#percy jackson xreader
hxshpuppies · 5 months
I will not ask you where you came from, I will not ask you, neither should you | Luke Castellan x reader
word count: 1.3k
a/n: felt like writing a meet cute. title lowkey doesn’t make sense but i love hozier so….Athena!coded reader. one-shot (probably). no use of (y/n) or (name) because I prefer not to do that. :)
warnings: not edited, not proofread, written in one sitting / not from chicago 😓 / i haven't written in AGES so...
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The first time you met Luke, you had barely stepped foot into camp.
You were someone whose arrival had no pomp and circumstance, and--much to your protector's relief--whose journey had been relatively smooth-sailing save for one case of a missing train ticket, which had been a minor setback more than anything. Now here you were, protector-less (they had left to meet some council?), alone--despite the multitudes of campers that flocked to and fro around you--and tired.
Chiron had dropped you off in front of the Hermes cabin, and you passed by countless inquisitive eyes as you entered the building. The humidity of the summer gave your face a sheer glow as you, out of your element and more than a little nervous, padded towards the door with your bag in tow.
The moment you reached for the door it flew open (you yelped), expelling a handful of giggling children who were whispering conspiratorially amongst themselves. Upon seeing you, they quieted down, but then like a pot boiling over they resumed their antics and walked away, an sparing an occassional glance at you over their shoulders.
"Sorry about them," A voice cut through the retreating din of the group. You jumped again, whipping around to see a tall boy about your age standing in the doorway. The wind sent the leaves around the cabin rustling as he brushed his hand through his hair, opening the door wider. "Come on in."
You bowed your head, avoiding his gaze, and walked into the cabin, the smell of musk and earth--and plenty of other strange things--wafting through the area as you took in the beds and children running around.
"So, you're the new camper, huh?" You turned back to the boy, who walked past and led you to a vacant bed near a window. You followed, placing your duffel bag down.
"I'm Luke. Luke Castellan." The boy extended his hand to you with a practiced camp counselor smile, curly brown hair highlighted by the sun streaming in through the windows. You introduced yourself to him, soft-spoken yet firm. "I'm the counselor for Cabin 11. You can come to me if you have any problems adjusting to life here. Or if one of these goofballs steals something of yours."
It was his job to make sure his campers were taken care of, that they were comfortable. It was his job to help them settle in.
"It's lovely to meet you, Luke." Your voice was level as you shot him a polite smile, recovered from the whirwind of arriving at the cabin itself. "Thank you for your help."
A silence settled into the gaps of the conversation as you unzipped your tattered duffel bag, reaching inside for the few belongings you'd brought with you. You felt Luke staring at your back and an awkward cough followed. He'd sensed your anxiety.
"So, where are you from?" You gazed back at him timidly, still unsure of anything and anyone around you. He faltered, hoping he hadn't asked a painful question. To his relief, you smiled wistfully.
"I'm from Chicago--Lincoln Park." A picture frame, a little worn, holding a picture of you and your father at a baseball game. The sunlight lit up the photograph as you placed it on the windowsill.
"I've never been." He was straddling the back of a chair now, leaning his chin on his arms, facing you. He continued, voice soft and inviting. "I'd like to one day. What do you like about it?"
You paused packing, settling yourself on the bed as you thought about your hometown.
"The beach--well, the lake--and the White Sox games, obviously. " You hummed, deep in thought and nostalgia, playing with your hands. "My dad and I also used to go to this place, they had the best sundaes, and we'd go every year on my birthday. And then we'd take the train home."
Your smile quickly twisted, going sour as a tear threatened to trail down your cheek, and you quickly caught yourself before it could.
"That sounds fun." He rocked back in the chair, and nodded to the picture you'd put on the window. "Baseball fan huh?"
"Hardly," You chuckled. "I mainly went becuase my dad loved them so much....I'm more of a museum enjoyer."
"I mean yes, but I like science and history ones too. Bones and all." Your lips turned upward slightly at the sight of Luke jumping out of his chair.
"Well you're in the perfect place, given we," he gestured to the cabin around him, leaning on a bedpost. "are partly known for stealing things."
You laughed, a genuine laugh, your sleeve wiping off the the remnants of the tears you'd almost shed. Luke grinned, face beaming. (he'd cheered you up, at least a little).
He straightened up, resuming his camp counselor aura. "Well, I do ha--"
"What about you, Luke Castellan?" You said his name, softly, like you were testing out how it sounded in your mouth. You looked up, hoping he hadn't heard you sniffle, hadn't seen the glistening in your eyes from before.
Maybe it was because you were slightly embarassed that you'd almost cried in front of a guy who you were now beginning to notice was, in fact, very pretty.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm holding you up." Embarrasment, flushing down your body and running through your veins.
"No!" His eyes widened, and he shifted back to face you. "No it's okay, what was your question?"
"Where're you from?" The words tumbled out of your mouth, before you could say what you should've said--a polite 'nothing, thank you'.
He faltered. You'd caught him off guard. Usually newbies didn't ask him about himself--they were too busy asking more questions about the camp itself. You waited, brow raised and eyes gleaming with genuine interest.
"I'm from Connecticut," He watched your eyes light up, familiarity flooding your face. "You been?"
"No but....you ever watch Gilmore Girls?" A soft grin painted your face and you caught your bottom lip between your teeth in excitement. He'd been asked this a few times, but this time he couldn't help but not respond with his usual exasperation, faced with your barely-contained excitement.
"I have." He listened as you spoke, opening up slowly like a flower in bloom. After all, it was his job to make sure his campers were taken care of, that they were comfortable. It was his job to help them settle in.
But maybe he stayed longer than he usually did, maybe he answered your questions about himself because he had a fleeting thought that you were pretty or he liked the way you laughed at his jokes and it was influencing his judgement. Maybe it was how easy it was, the way he fell into conversation easily with you.
Tyche had set your fates spinning.
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karmaswitch · 3 months
Jason Grace x daughter of Poseidon/ Neptune is my favorite trope
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cabinofimagines · 6 months
First Christmas
Yes, this fic is part of Danny and mine ongoing Christmas Universe! Just a little heads up :) It won't matter much, and you can def read it as a standalone one-shot but there are some references! Pairing: Jason & Thalia Grace x gn!reader (Platonic!) Request: Hi, can you do a request where reader and Jason Grace are together in the holidays, like doing stuff, adorning the tree, drinking hot chocolate, etc. I’m sorry English is not my first language Word Count: 1.8k Warnings: None! A curse word, possibly.   -Asnyox
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It was early December, and you figured you should try to figure out what your friends wanted for Christmas again this year. You could probably have gotten a good indicator from Klaus, but this time you truly wanted to find things yourself. Thus, you had slowly been planning some Iris Messages with people, and ‘secretly’ asked them what they wanted (and whether they knew things other people wanted). 
However, what you didn’t expect was Jason’s answer. 
“You don’t really have to get me anything,” he looked apologetic, “Since, you know, I didn’t grow up in a very ‘family oriented’ place I never really celebrated Christmas?” 
“But you did! For the past few years with us!” You exclaimed and Jason shook his head. 
“I know, and as much as I enjoy spending time with everyone, I just never feel comfortable accepting the gifts.” 
“Do you, now?” You squinted at the IM, “I simply think you don’t understand that we want to give you gifts-” 
“Okay, maybe it feels weird,” Jason admitted, “because I only used to get gifts for my accomplishments! But, that does not mean you have to get me anything!” 
“Jason, I love you so I want to give you something in the spirit of the holidays.”
“Then give me the spirit of the holidays!” He exclaimed. 
“I don’t want to kidnap Klaus for you, nor do I want to commit necromancy for an actual ghost,” you stated and Jason sighed. 
“No, I mean-” He looked away, “I’ve never put up a tree, the only Christmas things I’ve done were with you guys! Maybe you can, I don’t know, let me get the traditional experience?”
“You had your own room when you were a preator, and you never put up a tree?” You asked. 
“For a bit, but that was before Christmas, I got kidnapped by Juno before that”
“And your cohort never had one?”
“Nope, the 5th never won Christmas tree rights.” he shrugged, “Honestly, we barely won any Christmas activities. Camp Jupiter wasn’t big on letting their cohorts celebrate during the season.” 
“And not even when you were an infant? I mean you showed up at Camp Jupiter when you were what, 5?” 
“I mean, I certainly didn’t celebrate Christmas with Lupa, so I didn’t know it was a thing until someone told me.” Jason sighed, “And for what it’s worth, the people of my cabin did actually give me a stocking with candy each year, I think they felt guilty.” 
“Oh, the child soldiers felt guilty about the child soldier.” 
“I am not going to unpack that with you right now,” Jason glared, but there was no real heat behind his eyes. He knew that his ‘growing up’ situation was less than perfect, however in the spirit of the holidays he decided not to consider his possible trauma’s. Given the previous statement, you figured you would need to at least have some celebrations this year. 
“Well, you have your own dormitory, right?” you asked and Jason, hesitantly, nodded. “We could do some things together there, if you want.” you smiled, “Maybe Thalia can come too?”
“I’m not sure, you know demigods attract monsters and I’m not allowed to have guests over-”
“Ah, we’ll just mist the mortals astray.” you waved the thought off, “And any monsters won’t stand a chance against the great son of Jupiter, right?” Jason squinted his eyes at your words, but agreed nonetheless. 
A few days later you had figured out a small plan. The most important parts of Christmas would be simply family and vibes. Thus, with the power of travel you made your way to Jason’s dormitory. Luckily, Thalia was also available, and even better she brought out a mini pine tree. 
“We get to decorate it, but we’ll have to replant it afterwards, without decorations.” Thalia smiled, “Grover made me promise that, and ensure that the soil it’s in now will have the tree easily survive the day.”
Thalia hugged Jason, and as she broke the hug she took a step back.
“You’ve grown so tall, little brother,” she patted his arm. “I don’t think I’ve grown since the last time you saw me, Thalia,” Jason smiled and Thalia shook her head. 
“Time’s different being a Hunter,” She looked serious, “and so is height of siblings-” 
Jason hit her arm as he laughed, “Well you seem to get smaller each day,” 
“Hey!” Thalia hit Jason and he let out an ‘oof’ as he stepped away. They both turned to you. 
“So, you’re the gift giver here,” Thalia eyed you up and down, “How’s our first family Christmas going to go, (Y/n)?”
And that is how you guys got to decorating. As the tree was rather small, and you would need to remove the decorations afterwards, you mostly put lights around Jason’s dorm instead, giving it a more homey vibe. Continuing on, the best thing you could think of to put Christmas ornaments around was to hang up garlands and hook the ornaments on those. It was a good thing that Jason could fly, because you currently did not have access to any stairs. 
After the very taxing decorating, you announced it was time for hot chocolate. However, that did not stop you from making it an activity. 
“Alright, so I know some people who have their own chocolate recipes,” You smiled, “Like Percy and his blue hot chocolate, and therefore it is time to come up with the Grace family hot chocolate!” Thalia and Jason spoke up at the same time; 
“How does Percy make his hot chocolate blue?” Jason asked,
“Grace family hot chocolate?” Thalia questioned. 
“One question at the time please,” you looked at Jason, “You haven’t heard it from me, but it’s white chocolate milk base with blue food dye, and yes Thalia, your own recipe!” You grabbed your bag and removed a second, smaller bag from it. It was filled with different types of chocolate and additives and spices, plus, of course, marshmallows and whipped cream. 
“So it’s a competition.” Thalia stated and you shook your head. 
“It doesn’t have to be, we can always just work together-?”
“No, Thalia is right. We should each make a drink and see who is the best.” Jason agreed with his sister, “I mean, we need to add the “spirit” to holiday spirit, right?”
“It’s not competitive spirit, Jason.” you objected. 
“How would you know, (Y/n),” Thalia grinned, “I’m the oldest here, so I am the wisest and I know it is.” 
“You’re certainly the best liar among us,” you sighed, “Sure, we’ll do a competition,” 
Thus, everyone started scrambling to get the best ingredients for their chocolate drink. Thalia seemed to have a game plan, perhaps a Hunter recipe, that she was making. You had some gist of what you wanted to achieve, but Jason. Oh no, you were not sure what he was doing but you truly hoped he would not accidentally poison someone with his drink. 
Well, actually, he just seemed to add some of every ingredient available in his dorm, which included instant noodle seasoning. At that point you decided not to look at your competition anymore, as it was weirding you out. 
A little while later, everyone had a cup of hot chocolate prepared. 
“So, we’ll pass them around…?” you carefully suggested, and the siblings agreed. Sadly, this meant you got Jason’s cup first. 
You didn’t know what you were expecting, but somehow the saltiness of the noodle seasoning and the sweetness of the chocolate wasn’t horrid. You were afraid to admit that you might have actually enjoyed the taste of the drink somewhat. Keeping your expression schooled, as to not give your judgment away to Thalia and Jason, you passed on the drink and got Thalia’s drink instead. 
The Hunters sure do know what a good hot chocolate is made out of. As soon as you sipped it you felt a warmth spread from your chest all over your body, making you shiver. There were hints of spices in the after taste, and it simply tasted like home, which made you a little suspicious. Especially as you got a little more energized after only one sip. 
“Thalia,” you looked at the girl, “did you add nectar to the drink?” 
Thalia hummed in response, as she gave Jason back his mug. 
“I think that’s cheating.” you stated, “Given that nectar will make anything taste delicious.” 
“That’s cheating?” Thalia sounded indignant, “What about Jason’s noodle spices!” 
“To be honest, I didn’t think that it would add anything-” the boy tried to defend himself. 
“Well it certainly wasn’t bad, Jason, just an,” you hesitated, “interesting choice. But that’s besides the point, I think the competition is undecided.” 
“What do we do then?” Jason looked at his cup, “Do we just make another round? Set up rules? Have an unbiased judge? A democratic vote?” 
“Get out of your Roman ass, Jason,” Thalia huffed, “Clearly we just do another competition next year! Everyone will have fair chances to come up with something phenomenal in their own time then.” 
Jason, unbothered by Thalia’s comment, agreed. 
“Seems our ‘Grace Family Hot Chocolate’ will simply have to be determined later.” he said.
As it was getting late, you went outside together, spending some last moments before Thalia and you had to leave. You had just finished planting the tree you used earlier as Thalia sighed, turning to Jason. 
“It was good to have a Christmas together,” her smile had a touch of sadness, “We haven’t really gotten the chance to do so before.” 
“We should do so again next year,” Jason agreed, “of course, (Y/n) is invited too.” 
You hummed in agreement, as silence overtook the conversation again. After a moment, Thalia straightened up.
“One last sibling hug?” She offered, and Jason gladly took it. Unbeknownst to you, she whispered “I’ll miss you, little brother,” in his ear, before breaking the hug. Jason looked at her for a moment. 
“You’re the greatest sister I could’ve had, you know that right?” he ruffled her hair, getting a glare in return, although Thalia did have joy in her eyes. She stepped away and looked at the horizon. 
“Well, I gotta go! I’ll visit soon, Jason. And (Y/n), the Hunters might come to camp in the near future, so keep your eyes out.” As she started running away you saluted her, before turning around. “I’ll see you later?” You asked Jason, and he nodded. “See you, and (Y/n), thank you for giving me the holiday spirit.” Jason smiled, “I suppose I understand why people enjoy it.”
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sleepycupcake-uwu · 1 year
Being In A Relationship With Frank Includes...
as usual, all these fics are written by my frnd (props to them <3)
Warnings: Like one swear word??
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Hugs. Frank was what you'd describe a gaint teddy bear filled with fluffy cuteness (and shy). Since both of you weren't much into pda or lovey-dovey show-offs, consider surprise hugs no surprise.
Like the times you try cooking something, expect a pair of hands to slither up your waist, and a shy kiss on the neck. You'd stay there, slowly swaying, lost into each others touch-
"Oh shit! Y/n, the pancakes are on fire!"
Okay, maybe a bit too lost.
Books. You love books, that feeling of submerging into the world of fantasy made you a complete bookworm. So it also comes with having forced your boyfriend to practically read all of your fav collection. The poor sweet boy couldn't say no, but now considered him hooked.
Cuddles. That's a must. It could be anywhere, anytime and anyway. Usually, it's Y/n who sits on the lounge, treading her hand through his hair or y'all just spooning in the bed, weather be it sleeping or just those rare lazy days, no monsters, no demi-godly business, just you guys enjoying with your other half. 
Speaking of demi-godly business, it ain't easy to date the Patreor of Rome, with busy hecking schedules and stuff, but you always make it work.
Fighting- You were more into swords and slashing, being Greek, while he was more into archery. Were you to be placed it a team (which was rare, as he'd patrol with his Pegasus. Or during capture the flag.)
Kisses- more intimate compared to wild make-outs. That's just how you liked it. It could be in the middle of a Netflix show, of when making love but it was always soft (unless y'all went wild- literally).
Shape lifting- Happens when either of you are down, or its just frank being frank and randomly turning into smth. You wonder if you're kids would inherit this, and have already signed up Nico and Will to help you, where you guys ever to have them.
CLUMSYYY- you have the house practically baby-proofed due to both of you being clumsy. But while Frank stumbles over things and gets over it, you practically curse, whine and chastise the furniture and walls for being in the way. Your boyfriend used to question your sanity (well, whatever left in you demi-godly mind), but now being used to it, he kinds just chuckled to himself (he figures its a way to let out your steam, so who's he to judge?).
Despite every ups and downs, you couldn't have asked for anyone other than him.
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the-atlas-sister · 9 months
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cupioromantic-simp · 4 months
!Request things!
- pjo, hoo, toa
- adventure time,Fiona and cake
- Lego ninjago
- Dungeons and daddies (s1&s2)
- The Magnus archives
- Literally any other fandom you can throw at me
Will not do
- things that I find weird
- Oc content (sorry but it’s hard)
- Smut, lemon, lime, etc
Other things
- I’m fucking terrible at cxc I’m sorry you can still give me them but just warning you
- I’m more comfortable writing male or gn stuff and like mlm things because I’m boy-ish and gay-ish so I have more experience writing that
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lele-crystals · 1 year
Little Princess
Percabeth x Reader ~ Smut
The floor was hard beneath my knees, clothes scatter across the floor, my tongue running along his dick. His hands grasping my hair, I gagged. Looking up, my eyes met the color sea green eyes.
A sly smirk plastering his lips.
Annabeth's hands creasing my clit ever so lightly, Percy pulled back his dick as I felt the loss of pleasure. Annabeth let go of me as I turned and laid on my back. She climbed onto me, sitting on my face.
Percy separated my legs and lined it up with his dick, pushing it inside. My tongue massaged Annabeth's clit, somehow finding its way inside of her.
All of us soon became a moaning mess. Percy's dick pounding into me, Annabeth moaned as her clit was massaged by my tongue.
"I'm so close..." Percy groaned.
Annabeth hands gently rubbing my breast. Percy rubbed my clit as he came, I followed soon after enjoying the sensation and pleasure.
Releasing into my mouth, Annabeth moaned, "Ohhh Y/N.." I licked her until she was cleaned.
Moving down she sat on my hips, grinding into it. Pinning my hands down, she kissed me slowly.
"Can you guys go for round two?" Percy asked
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MAIN BLOG : @crushedbug
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honeyboyfelix · 1 month
reading ppl talk about their fandom ocs made me realize that i like never rlly did that as a kid (with few exceptions) i usually just isekaied my ass into the story setting in my mind
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velnias1 · 4 months
Chat with AI characters without any filter on Charstar (https://charstar.ai)! Redeem my invite code: vklfltoa
Have fun 😁
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greenhybrid · 5 months
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My name is greenhybrid! I have various interests and I hope to improve my writing skills through fanfiction and fandom. I am currently taking requests so throw me an ask after you've read this full page :D
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Please do not request anything:
-homophobic, racist, sexist or anything discriminating
-anything that crosses the boundaries of an average human being
Do not expect me to write something just because you've requested it
Feel free to give me criticism on my writing as long as it is constructive!
Not necessary a rule but I would prefer to write more sapphic or WLW fics than MLW or MLM
I will happily write x readers as long as they follow the rules above
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The fandoms I currently write for so far are:
-Percy Jackson
-Owl House
-How to Train Your Dragon (and any series relating to it)
-Abbott Elementary
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
Clarisse’s ABCs
Hopefully, some day, every character of the Riordanverse will have been requested and blessed by the ABCs
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x reader Request: Hi! Can I request Clarisse's fluff abcs?? Thank you! Warnings: None Word count: ~1.9k
- Asnyox
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Clarisse loves being active- she adores being active with you, practicing with you, just moving around. You better not be too lazy, because her love language is quality time and quality time equals being active. 
Beauty - What do they admire in their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your strength, whether it is inner strength or outer strength. For Clarisse, you need to earn her respect before she even looks at you. This can be earned by showing your strength in the arena, or showing her you are strong enough to allow yourself to be vulnerable around her. 
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Clarisse is surprisingly (or actually, not so surprisingly) good with emotional issues. She has learnt how to deal with her own issues a long time ago, and will easily teach you the tricks she has. She is great at bringing comfort to you, when you are down.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Most of her plans are rather short term, because she never had the chance to plan things on the long term. Tomorrow was hardly guaranteed to come, so what is the use of planning for next year? Right now, she is thinking of going to college and she would love to take you with her, so you can study and grow together. After that? That is up to the fates.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Clarisse is very dominant, it is in her blood. She will seek you out wherever you are and loves taking charge. She does appreciate it if you speak up to her though, tell her what you want, so she can change the things you do to be to your liking too/ 
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights with Clarisse are brutal. She really tries to take deep breaths and count to ten, but if you really pissed her off (probably by endangering yourself) she has a hard time controlling her anger. Give her a moment in the arena, where she can blow of steam, before breaching the topic again. She will want to reach mutual understanding, but she won’t use the word “forgiven”. 
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
You are kind off a second heart to her, she is aware of you but she does not always actively see what you do for her. She can’t imagine being without you and your help, but she simply doesn’t know how to be grateful towards you. Only when you disappear for a little while, does she notice how much you did for her and she is sure to repay you in some way. She really is an acts of service kinda gal. 
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Clarisse does not believe in secrets. It might take time for her to open up about her childhood, fears and worries, but she wants to. There is no good in a relationship where you cannot trust each other.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
To be able to be Clarisses significant other, you have to have gained her respect. However, this does not mean that she easily accepts your help. She does love helping you push your boundaries though, help you get over your fears and every time you do, she gets a little braver herself. 
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
She does not get jealous easy, however she is scared that you might leave her behind (like her dad, who doesn’t care about her). If she is having a bad time, she will isolate herself from you. She doesn’t need more harm than she will already get when you leave. However, you find her at your spot, a safe haven for the two of you, and as you hold her tight she shares her worries. 
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Her kisses are rather clumsy, because she often is very excited to kiss you. The first kiss was aggressive though, you were talking about an upcoming fight or quest (who remembers?) and said something among the lines of sacrificing yourself. Clarisse got angry, and at one point to shut you up she just kissed you. “If you want more of that, you better came back alive, you hear!” she yelled before she ran away, trying to still her beating heart. 
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
She takes you apart, finds a silent spot and confronts you. In  her mind this is a battle field, she needs to win this battle but for you she is also willing to lose. Her adrenaline made her half scream out her confession, but when you accept she almost breaks down. She won one of the hardest battles out there, and as she hugs you she cries a little. 
Memory - What’s their favourite memory together?
Clarisse has too many good memories about you to pick a favourite, although she always thinks back to the times where you assure her of your relationship. Whether it is you addressing her as your girlfriend, or the handholding during the campfire, she lives for these reassurances coming from you. 
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Affectionate insults, or you name. Not your last name, your first name (until you have her last name, after which she loves saying it because it is you and you are hers)
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It might be obvious to those who know Clarisse, but she does not understand that she is in love with you until someone else points it out. It shows in how her insults do not have their edge when she talks to you, or how she tends to seek you out in battle, not to fight you but to make sure you don’t get hurt. 
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
I hope you have no shame left, because you will be the number one bragging subject for Clarisse. She will use your perfectness as a tool to insult others. If it gets too much and you tell her, she will reluctantly tone it down (when you are around, at least.)
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Her sheer strength can break mountains, but also means that she would gladly do all your heavy lifting. If you are too tired to walk, she will help you. If you need protection from monsters, she is behind you. 
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Romance is not her strong suit, but if you mention wanting to do something romantic she will awkwardly recreate something out of the movies for you. It might be a bit messy, but I can guarantee you that she swallowed her pride and asked for help of the Aphrodite cabin, which results in the scene still being very pretty. 
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Determination is one of her strong suits, she will in fact hold enough stubbornness for the two of you. If you seem freaked out about something you want to do, she will help you break it down into chunks that she herself understands and can help with. Seeing you smiling at your victory over your goals is one of the bests sights to her. 
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Don’t call it “spicing up your relationship” because she will argue against it, saying (affectionately) that “When you started dating me, you should have known this would happen, idiot.” Clarisse finds a sense of home in the hectic life. Maybe it is in her roots, her dad being to god of war and war being messy. 
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
At first Clarisse might seem to be the type to not be empathetic, however it depends on how much she respects you. When she fell for you, a whole new person was there to help you through all your problems. She knows how to read you like a book, and often finds some alone time for the two of you if she thinks you need it. Somewhere where you both can be vulnerable. 
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
As a year round camper, Clarisse has a deep attachment to anything that is camp related, including you. However, she might take you for granted a little, because she never thinks about what extremes she might need to go through to be with you. This relationship for her just has to be there and she refuses to think of giving it up, for it is just that integral to her life. 
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Unbeknownst to most, Clarisse is very aware of how someone’s mental state can affect their everyday live. She has had to deal with anger issues and abandonment issues herself, and is still working through them. So, she often urges you to take a mental break, to entrust her with your worries. She might not be a therapist, but she wants to be there for you. 
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
She is aggressively affectionate. I’m talking affectionate bumps in your arm, holding you too tight for your comfort, kissing you mid-battle as to throw you off your game. 
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
People won’t notice as much that she is missing you, because she always seems threatening to the people around her. Clarisse will be more snappy. However, those who know her better do see the sadness she has on her face whenever she thinks people aren’t looking. 
Zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Clarisse is stubborn, she will not give up on your relationship together under any external circumstance. Even if it gets dangerous, she will try. However, she is not stupid and will back off if whatever is threatening you is certain death. 
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kattiscrying · 1 year
MAIN Masterlist
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Everything underneath are my other masterlists! Enjoy :)
(You can also follow me on wattpad ——> Wattpad)
Harry Potter
Star Wars 
Maze Runner
Lockwood and Co
Stranger Things 
Shadow and Bone
Hunger Games 
Requests Here :)
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tamiiii46 · 4 months
Hey guysss
Requests pleasee
These are a few characters i write for, i take anything angsty, fluffy or smutty.
1. Percy Jackson
2. Luke Castellan
3. Clarisse La Rue
4. Annabeth Chase
Thats about it for now, i do xreaders too. You can request for other characters in the Percy Jackson fandom
Or from any other fandom
See youuuu
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leafleaf · 4 months
Ermmm idk how to do this. But..I wanna start writing so🤍
- rules
Ermmm none for now?
I will write for Percy Jackson (any character)
Ermmmmm maybe some marvel or Harry Potter possibly!
I can try and do OC but Xreader is easier:3
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Please read before requesting! (+ masterlist)
I am very happy that you found you way to my blog :)
I am Annie, i write fanfiction for multifandoms and this is my first time publicating them
I am from Germany so English is only my second language, i will do my very best. If you notice errors feel free to tell me!
Character list below, if you want me to write about a character that is not mentioned there just shoot your shot and ask!
most characters will be at least a lil ooc, im sorry, i will do my very best
you can request one-shots/stories, headcanons with or without a specific topic, alphabets and whatever else you want
here is my masterlist
this is my ao3 (4 posts yet, 4 of which are cross-posts)
I will write pairings, xreader, etc.
I have not written smut before but i am willing to try
I will happily write angst and dark!scenarios including drugs, mental illness and death
You can be very specific in your requests but you dont have to
I am open to write polyamory and au!scenarios
I will turn down requests i dont feel comfortable writing but i will inform you about it!
Character list
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Jason Todd/Red Hood
Tim Drake/Red Robin
Damian Wayne/Robin
Other Batfam!characters that are not mentioned here
Young Justice
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ahsoka Tano
Padme Amidala
Barriss Offee
Luminara Unduli
various other characters and most clones, just ask away, dont be shy!
note: I haven't watched The Bad Batch yet, so i will exclude them from the list
Stardew Valley
The Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
note: all characters go for both timelines, if it is important for you please specify in your request
Charles Xavier/Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto
Peter Maximoff/Quicksilber
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
Jean Grey/Phoenix/Dark Phoenix
Scott Summers/Cyclops
Bobby Drake/Iceman
John Allderdyce/Pyro
One Chicago
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
Ethan Choi
Sarah Reese
David Downey
Other fandoms i will write for
Harry Potter and the Marauders
Sherlock (BBC version)
Percy Jackson
Road Trip (movie from 2000): especially Josh Parker and Rubin Carver
Warrior Cats (Season 1 to 4 and most Special and Short Adventures)
No fandom, just specific scenarios with your characters
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