#slight twst spoilers
violetlunette · 27 days
I hope that in book 8—which hopefully there is—the cast discovers the truth about the “great seven.” Namely, that while they were all great, they still did awful things.  (Seriously, attempted child murder is on all their lists, and it barely meets the top 5 of their crimes for most.)
It’s a great reflective moment to see how they all could have turned out if they didn’t have friends to reel them in, or how they could still turn out if not careful.
It also be interesting to see how it rocks their world. The people they admired and looked up to were villains, all of whom earned their titles as VILLAINS.
This would be especially interesting to see in Malleus, who is a direct descendant of Maleficent (1939). A woman who loved being wicked so much that she named herself the Mistress of Evil. Provided they don’t turn her into her wicked rip-off, which I don’t think they will as they use clips of her original version and whatnot. But I digress.
This would especially be meaningful if Silver was a descendant of Aurora (which is canon because I say so and I have a twst cannon. It’s on paper and not real, but I have it nonetheless).
Oh! And I want the cast to fight the OG villain just because I think it would be awesome!
Think about it: Leona against Scar and his army of Hyenas in a battle of wits and strength; Riddle vs. the Tyrannical Queen of Hearts; The Evil Queen and Vil in a beauty face-off; Ursula and Azul attempting to scam one another; Jamil and Jafar in a game of wits; Hades and Idia trading witty comebacks; DRAGON MALEFICENT VS DRAGON MALLEUS!
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But that’s just me.
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wreaking1wreathe · 1 year
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TwstOBer prompt 5: CURSE
this neverending hurt dyed in my hair, in my blood, in my tears (if i cleanse this curse off my skin, and store the blot somewhere else, somewhere deep inside, can i really make it go away?)
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cheekinpermission · 4 days
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hanafubukki · 4 months
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Lilia felt unsettled all day.
Something was wrong.
He felt antsy in a way he hasn’t felt in decades, even centuries.
An echo of the past.
One thought came to mind.
Where was he?
He hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him at all.
Silver and Sebek last saw him when they escorted him to alchemy class.
But after that, he wasn’t seen nor heard.
Lilia knew Malleus was alright. After all, Malleus was strong and he had trained him always to be.
The weather outside is calm and peaceful, indicating no one had angered him.
Yet, this feeling wouldn’t leave him.
Something’s amiss.
So Lilia went searching, a part of him uneasy. He wasn’t always good at finding things.
But as that egg had always drawn him back again and again all those centuries ago, his feet moved as if possessed.
Until he came to Malleus’ room where he lay.
Lilia felt his stomach drop.
He was sick.
His princeling.
And he had told no one.
Of course he knew why.
Malleus wasn’t one to show weakness.
He was taught to stand tall, no matter the odds.
It was a lesson Lilia himself had taught the young one.
A feeling of regret filled him.
Malleus was still young, still a child.
He should have sought comfort as all children do, but he chose to suffer alone.
Something Lilia had done many times himself.
Lilia ran his fingers through Malleus’ sweat soaked tresses, heart softening as the young one leaned into his cool touch.
Lilia wrapped the blanket around the sleeping fae before pulling him into his arms.
As tall and big as he may be, Malleus will always be his little one. He smothered his laughter, knowing the pout the prince would have at such words.
Magic swirled before the two fae teleported into Lilia’s room.
He’ll take care of him.
As he always had done.
Magic filled the air bringing forth potions and cooling pads to his side as he settled into bed with his precious bundle.
Malleus mumbled before settling down again, head tucking into his neck.
Lilia hummed as his fingers rubbed the sick fae’s back.
I promised, didn’t I?
I would do anything for you, Malleus.
I would cuddle you and take care of you.
Rest, my little one.
I’m here.
In the darkness, where no eyes can see, a father tended to his son.
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Reacting to hugs from the back
Lilia Vanrouge
If you even manage to find him, good luck catching him off guard.
He would let you hug him even if he saw you as a friend/child figure and even act surprised for you.
He might be more playful and slip out of reach if you're his s/o who knows more about the extent of his abilities, so o speak.
Expect to be held onto by him.
And for him to get back at you at the most random times.
Bonus platonic: " oh, beasty! someone is in a playful mood today!"
Bonus romantic: " Have I not been giving you enough attention, little one ? "
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Bonus bonus:
You spot him in an abandoned corner of the library, the one closest to fae history books, that specific section, you remember is of the human-fae wars. Frowning, you quietly walk up to him, the fact he hasn't turned around makes you worry more, you wrap your arms around hin. Offering silent support as he finished reading and re-living his past.
"Thank you, my love"
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olivebranch311 · 10 months
A Haunting Reminder The Dark Mirror Research Foundation is located on Sage's Isle, far away from civilization, and dedicated to the research of the mysterious, dangerous, and supernatural. Silver is a young researcher at this mass facility, and when the foundation undergoes a test between two of their subjects, he has his protocols for if there is an emergency. But when that emergency comes, he finds himself cornered by the creature who raised him, with nothing but a locked door to keep him out. Amidst the blaring alarms and intense situation, can Silver hold off until security comes, or will he be swept away by his own traitorous heart?
Hey guys! This is a story that I have been brain-rotting over and annoying my friend Ell with for months and it is finally out in the wild! My friend, @serenescribe, beta read this for me and even wrote the incident herself in a ficlet request that you all can read here! I adore this AU of mine and I look forward to making my containment breach multiverse content for it. The story is pretty SCP-inspired for those who like TWST and SCP!
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yuyuunon · 2 years
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[How I wish there was a cure]
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pebblyrock · 1 year
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cosmicalduck · 2 years
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Hey… what are you dreaming of?
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sleepygenie-o · 2 years
Just started thinking about TWST, y'know what that means-
..So. Feel like I'll need to make some kind of Masterlist soon. But as the title says. Thought of things with TWST, ahah- Now of course this would be like your usual brainrot. But people who see my very, VERY rare posts might see a lot of:
✨SKY✨ (or UT, depending if I escape the hole or I get dragged back in cause of fangames and having to still beat Sans on genocide run. Yes I haven't beat that mf yet-)
With that out of the way! What if Yuu was a sky kid?
Now I don't think Sky!Yuu would like to be plopped in a coffin. A closed coffin
Absolute P A N I C, you COULD take out your candle, but it was too cramped to move. So all you could do was call for help and hope a sky kid could get you out of, whatever the hell this is
"Gotta get a uniform soo- huh?!" That little, mischievous tanuki lookin to find his way to being the greatest mage, hears what can be described as either:
A bell ringing
or a goose.
He went with thinking it's a goose.
"OI! How did YOU get in, ha?! Fngahh!" Oh there he goes, burning your coffin- WAIT BURN- Oh! You're a sky kid! Nevermind!
Oh, your savior! You thanked the elders and counted your lucky stars to see fire burning whatever you were stuck in away!
Why's that fire blue tho?
As soon as you fell you wasted no time to scoop up the little. What- what is that? A krill cat?
Oh well! You still scoop him up, hug him, and twirl him around as a thank you!
He didn't like it all that much though-
"EEEEEK! THANK YOU SO MUCH I SWEAR I ALMOST-" You spun Grim around like crazy, to his despair.
"Oh, sorry!"
As you put the tanuki-cat down, you took time to notice your attire
oh it's under these weird robe-capes! Nevermind!
Soon the crow b*honk* i mean. Crowley, the headmaster had came in
As usual, chastised you for not taming your familiar.. ("whats that?"-yuu).. and grim trying to defend himself
Soon, after he gives you a good enough explanation on where you were, you have gotten to the ceremony where everyone was
"There's the headmaster."
"I thought he got a stomach ache~!"
You noticed the one who talked was a red head with blue eyes and someone with white hair and white eyes.
Huh, white haired people seem to be rare. Aw man!
Soon, the headmaster told you to go to the mirror, as soon as you did-
"State Thy Name"
"OH MY MEGA BIRD YOU CAN TALK?!" Wow! This world was so cool! A talking mirror!
"...Does anyone understand them?" Someone with blonde hair and purple tips asked 'Woahhh, he looks so pretty!' You thought, you're eyes behind the mask held absolute excitement.
"Ahem! My name is Yuu! At least that's what my friends call me and we all like it!"
"Your soul is fit for...."
"I can't see." Ah, that's. that is a problem
"The soul is too bright to discern, but the best dorm to put them in would be scarabia for the time being, though they are not an official dorm member." (you end up staying in ramshackle more after finding it on campus, it looked haunted and could use some light!)
Wow. that's a first.
You were asked to remove your hood, and mask.
Everyone almost mistook you for a stereotypical angel honestly-
"What's that glow around them?" "Are the eyes glowing or is it just a realllyyy bright yellow-?"
One asked what your gender was. You had no idea what it was so you said:
"I'm Yuu- wait, none of you can understand me-" you had to try and propose some kind of friendship candle to someone. You looked to the red head, he seemed pretty scary though...
You still approached him, kneeling (someone: WHY ARE YOU PROPOSING?) and showing a candle, glowing brightly.
The hell were you doing?! "What are you doing! You BOW to royalty, or the dorm head! Not kneel and offer... a candle?"
Riddle, take it d*honk* it-
He did take the candle, reluctantly before it disappeared into sparks.
"Hiya! My name's Yuu, can I call ya Mr... Riddle?" (small hc: there are nametags for the students in the ceremonial robes, but they are removable)
"How am I understanding you now?" He asked, he was at least yuu's height, maybe a bit taller
"No one is able to talk to each other without offering a candle first!"
".. What."
He was now your translator! You told him everything you wanted to tell everyone and he repeated, not without a longgg sigh (riddle: what has my life come to?)
"*ahem* They said: "Hi! My name is Yuu, I am a veteran of Sky, I was recently helping AURORA find more memories with some others till I passed out here""
He continues: ""I don't think I know what a gender is, is that a way of showing your rank or is it a type of person of Sky?" Now, please *turns to Yuu* ask someone else for this, why not someone from Scarabia?"
...He had a point. Well! Now yu have somewhere to stay, so win-win!
(might add more to this idea :DDD)
Anyone is allowed to use this idea even without crediting me! I honestly just write these all for fun
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year
okay but like... if they're gonna do this whole deal of giving someone a card for an event they weren't in but not bothering to add them to the event story and (most likely) not bothering to give the card a vignette either...
THEN WHY NOT JUST GIVE KALIM A SCALDING SANDS SSR 😭 come on he's already right there in the event and it's his hometown too!! why doesn't he deserve an outfit for it!! sorry i do think the vil card is super gorgeous and i think a scalding sands what if event where they keep kalim and jamil but swap everyone else out would've been so fun, but it doesn't sound like that's what they're doing, so...
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violetlunette · 2 months
There’s something so cute about how Lilia brags about how well he raised Silver.
When Lilia first found him he had no idea how to raise babies, much less a human one. But he worked at it, he studied hard, asked for help and went out of his way to make sure Silver grew up strong and healthy, even “trying his best to cook” when in the past he couldn’t care less. As long as it filled him, that was what mattered. But when he got that boy it instead became about nutrition to make him healthy and grow strong. And in the present he’s so proud of the results of his labor, aka, Silver. So proud that he can’t even bother to be humble about it. I’m surprised he’s not acting like Commander Hughs from FMA and showing Silver’s picture to everyone. (Lol, imagine he did this during his first year at NRC and everyone already knew who Silver was before he arrived.) It’s just so adorable! Especially if you know the spoilers.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 2 years
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Yeah, let's mug the magic mouse!
Poor Mal. When everything seems to look decent, he got hit with the news :'3
Music for the BG:
We Makin a magic interdimensional bridge :3
Honestly, there is 1 Jojo reference in here and it's probably so obvious that it can't possibly be looked over.
But also we stepped close to the chap 7 territory so I'll start the tag :'3
Until next time! Buh bye!
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fruixtii · 2 years
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don’t worry bby. you’re going to do so much more than that after book 6
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twistedmionn · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland iceberg
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Explanations ahead (slight spoiler warning)
Tier 1:
everything is self-explanatory, I think
Tier 2:
Haruhi = the protagonist of Ouran High School Host Club. She's a girl who dresses up as a boy (correct me if I'm wrong) and many players who have a female MC consider theirs to be like Haruhi. [EDIT: Thanks for the anon pointing out that I misspelled the name!]
Tier 3:
Tier 4:
A fair amount of people headcanon Vil as a trans woman because he presents androgynously/feminine and doesn't care about gender roles. This has also caused discussion in the fandom because breaking gender roles ≠ trans.
Tier 5:
People sometimes wish TWST was more like a dating sim and had character/dorm routes.
Some people headcanon that Silver is based on Prince Philip (from Sleeping Beauty) and/or is a prince himself. I haven't played all of book 7 yet (only the parts out in the ENG server) so idk if the theory has been proven right.
Lilia is old and hints at dying soon.
Hot NPCs, such as Deuce's mom and Sebek's grandpa.
Ace and Deuce have expressed interest in Yuu at various points in the game.
Genshin VAs: Leona/Alhaitham, Silver/Kazuha, Idia/Razor are the ones I can think of
Tier 6:
A beastman (I think it was Jack) has stated that he has problems talking to animals, and Ruggie's talent at it is considered something special.
The tweels are considered intersex by some due to eel anatomy (I'm no eel expert).
Kalim is considered the real villain by some due to never really bothering to help Jamil.
Epel's backstory/attitude has many elements that a fair amount of trans men relate to.
There are theories that Lilia and Sebek are twisted from Peter Pan characters. I'm unsure about Silver, but I think I've read something about him being from another movie, too!
Tier 7:
Some people headcanon that Ace has experienced domestic abuse.
There's a theory that Ace will betray Yuu.
Cater has two sisters who boss him around, which is a resemblance to Cinderella.
Malleus might have two pps because well... dragon.
Epel and Deuce had a whole ass beach date. Deuce constantly cares for him and broke the school rules in order to make Epel feel better. Their scenes together (the settings) looked straight out of a shoujo manga. If Epel were a girl, this ship would be considered canon by most.
I'm not sure EXACTLY which languages Jade's VA speaks, but I do remember that he knows German.
In one of his Halloween vignettes, Ruggie — as opposed to Lilia — has indirectly expressed that he has no interest in romance/relationships.
Tier 8:
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THE BATTLE ROYALE ( expansion )
Kid flower!yuu:*tugging at mama's skirt* mama...Why is the house burning? Grimhilde: * Hyperventilating* oh sweetie! it's no-thing, the others *hic* temper seems to have gotten the best of the?!! oh my gods! is that my dress strangling Jafar!!!! Mary Elizabeth: GOODNESS GRACIOUS YOU BUFFOONS COULDN'T HANDLE TWO HOURS ON YOUR OWN COULD YOU!!!!!
*two hours earlier*
"Flower belongs with Malleus! you pathetic excuse of a god!"
"That's rich coming from you, you were so useless at ruling your kingdom that war wiped out half of it!"
" I-Oh! how dare you!"
"Should we join"
@twistedcece, @sincerelysinister, @knave-hearts,@abadonkori
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