#silly magic cats my beloved
leifberry · 6 months
i love being an oc artist
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i can make shit like this >:D
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nanenna · 8 months
Today I remembered that my favorite thing about having so many AUs is to pick up 2 AUs like Barbie dolls and clack their faces together while making smooching noises.
Behold my beloved DCxDP AU amalgamation monster: DeamonTwinAU and PhantomThiefAU (aka: Selina gives Danny a slutty slutty cat suit, good times)
The story vaguely goeth thusly: Danny is a halfa, the Balance, the Bridge Between Worlds, he is....... the Observants' glorified gofer. You see, there are a lot of cursed/enchanted/ghostly artefacts floating around loose in the living Realm and they need Danny to go retrieve them. Danny would rather not, but they just won't leave him alone about it. Can't a guy just live? At least let him poop in peace! Ancients! Fine, he'll do it if it'll get them to shut up. (Spoiler: it does, in fact, not get them to shut up.)
But you see, Danny has a secret: he was raised in an assassin ninja cult (at least for the early years) before getting adopted by the Fentons. Now the killing? Not a fan, no thanks, he's working on not increasing his kill count, thx. But the sneaking? He could use that. Sneaky ninjas are also good thieves, right? So he cobbles together a knock off League of Assassins outfit, buys a cheap portable lock picking set, and decides to make a game of how far can he get without using his powers (much. He's new at this okay?)
Batman is not having fun. There's some (possible?) League assassin running around stealing verified cursed/magical artefacts! Is Talia planning something? Is Ra's planning something? (Isn't he for real dead? Silly reader, no one is ever for real dead in DC.)
Robin is super frustrated. For all the same reasons Batman is but also because he just knows this new rogue is taunting him. Personally. Because he's Damian al Ghul Wayne and the whole world revolves around him, obviously. (And also because he once pointed at Robin and laughed before jumping out a window.)
Selina is intrigued. Who is this kid? How does he know what to go after? How does he keep evading the bats? Luckily she runs into him mid heist (fortunately they had different targets, she's intrigued but not enough to hand over her shinies to him) and oh he's adorable! She has to train him, it would drive Brucie up the wall. But then she sees his face and oh, she knows exactly who he is, even if he seems oblivious.
Because Danny? He's in Gotham for the ecto, for the Thomas Wayne full ride scholarship he managed to snag, and also because for some reason Gotham is full of so many cursed/ghost artefacts. (Lady Gotham is seething, she worked hard to collect all those curses! But this is her beloved dark knight's kid and she kinda wants him home. But she also doesn't want to give up her curses!) Back to the point: Danny doesn't care about ANY of the rich bougie people. The Waynes give out a lot of scholarships? Cool, that's nice and all. They probably also rub elbows with Vlad or Sam's parents. No thanks. Doesn't care. He's got better things to worry about.
Selina has got a plan though! She's gonna teach this boy how to thief properly, starting with better tools (including the slutty, slutty cat burglar outfit). She also knows that she can't let any of the Waynes (in or out of costume) meet Danny (out of costume). So does Lady Gotham. So does the universe apparently (or just Clockwork maybe), because all kinds of unlikely things keep happening to prevent it.
Danny is having so much fun though! He's learning new skills. Selina is giving him an allowance so he's not living off ramen and peanut butter sandwiches, he's doing well in school, he gets to stretch his ghost powers regularly to go above the smog cover and star gaze in peace. Everything's coming up Danny.
Selina decides it's time to flaunt her find in front of Brucie and makes Danny go to a gala as her date, she spends the entire time clinging to his arm and introducing him around to everyone. Including Bruce himself (who just so happens to have Damian in tow). Danny may not recognize Bruce, but he sure recognizes Damian, and Damian recognizes him if his utterly flabbergasted face is anything to go by. But Danny remembers what it was like living in the League. And so far as he knows Damian is still in it, he was the Demon Head's heir after all. Damian made sure of it.
Oh it. Is. ON! Now Danny is on a mission! A sibling rivalry mission! He is going to make Damian's/Robin's a living hell. Selina going on a heist that has no magical artefacts? Danny's there anyway, always have back up. That necklace in the museum has barely any powers and he wasn't even going to bother with it? Too bad, it's back on the list. He has no reason to be out at all but the bats are on patrol? Well so is Danny. Catch him if you can, suckers!
It's good for Danny, it's enrichment!
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riddles-fiddles · 1 year
Can we have a cat? Part 1
Synopsis: you ask your boyfriend if you two can raise a baby kitten together. Characters: all the housewardens Tags: fluff, silly scenario to warm the heart Notes: gender neutral reader, slight long post
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Says no immediately after your "can we-" without hesitation;
Is extremely annoyed by your request to take a pet; he's not the best to tend for himself, imagine taking care of a dependable being? By some magical coincidence, the following day you come to Savanaclaw to spend time with Leona, you're met by a fluffy, round and very noisy ball of red hair and twitching ears - Cheka. Taken aback by the unexpected sight, you let the door to Leona's room behind you close with an unattended thud, pulling the cub's attention from his annoyed uncle to you. "Ohhh! Unca's friend came to play too!" with a hearty squeal, the small boy finally easens his grasp around Leona's arm, eliciting a relieved huff from the older lion who seemed to sink more into the bedsheets, trying to disappear. "y/n, come and play house with us!" Your eyes drift around your boyfriend's room, noticing how chaotic and messy it looked - even more worrysome than the usual: clothes nested around some wooded animal dolls, coloring books scattered over the carpet... and a make-believe tent roughly made from a big blanket and two chairs complemented the setting. While you watched the surroundings with amused surprise, Leona finally noticed your presence, limiting his body to simply lift his head from the pillow with a sly smirk slowly musing his lips. "Weren't you asking for a baby kitten some days ago? Well, congrats, you just got the chance to take care of one. Have fun." With a sarcastic chuckle, he rolls over, officially passing over the responisbility of taking care of Cheka to you.
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Surprised by your request; when he asked what'd you want for your birthday, he expected for jewels, new clothes or chocolate.
Is a bit reluctant at the idea, since he has absolutely zero experience with landdwelling company animals.
Azul is prideful of the amount of knowledge he has obtained along his devoted years of land studies, but never inclined himself to extend his knowledge so deep into human animal husbandry. He knew it was common to farm animals and some species were privileged enough to live graciously amongside humans, but the intrinsicability of how to care for them was something foreign. And yet, you made it clear that the only thing you desired for your birthday was a kitten. Determined to fulfill the wish of his beloved, Azul ate piles of books and educational veterinary videos on how to properly raise a healthy cat for days on end, even furthering his - scarce - knowledge about different breeds of felines. The octo-mer knew that raising an animal would demand harsh responsibilities and time to dedicate, which could collide with his management of Mostro Lounge, so he chose to search for a more independent breed. When your birthday finally arrived, Azul made sure to give you to a long day of princess treatment - he drove you to all the places you wanted to see, obliging to your wishes, and when the night befell Octavinelle's dorm, he reserved the Lounge exclusively to you two, a romantic dinner by candles and soft music playing on the background, simply enjoying each other's company and talk. "-And now, allow me to bestow my beloved with my most sincere and humble gift," with a dramatic clear of his throat, Azul disappears by the lounge's heavy curtains, only to return with a basket decorated with bows and a cyan blanket covering the mysterious content inside. "Happy birthday, my precious pearl." As he lifts the blanket, the small figure of a siamese kitten lifts its head, greeting you with a quiet, tender meow.
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Excited as hell!!!!
Always wanted to get a pet after leaving his home, but Jamil wouldn't let him.
When you first requested Kalim about a kitten, boy's eyes went wide and sparkling, body fuming with joy. "Of course my love! What kind of cat would you like?" He would ask you excitedly, gently grasping your hands on his, a smile so large it looked painful. "Oh, wait, I know, I know!" Filling the air with playful laughter, Kalim pulls you to his treasure room, bringing down a tapestry with intricate drawings woven all over it, depiciting a very inviting oasis with a girl with important looks laying over a big, imposing feline. "The princess from the Scalding Sands was always followed by a tiger. Maybe we could adopt a cub together! He could grow strong and happy with all the room to run around!" Kalim radiated so much, it would be a sin to tell him that owning a tiger is absolutely unreal, but then there goes Jamil, ready to slam some world-shattering rationality, turning his bright smile into a frustrated pout. Some days after, though, you're certain to get a delightful surprise from Kalim! During one of your Oasis dates, the Asim boy brings you to a beautiful corner of the shared paradise between you two, laughing all the way while carefully leading you through the tricky sand, his hands gently covering your eyes. "Hold on a little longer my love... and... now you can see my surprise!" Finally, he dramatically reveals his loving gift: a baby bengal kitten. Not really a tiger, as you two had envisioned, but equally as stunning.
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Fervently refuses it
Vil dislikes seeing you sad, but he can't simply be talked into adopting a kitten. Too much hair, it will ruin his perfect clothes.
"Mon moitié..." he sighs, cautious with his tone. His voice above a whisper as he gently caresses your palm. "I understand the desire to care for a cute, vulnerable being, but it wouldn't work." Despite all your efforts to try and charm Vil into your idea of taking mutual care of a kitten, the man was harder to convince than you expected, showing how determined he was on keeping his looks always the living definition of perfection. Although stubborn on his decision against it, he proved to be patient enough to endure your contant bickering. You passionately tried to show him the bright side of owning a kitten; health benefities, dozens of magazines talking about how animals makes you look even more attractive, but nothing was nothing to ring his bell, only eliciting exhausted sighs and repetitive 'no's from him. Eventually, you decided to take matters into your own hands. As usual, Vil came over to Ramshackle Dorm during the weekend for a sleepover and skincare session date. It wasn't until he was about to settle down on bed to snuggle by your side that he felt something fluffy and squishy, quickly moving away from him that he noticed something off. "Mon amour, is that...?" he asks, a slight anxious tone on his voice as Vil slowly lifted the warm blankets, eyes widening by the sudden vision of big yellow eyes staring back into the shadows. "So, you decided to go against my desire to not adopt a cat, uh?" He lets out a defeated sigh, pose slumping off for a moment before his gaze locking onto your pleading eyes. A quiet chuckle falls off his lips, amused by your adorable antics. "Fine, I guess it couldn't be that bad..."
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Just like Kalim, he's over the ceiling with the idea!
Idia loves cats, and now he won't need to charm Grim or Lucius into his lap anymore! "Y-you're serious about it?! We can finally have a kitten of our own?!" Poor boy can hardly contain his joy; eyes half lidded and smile large, baring all of his shiny, sharp teeth. With a spring in his feet, slightly rocking, he wastes no time from pulling his tablet up, quickly searching for adoption centers as million of result windows popped right in front of you two. "Which kind would you like? I've been looking forward for a kitty just like Lucius TBH..." He mumbles to himself all the while, his pale face finally drawing some rosy colour to his cheeks as the boy made sure to schedule a million adoption appointments. Though you needed to do all the social business of talking to the volunteers and staff responsible for the kittens, it was already a true demonstration of how much the shy boy was excited for the occasion by the way he followed through with you with every step of the process, and when you two were finally granted access to the cells, you watched with gleeful delight the way Idia finally let loose, rolling around the could floor with a horde of kittens in his gentle embrace. "This is the happiest super event of my life! If this is a dream, please don't wake me up", he babbled between breathless giggles, cradling a bunch of kittens close, before pulling you along a careful, half hug. "I get to adopt a kitty and spend time with you..." In the end of the day, you two exited the adoption center with not only one, but a full litter of kittens on your arms. After all, how could you deny the lively sparkle on your boyfriend's eyes?
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Secretly excited about it; he always wanted pets, but was denied by his strict mother
He needs to stop and think about his duties as housewarden, though.
The idea of adopting a kitten stings something within his heart - a fluterring, warm feeling washing over his being as Riddle contemplates the sincere joy of tending over a dependable, beautiful and frail being like a kitty. What wondrous delight would it be to care for it and see it grow every day. "That sounds mos pleasing, my rose," he mumbles, the ghost of a smirk tugging at his lips. However, the vision merely lasts a second, before his frowning features once again graces the moment. "But I'll have to put some thought on that matter first." As much as Riddle longs for the idea of cultivating something beautiful like a life by your side, he needs to consider a lot of things - a kitten can be feisty and curious, too much for its own good. The ruler of roses would not tolerate any kind of disarray, although he learned to be less harsh on the matter. He was also worried regarding the animals that lived within the Garden of Roses; the kitten could mistake the dormouse for a toy or even try to eat it, and Riddle couldn't bear the thought of the flower bushes turning into total messes. He would dwell on the final decision for days, trying to find a way to keep both parties happy and satisfied - worry not though, as all he needs to make his mind is for you to bring the kitten over and show him just how much well behaved it can be, always keeping an eye out for any mischievous intent of climbing over the roses, of course. While alone, you could even delight on the way Riddle would dress your kitten with special clothing. "Since he is basically a member of Heartslabyul, I thought it would be the most appropriate to dress him with our dorm uniform."
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Surprised and excited by your request
Since he's basically still learning about humans intrinsicities, the idea of experiencing the pleasure of taking care of an animal amused him
"Oh, a little kitten, you say?", he mused almost immediately after the exposing of your wish, a compliant grin gracing his features. "And what stirs that sudden desire, child of man?" Malleus learned to admire and revel on the few occasions where he was privileged to spend time between animals, as most of them seemed to fear his imposing nature - and maybe that was the biggest reason he grew anxious by the days, playing the encounter with the kitten on his head over and over. Like Azul, he spends his free time learning more about felines - all the things about their diet, behaviour, health issues... he wants to be useful while helping you take care of the baby, while also avoiding bigger mistakes. The fae prince makes his excitement clear even with his usual face and mannerism, always telling you little facts he learned while studying or asking you something about cats that really piqued his interest. When you two would lie down and talk until falling asleep, Malleus would suggest a line of names for your kitty, or then hear your suggestions intently, sometimes cooing in agreement. When the day to meet your beloved furbaby finally came, Malleus was overjoyed, but a little hesitant still. The prince took the small feline carefully into his hands, fearing it would break from the slightest brush of fingers, only to gasp in wondrous surprise by the way the tiny animal curled up against his chest, seekin his warmth and safety. "I see you're an exquisite one, little kitten. I'm absolutely smitten with your frail figure." You watched in awe as Malleus gaze softened with a tenderness much similar to the one he reserves to you, the glimmer on his eyes a silent promise regarding the kitten.
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whumpninja · 1 month
more vampires
Featuring: the hot n’ evil vampire ladies are back, sad wet cat whumpee is also back, more creepy pet names, creepy comfort, casual talk of death, dehumanization, vampire duel, throat cutting (not permanent), regeneration
deadly nightshade
"It isn't fair!" Lucy complained. "I'm a vampiress, not a scullery maid!"
She kicked defiantly at the pile of logs she'd just finished stacking, sending them scattering over the floor of the cave. Folding her arms, she glared at Morgana. "I thought that's what we kept him around for, anyway. To do the chores so that I don't have to."
"We keep him around for his blood," Morgana replied in an even tone. "The fact that he makes a useful servant is only an additional benefit."
Her hand crept into Will's hair, stroking him exactly the way she would her beloved Clover. There was no magic binding him to the stone table this time, but regardless he didn't dare move. He lay half-curled on the hard slab of rock, his head in Morgana's lap, trying not to tremble as she carded her fingers through his curls.
Pouting, Lucy bent to stack up the firewood a second time. She was doing a terrible job of it; Will had a feeling it was on purpose in the hopes that someone else would pick up the slack. "He's done nothing all day but sit on his arse," she huffed. "Maybe Selene's right about him."
Will glanced fearfully over to where Selene stood at the other end of the cave, rearranging the contents of the crooked shelf they'd managed to put up. Morgana clicked her tongue, pulling his attention back to her. "Don't you worry about Selene, my sweet little William," she murmured. "Just rest."
Right, I'm supposed to be William. A year with the vampires and he still hadn't stopped thinking of himself as Will. Morgana liked him to be William; she had told him at the beginning that just Will was far too common a name for a vampire's pet. But she hadn't used that word exactly. She'd called him something else- a familiar? That didn't sound right either. But Will didn't have the strength of mind to puzzle it out. The last meal had been hellish. They'd drained nearly every last drop of blood he had. He was still recovering from it, and the blood loss combined with the aftereffects of their magic had addled his brain. He couldn't focus.
And it wasn't just his strength of mind. Will had never been very strong, but it had been four days since the vampires' feast, and he was still as weak as a kitten. The wood Lucy was grudgingly piling up had been one of his tasks that morning. He'd run out of strength in the middle of it, dropping the wood and scattering the pieces everywhere. He had cowered on the floor, trembling, sure that Morgana would be angry and tell Selene to punish him. Selene always handled his punishments, and they were always cruel. She would drag him from the cave and beat him, or tie him to a tree and throw her daggers at him, or hold his head underwater in the river until he was half-drowned, or whatever terrible thing she thought of to do to him this time.
But he had been even more afraid when Morgana had pulled him- gently- up and guided him to the stone table, making him lie down. For a heartstopping moment he had thought that she would drink from him, again, and he had barely started to heal from the last time, he was hardly strong enough to stand, she couldn't take any more, he had nothing left.
She hadn't bitten him. All she had done was sit on the edge of the table and pull his head into her lap. And that was where he had been ever since, lying perfectly still while Morgana stroked his hair and murmured soft silly things to him.
And she'd told the others to finish his chores. Lilah was out hunting, and Annabel was too old for much housework, so it had fallen to Lucy and Selene. The older of the two had set to the work without a word. Lucy was being much more vocal about it.
"Lilah ought to be back here helping us instead of traipsing through the woods without a care," she sulked. "If they've caught her and burned her for a witch I won't be a bit sorry."
Annabel snorted from her rocking chair. "If it's Lilah they catch, they'll lock her up as a lunatic."
"Besides, not much burning nowadays," Selene said. "It's all hanging."
"Hanging isn't much fun," Annabel replied with a sigh. "No pageantry, no theater- just a rope, a drop, and you're dead. I miss the days when we could scream curses at the crowds from the midst of the flames. Now that was some real entertainment."
Will shuddered. He had heard them talk about such things before, of course. But he had never quite gotten used to it. The way the vampires spoke so casually about death, knowing they would simply resurrect...it was unnerving. Will lived a few drops from dying every day of his life. The vampires' flippant talk of the subject hurt to hear. He knew that one day they would kill him- his body would wear out at last, or Selene would take a punishment too far, or Morgana would grow tired of him.
It was the way things worked. The vampires were undead. Will was closer to dying every day.
Morgana's hands slid from his hair down to his cheek, and despite himself Will lifted his head slightly to press into her touch. It was so rare for her to caress him like this- usually it only happened while she was drinking from him, a gentle hand laced with magic to still his pained writhing. He hated the vampires' magic. He hated the feel of it- it felt like silk, sliding over his body and holding him down, forcing him to lie still while they drank his life away. He hated the way it infiltrated his mind, whispering lies to him and making him believe things that weren't true.
More than anything he hated how powerless it made him feel. They could force him to do anything they wanted him to do, and they could even make him believe he was happy to do it. Lucy liked to do that- she put him under illusions when she fed on him, and Will hated it. She would get in his mind and pull out memories and make him relive them. He'd believe that he was back on the farm, lying in the hayloft and looking up through the cracks in the roof at the stars- and then it would end and there'd be a corpse-gray face and red eyes and sharp fangs, and she'd laugh. Lucy always laughed at him. "Silly little human," she'd titter, and Will felt so small when she did it. She teased him endlessly, or said cruel things as if he couldn't even hear. Or, worse, as if she knew he could hear every word.
Morgana at least seemed fond of him, even if it was in the same way she was fond of Clover. Will was just another pet to her. Part of him- the part he tried his best to hide from them- hated it.
But part of him didn't mind so much. Especially in moments like this.
Will's eyes had started to slip closed without him realizing it. Morgana laughed above him- her laugh was rich and silvery, not high and teasing like Lucy's. "Poor lamb. Are you tired, sweet one?"
Will knew she didn't really want an answer. She just liked to talk to him. He shifted his head to the side, and she put her hands in his hair again. Will's eyes fluttered as she stroked his curls.
"I still think we should kill it," Selene said, and Will froze.
Morgana's hand never faltered, as if she'd been expecting this conversation. "Not yet."
"Why?" Selene sounded frustrated. "It's useless now! It's hardly worth the effort to keep it alive! Look at it! It's so worn out that it's sleeping in your lap!"
Morgana made a little humming sound. "Because I said no. That should be enough."
There was a noise like metal on fabric. When Morgana spoke again, her voice was as silken as ever, but wrapped around steel. "Put that away, Selene. You can't possibly hope to overpower me."
"You've gotten soft." Selene's accusing tone rang loud around the cave walls, and Will cringed. "You actually care about a human. You're attached to it."
"And what if I am?" Will didn't dare look up, but he could imagine the elegant lift of Morgana's eyebrow. "What if I like having a human about the place?"
"This place is a cave in the middle of the woods!" Selene shot back. "And why did we have to flee here? Because you stopped to catch a human!"
"Is Selene going to stab Morgana?" Lilah's voice. Apparently she was back.
"No," said Morgana, falsely pleasant. "She is going to put those daggers down before I bespell her into a spider and crush her." Will smelled the acid tang of Morgana's magic alarmingly close to his head. One of her hands still rested in his hair- but the other hand held a spell, snapping with energy, ready to hurl at Selene.
"And Morgana is going to stand up and accept my challenge for leadership of this coven," Selene growled back, "or forfeit it here and now."
Morgana stood up. Will's head slipped from her lap to crack painfully against the stone. He yelped, sitting up and putting a hand to the sharp pain that bloomed in his skull.
No one took any notice. Lucy and Lilah had gone very still where they stood, their eyes wide and almost afraid. Will had never seen any of the vampires look afraid.
Annabel stood up from her chair, waving away the rats. She seemed suddenly to have lost the dozy haze that always lay over her, her spine straight and her face focused and sharp. "Selene, do you challenge Morgana for the leadership of this coven?" she asked, her voice ringing against the stone walls.
Selene spat on the floor. "Provoc."
"Morgana, do you accept this challenge?"
Morgana pushed her silk sleeves up. "Greva."
Will didn't understand the words, but he could read the tone behind them.
"To the blood," Annabel said, and stepped back. Lilah and Lucy pressed themselves against the walls, too. Annabel raised a hand and brought it up in a quick twisting motion. "Sange."
Selene uttered an inhuman shriek and leapt at Morgana, daggers drawn. Morgana stood still until the very last moment, then smoothly stepped aside. Selene fell, caught herself, and twisted around to aim a savage slash at Morgana's legs. Morgana dodged, her finger tracing a spell in the air.
Will gasped as lightning shot from Morgana's hand. I didn't know she could do that!
Selene just managed to duck the bolt, growling through bared fangs. Morgana smirked, gesturing for her to try again.
"Weak!" Selene snarled, charging Morgana again. Morgana spun a shield of violet magic, and Selene's daggers slammed into it with a crackling sound. "Playing with your- ngh- pet instead of leading the- agh- coven!"
Morgana smiled grimly and turned on her heel, taking Selene with her. "Pathetic," she retorted. "Jealous of a little human."
Will sat on the table, his legs drawn up to his chest to hide how much he was trembling. He knew without being told that this fight wasn't only deciding leadership of the coven. It was a fight for his life. If Selene won, she would kill him.
Please, Morgana. Please win.
Selene let out another war cry and flung herself at Morgana, slashing and stabbing with both daggers at once. Morgana waited for her to get close and stepped to the side. In a move so quick Will barely saw it happen, she grabbed hold of Selene's arm and bashed it into the cave wall, then pushed herself on top of the other vampire. Selene went down hard, and Morgana trapped her other arm in a hold, twisting it savagely back and up. Selene shouted in anger and pain, her eyes flashing.
Morgana laughed her scornful laugh. "Down, girl," she teased.
Selene thrashed, snarling. But Morgana had her pinned, and she knew it.
"It's to blood, Morgana," Annabel reminded her from the side of the room.
"Oh, I knew I was forgetting something." Morgana plucked Selene's fallen dagger from the floor. She pulled Selene's head back by the hair and set the knife to her throat-
Will looked away. But he still heard the sound of the knife slicing into skin and blood hitting the floor. Selene herself died silently, without so much as a gasp.
"Congratulations, Morgana," said Annabel.
Will turned back to the vampires. Morgana unceremoniously kicked Selene's still body aside and ran her fingers through the blood. Will hated the sight of vampire blood- it was all dark and thick and unnatural-looking. And so were Morgana's eyes as she licked the blood from her fingers.
"Well, that settles that, then," Morgana said. "I win."
Selene's body jerked once, twice, and then she sat up, the gash in her throat pulling itself back together. Will had to stifle his own scream. He'd never seen one of them resurrect before, though he knew they could. He watched as Selene dragged in a huge gulp of air, her eyes almost glowing red. There was a dark scar across her throat now.
"Oh, you're back," Morgana observed. She tossed the dagger over her shoulder. Selene caught it, her face still angry, but more subdued.
Morgana flounced back over to the table, swishing her skirts as she sat down beside Will. "Did I frighten you, darling? I'm terribly sorry." She pulled his head against her shoulder. "Selene, I will allow that once. Challenge me again, and I'll tear your beating heart from your chest and impale it on the nearest rowan tree, do you understand?"
Selene nodded, her hand splayed across the new scar. There seemed almost to be a new...respect in her face.
Morgana made a little hum, flicking her dark hair back over her shoulder. Her fingers stroked Will's cheek. "She is right, you know, lamb," she said softly, and Will stiffened. "Oh, not about killing you. I wouldn't do that for a long while yet. You're much too sweet."
Gently, she took his chin in her hand and turned his head, making him look her in the eyes. They were still pale blue at that moment, but Will knew they would begin to turn red as she got hungry. "You haven't really been earning your keep, little one," she told him. "A bit of blood here and there, a few chores. You've got to be a little more useful for us if you want us to keep you." She laughed at the look on his face, patting his head as she stood. "Oh, don't you worry any more about it, sweet lamb. I'm sure I can find something for you to do."
The scheming look in her eyes was dreadful to see. Will found himself trembling a long time after she let him alone, too afraid for the shivering to stop.
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smoozie · 6 months
tell me about your life series aa au 🙏
I'm so glad you asked!!
Let's begin with who I think could be a defense attorney
And of course, it's not an AA au if the defense doesn't have their weird girl co-counsel!
Mumbo gets Lizzie! I absolutely adore their dynamic (from what we get to see) and it is very reminiscent of Apollo and Trucy (for me). Lizzie would fake hold herself hostage and Mumbo would cry because he was worried abt her.
Gem gets Impulse! Again I love their dynamic. Gem is probably the one who screams defense attorney to me most, and considering her relationship with Impulse it seems fitting he supports her in court.
Scott gets Jimmy! Flower husband fans will be pleased. To be completely honest, this pair up was more a matter of these two being the last ones in their respective categories, but I think it offers an interesting dynamic. The cool and collected with the more wild co-counsel. Typically the defense is very uncool and never collected. This one is giving Kay and Edgeworth if u squint (a lot).
Scar gets Bdubs! Fun fact, Scar was originally also a co-counsel, but the idea of him and Bdubs on defense together was too good an opportunity to miss. Bdubs 100% is giving weird girl energy. His thing is moss. All the weird girls have a Thing (Maya is spirit channeling, Trucy is magic, Kay is thievery) and Bdubs's Thing is moss. I haven't figured out my other "weird girls" things yet tho. I am open to suggestions.
Now for the prosecution we have
I think the vibes here aren't as strong as the defense but they still make sense.
Grian might be the weakest on this list. I know he often gives himself the label of detective, but he just didn't seem the type in the AA universe. The reason he's on prosecution is because he is stubborn and impulse enough to accuse the most likely subject and stick with that till the end (ignore the Jangler incident in s6). Also all of Edgeworth's sprites give Grian. Grian fits the Edgeworth sprite gallery to a T
Etho just feels like a prosecutor. He's smart, prepared, calm, and smug. I could see some Blackquill parallels here. He would also bring a bird to court that might attack you.
Cleo is another that just feels right at the prosecutor's desk. She is witty and sarcastic. It would be difficult to persuade them. Cleo also loves a bit of corruption, a past time for most prosecutors.
Joel is abbrassive and head strong. He is SO Franziska Von Karma. He would attack in the middle of court. He would attack the judge. He would call you stupid in the exact mannerisms of Franziska's "fools". Joel is sooo an overconfident prosecutor who is actually so fun and beloved.
Finally, Pearl. She was especially hard to place. I had trouble deciding between defense or prosecutor for her. In the end I settled on prosecution, but I think it would be fun if she had a Godot situation. That is, she was a defense attorney but switched after some traumatic incident (maybe she worked with Scott before!). Pearl can be calculated when she needs to be and crazed when she wants to be. She would provide an interesting opponent. Especially given her connections to most of the defense attorneys.
Now for our detectives:
Bigb somewhat aloof but silly. He let's the defense into crime scenes because they gave him a cookie. He often works with Grian, who likes Bigb too much to scream at him abt anything. Bigb is also prob like Ema Skye with her snackoos.
I could see Tango similarly to Gumshoe. He often works with Pearl and Etho (PET Mail), and he trusts them to prove someone guilty if they really are. He also gets along with the defense attorney's well, so he lets them investigate, as long as they promise not to tell his superiors.
Ren is giving Gumshoe in a much more "pathetic wet cat" way. He is underpaid. He is running around constantly. He is too tired to stop the defense getting in. He often works with Cleo. They have a similar dynamic to Edgeworth and Gumshoe.
And Skizz. He is excited to do his job. He gets along with everyone. He lets the defense in because he trusts that they are doing the right thing. He doesn't think it's fair if they don't get to investigate!
And finally, the judge
Martyn. I can't explain why, it just is Martyn. Somehow it makes the most sense. Martyn.
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mikuni14 · 4 months
My Love Mix-Up! - Ep 1
TBH - I was very optimistic about this adaptation for one main reason: because I was very wrong with Cherry Magic Th 😌 I thought to myself that since I was wrong to expect failure then and Thailand had successfully adapted my beloved Japanese version in its own way, employing my favorite actors, it should be the same in the case of Kieta Hatsukoi (new version, not copying the Japanese style, two of my favorite actors ), right? Right?
Unfortunately, I regret to say that I rate the first episode as "mediocre with a minus":
despite all my love for Gemini and Fourth, they simply don't fit these roles
the characters are "drawn with thick lines", stereotypical, without nuances (of course this can change)
the comedic effect is non-existent. I have recently watched series as a comparison, such as We Are or I Became a Main Role… (which was hilarious), not to mention the original version by Kieta Hatsukoi. The difference in fun is very clear
I'm not a big fan of cats in TV series, they usually look scared, what is wrong with dogs (ahhh, cat food commercials 😑)
the second couple, highly likeable in the Japanese version, did not make the same impression on me here. Half is actually not very nice, what about those weird comments about his own friends and classmates? Aida wasn't mean, he was silly and clueless which makes a HUGE difference
the episode was simply dragging, I found myself drifting off at several moments, the series simply couldn't hold my attention at times
Of course, I will give this series a chance, because it was only the first episode and the series can still gain colour (literally, because the series seems to be "pale and dusty"), and the plot can gain vigor and pace. But I'm really afraid that this series will not repeat the success of Cherry Magic. In general, I have the impression that this is not a series, but a marketing project created for a very popular couple, which can be seen by the number of advertisements and commercials. And this is not an isolated case. Is this where the Thai BL industry is heading? That the series will be created for advertisers, relying on powerful branded pairs? Am I reading too much into this? 😂
Because I don't think a lot of work went into this show (like Cherry Magic did). I have the impression that the Japanese version of Kieta Hatsukoi is quite faithfully copied and the Thai version loses because of this. I have the impression that it was assumed that all they had to do was take the plot of a very popular original series, hire Gemini and Fourth and they alone would make the series popular.
I like the Japanese version, which, if it weren't for the werid breakup scene at the end, would be one of my favorite JBL series. It's not a perfect version, but Japan did a great job of developing real, interesting characters who are generally nice, and the story, the comedic effect are very entertaining. The story and plot are fast, "dense" and something is happening all the time. Unfortunately, the Thai version compares unfavorably... 🥺
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
Song of Thorns - WIP Intro/WIP Wednesday
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Jumping on the OPEN TAG by @little-peril-stories (here), and @kaylinalexanderbooks tag (here) because I was really inspired and wanted to give it a try! I tried to give my twist on the same format, because it was really cool!
(Also, I had been wanting an excuse to do an actual intro for this WIP for a while now, even though it's not my main one and is a much smaller side project lol)
By the way, if you like this, please reblog, it helps a lot 💕
Rules: Pick a WIP. Post something about it. On a Wednesday. Or whenever! It can be literally anything! (:
Title: Song of Thorns
Genre: High Fantasy/Dark Fairytale
Tags: #wip song of thorns #song of thorns
Synopsis/What Is It About?
Roselyn, a teenage girl from a backwater fishing village on the edge of the continent, moves to the kingdom's floating capital with her siblings - Jasen, her older brother and a brilliant aspiring sorcerer, and their 12-year-old younger sister, Portia - after Jasen gets a prestigious apprenticeship in the mystical city.
However, after a while, it becomes apparent that something is not what it seems in the city of legend. In fact, something is very wrong. When Jasen mysteriously disappears without a trace, trying to find out what happened reveals the true facet of the up-til-then-welcoming nobility, and gets her falsely accused of treason.
Sentenced to death for reasons she cannot understand, Roselyn finds her second chance when the royal family's youngest prince, the nephew of the King, sets her free in the middle of the night with a proposal - helping him stop the full extent of his family's schemes and save the city before it is too late.
With the help of the now-exiled prince and a couple other outcasts, Roselyn will expose the city's corruption and save her brother before it is too late. All the while she starts falling in love with the charming though lonely thief (Renn) who has stolen her heart. But with strange forces being tampered with and magic swiftly changing, time is slipping away disturbingly fast.
Tropes and Nice Stuff! (Or, a.k.a. What you can expect in this book!)
Friends to Lovers! (Renn x Roselyn, Prince Alaric x Jasen)
Eldritch horror, dark fantasy, and blood magic. The royals are basically fantasy mad scientists and it gets complicated...
The perfect city has some really fucked up secrets that nobody was supposed to find out. Ever.
Epic heists (or as I like to call it: these fools doing absolutely everything wrong but failing successfully)
Fantasy creatures, enchanted forests, a derpy giant talking cat. You name it! There are loads of peaceful sea monsters too, and some very dangerous creatures I've invented as well!
Sad, absolutely heartbreaking scenes and some goofy, silly scenes!
Goth thief who is actually very nerdy and not at all brooding.
An aro/ace druid's apprentice! A bit unhinged and admittedly clueless about the world outside, but the sweetest character ever"
An actually Good Stepmother! (Subversion of the Wicked Stepmother trope)
Enemies to Friends (that's a spoiler!)
A villain who may act childish but is actually not stupid at all and is the most threatening MF you'll ever meet
Whump! (Potentially)
Medieval/Renaissance period with a touch of Fantasy Science
A soft magic system
Siblings, family bonds, and intrigue!
Sometimes the villains kinda win and it is scary (but don't worry the heroes find a way to fight another day so it's not all doom and gloom, almost, but not.)
And more!💕
Meet The Main Cast! (The good guys)
Roselyn Lethia
A curious and opinionated teenager, Roselyn finds herself dragged into a net of intrigue, lies, and bloodied secrets after her beloved older brother suddenly goes missing without a trace, and the kingdom tries to convince her he never existed. She is kind, brave, and determined, though she can sometimes take on more than she can realistically handle, and needs to rely solely on her book-earned wits and sparse fighting skills to get through her fears. Her greatest motive is keeping her loved ones safe, but she also, deep down, yearns for some adventuring.
Prince Alaric of the Hyghsummit
Naive and slightly arrogant without realizing it, Alaric is the youngest prince of the reigning royal family. He is the nephew of the King and was largely raised by his stepmother Catallinah, a motherly but no-nonsense woman trapped in an arranged marriage to his uncle after the death of her husband, Alaric's father. Most of his other relatives from his large family consider him a weak link and most don't even bother with him at all - but Alaric is much more than the capital's "failed prince". He is a brilliant and well-read young man who has spent most of his time honing his abilities to bring down the lies of his corrupted family. He falls in love with Jasen, who became his friend after the latter started working as an apprentice to the court's High Sorcerer.
Renn Atrius
A foreign noble from beyond the royal lands, he was forced into the lifestyle of a thief from a young age, after being orphaned when his father was murdered for refusing to obey their neighboring kingdom's crown. Learning the art of disappearing into the night and taking valuables from the land that took everything from him and colonized his nation, Renn quickly became quite the nuisance for the King. But thankfully to his connection to raw blood magic, his slight vampiric abilities ensure no human soldier ever proves a real threat to him. He starts to fall in love with Roselyn, having become friends with her after trying to steal her coin purse (having mistaken her for a tourist from the capital).
Jasen Lethia
Roselyn's older brother, Jasen is a brilliant and highly ambitious student of the arcane arts. Their home village never provided much chances for his studies, but he kept practicing until he was good enough to earn a highly prestigious apprenticeship at the capital's Evocation Order. He is pragmatic, soft-spoken, and painstakingly patient, and though his studies are important to him, raising his sisters has been his top priority since their parents were killed in a bandit raid to their village when he was twelve, especially because their grandmother was too frail to really do much to raise them when she was alive. Jasen becomes close friends with Prince Alaric, who is around his age, though Jasen dismisses his own personal romantic feelings, believing that he would never be deemed worthy to love a noble and saying anything would only ruin their friendship, when in fact Alaric feels the same. Jasen went missing after discovering the truth about the King by accident.
Oriana Whisperleaf
A quirky and extremely talkative druid's apprentice, Oriana was neglected by her birth parents, who did not care for her. When she was five, she wandered into a local meadow and into the woods - no one came looking for her. She got really lost, but thankfully, she met the mysterious druidic witch who lived deep in the enchanted woods of the realm, a beautiful woman who took her in and raised her as her daughter and apprentice.
Portia Lethia
Roselyn and Jasen's youngest sister, Portia is a very quiet and often sensitive 12-year-old kid, who prefers to spend her time in the company of animals rather than people and wants to become an animal healer when she comes of age. She is smart, perceptive, and polite/well-behaved for her age, though sometimes she has a prankster streak!
Plot Points .... or not🙃 (so far, because this WIP is still early in creation)
"Peace and Quiet and All Things Nice - wait what tf is that in the water? Eh. Probably just a sea monster, it's likely nothing."
"You're saying we're going to the capital - a city literally built in the mountains floating in the sky?! Count me IN dude I am hyped!"
"Traveling. And traveling. And traveling some more. Gods, does this goddamn road ever end -? Oh, and we're there."
"Two unsupervised teenage girls explore an unknown city and shenanigans ensue. Also, meet this suspicious royal High Sorcerer dude who will mentor their older brother and is totally not gonna betray him at all. Trust me."
"Things are looking great! I'm having fun, this is nice!"
"I have the feeling some sus bullshit is afoot but I don't know why. And I don't know if I wanna know. Everything's fine! Right?... right?"
"BREAKING NEWS: Watch how an entire kingdom tries to gaslight a teenager!"
"...Why are there bloodstains in the castle? What are those gooey-looking branches? Oh, hell to the nah~"
"So apparently I've been arrested. That's new. They have yet to read me my rights."
"So either I'm gonna be executed or have my mind erased. That's new. How about neither? No? This is not how I saw my weekend going."
"Breaking out with the prince. I don't know which of us is more confused. We're totally not gonna die in like two days at this rate."
"Getting lost in a very cursed-looking forest and finding out that the kingdom is slowly dying. At least that druid looks friendly - if she doesn't try to kill us. Yet again."
"Meet this 100-year-old lady who looks 30. She's nice. A bit crazy though, I think, but nice? Real talk, I'm not sure if this is tea or poison, or if she knows, but I'm too concerned to ask."
"So your insane family has sent assassins to kill us? Neat. And you didn't think that was a priority to mention, why exactly..? OF COURSE IT WAS A PRIORITY YOU GILDED DIMWIT!"
"This goth mercenary guy did just try to rob me, but he did save my life, so. Plus he does look handsome in this light, ngl. Why does he look so cute, tf is wrong with me?"
"🎶And I'm never gonna sleep again, sleep again, lalala, what the eldritch hell did I just see -🎶
"Rival civilization! Finally! Pls tell me there's not an insane guild of blood sorcerers in this town my dude. I need a break desperately and I'm not sure if my sanity can handle any more - Oh thank goodness. It's just horrifying monsters beyond my wildest dreams then. I'd take that any day. How much does an inn cost here?"
"Group of dumbasses tries to pull off complicated plan. Proceeds to forget said plan halfway through and ends up improvising an entire heist. Also, that's a talking cat. Why is there a talking cat."
"Finding out your prince best friend has been in love with your older brother since they met. Pt 1"
"Not-so-Evil (actually the nicest) Stepmother jumpscares teenagers and feels bad about it. She has cookies though so that's okay though."
"The King throws a massive hissy fit, Special Edition (:"
"So. This is bad. This is bad. Thisissobad. I'm traumatized. I regret all my life choices and I think I'm going to throw up. This is so bad."
"We need a plan. A better one to be exact."
"Absolutely not! We are not breaking into that place, oh Hells no! No. Absolutely not-" (shift scenes, deadpan tone) "We broke into that place and I regret everything."
That's it so far! I'm still workshopping the ending from here (:
Runaway - AURORA
Only Teardrops - Emmelie De Forest
Shadow - Livingston
Elan - Nightwish
Bad Feeling - Jaguar Twain
Tagging (gently, no pressure!) @kaylinalexanderbooks @littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @illarian-rambling @clairelsonao3 @conkers-thecosy @anyablackwood @diabolical-blue @cowboybrunch and OPEN TAG for anyone else who wants to do their own spin in this challenge!
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emmalovesfitzloved · 10 months
Can you tell me about Fitzloved?
that's what i first meme when i saw your lovely ask! hahahah
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So its a fandom based on the epic fantasy series that follows for the most part, 2 soulmates, from their childhood all the way to their older years as they grow from friendship, partners to lovers. And I have to admit, the way it's written is almost euphoric. It's utterly lyrical.
So introductions now put aside, 'Fitzloved' is the ship name for "Beloved" (one of his many names) name of the characters and "Fitz". They are the two ongoing protagonists in one of the most respect and wonderful high fantasy series ever created, Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb. They are the main couple shall we say that span the 16 book series. I think a lot describe it as the "mona lisa of fantasy series" within the genre. It's aesthetic is very much evermore meets folklore meets Merlin. Its veryyyyy cozy fantasy and perfect for the season but also the Fall/winter.
The big 5 writers of fantasy rn i have been told are: Brandon's, Robin Hobb's, GRRM (Although he's lost a lot of respect in the community because of his insane hiatus!), Steven Erickson's (Malazan series) and Joe Abercrombie. While you will see with the Cosmere, Brandon is very much straight to the point, prioritises fights, magic system building and very cohesive ensamble casts. Unlike her peers, Robin Hobb on the other hand, is a delicacy. A slowly made dessert that has sweet and salty tastes if you will. And another defining feature is that her series does not involve a massive war at the epicentre of the fantasy plot, which ironically is rare in high fantasy now a days.
Of Cats and Closed Doors by @tragediegh
HOWEVER. The WAY in which i was introduced to this series is kind of dumb and silly, i.e. very me lol. i stumbled across a fiction on ao3 under 'in a the cabin era way' tag and stumbled across @tragediegh's soul-binding, amazing wonderful fiction called Of Cats and Closed Doors that is still ongoing and she updates mostly weekly! At first, not joking i thought it was an original work, but only well into crying, loving, reading, laughing, did i realise when i looked better at the tags it was actually based on ROTE lol. I was new to ao3 that's my only defence :P
And what @tragediegh and Hobb are doing probably tell from my handle, is make literally my roman empire. Like I reread chapters everyday before going to sleep. It's fr fr my safe space. and what i love is the maturity in which they both write, as they create stakes in different ways. She creates a very tangible atmosphere, a world you can touch, the foods cooked, how they smell, and what the character's rely on. From banquet halls, to the wood carvings the Fool leaves behind, the well lit fireplaces, mugs of ale and coffee on the table, through jewels adorned, to how the dragons gleaming like jewels in the sky… it's simply amazing. You get me. There is NEVER a moment where you feel like it's a slog or dull moment. Like I did sometimes while reading the Stormlight Archive or Outlander (those books in their defence, are longer individually).
And like I said, the thing I LOVE the most with how they make us and fall in love with Fool (one of the protagonists) through the eyes of naive and a socially sometimes challenged Fitz. Fitz himself, is the most passionate, handsome, humble hero i've ever read. He is a bastard prince who from day 0 was neglected, abused, unwanted, un-named, manipulated, gaslit just all around most traumatised character one could read. Which most people end up overlooking and resenting bc he is riddled with insecurities (despite him being a hotttie hot chiseled smokie pie that everyone wants to cuffff) and developed unhealthy copying mechanisms that can effect the readability of the main series. Which is entirely relatable. I strongly believe the hero of Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson that everybody loves, is heavily inspired by Fitz in ROTE. In fact I think Brandon said it was one of his fav series.
But really, the masterpiece of this world is obviously the Fool. When I look at the other characters, its a bit like watching a glorious puppet show - I can see how the strings are moving and what the puppets are made of…But not so with the Fool, he is an infinite mystery and creating a character like that is something I`ll never be able to get out of my head. he is other worldly. Put Tolkien fae and beautiful faeries to shame with his grace, elegance, mysticism. His story with Fitz (the other main character) with that @tragediegh and Hobb are doing imo is one of the greatest love stories of all time.
Gender Identity
And I think also, Fool (also known as Beloved to a special someone 😉) is a lgbtq+ individual, and their identity and how they chose to present and address themselves daily (and not address it!) plays a massive role in the ROTE/OCACD overall. It extremely realistic, how it's writen, where for the most part some characters are confused, don't know how to navigate the topic. Which isn't helped by how private and mysterious the Fool remains. But for the most part, is heart warming, as the gender fluidity of the Fool is openly accepted by his mate (YES MATE) with open arms as he accepts it, and it's got me CRYINGGGG as i type this fr....! These characters were created pre-2000's, which just goes to show how timeless these gender questions and acceptances really are i think!
CANON FOR ME swiftie songs that are FOR fitzloved to get a feel r:
ur loosing me
my tears ricochet
invisible string
stay don't go
the lakes
mastermind (YASSS beloved go manipulate ur boy fitzieee ily)
dress (as of chapter 48 and beyond hopefully alkdfjalkdjfj)
and Fitz's song for me for ever will be:
i see fire live and in session by ed sherran (i just feel the literal passion that fitz has through this song not to mention the howl XD)
So yeah, I cannot recommend enough this ongoing story and series to you.
TLDR: Fitzloved is a ship i read myself to sleep every night and cry about how amazing they are XD
Feel free to ask any more questions about them or even my favourite artists that do ROTE work bc ngl this post was 2x as long as i included artistic work but it was getting too long so i decided to leave that for a more specific ask :)) As you can tell i can just dedicate entire evenings singing from the top of these crusty english rooftops how amazing and life changing these two silly beans are. I hope this was enough of a good overview of my love for them and why! :)) Hopefully one day you will give it a go, and i swear your life will be changed for ever ! <333
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edwinspaynes · 7 days
None of these characters are repeats from Part One. The fake character is once again completely made up, based on no actual character.
@faithfromanewperspective felt compelled to do one that included James lol
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Cat Magnus waiting to see how Dragon Alec will react to people being around him is my new obsession. I love how Magnus is so smug when Alec gets all protective & cuddly. Also I was losing it at Alec eating Magnus jewellery cause they weren’t warded enough 😭🙈🙃
Ok so I have another request (or something I was wondering). What are they like in battle? I wonder if they’d be in sync or if Magnus would be more daring and Alec would be going feral anytime someone/something goes near Magnus. Also how would Alec ward Magnus? Would they fight in different forms? (human or animal or both).
This fic is honestly so amazing and I’m so excited to see it continue to unfold. You’re so talented 😬
alec has opinions okay. and magnus enjoys hearing them, but also he's still working on his draconic understanding so he only gets about a quarter to half of the language when alec's trilling at him.
he did get that alec told the jewelry it was 'no good, unworthy. not allowed' because it wasn't 'good enough to be on magnus'.
alec: i let magnus wear me and i am the most valuable thing here besides Magnus. he can't wear subpar stuff
magnus charmed despite all his best efforts: isn't he so dashing
magnus doesn't typically fight demons in cat form because ichor in fur is messy but he does have a more demonic cat form he uses in edom. magnus has a plethora of dragon battle magic jewelry and a very hungry dragon who is irritated he had to taste magic other than magnus'
unless they fought someone really powerful, alec won't interfere in magnus' kills. that would be like saying he doesn't respect magnus. he'll protect magnus and guard him but magnus made it pretty clear alec can't kill 'pests' so he's basically a giant protective dragon who mopes about not being able to just eat magnus' enemies.
alec crunching grapes: i wish these were the hearts of your enemies
magnus: what was that treasure?
alec sulking and just turning smol!dragon to crunch his grapes in piece and pretend they're peoples organs.
magnus when he finally asks alec to kill somene for him
magnus who was just going to ask alec to freeze the person staring as alexander turns into a small mountain and just swallows the person whole like, no hesitation, no questions asked. annoyance now gone. alec licking his lips and looking at magnus, tail moving back and forth and making the building shake: who is next?
cue pandemonium in pandemonium
ty so much!
<3 lumine
Alec rolls his eyes from where he’s snacking on magically grown gooseberries, ignoring the battle that Magnus insisted on bringing him to.
It’s a silly little dispute but Magnus seemed hesitant to leave him behind and while Alec knows Magnus is more than competent, he also doesn’t like being left behind.
Which means that Alec gets to watch Magnus be pretty and use his magic to subdue everyone else. It’s the kind of entertainment he rarely ever enjoys and while it’s nothing truly spectacular, he does enjoy watching Magnus use magic.
It also means that when one of the idiotic warlocks messes up a spell — and an explosion of magic heads towards Magnus' only barely acceptably protected back — Alec steps in.  The last thing Magnus needs to worry about is his outfit being ruined when he’s always so generous with Alec. 
One moment a giant, writhing meteor of magic is about to clip his beloved hoard and the next, Alec snaps the defective, tasteless magic out of the air. It’s with a crunch of his jaws that he untangles the mass of energy and swallows. It barely warms his gullet and he licks his maw, tongue dripping with frozen venom as he turns to glare at the warlock who dared be so useless.
The battlefield is quiet around him, at least until the demons start to scream, fleeing from his very presence.  Alec sighs and rolls his eyes as he shifts to a smaller form. Magnus accepts him with a smirk, nothing but pride in his golden eyes as Alec wraps around his shoulders.
“Aren’t you a sweetheart, remembering that I love this jacket.” Magnus croons and Alec nuzzles into his neck and cheek, pleased to be appreciated by his hoard.
The problem with Alexander being so protective is that Magnus is quickly running out of excuses for why he hasn’t introduced his dragon publicly, or at least to the Elders and other kings. Especially since Magnus is having trouble leaving Alexander home alone, even with the promise that his dragon isn't going anywhere.
It means that there are more and more confirmed sighting of Magnus and his boy out together. Which would be find, except Magnus isn’t convinced that he’ll be able to keep any meetings civil.
He also isn't sure if Alexander realizes he’s halfway towards being Magnus’ consort at this point and Magnus is carefully easing him into it. However when it’s official, the meetings will no longer be optional and Magnus will just have to hope that Alexander cares for him enough to not kill everyone who irks him.
It also means that Alexander is getting used to being out and about with Magnus, just without ever really being seen in his true form. 
Except for now, because his lovely dragon is fiercely protective and if Alexander so much as thinks Magnus has a potion burn, he’ll start snarling and digging through the healing cabinet.  
It means that while Magnus isn’t surprised at the scope of Alexander’s overreaction and protection, he’s still viciously gleeful of it.  No one other than Cat and Ragnor has ever tried to protect Magnus so swiftly or completely and Alexander doesn’t even have the bonds of their friendship to explain his intensity.
Magnus reaches up, summoning a galaxy pearl and offering it to his greedy boy without a second thought.
In the shadows, a warlock only two centuries old winces and steps further away from Bane and his… whatever he’s playing at with an actual dragon.  It was bad enough when the rumors began but it’s worse to see in person that they’re true.  To be faced with the evidence that Bane is treating the magical behemoth almost like a beloved pet. 
Elise opens her eagle eyes and watches them interact carefully, the way that the dragon so effortlessly changes sizes and she swallows harshly.  The only reason for a dragon to be able to shift so easily is either that they’ve mastered their draconic form or their power is immense. 
It’s with fear that Elise thinks both might be true and she bites her lip as she watches Bane summon a massive galaxy pearl. It’s with terror that she watches him offer the priceless treasure to the dragon curled around his neck and she stares as the dragon eats it.
No matter how important battle magic is, Elise no longer wants to be there.  She can learn other places, in fights where Bane and his dragon aren’t.  Because Bane was already one of the most dangerous kings and now, well, anyone who had a problem with Bane are about to regret it.
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wizardfrogsbutevil · 10 months
Silly little thoughts on the suckening characters from the first episode- spoilers below :)
His design is really good, and his general personality is pretty fun as he seems to genuinely care about the people around him and his friendship with soda is really sweet but he is also ready to go beat people up at any given moment
His fight with the guy in the alley was pretty interesting, with him getting bitten and turning
His personality is also pretty different from other characters condi has played so I'm interested to see where he takes emizel
Definitely my favourite of the three, his voice is really good and his design is also great
He's described as looking a lot like emizel which is interesting. I suppose the papers mentioning the car repair shop could be related? Although that wasn't meant to be vampire territory as far as I know
I feel pretty bad for him given the whole being locked up his whole life and never being allowed to leave his room without supervision thing
But also he is clearly fine with murder which might be connected to how he has been raised with the knowledge that people can be killed for just speaking to him wrong idk
He's definitely going to struggle with being outside of the castle
His mother seems pretty interesting too, given that she is willing to use magic on her son to keep him quiet about whatever she is hiding which may be an issue if shilo ever wants to tell the others about what he found , although she does seem to be upset about it
Also gref(?)my beloved he's so silly
Once again, very cool design
Big fan of the cat, grizzly seems to end up giving his characters some sort of animal companion(sunny, bobo, now void) a lot
I thought he'd end up being a pretty intelligent character but then he goes and breaks down a door and suffocates a guy very loudly lol
His encounter with the cowboy vampire was interesting as well, he seems reluctant to associate with other vampires
Very curious as to how he will end up interacting with the other two
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. ݁₊ ⊹ ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ . ݁⊹ . ݁˖ .
My name is Elsewhere, although I usually go by just Elsie.
I’m a girl, she/her :)
I am an older minor who can in fact drive a car into a Walmart
i know Biblical lore TM
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁Rules and silly stuff like that . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
No NSFW. Period. Not even jokes.
No venting in my askbox unless I know who you are lol
I will generally assume anyone in my asks who are wanting donations are scams for my own sake. No, I cannot donate. My apologies if you’re a real person.
please no arguing over politics or current events.
tag me if you use my art or characters. Basic credit lol
I don’t curse. You can. But I don’t.
sorry if I’m a bit of a goody-two-shoes lol
ask me whatever the frick you want lol I love asks
i’m really particular about ships and don’t tend to ship characters easily lol
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁Hobbies. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
I make characters. Like, a lot.
I’m an amateur artist and writer ;v;
Most art that I make is for Taocc.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁Stuff I like. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
I like…well, a lotta stuff lol
TAOCC is my everything my beloved my darling ajdheksndjjs
NSR, Splatoon, No Man’s Sky, Stellaris, Pathologic, Hollow Knight, OneShot, FF16, Presentable Liberty, etc etc etc
I don’t watch too much stuff, but I like Glitch and Liam Vickers’ work. Murder drones especially. I have a very complex relationship with TADC.
I am OBSESSED with madoka Magica and magireco. And magical girls in general. Pretty cure my beloved
VOCALOID MY BELOVED. My favorite producers are Pino.P, Deco, MitchieM, and more.
As for other music? That varies wildly. I have an on off obsession with ELO but like only three songs LOL
Occasionally I will sob over Percy Jackson. Or the Graveyard Book. Or Warrior cats. Or WOF.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁Titles Bestowed Upon Me By The Internet. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
Pretty Lady Maker
The TAOCC Encyclopedia
The Moth Empress
”Elsie go to bed it’s 3 AM FOR GOODNESS’S SAKES”
”girl get some self esteem already”
Mediator TM
Causes problems on purpose
I won Halloween 2023
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁Most recent art that I’m proud of. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁Other links. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
- Artfight - Reblogs/aesthetics blog: @a-garden-somewhere
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yoa-artblog · 1 year
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The Shiki Cats Post TM
28.05.23 Show
I had the chance to see Cats in Nagoya last month and I still can´t believe it! I was also able to meet an internet friend who also loves the show and it was overall such a nice experience <3
Some pics are blurry but I was shaking haha, shiki was one of my most wanted to see shows, the photos I had seen were always so colorful and looked like so much fun! It did not dissapoint, tough it was very different to the 98 movie (the version I'm the most familiar with) and the past Intl. Tour (The only other version I've seen live) so I was furiously writting notes on things that stood out to me soon after the show.
• Tantomile (she looks like Cassandra) is the first cat you see on stage.
• They do the trapeze bit for jellicle songs for jellicle cats!!!!
• Munk was 😳😳😳 very good voice, super cute with the babies.
• They have both Syllabub and Jemima, Silly is the kitten, the one that helps Griz out, Jemima is a young adult cat.
• The gumbie trio were Tantomile, Jellylorum and Jemima.
• The beetles had wings they could move around as part of the choreo.
• Tugger has one yellow, spotted leg and it makes him look like he's wearing those pants with only one leg??? Very slutty, we love that for him.
• Munk sings the terrible bore line.
• Jellylorum sings the curious beast line.
• Grizabella still has the old cat design, we love to see it.
• Jerrie and Teazer don't do the cartwheels 💔💔💔💔💔
• Teazer is the cutest thing ever though, she was so fun!! I couldn't stop looking at her the whole time, she's already one of my faves but she is PERFECT in shiki.
• There was a little bit where Teazer and Tanto were cuddling behind Old Deut and Teazer kept pawing at her for attention and I melted.
• Pekes and Pollicles is still Munk's number through and thorough. The dog costumes were very cute and there were many different versions and "materials".
• The Rumpus Cat suit has muscle padding?????
• Shiki said Bombastrap rights and I owe them my life. You could see them cuddling on the bg at various points through the show.
• Pass de deux is performed by Tumblebrutus and Cassandra. (Cori and Tanto designs).
• No orgy???? They do dance in pairs but there's no """cuddle""" pile.
• Overall less horny and more playful.
• Tuxedo Mask Macavity my beloved!!!!! I think that's a very fun design for Mac asldjclsjfjskd but the threatening factor is negative, he just looks very fluffy and cute.
• Mac's fur texture and length is very similar to Old Deut's so that's nice!! Loving the family resemblance.
• They do Growltiger!!! I loved seeing the boys in their little pirate costumes 🥺💖🥺💖🥺
• They choreographed the sword fight so the clanks would match the music and it was SO COOL.
• Jelly had such a nice voice.
• Skimble has a little hat and my friend was telling me they change it for every city to match the uniform of the train conductors in that city. HOW CUTE IS THAT!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
• The girls are the passengers while the boys are the seats during the play pretend bit asdfkgjslnf
• The fake train has a window so you can see Munk is playing the conductor 🥺🥺🥺
• They also used a teapot as the chimney and it makes teapot sounds, I just loved everything about this number okay!!!!!
• The Macavity fight is a little weird because he doesn't take Munk 1v1 but rather is everyone against Mac from the beginning.
• I really wanted to see this specific Munk fight because of... reasons, so that's a bummer 😞
• Demeter has a deeper voice than what I usually hear for her, I really liked it.
• They let toms join the Macavity number!!!!!!! I was tunnel visioning into Munk but I'm pretty sure Alonzo and Tumble were there too.
• Misto comes down the rope!!!!!!!
• He does a lot more magic tricks, including making things and other cats fly.
• You can hear thunder crackling when he manipulates light, that was a very cool detail.
• Misto and Tugger have a lot of shared choreography, they do several different BFF handshakes 🥺
• Victoria is Misto's assistant for the big trick.
• Sillabub is the one who touches Grizabella first.
• UFO Griz
• They did this very cute thing after final bows where they kept coming to the stage as long as people were still clapping. They went and came back to the stage again at least 7 times until the theater turned up the lights 😹
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The time for propaganda is NOW! Whether you’re participating yourself or just a fan, feel free to send propaganda my way via submissions, tagged posts, whatever! Art, writing, playlists, moodboards, shitposts, anything to put your pink person on top!
The first round of polls will officially start on Monday, the 19th. Matchups, and their respective owners, are under the cut!
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 5 months
Okay hey! Five questions you should answer.
1:favorite book you've ever worked on
2:worst draft you've ever had
3:somthing you do to pass the time whilst in writers block
4:favorite book series
5:(this is just for the fun of it) favorite TV show
Goodness, this sounds fun!
1: My favourite book that I've written would be kinda obvious (mostly because I've got 2 unfinished ones and only one is any good), so I'll expand that to all of my short stories. It's quite short, but I'm honestly incredibly proud of A Thousand Lives. I wrote it because someone told me you have to experience death before you write it well, and I objected strongly to that.
2: That would be the first story I ever wrote. It's still sitting in a thumb drive somewhere. I could dig it up and try to rewrite it. But there's something magical about knowing the worst thing I've ever made is frozen in time in an old thumb drive.
3. I don't actually get writer's block that often. The exception being right now, unfortunately. I try to reread my writing and cultivate some sort of interest in continuing the story while waiting for it to pass, or just going along with my other hobbies.
4. I've already talked a lot about CJ Cherryh, so I'll tell you about my second most favourite author, Naomi Novik! Her Scholomance series is a really fun light read, and pretty subversive in ways I didn't see coming. And I dote on El, the main character.
5. I'm about to out myself as being weird, cos I don't watch TV. My experience with it ended in my teens, when my mom used to make me watch Big Bang Theory with her, and compare me to Sheldon at every given opportunity. I'll say Doraemon would be my favourite.
I don't know if Westerners know what it is, so I'll explain. Doraemon is this silly little manga/anime cartoon series about a robot cat and the boy he's best friends with. It was my childhood beloved, and the only thing in the world that could convince me to learn chinese (my mother used to withold my doreamon time if I didn't study first)
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andromedaexists · 6 months
WUPDATE: Desecrate
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𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟷𝟶𝚝𝚑 || 𝟼 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜!
After the chaos that was last week, the fact that I not only got my laptop fixed (with no data missing!!) but also reached 20k in revisions on Desecrate???? Magic.
Now that everything is back in balance, I will be returning to Incorrect Eyes. I just needed to stick with my baby boy Kit while I lost my mind lmao. Kit Beloved has such a tender start to his story that I honestly don't want to leave it, but that's okay! I'll be back!!
We're about 1/4 of the way through this trash draft rewrite, meaning I'm expecting it to be ~80k words. That is 10k longer than Call Me Icarus, and it will only get longer when I truly draft it!! Desecrate is going to be a chonker!!
I will also have another post coming out today, a 6 month update on the release of ΔΆΙΟΣ (the first book in the Call Me Icarus series). It has been 6 months to the day since release, and hoo boy have there been updates!!
OH AND ONE MORE THING I HAVE AN OFFICIAL DAY FOR DESECRATE'S COVER REVEAL!!! Come say hi on 𝚃𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝟿𝚝𝚑, otherwise known as the feast of Ascension in the Catholic Church. This year, we're celebrating the Ascension of Christian Amadeus Michaels, the beautiful main character of Desecrate!
Anyways, snippes for yous!
Kit parks the truck in his driveway, turning it off but not getting out. Benny doesn’t get out for a moment either, but when it’s clear that neither of them are going to say anything she opens the door and steps out into the crisp night air. Kit’s eyes track her movement, watching as she crosses through the beam of his headlights and as she leaves his peripherals. He expects her to go inside, to leave him wallowing by himself, but he’s shocked out of his thoughts when his door swings open. Benny pulls him towards her, her arms wrapping tight around his head and holding him to her chest as she whispers, “Don’t go where I can’t follow you.”
And another one:
They fall into a comfortable routine as they enter the home, Kit throws his backpack on the couch before heading to his room to change and Benny starts putzing around the kitchen. He doesn’t say anything until he hears a loud clatter. Throwing on his oversized cutoff, he rushes out into the kitchen to find Benny standing in the center of the room with a handful of metal mixing bowls strewn around her. Kit busts out laughing, having to stabilize himself on the counter from the force of the laughter. Benny’s pouting where she stands, a beautiful red blush dusting her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. “I was trying—it’s not that funny—Kit~—I was just trying to get some bowls out, you didn’t tell me you booby trapped this place,” she pouts, bending down to pick up the scattered bowls. When Benny turns her back to him to set the bowls down on the counter, Kit walks up and wraps his arms around her waist. He buries his head in her hair and sways her side to side as she giggles before using the momentum to swing her to the other edge of the kitchen. She kicks her legs out in front of her as he swings her around, her giggles growing louder. When her feet touch the ground again, she turns in Kit’s hold and wraps her arms around his shoulders. “It’s really hard for me to make dinner from over here, silly cat.” “Well then it’s a good thing you’re not making dinner, huh?”
And another for good measure:
Pushing those thoughts out of his head, Kit rolls Benny off of him and sits up. He throws his legs over the edge of the bed and stretches his arms above his head, yawning as he pops the soreness from his back. The bed behind him shifts as Benny sidles up to his back, her legs framing his on the edge of the bed and her arms sliding around his waist. Her lips are warm against the nape of his neck, Kit thinks he could stay right here for the rest of his life and never want to leave.
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