#yeet here we go bois
legobiwan · 4 months
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I'll probably post more detailed and coherent thoughts about my TotJ rewatch later today (now with 30% less yelling), but I have to comment on this little maneuver above.
Mace and Dooku are suddenly attacked from the rear in their confrontation with the Raxus soldiers.
Dooku: Busts out his patented behind-the-back, elegant Makashi defense move.
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essektheylyss · 2 years
super duolingo two week trial more like latin course speedrun
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qcomicsy · 2 years
Phrases I bet were said on the batfamily patrols without context.
Tim in his comm: No. he's not dead- *casually checks Jason's pulse* yeah there's nothing to worry about.
Jason nudging a mugger with his feet: He'll live.
Dick: No one tells any of this to Batman
Batman, behind him: No one tells what to Batman
Robin: You said Redhood should stop killing do I look like Redhood to you?
Jason: This * shows a pair off rubber bullets to the renchman * were not letal, now this * shows them a pair of real bullets* are.
Jason: Start running.
Dick at the comm: What do you mean next to the Batsburguer? I am literally-- Hood. Hood. Jason. sto- STOP SCREAMING AT ME- I am literally- SHUT UP! Jason- I swear to god, I will hang up on you... WE ARE LITERALLY IN FRONT OF THE BATSBURGUER,... What do you mean "what car" what do you think? We're... We're next to - sorry - Next to the old lady behind the drive thru... fuck sake You know what? Just send us your location- Just- Yeah...
Damian, looking at his phone with the location:..... Dumbass you're in the wrong Batsburguer.
The signal, making eye contact with the other batkids: I do not know them.
Damian Robin: What are you doing in here?
Tim in his civil clothes: Are you serious? This is literally my rooftop. I live in this house.
Literally everyone to Oracle: Do NOT call Batman
Oracle: I'm calling batman.
Batman, clearly lost, lying through his teeth while gripping the batmobile's steering wheel: This is my city, we do not need a map.
Jason: Oh my god, you two are such drama queens the kid just dislocated his arm. Hey. Hey Robin. Do that thing you did last time- He's going to be okay. Robin do that thing.
Dick: D-Robin do not-
Batman, at the same time: Robin do not
Damian currently running towards a wall to relocate his arm: *crack.* There. Let's go.
Steph: Technically he ran in front of my van so if we're being fair-
Robin squinting: ...Is that Harley Quinn in a Batman suit?
Harley: This is so unfair! Why he always send the interns to fight me!
Robin Damian, done with her shit: Maybe because you fight like a little boy
Spoiler: Yo mama
Nightwing: Let's do the flying Robin-
Robin Jason: What do you mean flying Robin? *Nightwing grabs him* WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. NIGHTWING- NIGHTWING YOU MOTHERF-
Nightwing: YEET
Nighwing: What?
Redhood: Let's do the flying Robin.
Nighwing: ⁿᵒ⁻
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noneoutofnone · 1 year
Getting whiplash going back to Armored Core VI after playing Starfield
Starfield trips over itself letting you know all of the quests are chill and good actually. The choices in dialogue range from doing a good deed to doing a good deed… for money😈. The only way to join the Space Pirates is to be offered the chance to go undercover first, making sure you see the Pirate but you’re a good guy option. If a persuasion check with someone fails, leaving you only with the prompt [Attack], your companion will say something to the effect of “woof, that was rough. But you did what you had to do.”
The most recent mission I finished in Starfield was for the United Colonies. You stand in front of a council of bureaucrats trying to convince them to hand over banned archival weapon data. This could help stop a small but growing danger to the galaxy. The council argues that it could also lead to that weapon falling into the wrong hands - It was locked away for a reason. It’s a great moment because it was the first time a character in starfield stood up and said to me No, you are in the wrong here, your research could lead to the weapon data leaking, civilians will be put it danger. ALERT. oh no. ALERT. Just as this conversation is happening an entirely contained but also extremely dire attack occurs. ALERT. You rush out and save the day. The threat is proven to be real and the data is necessary. No more questions about is it the right thing to do. Forget about all that other stuff we brought up, you were right. The whole council apologizes to you profusely. Here, take the nuclear launch codes, and here’s a thousand credits as an apology for insinuating that you weren’t the galaxy’s goodest bestest boy.
Mission 1 of Armored Core 6 is called “Illegal Entry”.
In mission 4 “Destroy the transport helicopters” the helicopters are just that. No weapons. Trying to run from you. The rubiconians who stand between you and the helicopters are defending their families. During the fight the enemies bark about you being the bad guy. After the mission your Dad calls you and says “It’s just a Job 621. All of it.” Throughout the entire game you are flooded with voicemails, calls, voices in your head, that all have an opinion on whether what you’re doing is good or bad or just a job.
Starfield is telling you not to think about it too hard. Armored Core is telling you to think about it. A lot. Screaming at you to think about it. What are you doing. It’s not just a job. The game is talking about your actions through all sorts of different lenses.
It’s stepping out of a lazy river and then immediately riding down Niagara Falls in a barrel. Sometimes literally. You see the same safe boring landing cutscene a million times in Starfield. Twice 621 has packed themselves into a barrel and yeeted it into danger.
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thebibliosphere · 3 months
Wait, is Jason in Gotham Knights body horror? Because it doesn't feel like his body even tho he's controlling it? (He died, he came back, it's not the same and never will be)
Or is it more analogous to puberty and feeling like you don't know anything about your body anymore?
Just having thoughts about that boy again
I think Jason in Gotham Knights is very much connected with his physical body. It's his biggest weapon, possibly more so than his guns, given his lasting connection to the Lazarus Pit and the power it gives him.
His backstory talks about building himself up to peak physical condition into the absolute unit he is now, and you can either see that as someone trying to reconnect with their physical self or someone vowing never to be small or weak again.
I tend to think of it as both. It's a reclamation of his physical form but also a transformation into something bigger and stronger that ensures he's the scariest, meanest-looking mother fucker in the room. Basically someone you can't underestimate as a threat.
(Try not to think too hard about the fact that he now largely resembles Bruce in stature, that he is now the group's heavy hitter, the most menacing and the most likely to strike fear into the heart of his opponents, and that Jason molded himself into the person he needed to be rescued by as a child. Don't do it. Do not. I am normal about this.)
But he obviously struggles with feeling present mentally sometimes.
You'll see him zoning out occasionally, touching the J-shaped scar on his face before violently shaking himself back into the present.
He has panic attacks while playing a dance video game with a coffin in it—a coffin his character becomes trapped in because he's not moving fast enough. (hello, trauma)
He's angry all the time and so relieved when Barbra expresses her own rage at something because, yes, finally, someone else is letting their emotions out instead of bottling it up (Dick).
His emails are littered with orders for self-help books, emails from his therapist moving his sessions around, and concerned messages from his friends (Roy comes to mind) saying if he needs to get out of Gotham, they'll make it happen.
Alfred holding him while he sobs over losing Bruce still breaks me every time. I have to pause the game and walk around my house until I feel normal again.
And then there's the cut scene where Dick asks, "Hey, remember that time we all [insert funny thing here]," and Jason admits, somewhat angrily, that no, he doesn't because Lazarus took entire swaths of memories from him and he hates how he can't connect with people the way he used to and he hates the way they all look at him (the way Dick is looking at him now) when he admits he doesn't remember something they clearly loved about the old him: the version of him who didn't have volatile mood swings or made people flinch when he did something as mundane as handle a kitchen knife -- the undead monster he came back as*.
The fact that Dick then contrives to recreate this memory so Jason can be included in a newer version of it -- while also giving him what is arguably a weapon -- fucks me up every time. Dick just yeets a kitchen knife at him, trusting that Jason will catch it, and then just steamrolls over Jason's rightful 'what the fuck' expression with "Hey, we're making food. Get dicing."
And Jason knows what they're all doing. He's aware of it, and he gets the teeniest, tiniest smile before smothering it out. Except he can't quite. He's still smiling as he chops the vegetables. And yes, they're all hopeless at cooking compared to him, and he knows he's going to end up taking over, but that's okay. Because this is for him. He gets to control it.
And that's how Jason gets to make a new memory, one where he is handed a weapon and gets to turn it into a genuine expression of nurturing and care.
Because he does care about them. He wouldn't conspire with Dick to bake Barbara's favorite childhood cookies if he didn't. He wouldn't try so hard to be gentle with Tim triggering the shit out of him while he's struggling with his grief. He just doesn't always know how to express it because he doesn't always know what he's feeling.
Is his anger valid? Or is this Lazarus Pit Rage? Is he being overly sensitive because of his trauma, or is everyone else underreacting because of their trauma? (Should he sign them all up for therapy, quite probably, yes.)
So, you could perhaps argue that Jason experiences body horror in the sense that he doesn't remember all the pieces of who he used to be. (Speaking as someone with severe memory loss from medical trauma, it's certainly a type of horror.) But I don't think it's because he's detached from it physically or doesn't feel in control of his body. I think it's his mind that worries him.
His body he can control. It's his mind that still sparks green sometimes.
*Re the scene with Tim when Tim calls the Talons monsters. "What about me? Do you think I'm a monster?"
No, they don't.
But Jason does. And it scares him shitless.
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fuckyeahpedropascal · 5 months
Pedro boys and watches
Some of you may or may not know that I have a ✨thing✨ for watches. I’ve wanted to do this post for about two years now, I’m so happy to finally yeet this into the void. Commentary below the cut ⌚️
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While I have you here and we haven't done this in a while - why not a poll? Discussion welcome as always!
P.S. Please don't @ me if I missed any Pedro boy... I think I haven't lol.
• Masterlist •
Related posts:
Rolex & pinky ring: Javi G v Max Lord
Spy watch: Marcus Moreno v Jack Daniels
Joel Miller
Need a say anything about Joel and his watch? It's a small but powerful reminder of Sarah, and it will never not touch my heart when I see it.
Javier Pena
We have so many good shots of Javier and his watch, I might just have to do a proper compilation of it some other time (I did do a very early post on this gosh I've come far with gif making lol). I like to think that Chuco gave it to him, and in one of the closeups, I can see engraving on the band. I'll need to go back and check if I can see what the word is!
Tim Rockford
Tim has a surprisingly fancy looking watch! I was surprised to get such a good look at it, it looks like a chronograph with three dials on the face.
Marcus Moreno and Jack Daniels
We already ran a poll about this, and I agree with the majority of you that our cowboy has slicker wristwear than our superhero dad!
Dave York
I always find it funny in that kitchen scene the way Dave looks so deliberately at his watch several times. It's a classy one with what looks like a leather band, it goes well with our favourite suburban murder daddy's office wardrobe.
Frankie Morales
The watch that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship with @imaswellkid ❤️ I did a way too detailed post about Frankie's watch here, I won't repeat myself here.
Javi G and Max Lord
The subject of another poll, these two fancy pants both sport a Rolex (Javi's is steel and yellow gold, Max's is yellow gold) and a pinky ring.
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showmey0urfangs · 3 months
Louis' hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance
Oh boy, where to start? Episode 5 gave me a lot to think about. I find show Loumand fascinating™ though I have my (many) gripes with how the show chose to go about them. They have a very interesting dynamic that I think warrants exploring further.
When Louis first arrives in Paris, Armand tries to seduce him with a carefully crafted veneer of the all-powerful coven master. He seeks to impress Louis by playing up his mysterious allure and power. Though Louis is obviously attracted to him, he is very reluctant to take things further, and he insists that the relationship has to be on his terms. “If you want me I'm here.”
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Louis is adamant that he doesn't want to be caught in yet another toxic dynamic like the one he had with Lestat. He no longer wants to be in a relationship where he is vastly outmatched and overpowered. The power imbalance is in great part why Louis hesitates to go all the way with Armand, sticking to casual meaningless sexual encounters (none of which we got to see on screen, thank AMCee!) but refusing to acknowledge Armand publicly. Ouch!
We see this dynamic shift in episode 4, when Armand finally manages to reassure Louis that he is “not Lestat”. He does this by allowing himself to be vulnerable with Louis and opening up about his traumatic past—something that Lestat rarely did. He also willingly cedes his power to Louis, allowing Louis to be his “master” and to take full control of their relationship.
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This dynamic continues on until present day Dubai, where Armand is utterly deferential to Louis and seems to exist only to serve Louis and see to his every need, even if that means agreeing to things that he does not want to do (like sitting down for an interview with the same guy that nearly ruined their relationship 50 years ago and who has come back to finish what he started. We stan #homewreckerDaniel).
Armand essentially moulded himself to become what Louis told him he wanted in a partner; someone gentle, non-threatening, loving and devoted to the point of being obsequious. Someone who acquiesced to all of Louis' desires, even the most destructive ones. Armand is so desperate for love and acceptance that he will go to diabolical lengths and sink to the most humiliating depth to have it. And Louis knows this; “my daddy vampire groomed you into a little bitch.”
So imagine Armand's shock and horror when in episode 5, a drug-addled Louis tells him he is boring, colourless, flavourless, a beige pillow, so dull and insignificant that a mere human boy that Louis has only known for a few hours is more interesting than him. Louis admits he looks down on Armand for surrendering his power, mocking him for the fact that he is willing to lick Louis' boots, clean after him, and wait for him patiently as Louis goes out to seek excitement in the arms of “low lives, unfortunate and broken children.”
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Louis signifies to Armand in all possible ways that what he truly craves is the chaos and the violent passion that Lestat offers. He is bored with Armand's “prison of empathy” to the point that he'd rather yeet himself into the sun than endure it for another second. Armand of course tries to patch things up with a quick mind wipe and restart, but the damage is already done.
The truth is that Louis never wanted a meek subservient partner. He never wanted a love that was easily won. What attracted him to Armand was his power and his capacity for destruction. Louis loves to tame monsters because he is one himself. He loves the thrill of danger and the excitement that comes from the uncertainty. He loves the chase and the loud vicious fights that end in heated makeup sex.
The problem is that Louis does not want to admit that to himself. He probably would have never admitted it to Armand either in his right mind—in vino coke and quaaludes veritas est. The person Louis is and the person he thinks he needs to be are completely at odds. What he thinks he should want vs what he actually wants are contradictory.
Because of this, Louis exists in a state of perpetual cognitive dissonance. He represses his desires in order to strive for some unattainable self-imposed moral ideal. He loves Claudia and wants to be a good father brother to her, but a selfish part of him sees her as a burden and knows making her was a mistake. This is something he verbalizes in many instances this season, consistently and subconsciously; Was she worth it? Speaking of poor decisions, The wilderness that is our daughter, Imagine me without the burden of her. He desperately wants to connect to his humanity and be better than the other vampires that he judges as sadistic and slave to their baser instincts, but he too inevitably succumbs to his bloodlust and often kills more recklessly and viciously than any other vampire. He tells himself that Lestat is the wrong kind of love, but he is irresistibly drawn to him and still hasn't moved 80 fucking years later.
You can chalk this up to good ol' catholic guilt, or to growing up with a shitty mother who made him feel like he would never be good enough no matter how hard he tried, in a society where he has to juggle several masks just to survive. Either way, it always results in Louis being torn between his desires and his guilt for failing to live up to the version of himself he thinks he needs to be.
IDK what the point of this essay was other than to say that ultimately Louis and Lestat deserve each other and Armand needs to stand the fuck up and stop simping for a man who obviously does not want him. Come be with me pookie, I will treat you so much better. 💖
That's all. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 😊
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universaln0b0dy · 5 months
Hello I was wondering if there can be a part two to Monster where the boys confront the reader about their overblot? You can ignore this if you to.
here we go!
(Aftermath of this: Monster
Summary: They saw what you're capable of and now you fear that they might hate you....
Note: angst n fluff (Leona, Floyd and Rook), very ooc- also I apologise if this isn't what you imagined or if it's too cringe. I finished writing this at three a.m.-
You had tried your best to ignore the lion after the Overblot, the way he had fixated you while you were in your overblot form scared you. You decided to yeet your feelings for him in the trash and ignore him, so he wouldn't ask questions.
After a week of successfully avoiding the lion your lucky strike comes to an end and you found yourself in a kinda funny position. Trapped between his arms.
"Herbivore, why are you ignoring me?" Leonas tail flkvjed from one side to the other, hid green eyes staring into yours. Your poor heart was shattering into a thousand pieces as you realised he would question you about your monster form.
"Because I don't want to be questioned about my Overblot form. I can't explain it either." You mumble coldly, trying to free yourself out of his grasp, but Leona seems disappointed, like he wanted to hear something else. But the fleeting gaze was soon replaced by his usual grumpy frown.
"I don't care about that Overblot form of yours, I would just don't like being indebted to people." He snarles, moving both of his hands away from you. You could just make a fun for it, but you don't, so you decide to play abit obvious.
"What debt, there is no debt." You mutter, avoiding Leonas eyes. The male sighs. "You saved my life there, of course I am indebted to you." Something about the way he said that made you confused. Leona wasn't the type to admit he owed someone something, or come to that person to talk about said debt.
"How about I let you stay in my dorm over the winter. As far as I know Ramshackle can get very cold." You were about to slap yourself in order to check if you were dreaming or not.
"Are you sure? I don't think you would like a monster like me staying in your dorm." You mumble looking to the side, only to hear him chuckle.
"I have seen your Overblot form and let me tell you, your not a monster.... if I am honest you looked kinda hot."
You had barely finished fighting Jamil and you most definitely weren't in the mood for explaining about your Overblot form. It made you uncomfortable how Azul and Jade looked at you, keeping their distance. You were exhausted and their judging gaze didn't help your case.
Floyd on the other hand had other plans. You should have expected this, he would be mad you kept such a big thing from him after all. You lean against a wall, breathing heavily. The eel stops right in front of you, looking at you with curiosity, but also a sour mood in his eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me you could willingly Overblot shrimpy?" Just as expected he sounded disappointed. You shrugged slightly, trying to keep your eyes open.
"I thought it would be better if I didn't tell anyone I was a monster." You mutter, leaning to the side. Floyd isn't content with that answer, as if he could sniff out the fact you were lying.
"That still doesn't explain why you didn't tell me shrimpy, I thought we had something special!" Hearing that takes you of guard and you look at him with tears. You were trying to fight them, but that didn't stop them from flowing.
"I'm sorry Floyd, you're right, I should have told you.... it was wrong of me to keep it just because.... I.... you.... stay.." you couldn't complete the sentence and your voice breaks in between. You were selfish, yes, Floyd was a moody eel and many people considered him a monster, but why should he be forced to continue to like one, just because you couldn't get your sorry ass to tell him about everything.
"I should have told you I was a monster, than you wouldn't have wasted your time on me." Floyds expression softens for a second and he pulls you into a hug.
"Dawww! Shrimpy! I still like you! You're still my shrimp, even once you are covered in ink!"
The only thing you can do is squeeze him back.
Rook was eccentric and that was why he still liked you. There was a subtle shift in his behaviour after you had helped fight Vil, he stopped being overly entranced with Vil, going over to shower you in compliments. You didn't know how long that shift would last, but you enjoyed every second of it.
"Trickster! That was un suprise! You looked manifique!" You lean your head towards the side, cheecks burning with embarrassment. Vil eyed you both, smiling softly.
"I hope this will finally stop Rook from barging into my room just to talk about the fact that the prefect developed a new habit."
You heard Vil, luckily. If you hadn't you might would have expected Rook to just revert back to his old self, but this gave you hope, hope that you would be more than just his current intrest. You looked around, everyone seemed chill with the fact you just overblotted and turned back like it was nothing. It didn't matter that Rook was eccentric, you could always trust his gut feeling.
"Rook, are you sure that a monster like me looked... manifique?" You ask jokingly, Rook grasps his heart in an over dramatic motion. "Oui, oui! Mon dieu, If I ever hear you say something like that again I will make sure to cut you off before that sentence can get to your head!"
You chuckle a bit, before going back to serios. "No Rook, I really want you to know that it's okay if-"
You blink a few seconds trying to comprehend what just happened. Did Rook really just kiss you, or did you just imagine that? Your knees get wobbly, maybe because you were exhausted or because you were embarrassed, you didn't know.
"OMGWHYDIDYOUDOTHAT?" You manage to squeal and Rook chuckles. "I warned you trickster and mark my words I will do it again."
Vil, please get your hunter under control, the prefekts heart might explode if it has to endure this any longer.
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silverwarewolf · 4 months
The first half of the episode was so sweet, I had been awaiting this one with such excitement and boy did they deliver.
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Like. Look at them! They're a family, your honor! They're so ready to be there for Senshi through thick and thin, and accept him back into the party once he offers to stay.
It's also really interesting to see that it was only because of Laios that this was possible. No one else but our local monsterloving guy could possibly have managed to do this, and I'm sure this foreshadows that only him and his party are worthy of conquering the dungeon and it's trickery, somehow.
(also, as a viewer, it's super fucking sweet when your special interest manages to solve someone's life horrors isn't it? unspeakably helpful after a lifetime of shunning)
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This is literally puckpatti chils. I NEED to know their internal monologue about this - does chilchuck think of his daughters so deep below the surface? did marcille feel the change in aging rate for just a moment - would she want to stay this way purely because of it? or perhaps have the others stay as long lived races. Much to think about!
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cock check chilchuck be like "maybe like this my wife wouldn't have left me"
ft. marcille having a crisis and senshi being the model he always wanted to be.
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"do you have games on your phone mr. chilchuck"
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Look at them. They look like they could be just another party in the dungeon.
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Senshi suddenly unlocks forbidden elf abilities that even marcille didn't know about.
Jokes aside, it's really interesting to see everyone adapting to their new skillset and gaining this newfound appreciation for their friends. Only two things are a shame here - one, we were robbed of slutty sandal senshi. two, marcille is still across the pit.
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(Chil. You can't just throw a child across a pit. This is why your wife left you)
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Laios you didn't just throw Toshiro's fruity little friendship bracelet - I mean, emergency bell. You yeeted that thang like your life depended on it. Do you realize Toshiro's now going to be running after you. Do you.
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Ah. My favorite. Paw fur dumplings
But don't worry, help is here! This bitch empty, YEET
(ryoko kui saying dumplings are the best thing ever to exist and then bashing elf cake to the ground is so funny to me. I respect someone willing to write their food preferences into their works)
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radiance1 · 1 year
Hi. I just had an idea about temporally misplaced Danyal Al Ghul.
Clockwork yoinked him after he was seriously injured and patched him up. Basically saved him. And then yeeted him to the past to be adopted by the Fentons.
So by the time Danny and Damian have a reunion Danny is in his late 20s at most, early 20s at the very least. And he is most definitely a shapeshifting magical eastern dragon with a cult and all that.
I do not make anything having to do with Danny being related to the Al Ghuls.
This gives me the foundation to do such a thing.
Alright, so we would need to find a reason why Clockwork would even want to help Danny in any sort of capacity since he wasn't being pushed to kill him because of the observants.
But what if the reason was because he needed someone to beat some sense into (and I am both sorry and not at all sorry for this) his husband turned tyrant turned sleeper soon into the future. Since in a few timelines Danny does beat Pariah Dark he just, decided to push him onto that path.
The perfect opportunity presented itself when Danny was heavily injured in a battle between brothers to decide the true heir, to which both was heavily injured actually, and yoinked him away, patched him up, and left it to the LoA to assume he was just dead after his body disappeared.
So then, following the timeline he foresees where he fought against Pariah, gently and carefully guided him along the timestream (For which to prevent the notice of other Masters of times) to a few years prior and landed him in the care of the Fentons.
Over the years he did gently nudge things here and there to have the Fenton's views on ghosts changing slowly, but surely, as thanks to the boy for unknowingly helping him.
Oh, and avoiding a disastrous future, he guesses.
Everything followed along with his plan, slowly coming to fruition until the boy knocked some sense into his husband, to which made him the new king of the Ghost Zone after the Observants deemed Pariah unfit to rule beyond this point anymore, and as a boon because he was unable to have the Crown and ring in Pariah's possession (given to Clockwork to watch over, so as to not have a repeat of Pariah Dark), he was granted the ability to turn into an eastern dragon at will.
Occasionally he sent the boy back into the past to right some wrongs, avoid disaster, and to occasionally collect the soon-to-be Duke after he found himself in the past. Though he does find himself (and his husband) amused at seeing the boy slowly having a cult built in his name.
Danny's honestly been living the good life, no longer being expected to succeed the League of Assassins and leaving it up to his twin, he was adopted by a new family who, while a bit eccentric was amusing nonetheless, and they did become a true, proper family after his reveal went exceedingly well!
He was 25 now, and decided to take a break from both his kingly duties, and Amity Park, his parents pushed him to take this as a well-deserved vacation and, since Jazz was also in Gotham, he could drop by and say hi to her!
Danny was a bit miffed about leaving the inner-workings of the Ghost Zone to Vlad, more so that it's him than anything. But he did at the very least trust the Duke's skill in making everything go as smoothly as possible and having him consumed in paperwork would stop his brooding over being unable to find that guy, he had a one-nighter with.
(He's honestly surprised anyone would do that, but he guesses people have... interesting tastes. Also, a brooding phoenix, to his displeasure, was far worse than a phoenix trying to woo his mother.)
So he stopped by Gotham, said hi to sister and decided to crash at her place for a while. Wandered around Gotham, seeing the sights, tasting the food, talking to people.
A very good vacation, in his books.
So now what was he supposed to do, when he found his vacation interrupted by what was undoubtedly his twin along with the goddamn Wayne's showing up in his sister's apartment.
They gave him a jumpscare of a lifetime, honestly. But also couldn't they do this somewhere else? Like, a coffee shop, perhaps?
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bluginkgo · 10 months
Another Nuzi rant. Don't mind me
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Spoilers, duh
Since I've already done a quick character study/nuzi rant from N's side. Here's one from Uzi's side!
This is probably gonna be just me repeating things people have already said... again. But I love Uzi. (Just like every other character in Murder Drones, honestly.) But Liam did a wonderful job of making an angsty, emo girl, borderline maniac that we know as Uzi. Her character, to me at least, never became the annoying overdramatized and overused stereotype that follows her style. She has real reasons for being the way she is.
A loner, whose dad loves nothing but doors. School is not different, as her classmates pretty much forget about her existence on a day to day basis. No one to talk to, no one to connect with, gives her the angsty side that I absolutely adore. Because underneath all of that toughness is just a lonely little drone who was left by herself since early age. But guess who comes in and busts down those walls (literally and figuratively)?
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Our good boi N! Despite their rough start, N never really gave Uzi a reason not to trust him. Their chance encounter, and a broken sensor, allowed them to have the talk that might have never happened. Their beginning might have been a lucky accident, but for the rest of the season, we can see how both sides had to work to make well... Nuzi work!
For Uzi, asking for help is like asking for a death sentence probably. After being on her own for so long, she doesn't expect anyone to help. With that information in mind, the first time she let's that wall crumble was episode 2, Heartbeat.
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"Uzi, shoot! Or give it to me!"
Granted, we all know that was not our N. But in that moment, when Uzi was in an enough distressed state, she sought help in N. We all know how that ended, though. Absolute Solver took advantage of that and almost killed her, before N once again sweeped in to save her. The one and only notorious Nuzi misunderstanding was, for better or for worse, cleared up pretty quickly. Seeing as glitchproduction only has so much money at their disposal, they can't really drag this ordeal out. Personally, I'm glad that it didn't. The long drama that is just a misunderstanding after misunderstanding gets quite tedious to follow.
So, moving forward in The Promening, Uzi once again seeks out N when she's in distress. When she sees and hears about what Doll and Lizzy were gonna do, she books it to the only person she knows can help her.
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N! Now don't get me wrong. Uzi, by herself is plenty strong. She's shown off her fighting and capabilities, and would have probably been able to take V on. She's taken J down before, aaaand Uzi does technically also take V down in Cabin Fever. But she still went out of her way to go find N. So they could work together and get this mess sorted out.
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And then there's this. God I love Cabin Fever, and surprisingly no, not for the Falling.... for you? scene. No, I loved the entire Uzi going on murder spree because she can! The music was such a banger too. But back to Uzi. She recognizes V and briefly snaps back to her usual self. Curious isn't it? N and Uzi both tried reaching out to V, but because V is so untrusting (and we all understand why from ep 5, Home). Here Uzi tried to ask V for help... in form of N.
I find it interesting how ever since Uzi met N and V, she's been getting better at asking for help. Sure, V shot her down because, once again, V was scared. Uzi was turning into the monster that only Cyn has been capable of creating. This soon leads to N yeeting Uzi into the f*cking stratosphere and the two have a chat.
I love how the animators included Uzi hiding behind her bat wings.
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Her metaphorical walls were back up. And guess who broke them yet again.
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The bestest boi N! And ever since this moment, N and Uzi are way more open.
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Episode 5 was taking place in N's memories. But episode 6 is where their trust and care shines. Yeah, sure, there was the hand holding. And it was a big moment! But I enjoyed the little things more. Uzi checking in on N, nodding at his little comments and jokes.
Summary: I love Nuzi. Send help they're on my mind 24/7.
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
Please make a part two of slutty camboy aegon!!! It was so good!!!!!
♡ 5, 6, 7, 8 call me whore it feels great! ♡
Camboy!Aegon II x Reader
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Ratings: Explicit
Tags: Big ole sub!Aegon, dom!reader, kinda aftercare, subspace, cock rings/plugs/strap-ons oh my!, camboy!aegon, sex tape, cumming untouched, ass play, teasing, oral fixations, prostate milking, Aegon’s a drooling mess, PWP, Aem is nawt happy getting his research partner yeeted by the creacher
@lovelykhaleesiii @ilikeitbetterangsty @fairysluna @godrakin @connorsui @fan-goddess @teamaemond
Aemond was still your research partner…somehow. He didn’t take to the news very well that you were banging his idiot brother, looking very pale when you informed him of the new relationship. Now it was just a snide comment here and there and he’d cough and turn the TV up if you entered with Aegon.
Which was understandable because about seventy five percent of the time Aegon was getting off with you in some form. He was the neediest thing— whining for a handjob even in the most mundane circumstances. But he fucked reallll good, like he promised over the live stream in what felt like years ago now.
You refused to be in a live stream but would participate in Aeg’s onlyfans bullshit. You could hide your identity better that way. As a plus, Aegon would usually let you pick whatever you wanted him to do for the content. He was a little fucking masochist like that. Because every time you called the shots it usually ended up with him slobbering and sobbing, begging for relief, looking so pretty for the camera.
You needed to start the video now, having been caught in your thoughts. Aegon was whimpering on the bed, shifting needily. His hands were bound, lurid neon cock ring snug at the base. You had an inflatable plug in his ass, he was already panting softly even though you hadn’t touched it. The harness and strap was already secured to your hips, pretty shade of pink just like Aegon loved.
“You ready slut?,” you asked promptly.
He licked his pouty lips, breathing, “Yes!”
With a click you began recording, focusing on him while you crawled on the bed toward the pretty boy. You shoved two fingers into his lax mouth, Aegon immediately sucking with a moan, you commenting, “God, he’s always so needy for something in his mouth. Don’t worry, you’ll get it soon sweetheart.”
He whimpered around your fingers, violet eyes rolling around at thought of the strap down his achingly empty throat. Aegon let out a little ‘nooo’ when you pulled your fingers free to wipe them messily across his lips. You moved the camera down to the strap and moved it to slap at matching pink lips.
“Haven’t met someone with a bigger oral fixation yet, any challengers for my cute slut?”
Aegon shifted again, wide eyes peering up, almost looking innocent.
“Go on, get it wet, maybe I’ll do something with this thing,” you grabbed the pump connected to the plug, teasingly squeezing a bit. Aegon fought to get at the cock, whining at being unable to use his hands. Laughing at the pathetic attempt you guided into his mouth.
Aegon’s hazy eyes gazed up at the camera as he expertly sucked it off, moaning around the strap. You gave the new toy a couple of experimental squeezes, rambling to the invisible audience, “Some fan of his sent this. Apparently it can go up to five inches around?” The blonde whimpered, pupils blowing at the idea.
“God, you’re such a whore! I would say your fans know you well but…we know you like anything and everything.”
Dropping the pump you smacked at his cheek cooing, “Dont’chu?”
He nodded eagerly, thighs flexing and squeezing below, flushed cock leaking against his soft stomach. You combed a hand through his pale hair and tugged gently, making white lashes flutter. You picked up the pump again, inflating it further, Aegon making a pitchy noise around the dildo. Drool dripped down his chin.
“Oh, well when you look so pretty.”
He could take it. Aegon would tap out if it was too much. You inflated the thing with slow pumps, making sure the blonde could feel the stretch. He gasped and choked again, whimpering and shaking. You asked him none too sweetly, “Is that enough for your greedy ass? You want more huh?”
Aegon popped off the strap with a cry, spreading his pretty pale legs to fuck down into the plug. His eyes were wide and watery while the blonde begged, “Moremoremore oh gods I need it, wan’ it on my s-sweet spooot.” You couldn’t help but moan at the wanton display, Aegon trembling and hungrily mouthing at the cock again, begging so sweet.
You were throbbing, maybe you should just let him cry into your pussy by now. Instead you cooed, “Fine baby boy, you’ll get it.” You pumped it further until he wailed and shook, hips stilling. There was no more give, you had it fully stretching him out now. If Aegon wanted his prostate touched he had it being smothered now. Back to the audience.
“Ohhh, there it is, he’s all full now. Can’t even hump anymore— poor baby’s stuffed.”
Aegon’s eyes openly were leaking tears now, whining over and over helplessly. You almost felt bad for the thing, sniveling and drooling. Guiding the dildo back into his mouth with a soft moan Aegon swallowed it down as if he was driven to be full as possible now. “C’mon Aeg, swallow it down baby, you can do it.”
You watched him try to move around the impossibly inflated plug, wailing around the strap. Sweat beaded on his quivering muscles, flushed and perfect all around. His cock looked purple now— so filled up with no relief. Aegon’s eyes fluttered as he breathed through a delicate nose, easing the pink dildo down stretched lips. Chattering from need you added, “Good boy, good slut, isn’t he just darling? Do whatever and he’ll whine for more.”
You grabbed blonde locks and began to fuck his throat earnestly. Aegon cried in strangled puffs, overwhelmed and teary. Sliding that hand down to his slim neck you purred, “Feels s’good don’t it? Stretched your slutty throat and ass out.” He spread his legs wider, cock beginning to leak from all the pressure on his poor prostate.
“Think y’can come like that precious whore? Right through the ring? Your balls look heavyyyy.”
He slid of the cock and cried, nose and eyes running, lips drooling and obscenely swollen. Aegon was a wreck now, pushed to that extreme from all the pleasure. Your boy toy outright sobbed, “Pluh-easeeee, babyyyy, g-g-gunna pop, it hurts!” You thumbed around swollen lips and caressed his full cheek, cooing.
“Oh Aeg, you achy? What do you need? Y’know how to use words.”
He fell forward between your breasts, utterly debauched. Too quiet for the camera you murmured, “C’mon baby, what’cha need sweetheart?” Gently propping the mess of man back up you ordered Aegon to lay on his back. Now the camera could catch the show of quivering ass, swollen cock, and his cute peaked nipples, flushed too.
Aegon spread milky legs instinctively, thrusting upwards and whimpering. Sliding a hand on the soft skin of his inner thigh you cooed, “You need’a cum don’t you? I think everyone can see that hm?” His chest hitched as the blonde blubbered, “Pleaseplease, m’so hard it hurts, oh my gah-hoddds, hnghhh!”
He could probably cum right now if he wanted to, shoot right through that cock ring. Just needed a little push. You skimmed your hand up his belly, willfully ignoring his hard cock, Aegon mewling in frustration. Pinching at a flushed nipple you murmured, “You keep begging but won’t tell me what you want, silly. Leave it up to me to figure out for bimbo here.”
Ignoring his cock again you toyed with the base of the huge plug in Aegon’s ass, him wetly gasping and shivering. Gently you pulled and pushed at it, your boyfriend sniffling and crying all over again. “Yeah, you like that? I know you do.” Smacking his thigh real quick you went back to fucking the toy in and out, halfway drooling over the pull on his rim.
Aegon tossed his pretty blonde head back and wailed, “Hngh, close, close!” Drool dripped down his chin, poor baby too busy carrying on to shut his damn mouth. His hands, still bound, came to rest above his head. You growled, moving harder, “C’mon then slut, come then, that ring not going to stop you, you’re full up.”
The first rope of cum came with a cut off whimper, Aeg’s full body going ramrod straight from the intensity. You moaned and grabbed his cock, pulling him off now, the flesh wet with copious pre-cum. He slung a leg around your waist, back arched painfully, practically shouting ‘ahh, haaah, ha!’.
Cum spilled all over his tender belly and your fist, slick noises enhancing the erotic display. He just kept spilling, you in awe, “Fuuuuck baby, that plug really milked you good huh?” The response was another needy cry. Aegon’s eyes were red rimmed and rolling around, tongue lolling out like the slut he was.
You didn’t stop until he was gasping and wincing, done for the play. His cock began to soften and you deflated the plug, humming, “Such a good slut, hope you all enjoyed the show. Now I gotta bring his brain online, much love!” Turning the video off you tossed the phone to the side.
Easing the plug out with a wince from Aegon you cooed, “Such a good baby, my baby boy.” He whimpered, watery violet orbs on you. “Gimme your hands Aeg,” you instructed gently. Untying those Aegon’s arms went immediately limp at his sides. Poor thing’s brain was in the weeds. Cuddling up to him you rubbed quivering limbs and nuzzled at his neck, the blonde eventually clinging to your frame, sniffling now and then.
“God, you’re too good,” he snuffled into your hair. Pinching his cute ass came the response, “Maybe you’re too easy? Do you need anything, water maybe?” Shaking his head and snuggling closer Aegon mumbled, “Nuh-uh, wanna lay here. Play with my hair, pleaseee?” With a smile you did so, absently twisting those pretty curls, the male’s eyes drooping, mouth curled into a pleasant smile.
“God he’s irritatingly loud, hurry up we need to convert the data for our project! Deviants,” Aemond angrily texted from his spot on the couch.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 5 months
Rebuild & Restore - Chapter 4
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤
All OC Characters belong to me
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Joe grunted as his text message to Kiyana went unanswered for another day. “Gotta be Josh’s punk ass.” He muttered, throwing his phone onto the couch next to him. It’s been six months since he had Kiyana in his bed and he was feening for more. 
He closed his eyes and let his head fall back as he remembered how tight she felt wrapped around him. How intoxicating her moans sounded as she moaned in his ear . “Fuck” He whispered as he felt his pants grow tighter. He groaned and opened his eyes. “Fuck.” he muttered again, grabbing his phone and sending Kiyana another text message.
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“Baby, when the last time you had some dick?” Kiyana choked on her lunch and glared at Samara as she reached for her cup of soda. 
“Girl what?” Kiyana asked. Samara shrugged. 
“You so wound up. That’s exactly what we’re doing this weekend. Getting you some dick.. Grade A dick.” 
“Can you stop saying dick?!” Kiyana hissed. “I do not need any of my coworkers over hearing this conversation.” Kiyana looked around, grateful that they were seated towards the back of the cafeteria and only one person was near them but he had on headphones. Samara had shown up to the hospital on Kiyana’s first day to have lunch with her and to hear about her day out with Josh and the boys. 
“I’m just saying.” Samara shrugged again with a smirk on her face. “Last person you had sex with was Joe, right?” Kiyana nodded. 
“Oh speaking of Joe. He texted me again.” 
“Did you respond?” Kiyana shook her head and Shrugged. 
“What was I supposed to say?” 
“Oh, big daddy Joe. I need you and that dick.” Samara said playfully, batting her eyelashes at Kiyana and laughed loudly, ducking the french fry that Kiyana threw her way. 
“Sorry to interrupt.” Kiyana and Samara looked towards the person and both of their jaws dropped open causing him to laugh a bit.  “I just wanted to introduce myself.” He said, his eyes never leaving Kiyana’s.  “I’m Elijah but everyone calls me Eli. You the new labor and delivery nurse right?”  Kiyana nodded, her mouth going dry when he flashed her a grin. “Nice to finally meet you. See you around.” He said, giving her a nice once over before biting his lip and walking away from them. 
“Fuck what I said about Joe.”  Samara said, eyes wide as she and Kiyana watched Elijah walk away from them. “If you don’t ride that man six ways to Sunday… I will.” 
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Josh let out a growl when he saw Shanté waiting outside by his rental. He knew it was too good to be true. He could have swore her crazy ass had got sent back down to NXT but here she was, wearing a customized YEET shirt that had “MRS. USO” on the back. 
“Bruh, you trippin’” He muttered. Standing as far away from her as possible. “Whatchu want?” He looked around to see if there were any lingering fans around. He did not need any picture of him and Shanté hitting social media. 
“I miss you.” She pouted and Josh rolled his eyes. “C’mon Josh. Those four months meant something to you too.” 
“I didn't,” he said bluntly. “We had sex that’s it.” Shante rolled his eyes not believing what he was saying. 
“Josh, come on! You were so mad that I went out with Theory.” 
“Nah” He shook his head., “I was mad that Kiyana was being a bitch and refusing to bring the boys to see me because we were fighting and I took it out on you. I don’t give a damn about you and Austin.”  Shante furrowed her eyebrows. 
Josh sighed. “It was nothing but sex Shanté. Yeah I said some shit that I shouldn’t of said. But I never wanted to be with you.” He shrugged, not caring if it came off mean. He was sick and tired of popping up everywhere. “It was just sex.” He repeated, and as expected Shanté marched up to him and smacked him in his face.
“I’m happy Kiyana divorced you, you piece of shit” She glared at him before ripping her shirt over her head and throwing it in a nearby trash can. Not caring that she was now walking around in her bra. 
“You and everyone else.” He muttered before climbing into his rental and driving towards the hotel. 
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Kiyana fell backwards onto her bed. She was beyond exhausted. She closed her eyes and sighed. She would have to get used to this feeling, no longer a stay at home mom or a wife. She was almost asleep when he phone dinged with a notification, 
ElijahDaniels has requested to follow you. 
Kiyana bit her lip as she scrolled through his instagram account.
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This man was too fine for his own good. She accepted his follow request and immediately received a DM from him. 
ElijahDaniels: those your kids? They look just like u.  KiyanaJackson_: yeah and thank you, lol. You’re the only person to ever say that.  ElijahDaniels: i aint know you was married tho. Tell you husband my bad lmao.  KiyanaJackson_: divorced actually.  ElijahDaniels: good KiyanaJackson_ good? Lol ElijahDaniels: yeah, now i can get to know u better.  ElijahDaniels: see u tomorrow ❤️
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Mr Elijah Daniels MD 😉... our girl KiKi is back in the game!
(Joe is coming, i promise.)
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤
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xagave · 7 months
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Absolutely, get ready for BABIES. The oldest foster we have right now is Lazarus who we got when he was 3 months old from a hoarding case. He had an extremely bad case of herpes that almost killed him and it turns out he has a really bad immune system so he's always getting sick. He's about 8 months old now and he's sort of a long term foster because he currently has FIP and treatment requires one shot every day for 80 days minimum. The meds are a bit expensive so shameless plug but if anyone wants to help us pay for the meds my wife's ko-fi is here
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Here he is the day we brought Lazarus home ^
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And here he is now! His FIP treatment is going very well so far ^ Our second oldest are Penny and Kazoo. We got Penny when she was 5 weeks old from a guy whose dog brought her home in his mouth (she was fine the dog was gentle.) We got Kazoo when he was 10 days old from some dudes in the next town over who didn't have time to bottlefeed a newborn. Kazoo is 2 weeks older than Penny and they became best friends!!
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10 day old Kazoo and 5 week old Penny ^
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Kazoo and Penny now ^
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Kazoo and Penny at an adoption event ^ We're having a hard time finding them a home because we refuse to split up bonded pairs
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Penny playing in the tub lol ^ Next are a batch of kittens we got from an irresponsible breeder who was fine with letting kittens get sick and starve to death. We originally only got 2 of them when they were 3 days old (breeder let mom cat get sick and die because she didn't want to pay for vet care and tried to pawn the babies off on the other nursing moms and it didn't work out) and they were born premature so they had a lot of health problems. They had rhinovirus and coccidia and the little brown kitten had an umbilical hernia that then became septic and THEN she started getting big pockets of infection in random places like under her chin and in her toes? But we managed to get them healthy and fat and thriving. My wife was able to convince the breeder to give us the remaining kittens 3 days ago and they're half the size of our first two because they've been sick and slowly starving this entire time (they're now 5 weeks old). They're still really sick and have Poop Liquid Until You Die disease so it's not fun on our end but we're working hard on getting them fat and healthy. They don't really have official names but we've been calling them Zoosmell Pooplord, Insufferable Prick, Flighty Broad, Farmstink Butlass, and Huss lol
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The first two nuggets ^
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They were sooooooo small ^
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Finally fat and healthy at 3 weeks old! ^
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The full litter now at 5 and a half weeks old ^
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Comparison pic ^. Right kitten is the nugget we've had since he was 3 days old and left kitten is his brother who the breeder just now let us take. It's hard to tell with the fluff but he's borderline skeletal :( Next is a 3 month old kitten that a foster brought to an adoption event who was very clearly sick. Skinny and lethargic with a bad coccidia infection so we took him home that day 1.5 weeks ago and also sent the foster person home with some medicine to fix the coccidia in their other kittens. We've been calling him Christmas Tree Boy cause he's always got a poofy tail or Poop Boy because he hates sharing litter boxes and keeps pooping in random corners 😒 Didn't take long to get him healthy so this weekend he's getting yeeted into another adoption event and whoever adopts him needs to give special attention to his Litter Box Needs
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^ He's very cute and loves playing with our other fosters but for the love of god we are TIRED of his Poop Surprises Someone who adopted a bonded trio from us a few months ago is returning them to us tomorrow because their fiance is allergic, so as of tomorrow we will have 12 fosters in our house. Sounds like a lot but we've had 30+ foster kittens crammed in here at the same time so it's a breath of fresh air in comparison💀
Edit: Not a foster kitten but honorable mention to my new betta who I named Gemini because You Know Why
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He has a 5 gallon tank all to himself but I don't have a pic of him in it cause he's shy and he hides lol but it's the one behind the cup. Aiming to give him live plants soon
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miquella-everywhere · 6 months
Godwyn the Golden and the Cursed Empyrean Twins
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So starting off, Godwyn the Golden is simultaneously one of the most important and enigmatic figure in Elden Ring Lore. What we do know is that he a charismatic and powerful Demigod, having lead the War of the Ancient Dragons to victory while also befriending is enemies, but at his end becoming a Martyr during the Night of the Black Knives and subsequently the Prince of Death, which has caused, so many problems throughout the Lands Between.
But I am here to analyze the relationship between Godwyn, Miquella and Malenia, and how much of Godwyns influence made the twins into in the people that they are currently.
Godwyn lorewise is a pretty fantastic dude. He was a valiant warrior, he befriends one of his greatest enemies and their friendship was so string said enemy turned friend, loved him so much he went inside of Godwyn to fight literal Death, and more importantly, he is clearly a revered and beloved figure between the Empyrean Twins, Miquella and Malenia.
Godwyn was close with the twins and the statue of him in the Haligtree Promenade has the Golden Demigod depicted as a protector and possible nurturer of the Twins, so he cared for them a great deal and Miquella and Malenia loved and adored Godwyn in turn.
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In Leyndell there's a house in the far corner of the city that has several Miquella's Lily's growing in the front implying that Miquella lived there along with Malenia in their youth, and the fact that it's segregated from the rest of the city, and that you have to go by the apothecary building to get to it, it was likely that the rest of the populace was afraid of the Twins, but more specifically Malenias Rot.
But there was probably one person who wasn't afraid. That was Godwyn. And it wouldn't surprise me if Godwyn was Miquella and Malenia's primary caretaker in the beginning of their lives.
So when I think about it, Godwyn was probably there for them at the very beginning, he empathized with their afflictions and how their curses practically stunted and crippled their lives.
But I also believe that Godwyn was an encouraging figure and gave hope to the Twins. Godwyn was a fierce warrior in his own right and Malenia, who grew up to be just the same, was likely given instruction in the art of battle from Godwyn in her younger years, and he was likely her main tutor before she set off on her own journey in her adolescence and met her Blind Master.
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The one thing that I love about this statue is the fact that it is Malenia who is embracing Godwyn, with her remaining arm wrapped tightly around her older brothers chest
Godwyn and Miquellas relationship is an interesting one to look closer at because the one thing that we know about Godwyn is that he was likely very kind due to his relationship with Fortissax, and Miquella too is kind, as he is well known for his acceptance of those rejected by the Golden Order. So if anything, it is a strong indicator that Godwyns kindness heavily influenced Miquella.
Not mention the fact that, at this point, Godwyn is the oldest of all the Demigods, the years that he has behind him and the wisdom/historical knowledge he has about the world would have been immense. And Miquella who is very curious by nature, had Godwyn there to answer the many questions Miquella had about the world. Miquella without a doubt looked up to Godwyns heroic demeanor and worldly knowledge with absolute awe.
Godwyn: *talking about how fast he can go on fortissax before the sheer wind force yeets him off*
Miquella: :D✨
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And now, whatever the truth is behind the Night of the Black Knives, it very clearly was a tragedy that weighed heavily on the Twins as Miquella went on to create Golden Epitaph in commemoration of Godwyns death.
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A golden sword imbued with the humble prayer of a young boy: "O brother, Lord Brother, please die a true death."
Golden Epitaphs description explains to us that Miquella wishes for Godwyn to be free from the horrific curse that has been placed upon his flesh, and the commemorative sword wasn't the only thing that Miquella has done for Godwyn after his death.
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The Wandering Mausoleums are a bit of a mystery, but the more you read into them it becomes very apparent that they are in some way connected to Godwyn and Miquella devising a way to either free Godwyn from his state of Undeath, or to somehow restore his soul to his body. And this ritual involves the Eclipse
So we can easily deduce that one of Miquellas primary goals is to save Godwyn from the terrible fate that has been handed to him either by restoring his soul to his body or by granting him a true death. And with the new trailer shedding more light on the DLC, I am almost certain that Godwyn will have a pivotal role and more information will be revealed surrounding him.
But what can be said for certain is that Miquellas motives are driven by the love that he has for his older brother.
And now we can only wait.
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thebluemallet · 5 months
Predictions for Bridgerton Season 3
We're only a few short weeks away from the premiere of season 3 of Bridgerton, so here are some of my predictions for things I think could happen.
1- Peneloise won't reconcile until the last episode
Obviously, Eloise hasn't forgiven Penelope since the previous season. And it will be an uphill battle to get these two on speaking terms again. Eloise is definitely the kind of person to hold a grudge so she'll be the one kicking and screaming all the way up to the reconciliation. And Penelope won't be too keen at first, either. I think the show will milk the estrangement between these two all the way to the final episode at the latest, episode 7 at the earliest.
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2- Benophie Will Be Next Season
Some people have speculated that Philoise will be the next Bridgerton couple, but I think it will be Benedict and Sophie. I don't think Eloise is there with her character development yet to seriously consider marriage. But Benedict might be.
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3- Francesca Will Feel Some Pressure From Queen Charlotte
This isn't that groundbreaking of a prediction. Queen Charlotte has put some pressure on the romantic leads to choose a specific person for the first two seasons. With Daphne, it was the prince. With Anthony, it was Edwina. And if the promo photos are anything to go by, she has a specific suitor in mind for Francesca. But Francesca may have her own ideas on who she'd most like to marry.
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4- Violet: Captain of the Polin Ship
This isn't really a prediction. This was pretty much said in an interview. Once Violet is clued into what's going on between Colin and Penelope, she's going to be feral for them. She'll be the one making the t-shirts and cheering from the sidelines. Hell, she might even lock the carriage door herself if she thinks it'll speed things up.
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5- Cressida Uncovers Lady Whistledown...Because of Eloise
Do I think that Eloise is going to just come out and tell Cressida who is behind Lady Whistledown? No. Or at least, I hope she doesn't. If she really wanted to expose her ex-friend's secret identity, she would have already done it. For whatever reason, it seems as though Eloise is keeping the secret. HOWEVER, I do think that she'll make enough not-so-subtle comments that Cressida will figure it out for herself.
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6- Colin Finds Out Penelope Is Whistledown In Episode 4
We know that we're getting The Carriage Scene in episode 4 and book readers especially will know that The Carriage Scene immediately follows Colin finding out that Penelope is Lady Whistledown. I think it's pretty likely that Episode 4 could still play out this way. And their expressions in those leaked clips allude to them having an emotionally turbulent time in that carriage before they start getting down to business.
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7- ...Or Does He????
I can see the showrunners making things even more dramatic by delaying the Whistledown reveal to Colin. Maybe the raw emotion on their faces in the carriage is because Colin yeeted himself inside to beg Penelope not to marry Debling and he confesses his feelings instead. Maybe things start getting hot and heavy from there.
And then they're very hastily enaged.
But if Colin is still in the dark about Lady Whistledown, I can see the revelation happening a little later--most likely the very next episode--and oh, boy that emotional gut punch would knock the wind out of me.
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