#okay i got distracted while i was watching and it took me sooo long to watch and its so late i needed to be asleep 1 and 1/2 hours ago
untouchedsoap · 1 year
also i love uncle jim and i understand where's coming from most of the time but i did want to hit him upside the head this episode i will say
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idontplaytrack · 18 days
Heyyyy I have a request but like I don’t know what character so I’ll leave that up to you
Reader has been a little distracted by the pretty girl that recently started working at the same place as her…will she make a move? Is the pretty girl gay? Questions need answers but reader is a little awkward especially around a girl such a pretty girl what will happen?
Sorry this is so vague :( my brain is sooo fried lol
Coffeehouse Crush
Amber Appleton x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, reader and Amber are both flustered, awkward messes lol
In which reader, a small town gay finds herself falling hard and fast for the new girl at work. One problem— was she even gay?
“Hey, y/n. Later, we have a new staff member joining us. Could I have you be the one to train her? Just for today at least.”
“Oh? Sure, yeah.”
You carried on with your opening duties: wiping down the countertop and equipments, then counting the ‘float money’ to make sure there was the correct amount of cash in the register. “So, she should be here by 8, just show her the ropes. Have her shadow you for the day, hands-on starts tomorrow. You know, cash register, POS system, how to make the drinks.”
“I got it.” You laughed, “Just as long as she isn’t as clueless as Dex, who— thank god, you’ve fired because otherwise we’d be making losses.”
“I think you’ll be just fine. She has experience in F&B.” Your manager assured.
“I’ll hold you to that, Wendy. Okay, three hundred’s in the register— we’re all set.”
“Good.” Wendy shrugs, “Okay, Kaley should be here at 8:30, if she isn’t. We’re on our own.”
“Damn, okay.” You laughed, “Does that mean you’ll be out here too, then?”
“Only if Kaley doesn’t show. Otherwise, you and the new girl will be able to handle it.” Wendy bites back a laugh, “Sunday…it’ll be pretty calm. We’re near a whole bunch of offices and it’s the weekend.”
Wendy heads into her office while you leaned against the counter, watching people walk by. Ten people must’ve walked by in the last few minutes but not one walked in. You decided to take this time to make yourself a drink since there weren’t any customers. Then, you even had the time to drink it.
A few minutes later, a girl— probably your age, walks in. “Hi, I’m Amber. It’s my first day here today.”
“Oh! Right, the manager told me you were.” You snapped out of your thoughts.
Shit, that smile. It was so contagious. She just exudes such a good vibe. Smiling back at her, you introduced yourself, “Amber, I’m y/n. Our manager, Wendy has put me in charge of training you for today. But your job, for now is to just shadow me for the day and familiarise yourself with everything.”
“Hi, y/n.”
“Pick out a locker in the break room to your right, and that’ll be yours. I’ll just go get your apron and name tag for you from Wendy.”
“Okay.” She was still smiling. Damn, was she adorable.
She walks past you to get to the break room, you then went the opposite direction to Wendy’s office. You caught a whiff of her watermelon shampoo when she walked by. Stop it, y/n— that’s creepy.
“Oh, good. She’s here early. Here’s her apron and name tag.” Wendy hands the piece of fabric to you and the name tag. “Thanks.” You took them and exited her office, right when Amber walks back out from the break room. You hand her the items and let her put them on.
“So, today’s Sunday. Sundays are usually our more ‘quiet’ days. Not as many people come by on Sundays since we’re mainly near offices. Before some people start coming in around nine, I think I could probably show you how to make a couple drinks first.”
“Okay.” She nodded, eager.
“I don’t know how you have this much energy in the morning.” You chuckled over your words, reaching your hand out to grab a takeout cup then grabbed the recipe booklet.
“Okay, Amber. Take your pick— which one do you want?”
“What do you mean?”
You snorted, laughing, “Pick a drink you think you’d like— after you make it, you get to have it.”
She squints, “Really?”
“Yeah. I swear.” You nod, “If you don’t believe me, ask Wendy later when she walks out here.”
“No, no, no.” She gasped, “I believe you, it’s just usually. Based on my experience at my old jobs, I had to pay.”
“Not here you don’t.” You assured, “Go on.”
Her hand brushes against yours when she took the laminated booklet from you. You felt a spark, pursing your lips together and looking away from her briefly. She laughs, flipping through the pages. You could feel her gaze on you.
Damn it, Amber. Damn it.
While you taught her how to make the drink she picked out— it was a coconut milk latte, nothing too difficult. You chatted with her, learning way more about her than you’d expected to in such a short period of time. “Hey, y/n.” You heard. But you just could not focus. Your eyes, they were stuck on looking at Amber, looking at her sip on her coffee, happy that she got the hang of it so quickly.
“y/n.” You heard your name again.
“Hey!” You felt a tap on your shoulder. Startled, you gasped and quickly turned around. “Wendy. Oh, my God. Sorry.” You apologised.
“Amber said you scalded your hand. Let me see.” Wendy says, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just a little…distracted.” You say.
“Distracted?” She smirks, looking at you then your hand, then finally at Amber, “I think your hand will be fine but you’ll get a few blisters, but be careful and let them heal properly. Did you run it under cold water yet?”
“Go do that. It might lessen the pain for you a little.” Wendy urged. You excused yourself then went to the break room to tend to your burn.
See if this was how working with Amber was going to be like, you would end up with cuts and burns all over yourself from being so distracted by her…beauty.
“Hey!” Amber’s voice cut through the room, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I— I’m okay.”
“Sorry, I scared you. Didn’t I?”
“No, no, no, no…you didn’t— okay, I— I gotta ask you something but I don’t really know how to ask you—”
“Okay, breathe maybe.” She giggles, “Calm down and just ask me whatever you want. I’m all ears.”
And you did, you took a few deep breaths to regulate your breathing and it helped. You felt better and less…flustered.
“Are you gay?” You hurriedly asked.
“I…am bi.” She tells you.
“Are you seeing anyone? Because I kinda, maybe have a crush on you and I need an answer. I don’t want to be weird and just have feelings for someone that’s attached.” You rambled, “Because that would — would be bad, and I don’t want to ruin things for you, and have you hate me—”
“y/n, look at me.” She holds onto your hands gently, “Look at me. And listen closely— I just moved here, I don’t know anyone. I am single, and bi, and I think…you’re really pretty.”
You freaking choked on your own spit. “Uh…” Chuckling in sheer shock, you say, “I’m sorry what?”
“You’re pretty.” She steps forward and cups your cheek, smiling.
“Aw.” You blushed, “Damn. And I thought you were the shy one.”
“Not once you get to know me.” She shrugs, a cheeky grin on her face.
“You…wanna hang out after work?”
“Oh, yeah I sure do.” Amber winks.
You sigh, “Well, I’m looking forward to it. Let’s get back to work, shall we?”
“Yes, we shall.” Amber laughs, lacing your fingers together with hers for a second before letting go.
“Oh, Amber…” A quiet sigh falls from your lips.
“Nothing. You’re pretty.” You bit back a grin, hiding the blush forming on your cheeks.
“Aw. Aren’t you so sweet?”
🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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f3itansgirlygirl · 3 years
drivers license - suna rintarou
part 2 right here
inspired by the song driver's license
his house is right there, right in front of me. 
sitting in the car biting my lip holding back the sob that threatened to escape, how did it become like this? how did i end up sitting in here alone while you went off with her? that was supposed to be me, you said you would wait? 
suna rintarou
a beautiful boy, his smile never failed to warm your heart. the way he would hold you in his arms, pout when you weren't paying attention, brush your hair behind your ear, the way he would kiss you and buy you your favorite drinks or take you to that little park you loved so much as you guys watched the sunset and fell in love all over again.
then how did it get like this? 
“hi my name is l/n y/n and i'm your new manager!,” you introduced yourself. was a first year at inarizaki and needed to get into a club, atsumu decided to introduce you to the coach and give in a few words.
looking around the team you felt a nice presence, and that's when your eyes landed on his, those green piercing eyes. having his knees to his chest laughing at atsumu for trying to punch him for showing him something on his phone. 
the way his laugh died down but kept a smile as he looked at you. 
you blushed but became distracted as kita called you over.
“thank you guys for accepting me have a good night!,” you said grabbing your bag and leaving. “wait up i’ll walk with you,” you heard a voice behind you say. you turned to hear the voice and it belonged to him.
you guys walked under the stars, you shivered forgetting a jacket and that's when he looked at you and smirked. “the old jacket technique huh let me guess you want me to take mine’s off and give it to you,” 
you gasped and looked right at him, “no i actually forgot you weirdo whatever i guess i'll walk faster,” you said speeding up. “wait i’m just teasing here i have a hoodie it’s my sleeping in class hoodie so better not ruin it.”
you took it hesitantly but put it on either way, it was big and burgundy and my god the scent you can still remember to this day how good he smelled like. “looks good on you maybe i’ll let you keep it,” he said as you guys continued to walk.
that was your first interaction, your first words to each other and one of the many nights you guys have come to spend together
everything else came easily, even though having a age gap it didn’t stop your feelings whatsoever, and also never stopped him from showing affection.
you still remember your first kiss
how he kissed you by surpised on the slide of a old park where you guys sneaked out to get ice cream.
still remember how he started bringing extra hoodies and hair ties since you had a habit of forgetting both.
still remember that night under the stars in the backseat of his car when he looked at you and told you he was in love with you.
you teared up staring at him as he giggled softly caressing your face, holding your waist even more closer to his chest as your bodies connected.
“i love you rintarou,” you smiled crying softly. 
he looked at you rubbing your tears away, “and i love you y/n l/n,”
how it was such a good 6 months. looking back you should have seen the way you guys would only hang out around the night or weekdays. 
how he wouldn't hold your hand in school or only be affection around the team.
and how you guys weren't exactly official, never asked you officially to be his but hey because of the memories spent together you thought of course your his and he’s yours.
you first saw her when she came through the doors, holding his notebook as she apologized but nevertheless gave him a smile and he gave one back. she was pretty- like really pretty. 
pretty blue eyes, blonde long hair, beautiful body.
“so this is what overthinking feels like huh,” you mumbled as you shook your head and went back to setting the net up.
after practice you and suna as always walked home 
you guys decided to take a detour heading to your park where many memories were made. 
“hey rin,” you asked as you looked over the river that was by the bridge. “yes love?,” he replied. “what are we?,” you asked him.
please say im yours...
“well your younger than me, i want you to be mines and you already are, always and forever sooo how about this,” he turned to look at you and bent down so his head was right at yours. “when you become a 2nd year and get your driver's license we can officially be together yeah? i'll get down on one knee and ask you to be mine,” he rolled his eyes as you giggled. 
he stuck out his pinkie and you stuck out yours. “you’ll wait for me?,” you said.
he wrapped his pinkie around yours, “always, make sure you just don't crash don't want you dying before your mine but yes i promise i will wait for you l/n,” suna smiled grabbing you and pulling you in for a kiss. 
finals came up and yes you and suna got distant due to you studying, yet you weren't nervous you were excited to finally walk down the halls holding his hand.
looking back you should have seen the signs of him not texting you often or wanting to help you, you shrugged it off maybe he was struggling in some classes too.
finally the day was here, texting osamu all morning about how you would pick them up for school so you can show off to suna. 
laughing driving up to school with the twins, you got out the car and seeing suna’s back against one of the walls
 you were about to call out for him until you saw her again. this time she was wearing the burgundy hoodie, and he was the one holding her hand. he was smiling? the smile he gave you specifically to you he was giving to her. 
tears filled your eyes. 
“y/n chan.. i’m-” , “its okay atsumu just get to class okay?,” you turned around hand shaking as you hold your keys, tears spilling down your eyes. “i'm going to be okay,” you smiled. “no, you’re crying,” 
“i said i’m okay, i’m just going to leave,” you said running to your car and getting the fuck outta there. 
leaving you saw atsumu go up to suna and scream at him. 
your heart felt like it was being pulled, this can’t be real? 
you headed home, slamming your door and falling to the ground, how could you rin? 
flashes of him and her passed your mind seeing how happy he was. 
you looked underneath and saw a photo on the ground. your grabbed it and sat on your bed, it was you and him in a photobooth smiling and then kissing. underneath in his handwriting he wrote “my love always and forever,”
you felt like throwing up, so this is what heartbreak feels like. 
you were hurt mad even at the fact that before anything was able to happen it was already ruined. you cried yourself to sleep wanting to ignore the pain/
you woke up around 9 p.m, you were confused but remembered all that happened today
“so that wasn't a horrible dream?,” you tried to laugh it out but really couldn’t.
you needed fresh air, you changed into sweatpants and a baggy shirt.
going for a drive blasting music, you didn’t know where you were going but you just needed to feel the air flowing past you. you stopped at the red light, everything was getting blurry tears now leaving as you hit the steering wheel. 
you kept driving and ending up parking in this neighborhood, being very familiar but automatically knowing where you ended up. you looked to your right and saw his house.
you were about to get off trying to get closure you said, needing answers still trying to doubt everything and thinking maybe this was a horrible joke from the twins and him but then you got all the closure you needed. seeing as the door opened revealing the girl coming out.
your heart dropped seeing how happy they were and dare you say actually look good together. he smiled down at her and grabbed her for a kiss. 
you gasped as a heart wrenching sob escaped your lips, she walked away as he never took his eyes off her figure.
that was me.
 he then looked turning his head and made eye contact with you, you just silently laughed as you shook your head at him and turned on the car leaving. “y/n wait!,” you heard him say as you left.
you headed to the small park and sat in the slide looking up as you laid down and finally let everything out. “never knew your waiting was just a short trial did i have to pay for millions of hours?,” you cried as you looked up in the sky seeing your memories replay in your head
‘Cause how could I ever love someone else’ And I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street’
your phone dinged as you look who texted you
suna rin: y/n we need to talk... suna rin: please, i am so so sorry just hear me out. suna rin: i really did wait i just, please let's just meet up.
you texted back 
“im really happy for you suna, goodbye rintarou.”
you then deleted his contact as you took a deep breathe and sat up.
“i still see your face
In the white cars”
you grabbed your head, “was i not good enough?,” 
“We crossed I still hear your voice In the traffic We're laughing”
flash back
“you know i think we're meant to be,” suna said from your bed as you were on your laptop finishing some things. “wow such a hopeless romantic,” you smiled at him as you were putting back your earphones. “just maybe right person wrong time,” he said softly. you looked back at him, “i'm sorry did you say something,” you asked him. he just shook his head, “nothing i was just saying your a nerd,” he said as he threw a pillow at your face. “you know what,” you got up and jumped on top of him both laughing.
flashback over
‘God, I'm so blue Know we're through But I still fucking love you, babe’
you finally realized what he said, right person wrong timing 
you looked up at the cherry blossom tree and softly smiled
“your right suna we really were meant to be just right person, wrong time.”
i guess not every love story is meant to be complete.
the end.
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crguang · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do an imagine with ajak? Maybe she gets jealous of people flirting with the reader? Thank you!
hehe i gotchu, here you go <3
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Ajak watched you from her spot in the doorway of the kitchen. You were sitting at the island, typing away on your computer, shoulders so tense she could see how stiff they must feel without having to touch them. You had an empty cup of coffee near you and the Eternal knew it was only a little past 10 but it was probably your third of the day already. Her brows creased in worry. You had been working from home for a few weeks now and while she appreciated having you close to her during the day, she quickly noticed the way you were overworking yourself every day. You had to be on too of everything, had to finish reports and presentations as soon as you got them and rarely took breaks if Ajak wasn’t there to pull you away from the laptop.
“Mi vida, you need to relax,” she spoke up, softly walking up to you.
You didn’t spare her a glance as you hummed, fingers moving quickly across the keyboard. You felt her hands on your shoulders and tensed for a second before relaxing into her touch. Her skin was always warm, she was like a personal heater and the feeling was greatly appreciated in the chill of autumn mornings. Still, you kept on working as she gently trailed her hands to the base of your neck.
“The work won’t go away if you step aside for an hour, you know,” her thumbs circled your skin.
“Yes, that’s the issue. This needs to be done by the end of the day,” you replied, trying to ignore her gentle ministrations.
You couldn’t see her face but by the disapproving tsk of her tongue against her teeth, you knew her lips were pursed.
“How about we go down to the coffee shop? It’ll be nice to get out of the house for a little while and you’ll have time to finish your work later,” she proposed, a hand rubbing your back. She knew how stressed you must be judging by the amount of coffee you’ve drank in the past days and she wanted to help.
You took a minute to think about it. Walks with Ajak were one of your favourite moments with her, the proximity, the warmth of her palm against yours, the comfortable silence… She had a way of making you feel loved just by being there and her occasional comments on something she saw on the street or the shops you were walking by never failed to put you in a good mood.
“Okay,” you accepted, earning a smile from her. “I just need to finish this paragraph, then send this email and—“
The tone in which she said your name let you know the negotiations were over. You pouted, still typing away in hopes of distracting her long enough to at least send this email.
“Okay, okay,” you relented. “Do you have any idea how much I adore you?”
“Uh huh. Up.”
You nodded, typing the last sentence to your email even as you felt her firm hands on your shoulders.
“No, seriously, I love you sooo…” you trailed off, finally signing your message and pressing send, “…much.”
You turned around on the stool to face her, a grin stretching your lips. Your hands found her waist as Ajak narrowed her eyes at you.
“I’m all yours,” you said, bringing her closer between your legs. You had to tilt your head up to plant a chaste kiss on her mouth.
Ajak hummed, cupping your cheek and leaning in for another kiss, this one longer and sweeter. She could taste the coffee on your tongue and while she preferred tea, the taste wasn’t bad at all when it came directly from your mouth.
You pull away after a moment, murmuring against her lips, “I need to get ready if you really want to go to the coffee shop… Though now I have other activities in mind to help me relax.”
Ajak couldn’t help the cheeky smile that appeared on her face. “Tempting offer, but I’m craving hot chocolate. Go.”
With a last kiss, you obliged.
The walk to the coffee shop wasn’t long, but it was appreciated anyway. You liked feeling the wind against you, colored leaves decorating the streets and trees as you walked hand in hand with Ajak. There wasn’t a lot of people inside the shop and you were grateful for it if it meant the line would be shorter. You already knew what you wanted, as you ordered the same thing every time you went there. Their coffee was absolutely delicious.
“Hi, what can I do for you today?” The barista was a short woman with a big smile, her red hair framing her round face. She seemed nice. She looked directly at you as she spoke and waited expectantly for your reply.
“Hi, I’ll take a small hot chocolate with a large cup of…” the look Ajak sent you made you pause. She raised an eyebrow and you furrowed yours. “…With a small cup of coffee,” you said slowly, almost raising your eyes to the ceiling when she nodded. It was going to be your fourth cup today.
“Sure,” the barista replied, tapping away on her screen. “By the way, this is random but I really love your earrings. They complement your face perfectly. You’re really pretty.”
You blinked, an awkward smile on your lips. “Thanks.” Was she flirting? You spared a glance to Ajak who didn’t seem bothered by it at all. You didn’t catch the small squint of her eyes as you looked away. Maybe you were overthinking this.
You paid and the barista turned away to complete your order. The two of you didn’t have to wait long and you practically inhaled your drink the second you got it, already feeling rejuvenated just by the scent of it. The barista hid her smile at the sight and you didn’t notice the way Ajak scrunched up her nose in discontentment. She took your hand before leaving, lacing her fingers through yours and glancing back behind the counter. Maybe it was petty, but the way the barista’s face fell was very pleasing.
It took you ten minutes of walking, quietly and happily sipping on your coffee, for you to notice that something was written on the cup. Ajak’s hand left yours for a moment to allow her to fix something on her boot and you took the opportunity to read the message.
Call me? XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Your eyes widened. She was flirting!
“Did you just notice that?” Ajak asked as she straightened up, looking at the cup with contempt.
“I… The coffee was really good,” you replied uselessly. The Eternal stared at you when you took the last sip and you raised your hand in question. “What? It’s good.”
Her eyes lifted to the sky.
“Besides, it’s not like I’ll run to her because she wrote on my coffee,” you continued, throwing the cup away in a nearby trash can before walking back to your girlfriend. “She was pretty but not really my type.”
“She was pretty?” Ajak raised her eyebrows and you parted your lips to speak, taking a few seconds to think before replying.
“…No, she was hideous.”
Ajak chuckled, taking your hand once more. Her warmth immediately spread to your body and you offered her a small squeeze as she pulled you a bit closer to her.
“It’s silly,” she admitted, tilting her head to stare at you in the eyes. “I don’t like the way she was looking at you.”
You failed to contain your smile. Ajak was never one to get jealous and the situation was kind of funny.
You sigh dramatically. “I guess I can never step foot in that shop again. That, or I need to get her fired because I swear if you tried their coffee you’d understand my obsession with this place.”
That earned a laugh from her and your smile widened. She was so beautiful, hair in the wind under her cute beanie, eyes fixed on your face. Beautiful, and all yours.
“You’re going to end up replacing the blood in your veins by caffeine,” she reprimanded you playfully.
“That’s actually my goal.”
It was your turn to laugh, lowering your head to press a quick kiss on her lips. Walks with Ajak really were your favourites.
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seodami · 3 years
Skate Lesson | JKS
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Genre: fluff, kinda friends to lovers~in between
Warning: noneee
Word count: 1025
Pairing: skater friend Jake x reader (gn)
Note: sooo I’ve started to learn how to skate again and I’m so hyped ghsgs if anyone got some good advices for me please tell me it’s really fun🤩 also skater Jake is just a whole mood and I love it so so much! I need Jake skateboarding content!!!!
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“We gonna start slow, alright?” Jake grinned over his shoulder, setting his skateboard onto the floor. You let out a small whine, earning another giggle from the black haired boy.
“Don’t worry, it’s not hard. You will rock that.” He kept encouraging you, while taking your board out of your hands and putting it in front of you onto the ground as well. “And falling is totally normal. That’s part of the progress.”
He gently took your hand and fiddled a bit with the strap on your hand protectors. Your heart made a little ollie. “Really?” His deep eyes met yours for a moment. “Absolutely. I fell a lot when I began. Like A LOT. Everyone falls.”
You let out an airy laughter listening to Jakes ridiculous tries to take your fear of skateboarding away. It was your idea in the first place asking your very good friend to teach you skating. You’ve watched him several times and it was just so cool in your eyes. He was just so cool. And with him encouraging you even more, it didn’t take long to find yourself at your first official skateboarding lesson inside the skatepark besides your old elementary school.
“Now are your protectors all on safely? We don’t want you to get hurt in your first lesson.” You patted down onto your knees twice with a cheerful smile, making Jake internally coo at your cuteness. “All on! Can we start now?” Jake nodded holding his hands out for you, taking this as a signal to stand on the board. You intertwined your hands before carefully stepping onto the board, wobbling a bit in the process.
The boy in front of you couldn’t hide his happy giggles, making you smile as a result. “Great. So now you have to get used to the board a bit. That’s the most important step. We just roll around for a bit in the beginning, trying to get comfortable, okay?” After nodding enthusiasticly, you felt yourself moving after Jake began walking. When he gave you a little extra push, ready to let you ride alone, you hastily grabbed onto his hands again, letting out a tiny squeak.
“Oh my god. Don’t go away. I can barely stand on this thing.” He couldn’t help but giggle, however did just as you told. “Okay a few more times but then you try on your own. It’s really not scary.”
After agreeing, you rolled around peacefully around the skatepark, trying to hold your balance and probably breaking Jakes fingers. You noticed other kids and some teens dropping in from high platforms, some lower. It was fascinating how everyone was in his own bubble.
It wasn’t long after, that you had to try riding by yourself. Jake had showed you before on his board how to push slowly. So you tried and succeeded. Yet after getting a bit too confident, you lost your balance, as expected, and flew right onto your butt.
Jake rushed to your side with a sympathetic smile on his pretty face. “Are you alright Y/N?” With a row of giggles, you nodded, standing up with the help of his outstretched hand. “Yeah I’m okay. But my butt hurts.” The pout on your face made him all soft inside.
“Right? I wish there would’ve been buttpads available. Maybe a pillow would do it.” He loved joking around, earning a soft hit on his shoulder. “That would look ridiculous. Also I hope I don’t get a bruise tomorrow. That would hurt sitting down.” He shook his head laughing, slinging an arm around your shoulders, picking your skateboard up with his feet. You watched him in awe, trying to distract yourself from his close proximity and touch. You’re reading into it too much again. It just felt so nice being close to Jake.
He handed you the board again. “Let’s try again alright? You can do it.” So you did. You tried and tried and after today’s lesson, you would dare calling Jake the best skate teacher ever (he would probably instantly refuse, listing way better teachers in his opinion but you would insist on it).
It wasn’t after you felt like you could now roll around more carefree and faster than before, with Jake leading the way, sending you small proud glances over his shoulder in the process. He loved seeing you so concentrated, actually trying very hard to learn how to skate. And he found it ridiculously adorable how your tongue peeked out every now and then from behind your pink lips.
And when you two finally called it a day, both sitting on your skateboards, watching the warm red sun disappear behind the top line of the trees, you felt absolutely exhausted but so so happy.
You took in Jakes gorgeous facial features, dunked in the mellow comforting light of the sunset, giving him an effortless yet ethereal beauty. “Thank you for taking your time and teaching me. I know I’m probably not the best student.” You leaned your head onto your slightly sweaty palm, still looking at him as his eyes met yours. His lips formed his most charming smile.
“Anytime for you. You are actually pretty damn good for just learning it. I couldn’t wish for a better and more talented student.” He now grinned at your flustered state, convincing him to take it back.
“You’re just a great teacher Jakie.” He shook his head smiling, holding his hand out to your for a high five. It felt a bit weird with your hand protectors still on but it still made your heart flutter. Jake was so kind. Before you could retract your hand, his fingers sneakily interwove with yours, eyes meeting with shy smiles. “You did great today.” He told you honestly, you could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes.
“Can we do it again tomorrow? It was so fun…” you swung your intertwined hands slightly back and forth, none of you wanting to let go. Jakes gaze went from your hands to your eyes. He gave you a nod, smile as bright as ever. “Always…”
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letarasstuff · 3 years
Where do you go?
(A/N): This is requested by an anon and based on this post.
Summary: How does Hotch’s daughter, who everyone goes to with their own problems, cope with her mother’s death two years later?
Warnings: Angst. Grief. Dealing with a loved one’s death
Wordcount: 2.2k
✨Masterlist✨ _____________________________
“Hey (Y/N), I really need your help with Tim. Do you have a minute for me?” (Y/N) turns around to see a boy from her science class. It’s not like she knows him that much, they occasionally team up for small projects, there is nothing more behind that.
“Uh of course. I just had my last class, so I got time for you.” She smiles and lets him, Vincent is his name she thinks, rant to her about how his boyfriend doesn’t understand his needs.
This is nothing out of the ordinary for her, to be asked for advice. She simply is a good listener and gives good tips, the best even according to people close to the teenager. The problem is her limited knowledge on relationships. “Coaches don’t play”, Hotch tells her. And he intends on keeping it that way.
“That does really suck. Did you try to talk to him about it?” (Y/N) asks the boy in front of her. Suddenly he bursts into tears, describing how he only sees breaking up as a solution. She awkwardly pats his back and says encouraging words to him. That he will make the right decision, that he shouldn’t rush it and that he has to take his time.
After Vincent, or is it Gordon, calms down he looks up at the girl. “Thank you for listening. You were a great help, (Y/N).” He hugs her and leaves.
As she looks over the parking lot she spots her father’s car. Excitedly (Y/N) walks over and gets onto the passenger seat. “Hey, I didn’t know you pick me up today”, she greets him.
“We finished the case early and I was on the way home and thought giving you a lift wouldn’t hurt. Who was that boy? Is there something I should know?” Hotch looks at her from the side. But his daughter shakes her head. “Don’t worry, he is gay. He just needed a shoulder to cry on about his ruined relationship.”
“You do know you are not the school’s therapist, don’t you? At this point your classmates should pay you.” He tries to joke about it, but as a father he is worried. Since Haley died, (Y/N) took it upon her to make sure everybody is happy, no matter at what costs.
“I know, Dad. I’m fine and Alex feels better.”
A few days later (Y/N) sits in JJ’s living room, watching the mother go from one place to the next. “Food is in the fridge, so help yourself. Henry’s bedtime is in half an hour, please make sure he goes to sleep by then. He should be easy to put down, Will made sure to tire him out earlier. All important numbers are on the fridge. Feel free to watch anything on the TV.”
The teenager volunteered to babysit Henry, giving his parents a child free evening. “Thank you, JJ. We will rock this, don’t we?” She looks down to the boy on her lap, who nods his head.
“Good. Behave for (Y/N), ok?” The mother gives her son a kiss on the head. After Will’s goodbye the couple is gone.
“Ok, how about we get real comfy on your bed and I read you a story?” Henry nods again. He takes (Y/N) by her hand to his room. As suggested they lay down on his bed.
“Which one do you want me to read to you?” But the boy looks unsure all of a sudden. “Can we just talk?” Surprised the teenager nods. “Whatever you like, champ.”
“Uh okay, do you know Mommy is a bit… much? She is like there and the next second she is here and then she isn’t here for days. I- this is sooo annoying”, Henry rants to her. He is only three, so it is kept rather simple.
“Oh man, she must be a handful, champ. But you have to keep in mind that she really loves you and in the end this is the only thing that matters. Do you love her, too?” It hurts her to talk about a mother’s love, since her own passed away over two years ago. (Y/N) still misses her. She is sure it will never go away.
“Of course I love her.” Sleepily Henry cuddles closer to (Y/N), holding his plush toy near him. After that, he falls asleep safe and sound. The teenager waits for a bit, watching him scrunching up his nose every few minutes.
The next day at the BAU a knock is heard on the Unit Chief’s door. “Come in!”
“Hey Dad, I thought a little visit wont hurt”, the daughter enters the room. Automatically a smile appears on Hotch’s face. “Also, I thought a little help from Spencer wont hurt, too”, she adds with a laugh. “Last time I checked he was in Garcia’s lair. You might have a shot finding him there”, he tips her off.
“Thank you Dad, you are the best!” Not long after this she steps into the Technical Analyst’s office and is immediately greeted by the preppy woman being anything but preppy.
“What in heaven’s name do they think I am, do you know it (Y/N)? They want me to work faster and more efficiently and expect me to be all sunshine and rainbows while looking at the most gruesome pictures ever taken on a daily basis! Un-be-lie-va-ble!” The blonde walks back and forth, gesticulating wildly.
The teenager takes her hands in an attempt to calm her down. “Sit down and tell me from the beginning what you are talking about.” This ends in Penelope raging about some superiors for an hour. When she finally calms down, it is like she wakes up. “Oh my, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to load all that up on you. You don’t need that in addition to-” She suddenly cuts herself off.
“I’m fine, really. It’ll be like any other day.” The smile the girl struggles to put on looks pained. “My sweet sweet summer child, the second anniversary of your mother’s death is not like any other day. You are still allowed to grief, you know that, right?” Penelope hugs (Y/N), cradling her close to her chest.
“I know, Penny. Thank you for reminding me. But I have to go, I need Spencer’s help with my chemistry assignment. You know, gotta keep those grades up.” With that she makes a beeline for the bullpen, leaving a stunned Technical Analyst by herself.
Since Foyet Hotch worries about his daughter. He learned many things about her coping mechanisms in the last two years: She tries to do it on her own.
In times like this the similarity between him and (Y/N) frustrates him. Aaron also tends to deal with his emotions alone, in the safe space of his own four walls. With all of his qualifications he knows it’s not healthy and he slowly learns to let his feelings loose around people he trusts, typically his team.
The difference between (Y/N) and Hotch is that he knows when he reaches his breaking point and she doesn’t about hers. So in a situation like right now being a profiler comes in handy with the job as a father.
It’s the day. The second anniversary of a mother’s death.
Hotch already planned the whole day for his two kids. At first he wakes both of them up, a luxus he seldom is able to indulge. But for today he has called into work saying he won't be coming any time before ten.
The mood around the house is suffocating. Even the little boy notices the heaviness of the day and its meaning.
“Are you ready, (Y/N)? I’m gonna drop you and Jack off at school!” Aaron shouts standing at the foot of the stairs. “I’m coming!” The answer is heard faintly.
Not long after this the Hotchner Household is on their way to the youngest’s elementary school. “Behave and remember: If you don’t feel fine it’s okay. Just tell your teachers and they will call me and I will get you, do you understand?” The father looks at his son with a certain seriousness. “Understood”, the blonde boy confirms and gives him a hug.
When he is back onto the driver’s seat, (Y/N) speaks up. “I don’t feel good about letting him to school today. What if he suddenly gets overwhelmed? I don’t think his teachers are able to calm him down.” Hotch gives his daughter a glance from the side. Jack never showed any signs of what she just described.
“They know to call me. I also told him it's all right to let them call me. He is in good hands.” It’s quiet for the next few minutes. “Dad, this is not the way to school”, the teenager tries to alert her father.
“I know. You won’t go today. I called you in sick when you were in the bathroom. I got the day planned, be ready to be surprised.”
The first thing they do is having breakfast in a little niché café. They once visited it regularly with Haley, way long before Jack was born. The two of them sit down at a booth in the corner.
“What can I get you two sweeties?” A waitress asks, her notebook ready in her hands. While the father orders their usuals, (Y/N) lets her eyes wander. So many memories at once crash onto her.
“Do you remember this one waiter, who always got you a hot cup of chocolate for free?” Aaron says after noticing her sad look. The girl begins to smile through the tears forming in her eyes. “Of course. Mom always got nearly a heart attack seeing me down it like it’s juice. I-” Her voice breaks. The tears fall down and make their way over her cheeks.
“It’s ok, you don’t have to say anything. I’m here. For anything you want or need me. Because nobody expects you to be alright, especially on this day.” He takes her hand and looks her in the eyes. (Y/N) nods, leaning against her father’s shoulder. He puts an arm on her, keeping her closer.
“I know. It’s just- It still hurts. So so badly. I feel like she still is here, but that’s just not true and that hurts me more.” Silently Hotch motions the waitress to make the order to go, while rubbing his child’s arm. Because that’s what she still is, a child.
A child that went through much, especially for her age. When (Y/N) calms down a little, they make their way back to the car.
“I thought we are going to the BAU to distract you for a while. But I can call the team and tell them we are going to do a SPA day at home or something. What do you want?”
“Can we go to them? And maybe leave earlier to do face masks at home before picking Jack up?” There is no way the father can say no to her puppy dog eyes. “Of course, Honey. Anything you want.”
As soon as the doors of the elevator open to floor six of the FBI building in Quantico, Penelope Garcia embraces (Y/N) in a big bear hug. “My sweet sweet summer child. You are so strong, I admire you. We are so happy to have you here” she whispers into the teenager's ear. “Thank you, Penny. Thank you so much.”
Over the course of the next few hours (Y/N) visits everyone’s desk. At first she goes into the lair, where mountains of cookies wait for her. Then she sits at Spencer’s desk, listening to cute facts about sloths. But Emily is quick to steal her from the genius, bribing the girl with new pictures of Sergio. Derek takes the teen from there, pushing her through the office on a desk chair with wheels. Her father is able to hear her laughs in his office, which puts a small smile on his face.
After that (Y/N) goes to JJ, who has a drawn picture from Henry for her. “Will had to write ‘best babysitter ever’ for him”, the blonde explains, pointing at the picture. The girl smiles. “Woah, I think you got a little Picasso at home. Tell him I love it.”
Her last stop is Rossi’s office. The older man looks at her with a fond smile. “Do you know that I see so much of your father and mother in you?” Confused, she glances at him.
“You are as stoic as Aaron. You are determined. But you are also caring and loving, like Haley. You are a perfect combination of both of them. Just keep that in your mind.”
As mysterious as this seems, it somehow makes (Y/N) happy. Happy to know a part of her mother is always with her.
Soon the little family departes for their home. Not long after they bid their goodbyes, Penelope receives a picture of the Unit Chief and the teenager with pink glitter masks. The father is willing to do anything to make her smile, even when this means he gets a basket of various masks the next day for teasingly reasons.
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hangovercurse · 3 years
For the Past Four Years
You and Colson have been friends forever, but when you start getting lessons from a certain drummer, he gets a bit jealous.
Request: Sooo I was just wondering if a jealous!coulson whose your friend would be something you’d like to write? Maybe y/n and yungblud or rook or someone is getting a little too friendly and it makes him angry either fluff or smut would work tbh
Colson x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
A/N I am so sorry this took so long! This is the one I was talking about when I said I got to the end and wasn’t feeling it so I rewrote it.
Word Count: 2019
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You hated being the only one in the crew who couldn’t go on tour. The travel interfered with your job too much, so you were left alone for months out of the year. But that made it all the better when you could join the tour. You were grateful for the two weeks off you were given while Colson was on the Hotel Diablo tour.
You flew out to their show in Phoenix and planned to stay on the tour bus with them until they got back to LA. The boys were ecstatic to have you around, having known you for almost 4 years. Colson was probably the most excited to see you again, seeing as he had known you the longest.
You were in the green room for the fifth show since you’d join the tour, the energy through the roof. Colson was busy talking with Ashleigh about the show, so you found entertainment in Rook, who was currently tapping away on his practice kit. “Ok, guess this one.”
You were currently trying to figure out what songs he was playing, and you were doing pretty good. He started playing the intro to “You Could Be Mine” by Guns N’ Roses, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. ”Really? It’s like you’re trying to make this easy for me.”
“It’s not my fault you know literally every song ever made.”
“Yeah, but Guns N’ Roses? Obviously, I’m gonna know it.” You smirked and he squinted at you.
“Fine. You’re so good, why don’t you play something and make me guess.” He held out his drumsticks for you to take.
You pouted, “Rookie you know I don’t know how to play drums.”
“I can teach you.” He offered, making your eyes light up.
“Wait, actually?” He nodded, standing up and grabbing another stool.
“C’mere.” He led you around the kit and sat you down, sitting on the stool behind you. He put the drumsticks in your palms and then moved to hold the outside of your hand. “We’ll start with the basics.”
When Colson came back into the room, he saw you and Rook laughing. You were looking back at Rook as his hands were wrapped around yours, a smile on your face. He couldn’t help his heart sinking, and he tried his best to maintain his composure. Luckily, he only had to endure a few more minutes of you guys obviously flirting before everyone had to move to side stage.
You noticed Colson slumped on one of the couches across the room and you sent him a smile. “Rook is teaching me how to play.” You mouthed to him, and he nodded sarcastically.
“Good for you.” He mouthed back, obviously uninterested and upset about something. You raised your eyebrow and tilted your head, silently asking what was wrong. He just shook his head.
“Alright guys, backstage.” Ashleigh announced, and all the boys jumped up.
Rook stood up and you followed, handing him his drumsticks. “We shall continue this later, young grasshopper.” He joked, bowing dramatically. You rolled your eyes and pushed him towards the door of the green room.
“Don’t suck too much.” You smiled, and he turned back to stick his tongue out at you. Colson watched the interaction and it looked like steam would start blowing out of his ears. You bounded over to where he had just stood up. “Good luck hug?” You asked sweetly, a tradition you had started the first time you went backstage before a show.
Instead of answering, he walked right past you, leaving the room. You stared after him, confusion present on your face. You wanted to talk to him about it, but decided it was best to leave it for after the show.
 Colson seemed to be in a better mood on stage and after the show, insisting on partying on the bus. You had no complaints; you loved the endless party that was touring with MGK. Once you got on the bus, however, his mood seemed to drop all over again. You didn’t really notice it at first, a bit distracted by the loud music and the other guys. You loved spending time with them, they were as much your family as Colson. But your good time was spoiled by Colson sitting on one of the couches scrolling through his phone with a drink in his hand.
You didn’t want to have fun without him, he was your best friend, after all. So, you walked over to him, reaching your hand out. “Come dance with me.” You smiled, which he did not return.
In fact, he barely looked at you, just took a sip of his drink and said, “why don’t you go dance with Rook since you like him so much.”
You were taken aback by his comment. “Umm, what?”
“You heard me. If you like Rook so much why don’t you go dance with him? Why don’t you just sleep with him while you’re at it?”
You took a step back, offended. “I don’t know what your problem is right now, but either talk to me like a grown up or get over it.”
Colson sighed, standing up and grabbing your hand to drag you to the back of the bus, away from the crowd. He opened the door that separated the bunks from the rest of the bus, leading you in and closing it behind you. You waited for an explanation from him, but he just stood there, glaring at you.
“Okay, what the fuck is your problem, Colson? I’ve been here for all of a week so I don’t exactly know what I could’ve done.” You tried to keep your voice quiet, but your tone was still sharp.
Colson’s tone stung just as bad. “Oh right, because you haven’t been flirting with Rook ever since you got here. I mean seriously could you make it any more obvious?”
You raised an eyebrow, “Okay, one, I’m not fucking flirting with anyone, much less Rook. Two, even if I was flirting with him, or anyone for that matter, it’s none of your fucking business.” Colson had a habit of doing this; anytime you started talking to a guy, or even just dancing with one at a club, he made sure it stopped immediately and you were fed up with it.
“It is my business. He’s my bandmate and you’re my best friend. If you two hook up or do anything, guess who’s caught in the middle? Me.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Yeah, and I suppose that’s why you’ve run off every other guy I’ve tried to do anything with?”
He stepped towards you, eyes getting darker. “So you were trying to get with Rook?”
“Oh my god Colson, no!” You let out an exasperated groan, “I’m just saying you have a pattern of getting in between me and literally any member of the male species. Rook and I are just friends, you know that. And I would never put you in a situation like that.”
He stepped closer to you, standing over you now. "Maybe I just don’t think they’re good enough for you.” His voice got quieter, but you weren’t backing down.
“You’re supposed to think that. That’s what friends are for. But that doesn’t mean you get to get in the way of every potential relationship I have.”
“Stop saying that fucking word.” His voice got deeper, darker.
You furrowed your brows, confused and a bit nervous at his tone. “What word.” Your voice came out quieter than you expected it to.
Colson sighed and hung his head, backing away from you, “forget it.”
He turned so his back was facing you, running a hand through his hair. You watched him carefully, studying him. “What word, Colson?” You pushed him.
He rubbed his face with his hands, letting out another heavy sigh. “Did you ever stop to think about why I didn’t want you to get anywhere with those guys?” Your heart seemed to stop beating for a second, and your shoulders fell slightly.
“N-no.” You stuttered, walking towards the man, who was still turned away from you. “Colson, I’m really confused right now.” Your voice was soft. You reached out to touch his arm, but he spun around before you could.
His hand reached out to tilt your jaw up, so you were looking into his eyes. You expected him to be angry, but there was something else instead. His face was really close to yours, enough that you could feel his breath on your nose when he spoke. “There’s a reason I don’t want you to flirt with Rook, or with any other guy for that matter.” You had a feeling you knew where this was going, and you took a sharp breath as your heart fluttered.
“Colson-“ You started, but he cut you off.
“Just let me finish, please. I have to say this or I’m gonna lose my fucking mind.” You stayed silent, your eyes begging him to continue. “I don’t want you to be with anyone else. Fuck, Y/N, it hurts like hell to see you flirting with other people because I want you to be flirting with me.”
You smile, trying not to giggle. “And I realized when I left for tour that I’m kind of really in love with you.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his lips onto yours. His hands wrapped around your waist as his lips moved against yours. When you pulled away, he placed his forehead against yours, eyes closed. “I’ve kind of been flirting with you for the past 4 years, loser.”
His eyes flew open, head moving away from yours. “What?”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “Yeah, I’ve kind of been really in love with you for a long time.” You mimicked his earlier words. “You never said anything about it so I just assumed you didn’t feel the same way.”
He let out a breath through his nose, “God I’m so dumb.” You giggled, shaking your head and pressing your lips against his.
“You are not, you’re just a little oblivious.” He rolled his eyes, pulling your hips closer to him and kissing you again, longer this time. He started leading you backwards, so your back pressed against the wall of bunks lightly. One of your hands moved to rest on his cheek and the other played with the hair at the base of his neck.
The kiss deepened, his tongue swiping against your lips. You granted him entrance, his tongue slowly exploring your mouth. His hands began to move down your waist. They were about to reach your butt when the door opened and Dre walked in. “Oh shit,” He paused, looking between you two and slowly smiling. “About time you fuckers got it on.”
You buried your head into Colson’s chest, a blush on your face. “Duuuude.” Colson groaned, his head falling backwards. “Get out.”
Dre chuckled, hands in surrender. “In my defense, you guys are the one making out in a tour bus full of people in the bunk room.”
If looks could kill, Dre would have been murdered by Colson by now. “Okay, I’m leaving. But just know I’m telling everyone about this.” He smiled, quickly leaving, and closing the door behind him before Colson could hurt him.
You laughed, pulling the man back to you and connecting your lips to his, a smile on your face. “I’m gonna kill him.” Colson mumbled against your lips.
You rolled your eyes, “As hot as that would be, society generally frowns upon killing your friends.” He chuckled and pressed another kiss to your lips, his hands reaching up to cup your face.
“Wait, would you still like me if I was a murderer?”
You giggled, “Depends on who you kill, but probably.”
He pecked your lips, “What if I killed Rook?” You glared at him, and he smiled. “What? I’m just asking in case it happens.”
“You’re not allowed to kill your band members.”
“So if I kicked him out of the band and then killed him, it would be okay?”
“Colson Baker!”
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mcyt-imagines · 3 years
TommyInnit Confession HCs
This is a combination of an imagine and some headcanons, this is a new way of writing for me so let me know if you enjoyed this format! 
- Tommy realising he loves the reader and how he’d confess to them - 
Tommy definitely would deny being interested in the reader in the beginning.
It would probably be a natural progression of feelings but tommy just wouldn’t realise it until WAY too late.
Like he just catches himself thinking about them when he’s just doing schoolwork and chores. And then he’s aware of just how much his mind wanders to them. Far too often in his humble opinion.
He lays hints about his crush when talking with Tubbo. He’s real defensive about it though. “You much of a ladies man Tubbo?” Trying to discretely get advice without actually asking for any. And Tubbo being Tubbo means he completely missed all the hints Tommy was dropping. (Not that Tommy’s hints were any good)
His stream for sure notices a change in his behavior, more scatterbrained showing visible signs of stress maybe a little more irritable too. Tubbo definitely notices the changes too and asks him about it. 
Tubbo would probably ask tommy on stream or in private something along the lines of. “What’s up Tommy, you’ve been kinda uh, distracted lately…”
Tommy for suuuuuure blushes and stutters out a response that even Tubbo doesn’t buy. (So instead he talks to Tubbo about it off stream, doesn’t mention his crushes name, but he keeps Tubbo in the loop. Tubbo finds the whole thing very funny because of how defensive Tommy gets in response, however he offers his support to Tommy, obviously. “Even though I have no experience with romance Tommy. I’ll do my best to be the best wingman ever!” With a salute to Tommy on his webcam. Tubbo quickly leaves the call saying he needs to do some ‘research’ (he puts the word in quotation marks with a wink)
Tommy would be a stubborn flustered MESS if stream ever figured out that he was crushing on someone.
And of course they find out because Tubbo slips up and mentions Tommy having a crush.
By that point he is absolutely CONSUMED by his thoughts about the reader as the more he tries to not think about them the more he wishes he was with them.
He also would 10000% be ignoring or avoiding his crush for as long as possible because he knows he wouldn’t be able to utter a single word to their face. His usual ‘big man’ façade would be in absolute shambles if he were around the reader during this time.
There would be a lot of internal and external swearing from Tommy when he finally realises and accepts that he likes you though.
However, this acceptance doesn’t make him any less stressed because now he needs to figure out whether he is even going to tell you!
But he knows he can’t keep living like this as he can’t keep avoiding his crush forever. And he knows the next time he sees you he knows his heart is going to literally burst out of his chest. And he won’t be able to stop himself. So, he devises a plan.
He gets a pep talk from Tubbo in which they help brainstorm his confession plan but he finds himself messaging Wilbur one late night after his stream. “Hey, can I get some advice?” Wilbur is shocked. “Tommyinnit asking ME for advice? Never thought I’d see the day.”
Wilbur teases him for a short while surely. But when Tommy finally puts his pride aside and tells Wilbur about his crush he sobers up quick and dishes out some solid advice and support for Tommy. “In exchange for my services I better be meeting this crush of yours Tommy.” “You got it big man.”
After speaking with Wilbur Tommy feels as if he can finally breathe for the first time in weeks since he first started to realise his feelings for the reader.
Tommy sends the reader a text in the mid-morning asking if they wanted to hang out sometime later today. Also apologizing for how ‘busy’ he’s been the last few weeks using schoolwork or chores as his excuse.
He’s furiously texting Tubbo the WHOLE time he’s waiting for a reply from them. Tubbo pulls Tommy onto Minecraft to try and take his mind off the situation. Offline of course, Tommy would not be able to handle streaming right now.
Even Wilbur sends him a few messages to check in, jumping on discord to give his ear for Tommy to chew off. Which he most definitely does.
Eventually his phone dings and Tommy DIVES for it. “THEY SAID YES!” Both Wilbur and Tubbo groan from Tommy’s mic peaking with his screech.
Tommy waits for a few minutes before replying per Tubbo’s request. “I read it online! You don’t want to seem too into them.” He proclaims with false authority as Wilbur chuckles in the background of the call.
The rest of the afternoon blurs for Tommy as he stays on call with Wilbur and Tubbo as they do their best to distract his overactive mind.
However, as the clock ticks on he knows he needs to start getting ready or he’s going to be late.
Wilbur demands that he choose Tommy’s outfit. So for the next half hour Tommy proceeds to perform a free fashion show for the two, only for Phil to join for a short while to give his two cents before going back to his stream.
Eventually Wilbur settles on what he dubbed “-a classic Tommyinnit look-” one of his favourite red shirts paired with one of his nicer black jackets and the dark charcoal pants his mum had made him get a few months ago for a wedding. They are very uncomfortable.
Tommy heaves a sigh as he thanks Wilbur and Tubbo for sticking around with him today. They both send him away, “Good luck Tommy!” “Go get ‘em big man.”
Tommy had agreed to meet the reader at the park, he thought dinner would have been a bit much. Wilbur and Tubbo both agreed on that front. This park was right near the water, so it had a great view of the sunset. He was still pretty chuffed about that fact, his chat was sooo wrong, he could be romantic if he wanted to after all.
Of course, he was a little late. He repeatedly told his mum to speed. She refused of course. His mother of course had noticed exactly what this ‘hang out’ was and had quizzed him about his crush the night prior.
“Don’t leave the car mum.” Tommy was quick to warn her, he did not want her to be anywhere near them. She didn’t need any more dirt on him to embarrass him with. She could end his whole streaming career in an instant if she wanted. A truly terrifying thought.
Tommy was quick to move near the waterfront puffing slightly, nose a tinge pink with the oncoming chilly wind from the lake. “Hey Tommy.” Tommy would freeze instantly before quickly turning with a forced smile, a little too big for his face. “Hey!”
His crush would lead Tommy over to the nearby bench they had been sitting on before he arrived. And they would definitely sit closer to Tommy than he would have wanted.
Tommy would be so obvious. Stuttering over his words, a LOT of frantic hand movements whenever he’s speaking to them.
Mid-conversation his crush starts to laugh. “Tommy I think I’ve figure out why you have been ‘busy’ recently.” Tommy stills immediately, sweat dripping off of him in POOLS. “H-Huh!?” He makes a noise in the back of his throat that he has NEVER made before.
This seems to only make his crush laugh more, they turn fully to him and take one of his clammy hands. He quickly goes to yank it from their grip knowing how sweaty it is. But their grip is strong, and surprisingly calm in contrast to his shaking hands. He gulps simply staring at the spot where their hands are touching. “Tommy.” His gaze snaps up to their smiling face hiding slight worry. “Breathe.” And he finally does. His tense shoulders drop, and their hand leaves his. And suddenly he’s laughing harder than he ever has before realizing how ridiculous he’s being right now. And when he looks over, so is his crush.
The conversation from that point on flows naturally as the two finally begin to catch up after not seeing each other for a few weeks.
Tommy finally realises how comfortable they make him feel. He simply stares at them as they speak. Awed that it took him this damn long to figure out he liked them.
His crush stops talking, noticing him staring. He jumps out of his thoughts, “Hey Tommy, take a picture it’ll last longer.” And suddenly he’s sweating all over again as they laugh.
His crush is having the time of their life watching ‘big man’ Tommy squirm beside them. Trying his best to scrounge up the courage to say something, anything to them.
They open their mouth to speak when suddenly Tommy yells, “I LIKE YOU!”
Tommy isn’t even looking at them, he has his eyes squeezed shut and he thrusts his arm outwards holding something which promptly shoves into his crush’s chest. Effectively winding them.
They wheeze in response, “Me too. Don’t know why though goD!” They push out through gasps of air, pressing a hand to their chest. Pain beginning to subside as Tommy realises he literally just punched his crush.
His jaw drops and his silence continues as they take what was in his hands. A small book.
A scrapbook.
His crush’s face softens as they flip through the photos, memories flooding back to them of days long gone by.
Tommy stayed up all night yesterday just to finish the final details on the scrapbook, it isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing thing. (Even he knows that) But he put his heart and soul into it.
“Very sweet of you Tommy. But I didn’t bring anything for you…” They end up mumbling in response. Tommy only grins. “So you like it?” They scoff and finally pull Tommy in for a hug. He stills for a moment, then melts into their hold.
Tommy mumbles his apology for literally punching them into his crush’s hair. They giggle into his chest in response, letting him know that it’s fine, they’re okay. Tommy mumbles something incoherent into their hair and presses a cautionary kiss to the top of their head.
“AWWWWW!” A loud noise comes from behind their bench. Tommy and his crush dive apart only to see Tommy’s mum hidden behind a nearby tree.
“MUUUUUUUUUM!” Tommy screeches as his crush cackles out a laugh.
Tommy’s mum ends up driving his crush home as well, they sit in the back seat of the car holding hands.
“This didn’t go at all how I’d planned…” Tommy complains with a deep pout. “Oh really? Your plan didn’t involve punching me? Huh?” Their crush sniggers at him.
“Oh! His real plan-“ His mother starts and in order to cut her off Tommy just starts yelling at the top of his lungs “Nononono!!”. Causing his crush to burst into laughter as the two try to increase their volumes to drown out the other.
His crush shakes their head with a grin and wonders what the hell they’ve just gotten themselves into.
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eclipsedpascal · 3 years
Making Daddy Proud
Stepdad!Duncan x Female Reader
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After moving in with your estranged mother and her new husband, Duncan Shepherd, you started to grow very close to your new stepdad. The two of you had a great relationship and he was doing his best to be a good father figure for you, knowing you missed your dad so much. But there was a problem, you found yourself insanely attracted to him and were starting to notice little things indicating he might feel the same way.
Warnings: very inappropriate relationships, Stepfather/stepdaughter relationship, Cheating is ofc implied, 20+ year age gap, daddy kink, unprotected sex (but I kinda imagined the reader to be on birth control so is okie😌) fingering (female receiving), choking, vaginal sex, oral (male receiving) and face fucking😃
Notes: Okie sooo I know some people will hate this fic and ofc I understand that, but if you do hate it then please don't send me any hate!! just don't read it🖤 anywayss I got dis ask saying "Concept: Stepdad Duncan x naive reader😉" nd omg i LOVE the whole concept of Stepdad!Duncan sm, like if you've been in the fandom for a while you'll probably know the fic "The Hand That Robs the Cradle" by Langdonsrapture nd that fic was my holy grail when it came out!! so you know I just had to go all out here nd get carried away writing it hehe:')
word count: 5.4k
The opportunity to study political science at American University in Washington DC had been one you simply couldn’t pass up on, but unfortunately it meant moving away from your father to stay closer to campus grounds. You knew it was worth it in the long run, I mean you had been waiting on this chance for years and wanted to make your father proud, but you would miss him.
He was never home too much, always busy working, but he meant the world to you. It had been just the two of you for a long time now. Your mother had moved away once their divorce finalised 7 years ago, impulsively leaving you in his custody as she ran off and gallivanted around the world, meeting all sorts of interesting men she would tell you about.
Luckily for you, she had settled down with one of those interesting men in DC recently, and upon discovering your acceptance into the prestigious university she had offered you a place to stay whilst you studied.
It was a frightening move to make, but staying with your mother in DC had actually been pretty interesting. You hadn’t spent time with her in so long and it had been nice to catch up with her, I mean sure she had been a little distant, but that was expected with having not spent any real time with her in so long.
You were just grateful she had let you stay with her in the first place, thinking she would have probably preferred to be left alone with her new husband, Duncan Shepherd.
They had been married about four months when you moved in and from what you could see, things were going well; especially considering she had sprung the engagement on everyone pretty fast. You were just happy knowing she was happy.
Though you had only met the man in question once before moving in, he really seemed like a perfect partner. He didn’t have a single obvious flaw to him, but see that was the problem. He was completely flawless to you.
You had tried to find things you didn’t like about him, even just tiny things, thinking hating him would be far better than thinking of him the way had been, but no matter what you did, you just couldn’t seem to fault him. And the longer you stayed with them, the worse your little problem became.
You weren’t 100% sure of how old he was. You only knew he was in his early to mid forties. But being at least 20 years your senior, you knew he was definitely old enough to be fulfilling the role he was as your stepfather. It felt strange to have a new stepdad at the age of 20, (almost 21) but it was even stranger with you being so blindly attracted to him.
And it wasn’t even just his looks. Though, yes, they were quite the spectacle, it was more than that. He was confident and cocky, always knowing exactly what to do and say to make the people around him do whatever he wanted them to. He could make you laugh until your stomach was in cramps, and not just through telling dad jokes. Charisma rolled off of him in waves.
He was intuitive and crafty; smart to put in plainly. And his interests appeared to be more intellectually based than anything else, which was quite the opposite of your mother, so it baffled you as to how your mother had managed to snatch him up so easily in the first place.
Now it’s not that you were jealous, really. It was more that you didn’t understand how these two polar opposite personality’s had ended up colliding together in the manner that they had.
Whenever the three of you would sit and have an evening meal together, Duncan always made you feel welcomed in the conversation, which was a great comfort to both you and your mother, being the relationship you had was so strained. Because of this and the fact you both had quite a lot in common when it came to your interests, Duncan and you had become almost good friends in the small time that you had been living there.
It was obvious he was doing his best to be some kind of fatherly figure to you. knowing that you were missing your actual dad, he did his best to help you with the things he knew your dad usually would. Whether it was school work or just having someone to joke with from time to time. He was there.
Sometimes when he was there, though, you felt like maybe, just maybe, he felt something more too. Such as the moments where his stares would linger on your form for just a little too long, or the way he would sometimes fix your hair for you if it had strayed across your face the wrong way. Just small things he did that fatherly figures didn’t typically tend to do with their daughters; especially when his wife, your mother, was right there. Sure, she seemed oblivious to it, but you certainly weren’t.
Taking your now lukewarm cup of coffee from the breakfast bar counter, you brought it to your lips and gulped the bitter liquid down, fighting viciously to stay alert. It was nearing 3am and you had been writing for hours. Concentrating was no longer your most favourable asset and your half lidded eyes were growing wearer by the minute, but you just had to finish this paper.
It was 17 percent of your grade and due in two weeks. A persuasive essay on propaganda within the current American political climate and you had been slowly working at it for weeks, but you knew if you left it hanging over your head any longer it would drive you insane.
Sitting back in the stool you resided on, you took quick solace in the many noises coming from the ajar kitchen window, listening to a low rumble of thunder, accompanied by the constant pitter patter of rain falling from the gloomy DC sky above. It had been hot and humid all week, eventually cultivating into large clouds that had now given in, spilling out showers for almost the entire day past.
You recalled all the time you’d spent by the pool with your mother and Duncan in the past week, enjoying the current heatwave by sunbathing next to it on one of the many loungers. The house was kind of set up like a hotel that way. With Duncan always needing to be prepared for any events he may have to hold for his company’s business associates or press, he had furnished the home with what was to the three of you, unnecessary seating and tableware; amongst other things.
You stirred, returning your eyes back to the last few lines you had written and attempted to go over them in your head, but quickly realised you couldn't even manage that without stumbling over them or jumbling the words up beyond comprehension.
Abruptly interrupting your confused stream of thought, was the kitchen door groaning open. So with a frown plastered to your face, you shot your head up to recognise the intruder. But your frown was quickly blown away at discovering that it was Duncan who had entered the balmy room, and he was in more glory than you had ever seen him.
You had seen his silhouette whilst he showered before. Having gone into his and your mother’s shared bedroom whilst searching for earrings, you had seen him through the whited out, frosted glass of the on-suit bathroom door. But this was something entirely different. This was him, stood in kitchen doorway with nothing on but his grey Calvin Klein boxers.
“Y/N? I didn’t know you were still up.” He quirked a brow at you, wondering why you were still sat in the kitchen so late at night. You swallowed deeply at the sight of him. Your eyes magnetised to his body, dilating with such a sultry image before them. Pulling your eyes back up to his face, you hoped he hadn’t seen their little detour down to his crotch.
“Uhm.. i’m, uh.. w-working on an essay.” Fuck! He’ll definitely know how nervous you are now. You looked away from him, too embarrassed to face him and cringing at your own attempt to speak. “It’s due in next week and I wanted to get it finished.” Okay that’s better, you thought. Maybe he’ll just think you’re just too tired to have a proper conversation or something.
“Oh, right,” he trailed off, looking you up and down a bit as he walked further into the room. You watched the back of his head as he opened the fringe, holding it open and scanning the contents of it. Deciding on a small bottle of water, he retrieved it from the middle shelf before closing the door and walking over to lean on the opposite side of the counter from you.
He didn’t seem too bothered by the fact he was practically undressed in front of you. Of course, you weren't complaining, but it was interesting. You tried to think of something else you could add to your open word document, wanting to distract yourself from his displayed body. But thinking as hard as you possibly could, your mind still brought you nothing.
You awkwardly pulled at the sleeve of your oversized ‘American University” sweater and hoisted it back up onto your shoulder. It had ridden down your arm whilst you were aggressively fiddling with your fingers - a nervous habit you had developed in your early teens. People would often point it out to you, but it was just one of those things you couldn’t stop doing.
There was a deafening silence stuffed between the two of you. So looking around the room, you tried to focus on anything in your line of vision that wasn’t him. It was just too hard seeing him like; his plump lips wrapped around the bottle’s mouth as he drank, his sleepy un-styled curls falling just above his perfectly manicured brows and wearing nothing but those fucking grey boxers. He was making it unbearably hard not to stare.
Deciding to speak, you cleared your throat. “So did you just wake up? Or could you not sleep?”
“Just couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about the most random shit.. and you know how your mom is, she snores a lot.” He chuckled. His eyes never leaving you, beginning to feel as if they were boring holes into your soul as you kept full eye contact with him.
“Yeah, that must get pretty annoying.” You nodded slowly, thinking about how many nights you had spent wide awake when you were younger, all due to her roaring, loud snores passing through the paper thin walls of your childhood home.
“It does.” A smile played on his lips, taking another swig of water before speaking again. “so what’s the essay about?”
“It’s that one I was telling you about a few weeks ago, if you remember. it’s a persuasive on propaganda within the current American political climate.” You reminded him of the conversation you had about it when he dropped you off to class one morning not too long ago. The two of you often carpooled together, with the University campus being so close to his office, it made for an easy drive on the days he was needed in.
You guys would listen to playlists together on the drive and make fun of each others music taste, that was when you weren’t too busy being amazed by how similar they could be.
“Are you struggling with it? I mean, it is getting pretty late now.” He turned to check the clock which hung on the wall behind him, then looked back at you questioningly.
Duncan was good at helping you with this kind of thing. He was extremely well versed in politics, with his family’s background and all. Your mom had told you he used to be very involved with the white house, saying when he was younger he even went to prison for a short time before president underwood had pardoned him.
“I just can’t concentrate, but I really need to get it done or it’ll stress me out.” You lifted your bare feet up onto the stool seat, your knees coming up to your chest so you could rest your chin on them. You were only wearing panties with the sweater, it being too hot to wear anything more.
“Can I come over and check it?” He closed his bottle of water, tightening the lid with his muscular arms as he spoke. You had almost forgot he wasn’t wearing much before he said this, but watching him screw the bottle cap on as he asked to could come round to your side of the counter? It had you weak for him all over again.
“Uh.. yeah, course.” He padded his bare feet over the white, tiled flooring towards you, placing the bottle down on the counter and moving behind you to read the most recent paragraphs you had written. His hand was stretched over to the other side of you, resting on the edge of the breakfast bar as the skin of his arm grazed across your back.
Even with you being sat on such a tall stool, he still managed to tower over you. His hight was usually intimidating as it was, but with the added factor of him being almost completely undressed it was even worse. A small waft of air blew his expensive cologne towards you, creeping past your nostrils and possessing your senses completely before you started to feel his breathe on your upper neck. It wasn’t heavy, but it was enough to make your cunt start pulsating.
You were disgusted by yourself. He’s your mother’s husband! And your Stepdad! What the fuck was wrong with you? You could only imagine what people’s reactions would be if they knew of the truly sinful thoughts you had about him, and you hated yourself for it.
He was your type, yes. A rich, older man who wasn’t actually an asshole, and they were hard to come by, but that wasn’t relevant. You needed to control yourself. No matter how hard that may be.
“What you have so far is really good. Your argument is strong and as always with your work, it’s written well. You’re smart, Y/N. It’s impressive.” He humoured himself with a scoff, his voice interrupting your lewd thoughts.
You blushed at his compliment, hiding your face behind your knees slightly and looking up at him. “Thanks, Duncan.” You knew he was just trying to be a good dad figure to you, but you couldn’t help being attracted to the way he was so caring for you. Maybe it’s fucked up, but it’s not your fault all you need is an older man’s approval to become turned on.
“I mean it.” He looks so sincere as he talks to you. His face would be intimately close to yours if you hadn’t hidden it from him earlier. You notice his eyes flicker down to your lips for a split second, and then back up to your eyes again. His stare no longer felt friendly, but more.. lustful. Were you crazy or was he really doing this?
Suddenly he looks away from you, moving his eyes back to the laptop’s screen. “Maybe you should just get some sleep. I know you said it’ll stress you out, but if you get some rest you’ll be able to get back into it tomorrow with better concentration.” He does his best to steer the conversation back to where is once was, reminding himself that you’re his fucking step daughter and that he has a beautiful wife sleeping just upstairs.
“I know that, its just..” You sighed, blinking up at him. You brought your legs back down you hang over the edge of the seat, but you couldn’t stop thinking about how close he was to you, wanting to do nothing more than to drape your arms behind his neck an-.
“Nope I won’t listen to it. From what I can see it’s an incredibly strong piece of work already, so just go get some sleep and come back to it in the morning, okay sweetheart?” He laughed a little, looking down at you again.
That nickname. Sweetheart. He called you it all the time and yet it always managed to take your breath away. But the thing is, he usually wasn’t this close to you when he did. So when you squeezed your legs together and bite down on your bottom lip, doing your best to ease the overwhelming desire you felt for him in that moment, there was no way he hadn’t seen it.
You were frozen staring at him, his face static and unreadable. You hoped he didn't choose to shout at you for how repulsive your behaviour was, or maybe he would kick you out? Your mind began spiralling, wrapping itself in intricate knots as you held your breath, awaiting a reply from him.
“Do you like that? When I call you sweetheart.” His voice was deep, sultry and dripping with desire. Shock coursed through you. That was definitely not what you had expected him to say. He seemed even larger now, his confidence making you feel small in comparison as your mind scrabbled to find the words you were supposed to use in your current predicament, but it never found any.
"You like it when daddy gives you nicknames?” He moved his hand up and delicately grasped the skin where your neck met your jaw, his eyes half lidded with lust. Your heart was beating so fast now and your breathing had grown shallow. You were so lost for words, only able to whimper out a weak “yes” before looking down to his boxers, trying to avoid his eyes but still wanting him just as much as he now appeared to want you.
He lifted your chin and kissed you roughly, drinking in your lips as if you were the water he had ventured down stairs for all along; and you began to wonder if you perhaps were. Maybe you were what he had been craving, just as you had been craving him.
He pulled the stool closer to him with his spare hand, leading you to wrap your legs around his torso as you tangled your tiny fingers through his sleep rustled hair. It was passionate. His kiss was sloppy, yet perfectly executed as his tongue slipped past your lips to glide over your own. His greying stubble dug into your skin, burning it with pure contact.
You parted to breath; and for just a moment, though it felt like hours, you stared into each others eyes with a ferociously neither of you could nor wanted to tame.
He tuts. “You really shouldn’t drink so much coffee little one, it’s not good for you. And it’s all I can taste.” He couldn’t help but reprimand you for the little habit, he had just gotten so used to doing it over the past three months, and using it to tease you sounded even more appealing.
You opened your mouth to speak, but were cut off when he lunged at you again, kissing you viciously. He began to move his hands all across your body, his fingertips grazing over every inch of you they possibly could as he started to undress you, pulling your oversized sweater above your head and taking handfuls of your breasts. He was kneading them, leaning down to kiss and suck on them whilst he watched you throw your head back, completely enthralled by him.
You were taken aback by how quick things had escalated, your sense of control had deteriorated far too rapidly and was ebbing away even further with each little kiss he left on your skin.
His large hand slid down to your panties, playing with the lacy bow that was centred on the waist band. He hovered his hand over your heat, cupping it and feeling just how sticky you had become for him. You let out a moan, all sense of wrong and right leaving you completely as you uttered a soft “Daddy” and ground your cunt into the palm of his hand.
“That’s right. So desperate for daddy.” He mused, ripping your thin underwear off and dropping it down onto the floor beneath you. Bringing his face to yours again, your noses bumped and leant on each other for some kind of purchase, the both of you watching his hand as he rubbed his fingers through your folds, gathering a fair amount of slick on them before pressing two inside you.
“Ahh!!” You let out a moan, it was louder than you expected and reminded you of what was really going on here. Having been too caught up in the moment, you hadn’t even thought about how being complete fucking naked with your step father between your legs would look if your mother had decided to come downstairs.
“Ah, ah, shh baby. We don’t wanna get now caught do we?” His breathe was hot on your lips, whispering as to not alert anyone. “So tight.”
You whispered back. “I’m sorry daddy, it was an accident- mmph!” You muffled your moan.
“That’s it. Who’s my good girl?” He lay a gentle peck on you lips, only stopping as to allow you to answer his question.
“I am daddy!! I’m your good girl!” You spoke with urgency, but did your best to keep the volume low, which was quite the struggle in between moans. Duncan could see this, so he pressed your lips together. Kissing you into a muffled silence.
You felt his spare hand on your neck, squeezing it just enough for you to still breathe okay when he pulled away from your mouth, moving his lips to the shell of your ear and biting the lobe. He murmured in your ear. “Do you know how hard it was, this week? Having to sit there next to your mom at the poolside and see you just lying there like that?! That fucking bikini. It took everything in me not to cum right there.”
His fingers were moving slowly, going in deep and curling up against your g spot, making you cry out and lean on his shoulder, biting it to keep yourself quiet. he started to rub your clit in hard circles. He was so experienced. It was mind-blowing.
“Would it have served you more pleasure to know, I only wore it for you?” It was true, you had only worn it for him and it had obviously worked. You certainly had his attention now. He growled at this, pulling his fingers out and slapping your cunt.
He yanked your neck closer to him, speaking down to you. “Just for that? Get on your fucking knees.” As soon as he let go of your throat you were climbing off the stool and onto the floor. The heat of the room, and of your acts too, made the marble tiling feel like ice pressed onto your flushed skin. But you didn't care.
You watched him pull his boxers down, cock springing free, adjacent to his stomach. Never having been with anyone of this size before, you had never seen a cock this big. You reached out and touched it, feeling just how hard he was. He hissed at the contact, looking down at you as you watched his facial expressions with wide eyes.
You played with it in your hand, stroking it with one and palming his balls with the other. He stroked his fingers through your hair, giving you a reassuring look as you licked the tip. The salty taste hit your tongue, making you crave his cock even more. So without another second going to waste, you took him into your mouth as far as you could.
“Ahh fuck!” You began bobbing your head, your eyes fixed on him as a groan left his lips. He was watching you intently, threading his fingers through your hair and onto your scalp to get a good grip on your head. You let your jaw go loose, knowing what he was about to do and preparing yourself for it.
He started thrusting his hips into your face, his cock hitting the back of your throat with almost every shove. You had honestly impressed yourself, I mean you knew you gave good head, but taking a cock this big as it fucked into your throat was something to be proud of.
“Mmm that’s it sweetheart.” Your stomach fluttered at his approval. The gagging noises you were making giving him even more pleasure. “You just wanna make daddy proud, don’t you princess?” You mumbled a wet “yes daddy” around his cock, sending sweet vibrations through it as he pushed himself as far as he could into your throat.
You couldn't even fathom how this was happening. You had pictured this moment late at night with a vibe pressed to your clit far too many times to count, so it finally happening was something hard to comprehend. Somehow he looked even more handsome from down on your knees than you had ever imagined he would. His stubble contouring his face perfectly with the ‘o’ his lips were forming.
Suddenly pulling you off of him, you gasped out for oxygen and tried to wipe away some of the saliva dribbling down your chin. It was like a snapshot from one of Duncan’s wet dreams. You looked so incredibly fucked out. He thought it was beautiful.
“Come on little one, stand up. Daddy wants to fuck that tight little pussy of yours.” You moaned as he talked down to you, stroking his calloused thumb over your bottom lip and pulling it down just to watch it bounce back up again.
You stood up, finally wrapping your arms around his shoulders like you had wanted to all this time. He pulled you in for a kiss, one much slower than the rest, communicating something more to you than just pure sexual carnality. His embrace was comforting, making you feel protected and small in his arms.
His hands grabbed at your ass as he picked you up, sitting you back down onto the bar stool and adjusting the hight while his lips stayed connected to yours. Once the seat was low enough for his liking, he picked up your thighs, shelving them onto his hips and laying you back just enough so that you could lean on the backrest.
The room was sweltering, your body hot against his and anticipating having him buried inside you was getting too much to handle. He dragged his cock through your lips, teasing your clit and moving back down to almost enter you, but he never would. Just wanting to get you all worked up and loving the way you would squirm when he did.
“Daddy.. please.” You steadied yourself by holding on to the sides of the seat, hoping he would end his tournament and fuck you already.
He slid the head barely into you. “Hmm… Since you were so polite, suppose daddy should reward you.” He spoke calmly before snarling and stuffing himself into you, pushing as deeply as he physically could. He felt your walls clamp around him as he set his pace. It was a lot. Having never taken a cock this big and the fact he didn’t even let you adjust, you couldn’t help but wail out.
He shot his hand up to cover your mouth, needing to keep you quiet and seeing you clearly couldn’t do it yourself. “Wouldn’t want to wake up mommy now, would you baby?” you attempted to utter a “No daddy”, but his hand kept your lips glued shut.
He fucked you. Like really really fucked you. He was making the stool shuffle underneath you, the powerfulness of his thrusts causing you to slide down in the seat. The only reason you didn’t slip off completely being the barbarian hold he had on your hips.
It actually surprised you how rough he was. A pleasant surprise, of course, but he had been so delicately caring towards you since becoming your step father and now here you were, receiving the best of both worlds.
The closer you grew to your high, the more incoherent your thoughts became. His eyebrows were scrunched together, lips trembling as he picked you up off the seat and held you closer to him. Supporting your ass, his hips ricocheted up and off yours as he tried desperately not to yell out.
His thumb was brought back down to your clit as he pressed you up against him, swiping at it hellishly, trying to hurry up your release upon feeling your legs begin to quiver; and knowing his own was approaching rapidly.
“That’s it sweetheart, come around daddy’s cock… Gonna cum so fucking deep inside your cunt. Would you like that?” You could see a thin line of perspiration cascading down his cheekbone, he was almost breathless and his thrusts were messier now.
“Yes da-AHH!“ you whipped a hand up to your face, holding your mouth shut as you came. You dug the hand you had placed on his shoulder deep into his skin and was quickly reminded of his marriage to your mother. You hoped you hadn't left any nail indents she might see.
You felt his hot seed spurt onto your walls as he rested his head on yours, mouth open wide and letting out a silent groan. His release was long and powerful. The both of you were left panting, the only noise in the room being your own breaths and a small creak from the stool when he softly set you down onto it.
He pulled out, your mixed juices gushing out of you along with the sexual haze you had been overcome with. The severity of what you had just done began to settle in. His head still resting on yours as you started freaking out, contemplating what would happen if your mother was to ever find out what had just occurred.
You wrapped your arms around his back, needing his comfort and squeezing him in an urgent hug, which he returned. his fingers stroked the sweaty skin of your back, trying to ease the thoughts he too had running through his mind. He lifted your chin up, the look he had in his eyes telling you everything would be okay.
Kissing you cautiously, he savoured the feeling of your lips on his and prayed he would get a chance to feel them again. “Are you okay?” He whispered
You didn’t really know if you were. On one hand, that was something you had wanted for a long time and it had been far better than you ever imagined, but on the other you had just helped your stepfather cheat on your mother. “I don’t know. I think so.”
He stood up, grabbing your sweater and panties, handing them to you before putting his boxers back on. “Well, at least that paper won’t seem like such big problem now.” He chuckled, doing his best to find humour in a humourless situation.
You giggled a little, hurrying to throw on your sweater and being reminded of how he had ruined your panties. “True. Now this can hang over my head instead.” You wiped any left over salvia you had on your face onto your sleeve and thought about how you would probably need to shower after this. “At least the sex was worth it, right?”
He sent you a dark smirk, picking up his bottle of water and walking towards the kitchen door. “It was. hopefully it'll be just as good next time too.” You opened your mouth, faking shock at his confidence as you watched him open the door.
“Goodnight Y/N” He gave you one last look as he sauntered through the door, getting ready to close it behind him and leave you alone in the kitchen with no one but your thoughts. The thoughts of your acts. Remembering all the little moments you had just shared together.
In that last moment before he left, you struck eye contact with him, chewing your inner lip and speaking.
“Goodnight, daddy.”
Thank you sm for reading!🥺🖤
Tags: @dark-mei-rose @sojournmichael @ntxoza @blakescoven @ghostangels @jimmason @fernfiction @brattylovee @7-wonders @angelicmichael @melodylangdon @instincts-baby i'm so so sorry if you don't like this kinda fic or it has triggered you in anyway, but just let me know if it has and I won't tag you in this kind of thing ever again! You can also let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list too:)
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creatureofmystry · 3 years
MLB x DC Universe Headcannons
I just love the idea of MLB and DC (expecially Batfam cuz Mari is such a Wayne) being in the same universe and crossing over. So one night, I just had an idea overload of different ways the Marinette would know the batfam/be a part of the DC universe. And if any of my shitty ideas somehow inspire or prompt you, then please be my guest. 😊 _
1) “Ladybugs of Past and Present”
Hippolyta, Wonder Woman’s mother, was once a previous holder of the ladybug miraculous. When Fu activated the miraculous and put them in circulation, Hippolyta could feel its magic waking back up. Knowing there must a reason for it to be out, she sent a message to her daughter. Diana searched, finding Marinette and Adrien as the present holders of the ladybug and cat miraculous. She vouched and brought them into the Young Justice program while they also made their own team, Project: Zodiac (or something like that).
[Sometime when Diana takes Marinette to meet Hippolyta]
“Great Hera, Tikki, you have not aged a day” -Hippolyta, cause she does know how to make joke. 
“And I would say the same to you” -Tikki
“Mother, you can make a laugh?” -Wonder Woman, honestly a bit confused cause her mom have never not been serious before.
And Marinette is just speechless cause she’s starstruck meeting Wonder Woman’s mom AND a previous Ladybug holder.
2) “Rockstar Niece”
Jagged Stone is Marinette’s Sweet Uncle J. During the summers, Jagged Stone would take Mari with him on tour. HIs summer tours are throughout America, so Mari gets to sightsee the country. Jagged’s first tour that he gets to take Mari on (5-ish), he’s also booked for the annual (for whatever reason) Wayne Summer Gala. When Marinette meets the Waynes, they are so enamoured (Dick and Tim couldn’t help it) that they tell Jagged he’s always invited as a guest, Mari of course being added to the permanent guest list too. About 6 years later, Mari is practically adopted, spending the first half of her summers with Jagged, going to the Wayne Gala, then spending the rest of her summer with the Waynes. Overtime, she figured out the secrets of the family and was there to welcome Jason back from the dead (when that happens). Anyways, now 11(-ish?) Mari meets Damian and the two become good friends… after an… impressionable first meeting.
“Tch, let me guess, you’re another one of father’s adopted strays” -Dami
“YOU MUST BE DAMIAN!!! DICK TOLD ME ABOUT YOU!!” -Marinette, who just ignores what he said for a hug.
“hiiiiiiiiissssssss” -Dami, touchy with touch
“...” sprays water in his face since he decided to act like a cat.
“I say, Master Bruce, the children are getting along quite well” -Alfred
3) “Pen Pals” 
Jon Kent and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are part of an international pen-pal program, starting when they were very young (maybe like 4 or 5-ish, super super young) where they told each other everything (Jon can’t just say that his older bro is a clone made from Superman and Lex Luthor’s DNA, or that his dad is Superman, or that his best friend is Robin, but yea. Lois and Clark probably proofread his stuff until he’s like 9) with pictures and everything. When they’re old enough to get phones & stuff, they call, text and vid-chat along with their letters (love without blood). When Mari is maybe 9-11 (somewhere around there) she starts flying over during the summers to hangout with Jon (and his friends and big brother). While there, she meets Kon, Bat fam, and Clark (some who she already knew, some who she didn’t) & lightly hints that she knows who all they are once she figures it out (it didn’t take her long to do so). 
Now whenever she visits and is at Wayne Manor (Jon likes to have sleepovers practically every weekend) while they’re on patrol, Mari subtly messes with their minds (super subtle, they’re the world’s best detectives after all) until they finally look through the cams and see Mari giving them one of those smiles (those shit-grinning cause it’s just so hilarious how it’s gone on for so long) & and a playful wink. 
[5 seconds later]
“Mari!” “Pixie-pop!” “Angel!” “Teacup!”
“Seriously, am I the only one with a normal nickname for her?” -Tim
“Ms. Marinette would like to inform you that ‘it took you long enough’” -Alfred (who so knows that the girl has been playing them since the third night she stayed at the Wayne’s)
“Where are my adoption papers?” -Bruce (who is seriously adopting any talented black-haired child)
4) “Mari and Mar’i” 
When Mar’i is young, Dick and Kori take her with them to see Paris (btw, this would be during the winter). They’re strolling along through a park and lose track of Mar’i who finds Marinette (9-10 ish). Marinette comforts and distracts Mar’i while noticing the young(er) girl is Tameranian (her hair is very warm and she’s wearing significantly less layers than should be worn for a human of that age during the winter, plus that sun-kissed skin tone. She’s seen Kori in her fashion magazines (and, from time to time, on the news as an ambassador) so she easily make the connections). Dick and Kori finally spot Mar’i with Mari who introduces herself to them. Mar’i asks if she can see her “Auntinette” again and Marinette just goes “if your parents are okay with it.” Dick and Kori are totally cool with it (not many are willing to watch her and have the time to do it) so they ask Marinette if she can babysit Mar’i whenever (with good pay of course) if she’s up to it (cause she’s still pretty young). Marinette can’t say no to Mar’i’s babydoll eyes (and she’s so much easier compared to Manon, who’s only 2 rn), so of course, she says yes. 
Now Marinette is Mar’is official babysitter and sees Mar’i often whenever her parents drop her off (using zeta tubes to quickly get to Paris and back). Marinette gets treated like an honorary Wayne (cause she’s the most responsible) and gets invited to their family stuff (w/ travel pay taken care of, of course). It doesn’t take her long to realize the fact that she babysits Bruce Wayne’s & BATMAN’S granddaughter, but of course, being the responsible one she is, keeps the secret… while also playing with them via Mar’i.
[One Day]
After Marinette leaves for her plane…
“Uncle Dami!”
“Yes, Spawn?”
“Auntinette said to tell you after she left that Robin’s sut needs a major upgrade & that you look like a traffic light… whatever that’s supposed to mean.”
[Another Day]
“Uncle Jay!”
“What’s up kid?’
“Auntinette said that to let you know that Red Hood doesn’t make any sense ‘cause Red Hood wears a helmet. Not a hood.”
[The next time]
“Uncle Tim!”
Yawn. “yea?”
“Auntie told me to give you this” (pulls out super caffeinated coffee) “and that Red Robin’s cowl is a menace to all things fashion”
“Yes, Starshine?”
“Auntienette said she’s proud of Nightwing’s costume ‘cause it’s one of the only in the batfam that isn’t an astro-city to the fashion society.”
5) “Marinette, the one who’s always getting chosen”
Before Mari became (becomes(?)) LB, she comes across a different powerful piece of jewelry, from a different order of guardians where her will of mind is not only her shield from being akumatized, but it is also what drives her powers. That’s right, Mari walks past a flea market and activates a GL ring. The guardians pick up on this activity and send Hal (it is his sector) to check it out. Hal finds the ring with Mari but it still needs the light of a GL to charge and fully work. 
[During the explanation]
“Look, kid-”
“Look, kid, I just need to know why you have that ring.”
“You think I know? I was just walking through the market and all of a sudden, this possessed ring, if that’s even what this is, started following me, then zipped in front of my face til i held my hand up so it can put itself on my finger.” 
“It’s MARINETTE. Get it wrong one more time and you’ll see why I don’t need a possessed piece of alien jewelry.” -Marinette, making sure you get her name right. “Besides, if I stole it, I would remember. I’m a klepto” -Marinette, probably holding his ring too at this point.
Hal obviously doesn’t want the wrath of the Dupain-Chengs (just the kid Marinette scares him enough), so he tells the guardians that JL will take care of most of Mari’s training (once they get her a lamp for her ring, of course) & has her take part in training at Mt. Justice with the Young Justice team and special training with the Bats. Mari does all this under the guise of an international student exchange program for Mari to stay with the Waynes (not yet knowing that it’s the bat fam) and attends G.A. Mari doesn’t do much, but it takes her 24-36 hours to know who EVERYONE is.
[the next week after settling in]
“Hey, Mars,” -Dick, in his Nightwing gear
“Hey, Di-is the GREATEST SHOW!” -Mari, changing the subject(… not really)
“How long did it take you?”
“Not as long as the Kryptonians…” -Mari, going off into a tangent (still trying to change the subject”
[When Marinette meets Tikki]
Back in Paris:
“Sooo… I’m getting powerful jewelry that gives me powers and a suit, needs to be recharged, and comes from some Order of the Guardians? What’s the difference between you and my ring?” -Marinette, who at this point is very confused as to why she keeps getting picked on for this kind of stuff. 
“One’s alien, one’s magic” -Tikki, hoping Mari will end it there & lowkey hates that the GL Corp. got to her first.
“They’re both non-human made energy sources” -Mari, cause once you’ve seen it once, you’ve seen it all before. 
“You can’t heal the Akuma without the miraculous, and there are more than just rings. Yours are earrings, there are hair clips, bracelets, necklaces and more” -Tikki, after having a minute to think
“Fine, only because you said they’re the only way to heal the, what was it again, akuma?”
6) “Their Unofficial Official Barista”
Part of Tim’s job as Co-CEO, is to make sure all the branches are running smoothly, sometimes that means he has to fly abroad to manually check in. Tim goes to Paris to check on the W.E. Paris branch. He goes to a nearby Patisserie (Tom and Sabine’s) to see a young Marinette (somewhere from 8-11) drawing in her sketchbook at the counter. She explains that her parents are at a catering event, but she’s there to man the little bakery. Tim asks for a super caffeinated coffee and Marinette makes it with ease, claiming it was on the house with how bad he looks (and how much sleep the man clearly needs). Tim begs for her knowledge and asks if she can teach his butler. Mari’s willing to show him the next time he comes, so he gets the whole fam to go (viz tubes so they don’t waste time) maybe a week later. Everyone gets their own drink (plus a free pastries) and Marinette teaches Alfred her coffee, but it’s just not the same so Tim, using the tubes, goes to get coffee from the girl whenever he can. 
Mari is horrible at getting up on time (the life of an insomniac, never getting to sleep even if you want and then barely waking up on time) that she is up super early, makes Tim his coffee (plus a croissant) and tries to go back to sleep (making her inevitably late). Tim would walk up to the pick-up counter where his cup and to-go bag is while Marinette runs out of the house to get to school. Eventually, the rest of the Batfam (as well as the Laegue, TT, and YJ) frequent the place, slowly becoming (Dami too) Mari hides it, but she knew all the batfam the first day they came and she showed Alfred how to make the coffee. When the others start making more regular appearances, she learns the identities of YJ team, WW, GLs, and others. Obviously when LB and CN appear as heroes with HM as their villain, they immediately reach out to help. Because 1. Batfam clearly notices that it’s Mari and they sure as heck won’t let her deal with that by herself, and 2. The JL is worrying too much about their favorite barista (even though she’s not really one), especially with the Gigantitan scare. So, of course LB & CN (can’t make him bad everytime) get inducted into YJ.
[After Ladybug finishes defeating Gigantitan and detransforms] 
“Bean! Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?” -Tim, being an even more protective older brother than Dick, which shouldn’t be possible
“Yes, I promise. I’m fine” -Marinette, who just accepts the fact that she’s adopted an older brother (and his famliy)
“Tube over, we’ll have Alfred make sure” -Dick, already pulling out the medical supplies for Alfred.
“You shouldn’t worry your brothers like that, Marinette. Now come over so Alfred can clear you,” -Bruce, who just happens to overhear the conversation
“I’m sorry, Miss Marinette, they are very adamant that you’re in pitch perfect health before going out again,” -Alfred, who’s not actually sorry
“Fine” -Marinette, accepting her fate of her adopted, protective family. 
7) “Thicker Than the Blood We’ve Shed”
Why is Marinette so freakishly strong? Because she was trained to be. Before she could even talk, Mari was taught to be an assassin. She and Damian were frenemies, both competing for top spot as best in the League (of Assassins). They often spared together and became rivals who pushed each other (which sounds great in that context if you forget about the fact that they’re killing people and turning it into a competition). When Damian’s care is turned over to Batsy, Mari also comes along for the ride. She implements herself into Dami’s classes at G.A. & watches him from afar. (Damian, not being an idiot, of course knows all this and knows that it’s probably for Mari to give a report to Talia.) When he becomes Robin, Mari obviously knows, but waits to see if anything drastic would happen (his care was given to the Batfam, they had already expected this to happen.) She then heard word of the bounty Talia put on Damian’s head. Marinette knew there wouldn’t be much she could do to help, but she ave Dami a warning about the upcoming situation before fleeing the country. 
From there she got to France, changed her name (it wasn’t originally Marinette, it was Shénqí, chinese for miraculous/magical (or something else if you want)), was adopted by Tom & Sabine, and left her time in the League in the past. When she received Tikki, she didn’t want to be a hero because she didn’t think she deserved it after her up-bringing. Eventually, she did become LB (being a trained assassin does help with lucky charms, considering she was taught how to kill with basically every and anything), and life was good for her. Then Rossi came.
[Gotham field trip]
While at Wayne Tower…
“How idiotic are they?” -Damian, who after reuniting with his long-lost sister-from-a-different-mister (yes, Marinette was able to convince him to say it once), can’t understand the stupidity she has to deal with.
“Are you Robin?” -Mari, who is too tired, so just goes straight into the analogy
“Yes.” -Obvious and simply is.
“Exactly” -Mari, who can’t even put a limit to the amount of thought the one brain cell the class shares doesn’t use. I mean please, the so-called “reporter” believed that the first cosplayer she saw was the actual LB when they don’t even have the same hair! And let’s not forget the origins arc, where LB’s first citizen save was Chloe.
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cleverhideoutchild · 3 years
Sooo if your requests are open; how would the LIs react if when the MC showed up they were dating Solomon?
As a Solomon stan, I like this idea. Btw, this might be a bit short.
And because you didn't say any specific characters, I'll just include the big brothers first. If you want me to do the little brothers too, just tell me okay? This might be OOC
Prompts list
Headcanons under the cut btw
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Fandom : Obey Me!
Type : Bulleted headcanons, scenarios
Pairings : Solomon x GN!MC (?)
Genre : Angst angst angst
Includes : Solomon, Lucifer, Mammon, and Leviathan.
Warnings : Heartbreak (?), OOC (I think), slight curse words
Summary : You and Solomon started dating a few weeks ago and it is time to tell the demon brothers about it.
A/N : not proof-read
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Oh bOY-
He already expected this but it still hurts him
He guessed that you might want to date a human like yourself and not a demon like him
He was thinking to threat Solomon to break up with you, but after seeing how happy you are with him, he decided to throw away his plan
He support your decision, and is happy for you
But at the same time he doesn't. He felt hurt. I guess this is what happened if you let yourself foolishly fall in love with a mortal
How dare you mess with his feelings like this.
He might try to burried himself in more work, but you being the angel you are, doesn't let him
Despite you already taken by someone, you still cared for him, you still looked after him
Sometimes he wonders, if he's fast enough and let his pride down sooner, would he be the one hugging you instead of Solomon?
"Lucifer?" You called out, peeking out behind his office door. It's 11 P.M and you realized he's not asleep yet after you wanted to get yourself a warm cup of tea. You then proceed to walk into his office.
He doesn't stop you, instead he continue working and checking the papers for the school's event. When you got close enough, you set down a cup of tea you made for him (you made 2 cup of tea after realizing he's still awake).
"Why aren't you asleep yet? It's really late." You asked while sitting down on a nearby chair and sipping on your tea. He looks up from the papers and turns his head towards your direction.
Oh how he regrets doing that. Cause what he sees next is both a blessing and a curse. And it was you, sitting on a chair under the moonlight, sipping your tea peacfully. Oh how he just want to hug and kiss you right here right now. Wanting to call you his.
But fate doesn't like that. That's why instead of you being his, you're Solomons. Damn, lucky bastard. He quickly looks away from you..
"I still have things to do." He answers quietly. He then took a sip of his tea. "You should get some sleep. Humans are a lot fragile than is demons." He said while continuing his works. You smile softly at nothing then stands up.
"Yeah, I should probably head back to sleep. Don't forget to take some break, Lucifer. Goodnight." You said to him softly, you then walked out of his office. Leaving him in silence once more.
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This guy-
He's going to wonders what did he do wrong to you? Why on earth would you date Solomon? He's shady af
Is he too mean to you that you finally decided to find someone a lot kinder?
He thought he was your first man. He is, isn't he? So why?
Was he too slow at confessing to you? Was he not good enough for you? He'll be asking that question a lot
He tries to distant himself from you, but at the end of the day, he still came back to you
He might also try to gamble more to spend less time with you, but that also didn't work
He's jealous and heartbroken, yes. But he supports your relationship with Solomon. As long as you're happy, he's happy as well
He'll still keep an eye on Solomon though, just incase
Both you and Mammon had just finish buying groceries and are heading back to HOL. But due to how many groceries you both bought, you guys decide to take a little break.
"I think we brought to much..." You said while sitting down on the ground. "I'm sure it's fine." He answers while fanning himself. That's when Solomon happens to pass by and sees you and Mammon sitting on the ground.
He then walks towards you both and smiles. "What are you both doing slacking off here?" He said teasingly. You perks up at the sound of his voice. You looked up to see him giving you his usual smile.
"Solomon!" You smiled up at him. Mammon who was sitting beside you just looked at you and Solomon conversing with each other. He envies how much Solomon can make you smile. He envies the position he has in your life.
But at the same time he understands. He's a demon, while Solomon is a human. Just like you. Of course you'll be much much comfortable dating someone with the same species as you.
He averts his eyes away from you both to prevent his heart breaking even more. He's such a fool, he thought. How can he be so stupid to fall in love with a mere human mortal? Now he understands why his brothers called him a fool and stupid.
"-Do you guys need help carrying the groceries?" He manage to hear Solomon asked you. "If you don't mind that is." He answers in your stead. He needs to learn to let you go soon. You're already taken, and happy. And he can live by with that.
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Poor boy is gonna be sad and heartbroken :(
He's going to go down a spiral of self-deprecation abyss, thinking he was never good enough for you in the first place. You were to good for him
He have guessed it, you obviously don't want to date an otaku like him. You would rather date someone as amazing as Solomon
And to top it off, your both humans, while he himself is a demon. Of course it wouldn't work
He's happy for you, of course. You're dating his fellow TSL nerd. And he also supports your relationship. Can't lie though, he's somewhat envious to Solomon
He tries to lock himself up more in his bedroom, refusing to see you and playing games to distract his mind
But you manage to coaxed him to not do that cause that might damage his health and sleep schedule. So he stops doing so
You both still plays game and watch animes together, but not as often anymore due to dates and hangouts you have
"I win!" You cheered while raising your arms high up in the air. Leviathan just sigh at your lil' victory dance. There really is no beating you in this game, huh? You both are playing Mario karts, and for some odd reasons, you manage to always win despite him cheating.
But I guess it's worth losing if it means he gets to see you do that stupid lil' victory dance everytime you wins. Everything you do just seem to make his heart flutter. But him being the awkward person he is, looks away from you and opted to look at the screen.
That's when your D.D.D began to rings. It was a reminder. You looked at it for a hot second and let out a small gasp. "What is it?" He asked you while taking his headphones off.
You gave him a small smile, the smile that always make him blush a bit. "It was a just reminder." You answers while picking your stuff up. "About what?" He asked after rumaging through his memories of any important event that was going to be held today.
"It's nothing. Both me and Solomon was planning to go to the park today." Ah... So that's what the reminder is about. Your date with Solomon. "Well then, have fun!" He said while giving you a somewhat forced smile.
You nods while smiling at him, "I'll bring you back something interesting!" You said while walking out of his room, waving. After you left, he just sat there. Thinking, if only it was him that you went out with. He won't mind going out from time to time if it was with you. He sigh, knowing sooner or later, he needs to move on from you.
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I’m here:
Hermione x reader
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“You’re safe here, I got you.”
“I know for a fact that you’re not “fine”
“Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
“You’re comfy.”
“Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Description: Hermione is stressed out from studying for OWLs. Y/n tries to give he a break and pulls her away from her work, and comforts her during a freak out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Warnings: Food (no eating tho), Anxiety attack-please do not read if content is triggering
It was in the way she talked. Slightly higher than normal, and a little airily.
It was in the way she avoided eye contact, and when she gave into it, it was like her eyes were out of focus.
The way she clenched her jaw while reading in front of the fire one night. Normally, she enjoyed everything she was reading, and her features were usually content as she immersed herself happily into any topic. Instead, she was stony-faced, eyebrows drawn together with a frown as she huffed through the book.
Something was up with Hermione Granger.
It was normal for you and your girlfriend to study on the floor in front of the common room fire together. What wasn’t normal was how you were doing it independently. Normally you read together, or quizzed each other, or simply talked about the subject you were studying for. Today, however, the common room was full of cold unusual silence, as Hermione turned page after page, long into the night. The light from the fire danced angrily across her scowl, and you gulped, trying to focus on your work. You didn’t push the topic when Hermione was a bit distant those couple days. It wasn’t normal for her to be that work obsessed, but you let it be, thinking she just needed to get it over with.
But, after a few days of Hermione and her studying being inseparable, you came up from quidditch practice and Hermione wasn’t waiting for you, like normal. Your worry kicked in when she wasn’t waiting in the common room either.
Something was wrong in the air immediately as you stepped into your shared dorm. There was an anxious tension, and the room was uncharacteristically cold. Hermione sat, back to you at the desk in front of the window. Her leg jiggled, and her jaw was moving as she chewed the inside of her cheek. Her non-writing hand twirled a curl around her finger, rapidly.
“Love?” You asked, hesitantly. She jumped several inches into the air before turning to you, your attempt not to startle her, failing. You only saw a glimpse before she turned back around, away from you. “Yes?” She asked, attention wavering no further from her work.
“Are you okay? I was wondering why you didn’t meet me in our normal spot.” “I’m fine.” Her answer was monotone and short, leading you to know that even if she thought it was, it was not true. “Sooo, what are you doing?” You asked, trying to inject yourself into her studying. “Professor Bins.” She was being vague and indirect, her body language showing she was beyond on edge. “Oh, are you working on the essay?” You tried not to be hurt at her negligence. She simply hummed a yes to you. “Alright well, I’m gonna reread the textbook in the common room in front of the fire. You’re welcome to join me if you’d like.” She didn’t answer when you waited for her to. Sighing in defeat, you planted a hurried kiss on her cheek before grabbing your sweater and leaving.
If Hermione had been focusing on you, she would’ve noticed how your text book remained in your bag, on the floor. She’d wonder why you retrieved your sweater to sit by a fire, and lastly she’d wonder how you were doing. Instead, she sighed at the sound of the door closing behind you, and scribbled, somehow faster. You didn’t mind, however, knowing this wasn’t about you, and that she needed you.
You sat in the common room waiting, for ten minutes. When she didn’t show up, plan B began, because you knew something was off. You gathered some things you had kept with Ginny and headed off to the East end of the castle, determined.
You returned to your dorm twenty minutes later. There was the same jumpy tension hanging in your normally warm, inviting room. This time, you walked up to your working girlfriend and rested your hands on her shoulders, standing behind her chair. “Can I steal you for an hour, love?” You asked, planting a kiss on the top of her head, and starting to massage her shoulders. Her eyes closed at their own accord, and her head slowly leaned back onto your chest. She sighed, “I- I can’t, baby. I have to-“ Hermione’s excuse was cut off by your lips tugging on hers. She hummed and you smiled. Disconnecting, your eyes met. “Please?” You begged, your eyebrows drawn together. She couldn’t help but smile and roll her eyes at your pleading. “I-… fine, but not a whole hour.” You beamed at her answer before grabbing her hand and tugging her up, and out your door.
You dashed, laughing through the corridors. Your eyes gleamed, your face was elated, making Hermione blush and beam in spite of herself. Eventually, you dragged her to the base of the astronomy tower, and she realized what you had been doing while she worked. She shook her head and laughed as you started, “After you, my love.” You grinned smugly, gesturing up the stairs in front of you. Rolling her eyes and smiling, she began the journey to the top of the tower, you following close behind, eager for her to see what you did.
You climbed higher and higher in a comfortable silence, just enjoying uninterrupted time together for once.
Finally, you realized you must have reached the top, as Hermione froze in front of you. You caught up, behind her to see she was standing in the doorway, looking around, amazed. You chuckled to yourself, pleased. You reached to her side and grasped her hand again, intertwining your fingers, which fell together like they were made to fit in each other. She slowly stepped forward a few paces, allowing you to step into the room next to her. Now side-by-side, you watched her absorb the room.
Fairy lights hung in spirals from the beams separating the glass panes on the ceiling. A comforter lay in the middle of the room, complete with a few cushy pillows. There was a wicker picnic basket on the floor behind the blanket, and next to it sat an unlit candle.
Hermione’s eyes danced eagerly over each detail, the orbs bursting with wonder and astonishment. She turned to you, incredulously, “Wha- is this what you were doing?” You nodded, blushing before looking down at your feet with a soft smile. You gently tugged her hand in the direction of the blanket, and you two started walking over to it. Sitting down, she shook her head, speechless. “You made this for me?” She finally managed, eyes full of adoration as she rested her hand appreciatively on your knee, her thumb rubbing back and forth. “Of course! You deserve all this, and so much more, ‘Mione.” Hermione blushed, finally looking deep into your eyes with a small smile. You leaned in and rested you lips against hers. Hermione was a dangerous substance, so powerful and addicting. You would have worried about falling, if your mind wasn’t assured of her silken lips catching you, just like the thousand times they had before. You separated and brought a hand to her velvety cheek, rubbing your thumb back and forth a few times, before tucking a stray curl behind her ear.
You broke the comfortable silence, “So, you’ve been kind of distant this week. A little off from your normal self. I’m worried. Are you ok?” Hermione disconnected your eyes quickly, “I’m-“ You cut her off, knowing what she’d say, “I know for a fact that you’re not ‘fine’.” Hermione scowled uncharacteristically at the ground, when she gasped suddenly and jumped up. “My essay! It’s been too long, I need to go!” She made to leave, but you grabbed her hand before she could. “Let me go, I haveto leave! I need to study.” Her voice came out harsh, making you falter momentarily. She saw the hurt in your eyes and started to panic.
Her chest rose and fell rapidly and she started to sweat. “I- oh no. I have to go. I hurt you. I’m gonna fail. I didn’t mean to- I need to study. I hurt you.” She muttered, hyperventilating. “Hey, love, look at me. Hey, it’s okay, you’re fine.”
Her hands rose to run through her hair, flustered. Her eyes were wide, and darted between your figure and the door as she was torn. “You didn’t deserve that. I’m gonna fail the class.” You guided her to sit down with you and held both her hands in yours. You moved them to rest on your chest and started breathing deeply, “It’s alright, we’re fine. Breathe, ‘Mione, breathe. I’m here with you, I’m not leaving. Breathe just like me. Hey, look at me.” You voice was comforting, and Hermione finally met your eyes and started to match her breathing with yours.
When her panting had gone down you pulled her against your chest and laid down against one of the pillows behind you two. “You’re safe here, I got you.” Hermione’s head lay over your heart to ground her further. “Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.” Your hand ran through her curls, soothingly as you whispered to her, “Everything’s okay. We’re together. You’re gonna kill the OWLS. You’re the smartest in the class. You can study with me, we’re in this together, as a team, aren’t we? I’m not going anywhere.” Eventually your affirmations died down, and a refreshing quiet washed over you both. The May breeze coming in from all directions of the open tower kept you guys comfortable. The sounds of the leaves settling in for bed and the gentle, distant lapping of the black lake reached your ears.
Hermione took in a deep breath and let it out in a content sigh. “I am so sorry, love.” She sounded guilty. “What on earth for?” You asked. “You we’re just trying to distract me and take care of me, and I just unraveled on you, out of nowhere. Not to mention I’ve been ignoring you for almost a week. You’re my girlfriend, and I just neglected you.” You sighed, “Mione, your head has been everywhere this week, and it’s fine. You’re always on top of everything, it just caught up to you. Don’t worry about me, I understand, okay? I know it wasn’t about me, it’s alright.” Hermione grunted, “I know, I just feel bad.” “Well don’t. We’re here together now, aren’t we? Let’s just focus on this moment.” Hermione smiled gratefully at that, snuggling further into your chest. “You’re comfy,” she giggled, making you laugh.
You kissed the top of her head delicately, “I love you.” She shifted to look up at you, eyes shimmering in the fairy lights and stars that sprinkled the inky sky laying above you. A grin spread on her face, making her happy eyes twinkle. “I love you too,” she answered. She leaned forward and you kissed her passionately, letting all your reassurance pour into it. She gave you a shy smile after pulling a part, “Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.” You laughed before reaching over and handing her your sweater. You shook your head as she squealed happily, cradling the clothing. Hermione pulled the jumper over her head eagerly. Her head popped out of the top suddenly, her smile a beam, curls a mess, and eyes gleaming ecstatically.
Her hands were balled inside the sleeves as she gripped your face to kiss you. Her lips were warm, cushy, and gentle. The material of the sweater on each of your cheeks was so soft, but scratchy at the same time. Your foreheads rested together after separating, and you stared lovingly, deep into each other’s eyes. You took her hands in yours, and said seriously, “Never change. Please always be the girl I love so deeply.” She lifted a pinky and said, “I promise.” You latched your pinky with her’s and placed a delicate kiss on her freckle sprinkled nose. She scrunched it in pleasure and placed a peck to your lips in return.
You reached over for the matches you had sat by the candle earlier, lighting it. Removing the glasses from the basket, you poured each
of you a glass of sparkling cider. You took out two plates topped with baked sandwiches and fruit salad. The melons were cut in to stars, making Hermione smile at all the thought you put into this. You lastly retrieved cannolis for dessert.
You lied back down after eating, gently pulling Hermione with you. She burrowed her head under your chin, nestling in. Your girlfriend raised a balled hand under your sweater’s sleeve up to her face. Her eyes fluttered closed as she inhaled deeply, smiling contently as your cherry blossom scent reached her button nose. You both giggled, and you ran your fingers through her mane. You spent another hour curled together under the twinkling stars, talking, or sometimes simply laying in soothing quiet. You enjoyed being alone together, content with the world continuing around you.
The candlelight danced cheerily across Hermione’s perfectly chiseled, yet distinct features. The stress of school was no match for the pair of you. It was you two against the world because you had each other. You never wanted to be apart from the amazing girl on top of you. Her entire being was utterly flawless, and you were entirely devoted to every particle in it, with every bit of you. You couldn’t choose not to adore her even if you tried. You were whipped, wrapped entirely around the little pinky you had latched not half an hour ago. You were deeply, madly, hopelessly in love with her.
A/n: my family and i learned that my great grandmother’s tumor is growing again and it can’t be removed because of the location. Sooo I’m taking a very last minute 12 hour road trip to see her while she’s still doing pretty well.There’s no wifi (I write my stories in the notes app before copy and pasting them to upload them so I don’t need wifi to write) and every now and then I’ll need a distraction, so I’d love any requests sent, along with any prayers.
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justaweirddruid · 3 years
Fjorester Week - DAY 5: WATER
This is my first time writing a fic, but I had this idea a while ago and when the fjorester week themes were annouced I thought it’d be great with the theme for today so I had to try writing it. 
So here it goes
The Blooming Grove
“You can hold my hand now”, Jester says with a big smile, looking at Fjord.  “I’m holding your hand! I’m checking you out”, he smiles back at her.  
“I’m checking you out”.  
They start walking back to Caduceus family’s house, holding hands, laughing and making small  talk, until Jester stops suddenly and looks at him, wide eyed.  
“I almost forgot! I wanna show you something!” 
“Here!”, Jester says and starts pulling him in another direction, further away from the house.  “Caduceus showed me this earlier and I thought you would like it”.  
Fjord follows with a confused look and thinks about asking for more questions, but who is he kidding? She can take him anywhere and he would follow her without thinking twice. Jester takes a small path, hidden between the trees, using one hand to move the foliage away  from her face while the other is busy pulling Fjord behind her. The way her tails is wiggling from  side to side shows her excitement and only makes the half orc even more curious to where she’s  taking him.  
After another minute or two, she stops and turns back to him.  
She steps forward, still pulling Fjord by the hand, and he sees what she’s talking about. They’re  in a clearing surrounded by the dense vegetation of the Grove, flowers of a multitude of colors,  vines, green bushes and small trees. In the middle of the clearing, there is a small lake of clear  water reflecting the moonlight, with a spring that flows down into smaller shallow pools below.  It’s one of the most beautiful places he’s ever seen.  
“Isn’t it great?”.  
“It really is, Jester”.  
“Caduceus showed me these hot springs earlier and said he’ll bring everyone here tomorrow,  but I thought we could check it out before. You know, just the two of us”.  Fjord notices how she looked away during that last part and he can swear he sees her blushing  a little, just a slightly darker shade of blue in her cheeks.  
“That was a wonderful idea”. Still holding hands, he walks with her towards the bigger pool, “It’s  been a while since we’ve had a quiet time for ourselves. Not since… not since that night in  Caleb’s tower”.  
It’s his turn to look away now. He shouldn’t be this nervous when talking about the night they  had their first kiss, he knows this. Jester has shown nothing but affection towards him since that  night and every time Fjord remembers how happy and giddy she looked after the kiss, he can’t  help but feel his heart growing in his chest. However, there’s still a tiny voice inside his head  trying to convince him it will all be over soon, no matter how hard he tries to shut it down.  
“You wanna sit by the water?” Fjord asks.  
“Sure!” Jester notices how quickly he changed the subject but doesn’t say anything. They’re  finally alone now, they can take their time.  
She takes off her shoes and stockings, and sits with herlegs inside the pool. The water is so warm  and it feels so good that it makes her relax almost instantly.  
“Hurry up, Fjord! It’s sooo good” Jester sighs happily and wiggles her toes, watching them move  underneath the clear water. 
“I’m ready! I’m ready!”.  
He wasn’t.  
Still rolling up his pants, Fjord trips and almost falls down in the water, which prompts the  loudest laugh from Jester.  
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it”, she says, still laughing and not looking sorry at all.  Part of him hates how often he makes a fool of himself in front of the woman he adores, but an  even bigger part would happily make it all over again just to see that smile. The smile he loves  so much.  
He smiles back at her and laughs too, he can’t help it, Jester has this effect on him. It’s impossible  to be anything but happy when she’s around.  
They’re both with their feet in the water now. The grove is quiet around them, only the sound  of the spring flowing to the other pools and an owl hooting in the distance.  “What were you talking about before? About that night in the tower?” Jester tries to be as  nonchalant as possible, as if that night isn’t what she wanted to talk about in the first place and  the reason she was looking for more alone time with Fjord.  
“I- I just said… Umm” he almost chokes on his words and Jester laughs again. “I was just saying  that we haven’t had any alone time, just the two of us, since that night. Since…” “Since you asked to kiss me?”  
“…Yes” he’s blushing now, he can feel it.  
Fjord takes all the courage he can gather and looks back at her. Jester’s still smiling, looking up  at him. She takes his hand again and holds it in her lap.  
The way she looks at him… it takes his breath away, it always does. Her eyes are sparkling and the moonlight reflecting on her blue skin almost makes her glow. Only now, he realizes she got  a little closer, so close he can count all the freckles on her nose and cheeks. Gods, he wants to  kiss her again.  
“I- I’ve been thinking about that night, you know” Jester says.  
“You… you have?” 
“Yeah. A lot” she looks nervous now, drawing circles in his hand with her thumb. “I was a little  surprised when you did that, I- I didn’t really know what to say”.  
Fjord’s heart starts racing and he thinks for a moment that he made a terrible mistake and she  doesn’t feel the same way. But then he notices how she’s still smiling at him and holding his  hand even tighter.  
“I care a lot about you too, Fjord” she continues. “More than I ever thought it was possible to  care about anyone”.  
“You do?”  
His heart is beating so fast he’s afraid it might jump out of his chest. Can she hear how loud is it  beating? He think she might, he definitely can.  
“I always did, Fjord. I didn’t understand what I was feeling before and there was some stuff I had  to figure out by myself, but yeah. I’m sorry it took me so long so realize it”.  “No no, don’t apologize! Please”, he’s fully facing her now, getting even closer. “We both had a  lot to deal with and I also had to take time to understand what I was feeling. In case you haven’t  noticed, I have no idea what I’m doing”.  
Jester laughs again and gives him a little bump with her shoulder.  
“No, Fjord, you know what you’re doing”.  
“I truly don’t” he laughs too. 
Fjord looks at the clearing and at the water. There’s still so much he wants to say, so much he  wants her to know, and he can tell she wants to say more too. But that’s okay for now, they still  have time.  
Suddenly, an idea comes to his mind.  
“What are you doing?” Jester asks.  
“Wait, you’ll see”.  
He raises his hand towards the water and she can hear him muttering the words for a spell. The  tiefling looks at the pool again, trying to understand what he’s doing but nothing happens.  Then she sees it.  
It starts as a faint light coming from the bottom of the small lake, slowly spreading throughout  the water. Jester lets out a small cry and covers her mouth when she realizes what it is, looking  at Fjord with a surprised smile.  
“A jellyfish bloom!” 
“Yeah. Not a real one, though. It’s just an illusion” Fjord answers.  
The entire pool is now filled with hundreds of colorful jellyfish. Every shade of blue, purple, green  and pink, swimming in all directions.  
Jester is beaming, her face reflecting all the colors of the jellyfish as she watches them. She puts  her hand inside the water and one of the creatures passes through it, revealing the illusion for a  moment.  
“Jester… why are you looking at me like this?”  
She has her trickster face on now, the one he also knows very well.  
“You knowww, Fjord” she says. “The last time we saw a jellyfish bloom, you talked about how  you can’t go in the water with them because they sting”.  
“Yes...” he can see where this is going.  
“Wellll, these are illusions, so…” Jester raises her eyebrows, the question she didn’t even need  to ask up in the air.  
“I don’t know what you mean, Jester” he pretends, faking a look of confusion.  “Yes you do!”.  
Jester starts poking at him, also pretending to be mad which is exactly what he wanted. Using  her moment of distraction, he puts one hand underneath her legs and the other on her back and  lifts her up. The half orc knows very well he’s not the strongest one of the two, but getting her  off guard was enough to give him the edge.  
“Fjoooord” Jester yells as he throws her in the water.  
She reappears a few seconds later, the jellyfish swimming around her.  
“I can’t believe you did that” she looks at him, narrowing her eyes. She’s trying to look mad but  her smile is betraying her.  
“I’m sorry, Jester, I couldn’t help it” he repeats what she’s said to him earlier. “Do you want  some company?” 
Fjord offers his hand to her and it takes her less than a second to pull him inside the pool with  her, taking him by surprise at how fast she was.  
The water feels even hotter, but still very pleasant. They both swim to the middle of the lake  and watch the jellyfish surround them, touching them without having to fear their sting.  “You wanna see how it looks under the water?” Fjord asks.  
“Let’s do it”.  
“Wait” he stops her before she goes. “Let me help us a little more”. 
She hears him casting another spell and feels the familiar sensation, they can breathe  underwater now.  
Smiling, Jester gives him a wink and dives under the water. Fjord quickly following her.  The jellyfish bloom looks even more beautiful than on the surface, their glow illuminating the  entire pool.  
Fjord was so taken back by the view that he lost track of the direction Jester went, not able to  see her through all the jellyfish. He looks around for a few seconds, trying to decide where to  go, when she suddenly reappears in front of him. He thought the illusion looked beautiful but  Jester looks absolutely breathtaking surrounded by the colors and the glow of the bloom. She  can probably see what he’s thinking in his face because she blushes a little and looks away, not  being able to hide her smile.  
He takes her hand and they swim together, admiring the effects of the spell and looking at the  natural beauty of the lake. After a few minutes, Jester holds him back by the hand and stops  swimming.  
“Everything okay?” his voice comes out a little distorted from the water.  ”Yes. I- I was just thinking about something”.  
Jester doesn’t answer.  
Instead, she swims until they’re facing each other. She puts her hands on his shoulder and stares  into his eyes for a few seconds. Getting even closer, inch by inch, slowly, so he has enough time  to stop her if he wants to.  
If only she knew how much he’s been waiting for this moment, how much he wanted to be this  close to her again… 
He puts his hands on her waist, pulling her closer. He doesn’t want to wait anymore. She brushes  her lips to his, gently. Fjord can hear his ears ringing now and his heart is beating faster than  ever. He puts one hand behind her head and presses his lips into hers a little harder, and it’s like  something clicked inside of her. Jester puts both hands around him and fully kisses him, parting  her lips. 
They kiss while the jellyfish swim around them. They can feel a very faint warm sensation  whenever one of the illusions passes through them, but both have so many different thoughts  racing through their minds right now that they barely notice.  
After a while, they separate their lips, still holding each other close. Fjord closes his eyes and  rests his head on hers. It’s still so surreal to think he gets to do that, he gets to kiss her and be  with her and tell her how much she means to him. It’s almost overwhelming.  Jester gives him another quick kiss, takes him by the hand one more time and starts swimming  back to the surface. They get out of the water and sit by the edge again, a little closer now.  “Good thing it’s not cold here” he says, trying to break the silence.  
“Yeah” Jester rests her head on his shoulder, still holding his hand. “You know, kissing  underwater is pretty fun too”.  
“It is” Fjord laughs. “Although I think being able to breath under the water makes it way easier”.  “Good thing you always have this spell prepared, then” she says and gives him a wink.  “Anytime you want, Jester”.  
They still have a couple more minutes of the illusion, so they snuggle quietly, looking at the  jellyfish.  
“This place is amazing, isn’t it?” he asks. 
“Yeah. It’s beautiful” Jester answers back, smiling. She’s not looking at the lake, though, she’s  watching Fjord as he runs his fingers through the water, seeing how calm and happy he looks  now. 
He doesn’t notice. 
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redgillan · 4 years
Under Pastel Skies - 7
Sugar daddy!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Modern!AU Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate… but she smiles so sweetly and she’s endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.
Word Count: 6,480
Warnings: none
A/N: This is long overdue, sorry - hopefully it’s worth it. It’s also incredibly long... idek anymore. I want to thank you all for your patience and support. It means a lot to me.
Wannabe sugar daddies, don’t interact with this post.
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You grumbled into your pillow when you heard your phone buzz on the bedside table. Cracking one eye open, you lifted your phone and squinted to read the neon numbers showing on the screen.
7:12 a.m.
You had an email notification, nothing important, but it somehow managed to come through the ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature. You knew you wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep so you got up and padded barefoot into the kitchen.  
A smile curled up your lips when you saw the leftovers from your made-up holiday. There were a few cookies and muffins in a plate, a large bowl of cereals, and two dirty milkshake glasses on the counter.
It had been a fun and relaxing couple of days. You ate, talked, played board games, and watched movies in your fanciest loungewear attire. Bucky sought your touch more than usual and it left you a little confused. Every time he touched you, the line between feelings of friendship and feelings of love became blurred.
Bucky was an early riser, always up before you, dressed in his usual khakis and long sleeved Henley shirts with his hair slightly tousled. He looked effortlessly sexy and always had a warm smile for you even though you looked like a hot mess in your mismatched pyjamas, staggering into the kitchen, blindly following the smell of food cooking on the stove.
Today, the kitchen was silent. Bucky was probably still asleep, so you decided to cook breakfast. Maybe, if you were lucky, you’d catch him in his night clothes.
Wasting no time, you made a beeline for the coffee machine. You filled the water tank and measured fresh grounds into the filter, but your task was interrupted when you heard groans coming from somewhere nearby. You soon figured out that the sounds were coming from the living room.
Curious, you silently made your way toward the sound. The shades were up, and you could see the midnight blue sky fading into pastel hues of yellow and pink with the approaching dawn. Under any other circumstances, you would have been completely enraptured by its beauty, but something else caught your attention.
Bucky was standing upside down with his head on a yoga mat. His eyes were closed and his features were set in an expression of serious concentration. You half hid behind the wall and observed him.
You were impressed, his headstand was perfectly vertical and he was doing it without hand support, meaning that he was supporting his entire weight on his neck. He slowly lowered one toe back down, then the other, before he rested his forearm on the mat and lifted his butt toward the ceiling, his body forming a perfect inverted V.
“You’re up already,” he asked, sitting back on his haunches. “I can hear you breathing behind that wall.”
You peeked out into the living room and cringed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you but that was sooo impressive.” You walked into the room and perched yourself on the arm of the sofa, facing Bucky who was kneeling at your feet. “How do you do that?”
He chuckled, his cheeks red from exertion and bashfulness. “Practice. Yoga’s good for building strength.”
He looked up at you with a boyish smile, his hair damp with perspiration. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead, rolling too close to his eyes and making him squint.
His pants left little to the imagination, the fabric stretched across his powerful thighs, and his sleeveless shirt clung to his drenched chest, outlining his muscles. Your eyes darted to his left shoulder where his stump was visible.
Despite living with him for over two months, you had never seen him in one of those sleeveless shirts before, though you couldn’t blame him since it was the middle of winter and you hadn’t been wearing any either. It was warm inside the apartment but not enough to walk around bare-armed.
“It’s easier to do yoga when the sleeve isn’t slapping me in the face every five seconds,” Bucky said, looking at his stump. “But I can cover it up if you prefer.”
“No! Of course not,” you rushed to say. “I’m sorry. That was really rude.”
“You were just looking, it’s only natural,” he said. “People are curious. Staring... well, staring is different.” His frown smoothed away and he turned to you with a smile. “Are you hungry?”
You smiled down at him. “Starving.”
“I’m gonna hop in the shower real quick, then I’ll start breakfast.”
“Actually, I was about to start cooking before I got distracted.” Bucky looked away, a slight blush covering his cheeks. “But I think we have plenty of food left over from last night.”
“We’re not eating cookies for breakfast,” he said. “We’ll save them for later. Right now we need something healthy.” He grinned as he pushed himself to his feet and ran upstairs. “I’ll be right back.”
You shook your head at his antics and returned to the kitchen to finish making coffee. After all he’d done for you, it was the least you could do. You knew Bucky liked cooking –and he was damn good at it- but sometimes you wondered if this was a fair arrangement.
He had given you a place to stay, money, food to eat, your own artist’s studio, and you had given him... nothing. Admittedly, you knew that your presence calmed him, comforted him. You gave him the emotional support he desperately needed and it was important, but he could also have adopted a pet.
Too tired for coffee or tea, you poured yourself a glass of orange juice, hoping it would wake you up. It worked but your self-deprecating thoughts were still playing havoc in your mind.
You were fixing Bucky’s coffee when he came back downstairs after his shower, and you were pleasantly surprised to find him wearing a clean sleeveless shirt. You met his eyes and found that he was watching you intently. You offered him a smile and leaned back against the kitchen counter.
“Looking good, James.”
He looked down at his feet with a bashful smile as he crossed the room slowly. You observed him in silence while he prepared breakfast for the two of you. It was a simple breakfast bowl with yogurt, granola, fresh fruits and honey but he somehow made it look like a gourmet dish.
“There you go, angel,” he said, setting your bowl in front of you. “What are you going to do today?”
You took a slice of kiwi and dipped in yogurt. “I think I’m going to paint. You?”
Bucky licked his spoon and you stared at it longingly before you quickly averted your eyes. No, you couldn’t be jealous of a goddamn spoon. Catch yourself on.
“I have an idea for a new book,” he said, running his tongue along his teeth to clean them before he spoke again. “I had a meeting with my agent last week. It went well, my old publisher really wants to work with me again. I’m signing my contract this afternoon.”
“Bucky!” you squealed after swallowing your mouthful of yogurt a little too fast. “That’s amazing!”
“Thank you,” he said, staring into nothing with wide eyes. “I’m nervous, scared and excited at the same time. It’s strange, y’know, all these feelings mixed together. It’s a bit overwhelming and I haven’t even started yet.”
“Don’t think too much,” you said. “You’ve done this before, you can do it again.”
“Yeah,” he replied, smiling.
You scraped your spoon around the bowl and licked it clean. “What’s it about? Is it a novel? Can I be in it?”
Bucky chuckled to himself and you figured that every single writer had friends who begged them to appear in their books. You couldn’t help it, the idea of living forever as ink on a page was too tempting.
“It’s not a novel,” he said. “It’s the third instalment of my series. The style is a little hard to explain but this is what I like to say: self-help book meets Bridget Jones’ Diary.”
“I tried to look you up but I couldn’t find anything written by a James Barnes or a Bucky Barnes.” You playfully narrowed your eyes at him. “Are you a fraud? Or are you using a pen name?”
He pretended to think about it. “I’m a fraud.”
“I knew it,” you mock-sighed.
Bucky took your bowl and placed it in the sink along with his. When he started cleaning them, you joined him and took a dish towel.
“I’ll tell you soon,” he spoke after a moment.
“It’s okay, take your time.”
You knew he wasn’t going to tell you what his pen name was, not now at least. His books were a reflection of his struggles, his success, and his fears, and you could understand why he preferred to keep you in the dark for now.
The people who read his books didn’t know him, they were just anonymous faces in a crowd but you were real. You were his friend, his new friend, and your opinion mattered.
“It’s been a couple of years since I’ve published my last book. My agent said that people haven’t forgotten about me but I still have to,” he made air quotes with his fingers, “’show my face’, just to remind everyone that I’m still writing.” He sighed.
“There’s a charity event next month at the museum of Natural History,” he continued. “It’s a huge event, a lot of important people will be there, including some of the most famous gallerists and curators in the country. You’re allowed to say no but,” he paused and turned to look at you, “do you want to come with me?”
You pressed your lips together while you mulled this over. There was no doubt in your mind that it was a great opportunity, one that you would have never had without Bucky, and you knew you had to say yes. But this was your least favourite part of being an artist.
You didn’t know how to sell yourself and you always felt like an arrogant asshat when you spoke about your paintings, even though you had every right to be proud of your work.
You had managed to persuade yourself that this new life would last forever. Eat, laugh, paint, repeat forever. But it wasn’t real. You had to put yourself out there, even if it made you uncomfortable because painting was only half your job.
Something else bothered you. You didn’t want to be the poor, struggling artist who took advantage of a charity event to make herself known. It seemed wrong and hypocritical.
You voiced your concerns to Bucky who looked at you with a pained expression.
“Yes, it’s a fundraiser but I can assure you that everyone at the party will be talking business and exchanging business cards,” he said. “And they’ll compensate with a huge donation to clear their guilty conscience. Is it false philanthropy? Absolutely, and I’m ashamed to say I’m one of them. You’re not taking advantage of a good cause, we are.”
“You’re nothing like them,” you said. “You’re kind and selfless, you’re a good person.”
“I’m not sure that’s true, angel,” he said with a tight smile.
When you opened your mouth to protest, he leaned forward and cupped the back of your head as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, ending the conversation. He had never done that before and you froze, feeling equal parts confused, incredulous and appreciated.
He pulled back and wiped down the sink with the sponge, acting like kissing you so sweetly was something completely normal, like he was unbothered. Meanwhile you just stood there wondering if you would ever be able to breathe normally again.
You pressed your lips together hard and tried to gather your thoughts but your mind was reeling. You were about to leave the room when your eyes landed on a pile of mail on the kitchen counter.
The first letter was a cheesy view of the Tower Bridge, the words ‘Greetings from London’ written in bold cursive letters across the postcard.
You only knew one person who still sent postcards.
“What’s this?” you asked, nodding toward the stack of mail.
Confused, Bucky looked to you then followed your line of sight and saw the mail. “Oh, Natasha dropped these off last night. She wanted to see you but you were already asleep.”
You nodded distractedly while you picked up the postcard. The sight of it filled you with anxiety. Your sister didn’t’ send these postcards often, but every time you received one it reminded you that things were different now. Gone was the happy and supportive family you used to cherish.  
Your breath caught in your throat as you read Wanda’s hastily written words.
I’m coming home.
She was coming home. A wave of nausea ran through you and your breathing came shallow and fast.
“Wow, wow, wow.” You felt Bucky’s hand at our waist, steering you toward a chair, and you realized your legs were giving way under you. “Deep breaths, angel. Look at me. There you go!”
“Sorry,” you said. “See what happens when you don’t let me eat cookies for breakfast?”
Bucky smiled at your poor attempt at humour. “Want to tell me what’s wrong?”
You debated telling him but you weren’t sure how to voice your concerns so you handed him the postcard instead. You had told Bucky about Wanda. She had disappeared after Pietro’s death, sending postcards from time to time as proof that she was still alive and well.
“Your sister is coming home.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “I haven’t seen her for six years. She doesn’t know our mom has Alzheimer, she doesn’t know I sold our old childhood home. She keeps sending those postcards there. I gave the new owners Natasha’s address in case they still receive our mail. They’re very nice.” You let out a humourless laugh. “I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when I sold our house, and they could have taken advantage of me but they didn’t. I guess it’s not every day you buy a family house from a 24 year old girl. It probably screams tragic backstory, uh?”
“You did this on your own?”
Bucky put his hand on your knee and gave you a comforting squeeze. “I’m sorry you had to go through this.”
You looked down at his thumb rubbing soothing circles just above your knee. “Yeah, it wasn’t easy.” You paused, then raised your head to look at him. “Living with you makes my life so much easier. I live in my own little bubble where I don’t have to be an adult. I feel like I can finally breathe. And I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me and all you continue to do.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he replied, shaking his head. “We help each other. We’re good together.”
“Yes, of course,” you said with a smile. “But we both know it’ll have to end one day. It has to, one way or another. I want to be more independent, start my career and support my family. I don’t want to rely on others anymore. I want to rely on myself.”
“But there’s no rush, angel.”
“I know, but nothing’s gonna change if I stay in my little bubble. I have to do things that make me uncomfortable.”
“What are you trying to say exactly?”
“I’ll come with you to the fundraiser.”
Bucky’s eyebrows shot up in surprise but a smile broke across his face. “That’s great! But what about your sister?”
You shrugged. “There’s nothing I can do. She’ll probably go to our old house, realize it’s not ours anymore. If she’s lucky they’ll give her Natasha’s address. I’m sure she’ll have lots of questions but she can’t show up six years later and act like our bond is still intact. I’m not at her beck and call. I’m only responsible for myself and, Bucky, I’m so tired of trying to please everyone. I deserve to live my best life, goddammit.”
“I am so happy to hear you say that,” Bucky said, his smile blinding. “Celebratory cookie?”
“Yes! Two cookies, please,” you replied, out of breath. “I’m slightly freaking out.”
You spent the next couple of weeks planning for the event; painting, taking pictures of your work, posting them on Instagram, searching for gallerists and curators you wanted to work with and cross-checking the attendees.
Despite everything, you couldn’t help but wonder if Wanda was already in New York and if she was looking for you.
“Check this out!” you exclaimed, shoving a business card in Natasha’s face before you pushed past her to get into her apartment. “It’s official, I’m an artist.”
She laughed as she closed the door, her eyes on the card. “Hi, it’s nice to see you, too,” she deadpanned.
“Sorry, hi.”
“Well, looks like you’re all set. When’s the party?”
“Next week,” you replied, taking a seat on you former bed, her sofa. “I’m a little nervous, but also excited. I don’t know, it’s a strange feeling.”
Natasha pinned your business card onto the fridge using a magnet before she opened the refrigerator door and retrieved a bottle of orange juice. She took two glasses from the cupboard and joined you on the sofa.
“But, yeah, I’m ready. I have over two hundred business cards, I know who I want to work with, and I even bought an external battery pack just in case.”
“And what are you going to wear?” Natasha asked before taking a sip of orange juice. You looked at her with wide eyes, panic written all over your face. “You forgot to buy a dress,” she concluded out loud. “Why am I not surprised?”
“With everything going on, I completely forgot I had to... wear clothes.”
“I’m sure James wouldn’t mind seeing you in your birthday suit.” She laughed when you practically shoved her off the sofa. “Come on, I’ll help you look semi-decent.”
You groaned. “I don’t want to go shopping right now. Plus, I blew all my money on business cards.”
“Are you kidding me? It’s freezing outside, I’m not leaving my apartment,” she replied, reaching for her laptop. “You’re going to rent it.”
“Ew,” you made a face.
You remembered the formal wear store where you had rented your prom dress. The place smelled like moth balls and sweat, and the dress had given you a rash. Not a great memory.
“Trust me, I know this is your first but I’m a seasoned veteran. I’ve been to dozens of fundraisers, and I had to wear dozens of designer dresses. Do you even know how much a Saint Laurent evening gown cost? You can’t wear the same dress twice. That’s a big no-no. And it’s not just the dress. You need a clutch, a pair of shoes, jewelry, a coat. You have to rent them.”
“You’re giving me a headache.”
She opened up her web browser and typed in the website address for the dress rental. As she entered your size and budget, it was obvious that she knew her way around the website and you had to admit that it was a lot easier than traditional shopping.
You looked at the collection of dresses, not entirely convinced, when you found it. You instantly knew it was the right one.
You stared longingly at the beautiful wine-red dress, made entirely of velvet. The bodice was cut on the bias, the fabric draping itself elegantly to contour the shape of the model’s upper body. The skirt was long and flowing, and the waist was cinched in with a thin black belt.
You clicked on the second picture and Natasha let out a strangled gasp. The open back was draped at the waist and weighted with a crystal on a golden chain.
The dress gave off 1930s vibes, it was elegant and refined but the back was daring and sexy. It was exactly what you needed. You paired it with a black wool cape, and Natasha offered to let you borrow a pair of shoes, jewellery and a bag.
The dress and coat arrived the next day. The woman who delivered them was kind and polite, she stayed in the kitchen while you tried on the dress. Once you gave the all-clear, she handed you your receipt.
The dress was yours for an entire week.
On the day of the gala, you were a nervous, sweaty mess. Natasha’s clutch was on your nightstand, filled to the brim with business cards. Your hair and makeup were already done. You sat on your bed in your underwear, staring at the dress hanging in your closet.
“I can do this,” you whispered to yourself.
You were adjusting the fabric around your cleavage, making sure everything flowed nicely, when you heard Bucky shouting from the kitchen.
“The car will be there in fifteen minutes.”
You took a deep breath and smoothed your hands down the sides of your dress, the tickling caress of the velvet calming you almost instantly. You reached for the handle, your heart hammering in your chest, and opened the door.
Bucky was standing at the kitchen island, looking down at his phone. He looked up when he heard the sound of your door opening.
“Hey, are you-” The rest of his sentence died on his lips as he froze. He stood there, staring at you, his eyes roaming your body in a manner that could only be called amazement. “You look-” He shook his head as if he couldn’t find the right word.
You looked down at yourself, grinning. After weeks of seeing you in your big woolly jumpers, pyjamas and painting overalls, you could understand why this was a shock. It was one to you as well.
“You look beautiful,” he said, his voice sounding strangled.
“Thank you.” He stood a little straighter when he noticed you were checking him out. He wore a dark blue suit with black lapels, a white shirt and a black velvet bow tie. You matched. “You look like a real heartthrob in that suit.”
He laughed and looked away, embarrassed. It was your favourite look on him; when he couldn’t maintain eye contact and his cheeks were slightly red and his nose crunched up a little.
“You’re wearing your prosthetic,” you said, noticing the stiff arm and fake hand.
“Yeah,” he replied, looking at his left arm. “This thing itches like hell, but I don’t blend well in a crowd when I’m not wearing my prosthetic. These people know me, they’ll be looking for me. Let’s not make it too easy for them.”
He finished his sentence with a wink and your entire body threatened to spontaneously combust. Do people still wink? Apparently. You walked over to him and briefly stroked his arm before you walked past him to the bathroom.
It gave him a great view of your bare back and the little crystal nestled just above the small of your back. You didn’t see his reaction but you heard his sharp intake of breath.
You left the bathroom door open while you rummaged through your makeup bag, relief flowing through you when your fingers brushed against your favourite lipstick.
You straightened up and looked at yourself in the mirror. Bucky was leaning against the bathroom door frame, observing you. You uncapped the lipstick and brought it to your lips, locking eyes with him in the mirror.
“Don’t worry, I’m almost ready.”
“I’m not worried,” Bucky replied with a mischievous smile. “Please, carry on.”
You rolled your eyes at his sudden smug expression, trying to look unbothered, but you could feel his eyes on you and you willed your hands to stop shaking. Today was not the day to look like Miranda Sings.
“What’s it called?” Bucky asked from the threshold, spellbound.
“No idea, the label has faded,” you said, rubbing your lips together to smudge your lipstick. “It has probably expired by now, my mom gave it to me when I was a kid.” You blotted your lips and tossed the balled tissue into the wastebasket. “She called it ‘Carter Red’.”
You dabbed the lipstick on your lips. “When we were kids, we used to watch her apply her lipstick. We thought she was the most sophisticated woman in the world. When she was done, she’d turn to us and ask ‘Who wants red lips?’ Then we’d leave the house in our matching red lips.”
Bucky entered the bathroom and took a seat on the edge of the tub. “Did your brothers wear red lipstick too?” he asked with a grin.
You laughed. “Pietro did. Scott was more into nail polish.”  
“Do you think I can pull it off?”
You turned to him with a wicked grin and waved your lipstick in his direction. He stood when you took a step closer to him. He seemed to enjoy the playful glint dancing in your eyes. You beckoned him closer like some kind of old witch.
“I’m sure you’d look real cute with lipstick all over your face,” you said, taunting him with your tube of lipstick.
Something in his expression changed, darkened, making you feel hot and cold at the same time. His eyes travelled down your face to your lips, then back up to your eyes. “Yeah, I’d really like that,” he spoke so softly you almost missed it.
It was your turn to freeze. You parted your lips to speak but nothing came out, you just blinked hard and stared at him incredulously, waiting for him to explain what that meant. But he never did, and you took a step back.
Did he just...? Did he just try to kiss you? No! No, that’s silly. Why would he want to kiss you? He was just being playful and you simply projected your own desires onto him.
He took a step back too and gave an imperceptible nod. “The car should be here any minute,” he said, smiling. It was a tight smile and you didn’t like it at all. “I’ll let you get ready.”
After he closed the door behind him, you dumped your lipstick back into your makeup bag and took a long look at yourself in the mirror. You looked deflated, miserable. You sighed... the night was off to a great start.
Bucky waited for you while you finished getting ready. You picked up your clutch, slid your feet into a pair of high-heel shoes, and struggled with your cape until Bucky came to your rescue. To your surprise, his smile was genuine again, and it made your heart soar. Maybe you had just misread the situation and he wasn’t upset, offended –or whatever that tight smile was.
The heels were higher than you were used to, but Bucky gave you an arm to hang onto. The sky was already dark when you arrived at the Museum of Natural History. You walked up the stairs and left your coats in the coat-check room before you took a look around the room.
Hundreds of people were milling around the hall, a glass in their hand as they weaved between the jaw-dropping dinosaur skeletons that were on display. You kept your arm linked through Bucky’s and tried not to stare at anyone.  
“Be careful,” Bucky whispered in your ear, making you perk up. “Someone once told me that the exhibits come to life after the sun sets.”
“Remind me to stay away from the Biodiversity Hall,” you chuckled. Then you spotted one of the curators you wanted to work with, you let go of Bucky’s arm and squared your shoulders. “Showtime. Wish me luck.”
“Good luck, angel.���
“God, I’m sweating. Is it noticeable?”
Bucky smiled at you. “No, you look perfect.”
You gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks. I hope I won’t make a fool of myself. I hate small talk.”
As soon as you were gone, someone took your place by Bucky’s side. You grabbed a flute of champagne from a passing waiter and made your way over to the curator. You didn’t drink alcohol but the glass made you look like you were part of their little group.
It went horribly wrong; you stuttered when you said your name and everything went downhill after that. While you were talking, he subtly looked around to see if he could find a more interesting person to talk to, which made you stutter even more. Then as you opened your clutch and fished out a card, several others fell at your feet in slow motion.
Between the dress, the glass and the shoes, it was practically impossible to bend over. The curator left and you stood there alone.
“Let me help you,” one of the waiters said. He gathered up your business cards and handed them to you.
You sheepishly took the cards and shoved them back in your purse. “Thanks. Can you take this? I’m not going to drink it.”
“Would you like something else to drink?” he asked as he took your glass of champagne.
“No, thank you. I... I think I’m going to go find my friend.”
You smiled politely at the young man but he had a strange look on his face. He looked like he wanted to say something but hesitated.
“I saw you with Mr. Thomas,” he finally said. “I’m not supposed to talk to the guests but can you tell him I love his work.”
“I’m sorry I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Grant Thomas,” the waiter pressed on. “The writer. I saw you two together.” Then he leaned forward and whispered, “He only has one arm.”
Grant Thomas was Bucky’s pen name.  
Your face broke out into a huge smile and you started giggling to yourself. The waiter recoiled a bit, confused and a little freaked out. You scanned the room for Bucky.
“Of course, I’ll tell him,” you told the waiter. “He’ll be very pleased to hear it.”
You went in search of Bucky, wobbling around in your high heels, a permanent smile on your face. After walking around for a few minutes, you felt more stable and in control, even going so far as to power walk from room to room.
You found him in the Hall of Ocean Life, entertaining a small group of people. You walked over to him, your heels clicking like typewriter keys. You heard bits and pieces of their conversation as you approached.
“Oh, it’s absolutely lovely,” a woman cooed, a hand over her heart. “Who was your inspiration for your new book, Grant?”
Bucky’s eyes widened slightly when he saw you. You gave him a small wave and he held out his hand in your direction. He introduced you to the group, and while it was strange to hear him say your name, you kept a straight face.
“I’ve looked everywhere for you, Grant,” you told him, emphasizing his pen name. “I should have known I'd find you in good company.”
“Oh, she’s the painter,” the woman said. “Darling, I hope you don’t mind me saying this but-” she extended her arms in your direction “wow!”
The woman next to her looked half amused, half exasperated. “It means you look beautiful in that dress.”
“Oh, she knows what it means, Sylvia.” The ‘oh’ woman swatted Bucky’s fake arm. “Grant, isn’t she gorgeous?”
Bucky looked at you with a fond smile. “Yes, she is.”
“Oh, my heart is about to explode,” the ‘oh’ woman squealed before enthusiastically waving to someone behind Bucky. “Sylvia, darling, take her contact details. We need new blood at the gallery. Please, excuse me, I haven’t seen Michael in ages,” she said, stretching out the last word.
She was gone before you could comprehend what was happening. Her laughter echoed through the room. Oh, I hadn’t seen the back of that dress! Sweet baby Jesus!
You found her whimsical and quite intense but if you had to work for her, you’d probably end up looking like her assistant, Sylvia, who seemed at her wits’ end.
She sighed and opened her leather-bound notebook. There were several business cards attached to the pages with paperclips. You handed her one of your business cards as her boss shouted, Oh, Michael, isn’t this party deliiightful? It was Sylvia’s cue to leave.
“Thank you. We’ll take a look at your work and get back to you as soon as we can. Enjoy your night.”
Sylvia rushed to her boss who was looking around like a lost puppy. When she saw her assistant, a look of relief crossed her face. It was a little over the top but it made you smile.
“So, Grant Thomas,” you said, planting yourself directly in front of Bucky now that you were alone. “Cute name.”
“Agh, I wanted to tell you before the party but...” He shrugged. “How did you figure it out?”
“One of the waiters saw us together. He’s your biggest fan. Said you were talented, humble and devilishly handsome in that suit.”
“The waiter said that?” Bucky asked with a frown as he led you toward an empty corridor.
“I think he has a crush on you.”
“I seem to have that effect on people,” he said, linking his arm through yours.
“So humble.” You entered the Hall of Biodiversity together. “What’s the meaning behind your pen name?”
There was a small pause before he answered. “Grant is Steve’s middle name, Thomas is Sam’s. I wanted to honor them. Steve literally saved my life, and Sam... well, he stood by my side even when we barely knew each other.”
“I’m sure they were touched.”
“Meh,” Bucky said with a grimace. “Steve said it sounded like a fake name, and Sam tried to make me use ‘Thomas Grant’ instead. I think deep down they like it.” He turned his head to look at you. “How did it go with the curator?”
You cringed. “Just to give you an idea, imagine an amateur magician performing at their first show. I was sweating, I stuttered, and I dropped my cards. It was awful.”
He laughed softly. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I’m not upset. At least he’ll remember me, right?”
You spent the next couple of hours mingling with a bunch of rich people; most of them were incredibly weird, the others were strangely relatable. You were a lot more cool and collected with Bucky by your side. He always had really nice things to say about you or your paintings, and his words rang true, giving you yet another reason to fall for him.
When you reached the planetarium, Bucky took your hand in his, his eyes sparkling with childlike wonder.
You practically had the place to yourselves, everyone else was either in the Grand Gallery or in the Roosevelt Memorial. Since no one was around, you decided to take your shoes off and walk around barefoot.
You lost track of time, listening to Bucky’s stories about the universe as he guided you along the spiralling walkway.  
“We’re just tiny little specks living on a bigger speck, floating around,” he said, gazing up at a model of Jupiter hanging from the ceiling. “Our time here is so limited, our bodies are so fragile.”
“Umm,” you hummed. “At least we’re not at the bottom of the food chain.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, that would be a bummer.”
“Do you know who’s at the bottom of the food chain?” you asked. “French fries. I’m starving.”
His laughter rang out, loud and clear, in the silence of the planetarium. “C’mon, let’s get out of here.”
You headed for the coat-check room, where Bucky left one of his ridiculously generous tips, and stepped outside, shivering from the cold winter night. You looked up at the stars glistening in the dark sky while you walked the short distance to the fast food restaurant.
You ate your fries in silence as you glanced around the restaurant. It was bright and gave off a friendly vibe. There were several other patrons even though it was almost two in the morning, though you and Bucky were the only ones wearing designer clothes.
Your high heels and clutch rested on the booth next to your hip, and Bucky’s bow tie was tied around your wrist. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing a tanned, muscular chest and a smattering of dark hair.
Bucky had removed his prosthetic after you’d found a booth. His fake arm rested on the table, scaring the hell out of the waitress when she came to take your order. Bucky apologized profusely, probably mentally adding another twenty to her tip.
You dozed off in the cab, utterly exhausted, your cheek resting against his shoulder. His arm was draped over your shoulders, his thumb sweeping up and down your collarbone. When you remembered that you still had to remove your makeup before going to bed, you let out a whine and nestled closer to him. He rested his head on top of yours, and you closed your eyes, enjoying his closeness.
A few days later, you told Natasha about the party, and she reminded you to be careful, to protect your heart. She wished someone had given her this advice when she’d met Sam.
It had never occurred to you that Natasha might have feelings for Sam, not because he was an awful person. No, it was quite the opposite. He was handsome and funny, always looking for some kind of trouble. She’d mentioned multiple times that he was really good in bed, which honestly didn’t surprise you.
You knew she liked him, but you didn’t know she liked him.
On your way home, you mulled over the things she had told you. About a block away from your apartment, you took your keys out of your pocket and stared at the little angel keychain, wondering if your feelings for Bucky were real. The line between friends and lovers was definitely blurred but you couldn’t cross it. There was too much at stake, you couldn’t risk ruining your friendship.
As you turned the corner into your street, you spotted someone standing outside the building’s front door. You slowed down, dawdled, so you could observe them.
You couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman, though you suspected a man. They were carrying a traveller’s backpack on their shoulders, blocking your view. Whoever it was, they had a fantastic ass.
They pushed the intercom button, waited a few seconds and pushed it again. When the doors remained closed, they turned around to leave and you came face-to-face with a man with long dirty blond hair, a bushy ginger beard and striking baby blue eyes. You immediately recognized him from the photos you’d seen on Bucky’s laptop.
“Oh my God, Steve!” you exclaimed, startling him.
Part 8
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ahsbitch · 4 years
The Grey-Outpost!Michael Langdon x Reader
Word Count: 5143
Summary: So I got this message for my prompts and it was supposed to just be a blurb like the others but it was already getting way too long and then I realized it would fit really well with a oneshot idea I had a month or two ago sooo here we are
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Warnings: so many, nsfw, smut, virginity loss, first time, first orgasm, actually first three lmao, fingering, choking, Mean!Michael, slapping, overstimulation, emotional manipulation, brief blowjob, unprotected sex, breeding kink, a little bit of corset kink, some cockwarming bc it’s me, very Sub!Reader, also overly nice reader which probably doesn’t need a warning but I’m putting it anyway, , mentions of violence, some waxing poetic bc again that’s just me, floor licking, some?underwear stuff? Idk man, did I mention swearing bc that’s here too, idk, that’s all I can think of but my brain is not entirely focused so if I missed something I’m sorry
A/N: I’m sorry I’m like this but I hope it’s okay. Comments are always appreciated! Even just in the tags of a reblog! Or a message! Or anything! Hearing your reactions makes me feel so good!
Mini Tag List: @wroteclassicaly​ @michaellangdonstanaccount​ @guiltyfiend​
(i actually don’t remember if all of you asked to be tagged in stuff or not so if you didn’t i’m really sorry i just thought i’d put a few people, if you want me to...Not tag you in stuff that’s totally cool and i totally get it just let me know, if you do want me to tag you in stuff also let me know on that front) 
You confused Michael Langdon. 
It wasn’t intentional, he was sure, but he was not used to being confused by the behavior of humans.
You also annoyed him, although that was less surprising. 
Most people annoyed him. 
But you annoyed him for the same reason that you confused him, and that just made him all the more confused and annoyed and annoyed and confused. 
How the hell were you so nice? 
You treated everyone who crossed your path with such kindness, even though most of them treated you like you were dog shit on the bottom of their shoe. And you simply...smiled? Nodded? Did as they said, if they gave an order, or ignored them if it was just words. 
He had never even seen you complain about your servant status, never seen you look at the drab grey of your dress with even an ounce of disdain. 
He’d taken to reading your thoughts, even more than he did with the others, trying to find the cruelty hidden inside you. 
Once, one of the Purples whose name Michael hadn’t bothered to learn had walked into a ladder that you were standing on for some job or another, and you had fallen to the ground, landing hard on your back. The Purple had cursed at you for getting in his way, and you apologized instantly. 
What an asshole, You had thought, and Michael had started to get excited, but a moment later you had shaken your head at yourself, and your thoughts continued, No, Y/N, don’t be unfair. They live a different type of life here. It’s not his fault that he sees me like this at this point, he’s practically been indoctrinated.
What utter bullshit that was, and yet you’d seemed completely contented with that thought, climbing back onto the ladder to finish your task. 
Another time he had walked in on you being beaten while Venable watching, smirking. He had simply stared for a while, watching the way you took your blows. 
“What’s going on?” Michael had asked, blood boiling at Venable’s smug expression. 
“A reminder. She’s been a bit slow in her work lately. Distracted, I think, with your proposal of paradise. She needed to remember her place.” 
He had nodded, turning back to observe you, listening for your reaction to those words. 
I haven’t been slower, though. She’s just been angrier. Poor Ms. Venable, she must be scared. I wish she wouldn’t take it out on me, Your stream of thought had paused as you let out a cry of pain, But I hope that she’ll find some type of peace. 
In interviews, Michael had started to ask about you. 
“She’s nice,” Gallant had said rather dismissively, “That’s about it. Not memorable. I don’t think anyone would miss her.” 
“She helps everyone finish their work, even though she has her own,” Another Grey had said, tilting his head to the side in thought, “I saw her take a beating in Mallory’s place once for a broken lamp. I don’t think that’s the only time she’s done that, either. She’s a little too sweet, almost. It can’t be real, can it?”
That was Michael’s thought too, but you were that sweet, or so it seemed. 
He’d begun instructing everyone during their interviews to either completely ignore you or be cruel to you, to treat you with extra disdain, to not bother with respect. He’d told Purples and Greys alike, had watched out to see them following his orders. They were doing it, and you were slowly becoming more and more alone,and yet you never so much as thought anything cruel in return. From time to time, a nasty thought would pop into your head, but you always brushed it away almost instantly, scolding yourself into something overly forgiving of their behavior. Still, you were lonelier than ever, and that meant that it would be all the easier to draw you to him. 
Your interview was the last one that was scheduled, and with every moment that led up to it he found himself getting more and more ready to break you down, and every time he thought of that he found his cock getting harder and harder. 
He was going to ruin you, in more ways than one. 
And then the interview had started, you sitting in your chair with your hands folded neatly in your lap, steadfastly avoiding eye contact with him, a polite smile on your face, and something had snapped deep inside him. 
He wasn’t sure what did it. Maybe it was your answer to why you should be taken to the Sanctuary. 
“I don’t know that I should,” You’d said simply, your damned respectful smile never wavering, “I mean, it would be nice. But I’m not particularly special, right? And if the Sanctuary is meant to be people carrying on the human race, shouldn’t it be the people who are going to make the biggest difference? I know you said that what I thought i was weakness could be my saving, and I get that, I just don’t know if I have any particular weaknesses or any particular saving graces. If you need someone to wash floors or cook in the Sanctuary, then yeah, I’m pretty good at those things. You might want me. But I don’t know that I have any particular talents or powers that would make me more useful than anyone else.” 
Maybe it was what you had said when he’d asked about your anger, about whether or not you would get revenge on any of the others for the way they’d treated you, if you got the chance.
You shrugged, taking a few moments to think about your answer before you spoke, “No. I don’t blame them for it, not really. The world ended. The fact that any of us are alive is strange enough as it is. Them being cruel is probably more of a defense mechanism than anything else. I wish they wouldn’t use me for their anger, or their disdain, or their sadness, I kinda wish they’d just leave me alone sometimes, but I wouldn’t want to get revenge even if I got the chance. I don’t think they deserve to be treated badly, even if they’ve treated me badly.” 
But most likely, it had been your answer when he’d asked what exactly you were thinking about right in that moment. 
“The end of the world, Mr. Langdon, sir,” Your smile finally dropped for just a moment, your embarrassment evident, “And your eyes. They’re very beautiful. I was thinking that heaven probably isn’t real, but if it is, it probably looks something like your eyes. But of course it’s much more likely that hell is real, based on recent events, in which case it probably looks something like the world we live in right now.” 
Michael had stood, instructing you to do the same, and within moments his lips were on yours. 
Yes, he was going to ruin you in every way possible. 
This was so totally not how you had planned for your interview to go. 
Was it how Langdon had planned for it to go? Maybe. You wondered vacantly if this had happened with all of his other interviews, if all of them had found themselves lying on the floor, pinned underneath him, feeling him hungrily devouring their mouths in perhaps the best kiss that anyone had ever experienced. 
He trailed kisses down to your throat, hot, open mouthed, that you felt even though they were over the high collar of your dress, and he bit down hard, sucking harshly through the fabric. 
“Fuck!” You groaned out, feeling your skin go hot with embarrassment over the noises you were making. 
“Don’t hold back, pet,” He moved his mouth to your ear, kissing the spot just behind your earlobe as he murmured, “You make the most delightful little noises.” 
This served only to embarrass you more, and you chewed on the inside of your cheek to try and hide the moans that threatened to spill from you. 
Langdon’s hand made its way to your neck, squeezing at it as he pulled your head up closer to his, and you let out a pained whine at the pressure his palm put onto the sore spot he had just left on your throat, “Did you not hear me? Don’t hold back. I expect you to follow my orders. I’d think you’d be used to that by now.” 
“I’m sorry, sir,” You let out a strangled cry, and with a sharp smile he finally released you, letting your head drop back against the floor. 
“Next time you don’t listen to me, you will be,” He chuckled at your terrified expression, but after a moment he froze, raising a curious eyebrow at you, “What are you thinking about right now?” 
You weren’t naive enough to think that he actually cared about how you were feeling, but you answered anyway, scared of what may happen if you didn’t, “Honestly? I’m trying to decide if I’m more likely to be murdered by you or by Ms. Venable.” 
Langdon laughed again, moving off of you and leaning against the wall. He looked oddly comfortable like that, although you wouldn’t be surprised if his outfit cost more than the entire Outpost, and with a wolfish grin he patted his lap gently. 
You frowned, unsure of what that meant, but Langdon simply rolled his eyes and wrapped a hand around your wrist, tugging you into his lap. 
This was… odd.
After a moment, he gripped both of your wrists, raising your arms up and placing them on his shoulders, and you locked your fingers around the back of his neck, staring dumbly at him as you did so. 
His legs extended straight out, but he held you steady in his lap, arm wrapped your hips, your own legs perpendicular to his. 
This was very odd. 
“Now tell me,” It was interesting, the way Langdon’s words sounded more like a purr, “Why do you think that I would kill you?” 
Shyly you dropped your gaze, but then his hand was under your chin, lifting until you looked him in the eye, and you shrugged, “I mean… you said you would. It was like the first thing you told me when I came in. That if I lied or hedged or anything like that you’d...y’know...obliterate me.” 
“And have you lied to me?” His voice was sharp now, his eyes dangerous, although something playful still danced around the edges of his lips. 
“No!” You flinched, prepared for him to hit you even though he made no movement to do so, and after a minute, after you’d realized that no strike was coming, you blinked at him, “I, uh, no, sir. But you’re, well, forgive me for saying so, Mr. Langdon, but you’re very intimidating.” 
He was frowning now, just a little, and you probably wouldn’t have even noticed if you hadn’t been so fascinated by his mouth, “I’m glad you find me intimidating. I’d be a bit concerned for your sanity if you didn’t. But I have no plans at the moment to kill you, and as long as you keep telling me the truth like this, I doubt it’ll arise. Now, why would Venable kill you?” 
“She’s strict about her rules,” You felt your face heating up again, “No sexual contact of any kind. And we, y’know, we kissed. If she finds out, well, she’d even kill a Purple for breaking the rules so explicitly like that. She’d kill a Grey for a lot less.” 
“And we’ll be doing a lot more,” Langdon’s smooth voice echoed in your ears, and you shivered slightly at the insinuation, “Venable will not touch you.”
“Why not?” Your curiosity got the better of you, and you asked before you could think about the fact that it was probably a bad idea. 
Luckily, Langdon did nothing more than chuckle at you again, shifting slightly underneath you, “Because if anyone here is going to harm you, pet, it’s going to be me.” 
For some reason, his words made you clench your thighs, and you swallowed to avoid letting out a whine. 
“Yes sir,” You said softly, and then, when he’d started pressing kisses along your jaw, “There’s one more thing.” 
“And what would that be?” 
Clearing your throat, you fought to keep holding eye contact with him, “I don’t, I mean, I don’t want to be one of those people who fucks someone to get something. I don’t want to sleep with you just in hopes of going to the Sanctuary, especially because you could easily say you’re going to take me until after we’re done and then tell me you’ve changed your mind or something. I don’t want that. I’d rather you just... tell me the truth now.” 
“Alright,” Sighing, Langdon straightened up a little, shifting beneath you again so that you suddenly became aware of his erection pressing into you, “You’re not going to the Sanctuary, Y/N. Not even if we fuck. And we are going to fuck, you understand that, right?” 
“Yes sir,” You felt your gaze drop to his lips once more, “I understand. The Sanctuary thing and the fucking thing. May I please kiss you again?” 
“Not only may you do so, but I insist that you do,” His voice was cold now, but one look into his eyes showed you that he was pleased about this, and you frantically brought your mouth to his. 
Langdon slammed you back to the ground, and your head cracked loudly against the marble floor, making you feel a bit dizzy, and then his fingers found their way between the buttons of your dress and he pulled sharply, ripping it in half, and that made you feel even dizzier.
Holy fuck, how strong was he? 
“Lovely,” He murmured, his mouth running over your collarbones and up the curves of your neck, sucking dark bruises onto your skin as he went, “Don’t forget what I told you. I want to hear every single one of your sounds, understood?”
“Yes sir,” Your hands made their way to his hair almost of their own accord as he continued on, mouth drifting down to swirl over your covered nipples. 
“Turn around,” Langdon commanded, and he hummed his approval when you followed his instructions in merely a moment, kneeling before him but facing the wall. 
His long fingers made their way to the ties of your corset, beginning to work on the knot, and he frowned, “This is tied very tightly, pet. Doesn’t it hurt?” 
“I had Mallory tie it extra tightly for me, so I would have something to focus on other than my nerves for the interview,” You let out a hiss of relief as the corset came untied, “It wouldn’t hurt much, but you’re supposed to wear something under a corset, and Ms. Venable doesn’t give the Greys anything to wear under our corsets because she says our comfort isn’t a priority. So it kinda digs into my-ow, fuck, my skin.”
Your cry of distress had come when Langdon’s hands had pressed hard into the red marks that marred your back from your corset. 
“It really has done a number on you,” He helped you unclasp the front of your corset and slip it off, before bringing his hands to your hips, “Get on all fours.” 
You did as he said, unsure of why exactly he was asking you to do so, but you understood a moment later when the wet warmth of his tongue began to stroke along your spine. He licked along each mark that had been left behind, leaving a trail of coolness to follow, and although it stung with each moment of contact, it left some relief as he went. You mewled at the feeling, back arching towards him, desperate for more. 
“Feel better?” He purred, now drawing his nose around your spine.
“Yes,” You sighed pleasantly, “Thank-fuck!”
Langdon had shifted his arms so that one ran under your stomach, holding you in place, and with the other he brought his palm down on your back with all his strength. 
Tears were starting to spill from your eyes, leaving a puddle on the floor as he struck you four more times in quick, painful succession. 
“Aw, does it hurt, pet?” He was cooing at you, voice light and mocking, “Look at you. You’ve made a mess on my floor. Clean that up for me, yes?” 
Unsure of what that meant, you tried to look back at him to ask, but Langdon wrapped his hand around your neck and forced your head to the floor, his entire body pressed against yours, “Clean it up.” 
Hesitantly, you reached your tongue out to the floor, scooping the salty moisture up carefully. The pressure on your throat lightened up so that you could breathe more easily, but he didn’t remove his hand, and you frantically licked the rest of your tears off of the floor. 
Letting you sit up, he smirked at your shy smile, examining the floor carefully before praising you, “Wonderful job, pet. But it appears that the mess on the floor isn’t your only one. You seem to have made quite a mess down here as well.”
With that his hand cupped your pussy over your panties, which had become thoroughly soaked through. He pulled them down slowly, a rumble rolling past his lips at the sound the fabric made as it tried to cling to your damp flesh. He gave a tug and ripped them off of your thighs, bringing the shredded remains up to his face to examine it closely. Staring into your eyes, he poked his tongue out of his mouth and brought it to the fabric, laving slowly over the wetness that coated it. You moaned loudly at the sight, squeezing your thighs together. 
When Langdon was satisfied that he had gotten every drop of your essence off of the scraps of your underwear he tossed them carelessly in the direction of his desk, and then his tongue was on you once again, this time drawing painfully slow stripes from your knee up your inner thigh, ending just at your hip bone. 
“Did you like watching me?” There was amusement in his voice, a kind of mirth that could almost be mistaken for warmth, as he licked closer and closer to where you wanted him most, never deigning to touch you there, “Did it make you even more wet for me? Do you want me to eat your pretty little pussy until you can’t walk? Want me to let you drench my face?” 
“Please, yes, please!” You keened towards him and Langdon clamped his hands onto your thighs to hold you in place, bringing his thumbs down to spread your pussy lips open. There was something so intimately dirty about it that you let out another long moan, his breath fanning hot air against your folds, “Langdon, please, I’ll do anything you ask.”
He scoffed, nuzzling his nose over your entrance, “You’d do anything I asked anyway. But I will say, you have just about the sweetest pussy I’ve ever seen. And you smell divine, pet.” 
Whimpering, you tried to rut up to his mouth, wanting so badly to feel him against you, “Please, sir, Langdon, please, what do I have to do for you to touch me?” 
At those words, Langdon moved away from you completely, now not even letting his fingers drift over your skin, “Was I not touching you before? You’re incredibly ungrateful for someone who I could kill with less than the blink of an eye.” 
“I’m sorry,” You scrabbled to your knees, legs shaking, “I’m sorry, Mr. Langdon, I didn’t mean to be ungrateful. I’m so grateful to you, I am, I’m sorry.” 
“As you should be,” He sneered, but the bulge in his pants looked even larger than it had before, and the corners of his lips twitched up, “You do look very good on your knees for me. I think this is the position you’re meant to be in, the reason you were put on this earth. Why else would you look so lovely like this, look like such a pretty little slut? Open your mouth for me, pet.” 
This is happening. This is actually happening.
Eagerly, you complied, wrenching your mouth as wide open as you could, desperate to please him. Langdon unzipped his dress pants, reaching into his boxers and stroking himself, letting out a deep and rumbly groan as he finally pulled himself out. 
His cock was... beautiful? You hadn’t expected to find it so beautiful. The few dicks you had seen you had mostly found odd, fine enough but not particularly nice to look at, but Langdon’s looked like it had been carved by Michelangelo himself. 
It was also huge, as thick as your wrist and at least as long as your forearm, the tip a throbbing angry crimson. It was veiny, and you would’ve expected that to be strange but it just made it even prettier, an extra long and thick vein running up the side that oddly made your mouth water. 
A fresh wave of desire pulsed through you, but that didn’t stop your worry as he approached you, speaking your anxiety out loud, “Is that... I mean, is that going to fit?” 
Chuckling, Langdon pushed himself into your mouth with no warning, holding the back of your head with one hand as he began an intense, bruising pace, “What’s the matter, little whore? Never been with someone this big?”
That’s one way to put it. 
He froze suddenly, buried down your throat, his pelvic bone pressed against your nose, and slowly he looked down at you with a raised eyebrow, “Wait, you’re a virgin?”
You nodded slowly, and Langdon hissed at the movement, slowly pulling himself away from you, “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“You didn’t ask,” You shrugged, bringing a hand up to massage your jaw, “I didn’t think it would matter, I’m sorry. Does it change things?” 
Langdon gripped your hair, and he pulled you to your feet and into a bruising kiss all in one swift movement. Then his hands were all over you, stroking your skin fervently as he led you to his chair, sitting down and pulling you into his lap once more. The feeling of his dress pants against your bare skin was sinfully lovely, and you were suddenly aware of how exposed you were, when you could see almost nothing of him. 
After what felt like hours, he pulled away from you, his eyes dancing with something deeply dangerous, a brilliant smile on his face, “Of course it matters, pet I wouldn’t have even considered wasting any of my cum in your mouth if I knew your perfect cunt was untouched, waiting for me.” 
You let out a cry as he grabbed onto your hips tightly, beginning to draw you up and down over his length. His cock pressed into your folds, rubbing your clit, and every time he approached your entrance you gasped, “Holy, oh my, fuck, that feels good, Langdon I-”
“Michael,” He interrupted, moving you faster. 
“What?” You blinked up at him in confusion, and he felt his cock twitch at the sight.
“My name is Michael Langdon,” He pressed a kiss to your neck, beginning to suck a new line of hickeys, “You can call me Michael.” 
“Michael,” You sighed, clenching around nothing as a strange sensation started to boil in your stomach, something so pleasureful that you didn’t know what was happening, “Oh, fuck, Michael, you feel so good, please, can’t you just fuck me?” 
“Oh believe me, I’m going to,” His cock was twitching even more now, your name so perfect from his mouth, “But you have to be ready for it first. Come on, pet, come for me, just like this.” 
You mewled, your fingers digging into his shoulders as the boiling in your stomach became more, became overwhelming, and you squeezed your eyes shut as you let out a desperate shriek. 
“I didn’t, oh fuck, oh god, I didn’t know it would feel that good,” You panted, and Michael raised an eyebrow at you yet again as you buried your face in his shoulder. 
“Have you... have you never had an orgasm before?” 
You shook your head against him, letting out another gasp as one of his fingers started to toy around your entrance, “No, I haven’t. I mean, I thought I might have once, but it was nothing like that.”
“Have you ever had any fingers inside you?” He asked, even as he was already easing a finger into you, giving your walls a single stroke before he pushed two more in. 
“No!” You shrieked, the foreign sensation making you buck your hips wildly, “I, I mean, no, I haven’t.” 
Cock throbbing harder than ever before, Michael began to scissor his fingers around, stretching you out, “Fascinating. My little whore is so inexperienced.”
Moaning at his words, you lurched when his middle finger hit a spot deep inside you that made you see stars, “M-m-Michael, please!”
“M-m-Michael! M-m-Michael!” He mocked you, scooping the hand that wasn’t busy working you open under your ass, shifting out of the seat and lowering you to the ground, his mouth finding its way to your tits, “Wait, pet. Be a patient slut for me and you’ll be rewarded.” 
You nodded as he bit your nipple, toying with it roughly before kissing over to the other side, “Sorry, sorry, oh holy fuck that feels good.” 
Another orgasm was forming deep within you, more mewls leaving your throat as you desperately started to claw at his back, “Michael, fuck, Michael, I’m going to-”
“Good girl,” He purred, pulling his fingers out of you just as you started to cum, and then he slammed his cock into you with no warning, delighting in the bloodcurdling scream that you let out, letting out a guttural moan, “You’re so good for me, aren’t you? Desperate little slut, you were so ready for me to stretch you out, huh?”
“Wait, Michael,” You let out a sob, your cunt pulsing with overstimulation, “Michael, it’s too much, it hurts, please.” 
He was completely bottomed out in you, not moving yet, but he brought both hands up to wrap around your throat, cutting off all of your air, “Now now, pet, that’s no way to thank me for being so kind to you. You’ve cum twice now, haven’t you? And have I gotten to cum even once? No. Now, are you going to be good for me?” 
You nodded fervently, and he released you, leaving you gasping, “Sorry, sorry, Michael. I’m sorry.” 
“Good,” Michael started to pull out of you ever so slowly, moving at a glacial pace until just his tip was inside of you before thrusting in again, filling you up once more, “Oh, you feel good. Your pussy is fluttering all around me. But I should tell you, Y/N, I lied to you.” 
You let out another shaky sob as he hooked his hands under your knees and stretched your legs up, throwing them over his shoulders, continuing his pace of slow drags out followed by impossibly fast thrusts in, your hands scrambling for purchase on the smooth silk that covered his back, “Wh-what? What do you mean?” 
“I told you I wasn’t going to take you to the Sanctuary,” He grunted, his pace getting somehow even slower, in and out both, your slapping skin making loud, lewd noises, “I lied. I am. I’m going to pump you full of my cum, pet, until you’re overflowing with me. I’m going to breed you like the whore you are, and then we’re going to rule over the new world, together.” 
“I don’t understand,” Shrieking again, a whine bubbling out of your throat, you gasped as his hands moved to your tits once more, “Please, Michael, please can you go faster?”
It still hurt, but it was getting better, the pain being overrun with the pleasure. 
Michael complied, slamming into you, setting such a brutal, bruising pace that you were sure you could feel him all the way up in your stomach, “That’s my good little pet. Look at this, your pussy is devouring me. I’m going to wreck you, gonna mold your pussy around my dick so that you know that no one else will ever be able to make you feel good. Your perfect little pussy was made for me, and me alone. You were made for me. Your pussy, your ass, your mouth, these perfect tits,” He gave your breasts a harsh squeeze, running his thumbs over your nipples as you let out another scream, “They’re gonna be full of milk before you know it, filled up for our baby. Do you want to have my baby, pet? Do you want me to breed you? Fill you up? Ruin you for anyone else with my cock?” 
“Yes!” You sobbed, although you were barely conscious of what you were saying, barely even conscious of what he was saying, another orgasm fast approaching, “Michael, please! Fill me up! I need you!”
“Then cum for me,” Growling, he brought his nose down to touch yours, “Squeeze my cock with that tight pussy of yours, finish for me, and accept my seed knowing that you belong to me now, understood?” 
“Yes, yes, yes! Michael, I’m yours, I belong to you, yes!” Your screams were echoing around the room now, but you couldn’t hold back, not when he felt so good, and this time rather than a boiling in your stomach your orgasm felt like an awakening, like you were being reborn. 
You came harder than you knew was possible and Michael quickly followed suit, pumping you full of his thick, hot ropes of cum, more than he had ever cum before, filling you all the way up. 
Whimpering, you sat up, and rather than letting you move away Michael pulled you to his lap and dragged himself to the wall to lean against once again, hushing your mewls with a kiss, “Good girl. That’s my good little pet. I’m gonna stay inside you, okay? Gotta make sure you don’t lose a single drop.”
Nodding, you felt your eyelids start to flutter, your head dropping to his chest, “Yes, Michael. I’m...I’m so tired.”
“I know you are, little one, I know you are. Get some rest now. No one will interrupt us. Rest, my sweet, and have dreams of the future we will build together,” He pressed a kiss to your forehead, pulling you impossibly closer to his chest, and letting out a happy hum as he felt you already drifting off, and before he did the same he whispered in your ear, “I’m proud of you.”
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A Bother
Shigaraki x reader
AN: I hope I got shigaraki’s character right. I really do. I’ve been hanging on to this idea for a while now, I hope I do it justice. Maybe I’ll do a reader and LOV continuation and have the reader have some time with each member of the league? Maybe....
Kamino was quiet. The low buzz of neon lights and the rumble of a lone car passing lulled the city into an early sleep. Shigaraki thrummed his fingers on the bar; the silence was unnerving to him. He was used to the bustling sounds of the rest of the league. Dabi, of course, was no where to be seen, and probably wouldn’t show back up unless specifically asked. Toga and Twice had came in earlier that day, said something about a small festival outside of town, and had merrily made their way out of the door. That was six hours ago.
‘Hope they don’t get spotted,” Shigaraki thought. ‘It would be bad for the league.’
Shigaraki was roused from his thoughts by the shuffling of crates and bottles in the back. Figuring it was Kurogiri, the young man sighed and stood up, stretching his legs. God, waiting to do something was brutal, but waiting to do nothing was even worse. The league was annoying, yes, but at least they were stimulating. At this point, Shigaraki was down for anything or anyone to provide a distraction. As he finished stretching, Shigaraki moved to behind the bar, deciding to pour some scotch. As he grabbed the glasses, he heard the back door creak open and swing shut.
“Kurogiri? That you?” he asked.
“Ha! No! It’s Y/N!”
Shigaraki rolled his eyes. Y/N. The newest recruit. Extremely efficient at their job; the league had more information on heroes and their whereabouts than every thanks to their skills at reconnaissance. However, they never stuck around for long, and as such, Shigaraki didn’t know much about them. The last thing he wanted right now was more awkwardness added to the silence of the bar.
As he finished pouring his drink, Y/N stomped into view from the back. On their arm, the small lizard they used in their spying flitted up and down. That was another irk of Shigaraki’s that made him uneasy about spending time around Y/N. The animals were everywhere. Y/N could talk and control animals to some extent, and as such, the vermin were always around. On their first meeting, Shigaraki was bitten by one of Y/N’s rats. Closing his eyes, Shigaraki could swear he could still feel the teeth in his ankle.
“No one else here yet? It’s Saturday. Usually, we all crash here just a little bit on the weekends, at least, that what I thought,” Y/N asked. They sat down at the bar, watching their little reptilian friend hop off their arm and make a home for itself in a bundle of napkins.
Shigaraki shrugged.
“Dabi is a no-show most of the time. Toga and Twice found something to do. Kurogiri has popped in and out of here; he’s busy with some stuff for the league. It’s just me.”
“Oh. Well, that’s okay! We can still hang out! Ain’t that right, Draco?” Y/N looked down at the napkins that held their lizard. On hearing his name, Draco poked his head out of his makeshift blanket. Shigaraki said nothing, opting instead to take his drink and step out from behind the bar. Y/N’s eyes followed him as he made his way across the room to a booth. Setting his feet up, Shigaraki removed Father from his face and stared at the ceiling, sipping on his drink.
Silence fell over the room. Y/N wiggled in their seat before grabbing Draco and placing him on their head. The little lizard squawked indignantly, but nonetheless stayed on Y/N’s scalp. Making their way to where Shigaraki sat, Y/N watched him drink for a moment before deciding to sit opposite to him in the booth. After a while, Y/N started to thrum their fingers on the table in front of them.
“Sooo...” Y/N started.
“Ah. Well, nothing. Just, must be hard, doing what you do. Organizing stuff, planning, I think it’s cool.”
Shigaraki felt his eyebrow twitch. He had never been called cool or considered himself as such. Clearing his throat, Shigaraki sat up and resigned himself to looking everywhere but in Y/N’s eye.
“Yeah, well. It’s nice to be appreciated for once. About time,” he said.
Y/N snorted.
“I’m sure the rest of the league appreciates you, Shig. I mean, we haven’t spent that much time together, but I still appreciate you,” Y/N said.
“Yeah. Whatever,” Shigaraki said. He felt the skin on his neck start to crawl; being complimented was something he was not used to, and it was putting him a little on edge.
Y/N, on the other hand, didn’t seem to notice her companion’s discomfort. They opted instead to play with the lizard that had since made its way to the table surface. Shigaraki watched as Y/N poked at the reptile with a straw; the lizard would swing at the straw with its tail, and the two would repeat the game, accompanied with the sound of Y/N’s giggles.
“Do you wanna touch Draco?” Y/N asked.
Shigaraki looked up. Y/N was still messing with their pet and hadn’t even moved while asking the question. Thinking his mind was playing tricks on him, Shigaraki took another sip from his drink and tried his best to ignore the two.
“Did you hear me? C’mon, Draco loves his belly scratches!” Y/N goaded. They finally looked up at Shigaraki with a smile and wide eyes. Y/N used one finger to prod Draco over to Shigaraki.
“No,” Shigaraki said.
“Aw c’mon! Look at him! Say ‘hi’, Draco!” Y/N said.
Draco shimmied over to the edge of the table, and he circled around himself before plopping in front of Shigaraki. Shigaraki glared down at the reptile and sneered.
“Take your little friend back. I’ll dust him,” Shigaraki growled. Y/N sighed and held out their hand. Draco, however, didn’t move. Squeaks came from the animal, and Shigaraki rolled his eyes.
Y/N huffed.
“C’mon, Draco. Shiggs doesn’t wanna play,” Y/N said. They extended their palm again, only to be swatted by Draco’s tail. Draco trilled and edged closer to Shigaraki, who grumbled and looked the other way.
“Look, even if I wanted to, I’d literally dust him. Get your lizard away from me.”
Y/N squinted and frowned.
“I mean, it shouldn’t hurt if you just use one finger, right?” Y/N asked. “I trust you...and it looks like Draco does too!”
Draco trilled excitedly.
“Fine. But it’s not my fault if you have to get a new ‘friend’,” Shigaraki said. Slowly, he extended a finger to Draco’s head. Y/N held their breath as Draco was pet, once, twice, three times before Shigaraki quickly retracted his finger. A happy chirp sounded from the small lizard, and Draco shivered happily before scurrying back to Y/N’s hand.
“C’mere you spoiled little rascal,” Y/N said. “And don’t you bother Shigaraki again.” Y/N put Draco back on their head, and Draco happily made himself home on their perch. Shigaraki watched the two, feeling his face heat. His neck started to itch again, and Shigaraki rolled his eyes and stood as he scratched his neck.
“Whatever. It wasn’t a bother.”
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