#lose belly fat tips
weightlosshub · 2 years
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How to Lose Belly Fat
How to Lose Belly Fat
Lose Belly Fat Tips Losing belly fat can be a challenging and frustrating process, but it is important for overall health and wellness. Belly fat, also known as abdominal obesity, is associated with an increased risk of several serious health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. There are several steps you can take to lose belly fat and improve your overall…
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memememememsblog · 5 months
on the bus today my friend kept taking pictures of me where i looked bad so i hid my face. and she says, “yeah maybe if you lost weight you wouldn’t have that problem” jokingly. she then said “yeah your propably like 150 pounds or something”
yep im not fucking eating until im skinner then her
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yeisyeis · 1 year
this girl start to ignore the food from now on.
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sk1nnykitt3nplace · 16 days
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gingersnappedxx · 27 days
When eating a normal meal feels like binging😐
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dietcokedreams000 · 24 days
I wish I could just cut off all my fat
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1 like 10 squats
1 reblog 1 meal skipped
1 comment 1 glass of water
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healthy444 · 4 months
What are some common weight loss myths and misconceptions?
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Here are some of the common weight loss myths and misconceptions in a straightforward way:
“Carbs make you fat”: Carbs aren’t the enemy. It’s more about the type and quantity. Whole grains, fruits, and veggies are good carbs. Processed carbs like white bread and sugary snacks are the ones to watch out for.
“You need to exercise like crazy”: While exercise is important, weight loss is mostly about diet. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Regular, moderate exercise combined with healthy eating is key.
“Skipping meals helps”: Skipping meals can backfire. It can slow down your metabolism and make you more likely to overeat later. Regular, balanced meals are better.
“Fat-free means healthy”: Not always. Fat-free products often have added sugars and other unhealthy ingredients to make up for the lack of fat. Healthy fats, like those in avocados and nuts, are good for you.
“Detox diets and cleanses work”: Your body naturally detoxes itself. Fancy cleanses can be unnecessary and sometimes harmful. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of water is a better way to support your body.
“All calories are equal”: Technically, yes, but where they come from matters. 100 calories of veggies aren’t the same as 100 calories of candy. Nutrient-dense foods are better for overall health and weight loss.
“You can target fat loss”: Spot reduction doesn’t work. You can’t choose where you lose fat. Overall weight loss through diet and exercise will eventually reduce fat everywhere.
“Supplements can replace meals”: Meal replacement shakes and supplements can be convenient but shouldn’t replace whole foods. They lack the complete nutrition that real food provides.
“Eating late at night makes you gain weight”: It’s not about when you eat, but what and how much you eat. Consuming a lot of calories late at night can lead to weight gain, but so can eating too much at any time of day.
“All diets work the same for everyone”: There’s no one-size-fits-all diet. Different bodies respond differently to various foods and eating patterns. What works for one person might not work for another.
“Healthy food is always expensive”: It can be, but there are plenty of affordable, healthy options like beans, lentils, seasonal fruits, and veggies. Planning and cooking at home can also help save money.
“You need to eat small, frequent meals to boost metabolism”: The frequency of meals doesn’t significantly impact metabolism. What matters more is the total calorie intake and the quality of the food.
“Drinking lots of water will flush out fat”: While staying hydrated is important, water alone won’t burn fat. It helps with overall health and can aid in weight loss by making you feel full, but it’s not a magic solution.
“Weight loss is linear”: Weight loss often involves ups and downs. You might lose a lot at first, then hit a plateau. It’s normal, and it’s important to stay consistent and patient.
“You have to give up all your favorite foods”: Moderation is key. You don’t have to completely eliminate your favorite foods, just enjoy them in smaller portions and less frequently.
“Strength training will make women bulky”: Strength training is great for building lean muscle and boosting metabolism. It’s very difficult for women to become bulky due to their hormone levels.
“Diet foods are always healthy”: Many foods labeled as “diet” or “low-fat” can be high in sugars, sodium, and artificial ingredients. Whole, unprocessed foods are often healthier choices.
“You can lose weight quickly and keep it off”: Quick fixes rarely lead to long-term success. Sustainable weight loss takes time, and maintaining it requires ongoing healthy habits.
“You need to go on a special diet”: Instead of a temporary diet, aim for long-term changes in your eating habits. Balance, variety, and moderation are more effective for sustainable weight loss.
“Only big changes count”: Small changes can add up over time. Swapping soda for water, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or adding a few extra veggies to your meals can make a big difference.
Remember, weight loss is personal and what works for one person might not work for another. The best approach is a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.
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thinthoughts · 3 months
I feel like I’m slowly draining myself. I have no energy but not even hungry anymore.
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gooddiet · 2 years
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10 exercises can help you lose weight healthily
Cardiovascular exercises: Cardiovascular exercises are great for losing weight. They include running, cycling, swimming, and brisk walking. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity cardiovascular exercise per week.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): HIIT involves short bursts of high-intensity exercise alternated with low-intensity recovery periods. It has been shown to be an effective way to burn calories and lose weight.
Resistance training: Resistance training involves using weights or resistance bands to build muscle. It can help boost your metabolism and burn fat. Aim for two to three resistance training sessions per week.
Yoga: Yoga is a great way to improve flexibility, balance, and strength. It can also help you lose weight by reducing stress levels, improving sleep quality, and increasing mindfulness.
Pilates: Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise that focuses on building core strength and improving flexibility. It can help you lose weight by building muscle, burning calories, and improving posture.
Swimming: Swimming is a low-impact form of exercise that can help you lose weight. It burns a lot of calories and is easy on your joints. Aim for at least 30 minutes of swimming per session.
Walking: Walking is a simple and effective way to lose weight. Aim for at least 30 minutes of brisk walking per day.
Cycling: Cycling is a great way to lose weight and improve cardiovascular health. It can be done indoors on a stationary bike or outdoors on a road bike. Aim for at least 30 minutes of cycling per session.
Dancing: Dancing is a fun way to lose weight. It can burn a lot of calories and improve your coordination and balance. Try joining a dance class or dancing at home to your favorite music.
Jumping rope: Jumping rope is a high-intensity exercise that can help you lose weight. It is also great for improving coordination and cardiovascular health. Aim for at least 10 minutes of jumping rope per day. CLICK HERE NOW.
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weightlosshub · 2 years
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toxiccwaist · 7 months
Helllllpppp my Fwb just walked in on me having a shower he hasn’t seen me since recovery and didn’t say anything!!! (usually he says smth sexy) just closed the door 😭😭 legit hate myself. Why am I so fucking fattttt. Ugh I feel so gross.
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alphaphiskinny · 9 months
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I need meanspo, and i need to loose this weight i wasn’t this big, i used to have control, but now every time i try to restrict, i end up binging and gaining soooo much as you can see. someone please motivate me. i want to wake up one day and not have to care about my body. i want to wake up one day and not be afraid to go out to the gym in a sports bra. someone motivate me i’m begging you. i want to loose 90 pounds, but i NEED to loose 70 before april. starting of december i was 178, i just weighed and im 190!!
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16:8 intermittent fasting plan for beginners
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deadrottengirl111 · 16 days
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