged, Dean’s constant winks. When they finally figure it all out, you’ll be just as relieved and delighted at the outcome, a very satisfying happy ending you shouldn’t skip. 
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wordy-little-witch · 5 months
Hellooo how are you? i just wanna ask wat r ur nsfw headcanons abt crossguild polycule😳
Also i love ur posts❤️
Hiya, honey bee! I'm doing alright, all things considered, thanks for asking, lovely ♡ just sleepy lmaooo
Cross guild my beloved aaaa okay so I'm gonna put the NSFW ones under a cut bc of the content warnings~
Thanks for the ask, I appreciate you!!!!! And thanks for reading, hun ♡ drink water, have a snack if you can, take any medicine you have prescribed and stay safe ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
18+ BELOW vvv
Okay NSFW stuff lezzgo. I am. Genuinely debating doing the consent charts here for each of them, then a layered one with them compared to each other.
Keep in mind, these are my head canons, and I adore when they're different takes and opinions, I think variety is awesome ♡♡♡♡
So let's start with the biggest of our guild boys!!
FTM, Top surgery done in his early adult years through a series of oddly aligning events, bottom surgery looked into but rendered unneeded via Ivankov's hormones
This man is a SWITCH, he usually Doms and prefers topping, coming from some older dysphoria issues, but honestly? Is open to submitting and bottoming to others when the need arises on a case by case basis.
Not exactly vanilla, but sometimes the intimacy there is nice.
Is fairly ace-spec, all things considered, sees sex as not a need but something enjoyable. Doesn't always even get off during sex, just enjoys the power and rush he gets from his partners. Took a very long time to realize that for himself. Sex positive!
Sadomasochist. Prefers causing the pain, but scratching and biting are HELLA approved for him
Marks marks marks
Idk if there's and actual word for it, but Crocodile LOVES dressing his partner up in finery just to ruin them. Also discovered an additional kink there which will be talked about later on. (See mixed)
He has wild stamina and ca go maybe three rounds before he needs to stop or pause.
Objectively the best at eating out, can and will make one partner moan out loud and the other outright cry.
Cis (?) insofar as he's a man by technicality. He is a SWORDSMAN by choice. He identifies as a threat, and that is not for ironic jokes. Honestly, to Mihawk gender feels complicated and stupid. 0/5 stars, hates it. He could not be paid to give a fuck about that sort of thing beyond his immediate people's happiness.
On that note, also doesn't care what parts someone has or what they identify as. If he likes you, he likes you, that's all there is. Doesn't use labels. Does admit to being more oredominantly attracted to masculine individuals. It is simply Mihawk and The Vibe.
Onwards to the thoughts!!!!
True Switch. Doesn't care. Enjoys dominating, enjoys submitting, likes topping, likes bottoming, but it's a case by case and person by person basis.
Choking. Idk, but something about holding someone by the throat and feeling their skin and muscles and heartbeat under his fingers gives him a rush, I bet.
Not particularly into sadism or masochism specifically, but does enjoy some of the semi-connected things. Knife play is a given, as well as blood play, and ironically hot wax
Trust is big to him.
Sensory play.
Has a personal rule that his partner has to cum at least once before he even thinks about his own pleasure unless that's the pre-established play they're doing that scene.
On that front - service top/service bottom.
Praise and degradation kink, surprisingly enough
Breeding kink
He Will Bite. With consent of course.
Really enjoys edging and teasing his partners. Doesn't like it as much for himself but doesn't DISlike it either.
Disinterest kink, he likes to make his lovers beg for attention and feigning disinterest.
Something about making a mess in the bedroom is simply PERFECT for him.
Honestly, Mihawk is down to try anything at least once and isn't too surprised to find new things that he enjoys.
Stamina is INSANE, but goes about one round, maybe 2, before needing to step back. Dw though, he's not leaving. He can ruin someone with more than just that option.
AFAB masc nonbinary, no surgeries, Iva's hormones do not work on him, and he makes his own. Had a partial hysterectomy as a child before his Devil Fruit due to a... bad situation. Has numerous scars as well from before then and even a few after when he was learning the limits of his Fruit and the partial immunity to Haki.
Could top, hypothetically, but really does enjoy bottoming more. Will try topping if a partner really wants it, but feels weird and awkward the whole time - only realized that doing it despite his discomfort was not only not healthy but the partners who pushed and pushed for it from him were pushing the boundaries of consent at best. ((Had to talk Mihawk out of hunting the people down for a Talk, had to convince Crocodile and surprisingly Daz out of adding some extra bounties for it ((they still did))))
Will dom!! Enjoys being a power bottom honestly. Subbing is a guilty pleasure he rarely got to indulge in due to his absolutely insane trust issues, but once Mihawk and Crocodile earned that trust from him, he'll be the sweetest or brattiest sub on this planet, just for them
Really good with his mouth.
He's a screamer. Tries to stay quiet but never can on his own.
He falls apart sometimes during intense sex.
He's mortified by it, but he has a daddy kink and the first time he called one of his partners daddy he didn't even realize until Mihawk grabbed him by the neck just so, squeezed, forcing his head to tilt back and see blazing gold and molten violet just for someone to growl "cum for daddy, baby" and his vision went white. He was flustered for DAYS after that. ((Their light hearted teasing did not help, nor did their exploitation of the newly found On Button))
Exhibition kink but not publicly
Breeding kink
Size queen
Likes being manhandling
BIG on being marked up and claimed. ((11/10, would wear a collar if it could stay on permanently))
Neither Crocodile or Mihawk had any opinion on makeup until Buggy - when they get to a certain point with his mascara and eyeliner running, lipstick smudged, eyeshadow casting his face in technicolor bruises, they are besotted and burning in equal measure.
Crocodile finds he apparently has a THING for his lovers in lace, something found purely by circumstance and he felt foolish for not ever noticing before. Is equally flustered when they both use it against him.
After Buggy's moment with calling them Daddy, something Awakened in Croc and Hawk. Words like Sir and Master were familiar but this? Ohhhh it hits Different.
They're all pretty partial to BDSM but they also can be really vanilla too. It's cute and sweet.
Buggy's thigh thighs get their own section ♡
Alright that's all I have rn but I hope you enjoyed!!!!
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
Well since you mention valentine's professions of love, I think it wouldn't be right if I didn't take this chance to extoll the virtues of moths. Firstly, they're adorable. Some of them are really fuzzy and have cute antennae. The rosy maple moth and the common silk moth are both very very cute. Secondly, (as this blog proves again and again) there are SO MANY of them in such a huge variety that you're bound to come across one that tickles your fancy! Take the Atlas Moth for example! It's got a wing span of nearly 25cm! That's like the size of a small bird! (You have no idea how much I want to pet a large moth species. Not the caterpillars though. Never touch random caterpillars. In fact, some moth caterpillars have hairs and stuff that you definitely do not want to touch due to them being poisonous.) Thirdly, moths are culturally and historically important! Silk has been a major industry for centuries upon centuries. The techniques of silk production and the actual moths themselves are the subject of myths in various cultures. They were once so jealously and secretively guarded that there are legends of how they came to be spread to different parts of Asia. I cannot stress how big of a deal silk was throughout the history of the world and how the trade of silk influenced international relations for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Oh and the thing is, common silk moths aren't the only silk-producing moth! There are several moths in the Saturniidae family that make cocoons of silk which are also used in modern, commercial silk production -- some of which don't result in the death of the chrysalid.
Look, I know whatever string of nucleotides this ramble produces will not end up matching the genetic sequence of a moth, because that's just how these things work but... I hope that people will look upon all the moths that do show up going forth with a fond and grateful eye because moths are truly magnificent creatures. Happy Valentine's Day!
String identified:
c t at' , t t 't gt 't ta t cac t t t t t. t, t' aa. t a a a a ct ata. T a t a t c t a t ct. c, (a t g aga a aga) t a A t c a g at tat ' t c ac tat tc ac! Ta t Ata t a! t' gt a g a a 25c! Tat' t a a ! ( a a c at t t a ag t c. t t cata tg. tc a cata. act, t cata a a a t tat t t at t tc t t g .) T, t a cta a tca tat! a a a t ct ct. T tc ct a t acta t t a t ct t a ct. T c a a ct ga tat t a g t ca t a t t at Aa. cat t g a a a tgt t t t a t ta c tata at , t ta a. a t tg , c t a't t -cg t! T a a t t ata a tat a cc c a a , cca ct -- c 't t t at t ca.
, at tg ct t a c t atcg t gtc c a t, ca tat' t t tg t… tat a t t tat gg t t a a gat ca t a t agct cat. a at' a!
Closest match: Parapoynx stratiotata genome assembly, chromosome: 8 Common name: Ringed China-mark
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lesbianmaxevans · 2 months
meant to make a post months ago LOL but some heartbreak high jumbled thoughts (after watching thru a second time to refresh my memory LOL)
quinni is probably the best autistic rep I've ever seen. when she decided to stop masking her autism >>>>>> her speech during the debate >>>>>>>>>
ca$h is probably the best ace rep I've ever seen. ca$h and darren's relationship is literally everything I've ever wanted, I feel like ace characters are never allowed to date someone unless that person is also ace/celibate, so it means soooooooooooo much to me to see a relationship btwn someone who is very into sex and someone who is very uninterested in sex. and to see darren be so committed to their relationship even tho it's difficult just warms my heart so much
I think the way harper's trauma is depicted in s1 is really raw and beautiful. this show gives everyone the space to be messy and her spiraling after her bodily autonomy was taken away is very realistic and imo good to see. that being said I need girlie to get some therapy and form a healthier relationship with sex asap.
I am once again uncomfortable with a show about minors having so much explicit sexual content. whyyyyyyyy is this allowed
darren, quinni, malakai, and missy have never done anything wrong ever in their lives :) also missy and malakai are bisexual icons, I love them both so much
writers go to jail for the missy/spider plot. he spent all of s1 being such a vindictive asshole to amerie bc she rejected him and then he was publicly shaming missy (albeit thankfully w/o naming her) for the same reason. he's incessantly misogynistic and racist. he also had the idea of the fraudulent accusation of mrs obah sleeping with a student bc he wanted the slt classes cancelled!!! and fueled the reactionary bullshit that voss was trying to start. like whyyyyyyyy are the writers trying so hard to redeem him I'm sick of this (if he actually sticks to his speech in 2.08, I'll be thankful tho. I still won't like him lol but at least he won't be making everyone else miserable anymore)
ppl hate dusty too much. like yeah he undeniably was in the wrong for his part in starting the rumor about mrs obah and amerie. but imo he's put in more effort to altering his behavior (as seen by him being a safe person for darren to go to) than ant or spider and both of them were involved too and I don't see ppl at their throats like they are for dusty.
I live for chaos and drama so the malakai-amerie-rowan triangle was soooooo fun (altho I wish there hadn't been the extra drama with the rowan being "bird psycho". just stick to the love triangle messiness. also do not get me started on rowan threatening malakai WHAT WAS THAT why did the writers do that 😑 anyway I want rowan back in s3 and making amends w the ppl who were collateral damage in his revenge quest against amerie)
also re the love triangle mess, it seems like the writers are intending for amerie/malakai endgame and I do like them but I feel like the show did gloss over amerie's repeated boundary violations (which honestly was also a problem with her dynamic w harper in s1 too, like girl you have to let people come to you instead of badgering them into talking to you and trying to force them to confess things). like everyone repeatedly told her to give malakai space as he was processing that he was bi and she just kept hovering and trying to force him to open up. like.... girlie please he just needed some time to figure out his feelings.
sometimes the show wants to treat the women as #girlbosses when they actually do things that are really fucked. like I don't hate harper, but the speech she gave to embarrass dusty at the basketball game was really gross and the narrative treats it as epic and her standing up for herself when she and dusty took advantage of malakai not being sober and the fact that he was in a bad headspace after just being attacked by that cop. also the writers act like dusty deserved this just bc harper thought he was acting weird after the threesome like...... is he not allowed some time to process his feelings about a new experience??? like..... how did the narrative treat this as a #girlpower moment what the hell
the demonization of mental illness is pretty uncomfortable. we only really see the symptoms of harper's dad (and presumably rowan) when they are actively being a danger to people. like mental health issues that cause ppl to see delusions doesn't equal that person being violent but the show kind of ties their anger/violence to their mental illnesses... which is another reason as to why I hope rowan sticks around for s3. let's see more of him being soft while still acknowledging these symptoms.
amerie going back to save rowan is one of my fave moments. like she has come such a long way from the girl who aired out everyone's personal business :')
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castieldelamancha · 1 year
Dean sets the clean gun down and reaches across the table for the other one waiting to be cleaned too. He is humming a tune, under his breath, as he disassembles the gun piece by piece, the movements so ingrained into his brain he doesn't have to think about them anymore.
His mind wanders, toughts racing around, he wonders when will it be the last time he has to clean and use these guns. He hopes it's soon.
He hears the shower being turned off, a door opening with a light creaking noise at his back just a couple breaths later.
He cleans the pieces one by one, still humming, smiling when a proud voice behind him claims to know the name of the song he is murmuring, smiling when he hears the correct name, his grin only widening when two strong arms wrap themselves around his shoulders. He feels cold drops of water running down the naked skin of his back. He has just taken a shower too and he hadn't seen the point on wearing a t-shirt with his shorts. The ac stopped working this morning and the summer heat isn't giving them a break.
He feels guilty he can't offer something better, a comfortable place to stay, he is used to places like this, days like this, but he knows not everyone is built for this and shouldn't be forced to be, like he himself was.
Lips pressed against his temple that move close to his ear, kissing him there too, "I can hear you overthinking."
Cas is not everyone, though.
A hand moves down from where it had closed over his shoulder towards his chest, stopping over his heartbeat, as if it wants to feel the pulse of a soul those blue eyes Dean loves so much can't see anymore.
"Everything is fine." A whispered reminder.
He hadn't notice how tense he had been up to that point until he sinks into Castiel's embrace, resting his back against his chest. Once shy in his touches, his advances, and now bold and confident Cas leaves a trail of kisses from his ear to his shoulder, following the side of his neck.
"Would you mind letting me try and put it back together again?" Dean needs a second to register the question, a bit more to remember he was in the middle of something before Cas walked into the room, clearly taken aback by his silence Cas adds, "I know I can't do it as fast as you, but I want to learn."
Dean nods, "yeah, yeah, of course Cas," he drops the piece in his hand to reach back and tangle his fingers with Castiel's damp hair, pulling him closer. "Sit down, I'll help you." Castiel preses one last lingering kiss to his exposed skin, he draws a pattern over his heart ( a sigil, for protection, as he told Dean once), all before stepping back and walking towards the empty chair at the table, giving Dean a bright smile when their gazes connect.
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Disorder up! Mystery menu
I am not entering the event!!! (I love it Daisy!!! But I have no peticular setting or oc to contribute!)
I just wanted to share this amazing fan event with some "fake" animation lol! And promote those sprite which absolutely don't belong to me!!!! Congrates Daisy please!!!!
Hope that's ok.....
All those wonderful sprite edits were made by @twst-the-night-away Go check it, it's awesome!!! So much fun to have and get, and the writing stuff is soooo good!!!
Real K goes to Old Sage Diner to get her "diabolo grenadine" drink only avaibable there, without knowing of the last incident! Noone knew she actually regulary goes here as her social skills is near 0, and the NRC students were shocked to see her outside the Mystery's S shop. She pout and told them (actually Ace) that's one of the reason he still didn't ask "you/Yuu(sona)" out! Causing some light trouble again and Cater handling the situation with her Diabolo Grenadine, and deep dark choco tarte! Sebek scolded Ace as "real K" is waka-sama's official fanclub member, and Epel went along as it's rude to not recognize someone's makeup....making him slightly worried he was able to do so.
random info:
Real K is Sebek second member of Waka-sama's fanclub (they have a good relation ship based on their love for Maleficent/Malleus).
Epel recognised instantly her sparkly makeup, as Vil uses the same brand.
Ca-kun is in the "Bambi club" with Idia and real K, as they get sleep deprived sharing their depressed mood and special food or activities they love!
Ace is her looong so looonnngggg little lost baby brother in a twisted disney fandom! He asked her some advice in love and get glued when he wants to be spoiled...He is a very spoiled yet gentle brat.
Diabolo grenadine is a french drink from 20/30's! Similar to lemonade but very soft and light in sugar!
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Well go go go!!
Please go check Daisy's event!! And everyone entry!!
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flowercitti · 1 year
Hello!! Could I request something about Astarion realizing he doesn’t actually like sex and trying to explain his feelings to Tav (or Cas if you’d like)? His line about not wanting anyone to see him in a sexual way anymore gives me ace spectrum vibes and I’d love to see something about it!
Tysm for the ask I love this idea! Here’s another little thing for Cas and Astarion.
Fluff/Angst/Named Male Tav
Astarion is pacing.
Astarion does not pace—usually. Except for when he does, like now, and he could nearly convince himself that he’s already worked a dent in the inn’s floor. He rubs another anxious hand through his silvery curls, soft from a recent wash and his skin pleasantly warm from the water. Casmir is likely held up somewhere downstairs, distracted by talking with his other companions when he should be finding something to eat.
Astarion huffs quietly at the thought. Casmir is—kind, first and foremost. A bleeding heart, oftentimes, but a heart that Astarion has grown rather fond of nonetheless. And ever since they’ve reached Baldur’s Gate, Astarion has found that he’s far less grieved by assisting him in his quest to make everyone happy. He whines far less about it, at least.
Because Casmir has quickly shifted from manipulation target to a—lover, friend, companion. And somehow, somewhere, he decided that Astarion was the man he wanted to build something with.
And it’s all been rather lovely, Astarion thinks. Perhaps more than he had expected or hoped for.
He didn’t have much of a frame of reference to compare Casmir to, of course, not when his parade of lovers were excluded to nights that ended in their deaths. But what he has with Casmir is—different. Wholly unique in its own right. Astarion cares about them more than he ever has for another person before, and the thought is still just a little terrifying.
And even if Astarion still doesn’t quite understand it, it was obvious that Casmir cared about him too.
So there he laid with a new problem—intimacy. Sex. Fucking. Whatever you wished to bloody call it.
They’ve never gone further than a kiss in the weeks that have passed. Heavy petting, at most. That was all fine and good, so long as Astarion got to keep his clothes on, and Casmir was soft and gentle with him. Never pushed too hard, never asked for more, always looked so damn sappy when Astarion so much as leaned their shoulders together. But the thing was, Astarion is certain that if he had asked to do more, Casmir would want it.
Astarion is not stupid. There are times where Casmir has had to excuse himself after a particularly long feeding session, or before bed after a bout of kissing, and he would return with the scent of arousal but an angelic, beatific smile on his soft features. He would look flushed, his eyes burning honey-gold, but would only curl up against Astarion and fall asleep without a word of it.
So he’s certainly been aroused by Astarion before, but he’s never suggested that they do anything more than what Astarion has already been willing to. Casmir always keeps his hands above the belt, never touches him without asking, only kisses him after Astarion has already given him permission.
Casmir would never force him to do anything more, Astarion knows that much. He has no fears that lay in that field. But it doesn’t stop the guilt from gnawing low in his gut. The idea that he’s depriving Casmir of something he wants, of something that if he asked anyone who wasn't Astarion, they could so easily provide him.
And Astarion has seen the way the others have looked at Casmir—had seen the way Halsin propositioned him at camp. The only true surprise there was that Casmir had turned him down. Somehow, it had nearly made Astarion feel worse. To know that Casmir was too kind to search anyone else out, that it was only Astarion that they wanted.
And their room has a perfectly nice, large, and plush bed. Astarion is not blind to the possibilities such an occasion could warrant. It’s not often they stay in a fine inn such as this, the sheets a deep royal blue, the comforter’s white with golden accents. The room smells like Casmir and the candles he had lit, bathing the walls in a soft orange glow, the fresh scent of flowers from the bouquets on the bedsides.
A lovely atmosphere, comparatively.
Casmir might be—expecting things from him. Things Astarion isn’t sure he can give him.
He doesn’t think he wants sex with anyone, ever. The thought sits low in his gut—cold, tight and rotten. He can’t force himself to do it at this point, not with how Casmir would see through him immediately, not when Astarion cares for him far too much to even try. It would upset Casmir just as much as it would him, and he’s quite sure of that.
So he’s resigned himself to saying it outright. Or, trying to. He’s never said the words aloud before. The thought is horribly daunting.
His uncharacteristic fretting is interrupted with footsteps in the hallway, already familiar to Astarion, and he’s opening the door already.
Casmir nearly stumbles into him from surprise, but his expression quickly morphs into a fond smile, his eyes going bright.
“Astarion.” He breathes, and the vampire doesn’t think he’ll ever grow used to the lovely way he says his name. Like a prayer, like his final words. “Ah—sorry for taking so long. I think I got a little distracted.”
He raises his tray, full of fruits and cheeses and slices of meat, “But I brought food! The lady was very insistent that I bring enough back for my lover, you know. I don’t know how she knew I had one…”
Astarion hums, giving him an indulgent look as he allows the tiefling to enter the room, Casmir’s boot shutting the door behind him, “Darling, I’d hate to disappoint you, but you know that I don’t eat mortal food.”
Casmir pauses at that, his deep indigo face already wine-flushed. “Oh.” He waits just a moment, placing the tray on the inn’s desk, “Astarion, I think I might have been swindled. Just a bit.” He says very seriously and Astarion melts into breathy laughter.
He slowly reaches up, pushing a lock of dark hair from Casmir’s face, nearly shivering when Casmir meets his gaze. Hellfire eyes of honey, his face set with soft lines. But Astarion watches as his expression shifts, his head pressing into Astraion’s touch as their bright eyes flicker over his face.
“What’s wrong?” Casmir murmurs, his infernally heated skin warm against Astarion’s palm, “You look worried about something.”
Astarion nearly huffs, awful nerves and a horrible fondness both swelling inside of him, “It seems I can never get a single thing past you, can I?”
Casmir looks very proud of that, fangs peeking from behind his dark lips. Astarion traces his jaw, thoughts swirling in his head, throat working around a thick swallow. Casmir is patient even through his concern, looking perfectly content to wait, a pleased cat under Astarion’s careful petting. It soothes Astarion, to touch him this way, simple and without being a precursor to something more. Casmir makes it easy.
His thumb rests on the tiefling’s bottom lip and he sucks in a breath he doesn’t need, meeting warm golden eyes.
“I’ve just been—thinking, recently. About us. And the—the things that I’m comfortable with doing.”
Casmir seems to perk up at his words, listening intently with a bright gaze, almost nerve-wracking in its intensity.
“And…well, you mean the world to me. You’re quite a big part of what little I’ve had of it. I couldn’t possibly trade what we have, not for anything. There’s so much you’ve already done for me, whether you were being kind or thoughtful or just—just treating me like a person.” He continues with a soft chuckle, resisting the urge to fidget, though he so horribly wants to find some way to hide. He looks away, his fangs pricking over his bottom lip so he doesn’t have to see Casmir’s hellfire eyes.
“Everything we’ve done together has been so different from what I had experienced before. And it’s been rather lovely—you’re lovely. But there’s still some things that I—I can’t give you. That I can’t give anyone.” He sighs, uncertain if he’s comforted by Casmir’s careful, patient silence or not. “And I can’t have you expecting it or waiting for it. Because I don’t think—I don’t think I’ll ever want it.”
The words feel like a weight has been lifted off of his chest. Like he’s finally begun to breathe again after years spent underwater. He blinks with a slow breath, nearly shuddering in the silence.
He finally looks back at Casmir to find that his honey eyes are glassy and wet.
Astarion’s mouth immediately parts with a shocked breath, unable to stop his brows from furrowing in confusion, “Darling, are you crying?”
Casmir sniffles sadly, “No.” He sniffles again, his face still flushed, “Yes.” He clears his throat, scrubbing at his eyes with a smile, “I’m just really glad you told me. I didn’t realize you were so worried about that.”
Astarion shifts on his feet, peering up at Casmir nervously, but he still finds himself laughing softly, a thumb smoothing over Casmir’s warm cheek. His silly, achingly sincere and candid tiefling.
“So then, what do you…think? About continuing as we have?” He asks quietly, pressing his lips together, still feeling just slightly unsteady with nerves.
“I only want what you want.” Casmir says with little pause, firm and infused with his ever pleasant warmth, “Whatever that means for you, and whatever has you happy and comfortable.” Casmir’s hand raises between them in question, never a demand, and Astarion gratefully takes it.
“And if that means that we never have sex, then that’s what we’ll do.” He says it simply, in that same tone he does everything else. Like he had considered his words and does not waste them.
Astarion swallows, “But you want it, don’t you? I know you don’t sneak off just to play patty-cake with the woodland creatures when things get hot and heavy.” He scoffs, his tone more terse than he means it, “I know that you’d like sex and I don’t want you to—to deprive yourself of it for me.”
Casmir snorts indelicately, his softened features bright with amusement but also set firmly, “I wouldn't lie to you and say that I don’t enjoy sex. I would have liked it with you, had you ever asked. But I love you for so much more than that. I’m happy with this. Just this and nothing more. You certainly have no obligations to me in that regard.”
Casmir’s fingers squeeze gently over his, his grip careful and loving. Astarion works his jaw, throat nearly closing around a swallow. His breath shudders out of him, lashes flickering, “Do you truly meant that?”
And of course Casmir does—he’s no liar, especially not to Astarion, but maybe he just wants to hear it again—
“I do. More than I’ve ever meant anything else. You’re far more than just sex, Astarion. You make me happy, just as you are.” He tries to catch the elf’s gaze, his eyes like bright pools of honey, “And I’d do anything just to have this and keep it.”
Astarion laughs and it’s strangely wet, stuttering uncomfortably in his chest, but accompanying that is—relief. All encompassing and nearly dizzying, Astarion's head feeling suddenly light, his eyes fluttering.
“You’re a terribly sweet thing, my dear.” He sniffs delicately, Casmir’s fingers smoothing down the length of Astarion’s wrist. Casmir smiles at him, a flash of white teeth as he pets at his skin, pressing warmth into Astarion’s undead flesh.
Casmir bites at his bottom lip then, his face flushed a deep blue, “You needn't worry yourself about any of this. You will never have to do anything you wouldn’t want to with me. I swear it.”
Astarion smiles, reaching up to playfully take Casmir’s chin between his fingers, “Aren’t you just a tart—lovely thing that you are.” But with a soft breath he says more sincerely, “Thank you. That means…more than you could ever know.”
Casmir smiles easily, his face opening with genuine joy. “And anyway, I was thinking…” he starts, holding both of Astarion’s hands in his own now, “You bought that poetry book recently, and we have a nice, big bed to lay in for the night. Indulge me in reading it aloud?”
Astarion huffs with quiet surprise, though he entertains Casmir, looking up at him through dark lashes, “You’re hardly interested in my dark poetry, darling.”
Casmir makes a pitched humming sound, “Maybe not. But I like your voice and you love dramatically reciting the stanzas. I always like listening to you.”
If Astarion were prone to blushing, he thinks that he would have.
“Ah. You certainly make a compelling argument, when you say it like that. Though I think you’ll find yourself regretting admitting to that.”
Casmir laughs, slowly bringing Astarion’s knuckles to his lips, giving him time to pull away should he wish. Astarion never does, but the choice being there is enough to make his ribs ache.
“I don’t think that I will.” He says simply, lips moving in a whisper of breath over Astarion’s skin.
Thank you sm for reading! Requests are still open for anyone who’s interested 🫶🌸🤍
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faithdeans · 2 years
fic recs let's gooo
these some of my personal favourite long-form/multi-chap fics
***please mind the tags! the horror fics are kinda fucked up and i know that isn't for everyone so just make sure you know what you're about to read ps i might make a separate list for other horror fics?***
under the cut because there are so many sorry and i added comments because i can't shut up apparently.
so, in alphabetical order....
The Cheapest Room In The House by biggaybenny [E | 89k]
what if instead of a very sincere and earnest love confession dean just found out cas was gay? no confession, no god-jack endgame. just post-s15 stupidity. just dean being deranged. the dean downloads grindr for cas fic
you know it, you love it. thee chaotic boy besties fic with parts that will also rip you open
Fenario by ftmsteverogers (@/sodomitecastiel) [E | 47k]
“We did good, Dean,” Sam says. “We got him back.” Dean huffs a hollow laugh, because yeah, that’s always what it’s about, isn’t it? Cas or Sam or Dean getting themselves lost or dead, and then taking turns dragging each other back from the brink. He shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets. “We got him back, yeah,” he says. Sam nods, watching him. “So now what?”
once again you know it and you love it. THEE lake house fix it fic. also love that they are jewish and you can tell how much of the author's heart clearly went into this. one of those fics where it will ususpectingly knock you to your knees with a single sentence
Linden by fleeceframe (@/tasteslikevelvet) [E | 67k]
Castiel’s heart stumbles before he can stop it, before he can think about how pathetic that is. To think that every interaction the Swans have proceeds them, that everyone is just waiting to get a glimpse of one of them to fuel their gossip circles for the next three days. Even the invisible shy flutter in his stomach at the thought of the Swans (not the Swans, just one of them, just one single man, but is that any better?) makes Castiel feel like he’s participating in the blatant objectification that he’s uncomfortable just witnessing. The Swans are only people. This is something that Castiel holds onto. Just people who happen to have a generational curse in their bloodline. And when he interacts with Sam Winchester or Eileen Leahy at his stall, it’s easy. He says hello, they say hello back. The Swans are just people. And yet, Dean Winchester remains unfathomable.
ohhhh this fic feels like springtime and sunlight through the trees and everything that is good. i devoured this fic, it is so sweet and captivating and wonderfully poetic. a comfort read fr
The Lord of The Lake by rhinestoneangels (almondrose) (@pinknatural) [T | 29k]
The lakehouse is haunted.
this fic is so special to me. there's emma. there's a cat. they're a FAMILY. there's ACE DEAN!?? it's thee ace!dean fic for me and steph did such a wonderful job exploring that
Muder Ballads (Red Right Hand) by Duckyboos [E | 85k+]
It all starts with the mysterious note left on Dean’s chair. It all ends with Dean coming to terms not only with what he’s capable of, but how much that knowledge doesn’t bother him.
hehe this is one of the ones you need to make sure you're comfortable with before you read it... it's yeah.. it's real dark. the storytelling is so compelling and i could NOT put this down. sometimes you gotta read something kinda fucked up. especially when it is so well written. also if you do like this then i recommend everything duckyboos has written hehe
Put Up Your Dukes by saltyfeathers [E | 38k]
Dean can't sleep. Cas offers to tire him out.
i mean *i* have always considered this a classic. honestly it's so fun and funny and just ugh i just love it, so read it pls
Revelation 13 by fullvoid [E | 44k]
It’s Dean’s day off, and he’d like to spend it how he always does—by kicking his feet up with a cold one and watching soap operas—not by discovering an enormous, creepy hole in his bathroom wall that definitely wasn’t there when he went to bed last night. But it’s no big deal. He can just patch it up and still devote plenty of time to Dr. Sexy afterward. There is only one problem. He can’t leave his apartment, and there’s a message on his front door written in…is that blood? And why is it signed by someone named “Cas”? Things can only get better from here, right?
hehe i know nothing about silent hill but i DO know that this is an amazing horror fic!! read it in one sitting and would do it again!
Russian to the Altar by MalMuses [E | 144k]
“I need you to marry Castiel.” They weren’t the words Dean expected to hear from his business partner’s mouth before their bakery-slash-chocolate shop opened for the day. He’d been quite happy being single—and who the fuck was Castiel, anyway? It turned out that Castiel was a Russian erotic novelist in need of a ticket to America, and Dean… well, Dean was a last resort.
i LOVE a romcom fic and this one is soooo fantastic (it's a classic, right?) it has bdsm. it has destiel being idiots in love. it's also incredibly sweet. what more could you want?
Seek to Know You Better by ahurston [E | 33k]
Dean and Cas, a long stretch of highway, and 36 questions empirically designed to make two people fall in love. As if they weren't already.
The Shawnee Trail by emmbrancsxx0 (@/valleydean) [E | 166k]
In 1887, Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak lead a peaceful life in Lawrence, Kansas. Dean and Sam are stagecoach messengers for Wells, Fargo and Castiel is the town doctor. When Castiel's patient, Kelly Kline, knocks on their door one night about to give birth, she asks for the Winchesters and Castiel's help in protecting her son against one of the west's most notorious outlaws. To fulfill that promise, the men set out on a journey full of shootouts, trouble with the law, gambling, and an important discovery: Dean and Castiel really need to define the nature of their relationship.
WESTERN AU. also to quote myself: "fics that make you pace around your room at midnight while sobbing". also once again i can't believe this isn't a piece of classic literature it's just that damn good.
So Says The Sword by komodobits [E | 85k]
The briefing was simple: ‘Stand guard over the Michael Sword until the battle is ready to commence. Await further instructions.’ Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
we all agree this is canon, right? a classic. it completely shook me up the first time i read it, and honestly it change my perspective of the entire show, for the better of course.
Vagabonds by chevrolangels [E | 89k]
Dean is a sheriff in a tiny town in Colorado, restless and unsatisfied with his life. It's not like what he's read about in the dime novels since he was little, capturing dangerous outlaws and being the last word of the law. More like tossing the town drunk in a cell to sober up when they get a little too rowdy. But Dean's chance comes when a thief rolls through their town. He pursues the thief, which puts him right into the path of Emmanuel, a notorious outlaw. When he is captured by the outlaw and his gang to be held for ransom, Dean starts off on a journey he could have never envisioned, and learns that perhaps there's more to Emmanuel than meets the eye.
another western au!! this list would not be complete without this fic. one of my very faves. it's my ultimate comfort fic. i get so sad whenever i finish it because i never want it to end. i can't praise it enough i don't have the words
What Baking Can Do by cowlovely (@dollhousemary) [T | 63k]
She lets out a low whistle. “Damn,” she says, not even bothering to look up as Dean comes to sit on the counter beside her. “You guys did well yesterday, huh?” Dean shrugs. “I guess. Wednesdays get a lot of foot traffic. Dunno why.” Jo gives him a sidelong look. “It’s because on Wednesdays, we have your ‘Strawberry Heaven Pie’ or whatever the hell you call it.” “Strawberry Chocolate Oasis Pie,” he corrects. “And there’s absolutely no way to prove that. People probably just like to get some sorta treat in the middle of the week or whatever.” “I absolutely can prove that, when was the last time any of that pie was left at the end of the day—hell, at the end of the morning shift?” “Okay, that’s definitely an exaggeration,” he retorts. “It’s never sold out before lunch.” “Can you stop being a bitch and accept that people like your pie?”
i have no idea what waitress is and it literally doesn't matter because ivy makes this its whole own world... if you want something insanely sweet, with amazing character depth and that feels like a warm hug, look no further. this is one of my comfort fics and i have read it multiple times and will read it again!!!!!
Who Ya Gonna Call? by saintedcastiel (@saintedcastiel) [M | 49k]
Finally free from Chuck's machinations, Dean flees the bunker to make a home for himself away from the hunting world. He settles into his new life but can't quite shake the feeling that he's not alone. There's a ghost haunting him, tied to the last thing on Earth that Castiel touched. As the spirit gets angrier and more dangerous to the people around him, will Dean be able to bring himself to let him go?
if you're reading this the day i post this you might have seen me losing my mind on the dash. read it one sitting because it pulled me in instantly and would not let me go. so beautifully written and it's... it's the ending we deserved. i think this needs to be the next fandom classic i am Not joking. one of the few fics that made me sob my eyes out i don't even know what to say anymore just read it please trust me it's WONDERFUL.
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the-golden-comet · 4 months
✨Fanfiction Friday✨
Hello, all you lovely readers and writers alike!✨🌈✨
Happy Friday! It’s time to highlight some wonderful authors and fanfiction of AO3 💫
I can smile at the old days—by @zackprincebooks aka @esteemedbastard
A case of a god falling from the heavens and getting adopted by Jin, this story follows the tale of Xiè Lián in an isekai-type tale.
This author is highly talented in writing, made some incredibly detailed fics, has a wonderful grasp on prose writing, and fantastically showcases what healthy polyamory looks like. I highly recommend giving this a read (as well as the Explicit ones, if that’s your jam…like me ✨)
Night Terror by @the-bar-sinister
For the video game enjoyers, especially on the Ace Attorney side, this is a beautiful short read. Detailing hurt and comfort in a way that is relatable, the author is able to capture the fluffiness in just a few words.
Hostile Takeover by @snugglesquiggle
Enemies to lovers? Check. Slow burn? Check! Novel length? Check, check, CHECK IT OUT! Step into the sci-fi world with this tale, following J and her worker drone assistants. I know a few of my mutuals who love futuristic sci-fi, and speaking of…
Breathtaker by @autism-purgatory
Another banger by FlopEraFics, this Call of Duty fic features one of MY favorite characters (as well as others), Ghost. The fic follows Soap on an expedition to Alaska, where the author beautifully details the scene to the crashing of the helicopter, to the frigid white cold of the landscape, down to the playful bantering in Soap’s squadron. Be sure to check out his works!
(He also makes original stories that are fantastic reads. Check them out!)
Tuesday event or is it by @wyked-ao3
If you’re a Supernatural fan, you’re gonna love this one. Sam Winchester and Gabriel are caught in a time loop, and need to figure out how to get back to normal. Some wacky and fun hijinx in this tale, including a candy shop/bakery AU they go to. This fic puts the “fun” in “dysfunctional” (as told by the author’s sister). Give it a look!
Speaking of Supernatural…
The One with the Double Date by @piscesapplelady35
An amazing dialogue writer, this author writes the quips between Dean and Cas so hilariously that my ribs hurt from laughing so much. Seriously, go see for yourself just how genius the dialogue is! It makes the characters so relatable, and the banter that much more believable.
There are obviously so many more creative and amazing authors out there, so I implore you to go out and see them for yourself! ✨
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