#smart contract for dummies
harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Ace: Oi~ Grim~!
Grim: Mryah! What do you want?!
Ace: Ask your guardian for help~.
Grim: Mryah! No! My hench-human is already busy! And they're going to tease me if they find out what happened!
Ace: What? They're going to know because of that sea anemone on your head.
Grim: Mrhmm... I can just play dumb!
Ace: Tch. You're being stubborn. I'll tell them and you cannot stop me.
Grim: Mrryaaaahhhh!!! No!!!! *starts tackling Ace*
Ace: Wha— Get off me!
Grim: Don't tell my hench-human!
MC: Tell what?
Ace and Grim: AHH!
MC: What's that stupid thing on your head, Grim? Dummy hat? *smirks* Suits you.
Grim: ...
Grim: *starts crying* NRYAAAAAAHHH! Hench-human! *flies to their arms*
MC: Hm? Why are you crying? Don't tell me it's because I called your hat stupid?
Ace: That's not really... You see that on his head and on mine? They're sea anemones.
Ace: We got this after not reaching the top 100 in exams.
MC: Ah... *looks at Grim* Pft—
Grim: Don't laugh at me! Huu...
MC: So... Is that permanent?
Grim: *cries even more*
Ace: It will last a year, unless you help us?
MC: And why would I do that? You botched your exams. That's not my problem.
Ace: But aren't you worried about Grim? He's crying and feeling helpless!
MC: Nah~. That should teach you a lesson. Let's go, Grim. There's a huge steak waiting for you at the dorm.
Grim: I can't... *sniffles* I need to work at the Monstro Lounge...
Ace: Yeah! All of us with sea anemones are forced to work!
MC: Huh. So this stupid thingy is not just for embarrassment?
MC: ...
MC: Alright. Now I'm part of the business.
Azul: I can't possibly allow that...
MC: Why not?
Azul: The students involved signed a contract and they've agreed to follow all the terms.
MC: Huh. Is that so?
Azul: Yes. I know it's unfortunate, however—
MC: I'll work for you instead of Grim and the two dudes over there. *pointing at Ace and Deuce*
Azul: ...
Azul: For free?
MC: Don't be stupid. I'd still want a minimum wage.
Azul: That won't do.
MC: I'm a fucking skilled worker. Sure you heard I cleaned the whole school on my own.
Azul: ...
Azul: Can you work until closing?
MC: What do you take me for?
Azul: *smiles* Then, it's settled. Here are their contracts.
Ace: My name's Ace Trappola!
Deuce: And mine is Deuce Spade. Thank you so much!
Grim: Hench-human...
MC: What's your order?
Student A: Can you recommend something that is not on the menu? *snickers with his other classmates*
MC: Huh? Are you a fucking idiot?
The students: ...
MC: You go to a pizza place, you are expected to buy a pizza. It's the same when you go to a meat shop or steak house.
MC: You stupid bitch don't ask for a damn shit that is not on the menu. What? You think you're smart for doing that?
Student A: U-Um...
MC: What's your order and you better give me an answer that is on the fucking menu.
Student A: ...
Student A: Carbonara...
MC: *smiles* Now we're talking. Floyd! Four carbonaras on table 4!
Floyd: Coming right up~.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim: *watching them*
Deuce: Your guardian is amazing, Grim.
Ace: Yeah, yeah. Sure. But when are we going to order—
Jade: *sets dishes on their table*
Jade: *smiles* It's on the house.
Ace and Deuce: ...
Grim: Nyaha! These look good!
Ace: Uh... No offense. But why?
Jade: Azul is thankful that he accepted MC's offer. We have reached our quota and it isn't even closing yet.
Ace: Huh? Do you mean to say you've been getting more customers than before?
Jade: Yes.
Ace: Whoa...
Deuce: Hey, Grim! Don't just eat all the food by yourself!
Grim: What? It's my hench-human's hard work.
MC: *yawns* Go to sleep now, Grim.
Grim: Nryah... I'm so full..
MC: *when they're just about to close their eyes, receives a call* *tries to ignore it*
*their phone continues to ring*
MC: *clicks their tongue* *answers it* What?
MC: ...
MC: A modelling job?
MC: ...
MC: Nah. *hangs up*
Vil: ...
Vil: What the—
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eve-lullabye · 2 years
Where you compliment the hunter to distract him
Based off IDV
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The Businessman, or Azul as it's shorter, is a very tricky hunter. He will come up behind you stealthily and whack at you with his cane. Or maybe you'll find yourself decoding, and a contract will shine in front of you freezing your movements. Whatever it was nothing was worse when he switched to his merform. Although he was confined to the water, it didn't affect his range. On the plus side, Azul could only switch to his octoform once per match.
So, when he switched into his merform in the middle of the Moonlit River Park. Well, that was unfortunate. What was more unfortunate was the fact that Edgar the Painter and Emma, our gardener, were pushing you to the bridge.
"I really don't want to go," you squeaked, trying to get out of their grasp.
"You need to buy us some time!" Edgar huffed. Tracy gave a worried smile.
"Should we really be doing this?"
"Tracy, just get your dummy to decode," Emma snapped back. "I haven't escaped a match in a while and if we need to sacrifice someone for it, then so be it."
Emma was understandably upset. If you didn't escape matches, no one will help you in the next. They might not even pair up with you.
"But is this reasonable? Edgar, please, tell me you're smart enough to realize how stupid this is," you pleaded to Edgar. You could see conflicting emotions flash through his eyes and hopefully clasped his arm.
"Sorry, [Name]," He sighed. Edgar wasn't completely to blame. Emma pushed for them to vote up a sacrifice to distract Azul.
Finally, you gave in, "Alright what do I do?"
"Think of something," Emma whispered. You glanced over the bridge to see the meroctopus swimming in circles at a slow speed. When you turned your head back to your teammates, they were nowhere to be found. Something cold wet and slimy wrap around your arms and toppled you into the river.
You failed underwater, trying to reach the surface. Something firm and strong wrapped around your waist, pulling you out into the air. You gasped, coughing and shivering. You looked down to see a tentacle, holding you. Slowly, your gaze followed it to where it ended. Blue eyes met your [e/c-colored] eyes. Azul smirked at his catch and was prepared to take you to a chair.
"You're pretty," you spoke without thinking. Azul's face flushed while he nearly dropped you.
"What?" He squawked. His tentacles writhed probably from embarrassment, but you were too mesmerized with his merform. You laid your hand on the tentacle holding you and curiously examined it.
"This is so cool! I have never seen you like this before!" You giggled gently tracing the suckers on the underside of the appendage. Now, he dropped you.
You surfaced and swam over to Azul with bright eyes. He, on the other hand, didn't want you anywhere near him. You quickly used your skill which forced you to Azul. You should have calculated where to aim it more carefully, becuase you were sent flying into Azul, whose appendages rose to either block himself or to catch you. One of them caught you by the foot and hung you upside down.
"You could have hurt yourself," Azul folded his arms.
"Do you have to stay in water all of the time?" You asked as he gently lowered you.
"Huh, w-well no," he responded, "I have to be in water."
"Aww, that's a shame," you sulked, "Your skin is really moist and smooth." The red cheeks appeared again, and you smirked, "You're so smart and powerful." Your flattering words embarrassed him further. "And good-looking." Azul froze at your last words. You slapped your hand to your mouth, "I did it again."
Sirens wailing broke the two of you from your little playtime. You worriedly looked to Azul who was dealing with internal conflicts.
"Fine," he huffed, avoiding your eyes and wrapping his tentacles around you. "Just this once." He lifted you and placed you back on the bridge before climbing out himself and switching to his human form. You beamed and jumped on him, hugging the hunter. Azul stumbled backwards with arms hanging in the air. He patted your head and pushed you away.
"I'll see you again, Zul," you sneakily kissed his cheek and used his shocked expression to your advantage. Running towards the exit, you met up with the other who congratulated your escape. You looked forward to be against the merman in future matches.
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byoldervine · 5 months
Character Info - Clay Acaron
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General Info
Name: Clay Acaron
• Prince of Nexus (title)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unlabelled
Species: Part Celestial, part Nexus Being
Place Of Birth: Nexus, presumably
Current Home: Acaron Palace, Nexus
Clay has pale skin, jet black hair and brown eyes. When he’s in his full Nexus form, his skin turns red and his eyes become golden with black sclera. Demonic horns and a tail will also grow in
Clay usually wears smart clothing such as a button-up shirt and a waistcoat, the former of which he always buttons up fully as he finds the restrictiveness comfortable rather than irritating. He likes to look the part of his role as a prince
Clay is usually very unfazed by most things and is very much the introvert to Persephone’s extrovert. He’s not all that emotive, so understanding how he’s feeling can be difficult at times, if even he could answer that question. He can be very passionate about things, often keen to research the most mundane or minute details. He dreams of being the greatest heir his father could ask for, and his studious nature and determination to rule justly assures Corrus that he already is
• Studying his magic
• Shadowing or working with Corrus
• Writing
• Failing to use magic
• Feeling weak or incapable
• Not having his questions answered
Known Abilities
• Mortal compulsion - like all Nexus Beings, Clay has the ability to sway the minds of living mortals in his favour, planting the seeds in their brains as though it was their idea all along
• Telekinesis - like his father, Clay has the ability to move objects with his mind
• Soul magic - like all dealmakers, Clay has the ability to create contracts of great power, the dealmaker usually taking the other party’s soul in return. The ownership of souls grants them additional magic abilities that can be used later on in order to achieve more soul deals
• Corrus Acaron (father)
• Persephone Foster (annoying intruder; affectionate)
• Anessa Cantor (fellow next-in-line who actually cares about their job, respectable political associate)
• Mullo Cantor (annoying political associate; derogatory)
Corrus always told Clay that when he was first created, he was a very sick baby. His recovery went well, but it left Clay’s growth stunted, and for a Nexus Being he was always more frail than others. As he grew older, Clay also struggled to perform any magic, leaving him considered a late bloomer. Even as a child, Clay couldn’t accept this and threw himself into studies and training in order to catch up to his peers, even when Corrus assured him that he could take all the time he needed
Around this time, something peculiar began to happen; a human girl his age began to show up at the palace regularly, with Corrus seeming to dote on her almost as much as he did with Clay. At first Clay wasn’t fond of Persephone, considering the often panicked girl annoying, but he later understood that she was only panicked because she’d just been experiencing deaths as a child. Over time, as Persephone grew more comfortable with death, she began to grow less fearful and more rambunctious - a whole different kind of annoying. But while Clay still finds her to be irritating at times, he and Persephone have grown accustomed to each other, and are much more comfortable now in each other’s company
These days Clay is still striving to complete his studies and training, and has made plenty of progress. He has also learned the basics of glyph magic from Persephone, who he in turn has used as a test dummy for his own spells
Fun Facts
• Corrus used to try and get Clay to sleep as a child by reading him the most boring things he could find, such as instruction manuals or science books much too advanced for any child. Corrus was dumbfounded when baby Clay utterly adored listening to Corrus read the blandest official documents in his work pile, but he quickly learned to kill two birds with one stone by doing his paperwork out loud while Clay napped
• Clay is the one to mostly look after Byoldervine’s pet dog, Mauthe, who was turned into an immortal Barghest after her death. Mauthe now lives in the Acaron Palace as a beloved guard dog, though she doesn’t often do as much guarding as she does curling up with Clay
• When they were kids, Clay once had Persephone jump out a window so that he could practice using telekinesis, thinking a dangerous situation would make it work. It didn’t work. Persephone later offered to try it again. Clay has never seen Corrus move so fast in his life
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sayhwaet · 1 year
Deep Dive
NAME: Beowolf 
height: 178cm 
strength ★★★☆☆ 
dexterity ★★★★☆  
health ★★★★☆ (A pretty hardy type of man, doesn't get sick often. Doesn't go out of his way to take care of his body, but also doesn't necessarily live an unhealthy or excessively dangerous lifestyle) 
energy ★★★★☆ (Generally in favor of conserving energy, but he does have more of it than average) 
beauty ★★★★☆ (I think he's just about average for an Agustrian man. Not exceedingly, ethereally beautiful or fine featured in the way the Nordions are, but a rugged handsome feller) 
style ★★☆☆☆ (More function than fashion, and definitely not a man to make a big deal of clothing or appearances) 
hygiene ★★☆☆☆ (He's a man who travels with other men) 
perception ★★★★☆ (Above-average. He likes to see how a situation plays out before he throws his lot in) 
communication ★★★★☆ (Surprisingly good! I think he's not afraid to speak up, and generally makes himself pretty clear) 
persuasion ★★★☆☆ (Decent. Would have to be, since he has to negotiate contracts for himself.) 
mediation ★★☆☆☆ (He's more the type to just dip if there's a problem, especially an interpersonal one. Laters.) 
literacy ★★☆☆☆ (He can read.) 
creativity ★★★☆☆ 
cooking ★★★☆☆ 
tech savvy ★★★★☆  
combat ★★★★☆ (He's all right)  
survival ★★★★★ (Knows when to fight, and knows when to retreat.) 
stealth ★★☆☆☆ (Unfortunately, more the type to make himself known.) 
street smarts ★★★★★ (Unmatched. I think he knows what's up. He can enter any city and make five friends before he gets to the pub.) 
seduction ★★★★☆ (He has a certain Han Solo charm that ladies find appealing, but I don't think he's particularly slutty.) 
luck ★★★☆☆  
handling animals ★★★☆☆  
pacifying children ★★★★☆ (Probably decent with kids, but not spectacular. Knows they need to be watched out for, and will do so unprompted. I like to think he played a mild big-brother supporting role for the younger folks in Sigurd's army) 
intelligence ★★★★☆ (More cunning than booksmart or educated, but he's no dummy either.) 
happiness ★★★☆☆ (If it sucks, hit da bricks!) 
spirituality ☆☆☆☆☆ (Looks out for himself and the people close to him, and doesn't expect a higher power to do it for him) 
confidence ★★★★☆ (He knows he's got swag) 
humor ★★★☆☆ (I think he's more laid-back than outright comical or funny. Dependent on who's around, his sense of humor varies from boisterous in a group, to dry on his own) 
anxiety ★☆☆☆☆ (This man is so chill) 
patience ★★★★☆ (More the type to watch and wait how things pan out than the type to go rushing into things headlong) 
passion ★★★☆☆ 
nice         ★★☆☆☆     mean  
brave       ★★☆☆☆     cowardly 
pacifist     ★★☆☆☆     violent (His profession is violent, but he's been shown to be actively against excessive violence) 
thoughtful ★☆☆☆☆    impulsive   
agreeable ★☆☆☆☆     contrary 
idealistic   ★★★★★     pragmatic (Pragmatic to a fault) 
frugal        ★★☆☆☆     big spender (He's aware of the value and importance of money. I think he makes decent wages, but not enough to be considered rich) 
extrovert   ★☆☆☆☆     introvert (Such a bro, can make anyone into a homie) 
collected   ★☆☆☆☆     wild 
ambitious / possessive / stubborn / jealous / decisive / perfectionist  
charisma ★★★★☆  
empathy ★★★☆☆ (Tries to be a bit more detached, but can usually pretty easily pick up on how someone else is feeling) 
generosity ★★☆☆☆ (Doesn't give what could be traded) 
wealth ★★★☆☆  
honest   ★☆☆☆☆ deceptive (Generally very up-front and honest. I think it's gotten him in trouble more than once) 
leader   ★★★☆☆   follower (Can lead if necessary, but I don't think he likes the responsibility) 
polite     ★★★★☆  rude (Not outright rude, but I also don't think he walks on the eggshells of social convention much. Like he's not gonna belch in someone's face, but he's also unlikely to mind his p's-and-q's) 
political ★★★★☆  indifferent (Generally doesn't care much, unless he feels his employer specifically is going overboard, then he'll care – but only enough to tell them to fuck off and leave, not enough to fight for any specific cause simply for the virtue of it all) 
higher power ★☆☆☆☆ (I don't think he gives it much thought) 
fate/destiny ★☆☆☆☆ (Same as above) 
magic ★★☆☆☆ (Has probably heard of people that use magic, but I doubt he's seen many of them in person before joining Sigurd's army. Definitely one of those things that's for other people) 
soulmates ★★☆☆☆ (Wouldn't that be a funny ol world, if there were someone whose heart was the match to his missing pieces? It would take a lot to get him to admit it out loud.)
good and evil ★★★☆☆ (Can't really afford to be a dreamer and make a stand, and is flexible enough to utilize a grey-morality view of the world. There are lines he won't cross and won't allow others to cross in his presence, but usually he won't hold a grudge against them if he needs to work with them in the future. I emphasize usually specifically about Arvis by the way - he will be holding a grudge about that, Erica)
luck ★★★☆☆ (Referenced in his death quote, but I don't think luck as a concept is necessarily something that he subscribes to or relies on. He picks his battles according to his understanding of his capabilities, and that's how he's gotten this far) 
family ★★☆☆☆ (I don't think much of his blood family remains, and though he might occasionally consider his merc buddies family while they're working together, it's a tentative relationship that he's prepared to leave at any time) 
friends ★★☆☆☆ (See above) 
love ★☆☆☆☆ (Would be nice to have he thinks, but isn't going out of his way for it.) 
home ☆☆☆☆☆ (I don't think he has any particular loyalty to Agustria, nor any other location for that matter. He keeps the concept of home very close to the chest, but I don't think he's actively trying to build or maintain a sense of home for himself. Like he's not actively putting down roots.) 
health ★★★★★ (All about numero uno, baybee.) 
praise ★★★☆☆ (Likes it. Gives him a big head. Won't go out of his way for it, though.) 
justice ★★★☆☆ (He'll quit a job if he thinks it's unjust, and I honestly think he'll get into a fight over it before he does so. Won't go on a crusade though) 
truth ★★★★☆ (Generally up front. Thinks that most interactions end up being business transactions of some kind in the end, and prefers it when both sides have the whole picture) 
power ★★★☆☆ (Understands that his fighting ability is what allows him to live the life he leads, but would never get drunk on power or the quest for it) 
fame ★★★★★ (Cant' be a successful merc if no one knows who you are, the confidence with which he asks for that 10k says it all to me) 
wealth ★★★★☆ 
others' opinions ★★★☆☆ (Like what I said about most things being a business transaction: he understands that most of the time a conversation is an interview in disguise. He won't bend over backwards to make himself more presentable or to betray his own morals, but he knows that his living relies on other people wanting him around) 
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bitcofunblog · 4 months
Table of ContentsIntroductionDemystifying Blockchain: A Beginner's Guide to the Technology Transforming IndustriesBlockchain for Dummies: Understanding the Basics Without the JargonThe Blockchain Revolution: A Non-Technical Guide to the Future of Finance and BeyondQ&AConclusionUnlock the World of Blockchain: Essential Reads for the Non-TechnicalIntroductionBlockchain technology has emerged as a transformative force in various industries, but its technical complexity can often be daunting for non-technical readers. To bridge this gap, numerous books have been published to simplify and explain blockchain concepts in an accessible manner. This introduction presents a curated list of the best blockchain books for non-technical readers, providing a comprehensive overview of the technology, its applications, and its potential impact on society.Demystifying Blockchain: A Beginner's Guide to the Technology Transforming Industries**The Best Blockchain Books for Non-Technical Readers** Blockchain technology has emerged as a transformative force across industries, but its technical complexity can often be daunting for non-technical readers. To bridge this gap, several authors have penned accessible books that demystify blockchain and its applications. **Blockchain for Dummies** by Manav Gupta and Rajarshi Gupta provides a comprehensive overview of blockchain fundamentals, from its origins to its potential impact. Written in a clear and concise style, it covers key concepts such as decentralization, consensus mechanisms, and smart contracts. **Blockchain Revolution** by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott explores the broader implications of blockchain technology. It examines how blockchain can disrupt industries, empower individuals, and create new economic models. The authors provide real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the transformative potential of blockchain. **Mastering Blockchain** by Imran Bashir is a more technical guide that delves into the underlying architecture and implementation of blockchain systems. However, it maintains a non-technical approach, using analogies and simplified explanations to make complex concepts understandable. **Blockchain: The Next Everything** by Stephen Wolfram offers a unique perspective on blockchain's potential. Wolfram argues that blockchain is not just a technology but a new paradigm that will revolutionize the way we think about data, computation, and society. **The Blockchain Developer** by Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a practical guide for those interested in developing blockchain applications. While it assumes some technical knowledge, Antonopoulos's clear writing style and hands-on examples make it accessible to non-technical readers who are willing to invest some effort. **Conclusion** These books provide a valuable resource for non-technical readers who want to understand the transformative power of blockchain technology. By demystifying complex concepts and providing real-world examples, they empower readers to engage with blockchain and its potential impact on their lives and industries.Blockchain for Dummies: Understanding the Basics Without the Jargon**The Best Blockchain Books for Non-Technical Readers** Understanding blockchain technology can be daunting for those without a technical background. However, there are numerous books available that simplify the concepts and make them accessible to everyone. Here are some of the best blockchain books for non-technical readers: **Blockchain for Dummies** by Manav Gupta and Rajarshi Gupta: This comprehensive guide provides a clear and concise overview of blockchain technology, its applications, and its potential impact. It uses simple language and real-world examples to explain complex concepts. **Blockchain Revolution** by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott: This book explores the transformative power of blockchain technology and its potential to disrupt various industries. It discusses the underlying principles, use cases, and the challenges associated with blockchain adoption.
**The Blockchain Developer** by Andreas M. Antonopoulos: While this book is geared towards developers, it also offers a valuable introduction to blockchain technology for non-technical readers. It provides a step-by-step guide to understanding the core concepts and building blockchain applications. **Mastering Blockchain** by Imran Bashir: This book covers the fundamentals of blockchain technology, including its architecture, consensus mechanisms, and security features. It uses clear explanations and diagrams to make the concepts easy to grasp. **Blockchain: The Next Evolution of Trust** by David Siegel: This book provides a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology and its potential to revolutionize trust and transparency in various sectors. It explores the applications of blockchain in finance, supply chain management, and healthcare. **Blockchain for Beginners** by Ivan on Tech: This book is designed for complete beginners and provides a simple and straightforward introduction to blockchain technology. It covers the basics, including how blockchain works, its benefits, and its potential applications. **The Truth About Blockchain** by Ethan Lou: This book debunks common myths and misconceptions about blockchain technology. It provides a balanced and realistic view of blockchain's capabilities and limitations, helping readers make informed decisions about its potential. **Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy** by Melanie Swan: This book explores the broader implications of blockchain technology and its potential to transform the global economy. It discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with blockchain adoption and its impact on society. **Blockchain for Everyone** by Chris Dannen: This book provides a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology and its applications in various industries. It uses clear language and real-world examples to make the concepts accessible to non-technical readers. **Blockchain: The Complete Guide** by Ian Khan: This book covers the fundamentals of blockchain technology, including its history, architecture, and consensus mechanisms. It also explores the applications of blockchain in different sectors and provides insights into its future potential.The Blockchain Revolution: A Non-Technical Guide to the Future of Finance and Beyond**The Best Blockchain Books for Non-Technical Readers** As the blockchain revolution continues to reshape industries, it's crucial for non-technical readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of this transformative technology. Fortunately, there are several excellent books that provide accessible and engaging introductions to blockchain. **Blockchain for Dummies** by Manav Gupta and Rajarshi Gupta offers a clear and concise overview of blockchain concepts, from its origins to its potential applications. The book uses simple language and real-world examples to explain complex technical terms, making it ideal for beginners. **Blockchain: The Next Everything** by Stephen P. Williams explores the broader implications of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrencies. Williams discusses how blockchain can revolutionize industries such as healthcare, supply chain management, and voting systems. The book provides a thought-provoking perspective on the future of blockchain. **The Blockchain Developer** by Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood is a more technical book, but it still caters to non-technical readers. Antonopoulos and Wood provide a step-by-step guide to understanding blockchain development, covering topics such as smart contracts and decentralized applications. **Mastering Blockchain** by Imran Bashir is another comprehensive guide to blockchain technology. Bashir explains the underlying principles of blockchain, its different types, and its potential use cases. The book also includes practical examples and case studies to illustrate the real-world applications of blockchain. **Blockchain Revolution** by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott is a visionary book that explores the transformative potential of blockchain.
The authors argue that blockchain will disrupt traditional industries and create new opportunities for innovation and collaboration. The book provides a compelling vision of the future of blockchain and its impact on society. These books offer a range of perspectives on blockchain technology, from beginner-friendly introductions to more technical explorations. By reading these books, non-technical readers can gain a solid understanding of blockchain and its potential to shape the future of finance and beyond.Q&A**Question 1:** What is the title of the book that provides a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology for beginners? **Answer:** Blockchain for Dummies **Question 2:** Which book is recommended for readers interested in the business applications of blockchain? **Answer:** Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin is Changing Money, Business, and the World **Question 3:** What is the title of the book that explores the potential of blockchain to transform various industries? **Answer:** The Blockchain Economy: How Blockchain Technology Will Revolutionize BusinessConclusion**Conclusion:** For non-technical readers seeking to understand the fundamentals of blockchain technology, the books discussed in this article provide a comprehensive and accessible introduction. From beginner-friendly explanations to practical applications, these books empower readers to grasp the transformative potential of blockchain and its impact on various industries. By delving into these resources, non-technical individuals can gain a solid foundation in blockchain concepts, enabling them to participate in informed discussions and make informed decisions in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
The Shiba Inu development team is making a big move on BONE. As reported, Shiba Inu lead Shytoshi Kusama established new target points for the ecosystem, which include renouncing the BONE contract and the burn portal.While the burn portal remains under active development, the Shiba Inu team has kicked off the process of renouncing the BONE contract.In a blog post, Shiba Inu developer Kaal Dhairya highlights the complexity of the process by outlining 12 major steps to be undertaken before the BONE contract could be renounced.These include the creation of a dummy token "Calcium" solely for the specific purpose of minting and renouncing BONE, creating a new pool CAL-ETH in ShibaSwap to get LP tokens, creating a new Liquidity pool and staking in the new pool, and updating the number of BONE tokens created per block to allow the BONE tokens to be quickly minted.The penultimate step before renouncing the BONE contract includes setting the Bone per block to 0 after the minting of BONE is done to the desired value.The reason for the complexity of the process, according to the SHIB developer, is that the mechanism around the BONE token was developed to safeguard investors from anyone, including admins or any human involvement when it was implemented.BONE is additionally protected by adding a timelock contract, which is controlled by a decentralized multisig wallet. This overall adds to the complexity of minting the remaining BONE and renouncing ownership of the BONE contract.The process of using the timelock contract likewise consists of two steps: queue the transaction and execute it to mint tokens. Dhairya added that this process has already started but that it will need to be done extremely carefully and will take as much time as necessary to complete.After a successful Shibarium relaunch, the Shiba Inu development team does not appear to be resting on their laurels.Wrapped Bone, or WBONE, a Shibarium-based token that represents Bone in a standardized form compatible with the Shibarium network's smart contracts, was introduced by the Shiba Inu team earlier this month. Source
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thestuffedpiggy · 1 year
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Medicare for Dummies: Things You Need to Know | Medicare Insurance Arizona
I once had a client who confided, “I always thought I was a pretty smart person until I had to figure out what to do about Medicare.”
I find this sentiment is pretty common among people who are trying to make Medicare decisions.
While you are no “dummy,” understanding the Medicare system does take some understanding and careful explanation to understand how it works, how it can help you meet your healthcare needs, what Medicare plan is best for your situation, and what you need to do to get enrolled.
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In this article, we will carefully explain and explore all of these questions and explain everything you need to know about Medicare and how to make it work for you.
Medicare is a word that you have probably heard tossed around your entire life. Every political season it gets bandied about between the candidates, and you often hear about it on commercials or news stories.
But until you start to get closer to needing Medicare, it may not be a program that you have completely understood. Today we are going to give you a thorough education in the Medicare program so that you know everything you need to know.
It’s important to fully understand this federal program because Medicare can be an extremely useful tool for you as you take care of your healthcare needs as you age. the right knowledge and understanding, you will be able to maximize the benefits of this program in your life. We will start with all the basics so that you will have all the right information to make the best decisions in using Medicare to meet your healthcare needs.
What Is Medicare?
First, what exactly is Medicare? Let’s start by outlining what Medicare is and why the program was designed.
Medicare is essentially a health insurance program, established by the United States government in 1965. It was created and developed to help people in the aging population find affordable and adequate healthcare insurance.
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The program gives health care coverage (health insurance) for every U.S. citizen who is over age 65, or for those under 65 that receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or those that have an end-stage renal disease (ERSD).
Medicare was designed because all of the people in these groups—people over 65, and those with disabilities or kidney disease—were having a very hard time getting adequate health insurance at affordable rates.
Simply put, the private insurance sector did not want to insure them. It wasn’t a good return for traditional insurance carriers because of the increased use of healthcare resources for these groups. Their age, their disabilities, or their particular illnesses, make them more difficult or impossible to insure.
How Does Medicare Work?
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Medicare is divided up into Parts, specifically Parts A, B, C, and D. When you sign up for Medicare, you sign up for the Parts that best meet your needs.
Each Part covers different medical costs. We will go through each Part individually so you can understand the coverages provided and how they will work for you.
First, you need to understand that there are two main categories of Medicare coverage: Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage.
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Original Medicare is a traditional fee-for-service program offered directly through the federal government. Medicare Advantage is a Medicare plan that is administered by a private health insurance company that contracts with the federal government to provide healthcare coverage.
They each have different advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss in a moment. For now, you simply need to understand that when you sign up for Medicare you will choose one of these two ways to receive your Medicare benefits.
Now let’s look at what these plans cover. As I previously explained, Medicare is divided into Parts A-D.
Differences Between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage
As you decide which Medicare plan is right for you, it is important to understand your options completely, and then choose your coverage carefully. How you choose to receive your benefits—either through Original Medicare or through a Medicare Advantage plan—affects where you can go to receive your health care and your out-of-pocket costs.
For example, with Original Medicare, you are covered to go to nearly all doctors and hospitals in the country. Medicare Advantage Plans, on the other hand, usually have network restrictions, meaning that you are limited or restricted in the doctors and hospitals you can use, as determined by your individual insurance plan.
However, because of these restrictions, Medicare Advantage premiums are generally much lower than Original Medicare premiums and the out-of-pocket costs are lower. With Original Medicare, you are responsible for your premiums, a deductible, as well as a co-pay of 20% of all your medical costs.
When Does Medicare Start?
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When you turn 65, if you are automatically enrolled in Medicare because you are receiving Social Security benefits, then your Medicare coverage begins the month of your birthday.
The only exception to this is if your birthday falls on the 1st day of the month, then your coverage will start the month previous.
If you have to enroll in Medicare because you are not receiving Social Security benefits, then your coverage starts depending on when you signed up.
When you enroll in Medicare there is a very specific “Initial Enrollment Period” in which you can sign up. Your Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) is a seven-month period surrounding your 65th birthday.
Why Should I Consider MediGap?
Imagine for a moment that you have chosen Original Medicare and are paying a separate premium for Part D.
This means that you have coverage for hospital visits and stays, emergencies, doctor visits, lab work, and preventive care, plus you have a list of drugs that are covered.
The problem is that you still have to meet your deductible and they are responsible for a 20% co-payment for any services or care that you receive.
If you have a Medigap policy, it can offset these out-of-pocket costs and eliminate much of the stress that comes from large medical bills. The reality is that the older you get, the more you will use healthcare resources. Make sure you have adequate coverage for those possible expenses.
How Do I Get Started?
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As you can see, there are lots to understand when it comes to enrolling in Medicare, but we hope this article has provided some valuable information and given you a good framework to begin making your own Medicare decisions.
To begin, determine if Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage is the right option for you.
How much money do you want to pay out-of-pocket? How big is your budget for premiums and co-payments? Do you care about getting healthcare services anywhere or are you fine getting your care in a defined service area?
At Insurance Professional of Arizona, we have a team of brokers that are experts in Medicare insurance. We have years of expertise and knowledge and we understand every aspect of the Medicare enrollment process.
Please contact us for help. We can assess your healthcare insurance needs and then give you a list of options to meet those. We will walk you, step-by-step, through the enrollment process so that you have the benefits you need without ever paying any penalties.
To get started, just call us or fill out the contact form on our website. At IPA, our experienced and professional Medicare agents are here to help you successfully navigate the Medicare program and get the health insurance policy that’s best for you!
We’re here to help! Call us today. 480-331-7974
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akudo-cards · 2 years
what is cryptocurrency & how does it work
Cryptocurrency. Heard it quite a lot, haven’t we? It’s like all of a sudden the entire world’s revolving around Crypto. And let us guess, this may not be your first “what is cryptocurrency” or “crypto for dummies” article. It’s not you alone, the concept’s toooo wide and above most of our heads to understand it in a go. But don’t worry, be assured this is gonna be your finale search.
So, let’s address this giant elephant in the room, and get down and done with it.
What is cryptocurrency?
Since all things now have a ‘digital’ badge, how could money say any behind?
Cryptocurrency is simply a digital slash virtual version of the money we use every day. It is with the use of cryptography and blockchain technology set up that financial trade, transfer, and transactions are made possible. The decentralized setup enables higher control over one’s money and no control or interference from intermediaries such as a central authority/banks/government.
Still a handful, right? No biggie, let’s break it down further.
So we mentioned ‘blockchain’ above. All cryptocurrencies fundamentally use blockchain technology. What’s that now?
Blockchain is a decentralized database that maintains a growing record of what are often addressed as “blocks”. These are interlinked and form a wide chain of networks. Possessing the features of a ledger, it records and tracks transactions, ownerships, transfers, or other movements of assets.
You could think of it as the teacher’s register or the attendance record.
What makes it essentially special is that it allows no hampering of transactions, as in once the transaction is added it cannot be reversed or deleted and is also open & visible to all. This is what brings in higher security and transparency.
Since, we also mention ‘decentralized’, which is amongst its prime feature, it simply implies, also discussed above, that there ain’t any single authoritative entity overlooking the transactions or with the power to meddle in between. This absolute digital atmosphere further eliminates human errors. It is bookkeeping systems reimagined and how!
The scope of blockchain technology is immense, touching a plethora of diverse industries. From crypto to apps to DAOs and self-executing smart contracts, it’s the heart of it all.
Objectives of Cryptocurrency
The primary objective of blockchain-powered cryptocurrency, as one can easily figure out by now, is to develop a secure and transparent system to manage data or value altogether. A digital record of transactions that stays above modifications and manipulations, and is easy to verify, can only be made possible by a distributed ledger system such as blockchain.
The development of blockchain and crypto go hand in hand. The purpose behind the sole existence of cryptocurrency is to birth a modern-day alternative to the traditional currency and the way they function, that is by being governed or backed by governments or central banks.
Crypto essentially is a manifestation of a tech-led, new-age digital asset that can be used as a medium of exchange, which further is immune to the risk of fraud or identity theft as it involves no 3rd party involvement.
Crypto also goes beyond borders and other regulations and restrictions that the traditional currency is often subjected to.
Common Cryptocurrencies
While you may have heard these being tossed around quite a lot, this is because these have the highest market capitalizations and the most widespread adoption. Let’s briefly take a closer look at them.
Bitcoin (BTC)
Based on a peer-to-peer network, Bitcoin is a major, very well-known decentralized digital currency, created way back in 2009. Its shares the common traits of any cryptocurrency, as in bitcoin transactions can be made by staying anonymous and are recorded on a blockchain, that is public and open to view by all.
Despite being regarded as a risky investment, owing to its high volatility – that is high level of price fluctuations over the years, people view it in a ‘golden light’, quite literally, for it enjoys the reputation of “digital gold” –as it is considered a store of value and a shield against inflation.
Jumping into its history a bit, here’s something cool for you. The brain behind today’s most loved and known cryptocurrency, well… is a mystery! It was on a mailing list discussion about cryptography, that a document titled “Bitcoin – A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System” was posted, and from where it all started. The publisher (individual or a bunch) went by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, though their real identity, despite several attempts of investigation, remains unknown to date.
With the original protocol being created in 2008, the very first version of the software alongside the first units of bitcoins was released in the following year. It first witnessed popularity only amongst a handful of tech enthus, contrary to today, where it is grabbing eyeballs and is being appreciated day after day.
Ethereum (ETH)
Native currency to the popular cryptocurrency platform and blockchain, Ethereum, Ether is the second largest cryptocurrency owing to the market capitalization, second to Bitcoin. Sold on plenty of crypto exchanges, Ether is believed to be a lucrative investment as a hike in its price is foreseen in the future. Looking at the backstory, Ether wasn’t intended to take over the market and fiat currencies like it has, instead it was purposed to be used for payments & computational services as well as to build and run dApps on the Ethereum network. Ether also takes a lead in the aspect that it less prone to price manipulation.
Tether (USDT)
Stepped into the market as RealCoin in 2014, Tether, in 2015 rebranded and was issued by Tether Limited Inc. It is acronymed as USDT as it is pegged to the fiat currency – US Dollar which makes it at a stable value relative to the currency and it hence often used as a stablecoin. This essentially becomes the first choice for those who intended to dodge volatility, which is well there in other cryptocurrencies. In fact, it is hence also used to store value in volatile times. With a significant presence in prominent cryptocurrency exchanges, Tether is also often the means of transferring value among these very exchanges.
Binance Coin (BNB)
Denoted as BNB, is the native currency of the largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, although they did once camp on the Ethereum network. Initially birthed to facilitate Binance network fees & payments, it is now widely used across exchanges for the trade of goods and services, even including transactions relating to travel bookings, entertainment, and more. The Binance Coin makes it space in the market by offering the coin holders reduced trading fees, extending participation chances in Binance’s IEOs, and the opportunity to cast a vote in certain decisions by Binance.
Some other cryptos include Solana and Terra.
Now, enticed by these uber-cool cryptocurrencies, you must be curious as to where you could possibly find them? @ Crypto Exchanges!
Crypto Exchanges
This is no new thing for you. How? Remember Amazon, Myntra, or Nykaa? Yep, same thing! –Except that its crypto instead of clothes or makeup.
A cryptocurrency exchange is a marketplace, that allows the basic trade of various cryptocurrencies. Users trade – buy or sell here using their fiat currency aka US Dollar or Euro. Basically, you purchase money with money!
These exchanges make money themselves by charging simple fees for their usual services, which is often a calculated percentage of the transacted value, or depending on the type of order. While these play a similar role to financial exchanges, they differ in their regulation. These aren’t insured, which as a con makes them more prone to malicious fraud and hacking attempts.
Hence, a careful selection of cryptocurrency exchange should be made considering and keeping in mind the following aspects: accessibility, liquidity, security, storage, fees, the offered coins, tax information, etc.
Here’s a look at many’s go-to ones:
A global platform for all crypto traders, Binance was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in Malta. It offers an array of services, with trading of various cryptocurrencies to support for trading pairs, diverse languages, and secure storage of funds. Decentralized exchange, mining pool, and educational and research initiatives are some of Binance’s supplementary ventures, aside from its primary crypto exchange business. It is otherwise in the good books for having low fees and fast transaction speeds.
Coinbase Exchange
Founded in 2012, and available in 100+ countries, Coinbase is home to many popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more, and facilitates the purchase, selling, and storing of these. Since its countries-wide presence, it supports a variety of payment methods, credit & debit cards, bank transfers, and PayPal to name some. The diversity doesn’t end here and extends to the range of products it has in store for its consumers such as cryptocurrency wallet, cryptocurrency debit card, and even a platform to earn interest on cryptocurrency holdings. It is especially popular amongst beginners for its ease of use and security.
The brainchild of the Winklevoss twins, Gemini is another popular loved platform for the exchange of digital assets, established back in 2014. Also present in several of countries – US, Canada, UK, and South Korea, to name a few, supporting diverse types of payments, and offering a bundle of products, Gemini stands apart from the rest by focusing on security and compliance, having a dedicated customer support system and being a secure and regulated platform for exchange.
Some other exchanges are KuCoin and Bisq and many more.
Exploring the Potential of Cryptocurrency
When evaluating a broader perspective, people seem to be in splits when it comes to cryptocurrency. While one-half debates for it to be a revolutionary piece of technology that has the potential to shake up the existing traditional financial systems and altogether alter money for people, the other seems to have not yet made up their minds due to the fears of it being a risky investment.
When looked at it, Cryptocurrencies have a plethora of properties that expand their potential: such as it allowing peer-to-peer transactions, barring the presence of a 3rd party, making transactions exponentially better & cheaper, and being borderless & offering to a global market. But, the future fights uncertainty. It could grow to absolutely step into the shoes of traditional fiat currencies or could settle as a special-use case.
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idigitizellp21 · 2 years
Metaverse: The next frontier for Health 4.0
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With a predicted market size of USD 800 billion by 2024, the metaverse is taking social connections to the next level. Over 74% of adults in the US have joined or are considering joining this virtual space. Various industry experts have discussed how the metaverse can transform gaming, entertainment, socializing, work, and commerce. However, not a lot has been spoken about how it might affect healthcare.
Metaverse involves the convergence of three major technological trends — artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR). Together, they can open up completely new channels for delivering treatment, lowering costs, and significantly improving patient outcomes in healthcare.
Three major channels fuelling the use of metaverse in healthcare
1. Telemedicine
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of telemedicine gained a lot of traction, as before that only 43% of healthcare facilities could deliver remote therapy to patients. That percentage has now risen to 95%. Metaverse will supplement telemedicine visits with a virtual office, where patients and physicians can meet in a 3D clinic or any other location.
This is projected to improve the user experience for teleconsultation services significantly. Using VR, the metaverse in healthcare can enable next-level immersion, by providing a considerably higher sense of “being there” than other virtual environments like websites, messaging applications, or social media. Through such consultations, patients will no longer be restricted to being treated by specific specialists owing to their physical location. It’s particularly valuable in places like China, where medical personnel are in poor supply, as well as for patients in distant areas who would otherwise have to travel a long way to visit a doctor.
Therapy is another area where the metaverse in healthcare can be highly effective. Patients can interact with situations that cause them anxiety in safe environments where every aspect of the interaction can be closely monitored and controlled. For instance, gameChange, a virtual reality system developed by Dr. Daniel Freeman and his colleagues at the University of Oxford is using VR to treat psychosis using a form of medical technology known as digital therapeutics or DTx.
A scene from the gameChange VR system: Simulation of a doctor’s waiting area
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2. Blockchain
Blockchain is a critical part of the metaverse in healthcare, according to experts, because it allows for decentralized communities controlled democratically via smart contracts, as well as a record of digital “ownership” of environments or even items in the digital world. The management and security of our highly valuable health data is blockchain’s most prominent use case in healthcare.
Currently, data is frequently transferred between many companies in an inefficient and opaque manner in the eyes of the data’s owners. Because health records are typically maintained on centralized computers, our information is vulnerable to theft (a single health record is reported to be worth between USD 70 and USD 100 on the dark web). It also means that obtaining it, even for those who have a valid need for it – such as a professional who is treating us – can be a time-consuming and exhausting process.
3. Digital twins
A digital twin is a virtual model or simulation of any object, process, or system that is created using real-world data to learn more about its real-world counterpart. In the metaverse, the patient’s digital twin could be the patient themself.
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Digital twins, according to Jack Latus, CEO of Latus Health, an online healthcare service specialized in occupational health, will eventually be used as “test dummies” for individuals, predicting everything from how we will recover from surgery to how we would react to specific medicines. This will develop further when our ability to map and comprehend individual genetics improves.
Consider a virtual representation of a single person where every known medicine for that person’s illness can be tested. This will allow the best treatment to be determined. It can even monitor the virtual “person” and notify you if a medical condition develops as a side-effect enabling preventive actions. Many large med-tech companies, such as Siemens Healthineers and GE Healthcare, are working on digital twins. To achieve their goal, these companies will require critical assets including massive amounts of patient data.
A sneak peek at the future of metaverse in healthcare
Making things easier for patients
With the convergence of these core technologies in the metaverse – clinicians will be able to provide more integrated treatment programs and packages, devoid of the siloed nature of much of the current healthcare system. These technologies-based solutions are already enhancing patient experiences and outcomes. Even simple procedures like intravenous injections and blood draws can benefit from them, for instance, through using Accuvein, a technology that casts a map of a patient’s veins onto the skin.
Recently, med-tech giant Medtronic acquired AI-powered surgical platform Digital Surgery, and Zimmer Biomet also introduced its new OptiVu Mixed Reality system, which uses the Microsoft HoloLens to integrate the real and virtual worlds. With such major investments in med-tech being made to leverage the metaverse, along with a growing number of startups creating AR and VR solutions, the surgical environment will soon witness radical transformation in the next few years.
Facilitating collaboration among healthcare professionals
The ability to immediately share information between healthcare professionals would allow for quicker identification of the underlying causes of illness. Monitoring patient activity in the metaverse also allows for easier tracking of variables like compliance, which will aid in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses.
Veyond Metaverse, for example, is also bringing together worldwide healthcare professionals for concurrent education, training, and planning, as well as collaborative medical operations. It uses innovative cloud and real-time communication technology to “empower doctors to practice their skills with the highest accuracy to ensure everyone receives the best healthcare service anytime and wherever,” according to the company’s website.
There is a possibility that the metaverse in healthcare will fundamentally alter and improve the industry over the next few years. Despite the optimism, there are still various obstacles on the path to standardizing metaverse in healthcare, including the adoption of smart technologies, particularly among the elderly population. Healthcare companies will also need to develop a new business model that is connected with patient health insurance, reimbursements, and prescriptions, all in this new virtual space.
However, these limitations will be accompanied by an essentially boundless user experience, breaking down geographical constraints and creating limitless possibilities for patients all over the world.
Netscribes’ healthcare insights solutions help organizations drive growth through a deeper understanding of their customers, disruptive technologies, and the market as a whole.
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retrocanvas · 2 years
Explaining How Smart Contracts Work and What They Do
Smart contracts are self-executing contracts in which the terms of the buyer-seller agreement are directly written into lines of code. Learn more about Smart Contract here! #smartcontract #blockchain #web3 #nft
Smart contracts are self-executing contracts in which the terms of the buyer-seller agreement are directly written into lines of code. Smart contracts make transactions traceable, transparent, and irreversible. This is the method of programming/communication that connects project developers to the end result (the NFT) that you now own. Note: This article talks about the Ethereum Smart Contract…
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
💥Bakugou HC's💥
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Aged-up pro hero Katsuki for all of these. Some NSFW beneath the cut. Minors do not interact.
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He’s scary good at everything he tries. Every. Single. Fucking. Thing. It’s infuriating. Has zero patience when other people can’t immediately master a skill. Never let him teach you anything. Not that he’d offer, nerd.
He WILL offer, though. A lot. He can’t believe you still can’t Do That Thing. Tsh. Like THIS. You're gonna hurt yourself, Dummy.
But hold on. Of course you have unique skills of your own. You work hard to improve yourself. Trust me, he's the first person to notice. He doesn't praise anyone lightly, so when he raises his eyebrows and whispers he's impressed, your heart will go thermonuclear.
Perfect spelling and fully punctuated texts. Never uses abbreviations. Employs a grand total of four emojis, all of them angry faces. Constantly leaves you on read. He's busy, dammit.
Doesn’t smile or laugh in public (except sarcastically). His real smile is a crooked, fragile thing. Never make him feel self-conscious about it, or you might not see it again for weeks.
He does not talk about his private life to the press. Ever. Will K.O. rookie reporters who can't keep their big mouths shut.
HOweVER: he's intensely kind to his fans. There is a whole photographic sub-genre of little girls in cosplay hugging Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight like he's a Disney Princess.
Too smart for his own good. Emotionally hyper-vigilant. Overthinks every interaction to hell and back. Will act like he's not listening but actually hears every single word in a ten-block radius.
INSECURE AF. 110% convinced he will never be good enough. Terrified of his loved ones leaving him behind. Does he do anything to assuage his fears? Like... talk to anyone about it? Hell no. That would require admitting he has fears to begin with.
Seeing people upset makes him upset, especially if he doesn't know how to fix it.
The epitome of being mean because he cares. He genuinely does not seem to comprehend that monosyllabic grunts and lopsided shrugs are not actually that comforting.
Because he was such a brat growing up, he wants to make up for it now. Sort of. In his own way. Look, he's trying, okay?
He smells - so - good. Obscenely good. He doesn't wear cologne; are you joking? There's the burnt-sugar caramel candy smell of his quirk, for starters. And since he sweats deadly ammunition, he showers and wipes himself down almost constantly. He always smells clean. Like a fucking meadow.
Never got that growth spurt he was hoping for. He’s a short man - not even THAT short - but he has a Napoleon complex anyway. If you’re taller than him, the collars of your shirts will all be stretched out. He’s constantly dragging you down to his level. He will assert himself all the fucking time; the pissing contest is never-ending. Don’t wear tall shoes unless you want him to drag you around on a leash. If you’re shorter than him, that’s good. That’s very good. He likes that.
He’s an incredible cook, but everything he makes is a nuclear fire challenge. Adapt or starve.
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Makes artisanal, nutritionally flawless bento lunches for both of you. When people assume his S.O. makes them, he gets fucking pissed. Damn right your co-workers are jealous of my cooking.
Your pet name is Dummy. Don’t like it? Fine. You can be dumbass.
There will be zero PDA in this relationship. His hands are shoved so deep in his pockets you can’t even try.
Intensely private with the press. But with his friends, he will brag about you nonstop. Bakugou Katsuki has the most talented and attractive and intelligent S.O., and anyone who doesn't recognize that is blind. Were you assholes even listening?
A mutual buddy definitely recorded one of these drunken brag-rants and sent it to you for safekeeping. Do not let Katsuki find out about it, unless you enjoy having an ash pile for a phone.
Gets jealous about everything, at least at the start. He calms down eventually. Kinda. He stops saying shit to you about it, anyway, because he learns to trust you. But anyone who so much as looks at you in a too-friendly manner will get the death stare of a lifetime.
He’ll throw all kinds of temper tantrums and the two of you will argue about every tiny fucking thing. He’ll scream out car windows, he’ll ball up his shirt and gnash on it. But he will never raise his voice at you. He’d rather die than make you feel unsafe.
Honestly, the constant bickering is really just... uhh... passionate communication. Eventually you both hash out the important things. You'll learn how to step around his landmines and actually make your points, and he'll learn to open up. A little.
Once you meet his mom, Katsuki starts to make a lot more sense. His family just... emotes like that. Eventually, you and his dad form a spousal support group consisting of exactly two lifetime members. He teaches you the Bakugou family semaphore you need to survive a long-term relationship.
Katsuki can dish it out but absolutely cannot take it. The only person who can level with him about serious issues without explosive fallout is his dad. Or, on a lucky day, Kirishima.
If you give him a legitimate criticism (even gently!) he will take it about as gracefully as a knife to the gut, because it confirms everything he hates about himself.
To your never-ending shock, you’ve made him cry. Yes, CRY! You monster! More than once! His lip gets all *trembly* and his eyes get all *watery* and all you want to do is hug him, but. No. He’ll storm out and wander around for a few hours before coming back with the problem perfectly solved.
He always takes your advice to heart. No, he will NOT talk about it, stop asking.
Gets mad if you don’t snuggle him on the regular. Will drag you into his lap with a pissy little grunt. There might be two seats on this couch but you will not be needing both of them.
Takes pictures of you while you sleep.
Takes even more pictures of you when you're awake but think he's out of the room.
He looks at all these pictures when he's away on high-stakes jobs. He gets all bleary eyed and sleeps in a salty puddle without you. NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW.
You don’t have to meet him at the door or anything, but when he says “I’m home,” you’d better answer fast. If he doesn’t know your precise location in 0.05 seconds, he will assume you’ve been kidnapped. He never checks the fridge for notes. Never assumes you've gone down to the konbini for a snack. No, it’s kidnapping every time.
A terrrrrrible bed partner. He goes to bed at senior citizen hours and will never fuck you after sundown. He snores SO loud. Runs hot and sweats through the sheets. Slaps and elbows you in his sleep and aggressively spoons you with his loud, sweaty body. You WILL want to suffocate him. Separate bedrooms aren’t such a horrible idea......
BUT HANG ON, because in the morning he transforms into an honest-to-god angel. He's half awake, his guard is non-existent. Morning Katsuki is a doting kissy-faced marshmallow man.
If you can wake up before the ass-crack of dawn, he will pamper the fuck out of you. You are royalty for one (1) hour only, and he is your bleary-eyed slave. You want a cuddlefuck? You got it. Hugs? Kisses? Take as many as you need. You want a perfect, fluffy, NON-SPICY omelette with a heart drawn in ketchup? Here it is, gorgeous.
Then he gets in the shower and the spell is broken.
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💥bang BANG💥
Let’s get the obvious out of the way: this here is an ASS. MAN. He'll spank you with his quirk; doesn’t matter if you’ve been good or bad. Wants to see you wince when you sit down later.
Likes pounding you face down with a vice grip on your waist.
Unfortunately, even with all that said... he doesn't exactly have the feral beast sex drive you were expecting. He’s married to his work and has the fuddy-duddy habits of a once and future valedictorian. Only fucks you when he has the time and energy to fully dedicate himself to it.
But ohhhh. Shit. When it's time? It's TIME. The man will rush for nothing. Stamina for days. Making you cum as many times as possible is a point of pride. Yeah, you passed out once.
You’re gonna need those days off when he’s done with you.
That dick THICC.
Sends unsolicited dick pics. Only after you’ve been dating a good long while - he doesn't show that shit to just anyone. But yeah, don’t check your phone at work. He won't cum without you; those pictures and videos are time bombs. You better get home. Now.
Physically dominant as FUCK, but won’t verbally degrade you unless you ask. Well, let’s be honest. Unless you beg.
Praise him and reap the rewards. A long hard ego stroking will get him off more than touching his cock ever will.
Will grab your hair and fuck your throat. Will also stop immediately if you need him to.
The two of you have safe words and gestures. Even for vanilla stuff. He’s paranoid about scaring or hurting you. He insisted you both sign a color-coded ‘love contract’ that he meticulously formatted in a word processor. When you gave him guff about it, his blush was the darkest crimson you’d ever seen.
Coin-flip: he will sometimes be unbelievably gentle in bed. Doting and affectionate, taking perfect care of you. Like, it’s baffling. There’s no warning, the switch just flips. When you want him to be extra-rough and mean, he’ll sweetly worship you instead. For hours.
Bonus: he likes being penetrated. But of course he’s got a complex about that too. Super intense power bottom. You will never fuck him hard enough. He’d like to see you try. Hit his prostate just right and he might literally explode.
You'll live happily ever after but he will say he loves you out loud exactly once. Maybe. If you're lucky. And you're both about to die.
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching Bedtime Stories
Welcome to “The Brothers Get Grimm with Each Other: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s3e5: Bedtime Stories
  People are dying weird in a small town. It takes our boys a minute to realize it, but the deaths all mimic fairy tales. What seems to be the ghost of a little girl appears at the scenes of the deaths, and that doesn’t track. Until Sam and Dean discover a young woman who has been in a coma since she was a child—and whose father has been reading her fairy tales all these years. Her spirit is trapped and restless because her step-mother poisoned her years ago. The boys have to convince her father to listen to her spirit and let her go to stop the grim deaths. Meanwhile, Sam has been hounding Dean about his refusal to try to find a way out of his demon deal, and the end of the episode sees Sam sneaking off to try to force the crossroads demon to give up Dean’s contract. Sam learns that she’s not the one holding his deal, and Sam shoots her with the Colt (and thus killing the woman she’s possessing as well). Should we be worried about him?
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
  [and we begin:]
wow, looong previously on
ah, peaceful music. something horrible is about to happen
 the snort!
it's so good
you don't get it until you get it and then it's amazing
 oh, scared little piggy
(aaaand now I’m thinking about Lord of the Flies)
(HA! sorry)
 oh shouty boys
"you're not dad" ooooo, the faces
I love when they argue about who gets to die
 Pouty/Angry Sammy makes me happy
that is how the full moon works, sammy
"the things he can do with a pen"
 He’s secretly making fun of Sam’s LotR fanfic
omg taking the pen cap off with his teeth
“how would you feel?"
"how would you feel" "I can't imagine anything worse" LOW BLOW SHOW
omg Dean's wink
haaaaaahahahahaha SAMMY
omg SAM
 I would FRAME that
 there are NO harmless old ladies in this show, dummy
 Sam’s stupid little curls over his ears
 “I have a theory - it could be bunnies"
"you think about fairy tales often?"
"we gotta do research now don't we?"
you love it, Dean
 Focus, Dean
"there's no way I'm kissing a damn frog" ARE YOU A PRINCESS DEAN?
 it’s telling that he puts himself into the role of a princess looking for a prince
AAAAND Dean is projecting onto Sam with all this little gay jokes now
bc he slipped
there are too many plants in that room
 creeps me out
where do they get these kids?
this one, the girl who plays Lilith
DEAN WINCHESTER. you know you watched the Disney Snow White on cable, you know you did
(that is a CREEPY ASS movie)
 right? and even if he didn’t there’s no way he doesn’t know that story
curious cop, empathetic cop
 “lucky guess” SMARTY DEAN
they are both so smart pets them
omg Dean's little face after he says "which is the weirdest thing I've ever said"
Nope, I know for a fact that you’ve recently talked about purple nurples, so not the weirdest thing, Dean
 but yes his face!
I read it that he's reconsidering it being the weirdest thing he ever said but he's letting it go
"so you've seen her too" I love that little twist where suddenly Sam doesn’t have to convince him
 because, I mean, HOW would he?
 i like this guy
 he has nice eyes
he does
and he seems like a really good guy
how did Dean get out of that one?
"I sure hope not"
 Welp, send ’em my way, doc
"is that what you want me to do Dean? just let me go?"
 oh BOYS
more freckles for me!
lookit Dean all curled up in the blankets
oh Sam
convenient there was a crossroads with diggable dirt right there
I don't even KNOW how far I'd have to drive to find one
 there always is
 I actually wouldn’t have to drive too far
i could find a crossroad easy and a dirt road easy.... I can't think of a dirt crossroads. probably not over far, actually. but I'd have to look
OI! stop badmouthing Dean!
oooof Sammy
  [after the episode ended:]
 so i love the balance between Dean not thinking he deserves to be saved and Sam fighting against this deal not because he doesn’t think HE deserves to live but because he doesn’t think it’s fair that Dean has to die. Another sign of Dean being raised by John and Sam being raised by Dean
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coweggomelet · 3 years
it’s happening
i was warned. i kept trying to predict what was gonna happen and my friend was like “you’re never gonna get it” and she was right i didn't cause this shit blew me away
some of it i think i could’ve seen coming, especially when the staff of creation guy was like “hey... don't fall into the void” i think it’s pretty obvious that people were gonna fall in but the whole penny jaune thing... that punched me in the gut
volume 8, the one that made me cry a little and left me in despaired silence for like twenty minutes
- the very first episode is called ‘divide’ so
- sets the tone right away
- oh god the opening jesus christ the brushing going into the nails scratching that quite literally made me cringe both times
- neo’s like… wait a second this looks bad
- that “my queen” was so poisonous
- cinder, taking credit for your allies’ work isn’t gonna go well for you
- see this is where salem’s manipulation starts to wane, like cinder here is clearly angry about how dismissive and controlling salem is and wants to get her revenge but salem won’t let her, so she’s starting to go “hey wait”
- have i mentioned i love the happy huntresses
- this volume happens over like a day which is wild
- yang please do not question ruby’s leadership, none of this is her fault. i understand your fear though
- jaune you really are so smart and empathetic like if that fight had continued it could’ve gotten worse and you saw that and stepped in and helped make a compromise and that’s why you’re a good leader
- aaaand there’s the murdering political dissenters in cold blood
- what happened to your heart tin man
- even the ace ops were like “…jesus”
- oh god the fuckin dog grimm thing
- in the FIRST EPISODE ironwood MURDERS a CIVILIAN because he will do “whatever it takes to protect atlas… no matter the cost” and APPARENTLY a justifiable cost is the DEATH OF INNOCENT PEOPLE
- oh hey new theme cool
- casey you’re the best
- ya shit’s gonna dissolve around you ironwood just wait
- joanna you are amazing i will die for you she said “i can do this better than you newsboy”
- uh oh Special grimm is watching them
- oooo his lil shield grenade that’s so cool!!
- “i really don’t need your extra commentary right now” me at my friend while watching this
- oscar you sweet boy. you are part of the team i promise
- “i do not like it when friends fight” me neither penny
- also around now is when i realized that penny doesn’t really use contractions? which is definitely an autistic-coded thing. i have a whole thing about penny being autistic-coded
- heheh yoink
- jaune you’re so clumsy i love you
- OKAY SO the special grimm freaked me out so goddamn much the first time and it was because of several things building up
- #1: grimm do not run away. several grimm just ran away
- #2: it changed. grimm don’t change
- #3: it was smart. it knew to use oscar as a shield to protect itself. and as jaune says, “grimm aren’t that smart!”
- and number fuckin four: it talked. that shit rattled me to my core more than ANY other piece of media has in my memory. i’m getting goosebumps right now, again, because of how effective this sequence is. not only is it supremely unsettling, it’s very well done
- truly this talking person grimm is one of the best things about this show cause it’s an example of how the show breaks it’s own rules but in really effective and interesting ways and i looooove it
- quick note it broke his aura in two hits and sure he’d taken some hits before that probably but fuckin still
- and the wings beating echoing aaaahhhh FUCK i love this shooowwww
- the line “maybe the end we tried to avoid is already here” from the theme is so uuughhh it’s so gooooood
- this plan is so fun i love a stealth mission
- hahahaa nora pressing all the buttons marry me
- blake going “did penny figure out more about your semblance before you did” and then ruby going “yeah of course she’s smart and im a dummy” amazing 10/10
- isn’t it just so fun when your dad pilots your body for a few minutes
- you always need a quick break for teen drama folks
- oooof that’s quite a heavy thing to realize nora
- uh ohhhh the ace ops are back and team rwby isn’t together for this one
- penny said not my girlfriend
- these fucking COWARDS separated penny to take her out more easily but they didn’t account for NORA “BE STRONG AND HITS STUFF” VALKYRIE DID THEY??? no they fuckin didn’t
- penny said i’m gonna be on theme and make it haaaiill babey
- listen marrow’s semblance is very annoying when they’re fighting him but damn is it a good one
- noraaaa my love you’re so strong and brave and wonderful. that was pretty awesome and it also for sure fucked you up. those scars are gonna be cool tho
- harriet breaking the string on one of penny’s swords has so much symbolism
- *pats the screencap* you can fit so much symbolism in this bad boy
- huuuuggggsss i love nuts & dolts
- awww robyn you’re funny. you absolutely did win
- “i thought for once i could be around somebody without my semblance making it complicated” yeah :(
- he’s mourning the loss of the potential for a real friendship
- it wasn’t childish!! aww qrow this poor man needs friends that aren’t his nieces and their friends. i’m so glad robyn is there and is nice and befriends him
- fuck yeah robyn taunt this bitch
- my friend saw a post that talks about the cinnamon tography of this shot, with them divided by the one big line in the middle. watts is already waaaayy off to the side and harriet’s walking towards that side. robyn’s way on the other side and qrow’s on that side too, but marrow, he’s on robyn & qrow’s side, just barely, and he’s facing them
- hmmm food for thought
- go get your boy!!!
- uh oh swinging ren off a line behind the flying dude is a recipe for danger friends
- ouch ouch ouch ouch
- it sure did call for backup yang
- oh ren you’re so out of your depth and i know you’re scared it’s okay to be scared
- yang he’s scared you’re gonna push him away if you say that stuff
- oh god he’s here he’s with salem oh boy
- eurgh she gave the hound scritches
- fuck his screaming
- fuck yooouuuuu salem fuck youu
- jesus christ i forgot about this hazel fucking TORTURES A CHILD WHAT THE FUCK
- how do you feel about that morally hazel?
- saaaalemmm you’re losing your control on cinder
- every time cinder says “without you i am nothing” she believes it less and less
- heheh evil mary poppins?
- emerald my baby i love you i can’t wait til you get good friends and stop relying so much on cinder
- god these kids are so emo
- watch out y’all the grimm juice is a river now
- you know if cinder had listened to salem it would’ve been much easier for penny & the gang to get amity up
- fuck yeah maria!!! grandma powers activated!!
- uh oh neo that’s the grimm reaper
- penny you are simply the best
- this is the most i’ve ever seen neo get hit
- heheh emerald’s semblance doesn’t affect heat sensing penny can see her
- emerald i know it’s trauma that you’re relying on her but you deserve so much better
- fuuuck pietro loves her so goddamn much he just wants her to live and she does but he has to keep watching her risk her life for it and it’s heartbreaking i’m gonna crryyyy
- penny you’re so strong!!!
- aahhhh the broadcast oh fuck
- awww adrian bb so cute he’s like “oh hey i know her”
- awww ruby’s lil face watching her own broadcast
- she’s just so hopeful and earnest and eager and that is so incredibly valuable and powerful and i’m emotionaaaalll
- awwww penny my babyyy
- awww taaiii oh god that’s the only time he’s seen either of his kids in months jesus he just wanted to see herrr
- “dad!!” oh fuck “please baby say something” fuuucck “…i love you” oh nooooo i’m gonna cryyy
- you really thought you could trust this man ironwood? you really thought you could get him to do exclusively what you wanted and not do some fuckery??
- ya babeeyyy its the river grimm
- oh fuck it’s the Backstory
- such a cute kid
- she just wants to eat :(
- guess what kids that’s called Abuse
- jesus the shock caller is so fucking brutal
- “without you i am nothing” sounds familiar huh
- “not getting the most fair treatment” is the UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY
- she’s just a baby :(
- also shoutout to cinder’s voice actress for nailing this
- for YEARS rhodes watched cinder get abused in so many different ways. for YEARS he kept seeing her after getting shocked or starved and kept LEAVING HER THERE, WITH HER ABUSERS. for YEARS she got a couple hours every once in a while of respite, of a glimpse of freedom. and FOR FUCKING YEARS she had to watch him get to leave. i do not understand how, in anyone’s mind, leaving someone with their abusers is the right call. and then, after she stood up to them, finally got a chance to actually fight back, he turns his back on her. he decides that the right call is to kill a child that just defended herself against her abusers. this backstory makes me so mad and so sad at the same time. cinder should’ve gotten so much fucking better than this
- “i won’t have to run now” jesus. fucking christ. this child. she won’t have to run anymore. she won’t have to suffer anymore. she’s fucking free. and then the only adult in her life she’s ever trusted fucking betrays her
- go die rhodes
- mercury just shut up
- yeah cinder!!! you’re losing your manipulation too!!
- oscar you’re so smaaaarttt
- cinder was this close to realizing what salem was doing, she was so fucking close/to seeing the repetition, to understanding that salem has the same role in her life that her “stepmother” did and then salem said oopsie i’ve been slacking on the manipulation front better get that going again
- uh oh grimm juice is eating through the atlas shields!!! uh ohhhhh uh ohhhhhhhh
- here we go babey!!! it’s the big time!! shit’s ramping up!! better get ready
- y’all can gather your military all you want, there’s wave after wave of grimm comin for ya
- grimm are such a non threat in atlas that there are zero precautions. no alarms, no shelters. nothin
- he’s sending them into a suuuiiiciiiideee mission :)))))))) what a goooooood boss what a good good boss
- emerald is not on board with this shit. she just wanted to do some fun crime with her mommy girlfriend. she did not sign up for big bad lady with grimm controlling powers and torturing children and ending the world and having serial killers as coworkers. hostile work environment. no thank you. salem inc (& associates?) is gonna get some negative feedback on linkedin. would not recommend
- emerald said gotta get the kid first. and she’s right
- norraaaaaa you’re good for being a friend!!
- even in the middle of a world ending battle you gotta have a hot cocoa break
- maaayyyy i love you so much you stand your fuckin ground against assholes!!
- oscar my boy hope is so powerful
- mercury might be doubting too now uh oh
- reeeennn my boy fuck yeah he’s your fuckin friend who cares if it’s dangerous you care about him
- caring about people does not equal naive, harriet
- oh yeah tortuga… god that makes harriet’s whole deal so much sadder. her partner died. she lost her partner to the ace ops, to ironwood. if she doesn’t believe in them anymore then tortuga died in vain
- NO ONE IS REPLACECABLE RENNN I LOVE YOUUUU you’re learning so much look at you developing your semblance!!!
- god i love the way his semblance evolved it’s so good and perfect for not only what his whole deal already is but also his arc, like him coming to terms with his feelings and his care for people GOD i love this show
- “i outrank you” GET HER WINTER
- i’m so curious about what all the colors meeeaann. i mean we know some of it but i wanna know the details and nuances and how ren can tell how they’re feeling about certain things
- oh god winter you need a therapist that’s a lot of colors
- KLEIN DAD!!!! i love him 
- whitleeeyyyyyy my boyyyy
- aahhhh healing is happening i’m so happpyyy
- klein you’re such a good doctor
- everything is so bad
- hiiiii willooowww
- whitley!! you’re helping!! you’re coming up with ideas! you’re letting yourself care about people!! i’m so proud of you!!!
- oh shit the hound’s coming back isn’t it
- at the beginning of this episode my friend went “ready for more horror” and i said “AGAIN?!?”
- hey guess what i love my girls. i love how much they love each other and respect each other and caaaarrreee
- good lord blake’s ears going down and her eyes going wide is terrifying on its own and then the fucking silhouette no THANK you
- it’s not just a grimm blake
- eurgh i hate when it talks
- oh willow you poor thing
- aaaaggghh penny’s eyeeeesss i hate this
- eurgh the big ol worm dude
- nooorrrraaaa you’re gonna make me cry i love you sooo much you’re so wonderful
- aaagghh i hate the way the hound moooves
- oh willow you can do this i believe in you
- ohhhh FUCK NO it can open DOORS that’s a BIG OL NO FROM ME
- whitley you’re gonna be okay your sister’s gonna keep you safe
- aaaaahhhh i HATE WHEN IT TALKS
- give us the willow backstory cowards
- aaahhh the shoulder touch i love when a family heals together
- okay blake she doesn’t need to hear that people need her that’s a lot of pressure that she doesn’t need when she’s already got a lot on her
- it grows extra shiiittt this thing should not exiiiist
- god the implications
- did summer die because salem tried to do the same experiment on her but failed? does the experiment require someone with silver eyes or does that just make it easier? is it a natural progression for someone with silver eyes or do they just have a special thing that allows experiments like this to succeed? so many questions!! truly one of the most horrifying things in this show!! aahh!!!
- have i mentioned i love willow and whitley
- hehe cinder can just fireman carry watts
- we love character development in the form of evolving superpowers!!
- “… okay! that’s new” i love that this amazing thing is happening with ren’s semblance evolving and yang’s just gotta take it in stride
- ya know… oz has made a lot of mistakes. but he’s very good at being supportive and he’s pretty emotionally intelligent, it seems like
- oh yeah put CHILDREN on the FRONT LINES of a WAR that’s a GREAT IDEA
- oh hazel. if only you’d realized sooner than children shouldn’t be involved in this shit and getting them far away was what you should’ve done fucking ages ago
- uuuhhh ooohhhh someone was watchingggg
- ive seen this ad so many times that i’m starting to regret getting vaccinated. is there anyone who can unvaccinate me please. maybe get some leeches
- oh shit ren coming in with that emotional intelligence and insight!!
- knowing that he’s actually oscar is so fun cause once you know it’s obvious
- also emerald’s so powerful!! her semblance can fool salem!!
- oh marroooowwww
- winter…. ugh cmon man please
- oh fuck here we goooooo
- eurgh god her body just exploding and then reforming i hate iiiiit
- i love all the memes of salem holding emerald and yang by the wrists like that. when you and your sibling are fighting at the grocery store and mom has to separate you
- hazel pulling out all the stops for these kids… man people sacrificing themselves in order to save other people or give them more time or whatever always fuckin gets me, especially if the person sacrificing themselves has recently had a change of heart or character growth or something
- oh yeah the fuckin explosion!! everyone everywhere just fuckin freezes
- good job oscar my boy
- awww marrow he’s so worried about those fuckin kids
- you know watts, you’re real brave for shit talking her while she’s got you dangled over the side of a building
- it worked though. he’s smart
- hahaaa he said “phew”
- “we can’t let all our actions stem from fear” someone’s leaaaarning
- let’s threaten the lives of children to get what we want. greeeeaaat idea
- tantrum time!!!
- this pisses me off so fucking muuuuchh!! these kids found a way to save people!!! to save lives!! and what does ironwood do? HE STOPS THEM FROM SAVING LIVES. IN WHAT WORLD IN WHAT FUCKING WORLD IS THAT GOOD????
- aawww reunion
- oh come on don’t do a forehead touch you gay people
- uh oh dramatic lighting talk about Full Villain
- hey ironwood
- hey buddy
- you are evil my guy
- pure evil
- threatening the lives of how many people just to get your way
- there is no justification for that. none.
- “push the kids to see reason” yeah okay vine that’s a great line of logic there
- nice move winter i’m so proud of you
- heheheee jaune finally realizing he’s a third wheel
- aawwww this is so cute!!! god i love ren and noraaa. fuck dude. fuck. so mature. so open and honest and communicative and respectful
- AHHH he booped her i can’t i can’t
- aaaahhhh fuckin nuts & dolts man they have my heart
- heheh “i’m just gonna be super pissed if you all decide to give up the moment i switch sides” emerald i love you
- oooo here we go with another genius ruby idea
- winter you are so smart for keeping yourself on ironwood’s side until the exact right moment
- ooohhooohooooo emerald what a line and the KICK oh fuck yeah and fuckin took his weapon aahhhh i love herrrr
- i think this was about when i was like this is going too well for them. they’re figuring too many things out. they’re coming up with too many solutions. no way this lasts. like i was happy that it was going well but i was also so fucking anxious cause i knew it was going too well and i fucking knew shit was gonna go sideways
- winter betrayed you you bitch!!!!
- dude they broke his aura SO FUCKING FAST i love these people
- oooooo here we gooooo
- AHHH “do hugs always make you feel this warm inside?” “yes” “wooooooww” pennyyyyy i would fucking die for you
- except “one way ticket to vacuo” is such a heartbreaking line now
- do not fall so dark dude
- second to last episode babeeyyy heh heh i’m tooootally ready this is where it aaall goes to shit yaaayy
- fiooonnaaa you’re so cute
- gooooddd they can’t go back!! it fuckin hurts knowing that!!
- there she is. gotta fuckin ruin everything
- someone’s learned from the salem school of manipulation
- jinn doesn’t wanna tell cinder :( she likes ruby!
- hahaaaa bitch emerald switched sides that’s right you asshole
- jesus the smash cut in the control room. screaming starting to the room on fire and full of dead people
- listen. i hate ironwood. but i’m so glad he killed jacque
- jesus christ
- god blake is already running
- they slow this down but oh my god it happens so fast
- it just fuckin missed her FUUUUCKKK
- fuck that scream
- weiss is having to pull blake back from the side because she’s trying to go over with yang i’m gonna cry i’m gonna fucking lose it
- ooo weiss is skating that’s fun
- god this is so fucking bad jesus fucking christ
- oh harriet. look around you. principle? loyalty? what does any of that matter right now?
- winter you’re fucking incredible!!!!
- last episode :))))) yay :))))))
- come on winter get his ass
- “i want it all” sharpay???
- and yang is in the fuckin voiiiiddd god i’m so sad
- “because you’re our friend!!” fuck dude why do you have to do this to me
- i knew it was gonna be bad when i first watched this. i knew it was all too good to be true. and all my friend said was “just watch”
- it breaks my heart that when they all finally admit to themselves and each other that they care about each other, clover’s already dead and vine decides to sacrifice himself. like if they’d admitted it sooner their growth would’ve happened sooner. and i get that that’s the point but. fuckin heartbreaking
- “i can, if it means saving all my friends” i’m crying
- harriet’s scream fucking christ
- vine is so good man look at what he did
- there go ruby and blake!!!!! i’m in hell!!!
- there’s so many if onlys. if only weiss hadn’t said “one way” they all could’ve gone back through and fought cinder and neo and team rwby and jaune would potentially not have fallen and penny would’ve known to go help with the storm. if only neo had realized that cinder was never on her side then she would’ve kept the lamp and cinder wouldn’t have discovered team rwby’s plan. if only man
- oh goood i forgot weiss got blake’s weapon FUCK
- cinder what the fuck my dude. your arm does all that weird shit because salem’s back and you’re like yeah following her is a good move for me. fuckin dark mark death eater coward
- penny has flesh now. she can bleed
- oh fuck. no. not this. i can’t fucking do this
- the first real choice penny gets to make for herself is still very much a forced choice. like she has to in order to help her friends
- oh god. oh fuck.
- when people kept fighting with broken auras man. kills me
- god his scream
- her lil feet rocking shes so wholesome
- “salutations!!!” i’m fucking crying
- “oh penny” me too winter. me too
- and jaune is fucking crying. and cinder broke his sword. specifically she broke off the part with most of penny’s blood on it. and that’s some kind of symbolism or something but i have no idea what
- there goes weissssss!! all of team rwby is gone!!! hahaha. hahaha. hahaha.
- and now jaune. i still don’t understand why winter didn’t grab him and fly with him. maybe she just didn’t think about it? idk but i’m sad :)
- kill watts harder machine babey
- listen. i know that watts isn’t strong and he’s trapped in a room with a lot of fire. and i know that the likelihood of ironwood surviving atlas crashing into the crater is very low. but i have watched too much media to trust that shit. if we don’t see a body we don’t know for sure that they’re dead and even then there’s still a possibility they come back so. i’m suspicious
- and qrow’s fuckin face when he’s not hearing from ruby or yang fuck dude
- hey at least they’ll all be together in the void! :))))))
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
AU where Yata is a demon Fushimi summons out of desperation. Yata is a nice demon though and wants to help Fushimi live happily and starts masquerading as a human so they could go to school together and maybe convince Fushimi to enjoy the outside, too. Yata soon starts to enjoy the human life and even made friends whose company he enjoys. Fushimi gets jealous but realizes that maybe Yata only hangs out with him due to contract but these people are the ones he actually likes without one needed.
I'm just imagining Yata gets summoned and he's all 'I am a great and powerful demon, summoned here to make you my slave human' only to see that he's been summoned by this skinny unhealthy nerd and it turns into him doing all this cooking and cleaning and taking care of his master because seriously this guy can't do anything on his own. Like imagine Fushimi's mostly living alone in his big empty house, leaving only to go to school where he doesn't talk to anyone and skips out on half his classes. One day he's hiding in the library playing on his PDA when a book falls into his school bag without him noticing. Later when he gets home he pulls it out and looks at it idly, it's some kind of 'Demon Summoning for Dummies' type book and it looks really stupid. The house is really quiet though and Fushimi's been eating junk food for the past week because he didn't feel like cooking and 'that woman' never comes home (and Niki is dead by now, thankfully). Fushimi looks at one of the pages and is like this is so stupid, copying the picture of a pentagram that's on the page onto a piece of notebook paper as he recites the summoning spell in this bored deadpan voice.
Suddenly all the lights turn off and a circle of fire appears in front of him, Fushimi just stares flatly as the great demon Yatagarasu appears, demanding to know which foolish mortal has summoned him here. Fushimi gives this small snort and is like 'what, they didn't have any full-sized demons around?'. Yata's immediately like don't mock me asshole I'm a real demon you know, Fushimi gives this smirk and holds up the book all yeah and I summoned you so it looks like you're bound to me by our contract. This mark has appeared on Fushimi's wrist and when Yata looks down the same mark is on his, he's like great why the hell did I get summoned by this jerk. Fushimi's actually pretty amused, like who knew this would work after all. He decides for his first order as Yata's master he wants Yata to go buy him some Caloriemate, he's hungry but he doesn't feel like eating. Yata's immediately like okay so one you summoned a demon to run errands for you what the fuck and two that's not even real food look at you you're so skinny you need some real food.
So at first the two of them are at odds a little, Fushimi thinks it's funny to just order Yata around and Yata thinks Fushimi's a real jerk. But then Yata notices that Fushimi's kinda young for a human right and shouldn't his parents be home, Fushimi just snorts and is all 'parents. Right.' Yata quickly finds himself becoming more interested in this human than he ever thought, like Fushimi's super smart and he really picked up this demon thing quick but then Fushimi's also totally unable to take care of himself and seems to have no one who's there to take care of him. Yata's initial thought is that as Fushimi's demon it should be his job to take care of Fushimi but then he starts to realize that he wants to do it, because someone needs to.
Eventually Yata takes on like a human form so he can come to school with Fushimi too, he thinks it's kinda cool to like get to learn human things and also to hang out with Saruhiko more. But then one day say Fushimi's sick and Yata goes to school just to get his assignments and that's when he runs into the school delinquent Mikoto. Yata thinks Mikoto's super cool, he's almost like a demon himself, and after this he starts hanging out more with Mikoto and his group. Yata always drags Fushimi along because he thinks this will be good for Saruhiko right, to make friends, while Fushimi begins to think that Yata's only spending time with him because the contract forces him to. One day Fushimi finds this book in Yata's stuff, with notes scribbled on it about 'ways a demon can become human' and he gets upset, assuming Yata wants to break the contract. He decides he'll just break it himself then, preparing to burn off the symbol on his arm and telling himself that he doesn't care if Yata gets sent back to wherever he came from because it's not like Yata even wanted to be here in the first place. Yata feels the contract breaking though and he like teleports right to Fushimi's side, pulling his arm away so Fushimi can't hurt himself more. Fushimi yells at him to go away and Yata calls him an idiot, he's not trying to become human so he can break the contract he wants to be human so he can stay by Fushimi's side.
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gojology · 4 years
Teddybears and Shitty Cards.
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back to homepage pairing : yuuji x gender neutral reader warnings : minor cursing, fluff wordcount : 1529 a/n : i hope i did u yuuji stans justice .. probably not but this is rlly good for my characterization :) also i thought that gojo wasn’t as well loved as megumi/yuuji/nanami etc but holy shit i thought wrong. my megumi and nanami fics got little to no attraction, or maybe i write them horribly, idk. is gojo satoru the best husbando in jjk? (the answer is yes.) also uh.. i didnt proof read this ████████████████  100% Complete. Enjoy your game.
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     “Itadori!” you yell, panting, cupping your hands together around your mouth to amplify your voice. He had asked you prior to meet with you for Valentines in this particular park, most likely because it was Valentines day.        You had to admit, his selection in nice places was clearly defined. The views from the hill you and him sat upon was spectacular, you could see the city in it’s whole. This was amplified with the setting of the sun, a hazy beautiful orangey-yellow gradient was all the eye could see from up here.       It was definitely worth the walk up the steep hill, and you took a much needed seat and breather on the painted wooden bench, pulling out your water bottle you take a long swig, wiping the sweat off your brow as you did so.       You took a quick sneak peek at Yuuji, who was humming a tune, earbuds in. Shielding your eyes with your hand, you leaned closer into his shoulder. His thumbs were fumbling with something, which you now realized was a Nintendo Switch.       “Watcha playing?” you ask, breathing in his scent. Remnants of candy and baked goods filled your nose.        Yuuji didn’t say anything back, instead continuing to hum and mumble a few lyrics, lost in his own world.       It was only until you impatiently tapped at his broad shoulders to pay attention to you. He jolted up, looking left and right before finally realizing you were sitting next to him. Taking a deep breath in, he cheerfully smiled before taking one of his earbuds out.       “Hey! You came early~ are you excited to see me?” he questioned, setting his Nintendo Switch into his backpack before picking up what seemed to be a bag right next to him.      “Of course! Why wouldn’t I be, baby?” you reply back, grinning, deciding to pay no mind towards this bag. Yuuji was quite popular, especially revolving sports or something along the lines of that. Many famous coaches had said that he possessed super-human strength, and he had been showered in contracts with sport teams not long after those few words.       In return, this caused Yuuji to be insanely busy with many interviews and pelted with multiple adult-y stuff to do, which had hurt you exceptionally. It greatly hindered the relationship between you two. Weekly visits turned into monthly, and you couldn’t bare to see him drown in all his work. He was a busy guy, but yet always so carefree, and you didn’t want that carefree childish aspect of him to disappear. After all, that was something you loved about Yuuji.       He looked up at you with a reassuring beam, and you felt yourself melt under those warm eyes. “Aww, that makes me happy, (Y/N). Scratch that, you make me happy!” facing you, he gave you a quick peck on your cheek. Your heart bursts, it had been too long since you felt that specific thing, and you give him a gentle kiss back, running a hand through his fluffy hair.       “I missed you. It’s been too long since I’ve talked to you, lovebug. Schedule is jampacked. But I met some nice friends along the way, and my coach is super nice!” he rambled on, fumbling with the handles of this mysterious bag.       “Oh? How so?” trying to make conversation, you want to appear as interested as he talked about his coach, but you were focused on his outfit and how he looked in general.        He had gotten way more stronger, you noted. He was much more scrawnier when you two first started dating, and you wondered how his cuddles might feel like. Something that didn’t change though, was his horrible fashion sense. Wearing a turquoise t-shirt with a lemon yellow jacket over it, you almost winced. Yuuji dressed like a 6th grader who had their mom pick out clothes for them.        “...And he annoys the absolute shit out of his co-worker, Utahime. It’s funny! I also met this guy named Nanami and I have no idea how my coach and Nanami are friends. Nanami always looks like he’s on the verge of murdering him whenever he opens his mouth to speak! Oh and also me and my coach made Valentine cards together and I worked really hard on it and I just know you’ll like it! Also-”       “Alright, alright. That’s a mouthful.” you sang sarcastically, Yuuji awkwardly laughed and rubbed his hand against the back of his neck, looking at you like you had caught him stealing a cookie out of a jar at 12 AM.       “Sorry. I get carried away a lot.” he says, peering into the bottomless pit inside the bag. You couldn’t quite see what was inside of it.       “No, no. I think it’s cute, Yuuji-san! I didn’t forget how you acted in the span of 1 month, why would I be dating you if I thought you were annoying?” hoping this’ll knock some sense into him, you closely examine his body language for any changes, hoping that went through his mind.       You had to make sure, the guy was dumb when it came to social cues.       “Ohh, really?” he looked up, pointer finger on his chin, a confused expression covering his features. “I didn’t know, I’ll act more annoying for you then!”       Smacking your forehead, you studied your shoes, too giggly to look at him eye-to-eye. “That’s not what I meant, idiot.”       “...What did you mean then?” Yuuji quizzed, tilting his head to the side. You really couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, you’d think that all sport players would be brutes and be masculine and perhaps... Not stupid? But here you were.       “No bother.” waving your hand as a dismissal of the conversation, you instead lean towards the bag he was holding, fluttering your eyelashes. “What’s this?”       “It’s a surprise~” he responded, obviously giddy. You felt yourself soften once more, how could someone be so cute just answering a question?        “Hey, come on!” tugging on his arm, you try to yank the bag away, curiosity killing you. His grasp was firm, and he laughed as you did so, it felt good to hear him laugh like that again.         “Okay, okay! Fine. Here, go at it.” handing you the bag, you practically ripped the handles off, ecstatic to see what could possibly be waiting to be discovered.          Inside was an incredibly large teddy bear, soft. The color was almost exactly the same shade of Yuuji’s, and you squeal, hugging the plush.          “Awww! This is so cute! I woulda never believed you’re smart enough to get a good gift for me!” you joked, he caught the sarcasm this time, giving you a confident grin. He liked the compliments.          “It’s supposed to be me.” placing a hand onto his chest dramatically. “I don’t know if you realized though.”          Scoffing, you put the teddybear to the side. “Of course I’d realize! I’m not dumb, Yuuji-san!”          “Why not? We could be dumb together! Also, there’s something extra at the very bottom that I think you’d like.”          Blinking, you realized that you had completely forgotten about the bag between your legs. Looking back down and rummaging for what possibly could be there, you pull out a card.          On the front, there’s a tacky lopsided heart, made with glitter glue. It seems there are also many failed attempts of starting this large heart at the sides of it. At the top, there’s a large, “Happy Valentines Day!” in red marker that was also uneven. Underneath the heart? A stick figure drawing of you and Yuuji, which was also... Pretty horrible.         Stifling a giggle, you open the card, eyes scanning the left for anything, you turn to face the right as soon as you deem it clear. That’s where the writing is.         Dear Y/N,          I love you very much and I know I do not spend that much time with you anymore but you still make me very happy. My coach was very nice and gave me Valentines day off because he felt bad.      I had to run to the nearest drugstore to get you this teddybear, but me and Mr. Coach decorated this together! He says he’s a very good drawer and I agree. I think the drawing is very detailed. He also helped me with the heart (we picked out the color together) and we had a lot of fun decorating. He says my handwriting looks really bad (is that true?) can you please help me fix it later? :(                                                                           With a lot of love,                                                                              Your Boyfriend and Gojo Satoru (his cool coach that helped him write this, thank me later. I have no idea how you handle this guy, but God is he such an amazing kid.)      Looking back up from the card, you look at Yuuji, who is looking at you back, squeamish. Without another thought, you kiss him, soft and light ones on his forehead, his cheeks, his lips, everywhere on his face. When you finally pull away, both of you are staring at each other fondly.        “Yes, I’ll help you fix your handwriting, dummy.”         Yuuji gave you a toothy smile that he only saved for the special ones in his life.
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