#which is why i need a physical notebook so it can go to work or on holiday with me
lexirosewrites · 11 hours
Slick Sundaaaaaaay!
I see a lot of ABO steddie fics featuring Omega Steve who is self conscious for one reason or another because he doesn't have a typical Omega physic and/or behaviors (which is super tasty yum yum) but I live the idea of Eddie being the more swlf conscious one.
Like, Eddie who is not deceptively strong for his size (he has a little bit of natural muscle tone as an Alpha but he never puts it to good use), and who is a little weasel who like to agrivate people but runs away from any kind of real conflict and doesn't have a strong manly scent or any desire for a high powered job to take care of an Omega unless you count is half fleshed out dreams of being a rock star.
Dealers choice of how it happens but Steve basically asks Eddie if he would be interested in couting the Omega and Eddie isn't blind, stupid, or heartless so he jumps on the chance to be with the Omega of his dreams but very quickly finds himself self agonizing about how to be the "right kind" of Alpha for Steve.
So decides he needs to start working out so he can keep his Omega safe even if he knows Steve is more than capable of taking care of himself in that department but his first workout sends him into an asthma attack for the ages so he decides it's more important for Steve to have a living Alpha than a fit one.
There's nothing much he can do about his wet concrete and grass scent which on paper sounds super manly but mostly just smells like a suburban morning so he goes down the employment seeking rabbit hole. He applies for what feels like every Alpha-y job in the Hawkins area but his reputation proceeds him and he never makes it past the first interview. Eventually he gets a call back from a place he applied for after reading the word "painter" and wrote down the number in his notebook with no notes (he didn't say he had a good system) but it turns out to be someone two towns over looking for someone to freelance the painting of dnd and other such figures to sell in a games shop two towns over. It's an ideal job for Eddie but it's deeply entrenched in his need shit and not the kind of thing he was looking for to impress Steve and show him he can provide for him and their future pups. He still takes it because even if it doesn't pay a tone, whatever he DOES make can go toward pampering his Omega and saving up.
It all comes to a head when they go out and Eddie is feeling pretty down on himself after so many failed attempts to "improve" for his Love. Some guy is hitting in Steve while Eddie is RIGHT THERE even though Steve has said no many times and has told him he's there with his Alpha. The guy just keeps leaving and coming back and on his fourth return to their spot Eddie just launches is fist no warning into the guy's face.
That was NOT what he meant to do, he was just getting so fed up and territorial and he was gonna really tell the guy to piss off but the little goblin inside him made him throw a pretty pathetic punch that results in a busted knuckle for him and a slightly bruised and irate beta in front of them.
Steve drags him out and takes him back to the trailer, grumbling the whole time about "stupid Alphas and their stupid instincts" and finally snaps and asks Eddie what the hell has been up with him lately. Eddie just blinks his big dumb eyes at Steve as he points out the job search and the asthma hospital visit and the more expensive gifts and finally asks why he's been acting like such a knot head.
So they talk it out and Steve makes Eddie hold him in his lap so he can tell him all the ways, the ways that matter to Steve, that Eddie takes care of him. Tells him how he doesn't need an Alpha to fight for him but he's never had an Alpha offer him sanctuary like Eddie does. Eddie who never makes him feel stupid for his questions and reads his assigned books to him even though the Alpha is behind on his own school work and let's him build a nest in his bed.
Tells him that he appreciates Eddie trying to make money for their future family, loves that even, but what use does he have for fancy jewlery or a full bouquet of roses? Like, he doesn't even like jewlery that much and he gets much better use of the brand new wool socks Eddie thrifted for him last month in an Indiana winter and the wild flowers he brought him for their first date are much easier to press than huge roses.
Just a series of misinformed adventures for looser Alpha Eddie that end in comical disaster and his Omega who is utterly charmed his his earnest attempts to be a good Alpha but who really just wants a loving mate and partner.
oh i love this😭😭😭 Eddie just wants to be the perfect mate and alpha for his omega, meanwhile Steve can’t figure out what’s going on with the love of his life who is already perfect to him!!!!
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i-am-become-a-name · 8 months
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Thus begins... The Year of Irving Braxiatel.
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msmysticfail · 2 months
How to manifest (Law of Attraction) for 8th house and Scorpio placements:
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The 8th house, like Scorpio, is ruled by Pluto, the great God of the underworld, of the bowels of the Earth. It is the magnetic force of Pluto that acts on the Earth's core, which is why people with important placements in the 8th house and Scorpio are magnetic, they have that sublime magnetism that pulls people in, attracting them with that something that people generally don't know how to define it exactly.
Unlike the magnetism of the Sun, which is hot and radiates light and which everyone wants to be close to its heat, Pluto is quiet, cold, it’s extremely silent, it is that spirit that stands still in one of the corners of the room, without anyone noticing it. It's energy is not clearly perceived, felt, but it's so strong, so strong, that it doesn't need clear manifestations, "scandalous" situations to show itself. Its vibration is extremely low but he is extremely powerful. Pluto gets what he wants because his strength is vibrating so strongly within itself that it becomes a pole of magnetism for the things around him. Pluto governs irresistible attractions, governs the depths of the earth (the richest and purest gold), governs the most lethal bombs, governs the most dangerous places, Pluto governs the strength to walk through “Hell”.
Okay, so how to manifest using Pluto?
1- Look inside yourself and see what/how your thoughts are.
Have you ever stopped to think about where/what your thoughts are most of the time? You may be dwelling on what someone did to you, your mind may be fixated on the bad things that happened to you in the past, you may be furious with your insufferable boss or your ex's new girlfriend.
You're going to have to start paying attention from now on - while you're manifesting - where your thoughts are in the moment.
2- Change your thoughts from what bothers you to what you want.
You know what you want, 8th house and Scorpio individuals always have something they really want and they know what it is. So, from the moment you start manifesting you will have to redirect your thoughts from the things that bother you to the things that please you, the things that you really want. This process is not easy, you may need to heal some wounds from the past first, so that you can finally have a strong and clear mind to act on your desires.
3 – Write what you want and don’t show it to anyone
Write down what you really want to manifest, you can use any type of manifestation method (scripting), write with all your heart what you want to manifest, be it a boyfriend, be it a position at work, be it the fame you want to gain, connect with the desire and let your words flow. Keep the notebook/sheet in secret (Pluto), and let its manifestation be something intimate between you (8th house or Scorpio placement) and Pluto (force of the Universe).
4 - Activate your personal power
You are angry that things are not going the way you want, you feel ugly, you feel disconnected from yourself, you feel bad inside yourself. Look, this is the hardest part. You will have to change your entire emotional universe to work deeply with your emotions, remember, the 8th house is the house of deep emotions, just like the 12th house, you will have to dive completely within yourself, to discover what hurts you (8th house), what you are afraid of losing (8th house), what gives you pleasure (8th house) even if it is prohibited. You will enter one of the most sensitive areas of yourself. There's no getting away with Pluto, however. If you want your gold, you'll have to walk through hell first. Remember, however, that Persephone had the help of Hecate, Dante had the help of Virgil, so you can also ask for help, whether from a psychologist, through witchcraft, meditation, or through physical or emotional self-care.
5 – Keep working on your personal power
After you understand your inner universe, now it's time to activate the power of Pluto. “What I want also wants me”, “What is mine is coming to me”, “I love myself, I accept my intensity, I accept my power. My power doesn’t scare me”, “I’m not going to give that power to him/her, I have the power to move forward, I have the power to change this situation”. These are some of the phrases that you will repeat to yourself, at any time of the day, while you are manifesting, you can create others, just remember that they should remind you of your personal power, that they should affirm your power, be creative and repeat firmly because Pluto will listen to you.
6-End: Don't be afraid of the journey
Pluto rules you, baby! Don't be afraid of the shadows, let them work for you, not against you, the dark cannot scare you, you are a creature of the depths, a child of the realms of the darkness. Good luck!
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cheezeybread · 3 months
Hello! i do have a request headcannons with the housewardens with g/n reader who is very physical affection, yet they are also very smart on academics. They also loves to take a notes during a lessons so imagine they saw reader who writes a lot that definitely until a whole paragraf (even worse if they ran out of the paper or books, they can be write until the table)
I hope you like the idea if you can't you can ignore it, and i'm sorry for the bad grammar, have a good day! (⌒∇⌒)ノ"
Will do! You have a good day, too! :D
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙚𝙪𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙝𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮-𝙥𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨
𝐅𝐭: 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞, 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚, 𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐥, 𝐊𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐦, 𝐕𝐢𝐥, 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬, 𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐚
No, this is not proof-read, I'm lazy, sorry TwT
Oh my goodness, you show him physical affection AND you're studious despite not having any magic to practice on in class? He's so in love it's crazy
He finds it very admirable how you pour your heart and soul into the technical aspects of class...which only serves to make Grim look worse in his eyes (I mean, the little Direbeast is your magic-half and he doesn't even pull his own weight! Grim is single-handedly dropping your grades down with every magical assignment)
Anytime there's a group assignment, you bet your bottom dollar that Riddle's going to convince the teacher to make the two of you partners! You both pull your own weight in the task and always manage to get the highest grades on projects! Plus, he enjoys spending class with you
Although he's not exactly the best with physical affection (words of affirmation are more his own love language because of his STUPID MOM-), he does his best to reciprocate, albeit somewhat awkwardly.
Expect some hand-holding from him in public, because that's all he can work himself up to do, PDA-wise. In class, though, he's more prone to absentmindedly touching you. Hand-holding, for sure, or maybe just resting a hand on your side, nudging you with his elbow to see what sort of notes you're writing down. His attention in class is split between the teacher and you, a fair 50/50
But sometimes it leans more towards 40/60 when you squeeze his hand affectionately.
A big cat at heart (and physically, lol), Leona's a bit iffy with the physical affection. It mainly depends on the mood you catch him in.
If he's in a particularly gracious mood, he'll allow the physical contact and even give some back, preferring to wrap an arm around you or rest his head on your shoulder
If he's in one of his leave-me-alone kitty phases, he'll allow the touch, of course, but he might be a little less prone to give you any in return. But he'll never say no to you if you want to show him your own way of love
Because of Ruggie, you're now his un-official tutor! I mean, you are his partner, so you might as well help him learn some stuff with all the time you spend around each other, right?
Pretty much how the tutoring sessions go: *y/n, opening their notebook for a class, preparing to read to Leona since he missed that day's lesson* Leona: Wtf y/n: What? Leona: Why do you have so many notes for just one lesson? y/n: Oh, this isn't all of them, actually. Leona:....Why does it say 'Page 1 out of 32'.
Whether he likes it or not, he's gonna learn something from those notes of yours!
Of course, when he does come to class, his attention is always on you throughout the entire lesson.
You're actually his soulmate, he's convinced.
Physical affection? Poor little guy needs all he can get! It helps assure him that 1) You don't find him absolutely repulsive, and 2) That you like him! He's the sort where if you don't give him a kiss upon first seeing him, he'll spiral into a "omg they hate my guts and want me to die now" mindset. Poor fella.
During any lessons the two of you have together, he's found that since you have the better notes out of the two of them, he can look over yours and add to his notes. So expect him to ask to borrow your notebooks after every single class. Or maybe he'll just forgo writing his own notes and copy yours entirely, hm? Nah, he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing-
This man is clingy af
He's always got a hand on you in some way, shape, or form, and always, always finds a way to touch you in passing. Your hanging out with him in the Mostro Lounge? He's leaning up against you, legs crossed. You two are out walking? Arm around your waist. In class? He's got his ankle hooked around yours.
Expect him to constantly ask you if what he's doing is alright or not. He's not well-versed in the relationship-styles of humans, and he knows that merfolk can come off a bit...too much. So he figures that it's better safe than sorry!
He's also totally going to ask you to read over any contracts that he drafts up, asking if you can find any loopholes written in the fine print or not. A second pair of eyes helps out more often than he'd like to admit!
FINALLY, someone on his level of affection!
PDA? Hell yeah!
Always touching, always hugging, and he gives zero regards to who might be looking when he gives you a lil smooch!
"Oh, yn, you took notes today? You always do, you're such a good student! Can you come back to Scarabia with me and help me out with my classwork? Jamil is busy, and I really want to get better so I can beat him fair and square!" :D
Of course, whenever you go over to help him study, or just to review notes, it ends up in a cuddle-fest.
Are you complaining? You better not!
Every time there's an option to pick partners, you'd best believe he's picking you! Even if somehow he doesn't end up being your partner, he'll congratulate the person who is, telling them how nice and kind you are, and how smart, too!
The world doesn't deserve Kalim, fr fr
But you sure do!
And he'll make sure that you know how much you mean to him, whether it's by an ungodly amount of gifts, compliments to make you all flustered, or even just insisting on hanging around you 24/7!
Due to his own preoccupation with his looks and such, Vil unfortunately misses some parts of lessons. He'll pull out a small mirror to double-check if his eyeliner is smudged, and bam! Suddenly the teacher is onto the next subject.
Not to worry, though, because he has you!
With a bat of his eyelashes and a few small kisses on the back of your hands, he can convince you to show him your prized notes (of course, you'd be more than willing to give them to him with just a please, but you quite like the effort he puts into it)
In return for you re-reading your notes to him out loud, he'll fidget with your appearance, or simply caress the back of your hands
You two are working in the courtyard? He's running a hand through your hair, braiding it if it's long enough. You're in his dorm reading? He's painting your nails. You're in the library? He's running a hand up and down your arm.
He's more into the low-key physical affection out in public, but who's to say he won't openly kiss you if someone starts trying to hit on you? Or maybe he just feels like a bit of PDA is deserved after all your hard works! Who can tell with that guy!
Definitely one to gift you with custom-made notebooks.
It started with him watching as you tried to make your handwriting smaller, attempting to fit your last notes onto the veeeeery last page in your journal.
When he got back to his room, Idia found some basic journals that he never got around to using, and he puts stickers on them, quotes, any and everything he thinks that you'd like. It's a sloppy mess, since arts and crafts isn't his strong suit, but it's handmade!
Eventually, though, he'll get frustrated with making the notebooks, and he'll just make some piece of technology that prints spoken words onto a notebook for you, so you don't have to have an aching wrist from writing so much.
God love him, he's trying, A for effort.
On the side of affection, though...he's still getting used to it. If you do ANYTHING in public, he's going to turn into an absolute mess and get all flustered. It's especially bad in class. You accidentally brush your hand up against his and he gives a shriek in response, slamming his head on the table in embarrassment and asking to leave
In private, he's still liable to get flustered, but if you assure him constantly that he's fine, he'll eventually settle down...eventually.
He's determined to get better at physical affection for you, so he's definitely trying...just give him a little bit, and he'll come around.
This is just normal human behavior, is it not?
Most definitely, though, he finds it refreshing to have someone at the school who doesn't fear him and treats him like an equal (although who's to say that there isn't a mutual worshiping going on between the two of you?)
Since you are the Prefect of the Ramshackle Dorm, you are required to attend the Housewarden meetings! On the occasions that Malleus is unreachable and unfindable, you take it upon yourself to write down the notes of the meeting, nearly word-for-word of what transpired. Later on, you'll hunt down Malleus and give him the notes, which in turn you'll receive a kiss as a thank-you.
He truly does appreciate you, in every way, shape, and form. Just so ya know ;)
He'll find old journals around the Diasomnia dorm (either journals that Lilia has and never used, or just ones that were bought for dorm use), and he'll give them to you, seeing as how you make the most use out of them!
And by gosh, these journals are gorgeous! They're rugged and antique-looking, leatherbound, and some of them even have an ancient design burned into the cover. It almost makes you sad to use them, but Malleus is overjoyed when he sees you writing down notes or anything in one of them
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a-small-safe-place · 11 months
His Haven
Homelander x Psychiatrist!Reader Pt. 1?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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When Homelander first met you, he just came in because Madelyn cooked up some scheme with Edgar to 'prove' that the members of The Seven were sound of mind and could pass a psychiatric evaluation similar to the one used in the army. Of course, you had been paid a lot of money to do the evaluations and even more money to ensure that these heroes passed no matter what they said. You were a respected psychiatrist in your field; that’s why Madelyn wanted you specifically.
Homelander went to his appointment, planning on leaving until you said something that caught his attention. You said, 'I am here for you. I took this job because you all spend your days helping and saving people, but at the end of the day, who helps and saves you? Obviously, I couldn’t physically save you, but I can be a place for you to talk if you need it. Nothing you say will leave this room.' Boy, did that stroke his ego in all the right ways. He decided to stay. Something about you was comforting, and he wanted to talk, so he started small with the obvious stuff. He led the conversation by making off-handed remarks about being better than everyone and having to be perfect for Vought. It was clear you didn’t understand his pain, but you were listening to him. You were actually listening to him and responding.
You weren’t like Madelyn, who seemed to argue with every other thing he said; you didn’t respond with dismissive and uncaring responses like Queen Maeve, and you could actually keep up with the conversation, unlike The Deep.
Homelander surprised you and himself when he began attending regular scheduled sessions. You usually led the discussion by asking various questions. Some questions he would lie about, not feeling totally safe to dive into certain topics, or he would just dodge the question and change the subject. Homelander knew you noticed this because anytime he did either of those things, your body language would change, and you would write something down in your little notebook. That notebook had made Homelander incredibly nervous until he found out you were not in there calling him a useless pussy. You were just simply writing topics you two had discussed and what topics made him uncomfortable.
You seemed to actually care about Homelander’s feelings, even the bad ones. Stan Edgar put Homelander in his place, and Homelander looked down avoiding Edgar’s pointed gaze like a child being scolded by their father. Homelander needed some reassurance, but he would never admit that willingly. Homelander felt weak and stupid for needing someone, but you didn’t seem to mind even when he was ranting and raving, so he went to you. You had been his haven. The one person he could confide in and actually be himself.
He arrived at your office in the morning while you happened to be filling out some paperwork. He knew you didn’t have any appointments today because this had been previously the day Vought scheduled for the evaluations of the heroes. Homelander spent the whole day pestering you. 'What are we doing now?' He asked, not entirely oblivious to your mild frustration. 'Still just filling out paperwork,' you replied. He rolled his eyes. 'God, your life is so boring. Go to work, talk to the crazies, fill out paperwork and go home, and you do that all alone? I forgot how boring normal people can be.'
You laughed before telling him, 'no one is keeping you here.' Homelander’s jaw tightened. This pissed him off. You’re not supposed to say that. You’re supposed to offer to do something more fun. You seemed to notice that 1,000-yard stare he has as he retreats into his own mind. 'Look, I just mean that I have to finish work. I know it’s probably boring you to death just sitting here; you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to,' you told him, which seemed to make him feel a bit better, but he’s not entirely out of his head. 'It’s fine, we can just talk while you work,' he tells you with a feigned smile.
Homelander begins to perk up while you finish your paperwork and finally asks you the million-dollar question, 'What are we doing when we get home?'
'I am going home to cook up some dinner and watch some television,' you told him, trying to hint that you were wanting to be alone. Homelander was undeterred. 'What are we eating? I could use a home-cooked meal. We could watch one of my movies. I’ve been told I’m a great actor.' Homelander needs you to agree and compliment him. He desperately wants you to tell him he does a good job, even if you’re just talking about acting. 'Yeah? Your movies are pretty famous,' you say, accepting your fate that he isn’t leaving you alone tonight.
The night is spent with him at your house. Homelander wastes no time making himself at home and pilfering through your things. He feels comfortable being so ensnared in your scent. He becomes more comfortable as the night carries on. You fix his plate and drink for dinner, and the two of you share a dinner that he perceives as romantic. Your food isn’t as good as the private chefs at Vought, but Homelander loves it because he got to see the love you put into making it just for him.
You two clean up together. It’s really you cleaning, and Homelander helps by talking about which movie of his you should watch tonight. Finally, you try to retire to your room, but he follows. 'I thought we were gonna watch a movie… it doesn’t have to be one of mine,' Homelander tries not to sound too desperate, and he hated to say that last bit.
'I had planned on watching something in my room, but you can come lay with me if you want,' you tell him reluctantly. Homelander is excited but tries to keep that hidden. You two lay down and begin watching one of his movies. By the end, Homelander is 'asleep.' He knows you can’t tell the difference in him and ignores you when you gently shake him trying to wake him. He’s not the biggest fan of sleeping in strange beds, but for you, he can make an exception. Next time, he wants you in his bed though.
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trans-axolotl · 3 months
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ID: Intersex activist Max Beck standing in front of the American Academy of Pediatrics with a sign that says Silence=Death.
On October 26th, 1996, the first ever protest for intersex liberation in America took place when activists from Hermaphrodites With Attitude took to the streets to protest the American Academy of Pediatrics. Later memorialized as intersex awareness day, this important action was a milestone for the American intersex movement. Max Beck, one of the intersex activists from HWA, documented the entire protest and later published their recollection in the Intersex Awakening Issue of the Chrysalis Journal. The full piece is pasted under the cut.  
"But we’re here today to say we’re back, we’re no longer lost, and we’d like to offer some feedback. We’re here to say that the treatment paradigm for “managing” intersexuals is in desperate, urgent need of re-examination. We’re back to say that early surgical intervention leads to more than “just” physical scars and sexual dysfunction. We’re back to say that the lack of education and counseling for intersexuals, our families and the community at large does not lead to a blissful, healthy, well-adjusted ignorance. Rather, it too often leads to a life-threatening shroud of silence, secrecy, and self-hatred. 
I’m here representing over one hundred fifty intersexals throughout North America. One hundred fifty intersexuals are saying: Please! Listen! You doctors, you pediatric endocrinologists and urologists treating intersexuals, you nurses interacting with intersexuals and their families, listen to us! We understand intersexuality, not because we have studied the medical literature — although many of us have — not because we have performed surgeries, but because we have been grappling with intersexuality every day of our lives. We’re here to say that those who would have us believe that intersexuality is rare, cloud the issue by breaking us and separating us into narrow etiological categories which have little meaning in terms of our actual, lived experience. 
We’re here so that other intersexuals can find us — for many of us, finding others like ourselves has been a lifealtering, even life-saving, experience. We’re here to reach parents before their intersex child is born. We’re here to elicit the help of other sympathetic professionals. We can take a stand as openly intersex adults without being crushed by shame! And we did!" 
Hermaphrodites With Attitude Take to the Streets: By Max Beck, 1997
In late October of 1996, Hermaphrodites with Attitude took to the streets, in the first public demonstration by intersexuals in modern history. On a glorious fall day, the like of which you can only find in New England, under a crackling, cloudless sky, twenty-odd protesters joined forces to picket the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatricians in Boston. Deeply aware of the historical and personal significance of the action, and — correctly — surmising that a notebook diary would not be practical on such a whirlwind, windy week-end, I took a small hand-held tape recorder with me. What follows are excerpts from the resulting transcript.
October 24, 1996 2:45 PM, Atlanta’s Hartsfield International Airport
The trip has only just begun and I am already exhausted. Hot. Starving. Fifteen minutes until take-off. Every businessman boarding the plane looks like a pediatric endocrinologist, Boston-bound. Silly thought, testimony to what? My anxiety? My fear? My giddy anticipation? If these bespectacled, suit-and-tie sporting men were pediatricians, would they be flying coach on Continental, with a layover in Newark? I’m headed for Boston, for the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP). Tens of thousands of pediatricians. I’m not a pediatrician, though, nor am I a nurse; in fact, I barely managed to complete my B.A. I’m a manager of a technical laboratory. We don’t work with children, and the AAP certainly didn't invite me, so why am I going?
With the plane taxiing toward take-off, this is a lousy time to reassess. I’m going. I’m going because I am intersexed. I’m going because the doctors and nurses who treated me as an infant and a child and an adolescent, and those who continue to treat intersexed infants and children today, consider me “lost to follow-up.” I was lost— that’s part of the problem. Now, I’m back.
9:02 PM: Boston’s North End
I’m comfortably ensconced in Alice’s warehouse condo in Boston’s North End, a renovated warehouse with a view of the city skyline, ceilings easily twenty feet high, exposed beams and brick, gorgeous tile floor. As I speak, my hostess is preparing an absolutely phenomenal meal. The aroma of roasted peppers permeates the entire space. Tomorrow, the work begins; my project this evening is to unwind and enjoy this wonderful meal. Easier said than done. I’m feeling excited, enervated, I feel very alive, something I don’t feel very often, I feel very present and aware. It could be my exhaustion, it could be the Chardonnay. But I think, rather, that the excitement is anticipation about what we are about to do. Being here, finally being prepared to raise a voice, to be heard, to be seen, a vocal, out, proud hermaphrodite who is standing up to say, “Let’s rethink this, this isn’t working, we’ve been hurt, stop what you’re doing, listen to us!” I’m really looking forward to meeting Morgan at the airport in the morning; it’s always amazing to make eye contact with someone else who has been there.
October 25, 7:38 AM Boston Commons
En route to my encounter with the AAP, walking the approximately two miles from my hostess’ domicile to the Marriott Hotel at Copley Square, I pause in the Boston Commons to enjoy a park bench, to sip my Starbuck’s decaf, and to watch a group of senior citizens performing Japanese swordsmanship on top of the hill beneath a monument to some forgotten general. The city is cool this morning, but clear, and it promises to be a beautiful weekend. That’s good: we won’t be rained out. I’ve got a stack of about ninety ISNA brochures in the bag at my side, crammed in the inside pocket of my leather jacket. If I want these pamphlets to get inside, I’ve got to get to the site of the Nurses’ Panel at the Marriott before they close the doors. Then it’s back out to the airport, to pick up Morgan. My feet are already killing me.
October 26, 9:15 AM: North End
Morgan and I are sitting at our hostess’ breakfast table, pulling our thoughts together. In a few minutes, we’ll have to leave to pick up Riki at the airport. The logistics of pulling together an action are mind-boggling. There’s no describing the thrill, though, of all that work, all those phone calls, all those miles. Riding a clattering subway on a Saturday morning, seated beside another living, breathing, laughing, swearing intersexual, hugging near-strangers at unfamiliar airports, then riding back, together, defiant, determined, organized, to the heart of so much of our pain, so much of our anger, so much of our need. We gathered in front of the huge Hynes Auditorium, pamphlets and leaflets in hand, and met the AAP attendees as they left the convention center for lunch. The next hour-and-a-half was a blur, as we positioned ourselves in strategic locations before the Hynes, held signs and “Hermaphrodites with Attitude” banner aloft, distributed our literature, engaged AAP members and passers-by in conversation and debate, spoke to microphones, to cameras. In all that time, I recorded only one fragment of a breathless sentence. 
Saturday, 12:20 PM Outside the Hynes
We’ve got all the exits covered, and it’s an incredible, incredibly empowering experience. I remember the words I spoke to the TV camera, if only because I had scribbled a rough outline on the airplane, pirating mightily from Cheryl’s press release. And because the moment was so salient, so real. Me, Max, bespectacled, with blisters on my feet and chapped lips, speaking out to untold numbers of invisible viewers (and a few bewildered pediatricians behind me.)
"When an intersex child is born, parents and caregivers are faced with what seems to be a terrible dilemma: here is an infant who does not fit what our society deems normal. Immediate medical intervention seems indicated, in order to spare the parents and the child the inevitable stigmatization associated with being different. Yet the infant is not facing a medical emergency; intersexuality is rarely if ever life-threatening. Rather, the psychosocial crisis of the parents and caregivers is medicalized. 
Intersexuality is assumed to be a birth defect which can be corrected, outgrown and forgotten. The experiences of members of the intersex support groups indicate that intersexuality cannot be fixed; an intersex infant grows up to be an intersex adult. This hasn’t been explored, because intersex patients are almost invariably “lost to follow-up.” The abstract of a talk that will be given at this very conference by a doctor who treats intersex infants concedes that “the psychological issues surrounding genital reconstruction are inadequately understood.”
Part of the problem is that we were lost to follow-up, and there were reasons for that. But we’re here today to say we’re back, we’re no longer lost, and we’d like to offer some feedback. We’re here to say that the treatment paradigm for “managing” intersexuals is in desperate, urgent need of re-examination. We’re back to say that early surgical intervention leads to more than “just” physical scars and sexual dysfunction. We’re back to say that the lack of education and counseling for intersexuals, our families and the community at large does not lead to a blissful, healthy, well-adjusted ignorance. Rather, it too often leads to a life-threatening shroud of silence, secrecy, and self-hatred. I’m here representing over one hundred fifty intersexals throughout North America.
One hundred fifty intersexuals are saying: Please! Listen! You doctors, you pediatric endocrinologists and urologists treating intersexuals, you nurses interacting with intersexuals and their families, listen to us! We understand intersexuality, not because we have studied the medical literature — although many of us have — not because we have performed surgeries, but because we have been grappling with intersexuality every day of our lives. We’re here to say that those who would have us believe that intersexuality is rare, cloud the issue by breaking us and separating us into narrow etiological categories which have little meaning in terms of our actual, lived experience. We’re here so that other intersexuals can find us — for many of us, finding others like ourselves has been a lifealtering, even life-saving, experience. We’re here to reach parents before their intersex child is born. We’re here to elicit the help of other sympathetic professionals. We can take a stand as openly intersex adults without being crushed by shame! And we did!
7:20 PM: Boston’s North End
Goddess, this is so sweet, so liberating! I was so reluctant a week ago, having my Jesus-in-Gethsemane experience, reluctant to accept — not an onus or responsibility but — to accept who I am. And here’s where the hard work really begins. I’m exhausted when I think of the road before us. But then, it’s nothing like the road behind us. 
Max Beck, 1997.
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withleeknow · 5 months
hi lovely!! first off congrats on 1k that's so so awesome and you deserve all that + more truly :( your writing is so tender and so lovey
i would to join in on your little drabble event!!! could you do something for hanji and the song compass by the neighbourhood? that song reminds me of him so so much so i hope you get the vision!! thank you angel and have a beautiful day!! ✮⋆˙
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pairing: producer!jisung x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, hurt/comfort?, fluff, swearing, arson jokes? lmao word count: 1.4k
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
main masterlist / request masterlist / ko-fi
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you're always there to help me when i'm down i'm lucky you've been keeping me around you're the star i look for every night when it's dark, you'll stick right by my side
compass - the neighbourhood
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"fuck, fuck, fuck!"
the sound of jisung's verbalized frustration draws your attention to his desk and setup in the middle of room, where he's been sitting for the better part of two hours, hunched over the equipment like he often does when he's in the studio.
it's written all over his face just how upset he is that this particular piece he's working on isn't flowing right. the deep furrow between his eyebrows communicates utter displeasure. the clench of his jaw tells you he's angry, and that he's angry at himself for not being able to work through his block.
you abandon your comfortable spot on the couch in favor of pattering over to his side where he's all tensed up like an aggrieved hamster whose body can't contain the annoyance he feels. jisung can be short-tempered sometimes, but you know how to handle him in moments like this.
sliding a hand over his back, you say, "take a little break with me."
he huffs out a breath, eyes still focused on his laptop screen. "i can't afford a break. chan hyung expects this to be done in two days."
"so it's in two whole days. you can leave it for fifteen minutes, it won't kill you."
"but i still have to rework the first verse and figure out what in the fucking hell this second verse is-"
"han jisung," you scold him lightly, to which he instantly shuts up and peers up at you with his big eyes, immediately apologetic when he recognizes his harsh language.
"sorry," he mumbles, "i'm just stressed."
"which is why you need a break. you're not doing anyone any good just sitting here and trying to make your laptop explode with your eyes."
he lets out a pathetic-sounding mewl but he follows you to the couch regardless. jisung knows you're right because you always are. you're the more level headed between the two of you, whereas he's the one who lets his emotions get the better of him sometimes.
before, he would often succumb to his negative feelings. it's hard to keep his cool when nothing seems to go right and there's a deadline on his ass. he'd get so frustrated with his work that sometimes, he would delete whole tracks off his drive only to instantly regret it and spiral even more. he'd take it out on the people around him with his grumpy attitude and misplaced pettiness.
when jisung is overwhelmed, he tends to spin out in all directions. he splinters and drowns in a sea of his own making, constantly being pushed away further and further from shore because he doesn't know how to anchor himself, how to hold on so he wouldn't drift far away. his solution to soothe his anger has always been to give into it, to rip whole pages from notebooks and lock himself in his studio for hours on end until he could plow through the stubborn creative block. it'd often leave him exhausted - emotionally and physically so - and in no better state than he started out with.
jisung accepted this a long time ago - that his way of dealing with his emotions wasn't very healthy, but it was the only way he knew.
that is, until you popped into his world and taught him that people can be lifelines too. falling upon him like a wish that he never realized he was making his whole life.
"what's the matter, baby?" you ask, prompting him to air out his grievances as he lays his head on your chest while you card your fingers through his soft curls. he leans into you instantly, a long sigh escaping his pouty lips. jisung's got a lot of pride, and he would rather die before admitting to anyone that he loves to be babied by you behind closed doors.
he knows the question is just your way of getting him to verbalize all of his pent-up frustration, and not because you're eager to help him traipse through his mind palace and solve whatever dilemma he's having with the track. let's be honest, you never really have a clue what he's talking about, but it helps that you're keen on listening to him even though you can't offer him any valuable insight. more than you could ever know, it does wonders for jisung, just being able to untangle his thoughts and release the mess in his mind.
he could simply just talk to chan, sure, or any of his other friends who work in the industry. but again, his pride is an awful thing sometimes.
you never make him feel like he has prove himself to earn your love and attention, though. around you, jisung feels enough as he is. there's never been any need to toughen up in your presence.
"i just... i can't work with this track. nothing is flowing right. i hate everything i come up with." he rambles on about the things that plague his mind; topline this and beats that - they're really just words to you. you weren't blessed with the same genius in music that jisung was, so you just listen until he's done, until he concludes his tangent with a groan as he nuzzles further into the comfort of your warmth.
"you said that the last time, you know?"
"said what?"
"that everything sucks and you hate it."
"because everything sucks," he whines again, his eyebrows knitted together as he adorns a petulant pout. "and i hate it."
as you play with his fluffy hair, you feel him lean into your touch like it's the very thing that will bring him clarity. in a way, it does. your gentle touch may not give him the answer he needs, but it quiets the static in his mind, drowns out the continuous buzzing that muddles his brain.
"you're too hard on yourself," you say, to which jisung just huffs out a breath in disagreement. "i'm serious. you say this every time but it all still works out in the end. you're so smart, and talented. you shouldn't forget that."
his frown only deepens in response to your words. he knows you're right; things have always turned out fine before. trust the process and all that shit, but he's hot-headed and impatient sometimes, and he doesn't want to endure the stress that often comes with the process. he just wants to get to the finish line.
then, you continue, "remember 13?"
"what about 13?"
"you didn't like it at first either. you were so dramatic about it. but you sucked it up and finished it anyway. you made a hit and nobody could stop talking it. i believe in you. you just need to believe in yourself too."
in complete silence except for the sound of your steady heartbeat in his ears, jisung keeps laying on top of you like a weighted blanket, soaking up your words as a flower would in warm sunlight. of course he remembers 13 and the day he let you listen to the song for the first time. you'd nearly burst into tears in the middle of this studio, pressing kisses all over his face while you gushed over how proud you were of him.
"damn you," he mutters after a while. "why do you have to be so rational?"
"someone's gotta be. if i wasn't here, you probably would've ripped all your hair out, set your keyboard on fire and ran off into the woods."
he shoots up instantly, propping himself on two elbows as he glares at you even though you've got a valid point. it's not that far-fetched of a scenario.
"what?" you tilt your head with a coy smile. "am i wrong?"
jisung stares at you for a quick minute, and it's that very smile you're wearing that mitigates his frustrations and dulls his urge to sabotage his work out of self-inflicted anger. he says nothing at all, just leans down quickly to give you a kiss full of appreciation, despite the way there was a frown tugging on his eyebrows only seconds prior.
"you good now?" you ask, the words coming out a little muffled against his mouth.
if it's with you, then he is. you're the anchor that helps him part his stormy seas. you're the compass that always guides him home. he really doesn't know where he'd be without you, or how he'd manage in times like these if you're not by his side to ground him.
"always good with you around."
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 24.04.2024]
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entername322 · 10 months
Interesting development
Yuri (Izone) x Male Reader x Minju (Izone)
Length: 13766 words
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The second day of high school, it's only the second day and you already feel like a new journey is waiting for you. For one, you're walking to school with both Yuri and Minju in your hands. Inviting many unwanted gazes. "Can you guys let me go?" It's a fool's errand, you already know their answer. In fact, they also know that you know the answer so they didn't bother to answer. That's a funny sentence. 
"It's unfair that you get to be in class with him", Yuri pouted as she let go of your arm as you arrived at her class. "Well, it's unfair that you get to have him hang out around your house all the time", Minju can do that too, she just wants to retort back to Yuri. "Whatever, I'm going to see you at your class later", Minju and you walked away, arriving at your class you saw Doyoung just smirking at you.
"My man, didn't know Brutus got moved", He fistbumped you the moment you got to your seat. "What moves", He tried to tease you, "You move fast huh Brute? Anything funny happens on the first day?", If only he knew. "Nothing weird, we just hang out", This is the moment you realize your new friend is a gossiper. "With Yuri? So you got, the angel and the demon at the same time?"After yesterday you're not really sure which one is which.
"Ehhhh, we're friends", Doyoung laughed at you before glancing at Minju, "Is that true? Miss Angel?", Minju glanced at him coldly before shaking her head. "Aaahhahahaha, oh god, this is too good, way too good. You know Yuri has a lot of admirers and they all hated you. It's obvious you two are gonna get together, thankfully she has enough aura to scare everyone off. Oh, now after having her, you actually managed to get the new girl as well. Hey, respect", He reached out his hand for a fist bump. You answer the call.
"Alright, be ready bro, they might not be as kind as me", Is he kind though? You and Minju are not buying it. "You're not gonna, do something funny?", He was thinking about it for a second before shaking his head. "My girlfriend would be mad, besides, I love a good show. Good luck Brutus", Weird guy, you don't expect to know him much though, it's the second day you met him, well, befriend him.
"Oppa" Minjus whispered just enough to be heard by you, and maybe Doyoung since you saw him grinning as he looked away. You leaned towards Minju so she could whisper to you, "Don't trust him", A useless piece of advice you've already come up with. "I know" You sat back in your chair, Minju is praying so there will be more group projects today as well.
When an angel prays, God will fulfill it. "Alright, today, I need you all to form a group of two and do this assignment to review your knowledge" Maybe having the math and physics teacher as one person is a good reason for that though. Minju is beaming with a smile the moment she sees you turn to her. The clattering of the table and chair filled the class for a moment before it turned into chatters.
"So, I don't understand", Minju fully expected your words, "Which is why, I'm gonna teach you", You did not. "Minju, I think it's pretty clear-", She used her index finger to shut you down, "Don't resist oppa, or I'll shut you down again like yesterday", As enticing as her lips are you don't want to get kissed in the middle of class. She saw your acceptance and happily pulled out her notebooks.
You're stupid, the number just doesn't work in your mind, however, Minju saw some slither of hope seeing you can memorize the formula, just not when to use it. "Okay who invented integrals and why is it a thing?", The frustration you have is simply a cute moment Minju will add to her diary later. "20 more minutes for the assignment", The teacher gave you a glimmer of hope, you only finished like 4 questions out of 10 so Minju will have to rush it down leaving you to doze off. "Alright oppa, let me finish this whole thing so that we can review it later okay?" A false hope, such a cruel thing.
After the assignment the teacher went to review it at the front, Minju ignored him and taught herself. Thankfully, he doesn't seem to mind the somewhat rowdy classroom. "See? It's easy", Minju patted your head, "It's because you told me every step", You almost failed her instructions a few times by the way.
"Hey now, don't use this as a way to play with my hair", She laughed at you before pulling back her hands. "Come on now, there's still two more questions", Maybe being in class with Yuri will be a better time. Looking around you see some people watching you two. Even though Minju doesn't act like she noticed it, she sees it, and she hates it. "You're drawing too much attention to us", You whispered in her ears, "I know, just bear with it oppa, that's the price of dating me", Minju wanted to find a way to escape this spotlight, but she has tried for so long that she knows there's no way out.
The next period is art, you and your class went to the art studio, to find a bunch of junk. "Ehhhmmmm, today, you will, hmmmm, just draw whatever you want", The enthusiasm your teacher let out is contagious. You tried to find a good place at the corner table, "Can I clean this sir?", The teacher looked at you for a second before shrugging. Minju started to realize what you meant yesterday, this school really doesn't care. You moved around a bunch of half-drawn canvas and palates with a bunch of dried paint to the floor. "Here", Minju pulled out a tissue that you used to clean off the fragment of paint dust from the desk.
"Alright, drawing", Now you get to show off, "Can you draw me?", Minju put your confidence down a notch. "I can try", You don't have to try, she would love it anyway. Since you told her that you could draw her while she did her assignment Minju grabbed the paper the teacher had distributed and started drawing some grass landscapes. A side view of her is breathtaking, however you are passionate about drawing, so you don't let it distract you to make a portrait of her.
To this day, hands are still a tricky problem for you, so you just draw her from the chest up. A few colored pencils, a focused and concentrated mind, and years of experience have helped you capture her beauty. While you are focusing on your work Minju is focusing on you. The determined eyes are so hot, your hand and exposed forearm seem to gain a newfound muscle making it very attractive. There is nothing hotter than a hardworking man, that's the principle she has on men, and you managed to prove it right.
"Got it", Minju immediately leaned to you so she could see your artwork. "Wow", indeed wow, it was beautiful. The picture of her side profile and the background were changed to your bedroom. A window off the screen gives off a beautiful highlight for her foreground. The details of the window frame making shadows on her cheek definitely show your craftsmanship. The Minju in the portrait has a slight smile, her eyes are focusing on someone off the canvas. If the canvas is a photo, then she's definitely looking at you.
Minju grabbed your hand while her face was filled with pride and joy. "Min, don't do what I think you're gonna do", She shook her head, "Do you know how hard it is to not kiss you right now?" Using every ounce of her will, she stopped herself from jumping you like a hungry cat. "Calm down Min", She growled seeing you moved away for a second. "Okay, I won't move, if you promise you won't move"
She broke the agreement, although technically she doesn't agree to it so it's not like she lied to you. Grabbing your arm she dragged you outside grabbing many eyes on the way. “Min, we can't just leave” It's pretty hard to argue with Minju when she uses her smile, you just blush at her making her laugh victoriously. “Perfect” She dragged you to the secluded corner of the school. Pressing up against you, Minju's hands start feeling up your chest before she makes out with you. Now listen, you're not a pervert, right? It's not like the rush from the idea of being caught will arouse you. Right? Of course, your cock is only getting hard because it's a natural reaction from Minju's soft breast pressing up against you. You don't have any imagination about fucking her right her right now.
“Hehehehe, so hard for me babe? Thank you” With how close both of your bodies are it's no wonder that Minju took notice of the reaction she got for her actions. “Let's go back to class okay”, Both of you really don't want to, but an ignorant idiot is not what you both are. Coming back to class Minju was glowing while she was holding your arm. Everyone took notice of this, well, hope you know the rumor gonna spread by lunch.
Minju won't give back the drawing you made for her so you are forced to draw some random flower pot in the room and hand it to your teacher as your assignment. “This looks rushed” Your teacher looks like he needs some sleep, and some care in teaching. “Well, I'm not that good-” He sighed loudly, “I saw the one you have for your girlfriend, show it, and I'll grade it and return it to her” Nervously you turned to Minju who was frowning. Minju takes it out while your teacher stands there silently watching it. For the record, he spent less than 5 seconds checking the others' drawings.
“The hair needs some work”, Minju pouted, “Also the shirt is too clean, you need to put some crease and shadows over it”, Oh, your teacher does care, for you at least, he only cares for the ones who have potential. “I think it looks nice”, Your teacher glanced at her, “It's a B+”, Minju frowned even deeper. “It's an A”, Unfortunately for her, the teacher already walked away. “You'll get an A when you have an A-level work”, You like him, he seems to be a good tutor. “What a prick”, Minju doesn't, “Relax Min, he's right”, Minju shakes her head, “This is perfect, okay, and I don't care what he says, this is an A+ for me”, She hugged the portrait while looking at you. “Thank you Min”, She carefully slips the drawings into her bag before grabbing your head and starting to play with your hair.
The bell then rang, deciding to not piss Yuri off by not being at the class when she visited, you pulled Minju out of the art studio. “Where were you?” Yuri was already sitting on your chair when you walked in. “Art class, look what he made me”, Yuri frowned even deeper, “You never made me one”, Ah shit, their competitiveness is still there. “You never let me”, It's because she's scared she will fall for you at the time, reminding her of this only made her even angrier. “Well now I want to, draw it”,  Yuri moved to share the seat with Minju, giving you some space. You spend your break drawing her, after all, you can't give her subpar work after giving Minju a B+ art.
“He's so hot when he's concentrating like this”, Yuri nodded in agreement, you've never taken anything seriously unless it's about drawing and writing. “I could've had thousands of these drawings”, The past is in the past, at least Yuri still has you now. “Poor Yuri, it's okay cutie, I won't take more than my fair share of him”, Although Minju is enjoying the sight of your hard work and Yuri's presence, she despises the attention you three are getting.
Countless eyes are looking at you with envy and jealousy, grabbing not one, but two of the most beautiful girls in the school all for yourself? Doyoung is watching the pot, brewing with anger and malicious intent, he wants nothing more but to have a front-row seat to the shitshow. 
“Done”, a beautiful piece, Yuri sitting on a chair sideways, leaning to the backrest to her left. Her hand is covered with a rolled-up jacket, her face is painted with her cute pout, and the window shadow is covering her smooth white legs. “Perfect, good job oppa”, Minju hugged you, and you glanced at Yuri who was staring at her drawing in a daze. She then put it on the table before hugging you as well. “Girls, I need to pee”, The two didn't let go, “Please? The class is starting soon”, just like before, it's a fool's errand.
The bell rang in your class making Yuri let out a frustrated groan. “Hahaha, it's okay Yuri, we can have fun later, at lunch, and after school as well”, Minju patted Yuri's head, “I'm coming here again at lunch, don't go without me okay oppa? You two Minju”, Reluctantly Yuri left the class with her drawings. Looking around you finally noticed the glare your male classmates are giving you. “Ignore them oppa, just focus on me”, Minju grabbed your hand and intertwined her fingers with yours. “We're having biology next, so work hard oppa, I'll help tutor you, later”, The tone of her voice is so seductive you might just grab her and run back home.
Biology is boring, in fact, classes are boring, so who cares about them? When the bell rang you immediately felt a sigh of relief. Minju smiled, wrapped her arms around yours and pulled you outside. Yuri came soon after and without saying a word she wrapped her arms around your other one. Unfortunately, the cafeteria is already full, which is expected since you had to wait for Yuri. Minju doesn't want to eat anything but she doesn't want to let you go and you have to wait in line with the two girls hugging you.
When you were ordering someone suddenly pushed you from behind. “Hey”, Yuri turned around, you glanced to see a bunch of guys sending you some nasty glare. “Sorry, it's crowded in here”, The lack of remorse in his tone tells you he probably doesn't mean it. “Try it again dumbass I'll kick your ass later”, You pulled Yuri back to make sure nothing escalated further. “Fuck off shortie”, Oh shit, your reaction was too slow to stop Yuri. In one swift move, she turned around and sent a kick aiming at the guy's nuts. Only, he caught it with his knee, “Yeah, yeah, you're not as scary as you think you are”, He sneered at Yuri making her even madder.
“Yuri come on”, You grabbed her hand and forcefully pulled her back. Getting your orders the three of you walked to find a good corner to eat in. Yuri was fuming with anger, and Minju's cold aura clashed with Yuri's again. This time they're not aimed at each other, yet being caught up in the middle you're still uncomfortable with it. “I'll kill them”, Yuri said under her breath as she ate. “They're trying to bait you, Yuri, just let them be”, God the headache of having two girlfriends also came from outside influences, are you ready for it? “It's not fine, he hurt you and tried to embarrass Yuri. He had to be dealt with”, Minju sent Yuri an acknowledging gaze before the two of them nodded.
“Girls, please, don't make a scene”, You are non confrontational by default, some because you're weak and timid, some because you've read enough Chinese Novels that you can't even take the ‘young masters’ seriously anymore. “It's okay oppa, we got these”, A storm is brewing. “Where's Jin by the way? Haven't seen him at all today”, You had an idea for your question, but you hoped that it was wrong. “He's fucking jealous about Minju, that idiot really thinks he had the dibs on her or something”, Minju just snorted and dropped her head on your shoulder. “I don't even remember his face, he's so forgettable”, Minju and her occasional roast.
“He is an idiot”, Yuri scoffed, “Listen, don't be so rude to him, he's still my friend you know”, Poor you, so blind, so innocent. “Oppa, the only reason he's friends with you is because he wants to flirt with me, you know that right?” You don't, in fact, you never realized it. “What?” The two girls looked at you with concern, “Oh oppa, I'm sorry”, Yuri patted your head. “It's fine”, So blind, so clueless, you wrote all those fanfics and original stories with twists and turns, yet you failed to see one in front of your own eyes. “It's okay oppa, you have us now”, Minju played around with your hair.
The three of you sit quietly, you, because you're pissed at yourself for not seeing it sooner. The two girls, because they're plotting something. They don't like how people look down on you, you're their boyfriend now, so they will have to understand that no one can mess with you. Countless sinister thoughts went through their mind, and one by one they were filtered, from the most gruesome one possible. Not because they don't think it's too much, they just think you won't be happy with it. The best possible option for them was, injuring him permanently. Yuri knows he's on the basketball team, she's not a shutoff loner like you. Minju is a hawk, from the moment you three are in the line she hears everything they have to say, so she knows he plays basketball for the school. A permanent leg injury would be quite unfortunate, wouldn't it?
“Let's go back to class”, The two decided to let you have some quiet time, they didn't want you to lose your cool. The last period went by like a breeze, you slept, the high school teacher is less caring about sleeping students in their class than the middle school teachers. Minju ran her finger through your hair occasionally, she did this last night when you were asleep and she loves it. When the school bell rang you woke up and picked up your bag, you already packed it since Biology class.
“Come on oppa, let's get Yuri”, You and Minju walked to Yuri's class to find her arguing with the guy from before. “Fuck you shithead”, It's amazing how this is happening while the teachers are walking past you in the hallway. “Yeah? What are you gonna do about it? Gonna cry to your retarded boyfriend?” Oh, he's done it. You watched Yuri send a punch to him, making him move to the side before pushing her to the wall. You can hear the loud slam as her head hits the wall. You can see the pained expression she had, you can feel your body fly forward.
You are absurdly quick, the guy didn't even get to see you before your hand stabbed his neck. You're getting suspended on the second day of school, aren't you? “What the fuck retard”, His friends send a punch to your face almost knocking you out instantly. The cliche of the body moving by itself is etched into your brain from the countless stories you've read, yet today, you had the firsthand experience. You were fighting like an angry raccoon, clawing, biting, sending useless punches. Eyes, neck, nose, ears, liver, toes, you aimed for them. The weak and scrawny body of yours can't keep up with your instinct but your relentlessness helped you push through.
One of them grabbed your hand, and the other one then grabbed your other hand. The guy who hurt Yuri came and punched you in the stomach. With one punch you puke out your lunch, was that a rhyme? It should be a rhyme. “Guys enough, if you get suspended I'm kicking your ass out of the team”, You see Doyoung was looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “He started it”, the guy who punched you said, “And I'll end your career here if you don't shut up, and get out”, You got back to your feet, since when did your head start to bleed?
The group that beat you up glared at you, there were 4 of them. “Watch your fucking back idiot”, You're ready for round two, well your body is not, but you do. “Enough, all four of you follow me to the principal office”, Wow, a teacher came and actually did something? “He started it”, It seems like you have fucked up his throat and he can only say that from now. “Oppa, are you okay?” Either from the adrenaline or concussion, you didn't realize that Minju and Yuri had come to hold you up. “I'm fine, let's go home”, You are definitely not fine. “Let's get you to the nursery office”, They carry you away, “How come he gets to leave”, was the last thing you heard from the goons.
“Haaaa, a fight on the second day of school?” The nurse saw you and helped you get on the bed. Both of your girlfriends don’t like seeing you being touched by other women, but for now, there are other pressing matters to deal with. “Hmmm, let's see”, no concussion thankfully, well no signs of it. A broken nose, and bleeding in your temple, don't need any stitches. A lot of bruises that would hurt in the morning. A few cuts on your face as well due to the friction of their fist while they were pounding you. No signs of bone fracture but it might be because of the adrenaline.
“Stay in here, for now, rascal, wait an hour or two, if you feel fine afterward you can go home, if not then I'll have to bring you to the ambulance”, You nodded and just relaxed on the bed, it's a shitty bed. The nurse left you three to go somewhere else, Yuri and Minju immediately hugged you. “You shouldn't do that, what were you thinking, oppa?” Yuri's face is stained with tears. “How can you do this oppa, look at you, I thought I was gonna lose you” Minju is also sobbing. They felt warm and comforting.
“I told you Yuri, don't cause any trouble”, Your hand starts to play with their hair. “You still shouldn't have jumped in like that”, Yuri let out a sobbed scream, “This, this is what's gonna happen to me if you cause trouble from now on. I'm not sitting by seeing you get attacked like that. Listen Yuri we're in high school right now, you were scary back then because you were an early bloomer. Now everyone is on the same level, and those guys actually do sport. They are athletes. You can't win against them”, Oh, it felt painful to yell, physically.
“And you can handle them? Oppa you can't do this kind of thing, you're gonna get hurt”, Minju sobbed, “This is better than having any of you getting slammed to the wall like that. Listen, you two won't listen to me when I say let it go earlier so I have to do this. As your boyfriend it's my job to protect you, remember that I will always jump in for you, no matter what”, The two girls squeezed you making you let out a yelp for them to ease it down. “Oppaaaa”, They just whimpered as they cried in your embrace. “Listen, I'm sorry that you felt worried about me, and I hope these things don't happen again okay?” They nodded as they raised their heads to see you. “Okay, good, I'm sleepy, I'll see you later”, You let out a sigh, “Oppa”, Minju screamed, “It's okay Min, oppa just has nap time he needs to do”, Minju nodded before the two of them continue resting on your chest.
I will kill him, no, I will make them all suffer and beg for death. My oppa was hurt, look at him, he looks so pitiful. Don't worry oppa, I will make sure they will never hurt you. My oppaaaaaa…..
Fucking sons of bitches, I will break their bones and cut them up to a million pieces. I swear they will never get to see the light of day anymore. I'm sorry oppa, I can't protect you, I'm sorry, I'll do better, and there will never be a next time.
The two locked eyes, acknowledging the animosity the others have. They can't talk for now, you're still somewhat awake. So they wait, patiently, monitoring your breath and heartbeat, surely. Their hearts break every time you struggle to take a deep breath. Their stomach turns when you let out a cough. Their skins crawl when you wince in pain every time their hands explore your body. It's not that bad, you're just not used to pain, but for them, you are on the brink of death. They are hurting as much as you are, silently they tried to hold their sobs and cries, tears still streamed down to their face but they made sure to not let out a single sound.
Slowly your breath got slow and steady, your heartbeat dropped a little, and that's when they knew you were asleep. “I will kill them”, Minju nodded agreeing with Yuri, “But we can't let oppa know”, Yuri initially wanted to protest, but she knew your character. You will be displeased, you always hated seeing Yuri fight someone for you. “What do we do then?” Minju sighed and opened her phone. “I will call someone to take care of them”, This caused Yuri to feel even worse. “You can't do that, I have to do something, I caused this, I have to fix this”, Minju looked at her contemplatively. “We will ruin their lives first, and their parents, how could they raise a bunch of demons”, Yuri agreed with that.
“We will sue them, get them expelled, and get their parents fired from their job”, Yuri doesn't like that, for one particular reason, “You mean you will do it, I don't get to do anything”, She hates how powerless she feels right now. “It's okay Yuri, after that, we can hunt them down, I will make sure they suffer with my own hand”, Yuri is still scowling. “Listen, Yuri, for now, we can't do anything, we need to calm oppa down. So until he got back to his feet again we have to focus on him”, Yuri looked at your face, the bruise started to show on your cheeks, the few cuts you had are open, it's not deep enough to cause any excess bleeding but they still showed some scars.
“I wanted to have a date this week”, Yuri winced, remembering the plans she made. “Me too Yuri, I guess we have to take care of him for now”, As much as Minju hates the fact that you can't go out on a date, she actually feels excited with the prospect of taking care of you. “Does this mean we get to bathe him and dress him up?” Yuri smiled realizing it might not be so bad. “We can feed him, brush his hair, we will take care of all his needs”, Minju starts playing with his hair.
“Where did you by the way, when he was being….. you know”, The fresh memory was too painful for them to remember. “I got the principal, he knows who I am, who my dad is, So I threatened him that if oppa gets hurt I will sue this place down. I will talk to him after this, those 4 trash needs to be kicked out of the school”, Yuri reached up and played with your hair as well. “Can you get me to move to your class?” Yuri feels hope rising in her heart. “Maybe, for a price”, Yuri immediately knows the price is. “No, I have known him longer than you, I get to take his virginity”, Minju just shrugged and continued playing with your hair.
“If you want to be in his class, then you'll have to accept it”, Yuri did the math, “It's only one year, taking his virginity will last forever”, Minju just smiled and kissed your cheek. “I'll get to play with his hair every day, watch him smile, hold his hands, and all those things in class. Oooh, I can make sure me and him will always be in the same class until we graduate, so, good luck Yuri”, Yuri's mind went into turmoil. “Fine, but we ask him first, you can't change your mind if he wants to give it to me first”, Minju won't talk you out of it, but she can persuade you with other methods. “Deal?” The two shake their hand, sealing your fate. The two stayed quiet as they watched over you for a while.
“Yuri, and, who are you?”, The two girls turned to see a very concerned and confused girl. “Oh hello unnie, this is Minju, she's…..”, Yuri doesn't want to say that Minju is just a friend, but she also doesn't want to do the explanation. “I'm oppa's girlfriend, nice to meet you”, Your sister’s face contorted, “What? I thought you and him went out”, Yuri just gave a weird smile. “Well, yesterday…….”
Your sister is both confused, furious, and kinda proud that you went out of your shell. Of course, the anger and confusion overpower the pride. “Okay then let's leave that for now. How did this happen to him?” The sight of your unconscious body concerned her the most. “Earlier today something happened”
Now, it's not that your sister condemned what you did, she's happy you did that after hearing why you did it. It's just that, you're weak, and she expects you to be smarter instead of charging into 4 big goons ready to break your bones with a flick of a wrist. “So he's okay then?” The two girls nodded, “Alright, then explain to me, how you two became his harem. What the fuck did that idiot do?” The two tried to explain to her what and why they wanted to share you.
As that happens you start waking up, and the first thing you notice is the glaring pain from your whole body. The groan that was about to leave your lips was stopped by the sound of a familiar voice. “So, let me get this straight, my brother doesn't want to choose yet, so instead of waiting, you two want to just share him?” Maybe it's better to stay asleep. “I'm not taking any chances that he might choose her over me”, Yuri said, “How is that even possible, he has known you for his whole life”, You don't need an open eyes to see that Minju is pouting right now. “We are meant to be together”, You felt her hand grab yours. “Listen, I know you're probably crushing on him-”, The hand squeezed you, “I love him, and he feels it too. If he doesn't, why would he consider me even though I just met him”, Minju roared.
“She's right unnie, he's definitely thinking about her. I have known him my whole life okay, He was seriously considering it”, Well now you feel guilty about Yuri, was it your fault though? Well kinda. “And you two are totally cool with it?” The two girls didn't say anything but you heard your sister sigh. “Okay, Minju right? Why do you want to date him?” You felt Minju let go of your hand and started caressing him. “I love him, he's perfect for me”, Your sister is not convinced. “Okay, let me just ask something else then. Do you really think it's worth spending your high school life with a guy who's also dating his childhood friend? You know her parents already considered him as their son-in-law, right? There are so many other guys and you want to spend it with him”, You didn't hear anything, so you didn't see Minju's smile that's filled with happiness and determination that deters your sister's doubts.
“And you Yuri? You didn't want to fight to get him? After all those years of you together”, Yuri had some uncertainty in her heart, but, feeling your warm hand holding her, and seeing Minju's encouraging eyes, she wouldn't let those feelings get the best of her. “Yes, I made a mistake, all those years ago of not letting him stay with me. Today I did it too by not protecting him. All that matters now is he's happy, and I'm here by his side, nothing gonna keep us apart from now on”, Minju reached out to hug Yuri. This whole thing is so confusing for your sister that she almost forgot you're here because you got into a fight.
“Fuck I still need to get to the principal office, I'll be back”, You hear your sister say, “Okay unnie, good luck”, Yuri said, Minju stayed quiet for a while. “You can call me unnie too Minju, it's no big deal”, Minju smiled happily hearing that. “Okay unnie, I don't think I get your name though unnie”, “Eunbi, Kwon Eunbi, I'll be back soon okay? Take care of my stupid brother”, You hear her steps slowly fading away.
“Fuck”, The two girls immediately turn around, “Can you two, help me run away from here?” You groaned as you tried to sit up straight. “Oppa, stay down, you need to rest”, Yuri gently pushed you back, “That's right oppa, just lay down for now”, Minju teamed up with her. “Eunbi gonna kill me”, Defeated you choose to lie down realizing that they won't let you move. “It's okay oppa, unnie will understand”, Yuri kissed your cheek, “And we will hear oppa” Minju kissed your other cheek.
“God, I need some ice”, The two girls pout hearing that. “Are you okay oppa”, Yuri is about to cry out again, “I'm fine, it's just a bit painful”, You patted her head, “Then you're not fine, do I need to call the nurse again oppa?” Minju is also about to cry. “It's fine, just, oh fuck, I'm hungry”, You see they started looking around. “Is the cafeteria closed already?” Minju turned to Yuri, “Probably, fuck I don't think mom is cooking already”, Minju then opened her phone. “Let's order some takeout, what do you want oppa?” Some aspirin and painkillers would be nice, but if you ask them they would panic.
“Just, some, I don't want some takeout actually. Can we get some instant noodles from the store, and eggs, and some rice?” Ah yes, two packs of instant noodles with 3 eggs and a plate of rice. The classic luxury food for your less-than-wealthy family. “That's unhealthy”, Sounds rich coming from someone who fed you chocolate brownies and a vanilla milkshake before dinner yesterday. “It's good, can we buy it on the way home?” Minju pouted but nodded anyway, Yuri is busy hugging you. 
“Are you okay Yuri?” You play with her hair, “I'm sorry oppa”, Her weak voice is on the brink of tears again. You felt Minju drop her head to your shoulder, cramming her face into your neck. “It's okay Yuri, just, don't do that again okay?” Yuri started sobbing, followed by Minju. “Alright, come on, let it out”, You keep reassuring them that you're fine while caressing their head. You were so preoccupied by then that you didn't realize that your sister had returned. Immediately her burning eyes penetrated through your skull, and for a moment you felt like fighting those 4 dudes was easier.
“Having fun?” Your two girlfriends got up immediately, embarrassed. “Hey Noona, I was just-”, She walk towards you and pulled you by the collar. “Come here”, The two girls tried to hold you but you reassure them it's okay. Eunbi dragged you out of the room and pushed you to the wall. “Alright, you better have a good explanation young man”, You don't, “About, them? Or about, the fight?” You cringed for even considering it a fight. “Both, you went to high school for one day, ONE DAY, and you came home with two girlfriends”, Well, technically, “I mean, we only agreed to this after dinner so…..”, Don't sass your angry sister.
“Idiot”, Her fist felt more painful than what those guys did to you. “What were you thinking? Playing around with their feelings like that”, Eunbi grabbed her forehead as she felt a headache coming. “I feel like we need a little clarification here Noona. I am on board with this because I don't want to break their heart and cause some drama”, That sounds like a desperate justification for what you did, try better. “So you just made them accept that they will share you?” Eunbi slapped your head, “Did they tell you that they came up with it first?” You rubbed your temple. “Because you didn't want to choose”, How do you shift the blame. “I did because it's day one. I just met Minju and I like that she and I seem to have a lot of similar interests. Yuri and I have been together forever but you know as much as I do that there's been a bit of distance between us for a while. She never saw me as a guy, and I never saw her as a girl, were friends. I don't know which of them would have better chemistry with me when I start going out with them. I just need time, a month at least, but they don't want the wait and jump in on this. I'm sorry that I didn't have the guts to jump into a relationship after day one”
Well, that does shut your sister up, “Listen Noona, I know I'm on thin ice right now, but I really, don't want to make anyone hurt. I'll go through with this relationship, and trust me, the moment I see things falling apart I'll take full responsibility and end it”, the door immediately opened and your girlfriends swarmed you. “You can't do that, you can't just end it because some minor problems come up”, Minju said angrily, “Oppa, we won't let that happen, we're not letting you go, and whatever happens, we can go through it, together”, Yuri said anxiously.
Eunbi looked at you with the, ‘see?’ eyes. “Girls, I know you like him, I really do, but you can't just be so blind with everything. There's many guys out the-”, Eunbi tried to put some sense into them, you're not really sure you want her to do that. “I'm gonna stop you right there Unnie, me and Yuri picked him. My family has brought me to countless parties where I always get swarmed by horny boys, I've seen so many men that I know oppa is a one in a million”, Minju said hugging me. “And I on the other hand have known oppa for all my life already, I don't need anyone else, we are inseparable”, Yuri hugged me as well.
Eunbi looked at the three of us with a contemplative gaze, “Fine, but if anything bad happens don't say that I didn't warn you”, the three of you nodded at the same time. “Fine then, your principal said that the four guys are expelled”, Like thunder, fear strikes you thinking that you will also be expelled. “So you're lucky, that you only get 3 days suspension”, The dots are connected, and your mind understands what happened. Turning to Minju she just smiled innocently. “Did you?”, Why did you even bother asking, “Of course, they hurt you oppa, I will not let them get off without repercussions”, Her tone is so cold that you realize that she wants to do more.
“What do you mean you did it? Are you the principal’s daughter or something?” Eunbi said looking at Minju, “Hehehe, my parents are very rich”, Eunbi raised her eyebrow while looking at you with questioning eyes. “Let's talk later, or tomorrow, I need to eat first Noona”, With a frown she nodded, “Come on, let's get home”, Your two girls ran in and grabbed their bags along with yours.
“Minju, where is your house?” Eunbi said as we left the school gate. The place is empty already, it's only the second day so nobody has good reasons to stick around an hour or two after school. “That one, oppa can rest at my place for today, Yuri can you grab his clothes?” Yuri squinted her eyes, “That's your house?” Eunbi said surprised. “Yeah, it's empty, my parents don't live here”, Eunbi looked at you with a frown.
How the fuck did this kid get a sugar mama. I'm losing my mind with him. I need a long bath.
“Come on then, we need to buy some food for oppa”, Minju said, “We can't let oppa walk for too long, you should buy them yourself while I go grab him some changes”, Minju frowned hearing Yuri's suggestions. “Fine”, They held me as we walked to Minju's place, “Don't do anything more stupid today, come on Yuri”, Eunbi left you with Minju while taking Yuri.
“Min?” Minju refused to move after you got to the couch. “Oppa, I'm scared, promise me you won't do that again”, She glanced at your lap feeling nothing else but her wish to sit on it. “Come here”, You saw right through her, she shook her head but her body just limped onto you as you pulled her to sit on you. “I'm sorry for making you worry, okay? I really wasn't sure what I was thinking, but just know, that if it comes down to it, I will do it again, without any hesitation, for you and Yuri”, Minju knows it but she still doesn't like seeing you get hurt. “Promise me, you won't die on me”, Okay that was a big escalation, “I won't”, At least you don't plan to.
She still needs some making out to calm her down and of course a little cuddle. “Are you seriously sitting on him? You know he's injured right?” Yuri came in with a thunderous roar. “I'll go buy your order oppa, maybe they will have some strawberries left”, Minju kissed your cheek before getting off. Passing by the fuming Yuri, “Yuri come here”, second round. “Oppa”, Yuri's face is ridden with guilt and sorrow, “Yuri I'm fine okay? Like I said earlier, my only regret for doing that is making you two worried, I'll never let anyone hurt you”, Your soft touch to wipe her tears only made the tear gate burst. She leaped onto your embrace as you tried to calm her down again.
“Are you seriously sitting on him? You know he's injured right?” Minju said with a mocking tone once she got back. Yuri didn't say anything and just sobbed trying to calm her emotions. “Yuri, I need to take a shower”, Her face suddenly smiled, “Let's go together oppa”, She wiped her tears before jumping off of you. “Girls, I don't need any assistance in bathing”, Clearly, they didn't get the memo, and if they do, they don't care. “Come on oppa, we can use the one in my bedroom, we can wash you”, Minju dropped her shopping bags at the kitchen counter before she teamed up with Yuri to drag you to her bedroom.
“Whoa, this place is big”, Indeed it is, Minju's bedroom was almost as big as all three bedrooms in your house combined. “Thank you, come on drop off your clothes, I'll get some extra towels”, You see Minju walk to one of the doors that revealed a walk-in closet. “She's so rich oppa, I can't even imagine living in a place like this”, Yuri sighed before grabbing your shirt. “Yuri I really don't need help in there”, She clearly doesn't care because she unbuttoned your outfits in one swift motion.
“You are so hard to talk to sometimes”, Maybe the fight from before boosts up your confidence. You grabbed Yuri by the waist and threw her to the bed making her yelp. “Oppa”, She moaned as you climbed on top of her, “Shut up”, You're not really sure where you're going with these, but you'll just follow the flow. You unbuttoned her shirt revealing her cute white bra. Taking it off you dived in to kiss and bite them, drowning yourself in it. “Yeah oppa, bite it, mark me”, She screamed as you bit her nipple hard. You can feel her body squirm under you as you leave a circular bite mark around her nipples.
“Oppa, are you horny already?” Glancing to your side you see Minju is lying next to you head down while watching you two. “Wait for your turn”, Alright, you're definitely getting some new confidence, or just very horny. “Oppa”, Yuri grabbed your attention again, you looked down at her topless body, and without waiting for a moment longer you pulled down her skirt alongside her panties. “Oppa, please”, Her whimper sends a rush to your body. You squat down at the edge of the bed, grabbing her thighs and dragging her until her pussy is just close enough to your face.
“Opppaaaa, don't tease me”, Yuri whimpered as you kissed her thighs, slowly your kiss moved from one thigh to another, making its way to her wet pussy. Then, you kissed her exposed clit making her body shake, god it felt good making her scream and moan like that. Your tongue licked around the entrance, then to her g spot making her scream in ecstasy. Both of your hands grabbed her thighs and dropped them over your shoulder, then your hand held on to her waist to keep her in place. Time to mess her up.
“Oppa, oppa, oppa,....” Yuri can't say anything other than that as your tongue is exploring her cave, giving her the ride of her life, so far. “Oppa I'm cumming”, Yuri screamed so high you might go deaf if not for her soft thighs hugging your head acting as an earmuff. You can feel her body shaking, the waist that you're holding is jolting up and down and her earmuff thighs help you hear her loud heartbeat that keeps rising.
Her orgasm lasted a minute long and you didn't stop licking, you are trying to see how long you can make her cum. Then slowly her energy drained away, and her thighs dropped down lifelessly on your shoulder. You're enjoying this, it reminds you of old memories with your ex. Best to keep those memories out of your mind, wouldn't want your girlfriends to find out that you're thinking about some other girls when you're with them.
“My turn oppaaaa~~” Minju said in a seductive voice, You get Yuri to a more comfortable position to lay in before turning to Minju. She already took off her uniform, now laying bare naked for you to use. Crawling to Minju you see her bite her lips in anticipation, her pussy is already oozing with excitement. “Aahhh, oppa”, she giggled as you turned her around on her stomach, her back was so alluring, that you gave her a kiss to her male making her squirm in anticipation. Kissing down her spine you send jolts of energy through her body. Your hand grabbed a handful of her ass and slap it. Watching it jiggle and sending ripples through her soft thighs made you feel aroused.
For Minju, being an object of arousal by you is nothing but pure ecstasy. Your fingers explored her dripping pussy, rubbing it slowly as you leaned forward to kiss her neck. “Opppaaaaa, your fingers, they're so good”, She moaned, using one hand you started fingering her, you see her body move around as if you were controlling her with a joystick. “Oppa, mark me, pleaseeee”, As a good boyfriend, you can't let her beg for too long. As your teeth sank to her neck you felt her body shake wildly. Like trying to keep your control of a horse, your teeth dig even deeper into her neck while your finger gets even more aggressive facilitating her long orgasm.
Once it passed she dropped down on the bed trying to catch her breath. You lay next to her trying to do the same, but Yuri won't let you. “Oppa, you need to mark me more. I'm yours, right? We need to show that to everyone”, Straddling your lap she pulled you back up. “Please?” It seems Yuri has learned how to do puppy eyes from you, and just like her, you can't resist it.
Yuri has grown so much, she used a lot of baggy clothes so you're thoroughly surprised yesterday seeing how her chest has grown to a decent size. You looked at her right nipple that was being caged by your bite mark. Moving to her right tits, right around the upper part of her cleavage you kissed your next marking spot. Your hand reached down to grab her ass as your teeth sank into her tits. “Opppaaa”, Her naked pussy is grinding against your cock through your pants. Her hands pushed your head deeper into her as you left your second bite mark.
“Haaaa, Haaaa, Haaa”, Watching her out of breath you know you can't stop yet. Your mouth wandered off to her collarbone kissing it and making her shiver. The third mark is too much for her as she slumped on you lifelessly as you finished your artwork. Gently, you lay her down in bed before bracing yourself for the eager Minju. “Me next, me next”, She is jumping on your lap, without saying a word you gave her 4 more marks before she got tired. One on her upper shoulder, one on her neck, one on her left tits, and one on her hand. 
You think you are done, but you glance at Yuri who's begging for more with her eyes. You're far from done. In the end, they are riddled with hickeys and bite marks. On their neck, hands, thighs, tits, ass, and shoulders, they asked for their face too but you refused it. 
“That was wild oppa, thank you”, The two of them wrapped their limbs around you. “I think, we are forgetting something”, Minju laughed, “Yeah, we're supposed to get a bath”, You know that's not the answer they're looking for. “No, we haven't repaid the favor yet”, As much as you want to get jacked off, you're really tapped out, you just want to get a warm shower and a warm meal before going to sleep.
“I really don't need to girls, I'm tired, I need a hot bath and some food, okay? You can repay me tomorrow”, The two girls are obviously not happy with it. “Oppa, if you were really tired then you should've said something”, Yuri said, “Yeah, we wouldn't be so demanding”, Minju agreed. “How could I say no, you two were so cute when you begged me”, You laughed making them smile happily. “Fine, but next time you have to say something if you're tired”, Minju said, “Okay then, let's get clean, you two especially”
The shower didn't start off well, “Oh my god oppa”, Looking down, you see numerous bruises around your body. Most notably is on your stomach, the place where you were last punched. “Huh, I guess they did rough me up”, Looking back up, you see the girls are on the verge of tears again, well, round three.
After calming them down you get your long-awaited shower. The girls scrubbed every inch of your body making sure not a single speck of dirt remains. The hair wash took a little longer since the two were busy playing with your hair. Once you're cleaned you help clean them next. Yuri and Minju had a silent agreement to enjoy this individually. So when you were cleaning Minju, Yuri just stayed under the shower, and the same when you cleaned Yuri. The bathroom is big, and the overhead shower could rain down for the three of you without having to squeeze together. Minju is definitely a royalty.
Feeling fresh from the shower you got a quick lesson on how to help the girls dry it off and style it up. “You're so good at this oppa”, Minju said surprised at your skills, “Noona teaches me a lot, and so does Yuri”, Yuri who was waiting for her turn smiled and gave you a kiss. “Stop making me jealous”, You laughed at Minju before pulling her head back and leaned down to kiss her as well.
Finally, for dinner, you cook up the ramyun for everyone, despite their protest. Not wanting to cook multiple times you just get a medium-sized pot and cook like 6 Ramyun packets and 8 eggs. The girls said they might not eat a lot but you're starving so you could finish the leftovers by yourself. Minju also bought 3 microwave rice packs. 
“Ahhhhh, perfect”, the three of you sat around the coffee table, the two girls wanted to cuddle with you and you preferred sitting on the ground. You didn't bother dividing the ramyun up so all of you are eating straight from the pot with the little rice plate that comes with the packs. “I want to feed you oppa”, Minju said, and you can't really say no so you finish eating while being fed by them. Once done the three of you chill around on the couch. Occasionally make out, mostly just cuddling. The night went uneventful, unlike everything else in the day so far.
“Ahhhhh, I don't want to leave, I want to stay here for the whole day”, Yuri pouted once she got woken up by Minju's alarm. “Me too”, Minju never wanted to skip class, she was a model student until she met you. “Girls, please, just go to school, I'll go home”, The two won't let you do that. “Come on, Yuri I will tell your parents if you skipped class, and Minju, didn't you want to be my personal tutor? How can you do that if you skipped class”, It takes some more convincing, mostly with your kiss, but the three of them reluctantly let go of you and leave the bed.
“Do not go anywhere until we get back home okay?” After a while they all get ready, Yuri goes to her place to get a shower and returns to say farewell to you. “Okay, I'll see you later”, The two held each other's hands before leaving for school. “Alright, first, Noona'', You locked up Minju's place before going to meet Eunbi, who was eating breakfast.
“Sit down”, She served you some bacon and eggs before she sat back watching you. “Listen Noona, I know you're still not convinced, but, can you just give me a chance? I promise you nothing bad gonna happen”, She shakes her head in frustration. “They are hopeless, and you did this to them”, How exactly did you do that again? “Noona you know even I don't know how these things happen”, Eunbi doesn't want to continue this argument, she really thinks it's a stupid idea, but she's willing to give you a chance.
“Then Minju, what's her deal? Is she rich? Are you her sugar baby now?” No, right? You're not right? “I don't know”, Do you want to be her sugar baby? “How rich is she?”You actually just realized, you haven't really asked much about Minju's wealth. “I don't know, she always said their family is in a comfortable position”, Eunbi frowned, her experience in college led her to meet a very rich girl, and she also claims that her family is simply, comfortable.
“You know how rich people work right? If they find out, you're gonna get in trouble”, Well, both of you are living paycheck to paycheck with your parent’s limited inheritance, what do you know of the upper society? “I know, I'll take care of myself”, Not really sure how, but at least you have the right intention. “Good, I'll be gone till night, don't do anything stupid for today, and rest. You look like an abuse victim”, You winced at her before nodding silently. As she left you went to your bedroom, opening your laptop to start finding some stories you've been working on. “Well, guess I have nothing better to do for today”
You love writing, it's a daily thing for you as an escape from your boring life. Sometimes you'll spend hours and hours writing pages of a book you're working on without noticing. Yet today, you can't even come up with more than just a paragraph. Your finger is jittery, your eyes are darting around the room, and your brain simply can't come up with anything to write.
You just assume it's a writer's block, so you pull out your phone and check in on the girls. Even though they should be in the first period right now, they still immediately answered, saying they missed you already. Giggling at their childish behavior you scroll up to find all the pictures you've taken together last night. One particularly took your attention, a selfie of you, smiling while they both kissed your cheek. You look happy, but this can't be right? It's only the second day, how can things escalate this fast? But it is, you are happy, you liked them, no, that's not quite right.
Whoa what? Did I just suggest that I might be in love with them? Okay calm down now, take a deep breath. I call them mad for proclaiming their love to me. Okay calm down now, maybe I'm a hypocrite but just calm down for a second. I need to find something to do as a distraction. FUCK, I'm not distracted from my writing by them, the writing is distracting me from them. Alright fuck, what do I do? Right, drawing, let's just start drawing. Fuck this place let's get to Minju's place again, she has some brownies left over.
The school finally ended, and the two girls immediately ran off to meet you. Throughout the whole day, they kept getting some unwanted eyes due to the bandaids they had on their neck and hands. Doyoung even asked about you to make sure you were okay before teasing Minju for the bitemark she had on her hand. “Of course, I had to reward him for being so brave”, Which made him laugh hysterically while all the other guys could do nothing but pray for your demise.
““We’re home””, they yelled, you are sitting on the floor again, back resting on the sofa while you're just drawing on the coffee table. The two girls are in a trance, your reading glasses just fit so perfectly to your already flawless face. It took them a while to get out of it, you didn't bother acknowledging their existence and continue drawing.
“Opppaaaaa, this looks so cool”, The two of them move to you and start checking all the other drawings you have finished. It was a dozen pictures of them each, some with you in it, and then there were a dozen more pictures of them together, and another dozen of pictures of all three of you. The one you're working on right now was a picture of all three of you holding each other arms while wearing your school uniform.
Took you an extra 5 minutes to finish it, the girl went quiet and just watched you work. “Done”, It was beautiful. “Thank you oppa”, Your lips didn't even stand a chance. Thankfully they didn't get aroused until they started stripping you there and then. But they still dragged you to the bed again. “Let's talk about our date”, You said, “Really?” Minju said excitedly, “Yaaaa, you said we're not getting any this week because you want oppa to rest”, Yuri said angrily.
“Girls, I'm fine, so who's getting the first turn?” The two send each other meaningful glances. “We agreed that Yuri will give up the right to your virginity so that she can move into our classes, and so the three of us can stay together throughout high school, however it's up to you if you want to give it to her or not”, Well, the conversation is coming up one way or another. “Girls, listen, I have a….. confession to make”, The girls look petrified already.
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No, no way, my oppa, he didn't lose it to some bitch, right? Oh my god he did, look at his face. When was it, oh god oppa was it when I drew some distance with you. Oppaaaaaa
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Who was it, who's the whore who took my oppa’s virginity. I will find her and mutilate her body and feed them to the dogs. WHO WAS IT?
“Who was it?” Minju's face turned cold, “Well, you wouldn't know her”, Don't evade the question buddy. “Oppa who, which girls in school take it”, Yuri grabbed your hand while she clenched her teeth. “It was, Yuna'', You see Yuri's face contorted even more while Minju's face seems to be freezing the air around it. “Who?” Minju wants to know her full name, but you know that will just cause trouble. “Shin Yuna, a fucking whore of the school, why would you give it to her, oppa, did she drug you? She has to be, you would never fall for that bitch otherwise”, Yuri started mumbling to herself.
“No, listen, Minju you weren't there, but in our last year of middle school, we had a summer drama festival. I was pointed out as one of the actors, Brutus. Yuna was referred to as my wife-, Acting wife”, You hurriedly fix your words seeing the two of them doesn't like you calling her a wife. “So, one day, after a long rehearsal she took me out to get some dinner, and it was my birthday too. I don't know how but she ended up taking me to her place and…. Well, we had sex as her gift for my birthday”, You can't even comprehend how angry they are right now.
“Is that it?” Minju's cold tone sliced up your heart, “Well, we went out a bit more after that, but she wanted something casual and I was catching feelings”, Your bravery to tell them the truth is aspiring. “You, catch feelings?” Yuri gripped your hand tightly, “It was nothing special, I just started feeling something more for her so I asked her and we agreed it will only hurt more if we continued so we stop”, Minju grabbed your other hand with her nail digging to your skin.
“I hated her, Shin Yuna, right? I'll remember that name”, Poor Yuna, she was so young too. “Girls, really it was nothing, I had like a month fling with her-”, A month is a month too long for them. “Listen oppa, I hate her, I thought you were just being nice to her but you were cheating on me?” Another set of hands start clawing you. “Girls, please, let's just forget about her, she's a nobody to me now”, You plead. “We will have this conversation later, you're lucky I love the drawing oppa”, Thankfully they agreed and let you go.
“Alrighty, the date, who goes first?” Distract them with the future plans, “I'll go”, Minju said, Yuri frowned while nodding. “Are you okay with that Yuri?” She dropped her head to your chest so you can't see her face, but she nodded again. “Thank you Yuri, I promise I'll pay for your date later”, Minju patted Yuri's head. “Then, where do you want to go?” Minju smiled happily to you, “You'll see, this Friday, I'll buy you some nice outfits”
When she said some nice outfits, you did not expect her to give you a three-piece suit that fit perfectly to you. How she got your measurements, you have no idea. Minju and Yuri have actually measured your body while you were asleep and bought a suit that matches your body and got it tailored slightly to match your body.
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As you walk out you see Minju waiting for you there, you see her outfit when she picked you up earlier yet she still managed to daze you again. “Heheheh, ready oppa?” Minju was beaming with smiles seeing you walk out of the fitting room. “I think so?” You and her are currently in a bespoke shop, just looking around you can already tell you can't afford this place unless you sell your house. “Good, you look great oppa”, She kissed you before helping you fix your tie. “Thanks babe”, Oh my, are you trying to arouse her at the start of your date?
“Call me that again”, You can't help but smile seeing her starstrucked eyes, “Baby, where are we going”, Her body trembled. “Come on now, let's not waste anymore time”, You kiss her cheek before your mouth moves to her ear. “Don’t you want to go home with me quickly?” She grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the place. 
She took you out to a restaurant, a very fancy one. “I feel out of place”, Minju smiled and just pulled you to your seat. “Babe, I can't even understand what they have on the menu here”,  She giggled and just moved to sit next to you. “Let me handle everything babe, I got this okay?” There is no room for compromise, Minju wants to spoil you and she will. “Hmmm, do you like the place babe?” It is nice, the city lights look so pretty from where you are. “I think, the city lights can't keep up with your reflection on the glass”, Smooth, at least you think you are. “Okay babe, you better stop doing that or I'll rip your shirt apart right here right now”
The first menu came, you enjoyed it, then the second one, same feelings. Around the sixth one you just can't hold it anymore. Your hand reached down to grab her thighs, “Babe?” Minju said, “Are you wearing panties?” You can almost hear her heartbeat that just jumped. “What are you doing? We're in public spaces”, Yet she doesn't do anything as you pull up her loose dress. The moment your hand touched her bare thighs she let out a yelp and immediately closed her hand.
Your finger walked to her pussy, “What a slut, you're not wearing any this whole time?” Minju is panicking. She lives the excitement but this restaurant is her family's favorite place. They won't kick her out or make a scene but they will definitely report it to her parents. During her turmoil your finger reached into her pussy and started rubbing it. “Baby”, She let out a shaky squeal before digging into your shoulder. “Don't ruin the suit baby, you paid for it not me remember?” You laughed seeing her struggles to stay quiet.
“Baby, please…” You look at her teary eyes as both of her hands are holding to your arm desperately. “Say ah baby, you don't want to let this food get cold”,  She frowned as you tried to feed her. “Ahhhhh”, she let out a moan as your finger started rubbing her clit. “Oh baby, you need to keep your mouth steady, how can I feed you if you are flaunting your head everywhere”, Your finger got even more aggressive and started penetrating her. 
“Evening ma'am, sir, our next course is ready to be served, should I bring it out”, Minju felt her heart stop seeing a waitress come up to both of you. To her horror she felt your finger start fucking her even faster. “Yes please, my girlfriend here is a bit under the weather so we're sorry that she can't finish her food”, You gloat on her suffering. The waitress came closer to bring up your food. The fear she's feeling along with the finger move you're using sends her over the edge. She immediately wrapped her thighs around your hand and her arm hugged yours pulling it to her breast.
“I'm sorry to hear that Miss, I hope you're doing well soon”, The waitress sent a meaningful smile before leaving. Minju's heavy and tired breath is clashing against your neck making you feel sorry, just for a moment. “That was fun”, You tried to pull your hand, her thighs let go but not her hands. “That was my favorite meal here, the roasted duck breast here is the best in Korea”, You laughed at her making her even more frustrated. “I'm sure you can always come here anytime and get served the same food”
She tried to protest again but you raised your hand. It's all stained in her juice now, and you immediately bring it to your mouth and start licking on it. 
I will fuck you, I will fuck you until you beg me to stop baby. I hope you're ready to deal with Yuri's wrath, because you're not gonna be able to stand up tomorrow.
Minju is way too aroused to focus on the food. All of them taste bland as she only craves one taste, you. The moment you finished the last meal she immediately stood up and dragged you to the cashier. “So impatient”, She glared at you in response.
When you two are leaving the restaurant someone stopped her. “Minju-ah? Oh my god it's so nice to meet you”, A plumpy guy around your age immediately walked up to her. “Who are you?” He frowned hearing you talk but focused on Minju, “It's nice to see you again Minju-ah, I was wondering where you went, nobody saw you during the last two weeks of highschool. I guess you must be on vacation?” Minju frowned on him before grabbing your hands and stepping to the side, trying to get as far away as possible. “Do you know him babe?” He grimaced hearing you refer to her as babe. “I don't know, come on babe let's go home, I want to get this dress off and cuddle with you”, She tiptoed and kissed you before pulling you to her car.
The guy was fuming, of course, he's irrelevant. Although there is someone watching this, the waitress that interrupted, well, almost interrupted your finger fucking session. “Mister Jiwon will be happy to hear this”
“Baby calm down”, Minju is practically tearing your suit apart as she dragged you to her bed. “Shut up, you can't just keep making me so horny and think I won't let you go that easily”, Minju is no longer Minju that you know, in fact even she will be surprised at how aggressive she is. She threw you to the bed before taking off her dress showing that she didn't wear any underwear tonight.
“Look at you, you think you can make me cum in the middle of my favorite restaurant and get away with it?” You laughed as you took off your suits. When you wanted to open your pants her hand reached out and did it for you. Pushing you on the bed she climbed up on you, aligning her wet entrance with your erect cock. “No foreplay?” You smirked, “I'm done with foreplay, you, and your fucking flawless smirk”, She sits on your dick, and start rubbing her pussy with it. “And your fucking godly hands”, She leaped in and start kissing you aggressively while her hips keeps moving, giving continuous stimulation for both of you. “And your fucking….”, She raised your cock before plunging it into her.
“Big cock”, She started riding you like an animal. “Are you cumming already babe?” Her walls are tightening already 5 minutes into her ride. “Shut up, just let me fuck you”, Both of her hand is using your stomach as support, carefully not touching the bruises you have on it. “Ohhhh, oppa”, She slammed her head to your chest as her orgasm came. “It's okay baby, I can help you”, Holding her waist you start picking up her slacks.
“Ahhhh, baby, slow- ahhh fuck faster baby”, Your hip start moving by itself as you pound her from below. “Oppppaaaaaa”, Her moan is shaky as you are rocking her whole body, “I'm cumming baby”, She nodded as she continue moaning. “Aghhhhh, fuck” you thrusted deeper into her as you delivered her your load.
“Oh fuck, you're bleeding”, You laughed as she get off you, “I know, I think I need some time”, She gasp for air. “No, come on, turn around, get on all four”, As aroused as she was earlier, you've been holding on for the last few days for your two hungry girlfriends. Seeing your excited face Minju can't say no so she gets in position. “Slowly oppa, I'm still sensitive”, Fuck no you're not going slow, you immediately start thrusting to her from behind making her moan.
“Ahhhh, don't bite me there”, Her bale is so sensitive that even a kiss could make her body shiver. “Have I ever told you how sexy your back is?” Your finger ran through her spine sending a tickling sensation to her body that leads to another orgasm. “Aaaahhhhhh, fuck me oppa, harder, ahhh fuck it's so big”, Getting that compliment seems to be your sensitive spot. “Fuck, I'm cumming”, You groaned as you leaned down to bite her shoulder. “Ohhhh babyyy, fill me up again, oh godddd”, As both of your orgasm passed you stood back up catching your breath for your next round.
Minju turned around to look at your face. Her face is decorated with a beautiful smile, it's perfect. Even with her hairs sticking to her forehead because of the sweat. Even with her lipstick smudge across her cheek. Even, no, especially because of the tears that's running down her face. “I love you Minju”, Her hands reached out, you smiled and leaned closer allowing her to pull your head to an intimate kiss. “I love you too baby”, and that was the last thing you two said for the whole night. Well, anything that's coherent enough to be considered a sentence anyway.
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“This is our date?” Compared to the luxurious dinner Minju brought you to, Yuri just brought you to her house. “I have something special for us”, She smiled and bring you to her bedroom. “Oh my god, when was the last one we had these”, A tent, god you two used to had the tent every weekends and pretend you were camping.
“I think we're too big for this”, That didn't stop you from climbing inside. “We can fit” Yuri said, climbing inside as well. Both of your legs are dangling out of the tent as you two lay next to each other. “I miss this so much oppa, I wanted to take you out on a date somewhere but I just keep remembering about these moments with us” You embraced each other as you watched all the drawing you made inside the tent.
“Remember this one? God that rollercoaster was so fun”
“Didn't you cried when we got off of it”
“Which why it's fun, and this carousel? I can't believe our parents just let us take it alone”
“Hahahaha, yeah, I used to hug you from behind because you're scared you might fall off”
“Now that I'm taller than you I can do the hugging part”
“You wish, hahahah, oh this one, remember that new year?”
“Was it the one where we tried to roast some worm?”
“Yeah, unnie actually tried to eat it”
“God I forgot Eunbi used to be dumber than us. Life changes quickly huh”
“It does….. remember this one? What was that film again?”
“Paranormal activity, and you had to hug me to sleep that night”
“Okay oppa, you were the one who cried and begged me to sleep with you”
“And at night you cried and hugged me tighter”
“Maybe I did, why didn't you cry anymore when you watch those horrors movie, I want to see my cute oppa asking me for comfort”
“Horror movie suck, you know what's a good movie this StarWars movie”
“Hahahaha, yeah, we broke mom's favorite bowl when we played with our lightsaber”
“Oh this one, your cousin actually bullied you till you cry, can't believe that little devil is a future idol now”
“He was never mean, I don't remember why he made me cry back then”
“Because he keeps saying that I'm your boyfriend and you cried saying I'm not”
“Well, turns out he was right after all”
Your eyes locked with each other, at that moment, all those memories you had rushing through you. All the laughs, the pranks, the cries, the fight, the heartwarming moments, the night talks, it all hits your heart like a truck.
You see tears start running down Yuri's face, you open your mouth to tease her only to hear your voice break. You realized, you're also crying. “Oppa”, Leaping in you kissed her, making up for the last 2 years of distance you two have grown together.
Holding her you felt your cries only pour out even harder. You don't want to let her go, ever again. This whole time Yuri has been blaming herself all the time she lost from you. Deep down, you were also blaming yourself. Being weak, scared of ruining your friendship. Scared, of getting rejected. Now the two of you are together, you don't want to let her go, never again.
It took both of you sometime to calm down, the rush of emotions and nostalgia was too much as you two started crying in each other’s embrace. “When is your parent coming back babe”, You whispered, “They are staying at grandma's place”, Yuri immediately took off her sweater revealing her naked breast. 
“Good”, You turned her around and climbed on top of her. “Did you like it oppa? They've grown quite big, maybe one day they'll outgrow unnie's” You frowned. “Don't bring up my sister when we're about to fuck”, The two of you laughed. Then your mouth starts to get busy, biting, licking and sucking her tits.
“Oppa, I'm so wet already”, She moaned, “Yeah babe,do you want to do it here or should we climb to your bed?” She shook her head, “I don't want to move”, the two of you quickly undressed inside the small tent.
You guide your cock to her pussy, gently rubbing the entrance making her moans. One of your hand reached down next to her face and the other right under her arm to support your body. “Oppa, I'm ready, put it in please”, She moaned. Gently, you pushed your cock in, first the tip, which made her body shudder.
Yuri is tighter than Minju, probably because she's smaller than her. As you pushed deeper you see she raised chest up like she just had an orgasm. You waited until she calmed her breath down. “Ready baby”, You pulled up your hand that's resting from beneath hers. She grabbed your hand and intertwined your finger together. Then her other hands grab on to the one that's supporting you near her head. She turned her head and kissed it before looking at you with teary eyes. “My oppa”, “My Yuri”, “I loved you”, “I loved you too”, Then you pushed in. All the length of your cock digs into her breaking any last barrier between your love, mentally and physically.
Your thrust started slow and steady, you used Yuri's grip strength to check if you're going too fast. Your sex was slow, and intimate, it was the cumulation of years and years of denying your feelings together. You both let it go, slowly, and intimately together.
“Baby I'm cumming”, You groaned, “Inside babe, I want you cum inside, fill me up, let me have a piece of you inside me”, Your cock throbbed letting her know that you're cumming. The anticipation she had of being filled up also made her cum as you felt her walls constrict around your cock. ““I’m cumming””
The orgasm felt like years, and once it passed you slumped down to her chest. Her hand reached up to play with your hair. “I'm glad to have you in my life Yuri”, Your voice cracked at the end but who even noticed it or cared. “I'm also happy, that I have you oppa, you made me the happiest woman in the world”
The day was heartwarming, with a few cockwarming moments from her. You were so much gentler than when you were with Minju. At the end of the day, you two snuggled up together at her bed, snuggling together as you waited for a new day.
“You had sex with her 8 times? Oppa what if you were too tired to fuck me after that”, You're not ready for the new day. “You didn't cry when you fuck me”, Yep, totally not ready. “Yuri, I will always be ready for you, always. Besides, I already prepared myself for a long session with both of you. You know I'm not stupid enough to ruin our first date. Minju, I'm sorry, okay? Yuri and I just had too much nostalgia together, it was too emotional. Don't worry babe, we will have our own memories from now on. I promise I that I love you as much as I love her”
The two girls calmed down convinced, by your smile, your words meant jackshit to them. “Fine, but I want to have a night long fuck session with oppa”, Yuri said before unbuttoning your shirt, “And I want to have an emotional cuddling day with oppa”, Minju helped her stripping your shirt.
“Girls, I'm too tired for a threesome”, They sighed, disappointed, but they already knew this, there's just a hope that if they excite you enough you might find a second wind. “It's okay oppa, we just want to take our turn to mark you”, Minju did refrain herself from making any hickey on you in your animalistic ritual. “Yeah, you're our oppa now, and we need the world to see it”, Yuri also keeps eyeing your neck like a hungry vampire.
“Yeah, go ahead, ruin me”
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January Week 1
Welcome welcome to the 2024 Grimoire Challenge! Time to really get started everyone! This week will have a lot of stuff all jammed in. So buckle up, grab your grimoire and your supplies, and let’s get to work!
Name your book - this may seem silly and you definitely don’t need to name your book. Not properly at least. Other than “my grimoire” or “book of shadows” or what have you, which is totally fine. But some of us might feel the need to give it a proper title. “The Basil Grimoire” or “Hazel’s Handwritten Workings” something, anything, that ties the book to you and your craft. Make a title page! If you feel so inclined. If not, that’s fine too.
Definitions (New Page) - ritual and spell. Let’s define a few things. Make a page specifically for definitions, that we’ll add to through the challenge. Let’s start with a couple simple definitions. Define spell. And define ritual. Within the confines of magic, witchcraft and your practice. What is a spell? What is a ritual? What are the differences?
Study (herb) - Pick another herb from that list we made, and dig into the details. Make a page for it on its own, or add its info to another page! Whatever works for your craft. The questions to ask for these study prompts are going to continue to remain the same. Where did it come from, where does it grow, how does it grow, what are its mundane and practical uses. What are the myths and legends and stories surrounding the herb? What are its magical properties and why/ how do you think the other information you've learned about it have influenced its magical associations?
Outline/ index (New Page!) - it helped me a great deal to have an index or outline to my grimoire. I started this as a file on my computer as my grimoire grew and changed I could more easily manage it and rearrange it as I saw fit. Then eventually I could make it into a handwritten copy.
Study (gem) - Like our herb prompt, the gem prompts are going to always use the same outline and questions. Where does the gem come from? What is it used for in a practical and mundane sense? What are its physical properties? What are any myths, legends or stories? Where and how does it form? How does all of that relate to its magical correspondences and what does the herb mean to and for you in your craft?
Spellwriting 101 (New Page!) - make a new page dedicated to spellwriting. This is going to be one of those prompts that is focused on you and your craft. How do you write spells? How do you set them up? What components do you use? What is the format? How is it done? What does it require? From materials to timing and circumstances? Write it all out in your lab notebook. Make it a work in progress. Not all spells are going to work out the same or function the same as you perform them, but having a general layout and method helps to focus your practice.
Common tools - What are the common tools in your craft? That is, you don't need to have a list of every single tool ever used in witchcraft, just the tools that you use in yours. Both regularly and less regularly. What are they used for specifically? What purposes do they serve in the magical and practical sense? Are they ceremonial and symbolic or do they serve an actual physical purpose? (i.e. a wand used to direct energy serves many purposes, while an incense burner could literally just be that, an incense burner)
Year outline/ calendar - not everyone celebrates the same days, holidays or even the same holidays the same way. What are the special occasions and days in your calendar? Mark them and when the proper season/ holiday comes around, we can make pages dedicated to those days. This week this will simply be a list of these days, while later we will actually make pages for them individually. Think of it like the Wheel of the Year, Yule to Midsummer and so on. What days are important to you and your practice? Are they actual holidays? Or simply days of power like the full moon? Or is it simply days that are significant for other reasons, like the anniversary of the day you began practicing witchcraft?
Practical - tool usage - practice using your tools. For example if you use a wand. Practice using it to direct energies or whatever it is you utilize it for.
Altar design/ work space (New Page!) - make a page dedicated to your altar and its setup. Why are things where they are? The reasoning can be simple as “that’s where it fits” or you can give it a more meaningful reason. Candles in front of or behind something to represent some purpose. Do you have items that represent the elements? Deities? Different sources of power or directionality? Different colors for different meanings? Why is your altar the way it is?
Practical - cleansing space - practice cleansing your space and tools. This is of course a physical and 'energetic' cleansing. Tidy it up, redecorate your space, clean the tools if they have dust or ash or anything on them. Sometimes it is good to have a clean start.
Personal practices - this is just a thought provoking prompt tied in with the Journal prompt below. What are some of your personal practices that you've brought into your witchcraft? Anything from little habits from your every day life to things brought from religion or family traditions. No matter how hard we try, we carry within us echoes of things not related to our practices into it. And that is totally okay. Recognizing them, acknowledging them, and truly incorporating them can be a huge step toward understanding ourselves, our beliefs and our practices all around.
Journal/ introspective/ meditations - Think about the above and write any of it down that you come to terms with. Self understanding is important in and outside of witchcraft.
Thank you all and I hope this week's prompts aren't too overwhelming! Stay tuned next week for the next set of prompts!
-Mod Hazel
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Hi, can I make a request about Yandere Bucky when he is your therapist and after you tell all your shit he falls in love with you (I would like to have a little jealousy from him for the boys you are with)
Love your work <3
Can’t Live Without You -Yan!Therapist Bucky
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This was a very interesting one to write. I’m really starting to love writing AU’s of both Bucky and Klaus
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Bucky knew very quickly that he was in love with you.
You sought out a therapist when you started having panic attacks more frequently and you met with 3 before walking into James Barnes office. He was polite, gentle and understanding in a way you had never experienced from any man in your life up to that point and that’s why you decided to come back again, and again, eventually deciding to meet with him once a week.
He was a very kind man. You talked about things with him that you had never told anyone before and he understood that, you appreciated how he would ask a question and change the subject to something lighter when you became overwhelmed, making a note to circle back to it later, never wanting you to become too upset but also pushing you just enough to begin making progress with your mental health.
You looked forward to your time with James, who had insisted on your third visit that you just call him Bucky. He made you so comfortable that you felt like you were talking to a friend and when you expressed that he told you that’s exactly what he wanted, for you to feel comfortable and safe in his office to discuss the painful experiences in your life, of which there were many.
Bucky however, by the end of your first session, he had fallen head over heels in love with you. He ensured you would be coming back to see him, it didn’t feel like work to talk to you, and he wanted to know everything there was to know about you. He could admit to himself he had become a bit obsessed…completely obsessed.
After your third session he made sure he had no other clients that evening and he hopped into his car, following you home to find out where it was you lived with the man you called your boyfriend.
Bucky hated Max.
Max was a physically and emotionally abusive asshole that you couldn’t find your way out from under. He had manipulated you into complete dependency on him and Bucky didn’t just hate him, he was Jealous. He wanted you to look at him like that, as the man to provide for you, as the man to take care of you, as the man for you to love with your whole heart.
He hated every man you had ever spoken with him about. When you and Bucky had started getting into talking about your sex life his jealousy got infinitely worse. He loved how honest you were with him, trusting him with your experiences and fantasies, even trusting him with your painful and scary experiences which he hated that you had been forced to live through. He decided he would make sure that you would never suffer again.
James Barnes was going to be your lover, your boyfriend, your Daddy. He was going to be your everything and you would love every minute of it.
‘I know that it’s scary for you Doll, but this relationship as you’ve described it to me isn’t healthy. You’ve told me about his abuse and his explosive rage, you’re not safe in his house, it’s not a home for you. Men are supposed to be gentle and caring with their women, that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun in the bedroom however you want but a man should never put their hand on you in anger.’ James explained, placing his notebook down and standing up. ‘May I?’ He asked and you nodded, moving over so that he could sit beside you on the couch. ‘I want you to let me hold you, you need to experience what kind touches from a man are like. I think if you feel them, then you’ll understand a bit better how important they are. If that’s okay, of course. I would never do anything you were uncomfortable with.’
‘I…yeah, it’s okay, um…how do…?’ He smiled at your awkward feelings, holding his arms out.
‘Come here Doll, let me hold you.’ Y/n moved closer to his side, leaning into his chest and sighing as his arms wrapped around her.
‘Now what?’
‘Just enjoy it. Hold on.’ Bucky lifted her up and moved to lay himself back against the couch so she was laying on his chest and he held her firmly, pressing his lips to her forehead. ‘There you go beautiful girl, you’re safe. No one is going to hurt you. I’ll keep you safe.’ His fingers brushed through her soft hair as he fought with his cock in his mind to not get excited no matter how desperate he was to have you ride him like this. It was only about 30 seconds of cuddling before he felt her sobbing into his chest and he immediately held her tighter, rubbing her back and kissing her head. ‘I know. It’s okay Darlin, this is how it’s supposed to feel. You’re supposed to feel safe with your man.’
‘I’ve never felt safe like this…wish I had met you somewhere else.’ She teased and he chuckled along but he knew it didn’t matter where or when they had met, because Y/n was going to be his now.
Bucky kept that up as he began seeing her twice a week, every session went like that from then on. He would spend 30 minutes talking to her before moving to sit beside her and hold her to his chest once again and she never once complained, often being quite unhappy when the hour was up and it was time to go home. He loved that.
A session later he began kissing her head, then her cheek and the week after that he pressed their lips together quickly before ending that session and she was red as a tomato. He loved how sweet and innocent she was even after all of the pain she’s suffered. In their next session he found her burying her face into his neck, nuzzling as close as she could and he tested the waters a bit brushing his hand slowly from her lower back to her butt, caressing her ass gently but she never made any indication she was upset by it. He moved himself a bit and made it seem natural before bending his leg up between hers so his thigh was pressed right against her pussy. She whimpered in his ear as she fidgeted and he enjoyed her reactions quite a bit, trying to suppress his cock as it responded to her hot breath against his neck. He didn’t move again, just allowing her to be comfortable with him touching her like this no matter how difficult it was.
It was that next session that he broke her.
He had maneuvered her into the same position as 3 days ago, face in his neck, straddling his thigh before he pressed his leg more firmly into her, hearing her loud moan though she tried to muffle it. ‘Oh god! I’m sorry, I-‘
‘No, no sorries. Just relax pretty girl.’ He moved the same way once again and her hips rutted down against him as her fingers tightened into his shirt. ‘There you go. Feels good, doesn’t it?’ Y/n nodded into his neck as her body continued moving, grinding down on his leg until she was riding it like a desperate whore and Bucky was living for it. He was in heaven as his girl moved herself on him in ways he only imagined before. ‘That’s it, keep going. Use me Doll, make that pretty pussy feel good, you deserve to feel so good.’ One of his hands held her ass while the other trailed up the back of her shirt to touch her soft skin for the first time. ‘He doesn’t do this for you, does he? Does he make your cunt drip all over him?’ She shook her head frantically, so high on her pleasure he didn’t think anything could shake her out of it right now. ‘Dumbass doesn’t deserve such a pretty pussy, or such a wonderful girl. A good man would never treat you like that.’ He said it in such a way that he knew she would equate that good man to him, she was already half in love with him before, he hoped to push her over the edge today by literally pushing her over the edge. ‘Such a good girl.’ The moan that came out of her mouth was possibly the most desperate and needy sound he had ever heard, coupled with the sound of a sob and he quickly began moving his leg to help her finish faster. ‘It’s okay, just let it out, you cry if you need to precious. You’re a good girl, no matter what that idiot says. You’re so fucking good! No such thing as too needy with a good Daddy, I’m here. You’re safe baby, just…let go. Let go for Daddy.’
‘Oh God!’ She screamed, crying out in completion and desperation as she held tighter to his body. He held her to him and brushed through her hair gently as she came down from her intense orgasm and she was cuddled so close he believed she wanted to become one with his body. It was at that moment that the timer went off, letting him know that their hour was up and he slammed his hand against it to shut it up. ‘Shit!’
‘Don’t worry Y/n, it’s okay. I don’t have another client, just relax for a few minutes and-‘ she pushed herself off of him and quickly jumped up.
‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that! Oh God! I just assaulted you! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!’ She was frantic, moving to grab her bag as Bucky jumped up after her. ‘Don’t try and tell me it’s okay, that wasn’t okay! I’m a horrible person! You should never want to see me again-‘
‘And yet, I do. Relax Y/n, don’t you think if I didn’t want you to, I would have pushed you off? I’m plenty strong enough-‘
‘You felt sorry for me! Because of course you do! I’m so desperate for some affection that I just jumped my therapist, it’s fucking pathetic! I’m so-‘
‘If you say “sorry” one more time I’m going to take you ever my knee.’ He warned and she just whined, moving for the door. ‘Y/n!’ He caught her arm as she moved out the door and she wouldn’t look at him. ‘Please tell me you’re coming back? You’re scheduled for Tuesday and Friday, just please? Please come back?’ She hesitantly nodded before rushing out the door and leaving him to kick himself for pushing you too hard. He needs to get her back.
Tuesday came and went, she didn’t show up for the appointment and Bucky was worried. He drove passed her apartment and didn’t see any lights on, waiting there for a few hours but not once was there any movement. He called your cell and left a message for you, continuing to look for you after work Wednesday and Thursday just needing to see that you were alright.
When Friday came he was preparing to finish early that day since he assumed you weren’t coming until he heard the soft knock on his door, opening it to see you standing there with your hair covering your face which was odd, it was usually up in a ponytail or at least pinned away from your eyes. ‘Hey. I was getting worried about you, you didn’t call me back, I thought you were gonna skip out on me again.’ He moved and led her to the couch after shutting the door and sitting beside her. ‘Y/n? What’s wrong?’ Bucky moved to tuck her hair behind her ear and saw the purple color on her eye prompting him to tilt her head up. She had bruises around both of her eyes, her jaw was bruised and it looked a lot like finger shaped bruises, along with a split lip in 2 places. ‘Did he do this?’
Y/n nodded. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I…I tried to break up with him on Monday and this happened. I fell down the stairs and ended up in the ER, I stayed with my friend after that. My voice was messed up cause of the bruises on my throat, I didn’t want you to be subjected to that over the phone.’ She teased but his face let her know that he didn’t find it funny before he pulled her into his arms firmly.
‘Don’t you joke about this, this isn’t amusing to me. He could have killed you, I-I could have lost you!’ Bucky knew if there was ever a time to get to her it was now, she was already in love with him, this was the perfect moment to give her that final push. He pulled her onto his lap gently, not knowing where she was bruised and not willing to cause her harm before turning her head and pressing his lips to hers gently, not wanting to harm her split lip. She gasped against him but relaxed none the less into his body and into the kiss. ‘Please tell me you’re done with him? You can come and stay with me, I’ll take care of you! I can’t live without you anymore Princess, I just can’t!’
‘You’re my therapist, I can’t move in with you. That’s all kinds of illegal, you could get in so much trouble-‘
‘I stopped being your therapist the first time we cuddled in your session. I care about you so much Y/n, I can’t spend another minute without you in my arms. Please?’ His hand trailed up her back under her shirt as he kissed her neck over the bruises which he knew she loved.
‘Daddy…’ she whimpered, needy and desperate before Bucky couldn’t hold it in anymore. He spun them around so he pinned her to the couch, wrapping her legs around his waist, Y/n’s hands buried in his hair while his hips ground down against hers, letting her feel his hard cock pressed against her for the first time.
‘That’s right Princess, I’m your Daddy now, and you’re fucking mine!’ He couldn’t control the growl in his voice as he felt her sweet pussy pressed against him through their clothes, desperate to feel her warmth wrapped around him.
‘Oh God, I-‘ He cut her off with his hand around her throat.
‘Mine! You’re done with that fucking idiot, Daddies gonna take care of you now. Starting with taking you home and fucking this little cunt I’ve been desperate for since you sat on this couch your first day! Are you gonna be Daddies good girl?’ She nodded quickly, holding tightly to him, clearly needy for him now. Bucky knew that he wanted more than anything to fuck her in his office, however he also knew that once he felt her he would never pull his cock out of her again, he would be fucking her all night. He needed to get her home so that he could have his way with her and he knew she would do anything he asked of her right now. ‘Good.’ He yanked her up to her feet before bending down and hoisting her over his shoulder causing her to squeal before he slapped his metal hand painfully against her ass. ‘Let’s get you in the car. Daddy needs to feel your hot mouth around my cock.’
Her responding moan was all he needed. Y/n was his now and no one would take her from him, even if he needed to kill that punk asshole to ensure it.
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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dullgecko · 1 month
Adaine has a sixth sense when her notes for class are in danger
Kristen can play saxophone (she chose it to learn cause haha funny name)
Fabian writes love letters as part of a Cupid's association he started for fun (and to finally use his calligraphy skills)
Fig is slowly teaching her army of Baby's to sing backup properly
Gorgug knows all the constellations from sleeping on the lawn some nights when his bed broke
Riz falls asleep instantly if somebody sits near him with a blanket thrown on him
And cooking headcanons are:
Can cook: Gorgug (the most competent) and Kristen (only corn related dishes)
Can cook (shouldn't/will make monstrosities on purpose/by accident): Riz (everything has caffeine) and Adaine (could cook with parental supervision)
DONT LET IN KITCHEN (WILL BURN WATER): Fabian and Fig (+Kristen when not making dishes with corn)
Yay a bunch, had to wait until i got home so i had a keyboard so sorry for the wait but ilu thankyou <3
Adaine has a sixth sense when her notes for class are in danger
She gets full blown promonitions on more than one occasion and has had to yank her bag out of harms way at the last second. Even if she lost her notes though she'd be fine, every night when she gets home she re-writes everything neatly into a second notebook thats kept safe inside her room (and at the end of every lesson she takes a photo of her notes for that day on her crystal and saves a backup to the cloud just in case)
Kristen can play saxophone (she chose it to learn cause haha funny name)
She also chose it becasue it has maximum potential to be sexy and annoying as hell. Her first choice was bagpipes, but tracker ripped them to shreds after the first note so that was a no-go.
Fabian writes love letters as part of a Cupid's association he started for fun (and to finally use his calligraphy skills)
He has an anonymous account set up so people can submit their requests. Once they're written he sends both a photo of the letter and mails the physical copy to wherever it needs to go.
Fig is slowly teaching her army of Baby's to sing backup properly
Very slowly, incredibly slowly. They still havent quite mastered the art of the middle volume so all their parts have to be very quiet or screeched at the top of their lungs.... its a work in progress.
Gorgug knows all the constellations from sleeping on the lawn some nights when his bed broke
He knows them, he however does not know all the proper names at all. Fabian is appauled and spends more than a few nights during the nightmare king quest quizzing him until he gets the names correct and will sometimes, during parties at night, point at a section of sky with a stern face from across the yard and Gorgug will spit out the name of whatever he's pointing at to the confusion or amusement of anyone he's currently with.
Riz falls asleep instantly if somebody sits near him with a blanket thrown on him
The crucial second component of this is Riz has to first be kindof sleepy and it cant be just anybody. Throw a blanket on a rogue unexpectedly and you're liable to suddenly be in a lot of pain and with a shredded blanket. If a friend sits next to him with a blanket on THEIR shoulder and offers a spot underneath it with them he's gone within four seconds once he accepts the offer.
Cooking headcannons
Gorgug can cook, he parents taught him when he was still (relitively) small. He cooks a lot of his own meals because its often a LOT of food and he doesnt want to bother his parents all the time (he still doesnt cook quite enough, which is why he's so lanky in comparison to other half-orcs; he's chronically underfed but at least he gets all his vitamins).
Kristen is great with food that doesnt require heating, she makes amazing sandwiches and salads but the INSTANT heat is involved you need someone on standby with a fire-extinguisher. She will forget there's something cooking, it will boil dry/overcook/catch fire. She is banned from using the stove. Helios blessing was literally the only thing saving her corn-based dishes (literal divine intervention), and thats not really on the table anymore.
Adaine needed a lot of help initially in the kitchen because she had never ever used a cooking appliance before but once she's shown how she never forgets. She is not so great at 'cooking' but she is amazing at baking (which is practically wizardry in edible form fight me). Baking requires EXACT steps with EXACT measurements and EXACT cooking times. Cooking requires more flexibility and she cannot wrap her head around it (i cooked this steak for the same amount of time as the last one but it basically became shoe leather/was practically raw). Jawbone buys her a recipe book full of cookies and pastries and calls it her grimoire. She cries and keeps it tucked safely with her spellbooks, it never enters the kitchen lest it get dirty, any recipies she wants to make are copied down onto a sheet of paper like a prepared spell and taken with her when she wants to bake.
Riz's definition of edible does NOT match those of anyone else (though most of his meals consist of 1) coffee and 2) some sort of pre-made meal bar). He does cook for his mum if he gets home first though, and by goblin standards its actually pretty tasty. Goblins have mythril-stomachs though, and unless they're getting ACTIVLY poisoned they can eat just about anything (most food-born parasites cant survive in goblins anyway). It comes down to an argument of 'what do you MEAN you have to eat your chicken/pork well-done? i dont understand. You're fine with steaks being rare. why would you debone the fish/chicket the bones are the best part.'. Also the point where most food would be considered spoiled is well before the Gukgaks would be worried about it. If he's cooking for you, you just have to be specific and you'll be fine (he'll silently judge you for being picky, even while he carefully over-cooks the meat and cuts half the 'edible' parts off your vegetables).
Fabian is 100% banned from making ANYTHING. He made a sandwich inedible somehow, he was using the same ingrediants as EVERYONE ELSE. Kristin swears after casting detect evil and good on it that it was Infernal. Fig threw it through a portal to hell just in case.
Fig probably can cook, she just pretends she cant because its funnier that way. Her mother is a ranger, if anything she can probably make THE best campfire meals out of the whole squad but tells nobody and pretends to be totally clueless. One day while out on a mission the squad wakes up to a full fantasy-english breakfast cooked over a campfire including fresh bread and tea and Fig pretends that she has no idea where it came from even though she was the ONLY PERSON AWAKE.
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coquettebratzdoll · 4 months
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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Making this post in case anybody else had this question. Please note that although I am directing the post to Starlight, anyone can take this advice.
So my secret to believing in yourself is to just do it. Ik it's sounds hella unhelpful so lemme elaborate.
So you didn't specify how exactly you wanted to believe in yourself. Do you want to believe that you can shift ? That you deserve to shift ? Something else ? Regardless, it doesn't matter so much as there are ways that you can start:
1. Robotic affirmations - these are exactly as they sound. You just choose an affirmation and repeat it over and over again. It doesn't require you to actually believe in what you're saying, as your subconscious mind is always impressed. It will take whatever you give it without question or filter. It's great cus it will build whatever belief you want over a period of time. I recommend saying the affirmations when you are going to sleep, in the state akin to sleep (stat), immediately after you wake up, and any time you are left with your thoughts (like making your bed, or brushing your teeth). These times are more convenient as you aren't doing much anyway. Plus, when you are sleepy or tired, you are less likely to refute whatever you think.
2. Subliminals - these are great for you if you can't robotically affirm. Instead of what you're used to, let's make it fun ! Find ones with music that you like. Dance, sing, draw, do whatever while listening to it. If you want to sleep to them, many creators have rain versions, which are more relaxing and calming. This, this, this, and this are self-concept subliminals that I really like and use whenever I'm feeling down. Find some that resonate with you and have fun with it !
3. Vaunts - I already made a post discussing this in more detail. The basics are that vaunts are affirmations that you say to sorta 'brag' about your desire. This is really easy to do. It's just faking it till you make it. Don't see your results yet ? Yes you do what are you saying 😒😒 ?? Don't stress with it. Make it up as you go.
4. Shadow work - according to Google, "uncovering the hidden parts of your psyche to understand yourself more, heal from old wounds, and improve relationships. In other words, it's the work you do on the darker side of yourself that you don't want or cannot see." To summarise, this is doing certain things (usually asking and answering questions to yourself) to really discover things about yourself. It is useful to unpack why exactly you don't believe in yourself.
5. Journaling - this relates to the shadow work point. Whether you use a physical notebook or the notes apps, it's great to write down how you feel as you feel it. Acknowledging your feelings is really important. It can really help once you allow yourself to feel the full extent of any emotion (whether 'negative' or 'positive') is a healthy habit to have. I personally use the digital version of @anemoiashifts shifting journal. Look into some that fit your style
6. Actually applying the law 🫣 - there is no other way around it. Although the above methods can help out, you still need to actually apply the law of assumption I order to benefit. As I (sorta) explained in the affs section, we are constantly manifesting - whether aware or not. Whatever assumption you persist in the most will harden into fact. Assume that you have a strong sense of self belief, and you will (hence the 'just do it' comment above).
That's all for now. I hope it can help you !
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thelampisaflashlight · 7 months
Headcanons about the ghouls, because I feel like crud and stayed home from work. Let's go.
-Aeon can't cook, he burns pretty much everything he tries to make except for eggs. He can make eggs, but that's only because Dew stood by and watched him do it.
He gets too fidgety/wants to move around instead of paying attention to what's going on in the pan, and that usually results in burnt or underdone food.
In contrast to Aeon, Dew can cook... he just doesn't like to.
It takes too much time in his opinion, but he will happily wait for someone else to make him something to eat.
-Rain eats bugs, and he's not even remotely ashamed of that fact, though perhaps he should stop trying to get others to join him for "a dip and dine" at the lake if he's unwilling to provide other options...
-Cumulus is a dinosaur enthusiast, which I've said before, but on top of that, she loves to explore and learn about things in general.
She's the fun fact queen and absolutely kills at trivia night.
-Mountain is very particular about how he keeps his garden, to the extent that no one helps him with it anymore, because he gets huffy/annoyed when someone does something "the wrong way".
The only gardener he hasn't scared away has, in the past, chased him around the grounds with a metal rake, thrown a boot at him, and kicked him in the face.
It's probably the healthiest dynamic the abbey has seen between him and one of the staff members.
-For reasons unknown, Dew has a strained relationship with Delta, to the extent that he will run if confronted by him.
Everyone is pretty sure the majority of the awkwardness is on Dew's part, though no one has been able to get a straight answer from him about it.
-Copia knew basically nothing about ghouls when he started, but now he has a whole notebook full of fairly accurate information about their physical traits, social dynamics, and various bits of trivia regarding them as a species/individually.
He knows more about them than even some of the other members of the church.
-The ghouls have a whiteboard in their den that is used for a variety of things, but usually for impromptu meetings and visualizing concepts that are hard to articulate.
Copia also has a whiteboard upstairs in his office that he uses for similar purposes, usually to the chagrin of the poor sibling of sin he dragged in there to act as his "rubber duck" for songs or design work.
-Sunny has abandonment issues, and often struggles with articulating her needs, preferring to do things herself for fear that others won't do them for her, even when they offer to do so or have done so in the past.
She feels like she is easy to forget, and tends to be very down on herself internally despite appearing outwardly bright and happy.
Although she knows it's not healthy/is the result of her own internalized issues, she has a hard time being friendly with Aeon and Aurora, but because Aurora is the one who "replaced" her -despite Sunny asking to take time away from the band- she has a bit more misplaced anger towards her.
Because of this, Sunny has been attending counseling to unpack why she feels the way she does.
And lastly;
-While the ghouls act/appear human for the most part, when they gets startled, they instantly devolve into creature mode. Lots of skittering and scampering away and sliding on tile because their claws can't get traction.
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from below, gotham rots (battinson x f!reader)
Note: This takes place pre-movie and is a spiritual successor/sequel to the first fic "from high above" which you can find in this series. (Part 1 here)
Safety notes/Warnings: The Kinktober prompt included "drunk/stoned/under the influence." I used some creative liberty with this one and the Reader becomes affected by a drug that heightens her senses/physical senses (think like ecstasy, I guess?) but also it makes u horny lmao. HOWEVER. Reader is also 100% into Batman so it's not like she's manipulated or anything into sleeping with him.
Additional notes: No use of Y/N. established childhood friends with Bruce. cursing/explicit language. enthusiastic consent during sexual content. no physical descriptors are used for the reader. (and yes, dr. crane is absolutely cillian murphy/nolanverse dr. crane sue me)
prompt: size kink, dirty talk, drunk/stoned/under the influence | pairing: battison/f!reader | warnings: explicit sexual content/above notes.
( read on ao3 ) || kinktober list
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Dr. Crane looks up from his notepad. His blue eyes are sharp and inquisitive behind his square frameless glasses. His light brown hair frames his face in soft moussed waves.
“I’m afraid I can’t be of much use to you. I’ve started working at Arkham only recently.”
You press your tongue to the ridged roof of your mouth. That explains why Dr. Crane was willing to speak to you. He likely hadn’t heard of your prior snooping around. No one warned him. Either he was disliked or not remarkable enough to warrant a heads-up from his colleagues. You decide to play polite and dumb. He thinks you’re a true-crime fanatic with a podcast. Besides, you need him if you’re going to reestablish your story and expose Arkham’s corruption.
“And they treat you well?” You ask with a tilt of your head. Your pen is poised above your notebook and your expression is open and earnest.
Dr. Crane smiles. It disarms you—this sudden charm that radiates from the thin, sharp-eyed doctor.
“They do.” He replies.
Your next question lies heavy on your tongue. He’ll either get defensive, you think, or he’ll play stupid. Dr. Crane is handsome and intelligent, but you’ve spent enough time around shady people to know when someone is hiding something. Dr. Crane doesn’t fidget, cover his mouth when speaking, or avoid your eye-contact. But he does keep glancing at the file cabinet in the left corner. Oh, he is careful about it. You’ll give him that credit. But you’ve caught him enough times to be suspicious.
And being suspicious is healthy in this line of work.
“And the patients?” you finally ask after a weighted pause.
“If you’re concerned,” he begins and his smile doesn’t reach his eyes, “I can give you a tour.”
Avoidance. An interesting tactic. It’s your turn to smile placidly and shake your head. You close your notebook. The universal sign of ‘we are done’.
“I’m sorry I have other appointments today,” you say.
“Another time then.” He says and now you are both lying. The way he looks at you suggests he knows it too. You zip your coat and tuck your notebook and phone away into your over-the-shoulder bag.
“I really do appreciate that you took the time to meet with me today, Dr. Crane.” You say as he walks you to the door. He opens it for you. It feels as if you haven’t learned the steps to this dance while Crane memorized the whole choreography.
“Here,” he offers you a thin, stocky business card from his wallet, “in case you think of anything else.” The text on the card is simple. The font is black and thin. It’s his name, his role, his work email address, and his telephone number. You already have all this. You take the card and slide it into your back pocket.
“Have a good afternoon, Dr. Crane.”
He says your name and farewell and shuts the office door once you step from the threshold. Your shoulders relax and you sigh. Your meeting with Crane - it’s not exactly an open door into Arkham, but it’s a cracked window. It’s a start. It’s something. You fish your keys out of your bag and walk toward the exit.
Thankfully, these hallways are brightly lit and warm-paneled with wood. It's decorated with cushioned chairs, coffee tables with magazines, and thin dark-green carpets. These offices are for families and caregivers. And – in this instance – a nosy ex-journalist with an important story to write.
You text Bruce: did you still want to get dinner tonight?
He’s been in a weird mood ever since you left a few days ago (once you had clearance from the doctors). He sulked when you told him. He kept giving you sorrowful, pleading looks shadowed by sleep deprivation. However, you’re on his payroll and can’t justify living with him on top of his generous paychecks. Besides, you want to pursue a relationship with Bruce and it’s too soon to move in together. You have to take it slow. You want to take it slow.
His response arrives when you’re getting into your car. A simple and reserved: yes.
A fluttery and giddy feeling enters your chest.
Bruce stares at the screen containing the analysis of your blood samples. Whatever was inside you—it’s not on the market. There are traces of hallucinogenic compounds. There are traces of medication that’s used to treat patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia. And stimulants, too. It’s a jigsaw puzzle of enzymes and chemicals.
He rubs at his bloodshot eyes with his forefinger and thumb.
“You ought to eat something, sir,” Alfred says while setting down a tray of tea and toast.
Bruce replies with a brusque tone, “I’m fine.” He realizes his mistake and corrects himself, “I’m having dinner later with a friend.”
Alfred releases a thoughtful hum. Bruce already knows what he’s thinking. His list of friends is woefully short. And there’s only one person he could go out with.
Alfred asks, “shall I iron your suit? Select some cufflinks?”
Bruce snorts, “It’s not that kind of dinner, Alfred.”
“Then a gift for the lady then?” He begins pouring tea. “You shouldn’t arrive at a date empty-handed. It’s impolite and shows a lack of forethought. Does she like flowers? I could have a bouquet arrangement made of – ah – let’s see.” Alfred mutters various flowers to himself. Bruce catches some of them. Gladiolus, red camellia, tulips. He half-listens and munches on a corner of toast while scrolling through pages upon pages of analysis.
The little Mediterranean restaurant has an ordering counter, a drink cooler, and three plastic tables. The white and blue bordered walls are plastered with framed photos of beaches in Greece. Your feet stick to the tiles when you stand in front of the drink cooler and grab a beverage.
You flip through your notepad. Dr. Mercer is dead-end. Literally. Despite being only forty-one, he died of a heart attack about two weeks after you were fired. You don’t believe in coincidences anymore. Everything in Gotham is connected. You just have to find the right thread to pull. You start at the beginning.
Dr. Mercer: Gotham University graduate. He wrote his thesis on the behavioral side effects of long-term alcohol addiction. You remember he was a soft-spoken man who genuinely believed in rehabilitation.
Dr. Mercer was your lynchpin. He was the first to express distaste about how Arkham was being run. He confessed that he was providing a substantial amount of pain medication for several of Gotham’s police without a prescription. He suspected they were selling it on the streets, but he couldn’t cut them off.
The police didn’t threaten Dr. Mercer outright, but they did sit outside his house, or remind him that his son was only 12. When Dr. Mercer went to Arkham’s administration, they told him to keep his mouth shut and provide for ‘the brave folks who protect the city’. You recall your last conversation with him and your mouth twists into a frown.
“The guilt,” Dr. Mercer said to you, his expression pained, “I think it might eat me alive, Silver. I can feel it’s teeth in my heart.”
They must have killed him. Whether it was Falcone, someone higher in the pyramid, or someone at the PD—you didn’t know for sure—but you knew Mercer’s death wasn’t accidental. Maybe Dr. Mercer was offered hush money and he couldn’t take the guilt anymore…and rather than protect himself, protect his family, he tried to do the right thing. Maybe he said no. Maybe he said he’d go and talk to the press himself. But before the whistle could blow someone took care of him. A gentle burn prickles at the back of your throat.
“Do you want to order?” The server cuts through your reverie and you blink.
“Oh – um…” You check the time. Bruce is nearly fifteen minutes late. “Uh, sure. Yeah. Please.” You figure he won’t mind if you order before him. As you wait for your food, you return to your notebook and your theories.
Batman drew his fist back and his knuckles connected to the thug’s jaw with a sickening, sharp crack.
“Who does Falcone work with?” He growls. “I need a name.” “I don’t know!” The thug pleads. His voice is thick and congested due to his broken nose. “I swear!”
Annoyed, frustrated, and tired of stonewalling into dead-ends, Batman tosses the injured thug onto the wet concrete. His palms slap against the stone, and he scrambles away from Vengeance toward the mouth of the alley. Batman lets him go. His stomach coiled tight like a loaded spring. He stalks back to the Batmobile like a towering shadow.
There is a text illuminated on his phone. His stomach drops.
It reads: Ouch. I waited over an hour for you, but the restaurant is about to kick me out. I’m heading home. I have work to do and then I’m getting up early to meet a contact. Talk later.
He leans his forehead against the steering wheel. He should’ve suspected this would happen. His duties as Vengeance would overlap his desires to be with you and when it came down to it—he’d choose Gotham. He had to choose Gotham. He is the only person capable of keeping the city safe. He’s the only person who can find the root of corruption and dig it out.
You deserve better than being stood up and ignored. He should’ve texted you. He should’ve sent flowers like Alfred suggested. How is that he can be a good partner to you as Batman but can’t manage it as Bruce Wayne? He slams his foot on the accelerator with more force than necessary. His thoughts whirl inside his mind in a maelstrom. His jaw clenches tight. His fingers flex on the steering wheel.
If only you had stayed at his penthouse then he wouldn’t need to worry about date nights. He wouldn’t need to worry about your safety. You would have been right down the hall. Close, safe, bringing light to the shadows of his home.
The tires screech as he takes a corner too hard, too fast. His eyes reflectively look up to the windows of the building. The colorful lights on your balcony illuminate the glass. You have news for him, a lead, and some tension loosens inside him.
(line break)
When you get home, there is a package at your front door, and it finally felt like something was going right.
It took 3 phone calls. One involved copious begging. It took all the money if your saving account. And a shady alleyway meeting with a Gotham University college drop-out. You have everything you need to tinker with your drugged-up blood samples.
You glance at the stack of manila folders on your coffee table. Your life is a proverbial juggling act. You balance coffee and energy drinks, personal interviews and internet sleuthing, and frequent trips to the library archives. You haven’t seen Vengeance in a week. This isn’t unusual, but how your abdomen clenches, whenever you think of him, is.
It feels treacherous to have a physiological reaction when you’re trying to pursue a relationship with Bruce. Although. You bite the inside of your cheek. Bruce doesn’t seem to be giving your relationship as much care and attention as you’d like. It was one date and he bailed. You’d rather have an awkward phone call with Alfred explaining his lateness than empty silence from your potential boyfriend.
In your distracted state, you misjudge the liquid component meant to react with your white blood cells and pour too much into the glass beaker.
You cough, stumbling backward as the fumes assault your nostrils, and your eyes smart with pain and fill with tears. Once the sensation of vertigo passes, you’re overwhelmed by the texture of the clothes on your skin. It’s too tight. It’s going to block your airway. You tug your shirt over your head and wrestle your bra off. You stand in your kitchen, topless, chest heaving, your skin pebbling with goosebumps from the cold. You wish your shitty fucking landlord would fix the heat.
But it’s your fault for playing Chemistry 101 in your abysmally small kitchen. You flick the switch that turns the fan on over the oven to clear away the thin, serpentine wisps of smoke.
“Ah, fuck.” You scrub both hands over your face. Your skin fizzes. It’s not a hot sensation or a cold one, but it’s as if every hair follicle on your body is alert and vibrating. You press your spine into the cool and softly textured wall. Should you call 911? And how would you explain yourself? You’re certain some of these materials are illegal. Questions would be asked. The PD might search your apartment. They could find your notes. You can’t risk it. You try closing your eyes and breathing steadily through your nostrils.
Your balcony door opens. A cool gust of air trails into the hazy kitchen before it shuts off. There’s only one person who can reach your balcony. Your body tenses with anticipation. Of course, he’d come now. Fuck Vengeance and his shitty timing. “What happened?” Batman’s voice enters through your ears and your thighs instinctively clench. A low, pulsing thrum of pure need vibrates down your spine. Oh, fuck. You’re so fucked. You’re so outrageously screwed.
“The drug.” You press one arm over your exposed breasts to cover them, though it hardly matters. He’s been inside you. You stifle a moan in the back of your throat. Nope. Do not think about it. “I was trying to neutralize it. I did something else.”
Batman’s cool, assertive gaze crawls across your throat and chest. “You’re sweating.” He observes.
“No shit.” You deadpan.
“Talk to me.” Batman steps closer and you recoil, not out of fear, but out of sheer desire mixed with embarrassment. Every neuron in your brain is firing and demanding that you crawl onto him, feel the cold, hard press of his armor against your hot skin, feel his gloved fingers in your mouth or in between your legs.
He glances at the equipment on your counter. “I didn’t realize you had experience in biochemistry.”
You laugh a high and wavering laugh, but the giddiness dissipates. You aren’t experienced in biochemistry at all. However, You have the notes of a biochemist and the tenacity of a warrior.
“I’m not hallucinating.” You manage thickly, “but I don’t think you should be here.”
His jaw clenches. “Why not?”
“Because I might do something stupid.”
“Like what?”
Like a thousand things, you want to say. Your mind flashes with about a dozen images of Batman fucking you. You stare at the plush shape of his lips.
The truth tumbles out of your mouth, “like kiss you.”
He cups your jaw firmly and your mouth opens, breath wheezing from your lungs, as you imagine him sliding his warm tongue between your teeth.
“Your pupils are dilated.”
You grab his wrist for the sake of touching him, “so are yours.”
“What do you need?” Batman’s gravelly voice is a demand. “Tell me so I can help.”
Your semi-rational thoughts of doctor’s offices or pharmacies fade like smoke. Every muscle in your body aches. Your nipples are tight and hard. Your inner walls keep gripping at thin air and your abdomen clenches at the lack of physical sensory input. You want to touch yourself. You want him to touch you.
“T-touch me. I need you to touch me.” You gasp out as if the words themselves are being ripped from your throat.
Batman releases your jaw and slides both hands down your arms. The rough texture of his gloves is sharp and deliciously grating across your sensitive skin.
“Like this?” He asks.
You shake your head.
“N-no, more.” It’s hard to string sentences together. The word is jagged and blurry. At your guidance, he drags both palms to your chest, and you stumble back into the wall when his hands squeeze your breasts. Your nipples prickle beneath his gloves, and you whimper—your eyes fluttering closed. He squeezes and pushes your breasts together with your hands laid on top his, urging and guiding, every single motion eliciting a sweet, whimpered cry from you.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asks, but you press his hands harder down against your breasts. He regards you seriously behind his dark, smudged makeup and cowl.
“No. Don’t stop. I think I might die if you stop.”
His lips twitch into a smirk.
“I’ve never heard that before.” He sounds earnest and you chuckle weakly. Batman’s thumb and forefingers encircle your hard nipples and lightly pinch. You hiss and throw your head back into the wall. The slight pain barely registers. His warm lips touch the angled tilt of your jaw. You cry out and tremble against him. Every sensation is magnified by a thousand. Batman’s lips suckle along your neck. He hums to himself when you moan out loud.
“Whatever you did to the sample,” he says while pulling away, “affects your sensitivity to physical stimulation.”
“Yeah, yeah, no shit.” You say, squeezing your fingers between his, and pushing his hand toward the waistband of your pajama shorts.
“Are you sure?” He asks and you manage a short nod. He cups your pussy with a large, gloved hand. Your eyes roll back into your skull. You need his fingers inside you. You need to clench and cum around his hand. Nothing else matters but the desire you have for him. Nothing.
“Fuck,” he hisses and elongates the word, “you’re already so fucking wet for me. So goddamn soaked.” He begins rubbing the outside of your pussy in concentric motions. He presses his body into yours. The sensation of his cold, hard planes of armor draws another breathy moan from your lips.
His kiss is pure, vibrant desire. He suckles your lower lip into his mouth and groans when you whine. His tongue strokes along yours and you writhe and something inside you starts to coil. You shouldn’t be this close so soon, but you are.
You gasp, “fuck, fuck, fucking fuck.”
“Already?” His hand in your shorts moves quicker, “what a good girl you are…cumming for me so soon, so quickly, getting your pussy nice and wet and ready for me.”
You come so hard that your teeth clack together. You’re riding the throbbing aftershocks of your orgasm when Vengeance pushes your underwear aside and sinks his index finger into your cunt.
“Oh, god, please yes—please.” You babble and desperately rock your hips into his hand. His glove creates a ridged sensation that sends sparks of pleasure down to your toes. You clutch to his armor and hike your leg up and hook it around his waist. Batman touches you with a determined purpose. You messily kiss along his jaw. Even the texture of his stubble against your smooth lips is pleasurable. You wonder if you’ll have the courage to ask him to eat you out. You want to feel his stubble on your thighs.
“You’re gonna cum again, aren’t you?” Your eyes are closed but you can hear his smirk. “If you’re a good girl and cum for me again, I’ll give you my cock. Would you like that?”
It takes only a few thrusts before he’s stoking that white, pulsing fire in your lower stomach. You latch your mouth onto his and kiss him with every ounce of strength you have. He responds with equal fervor. A single lucid thought crosses your mind—if you hadn’t experimented with the samples would Vengeance still kiss you like this? Desire you? The lucidity is short-lived. You cry out into Batman’s open, wet mouth.
He praises, “Good, you’re so good for me.”
You sway on unsteady feet and lean against Batman’s strong frame. He carefully tugs away your shorts and underwear. He places a tender kiss on your bare shoulder. His blue eyes cut to yours—inquisitive and darkened by lust.
“I want to hear you say it.” He says, “Tell me you want me if that’s what you really want.”
“I do.” You reach forward and palm the hard bulge straining against his gear. You hold eye contact with him. You catch your reflection in his dark pupils. Your chin and lips shine with salvia and your skin glistens with sweat.
You repeat yourself since Batman hasn’t moved yet, “I do. I mean it. I want you. I want you to fuck me.” Your heart threatens to escape your ribs. Batman doesn’t move or break eye contact with you as you find his zipper and release his cock. He hisses through clenched teeth when you touch him. You smile to yourself. There’s something heady and intoxicating that you can make Batman’s breath hitch. Your fingers slicken with his pre-cum.
He sharply pulls your hand away, “That’s enough.”
“No fair.” You pout, “You touched me.”
“Next time, Quicksilver. I’ll let you touch all you want.” He grabs you by the waist and lowers you to the floor. You open your mouth to object that your bedroom isn’t that far (small apartment after all), but Batman looks at you—dark and desperate—and his chest heaves.
He rubs the head of his cock against your folds, “I need to be inside you.”
You can’t argue with that. “Okay.” He plunges into you in one swift, slick stroke. Your pussy envelopes him. The world goes blurry-white and your muscles tremble with the delicious sensation of Batman’s cock filling you.
“You take me so well,” He rasps, “I love feeling your cunt stretch and squeeze around me.” He draws his cock out of you and the thigh-guards on his armor glisten with your arousal. Your eyes roll into the back of your skull. The linoleum tile is blessedly cool against your feverish skin. Batman holds your hips, lifting you, and sheathes himself once more.
“Fuck.” His pretty eyelashes flutter.
You whine.
“I wish you could see yourself right now.” His thrusts are deep and steady, hitting some apex part of you that makes your toes curl, and your moans hiccup in your chest. “Split open, begging for me, squeezing me,” His fingers dig into the meat of your thigh, “you’re so…fucking…unbelievable.”
He lifts your legs, pressing your knees into your chest, and your hips jerk upward with a gasp. “F-fuck!”
“Is that good?” He rocks in and out of you, teetering on the edge of losing his composure, you can see it in the hard lines of his jaw and the way he squeezes your hips.
“Y-yes.” You choke out, nodding, “don’t stop. Go faster.”
“Yeah?” He nods, panting, “I want to make you cum.” And it says it like a promise. He plants his hands against the tile. You’re nearly folded in-half, surrounded by him, encased by him, his imposing and large armor almost uncomfortable as it presses into your skin. His cock drags along the ridges of your inner walls and then he’s moving into you with confidence and purpose. Your ass smacks wetly against his armor. He grunts, bearing his teeth, pumping into you with feverish desire.
You awkwardly wiggle a hand between your legs. The first touch of your fingertip to your swollen, slick clit is electrifying. Your spine arches off the floor.
“Good girl.” He growls, punctuating his words with a hard and jolting thrust that makes you gasp and tears spring to the corners of your vision. You quickly drag your fingertips across your clit. A flush of goosebumps run down your arms. Your moans echo through your tiny kitchen and reverberate through your eardrums.
“I love—” He gasps, burying himself, “the noises you make for me.”
It feels so unbelievably good that you want to scream or start crying (or both). The combination of Batman towering over you, saying all these sweet words, and the jerky movement of your fingers on your clit is dizzying.
He continues, “Take it. Take all of it. I know you can, pretty girl.” The position makes it difficult to crane your neck upward to kiss him. You settle for gripping his forearms. “Does anyone else fuck you as I do?”
“N-no.” You admit. A wave of guilt threatens to overcast your blissed-out experience, but then Batman grunts and mutters, “good. You deserve this. You’re my perfect girl.”
Your guilt vanishes and you blossom under his praise. You and Bruce haven’t discussed sexual exclusivity. Maybe it’ll be a conversation for the future once Bruce apologizes for missing your date.
“There’s that smile,” he murmurs, “such a sweet and perfect smile. I can feel you getting closer, baby. I want you to cum all over my cock.” His eyes squeeze shut. He exhales your name over and over again. Batman is desperate and panting over you.
“Cum for me, please.” He arches his head back and you seek a peek of his flushed neck, “Please cum for me.”
You scream as you clench and rhythmically pulse beneath him. Your orgasm isn’t a firework. It’s a fucking freight train. Batman fucks you through it, relentless and pounding, his pace steady and controlled. Your pussy gushes and squeezes around him. Batman buries himself and raggedly cries out your name. Your limbs go limp and useless. You release the grip you had on his forearms and your arms flop onto the tile. It takes a full minute for you to come back to earth.
“Fuck,” Batman breathes. You hardly hear him.
He gently moves your legs out from underneath him. Your knees and shins are irritated from where his armor dug in. Your eyelids flutter closed and panic clenches his heart. He presses his two fingers beneath your jaw and checks your pulse. It’s steady and strong. He bows his head with a relieved sigh. He hopes that whatever reaction caused by playing Walter White will wear off when you wake up.
He scoops you into his arms and carefully carries you into your bathroom. The bathwater runs weakly tepid, and Bruce mentally chastises your choice to leave his penthouse. He fills the bathtub enough to reach your waist. He removes his gloves and forearm guards. You barely stir and your head rests against the edge of the tub. He gently washes the cum from your inner thighs and the sweat from your skin.
His heart squeezes painfully. Bruce sighs a pitiful and low sound. He wants you so badly, wants to be with you, but how can he do that when he’s Vengeance? He is the only one able to keep Gotham safe. He can’t keep missing date nights or ignoring your calls. He can’t tell you who he is. He should’ve been smarter about this.
But…it’s you.
You were his first friend growing up. You are carved into him deeper than a tattoo. You’re like a transplanted organ that he needs to survive. He managed – before – without you during those cold, lonely years. He doesn’t want to do it again. He knows it’s selfish. He knows his first (and only) priority should be Gotham. Yet, a world emptied of you would be a world he couldn’t live in.
Bruce reaches over toward the towel hanging on the bar. He frowns at their plushness and strange familiarity. They look nicer than the others. Then he notices the embroidered “W” in gold at the edge of the towel.
Bruce chuckles to himself, “Thief.” He says affectionately.
He wraps you in the towel to carry you to bed. His swollen, aching heart swells with fondness. You stole a towel from Wayne Manor. He wonders if you took anything else—what other pieces of him, his home, that you brought into yours.
In the pitch dark of your bedroom, Bruce lays you on the bed and removes his cowl. His skin itches with vulnerability and fear. Bruce kneels beside your bed and cradles your hand against his face. He lightly kisses your palm and checks your pulse at the inside of your wrist.
“Sleep well, Quicksilver,” he murmurs.
You awoke the next day feeling groggy and sore, but otherwise fine. You would’ve stayed asleep longer if not for the incessant knocking at your front door.
“Good morning!” greeted the delivery person holding flowers under one arm, “I need your signature for this package.”
Confused, yet curious you scribble your signature onto the digital pad held by the delivery person. They pass the bouquet of flowers and a decent-sized cardboard box to you. It takes a few minutes to find something suitable to put the flowers in. But the colorful arrangement definitely brightens your small apartment.
The cardboard box contains a swanky, expensive black laptop with a note taped to the keyboard.
‘For the sake of security – please use a different password.’ – BW
You spend the rest of your morning transferring your notes from your old laptop to your new one. You do pick a new password. It’s the date you and Bruce reunited. The hours blur by in a black-and-white swarm of scanned newspaper clippings and transcribing your interview notes with Dr. Crane.
A text comes through from Bruce a little before 12:00 PM. It reads: can we get coffee? Or lunch?
A petty, vindictive part of your brain wants to leave him on read. Let him stew in your silence and suffer your indifference. But then you remember the scrappy, scrawny boy of your youth. You remember a pair of soulful, sad blue eyes. His fingers tenderly caring for your wounds after Falcone. His soft smile when you agreed to date him. It won’t solve anything to stay quiet and ignore your hurt feelings.
You text him back: as long as you’re buying. Pick the place and I’ll meet you.
Your stomach winds with anxiety as you walk into the little café. Bruce is already here. He’s at a corner table, back to the wall, his eyes on the entrance. You can tell he’s showered and cleaned up. Maybe even shaved. Although his dark sweater is wrinkled and his eyes are shadowed with sleep deprivation, Bruce somehow manages to look handsome. You try to not let your attraction to him fog your thoughts. You need to have a serious conversation. You square your shoulders and approach.
“Hey,” he greets with an uncomfortable shift in his chair. You know he doesn’t like leaving the penthouse. You have to give him some credit that he came out to meet you rather than asking you to come and meet him at home.
“I want to start with my apology before we get coffee,” he begins as you sit down, “I’m sorry. I got caught up in something. I know it’s not - it’s not an excuse.”
“It’s not.” You cross your arms.
He ducks into his shoulders, looking chastised, “Did you get your gift?”
“I did.” You glance around the café. There’s only one other patron inside and they’re busy wearing headphones and typing on their laptop. The employees are chatting amongst each other—barely audible over the café playlist. The journalist part of your brain wants you to dig deeper. You want to know what he was doing. You want to know why he was so ‘caught up’ that he couldn’t call or text you to reschedule. Your instincts buzz. A story is here. You can feel it. You can smell it as keenly as you smell the roasted coffee beans in the air. But you tamper down on those instincts. This is Bruce. He’s your childhood friend.
“Listen, Bruce. What you did was shitty, and it hurt my feelings and I deserve better than that.”
“You do,” he agrees.
“I understand if you don’t have time for a relationship.” You shrug, “maybe we jumped into this too quickly.”
“No.” Bruce leans forward in his seat. “I’m sorry, I should’ve called. You deserve better and I want to…I want to show you that I can be better than that.”
The awkward silence lays between you. You pick at a piece of lint on your pants. You avoid his imploring blue eyes. Your skin prickles. Batman was in your apartment last night. More than that—Batman was inside you. You’re raking Bruce over the coals for not calling when you were busy gushing over Batman’s knuckles. You rub your hands over your face.
“There’s something you should know if you want us to continue this relationship.”
“I slept with someone last night.”
Your gaze flicks upward to catch Bruce’s expression. He doesn’t look as hurt as you expected. He nods. A small smirk tugs at his plush lips.
He says, “I wasn’t expecting sexual monogamy this early on.” Your shoulders relax. This is the best-case scenario: Bruce isn’t mad or hurt that you fucked someone else. Granted, you hadn’t slept with Vengeance because you were mad at him. It happened purely by accident. It was because of that drug. The back of your neck tingles with warmth. OK. Maybe that’s not entirely true. If Batman had shown interest…then…even without the drug…you might’ve still slept with him.
He asks, “Anyone I know?”
A laugh bubbled up inside your throat.
“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”
Bruce raises an eyebrow, “and will you tell me?”
You shake your head, “absolutely not. I don’t kiss and tell.”
“Fair enough.”
Bruce orders a black coffee with two sugars. You split a fruit-filled pastry with him. In between bites, you tell him about your meeting with Dr. Crane and pass over your notes on Arkham and Dr. Mercer’s untimely death.
“I’m not sure how Dr. Mercer ties into Falcone, or if he does, but I’m sure Falcone has the network to murder someone.”
Bruce nods thoughtfully.
“I’ll see what Alfred and I can find.”
“We’re close, Bruce.” You admit. A tinge of excitement laces your tone and brightens it. “I can feel it. I think I can use Dr. Crane to re-interview some of Mercer’s patients. I could have my story complete within the next few weeks.”
His brow furrows, “You said you don’t trust Crane. You said he had something to hide.
“He does—but for all we know—he could have hidden dirty magazines in his filing cabinet.”
Bruce’s smile triggers an irregular heartbeat pattern in your chest.
You lift the bouquet of flowers from the vase to change the water. A slim, lacquered white notecard slips out from between the stems.
In beautiful calligraphy, it reads: to my perfect girl.
Part Three >
276 notes · View notes
socstudies · 1 year
Hi, as someone who is going to be in their first year of college this fall, I'm curious about the note taking part
Is physical or digital note taking easier?
Is spending money on a laptop nessesary?
What is something you wish you would've done differently during your first year?
Do you have any advice?
If by any chance you see this, your blog and your aesthetic are amazing!
I'm wishing you a wonderful day/night.
If you do decide to reply, thank you in advance <3
helloo! sorry for the late reply & thank u for the ask! :)
ive tried both and i think i prefer handwritten notes, however they both have their pros and cons:
handwritten pros
proven to be better for retaining information
can't get distracted by other tabs
lighter to carry
costs less than a laptop
i've had some classes where we weren't allowed to use laptops so it's good to already be used to taking notes this way
much slower. sometimes i find im missing stuff and i have to go back to it at the end
have to print out diagrams etc if u want to include them
could possibly lose them, spill something etc
not enough space on desk for both laptop and notebook so u can't get slides up or google something
digital pros:
much quicker
easier to organise & pull up different notes at any time - u don't need to carry around or find older notebooks to be able to study or refer back to past classes
some people make notes directly onto the slides which u would have to print out if u wanted to do by hand
can also use for research and writing essays which u will need a computer for at some point so might as well do everything in one place
more stressful if u lose or break it
if u forget to charge it and u don't have paper .......
this upcoming year, im using a combination. most of the time i'll handwrite my notes, but for classes where they talk too quickly i'll type them (it's not worth the stress & extra time having to go back to recordings after). my notes for readings will be annotated straight onto the pdf. i'll be taking pictures of notes to put them all together.
unfortunately, i think it is because you'll need computer access to research and write ur essays, as well as to find course information etc. HOWEVER some universities (most?) have laptops that u can borrow and computers in the library, so if u know that you'll be motivated enough to get up and do all of ur work on campus, you could save this cost - bare in mind when u move off campus after first year it might be even harder. definitely look into this if cost is an issue for you! it doesn't need to be a fancy one if u do buy a laptop though, just remember u'll be carrying it around so don't get a super heavy one!
as for something i wish i'd done differently: as a sociology student, none of my classes have exams where i have to memorise things, instead it's all essay based. this led me to not 'study' i guess ??? like the stuff that i wrote my essays on, i knew like the back of my hand, but everything else i couldn't remember well. so if ur taking an essay based subject, remember that u still need to study a little & remember these things !! i was so overwhelmed tbh that i forgot about this oopsie!
extra advice:
when people say that after u skip one class, u'll skip the rest THEY. MEAN. IT. literally try so hard not to miss class bc you will never go again if u do. my classes would start off with not enough seats for everybody and end up with just a handful of us by the end of term.....
make time for urself !! it can become all consuming, especially if u live on campus, but pls make some dedicated time away from studying !!
u will find ur friends eventually. pls remember that it won't last or be that fun if u stick with friends who u don't have that much in common with just bc they were the first u met. tell me why i was going to bars and clubs with people in first term bc that;s what they wanted to do ????? it's ok to move onto different people bc u will eventually get tired of doing these things u don't like just to be able to hang out with people !! now i go to bookstores and cafes with my new friends and i love it!! don't settle !!
169 notes · View notes
scaradooche · 7 months
Buzzing, buzzing is what you wake up to. More specifically buzzing from your phone. You pick up your phone all drowsy to see someone calling you. “Hm?” you say waiting for the other person on the line to speak.
“Y/n where the fuck are you right now? Lumine says hastily.
“At my house.” You mumble
“Y/n it’s 7:58 am school starts at 8.”
You immediately hang up without saying another word. You rush out of bed dreading the outcome of the day already.
It’s 8:20 am when you get to school. You walk slow trying to delay your arrival to your first class which is Ap physics with one of the worst teachers. Ms. Cordez. Great. You take the time to actually look at the outfit you’re wearing. You’re wearing black sweats with a gray sweater and a white shirt. The outfit you picked out wasn’t that bad for picking random stuff you saw in your room but it wasn’t exactly something you would normally wear. You stopped, you didn’t know why. It was like your mind wasn’t processing anything your body was doing. You pick up your head from looking at the ground to realize that you’re in front of your class. You take a deep breath and enter the classroom.
You’re not even one step in before you here a “Ah, look who decided to show up.”
“Hello..” you mutter trying to make your way to your seat.
“Not so fast young lady, why are you late?” You hear Ms. Cordick Cordez say.
“Give me a full sentence.”
“I overslept.” you state clearly getting annoyed of her. Sometimes you wonder to yourself if she actually has a life outside of school. You could never imagine that. There is reason why she’s a Ms. and not a Mrs.
“Do you think that is a full sentence?” she says in a irritated voice. When looking at her face you notice that she looks as red as a lobster. You find the comparison quite funny. If you really think about it she does have facial features that do resemble one.
“Oh, so you want to give me attitude now?” She says in the most obnoxious way ever. At this point you just think she’s trying to get under your skin.
“What the hell? I’m not-“ you try to speak before Ms. Cordez interrupts you.
“We do not use this kind of language in this classroom.” She speaks with a pissy tone.
‘You’re being dramatic, you need to actually chill it’s not a big deal.”
“You do not tell me to chill. I am not your friend. I am your teacher. You need to learn some manners young lady. Detention after school.”
You give her a blank stare before walking to your seat. What a pleasant start to your day you think.
3:00 pm, school finally ended and you can see people heading out of there classes. Some heading out with their friends most likely having plans since it’s a Friday others just going home. You pull out your phone to text your friends.
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You close your phone heading to Ms. Cordicks classroom to spend two hours of your life doing absolutely nothing. When you get there the first thing she has you do is check in and hand her your phone.
“You’ll get this back after you serve your time.”
You nod your head and find a table to sit at. Once you find a desk you bring out a notebook planning to just doodle instead of doing any actual work. Around 5 minutes later you see more students coming in you hope that none of them sit next to you. You never really liked the fact that she had table with chairs instead of just desks. Another 5 minutes later Ms. Cordez decides to speak.
“Seeing that everyone is here, I would like to say that I’m not going to be in the same room with you while you serve your time here. Instead I’ll be in another room with Mrs. Smith grading work together. I assume you won’t leave this room without your phones. I except you all to be doing work for the next two hours.” She’s says hastily before she walks out.
Once she leaves you see friends that were split up start getting up and sitting together. The news that she’s not going to be in this room doesn’t affect you at all. While you’re doodling you hear someone getting up. It doesn’t bother you since a lot of people are getting up right now and changing their seats. It doesn’t bother you until this person sits next to you. You stop doodling and look up at this person to only realize it was him. The kids older brother. Your “boyfriend”. Childe.
Prev||Masterlist||Next 2.5: Fuck you Ms. Cordick
Fun Facts:
Idk how to write accurate detention scenes since I’ve never gotten detention 😝😝😍😍
Idk how to write so don’t mind my bad writing
Ms. Cordez is my irl teacher I hate her sm praying on her downfall everyday 😍
Next chapter will probably be uploaded today and it’s gonna be majority writing 😝 be prepared for more of my bad writing 😍😍🔥🔥
No character fun facts this chapter 😔😞😣 the first half wants to be bold for some reason pls don’t mind it 😓😓
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