#okay this is the last one and i am...  super impressed with myself
nite-puff · 11 months
fuck it! gay robots!
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ishimondo wall-e au! it came to me in a dream.
mondo (… M.O.N.D-0???) is the last robot standing cleaning up earth when he gets a surprise visit from a rocket ship. on that ship is taka (… T.A.K.A???) who has been sent to find any proof that earth can support life once again. the two meet and shenanigans ensue. maybe they fall in love???
anyways, more rambling from me about these two under the cut.
okay! so my main thing with mondo and his behavior is that it’s all based on him being the last being on earth, so he really doesn’t have anyone around him (other than his pet cockroach, chuck!) and therefore doesn’t feel the need to act a certain way to impress anyone. so this is version of mondo is if he didn’t have a whole bunch of self-image issues and just was his funki and cringe self. he literally is cringe and free.
after years having to clean up earth, he’s grown an affinity for the little things to pass the time. like collecting little knick-knacks he finds on the job to bring back home or making figures out of the cubes of trash he makes. he’s a little artist and collector.
taka on the other hand is at first rigid and is set out to complete his directive because it’s what he was made to do. he has a whole population back on the axium counting on him to find any traces of life on earth (or so he thinks). he does occasionally display some signs of humanity and happiness. he feels warmth in the little things as well, like a cockroach or bubble wrap or a lighter. he’s enthralled and wants to know more about this strange place but can’t because he has a job to do. maybe the strange little robot guy he meets doesn’t throw him off his course.
design stuff! i know i made mondo look less… anthro ig??? in his design than taka, but i wanted to make up for it by “personalizing” him a bit. he’s doodled all over himself and he thinks his trousers make him look nice. maybe he thinks the doodles look badass because they’re like tattoos. i also did that to contrast more with taka, who looks spotless. i was considering giving him legs, but remembered that of course he would have wheels. biker, and alla that. he was born to roll around. and i don’t think it’s noticeable, but i tried to make his arms and hands bigger than wall-e’s because he’s a little stronger. in this au, mondo doesn’t do the trash compacting his his little cube body, but with his hands (to keep with the idea that mondo likes to work and creat stuff with his hands). so he needs to have bigger and more efficient tools. also, i changed his wheels to be diamond shaped.
taka meanwhile was super easy to design. he and eve have sorta similar design qualities, like a majority white color palette and very simple shapes with not a lot of detail going on. very easy to mix the two. the idea of his design is what spurred me into thinking about this au. the one thing i’ll point out is that i made eve’s little dots that pop up when she scans things vertical so that it can sort of resemble taka’s medal. idk i thought it was neat.
(also, if im being completely honest with myself, if taka was actually any wall-e character, he would be MO. just an angry gremlin that musters up the courage to stray off his path because he is so determined to clean up wall-e’s mess. and then they become friends at the end. he just gives off taka energy.)
anyways, that’s it for right now. im pretty satisfied with taka’s design, but im considering changing some things on mondo’s. mainly the color palette.
am i gonna turn this into a full-fledged story??probably not, but maybe i’ll add more onto it in the near future. like assigning other characters.
wall-e’s a cute movie. gotta put the blorbos in it.
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thecomfywriter · 29 days
🤬AITA tag game 🤬
thank you for the tags @mysticstarlightduck @theink-stainedfolk @drchenquill @wyked-ao3 and @the-golden-comet. if you also tagged me and i missed you, SORRY. i'm super excited for this one because it seems super interesting, and AITA threads are my guilty pleasure. OKAYYY, let's get into it :)
This will be for ToV. Guess who the narrator is lol.
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AITA for saving the life of the man who killed my mother (by indirectly causing a massacre) and making him my mentor?
Okay. I understand the title sounds bad. I promise you-- the situation is more nuanced than the whims of my clickbait. Please read this post in full, as, while all my peers do not treat me as an asshole, they certainly treat me as a dunce for getting involved.
I (17M) live in a queendom called Soilaila. Our queen (Von Doro, ??? age) is a dragon, I should mention, and lives within the volcano that landmarks our nation. It is her monarchial responsibility to ensure the volcano does not explode. Which is why I do not understand why more blame is not denoted to her for detonating the volcano 16 years ago and killing all her citizens. My mother included.
Everyone blames Hilbert (~150+?? M), and while I understand Hilbert may have murdered all of the queen's children and made an attempt on her life as well, he only made his assassination attempt under the counsel of the Jervees, so really, they are to blame. And besides-- it was not as though Hilbert killed all the dragons alone that he should solely be blamed! Everyone in Soilaila acts as though they did not take up arm and spear alongside him during the Dragon Hunts that inspired Von Doro's wrath.
Apologies. I am rambling. My point being, Hilbert had self-exiled himself 16 years ago after the Incident, and none of us had seen him since. Until last Tuesday. I was on a walk in the Bazaar when I see a mob of people holding an old man up by his arms, using him as a punching bag! They were kicking him black and blue, taking their belts off to use as whips, lashing his skin with leather and steel.
This is the part where, apparently, I am the asshole. I go up to the crowd and I tell them to stop. They were beating up an old man after all! And then they tell me the old man is Hilbert, and I cannot simply back out of my allegiance at this point, so I tell these grieving parents, "Does it matter?" and that they were ultimately in the wrong for choosing revenge over peace.
I got them to stop (a very painful pursuit, may I add. One that has resulted in bruises and lashes on my own back and legs), but at the end of it, I had promised to take Hilbert to the Jervees for his arrest.
This is also where I may have screwed up.
I did not take him to the Jervees. I tried to take him home, and on the way, as he told me stories of his youth and the truth of the Incident... Trust me-- after the truths and conspiracies he revealed, I have no trouble believing him when he says he is a victim to the Incident, more than anyone else in Soilaila. Regardless, seeing such an impressive man in front of me, I requested he become my mentor in exchange for my allegiance and protection from all those who wish to convict or harm him in Soilaila.
But now, everyone thinks me idiotic for believing him! Even though I know he is telling the truth.
I do not think I am an asshole for giving this old man a chance. Yes, he has made some mistakes in his past. And yes, his ledger is unbearably red with violent crimes. But do people not have the liberty to change? To try to improve themselves and be better? Why is it all "second chances!" and "heal and forgive!" until it actually comes to healing and forgiving? And why are all my friends trying their absolute damnest to separate me from Hilbert? If anything, I would reckon they were the assholes more than Hilbert or myself.
EDIT: everyone keeps asking me how my father feels in this situation. I will admit-- he is rather betrayed and sees me as a failure of a son. But if he saw me as anything more than that to begin with, perhaps I would not need to seek out Hilbert's company at all.
EDIT #2: This post is reaching unfathomable audiences who are all calling me naive. Trust me-- you do not know the whole story. Hilbert's methods of convincing me of the truth are not so much as manipulation as much as they are "revelations of reality."
EDIT #3: This is going to be my last edit on this post, as it seems some people are simply bound to their opinions. That is alright. We are fated to disagree with one another. But for everyone asking me why I am comfortable blaming Von Doro for the death of my mother and not Hilbert, I would like you to read your question out loud. Why do I not blame the man who indirectly triggered the person who killed my mother in rage? Does that makes sense to you?
EDIT #4: you all were right.
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leaving this as an +open tag for any and all of my followers to enjoy! Happy Writing :)
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TCW Crew:
@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @bookwormclover
@kind-lion @mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill
@storyteller-kara @dahliaontherun @writingismydrugs
@authorcoledipalo @sm-writes-chaos @illarian-rambling
@pexchys @an-indecisive-nerd @thelovelymachinery
@bookwormclover @kaeru483
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babiebom · 9 months
How I felt about the bachelor/ettes my first time playing
A/N: mostly because my feelings about them have changed a great deal. Like don’t hate on me but I’ve disliked a lot of people due to first impressions. also I needed something to post since I’m writing very slowly because I’ve started work and have been sick for the last 509 years. I miss having free time to write. But a girl needs to make money I guess. The rest of the villagers will be in different parts!!
Tw: I hate more than half of them and am mean, cursing, maybe some sexual things but obviously not full on smut.
Wc: idk babe
Sdv Masterlist
Before we get into this I would also like to say that the way I met everyone was not on day one or day two. I think I met almost everyone like not one day at a time, but like I think it was after the Egg Festival that I had met everyone. ALSO the first time I played was with friends.
Immediately had a crush on the emo
Like going into the game I was like “I heard there was a town emo where is he?”
My friends also were like “you should find the emo”
Then when I found out his name I was like “?????from black butler?????”
“can he PLEASE leave his room now”
“Oh my god I was too busy fishing and missed when he left his room”
I stood outside his room for days and that’s why I never met anyone.
Considered going after him instead of Seb for a minute
Like I actually thought he was super cute and sweet
Thought his hair was stupid and cackled for a minute
Sang sk8ter boy after I saw him on a skateboard
And by sang I mean I sang the entire song to myself while running around the map.
Also laughed at his anime hair
He was standoffish and I said that I would stalk him bc wtf is your problem
Literally I was like? I will make him want me so bad because he’s being mean.
I got over him after him being mean a couple times though then decided I wanted to make him depressed
Then found out he was actually depressed and felt bad
I did not realize that he was a person because I never went into the clinic because I never needed to
Then when I met him I was like “OH YMCA!!!”
Idk why I thought ymca I’m so confused
Literally I never talked to him ever because I was focused on Sebastian.
I think he said something weird and I decided I wasn’t going after him
My friend then said HE was going after him because Alex was acting weird and y’know off to him bc he’s a guy( he does act different to men)
So I’d decided I wanted to mess with him and said “oh no I’m ALSO going to Alex’s house”
To which he told me to back off
Both me and my friend are petty enough to go after people that say they dislike us like absolutely not you’re not allowed
I thought he was an asshole
Not because he said something mean
But because he kept talking like a rich guy that knows everything
It annoyed me
I also thought he looked like the love interest on the cover of a weird romance novel
Then he said something about a crab in his pocket and I was like oh he’s me but not afraid of sea animals okay
Lmao me
She was reading under a tree and was very awkward
Also I thought she was really pretty
Like insanely pretty
I think I chose her as the woman that I would marry if I were into women and not obsessing over Sebastian.
I thought she was Penny and got VERY confused bc wasn’t she just wearing a skirt wtf
Then realized they were different
Then my friend decided she was going after her
So I decided that I wanted to befriend her because why not
I just like being a menace in games
Also thought she was a Lesbian immediately.
I thought she was the HOTTEST woman in the game
Then tried to befriend her
And she gave me mean girl vibes so I decided that I hated her
Literally made me feel like I was in school and being made fun of
Avoided her after that because absolutely not.
Technically mixed BUT BLACK GIRL
If you cannot tell I am a black girl and I got excited at the depiction of a black person that is nerdy and smart like actually
Thought she was very socially awkward like MAAM what?
I think I met her once then the next time I saw her was at one of the festivals?
Maybe it was the Luau when I finally talked to her again
And she just SLLLLLURPs
And I’m like????ok that’s gross but mood
I wish my hair was still blue
Literally my first thought
Then I was like??????? Who is this lady dancing wtf
I’m pretty sure I briefly met her during the first time I played with my friends but only like I clicked through her words so fast because I wanted to finish the meet everyone task so I could fuck Sebastian
So when I finally played alone and took the time to get to know people I was like???? Where’d she come from???
*clears throat* WIIIIIIITCH
Also I disliked her a lot
I’m pretty sure I hated her more than I hated Haley
And I’m pretty sure it was because her dialogue was like “go away” or something and I was annoyed like bitch this is the first time I’m talking to you wtf
Then she said something about being disappointed she couldn’t go on the farm anymore because I’m there and I decided to take it offensively because I already disliked her
I thought she was pretty but that was overshadowed by the worst first impression.
Then I found out her and Sebastian were paired and got in the way so many times
Like I actually blocked her from going into his house by standing there so she couldn’t get in
Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t a “omg girl likes my man she needs to get a life” thing
It was more of a “I dislike her because she was mean to me now she’s no longer allowed to go in here only I am because I wanna be mean.”
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twistedminutia · 5 months
A Million and One Minutia: Nuclear Weaponry
Read the previous chapters here: Ch. 1
Gray teaches the Heartslabyul upperclassmen about nuclear power and weaponry.
The school library is where I spend a majority of my time, much to Grim’s protests. I’m not exactly sure what irritates him so much about it- maybe it’s just the principle of the thing, because he naps most of the time anyway, and it’s more comfortable than Ramshackle. Fall has set in pretty firmly, and the dorm’s walls do not keep out the chill. The library is warm, comfy, and I don’t have to worry about a leaking ceiling if it rains.
It’s also the only place on campus I can get internet access from. I don’t have money for a phone, and even if I got one for free, I can’t pay for an internet plan. Crowley hems and haws whenever the subject comes up, so I’m not holding out hope. So. Library computers it is.
Naturally, the internet itself is recognizable, but weird. Like most things here. The search engines are different, but have a similar format to what I’m used to. The websites are different, but they’re clear analogues of websites back home. It’s at least intuitive to navigate, if a little strange.
Research provides me with some details, but the more I look at, the more incomplete it feels. I can’t explain it quite right, but it feels a little like trying to read a detailed fanfic for a series of movies you haven’t seen. I can intuit a lot of it, but then a website will casually mention something I don’t know about at all and I’m completely lost again.
I’m in the middle of trying to figure out if hippogriffs are real actual animals here or just some sort of cryptid when I hear footsteps nearby. I glance up at the right moment to make eye contact with Cater, who waves enthusiastically. Trey follows his gaze and gives me a wave of his own. They pause near me, and I nod at Riddle, who’s the last member in their little group. He nods back.
“How’s it going?” Trey asks. “Ramshackle’s all right? You’re getting enough to eat and sleep?”
Ever since Trey learned that I am not of this world, he’s been subtly momming me. It’s nothing too bothersome- just frequent questions about how I’m doing, if I need anything, if I’m taking care of myself all right. Usually it’s no big deal, though I did get an impressive lecture once when I’d been in such a hurry that I hadn’t brushed my teeth when leaving Ramshackle in the morning. Apparently, anyone in a leadership position at Heartslabyul has formidable scolding abilities.
Still, it’s not like I don’t appreciate the gesture. Not least of all because Trey has been slipping me baked goods. Keeping them away from Grim so that I can get even one bite has become a full-time job.
“Everything’s fine,” I say. “Are you here to get some studying done?”
“More or less,” Trey says. “Riddle and I are trying to get a study guide set up for the exams coming up, so the freshmen will have something to follow during the study groups.”
“I’m just here to snap some Magicam pics,” Cater says, holding his phone up to get a shot of himself against one of the bookshelves. “Dark academia is super trendy right now.”
“You’re going to study for exams and set up a guide to help other people study?” I ask, ignoring Cater to level a skeptical look at Riddle and Trey. “Don’t you ever give yourselves time to rest?”
“Of course. A certain amount of rest ensures that the brain is functioning at peak level,” Riddle huffs. “I have a half an hour of leisure before bed every night. And helping other people study is shown to be one of the most effective forms of learning and retaining information.” He draws himself up, heels clicking together. “I’m going to get the class textbooks for the basic freshmen courses.”
He heads off down the rows of bookshelves, heels clacking against the ground. I share a look with Trey. “He is actually doing okay, right?” I ask.
“I’ve been making sure he doesn’t push himself too hard,” Trey says. “Cater’s been helping keep things in order too.”             “Gotta keep the housewarden happy,” Cater agrees, thumbing through the photos he’s taken. I take the opportunity to sneak a glance at Trey’s bag. It’s gotten to the point where my mouth starts watering when Trey shows up. He’s completely Pavloved me. Assuming that Pavlov is still a thing in this universe. Probably not. I wonder what classical conditioning is called here. Probably just ‘classical conditioning.’
Trey catches me staring and shakes his head. “I gave you a dozen cookies three days ago.”
“Yeah, and I live with a furry black hole,” I say, jerking a thumb toward Grim. He rolls onto his belly, mumbling something indistinct.
Trey laughs. “Well, I don’t have any food on me.”
“Even if you did, you probably shouldn’t have it out here,” Cater says, glancing deeper into the library. “Riddle’s going to be back at any moment.”
Good point. Biggest, most well-known rule ever: don’t bring food into a library. “Oh, right,” I say. “I guess Riddle would go nuclear if he saw someone eating in here.”
I thought it was a fairly reasonable thing to say, but apparently not, because both Cater and Trey swivel toward me with identical looks of bewilderment. “What?” Cater says.
Oops. Maybe making fun of the housewarden is only for the people actually under his rule. Deuce and Ace never had a problem with it- though their relationship with Riddle is often contentious and they’re perhaps not the best examples to look toward for the appropriate treatment of housewardens. I shrink down in my seat. “Uh- Y’know, was just saying that he’d be pissed if we broke a rule- I didn’t mean anything by it, really- I guess I’ve just been around Ace and Deuce and they complain about him all the time so I thought-” You’re throwing your friends under the bus, stop talking! “It wasn’t an insult toward him or anything-”
Cater waves a hand. “No, I mean, what does ‘going nuclear’ mean?”
I pause, giving time for my scrambled brain to slip back on the tracks. “Wh- going nuclear?” I glance at Trey, but he’s clearly just as mystified as Cater. “You know. Blowing your top. Going ballistic. Freaking out. He would have gotten really mad.”
“Huh,” Trey says. “I’ve never heard that one before.”             “I guess it’s not a terribly common phrase,” I say.
“Nu-cle-ar,” Cater says, rolling the word around in his mouth. “Huh. Is that another word for angry in your world?”
“No,” I say, a little caught off guard. “You don’t know what nuclear means?”
Trey shakes his head. “I just said I’ve never heard of it before.”
“Yeah, but I thought you just meant in that context, not that you didn’t know what nuclear was.” I look at Cater, but he just shakes his head at me.
“What is it?” Trey asks, settling into a computer seat next to me. Cater perks up and leans in.
“W-well, it’s-” Uh. Crap. I know what nuclear means in a very general sense, but not enough to describe it with any sort of accuracy. My first instinct would be to look it up, but I’m not sure how useful that’s going to be- if Trey and Cater haven’t even heard of it, is it something they’ve even discovered here? “Um. So. I only learned about this briefly once, so this maybe isn’t all that accurate. But I think it’s… some kind of atomic thing? Like, if something happens on an atomic level, then you get a substance that produces radioactivity, which can be really dangerous, and people use it for power and bombs and things…” I pause. Cater and Trey are just staring. “Okay, uh. Do you know what atoms are?”
Trey nods, but Cater just shrugs. “I never paid attention in science class. They’re really small, right?”
“Yeah, they’re the smallest substance. I think, if something happens to the nucleus, then you get radioactivity, which is a kind of dangerous energy that you can use for… some things, I think. X-rays are radioactive, and that’s why you have to use a lead blanket when you have them…” Cater and Trey are still staring at me like I’m speaking gibberish. In fairness, I barely understand what I’m saying. “I didn’t really pay attention in science class either, okay? I’m not very good at explaining this stuff.”             There’s the ‘click click’ of approaching heeled footsteps and Trey looks around me. “Hey, Riddle, do you know what nuclear means?”
I spin around in time to see Riddle placing a stack of books on the table next to him. He’s using magic to carry it, presumably because the stack is almost as tall as he is. It makes quite an impressive thump. “Yes. I’ve done some reading on nuclear physics, so I’m familiar with it, though I’ll admit it’s not a subject I’m all that interested in. Why?”
It figures that Riddle would casually bring up reading about nuclear physics. I bet he was reading science textbooks for fun at age six. “We were just talking about it,” I say. “I mentioned it and Cater and Trey didn’t know what it meant.”
“I’m not surprised,” Riddle says. He goes up on his tiptoes to reach some of the books at the top of the stack. His fingertips don’t quite touch the cover of the topmost book. “It’s- ugh- not a subject most people bother with.” He makes one final grab at the book, then gives up in the most dignified, I-meant-to-do-that way, and just magics it down. “I’m surprised you know about it, considering…” Riddle trails off, apparently realizing there’s no way out of that sentence that isn’t an insult. He clears his throat awkwardly. “Just. Considering.”
“Everyone knows about nuclear power where I come from. I mean, not everyone. But most people. There’s a big debate over whether or not we should use it for power right now, which freaks some people out, but-” I stop. Riddle is giving me the sort of horrified look usually reserved for when a person has a cockroach the size of a hot dog crawling up their back. “What?”
“You’re trying to use it for power generation?” he says, aghast. “Why? Nuclear materials are highly unstable and dangerous! It’s a fascinating hypothetical subject, but no one’s willing to put money into such a volatile substance, and certainly no one would agree to use it over magic-generated power.”
“Well, my world didn’t have magic,” I say a little sulkily. “We kind of had to make do.” Riddle frowns, looking vaguely disturbed. “It being dangerous is why there’s such a big debate over using it- no one wants to use a substance that could poison you near their homes, but it produces a lot of energy and it’s less harmful in the long term than things like oil. And people are careful with it. It’s not the same as getting power from a nuclear bomb or something.”             Riddle’s expression sours further. “A nuclear… bomb?”
“A bomb that utilizes the energy of a split atom or something. It’s supposed to be insanely powerful, and even if you don’t get blown up by it, it irradiates the surrounding area, and then that radiation makes people sick, so it’s a pretty effective weapon.” I grope for an appropriate metaphor. “It’s… um, it’s powerful enough that if you dropped one on NRC, the RSA would get hit by the shockwave. And it would probably give any survivors radiation sickness.”
“Woah,” Cater says. “Why would you make something like that?”
I shrug. “There wasn’t that good of a reason- it was made in a war that a lot of people were trying to win and it sort of… happened because people wanted a weapon that would end the war. But then people started making more of them, because everyone was scared of having it used on them, so they needed one of their own to protect themselves, and then everyone ended up with so many of them that they were an apocalyptic threat so no one could fire them. It all just sort of snowballed.”
“Huh,” Trey says. “That actually reminds me of the end of the war between the faeries and the humans.”
“Really?” Cater says. Trey swats him gently with a scrap piece of paper.
“Trein was just talking about it in class last week. Toward the end of the war, humans and faeries were using such destructive magic against each other that battlefields were tainted with blot and destroyed. The battles were almost always stalemates, and no one was winning anything. It’s one of the main reasons the peace negotiations started to gain some traction.”
Riddle nods. “There were other political reasons, of course, but that was where the biggest push for peace started. The first major act of human and faerie cooperation was restoring areas of land that were damaged by blot and magic.”
“Did it work?” I ask.
“For the most part- I think the Jupiter Corporation assisted heavily with the cleanup, and there are still a few areas that need restoration. But it’s largely healed now,” Riddle says.
“Then you’re doing better than we are,” I say ruefully. “You can’t really clean up radiation that way. Once it’s there, it’s there. The only thing you can do is wait until it fades naturally.”
“What does radiation do?” Cater asks. “Is it like blot?”
“It makes you sick, I think. There’s radiation in a lot of things, like sunlight- I think that’s why it can give you sunburns. But the kind of radiation the bombs used would make you sick. Deadly sick. That was one of the big concerns with them- even if people don’t die in the initial blast, the radiation would kill them off.” That and the nuclear winter, but I don’t mention that bit. All three of them look vaguely unsettled anyway.
“But that never happened,” Trey says, a little like he’s trying to reassure himself as well.
“No. And they decommissioned enough bombs that even if we had a war now, it probably wouldn’t kill everyone.” I consider. “Maybe. There’d probably be pockets of people who would survive. Civilization would definitely collapse, though. And radiation takes thousands of years to go away, so there’d be big parts of the world that would just be uninhabitable.” The three Heartslabyul boys exchange uncomfortable looks. “But it’s fine now. Mostly.”
“It’s impressive,” Riddle says after a moment, “what your world has managed to achieve without magic. I never would have thought that a place like that could become just as advanced as our world.”
“Thanks,” I say, uncertain what else to respond with. It’s not like I personally did any of the advancement he’s talking about. “Just being in a world where magic exists is pretty incredible to me. Thought it’s a lot to learn, since I’m not familiar with the history or how magic works or any of that…”
Something in Riddle’s eyes sparks and I trail off, trying to figure out exactly what I said. “Then you will join us for our study session. With midterms coming up, there isn’t a moment to waste, and having a remedial student will help Trey and I practice teaching the rest of the fist years.”
“Remedial student?” I sputter, indignant. I’m doing pretty well, considering I’m having to relearn everything from scratch in a high school setting. Then I realize that Riddle has just sentenced me to a study session from hell. “Uh, actually, I need to-” My gaze falls on the snoozing cat-beast next to me. “Grim and I should be getting back to Ramshackle before it’s too late, you know, we have to make dinner and there’s cleaning to do and-”
“Nonsense,” Riddle says, waving me off. “Trey has already made a nutritious meal back at the dorm, and I’m certain there’s enough for you to take part.”
I shoot Trey a pleading look, but he just nods. “There’s enough.” I glare at him. He shrugs back.
“And the cleaning can wait until midterms are over. There’s nothing more pressing than your studies.” Riddle waves his pen and the pile of books next to him starts hovering again. “We’ll head to the dorm once I check these out.” He pauses, then hands me a book on the top of the pile. “You can start with this basic overview of magical energy and its formation in nature.” He heads off to the front desk without waiting for my agreement, the book tower floating along next to him.
“Thanks for the help,” I mutter to Trey and Cater.
“It’s not that bad,” Trey says. “Riddle’s a good teacher. And even if you don’t need the help, it’ll be good for Grim. He could use the review- Ace says he barely stays awake during Trein’s lectures.”
True enough. Though it’s irritating that I have to be roped into it as well. “Fine, fine. C’mon, Grim.” I poke him. “We’re studying.”
“Myahhh,” he mumbles, shoving his face into his paws. “Five more minutes.”
I roll my eyes. “We’re going to Heartslabyul for dinner. Trey made it.”
He shoots to his paws. “Why didn’t you say so? Let’s go!” He hops down from the desk and starts booking it toward the entrance of the library. I pick up the book Riddle gave me and join Trey and Cater in heading toward Riddle. Hopefully by the time Grim realizes we’re actually attending a study session, he’ll be too full and scared of getting collared again that he won’t make a fuss. Maybe. It’s a bit of a long shot. Whatever. Trey will probably give us dessert, and that’s enough of a win to make the whole evening worth it.
Read the next chapter here: Ch. 3
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peculiar-potato · 4 months
Among Us animated series trailer analysis post!
(+ a theory on who dies first and who the impostor might be!)
here’s the trailer if you want to watch it yourself :)
This is going to be pretty long, whoops.
Firstly, overall impressions on the tone/artstyle!
I mentioned a lot about the art style and everything in my first analysis post, but I just want to reiterate that it’s fun and I like it, and I like seeing how they take details of the game and translate them into the show.
From what I can tell the tone seems pretty lighthearted, well, as lighthearted as a murder mystery can be. It’s a little silly but in a charming way- but with a slight hint of dread. Kinda what I expected.
I think there’s still probably a little way to go before the show is ready considering there were no voice lines in the trailer, and it seemed more like “these are the characters look how fun they are” then actual plot/scenes, but that’s okay I actually really like that we’re not really seeing any glimpses of the plot or voice acting yet!
Anyways, now to the actual trailer!
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So opening shot here is The Skeld. We already kinda knew it was going to be set there, but confirmation! At the moment I don’t think the planet/moon/asteroid thing behind them is important, it’s probably just to fill up the background, but who knows, it could be something!
Maybe impostor(s) come from there or something… or maybe it’s just a rock in space.
(My theories get better I promise)
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With this image, we finally have an answer to my question from last time- what kind of pizza do the beans eat?
I noticed immediately that there was prosciutto and arugula (a specific kind of bitter lettuce) on the pizza, and with a little googling and a few subsequent suggested searches, I managed to find recipes for fig and prosciutto pizza with, you guessed it, arugula and cheese. (There were multiple kinds of cheese it could be- goat, gorgonzola, mozzarella to name a few)
So those round things are figs. Who would have thought?
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Next up we see our first glance of the additional room they added to the Skeld for the show- the kitchen! And the first glance at a depiction of an impostor!
Yellow and Brown seem like good buddies. I wonder how long that friendship will last when impostor stuff starts happening.
My guess is the depiction of the impostor here is a bit more figurative- Nobody really notices them (expect one bean, but we’ll get to that later), and they just kinda seem to be lurking around being scary. Feels more like, idk the idea of an impostor than the actual impostor? I don’t know if I’m explaining that super well.
Maybe this is like the impostor checking out the crew before they start actually impostoring. Idk.
Also, seems like one shadow (although who knows honestly). Maybe it’s a sign of there just being one among the crew? …or maybe I’ve flipped the other way and am interpreting this too literally now.
Regardless, the impostor(s) do/does certainly seem very alieny.
(Alternate impostor conspiracy theories- impostor switches between crewmates/they’re all impostors (which would kinda defeat the purpose tho) or everyone’s just paranoid and there is no impostor (I feel like people would get disappointed by that though so they wouldn’t do it)).
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After that we head to navigation.
Here, Red is slacking off playing video games (oddly enough with a human in them- as someone pointed out in the Innersloth discord server, which has some interesting implications. To expand on that myself, it seems like a kind of ancient-civilization human, which is interesting. I tried to figure out what game this is with a reverse image search but I couldn’t, I wonder if it’s a real game or something one of the devs made or something else.)
Anyways Red receives a call from a shadowy figure, presumably a boss of some sort, and scrambles to look like they’re doing what they’re supposed to. The image looks kinda similar to how they’re animating the impostor, but this could be an intentional red herring or just how they’re showing an unrevealed character or an “everyman” type being. Regardless, vaguely ominous.
As for navigation itself, I like the vibes honestly. I want to go there. I love the little headslug bobble head and a lot of the details in the background. Can’t assign everything there directly to a task, but it does have the three consoles and the chair. Also I noticed the bright yellow sticky note- like the “dum” visor cosmetic! I wonder what those papers on the floor say.
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Next we’re in the cafeteria. (You can tell by the coloring of the wall, this is probably the vent near weapons)
A couple things I noticed here!
First of all, everyone’s very nonchalant about Lime venting. That seems to mean it’s established that Lime is an engineer like the role in the game (honestly I’m a little surprised a new role was included here!) and that the crew knows this and doesn’t think Lime traveling though vents is a big deal. Will this extend to other crewmembers? Will this put suspicion on Lime as things progress? Who knows!
Also, small thing here, but Cyan signs Orange’s waiver (on the clipboard they seem to carry with them everywhere) simply as “Cyan”. I assumed they would just be going by colors the whole time and not have names or anything, but this kinda confirms that.
(By extension, maybe colors aren’t even codenames or anything for them lore-wise, maybe their names are literally their colors. Also makes me think there may be just one of each color in the entire series if they sign simply as a color. Then again, here I am over analyzing small details again.)
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We follow Lime through a vent and into the reactor, which is being watched on the cameras by Purple.
I don’t have a ton to say about Purple, they just seem to be doing their job here. I do find it interesting that the shadow blocks out the reactor camera and then makes it malfunction (is something going to happen in there?) but it may just be a kind of moving the trailer forward type thing.
Also, side note, what’s Lime’s deal with the reactor? They run up to it and snuggle it with hearts floating above them. Engineer really loves their engine I guess haha. I know people have to have already been meming this.
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Next is a scene in the medbay.
They do seem to have the medical scanner in the background there, so I wonder if that visual task will ever come into play.
Also I see the MIRA logo on a poster in the background, so my guess is they are somehow under/related to the MIRA corporation.
Green is blushing as Blue checks their reflexes. I remember Blue’s character being described as very attractive, so it could be possible that everyone gets that way around them, or it could just be Green. Idk I’m not here to navigate the minefield that is shipping beans.
White is busy swirling around wine(?) until of course, the impostor shadow thing creeps in as with all the other scenes.
This time, however, someone notices. White.
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My guess is White is going to die, and they’re going to die pretty early on.
I was already kinda suspecting White was going to die first simply because of how their character is described. Rich, here because they won some kind of contest, seems to be a bit of a jerk. Feels like the kind of person who would die first idk, just a vibe I’ve had for a while.
Also, I was thinking that 11 is kind of an interesting number, especially considering there were 12 original colors. (Side note, my guess is they’re waiting to include Pink alongside Coral and Rose as “the pinks” or something if they add the new colors in a later season). I feel like maybe they wanted a main crew of ten (because that is what the original lobby size is and thus what a lot of people associate with the game), but needed someone to die early to set up the plot so they needed up with 11.
Now, White being the first and only one to notice the shadow creeping around, and to immediately look terrified and be overtaken by it on screen? My guess is they’re the first to go.
One could also argue that this is an indication of them being an impostor, but idk that feels too obvious of a way to reveal that. (Also I have a different theory as to who it could be). My guess is we won’t know who the impostor is as the audience for a while.
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Finally we have this image. I have quite a bit to say about this one!
First of all, I just love this image in general. Makes me so happy to see all the beans!
Anyways, the impostor shadow thing comes in and covers the “not” in “we’re not dead” and I love that I think that’s fun. Also, again, love the falling apart blinds (why are there blinds on a spaceship?) and the balloons duct taped to the window.
We also see them eating the aforementioned fig and prosciutto pizza. There are also a lot of red spheres on the table, which I haven’t quite figured out yet. Fruits of some kind? Or decorations perhaps? Maybe all red gumballs? Whatever they are, Orange is holding one. There’s bologna or summer sausage or something near Brown, and a gray disk in front of it. Not sure about that either, looks kinda like a giant coin, or one of those round lights you tap to turn on and off. Red’s reading what seems to be a rule book (they really don’t seem prepared aha), and there’s also an image of a crewmate on the other side. I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be Pink or Tan.
Blue has a piece of paper with a skull on it which looks pretty ominous, and Brown is holding a knife, but I think those are just red herrings related to their professions. Blue’s a doctor and Brown’s a chef, and Yellow is also holding a cooking implement.
Also, once again, no sign of an emergency meeting button. (Unless the weird gray circle is related somehow?)
With that I was almost ready to wrap up the analysis…
but then I noticed something.
Idk if it’s just me but this image is giving the vibe of the Leonardo Da Vinci painting The Last Supper. I don’t know where my mind pulled this from, but I just kinda looked at it was like… wait this looks familiar. At first I thought it was just my brain making connections, but when you look at the two images right beside each other, it seems like a pretty deliberate parallel.
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If it is intentional… Orange is in almost the exact same position that Judas (the betrayer) was in in the painting.
Just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe the red gumball thing made them an impostor /s
Also, just spitballing here, not really part of the theory, if Orange is working against the crew (either as an impostor or an accomplice), and they’re apparently affiliated with HR… what kind of implications could this have for the lore as a whole? Red’s probably just talking to their boss or something, but it feels ominous- what if MIRA (assuming that’s who’s in charge here) is in on the whole impostor thing?
But again, this is also kind of obvious of a hint, so I’m slightly skeptical of it.
Anyways, lots to think about with this, as you can tell I’m pretty excited.
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comicglitterr0909 · 10 months
Playing with Shadows (part 2)
William Afton x Fem!Reader Finally I finished part two of playing with shadows, if you haven't read part one then a short lil summary of part one is reader is an fbi agent who is tasked with making William Afton fall for them, and we get to know William and his kids and it ends off with William inviting us over for dinner. Honestly just read part one its easier.
But for those who did!! Heres part two!! Its the last part! Hope you guys enjoy! (2.7k+ words) Warnings: Cussing, a guy being a pervert but nothing happens he just says something creepy.
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8:00 am. My alarm goes off and I quickly shut it off, getting up and getting ready a bit faster than normal. Today was the big day after all, I get to have dinner with the Afton family, while also trying to find solid evidence that William Afton is a child murderer. I quickly put on the uniform I have to wear, clipping my nametag on and taking one last look at myself in the mirror. I sigh, fuck, Im an fbi agent, im not supposed to get attached to people, let alone people im investigating. But of course I get attached to a serial killer's family. Well…I guess I don't know for sure if he's a serial killer, there's hope, if he isn't, if the family has just gotten really unlucky then maybe it would be okay? Maybe I could be a part of their family. But, then again, I would have to quit my job as an FBI agent. He definitely wouldn't like me anymore if I told him the only reason I was actually there is because I thought he killed a bunch of kids. Whatever, I need to stop thinking about that, I have a job to do. I grab my car keys and head to Freddys, parking in the parking lot and walking inside. 
I notice the afton kids are already at Freddys, they must’ve spent the night at Williams instead of their moms. Their faces all light up when they see me, Elizabeth runs over and gives me a big hug. “Y/N I missed you! Are you excited to have dinner with us tonight?” She says excitedly, jumping up and down. Evan and Micheal walk over. “Yeah, I’m really excited! What are you guys making for dinner?” I ask them with a grin. Evan giggles. “Daddy told us we had to figure out your favorite food without it being too obvious because he really wants to impress you!” Evan exclaims. A faint blush appears on my cheeks, he wanted to impress me? That's honestly really cute. “Evan you dumb shit, you weren't supposed to tell her that!” Micheal says as he smacks the back of Evans head, Evan starts to cry and runs off. “Oh c'mon now Micheal, go apologize to your brother, he didn’t know any better.” I say crossing my arms, damn I really feel like a Mom right now. “Fineee.” Micheal stubbornly says before running off to find where Evan went while Elizabeth stays by my side as I walk into the kitchen. 
“So y/n what is your favorite meal??” Elizabeth says as she climbs on top of the kitchen counter as I’m putting my waitress apron on. I don’t know why the waitresses have to wear an apron, I don't even cook things, oh well. “Oh uh, I’d probably say like (your fav food)” Elizabeth's eyes light up, she smiles and climbs off the counter. “Okay!!! I’ll go tell Daddy!!” She sprints out of the kitchen to go tell William about my favorite food. God these kids are so sweet, how am I going to abandon them if I have to?? “Are you having dinner with the Aftons?” I turned around and saw Aaron had asked me that. “Oh uh yeah.” “Damn, you must be special, Mr Afton usually is super mean to us, you're like the first one i’ve seen em be nice to.” Well that's pretty interesting, I mean I knew he was extra nice to me but he never seemed like the mean boss type. More like the creepy boss type, but Aaron has worked here for awhile so he wouldn’t lie. That is unless of course, he does lie. I stand there awkwardly nodding before looking away from Aaron. Y’know I think I preferred him when he was high, cause I can tell he’s not right now and he’s giving me pervert vibes. “Yeah… it must be because you're really hot. I mean, if I was the boss I’d have you be my personal assistant so I could stare at your ass all day.” Yup, definitely prefer high Aaron. He moves closer to me, but before he can reach me, William comes up behind him and grabs him by the back of his shirt, lifting him up. Don’t get me wrong, Aaron is like 5’5, super skinny weirdo but William made it look easy to lift him up. “Firstly, Aaron, you're fired, secondly, if I ever see you around y/n and you say that shit to her again, I will beat the everloving shit out of you. Get out of my restaurant.” And with that, William lets Aaron go, and he scrambles out grabbing his stuff and leaving faster than ever. Immediately after he’s out of sight William puts that familiar smile back on his face, walking closer to me and putting his hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay? I had no idea he was such a perv I wouldn’t have hired him.” Fuck, this whole case is turning into a “try not to catch feelings for William Afton/a potential child murderer challenge”. “Yeah, um I’m alright. Thank you.” I say, smiling at him. After I reassure him he lets go of my shoulder. “No problem.” He looks around the kitchen for a moment. “Where is Bethenny, or whatever the hell her name is.” I follow him as he walks to the front door of Freddys, looking out the window for Bitchennys car. It's not there. “Well thats fucking great, I have one employee.” He walks back into the main area with me. “Huh…” He murmurs, I look up at him. “What?” I say as I see Micheal and Evan starting to walk over. “Even though I’m closing Freddy's early today for our dinner, I still have to open it for at least 6 hours. I only have you and me as actual employees and that sure as hell won't work.” Get to the point, Afton, jesus. “Okay?” “Well, why don’t I, just for today, let my kids help run the place? It can’t go that bad can it?” 
Oh it definitely can go that bad. We decided to go through with it, letting a 8, 9 and 16 year old help run a restaurant is a wonderful plan. 
“EVAN NO DON’T EAT THE PIZZA WE HAVE TO BRING THAT TO THE TABLE” Evan is crying because I wouldn’t let him eat the pizza. Micheal is making pizza’s but fucking them up horribly because he’s laughing so hard, Elizabeth is surprisingly the only helpful one right now and is bringing the pizzas to the customers. William is managing the orders and giving us the orders, and I’m micromanaging all the kids and making pizzas at the same time. I guess I did need the apron today. It's a Thursday and Freddy's is unnecessarily packed, the music and the kids yelling and laughing is really not helping with the stress of this all. I quickly shove a pizza in the oven, checking my watch that reads,“5:30pm”. Oh thank god. “30 MINUTES LEFT GUYS WE GOT THIS!” I shout at Micheal, as he nods at me. Evan comes up behind me and steals my phone out of my back pocket. “NO EVAN GIVE IT BACK DAMMIT” Micheal starts laughing again as I chase Evan throughout the entire pizzeria, that is until William grabs Evan and takes my phone from him while laughing. “Hah, here ya go, we got what, 20ish minutes left, I’ll start sending people out.” I let out a relieved sigh, smiling at him before going into the kitchen again. “Alright Michael let's start cleaning this place up.” Micheal, Elizabeth and I all clean the kitchen up, (Extra well since we made more of a mess). William and Evan get everyone out, and just on time, Freddy’s closes. 
“Well done team!” William says, high fiving us all with a cheeky grin. We all cheer and laugh a bit. “Okay, y/n, I’ll give you my address or you can just follow my car with yours, either or?” “Oh I’ll just follow you haha” I already knew his address. So it's easier to just follow. “Sounds good, I’ll see ya in a bit, doll!” He says before getting into his car and starting it. Doll? A pet name? I can’t say I don't like it but c'mon, he’s making it harder to not fall for him. I get in my car and start following him, it takes about 15 minutes before we get to his house. It's a damn nice house too. I park next to his car in the driveway, hoping he wouldn’t mind but then again it's not like his wife parks there. 
“Welcome to my humble abode!” He greets me, opening the door for me as his kids run inside. The inside is just as nice as the outside, they definitely deep cleaned it before I came here but still, it's impressive. William leads me inside, into the kitchen, but before he can say anything Evan walks over and grabs my hand. “Y/n! y/n! I wanna show you my room, come on!!” He says jumping up and down and pulling on my hand. William chuckles. “I’ll start making dinner, the guest has to entertain the kids. I laugh and wave him off before following Evan into his room.
I sit in Evans room talking with him for 20 minutes or so, he is mostly just showing me all his toys and his plushies. To Evans dismay Elizabeth comes in and steals me for her own room tour, her’s is a bit longer since she forces me to play barbie with her.
Micheal comes into her room, but his eyes widen with regret as he sees us playing Barbie. “MICHEAL PLAY BARBIE NOW!” Before Micheal can even react Elizabeth is shoving him into her room and on the floor, and handing him two barbies to act as. Micheal definitely isn't as good at acting as the barbies as I am, then again he’s a guy. “Micheal, you aren’t doing it right, you have a girl Barbie right?” He rolls his eyes. “Yes…” “Then use a girl's voice.” He turns a dark shade of red, clearly embarrassed to have to act like a girl, I’m trying my hardest not to laugh at him. “Fine.” He picks up his barbie and moves it towards the barbie I'm holding. “Hey girl how ya doin?!” He says in a high pitched really girly voice, and, perfect timing, just before he said that William walked in and heard it all. Me and William break and just die of laughter, Micheal is still dark red, the poor kid is just insanely embarrassed, Elizabeth just had her evil smirk on.
After we get done making fun of Micheal, we go downstairs to eat since Wiliam finished cooking. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to act surprised that he made (your fav food). But I choose not to. “Dang this is really good William, I didn’t know you could make anything except for pizza!” I joke with him, he laughs and thanks me.
We all finish eating, and Micheal forces me to play some shooting video game with him, naturally I’m terrible at it, even with having legitimate gun experience, Evan says goodnight to me and runs up stairs to go to bed. We keep playing the game for a while, William letting Elizabeth watch for some reason but whatever. I can tell William isn’t watching the screen, I can feel him staring at me, I try to ignore it the best I can. “Daddy can you come tuck me in, I think I’m going to bed.” Elizabeth promptly says, standing up and beginning to walk upstairs before pausing and turning around. “You too y/n.” She doesn’ even let me argue, she just walks upstairs like the girlboss she is. William chuckles, and walks upstairs with me. We get in Elizabeth's room and William tells her some made up story that puts her right to sleep, I shut off her light and before we can walk downstairs Micheal comes up. “Oh, thanks for hanging y/n, I'm gonna hit the hay.” I smile and give him a side hug, that is surprisingly not awkward. “Alright goodnight Michael.”
And finally, it's just William and I, downstairs, by ourselves. We walked to the front door, he was walking me out but before I left. “Y/n, I need to talk to you about something.” Oh god, is this it? “Yeah? What's up William?” 
“Look, you're my best worker, and currently my only.” He says with a small laugh. 
“And right now you're also, I'd say a good friend. But look. I like you y/n, i’m not going to hide from that, I want us to be more than friends, and to be dead honest with you it's not just like its love. I love you, I want to be with you.” 
Oh shit he said it, what do I do? Fuck wait I have to stick with the plan, no matter my own feelings, I have to… 
“I…I like you to William. But…you have to be honest with me right now, because I know about something you’ve done.” 
After I say that his whole demeanor changes, he looks more scared, wait no, not scared, just protective and maybe a bit worried. 
“What do you know?” 
“What you did to those kids William… I know about it… but… I don’t care, I need you to know that before you try to hurt me too. I don’t care because I love you too.” 
He stands there trying to read me, he looks baffled that I know about it. Which gives me the one answer I really hoped wasn’t the right one. He definitely is a murder.
“I killed multiple kids and you don't care?” And with that, I knew the police would be on their way right now, with the mic I have on my shirt they definitely picked that up. 
“I love you too much to care about that William.” God dammit. I want to forget that I'm an FBI agent, forget that the mic on my body recorded that, forget that police are definitely going to barge in any second now, I want to forget about all that because a part of me actually loves this serial killer, and that's what I hate so much about this. 
“Good.” He says, before he leans in, kissing me passionately. TO be honest it took me a little off guard but hey, I got one chance to kiss this tall hot guy. I'm going to take it, and just as I was giving in more. 
“FBI WILLIAM AFTON YOUR UNDER ARREST FOR THE MURDER OF MULTIPLE CHILDREN PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!” I see my co-workers storm in, grabbing William and handcuffing him, they start asking me if I’m okay and a couple other questions. They take William outside and I follow behind them. William looks utterly confused until I make eye contact with him, that's when it clicks for him. That I set him up, that I lied to him, and that I;ve been an FBI agent this whole time. 
“Y/n, you lying sack of shit!” He yells at me, pissed off as they struggle to shove him in the back of the police car. His window rolls down quickly, they aren't driving away. I feel like I have to talk to him, I owe him maybe just that, even though he's a murderer. And for killing those kids, I don’t feel bad anymore, I guess I lost sight… I forgot all the kids and families he’s hurt. I walked closer to the cop car so we could talk. 
“William, it's for your own good.” He laughs, he’s obviously still mad but he's grinning, the same evil grin that he never hides. “I could have gotten away with it. I would have gotten away with it, if it weren’t for you, y/n.” He angrily says to me. “Right. But you didn’t get away with it, and this is just karma, William.” William keeps glaring at me, still smiling though. The officer gets into the driver's seat of the car, putting it in drive, starting to slowly drive off. 
“I always come back y/n!” He shouts as I walk with the car, matching its slow pace.
“No William, not this time. Not anymore.”
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
How do you. Uh. Flirt with butch lesbians? Or really any woman at all. I feel like I’ve completely missed how to do this and skated by on pure dumb luck and I also worry by being clueless about flirting I give the impression I just want to be friends when that definitely…isn’t the case? How do I subtly make my intentions clear in the beginning?
Butches, of course, can vary on what we are comfortable with so I am going to come from my perspective with a little of the experiences of friends sprinkled in. 
Don’t be too subtle. We WILL miss the point. Some (many?) butches are sort of hyper aware that they might be perceived as unapproachable or worse, aggressive or predatory. I used to be super careful with any interaction I had with women, whether I found them attractive or not, simply to avoid being creepy or in any way making women feel uncomfortable. As a butch the LAST thing I want is a woman to ever feel unsafe, especially because of me. I will definitely dismiss subtle flirting like a smile or small talk as a woman just being nice. 
The best kind of flirting begins with eye contact and a smile. Once you are engaged in a conversation my suggestion would be to make your intentions clear. Something like “I find you attractive, is it okay if I flirt with you?” Or “This is me flirting with you, is that okay?” Then you can get her response and act accordingly. 
If you spend too much time guessing if she is interested or available you just end up going in circles and getting nowhere. I have, more than once, introduced my butch friends to a woman who is CLEARLY interested in them only to have them rejoin me one minute later. I ask “What are you doing, she was flirting with you” And she will answer back. “I thought she was just being friendly”.  
Something many butches, including myself, appreciate is directness and clarified intentions. 
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augenblicklich-lila · 2 years
cod incorrect quotes #1
First post on this account! And it's about CoD. If you told me that a few months ago, I would've laughed in your face. Alas, I do not choose the hyperfixation, it chooses me, and boy, am I glad it did!
I was super bored one night and these are the result. I literally have so many of these. Too many. Probably.
Mainly Y/N stuff, platonic and romantic. Also has some Soapghost and Alerudy because I just love them a lot, okay? I think I kept most of this gn. Feel free to interpret however you like, this is just here for enjoyment and funsies! So enjoy :D
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛ ♛ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ━━✫・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーーJ   °。+ *´¨)
Y/N: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it. Ghost: Just rip the bandage off. Y/N: It’s Soap. Ghost: Put the bandage back on.
Ghost: What, in the name of sanity, have you got on your head? Alejandro: It's a fez, I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool. Soap: snatches the fez, throws it in the air Ghost: shoots it
Soap: Tell me something dirty Y/N: Your kitchen
Price: You have an impressive pain tolerance. Y/N: Thanks, it's the trauma.
Ghost: I’ve only had Y/N for a day and a half but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Y/N: Don’t worry, I have a permit. Ghost: …This just says “I can do what I want”.
the Squad at Disneyland, in the teacups Ghost, Price, König, and Rodolfo: spinning a little and talking Alejandro, Gaz, Soap, and Y/N: flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming
Ghost: If you got arrested what would be the charges? Gaz: Theft. Soap: Disturbing the peace. Alejandro: Aggravated assault. Rodolfo: Arson. Y/N: All of the above. In that order, probably (I THINK I SHOULD FEEL BAD FOR RODOLFO'S BUT IT IS HOW IT IS)
Soap: What's worse than heartbreak? Rodolfo: Waking up in the morning and your phone wasn't charging. Alejandro: Waking up in the morning. Ghost: Waking up. Y/N: Waking up in the morning… Y/N: And seeing Gaz. Gaz: Hey! Rude!!
Gaz: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Price and Ghost's convo? Y/N: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. Alejandro: I'm in the washing machine. Soap: I'm in the closet. Y/N: We accept you Soap. <3 Soap: No I'm literally in the closet. Y/N: Love is love. <3
Squad reactions to being called straight: Ghost: The fuck, no I'm not. Alejandro: Excuse the hell out of you? Soap: Ding dong, you are wrong! Gaz: Who told you that? And why did they lie? Rodolfo: Rude. Y/N: punches the person
Y/N: Soap is so… Ghost: Annoying? Rodolfo: Cute? König: Funny? Gaz: Weird? Y/N: I don't know, maybe if y'all let me FINISH for ONCE IN MY LIFE, I'd tell you!
Alejandro: The floor is lava! Ghost: helps Y/N onto the counter Gaz: kicks Soap off the sofa König: lays on the floor Rodolfo: …Are you okay? König: No.
The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one Price: I will not let you down. Soap: Sounds fun. Gaz: K. Y/N: No, I'm fucking not. Rodolfo: Do I have to be? König: Please god, I am so tired.
Ghost: When was the last time you cried? Y/N: Uh, like 15 minutes ago, why?? Ghost: really? That recent? Y/N: Yeah voice crack is that an issue? starts crying again
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛   ∧_∧ (。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨) “Hie thee home, little wanderer.”
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a-smol-cosplayer · 2 years
Okay here are more!! These are literally almost every ship friendly - wyler, wenclair, wavier, enid/ajax (what it their ship name?) ect plus just general friendship gang stuff :) enjoy 
Wednesday: We have no idea how many stars there are.
Ajax: I think there are 7.
Wednesday: …No there are more than 7.
Enid: You just said we have no idea.
Wednesday: We know there are more than 7.
Enid: Well apparently you’re a liar so I’m even more convinced it’s 7.
Ajax: exactly.
Tyler: So you're a thief.
Thing: I like to call myself a specialist in complicated acquisitions.
Enid: Wednesday, if I was the last girl on earth would you date me?
Wednesday: (confused) If you were the last girl on earth..
Wednesday: then I wouldn't exist??
Enid (internally): Is she not interested or am I just bad at this??
Bianca: you need a hobby.
Xavier: i have a hobby.
Bianca: staring at Wednesdays face isn’t a hobby.
Xavier: you’re right. it’s a profession and i excel at my job.
Wednesday: You deserve a reward for putting up with me.
Enid: You are my reward. 
Tyler: You deserve a reward for putting up with me. 
Wednesday: True, you can be a really annoying sometimes.
Xavier: My brother says I'm a catch.
Bianca: Well, if I caught you, I'd throw you back into the ocean.
Bianca: Are you seriously asking to reschedule a kidnapping right now 
Ajax: When I was little, I wanted Spider Man powers, so I found a spider and let it bite me.
Ajax: Later that day my parents took me to a doctor and I got diagnosed with ADHD.
Ajax: For years I was afraid that getting bitten by the spider, instead of giving me super powers, had given me ADHD.
*Tyler, wearing a blazer*
Tyler: Hey, Enid. Do you think I'm overdressed?
Enid: Depends on the activity. For a doctors appointment, yes.
Enid: If you're going to a casino, I'd add sequins.
*Tyler, returning in a tshirt and a cap*
Tyler: Too casual?
Enid: For an audience with the queen, yes.
Enid: For an evening of passing a bottle of fortified wine around a flaming trash can, you look great!
Wednesday: Why are you on the floor?
Tyler: I'm depressed.
Wednesday: Oh.
Tyler: Also, I was stabbed. Can you call an ambulance please?
Enid: Quick, take my hand!
Wednesday, grabbing his hand: Now what?
Enid: Nothing. I just wanted to hold hands.
Ajax: Bro, do you lift?
Xavier: Yeah dude, how did you know?
Ajax: Because you lift my heart whenever you're around.
Xavier: Bro.
Ajax: Bro.
Enid: Don't worry, no one else is gonna ask Wednesday out! You have all the time you need
Tyler: How do you know?
Enid: Because Wednesday is terrifying
Enid, about Tyler: He's covered in blood again. Why is it that he's always covered in blood?  
Wednesday: Well, it looks like it's his own blood this time.  
Bianca and Yoko: *pushing Wednesday and Enid under mistletoe*
Bianca: Oh, I guess you two are going to have to kiss now, that’ll be awkward!
Enid and Wednesday: *kissing casually*
Yoko: That was way too casual.
Bianca: Yeah…
Enid: Oh, did we forget to tell you? We’ve been dating for two months now.
Wednesday: Everything’s fine.
Enid: Wednesday, I know your relationship with the english language is strictly casual, but you- I- *deep inhale* ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU WHAT’S NOT FINE.
Bianca: what’s it like dating Wednesday?
Xavier: once I asked for water while she was pissed at me. she brought me a cup of ice, looked me dead in the eye and said “wait.”
Bianca: I see.
Enid: Hey, Tyler, can you help me carry this box?
Tyler: *Carrying the box effortlessly* Nothing is heavier than the weight of my internal torment.
Enid: I’m impressed but also concerned.
Enid: is something burning?
Ajax: just my love for you
Enid: Ajax, the toaster is on fire
Wednesday: Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Enid: That doesn't narrow it down.
Xavier, to Bianca: Can you believe some people see Wednesday and aren’t immediately filled with absolute unconditional love for her?
Xavier: They don’t even get the urge to kiss her right there.
Xavier: That’s incomprehensible to me.
Bianca, drinking her third shot of whiskey: Yeah, we got it like 3 hours ago, Xavier.
Tyler: the moon looks beautiful, doesn’t it?
Enid: hm.. but do you know what’s more beautiful?
Tyler and Enid in unison: Wednesday.
Yoko narrating: This is Wednesday. Wednesday loves his personal space.
Yoko: This is Enid. Enid also loves Wednesday’s personal space.
Wednesday: I love murder mysteries.
Tyler, trying to impress her: I've been a suspect in four murder cases!
Xavier: Two years ago, I married my best friend.  
Xavier: Enid and Wednesday are still mad about it, but me and Ajax were drunk and thought it was funny.
Wednesday: when I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case? 
Bianca: what?
Wednesday: I wanna be on buzzfeed unsolved.
Bianca: can we go back the part where you said "when I get murdered"?
Wednesday: What the fuck is wrong with you??  
Tyler: What? No good morning?  
Wednesday: Good morning, what the fuck is wrong with you?? 
Ajax: are these brownies…special?
Enid: they are
Ajax: i don't feel anything, are you sure there's weed in the brownies?
Enid: they are special because i made them with love, you little shit 
Wednesday: You kill people for money?!
Tyler: I can explain!
Wednesday: And all this time I’ve been doing it for free like a chump?!
Bianca, holding up an antique bottle: Do you think this is whiskey or perfume? 
Ajax: *Grabs and chugs the entire bottle*
Ajax: Definitely perfume
Wednesday: I'm starting to reach the point at which even I don't know if I'm sarcastic or not.
Enid: Don’t climb on the table! It’s unstable.
Yoko: I'm unstable too it's gonna cancel out. Pemdas.
Wednesday: i didn’t mean to offend you.. but it was a huge plus.
Xavier: isn’t your dad a literal murderer?
Wednesday: what? are you upset that my dad spent eight years looking for me while yours doesn't even know you exist?
the whole room: 
Tyler: You use sarcasm to distance yourself from people. 
Wednesday: And yet, you’re still here.     
Tyler: ur talking mad shit for someone in kissing distance.
Wednesday: HOW
Yoko: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you? 
Enid: You need to be nicer to people.
Wednesday: I am nice.
Enid: You just threatened to stab someone.
Wednesday: And I think it was pretty nice of me to give them a warning.
Enid: Did it hurt when you fell- 
Tyler: From heaven? Hate to break it to you Enid but im in love with wednesday—
Enid: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs. 
Tyler: ... 
Enid: You just laid there for 15 minutes
Wednesday: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.  
Wednesday: I went B and E without you.
Thing, offended: You went to a bed and breakfast without me?
Wednesday: No, B and E--breaking and entering.
Thing, even more offended: WITHOUT ME?!
Xavier, throwing a coin into a fountain: I wish for world peace.
Wednesday, glaring as they throw one in too: I wish for world war.
Wednesday: Can you perform under pressure?
Xavier: No but I could take a stab at ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’
Enid: You call yourself my friend, but where were you when my meme only had four likes?
Tyler: Making four accounts.
Enid, tearing up: Really...?
*at a restaurant* 
Enid: I’ll have the chef’s salad 
Ajax: *whispering* Babe that’s so rude, just order your own 
Bianca: Ah shit, I forgot.
Xavier: Forgot what?
Bianca: How do you expect me to answer that?
Eugene: *visibly upset* 
Enid: Eugene, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.
Wednesday: Tyler, keep an eye on Xavier today. He’s going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Tyler: Sure, I’d love to see Xavier get punched.
Wednesday: Try again.
Tyler: I will stop Xavier from getting punched.
Enid: This is such a bad idea.
Tyler: Then why are you coming along?
Enid: One of us needs to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
Bianca: What scares you the most?
Enid: Ghost.
Tyler: Loosing Wednesday.
Wednesday: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death.
Ajax: Wednesday. I'm scared of Wednesday.
Wednesday tending to Tylers scratches: how would you rate your pain?
Tyler: zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Wednesday: my mother taught me to think before i act.
Wednesday: …so if i smack the shit out of you, rest assured that i thought about it and am confident in my decision.
Xavier: Wednesday loves me. She just doesnt care for my general happiness or self-esteem.
Ajax: thank you, nature, for pre-slicing oranges for us. You didnt have to and you did anyway and that was cool of you
Wednesday: …enid, what are you doing?
Enid, standing on the couch: i live here too, y’know. i can stand wherever i want, thank you very much.
Wednesday *sighing*: where’s the spider?
Enid: under the table.
Tyler: Why are you late?
Wednesday: A technical error occurred, causing an unexpectedly long bout of unconsciousness.
Tyler: You overslept?
Wednesday: I overslept.
Wednesday: *angrily presses Tyler against a wall* WHO IS YOUR MASTER?!
Tyler: ...
Tyler: Are we about to kiss-
[ After directly disobeying the principles orders ]
Wednesday: Anyone else have the weird urge to lecture themselves?
Wednesday, as Weems: Ms Addams, what do you think you are doing?
Weems, appearing from behind Wednesday: Ms Addams, what do you think you are doing?
Wednesday: I conjured her.
Wednesday: were you dropped on your head as a child? 
Tyler: bold of you to assume I was even held
Enid: Tyler, we’ve talked about this 
Mkay thats it!! Y’all are eating these up and I enjoy making them so if u want more pls ask I will do so with the slightest excuse. 
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morningmask27 · 2 months
Ivypool's heart rant under the cut lol
WHISTLEPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW, my little Whis is important, WHISTLEPAW is a big part of the story (hopefully). Oh boy, I hope they won't do Whis too wrong with this book or I'll go fight the Erins myself.
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this little scene was very funny to me. Whistlepaw is a shit fighter confirmed
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we also get descriptions for the new children, FINALLY. Don't think anyone expected Branchkit to be fully white, but the Erins like being chaotic with their pelt colors, so whatevz. I've already played with fully white kits in this family, Branchkit is deaf now.
Anyways, I am pretty okay with Ivypool and Rootspring hanging out to mourn Bristlefrost. It's touching in a way that they bond over this shared grief (also impressed they mentioned Antpelt. They do remember things from time to time. Impressive)
The way they made Wrenflight have a crush on Rootspring does annoy me just a bit. Crush shenanigans will obviously annoy me personally more, but they truly couldn't find anything better to do and they had to make A Girl fall for Root? (Also I don't know my SkyClan family tree that well surprisingly enough, so I don't have the ability to immediately say if these two are closely related. It seems okay, but who knows). They also made her a
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whoopsies </3
However I truly don't feel like Ivypool should be deputy at all in such a situation. It's stated multiple times that she hasn't done a good job at her tasks or even Be On Time and I do wonder why Squirrelstar never immediately choose Cinderheart to be her deputy (also girlpower <3). I am slightly aggravated with Ivypool's worries that she'd be replaced on the long term by Cinder, who in two phrases looks to be such a better deputy than Ivy, so that weird entitlement was a bit annoying tbh. Hope it gets addressed, but I assume it won't.
Fernsong is a nothing character and that doesn't change all that much. He's ~moved on~ with Bristlefrost's death and it does characterize him a bit, but goddamn I didn't know who I found more annoying when he and Ivy were talking. Thriftear and Flipclaw look like they'll be completely forgotten by the story after their one Obligatory Scene and it's a bit disappointing. Fernsong did mention multiple times specifically taking care of the kits, but in such vague terms that it just sounds stupid. Why are the Erins still so wishy-washy about having Fern live up to his earlier promise?
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God, just get a divorce if you're not going to talk at this point. Wdym The Father of the kit you just lost doesn't understand the grief you're going through. Okay he's a cardboard made to feel whatever's necessary, but still, this is dumb
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*chanting* divorce divorce divorce divorce
Anywaaaaaaays. Harestar gets one emergency gathering, as a treat <3
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That was Whistlepaw's little sister, so obviously that would be traumatic (I will bite the Erins if they forget in the rest of the book) and
Whistlepaw does not like public speaking. Whis already had a same-ish reaction last time in Thunder when lying about Frostpaw's death, so this is a funky character trait.
Anyways, Whis <3 (they also don't let Whis finish explaining that damned dream. Constantly interrupting with useless comments. Goddamnit, you don't help a cat that doesn't like public speaking already by constantly speaking up and stopping the story)
And as I yelled in another post, Cloverfoot gets a few good lines here. Not a lot, but she's rational
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Whistlepaw gets two free mom's
I find the group of cats so funny to. Ivypool, deputy of ThunderClan and hero of the dark forest, Dovewing, one of The Three super powered cats that saved the Clans, Rootspring, light in the mist, helped to defeat Ashfur and has sister powers, Icewing (joins a bit later), senior warrior of RiverClan, trained in the dark forest too and then there's Whistlepaw, apprentice with a dream. (This will make for a funny daily Whis drawing lol)
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LOVE DATE with Van - Translation
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You might want to check out first ⇒ LOVE APPROACH Day 5.by Van & LOVE AFFAIR with Van
Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
Okay, we've arrived! Our date today is going to be here! A limited-time super lively festival!
There are many cute little stalls. They have all kinds of games.
The idea is that it’s simple and we can have fun playing together.
Some of the games require us to work together, which is a great way to bring us closer together.
That one’s Whac-A-Mole and these ones are shooting gallery and ring toss.
And then… Without a doubt, the games I recommend are definitely the batting and throwing games over there in the back!
The prizes for both are guaranteed to be great and they’re related to safe and secure baseball~
So, which one do you want to start with? You don’t need to follow my recommendation, of course.
Don't worry about it and choose whatever you like.
You want to try the batting game? You’re so sweet.
(internal monologue) Oh, no! The date has just begun, but my heart won't be able to take it if this continues. Saying things like “I want to see how cool you look”, my lover is too cute!
Oh, it’s nothing. I was just thinking about how lucky I am.
Let's get going.
I’m fired up! It’s the same feeling as standing in the batter's box with all the bases loaded and two outs in the bottom of the 9th inning.
I’ll do it perfectly!
There are three different prizes, which one do you want?
That's the prize in the middle, right?
I'm going to put my pride on the line and challenge myself to win it in one fell swoop!
(grabs the bat)
Bring it on! I said I’m going to smash it…!
(hits the ball)
Alright! Hit!
A huge home run that hits the ceiling!
The lead is taken away from the opposing team with a single hit!
It’s a beautiful shot by the player Kiryuin which captured people's hearts! Just kidding.
I’m glad it was a hit with you too. What a beautiful smile.
(clears throat)
It’s time for the second shot.
Here goes!
(hits the ball)
Nice hit!
Don't be impressed just yet. There’s still one more!
(hits the last ball and the listener claps)
If it’s for you, getting three hits in a row is no big deal!
How was that? Am I the MVP to you today?
“It’s like you aimed and shot at my heart?”
That line… By any chance, did you borrow it from me?
You used it perfectly!
It’s just that… the way you said it and the smile on your face are a big problem…
I’ll hurry up and give you the prize before your cuteness makes me quit in the middle.
Now, please accept this as something to remember today by.
One is the prize you wanted, the other two are a bonus from me. Because you made me feel super happy, so this is to express my gratitude.
Hey, can I tell you something?
You've been way too cute all this time.
Especially if you show me a defenseless expression like just now so easily, it might make me lose my reason and do something naughty…
(hugs the listener)
If I’m hugging you like this, I can’t see you, so I’ll be able to control myself more easily.
No! Don’t let go. Stay like this.
You should be a little more aware of what you're doing to me.
Every word and gesture from you, no matter how trivial, looks incredibly dazzling to me. I am at your mercy.
And on top of that, you are doing your best to get my attention? I welcome it fully, of course.
Your braveness touches me and makes me fall even more in love with you.
Either way, the end result is the same.
I’ll spoil you plenty and love you until you say you’ve had enough.
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huffle-dork · 5 months
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 22: Many Roads Diverge
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs| Many Roads Diverge
Read SITCV | SATCV Masterpost | AO3 Link
Bro falls in the same way he's fallen before. But somehow, it feels... rougher than it did before. Like he's crashing through thin tree branches while flying through a forest. Eventually, he lands. This is the living room of a house. A big, open-space living room, decorated with dark colors and wooden highlights, with a sofa and a couple chairs and a big flatscreen TV. A grand front entrance sits on one wall, with front windows. To the left of this are archways leading into a kitchen and dining room. To the right is a wall full of windows. Outside the windows is a dark landscape... a forest. Across from the front entrance is the wall with the TV. Also on this wall is a staircase leading upwards, as well as two closed doors. 
Bro shakily gets to his feet and looks around in panic. He doesn't care- this isn't a normal jump. He needs to find Alt and Jackie-! 
"Alt!! Jackie?!" He yells out in panic, trying to see if there's any hints of them. He looks around the living room a bit before shaking his head and trying to find a way outside.
The front door is locked, but it unlocks from the inside with the turn of the deadbolt. He unlocks the door, and-- He unlocks the door and-- He unlocks the door and-- Okay, that doesn't make sense. He's definitely unlocked the door, but it still feels locked. 
Footsteps suddenly rush down the staircase behind him. 
"I'm gonna break it down with my fucking fists then!" a voice shouts, and suddenly a man in a red hoodie appears running down the stairs and bolting to the nearest closed door, not even glancing at Bro. 
"Jackie you fucking idiot!" Another man runs down the staircase, with neat brown hair and glasses. "Do you even know how to break a door dow--" Unlike the last guy, he sees Bro, and he stops short. 
"Yeah, he does!" Two more people come running down the stairs, a man with a mustache wearing a white button-up shirt, and a man wearing an elaborate mostly-black outfit with lots of lace and belts. "He's talked about it before--" The goth one is saying, when he also sees Bro and stops short. 
The man with the mustache stares at Bro, eyes wide. You're not supposed to be here, he says in sign language. 
"Chase?" asks the one with glasses. "No... wait, no." 
"Fucking intruder!" The goth one points. 
"Huh?!" The man in the red hoodie turns around. "Wait, holy shit, what?!"
Bro jumps as the red hoodie man runs down the stairs. Then, he meets the goth and man with the glasses's gaze with wide panicked eyes. As the goth one yells he holds up his hands, "W-Wait please I can explain! I... I am Chase but not your Chase! I'm.. I'm from another universe...!"
The four of them all stare at him. Then the one in the hoodie shakes his head. "This isn't the fucking time!" he shouts, shoving his shoulder into the closed doorway. 
"Jackie!" The glasses one shouts. "You're going to hurt yourself!" 
"Chase might get hurt, Schneep!" Jackie retorts. "If we can't find something to break the door, down, I'm gonna fucking do it myself!" 
"Uh--I really think we should deal with the crazy guy claiming to be Chase?" the goth one says, giving Chase a nervous look. "Maybe--maybe he's the guy Chase saw earlier?" 
Jackie runs into the door again, causing it to shudder in its frame.
Bro jumps and then furrows his brow in determination and tries to see if he can help Jackie. "I don't have time to dwell on this either! I need to find my brother and my Jackie!"
“Your Jackie?” The goth one repeats. “And your brother? Not a very good imitation of Chase if you have a brother.” 
"I'm not trying to be a good impression!" Bro shouts back. 
“Marvin, please, this isn’t the time,” Jackie says. He looks back at Bro, stepping aside and allowing him access to the door. 
The door easily crumples under Bro’s super strength—though it feels unusually sturdy. Like there’s metal inside the wood. 
“Whoa!” Marvin jumps. “How fucking strong are you?!” 
Didn’t the door open the other way? the man with the mustache wonders. 
As the door breaks he rolls out his shoulder and massages it some, pulling at his recent stab wound. He winces then looks down at the door. "T-That thing was stupidly tough- why do you guys have metal in your door??"
“Th-this isn’t our door!” Schneep protests. “Th-this cabin belongs to a friend of ours. Though—the question still stands. Why is there metal in the basement door?” 
Bro stares at the basement and then curses, "This wasn't to outside?! Damnit-!" 
Jackie runs through the doorway, staring down the twelve steps to the basement. “Chase?! Chase?! W-we’re coming to get you!” 
“This isn’t the time to wonder about metal doors or which way it opens—though JJ is right, that was weird,” Marvin says. “We have to get Chase! Let’s go!”
Bro’s about ready to run towards the front door again but... he hesitates. Something was clearly wrong here- something that happened to another him. He glances at the front door and then takes a deep shuddering breath and whips around to the others, "...what's happening? What happened to Chase? M...Maybe I can help-"
The friends all glance at each other uneasily. Then, JJ raises his hands. We're not fully sure. 
"H-he said that he saw someone outside the cabin," Jackie says slowly. "But, uh, that's impossible, we're more than an hour away from anything. We thought he was messing with us... but then he started acting weird... he tried to strangle Marvin, then started freaking out and saying he didn't know what was happening, then he started laughing and ran downstairs..." 
Marvin rubs his neck. "Fucking weird." 
"Wh-whatever it is, h-he might hurt himself," Schneep says. "We cannot let that happen."
Bro knits his eyebrows together, "...sounds like he could be possessed by something-" He glances at the stairs and then sighs, "Which... I dunno how much help I can be with that but... I've dealt with this before... but god- Alt would be so much better suited here.."
Marvin blinks, leaning forwards a little. "Possession? You mean--like there's a spirit in him?" 
"This is not the time for jokes!" Schneep snaps. "Chase could be having a serious breakdown!" 
"I-I'm not joking!" Bro yells after Schneep. 
"Whatever!" Jackie runs down the steps. 
Well, guess we're following him! JJ comments, then runs after him. 
When the others start to run Bro has a mental battle with himself. He knows he needs to find Alt and Jackie but!! He's a hero! He can't just leave someone in trouble like this!! Finally he growls to himself and then rushes down the stairs after them.
The stairs end at a hallway lined with doors, two on the left, three on the right. The hallway ends in a big room without any doors. 
Jackie is currently staring into the first door on the right. "He's not in here," he reports. "Check the other doors." 
Marvin reaches for the first door on the left. "Huh. Locked." 
"Chase?" Schneep calls. "Chase?!" No answer.
This is... bizarre. But not much worse than any other universe so far... Bro steps forward and goes to check the first door on the right.
Inside is a room that's almost empty, save for some cardboard boxes and a fuse box on the wall. There's an intercom speaker in one of the corners near the ceiling. 
Schneep is trying the second door on the left. It's also locked. JJ skips the middle door on the right and heads for the last one. But that's also locked. 
"Chase?!" Jackie calls. "Where are you?! We're worried!" He tries the middle door on the right. Also locked.
"Is this the only one open...?" Bro mumbles to himself and walks into the room. He tries to look around and then calls out, "Umm- Chase? You in here?"
Bro walks back out and frowns in confusion. This is... mega creepy. His instincts are going crazy.
"What the fuck?" Marvin whispers. 
"H-he has to be in that big room at the end, then," Jackie says, pointing. 
"Chase?!" Schneep calls, rushing down the hallway. Marvin and JJ follow him, and then Jackie-- And as soon as all of them are past the middle door, it opens too quietly for them to hear... but not too quietly for Bro.
Bro catches the sound of the middle door opening and whips back around.
Out walks a man with messy hair tucked beneath a snapback cap. The sleeves of his shirt are rolled up... and in one hand, he clutches a handgun. His eyes land on Bro, looking glazed and cloudy--and he raises the gun and fires.
Bro quickly shouts out, "WATCH OUT!" And ducks before going to try to grab the man- who has to be Chase- by the arm holding the gun and pinning him to the wall. "The fuck are you doing?!"
Chase slams up against the wall, hitting his head, but he shows no reaction. He stares at Bro with that same glazed look. 
Jackie's head whips around at the sound of Bro's shout and gunshot. "What the hell?!" he shouts, and rushes over. 
JJ, Schneep, and Marvin follow shortly after. 
"A gun?!" Schneep gasps. "Where did you get that, Chase?!" 
Chase mumbles something. The words run together, hard to make out. Something about... a game? Is he calling for someone?
Bro recognizes that glazed look in his eyes. "...h-he's either being possessed or influenced by something!" Bro tries to get the gun away from his grip.
Chase's fingers twitch weakly, trying to hold onto the weapon, but Bro easily slides it out of his hand. 
"Th-this isn't the time for fucking jokes!" Schneep stammers. "Possession?! Wh-what the--" 
That feels... right, JJ says slowly. What do we do, then? 
"Scuse me." Jackie steps up next to Bro and shakes Chase's shoulders. "Chase? B-bro? Can you hear me?!" 
Chase doesn't respond. He's still muttering something. "'m try'n', I c'n.. can' do it... g've it back..."
"Sorry Bro- I don't think its a good idea for you to have this." Bro says as he tucks the gun into his back pocket. He then leans down to get in his field of vision and waves his hand. "I think you should like... have some reaction to this though- the fact that we have the same face, maybe?"
Chase's eyes seem to land on Bro's face for the first time. He blinks slowly. "...huh?" The lights in the basement hallway flicker. Chase shudders as well. "...you're not supposed to be here..." 
Jackie blinks. "The fuck? Chase?! What does that mean?!" 
No use. Chase has gone back to his blank staring. 
"Was he making fun of my accent?" Marvin mutters. 
"Surely not," Schneep says. 
"Why'd he sound Irish, then? He's American."
Bro stands up straighter as the lights flicker and then narrows his eyes at the ominous warning. " ... yup- definitely something inside him that's not supposed to be. Goddd- I need Alt... he's good with this magic bullshit." He rubs his head like he has a headache.
"There is no magic bullshit!" Schneep protests, his voice cracking a bit. 
"Schneep, please," Marvin says. "Can't you open up your mind a little? Like--what the fuck is happening?!" 
"Not magic! Do not let your witchcraft blind you to the more reasonable explanations!" 
Jackie shakes Chase some more. "Chase! Please! Please!" His voice breaks with desperation. 
"...J-Jackie?" Chase whispers. "Why're... you... here... Where's... Sam..." Then he slumps again. His hand raises up absentmindedly, grabbing onto Bro. It's unclear what he's trying to do, but it's probably supposed to be threatening.
Bro blinks in surprise but then grabs Chase's hand and squeezes it. "Hey, dude. I know you don't know me but... if you're like any other Chase I've met... you're stronger than you know. You can break out of this... please- your friends are worried," He tries to whispers encouragingly. 
Chase's eyes focus on Bro's hand holding his. Then they drift to Bro's face. Marvin, Schneep, and JJ crowd around Bro, their worried expressions fully in view. 
Then, suddenly, something snaps, and Chase gasps. "Wh-what just--what just--Sam?" He looks around. "W-wait, now why would--" And back at Bro. His eyes widen, freaked out. "Who the fuck are you?! What's happening?!" 
Chase, JJ signs. Are you okay? 
"I--I don't--" Chase shakes his head, more confused than anything.
Bro tries to hold onto Chase and raises his hand, trying to shush hum and calm him down. "H-Hey bro! Deep breaths its okay... you just went through something really freaky- and uh... I'm hard to explain but I'mmmm you? From another universe?" He grins nervously.
"Wh-what the hell?" Chase shakes his head more--and then stops, as his eyes land on something behind all the people around him. He gasps. "N-no! L-leave me alone!" 
The others all spin around. "Th-there's nothing there, Chase, d-don't worry," Jackie says.
Bro looks back too and furrows his eyebrows. He then looks back at Chase with worry. "Are you seeing someone, Chase?"
Chase looks at him nervously, then nods. "Th-there's a man. W-wearing black. He's--shut up!" he shouts at that same spot. Then his eyes widen and he tries backing up into the wall. "No! N-no!" 
"Maybe--maybe that's the spirit?" Marvin guesses. "There has to be a way to exorcise them!. I-it's going to be okay, Chase." 
Do you think those books in the other room might help? JJ asks. 
Marvin nods. "Th-they did look like spellbooks... but why would Jack have spellbooks?" 
"Who cares! Go look!" Jackie shouts. 
Marvin nods. "JJ, come with me! Chase, stay here. I-it'll be fine, I promise!" He and JJ run down the hallway.
Bro looks between Chase and the others as they run down the hallway and looks a bit panicked. "u-uh...! It's okay dude... i-it's gonna be okay!" He fumbles for his phone to see if it has any power left- or the ability to call Alt. ...it's weird... all the usual guys were here... shouldn't the others have shown up here too?
The phone still has power, and he's getting pretty good reception. But as he checks that, something happens. A small slit of blackness opens up on the opposite wall of the hallway. A breeze starts pulling at Bro's clothes. 
"...what the fuck is that?" Schneep mutters, staring at it. 
Bro’s eyes widen as he feels the breeze and he cries out in panic. “W-What?! Already??”
"A-already?" Chase stammers. "Wh-what do you mean? You see that too? It--" His eyes roll back a little. "It better just take you. I've worked too hard for this." 
"Chase... what are you talking about?" Jackie whispers. 
Bro looks even more panicked but looks at Chase with dread. “Y-You’re still…!” 
Chase smiles a smile that is not his, and lunges for Jackie all of a sudden.
Bro shouts out as Chase lunges for Jackie and gets in between pushing Chase back and putting his arm out to protect Jackie. “I don’t care how hard you’ve worked for this, fucking demon! As long as I’m here you ain’t touching them!”
Chase--or the thing inside him--laughs. "I don't need them specifically," he says. And suddenly there's a knife in his hand. He lunges forward again-- 
"No!" Schneep's hand shoots out and grabs Chase's arm as he swings the knife. 
"Holy shit!" Marvin gasps as he runs down the hallway towards them. Behind him, JJ follows, holding an old book. 
The rift gets wider, the breeze pulling at Bro a bit stronger.
Bro jolts back and pushes Jackie behind him more. Bro’s eyes glow slightly as he growls at the thing inside Chase. “You don’t want to fight me, dude. Back down.” 
He nervously glances at the rift getting wider- what is he supposed to do about that?! There’s a crazy thing trying to kill these guys!!
Chase's eyes widen slightly, and he laughs. "Alright, fine. Kill this one. I can find another." He tries to punch Schneep with the other hand but Jackie grabs it. 
"Since when are you so strong?!" Jackie gasps. 
"Guys, there's something in here that might help!" Marvin says, pointing at the book JJ's holding. JJ passes it to him. "I-I just have to read it out loud." 
Chase's eyes widen. "What is that?" hisses the thing. "Where did you get that?!" He lunges again, managing to break free of Schneep's grip, but Jackie pulls him back. 
"Stranger Chase, help!" Jackie gasps. 
The lights flicker. Even in the moment of pitch black, the rift is darker.
Bro is caught between two worries- the rift’s pull ever present. But… he can’t ignore a cry for help! 
Bro grits his teeth to determination and tries to pin Chase up against the wall.”Start reading then!” He shouts at Marvin.
Chase shrieks an unnatural shriek and struggles against Bro. The hallway lights go out, so JJ pulls out his phone and shines the flashlight on the pages as Marvin reads something in Irish. 
Chase tries to stab Bro but Jackie grabs his arm and pries the knife free. 
Soon, Chase's struggles become less like actual fighting against Bro and more random spasms, the creature reacting to the incantation.
“I-I think it’s working!” Bro whispers excitedly, loosening up his grip a bit.
Abruptly, everything stops and Chase goes limp. The lights turn back on again--just in time to show the black smoke pouring out of Chase's mouth. Smoke that forms a rough humanoid figure, with green glowing eyes that glare at Bro with malice.
Bro backs up as he stares at the smoke with wide eyes. “H-Holy fucking shit..!” He breathes.
The figure reaches for him... and then dissipates. Chase slumps forward, and Jackie quickly grabs him. "Hey. Hey! Ch-Chase, are you okay?!" he asks. 
Chase groans. "Oww..."
Bro takes a second to breathe and then goes to check Chase over, “Are you hurt?”
"Everything hurts," he groans. "Muscles... all over." 
"M-maybe you were holding him too tight?" Schneep suggests. 
“O-Oh sorry I… I didn’t know-“ Bro says guiltily. 
JJ sighs. I'm just glad you're okay, Chase. 
"It does feel... lighter, somehow," Chase says. 
The rift widens. Its pull is almost irresistible for Bro--though, once again, the people from this world seem less affected.
Bro yelps as he feels the pull of the rift even more. He nervously glances at it as he digs his heels in. He then tries to smile at the others. “I.. I’m glad I could help- I hope that thing will leave you all alone now!”
"Y-yeah." Jackie nods slowly. "Um... thanks." 
"I am not sure what happened here," Henrik mutters. 
"I think it's gone, though," Marvin says. 
"Thanks," Chase breathes. 
JJ looks him straight in the eye. Good luck. 
And then the pull becomes too much. 
Bro tries to smile at them all before he’s pulled into the rift.
Jackie's fall is rough. He's not as well traveled through the multiverse as Bro and Alt are, but he knows this isn't normal. When he lands, he lands hard. 
Jackie yells out as he falls and groans loudly, holding himself. “Ow ow ow what the fuck?!!”
This is the living room of a house. A big, open-space living room, decorated with dark colors and wooden highlights, with a sofa and a couple chairs and a big flatscreen TV. A grand front entrance-- 
Someone rushes up to Jackie and tries to punch him in the face.
Jackie yelps and manages to push himself up and back and jumps over some furniture to get away from whoever attacked him. “Um??? Hello??!”
"Whoa whoa whoa hey man!" Another man appears, wrestling his attacker back and giving Jackie time to take them in. 
The attacker is a man with a mustache in a bloodstained white shirt, and the one holding him back is a man wearing a snapback cap and a bloodstained gray shirt. "W-we can't just smack him!" the cap man says. 
The mustache man continues to struggle, looking at Jackie with glaring anger.
Jackie backs up and puts his hands up with a very confused expression. “…I feel like I missed a couple chapters here uh-what’s happening?! Why are we trying to smack me??”
"Ah, um--S-sorry, Jackie, I know you don't--wait a minute." The man in the cap blinks. "What happened to your face? Why's there shit on it?" He gives Jackie a once-over. "Are you... Jackie? Jackie Mann?" 
Of course he is! the man with the mustache signs. 
"N-no, wait, he... looks different... a bit."
“Uhhh yes I am- but um- jeez im not used to them having the same last name as me.” Jackie ruffles his hair awkwardly. “I’m Jackie Mann but probably not the one you know? I’m from another universe-“ He then pulls at his face and grumbles, “I need to find a mirror I can’t believe this stuff is still on- imma kill my kids-“
"I-I... um..." The man with the cap blinks. "W-well... I'm... Chase. This is... JJ..." 
JJ glares at Jackie. 
"I, uh... S-sorry, I'm having difficulty processing this." 
JJ flips Jackie off. 
“Y-Yeah uh… nice to meet ya-“ Jackie starts then blinks in surprise as JJ flips him off. “Woah uh- okay haven’t seen a jj do that yet I think-“ 
"Jays!" Chase smacks his hand. "Look--this guy is wearing different clothes than Jackie--Jackie wouldn't even own that shirt, he has enough stupid pan pun shirts as it is! H-he's different! Whatever's going on, he's different! He doesn't kn-know anything!" 
JJ glares for a moment more... then slumps in Chase's arms, anger replaced by sadness. Sorry, he signs. I'm not even really mad at the Jackie we know.
Jackie takes the other two in and then it dawns on him that the red on their shirts aren’t some pattern they’re- “wait h-holy shit are you guys bleeding?!”
Chase winces. "N-no... i-it's not our blood, it's... O-our friend was..." Tears well in his eyes. "W-we need to get out of here. We--I-I don't know how you ended up in here, but we need to get out of here." 
JJ heads over to the room's front entrance and tries opening the door. It doesn't open. He tries shaking the doorknob, pushing the door at the same time, but it doesn't open. He leans his forehead against the wooden door.
Jackie’s eyes widen, “o…oh…” he breathes, looking freaked out and worried for them. “What.. what ha..happened?”
Chase shakes his head. "I-I don't know. Jackie--our Jackie--said that he saw a ghost, a-and things just... spiraled from there... our two other friends are... gone..." Chase trails off, a haunted look in his eyes. 
JJ looks back at Jackieboy. That ghost must have done it. He's using our Jackie. 
Jackieboy’s stomach drops. “H-Holy shit I.. I’m so so sorry…” He looks around the cabin and then tries to see if he can get through any of the windows. “L-Let’s try to get you guys out of here then! Have- have you called the police?”
"Tried," Chase says shortly. "But the call wouldn't go through. Not because of lack of reception, it just... wouldn't go through. I got some freaky whispers, and nothing else." 
The windows here don't seem to open. 
I swear they had locks, JJ says. I swear you could open them. 
"We gotta break them, then," Chase says decisively. 
And that's when they hear the footsteps.
Jackie stiffens as he hears the footsteps and then looks around for something heavy. “Breaking them it is!” He shouts with a bit of panic.
There's not a lot of loose items around that look heavy enough to break glass but light enough to throw. There are some video game consoles attached to the TV, a lamp on a side table, an old-looking clock on that same table. 
Chase picks up the lamp, forgets to unplug it, and trips over the power cord. "AH SHIT--!" 
The footsteps are coming from behind a closed door. The doorknob rattles. "...guys?" A voice calls. "G-guys, the--the door is locked." 
That voice... it sounds so much like Jackie's own.
Jackieboy swallows shakily as he hears his voice behind the door. He hurries and fumbles to grab the clock and then tried to chuck it at the window.
The clock bounces back with a loud THUD. He must not have used enough force. That must be it, right? 
“What the—guys?!” The doorknob rattles some more. “Are you okay?!” 
Chase hesitates. “Maybe we should listen to him…” 
Are you crazy?! JJ signs violently. After all that?!
“If he killed your friends then we should not listen to him!” Jackie hisses as he picks up the clock to try again- this time harder.
“I mean—there has to be something more going on—” Chase says. 
“Dude if a fucker kills your friends don’t trust them!!” Jackieboy says. 
CRASH! The clock goes through the window, shattering it. 
“Guys?!” The voice behind the door shouts in distress. The handle rattles some more—and suddenly the door opens, and out falls a man in a bloody red hoodie with a very familiar face. He looks at Jackieboy, confused. “What the…” Then he notices Chase staring at him and JJ clearing the more dangerous-looking glass shards from the window frame. “Wait! Guys! Don’t leave without me!” He scrambles to his feet and rushes over.
Jackieboy freezes as he sees the other Jackie and then grabs Chase and pushes him towards the window. “Go!” He then grabs the lamp Chase tried to grab earlier, rips it out to unplug it then points it out towards the other Jackie to keep him back. “N-Not another step closer, bitch!”
The other Jackie skids to a halt. “Wh-who the fuck are you?!” He shouts. “Guys?! Chase, JJ?! Th-that’s not me!” 
“W-we know,” Chase stammers. JJ is already climbing through the window. 
“Then what the fuck are you doing?! I can’t walk all the way back to the city in the dark!” 
“Jackie, I-I’m sorry, but I just don’t think we can trust you,” Chase says, backing up. “Just—just stay here for the night. We’ll be back.” 
“I’m not staying here with the ghost that killed Schneep and Marvin!” Jackie shouts, panicking. 
JJ, outside, looks back through the window. That wasn’t a ghost, he says. 
“What?! G-guys, I—I d-don’t know what’s going on.” Jackie shakes his head, clearly distressed.
Jackieboy slowly lowers the lamp, looking conflicted. “Hey dude I… I’m sorry but… i-I don’t know much about this stuff but… maybe that ghost like.. took you over?” He shakes his head, “Which means you’re dangerous I… I’m sorry-“ he looks back towards Chase and points, “Go! I… I can try to hold him off… I… I think-“
“Took me over…?” Jackie repeats. “But… when would… I mean, maybe that wire… I did wake up somewhere else…” 
As Jackie muses, Chase climbs through the window, giving him one last apologetic look before running off. 
Jackie makes no move to attack. He looks troubled. “But—that would mean I—I was the one to—” He looks a bit sick. “B-but I’d never! I—Th-they’re my friends—were my friends, I wouldn’t—” 
“I’m sorry…” Jackieboy says sincerely, “I know you probably didn’t want to.., I’m so so sorry.” 
Jackie finally focuses on Jackieboy again. “Wh-who are you…? How did you get here?” He whispers. 
Jackieboy sets down the lamp once he’s sure he’s not in danger. “I’m you from another world- and … I’m not sure? There were these rips and-“
Suddenly, loud sounds come from an archway—it must lead into the kitchen because it sounds like lots of cabinet doors opening and slamming closed. The lights flicker and go out, but the TV turns on, revealing just static as the furniture in the living room starts to grind against the floor and move towards the two Jackies. And right in front of the front door, a small black rip appears out of nowhere.
Jackieboy squeals in fright as all the lights go out and all the furniture starts to move- and noticing the black rip. “Okay now what the fuck is going on?! Ghost if you’re there- q-quit it!”
The static from the TV increases in volume. Jackie covers his ears. And outside, the clock that Jackieboy had thrown through the window suddenly comes flying back, aiming directly for the Jackie from this world. 
Jackieboy winces and then sees the clock flying towards Jackie and yells out and grabs the lamp again to knock it back like a baseball pitch. “T-The fuck?!” 
Jackie stumbles backwards in shock. He laugh a little. “Th-that was cool, what you just did, but—A-anyway, th-this must be the—” 
Jackieboy laughs in that nervous freaked out way, his hands shaking. “T-Thanks I wasn’t even thinking just-“ 
The lamp’s power cord suddenly writhes, lashing out at both of the Jackies like a whip.
Jackieboy yells out as the power cord writhes and throws the lamp as far as he can away and backs up towards the door. “T-This is too weird for me!! C-Chase?! Alt?! Are you around here?!?” He shouts towards the empty house.
Jackie ducks the power cord. “Who are you talking to?! Chase just left!” 
“Not that Chase- my Chase! Bro Fantastic!” Jackieboy yells back. 
There’s no answer. But the rift does get a bit bigger, its pull on Jackieboy increasing. 
“Fuck it!” Jackie shouts. “E-even if Chase and JJ left, it’s gotta be better outside than in here!” He grabs the window ledge and starts to pull himself out, but the power cord wraps around his ankle and pulls him back. “What the fuck?!”
Jackieboy backs up more- more towards the door than the window before he feels the rift’s pull and he tries to go back towards the window. “What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck? What do I do?!”
“Help!” Jackie kicks at the power cord.
Jackieboy shocks out of his freak out and notices the power cord around his other self. “S-Shit!” He digs around in his pocket and finds Alt’s pocket knife again. He thanks his lucky stars he still has it then rushes towards the power cord and tries to cut through it-
It takes a while, during which the power cord keeps trying to wrap around Jackieboy’s hand. Thank god the cord is unplugged or he would’ve been shocked a million times. 
Jackieboy sweats and grits his teeth as he works through the cord. 
Eventually, the cord is cut, and Jackie tumbles out the broken window and onto the ground outside. He pops up again, staring at Jackieboy with wide eyes. “H-hey! Get out of there!” 
But the pull of the rift has grown inescapable while Jackieboy worked on cutting through the cord.
Once Jackie is free Jackieboy laughs and stumbles to his feet, only to yell out as he’s pulled towards the rift. He looks at his other self with wide eyes and looks scared. “I-I’m sorry!” He yells before the rift sucks him in.
Jackie stares with wide eyes. He tries to reach out, but he’s not fast enough. 
The other him is gone. 
Magnificent falls through a rough, rippling darkness, until he finally lands somewhere else. This is the living room of a house. A big, open-space living room, decorated with dark colors and wooden highlights, with a sofa and a couple chairs and a big flatscreen TV. A grand front entrance sits on one wall, with front windows. To the left of this are archways leading into a kitchen and dining room. To the right is a wall full of windows. Outside the windows is an evening landscape... a forest. 
“What the fuck?!” A man in a red hoodie suddenly jumps to his feet. On the sofa, two other men—one in a cap, one with a mustache—turn around. “Am I crazy, or did that guy just pop out of nowhere?!” 
Magnificent groans as he lands on the ground, his vision dizzying and unable to focus. He sees the red hoodie bright in his vision and through his weakened state- he tries to reach out. “J…Jackie…”
“Y-yeah?” Jackie stammers. “Who are you?!” 
“Holy shit he’s bleeding!” The man in the cap gasps. “Schneep!” 
A man in glasses rushes out of the archway leading to the kitchen. He gasps. “Marvin?! Wait, no, wh-what the hell?!” 
He’s not supposed to be here, the man with the mustache says. 
“Well he’s bleeding, we gotta do something!” the man in the cap says. “There has to be a first aid kit somewhere in here!” 
Magnificent growls a bit at all the noise and the rushing around. He dazedly sees if there’s any magic or power here but… it’s so hard to concentrate. That fucker Anti drained him of almost everything he had. It’s a miracle he’s still alive… but maybe he did that just to torture him.
As the others rush around and wonder about what the hell is going on, Magnificent reaches out, and feels some source of power… below the ground? A basement of some kind? There also seems to be faint energy all over, but it’s hard to reach, and not enough to do much of anything for him anyway. 
“Don’t move him,” Schneep is saying. “You shouldn’t move someone who’s been injured this much unless necessary. JJ, if you really want to go check on Marvin, go ahead.” 
“No, wait, I’ll go with you, Jays,” Chase says. 
“Hey.” Jackie crouches down in front of Magnificent. “Who are you? How’d you get out here?”
Magnificent feels the power beneath him and he feels that deep aching hunger overwhelm him so much it hurts. He doesn’t have a lot magic left- can he even teleport down there? He’s snapped out of his thoughts by Jackie crouching down in front of him. He narrows his eyes and bares his fangs a bit and croaks out, “M-Magnificent… I… don’t know… big hole- a..a rift-“
"...huh?" Jackie blinks, confused. He backs up, wary. "Wh-why do you have fucking fangs?" 
“Cuz I like em-“ Mag growls dazedly. 
"Don't be judgmental, Jackie," Schneep mutters. "Some people like changing their appearance." 
"Schneep, this guy literally popped in here out of nowhere, isn't that weird?" 
"Yes... but I am a doctor and this man is hurt, I should not let my opinions get in the way. Hand me the bag." 
Jackie still looks unsure, but he passes Schneep a red bad--the group must've found a first aid kit while Mag was spacing out. Schneep opens it up and starts rummaging inside. 
"I'll... go get those wet cloths you mentioned earlier," Jackie mutters, going into the kitchen.
Magnificent studies Schneep through his dizzying vision as he feels that pull of power tugging in his gut. Impossible to ignore. But- he also can’t let himself bleed out- which he unfortunately can still do. So he stays still and lets the doctor do what he must.
"What the fuck caused these wounds?" Schneep mutters. "They are so deep but so narrow..." 
“Razor sharp playing cards made of metal…” Magnificent grunts. 
"What? Were you fighting Gambit from X-Men?" Jackie raises an eyebrow as he returns.
"Jackie, please, I must focus," Schneep says.
Schneep starts to cleans Mag's wounds. They're too narrow to pack, and there's nothing to suture them with in the first aid kit, so Schneep settles for wrapping them very tightly. 
"We need to call an ambulance," he says. "Jackie?" 
"On it." Jackie reaches into his hoodie pocket and pulls out his phone. 
Footsteps approach from the basement staircase. That magical signature is getting closer... and, actually, it feels like there are two. A lighter, smaller current underneath a heavy weight of something dark.
Mag bites back any noise of pain that threatens to come from his lips as Schneep works on him. Then, he feels the signature coming closer and struggles to pull himself up, eagerly looking towards the door.
Chase and JJ come up from the basement. With them is a man wearing a black outfit with lots of lace and belts. His face is very familiar to Magnificent--and vice versa. 
"Wh-what the fuck?" Marvin gasps. "That's--that's me?" 
"No, he's not you," Chase says. "I mean--the eyes and the scars--" 
"Look under that, he fucking looks like me!" Marvin insists.
Magnificent grins, that mad light of his coming back to his eyes. “Of course it’s coming from you…!” He giggles breathlessly. In a last ditch effort he teleports over to Marvin and tries to grab him.
Marvin yelps as Mag suddenly appears in front of him and smacks his hands away with a book he's holding. "What the fuck? What the fuck?!" 
"Hey!" Chase lunges for Mag, trying to grab him. "What the hell are you doing?!" 
"Did he just--what?!" Schneep gasps.
Magnificent snarls and is more focused on trying to grab Marvin as he dives for him again. “Give me… your magic!” he screeches- but he’s pulled away by Chase and he screams in anger and desperately tries to get out by biting Chase’s arm.
"Magic?!" Chase says, confused. 
"Hey!" Jackie lunges across the room and pulls Mag back before he bites Chase. "What the fuck?!" 
Witchcraft? JJ signs, glancing back at Marvin. 
"I--y-yeah, I assume that's what he means," Marvin stammers. "He just--how did he--" He shakes his head... and Mag feels something shift, the dark power growing a bit stronger over the lighter current. "I don't know what's going on, but he's clearly dangerous. We have to lock him up somewhere!"
Magnificent snarls in feral rage as he’s pulled away more. He looks to Marvin, looking desperate. “I-I just need a taste of your magic- I can give you anything else in return!” He begs.
"What the hell is wrong with this guy?!" Jackie gasps. 
Marvin's expression softens slightly. "Wait... hold on, I... I think he's just scared." 
Marvin, you can't be taking this seriously, JJ says. He just tried to attack you! 
"Maybe we're just misunderstanding this." Marvin steps closer, leaning in close to Magnificent... and his blue eyes darken to black. He whispers in a voice too quiet for the others to hear, "Help me kill these four and I will give you what you need."
Magnificent stills and then grins, wide and manic. He whispers back, “I need only a taste and I can do that with ease…”
Marvin--or... whatever this is--nods slightly. "It's a deal." 
A breeze flickers through the room. He leans back, eyes returning to normal. "Yeah, I think this is just a big mistake," Marvin says... casually holding his hand out to Magnificent. "It'll be fine."
Magnificent quickly takes Marvin’s hand and smiles. “Yes. It will be.” 
Once they make contact- Mag tries to take as much power as the other will allow. 
The magic that flows into him is dark, similar to his own black magic, converting quickly to power he can use and giving him a jolt of energy. 
"I don't trust this," Jackie mutters. "Marvin, are you sure?" 
"I'm not gonna let go of him," Chase says. "Not until he explains what the hell is going on!" 
JJ's eyes narrow as he looks at Marvin and Mag's clasped hands. Then they widen. Chase, Jackie, get away!
Magnificent grins wide, his eyes glowing with power. He teleports out of Chase’s grip then tries to slash his claws across his throat.
Chase screams and stumbles back, bleeding slashes across his neck. 
"Chase!" Schneep gasps, rushing over and catching him as he falls. "H-hold on!" 
"What the fuck?!" Jackie goes pale. He lunges for Magnificent, pulling back a fist to punch him. 
JJ runs around Mag and Marvin to the first aid kit on the floor. 
Marvin just... stands there. It could be excused as shock... but Mag knows better.
Magnificent laughs crazily as he sees Chase fall- then his head snaps to the side as Jackie easily punches him in the face. He falls to the ground then snarls, eyes snapping towards Jackie. He grins and wipes at his face before teleporting and trying to tackle Jackie to the ground, hands reaching for his throat.
Jackie jumps backwards, stumbling, barely avoiding Mag's attack. "I knew it! I fucking knew something was wrong with you!" he shouts. He looks around, and grabs a lamp from a table, swinging it for Magnificent. And while he does that, a slight black rip opens up in the middle of the living room. 
Marvin looks towards it, confused. "That's... not supposed to be there," he--or the thing inside him--whispers under his breath.
Magnificent yells out as the lamp hits him and he staggers back. He growls darkly and whips out his hand, sending green fire towards Jackie and the floor. He’ll burn down the whole house if he has to! 
He stills as he sees the rip open in the middle and he gasps, staggering back. “The rift-!”
Jackie glances towards the rift, momentarily distracted. JJ does as well, but Schneep is too focused on trying to stem Chase's bleeding to do so. 
"Wh-what is that?" Jackie stammers. 
Whatever it is, it gets slightly bigger, pulling at Magnificent, a breeze tugging on his clothes.
“No! I’m not done yet!” Magnificent snarls at the rift- then dives for the nearest person, aiming to impale Jackie with his claws.
Jackie screams, pushed to the ground and suddenly bleeding from his stomach. 
"Jackie!" Schneep shrieks, staring at him in shock. 
JJ stands up and rushes over, starting to kick Mag off Jackie.
Magnificent gets kicked off and he growls and tries to grab JJ’s leg and sends fire up his leg.
JJ lets out a hoarse shriek and scrambles backwards, flailing on the ground to put the flames out. The rift is slowly pulling Magnificent across the ground. 
"I think your time here is coming to an end," Marvin mutters.
Magnificent cries out and tries to dig his claws into the ground to stop himself. “I thought you wanted my help!” He snarls at Marvin, “so- help me!”
"H-huh?" Schneep looks up. "M... Marvin?" 
Marvin looks towards him, eyes turning black again, and grins. "Who?" 
Schneep goes pale. Jackie starts to cry out but stops, wincing in pain. JJ tries to get to his feet but collapses from the damage done to his leg. 
"I'll try, but I don't think there's much I can do." 'Marvin' walks over to Mag and grabs him by the wrist, pulling... but the rift is stronger.
Magnificent desperately reaches out towards Marvin and as soon as they touch, mag digs his claws in and tries to grab more power, even as the rift pulls him. “Then I’ll have to take what I can get!” He laughs madly.
Marvin's eyes widen--and the black in them flickers as Mag drains dark power from the creature inside him. Marvin lets go in instinctive shock, and Magnificent gets pulled into the rift.
Alt tumbles through the darkness, landing roughly in another place. This is the living room of a house. A big, open-space living room, decorated with dark colors and wooden highlights, with a sofa and a couple chairs and a big flatscreen TV. A grand front entrance sits on one wall, with front windows. To the left of this are archways leading into a kitchen and dining room. To the right is a wall full of windows. Outside the windows is an evening landscape... a forest. Across from the front entrance is the wall with the TV. Also on this wall is a staircase leading upwards, as well as two closed doors.
Alt oofs quietly as he falls and shakes out his head and then quickly glitches to his feet in panic. “C-Chase?! Jackie??” He calls out, trying to look for any sign of them.
There's no sign of his friends, or even Magnificent. 
But then, outside, he hears the rush of running footsteps. Someone pulls open the front door and four people pile in. A man wearing black and a man with a mustache are supporting a man in a blue T-shirt between them, his head lolling. With them is a man in a cap, bleeding from a spot on his shoulder, his hands also covered in blood. They all stop in unison when they see Alt. 
"Um--what the fuck?!" the man in the cap gasps. "H-how did he get back here before we did?!" 
"N-no, it's a different guy, I think," the man in black says. "Hey! We've called the police! You can't--can't f-fucking do anything!" His anger is thinly hiding his fear. 
Alt glitches back in fear as the others burst in. He’s holds up his hands, looking just as scared as they do. “I-Im sorry I.. I don’t know why I’m h-here or how I got here I… I just- I need to-“ oh god he’s having a panic attack.
"Oh, I, um--s-s-sorry?" The man in the cap stammers. "C-calm down. I mean--don't calm down too much, because th-this--" 
"Can you come upstairs with us?" the man in black says. "I-it'll be safer up there, I think. JJ, grab the medkit, I got Jackie." 
The man with the mustache nods--obviously JJ--and rushes to the living room coffee table, where he gathers up supplies and puts them in a red bag there. He also grabs a red hoodie lying nearby. 
"I-it's gonna be okay," the man in the cap says to Alt, giving him a pained smile--pained because he's obviously bleeding. "We called the police. We just have to find somewhere safe. T-take deep breaths, stranger. Wh-what's your name?"
Alt shakily nods to the man in black and then really takes in the fact that they’re injured. “O-Oh shit uh o-okay… I… I’m Alt.” He glances up at the stairs and then starts towards them, “w-what’s happening? You- you guys are h-hurt-“
"N-nice to meet you, Alt," the man in the cap says, trying to sound calm. "I'm Chase, this is Marvin, Jackie, and JJ. W-we're hurt because--" 
"Because some crazy guy broke into the cabin and is trying to kill us!" Marvin blurts out. 
“W-What?!” Alt breathes in disbelief.
"That's not going to help him!" Chase says, head snapping over to Marvin. 
"Well this is an urgent situation!" Marvin snaps back. "W-we have to get upstairs! Jackie needs to lay down!"
Alt then looks around and starts grabbing who he can and making sure they’re all linked up, “l-listen this is probably weird but I have magic! I can get us upstairs somewhere safe if you guys just picture it!” 
"Wh-what?" Chase blinks. "O-okay, um--" 
Alt then closes his eyes and tries to glitch all of them upstairs.
And then they glitch, appearing in a bedroom with a bed in the middle, decorated much in the style of the living room downstairs but. There's a suitcase at the foot of the bed. 
"What?!" Marvin gasps. "This is the room I called!" He looks over at Alt, surprised--and a bit excited. "You really do have magic!" 
Alt feels himself sway for a second but he’s able to stay upright and he shakes his head to refocus. He smiles tightly at Marvin and gives a nervous laugh, “y-yeah I’m a magician…”
Put Jackie on the bed, JJ says. 
"Y-yeah, of course." 
"Put him on his side, that's supposed to be good for this sort of thing," Chase says. 
Marvin lays Jackie down on the bed, putting him on his side. Alt can see blood staining the back of his shirt. 
JJ puts the red hoodie on the bed next to Jackie, and he reaches out and grabs it. Then JJ sets the medical kit down on the desk in the room and hurries over to close the door.
Alt walks slowly over to Jackie and frowns as he sees the wound. He hovers a hand over it. “I… I might be able to heal him and.. and maybe Chase too-“
"Heal him? With magic?" Marvin's eyes light up. "I mean--" 
"A-are you sure?" Chase asks nervously. "I'd be okay with you t-trying on me, but... Jackie's hurt pretty bad." 
JJ stares at Alt curiously. I don't think you're supposed to be here... but since you are anyway, I think it'd be very helpful. 
"And since Jackie's hurt worse, shouldn't he be healed first?" Marvin argues. 
"Y-yeah, but... if something goes wrong..." Chase trails off. "W-well... if you guys want him to try, he can try. But I think we need to unpack the wound first. Don't want him to heal with that in him." 
"I can do that," Marvin says, rolling up Jackie's shirt to show the bandages underneath, which he starts undoing. 
“Y-Yeah good idea…” Alt looks through his bag and finds his still charged iPad. Hesitates then starts to drain the energy from it to make sure he’s fueled up enough. He has to be careful with healing… if this wound was so bad he could really drain himself too much.
"There's blood getting all over the blankets," Marvin mutters as he undos everything they just did. "Hope Jack doesn't mind." 
Chase laughs. "I think Jack would be more concerned that one of his friends died!" 
Marvin flinches. "Don't remind me." He looks over at Alt. "Alright. Go ahead and try."
Alt nods and goes over to Jackie’s back and hovers a hand over the wound. He traces a healing rune in the air above the wound and mutters something in Gaelic. His hovering hand glows blue and his eyes glow and he lightly presses the light against Jackie’s back. He presses more magic into it and soon enough- the magic starts to stitch together the ripped muscles and skin- closing up the wound and leaving only a faint scar behind. It’s not perfect- but it looks like how the wound would look after weeks of healing. He steps away and the glowing stops and he leans back, breathing heavily. “T-There…”
Jackie's eyes flutter. "Wh.. wha...?" 
"Jackie!" Chase gasps, rushing forward. He starts to hug him but then thinks better of it and stops. "Y-you're okay!" 
"I... what... happened?" he mutters. 
"You really are magic!" Marvin grins at Alt. "That's so--!" 
Alt smiles and laughs a little. “Yup- h-here Chase I think I can-“ 
Suddenly, JJ makes a shushing noise. His face has gone pale. And in the silence that follows... heavy footsteps can be heard in the hallway, stopping right outside the closed door.
Alt freezes as JJ shushes them and goes still- staring at the door with wide eyes.
The door handle rattles. And when it doesn't turn, something scrapes against the wood... and then SLAMS against it. 
JJ jumps. What do we do?! he asks.
Alt hesitates then glitches forward and puts a hand out. He signs to the others, Get behind me or hide! Then he glares at the door, ready to blast whoever bursts through.
The door shakes in its hinges. Marvin, JJ, and Chase all crowd behind Alt. 
JJ grabs the medical kit and hurriedly starts wrapping up the wounds on Chase's hands. 
SLAMSLAMSLAMSLAMSLAM-- The door bursts open and a man runs in, weilding a knife and wearing a surgical mask. He seems to hesitate for a moment seeing Alt, confused.
Even though he hesitates- Alt doesn't. He immediately shoots out some lightning at him, yelling out, "BACK OFF!"
The bolt hits the man dead in the chest, shooting him back out the open door. He falls to the floor, jittering slightly. 
And then Chase gasps. "Wait! SCHNEEP?!" 
Marvin pushes past Alt and rushes forward, grabbing the man. He pulls the surgical mask away from his face, revealing his face. "Schneep!" he gasps.
Alt's eyes widen and he lowers his arm, "W-What?! I.. J-Jesus I'm so sorry-!"
Marvin drags Schneep into the room. "Schneep, h-how are you alive?!" he gasps. "We--we saw you--th-there was so much blood--how?!" 
Schneep is still shivering slightly. He looks at Alt. "What... did you do...?" he croaks out. "H-he has gone silent..." 
"Schneep, a-are you okay?" Chase asks. 
JJ kneels next to him, checking him over. 
Jackie sits up. "Guys... Schneep... h-he was the one who..." he mumbles, trailing off.
Alt looks at Schneep confused- then back at Jackie, the gears turning in his head. "I... w-what's happening? You guys thought Schneep was dead and then... Jackie- are you saying Schneep attacked you?!"
Jackie nods slowly. 
Schneep wouldn't do that! JJ protests. He looks at Schneep. But... 
Schneep clutches his head, still shuddering. "Th-there is--s-s-someone--" he gasps out. "I-I cannot--but he is--he is quieter n-now--" 
"Is this... more of your brain stuff?" Chase asks gently. 
Marvin looks at Alt. "Or is it... maybe something more?"
Alt looks at Schneep and his mannerisms and feels his stomach drops. "I... I think he might be... p-possessed or... or maybe mind controlled?"
"Possessed?" Chase repeats. He frowns. "I-I wouldn't believe you if I didn't just see you heal Jackie like that." 
"Y-you have to take this chance," Schneep gasps. "You must--must run, I--b-before he becomes strong again--Downstairs, m-maybe there is something downstairs--" 
"In the basement?" Marvin asks. 
"I... I can go check for you all-" Alt says, "I'm pretty fast...?"
"I--yeah, sure, I guess?" Chase stammers. 
"What about Schneep?" Marvin asks. 
"You must run!" Schneep repeats. He gasps and doubles over, trembling. "H-he is awake-ing!" 
We'll get out of the room, at least, JJ says. 
Chase nods. He grabs Jackie, helping pull him up. "Sorry, Schneep." 
"Go!" Schneep shouts.
Alt stiffens and then uses his magic to put a shield around Schneep. "Y-You heard him! run! I'll try to hold him!"
The group nods, and rushes out of the room. 
"Basement, basement, basement," Marvin repeats under his breath as they disappear down the hall. 
Schneep shudders, pulling at his hair. "I-I do not know who you are, but--but thank you," he whispers.
Alt looks at Schneep sympathetically and kneels down by the shield, "...I'm a friend. My name is Alt and... I.. I know what it's like to go through something like this... you don't have to face it alone, okay?"
Schneep looks up at him and nods. "Alt... th-thank you. Thank you." He looks down again, hugging himself and rocking back and forth. And behind him, a small black rip opens up in the bedroom.
Alt looks at Schneep with worry and shakes it head. "It's no problem... I'm sure we can find a way to fix this, okay?" He flinches as he feels the slight breeze and looks back towards the rip and stumbles back. "W-What??" 
Schneep doesn't answer. He continues to shake, his whole body trembling--until he suddenly stops. His head snaps up, a sudden look of anger on his face, and he throws himself at the shield.
Alt yelps and scoots away from the shield to look at schneep with wide eyes, "S-Schneep?!"
"You little bitch!" Schneep shouts--but it's clearly not him. His voice is different; the accent has changed. His fists pound against the shield. "Where did you come from?! You're ruining everything! It's all going to damn hell because of you and this stupid fucking psycho and his terrible fit!"
Alt cringes away from the shouting and then glares at not-Schneep. "Good! I'm glad I'm ruining everything! You shouldn't be possessing Schneep anyways!"
A cruel, dark laugh comes from Schneep's mouth. "I didn't choose him! He was just the first! I bet any of the others would've been a good fit!" He throws Schneep's body at the shield again, bouncing back, then grins at Alt. "Even you would have been good." 
The rip in the world behind Schneep grows bigger...and Alt starts to feel its pull.
The shield is starting to crack- and Alt tries to scramble away with wide terrified eyes- then feels the rip pulling him closer. He panics trying to stop the pull with his feet. "N-No! No!"
The thing possessing Schneep bares his teeth at him in a sadistic smile. Then... he notices the way Alt's clothes are moving, and looks confused. He looks behind himself and sees the rift. "What?" he breathes, momentarily distracted by his confusion. Then his head snaps back to Alt, angrily. "What have you done?!"
"I-I didn't do this!" Alt argues, "S-Some fucker broke our device and i-is making rifts in other universes-!" He tries to dig his nails into the floor to stop the pull. "I-I don't know what's going on..!"
The thing laughs. "Well, looks like you won't be t-trouble for m-me much longer." 
Schneep's arms twitch. His expression breaks into wide-eyed fear. "A-A-Alt?" 
Footsteps come from down the hallway. "Schneep?!" Jackie's voice shouts. "A-are you still here?!"
Alt looks back at Schneep and then hesitates before he drops the shield. He breathes out, "H-Hey... y-you're gonna be okay, okay? I'm s-sure the others found something to help you and ... t-this can be over soon!"
"O-o-okay," Schneep breathes. "I-I will... h-hold on for them." 
Alt smiles and nods, "G-Good..."
"Schneep!" Marvin bursts into the room, holding an old-looking book with a cracked leather cover. On it, Alt can see the faint image of an eye surrounded by Celtic-knot type designs. 
"What the fuck?!" Marvin skids to a halt. Chase, JJ, and Jackie appear behind him. 
The pull of the rift is almost irresistible.
Alt looks at the others and he looks scared but he tries to smile for them too. "H-Hey you found something huh? G-Good... you all can save Schneep then...!" He clambers to try to resist the pull but he knows he can't fight it for much longer. He looks at the others and swallows shakily. "D-Don't let him feel alone... okay?"
Marvin hesitates, then nods. "O-okay. We won't. Never!" He opens up the book. 
"We'll take care of this," Chase says. 
JJ looks directly at Alt. Good luck. 
And then the pull becomes too much. 
Alt smiles and nods to them before the rift pulls him completely through.
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cinemasteves · 2 years
(based on the song by cashmere cat & ariana grande)
eddie munson x female!reader
notes/warnings: lots of sadness, cheater!eddie, manipulation, gaslighting, mentions of kissing/sex (not super detailed) reader, eddie & the rest of the older group are all the same age!
not my gif
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One week. It's been one week since you found out Eddie had cheated on you. Heartbroken is an understatement. The pain and betrayal you felt has been eating at your brain and heart all week long. Every night you cried yourself to sleep wondering what went wrong. He was your everything, and you thought you were his, that is until Chrissy Cunningham broke down crying and confessed to you in the school bathroom. Her words replaying over and over every night.
I'm so so sorry y/n, I was under the impression you guys were broken up, until I saw him kiss you in the hallway earlier. I just went to his trailer for some pills one night and it escalated from there. You don't deserve this. I'm very sorry.
♪ And you say that I'm the devil you know and I don't disagree no, I don't see the harm ♪
And of course when you confronted him after school, he denied it like no other.
I don't know what she's talking about, y/n. Why would you believe her of all people? She's part of Jason's clique, he hates me, he definitely put her up to this.
But that was quite the opposite. Chrissy was unironically the only cheerleader who was nice to you, hell she was nice to everybody. So when she told you about her and Eddie, you knew she was being genuine.
Seriously what has gotten into you? It's like you fell into hell and came back the devil himself. You've been stressing me out all week long, I need to focus on the DND campaign, i'll probably call you later.
But that night when he called you, your worst nightmare came true and he ended up confessing.
Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Please give me another chance.
And you did. But everybody knew something was different. The constant pda was now basically nonexistent, you stopped going to Hellfire meetings, you didn't hang out with the group as much and you barely talked to everyone.
♪ They say, 'you crazy, just leave him, he'll suffocate you' but I wanna be in your arms. ♪
You couldn't take it anymore and eventually told Nancy while you guys were studying together one afternoon, she was not happy.
Y/n...That's not okay! You should've never taken him back. I'm sorry. You deserve the entire world. Please leave him, it hurts not seeing you around us anymore. I will gladly tell Steve not to invite him around anymore if that would help. Staying with him will make you more and more miserable, we all notice it, you seem suffocated.
But you still didn't listen.
Nancy we were together for two years, I can't let him go just like that. I love him.
♪ They say, 'no, don't pick up the phone, let them think there's nobody home' But I'm under your spell.
Cause when you call my heart starts to roll, I always want more
It's my heaven, my hell. ♪
As the days went by, you went into super hermit mode. Not speaking to anybody in the group, including Eddie, and that's when you realized Nancy was right. Your usual light has been dimmed, shut off even because of him. It was Friday, and you knew Eddie would be at Hellfire after school and Wayne at work, so you called their home phone and left a rather choked up message.
Eddie, I don't think I can do this anymore. It hurts me to act like everything's fine when it's not. I am incredibly broken inside and have been for the last week. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep every night wondering what went wrong. I'm tired of trying to act put together around all our friends when i'm not. I love you, but I can't keep putting myself through this. Please don't call me after you hear this, I do not want to talk to you from this point on. It's for the best. Take care.
After leaving that message, you called over Nancy, Robin and Steve as your parents were away for the weekend, and as soon as the three of them walked into the door, a group hug ensued between you and the girls and you burst into tears. Realizing Steve was completely clueless, Nancy pulled him to the side and explained it all. He was livid. Nancy and Robin brought pizza and some drinks to help get things off your mind. But as you drank throughout the night, you found yourself crying in Steve's arms. He was close with Eddie, and the closest thing you had left of him.
As if it was like clockwork, your house phone rang and you immediately knew who it was.
Y/n...do not answer that. Steve said sternly.
But once more, you didn't listen and as you got up to pick up the phone, the three of them just sighed, awaiting the outcome of this call. As you answered the call and hit speaker, you hear sniffling on the other end and your heart immediately sank.
Sweetheart... I am so sorry. I don't have an explanation as to why I did what I did other than I'm a fucking idiot. But seeing you like this is breaking me so much inside. I'm full of fucking regret and shame. You are my everything and I fucked it up so bad. God, I wish I could take it back. I'm so sorry for everything. For cheating, being hostile towards you, pushing you away and just making your beautiful personality do a complete 180. I know you said not to call but I need to hear your voice, it's killing me not hearing from you.
You stand there speechless. Nancy and Robin silently stopping Steve from getting up and slamming that phone against the wall.
Can I come over? Please? Eddie cries.
♪ We're heading deep inside lives a voice, a voice so quiet,
But I can't hear that voice when your heart beats next to mine. ♪
Nancy, Robin and Steve leave. Steve more angry than the girls, but he understood that this was all up to you. You heart racing as you wait for the man you've been avoiding, cracking another beer and chugging as you pace back and forth near the front door. After about five minutes you hear the doorbell ring and you toss the empty beer can to the ground to open the door.
Eddie sees you and his heart shatters. Your mascara running down your cheeks, your eyes puffy and face red. Guilt washing over him like a tsunami. He can't believe he's done this to you. His once upon a time, the girl of his dreams, a now ruined mess. All because of him. Tears form in his eyes as he engulfs you into the hug you've both been needing from each other. Your head against his chest, hearing his heart beat rapidly. He holds you tight in his lanky arms as you sob together.
♪ I can't quit you, I can't quit you
I can't quit you, I can't quit you ♪
You so badly want to take him back, but deep down you know what he did wasn't right and how it would be for the best to part ways. Part of you wants to dismiss that, but you know you have to do what's right. For the both of you.
♪ Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
I know I'm gonna regret it ♪
You continue to sob, realizing that by tomorrow this would be no more. No more cozy movie nights, no more baking desserts together, no more cuddles, no kisses, dates, no more doing all of the things you both loved to do together.
♪ When you said, 'Baby, I just want you to lay me down and we'll fuck the pain away'
'Cause skin on skin, I feel nothing but the burning of desire and that's just foreplay ♪
He picks you up and brings you to the couch, laying you down gently as he gets on top of you. The both of you still sobbing together. His tears fall onto your cheeks as his face gets closer to yours.
Can I please kiss you sweetheart? Please, even if it's the last time I get to.
You thought it was impossible for your heart to break even more, but what he just said proved you so wrong. He knew this was the end. You nod yes as you can't even produce coherent words at this point because you're crying so much. He leans in slowly, pausing when your noses meet, holding your face in his calloused hands and places kisses on the apples of your cheeks before hesitating at your lips.
I'm so fucking sorry. He cries as he finally presses your lips together, his thumbs rubbing against your face.
♪ We're heading deep inside lives a voice, a voice so quiet
But I can't hear that voice when your heart beats next to mine
I can't quit you, I can't quit you
I can't quit you, I can't quit you ♪
You don't want the kiss to end, hell, you don't want the relationship to end, but you know it's better to just savor this moment than to keep destroying your mental by staying with him.
♪ Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
I know I'm gonna regret it ♪
Kisses led to soft touches and eventually, sex. He was gentle and slow, your favorite. As soon as you were done, he helps you put your clothes back on, then his own. The sweet gesture making you melt inside, forgetting what he did a week ago for a few seconds. You so badly want to stay with him, but there are consequences to cheating, and you know the relationship won't be the same ever again. The thought of going from lovers to strangers physically hurts you inside, and you begin to cry again as Eddie sits up against the couch staring up at the ceiling trying to hold back tears.
♪ I can't quit you, I can't quit you, oh baby
I can't quit you, I can't quit you, oh babe ♪
So this is goodbye then, right? His voice cracks.
Yeah. You cry.
♪ Gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it ♪
He takes a deep breath as he stands up, still holding back tears as he walks to your front door, you following behind him. He turns to you before opening the door and hesitates for a second before giving you one last hug.
I'm so sorry sweetheart. You will forever be a part of me. I love you.
I love you too. Goodbye Eddie, please take care of yourself. You said wiping your tears as he nods and kisses your forehead and turns around, leaving your house for the last time.
♪ I'm gonna regret it
I'm gonna regret it (babe, babe, babe)
Gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it. ♪
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stars-and-darkness · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers!
many many thanks to @garglyswoof for tagging m
How many works do you have on ao3? 63. i need to calm down.
What's your total ao3 word count? 747 502. i need to calm down.
What fandoms do you write for? the vampire diaries, shadow & bone, avatar: the last airbender, star wars, marvel. also, that one suez canal x ever given fic, and that one goncharov fic.
Top five fics by kudos: A Queen's Gamble (you know it's an old one if the title is capitalised lmao), make them bow., the fate makes for a lousy poet., where the heart moves the stones, nyctophilia.
Do you respond to comments? i try. i am not very good at it, but every now and then i sit down, crack my knuckles, and go about emptying my poor inbox.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? the end. is like ... the only fic i ever wrote that ended unhappily.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? see above, lol, literally everything else. i'm a wuss.
Do you get hate on fics? i mean ... not really? i would mostly classify the rude things i got as entitlement rather than hate. the impression i usually got was that those people liked my writing style, or the plot, or characterisation, or whatever--there was just one thing or several that they wanted to happen differently, and they felt the need to tell me that.
Do you write smut? looooooo, no, my ace ass would probably spontaneously combust.
Craziest crossover: i don't suppose i've ever written an actual crossover, but today i put dracula-the-historical-figure into the vampire diaries universe, so ....
Have you ever had a fic stolen? ... maybe? okay, strap yourselves: a few years ago someone asked if they could translate a fic of mine into spanish and post it on wattpad, and i said yes. (THIS is one of the reasons why i don't allow translations anywhere but ao3 anymore). they did, and they sent me the link. i linked the translation to my fic, the usual. then, a lot later, i actually went to check their post, and i realised that i wasn't credited though the person said they would. yaaaaay.
Have you ever had a fic translated? well, other than the fiasco up there, the incredible @winterandmistletoe, who made the edit that graces the beginning of make them bow., has two chapters of the russian translation of that fic up on ao3. there's also been an offer to translate The Manifesto of a Last Love into russian, but that one hasn't been posted yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i have not! and honestly, i don't think i'd be very good at it. i'm a bit of a tyrant, so in an effort NOT to be perceived as such i'd probably be super lenient of whatever the other people came up with even if i didn't necessarily like it. i'm pretty particular in my tastes, and one of the things i love about writing fic is that i have nobody but myself to answer to.
All time favorite ship? ehhhhh, nooo, i can't choose between my children!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? considering that tvd has had me in its claws for two years now, it feels unlikely i'll ever go back to my wips in other fandoms. you never know of course, but it feels that way. i mean. those unfinished wips don't exactly haunt me, but sometimes i remember them and feel awful about it, lmao.
What are your writing strengths? i'm told i do dialogue and humour well!
What are your writing weaknesses? ughhhhh probably action? it's so hard. oh! and my tendency to describe how a character's eyes look in every other sentence.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? SO fun fact that dracula fic that i posted today? the one where half the dialogue is in french? i had originally written it all IN FRENCH, and then decided to take mercy on my readers and just put the english translation into italics. yeah. anyway, rule of thumb, ig: if the pov character understands what's being said, then english in italics (or if it's just a sentence or two the spoken language with a footnote). if they can hear individual words, then the language that's being spoken, without translation. if they hear only gibberish--maybe they're super unfamiliar with the language, maybe it's being spoken very fast or with an accent--then just 'character x says something in z'.
First fandom you wrote in? marvel, for my own peace of mind. star wars is the first one i actually posted for.
Favorite fic you've written? again, you can't ask me to pick between my children.
tagging: @morningstargirl666 @kirythestitchwitch @helpless-in-sleep @marxandangels @purplesigebert @darkestgrays @averseunhinged
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
Impressive Anon again!
I don’t remember what I said exactly but it was something like this:
Is it wrong to lie about pronouns?
Everytime I’m asked about my pronouns I try to avoid responding and if I can’t change the subject I lie and say she/her. I am not ready for people to interrogate me about why I don’t use she/her so I just say that’s what I use to make them happy.
This week I start my placement. I’ve been really stressed about them calling me Miss or Ms as that’s how I’ll be perceived. I’ve told my mum about this (not exactly, I kind of just said I don’t want to be ms/miss ‘last name’ bc it makes me feel old 😭) but still kind of the same thing. Anyway she said something along the lines of “this is your time and you should be referred to how you want to be (thinking I prefer ms (then my first name instead of last name)). But what she said made me think about introducing myself at this school as the real me. Like I’ll use my real pronouns and get called what I want to be called. But this also makes me anxious bc as I said before I’m really scared of judgement and don’t want many questions asked.
When I lie it makes me feel shitty bc I want to be able to express who I am but society makes it hard to do so.
I’ll probably just go to the school and be called ms and use she/her. But is it normal to feel like a liar when I lie about this even tho it’s to protect myself?
Ok this is a ramble and probably makes no sense but is it normal to lie about pronouns bc I’m not ready or am I doing the wrong thing by myself?
Do you have any experience with this that could make me feel less alone :(
Is there anything the students call you that feels right? Do students know you are non-binary?
(You don’t have to answer those if you don’t want to)
Thank you so much again Cas for being the most supportive, kind, friendly, amazing and helpful human in the world! <3
Hi! <3
I am so glad you asked this because it's such an important topic.
It is ABSOLUTELY okay to lie about your pronouns.
Here's the thing. Saying your pronouns is basically coming out, right? And you should NEVER come out before you're ready. EVER. You would do so much more damage to yourself if you outed yourself when you weren't ready.
And I'm going to be honest, I lie about my pronouns all the time- either by omission or flat out. Why? Because I literally don't feel safe in some situations. Is it ideal? No. Does it feel great? Absolutely not. But in new situations with people you don't know, It's okay to put your safety and your needs first. you're not hurting anyone by doing so.
As far as school, I am currently called Mrs.(lastname) and I hate it. I started working at my school before I came out to anyone, so at the time, going by that made the most sense. Now? Not so much. But funnily enough, I have a few students with speech issues that just call me (lastname) and it's super affirming. So, at my next school, I'll probably go with that. As far as why I haven't changed it? Honestly, I'm scared. I DO wear a pin with my pronouns, and I have them in my signature of my e-mail, but only one person in the entire school uses them (and calls me (lastname)), so it doesn't feel like a safe place to really push it, you know? And like you, sometimes I feel bad about that, but it's like...is it more detrimental to my mental health to be she/her-d all day or to possibly be made fun of for my identity all day? Right now, it's the first one. It might change later.
Only YOU can decide what feels right and safe for you, and I support you 1000% on whatever you choose. Anyone who doesn't isn't looking out for you.
Also if you ever want to chat about this more, I'd absolutely love to- there are so few educators (or upcoming educators) that struggle with this that it would be so cool to talk!
<3 <3 <3
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lovelyinspiration1463 · 11 months
Loki S2 E3 Spoilers Ahead!
My thoughts while watching the episode for the first time:
Is that him as a kid?
I considered for a hot second that Loki might be that horse.
There is never a moment too dire for Mobius to grab a snack, and I relate to that on a deep and personal level.
Boy, Marvel will do anything to plaster their name on screen as much as possible.
*science mumbo jumbo*
I think this variant has gotten himself electrocuted one too many times. 
I wouldn’t be standing right in front of that, my dude.
Well, yeah, now he’s giving off more ‘take over the world’ vibes. Proper Frankenstein over here.
Prototype? Yeah, no kidding. That thing let off a few bright sparks and then just died.
Mustache guy looked so scandalized, I can’t  😭😭😭
“Hornswoggler”? That is my new favorite word.
Is that an offer or a threat? Sounds more like a threat.
Where can I get myself a guy who will pass out money at the snap of my fingers???
I know it’s loud in there, but is no one else hearing the talking purse?
Nice cover, Mobius.
Oop. Old hornswoggler is back and wants a refund. I’m shocked. The machine looked so impressive just… fizzling the way that it did.
This has very quickly become a Charlie Chaplin sketch.
Okay, first of all, Mullet Hair, can you chill??? Killing the same dude over and over and over again is not gonna secure free will for people! Can we discuss? For even just a millisecond?! Are we able to think through our actions?
He ruined your life? Listen here, Sylvie; while you’ve been living it up at McDonalds, the universe has been falling apart! Think outside yourself for two seconds!
His face! 💀💀💀
Are these two seriously having a moment? Cease and desist immediately.
“A long time ago-“ in a galaxy far, far away. No, wait; wrong franchise.
That’s your biggest takeaway? Seriously?
“Rat bags”? Mustache Man is just full of zingers!
Did Loki literally just run in a circle??
Ooh, Miss Minutes is a bit snappy. She really wants everyone to know how clever she is.
Oh my gosh, they are not cramming another slapdash love story into the show 😫 I do not care about this! I came here to see Loki! Every second he’s not on screen, a little part of me dies…
Miss Minutes in the background: 😞
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
I have a feeling Renslayer is suddenly gonna be much more amenable to joining Loki and Mobius now.
All those mannequins are so creepy. 
A Rolodex? That’s his life’s work?
Okay… this just got weird on so many levels. 
🎶 People always told me, be careful of what you do, don't go around breaking young girls' hearts. And mother always told me, be careful of who you love.  And be careful of what you do, ‘cause the lie becomes the truth - hey hey!🎶
Dude, how did she even get here?
*dramatic entrance at the perfect time*
Mobius, look at her! I don’t think Ravonna is in the best headspace rn.
How many people are gonna barge in here??? Does he have any security at all? Even a single lock?
Also, are we really doing this again? This episode is bloated with will they/won’t they moments. It’s a “won’t” from me. I’ve decided.
The hair! 😍💯
So is Loki just gonna lie there and watch, or…?
So everyone gets free will but him? How do you know he won’t make better choices? He can’t be the one singular person in all of existence that is fated to be something specific!
Okay now I’m starting to feel a little bad for him.
“I can make my own choices.” That’s what I’m saying!
Who put Sylvie in charge? I’m sorry, but last time I checked, Loki doesn’t answer to you!
Seriously? You’re just abandoning her there??? Murder was a bad thing two seconds ago and now you’re both chill about it?
Aww, poor Sylvie. She really is the greatest victim in all this. How dare she be forced to decide to obsess over something 🙄
Yeah, I’m not sure sticking the two of them together is a good idea. I mean technically he’s dead, but what has that ever meant in the MCU?
Oooh, never mind - he’s dead dead. …Well, even so. Loki’s come back from worse.
Can any of these characters just pick a side?! Stop betraying each other so often; I can’t keep up! Who’s working with who???
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