#little Drake
stormy-skyzzzzzz · 1 month
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the man the myth the legend
(he was gonna straight up shoot a guy)
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
i want to believe that the other batboys get so caught up in how damian NEVER acts like a normal child, that whenever they see him engaging in regular kid activities™ everyone is on high alert whilst trying to preserve the moment.
tim's with kon and they walk past jon's room to see him and damian playing toy cars? they start walking faster until they're a safe distance away, to stop in their tracks and share a mutual "what the fuck???"
jason and damian are arguing, something jason says strikes a nerve, and damian just stops and breaks the stoic act. jason has NO clue what to do with himself, because nothing he's ever said has gotten a non-violent reaction out of the kid.
dick's taking damian to the cinemas, and lets him pick what they watch. damian picks a kids movie, and doesn't make comments about it seeming 'childish' or 'boring', instead he looks genuinely interested. dick goes along with it but is really taken aback.
damian's patrolling with the other boys, and sustains a mild injury. everyone's used to him fixing himself up and never making a big deal out of it. they've seen him break bones and refuse medical attention, mainly because of how the league trained him. so when they get back to the batcave, and are all getting fixed up in the infirmary, everyone's shocked when damian, sitting to the side about to patch himself up, starts crying, because he's exhausted and hurt.
whenever the boys see damian asleep anywhere but his room, they make sure to tip-toe past and tell the others not to wake him. usually when this happens it's because he's been so exhausted, that he's sat down to watch a show, been playing with titus, or doing schoolwork, and he's just fallen asleep in the middle of it. afterwards, dick especially, makes sure that damian's sleeping enough, which is hard, because no one can tell that he's tired until he physically passes out.
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phoneduk · 4 months
[Jason panic searching his room]
Jason: "WHERE IS IT?!"
Tim : "what is *it*?
Jason: "You would know if saw it! Just help me look!"
Dick: "Hey, let's just calm down. What are we looking for?"
Jason: "I bought home an injured snake yesterday on patrol and I was planning on dropping it off at the vet today."
Dick: "that's not so bad."
Jason: "If Damian finds it we're going to have a pet snake. And you're the only one he would trust to feed it."
[Jason, Dick and Tim frantically searching the manor.]
[Damian in the cave full Robin costume with snake around his shoulders - Maniacal laughter.]
Bruce suddenly sits straight up in his seat in the watch tower, a full body shiver taking over him.
Bruce: "Somethings wrong"
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elkscreams · 3 months
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A right of passage at this point
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abisalli · 1 month
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putting the bi in Robin
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pokeberry5 · 4 months
boy hostage (spiritual successor to this)
big brother to the rescue:
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redsray · 3 months
I love the hc that Tim never really stopped taking pictures of heroes and vigilantes even after he became Robin. Not even out of hero worship or anything-- he just found it fun. In fact, being Robin just made this hobby easier to do. He has them separated in folders and definitely has blackmail photos included.
The first time Tim met the Justice League one of his first reactions was to sneakily take at least one picture of each of them. Clark vaguely heard a camera shutter but he could never find any cameras or camera owners.
Sometimes Bruce comes to him and asks for specific pictures of members of the JL doing things they shouldn't be doing i.e Barry ditching a meeting cause he was eating Chipotle in the Watchtower kitchen. No one knows how Bruce gets the pictures except for the other Batfam members.
Tim is the god of blackmail right behind Babs. You need older blackmail or videos? Go to Babs. But Good quality blackmail photos? Tim is your guy.
He has at least 4 folders full of pictures of Dick specifically. One for his time as Robin, one for Nightwing, one for Discowing and one for just Dick.
He also manages to have pictures he definitely should not have because how did you get into the cave before you were Robin, Tim, but he refuses to elaborate on those. i.e Robin Jason out of costume, cozily reading at the batcomputer ("seriously, Tim, that's creepy"), Dick when he first adopted Haley ("were you there when I rescued her?!"), Damian training with the League of Assassins ("how the hell did you get that"), Duke back during the We Are Robin movement ("I do not remember you pulling out any cameras what the hell")
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trashmakerarticle · 7 months
Everyone thinks that dick was the golden child when in reality it was Jason.
Clark: Bruce who was your favourite robin?
Dick: obviously it’s me?
Tim: it’s dick
Damian: I am superior robin, it will be me.
Bruce: it’s Jason
Everyone: WHAT?!?!???
Bruce: why are you so surprised? He didn’t jump on too my chandeliers which I had to replace each week
*everyone looks at dick*
Bruce: he didn’t drop out of school
*everyone looks at tim*
Bruce: I didn’t have to stop him from killing everyone who annoyed him
*everyone looks at Damian*
Bruce: in fact, he enjoyed school and handed all his homework in on time, we would spend hours in the library reading his favourite classics. He even helped Alfred with most of the cooking, He was my little boy
Jason: stop spreading lies, I hate you go away
Bruce: my precious little boy
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megaaceofspades · 3 months
hmmm deaged duke thomas REFUSING to let batman nightwing or red hood near him because when duke was a kid batman had just lost robin and was super violent on the streets, nightwing was in blud so duke wouldnt really know him and red hood has guns??? what??
and duke (this is the kid who reads people flawlessly and also trained to beat the riddler from an young age) is evading capture at every turn. his powers are erratic and hes starting to get scared, the manor will not let him out, and where are his parents-
when suddenly there he is. duke thomas’s robin, and his most trusted protector, tim drake.
just more of duke thomas with the tropes the other brothers get hit with all the time, and also more of tim being dukes robin please!!!
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rock-in-robins · 1 month
"Tim feels abandoned" "he's being ignored" "tim is jealous of the attention they give damian" "tim is-" tim drake would break out into actual literal hives at the thought of anything resembling an adult monitoring him, he'd starting hissing like a feral cat if Bruce tried to get involved with his business, he'd saw his own arm off if his family tried to demand he checks in more than once a month with heavily coded messages
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ahfrickenfrick · 23 days
dick: i just think it’s really funny how you call tim pretender
jason: why
dick: roy and kori were MY friends first :(
jason: get over yourself
dick: and now tim has a speedster best friend too :(
dick: heh, guess you can’t beat the original blueprint 😙
jason: you really jumped from being upset to accepting that
dick: to be fair the one thing that bruce really taught us was to compartmentalize our emotions
jason: yeah that was really the only thing that has really stuck for me, huh?
dick: really pisses alfred off
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shycorvid · 3 months
Just like how Jason Todd thinks he can help reduce crime by taking over and doing a better job of it, Tim Drake could do the same thing but with all those rogues with multiple degrees.
Tim- They won't have time to become rogues and hire minions if they're my minions first. The Rest of the Family (except Jason)- *concerned bat noises* Jason- *nodding* Makes sense to me.
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phoneduk · 4 months
[Dick, Jason, and Tim in a mall]
Random Tiktoker: "Hi, excuse me can I ask you guys some questions?"
Dick: "sure!"
Random TT: "what are your names?"
Dick: "Dick, Jason, Tim"
Random TT: "...excuse me?"
Jason: "it's the idiot's name"
Random TT: "oh, uhh, alright, who's your guy's favourite billionaire?"
Dick: "Ted Kord - total Dilf energy"
Jason: "Oliver Queen"
Tim: "Lex Luthor"
Random TT: "why are they your favourite?"
Jason: "He's a total Dick but his son's hot"
Tim: "what he said"
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thedevilundercover · 4 months
Tim Drake de-aging fic but everyone is just kind blown how that little monster is the Timothy Jackson Drake that they know.
He’s not even a gremlin, he’s just mean and knows a little too much about stuff than the usual rich brat.
Damian: tsk, you’re such a disgrace the Wayne name.
Tiny!Tim: yeah? And your mother should have swallowed, but we’re both here aren’t we?
Jason, thinking he could bully smol Timmy: you stopped so low that you replaced a dead boy! *emo edge lord noises*
Baby!Tim, having learned new slang words via duke and Steph who think this whole thing is hilarious: have you ever thought about just getting better?
Jason: ex-fucking-cuse me?
Tim, shrugging: dying really is just a skill issue ngl
it would be even more funny if he was like this only to Damian and Jason so everyone thinks Tim is such a smart, adorable little boy but the two of them are screaming at Dick and Bruce to get that fucking demonic child exorcised
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lemonlimestar · 4 months
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save me 90s bats…. 90s bats save me….
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deadsetobsessions · 4 months
“Did this place pick up a ghost when I was dead or something?”
Tim whipped his head towards Jason, who looked mildly perturbed.
“You too?!” Tim demanded.
“The ghost! I kept thinking it was a hallucination, you know? But even when I laid off of the caffeine, there’d be a fucking shadow at the edge of my vision! At night! You saw it too, right?” Tim rambled, increasingly agitated. “It even moves the fucking coffee mugs! I know where I left my favorite mug, and it sure as hell wasn’t in the sink!”
Jason blinked at him, face morphing into concern.
“Replacement, when was the last time you got some sleep?”
Tim inhaled. “Jason, I swear to god I will replace all of the shampoo in your twenty six safe houses with glitter glue if you don’t tell me whether you saw it or not.”
Jason nodded immediately. In his defense, Tim grew up to be a scary motherfucker. Diabolical little shit would have been a fucking terrifying villain.
“I knew it.”
Danny hummed. Tim was going to freak when he found his cowl three inches to the left.
He merrily avoided all of the set up cameras by simply going invisible and intangible, save for his arms that he uses to sweep the cowl to the side.
He could hear the static on the cameras. Danny grinned. Operation Gaslight, Ghostkeep, Girlboss is on.
“Tim-” Dick started, only to be cut short by Tim whirling around and jabbing a painful finger into his chest.
“You owe me this, for that Arkham comment when B went missing.”
Dick raised his hands in surrender, guilt flaring.
“Drake, what kind of pointless scheme are you getting us in, now?”
“Not now, demon brat.” Jason elbows the kid. “Just go along with it.”
“Well. I guess we were right, yeah, Tim?” Duke muttered, eyeing the moved cowl. “My ghost-sight isn’t seeing anything. Not even wind movement.”
“What’s going on, boys?”
“B, there’s a ghost in the manor.”
“He’s freaking out because it moved his coffee mug like three times.” Steph chimed in.
“Have you seen anything weird, lately?”
Danny tilted his head. “No…?”
“Not even in the house?” Jason asked.
“Shadows? Anything?” Dick asked, eye bags prominent on the normally exuberant man. Danny snickered inwardly. They’ve been up for three days trying to “catch” the ghost.
“Uh. I mean the floorboards creak sometimes? But in terms of shadows… I think I saw them outside? Kind of looked like Batman, actually. But my eyesight gets bad at night. Why?”
Danny could see in the dark just fine.
“Nothing! Let me know if you see anything, okay?”
“Uh. Sure? Maybe you guys should… get some sleep?”
The bats file out of his room.
Danny locked glowing green eyes with Tim and Dick. He did some quick thinking and contorted his ectoplasm into something more grotesque.
“Kkkhggggghkkkkeeee!!!” He screeched.
“AHHHHHHHHHH!” The two of them screamed, both bolting and throwing things at him. It was impressive how fast they backpedaled.
“That was close,” Danny muttered. He quickly scribbled on Damian’s whiteboard with conspiracy theories and dipped before the rest of the bats came thundering.
He fell into a light sleep just as Stephanie checked up on him, work done.
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