#they are. important to me. ares and my son.
bluebellhairpin · 29 days
I read the series in middle-school. 14 year old me was a percy girl. 22 year old me is an ares girl and i'm making it everyone's problem. so anyway here's a ares x reader drabble i had to get out of my drafts - enjoy <3 (post-battle of manhatten. reader is the mother of an ares kid)
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Ares finds you in an alleyway. 
Manhattan is eerily quiet. Dust has settled, smoke clearing. The mortals all still sleep soundly, and the remnants of the last monsters are fading. 
It wasn’t like he was looking for you specifically, but a part of his search was for you. Aside from his daughter, you were the only other one who fought this war hard enough to catch his attention from so far away - of course he’d like to see if that ended with you dead or not. 
When his eyes caught sight of a red plumed helmet lying on the ground, the surroundings stopped becoming a blur. He wondered how he’d noticed it before he noticed you. 
You sat with you back against the brick wall, armored chest still heaving with an arm resting on your bare knee. Ares saw blood, red and gold alike, drip from your chin to the leather of your pteruges, and his jaw clenched. He strode over, nudging your foot with his. When all he got as a response was your chest rising in another deep breath as you thickly swallowed, he knelt down to your level. 
“Hey,” Ares said, curling his finger under your chin so your black stare left the wall and focused on him, “You’re okay.” He said it more of a statement than a question. Although his soft spot for you was softer than most, he still wasn’t quite there. Not yet. 
“Where is he?” You replied. Your voice was quiet, but he didn’t miss the fluorescent red of his blessing that flashed across your eyes. A rage still simmered beneath your surface, and it made him want to kiss you senseless. 
His hand pushed your matted hair back from your face, and his head shook. Your jaw clenched, and your hand reached for his wrist with a grip that - now, with his blessing had become a curse - was strong enough to make him wince internally. 
“Ares. Where is our son?” 
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tvgals · 1 year
the spider teen group w a black barbie reader !!
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he was stunned that he pulled you to say the least
imagine when he took you home..
you and miles stand outside of his parents apartment. “and make sure you don’t call them by their first names, they hate that!” miles tells you, biting his bottom lip when he sees you knocking on the door. “i know, miles. i’m not disrespectful!” you giggle, hearing the door unlock. you’re met face to face with a brown skinned woman with her curly hair braided, laying on her shoulder. her face seems to light up when she sees the two of you. “miles!” she beams, engulfing him in a hug, when she pulls away and turns to you, she brings her hands to her chest and smiles. “and you must be y/n! miles talks so much about you!” she says, you smile and look at miles, his face flushed with embarrassment. “these are for you, mrs morales!” you grin, handing her the bouquet of azaleas. “for me? thank you so much!” she thanks you, softly grasping the stems and welcoming you two in. you see miles’ dad sitting at the table, scrolling though his phone. “dad!” miles blurts out, waiting to get his attention. once he looks up, his eyes go wide. “who’s that?” jeff asks, looking around the room just in case this was some prank.
“dad, this is my girlfriend y/n.” miles sheepishly grins, you sending a happy wave his way. jeff stares for a moment. his awkward, teenage son, was able to get a girlfriend like you? no way! “jeff, don’t just stare at the poor girl!” rio laughs. this was gonna be a long night .
he loves it
the opposites attract always gets me !!
hobie watched you as you struggled to put on your favorite pair of pink chunky heels onto your feet, your annoyed groans ringing out the room. “baby!” you yell out into the apartment, hoping your boyfriend would just walk in and put your shoe on for you. you think for a second. you’ve worked multiple engineering jobs as an intern, you’ve studied multiple languages and worked many jobs, and you’re currently letting a shoe disrespect you? hobie walked in and bit back a smile at your determined face.
“love, let me help-“ hobie is cut off with a stern, “no” from you, putting your manicured hand up to stop any movement from him getting closer. “princess, just let me help.” hobie chuckles, crouching onto the floor next to you. “no! i can do it by myself. i am a strong, independent woman!” you sputter out, pushing your foot into the shoe. “bam.” you say, looking at hobie’s smiling face. now onto the next shoe.
he lovessss your style
definitely helps you with makeup
“pavi!” you call out to your boyfriend, who was casually hanging off of a web from the ceiling. “yes?” he calls back to you, flipping onto his feet and walking into the bathroom where you were applying your false lashes. “baby, will you go to the mall with me?” you ask, fanning your hand in front of your eyes to dry the lash glue.
“of course! why would i say no to a pretty girl like you?” pavitr says, walking behind you and resting his chin on your head. “pavi, i need to talk to you.” you say, your tone serious and solid. pavitr gets worried, he’s never heard this tone from you like this, not so..strict and firm. “oh no…what is it?” pavitr mumbles, trailing his hands onto your waist, now moving his head to rest in the crook of your neck.
“it’s very important, like i’m talking end of our relationship if you say the wrong answer, important.” you warn him, pulling lipsticks out of your makeup bag. “now you’re scaring me.” pavitr chuckles. “what is it?” you look at him through the mirror and hold up two lipsticks, “rose red or like a light pink?” you ask, turning to actually face him. “jeez, y/n! you can’t scare me that way!” pavitr giggles, dramatically holding a hand over his heart. “but definitely rose red.”
gwen watches you style the wig on the mannequins head, walking over to take a better look. “what are you doing?” she asks you, watching you shimmy the hair curler from the dark brown wig. “styling my wig for this party tomorrow. wanna help?” you ask, inviting her to sit down in the chair in place of you. gwen sits down and you hand her the curler, placing your hand on top of hers.
“so you gotta put the hair into this little part right here and hold it there for like…eight seconds for looser curls. that’s how i like mine.” you shrug, watching her face contort in concentration. when gwen let’s go, a perfect curl emits from the curler, you smile and give her a hug.
“see? you’re a natural!”
TAGLIST ; — @venusluvslove @kisminarii @xricly @ohsanghoe @conniesbbymama @6olar @cupids-soul @sza-luvrrr @gobblethiskitty @lovedsolana @maniacvell @stellabunniii @theyfwkayla14 @radicaledward55 @bbytamaki @princess-hellokitty @hellomyearthlings @eva7ari @draculara-vonvamp @jared-oranges
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ma1dita · 2 months
do we have any sick!trouble and luke taking care of everything for her??(including her hehe🤭) if not then i’d like to think she would probably try to push herself through the day making sure camp doesn’t get set on fire bc older sister core! + dionysus probably dgaf 🤷🏻‍♀️ and maybe only luke noticing that she’s breaking out in a cold sweat and her movements a little more sluggish than usual but shes stubborn af so she refuses to rest
also ur works are crushing me jo they’re soo good😭💗
luke castellan x dionysus!reader
a/n: no trouble tags fuck it we ball! no edits either lmfao fluff :) can be a standalone just know reader is camp mom and Luke calls her trouble/slight cabin 12 mentions but not important (partners in crime series if you wanna check it out)
wc: 860
Luke doesn’t think he’s ever seen you be quiet.
Your voice is synonymous with the harmony of Camp Half-Blood in all of its forms: early morning announcements over the loudspeaker that serve as a wake-up call for campers to be ready for cabin inspections, hollow outcries to keep certain deviants in line (the Stolls and your brothers are a deadly force to be reckoned with), comforting words like kisses for scraped knees for the little ones, down to the gentle blanket of your singing at lights out. Luke also just knows by now that you love to have the last word—gods forbid someone else beat you at something you’re good at. Words always come easy when it comes to you (abilities of sons of Hermes aside) he finds out—but he can’t think of what can convince you to go back to bed today, especially with a temperature of 100.7 F.
He’s been circling you like a hawk this whole morning, not chastising (because clogged sinuses and all you’d probably fight him to your last breath), but rather helping out where he can. He swiftly double-checks counselor assignments once your puffy eyes leave the page, steers you away from walking straight into the fires of the forge instead of the exit at the armory, and waves off any bystanders who dare to get caught in the crosshairs of your bullheadedness.
In times like these, Luke’s almost grateful to be his father’s son (still a hard no, but you get the point). Doing these tasks undetected and mostly through a sleight of hand is better than worrying you even if he’s already at his wit's end; you’re quick in your own right too, body and brain separated today yet working on autopilot through a foggy sick-riddled mind. He hates leaving you like this even for a moment despite your protests of being able to handle yourself, but the two of you are spread thin today with all the work to do.
Luke finds you later after his workshop with your head against the cool stone of the climbing wall. You sniff into your sleeve, a wet sound stifled by the worn-down orange uniform you all wear, though yours looks as exhausted as you are, eyes closed and motionless even with lava slowly trickling from the top.
“Trouble? Are you okay babe? Grover fell off the wall already, you should… restart the mechanism,” he mutters, a big hand clasping at the nape of your neck like someone grabbing a kitten by its scruff.
“He’ll be fine, he’s a big boy,” you mumble with your face still attached to the rocks. “I’ve seen him climb over the Ares table for the last donut at lunchtime, molten lava and boulders should be a piece of cake.”
“At least cake is less painful and more delicious,” the satyr groans, hairs singed down to his hooves. Luke sighs, helping Grover back onto his feet for a well-deserved break.
“Babe…If you don’t move, sooner or later the lava’s gonna smother you.”
He shakes your arm since the controls are wedged between your body and the wall but it’s as if your body is bolted to the floor. A dissonant noise crawls out of your throat, “Dunno, kinda sounds nice. Maybe it’ll clear my sinuses.”
“Maybe it’s time to admit you’re sick.”
Even if he can’t see your face he knows there’s a scowl carved across it, “M’not sick. Just some allergies. I don’t get sick, Lu. Being sick is for the weak!” Lava continues to slide down the wall like molasses, inching you closer to a fate of fire— and your boyfriend watches you try to welcome it with weary arms.
“If you’re not sick, then I’m the best singer at Camp Half-Blood,” Luke drones as he crosses his arms. He can hear Percy laugh from the sidelines at that, silenced quickly by a glare.
“Now that would really clear her sinuses—even better if he dresses up for Theatrics again,” the son of Poseidon sniggers until a stray boulder comes barrelling towards where he and Grover are sitting. Everything’s suddenly less funny.
“It was one time, Jackson, and I wasn’t…” Luke sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Trouble was just mending a costume.”
“It’s okay Luke, not everyone can pull off a corset.”
“Grover, another word out of you man and I’ll make sure your legs are permanently hairless,” Luke grits, finally tired of the chit-chat and more focused on getting you to rest. In one quick movement, he sweeps you off your feet and over his shoulder while his other hand slams on the button to reset the gears of the climbing wall. A delayed reaction falters from your throat, something of a yelp and an exhale.
“Luke! Put me down!”
But he’s already off in the direction of Cabin 12 to get you settled under the covers for at least the rest of the day until you’re up and kicking again. Your protests are scratchy but loud as he takes you away from the two kids and it's as if everything is right in the world again.
“Remind me not to get a girlfriend that stubborn one day,” Percy mumbles, bumping shoulders with his best friend.
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tonyboneysblog · 1 month
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
word count: 3.2k
warnings: none!
notes: “die Ryuji” we all say in unison while holding hands. (Thought it would be appropriate to post this on Mother’s Day…)
summary: You, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro.
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It had only been a few days since the villains attacked U.A. high, your son Fumikage said he had something important to tell you.
“Don’t get mad, okay?” Tokoyami says while twirling his fingers together.
“Just tell me Fumikage” you reply with annoyance. you hated it when Fumikage dragged things out, felt like he was about to tell you a family member died but really all he did was accidentally break a plate.
you don’t know why he became like that, he used to just clean it up and go on with his day.
“U.A. is going to have their sports festival, and I was wondering-“
“Already? Didn’t they just get attacked by villains.” You say with a disapproving tone, seriously what was U.A. doing…
“They wanted to prove that this attacked hasn’t affected us.”
“I doubt that’s going to go well.”
showing the villains all of the students skills sets is such an amazing idea U.A.! You thought with sarcasm dripping from it, you didn’t want to say that infront of Fumikage- he likes that school too much.
Fumikage hesitates slightly, “Do you think you be able to see it?”
You sigh. “I’ll have to see my schedule.”
Fumikage looks down in disappointment but tries his best not to show it.
“But hey, I’ll try my absolute best to see my amazing boy win.” You tap his chin, making his eyes face you.
“Promise?” He says quietly.
“Pinkie.” You raise your pinkie finger, Fumikage chuckles and shakes his head.
“You can’t break a pinkie promise, mama.” He interlocks his pinkie with yours.
You smile at him, “Wouldn’t dream of it, Fumi.”
You were glad that Fumikage asked you to watch him at the sports festival, all your friends joke about how he’s just some emo teen who’ll scream at you about how “it’s not a phase!”
you didn’t really care if it wasn’t a phase anyway. You’ll love Fumikage in whatever form he’s in.
Speaking of your friends, they have recently asked you to go clubbing with them on the weekend saying, “you need a break, sweet cheeks.”
You accepted gratefully and as the clubbing day came close Fumikage always came home and told you all about his classmates.
He spoke a lot of one named shoji, you hope with all your heart they become good friends.
When Fumikage was younger his only friend was dark shadow.
you never want to hear him say, “what’s wrong with me, mom?” Just because kids
used to be scared of him and his quirk.
Now it was time to do one of your favorite things ever, but groceries.
You caught Fumikage trying to sneak out of the house and do it himself but you tackled him back into his bed until he gave up.
Grocery shopping was always so calming for you, Fumikage used to come all the time until some old women asked if he was even yours.
sure he had a bird head just like his father but- still super rude!
Putting your groceries into the cart then checking them off your list, you finally made it to your last one.
Chocolate chip Cookie mix.
Fumikage recently said that the cooking hero made one of the best cookies he’s ever eaten and you will never accept that.
Mamas cookies will be better! well when
you can actually grab the box.
The box mix was on one of the highest shelves in the store, you jump once to grab it- you miss.
you jump again, and miss.
Thirds times a charm right? You jump once more and instead of grabbing it you just push it back more.
well you suppose it’s time to start climbing shelves.
But then a calloused hand came to save you, you immediately think it’s hawks- he’s always somewhere near you.
A deeper voice say your name, “Y/n..?”
Not hawks.
You don’t turn around, your too scared to
suddenly your thankful to that old women who accidentally made Fumikage stop coming with you, you wouldn’t want him here-not now.
You turn around.
Hawks off days were usually spent inside relaxing or trying his very best to actually relax.
lazily getting one of bed, the one with your weighted blanket, he makes his way to the Kitchen.
Grabbing the cereal box, he tries his best to pour it into the bowl but nothing goes in.
Well looks like he needs to go the grocery store.
Getting dressed in a simple outfit he makes his way outside then flies off to the store!
hawks always liked his little adventures, he hoped he’d see you on this one but he highly doubts it.
But hey, speak of the devil because you’re right there in the aisle when he walks into the store!
Seems like you’re talking to a man, nice looking, about 6’ foot with dark brown hair.
Hawks has never heard you talk about your friends, mostly about your son- what was his name again?
You look…scared? Which is weird because at first hawks just thought this was an old friend you were talking to but..
why would you look scared?
Hawks sends over a small baby feather to let you know he’s there, you shouldn’t be scared.
he’ll keep you safe.
His feather tickles your back softly, you jump at first but keep your attention towards the man infront of you.
“So, how’s Fumikage?” His deep voice says.
“Fine.” You say quickly.
He sighs, “look y/n, I know we left off on a bad note but I’m better now.”
He says all of these words so soft and kind, but you remember when that same exact voice pinned your son against a wall and screamed at him.
why would Ryuji even care about how Fumikage is doing.
You snap out of that thought, “what.”
“It’s nice to see you again, you look good.”
Ryuji and that sliver tongue of his, always trying to butter you up.
“Thank you, Ryuji, but I have to leave.. Fumi-“
“Could I talk to you a little bit at least.” He raises his voice.
He’s blocking you in, what are you supposed to do?
“Please Ryuji-“
“Everything okay here, sweetheart?” A cheerful voice calls next to you.
It’s hawks, he has a lazy smile on his face you can’t really tell if he’s angry or not also- sweetheart?
“And who are you?” Ryuji asks hawks, who doesn’t know hawks though…
“Well I’m her-…” hawks paisss for a moment, “boyfriend!”
Ryuji chuckles softly, “sure you are..”
You sigh at hawks terrible attempt of pretend.
“Ryuji, that is hawks- he’s...” you look at hawks for a split second, “my boyfriend.”
You can see ss hawks wings flutter for a moment, not a good time for him to be acting all embarrassed.
Ryuji stammers, “Oh, I-..I just wanted to say to you y/n that I’m real-“
you cut him off, “why are you out so early?”
“Hell y/n, you know they don’t really double down on all the ‘domestic abuse’ bullshit.” Ryuji says curtly.
You can see hawks face twist in realization on who this man actually is, you’ve only told him about Ryuji once or twice before.
Ryuji continues, “where’s Fumikage anyway, don’t he always come out with you?”
“He stopped coming out a little while back.”
“Terrible thing really, he’s a good kid.” Ryuji says softly, almost like he’s talking to himself.
“Didn’t think he was a good kid when you were with me.” You say with distain dripping from your mouth.
You don’t really understand why your being like this with Ryuji, maybe hawks is giving you some boost of confidence.
“Don’t get mouthy with me.” Ryuji snaps back.
“Don’t you speak to her like that.” Hawks finally gets himself involved in the small spat.
Ryuji pauses, “Say that again, I dare you.”
You can see Ryujis fists tightening slowly, that’s never a good sigh with him.
“I will make your life miserable bird boy, even when you’re sleeping.”
Hawks steps closer to him, “You wanna go?”
You know Ryuji, he never makes an empty threat.
You grab hawks shoulder, “W-we’re sorry Ryuji.” You stare at the ground, not daring to face him.
“You need to keep his damn squawking to a minimum, y/n.” Ryuji says bitterly.
Hawks looks at you with confusion, you were just talking back to him weren’t you? Where did the confident side of you suddenly disappear to?
You step closer to Ryuji, whispering.
Hawks doesn’t pick up on it, ryuji seems like he’s staring straight through his soul.
You retreat next to hawks, Ryuji scoffs and starts to walk away towards the next aisle.
You let out the breath you were holding, finally relaxing.
“What’d you say to him?” Hawks cocks his head curiously.
“Nothing important.”
“Everything you say is Important to me.” Hawks says softly.
You pause, you won’t tell hawks about Ryujis quirk. You hope that he decides not to use it on him, even after you mouthed off to him.
Ryuji always used his quirk after you fought about something, you would go to bed and he would haunt you in your sleep.
You’d beg for his forgiveness every time, you never stood your ground.
Him hurting Fumikage made you change though.
“I just told him to stay away from Fumikage
That was a lie, hawks accepted it anyways.
Hawks shifts into his more happy go lucky mood, “Are you almost done with shopping?”
“Yea actually, I just needed that cookie mix up there.” You point towards the highest shelf.
Hawks chuckles softly and sends a feather up to get it, “make sure to give me some after you’re done baking.”
“Do you wanna make it with me?” You offer.
Hawks feels his heart skip a beat, you? Asking him to be in your kitchen? Baking sweet treats?
It wasn’t even a question.
“What kind of person would I be if I declined someone in need?” He smiles brightly.
You and hawks proceed to the check out, you’re quite lucky you encountered him at the store because there were almost far too many bags for you to carry.
you walked to the store as well so you couldn’t even put them all into your trunk, thanks for saving the day once again hawks!
He carries way more bags than you do, you’re a little worried he may blow out his back from all the weight but he seems fine.
You notice Ryuji as the two of you walk away, instead of staring at you he stares dead at Hawks.
You try your best to ignore it and continue walking towards your house.
After a couple minutes of walking, Hawks speaks up.
“Your house is just around the corner right?”
“Yep, it’s the white house.”
He snickers, “can’t believe I’ll be meeting the president.”
“Trust me when I say Fumikage is not the president.” You say sternly.
“Could I be your body guard, I heard you were hiring- Mrs President~” he says teasingly.
“You’re more like my stalker and less than some bodyguard.”
Hawks face twists into pure horror, sure he always bumps into you but that doesn’t mean he’s a stalker!
though he wouldn’t mind being your stalker in another universe…
You break through this thoughts with your small fit of giggles, laughing about his ‘silly face’ as you put it.
He was just glad you were looking at him.
Finally the both of you made it to your home, Fumikage left a note by the fridge that said he went to some training thing.
He always worried you, you much rather he called than leaving you some cryptic note- but then again you do the same thing.
Hawks picks up the note, reading it over.
“Hard worker ain’t he?” He chuckles quietly.
You smile, “Yea, just like his father.”
Hawks stiffens slightly, “His father?”
“Mhm, we met at the same hero school actually, he was the top of his class.”
Hawks raises his eyebrows in surprise, “You were training to become a hero?”
“Yea, then I found out I was pregnant with Fumikage so…kinda gave up on that pipe dream. That’s why I became a nurse instead, I still wanted to help people y’know?” You say with a soft smile.
Hawks nods with understanding hum.
He’s quiet for a moment, “And then you met Ryuji?”
“I met him when Fumikage was eleven, Ryuji promised me the world when reality he just gave me a rock.” You laugh at your own bad joke.
You hand hawks a bowl filled with the cookie mix and the milk, even though they’re not completely home made it’s a lot easier and less time consuming.
You speak up, “So, how about your love life?”
Hawks can feel himself choke on his own spit, you? Asking about his love life? His day just keeps getting better.
“Actually I’ve never really dated anyone, always too busy.” He sighs.
You gasp a small, “really?!”
He chuckles at your bewilderment.
“I mean I just thought some with your looks would have one by now!”
Hawks ears go red, even after all that training to control his poker face he still can’t resist blushing at a genuine compliment.
He can hear you chuckle, grabbing his ears and tugging slightly.
You giggle, he loves the sound, “Sorry for making you all bashful.”
One of his wings smacks your arm, you chuckle and shake your head then you bring a pan next to Hawks.
“Your done mixing right?”
He nods and you bump him out of the way, taking the bowl and starting to roll the mixture between your hands.
Hawks admires your handy work with content, he likes hanging around with you.
You spot him staring from the corner of your eye, “Need something, birdie?”
His wings flutter softly, “nothing in particular.”
You finish your work and place the cookies into the oven, Turing around face a relaxed Hawks.
Hawks watched you as you lean against the oven, staring back at him.
Hawks speaks quietly,
“Is Fumikages father in a mental institution?”
Now it was your turn to choke on your own spit, “what?”
“I mean he must be insane for leaving someone like you…”
You laugh, “well aren’t you the charmer?”
“Only for you.”
You pause, is hawks pinning for you or something?
He steps closer towards you, looking away slightly.
You lean more into the oven, “hawks?”
He steps closer, caging you in, “y/n.”
You can feel his breath come in contact with your face, smells minty.
The door suddenly opens, “mother, I’m home!”
It’s Fumikage!
…it’s Fumikage, who will soon walk into you and some man on the brink of canoodling.
You push Hawks off quickly, speedily walking over to where Fumikage is supposed to be.
“Fumi! Did you have fun training?” You open your arms for a hug.
Fumikage accepts it and hums.
You kiss the top of his head then ruffle his feathers, “you smell terrible.”
“Go take a shower, cookies are in the oven.” You say with a smile.
Fumikage nods and starts to walk over to the bathroom, the one that passes the kitchen.
Until a terrifying scream comes from the kitchen, quite high pitched…
“Fumi?!” You call worriedly.
“M-MOTHER THERE IS A MAN IN OUR HOME.” You peek out into the hallway only to see dark shadow out, mostly about to beat the tar out of poor hawks.
You walk over to Fumikage quickly, “hey, hey! He’s just a guest!”
Fumikage retreats towards you, getting a good look at hawks.
He’s quiet, “you…”
Hawks starches the back of his head, “yea it’s me, the number three-“
“You’re the crazy stalker who was on my mother’s balcony!”
Hawks face twists into confusion, “wait what-“
Fumikage whips his head towards you, “Mother you need to call the police immediately!”
You sigh, “Fumi…”
This was the second time hawks had been called a stalker today….
Suddenly a devious plan spawns into your head.
“Fumi, there’s no one there.”
You suddenly wave a hand towards hawks in a ‘get out of here’ motion.
“Fumi, look at me.” You grab his face, forcing him to look at you instead of hawks.
“Mama, are you okay…? Clearly there’s a man in our kitchen-“
Hawks suddenly jumps through the window in your kitchen, you didn’t really expect him to do that but okay…
“See Fumi, no one’s there!” You point into the kitchen as Fumikage whips his head to face the kitchen.
“W-what, he- he was just there!” Fumikage whips his head around wildly.
“How about you go cool off in the shower?” You suggest softly.
Fumikage looks down at his hands baffled, “I-i…okay.”
He walks towards the bathroom, closing the door.
You’re surprised that actually worked…
You walk into the kitchen, taking out the cookies that were just saved from being burnt.
Until a small little paper caught your eye, you pick it up and read it, it says a series of numbers.
“text me?” With a cute smiley face next to it.
now you have obtained hawks personal number.
What an eventful day?
Soon Fumikage returns from the bathroom, dressed in one of your old metal shirts from your high school days.
“Cute shirt.” You say sarcastically.
“Looks better on me.” He says sassily.
You wrap your arm around his neck and frazzle all of his feathers.
Fumikage claims that he hates it when you do that but he never resists it.
Fumikage tossed himself down onto the couch with a loud sigh, “y’know I didn’t fall for your whole kitchen trick.”
“Yea I know, smartie pants.” You toss one of the cookies you made towards Fumikage.
He catches it, “why’re you being so friendly with a pro hero..?”
“We keep meeting, next time you see him apologize for that stalker comment also.”
Fumikage takes a bite from the cookie, “can’t take it back if it’s true.”
He sighs, “alright, I will.”
You pick up Fumikages feet and place them into your lap, Turing on one of those cult classic movies that he loves so much.
“Noticed you got Groceries.” Fumikage says Groggily, tired from training most likely.
“Yea, y’know who I saw there?”
Fumikage perks up, “that crazy old lady?”
“Nope, Ryuji.”
Fumikage stiffens slightly, “did he talk to you?”
“Small bit, no harm done.”
Fumikage relaxes slightly, “I should’ve gone with you.”
“It’s no sweat Fumi, your mama can protect herself you know?”
Fumikage sighs and nods, you notice his eyes flutter softly trying his best not to fall asleep.
He does anyway, you’re glad that Fumikage is getting the rest he needs because you want him to always be his best self.
And if Fumikage can never become his best self then you wouldn’t mind, you’d still love him anyways.
You stand and carry Fumikage to his room, placing him into the bed and tucking him in like he was 6 again.
You kiss him temple, and hope he dreams the best of dreams.
Someone who wasn’t doing that at the moment was Hawks.
He barely dreamed so when he went off to slumber land he didn’t expect something so terrifying to meet him there.
Blood and grim, screams of the people he never saved, it always haunted him in some way but never to this extent.
He wakes up in a cold sweat, your weighted blanket only giving him some comfort.
He was never like this before, they were never this intense.
He didn’t sleep for the rest of the night.
What horrified him most is that you were in it, you were scared.
Why is he dreaming like this..?
@lost-in-horrorland @boopjuice @validveenus @qardasngan @arminsarlerts @star-the-rabid-dog @bunni-teeth81 @lightsgore @portgasdbruh
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onsraas · 4 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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┊luke castellan x daughter of aphrodite!reader — angst-fluff
summary: although the daughter of aphrodite tries, the feeling of love won't come other than from the person who not only seems oblivious, but also lacks the reciprocation of the love she so wildly desires. but, is that right?
warnings: use of y/n, 1st person, like one cuss word, (some poor writing tbh) — not proofread !!
wc: 1.3k
a/n: hello, I'm back with my take on why an "i love you, too." is more important than a bare "i love you." — also, can you notice the big fat crush I have rn through this? lmao.
ps. reblogs helps a whole lot.
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My chest feels empty with the lack of a heart. I can feel it beating in my chest yet somehow the sense of emptiness remains there as I kiss this boy.
I can't remember his name, I don't even remeber if he said it or not, to be honest. But when his hands reach for my waist I try to help myself from gagging. I don't like the feeling of his hands on me.
Not as much as I like Luke's.
He's never touched me romantically, and yet his hand on my thigh trying to calm me down, his shaking hand in mine looking for comfort, his arms wrapped around me, lifting be from the ground after I told him big news, it all comes back to me before I feel a hand tug me backwards, tearing me away from the stranger I'd been kissing, who I now realise is Mark, a son of Ares.
"What is going on in here?" The voice behind me makes me shiver with recognition.
"What does it look like, dude? Leave." Mark says. He attempts to reach for my arm but I snatch it away.
Before either of them can say anything else, I turn to look at the person behind me: Luke. His face is contorted in an angry frown, glaring at Mark as if he'd just killed a kitten.
"What is it, Luke?" I say, my voice sounds annoyed, but although I'm looking at Luke, is not him whom I'm annoyed at. It's me. The fact that I had been imagining Luke kissing me while kissing someone else makes me think I'm stupid enough to not realize the truth: it's never gonna happen.
Luke's gaze softens when he looks at me, but still keeping the look of superiority. "You shouldn't be here. It's dark and you're very deep into the woods." He pauses and looks at me, but whatever he's looking for he doesn't find it. "We should get back."
"Okay," I agree. I think both of them were expecting me to put more of a fight because they look at me in confusion...or anger on Mark's side could be.
I pay Mark's insults no mind as I follow the path that will lead us back to the camp, Luke beside me.
Eventually we stop hearing Mark altogether and Luke finally says something. "Not a good one, huh?"
I shrug. My heart is overwhelmed with the sense of dread and the need to tear it out of my chest becomes more powerful with each step.
Why do I feel like this is my mother is the goddess of love? Why do I feel like this when everyone fights to get the bare minimum from me: a child of Aphrodite?
Could it be because the only person whom I really want looks at me with a shine that lacks of love?
Because every night I go to sleep I think about the stars and how they are my only companion when I see him look at someone else with the look I want all for myself.
I think about the stars whispering in my ear how I'm still dumb enough to not give up on the idea. What they don't realize, though, is that he's the one not letting me go.
He doesn't know my heart is his but still he won't drop it for it to break completely.
"Hey," Luke's hand on my shoulder stops me on my track, making me flinch a little. "What is going on?" His voice makes me want to break down and cry from how soft it is.
He is looking me right in the eye, and I can't help but notice that he's already invading my personal space with his closeness. "Nothing is going on, okay? Can we just...walk in silence?" 
"No, we can't." I don't think he's ever talked to me this serious. "Not until you stop pushing me away." 
I'm dumbfounded. "Wait, what?" My voice sounds weird to my own ears. "What are you talking about? I'm not pushing you away, Luke." 
"Yes, you are, y/n, and you've been for the last year." His eyes reflect nothing but hurt, probably remembering how this last year has gone for both of us. "You think I don't realise? You think I don't realise how you do anything to stay away from me? And my only question is: why?" 
He is closer to me than he's ever been and I can only focus on his intense blue eyes staring back at me. "That is none of your bussiness." I somehow get it out, still my voice sound breathier than normal.
I could get it out now, try to make the damage the least painful as possible, but my selfish heart tells me I can't make it better if a lose him.
"I think it is. Now, either you say it, or I'm going to say it myself." Still, I don't say a word. He leans impossibly closer, and my breath hitches when I feel his hand slightly touching mine, as if waiting for and invitation. 
Fuck it. "You think you know, everything about me, Luke, well you don't. The answer to your question is the only thing you should have noticed and it's yet the only thing you see to have no clue about. The only reason I've been avoiding you, and doing anything to stay away from you is because..." I pause, trying to gather my thoughts. "It is because I love you, Luke. I have loved you from the very moment I met you all those years ago."
Luke looks at me as if a just grew a third head. Yet, somehow, I can for the first time feel my heart. 
"Why were you kissing mark then?" He asks.
I scoff. "None of them matter, I've only ever done it because I wanted to stay away from you, Luke."
"Away from me? Why would you wanna make that?"
Is he serious? "You're just making fun of me at this point." I attempt to leave, but I fail when Luke grabs my arm, keeping me from leaving. 
"I would never make fun of you." His voice is soft as silk. "I truly want to know."
I sigh. "I know you don't feel the same, Luke. That's okay. Just...please, don't become a stranger." 
"I would never." He takes my hand in his, bringing us closer, or noses touching. I could lean a little and our lips would touch, but I won't unless he asks me to. "Can I kiss you now?" 
When people said they felt butterflies I'd never undestood. Sure, I'd felt nervous, yet the feeling of butterflies fluttering in my stomach right now was so strong I wanted to vomit. I decide to nod instead.
His lips are soft in mine. One of my hands is occupied in his, while the other moves to wrap around his neck. 
The kiss is sweet at first, two people showing affection through the art of kissing. But when Luke's tongue gets access inside my mouth I feel like we are both making up for all the times we wanted to do it but couldn't, for all the years of waiting, and for the time we need to catch up.
His hand leaves mine only to get bothe his hands in my waist, tugging me closer to him, closing any possible gap there could be between our bodies. 
His hands are everywhere in my body and when his hands find the bare skin underneath my shirt I break the kiss, searching for his eyes. "Was that too fast?" He asks with pure panic.
I smile and shake my head before I wrap my arms around him, hiding my face in the crook of his neck, while he does the same. 
"I love you, too." He says leaving a soft kiss in my neck. 
And there a realise that the emptiness is long gone.
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Hello sweetcheeks If you don't mind whether I can request Shiva, Hades, Hercules and Tesla with the very beautiful goddess S/O whose beauty even exceeds Aphrodite, S/O is very elegant and friendly to humans on earth. S/O also really loves immortals. You can freely ignore my request, don't forget to take care of your health and always drink water
Again, I only really follow the anime so I'm only writing for Shiva and Hercules but either way, I hope you like it!
Shiva (+ Wives):
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- He loves you and all his wives equally, and while you were recently added into the relationship BUT TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THAT YOU NEVER FEEL LEFT OUT, not when Shiva himself has to keep all four of his arms wrapped around you just because Parvati, Kali, and Durga HAVE BEEN HOGGING YOUR ATTENTION ALL DAY.
- Shiva is so proud to show you off to the other gods, honestly. Making them all jealous and inflating his own ego a bit more.
- He doesn't just show you off, he likes to show off for you. When he's playfully fighting another God then he'll be sure to really flex his muscles and put on a show for you and wink, making you all shy and flustered which is ADORABLE in his eyes.
- He also doesn't just love you for your looks of course, your heart is so incredibly kind and loving. Which contrasts very nicely to his recklessness and sometimes violent side. He smiles seeing you with his son because you always uplift him and treat him like any mother would with their child.
- HE ALSO LOVES TO DANCE WITH YOU AND SO DO HIS WIVES. Like, they invite you and you stun them with your gracefulness and elegance, such poise and control in your steps.
- You were absolutely enchanting, even by a God's standards and everyday, Shiva is just in awe of you. When he's bored and lazy, he asks you if you can dance with him and gives you big puppy eyes to convince you so you roll your eyes and stand up and he gets all happy.
- Your love for humans can lead to...conflicts. Like, he already knew it and he found it odd but endearing but he still has his own opinions about them and they're not very good until Ragnarok happens.
- But, like, when the God's vote for humanity's execution and you're horrified at how they could all be so cruel, Shiva just genuinely can't wrap his head around it but he'll comfort you, a bit guiltily.
- So there is a gap in which you need space from them because its an important topic and while all couples fight, it feels colder in his home because he and everyone else misses you so much.
- Ngl, his wives kinda hate him for a bit now (not actually) because while you help him recover, he acts like a big baby just so you can comfort him and coddle him and give him all your attention and shooting his wives a smug smirk as they roll their eyes but smile as you take care of him because it feels so nice to have you back.
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- The fact that he used to be human was what drew you to him, like, Ares and the other Greek gods were celebrating and Ares is all: "Woah, (Y/n)'s been looking at you the entire time." and Loki bitterly pouts: "Ugh, of course the human turned God caught her attention right off the bat."
- Hercules doesn't understand why they were making a big deal and turned around to see you...only to make direct eye contact with you and immediately getting all shy and flustered. You greeted him with such warmness and you talked about what it was like for him to become a God, then he started to talk about his life as a human.
- And unlike other gods who side eyed him or looked down on him, your eyes were filled with such wonder and awe at him. You had so many questions for humanity and the way you seemed to be fascinated with them makes it so clear to Hercules that you truly do have a passion for humanity just like him.
- THE OTHER GODS THINK YOU'RE SO WEIRD FOR IT BUT YOU GUYS DON'T CARE, he answers your questions about humanity and even takes you back to his home when he visits his friends and they're ALL STUNNED BY YOU.
- "I-Is that Aphrodite!?" and you just look at them and smile and their hearts beat 10x faster as you're all: "Aw, you humans truly are too kind. I am not the Goddess of Love, I am the Goddess of (insert what you want to be the Goddess of)."
- Your elegance also compliments his strength and almost brutish build, one thing you absolutely adore about Hercules is despite his strength, he always treats you so gently and is always mindful of his strength when he's with you.
- No because when he volunteers to fight for the God's, you were confused but he explains why he's doing it and you just supporting him and having nothing more than the utmost confidence that he can guide the God's into seeing their wrongs.
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fictionalmenaremytype · 6 months
My highlights from the first two episodes
- Baby Percy and BlackJack?!?!??!
- Mrs Dodd's transformation!!! Can we talk about how good that was?!?!?
-Sally Jackson and Logical??? "I fell for you like water falls from the February sky" being abt her and Poseidon! "Said I was too young, I was too soft." I've already spoke about Sally's difficulties raising Percy but this just resonates so well with his teachers blaming her struggles on her being too young. "I know I'm half responsible and that makes me feel horrible." Knowing the child she had part in bringing to life is suffering just for existing! This is her song!
- Grover betraying him at Yancy?? This just make the 'betrayed by a friend' part of the prophecy even more heartbreaking, ofc Percy will suspect Grover now!
- a sandwich from diAngelo's ?!?!?!?!?
- "Like Jesus?"
- Grover's "I'm 24" literally had me cackling! I think there's more important things for you to tell him right now, buddy, but sure, clarify your age.
- Mr D "Son" just to get drunk...
- The Big House?!?! Why is it so beautiful?!?!?
- Luke and Chris being besties and welcoming Percy in! I feel so bad for the kids who are watching this for the first time and will find out everything that happens to Luke and Chris. I just know those edits of TLT Chris to BotL Chris are going to be HEARTBREAKING!!!!
- The council of cliven elders??? ALREADY!
- Percy praying to Sally had me tearing up.
- Clarisse's scream when Percy broke her spear...I know we're supposed to be scared but I just felt bad isn't that like the only thing Ares has given Clarisse and some new boy just breaks it??? I'd be pissed too!
- AND LEAH!!!!!! LEAH!!!!!!!!!!! We knew she was perfect before we saw her performance, but to her become Annabeth! Perfect, perfect, perfect!
- Annabeth calling Percy Sunshine??? Her just admitting to stalking him without hesitation??? Her just pushing him into the river??? Iconic.
- Grover being rebellious and just telling Percy about Sally! I think that makes up for getting him kicked out of Yancy.
I can't wait for the next episodes!
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junespriince · 23 days
Flowers floating in the dark void au
Dick, at his desk overwhelmed:
Wally, walking in: ah, found him Jay, thanks for the help.
Jason (Thanos): yeah, yeah, happy to help, just get him out of there.
Wally, smile: of course. *Shuts the door, walks over to Dick leaning on the desk* hey my love, it's spring time, ya know.
Dick, still doing paperwork, not listening: I'll get to it later, put it in the pile Jay.
Wally, sighs and grabs Dick's face: I don't like being ignored, my love.
Dick, blushing again (and he'll do it again!!): o-oh, sweetheart, I didn't know you were coming to visit, it's spring isn't it?
Wally, smiles again: yes, that's why I came down here. Now put this paperwork up and be with me instead.
Dick: I would, but I can't go on a date right now, I have to get these all sorted out and —
Wally, let's go of his face: I don't need you for a date, I need you to be my little bee and pollinate me, honey.
Dick, confused:
Dick, still confused:
Dick, got it: OH! I uh... *Throws paper work to the floor not caring and got up* of course, why didn't you lead with that.
Wally: thought I was being obvious.
Next meeting with the gods, minus Wally working hard that day
Dick, looking at the floor, very disheveled, bite marks and hickeys on show: I uh, I didn't get to finish my work.
Bruce, glaring at him, thinking some human has distracted him: I can see.
Jason, trying hard not to laugh:
Tim (Ares), looking away because he can't hide his grin:
Damian (Hermes), sighs in disappointment:
Steph (Artemis): oh we're so gonna have to meet this, wildflower, of yours.
Duke (Ouranos): damn,,, and I thought Hal (Dionysus) was bad.
Hal: rude!
Cass (psyche): well, at least you're not stressed anymore.
Kori (Aphrodite), smirking: I'll say.
Dick, blushing even harder: sh-shut up....
Iris (Demeter), glaring: so that's where he went.
Bruce, confused: you know which human did this to him?
Iris: he's not human.
Bruce: oh.
Bruce: OH! Iris, please, don't kill my son we don't have a replacement for his work, and I love my kid.
Dick, glares at Bruce: why my work at front? Why is it important, dad?
Iris, glaring at Bruce: yeah, Bruce, why ain't your love for your child not first?
Bruce, scared: I-I... I'm keeping my mouth shut.
Dick and Iris: good.
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ljjsims · 1 month
Greek Goddess Legacy Challenge: Generation #1: Gaia, Complete sheets
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I present to you, the woman who started it all: Gaia! Or, as we know her now, Mother Earth. Enjoy this challenge :)
You are new to this world you have just moved to. A world that, to you, is the most beautiful yet. Nature all around you. A perfect place for a fresh start. You are so excited to meet all the people around you, find love, start a family! You want it all! Soon you meet your neighbors Ouranos, Pontus and Aitna. You soon become best friends with both Aitna and Pontus. And that Ouranos, He has something, doesn’t he? He makes you feel like he would steal all the stars in the sky just for you.
Little bit explanation with the sheets: - First sheet is for describing your current generation, with the challenges you need to do each life-stage. Also, because I love the myths, a bit of mythological background. May it inspire you :) - Second sheet is the preparation sheet for this generation, with important characters for your story. It is technically optional, but I love seeing sims with a backstory in my world, so I would highly recommend it. - Third sheet is for your gens children. They all have their own little challenges if your interested in those. I try to make all of them a bit different from each other, so it doesn't get boring. Your heir is also on this sheet, but I've put their challenges on their own sheets. Stay tuned for those ;) - Fourth sheet is completely optional. If you want sims with names from the myths and love making sims to see them in your world, this is for you! All with a little mythological background ofc, you know me.
Finished Gaia's Challenge? The next generation is Aphrodite! If you want to try her childhood challenges as well, look up her page once she is born :
The Greek Goddesses Challenge by LJJ-Sims is a challenge based on the ancient mythical creatures and stories from Greece. I fell in love with Greek mythology in high school and have not let that love go since. In this challenge you will follow 10 deities in their journey through life. Every goddess has a different take on and goal in life. Special about this challenge?  All your kids have little challenges of their own, not only your heir. These challenges are optional, so if you feel like these are too much or just too restricting for you: by all means let them go. I also have sheets for characters that you can make before you start each generation. This gives your challenge a lot more personality and makes it frankly easier and more fun!
A little disclaimer: because I made these gods and goddesses into a legacy challenge, the relationships in the myths don’t exactly match the relationship in this challenge. There is a lot of keep it in the family in mythology, to put it lightly. And apart from the fact that you can’t do that in the Sims, I don’t really like that part. So I didn’t include it, thus the inconsistency. An example: Ares is now Hera’s stepfather instead of her son, which she conceived with her brother  and husband Zeus. This inconsistency can also be found in the stories. It’s just based on and not copied exactly, as Sims live lives that are a lot shorter than those of immortal gods. And it takes a way from the creativity if we just copy the myths. Even if we wanted to do that, it’s quite hard, as every myths has its fair share of variations and some are just completely different stories.
I use the MCCC-mod to alter the length of life states. You can find the days-years ratio here: the boring stuff.
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marymary-diva17 · 4 months
Heartbreak (3)
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The son who once looked up and idolize his father and who had been proud, to carry his father name and hopes to make his family proud. That all had changed he now longer worked to impress his dad and didn't see him as an idol anymore, after the events of heartbreak from the one he had fallen in love with and family. He was now carrying the name of the only person who stood by his side the whole time and showed him love since the day he was born. Now he knows the true meaning of family and true relationships, those who stand by your stand and right for you will always be true of heart.
mo'at " all my life I have never ever have heard about a boy taking on his mother name" lo'ak had went to go helped out his grandmother today, as she need to have some words with her grandmother about a very important matter. He had already discuss this with you and now had to speak with his grandmother, another import person in his life like his mama.
lo'ak " I know grandmother but after recent events I think it will be best if I go by lo'ak son of y/n l/n .... as it seems like I'm not fit to carr the sulky name"
mo'at " my boy your father had seem to forget he was not all that good, when he was young and will not acknowledge that"
lo'ak " I barely even speak with him and neytiri since that day, as he and everyone thought it will be good to teach me lesson"
mo'at " I have seen lessons like that"
lo'ak " how did that end up like"
mo'at " a child no longer speaking with the ones who hurt them, and there were times where a kid will never speak to them again maybe only when they are leaving this world"
lo'ak " I just wish to make a name for myself and Jake had always said I brought shame, if I no longer have his name I will not bring him shame"
mo'at " my grandson you bring now shame and if you grandfather was here he will be proud of you, as I and your mama are proud of you so are the humans as well"
lo'ak " thank you grandmother"
mo'at " I approve of your chose carry your mother name and make our family even more prouder as well"
lo'ak " yes ma'am what about Jake and neytiri even the elders"
mo'at " I will speak with them they can never go against me"
lo'ak " thank you grandma" lo'ak had stand a bit more to help out his grandmother with anything else, that she need help on at the moment. He soon had parted ways with his grandmother when she was called away at the moment.
???? " hey lo'ak"
lo'ak " ......." lo'ak had taken a deep breath in and out before she turned around and saw it was neteyam, well it was not like he could avoid his family for the rest of the day.
neteyam " hey baby bro I came looking for you but when I went by mama house, no was on there and then I saw you"
lo'ak " well you found me"
neteyam " good now come along dad is going out hunting and he wants his both sully boys there"
lo'ak " oh that sound like fun"
neteyam " don't worry spider will be there with Tsu'tey and we have aonung and rotxo coming as well with tonowari, it going to be father and son thing"
lo'ak " okay I will come"
neteyam " good now let go get your stuff and we can meet them, this is going to be fun it will be like the old time at home with dad" lo'ak wanted to say something to rebuttal his brother words but decide, to let it go for now.
lo'ak " okat first of all if we are going to go away let go of my arm, I'm not someone who need guiding anywhere I will follow you and second I will come with you but anything said against me or mama then I'm gone"
neteyam " okay sure" neteyam soon let go of lo'ak as the two brothers soon started walking again, lo'ak was doing his best to deal with all the looks he was getting. Along with seeing people whisper after looking at him and neteyam.
navi women " are we all sure that boy is toruk makto son he nothing like him or neteyam"
navi man " I dont know those demons lie about anything" lo'ak and neteyam stopped dead in their tracks, looking at the pair but when lo'ak looked ar them he gave them a cold glare making them backup a bit.
lo'ak " it not good to talk about others and mostly near you kids, maybe you should set a better example I know my mama raised me right" the pair look shock at lo'ak words even neteyam as well lo'ak soon scoffed and walked away.
neteyam " that was a bit harsh dad said we should not be causing trouble"
lo'ak " I was not I had been exchanging some words and standing up for our mama that all"
neteyam " what if they go tell dad what happened you can be in trouble with him and tonowari"
lo'ak " they already don't like me there nothing new there now come on we shouldn't keep everyone waiting"
lo'ak " if everyone going to give mama parenting advice on raising me maybe they can take some as well" lo'ak had given his brother a cold glare making neteyam become silent.
lo'ak " now come on we don't want to keep everyone waiting" the brothers had went back to the home you share with lo'ak. lo'ak had grabbed the stuff he will need.
neteyam " wow mama really changed the house hasn't she"
lo'ak " yeah she said it was time for some change around here to switch stuff up"
neteyam " I like it"
lo'ak " cool" the brothers soon left the home and head towards where the rest of the group was waiting for them.
spider " hey bro you came"
lo'ak " yeah it sound like it will be fun"
Jake " hey son welcome it good you are here"
lo'ak " well I'm happy I had been invited on this hunt"
aonung " now this is going to be fun now that lo'ak is here"
rotxo " yes it good to have you here as we were not able, to spend at much time with your yesterday"
tonowari " come on boys you all can talk as we are hunting we have to leave now, if we plan to caught something good" the group had soon had taken off together, leaving the safety of the village and heading deeper into the water and unknown as well.
Jake " it good to have you on these hunts again lo'ak just like old times"
lo'ak " yes dad just like old times" lo'ak didn't know what his father and brother were thinking, as when it came to hunts it will always be them most of the time it was rare he could come. He was deciding on keeping his mount shut as he didn't wish to cause a headache of trouble right now.
Jake " how has y/n been doing lately"
lo'ak " she been doing good helping grandmother and the humans, when she not busy with helping the village"
Jake " that good she has always been like that since we were young and even humans"
lo'ak " oh yes uncle norm and max had said that as well"
Jake " well it good that her personality has rubbed off on you"
tonowari " yes y/n is a good role model and mother"
lo'ak " so what are we hunting for anyways if you don't mind me asking"
tonowari " some fish that can feed the clan for months on end they are further away from the clan, as they live in open waters away from out settlements"
tsu'tey " well we have all the supplies we will need for hunting them"
rotxo " this is going to be good and we get to working on hunting skills as well"
spider " hey I'm just happy to be out on open water and explore a bit more as well"
neteyam " sometime to good to get out and about" soon the conversation had come to an end when some calls had been heard, the group had looked up to see they were being joined by some guest.
tonowari " well it seems like we are not the only ones out hunting today"
olo'eytahn" yes it seems like that Tonowari we have brought our sons as well along with some others, we came here to collect some fish"
aonung " wow this hunting trip has gotten more interesting"
neteyam " these bigger numbers will now be more beneficial, as now we have the chances of collecting more fish"
olo'eythan " Jake sully it seems like your son is smart like his father thinking straight to the solution"
Jake " yes but my son is right it will be good if we hunt in groups as there could be danger anywhere"
tsu'tey " well then it agree on we should hunt as a group and later on divided up the hunt" well it had been official the group had becoming bigger, everyone was now in the area trying to see what they can caught. Lo'ak was on his own as all the fathers were together and the other boys as well.
lo'ak " this is not from that far where I was left by aonung and his old friends"
neteyam " hey lo'ak what the matter"
lo'ak " I don't think this is good area to hunt the alkua could be anywhere"
aonung " oh come on we will be okay and they are far away from here"
tonowari " boys come over here we are ready for the hunt" the other boys had soon went towards the father as everyone grabbed, some nets ready to start hunting the fish.
Jake " lo'ak are you coming"
lo'ak " father I don't think we should be hunting here we should try elsewhere"
olo'eythan 2 " we know more then you boy we have master years of hunting and the ocean, then you child"
lo'ak " I mean no disrespect but I don't think this a smart and safe idea, since the return of the tulkuns that have been more aklua as well"
tonowari " Jake sully"
Jake " listen lo'ak they more then you and you need to respect their decision you are just a young boy, please just behave for me and your mama"
lo'ak " but sir ...."
Jake " no buts young man now you can either join us on this hunt or head back home stay there" lo'ak didn't say anything else the the group soon got ready to hunt, he had been given a look by neteyam as he older brother felt bad for him. He was once again being ignored for his warning before anything could happen massive waves had come with dangers following them. the hole group had soon been taken out by pack of akulas. Everyone had been taken under water losing their their IIus or strimwings, as they had been chases off by another akul. The only one who had his weapon was lo'ak as the pack of creatures were coming.
tonowari " swim away now" soon the group had started swimming away avowing the jaws of the creatures coming towards them, there was someone who stepped up to fight. That was lo'ak he was able to swim fast swigging his spear at the creature's making some of them back off or swim away in fear. This had been seen by everyone else as the akulas were now gone.
neteyam " this It over are they gone"
tonowari " stay on guard there could be one more coming" that was not a lie was one big one had come swimming towards them, lo'ak had gave one big swig hiting the creatures hard, but it get scare it off.
lo'ak " ........" The creatures was coming towards lo'ak seeing the boy was the biggest threat, and seem very mad as well but before the creates could strike something or someone strikes it. Ramming the creatures into some rocks and not stopping, until the fight was over. The creatures soon swam towards the group and took them to the surface.
everyone " ......." once everyone reach the surface they all soon started coughing and breathing heavily after being water for so long.
lo'ak " get onto payakan now all of you"
Jake " lo'ak"
lo'ak " I said now move it" lo'ak sound mad and serious as everyone soon got onto payakan lo'ak was the last one.
neteyam " lo'ak are you okay"
lo'ak " I'm fine hurt a bit like the rest of you but I'm good" lo'ak had moved away from the group.
lo'ak " hey payakan can you take us home we are going to need, some medical help" payakan had understood lo'ak words and soon started heading towards the village, it didn't take them that long to reach the village. Their arrival had gain the attention of of everyone who came racing to see what happened.
neytiri " ma Jake what happened"
Jake " a hunting trip had gone wrong"
kiri " brother you are both hurt spider as well"
y/n " boys"
neteyam " hey mama"
lo'ak " hi mama"
spider " hey aunt y/n"
y/n " thank you that you are all well now come on lets get these inquires treated" there was not fight there was the group had been attend.
ronal " what have you done boy I know you are behind this like always"
y/n " leave my son alone he hurt as well"
ronal " because he cause this pain now look what he has done"
tonowari " ronal stop it the boy fraught and save our lives"
ronal " what"
mo'at " ronal leave the boy alone my grandson has done well he has brought honor to the family name"
navi man 2 " he has made toruk makto proud"
navi women 2 " this is something new maybe the boy will be honorable warrior like his father and brother"
mo'at " lo'ak the son of y/n will be bring to his mother name and her family line as well" the crowd had been shocked to her lo'ak taking on your name verse Jake.
y/n " my son you have made me proud"
lo'ak " thank you mama"
y/n " now once done attending to you and the other youth we can go home" lo'ak had nodded his head as you had attend to his injuries and soon did the rest to the other kids, once everyone was okay they started heading towards their homes or where they will be spending for the night.
Jake " lo'ak may we have some words"
y/n " Jake this talk can be saved for tomorrow the kids need time to rest and heal, you can have a conversation with him later on once everyone better off"
Jake " y/n"
y/n " goodnight Jake and all of you ... neteyam and spider I will check up on your tomorrow morning"
neteyam " yes mama"
spider " yes auntie" you and lo'ak soon left and headed home together you had brought lo'ak closer to you and kissed his forehead, giving him a warm look of happiness.
y/n " you done well my boy very well"
lo'ak " thank you mama and look what I got as well" lo'ak soon showed you some sharp teeth of the creatures he fought today, making you at him and smile. As the two of you kept on walking home you had stayed up that night, to make sure lo'ak was okay as you are worried after the events that had happened today. There was more coming for lo'ak that will help him forge his own path in life.
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ilikepjo24 · 5 months
Percabeth comes second to Chrisse/Chrislisse.
Contains major spoilers for The Mark Of Athena.
Not trying to start any ship wars out there. I'm just here to share my opinion. Most of the Percy Jackson fandom views Percabeth as the best ship, and it's actually pretty good, but Clarisse and Chris, are in my opinion, a much better ship.
Why is that? Cause the milestones Percabeth has reached, Chrisse/Chrislisse reached first.
Annabeth had to suffer through the pain of her loved one going missing, possibly being dead, for 6 months, not remembering anything, but her. Tragic and yet romantic. Surely some brute Ares Daughter and a forgotten Hermes Son couldn't compare, right?
Except Clarisse also had to suffer through the pain of her loved one going missing, possibly dead, for over a year, not remember anything, but his pain and suffering, and when he was found, she stayed by him, begging him to remember her and doing her best to nurse him back to health, praying to the gods for the chance to love him as much as she physically could when he'd be healthy and safe once again, and when he was healed, that's exactly what she did.
Also sounds excessively romantic and tragic, doesn't it now? Dare I say, more romantic and tragic than Percabeth?
Surely not, right? I mean, Percy and Annabeth suffered through Tartarus together. They would have gone crazy if they were alone. They kept each other safe and protected and they made it through. It's a classic "True Love Beats All", is it not? Chrisse/Chrislisse is good, but not that good.
Except Chris went through the Labyrinth (a dangerous, deadly place, just like Tartarus) alone and he did go crazy, only for Clarisse to find him and do everything possible to help him. And on top of that, she also willingly went through the Labyrinth, after finding Chris, while knowing damn well what consequences this choice could have, to find a way to destroy the godforsaken place that had the nerve to ruin her soulmate.
I don't know about you, but I did not see Percy going down to Tartarus with the intention to take it down, brick by brick if needed, just because Annabeth got hurt down there.
It's important to note that Clarisse and Chris did their "went missing, went crazy, was found, got better, found love" journey a whole ass book before Percabeth was even canon! They were living the love story of the century, putting Romeo and Juliet to shame, while Percy still couldn't pick between his redhead and his blond. It's cute that Percabeth later on tried copying them, thinking we wouldn't notice, but let's be real, nobody is better than the original. You can't outdo the doer!
May I also mentioned that Chrisse/Chrislisse combines the tragic "friends/lovers to enemies" trope with the incredibly sexy "enemies to lovers" trope with toppings of "I can fix him" (she did fix him!), "I love you not despite but regardless your past mistakes" and "It's you and me against the world" because Clarisse loved Chris when others still saw him as the camp traitor. Percabeth wishes they had that much flavour.
Thus proven.
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Why hello there.
Listen,I don’t have much to say about the newest LO episode so here’s an ares ranking to go along with the other ones.
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Percy Jackson:
Look,Ares is a really weird figure when it comes to how the media presents him.
Almost always they present him as this sexist frat boy when in mythology he is:
A reported protector of mistreated woman.
The patron god of the amazons and was worshipped to the point that their leader had 2 babies with him.
Scored the GODDESS PF LOVE AND BEAUTY and there is no way you cannot convince me she doesn’t have some pretty high standards(even though apparently you can convince most of the writers on this list)
And as much as I love Percy Jackson,it is not devoid of crimes.
In the first book,he helps Luke/Kronos steal Zeus’ master bolt and Hades’ helm of invisibility as to start a civil war within the gods.id say this is a pretty good portrayal overall.
…until we get to the second book.
This myth will be very important so long story short:a daughter of ares got r*** by a son of Poseidon so Ares,like any reasonable and bloodthirsty god of war,fucking killed him.
After this,he got put on trial for murder as if he wasn’t the literal god of bloody war,and all the ladies vouched for him so he got set free.
Let’s just say,Rick Riordan didn’t know of this myth.
In the second book,there’s a scene where Clarisse La Rue,a DAUGHTER of ares talks to him through a magic mirror.
There,he threatens her and says he should have sent one of his sons on the quest.and keep in mind she is his FAVORITE DAUGHTER.
So yeah.
I don’t really like this portrayal but he gets points for bringing Clarisse and (technically)Frank into this world since I like them both.also the fact that Percy could tell he had beef with him even without having any other memory.
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Lore Olympus:
Remember when I said that modern Ares was more often than not a sexist frat boy?we’ll add “predator” and “Reddit nice guy” to that list because RS can’t write.
If in Percy Jackson Aphrodite had terrible standards here said standards are so much worse.
He spends MONTHS trying to seduce a 19-YEAR-OLD and then tries to marry her without her consent.
Great.this guy is a predator,Reddit nice guy,AND stupid.
I remember saying that the only character who could get a lowers rating than LO Persephone being LO hades and then I remembered this fuck existed.
Fuck him.
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Your know when you see something and then immediately want to wash your eyes with soap?this is my soap.
He is my third favorite Olympian in the game,coming third to Hermes and Artemis.
So here’s a few reasons why I like him:
Doom anything with impending doom and the increasing doom damage boon does absurd amounts of damage.
Curse of nausea is one of the best duos in the game.
He respects woman.(oh look they finally Aphrodite standards)
His quest is stupidly easy and he was the first Olympian who’s bond I maxed out.
I know this joke has been made so many times but.he really is a Chthonic simp.
He doesn’t get too pissed if you don’t pick him is trial of gods.hes just here for the bloodshed.
It may be just the fact that almost every other interpretation of ares is bad,but I really like him.
Also Aphrodite wearing his face paint in hades 2-
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He’s cool.
I really don’t have much else to add except the helmet stays on during sex.
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Gods school:
Welp Back to the incels-
Him straight up telling Aphrodite that he can do whatever he wants because she won’t leave is just.why.
I don’t get why people go to this myth,turn it around,and act as if they’ve done a service by making Ares miserable when in the myths it was already a good ending.
What is with the obsession with making ares a toxic ex boyfriend when in the myths him and ‘dite were literally love and war.
Another issue I have with gods school is the fact they made Aphrodite a Karen Smith when in the myths shes a Regina George but that’s a problem for the Aphrodite ranking.
Also I just realized the Aphrodite Hephaestus ares myth is the og “I fell in love with a bad boy story”-
Epic:the musical:
I don’t have a physical picture of him but I already like him.
The only time he he appears is during a bit of an unfinished song but he does bring up some pretty good points,like the Scylla thing.
Also the fact Athena didn’t directly refute any of his points but instead persuaded him with the fact that the moment Ody gets home the suitors are going to be fucked is surprisingly great.
Also can I just say how absolutely hyped I am for god games?Aphrodite’s part fucking rocks and I’m excited for Apollo and Hephaestus.
Also here’s my ranking for epic Hermes since I wasn’t part of the fandom back then:
*insert dolphin laugh here*
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lilysbookshelf987 · 5 months
New camper: Percy Jackson x reader (daughter of apollo)
A/n: thank you so much for giving this a read! This is my first time writing for the PJO universe so let me know if you like it! Requests are open! No NSFW or Smut! Enjoy
"Good morning" Percy said tiredly, greeting his best friend Grover at the dining pavilion, taking a seat next to him.
"Morning" Grover replied, "hey did you see Annabeth on your way here? She's usually the first one here and I haven't seen her yet"
As if almost on cue she was walking towards the boys, an excited smirk painted across her face.
"Camp Half-Blood has a new camper!"
"What?!" replied Percy
"She showed up late last night, all alone. Chiron told me she had been hurt pretty badly but he took her into the infirmary and gave her some Ambrosia"
"She took it? So, she's definitely a half-blood?" Percy asked
"Yep! We should be meeting her later today" Annabeth was ecstatic, she loved new campers!
--time skip--
As the day went on there was still no sight of the new camper. Word had made its way around camp and people began to take their guesses as to who was her parent.
"I hope she's in our cabin!" A child of Aphrodite had said
"No! I bet she HAS to be in ours! Showing up without a Satyr by her side means she's a warrior"an Ares kid chimed
"As long as she's not in ours I dont care" a tired looking Hermes kid said.
It was almost dinner time when Chiron had found Percy, sparring with someone from the Ares cabin.
"Percy can I speak to you for a moment?"
"Yeah sure" he said, removing his helmet and recapping his sword.
"Im sure you've heard we've had a new camper join us."
"Yeah it's all over camp" he replied
"Ah yes. Well let's say she hasn't been thrilled to learn about her new family. Reminds me a lot of you when you first came here"
Percy thought back to his first few days at camp. He was confused, scared, angry, and very much overwhelmed.
"I was wondering if you could help ease her mind by speaking to her. You understand what she's feeling better than I can."
"And im not half horse" Percy smiled
"Yes there is that" Chiron chuckled
"Alright I want to meet her!" Percy agreed. He really did want to help, but he also knew how jealous Annabeth would be that he met her first. The two walked into the big house and there she was, staring down at her feet.
"Y/N, this is Percy, son of Poseidon. Percy this is Y/N. I'm sure you two will get long swimmingly" Chiron chuckled at his own joke, "I will give you two some privacy" with that, he left the room. Leaving the two teenagers alone.
An awkward silence filled the room, when finally Y/N broke the silence.
"Son of Poseidon, huh?" she asked
"That's me" he smiled, proud of the title he held.
"That's crazy, the gods don't exist!"
"They do exist. I know it all feels a bit insane at first but-"
"A bit?! My whole life i've had these things coming after me and I didn't understand why. I thought I was insane and seeing things, but apparently that's normal?! And my dad? The reason he's neglected me my whole life was because he was a god?! There's just no way"
"Hey, it's gonna be ok. I know how you feel. I felt like that when I first got here. All my life my dad wasn't someone I had thought about much because I had my mom, and thats all I needed. Then I find out that he's now the most important thing in my life? I had so many emotions, but if you just give this place a chance? I promise everything gets a lot less scary"
This seem to get to the girl. She started to tear up.
"Ok, i'll try." she whispered
"I'll show you around and it'll all be ok, I promise."
The two made their way around camp, Y/N was mostly silent. "The sun is so warm here, it's not like that where I'm from"
"Everything is a little bit stronger here."
"I can tell" she smiled
"So, do you have any idea who your dad might be?" Percy asked, careful not to poke at the sensitive subject.
"I think but I'm not sure. My mom used to talk about Apollo, a way she never did about other Gods"
"Ok then...then we have to find a way for him to see you! If he see's you, he'll claim you!"
"Yeah but how?"
"Gods dont claim you because they feel like it, you have to work for it" Annabeth said, inviting herself to the conversation.
"Y/N this is Annabeth, daughter of Athena"
"Hey" Y/n said
"Percy have you taken her to the archery field? Apollo kids thrive there"
"No I didn't"
"Seaweed brain c'mon!" Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Lets go" she led the two there and put a bow and arrow in Y/N's hands. The girl had fired it easily and hit the bullseye.
"Beginners luck?" y/n asked
"Go again" Chiron said, but before she could something came flying down at her, she shot it down easily.
"That could've killed us" Percy said, mouth agape, "and you shot it down with ease!" he said
"Look!" One of the campers said
Y/N was becoming engulfed in a bright light and a sun appeared over her head. She was now an official resident of cabin 7
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internalscream1ng · 3 months
Meister + Weapons Head canons TWST EDITION ✨
I heard the opening to the intro of the anime in 2024 and was like "omg" I used to be so hyper fixated (but never read the manga, I think I might this year) But now of recently I am highly fixated onto Twisted Wonderland! And I wanted to combine the two and give out my personal head canons of the characters either being meisters or weapons if they went to DWMA than NRC!
Riddle - Riddle would definitely be a meister! With being the dorm leader and all, he was definitely raised to be a fitted meister and the best of the academy! He would definitely probably be the type to try and follow in his mother's steps due to his past with her. But even though he trips up, he doesn't give up.
Trey - Trey seems like he would be a weapon. Just the vibes he gives off, he seems like the type who would try and support his meister (this case being Riddle) to the best of his ability. Trey weapons form would definitely be some sort of scythe. Something fitting for Riddle to hold of course.
Ace - 100% a weapon. I just want to see someone use him to whack someone. And he would be used as some sort of sword. There ain't much I can add onto this about him.
Deuce - He would at first be a rebel and refuse to become a meister. But knowing how his mother was worried about him, he promised to become the best meister that there is and maybe become one to protect his mother. He studies hard to become the best and will train whenever he can get his weapon to train with him! (Looking at you Ace!)
Cater - He is the only one in his family that is probably a weapon. But he masked himself as a meister so others couldn't tell about it.
Leona - He is a meister, his whole family is meisters in the Kingscholar family. Their weapons are paid well for serving them. He isn't one who will fight duels, but he does when it is important and when needed.
Ruggie - I'll keep this one brief! Ruggie would be a weapon, he tries to say he was a meister right ar orientation but Leona was quick to call his bluff. He is Leona's weapon for the money, and also, didn't we all play twst? We know how close the two are so I have no doubt that Ruggie would be Leona's weapon.
Jack - He would be some type of meister. He watched Leona's spelldrive tournament and if, a hard IF, Leona ended up competing (maybe against Malleus if anything) It would have sparked Jack to be like Leona. But after chapter 2 , he will work on being a meister that is good for him.
Since the three are pretty much paired up together! I'm going to keep both Azul and the twins into this one to make it easy on me to type!
Azul would be a meister and the twins would be weapons.
I wanted to keep the thought of the meme "mafia fishes" in thoughts when thinking of them. That being said, I can only imagine Jade and Floyd being some type of weapons of guns!
Why do I think this? Come on!
Death the Kid and the Thompson's sisters!? The trio of them and the trio for Twst should be fitting!
Jade and Floyd being weapons for their meister, Azul!
Definitely might be a strange way to find out when swimming in the water and suddenly your find turned into some sort of weapon!
Kalim - Kalim would be a meister, but it isn't something he would take seriously, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know when to get serious. In all honesty, he might be the one you wouldn't want to cross due to the fact that his family is full of meisters and the Viper family is filled with weapons.
Jamil - Unfortunately for him, he would still have to serve Kalim even after moving away from home and into the school. He is willing to fulfill his duties in his family to protect the Al-Asim's (Kalim's family) son and will go as far to using his own body. Also, he is the only yelling at Kalim if he doesn't take using him seriously! I would like to see him be some sort of magic staff!
Vil - Meister. Hands down, he would be so beautiful while fighting. He will move so gracefully! I actually had a hard time thinking about this, because I didn't want to make it obvious about him being a meister and Rook a weapon! But also, he will definitely try and model Epel into being a meister like him, while also fully supporting his style of using his weapon.
Rook - He is Vil's weapon like said before. I also like to think before they realized they were each other's meister and weapon, when Rook was in Savanaclsw he wanted to try and be used by Vil first hand. He transformed into a weapon best suited for Vil, I am not so sure what kind of weapon he would be and what would Vil use.
Epel - He fights back so hard when Vil tries to model him to be like him. He is thankful for the few sons but he wishes to fight in his own style. He does well, but he hasn't figured out his fighting form yet which causes him to trip up often.
So like what I did for Octavinelle, I am going to put Idia and Ortno together.
It all started when they were younger and found out that Idia was a meister and his weapon being Ortho, they were best of friends, best brothers ever! More than just bonding over video games... However, it led to an incident where Ortho died while the two fought the monsters who had escaped after trying to sneak out.
With guilt, Idia made O. R. T. H. O, an AI weapon that is like the robot we see of Ortho now, his body can transform without magic, and while he still feels the connection of being his brother's weapon, Idia has guilt about what happened that day, and refuses to ever use O. R. T. H. O to fight his battles ever again.
It causes damage for them being meister / weapon but it's a bit of an angst idea for thinking of them!
Malleus - A meister, one of the strongest from his family. He trained under Lilia for many reasons. He uses both Silver and Sebek to keep his guards close
Sebek and Silver - Both being guards for Malleus, they are his weapons too to protect the young prince. Both sworn to even use their bodies off needed to protect him.
Lilia - A meister, he fought in a war and definitely used Baul to become victorious!
Bonus: I wouldn't get descriptive here! I am just going to say if I think the Staff, RSA, and Rollo are weapons and meisters
Crowley - Meister
Crewel - Meister
Trein - Meister
Sam - Weapon
Vargas - Weapon
Neige - Meister
Chenya - Weapon - used by Neige 100%
Rollo - Meister
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aaaarsonist · 7 months
Even though I have some criticism about certain things, I fucking adore this episode. And, same as "Hero with a thousand faces", I've watched this episode so many times.
First of all, it has my favorite scene ever.
"No kisses, we're fighting!" This whole little spar session makes me go KDJKNDKZKDZ. They're so fucking cute and I love them SO FREAKING MUCH.
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I already talked about this scene before, but I don't care, I love it too much to not mention it again. Jim and Blinky's relationship is so important to me, and even though we had the birthday gift scene referencing Blinky as a father figure to Jim, the fact that he called him "son" warms my heart so much.
"When I gaze upon you, do you know what I see? I see a champion. A friend. A son. A magnificent son."
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Claire's reaction to Troll Jim. Not just the "I'm hideous!" "You're really not" scene but when she helps Jim to get off the couch and she checks him out. SHE'S SO ME LMAO.
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(I know this is from another episode, but he's so cute here)
Also, there's a line Strickler says that I really like, because it's related to something I mentioned before, about Jim's identity crisis.
"It took me years to handle the diverse emotions of either troll or human, but I've never had to deal with both ar once."
Now, some things I'm not really a fan of:
I love Toby, I really do. I enjoy his personality, I tend to laugh at his jokes, but in this episode... I don't know, he annoys me a little. When Claire called Jim "boyfriend" and Toby says that stupid line about the status while Claire's confronting Merlin I want to punch him. Also when Claire's talking with Jim on the school's roof and he keeps making jokes ughhh. I know that's his personality, but I don't think this is a situation to be joking around.
Maybe this is me being dumb, but Aaarrrgghh!!!'s so quickly changing his opinion about Troll Jim feels weird to me, idk.
I don't like Merlin so, him in general lmao.
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ep2nd · 13 days
I have to say, Hippolytus has become one of my favorite myths/Greek heroes, and not just cause we're both AroAces... mostly
Now the basic story is- Man just wants to live his best hunting life with the goddess Artemis without any relationships and then Aphrodite goddess of Love looks at that and goes "HOW DARETH NOT SHIPPETH" and eventually causes his death by his own father... which tumbles into Asclepius death and Apollo turning human... again
Well here's some things I'd like to say that should be talked about more, some headcannos some retelling some filling in blanks
Hippolytus is a PRINCE OF ATHENS. Heck he's Theseus' son. THE Theseus. He probably still had expectations and a job to do as a prince. It wouldn't surprise me if suitors tried to get him married. Like, men from across Greece would LOVE to have their daughter we'd to this guy, the prince of Athens! Think of the power and stability. Think of the stories where Hippolytus just runs into the woods because he hate she responsibilities and doesn't want to get married. And his dad probably forcing him to choose! WHERES THAT.
Let's remember the maternal side of his family. Aka the badass warrior Hippolyta, THE QUEEN OF THE AMAZONS AND DAUGTER OF THE GOD OF WAR AND THE FOUNDER OF THE AMAZONS. I know Amazon's don't like men, but as shown with Hippolyta with Theseus and later Heracles, she still respects strong men. I believe his mom LOVED him, despite being male. Was so proud and adored him, teaching her son the Amazonian ways. Not to say that his grandmother, Otrera was probably still alive. Probably didn't like men like her daughter, but could respect her strong grandson, ESPECIALLY WHEN SHE FOUND OUT HE JOINED ARTEMIS HUNT. YOU KNOW, ONE OF THE 2 MAIN GODS OF THE AMAZONS. Aka I want to see how Hippolyta and Otrera felt about him.
Now depending on the myth, Hippolyta can be related to 1 to 3 gods. Aka he has the highest record of a Legacy... I think. His grandfather's are Poseidon(Theseus dad)and Ares(Hippolytas dad) and with a stretch, cause I like this Headcannon, his great grandfather is Eurus (Otrera dad, God of Fall and the East wind). So is no one going to talk about how this man is related to 2 powerful Olympians, one of the Wind gods, a descendent of the Amazonians, fierce women warriors, and the son of Theseus, the slayer of the Minotaur????? OH AND HES LIKE THE ONE OF THE FEW MEN ARTEMIS EVER LIKED. THE ARTEMIS. If Ancient Greece had resumes he'd be winning
Talking bout Artemis... it's hard to believe after the Orion incident...which I don't think is too far apart... that Artemis, who befriended a male, giving him a chance, and then him becoming feral and destroying wild life, her sacred place/animals/domain, or falling in love with her, aka the ONE THING YOU DOMT DO. So for Artemis to just get another guy to join the girls only clun.. yeah there was probably a deeper reason and relationship under that. I feel like she met him when he was young, after him running into the woods night hating the royal life, and he helps some girl, probably one of her Huntresses, gets her attention, and they talk about Hunting and hating love, you know fun stuff. I feel like she kinda raised him, teaching him hunting, the importance of life, respecting women, hating love... aka a mom figure(because I'm pretty sure Hippolyta was running the Amazon's and couldn't bring her son with her) so yeah. I believe they had a mother-son relationship. It makes sense it's adorable it also explains how far Artemis would go to bring him back to life. KNOWING THERE WOULD BE CONSEQUENCES. Bruh she didn't even try to resurrect Orion. Just saying a mother's love is very strong.
On that note... I feel like Asclepius and he actually knew each other. 1. Asclepius is nice guy but not dumb, he wouldn't just be handing this cure to death to anyone. Now Artemis could have threatened him but that's whatever. In retrospec, they're kinda cousins, and I feel like they had a nice relationship before his death. ALSO. CAN YOU THINK OF THE ANGST?!? How much guilt Hippolytus would be feeling after. HES THE REASON ASCLEPIUS DIED. YEAH HE DIDN’T ASK FOR ANY OF THIS BUT HIS COUSIN DIED BECAUSE OF HIM. I want those two to reunite and Asclepius to hug him and tell him everything's okay and it worked out cause now he'll help people forever as a god.
Finally. No, he wouldn't forgive his farther. Probably already hates him after, leaving his mom, being a horrible king, not understanding his wished for not wanting to get married, not believing HIS OWN SON OVER HIS NEW WIFE, OH AND KILLING HIM. I want the Hippolyta, Hippolytus, Ariadne, and Zagreus "WE HATE THESEUS" club. Please. It be hilarious. On the topic of Hades game- YES I WANNA SEE HIPPOLYTUS MAYBE HANGING OUT WITH HIS DEAD MOM PELASEEEEW.
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