#sabertooth week
mammoth-clangen · 21 days
invasive ask time:
hey. Hey pounce. Hey Pounce, why’d your mom leave you 🤨
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Hm... interesting...
invasive level 11/10, never ask this again or Pounce is gonna cry c':
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blorbobutworse · 15 days
Hey guys,,,,guess whos not dead?!
Teen Dad Logan :)
Or, I suppose more accurately, Young Dad Logan. And by adjacency, Uncle Dad Victor.
This turned out to be one of my largest pieces of writing ever Bee-Tee-Dubs so its going to be under this to not Kill You All:
So in this AU they meet when they're 10 and 11, Jimmy just out of foster care after they found out he's a mutant, and Vic a few weeks after murdering his Father.
At first, it's honestly Jimmy showing Victor a lot of things. Simple things, like how to forage and how to scent, but it's all...quiet. Jimmy already carries a sense of shame for his ferocity that Vic never enjoys. So he draws the kid into fights, helps him laugh until his face is red with laughter instead of shame. He learns about him, and in turn Jimmy learns about him. Happy enough kids until things turned south. One was locked up and the other ran away. They escaped and found each other. It was meant to be.
Victor gives him his new name. Jimmy hasn't felt like His in a long time and the first time Vic calls him Logan, he beams.
Vic still calls him Jimmy when he's scared, but it's their little secret.
Anyways, they stay rough and tumble until The developers in the Weapon X project find them, aged 14 and 15 respectively. It's Victor's idea that they stay. Logan, for all his desires to settle down, feels chafed by the military, but Vic sees through that, see's what they could be, in the future. See's him and his Runt living free after serving, what's a few years as lab rats if they get all their adult life? What's being looked at like a monster when he's allowed to be a monster and still get schooling? Logan doesn't think any of these things, but when Vic nods, he does too.
They're only allowed to be together for the first three months, and then their forced apart, to 'reduce codependency'. They last two years without each other, and when they're reunited...things are different.
Creed has grown into his role, with each murder proving that his dad wasn't special, he's always been meant for this, how dare Anyone Try to stop him. He's become an Animal. Sabretooth.
And Wolverine....is Wolverine now. But doesn't take long before Vic realizes somethings wrong. Wolverine glances at him, but there's no glint of recognition in his eyes. As Creed starts to question him, he thinks it's a clone. So he Kills It.
Its only the third time Logan revives and puts his claws through Creeds chest that Creed realizes it's his runt. Still, being forgotten stings, being ignored stings worse, and there's a lot more blood shed before the guards are able to separate the two.
Safe to say they butt heads a lot more. Vic goads him often, word for word the way he used to, and like a house of cards, Wolverine always folds. The only times he seems to come back to himself for a moment, are the moments after Creed's killed him, and he's just waking up. He'll get a look on his face, one Vic recognizes. He's seen it a hundred of times before, even if the runt always tried to hide it:
Fear. Exhaustion.
They never talk. Victor pets his hair as Logan's throat is rapidly sewing itself back together, or Logan rumbling under Vic's body as his puncture wounds close. In those moments, Logan Remembers.
It all starts to fall apart when one Logan Howlett, at the fresh age of 18, is chosen to become Weapon X.
Creed sees red. This was HIS goal, His to earn, that stupid brat doesn't even want to be here, Logan doesn't even remember why he's-
He doesn't even remember why he came here in the first place.
But Sabretooth is smart. He figures out when, and where, they're going to do the operation. And obviously, he bursts in.
As he does, he overhears a Commander noting that they should 'wipe wolverines mind clean one last time, to make sure he's only obedient to them.
And that is First Strike.
Victor lashes out, taking down a doctor and a guard before anyone can blink. But his noise distracts the surgeons and other doctors carefully monitoring The Wolverine's Adamantium intake, and one of them nudges their controls in their scramble to get away, pushing significantly more onto his skeleton than originally planned.
Victor stops when he hears screaming.
Logan hears....nothing. He knows the procedure is going to begin, but he doesn't know when. When the burning starts, he goes to that little place in his head he pretends he doesn't have. He sees flashes of Creed's face, snarling and smiling, and he feels...safe. He sees white, and red hair and...hears yelling. His eyes open, and immediately close as salt water rushes into them. He breathes unsteadily through his
The water stops draining but the burning doesn't stop. Worse, his head feels like it's being torn apart, a feeling he remembers but can't name. And suddenly, nothing matters because,
Sabretooth is calling him Jimmy and why why WHY DOES EVERYTHING HURT OW OW OW OW OW OW Victor help please please plEASE PLEASE VICTOR VIC-
Safe to say the adamantium causes even more psychological damage to them.
There is one single benefit: The Memory Adjustment failed. In fact, it failed so bad that Creed, for three whole days, get's Logan to himself.
They don't do much. Logan wakes up and launches himself at Vic, legs collapsing as his ligaments struggle to accustom themselves to the weight of his new bones. He's in constant pain, mostly just looking at Vic with big, sad brown eyes until he lies back down with him on the shitty Hospital ordered bed. It creaks under them, but thankfully never gives.
When they do talk, they don't talk about the memories. About Wolverine gutting Sabretooth to prove a point, about Sabretooth biting out his spinal chord, about Wolverine ripping out his teeth in claws. None of it matters. They know it can't last. Creed didn't plan, and Logan is too weak to think, not that he does much of that in the first place.
After those days of clarity post operation, Logan is wiped clean. And for the next year, it's back to normal. For Wolverine at least.
But of course, Logan has to beat him to the punch. Literally.
Around a month after the one year anniversary of his Surgery, Wolverine comes Bursting through the training rooms, with twenty guards hot on his trail. Sabretooth, a Predator, Obviously follows. Logan runs and runs and runs, and eventually rips the door of a particular room, to reveal...
an eerily large room filled with tubes. There's wires and things being suspended in liquid, and at first, Victor can't comprehend what he's looking at. By the time he reads 'X-02', Doner Wolverine, Logan's already broken three of the tubes with his claws, uncaring of the thick glass cutting him open in retribution for being shattered.
people go flying, and as they hit equipment the room itself begins to collapse, separating Sabretooth from Wolverine. Wolverine continues through the rooms, ensuring that there's nothing deeper inside that can help them make more of him. He has enough nightmares. Sabretooth stays back to help finish the job. All those tubes don't destroy themselves, you know?
He finds a room full of his samples, and a woman in a chair. A woman with a bullet in her neck instead of her head. Poor thing had probably gotten caught in between him and the guards. But why was she just sitting-
The woman has a baby in her arms, tubes still attached. He growls for a moment, moving to finishes her off, but freezes when she and she's groans.
Logan looks at her little beady eyes, mousy brown hair, and knows...she's his.
Before he's even thought about it she's cradled in his arms, evidently all wrong because she starts to wail and Vic skids in, shoulder denting the doorframe as he stops and stares at the scene in front of him.
The woman gives one final shudder, and her head lulls. Dead.
Still, there's no time to think. Victor hears thuds getting closer to the room, and as he looks to his right he realizes there's only one way out. The window. Oh well.
with a swear, he lifts Logan by the back of his jacket and gives him a shove, and his back goes strait through the paneling and out of the fourth story. Victor whoops, and follows him down. By the time he's already made his much more elegant landing, Logan is groaning and cussing him out as much as his winded lungs will let him, which is a surprising amount. Still, Vic scruffs him again and sets him on his feet, and nods in the direction of the woods.
"Lets go"
And they do.
They end up being surrounded by the X-Men somewhere in Maine and are "Invited" to Stay at Xavier's school. Logan decides for them this time. A house, a promise that the government will be dealt with for them, and that he can get all of his memories back are very good motivators. And they an finish their education.
Victor actually...enjoys classes. He likes being smart, and it's easy. Logan does Charter school. He had lasted exactly a week in public education before deciding that if he had to deal with one more idiotic comment from one of those stupid fucking kids he was going to-
Well. His words were Not Child Friendly, so he made sure to cover his kid's ears. Besides, he's bonded with fellow teen Rogue and preteen Jubilee and Kitty (his daughters) like little sisters, but he never really settles unless he's with his Kid. His Laura.
He had to fight to keep her, a young unstable mutant like him was not the ideal parent, but for the first two months, she sobbed if anyone else held her, terrible screeches, and would reach for him to the point of falling out of peoples arms. And, he had imprinted on her to. He swore he could tell when she was happy or uncomfortable before she could, would burp her or flip her back onto her back before she got fed up with tummy time.
Vic is Terrified of touching her but refuses to admit it. He carefully runs his finger down her pudgy little cheek, in awe of her soft skin against his knuckle, when she moves suddenly, and she attempts to nuzzle her way into his palm. He, obligingly, opens his hand. When one of his claws scrapes her hair, he freezes, waiting for her to cry out. Instead, she burbles happily, honey brown eyes giving him long, slow blinks.
She likes his head scratches the best.
Logan sometimes falls asleep with her on his stomach on the couch, leaving Victor to carry him AND his clingy baby back to bed, the crib next to them so Laura can still grab onto Logans finger. They sleep together now, in a nest of blankets and pillows, Logans hand always off the bed but still somehow still touching Vic, as if to make sure he's still there.
Their codependency is back full swing, and the only time they can be reliably separated is when Vic goes to school, because he goes with Scotty, and the Boy Scout would never let anything happen to another mutant, even if that mutant makes him want to shoot him with his laser-beam full power just to see what would happen.
Thankfully, because of Victors presence, the Mind Adjustment does actually work, but it leaves Logan questioning his parallel memories for years. In the process they realize that...Victors memories have been tampered with too.
But that, is a story for another time.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 28 days
do you guys think sabertooth was a problem for worst-universe logan before wade snatched him out his universe cause i have some thinkings now that he's safe and with a new family ...
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snkts · 4 months
Going through comics and shows and notes to get a hang on Logan's powers REALLY makes the scenes where he spars with the younger students kind of sweet
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We finally have a location for the Sabertooth guild
It only took like 10 years to actually get a name for the damn city.
Its in Eastern Fiore in a city called Gazania.
I haven't even read the new chapter yet. I just saw the first panel with the city location and needed to celebrate.
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bpmiranda · 29 days
Request: So I’m thinking the first x-man movie when Sabertooth attacks maybe something like that where the reader gets hurt and Logan gets super protective and possessive Hmmm definitely in a Situationship lol and no fluff definitely smut I’m thinking she met him the way rouge did but she is older
Marks (Logan Howlett) nsfw
A/N: smut, protective!logan, possessive!logan, violent situation, 18+ female mutant!reader(invisibility), situationship, mating, breeding?👀
The moment Y/N took off for the snowy mountains, she knew she was screwed, but there wasn’t much of an option left. When she heard of someone who went by the Wolverine, an undefeated cage fighter who was the main attraction for a local bar, she had a gut feeling that he was like her. Maybe he could help. But he had refused.
“Do I look like a bodyguard?” He had scoffed as she approached him at the bar one night. Y/N frowned and he shook his head. “Listen, sweetheart, I’ve got something going here, alright? I don’t need you poking around and drawing the wrong type of attention.” And just like that, he had dismissed her.
Y/N had stuck around, however, afraid to continue on her own because she knew it would only be a matter of time before he caught up to her. Logan was annoyed in the beginning, but he could pick up on the uneasiness that she carried and, damned if he didn’t have a soft spot for pretty runaways.
He’d buy her a meal and let her sleep in his camper while he kept watch in the cabin, for whom, he wasn’t sure yet. But any girl who was willing to attach herself to a strange man for protection was clearly running from some really bad people. “Who’s looking for you?” Logan asked one night as they sat quietly in the truck while he smoked a cigar and she read a book.
“His name’s Sabertooth,” She sighed, closing her book and looking over at him. “For some reason he’s got it in his mind that I should be his mate, or something like that.” She murmured, as she looked ahead at the white snow gently falling from the dark sky. “I’m really scared, Logan. I can only hide for so long and I’m not strong enough to fight anyone on my own, let alone him.”
His heartstrings were being tugged at and he knew he was beginning to grow fond of her, but he couldn’t act on anything. Not while she was frightened and looking for a way out. Chances are she would try to leave the country and then what could he do? “I’ll take care of you,” Logan told her and she looked at him with wide eyes. “I’ll take you where you want to go. Get you somewhere safe.” Y/N let out a sigh of relief and she leaned over to hug him tightly. Logan chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist, squeezing her briefly before letting go. “Alright, alright,” He teased as he took a puff of his cigar and she chuckled, her eyes slightly glistening. “Well, there’s no need to cry.”
“I’m just so thankful, Logan. I really appreciate it.”
They made plans to hit the road later in the week. He would win a few more cage fights to make sure they had enough money to get them where they needed to go.
It was an easy plan, too easy.
“Ready?” Logan asked her as he had hooked his trailer onto the camper, securing the restraints while she kept an eye on the tree line. “Y/N?”
There was something off. It was as if she could feel something coming and she turned to Logan with upturned eyebrows, a concerned look on her face. “I feel weird.”
Logan smiled and walked over to her, opening the passenger seat for her as he rubbed her arm softly. “Let’s get you something to eat, yeah?” He offered, holding her by the hand as she got into the seat. He kissed her knuckles softly and she blushed. “It’ll be okay. We’re gonna get you outta here.”
Once they were on the road, she felt more at ease. Logan kept looking over to check on her, his hand slid onto her thigh slowly and she smiled, biting her bottom lip as she looked over at him. “You’d better pay attention to the road.” She said, letting his hand rest there and Logan smirked.
“I am paying atten- ”
The was a sudden crash ahead of them. A tree had fallen onto the road and the camper came to a halt right into it. “Oh, shit!” Y/N yelled as they were about to tip over, but the weight of the trailer with the motorcycle on it pulled them back down. Logan groaned, shaking his head out and immediately turning to her, concerned as she gasped and held her head. “I’m okay.” She reassured him, looking at the tree and shuddering. “I think we need to run.”
Suddenly, Sabertooth shattered through the driver’s window and Y/N screamed as he grabbed Logan around the throat with his arm. “That’s my mate you’ve got there!” He roared before he dragged Logan out of the vehicle. Instinctively, she disappeared and quickly undid her seatbelt, hurrying out of the camper and falling onto the snow. It was sticking to her clothes and she swore under her breath as she wiped it off and hurried around to the trailer, searching for something to help Logan.
The two men were fighting, struggling against each other with grunts and growls. Y/N found a wrench in his toolbox and she turned toward them, breathing heavily while trying not leave deep footprints as she ran up behind Sabertooth and hit him over the head with the wrench. The animal-like mutant roared in anger and threw Logan straight through the totaled camper making her gasp. Sabertooth heard her, smelled her, and quickly grabbed at her. “Let me see you, pretty girl.” He laughed an evil laugh as she struggled in his tight hold.
“Logan!” She screamed, kicking furiously until she hit him between the legs and he dropped her with a pained howl. “Logan, help!” She yelled, crawling away only to be dragged back, her hands digging in the snow gave her away.
“You’ve been nothing but difficult, I’m done chasing you.” Sabertooth growled, throwing her against the fallen tree where she hit her head against the thick trunk.
Unable to focus on staying invisible, she reappeared in a crumpled mess on the ground. Y/N groaned in pain, her vision going out of focus as she felt herself being lifted up. “Logan.” She called weakly, trying to find him and seeing a dark blur chasing after her. There was a sharp sound that echoed in her head and yelling, slicing. The cold snow suddenly enveloped her in a soft hug as she fell unconscious.
When she finally came to, her head ached something terrible and her eyes screwed shut against the light coming in through the motel room window. “Hey,” Logan’s comforting voice echoed in her head and she hummed in response. “You okay, sweetheart?” His hand was on her knee and the other on her head.
“Where is he?” She asked groggily, willing herself to open her eyes to find him looking down at her with concern.
His clothes were stained with blood, but there wasn’t a single scratch on him. “He’s gone, but he’s not dead.” His thumb came up to her collarbone and she felt a faint pain from there. “I - uh - I had to mark you in front of him.” Her cheeks heated up as she sat up against the headboard and touched the spot on herself which she could only imagine was as purple as a plum right now. “It was the only thing I could think to do for him to stop hunting you.” Logan’s tone was apologetic and she felt herself smile at how protective he could be when he supposedly had not wanted her around in the beginning.
“I appreciate what you did for me, Lo.” Her hand laid over his which was still on her knee and she squeezed it. “I couldn’t have gotten away without you.”
Logan shrugged it off, his eyes searched hers for a moment and he moistened his lips before asking, “Do you still want to leave?”
Y/N shook her head softly, her index finger rubbing slowly on the back of his hand as she bit her lip. “No, I think, I’ll hang around.” She paused and took in a shaky breath. “Seeing as I have a mate now and all.”
His eyes flashed with something dark and deep and he lightly caressed her jaw with his thumb as he asked, “Are you sure? You’re not upset about it?” She shook her head and brought her hands to rest on his bearded face, her lips caught his in a soft kiss and he was quick to take over and crawl on top of her.
His tongue fought for dominance and she was happy to give in to him, letting him continue marking her and kissing areas of her body that had never been given attention quite like this before. Logan pulled her top off, sucked harshly on the top of her breast as he undid her bra clasp, and she shivered as the cold air hit her skin. Her pants were tugged off next and she wiggled out of her panties for him as he took a moment to admire the sight of her. Her nipples hardened from the drop in temperature and Logan pulled off his blood-stained clothes to lay his bare body over hers. The heat from him was more than enough to keep her warm and she basically purred underneath his weight.
“I feel so safe with you, Logan.” She murmured, caressing his strong back while he was biting another mark onto her shoulder. A small whimper left her lips and she dug her nails into his back at the sting of him drawing blood. “Oh, baby.” She sighed and Logan could feel her slick cunt coating his cock as she rolled her hips yearningly against him.
“You’ll always be safe with me, sweetheart.” Logan told her as he lined his tip up to her drenched opening. “You’re mine now, Y/N, I’m always going to keep you safe.” His shaft sheathed itself inside her in one motion and she took in a sharp breath as he sat full and heavy inside her.
“Oh, fuck,” She moaned, her body shaking lightly as she grew used to the size of him. Logan couldn’t keep his mouth off her, he littered her skin with small love bites, darker bites, soft kisses anywhere he could reach while rutting deep and slowly into her. Her whining and moaning fueling him and his desire to possess her, to protect her. “Yes, Logan!”
“All mine,” He grunted into her collarbone, inhaling her scent and his mouth watered from the smell of her arousal leaking out of her womanhood. Her legs trembled with the force of her orgasm and she mewled softly, submissively. “You’re all mine, sweetheart.” He groaned as his cock throbbed inside her and he looked down at her as if asking permission. Y/N nodded biting her lip as her fingernails dug into his bicep and the other tugged on the hair at the back of his head. “Fuck!” He grunted as his seed spilled into her core. His pace did not falter and he continued pumping into her, her brows furrowed from the intensity, her fingernails scratched desperately at his back, her chest pressed up against him as her body went rigid from the overstimulation of pleasure.
“Logan!” She cried out, her forehead resting on his chest as she weakly punched at his pec, her body trembled violently and he groaned in approval. “It’s too much!” She whimpered.
“Almost there, baby,” Logan grunted, kissing her softly while he roughly pounded into her, chasing a second flush of euphoria. “Cum for me, sweetheart. Wanna know only I can make you cum like this.”
Her mouth fell open as his tip kissed her cervix repeatedly, her sopping cunt allowing him to glide in and out at an impossibly fast pace and she felt the wave of pleasure crash against her once again. “Ah, shit!” She sobbed, her body writhing underneath his as he quickly followed after her and pumped her full with his second load.
They were breathless as they laid still connected while they came down from the high of their release. Logan had his forehead pressed against hers as he kissed her tenderly, lovingly with his hands tangled in her hair while she caressed his back, moaning so softly at the feeling of him over her, protecting her. “I give it three months before I start showing.” She murmured with a blush on her cheeks.
“Yeah?” Logan asked with a grin, his hand coming down to gently rub on her lower belly. “You think it’ll take?” She shrugged lightly, honestly unsure of how fertile she was, and Logan smirked. “We should try again to be sure.”
I am not very familiar with the mating/marking/alpha aspects of what I imagine is from the werewolf universe. This felt like a natural flow for the request however:) Let me know what you thought!
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months
What souvenirs do they bring back from their time traveling missions?
Dick: King Louis XIV's high heels
Jason: next week's lottery numbers
Tim: a Walkman
Damian: velociraptors
Duke: Big Bang space dust
Cullen: pictures of him photobombing major events
Stephanie: fresh-baked bread from Pompeii
Cassandra: bones
Barbara: a computer from the distant future
Harper: a steam engine
Carrie: a caveman
Kate: unsolved true crime evidence
Helena: manuscripts from the Library of Alexandria
Luke: a trebuchet
Bette: prehistoric water
Alfred: a Medieval peasant to show his spice rack to
Selina: a sabertooth tiger
Bruce: his newly orphaned self
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i-wanna-write · 30 days
If One’s Different, One’s Bound to be Lonely - Wolverine Fic - Part 1
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Fic Synopsis: We know Wolverine and Sabertooth but the reader is known as Jackal. Just like the other two, their mutation is animalistic, lending them healing factors, enhanced physical abilities, and animal senses. This fic details their relationship with the Anchor!Wolverine and how they ended up meeting the Worst!Logan
Chapter Warnings: violence, cussing, lewd comments/thoughts, reader is described as female
Word Count: 3k+
A/N: I’ve had this idea since I saw Deadpool and Wolverine so I figured I’d give it a go! I wanted to write Worst!Logan and SacredTimeline!Reader but wanted some backstory. Well, the backstory turned into backstories which then turned into this mini fic. Not sure how many parts there will be but no more than 10. This will start from when the reader was born, through snippets of the X-Men movies before FINALLY making its way to D&P. There's obviously going to be changes in scenes due to the reader and it's a fic so I can change what I want! I also love how Wolverine and Sabertooth are brothers in Origins so went with that. The timeline is also a little sketchy because D&W is set in 2024 and Logan 2029 but they discuss how Logan died already… so just bear with me on that… Let me know what you think!
You were born in 1895 to two loving parents. They were older than the average parents, having struggled to conceive but finally being blessed with you. You were their pride and joy, providing you with all the clothes, toys, furniture, games, and literature you wanted.
You were a secluded child. You preferred being alone and were grateful for being an only child. You hated sharing your things and talking to others.
You were also a sick and frail child. You always caught a cold or broke a bone, or got a scratch. Your parents dragged you to numerous doctors, trying to find a reason for your ailments. It wasn’t until you hit puberty that the truth was revealed.
You were a mutant.
Your genetics carried an X gene and had different DNA then your parents.
A week laid up in bed with a constant fever, sweats, and chills, it was finally revealed when your fingernails elongated into claws, the rest of your baby teeth spilling out and adults ones replacing them. Only they were all razor sharp and could easily shred anything.
Your parents were hysterical at first. They prayed and waited for their miracle child but were terrified at first to learn that she was a mutant.
That she was different.
Your sense of sight was keener than the average human, you heard like a bat, your smell like a bloodhound. You no longer got sick. If you received an injury it healed in a matter of seconds.
Your parent’s initial fear turned into protectiveness and soon you were shut in - no longer allowed all the things you wanted. Your parents kept you at home, not letting you mingle with others your age in fear of something happening to you… Or you doing something to someone else.
As you grew older, you finally escaped your parents and never looked back. You moved around, being adaptable and able to change at any given moment and go with the flow of the environment. You were cunning and evaded anyone or thing you wanted to without thinking twice. And just like in childhood, you grew to be more territorial. You valued all your personal items and were always willing to defend what you called yours.
Through much research over your first years on your own - you were able to determine that all these traits were similar to that of an animal.
A Jackal.
Known for the same personality traits of your own, this dog breed also sported sharp teeth in all regions of their mouth and just as sharp claws to take down their prey. Soon, that's what you became known as.
You moved through the years alone, never staying in one place for more than a year due to the world's hate towards mutants. You often found secluded cabins and would purchase what you needed at a store, then hunted on your own for protein - using your abilities to your advantage.
If someone caused a problem for you, a man making a sexist comment. Someone shit talking other mutants. You didn’t hesitate to take them out. Your instincts would take over in that moment and your claws would disembowel them or your teeth rip out their throat.
Sometime during the 1950s, you were staying in a Montana cabin you found, the nearest town miles away. Occasionally, you would frequent a bar there, wanting a moment to feel the whiskey slide down. It was in that bar that you met two other mutants for the first time.
You were seated alone at a table in the tavern, dressed in slacks, a button shirt, and jacket, A cap was on your head, hiding your long hair to make it appear short. Making you appear like a man.
You were nursing a whisky on the rocks, allowing the liquid to burn your throat and sooth your day. The bar wasn’t too busy, filled with men after a day of work. Two were seated at the bar, another alone at a table than solely the bartender handing out drinks.
You smelt them before they entered. One smelt like copper, the other smoke. As they entered and made their way to the bar, you examined their appearance. Both dressed in jeans and dark jackets, the copper one appeared shorter but with broader shoulders. His hair was buzzed to his head with stubble lining his jaw. He moved with confidence, acting as he owned the establishment and everyone should part for him to make way.
The smoky one was taller, shoulders not as wide but perhaps weighing more due to his height. His hair was longer, curling behind his ears towards his neck with tufts on either side. His jaw was also lined in stubble, but rather than walking like he owned the place, he walked with ease, as if he knew people were staring but could care less about it.
Your eyes followed them as they ordered, noting how the other patrons seemed to watch them too, as if all of you were aware that they could be dangerous. You returned your attention back to your drink when you got a whiff of something you haven’t before. Despite their initial scents, they both smelt off - different than all the other humans you’ve been around your life. They smelt… almost wild.
You were taken from your thoughts when the seat across from you suddenly became occupied. You looked up and saw the two men seated across from you, both with a drink in hand. The shorter one spread his body on the chair, his left arm around the taller ones.
“What’s a woman like you doing in here?” The shorter one asked, nodding his head towards you.
“Women?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow.
So far, no one has been able to distinguish your true gender. How could these new patrons know?
“Can smell the difference Bub.” The taller one said as if it was obvious.
While his companion was spread out, the larger man surprisingly took up a smaller space. His forearms rested on the table, fingers clasped in front.
“Smell?” You repeated, feigning ignorance.
“Come on Frail. We can smell you’re a woman and smell you’re a mutant like us, quit playing stupid.” The shorter one growled, a look of anger on his face. “Never met a woman mutant like us though.” He added a malicious smirk on his lips. He turned to look at the other one, as if wanting him to comment as well but to no avail.
You’ve never met another mutant before. Period.
“Well, pleased to have checked that box off your list.” You smile, quickly finishing your drink before slamming it on the table, rising to flee. “Have a good night gentlemen.”
One of them smelling like blood and acting as he did, you knew they were trouble - and you’ve avoided trouble for so long the past years you weren’t about to start getting into it. You went to leave but the taller man grabbed your arm suddenly, claw like knives slowly breaking the skin of his knuckles and leaving them, puncturing your skin.
“We weren’t finished talking.” He said, finally showing some emotion as a smile graced his face.
You quickly yanked your arm back, watching as your skin healed itself, blood now stained on the sleeve of your jacket.
“Have a seat frail,” The shorter one added, smirk still on his face. “We want to get to know you.”
You sat back down. You wish you didn’t finish your whiskey as you tired to make your escape, no longer having something to fiddle in your hands.
You look up at the men and see them both staring back at you, as if taking you in. You know what they see. A woman with H/C hair hidden underneath a hat with just enough to be seen on your forehead. Eyebrows to match that have strands out of place and eyelashes that prissy girls would kill for circling your E/C eyes.
You do the same, truly taking in the men if they’re going to be talking with you. Assessing you. Determining if you’re a threat or not.
You observe the shorter one first, seeing him as the larger threat of the two. His eyebrows are bushy despite his short hair and has wrinkles on his forehead. He continued to wear a malicious smile and has subtle dimples on either side but they make him appear menacing rather than childlike. His eyes are green and hold a dark tint, as if he’s thinking about fucking you or killing you. Maybe both.
You move to look at the taller one and notice that his expression is almost unreadable, except his mouth is curled up slightly in a snarl. His eyes are a deep brown, holding only mistrust and curiosity, as if solely reading everything about you. His bottom his lip is full, the top one smaller but shaped perfectly despite the snarl.
“What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?” The shorter one repeats, raising an eyebrow.
“Drinking. What else do you do in a tavern?” You bite back, shooting him a dark look.
He looks around as if debating his answer before saying, “Some drink.” He shrugs. “Others bring a girl in and fuck her in the bathroom.”
You grimace at the thought of doing that act with him. You’d pick the taller one if it was between life and death if you had to choose. At least the taller one looks like he’d make it quick.
“I’m sure you have to drag them back there as no women would glance your way.”
You know you shouldn’t egg him on but you can’t help it. You have just as sharp of a bite to back up your bark and you’re not afraid to use it. Even if it’s against two other feral mutants.
“Hmph.” The man says.
You watch as he reaches his right hand out, going for a handshake. His hand resembles a paw, his nails replaced with claws and sharp as knives. Your eyes travel to his face and now notice how his canines are sharper than an average humans. Perhaps attributed to his mutation.
“Victor Creed. This runt is my brother James Howlett.” He finally introduced.
Two can play at this game.
You elongate your own nails, showing off your claws. You then smile, teeth sharpening to show off points on all of them, not just your canines. You reach over and clasp his hand in your own.
“Y/N L/N.” You tell them, causing him to smile wider.
You let go of his his hand and look at the other one. “I’m not shaking your hand since you already sliced me, asshole.”
He merely shrugs. “Not offended Bub.”
This time you notice how deep and gruff his voice it. It sends goosebumps throughout you and you hope neither can notice it.
“What do you two want?” You ask, switching your gaze between them.
“Like I said, never met a female frail before. And based on your reaction, guessing you've never met another mutant ever.” Victor says.
It’s your turn to shrug. “I like being alone and keeping to myself.” Simple and to the point.
“Why’s that? Afraid you’re gonna kill someone with those claws? Too weak to fight off the instinct to sink your teeth into their neck?” Victor leans forward, looking intently at you for your answer.
He’s right. Of course he is, having hit the nail on the coffin. You’re a loner by mutation and learned that being around others only causes harm by your hand. It’s better to be alone and comfortable, rather then surrounded by prey.
“So what if I am? Can still take your ass down.” You say nonchalantly, trying not to appear bothered by how easily he read you.
He laughs, it sounding hoarse and dry. “I’d like to see you try.”
“Somehow I think you’d enjoy that. Don’t wanna end up in the bathroom with you.” You retort back.
You notice then how the taller one barely talks. He seems to have an air of indifference around him. Like he’s just here because Victor is and has no interest in the conversion. Or you.
“Tell me, how old are you? Gotta be young if you’ve never met another mutant before.”
You watch as he takes a sip of his whiskey, again upset at yourself for downing yours. You think about stealing James due to his lack of participation but think better of it, not wanting him to slice you again.
“I was born in 1895.” You reveal, holding your gaze with Victors.
“Awe Jimmy.” He coos, bumping his elbow into his brothers arm. “She’s just a kitten compared to us.”
You growl at that, not liking the mocking tone. This man was starting to get on your nerves. His gaze keeps drifting down to your chest, as if he has x-ray vision to see your breasts. The other isn’t giving anything and you wish he would, seeming to be the more sane one of the two. If you take out the part where he cut you.
“What? You guys my long lost grandfathers or something trying to bring me home?” You question, arching an eyebrow.
They looked to be your age but based on what Victor has said and you’ve seen, their mutations really are similar to yours. You wouldn’t be surprised if they were older than you. You want to know more about them - you have to. The first people like you since you’ve discovered you're a mutant. Maybe you won't feel so lonely anymore due to your difference form others
“1831 and 1835.” James finally speaks, lowering his whiskey from his mouth.
“Doesn’t answer if you are my grandfathers.” You point out.
“Not your grandfather frail. Quite trying to be cute.” Victor cuts in. “Now, based on your claws and teeth, you’re definitely like us, not just by scent. So what? You got some wolf? Some crocodile? You hiding scales underneath those clothes?”
You laugh, your voice light in the air before you remember where you are and what you’re pretending to be.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You snap back, baring all your canines at him.
“She’s a Jackal Vic.” James says. “Hates being around others. Easily blends into her environment. Able to will her nails to claws and all teeth shape as canines. Makes sense”.
“One point to brains.” You point to James, winking at him. “Zero points to brawn.” You point to Victor.
Said man goes to speak but you don’t let him, continuing. “You’ve got your own set of claws and canines. You’ve been trying to manipulate me and the situation this entire time, proving your cunningness. And you seem to try to include James here, I’m assuming your younger brother, into the conversion because you value family. Making you similar to a Sabertooth.” Something you thought you might’ve been before discovering your similarities with a Jackal.
Victor raises his eyebrows in surprise, not thinking you’d be able to guess their own mutation like James had yours.
“Meanwhile,” you turn to James, “You seem to hate being around other people as much as me. Your quiet but observe everything around you, making sure you have an escape. You were able to debunk what my mutation was, suggesting you’re smart. If I didn’t see your claws earlier, I would’ve guessed you to be a Jackel like me.” You finish.
You watch as James leans forward, both arms resting on the table as his face gets closer to you. You stare into the deep brown and feel yourself getting lost for just a moment before being pulled back.
“So what does that make me?” He questions, curious of your conclusion.
“A wolverine.” You state.
With that reveal, you make your escape. You quickly exit the table, knowing this time to not walk by it as you exit the tavern. You push open the door with one hand and start to pick up your pace. There are people lingering outside and you don’t want to draw attention.
You reach the edge of the forest, taking the cap from your head and letting your H/C locks free. You run a hand through them, trying to catch your thoughts and slow your heart rate at the run-in you just had.
You two sets of footsteps rush up behind you and take a breath, smelling Victor and James. A hand reaches out and lands on your shoulder but you immediately grab it, turning to your right to face your attacker.
A crack is heard throughout the first floor as you break Victor’s arm and don’t hesitate. Your teeth elongate to canines, your face moving to his neck and grabbing it. You bite down, blood immediately rushing into your mouth as you grab a chunk out of him.
You let go and push him away, watching as he staggers back and James stands at his side, hands in his pocket. You spit the flesh out of your mouth and grin at both men.
“If you guys have heard anything about the Jackal, you’ll know to leave me the fuck alone.”
You leave it at that, turning on your heel and walking off into the forest, leaving an angered Victor and impressed James behind you.
Stay tuned for Part 2!
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sandwitchstories · 4 months
Sandwitchstories Master List
I think I am at that point where I need to make one of these!
List will be kept up to date with new links added as I post them!
Fics are sorted by fandom, character, and the pairings are labeled and they are clearly marked SFW/NSFW. Read at your own risk! lol I hope you enjoy your trip into my brain rot!
Fandoms I currently write for: Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK), Demon Slayer (KNY), Fairy Tail and Buddy Daddies
List is under cut as it is over 50 fics now!
Dividers by @xxbimbobunnyxx and @thecutestgrotto
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Jukutsu Kaisen (JJK) Fics
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Satoru Gojo
Kintsugi (Satoru Gojo x Y/N - NSFW - Winner of 100 shares poll)
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Ryomen Sukuna
For Better and For Worse (Sukuna x Y/N - NSFW)
But When It Comes To You (Sukuna x Y/N - NSFW)
Daddy Duty - Series (All of my Dad!Sukuna shorts in one location! Only thing they have in common is Dad!Sukuna x Y/N - SFW)
Daddy's Girl (Head Canons about Dad!Sukuna - Part of Daddy Duty Series - SFW)
Precious Two (Dad!Sukuna Drabble - Part of Daddy Duty Series - SFW)
Becoming Papa (Head Canons Dad!Sukuna - Part of Daddy Duty Series - SFW) NEW- 8/25/2024
Beautiful Dichotomy (Head Canons Dad!Sukuna - Part of Daddy Duty Series - SFW) NEW- 9/23/2024
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Demon Slayer (KNY) Fics
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Kyojuro Rengoku
Five Seconds (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N- NSFW) - NEW posted 8/31/2024
What He Likes (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N- NSFW) - NEW posted 8/11/2024
Stress Relief (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW)
Challenge Accepted (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW)
Safe In The Arms Of Love (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW)
Twin Flames (Kyojuro Rengoku x KNY OC, Rengoku Demon AU - NSFW - Multiple Chapters- Ongoing)
Hot For Teacher (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW)
The Frog(tied) Princess (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW - Sequel to Hot For Teacher but can be read alone)
Grown Up Birthday Blues (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - Happy Birthday, Kyojuro! - NSFW)
Wildfire (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW)
Fools Rush In (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW)
The Queen of Hearts (Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader - Modern AU- Multi Chapter - WIP- Tease)
Forever In Love - Chapter 1 - A Helping Hand (Kyojuro Rengoku x Female OC - Kimetsu Academy AU - Contains NSFW) NEW - Posted 8/12/2024
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Sanemi Shinazguawa
Accidentally Happily Ever After (Sanemi Shinazugawa x Y/N Surprise Pregnancy - NSFW - Three Chapters- Completed)
Say It (Sanemi Shinazugawa x Y/N - NSFW)
A Cure for Restlessness (Sanemi Shinazugawa x Y/N - NSFW)
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Shinjuro Rengoku
A Father's Love (Shinjuro Rengoku x Y/N - SFW) - Head cannons about Shinjuro getting a 2nd chance
The Shy Guy (Shinjuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW)
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Buddy Daddies
Bitey Daddies (Vampire AU- SFW)
I'm no hero, and I'm not made of stone (Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa - SFW)
I Choose You (Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa - SFW)
Jump Around (Rei Suwa - SFW)
The Diabolical Grandpa (Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa SFW)
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Fairy Tail
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Erza Scarlet
A Game of Facades (Erza Scarlet x Jellal Fernandes - Evil Erza AU- Event: Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022 - CW: implied sexual content)
3G: Gay Girls Ghost Hunting (Erza Scarlett x MiraJane Strauss - for the Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022- SFW)
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Laxus Dreyar
The Little Spoon (Laxus Dreyar x Orga Nanagear - SFW)
Electric Love (Laxus Dreyar x Freed Justine - SFW)
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Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney - SFW Collection
Lost and Found (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - SFW - first meeting - Shadowlight week 2021 Day 1- Prompt- First)
The Story Of Us (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney- SFW - Collection Link. Individual links are below)
A Bet On Love (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - SFW - Story of Us)
There is love (Minerva POV after returning to Sabertooth - Story of Us - SFW)
There will always be rocks in the road ahead of us (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Engagement- Story of Us - SFW)
Groomzilla (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Story of Us - SFW version)
Chaos, Cookies, and Casseroles (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Story of Us - SFW)
Your love is like glitter (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Valentine's Day- Story of Us - SFW)
The Tiniest Tiger (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Proud Parents - Story of Us - SFW)
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Stinge Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Event: Shadowlight Week 2023 prompts- (SFW & NSFW)
Anything For Love (Day 1 Prompt -Dare- Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - SFW)
The Monster Mash (Day 2 Prompt - Thrill/Undress - Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - NSFW)
Showtime (Day 3 Prompt - Watching - Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
Lion Bears, Bugs and Potions OH MY! ( Day 4 Prompt- Monsters/Potions - Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - SFW)
In Your Love (Day 5 Prompt - Sweet/Spice - Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - SFW)
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Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW One Shots
A Little Bit Older On This Roller Coaster (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
Groomzilla (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
You're the night, You're the light (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
Totally Worth It (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
Simply Eerie-sistable (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Halloween - NSFW)
Sex For Breakfast (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
Feel The Beat Of My Heart As The Count Down Starts (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - New Years - NSFW)
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Fairy Tail x OC and Honorable Mentions (These are from my very early days in fic writing. I may revisit these someday)
Enchanting Dragons (Rogue Cheney x OC - Dragons AU- contains some NSFW)
Kids, Cats, and Dragon Slayers- Oh my! (Sting x Rogue x OC - poly family, contains some NSFW)
By The River (Rogue Cheney x OC - contains some NSFW)
Magic and Mayhem (Rogue Cheney x OC - Mob AU)
Truly Madly Deeply (Rogue Cheney x OC- NSFW)
The Welcome Home Dance (Rogue Cheney x OC- NSFW)
The Sweetest Taboo (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney x Yukino Aguria- NSFW)
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v1ntagie · 27 days
I don't think a ship has had me in the chokehold that Morphverine has had me in the last week
I watched X-Men 97- I'm now watching a show from the 90's because I'm so hyper fixated on the X-Men rn-
I just- they're so gay it- in the 90's Logan is literally the only person to go after Morph when they're under Mr.Sinisters control and sort of breaks out of it, saying how Morph is his friend and that Morph is the only person who has ever made him laugh, and when he confronts Morph the next episode- he says he wants to help Morph the way Xavier helped him. EVEN AFTER Morph turned into Jean, insulted Wolverine, and beat the crap out of him as Sabertooth (and also Deadpool?? For some reason?? It's not explained yet but Deadpool keeps showing up for both Sabertooth and Wolverine so I'm guessing it'll be explained but idk-) Logan STILL wants to help Morph. And when Morph says they need to go through it on their own? Logan understands that and says that when Morph is ready, he and the other X-Men will be willing to help him
They're so gay I need them to kiss to heal my soul 💔
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happilychee · 10 months
sabertooth headcanons pt. 1
I feel like mashima could've made sabertooth just a smidge less flat... they all had so much angst in them and the potential to evolve and grow as people... or they could all turn nice in the span of an episode. that works too.
♡ sting is a sweetheart. he's a genuine, caring, and kind boy who grows up to be a charming and earnest young man. that is, unless he's on the battlefield. old sabertooth sting makes an appearance in those moments. his smirk is cruel, his taunts are like daggers, jabbing away at the opponent. he's cocky and arrogant, and maybe he has the right to be so because his attacks are so powerful they blow the enemy away.
♡ lector is the kind of friend who talks major shit about whatever you're doing as he's helping you. he tells sting how dumb it is to go on a mission alone in mid-flight to their destination. ride or die? nah, lector is fly or die.
♡ rufus loves tea brewing. this is one of the few areas of knowledge that he chooses not to use his magic on. he loves sitting down with a good book and reading about the history of tea, tea cultivation, the proper culinary techniques to brew the perfect cup of tea.
♡ orga is the reason sabertooth has open-mic nights. the (second) strongest guild in fiore turns into a comedy club on tuesday nights, and surprisingly, it's good. orga serenades whoever comes to mind that night: it's been sting, rogue, yukino, all the usual suspects, and on one memorable occasion, mr. yajima. yukino tells the most wholesome, funny stories while frosch and lector act out the scene behind her. in what was probably the most fever dream moment of sting's life, minerva took the mic and delivered such a seething, deadpan stand-up that she got the entire guild cheering for her.
♡ minerva goes all out for halloween. besides just being into arcane magic and the history of magic, she loves spooky things. also, she's a bit fucked up, and this is a good outlet for her. sabertooth will gladly take minerva's scarily detailed sculptures of severed limbs over her lashing out any day of the week. to her guildmates' surprise, she also organizes a family-friendly haunted house in the guild hall for the kids of gazania.
♡ in my heart of hearts, sting does not become sabertooth's guild master. I headcanon him as a healer, so I think he would establish an infirmary in sabertooth and oversee it. unsure if rogue or minerva becomes guild master. I think minerva would be better suited for the role, but there's also recency bias against her because of jiemma. and she needs time to process everything that went into sabertooth's upheaval.
♡ which sabertooth member do you never want to piss off? you might think it's minerva or rufus or even the twin dragons. no. it's yukino. she is the sweetest, kindest member of sabertooth by far, and also the most patient. if you offend yukino, she's unlikely to do much about it, but celestials forbid you hurt her friends, especially minerva. she'll send her spirits after you, and no one will ever find your body.
♡ sabertooth, despite their efforts to become a kinder place, is still a hard guild to get into. they're not like fairy tail where anyone can just join. the core members argue for a long while about what kind of entrance test they should have. ultimately they decide on a test of strength, but not just physical ability. minerva says that it's in the eyes, whether someone has the drive and tenacity to always improve themselves and make sabertooth proud. she tries to be subtle, but she's also staring at yukino the entire time. one eyebrow wiggle from lector turns minerva as red as the cat's fur.
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mammoth-clangen · 4 months
Do you like Clangen and Sabertoothed cats? Great, me too!
My name is Pav and this is my clangen blog! <Start reading here>
Important Things
🧓 Im a '99 bby so please don't DM if you're a minor (actually would prefer no unexpected DMs period tbh, im anxious)
⛏️ I work 12hrs 7 days, week on/week off, meaning I will completely vanish 50% of the time and there's nothing I can do about it
🦘 I'm also an Aussie, so my time zone is weird even when I'm not at work (So if I don't reply, im not ignoring u! ;v;-b )
❔️Asks and Anons are turned on! Please read the FAQ below before asking to avoid repeats c:
😻 I read all the tags and replies even if I don't reply. Tysm everyone saying nice things, it makes my day ;v;
😵‍💫 My focus changes like the weather lately, so while I'm Hoping I'll be able to keep this up, please don't get Life Or Death Invested c':
#mammothmoon -all chapters are tagged with this
#moon (1/2/3/etc) -each moon is tagged by number, and in-character asks from given moons
#mammothask -asks sent to me (will also tag who asks them)
#paleo stuff -anything where I'm nerding about paleo biology etc
#ooc -Pav updates about Pav!
This will be added to as I get more asks and replies to go off!
How often do you post pages?
I try for at least once every 2 weeks, as I spend 50% of my life in the outback with no ability to draw!
Where/ when is Mammothclan set?
In late pleistocene North America, around 12ka ago, during the Younger Dryas!
What species are the cats?
They're Homotherium serum, a scimitar toothed cat.
How paleo accurate is this setting?
Relatively accurate? There's not going to be any species out of their time and place, but I'm not super bothered by, say, exact plant species and how realistic certain story aspects are.
Can I ask the characters' questions?
You can, but I can't promise to answer all of them!
Are we allowed to include characters as cameos/ draw fanart?
Yes definitely absolutely!!!!
You are also welcome to change them to regular cats if that fits better cx (please don't humanise them though, I find that specifically very uncanny)
What mode are you playing on Clangen/ what toggles?
Expanded mode, mass extinctions on, cheating on, "pregnancy ignores biology" off, unknown second parent pregnancies off (bc in my trial run every queen was constantly spawning kittens at lightspeed, no ty)
How far ahead are you from the pages you've drawn?
Currently 40moons ahead, cause I like playing the long game with foreshadowing >:3c
Where do you download Clangen?
Could you elaborate on/ explain content of (page/panel/speech bubble) that confused me?
Sure! If something is unclear, but it seems like it should be explained, please ask and I'll make sure to clarify c:
Can you tell me about (character backstory/spoilers/ aspect of lore not touched on in comic yet)?
No! I don't want to spoil those kinds of things, I'd rather they come up naturally in the comic than dump them under an ask.
I'm a firm believer that if it doesn't happen in text, it's not cannon.
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dragongodryss · 9 days
Sabertooth Guild Week initial interest check
I want to do a Sabertooth week.
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Xavier Student paper: Issue #1
Beloved Xaviers professor returns from Alaskan Sabbatical.
As of this Wednesday, Professor Summers [A.K.A Cylcops] has returned from Alaska where he took his impromptu sabbatical. We'd like to ask that everyone welcome him back, and treat him kindly! Professor summers does a lot of work to keep us all safe and healthy afterall.
And a big round of applause to the other staff members for keeping everything in order until his return! Well done! We didn't know you had it in you!
Extraterrestrial Cultural Exchange Club holding an event
Next weekend, the ECEC will be hosting an event in their club room; which is the larger meeting room off of the library. This event will be about educating on and sharing the culture of several alien cultures that have made contact with earth.
Featuring three food stalls, a few crafts stalls and even some rare alien artefacts that were legally acquired. They have assured us these products were all acquired legally. So. We'll see.
Strange man seen sneaking into the institute- oh wait never-mind it's just Magneto. [Again]
The XSU have recieved multiple reports, and photographic evidence of Magneto sneaking his way into the institute in order to play chess with our very own professor Charles Francis Xavier.
While this in itself is a harmless act, we'd like to remind everyone that Magneto is in fact a terrorist! And thus, to compensate Professor X should buy us all ice cream! At least. That's what I think
Study groups meeting again
With the school year starting back up in full swing, our study groups are once again meeting. If you're interested in signing up for a particular group, then the student lounge should have the listed times and clubroom to go to.
Please make sure that you attend the right room at the right time. Unlike Deanne who spent 3 hours in the Economics study group, before she realised it wasn't Biology. Lmao.
Rumours of a pizza party spread
According to Semi-reliable sources, everyone's favourite ...unofficial? Official? Counselor Nod and everyone's favourite Alien postman Pyxis are going to be throwing a pizza party for us!
I hope this isn't just a rumour because omg I want Pizza. I've had nothing but soup and tea for like. A week. Oh wait. I guess the newspaper shouldn't be...a stream of thought.
Meh. That's a problem for future molly.
[ @totally-not-a-mutant , @pyxis-deliveryservices ]
Weekly Recap:
Monday: Aranza was seen talking with villian Sabertooth. And giving him an origami frog. Unsure on if this is a friendship in the making...or if she's just nice to everyone.
Tuesday: I don't remember I was asleep
Wednesday: Campuses resident [homeless???] Vigilante found...three cats. [ @reapers-graveyard ]
Thursday: I forgot : (
Friday: Molly was officially cleared from bedrest, and will be resuming activity as the president of the XSU
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Author: Molly
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
Greetings! I'm asking the reverse of a question from a few weeks ago.
Who would be each ASOIAF character's favourite X-man, or mutant if you prefer? Obviously there's a lot of ASOIAF characters, only whoever strikes your fancy of course.
I could have sworn I had done this years ago, but I think I must have gotten a draft or something eaten back in 2018 when I did the reverse of this. In order to make this a bit more manageable, I'm going to stick with ASOIAF POV characters only.
Bran - Xavier. A morally ambiguous disabled psychic. Kind of over-determined, really.
Catelyn - Madelyne Pryor. A wronged wife with red hair granted dark powers to wreak revenge.
Daenerys - Jean Grey. A woman of immense supernatural power who literally walks through fire? C'mon.
Eddard - Cyclops. Honorable warrior respects honorable warrior.
Jon - also Cyclops, but only after the Dark Phoenix Saga.
Arya - Laura Kinney or Gabby. Not sure which.
Sansa - starts as Firestar fan (justice for Lady Butterrum!) ends as Emma Frost stan.
Tyrion - this is more a deep cut, but I think Tyrion would be a huge Whiz-Kid fan, especially his S.W.O.R.D era incarnation.
Theon - I think Theon would be a Quentin Quire fan; something about the combination of great potential and raging insecurity.
Davos - Gambit comes closest, but I could see an argument for Storm, especially Storm's depowered era.
Melisandre - Rachel Summers. Fire, Mother Askani prophecies, the whole shebang.
Jaime - big fan of the Fenris twins. Just kidding. He's super into Angel/Warren Worthington III, and has confused thoughts about whether Warren is better off with Candy Southern or Psylocke.
Brienne - super into the Captains Britain.
Samwell Tarly - I think he'd be a Beast fan, but Percy's X-Force would make him very sad.
Aeron Greyjoy - Exodus is another predetermined choice.
Victarion Greyjoy - doesn't see why Sabertooth has such a bad reputation.
Asha Greyjoy - big Laura Kinney fan.
Arienne Martell - I could see her being an Emma Frost stan.
Barristan Selmy - Cable. Again, white-haired grizzled soldier who protects children of destiny. Not a hard pick.
Quentyn Martell - has a soft spot for Beak.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Do you mind doing Omega!Sabertooth with a teen alpha!reader who doesn't feel like they're helping enough? (I think I was Night anon?)
Oooooo... I don't mind doing that at all! And glad to hear back from you, Night Anon! Let's try it:
Sabretooth thought of himself as rather lucky.
He'd survived several wars, had survived the experiments ran on him, survived his and the runt's psychotic, drunk pig of a biological father.
He considered himself luckier though due to his kid.
They were a newly presented alpha, one who he'd rescued as a pup, from some mutant traffickers. Kid had fought tooth and nail to protect the others, even though they barely reached up to anyone's hip. How could he not take then under his wing, teaching then everything there was to being strong, formidable, and superior to their enemies?
He just wishes they'd stop running themself ragged.
The kid, a teen now, had a nasty habit. One that at first, had been rather welcome, until Victor had discovered just how far it reached, how much damage they did to themself to deliver. They liked to take care of others, liked to provide things. Y'know, make food, tidy the nests, keep an eye out around their territory. Simple things.
What he didn't appreciate was when they'd spend hours going through the blistering cold to double check, even throuple check, that their current territory was safe. The way they'd spend an entire week baking and cooking from sun up to sun down, making enough food to feed a small army. How they wouldn't stop messing with the nests, fluffing pillows and arranging blankets and rearranging them, going for hours without sleep (which they sorely needed) all in the name of perfection. Of usefulness.
It wasn't any wonder at all, really, that he intervened.
So what if he might have laced a little sedative into their milk? The kid needed rest. Needed HIM to take care of them, NOT the other way around. He WAS an omega, that meant he was protective, caring, doting, going above and beyond to keep his pack safe and warm and with him. It's not much effort (if any) to heft them up in his arms and settle them on top of him, keeping the two of them settled in a large nest scented with lavender and smoke, hints of milk and honey underlying the scent.
"Kid, ya don't have ta work yerself ta death. That's MY job, seeing as I can't die. I know ya want to be a good lil' alpha, an' keep me taken care of an' happy. But as yer omega, it's MY job ta take care of ya. So just relax, kitten, and let Papa take good care of ya," he sighs, snuggling them closer. Their head is laying in the center of his chest, small breaths puffing out in their dazed state. He rubs a little at his chest, letting out a small purr when he feels a bead of milk pearl out.
Heh. Looks like he'll be able to make his pup feel real good.
"Now, let's get ya some milk, kitten..."
(Note: Between mutants in the ABO AUs (who have ten times the instincts and urges of regular human ABO), having younger pack/pups/kits/cubs drink milk from an omega is a normal thing. Their milk happens to have something in it that relaxes them, both in mind and body, and is used as a bonding experience. For new mutants, it likely seems weird, scary, even. For Reader, though, who's been a mutant from a young age and with Sabretooth since then, it's normal for them/accepted).
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