#thoughts by els
midnight-els · 1 year
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[Image ID: Black and white GIF of Phryne Fisher from the opening scenes of the episode Blood and Money. The image shows her head and upper torso as she stands outdoors. She wears a sequined evening gown and fancy headdress. /End ID]
While it is very funny that, at the start of Blood and Money, Phryne shows up to the morgue in her outfit from the night before, I was recently thinking about why she wouldn’t get changed??? We know she loves to have the perfect outfit for all situations and see her make some pretty quick changes in other episodes. There’s no reason to delay getting to the morgue by, what, 10-15 minutes? It’s not like the body will go anywhere.
But, then I consider that she’s got a young boy sat in her kitchen, scared because his brother is missing, now thought to be dead. She’s been almost exactly where he is and spent agonising years in search of answers. You bet she’ll be damned if she makes him wait a moment longer than he has to for closure, especially at the cost of something so frivalous as her clothes 😭 
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nicktoonsunite · 17 days
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got your back
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frownyalfred · 1 year
people think Batman is the vicious attack dog Superman has on a short leash. absolutely, incredibly wrong. Batman has Mr. “I love sunshine and save puppies from trees” on a leash that consists entirely of him saying “Kal” in a low tone because Superman can’t handle a perceived threat to Batman without absolutely losing it, red burning eyes and all.
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unpersoniverse · 24 days
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the many faces of Asami Sato
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my-secret-shame · 7 months
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Gods and Monsters
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abisalli · 4 months
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fashion, put it all on me!
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ochibrochi · 3 months
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kryptonian hugs hit different! happy birthday, kal!
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 167
Honestly, Danny is having such a good time right now. He gets to travel with Ellie, explore space, just have fun. Plus his secondary protector-instincts are having soothed despite him not technically doing any hero-ing anymore. Really his sister had the right idea when she decided she wanted to become a doctor, this is honestly a blast.
And if someone does end up passing away, well, Ellie is always happy to help soothe their spirit and guide them to the Realms where they can reach their respective afterlife. Or become a ghost. 
They are completely oblivious to the fact that there are now legends and entire temples dedicated to them now. Apparently accidental ascension is in fact a thing, as Dan later laughs at them about. 
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tiffycat · 6 months
Hiya! 🤗 I saw you take requests sometimes. I was wondering if you would do the scene from Buy Back The Secrets when Superboy busts in on Superman and Batman, snarling "You lied! You said he was a good man!"
I love soft timkon, but I'd love some absolutely feral Kon 👍
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Drew out a quick comic of that scene for ya after like a month and a half >.> sorry
Was initially just going to be a single sketch from that scene but I got carried away
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“The demon is back.” Eddie pokes into Steve’s side to wake him up.
“Babe, please go back to sleep.” Steve shoves his face into the pillow, making his voice muffled.
“Steeeeve.” Eddie whines, “It’s really there I swear this time. And I locked the door so I know it’s the demon again. Nothing else can get inside.”
“Eddie.” Steve squishes his face even deeper into the mattress. “You do this at least once a week. I love you; I do. But I never look because there is no demon. And every morning, you wake up fine. So please, go back to sleep.”
“What if I promise never to mention it again if it’s not really there? Will you look then?” This time Eddie’s voice wavers, his actual terror showing.
Steve sighs and shifts his head to look at Eddie, “This is really freaking you out, huh?” He says it kindly. Steve can tell this is serious to Eddie. So even if he doesn’t believe it, Eddie does. And what’s important to Eddie is important to Steve.
Eddie nods back furiously.
“Okay, I’ll look.” Steve shifts his head towards the other side, where the chair by the window sits. There, sitting in that corner is a dark shadowy figure. “Oh.”
“See! I told you! Demon! Oh god, it’s gonna get us.” Eddie throws his hands up. Even though he’s terrified, he’s accepted defeat.
“No.” Steve says calmly. “It’s just El.”
Eddie pauses his rant, “What?”
“It’s just El. In the corner. She does that sometimes, watches people she cares about until she falls asleep. To make sure they’re safe.” Steve looks at Eddie.
“The door was locked! How are you so calm about one of the kids just watching us at night?”
“Honey, she has mind powers. I don’t think a flimsy lock from Home Depot is going to stop her.” Steve deadpans before shrugging, “And it’s El. She could ask me to kill a man, and I probably wouldn’t even ask questions.”
“What if she asked you to kill me?”
“I’d be conflicted.”
“I want to be mad, but honestly I think I’d hand you the knife.” Eddie sighs, looking down at Steve.
Steve scoffs, “Don’t be ridiculous. I wouldn’t stab you. I’d obviously sneak some kind of poison into your honeycombs. Way less messy.”
Eddie goes back to nearly shouting, “Why have you thought about this?!”
“Honestly, I have a lot of intrusive thoughts. I just don’t speak them out loud.”
Despite the fact they are actively talking about his murder, Eddie can’t help but get all gooey with Steve in their bed. “Is this why you don’t get mad when I think aloud? Another reason why you just get me. Adding that tally to the ‘why we are great together’ column.”
“Yes, we’re pretty amazing. Can we go back to sleep now?” Steve smiles.
“Yes—wait, no.” Eddie corrects himself, getting himself back on track. He loves this man, but he is a sneaky little minx. “Why did El never say anything? I mean, this is not the first time I accused her of being a demon. Hell, we’ve been talking for literally five minutes, and she still hasn’t said anything. Also, what if she walked in on us doing, ya know, adult stuff?” Eddie blushes at the end. He’s acting like he hasn’t been whispering way worse things in Steve’s ear every night.
“First off, she won’t walk in on that. Apparently Max taught her about happy screams a long time ago.”
“Yeaaa. Second, I’m pretty sure she’s asleep right now.”
Huh, now that Eddie thinks about it, he does hear soft little snores. Which is weird since neither he nor Steve snores, and they are both, ya know, awake.
“And I don’t think El speaking in a dark corner would have helped your fears. Like imagine just hear her soft “Hello” at 2 a.m.” Steve raises an eyebrow.
“I—okay I got nothing.”
“Fantastic can we go back to sleep now?”
Eddie gives one last shout, “You’re not going to stop her?”
“Are you going to tell her no? And make her worry?”
Eddie slinks down into the covers, “...no.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Eddie curves his body into Steve’s, seeking him out. Steve wraps his arms around Eddie, securing him to his chest. “Thank you for indulging me.”
Steve hums. “Anything for you baby. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Eddie kisses Steve lightly.
“I love you both as well.” El’s voice suddenly speaks into the silent room.
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie screams.
Steve can’t help the giggles that come out of him. He tries to smother them into Eddie’s shoulder.
Eddie can’t find it in himself to be mad.
some people seemed interested in more el + Steve sibling energy. And they are a sibling-like duo I love. So here’s a little something but more steddie involved. I think all three of their relationship would be very sweet. Both Eddie and Steve would protect el. I hope you enjoyed :)
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rotisseries · 1 year
every fandom has the found family cuddle pile picture but can you believe ours is official?
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spacedace · 9 months
Found this old snippet and don't really remember of the context for it outside of being a joking exploration of how weird the Fenton/Phantom family tree would seem to outsiders (not even getting into how relationships might be classified differently between the human side & the ghost side)
Anyway gonna drop it here as a prompt lol
Mind the quick reference to dismemberment, there's no gore or detailed description and no one is actually hurt, it's more there for comedic effect, but still wanted to give the heads up on it 👍
Nomad motioned to the towering, vaguely vampire-looking buff dude with literal flaming hair what the fuck, “Dan, this is everyone. Everyone this is Dan. He’s my…” Nomad trailed off and blinked, a look of confused befuddlement on her face as she let the sentence hang for too long.
“Huh…” She said considering, looking up at vampire-dude, Dan apparently, with a confused furrow on her brow. “You know this is the first time I’ve ever had to try and explain our relationship to each other and I’m drawing a blank and what exactly to call you. Uncle? Dad? Brother? Like, I think you could technically be considered all three.”
What the fuck did that mean??? Kon snapped his attention over to meet Tim’s masked gaze, the look of wild confusion Kon was sure was on his own face mirrored there. Around the meeting room confused and worried looks were being shared by the rest of the League. Which like, yeah, what in the Habsburgs was happening here for all of those terms to be applicable?
“Well, you’re Danny’s Mirror, so if you consider him your dad then it stands to reason I’m also your father.” Dan said, hand coming up to his - literally flaming, how did that work? - goatee thoughtfully.
“Yeah but like, I call Danny dad just to piss Vlad off.” Nomad countered, toying with her severed arm with her still attached hand. Kon didn’t think he’d ever get over how casual she was about being literally disarmed and just…not caring. “And I definitely don’t see you as a dad. Uncle?”
The giant of a ghost shook his head with a frown, “Implies that Danny and I are brothers, which could work but gives our relationship kind of a weird vibe. I feel more like his father than anything.”
“Gramps, then?”
Nomad laughed, “Fair, wouldn’t want to take the title of Grampa away from CW. Besides we’re both half Vlad, so I think brother works best here.” She frowned, looking thoughtful, “Maybe half brother?”
Dan considered, “Half-brother could work. Though it gives Vlad more credit than he deserves.”
“Oh come on, can you imagine the look on his face if we went in together on suing him for child support?” Nomad asked, fanged grin wicked. Dan’s face lit up at the idea, and Kon felt like they were rapidly heading towards the two ghosts running off to go and go torment whoever this Vlad guy was rather then them help deal with the current demonic problem at hand.
“Can you please explain what any of that means?” Kon asked, more a squeak than anything else. He was starting to get a headache.
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dinzeeyz · 1 year
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did not think i’d get absorbed into another smp interest but here we are
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pokeberry5 · 4 months
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an anon a while back asked for fem kon
i was working off a joan jett magazine cover -- civilian rockstar kon?
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
i live under the strong belief that every time another super/bat relationship spawns, alfred's will to serve the manor lessens ever so slightly
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tiyoin · 2 months
but when shit hit the fan he THREW. HIM. OUT.
IMAGINE jade x reader ft. tsum jade
both of them are dancing around you stealing your attention away from the other tsums like synchronized swimmers.
oh kalims’s tsum is stumbling towards you with the accuracy of a gazelle? don’t worry! jade tsum is giving you an amazing shoulder massage
uh oh! your pesky little friends are looking for you? jade needs help with his tsum! it’s run off again! you’ll be a benevolent soul and help him out? right, ever so grateful prefect?
uh oh, rook’s tsum is hunching it’s behind like a predator ready to streak its unaware prey- ie: you! rocketing off the tree, his threaded green and lime eyes zeroed-in on you. but fear not!
heroic tsum jade grows in size like a superhero and bumps the cynical hunter tsum away and out of sight. like a twinkling star in the night and you’re safe again
or even, lilia seemed to hone in on you as a target! so that only means that lilia’s tsum is definitely…
jade doesn’t even need to look up as he slaps the tsum away like a fly. there was a harsh slap as leather met the soft flesh of the tsum.
hazah! you’re safe once again.
but why are you squeezing and nuzzling the tsum? he’s the one who saved you- oh oh he got bamboozled by his own plushie doppelgänger
round 2!
jade tsum is trying to nose dive himself into your chest from above? non non! jade simply can’t have that and strangles the tsum before he can even get in a two foot radius of you
jade wants to slyly slide his arm around your waist to guide you through the hallway? no need! tsum jade is there on your head ripping you from jade’s grip as he controls you like that one rat chef duo.
and what’s this? he did your hair in an impeccable fish tail braid too?? regardless of your length, doing it with his stubby… arms? was a feat of its own.
he also gives killer head massages too!
it’s all daggers and glares until they spot azul and his tsum approaching you-
well, it’s time for an unlikely team-up that will only end up in betrayal !
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