#like it was a freaking awesome dream
faintlyof · 1 year
oh yeah, i had another like...full-length series dream a few days back. i really liked it so i thought about it a long time so i wouldnt forget it all but it was really really long so naturally i dont remember the whole thing. literally, it couldve had a full season of episodes or something. watching All of Us Are Dead reminded me
lets see how much i remember
dream sequence under the cut
i honestly dont remember the very beginning and the dream was laid out very much like a tv show, with details about the start getting revealed way after the fact
but it took place in a large city. a city that grew upward.
one day, an infection started spreading. a zombie-like infection. people tried to escape, but very few could actually make it out of the boundary of the city. people died in droves. absolute carnage as far as the eye could see.
i managed to survive. picking my way through buildings, trying to avoid detection, i somehow made it through the first major wave. at this point, the government had managed to barricade all the entry and exit points to the city. escape was no longer possible.
there were no connections to the outside world. networks were down, though electricity remained in some places.
i came across other survivors and we stuck together, just trying to survive. over time, it nearly became routine. until the helicopter started coming.
thinking it was salvation, survivors rushed to flag the helicopter down, but the helicopter merely dropped some things and left again. the drops typically contained some supplies, some food, some medicine, occasionally a weapon, but sometimes they were completely empty.
once, when some survivors went to greet the helicopter, a hail of bullets greeted them. trust in the helicopter fell further.
my group found a convenience store that hadnt been pillaged or damaged yet and we made a base there. it was so bright inside and the temperature was cool and unchanging. there was a sense of normalcy as myself and another girl contemplated which pasta salad to eat.
one of our guys, a real techno whiz, got to work with the registers computer, trying to see if he could contact the outside world. there were some surveillance files on it. camera footage. he found footage dating back to the day it had all started. that day there had been a network outage. a woman and her daughter had been at the convenience store and when the network went down, the woman had rushed out and left her daughter there. telling her to wait for her to call and tell her it was safe to come home. the girl, already a bit roughed up, paced by the convenience stores phone for hours. the staff tried to fix the phone, but all they could do was wait. the girl rushed out of the store when the screaming started.
there was other camera footage as well. security cameras within the store, around the perimeter, and, with some work, we were able to access other cameras along the same network beyond the store.
thats when we found something unexpected.
some of these cameras were in very interesting locations or pointed to very interesting things. like packs of zombies or groups of other survivors. and there was an external connection we could not access.
that was the first night the helicopter came to attack. they opened fire on anything that moved, zombie or otherwise. children, adults, animals, no one was spared. the helicopter began shooting into buildings as well. windows became the enemy.
we started finding camera that looked as though they had been set up recently. or set up hastily on tripods in various places.
fires started taking down buildings where survivors had made their bases, forcing them to run, often times directly into the waiting zombies jaws. or into the waiting helicopters bullets.
pieces started clicking together. the cameras, the lack of outside contact, the helicopter that sometimes helped and sometimes hurt, the herding into deaths jaws. we were being watched and, more importantly, someone was enjoying the show.
upon this revelation, our dwindling group of survivors decided to try and work our way towards the forest on the outskirts of the city.
as we made our way there, a lone helicopter seemed determined to stop us at all costs. luckily for us, a newer member of our group was ex-military and knew more in detail about this helicopter. most importantly, that this was not the average military helicopter, but a special ops one, equipped with heat-seeking missiles. we needed to disable the cameras at all costs. they could track our movements and predict our actions easily.
one large building became a battleground between the helicopter and one of our members. she was somehow faster than the missiles, but the building went down with her in it anyway. our ex-military guy left us, following a hunch, and told us to keep going and he’d rejoin us. he had figured out where the helicopter was landing and got inside.
there was a broadcast station inside, showing all the remaining survivors, showing the hordes of zombies roaming every inch of the city, showing the high fence that had been constructed just outside the city limits, and showing the hundreds of watch towers and armed personnel standing guard around the fence. names and figures scrolled across some screens, blinking out of existence each time another survivor died.
he made his way to the top floor and found the one office in use. someone was on the phone, talking about how it was almost over. the next day, the armed personnel stationed outside the city would storm in and clear the place with force. there would be no survivors.
he recognized this persons voice. it was a general he had once served under in the military. but there was no recognition is his eyes as our guy put two bullets through his brain.
he returned to us to tell us the news. we went back to the building to check for ourselves, but we knew he was right. in the end, our group had 6 survivors in the end, and as we worked our way back through the city, we picked up another 12 people. we told everyone we came across about our grim fate. soldiers would be bursting through the gates and killing everyone. we decided to take our last moments into our own hands.
we made our way back to the forest where we had hoped to stage an escape from. in this forest, there was a river. this river ran deep and strong and eventually dropped over a cliff and into some underground caves. the drop from the cliff was so far, you could only see a sliver of the water at the bottom. after everything we all had been through, everyone was glad to be able to make this last choice. how would you like to die? by rain of bullets or by quietly slipping into the water? we formed roughly two lines so no one would be alone at the end and, two by two, made the jump from the cliff
i watched six people before me before i worked up the nerve to stand at the edge. my partner and i smiled to the other survivors before jumping.
as i fell, i thought, the air is nice and cool here. it’s so much fresher than the air in the city was. i kept my eyes open and watched the water come to meet me. i braced myself for impact, dying like this would hurt, but only for a moment. instead, i felt myself become warm and the world went white. there was no pain, just that feeling of being held. i wondered how long it would take before it was over. had i hit the water and died already? but i was still thinking about how long it was taking, so maybe i had survived and now i was waiting to run out of air. it was quiet and warm and bright and i didnt feel the need to breathe, but i started to get very comfortable and sleepy.
i thought to myself, if i fall asleep, the nightmare is definitely over. and it was so warm and comfortable, like napping in a sunbeam. i could feel my body slipping into sleep, the feeling so slow it almost felt like falling all over again. ah, this is it, i thought, im dying. just another moment and it would be over.
WAIT, i thought. i didnt really want to die. through the bleary sleepiness, i mentally pushed my eyes back open. this is not my end, i thought loudly.
back in the city, the soldiers hunted down every last survivor and executed them. the zombies were left alone. soon there would be nothing left for the zombies to feed on and they would no longer be a threat. there would be incredible research done on these zombies, so much so that the sacrifice of the hundreds of thousands of people in city, while never directly addressed, was appreciated by those who remained. the footage of the survivors struggles was never released to the public and remained in the pockets of the investors who had taken advantage of the situation, though on occasion, a clip would turn up on some shock site. the city never saw human habitation again.
#tw zombies#tw death#like it was a freaking awesome dream#it wasnt like horror movie scary but like action zombie movie scary#like ahhhh is the zombie gonna kill me or will i escape???#but there were no jumpscares or anythng#like i can see some influence from things ive watched recently#influence from dreams ive had in the past#there was so so much more that i know i cant remember enough about#like the story of the girl and her mother in the convenience store#i dont remember why they needed to use the phone in the shop#like it was probably just dream logic but i wish i could remember#and the part with the girl dodging the heat seeking missiles was freaking awesome#but very very much dream logic#she was like rappelling down the side of the building to take out cameras#and like jumping and swinging around the sides to doge the missiles#v v unrealistic xD#but like i also need to know DID I DIE AT THE END??? because i also dont know???#but dying felt like when i was falling asleep into a sleep paralysis episode#very comfortable but somehow also very wrong#like just close your eyes and sleep dont worry about it youll be fine trust me#and ive fallen for that too many times now sooooo#but like just me thinking it wouldnt be enough to offset the physical bodies death right???#ugh i need a sequel#also yeah the understanding a i have is that the zombie outbreak was unintentional#but the opportunity to study the situation and make some cash dollars off the situation was irresistible#the government recognized the threat and cordoned us off#but the rich thought it a fun little game to bet on who would survive#the military wanted to see how those who survive manage to do so in case it happens again in the future#and it was all excused under the guise of science
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dismas-n-dismay · 5 months
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Oooh you wanna look at my younger lightcannon doodles so bad oooooh
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chronodia · 2 years
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how old are you now?
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happy birthday you gay little idiot
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lordsovorn · 2 months
Strange how people keep saying that "Shuro hates in Laios the same traits he supposedly loves in Falin", which is...
Seriously, look at him and his dialogue - does he hate Laios for being a monster freak? For being nerdy and weird and loving nature? For eating bugs? No, that's not it.
Shuro hates* Laios for being so profoundly socially inept (from his perspective).
The key difference between Touden siblings isn't that Falin is a pretty girl - the key difference is that Falin is caring and accommodating to other people, and Laios is awkward and unobservant, seemingly egotistic at the surface level.
(others have already written wonderful essays on why and how they grew up like that)
It has to be noted that Shuro is a sheltered noble from a land where proper etiquette is paramount - he is used to people being incredibly subtle AND incredibly observant around him. He comes from a high-context culture where everyone assumes things based on lots of social cues and shared understanding of context. That's not even a matter of being neurotypical, that's his culture (in addition to his personality and brain chemistry)
He is also rather introverted as person and doesn't have many friends. Even his attachments and emotions in childhood are expressed subtly, in a restrained and proper way. He is polite and refined, perfectly fitting into his house's expectations - even if that means repressing his childhood interests and little weird joys.
In that particular way, the opposite of Laios.
Shuro hates* Laios for being the opposite of the image HE was grown into. This strange man is so utterly insensitive and so open about it - he has no sense of shame (like Shuro), no tact and ability to shut up (like Shuro), no restraint (like Shuro). Look at him talking non-stop about things he wants to talk about and having fun (unlike Shuro) while completely overestepping Shuro's obvious boundaries!
The boundaries, I must say, that not only never before needed to be spelled out, but in Shuro's upbringing and culture would be as ridiculous to spell out as "I want to pee, so I'll go to the bathroom and remove my pants and sit on the toilet and release the sphincter holding my pee in my pee bladder"
Falin is not only awesome in his eyes for being weird and in touch with nature, but for being very delicate, observant and caring AT THE SAME TIME. She is a gem in Shuro's eyes, a miracle of his dreams.
In Falin, he not only sees a nerd-freak - he sees a hope for an introverted, polite, restrained person like himself to reconnect with that love for nature and nerdiness and freakiness.
Laios isn't like that. Laios is unobservant for subtle cues - and so a lot more loud, persistent, enthusiastic and unwittingly annoying. Yes, Falin has all that inside her too - but she restrains herself in order not to be a burden. And so does Shuro, in order to fit expectations. There's similarity between them in that regard, between two introverted and restrained weirdos. And a hope for a kindred, more open soul, from the more restrained Shuro's perspective.
* - I don't think Shuro's feelings to Laios are properly described as hate. Yeah, in his darkest moment he says that, but honestly it felt more like an accumulated stress from a continuous cultural and personal misunderstanding, rather than a profound personal hate.
What was the post about?.. Oh, yeah, Shuro loving Falin and disliking Laios. That's not him being too horny to think, that's him loving in Falin the defining difference between the two - they aren't gender-swapped clones, after all. Give my boy some respect and nuance.
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inf3ct3dd · 8 months
streamer!ellie headcanons
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warnings: yo no se
content : streamer!ellie headcanons 🔥🔥
authors note : the streets r calling and they’re telling me to write streamer ellie hcs….
- def started off as a faceless streamer. she wasn’t really comfortable on camera, and she just thought it would be way easier. you can only see her shoulders-down leaving her (deliciosu. scrumptious. yummy) arms in the cameras view.
- her twitch user is “creeperewman” cuz shes like…discreetly hiding her initials and referencing the best minecraft parody ever 😕!!!
- bought the most random shitty mic and webcam and started streaming 🔥🔥 she never got rid of either of them its part of her odd loser charm
“‘fartmaster69:it’s probably cuz your camera’ it’s probably bc of YOUR CAMERA!!! theres nothing wrong w my camera bro 😞”
“don’t listen to them…ur perfect 🤫 IM NOT TALKING TO U GUYS IM TALKING TO MY CAMERA”
- only had a few viewers the first couple times she streamed, and it was some random 10 yr old who kept spamming “yassss” in the chat and some dude who said she was shit at minecraft 😞 he was LYING
- started off doing minecraft speed runs (or trying to) and got like way good over time
- she randomly started getting more and more viewers, because people kept posting abt her and calling her fine on tiktok , making edits of her hands and her voice 😭😭 (real)
- as she got more and more viewers, she started branching out more with the games she’d play. def loves shooter games like cod and pubg, but she’d also play like indie horror games like faith (omg markiplier fans would know)
- she has a orange cat she named garfield (cuz…of course she does) and he’s always sitting on her lap during her streams or messing w her setup 💔💔
- def put stickers all over her headset and showed them off all proud on stream
- designed her own cute banners and stuff for streams 😞!!!
- def had a subreddit/disc server with her viewers where she’d let them give her game recs or make memes of her
- ppl saw her guitar in the back of her streams and BEGGED HER to play it and she had her own lil concert stream !!! she was so freaking nervous and messed up a bunch the first like minute or two but like after that she was in the ZONE
“‘ewswife: i wish i was that guitar’ oh!! you guys are so…kind!!!”
- when she INSANELY hit 1k, she did a face reveal and she hit 10k the same day 😦 the amount of edits that ppl made was actually insane. ESP ONES MAKING FUN OF DREAMS FACE REVEALLLL
- started doing much more random shit on stream after she got more famous. she LOVES cooking on stream, and she’d start reacting to random shit ppl sent her on the subreddit
- she cut her hair on stream once, and everyone in the chat kept spamming “yo bob…is fye” for like 5 minutes 😪
- “you’re at work watching me? i hope you get fired. i mean. i hope you don’t get fired 😞”
- she gets so many thirst comments and like…is terrible at responding to them
“‘ewleftbicep: you look so vulnerable today’ WHAT”
- she has her own apartment cuz of her awesome streaming money 🔥🔥🔥 soundproofed walls too cuz she’s. loud.
- one day, you were walking on campus to a class. you had your headphones on, listening to your main playlist on shuffle, when you got stopped by someone. you pulled your headphones off your ears and gave the man in front of you a confused look. you looked down to his hands, holding a tiny mic, and another dude holding a camera.
“what song are you listening to?” he held the microphone towards you, awaiting your response.
you quickly responded “uhm, last goodbye, by jeff buckley.” and stood there awkwardly, pushing a piece of hair out of your face.
the man quickly thanked you and you walked away, slightly suprised.
- after a couple hours, the video had blown up and the comments were filled with people complimenting you.
pickleluna: jeff buckley girl is so fine
minyonlala: 3rd girl is so bad
and unknown to you, someone else found you on their fyp.
creeperewman: guys what is the 3rd girls @. im literally BEGGING BRO PLEASEEE
- ewsgirlf: random tiktok girl stole my wife 💔
- elliewilliamsidechick: guys im literally the 3rd girl 😂😂😂
- it didn’t take long for your phone to be blown up with people sending you the video, tagging you in funny comments, and finding your instagram. you watched the video, and saw ellie was the top comment. you checked her profile, and saw how FINE she was, and immediately responded
- y/nmainn: guys 😳😳😳 what if i was the third girl 😳😳
- ellie checked her phone and saw thousands of people tagging your comment, and she wasted zero time following you on tiktok. and your instagram. its not stalking if its in your bio, right?
- you two immediately hit it off, and ellie loved the fact that you had absolutely no idea who she was. to you, she was just some hot girl. not some famous streamer you were obsessed with.
- she didn’t even realize you two went to the same school until she saw you in her astrophysics class one day, and she almost had a heart attack when you waved at her and walked over to sit next to her.
“what a coincidence.”
- she took you out on your first date to a planetarium, and not even a week after, asked you to be her girlfriend.
- she definitely teaches you how to play her favorite games. but she gets wayyyy defensive when you beat her.
“im just letting you win.”
“beginners luck.”
but shes SO COCKY when she beats you
“hey, don’t be so hard on yourself after this. not your fault im a professional!”
“aw, maybe one day you’ll be as good as me”
- definitely helps you build your own pc.
- loves watching you play things like animal crossing or stardew valley, always lays on your shoulder while you’re on the couch.
“why are you being so mean to gaston :((“
“because hes UGLY and he has an ugly house and he’s ruining my village.”
“wowww you’re bullying a little bunny man because he doesn’t fit your aesthetic 😒 so mean”
- if you like more aggressive games like cod, she loves listening to you talk shit while you play and always makes fun of people with you. (she thinks its hot when you’re mean to people)
- her chat absolutely loves you, and every time you stream together its a continuous stream of “me and who” and “when is it my turn 😪”
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zevlors-tail · 2 years
I just had the craziest dream where I auditioned for a role in a play just like. On a whim? Bc I really liked the character (it was Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail). Well... I got it. And I remember thinking in my dream that I only did it because of the opportunity and I didn't expect to get it, so I had no idea how to go about preparing for everything?
Omg it was nuts. 😭
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bigwishes · 10 months
Caption Drop
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Corey made his wish, he wanted to be huge, a massive muscular beast, he wanted men to be shocked when they say him naked. He thought he had coved all his bases when making his demands to the Djinn "I want to be huge, only muscle growth, i wanna have awesome abs, I want men Im about to sleep with be shocked when I take off my pants in front of them, I dont wanna lose any intelligence, I dont wanna be hairy, I just wanna be a hyper masculine muscle cow" The Djinn smiled granting his wish. Corey got the body of his dreams, unfortunately for him he did think about how he casually threw in being a muscle cow and moments after his muscled stopped inflating he felt a pain in his groin, watching his pants bulge outwards the zipper suddenly split open. Corey stared in shock, his balls had become the size of a beachball, his dick was gone now instead four dicks hung off the corner of his sack making it look like a giant udder.
"well you did say you wanted to be a big muscle cow" the Djinn laughed in response
"MOOOOOOOOO!!! MOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Corey yelled, the noise of a frustrated bull replacing his voice, but the Djinn was unable to understand him and so the desperate attempts to reverse the beastly part of his wish were simply ignored.
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Kyle always wanted to be a competitive bodybuilder but he could never stick to the diet to cut down enough to go on stage, nor did he have the confidence. He had all the muscle, if only he could shift the bodyfat and think he was worthy of being on stage. Kyle made a simple wish "I wish I looked good enough for the stage, I wish I had the confidence to stand in front of all those guys"
Suddenly the clothes Kyle was wearing was replaced with a slutty harness, something snapped in his brain and all his nervous anxiety was replaced with cocky douchbag thoughts. Kyle was ready for the stage alright, not as a bodybuilder, but instead as a slutty horny man whore.
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Less than 5 minutes ago John was a much smaller twunk. He pumped into a guy at the gym, his sweat smeared across him. John called the guy a disgusting sweaty roid pig. The guy was ready to drop it but John continued to tell him how he'd never wanna be that big, he cracked a joke saying the man probably stunk like a locker room 24/7 because of how hard it would be to move his body. Suddenly two guys grabbed John's arms and the man he made fun of forced his jaw open and shoved what tasted like a small lemon lolly. John's body began to grow uncontrollably. Soon he was a giant freak. John stared at his new body, the body of a giant sweaty gorilla, his stench was worse than anything he had ever smelt before and the 3 bodybuilders who were pinning him down moments ago were now laughing at him and his awful stench in the corner of the locker room.
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princessmaybank · 5 months
Crazy JJ Sex Dream
Pairings: JJ x Fem!Friend!reader
Warnings: MDNI, explaining wet dreams
Summary: JJ hearing that you had a wet dream about him that you were telling Sarah and Kiara about
Authors Note: I like cliffhangers if you can't tell! Let me know if you want a part 2!
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*Y/N's POV*
"Fine! I'll tell you guys about the dream! But you have to be quiet!" I whisper yelled to the ladies sitting in front of me. I knew the guys were outside and one of the windows was cracked so they could possibly hear something. They both freaked out. "You have a crush on one of the guys?!" Sarah exclaimed almost too loud. I nodded.
"Well John B is obviously off the table." Kiara said looking to Sarah, I only nodded in response. "That leaves Pope or JJ! Unless you just don't want the guys to know about another guy?!" Sarah yelled...again. I shushed her and she apologized.
"It was about JJ." I whispered and their jaws dropped. Anyone could tell they were trying so hard not to squeal.
*JJ's POV*
John B was talking about some stupid shit dealing with Sarah when I heard my name from the room the girls went into. I sat closer to the window to do what one would call eavesdropping.
*Y/N's POV*
"So basically we were at the annual bonfire. You all were there." "Ew we were in your crazy JJ sex dream?" Thankfully Kiara questioned at a whisper. I only nodded back at her. "I was having a fun time dancing and drinking with JJ. He gave me his jacket because I expressed how cold I was to him, which made him get close to me. We started kissing. Pretty heavily might I add."
Both girls were so excited to see where the story was going. They sat criss cross in front of me begging for me to continue. "He whispered in my ear, he asked if we could take this back to the chateau. Of course since it's my brain we magically jumped to the chateau." The girls showed they understood what I meant by giggling.
"He took me inside and laid me on the guest bed. His lips kissed up and down my neck, making me moan when he would suck on my soft spots. Even in my dream he knew what he was doing." I took a pause to sit and think back to my dream.
"He pulled my shorts and panties off, then my tube top. He stopped and admired my body, putting some delicate kisses where he saw fit. He gave me one more sloppy, hungry kiss, before he traveled downward to kiss me below the belt." I secretly squeezed my thighs together after specifically remembering that part.
"Then basically he whipped out his huge cock and flipped me into doggystyle. He said some great things that would make any girl melt, but I'll keep that to myself. Anyways, we cuddled afterwards. It was great. Then there was some more kissing, which led to round 2." I smiled. " What did round 2 consist of??" Kiara asked, getting excited. "I hopped on that dick and rode him like I was a cowgirl!" They squealed so loud then we all had a long laugh. "That sounds fucking awesome." Kiara said. "I'm jealous, I need John B to do that to me." Sarah responded.
Next thing I know I hear the window opening, and JJ peeks in. "What are we talking about ladies?" He asked with a smirk. "Nothin" Kiara was calm. "Nothing!!" I was not. "Just the crazy JJ sex dream Y/N had." Sarah said out loud and realized what she had said but it was already too late. I tried to hide my face from him but he came into the room through the window. "Really? Can I share one of mine?" JJ asked before walking behind me and placing his hands on the back of my chair. The girls nodded eagerly, but in all honesty I really didn't wanna hear JJ talk about dicking some other girl down. I tried standing up but I felt a strong hand push me back into my sitting position.
"It was maybe a few nights ago. I was in my room and this girl came in, gorgeous y/h/c hair, with y/e/c eyes that I could easily get lost in. She was wearing this pretty shade of red lipstick. She was wearing it for herself, but I swear it felt like she only wore it so I could smear the shit out of it." I was slowly getting uncomfortable but the girls were enjoying this. "I sat at the edge of my bed and asked her if she'd be a good girl for me." The girls suddenly felt a little gross about the situation. "I pulled her hair into a makeshift ponytail and she sucked my di-" "Okay JJ you're done, it's not fun hearing you talk about that." Sarah said breaking the news. "You don't wanna hear how I tossed Y/N around, and fucked her so good she couldn't walk straight? What about the time I praised her so well? Or when I was the sub and she dominated me? Maybe the time I fucked her while on the phone with her ex? Or when I went down on her an-" He was cut off by the two girls screaming. He smirked to himself knowing what he did.
Not only was my jaw on the floor, but the girls' definitely were and the guys eventually heard the conversation from the window so they joined as well. "As much as I love telling you all about my sexual fantasies, I think I need to have a private conversation with the star of all of those dreams."
Everyone walked out and while he was turned around to close the window I tried to escape as well. He never turned around he simply said "You have five seconds to get that juicy ass of yours into a chair, baby." I was shocked, but complied.
"What's up Jayj?" I asked, trying to play dumb. He turned around and crouched in front of me. He rubbed his large hands up and down my thighs. "Wanna play a game?" He smirked. Oh fuck...
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captainzigo · 26 days
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master post of all the content ive made for freako funtime icecream surprise so far. she is a pinkie clone from the mirror pool. she survived, and wants revenge on twilight for killing her sisters, and giving her all this body dysmorphia from blasting her hand off. she is two face like from batman which i think is cool. that other pinkie clone is confetti cakepop who was made by @idiotvision who is much more successful living in secret and not wanting revenge. she takes freako in out of pitty. girlboy failed clone of twilight is just that. hes from an au im working on where evil fascist pegasi are trying to artificially create an alicorn as part of a plot to take over equestria.
below the break is links to fanart of freako. and other pinky clone ocs who self report to be inspired be her.
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l4zyb0n35 · 2 months
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PAIRING: Alastor x F!Reader
SUMMARY: Y/N is a diligent worker, much to the chagrin of her partner, Alastor. Despite his efforts to get her to stop for both their sakes, Y/N remains steadfast in her duties. However, Alastor finds a loophole to this situation.
WARNINGS: Really really great awesome writing skills, Established romantic relationship, (can be seen as dating, fiancé, or married), AFAB reader, usage of Y/N, Sexual content (obv), Mature themes, Mature language, Nudity, Breastfeeding, Unprotected sex, MINORS DNI FOR UR OWN SAFTEY, Alastor manipulates her but only to get her to stop cleaning the hardwood floor, Alastor kinda controls her but not too much. Let me know if i missed anything :3
NOTICE: please don't copy or steal or translate any of my work or you will be haunted in your dreams and i will spawn something unpleasant at your porch the next day. But...thanks for liking my work !! >.<
WORDS: 2.4k
Requests are open, support is highly appreciated!
〰ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ..。.:*・゚♫₊ ♪ *♬‧₊enjoy!~
You were a very hardworking woman around the hotel, to say the least.
Your excuse? “Well, Charlie is just dealing with so much, what’s my help going to harm but not… help?”
Ever since your dear partner, Alastor, invited you to live with him in his hotel room at the Hazbin Hotel, just to be closer as a couple,
You would not stop fucking working.
It’s driving him mad.
He has recently tried everything to get you to relax, to take it easy for once, but you were too stubborn for that. He couldn’t even believe how much work you did for such a small pay. It was honestly ridiculous since you weren’t even a maid, if that was what you were thinking.
So what if you were a bit of a clean freak, it wasn’t any reason to clean the entire damn hotel every day, including the outside, may we add.
You wouldn’t listen to his advice though, no matter how many times he told you to stop.
“Y/N, I swear if you keep cleaning the hotel I’m gonna…do something very bad,” he threatened one day while you were scrubbing down the lobby.
You chuckled, ignoring his threat.
“Don’t worry about me, sweetheart, m’ not gonna lose a limb.” you said with a smile.
Alastor sighed, watching as you continued to scrub the floors.
“You’re just being stubborn, Y/N,” he mumbled under his breath.
‘My last resort, I suppose.’ he concluded in his thoughts, looking around to make sure nobody would hear them.
After making sure that they were alone at the scene, he walked back over to you, trying to fix his composure.
“…When will you come back to bed with me, dear? It’s been cold without you.” Alastor said, kneeling down to her level as he put on his fake facade.
You paused for a moment and turned to him, “Aw, Al, you miss my spot being filled in the bed?” You said, rubbing his shoulder.
He nodded, “It’s never the same without you, I’m afraid.” He tried to soften his smile.
“…You’re not just saying that, right?” You said, losing your smile and pausing your hand.
“What? No-no. I would never lie to you dear.” He said, defending himself.
“…When do you want me in bed, hm?” You said, picking up your supplies and ignoring your suspicions, “I need to shower, after all.” You added.
Alastor stood up, “Now?” He asked, trying to sound hopeful.
“Mm, sure.” You nodded, walking off with your bucket of cleaning supplies.
He silently celebrated his victory.
* * *
Alastor’s ears perked up as he heard the shower turn off.
He was currently laying in bed with only a robe on and some boxers, staring off into the bayou and he brainstormed what he could do to get you to stop working.
He decided a couple minutes ago that his only option left were to ‘have intercourse’.
It was quite smart, actually. All he had to do was take your ability to walk.
So he waited as your blow dried your hair, trying to ignore his unpleasant boner from beneath the cloth of his boxers.
He waited even more when you picked which robe to wear to bed,
which, as you stepped out the steamy chamber, was a red silk robe with Alastor’s initials on it, your favorite.
He had a smug look on his face, seeing you step out in his clothing.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were waiting for me.” You said, seeing Alastor sitting up in bed.
He smiled at you, “No worries, dear,” he said, standing up and putting his hands on your hips.
“I was just waiting for you to come to bed.” He said, bringing his lips close to yours.
You laughed softly, pulling back after a moment, “What’s the occasion, dear?” You rested your forehead on his, closing your eyes.
“Hmm?” He asked, confused.
“Why are you acting so lovey-dovey with me? Is it Valentine’s Day already?” You laughed again, resting your head against his chest.
“Oh, don’t act so surprised, darling.” He said, leaning forward and kissing your temple.
“But, really, what’s the occasion?” You asked, moving back to give him space.
“Well…” He said, thinking quickly, “I figured you deserved a break after all of that hard work you put in recently.” He said, smiling again.
“Oh, your so sweet, Al.” You commented, caressing his cheek.
He leaned into your touch, “Yes…so i decided, what better to do so than taking your ability to walk for the next morning?” He sighed sweetly.
You paused, “…forget about Valentine’s day, did rut season come early?” You said, raising an eyebrow.
Alastor grinned, “It’ll definitely feel like it.” He said, grabbing your waist and laid you flat on the bed.
He moved down to your neck, kissing and suckling on it.
“Alastor…” You laughed out softly, more in a mumble.
“…Sshh, just let me do my thing, okay?” He whispered in your ear, continuing into your neck until he was sure to leave a mark, latching off of it with a ‘pop’.
He then made his way down, stopping at your breasts, cupping them in his hands and giving each nipple a gentle tug before resting his lips onto one of them.
He sucked and nibbled on it, moving to the other breast and doing the same.
He stopped, hearing you moan quietly under him, “Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked, looking up at your face.
“Oh, yes,” you gasped out, feeling your legs go weak as you lay there, “Keep going.” You added, running your fingers through his hair.
Alastor smiled, continuing to kiss your breasts until he felt you get wetter and wetter.
He sat up, sliding your robe off of you and throwing it somewhere across the room, leaving you in just your panties.
His eyes widened a bit at the sight of your body, “How did i end up with a sinner so beautiful.” He said, resting his head on your stomach, giving the fat of your hip a squeeze.
He ran his hands up and down your thighs, stopping at your panties and pulled them off of you, tossing them aside.
He then spread your legs apart and started to rub your clit gently with his thumb.
You let out a soft moan as you let out a jolt throughout your body from the contact, “F-fuck…” You breathed.
Alastor smiled and brought his free hand to your mouth, “Lick.” He commanded, placing his index finger on your tongue.
You obeyed, tasting your juices on his fingers.
He swiftly pulled the claw out your mouth, then slowly slipping two of them into your gummy walls.
You moaned out again as he curled his fingers inside you, thrusting them in and out of your hole.
He pulled his fingers out of you, sucking them clean as he moved your body to the center of the bed, sitting on his knees atop of you.
“Now,” he grabbed your left left, throwing it stop his shoulder, “You know the safe word, dear?” He said, grabbing ahold of his member and teasing your entrance with it.
You nodded, moving your hips for some more friction.
“Needy, I see…” You pulled his cock farther from her, “I need words, dear.”
“Y-yes, Alastor…” You struggled out.
He started to fist his member slowly, “Wouldn’t want to hurt my prized possession.”
After a moment, he pulled his hand away to put another leg up on his shoulder, scooting in and rubbing his duck along your slick folds.
“O-oh….” You breathed out as his meat hit your nub, “P-Put it in, Al…” You mumbled.
“Hm, what was that?” He stoped his member, resting it upon your nub as a tease.
You bit your lip, grinding against his dick, desperate for him to put it in.
He chuckled, pulling it back, making you stop.
You let out a whimper.
Alastor looked at you with a lustful look, his smile widening. “I need you to beg for it, dear.” He claimed, enjoying the moment.
You blushed, looking away for a moment.
Alastor tilted his head, grabbing his member again and started fisting it slowly.
You gulped, looking back at him, still not meeting his gaze, and whispered something incoherent.
He grasped your chin, turning it so you would look at him. “What’s wrong dear? losing interest in my so suddenly?” He said, making you shake your head, “Hm…then beg for it.”
"Please, Alastor, put yourself inside of me, fill me up, fuck me, please!” You begged, moving your hips for a feeling.
He stopped your hips, growling as he pushed himself inside of you without any warning, making you moan loudly.
“F-fuck…” you cursed from the sudden movement, trying to squirm away automatically.
Alastor noticed this, pausing his movement as he grabbed your arms, then your hips and waist, getting you to stop, “What’s wrong dear?”
You looked at him, “…k-kiss me?”
He smiled softly, “Anything for my doe.” he said, leaning down and kissing you directly on the mouth.
Although, as he leaned down, his dick moved further inside you, causing you to let out a jolt once again.
He caressed your hair, “It’s already in, dear,” he mumbled lovingly on your lips, “you’ve done your work, now just relax. I’ll do everything else.”
Waiting until you nodded, he pulled away and slowly began to pull out, before thrusting in swiftly, but gently.
You whimpered softly, gripping the sheets under you.
He pulled out and pushed in again, slowly building a rhythm.
He began to thrust faster, more cruel, “Oh, Alastor…” you moaned out, holding your hands around his neck.
Wet skin slapping together filled the room’s noises, alongside the crickets in the bayou, making you blush from the awkward noises.
Alastor noticed this, beginning to buff out his breaths and growls, and silently sent over his shadow to turn on the radio to a quiet, intimate jazz station.
“Hah…Alastor…” You breathed out as he shushed you, thrusting faster.
His cock rubbed against your walls, hitting all the right spots.
After a while, Alastor started to feel a familiar coil in his abdomen, grunting as he forced his hips to go at an ungodly pace, making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Gonna fuck you so good, darling…” He huffed, “Fill you up…you won’t be leaving this bed, understand?” Making you look at him directly and he moved your head with a tendril.
“Y-yes, Alastor…” You mumbled, trying to hold eye contact.
“Good girl…” He awarded verbally, growing another tendril into sight as he moved it down to run your clit, getting a high pitched moan out of you.
“F-faster, Al…I feel it…” You tightened your legs on him, tensing up.
As your tits bounced up and down from the thrusts, you couldn’t help but have to cover them because of the breeze from the bayou-
“No,” he immediately said, lifting one of his hands from clawing at the sheets and placing your hands around his neck, immediately diving down to suckle on your breasts.
“O-oh, yes!” You cried out, feeling his tongue circle around your nubs as he switched between the two.
You groaned as you felt the familiar coil in your abdomen grow after a couple thrusts, “I’m g-gonna cum soon, Al…” You scratched at his back in pleasure, trying to chase at your orgasm.
That’s when he didn’t switch to another breast, but kept sucking on one of them, rubbing and squeezing the other with his hand, making you wonder what he was doing,
Until you felt some milk come out of them.
“Ah-Ah! Alastor! I’m close!” You said, your legs shaking violently as you felt the intensity of him suck and squeeze milk out of you.
He growled, fastening his pace even more, making them even more tougher and he enter and exited your womb space, “Come for me, darling, let me hear you sing for me…”
His dirty talk only got you closer and closer to your edge, until,
You threw your head back into the mattress, arching your back as you let out a blissful cry of pleasure, clenching around him as you rode your orgasm, struggling to even keep your eyes open.
Alastor let out a beastly growl as his form quickly morphed to a more intimidating one as he shoved he cock into you one last time, releasing his seed inside you.
His cum leaked out of you as he slowly pulled out, quickly stuffing his fingers inside your hole so the cum would stay.
“What a good little for you are to me…” He said, admiring the mess you both made on the bed, and then just you laying there.
Noticing how you were still breathing heavily, not moving your body unless a little twitch, he leaned down to whisper softly, “How about some cold water, dear? Think this’ll help you relax?” He asked dotingly, making you nod instantly.
That made him chuckle, moving over to the edge of the bed as he stood up, going over to the nightstand and placing a water pitcher there from the shadows, and walking over the the bathroom for a towel.
As he came back from the bathroom with a hot rag in the hand, he noticed how you were half asleep, yet still conscious, which made him laugh softly as he place the rag down by the pitcher, crawling over to you.
“Mon Cher, you’re all fucked out by yours truly.” He smiled softly, fetching the rag from the nightstand with his shadow as he began to wipe your cunt clean.
When he was done, he then took notice of your breasts, how there were some stray milk on them.
Shrugging and tossing the rag aside, he leaned down and softly licked the milk off your chest.
You giggled softly in your daze, “Alastor…” You rubbed your eyes.
When he finished up, he filled a glass of water from the pitcher and turned back to you, sitting you up gently as he tipped the glass of water to your lips.
“Think you’ll be walking tomorrow?” He wondered aloud.
“Hm…will you stay with me here if i don’t?” You asked as you finished your glass.
He placed the cup down, “Of course dear,” he promised, crawling under the sheets beside you, sending his shadow to turn off the lights in the room as he cuddled close to your fragile state,
“Sleep well, dear.”
END NOTES: I LEARNED HOW TO SPELL AWKWARD FROM WRITING THIS LETS FUCKING GO!!!! All jokes aside, (not really, now clap), i hope this fic actually turns out well because i spent 5 minutes trying to copy and paste this into a word counter and then 2 more minutes pasting this fic here because my phone sucks and it’s broken and i hate it and abuse it but like…i just hope it does well. I (hypothetically) put blood sweat and TEARS into this fic and idgaf what you think because it’s amazing for a first fic on this blog. Notes and comments, maybe even reblogs *wink wink* and also REQUESTS!!! Requests are my best friend, and always open unless I’m on vacation (which i’ll always announce). I love you guys ^^ !!
-Lynn Lazybones
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Comment to be apart of my TAGLIST <3
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spidernuggets · 2 months
hiii first time requesting (if i could claim 🦚 that’d be awesome) from you!!
jason fluff inspired by "chemtrails over the country club" by lana del rey
jason’s joker trauma triggers a destructive spiral, leading to a desperate hunt from you (gf or fiancée or gn idc honestly 🤷‍♀️) and the batfam when he goes missing. found right before he could kill the joker the batfam stops him and is freaking out and he drops to his knees and he’s just kinda numb. you’re the only one trying to comfort him and he’s pushing you away but you start reminding him of the life you two want together (queue the lines from chemtrails: “washing my hair, doing the laundry…” etc etc) and he breaks down and starts crying in your arms.
ok yes it’s a bit of a tear jerker but my brain is screaming that this needs to exist so 🥹🥹
anyways tysm for considering and i hope you have an amazing day regardless! don’t forget to eat and drink water 💋
— 🦚??
Jason Todd x Reader
Note: Really? Aren't you peacock-anon who requested feral jason todd? I'm only asking because you asked this around the same time peacock-anon reblogged feral jason todd and said they were the one who requested it. Anyways, whatever, THANKS FOR REQUESTING ME. If you're not peacock-anon, then I'm afraid you can't claim it :(( BUT ANYWAYS i hope you like the fic 🫶🫶
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It was one of those nights. The nights where Jason couldn't stay still in bed, always tossing and turning. He tried, but every time he closed his eyes, he was 15 again. He was back in the dark, abandoned warehouse. He was back in the chair, tied up and unable to move. He was back with the Joker.
Beads of sweat trickled down his forhead. He felt like he was suffocating. He looked over to his side, seeing you peacefully sleeping, snuggled into his chest. God, you were so beautiful. Like a Seraphim that was gifted to him during his loneliest hours when he couldn't find a speck light in his darkness. You were his miracle. His reason for continuing to live.
He's already done too much by letting you stay with him. By letting you love him. By letting himself love you. He felt like he put you in this position; a position where you can't leave, can't be free. You're stuck in a position where you have to stay with him.
Sometimes, you wish he could see the way you see him. A beautiful figure shaped and moulded by the hands of the most exquisite and talented scluptor. A man that could love you like no other has. A man who knows how to treat you well, who knows you can be independent but can stay close to you, at the ready to save you from any danger. He will always be at your beck and call.
He shifts away from you, carefully untagling limbs and sitting up. You stirred in your sleep, hand reaching out to find your boyfriend's warmth. He shushes you, pecking your forhead.
"I'm gonna be on the couch, sweet thing," he said, barely above a whisper. You hum in response, letting your arm fall back onto the bed.
You understood that during some nights, when Jason had bad dreams, he needed to be alone. You tried to help him once, trying to wake him up as his screams were muffled as he slept. His hand accidentally made contact with your face. He didn't realise it, even when he woke up. You tried hiding the bruise with makeup, but to no avail. When he found out what he did, he couldn't talk to you. He wanted to punish himself by not speaking to the love of his life. Even when you tried to tell him it was just an accident or that ot didn't even hurt that much, he couldn't even look you in the eyes.
So soon after he started speaking again, you came to the negotiation that whenever he had night terrors, he would move to the couch. He never wants to hurt you like that again.
But even as Jason laid on the couch that night, staring at the cracked ceiling, his thoughts were running wild. A bunch of drunk men were outside laughing. But he heard the cackles of the Joker. A stray cat knocks over a trash can by the alley of their apartment. But he hears the clink of the crowbar.
His heart races, and his pupils contracted. His breathing is uneven. His mind runs to Bruce. Why didn't he kill the Joker? Why is he still alive? Why is he locked up, only for him to break out again? Where was his justice?
He sits up, looking around the dark room. His eyes move to his hands that were resting on his lap. He promised. He promised not to make any lethal decisions as his role of Red Hood. But the Joker is still out there. He's definitely not in Arkham. Arkham Asylum couldn't keep the Joker in captivity even if it had the best security.
He wanted these dreams to stop. He wanted to stop waking up in the middle of the night, worried that a stupid faced clown was going to break in and hurt you. He wanted to stop waking up in the middle of the night and leave your hold just to sleep on the couch. He wanted to stop waking up in the middle of the night because it was worrying you.
Jason grunts, figuring there was only one way to end this. One way for him to finally feel better and to stay in your arms without hurting you again. Jason stands from the couch, putting his shoes on, and sprinting as fast as he can to his nearest safe house where all his gear is.
You stretch as the morning sun burns your eyes. You look around to see Jason isn't beside you.
"Oh right, he's on the couch," you mutter to yourself. You thought breakfast for him would he nice. A nice wake up to a horrible sleep.
But upon entering the living room, the couch was empty. In fact, there was no 6 foot, 200 pound boyfriend to be seen anywhere. You looked all over the apartment.
That's weird. Jason would've at least left a note or a text. You go back into your room, grab your phone, and scroll to Jason's contact name. But as it rang, you heard another ringtone in the distance.
Your eyebrows scrunch together as you walk out of your room, trying to find where the ringtone was coming from. It led you back to the living room, Jason's phone ringing under a pile of blankets.
You can hear your heartbeat in your head. Jason never left his phone. Starting to panic, you dial Dick's number as he answered within three rings.
"Hey, Y/-"
"Dick! I- Jason's not home! He- he went to sleep on the couch last night - I.. Nightmares! He left his phone.. no note! Gone!" You could hardly form a proper sentence. Your fingers pull against your hair, and you hyperventilate. Dick tries to calm you down.
"Hey, hey. Y/n, don't worry! We'll help you find him, okay? I'll round up the other bats and birds, and we'll look for him. He's going to be okay, okay?" He gently says from the other line.
You take a deep breath. "Yeah.. yeah okay," your voice shakes.
You start your own hunt for him as the Bat Family gear up. The first place you look at is at Jason's closest safe house. Going in, you see that a few pistols are gone from his wall. You run to where he stored his armour, but that's gone, too. You call Dick again.
"Dick! His guns, armour- He's out as Red Hood," you worry more. It's broad daylight, Jason shouldn't be out in his uniform.
Dick says, "Got it," before informing Batman that Jason is out as Red Hood. He then tells you to stay put, and that Oracle will update you when she tracks Jason's location.
You pace around the safe house, anxiously waiting for Oracle's call. You couldn't think of a reason why Jason would be out and why he wouldn't tell you. Jason tells you everything!
Then your phone rings.
It barely rang once before you answered it.
"He's in the warehouse." Is all Oracle said before you booted out the door. You didn't even need the address or specific whereabouts of the warehouse. You knew which one she was talking about. The one Jason died in.
Surprisingly, you showed up at the same time as everyone else.
You all rush inside, checking all the rooms. You were the first one to enter the room. And low and behold, the Joker in the centre, tied up in a chair, just as Jason was a couple of years ago, as Jason stood a couold feet away, a pistol pointed in front of him.
You couldn't tell if everything was sped up or in slow motion. But you screamed Jason's name. It's followed by a loud bang, then a couple of grunts and thuds.
As your vision focuses, there's smoke flowing out of Jason's gun, a hole in the wall where the bullet, and the sounds of the Joker's maniacal laughter as he's been tackled to the floor by Dick and Bruce.
You hear a mutter of 'no's. Your attention turns to Jason. His head is shaking, and his lip is trembling. You notice lis legs wobbling, and you lunge forward to hold him as he falls to his knees.
An echo of choked sobs is heard from Jason as he drops his gun and digs his palm into his eyes while he cries.
"Fuck! Why- Why did you do that?! He- He should be dead!" He tried to yell, but came out as cracked whimpers.
"Sh, sh, I know, sweetie, I know," you whisper to him, running your hands through his hair, just as he loved it.
Jason carries on. "He.. he killed me! He took me away from Bruce... he's gonna take me away from you.."
Your heart shattered. You wish and pray that there was more you could do to help him.
"No, no, no. Don't say that, baby, he's not. You hear me? He's not gonna take you away from me," Jason leaned himself into your comfort further, grounding himself. Reminding himself that you're with him. From the corner of your eye, you see Tim and Steph walking up to the two of you, but you lightly shake your head, a silent plea, asking them to leave you be. Damian walks up behind them, tugging on their capes, respecting your request.
Jason tries to shove you off him. But he's too tired. So he tries ti speak instead.
"Get away," he weakly says. "Get away! I'm - You shouldn't be near me," his voice cracks. "He's gonna come back! He's gonna hurt you! I- I'm gonna hurt you..."
"Hey, Jay," you quietly call out, pulling him closer to you. Jason sniffles against your chest. "Remember that time you got a little drunk? I had to help give you a bath?" Jason doesn't reply. But he remembers. He remembers your delicate fingertips massaging his scalp. It felt nice. He wanted to be in that moment again. "Remember what we talked about? How hopefully Gotham's brutality dies down, and we can run away together? We said we'd own our own house. A small one, like a cottage. You'd be cooking one of Alfred's lovely dishes while I'd hang the laundry out in our garden. We'd have movie nights, eating junk food while crying to the Notebook. And.. You even admitted wanting your own kids. Remember that, Jay?" Your fingers caress his scarred cheek. Your lips hovered over his white streak.
You heard a sound coming from Jason. Like he was trying to speak. "Yeah. Two girls. Two... so neither of them would be lonely..."
You smiled, tears stinging your own eyes. "Yeah.. Jason, nothing bad is going to happen to us. We're going to have the life we want. Nothing is going to stop us. Not even that monster. I won't let it happen. You do such a good job protecting me. But you need to remember that you're safe with me too, okay?" You said to him.
In response, Jason breaks down into more tears once again, clinging on to you tighter. "I love you," he sniffles. "Don't wanna lose you."
By this time, you're now crying yourself. "I love you too, my sweet boy," you kissed his head. "You're never going to lose me. I'm right here." Your hand intertwines with his.
The two of you are wrapped in each other's safety and warmth. Jason is mever going to stop about the horrible possibilities that could occur if you continue to stay with him. He thinks he's selfish for not doing more to let you go. But you're like a magnet. Somehow, through all that loathing he feels for himself, you're always going to find your way through the midst of hatred. You're always going to be there to hold his hand and give him the love that he never believed that he deserves. You're always going to show him that loving him isn't a sin.
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Hopfully, this reached your expectations, anon 🥲🥲 But it was a lot of fun to write!! ALSO sorry if this seems short and rushed, I'm really trying to get everyone's requests out 😭😭
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ecstasyhighway · 2 months
You & I | E.Williams
chapter i
CW, ellie is a pervert here she watches the reader masturbate… there is smut towards the end guys (im not good at smut but i tried my best) masturbation (reader and ellie) , stalking, y/n is used
this might be straight cheese ngl…im not good at ts 😭 but enjoy ig
wc: 1.4k
read the prologue here ch 2
“Hi! Hello”
A voice chimes from behind her, she turns around, and a lump forms in her throat.
Ellie quickly clears her throat and begins to talk, her eyes scanning your features. She is infatuated with you, you’re gorgeous, ethereal even…
“hi sorry how may I help you?”
“Yes, do you guys happen to have 21’s new album?”
you ask so sweetly, Ellie watches you speak, your oh-so-beautiful smile just making her want to fall to her knees. Ellie signals you to follow her, heading back to the rap section of the store, her eyes scan the shelves as she looks for the album, She reaches up and pulls out the ‘American Dream’ and hands it to you.
“This one?”
You smile and giggle a little, “Yes! this is exactly what I've been looking for… I couldn’t find it anywhere else I've looked all over thank you um…?” You trail off looking for a name tag, “..Ellie, thank you”
Ellie smiles, her face feeling warm, she knows she's red as fuck right now and her feeling embarrassed about it is just making her even more flustered “Y-yeah no problem, is that all? I can ring you up over here” She chuckles softly trying to cover the anxiety in her voice.
You and Ellie head towards the register, she rings you up and you hand her your card. Ellie examines your card trying to get your name, she needs to know, she knows nothing about you, just some things like you like 21 savage and Tyler. But that’s not nearly enough, she needs to know everything about you, things even you don’t know about yourself...
“y/n? That's a really pretty name” She smirks and takes a mental note of your first and last name, she will most definitely be looking you up later.
“oh thank you so much!” you say with joy in your voice, “I might come back another time, I uhh really like music and I really want to learn how to play an instrument so maybe I’ll see you again?” you ask so innocently, Ellie, on the other hand, was freaking out on the inside, she just thought you were so gorgeous and she needed to know more about you and she needed you to come back
“yeah, uhm I teach acoustic guitar, and piano so if you ever want lessons just show up, I'm here pretty much all the time, haha yeah this store is actually my life and-“ She cuts herself off realizing she's just rambling about nothing. “sorry yes you will definitely see me again” she is mentally cursing at herself for being such a nervous wreck in front of you.
“awesome, I’ll see you laters Ellie” and with that, you turn around and focus your attention on your phone, a message dings and you begin typing away. Ellie noticed this and is already feeling a certain way.. do you have a boyfriend? girlfriend? Are you single..? its okay she’ll figure all that out.
Once Ellie’s shift was over she went down to her music room. She sat there for a second and put on some jazz, she grabbed her laptop and began her long and tedious search, y/n l/n, she scrolled through the search page filled with many other y/n l/n’s. she stops. ‘bingo’ she thinks to herself, she found you ‘y/n.oncam’ on pretty much everything. Luckily all your accounts are public, unluckily she notices that you literally post your entire life on the internet, ‘do you know how many creeps are on the internet? oh once I have you to myself no one will be able to ever know anything personal about you’ she scoffs.
Here's what she knows, you’re 20, you’re single, you like to read, and you lovee music.. you live in an apartment with a big window.
Wait, she knows that complex, yeah she knows where that is, it's right across the street from the bookstore Dina works at. Shit Dina! Ellie forgot that she promised to bring Dina a limited edition 2Pac vinyl she had in storage. Ellie jumped up, grabbed her jacket, went to the storage to grab the record. She gets in her car and heads to Dina’s bookstore.
‘D are you still at work?’
‘I'm bringing the record rn’
*Dinabina like a message*
Ellie arrived at the bookstore, the words ‘Hidden Pages’ flickering softly as one of the letters had gone out. Ellie walks into the store and walks up to Dina, who is reading.
“D, I got the record”
“yayy thank you Ellie” Dina walks up to her smiling and gives her a hug “I’ll give it back as soon as I'm finished listening to it”
Ellie said her goodbyes and left the store.
She looks around trying to find the apartment, she found it. ‘Havenwood apartments’ She walks to the tall building and examines it and she spots the only big window, no curtains, lights on, and a woman's figure dancing around. She gets closer to the building, not too close but close enough to see into the window. Sure enough, it's you, dancing and singing, oblivious to the world around you, if you would just stop and look out of your window you would see Ellie, watching you closely, biting her lip and just enjoying the view of you.
You had gotten tired, turned off the music and began getting ready for bed. Oh, but that feeling between your legs was getting stronger, you tried to ignore it, you’ve been pent up and so busy lately, mostly because of work and shit. ‘Fuck’ you curse quietly to yourself and you head to your couch, you slip your hands down your pants and begin rubbing circles on your clit, dipping your fingers into your hole and gathering your juices to add more lubrication. Your eyes close and as you add pressure to your throbbing clit, you feel yourself bucking your hips for more friction. Fingers pumping in and out of your hole. Your other hand fondling your soft tits, adding more stimulation ‘mmph fuck’ The noises coming from your mouth are almost pornographic, your neighbors could probably hear you as the walls are thin. You feel yourself getting closer so you begin moving faster your mouth forming an ‘O’ shape “Mmpfh shit’m gonna cum fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck” You get that feeling in your stomach and let yourself go, your orgasm hitting you like a truck, you continue rubbing your clit riding out your orgasm, legs shaking from the overstimulation. Once you’re done you sit up and head to the bathroom to clean yourself up and you go to your bed to watch a show, you feel so comfortable and safe in the warmth of your bed so, you drift off into a slumber…
Oh but little did you know. You weren’t alone. Ellie saw what you were doing, she saw your most intimate moment and you didn't even notice you were being watched. Like she thought you were oblivious to the world around you, a normal person would sense another watching them, but not you…or maybe you knew she was watching and you put on a show for her and only her. Ellie’s hand reaches to unbutton her jeans, reaches her hand into her underwear, and begins rubbing her clit to the thought of you, your body, your pussy just begging to be touched by her, your soft tits and your skin needing to be marked by her…she needs you so bad.. just as she’s about to come undone. an elderly opens the door behind her, luckily Ellie had her back turned so the lady didn’t see her pleasuring herself to you. Ellie saw that the lady had many bags and offered to help her.
“Can you call a cab for me dear, they all just speed right passed me?” the woman asked kindly, and Ellie did what she asked, grabbing the cab’s attention and opening the door for her, all with a smile and her juices dripping down her thighs. The cab leaves and Ellie walks to her car.. “why were you touching yourself out in public while watching an oblivious girl masturbate..you’re so fucking weird.. fuck Ellie what the fuck, you need to be more careful, that could’ve not gone in your favor…” she whispered to herself, her cheeks red from embarrassment. She gets in her car and heads to her apartment….
idk what a tag list is but someone said “need to be in the taglist” and my gf said that means they wanna be tagged when the next part comes out so yeah
🏷️ @vqxen
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
Sonic Prime (Thoughts)
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So, since the finale of Sonic Prime has finally aired, I had figured to offer my opinion on the show.
I absolutely LOVED IT!
I know that not everyone was fond of the finale, and were also confused by the ending (EDIT: Note, I understand the ending, I'm just talking about what I heard through the grapevine), and there were some wars over Ian's comment about Sonic Prime taking place after Sonic Advance 3... but I didn't mind it too much.
In my personal opinion, I found Sonic Prime to be a very enjoyable show with an interesting take on the Sonic characters, the highlights being the Amys (Rusty Rose, Thorn Rose and Black Rose and their development as sisters), Captain Dread (I loved his redemption!), Rebel and Renegade Knux (Knuxouge anyone?!; also Rebel showing off her leadership skills and Knux punching Nine) and Nine (we now have evidence that Tails will commit war crimes if Sonic isn't around). I'll also add Mangey and Sails for their adorableness.
However, what impressed me the most was the character development of the two particular hedgehogs shown above - Sonic & Shadow.
Sonic started out the show as someone very reckless and doing his own thing instead of listening to his friends, causing him to shatter the Paradox Prism and create what becomes known as the Shatterverse. He projects his vision of his friends on people that look like his friends, getting himself more and more into trouble, especially with Nine, until he finally starts to listen, starting with Shadow, and over time gains the trust of the others, showing that he did become a bit wiser by relying on his Shatterverse friends' (and enemy's) advice. He really came a long way from how he used to be.
As for Shadow, I had actually planned to talk about him more in a separate post, but to keep it short - Prime!Shadow is peak Shadow! Just like Sonic, he underwent through character development, even though his was a bit more subtle. Shadow is a character who too has issues with communicating people, preferring to punch Sonic (admittedly, it also doesn't help that Sonic refuses to listen to him) over talking, but over time, he and Sonic start working together, showing to be the dream team. Not only that, but I loved how Shadow starts to become more and more protective over Sonic during the finale, trusting Sonic's plan and even not minding the hugs from Sonic. Also, that finale, where he saves Sonic's life had my heart racing!
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Yeah, I've been freaking out over the Sonadow content the whole time and Sonic Prime never failed to deliver. Oh, I know that Sonadow will never become canon, especially given how SEGA had taken a step away from romance, which I don't mind, but I love to see how fan content is thriving.
I'll be also looking forward to reading any Post-Sonic Prime ideas, especially in regards to Sonic and Shadow's relationship, as it is implied that both remember the events of the Shatterverse (again, Sonadow shippers are thriving).
All in all, Sonic Prime was awesome, but I do have a question - why are there 23 episodes?! Netflix, where is the 24th episode?!
Sonadow Prime AMV (Enjoy!)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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emotionaldisaster909 · 7 months
Hi! I discovered "a long and slow recovery" thanks to your art, and let me say, I will never be over it. I loved it so much I was wondering if you had any other hualian fanfic recommendations?
Hello!!! Oh I’m sorry for such a late reply, but thank you so much for asking!!!
I’m thrilled to share with you and everyone my pride and joy, my precious, handpicked treasure hoard:
✨My TGCF bookmarks ✨
More than 200, all of them hualian
Besides ALASR, my beloved, mwah, here are some of my
Absolute favourites:
1. The bestest of them all, Mt. Taincang reunion postcanon fic that i consider my personal canon
“and I will surround you with a love too deep for words”
2. The best huge-ass slow-burn modern AU in the best Hua Cheng POV
“possibly, maybe”
3. The most heartbreakingly adorable de-aging memory loss Hong-er fic
“Little Red”
4. Absolutely amazing modern au where trans!Xie Lian decides to start a family with Hua Cheng, literally brought me to tears ,-,
“Orchids in Bloom”
5. The best vampire!Hua Cheng canonverse fic I’ve ever dreamed of, literally all I need
“Sweeter than Wine”
6. A different take on the reunion, my close second favourite first time fic, so soft and tender y-u
“Ever After”
7. THE bottom Hua Cheng fic ever, no words, just READ IT
8. THE bottom WU MING! Fic ever, oh my god it’s so freaking good
“Let me be devoted, let me be greedy”
9. And this. Oh god. I have FEELINGS about this one. An awesome concept modern-AU fic that blew my mind
“We Stan Scrap Gege!”
10. This pure genius of Human by day/Animal by night AU by the same author
“At Night I Rose and Fell”
11. And THIS. Oh fuck. It’s huge. It’s awesome. It’s different first meeting, slow-burn, hidden identity, it’s
“’Til our compass stands still”
12. And this ohmygod this is one, omg, small, but the best reincarnation au, I’m crying
“reaching for heaven is what i'm on earth to do”
13. Aand this is the SECOND best reincarnation au from the same author i’m sorry I just have to include
“and the rain won't make any difference”
Aaand by now this list might become too long, so I just must separate some of my
Favourite authors:
Boomchick, Linisen, Natterina, Saenda, miska_za, debwriting, citronverveine, corduroyserpent, demihualian
Practically every fic by them is my favourite, but god, there are so much more, they all deserve recognition, so, if my taste is to your liking, ask away for more hualian fic recs!!!
You’re very very welcome! 💖🌿
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ymaohoh · 2 months
Hellcheer Fanfiction Recs
So I've gone mad and read like a hundred hellcheer fanfictions over the last two months. I wanted to make a list of my favourite ones to share. Updated: May/2024
You want Chrissy joining the Hellfire Club AU? take a chance on me by WomanOf1000Faces Roll For... by Not a Little But A Lottie (klarolineagainnaturally) The Matchmakers by margaerystark and rebeccacatherine You want Hellcheer from an alternative character POV? still awake, playing chase with the sunrise by cyraclove (Max) The Cheerleader and the Hellfire King by cunninghamschrissy (Dustin) she said to me, forget what you thought by kattyshack (Max) You make me the best kind of nervous, pretty sure you do that shit on purpose... by PhoenixTalon (Will + the freshmen) for the freak and the princess by thehellcheervoid (Anysia) (Jonathan) Stereotypes by shroomyystar (Mike) A Gentle Nudge by bigdumbbambieyes (Billy) You want some smut with awesome plot? honeycomb by cyraclove Late one night by AdelaideElaine and sequel (featuring Rocky Horror) Rose-tint my world talk me up so sweet by kattyshack A Very Harrington Christmas by justhere4thevibez Play Me Better by justyrae (featuring sexting) a king beside you, somehow by justyrae The Long Way 'Round by Anonymous when you’re dressed in black from head to toe (think I like you best) by cunninghams You want some smut with fluff? love you as much as i do by thehellcheervoid (Anysia) the only thing i want (when one drop hits my mouth) by cunninghams and justyrae wilted by cunninghams You want some daddy kink smut? oh, pretty baby, where’ve you been? by kattyshack got someone to hold me, call me his by agentmmayy You want some longing? synchronized denial by empress_of_snark Silver Smile by shroomyystar worthless players of a non-believer by cunninghamschrissy he comes to visit me (when i’m dreaming every now and then) by cunninghams i can see you by rose_n_gunses dust off my clumsy words & bad pick-up lines by kattyshack You want hellcheer beyond the grave? (brb - crying) Haunt me by IntotheTrees (Chrissy haunts Eddie) All Around Me by she_who_the_river_could_not_hold (Eddie haunts Chrissy) You want some wibbly-wobbly time travel stuff? i just died in your arms tonight by shroomyystar someone reaching back for me by enoughtotemptme You want a body-swap AU? Duality by broomclosetkink (also features the best Chrissy/Wayne moment I've ever read) You want a Eddie vs Jason moment? always be here (from now on) by brightblackholes You want a re-do of Season 4 where Chrissy lives? Chrissy and Eddie’s Infinite Mixtape by LovelyThings aesthetic chills by sloelimbs On the Other Side by JohnGreenGirlAo3 You want a Chrissy/Eddie moving on from Vecna fic? heart begins to beat by makeshiftcandy graceland, too. (whatever she wants) by cunninghams (bucket list AU) trailing stars behind us by HearJessRoar and the twain were casting dice by thehellcheervoid (Anysia) You want an AU Chrissy/Eddie friends to lovers with no Vecna at all? Confrontations with the Devil by Spitecookie You want a fake dating AU? twenty-one rules by elanor_gamgee we're a lie (you and i) by makeshiftcandy
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
💭♥️😘PAC 18+ What are their thoughts when they dream about you?
*Take what resonate and take a five second to breathe and don’t just look at the pretty pictures. Trust your intuition.Reblog and comment. ENJOY! 💋😊♥️*
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• When they dream about you, the first thing that goes through their mind is that you have mother issues or you don’t get along with your mother like that. I heard them say “I wanna keep you safe.” They think that you could be the one for them, you might be their high vibe soulmate. You two are highly connected to each other. They think that you and them will have awesome chemistry together especially when they are dreaming about you. I heard that they’ve been dreaming about you, they’ll never wanna get out of their dream when they are dreaming about you. Haha 😂 They'll wanna marry you in their dream, So will you marry them? Getting on one knee just pops the question, they think that you are their wife or husband. You can be their mentor or they are your mentor when they are dreaming. Helping you with your issues with your mother for some of you. They think you are childlike, so kiddish you are, seeing themselves having so much fun with you. You probably are goofy, have a goofy personality, probably an extrovert. Probably loves to play video games or watch Disney movies and do the dance moves or sing along. Haha I can see them enjoying that with you. I heard them again “You bring out the kid in me.” They think that you are their beloved, their queen or king and their goddess or god. I can see them being your biggest fans. They want you to keep an open mind to them or they wanna keep an open mind about you. I heard that they’re searching for you in everybody else. You should let go of control, if you are a control freak then you should let go of control. Can’t control every situation or anything just flow. That’s what they think about you when they are dreaming, especially in dreams let the dreams unfold to you. I heard that they wanna come to you but some of y’all minds are too busy and you shoving them away, it’s not your fault because I understand some of us have busy life or stressed out 😰. I believe that your FS is sending you signs about these red flags 🚩 in your dreams and they wanna send them to you but I believe some of you is pushing them away. That’s why it’s saying let your friends, family or someone help you. I heard them say to you in their dreams “You are so guard, let me in let me in.” I think that some of you should listen to that song by Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball. In their mind they believe that you are the one for them, this could be the one for me. If you have supportive friends or family for some of you, let them help you. Most of you if you have supportive family or friends if it none then let the universe take control.
Channel Message: “Baby listen to me, I’ve admired you so much. It’s like I can’t explain how much I wanna tell you that I love you, when I dream about you it’s like my whole world exists again. It’s been foggy 😶‍🌫️ in my life it’s like can’t see shit until I saw you. I miss coming to your dreams. Do you miss me? I fucking do. I am coming towards you soon, I’ve been social media fronting maybe I am or kinda I’m sorry I’ve been going through a lot of bullshit left to right, I need see your face, you give those butterflies 🦋 in my stomach. You my heaven to my hell. I’m going through hell now, I’m frustrated, I'm sorry I wanna vent to you real quick. Whenever your ear ringing manifest me or manifest your Twin flame, Woah 🤯 I can’t believe that came out my mouth. Baby if you are my Twin Flame then manifest me come in believe baby! Believe. Think positive anyways. Our past life repeats over and over again. Ugh!! No!. Tie Me Up babe get that frustrated out of me, I want you to be my Shawty!! Please , Do you like it when I beg for you?🤤🤤 Mmm 😋 thinking of you being pregnant fucking turns me on hard. Sloppy Toppy on me 🤤 I wanna go deep in you hard you bring that fire 🔥 in me fucking you hard hard!. Rough sex you until you are out of breath, I want your nails on my back. Okay I’m sorry I can’t control myself when I talk about you … Mmm 😋 Juicy you are. We were Past Life Opps but I don’t give fuck if we were enemies before you ain’t my enemy anymore, so let me be your boyfriend, you got any sexy nicknames for me, cuz I got plenty in my mind if you wanna know. Here’s a song I wanna do with you.”
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• The thoughts about you when they are dreaming of you. Is that you are their Romantic 💘 soulmate, you are their best friend, they trust you and they can tell you anything. You understand them and they understand you. It’s like you two get along in the dream with them. They think that you are an entertainer, probably some of you dances, do comedy or just a bomb ass performer. Again!! They think that you are their soul teacher, you can be their mentor for some of you or most of you they are your mentor. Spiritually growing with them. Haha 😂. They think that you’ll love having sex in the kitchen or maybe that’s your fantasy lol 😂. Or there’s fantasy’s to do with you. Your FS thinks that you are fear of being alone, probably scared of people leaving your side or I can heard them say “Don’t be afraid or scared I’m right here with you.” So I think that they think that you are fucking animated, you make them laugh in their dreams just way you explain things you just animated as hell. I’m also getting that they believe you are dramatic, but so what so am I. US DRAMATIC PEOPLE!!! Anyways they can sense that you’ve been trapped inside your own bubble too scared to get out of your comfort zone. Or some of you can be rock and rolls 🎸🎸🎸. Play it! Thoughts about you when they are dreaming about you is that, you should love yourself first before anyone else including them. Or when you start loving yourself more, it makes them romantically attractive to you more. I heard them saying “Fucking Stand Up for yourself, Embrace that sweet voice of yours.” So that’s exactly what they are telling you to do. They are attractive to you when they are dreaming about you, because in their eyes you are so beautiful. Also you are very playful, so goofy I swear when you are around them, you are animated as hell. Very soon clearly decide what you want beauties. Have faith and trust this is yours and that’s what I got from them, thinking that you have trust issues, you doubt a lot. Don’t feel like you deserve this and that’s exactly what their thoughts are. Pay attention to those red flags 🚩 surrounding you. Be cautious about what’s around you. Free Yourself whatever baggage’s you got holding you back.
Channeled Message: “The moment I saw you, you fucking blew me the hell away, it’s was like love at first sight. Soon your phone will be ringing, it’s me pick up!. Get away from it and get away from those bad people who hurt you or anything. I love working with you, it’s so much fun and I can’t wait to work with you again and collaborate with you again. That’s shit is fucking fun!. So when I dream about you it’s like a dream come true, I wake up with you in my mind and even daydream about living with me. I know it sound fucking crazy. Am I crazy? Can I be your little pet? I’ll do anything for you. We are already married spiritually, so we just have to make it 3D, so let's make our love fantasy come true babe. Let me make you smile, until you can’t smile no more until we go on with our next life together. I know it isn’t fair I’ve kept you waiting but isn’t fair to tell you to wait for me but can you wait for me, this is destiny and I wanna make love to you, I feel so romantic with you, babe you make me happy. Let me do that for you. You are a runner, I'm a chaser, I love a challenge. You are so hard to get and that turns me on even more and it scares me moving forward sometimes. I want your help please help me baby. I trust the shit out of you, plus I want you to come and play with me for a little while. Do me a favor please? Don’t forget me or don’t give up on me especially Us!! Can you promise me that, I don’t care if you fall in love with someone else as long as you promise you give us a real chance. 5D We are married no matter what. That ain’t going to change my feelings for you. I gotta song for you to listen. When I think about you or dream about you baby. Keep your head up sexy, I’m coming in your dreams soon pay attention to it.”
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Pile 3:
•Their thoughts while they are dreaming about you, is crazy 😜. They sense that you can be a traveler or you love to travel a lot. Love to learn about the cultures, backgrounds of your ancestors and discovering truth about your heritage lines. I heard them saying “Love your knowledge.” So they’ll love that you are so smart even if you aren't book smart, you'll be educated enough to discover the truth of your heritage and your experiences. Anyways they know that you are their romantic 💘 soulmate, you’ll their best friends again they trust you with anything, even if they are dreaming about you they feel safe in that dream. They think that you are afraid of being alone, similar to pile 2. They think they have a soul contract with you, it’s been written between you and them and you're meant to break this curse by family, Friends, or just karmic people who you have karmic with. It’s destiny between you and them and that’s it fate. They are thinking that you should stay optimistic about your love life with them, because you need to release this ex of yours not just an ex but family, friends, or siblings or whatever the case may be needed to let them go. You deserve love, that's exactly what they are feeling… YOU DESERVE LOVE!! you deserve their love 💕. I heard them say, “Let me be yours,” let me be the love of your life.” They have romantic feelings for you, it’s real and it’s worth exploring with you. That’s exactly what they are feeling. It seems like your partner is very passionate about you and feels heavy when they are dreaming about you. For some of you I believe this is your soulmate. They think that you and them have good chemistry together. You two just match. Oh. Yeah for most of you I believe this is your twin flames 🔥 as well.
Channeled Message: “You’re perfect to me, the moment I saw you in my dreams I didn’t wanna come out. It’s like I wanna tell someone about you, but my friends make fun of me when I tell them about my dreams about you. They don’t think you are fucking real. Maybe they are right? Or am I just delusional, you are just in my head. I don’t know if I feel so damn stupid about this or I feel ducking alone, why can it be like the nightmare of Elm street just pulled you out of my dream. I’ve felt at home with you, your energy makes me feel safe. Do you feel the same? When I dream about you and I can hear your voice it feels like heaven to me, keep talking to me. Do you feel delusional about this? Or am I trippin. I’m just missing your sweet voice in my dreams. I know stupid of me to listen to my stupid Friends. I’ve been social media fronting. I know you’ve been thinking I am a fake but I ain’t. Your throne is waiting for you next to mine, What are you waiting for? Come on .. I want you to stay away from this bullshit don’t believe my friend's baby as long as you believe in us. I feel like you are my twin flame or is it you my soulmate, Man who gives a shit about the label I just know that I fuck with you. I’m feeling stuck right now can you please be patient with me I’m begging 🥺. I wanna lay in bed with you all day and just get lost into each other. I am flirting with you, Do you feel me touching you? I am feeling yours. I am on my way to you, I sense you close to me. I just wanna take care of you, let me ask you this babe. Do you want to be my girlfriend? I wanna be your boyfriend. Here’s a song I got for you to listen to.”
Comment & Reblog This Post….. Enjoy this beautiful pile did for you my lovely 🥰 and this is general reading take what resonates and what doesn’t!.
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