#types of dental braces
wisedental · 1 year
Different Types of Dental Braces Explained
Dental braces help with many dental issues, such as crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, or rotated teeth. However, many dental braces are available, which most people need to learn. Here we have explained the dental braces types that one can obtain. Read more.
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sparrowposting · 2 years
had to order a keyboard mat AND an embroidery hoop stand bc my body has decided to be a wuss and stop functioning at the ripe age of 26 and office work + needlepoint + video games have given me an RSI and possibly a cyst and everything HURTS
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6 Braces Choices to Transform Your Smile | Smile Dental and Implant Centre
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Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your smile? Do you dream of having perfectly straight teeth but worry about the cost and commitment of traditional braces? At Smile Dental and Implant Centre, we understand that every patient's needs and preferences are unique. That's why we offer not one, but six different types of braces to suit your body, lifestyle, and budget.
Our experienced team of orthodontists will work with you to find the perfect braces treatment plan. Whether you're a busy professional with a packed schedule, an active teen who's always on the go, or a cost-conscious parent looking for the best options for your child, we have various choices to fit your needs. From the classic traditional metal braces that have stood the test of time to the aesthetic appeal of clear ceramic braces, from the discretion of lingual braces hidden behind your teeth to the convenience of removable aligners that can be taken out during meals and brushing, we offer the latest technology and techniques to give you the smile of your dreams.
And now, for a limited time, we're offering an exclusive 20% discount on all braces treatments! Don't let financial concerns hold you back from achieving the perfect smile. We also provide flexible EMI payment options to make your treatment even more affordable. With these options, you can spread the cost of your treatment over time, making it easier to manage your budget while still getting the orthodontic care you need.
Imagine the confidence and joy you'll feel when you can finally flash a stunning, straight smile. Whether preparing for a job interview, a first date, or a special occasion, you'll be ready to take on the world with your new and improved grin. A beautiful smile can open doors, create opportunities, and leave lasting impressions on everyone you meet.
Don't wait any longer to start your journey towards the smile you've always wanted. Please book your appointment at your nearest dental clinic today and take advantage of our limited-time 20% discount. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are ready to answer all your questions and help you find the perfect braces type for your unique needs. We pride ourselves on providing a welcoming and comfortable environment where you can feel comfortable discussing your dental goals and concerns.
Investing in your smile is investing in yourself. With six brace types and an unbeatable discount, there's never been a better time to start your transformation. Contact Smile Dental and Implant Centre now and get ready to fall in love with your smile! Our commitment to excellence means using only the highest quality materials and state-of-the-art equipment in all our treatments, ensuring that you receive the best possible care.
At Smile Dental and Implant Centre, we believe that everyone deserves to have a smile they can be proud of. That's why we're dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care to every one of our patients. We understand that the decision to undergo orthodontic treatment is a significant one, and we're here to support you every step of the way.
From your initial consultation to the final reveal of your new smile, our team will be there to guide you, answer your questions, and celebrate your milestones. We'll provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about your treatment, including detailed explanations of each braces option, the expected duration of treatment, and care instructions for your new braces.
So why wait? The path to a more beautiful, confident smile is just a phone call away. Contact Smile Dental and Implant Centre today to schedule your appointment and learn more about our services. With our expertise, cutting-edge technology, and special 20% discount offer, your dream smile is within reach. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your smile and your life. We look forward to helping you achieve the radiant, straight teeth you've always desired.
For an Appointment Call +91- 9490618636, 9490618635.
Get More details about Invisible Braces: https://smiledentalandimplantcentre.com/invisible-braces-cost-in-hyderabad/
Check Dental Hospital Near You: https://dentalhospitalnearme.in/
Dentist and Dental Clinic in AS Rao Nagar: https://asraonagardental.in/
Check dentist near you: https://dentistnearme.org.in/
Get Google Reviews and Directions: https://g.co/kgs/fpQ8Drz
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Batfam at the dentist HCs/incorrect quotes, please?? 🤲 I have a big surgery coming up and I'm terrified
Dick: What's up, doc?
Leslie: What are you doing?
Dick: Daffy Duck. I'm thinking of a new career as a voice actor.
Leslie: Okay but can you not do it with a mouthful of sharp objects?
Cass: *brings a punch card and a knocked-out tooth*
Leslie, sighing: Here we go again.
Leslie: *stamps the card*
Leslie: Your next one is free.
Leslie: *in the middle of the checkup*
Steph, getting up: Hang on, my Uber Eats is here.
Leslie: You ordered takeout to a dental appointment?
Steph: Efficiency.
Leslie: You have a helmet. How did you still break your tooth?
Jason: *flashback to throwing his helmet at Dick, missing, and it bouncing back*
Jason: Enough with the questions, okay?
Leslie: Ever consider braces?
Kate: I don't want any part of me to be straight.
Leslie: Oh, you're early! Just check in with the receptionist and take a seat until I call you.
Bette: *goes up to the receptionist*
Bette: Checking in for Bette Kane.
The receptionist: Sorry, I don't have you down here.
Bette: Maybe try my full name? Mary Elizabeth Kane?
The receptionist: Still don't see you.
Bette: I should have an appointment for 2:00 today.
The receptionist: *typing*
The receptionist: I see you now. The doctor's right, you are early. Your appointment is tomorrow.
Selina: *using cat claws as a toothpick*
Leslie: This might be an issue.
Leslie: Say "ahh."
Tim: *screams*
Leslie: You're bleeding because you don't floss.
Harper, who came in after a mission: ...
Leslie: —but I cannot stress this enough, it's important to wear a mouthguard for all contact sports. And some non-contact sports. And training. And patrol. And walking through Gotham. And whenever you're around the Waynes. Actually, I'm just gonna give you the box. Take your time. Pick whatever colors you want. If you need me, I'm gonna be in my office questioning my life choices.
Luke: ...I just asked how her day was.
Bruce: Are you sure there's no tooth fairy? Because the Justice League has state-of-the-art tracking system that can locate them. I really think we can form a contract to expand social programs for children.
Leslie: Just shut up and let me do my job.
Leslie: Everything's looking good except for a few minor spots.
Barbara: Yeah, well, call me when they invent stainless coffee.
Leslie: I recommend removing your wisdom teeth.
Alfred: But that's where I keep my wisdom.
Leslie: I see you still have one last baby tooth. It should've come out by now.
Damian: Father said to keep it in.
Leslie: Why?
Damian: He wants me to stay a baby.
Leslie: Cullen, you're next.
Cullen: *climbing out the skylight*
Leslie: Wow.
Leslie: That's actually impressive for a non-vigilante.
Leslie: Hey, Helena. I thought you were off duty this week. How'd you knock a molar loose?
Students: *fighting in the hall*
Helena: Break it up! All of you go to the office! And delete that video!
Helena: I need a raise.
Carrie: I don't get it. I brush twice a day AND floss. How do I still have cavities?
Leslie: What do you brush with?
Carrie: Toothpaste, obviously.
Leslie: And what do you floss with?
Leslie: Carrie...
Carrie: The British call it candy floss for a reason, don't they?
Leslie: Well done today, Duke. Have a sticker.
Duke: Why are they all the Justice League?
Leslie: Funding comes with a catch.
Duke: *picks the Flash*
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westvaughandental · 2 years
Many people think that braces are unsightly and inconvenient. Everyone has a mental picture of a teen in braces attending an elementary school. Braces are a clever device that are securely wrapped around the teeth in order to gradually straighten them out. Because most people believe that wired braces look unattractive as people mature, braces are frequently seen on teenagers. The good news is that there are now more options besides wired braces. For more information, see the top 4 solutions for aligning teeth visit https://westvaughandental.ca/ or call us at (905)-893-3368.
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littlespacecadets · 9 months
🌟 Pacifiers 101 🌟
✨ Whether you call it a pacifier, soother, dummy, paci, or any other name, many cadets aboard the little space station enjoy them! Here's the rundown of things you should know about them before you buy one! ✨
🌠 An adult sized pacifier is the safe and best choice. 🌠
While baby pacifiers are more easily accessible, they aren't meant for people with bigger mouths/teeth. Baby pacis are too short and are only able to reach just past your teeth. Pacifiers are supposed to end up at the roof of your mouth, which is why different sizes exist in the first place. If a paci is too short/small, then there are two outcomes:
Instead of your tongue keeping your paci from slipping out, you would bite down on it to keep it in place. Clenching your jaw shut for too long can cause aches and pain in both your jawline and your teeth.
If you attempt to suck your baby paci, your tongue will push itself against your front teeth repeatedly. This repeated force from your tongue is strong enough to push your teeth forward, which, if done excessively and over a long enough time frame, can lead to either an overbite or underbite. Long before that happens however, your front teeth will ache.
Adult pacifiers should not cause these problems. There are only a very few exceptions where they would not help, and I'll list them:
You have barely lost your front teeth. Teeth and genetics are weird, and while the majority of people will have lost their front teeth when they were 6 or 7, some people lose their baby teeth later than that. Some individuals even get an entire second set of adult teeth! If any of these situations apply to you, then using any pacifier (but especially a too small one) after your new teeth have grown in is an unwise idea. There are gaps in the bone underneath your gumline, which means your teeth are especially sensitive to any type of pressure and are highly susceptible to shifting out of alignment. It typically takes a year for the bone underneath to solidify, in which case you should wait to use a paci until then.
You have braces/have barely gotten your braces removed. Similar to the circumstances above, if your teeth have recently been purposefully shifted into alignment, using a pacifier can cause aches and movement in your teeth. This can be prevented with the very important tool your dentist gave you: a retainer! Adult pacifiers fit perfectly behind your retainers, which will prevent any movement and/or pressure on your teeth. I would recommend not using your pacifier without a retainer until: you are instructed to stop using a retainer altogether or a year after you are instructed to use your retainer only while you're sleeping. These times are greater than if you had new teeth because the older you are, the longer your body takes to grow - this includes bone. The older you have dental work done, the longer it'll take for this bone to fully fill the space your teeth have vacated; if your dentist has instructed you to use your retainer for the rest of your life, I do not recommend using a pacifier for long periods of time without a retainer in place, as you have an increased risk of developing an overbite.
Your mouth is too small. The question is in which way your mouth too small? For example, if your teeth are too big for your mouth (and you may have even had some of them removed to make space/have straight teeth) then chances are that you would have to use an adult paci. However, if your teeth are short and otherwise child-sized, then you may instead find that the largest baby paci (36 months) will suit you fine and cause no pain. In this very specific circumstance, a baby pacifier may suit your needs better, as, to reiterate, as long as the paci ends at the roof of your mouth then you shouldn't have any problems.
🌠 The Care and Cleaning of Your Pacifier 🌠
All pacifiers should be properly cleaned and sanitized when you first get one. Afterwards, they should be routinely cleaned to prevent bacteria and germs from growing and entering your mouth, even if they don't seem dirty.
Wash it with warm water and dish soap. Take a clean cloth or towel, damp it with warm water, add a squirt of dish soap, and carefully clean the nipple and the back of the shield. Other soaps may not be food safe - as in, suitable for something you're going to be putting in your mouth - so it's best to be careful.
Use pacifier wipes. In stores, there exist specific wipes to clean pacifiers with! Some are vaguely flavored, so even if you might pop your paci in right after cleaning, it won't leave a chemical taste in your mouth.
In the event that your pacifier needs to be completely sanitized (such as dropped on the ground or other unsanitary place or if used during an illness) your options are:
If you have an undecorated pacifier, as in one without any added embellishments, then you can bring some water to a boil, disassemble and toss the paci in there, stir it around for 2-5 minutes, remove it, and allow it to cool completely before putting it back together and placing it in your mouth.
If you have a decorated pacifer, check with the seller to see if there are any specific cleaning instructions.
After using your pacifier, make sure it is dry before putting it in storage to prevent the development of germs and bacteria - if possible, cleaning it after usage is recommended for long term storage.
Storage can be any container or location that is clean and dry: an old lunch box, a new pencil case/box/bag, a new make-up bag, a tin container, a tupperware container, a mason jar, a Halloween pail, an Easter basket, a Valentine's Day box/tin/mailbox, and even a drawer are all examples of what you can use. If your pacifier storage can be easily cleaned, then feel free to use it!
🌠 Pacifier Usage 🌠
While using your pacifier, it's best to avoid the practices that can lead to aches and pain, as previously mentioned.
Your tongue should not be touching or pushing against your front teeth at any point in the process, as this is what commonly leads to teeth aches and teeth shifting out of alignment. On top of this, you run the risk of becoming comfortable resting your tongue against your teeth even when you aren't using your pacifier, which can also lead to your teeth shifting out of alignment.
Instead, your tongue should be resting along the bulb of the nipple, which should be right below your hard or soft pallet. Suckling may push the bulb towards the back of the mouth (or, your tongue moves along the stem of the nipple), but as long as your tongue doesn't brace the nipple against any teeth, you shouldn't experience any discomfort.
You may be tempted to bite down on your pacifier to keep it in your mouth, but as long as it's properly sized, that's not necessary. In fact, biting down on it can strain your jaw, similar to how teeth grinding can do the same. If you find yourself doing this often, with the jaw pain to go along with it, you may find it better to buy a mouth guard - some models even have a pacifier-like exterior, and you can view them as a more teether-like alternative.
When using your pacifier for long periods of time, you may begin to notice discoloration alongside the corners/edges of your mouth. This is common for people who use pacifiers, people who have retainers, or people who produce more saliva/drool more than average.
Don't fret! Lip balms that promise "lip repair", "intense therapy", and "skin protecting" can be used at the corners of your mouth to soothe any irritation and prevent future discoloration from occurring again. If these are unavailable, petroleum jelly may help.
✨ Class dismissed - now go ahead and get the pacifier of your dreams, cadet!✨
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ylskquevmxv · 1 year
British insight for those military men fics
Coming from a British person
Use this for your angsty british backstory
Will include:
-insight to healthcare and low income situations
- opinions on the royal family (all negative)
- british food
- talks about home life and low income
• none of them would care for the queens death. They would not be mourning, they would not be sad, they're not tories. If anything theyd be glad and wishing death upon the rest of them. The monarchy sucks the only downside is that we have Charles and camilla now. Diana rest in peace
• to add on to this they wouldnt care for the coronation they would most likely insult it, they probably hate the entire royal family like almost all of the entire uk does. I am repeating this again but they are NOT tories 🚫nuh uh🚫 stop painting, price, gaz and ghost as people who love the royals while soap hates them 💀💀 they all hate the monarchy
• they most likely wouldnt drink fancy tea Pg, Yorkshire, tetley etc are their go to because that's what most of the uk drink especially low income houses as it's the cheapest. Taste of home I guess.
• also they're not out here eating beans on toast whenever they get the chance💀 they're probably eating an entire meal because they're giant men??? Like beans on toast is what parents give to their kids because it's cheap and fills them up, the only time they're having beans is with:
1) breakfast
2) jacket potatoes
3) sasauge and mash
4) Gregg's bean and sausage pasties
• also soap probably eats beans too?? I've seen fics where hes wholeheartedly against beans like??? Hes Scottish?? I know he ate beans as a kid, no one grows up and decides to have a mohawk otherwise
• they're all meat and potatoes type of men (like all british men) that's it. That's the facts
• fries =/= chips
• also british people are like really lazy when they speak
"would you like a cup of tea?"= "fancy a cuppa?"
"I'm just not in the mood to do that" = "cant be arsed"
"How are you?" = "ya alright?"
"Should we get some Chinese/Indian/Italian/etc food?" = "you want a chinese/Indian/italian/etc?"
• we tend to just drop words off In sentences because the person were talking to probably already understands what we mean and because like I said we're lazy
• British accents also vary so much!!! Even if you're from the same street you'll probably have a different accent and we also swear a lot, we also use a bunch of mixed slang as thete are people from everywhere over here (poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, india named from just my class)
• Irish travellers are also really common so their would probably be a few in recruitment  idk why people dont add Irish people to their fics ?? maybe they fear putting Scotts and irish people together (watch big fat gypsy wedding for more insight I used to love that show)
• Aussies understand us pretty well (shout out to my uncle Andy) a lot of our language dialects are pretty similar and our humour is both pretty dry and blunt
• also British people dont care for like anything?? Even tho we have free healthcare most of us just slap a wet paper towel on it and call it a day. The most reaction you'll get is a room temperature ice pack
• british teeth are also something that Americans dont really understand since we have free healthcare but I'll they to simplify it. our Healthcare is free and so is dental care but only if you're younger than 16 except for check ups etc and unfortunately alot of us are born into low income households whose parents are a)mentally unwell b) physically unwell c) involved with drugs or are just simply neglectful so that means a lot of us arent taken to the dentist and by the time we are old enough to take ourselves we would have to pay for it and some of us just dont have the money for things like braces
• also I really want to see someone include chavs/roadmen in their stories because i think it would be funny plus some of them are really nice and genuinely curious when asking
• there are things called council houses/ council estates and they arent the nicest places to live and are usually not in the best shape but it's a place to sleep, most of the people who live there are usually people who live on benefits and are really lovely (might be biased I used to live in one tho), you usually have to top up on gas and electric every so often via a card (gas) and a key (for electric) usually able to get these topped up from you local corner shop
• alot of the nosies we make are as if we're cave men
*throws paper ball into trash*
Anyone in a 5mile radius: WOOOOO
• we also make up chants alot?? Idk why but we're just a musical country usually has something about your mum, your nan, a nonce, or one of the many other british wonders *nonce = pedo
• our beauty standards are a lot less extreme like theres obviously beauty standards but there are a lot more regular looking people on tv over here rather than supermodels ?? I've been to America and some of the people on tv you'd swear they were made in a factory for hot people only. Let people be regular
• British tv has a commercial every 15 minutes or so and our commercials dont offer lawyers or medication, some our commercials have songs, silly gags in them or are terrifying (check out: money supermarket, the antibiotic song, the meerkat adverts just to name a few)
• our eggs are orange not yellow
•our sandwiches have butter on them (not all but most) + brits arent much of foodies we just eat to survive really especially during the cost of living
• our drinking culture is a big thing over here, a lot of us start drinking around 13
• we have stores like asda, tesco, lidl, aldi, iceland, sainsburys and big Tesco, corner shops are really common depending on if they're owned by a large company or not some of them arent in perfect shape and are run my people from other countries but they have good stuff so who cares about how they look
• you have to be 16 to buy an energy drink and 18 to buy alcohol/ cigarettes
• outside cats are a thing, they're not homeless they just come as they go
• for some reason people are really classist?? Because how dare the poor be alive, and I'm not talking about just rich people being bad to the poor if you have bad living conditions expect to be made fun of by other low income people 💀 you'll be lucky if yoire funny because otherwise you will just be getting bullied.
•our weather is pretty much grey, our grass is almost never fully green and usually patchy, our summers are so hot they cause wild fires because we have no humidity and no air con, our winters are a hit or miss either too cold or a regular day
• tv shows that most of us call soaps: eastenders, coronation street, emmadale and hollyoaks
• some uk shows, naked attraction, snog marry avoid, friday night dinner, bad education, plebs, come dine with me, him & her, some girls, the Keith lemon show, gavin and stacey, not british but Derry girls, inbetweeners, anything with philomena cunk in it, the great british bake off
• Some documentaries (ish) for those who love information: old people homes for four year old, emergency, educating greater Manchester, educating Cardiff, poor kids, anything with stacey Dooley or louis theroux in
• it's kinda hard to describe the uk to someone whose never witnessed or experienced it.
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astrobiscuits · 10 months
Astro observations part 7
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🦚Every Virgo Sun ik has started a business at some point
🦚Most Gemini Suns i've met have got brown eyes
🦚Venus trine Uranus individuals are the type to change their fashion aesthetic every day and still pull every style off
🦚Cancer Moon individuals are the type to collect family memorabilia. If you ever go visit their house, they probably have displayed lots of vintage photos, porcelain dolls, books from their parents/grandparents etc. If not, then they probably still have their fav plushie since they were like 5 (cute)
🦚Ik people say Moon square Moon is one of the worst placements in synastry and i agree, but it's not how you might imagine. In my case it was always more of a "i'm ignoring you because ik we're not compatible" thing than constant fights
🦚Venus in 10th house and Capricorn Venus conjunct Rising peeps have the best smile you've ever seen, mostly due to wearing braces or getting different dental procedures (but it can be natural too! i wish i was you). They might also be featured in toothpaste ads or on the cover of dental clinic ads
🦚I noticed that all boys who have got Sun in 1st house have an absent father. Not like permanently absent from their lives, but more like seeing their dad 3-4 times a year
🦚This is more of a theory of mine, but I’ve noticed that a lot of siblings have their rising signs degree in the same element. For example, I’m an Aries Rising at Capricorn degree (10), while my brother is also an Aries Rising, but at Virgo Degree (6)
I’ve noticed this pattern repeating itself in the members of the British Royal family too. Prince William has got a Sag Rising at Gemini Degree (27), while Prince Harry’s (ik he’s not really part of the royal family anymore, but for the sake of the example hear me out) Virgo Rising is at Aquarius Degree (11). Both Prince George and Prince Louis have got their Rising signs at Gemini Degree (27) [guess who got it from their dad]
I hope you enjoyed today's post!
Stay safe, don't forget to drink water and hide from the heat!
See you soon! ૮ • ﻌ - ა ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
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spirngakawening · 7 months
Ruth Fleming wears headgear so I briefly researched ✨️Orthodontic Headgear✨️:
Used (in combination with braces) to correct jaw misalignment & dental crowding - helps avoid corrective jaw surgery later on
Basically comprised of a metal frame that's in some way attached to the teeth (metal/elastic to braces) and strapped to the head
There are a few different types of headgear:
cervical pull (for overbite/overjet)
reverse-pull (underbite/crossbite)
high-pull (open bite)
Ruth's looks like the reverse-pull type without a chin cup... I didn't find any images of real faceframes that exactly matched Ruth's tho
Must be worn for at least 12 hours daily - the more you wear it, the more effective, & skipping a day undoes progress
Can't be worn while eating - Ruth may remove her headgear to eat, not eat at school, or drink her lunch through a straw
Can't be worn during any activity that could involve impact to the face - Ruth may be exempt from gym lessons
Wearing overnight is encouraged
Headgear adjustments call for pain medication & soft foods
Hard parts are washed daily, soft pads/straps washed every few days - must dry before wearing again
Correction can take 1-2 years, sometimes longer
Usually people start wearing headgear as preteens, so Ruth either started later or has been wearing it for longer than usual
Adults usually wear headgear for minor misalignment correction or after an accident that affected the teeth/jaw (eg lost some teeth & is prepping for dental implants/dentures)
It's not impossible that Ruth needs headgear because Max wrecked her jaw/teeth
And/or Max may have extended Ruth's time in headgear by hitting her in the face while she was wearing it
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pyode-luar-ke · 2 years
Can we get a yautja and a reader with dental braces?
teething problems | gn!yautja x gn!reader
A/N: everyone please just assume that the yautja in this story is like hyper-new to earth, like a first time scout or something, bc i know realistically there’d be no way a yautja wouldn’t know anything about braces 💀 they’ve studied humanity for like centuries or whatever, they’ve gotta know more about us that we do at this point lol
also, the “sand fish” thingies? made em up. think of a sea squirt.
summary: who knew that having braces could be kinda fun?
word count: 895
content: 18+, gn!reader, gn!yautja, pre-relationship, discussions of dentistry, arguing, warming up to each other, play fighting, my attempt at comedic writing
"So they are purely corrective?" Your alien... visitor asks, and you once again bat their clawed paw away from your mouth. They click, mandibles quivering in a manner you've come to learn as: Amusement. The ass.
For whatever reason, they've found your braces to be incredibly intriguing.
"Yeah, I guess. I certainly don't wear them for comfort." You laugh dryly, swatting away their paw once more before focusing on your work. Lately, they’ve been much more grabby, a far cry from when you first interacted with them when they wouldn’t even breathe near you for fear of contracting some “ooman virus”. 
Whatever. Two could play that game. You avoided them like the plague— saying they had Space Yautja Flu— until they inevitably stopped being ridiculous.
Now they’re touchy and frequently invade your personal space. Recently the fascination has become your mouth. Double-edged sword, you suppose.
"Such an archaic form of medicine." The Yautja snorts, crossing their arms over their chest. They shake their head, pitying, "Yautja technology would remedy your teeth in a matter of minutes.”
"Well, it's too bad we don't have that, do we?" You snap, and it definitely strikes a nerve in your companion, because they literally roar at you— Mandibles flaring, ivy green tresses raising, and all. You flinch, even though you don’t mean to. Yautja get nasty when you show weakness. They back off with a low growl.
The only reason, really, that you are currently harboring a Yautja in your dining room as you try to type up a report for your boss is because their ship got stolen. A huge embarrassment for them. Maybe they shouldn’t have landed it in fucking Yosemite. 
“Sorry, geez.” You mutter, clacking a bit harder at the keys of your laptop. It’s not your fault that Big Brother seized their ship, but it is a sore subject for them. You feel a bit bad. Shouldn’t’ve used that jab.
The Yautja says nothing for a long enough time that you nearly completely focus on your report again. Only the clock on the wall ticks, your keys clicking, and some light shuffling from the Yautja makes any noise. It’s peaceful— A rarity these days.
Halfway through the analysis section, you hear a door open somewhere in the house, followed by lumbering footsteps. Confused, you look to see that the Yautja had abandoned their spot next to you. Before you can call out, you hear a clatter quickly accompanied by a trill that tapers into rapid clicking.
“What the Hell are you doing?” You shout and the heavy footsteps fall closer and closer until the Yautja comes barreling around the corner. You jump when they leap next to you, their tresses swing wildly. Their green eyes are wide and bright, and their tusked jaws click together.
“What is this?” They ask, seemingly breathless, and you can barely process the question through their excitement before they thrust an object in your face. You have to stare down the bridge of your nose, and recognize the white metal contraption immediately.
“... My Waterpik?” You ask slowly, a quizzical look crossing your face as you stare at the device you use to clean up sometimes if the toothbrush or flossing missed some spots.
“The device plays like sand fish!” The Yautja exclaims, and they make that drawling, warbled trilling noise again, and it’s so strange, but you can’t help but smile. It must be the Yautja equivalent to laughing— to expressing joy. You tilt your head and ask, “Sand fish?”
“From childhood. As pups, we hunted the sand fish at Yautja Prime riverbanks, and when you grabbed them, they would squirt water at your eyes! Then we fileted and ate them. Very fun, very tasty.” The Yautja clicks so rapidly that you almost can’t follow what they say, but then they decide to make a case in point.
Before you can stop them, they’ve clicked and aimed the Waterpik at you, and the tiny jet stream of water hits you smack dab on the center of your forehead. You yelp, shielding your face with your arms only to get hit on the cheek and then on your side.
“Stop!” You can’t help but shriek in laughter, scrambling up from your chair to try and flee the unrelenting spurts of water. Big misstep. Yautja are hunters. You make it three steps— not even past the dining room table— until you’re seized by the arm. The large hand with its sharp claws wrap firm around your forearm, and your visitor all but pulls you back to them.
It’s a very... compromising position. The Yautja holds you against their body, their very toned thighs below your legs, your head against their chest. You look up at them, they look down at you. Your cheeks start to feel warm. They click their tusks together, and you catch sight of the forked tongue behind their secondary row of sharp teeth.
Then they start to purr. Then their mandibles relax, spreading wide and pink. 
For a second, you expect the evening to take a very different turn...
... Which is then ruined when they spray you with the Waterpik, directly in your eyes. You shriek, closing your eyes, your hands blindly swatting at the Yautja’s reptilian-esque hide.
They take the opportunity to stick their clawed fingers in your mouth, victoriously trilling.
The fascination is lost on you.
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toffee4you · 4 months
Tooth Fairy—-- Confessing
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Content: GN!reader, reader is implied shy, kissing (very light). Overall pretty vanilla.
This is mostly just an excuse to make my first post (I need a writing example TT), so I decided to go with something more relaxed. It's basically just one headcanon in a oneshot fanfic format. Enjoy!
Tooth Fairy knows about your interest in her.
It's mutual, and she's not afraid to be honest about it, but she would like you to at least make an attempt at confessing first. She will try to help you along by dropping hints—namely, being a bit more touchy than usual. During general checkups, she'll let her hands rest around your palms and wrists, giving them gentle squeezes or rubbing light circles on them with her thumb. Tooth Fairy doesn't say a word, but only proceeds with the checkup after deciding she's spent enough time there. If it's a dental checkup? She'll take her time brushing back your hair, making sure to tuck any stray strands behind your ears. Usually, you would do these types of things for yourself, yet she begins to insist on it for every appointment. Afterwards, she'll give you a pat on the head and maybe a few words of appraisal for being cooperative during your checkup. It's not too intimate, but there's definitely signs.
If you are still uncertain about confessing, even after all of her hints, she'll just have to be a bit more confrontational about it. You'll receive a call to her office either on break time or after work, so it's unmistakable that this isn't just an appointment. When you arrive, you'll almost immediately notice Tooth Fairy's more casual attire; the same, peaceful look is adorning her face, but her overcoat is hung over the back of her chair and her braces are removed.
She will calmly gesture you to sit down across of her, folding her hands on her lap shortly after. By this time, you either have one more chance to confess or else she'll just have to fish it out of you... And being the bundle of nerves you are, the dentist finally lets a smile curl at the corner of her lips before speaking for you.
“You can be honest. Do you like me?”
She will ask as calmly and softly as she can, though she doesn't need to try that hard considering her naturally smooth voice. Your answer comes out hesitant at first, worst-case scenarios and self doubts causing you to mutter a "...Maybe." rather than a solid answer. She can tell by your dodgy eyes that you're still anxious, so she'll help you out a bit more. She doesn't mind, it's just that she wants to hear the one special word of affirmation from your mouth, and she's just that close to coaxing it out of you.
“Ah, that's a shame. I was quite interested in you myself, but if your feelings aren't as strong as mine, I don't mind wai--”
It only took that one sentence to make you panic. If her feelings were mutual after all, you definitely didn't want to wait any longer. The tension might just kill you... Though she would definitely make a lighthearted tease at that dramatic notion if you said it out loud. You didn't waste another second before spurting out a near-incoherent confession, stringing together whatever words first came to mind. Whatever you said, it was definitely a confession that would come to haunt you for a while out of embarrassment, but Tooth Fairy thought it was cute.
Standing up from her chair, she places a hand on your cheek, the other running through your hair as her face lowered to yours. She made sure to take it slow and steady, studying your features carefully before finally going in for the kiss. You could feel her lips leave just a featherlight peck on yours, yet it was enough to leave you practically immobilized in shock for a few minutes.
What an eventful day...
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yachiblanca · 2 years
Hi! can I get the pillarmen and their reaction to the dental braces reader? This is the first time they've seen this thing and can't figure out what it's for
ooooh this is interesting!
Pillarmen reacting to Reader with dental braces
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Kars is the first to notice- I mean this man has a god complex, do you expect his sharp eyes will not notice a single change with you?
At first he's quite confused, the first thing that came up in his mind was "Is this what humanity came up with for the past years..?" He could never imagine such a thing be placed on teeth.
He's going to be cupping both of your cheeks- making you slightly open your mouth to reveal the braces, his eyes squinting then releasing his hand, he had enough spectations- but you know in reality.. he doesn't know a single thing about it. He just acts like he's unintrested.
You'll soon find out Kars is going to order his men to research about this dental braces.. thing.. He's impressed by how your kind made it.
He also finds it silly that you can put colors on the braces too, he's scoffing.
Esidisi takes the longest to notice out of his fellow kind, this man has way too many stories to tell about his days- but when you laughed at one of his jokes, he finally noticed it.
"Y/N what is that thing placed on your teeth?" He's bending down at your form- rubbing his chin while he tries to look closer.
When you told him what it is he's very amused, you could see sparkles in his eyes after you told him how it works.
He never saw it coming or even thought that this idea could ever work, he even asked you excitingly if he can get one too- even though his teeth is okay.
He finds it cute on you, maybe he's going to pull of a few jokes to see you smile or laugh.
When Wamuu found out about the braces, he's curious about it- it's metal placed on a tooth.. doesn't it hurt? First he asked what does it do?
You told him about how it functions, and my oh my he's surprised of what it does. When you told him how it feels for the first days of braces feel- he damn gave you a nice pat on the head.
"You did a great job on baring the pain, I admire that." He spoke while rubbing his hand on your head.
This man is a warrior type- a brave one! That's why he asked you if he can break one of his tooth to get a brace just like you, he just wants to experience it.
You resisted him not to though, but keep an eye on him- curiosity can get bigger anytime.
Boy oh boy, this one's just as curious as Wamuu- but this one's more curious than ever!
When he saw a glimpse of the braces, he's coming up to you then starts pointing out his teeth, you were baffled but had quickly understood that Santana was pointing about your braces!
You showed him your braces then Santana went close as hell- wanting to see it more closer, he's still yet confused.
You explained to him of how it works, he actually listened- listening to your words while his face is as straight as a line. Then ending with a nod from him.
"That's a good human creation."
He's still going to check it out often, and he secretly wants to ask if he can get one too, even though he knows his teeth are fine.
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matsukaah · 8 months
Gyugyugyugyugyu!!!! Braces/glasses/hearing aids modern gyu is so based. Not to mention... big fan of his piercings 👀
Gyugyugyu ❤
YES YES YES YES, it's just his vibe being a type of Emo boy or metalhead(?).
Hearing, dental, eye aids; he needs everyone, and we need him 🏃🏃🏃
(our babygirl 🔛🔝)
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What is the Best Treatment for Teeth? | Smile Dental and Implant Centre
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Fillings are the main treatment option when decay has progressed beyond the earliest stage. Fillings are made of various materials, such as tooth-colored composite resins, porcelain, or dental amalgam which is a combination of several materials. The final choice will depend on your dentist's expertise and experience.
Dental fillings protect teeth from further damage and can restore strength and appearance to weakened areas of the tooth. When decay reaches the dentin layer of the tooth, fillings become necessary to restore structural integrity. Fillings are also used in cases where decay has damaged two or more teeth at once because they are stronger than crowns and bridges.
In addition to fillings, there are other procedures that may be used to protect and restore teeth. These include:
Dentures — Denture repair or replacement involves replacing missing teeth with artificial ones. Denture care includes cleaning and polishing the dentures to make them appear natural and comfortable.
Crowns — Crowns are metal caps that cover the top of a tooth (the crown) and are usually placed on the front of a tooth (the gum). A dental bridge is a type of crown where an additional tooth root is attached to support another tooth that has been removed.
Other procedures — Other procedures include root canal therapy in which an endodontist removes infected pulp tissue inside the root of each tooth; gum grafting involving taking some healthy gum tissue from another part of your mouth and transplanting it into one or more teeth; and temporaries such as temporary bridgework
To get more details about Fixed Teeth or Bridges click below link
Teeth Restoration done at Smile Dental and Implant Centre
Smile Dental and Implant Centre is a leading provider of dental care services, offering a wide range of treatments to patients of all ages. Dr. Puli Sudhakar MDS is one of the best dentists in Sainikpuri, AS Rao Nagar, Ecil and he is committed to providing the highest quality dental care services and is dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal dental health. This dental clinic has the best facilities and offers a wide range of dental treatments to patients at cost-effective rates.
This clinic has a well-qualified team of dentists who have 10 years of experience. The clinic has state-of-the-art infrastructure and uses the latest technology and methods to treat dental issues.
We offer a wide range of dental services like Dental Implants, Root Canal Treatment, Fixed Teeth, Invisible braces (or) Clear Teeth aligners, Traditional Braces Treatment, Smile Makeovers, Gum diseases treatment, Children’s dental issues, and Emergency dental care. Our team of dentists and staff at Smile Dental & Implant Centre are committed to helping patients achieve a beautiful and healthy smile.
We also provide restorative dentistry services such as veneers and crowns, Invisible braces, implants, bridges, and other dental restorations. We also specialize in cosmetic dentistry procedures like bleaching teeth and tooth whitening, tooth bonding, veneers, crowns, etc., which give you a new look without changing your smile. You can book an appointment with us here or call us at +91- 7396529265 for more details about our services.
EMI Available on all Dental Treatments.
Visit our website : www.smiledentalandimplantcentre.com
Location: H.No.1-1-308/8, Plot No.8, 1st Floor, K.Rathod Jewellers,Sri Ram Nagar Colony, near Kapra circle, Saket Road, ECIL, Hyderabad
Directions: https://g.co/kgs/hjYuBE.
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There's starting to be some momentum to depict diverse body types in art and media, and that's great, continue the great work.
But can we also start depicting diverse mouth types?
Not everyone has perfectly straight, aligned, pearly white teeth. In fact, that kind of mouth doesn't really occur naturally.
We need to start depicting people with crooked teeth.
With yellow teeth.
With missing teeth.
With gaps in their mouth.
With mandibular hypoplasia.
With Bell's palsy.
With chipped teeth.
With small teeth.
With braces.
With dentures.
With silver fillings.
With receding gums.
With cleft lips.
With ulcers.
With scars.
There is so much stigma already in regards to dental and oral health, leading to worsening health conditions and people avoiding vital medical care. There are also many illnesses and conditions that may impact the condition of the mouth, such as bone diseases, pregnancy, and substance addition. The majority of people don't have straight white teeth, and the fact that straight, white teeth are the only things shoved at us is actively hurting people.
Show more diverse mouths.
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melodic-cherry · 10 months
My Dr teeth headcanons 🦷🎸🎩 { muppet artists just some ideas ;) ..}
• when he was in his junior year of high school, he had to get braces and got them off a couple years into college.
• gauges !! He def has gages and a few ear piercings on him !! Smaller-ish gauges
• has a pet parrot <3 her name is melody
• I think he still keeps up with dental health, for sure. You don’t unlearn that type of thing, so maybe a little extra dental hygiene routine.
• had a phase where he only listened to “hotel California” by the eagles and it drove the band NUTS!!
• always convincing his gf ( my Oc cherry bless autism insert moment ) to make him cheesecake but specifically “very cherry chocolate cheesecake”
• oblivious to sarcasm, very literal thinker
If anyone likes these I’ll make more for more of the mayhem 🫶
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