#twisted male oc
wanou-dorm · 2 years
RSA OC - Marcus Akihoshi 
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Note- I apologized for the use of AI Art , but I thought the Pictures looked cool  and Accurate to how I imagine him 
And are Placeholder for when I actually Draw it but I really need to take time to Do stuff with the. Ones I have and Finish up stuff
@/fumikomiyasaki- Characters mentioned
@nyxs-sins- Template
School: Royal Sword Academy 
Genmu( Touhou based Dorm)
Full Name: Marcus Akihoshi
Twisted from - Marisa Kirisame from Touhou
Birthday: July 7 
Height: 180 cm/ 5’10
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: The Shaftland/Onigashima 
Club: unknown 
Best Subject: Magic Objects and History 
Hobbies: Science, Potion making, Magic  , Anime , Stealing form Night Ravens Library , Broom Riding
Pet Peeves:  people taking his hat or Mini Hakkero , People Making fun of him , Bringing up how Smart he Actually is
Favorite Food: … Mushrooms , Spicy Food
Least Favorite Food:  Cold Food
Talent:potion making , Science Experiment , Intelligence , borrowing (Stealing) Books from NRC’s library , 
Unique Magic -  Magic Absorber -
 Marcus can absorb the Magic of Anyone if Hit by a Spell basically. Nullifying it , it’s usally Absorbed inside The Mini Hakkero  he Carries around to avoid Accumulating  blot inside himself. Which can he can   use  For His Ultimate Move the Master Spark 
Character Summary (Backstory)
Vice Dorm leader of Genmu and Shus childhood Friend , Marcus is the only boy with an Actaul Family though they Moved to Onigashima Due to money trouble and Started a Magic Items Shop .
Marcus is actually a pretty average Magician , His Recommendation to RSA due his Immense knowledge on magic Items and Potion .
Unlike Reiji , Marcus is more Rowdy , Gutsy and Rambunctious   When Leads a lot of NRC and Even HSA students To Look down  on his Actual Intelligence which Catches Many off guard when Marcus Says Stuff that actually Right , it’s quite obvious that Marcus Humbles himself.  
 According to Hiei  the most Hard working person in ,town  despite his Tendencies to borrow (Steal) stuff from NRC’s Library and Tell Blatant Lies (Though  he doesn’t put any Effort deceiving people with them )  he’s been seen  helping the Residents  of Sage Island and   Students of HSA and NRC .
He Generally Friendly and chill dude with Danger Streak 
He Specializes In Star and Heat  based Magic
His Cosmic Magic looks Like Stars
He has a bad Hoarding Habit , due his like for Collecting thing
Hoshi Described him to Flynn as “ Greg if  he was actually smart. “ 
Marcus is said like to flirt , though he. Dosent really think it’s Flirting when you Just Give Girl a Flower  you found off the Ground. People  Really make him out to be a Man getting guys and Girl  like Wildfire - This in Reference to how much People Ship Marisa. In the Touhou Fandom 
Hiei Remarks that Marcus can fault in your Fighting Style  and Use it against you .. This also how he Got the Reputation as A flirt and tease 
Marcus dose not like Barry , What do ya mean ya don’t like Reiji. 
 Marcus is very Resistant to Poison due to Secret train
Despite looking like a Beanpole he is Stronger that he appears , He Was seen Carry two Whole Compture the Montior and The Computer it’s self. These were rather old computers by the  way .
He’s Seen with Jade and Kurama Foraging for Mushrooms  for Potion(Which are very Dangerous )
Such a good Broom Rider it Make  Vargas Cry
Hes been Trying to Figures  the Identity of these Phantom thieves. He keeps hearing about 
Shu says Marcus ‘s Magic is Very Flashy and Space inspired 
Don’t touch the Hat
Voice Claim
Scaramouche Scaramouche will you do Fandango !
Theme Song 
Magus Night
Love Colored Master Spark
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yandere-writer-momo · 4 months
Why write the usual when I can make everybody sad? This is a different take on the Yandere trope with the reality of being involved with someone who is obsessed with you (worse case scenario).
Yandere Short Stories: The Consequences
Yandere Ex Husband x Deceased Fem Reader
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“(Your name)?” Alec stepped back in disbelief, his hands rubbed his eyes to make sure that the figure in front of him was really real. “(Your name)! Oh my god!”
Alec ran towards the young woman and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. His whole body trembled as his hazel eyes began to spill salty tears. He couldn’t believe it… he couldn’t believe this was real.
Her hair still smelled like (scent)… this couldn’t be a dream! This had to be reality! Yes… she came back to see him again.
They were together so many years ago and then she vanished into thin air. To see her again was like a dream come true! To know she was still on this earth and she had returned to his side was all the relief he needed.
Alec pressed a kiss to her head before he pulled away so his hands could hold her face. His thumbs traced over her pink lips as a sad smile crawled on his lips.
“You… you don’t look a day over twenty six…” Alec’s brow furrowed. How did she still look so young when it’s been over a decade since they last saw each other? How was that even possible?
(Your name) softly smiled at him, her hands rose up to gently hold the backs of his palms. Her hands were like ice… no. Her hands were as cold as death.
“This isn’t real, none of this is.” (Your name)’s voice was barely above a whisper. “I died, silly. Don’t you remember?”
“No… you’re not dead.” Alec’s lip quivered and his eyes became crazed. “You can’t be dead, we just had an argument was all.”
“Yes… and you killed me. Don’t you remember?” (Your name)’s form slowly began to melt away into that of a rotted corpse. “You stabbed me to death and buried me in the garden.”
“No! No, I didn’t…” Alec began to sob and shake his head. There was no way… he didn’t. He wouldn’t have… he loved her!
“It’s too late, Alec. What’s done is done.” (Your name) the crumbled onto the floor in a pile of bones.
Alec fell to the floor in a panic. Her tried to piece back together her bones back together but it was futile. “No! Please stay with me!”
Hot tears flowed down his cheeks, another sob racked through his chest. He pulled her skull toward his chest to cradle it. “I’m sorry… I just didn’t want you to leave me! We were so happy and… I wanted you to be happy forever.”
Alec continued to sob on the floor that slowly melted away into that of a white padded cell. Reality slowly began to slip in.
(Your name) would be happy forever in death while he would rot forever in this padded cell. This was the reality of his kind of love. This was the consequence of his actions.
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flokali · 7 months
— Concept: Student Yandere and Professor Darling
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Warning: GN! Reader, blackmail, n/on-con, d/ub-con, age gap, student-teacher relationship, push-over reader, unfair ending, n/oncon recording, uhh ask to tag!
A/N: just a concept that plagued me for a while... hhhhhhh;; i'm so normal ab this
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Any dynamic that involve an authority figure and a subordinate, no matter how innocent they may initially seem, are doomed from the start for both of the parties involved.  There’s always going to be an underlying power imbalance, someone who holds the authority over the other; there is no nice way to put it, unfortunately. 
Most of the time, in fics, I see a lot of Yan professors creeping on their students, but the thought of a student Yan harassing their beloved professor has been plaguing my mind. 
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The relationship starts sweetly, you’ve noticed a certain student in your course that’s been falling behind, making mistakes that should have long been addressed, their work is always late or partially done and you’re growing slightly annoyed at them for wasting your time and misusing theirs as well. You ended up offering them private tutoring when you found out you were the only professor’s whose class who they’d been treating like a joke. 
They reject it immediately; seemingly embarrassed that you’d even offered. You try to calm their nerves down, you’re pretty young yourself, you only graduated a few years ago and you won’t charge them, it won't be a daily thing but they can pop into your office so you can review and work on assignments and other material they’ve been failing at. The hesitant look on their face seems to slowly be melting off the longer you explain your reasoning.
You continue insisting, you lay out the facts as they are; they’re a brilliant student who has been passing all other courses and extracurricular activities with flying colors, so why is that your course has become such a challenge to them? You have seen them work and the way they behave during class, you’ve even noticed how some students go to them to try and clear up any questions and ask to study together with them. You’d heard your colleagues rave about them being easily one of the college’s star students, so it’s either that they’re making shit up and lying to their peers, which you sincerely doubt since you’ve seen their works, or they were purposefully trying to fail your class.
Maybe they thought it’d be easier, decided to try it and got it in their head they didn’t have to try – after all, it wasn’t as if all of the work they’ve handed is bad, there’s some clear understanding of what they’re doing, it’s just that they keep on messing up some things, even if it means inconsistencies in their work, the assignments that made up less percentage of the overall grade were done well enough that you could fail them but anything that was actually important was clearly half-assed. They were nailing the basics in one essay and then completely misrepresenting them on the next.
You explain your concerns; you’re genuinely worried your class might hold them back from graduating with their peers, if things kept going on like this, they’d fail your class and if they did, they’d have to repeat the semester and risk graduating a year or so late. It’s not the end of the world to repeat a semester, but it’s avoidable in their case and you don’t understand why they seemingly insist on failing.
It’s then that they pull out a card they’d been holding on to dearly for a situation such as this, they’d hooked you in with a months long performance and it all relied on this moment, it was a disgustingly perfect story meant to pull at your heartstrings and lead you into their honey sweet trap;
They start going on about a sob story about their parents’ jobs and finance, how they had been struggling for a while since their parents cut them partially off for choosing a college out of their town, and how they’re supposed to provide for themselves and pay rent and bills, about how their schedule is always so busy trying to balance college, their friendships, mending their relationship with their parents, and their job on top of all the studying they’ve been doing. Your class had unfortunately been the least of their concerns and that they’re immensely sorry to have worried you and that they are willing to do anything to make up for their past grades. They can’t believe they’d let themselves go in your course and they’re deeply ashamed because they enjoyed it greatly, but there was little they could to catch up now.
You can empathize with such a dilemma, being fresh out of college yourself, the memories of balancing relationships, work, and academics are still freshly etched into your mind. 
They clearly seem burned out and your heart aches seeing a student as promising as them dim down so drastically. You’d hate to be one class that impedes them from graduating on time, you don't want to be the lone profesor responsible for slowing down such a valuable asset to society.
You sit them down and try to offer them some advice, you were in a similar situation when you were in college yourself, you try to explain the ways you managed to survive and bypass college, going into detail about your own problems and how you were able to live through it all. They seem visibly more relaxed during the conversation, nodding along and explaining their own feelings and hardships, you both manage to sympathize with each other and come to an arrangement.
It’s completely under the table since you are worried about what it might look like, but from now on until the end of this semester you’d use a more relaxed, less strict grading system for them, after all, they did have a legitimate reason for their behavior and they were willing to make up for it. That is, under the condition that they start taking tutoring classes from either yourself or a fellow classmate, they weren’t able to balance the studying schedule necessary so you’d try and manage at least one aspect of it for them to try and make their life a little bit easier. You reiterate that this must not come out, fully aware that you were breaking multiple rules but you were too much of a bleeding heart.
They agree gladly, but not before asking if you could be the tutor, when you’d questioned their request they explain themselves, seemingly embarrassed for their own reasoning;
“I don’t want it to get out that I’m failing your class, professor…” The smile they wear seems genuine and shy and you nod in understanding, college students are only older teenagers, after all, most of them are still stuck in their high school mentality and you wouldn’t put it past a bunch of immature people to try and mess with someone who was struggling. While the mindset eventually wears off, you understand why they could be self-conscious about it.
What you don’t know is that they’ve been planning for something like this to happen from the get go, always going out of their way to purposefully present themselves as a stupid, pathetic and incompetent student that would need their hot professor’s (your) help to pass the course.
During your first couple of sessions they work extra hard to make themselves seem as ditzy and clueless as possible, making as many mistakes and errors as humanly reasonable without getting you too annoyed at them. They even begin to dress in slightly more provocative ways than they would have before, their speech slowly morphs into a more flirtatious tone, their touches being lingering on your shoulders for longer than necessary, but you brush it off, trying to ignore the signs. Opting instead to think of it as a silly crush, choosing go try to focus on helping them get through this semester with either an above average grade.
It didn’t take too long for their grades to get better but with the current pace, you were afraid it wouldn’t be enough.
So, you ignore the uncomfortable, sinking feeling in your gut and suggest making your tutoring sessions more frequent - instead of once a week maybe twice, or even thrice if you could fit it into your schedule, if it was really necessary.
You didn’t expect them to suggest going to your place.
Originally, you’d suggested either the library or a cafe, but they said they felt too embarrassed and self-conscious at the idea of their peers watching them, they claimed they’d probably make fun of them for needing help for a course they’d been taking for almost a whole semester at that point. It’s silly, they know, but they can’t shake that shame off.
They insist on your place, but you reject the idea, they say it’s either there or at their place, they point out that anywhere else and you both risk either staff or some of the student body seeing you both together and getting the wrong idea. The conversation goes on for hours until you’re too exhausted to continue arguing with them and give in. 
They are a good person, right? Even if the thought of a student knowing where you lived made you uncomfortable, it wasn’t like they’d do anything about it… right?
You try to limit the study space to your living room, the bathroom, and the kitchen every once in a while if you notice the snacks you had brought weren’t enough, but never further than that. Your bedroom and office were completely off limits, you’d made it explicitly clear that if you caught them wandering too far you’d have no choice but to kick them out and stop the tutoring, possibly even having to call the campus’ authorities if you felt they were getting too out of line – your reputation be damned. 
They also were only allowed to come over during the weekends and on specific weekdays where no one would be able to catch them entering your apartment. You didn’t even want your neighbors to see them, even if you looked close in age you didn’t want to hear anything about a potential secret lover sneaking into your house.
They agree and promise to follow every single rule you’d put in place, they swear.
But it doesn’t take long for them to start going back on their word and start “exploring” your living space, it started small – simply walking around your living room, examining framed pictures, looking over books, memorizing the placement of your trinkets and decor, making a mental note of the colors you used in the space, they make sure to remember to try and look up where you got your cushions and everything, they start looking into you fridge and pantry to make see what you eat, if there’s any indication of a possible food allergy; it’s all investigative work for your future together.
It’s not too long before they’ve memorized your living room and are drawn to the rest of your house. They've gone to your bedroom and studied the space, taking note of the way you made your bed and how many pillows you have, they also have made a list of products you use and like, such as scents and soaps, to make sure your transition to their place is as smooth as possible. Soon, they could very well draw a floor plan of your place and recreate your home in the most basic of softwares. 
The only reason you haven’t caught up to them is because they’ve taken to spiking your drinks with sleep medication, strong enough dosages that you’ll be knocked out for a while, but not enough that you’ll realize you were drugged.
It’s during your sleeping state that the next part of their plan starts to take action. They’ll purposefully plant evidence in your home of their presence and snap pictures, suddenly their underwear is in your laundry basket, and why are you wearing their hoodies to sleep, huh? They’re meticulously planned and staged pictures that make it look like you were engaging in a romantic relationship, but it’s not enough — they need more, something more extreme. More incriminating, something that would absolutely destroy your career and reputation if it came out.
What about a picture of them going down on you? Or one with their cum all over your face? Your naked figure cuddling up to their bare chest? Some makeup to look like hickies could look realistic in pictures too, you know. Maybe them on top of you… or you on top of them? Or one where your lips are sucking their fingers like a —! Ah, the thought has them blushing! All of these photos are like their dreams come true! You look like such a perfect spouse, taking their love~ They make sure to clean up the space, but they’re growing bolder and more confident in their work.
They even have videos of themselves jacking off on top of you, but they’re always so good at making it seem like you’re awake and participating in these activities! It really does look like you’re helping them get off with your own mouth.
You’re such a naughty professor seducing your innocent, sweet student like that!
It’s sick, they’re sick and they know it fully well but they don’t care, as long as they don’t get caught – there’s no way in hell they’ll stop.
Their grades begin improving and there’s no longer any fear of them failing your class, in fact you’d go as far to say they’ve easily become one of your best students in terms of grades. Things seem to be looking up and you’re pretty proud of yourself for having had a positive impact on them, which is why you come to the conclusion they won’t be needing your tutoring anymore. 
You call them over to your office after classes, making sure to be as nice as possible. At first you were annoyed and put off by them, their initial behavior was unsettling and persistent, but after a couple of months of getting to know them you’ve grown to care for them and genuinely wish them the best, you’d pointed out how teaching them had been a joy and you’d always end the sessions feeling better than before, which is why you’d chosen to end the tutoring. You lay out the facts as they are, their grades have improved and there’s no longer any threat of them failing your class, you’d also be risking people misunderstanding the situation if it went any longer, if word came out you’d been using a different rubric to grade them until recently and that they’d been going over to your place, it would simply look bad for both of you. You’d risk getting sanctioned, possibly even losing your job if things were taken in the wrong way, and they could repeat the semester or even have their work in your class be null and having to take a new course entirely, if not even being kicked out.
There’s a minute of silence between the two of you, the air is thick and you wonder if you should have been softer in your delivery as you watch them process your words.
It takes them a while, you decide to give them the time because you have indeed noticed how they’d seem to grow ever so attached to you and they might take this a bit too personally, but you’re soon starting to grow increasingly uncomfortable as the silence continues.
You’re about to say something again, try to soften the blow with some generic encouragement about how they’ll do well regardless of you being their tutor or not, when you hear them chuckle softly under their breath.
You’re taken aback, your eyes widen in surprise and you unconsciously lean back into your chair, but that seems to have further encouraged their laughter as soon they’re covering their face with the back of their hand as they double over in laughter.
It’s strange but you decide to give them a few seconds to regain their composure, maybe this was a nervous habit? You’d heard of people who’d laugh when anxious, but you’d never seen something so theatrical.
They slowly sit back up, wiping tears from their eyes as a few chuckles escape their smiling lips. They haven’t fully calmed down but seem to be making an effort to continue the conversation nonetheless.
“Ah, professor,” your last name tumbles from their lips in a joyous manner but their eyes look icy as they stare at you, their voice feels more aggressive even if the words came out from a smile, “don’t be so ridiculous, I think things are working pretty well as they are, I have no desire to change our… relationship.” 
You’re taken by surprise, their word choice feels odd and purposeful, but you insist regardless.
“There is no relationship between us,” you state, “I am your professor, do you understand? That means that if I say your tutoring is over, it’s over; I have been going easy on you and helping you out but do not misinterpret my intentions, you are my student and that’s where our acquaintanceship ends. If you think you’ll continue needing help, I’m certain our TA will be more than glad to step up and help you out.”  
They smile as they take their phone out of their pocket and your stomach drops for a second, wondering what on earth they could have there. They slide it towards you after unlocking it, they’re carefree in their handling of the device and your nerves start to rise, a gut wrenching feeling settles in your stomach, you don’t really understand what you’re seeing at first but once you do you feel your blood run cold.
You don’t even realize they’ve walked behind your chair, too focused on the picture of your naked body cuddling up to their equally nude form. They’re smiling, tenderly caressing your bare shoulders, embracing your body in such a loving manner it looked like you were lovers. When… When did they take this? 
Your voice is shaking but they don’t answer you, instead opting to crouch beside you and show you the hundreds of incriminating pictures themselves.
They start telling you a story based on the pictures, the one they seemed to be telling you even if you knew that everything they depicted was fake, about a promiscuous professor that seduced their student, coaxed them into a relationship and took advantage of their position to influence the student into falling in love with them.
You want to tell them it won’t work, threaten to call the dean or the campus police, but they quickly clear out any confusion; “Would anyone believe a student would seduce a teacher and that it’s not the other way around?”
You know exactly what they mean; you’re the professor, you hold the authority. You had never been able to put a stop to it because you had no idea what they were doing but that didn’t matter, it was your word against theirs and they had “evidence”.
They seem proud of themselves too, telling you about all the ways they set up the rooms and photos to make sure they looked as real as possible. They’d taken their clothes and belongings over to your place in secret, made sure to apply makeup in the right places with the correct lighting, it seriously felt like an art they’d perfected.
You ask them what they could possibly want, clearly it couldn’t be only your tutoring if they were going this far. They smile and tell you they simply want a relationship with you, one that goes beyond a professor and a student; from that day onwards they wanted to be your lover.
You want to say no, but they remind you of the position you’re in; “You know, I’ve got these backed up in a bunch of places, it’d be a shame if one leaked, right, professor?” 
You feel numb as they lock the door of your office and guide you on top of your desk, you barely even register them going down on you - stripping you naked and giving you oral. From that day onward, you were a prisoner to your own student.
Everyday, they’d act like any other person taking your classes, going to college, making friends, as if when your work day ended they didn’t torment you under the guise of love. Making themselves into your lover without your consent, as if you weren’t their professor, as if they weren’t your student. They celebrate your birthday and make you celebrate theirs, you go on dates outside of town so as to not be caught, there are times you almost forget the perverse nature of your relationship - but it always comes back to haunt you. They always come back to haunt you.
They make sure not to show any of the images to anyone for as long as they’re going to the college. They need to keep an eye on you, make sure your looks and personality don’t charm any other student - they’d hate to get rid of their classmates due to your unknowing seduction. They’re so good at acting like they weren’t bending you over your kitchen counter the minute they followed you home, you’d almost believe they were only your innocent, well meaning student if they didn’t send you videos of you two fucking as extra-curriculum activities.   
They also take your courses religiously to make sure to always be in contact with you; you could never escape them, they’ll follow you home and come inside even if you try to shut the door behind you. Whenever you tried changing the lock they'd find a way to break in anyway, on campus they’d sneakily follow you everywhere and harass you. Those who notice, the few that do, think of it as cute, an innocent puppy crush that would fade by next semester. 
It’s not until they gets their diploma three years later that they releases a drive full of the videos and pictures, making sure to add dates and location, everything to prove you were fucking a student. You were a whore of a professor seducing their students.
You’re fired immediately and it’s not long until your friends and family cut contact with you for seducing a poor college student and using your power over them as leverage. Nobody wants to hire you, they’d make sure to document every single dirty detail of your relationship so as to ruin your reputation until you’d be forced to turn to the only person who didn’t turn their back on you.
You can only walk into their open arms as they suggest finally moving in together, possibly getting married, and maybe even having a couple of children now that they have graduated and received their degree.
But even through it all, they still have the audacity to call you their beloved “professor”. 
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Characters: Lisa (GI), Scaramouche (GI), Al-Haitham (GI), Kaeya (GI), Ayato (GI), Jing Yuan (HSR), Luocha (HSR), Aventurine (HSR), Vyn (TOT), Rafayel (L&DS), Ibara (ENSTARS), Eichi (ENSTARS), Yuzuru (ENSTARS), Cater (TWST), Rook (TWST), Kylar (DOL), Whitney (DOL), literally anyone you want really (TT)
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oddheadd · 5 months
Perfect Husband
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You didn't have that much experience with guys, and the little things you did experience weren't good at all. Everything felt so... Empty. The "Wyd" texts and shallow conversations at the bar didn't satisfy you. You knew what you wanted, and you decided to go for it.
So when you met him it felt so real and unreal at the same time.. He felt real as in he understood you, he engaged in interesting conversations and knew just what was the best for you.
...And he felt unreal as in he wasn't... Human? Like a man from 19th century novels, he was gentle, polite, relatable but mysterious enough to keep you wanting him. The problem before was everybody acting same, now you were weirded out with how unique he was? You started thinking you were the problem.
Therefore, after a few months of dating, when he set up a beautiful dinner table for you two, with candles, flowers, perfectly cooked delicacies and asked you to marry him, you said yes.
You cut the steak and...
"Oh... This seems raw..?"
"It's medium rare, dear. But I won't feel bad if you don't want to eat it." - he smiled.
You felt lucky. So, you cut a piece of it, and put the red, moist and almost slimy piece of meat in your mouth. His smile widened as he watched you do so. You chewed and chewed, trying not to think too much about the texture or the taste, instead washing it down with red wine and forcing a smile.
The night ended with him gently holding and kissing you, while not so gently fucking into you. It felt almost like a reward for accepting his proposal, and the amount of times he made you cum only supported that theory.
The wedding happened shortly after, him making sure it was as big or as small as you wanted.
Everything after that felt like a dream... In a literal sense. You found yourself derealizating on more occasions than you can remember. Feeling dizzy, out of the place and unreal was then a daily accurance for you. And you didn't quite feel comfortable with talking about it with your husband.
But it didn't matter... Not as long as at the end of the day you laid in his arms.
However, even that comfort was broken when only weeks after your marriage, he started staying at his job later and later... As soon as he got home he'd take a shower, too.
Suspecting that your husband was cheating, you decided to follow him one day.
The day went on fine, he stayed at his job til 8, but then he left. You quietly followed, wanting to catch him in the act. He... Went into the woods..? Was he actually fucking someone in the woods? Then you saw another person... But they seemed to not be aware of your husband being there. In fact, he was watching them... Stalking them like a predator would to a prey. The person was obviously wasted, having come in the woods to relieve themself.
Your dear husband got up from his hiding spot, and approached the person... And so you watched in horror as his limbs started twisting unnaturally, making popping and cracking sounds as, his skin changing it's color into a dark red, almost a bloody color. He turned into something incomprehensible... A monster.
His now inhumane looking jaw unclenched, opening so wide he could swallow a man whole, and he took a generous bite out of the person, their bloodcurdling screams not loud enough to bury the sound of your ears ringing.
Despite the scenery being hard to look at, you turned around to leave, but stumbled and fell down with a loud noise.
Your husband's head turned towards you slowly, and his smile fell.
The dream turned into a nightmare.
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Man I just love creepy, cannibalistic, eldrich monsters/gods and not in an only ha they're sexy way (I blame the movie Ritual)
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otomes-world · 26 days
From time to time I see notifications with likes of my not quite au with rsa!mobs. Also considering that I liked Neigh from the very beginning and wrote fics about him, one idea came up. I will regret it very much, very much, but..
As if, now my old-new impression of the characters is like this.
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Here they are from left to right:
Aro, - we'll leave the names as they were originally intended, in order to honor of the original author - the quietest and most suspicious of the three. You're walking down the street, there he is. You went into the store to buy some groceries, he's standing in front of the checkout. You went jogging in the woods, and there he is, too.
His image plays into his hands as many times as it takes. At some point, you notice him in the distance or, on the contrary, very close, it doesn't matter, and you begin to consider him part of the background. Who are you to bother him, right?
A huge miscalculation on your part. Because when he actually approaches you to talk for the first time - for any reason - you won't suspect anything strange. Hell, you've known each other for so long. Even if for most of this "time" he simply existed. He's become so integral to your life that it's strange to go shopping without seeing at least the top of his head.
His constant sleepiness completes the picture. You can't help but worry about him, because he could be anywhere at any time. Not everyone around you is as kind or understanding as you.
He's not like all the other boys around you. He doesn't get into fights, he's not rude - he rarely speaks, to be honest - he's a model child and student. If there was an award called "Any Teacher's Dream", he would be in nominating hall as well.
He always listens, no matter what nonsense or stupidity you ask. You were talking about the lifestyle of snowy owls, so why did you stop? Aro doesn't mind if you lecture him about these birds, even if it started an hour ago and it's past midnight now.
As soon as he confesses, you… what are you? It's like he's become such permanent part of your life that you have been dating for a long time. You call him for help. You share with him very first breaking news. You ask him for advice. At some point, you have to wonder if you even had any friends before Aro came along.
Silver or Quicksilver, he is that very child who grew up on fairy tales about brave knights who slaying dragons and rescuing princesses. The very one who will come to sing you a serenade under your window and will dodge flying pillows of awakened ghosts along the way.
The one who will be watching you from the far end of the street, on the opposite side, and when you give in and come over to clear things up, he will drop to one knee and propose marriage right then and there. Ignoring your completely unimpressed gaze, he will look at you with his glowing, childlike eyes.
Getting rid of him is some miracle, no doubt, but you return to the dorm, and there is a pair of white doves with a wreath waiting by the door. Where did he even find them? Are there any companies that provide services of specially trained birds that deliver boxes? What do you mean, there is a whole dovecote of them in the RSA? What do you mean, you will receive flowers and gifts regardless of whether you want them or not?
As soon as you give up on trying to appeal to his working brain cells - you have already convinced yourself that he does not have any - he will jump up and start apologizing for his behavior, simultaneously adding compliments to you in his speech. At some point, you come to terms with the fact that the whole street is watching the unfolding scene. No, you are not filming a teen drama. No, you are seeing him for the first time in your life. No, he is not crazy… although, perhaps, people are right about that.
Rubbing the bridge of your nose, you slowly resigned yourself to the idea of ​​turning your dorm into a flower shop. The other students began to run away when they saw you in the hallway, as you handed out flowers to everyone you met. When you ran out of people, you went around for a second round. Then a third...
Good luck trying to explain to this RSA prince, one of the RSA princes, that things don't work like that. As you left with another bouquet, you mentally figured out who you could give it to.
Raven. A fine, well-mannered young man. He never raises his voice, always lends a helping hand to those in need. Wait, why does he have such a sly, suspicious look? If you ask him directly, he will put on an innocent expression and ask in response, “Aren't you imagining things?”
No, you're not. You are more than sure that you have seen the way he looks at RSA-Silver when he thinks that no one is watching. Your compass, magnetized by all the overblots and other NRC students, works like a clock for such things. You will not let his pretty face fool you.
Exactly, but now you are sitting in a cafe and discussing… what were you discussing?.. He has a mysterious ability to bring arguments in the most neglected cases and convince you to do what you initially did not want. After two minutes of conversation, you no longer remembered your complaints about him, as if they had not existed in the first place. All problematic issues are listened to and turn into such trifles that it is worth considering whether you were dissatisfied with something.
He is attentive, always noticing the smallest changes and reading your mood like an open book. You were thirsty, so he hands you a bottle of water. You were thinking about something sweet, what a coincidence, he has some of your favorite candies in his pocket. You seemed to want to eat a certain cuisine, and during lunch he asks if you would like to visit a cafe where it is served.
At some point, everyone starts considering you a couple long before you hear him confess. It's exactly as you wanted it, as well as it completes the picture perfectly. You tried to refuse, but the same thing happens. He turns all your negatives about the relationship into reasons why you should say yes. This doesn't obligate you to anything. You are mature understanding individuals who are taking closer look at each other. Dating someone doesn't mean that you have to spend your whole life together.
However, you get the idea that it will be impossible to break up with him.
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spade-of-storms · 3 months
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Allen was bullied for his body all his life. To Deuce, however, it doesn't matter — in his eyes, Allen is the most beautiful person alive.
Allen is intersex and was born with much less testosterone than an average boy as well as a rather feminine overall appearance.
For the entirety of his life back in his world, Allen was severely bullied for his extremely feminine body, and the fact that he had an unflattering overall style didn't help.
Allen was taught to hate his body by everyone around him and was told that he could never be loved. It didn't take long for Allen to believe all of this...
Ever since starting his hormone therapy, Allen's appearance has changed a lot and he has had a major glow up. However, he still firmly holds onto the belief that he's hideous and unlovable even though he's presently considered to be one of the most gorgeous people at NRC...
Deuce finds Allen intimidatingly beautiful and regularly gets nervous around him (yes, even once they're dating). He doesn't understand how someone as stunning as Allen could've been put down so much because of his appearance, and Deuce also loves Allen's rather feminine parts dearly.
To Deuce, Allen is perfection. And one day, he'll successfully help him see that.
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Tomorrow's my birthday!
I'm gonna be 19 motherfuckers
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I hope to finish some requests soon, I'm just a little burnt out and want to celebrate with friends and family. Be back soon!
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cheerleaderman · 4 months
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When you romantic interest shows up to your wedding
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sagethegaywitch · 5 months
Dimensions: Twisted Wonderland Overblots
I wanted to do a fun interactive quiz that will immerse you all into a yandere story that involves the more evil and toxic side of the Twisted Wonderland characters we know and love. This project will take a while because I still want to write oneshots in between, but I promise to get most of this done in a timely matter. Also, male readers only please (there will be a female version on Quotev only).
After the overblot events at Night Raven College, you thought you could let out a breath of relief and hope that the rest of your time there would be relatively normal.  Unfortunately for you, the overblot crystals that Dire Crowley locked away and placed charms on were not as secure as he thought they were, which led to the crystals infecting the school grounds and causing the students to overblot.  You're the only one left on campus, but an incident in the Hall of Mirrors forces you to fight for your survival in a certain dorm against the yandere and overblotting students.
Find out what dorm you fall into on my Quotev account (https://www.quotev.com/quiz/16514482/Dimensions-Twisted-Wonderland-Overblots), and come back to my Tumblr account to read the outcome.
Heartslabyul (finished)
Savanaclaw (finished)
Octavinelle (finished)
Scarabia (finished)
Pomefiore (finished)
Ignihyde (work in progress)
Diasomnia (work in progress)
Jollirogger (work in progress)
Special: Staff (work in progress)
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masked-tornado · 3 months
All about Allen Alagona
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Allen's backstory
Allen's personality
Allen's relationships
Allen's relationship with Deuce
Allen & blot
Allen's previous life
Allen's magic
Fun facts
1 // 2 // 3
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1. Basics
Allen is a Ramshackle freshman who comes from another world (¾ Italian, ¼ Japanese) and "has no magic".
He's an aspiring illustrator and musician who doesn't seem to have success no matter how hard he tries. Whenever he attempted to gain attention on the internet before, all he ever received was ignorance and hate. Nowadays, he's too scared to try again.
2. Allen's backstory
Allen is an intersex boy and was born with lower testosterone levels as well as a mostly "female" outward anatomy.
Having suffered from a genetic anxiety disorder since his childhood, Allen was never really able to enjoy things. Once he got into school, he was mostly used for his good grades and ignored otherwise.
However, things got much worse when puberty started: Allen's body was feminine and muscular at the same time, and he towered over his classmates. His resting bitch face didn't help with people finding him intimidating and scary... and soon, he was not only ignored, but actively avoided and made fun of. He got pushed around, insulted, and told that "a freak like him" could never be loved. Nobody invited him to hang out, people pretended to have crushes on him in order to fool him, and all the "friends" he ever had badmouthed him behind his back.
Allen couldn't tell anyone about how hurt he was — boys weren't supposed to cry and act all whiny, and he would prove that he was indeed a boy by being all tough.
Trying to escape from the bullying at school, Allen put all of his feelings into art instead — a thing he was told he was "gifted" at — and started sharing it on social media. However, as he watched other artists blow up and build entire fanbases, absolutely nothing happened to him; he was either ignored or insulted for his art, seemingly never being good enough to earn compliments. Combined with the fact that Allen compared himself with other artists a lot, he slowly started losing confidence in the one thing he enjoyed and thought he was skilled at.
That wasn't the only thing Allen "wasn't good enough" for. As he got older, the topics at school progressively got harder, and the model student started struggling with them a little. His grades dropped from As to As and Bs, and that was somehow already enough for his teachers to blame him. "What's wrong?", "I expected better from you" and "stop slacking" were just some of the things Allen had to hear from them. He began studying even more in an attempt to satisfy them and prove his worth to himself, but nothing seemed to work out, and instead, it all led to Allen having a burnout.
At this point, Allen started believing that he was possessed. How could one single person have so much bad luck and be hated this much solely for trying to live his life...?
...and why was he even trying when he was never good enough for anyone anyway?
It was then that Allen decided to give up on everything. His grades never satisfied his teachers no matter how well he did, so why should he work for them at all? His gentle personality was never appreciated, so why should he be kind? Fights hurt him, so why shouldn't he fight back?
Allen slowly became a delinquent. He started skipping class almost every day, finally dared to cuss, and got into lots of verbal fights with the people who formerly bullied him. Those who already feared Allen before were now absolutely terrified of him, and soon, rumors about an actual possession started spreading.
The headmaster couldn't stand watching the process of one of her most valuable honor students turning into a delinquent and eventually kicked Allen out of school for his shenanigans.
Allen knew he wouldn't attend a school ever again due to what it had done to his health, but at the same time, he was in desperate need of that graduation if he ever wanted to have a proper job. He tried to blackmail the headmaster into giving him his graduation by threatening to expose the school for how they covered bullying and even allowed teachers to be bullies, but ultimately, Allen got nothing out of it.
He had nothing but his parents now. He had no friends, no confidence, no future. He was likely possessed, doomed by the universe.
Allen lost the sparkle in his eye; he wanted nothing more than to disappear. But the thought of his parents' grief forced him to stay alive. Every day was torture and reminded Allen of how much of a failure he was, and he progressively grew angrier...
...until he started imagining himself in music videos every time he listened to songs.
That was when Allen had an idea. He couldn't be violent, so why not channel all of his hatred and wrath into lyrics and make his own music? This time, he wouldn't post anything online in a long time, instead taking things slow.
Things slowly got a little better — Allen was able to start a hormone therapy, dyed his hair, changed his overall appearance, disassociated himself from his old self, and learned to control his anger through writing and other methods he figured out for himself. However, the emptiness, anxiety and hopelessness remained, and Allen was stuck with depression.
Just the day when Allen wanted to finally buy a software to produce music with, he woke up in a coffin in a strange world...
3. Allen's personality
Allen is widely known to be friendly, lowkey, mature, calm and helpful. People admire him for his good looks and determination, and some even consider him to be perfect due to the fact that he is additionally "good at everything". He also avoids fights and more heated discussions and instead serves as a mediator most of the time, earning him a fair amount of respect at NRC.
Allen has an easy time getting along with people and, while he rarely engages in deep conversations, generally enjoys talking and spending time with others, even if he's not close to them.
The truth: this is a mask.
Allen is an extremely flawed person but skilled at hiding it. He doesn't do anything he's bad at in public, only voices reasonable opinions, uses white lies in order to not accidentally hurt people, and hides all of his mental struggles as much as possible.
Not only does the real Allen envy everyone who is in some way more successful or "better" at something than him, but he has also developed a superiority complex to cope with his insecurities. He even feels this way towards some of his friends, yet doesn't dare to speak up on it out of fear of ending up all alone again.
The real Allen writes aggressive songs, has violent thoughts, and hates himself with a burning passion. His trauma and insecurities always get the better of him, and Allen still believes that he's ugly, worthless and not deserving of love despite being one of the most popular people at NRC.
The real Allen also doesn't care about the problems of people and gets impatient extremely quickly (Deuce is an exception — Allen cares about him a lot and is patient with him — as well as other people who have genuinely earned Allen's trust). His primary motivation for helping with bigger issues around the school is to draw attention to himself and finally receive praise.
Allen's biggest fear is to be lonely, abandoned and ignored, which is why he does his best to hide all of his flaws and true opinions on people — he doesn't want to risk being disliked now that he's finally appreciated somewhere.
The only person who knows the real Allen (and who he is 100% honest to) is Deuce, who doesn't judge him at all and instead understands him.
4. Allen's relationships
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5. Allen's relationship with Deuce
Ever since day one, they've been best friends who always know what the other is thinking/feeling and do almost everything together.
Having the same experiences in a mirrored way, Allen and Deuce are able to understand each other better than anyone else could and naturally help each other because of it. Allen is able to assist Deuce with studying while making sure that he doesn't overwork himself and provides him with healthy outlets for his delinquent tendencies, which helps Deuce mature and grow calmer. Instead of trying to change Deuce, Allen helps him see the good in his flaws and use them to Deuce's advantage while fully supporting his goals and making sure that Deuce doesn't lose himself. Deuce, on the other hand, simply loves and admires Allen the way he is, which helps Allen slowly accept himself more. Being around someone who's so similar to himself and genuinely supports, understands and adores him also manages to fill the void in Allen's heart at least a bit.
Due to Allen's tough vibes, determined personality, intelligence and pretty appearance, Deuce fell for him extremely quickly (it was basically love at first sight for him). Allen fell for Deuce during book 4 when he realized just how much he missed the boy. After hesitating with a confession for a long time due to how it could possibly affect their friendship, Allen and Deuce eventually start dating some time after book 7.
Before I go on an eternal ramble about these two, here are some posts from my Deuce x Allen blog explaining their relationship further:
How they help each other
Why I ship them
Relationship timeline
Facts about them
6. Allen & blot
Allen feels his body get weaker and is somewhat out of touch with it in Twisted Wonderland. At first, he isn't aware of what the reason might be, but things resolve themselves... in the worst way possible.
During every breakdown occuring after these symptoms, a part of Allen's body changes. At first, he merely cries black tears, but then his hair turns another color, followed by another body part every time... until Allen is fully convinced that his demon is slowly taking over.
These occurrences are, in fact, mini overblots building up to Allen's first proper overblot, in which he assumes the form of a demon prince with fire-based magic and massive claws.
Due to his overall physical and mental weakness as well as the fact that he's not from Twisted Wonderland, blot affects Allen extremely easily and in a different way than with mages.
But why can he accumulate blot if he's not a mage himself? Well...
7. Allen's previous life
Unbeknownst to everyone, Allen is the reincarnation of Asterope, an infamous mage from Twisted Wonderland.
Asterope was an exceptional mage said to have been blessed who had weather-based powers but couldn't fully control them due to his impulsive personality. As a result, he accidentally slaughtered a village through a tornado in a fit of rage caused by being excluded and bullied, and became a wanted criminal as a result. He ran away, assumed the identity of "Alan" and joined the Silver Owls, only to be caught when he found out about his sole friend's death and accidentally caused another tornado. Asterope then got executed, and to this day, he's known as nothing but a villain.
Nobody is aware that Allen is Asterope's reincarnation and supposed to fix his legacy until Allen dies after being stabbed during a friend's overblot. A storm is raging outside the school during the entirety of Allen being in a critical state and eventually dying. While his body is already dead, Allen's mind intensely relives the moments from both his current life and the one he had as Asterope. Ironically, his strong blot accumulation and Asterope's desire for wanting his legacy to be fixed through his "successor" eventually bring Allen back to life, leaving him with mere permanent tattoos... and the ability to use magic.
Shortly before Allen awakens, Asterope speaks through him, talking about his legacy. Later on, Allen and his friends do their best to figure out what exactly happened.
8. Allen's magic
Allen has fairly little control over his everyday magic due to both his mood swings and the fact that he's entirely new to this kind of thing. However, he is eager to learn and improve so he can hopefully reach an average skill level.
On the other hand, Allen's Unique Magic is incredibly powerful and can only be countered by the strongest of mages when they're concentrated. "The Calm Before the Storm" traps a being in a tornado that drains them of all their physical and mental energy, often causing the person in question to pass out. It can be used on living creatures from all worlds.
Fun fact: Allen discovers his Unique Magic before he can use normal magic at all.
9. Fun facts
Allen is three days older than Ace.
Allen is good with animals and children.
Allen's natural hair color is black.
Allen is considered to be one of the prettiest people at NRC, but isn't aware of this.
Allen collects plushies and Deuce gifts them to him regularly.
Allen loves Shiba Inus.
Allen likes motorcycles and blastcycles.
Allen is an only child.
Allen loves his parents but is distant from the rest of his family.
Allen has photographic memory.
Allen eats instant noodles a lot.
Allen can't cook, but is willing to learn how to cook egg dishes for Deuce.
Allen doesn't have a lot of stamina.
Allen has problems falling asleep.
Allen is generally bad at sports, but can run fastly and dance very well. He does, however, suck at ballroom dance.
Allen is often called a twink, and he's very curvy for a skinny guy.
Allen has long eyelashes.
Allen received chest surgery during book 5 and now has scars.
Allen prefers coffee over tea.
Allen dislikes pastries.
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zombie-evan · 4 months
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dog-pulp · 2 years
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it’s nap time
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artsybelle1015 · 1 year
i feel like vil is much more of a soft lover, and is more touchy than expected.
after all, his life has been just fame… which doesn’t give much genuine affection, so of course if he were to get a lover he would do a lot to merely hug or hold their hand, he’ll kiss them as much as possible.
he knows he’s good enough for them and they’re good enough for them, no matter what they look like as long as they’re taking care of themself.
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eunxhan · 8 months
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❝ I am forever your most devoted believer. ❞
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I think I've made myself clear with how many disclaimers and warnings I've put in my posts recently, if you choose to ignore and continue to interact with my posts while being underage. It's not my responsibility on what you consume.
Please know what or how to say your words, keep everything respectful towards me or anyone who interacts with my blogs.
Keep it in a sarcastic level.
Use an identifying name or emojis.
Use of tone markers.
Do not vent in my requests but You can vent to me privately.
Be aware of my boundaries.
Be specific as much as you can, Especially in OCs.
I do not condone YANDERE behavior in real life, I don't have such fantasies.
Dark and Mature themes are welcome!
I can write for characters that aren't in the fandoms I write for, just give me a specific info or link about the characters.
I write male,gn,nb, etc.
Maximum of four characters per request
Gender neutral unless specified
Always open to chat
I have the right to ignore some requests.
• ──────── ⌒⌒⌒ ︶︶︶
Headcanons | One-shots | DrabblesCrossovers / Alternate Universe
Suggestive | Platonic / Romantic Relationships | Mini Series
Soft, Angst, Dark, NSFW
Pedophilia | INCESTOUS
Minor characters aged up versions. | Never change character's sexuality who's canonically in LGBTQ.
• ──────── ⌒⌒⌒ ︶︶︶
— I can write for characters in any fandoms.
Jujutsu Kaisen
Bungo Stray Dogs
Blue lock
Blue period
Obey me
What in the hell is bad?
Mystic messenger
Twisted Wonderland
Genshin Impact
Honkai Impact
Dead by daylight
Identity V
Call of Duty
Coming soon..
Helluva Boss
Marble hornets
Alien Stage
Harry Potter
Hazbin Hotel
Creepy pasta
Will be making character profiles.
• ──────── ⌒⌒⌒ ︶︶︶
• ──────── ⌒⌒⌒ ︶︶︶
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greycloudsinwinter · 5 months
Masterlist ❤️❤️
Will write yandere only
House of dragons
Game of thrones
Pride and prejudice
Lord of the rings
Cruel prince
The bear
Fantastic beasts and where to find them
Bridget jones diary
Series of unfortunate events
Twisted wonderland
Record of ragnarok
Rocky balboa films
Peaky blinders
Kingdom of heaven
Historical characters
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dilvuc · 8 months
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〖 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 〗𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭
❝if anyone harm you, then it'll be off with their heads!❞
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〖 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑 〗𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬
❝don’t call me scar-ojitan. i’m not gonna handle two nephews.❞
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〖 𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐔𝐋𝐀 〗𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
❝i’ll be sure to make them…pay the price if they hurt your feelings~❞
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〖 𝐉𝐀𝐅𝐀𝐑 〗𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞
❝i’m not fatherly. why are you people calling me that?❞
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〖 𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 〗𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭
❝hmph. don't think i’m doing this for you.❞
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〖 𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐒 〗𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞
❝at least you're better than that zero to hero. you're becoming my favorite.❞
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〖 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 〗𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞
❝don’t you worry, dear. i will watch over you and eliminate anyone who dare put a finger on you.❞
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